A Selected Guide to the Literature of the Flowering Plants of Mexico 9781512803372

This bibliography is a guide to the literature on Mexican flowering plants, beginning with the days of the discovery and

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A Selected Guide to the Literature of the Flowering Plants of Mexico

Table of contents :
Random Thoughts on Bibliographies
Principal Libraries Used
General Abbreviations
Abbreviations: Libraries and Related Institutions
Bibliographic Works Consulted
Journal Titles Cited
A Selected Guide to the Literature on the Flowering Plants of Mexico
A. A. D.– Bruman
Brumhard – Dorvault
Dorvaz – Hartley
Hartman – Lloyd
Loaeza – O’ Mara
O’ Marie – Royer
Royle – Turpin
Turrill – Zwinger

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© 1964 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Published in Great Britain, India, and Pakistan by the Oxford University Press London, Bombay, and Karachi Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-10897


Dedicated to Our sister republic Mexico, and to the many Mexicans whom I am privileged to call my friends. And to my husband, whose idea it was to go to Mexico in the first place.


Random Thoughts on Bibliographies






Principal Libraries Used


General Abbreviations


Abbreviations: Libraries and Related Institutions


Bibliographic Works Consulted


Journal Titles Cited









RANDOM THOUGHTS ON BIBLIOGRAPHIES (Their compilation, use, and evaluation) Blanck, Jacob. Bibliography of American Literature. 1955. "I am told that Chinese printers have a tradition which obliges them to introduce into their work a sprinkling of intentional errors; the reason for this curious action is to provide the careful reader with that sense of superiority which follows discovery of another man's typographical lapse. We all know that strange pleasure; and while I would not rob you of such harmless delight it is nevertheless my sincere hope that no one will leave this Bibliography of American Literature with a violent attack of superiority complex." Boggs, Ralph Steele.

León, Nicolás. Biblioteca Botánico-Mexicana. 1895. "Un libro enteramente bibliográfico, y de botánica pura, es poco agradable y util.(!)" Murdock, George Peter. Ethnographic Bibliography of North America. 1941. "Reasonable persons recognize the large arbitrary element in all classification." Passfield, Lord. Quoted by R. L. Collison. "I stoutly maintain that every orderly arranged bibliography, however incomplete, will be of use to somebody."

Southern Folklore Quarterly, 1939.

"Indeed I have thought of calling it 'An Incomplete Bibliography of Mexican Folklore' for the materials are so widespread that I despair of ever having it approach completeness."

Powell, Lawrence Clark. In preface to Collison. "Every wise man knows that reference books are the best of all books for desert island reading, whether that island be San Juan Fernández or Manhattan."

Collison, R. L. Bibliographies Subject and National. 1951. "The respect for good bibliographies is only exceeded by contempt for the bad."

Price, Derek J. de Solla. In a review of a bibliography in Science, March 8, 1963. "We need at least a couple of good books in this area; but since we have only this one, use with care, supplement the diet whenever possible, and give thanks to the authors."

Cox, Edward Godfrey. A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel. 1935-1938. "When I heard of the exacting minutiae demanded of a bibliographer, the lofty pretensions ruling the indexing of even a single book, identifying first editions, first issues, succeeding editions, dates and places of publications, describing imprints, formats, variants, errors, and corrections, then I said, Enough! I am convinced that no man can ever be a bibliographer."

Wagner, Henry Raup. 1937.

He quotes Rezabel and Ugarte in the introduction to the Biblioteca de los seis colegios mayores: "The aspiration that writings, and especially those of this class, should be entirely perfect when they leave the hands of the author is a preoccupation which has prejudiced in the highest degree, the progress of our literature."

Ewan, J. A. Quoting Elliot Coues; in personal communication. "A bibliography is never finished and always more or less defective, even on ground long gone over." Coues himself quotes Stevens: "If you are troubled with a pride of accuracy, and would have it completely taken out of you, print a catalogue."

Salisbury, R. A. Trans. R. Hist. Soc. 1: 264, 1869. "Whatever errors may have crept in I shall be ready to expunge upon information from any judicious person."

Hoijer, Harry. Int. Journal of American Linguistics 18: 49, 1952. "A bibliography in any field is always a labor of love, for it seldom receives appreciation commensurate with the long and tedious labor involved. The specialist tends rather to criticise than to praise, and it is, of course, easy to discover lacunae and 'important' omissions in any large compilation and to overlook the bulk of useful material." Jepson, Willis Linn.

The Spanish Southwest, 2d ed.,

Smith, Logan Pearsall.

Reference not noted.

"A good bibliography is to me above the price of rubies." Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. duced Plants.

Referring to a Catalogue of Intro-

"No doubt its use will detect some errors. But those who in using the book discover its defects will probably be those who will regard them most leniently." And finally, this friendly piece of advice has kept me buoyed up during those long periods when it looked as if this work might never obtain a publisher:

Madrono 15: 251, 1960.

"The critics mostly, or even entirely, confine themselves to verbal slips. It's, to be sure, disconcerting enough to have such errors, but after all the main thing is, Has the book got matter in it? Is it meaty? Not is it faultless. A faultless book is impossible. It is inevitable in the nature of the human mind that such slips will be made, mistakes and blunders."

"Waldeck was 95 years old when his Palenque work was published. He died at 104. So if you keep on hoping hard enough, somebody is going to fall out of a clear sky, and lo! your work will be published." (Frans Blom, in private communication.)


INTRODUCTION A year spent in Mexico, from 1940 to 1941, provided the original stimulus for the author's interest in Mexican plants. In attempting to identify the material collected, it was discovered that, although there was an abundance of literature covering most phases of plant science in Mexico, there was no simple and direct guide to that literature. A consideration of the situation made clear the desirability of an up-to-date, indexed bibliography on the Mexican flora. After discussion with, and at the suggestion of, Dr. John M. Fogg, Jr., of the University of Pennsylvania, it was decided in 1946 to undertake such a study with two primary aims in mind: to bring existing bibliographical material up to date, and to organize the material so that the prospective user could locate the desired publications with a minimum of effort. At first, attention was centered on publications with independent pagination, such as books and pamphlets. In 1948, a grant from the United States Department of State, admin-

istered through the Office of Education, made it possible to continue the search for material in Mexico and to begin compilation of references from periodical literature, starting with Mexican journals. A year of intensive research in Mexican libraries proved insufficient for the amount of material to be covered, but it was not until 1956 that it was possible to return to Mexico. At that time, under the sponsorship of the University of Pennsylvania, with the help of a grant from the National Science Foundation (19561960), the researches in Mexican libraries were completed and, with the addition of material from journals published in countries outside of Mexico, the compilation was terminated. Checking and revision of the material and typing of the manuscript continued into 1962, at which time the project was brought to a close. During this period, in 1961-1962, assistance was made available by the American Philosophical Society, for typing, and for a brief visit to Mexico to check material in Mexican libraries, and to investigate the possibilities of publication in that country.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The first bibliographical work on the flora of Mexico was the Memoria para una Bibliografía Científica de México en el Siglo XIX, by Manuel de Olaguibel, issued in 1889. Only the first volume of this work, the section on botany, was published and, although it was limited mainly to works of the nineteenth century, it was an interesting and useful contribution. The first three chapters deal with the pioneers in Mexican botany: Hernández, Alzate, Cervantes, La Llave, Sessé, and Mociño. Another section covers the writings by members of various religious orders, whose mission reports often included observations on the natural history of the areas visited. There is also a chapter listing works on medical botany, and one giving miscellaneous titles. Of special interest is the citation of materials which appeared in other than book form. This includes four chapters devoted to articles in periodicals, two to publications issued by government agencies, and one to historical documents and manuscripts. The Olaguibel bibliography was followed closely by the classic work in the field, the Biblioteca Botánico-Mexicana, prepared by Dr. Nicolás León in 1895. This compilation lists the works of 866 authors and has, in addition, a useful account of the history of botanical exploration in Mexico. It is, however, marred by several weaknesses. First of all, since only two and a half months were spent in its preparation many important works were omitted. At the same time, a considerable number of titles that have little or no connection with Mexican plant life were included. Finally, although Dr. León supplied excellent biographical material for many of the scientists whose works are listed, most of the works themselves lack annotation and the references are, therefore, of limited value to the botanist or to the student of related subjects. The greatest defect, however,

is the lack of any subject index or classification, the entries being arranged alphabetically, by authors. In 1923 one of Mexico's best known botanists, Professor Maximino Martínez, with the assistance of Professor Gustavo Rovirosa, began publication of another bibliography of Mexican botany. The material appeared at irregular intervals in El Libro y el Pueblo, a periodical covering a wide range of material of interest to book lovers. The last section published in the December 1927 issue, reaches the letter "S" and ends with a note that it is to be completed in the following number, but that part seems never to have been issued. This bibliography adds a large number of titles to the works cited by Dr. León, but it, too, is only an alphabetical listing by authors, without any index or classification. Twenty years later, Dr. Manuel Maldonado Koerdell, an important figure in the field of natural history in Mexico, published the first of a series of bibliographical notes on Mexican natural history, with the emphasis on Mexican authors. These appeared in various Mexican magazines, La Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural; Los Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; and El Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana. Sections appeared on Aztec botany, vocabularies of plant names, instructions to scientific collectors, and Mexican contributions to our knowledge of the ethnobiology of maize. Within the limits set, these contributions are complete and the annotations which accompany the title are detailed, interesting, and scholarly. For a list of these and other bibliographies which include material on Mexican plants, the reader is referred to the section "Bibliographic Works Consulted."


SOME EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR PROSPECTIVE USERS In a bibliography covering a field as broad as this one, it has been difficult to decide what titles to exclude. At the start, the emphasis was on the identification, classification, and distribution of plants in Mexico; but many works in anatomy, embryology, cytology, and genetics had to be included because of their bearing on the fields selected originally. Later it was decided to include titles on economic uses of the plants, on the history of botany in Mexico, on travel and descriptive works, as well as many kinds of vocabularies, particularly those of the numerous Indian languages that are still in use in so many parts of Mexico. Since the Mexican flora is closely connected to the flora of adjoining countries, as well as that of the Caribbean area and equatorial America, significant works on the floras and vegetation of those areas have been included. In many cases, the final decision on inclusion has been made by the compiler on an admittedly subjective basis. If she felt the material might be of use to someone interested in any of the varied aspects of Mexican plant life, it was included. Of special concern were materials which would be useful to the student in Mexico. With very few exceptions only works that have actually been seen by the compiler are listed. But, it must be admitted, coverage is incomplete and uneven. Particularly in the fields of horticultural, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, entomological, and similar fields related to botany, only a fraction of the material has been covered. On the other hand, every effort was made to include all Mexican publications even when the botanical part of a work, although always present, might be very brief and often not original. Titles are listed chronologically under names of authors, which are arranged alphabetically. Works by more than one author are inserted chronologically, according to the name of the first author. The date cited in the margin is the earliest for the work found by the compiler. The first date noted in the body of the citations, if different from the one in the margin, is generally the edition seen by the compiler. Articles in journals, under any one author, precede books and other separate publications and are arranged alphabetically according to the journal title; within the journal they are arranged chronologically. Where a work was published by some institution or agency, with no individual author cited, the work has been listed under A N O N Y M O U S , with the name of the publishing agency added. If a work has more than two authors, the title is listed under the name of the first, with the other authors' names listed in the annotations. If the author of a work is given as VARIOUS, it indicates that separate contributions by different authors were compiled under one title, with no information given as to the editor or compiler. Titles whose authors are known only by initials, precede authors whose complete surnames are listed. Combinations of initials are arranged in alphabetical order. Pseudonyms are listed alphabetically among the complete surnames. In hunting for works by Spanish or Latin American authors, it is well to remember that an author who is known by only one last name (e.g. Pablo Martinez) may be listed under his full name (father's name followed by that of his mother), e.g. Pablo Martinez Bravo. Or the situation may be reversed. Some authors may discard one of their two names, using sometimes the father's name alone, or, less commonly, using the mother's name, with the father's name

as an inital, e.g. Pablo M. Bravo. A double name may be divided by the letter "y," or the word "de." Therefore, in looking for a work by a Pablo Martinez Bravo, one might have to look also under Pablo Martinez, Pablo Martinez B., Pablo M. Bravo, or Pablo Martinez y (or de) Bravo. In looking for a work by Pablo Martinez, one might also have to look under all double names beginning with Martinez. The compiler has tried by means of cross references to take care of as many of these variations as feasible. Latinized forms of authors' names, as used in old publications, have generally been changed to the author's name in his own language. The same rule has been followed for place names. Liberal use has been made of the notes on authors' names, pseudonyms, etc., in the Library of Congress Catalog, although citations of Latin-American names in the latter have not always been followed. (The following comment by Henry Ernest Sigerist may be appropriate here: "The arbitrary rule [of the Library of Congress] is to give forenames in the form most common in the author's native or adopted language or, in doubtful cases, the form proper to the language in which he has written most of his works. My first books were written in Switzerland and published in Germany. Hence I became Ernst and although my native language was French and my adopted language English, and although by now the majority of my works have been written in English, I am and shall remain Ernst to the Library of Congress. It is sometimes difficult to ascertain a man's correct name, and such really authoritative sources as the Catalog of the Library of Congress are anything but reliable in the matter, and must be used cautiously and critically.") No special search has been made to locate material still in manuscript form, or published anonymously, but where such material was found already catalogued in libraries and available to researchers, it was included. Anonymous material is listed at the close of the bibliography. Often anonymously published articles are the work of a journal editor but, in most cases, the articles have been listed as anonymous. Compilation was centered on titles published prior to and including 1950. Considerable material after that date has also been listed, up to and including 1962, but there has been no attempt to aim for completeness beyond 1950. In some instances, in the interest of space economy, titles have been shortened. Where this has been done, care has been taken to retain a sufficient number of the essential words in the title to avoid confusion with other works. Articles which were published in short installments, over a long period of time, have been cited often only by the first page of each installment, or by listing only the pages and dates of the first and last installments. If Mexico is given as the place of publication, Mexico City is to be understood. The terms series, epoca, etc., have been omitted (except in the case of n.s., new series), and are indicated by Roman numerals; e.g. II, 6: 71-79, 1876. The use of capitals in titles is limited to the first word and to proper names. This is done even when such languages as German are involved. Names that are not capitalized in some languages (names of months, of peoples) have been changed to conform to English practice. Umlauts in German have been written out. Russian titles have been presented in translation, in English, French, or German, as published either in a sum-


ing the Union Catalog in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. For a list of the libraries in the United States and Mexico where the bulk of the material for this bibliography was located, see below: "Principal Libraries Used in the Preparation of this Bibliography." Abbreviations for the names of libraries are included in this list. Library holdings for periodical literature in the United States and Canada can be found in the Union List of Serials and New Serial Titles. United States library holdings of foreign government publications or documents (covering a limited period) are cited in the Union List of Foreign Government Publications. For information on Mexican periodicals, Anita Melville Ker's A Summary of Mexican Scientific Periodicals, Baltimore, 1931, will be very helpful. Unfortunately, it may not always be possible to locate material where it was once seen. Libraries lose, misplace, or discard material which was once available. The compiler hopes that someday, somewhere, there will be on file and available for easy retrieval any publication which an investigator might seek. Until that time, she can only counsel patience and perseverance while searching for an item, and cheerful resignation if it cannot be located. Rather than apologize for, or try to explain, the errors of omission and commission that are bound to turn up in this work, the author respectfully urges the user of this guide to turn to the Random Thoughts on Bibliographies at the front of the work.

mary with the original work or as cited in the table of contents. Since this bibliography is intended primarily for the use of the botanist, or students in related fields, the annotations have been simplified to include only information of more or less direct value to them. No attempt has been made to give a complete table of contents for each work (as was suggested to me by one bibliographer). Instead, in cases where the scope of the work was fairly well covered by the title, even the notations have been omitted. Even where the annotation indicates that the emphasis is on culture or economic uses, in almost all cases descriptions of the plants are included. Annotations have also been kept brief for the classical references in botany: works by Linnaeus, Bentham and Hooker, Engler and Prantl, etc. The term "bibliography" in the dates following a title includes all literature references cited, either at the close of a work or accompanying the text. In most cases, the scientific names used for plants in the annotations are the ones given by the various authors. In a few cases, where an error was quite obvious, the necessary corrections have been indicated. Species names are uniformly printed in lower case. Unless there is a notation to the contrary, items listed as books or pamphlets were seen at the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. Locations in other United States libraries, for most of the titles, can be obtained by consult-


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Germán Somolinos d'Ardois, who provided detailed information on Mexican material and made available their fine personal collections of material relating to Mexico. Useful material was found also in the collections of Prof. Ramón Alcorta Guerrero, Ing. Juan Balme, Sr. Fred Davis (deceased), Lic. Joaquín Fernández de Cordoba, and Sr. Vincente Lira. Ing. Efraím Hernández Xolocotzi, Dr. Isabel Kelly, Profa. Enriqueta García de Miranda, Dr. José Miranda, and Lic. María Teresa Fernández de Miranda, Dr. Dorothy Parker, Dr. Jerzy Rzedowski, Profa. de Rzedowski and the late Miss Bertha Harris who supplied helpful criticism, information on bibliographic resources and techniques, and much valuable data on Mexican libraries. Srta. María Pacheco for assistance with material on the state of Campeche, Sr. Manuel Woolrich for information on the state of Chiapas, the late Drs. Manuel Mestre Ghigliazzi and Narciso Souza Novelo for material on the states of Tabasco and Yucatán respectively, and Prof. Crisanto Cuellar Abarca for help with Tlaxcala material. Typing of the manuscript was in the hands of Dr. Elizabeth Valentine, Mrs. Anna White, and Mrs. Gayle Gibson, Miss Naomi Phillips and Mrs. Juanita Nelson also assisted. Their interest in the project and their patience, particularly in deciphering my notoriously poor handwriting, is sincerely acknowledged. Three grants assisted materially in the preparation and publication of this bibliography: one from the Division of International Cultural Relations of the United States Department of State, administered through the Office of Education; two from the American Philosophical Society ( Penrose Fund Grants 2877 and 2895); and two from the National Science Foundation (2123, 5975 and GN-41). Associated with the first were Mr. Philip Raine, Mrs. Juana Vogt, Mrs. Nancy Stauffer Grantham, and Dr. Thomas Cotner; their assistance is hereby acknowledged. In connection with the last two, my appreciation is likewise extended to Drs. W. C. Steere, A. C. Smith, David D. Keck, and Mr. Allen J. Sprow. My special thanks are due Mr. Thomas Yoseloff, director of the University of Pennsylvania Press, for his proposal that the bibliography be published under his auspices, and to the members of his staff, in particular Mr. Theodore Zinn, who handled so efficiently the many technical details involved in the publication of this work. The final steps in the actual printing of the book were in the hands of Mr. John J. Patton, for the George H. Buchanan Co., with a corps of very able assistants. For their patient and painstaking work and their unfailing good humor, my sincere thanks. To any person who has been inadvertently overlooked in this list, my sincere apologies, and thanks.

Appreciation is due to many who have assisted the compiler through various stages in this project. I take this opportunity to express my deeply felt thanks to: Dr. John M. Fogg, Jr., for the initial suggestion that led to work on this bibliography and for continuing encouragement and support through the many years involved in its preparation and publication. Dr. David R. Goddard, for his interest in the progress of this project, and for activity in its behalf when assistance was critically needed. Dr. Ralph O. Erickson, Prof. Joseph A. Ewan, Dr. F. R. Fosberg, Dr. Rogers McVaugh, Mr. Conrad V. Morton, Dr. W. H. Rickett, Dr. A. J. Sharp, Dr. Frans Verdoorn and Dr. Egbert H. Walker for examination of the manuscript, for valuable bibliographical references or for encouragement and assistance in obtaining support for the project. Also helpful with advice on techniques, or in supplying and checking references, were Dr. Edgar Anderson, Dr. Donald D. Brand, Dr. H. J. Bruman, Miss Annetta Carter, Mrs. Sara Crome, Dr. José Cuatrecasas, Dr. Howard F. Cline, Dr. C. Harvey Gardiner, Dr. David D. Keck, Dr. Jean Langenheim, Dr. J. Alden Mason, Dr. Jack McCormick, Mrs. Alice McKinney, Dr. Reid V. Moran, Mr. Jerry Patterson, Mr. Robert Runyon, Dr. Jacob Schramm, Dr. Lyman B. Smith, Mrs. Cecily Steinberg, Dr. B. L. Turner, Mr. R. A. Wilson, Dr. Conway Zirkle, and the late Drs. W. H. Camp, Norman C. Fassett, Francis W. Pennell, and Mrs. Ethel Bailey Higgins. In Mexico I received equally valuable assistance, particularly from the following: The Director and past and present members of the Instituto de Biología, the late Dr. Isaac Ochoterena, Drs. Roberto Llamas, Francisco Villagrán P., and Helia Bravo; Profesoras María Augustina Batalla, Irene Rivera M. (deceased) and Débora Ramírez C. Their friendliness and kind assistance were important factors in strengthening and maintaining my interest in Mexican plants. To Profesor Maximino Martínez, deceased, I am very grateful for putting at my disposal his extensive collection of material relating to Mexican plants, and his equally extensive knowledge of Mexican botanical history and botanical literature, and for help in identifying many plants listed in the literature by common names only. To Dr. Faustino Miranda, I am deeply indebted for patient and wise counsel on many aspects of the work, for opportunities to collect and study Mexican plants in the field under his guidance, and for assistance with identifications of the plants collected. Sr. Román Beltrán, Sr. Frans Blom (deceased), Prof. Fernando Castañón Gamboa (deceased), Sr. Guillermo Echániz, Dr. Francisco Guerra, Ing. Marte R. Gómez, Dr. Manuel Maldonado Koerdell, Ing. Julio Riquelme Inda, and


PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES USED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY University ( N N C ) ; "Hispanic Society ( N N H ) , Miss Clara Louise Penney; "Public Library ( N N ) , Mr. Lewis M. Stark (Rare Book Division), Miss Sara Dickson (Arents Collection).

To the directors and staff members of the various libraries where the material was searched for and examined, I am most grateful. Libraries marked with an asterisk, in the list below, are those whose collections were found particularly helpful. Librarians listed below gave assistance far beyond the call of regular duty. Their cooperation is here gratefully acknowledged. Additional libraries are in the list of abbreviations of names of institutions, q.v.

Ohio Cincinnati. Simons.



Mrs. Corinne


Pennsylvania Philadelphia. "Academy of Natural Sciences ( P P A N ) , Mrs. Venia Phillips, Mr. Wallace Olsen, Miss Margaret Greenwald, Mrs. Lillian Jones, Miss Cynthia Dicken; "American Philosophical Society (PPAP), Mrs. Ruth Duncan, Miss Hildegard Getzmann, Mrs. Gertrude Hess, Mr. Murphy Smith; "College of Physicians ( P P C ) , Dr. W. B. McDaniel, 2nd, Miss Muriel Hodge; Franklin Institute ( P P F ) ; Free Library ( P P ) ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania ( P H i ) ; "Library Company of Philadelphia ( P P - L ) , Mr. Barney Chesnick, Miss Anna Stringoski; Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PPHort), Mrs. Ann Waterman Rudolph; Pennsylvania Hospital ( P P P H ) ; Temple University ( P P T ) ; Textile Institute ( P P P T e ) ; "Union Library Catalogue, Miss Eleanor Campion, Miss Janice Sherwood; University of Pennsylvania, especially the "Main Library ( P U ) , Mrs. Flora Colton, Mrs. Delphine Richardson; the Biology Library (PU-BZ), Miss Elizabeth D. Thorp, and the "Museum Library ( P U - M u ) , Miss Cynthia Griffin.

IN THE UNITED STATES (Abbreviations follow the name of the library) Arizona Tucson.


University of Arizona (AzU).

California Berkeley. University of California, "Bancroft Library ( C u - B ) , Dr. John Barr Tompkins; Main Library ( C U ) . Los Angeles. University of California ( C L U ) . Sacramento. California State Library ( C ) , Mr. Allan R. Ottley. San Diego. "Natural History Museum ( C S d M ) , Mrs. Mildred Meeder. San Francisco. "California Academy of Science (CSfA), Miss Veronica Sexton; State Library, including the Sutro Collection (C-S), Mr. Richard Dillon.

Rhode Island Providence. "John Carter Brown Library (RPJCB), Dr. Lawrence C. Wroth, Miss Jeannette D. Black.

Connecticut New Haven. Yale University including the "Western American Collection (CtY), Dr. Archibald Hanna.

Texas Austin. "University of Texas ( T x U ) , Dr. Nettie Lee Benson, Mrs. Evan Reese, Mrs. Maria S. Garcia.

District of Columbia Washington. "Department of Agriculture (now National Agricultural Librarv) ( D A ) , Mrs. Pauline Jennings, Oliver M. Shipley; "Library of Congress ( D L C ) ; Pan American Union ( D P U ) ; Smithsonian Institution ( D S I ) .

IN MEXICO (A mis amigos en las bibliotecas Mexicanas, a quienes estoy muy reconocida por su gentileza y finas atenciones, quiero decir, en las bellas palabras del Dr. Nicolás León, "Sean estas lineas prenda de mi gratitud hacia Ustedes.") (For private libraries examined for this compilation, see the section under acknowledgments.)

Illinois Chicago. "John Crerar Library ( I C J ) ; Natural History Museum ( I C F ) ; "Newberry Library ( I C N ) , Dr. Ruth Lapham Butler.

In Mexico


"Academia Nacional de Ciencias Antonio Alzate (Bibliot. Ant. Alzate) (ANC-Mex.). Banco de Crédito Agrícola (B. Cred. Agr. Méx.). Banco de México (B. Méx.). Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (BNCE-Mex.). Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin (Bibliot. B. Franklin-Mex.), Miss Bertha Harris, deceased; Sra. Jovita Zubaran. Biblioteca del Colegio de México (Bibliot. Col. Méx.), Sra. Susana Uribe de Fernández de Cordoba. "Biblioteca del Congreso de la Unión (Bibliot. Cong. Méx.), Sr. Alvaro Bojórquez. "Biblioteca "México" (Bibliot. Méx.), Srta. María Teresa Chávez. Centro de Documentación Científica y Técnica (Cent. Doc. Méx.). Ediciones Trueco. Escuela Médico-Militar (EMM-Mex.). Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (ENP-Mex.), Professor Antonio Tagle, deceased. Escuela Normal Superior y Escuela Normal de Maestros (ENS-Mex.). "Hospital General (Hosp. Gen. Méx.), Srta. María Teresa de Leonard. "Instituto Lingüístico del Verano (I. L. V. Méx.), Miss Helen Ashdown. "Instituto Nacional de Antropología é Historia, Biblioteca Central (INAH-Mex.; also as Museo Nacional—MN-Mex.), Prof. Antonio Pompa y Pompa, Sr. Silvio Ibarra Cabrera, Sr. Oscar Zambrano. "Instituto Panamericano de Geografía é Historia (IPGH-Mex.), Srtas. Alicia Ancona and Esperanza Morgada. Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN-Mex.). Biblioteca Central y Archivo. Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas (ECB-Mex.). Escuela de Nutriología. Instituto de Enfermedades Tropicales (Inst. Enf. Trop. Méx.).

Louisiana New Orleans. Tulane University ( L N H T ) ; including the "Middle American Research Institute ( M A R I ) , Mrs. Corinne Griffith, Mrs. Nesta Ewan, Mrs. Edith Rickettson, Miss Marjorie E. Ledoux. Maryland Bethesda. "National Library of Medicine ( D N L M ) , earlier as (DSG, D A F M ) , Mrs. Doralee S. Agaloff, Miss Mary F. Liles, Dr. William Jerome Wilson, Dr. Dorothy M. Schullian, Miss Harriet Jameson, Miss Sheila M. Parker, Miss Marjorie Stuff. Massachusetts Boston. "Massachusetts Horticultural Society ( M B H ) . Cambridge. Harvard University ( M H ) ; including the "Arnold Arboretum ( M H - A ) , and "Gray Herbarium ( M H - G ) , Mrs. Lazella Schwarten; "Houghton Library; "Peabody Museum ( M H - P ) , Miss Margaret Currier; Widener Library, Mr. Robert H. Haynes. Missouri Si. Louis. "Missouri Botanical Garden (MoSB), Miss Nell Horner, Dr. George B. Van Schaack. New York Buffalo. Buffalo and Erie Co. Public Library ( N B u ) , Mr. Richard T. Morris. Ithaca. "Cornell University ( N I C ) , Miss Josephine M. Tharpe. New York. American Geographical Society ( N N A ) ; "Botanical Garden ( N N B G ) , Miss Elizabeth C. Hall, Mr. Robert Jones, Mrs. Alletta G. Fredericks, Mrs. Lynette L. Scribner; Columbia 17



USED Coahuila Saltillo. Biblioteca Pública del Estado; Escuela Superior de Agricultura "Antonio Narro" (ESA), Dr. D. Rodríguez D.; Escuela Normal; Instituto Tecnológico. Colima Colima. Biblioteca Pública del Estado.

'Librería Porrua (Antiguo Robredo) (Libr. Porrua), Sr. José Porrua, Srta. Carmen García. Librería Porrua Hermanos (Libr. Porrua Hnos.), Sr. Antonio Pérez Porrua. México City College (MCC-Mex.) "Secretaria de Agricultura (SA-Mex.). " Dirección de Defensa Agrícola (Dir. Def. Agr.), Sra. María de los Angeles L., vda. de Canchóla. "Dirección de Economía Rural (Dir. Econ. Rur.), Srta. Guadalupe Maldonado. "Dirección de Geografía y Meterología (Dir. Geog. Met.), Sr. Antonio D. González. Dirección General Forestal y de Caza y Pesca (Dir. Gen. For.). Oficina de Investigaciones Agrícolas (formerly Oficina de Estudios Especiales) (OIA; OEE), Dr. Dorothy Parker, Sr. Pablo Velásquez. Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Obras Publicas (Sec. Com. or SCOP), Sr. Ramón Alvarez. "Secretaría de Economía Nacional (SEN-Mex.), Sr. Francisco Xavier Rojas (deceased). "Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP-Mex.), Sra. Sánchez Pardo. "Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SH-Mex.), Prof. Román Beltrán, Srta. Ana Meyer, Lic. Fernando Sandoval, Lic. Manuel Carrera Stampa. Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos (SRH-Mex.). Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE-Mex.). Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia Pública (SSAP-Mex.), Srta. Erna Beristain Rebolledo. "Sociedad Forestal de México (Soc. For. Méx.), Sr. Adolfo Zinser. "Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística (SMGE), Sr. Gonzalo Angulo, Sra. Prof. Concepción Saavedra. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM.). "Biblioteca Central, Sr. Rafael Vélez, Srtas. Sara Martínez, Matilda P. Martínez. "Biblioteca Nacional (BN-Mex.), Sr. Héctor Manuel Castelló. Facultad de Ciencias (Fac. Cieñe.). "Facultad de Ciencias Químicas (Fac. Cieñe., Quim.), Srtas. Asunción Velázquez de León, Clementina H. de Valdez. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Fac. Filos.). " Facultad de Medicina (Fac. Med.), Sr. Pedro Calderón. "Facultad (Escuela) de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (EMVZMex.), Sr. Crisóforo Vega (deceased). "Hemeroteca Nacional (HN-Mex.), Prof. Rafael Carrasco Puente (now retired), Sr., Roberto Estrada López, Srtas. Elisa Ramos Márquez, Mercedes Silva Torres, Sres. Luís Fuerte Ruiz, Luís Espinosa, Coronel Manuel Vázquez Cadena. "Instituto de Biología (IB-Mex.), Sres. Antonio y Martín Bautista, Prof. Carlos Gutiérrez. Instituto de Fisiología (IF-Mex.). "Instituto de Geología (IG-Mex.), Sr. Jesús Martínez Portillo.



Durango Durango. "Biblioteca Pública del Estado: Lic. José Ignacio Gallegos, Srta. Margarita Bretado Contreras. Guanajuato Guanajuato. Biblioteca de la Universidad, Prof. Jesús Rodríguez Frausto. Irapuato. Biblioteca Pública anexa a la Escuela Preparatoria, Srta. María Elisa Moreno O. Hidalgo Pachuca.

Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Sr. Murciano Meneses.

Jalisco "Guadalajara. Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Universidad de Guadalajara: Prof. Pablo G. Franco, Ing. Miguel Angel Torres Orozco V. México Chapingo. "Escuela Nacional de Agricultura (ENA), Prof. Alberto Argomedo W. (deceased). Toluca. Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Prof. Gonzalo Pérez González. Michoacán Jiquilpan. Biblioteca Pública. Morelia. "Archivos de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Univ. Mich. Arch.), Sr. Jesús Zavala Ferreira; Biblioteca "Melchor Ocampo" del Colegio de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Col. S. N. Morelia), Sr. Juan de Dios Gutiérrez; Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Sr. Antonio Morales Zavala. Morelos Cuautla. Biblioteca Pública. Cuernavaca. Biblioteca Pública del Estado. Nayarit Tepic. Biblioteca Pública del Estado: Srta. Rosalina López Urbina. Nuevo León Linares. Biblioteca Pública. Monterrey. Biblioteca del Círculo Mercantil Mutualista; Biblioteca Municipal "Felipe Guerra Castro"; Biblioteca Universitaria y Pública "Alfonso Reyes," Prof. Israel Cavazos Garza, Prof. Berta Calderón; "Instituto Tecnológico (Inst. Tecn. Monterrey), Prof. Eugenio del Hoyo; Universidad de Monterrey, Departamento Escolar, Lic. Vicente Reyes; "Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Srta. M. Idalia Flores.


Aguascalientes Aguascalientes. Biblioteca Morelos; Instituto Autónomo de Ciencias, Srta. María Guadalupe Acevedo Gómez.

Oaxaca Huajuapan de León. Biblioteca Pública. Oaxaca. "Biblioteca Estudiantil "Benito Juárez" de la Universidad de Oaxaca, including the Colección Brioso y Candiani, Prof. Enrique R. Sandoval; Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Jorge Femando Iturribarría.

Campeche Campeche. Biblioteca Tomás Aznar Barbachano (in Centro Cultural); Instituto Campechano (Inst. Camp.), Prof. Francisco Alvarez Barrett; "Museo Campechano (Mus. Camp.), Prof. Raúl Pavón Arbeu. Ciudad del Carmen. Centro Cultural; Licéo Carmelita.

Puebla Puebla. Biblioteca Pública "Lafragua" de la Universidad de Puebla, Florencio Carrillo Alvarez; Biblioteca Palafoxiana.

Chiapas San Cristóbal Las Casas. "Biblioteca Fray Bartolomé (Bibliot. F. B.), Frans Blom (deceased). Tuxtla Gutiérrez. "Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Sr. Anselmo Figueroa Pulido, Srta. Fulvia L. de Pérez.

Querétaro Querétaro.

"Biblioteca de la Universidad y Pública del Estado.

San Luís Potosí San Luís Potosí. "Biblioteca de la Universidad, Lic. Rafael Montejano, Srtas. Beatriz Velásquez Castillo and María de los Angeles Flores O.; Biblioteca "Manuel Muro" del Museo del Estado.

Chihuahua Chihuahua. Escuela Normal, Srta. Cidia Cavallero. Instituto Científico: Sra. Guadalupe Terrazas. Ciudad Juárez. "Escuela Particular de Agricultura (EPA), Ing. Abelardo Escobar, Ing. Horacio Gómez Farías. Parral. Biblioteca Franldin, Srta. Rita Torres Gándara.

Sinaloa Culiacán. Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sinaloa; Biblioteca Pública del Estado. 18

PRINCIPAL Sonora Ciudad Obregón. Biblioteca Pública. * Hermosillo. Biblioteca y Museo del Estado, Pesqueira.




Veracruz Córdoba. Biblioteca "Rafael Delgado" anexa a la Escuela Secundaria Preparatoria y de Artes y Oficios, Prof. Roberto Muñoz Cruz. Jalapa. Biblioteca de la Universidad Veracruzana, Prof. Fernando Ochoa Villalba; Biblioteca Pública "Francisco Díaz Covarrubias"; Escuela Normal; 'Escuela Secundaria, Sr. Agustín Godos. Orizaba. Biblioteca de la Escuela Preparatoria; Biblioteca "Francisco Díaz Covarrubias" (Centro Educativo Obrero), Sra. Sara García B.; Biblioteca Pública "Rafael Delgado." Veracruz. Biblioteca Pública.


Tabasco Villahermosa. Biblioteca "Justo Sierra" del Instituto Juárez, Srta. María Socorro Colorado C.; 'Biblioteca Pública del Estado, Srta. María del Pilar del Espíritu Santo. Tamaulipas Ciudad Victoria. Biblioteca de la Escuela Normal. Matamoros. Biblioteca Pública. Tampico. Biblioteca del Instituto Científico, Lic. Rene Govela, Director, Dra. Cecilia de Bidaura, Dr. Renato Gutiérrez Z.; Biblioteca Municipal; Biblioteca Pública "Omega" de la Sociedad Cultural Tamaulipeca, Srta. Celsa Reynaga M.

Yucatán Mérida. Asociación de Henequeneros; "Biblioteca Cepeda Peraza; "Museo Crescencio Carrillo y Ancona, Prof. Paulino Novelo y Erosa; Universidad de Yucatán, Dr. Eduardo Urzais Rodríguez. Zacatecas Zacatecas. Biblioteca Pública, Sr. José Guerrero; Instituto de Ciencias.

Tlaxcala Tlaxcala. Biblioteca de la Escuela Preparatoria.


GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS (Names of botanical authorities are not included) abr. abth. Acad. add. adm. agr. agron. Ags. Akad. Ali. Amer. anon. anthrop. aport. app. arch. art. auton.

abridged abtheilung Academia, Academie, Academy additional administración, administration agrícola, agricole, agricoltura, agricultura, agricultural, agriculture agronomía, agronomie, agronomy Aguascalientes Akademie, Akademiia Alianza America, American, Americana(o) anonymous anthropologia, anthropologie, anthropology aportación appendix archiv, archive ( s ), archivio, archivo article autónoma ( o )

Bait. bd. bibl. bibliot. biol. bk. Brand. Brit. bur.

Baltimore band, board bibliografía, bibliographic, bibliography biblioteca, bibliothèque biología, biológica(o), biologie ( a l ) , biology book Brandenburg British bureau

ca. Calif. cam. cat. Cd. centr. cf. chamb. chap(s). chem. cienc. cient. cir. clim. col. coll. Colo. colon. color. Columb. com. comb. comm. comp. commun. comun. conf. congr. Conn. conserv. cont. cred. cult.

circa California cámara catálogo, catalogue Ciudad central, centro compare chamber chapter(s) chemical, chemistry ciencia ( s ) científica ( o ) circular, círculo climatológico compañía, company colección, colegio, colonial collection, college Colorado colonización, colonial colored Columbia comercial, comercio combination commercial, committee compiled, compiler communication comunicación ( es ) conference, conferencia congrès, congreso, congress ( o ) , congressional Connecticut conservación, conservation continued crédito cultural

DA DAPP D. C. D. F. def. dept(o). diag. Die. dir. disc.

Department of Agriculture Departamento Autónoma de Prensa y Publicidad District of Columbia Distrito Federal defensa departamento, department diagram Diciembre dirección discurso


diss. doc. dom.

dissertation document, documento ( s ) domestic, doméstica(o)

econ. ed.(s) edo. encicl. encyl. erdk. esc. estad. etnol. exec. exp. expos. exter.

economía, económica(o), economy edited, edition(s), editor estado enciclopedia encyclopedia erdkunde escuela estadística etnología, etnológico executive experimental exposición, exposition exteriores

fac. facultad ( e ) , faculté FAO Food and Agriculture Organization farmacol. farmacología, farmacológico fase. fascicle, fascículo fed. federal fig. figura (as), figure(s) fom. fomento


gan. gen. geog. geobot. geofic. ges. gral. Gto. Guad.

ganadería general, género, genus geografía, geográfica, geographic, geography geobotanische geofísica gesellschaft general Cuanajuato Guadalajara

H. R. herb. hibr. Hisp. hist.

House Report herbarium híbrido Hispanic, Hispano historia, histórica (1), history

illus. inaug. incl. Ind. indust. ined. inst. instr. int. inter. introd. invest. ist.

illustration(s), illustrated inaugural included Indian, Indiana industria (1) inédito(s) instituí, institute(o) instrucción interior internacional, international introduction investigación istituto

Jard. Jr. jub.

Jardín Junior jubilaei

K. Kew. km. Kong.

Kaiserlicli, Koeniglich, Kongelige, Koninklijke, Kungliga Kewensis kilometer Kongress

La. lab. leg. libr. lit. lvs.

Louisiana laboratorio, laboratory legajo library, librería literario, literary, literatura ( e ) leaves

Mass. med. mere. meteor. Méx. Mich.

Massachusetts medical, medicina, medicinal, médico ( a ) mercantil meteorología, meteorológica ( o ) , meteorological Mexican, Mexicana ( o ) , México Michigan, Michoacán



mimeog. Mín. monog. monum. ms. mss. mt. mun. mus. mut.

mimeographed Ministerio monografía monumento (s) manuscript, manuscripts mount (ain) municipal musée, museo, museum mutualista

n. N. Car. n.d. n.p. nac. nat. natl. norm. nov. Novohisp.

new North Carolina no date no place nacional natural national normal nova, novo, novum Novohispano

ONR observ. ofic. org.

Office of Naval Research observador, observatorio oficial, oficina organización, organization, órgano

p. P y T. panor. part. pesq. pharm. photo. pi. pobl. pomol. pop. port. pref. prep. prim. prod. prof. profa. prol. prom. pt. publ.

page(s) Paso y Troncoso panorama particular pesquizas pharmaceutical, pharmacy photographs plate(s) población pomological, pomology popular portrait preface preparatorio primer, primera product(s), productions), producto(s) profesor, professor profesora prologue promotion, promovedora part public, pública, publicación, publication

Q. Roo q.v. quar. quim.

Quintana Roo quod vide, which see quarantine química (o)

R. rec. recop. red. reí.

Royal(e) recursos recopilación redonda(o) relación (es), relations


relig. renew. renov. rep. res. rev. rur.

religioso renewable renovable report research, resources revista rural

sch. sci. sec. secc. seg. seni. seman. Sen. ser. sess. simp. sist. soc. sp. spec. Sr. Sria. ssp. St. sta. subg. subsp. Sup. sunun. supl., suppl.

school science, scientific secretaria(o) sección segunda(o) semana, semanal semanario Senate serie, series session simposio sistema social, sociales, sociedad, società, society species special Senior, Señor Secretaría subspecies Saint, state station subgenus subspecies Superior summary suplemento, supplement

Teen. Terr. tip. trans. trop.

Tecnológico Terrenos tipica(o) translated, translation tropical

U. UN UNAM U. S. unf. Univ. útil.

University United Nations Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México United States unfinished Universidad, University utilización

Va. var. veg. veroeff. vet. vis. voc. vol(s).

Virginia variedad, variety vegetabilium veroeffentlichungen veterinaria(o) visual vocacional volume, volumen (es), volumes

Wash. work.

Washington worker


ENS Méx. EPA Méx.

Academia Nacional de Ciencias Antonio Alzate. México, D.F. University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona.

ERA Méx. B Méx. BAE BN Méx. BNCE Méx.

Banco de México, D.F. Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, see DSI-E. Biblioteca Nacional de México. México, D.F. Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior. México, D.F. Banco de Crédito Agrícola. México, D.F.

ESA Méx.

B. Cred. Agr. Méx. Bibliot. Ant. ( onio ) Alzate Méx. See ANC Méx. B. Franklin Méx. Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin. México, D.F. C. M. M. Méx. Biblioteca del Círculo Mercantil Mutualista. Monterrey, N.L. Col. Méx. Biblioteca del Colegio de México. México, D.F. Cong. Méx. Biblioteca del Congreso. México, D.F. F. B. Méx. Biblioteca Fray Bartolomé. San Cristobal, Chis. Méx. Biblioteca. "México." México, D.F. C

ccc CEO Méx. CLU C-S CSdM CSfA CSmH CtY CU CU-B Cent. Doc. Méx. Circ. Mere. Mut. Méx. Col. SN Méx. DA DAFM DI-GS DLC DSG DNLM


HN Méx. Hosp. Gen. Méx.

Hemeroteca Nacional. México, D.F. Hospital General. México, D.F.

IaaS IaU IB Méx. ICF

Iowa State College. Ames, Iowa. University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. Instituto de Biología, UNAM. México, D.F. Chicago Natural History Museum ( Field Museum ). Chicago, III. John Crerar Library. Chicago, 111. Midwest Inter-Library Center. Chicago,


California State Library. Sacramento, Calif. Claremont College. Claremont, Calif. Centro Educativo Obrero (Biblioteca "Francisco Díaz Covarrubias"). Orizaba, Ver. University of California. Los Angeles. California State Library, Sutro Branch. San Francisco, Calif. San Diego Natural History Museum. San Diego, Calif. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Calif. Huntington Library. San Marino, Calif. Yale University. New Haven, Conn. University of California. Berkeley, Calif. University of California. Bancroft Library. Centro de Documentación. México, D.F. See Bibliot. C. M. M. Méx. Colegio de San Nicolás (Biblioteca "Melchor Ocampo"). Morelia, Mich.

INAH Méx. InNd InU IPGH Méx. IPN Méx. IPN-ECB IU Camp. Inst. Inst. Enf. Trop. Méx. Inst. Geol. Méx. Inst. Ling. Ver. Méx. Inst. Tecn. Monterrey LNHT LNHT-MARI

Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. (now National Agricultural Library). See DNLM. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. See DNLM. National Library of Medicine. Washington D.C. (now at Bethesda, Md.) Formerly as U. S. Surgeon General's Office Library, Army Medical Library, and Aimed Forces Medical Library. Pan American Sanitary Bureau. Washington, D.C. Pan American Union. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology. Weather Bureau. Washington, D.C.

Libr. Porrua Libr. Porrua Hnos. MB MBH MCC Méx. MCR MdU MH MH-A MH-G MH-P MiD MiU MiU-C MN Méx. MnU MoSB MoSM

See IPN-ECB Escuela Médico Militar. México, D.F. Escuela Nacional de Economía, UNAM. México, D.F. Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, UNAM. México, D.F. Escuela Normal (Superior). México, D.F. Escuela Nacional de Agricultura. Chapingo, D.F. Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. México, D.F.


See EM (ENS) above. Escuela Particular de Agricultura. Cd. Juárez, Chih. Escuela Regional de Agricultura. See below. Escuela Superior de Agricultura. Saltillo, Coah. ( Formerly Escuela Regional de Agricultura.)

in. Newberry Library. Chicago, 111. Instituto Linguistico del Verano. México, D.F. Instituto Nacional de Antropología é Historia. México, D.F. University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Ind. Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía é Historia. México, D.F. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México, D.F. Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas. México, D.F. University of Illinois. Urbana, 111. Instituto Campechano. Campeche, Camp. Instituto de Enfermedades Tropicales. México, D.F. Instituto de Geología. México, D.F. See ILV Méx. Instituto Tecnológico. Monterrey, N.L. Howard Tilton Library, Tulane University. New Orleans, La. Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University. New Orleans, La. Libreria Porrua. México, D.F. Libreria Porrua Hermanos. México, D.F. Boston Public Library. Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Boston, Mass. Mexico City College. México, D.F. Radcliffe College. Cambridge, Mass. University of Maryland. College Park, Md. Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. Arnold Arboretum. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Gray Herbarium. Cambridge, Mass. Peabody Museum. Cambridge, Mass. Detroit Public Library. Detroit, Mich. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. Clements Library. University of Michigan. Museo Nacional. México, D.F. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Medical Society. St. Louis, Mo. Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. Buffalo, N.Y. Cornell University. Ithaca, N.Y. New York Public Library. New York, N.Y. American Geographical Society. New York, N.Y. New York Botanical Garden. New York, N.Y. Columbia University. New York, N.Y. Hispanic Society. New York, N.Y.







American Museum of Natural History. New York, N.Y. New York Academy of Medicine. New York, N.Y. University of Rochester, Medical School. Rochester, N.Y. Princeton University. Princeton, N.J.


Lloyd Library. Cincinnati, Ohio.


Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Free Library. Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia, Pa. American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, Pa. College of Physicians. Philadelphia, Pa. Commercial Museum. Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, Pa. Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa. Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgway Branch. Philadelphia, Pa. Temple University. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Textile Institute. Philadelphia, Pa. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa. Botany-Zoology Library (now Biology Library). University Museum. Philadelphia Geographical Society. Philadelphia, Pa.



John Carter Brown Library. Providence, R.I.

SA Méx. (Sec. or Sria. Agr.) Dir.Def. Agr.

Secretaría de Agricultura. México, D.F.

Dir. Econ. Rur. (Also as SA-ER.) Dir. Geog. Meteor. Dir. Gen. For. OEE Ofic. Invest. Agr.

Sec. Agr. Méx. Soc. For. Méx. Sría. Agr. Méx. TxU

University of Texas. Austin, Tex.


Universidad Nacional Autónoma. México, D.F. Biblioteca Central. Facultad de Ciencias. Facultad Ciencias Químicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Facultad de Medicina.

SEN Méx. SEP Méx. SH Méx. SMGE Méx. SRE Méx. SRH Méx. SSAP Méx.

Fac. Cieñe. Fac. Cieñe. Quím. Fac. Filos. Fac. Med. See also ENE and ENMVZ Univ. Mich. Arch. UP WaPS


Dirección de Geografía y Meteorología. Dirección General Forestal. See below Oficina de Investigaciones Agrícolas (Formerly Oficina de Estudios Especiales.) Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas. México, D.F. Secretaría de Economía Nacional. México, D.F. Secretaría de Educación Pública. México, D.F. Secretaría de la Hacienda. México, D.F. Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía é Historia. México, D.F. Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores. México, D.F. Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos. México, D.F. Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia Publica, México, D.F. See SA Méx. Sociedad Forestal. México, D.F. See SA Méx.


Dirección de Defensa Agrícola.

Dirección de Economía Rural.

Universidad de Michoacán, Archivos. Morelia, Mich. See PU. State College of Washington. Pullman, Wash.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC WORKS CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS GUIDE This list does not include numerous bibliographies found in many of the works cited in the body of the bibliography. See also items under bibliographic works in the Index. Works of special use or interest are starred. Articles by specific authors are cited in the first part of this list. Works published anonymously are cited at the end of the list. These include titles which are, in some catalogues, listed under the name of the publishing institution. Following the arrangement adopted in the body of the bibliography, last names are printed in capitals, first and middle names in initial capitals and lower case. This is done particularly to insure correct citations of double names, which are so commonly used in Spanish.

1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7.



10. 11.

12. 13.


Abadiano. See Catalogue of the Library of Señor Eufemio Abadiano. ( Anon. Sect. ) Academia Nacional de Medicina. Resumen de los trabajos—See Mendizabal, G. Agreda. See Catálogo de la Biblioteca Agreda. (Anon. Sect.) AGUAYO SPENCER, Rafael (compiler). Catálogo de la Exposición del Libro Mexicano en la Ciudad de Lima. México, 1946. AGUILAR Y SANTILLAN, Rafael. Bibliografía geológica y minera. ( Bol. Inst. Geol. Méx. 17: xiii-330, 1908. ) "AHERN, George P. and NEWTON, Helen K. Bibliography of the woods of the world. Washington, 1926. A revision and extension of an earlier work by Samuel J. Record, q.v. ALCANTARA HERRERA, José. Breve ensayo de cronología médica Mexicana. (Medicina, 2 8 : 3 3 7 , 360, 383, 400, 426, 437, 1948.) Lists publications and theses, along with important events. "ALCORTA GUERRERO, Ramón and PEDRAZA, José Francisco. Bibliografía histórica y geográfica del Estado de San Luís Potosí. México, 1941. (Inst. Panamer. Geogr. Hist. Pubi. No. 60. ) Supplement in ( Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Estad. Vol. 63, 1947). ALMADA, Francisco R. La imprenta y el periodismo en Chihuahua. México, 1943. ALTSHELER, Brent. Natural history index guide. New York, 1940, 2d ed. American Philosophical Society. See Classified index to the publications of. (Anon. Sect.) Ames, Oakes. See Catalogue of the Library of the Arnold Arboretum. ( Anon. Sect. ) AMO, Julián. Anuario bibliográfico Mexicano. México, 19311933; suspended 1934-1937; continued in Bibliografía Mexicana Vol. 1-3, July 1938—April 1940; then continued by Julián Amo, under the auspices of the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México; for 1940, published in 1942; for 1941 and 1942, published in 1945; seems to have ended there. Andrade, José María. See Deschamps, Pierre. "ANDRADE, Vicente de Paula. Ensayo bibliográfico Mexicano del Siglo XVII, 1899, 1900. Earlier editions 1894, 1899. DLC states incorrectly that the Ensayo was reprinted in part from the Boletín de la Sociedad Alzate 1894. (The 1894 edition was being published by the Sociedad Científica Antonio Alzate but was suspended on reaching p. 88.) "ANTONIO, Nicolás. Bibliotheca Hispano-Nova. Madrid, 17831788. "ARBER, Agnes. Herbáis, their origin and evolution. Cambridge, England, 1938. Arents, George. See Tobacco. (Anon. Sect.) Arnold Arboretum. See Catalogue of the Library of the Arnold Arboretum. ( Anon. Sect. ) ASLIN, Mary S. Catalogue of the printed books on agriculture, 1471-1840. Aberdeen, 1926 ( ? ) , Rothamsted Experimental Station Library. ATWOOD, Alice Cary. Catalogue of the botanical library of John Donnell Smith. (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. Vol. 12 (Part 1) 1908.) See No. 33. Avakian, Anne. See Blanchard. AYALA ECHEVARRI, Rafael. Bibliografía histórica y geográfica de Querétaro. México, 1949.

Ayer, Edward E. See A bibliographical check list of North and Middle American linguistics. (Anon. Sect.) 15. "BAGINSKY, Paul Ben. German works relating to America in the New York Public Library. New York, 1942. 16. "BANDELIER, Adolf. Notes on the bibliography of Yucatan and Central America. (Proc. Amer. Antiq. Soc. n. s. 1: 82-118, 1880.) A separate, published in Worcester, 1881, was not seen. Banks, Sir Joseph. Catalogue of the library of.—See Dryander, J. 17. "BARLOW, R. H. The 18th century "relaciones geográficas." ( Tlalocan 1: 54-70, 1943-44.) 18. "BARRERA VAZQUEZ, Alfredo. Boletín de bibliografía Yucateca 1938-40; No. 3 contains La imprenta en Campeche, by Gustavo Martínez Alomia. 19. "BARRETT, Ellen C. Baja California, 1535-1956. Los Angeles, 1957. 19a. BARTLETT, Harley Harris. Fire in relation to primitive agriculture and grazing in the tropics. Annotated bibliography. University of Michigan, 3 vols., 1955, 1957, 1961. 20. "BASSOLS BATALLA, Angel. Bibliografía geográfica de México. México, 1955. 21. BAY, J. Christian. Bibliographies of botany. (Prog. Rei Bot. 3: 331-456, 1909.) 22 . . Contributions to the theory and history of botanical bibliography. (Papers Bibl. Soc. America, 1: 75, 1906.) 23 . . Material for a monograph on the tannoids, with special reference to vegetable physiology. (Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. 5: 61-87, 1894.) Becker, Philipp J. See Catalogue of a collection of books from the library of. ( Anon. Sect. ) 24. BEHAR, D(avid) y R. Bibliografía Hispano-Americana. Buenos Aires, 1947. Beilschmied, C. T. See Wikstroem, Johann Emanuel. 25. "BELTRAN, Enrique. La Naturaleza, periódico científico de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, 1869-1914; (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 9 ( 1 - 2 ) : 145-174, 1948.) 26 . . La Revista Mexicana de Biología (1920-1935); (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 2 ( 1 - 4 ) : 375-392, 1951.) 27. "BELTRAN, Román. Indice general del Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística. Vol. 1-63, 1839-1947. México, 1947. 28. BENTHAM, George. ( The most important natural history transactions and journals now publishing. ) ( Proc. Linn. Soc. London, 1865, p. ix-lxxxiii. ) Berg, Ernest de. See Herder, Ferdinand von. 29. "BERISTAIN Y SOUZA, José Mariano. Biblioteca HispanoAmericana. México, 1816-1821. 2d ed. 1883, with an additional volume by J. T. Medina; Chile, 1897. "Adiciones y correcciones" by José Fernando Ramírez, México, 1898. Berlandier. See Catalogue of the Berlandier manuscripts. (Anon. Sect. ) 30. BERLINER, J. J., et al. Bibliography of Latin America. New York, 1935-1940. Separate bibliographies, arranged for each year, by subject. 31. "BESTERMAN, Theodore Nathaniel. Bibliography of bibliographies of the world. London, 1947-1949, 2d ed. 32. BLAKE, A. M. Collection of rare books in the Library of the Pan American Union, n.p., n.d. (before 1922). 33. "BLAKE, Sidney Fay and ATWOOD, Alice Cary. Geographical guide to Floras of the world. Washington, 1942. 34. BLANCHARD, Alan Johnston. Guayule; a list of references. U.S.D.A. Lib. List. No. 10, 1944. Revised by Anne Avakian and Ruby W. Moats from the original, printed 1942, as U.S. Soil Conserv. Serv., Soil Conserv. Bibl. No. 4. 35. BLEDSOE, Barton. Master's theses in science, 1952. Washington, 1954. Bliss, Porter C. See the Bibliotheca Mexicana of the late Porter C. Bliss. (Anon. Sect.) 36. BLOM, Frans. Libros y artículos que se refieren a Chiapas. ( Extracto de los escritos de Frans Blom. ) ( Rev. Ateneo Chiapas 6: 189-193, 1956.) 37. BOEHMER, George Rudolf. Bibliotheca scriptorum historiae naturalis. Leipzig, 1785-1789. 5 vols, in 9; Part 3 is Phytologia, in 2 vols. 38. BOGGS, Ralph Steele. Una bibliografía completa clasificada y comentada de los artículos de Mexican Folkways, con índice. (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. 6: 221-266, 1942.)


41. 42. 43.

44. 45.




49. 50.




. Bibliografía del folklore Mexicano. México, 1939; also in (Inter. Amer. Bibl. Rev., Vol. 1, 1941.) . Folklore bibliography. (South. Folkl. Quart. Begins in Vol. 2, 1938 and continues each year, in the 1st number of the year.) BOGUSH, E. R. A bibliography on mesquite. (Texas Jour. Sci. 2 ( 4 ) : 528-538, Dec., 1950.) BOHATTA, Hans, HODES, Franz and FUNKE, Walter. Internationale bibliographie der bibliographie. 1939-1950. BOHNENSIEG, C. G. W. Repertorium annuum literaturae botanicae periodicae. Harlem 1-8, 1872-1879. (Started b y J. A. Van Bemmelen; continued by Bohnensieg and W . Burck, then by Bohnensieg alone.) BOURLIERE, François. Elements d'un guide bibliographique du naturaliste. Macon, 1940; 2 supplements, Paris, 1941. BRAGGE, William. Bibliotheca Nicotiana. Birmingham, 1860. Brattstrom, Bayard. H. See Richards, Adrian F. British Museum. See Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum. (Anon. Sect.); also Stevens, Henry. Brongniart, M. Aldolphe. See Duval. Brooks, Jerome E. See Tobacco. ( Anon. Sect. ) Brown, John Carter. See Bibliotheca Americana—Catalogue of Books in the Library of. (Anon. Sect.) BROWN, Ralph Minthorne. Bibliography of Commander Matthew Fontaine Maury. (Va. Pol. Inst. Bull. 3 7 ( 1 2 ) , 46 p., 1944.) Buchenau, Franz. See Focke, W. O. "BULLOCK, A. A. Dr. Thomas Archibald Sprague. (Taxon 9 ( 4 ) : 93-102, 1960.) Bumaldus (Bumaldi, Johann Antonio (Pseud.) ). See Montalbani. BYRD, R. K. 350 years of succulent literature in England. (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 6 ( 4 ) : 107-125, illus., 1954.) California. See Catalogue of Spain and Spanish America. (Anon. Sect.) CALLEGARI, G. V. Bibliografía Americana (for 1906-1936). Trento 1936. CAMERANI, Vittorio and FERNANDEZ, Andrea. Saggio de bibliografía del tabacco. Roma, 1952 (Inst. Scient. Sperim. per i Tabacchi). "CAMP, W. H. (Started by, with the assistance of several collaborators. ) The Taxonomic Index. Issued by the New York Botanical Garden for the American Society of Plant Taxonomists. 1-9, mimeog., 1938-1946. By arrangements with the Torrey Botanical Club, the printed Index to American Botanical Literature was taken from the Bulletin of the Club and appeared separately as Taxonomic Index 10 (1947) to 19 (1956). Beginning with Vols. 20, 1957, it was published in Brittonia, lifted from the Bulletin, and appearing at the convenience of the editor of Brittonia. (Annotation by Lazella Schwarten.) Carnegie Institution of Washington. See Catalogue of Publications. ( Anon. Sect. )

60. "CODY, W. F. An index to the periodicals published by José Antonio Alzate y Ramírez. (HAHR 3 3 ( 3 ) : 442-475, Aug. 1953.) 61. "COLE, Genevieve. A contribution toward a bibliography of botanical bibliographies. Madison, 1952. 62. "COLE, George Watson. Catalogue of books relating to the* discovery and early history of North and South America, forming part of the library of Elihu Dwight Church. New York, 1907. 5 vols. 63. COLLISON, Robert Lewis. Bibliographies subject and national. New York, 1951. 64. "COLMEIRO, Miguel. La botánica y los botánicos de la península Hispano-Lusitana. Madrid, 1858. (Estudios bibliográficos y biográficos.) 65. CONDIT, Ira J. A bibliography on the avocado. Riverside, Calif., 1939. 66 . and E N D E R U D , Julius. A bibliography of the fig. (Hilgardia 25: 663, 1956.) 67. CORTES, José M. Catálogo alfabético de la Biblioteca del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 1887. 68. COURTNEY, William Prideaux. A register of national bibliography. London, 1905-1912, 3 vols. 69. COX, Edward Godfrey. A reference guide to the literature of travel. Seattle, 1935-1938, 2 Vols. 70. "CUNNINGHAM, Jules Cool. Maize bibliography for the years 1888-1945. Contr. Iowa Corn Res. Inst. (Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta.) 2 ( 1 ) , March 1941, 3 ( 2 ) , June 1948, 3 ( 3 ) , 1951. 71. DAVILA GARIBI, José Ignacio Paulino. Seleción bibliográfica. México, 1953. (List of his own writings.) 72. DEAN, Henry Lee. An addition to bibliographies of the genus Cuscuta. (Univ. Iowa Stud.—Stud. Nat. Hist., n.s. No. 338, 1 7 ( 5 ) : 191-97, 1937.) 73. (DESCHAMPS, Pierre). Catalogue de la riche bibliothèque de José María Andrade. Paris, 1869. (The author is Deschamps, fide Bohatta. ) 74. "DEWEY, Lyster H. Bibliografía selecta sobre plantas fibrosas. Washington, 1933. Diaz Mercado, Joaquín. See Bibliografías Mexicanas. (Anón. Sect. ) 75. DIERBACH, Johann Heinrich. Repertorium botanicum. Lembo, 1831. 76. DILLON, Dorothy. Latin America 1935-1949. A selected bibliography. New York, 1952. UN Headquarters Library. Bibl. Ser. No. 2. 77. DINSE, Paul. Katalog der bibliothek der Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Berlin, 1903. 78. "DOSSECK, Jesse. Mexican bibliographies. (Mexicana Rev. 1 ( 1 ) June, 1940 to 4 ( 1 - 2 ) Summer, 1944.) 79. DRYANDER, J. Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis. London, 1796-1800. (Belonged to Sir Joseph Banks.) 80. (DUVAL?) Liste des travaux publié par M. Adolphe Brongniart. (Mem. Acad. Sci. France, Paris 39: LXXVII-XCIX, 1847.) Eames, Wilberforce—A tribute to. See Bibliographical Essays. (Anon. Sect.) 81. "ECHANOVE TRUJILLO, Carlos. Bibliografia general Yucatanense. Vol. 8 of the Enciclopedia Yucatanense. México, 1944-1947. 82. EDWARDS, Everett E. and RASMUSSEN, Wayne D. Bibliography on the agriculture of the American Indian. Washington, 1942. 83. ENGELMANN, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca geographica. Leipzig, 1858 (for 1750-1856). 84. ESTRADA, Genaro. Nuevas notas de bibliografia Mexicana. México, 1954. Illus., prologue by Juan B. Iguíniz; introduction by José C. Valadés; notes by Gabriel Saldivar y Silva. (Monog. Bibl. Méx. II, No. 6.) 85. EWAN, Joseph. Bibliography of the botany of Arizona. (Amer. Midi. Nat. 17:430-454, 1936.) 86. "FELDKAMP, Cora Lucinda. Vanilla-a list of references. USDA Library List No. 13, 1945. 87. FERNANDEZ DE CORDOBA, Joaquín. Nuestros tesoros bibliográficos en los E E U U . (Hist. Méx. 5 ( 1 ) : 124-160. July/Sept., 1955. 88 . . Sumaria relación de las bibliotecas de Michoacán. (Hist. Méx. 3 ( 1 ) : 134-156. July/Aug., 1953.) 89. Deleted.

52. CARRASCO PUENTE, Rafael. Historia de la Biblioteca Nacional de México. (Rev. Indust. 3 ( 2 7 ) 64 et passim, Dec., 1948.) 53. * . Bibliografía del Istmo de Tehuantepec. México, 1948. 54 . . Bibliografía Industrial. Tomo I. México, 1952. 55. CASSINI, Henri. Table indicative de tous les mémoires et articles concernant la botanique publiés jusqua ce jour pour l'auteur de ces opuscules. (Opuscules phytologiques, Paris, 2 vols., 1826.) Divided into 2 parts, the first, articles published in journals; the second, those published in his Dictionnaire. 56. CASTILLO L E D O N , Luis, MARTINEZ, Rita, and SALDIVAR, Gabriel. Bibliografía agrícola y agraria de México. México, 1948. 57. "CAVAZOS GARZA, Israel. Nuevo León, la historia y sus instrumentos. ( Hist. Méx. 3: 494-515. Jan./March, 1952. ) 58. * CHAVEZ, Tobías. Notás para la bibliografía de las obras editadas ó patrocinadas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, 1943. (Mainly theses for the period 1937-1942.) Church, Elihu Dwight. Catalogue of books of the library of.— See Cole, George Watson. 59. CLINE, Howard F. Problems of the Mexican ethno-history: the ancient Chinantla. ( H A H R 3 7 ( 3 ) : 273-295, 1957.) 26

BIBLIOGRAPHIC 90. ' F L I C K , Frances J. The forests of continental Latin America. USDA Bibl. Bull. No. 18, Washington, 1952. 91. FLORES VERDAD, José M. Biblioteca del Instituto Científico y Literario de San Luís Potosí. San Luís Potosí, 1887. 92. FOCKE, W. O. Franz Buchenau's botanische druckschriften nach seinen eigenen aufzeichnungen, 1852-1907. (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 20: 73-90, 1910.) 93. GAJDUSEK, D. Carleton. Bibliography of the Tarahumara. 4 typed p. at Amer. Geog. Soc.; deposited there Jan. 27, 1953. Gándara, Guillermo. See Bibliography of Guillermo Gándara. (Anon. Sect.) 94. 'GARCIA ICAZBALCETA, Joaquín. Bibliografía Mexicana del Siglo XVII. México, 1886. Adiciones in (Inst. Bibl. México, Bol. 2, 41-64, 1903). Another edition by Agustín Millares Carlo, México, 1954. See also Catálogo de libros y manuscritos. (Anon. Sect.) García Pimentel, Joaquín. See Wagner, Henry Raup. Nueva Bibliografía. 95. 'GARDINER, Clinton Harvey. Foreign travelers' accounts of Mexico for the period 1810-1910. (Americas 8: 321-351, 1951-52.) 96. GARNER, Wightman Wells. Bibliografía selecta sobre el tabaco. Washington, 1933. 97. GARZA CANTU, Rafael. Algunos apuntes acerca de las letras y la cultura de Nuevo León en la centuria de 1810-1910. Monterrey, 1910. Gates, William. See Catalogue of the William Gates Collection. (Anon. Sect.) 97a "GILL, Lake S. and HAWKSWORTH, Frank G. The mistletoes; a literature review. Washington, 1961. (Tech. Bull. 1242, U.S.D.A. Forest Serv.) 98. "GJELNESS, Rudolph H. Catálogo colectivo de publicaciones periódicas existentes en las bibliotecas de la ciudad de México—Sección de medicina y ciencias biológicas. México, 1949. 99. GOLDSMITH, Peter H. A brief bibliography of books in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, relating to the republics commonly called Latin America. New York, 1925. Gomez de Orozco, Federico. See Wagner, Henry Raup, Nueva bibliografía. GOMEZ DE OROZCO, Federico. Catálogo de la colección de manuscritos de Joaquín García Icazbalceta relativos a la historia de América. Monog. Bibl. Méx. No. 9, México, 1927. Includes lists of "relaciones geográficas" and the place of publication. *Gomez Ugarte, Elena. See Bibliografías Mexicanas. (Anon. Sect.) 100. 'GONZALEZ, Héctor and ORDONEZ, Plinio D. Bibliografía del Estado de Nuevo León, 1820-1946. Monterrey, 1946. 101. GONZALEZ DE COSSIO, Francisco. La imprenta en México 1553-1820. México, 1952. 510 adiciones a la obra de José Toribio Medina. (Mostly religious works.) 102. GONZALEZ OBREGON, Luís. Anuario bibliográfico nacional. México, 1889. 103. GOODALE, George Lincoln. Floras of different countries. Cambridge, Mass. 1879. 104 . and WATSON, Sereno. List of the writings of Dr. Asa Gray. (Amer. Jour. Sci. 36, follows p. 226, (42 p.) 1888.) Reprinted in (Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst, for 1888 ( 1 8 9 0 ) : 785-825.) Gray, Dr. Asa. List of the writings of. See Goodale, George Lincoln and Watson, Sereno. 105. GRAY, Matilda Geddings. A collection of books pertaining to the archaeology, ethnology, and anthropology of Mexico, Guatemala, and Central America. San Francisco, 1948. (Books presented to the Museo Nacional de Antropología de Guatemala.) Greene, Edward Lee. Bibliography of the botanical writings of. - S e e Kistler, Ellen D. 106. GRIFFIN, Francis J., SHERBORN, Charles Davies and MARSHALL, H. S. A catalogue of papers concerning the dates of publication of natural history books. (Jour. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist. 1 ( 1 ) : 1-30, 1936; continued by Francis J. Griffin, 2 ( 1 ) : 1-17, 1943; by W. T. Steam and A. C. Towsend, 3 ( 1 ) : 5-12, 1953 and by G. H. Goodwin, 3 ( 4 ) : 165-174, 1957.)




107. GRINNELL, Mary Elizabeth. Some literature which contains information on plants used for medical purposes. Washington, 1938. Guadalajara. See Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Guadalajara. (Anon. Sect.) 108. 'GUERRA, Francisco. La bibliografía de la historia de la medicina Mexicana. (Prensa Méd. Méx. 14 ( 4 ) , Apr. 1949.) 109. ' . Bibliografía de la materia médica Mexicana. México, 1950. 110. HALLER, Alberto von. Bibliotheca botanica. Tiguri (Zurich), 1771. 111. 'HARRISSE, Henry. Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima. New York, 1886. (For 1492-1551.) 112. HATT, Robert T. A bibliography of Paricutin Volcano. (Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett. 34:227-237, 1950 (for 1948).) 113. HENDERSON, M. R. and VAN STEENIS, C. G. G. J. Bibliography of the works of Henry Nicholas Ridley. (Gard. Bull. Str. Sett. 9 ( 1 ) : 2-28, 1935.) 114. HENDRY, George W. The source literature of early plant introduction into Spanish America. (Agr. Hist. 8 ( 2 ) : 64-71, April 1934.) (Based mainly on material in the Bancroft Library, U. Calif., Berkeley.) 115. ' H E R D E R , Ferdinand von. Catalogus systematicus bibliothecae Horti Imperialis Botanici. Petropolis, 1886; 1st ed. 1852 edited by Ernest de Berg; Supplement for 1886-1898 (published 1899) by Joannes Klinge. 116. HERNANDEZ, Carlos. Estudio bibliográfico. Durango. (Bol. Ali. Cient. Univ. Vol. 1, 1909.) 117. HERRERA, Moisés. Contribución para una bibliografía de obras referentes al Estado de Puebla. (Puebla), 1943; with supplement. 118. HEWES, Leslie. Dissertations in geography. 1935-1946. (Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog. 3 6 ( 4 ) : 213-247, 1946.) 119. HIDALGO, Dionisio. Boletín bibliográfico Español y extranjero. Madrid, 1840-1845. Hispanic Society of America. List of books. See Penney, Clara Louise. 120. 'HOLDEN, William, ed. Lloyd Library bibliographic contributions. Cincinnati, 1911-1917. Continued by Edith Wyckoff. 121. 'IBARRA CABRERA, Silvio. Bibliografía de Isaac Ochoterena hasta 1937. México, 1938. For continuation see Vega, Crisóforo. lcazabalceta. See Garcia Icazbalceta. 122. IGUINIZ, Juan B. Bibliografía biográfica Mexicana. México, 1930. No. 18 of Monografías Bibliográficas Mexicanas, q.v. Instituto Bibliográfico de México, Boletín. See Boletín del Instituto Bibliográfico de México. (Anon. Sect.) Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. Catálogo de la biblioteca. See Vivó, Jorge. 123. ITURRIBARRIA, Jorge Fernando. Fichas bibliográficas de Manuel Martínez Gracida. (Bol. Bibl. Sec. Hac. Créd. Públ. No. 60, June 1, 1956.) 124 . . Oaxaca—la historia y sus instrumentos. (With bibliography.) (Hist. Méx. Vol. 2 ( 3 ) (also as No. 7 ) : 459-476, Jan./Mar. 1953.) 125. 'JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon. Guide to the literature of botany. London, 1881. 126. JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto. Materiales para una bibliografía etnográfica de la América Latina. México, 1938; (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. 1 : 4 7 - 7 7 ) . 127 . . Pequeña bibliografía etnográfica de México. (Bol. Mus. Nac. Arq. Hist. Etn. VI, 1: 125-137, 1934.) John Carter Brown Library. See Bibliotheca Americana. (Anon. Sect.) 128. JONES, Cecil Knight. Bibliography of Latin American bibliographies. Washington, 1942. 1st ed. (HAHR 3, 4, 1920-21); 2d ed. Baltimore, 1922. Jordan, Fernando. See Vivó, Jorge—Catálogo. 129. JOSEPHSON, Aksel Gustav Salomon. Bibliographies of bibliographies. (Papers (Bull.) Bibl. Soc. Amer., Vols. 2, 3, 4, 7, 1910-1913.) 1st ed. Chicago, 1901. 130. JUNK, W. Bibliographia botanica. Berlin, 1909. Kearney, Thomas H. Bibliography of the scientific writings of. —See McClintock, Elizabeth. 131. ' K E R , Anita Melville. Summary of Mexican scientifical periodicals. Baltimore, 1931. Kew-Royal Botanic Gardens. See Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (Anon. Sect.)




132. "KISTLER, Ellen D. Bibliography of the botanical writings of Edward Lee Greene. (Madroño 3: 328-348, 1936.) Klinge, Joannes. See Herder, Ferdinand von. Koestler, Joseph. See Bibliographia forestalls. (Anon. Sect.) 133. LANGMAN, Ida K. Ensayo para una bibliografía histórico— biográfica de la botánica en México. (Mem. Acad. Nac. Cieñe. Méx. 57:373-429, 1955.) 134. . Notas adicionales para una bibliografía sobre la vegetación de Chiapas. (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 23: 146-164, 1958.) 135. Works prior to 1800 useful for studies in Mexican botany. (Rev. Interamer. Bibl. 11:219-243, 1960 ( 1 9 6 1 ) . ) 136. LECLERC, Charles. Bibliotheca Americana. Paris, 1867, 1878. Leman, Thomas Rede. See Bibliotheca Americana. (Anon. Sect.) 137. "LEON, Nicolás. Apuntes para la historia de la enseñanza y ejercicio de la medicina en México. (Gac. Méd. Méx. III, 10: 466-489, 1910; 11: 210-286, 1919; 55: 3-48, 1921.) 138. . Bibliografía bibliográfico—Mexicana. México, 1923-1924. (Bol. Mus. Nac. Méx.) 139. " . Bibliografía Mexicana del Siglo XVIII. (Bol. Inst. Bibl. Méx. 1902-1908. Nos. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10.) 140. " . Biblioteca botánico—Mexicana. México, 1895. 141. * . Escritos varios y publicaciones. México, 1874-1924. (León's own works.) 142. . Los precursores de la literatura médica Mexicana. (Gac. Méd. Méx. III, 10: 3-94, 1915.) 143. "LEON PINELO, Antonio. Epitomé de bibliotheca oriental y occidental. Madrid, 1737. Linnaean Society of London. See Catalogue of the printed books and pamphlets. (Anon. Sect.) 144. "LINNE, Carl von. Bibliotheca botanica. Amsterdam, 1736. Lloyd Library. Bibliographical contributions.—See Holden, William. 145. "LOEWENBERG, Julius. Bibliographische uebersicht. In: Alexander von Humboldt, by Karl Christian Bruhns, 3: 485552, 1872. Reprinted Stuttgart, 1961, 68 p., separately. (A compilation of all of Humboldt's publications up to 1869.) Loganian Library. See Catalogue of the Philadelphia Library Company. (Anon. Sect.) 146. LUQUE, Ester, Reseña bibliográfica de las plantas medicinales Mexicanas. (Ciencia 1:318-320, 1940.) Madrid. Deutsches Kulturinstitut. See Katalog der bibliothek. (Anon. Sect.) Madrid. Universidad. See Catálogo de las tesis. (Anon. Sect.) 147. MAFFEI, Eugenio y RUA FIGUEROA, Ramón. Apuntes para una biblioteca Española de libros, folletos, artículos impresos, y manuscritos relativos al conocimiento y explotación de las riquezas minerales y á las ciencias auxiliares. Madrid, 1871. 2 vols. 148. "MALDONADO KOERDELL, Manuel. Bibliografía Mexicana de historia natural. (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 4 ( 1 - 4 ) : 73-81, 273-281, 1943; 5 ( 3 - 4 ) : 273-280, 1944.) The first two, on Aztec botany, were reprinted as Estudios etnobiológicos, Notas a una bibliografía Mexicana de botánica in (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. 6 ( 1 - 3 ) : 61-74, 1945.) The 3d is Instrucciones á exploradores; for collectors. . Biblioteca Mexicana de Prehistoria. I and II. (Bol. 149. " Bibl. Antrop. 9:66-71, 1947 and 10:98-102, 1948.) . Estudios Etnobiológicos, III. Contribuciones Mexicanas 150. al conocimiento de la etnobiología del maiz. (An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. 2: 137-141, 1947.) MARINO FLORES, Anselmo. Bibliografía antropológica del 151. Estado de Guerrero. (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. 15/16 ( 1 ) : 233-289, 1954.) . Contribución a una bibliografía antropológica sobre los 152. Tarascos. (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. 8, 1946.) "MARTINEZ, Maximino and ROVIROSA, Gustavo. Bibliografía botánica Mexicana. (Libro y el Pueblo, 1923-1927.) 153. Martínez, Rita. See Castillo Ledón, Luís. Martínez Alomia, Gustavo. See Barrera Vázquez, Alfredo. (MARTINEZ GRACIDA, Manuel). Bibliografía. (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx, II, 6 ( 4 ) : 48-72, Oct./Dec. 1955. Printed anonymously, with the suggestion that it was probably prepared 154. by Martinez himself.) MARTINEZ RIOS, Jorge. Bibliografía antropológica y sociológica del Estado de Oaxaca. México, 1961. 154a "McCLINTOCK, Elizabeth. Bibliography of the scientific 155.

156. 157. 158 . 159. 160.


162. 163 . 164. 165. 166. 167. 168.

169. 170. 171.

172. 173.

174. 175 . 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.



writings of Thomas H. Kearney. (Leafl. West. Bot. 8 ( 1 2 ) : 280-287, 1958.) "McCUE, George Allen. The history of the use of the tomato. (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 3 9 ( 4 ) : 289-348, 1952.) "MEDINA, José Toribio. Biblioteca Hispano-Americana. Santiago de Chile, 1898-1907. . Diccionario de anónimos y seudónimos Hispano-americanos. (Publ. Inst. Invest. Hist. Buenos Aires, 1925, Nos. 26, 27.) * . La Imprenta (in various parts of Mexico). Santiago de Chile. (For Veracruz, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, Mérida— 1904; for México—1907, 1911-1912; for Puebla-1908.) MENDIZABAL, G. Farmacología, terapéutica y farmacia. Academia Nacional de Medicina. Resumen de los trabajos presentados desde su fundación hasta nuestros dias. (Gac. Méd. Méx. III, 7: 49-104, 1912.) Mexico City College. See Descriptive list of research papers. (Anon. Sect.) MEYER, H. H. B. List of references on cacao. U.S., Libr. Cong., Div. Bibl.—Select list of references No. 497, 1921. Middle American Information Bureau. See More books about Middle America. (Anon. Sect.) "MILLARES CARLO, Agustín and MANTECON, José Ignacio. Ensayo de una bibliografía de bibliografías Mexicanas. México, 1943. . Adiciones. México, 1944. Published by Dept. Distr. Fed., Dir. Acción Soc., Ofic. Bibliot., I l l Feria del libro. MILTITZ, Fr. von. Bibliotheca botanica. Handbuch der botanischen literatur. Berlin, 1829. Moats, Ruby W. See Blanchard. MONTALBANI (MONTALBANUS), Ovidio. Bibliotheca botanica. Bologna, 1657. (Pseudonym Johann Antonio Bumaldus, or Bumaldi.) "MOORE, Ernest. Mexican bibliography. (Inter-Amer. Bibl. Rev., Summer, 1942.) MORA L„ Miguel de la and GONZALEZ NAVARRO, Moisés. Jalisco, la historia y sus instrumentos. (Hist. Méx. 1 ( 1 ) : 143-163, July/Sept. 1951. "MOYLE, Alton I. Bibliography and collected abstracts on rubber producing plants. (On other than species of Hevea.) Texas Agr. Exp. Stat., Circ. No. 90, Nov., 1942. A. and M. Coll., Texas. "MUELLER, Wolf. Bibliographie des kakao. Hamburg, 1951. MURDOCK, George Peter. Ethnographic bibliography of North America. New Haven, 1941. Yale Anthropological Studies Vol. 1, 2d ed. 1953. MURO, Manuel. Las ciencias, las letras y la arte Potosina en el Siglo XIX. San Luís Potosí, 1908. New York Public Library. See List of works relating to Mexico. (Anon. Sect.) See also Baginsky. N1SSEN, Claus. Die botanische buchillustration. Stuttgart, 1951-1952. (Vol. 2, Bibliography.) Oaxaca. Biblioteca Pública, Catálogo. See Cortés, José M. OCARANZA, Fernando. Las obras biológicas impresas en México durante los Siglos XVI and XVII. (Trabajos presentados. Prim. Cong. Bibl. Méx.; 45-41, 1937; sponsored by the Ateneo Nac. Cieñe. Artes. México.) "OLAGUIBEL, Manuel. Memoria para una bibliografía científica de México en el Siglo XIX. México, 1889. . and IGLESIAS, Enrique. Biblioteca científica del Estado de México. México, 1899. OSSON-SEFFER, Pehr. Bibliography of rubber. (Amer. Rev. Trop. Agr. 1: 173, 1910; continued in each issue to 1: 260, 1910.) ORCUTT, Charles Russell. Bibliography on Cactaceae. (Amer. Bot. 2: 5-6, January, 1900.) ORTEGA Y MEDINA, Juan A. La literatura viajera Alemana del Siglo XIX sobre México. (Fil. Letr. 2 7 / 2 8 ( 5 3 - 5 4 ) : 119132, 1954.) PADDICK, Morris E. Rubber producing plants, a bibliography. (Colo. St. Coll., Lib. Bull. 12, 1942.) Pagaza, Aurora. See Bibliografías Mexicanas. "PALAU Y DULCET, Antonio. Manual del librero HispanoAmericano. Madrid, 1923-27, 2nd ed. Pan American Union. See Lists of Latin American history. (Anon. Sect.) See also Theses. (Anon. Sect.) PARRA, Manuel Germán and JIMENEZ MORENO, Wigberto.


182. 183. 184. 185 . 186 . 187. 188. 189. 190. 191.

192. 193. 194. 195. 193. 197 . 198 . 199 . 200. 201. 202.


204. 205. 206. 207. 208.

209. 210.


Bibliografía indigenista de México y Centroamérica. (Mem. Inst. Nac. Ind. México 4: 1954, entire volume.) PARRY, Mrs. C. C. (Mrs. E. R. Preston). List of papers published by the late Dr. C. C. Parry. (Davenport Acad. Sci., Proc. 6: 46-52, 1893.) PATTERSON, Jerry E. Spanish and Spanish American manuscripts in the Yale University Library. (Yale Univ. Lib. Gaz. 31(3): 110-133, Jan. 1957.) PEASE, Vinnie Arrah. Cocoanuts and cocoanut products. Washington, 1940. . Papaya and Papain. U.S. Bur. Chem. Soils, Food Res. Div., Washington, 1930, 1935, 1937. . Selected reference on papaya and papain. Washington, 1937. PENICHE, Pablo. Bibliografía henequenera. ( Sisal de Yucatán, 12(148): 27-28; (149): 31; (150): 28; July/Dec. 1952.) "PENNEY, Clara Louise. List of books, printed before 1601, in the library of the Hispanic Society of America. New York, 1929. * . List of books, printed 1601-1700, in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America. New York, 1938. 'PEREZ MARTINEZ, Héctor and PEREZ GALAZ, Juan de Dios. Bibliografía del Estado de Campeche. Campeche, 1943. Philadelphia Library Company. See Catalogue of. ( Anon. Sect. ) PHILLIPS, C. Louise. Selected list of references of grain sorghums, of grass sorghums, and broom corn. USDA Bur. Agr. Econ., Agr. Econ. Bibl. No. 9, 1925. Philippine Library. See Spicher, Effie. PICATOSTE Y RODRIGUEZ, Felipe. Apuntes para una biblioteca científica Española del Siglo XVI. Madrid, 1891. PLUMBE, W. J. Recent bibliographies of agriculture. (Lib. Assoc. Rec. 5 3 ( 9 ) : 288-291, 1951.) POMPA Y POMPA, Antonio. Nicolas León: Bibliografía. (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. 18(2): 295-310, 1955.) PORRUA HERMANOS. Bibliografía Americana, Nos. 1-4, Sept., Dec., 1930. . Boletín Bibliográfico. México, 1940. . Catálogo de libros impresos en América ó que tratan de América. México, 1931. . Catálogo de libros Mexicanos ó que tratan de América. México, 1949. . Obras de América. México, 1913, 1915. PRIEGO DE ARJONA, Mireya. Anuario bibliográfico de Yucatán. Mérida, 1931-1941. Also in (Bol. Bibl. Yucat. 1938-1943.) "PRITZEL, George August. Thesaurus Literaturae botanicae. Leipzig, 1851. 2d ed. 1872-(77); facsimile of 2d ed. reprinted Milan, 1950. "RAMIREZ, José Fernando. Biblioteca Mexicana; catalogue of books for sale by Puttick and Simpson, London, 1869. (Contains catalogue of books from the libraries of Father Fischer and Dr. Berendt. ) RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO, Carlos. Catálogo biográficobibliográfico. (Colección de documentos para la historia de España, 1894, Vol. 109.) (On writers in religious military orders. ) RAMOS, Roberto and CUELLAR ABARCA, Crisanto. Notas para una bibliografía de Tlaxcala. Tlaxcala, 1949. RASMUSSEN, Wayne David. Some general histories of Latín America. (USDA Agr. Hist. Ser. No. 1, Washington, 1941. 2d ed. 1942.) "RECORD, Samuel J. Bibliography of the woods of the world. New Haven, 1922. REED, Howard Sprague. A short history of the plant sciences. Waltham, 1942. RICARD, Robert. Essai d'inventaire des ouvrages en langues indigènes ou relatifs aux langues indigènes écrits par des réligieux entre 1524-1572. (In: La conquête spirituelle du Mexique, Paris, 1933, p. 345-352.) Spanish version, Inventario de obras en lenguas indígenas, México, 1947. (In: La conquista espiritual de México, p. 505-510.) RICH, Obadiah. Bibliotheca America nova. London, 1846. "RICHARDS, Adrián F. and BRATTSTROM, Bayard H. Bibliography, cartography, discovery, and exploration of the Islas Revillagigedo. Ms. Dec., 1957. Contr. Scripps Inst. Oceanog. (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 2 9 ( 9 ) : 315-360, 4 figs., 1959.) "RICKETT, H. W. and STAFLEU, F. A. Nomina generica conservada et rejicienda. Spermatophytorum VII. Bibliography.




215. 216.

217. 218. 219.

220. 221. 222.





227. 228.

229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 29



(Taxon 10: 70-91; 11: 111-121, 132-149, 170-193, 19601961.) Ridley, Henry Nicholas. Bibliography of the works of.—See Henderson, M. R. and Van Steenis, C. G. G. J. "RIVERO Y MUNIZ, José. Tabaco, ensayo de una bibliografía tabacalera en Español. (Rev. Bibl. Nac. Havana II, 2 ( 1 ) : 27-271, 1951.) "RIVET, P. Bibliographie Americaniste. (Jour. Soc. Americ. Paris, 1926-1927; continued with assistance of P. Lester, M. A. Maurer, P. Barret (1934-1942); later numbers edited by S. Laussagnat and M. Dore.) ROJAS AVENDANO, Octavio. Bibliografía médico-Mexicana del Siglo XVI. (Trabajos presentados. Prim. Cong. Bibl. Méx., 1937; under the auspices of Ateneo Nacional de Ciencias y Artes.) "ROMERO, Jesús C. Bibliografía Mexicana de toponimias. (Bol. Bibliot. Nac. II, 8: 36-46, 1957.) "ROMERO FLORES, Jesús. La imprenta en Michoacán. México, 1943. Royal Geographical Society. See Classified catalogue of the Library. (Anon. Sect.) RUEGER, Alfred. Kakao und schokolaten literatur verzeichniss. Dresden, 1925? "SABIN, Joseph. Bibliotheca Americana. New York, 1868-1936. SAINT-MARTIN, Vivien de. Les études Américaines dans le passé, le present et l'avenir. (L'Année Géogr. 3: 1-46, 1864.) Saldivar, Gabriel. See Castillo Ledón, Luís. San Luís Potosí. Biblioteca del Instituto Científico. See Flores Verdad, José M. SANCHEZ ALONSO, B. Fuentes de la historia Española e Hispano-americana. Madrid, 1927, 2d ed. SANDOVAL, Fernando B. Bibliografía general de azúcar. México, 1954. "SANTAMARIA, Francisco. El movimiento cultural en Tabasco. (Villahermosa), 1945. Sargent, Charles Sprague. See Catalogue of the Library of the Arnold Arboretum. (Anon. Sect.) SARTON, George. A guide to the history of science. Waltham, Mass., 1952. "SCHERMERHORN, John W. and QUIMBY, Maynard W„ eds. The Lynn index—a bibliography of phytochemistry. Boston, 1957, in progress. Material compiled by Eidin V. Lynn. SCHEUCHZER, Johann Jacob. Bibliotheca scriptorum historiae naturali. Zurich, 1740. Secretaría de la Economía Nacional de México. See Publicaciones oficiales. (Anon. Sect.) SEGUIER, Jean François. Bibliotheca botanica. Hagae Comitum. 1740. Seier, E. See Americana. (Anon. Sect.) Smith, John Donneil. See Atwood, Alice Cary. Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística. Indice del Boletín. See Beltrán, R. See also Catálogo de libros de. (Anon. Sect.) "SOMMERVOGEL, P. C. Table méthodique des Mémoires de Trévoux, 1701-1775. Paris, 1865. Bibliographie in Vol. 3, Histoire naturelle, section botanique. "SOMOLINOS D'ARDOIS, Germán. Bibliografía del Dr. Francisco Hernández—humanista del Siglo XVI. (Rev. Interamer. Bibl. 7 ( 1 ) : 1-76, 1957.) Sonora. Catálogo de la Biblioteca del Gobierno.—See Catálogo de la Biblioteca. (Anon. Sect.) SORENSON, John L. A bibliography for Yucatan medicinal plant studies By William E. Gates. (Tlalocan 3 ( 4 ) : 334-343, 1957?) SPICHER, Effie. Books on Mexico in the circulating division of the Philippine Library and Museum. Manila, 1916. STEIN, Henri. Manuel de bibliographie generale. Paris, 1897. (Bibliotheca bibliographica nova.) "STEVENS, Henry. Catalogue of Mexican and other Spanish American books in the British Museum. London, 1866. "STEVENS-MIDDLETON, Rayfred Lionel. (Bibliography of works by, and about, Alexander von Humboldt.) (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 8 1 ( 2 ) : 225-269, 1956.) SUAREZ, Victor M. Fichas bibliográficas de visitantes a Yucatán. (Bol. Bibl. Sec. Hac. Créd. Públ., Supl. to No. 97, Dec. 16, 1956.)




235. "TEIXIDOR, Felipe. Anuario bibliográfico Mexicano. México, 1931-1933. 236. * . Biblioteca Yucateca. Mérida, 1937. 237. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Bibliothèque Américain. Paris, 1837. "Tezonapa Botanical Station. See Catalogue of the Library. (Anon. Sect.) 238. TORO, Josefina del. Bibliography of collected biography of Spanish America. Rio Piedras, P.R., 1938. University of Puerto Rico, Bull. 9 ( 1 ) . 239. "TREVINO, Antonio D. Catálogo de las obras existentes en la Biblioteca Pública del Estado de Nuevo León. Monterrey, 1904. 240. TRISTAN, José M. Bibliografía Maya-Yucateca. Rochester, 1949. (Typed.) at AzU. Tucker, Ethelyn María. See Catalogue of the Library of the Arnold Arboretum. (Anon. Sect.) 241. "TRUEBNER, Nicolas. Biblioteca Hispano-Americana. London, 1870. 242. UGARTE, Salvador. Notas de bibliografía Mexicana. México, 1943. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. See Boletín del Centro de Documentación. (Anon. Sect.) Also, List of scientific papers. (Anon. Sect.) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bibliografía de las obras editadas.—See Chávez, Tobías. U. S. War Department Library. See Index of publications. (Anon. Sect.) 243. "VALLE, Rafael Heliodoro. Bibliografía Maya. (Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. Vols, 1-5, 1937-1941.) Reprinted, México, 1942. 244 . . Bibliografía Mexicana. Nos. 1-4, Sept./Dec., 1930. 245 . . Bibliografía Mexicana. ( HAHR, 1937, 1938, 1942.) 246 . . Historia de la Bibliografía en México. (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. II, 7 ( 3 ) : July/Sept., 1956.) Van Bemmelen, J. A. See Bohnensieg. 247. VAN DE VELDE, Paul. Breves apuntes sobre la bibliografía Mexicana. (Mem. Soc. Cient. Alzate, 5 1 ( 3 / 4 ) : 89-97, 1929-30. ) 248. VAN PATTEN, Nathan. The medical literature of Mexico and Central America. (Papers Bibl. Soc. America, 24: 150-199, 1930.) 249. VAN SCHAACK, George B. Flower prints of five centuries. St. Louis, 1959, 26 p., 7 pi. (Also in Bull. Missouri Bot. Gard. 4 7 ( 6 ) : 93-120, illus., 1959.) 250. "VEGA, Crisóforo. Folleto bio-bibliográfico del Señor Prof. y Doctor Don Isaac Ochoterena. México, 1945. 251. VELASQUEZ, Primo F. Bibliografía científica Potosina. In Vol. 3 of his Works. México, 1901. (Bibl. Aut. Méx., Vol. 24.) 252. "VERDOORN, Frans, ed. Plants and plant sciences in Latin America. Waltham, 1945. 253. VIGIL, José María. Catálogo especial de las obras Mexicanas ó sobre México. México, 1911. (Refers to material in the Biblioteca Nacional de México.) 254. 'VINAZA, Cipriano Muñoz y Manzano, Conde de. Biblioteca Española de lenguas indígenas de América. Madrid, 1892. 255. VIVO, Jorge. Catálogo de la Biblioteca del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1930-1939. México, 1940. Publ. 47. Continued for 1940-1944, published 1945, as Publ. 79, by Fernando Jordán. 256. "WAGNER, Henry Raup. Bibliography of printed works in Spanish relating to those portions of the United States which formerly belonged to Mexico. Santiago de Chile, 1917. Revised and enlarged as The Spanish Southwest, and published in Berkeley, 1924. Reprinted Albuquerque, 1937. 257 . . Henri Ternaux-Compans; a bibliography. (Rev. Intamer. Bibl. 7 ( 3 ) : 239-254, 1957.) 258 . . Mexican imprints, 1544-1600, in the Huntingdon Library. San Marino, 1939. 259. * . Nueva bibliografía Mexicana del Siglo XVI. México, 1940? Editor's preface is dated 1946. Translated by Joaquin Garcia Pimentel and Federico Gómez de Orozco. Supplement to the bibliographies of Garcia Icazbalceta, Medina, and Nicolás León. 260. WALKER, Egbert H. References to dates of issue and other bibliographic data. (Taxon 1 0 ( 2 ) : 45-49, 1961.) War Department Library, U. S. See Index of publications. (Anon. Sect.)

261. WARDEN, David Baillie. Bibliotheca Americo-septentrionalis. Paris, 1820; later editions of 1831 and 1840 as Bibliotheca americana. 262. WATROUS, Roberta Chapman. Cacao, a bibliography. Washington, 1950. USDA, Library List 53. 263. WATSON, Sereno. Bibliographical index to North American botany. (Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 1-476, 1878.) Part I. Polypetalae; includes the borders of Mexico closely adjacent to the United States. 264. WIKSTROEM, Johann Emanuel. Jahresbericht der K. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Breslau, 1828-1847; 13 vols.; for 1828-1842; Translated by C. T. Beilschmied. 265. WILGUS, A. Curtis. A bibliography of articles relating to Latin America published in the Journal of Geography Vol. 1-40, 1922-1941. (Jour. Geog. 41: 10-15, 1942.) 266. WILLIS, John Christopher. Literature of tropical economic botany and agriculture, n.d. (1908? 1911?) 2 vols. Colombo? (Reprinted from the Tropical Agriculturist.) Vol. 1 covers the period from 1899-1908, the second from 1908-1910. 267. WILSON, Charles Morrow. Books about Middle America. New York, 1945. 268. WINKLER, Charles Herman. The botany of Texas. (Bull. Univ. Texas No. 18, 27 p., 1915.) 269. WINSHIP, George Parker, ed. Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España. Vol. 1-112, 1842-1895. Index 1-103 in 104. 270. WRIGHT, John Kirtland and PLATT, Elizabeth T. Aids to geographical research. New York. (American Geog. Soc. Research Series No. 10, 1923.) 2d ed. 1947. First edition is by Wright alone. Wyckoff, Edith. See Holden, William. Yale University. Spanish and Spanish American manuscriptsSee Patterson, Jerry E. 271. YUNCKER, Truman G. Additions to a bibliography of the genus Cuscuta. (Proc. Ind. Acad. Sei. 36:259-262, 1926.) Follows Revision of the North American and West Indies species of Cuscuta. (Illinois Biol. Monog. 6(2-3), 1920.) ANONYMOUS SECTION 272. AMERICANA. Eine Sammlung von werken ueber Amerika (from the library of E. Seier.) Leipzig, n.d. Annales de Geographie, Bibliographie. See Bibliographie Géographique Internationale. Anuario Bibliográfico Mexicano. See Amo, Julián. 273. ARCHIVO BIBLIOGRAFICO HISPANO-AMERICANO. Madrid, 1909-1935. 274. BIBLIOGRAFIA BOTANICA PARA LA AMERICA LATINA. Bol. Soc. Arg. Bot. 1 ( 1 ) : 75-78, 1945, continued in succeeding numbers to 6 ( 1 ) : 66-71, 1955. 275. "BIBLIOGRAFIA FORESTAL. Published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y de Caza y Pesca, México, 1939; covers Revista Forestal Mexicana, Revista Forestal de la Dirección General de Agricultura, and México Forestal q.v. 276. BIBLIOGRAFIA MEXICANA. México 1 ( 1 ) , July 1 9 3 8 - 3 ( 1 ) Jan./Apr. 1940. 277. "BIBLIOGRAFIA MEXICANA DE ESTADISTICA. Mexico, 1942. Published by the Secretaría de la Economía Nacional —Dirección General de Estadística, México. 278. "BIBLIOGRAFIAS MEXICANAS. México, 1937-1938. Continuation of No. 350. Includes Bibliografía de Veracruz and Bibliografía de Baja California by Joaquín Diáz Mercado; also Bibliografía de Quintana Roo, by Elena Gómez Ugarte and Aurora Pagaza. 279. BIBLIOGRAPHIA FORESTALIS. Berlin, 1941-1942. Under the direction of Joseph Koestler. 280. "BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECK LIST O F NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICAN LINGUISTICS IN THE EDWARD E. AYER COLLECTION. Newberry Library, Chicago, 1941. 281. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS. A tribute to Wilberforce Eames. Cambridge, Mass., 1924. Bibliographic Contributions. Lloyd Library. See Holden, William. 282. "BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX. New York, 1937 to present. Bibliographie Americaniste. See Rivet. Bibliographie Géographique or Bibliographie Géographique Annuelle. See Bibliographie Géographique Internationale. 283. "BIBLIOGRAPHIE GEOGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALE. Vols. 1-23/24 in Annales de Géographie, Bibliographie, 1891-1898, Bibliographie Géographique Annuelle, 1899-1914;




310. CATALOGO D E LA BIBLIOTECA DE GUADALAJARA. Guadalajara, 1873. 311. CATALOGO DE LA BIBLIOTECA DEL GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO D E SONORA. Hermosillo, 1903. Catálogo de la Esposición del Libro Mexicano en la ciudad de Lima—See Aguayo Spencer, Rafael. Catálogo de las tesis doctorales manuscriptos existentes en la Universidad de Madrid. Madrid. 1952. 312. "CATALOGO DE LIBROS DE LA SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE GEOGRAFIA Y ESTADISTICA. (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., III, 6: 267-403, 1882-1887.) 313. "CATALOGO DE LIBROS Y MANUSCRITOS DEL SR. D. JOAQUIN GARCIA ICAZBALCETA. (At the University of Texas; no date.) 314. CATALOG OF A COLLECTION OF BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE MR. PHILIPP BECKER, formerly of Puebla, México. Darmstadt, 1896. 315. CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS O F THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON. Washington, 1948. 316. "CATALOGUE OF SPAIN AND SPANISH AMERICA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, 1928. Published by the University of California. 317. CATALOGUE OF THE BERLANDIER MANUSCRIPTS DEPOSITED IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washton, D.C., New York, 1853. 318. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM. Cambridge, 1914-1933. Compiled under the direction of Charles Sprague Sargent, Oakes Ames and Ethelyn Maria Tucker. 319. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Section on Natural History. London, 1903-1940. 320. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW. Additional Series, III, 1899. Catalogue of the Library of Porter C. Bliss. See Bibliotheca Mexicana. 321. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF SEÑOR EUFEMIO ABADIANO OF MEXICO. New York, 1888. 322. "CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY O F THE TEZONAPA BOTANICAL STATION. México, 1910. 323. CATALOGUE O F THE PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COMPANY (1839-1856) and the Loganian Library, 1937; supplement, Philadelphia, 1867. 324. CATALOGUE O F THE PRINTED BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE LINNAEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. London, 1925. 325. "CATALOGUE OF THE WILLIAM GATES COLLECTION. New York, 1924. Chronological Catalogue of Books. See Bibliotheca Americana. London, 1789. 326. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. London, 1871, 1882. 327. CLASSIFIED INDEX TO THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 1796-1940. Philadelphia, 1940. 328. CURRENT GEOGRAPHICAL PUBLICATIONS. New York, 1938-1955. 329. "DESCRIPTIVE LIST O F RESEARCH PAPERS AND THESES ACCEPTED BY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEXICO CITY COLLEGE, 1947-1954. México, 1954. 330. "DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS ACCEPTED BY AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. New York, 1933 to date. 331. "ECONOMIC LITERATURE OF LATIN AMERICA. Cambridge, Mass. 1935. Exposición del Libro Mexicano en la Ciudad de Lima. See Aguayo Spencer, Rafael. 332. "FORESTRY, CURRENT LITERATURE. For 1910-1919 in American Forestry. Vols. 16-25. For 1922-1927, in Journal of Forestry. Vols. 20-25. For 1927-1940, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. After that, included in Bibliography of Agriculture. Section E. 333. GEOGRAFIA D E MEXICO. Ensayo Bibliográfico. (Bol. Bibl. Sec. Hac. Créd. Públ. Méx. No. 20-No. 24; Dec. 9 Dec. 13, 1954.) 334. GUIA BIBLIOGRAFICO PARA LOS VISITANTES D E L STAND VERACRUZANO EN E L IV FERIA DEL LIBRO Y EXPOSICION DE PERIODISMO. Jalapa, 1946. 335. GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE OF RUBBER. U.S. Dept. of

25-40, 1915-1930 as Bibliographic Géographique; 41-59, 1931-1950 as Bibliographie Géographique Internationale. 284. BIBLIOGRAPHIES ON PURE AND APPLIED BOTANY AND RELATED SUBJECTS (1929-1933). (London, Sci. Mus., Sci. Lib., Bibl. Ser. No. 144, 1934.) 285. 'BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AGRICULTURE. Washington, 1942 to date; continuation of Plant science literature, Section D, Botany, Current Literature. 286. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CACAO. (Trop. Agr. 16: 443-444, 517518, 1897.) Seems to be taken from some unidentified work. 287. *(BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GUILLERMO GANDARA.) Cuernavaca, 1944. 15 mim. p. taken from material presented at a ceremony honoring Gándara, July 28, 1944, and published in October, 1937; name of the publication is not given. Published by the Secretaría de Educación Pública, Dirección Federal de Educación, Primera Zona Urbana de Educación, Escuela Primaria Urbana Federal "Enrique Pestalozzi," Cuernavaca.—Bibliot. M. Martínez. 288. "BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. Published by the International Institute of Agriculture. Roma, 1931-1942. 289. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CANNABIS SATIVA. PART I. Periodical references of the 19th and 20th century. (Bull. Narcot. 3: 59-78, 1951.) 290. "BIBLIOS (later called Biblos). Boletín Semanal; published by the Biblioteca Nacional, México, 1919-1926. Complete series was not seen. 291. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. London, 1789; printed for J. Debrett, L. Sewell Cornhill, R. Baldwin, E. Harlowe and J. Bew. A similar work, called A chronological catalogue of books, Paris, 1831, is attributed to Thomas Rede Leman by Stuart C. Sherman (see Wm. and Mary Quarterly, III., 4 ( 3 ) : 322-349). 292. »BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Catalogue of books relating to North and South America in the Library of John Carter Brown. Providence, 1875-1885; also 1919-1922. 293. BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA. Vols. 1-19, 1891-1911/1912. Published by Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde zu Berlin. 294. BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICO-GEOGRAPHICA. Goettingen, 1853-61. 295. BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICO-NATURALIS E T PHYSICOCHEMICA. Goettingen, 1851-1857; various editors. Bibliotheca Mejicana. See Ramirez. 296. BIBLIOTHECA MEXICANA O F THE LATE PORTER C. BLISS. New York, 1885. 297. BIBLIOTHEQUE AMERICAIN. Paris, 1873. (Collection dun amateur.) Biblos. See Biblios. 298. "BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Philadelphia, 1926 to date. 299. "BOLETIN BIBLIOGRAFICO DE ANTROPOLOGIA AMERICANA. México, 1937 to date. 300. BOLETIN BIBLIOGRAFICO MEXICANO (PORRUA HNOS.). Oct. 1939; prelim, number. Suspended November to December 1939. Vol. 1, Jan. 1940 (subtitle from then to Feb. 1944, Instituto Panamericano de Bibliografía y Documentación ). 301. BOLETIN D E BIBLIOGRAFIA YUCATECA. 1938-1943. Includes Anuario bibliográfico de Yucatán, by Priego de Arjona, q.v. * 302. BOLETIN D E L CENTRO DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA Y TECNICA. México, 1, 1952. 303. BOLETIN D E L INSTITUTO BIBLIOGRAFICO D E MEXICO. México, 1902-1908. 304. BOLLETINO BIBLIOGRAFICO DELLA BOTANICA ITALIANA. Firenze, 1904-1916, 3 vols. Published by Societa Botanica Italiana. 305. "BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS-BALTIMORE, 1918-1922. (Continued in Biological Abstracts.) 306. "BOTANISCHER JAHRESBERICHT. 1, 1873-53(2), 1925. 307. "BOTANY, CURRENT LITERATURE.—WASHINGTON. Vol. 1-16, 1919-1934; continued in Bibliography of Agriculture, q.v. 308. CATALOGO ACTUAL DE LA BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA D E L ESTADO ( D E OAXACA). In Boletín Bibliográfico de la Biblioteca Pública del Estado, published in la Voz de Oaxaca (Later La Provincia) from June 22, 1949 to December 18, 1949. Unfinished. 309. CATALOGO DE LA BIBLIOTECA AGREDA, n.d., n.p. 31


336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343.

344. 345. 346.




Comm., Nat'l. Bur. Stand., Lett. Circ. ( L C ) 626. Washington, 1941. HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. Vol. 1, 1918 to date. Contains many bibliographies. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS, ARTICLES AND MAPS RELATING TO MEXICO, in the War Department Library. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE. 1, 1894. (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club; under the direction of various club bibliographers.) "INTER AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW (published by the Inter American Bibliographical and Library Association.) Washington, Vols. 1-3, 1941-1944. KATALOG DER BIBLIOTHEK DES EHEMALIGEN DEUTSCHES KULTURINSTITUTES. Madrid, 1946. (Incomplete; only to Q.) LETRAS. Bibliografía Mexicana. México, 1936-1939, 2 vols. "LIBRO Y E L PUEBLO. Vols. 1-14 ( 5 ) . Mar. 1922-Nov./ Dec. 1941; suspended Dec. 1935-1941. LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS PUBLISHED IN LATIN AMERICA. 1, 1948. Published by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. Field Science Cooperation Office for Latin America. List of the writings of Dr. Asa Gray. See Goodale, George Lincoln and Watson, Sereno. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO MEXICO IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. (Bull. N. Y. Publ. Lib. No. 13, Nos. 10-12, 1909.) LISTS O F LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION IN THE COLUMBUS MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Washington, 1907. Published by the Pan American Union. LOWER CALIFORNIA: A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST. Washington, 1931. 12 typed Ivs; Supplement, 1938, 9 typed lvs; published by LC, Div. Bibl. México Forestal. See Bibliografía Forestal. "MONOGRAFIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS MEXICANAS. Published by Sría. Reí. Ext. México 1925-1935. 31 vols., Superseded by Bibliografías Mexicanas, q.v. It includes No. 6, J. G. Heredia. Bibliografía histórica y geográfica de Sinaloa. 1926; No. 10, Vito Alessio Robles. Bibliografía histórica y geográfica de Coahuila. 1927; No. 16, Bibliografía general de Tabasco. 1930. (Vol. 2, México, 1945. Vol. 3, 1946. 2d


348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354.

355. 356.

357. 358.


ed. Vol. 1, 1949.) No. 18, Juan Bautista Iguíniz. Bibliografía biográfica Mexicana. 1930; No. 25, Romero Flores, Jesús. Apuntes para una bibliografía geográfica e histórica de Michoacán. 1932; No. 26, Chávez Orozco, Luís. Bibliografía de Zacatecas, 1932; See also Estrada for 2d Ser., No. 6. MORE BOOKS ABOUT MIDDLE AMERICA. Published by Middle America Information Bureau, New York, 1948. Naturaleza. Index. See Beltrán, Enrique. PEQUEÑA BIBLIOGRAFIA DE LA BAJA CALIFORNIA. (Maes. Rur. 9 ( 5 ) : 35-36 Oct. 1936). 'PLANT SCIENCE LITERATURE, Vols. 1-15 ( 2 5 / 2 6 ) . 19351942. After that, in Bibliography of Agriculture. Section D. Washington, D.C. POLYBIBLION—Revue bibliographique universale. Paris, 1875-1939. PRIMERA EXPOSICION DE BIBLIOGRAFIA MEDICA POTOSINA. San Luís Potosí, 1950. PRIMERA EXPOSICION DE BIBLIOGRAFIA POTOSINA. San Luís Potosí, 1949. PUBLICACIONES OFICIALES D E LA SECRETARIA DE LA ECONOMIA NACIONAL DE MEXICO, 1933-42. Biblioteca de la Feria del Libro y Exposición Nacional del Periodismo, 1943. Revista Forestal de la Dirección General de Agricultura. See "Bibliografía forestal. Revista Forestal Mexicana. Index. See "Bibliografía forestal. "REVISTA INTERAMERICANA D E BIBLIOGRAFIA. Washington. 1, 1951 Revista Mexicana de Biología. Index. See Beltrán, Enrique. TESIS NACIONALES DE MEDICINA ENCUADERNADAS POR ANOS (1869-1924) EN VOLUMENES (in the Biblioteca Nacional de México.) (Libro y el Pueblo 4 ( 4 - 6 ) : 27-86 (88?), 1925.) THESES ON PAN AMERICAN TOPICS. Bibliographic Series, No. 5, Washington, 1941. Published by the Pan American Union. "TOBACCO—Its history illustrated by the books, manuscripts and engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. New York, 1937-1952, 5 vols. Introductory essay and notes by Jerome E. Brooks. YAM REFERENCES COVERING THE PERIOD 1930-1948. London. Sci. Mus., Sci. Lib. Bibl. Ser. No. 680. 3 p.

JOURNAL TITLES CITED IN THIS WORK OR EXAMINED IN ITS PREPARATION NOTE: Following the practice in New Serial Titles, accents have been omitted. Double-slash following date indicates publication is discontinued. A Travers le Monde. See Tour du Monde. ASB Bull. ASB Bulletin. Association of Southeastern Biologists. 1, 1954. Aarsb. Frams. Bot. Sv. Vet. Akad. Aarsberraetelse om Framstegen uit Botanik. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. 1827-1828// Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. (Also as Deutsche (Preussische) Akademie.) 1894-1907// Abh. Akad. Wiss. Goettingen. Abhandlungen. Akademie (also as Gesellschaft) der Wissenschaften. Goettingen. 1, 1838 — 40, 1895// Abh. Akad. Wiss. Litt. Mainz. Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Litteratur. Mainz. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 1, 1950. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Munich (Muenchen). Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Muenchen. (Also as Bayerische Akademie.) 1-10, 1763-1776// Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. See above. Abh. Ber. Ver. Naturk. Kassel. Abhandlungen und Bericht. Verein fuer Naturkunde. Kassel. 1, 1837. Abh. Boehm. Ges. Wiss. See below. Abh. Ceska Spol. Nauk. Abhandlungen. Ceska Spolecnost Nauk. Prague, 1, 1775; to Ser. VI, vol. 12, 1885// (Formerly as Boehmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften.) Abh. Deut. Akad. Natur}. Abhandlungen. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. 1, 1895. Also as Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutsche Akademie. Abh. Deut. Akad. Wiss. See Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Abh. Geog. Ges. Vienna (Wien). Abhandlungen. Geographische Gesellschaft. Wien. 1, 1 8 9 9 - 1 2 , 1922// Abh. Ges. Wiss. Goettingen. See Abh. Akad. Wiss. Goettingen. Abh. Leop. Car. Deut. Akad. Naturf. See Abh. Deut. Akad. Naturf. Abh. Math. Phys. Abt. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen. Abhandlungen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Abteilung (earlier as Klasse). Akademie der Wissenschaften. Muenchen. 1, 1829. Abh. Nat. Haus. Mech. Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst, und Mechanik. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. 1-41, 1731-1779// Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle. Abhandlungen. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Halle. 1-25, 1853-1906; 1-7, 1912-1919// Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen. Abhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Bremen. 1, 1868. Abh. Naturw. Ver. Hamburg. Abhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Hamburg. 1, 1846 - 23, 1931// Abh. Phys. Math. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Abhandlungen. Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1, 1908. Abh. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. Abhandlungen. Schlesische Gesellschaft fuer Vaterlaendische Kultur. Abtheilung fuer Naturwissenschaften und Medicin. 1861-1874// Abh. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. See Abh. Nat. Haus. Mech. Abh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. Abhandlungen. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. Wien. 1, 1902. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. Ephem. Academia Caesarea-Leopoldina Naturae Curiosorum Ephemerides, sive Observationum MedicoPhysicarum. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle. 1-10, 1712-1722// Acta Acad. St. Petersbourg. See below. Acta Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. Acta Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Leningrad. 1-6, 1778-1786// Acta Amer. Acta Americana. Sociedad Interamericana de Antropologia y Geografia. Mexico. 1-6(3-4), 1943-1948// Acta Anthrop. Acta Anthropologica. Escuela Nacional de Anthropologin. Sociedad de Alumnos. Mexico. 1-3, 1945-1948// Acta Bot. Neerl. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. Amsterdam. 1, 1952. Acta Cient. Potos. Acta Cientifica Potosina. San Luis Potosi. Mexico. 1, 1957. Ada Helv. Phys. Math. Anat. Bot. Med. Acta Helvetica PhysicoMathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica. Basel. 1-8, 17511777// Acta Horti Berg. Acta Horti Bergiani. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Traedgard. Bergielund. Stockholm. 1, 1891. 33

Acta Horti Bot. Univ. Imp. Jurj. Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis Imperialis Jurjevensis. Tartu. 1, 1 9 0 0 - 1 5 , 1914// Acta Horti Goth. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. (Meddelanden. Botaniska Traedgard.) Goeteborg (Gothenburg). 1, 1924. Acta Horti Petrop. Acta Horti Petropolitani. (Trudy Glavnyi Botanicheskii Sad.) Leningrad. 1, 1 8 7 1 - 4 4 , 1931// Acta Med. Hidalg. Acta Medica Hidalguense. Sindicato Medico Hidalguense. Pachuca. 1, 1947. Acta Pharm. Sin. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. Peking. 1, 1953. Acta Phys. Med. Acad. Caes. Nat. Cur. Acta Physico-Medica. Academia Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum. (Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle.) 1-10, 1725( 1727)-1754// (Also as Auszuge Medicinisch Chirurgischer Beobachtungen.) Acta Phytotherapeutica. Acta Phytotherapeutica. Amsterdam. 1, 1954. Acta Soc. Reg. Sci. Indo-Neerl. Acta. Societas Regia Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. (Verhandelingen. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie.) Batavia. 1, 1856-1860// Acta Soc. Reg. Sci. Upsal. Acta. Societas Regia Scientiarum Upsaliensis. (K. Vetenskaps Societeten.) Upsala. 1-5, 1740-1750// Acta Univ. Asiae Med. Acta. Universitas Asiae Mediae. Tashkent. Universitet. Trudy. Ser. VIII, B. Botanika. 1, 1928. Acta. Vet. Soc. Upsala. See Acta Soc. Reg. Sci. Upsal. Actas. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Cordoba. Actas. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Cordoba. 1-10, 1875-1938// Actas Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. See An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris. Actes. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 1, 1792// Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. Actes. Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. 1, 1826. Adansonia. (Also as Recueil (Periodique) d'Observations Botaniques.) Paris. 1-12, 1860-1879// Add. Ser. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew R. Bot. Gard. Additional Series. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. 1, 1898. Adv. Genet. Advances in Genetics. New York. 1, 1947. Adv. Sci. Ann. Nat. Hist. Advocate of Science and Annals of Natural History. Philadelphia. 1 ( 1 - 9 ) , 1834-1835// Adv. Sheets U.S. Cons. Rep. Advance Sheets U.S. Consular Reports Washington. 1898-1903// Agr. Amer. Agriculture in the Americas. U.S.D.A. Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. Washington. 1, 1941. Merged with Foreign Agriculture. 1947. Agr. Bull. Agricultural Bulletin. Malay Peninsula or Straits and Federated Malay States. See Gardens' Bulletin. Agr. Colon. Agricoltura Coloniale. Instituto Agricolo Coloniale Italiano. Firenze. 1, 1907. Agr. For. Ser. Agriculture and Forestry Series. Pan American Union. 1-2, 1930-1933// Agr. Gan. Agricultura y Ganaderia. Mexico, 1, 1925-1948//? Earlier as Revista de Veterinaria y Ganaderia; then as Revista de Medicina Veterinaria y Ganaderia. Agr. Gaz. New S. Wales. Agricultural Gazette. New South Wales. 1, 1890. Agr. Handb. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Agr. Handb. Agr. Hisp. Amer. Agricultor Hispano-Americano. San Jose, Costa Rica. 1 - 2 ( 1 4 ) , 1891-1892// Agr. Hist. Agricultural History. Agricultural History Society. Chicago; Baltimore. 1, 1927. Supersedes the Society's Papers. Washington. 1-3, 1918-1920// Agr. Hist. Soc. Papers. Agricultural History Society. Papers. See above. Agr. Jour. Cape Good Hope. Agricultural Journal of the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town. 1-37, 1888-1910// Agr. Lag. Agricultor Lagunero. Pequena Propiedad Agricola de la Comarca Lagunera. Torreon. 1-4(1-46), 1946-1951// Agr. Ledg. Agricultural Ledger. Calcutta. 1, 1 8 9 2 - 1 7 , 1912// Agr. Mex. Agricultor Mexicano. Cd. Juarez. 1-65(3), 1896-1949// Known for a period as Revistas Unidas; included EI Hogar, Chihuahua. Agr. Mod. Agricultor Moderno. Mexico. 1 - 4 ( 3 ) , 1902-1906// Agr. News. Agricultural News. Bridgetown, Barbados. 1, 1 9 0 2 - 2 1 , 1922// Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. Agriculture Pratique des Pays Chauds. Paris. 1-14, 1901-1914; 1-24, 1930-1932// 1914-1930 in Agronomie Coloniale. Agr. Ser. Pan Amer. Un. Agricultural Series. Pan American Union. Agriculture and Conservation Division. 1, 1950.




Agr. Teen. Méx. Agricultura Técnica en Mexico. Dirección General de Agricultura. Mexico. 1, 1955. Agr. Trop. Agricultura Tropical. Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros Agronomos. Bogota. 1, 1945. Agra Univ. Jour. Res. Sei. Agra University. Journal of Research Science. 1, 1952. Agrícola. Mexico. 1 - 3 ( 3 ) , 1938-1940// 1-2(14) as Boletín Platanero y Agrícola. Agricultor. Camara Agrícola de Yucatan. Merida. 1-18, 1907-1923//? No complete set either in the U.S. or Mexico. Agricultor. Confederación de Camaras Agrícolas y Ganaderas de los EEUU Mexicanos. 1(1-22), 1931-1932//? No complete set either in the U.S. or Mexico. Agricultura. Departamento Autonomo de Prensa y Publicidad. (DAPP) Mexico. 1-2(1-15), 1937-1939// Agricultura. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Mexico. 1 ( 1 - 5 ) , 1934//? Agricultura. Tuxtla Gutierrez. Nos. 1-8, 1892-1893// Not in the U.S. Copies seen belonged to the late Prof. Fernando Castanon Gamboa (Chiapas). Agron. Colon. Agronomie Coloniale. Paris. 1913-1939// Agron. Jour. Agronomy Journal. Washington. 1, 1907. Started as Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. Changed in 1948. Agron. Trop. Agronomie Tropicale. Ministere des Colonies. Nogentsur-Marne. 1, 1946. Supersedes Agronomie Coloniale. Agron. Trop. Agronomie Tropicale. Societe d'Etudes d'Agriculture Tropicale. Bruxelles. 1 - 6 ( 6 ) , 1909-1914// Agronomía. Centro Nacional de Ingenieros Agronomos. Buenos Aires. 1, 1908. Agronomía. Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. 1, 1948. Agronomía. La Molina, Peru. 1, 1936. Agronómica. Sociedad Agronómica Mexicana. 1 ( 1 - 4 ) , 1931-1932// Agros.. Escuela Nacional de Agricultura. Mexico. 1 ( 1 ) , 1923. Not in the U.S. (In Bibliot. M. R. Gomez, Mexico.) Agros.. Escuela Regional (now Superior) de Agricultura "Antonio Narro". 1, 1 9 2 4 - 2 ( 1 6 ) , 1925//? Not in the U.S. (At the Soc. For. Mexico.) Ah-Kin-Pech. Club Ah-Kin-Pech. Campeche. 1 ( 1 ) , 1 9 3 6 - 5 , 1941//? Alas. San Luis Potosi. 1, 1929(?) - 1 0 ( 2 2 4 ) , 1937//? Not in the U.S. An incomplete series is at SH Mex. Alb. Mex. Album Mexicano. Mexico, 1-2, 1849// Alborada. Sociedad Científica y Literaria de Campeche. 1, 18741875// Not in the U.S. An incomplete set is at the Bibliot. F. Guerra, Mexico. Aliso. Anaheim, California. 1, 1948. Allg. Bot. Zeítsch. Syst. Flor. Pfl. Geog. Allgemeine Botanische Zeitschrift fuer Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzegeographie. Karlsruhe. 1-33, 1895-1929// Allg. Deut. Gart. Zeitg. Allgemeine Deutsche Garten Zeitung. Praktische Gartenbau Gesellschaft. Frauendorf, Regensburg. 1-21, 1823-1843// Superseded by Vereinigte Frauendorfer Blaetter. 1846-1886. No complete set in the U.S. Aüg. Forst. Holz. Forst. Zeitg. Allgemeine Forst-und Holzwirtschaftliche Forst-Zeitung. See below. See also Wien. Allg. Forst. Holzw. Forst. Zeitg. Allg. Forst. Zeitg. Allgemeine Forstzeitung. Wien. 1, 1883. Started as the above. See also Wien. Allg. Forst. Holzw. Forst. Zeitg. Allg. Gart. Zeitg. See Berliner Allgemeine Garten Zeitung. Allg. Oesterr. Zeitsch. Landw. Forst. Gaert. Allgemeine Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer den Landwirth, Forstmann, und Gaertner. Wien. 1-7, 1829-1835// Alm. Pitt. Almacén Pittoresque. Not in the U.S. Alman. See. Agr. Fom Méx. Almanaque de la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Mexico. 1931, 1932//? Alp. Gard. Soc. Bull. See Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. Alumni Jour. Coli. Pharm. Columbia Univ. See CUCP Alumni Jour. Amb. Mund. Ambos Mundos. 1-4, 1918-1920// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Amer. Agr. American Agriculturist. New York. 1, 1842. Amer. Agr. Serv. Div. Agr. Conserv. American Agricultural Service. Division of Agriculture and Conservation. See Pan American Union. Amer. Anthrop. American Anthropologist. 1-11, 1888-1898; n. ser. 1, 1899. Amer. Antiq. American Antiquity. Society for American Archaeology. Menasha, Wis. 1, 1935. Amer. Bot. American Botanist. Binghamton, New York. 1, 1901 - 54, 1948//?

Amer. Bot. American Botanist. San Diego, California. 1-2, 1898-1900// Amer. Breed. Mag. See Jour. Hered. Amer. Drugg. American Druggist. New York. 1, 1871. Started as New Remedies. Amer. Esp. America Española. Mexico. 1, 1 9 2 1 - 2 ( 2 7 ) , 1922//? Amer. Fern Jour. American Fern Journal. American Fern Society. Port Richmond, New York. 1, 1910. Amer. For. American Forests. 1, 1895. Started as N. J. Forester. Many name changes; e.g. Amer. For. For. Life. Amer. Gard. American Gardening. New York. 1, 1872 - Ser. III, 25, 1904// Started as Flower Garden; then as American Garden. Amer. Indig. America Indígena. Instituto Indigenista Interamericano. Mexico. 1, 1941. Amer. Jour. Bot. American Journal of Botany. Botanical Society of America. Brooklyn, New York. 1, 1914. Amer. Jour. Hort. Flor. Comp. American Journal of Horticulture and Florist's Companion. See Tilton's Journal of Horticulture. Amer. Jour. Med. Sei. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. 1-26, 1827-1840; n. ser. 1, 1841. Amer. Jour. Pharm. American Journal of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. 1, 1829. Amer. Jour. Sei. Arts. American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, Connecticut. ( Dropped Arts from name after 1880. Known also as Silliman's Journal of Science.) 1, 1818. Amer. Jour. Trop. Dis. Prev. Med. American Journal of Tropical Diseases and Preventive Medicine. American Society of Tropical Medicine. New Orleans. 1-3, 1913-1916// Amer. Lumb. American Lumberman. Chicago. 1, 1899. Amer. Midi. Nat. American Midland Naturalist. Notre Dame, Indiana. 1, 1909/1913. Amer. Month. Mag. American Monthly Magazine. New York. 1-12, 1833-1838// Amer. Month. Mag. Crit. Rev. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review. New York. 1-4, 1817-1819// Amer. Mus. Jour. American Museum Journal. See Natural History. Amer. Nat. American Naturalist. Boston, New York. 1, 1867. Amer. Pot. Jour. American Potato Journal. Potato Association of America. Chicago. 1, 1918. Started as Potato Magazine; changed to Potato News Bulletin, 1923, and to American Potato Journal in 1926. Amer. Rev. Rev. American Review of Reviews. See Review of Reviews. Amer. Rev. Trop. Agr. American Review of Tropical Agriculture. See Revista de Agricultura Tropical. Americas. Academy of American Franciscan History. Washington. 1, 1944. Americas. Organization of American States. Washington. 1, 1949. Ami. Agr. Amigo del Agricultor. Liga de Uniones de Productores de Roatan. Villahermosa, Tabasco. 1(1-3), 1925//? Ami. Camp. Amigo del Campesino. Consejo Local del Fomento Agrícola. Merida. 1, 1936. Not in the U.S. (At Sec. Agr. Mex. formerly at San Jacinto.) Ami. Camp. Amigo del Campo. Mexico. 1(1-10), 1919-1920//? Ami. Pueblo. Amigo del Pueblo. Mexico. 1-5, 1827-1829// Not in the U.S. (HN Mex.) Ami. Pueblo. Amigo del Pueblo. Puebla. 1(1-4), 1871// Ami. Rel. Agr. etc. Amigo de la Religion, Agricultura, Política, Comercio, Ciencias y Artes. Puebla. 1-2, 1839-1840.// An. Acad. Biol. Chile. Anales. Academia de Biología. Santiago de Chile. 1-2, 1935-1936// An. Acad. Cieñe. Med. Fis. Nat. Habana. Anales. Academia de Ciencias Medicas Físicas y Naturales de la Habana. 1, 1864. (Also as Revista Científica.) An. Acad. Mex. Cieñe. Ex. Fis. Nat. Anales. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Mexico. 1-2(1/2), 1903-1909// An. Asoe. Cient. Mex. "Leopoldo Rio de la Loza." Anales. Asociación Científica Mexicana "Leopoldo Rio de la Loza." 1(1-6), 1905//? Not in the U.S. (At Bibliot. R. Beltran.) An. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cieñe. Anales. Asociación Española por el Progreso de las Ciencias. See Las Ciencias. An. Asoc. Med. Quir. "Larrey." Anales. Asociación Medico-Quirurgica "Larrey." Mexico. 1-2, 1875-1876// An. Cieñe. Nat. Anales de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid. 1, 1 7 9 9 - 7 ( 2 1 ) , 1804// 1 and 2 as Anales de Historia Natural. An. Cient. Parag. Anales Científicos Paraguayos. Instituto Paraguayo. Asuncion. 1, 1901 - Ser. III, 2, 1922//? An. Esc. Nae. Cieñe. Biol. Anales. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas. Mexico. 1, 1938.

JOURNAL An. Fac. Med. Univ. Recife. Anais. Facultade de Medicina. Universidade. Recife. ( Pernambuco ). 1, 1934. An. Hist. Nat. Anales de Historia Natural. See An. Cienc. Nat. An. Hosp. Gen. Oaxaca. Anales. Hospital General. Oaxaca. 1, 1938/ 1939//? An. Inst. Biol. Mexico. Anales. Instituto de Biología. Mexico. 1, 1930. An. Inst. Bot. Madrid. See An. Jard. Bot. Madrid. An. Inst. Etnog. Amer. Anales. Instituto de Etnografía Americana. Mendoza. Universidad Nacional Cuyo. 1, 1940. An. Inst. Invest. Cient Monterrey. Anales. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas. Monterrey. 1 ( 1 - 2 ) , 1944-1945// An. Inst. Med. Nac. Mexico. Anales del Instituto Medico Nacional. Mexico. 1, 1 8 9 4 - 1 2 , 1915// Supersedes Estudio; superseded by Boletín de la Dirección de Estudios Biologicos. An. Inst. Mod. Clin. Med. Anales. Instituto Modelo de Clínica Medica. Buenos Aires. 1, 1914. An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Mexico. Anales. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Mexico. 1, 1939. An. Inst. Sup. Agron. Univ. Tecn. Lisboa. Anais Instituto Superior de Agronomía. Universidade Técnica. Lisboa. 1, 1920. An. Jard. Bot. Madrid. Anales. Jardín Botánico. Madrid. (Instituto Botánico A. J. Cavanilles.) 1940. An. Mex. Cienc. Lit. Min. Agr. etc. Anales Mexicanos de Ciencia, Literatura, Mineria, Agricultura, Artes, Industria y Comercio en la República Mexicana. Mexico. 1 ( 1 - 4 ) , 1860// An. Min. Fom. Colon. Indust. Mexico. Anales. Ministerio de Fomento, Colonizacion e Industria. Mexico. 1, 1854; 1877-1898// An. Min. Fom. Rep. Mex. Anales. Ministerio de Fomento de la República Mexicana. See above. An. Mus. Arg. Cienc. Nat. "Bernardino Rivadavia." Anales. Museo Argentino (Nacional) de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia." Buenos Aires. 1, 1864. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural. Montevideo. 1, 1894. An. Mus. Mich. Anales. Museo Michoacano. Morelia. 1 - 4 ( 2 ) , 18881891; Ser. II, 1-5, 1939-1952//? An. Mus. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Etnol. Mexico. See An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Mexico. An Mus. Nac Arqueol. Hist. Etnol. Mexico. See An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Mexico. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. "Bernardino Rivadavia." See An. Mus. Arg. Cienc. Nat. etc. An. Mus. Nac. Méx. Anales. Museo Nacional. Mexico. 1, 1877 - Ser. V, 3, 1945// An. Oftalmol. Anales de Oftalmología. Mexico. 1-19, 1898-1917// An. Soc. Cient. Arg. Anales. Sociedad Científica Argentina. Buenos Aires. 1, 1876. An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Anales. Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Madrid. 1-30, 1872-1901// Divided into Memorias and Actas. An. Soc. Geog. Hist. Guatemala. Anales. Sociedad de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala. 1, 1924. An. Soc. Humboldt. Anales. Sociedad Humboldt. Mexico. 1 - 2 ( 2 5 ) , 1870-1875// An. Soc. Med. Farm. Guadalajara. Anales. Sociedad Medico-Farmaceutica. Guadalajara 1, 1884. Not in the U.S. An. Soc. Rur. Arg. Anales. Sociedad Rural Argentina. Buenos Aires. 1, 1866.

Ang. Bot. Angewandte Botanik. 1-16, 1903-1911; n. ser. 1, 1919. Succeeds Jahresbericht (Bericht) der Vereinigung fuer Angewandte Botanik. Ang. Geog. Angewandte Geographie. Institut fuer Auslandskunde und Auslandsdeutschtum. Frankfurt am Main. 1-50, 1902-1921// Ann. ACFAS. See Ann. Assoc. Cañad. Franc. Avanc. Sei. Ann. Acad. Sei. Colon. Annales. Academie des Sciences Coloniales. Paris. 1, 1925. Ann. Acad. Sei. New York. See Ann. New York Acad. Sei. Ann. Accad. Agr. Torino. Annali. Accademia d'Agricultura. Torino (Turin). 1, 1840. Started as Societa Agraria. Ann. Agr. Colon. Reg. Trop. Annales de l'Agriculture des Colonies et des Regions Tropicales. 1-5, 1860-1862// Ann. Allergy. Annals of Allergy. St. Louis. 1, 1943. Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geog. Annals. Association of American Geographers. 1, 1911. Ann. Assoc. Canad. Franc. Avanc. Sei. Annales. Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Montreal. 1, 1935. Ann. Bot. See also Neue Ann. Bot.



Ann. Bot. Annali di Botanica. Istituto Botanico. Roma. 1, 1904 (1903). Ann. Bot. Annals of Botany. London. 1-2, 1804-1806// Ann. Bot. Annals of Botany. London. 1, 1887; n. ser. 1, 1937. Ann. Chim. Annales de Chimie. Paris. 1, 1789. Started as the chemical part of Annales de Chimie et de Physique; then as a separate, Ser. IX, 1, 1914. Ann. Erd-Voelk. Staatenk. Annalen der Erd-Voelker und Staatenkunde. Stuttgart, Berlin. 1, 1825 - Ser. I V ( l - 4 ) , 1843// Ann. Flore Pom. Annales de Flore et de Pomone. Paris. 1, 1832Ser. III, 1-2, 1848// Ann. Gaertn. Annalen der Gaertnerey. Erfurt. 1-12, 1795-1800// Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. Annales Generales des Sciences Physiques. Bruxelles. 1-8, 1819-1821// Ann. Geog. Annales de Geographie. Paris. 1, 1891 Ann. Geog. Annee Géographique. 1-17, 1862-1878// Ann. Hofnat. Cab. Wien. See Ann. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien. Ann. d'Hort. Bot. Annales d'Horticulture et de Botanique. (This is a much shortened title. ) 1-5, 1858-1862// Ann. Inst. Bot. Geol. Marseilles. See Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseilles. Ann. Inst. Colon. Marseilles. See Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseilles. Ann. 1st. Sup. Agr. Portici. See Ann. Scuola Sup. Agr. Portici. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. Annales. Jardin Botanique ('s Lands Plantentuin ). Buitenzorg. 1, 1876. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York. See Ann. New York Acad. Sei. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 1, 1838. Started as Annals of Natural History or Magazine of Zoology, Botany and Geology. Formed by the union of Companion to the Botanical Magazine and Magazine of Zoology and Botany (1-2, 1837-1838) and in 1840 joined by the Magazine of Natural History, q.v. Ann. Med. Hist. Annals of Medical History. New York 1, to Ser. Ill, 4, 1917-1942// Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. Annals. Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis. 1, 1914. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. Annales. Museum Botanicum LugdunoBatavum. Leyden. 1, 1 8 6 3 - 4 , 1869// Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseilles. Annales. Musee Colonial. Marseilles. 1, 1893. Started as Institut Botanico-Geologique, then as Institut Colonial. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Annales. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1-21, 1802-1813// Ann. Nat. Hist. See Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ann. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien. Annalen. Naturhistorisches Museum (Hofmuseum; also as Hofnaturalien Cabinet). Wien. 1, 1886. Earlier as Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. Annals. New York Academy of Sciences. 1, 1823. Started as New York Lyceum of Natural History; changed in 1877. Ann. New York Lyc. Nat. Hist. See above. Ann. Rep. Amer. Hist. Assoc. Annual Report. American Historical Association. New York; Washington. 1, 1884. Ann. Rep. (Bd. Reg.) Smithson. Inst. Annual Report. Board of Regents. Smithsonian Institution. Washington. 1, 1847. Ann. Rep. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh. Annual Report. Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 1-8, 1836-1844// Contains the Proceedings. Ann. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Annual Report. British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1, 1831 - 1 0 8 , 1938// Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Annual Report. Bureau of American Ethnology. U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington. 1, 1880. Ann. Rep. Calif. Avoc. Assoc. (Soc.) See Yearbk. of the Association. Ann. Rep. Counc. Liverpool Geog. Soc. See Trans, of the Society. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. New York. Annual Report. Department of Agriculture. New York State. 1, 1893(?) Ann. Rep. Int. Amer. Inst. Agr. Sci. Annual Report. Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Turrialba. 1, 1942. Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. Annual Report. Missouri Botanical Garden. 1, 1 8 8 9 - 2 3 , 1912// Ann. Rep. Scot. PI. Breed. Stat. Annual Report. Scottish Plant Breeding Station. Scottish Society for Research in Plant Breeding. Edinburgh. 1, 1922. Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Annual Report. Smithsonian Institution. See Ann. Rep. Bd. Reg. Smithson. Inst. Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. Annals. Royal Botanic Garden. Calcutta. 1, 1887. Ann. Sci. Agron. Fr. Etr. Annales de la Science Agronomique Française et Etrangère. Paris. 1, 1884 - 47, 1930//



Ann. Sci. Besancon. Annales Scientifiques. Besancon. Université. 1, 1946. Starting in vol. 4, by sections, including Botanique. Ann. Sci. Nat. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Paris. 1-30, 18241833// Divided into series, including Botanique, 1, 1834, with new series numbering every 20 years. Ann. Sci. Phys. Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles d'Agriculture et d'Industrie. Société d'Agriculture Sciences et Industrie. Lyon. 1, 1838 to Ser. Vili, 1-2, 1921// Changed in 1868 to Annales de la Société. Ann. Scuola Sup. Agr. Portici. Annali. R. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Napoli. Università. (Also as Facolta di Agraria, and R. Istituto Superiore Agrario.) 1, 1878. 1-7 as Annuario. Ann. Soc. Agr. Sci. . . . d'Orleans. See Memoires of the Société. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France. Annales. Société Entomologique de France. Paris. 1, 1832. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyons. Annales. Société Linneenne. Lyons. 1, 1826. Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine Loire. Annales. Société Linneenne de Maine et Loire. 1, 1853 - 1 7 , 1879// Ann. Soc. (R.) Agr. Bot. Gand. Annales. Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique. Gand. 1-5, 1845-1849// Ann. Soc. (R.) Nati. Hort. Paris. Annales. Société (Royale) Nationale d'Horticulture. Paris. 1-24, 1827-1854// Continued as Journal, then as Bulletin Mensuel. Ann. Sper. Agr. Annali della Sperimentazione Agraria. Ministero dell' Agricoltura. Roma. 1, 1930. Ann. Univ. Grenoble. Annales. Universite de Grenoble. 1-34, 18891923// Ann. Wiener Mus. Naturg. See Ann. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien. Annu. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve. Annuaire. Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique. Geneve. 1-21, 1897-1922// Superseded by Candollea. Annu. Ist. Bot. Roma. Annuario. Istituto Botanico. Roma. 1-10, 1884-1903// Continued in Annali di Botanica. Annu. Scuola Sup. Agr. See Ann. Scuola Sup. Agr. Portici. Ano Nuevo. Mexico. 1(1-14), 1865//? Not in the U.S. (at BN Méx.) Anthropologie. Paris. 1, 1890. Antorcha. Mexico. 1, 1924 - 2 ( 3 ) , 1925//? Antrop. Etnol. Antropologia y Etnologia. Madrid. 1, 1949. Anu. Acad. Méx. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. Anuario. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Mexico. 1-5, 18951899// Anu. Col. Nac. Min. Mexico. Anuario. Colegio Nacional de la Mineria. Mexico. 1848. Anu. Com. Imp. Coord. Invest. Cient. Mexico. Anuario. Comision Impulsora y Coordinadora de Investigación Científica. Mexico. 1945. Anu. Est. Amer. Anuario de Estudios Americanos. Sevilla. Universidad. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos de Sevilla. Issued in conjunction with Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 1, 1944. Anu. Soc. Folkl. Mexico. Anuario. Sociedad Folklórica de Mexico. 1, 1938/40. Anzeig. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Anzeiger. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien. (Now Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.) Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 1, 1864. Appalachia. Appalachian Mountain Club. Boston. 1, 1876. Appletons Jour. Appleton's Journal. New York. 1, 1869 to n. ser. 11, 1881// Arb. Bot. Inst. Staatl. Akad. Braunsberg. Arbeiten. Botanisches Institut. Staatliche Akademie. Braunsberg. (Formerly K. Lyceum Hosianum or Lyceum R. Hosianeum.) 1-8, 1901-1926// Arb. (K.) Bot. Gart. Breslau. Arbeiten. (K.) Botanischer Garten. Breslau. 1, 1892// Arb. Kais. Gesundsh. Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundsheitamte. Berlin. 1, 1886-17, 1900// Arboriculture. International Society of Arboriculture. Chicago. 1-8(4), 1902-1909// Arch. Antrop. Etnol. Archivio per l'Antropologia et l'Etnologia. Società Italiana di Antropologia, Etnologia e Psicologia Comparata. Firenze. 1, 1871. Arch. Biog. Contemp. Archives Biographiques Contemporaines. Paris. Ser. 1-6, 1906-1913// Arch. Bot. Leipzig. Archiv fuer die Botanik. Leipzig. 1-3, 1796-1806// Arch. Bot. Nord France. Archives Botaniques du Nord de la France. Paris. 1-3, 1881-1887 (1889)// Arch. Bot. Paris. Archives de Botanique. Paris. 1, 2, 1833// Superseded by Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique. Arch. Bot. S ist. Fitogeog. Genet. Archivio Botanico per la Sistematica Fitogeografica e Genetica. Modena. Universita. Istituto Botanico. 1, 1925.

Arch. Comm. Scient. Mex. Archives de la Commission Scientifique du Mexique. France. 1-3, 1864-1869// Arch. Dermat. Syph. Archiv fuer Dermatologie und Syphilis. Berlin. 1, 1869. Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharm. Archiv fuer Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Leipzig. 1, 1873. Arch. Hist. Nat. Archives d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1925. Arch. Inst. Bot. Liege. Archives. Institut de Botanique. Liege. Universite. 1, 1897. Arch. Intern. Hist. Sci. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences. Academie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences. Paris. 1, 1947. Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro. See Arq. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro. Arch. Miss. Scient. Litt. Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Littéraires. Paris. Commission des Missions Scientifiques. France. 1-30 (Ser. III, 15) 1850-1890// Followed by Nouvelles Archives des Missions Scientifiques. Arch. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Archives. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1-10, 1836-1861// Arch. Naturg. Archiv der Naturgeschichte. Naumburg. 1-6, 18271830// Arch. Naturg. Archiv fuer Naturgeschichte. (Wiegmann's Archiv.) Berlin. 1-77, 1835-1911// Abteilung A. Original Arbeiten. 19121926// Arch. Neërl. Sci. Ex. Nat. Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles. Société Hollandaise des Sciences. The Hague. 1, 1866.

Arch. Pharm. Archiv der Pharmazie. Deutscher Apotheker Verein. Berlin. 1, 1822. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. See Bibl. Univ. Archaeol. Amer. See Trans. Coll. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Archeion. Roma. Argentina. Formerly Archivio di Storia della Scienza. 1, 1919-25, 1943// Ark. Bot. Arkiv foer Botanik. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Upsala. Stockholm. 1, 1903. Arnoldia. Harvard University. Arnold Arboretum. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1, 1941. Around the World. Philadelphia. 1-2(14), 1893-1895// Arq. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro. Arquivos (also as Archivos) Jardim Botanico. Rio de Janeiro. 1-6, 1915-1933// Arsberraetelse. See Aarsberraetelse. Arssk. Univ. Upsala. Arsskrift. Universitet. Upsala. 1, 1861. Arte Ciencia. Arte y la Ciencia. Mejico. 1-12, 1899-1911//? Arte Letras. Arte y Letras. Mexico? 1, 1 9 0 4 - 9 ( 3 0 0 ) , 1912// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Artista. Mexico. 1-3, 1874-1875; Ser. II, 1, 1891// Asa Gray Bull. Asa Gray Bulletin. University of Michigan. Department of Botany. Ann Arbor. 1-8(6), Nos. 1-41, 1893-1901; n. ser. 1, 1 9 5 2 - 2 ( 4 ) , 1953// Asunt. Var. Asuntos Varios. Mexico. 1-12, 1772-1773// Aten. Guan. Ateneo Guanajuatense. Organo de la Sociedad, del mismo nombre. No. 4, 1901-No. 20, 1903// Not in the U.S. Aten. Mex. Ateneo Mexicano. Mexico. 1-2, 1844-1845// Ateneo. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. 1-6, 1951-1956// Atl. Month. Atlantic Monthly. Boston. 1, 1857. Atlantis. Berlin. 1, 1929. Atoll. Res. Bull. Atoll Research Bulletin. National Research Council. Pacific Science Board. Washington. 1, 1951. Atti. Accad. Naz. Lincei. Atti. (R.) Accademia (Nazionale) dei Lincei. Also as Rendiconti. 24-26, 1870-1873; Ser. II. 1-8, 1873-1876// Vols. 1-23 were the Atti of the Accademia Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei. Atti. Accad. Pont. Nuovi Lincei. Atti. Accademia Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei. Roma. 1-23, 1847-1870; continued, in part, as Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. See also Atti. Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze. Atti. Cong. Bot. Intern. See Proc. Intem. Cong. Bot. Atti. Cong. Sci. Ital. Atti. Congresso (Riunione) degli Scienziati Italiani. Torino. 1-12, 1839-1875//? Atti. Ist. Bot. Pavia. Atti. Istituto Botanico. Pavia. Universita. 1, 1871. Atti. 1st. Incoragg. Napoli. Atti. (R. ) Istituto d'Incoraggiamento per le Scienze Naturali et Economiche, (later as Istituto d'Incoraggiamento di Napoli.) 1, 1881-Ser VI, 68, 1916//? Atti. 1st. Ven. Sci Lett. Arti. Atti. Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. 1, 1840. Atti. Pont. Accad. Nuovi Lincei. See below. Atti. Pont. Accad. Sci. Atti. Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze (Nuovi Lincei). Also as Accademia Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei,

JOURNAL and Pontificia Accademia Romana dei Nuovi Lincei. Roma. 1, 1847-88, 1935// Atti. Reale Accad. dei Lincei. See Atti. Accad. Naz. Lincei. Atti. Riun. Sci. Ital. See Atti. Cong. Sci. Ital. Atti. Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena. Atti. Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena. 1, 1866. Aug. Libr. Pubi. Augustana Library Publications. Augustana College and Theological Seminary. Rock Island. 1, 1898. AUT. Lit. Aurora Literaria. Morelia. 1875-1876// Not in the U.S. (In the Bibliot. Pubi. Est. Michoacan, Morelia.) Aus Allen Weltteilen. Berlin; Leipzig. 1-29, 1870-1898// Merged into Globus. Aus der Natur. Berlin. See Naturforscher. Aus der Natur. Leipzig. 1-18, 1905-1922// Ausland. Stuttgart. 1, 1828-66, 1893// Austr. Jour. Agr. Res. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 1, 1950. Austr. Jour. Bot. Australian Journal of Botany. Melbourne. 1, 1953. Ausz. Med. Chir. Beob. See Acta Phys. Med. Acad. Caes. Nat. Cur. Baessl. Arch. Baessler Archiv. Baessler Institut. Berlin (Staatliche Museum, Museum fuer Voelkerkunde, Leipzig) 1, 1910. Beiheft. 1, 1911. Baüeya. New York State College of Agriculture. Cornell University. Bailey Hortorium. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1953. Baja Calif. Baja California. No. 23, 1948. (1, ?) Not in the U.S. Bd. Pen/. Keh. See Commun. For. Res. Inst. Indonesia. Bait. Cact. Jour. Baltimore Cactus Journal. 1 - 2 ( 1 0 ) , 1894-1896// Banjidal. Toluca. Ser. II, Nos. 3-35, 1942-1945// Not in the U.S. (At Bibl. Publ. Estado, Toluca.) Bartonia. Philadelphia Botanical Club. Philadelphia. 1, 1908. Begonian. American Begonia Society. Long Beach, Calif. 1, 1934. Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. See Bot. Jahrb. Beih. Bot. Centralb. See Bot. Zentralb. Beil. Jahresb. K. Gymn. Sorau. Not in the U.S. Beitr. Biol. Pfl. Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen. Breslau. 1, 1870. Beitr. Kolon. Pol. Kol. Wirtsch. See Kolon. Monatsb. Beitr. Sukk. Pfl. Beitraege zur Sukkulentenkunde und Pflege. Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1 9 3 9 - 1 9 4 2 ( 2 ) / / ? Supplement to Kakteenkunde. See also Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzengeog. Beitraege zur Systematik und Pflanzengeographie. In Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis. Beihefte. 1926-1942; scattered numbers from 26-131. Beitr. Wiss. Bot. Beitraege zur Wissenschaftlichen Botanik. Stuttgart. 1-5, 1896-1906// Belgique Horticole. The Hague, etc. 1-35, 1850-1885// Beob. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. See Sehr. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Bericht. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1, 1836 - 20, 1855// Bef. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. See above. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. Berichte. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1883. Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. Berichte. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1-33, 1891-1923// Ber. Fr. Ver. Pfl. Syst. Bot. Bericht. Freie Vereinigung fuer Pflanzengeographie und Systematische Botanik. Berlin. 1-11, 1903-1926//? Ber. Fr. Ver. Syst. Bot. Pfl. See above. Ber. Preuss. Akad. See Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. Berichte. Schweizerische Botanische Gesellschaft. 1, 1890. Ber. Ver. Ang. Bot. See Ang. Bot. Berl. Allg. Gart. Zeitg. Berliner Allgemeine Gartenzeitung. (Earlier as Allgemeine Gartenzeitung.) Berlin. 1-26, 1833-1858// Berl. Jahrb. Pharm. Berlinisches Jahrbuch fuer die Pharmazie. Berlin. 1-43, 1795-1840// Several title changes. Beschaft. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Beschäftigungen. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. (Earlier as Berlinische Gesellschaft.) 1-4, 1775-1779// Bibl. Arner. Biblioteca Americana. London. 1, 1823// Bibl. Bot. Bibliotheca Botanica. Stuttgart. Cassel. 1, 1886. Bibl. Colon. Arner. Biblioteca Colonial Americana. Sevilla. 1-4, 19181925// Btbl. Enc. Pop. Biblioteca Enciclopedica Popular. Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Mexico, 1, 1944. Bibl. Genet. Bibliotheca Genetica. Leipzig. 1-15, 1917-1929//




Mex. Hist. Ling. Biblioteca Mexicana Histórica Lingüistica. Mexico. 1-4, 1903-1904// Bibl. Mex. Pop. Econ. Biblioteca Mexicana Popular y Economica. 1-2, 1851-1852// Bibl. Ser. Sei. Libr. Sei. Mus. London. Bibliographical Series. Science Library. Science Museum. London. 1, 1930. Bibl. Trop. Agr. Bibliography of Tropical Agriculture. International Institute of Agriculture. Roma. 1, 1931. Bibl. Univ. Bibliotheque Universelle. Geneve, Lausanne. 1, 1846. (Subtitled Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, which started as a supplement to the Bibliotheque.) Biblios (Biblos). Biblioteca Nacional. Mexico. 1 ( 1 ) , 1 9 1 9 - 4 ( 1 9 8 ) , 1922; Ser. II, 1 ( 1 ) - (9-15), 1925-1926// Nos. 1-39 as Biblos. Suspended Nov. 1922-Apr. 1925. Biol. Gen. Biologia Generalis. Vienna. Baltimore, Md. 1, 1925. Biol. Monog. Univ. Illinois. Biological Monographs. University of Illinois. 1, 1914. Biol. Sei. Bull. Univ. Arizona. Biological Science Bulletin. University of Arizona. 1, 1933. Biol. Ser. Cath. Univ. America. Biological Series. Catholic University of America. Washington. 1, 1915-1946. Started as Biological Laboratories, Contributions. Biol. Ser. Univ. New Mexico. See Bull. Biol. Ser. Univ. New Mexico. Biologia. Waltham, Mass. 1 ( 1 - 6 ) , 1947. Supplement to Chronica Botanica. Beginning 1950/1951, in Chronica Botanica. Biologist. Denver, Columbus. 1, 1916, irreg. to 3 1 ( 4 ) , 1949//? Bios. Beta Beta Beta Biological Fraternity. Oklahoma City. 1, 1930. Blackw. Edinb. Mag. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Edinburgh. 1, 1817. Later as Blackwood's Magazine. Blaett. Kakt. Blaetter fuer Kakteenforschung. Hamburg. 1-5(6), 1934-1938// Blaett. Sukk. Blaetter fuer Sukkulentenkunde. 1, 1949. Addenda to the above. Blumea. Rijksherbarium. Leyden. 1, 1934. Board Trade Jour. Board of Trade Journal. Great Britain. Board of Trade. London. 1, 1886. Bois For. Trop. Bois et Forets des Tropiques. Paris. 1, 1947. Boissiera. Geneve. Universite. Institut de Botanique Systematique. Conservatoire de Botanique. 1, 1936. Supplement to Candollea. Bol. Acad. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. Madrid. Boletín. Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Madrid. 1, 1 9 3 5 - 2 ( 8 ) , 1936// Bol. Acad. Cienc. Fis. Mat. Nat. Caracas. Boletín. Academia de Ciencias Físicas Matematicas y Naturales. Caracas. 1, 1934. Bol. Acad. Hist. Madrid. Boletín. Academia de la Historia. Madrid. 1, 1877. Bol. Agr. Boletín de Agricultura. Dirección General de Agricultura. Mexico. 1 - 3 ( 5 ) , 1915-1917// See also Bol. Dir. (Gen.) Agr. Mexico. Bol. Agr. Boletín de Agricultura. Mexico. 1845-1846//? (118 p., 10 cuadernos, according to a note at the end.) Bol. Agr. Boletin del Agricultor. Dirección General de Agricultura. Mexico. 1-3, 1922// Bol. Agr. Cam. Guatemala. See Rev. Agr. Bol. Agr. Com. Indust. Boletin de Agricultura Comercio e Industrias. San Salvador. 1? Not in the U.S.? Bol. Agr. Indust. Guadalajara. Published by the Government of the State of Jalisco. 1, 1889//? Not in the U.S. (At SH Mex.) Bol. Agr. Indust. Com. Guatemala. 1922. (Not in the U.S.) Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Mexico. Boletin de Agricultura, Mineria, e Industria. Mexico. 1-10, 1891-1901// Bol. Agr. Trop. Boletin de Agricultura Tropical. San Jose, Costa Rica. 1, 1899// Bol. Ali. Cient. Univ. Durango. Boletin. Alianza Científica Universal. Durango. (Also as Comité Regional del Estado de Durango de la Alianza Científica Universal). 1, 1 9 0 2 - 3 , 1909-1912// Bol. Arch. Gen. (Hist.) Est. Chiapas. Boletin. Archivo General (later Historico) del Estado de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez. 1, 1953. Bol. Arch. Gen. Nac. Mexico. Boletin. Archivo General de la Nación. Mexico. 1, 1930. Bol. Bibl. Antrop. Amer. Boletin Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana. Pan American Institute of Geography and History. Mexico. 1, 1937. Bol. Bibl. Menendez Pelayo. Boletin de la Biblioteca de Menendez y Pelayo. Santander, Spain. 1-20, 1919-1938// Bol. Bibl. Nac. Mexico. Boletin. Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico. 1, 1904. Ser. II. 1, 1950. Biol. Bibl. Sec. Hac. Cred. Publ. Mexico. Boletín Bibliográfico. Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Publico. Mexico. 1, 1954. Bibl.



Bol. Bibl. Yuc. Boletín de Bibliografía Yucateca. Museo Arqueologico. Merida. 1, 1938. Bol. Biol. Lab. Biol. Univ. Puebla. Boletín Biologico. Laboratorios de Biología. Universidad de Puebla. 1, 1942 - 1 2 , 1945//? Bol. Cam. Agr. Cent. México. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Central de México. 1, 1 9 2 0 - 6 , 1926//? Bol. Cam. Agr. Can. Tamaulipas. Boletín. Camara Agrícola y Ganadera de Tamaulipas. Cd. Victoria. 1(10-21), 1 9 0 9 - 4 ( 1 - 3 ) , 1912//? Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Aguascalientes. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Nacional de Aguascalientes. 1(2), 1 9 1 1 - 2 ( 9 ) , 1912// Not in the U.S. (at HN Méx.) Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Chiapas. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Nacional de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez. 1(1-28), 1909-1912//? Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Com. Lag. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Nacional de la Comarca Lagunera. Torreon. 1, 1 9 1 8 - 4 ( 2 ) , 1921; n. ser. 1-5, 1927-1931// Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Jal. Boletín. Camara Agrícola (Nacional) Jalisciense. Guadalajara. 4, 1902-16, 1915. Ser. II, 1(1), 1917 to 2 ( 9 ) , 1918// Superseded by Jalisco Rural. First series is not in the U.S. Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. León. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Nacional de León. 1-10(10), 1912-1924// Suspended several times. Bol. Cam. Agr. (Nac.) Michoacan. Boletín. Camara Agrícola (Nacional) de Michoacan. See Michoacan Agrícola. Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Puebla. Boletín. Camara Agrícola Nacional de Puebla. 12(5), 1 9 2 7 - 1 6 ( 6 - 8 ) , 1931// Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Tabasco. See Progreso. Tabasco. Bol. Cam. Com. Agr. Indust. Chiapas. Boletín. Camara de Comercio Agricultura e Industria. Chiapas. 1, 1928. Not in the U.S. Bol. Cent. Doc. Cient. Tecn. México. Boletín. Centro de Documentación Científica y Técnica. México. 1, 1952. Bol. Cent. Est. Amer. Sevilla. Boletín. Centro de Estudios Americanistas de Sevilla. 1-12(1-96), 1913-1925// Contínued in Bibl. Colon. Amer. Bol. Cent. Invest. Antrop. México. Boletín. Centro de Investigaciones Antropológicas. México. 1, 1956. Bol. Cieñe. Med. Boletín de Ciencias Medicas. México. 1-6, 19101916// Bol. Cieñe. Med. Boletín de Ciencias Medicas. Sociedad Medica "La Fraternal." Guadalajara. 1(1-35), 1882-1885// Bol. Cient. Soc. Sánchez Oropeza. Boletín Científico. Sociedad Sánchez Oropeza. Orizaba. 1-6, 1884-1894// Bol. Com. Habana. Boletín Comercial. Habana. 1, 1861. Bol. Com. México (?) Boletín Comercial. Mexico(?) 1, ? Not in the U.S. Bol. Com. Paras. Agr. México. Boletín. Comision de Parasitología Agrícola. México, 1-4, 1900-1908// Bol. Conf. Cam. Com. EEUU Méx. Boletín. Confederación de Camaras de Comercio de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1, 1921. Ser. II, 1, 1923(?) Not in the U.S. Bol. Cons. Agr. Boletín de Consultas sobre Agricultura. México. 1-11, 1911 (for 1908-1909)-1914// Bol. Depto. For. Caza Pesca. México. Boletín. Departamento Forestal y de Caza y Pesca. 1, 1 9 3 5 - 4 ( 8 ) , 1939// Bol. Dir. Est. Biol. México. Boletín. Dirección de Estudios Biologicos. México. 1-3(4), 1915-1926// Supersedes Anales del Instituto Nacional. | Bol. Dir. (Gen.) Agr. México. Boletín. Dirección (General) de Agricultura. México. 1-5, 1911-1915. Ser. II, 1-3(5), 1915-1917// Bol. Dir. Gen. For. Caza Pesca. México. Boletín. Dirección General Forestal y de Caza y Pesca. México. 1, 1940. Bol. Divulg. Dir. Gen. (Ofic.) Def. Agr. Boletín de Divulgación. Dirección General (Oficina) de la Defensa Agrícola. México. Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería. 1-14, 1929-1932// Bol. Esc. Nac. Cieñe. Biol. México. Boletín. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas. México. 1, 1940. Bol. Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez. Boletín. Escuela Particular de Agricultura. Cd. Juárez. Chihuahua. Ser. II, 1-75, 1932-1944//? Bol. Esc. Reg. Agr. "Antonio Narro." See Agros. Saltillo. Bol. Est. Agr. Cent. México. Boletín. Estación Agrícola Central. San Jacinto. 1-81, 1908-1921.// Bol. Est. Agr. Exp. Cd. Juárez. Boletín. Estación Agrícola Experimental. Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua. 1-51, 1906-1914// Bol. Est. Agr. Exp. Oaxaca. Boletín. Estación Agrícola Experimental. Oaxaca. 1, 1914// Bol. Est. Agr. Exp. San Juan Bautista. Boletín. Estación Agrícola Experimental. San Juan Bautista, Tabasco. 1-9, 1910-1913//?

Bol. Exp. Méx. Int. Paris. Boletín. Exposición Mexicana en la Internacional de Paris. México. 1, 1888 - 6, 1889// Not in the U.S. (At Esc. Sec. Jalapa.) Bol. Fom. Boletín de Fomento. Costa Rica. Ministerio de Fomento. San José. 1, 1911; suspended 1914-1924. Bol. For. Boletín Forestal. Union de Madereros. Chihuahua. 1, 1948 3, 1951//? Bol. Gen. Divulg. Com. Nac. Olivo. México. Boletín General de Divulgación. Comision Nacional del Olivo. México. 1, 1950. Bol. Indig. Boletín Indigenista. Instituto Indigenista Interamericano. México. 1, 1941. Bol. Indust. Com. Trab. Boletín de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo. Secretaria de Industria y Comercio. México. 3 ( 1 ) , 1919-5(4-6) 1920//? Bol. Inf. Divulg. Inst. For. Lat. Boletín Informativo y de Divulgación. Instituto Forestal Latinoamericano de Investigación y Capacitación. Merida, Venezuela. 1, 1957. Bol. Inst. Bot. Quito. Boletín. Instituto Botánico. Quito. Universidad Central. 1, 1 9 4 2 - 8 , 1949// Bol. Inst. Cient. Lit. Est. México. See below. Bol. Inst. Cient. Lit. Porfirio Diaz. Boletín. Instituto Científico y Literario Porfirio Diaz. Toluca. 1, 1898-10, 1927//? Earlier as Boletín del Instituto Científico y Literario del Estado de México. Ñame changed 2, 1899. Suspended 1910-1927? Bol. Inst. Est. Amer. Sevilla. See Bol. Cent. Est. Amer. Sevilla. Bol. Inst. Est. Med. Biol. México. Boletín. Instituto de Estudios Médicos y Biologicos. México. Universidad Nacional. Escuela Nacional de Medicina. 1, 1942. Started as Laboratorio de Estudios Médicos y Biologicos. Changed in 1944(1945?) Bol. Inst. Est. México. See Bol. Inst. Cient. Lit. Porfirio Diaz. Bol. Inst. Geol. México. Boletín. Instituto de Geología (Instituto Geologico). Universidad Nacional. México. 1-51, 1895-1931// Bol. Inst. Hig. México. Boletín. Instituto de Higiene. México. Departamento de Salud Publica. 1, 1923. Bol. Inst. Invest. Cient. Monterrey. Boletín. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas. Monterrey, Nuevo León. Universidad. 1-6, 1944-1945// Bol. Inst. Lit. Est. México. Boletín. Instituto Literario del Estado de México. Toluca. 1, 1884. Not in the U.S. (At HN Méx.) Bol. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. México. See Bol. Mus. Arqueol. Hist. Etnol. México. Bol. Inst. Toluca. See Bol. Inst. Cient. Lit. Porfirio Diaz. Bol. Jard. Bot. México. Boletín. Jardín Botánico. México. 1, 1923. Not in the U.S. (At IB Méx.) Bol. Junta. Aux. Jal. Soc. Méx. Geog. Estad. Boletín. Junta Auxiliar Jalisciense de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística. Guadalajara. 1, 1919/1923-8, 1945//? Bol. Lab. Est. Med. Biol. México. See Bol. Inst. Est. Med. Biol. México. Bol. Med. Boletín de Medicina. Sociedad Fraternal Medico-Farmaceutica. Guanajuato. 1-3, 1886-1889// Bol. Mens. Ag. Gen. Sec. Agr. Fom. Méx. Boletín Mensual. Agencia General de la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Hermosillo, Sonora. 1933-1934// Bol. Mens. Depto. Econ. Estad. México. Boletín Mensual. Departamento de Economía y Estadística. México. Dirección de Agricultura y Ganadería. 1(1), 1926. Bol. Mens. Dir. Gen. Def. Agr. Méx. See Bol. Mens. Ofic. Def. Agr. Bol. Mens. Esc. Reg. Agr. Ant. Narro. Saltillo. See Agros. Saltillo. Bol. Mens. Estim. Agrop. Méx. Boletín Mensual de Estimaciones Agropecuarios. México. 1, ? Saw 1938. Bol. Mens. Ofic. Def. Agr. Méx. Boletín Mensual. Oficina para la Defensa Agrícola. México. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadería. 1, 1 9 2 7 - 3 , 1929// Bol. Min. Agr. Buenos Aires. Boletín. Ministerio de Agricultura. Argentina. Buenos Aires. 1, 1904. Bol. Min. Fom. Lima. Boletín. Ministerio de Fomento. Perú. Lima. 1-20, 1903-1922// Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. Boletín. Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana, n. ser. 1-11, 1877-1888// Bol. Mus. Cieñe. Nat. Caracas. Boletín. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Caracas. 1, 1955. Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. "Javier Prado." Boletín. Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado." Universidad (Mayor) de San Marcos. Lima. 1, 1937. Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. Tucuman. Boletín. Museo de Historia Natural (de Ciencias Naturales). Tucuman. Universidad Nacional. 1-2 (11), 1926-1936// Bol. Mus. Nac. (Arqueol. Hist. Etnol.) México. Boletín. Museo Na38

JOURNAL cional de Arqueología Historia y Etnologia. Mexico. Also as Museo Nacional and Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. 1, 1 9 0 3 - S e r . VI, 1 ( 1 - 4 ) , 1934//? Bol. Ofic. Ag. Gen. Sin. Nay. Boletín Oficial. Agencia General. Sinaloa y Nayarit. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. 1(1-2), 1920// Bol. Ofic. Gob. Est. Michoacan. Boletín Oficial. Gobierno del Estado de Michoacan. 1, 1878? 1879? Bol. Ofic. Intern. Rep. Amer. See Bull. Pan Amer. Union. Bol. Ofic. Sec. Fom. Mexico. See Bol. Sec. Fom. Mexico. Bol. Plot. Agr. See Agricola. Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. Boletín de Pro-Cultura Regional. Mazatlan, Sinaloa. 1, 1929 - 2 ( 2 ) , 1936// Bol. Red Meteor. Est. Méx. Boletín. Red Meteorologico del Estado de Mexico. 1, ? Not in the U.S. (At Bibl. Pubi. Est. Toluca.) Bol. Sec. Fom. Mexico. Boletín. Secretaria de Fomento (Agricultura y Fomento) also Colonizacion Industria y Comercio. 1, 1891 — Ser. IX, - 1 0 , 1925//? Ser. III, 1-7, 1909-1911, as Boletín Oficial. Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. Boletín. Sociedad Agricola Mexicana. Mexico. 1-38, 1879-1914// Bol. Soc. Arg. Bot. Boletín. Sociedad Argentina de Botanica. La Plata. 1, 1945. Bol. Soc. Bot. Est. Jalisco. Boletín. Sociedad Botanica del Estado de Jalisco. Guadalajara. 1 ( 1 ) , 1952; 1 ( 2 ) , 1957 Bol. Soc. Bot. Mexico. Boletín. Sociedad Botanica de Mexico. Mexico. 1, 1944. Bol. Soc. Cient. Lit. Art. Cd. Casas. Boletín. Sociedad Científica Literaria y Artística. Ciudad de Las Casas. Chiapas. 1, 1942. Bol. Soc. Cient. Lit. Manuel R. Gutiérrez. Boletín. Sociedad Científica y Literaria "Manuel R. Gutiérrez." 1 ( 4 ) , 1904. Not in the U.S. Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Boletín. Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Madrid. 1, 1 9 0 1 - 3 7 , 1937// Bol. Soc. Geog. Nac. Madrid. Boletín. Sociedad Geografica Nacional. Madrid. Earlier as Real Sociedad Geografica. 1, 1876. Bol. Soc. Hist. Geog. Estad. Aguascalientes. Boletín. Sociedad de Historia, Geografia y Estadística de Aguascalientes. 1(1-16), 1934-1935// Bol. Soc. Ing. Jalisco. Boletín. Sociedad de Ingenieros de Jalisco. Guadalajara. 1-6, 1881-1886// Bol. Soc. Med. Farm. Guadalajara. See Bol. Soc. Mut. Med. Farm. Guadalajara. Bol. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. Boletín. Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Mexico. 1, 1896//? Not in the U.S. (At IB Méx.) Bol. Soc. Mich. Geog. Estad. Boletín. Sociedad Michoacana de Geografia y Estadística. Morelia. 1-8, 1905-1912// Bol. Soc. Mut. Med. Farm. Guadalajara. Boletín. Sociedad Mutualista Medico-Farmaceutica. Guadalajara. 1, 1 9 2 8 - 1 3 ( 5 - 6 ) , 1941//? Bol. Soc. Nac. Agr. Buenos Aires. Boletín. Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura. Buenos Aires. 1911. (Not in the U.S.) Bol. Soc. Nac. Agr. Costa Rica. Boletín Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura San Jose. 1-4, 1906-1910// Bol. Soc. Nac. Agr. Lima. Boletin. Sociedad Nacional Agraria. Lima. Ser. I-V, 1899-1905// Bol. Soc. Venez. Cieñe. Nat. Boletín. Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales. Caracas. 1, 1931. Bol. Un. Agr. Chiapas. Boletín. Union Agricola. Chiapas. 1 ( 1 - 6 ) , 1908//? Bol. Un. Panamer. See Bol. Pan Amer. Union. Bol. Univ. Nac. Mexico. Boletin. Universidad Nacional de Mexico. 1, 1 9 1 7 - S e r . V, 5, 1929// Bol. Univ. Nac. Sureste. Boletin. Universidad Nacional del Sureste. See. Bol. Univ. Yucatan. Bol. Univ. Yucatan. Boletín. Universidad de Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1922. Started as Boletin. Universidad Nacional del Sureste. Not in the U.S. (at HN Méx.) Boll. Bibl. Bot. Ital. Bollettino Bibliografico della Botanica Italiana. Società Botanica Italiana. Firenze. 1904-1916// Boíl. Orto Bot. Giard. Colon. Palermo. Bollettino. Orto Botanico. Giardino Coloniale. Palermo. 1, 1 8 9 7 - n . ser. 1, 2, 1914-1921// Boll. Orto Botanico. (R.) Univ. Napoli. Bollettino. Orto Botanico. (Regia) Università. Napoli. 1, 1 8 8 9 - 1 7 , 1947. Followed by Delpinoa. Boll. Soc. Tose. Ort. See Riv. Soc. Tose. Ort. Boll. Stud. Inf. Giard. Colon. Palermo. Bollettino di Studi ed Informazioni. ( R . ) Girardino Coloniale. Palermo. 1, 1914. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jour. Bombay Naturai History Society Journal. 1, 1886. Bombay Univ. Jour. Bombay University Journal. 1, 1932.



Bonner Geog. Abh. Bonner Geographische Abhandlungen. Bonn. Universitaet. Geographisches Institut. 1, 1947. Bonplandia. Deutsche Academie der Naturforscher zu Halle. 1-10, 1853-1862// Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston Society of Natural History. 1-7, 1834-1863// Boston Jour. Phil. Arts. Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. Boston. 1, 1 8 2 3 - 3 , 1826// Bot. Abh. Botanische Abhandlungen. Jena. 1-21, 1922-1932// Bot. Arch. Botanisches Archiv. Koenigsberg. 1, 1 9 2 2 - 4 5 ; 1944// Bot. Ark. See Dansk Bot. Ark. Bot. Bull. See Bot. Gaz. Bot. Cab. Botanical Cabinet. London. 1-20, 1817-1833// Bot. Centralb. See Bot. Zentralb. Bot. Gaz. Botanical Gazette. Crawfordsville, Ind.; Chicago. 1, 1875. Started as Botanical Bulletin. Bot. Jahrb. Botanische Jahrbuecher fuer Systematik Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. Leipzig. 1, 1880. Also Beiblatt. (No. 24 in vol. 11.) Bot. Jahresb. Botanischer Jahresbericht. Berlin, Leipzig. 1, 1873. Started by Leopold Just and often cited as Just's Botanischer Jahresbericht. Bot. Jour. Botanical Journal. Royal Botanical Society. London. 1-5 ( 6 ) , 1910-1918// Follows Quarterly Record of the Society. 1-10, 1880-1909// Superseded by Quarterly Summary of the Society. 1-45, 1919-1930// Bot. Jour. Botanical Journal. University of Tokyo. Faculty of Science. Section 3, Botany. 1, 1 8 8 7 - 4 5 , 1925// Started as Science Department, then as College of Science. Bot. Leafl. Botanical Leaflets. Chicago. 1-9, 1950-1954// Bot. Mag. See also Curtis' Bot. Mag. Bot. Mag. Botanical Magazine. Tokyo Botanical Society. 1, 1887. Bot. Mat. Botanicheskie Materialy. Leningrad. Glavnyi Botanicheskii Sad. Gerbarii. Institut Sporovykh Rastenii. 1, 1922. Also as Notulae Systematicae ex Herbario Horto Botanici Petropolitani. Bot. Mem. Botanical Memoirs. London. 1-15, 1919-1925// Bot. Misc. Botanical Miscellany. London. 1-3, 1830-1833// Superseded by Journal of Botany. 1-4, 1834-1842; then by London Journal of Botany. 1-7, 1842-1848; then by Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany. 1849-1857// Bot. Mus. Leafl. Botanical Museum Leaflets. Harvard University. 1, 1932. Bot. Mitt. Botanische Mitteilungen aus den Tropen. Jena. 1-9, 18801901// Bot. Not. Botaniska Notiser. Lunds Botaniska Foerenning. 1, 1839. Bot. Reg. See Edward's Bot. Reg. Bot. Rev. Botanical Review. Lancaster. 1, 1935. Bot. Stud. Butler Univ. Botanical Studies. Butler University. Indianapolis. 1, 1929. Bot. Stud. Minnesota. See Minn. Stud. Biol. Sei. Bot. Tids. Botanik Tidsskrift. Dansk Botanisk Foerenning. Lund. 1, 1866. Bot. Unters. Botanische Untersuchungen. Landwirtschaftliche Lehranstalt. Berlin. 1-6, 1865-1867// Bot. Zeitg. Botanische Zeitung. Berlin, Leipzig. 1, 1 8 4 3 - 6 8 , 1910// Bot. Zentralb. Botanisches Zentralblatt (Centraiblatt). Association Internationale des Botanistes. Jena. 1, 1 8 8 0 - 1 7 9 ( 8 ) , 1945// Beihefte. 1, 1891. Bot. Zhur. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. SSSR. Leningrad. 1, 1906. Started as Journal de la Societe Botanique de Russie. Changed 1932 to de l'URSS. Brit. Med. Jour. British Medical Journal. British Medical Association. London. 1, 1857. Brittonia. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1931. Brom. Soc. Bull. Bromeliad Society Bulletin. 1, 1951. Broteria. Lisboa. 1-5, 1902-1906// Serie Botanica 6-25, 19071931// Brushmaker. (Before 1888; not located.) Büchners Rep. Pharm. See Rep. Pharm. Bull. Acad. Intern. Geog. Bot. Bulletin. Academie Internationale de Geographie Botanique. Le Mans. 1-29, 1891-1919// Started as Monde de Plantes; 1899-1909 as Bulletin; then as Bulletin de Geographie Botanique. Bull. Acad. Malgache. Bulletin. Academie Malgache. Tananarivo, Madagascar. 1, 1902. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris. Bulletin. Academie de Medecine. Paris. 1, 1836. Bull. Acad. (R.) Sei. Belgique. Bulletin Academie (Royale) des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts. Started as Academie


CITED as Imperial Bureau of Plant Genetics and Herbage Plants; then Imperial Bureau of Pastures and Forage Crops. Bull. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulletin. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1888. Bull. Dept. Agr. Calif. Bulletin. Department of Agriculture. California. 1, 1911; 1911-1919 issued by Horticultural Commission; 19111935 as Monthly Bulletin. Bull. Dept. Agr. Jamaica. See Bull. Dept. Sci. Agr. Jamaica. Bull. Dept. Agr. Trinidad. See Bull Misc. Inf. Dept. Agr. Trinidad. Bull. Dept. For. Un. South Afr. Bulletin. Department of Forests. Union of South Africa. 1, 1919. Bull. Dept. Landb. Suriname. Bulletin. Department van den Landbouw. Suriname. 1, 1904. Started as Dutch West Indies. Inspectie van den Landbouw. Bull. Dept. Sci. Agr. Jamaica. Bulletin. Department of Science and Agriculture. 1, 1 9 0 3 - n . ser. 2, 1915// Supersedes Bulletin of the Botanical Department. 1, 1887 - n. ser. 9, 1902// Bull. Dir. Agr. Comm. Tunisie. Bulletin. Direction de l'Agriculture et du Commerce. Tunisie. 1, 1896 - 5, 1900//? Bull. Div. Agrost. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Division of Agrostology. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington. 1-25, 1895-1901// Bull. Div. Bot. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Division of Botany. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington. 1, 1886 - 29, 1901// Bull Div. Pomol. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Division of Pomology. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1, 1888-10, 1901// Bull. Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. Univ. New Mexico. Bulletin. Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest. University of New Mexico. (Biological Series. 4(1, 3, 5); 5(2, 4, 5) ) 1935-1941// Bull. Fairchild Trop. Gard. Bulletin. Fairchild Tropical Garden. Coconut Grove, Florida. 1, 1945. Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bulletin. Fan Memorial Institute of Biology. Peiping. 1-4, 1929-1939. Ser. II, 1, 1943? Bull. Fed. Soc. Hort. Belgique. Bulletin. Federation des Sociétés d'Horticulture. Belgique. Ghent. 1-26, 1860-1886// Bull. For. Serv. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Forest Service. U.S.D.A. 1, 1887. Bull. Gard. Club America. Bulletin. Garden Club of America. Chicago. 1, 1913. Bull. Geog. Bot. Bulletin de Geographie Botanique. Academie Internationale de Geographie Botanique. Le Mans. 1-29, 18911919// 1899-1909 as Bulletin of the Academie. Started as Monde des Plantes. Bull. Geog. Soc. Pacific. Bulletin. Geographical Society of the Pacific. 1904-1910// (Ser. II, 3-6, numbered with the Transactions. ) Bull. Geog. Soc. Phila. Bulletin. Geographical Society (Club) of Philadelphia. 1-36, 1893-1938// Bull. Geol. Soc. America. Bulletin. Geological Society of America. Washington. 1, 1888. Bull. Glavnyi Bot. Sad. Leningrad. Bulletin (Izvestiya) Glavnyi Botanicheskii Sad. (Also as Jardin Imperial Botanique, Jardin de Pierre le Grand, Jardin Botanique Principal de l'URSS) Akademiya Nauk. SSSR. Leningrad. Botanicheskii Museii, then Botaniska Institut. 1-30, 1901-1932. Superseded by Sovietskaya Botanika. Bull. Gourd Soc. America. Bulletin. Gourd Society of America. Boston. 1, 1938. Earlier as New England Gourd Society. Bull. Herb Boissier. Bulletin. Herbier Boissier. Chambesy, Geneve. 1, 1893 - Ser. II, 8, 1908// Bull. Hist. Med. See Bull. Inst. Hist. Med. Bull. Imp. Bur. Past. For. Crops. (Pi. Genet. Herb. PI.) See Bull. Commonw. Bur. Past. Field Crops. Bull. Imp. Inst. Bulletin. Imperial Institute. Great Britain. 1, 1903. Bull. Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg. Bulletin. Institut Botanique. Buitenzorg. 1-22, 1898-1905// Superseded by Bulletin. Department van Landbouw. Dutch E. Indies 1-47, 1906-1911// Bull. Inst. Hist. Med. Bulletin. Institute of the History of Medicine. Johns Hopkins University. 1, 1933. (Also as Bulletin of the History of Medicine.) Bull. Intern. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett. Cracovie. See below. Bull. Intern. Akad. Umiejetnosci. Krakow. Bulletin International. (Comptes Rendus des Seances.) 1889-1900. Also Bulletin International. Wydzial Matematyczno-przyrodniczy. 1901-1909// Subdivided in 1910 with Series B on Sciences Naturelles, and in 1928 this was subdivided into Botanique and Zoologie. Bull. Intern. Bur. Amer. Rep. See Bull. Pan Amer. Union. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. Bulletin. Jardin Botanique ('s Lands

de Lettres et de Beaux Arts de Bruxelles; also as Koninklijke Belgische Akademie. Bruxelles. 1, 1832. Also as Mededeelingen van de Afdeeling de Wetenschappen. (Classe des Sciences.) Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersbourg. See Bull. Akad. Nauk. Leningrad. Bull. Acad. (R.) Sci. Lett. Danemark. See Overs. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. Bull. Acad. (R.) Sci. Lett. Beaux Arts. Belgique. See Bull. Acad. (R.) Sci. Belgique. Bull. Acad. Sci. S. Calif. See Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Cornell Univ. See Bull. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. New Mexico. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station. New Mexico. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. 1, 1890. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Univ. Arizona. Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station. University of Arizona. College of Agriculture. 1, 1890. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Univ. Calif. See Bull. Univ. Calif. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. Akad. Nauk S. S. S. R. Bulletin (Izvestiya) Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Leningrad. Classe Physico-Mathematique; also Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. 1, 1836. Started as Bulletin Scientifique. 1-10, 1836-1842. From Ser. VII, 1928 as Izvestiya. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. See Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. Bull. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. Bulletin. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston. 1, 1948. Bull. Amer. Bur. Geog. See Jour. Geog. Bull. Amer. Dahlia Soc. Bulletin. American Dahlia Society. Newark, N.J., N.Y. 1, 1915. Bull. Amer. For. Assoc. Bulletin. American Forestry Association. Washington. 1-3, 1884-1885// Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc. New York. Bulletin. American Geographical Society of New York. 1-47, 1852-1915// Started as American Geographical and Statistical Society. 1-3, as Journal. Suspended 1860-1870. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bulletin. American Museum of Natural History. New York. 1, 1881. Bull. Amer. Orch. Soc. Bulletin. American Orchid Society. Washington. 1, 1932. Bull. Anthrop. Ser. Univ. New Mexico. Bulletin. Anthropology Series. University of New Mexico. 1, 1930. Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Pi. Breed. Bulletin of Applied Botany. Genetics and Plant Breeding. Leningrad. 1, 1 9 0 8 - 2 7 , 1931. Ser. II, 1(1-2), 1932-1937// Started as Bulletin. Bureau fuer Angewandte Botanik. Now Trudy Po Prikladnoi Botanike Genetike i Selektsii. Bull. Assoc. Morris Arb. Bulletin. Associates of the Morris Arboretum. University of Pennsylvania. 1, 1935. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biol. See ASB Bull. Bull. Biol. France Belgique. Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique. 1, 1869. Started as Bulletin Scientifique Historique. (Various name changes.) Bull. Biol. Ser. Univ. New Mexico. Bulletin. Biological Series of the University of New Mexico. 1, 1899 - 5 ( 5 ) , 1941// Superseded by Publications in Biology. Bull. Bot. Bulletin Botanique. Geneve, Paris. 1-12, 1830-1832// Bull. Bot. Dept. Jamaica. See Bull. Dept. Sci. Agr. Jamaica. Bull. Bot. Div. U.S.D.A. See Bull. Div. Bot. U.S.D.A. Bull. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bulletin. Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington. 1, 1886. Bull. Bur. An g. Bot. See Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Pi. Breed. Bull. Bur. Ethnol. Rep. Haiti. Bulletin. Bureau d'Ethnologie. Republique d'Haiti. Port au Prince. 1, 1942. Butt. Bur. Pi. lndust. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Bureau of Plant Industry. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1, 1901 - 285, 1913// Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. Bulletin. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 1-2, 1884-1887// Bull. Calif. Agr. Exp. Stat. See Bull. Univ. Calif. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus. Bulletin. Chicago Natural History Museum. (Formerly Field Museum of Natural History.)1, 1920. Bull. CI. Phys. Math. Acad. St. Petersbourg. See Bull. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. Bull. Clements Libr. Bulletin. William L. Clements Library. University of Michigan. 1, 1924. Bull. Cleveland Med. Libr. (Assoc.) Bulletin. Cleveland Medical Library (Association). 1, 1954. Bull. Comm. Bur. Past. Field Crops. Bulletin. Commonwealth Bureau of Pasture and Field Crops. Aberystwyth, Wales. 1, 1930. First 40



Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris. Bulletin. Société d'Anthropologie. Paris. 1, 1860. Bull. Soc. Belge Bot. See Bull. Soc. (R.) Bot. Belgique. Bull. Soc. Beige Etud. Colon. Bulletin. Société Belge d'Etudes Coloniales. Bruxelles. 1-32, 1893-1925// Bull. Soc. Belge Geog. See Bull. Soc. (R.) Belge Geog. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belgique. See Bull. Soc. (R.) Bot. Belgique. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. Bulletin. Soc. Bot. France. Paris. 1, 1854. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve. Bulletin. Société Botanique de Geneve. 1, 1878-Ser. II, 33, 1941//? Bull. Soc. Bot. ltal. Bullettino. Societa Botanica Italiana. Firenze. 1, 1892-1926// Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France. Bulletin. Société Dendrologique France. 1, 1906. Bull. Soc. Etud. Colon. See Bull. Soc. Belge Etud. Colon. Bull. Soc. Geog. Anvers. See Bull. Soc. R. Geog. Anvers. Bull. Soc. Geog. Comm. See Rev. Econ. Franc. Bull. Soc. Geog. Comm. Havre. Bulletin. Société de Geographie Commerciale. Havre. 1, 1884. Bull. Soc. Geog. Geneve. See Globe. Bull. Soc. Geog. l'Est. Bulletin. Société de Geographie de l'Est. Paris. 1-35, 1879-1914// Bull. Soc. Geog. Lyons. Bulletin. Société de Geographie. Lyons. 1, 1875. Bull. Soc. Geog. Paris. See Geographie. Bull. Soc. Geog. Toulouse. Bulletin. Société de Geographie. Toulouse. 1, 1882. Part of the time as Bulletin Bi-mensuel. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse. Bulletin. Société de Histoire Naturelle. Toulouse. 1, 1866. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. Bulletin. Société Imperiale de Naturalistes de Moscou ( Now Moskovskoye Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody.) 1, 1 8 2 9 - n . ser., 33, 1945// Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Zool. Acclim. See Terre et la Vie. Bull. Soc. Indust. Agr. Angers. Bulletin. Société Industrielle et Agricole d'Angers. 1, 1830. Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. See Terre et la Vie. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris. Bulletin. Société Philomatique de Paris. 1, 1791 - 119, 1936//? Bull. Soc. Prop. Colon. Bulletin. Société de Propagande Coloniale. Paris. 1, 1928. Bull. Soc. R. Belge de Geog. Bulletin. Société Royale Belge de Geographie. Bruxelles. 1, 1876. Earlier as Société Belge de Geographie. Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belgique. Bulletin. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Bruxelles. 1, 18 c 2. Bull. Soc. R. Geog. Anvers. Bulletin. Société Royale de Geographie d'Anvers. 1, 1876. Bull. Soc. R. Pharm. Bruxelles. Bulletin. Société Royale de Pharmacie. Bruxelles. 1-56, 1857-1912// Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. See Riv. Soc. Tosc. Ort. Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles. 1, 1902. Bull. South. Pac. Gen. Hosp. Bulletin. Southern Pacific General Hospital. San Francisco. 1, 1932. Suspended 1933-1934; then changed to Pacific Coast Medicine. Bull. Sul Ross St. Teach. Coll. Bulletin. Sul Ross State Teachers College. Alpine, Texas. 1, 1926. Bull. Technol. Soc. Anc. Elev. Ec. Natl. Arts Met. Bulletin Technologique. Société des Anciens Eleves des Ecoles Nationales d'Arts et Metiers. Paris. 1, ? to 1914// Bull. Texas Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulletin. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. 1, 1888. Bull. Texas Technol. Coll. See Bull. Sci. Ser. Texas Technol. Coll. Bull. Therap. Bulletin Thérapeutique. (1895). Not located. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. Bulletin. Torrey Botanical Club. New York. 1, 1870. Bull. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Dept. Bull. Bull. U.S. For. Serv. Bulletin. U.S. Forest Service. Washington. 1, 1887. Bull. Un. Geog. Nord France. Bulletin. Union Géographique de Nord de la France. Douai. 1, 1 8 8 0 - 3 6 , 1932//? Bull. Univ. Calif. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulletin. University of California. Agricultural Experiment Station. 1, 1884. Bull. Wise. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulletin. Wisconsin Agricultural Experimental Station. Madison. 1, 1909. Bull. Yale Univ. School For. Bulletin. Yale University. School of Forestry. 1, 1912. Butler Univ. Bot. Stud. See Bot. Stud. Butler Univ.

Plantentuin. ) Buitenzorg. 1, 1911. Superseded, 1950 by Reinwardtia. Bull. Jard. Bot. l'Etat. Bruxelles. Bulletin. Jardin Botanique del'Etat. Bruxelles. 1, 1902. Bull. Jard. Bot. Princ. URSS. See Bull. Glav. Bot. Sad. Bull. Jard. Colon. Jard. Ess. Colon. Fr. See Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. Paris. Bull. Jard. (Imp.) Bot. (Pierre le Grand or Princ.). See Bull. Glav. Bot. Sad. Bull. Kolon. Mus. Bulletin. Koloniaal Museum. Haarlem. 1, 1 8 9 2 52, 1913// Bull. Lab. Bot. Univ. Geneve. Bulletin. Laboratoire de Botanique Generale. Universite. Geneve. 1-3, 1896-1899// Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. See Stud. Nat. Hist. Univ. Iowa. Bull. Lab. Orto Bot. Sienna. Bullettino. Laboratorio ed Orto Botanico. Sienna. Universita. Istituto Botanico. 1, 1 8 9 7 - 8 , 1906// Bull. Lloyd Libr. Mus. See Lloydia. Bull. Lucknow Natl. Bot. Gard. Bulletin. Lucknow National Botanic Gardens. Lucknow, India. 1, 1956. Bull. Mass. Hort. Soc. Bulletin. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 1-11, 1919-1923// Bull. Mens. Soc. Imp. Nat. Zool. Acclim. See Terre et la Vie. Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyons. Bulletin Mensuel. Société Linneenne. Lyons. 1, 1932. Buü. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris. Bulletin Mensuel. Société Linneenne. Paris. 1, 1 8 7 4 - n . ser. No. 15, 1899// Bull. Mens. Soc. Nat. Acclim. See Terre et la Vie. Bull. Mens. Soc. Natl. Hort. France. See Ann. Soc. (R.) Natl. Hort. Paris. Bull. Misc. Inf. Dept. Agr. (Bot. Dept.) Trinidad. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Department of Agriculture. Trinidad. 1-21, 1888-1927// 1-8, to 1908, as Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Botany Department. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew Roy. Bot. Gard. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. 1, 1897. Changed 1946 to Kew Bulletin. Additional Series. 1, 1898. Bull. Missouri Bot. Gard. Bulletin. Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis. 1, 1913. Bull. Morris Arb. See Bull. Assoc. Morris Arb. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ. Bulletin. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard University. 1, 1863. Bull. Mm. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Bulletin. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1895. Bull. Natl. Bot. Gard. Lucknow. See Bull. Lucknow Natl. Bot. Gard. Bull. New York Bot. Gard. Bulletin. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1896-14, 1932// Bull. New York St. Coll. For. Bulletin. New York State College of Forestry. Syracuse University. 1, 1913. Technical Publications in the Bulletin. Bull. Off. Exp. Stat. U.S.D.A. Bulletin. Office of Experiment Stations. U.S.D.A. Washington. 1, 1889. Bull. Ohio Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulletin. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. 1, 1866. Bull. Pan Amer. Un. Bulletin. Pan American Union. Washington. 1, 1893 - 82, 1948// Started as Monthly Bulletin. Spanish version as Boletin. Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. Yale Univ. Bulletin. Peabody Museum of Natural History. Yale University. 1, 1926. Bull. Pharm. Bulletin of Pharmacy. Detroit. 1-42, 1887-1928// First as Druggists' Bulletin. Bull. Sei. Acad. Imp. Sei. St. Petersbourg. See Bull. Akad. Nauk. Leningrad. Bull. Sei. Dept. Nord. See Bull. Biol. France Belgique. Bull. Sei. France Belgique. See above. Bull. Set. Hist. Litt. Dept. Nord. See above. Bull. Sei. Nord. France Belgique. See above. Buü. Sei. Pharm. Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques. Paris. 1, 1899. Bull. Sei. Phys. Nat. Neerl. Bulletin des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles en Neerlande. Rotterdam. 1, 1 8 3 8 - 3 , 1840// Bull. Sei. Ser. Texas Tech. Coll. Bulletin. Scientific Series. Texas Technological College. Lubbock. 1, 1931. Bull. Sei. Ser. Univ. Texas. Bulletin. Scientific Series. University of Texas. Austin. 1, 1 9 0 4 - 1 5 , 1914// Bull. Serol. Mus. Rutgers Univ. Bulletin. Serological Museum. Rutgers University. Bureau of Biological Research. New Brunswick, N.J. 1, 1948. Bull. Soc. Acclim. See Terre et la Vie. 41




CAMEP. See Prensa Medica Mexicana. CUCP Alumni Jour. CUCP Alumni Journal. Columbia University. College of Pharmacy. New York. 1-25(8), 1893-1918// Cacao. (Inform. Bull.) Cacao. Information Bulletin. Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Costa Rica. 1, 1947. Cact. Dig. Cactus Digest. Henry Shaw Cactus Society. St. Louis. 1, 1942. Cact. Jour. Cactus Journal. Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain. See Cact. Succ. Jour. Great Britain. Cact. Jour. Cactus Journal. London. 1-2, 1898-1900// Cact. Sue. Méx. Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas. Sociedad Mexicana de Cactologia. Mexico, D.F. 1, 1956. Cact. Succ. Jour. Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Los Angeles. 1, 1929. 1-2 as Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Cact. Succ. Jour. Cactus and Succulent Journal. Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain. London. 1, 1932. Started as Cactus Journal. Suspended 1940-1946. Cad. Succ. S oc. Jour. See Cactus and Succulent Journal. America. Cactaceae. Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1936. Started as Jahrbuch of the Gesellschaft. 1, 1935-1936// Cactus. Association Française des Amateurs de Cactees et Plantes Grasses. Paris. 1, 1946. Cah. Hist. Mond. Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale. UNESCO. International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind. Paris. 1, 1953. Cah. Ing. Agron. Cahiers des Ingenieurs Agronomes. Association Amicale des Anciens Eleves de l'Institute National Agronomique. Paris. 1, 1945. Cah. Nat. Cahiers des Naturalistes. Société des Naturalistes Parisiens. Paris. 1, 1946. Started as Feuilles des (Jeunes) Naturalistes. 1, 1870. Caldasia. Colombia. Universidad. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. 1, 1940. Calif. Art Nat. California Art and Nature. 1897-1902? Calif. Avoc. Assoc. (Soc.) Yearbk. California Avocado Association (Society) Yearbook. Riverside, Calif. 1, 1915. First as Report; then as Annual Report. Calif. Folkl. Quart. California Folklore Quarterly. California Folklore Society. Berkeley. 1, 1942. Changed to Western Folklore. Calif. Fruitg. California Fruitgrower. San Francisco. 1, 1888. Changed after 1914 to California Fruit News. Calif. Gard. California Garden. San Diego Floral Association. Point Loma. 1, 1909. Calif, lllus. Mag. See Hutching's Illus. Calif. Mag. Calif. Overl. Month. Californian and Overland Monthly. San Francisco. 1, 1868. Started as Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine. 1-15, 1868-1875. Suspended 1876-1882. Superseded by California and Overland Monthly. 1-6, 1880-1882, then again as Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, Ser. II. 1, 1 8 8 3 - 4 3 ( 4 ) , 1935// Calif. Sur. California Sur. 1, 1946. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) California. California State Chamber of Commerce. San Francisco. 1, 1910. Californian. See Calif. Overl. Month. Caminos. Mexico. 1, 1938. Campesino. Durango. Gobierno del Estado. Departamento de Agricultura y Ganadería. 1, 1933. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Campesino. Mexicali. 1, 1937. Not in the U.S. Campesino. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. 1, 1935. Not in the U.S. (In Sec. Agr. Méx. Geog. y Meteor.) Campo. Aguascalientes. 1, 1895-1896// Not in the U.S. (In HN Mex.) Campo. Guadalajara. 1-3, 1930-1931// Campo. Monterrey. Agencia General de la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. 1, 1933. Ser. II, 1, 1934. Started as La Granja. Changed in 1945. Campo. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1930. Campo. San Jacinto, Mexico. 1 - 1 9 2 4 - 1 6 ( 4 0 1 ) , 1933// Not in the U.S. (At EPA.) Canad. Jour. Bot. Canadian Journal of Botany. Ottawa. 1, 1951. Candollea. Geneve. Universite. Conservatoire de Botanique. Institut de Botanique Systématique. 1, 1922. Caout. Gut. Perc. Caoutchouc et la Gutta Percha. Paris. 1-36, 1904-1939// Carib. For. Caribbean Forester. U.S. Tropical Forest Experiment Station. Rio Piedras. Puerto Rico. 1, 1939. Carta Sem. Carta Semanal. Confederación de Camaras Nacionales de Comercio. Mexico. 1, 1938.

Castanea. Southern Appalachian Botanical Club. Morgantown, W.Va. 1, 1936. Started as the Club's Journal. Cath. Hist. Rev. Catholic Historical Review. Catholic University of America. Washington. 1, 1915. Ceiba. Escuela Agrícola Panamericana. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 1, 1950. Centralb. See Zentralb. Centro Tabasq. Centro Tabasqueno. 1 ( 1 ) - 1 ( 1 2 ) , 1908// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Century. New York. 1-120, 1870-1930// Cesky Zemed. Cesky Zemedelec. Prague. 1, 1920. Chamb. Comm. Jour. London. Chamber of Commerce Journal. London. 1, 1882. Chapingo. Escuela Nacional de Agricultura. Chapingo, Mexico. Beginning with No. 10, 1946; before that mimeographed and not technical. Chem. Drug. Chemist and Druggist. London. 1, 1859. Chem. Met. Eng. Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. New York. 1, 1902. Chem. Tech. Rep. Chemisch-Technisches Repertorium. Berlin. 1-40, 1862-1901// Chem. Zeitg. Chemiker Zeitung. Coethen. 1, 1877. Chem. Zeitsch. Chemische Zeitschrift. Leipzig; Berlin. 1-19, 19011920// Chemurg. Dig. Chemurgic Digest. National Farm Chemurgic Council. Columbus, Ohio. 1, 1942. Chi. Nat. Chicago Naturalist. Chicago Academy of Science. 1-10, 1938-1948// Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. 1 ( 1 ) - 5 ( 3 3 ) , 1949-1952// Chiapas y Mexico. l ( l ) - 4 ( 5 ) , 1908-1911//? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Chromosoma. Berlin. 1, 1939. Chron. Bot. Chronica Botanica. Leyden; Waltham, Mass. 1, 1 9 3 5 17, 1957// Ciba Symp. Ciba Symposia. Summit, N.J. 1, 1939. Ciba Zeitsch. Ciba Zeitschrift. Gesellschaft fuer Chemische Industrie in Basel. 1, 1933. Cieñe. Arte. Ciencias y Arte. Mexico. 1(1-4), 1937//? Cienc. Invest. Ciencia e Investigación. Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias. Buenos Aires. 1, 1945. Cienc. Letr. Ciencias y Letras. Sociedad Científica Literaria "Ignacio Ramirez." San Luis Potosí. Mexico. 1(1-3), 1899//? Cienc. Soc. Ciencias Sociales. Pan American Union. Department of Cultural Affairs. Social Sciences Section. Washington, 1, 1950. Ciencia. Mexico. 1, 1940. Ciencias. Asociación Española por el Progreso de las Ciencias. Madrid. 1, 1934. Circ. Bur. PI. Indust. U.S.D.A. Circular. Bureau of Plant Industry. U.S.D.A. Washington 1, 1 9 0 8 - 1 3 2 , 1913// Circ. Campo Coataxtla. Circular Campo Coataxtla. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia. 1, 1959? Circ. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. Circular. Division of Agrostology. U.S.D.A. 1-36, 1895-1901// Circ. El Horno. Circular. El Horno. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadería. Oficina de Estudios Especiales. 4, 1960. (1, ?) Circ. Estac. Agr. Cent. Mexico. Circular. Estación Agrícola Central. Mexico. 1-51, 1908-1914// Circ. Estac. Exp. La Campana. See Circ. La Campana. Circ. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circular. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. 1, 1879. Circ. La Campana. Circular La Campana. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadería. Estación Experimental La Campana. 1,? Circ. New York St. Mus. Circular. New York State Museum. 1, 1930. Circ. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Circ. Clases Prod. Clases Productoras. Guadalajara, Mexico. 1-62. 18781879// Clements Libr. Bull. See Bull. Clements Libr. Cleveland Med. Libr. (Assoc.) Bull. See Bull. Cleveland Med. Libr. (Assoc.) Coburn's New Month. Mag. See New Month. Mag. Col. Cult. Indig. Coleccion Cultura Indígena. Instituto Nacional Indigenista. Mexico. 1, 195-? Col. Doc. Hist. Mex. Coleccion de Documentos para la Historia Mexicana. Mexico. 1-6, 1897-1903// Col. Doc. Ined. Hist. Esp. Coleccion de Documentos Inéditos para la Historia de España. Madrid. 1-113, 1842-1895// Col. Doc. Ined. Reí. Descub. Conq. Org. etc. Coleccion de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento Conquista y Organi-

JOURNAL zacion de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de America y Oceania. Madrid. 1-42, 1864-1884// Colliers. New York. 1, 1888 Cob. Univ. Stud. Phys. Biol. Sei. See Univ. Colo. Stud. Phys. Biol. Sci. Colo. Univ. Stud. Ser. Anthrop. See Univ. Colo. Stud. Ser. Anthrop. Columbia Univ. Coll. Pharm. Alumni Jour. See CUCP Alumni Journal. Com. Indust. Comercio e Industria. Mexico? Not located. Com. Méx. Comercio Mexicano. Confederación de Camaras Nacional de Comercio Mexico. 1, 1951. Comm. Acad. St. Petersbourg. Commentarli Academiae St. Petersbourg. (Full title: Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. ) 1-14, 1726-1746// Followed by Novi Commentarii. Comm. Pont. Accad. Sci. Commentationes. Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze. 1, 1937. Comm. Rev. Commercial Review. Association of Trade Protection Societies of the United Kingdom. London. 1, 1912. Commod. Comm. Ser. Commodities of Commerce Series. Pan American Union. Washington. 1, 1925. Commod. Ref. Ser. U.S. Dept. Comm. Commodities References Series. U.S. Department of Commerce. Industrial Reference Service. 1, 1940; changed in 1947 to World Trade Commodities. Commun. For. Res. Inst. Indonesia. Communications. Forest Research Institute. Buitenzorg. Indonesia. ( Now Bogor, Java. Djakarta.) 1, 1915. Changed to Balai Penjalidikian Kehutanan, then to Lembaga Pusat Penjalidikian Kehutanan. Comp. Bot. Mag. Companion to the Botanical Magazine. London. 1-2, 1835-1836// Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Colon. Comptes Rendus. Academie des Sciences Coloniales. Paris. 1, 1922. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. Comptes Rendus. Academie (R. ) des Sciences. (Also as Institut de France.) Paris. 1, 1835. Compt. Rend. Assoc. Franc. Av. Sci. Comptes Rendus. Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Paris. 1, 1872. Compt. Rend. Cong. Int. Mais. Comptes Rendus. Congres International de Mais. Pau. 1, 1930. Compt. Rend. Cong. Sci. France. Computes Rendus. Congres Scientifique. France. 1, 1833. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biogeog. Paris. Comptes Rendus. Société de Biogeographique. Paris. 1, 1924. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Comptes Rendus. Société de Biologie. Paris. 1, 1849. Comun. Bot. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo. Comunicaciones Botanicas. Museo de Historia Natural. Montevideo. 1, 1946. Comun. Inst. Trop. Invest. Cient. Salvador. Comunicaciones. Instituto Tropical de Investigaciones Científicas. El Salvador. Universidad Nacional Autonoma. 1, 1952. Con. Ud. Méx. Conozca Usted a Mexico. Mexico. March to Sept. 1924//? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Condor. Cooper Anthropological Club of California. Santa Clara. 1, 1899. Conf. Cient. Alum. Esc. Norm. Prof. Mexico. Conferencias Científicas de las Alumnas de la Escuela Normal de Profesoras. Mexico. Conf. Sei. Res. Work. Cotton. India. Conference of Scientific Research Workers on Cotton in India. Bombay. 1, 1937. Conf. S ecc. Etnol. Mus. Nac. Mexico. Conferencia de la Sección de Etnologia del Museo Nacional de Mexico. Cons. Intern. Costa Rica. Consultorio Internacional. San Jose, Costa Rica. 1, 1927. Conservation. See American Forests. Contemp. Rev. Contemporary Review. London. 1, 1866. Contr. Amer. Archaeol. Contributions to American Archaeology. Carnegie Institution. Washington. 1, 1931. Contr. Arnold Arb. Contributions. Arnold Arboretum. Harvard University. 1, 1932-11, 1918//? Contr. Biol. Lab. Cath. Univ. See Biol. Ser. Cath. Univ. America. Contr. Biol. Veg. Contribuzioni alla Biologia Vegetale. Istituto Botanico. Palermo. 1-4, 1894-1909// Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Okìa. Contributions. Botanical Laboratory. University of Oklahoma. 1, ? Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Penna. Contributions. Botanical Laboratory. University of Pennsylvania. 1, 1892 - 1 4 , 1937-1938// Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. Contributions. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Yonkers. 1, 1925. Contr. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Contributions. Brooklyn Bótame Garden. 1, 1911.



Contr. Cath. Univ. Biol. Lab. See Biol. Ser. Cath. Univ. America. Contr. Chicle Dev. Comp. Exp. Stat. Contributions. Chicle Development Corporation Experiment Station. New York State College of Forestry. Syracuse?, N.Y. (1943), Contr. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. Contributions. Department of Botany. Columbia University. 1, 1886. Started as Herbarium. Columbia College. Contr. Dudley Herb. Contributions. Dudley Herbarium. Stanford University. 1, 1927. Contr. Gray Herb. Contributions. Gray Herbarium. Harvard University. 1, 1891. Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. See Contr. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. Contr. Herb. Mich. Univ. Contributions. Herbarium. Michigan University. 1-8, 1939-1942// Contr. Herb. Taihoku Univ. Contributions. Herbarium. Taihoku University. Formosa. 1, 1930. Contr. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal. Contributions. Institut Botanique. Universite. Montreal. (Formerly Laboratoire de Botanique.) 1, 1922. Contr. Iowa Corn Res. Inst. Contributions. Iowa Com Research Institute. 1, 1935. Contr. Knowl. Contributions to Knowledge. Smithsonian Institution. 1-35(3), 1848-1916// Contr. Natl. Herb. N. South Wales. Contributions. National Herbarium. New South Wales. 1, 1939. Contr. Natl. Herb. U.S. See Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. Contr. New York Bot. Gard. Contributions. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1899-336, 1933// Contr. Texas Res. Found. Contributions. Texas Research Foundation. Renner, Texas. 1, 1951. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. Contributions. U.S. National Herbarium. (Smithsonian Institution) 1, 1890. First 8 vols, as Contributions. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Botany. Contr. U.S. Natl. Mus. See above. Contr. Waterman Inst. Res. Contributions. Waterman Institute for Research. Indiana University. 1, 1919. Contr. West. Bot. Contributions to Western Botany. 1-18, 18951935// 1-6 in Zoe (2-6). Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. See Bull. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Stat. Cornhill Mag. Cornhill Magazine. London. 1, 1860-1939// Cosmos. Mexico. 1-5, 1912-1914; Ser. II, 1-6, 1917-1918//? Ser. II not in the U.S. Cosmos. Mexico. 1(1-43), 1918// Not in the U.S. (In SH Mex.) Cosmos. Tacubaya. 1, 1 8 9 2 - 2 ( 1 0 ) , 1893// Costa Azz. Agr. Fior. Costa Azzura Agricola Fioreale. San Remo. 1, 1921. Country Life. (America) New York. 1, 1901. Cour. Mex. Courrier du Mexique. 1, ? Not in the U.S. Cron. Med. Mex. Cronica Medica Mexicana. Mexico. 1, 1897 — 35, 1936//? Cron. Med. Quirurg. Cronica Medico-Quirurgica. Habana. 1, 1875. Cross Tie Bull. Cross Tie Bulletin. Railway Tie Association. St. Louis. 1, 1920. Crown. Baltimore. 1, ? (Vol. 24 is 1926.) Cuad. Amer. Cuadernos Americanos. Mexico. 1, 1942. Cuad. Chiapas. Cuadernos de Chiapas. Departamento de Bibliotecas. Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez. 1, 1946. Cuad. Estud. Yuc. Cuadernos de Estudios Yucatecos. Merida? 1, 1953. Cuad. Ling. See Invest. Ling. Cuad. Mayas. Cuadernos Mayas. Merida. 1, 1939. Not in the U.S. Cuba Mag. Cuba Magazine. Beverly, Mass. 1-5, 1909-1913// Cultivador. Mexico. 1-3, 1872-1875; Ser. II, 1-2, 1875-1877// Not in the U.S. (At SH Mex.) Curr. Sci. Current Science. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 1, 1932. Curtis' Bot. Mag. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. London. 1, 1787. Supplement, Companion to the Botanical Magazine. 1-2, 18351836// United later to form Annals of Natural History, Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Cyb. Columb. Cybele Columbiana. Providence. 1, 1914// Cytologia. Tokyo. 1, 1929. Daily Cons. Rep. U.S. See U.S. Daily Consular Reports. Dansk. Bot. Ark. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv. Dansk Botanisk Forening. Copenhagen. 1, 1913. Dansk Ugesk. Dansk Ugeskrift. Copenhagen. 1, 1831 - Ser. II, 8, 1846//



Darwiniana. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales. Institute de Botanica Darwinion. Buenos Aires. 1, 1922. De Bow's (Comm.) Rev. De Bow's (Commercial) Review. Many name changes. New Orleans. 1, 1 8 4 6 - n . ser. 1(4), 1880// Decheniana. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens (Westfalens). Bonn. 1, 1844. Started as Verhandlungen of the Verein, changed with vol. 91, 1934. Def. Catol. Defensor Catolico. 1, ? Not in the U.S. Delpinoa. Orto Botanico. Napoli. 1, 1948. Succeeds Bollettino dell'Orto Botanico della Regia Università di Napoli. Democrata. 1, ? Not in the U.S. Denksch. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen. Denkschriften. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Muenchen. 1-9, 1808-1824// Denksch. Akad. Wiss. Wien. See below. Denksch. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. Denkschriften. Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien. 1, 1850. (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche classe.) Dept. Bull. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Dept. Bull. Dermatol. Woch. Dermatologische Wochenschrift. Leipzig. 1, 1882. Des. Mag. Desert Magazine. El Centro, Calif. 1, 1937. Des. PI. Life. Desert Plant Life. Pasadena. 1, 1929. Desert. See Des. PI. Life. Deut. Bot. Monatssch. Deutsche Botanische Monatsschrift. Sonderhausen. 1, 1883-23, 1912// Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. Deutsche Gaertner Zeitung. Deutscher Gaertner Verband. Erfurt. 1-9, 1877-1885// Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. See also Moeller's Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. Deut. Gart. Deutscher Garten. Frankfurt am Main. 1, 1886. Deut. Gart. Mag. See Neubert's Deut. Gart. Mag. Deut. Gart. Zeitg. Deutsche Garten Zeitung. Verein zur Befoerderung des Gartenbaus in dem Koeniglich Preussischen Staaten. Berlin. 1, 1 8 8 2 - 5 , 1886// Started as Garten Zeitung. Berlin. Merged into Gartenflora. Deut. Geog. Bl. Deutsche Geographische Blaetter. Geographische Gesellschaft. Bremen. 1, 1877. Deut. Geographentag. Deutscher Geographentag. (The locale varies with different volumes.) Tagungsbericht. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Verhandlungen. 1, 1881. Deut. Mag. Gart. Blum. Deutsches Magazin fuer Garten und Blumenkunde. Stuttgart. 1-34, 1848-1881// See also Neubert's Garten Magazin. Deut. Med. Woch. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift. Leipzig. 1, 1875. Deut. Pol. Arch. Deutsches Polizei Archiv. Jena. 1, 1921. Deut. Rund. Geog. Stat. Deutsche Rundschau fuer Geographie (und Statistik). Vienna; Leipzig. 1, 1 8 7 8 - 3 7 , 1915// Deut. Zeitg. Mex. Deutsche Zeitung von Mexico. Spanish edition. Mexico. 1, ? Not in the U.S. Deut. Zeitsch. Gesam. Ger. Med. Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer die Gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Gerichtliche und Soziale Medizin. Berlin. 1, 1922. Dia. Mexico. 1, 1896. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Dia. Oaxaca. 1-4, 1833( 1837?)-1842// Diar. Lit. Mex. Diario Literario. Mexico. 1-8, 1786// Reproduced in Gacetas de Literatura de Mexico, vol. 4, 1831. Original is at CU-B. Diar. Of. Mex. Diario Oficial. Mexico. 1, 1722. Started as Gazeta de Mexico. Many title changes. Dingler's Polytech. Jour. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Berlin; Stuttgart. 1-346, 1820-1931// Discovery. London; Cambridge. 1-19, 1920-1938; n. ser. 1, 1938-3, 1940// Doc. Hist. Mex. Documentos para la Historia de Mexico. 1-21, 18531857// In 4 series. Doc. Ined. Rar. Hist. Mex. Documentos Ineditos o Muy Raros para la Historia de Mexico, 1-36, 1905-1911// Superseded by Nuevos Documentos Ineditos. 1-3, 1913-1930// Suspended 1914-1928. Doc. Ined. Rei. Descub. Conq. Colon. Antig. Pos. Esp. Amer. Oceania. See Col. Doc. Ined. Rei. Descub. Conq. Colon. Antig. Pos. Esp. Amer. Oceania. Doc. Narr. Cortes. Soc. Documents and Narratives. Cortes Society. New York. 1-5, 1917-1922; n. ser. 1, 1942. Dodge News Mag. Dodge News Magazine. Not located. Domingo. Mexico. 1-4, 1871-1873//? Drug. Bull. See Bull. Pharm. Detroit. Drug. Chem. Mark. Drug and Chemical Markets. New York. 1-18, 1914-1926//

East. Anthrop. Eastern Anthropologist. Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society. Lucknow. 1, 1947. Echo Mex. Echo du Mexique. Paris. 1, 1921-1929//? Ecol. Monog. Ecological Monographs. Ecological Society of America. Durham. 1, 1931. Ecology. Ecological Society of America. Brooklyn. 1, 1920. Supersedes Plant World. Econ. Bot. Economic Botany. Lancaster. 1. 1947. Econ. Geog. Economic Geography. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1925. Ecos. Mund. Ecos Mundiales. Mexico. 1-3, 1934-1939//? Edinburgh Jour. Nat. Geog. Sei. Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science. 1-3, 1829-1831// Edinburgh Jour. Sei. Edinburgh Journal of Science. 1, 1824. Merged into Philosophical Magazine and later to London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edinburgh New Phil. Jour. Edinburgh New Philosophic Journal. 1, 1 8 2 6 - n . ser. 19, 1864// Supersedes Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 1, 1819 - 14, 1826// Edinburgh Phil. Jour. Edinburgh Philosophical Society. See above. Edward's Bot. Reg. Edward's Botanical Register. London. 1-33, 1815-1847// Egypt. Pharm. Bull. Egyptian Pharmaceutical Bulletin. Pharmaceutical Society of Egypt and the Syndicate of Pharmacists. 1, 1951. Started as Proceedings of the Society; also carries the numbering of an earlier Bulletin. (1959 is vol. 41.) Emp. Cot. Grow. Rev. Empire Cotton Growing Review. London. 1, 1924. Emp. For. Jour. See below. Emp. For. Rev. Empire Forestry Review. Empire Forestry Association. London, 1, 1922. Started as Empire Forestry Journal; changed in 1946. Emp. Jour. Exp. Agr. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Oxford. 1, 1933. Emulacion. Sociedad Medico-Farmaceutica de Merida. Yucatan. 1-4, 1873-1881// Encic. Coah. Enciclopedia Coahuilense. Saltillo. 1(9-27), 1899// Not in the U.S. Eng. and Eng. Engineers and Engineering. Engineers Club of Philadelphia. 1, 1879. Started as Proceedings of the Club. Eng. News Ree. Engineering News Record. Chicago, New York. 1, 1874. Entomologist. London. 1, 1840. Ephem. Caes. Leap. Nat. Cur. See Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. Ephem. Ephem. Med. Phys. Germ. See above. Erdball. Berlin. 1-6, 1926-1932// Erdkunde. Bonn. 1, 1947. Erythea. Berkeley. 1, 1 8 9 3 - 8 , 1938// Suspended 1900-1921; 19221938. Esc. Agr. Escuela de Agricultura. Escuela de Agriculture y Veterinaria. Mexico. 1, 1 8 7 9 - 3 ( 3 3 ) , 1882//? Not in the U.S. Esc. Med. Escuela de Medicina. Mexico. 1, 1879-29, 1914// Espana. Madrid. 1-10, 1915-1924// Espanas. Mexico. 1, 1946. Est. Sem. Esta Semana. Mexico, 1, 1935. Estud. Cult. Nahuatl. Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl. Mexico. Universidad Nacional. Institute de Historia. 1, 1959//? Estudiante. Club Cientifico Literario Benito Juarez. 1, 1 8 9 9 - 3 ( 1 2 9 ) , 1901// Not in the U.S. (At Mus. Campeche.) Estudio. Institute Medico Nacional. Mexico. 1-4, 1889-1893// Superseded by An. Inst. Med. Nac. A French translation of some of the articles was published by Henri Bocquillon-Limousin, Paris, 1872, entitled Travaux publies par El Estudio; edition Française (travaux de matiere medicale et de botanique pure), Sections 1 and 2, Primer fascicule. Estudio. Sociedad Cientifica Artistica y Literaria El Porvenir. 1-2, 1875-1878// Estudio. Sociedad Medico-Farmaceutica de Puebla. 1, 1875-1876//? Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. See Bull. Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. Ethnol. Stud. See Etnol. Stud. Etnol. Stud. Ethnologiska Studier. (Also as Ethnological Studies.) Gothenburg (Goeteborg). Museum. 1, 1935. Ethnos. Mexico. 1, 1920-Ser. Ill, 1925// Euph. Rev. Euphorbia Review. International Euphorbia Society. Los Angeles. 1-3, 1935-1937// Euphytica. Netherlands Study Center of Plant Breeding. Wageningen. 1, 1952. 44

JOURNAL TITLES CITED For. Prod. (Res. Soc.) Jour. Forest Products (Research Society) Journal. Forest Products Research Society. Madison, Wis. 1, 1951. For. Prod. Res. Soc. Proc. Forest Products Research Society Proceedings. Madison, Wis. 1, 1947. For. Quart. Forestry Quarterly. See Jour. For. Forester. See Amer. For. Forestry. Pan American Union. Washington. 1-5, 1925-1927// Forestry. Society of Foresters of Great Britain. London. 1, 1927. For. Woods. Foreign Woods. Information Leaflet. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. 1, 1937. Formosa Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. Formosa Natural History Society Transactions. Taihoku. 1, 1911. Forstw. Centralb. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt. (Zentralblatt) Stuttgart; Berlin. 1, 1879. Supersedes Monatsschrift fuer das Forst und Jagdwesen. Fortsch. Geog. Naturg. Fortschritte der Geographie und Naturgeschichte. Weimar. 1-5, 1846-1848// Frontiers. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1, 1936. Fruits d'Outre Mer. Institut des Fruits et Agrumes Coloniaux. Paris. 1, 1945. Frutos. Madrid. 1, 1943. Furn. Manuf. Furniture Manufacturer. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1, 1880.

Evolution. Society for the Study of Evolution. Lancaster. 1, 1947. Expedition. University of Pennsylvania. University Museum. Philadelphia, Pa. 1, 1958. Expl. Min. Explorador Minero. Mexico. 1, 1876-1877//? Faerb. Zeitung. Faerber Zeitung. Verein der Chemiker Koloristen. Berlin. 1, 1889-31, 1920// Fam. Mag. Family Magazine. New York. 1-8, 1833-1841// Farm. Bras. Farmacéutico Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro. 1, 1926. Farm. Bull. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Farm. Bull. Farm. Esp. Farmacia Española. Madrid. 1-63, 1869-1931// Farmacia. Sociedad Farmacéutica Mexicana. Mexico. 1-14, 18901895; Ser. II, 1-9, 1917-1940// Faserforschung. Leipzig. 1, 1921. Fenicia. Mexico. 1(1), 1 9 1 7 - 1 ( 6 ) , 1918// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Feuil. (Jeun.) Nat. See Cah. Nat. Fiber Invest. Rep. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Fiber Invest. Rep. Fibres. London. 1, 1940. Earlier as Textile Industries and Fibres. Fich. Bibl. Pot. Fichas de Bibliografía Potosina. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Universidad. 1-7, 1949-1953; n. ser. 1, 1954. Field Lab. Field and Laboratory. Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas. 1, 1932 Fieldiana. (Anthropology) Chicago. Natural History Museum. 1, 1895. Started as Publications. Anthropological Series. Changed in 1943. Fieldiana. (Botany) Chicago Natural History Museum. 1, 1895. Started as Publications, Botanical Series; changed in 1946. Fü. Letr. Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional. Mexico. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 1, 1941. Finca. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento y del Consejo Local de Fomento Agrícola y Ganadero. Agencia General. Villahermosa. 1(1), 1936 to 2(11), 1939// Not in the U.S. Fish. Bull. Fisheries Bulletin. U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1, 1881. Fisher's Natl. Mag. Indust. Ree. Fisher's National Magazine and Industrial Record. New York. 1-3, 1845-1846// Fitofilo. Mexico, Departamento Fitosanitario. San Jacinto. 1, 19421945//? Flora. Jena. 1, 1818. Flora Sylva. Flora and Sylva. London. 1-3, 1903-1905// Flora Mai. Flora Malesiana. 1, 1950. Flore Jard Roy. Pays-Bas. See Ann. d'Hort. Bot. Flore Sen. Jard. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe. Ghent. 1-23, 1845-1880// Flor. Comp. Florist's Companion. See Tilton's Jour. Hort. Flower Gard. See Amer. Gard. Flower Grower. Albany. 1, 1914. Foerh. Skand. Naturf. Moede. Forehandlingar Skandinaviske Naturforskeres Moede. Gothenburg. 1-18, 1893-1929// Foil. Divulg. Cient. Inst. Biol. Mexico. Folletos de Divulgación Científica del Instituto de Biología. Mexico. Universidad Nacional. 1, 1930 - 41, 1944// Foil. Tecn. Ofic. Estud. Espec. Mexico. Folleto Técnico. Oficina de Estudios Especiales. Mexico. Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganadería. 1, ? Fom. (de Yuc.). Fomento (de Yucatan.) Merida. n. ser., 1, 1 9 4 3 4(48), 1947// Fomento. Baja California y sus Riquezas Naturales. 1, 1 9 3 4 - 2 ( 1 6 ) , 1935// Not in the U.S. (Saw at Sec. Agr. Dir Geog. Meteor.) For. Abstr. Forestry Abstracts. Imperial Forestry Bureau. Oxford. 1, 1939. For. Agr. Foreign Agriculture. U.S.D.A. Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. 1, 1937. For. Agr. Rep. Foreign Agriculture Report. U.S.D.A. Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. 1, 1942. For. Comm. Week. Foreign Commerce Weekly. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Office of International Trade. 1, 1940. For. Irrig. Forestry and Irrigation. See Amer. For. For. Lvs. Forest Leaves. Pennsylvania Forestry Association. Philadelphia. 1, 1886. For. Prod. Lab. Res. Rep. Forest Products Laboratory Research Reports. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Madison. 1, 1915. For. Prod. Res. Lab. Lea.fl. Forest Products Research Laboratory Leaflets. Great Britain. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1, ?

Gac. Agr. Vet. Gaceta Agrícola y Veterinaria. Mexico. 1-5, 19101914//? Gac. Agr. Vet. Gaceta Agrícola Veterinaria. Sociedad Mexicana de Agricultura y Veterinaria "Ignacio Alvarado" y de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura de Mexico. 1-3, 1877-1882// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Gac. Lit. Méx. Gaceta de Literatura de Mexico. 1st edition as Gazeta de Literatura. 3 vols. 1788-1795; 2d edition, 4 vols., 1831; 3d edition, 4 vols., 1893-1896, was published by the Sociedad Agrícola Mexicana. (This does not seem to be complete anywhere. ) Vol. 4 contains the following additions to the first 3 vols, (p. in 2d ed.): Diario Literario. March 18-May 10, 1768; p. 1-81; Asuntos Varios sobre Ciencia y Artes. Nov. 2, 1772-Jan. 4, 1773. (12 nos.) p. 83-165. Listed by various authorities as 11, 12, or 13 nos. Consejos Utiles. (Sometimes included with Asuntos; p.166189.) Original, 12 p., at Huntington Library. Separate published in 1786. Observaciones sobre la Física, Historia Natural, y Artes Utiles. Nos. 1-14, p. 191-283, 1787-1788. Discursos Varios, del autor, sacados de las Gazetas de Mexico. 1784-1798 (99?); p. 283-446. Gac. Med. Mex. Gaceta Medica de Mexico. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Mexico. Mexico. 1, 1864. Gac. Med. Mil. Gaceta Medico-Militar. Asociación Mexicana de Medicos Militares. Mexico. 1-6, 1890-1895; n. ser. 1(1-10), 1930-1931; Ser. III, 1-2(9), 1933-1935//? Gac. Ofic. Gob. Est. Michoacan. See Per. Ofic. Gob. Est. Michoacan. Gac. Univ. Gaceta Universitaria. Mexico. 1, 1940? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Gac. Univ. Nac. Méx. Gaceta de la Universidad Nacional de Mexico. 1, 1954. Gaea. Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos. Buenos Aires. 1, 1 9 2 2 - 6 , 1938//? Gamble's Int. Nav. Stores Yearbk. Gamble's International Naval Stores Yearbook. See Nav. Stores Rev. Gard. Bull. Gardens' Bulletin. Singapore. 1, 1891. Started as Agricultural Bulletin of the Malay Peninsula; then of the Straits and Federated Malay States. Gard. Chron. Gardeners Chronicle. London. 1, 1841. Gard. Chron. Amer. Gardeners Chronicle of America. National Association of Gardeners. Jersey City, New Jersey. 1, 1905. Gard. Dig. Garden Digest. Pleasantville, New York. 1-14, 1931-1942// Gard. For. Garden and Forest. New York. 1, 1888 - 1 0 , 1897// Gard. Mag. Gardeners Magazine. London. 1, 1 8 2 8 - 1 9 , 1844// Gard. Month. Hort. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist. Philadelphia, Pa. 1, 1 8 5 9 - 3 0 , 1888// Garden. London. 1-91, 1871-1927// Gartenflora. Deutsche Gartenbau Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1852 — 87 1938; n. ser. 1938-1940// Gartenschoenheit. Berlin. 1, 1920. Gartenwelt. Blumen und Pflanzenbau vereinigt mit die Gartenwelt. Berlin. 1, 1896. 1, as Hesdoerffer's Monatshefte fuer Blumen und Gartenfreunde.


JOURNAL TITLES CITED Gartenzeitung. Berlin. See Deut. Gart. Zeitg. Gaz. Hebd. Med. Chir. Gazette Hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirugie. Paris. 1, n. ser. 1-7, 1853-1902// Gaz. Lit. See Gac. Lit. Mex. Gaz. Mex. Gazeta(s) de Mexico. Mexico. 1-6, Jan. to June, 1722; 1-157, 1728-1742; 1-16, 1784-1809. No botany after 1809. Gen. Mag. Hist. Chron. General Magazine and Historical Chronicle. University of Pennsylvania. General Alumni Society. Philadelphia, Pa. 1, 1896. First as the Alumni Register of the Society. Genetics. Princeton, N.J. 1, 1916. Gent. Herb. Gentes Herbarum. Cornell University. State College of Agriculture. Bailey Hortorium. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1920. Geog. Jahrb. Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha. 1, 1866. Geog. Jour. Geographical Journal. Royal Geographical Society. London. 1, 1893. Supersedes the Proceedings of the Society. Geog. Mag. Geographical Magazine. London. 1-5, 1874-1878// Geog. Mag. Geographical Magazine. London. 1, 1935. Geog. Rev. Geographical Review. American Geographical Society of New York. 1, 1916. Supersedes the Society Bulletin (formerly the Journal). Geog. Zeitsch. Geographische Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1, 1895. Geog. Zhur. See Zemlevedenie. Geographie. Paris. 1, 1 9 0 0 - 7 2 , 1939// Started as the Bulletin. Societe de Geographie de Paris. 1, 1822 - Ser. VII, 1899. Germinal. Sociedad Agronomica Nacional. Mexico. 1, 1 9 2 1 - 4 ( 3 3 ) , 1941? //? Ges. Abh. Seler's. See Seler's Ges. Abh. Gior. Agr. Lomb. Ven. Giornale Agrario Lombardo-Veneto. Milano. 1-Ser. II (8), 1826-1837// Gior. Bot. ltd. Giornale Botanico Italiano. Firenze. 1-2, 1844-1847// Followed by Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano. Gior. 1st. Incor. Agr. Arti Manuf. Palermo. Giornale. Istituto d'Incoraggiamento, di Agricoltura, Arti e Manufatture. Palermo. Ser. III, 1, 1863// Gior. 1st. Lomb. Sci. Lett. Giornale. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Milano. 1, 1841 - n. ser. IX, 1856// Globe. Societe de Geographie de Geneve. 1, 1860. (also as Memoires de la Societe.) Globus. Hildburghausen; Brunswick. 1-98, 1861-1910// Merged into Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. Goldthwaite's Geog. Mag. Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine. New York. 1-7(6), 1891-1895//? Goucher Alumn. Quart. Goucher Alumnae Quarterly. Baltimore. 1, 1921. Grana Palynol. Grana Palynologica. Stockholm. 1, 1948; n. ser. 1, 1954. Granja. Monterrey. See El Campo. Gummizeitung. Dresden, Berlin. 1, 1886.

Himm. Erde. Himmel und Erde. Gesellschaft Urania. Leipzig; Berlin. 1, 1 8 8 8 - 2 7 , 1915// Hisp. Amer. Hispano-America. Mexico. Mexican edition known as Tiempo, q.v. Hisp. Amer. Hispano-America. San Francisco. 1-20, 1914-1934// Hisp. Amer. Hispano-America. Tegucigalpa. 1, 1922. Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. Hispanic American Historical Review. Baltimore, Md. Durham, N.C. 1, 1918. Hist. Acad. R. Sei. Bel. Lett. Berlin. Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres. Berlin. (Akademie der Wissenschaften.) 1-26, 1745-1769// Hist. Med. Historia Medicinae. New York. 1, 1926. Hist. Mem. Acad. Sei. Inscrip. Bel. Lett. Toulouse. Histoire et Memoires. Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Toulouse. 1, 1782. Hist. Mem. Acad. R. Sei. Paris. Histoire ( et Memoires ) de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Paris. 1699-1789// (Also as Institut de France. ) Hist. Mex. Historia Mexicana. Colegio de Mexico. 1, 1951. Hogar. Chihuahua. See Agr. Mex. Hogar. Toluca. 1(1-18), 1872-1873// Hontanar. Instituto de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez. 1, 1949. Not in the U.S. According to the Director of the Instituto, "No tenemos ejemplares en la biblioteca de este Instituto y lo peor es que no podríamos decirle a Ud. donde puede conseguirle una coleccion." Hookers Jour. Bot. Hooker's Journal of Botany (and Kew Garden Miscellany). London. 1-9, 1849-1857// Supersedes London Journal of Botany. Hort. Belge. Horticulteur Belge. Bruxelles. 1-5, 1833-1838// Hort. Prat. Horticulteur Praticien. Paris. 1-6, 1857-1862// Hort. Univ. Horticulteur Universel. Paris. 1, 1839 - Ser. III, 1, 1847// House Gard. House and Garden. New York. 1, 1901. Hum. Bird. Humming Bird. London. 1-5, 1891-1895// Humanidades. Universidad Nacional Nacional Autonoma. Mexico. 1, 1943. Humboldt. Stuttgart. 1-9, 1882-1890// Merged into Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Hutching's lllus. Calif. Mag. Hutching's Illustrated California Magazine. San Francisco. 1, 1856/1857-5, 1861// Ibero-Amer. Ibero Americana. University of California. Berkeley. 1, 1932. Ibero-Amer. Stud. Ibero Amerikanische Studien. Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut. Hamburg. 1, 1936. ICACH. Instituto de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. 1, 1959. III. Cath. Hist. Rev. See Mid. Amer. lllus. Hort. Illustration Horticole. Ghent, Bruxelles. 1-43, 1854-1896// lllus. Monatsh. Ges. Inter. Gart. See Neubert's Deut. Gart. Mag. Ilus. Méx. Ilustración Mexicana. Mexico. 1-5, 1851-1855// Ilus. Pot. Ilustración Potosina. San Luis Potosi. 1, 1869-1870// Imp. Méx. Imprenta en Mexico. Mexico. 1-2, 1924-1925// Ind. For. Indian Forester. Allahabad. 1, 1875. Ind. Jour. Med. Res. Indian Journal of Medical Research. Calcutta. 1, 1913. Ind. Jour. Med. Set. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. Bombay. 1, 1947. Ind. Merc. Indische Mercuur. Amsterdam. 1, 1878. Ind. Pl. Gard. Indian Planting ánd Gardening. Calcutta. 1-16, 18971906// Ind. Rub. Jour. India Rubber Journal. London. 1, 1884. Ind. Rub. World. India Rubber World. New York. 1, 1889. Indep. Med. Independencia Medica. Mexico. 1, 1 8 8 0 - 2 , 1882// Superseded by Voz de Hipocrates. Index Lectionum. Lyceum R. Hosianeum. Braunsberg. Staatliche Akademie. Botanisches Institut. 1897-1901// unnumbered parts. Indo-Amer. Indo-América. Frente Indigenista Americana. Mexico. 1(1-7/8), 1938// Indust. Eng. Chem. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Washington. 1, 1909. Also as Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Indust. Fibres Rev. Industrial Fibres Review. London. 1, 1938. Earlier as Sisal Review. Indust. For. Industria Forestal. Camara Nacional de las Industrias Forestales. Mexico. 1, 1946. Indust. Ref. Sew. For. Prod. U.S. Dept. Comm. Industrial Reference Service. Forest Products. U.S. Department of Commerce. Com-

Hac. Ranch. Hacienda y Ranchos. Mexico. 1, 1 9 0 9 - 2 ( 1 5 ) , 1910// Not in the U.S. (In HN Mex.) Hacienda. Buffalo. 1, 1905. Hamb. Gart. Blum. Zeitg. Hamburger Garten und Blumen Zeitung. Hamburg. 1-46, 1845-1890// Started as Neue Allgemeine Deutsche Garten und Blumenzeitung. Handb. Ser. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Handbook Series American Museum of Natural History. New York. 1-12, 1913-1925// Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. 1, 1739. Hardw. Ree. Hardwood Record. Chicago. 1-77, 1895-1939// Harper's Mag. Harper's Magazine. (Also as Harper's Monthly Magazine and Harper's New Monthly Magazine.) New York. 1, 1850. Hawaii For. Agr. Hawaii Forester and Agriculturist. Honolulu. 1-30, 1904-1933// Heil-und Gewuerzpflanzen. Deutsche Hortus Gesellschaft. Muenchen. 1-18, 1917-1939// Henequen. Merida. 1-4, 1916-1919// Henequenero. Merida. 1(1-11), 1927//? Her. Agr. Heraldo Agricola. Mexico. 1-14, 1901-1914// Herbarist. Herb Society of America. Boston. 1, 1935. Herbarium. Leipzig. 1-86, 1908-1932// Herbertia. American Amaryllis Society. Orlando, Fla. 1, 1934. In 1949 merged with Plant Life. Hesdoerffer's Monatsh. Blum. Gart. Fr. Hesdoerffer's Monatshefte fuer Blumen und Garten Freunde. 1, 1885. Continued as Gartenwelt, and Blumen und Pflanzenbau. Hesperian. 1-11, 1858-1863. Changed to Pacific Monthly in 1863. Hilgardia. California Experiment Station. Berkeley. 1, 1925. 46

JOURNAL modifies Reference Series. 1, 1940. In parts; part 4, Forest Products. Changed in 1947 to World Trade Commodities; discontinued in 1950. Inf. Doc. Rel. Com. Int. Ext. Mex. Sec. Fom. Informes y Documentos Relativos al Comercio Interior y Exterior. Mexico. Secretaria de Fomento. 1-72, 1885-1891// Inform. Bull. U.S. Arct. Des. Trop. Inform. Cent. Information Bulletin. U.S. Arctic Desert Tropics Information Center. Washington. 1, 1944. Inform. Leafl. Amer. Woods. Information Leaflet. American Woods. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, Wis. 1, 1945. Inform. Leafl. For. Woods. Information Leaflet. Foreign Woods. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, Wis. 1, 1937. Informe Estac. Exp. Agron. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Informe Estación Experimental Agronómica. 1-5, 1904-1920-//? Ing. Hidr. Méx. Ingeniería Hidráulica en Mexico. Secretaría de Recursos Hidráulicos. Mexico. 1, 1947. Succeeds Irrigación en Mexico. Instructor. Aguascalientes. 1, 1884-26, 1910//? Int. Arner. Inter-America. New York. English version, 1-9, 19171926// Spanish version, 1-10, 1917-1926// Int. Amer. Rev. Bibl. see Rev. Interamer. Bibl. Intern. Arch. Ethnog. Internationales Archiv fuer Ethnographie. Internationale Gesellschaft fuer Ethnographie. Leyden. 1, 1888. Intern. Jour. Amer. Ling. International Journal of American Linguistics. Columbia University. New York. 1, 1917. Intern. Monatssch. Wiss. Kunst Tech. Internationale Monatsschrift fuer Wissenschaft, Kunst, und Technik. Berlin. 1-15, 1907-1921// Started as Internationale Wochenschrift. Intern. Rev. Agr. International Review of Agriculture. Roma. n. ser. 18, 1927. Formed by the union of two earlier journals. Intern. Rev. Vit. Res. International Review of Vitamin Research. Bern, Berlin. 1, 1932. Intern. Woch. Wiss. Kunst. Tech. See Intern. Monatssch. Intern. Zeitsch. Vit. Forsch. See Intern. Rev. Vit. Res. Invest. Econ. Investigación Economica. Universidad Nacional. Escuela Nacional de Economía. Mexico. 1, 1941. Invest. Ling. Investigaciones Lingüisticas. Instituto Mexicano de Investigaciones Lingüisticas. Mexico. 1-5, 1933-1928//? Supplement Cuadernos Lingüísticos. Invest. Prog. Investigación y Progreso. Madrid. 1, 1927. Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sei. Iowa State College Journal of Science. Ames, Iowa. 1, 1926. Irr. Méx. Irrigación en Mexico. Comision Nacional de Irrigación. Mexico. 1-27, 1930-1946// Continued as Ingeniería Hidráulica en Mexico. Isis. Bruxelles; Bern. 1, 1913. Istmo. Centro Cultural Istmeño. Mexico(?). 1 ( 1 ) , 1 9 3 7 - 2 ( 1 3 ) , 1942//? Izv. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Leningrad. 1, 1928. Earlier as Bulletin Scientifique, and Bulletin. Jaarb. Ned. Dendrol. Ver. Jaarboek. Nederlandsche Dendrologische Vereeniging. Wageningen. 1, 1925. Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin. Jahrbuch. Botanischer Garten. Berlin. Universitaet. 1-5, 1881-1889// Follows Linnaea. Jahrb. Deut. Kakt. Ges. See Cactaceae. Jahrbuch. Wiss. Anst. Hamburg. Jahrbuch. Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten. Hamburg (Also as Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten.) 1, 1 8 8 3 - 1 9 , 1901// Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. Jahrbuecher fuer Wissenschaftliche Botanik. Berlin; Leipzig. 1, 1858. Jahresb. Ceska Spol. Nauk. Jahresbericht. Ceska Spolecnost Nauk. 1875-1917// Jahresb. Fortsch. Bot. Jahresbericht ueber die Fortschritte der Botanik. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Breslau. 1820-1842// Published 1845-1847. Jahresb. Inst. Ang. Bot. Jahresbericht. Institut fuer Angewandte Botanik. Hamburg. 1912-1939// Jahresb. K. Gymn. Sorau. Jahresbericht. K. Gymnasium. Sorau. Beilage. Not in the U.S. Jahresb. Pollichia. See Mitt. Pfaelz. Ver. Nat. Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. Jahresbericht. Schlesische Gesellschaft fuer Vaterlaendische Kultur. Breslau. 1, 1824 —108, 1935// As Uebersicht der Arbeiten. 1824-1829. 47



Jahresb. St. Oberrealsch. Wien. Jahresbericht. Staats Oberrealschule. Wien. 1, ? Jahresb. Ver. Ang. Bot. Jahresbericht. Vereinigung fuer Angewandte Botanik. Berlin. 1, 1903 - 16, 1918// Jahresb. Ver. Geog. Stat. Jahresbericht. Verein fuer Geographie und Statistik. Frankfurt am Main. 1, 1 8 3 6 - 8 9 , 1925// Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Nat. Jahresheft. Verein fuer Vaterlaendische Naturkunde in Wuerttemberg. Stuttgart. 1, 1845. Jal. Agr. Gan. Jalisco Agricola y Ganadero. Consejo Local de Fomento y Agricola. Guadalajara. 1, 1 9 3 3 - 2 ( 2 2 ) , 1936//? Jal. Rur. Jalisco Rural. Guadalajara. 1, 1 9 1 8 - 1 6 , 1935//? Changed in 1936 to Jalisco Rural e Industrial. Jal. Rur. Indust. See above. James Sprunt Stud. Hist. Pol. Sei. James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science. (Also known as James Sprunt Historical Monographs, Publications, Studies.) North Carolina Historical Society. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1, 1900. Janus. Amsterdam 1, 1896. Jap. Jour. Bot. Japanese Journal of Botany. National Research Council of Japan. Tokyo. 1, 1922. Jap. Jour. Breed. Japanese Iournal of Breeding. Japanese Society of Breeding. Tokyo. 1, 1952. Jard. Fleur. Jardin Fleuriste. Ghent. 1, 1 8 5 1 - 4 , 1854// Jardin. Paris. 1-35, 1887-1921// Jour. Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. See Agr. Prat. Jour. Agr. Res. Journal of Agricultural Research. U.S.D.A. Washington. 1, 1913 - 78, 1949// Jour. Agr. Trop. Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale. Paris. 1-19, 19011919// Superseded by Revue de Botanique Appliquée et d'Agriculture Coloniale. Jour. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture. University of Puerto Rico. 1, 1917. Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc. Journal. American Chemical Society. 1, 1879. Jour. Amer. Folkl. Journal of American Folklore. Boston. 1, 1888. Started as Journal of the Society. Jour. Amer. Folkl. Soc. See above. Jour. Amer. Geog. Soc. New York. See Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc. New York. Jour. Amer. Inst. Homeop. Journal. American Institute of Homeopathy. 1, 1909. Jour. Amer. Leather Chem. Assoc. Journal. American Leather Chemists' Association. 1, 1906. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc. Journal. American Medical Association. 1, 1883. Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Journal. American Pharmaceutical Association. 1, 1912. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. See Agron. Jour. Jour. Arnold Arb. Journal. Arnold Arboretum. Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1919. Jour. Biol. Chem. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Baltimore. 1, 1905. Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Journal. Bombay Natural History Society. 1, 1886. Jour. Bot. Journal de Botanique. Paris. 1, 1887 - 20, 1906; 1-3, 19071913// Jour. Bot. Journal de Botanique. Société de Botanistes. Paris. 1-2, 1808-1809. Jour. Bot. Journal fuer die Botanik. See Neues Jour. Bot. Jour. Bot. Appl. Journal de Botanique Appliquée a l'Agriculture, a la Pharmacie, a la Medecine et Arts. 1-4, 1813-1814// Jour. Bot. Brit. For. Journal of Botany British and Foreign. London. 1, 1863-1942//? Jour. Bot. (Hooker) Journal of Botany. (Hooker) London. 1-4, 18341842// Superseded Botanical Miscellany. Superseded by London Journal of Botany. Jour. Bot. Japan. See Jap. Jour. Bot. Jour. Bot. Neerl. Journal de Botanique Néerlandaise. Amsterdam. 1, 1861// Jour. Bot. Russie (or U.R.S.S.) See Bot. Zhur. Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. See Cact Succ. Jour. Jour. Calif. Hort. Soc. Journal. California Horticultural Society. San Francisco. 1, 1940. Jour. Chem. Ed. Journal of Chemical Education. American Chemical Society. Easton. 1, 1924. Jour. Chim. Med. Journal de Chimie Medicale, de Pharmacie, de Toxicologie. Paris. 1, 1825 - Ser. V, 12, 1876// Jour. Cine. Nat. Hist. Journal. Cincinnati Society of Natural History. 1, 1 8 7 8 - 2 2 , 1917//


CITED Roy. Soc. Arts. Journal. Royal Society of Arts. London. 1, 1852. Sei. Dept. Univ. Tokyo. See Jour. Fac. Sei. Tokyo. Univ. Sei. Philippine Islands. See Phil. Jour. Sei. Sei. Res. Journal of Scientific Research. Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia. Djakarta, Indonesia. 1, 1952. Jour. Soc. Amer. Paris. Journal. Societe des Americanistes. Paris. 1, 1895 - 8, 1904; n. ser. 1, 1904. Jour. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist. Journal. Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. London. 1, 1936. Jour. Soc. Bot. Russie. See Bot. Zhur. Jour. Soc. Natl. Hort. Paris. See Ann. Soc. Natl. Hort. Paris. Jour. Tenn. Acad. Sei. Journal. Tennessee Academy of Science. 1, 1926. Jour. Trevoux. See Mem. Hist. Sei. Jour. Trop. Med. Hyg. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. London. 1, 1898. Jour. Univ. Bombay. Journal. University of Bombay. 1, 1932. Jour. Washington Acad. Sei. Journal. Washington Academy of Science. 1, 1911. Just's Bot. Jahresb. See Bot. Jahresb.

Jour. Jour. Jour. Jour.

Jour. Coll. Sei. Tokyo Univ. See Jour. Fac. Sei. Tokyo Univ. Jour. Dept. Agr. Puerto Rico. See Jour. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico. Jour. Ecol. Journal of Ecology. British Ecological Society. London, Cambridge. 1, 1913. Jour. Ecori. Bot. Pomona Coll. See Pomona Coll. Jour. Econ. Bot. Jour. Econ. Entomol. Journal of Economic Entomology. American Association of Economic Entomologists. Concord, N.H. 1, 1908. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sei. Soc. Journal. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Chapel Hill, N.C. 1, 1883. Jour. Fac. Sei. Tokyo Univ. Journal. Faculty of Science. Tokyo (Imperial) University. (Earlier as Science Department, then as College of Science.) Section 3, Botany. 1, 1887 - 45, 1925// Jour. For. Journal of Forestry. Washington. 1, 1902. Originally Forestry Quarterly. Supersedes Society of American Foresters. Proceedings. (Washington.) 1-11, 1905-1916// Jour. Franklin Inst. Journal. Franklin Institute. Philadelphia. 1, 1826. Jour. Ceog. Journal of Geography. Lancaster, etc. 1, 1902. (Followed Bulletin of the American Bureau of Geography. 1-2, 1900-1901.) Jour. Hered. Journal of Heredity. American Genetic Association. Washington. 1, 1910. 1-4 as American Breeders Magazine. Jour. Hist. Med. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. New York. 1, 1946. Jour. Hort. Pract. Gard. Journal of Horticulture and Practical Gardening. London. 1, 1849-Ser. Ill, 71, 1915// Jour. Hort. Soc. London. See Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. London. Jour. Imp. Inst. Journal. Imperial Institute. Great Britain. London. 1-81 1895-1902// Jour. Ind. Bot. See below. Jour. Ind. Bot. Soc. Journal. Indian Botanical Society. Madras. 1, 1919. Started as Journal of Indian Botany. Jour. Indust. Eng. Chem. See Indust. Eng. Chem. Jour. Jour. Intern. Gard. Club. Journal. International Garden Club. New York. 1-3, 1917-1919// Jour. Jap. Bot. Journal of Japanese Botany. Tokyo. 1, 1916. Jour. Landw. Journal fuer Landwirtschaft. Goettingen. Universitaet. Landwirtschaftliches Institut. 1, 1853. Jour. Linn. Soc. London. Journal. Linnaean Society. London. 1, 1885. 1-7 as Journal of the Proceedings. Jour. Mammal. Journal of Mammalogy. American Society of Mammalogists. Baltimore. 1, 1919. Jour. Manchester Geog. Soc. Journal. Manchester Geographical Society. 1, 1885. Jour. Med. Vet. Mil. Journal de Medecine Veterinaire Militaire. Paris. 1-14, 1862-1877// Jour. Ment. Sei. Journal of Mental Science. Medico-Psychological Association of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1, 1855. Jour. Morb. Anat. etc. Journal of Morbid Anatomy. . . . London. 1(1), 1828. Contains Medico-Botanical Transactions. Jour. Nat. Hist. Boston. See Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. Jour. Nat. Phil. Chem. Arts. Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts. (Nicholson's Journal.) London. 1, 1797 - n. ser. 36, 1813//? Merged into Philosophical Magazine, then London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. Journal. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1 9 0 0 - 5 1 , 1950// Changed to Garden Journal. Jour. New York Micro. Soc. Journal. New York Microscopical Society. 1, 1 8 8 5 - n . ser. 1903// Jour. Orch. Journal des Orchidees. Ghent. 1-7, 1890-1897// United with Illustration Horticole to form Semaine Horticole. Jour. Paris. Journal de Paris. 1777-1840// Jour. Pharm. Chim. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. Paris. 1, 1809. Jour. Pharm. Exp. Therap. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. American Society for Pharmacy and Experimental Therapeutics. Baltimore. 1, 1909. Jour. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts. Paris. 1-96, 1773-1823// First as Observations et Memoires sur la Physique etc. Jour. Range Man. Journal of Range Management. American Society of Range Management. Baltimore. 1, 1948. Jour. Res. Sei. Agra Univ. Journal of Research Science. Agra University. 1, 1952. Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. England. Journal. Royal Agriculture Society of England. London. 1, 1839. Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc. London. Journal. Royal Geographic Society of London. 1-50, 1830-1880// Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. London. Journal. Royal Horticultural Society. London. 1-9, 1845-1855; n. ser. 1, 1866.

K. for Kaiserliche, Kongelige, Koninklijke, Kungliga, etc. See generally under the word after the K. Kakt. And. Sukk. Kakteen und Andere Sukkulenten. 1. 1937-1938; 1, 1947, Kakt. Fr. Kakteen Freund. Mannheim. 1-4, 1932-1935// Merged into Kakteenkunde. Kakt. Sukk. Kaktusy Sukkulenty a Jejich Pesteni. (Knihovna Ceskoslovensky Zahradnickych) Prague. Nos. 1-5, 1924// Kakteenkunde. See Monatssch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. Kansas Univ. Sei. Bull. Kansas University Science Bulletin. Lawrence. 1, 1902. Kautschuk. Deutsche Kautschuk Gesellschaft. Duesseldorf. 1, 1925. Absorbed by Gummizeitung, 1943. Kew Gard. Misc. See Hooker's Jour. Bot. Kolon. Forst. Mitt. Kolonialforstliche Mitteilungen. Neudamm-Berlin. 1, 1 9 3 8 - 5 ( 7 ) , 1943// Kolon. Jahrbuch. See Kolon. Monatsb. Kolon. Monatsb. Koloniale Monatsblaetter. Deutsche Kolonial Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1888-16, 1914// Started as Koloniales Jahrbuch. 1-11, 1888-1898. Superseded by Beitraege zum Kolonial Politik und Kolonial Wirtschaft. 1-5, 1899, and Zeitschrift fuer Kolonial Politik Kolonial Recht und Kolonial Wirtschaft. 6-14. Kolon. Rundschau. Koloniale Rundschau. Berlin. 1, 1909. Koralle. Berlin. 1, 1925. Kosmos. Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde. Stuttgart. 1, 1904. Kulturpflanze. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1, 1953 Lancet. London. 1, 1823. Land of Sunshine. See Out West. Landw. Jahrb. Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbuecher. Berlin. 1, 1872. Lasca Lvs. Lasca Leaves. Los Angeles State and County Arboretum. 1, 1950. Lav. Ist. Bot. Palermo. Lavori. Istituto Botanico. Palermo. 1, 1930. Leafl. Anthrop. Dept. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Leaflets. Anthropological Department. Field Museum of Natural History (now Chicago Natural History Museum). 1, 1922. Leafl. Bot. Dept. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Leaflets. Botanical Department. Field Museum of Natural History (now Chicago Natural History Museum). 1, 1922. Also as Popular Series. Botany. Leafl. Bot. Mus. Harvard Univ. Leaflets. Botanical Museum. Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1932. Leafl. Bot. Obs. Crit. Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism. 1-2, 1903-1912// Leafl. Santa Barbara Bot. Gard. Leaflets. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. 1, 1944. Leafl. Southw. Mus. Leaflets. Southwest Museum. Los Angeles. 1, 1935. Leafl. West. Bot. Leaflets of Western Botany. San Francisco. 1, 1932. Lemb. Pusat Penj. Kehut. See Commun. For. Res. Inst. Indonesia. Leopoldina. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle. 1, 1 8 5 9 - 5 8 , 1923; n. ser. 1-6, 1926-1930// Libr. Chron. Univ. Texas. Library Chronicle. University of Texas. Austin. 1, 1944. Libr. Gaz. Yale Univ. Library Gazette. Yale University. 1, 1926. Library. London. 1, 1889. From 1930 contains the Transactions of the Bibliographical Society of London. Libro y el Pueblo. Mexico. 1-13(3), 1922-1935// 48

JOURNAL TITLES CITED Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. XJniv. Utrecht. Mededeelingen. Botanisch Museum en Herbarium. Rijks Universiteit. Utrecht. 1, 1932. Meded. Dept. Landb. Netherlands. Medeedelingen. Département van Landbouw. Netherlands. 1-18, 1905-1914// Continued in Bulletin. Jardin Botanique. Buitenzorg. Meded. Rijks Herb. Leyden. Mededeelingen. Rijks Herbarium (in Rijks Universiteit). Leyden. 1-70, 1910-1933// Superseded by Blumea. Meded. s'Lands Plant. Buitenzorg. Mededeelingen. s'Lands Plantentuin. (Jardin Botanique) Buitenzorg. 1-75, 1884-1904// Superseded by Mededeelingen. Department van Landbouw. Dutch E. Indies. 1905-1914; then as Bulletin. 1, 1918. Medicina. Escuela Nacional de Medicina. Mexico. 1, 1920. Medico. Mexico? 1, 1951. Meehan's Month. Meehan's Monthly. Philadelphia. 1-12, 1891-1902// Mej. Mat. Mejoras Materiales. Campeche. 1-12, 1858-1859// Mel. Biol. Melanges Biologiques. Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Leningrad. 1-13, 1849-1894// Mel. Phil. Accad. Sci. Torino. See Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Mem. Acad. (Imp.) Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. St. Petersb. See Mem. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Mem Acad. Mex. Hist. Memorias. Academia Mexicana de la Historia. Mexico. 1, 1942. Mem. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Ant. Alzate. Mexico. Memorias. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Antonio Alzate. Mexico. (1884-1929 as Sociedad Cientifica Antonio Alzate. ) 1, 1887. Some issues contain the Revista Cientifica y Bibliografica, later Revista Bibliografica. Mem. Acad. Nac. Hist. Geog. Mexico. Memorias. Academia Nacional de Historia y Geografia. Mexico. Ser. II, 1, 1945. Mem. Acad. Natl. Sci. Arts Bel. Lett. Caen. Memoires. Academie Nationale des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres de Caen. 1, 1754. Mem. Acad. Roy. (Preuss. Akad.) Berlin. See Mem. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Paris. Memoires. Academie Royale des Sciences. Paris. (Also as Institut de France.) Many name changes. 1-11, 1666-1699// Another series, 1731-1736; 1816; 1879. Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Turin. See Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Mem. Acad. Sci. Inscr. Bel. Lett. Toulouse. Memoires. Academie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Toulouse. 1, 1782. Mem. Acad. Sci. Lett. Beaux Arts. Belgique. Memoires. Academie des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beux Arts de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Ser. II, Coll. en 8°, 1, 1904; Coll. en 4% 1, 1904. Mem. Accad. Naz. Lincei. Memorie. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali. Roma. 1, 1876. ( Under Accademia d'Italia. Rendiconti. 1, 1930 - 14, 1944. ) In Ser. VIII, divided into sections: III a, Botanica. 1, 1946. Mem. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna. Memorie. Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. 1, 1850-Ser. VI(4), 1907// Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Memorie. Accademia delle Scienze. Torino. 1, 1759-Ser. II, 1839 as Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica Societatis Privatae Taurinensis. 2-5, 1760-1773, as Melanges de Philosophie; from 68, 1936 in classes. Mem. Agr. Exp. Stat. Cornell Univ. Memoirs. Agricultural Experiment Station. Cornell University. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1913. Mem. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. Memoires. (Zapiski) Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Ser. V, 1, 1803-Ser. VII, 42, 1897. Classe Physique Mathématique. Ser. VIII, 1-37(3), 1894-1930// The first 4 series are the Commentarii, Novi Commentarii, Acta, and Nova Acta. Mem. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Memoires. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1786-1804// Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts. Sci. Memoirs. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston. 1-4, 1780-1821. 1, 1785 for 1780-1783; n. ser. 1, 1826 - 1 9 , 1946// Mem. Amer. Anthrop. Assoc. Memoirs. American Anthropological Association. Lancaster. 1, 1905. Mem. Anthrop. Dept. Chi. Nat. Hist. Mus. Memoirs. Anthropology Department. Chicago. Natural History Museum. 1, 1925. Mem. Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist. Memoirs. Boston Society of Natural History. 1, 1862. Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. Memoirs. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 1-5(1), 1868-1905// Mem. CI. Math. Phys. Acad. Sci. Paris. Memoires. Classe Mathématique et Physique. Academie des Sciences. Paris. 1806-1815// Mem. Cl. Phys. Math. Acad. St. Petersbourg. See Mem. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. Mem. Cl. Sci. Acad. Sci. Belgique. See Mem. Acad. Sci. Lett. Beaux Arts. Belgique.

Lie. Mex. Liceo Mexicano. Mexico. 1-2, 1844// LÜloa. Institute "Miguel Lillo." Tucuman. Universidad Nacional. 1, 1937. Linnaea. Berlin, Halle. 1 - n . ser. 9, 1826-1882// Merged into Jahrbuch. Botanischer Garten. Universitaet. Berlin. Lippincott's Month. Mag. See McBride's Mag. Lira Mich. Lira Michoacana. Morelia (?) 1894-1901//? Not in the U.S. (In HN Mex.) Lloydia. Cincinnati. 1, 1938. Supersedes Bulletin. Lloyd Library and Museum. 1-35, 1900-1936// London, Edinburgh, Dublin Phü. Mag. See Edinburgh Jour. Sei. London Jour. Bot. London Journal of Botany. 1-7, 1842-1848// Supersedes Journal of Botany. 1-4, 1834-1842. Superseded by Hooker's Journal of Botany. Lumberman. Seattle. 1, 1889. Started as West Coast Lumberman; changed in 1949 to Lumberman; then combined with Timberman to form Forest Industries. Maderil. Bolsa de Maderas. Buenos Aires. 1, 1928. Madrono. California Botanical Society. San Francisco; Oakland. 1, 1916. Maes. Rur. Maestro Rural. Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Mexico. 1, 1 9 3 2 - 1 3 ( 1 2 ) , 1940//? Mag. Bot. Magazin fuer die Botanik. See Neue Ann. Bot. Mag. Fin. Ilus. Yucatan. Magazine Financiero Ilustrado Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1 9 4 3 - 2 ( 1 2 ) , 1944//? Mag. Geog. Nac. Mexico. Magazine de Geografia Nacional. Mexico. 1, 1925 - 2, 1926// Mag. Hist. Magazine of History. New York. 1-26, 1905-1922// Extra Numbers. 1-200, 1907-1935// Mag. Nat. Hist. London. Magazine of Natural History. London. 1, 1828 - n. ser. 4, 1840// Merged into Annals of Natural History, then Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Mag. Neu. Entd. Ges. Naturf. FT. Berlin. Magazin fuer die Neuesten Entdeckungen in der Gesammten Naturkunde. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. 1, 1 8 0 7 - 8 , 1818// Also as Berlinische Gesellschaft. Mag. Pitt. Magasin (Magazin) Pittoresque. Paris. 1, 1833. Mag. Zool. Bot. Geol. See Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Magy. Nov. Lap. Magyar Novenytani Lapok. Koloszvar. 1-14, 18771890// Magy. Termesz. Tars. Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Tarsulat. Budapest. Kozlony. 1-7, 1860-1867// Malpighia. Genova (Genoa). 1, 1887. Manana. Mexico. 1, 1943. Mapa. Asociacion Mexicana Automovilistica. Mexico. 1, 1934 - 2, 1935//? Maryland Hist. Mag. Maryland Historical Magazine. Baltimore. 1, 1906. Mat. Gras. Matieres Grasses. Strasbourg. Universite. Institut de Petrole. Paris. 1, 1908. Maya Res. Maya Research. New York. 1-3, 1934-1936// Maya Soc. Quart. Maya Society Quarterly. Baltimore. 1, 1931-1932// McBride's Mag. McBride's Magazine. Philadelphia. 1-97, 1868-1916// Vols. 37-96, 1885-1915, as Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Med. Bot. Trans. See Jour. Morb. Anat. Med. Bull. Medical Bulletin. Jefferson Medical Association. Philadelphia. 1-30, 1879-1908// Med. Cient. Medicina Cientifica. Mexico. 1-11, 1888-1898//? Med. Farm. Medicina y Farmacia. Beick Felix y Cia. Mexico. 1, 1936. Not in the U.S.? (In HN Mex.) Med. Homeop. Mex. Medicina Homeopatica Mexicana. Escuela Nacional de Medicina Homeopatica. Mexico. 1, 1944. Supersedes Revista Homeopatica. 1, 1936// Med. Iber. Medicina Ibera. Madrid. 1-30, 1917-1936//? Med. From. S.S.S.R. Meditsinskaia Promyshlennost S.S.S.R. 1, 1952. Med. Ree. Medical Record. New York. 1, 1865. Med. Reg. Medical Register. Philadelphia. 1-5. 1887-1889// Med. Rep. Medical Repository. New York. 1-23, 1797-1824// Med. Surg. Rep. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Philadelphia. 1-78, 1858-1898// Med. Times Reg. Medical Times (and Register). Philadelphia. 1-41, 1870-1903// Medd. Bot. Traedg. Goteborg. See Acta Horti Gothoburgensis. Medd. Hist. Filol. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Meddelelser. Historisk Filologiske. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 1, 1917. Meded. Afd. Wet. Acad. R. Sei. Belgique. See Bull. Acad. Roy. Sei. Belgique.





Mem. Cong. Cient. Méx. Memorias. Congreso Científico Mexicano. 1953. Mem. Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. See Mem. Agr. Exp. Stat. Cornell Univ. Mem. Cour. Acad. Roy. Sei. Relgique. Mémoires Couronnes. Academie Royale des Sciences. Belgique. Coll. en 4°. 1-62, 1817-1904// Also as Mémoires des Savants Etrangers. Mem. Cur. Memoirs for the Curious. See Month. Misc. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Coll. Memoirs. Department of Botany (Herbarium). Columbia College (now University). New York. 1-2, 1895-1898// Mem. Gray Herb. Memoirs. Gray Herbarium. Harvard University. 1, 1917 - 5, 1 9 4 0 / / Mem. Herb. Boiss. Mémoires. Herbier Boissier. Chambesy, Geneve. 1-22, 1 9 0 0 / / Mem. Hist. Sei. Beaux Arts. Mémoires pour l'Histoire des Sciences et des Beaux Arts. (Mémoires de Trévoux.) Paris. 1701-1767// Mem. Inst. Colon. Belge. Mémoires. Institut (Royal) Colonial Belge. Section des Sciences Naturelles et Medicales. Collection in 8°. 1, 1932; Collection in 4°. 1, 1931. Also as Verhandlungen. Koniklijk Belgisch Kolonial Instituut. Mem. Inst. Natl. Sei. Arts. Paris. See Mem. Acad. (Roy.) Sei. Paris. Mem. Inst. Roy Colon Beige. See Mem. Inst. Colon. Beige. Mem. Inst. Sei. Lett. Arts. Paris. See Mem. Acad. (Roy.) Sei. Paris. Mem. Ist. Ven. Sei. Lett. Arti. Memorie. Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. 1843. Mem. Lit. Memorial Literario, Instructivo y Curioso de la Corte de Madrid. 1, 1 7 8 4 - 5 3 ( 1 5 ) , 1 8 0 8 / / Mem. Mat. Fis. Soc. Ital. Sei. Nat. See Mem. Soc. Ital. Sei. Nat. Mem. Math. Phys. Acad. Sei. Paris. Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique. Academie des Sciences. Paris. 1806-1815// Mem. Min. Est. Desp. Mexico. See Mem. Sec. Agr. Fom. Mexico. Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Mémoires. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1 8 1 5 - 2 0 , 1 8 3 2 / / n. ser. B. Botanique. 1, 1950. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sei. Memoirs. National Academy of Sciences. Washington. 1, 1 8 6 6 - 2 3 , 1 9 4 1 / / ? Mem. New York Bot. Gard. Memoirs. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1900. Mem. New York St. Coll. Agr. See Mem. Agr. Exp. Stat. Cornell Univ. Mem. Pont. Accad. Nuovi Lincei. Memorie. Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze. (Nuovi Lincei). 1, 1 8 8 7 - S e r . III, 1-2, 1935// Mem. Pres. Div. Sav. Acad. Imp. Sei. St. Petersbourg. Mémoires Presentes par Divers Savants. Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 1-9, 1831-1859// Mem. Pres. Div. Sav. Acad. Set. Paris. Mémoires Presentes par Divers Savants. Academie des Sciences. Paris. 1-11, 1746-1786; 1-2, 1806-1811; 1, 1 8 1 5 - 3 5 , 1 9 1 4 / / Mem. Preus. Akad. See Mem. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Mem. (Prim.) Cong. Mex. Med. Memorias. Primer Congreso Mexicano de Medicina. 1, 1946. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Cafeticult. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional de Cafeticultores. Mexico. 1, 1937. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Cult. Ajo. Memorias. (Temas Agrícolas) Primera Convención Nacional de Cultivadores de Ajo. Mexico. 1, 1937. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Cult. Citr. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional de Cultivadores de Cítricos. Mexico. 1, 1940. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Cult. Papa. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional de Cultivadores de Papa. Mexico. 1, 1939. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Cult. Pina. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional de Cultivadores de Pina. Mexico. 1, 1938. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. For. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional Forestal. Mexico. 1, 1941. Mem. (Prim.) Conv. Nac. Prod. Oleag. Memorias. Primera Convención Nacional de Productores de Oleaginosas. Mexico. 1, 1939. Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Memoirs. San Diego Society of Natural History. 1, 1931. Mem. Sav. Etr. Acad. Roy. Sei. Belgique. See Mem. Cour. Acad. Roy. Sei. Belgique. Mem. Sec. (Sria.) Agr. Fom. Mexico. Memorias. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. (Also as Secretaria de Fomento) Mexico. 1856-1939// Started as Memorias del Ministerio de Estado y del Despacho de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria y Comercio de la República Mexicana. Mem. Sec. Fom. Mexico. See above. Mem Ser. B. Bot. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. See Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris.

Mem. Soc. Agr. Sci. Bel. Lett. Arts Orleans. Mémoires. Société d' Agriculture, Sciences, Belles Lettres et d'Arts. Orleans. 1, 1810. Ser. II, 1-14, 1818-1836, as Annales. Mem. Soc. Amer. Archaeol. Memoirs. Society for American Archaeology. Menasha, Wisconsin. 1, 1941. Mem. Soc. Anthrop. Paris. Mémoires. Société d'Anthropologie. Paris. 1, 1860 - Ser. Ill, 2, 1 9 0 2 / / Mem. Soc. Biogeog. Paris. Mémoires. Société de Biogeographie. Paris. 1, 1926. Mem. Soc. Bot. France. Mémoires. Société Botanique de France. 1 - 7 ( 3 ) , 1905-1921; n. ser., 1949. Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. See Mem. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Mexico. Mem. Soc. Econ. Matr. Memorias. Sociedad Economica Matritense. Madrid. 1-5, 1780-1795// Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. See An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Mem. Soc. Geog. Geneve. See Globe. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris. Mémoires. Société d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1799; 1-5, 1823-1834// Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. See Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Memorie. Societa Italiana delle Scienze. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. Roma. 1 - Ser. Ill, 24, 1782-1938//? Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Memorie. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Milano. 1-10, 1864-1929//? Mem. Soc. Med. Farm. Toluca. Memorias. Sociedad Medico-Farmaceutica. Toluca. 1-2, 1875-1876//? Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. San Diego. See Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem. Soc. Natl. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg. Mémoires. Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg. (Several name changes.) 1, 1852. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve. Memoirs. Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. 1, 1821. Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege. Mémoires. Société Royale des Sciences. Liege. 1, 1843. Mem. Soc. Sav. Litt. Rep. Fr. Mémoires. Sociétés Savantes et Littéraires de la Republique Française. Paris. 1-2(13), 1801-1803// Mem. Soc. Sci. Liege. See Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Math. Cherbourg. See Mem. Soc. Natl. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg. Mem. Sria. See Mem. Sec. Mem. Teen. Sec. Rec. Hidr. Dir. Gen. Dist. Riego. Mexico. Memorandum Técnico. Secretaria de Recursos Hidráulicos. Dirección General de Distritos de Riego. Dirección de Estadística y Estudios Economicos. Mexico. 1, ? Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. Memoirs. Torrey Botanical Club. New York. 1, 1889. Mem. Trévoux. See Mem. Hist. Sci. Beaux Arts. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Wernerian Natural History Society. Edinburgh. 1, 1 8 0 8 - 8 , 1838// Mens en Maats. Mens en Maatschappij. Nederlandsch National Bureau voor Anthropologie. Groningen. 1, 1947. Earlier as Mensch en Maatschappij. 1, 1925. Mens. For. Mensajero Forestal. Durango. 1, 1942. Mensch en Maats. See Mens en Maats. Ment. Mex. Mentor Mexicano. Mexico. 1-48, 1 8 1 1 / / Edited by D. J. W. B. (cited by Nicolas Leon as Wenceslao Sanchez de la Barquera. ) Merc. Vol. Mercurio Volante. Mexico. 1-16, 1772-1773// Merck's Rep. Merck's Report. New York. 1, 1892. Mex. Agr. Mexico Agrícola. Mexico. 1, 1954(?) Mex. Agr. Mexico Agrícola. Sociedad Ceres de Alumnos de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria. Mexico. 1 ( 1 ) , 1910 — 2 (12), 1912// Mex. Amer. Comm. See below. Mex. Amer. Rev. Mexican American Review. American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. 1, 1933. Supersedes Mexican Commerce and Industry; earlier as Mexican American Commerce. Mex. Antig. Mexico Antiguo. Mexico. 1, 1919. Mex. Art Life. Mexican Art and Life. Mexico. 1-7, 1938-1939// Mex. Comm. Indust. See Mex. Amer. Rev. Mex. Folkw. Mexican Folkways. Mexico, 1 - 8 ( 2 ) , 1925-1937// Mex. For. Mexico Forestal. Sociedad Forestal. Mexico. 1, 1 9 2 3 - 3 1 (12), 1953// Mex. Her. Mexican Herald. Mexico. 1-21, 1895-1915//? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Mex. Intel. Mexico Intelectual. Jalapa. 1, 1 8 8 9 - 2 9 , 1 9 0 4 / / Mex. Inv. Mexican Investor. Mexico. 1 9 0 2 ( ? ) - 1 9 0 8 / / ? Mex. Life. Mexican Life. Mexico. 1, 1924. Supersedes Pulse of Mexico.

JOURNAL TITLES Mex. Mag. Mexican Magazine. Mexico. 1-4, 1925-1928// Mex. Mod. Mexico Moderno. Mexico. 1, 1 9 2 0 - 3 , 1923// Mex. Rev. Mexicana Review. New York Archives of Mexico. New York. 1, 1940 - 4, 1944.// Mexicano. Mexico. 1, 1866 - 2(64), 1866// Mexico. Asociacion Mexicano de Turismo. 1, 1941. Mexico. Mexican Chamber of Commerce of the United States. New York. 1-7(4), 1925-1931// Changed to Latin America Magazine in 1928 and to All America Magazine in 1931. Mexique. Mexico. 1890-1913//? Mich. Alumn. Quart. Rev. Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review. Michigan. University. Alumni Association. 1, 1895, as Michigan Alumnus. Quarterly Review added in 1934. Mich. Univ. Stud. See Stud. Sei. Ser. Mich. Univ. Michoacan Agr. Michoacan Agricola. (Camara Agricola Nacional de Michoacan. Boletin.) Morelia. 1, ? Mid-America. Illinois Catholic Historical Society. Chicago. 1, 1918. Midi. Nat. See Amer. Midi. Nat. Minerva Zeitsch. Minerva Zeitschrift. Berlin. 1-9, 1924-1933// Minn. Bot. Stud. Minnesota Botanical Studies. Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey. Minneapolis. 1-4, 1894-1916// Continued in the next. Minn. Stud. Biol. Sei. Minnesota Studies in the Biological Sciences. 1-6, 1913-1927// Contains Minnesota Botanical Studies. 19171922. Minn. Stud. Pi. Sei. Minnesota Studies in Plant Science. Minneapolis. 1, 1923. In Studies in the Biological Sciences. Misc. Berl. Miscellanea Berolinensis. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1-7, 1710-1743// Misc. Coll. Smithson. Inst. Miscellaneous Collections. Smithsonian Institution. 1, 1862. Misc. Cur. Miscellanea Curiosa, sive Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum. 1, 1670-Ser. Ill, 10, 1706// Misc. Papers. Pineap. Res. Inst. Hawaii. Miscellaneous Papers. Pineapple Research Institute. Hawaii. Honolulu. 1, 1926. Misc. Philos. Torino. See Mem. Accad. Sei. Torino. Misc. Puhl. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. Miscellaneous Publications. Museum of Zoology. University of Michigan. 1, 1916. Misc. Puhl. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Misc. Publ. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien. Mitteilungen. Anthopologische Gesellschaft. Wien. 1, 1870. Mitt. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin. See Willdenowia. Mitt. Bot. Mus. Hamburg. Mitteilungen. Botanisches Museum. Hamburg. 1896-1900. Mitt. Bot. Staatsinst. Hamburg. Mitteilungen. Botanische Staatsinstitute, Hamburg. 1901-1912 ( 1 9 1 3 ) / / Mitt. Bot. Staatsam. Muenchen. Mitteilungen. Botanische Staatsammlung. Muenchen. 1, 1950. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. Mitteilungen. Deutsche Dendrologische Gesellschaft. Bonn-Poppelsdorif. 1, 1892. Mitt. Deut. Landto. Ges. Mitteilungen. Deutsche Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1, 1886. Mitt. Deut. Wiss. Ver. Mexico. Mitteilungen. Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verein. Mexico. 1-4, 1890-1892// Mitt. Geog. Ges. Hamburg. Mitteilungen. Geographische Gesellschaft. Hamburg. 1, 1876. Mitt. Geog. Ges. Thuer. Jena. Mitteilungen. Geographische Gesellschaft fuer Thueringen zu Jena. 1, 1882. Mitt. Geog. Ges. Wien. Mitteilungen. Geographische Gesellschaft. Wien. 1, 1857. Mitt. Ges. Erdk. Leipzig. Mitteilungen. Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Leipzig. 1-56, 1872-1941// Mitt. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Mitteilungen. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. 1-3, 1836-1838// Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg. Mitteilungen. Institut fuer Allgemeine Botanik. 1, 1913. Mitt. Pfaelz. Ver. Naturk. Mitteilungen. Pfaelzischer Verein fuer Naturkunde. Duerkheim. 1, 1843. Started as Jahresbericht der Pollichia. Mitt. Ver. Erdk. Leipzig. See Mitt. Ges. Erd. Leipzig. (Known earlier as Verein fuer Erdkunde.) Mod. Mex. Modern Mexico. New York. 1, 1930. Mod. Mex. Modern Mexico. St. Louis; Mexico City. 1, 1895 - 29, 1909// Mod. Philol. Modern Philology. University of Chicago. 1, 1903. Moeüer's Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. Moeller's Deutsche Gaertner Zeitung. Leipzig. Erfurt. 1, 1 8 8 6 - 5 4 , 1939//? Monatsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Monatsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1856-1881//


Monatssch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. Monatsschrift. Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 1-4, 1929-1932// Superseded by Kakteenkunde. 1, 1 9 3 3 - 5 ( 1 ) , 1943// Supplement-see Beitraege zur Sukkulentenkunde und Pflege. Monatssch. Kakteenk. Monatsschrift fuer Kakteenkunde. Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. 1, 1 8 9 2 - 32, 1922. Followed by Zeitschrift fuer Sukkulentenkunde; then by Monatsschrift der Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft. Also 1939-1943, Beitraege zur Sukkulentenkunde. Monatssch. Ver. Bef. Gartenb. Monatsschrift. Verein zur Befoerderung des Gartenbaues in den Koeniglich Preussischen Staaten. Berlin. 1873. Follows Wochenschrift q.v. Mon. Med. Farm Indust. Monitor Medico-Farmaceutico e Industrial. Morelia. 1(1-11), 1887// Monde des Plantes. See Bull. Acad. Intern. Geog. Bot. Monog. Inst. Geofis. Mexico. Monografías. Instituto de Geofísica. Universidad Nacional. Mexico. 1, 1959. Monog. Mex. Mat. Med. Monografías Mexicanas de Materia Medica. See in the bibliography: Various 1890a. Monog. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Monog. Montana. Club de Exploraciones de Mexico. 1, 1928. Not in the U.S. Montes. Corps de Ingenieros de Montes. Madrid. 1, 1945. Month. Bull. Bur. Amer. Rep. See Bull. Pan Amer. Union. Month. Misc. Monthly Miscellany, or Memoirs for the Curious. London. 1-4, 1707-1710// Month. Rep. Subtrop. Fruits Insects Sect. U.S.D.A. Monthly Reports. Subtropical Fruits and Insects Section. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service. Entomology Research Division 1, 1928. Available only through the Division. Month. Rep. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Month Rep. Monti e Boschi. Touring Club Italiano. Milano. 1, 1950. Mos. Mex. Mosaico Mexicano. Mexico. 1-7, 1837-1842// Mosaique. Paris. 1-3, 1835-1837// At NN vol. 3 is dated 1835-1836; vols. 1 and 2 are dated 1837. At MH the 3 vols, are dated 1833-1834, 1834-1835, 1835-1836. Muhlenbergia. Los Gatos; Reno. 1, 1 9 0 0 - 9 , 1916// Mundo. Mexico(P) 1896. Not in the U.S. (At HN Méx.?) Mundo Cient. Mexico. 1-2, 1877-1878//? Mus. Jour. Univ. Pa. Museum Journal. University of Pennsylvania. 1, 1910-24, 1935// Mus. Mex. Museo Mexicano. Mexico. 1-5(Ser. II, vol. 1), 1843-1845// Mus. Yuc. Museo Yucateco. Campeche. 1-2, 1841-1842// Superseded by Registro Yucateco. Nachr. Schaedl. Nachrichten ueber Schaedlingsbekaempfung. (I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft.) Koeln. 1, 1926. Nacional. Mexico. 1(1-24), 1844// ? Nacional. Mexico? 1, 1880-8, 1884// Not in the U.S. Nat. Cur. Ephem. See Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. Ephem. Nat. Hist. Natural History. American Museum of Natural History. New York. 1, 1900. Started as American Museum Journal. Changed in 1918. Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. National Cactus and Succulent Journal. Bradford, England. 1, 1946. Started as Yorkshire Cactus Journal. Natl. Geog. Mag. National Geographic Magazine. Washington. 1, 1888. Natl. Hort. Mag. National Horticultural Magazine. American Horticultural Society. Henning, Minnesota; Washington. 1, 1922. Natl. Mag. National Magazine. Cleveland; New York. 1-19(9), 18841894// Nat. Mag. Nature Magazine. Washington. 1, 1923. Nat. Voelk. Natur und Voelkerkunde. Vol. 30, before 1857. (Not ih the U.S.) Nat. Volk. Natur und Volk. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main. 1, 1869. Natur. Detuscher Humboldt Verein. Halle. 1-51, 1852-1902// Naturaleza. Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. 1, 1869 - Ser. III, 4, 1914// Naturaliste. Paris. 1, 1 8 7 9 - 3 2 , 1910// Nature. London. 1869. Nature. Paris. 1, 1873. Naturforscher. 1, 1 9 2 4 - 1 6 ( 5 ) , 1939//? Changed to Aus der Natur Vol. 15. Naturh. Seslk. Skr. Naturhistorie Selskabet Skrivter. Kjobenhavn. 1, 1790-6, 1810// A German translation was published as Schriften. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Kopenhagen. 1, 1793. Naturw. Runds. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Brunswick. 1-27, 1886-1912// Followed by Naturwissenschaften.



Notes. Herb. Univ. Okla. Notes. Herbarium. University of Oklahoma. 1, 1938. Notes. Herb. Univ. Wise. Notes. Herbarium. University of Wisconsin. 1, ? Notes. Mid. Amer. Archaeol. Ethnol. Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology. Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1, 1940. Notizb. Bot. Gart. Berlin. Notizblatt. Botanischer Garten. Berlin. Universitaet. 1, 1895. Appendix 1-43, 1895-1928// Nouv. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Nouvelles Annales. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1832 - Ser. VI, 14, 1937// Nouv. Ann. Voy. Nouvelles Annales des Voyages. Paris. 1-188, 18191865// Nouv. Arch. Miss. Scient. Nouvelles Archives des Missions Scientifiques. Paris. 1, 1891-22, 1927// Supersedes Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Littéraires. 1-8, 1858-1859; 1864-1872; 1-5, 1873-1890// Nouv. Arch. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris. Nouvelles Archives. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1864-Ser. V, 1914// Nouv. Mem. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Nouveaux Memoires. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1770-1786// Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. Nouveaux Memoires. Société Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Now Moskovskoye Obschestvo Ispytatelei Prirody. 1, 1 8 0 6 - n . ser. 20, 1940// Started as Memoires. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldinisch Carolinae Germanieae Naturae Curiosorum. 1843-1928// In 1895, German version begins as Abhandlungen. Changed to Nova Acta Leopoldina. Nova Acta Acad. St. Petersbourg. See below. Nova Acta Akad. Nauk. SS SR. Nova Acta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Leningrad. 1-15, 1783-1802// Followed by Memoires. Nova Acta Helv. Nova Acta Helvetica. Basel. 1, 1787. Follows Acta Helvetica Physico-Mathematico, etc. Nova Acta Leop. Nova Acta Leopoldina. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle, n. ser. 1, 1932. Nova Acta Phys. Med. Acad. Caes. Nova Acta Physico-Medica. Academia Caesaria. Also as Verhandlungen. Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle. 1-19, 1757-1842// Changed to Novorum Actorum 17, 1835. German version, Verhandlungen, begins in

Naturw. Woch. Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Volkstuemliche Naturkunde in Berlin. 1-37, 1887-1922// Naturw. Zeitsch. Forst. Landw. Naturwissenschaftliche Zeistschrift fuer Forst und Landwirtschaft. Stuttgart. 1, 1903-18, 1920//? Naturwissenschaften. Berlin. 1, 1913. Supersedes Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Nav. Stor. Rev. Naval Stores Review. Savannah. 1, 1890. (Originally as Gamble's International Naval Stores Yearbook? and Savannah Naval Stores Review.) Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Leyden. 1, 1846. Neubert's (Deut) Gart. Mag. Neubert's (Deutsches) Garten Magazin. Stuttgart. 1-52, 1848-1899// Started as Deutsches Magazin fuer Garten und Blumenkunde, then as Neubert's Deutsches Garten Magazin. Neue Abh. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Neue Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre. Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Svenska Vetenskapsakademien) 1-12, 1780-1791// Neue Allg. Deut. Blum. Zeitg. See Hamb. Gart. Blum. Zeitg. Neue Ann. Bot. Neue Annalen der Botanik. Zuerich. 7, 1 7 9 4 - 1 8 , 1900// Supersedes in part Magazine fuer die Botanik. 1, 1787 4(12), 1790(91), which was superseded also in part by Neues Magazin fuer die Botanik. 1, 1794// Vols. 1-6 as Annalen der Botanik, 1791-1793// Neue Denksch. Allg. Schweiz. Oes. Gesam. Naturw. See below. Neue Denksch. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. Neue Denkschriften. Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, (earlier as Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften.) 1-43, 1837-1918// Neue Sehr. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Neue Schriften. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. 1, 1794 - 4, 1803// Neue Sehr. Naturf. Ges. Halle. Neue Schriften. Naturforschender Gesellschaft zu Halle. 1-3, 1809-1817// Neues Jahrb. Pharm. Neues Jahrbuch fuer Pharmacie. Heidelberg. 1-40, 1854-1873// Neues Jour. Bot. Neues Journal fuer die Botanik. Erfurt. 1-4, 18061810// Started as Journal fuer die Botanik. Goettingen. 1-5, 1799-1803// Neues Jour. Pharm. Neues Journal der Pharmacie. Leipzig. 1-27, 1817-1834// Neues Mag. Bot. Neues Magazin fuer die Botanik. Zuerich. 1, 1794// Neujahrsb. Naturf. Ges. Zuerich. Neujahrsblatt. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Zuerich. 1, 1799. New Ecl. Mag. Baltimore. See South. Mag. New Fl. Syl. New Flora and Sylva. London. 1, 1928-12, 1940// New Jersey For. See Amer. For. New Mex. Anthrop. New Mexico Anthropologist. University of New Mexico. Department of Anthropology. Albuquerque. 1-6/7, 1937-1943// Superseded by Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. 1, 1946. New Mex. Hist. Rev. New Mexico Historical Review. New Mexico Historical Society. Santa Fe. 1, 1926. New Month. Mag. New Monthly Magazine. London. 1, 1814 - Ser. IV, 8, 1884//? Also as New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, and as Cobum's New Monthly Magazine. New Phytol. New Phytologist. London. 1, 1902. New Rem. See Amer. Drug. New Zealand Jour. For. New Zealand Journal of Forestry. New Zealand Institute of Foresters. Palmerston North. 1, 1925. News Serv. Bull. Carnegie Inst. Wash. News Service Bulletin. Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1-4, 1926-1938// Newsweek. New York. 1, 1933. Neza (Nesha). Sociedad de Estudiantes Juchitecos. Mexico. 1-5, 1935-1939//? Nicholsons Jour. See Jour. Nat. Phil. Chem. Arts. Noroeste de Mexico. Mazatlan. 1, 1926-10, 1935//? North Amer. Fl. North American Flora. New York Botanical Garden. 1, 1907. North Car. Hist. Rev. North Carolina Historical Review. Raleigh. 1, 1924. Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila. Notulae Naturae. Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia. 1, 1939. Not. Syst. Notulae Systematicae. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 1, 1909. Not. Syst. Herb. Hort. Bot. Petrop. See Bot. Mat. Notes. Edinb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Notes. Edinburgh Royal Botanical Garden. 1, 1900.


Nova Acta Regia Soc. Sci. Upsal. Nova Acta. Regia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Vetenskaps Societeten. Upsala. 1, 1773. Nova Acta Vet. S oc. Upsala. See above. Novedades. Mexico. (Newspaper) 1, ? Novi Comm. Acad. St. Petersbourg. See Novi Comm. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Novi Comm. Accad. Scient. Inst. Bonon. (Accad. Sei. 1st. Bologna) Novi Commentarii. Accademia Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis. (Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna.) 1-10, 18341849// Novi Comm. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Novi Commentarii. Akademiya Nauk. SSSR. Leningrad. 1-20, 1747-1775// Followed by Acta. Nucleus. Calcutta. University. Cytogenetics Laboratory. 1, 1958. Nueva Recop. Monog. Nueva Recopilacion de Monografias. See in the bibliography, under Various. 1895, 1897. Nuovi Saggi. Accad. Sci. Lett. Arti. Padova. Nuovi Saggi. Accademia di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. Padova. 1-9, 1817-1883// Nuovo Gior. Bot. Ital. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano. Società Botanica Italiana. Firenze. 1, 1869-25, 1893; n. ser. 1, 1894. Nutriologia. Mexico. 1, 1951. Nya Abh. Sv. Vet. Akad. Nya Abhandlingar. Svenska Vetenskapsakademein. Nye Saml. Danske Vid. Selsk. Nye Samlung. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Copenhagen. 1-5, 1781-1799; to Ser. IX, 1938// Nytt. Mag. Bot., Nytt Magasin for Botanik. Oslo. 1, 1952. Observ. Fis. Hist. Nat. Artes Utiles. Observaciones sobre la Física, Historia Natural, y Artes Utiles. (By José Antonio Alzate.) 1(1-14), 1787-1788// Observ. Med. Observador Medico. Asociación Medica Pedro Escobedo. 1, 1869-Ser. III, 2 ( 4 ) , 1921//? Observ. Mem. Phys. See Jour. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts. Observ. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts. See above. Observ. Rep. Mex. Observador de la República Mexicana. México. 1, 1827-Ser. II, 3, 1830// 52

JOURNAL Observador. Observador. San Juan Bautista. 4, 1898. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Occas. Papers. Allan Hancock Found. See Publ. Allan Hancock Found. Occas. Papers. Calif. Acad. Sei. Occasional Papers. California Academy of Sciences. 1, 1 8 9 0 - 1 8 , 1931// Occas. Papers. Fairchild Trop. Gard. Occasional Papers. Fairchild Tropical Garden. Coconut Grove, Florida. 1, 1938. Occas. Papers. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Occasional Papers. San Diego Society of Natural History. 1, 1936. Ocios Esp. Emigr. Ocios de Españoles Emigrados. (London). 1, 1824 - 7, 1827// Oefv. Foerh. Sv. Vet. Akad. Oefversigt af Foerhandlinger. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Stockholm. 1, 1844. Oesterr. Bot. Woch. See Oesterr. Bot. Zeitsch. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitsch. Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift. (Wiener Botanische Zeitschrift) Wien. 1, 1851. 1-7 as Oesterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt. Oesterr. Gart. Zeitg. Oesterreichische Gartenzeitung. Wien. 1-14, 1906-1919// Started as Wiener Obst und Gartenzeitung; then as Wiener Illustrierte Garten Zeitung. 1-30, 1876-1905// Ohio Jour. Sei. Ohio Journal of Science. Columbus. 1, 1900. Oil Paint Drug Rep. Oil Paint and Drug Reporter. New York. 1, 1871. Oliva. Merida, Yucatan. 1, 1864-5, 1865// Opera Lilloana. Instituto Miguel Lillo. Tucuman. Universidad. 1, 1957. Orbe. Universidad de Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1 9 3 7 - S e r . IV, 1949//? Orch. Dig. Orchid Digest. Orchid Society of California. Berkeley. 1, 1937. Orch. Jour. Orchid Journal. Pasadena. 1, 1952. Orch. Rev. Orchid Review. London. I, 1893. Orchis. Berlin. 1, 1 9 0 6 - 1 4 , 1920//? Org. Cult. Bibl. Est. Toluca. Organo Cultural de la Biblioteca del Estado. Toluca. 1-2, 1938-1939// Orientación. Durango. Ser. IV, 5, 1949-1951. Orquídea. Sociedad Mexicana "Amigos de las Orquídeas." Mexico. 1(1-6), 1943//? Out West. Los Angeles. 1, 1 8 9 4 - 5 1 , 1923// Started as Land of Sunshine. Out West Mag. Out West Magazine. See Calif. Overl. Month. Overl. Month. See Calif. Overl. Month. Overs. Forh. Danske Vid. Selsk. Oversigt over Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Copenhagen. 1, 1814. Oxford For. Mem. Oxford Forestry Memoirs. Oxford University. School of Forestry. 1-22, 1922-1950//?



Parf. France. Parfüms de France. Grasse. 1-16, 1923-1938// Paris Med. Paris Medical. Paris. 1, 1910. Parks Reer. Parks and Recreation. American Institute of Park Executives. E. St. Louis, 111. Minot, N.D. 1, 1917. Penn Month. Penn Monthly. Philadelphia. 1-14, 1870-1882// Pens. Miss. Pensiero Missionario. Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia. Roma. 1, 1929. Per. Acad. Med. Mej. Periodico. Academia de Medicina de Méjico. 1-6, 1836-1843// Per. Ofic. Est. Michoacan. Periodico Oficial del Estado de Michoacan (Also as Gaceta Oficial del Gobierno del Estado.) Morelia. 1, 1893? Pr. Ofic. Est. Oaxaca. Periodico Oficial del Estado. Oaxaca. 1, 1880? Per. Ofic. Gob. Est. San Luis Potosi. Periodico Oficial del Gobierno del Estado. San Luis Potosi. (Name varies.) 1, 1876. Per. Soc. Filoiat. Mexico. Periodico. Sociedad Filoiatrica de Mexico. 1-2, 1844-1846// Peterm. Geog. Mitt. Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen. Gotha. 1, 1855. Erganzungsheft. 1, 1 8 6 0 - 2 3 8 , 1938// Pflanzenareale. Jena. 1, 1 9 2 6 - 5 ( 1 ) , 1939//? Pflanzer. Doressalam, Tanga. 1, 1 9 0 4 - 1 0 , 1914// Pharm. Arch. Pharmaceutical Archives. Milwaukee. 1, 1898. Pharm. Era. Pharmaceutical Era. New York. 1-68, 1887-1931// Pharm. Jour. Pharmaceutical Journal. London. 1, 1841. Also at various times as Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist, and Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Pharm. Monatsh. Pharmazeutische Monatshefte. Vienna. 1-19, 19201938// Pharm. Post. Pharmaceutische (Pharmazeutische) Post. See Wiener Pharm. Woch. Pharm. Rev. Pharmaceutical Review. Milwaukee. 1-26, 1883-1908// Pharm. Runds. Pharmaceutische Rundschau. See Pharm. Rev. Pharm. Zeitg. Pharmazeutische Zeitung. Bunzlau. 1-82, 1855-1937// Pharmazie. Berlin. 1, 1946. Phil. Doc. Stud. Mid. Amer. Res. Inst. Philological and Documentary Studies. Middle American Research Institute. Tulane University. New Orleans. 1, 1943. Phil. Mag. Jour. See London, Edinb. Dublin Phil. Mag. Jour. Sei. Philip. Jour. Sei. Philippine Journal of Science. Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science. Manila. 1, 1906. Phys. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Physikalische Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1838-1851// Phys. Med. Abh. Wiss. Berlin. Physikalische und Medicinische Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1-4, 17811786// Physis. Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Naturales. Buenos Aires. 1, 1912. Phytologia. New York. 1, 1933. Phytomorphology. International Society of Plant Morphologists. Delhi. 1, 1951. Phyton. Horn, Austria. 1, 1948. Phytopatopathology. American Phytopathological Society. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1911. Piloto. Tijuana. 1-3, 1929-1932// Pittonia. Berkeley. Washington. 1-5, 1887-1905// PI. Life. Plant Life. American Plant Life Society. Stanford University. 1, 1945. In 1949, joined with Herbertia. PI. Med. Planta Medica. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Arzneipflanzenforschung und Therapie. Stuttgart. 1, 1953. Pi. Physiol. Plant Physiology. American Society of Plant Physiologists. Lancaster, Pa. 1, 1926. PI. World. Plant World. Binghamton, N.Y. 1-22, 1887-1919// Superseded by Ecology. Planta. Berlin. 1, 1 9 2 5 - 1 4 , 1931//? Pollichia. See Mitt. Pfaelz. Ver. Naturk. Pomona Coli. Jour. Econ. Bot. Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany. Claremont. Calif. 1, 1 9 1 1 - 3 , 1914// Pop. Sei. Month. Popular Science Monthly. 1, 1872 - 87, 1915. After that, contained only popular material. Port. Acta Biol. Portugaliae Acta Biologica. Lisboa. Universidade. Instituto Botánico. Ser. A. Morfología, etc. 1, 1944; Ser. B. Sistemática, etc. 1, 1945. Porvenir. Sociedad Filoiatrica y de Beneficencia. Mexico. 1-5, 18691873// Pot. Mag. See Amer. Pot. Jour. Pot. News Bull. See above. Poul. Sei. Poultry Science. Poultry Science Association. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1921.

Pac. Disc. Pacific Discovery. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 1, 1948. Pac. Gard. See Sub. Calif. Pac. Month. Pacific Monthly. San Francisco. 1-11(11), 1858-1864// Started as the Hesperian. Pac. Rur. Press. Pacific Rural Press. San Francisco. 1, 1871. Pal. Homb. Palabra y el Hombre. Universidad Veracruzana. Jalapa. 1, 1957. Palacio. Museum of New Mexico. Santa Fe. 1, 1913. Pan Amer. Mag. Pan American Magazine. New Orleans. 1, 1900 - 44, 1931// Panor. Econ. Panorama Economica. Sistema Banco de Comercio. Departamento de Estudios Economicos. Mexico. 1, 1950? Paper Indust. Paper World. Paper Industry and Paper World. Chicago. 1, 1919. Papers. Archaeol. Inst. Amer. Papers. American Series. Archaeological Institute of America. Boston. 1-5, 1881-1892// Papers. Des. Bot. Lab. Papers. Desert Botanical Laboratory. Carnegie Institution of Washington. No. 11, 1906. Papers. Mich. Acad. Sei. Arts. Lett. Papers. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 1, 1921. Papers. Oxford Imp. For. Inst. Papers. Oxford University. Imperial Forestry Institute. 1, ? Papers. Peabody Mus. Amer. Archaeol. Ethnol. Papers. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Cambridge, Mass. 1, 1888. Papers. Southw. Mus. Papers. Southwest Museum. Los Angeles. 1, 1928. Papers. Tech. Assoc. Pulp Paper Indust. See TAPPI. Parerg. Inst. Geol. Mexico. Parergones. Instituto Geologico (de Geologia). Universidad Nacional. Mexico. 1-5, 1903-1916//


JOURNAL TITLES CITED Practitioner. London. 1, 1868. Prakt. Ratg. Obst Gartenb. See Deut. Gart. Prensa Med. Mex. Prensa Medica Mexicana. Centro de Asistencia Medica para Enfermos Pobres. Mexico. 1, 1936. Earlier as CAMEP. Preslia. Cesgoslovenska Botaniska Spolecnost. Prague. 1, 1914. Principes. Palm Society. Miami. 1, 1956. Supersedes Bull. Palm Soc. Probl. Agr. Indust. Mexico. Problemas Agricolas e Industrials de Mexico. Mexico. 1, 1946. First as Problemas Economico-Agricolas de Mexico. Probl. Bot. Problemy Botaniki. Akademiya Nauk. S.S.S.R. Moscow. 1, 1950. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proceedings. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1, 1841. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. Proceedings. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1, 1848. Proc. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Proceedings. American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, Mass. 1, 1812 - 75, 1849; n. ser. 1, 1880. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proceedings. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1, 1848-92, 1940//1848-1910 as Proceedings; then as Summarized Proceedings. Proc. Amer. For. Assoc. Proceedings. American Forestry Association. 1-12, 1882-1897// 1-9 as Proceedings of the American Forestry Congress; continued as Forester, later American Forests. Proc. Amer. For. Cong. See above. Proc. Amer. Geog. Soc. Proceedings. American Geographical Society of New York. (Started as American Geographical and Statistical Society.) 1-2, 1862-1864// Superseded by Geographical Review. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proceedings. American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia. 1, 1838 (1840). Proc. Amer. Pomol. Soc. Proceedings. American Pomological Society. Madison, Wis. 1, 1850. Proc. Amer. Rwy. Eng. Assoc. Proceedings. American Railway Engineering Association. Chicago. 1, 1900. Proc. Amer. Sci. Cong. Proceedings. American Scientific Congress. (Congreso Cientifico Latino-Americano. (Locale varies.) 1, 1 8 9 4 - 8 , 1940// Proc. Amer. Soc. Agron. Proceedings. American Society of Agronomy. 1907-1912// Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proceedings. American Society for Horticultural Science. Geneva, N.Y. 1, 1903. Proc. Ann. Meet. Pot. Assoc. America. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. Potato Association of America. 1-18, 1914-1931// Some numbers in Potato Magazine and American Potato Journal. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington. Proceedings. Biological Society. Washington. 1, 1880. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proceedings. Boston Society of Natural History. 1, 1841. Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Proceedings. Botanical Society of Edinburgh. (In Annual Report.) 1-8, 1836-1844// Proc. Bot. Soc. Penna. See Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc. Penna. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Proceedings. California Academy of Science. San Francisco. 1, 1854. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proceedings. Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1, 1843. Proc. Cong. Cient. Lat. Amer. Proceedings. Congreso Cientifico Latino Americano. (See also Proc. Pan. Amer. Sci. Cong.) 1, 1894 - 8, 1940// Proc. Cong. Intern. Americ. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Americ. Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Proceedings. Crop Science Society. Japan. Tokyo. 1, 1927. Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proceedings. Davenport Academy of Sciences (Public Museum). 1, 1 8 6 7 - 1 3 , 1914// Proc. Eng. Club. Phila. See Eng. and Eng. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington. Proceedings. Entomological Society of Washington. 1, 1884. Proc. Fla. Acad. Sci. See Quart. Jour. Fla. Acad. Sci. Proc. For. Prod. Res. Soc. Proceedings. Forest Products Research Society. Madison, Wis. 1, 1947. Proc. Geog. Soc. Pac. See Trans. Geog. Soc. Pac. Proc. Ind. Sci. Cong. Assoc. Proceedings. Indian Scientific Congress (Association). Calcutta. 1, 1914. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proceedings. Indiana Academy of Science. Brookville. Indianapolis. 1, 1885. Proc. Intern. Bot. Cong. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Bot. Proc. Intern. Cong. Americ. Proceedings. International Congress of Americanists. Locale varies. 1, 1875. Proc. Intern. Cong. Bot. (Hort. PI. Sci.) Proceedings. (Atti) Inter-

national Congress of Botany (and Horticulture; or of Plant Sciences). 1, 1865. Proc. Intern. Cong. Genet. Proceedings. International Congress of Genetics. 1, 1899. Proc. Intern. Cong. Hort. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Bot. Proc. Intern. Cong. PI. Sci. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Bot. Proc. Intern. Genet. Cong. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Genet. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proceedings. Iowa Academy of Science. Des Moines. 1, 1887. Proc. Linn. Soc. London. Proceedings. Linnaean Society of London. 1, 1838. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. South Wales. Proceedings. Linnaean Society of New South Wales. 1, 1875. Proc. Linn. Soc. New York. Proceedings. Linnaean Society of New York. 1, 1888. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences. 1, 1915. Proc. Pac. Sci. Cong. Proceedings. Pacific Science Congress. 1, 1926. Proc. Pan Amer. Sci. Cong. Proceedings. Pan American Scientific Congress. 1, 1898. See also Proc. Cong. Cient. Lat. Amer. Proc. Pharm. Soc. Egypt. See Egypt. Pharm. Bull. Proc. Pot. Assoc. Amer. Proceedings (of the Annual Meeting). Potato Association of America. 1-18, 1914-1931// Some numbers in Potato Magazine and American Potato Journal. Proc. Roy. Bot. Soc. London. Proceedings. Royal Botanical Society. London. 1, 1836-1838// Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc. London. Proceedings. Royal Geographical Society. London. 1, 1 8 5 5 - n . ser. 14, 1892// Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales. Proceedings. Royal Society. New South Wales. Sydney. 1, 1867. Also called Journal and Proceedings, and Transactions (and Proceedings). Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland. Proceedings. Royal Society. Queensland. 1, 1884. Proc. Soc. Amer. For. See Jour. For. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Proceedings. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. New York. 1, 1903. Proc. Texas Acad. Sci. Proceedings. Texas Academy of Science. 18, 1933. (1-17 in the Transactions.) Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. Proceedings. U.S. National Museum. Smithsional Institution. 1, 1878. Proc. Utah Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett. Proceedings. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Salt Lake City. 1, 1908. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. Proceedings. Washington Academy of Science. 1, 1899-13, 1911// Proc. World Orch. Conf. Proceedings. World Orchid Conference. 2, 1958. (1, not seen.) Prod. Res. Rep. U.S.D.A. See U.S. Dept. Agr. Prod. Res. Rep: Prog Lat. Progreso Latino. Mexico. 1-13, 1903-1910//? Prog. Med. Progreso Medico. Sociedad Medica Potosina. San Luis Potosi. 1-5, 1899-1902//? Prog. Mex. Progreso de Mexico. Mexico. 1-18, 1893-1911// Progreso. Villahermosa, Tabasco. Camara Nacional Agricola de Tabasco. 1, 1 9 0 5 - 1 0 ( 1 3 ) , 1914// Prometheus. Berlin. 1, 1889-32, 1921// Merged into Umschau. Prop. Indust. Propagador Industrial. Sociedad Minera Mexicana. Mexico. 1(1-38), 1871-1876//? Prot. Nat. Proteccion a la Naturaleza. Mexico, 1-3, 1936-1939// Publ. Agric. „ Publicaciones Agricolas. Oficina de Cooperacion Agricola. Pan American Union. Washington. 1, 1925. Publ. Allan Hancock Found. Publications. Occasional Papers. Allan Hancock Foundation for Scientific Research. University of Southern California. Los Angeles. 1, 1948. Publ. Amer. Archaeol. Ethnol. Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. University of California. Berkeley. 1, 1903. Publ. Anthrop. U. Chi. Publications in Anthropology. University of Chicago. Ethnological Series. 1, 1930; Social Anthropology Series. 1, 1937. Publ. Anthrop. Publications in Anthropology. Yale University. Department of Anthropology. 1, 1936. Publ. Anthrop. Ser. Publications. Anthropological Series. Chicago. Natural History Museum. 1, 1895. Changed in 1943 to Fieldiana. Publ. Arnold Arb. Publications. Arnold Arboretum. Harvard University. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1-9, 1909-1921// Publ. Avul. Inst. Joaquim Nabuco. Pesq. Soc. Publicacoes Avulsas. Institute Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquizas Sociales. Recife. Brazil. 1, 1955. Publ. Banco Nac. Cred. Agr. Mex. Publicaciones. Banco Nacional de Credito Agricola. Mexico. 1, 1953. 54




Quart. Calif. Hist. Soc. Quarterly. California Historical Society. 1, 1922. Quart. Jour. Fla. Acad. Sci. Quarterly Journal. Florida Academy of Science. Gainesville. 1, 1939. Started as Proceedings. Changed 8, 1945. Quart. Jour. For. Quarterly Journal of Forestry. Royal Engineering Forestry Society. London. 1, 1907. Supersedes the Society's Transactions. Quart. Jour. Sci. Lit. Art. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art. Royal Institution of Great Britain. London. 1-22, 1816-1826; 1-7, 1827-1830// Quart. Jour. Taiwan Mus. Quarterly Journal. Taiwan Museum. 3 ( 3 ) , 1950. (1,?) Quart. Rec. Roy. Bot. Soc. London. Quarterly Record. Royal Botanical Society. London. 1-10 (1-118), 1880-1909// Superseded by Botanical Journal. Quart. Res. Quarternary Research. Japan. 1, ? Quart. Rev. Quarterly Review. London. 1, 1809. Quart. Rev. Biol. Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore. 1, 1926. Quart. Summ. Roy. Bot. Soc. London. Quarterly Summary. Royal Botanical Society. London. 1-45, 1919-1930// Supersedes Botanical Journal. Queensland Agr. Jour. Queensland Agricultural Journal. Queensland Department of Agriculture. Brisbane. 1, 1897. Quetzalcoatl. Sociedad de Antropología y Etnografía de Mexico. 1, 1929 - 2, 1931// Quim. Farm. Química y Farmacia. Mexico. 1, 1934 - No. 110, 1947//? Quinz. Colon. Quinzaine Coloniale. See Rev. Fr. Outre Mer. Quinzaine. París. 1-75, 1894-1907//

Pubi. Biol. Sci. Univ. Calif. Los Angeles. Publications in Biological Sciences. University of California at Los Angeles. 1, 1933. Pubi. Biol. Univ. New Mex. Publications in Biology. University of New Mexico. 1, 1946. Pubi. Bot. Soc. America. Publications. (Reprints) Botanical Society of America. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1 8 9 3 - 1 1 5 , 1936// Pubi. Bot. Univ. Calif. Publications in Botany. University of California. Berkeley. 1, 1902. Pubi. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publications. Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1, 1902. Pubi. Cat. Hist. Med. Univ. Buenos Aires. Publicaciones. Catedra de la Historia de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Medicas. 1-2, 1928-1939//? Pubi. Dept. Bot. Pi. Pathol. Ohio St. Univ. Publications. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Ohio State University. 1, 1898. A series of collected reprints. Pubi. Fac. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. Univ. Buenos Aires. See Pubi. Ser. B. Fac. etc. Pubi. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Anthrop. Ser. See Pubi. Anthrop. Ser. Pubi. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. Publications. Field (Columbian) Museum of Natural History. ( Now Chicago Natural History Museum) Botanical Series. 1, 1895. Changed to Fieldiana, 1946. Pubi. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Geol. Ser. Publications. Field (Columbian) Museum of Natural History ( now Chicago Natural History Museum). Geological Series. 1, 1895. Pubi. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Ser. Publications. Field (Columbian) Museum of Natural History (now Chicago Natural History Museum). Zoological Series. 1, 1895. Pubi. Geog. Univ. Calif. Publications, in Geography. University of California. Berkeley. 1, 1913. Pubi. Inst. Hist. Méx. Publicaciones. Instituto de Historia Mexicana. Mexico. Primera Serie. 1, 1945. Pubi. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. Texas. Publications. Institute of Marine Science. University of Texas. Austin. 1, 1945. Pubi. Inst. Panamer. Geog. Hist. Publicaciones. Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia. Mexico. 1, 1930. Pubi. Inst. Soc. Anthrop. Smithson. Inst. Publications. Institute of Social Anthropology. Smithsonian Institution. 1, 1944. Pubi Maya Soc. Publications. Maya Society. Baltimore. 1, 1 9 3 1 - 2 3 , 1939// Pubi. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas. Publications. Museum of Natural History. University of Kansas. 1, 1946. Pubi. Nat. Hist. Non-Tech. Ser. Publications in Natural History. Non-technical Series. Texas Academy of Science. 1, 1939//? Pubi. Pan Amer. Inst. Geog. Hist. See Pubi. Inst. Panamer. Geog. Hist. Pubi. Res. Ser. Mid. Amer. Res. Inst. Publications. Research Series. Middle American Research Institute. Tulane University. New Orleans. 1, 1926. Pubi. Sci. Wyoming Univ. Publications in Science. Botany. Wyoming University. 1, 1 9 2 2 - 1 ( 1 1 ) , 1934//? Pubi. Ser. B. Fac. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. Univ. Buenos Aires. Publicaciones. Serie B. Científicas y Técnicas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Universidad. Buenos Aires. 1, 1929. Pubi. Ser. Sci. Inst. Natl. Etud. Agron. Congo Beige, Publications. Serie Scientifique. Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique. Congo Belge. 1, 1935. Pubi. Soc. Nuevoleonesa Hist. Geog. Est. Publicaciones. Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Historia, Geografia, y Estadística. Monterrey. 1, 1942. Pubi. Stat. Etnog. Mus. Stockholm. Publications. Statens Etnografiska Museum. Stockholm. 1, 1934. Pubi. Univ. Ser. Biol. Sci. Stanford Univ. Publications. University Series. Biological Sciences. Stanford University. 1, 1920. Pubi. West. Texas Hist. Sci. Soc. Publications. West Texas Historical and Scientific Society. Also as Bull. Sul Ross St. Teach. Coll. q.v. Pubi. Wyoming Univ. Publications. Wyoming University. 2, 1935. ( 1 omitted in numbering. ) Continues Publications in Science. Botany. Pulp Paper Mag. Canada. Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada. Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. Montreal. 1, 1903.

Rancho. See also Rancho Mex. Rancho. Chihuahua. 1, 1 9 3 7 - 2 ( 1 9 ) , 1938// Rancho. Mexico. 1 ( 1 - 3 ) , 1935; 1, 1 9 3 7 - 2 ( 1 9 ) , 1938//? Rancho Mex. Rancho Mexicano. 1, 1945 - 3 ( 2 4 ) , 1947// Started as Rancho. Rancho Ver. Rancho Veracruzano. Jalapa. 1, 1925. Not in the U.S. (At Soc. For. Mex.) Real Gard. Real Gardening. New Canaan; Baltimore. 1, 1 9 3 8 - 4 ( 2 ) , 1941. Merged into Gardeners' Chronicle of America. Real Mex. Real Mexico. Consolidated Railroad and Pullman Co. Tourist Service. Mexico. 1, 1 9 3 2 - 5 ( 2 8 ) , 1936// Rec. Amer. Cath. Hist. Soc. Records. American Catholic Historical Society. Philadelphia. 1, 1884. Rec. Bklyn Bot. Gard. Record. Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 1, 1912. Rec. Genet. Soc. America. Records. Genetics Society of America. 1, 1932. Rec. Inst. Bot. Leo Errera. Recueil. Institut Botanique. "Leo Errera" (Herrera). Bruxelles. Universite Libre. 1-10, 1902-1922// Rec. Mem. Med. Chir. Pharm. Mil. Recueil de Memoires de Medecine, de Chirurgie, et de Pharmacie Militaires. Paris. 1-Ser. Ill, 38, 1815-1882// Rec. Per. Observ. Bot. See Adansonia. Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. Recueil de Travaux Botaniques Neerlandais. Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging. (Societe Botanique Neerlandaise) Leyden. 1, 1904. Ref. Med. Reforma Medica. Circulo Homeopático Mexicano. 1-5, 1875-1881; n. ser. 1-6, 1885-1892//? Continuation of El Propagador Homeopático. Ref. Zhur. Referativnyi Zhurnal. Biologiya. Moscow. 1, 1954. Reg. Trim. Registro Trimestre. Mexico. 1, 1 8 3 2 - 2 , 1833// Continued as Revista Mexicana. Reg. Yuc. Registro Yucateco. Merida. 1-4, 1845-1849// Supersedes Museo Yucateco. Reinwardtia. Herbarium Bogoriense. Bogor. 1, 1950. Supersedes Bulletin. Jardín Botanique (s'Lands Plantentuin). Buitenzorg, Java. Rend. (R.) Accad. Lincei. Rendiconti. (Reale) Accademia (Nazionale) dei Lincei. Roma. (In Accademia d'Italia). Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali. 1, 1939. Classe di Scienze Morali e Storiche. 1, 1939. See also the Atti. Rep. Agr. Exp. Stat. Univ. Calif. Reports. Agricultural Experiment Station. University of California. 1, 1877. Rep. Amer. Repertorio Americano. London. 1-4, 1826-1827// Rep. Calif. St. Bd. Hort. Report. California State Board of Horticulture. 1882-1902. Sometimes as Annual, sometimes as Biennial, Report. Rep. Off. Exp. Stat. U.S.D.A. Report. Office of Experiment Stations. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1, 1896.

Quad. Mens. 1st. Fed. Cred. Venezie. Quaderno (Mensile). Istituto Federale di Credito per il Risorgimento delle Venezie. (Now Istituto Federale delle Casse di Risparmio delle Venezie.) 1-10, 1922-1931//? Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. Great Brit. Quarterly Bulletin. Alpine Garden Society. Great Britain. 1, 1930/1932. 55



Rep. Papers. Ray Soc. Reports and Papers on Botany. Ray Society. London. 1-2, 1846-1849// Rep. Pharm. Repertorium fuer die Pharmacie (Buchner's). Nuernberg. 1-110, 1815-1851//? Rep. Pint. Repertorio Pintoresco. Merida, Yucatan. Nos. 1-24, 18611863// Rep. Sci. Fis. Med. Piemonte. Repertorio delle Scienze Fisico-Mediche del Piemonte. Torino. 1, 18 - ? Rep. Southw. For. Range Exp. Stat. Report (Annual?) Southwest Forest Range Experiment Station. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. 1, 1939. (1938?) Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. Repertorium Specierum Novorum Regni Vegetabilium. 1, 1905. Started as Repertorium Novorum Specierum Regni Vegetabilium. Known also as Fedde's Repertorium etc. Beihefte. 1, 1911. Sonder Beihefte. 1, 1928. Repertorio. Guanajuato. 1(1-26), 1876// Not in the U.S. Repr. Camp. Reproductor Campechano. Campeche. (State). Departamento de Extension Cultural. 1, 1944. Res. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Coll. Agr. Univ. Missouri. Research Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station. College of Agriculture. University of Missouri. 1, 1910. Res. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Iowa St. Coll. Research Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station. Iowa State College. Ames. Iowa. 1, 1911. Res. Bull. Wise. Agr. Exp. Stat. See Bull. Wise. Agr. Exp. Stat. Res. Rep. Southw. For. Range Exp. Stat. Research Report. Southwest Forest Range Experiment Station. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. 1, 1940. Res. Rep. U.S. For. Serv. Research Reports. U.S. Forest Service. Washington. 1, 1915. Res. Stud. Wash. St. Coll. Research Studies. Washington State College (State College of Washington). Pullman. 1, 1929. Rest. Farm. Restaurador Farmacéutico. Colegio de Farmacéuticos. Madrid. 1-57, 1844-1902//? Rev. Acad. Cieñe. Habana. See Acad. Cienc. Med. Fis. Nat. Habana. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. Revista. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Bogota. 1, 1936. Rev. Agr. Revista Agrícola. Dirección de Agricultura. Mexico. 1-7(6), 1917-1922// Supersedes Revista Agrícola. Mexico. 1885-1910// Superseded by Tierra. Rev. Agr. Com. Trab. Cuba. Revista de Agricultura (Comercio y Trabajo). Cuba. Secretaria de Agricultura. Havana. 1, 1918. Rev. Agr. Dom. Rep. Revista Agrícola. Dominican Republic. Ciudad Trujillo. 1, 1905. Rev. Agr. Guatemala. Revista Agrícola. Guatemala. 1, 1921. Started as Boletín de Agricultura y Caminos de Guatemala. Rev. Agr. Indust. Com. Puerto Rico. Revista de Agricultura Comercio y Trabajo. Puerto Rico. 1-2(19), 1885-1886//? Rev. Agr. Mexico. Revista Agrícola. Mexico. 1-25, 1885-1910// Superseded by Revista Agrícola. 1917-1922// Rev. Agr. Piracicaba. Revista de Agricultura. Piracicaba, Brazil. 1, 1926. Rev. Agr. Salv. Revista Agrícola Salvadoreña. Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura, Ganadería e Industrias. San Salvador. 1-3, 19121915// Rev. Agr. Trop. Mexico. Revista de Agricultura Tropical. Mexico. 1, 1 9 0 9 - 3 ( 5 ) , 1913// Started as American Review of Tropical Agriculture. Suspended 1910-1911. 2(3-4) as Revista Tropical de Agricultura. Rev. Agr. Trop. San Salvador. Revista de Agricultura Tropical. San Salvador. 1, 1921. Rev. Agron. Revista Agronómica. Sociedade de Sciencias Agronómicas de Portugal. Lisboa. 1, 1903. Rev. Amer. Lat. Revue de l'Amerique Latine. Paris. 1-23, 19221932// Rev. Anat. Pat. Clin. Revista de Anatomía Patológica y Clínicas. Mexico. 1.4, 1896-1899//? Rev. Anthrop. Revue Anthropologique. Ecole d'Anthropologique. Paris. 1, 1891. Rev. Anthrop. Revue d'Anthropologique. Paris. 1, 1872 - Ser. Ill (4), 1899// Rev. Bot. Revue Botanique. Paris. 1, 1 8 4 5 - 2 , 1847// Rev. Bot. Revue de Botanique. Société Française de Botanique. Toulouse. 1, 1 8 8 2 - 1 3 , 1895// Rev. Bot. Appl. Agr. Colon. See Rev. Intern. Bot. Appl. Agr. Trop. Rev. Arg. Agron. Revista Argentina de Agronomía. Sociedad Argentina de Agronomia. Buenos Aires. 1, 1934. Rev. Ateneo. Chiapas. See Ateneo.

Rev. Cent. Estud. Farm. Cordoba. Revista. Centro de Estudiantes de Farmacia. Cordoba, Argentina. 3, 1927? Rev. Chih. Revista Chihuahuense. Chihuahua. 1, 1 9 0 9 - 3 ( 3 ) , 1911// Rev. Chih. Revista de Chihuahua. 1, 1895. Not in the U.S. Rev. Cient. Indust. Revista Científica e Industrial. Mexico. 1(1-7), 1901// Not in the U.S. Rev. Cient. Lit. Mej. Revista Científica y Literaria de Méjico. See Rev. Méx. Rev. Cient. Méx. Revista Científica Mexicana. Mexico. 1-2(26), 1879-1884// Rev. Com. Ext. Revista del Comercio Exterior. Mexico. 1(1) 193810(12), 1945// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Rev. Cult. Colon. Revue des Cultures Coloniales. Paris. 1-15, 18971904// Rev. Deux Mond. Revue des Deux Mondes. Paris. 1-2, 1829—Ser. II (1-4), 1830//? Rev. Eaux For. Revue des Eaux et Forets. Paris. 1, 1862. Rev. Econ. Revista de Economia. Frente de Economistas Revolucionarios. Mexico. 1, 1937. Rev. Esc. Nac. Prep. Mexico. Revista. Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Mexico. 1, 1923. Rev. Econ. France. Revue Economique Française. Paris. 1, 1878. First as Bulletin de la Société de Geographie Commerciale. Paris. Rev. Estud. Yuc. Revista de Estudios Yucatecos. Merida. 1, 1949 - 3, 1953// Superseded by Cuadernos de Estudios Yucatecos. 1953. Rev. Eur. Revista Europea. Madrid. 1-15 (1-319), 1874-1880// Rev. Farm. Revista Farmaceutica. (Argentina) Sociedad Nacional de Farmacia. Buenos Aires. 1, 1862. Rev. Farm. Revista Farmacéutica. Barranquilla, Colombia. 1, 1915. Rev. Farm. Mex. Revista Farmaceutica Mexicana. Profesorado Farmaceutico de los EEUU Mexicanos. l ( l ) - 3 ( 2 4 ) , 1891-1893//? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Rev. Fl. Med. Revista de Flora Medicinal. Rio de Janeiro. 5, 1938. (1, ?)

Rev. For. France. Revue Forestiere de France. Paris. 1-9, 19081914// Rev. For. Méx. Revista Forestal Mexicana. Mexico. 1-2, 1909-1911// Not in the U.S. ( At SMGE. ) Continued as Mexico Forestal. Rev. Fr. Out. Mer. Revue Française d'Outre Mer. Union Coloniale Française. Paris. 1, 1897-32, 1928// Started as Quinzaine Coloniale. Rev. Gen. Bot. Revue Generale de Botanique. Paris. 1, 1889. Rev. Geog. Revista Geografica. Instituto Panamericano de Geografia y Historia. Mexico. 1, 1941. Rev. Geog. Revue de Geographie. Paris. 1, 1 8 7 7 - n . ser. 12, 1924// Rev. Geog. Amer. Revista Geografica Americana. Sociedad Geografica Americana. Buenos Aires. 1, 1933. Reo. Geog. Hum. Ethnol. Revue de Geographie Humaine et d'Ethnologie. Paris. 1(1-4), 1948-1949// Rev. Hac. Revista de Hacienda. Mexico. Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico. 1-4(21), 1937-1939// Rev. Hort. Revue Horticole. Paris. 1, 1829. Rev. Hort. Belge. Revue de l'Horticulture Belge et Etrangère. Ghent. 1, 1 8 7 5 - 4 0 , 1914// Rev. Ind. Revista de Indias. Instituto Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo. Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica. 1, 1940. Rev. Indust. Revista Industrial. Mexico. 1, 1946. Rev. Indust. Revista Industrial. Secretaria de Economia Nacional. Mexico. 1-5, 1933"-1935// Rev. Inf. Terap. Mex. Revista de Información Terapeutica de Mexico. 1, ? Not in U.S. Rev. Inst. Mun. Bot. Buenos Aires. Revista. Instituto Municipal de Botanica. Buenos Aires. 1, 1961. Rev. Inst. Pec. Méx. Revista. Instituto Pecuario. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Mexico. 1-2, 1941-1942// Rev. Inst. Salub. Enf. Trop. Mex. Revista. Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales. Mexico. 1, 1939. Rev. Interam. Bibl. Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia. Pan American Union. Washington. 1, 1951. Rev. Intern. Bot. Appl. Agr. Trop. Revue Internationale de Botanique Appliquée et d'Agriculture Tropicale. Paris. 1, 1921. Started as Revue de Botanique Appliquée et d'Agriculture Coloniale; then as Revue de Botanique Appliquée et d'Agriculture Tropicale. Rev. Intern. Prod. Colon. Revue Internationale des Produits Coloniaux. Paris. 1, 1926. Rev. Invest. Agr. Revista de Investigaciones Agrícolas. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura. Dirección General de Laboratorios e Investigaciones. 1, 1947.


JOURNAL TITLES Rev. Lat. Amer. Revista Latino-Americana. Mexico. 1-16, 18851897; Ser. II, 1, 1897-1903//? Rev. Med. Revista Medicina. See Medicina. Rev. Med. Cieñe. Af. Revista de Medicina y Ciencias Afines. Merida. 1, 1942. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Rev. Med. Farm. Méx. Revista Médico-Farmacéutica Mexicana. Organo de los Intereses Farmacéuticos de Mexico. 1-6, 19231928//? 1-2, 1923-1924, as Revista Farmacéutica Mexicana. Rev. Med. Fr. Etr. Revue Medícale Française et Etrangère. Paris. 1822-1886// Ret). Med. Homeop. Revista de Medicina Homeopática. Sociedad Mexicana Homeopática de Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1921. Not in the U.S. Rev. Med. Méx. Revista Medica de Mexico. Sociedad de Medicina Interna. Mexico. 1-4, 1888-1891; Ser. II, 1-5, 1909-1912// Rev. Med. Mil. Revista Medico Militar. Mexico. 1(2), 1938 - 2(1112), 1940. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Rev. Med. Vet. Gan. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria y Ganadería. See Agr. Gan. Rev. Med. Yuc. Revista Medica de Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1906. Rev. Mens. Soc. Cient. Lit. Jose Maria Mena. Revista Mensual. Sociedad Científica Literaria "José Maria Mena." Cordoba, Ver. 1-3(3), 1889-1891//? Rev. Mens. Soc. Prom. Mej. Mat. Revista Mensual. Sociedad Promovedora de Mejoras Materiales. Mexico. 1, 1852// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Rev. Méx. Revista Mexicana. Mexico. 1(1-5), 1835// Follows Registro Trimestre. Rev. Mex. Revista Mexicana. Mexico. 1-2, 1845-1846// Vol. 1 as Revista Científica y Literaria de Mexico. Rev. Mex. Revista Mexicana. Mexico. 1-3, 1879-1880// fleo. Mex. Alerg. Revista Mexicana de Alergologia. Monterrey, N.L. 1, 1949. Rev. Mex. Biol. Revista Mexicana de Biología. Sociedad Mexicana de Biología. Mexico. 1-17(5), 1920-1935//? Rev. Mex. Estud. Antrop. See below. Reo. Mex. Estud. Hist. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Historíeos. Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios Antropologicos. Mexico. 1, 1927. Started as the above, fleo. Mex. Geog. Revista Mexicana de Geografía. Instituto Geográfico de la UNAM. Mexico. 1-4(3/4), 1940-1943//? Rev. Mex. Ing. Arq. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Asociación de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Mexico. 1, 1923. fleo. Mex. Soc. Revista Mexicana de Sociología. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. Mexico. UNAM. 1, 1939. fleo. Mus. La. Plata. Revista. Museo. La Plata. Universidad Nacional. 1-34, 1890-1934// Sección Botanica. 1, 1936. fleo. Mus. Nac. Lima. Revista del Museo Nacional. Lima. 1, 1932. fleo. Quest. Hist. Revue des Questions Historiques. Paris. 1, 1866. Reo. Quest. Scient. Revue des Questions Scientifiques. Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Louvain. 1, 1877-1939//? fleo. Quim. Farm. Revista Quimica y Farmacia. Buenos Aires. 1(1-6), 1900//? Rev. Quim. Farm. Revista Quimico-Farmaceutica. Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Chile. Santiago de Chile. 1, 1943. Rev. (Quine.) Anat. Patol. Clin. Med. Quirur. See Rev. Anat. Patol. Clin. fleo. Rev. Mexico. Revista de Revistas. Mexico. 1, 1910. fleo. Rev. New York. Review of Reviews. New York. 2-96, 18901937// 1 was American edition of Review of Reviews. London. Rev. San. Mil. Revista de Sanidad Militar. Mexico. 1, 1946? fleo. Sci. Nat. Appl. See Terre et la Vie. Rev. Scient. Revue Scientifique. Paris. 1, 1863. fleo. Sec. Agr. Fom. Mexico. Revista. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Mexico. 1, 1926-Ser. II, 1(4-5), 1929// fleo. Soc. Cient. Lit. José Maria Mena. See Rev. Mens. Soc. Cient. etc. Reo. Soc. Cub. Bot. Revista. Sociedad Cubana de Botanica. Havana. 1, 1942. fleo. Soc. Estud. Astron. Geofis. Revista. Sociedad de Estudios Astronómicos y Geofísicos. Mexico. 1, 1929. fleo. Soc. Mex. Hist. Nat. Revista. Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Mexico. 1, 1939. fleo. Sudamer. Bot. Revista Sudamericana de Botanica. Asociación Sudamericana de Botanica. Montevideo. 1, 1934. Reo. Trop. Revista del Tropico. Not located, fleo. Trop. Agr. See Rev. Agr. Trop. Reo. Un. Revistas Unidas. See Agr. Mex. Reo. Univ. Revista Universal. Mexico. 1871. Not in the U.S.


Rev. Ver. Revista Veracruzana. Veracruz. 1(1-11), 1883//? Rev. Ver. Revista Veracruzana. Veracruz. 1(1) - 2(14), 1901-1902//? Not in the U.S. (At SMGE.) Rev. Vet. Gan. See Agr. Gan. Rhodora. New England Botanical Club. Boston. 1, 1899. Riv. Soc. Tose. Ort. Rivista. Societa Toscana di Orticultura. Firenze. 1, 1876 - 63, 1938// Started as Bullettino. Rojo y Negro. Mexico. 1, ? (1928 seen at Bibliot. R. Beltran, Mexico. Not in U.S.) Rozpr. Akad. Umiet. Krakow. Rozprawy. Akademija Umiejetnosci. Krakow. 1, 1874. Rub. Age. Rubber Age. New York. 1, 1917. Rur. Calif. Rural Californian. Los Angeles. 1-38, 1877-1914// Saguaroland Bull. Saguaroland Bulletin. Desert Botanical Garden. Phoenix. 1, 1947? Salubridad. Mexico. Departamento de Salubridad Publica. 1-6, 19301936// Salud Publ. Mex. Salud Publica de Mexico. Secretaria de Salubridad y Asistencia. Mexico. 1, 1959. Samml. Deut. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Sammlung der Deutschen Abhandlungen. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 17881803// Sargentía. Arnold Arboretum. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1, 1942. Supersedes Contributions of the Arboretum. Sat. Eve. Post. Saturday Evening Post. Philadelphia. 1, 1821. Sat. Rev. Saturday Review. London. 1-166, 1855-1938// Savannah Nav. St. Rev. See Naval Stores Review. School Sei. Math. School Science and Mathematics. Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers. Chicago. 1, 1901. Sehr. Berl. Ges. Naturf. Fr. See below. Sehr. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Schriften. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. Berlin. (Started as Berlinische Gesellschaft.) 1-11, 1780-1794// 7-11 as Beobachtungen. Sehr. Naturf. Ges. Kopenhagen. See Naturh. Selsk. Skr. Sehr. Ver. Verb. Naturw. Kent. Schriften. Verein zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kentnisse. Wien. 1, 1860. Sci. Bull. Univ. Kansas. Science Bulletin. University of Kansas. Lawrence. 1, 1902. Set. Contr. Trop. PI. Res. Found. Scientific Contributions. Tropical Plant Research Foundation. Washington. 1-22, 1926-1932// Sci. Cult. Science and Culture. Calcutta. 1, 1935. Sci. Month. Scientific Monthly. New York. 1, 1915. Sci. News Lett. Science News Letter. Washington. 1, 1921. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin. Soc. Scientific Proceedings. Royal Dublin Society. 1, 1877. Science. Cambridge, Mass., etc. 1-23, 1883-1894; n. ser. 1, 1895. Scient. Amer. Scientific American. New York. 1, 1845. Supplement. 1-88, 1876-1919// Scribners Mag. Scribner's Magazine. New York. 1-105, 1887-1939// See. Est. Desp. Fom. Colon. Indust. Com. Rep. Mex. Mem: See Mem. Sec. Agr. Fom. Mex. Seler's Ges. Abh. Seler's Gesammelte Abhandlungen. 1-4, 19111913//? Selsk. Skrif. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Selskab Skrifter. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Copenhagen. 1-6, 1800-1812; continued as Ser. IV, in parts; Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling to Ser. IX, 1938// ' Sem. Agr. Semana de Agricultura. Mexico. 1(1-8), 1840//? Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Sem. Fl. Bulb. See Zaad Bloem. Boll. Wereld. Sem. Hort. Semaine Horticole. Bruxelles. 1-4, 1897-1900// Sem. Sen. Mej. Semana de las Señoritas Mejicanas. Mexico. 1-4, 1851-1852; n. ser. 1, 1852//? Seman. Agr. Art. Semanario de Agricultura y Artes. Madrid. 1-23, 1797-1808// Seman. Agr. Art. Semanario de Agricultura y de las Artes que Tienen Relation con Ella. Mexico. 1850// Seman. Econ. Semanario Economico. Madrid. 1, 1765 - Ser. II, 1-4, 1778// Seman. Econ. Not. Cur. etc. Semanario Economico de Noticias Curiosas y Eruditas sobre Agricultura y demás Artes y Oficios. Mexico. 1-2(52), 1808-1810// Succeeded by Mentor Mexicano. Seman. Sen. Mej. Semanario de las Señoritas Mejicanas. Mexico. 1-3, 1841-1842// Ser. Cient. Mus. Nac. Mexico. Serie Científica. Museo Nacional. Mexico. (Now Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.) 1-3, 1949-1954//




CITED Stud. Biol. Sei. Minnesota. See Minn. Stud. Biol. Sei. Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. Studies in Natural History. Iowa University. Iowa City. 1, 1888. 1-7, 1888-1918 as Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History. Stud. Rom. Lang. Lit. Univ. N. Car. Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. University of North Carolina. 1, 1940. Stud. Sei. Ser. Univ. Mich. Studies. Scientific Series. University of Michigan. 1-20, 1914-1956// Stud. Ser. Anthrop. Colo. Univ. Studies. Series in Anthropology. Colorado University. 1, 1948. Stud. Ser. D. Phys. Biol. Sei. Colo. Univ. Studies. Series D. Physical and Biological Sciences. Colorado University. 1, 1 9 4 0 - 2 ( 3 ) , 1947// Studium. Asociacion de Estudiantes. Universidad. Guatemala. 1, 1921. Subtrop. Kult. Subtropicheskie Kultury. 1, 1960. Suburb. Calif. Suburban California. Pasadena. 1-10(7), 1907-1916// 1-9 as Pacific Garden. Succulenta. Nederlandsche Vereeniging van het Planten Verzamelaars. Leeuwarden. 1, 1919. Sugestiones. Mexico, 1, 1935. Not in the U.S.? Sukkulentenkunde. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Kakteen Gesellschaft. Zuerich. 1, 1947 - 6, 1957//? Summ. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sei. See Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sei. Summ. Roy. Bot. Soc. London. See Quart. Summ. Roy. Bot. Soc. London. Sureo. Escuela de Agricultura del Estado de Tamaulipas. Cd. Victoria. 1 ( 4 ) 1 9 2 5 - N o . 25, 1926//? Survey. New York. 1-68, 1897-1932// So. Bot. Tidsk. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. Svenska Botaniska Foreningen. Stockholm. 1, 1907. Symb. Bot. Upsal. Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis. Upsala. Universitet. Botaniska Institutionen. 1, 1932. Syst. Zool. Systematic Zoology. Society of Systematic Zoology. Washington, D.C. 1, 1952.

Sheep Goat Raiser's Mag. Sheep and Goat Raiser's Magazine. Sheep and Goat Raiser's Association of Texas. San Angelo, Texas. 1, 1920. Shield's Mag. Shield's Magazine. League of American Sportsmen. New York. 1-15, 1905-1912// Shrif. Naturf. Ges. Copenhagen. See Naturh. Selsk. Skr. Sida. Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas. 1, 1962. Sieboldia. Leyden. 1-9, 1875-1883// Siembra. Confederacion Nacional Campesina. Mexico. 1, 1943. Siglo XIX. Mexico. 1, ? Sittiman's Jour. Sei. See Amer. Jour. Sei. Arts. SÜv. Orb. Silvae Orbis. Institut International d'Agriculture. Centre International de Sylviculture. Berlin. 1940-1949// Sinensia. Academia Sinica. Nanking. 1, 1929. Sinopsis. Mexico. 1, 1950. Sisal. (El Sisal de Yucatan.) Henequeneros de Yucatan. Merida. 1, 1940. Sisal Mex. Sisal Mexicano. Merida. 1-4, 1927-1930//? Sisal Rev. See Indust. Fib. Rev. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1, 1883. Started as Berichte; after 1921, in classes. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen. Sitzungsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Muenchen. Mathematisch-Physikalischen Abteilung. (Started as Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse. Changed in 1924.) 1, 1860 - n . ser. 1, 1871. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien. See Sitzungsb. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. Sitzungsb. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. See Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen. Sitzungsb. Boehm. Ges. Wiss. See below. Sitzungsb. Ceska Spol. Nauk Sitzungsberichte. Ceska Spolecnost Nauk. Prague. 1859-1884// Sitzungsb. Deut. Akad. Wiss. See Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Sitzungsb. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft. Naturforschender Freunde. Berlin. 1, 1839. Sitzungsb. Math. Phys. Kl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. See Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Muenchen. Sitzungsb. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westf. Sitzungsberichte. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. (Westphalens) Bonn. 1, 1906. Sitzungsb. Niederrh. Ges. Nat. Heilk. Sitzungsberichte. Niederrhenische Gesellschaft der Natur und Heilkunde. Bonn. 1851-1905// To 1894 in the above. Sitzungsb. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. Sitzungsberichte. Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Wien. 1, 1848. Sitzungsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. See Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Skand. Arch. Physiol. Skandinavisches Archiv fuer Physiologie. Leipzig. 1-83, 1889-1940// Skrif. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Copenhagen. 1-12, 1743-1778// Skriv. Naturh. Sekk. See Naturh. Selsk. Skriv. Sociedad. Mexico. Ser. II, 1, 1858. Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) South Afr. Jour. Sei. South African Journal of Science. South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Capetown. 1, 1903. South. Folkl. Quart. Southern Folklore Quarterly. Southeastern Folklore Society. Jacksonville, Fla. 1, 1937. South. Lumberm. Southern Lumberman. Nashville, Tenn. 1, 1881. South. Mag. Southern Magazine. Southern Historical Society. Baltimore. 1-7, 1868-1875// First as the New Eclectic Magazine. Southw. Jour. Anthrop. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque. 1, 1945. Southw. Nat. Southwestern Naturalist. Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Dallas. 1, 1956. Southw. Rev. Southwest Review. Texas University and Southern Methodist University. Austin, Dallas, Texas. 1, 1915. Southw. Sei. Bull. Southwest Science Bulletin. Los Angeles. 1-2, 1920-1921// Sot). Bot. Sovietskaya Botanika. Akademiya Nauk S.S.S.R. Botanical Institut. Leningrad. 1, 1933. Supersedes Izvestiya Glavnyi Botanicheskii Sad. Sov. PI. Indust. Ree. Soviet Plant Industry Record. Vestnik Sotsialisticheskogo Rastenievodstva. 1, 1940. Spec. Publ. Amer. Geog. Soc. Special Publications. American Geographical Society. New York. 1, 1915. Spec. Rep. U.S.D.A. See U.S.D.A. Spec Rep. Spice Mill. New York. 1, 1878. Spine. Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia. 1, 1948. Staatsb. Bibl. Staatsbuerger Bibliothek. Muenchen. 1, 1910 ( 1 9 1 1 ) ?

T. A. P. P. I. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. Papers. 1, 1918. Tagebl. Versamm. Ges. Deut. Naturf. Aerzte. Tageblatt der Versammlung. Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Berlin; Leipzig. 14, 1836. 1-13, never published. Tagungsb. Wiss. Abh. Verh. Deut. Geog. See Deut. Geographentag. Taiwan Mus. Quart. Jour. See Quart. Jour. Taiwan Mus. Taxon. International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Utrecht. 1, 1951. Taylor Rochester Magazine. Not located. Tech. Bull. Agr. Exp. Stat. Univ. Ariz. Technical Bulletin. Agricultural Experiment Station. University of Arizona. College of Agriculture. 2, 1922. Tech. Bull. Eng. Exp. Stat. Ga. Inst. Tech. Technical Bulletin. Engineering Experiment Station. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta. 1, 1952. Tech. Bull. New York State Agr. Exp. Stat. Technical Bulletin. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Geneva. 1, 1906. Tech. Bull. U.S.D.A. Technical Bulletin. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1, 1927. Tech. Publ. New York St. Coll. For. See Bull. New York St. Coll. For. Tech. Rep. Coast. Stud. Inst. La. St. Univ. Technical Report. Coastal Studies Institute. Louisiana State Unversity. Baton Rouge. No. 17, 1962. Tech. Rep. Dept. Geog. Univ. Texas. Technical Report. Department of Geography. University of Texas. Austin. 1, 1957. Tech. World. Technical World. Chicago. 1-2, 1904-1905// Superseded by Illus. World. Technologist. London. 1-6, 1860-1866; n. ser. 1-2, 1866-1867// Terap. Mod. Terapeutica Modema. Mexico. 1-23(25), 1899-1912// Termesz. Kozl. Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony. Budapest. 1, 1869. Terra Naz. Terra e Nazione. 1, 1931-1935//? Not in the U.S. Terre Vie. Terre et la Vie. Paris. 1, 1854. Called also Bulletin (Mensuel) de la Societe (Nacional) d'Acclimatation de France (Societe Imperiale Zoologique d'Acclimatation), Revue des Sciences Naturelles Appliquees. Texas Geog. Mag. Texas Geographical Magazine. Texas Geographic Society. Dallas. 1, 1937. Texas Jour. Pharm. Texas Journal of Pharmacy. College of Pharmacy. University of Texas. Austin. 1, 1960. Texas Jour. Sei. Texas Journal of Science. Texas Academy of Science. San Marcos. 1, 1949. Text. Col. Textile Colorist. Philadelphia. New York. 1, 1879. 58




Trans. Hort. Soc. London. Transactions. (Roy.) Horticultural Society of London. 1, 1 8 0 5 - 7 , 1829; Ser. II, 1-3, 1831-1848// Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. Transactions. Kansas Academy of Science. 1, 1868. Trans. Linn. Soc. London. Transactions. Linnaean Society of London. 1, 1791. Trans. Linn. Soc. New York. Transactions. Linnaean Society of New York. 1, 1882. Trans. Liverpool Geog. Soc. Transactions (and Annual Report of the Council). Liverpool Geographical Society. 1-41, 1892-1932// Trans. Mass. St. Hort. Soc. Transactions. Massachusetts State Horticultural Society. 1829-1919// Trans. Med. Bot. Soc. London. Transactions. Medico-Botanical Society. London. 1828-1857// Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. Transactions. Natural History Society of Formosa. Taihoku. 1, 1911. Trans. New York Acad. Sci. Transactions. New York Academy of Sciences. 1, 1881. Started as New York Lyceum of Natural History; changed in 1877. Trans. New York St. Agr. Soc. Transactions. New York State Agricultural Society. Albany. 1-34, 1841-1886// Then changed to Proceedings. Trans. Roy. Engl. For. Soc. See Quart. Jour. For. Trans. Roy. Hort. Soc. London. See Trans. Hort. Soc. London. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Transactions. San Diego Society of Natural History. 1, 1905. Trans. Soc. Nat. Hist. San Diego. See above. Trans. Texas Acad. Sci. Transactions. Texas Academy of Science. 1, 1 8 9 2 - 3 0 , 1946// 13, 22 not published. Superseded by Texas Journal of Science. Transunti. R. Accad. Lincei. Transunti. R. Accademia dei Lincei. 1-8, 1876-1884// Transvaal Agr. Jour. Transvaal Agricultural Journal. Department of Agriculture. Transvaal. Pretoria. 1-9(1-33), 1902-1910//? Trav. Inst. Bot. Leo Errera. Travaux. Institut Botanique "Leo Errera." Universite Libre. Bruxelles. 1-5, 1928-1934// (Trav.) Int. Sei. Tob. Cong. Travaux. International Scientific Tobacco Congress. Paris. 1, 1955. Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse. Travaux. Laboratoire Forestier. Toulouse. Universite. 1, 1928. Trav. Lab. Mat. Med. Ec. Sup. Pharm. Paris. Travaux. Laboratoire de Matiere Medicale. Ecole Supérieure de Pharmacie. Paris. 1-28, 1902 (1904)-1937//? Trees S. Afr. Trees in South Africa. Aboricultural (Tree) Society of South Africa. Johannesburg. 1, 1949. Trib. Isr. Tribuna Israelita. B'nai B'rith. Independent Order of. Mexico. 1, 1944. Trop. Agr. Tropical Agriculture. Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. Trinidad. 1, 1924. Trop. Agr. Mag. Tropical Agriculturist and Magazine. Ceylon Agricultural Society. Colombo. 1, 1881. Trop. Life Stock Farm. Tropical Life and Stock Farming. London. 1-33, 1905-1937// Started as Tropical Life. Trop. Sub-Trop. America. Tropical and Sub-Tropical America. New York. 1 ( 1 - 5 ) , 1908// Trop. Woods. Tropical Woods. Yale University School of Forestry. New Haven. 1, 1925. Tropenflanzer. Kolonial Wirtschaftliches Komitee. Berlin. 1, 1 8 9 7 4 7 ( 3 ) , 1944//? Beihefte. 1, ? Trudy. See Acta. Tuberkulose. Muenchen. 1-16, 1921-1936//? Tur. Mex. Turista Mexicano. Asociacion Turistica en Mexico. 1-5, 1923//? Not in the U.S. Turrialba. Inter-American Institute of the Agricultural Sciences. Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agricolas. Turrialba. 1, 1950. Tuxtepec Mod. Tuxtepec Moderno. Camara de Comercio y Agriculture. Tuxtepec. 1, 1 9 2 3 - 2 ( 1 0 ) , 1929// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Two Rep. Two Republics. Mexico, 1, 1868.

Therap. Gaz. Therapeutic Gazette. Detroit. 1 - 5 1 ( 3 ) , 1877-1927// Three Americas. Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America. Mexico City. 1 ( 1 - 9 ) , 1935-1936// Tiempo. Mexico. 1, 1942. English version titled Hispano-America. Tierra. Mexico. 1895-1896//? Tierra. Mexico. 1, 1 9 2 3 - N o . 365, 1933//? Not in the U.S. (At Sec. Agr. Dir. Geog. Meteor.) Supersedes Revista Agricola. Tierra. Mexico. 1, 1938-1939// Tierra. Mexico. 1, 1945. Tierra Mex. Tierra de Mexico. Mexico. 5, 1900 - 9 ( 4 ) , 1902//? Tierra Trab. Tierra y Trabajo. 1, 1910// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Tijdsch. Nat. Gesch. Phys. Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. Amsterdam. 1, 1 8 3 4 - 1 2 , 1845//? Tijdsch. Nederl. Aard. Genoot. Tijdschrift. Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Amsterdam. 1, 1876. Tijdsch. Nederl. Indie. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. Batavia. 1, 1838 - Ser.VI, 1902// Tijdsch. Wis. Nat. Wet. Tijdschrift voor Wis-en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. K. Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen Letterkunde en Schoonekunsten. Amsterdam. 1, 1848 - 1 2 , 1852// TUton's Jour. Hort. Tilton's Journal of Horticulture. Boston. 1-9, 1867-1871// Timberman. Pordand, Ore. 1, 1899. Tlahcan. Sacramento, Calif. 1, 1943 - 3 ( 4 ) , 1957// Tlaxcala. Ateneo de Ciencias y Artes de Tlaxcala. 1, 1943 - 13, 1944. Todo. Mexico. 1, 1933. Torreya. Torrey Botanical Club. Lancaster, etc. 1, 1 9 0 1 - 4 5 , 1945// Tour Monde. Tour du Monde. Paris. 1-68, 1860-1894; n. ser. 1-20, 1896-1914//? Supplement, A Travers le Monde. 1-20, 18951914// Trab. Ser. Biol. Mus. Nac. Madrid. Trabajos. Serie Biologica. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid. Instituto de Ciencias. 1, 1943. Continued as Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Jose de Acosta. Trab. Ser. Bot. Mus. Nac. Madrid. Trabajos. Serie Botanica. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid. Instituto de Ciencias. 1, 1912. Traffic. Philadelphia. 1 - 8 ( 5 ) , 1891-1899// Trail Timb. Trail and Timberline. Colorado Mountain Club. Denver. 1, 1918. Trans. Acad. Sci. New York. See Trans. New York Acad. Sci. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis. Transactions. Academy of Science. St. Louis. 1, 1856/60. Trans. Albany Inst. Transactions. Albany Institute. Albany, N.Y. 1, 1 8 3 0 - 1 2 , 1893// Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Transactions (and Collections). American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, Mass. 1-12, 1820-1911// 1-7 as Archaeologica Americana. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un. Transactions. American Geophysical Union. 1, 1920. Trans. Amer. Hort. Soc. Transactions. American Horticultural Society. Indianapolis 1-5, 1883-1888// Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Transactions. American Microscopical Society. 1, 1878. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Transactions. American Philosophical Society. 1, 1 7 6 9 - 6 , 1809; n. ser. 1, 1818. Trans. Anthrop. Soc. Washington. 1-3, 1879-1885. See also Amer. Anthrop. Trans. Bibl. Soc. London. See Library. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Transactions (and Proceedings). Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 1, 1841. Trans. Bot. Soc. Penna. Transactions and Proceedings. Botanical Society of Pennsylvania. 1, 1904 (1897-1903); 2, 1911(19041909). A reprint of vols. 2 and 3 of the Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Penna. Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Transactions. Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1, 1 8 2 1 - 2 3 , 1928// Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. Transactions. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New Haven. 1, 1866. Trans. Edinb. Bot. Soc. See Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London. Transactions. Ethnological Society. London. 1-7, 1861-1869// Trans. Geog. Soc. Pac. Transactions. Proceedings. Geographical Society of the Pacific. 1-3, (1881) 1889-1892; Ser. II, 1 - 6 ( 2 ) , 1901-1910//

Uebers. Arb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. See Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. Umbral. Guanajuato. Nos. 24, 26-29, 32, 33, 1945-1949// Not in the U.S. (At HN Mex.) Umschau. Frankfurt am Main. 1, 1897. Un. Med. Mex. Union Medica de Mexico. 1-2, 1856-1858//? Un. Med. Mich. Union Medica Michoacana. Sociedad Cientifica Michoacana. Morelia. 1, 1892//? 59




Unasylva. United Nations-FAO. 1, 1947. U.S. Comm. Rep. U.S. Commerce Reports. Bureau of Domestic and Foreign Commerce. Washington. 1915-1940// Special Agents Series. 1-226, 1906-1925// 1-60, by the Bureau of Manufactures. U.S. Commod. Ref. Ser. U.S. Commodities Reference Series. Industrial Reference Service. 1, 1940. In parts; Part 4, Forest Products. Changed in 1947 to World Trade Commodities. U.S.D.A. Agr. Handb. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Handbook. 1, 1940. U.S.D.A. Circ. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Circular. 1, 1927. U.S.D.A. Dept. Bull. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Department Bulletin. 1, 1913. U.S.D.A. Farm. Bull. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers Bulletin. 1, 1889. U.S.D.A. Fiber Invest. Rep. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Fiber Investigations Report. 1-11, 1892-1898// In the Division of Statistics. U.S.D.A. Misc. Publ. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publications. 1, 1927. U.S.D.A. Monog. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Monographs. 1, 1950. U.S.D.A. Month. Rep. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Monthly Report. 1, 1863. U.S.D.A. Prod. Res. Rep. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Production Research Report. 1, 1956. U.S.D.A. Spec. Rep. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Special Report. 1, 1877-65, 1883// U.S. Daily Cons. Rep. U.S. Daily Consular Reports. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 19151921// Superseded by Comm. Rep. U.S. Daily Cons. Trade Rep. U.S. Daily Consular and Trade Reports. 1905-1910; n. ser. 1910-1914// U.S. For. Serv. Res. Rep. See Res. Rep. U.S. For. Serv. U.S. Month. Cons. Rep. U.S. Monthly Consular Reports. Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce. 1866-1879// U.S. Month. Cons. Trade Rep. U.S. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. 1-357, 1880-1910// U.S. Pat. Off. Rep. Commiss. U.S. Patent Office. Report of the Commissioner. 1, 1837. U.S. Trade Prom. Ser. U.S. Trade Promotion Series. 1-218, 19251941// Published by U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. U.S. Weekly Cons. Rep. U.S. Weekly Consular and Trade Reports. March-June, 1910. Univ. Mex. Universidad de Mexico. Mexico. 1 ( 2 ) - 6 ( 3 3 - 3 4 ) , 19301933// Follows Boletin de la Universidad. Superseded by Universidad, 1 - 5 ( 4 ) , 1936-1938; then in 1946 by Universidad de Mexico. Univ. Mich. Universidad Michoacana. Morelia. Universidad. Departamento de Extension Universitaria. 1, 1 9 3 7 - 3 1 , 1953//? Univ. Ver. Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa (Jalapa). 1, 1952. Universidad. See Univ. Mex. Universo. Istituto Geografico Militare. Firenze. 1, 1920.

Verh. Leop. Car. Akad. Naturf. See Nova Acta Phys. Med. Acad Caes. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel. Verhandlungen. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Basel. 1, 1854. Verh. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westf. See Decheniana. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Hamburg. Verhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Hamburg. 1, 1875. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe. Verhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Karlsruhe. 1-31, 1862-1935// Verh. Natuurk. Ver. Nederl. Indie. Verhandelingen. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie. (Societas Scientiarum IndoNeerlandica. Acta.) Batavia. 1-8, 1856-1860// Verh. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Verhandelingen. Nederlandsch Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1, 1854-29, 1892// Verh. Ver. Bef. Gartenb. Verhandlungen. Verein zur Befoerderung des Gartenbaues. Berlin. 1-28, 1822-1859// Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. Verhandlungen. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. Wien. 1, 1851. Veroeff. Coll. Carol. Veroeffentlichungen. Collegium Carolinum. Muenchen. 1, 1958. Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Ruebel. Veroeffentlichungen. Geobotanisches Institut Ruebel. Zuerich. 1, 1924. Versl. Med. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Verslagen en Mededeelingen. Nederlandsch Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1, 1 8 5 3 - S e r . III, 9, 1892. Verz. Vorl. Akad. Braunsberg. Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen. Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg. Botanisches Institut. 1, 1906-1924 (unnumbered parts); then numbered to 18/19 ( 22-25), 1941// Vest. Sotsial. Rasten. See Sov. PI. Indust. Ree. Vet. Agr. Pract. Veterinario y Agricultor Practico. 1 ( 1 - 2 ( 3 6 ) , 18811883// Vick's Mag. Vick's Magazine. Later Vick's Family Magazine. Rochester. 1-35, 1878-1909// Vidensk. Medd. Dansk Naturh. For. Videnskabelige Meddelelser, Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjobenhavn. 1, 1849. Vie d'ltal. Amer. Lat. Vie d'ltalia e deH'America Latina. Touring Club Italiano. Milano. 1, 1895. Vol. 30 is vol. 1 of the edition for Latin America. Vierteljahressch. Prakt. Pharm. Vierteljahresschrift fuer Praktische Pharmacie. Berlin. 1-20, 1904-1923// Vigne Amer. Vit. Eur. Vigne Americaine et la Viticulture en Europe. Paris. 1-35, 1877-1910// Virg. Jour. Sei. Virginia Journal of Science. Virginia Academy of Science. Charlottesville. 1, 1940. Virg. Med. Month. Virginia Medical Monthly. Richmond. 1, 1874. Volta Rev. Volta Review. Washington. 1, 1899. Voz Hip. Voz de Hipocrates. Mexico. 1-5, 1883-1888//? Supersedes Independencia Medica. Wasmann Coll. See below. Wasmann Jour. Biol. Wasmann Biological Society. San Francisco. 1, 1937. Started as Wasmann Club. Webbia. Herbarium U. Martelli. Pisa. Firenze. 1, 1905. Weeds. Weed Society of America. Ithaca, N.Y. 1, 1951. Wentia. Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereiniging. Amsterdam. 1, 1959. Supplement to Acta Botanica Neerlandica. West Amer. Sei. West American Scientist. San Diego Society of Natural History. 1-22(1-176), 1884-1919// West Coast Lumberman. Tacoma. 1, 1889. West. Drug. Western Druggist. Chicago. 1887-1928. Changed to Drug Bulletin. West. Folklore. See Calif. Folkl. Quart. Westm. Rev. Westminster Review. London. 1-181, 1824-1914// Wiadom. Farm. Wiadomosci Farmaceutyczne. Warsaw. 1-52, 18741925//? Wide World Mag. Wide World Magazine. London. 1, 1898. Wiegmann's Arch. See Arch. Naturg. Wien. Allg. Forst. Holzw. Forst. Zeitg. Wiener Allegemine Forst und Holzwirtschaftliche Forstzeitung. Wien. 1, 1883. Continued numbering of Wiener Allgemeine Forst und Jagd Zeitung. Superseded by the Allgemeine Forst und Holzwirtschaftliche Forstzeitung (57-61, 1946-1950); then as Allgemeine Forstzeitung. Wien. Bot. Zeitg. See Oesterr. Bot. Zeitsch. Wien. Illus. Gart. Zeitg. See Oesterr. Gart. Zeitg. Wien. Klin. Woch. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. 1, 1888. Wien. Pharm. Woch. Wiener Pharmazeutische Wochenschrift. 1, 1868. Started as Pharmazeutische Post; changed in 1938.

Var. Cienc. Lit. Art. Variedades de Ciencia Literatura y Artes. Madrid. 1-2, 1803-1805// Veg. News. Vegetarian News. London. London Vegetarian Society. 1, 1921? Vegetatio. Association Internationale de Phytosociologie. The Hague. 1, 1948. Vegetationsbilder. Jena. 1, 1 9 0 4 - 2 6 ( 4 ) , 1944// Ven. Ply. Veneers and Plywood. Indianapolis. 1, 1907. Veracruz. Centro Veracruzana de Cultura. Mexico. 1 ( 1 ) - 8 ( 6 ) , 1944-1951//? Not in U.S. Ver. Frauend. Bl. Vereinigte Frauendorfer Blaetter. See Allg. Deut. Gart. Zeitg. Verh. Akad. Wet. (Nederl. Akad.) See Verh. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg. Verhandlungen. Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg. 1, 1859. Verh. Deut. Geog. See Deut. Geographentag. Verh. Ges. Erdk. Berlin. Verhandlungen. Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde zu Berlin. 1-28, 1873-1901// Verh. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin. Verhandlungen Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. 1(1-6), 1819-1829// Verh. Inst. Roy. Col. Beige (Koniklijk Belgisch Kolonial Instituut.) See Mem. Inst. (Roy.) Col. Beige. Verh. Intern. Kong. Vererb. See Proc. Intern. Cong. Genet. 60

JOURNAL TITLES Wien. Zeitsch. Kunst. Litt. etc. Wiener Zeitschrift fuer Kunst, Litteratur, Theater und Mode. Wien. 1816-1848// WÜd Fl. Wild Flower. Wild Flower Preservation Society. Cincinnati. 1, 1924. Wiüdenowia. 1, 1953. 1(1) as Mitteilungen aus dem Botanischen Garten und Museum. Berlin-Dahlem. Succeeds the Notizblatt of the Garten. Wilson Bull. Wilson Bulletin. Wilson Ornithological Club. Oberlin. 1, 1889. Wiss. Abh. Deut. Geog. See Deut. Geographentag. Wiss. Veroeff. Ges. Erdk. Leipzig. Wissenschaftliche Veroeffentlichungen. Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Leipzig. 1, 1891. Wiss. Zeitsch. Martin Luther Univ. Halle. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Martin Luther Universitaet. Halle-Wittenberg. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche reihe. 1, 1951. Woch. Gaert. Pflanzenk. Wochenschrift fuer Gaertnerei und Pflanzenkunde. Verein zur befoerderung des Gartenbaues in dem Koeniglich Preussischen Staaten. Berlin. 1-24, 1858-1881; changed to Monatsschrift in 1873. Wood. Chicago. 1-6(6), 1946-1951// Superseded by Wood and Wood Products. Wood. London. 1, 1936. Wood Prod. Wood Products. Chicago. 1, 1923. Woodcraft. Woodcraft. Cleveland. 1-23(2), 1904-1915// World's Work. New York. 1-61(7), 1900-1932// Wrightia. Southern Methodist University. 1, 1945. Wuerttemb. Naturw. Jahresh. See Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. World Trade Comm. World Trade Commodities. U.S. Department of Commerce. 1947-1950// Yan. Centra de Investigaciones Anthropologicas de Mexico. 1, 1953. Yearbk. Amer. Phil. Soc. Yearbook. American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia. 1, 1937. Yearb. Pac. Coast Geog. Yearbook of Pacific Coast Geographers. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Cheney, Washington. 1, 1935. Yikal Maya Than. Merida. 1, 1939. Ymer. Svenska Saellskapet foer Antropologi och Geografi. Stockholm. 1, 1881. Yorkshire Cact. Jour. See Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. Yucatan Agr. Yucatan Agricola. Merida ? 1, 1927. Not in the U.S.



Zaad Bl. Boll. Wer. Zaad Bloem en Bollen Wereld. Semences Fleurs et Bulbes. Utrecht. 1,? (15 is 1951). Also as De Zaadwereld. Zaadwereld. See above. Zop. Akad. Nauk. SSSR. See Mem. Akad. Nauk. SSSR. Zeitsch. Akklim. Zeitschrift fuer Akklimatisation. Akklimatisation Verein. Berlin. 1, 1 8 5 8 - n . ser. 12, 1874//? Zeitsch. Allg. Erdk. See Zeitsch. Ges. Erdk. Berlin. Zeitsch. Allg. Oesterr. Apoth. Ver. Zeitschrift Allgemeiner Oesterreichischer Apotheker Verein. 1847-1921// Zeitsch. Bot. Zeitschrift fuer Botanik. Jena. 1, 1909. Zeitsch. Ethnol. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie. Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthropologie, Ethnologie, und Urgeschichte. 1, 1869. Zeitsch. Ges. Erdk. Berlin. Zeitschrift. Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde. Berlin. 1, 1853. Started as Zeitschrift fuer Allgemeine Erdkunde. Zeitsch. Gesam. Naturw. See Zeitsch. Naturw. Zeitsch. Indukt. Abstam. Vererb. Zeitschrift fuer Induktive Abstammungs und Vererbungslehre. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Verebungswissenschaft. Breslau. 1, 1908. Zeitsch. Kol. Pol. Kol. Wirts. See Kolon. Monatsb. Zeitsch. Naturf. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Wiesbaden. 1, 1946. Changed to sections in 1947. Section Anorganische, organische und biologisches chemie, botanik (zoologie), und verwandte gebiete. 2, 1947. Zeitsch. Naturw. Zeitschrift fuer Naturwissenschaften. Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein fuer Sachsen und Thueringen. Halle. 18531941// Started as Zeitschrift fuer die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Zeitsch. Sukk. Zeitschrift fuer Sukkulentenkunde. Deutschen Kakteen Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 1-3(16), 1923-1928// Superseded by the Monatsschrift of the Gesellschaft. Zeitsch. Weltforst. Zeitschrift fuer Weltforstwirtschaft. Berlin. 1, 1933.. Zenüevedenie. Moscow. 1-40, 1892-1938// Zentralb. Med. Wiss. Zentralblatt fuer die Medizinischen Wissenschaften. Berlin. 1-53, 1863-1915// Zoe. San Francisco. 1-5(11), 1890-1908// Zool. Jahrb. Zoologische Jahrbuecher. Jena. 1, 1886 - 2, 1887// Zurriago. Mexico. 1(1), 1839-No. 22, 1840//? Zurriago Literario. See the above.



A. A. D. A. A. D. 1916. "Plantas que podrían cultivarse en el Estado de Yucatán." ( Henequén 1 ( 1 5 ) : 24-27.) Is the author Aznar Donde, A.? Listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific names for some, descriptions, and uses. A. A. K. 1898. "M. (sic) robustispina." (Schott.) (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 6 ) : 85, illus.) Description of a species of Mammillaria

from Sonora.

A. B. See BARY, A. de. A. B. (A. Bussy?) See CHARBONNIER, Theodore, 1868. A. C. y A. R. 1850. "Del cultivo del lino y el cañamo." 113, 203.) Lino by A. C., cañamo by A. R. A. D. 1907. "Le guayule." (Bull.

Soc. Belge



Agr. 1850: 102,



Description, distribution, preparation, and uses. AE. See ALZATE Y RAMIREZ, José Antonio. A. H. See HERRERA, Alfonso. A. L. 1907-1908. "El berro." ( Rev. Agr. 23: 266-267. ) On the medicinal uses of Nasturtium officinale. 1907-1908a. "Nabo." (Rev. Agr. 23:322, unf.) On Brassica


A. L. H. See HERRERA, Alfonso L. A. N. O. See POTTS, Juan, 1872. A. P. C. 1926. "Agaves."

(Gard. Chron. Ill, 79: 114.)

With the emphasis on culture and economic importance. A. P. y V. See PALAU Y VERDERA, Antonio. A. R. See A. C. A. T. O. See TORNEL OLVERA, Agustín. AARON, Eugene Murray. 1892. "Cozumel—the pygmies' island." (Goldthwaites Geog. Mag. 3:337-342, map.) With a section on the "botanical wealth"; numerous plants are listed by common and scientific names. ABAD, J. R. 1907. "El páspalo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Hex. 31: 916-917.) On


ABAD, Rafael. See VARIOUS, 1887. ABAD LUNA, Luis. 1948. El tabaco. Cd. Juárez, 47 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Nicotiana. ABARCA, Pablo Garcia. ( See note under GARCIA ABARCA, Pablo. ) See also ROMERO, Matias, et al, 1875. n.d. "La rauda del Barai, Michoacán." N.p., 13 p., ms.—SMGE. Description of a river valley, with reference to 2 plants; tescalame, Ficus? and Mikania (guaco). 1874-1875. "El plátano, el café, y la caña." (Cultivador 3: 225, 228, 292. ) In the state of Michoacán. 1876. "Cerro de los Perivanes." Uruapan, 29 p., map, ms.—SMGE. With a drawing of what the author calls Atropa belladonna, and which he says is found there. 1881. "Geografía y estadística del Estado de Michoacán." N.p.; in sections as listed below. Ms.—SMGE. The work was begun in 1869. Part 1 is devoted to plants; it is divided into 4 sections. 1. Tarascan-Spanish vocabulary; 198 p. 2. Includes references to various wild and cultivated plants, (rice, indigo, sugar, cacao, coffee), and descriptions of 2 poi-

sonous plants, identified only as cun-cancere and garañón; 187 p-, illus., map. 3. With a special section on tobacco; 211 p. 4. References to many cultivated and wild plants, of various uses; 1882, 178 p. 1897. "Hongos." (Agr. Méx. 4( 1 ) : 7-11, illus.) With a description of a plant called quiricua, tlepatli, or hierba lumbre; it is identified incorrectly as a plant in the Euphorbiaceae. Martinez suggests it may be jiricua, Plumbago. 1897a. "Aristolochias." (Agr. Mex. 4 ( 2 ) : 48-52.) With emphasis on the medical and therapeutic aspects. A list of important species is included. ABARCA, Pedro Pérez de Zamora. ABARCA, Pedro.



ABBAL, Léon. 1885. "Etude sur le café." Montpéllier, 53 p. Thesis Ecole Sup. Pharm. With a brief section on the history of the plant. ABBE, Elfriede. See CLAUSEN, Robert T., 1944. 1959. ABBE, Ernst Cleveland. 1935, 1938. "Studies of the phylogeny of the Betulaceae." (Bot. Gaz. 97: 1-67, 298 fig. bibl., 1935; 99: 431-469, 100 fig., 1938.) I. Floral and inflorescence anatomy and morphology. II. Extremes in the range of variation of floral and inflorescence morphology. ABBEVILLE, Nicolas Sanson d'. Nicolas.




ABBOTT, Bayard Taylor. 1930(?). Agriculture in Mexico. México, 30 p. Publ. by the National Railways of Mexico. Discusses the principal crops and tells where they are grown. ABBOTT, Carroll. 1945. "Untamed lily." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 6 ) : 15, illus.) On Hesperocallis undulata. ABBOTT, Charles Greely, ed. 1931. Old and new plant lore. New York, 390 p., illus., bibl.-HN Méx. Includes the following: A. S. Hitchcock and Agnes Chase, "Grass, the basis of civilization, the basis of wealth, the place of grass in the plant world," Pt. 4: 201-250; Daniel Trembly MacDougal, "Deserts and their plants," Pt. 5: 253-284; gives characteristic features, origin and development of desert plants. J. H. Kempton, "Maize, the plant breeding achievement of the American Indian," Pt. 7: 319-349. (ABBOTT, George.) 1599. A briefe description of the whole worlde. London, 68 p.— NN. Last section (D5 to E 2 ) is on Mexico. ABBOTT, Helen Cecilia de Silver. See MICHAEL, Helen Cecilia de Silver (Abbott). ABEL, Franz. 1886. "Die familie der Cycadeen und ihre arten." (Wien. Illus. Gart. Zeitg. 11: 164-169.) With a history of the family, a conspectus of genera, and lists of species for each genus. ABELA, D. E. 1876-1877. "El olivo." (Cultivador II, 2: 113-120.) On Olea. ABELIN, Johann Philipp. See GOTTFRIED, Johann Ludwig, 1631. ABENDROTH, Wilhelm Friedrich (Gulielmus Fridericus). 1825. "De Coffea." Leipzig, 42 p. Diss. Inaug. With an interesting list of early writers on coffee. ABERT, James William. 1884-1885. "On palm trees." (Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 174-180.) Morphology, uses, distribution, and history.




1778. "Noticia geográfica . . . de San Juan Baptista Coixtlahuac." N.p., 16 lvs., ms.-MN Méx., Leg. 99, No. 27, Col. P. y T.

ABOGADO, E. L. 1902. "Fiebres palustres." (Crón. Méd. Mex. 5:234-235); taken from the Farmacopèa Mexicana, 1896. Quotes a description of the plant, pambotano, to be used as a cure. 1902a. "El dacoxiloxóchitl." (Crón. Méd. Mex. 5: 260-261.) States that the plant to which this name refers, Calliandra grandiflora, has been incorrectly called pambotano, and that the latter should be used only for the preparations made of this plant by General de la Barra. The word pambotano means "entirely of plant material."

ABRISQUETA, L. de. 1892-1893. "Sansevieria guineensis."

(Rev. Agr. 8: 120-121.)

ABROL, B. K. See VARIOUS, 1960. ABUD A., Alberto. 1951. "Informe médico sanitario de Zacamixtle, Veracruz." México, 57 p. Thesis Med. With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only. ABURTO BAEZ, Maria Dolores. 1954. "Estudio químico de Commelina pallida." México, 39 typed p. Thesis Biol., IPN Méx. ACEVEDO, Guillermina Ramírez. See RAMIREZ ACEVEDO, Guillermina.

ABRAHAM, P(hilip) and AYYAR, V(enkatarama) Ramanatha. 1938. "Floral anatomy as an aid to the classification of cotton." First Conf. Sci. Res. Work. Cotton India ( India Central Cotton Comm.), Papers read: 369-379, 4 maps, March 1937. Pubi, in Bombay, 1938. Résumé pubi, in Rev. Bot. Appi. 17: 651-655, 1937. Based on the arrangement of bundles in the vascular skeleton of the flowers. New World plants are divided into 6 species, 3 of them cultivated and 3 wild.

ACEVEDO, Justo R. 1902. El partido de Carmen. México, 26 p., map, illus. A 4th ed. was publ. in 1910(?), 41 p. With a brief section on agriculture, and a special section on Haematoxylon campechianum. ACEVEDO, A., David Alberto. 1944. "Impulso al cultivo del maíz en León, Gto." Chapingo, 51 p., illus. Thesis ENA. On Zea.

ABRAMS, LeRoy. See also VARIOUS, 1902-in progress. 1904. "Quercus wislizeni in southern California." ( Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3 ( 1 ) : 1-2.) With a list of stations, including one from Baja California. 1910. "A phytogeographic and taxonomic study of the southern California trees and shrubs." (Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6 ( 2 1 ) : 300-485, illus., map. Contr. Columbia Univ. Dept. Bot. 247.) Physiography, climate, phytogeography, a discussion of zones, and an annotated catalogue, with keys to genera and species, and distribution. Plants whose range extends into Mexico are included.

ACEVEDO LOPEZ, Santos. 1953. Martín de la Cruz y Juan Badianus. Xochimilco, 24 p.—Bibliot. G. Somolinos. "Datos relacionados con el 'Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis.'" ACEVEDO MIRANDA, Antonio. 1944. "El aprovechamiento del palo blanco en el Territorio Sur de la Baja California." Chapingo, 51 p. Thesis ENA. On Lysiloma candida. 1945. "Reglamentación de los aprovechamientos del coyol en el Estado de Veracruz." Chapingo, 65 p. Thesis ENA. With a list of other trees found growing with the coyol, Scheelea liebmannii, giving their common and scientific names, and the family.

ABRAMS, LeRoy, and SMILEY, Frank J. 1915. "Taxonomy and distribution of Eriodictyon." (Bot. Gaz. 60: 115-133, illus. ) The following species extend into Baja California: E. lanatum n.sp., E. angustifolium Nutt., and E. sessilifolium Greene. ABRAMS, LeRoy. 1923-1960. Illustrated flora of the Pacific states. Stanford, 4 vols. Vol. 4, issued posthumously, was ed. by Roxana Stinchfield Ferris. Numerous experts collaborated in the preparation of the material for various groups. Illus. were mainly by Jeanne Russell Janish, with many in the Compositae by Doris Holmes Blake. A key to all the families in the work is given in vol. 4. Collaborators include: A. S. Hitchcock, N. L. Britton, K. K. Mackenzie, C. R. Ball, F. V. Coville, L. Benson, R. Bacigalupi, C. P. Smith, L. C. Wheeler, I. L. Wiggins, C. B. Wolf, G. N. Jones, P. A. Munz, H. L. Mason, J. F. Davidson, A. D. Grant, F. W. Pennell, D. D. Keck, R. W. Holm, C. B. Heiser, A. J. Cronquist, M. A. Nobs, G. H. Ward, C. W. Sharsmith, J. T. Howell, J. L. Chambers, Q. Jones, L. Constance, and M. E. Mathias.

ACEVEDO REYES, Dora. 1948. "Obtención de la bromelina del jugo de la pina y su ensayo colorimétrico." México, 63 p. Thesis UNAM. With a section on the pineapple as raw material. ACEVES, Abundio. 1881. "Estigmas del maíz." (Indep. Méd. 1 ( 2 7 ) : 227-228.) Taken from El Estado de Jalisco; no date is given for the original. Mainly on their use, medicinally. ACEVES, Maria Victoria. 1926. El cordoncillo. Guadalajara, 29 p.—Bibliot. M. Martinez. Chemical and pharmaceutical study of Piper angustifolium. ACEVES ALVAREZ, Elodia. 1943. "Análisis químico de la corteza del cuachalala." Guadalajara, 59 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. The plant is identified as Amphipterygium adstringens (Schl.) Schiede.

1925."The origin and geographical affinities of the flora of California." (Ecology 6: 1-6.) The flora of the deserts of California is largely of Mexican origin. 1932. "The hay fever plants of the western states." (Bull. So. Pacif. Gen. Hosp. 1: 162-165, 3 illus.) With a list of 7 genera and 27 species, and their distribution. Special data are given on the species of Ambrosia, including descriptions and common names. 1946. "Notes on the types of some Californian species of Convolvulus." (Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. 3 ( 1 1 ) : 351-361, illus. ) With a key to the species described and their varieties. The following are cited from Mexico: C. macrostegius, C. aridus subsp. longilobus subsp. nov., and subsp. tenuifolius subsp. nov.

ACEVES GAMA, Pablo. 1950. "Informe sanitario del puerto de Mulegé, Baja California." Mexico, 36 p. Thesis Med. With a detailed list of plants by uses; common names only. ACHEY, Daisy Bird (listed incorrectly as Daisy M., fide Barnhart). 1933. "A revision of the section Gymnocaulis of the genus Orobanche." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 60:441-450, illus.). With a key to species and varieties, and descriptions. Orobanche fasciculata Nutt. var. lutea (Parry) is described as a new combination from Chihuahua. "ACHRAS SAPOTA." 1912. "Los jardines botánicos y el estudio de la botánica." Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 651-652.)

ABREGO, Gilberto Serrato. See SERRATO ABREGO, Gilberto. ABREGO, Miguel. 66



ACOME ACOME, Tiburcio, and ESCALANTE, Ignacio. 1850. "Noticias estadísticas del cantón de Matamoros de Chihuahua." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 2: 66-70, 70-82.) Answers to a questionnaire, in the style of the early "relaciones." The first part is Noticias del Rio Yaqui, with a list of cultivated plants; the second, Pueblo de Bacoachi, contains references to common plants. ACOSTA, Cristobal de. See L'ECLUSE, Charles, 1605; PEREYRA, Carlos, 1936. ACOSTA, G. 1904. "Correspondencia." (Bol. Soc. Agr. On the use of various plants for 1904a. "El abutilón y el henequén." (Bol. Comparison of the two plants for ACOSTA, Joaquin. See Dieudonne, 1849.

Méx. 28:857-858.) fibers. Soc. Agr. Méx. 28: 877.) fibers.

BOUSSINGAULT, Jean Baptiste Joseph

With a Chiapaneque-to-French vocabulary, p. 40-85; not many botanical terms are included. ADAM, Quirin François Lucien. See ADAM, Lucien. ADAME, Julián Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ ADAME, Julián. ADAMS, Charles Gibbs. 1931. "Desert life." (Desert 3 ( 8 ) : 187, 189.) A general article, with references to plants by common names only. ADAMS, Cyrus Cornelius. See NORTH, Arthur Walbridge, 1908. ADAMS, Dell M. 1951. "Erosional effects of the Tajo de Nochistango in the Valley of Mexico." Mexico, 108 typed p. Thesis Mexico City Coll. The plates supposed to accompany the thesis were missing in the copy seen. A regional study in Huehuetoca, with a brief section on the vegetation; plants are cited by common names only.

ACOSTA, José de. See also BRY, Johann Theodor de, et al, 15901634; GOTTFRIED, Johann Ludwig, 1631; PEAKE, Thomas, 1655; RIQUELME SALAR, José, 1950; TOVAR, Juan de (1569P-1573). 1590. La historia natural y moral de las Indias. Sevilla, 535 p. This is the first complete ed. in Spanish. Trans, into English by Edward Grimston ( Grimestone ), London, 1604, as The naturall and morall history of the East and West Indies. There are many other eds. in various languages, including the latest, ed. by Edmundo O'Gorman, printed in México, 1940 (NN). Books 1 and 2 were first printed at Salamanca, 1589, under the title De natura Novi Orbis. In 7 books, the fourth of which is concerned with natural history. The part on plants gives descriptions and uses for about 50 plants common to Mexico. (Acosta was in Panama, Peru, and Mexico from 1570 to 1587.) León, who cites the 7th edition, Madrid, 1792, as the one most used, says of the Historia . . . , "las noticias son sucintas y no siempre muy exactas; eso, no obstante, trae datos interesantísimos." The part on cactus was translated by F. Vaupel in Monatschr. f. Kakteenkunde 29: 140-143, 1919, with both Spanish and German versions given. Weatherwax in his Indian corn in old America, q.v., says of Acosta, "Borrows freely from Durán whose mother was Indian."

ADAMS, Eleanor B. See LANDA, Diego de (ca. 1566).

ACOSTA, Oswaldo de Almeida. See PECKOLT, Oswaldo de Lazzarini, and ACOSTA, 1937.

ADAMS, William Preston. 1957. "A revision of the genus Ascyrum (Hypericaceae)." (Rhodora 59: 73-95, illus., 5 maps; condensed from an M.S. thesis, Univ. Georgia. ) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. A. hypericoides var. hypericoides is cited from Mexico.

ACOSTA LAGUNES, Josefina. 1934. "Acción de la tronadora en la hiperglicemia y en la hiperglucosuria." México, 1934, 28 p. Thesis Chem. Study of Tecoma stans, with common names and distribution. ACOSTA PROUDINAT, Rodrigo. n.d. El valle agrícola y agrario de Rio Verde, N.p., 44 p., illus.-SH Méx. With a list of cultivated products.

San Luís


ACOSTA SAIGNES, Miguel. See SAHAGUN, Bernardino (1575)? ACOSTA V., Ricardo. See MIRANDA, Francisco de P., et al, n.d.; SERRANO, Juan, et al, 1932. ACUNA, Arturo. n.d. "Clasificación de variedades de trigo." N.d., 16 p. plus app. of 6 keys. Thesis ENA. On Triticum. ACUNA, Consuelo Estrada. See ESTRADA ACUNA, Consuelo. ACUNA, Gabriel Galván. See GALVAN ACUNA, Gabriel. ADAIR, Etta Florence. 1942. "The paloverde." (Calif. Gard.:3.) On Cercidium torreyana, with description and nomenclature. 1945. "The Poinsettias." (Calif. Gard. 3 6 ( 3 ) : 4. Popular article on Euphorbiaceae in general. ADAM, Lucien (Quirin François Lucien). 1887. La langue Chiapaneque. Vienna, 117 p.

ADAMS, J. E. See ADAMS, Joseph Edison. ADAMS, John. 1785. A short account of the growth and flowering of a variegated American aloe. (London), 1785, 1 p.; 1 pi. by William Darton; photostatic copy at PPAN, of the original in the British Museum. Just a description of the process of flowering. ADAMS, Joseph Edison. 1935. "A systematic study of the genus Arctostaphylos." (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 5 6 ( 1 ) : 1-62, 1940.) Thesis, U. Calif. 1935. A detailed monograph. 1949. "Studies in the comparative anatomy of the Cornaceae." (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 65:218-244, bibl.) Systematic studies on wood anatomy to help evaluate the phylogenetic position of the Cornaceae and its presumed allies. ADAMS, Preston. See ADAMS, William Preston. ADAMS, Thomas Caldwell. 1938. "Marcus E. Jones; a sketch." 11-13.)


Utah Acad.

Sci. 15:

1962. "A synopsis of Hypericum section Myriandra. Studies in the Guttiferae." I. (Contr. Gray Herb. 189: 3-51, illus.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. H. hypericoides ranges into Mexico. 1962a. "Studies in the Guttiferae II. Taxonomic and distributional observations on North American taxa." (Rhodora 6 4 ( 7 5 9 ) : 231-242. ) Hypericum pringlei is reduced to synonymy in H. perforatum; gaps in the range of H. hypericoides are filled in and there is a discussion of the H. pauciflorum and H. punctatus complexes. ADAN, Elfego. 1923. "Los Cuicatecos actuales." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx., IV, 1: 137154.) With vocabularies in Spanish and Cuicatleco; includes plant foods and fruits from Oaxaca. ADANSON, (Alexandre). See ADANSON, Michel, 1763. ADANSON, Michel. 1763. Familles des plantes. Paris, 2 vols. Second ed. by A. Adanson and J. Payer, 1847. For more information on the date of this publication, see Rickett, H. W., and Stafleu, F. A., 1960. ADDIS, José M. See CALVINO, Mario, 1920. ADEM, Julián et al.

ADKILEN ADEM—continued 1960. La isla Socorro. Archipiélago de las Revillagigedo. México, 234 p., illus. Monog. Inst. Geofís. UNAM, No. 2. A section on the vegetation, by Faustino Miranda, is on p. 127-152, illus. It covers the physiography and vegetation types (7), with citations of the characteristic plants of each association. A list of species suggested for possible introduction was prepared in collaboration with E. Hernández X. ADKILEN, Pacífica. See SANTOS, Alfredo C., and ADKILEN, 1932. ADMIRAL, Don. 1937. "Number one adventurer of the desert." ( Des. Mag. 1 ( 1 ) : 6, illus.) On the creosote bush; with a list of several species of Larrea. 1938. "Water that's guarded by thorns." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 3 ) : 3, illus.) On barrel cacti, with lists of several species that belong in the group. 1938a. "A gentleman with daggers." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 4 ) : 3, illus.) Description of ocotitto, with distribution, uses, and etymology. 1938b. "Lily of the wastelands." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 5 ) : 7, illus.) On Hesperocattis undulata Gray, with a description, distribution, and good illustrations by Frashers (sic). 1938c. "They learned about cactus from beavertail." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 6 ) : 3, illus.) Photo by Duke Clarke. On Opuntia basilaris and O. brachyclada. 1938d. "Bitter food for the burro." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 7 ) : 5, illus.) Identified as Franseria dumosa. 1938e. "Weapons for Indians." (Des. Mag. 1 ( 9 ) : 7, illus.; photo by Emil Eger. ) On ironwood, Olneya tesota. ADVISSE-DESRUISSEAUX, P. 1907. "Cucurbitacées tropicales." (Agr. Prat. Pays Trop. 7: 5, 127, 244, 320, illus.) Repr. as a separate, Paris, 1908, 54 p., in the Bibliot. d'Agr. Col.—Sria. Agr., Dir. Def. Agr., Méx. Includes le chouchou, Sechium, pipangaye, Luffa, and calebasse, Lagenaria. 1910. "De l'influence exercée par quelques plantes sur le vanillier." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds 10(2): 33-42, 5 figs.) Artocarpus and Ficus are labeled harmful. Oxalis, Hydrocotyle, and Musa are listed as useful. 1913. "Contribution a l'étude de la vanille." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 13(1): 264-276.) Study of the fruit to determine the characters which indicate maturity. AELLEN, Paul. 1929. "Beitraege zur systematik der Chenopodium-arten Amerikas, vorwiegend auf grund der sammlung des United States National Museum in Washington, D. C." ( Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 26: 31-64, 119-160.) Description of 56 species and many lower taxa, including a number from Mexico. AELLEN, Paul, and Theodor JUST. 1943. "Key and synopsis of the American species of the genus Chenopodium." I. (Amer. Midi. Nat. 30: 47-76, illus.) Includes table of chromosome numbers in the genus, key to sections, synopsis of sections and subspecific entities, and an annotated catalogue with synonymy and distribution. UN AFECTISIMO DEL BIEN COMUN. 1779. Modo fácil de beneficiar las malvas y sacar de ellas géneros semejantes al cáñamo. México, 8 p.—BN. Méx. AFFAITATI, Casimiro. 1712. II semplice ortolano. Milano (4th ed. ?), 1758, 216 p.-NN. First ed., 1712. DA has an 1815 ed. With one section on tobacco. AFONSO, Adriano. See KUPCHAN, S. Morris et al, 1961. AGARDH, Carl Adolph. See SWARTZ, Olof, 1829. AGARDH, Jakob (Jacob) Georg.

AGUILAR 1835. "Synopsis generis Lupini." Lund, 14, 43 p., 2 pi. Thesis for which the respondents were G. Flansburg, L. A. Trágárdh and O. J. Halk.-NNBG. Four Mexican species are included. "EL AGER DE JALAPA." 1912. "Nutriol de Guatemala." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 1021-1026.) On a variety of Euchlaena luxurians for forage. AGETRO, Leafar. See ORTEGA, Rafael. AGREDA y SANCHEZ, José María de. See DORANTES de CARRANZA, Baltasar, 1604; GEMELLI CARERI, Giovanni Francesco, 1700; OJEA, Hernando, 1608. AGRICOLA, L. See BALESTRIER, L. de. "UN AGRICULTOR AMERICANO DE FAMA UNIVERSAL." 1897. "El añil." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 21: 551-554.) Mainly on the culture of Indigofera. UN AGRICULTOR DEL ESTADO DE MORELOS. See BOURGOIN D'ORLI, P. H. F. 1867. AGRO. 1906. "El origen del maíz." (Her. Agrie. 6(10): 9-10.) On Zea. 1907. "Los Agrostis forrajeros." (Her. Agr. II, 7 ( 7 ) : 19-20, illus.) "AGROFILO." 1911. "Un triunfo en floricultura." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 728731.) Publ. also in (Rev. Rev. 2 ( 9 3 ) : 20-21, illus.). On a new variety of Dahlia developed by Salvador Diaz. AGROFILO. 1917. "La palabra henequén." (Henequén 2(43): 8-9.) Etymological study. 1918. "Plantas textiles." (Henequén 3 ( 6 0 ) : 5-6.) With common names, scientific names, and uses. 1919. "La vainilla Yucateca." (Henequén 4 ( 8 0 ) : 25-27.) Common and scientific names, distribution, and history in Mexico. 1919a. "La higuerilla Yucateca." (Henequén 4 ( 8 3 ) : 15-16.) On Ricinus in Yucatán. 1919b. "Siete ó chicle." (Henequén 4 ( 8 4 ) : 8-9.) Common names, distribution, and preparation of the product. Compare with the article cited under Anon. 1919j. AGUADO, Manuel Fernández. See FERNANDEZ AGUADO, Manuel. AGUAIO, Francisco Nuñez de. See NUNEZ de AGUAIO, Francisco. AGUAYO RUIZ, Carmen. 1944. "Aprovechamiento industrial de la papaya." mimeo. p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. On Carica papaya.

México, 67

AGUAYO SPENCER, Rafael. See ALAMAN, Lucas, 1945. AGÜERO, Ciro Napanga. See NAPANGA AGÜERO, Ciro. AGÜERO, Francisco. See VARIOUS, 1878. AGÜEROS, Victoriano. 1880. Escritores Mexicanos contemporáneos. México, 224 p.—IU. Includes Joaquín García Icazbalceta, Francisco Pimentel, and Manuel Orozco y Berra. AGUILA F., Bernardo del. 1947. Tabasco en la geografía y en la historia. México, 342 p.—NN. Chapter 5 on selvas, sabanas, flora i fauna contains a list of plants arranged alphabetically by families, with common names, within the families, of the most common plants of the selva. AGUILAR, Agustín, and Alberto RUIZ. 1887. "Algodón." (Mem. Sria. Fom. Méx. 3:406-434.) Only on the culture of Gossypium. 1887a. "Cultivo del algodón en los Estados de Durango y Coahuila en la zona llamada La Laguna." (Mem. Srta Fom. Méx. 3: 434-450.) On Gossypium.

AGUILAR AGUILAR, Alonso de. See AGUILAR, Francisco de, 1579. AGUILAR, Antonio. See ARA, Domingo de, 1571, 1620. AGUILAR, Apolonio Luis. 1924. "El cuapatli ó madera del pulque." (Méx. Antig. 2: 14-19, illus.) On Acacia angustissima; with a description of the plant, which is used in the fermentation of maguey. AGUILAR, Estanislao Muñoz. See MUÑOZ AGUILAR, Estanislao. AGUILAR, F. Espinosa. See ESPINOSA AGUILAR, F. AGUILAR, Fanny. 1945. "Prunus capollin." (Bol. Inst. Bot. Univ. Cent. Quito 4 ( 5 ) : 227-233, illus.) With a description of the plant and its therapeutic value. AGUILAR, Federico Cornelio. 1885. Ultimo año de residencia en México. Bogotá, 263 p. With interesting references to useful plants. AGUILAR, Francisco de. See also NUNNEMAKER, J. Horace, 1948. (1579). "Historia de la Nueva España." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. 7: 1-25, 1903.) Printed from a copy, made by Paso y Troncoso, of the original ms., which is in Spain. It was repr. in México, 1938, 100 p., in an ed. revised by Alfonso Teja Zabre. The original was written in 1579. The author's name is considered by some to be Alonso de Aguilar. The story of the Conquest; with scattered references to plants, particularly as used for food. AGUILAR, Gilberto F. 1944. "Medicinal plants used by the Aztecs." (Esta Sem. May 20: 25-29). In Spanish and English. Common names only. AGUILAR, Gloria Alicia Zavala. See ZAVALA AGUILAR, Gloria Alicia. AGUILAR, Joan de. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, 1579. AGUILAR, José Luís. 1946. "Corrección de la sinonimia de la planta llamada vulgarmente aguacate." (Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 3 ( 6 ) : 152-154.) Reviews the literature, 1753-1946 (less than a dozen works are cited), and decides in favor of Persea americana Mill. AGUILAR, José M. See VARIOUS, 1925. AGUILAR, Juan Joseph de. 1777. "La Mission de Señor San Joseph de Batopilillas, Chihuahua." N.p., 8 lvs., ms.—MN Méx., Leg. 99, No. 11, Col. P. y T. AGUILAR, María D. See GIRAL, Francisco, and Etelvina MEDRANO, 1953. AGUILAR, Maximino Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ AGUILAR, Maximino. AGUILAR, Moisés García. See GARCIA AGUILAR, Moisés. AGUILAR, Pedro Sánchez de. See SANCHEZ de AGUILAR, Pedro. AGUILAR, R. See ROVIROSA, José N„ 1885. AGUILAR, Rosa. 1906. "Sobre el azafrán." Morelia, 3 lvs., Ms. Thesis Univ. Mich. Arch. On Crocus sativus. AGUILAR, S. R. See FLORES GUTIERREZ, J. M„ and AGUILAR, 1933. AGUILAR, Severo R. 1947. Geografía del Estado de Sinaloa. N.p., 90 p., illus.—México City Bk. Fair, 1957. With a list of plants for the state. AGUILAR BELTRAN del RIO, Carlos. 1953. "Estudio del peyote en el Indio Tarahumara." México, 61 p., illus.—Thesis Med. UNAM. Botany, chemistry, and effects. AGUiLAR é ILLANA, Mariano. 1778. "Relación descriptiva del curato de Santa María Concepción



Xolalpa (Puebla)." N.p., 5 lvs., ms.-MN Méx., Leg. 100, No. 117, Col. P. y T. AGUILAR, G., José Ignacio. 1946. Forrajes y plantas forrageras. México, 374 p., illus—Bibliot. Ledesma, Ags. Detailed information, based on experiences in Guatemala. 1947. "El cacao volador." (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 1 7 ) : 31-34, 74, illus.) The plant is identified as Virola guatemalensis, and its importance as an oil source is discussed. 1947a. "Flora oleaginosa de México y Centroamerica." (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 1 8 ) : 34-36; (19): 49-51; (20): 23-24, 80; (21): 2325, illus.). Plants included are Myristica sebifera, Homphalea oleífera, Moringa oleífera, Sapindus saponaria, Licania, Attalea cohune, Aleurites, and Argemone. Aleurites is cited as found wild in southeastern Mexico. 1947b. "Mejoras praderas naturales." (Rancho Méx. 3(22): 49-52; (23): 14-16.) With good illustrations of grasses. 1947c. "Forrajera de porvenir." (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 2 4 ) : 8-9.) Description of ixbut, identified as Euphorbia lancifolia Schl. 1947d. "Arboles que producen fibra." (Rancho Méx. 3(24): 27-29, 42, illus.) On Bombax and Ceiba. AGUILAR LAGUNA, Anastasio, and Rafael DIAZ de LEON. 1939. "Monografía del cultivo de la papa en la región del Bajío." (Mem. Prim. Conv. Nac. Cult. Papa México: 22-73 mimeog.) Sría. Agr. Méx. With the history of the cultivation of potatoes in the region. AGUILAR LUNA, Lorenzo A. 1948. "Explotación y administración chiclera en el Estado de Chiapas." Chapingo, 60 typed p., illus. Thesis ENA. With a chapter on the botany and distribution of chicle. AGUILAR MEDRANO, Leopoldo. 1950. "Zonas agrícolas del Estado de Hidalgo y su importancia económica." Chapingo, 48 typed p., map. Thesis ENA. AGUILAR SAENZ, Manuel. 1927. Boletín estadístico del Estado de Chihuahua. Chihuahua, 242 p.—Lib. Porrúa. With a brief list of plants, cited by common names, in the section on the flora, and references to agricultural products, in the various districts. AGUILAR SANTILLAN, R. See GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1901; VARIOUS, 1901. AGUILERA, José. See VARIOUS, 1895 (1897). AGUILERA, José Ascensión. 1917. "Contribución al estudio de la tronadora en la diabetes." México, 1917, 25 typed p. Thesis UNAM. Study of Tecoma with common names, botany, and chemistry. AGUILERA GONZALEZ, Beatriz. 1945. "Estudio sobre el fruto de la planta conocida con el nombre de capulincillo." México, 40 p. Thesis UNAM. On Rhamnus (Karwinskia) humboldtiana. AGUILERA H., Nicolás. See HERNANDEZ X., Efraím et al., 1959 d; VARIOUS, 1960 b. AGUILERA HERNANDEZ, José. 1945 "Estudio agrícola económico del Valle de Toluca." Toluca, 84 p. Thesis ENA. AGUILERA MARTINEZ, J. Guadalupe. 1942. Geografía del Estado de Tabasco. Villahermosa, 108 p., maps, illus.—BN Méx. A section on the flora lists plants by common names only. According to Santamaría (1945), q.v., this is the same, "modificado formalmente, pero no en lo fundamental," as a text by Arnulfo Giorgana, a copy of which was in Santamaría's possession. Maps for the latter work were prepared by Gonzalo Graham Casasús.



AHRENS, John F. See MELHUS, Irving E., and AHRENS, 1959. AHUJA COTERA, José. See VARIOUS, 1960 b.

AGUIRRE, Amado, et al. 1925. Informe que rinde al C. Presidente de la República . . . Tacubaya, México, D. F., 56 p., illus., maps. Collaborators include Alberto Zenteno, Salvador Toscano, Juan de Dios Rodríguez, Rafael López Ocampo, Gregorio M. Avalos, and J. Guillermo Freymann. Informe by "el Jefe de la Comisión nombrada por él mismo para hacer el estudio del Territorio de Quintana Roo." A section on the forest resources cites plants by common names; the illustrations give a good idea of the vegetation.

AIKMAN, A. See BARHAM, Henry, 1794. AINSWORTH-DAVIS, James Richard. See KNUTH, Paul Erich Otto Wilhelm, 1898-1905. AITON, Arthur Scott. 1950-1951. "The impact of the flora and fauna of the New World upon the Old World during the 16th century." (Biologia 2: 121-125; Chron. Bot. 1 2 ( 4 / 6 ) . ) Suggests a study of the early financial records of institutions, for data on the introduction of plants.

AGUIRRE, Ignacio. See PATINO, José Alejandro, 1778. AGUIRRE, Jorge Guardiola y. Jorge.


AITON, William. 1789. Hortus Kewensis. London, 3 vols., 13 pi; 2d ed., 1810-1813, 5 vols. For more information on the date of this publication, see Rickett, H. W., and Stafleu, F. A., 1960. A catalogue of the plants cultivated at the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew; 2d ed. was enlarged by Wm. Townsend Aiton, with the botanical descriptions by J. Dryander and R. Brown.


AGUIRRE, Mariano Rivera. See RIVERA AGUIRRE, Mariano. AGUIRRE, Norberto. See MIRANDA, Francisco de P. et al., n.d. AGUIRRE, Porfirio. 1951. "El maíz." (Esta Sem. 17: 15, 22, 30-32, 32-34, 33-34.) English and Spanish. Mainly on the history and culture of the plant.


AITON, William Townsend. See AITON, William. AJOFRIN, Francisco de, and OLITE, Fermín de. (1763). Diario del viaje que hicimos a México. México, 1936, 32 p., illus. Introd. by Genaro Estrada. A simple account, written in 1763, including descriptions of plants, sometimes without names, list of fruits, and list of trees.

AGUIRRE, Roberto Pérez. See PEREZ AGUIRRE, Roberto. AGUIRRE, Saracelina Zapata. See ZAPATA AGUIRRE, Saracelina. AGUIRRE BELTRAN, Gonzalo. 1952. "La magia del peyotl." (Univ. Méx. 6 ( 6 8 ) : 2-4.) Discusses 2 kinds of peyote: masculine, or rosa San Nicolas, and peyote femenina or rosa Santa Maria; in the first the root is used, in the second the flower; no basis is given for the distinction, botanically or physiologically. Descriptions, distribution, history, etymology of the name and a discussion of the effects, from the psychological point of view, are included. 1955. "La familia de los solanos en el México antiguo." ( Sinopsis 6 ( 6 ) : 19-28, illus.) On tobacco and Daturas; calls ololiuhqui a Datura.

AKELEY, Robert Vinton. See CORRELL, Donovan S., 1962. ALAIN, Hermano. 1958. "La flora de Cuba." (Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 15:36-49, 84-96, maps. bibl.) "Sus principales características, su origen probable"; with a section also on its "afinidades." The second section considers the origin. ALAMAN, Lucas. See also POINSETT, Joel Roberts, 1824; PRESCOTT, William Hickling, 1843; ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856 (Diccionario).

AGUIRRE BENAVIDES, Gustavo. 1950. "La jojoba." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 10: 26-32.) Description, distribution, chemical analysis, and economic importance. 1950a. "El marañon." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 11: 23-26.) Mainly on its culture and uses.

1823-1832. Documentos diversos. México, 669 p. In Colección de grandes autores Mexicanos, vol. I, comp. by Rafael Aguayo Spencer. Interesting for his annual reports of the Secretaría de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores e Internas, 1823, 1825, 1830, 1831, 1832, with reports on the Botanical Garden.

AGUIRRE CHAVEZ, Salvador. 1941. "El chile." Cd. Juárez, 59 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Capsicum.

ALAMANZA SANTOS, Ernesto. 1956. "Estudio de época de siembra en el cultivo del algodonero en la región de Paila-Parras." Saltillo, 33 p., illus. Thesis ESA. With a section on the taxonomy of cotton.

AGUIRRE M„ Horacio. 1945. "El cultivo de la alfalfa." Cd. Juárez, 33 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Medicago.

ALANIS, Manuel Salazar. See SALAZAR ALANIS, Manuel. ALANIS PATINO, E. See MESA ANDRADE, Manuel, and VILLANUEVA VARELA, 1948. ALARCON, Ernesto Kunse. See KUNSE ALARCON, Ernesto. ALARCON, Hernando Ruiz de. See RUIZ de ALARCON, Hernando. ALARCON, Joseph Florentino Páez de. See PAEZ de ALARCON, Joseph Florentino. ALARCON, Salvador Florencio de. 1778. "Noticia de la geografía . . . de este Real de Minas de San Francisco de Asís de Rio Chico, Sinaloa." N.p., 9 Ivs., ms.— MN Méx., Leg. 100, No. 81, Col. P. y T. ALARCON, Tomás.

AGUIRRE V., Manuel. 1940. "La palma del coquito de aceite y sus productos." Guadalajara, 42 p. Thesis EPA. On Attalea cohune. AGUNDIS, Esther. 1928. "Estudio sobre Verbesina enceloides." San Luís Potosí, 15 p. Thesis Pharm., Univ. San Luís Potosí. But calls it Bigelovia veneta. AHERN, George Patrick. 1927. "Tropical hardwoods." (Pan. Amer. Union Bull. 61: 219227, illus.) "With special references to their uses in American industries." A very general article with no references to specific trees, but there is an announcement of the completion of the Bibliography of tropical woods, q.v.

1919. "Las maravillosas propiedades de la yerba de la tos." (Rev. Rev. 1 0 ( 4 6 4 ) : 8; ( 4 6 5 ) : 22, illus.) History of the plant, taken from a relación of Pedro de Requeña, 1582. Various common names are mentioned for the plant: tianguis pepetla (que cura el tifo) and tlatlacistly, but the plant is not identified scientifically. It is probably Alternanthera repens.

AHRENDT, Leslie Walter Allam. 1961. "Berberís and Mahonia. A taxonomic revision." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 5 7 ( 3 6 9 ) : 1-410, illus., maps.) Morphology, geographic distribution, keys to sections, and species. Mexico is included for the Occidentalis group, section Horridae, of Mahonia.

ALARCON A., Saturnino. 1939. "Cultivo del plátano Roatán." Chapingo, 61 p. Thesis EPA. "En la zona agrícola del distrito de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz."


ALARCON MENDIZABAL ALARCON MENDIZABAL, Enrique. 1951. "Estudio económico agrícola del cultivo del arroz en México." Chapingo, 73 p. Thesis ENA. On Oryza. ALARCON MORENO, Antonio. 1945. "La candelilla." Chapingo, 51 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Euphorbia cerífera. ALAS, Alberto. 1877. "Estudio sobre el tlanchinole." Toluca, 15 p.—Bibliot. M. R. Gómez. Repr. in (Indep. Méd. 1(9): 72-73, 1880-1881; an excerpt of this was publ. in Naturaleza 5: 9 (Rev. Cient.) 1880). Thesis, Inst. Lit. Estado de México. Description and chemical analysis of Heimia syphilitica, known also as hanchinol. ALATORRE, Fernando. 1939. "El aceite de girasol." (Rev. Com. Ext. 3( 17): 51-60.) On Helianthus. ALATORRE, Manuel. 1908. "El cacalosuchil." (Her. Agrie. Ill, 8 ( 1 ) : 9-10.) On Plumería as a rubber source. ALATORRE, Manuel R. 1933. "Cultivo y exportación del garbanzo." Cd. Juárez, 17 p., 2 maps. Thesis EPA. On Cicer. ALATORRE, Rita Lugo. See LUGO ALATORRE, Rita. ALATRISTE de LOPE, Joaquin. 1896. "Algunas observaciones sobre la historia natural médica Azteca antes de la conquista." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac., Méx. 2:272275.) Also in (Actas XI Reunión del Congreso de Americanistas 1895, p. 356-360, 1897). Lists plants used and gives etymology for some. ALAVA, Reino Olavi. 1952. "Spikelet variation in Zea mays L." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 39: 65-96, illus.) Study is based on present-day and fossil material. ALAVA, R. O., et al. 1957-1960. Index to plant chromosome numbers (previous to 1956). Publ. by the Calif. Bot. Soc., 1957, 61 p., bibl. Continued as follows: for 1956, 57 p., bibl., 1958; for 1957, 61 p., bibl., 1958; for 1958, 61 p., bibl., 1959; for 1959, 59 p., bibl., 1960. ALBA, Carlos H. See MENDIETA y NUNEZ, Lucio et al, 1949. ALBA, Carmen Ibañez y García de. See IBANEZ y GARCIA de ALBA, Carmen. ALBA, Jorge de, Frank W. GOULD, A. H. WALKER, and Guillermo L. NARVAEZ. 1953. Manejo de pastos. Turrialba, 23 p., illus.—Inst. Invest. Agr. Méx. With a list of some common species in northern Mexico arranged according to tribes, with genera, species, and common names; description and illustrations are included of 11 important grasses of the north. ALBA, Luis. 1882. "El cultivo de hule." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5:497-498.) On Euphorbia as a source of rubber. ALBA, Rafael de. 1908. Sonora—Reseña geográfica y estadística. México, 12 p.—DPU. Similar in plan to the works of the author on other states. The flora is described on p. 4 and 5. 1909. Chihuahua—reseña geográfica y estadística. Paris, México, 26 p., 37 figs.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. Publ. anonymously. With a brief section on the native flora and one on agriculture; plants are cited by common names only. 1910. Coahuila—reseña geográfica y estadística. México, 49 p., 46 illus—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate.

ALCANTARA With a section on the native flora, listed mainly by common names, and another section on agriculture. 1910a. Tamaulipas—reseña geográfica y estadística. México, 74 p., 50 illus.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. With a brief section on native plants, listed by common names, and another section on agricultural products. 1912. Veracruz—reseña geográfica y estadística. México, 86 p., 93 illus.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. With a list of native plants, classified according to use, and a list of agricultural products according to cantons. ALBARADO, Luís Gómez de. See GOMEZ de ALBARADO, Luis. ALBARRAN, Jorge Romero. See ROMERO ALBARRAN, Jorge. ALBARRAN y BEIZA, Agustín. 1890. Apuntes para el estudio del tabaquillo. México, 24 p.; also in (Farmacia 1( 13): 325-331, 1891; and in Nueva Recop. Monog. Méx. in An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 141-146, 1896). On Hedeoma piperita, giving classification, description, distribution, and properties; León says of it, "estudio modesto pero hecho cuidadosamente." ALBAUGH, Hilda P. See MEMMLER, Karl, ed., 1934. ALBERS, Carl Clarence. See BARON, Bertha, 1943. ALBERT, Federico. 1907. "La caoba de las vegas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 31: 711-713; also in Prog. Méx. 17: 310, 346, 365, 375, 399, 1910.) On "Eucalyptus robusta ó rostrata." ALBERT, Richard O. 1961. "Some interesting Texas cacti." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 33(6): 169-171, illus.) On Homolocephalu texensis, which ranges into Mexico. ALBERTIN, A. 1881. Du tabac. Grenoble, 24 p.-NN. With references to the history of the plant and its varieties; the emphasis is on the culture. ALBES, Edward. 1915. "The food for the gods." (Bull. Pan Amer. Union 40: 13-23, illus.) On Theobroma. 1915a. "The tomato." (Bull. Pan Amer. Union 41: 13-35, illus.) The material on classification is taken from W. W. Tracy, q.v. 1916. "Orchids in the Americas." (Bull. Pan Amer. Union 42: 357372, illus.) Covers morphology and distribution by species; with a brief section on vanilla. 1916a. "Maize, the greatest of American food products." (Bull. Pan Amer. Union 43: 33-54, illus. ) On its history, production, and uses. ALBINO (ALBINUS), Bernhard. See LETSCH, Johann Theophilus, 1695. ALBORES G„ Eduardo J. See CIIARNAY, C. J. D„ 1863; SAN JUAN, Alonso de (1584-1589). ALBORES, Juan Jossef de la Fuente. See FUENTE ALBORES, Juan Jossef de la. ALBUQUERQUE, José Theophile Carneiro de. See CARNEIRO de ALBUQUERQUE, José Theophile. ALCACIO, A. CANO y. See CANO y ALCACIO, A. ALCALA, Ermilo Solís. See SOLIS ALCALA, Ermilo. Al,CALA, L. Troconis. See TROCONIS ALCALA, L. ALCALA SANTAELLA, Rafael. See BALLESTEROS GAIBROIS, Manuel, 1947. ALCANTARA, Joaquín. 1880. "(Palo amarillo.)" (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 1:280.) A note on samples of resin from the palo amarillo or lechón, and on a wild maize that grows in the hills of Irapuato.



ALCANTARA, M. C. 1936. "De las cañas de azúcar y sus variedades." (Foil. Divulg. No. 24, 22 p . ) Publ. by the Inst. Biol. Méx., Chapultepec, México. On Saccharum. ALCANTARA, Margarita. 1933. Estudio de una de las damianas del país. México, 45 p.— Bibliot. M. Martinez. Chemical and pharmaceutical study of Turnera pringlei.

ALCARAZ, José. See also BELTRAN, Enrique et al, 1961. (1777.) "Informe del Mission del Santíssimo Rosario." (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. 8: 125-128, 1905.) Written in 1777. With a section on the natural history; the region is in Nayarit.

1899. "El herbario de Berlandier." (Naturaleza, II, 3:555-561.) First publ. in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 4: 118-126, 1899); also as a separate, 7 p., from the Anales, 1899—IB Méx. Discussion of Berlandier's travels based on various references in different works. Questions the location of Berlandier's herbarium.

Monterrey. literatura." vocabulary maize.

1900. "El mangle." (An. Inst. Med. Nac. Méx. 4:323-332.) Ms. is at IB Méx. Description, classification, and study of its use in leprosy and elephantiasis. Includes quotes from an article in El Diario del Hogar of April 6, 1900, which in turn quotes from Western Druggist and Crónica Médico-quirurgica de la Habana. None of these articles was seen.

ALCARAZ, José R. 1913. Apuntes sobre agrostología—Los zacates forrageras en México. México, 62 p., illus.—DA. Considers the problem of pasture land. Gives a list of forage grasses with descriptions, localities, and uses. Illustrations are mainly of herbarium specimens; common names are given for some.

1902. El mango. México, 8 p.—Bibliot. M. Martinez. Repr. in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 347-354, 1903). A botanical study of Mangifera indica. 1903. "Usos medicinales del mezquite." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 99-114.) Repr. as "El mezquite" in (Gac. Agr. Vet. 1 ( 7 ) : 6-12, 1910 and 2 ( 1 ) : 5-8, 1911). Repr. also in (Naturaleza II, 3: 683-695, 1903, and in Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 27: 254, 270, 297, 316, 350, 1903). Includes descriptions of the plant, synonymy, and chemical and medicinal uses, with the emphasis on the chemistry. Eleven species of plants known as mezquite are also listed. 1903a. Datos para la dendrología Mexicana-el liquidambar. México, 1904, 18 p.—IB Méx. Also in (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. II, 1: 376-390). With the history of its etymology, synonymy, description, products extracted, and uses. 1904. "Catálogo de consultas de los géneros y subgéneros de que consta el herbario del Instituto Médico Nacional." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6: 224-268.) Repr. in México, 1906, 50 p . IB Méx. Lists genera and subgenera, with numbers of each, from the collections of Pringle, Palmer, and Schaffner, 1905. 1905. "Clasificación de algunas especies del herbario." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 84-93.) Includes about 20 species. 1905a. "Catálogo de los frutos comestibles Mexicanos." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. II, 2: 413-488.) Based on a speech at the Coyoacán exhibit, 1897; gives names, description, distribution, and uses of the fruits. Marked to be continued; but no more was published.

ALCARAZ, José R., and Juan M. FLORES y de la PENA. 1913a. "Información sobre la exploración de la Serranía de Ixtaccihuatl y Popocatepetl." (Mem. Sría. Fom. Méx., Alberto Robles Gil: 542-546.) With a brief list of plants, cited by scientific names. ALCARAZ, Julio Corral. See CORRAL ALCARAZ, Julio. ALCARAZ, Roberto Roberto.




ALCOCER, Gabriel V. See also ALTAMIRANO, F„ 1904c; CORDERO, Manuel, 1883-1884; ENGERRAND, Georges, and RAMIREZ CASTAÑEDA, I., 1915; GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1926-1927; LIERA, B., Guillermo, 1943; RAMIREZ, José, 1902; VARIOUS, 1894 et passim; 1895-1908; ANONYMOUS, 1910 f. 1886. "El bosque de Chapultepec." (Naturaleza 7:317-323.) Presents a plan for a projected botanical garden. 1886-1887. "El heno." (Bol. Soc. Agrie. Méx. 10: 123-126.) Discussion on Tillandsia usneoides, opposing the idea that it is a parasite. 1898. "Reseña histórica de los trabajos emprendidos acerca de la flora Mexicana é importancia de terminarlos." (México. Segundo Concurso Científico Nacional, Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat., p. 11-24; also in Naturaleza, II, 3 ( A p p . ) : 11-24, 1898.) History of botanical research in Mexico since the 16th century, with a list of Mexicans who have dedicated themselves to botany.

ALCANTARA HERRERA, José. 1948. "Breve ensayo de cronología médica Mexicana." (Medicina 28: 337, 360, 383, 400, 426, 437, illus.)-DPS. General chronology; valuable for records of events and dates of publications, portraits, and theses. 1949. "Nuevos datos de cronología médica Méxicana." (Medicina 29: 161-175, 181-192, illus.) Has biographical data on some naturalists; e.g., Vicente Cervantes and Leonardo Oliva.

ALCARAZ, José A. 1949. El maíz. México, 77 p., illus.—Circ. Merc. Mut. "Su cultivo, origen, ritos, fiestas, leyendas, y There is a special section on hybrid corn, and a of Maya and Aztec terms used in connection with

this is an exact quotation from Colmeiro, without citation of the original source.


ALCARAZ de MESA, Alonso. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). ALCARAZ ROQUE, Susana. 1951. "Estudio comparativo de la saponina existente en diferentes plantas." Guadalajara, 81 p. Thesis. Studies on tosiste, jaral, bolitaria, conguerán—not identified; lechuguilla identified as Solidago montana, and Quillaja (Rosaceae). ALCAZAR, R. P. Barthélemi (also as Bartholomé and Bartolomé.) 1704. "Observations sur la cochenille." (Art. CLVI, Mem I'Hist. Sci. Beaux Arts, Oct., p. 1765-1774.) With descriptions of the plant called nopal. 1704a. "Observations sur quelques plantes des Indes." (Mem. I'Hist. Sci. Beaux Arts, Art. CLXXVI: 1974-1981.) León cites the author's name as P. Bartolomé. Interesting observations on achiote, mezquite, and añil. A L C E D O y BEXARANO, Antonio de. 1786-1789. The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies. London, 1812-1815, 5 vols. Trans, by G. A. Thompson from the original, Diccionario geográjicohistórico de las Indias occidentales ó América, Madrid, 5 vols., 1786-1789. Contains a useful section on Mexican plants and agriculture, and a vocabulary of provincial terms. Of these León says, "pocas con la correspondencia científica y no siempre exacta;"

ALCOCER, Gabriel, y J. McConnell SANDERS. 1905b. "El Abutilón incanum." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 729-730.) On identification of the fiber. ALCOCER, 1907. "Una Méd. On


Gabriel V. nueva yerba de la golondrina en México." (An. Nac. Méx. 9:147-153.) Euphorbia püulifera L. var. procumbens Bois.




1907a. "Las Julianaceas." ( An. Mus. Nac. Méx. II, 4: 318-327.) Detailed account of the history and taxonomy of an "order" (family) placed between the oaks and walnuts. 1912. "Aclaración justa." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 12: 19-20.) On Escobedia scabrifolia and E. linearis, as substitutes for saffron. Reference is made to the article on "Los azanfrancillos de México," in Datos para la materia médica Mexicana, vol. 5, p. 49-50, 1908, q.v. 1914. "Primer informe sobre la colección de Michoacán." México, 3 typed p.; 2d informe, 4 p.; 3d, 5 p.—IB Méx. List of plants, with common and scientific names, and uses, from the Hacienda de la Huerta, in Apatzingán.

ALDOUS Alfred Evan, and H. L. SHANTZ. 1924. "' ypes of vegetation in the semi-arid portion of the United 5 ates and their economic significance." (Jour. Agr. Res. ! 3 ( 2 ) : 99-127, 16 pi., map.) Brief descriptions of 102 species of plants, with distribuion, common and scientific names. The area is divided into 15 regions; plants are listed with indication as to the regions A'here they grow. Another list is arranged by regions, with ¿he dominant plants in each. ALDRETE, Oscar Chacón. See CHACON ALDRETE, Oscar. ALDRIDGE, James. 1842. "Memoir to determine the use of pollen in natural classification." (London Jour. Bot. 1:575-601, illus.) ALECHAMPS, Jacques d\ See DALECHAMPS, Jacques. ALEFELD, Friedrich Georg Christoph. 1856'. "Ueber die familie der Pyrolaceen." (Linnaea 28: 1-88, illus.) "Insbesonder die unterfamilie der Pyroleen"; a monographic study. 1861. "Ueber Vicieen." (Bonplandia 9: 66, 99, 116, 137.) A detailed taxonomic study with geographic data.

ALCOCER, Pascual. 1876. Estudio de algunos principios astringentes vegetales. México, 23 p. Also in (Naturaleza 7: 116-125, 1887 and in Estudio (Monogr. Méx.) 4: App. 67-74, 1891). Study of tannins from Acacia albicans, huisache; Caesalpinia cacalaco or C. coriaria, nacazcul or cascalote; and Quercus sempervirens, corteza de encino. Emphasis is on the chemistry, with some description of plants concerned.

1861a. "Ueber die stellung der gattung Gossypium andrer." (Bot. Zeitg. 19: 299-301.)

ALCORN, Stanley M., S. E. McGREGOR, and George OLIN. 1961. "Pollination of saguaro cactus by doves, nectar-feeding bats, and honey bees." (Science 133: 1594-1595.) 1962. "Pollination requirements of the organ pipe cactus." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 4 ( 5 ) : 134-137, illus.) The plant, Lemaireocereus thurberi, is self-sterile and is pollinated by bees and bats.

ALEGRE, Francisco Xavier. (1767). Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en Nueva España. México, 1841-1842, 3 vols., illus. Written in 1767. Book 6 of Vol. 2 considers plants of medicinal value. According to Buckingham Smith, Alegre is supposed to have borrowed extensively from Nentwig, q.v.


ALEJANDRE, Marcelo. 1870. "Noticias de la lengua Huasteca." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. II, 2: 733-790.) With a Spanish-Huasteco vocabulary on pp. 761-790. For a detailed discussion of this work, see Montejano y Aguiñaga, Rafael, 1960. 1890. Cartilla Huasteca. México, 179 p . - M N Méx. With a dictionary of Spanish-Huasteco and vice versa; plant names are included. The dictionary is by Lamberto Asiain. For a detailed discussion of this work, see Montejano y Aguiñaga, Rafael, 1960. 1890a. "Lengua Huasteca." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., IV, 2 : 3 0 6 314.) With a list of names of places and towns; some are derived from plants. For a discussion of this work, as taken from the work of Tapia Centeno q.v., see Montejano y Aguiñaga, Rafael, 1960. p. 70.

ALCORTA GUERRERO, Ramón. See also CALDERON AGUILAR, Rubén et al, 1949; JORDAN, Fernando, 1951. 1948. "La isla Margarita, Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 6 5 ( 2 / 3 ) : 351-403, maps and photographs.) With a list (scientific names) of the most characteristic plants, and an account of a scientific exploration of the island. ALDANA,

ALDANA L., Jacinto. 1954. "El limón en Colima. Cd. Juárez, 43 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Citrus medica var. limonum. ALDAPE, Horacio R. Villarreal. Horacio R.



und mehrer

1862. "Nachtraege zu meiner monographic der Pyrolaceen." (Bot. Zeitg. 20: 217-220. ) Discusses Thelaia sartorii and T. angustifolia in Mexico. 1862a. "Ueber die eintheilung der Malvaceen." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 12: 144-148.) 18G3. "Ueber die Malveen (Malveae)." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 1 3 ( 1 0 / 1 5 ) : 246-261.) Systematics plus some data on distribution.

ALCORN, Stanley Marcus. See also McGREGOR, S. E. et al., 1959, 1962.



ALDINO, Tobias. See (CASTELLI, Pietro).

ALCOCER, Ignacio. See also BARNES, Mrs. James, 1937. 1935. Apuntes sobre la antigua México-Tenochtitlán. Tacubaya, D.F., 110 p. illus., maps. Publ. Inst. Panamer. Geog. Hist., No. 14. Study centers on a map which shows the "casa y jardines de Mocteuzoma fuera de la ciudad y palacio nuevo de Mocteuzoma." The map, attributed to Cortés, was published first in Nueremberg, 1524, in the Latin translation of Cortés' 2d and 3d letters, by Pedro de Savorgnani. Another version, with many changes and errors, was published by Ramusio and reproduced by Icazbalceta. The map was published also in the Bibliografía Americana, in London, 1855, and a facsimile of this, given by Ramirez to Orozco y Berra, was reproduced by the latter in his Caria hidrográfica del Valle de México, 1864.

ALDANA, Manuel Vasconcelos. Manuel.


1932. Geografía del Estado de San Luís Potosí. San Luís Potosí, 1947, 6th ed., 115 p., illus.; 1st ed., 1932-TxU. Part 1 contains a section on the climate and natural regions, with products. A third part, a listing of municipalities, gives derivations of names, often taken from plants.


ALDASORO, G. 1907. "El origen del maíz." (Her. Agrie. Ill, 7 1 ( 1 ) : 5-7.) On Zea.

ALEJANDRO ZARZA, José Casimiro. 1946. "El cultivo de la menta Japonesa." Chapingo, 94 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Mentha arvensis.

ALDEN, Roland Herrick and John Dempster I F F T . 1943. "Early naturalists in the Far West." (Occ. Papers, Calif. Acad. Sci. No. 20, 59 p., illus., map.) Include Coulter, Hinds, Hartweg, and Dufiot de Mofras; refer to Recchi as having "made an extended study of New Spain" and to "Hernández and Recchi and their extensive collections which fortunately Cortéz did not destroy"!

ALEJO de MEAVE, Joaquin. 1791. "Memoria sobre la pintura del pueblo de Olinalán." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 2 2 ) : 173-178; 2d ed.: 213-220, 1831; 3d ed.: 314322, 1894.) With references to plants used in the process.

ALDERETE, Jesús R., and Vicente RIVERA.




ALEJO TORRE, León. See VARIOUS (1854-1882). ALEKSEEV, V. P. 1960. "A short review of structural and floristic features of modern vegetation of tropical and subtropical regions of the earth." (Subtrop. Kultury 1: 88-94.) With descriptions of various types of formations; the greatest attention is given to the rain forest. Lists are included of useful species. This is part 3 of "The wealth of tropical and subtropical flora and their geographical distribution as a theoretic basis of introduction and selection." (From Biol. Abstr.) ALEMAN, Baltasar Cuevas. See CUEVAS ALEMAN, Baltasar. ALEMAN, Emilio. See ROMERO, Matías et al., 1875. ALEMAN, Jesús. See also ALEMAN PEREZ, Jesús. ALEMAN, Jesús. (Is this Jesús Alemán Pérez?). 1894. "Algunos apuntes sobre una cebolleja de Moroleón." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 362-363.) From Guanajuato; described but not identified. ALEMAN, Jesús. 1898. "Chupire ó tencuanete." (Crón. Méd. Méx. 2: 312-314.) On Euphorbia calyculata, particularly the chupire, or palo amarillo, or palo lechón, of Guanajuato, whose latex is stated to be neither irritating nor rubber producing. Followed, in ( 3 : 88-89, 1899), with "Apuntes sobre el chupire," in which the thesis of Jesús Villagordoa, q.v., is discussed. 1899. "Dos plantas que deben cultivarse." (Prog. Méx. 7 ( 2 8 9 ) : 7-8; also in Arte y Ciencia 2: 9-10, 1900.) Euphorbia calyculata and Tecoma mollis. 1900. "Apuntes sobre la tronadora." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 4: 197-203. Repr. in Bol. Soc. Age. Mex. 24: 13, 1900 and, in a revised ed., in Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 27: 275-279, 1908.) The ms. is at the Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., 20 p. Mainly on the chemistry and pharmacology of Tecoma mollis or Bignonia stans. A previous article mentioned by Alemán ("en mi artículo anterior después de describir la planta") has not been located. ALEMAN, Pedro. 1901. Erythrina brevifiora. Guanajuato, 12 p., illus.—Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study. ALEMAN PEREZ, Jesús. 1901. "Euphorbia sphaerorhiza Fernald." Guanajuato, 10 p., illus. Thesis Pharm. Commonly called jicamilla. ALESSANDRI, Paolo Emilio. 1915. Droghe e piante medicínale. Milano, 2d ed., 778 p., 207 illus. —DSG. Gives origin and properties of plants, listed in taxonomic order. Only a few Mexican plants are included. ALEXANDER, Alexandre Emil. 1936. "The optical properties of some natural gums and resins." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 63: 343-344.) With a table giving a list of gums and resins, by trade or local name, with botanical names and place of origin; only elemi, Elaphrium elemiferum, is cited from Mexico. ALEXANDER, Edward Johnston. See abo DOUGLAS, Margaret, 1946; MOORE, Harold E., Jr., 1958; VARIOUS, 1902-in progress. 1940. "A new species of Graptopetalum." (Cact. Succ. Jour. ( 1 2 ( 1 0 ) : 161-163, illus.) On G. macdougallii from Oaxaca. 1941. "Some new Echeverias from southern Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 8 ) : 133-139, illus.) E. bella and E. corallina from Chiapas; E. alata, E. spectabilis, and E. carmínea from Oaxaca. 1941a. "Desert cacti of the Americas." (Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 42:26-34, illus.) Excellent review of the family, with genera taken up systematically, using brief diagnostic characters to distinguish each, and references to important species.

ALFARO 1941b. "Succulent plants of the American deserts." (Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 42: 157-169, illus.; photographs are by Fleda Griffith.) With descriptions of plants from the Amaryllidaceae, Liliaceae, Bromeliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fouquieriaceae, and Crassulaceae. 1941-1942. Succulent plants of New and Old World deserts. New York, 64 p., illus. Repr. with additions from the following numbers of the (Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 42:26-34, 1941, "Desert cacti of the Americas"; 42: 157-169, 1941, "Succulent plants of the American deserts"; 42: 257-268, 1941, "Stone mimicry and windowed plants"; 43: 96-107, 124-133, 1942, "Succulent plant of the Old World"). 1942. "A new and unique Pseudorhipsalis." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 2 ) : 19-20, illus.) P. macrantha from Oaxaca. 1942a. "A new Mexican Sedum." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 5 ) : 76-78, illus.) On S. platyphyllum from Oaxaca. 1944. "A new genus in Cactaceae." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 6 ( 1 2 ) : 175178, illus.) Description of Lobeira macdougallii n.sp. from a cultivated plant, brought perhaps from Cerro Hueitepec, in Chiapas. 1945. "Message from Mexico." (Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 128, 295.) Report on collecting in Oaxaca, with plants described but only a few identified. Second part is a report of the places visited in Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Guerrero. 1946. "A new Sedum from Chiapas." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 8 ( 4 ) : 52-53, illus.) On Sedum cuspidatum. 1947. "The albino of Epiphyllum ackermannii." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 9 ( 4 ) : 58-59, illus.) Forma candida Alexander forma nova. 1947a. "New species of a Mexican Sedum." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 9 ( 4 ) : 51-53, illus.) On S. chontalense from Oaxaca. 1950. "A new Nyctocereus from southern Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 5 ) : 131-133, illus.) N. chontalensis from Oaxaca. 1950a. "A new cactus genus from Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 6 ) : 163-166, illus.) Cryptocereus anthonyanus from Chiapas. 1956. "Epiphyllum chrysocardium—a new species." (Cact. Succ. Joui. 2 8 ( 1 ) : 3-6, illus.) From Chiapas. 1956a. Another new Graptopetalum. (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 8 ( 6 ) : 174176, illus.) G. grande from Oaxaca. 1961. "Ortegocactus a unique new genus." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 3 ( 2 ) : 39-40, illus.) A description of O. macdougallii from Oaxaca. ALEXANDER, J. A. (John Abercromby). 1910. "Spice-, condiment-, and perfume-producing plants." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 35: 366-383, illus.) Listed with scientific names, by families, with common names and country of origin; followed by a brief discussion of each plant. ALEXANDER, P., and K. BING. 1906. "Ueber den latex von palo amarillo." (Gummizeitung 21: 4.) Chemical analysis of the latex. ALEXANDRE, Rodolfo Muñoz. See MUÑOZ ALEXANDRE, Rodolfo. ALEXNAT, Walter. 1922. "Sero-diagnostische untersuchungen ueber die verwandtschaftsverhaeltnisse innerhalb der Sympetalen." (Bot. Arch. 1 ( 3 ) : 129-154, bibl.) ALFARO, A. 1906. "El henequén de Yucatán." (Bol. Soc. Nac. Agrie. Costa Rica 1: 106-111, 169-176.) Based on the study by Rafael Barba; q.v.


ALFARO ALFARO, Joaquín. See ALFARO, 1870.


ALFARO, Luís Alonso Hernández. Luís Alonso.





ALFARO, Manuel de Jesús Chacón. See CHACON ALFARO, Manuel de Jesús. ALFARO, Melchor. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José Maria, (1579); MESTRE GHIGLIAZZA, Manuel, 1907. ALFARO, Ramón. 1866. "Del cihoapatli ó zoapatle." (Cae. Méd. Méx. 2: 47-48.) "Estudio terapeútico." ALFARO, Vincente Garrido. See GARRIDO ALF ARO, Vincente. ALJAWDINA, A. 1931. "Bedeutung der anatomie der frucht und des samens fuer die systematik der familie Cruciferae." ( Jour. Soc. Bot. Russ. 16: 85-100. ) In Russian, with a résumé in German. ALLAIRE. Maurice. (1947.) Le Mexique. Montreal, 197 p., illus., maps.—NN. One chapter on "climat, nourriture, et altitude," has a brief section on plant sources of food. ALLARD, Harry Ardell. 1945. "A new form of the moonvine Calonyction aculeatum." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 35: 33-36, illus.) "With divided corolla limb, length-of-day behavior, and flowering of the common form"; calls it forma apopetalum forma nova. 1945a. "Some behaviors of the yams (Dioscorea) of the family Dioscoreaceae." (Castanea 1 0 ( 1 ) : 8-13.) On growth behavior and twining, relative to light. 1947. "The direction of twist of the corolla in the bud, and twining of the stems in Convolvulaceae and Dioscoreaceae." ( Castanea 1 2 ( 3 ) : 88-94.) List of Ipomoea sp. includes I. microsepala Benth. as a native of Mexico. ALLEIZETTE, Charles d\ See GAUDICHAUD-BEAUPRE, Charles, 1851. ALLEN, Caroline Kathryn. See also WOODSON, Robert E. et al., 1937—in progress. 1933. "A monograph of the American species of the genus Halenia." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20: 119-222, illus., incl. maps.) Includes the history, morphology, geographic distribution, keys to sections, species and varieties, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined. 1945. "Studies in the Lauraceae VI." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 26: 280364, 365-434.) "Preliminary survey of the Mexican and Central American species," with keys to genera and species, descriptions, including many new species, distribution, and common names. ALLEN, D. K. 1887(?). San Vicente Basin. New York, 52 p.; map is missing— CU-B. Field notes for Map B, Lower California, from Santo Tomás Valley, south to San Ramón Bay. With scattered references to plants; on p. 44-46 there is a special section on trees. ALLEN, Dorothy O. See ALLEN, Paul Hamilton, 1956. ALLEN, Norton. See BEAL, Mary, 1939, 1941; SCHILLING, Frank A. 1939. ALLEN, Paul A. See ALLEN, Paul Hamilton. ALLEN, Paul Hamilton. See also ANDREWS, Henry N., and ALLEN, 1947; P. A., 1954; WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937—in progress. 1947. "Chocolate." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 5 ( 6 ) : 134-137, illus.) (Author cited incorrectly Paul "A".) A popular account of the history of the use of the beverage. 1952. "The swan orchids: a revision of the genus


(Orch. Jour. 1 ( 4 ) : 173-184; ( 5 / 6 ) : 225-230; ( 7 / 8 ) : 273-276, illus.) Includes history, relationships, geographic distribution, pollination mechanisms, and taxonomy. 1955. "A revision of the genus Chysis." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 24: 664-666, illus.) With a key to species and varieties, brief descriptions, and distribution; all but one form occur in Mexico. 1956. The rain forests of Golfo Dulce. Gainesville, 417 p., 34 pl., map, bibl.; 22 drawings by Dorothy O. Allen. Covers physiography, a description of various formationsclimatic, edaphic and transitional, conspicuous or distinctive species, common names, scientific names, lists of useful plants, and an alphabetical index to plants, with keys and descriptions. ALLEN, Thomas Cort, R. J. DICKE, and H. H. HARRIS. 1944. "Sabadilla, Schoenocaulon spp. with references to its toxicity to houseflies." (Jour. Econ. Ent. 37: 400-408, illus., bibl.) Description of the plant, its common names, and uses. ALLIOTTA, Angelo. 1903. "Rivista critica del genere Gossypium." (Ann. R. Scuola Sup. d'Agr. in Portici (Naples) II, 5 ( 8 ) : 1-118 p.) Reduced to 5 species for which descriptions, habitat, and synonymy are given; hybrids are also considered. ALLNUTT, Henry, comp. 1877. The cactus and other tropical succulents. London, 133 p., 57 illus.—DA. Collections of brief treatises by various people. ALLOUARD, Pierre. 1950. "Les forêts et les industries forestières au Mexique." (Bois Forêts Trop. 15: 223-234, map, illus.) With a list of important species and the general areas where they are found. 1952. "La Mexique, impressions forestières." (Cah. Ing. Agron. 7: 37-38, illus. ) Very general article. ALLRED, B(erten) Wendell. 1946-1950. "Southwestern range plants." (Sheep Goat Raiser Mag. 2 6 ( 4 ) : 6-7, illus., 1946.) Cont. as noted below. On fourwing saltbrush, Atriplex canescens; description, distribution, and economic values. ( 2 6 ( 5 ) : 10-11, 22, 1946.) On blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis; with the same information as in the above. ( 2 6 ( 6 ) : 18, 20-21, illus., 1946.) On sacahuiste, Nolina texana and creosote bush, Covillea tridentata; treatment continues similarly to the above. ( 2 6 ( 8 ) : 8-9, illus., 1946.) On Quercus virginiana, whose range extends to Monterrey, Mexico. ( 2 6 ( 9 ) : 14-16, illus., 1946.) On rescue grass, Bromus catharticus, originally from South America. ( 2 6 ( 1 0 ) : 18, illus., 1946.) On sideoats gama, Bouteloua curtipendula. ( 2 6 ( 1 1 ) : 30-31, illus., 1946.) On sandsage, Artemisia fUifolia. ( 2 6 ( 1 2 ) : 18-21, illus., 1946.) On Texan speargrass, Stipa leucotricha. ( 2 7 ( 1 ) : 20-22, illus., 1946.) On Yucca elata and Y. baccata, soapweed. ( 2 7 ( 2 ) : 16-17, 28, illus., 1946.) On various species of Opuntia, prickly pear; illustrations are not limited to Opuntia. ( 2 7 ( 4 ) : 10-11, illus., 1947.) On bluestem grasses, Andropogon furcatus and A. hallii. ( 2 7 ( 5 ) : 14-15, illus., 1947.) On miscellaneous flowering herbs. ( 2 7 ( 6 ) : 30-31, illus., 1947.) On Panicum virgatum. ( 2 7 ( 7 ) : 14-15, illus., 1947.) On lovegrasses, various species of Eragrostis. ( 2 7 ( 1 0 ) : 24-25, illus., 1947.) On alkali sacatôn, Sporobolus airoides. ( 2 8 ( 6 ) : 14-15; ( 7 ) : 20-24, illus., 1948.) On mesquUe;


ALLUARD ALLRED—continued the editor says of this work, "We believe this to be the most comprehensive treatise on mesquite ever written." It includes the history of the plant and suggested methods for its eradication. ( 2 9 ( 1 ) : 22-23, illus., 1948.) On tobosa, Hilaria mutica, galleta, H. jamesi, and curly mesquite, H. berlangeri. ( 2 9 ( 8 ) : 12-13, 28, illus., maps, 1949.) On Agave. ( 2 9 ( 9 ) : 10-11, illus., map, 1949.) On guajillo, Acacia berlandieri. ( 2 9 ( 1 0 ) : 24-25, illus., 1949.) On ocotillo, or Fouquieria splendens; with a discussion of its ecology. ( 2 9 ( 1 2 ) : 32, illus., 1949.) On Yucca carnerosana. ( 3 0 ( 1 ) : 20, illus., 1949.) On candelilla, Euphorbia antisyphilitica. ( 3 0 ( 2 ) : 12-13, illus., 1949.) On the catclaw acacia; with a discussion of its ecology. ( 3 0 ( 3 ) : 15, illus., 1949.) On the desert willow, or Chilopsis linearis; with a discussion of its ecology. ( 3 0 ( 4 ) : 35, illus., 1950.) On guayacan, Porlieria angustifolia. ( 3 0 ( 5 ) : 14-15, illus., 1950.) On henequén, Agave sisalana. ( 3 0 ( 8 ) : 8-9, illus., 1950.) On the mescal bean, Sophora secundifiora. ( 3 0 ( 9 ) : 10-11, illus., 1950.) On the gray oak, Quercus grisea; including a study of its ecology. ( 3 0 ( 1 0 ) : 28-29, illus., 1950.) On blackbrush acacia, Acacia amentacea. ( 3 0 ( 1 2 ) : 22-23, illus., 1950.) On huisache, Acacia farnesiana. (31( 1 ) : 24-25, illus., 1950.) On Juniperus pachyphlaea. ( 3 1 ( 3 ) : 64-65, illus., 1950.) On broom snakeweed, Gutierrezia sarothrae. ALLUARD, G. 1894. "A propos du Polygonum 5 8 ( 1 ) : 466-467.)

ALMAZAN, P. 1882. "La teosinte." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 8.) On Reana luxurians Brugnio. 1882a. "Noticias sobre las camelias." (Boc. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 115117.) On Camellia. 1882b. "Plantas textiles." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 130-132, 431-432.) A series of articles in 6: 72, 88, 106, 123, 140, 1883, seems to be a continuation of this work, but is anonymous. On plants in the Bromeliaceae, followed by Phormium tenax. Second part is on a variety of plants, world-wide in distribution, giving description, culture, common and scientific names. 1882c. "El árbol de la caoba." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 173-174.) On Cedrela mahogani Miller; repeated, in part, on p. 353. 1882d. "Cultivo de los rododendros y azaleas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5:205-206.) On Rhododendron. 1882e. "Los ciruelos y las ciruelas pasas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 254-256.) On Prunus domestica. 1882f. "El alerce y el eucalipto." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 5: 351-353.) On forestation; using the larch and eucalyptus. ALMEIDA, P. E. C. Pedro. 1838. Un Mexicano—el pecado de Adán. Mérida, 261 p. A poem covering "doce jornadas en doce cantos con notas alusivas a los sucesos de la independencia Mejicana en general, y relativamente a esta península de Yucatán." On p. 224-225, the author calls Yucatán "Jardín de Alá" and lists important plants. According to a note in the Bol. Bibl. Yuc. No. 4-5, 1939, most of this edition was destroyed by lire. ALMEIDA ACOSTA, Almeida. ALMONTE, - .


{Jour. Agr.


ALMADA, Francisco R. 1945. Geografía del Estado de Chihuahua. Chihuahua, 628 p., maps. —Bibliot. M. Martinez. A section on the flora lists a considerable number of plants, by families, in taxonomic order and alphabetically by common name, with scientific names within the family. ALMADA BREACH, Jaime. 1944. "El cultivo de la papa." Cd. Juárez, 68 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Solanum tuberosum. ALMADA O., Horacio. 1944. "El cultivo del arroz en el Yaqui." Cd. Juárez, 30 p. Thesis EPA. On Oryza. ALMAGUER TORRES, Gerardo. 1946. "La lechuguilla." Cd. Juárez, 1946, 31 p., illus., Thesis EPA. On Agave.

Oswaldo de.




See THEARD, T., 1862.

ALOCITRO, F. 1903-1904. "El apio." (Rev. Agr. 19: 164-165.) On Apium graveolens. ALONSO, Aurelio Nuñez. See NUNEZ ALONSO, Aurelio. ALONSO, Juan. 1933. "Plantas curtientes de México." (Agr. Méx. 4 9 ( 3 ) : 35.) A list of plants, with common and scientific names, and family. Supposedly taken from an article in the "Bol. Sría. Fom., 1907" (which I cannot locate). ALONSO, Julián. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, 1579. ALONSO, Roberto Shirasago. See SHIRASAGO ALONSO, Roberto. ALONSO de MARCOS, Isidoro. 1947. "Estudio médico-higiénico-sanitario y zootécnico de los municipios de Culiacán, Badiraguato, Mocorito, y Angostura del Estado de Sinaloa." México, 85 mim. lvs. Thesis ENMVZ. With a list of plants, cited with common names, scientific names, and family, and a list of pasture grasses and shrubs which serve as protection against the encroachment of the dunes.

ALMARAZ, Germán. 1947. Geografía del Estado de Nuevo León. Monterrey, 10th ed., 73 p., map, illus.—Bibliot. Esc. Norm., Cd. Victoria. With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only.

ALONSO OLIVE, Raúl E. 1945. "Ovarioides intra-frutales en fruta bomba." Bot. 2: 12-15, illus.)

ALMARAZ, Ramón. See also ROBLES PEZUELA, Luis, 1866 (for 1865).

ALPASS, Thomas. See CHEVALIER, Michel, 1863.

ALMARAZ, Ramón, Guillermo HAY, and Antonio GARCIA CUBAS. 1866. "Memoria acerca de los terrenos de Metlaltoyuca." In ( M e m . Min. Fom. Robles Pezuela, for 1865:213-239, illus.) Repr. as a separate, México, 1866, 33 p., illus., and in (Mexicano 2: 46, 54, 62, 70, 1866). This was presented to the Ministerio de Fomento by the Comisión Explotadora.—SH Méx. With a general description of the vegetation, and lists of plants, cited by common names, for the area between Tulancingo and Tuxpan. One of the illustrations was labeled by someone, in the copy seen, as Alstroemeria hirtella.


On Carica

( Rev. Soc.



ALPUCHE, Geraldo Díaz de. See DIAZ de ALPUCHE, Geraldo. ALRIC, Henry Jean Antoine. 1867. Esquisses d'un voyage autour du monde et un episode de guerre civile dans le district du nord de la Basse Californie. Paris, 71 p . - C S m H . With references to plants of Baja California; also a list of some plants in the area between Puebla and Cumbres de Acultzingo. ALSTON, (Ralph E u g e n e ) . See BIRDSONG (Bailey Arnold) et al, 1960.



ALSTROEM, Patrick. 1753. "Bericht wie potatoes order erdbirnen zu pflanzen und zu nutzen sind." (Abb,. K. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. 9: 206-212; transí, from the 1746 original. This has not been seen.) On Solanum tuberosum.

ALTAMIRANO, Fernando, José BARRAGAN, and J. M. LASO de la VEGA. 1884. "Clasificación botánica y aplicaciones útiles particularmente medicinales de las plantas indicadas en la lista adjunta." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 19:230-236.) Various plants in 27 families with scientific names, place of origin, and uses.

ALSTROEMER, Joh. 1782. "Pflanzung der potatoes auf erfahrung gegruendet." ( A b h . K. Schw. Akad. Wiss. 39: 228-247. Trans, from the 1777 original, which has not been seen.) A résumé of the introduction of Solanum tuberosum to various parts of Europe, and descriptions of 6 varieties.

ALTAMIRANO, Fernando. 1885. "Apuntes para el estudio de la cocaina." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 20: 107-118, 145-151.) On Erythroxylon. 1886. "Nota sobre los efectos del guau (Rhus radicans)." (Observ. Med. II, 1 ( 1 7 ) : 149-51.) León gives the date incorrectly as 1868. Mainly on the effects of the volatile oil on various parts of the body. 1887. "Texcalama." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 22: 117-122; also in Farmacia 2: 32-38, 49-51, 1892.) On the medicinal importance of Ficus benjamina and F. nymphaefolia (written nimpheifolia). 1889. "El axocopaque ó axocopaconi de Hernández." (Estudio 1 ( 1 / 2 ) : 13-16, 29-32, 1 pl.) On Gaultheria ovata, with the emphasis on its medicinal values; the second part describes it as a new species, with additional facts on other Mexican Ericaceae. A French version by Henri Bocquillon-Limousin was published in Paris 1893, on p. 5-7 of a work entitled Travaux publiés par El Estudio, edition Française (travaux de matière médicale et de botanique pure) sections 1 and 2, deuxième fascicule. 1889a. "El chahuax." ( Estudio 1 ( 3 ) : 44-46. ) Botanical study of Andromeda ferruginea Walt. 1889b. "Repertorio alfabético de las plantas indígenas medicinales y de sus aplicaciones vulgares." México, 2 vols., ms.—IB Méx. 1890. "Datos para las aplicaciones médicas del índigo." (Estudio 3: 48-52.) Extracted from Leguminosas indígenas médicinales, q.v. With a little on the history and common names. 1890a. "Estudio de la planta llamada matarique." (Estudio 3 ( 6 ) : 81-86.) Report on work done by Urbina (botany) and Donaciano Morales (chemistry), with description, taxonomy, and uses. 1890-1891. "'Ligeros apuntes de la flora del camino entre México, Tulancingo, y Huauchinango." ( Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 4: 129-130; also in Rev. Agr. 6: 348, 1890-1891.) Lists the outstanding plants, with brief comments. 1891. "Reseña de una expedición científica al estado de Michoacán." (Estudio 4: 62-65, map.) The introd. is signed J. G. For a brief reference to this expedition, see p. 109, under "Trabajos científicos," subsection of "Informe de los trabajos."

ALTA, Agustín López de la Cámara. See LOPEZ de la CAMARA ALTA, Agustín. ALTAMIRANO, Federico. 1871. "Estudio sobre el zihoapactli ó sinhuapaste." (Observ. Méd. 1 ( 2 3 ) : 355-357. Also in Naturaleza 2:212-214, 1873 and in Nueva Recop. Monog. (An Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. (App.) 1: 108-111, 1895.) Publ. as a separate, México, 1871, 8 p. Study of Montanoa tomentosa, with the emphasis on the chemistry; León calls it a "trabajo muy sucinto." ALTAMIRANO, Fernando. See also BARBA, R., 1908-1913; BARON, Bertha, 1944; BELTRAN y PUGA, Guillermo, 1891; BONAVIT, Julian, 1907; ENDLICH, Rud., 1906; FLORES, Leopoldo, 1901; HERNANDEZ, Francisco, (1570-1575); SESSE, Martin, n.d. 1783-1786 (1791); TORNEL OL VERA, Agustín, 1911; VARIOUS, 1895 (1897); VARIOUS, 1895-1908; ANONYMOUS, (17. .?) e; ANONYMOUS,1819a; ANONYMOUS, 1905 n; ANONYMOUS, 1929-1930 a. 1874. "El árbol de mamey." (Naturaleza 3: 138-144; also in Bol. Inst. Toluca: 1-4, Jan. 1884.) History, description, and chemical analysis of Lucuma (Calocarpum). 1876. "Discurso." (Naturaleza 3: 375-381). "En la sesión dedicada a la memoria del Sr. D. Lauro Jiménez." 1876a. "Catálogo de la colección de productos naturales indígenas." (Naturaleza 3: 382-425.) Compare with the Special catalogue, cited under Anon., 1876. Including a collection of economically important plants sent by the Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural to the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Among these are a catalogue of indigenous medicinal plants, supplied by Alfonso Herrera, collections of woods from San Luís Potosí and Tamaulipas, by Bias Escontria, and a collection of woods by Rafael Montes de Oca, from Actopan, Veracruz. Additional data on various materials were supplied by different members of the Society. 1877. "El tabaquillo." (Naturaleza 4(App.): 17.) A note on the work of Enrique Muñoz on Nicotiana glauca, q.v.

The excursion took place in December 1890, but the date is given incorrectly as 1891. A list of the most abundant plants in bloom around Patzcuaro is provided by J. B.; Altamirano contributes an explanation of the map which indicates altitudes and geographic distribution of the plants that grow between Mexico City and Apatzingán. 1891. 1907. "Informe de los trabajos ejecutados en el Instituto Médico Nacional." (Bol. Sría. Fom. Méx. 7 ( 1 ) : 27-32; ( 3 ) : 61-64). See also (Estudio 4 ( 4 ) : 108-109, 1891), under the title, "Trabajos científicos—Informe de los trabajos." On the work of the botanical section in general. 1892. "La Hechtia argentea? Baker." (Bol. Agrie. Min. Ind. Méx. 2 ( 6 ) : 186-188, ülus.) On guapilla as a wax source.

1878. Leguminosas indígenas medicinales. México, 55 p., 2 col. pi., port. Repr. in (Naturaleza 4: 89-140, 1878) without the introd. and plates of the original, but followed by comment and discussion by A. Herrera. Compare with anonymous article entitled "Estudio sobre plantas indígenas (Leguminosas indígenas medicinales)," in (Bol. Inst. Lit. Edo. Méx., 9 p., July 1883). The plants are listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, habitat, uses, and descriptions for some. The anonymous article was unfinished, ending with colorín. 1880. "Apuntes sobre el huicicialtemetl." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 15: 49-52.) Identified as Pittosporum, but according to Martinez, in his Catálogo de nombres vulgares, etc., it is Bumelia altamiranoi. However, in a personal communication, he suggested it is probably Randia laetevirens.

1893. "Algunos datos farmacológicos acerca de catorce plantas Mexicanas." (Bol. Agr. Min. Ind. 3 ( 3 ) : 215-236). Also in ("Prog. Méx." beginning 1 ( 3 8 ) : 3, and continuing to 1 ( 4 8 ) : 3, 1894). Presented to the Congreso Panamericano. Common and scientific names are given for the plants along with distribution and uses. The chemical analysis was done by Eduardo Armendáriz, M. Lozano y Castro, Francisco Rio de la Loza, and M. Godoy Alvarez. The last two pages are a "proyecto para formar una farmacopéa Panamericana."

1880a. "Apuntes para el estudio de los medicamentos irritantes indígenas." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 15: 505-510.) 1882. "Algunas observaciones sobre dos plantas medicinales indígenas— cascalote y lentejilla." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 17:49-57.) Caesalpinia cortaría and Lepidium ruderale.




ALTAMIRAN O—continued 1893a. "Apuntes para el estudio de la Lobelia laxifiora H.B.K. var. angustifolia DC." (Estudio 4 ( 1 ) : 12-15, 1 pi.) Mainly on medicinal values. Aztec names are listed and there is a botanical study by José Ramírez on p. 8-11. See separate citation for the latter. 1893b. "Datos para el estudio de la producción del chicle." (Estudio 4 ( 8 ) : 251-254, 2 pl.) Using Asclepias lanuginosa. 1894. "Discurso del Director del Instituto." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac., Méx. 1: 161-172.) Includes a history of botanical studies in Mexico. ALTAMIRANO, Fernando, y José RAMIREZ. 1894a. Lista de nombres vulgares y botánicos de árboles y arbustos. México, 17 p.; also in (Prog. Méx. 11: 235, 336, 524, 747, 1904; 12: 197, 1905). List of plants, arranged alphabetically by families, to be used "para repoblar los bosques de la república, acompañados de la indicación de los climas en que vegetan y de la manera de propagarlos." ALTAMIRANO, Fernando. 1895. "Necesidad de la repoblación de los bosques." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 19: 512, 541, 553, 576; also in Naturaleza, II, 2(App.): 11-22, 1897.) 1895a. "Apuntes de una excursión a San Luís Potosí." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 32:313-323.) With references to plants seen. 1895b. Datos para la materia médica Mexicana. México, part I, illus. (See main entry under Various, 1895-1908.) Altamirano did the following: el pañete, Plumbago pulchella, p. 79-84; el matarique, Cacalia decomposita, p. 193-200; la atanasia amarga, Brickellia cavanillesii, p. 269-280; el simonillo, Conyza filaginoides, p. 295-312, y el añil, Indigofera anil, p. 313-340. 1895c. Informe que rinde a la Secretaria de Fomento el Director del Instituto Médico Nacional. México, 64 p.—PPAN. "Sobre algunas excursiones a las montañas del Ajusco y Serranía de las Cruces"; the botany was done by José Ramírez. Descriptions of common plants are included with altitude, habitat, and common names. Two new species are described: Halenia candida and Passiflora eslavensis. 1896. "Catálogo explicado de las plantas Mexicanas citadas en la obra del Dr. Hernández." (An Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 150153.) Tells of preparing a list of Aztec names with scientific equivalents, literature references, localities, and text and illustration pages in the Rome edition. Another list gives the plants in systematic order. Translation of data from the Latin was by Mariano Garduño. The first list was evidently published anonymously, México, 1901, (fide Guerra) 256 p., as Indice de los nombres Mexicanos de las plantas descritas en la obra del Dr. Hernández—MU. An unsigned ms. at IB Méx. consisting of 3 vols., probably by Altamirano, lists the plants in the Hernández work, alphabetically by common names. Scientific names are added, along with notes, as referred to in the Catálogo cited above. 1896a. "Resumen de los trabajos ejecutados en el Instituto Médico Nacional 1892-1896." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac., Méx. 2 : 232-260.) Contains a list of plants studied, with common and scientific names, on p. 235 and 245, by José Ramírez, under the title, "Resumen de las plantas estudiadas en el cuatrenio 1892-1896" (p. 234-243). 1896b. "El zapote blanco." (Rev. Quine. Anat. Patol. Clin. Med. Quirurg. 1: 206-208.) On Casimiroa edulis, known as cochitzapotl, for its sleepinducing qualities. 1896c. Memorial terapéutico. México, 54 p.—Bibliot. Porrua. A discussion of about 30 plants with their descriptions and common and scientific names. A similar work, with the title, "Memorial terapeútica de algunas Mexicanas," was published in the (Gac. Méd. Méx. 33: 310-326, 333-358, 365-376, 1896). The last 2 parts are cited as a complementary section.

1897. "Historia natural aplicada de los antiguos Mexicanos." (XI Cong. Int. Amer., Actas, México, 1897: 363-379). Also in (An Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2:261-272, (1896). Delivered October 15, 1895. General discussion, followed by list of plants arranged alphabetically, by common names as cited by Hernández, with uses and scientific identification. 1897a. "Notas de una excursion científica a Chimalpam." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 3: 39-41, illus.) Emphasis is on the disappearance of various species of plants, particularly firs, from the region which is west of Mexico City, in the Serranía de las Cruces. A profile of the route taken shows the distribution of plants according to altitude, this is signed G. B. y P. (for Guillermo Beltrán y Puga). 1898. "Adquisición de documentos antiguos importantes para los estudios de nuestra flora." (Anu. Acad. Méx. Cieñe. Ex. Fis. Nat. 4: 17-39.) Story of the acquisition of the Mociño drawings for Mexico. 1899. "Peyotes." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 4:203-210, illus.) Compares the peyote (Anhalonium lewini and A. williamsii) of Monterrey with the peyotes of Senecio. One Senecio species, unidentified, is from the "Valle de México," and one is S. hartwegii of Tepic. An illustration of S. cardiophyllus is also included, but seemingly without any reference to it in the text. 1899a. "Plantas susceptibles de comercio interior y exportación." (Farmacia 8 ( 7 ) : 155-160.) Listed by common and scientific names; special attention is given to Casimiroa edulis, Artemisia mexicana, and Bidens leucantha. 1900. "Tequampatli." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 4 : 2 2 3 - 2 2 6 ) ; also (Farmacia II, 5( 1 6 ) : 250-253, 1928-1929). Study of Gonolobus with the emphasis on its therapeutic values. 1900a. "Drogas Mexicanas." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 37: 55-64.) On palillo (Croton morifolius Willd. var. sphaerocarpus); also on peyote. 1901. "En la inhumación del cadaver del Dr. Secundino Sosa." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 203-204.) Speech delivered on the occasion of Dr. Sosa's funeral. 1901a. "Plantas que producen locura." (Gac. Méd. Méx., II, 1: 6466.) Mostly on Datura, marihuana, and ololiuhqui. 1901b. "Estudios sobre una planta textil llamada xtuc." México, 1901, 2 typed lvs.-IBMéx. On the Agave of Yucatán. 1903. "Descripción de la corteza fresca de un palo mulato." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 40.) Identified as Rhus? 1903a. "El cuapinole." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5:75-76.) Description of Hymenaea courbaril. 1903b. "Algunos apuntes para la historia del Instituto Médico Nacional." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 282-289.) Very general; on the history and objectives of the Institute. 1903c. "Informe del Director sobre la excursión científica que hizo en Septiembre y Octubre del presente año." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 397-401.) Lists and describes the plants collected in Michoacán and in the state of México. 1903d. "Estudios de anatomía vegetal, Urticáceas y Rubiaceas." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6: 153-160.) The first part is on Urticaceas; the second part 157-160, on Rubiaceas, discusses the corteza de Jojutla, or copalchi, and quina de Michoacán, identified as Coutarea latiflora DC. 1903e. "Yucceae que se han encontrado en México según Mr. W. Trelease." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6 ( 1 ) : 162.) A catalogue of 19 species and varieties, with localities for each. 1903,1904. "Informes de los trabajos." ( An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 54-60, 1903; 6: 112, 1904.) The first part reports on work with Rhizophora





Avicennia nítida, and Eriodendron occidentale. The second part classifies one specimen of cañagria as caña de javalí, or Costus spicatus, in the Zingiberaceae; one is not identified. Also, hierba de San Nicolas is identified as either Chrysactinia mexicana or Psychotria sp. The Eriodendron, cited as occidentals, is known commonly as momot (better mosmotY).

1905f. "Excursión a la Sierra de Querétaro." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 312-315.) With notes on interesting plants. 1905g. El palo amarillo. México, 3 p., 4 pl. Also in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 323-344, 7 pl.). Also in (Bol. Cám. Agr. Nac. León 3 ( 7 ) : 181-187, 1914). Description of a new species, Euphorbia elastica, by Altamirano and Rose; the first reference is in Spanish and English. 1905h. "Las flores silvestres regionales y su explotación agrícola." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 463-469. Repr. in Bol. Soc. Agr. M ex. 29: 763-766, 1905, and in Bol. Cám. Agr. Jal. 7 ( 9 ) : 258263; ( 1 0 ) : 265-267, 1905-1906. A trans, résumé was publ. in (Le Mexique 9 ( 1 6 ) : 1-2, Aug. 20, 1906), as "Explotación des flores silvestres regionales") The material was presented originally to the Agricultural Congress in 1905.

1904. "Excursión científica al Estado de Guerrero." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6: 18-21.) Just the itinerary of the excursion that took place in December, 1903. A note states that a catalogue of the plants will be published later. 1904a. "Informe del Director." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6 ( 2 ) : 61-75.) Contains the following reports: 1. Estudio del capulín cimarrón de Tamaulipas. p. 61-62. On Karwinskia sp. 2. Excursión científica a Acámbaro y Uruapan. p. 63-64. With references to palo amarillo, Euphorbia, as a rubber source. This was reprinted in Bol. Sría. Fom. Méx., Núm. Propag., 1904: 10-11. 3. Estudio del acebuche. p. 64-65. On an unnamed new species (of Rose and Ramirez) of Forestiera, in the Oleaceae. 4. Datos para el estudio del árbol de lináloe y su esencia, p. 69-75. On Bursera aloexylon. This is a sample of the "Informes" which appeared regularly. All should be seen. Some of the "Informes" were published separately; see Altamirano, 1905. Some were reprinted in other government reports; see Altamirano, 1909. Some are in other journals; see Altamirano, 1891, 1907. 1904b. "Excursión científica a Michoacán." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6 ( 2 ) : 341-355; also in Bol. Soc. Mich. Geogr. Est. 3 : 223, 226, 242, 1907.) Daily itinerary and description of a trip taken "en compañía de los Sres. Cyrus Pringle, George R. Show (for Shaw ?) and Filomeno (for Filemón) L. Lozano," in October, 1904. A brief list of the pines and oaks of the region is included, with citations of common and scientific names.

1905i. I905j. 1905k.



1904c. Informe que rinde al Señor Secretario de Fomento el Director del Inst. Méd. Nac. México, Part I (Jan. to Mar.), 68 p.; Part II (Apr. to Sept.), 156 p.-ENA-Ch. Part I: Results of studies in various plants and a catalogue of plants collected in Guerrero; all by F . Altamirano. Part I I : "Agrupación metódica de las plantas estudiadas," by G. Alcocer, p. 27-35; " E l cuapinole," by Miguel Cordero, p. 3953; " L a pinguica," by E . Armendáriz, p. 54-65; also "Notas clínicas acerca de varias plantas indígenas," by Juan Martínez del Campo, p. —?


On the importance of a detailed study of floras of different regions, especially with application to farming; and on the work of the Instituto Médico Nacional along these lines. "Memoria acerca de una excursion botánica al Estado de Querétaro." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7 : 4 8 9 - 4 2 8 . ) "El Carthamus tinctorius L . " (Farmacia 1 4 ( 8 ) : 173-178.) On a plant commonly called azafrancillo. Informe al Secretario de Fomento. México, 55 p. Appendix I has a necrology of people who had worked at the Instituto Médico Nacional. "Cuestionario acerca del 'guayule'." (An Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 8: 225-227.) Discussion of various species of Parthenium, in connection with a questionnaire sent out by the Secretaría de Fomento. Datos para la historia y explotación del guayule. México, July, 26 p., 15 illus. Publ. in ( Bol. Sría. Fom. Méx., Número de propaganda).—DA. In answer to a questionnaire sent to the Instituto Médico Nacional. Included is an article by Rudolf Endlich, translated by Juan Ludewig as " E l guayule." This is cited as having appeared in El Cultivador Tropical, published under the direction of O. Warburg, which refers probably to Endlich's article in Tropenpflanzer, q.v. "Memoria sobre algunas exploraciones botánicas." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 10: 19-40.) Describes a journey to Monterrey, Saltillo, and Pachuca; with a profile of the area covered and lists of plants in various zones, in diagram form; also a general description of the vegetation in each.


"Datos acerca de las plantas fibrosas de México." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 11: 9-54.) Listed by states and localities, with common and scientific names. 1909a. "Informe de los trabajos ejecutados en el Instituto Médico Nacional." (Mem. Sría. Fom. Olegario Molina, p. 345-357, illus.) With illustrations of Euphorbia elastica and Parthenium argentatum. 1909b. Abrégé de matière médicale du Mexique. México, 164 p.— PPCP. Gives common names, localities, composition, and uses.

1904d. Materia médica Mexicana. St. Louis, 78 p. Publ. by the Comisión Nacional Mexicana for the Louisiana Exposition, St. Louis.—NN. In English, with common and scientific names for the plants; also localities, brief descriptions, and uses. 1905. "La raíz de pipitzahoac." México, 5 typed p. IBMéx. Also in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 18-23). "Estudios histoquímicos" on Perezia adnata. 1905a. "Notas para la historia del palo bobo." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 61-62.) On lpomoea murucoides. 1905b. "Notas para la historia del zapotillo." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. . Méx. 7: 62-63.) The plant is identified as Cestrum sp. 1905c. "Estudio histológico del zoapatle." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 63-64.) On Montanoa tomentosa. 1905d. "Algunas palabras acerca de una planta que se dice puede utilizarse para predecir los fenómenos meteorológicos." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 232-247.) Relates to Abrus precatorius, which is supposed to exist in Veracruz. References are included to other plants which show changes in the weather. 1905e. "Lináloe." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7 : 2 7 3 . ) Identifies 3 species as Bursera delpechiana, B. aloexylon, and B. graveolens.

ALTAMIRANO, Ignacio Manuel. See also ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905. 1872. " E l ahuehuete de la noche triste." (Bol. Arch. Gral. Nac. Méx. 5 ( 6 ) : 819-827, 1934; from El Siglo Diez y Nueve, May 1872.) Letter to Rafael de Zayas reporting the fire that attacked the tree. 1884. Paisajes y leyendas, tradiciones, y costumbres de México. México, 484 p.; comprises articles originally publ. in various periodicals. In the chapter " L a Semana Santa en mi pueblo," (Tixtla, Guerrero) there is a description of the flora of the region, with special attention to palms. The chapter on the Corpus festival discusses oaks used in making decorations. ALTAMIRANO, Manuel. MIRANO, 1877.


See DOMINGUEZ, Manuel and ALTA-


"ALTER" "ALTER." 1897. "Una planta textil." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 21: 564, 1897. Taken from El Tiempo, date not given. Repr. in 22: 134-135, 1898.) On the use of "sangre de drago" or "sangregado" as a fiber plant. Martinez suggests the plant may be a Furcraea.

ALVARADO y RIVERA, Ignacio. 1882. Nuevo estudio sobre el cintul. México, 15 p., 1 pl.—DNLM. This was repr. in Monog. Mex in (Estudio 4: 37-40, 1891). Study of Veratrum frigidum with the emphasis on the chemistry.

ALVA, Federico García y. See GARCIA y ALVA, Federico.

ALVARENGA, Manuel. 1941. "Contribución al estudio del Carica papaya." San Salvador, 47 p., illus., thesis—DSI. Mainly on the embryology and chemistry of the plant.

ALVA, Ismael. 1923. "Ipecacuanas." México, 22 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. Includes Cephaelis cyanocarpa, Psychotria, various species, and Ionidium poligalifolium (for polygalaefolium).

ALVAREZ, Alicia León. See LEON ALVAREZ, Alicia.

ALVA, Martínez de. See MARTINEZ de ALVA (sic).

ALVAREZ, Arnulfo. 1938. "Cultivo y beneficio de la vainilla." Cd. Juárez, 51 p., illus., map. Thesis EPA.

ALVA IXTLILXOCHITL, Fernando de. See also KINGSBOROUGH, Edward King, viscount, 1830-1848; MANGIN, Arthur, 1867; MARMOCCHI, Francesco Constantino, 1843; VARGAS REA, Luís (17th cent.); ANONYMOUS (16th cent.).

ALVAREZ, Carmen Suárez. See SUAREZ ALVAREZ, Carmen. ALVAREZ, Elodia Aceves. See ACEVES ALVAREZ, Elodia.

ALVA IXTLILXOCHITL, Fernando de. (DLC lists under Ixtlilxochitl.) (1600-1616). Obras históricas. México, 1891-1892, 2 vols. Publ. and annotated by Alfredo Chavero, from mss. written in 1600-1616. First publ. in Kingsborough's Antiquities, 1830-1848. Volume 1, called Relaciones, contains many scattered references to plants. Volume 2, called Historia de la nación Chichimeca, contains a description of the gardens of Netzahualcóyotl on the Cerro de Tetzcotzingo. This was reprinted in Datos relativos a Tetzcuzinco, México, 1944, edited by Luis Vargas Rea, q.v.

ALVAREZ, José Bringas (or Leopoldo). See BRINGAS ALVAREZ, José (or Leopoldo). ALVAREZ, Juvencio 1898. "Ligero estudio sobre el maró." San Luis Potosí, 7 p. Thesis Med., Univ. San Luis Potosí. On Salvia sclarea. ALVAREZ, Manuel Francisco. See also BATRES, Leopold, 1887; BOLANOS, Juan N., 1841; CAMPBELL, Reau, 1909; ORTEGA REYES, Manuel (1883)?; VARIOUS, 1884. ALVAREZ, Manuel Francisco, ed. 1900. Las ruinas de Mitla y la arquitectura. México, 296 p., 146 illus. Contains the following articles on the "árbol de Tule": 1. Bolaños, Juan N. " E l árbol de Santa María del Tule," 3-6. For the original version, see Bolaños, 1841 (dated here incorrectly 1840). 2. Ortega Reyes, Manuel. "El gigante de la flora Mexicana," 7-13. For the original, see Ortega Reyes, 1882. 3. Charnay, Désiré, (untitled), 13-14. Taken from América Pintoresca, p. 471-472, illus., q.v. 4. Batres, Leopoldo. "Un árbol gigantesco," 15-16. Taken from "Un arbre gigantesque," published in Nature 1 5 ( 2 ) : 8-10, illus., 1887. The tree is described as "sapin du Mexique a Tule." 5. Alejandro Villaseñor. "El árbol de Santa María del Tule en Oaxaca," 17-25; This was published originally in 1892. The original was not seen. 6. Reau Campbell. "Description of the tree," 26-27, 2 illus. from his Guidebook, published in 1895, q.v. 7. Olavarría y Ferrari, Enrique. "La excursion á Mitla," 27-28, 2 illus. From his report to the 11 Cong. Intern. Americ. 1896, q.v. 8. Alvarez, Manuel F. (untitled), 29-38, 11 illus. An article, probably based on this, was published in México, 1901, 12 p. illus., as "Etude sur l'arbre de Santa Maria del Tule et les ahuehuetes du Mexique." This is at Sría. Común. Méx.

ALVARADO. See also ALBARADO. AL VARADO, Celia Tello. See T E L L O ALVARADO, Celia. ALVARADO, Francisco de, Padre Fray. 1593. Vocabulario en lengua Misteca hecho por los padres de la Orden de Predicadores. México, 204 lvs.—Bibliot. Palafoxiana, Puebla. Español to Mixtee only. Compare with the Vocabulario en lengua Misteca at MH. This is a photostat copy made by Gates of the original in the Bibliot. Nac. Paris, and consists of 2 vols., 108 and 204 p. ALVARADO, Francisco de Medinilla. RADO, Francisco de.



ALVARADO, José María 1903. "Sobre los vegetales." Morelia, ms. 6 lvs. Morelia, Arch. Very general; on plants as sources of drugs.

Thesis, Univ.

ALVARADO, Manuel. 1888-1889. "El almendrón." (Bol. Agr. Indust. (Guadalajara) 1, Part 2 ( 2 3 ) : 163-164, 1889; also in Rev. Agr. 4: 292-294, illus., 1888-1889.) On Amygdalus communis


ALVARADO, Pedro Maria. See VARIOUS, 1889-1891. ALVARADO PEREZ, J. Jesús. See also ERDOS B„ J. 1960. 1953. "El izote (Yucca elephantipes Regel)." México, 25 p. Thesis Biol., IPN Méx. "Como materia prima para la obtención de celulosa."

ALVAREZ, Manuel Godoy. See GODOY ALVAREZ, Manuel. ALVAREZ, María de Jesús. 1929. "Amolé de bolita." Guadalajara, 17 typed p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Zizyphus mexicana, giving the history, botany, classification, and uses.

ALVARADO TEZOZOMOC, Hernando. See also KINGSBOROUGH, Edward King, viscount, 1830-1848; MANGIN, Arthur, 1867. (ca. 1598.) Crónica Mexicana. México, 1878, 712 p., 16 pi., ed. by José M. Vigil; notes by Manuel Orozco y Berra, who says the original was written about 1598. This is cited incorrectly in the LC cat. as 1698. In a Mexican ed., 1949, trans, by Adrián Léon as Crónica Mexicayotl, with the text in Nahuatl and Spanish, the original date is given as 1609. All printed versions used a 1792 copy of a 1755 copy prepared by Veytia. For discussion of early versions of this work see D. W. McPheeters, in the Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. 34: 506-512, 1954.

ALVAREZ, Melesio. 1908. "El dividivi ó cascalote." (Agricultor 2 ( 2 1 ) : 139-140.) On Caesalpinia coriaria, identified as Lebidivia corvaría, and its value as a dye plant. ALVAREZ, Primitivo. 1935. El Estado de Guerrero. México, 80 p.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. Elementary text, with a section on the agriculture.

In Chap. 40, there is a description of the gardens of Moctezuma at Huaxtepec. Included in the work is a ms. of the 16th century, "Relación del origen de los Indios que habitan esta Nueva España," sometimes known as the "Códice Ramirez"; also "Ojeada sobre cronologiá Mexicana," by Orozco y Berra.

ALVAREZ, Ricardo Vázquez. See VAZQUEZ ALVAREZ, Ricardo. ALVAREZ, Rodrigo. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José Maria, 1579. ALVAREZ, Walter Clement.





1928. "Dr. Nicolas León—Mexican historian, ethnologist and anthropologist." (Ann. Med. Hist. 10: 316-318, illus.) An appreciation, followed by discussion of the Sierra Codex ( Oaxaca 1550).


ALVAREZ H., Antonio. 1941. " E l cultivo del naranjo." Cd. Juárez, 78 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Citrus


ALVAREZ L., Maria Alicia.

ALVAREZ B A R R E T T , Luis. 1940. México. México, 122 p., maps.—B. N. Méx. Elementary text with good maps showing regions producing different crops.

1938. "Breve estudio del Hematoxylin campechianum como indicador." México, 40 p., illus.—IPN Méx., Thesis Biol. As an acid and base indicator. ALVAREZ LOPEZ, Enrique. See also SESSE, Martin, 1783-1786; SOMOLINOS d'ARDOIS, Germán, 1951.

ALVAREZ C„ Eugenia. 1924. "Monografía y análisis de los principales tequilas en el pais." México, 1924, 49 p. Thesis-Bibliot. F. Guerra. With the emphasis on the chemistry.

1942. " E l Dr. Francisco Hernández y sus comentarios a Plinio." (Rev. Indias 3: 251-290). History, detailed description, and appreciation of the work (still in manuscript); special reference to his comparison of Old World and New World plants. According to Alvarez, "fue rescatado en gran parte por la obra de Jerónimo de Huerta."

ALVAREZ CAMPOS, Manuel de Jesús. 1939. "Exploración geográfica parcial de la cuenca del Rio Bolaños." México, 92 p., illus., maps. Thesis Sci. An interesting study of the area in Nayarit, Zacatecas, and Jalisco, with scattered references to plants.

1945. "Las plantas de América en la botánica Européa del siglo X V I . " (Rev. Indias 6: 221-288).

ALVAREZ CERVERA, Jorge H. 1955. "Estudio de la saponina del sacamecate." México, 25 typed p.; botanical data by F. Miranda. Thesis Chem., UNAM. Identified as Calibanus hookeri ( Lem. ) ( Liliaceae ) from San Luís Potosí. The following are listed as synonyms: Dasylirion hartwegii Hooker, Dasylirion caespitosus Scheidw., Dasylirion hookeri Lem., Beaucarnea hookeri Baker, and Calibanus caespitosus ( Scheidw. ) Rose.

Detailed historical study of the treatment of American plants in ancient herbáis. Special attention is paid to the work of Clusius and to those from whom he secured information: Monardes, Castañeda, etc. A list of plants, sent by the latter to Clusius, is cited with scientific identifications for some.

ALVAREZ CHANCA, Diego ( D r . ) . See also SAN MARTIN y SATRUSTEGUI, Alejandro, 1892; THACHER, John Boyd, 1903. ALVAREZ CHANCA, Diego. Also cited as CHANCA, Diego Alvarez. 1494. "La carta del dicho Doctor Chanca." In Colección de los viajes y descubrimientos, ed. by Martín Fernández de Navarrete, 1: 198-224. This was reproduced from a 16th-century copy in the papers of Antonio de Aspa. An English trans., by R. H. Major, appeared in "Select letters of Christopher Columbus," Publ. Hakluyt Soc., London, 1847, 2: 18-68; repr. 1870. Another trans, by A. M. Fernández de Ybarra, with notes, was publ. in (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., Quart. Issue 4 8 ( 4 ) : 428457, 1907). See also in John Boyd Thacher's Christopher Columbus, New York, 2: 262-281, 1903.


"Noticia acerca de las plantas ultramarinas estudiadas por Cavanilles." (Rev. Indias 7: 503-540.) Details his contribution to our knowledge of American plants; contains also biographical data on Cavanilles.


"Nicolás Monardes y los botánicos Europeos del siglo XVI." (Ciencias 14: 139-149). Presented to the Congreso de Córdoba, Secc. Cieñe. Nat.; lists sassafras, mechoacán, sabadilla, and Argemone mexicana as new plants described by Monardes from Mexico.

1950. "Notas sobre la expedición científica Mejicana dirigida por Sessé." (Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 4 8 ( 3 ) : 259-274). "Algunas cuestiones de sinonimia y prioridad en botánica." Based on plants listed later in (An. Jard. Bot., Madrid, 1951) q.v. Lists the new genera and species and discusses them; tells whether they appear in Plantae Novae Hispaniae, Flora Mexicana and/or Index Kewensis.

Written by Columbus' physician in 1494, to the Cabildo de Sevilla. This was the first written document on the natural history of America, with references to plants seen. Plants mentioned are not identified, but are compared superficially with plants in use at that time in Europe. Notes by Fernández de Ybarra, in his translation, give identification for some of the plants.

1951. "Noticias y papeles de la expedición científica Mejicana dirigida por Sessé." (An. Inst. Bot. (Jard. Bot.) A. ]. Cavanilles, Madrid, 1 0 ( 2 ) : 5 - 7 0 ) . - D A . Detailed and well documented history of the expedition, its activities and accomplishments, with a biography of Sessé. Based on the "correspondencia de la expedición" in the Archives of the Jardín Botánico de Madrid. With an appendix, "especies de plantas ( 3 6 7 ) que han servido de exemplo a las demostración de las lecciones en el curso del año de 1788" (by Cervantes) found in the archives under the title Catalogus Plantarum Novae Hispaniae; (a copy of this, by Altamirano, is in the Inst. Biol. Méx.). Another appendix is "semillas colectadas ( 7 7 ) en la 2a excursión y remitidas a la corte en 29 de Nov. 1789". Included also are lists of contents of boxes of specimens of various plants sent to Spain, and references to other indices of plants collected, and an index of illustrations. See also Alvarez López, 1950.

ALVAREZ CHIMALPOPOCA, Luis. 1938. "Estudio médico-social de Juchitán, Oaxaca." México, 92 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. With a list of the plants of the area. ALVAREZ CRUZ, Conrado. See CRUZ LOPEZ, Cándido et al, 1949. ALVAREZ de MIRANDA, Pedro. See also XIMENEZ, Francisco (1721). (1695). "Bericht des Hauptmanns Pedro Alvarez de Miranda ueber die entrada des praesidenten Jacinto Barrios Leal in das oestliche Chiapas, 1695." (Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Hamburg 49: 3663, map., 1950.) Introd. and trans, by Franz Termer, from the original in Ximénez' Historia de la Provincia de S. Vicente de Chiapa . . . , Libro 5, chaps. 60-62, Bd. I l l : 34-47. q.v. "Der bericht des Pedro Alvarez de Miranda ueber die Lacandon-Expedition nach ost-Chiapas im jahre 1695."


"Las tres primeras campañas de la expedición científica dirigida por Sessé y sus resultados botánicos." (An. ]ard. Bot., Madrid 1 1 ( 1 ) : 39-141). Detailed discussion comparing the Plantae Novae Hispaniae and the Flora Mexicana. Index of plants collected on first 3 excursions tells which are new, if descriptions are available, if illustrations and herbarium specimens are made, and if cited in the Plantae Novae Hispaniae and the Flora Mexicana.

ALVAREZ del VILLAR, José. See abo ECHEAGARAY BABLOT, Luis, 1957; VARIOUS, 1953, 1954. 1952. "Esquema geobotánico de Chiapas." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 73: 96-124, map.) Lists zones, with descriptions and dominant plants.

1954. "Donde no se ponía el sol." In Flora botánica del Nuevo Reino de Granada. 5.-NNBG.

de la real expedición Madrid, vol. 1, chap.

Historical work, extracted from a larger, still unpublished work on "La botánica en España y sus provincias ultramarinas durante el siglo X V I I I . "

ALVAREZ GONZALEZ, Pedro. 1954. Yerbas medicinales. México, 371 p., illus.—Bk. Fair, Mexico City, 1956. Popular work.






ALVAREZ LOZADA-continued 1948. "Estudio de la grasa de codo de fraile." México, 1948, 45 p., illus. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Thevetia iccotli. ALVAREZ LUNA, Eduardo. 1953. "Estudio sobre morfología, anatomía y citología en kenaf— Hibiscus cannabinus. L." Chapingo, 64, lvs., illus. Thesis ENA. One of the better theses. ALVAREZ MORALES, Germán. 1936. Contribución al estudio del aceite esencial de limón Mexicano. México, 34 p.—IB Méx. With the emphasis on the chemistry. ALVAREZ OCHOA, Miguel. 1930. "Estudio sobre el aceite de piñoncillo." Guadalajara, 22 p., illus. Thesis Chem. On Jatropha curcas. ALVAREZ PADILLA, Georgina, y José G. VALENZUELA. 1955. Geografía de Baja California. México, 149 p., maps—Bibliot. R. Beltrán. In the section on the flora, plants are listed by common names only.

ALVAREZ RODRIGUEZ, Rubén. 1955. "Cuatro frutales para el beneficio de la agricultura nacional." Cd. Juárez, 80 p., illus., map. Thesis, EPA. indica."


1772. "Descripción de una máquina muy sensilla y muy útil para deshuesar el algodón." (Asunt. Var. 2 : 8 ) . Repr. in (Gac. Lit. 2d ed. 4: 89-93, 1831; 3d ed. 120-124, 1896.) With references to various types of cotton, tree form and herbaceous. 1772a. " ( E l cañamo)." (In Asunt. Var. 3:17-24, and in 1 1 : 7 7 . ) Repr. in (Gaz. Lit. 4: 95-102; 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 129-138, 1896.) On marijuana, Cannabis sativa. León titles the work "Noticias de las pasiones, usos é inclinaciones de los Indios." In the index to the Gaz. Lit., the title is given as "Algunas costumbres de los Indios." 1772b. "Cultivo y beneficio del añil." (Asunt. Var. 5: 35-40.) Also in (Gac. Lit. 2d ed., 1831, 4: 110-114; 3d ed.: 150-158, 1896.) Includes data from a work "escrito por un misionero de la Luisiana muy esperimentado." The original source for this is not given. 1777. Memoria en que se trata del insecto grana ó cochinilla. Madrid, 1795, 227 p. 3 pi. Printed first in México, 1777, 76 p., 3 pi. Also in (Gac. Lit. 3: 199-259, 307-308, 1794-95; 243-314 and 418-419 in the 1831 ed.). A suppl. entitled "Adición a la memoria que trata de modo de criar en nuestras Indias la cochinilla ó grana" was printed in (Bol. Agr. Min. Ind. Méx. 4 ( 1 2 ) : 30-35, 1895, taken from Gac. Méx. Nos. 11,12,13:90, 97, 105, 1784) where it is tided "Grana, su naturaleza, beneficio, y modo de asemillarse," or "La noticia de la grana."

ALVAREZ RODRIGUEZ, Pedro. 1955. "El cultivo y beneficio de la vainilla en la región de Papantla, Veracruz." Cd. Juárez, 75 p., illus. Thesis EPA.

ALVAREZ TOSTADO, Ezequiel. 1935. "Estudio breve del Cannabis Med., UNAM.


and sent to the Acad. R. Sci., Paris. It was trans, into French by M. Pingre, and publ. by Cassini with his ed. of Chappe d'Auteroche's Voyage en Californie, 1772, q.v., as "Extrait d'une lettre." With interesting details on the natural history of the area surrounding Mexico City. A box of specimens, which followed the letter, was assigned to Jussieu and Fougeroux de Bondaroy for study, and the latter provides notes to Alzate's report. Plants discussed include maize, maguey, cascalote, ahuehuete, chía, cacahuate, huisache, and sapote blanco. For a discussion of Alzate's letter, and a reprint of it, see Barras y Aragón, 1944.

México, 33 p. Thesis

ALVAREZ ULLAN, Emilio. 1940. "El cultivo del olivo en México." (Bol. Dir. Gral. For. Caza Méx. 1 ( 2 ) : 16-18, illus.). On Olea. 1946. "El olivo en México." (Rancho 2 ( 5 ) ( M a r c h ) : 27-29, 78, illus. With a section on the history of the plant in Mexico. Illustrations show a number of very old trees, including a 400year-old one in Tzintzuntzán. 1946a. "La vid de camote de Guerrero." (Rancho 2 ( 5 ) ( M a r c h ) : 21, illus.) On a Vitis which grows wild in the state. 1947. "El limón Mexicano." (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 1 7 ) : 35-37, illus.) "Que no es limón" (Citrus limón); the plant is identified as lima ácida (Citrus aurantifolia).

A detailed study of the insect and the plants on which it thrives. Alzate criticizes the accounts of Thiery, Ellis and Valmont de Bomare and refers to Antonio de Ulloa, who wrote of cochineal. A quotation in the supplement, from the biography of Juan Antonio de Oviedo, tells of how the latter explained the occurrence of the insect in Mexico to the Duke of Bejar in Spain. 1784. "Sobre un olivo en Tecomic." (Gaz. Méx. I l l , 1: 82.) Signed AE. Is this Alzate? The locality is near Xochimilco, in the Distrito Federal. 1784-1785. "Arbusto de la flecha ó árbol de la margarita." (Gaz. Méx III, 1: 161-163.) Publ. anonymously, but according to León, by Alzate. Used in cases of rabies; as reported by Juan Palacios de la Campa, in Guadalajara; Martínez identifies the plant as Sapium biloculare or Sebastiania pavoniana and states that, although the plants are poisonous, they have been used medicinally. The Palacios report was reprinted as "Remedio contra la rabia" in Disc. Var. (Gac. Lit. 4:331-332, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 471-474, 1896.) Between 1784 and 1799. "Sobre la jicama." (Disc. Var., in Gac. Lit. 2d ed. 4: 289; 1831; original was printed between 1784 and 1798. in Gac. Méx.)

ALVEAR, Antonio Carrillo. See CARRILLO ALVEAR, Antonio. AL VELAIS C., Rubén 1948. "Estudio agronómico de la región agrícola de Centro Calles, Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 77 p. Thesis EPA. With a brief description of the flora. ALVER de SORIA, Diego. See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José María, (1579); MESTRE GHIGLIAZZA, Manuel, 1907. AL VIRES, Adrián Breña. See BREÑA ALVIRES, Adrián. ALZATE y RAMIREZ (SANTILLANA), José Antonio (Felix). See abo BARRAS y ARAGON, Francisco de las, 1944; CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE, Jean, 1772; CORTES, Hernán, (1519-1526); LA PORTE, Joseph de, 1768-1795; L E E , Raymond L„ 1947-1948; LONGINOS MARTINEZ, José, 1788; PUGLIA, Pedro, (1790); VARIOUS, 1830; XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615; ANONYMOUS, 1939 f.

Praises the plant as a food and as a thirst quencher. Between 1784 and 1799a. "Remedio contra las picadas de animal venenoso." (Disc. Var. in Gac. Lit. 4: 380-381, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 544-546, 1896) Publ. originally in Gaz. Méx. between 1784 and 1799. Suggests the use of onion, garlic, and mustard. Between 1784 and 1799b. "Monstruosidad de una mazorca." (Disc. Var. in Gac. Lit. 4 : 391, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 559-561, 1896.) It was supposed to have been printed earlier in Gaz. Méx. but this has not been located. Refers to a report of a corn plant with 24 ears. Between 1784 and 1799c. "Sobre los jardineros de Europa." (Disc.

1768. "Memoria sobre el beneficio y cultivo de cacao." (Diar. Lit. 7: 1-8; repr. in Gac. Lit. 2d ed., 4: 35-40, 1831; 3d ed.: 58-66, 1896; also in Amigo Pueblo 1 ( 1 0 ) : 29-32; ( 1 1 ) : 28-32, 1827; and in Observ. Rep. Méx. 2 ( 4 ) : 136-144, 1827.) On Theobroma cacao. (ca. 1770.) "Una interesante carta de Alzate." ( R e v . Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 23: 73-87, 1905.) Written between 1769 and 1772, 82





Var. in Gac. Lit. 4: 393, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 562-563, 1896.) Originally printed in Gaz. Méx. between 1784 and 1799. Suggests that corn plants be transplanted to improve the crop. Between 1784 and 1799d. "Sobre el trigo." ( I n Disc. Var., Gac. Lit. 4 : 4 2 0 , 422-425, 2d ed., 1831.) T h e original, not seen, appeared in Gaz. Méx. sometime between 1784 and 1799. Pages in the 3d ed. are 600-601, 1896. On Triticum. Between 1784 and 1799e. "Sobre maíz." Disc. Var., in Gac. Lit. 4: 425-426, 433-434, 435, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 608-610, 1896.) Published originally in Gaz. Méx. between 1784 and 1799. On the effects of the climate on the growth of the plants. Between 1784 and 1799f. "Modo de purificar las aguas estancadas." (Disc. Var., Gac Lit. 4: 444-445, 1831, 2d ed; 3d ed.: 636-637, 1896.) Appeared first in Gaz. Méx. between 1784 and 1799. Mentions various plants to be used for that purpose, and says "use la viscosidad que sueltan las pencas de las tunas la cual recoge y envuelve en si todas las impuridades." 1786. "Consejos útiles" (Gac. Lit. 4: 166-189, 2d ed. 1831.; 3d ed.: 231-244, 1896.) In 3 parts, the first of which was repr. as "Estudio sobre diversos producciones de la Nueva España" in (Bol. Arch. Gral. Nac. Méx. 6 ( 5 ) : 722-731, 1935). On plants that are useful in times when "escacean los comestibles"; suggests the use of plants of the mezquita!— nopales, visnaga, pitallas, maguey, and potatoes. There is an interesting comparison of the vegetation of the Cerro de Guadalupe with that of Tlalnepantla, p. 166-175, with an appendix, p. 175-177. (León cites the first part as a separate, México, 12 p., 1786.) Part 2 on p. 177-182, discusses foods to use to feed large numbers of the poor. (León cites this as a separate, Mexico, 14 p., 1786.) Part 3 on p. 182-186, entitled "Otro alimento," discusses chautli and is completed in a supplement, p. 186-189. (León cites this as a separate, without place, date, or number of pages.)



On the use of chautli, not otherwise identified, in the treatment of dysentery. 1788. "Botánica." (Gac. Lit. 1 ( 4 ) : 33-43; 1: 20-27, 2d ed., 1831; 1: 32-42, 3d ed., 1893. Repr. in Obs. Rep. Mex. 2 ( 7 ) : 243-252, 1827 and in Naturaleza 6 (App.): 166-172, 1883.) Observations on the study of botany in Mexico, with a discussion of botanical nomenclature and classification, and the uses of various plants. 1788a. "Sobre la cura del gálico." (Gac. Lit. 1 ( 6 ) : 54-56; 34-36 in the 1831 ed. Refers to hierba del zorrillo (Croton dioicus fide Martinez), as a cure for syphilis. 1788b. "Observaciones acerca del spodio." (Gac. Lit. 1 ( 8 ) : 69-71; 2d ed.: 44-46, 1831.) On concretions in a tree, called otate, but this, according to Martinez, is a grass. Another note on this subject appears in ( 1 ( 1 1 ) : 87,1790; 2d ed: 288, 1831.) 1788c. "Memoria acerca de ambar amarillo (karabe ó succino) y de la goma lacca (resina)." (Gac. Lit. 1 ( 1 2 ) : 1-10, separately paged; 2d ed. 1:61-70, 1831; 3d ed. 1:92-105, 1893.) Repr. in (Mem. Lit. 19: 581-591, 1790) as "Extracto de una memoria acerca del ambar amarillo (karabe ó succino)." Repr. also in (Naturaleza 6 ( A p p . ) : 172-179, 1884). An announcement of the first publication appeared in (Gac. Méx. 20: 452, 1787). "Trátase de su verdadero origen y se exponen las utilidades que la nación Española puede conseguir estableciendo comercio activo de materias tan útiles las quales siendo tan abundantes en Nueva España están casi abandonadas." Includes descriptions of the karabe by Caballero (quoting a resident from "Tecoantepec") giving common names, such as quapirote. Sessé identifies the plant as Cynometra L. For the controversy which followed this article, see Vázquez, Joseph, 1788-1789. 1788d. "Propiedades medicinales del tlalpopololt." (Gaz. Méx. 3: 37.) The plant is known variously as tlalpopololt or thlpopolotl, also as tlalpopolote, and is identified as Helianthus b y some, and as Viguiera excelsa by Martinez. 1788e. "Carta satisfactoria a un literato." (Gaz. Méx. 3:93-104; repr. in Disc. Var., Gaz. Lit. 2d ed., 4: 399-413, 1831; 3d ed: 570-591, 1896.) Answer to the critic who (in "Carta que en defensa de la botánica," see SCM) disagreed with his article on botany in his "papeles Nos. 4 y 5." Alzate insists that a botanist must do more than classify plants. 1788f. On maravilla. (Gaz. Méx. I l l , 3:111.) On Mirabilis(?) as a remedy for a "black eye." 1789. "Carta al autor de esta Gaceta." (Gaz. Lit. 1 ( 1 6 ) : 41-48; 2d ed. 1:92-98, 1831; 3d ed. 1:136-147, 1893.) Signed Pedro el Observador. Objects to the new botanical nomenclature of a Mr. Bergeret; insists that color, odor, and use should be taken into account in distinguishing plant species. 1789a. "Respuesta de Pedro el Observador." (Gac. Lit. 1: 65-82; 1: 113-134, 2d ed., 1831; 1: 168-200, 3d ed., 1893.) Signed Pedro el Observador. "A los que con titulo de consejos saludables le remitió D. Ingenio en el suplemento a la Gaceta de Mégico del 3 de febrero de 1789," q.v. Botanical notes on a series of plants. 1789b. "Memoria acerca del cultivo del añil." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 1 ) : 10-16; cont. 2 ( 1 4 ) : 107-113, 1791; 2d ed. 1:194-202, 2:133-141, 1831; 3d ed. 1: 289-301, 2: 194-206, 1894.) Interesting mainly as an historical document. 1789c. "Del verdadero origen del succino que lo es la resina de los quapinoles." (Gaz. Méx. III, 3:251-252. Repr. in Gac. Lit. 4:417-418, 1831, 2d ed. as "Sobre cuapinole." (3d ed.: 596598, 1896.) Refers to his article in Gac. Lit. (see 1788c). For the controversy which developed on this subject, see Joseph Vázquez, 1788-1789. 1789? 1790?. "Carta de enhorabuena que dirige a Pedro el Observador un amigo suyo, por el triunfo que acaba de conseguir en la disputa suscitada por Don Ingenio." México, 15 unnumb. p. UC-B; at CtY, it is bound with Gaz. Lit., between p. 121 of Observaciones and Consejos útiles.

1786-1787. "Industrias ó arbitrios." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 10, 11: reprinted in Disc. Var., in Gaz. Lit. II, 4: 383-384, 1831, 2d ed.; 3d ed.: 549-550, 1896 with the title as cited.) The original was untitled and anonymous. On the use of alfalfa, corn cobs, acorns, and hawthorn fruits as food for animals. 1786-1787a. "Receta para hacer tortillas con olote (ó gilote) mezclado con maíz." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 76; repr. in Disc. Var., in Gaz. Lit. II, 4: 384-385, 1831; 3d ed.: 550-551, 1896.) The original was printed anonymously. Olote is com cob; gilote is corn on the cob. 1786-1787b. "Modo de hacer tortillas de la cabeza de maguey." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 107-108; repr. in Disc. Var., in Gaz. Lit. II, 4: 387, 1831; 3d ed.: 553-554, 1896.) T h e original was printed anonymously. 1786-1787c. "Modo de hacer tortillas de cebada." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 116-117; repr. in Disc. Var., in Gaz. Lit. II, 4: 385, 1831.; 3d ed.: 552, 1896.) The original was publ. anonymously. 1786-1787d. "Modo de alimentar puercos con la raíz de ninfa ó cabeza de Negro." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 117; repr. in Disc. Var. in Gaz. Lit. II, 4: 386, 1831; 3d ed.: 552, 1896.) On Nymphaea as food for animals. 1786-1787e. "On arnica." (Gaz. Méx. I l l , 2: 171, 200.) The first was repr. in Disc. Var. in (Gac. Lit. 4: 388, 1831 ed.). (Signed AE.) On a plant called also acahual (Heteroiheca), and its medicinal uses. 1787. "Sobre la goma lacca karabe." (Gaz. Méx. 2: 451-452; repr. in Disc. Var. in Gac. Lit. 2d ed., 4: 396, 1831; 3d ed.: 565-566, 1896.) On its occurrence in Mexico. 1787a. "Chímica económica." In "Observaciones sobre la física," México, p. 58-60. Also in (Gac. Lit. 4: 236-238, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 332-334, 1896.) On materials for making ink—cascalote and huisache. 1787b. "Medicina botánica." In Observaciones sobre la física, p. 69-70. - C U - B . Repr. in (Gaz. Lit. (2d ed.) 4: 245-246, 1831; 3d ed.: 344-345, 1896.) Publ. first in 1787.






y RAMIREZ-continued A eulogy of "Pedro's" knowledge of native Mexican plants and their uses; plants are cited with common and scientific names. 1789-1795. Gacetas (Gazeta) de Literatura (de México added in the 2d ed.). Mexico, 3 vols. A 4th vol. was added in the 2d ed., 1831, consisting of writings of Alzate, comp. from various sources, as cited below. A 3d. ed., publ. by the Sociedad Agrícola Mexicana, 4 vols., 1893-1898, is cited in the catalogue of the Mus. Nac. Méx. Volume 1 is 1st ed. (1-23), 1789—Aug. 16, 2d ed. Jan. 15,


1791c. "Virtudes del palo mulato." (Gac. Lit. 2: 182-183; 2: 224-225, 2d ed., 1831; 2: 328-329, 3d ed., 1894.) Quotes information submitted by el Sr. Cura de Temporal; cited as Tempoal in the 2d ed. 1791d. "De la semilla del maíz." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 2 4 ) : 187-191; 2d edition, 1831: 230-236; 3d ed.: 337-346, 1894.) An extract was repr. in (Sem. Econ. Méx. 2 : 4 1 - 4 4 , 49-52, 1810, under the title "Artículo de agricultura sobre el cultivo del maíz"). On Zea culture. 1791e. "Remedio contra las lombrices." (Gaz. Méx. III, 4: 233-234; repr. in Disc. Var., in Gac. Lit. II, 4: 436-438, 1831; 3d ed.: 625-628. 1896.) Refers to cebadilla (or zevadilla) as a remedy. 1791f. "Utilidad de la yerba del carbonero." (Gaz Méx. III, 4: 276; repr. in Gac. Lit. II, 4: 439-440, 1831; 3d ed.: 628-630, 1896.) On the medicinal uses of Baccharis. 1791g. "Noticia de la impresión de la obra de Hernández." (Gaz. Méx. 4: 327-328, 343, 411-412. Repr. in Disc. Var., in Gac. Lit. 4: 441-444, 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 632-635, 1896.) With comments on some of the plants mentioned in the work, including an orchid, cozticxochitl (yellow flower), known also as istontle or istontli, iztamaxuchitl, and cocotlacotl. The plant is not identified, but localities and possible uses are given. In the reprint, the second and third references were published under the title "Sobre el cozticxochitl." 1792. "Sobre el jugo de la yuca." (Gac. Lit. 2: 260-262; 2d ed. 2: 317-324, 1831; 3d ed. 2: 464-473, 1894.) Answering a letter published in Havana, by EDJACR, which attacked the report that the yuca (Manihot) is not poisonous after boiling. 1792a. "Del chayóte." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 3 4 ) : 270-274; repr. in 2d ed. 2: 328-333, 1831 and in 3d ed. 2: 478-486, 1894.) Repr. also in (Naturaleza 7(App.): 7-11, 1884) and in the work on Alzate by Juan Hernández y Luna, p. 83-88, 1945, q.v. On Sechium edule. 1792b. "Memoria acerca de la yerba del pollo." (Gac. Lit. 2: 282288; 2d ed. 2: 343-349, 1831; 3d ed. 2: 501-511, 1894.) Repr. in (Naturaleza 7 (App.): 11-13, 1886.) On the derivation of its name, and its use in medicine. 1792c. "Memoria sobre agricultura." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 4 0 ) : 316-329; 2: 382-399, 2d ed., 1831; 2: 559-585, 3d ed., 1894.) With a discussion of planting times and cultural methods for various plants, and references to the floating gardens. 1793. "Agricultura." (Gac. Lit. 3: 70-74, 1793; repr. in 2d ed. 1831: 56-59. 3d ed.: 293-298, 1896.) Considers the uses of pirul. 1793a. Compendio en que se manifiesta el método de sembrar, transplantar, podar y sacar fruto de las moreras y morales. México, 34 p.—NNC. For authority as to the author's name, see Medina, J. T., Diccionario de anónimos y seudónimos HispanoAmericanos, Buenos Aires, 1925. For classification of the plants, the author refers to the article by Juan Bautista Felipo," Sobre el cultivo de moreras," in (Mem. Soc. Econ. Matr. 1 ( 1 7 ) : 147-196, 1780 (read May 20, 1777). 1795. "Virtudes de un árbol de tierra caliente." (Gac. Lit. 3 : 3 1 7 ; 2d. ed., p. 430, 1831; 3d ed.: 430, 1896.) For making soap; León calls the article "árbol de las cuentas de xabón"; plant is not otherwise identified. 1795a. "Sobre el pochote." (Gac. Lit. 3 ( 4 2 ) : 332-334, ( 4 4 ) : 347349; 2d ed. 449-452, 468-471, 1831; 3d ed. not seen.) On Bombax. The second reference contains a letter from "un párroco del Obispado de Puebla," on using the "puchóte" fiber as a substitute for cotton, and observations on the maguey fiber. 1795b. "Yerba de las cucarachas; planta de Cuernavaca." (Gac. Lit. 3: 452; p. 334 in 2d ed., 1831; 3d ed.: 334, 1896.) Repr. in (Naturaleza 7 (App.): 17, 1884). On a fiber producing plant, identified as Echites? hypoleuca DC.? in a note on the margin of the copy at Mus. Nac. Méx. 1831. "Sobre la flor de tepotzán." (Gac. Lit. 1:448-449, 2d ed., 1831; 1: 668-669, 3d ed., 1893.) The article is missing in the first ed. On the structure of the flower.

dated as follows: Jan. 15, 1788-Aug. 14, 1789; ( 1 - 2 4 ) : Sept. 7, 1790. 1788 to July 19, 1790.

Volume 2 consisted of nos. 1-47, Sept. 7, 1790 to Oct. 2, 1792. Volume 3 consisted of nos. 1-44, Oct. 27, 1792 to Oct. 22, 1795. The 2d ed. ends at June 17, 1795. The material added to the 2d ed. vol. 4, (and included in the 3d ed.) consists of: "Diario Literario," p. 1-81; published originally Mar. 18 to May 10, 1768. "Asuntos varios sobre ciencia y artes," p. 83-165; cited variously as 11, 12, 13 numbers, Nov. 2, 1772 to Jan 4, 1773. No. 9, Dec. 16, is really a supplement to No. 1. Two "Consejos útiles," p. 166-189, cited as a 12 p. separate, 1786, are at the Huntington Library. These are sometimes included with the Asuntos. "Observaciones sobre la física, historia natural, y artes útiles." Nos. 1-14, p. 191-283; dated March 21, 1787-July 15, 1787. "Discursos varios del autor sacados de las Gazetas de México," 1784-1798 (1799?); p. 283-446. The 3d ed. follows the 2d ed., with 673 p. in vol. 1 and 704 p. in vol. 2. Volumes 3 and 4 have not been seen. Pages for some of the citations have been taken from F. Guerra, Bibliografía de la Materia Médica Mexicana. All the articles relating to plants, with the pages from the different editions, where they were available, are cited separately in the bibliography, under the appropriate author's names. 1790. "Sobre la planta de la raíz de xalapa." (Gac. Lit. 1: 86; 2d ed. p. 287, 1831; 3d ed. not seen.) Calls it a "Convolvulácea." 1790a. "Observaciones sobre la práctica de la medicina." (Gac. Lit. 1:109-115; 2d ed., p. 316-323, 1831; 3d ed., 1:470-481, 1893.) Includes a note on huayacán and references to early Mexican medico-botanical works (Barrios, Hernández, Ximénez). 1790b. "Lacca de Nueva España." (Gac. Lit. 1, part 2 ( 1 2 ) : 89-95, Feb. 20. Repr. in 2d ed., 1831, 1: 290-298, as "Discurso sobre la goma lacca," and in the 3d ed., 1893, 1: 92-105.) Repr. also as "La goma lacca" in (Estudio 2 ( 1 9 ) : 289-295, 1890 and in Naturaleza 6(App.): 179-185, 1884). Discusses production of the substance by ants, and the plants on which they live. 1790c. "Elogio histórico del Dr. D. José Ignacio Bartolache." (Gac. Lit. 1 ( 2 3 ) : 181-188; 2d ed. : 405-413, 1831; 3d ed: 605-618, 1893.) 1791. "Guacamote." (Gac. Lit. 2 ( 1 3 ) : 106; 2: 132, 2d ed. 1831; 2: 193-194, 3d ed., 1894; also in Naturaleza 7(App.): 3, 1884.) On the fact that the yuca (Manihot) is not poisonous if boiled. 1791a. "Noticia de algunas plantas." (Gac. Lit. 2:113-114, 131-135; 2d ed. p. 141-142, 162-167, 1831; 3d ed. p. 206-208, 236-241, 1894). The last part was repr. in (Naturaleza 7(App.): 4-6, 1887.) The discussion includes "ajo contra hipo," nopal, and use of the dye plant, moictle, to cure hiccoughs, as añil is used. 1791b. "Utilidad de los árboles del Perú." (Gac. Lit. 2: 145-146; 181182, 2d ed., 1831; 262-264, 3d ed. 1894. Also in Naturaleza 7 (App.): 6-7, 1887.) On Schinus molle.



AMADOR AMADOR, Elias. 1892. Noticias estadísticas de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, 57 p.—MN Méx. With a section on the native plants; includes 2 charts—one on timbers, with common and scientific names, and one on medicinal plants, also with common and scientific names. 1894. Elementos de geografía del Estado de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, 1898, 2d ed., 50 p.; 1st ed., 1894, 103 p., m a p - M N Méx. Only the first part was seen, it contains a section on wild and cultivated plants. 1897. Nombres indígenas todavía en uso en el Estado de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, 66 p . - L N H T . Many plant names are listed, sometimes with scientific equivalents, but with many typographical errors in the scientific names. 1899. Apuntes para la flora Zacatecana. Zacatecas, 128 p. Written for the Paris Exposition in 1900. Plants are listed alphabetically, by common names, with scientific names, family, brief descriptions, and uses. Included are the author's identifications for certain plants mentioned by Hernández, Ximénez, Sessé and Mociño, and by Urbina, in his Catálogo de plantas Mexicanas, q.v. Also included are descriptions of 11 unidentified plants.

in fascicle No. 4; fascicle No. 7 contains "Notes on Mexican species of Triphora." 1922. "Descriptions of new orchids from tropical America with nomenclatural changes." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35: 81-88.) With new species of Bletia and Malaxis from Mexico. 1922-1930. Schedulae orchidianae. Boston, in 10 parts. Part 1, 24 p.; 2, 38 p., 1923; 3, 27 p., 1923; 4, 60 p., 1923; 5, 42 p., 1924; 6, 99 p., 1924; 7, 36 p., 1924; 8, 84 p., 1925 (this is by Ames and Charles Schweinfurth); 9, 62 p., 1925; 10, 116 p., 1930. Some of the illus. are by Blanche Ames.—NNBG. Parts 1 and 2, entitled "Orchidaceae quaedam Americanae," contain descriptions of two new species from Mexico: Epidendrum diguetii and Sarcoglottis pubilabia. Part 3, entitled "New or noteworthy orchids," contains a discussion of Epidendrum ovulum Lindl. Part 4, entitled "Additions to the orchid flora of Central America," contains descriptions of Epidendrum gravidum Lindl. and of Pleurothallis nelsonii n. sp. from Chiapas. Part 9 contains a special section on Vanilla odorata. AMES, Oakes, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH. 1930. "A new species of Pleurothallis from Mexico." (Proc. Soc. Wash. 43: 195-196.) P. unguicallosa

AMES, Oakes, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH.

AMARAL FRANCO, Joao do. See FRANCO, Joào do Amarai. (Guad.)


1 1 ( 1 2 ) : 218-

AMES, Oakes, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH. 1933. "A new Bletia from Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. illus.)

AMAYA, Rubén. 1926. "Forrajes verdes para los cerdos." Cd. Juárez, 29 p., illus. Thesis, EPA. de

"Two new orchids." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 ( 2 ) : 4-7.) Includes Pleurothallis yucatanensis from Yucatan and Campeche.

AMES, Oakes. 1932b. "An extension of range for Epidendrum rhynchophorum." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 ( 3 ) : 1-4, illus.) From Mexico to Honduras; an amplified description is also given.

AMAYA, Jesús. 1951. Ameca, protofundación Mexicana. México, 318 p., 200 p., illus., maps, bibl.—NN. Included is the relación of Antonio de Leyva, p. 23-75, with the instructions for the relación. The appendix is a dictionary of related names and places.

AMBRIZ PALMA, Jesús. 1954. "Ensayo de rendimiento de variedades Chapingo, 70 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Gossypium.

Orchid Soc. Bull. 1 ( 2 ) : 37-39.)

Brief descriptive work.

On the history of the plant in Zacatecas. AMARGOS, José L. 1943. "Achiote ó Bixa orellana." (Granja 222.) Description, distribution, and uses.

from Socorro Island (Revillagigedo group).

AMES, Oakes. 1932. "The Cattleyeae." (Amer.

1908. "La planta llamada del guayule." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 32: 330-331.) (From El Imparcial 4 / 2 3 / 1 9 0 8 . )


B. tenuifolia

1 ( 1 0 ) : 6-7,

from Chiapas.

AMES, Oakes. 1934. "Studies in Stelis." I. (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 2 ( 1 ) : 1-24, illus.) A comparison and clarification of middle American species allied to S. persimilis n.sp.


AMES, Oakes, F. Tracy HUBBARD, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH. 1934a. "Notes on Mexican Epidendrums." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 3 ( 1 ) : 1-16.) Based largely on the Erik M. Oestlund collection; with descriptions of 4 new species. 1935. "Studies in Epidendrum." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 3 ( 5 ) : 61-76.)

AMBROSINUS, Bartholomeo. 1630. "De Capsicorum varietate cum suis iconibus brevis historia." Bononiae, 27 p., 1 pi. A photostat is at PPAN of the original which is at the Brit. Mus. Describes 30 "species" of Capsicum, with drawings of their fruits on the plate.


AMBROSINI, Giacinto (Ambrosinus, Hyacinthus). 1666. Phytologiae. Bologna (Bononiae), 576 p., illus.; marked part I, vol. 1 (no more printed ?).—DA. Plants are listed alphabetically, with references to authors who had written of them; included are tobacco, tomato, corn, potato, sarsaparilla; also Passiflora and Datura.

A description of new taxa, 3 of which are from Mexico. "A fourth polymorphic alliance in Epidendrum." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 3 ( 7 ) : 93-110.) The Epidendrum oncidioides alliance, with a key to varieties of E. oncidioides.

AMES, Oakes, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH. 1935b. "Nomenclatorial studies in Malaxis and Spiranthes." Mus. Leafl. 3 ( 8 ) : 113-133.)

AMES, Blanche. See AMES, Oakes, 1905-1922; 1922-1930; CORR E L L , Donovan Stewart, 1950. AMES, Oakes. 1904. "Three new orchid species." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17: 119120.) Includes Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe from Morelos and E. oaxacanum Rolfe. 1905-1922. Studies in the family Orchidaceae. (Also subtitled Orchidaceae. Illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae.) (Boston and New York, 7 vols., 114 pi. Drawings by Blanche Ames.)-PPAN. Most of the volumes, or fascicles, consist of miscellaneous studies. The genus Habenaria in North America is reviewed



Nomenclatorial revisions of species, most of which are found in Mexico. AMES, Oakes. 1935c. "Studies in Stelis V." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 3 ( 1 0 ) : 149-176, illus.) Refers S. confusa Schl. and S. jimenezii Schl. to S. ciliaris Lindl. 1936. "A rare Vanilla." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 4 ( 3 ) : 26-27, illus.) V. pfaviana found in Guerrero. AMES, Oakes, and Charles SCHWEINFURTH. 1936a. "Studies in Ponthieva." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 4 ( 3 ) : 38-40.) Describes P. parviflora from Yucatan.

AMES AMES, Oakes, F. Tracy HUBBARD, and Chas. SCHWEINFURTH. 1936b. The genus Epidendrum in the United States and Middle America. Cambridge, Mass., 233 p. With keys, description, and notes on localities. AMES, Oakes. 1937. "A new Epidendrum from Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 5 ( 2 ) : 36-37.) E. mariae from San Luís Potosí. 1937a. "A rare Epidendrum from Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 5 ( 2 ) : 40.) E. karwinskii from the state of México. 1938. "HintoneUa—a new genus of the Ornithocephaleae from Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 6 ( 9 ) : 185-191, illus.) With a description of H. mexicana. 1939. Economic annuals and human cultures. Cambridge, 152 p., illus. Contains discussions on several Mexican plants. 1941. "A new Scaphyglottis from Mexico." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 10(2): 48-49.) S. pumüa from San Luís Potosí. AMES, Oakes, and Louis O. WILLIAMS. 1941a. "Two Mexican Habenarias." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 10(3): 59-60.) H. umbratilis from San Luís Potosí and H. entomantha (La Llave et Lex.) Lindley var. subauriculata (Robins, and Greenm.) Ames and Williams, n. comb. AMES, Oakes. 1942. "Orchids in retrospect." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 11(4): 103106, illus.) As seen in early literature. AMES, Oakes, and Donovan S. CORRELL. 1943. "Notes on American orchids." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 11 ( 1 ) : 1-28, illus.) The only species found in Mexico are: Xylobium concavum (Lindl.) Hemsley, Odontoglossum convallarioides (Schltr.) Ames and Correll n. comb., O. guatemalense Schlecter, O. wentwortheanum Bateman ex Lindl. var. tenue (Lindl.) Ames and Correll n. comb., and Ornithocephalus inflexus Lindl. 1943a. "Studies in Habenaria and Dichaea." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 11(3): 57-80, illus.) Includes a section on Dichaea echinocarpa and its allies, on p. 66-80, with the following listed from Mexico: D. intermedia hybr. nov., D. trichocarpa, and D. squarrosa. AMES, Oakes. 1945. "Vanilla." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 14(7): 274-275.) Repr. in Orchids in Retrospect, Cambridge, 1948: 119-122. Historical study. 1946. "The evolution of the orchid flower." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 14(9): 355-360, illus.) AMES, Oakes, and Donovan Stewart CORRELL. 1952-1953. "Orchids of Guatemala." (Fieldiana 2 6 ( 1 / 2 ) : 1-727, illus.; drawings by various individuals.) Includes British Honduras; a detailed study with keys, descriptions, and distributional data; all genera are illustrated. AMEZCUA, Guadalupe Gastelum de. See GASTELUM de AMEZCUA, Guadalupe. UN AMIGO DEL BIEN COMUN. See NENTWIG, Juan, 1762?. UN AMIGO DEL SERVICIO DE DIOS. See NENTWIG, Juan, 1762?. AMMAL, E. K. Janaki. See DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean, and AMMAL, 1945. AMRAM, David Werner, Jr. 1937. "Eastern Chiapas." (Geogr. Rev. 27: 19-36, map., illus.) Discusses the highlands, the subtropical region, and El Desierto (the Lacandon area), with some references to plants. One photograph of Lake Miramar is labeled the first one made. 1948. "Eastern Chiapas revisited." (Geogr. Rev. 38: 120-126, map.) With a brief section on the chicle industry, and the plants substituted for chicle.

ANDA AMSHOFF, G. J. H. See WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937-in progress. ANA, Enriqueta Nava Santa. See NAVA SANTA ANA, Enriqueta. ANA, Higinio Vázquez Santa. See VAZQUEZ SANTA ANA, Higinio. ANASTASIA, Guiseppe Emilio. 1906. Le varietà tipiche della Nicotiana tabacum L. Scafati (Salerno), 120 p., illus., 28 pi.—DA. 1914. Araldica Nicotianae. Scafati, 2 vols., one of text with 82 pi.; 2d vol. is all pi—NN. "Nuovo ricerche intorno alla filogenesi delle varietà di N. tabacum L." 1915. "Nuove ricerche intorno alla filogenesi della Nicotiana tabacum L." (Atti Accad. Lincei V, 2 4 ( 1 ) : 1146-1150.) A study of relationships between N. tabacum, N. rustica, and N. petunioides. ANAYA, Canuto. 1912. Estudio sobre la ciudad de Huauchinango. México, 31 p.— SMGE. The second part, by Vicente de P. Andrade, refers briefly to plants. 1918. Bosquejo geográfico histórico de la Diócesi(sic) de Tulancingo. Guadalupe Hidalgo, Distrito Federai, 146 p.—SMGE. With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only. ANAYA IBARRA, Pedro Maria. 1945. (Title omitted from compiler's notes.) (Quim. Farm. 11(96): 38-39.) On José Longinos Martinez. ANCONA, Antonio Pérez. See PEREZ ANCONA, Antonio. ANCONA, Crescencio Carrillo y. Crescencio.


ANCONA, Eligio. See PEREZ, Juan Pio, 1866-1877. ANCONA, Joaquín. 1863. "El algodonero." In El Repertorio Rendón, p. 174, q.v. On Gossypium.

Pintoresco, by Espinosa

ANCONA HERNANDEZ, Leopoldo. See also HUERTA, Laura and ANCONA H., 1938; KAMFFER, Rosa María, and ANCONA H„ 1942. 1930. "Las Lemnáceas y las larvas de los mosquitos." ( An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 1: 33-37, 5 illus.) On their use in inhibiting growth. 1932. "Nuestras Cactaceas se están acabando." Clipping in the Escobar collections, EPA, Cd. Juárez; catalogued under the number 583. Taken from El Nacional de México, April, 1932; precise date not known. With a list of species that should be protected. ANCONA PEREZ, Antonio. 1927. "El Departamento de Agricultura de Washington y la clasificación del henequén." (Henequeneros 1(5-11): 87, 107-108, 129-130, 152-153, 178-179, 200-204, 218-219.) Part 2 is on henequen, part 3 on sisal, part 5 on Fourcroya, and part 6 contains a list of vernacular names. Part 4 quotes from Matthews The textile fibers, q.v. ANCONA PONCE, Ligia 1945. "Breve estudio sobre el elemuy." (Fom. Yucatán 2 ( 2 0 ) : 16, 20.) Also in (Orbe III, No. 6: 17,18). On Guatteria leiophylla. ANDA, F. Ibarra de. See IBARRA de ANDA, F. ANDA, Manuel de. 1883. Informe relativo a la exploración del distrito de Coalcomán. México, 95 p., maps. The section on climate includes a discussion of the flora, according to zones, and a list of plants. ANDA, Manuel. 1905. "Informe del distrito de Coalcomán." (Bol. Soc. Mich. Geog. Est. 1: 157, 165, 170, 178, 186, 194.)



ANDERSON, Alexander Dwight. 1884. Mexico from, the material standpoint. Washington, 156 p., maps, bibl. "A plain statement of facts collected from official and other standard sources." Contains a chapter on agricultural products and one on forest products. 1877. The silver country or the great southwest. New York, 221 p., map, bibl. One chapter on "wealth other than silver and gold"—agricultural products.

ANDERSON, Edgar, and John Jay FINAN. 1945. "Maize in the Yanhuitlàn Codex." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 32: 361-368, illus.) History and description of the document, with a discussion of the kind of maize pictured in it. ANDERSON, Edgar. 1945a. "What is Zea mays?" (Chron. Bot. 9: 88-92.) A report of progress in studies. 1945b. "Pinole." (Herbarist 11: 33-39, illus.) Mainly on its preparation. 1946. "Maize in Mexico—a preliminary survey." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 33: 147-247, illus., diags.) A comparison of various characters as found mainly in the corns of central Mexico (near the capital), in western Mexico (near Guadalajara), and in areas between the two. 1947. "Red seeds for butter coloring." ( Herbarist 13: 29-30. ) Discussion of the uses of Bixa. 1947a. Corn before Columbus. Des Moines, 24 p., 10 pi.—DA. A popular version, with a section on studies of corn history in Mexico. 1950. "Variation in avocados at the Rodiles plantation." (Ceiba 1 ( 1 ) : 50-55, diag.) Near Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico.

ANDERSON, Arthur J. O. See also SAHAGUN, Bernardino, 1575? 1961. "Medical practices of the Aztecs." (Palacio 6 8 ( 2 ) : 113-118.) Based on Sahagún; for a translation of the latter, by the author, see Sahagún, 1575. ANDERSON, Dennis E. 1961. "Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Phalaris." (Iowa St. Jour. Sci. 3 6 ( 1 ) : 1-96, 16 figs. incl. maps, bibl.) Includes history, cytology, phylogeny, key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Species in Mexico include P. minor, P. arundinacea, P. canariensis and P. caroliniana. ANDERSON, Edgar. See also CUTLER, Hugh C., and ANDERSON, 1941: KELLY, Isabel and ANDERSON, 1943; MANGELSDORF, Paul C. and OLIVER, 1951; STONOR, C. R. and ANDERSON, 1949; VARIOUS, 1948; WILSON, Charles Morrow, 1945; ANONYMOUS, 1778.

ANDERSON, Edgar, and Hugh C. CUTLER. 1950a. "Methods of corn popping and their historical significance." (Southw. Jour. Anthrop. 6: 303-308, illus.) With a brief reference to the pop corn of different parts of Mexico. ANDERSON, Edgar. 1955. "A second harvest." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 4 3 ( 8 ) : 115121, illus.) A study of the corn plant as a typical grass; with analysis of stem, leaf, and flower arrangement. 1959. "Zapalote chico, an important chapter in the history of maize and man." (Actas 33 Cong. Intern. Amer. (San José, Costa Rica): 230-237.) The growth habit of this type seems to be independent of daylight length.

ANDERSON, Edgar, and Karl SAX. 1935. "Chromosome numbers in the Hamamelidaceae and their phylogenetic significance." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 210-215, illus.) Counts are given for 9 species in 6 genera. It is suggested that the Liquidambaroideae might be considered a separate family. 1936. "A cytological monograph of the American species of Tradescantia." (Bot. Gaz. 97: 433-476, 32 figs., incl. maps.) With a table of chromosome numbers, and discussion of the morphology of various genera and species in Commelinaceae. ANDERSON, Edgar, and Hugh Carson CUTLER. 1942. "Races of Zea mays: I. their recognition and classification." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29: 69-88, illus.) A survey of interracial variability with a section on Mexican pyramidal maize (Zea hirta of Bonafous). For Part 2, see Acta Amer. 1943.

ANDERSON, Edward Frederick. 1958. "A recent field trip in search of Ariocarpus." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 0 ( 6 ) : 171-174, illus., map.) A Spanish version of the article was pubi, in (Cact. Succ. Mex. 3 ( 4 ) : 79-84, 1958), with the title "En busca de Ariocarpus." Description of a trip from the Big Bend Area in Texas through Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, and Querétaro; locations of areas where plants were found are given, as is a list of plants found with the Ariocarpus; the map shows distribution of the genus. A German translation. "Auf der suche nach Ariocarpus," by G. Kauppert, was published in (Kakt. And. Sukk. 1 0 ( 4 ) : 49-53, illus., map (1959).

ANDERSON, Edgar. 1943. "Races of Zea mays; II." (Acta Amer. 1 ( 1 ) : 58-68.) A discussion of general theories as to origin; the emphasis is on cytologic and genetic differences. For Part 1, see Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 1942. ANDERSON, Edgar, and Robert Hayward BARLOW. 1943a. "The maize tribute of Moctezuma's empire." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30: 413-420, illus.)

1960-1962. "A revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae)." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 47: 528-529, 34 figs., bibl.; 4 9 ( 6 ) : 615-622, illus.) The article was translated into German and published in (Kakt. And. Sukk. 12(9-10): 136-139, 148-152, illus., 1961). I. The status of the proposed genus Roseocactus. The genus proposed by Berger is considered a subgenus of Ariocarpus, as proposed by Marshall; into this the author puts the species A. fissuratus. A. retusus is placed in the subgenus Ariocarpus. A less technical version of the original article was published in (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 3 ( 4 ) : 122-127, illus., 1961 with the title "A study of the proposed genus Roseocactus." II. The status of the proposed genus Neogomesia. The genus is reduced to synonymy under Ariocarpus. A less technical version was published with the tide "A study of the proposed genus Neogomesia" in Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 5 ( 5 ) : 138-145, 1963. 1961. "Un estudio sobre el gènero propuesto Roseocactus." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6 ( 1 ) : 3-11, illus.) This is a slightly less technical version of the article published in 1960, q.v. ANDERSON, Hugh L. See WHITFIELD, Charles J. and ANDERSON, 1938.

With a list of provinces as they appear in the Codex Mendocino, the second part of which is a copy of the "matrícula de tributos." This is followed by a discussion of the size of the tribute, the interval of payment, and the area from which the tribute was collected. ANDERSON, Edgar. 1943b. "Some Indian uses of corn." (Gard. Club Amer. Bull. VIII 16: 18-19.) On Zea. 1944. "Notes on variation in Ttthonto* tubo^forTnis.** (Aww, IbtissotiTi Bot. Gard. 31: 239-240, diag.) Study conducted in San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México, on the variation in ray number, ray length, ray width, and corolla color in 20 plants. 1944a. "Maíz reventador." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 31:301-314, illus., map.) A study of plants from Jalisco, and their progeny cultivated in California, with a discussion of the distribution of the variety, past and present. 87



ANDERSON, Kate Peel. 1923. "Flowering trees and shrubs of the lower Rio Grande." ( Amer. For. 29: 351-358, 377, illus.) Description, common names, and some scientific names. ANDERSSEN, Julius. 1890. "Ueber die einfuehrung des sesam oel in Mexico." ( Mitt. Deut. Wiss. Ver. Mexico 1 ( 2 ) : 56-57.) Reports on the development of the industry by Wilhelm Frank around 1845; previously only small quantities of the plants were grown around Iguala.

1878. "Estudio sobre el Eucaliptus Thesis Univ. Puebla.

On Saccharum, Imperata, Miscanthus, and Erianthus; with a key for genera, and a synopsis and description of species. Imperata hookeri Rupr. is described as a new species from Mexico. 1857. "Slaegtet Trachtjpogon." (Oefver. Sv. Vet. Akad. Foer 14: 4552.) Includes a description of a new species, T. preslei from Mexico. 1860. "Salices boreali Americanae." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 4: 50-78.) A synopsis of North American willows, with descriptions of species and varieties. 1867. Monographia Salicum. Holmae, 180 p., 9 pl.-NNBG. (Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 6 ( 1 ) . ) Includes Mexican species. ANDES, Louis Edgar. 1896. Vegetable fats and oils. London, 1925, 4th ed., 415 p., 104 illus., ed by Herbert Birthwhistle Stocks. Trans, by Charles Salter from the German ed. of 1897. The original ed., entided Vegetabilische fette und oele, was pubi, in Wien, 1896. Table gives names of plants from which the materials are obtained, and the country of origin.

ANDRE, Edouard. 1861. "Le ceratozamier du Mexique." (Rev. Hort, (no vol. no.): 387-391, illus.) Description of Ceratozamia mexicana; mentions also Dion (sic) Lindley, Platyzamia Zucc., and Zamia muricata Willd. 1866. Les plantes a feuillage ornémental. Paris, 2d ed., 256 p., illus. Listed alphabetically by scientific names of the genus, with descriptions and list of important species, giving place of origin. 1872. "Le cierge géant du Mexique." (Illus. Hort. 19:262-264, illus.) Description, distribution, and use of Cereus gigantea Engelm. 1877. " L e Reana luxurians." (Illus. Hort. 24: 21.) Reports that Euchlaena mexicana is being cultivated under the name of R. luxurians. Reviews controversy of an earlier year; see Fournier earlier articles. 1878. "Distribution géographique des palmiers." (Illus. Hort. 25: 94-97.) Distribution is summarized by regions with the numbers of species in each; 80 are assigned to Mexico. 1887. "Fructification du Brahea nitida." (Rev. Hort. 59:344-346, illus. Repr. as Brahea nitida, in Bull. Soc. Tose. Ort. 12: 304306, illus., 1887.) "La patrie de cette plante ne nous est pas connue, mais tout porte a croire que c'est du Mexique qu'elle est originaire." 1889, "Le centenaire du Dahlia." (Rev. Hort. 61: 523-524; repr. as "El centenario de la Dalia," in Rev. Agr. 6: 277-278, 18901891.) Historical sketch, anticipating the anniversary in 1902. ( 1889a.) Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Paris, 118 p., 40 pi. including one map. Br. Mus. cites the date as ( 1891 ). "Description et histoire des Broméliacées recoltées dans la Colombie, l'Ecuador, et le Venezuela." 1901. "Agave langlassei." (Rev. Hort. 73: 349-350, illus.). Description of a new species received with Mexican orchids and bromeliads from M. Micheli. 1901a. "Pitcairnia micheliana." (Rev. Hort. 73:576-577, illus.) Description of a new species collected by Langlasse in Michoacân.

ANDOUARD, Ambroise. 1864. Etude sur les Convolvulacées purgatives. Paris, 83 p. Thesis on jalap, or mechoacán; covers history, description, uses, and early writers on the subject. ANDRACA, Antonio Flores. See FLORES ANDRACA, Antonio. See CERVERA ANDRADE, Ale-

ANDRADE, Francisco J . 1958. "La cera de candelilla de México." 150, illus., map.)

( Chapingo

Botany, distribution, and uses of Euphorbia

Puebla, 16 p.

ANDRADE, Vicente de Paula. See also ANAYA, Canuto, 1912; SANCHEZ de AGUILAR, Pedro, 1639. 1909. Alfajayucan. México, 20 p., 2d ed., corrected and enlarged; read at Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., Aug. 13 and Sept. 14, 1908.-NN. Quotes P. Ponce, franciscano, who wrote a report of a visit there in 1875, stating that the Indians live mainly on mezquite and maguey honey, which they trade for corn. 1911. Chilapa. México, 92 p. With a list of plants common in the region near Chilpancingo, in Guerrero. 1914. Mi excursion a Chiapas. Guadalupe Hidalgo, D. F., 114 p., bibl.; read in the Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., Jan. 15, Feb. 12, 1914.—Bibliot. Méx., Basave Coll. With references to plants seen on the way.

ANDERSSON, Nils Johan. 1855. "Om de med Saccharum beslaegtade genera." ( Oefv. Sv. Vet. Akad. Foer. 12: 151-167.)

ANDRADE, Alejandro Cervera. jandro.

(sic) globulus."

1 1 ( 7 1 ) : 121cerifera.

ANDRADE, José. 1863. "Memoria sobre el cultivo del algodón." ( Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 10: 619-659, 1 pl. in Vol. 11.) Repr. as a separate, México, 1865, 43 p. illus. and also in (Mexicano 1: 221, 229, 238, 245, 253, 262, 269, 278, 285, 294, 303, 1866, and in Cultivador, II, 1: 146, 174, 206, 252, 290, 337, 362, 397, 1875-1876, as "Cultivo del algodón"). See also Collantes, A. E., and J. Alfaro, 1870.

ANDREAE, W. See also HUEBNER, Wolfgang, 1932. 1950. "Kakteen." (Kosmos 46: 24-25, illus.) General article with good illustrations.

Includes history of the plant, its distribution and description, including varieties. ANDRADE, José María. See DIEZ de la CALLE, Juan, 1646; ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856.

ANDRES, Heinrich. 1910. "Die Pirolaceae des Aschersonschen Herbariums." (Abh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 52: 90-95.) With a key to 4 species of Monotropa and a discussion of M. coccinea from Mexico, which is made a subspecies. 1914. "Studien zur speziellen systematik der Pirolaceae." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 64: 45-50, 232-254, illus.) Subsektion II, Alefeldiana, includes species from Mexico.

ANDRADE, Manuel J. 1946. "Materials on the Huastec language." Microfilm Coli. Mss. Middle Amer. Cult. Anthrop., No. 9; at the Univ. Chicago. Introd. by Mark Hanna Watkins. The material consists of transcriptions (typed) of 23 records (from a collection of 32) and 9 notebooks (handwritten). Numerous vocabularies, some arranged alphabetically, are included.

1914(1915). "Piroleen-studien." (Abh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 56: 1-76, 194, illus., bibl. ) Covers morphology, geographic distribution (6 genera from

ANDRADE, Manuel Mesa. See MESA ANDRADE, Manuel. ANDRADE, Nemorio.



ANDRESEN Mexico), and taxonomy, with a summary of subfamilies, sections, subsections, tribes, subtribes, genera, and some species. 1923. "Studien zur speciellen svsteinatik der Pirolaceae." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 19: 209-224.) "Revision der gattung Ramischia Opiz," with a key, descriptions, and distribution. Includes Ramischia secunda and its var. elatior both from Mexico. ANDRESEN, John W„ and John Homer BEAMAN. 1961. "A new species of Pinus from Mexico." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 42: 437-441, illus.) P. culminicola from Cerro Potosí in Neuvo León. ANDREWS, E. C. 1913. "The development of the natural order Myrtaceae." (Proc. Linn. Soc. New S. Wales 38: 529-568.) With a section on distribution, in which a chart lists tropical America (not subdivided for detail), a section on earlier forms of Myrtaceae and their home, and a review of differentiation in the family since Cretaceous times. 1914. "The development and distribution of the natural order Leguminosae." (Proc. R. Soc. New S. Wales 48:333-407, bibl.) With a section which reviews the systematics of the family, another on geographic distribution in which North America exclusive of Mexico is listed and Mexico is completely omitted, one on the distribution of related genera, and one on the history of differentiation in the family since the Cretaceous area. Emphasis is on the Old World. ANDREWS, Enriqueta (also as Henrietta). 1950. Vocabulario Otomí de Tasquillo, Hidalgo. México, 82 p., illus. (by Catarina Voigtlander), map.—PPAP. 1954-1955. "Otomí place names in the state of México." (Rev. Mex. Est. Antrop. 1 4 ( 1 ) : 161-164.) Etymology of the names and their modern Mexican equivalents. ANDREWS, Henry C. 1797-1811 (1815?). The botanists' repository for new and rare plants. London, 10 vols. Reissued, 1816. For precise dates of publication, see Britten (Jour. Rot. 54: 236, 1916). Contains description, characteristics, history, and a plate to illustrate each plant. ANDREWS, Henry N(athaniel), and Paul H. ALLEN. 1947. "Epiphytes—plants of the tree tops." (Missouri Rot. Gard. Bull. 3 5 ( 7 ) : 151-160, illus.) A general article on structure, adaptations, and distribution; families with important representatives in the epiphytes are listed. ANDRIEUX. See also VILMORIN-ANDRIEUX. ANDRIEUX et COMPAGNIE, Vilmorin-. DRIEUX et COMPAGNIE.



ANDRUS, S. Glen. 1903. "The development of tropical agriculture." (Natl. Mag. 17: 485-492.) Mainly on agriculture in Mexico, with a discussion of the most important crops. ANDUAGA CALDERON, Matilde. 1947. "Estudio económico y social de la Huasteca Veracruzana." México, 166 p. Thesis ENE. With a section on agricultural products. ANGELES, Eleuterio Espinosa. See ESPINOSA ANGELES, Eleuterio. ANGELES, Roberto Villaseñor. Roberto.




ANGELES SANCHEZ, Artemio. 1950. "Informe médico zootécnico del distrito Villa Alta, Oaxaca." México, 44 p. Thesis ENMVZ. A list of plants, with common and scientific names, but with many errors, is included. ANGELY, Joáo, ed.


1956-1960. Catálogo e estatistica dos géneros fanerogámicos. Issued as a publication of the Inst. Paranense Bot., Curitiba, beginning with No. 1 in 1956 and reaching No. 52 (still in progress), in 1960. Data for each family are given by various contributors, for the complete list of whom, see the latest issue. ANGHIERA, Pietro Martire d\ See MARTIRE d'ANGHIERA, Pietro. ANGLERIA, Pedro Martyr de. See MARTIRE d'ANGHIERA, Pietro. ANGUIANO GOCHIT, Carlos. 1948. "El cultivo de la papa y sus problemas en el Estado de Guanajuato." Cd. Juárez, 59 p. Thesis EPA. On Solanum


ANGULO, Alvaro Pavia. See PAVIA ANGULO, Alvaro. ANGULO, Esteban. 1936. "El cultivo del garbanzo en Sinaloa." Cd. Juárez, 62 p. Thesis EPA. On Cicer. ANGULO, Josef Joachín. 1777. "Noticias de San Pedro Guiathoni del Obispado de Oaxaca." N.p., 5 lvs., ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 90, Col. P. y T. ANGULO, Josefina Garnica. See GARNICA ANGULO, Josefina. ANKERMANN, Fritz. 1927. "Die phylogenie der Monocotyledonen." (Bot. Arch. 19: 1-78, illus., bibl.) Based on morphology. ANTHONY, A. W. See BRANDEGEE, Townshend Stith, 1889; HANNA, G. Dallas, and ANTHONY, 1923. ANTHONY, Mrs. C. E. See BARRETT, Otis Warren, 1903. ANTHONY, Margery. 1954. "Ecology of the Opuntiae in the Big Bend region of Texas." (Ecology 35: 334-347, illus.) Description of the area, climate, and plant associations, with a table of the presence of Opuntias in various associations and a discussion of the factors influencing local distribution of Opuntiae. ANTHOS. 1896-1897. "El chilpanxochitl." (Rev. Agr. 12: 215-216.) Mainly on the medicinal uses of Lobelia laxiflora. ANTIGA y ESCOBAR, Juan. 1896. Estudio sobre el jequirity. Medical thesis on Abrus

México, 30 p.—BN Méx. precatorius.

ANTILLON, Antonio Piñón. See PINON ANTILLON, Antonio. ANTILLON, Isidore (Isidro) d'Atondo or Otondo. See OTONDO y ANTILLON, Isidore. ANTILLON A., Héctor. 1947. "El cultivo del manzano." Cd. Juárez, 50 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Malus (Pyrus) malus. ANTOINE, Franz. 1840-1841. Die Coniferen. Wien, 112 p., 11 parts, 55 (i.e. 56) p l DA. Includes history, descriptions, synonymy, and localities. 1884. Phyto-iconographie der Bromeliaceen. Wien, 54 p. 35 col. pi.— DA. On plants growing in the Royal Garden of Vienna; with explanatory text for the plates. ANTULO y BERMUDEZ, Angel de. 1787. "Sobre las propiedades medicinales del estafiate." (Gaz. Méx. 1: 193-194.) Plant is identified variously as Ambrosia, Artemisia, and Franseria. ANTUNEZ E., Diodoro, and Manuel MALDONADO KOERDELL. 1940. "Historia de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas." (Bol. Esc. Nac. Cieñe. Biol. Méx. 1 ( 1 ) : 21-25; ( 2 ) : 31-35, and ( 3 ) : 27-34, 1941; no more publ.)



ANTZ, Carolus Caesar. 1836. Tabaci historia-disse.tatio inaugurate. Berlin, 58 p., with a 4 p. biography of the author as an app. bibl.—NN. With a detailed history of the plant, and references to early writers.

ARA, Domingo de 1*. See ARA, Domingo de.

ANZA, Juan Bautista. See BOLTON, Herbert Eugene (18th cent.).

ARAEZ, Duarte Madeyra. See MADEIRA ARRAIS, Duarte.

ANZA ESQUIVEL, Francisco. 1939. "El cultivo del cacahuate y su industrialización." Cd. Juárez, 46 p. Thesis EPA. On Arachis.

ARAGO, Buenaventura. 188-1882. "Guia del cultivador." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 2:310-313; 3: 319, 336, 352, 381, 399, 433, 451, 463, 477, 541, 556, 573; 4: 10, 24, 45, 56, 74, 93, 142, 161, 212, 223, 2 3 9 . ) - L N H T With an elementary outline on botany and separate sections on special plants.

APPELIUS, Mario 1931. El águila de Chapultepec. Barcelona, 430 p., illus. Trans, by Gonzálo Calvo from the Italian. Original was not seen. Travel book, with an interesting description of the forest regions of Chiapas. APPUN, Karl Ferdinand. 1871. "Tropische vegetationsbilder." (Aus Allen Welttheilen 345, 356-361, illus.)

2: 342-

Based on northern South America, but plants described in great detail, with scientific names, are found, in large part, in Mexico. APT, F. W. 1921. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Mittelamerikanischen Smilaceen und sarsaparilldrogen." (Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 31: 155-178.) History, etymology, chemistry, pharmacology, and systematics; the latter section includes morphology, a key to Central American species, and descriptions with distribution. Three new species are described from Mexico: S. gymnopoda, S. kerberi, and S. ornata. The systematic section was reprinted in (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 18: 385-422, 1922). AQUINO ARAGON, Josefina. 1955. "Estudio de algunas plantas con propiedades afines." Oaxaca, 39 p., illus. Thesis, Univ. Oax. "Estilos de maíz" and Paletaria (Parietaria) officinalis as diuretics. ARA, Domingo de . See also GUZMAN, Alonso de, 1616. ARA, Domingo de (also cited as Hara, l'Ara and L a r a ) . c. 1571? "Bocabulario en lengua Tzeldal." Copanabastla ?, ms., 164 lvs. (327 p. with p. 225-232 missing). Original is at CU-B, with copies, at ICN and L N H T , made by Gates from the Collectione Americana of Brasseur de Bourbourg. From Tzeldal to Spanish; from p. 274 to the end there are excerpts of various kinds of information in Tzeldal. According to a ms. at Tulane by Alfredo Barrera Vázquez entitled, "Fray Antonio Aguilar, autor en lengua Tzeltal" ( 3 typed Ivs., Feb. 22, 1935) the real author is Aguilar. He bases this on the following inscription at the end of the ms.: "Sub correctione santae matris ( ? ) eclesiae (?) fr. Antonius Aguilar scripsit ad honorem Dey (Rey ?) et B. Mr." Another copy, by Alonso de Guzmán, entitled "Bocabulario de lengua Tzeldal," n. p., 1616. 244 p., is at CU-B, with copies at PU-M and ICN. For more information, see the letter from Adela C. Breton to G. B. Gordon, 1918, bound with the PU-M copy of the SpanishTzeldal vocabulary by Ara. ca. 1571a. "Vocabulario de la lengua Española y Tzeldal." Written at Copanabastla (where Ara died in 1571), ms., 198 lvs. This is probably the one listed as No. 33 in the Pinart sale catalogue. -PU. This is Spanish to Tzeldal; the companion volume, Tzeldal to Spanish, q.v., is at CU-B, with copies at ICN and L N H T . T h e copy seen is incomplete and ends with the letter V. The first four pages are in another hand, evidently supplied by Breton from the Guzmán copy, q.v. Details on the history of these vocabularies are given in a letter from Adela C. Breton to G. B. Gordon, 1918, bound with the Pu-M copy of this vocabulary. 1620. "Vocabulario en lengua Tzeldal." Taquinvitz, ms., 221 Ivs.— PU-Mu. Copied by Alonso de Guzmán; item is listed in PU catalogue under Pantaleón Guzmán. This vocabulary is complete to Z but does not have the note signed Aguilar (see Ara, 1571 ?). This is probably item No.

34 in the Pinart sale catalogue listed under Ara. For information on the history of the vocabularies, see letter from Adela C. Breton to G. B. Gordon, 1918, bound with the PU-Mu copy of the Spanish—Tzeldal vocabulary by Ara.

ARAGON, Agustín. See also GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1937. 1904. "Elogio de Don José Antonio Alzate y Ramírez." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Méx. Ani. Alzate 21: (Rev. Cient) 25-32.) Biography. 1941. "El Valle de Chilpancingo." México, 11 typed p. at SMGE. With some references to the plants in the area. ARAGON, Alfredo. 1921. "Le Mexique." (L'Echo Mex. 1 ( 1 ) : 2-4, ( 2 ) : 3-6, ( 3 ) : 13-14, illus.) From the book Le trofie international par le Mexique. With a section on the flora, arranged by uses; also a chart giving common names and scientific names, appropriate climate, and uses; one section is on cultivated crops. ARAGON, F. Barras y. See BARRAS y ARAGON, F. ARAGON, Jacobo. 1931. "Una planta silvestre." (Agronómica 1 ( 2 ) : 6-10.) "Que substituye ventajosamente al yute." On Sida rhombifolia, malvavisco, with reports on experiments carried out by Jenaro Montiel Olvera in San Luís Potosí. ARAGON, Josefina Aquino. See AQUINO ARAGON, Josefina. ARAGON, Manrique. n.d.( 1939?). El popalax. México, 21 p.-Bibliot. F. Guerra. A medical study of Brosimum galactodendron. ARAGON, Manuel. See also NICHOLLS, Henry Alfred Alford, 1891. 1898. "Farmacología y farmacia." (Farmacia 7 ( 4 ) : 73-77.) On various Mexican plants that produce harmful effects on man and animals. ARAGON, Salvador ( F . ? ) . See also MALOTTKY, Jorge et al, 1923. 1924. "Curtiduría." C. Juárez, 40 p. Thesis, EPA. With descriptions of plants used in tanning. ARAGON ARAGON, Jorge. 1945. "Contribución al estudio del problema forestal del Parque Nacional Cofre de Perote, Ver." México, 64 typed p., map. Thesis, ENA. With a chapter on the history and botany of the area. ARAGON GAMIOCHIPI, Altagracia. See also BACHSTEZ, Marcel and ARAGON, 1941. 1938. Contribución al estudio del arroz. México, 44 p. IB Méx. With the emphasis on chemistry and pharmacy. ARAGON LEIVA, Agustín. 1942. "El ingreso del Pbro. José Antonio de Alzate y Ramírez en la Academia Real de Ciencias de París." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 55: 191-212.) Includes the letter sent by Alzate on various Mexican plaDts, from Mexico to Paris; also a discussion of "el viaje a California del Abate Jean Chappe d'Auteroche." ARAGON LEIVA, Pablo. 1938. Apicultura moderna. México, 379 p., illus., bibl. A second ed. was pubi, in 1945. A chapter on "la flora melífera" contains a catalogue of honey plants, prepared by Luís López. This is divided into plants of cold and temperate climates, and those of warm climates, listed alphabetically by common names with scientific equivalents. ARAICO, José Remus. See PEREZ-CIRERA, Ramón and ARAICO, 1942.



ARAISA, Alejandro V. 1947. "El cultivo del naranjo en el Estado de Nuevo León." ( Rancho Méx. 3 ( 1 8 ) : 6-10, illus.; ( 1 9 ) : 17-20; ( 2 0 ) : 33-37; ( 2 1 ) : 4245, 80; ( 2 3 ) : 49-52, 61.) On Citrus aurantium.

ARCINIEGA, Anastasio. 1941. Tasquillo, Hidalgo—monografía del pueble. Bibliot. Públ. Pachuca. With a section on the flora.

ARAMBURO, Fernando. 1892. "Tecnología microscópica de fibras textiles." (Bol. Agr. Min. Ind. Méx. 2 ( 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7 ) : 275-298, 333, 265, 259, 271.) ARANA, María de los Angeles Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ ARANA, María de los Angeles.

ARCO G., Oscar del. 1948. "El cultivo del cacao en Pichucalco, Chiapas." (Invest. Econ. 8 ( 3 ) : 229-249.) With a history of its culture, and a description of the types cultivated.

ARCINIEGA, Ricardo Pozas. See POZAS ARCINIEGA, Ricardo.

ARANDA, Joachim (Joaquín) de. See VARIOUS, 1873. ARANDA DIAZ, Pedro. 1889. "La esparteina." (Estudio 1 ( 1 2 ) : 177-184.) The plant source, known as rétama ó esparto, as Spartium, Genista, or Spartiantus.

N.p., 48 p., illus.—

ARDAGH, John. See LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke, RENKEMA, H. W. and ARDAGH, 1928-1931.

ARDITTI, Joseph. 1961. "Cycnoches ventricosum Batem. var. chlorochilon (Klotzsch) P. H. Allen comb. nov. (Ceiba 9 ( 2 ) : 11-22, illus., bibl.) Description, classification, habitat, distribution, and culture.

is identified

ARANDES, Vicente Candel. See CANDEL ARANDES, Vicente.

ARDOIS, Germán Somolinos d\ Germán.

ARANGA, Jaime Jaramillo. See JARAMILLO ARANGA, Jaime. ARANGO, Andrés Posada-. See POSADA-ARANGO, Andrés.





ARANZUBIA, Ricardo de la Peña. See PENA ARANZUBIA, Ricardo de la.

ARECHIPA, Antonio Xavier de. cent. ).

ARAOZ, Fray Francisco Xavier de. 1598. "Vocabulario Mexicano." N.p., ms., 274 p.—LHNT. Gates gives the date as 1778, but at the end of the ms. the date written is 1598. Another ms. at ICN, attributed to Francisco Araoz, 236 p., 1598 is difficult to read in places. Perhaps this is the one listed by Viñaza of the same date, but 276 p.

See VARGAS REA, Luís (18th

ARELLANO, A. R. V. See VARIOUS, 1960 b. ARELLANO, Armando Lugo. See LUGO ARELLANO, Armando. ARELLANO, Cordelia Vega. See VEGA ARELLANO, Cordelia. ARELLANO, Genoveva Sigala. See SIGALA ARELLANO, Genoveva.



ARAUJO, Antonio Camacho. See CAMACHO ARAUJO, Antonio.

ARELLANO, Valente. See VARIOUS, 1960 b.

ARAUJO, Fulgencio. See VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 1796, 1798. ARBER, Agnes Robertson. See also SARGANT, Ethel and ARBER, 1905, 1915. 1925. Monocotyledons, a morphological study. Cambridge, England, 258 p., 1 pl., 160 fig. With a chapter on taxonomy, and its interpretation. 1934. The Gramineae. Cambridge, England, 480 p., 212 figs., bibl.— DA. With a chapter on cereals of the New World and one on maize. ARBER, Edward. See also CHILTON, John, 1565-1585; Richard, 1555; INGRAM, David, 1682.


ARELLANO BELLOC, Alejandro. 1932. "Cultivo del cocotero." Chapingo, 58 typed p., map. Thesis ENA. On Cocos nucífera. ARELLANO BELLOC, A., y F. ESPINOSA AGUILAR. 1939. La producción de uva en México. México, 80 p., charts; ms. is at SMGE. It was publ. by Banco Nac. Créd. Agrie.— BN Méx. With a description of the varieties. ARENAS, G. González. See GONZALEZ ARENAS, G.


ARENAS, Simón Osorio. See OSORIO ARENAS, Simón.

ARBOL y BONILLA, José. 1889. Memoria sobre la agricultura y sus productos en el Estado de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, 168 p.—DWB. A general description of the area is followed by a consideration of the production of native plants, in general. A third section considers specific plants: sugar, grapes, maguey, and mescal. A special section on maize provides a table and keys to varieties of maize. In addition, there is a list of plants, cited by common and scientific names, a list of fruits and vegetables, and a list of trees of the warm and of the cold regions.

ARENAS BOLANOS, Virginia. 1938. "Digital." Oaxaca, 14 typed p. Thesis. Bibliot. Públ. Oaxaca. ARENDALE, Sarah Kahlder. See VINES, Robert A., 1960. ARENDT, Paul? 1891-1892. "Anhalonium lewinii Hennings." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 1: 93-94, illus. facing p. 90. ) Publ. anonymously. Quotes description from Gartenflora (see Hennings), but says the illustration here given is from fresh material, while the first illustration was from dried material. 1891-1892a. "Einteilung der kakteen nach dem Salmschen system." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 1: 156-167.) Publ. anonymously. Divided into two main groups: Cacteae tubulosae and Cacteae rotatae; then into tribes, genera, groups, and species. ARENES, J. 1948. "Sur trois genres Américains de Malpighiacées étrangers a flore Malgache." (Not. Syst. 1 3 ( 3 ) : 165-166.) Echinopterys eglandulosa (Juss.) Small, Galphimia angustífolia Benth var. oblongifolia (A. Gray) Nied., and Janusía scandens (Dub. et Dop.) J. Ar. were attributed to the Madagascar flora through incorrect labeling of some specimens sent from Kew to Paris. AREVALO, Antonio Sánchez. See SANCHEZ AREVALO, Antonio. AREVALO, Ricardo. See also VILLADA, Manuel M., 1891-1892. 1887. "Estudio sobre la corteza de copalchi." ( Nueva Recop. Monog. in An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 66-70, 1897); publ. originally as a separate, México, 1887. On Croton niveus.

1894. Guía del professor sobre ciencias físicas y naturales. Zacatecas, 2 vols. (473 p., 544 p. ).-Bibliot. M. Maldonado. With a section on botany in vol. 1, and a section on useful plants and agriculture in vol. 2. ARCANGELI, Giovanni. 1891. "Nettarii fiorali mostruosità e processo d'impolinazione nel Sechium edule." (Nuovo Gior. Bot. Ital. 23: 338-342.) ARCE, Esther Quintero. See QUINTERO ARCE, Esther. ARCEO MOLINA, José. 1940. "Cultivo é industrialización del cocotero." Cd. Juárez, 60 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Cocos nucífera. ARCH, Juan Montserrat y. See MONTSERRAT y ARCH, Juan. ARCHER, Thomas Croxen. 1865. Profitable plants. London, 359 p., 20 col. pl.-MoBG. Plants are classified according to use with common and scientific names, family, place of origin, description, and use. 91




AREVALO VAZQUEZ, Arturo. 1951. Monografía de San Fernando. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 24 p.— — — Bibliot. Frans Blom. With a brief section on flowers, by common names only. ARGENTA, Vicente Martin de. See MARTIN de ARGENTA, Vicente. ARGUELLES, Adalberto J. 1910. Reseña del Estado de Tamaulipas. Cd. Victoria, 326 p., illus. A chapter on the flora contains a list of plants, classified according to families, with common and scientific names. Lists are also given, classified according to use; e.g., fruits, ornamental plants, medicinal plants. In the latter, plants are cited with common and scientific names. One chapter is devoted to crop plants; from this the section on cotton was reproduced in Agr. Mex. 31: 40-42, 1911. ARGUELLES, Joseph Montes. See MONTES ARGUELLES, Joseph. ARIAS, Alfonso Contreras. See CONTRERAS ARIAS, Alfonso. ARIAS, Antonio Sandalio de. See SANDALIO de ARIAS, Antonio. ARIAS, Carlos Chávez. See CHAVEZ ARIAS, Carlos. ARIAS CARVAJAL, Pío. n.d. Plantas que curan y plantas que matan. México, 288 p., illus., Barcelona ed., 367 p., 1911 ( DLC ). With lists of plants, their descriptions, and useful or harmful effects. ARIAS de BENAVIDES, Pedro. 1567. Secretos de chirurgia. Valladolid, 165 lvs.—NNH. Chapters on many American plants—gargaparrilla, guayacán, ruybarbo de la Indias, rayzes del Mechoacán, bálsamo de la Indias, azeyte de liquidambar, tequemahaca (tacamahaca), maguey, tunas, etc. ARIAS LUXAN, Pedro. See VARIOUS (1579-1581). ARIAS PORTILLO, Pedro. n.d. (1944?). "La región devastada por el Volcán de Paricutín." N.p., 69 typed p., 12 photos., map, charts. Thesis ENA. With a list of the trees of the region, cited by common and scientific names. ARIAS y SAAVEDRA, Antonio. See SANTOSCOY, Alberto, 16491769. ARIES, Robert S. and José SERRANO, Jr. 1947. "Summary of Mexican paper industry." (Paper Indust. World 2 9 ( 1 ) : 69-71.) One table gives the areas of pine timber, by states.


ARIZMENDI, Andrés Buenaventura de Elexalde. See E L E X A L D E ARIZMENDI, Andrés Buenaventura de. ARJONA DIAZ, Altagracia. 1906. "Estudio sobre el cordobán." Oaxaca, 23 p. Thesis. Inst. Oaxaca. On Pedilanthus pavonis, emphasizing the chemistry. A study of gross morphology and anatomy is included. ARJONA P., Francisco. 1923. "Ligeras consideraciones sobre las quinas." Thesis Chem., UNAM. On plants used as a source of quinine.

México, 20 p.

ARJONA REYES, Vicente. 1933. "Moderne Mexikanische flechtarbeiten nach alten Vorbildern." (Faserforschung 1 0 ( 2 ) : 122-129.) Trans, by Victor A. Reko. Description of types of braiding and discussion of the materials used: henequén, lechuguilla, zapupe, various palms (with common and scientific names), various bromeliads (with common and scientific names), Abutilón triquestrum (pelotazo), and Heliocarpus (jonote). ARMAS, Isais. 1897. "Vocabulario breve de la lengua Maya." N.p., ms., 53 lvs.— LNHT. With a separate list for plants, ff. 49-52. ARMAS, Juan Ignacio de. See ZAYAS ENRIQUEZ, R„ 1883. ARMAS, Julio Oliva de. See OLIVA de ARMAS, Julio.

ARMENDARIS, Eduardo. See ARMENDARIZ, Eduardo. ARMENDARIZ, Eduardo. See abo ALTAMIRANO, F„ 1893; 1904c; VARIOUS, 1895 (1897); 1895-1908; VILLADA, Manuel M„ 1914. 1892. "Análisis de las semillas de yoloxochitl." (Estudio 4 ( 8 ) : 248251.) Study of Talauma mexicana with the emphasis on the chemistry. 1893. "Una nueva aplicación de la fotografía." (Naturaleza II, 2: 324.) On taking pictures of cross sections of roots of jicama de Aureliano Rivera (not identified or described); the plant is suggested as a cure for typhus. 1894. "Simonillo." (An. Inst. Med. Nac. Méx. 1: 225-227.) On Conyza filaginoides; includes a histologic study of the plant by A. Cano y Alcacio, on p. 226. 1894a. "Apuntes acerca de una contra hierba en México." (Naturaleza II, 2: 380-382.) Also in (Gac. Méd. Méx. III, 9: 187191, 1914). On Psoralea pentaphylla, with a description and a study of its chemical composition. 1895. Datos para la materia médica Mexicana. México. Part 1 (see main entry under Various, 1895-1908), illus. Armendaris did the following: el inguande (Bocconia arbórea), p. 5-33; el cuachichi (Garrya racemosa), p. 183-192; la raíz del oso (Valeriana ceratophylla), p. 201-209; los cuajiotes, (Bursera sp. ), p. 375-388. ARMENDARIZ, Eduardo, & Manuel M. VILLADA. 1897. "Necesidad de la conservación de los bosques." (Naturaleza II, 2: 3-10, app. ) (ARMENDARIZ?, E . ) 1904. "Lista de las negativas de las plantas del Herbario del Instituto." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6: (part 2 ) : 102-105.) The work is cited by Guerra under the name Vergara Lope; it was publ. anonymously. Negatives are numbered 223-288, with 4 or more plants on a negative. 1904a. "La pinguica." In Informe que rinde (al Sr. Sec. Fom.) el Director del Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx.: 54-65. On Arctostaphylos. 1906. "Algunos garbancillos de México." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 8: 213-219.) Repr. in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 32: 82-85, 1908). Descriptions of Lupinus leonensis, Astragalus humboldtii, an unidentified Astragalus, and an unidentified Brongniartia. Emphasis is on the chemistry of the plants, "desde el punto de vista de su acción tóxica." 1912. "Apuntes para el estudio del tabaquillo." (Gac. Méd. Méx. III, 7: 667-674.) Identified as Calamintha


ARMENDARIZ, José Morales. See MORALES ARMENDARIZ, José. ARMENGOL, Luís Granier. See GRANIER ARMENGOL, Luís. ARMER, Laura Adams. 1934. Cactus. New York, 102 p., 50 illus. by Sidney Armer. Descriptions of selected plants, each with common name, habitat, and culture. ARMER, Sidney. See ARMER, Laura Adams, 1934. ARMILLAS, Pedro. See also WEST, Robert C., and ARMILLAS, 1950. 1949. "Un pueblo de artesanos en la Sierra Madre del Sur, Estado de Guerrero." (Amér. Indig. 9: 237-244, illus.) With information about the plants used in pottery making; common names are given for most, with scientific names for some. 1949a. "Notas sobre sistemas de cultivo en Mesoamérica." (An. Inst. Nac. Ant. Hist. Méx. (for 1947-1948), VI, 3: 85-113.) "Cultivos de riego y humedad" (those lands which are periodically inundated) "en la cuenca del Rio de las Balsas"; with discussion of the plants suited for each method; special attention is given to irrigated crops. A table of plants cultivated in the Balsas basin, 1469-1586, is also included.


ARMIN ARMIN, Th. See WITTER, Marina Krebs, 1865. ARMSTRONG, W. C. 1937. "Cactus native to Mexico." (Cad. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 3 ) : 40-41.) Photographs of 34 different species. ARNAO, Vicente Gonzalez. See GONZALEZ ARNAO, Vicente. ARNOLD, Channing, and FROST, Frederick J. Tabor. 1909. The American Egypt. New York, 391 p., illus. With one chapter on the flora and fauna, and another especially on henequen. ARNOLD, Chester Arthur. See also GUNDERSEN, Alfred, 1950. 1953. "Origin and relationship of the cycads." (Phytomorphology 3: 51-65, illus., bibl. ) Reviews the history of studies of the group, and its distribution, past and present. ARNOLD, Paul. 1955. "Achimenes mexicana." (Baileya 3: 168-171, illus.) Clarification of the nomenclature and synonymy. ARNOTT, George Arnott Walker. See also HOOKER, William Jackson and ARNOTT 1830-1841. ARNOTT, George Arnott Walker, and Joannis ROEPER. 1834. "Historia Balsaminearum systematica." (Linnaea 9: 112-124, illus.) A general study. ARNOTT, G. A. Walker. 1841. "On the Cucurbitaceae." (Jour. Bot. 3: 271-280.) A taxonomic arrangement of the family, down to genera, with some of the species listed. ARNOTT, Howard J. 1962. "The seed, germination, and seedling of Yucca." ( Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 35(1): 1-64, 33 pl., 213 figs., bibl.) (ARPI, Mario d'), pseud. 1924. Messico. Bergamo, 182 p., 147 illus., 2 color pl., 2 maps.—NN. With a section on the native flora and one on agriculture. According to editor of L'Echo du Mexique 5 ( 5 7 ) : 4, 1925, "l'annee dernière a paru en Italie un livre intitulé 'Messico' écrit par Mario d'Arpi, pseudonyme d'une haute personalité Mexicaine dont nous ne sommes malheureusement pas autorisés a révéler le nom." ARQUIMBAU, Ramón Masferrer y. See MASFERRER y ARQUIMBAU, Ramón. ARRAEZ, Duarte Madeira. See MADEIRA ARRAIS, Duarte. ARRAIS ( ARRAIZ), Duarte Madeira. See MADEIRA ARRAIS, Duarte. ARRANGOIZ, Francisco de. See WILLIAMS, John Jay, 1852. ARREDONDO ESPINOSA, Juana. 1933. Estudio de la Datura arbórea. México, 56 p.—IB Méx. ARREGUI, Domingo Lázaro de. ( 17th cent. ). Descripción de la Nueva Galicia. Sevilla, 1946, 161 p., maps; ed. by François Chevalier; prol. by John Van Home. Publ. Esc. Est. Hisp. Amer., Univ. Sevilla No. 24 ( Ser 3, No. •3). A 17th-century work with a brief section on agriculture and one on native plants. The editor's notes give scientific names for some of the plants. ARREOLA, José Maria. 1934. "Tres vocabularios dialectales de México." (Inv. Ling. 2 ( 5 ) : 428-443). Two for Jalisco; one for Colima. 1935-1936. "Nombres indígenas de lugares del Estado de Jalisco." (Bol. Junta Aux. Jal., Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 4: 1-27.) "Estudio etimológico." ARREOLA RAMOS, Héctor. 1952. "Cultivo del algodón en Cd. Jiménez, Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 46 p. Thesis EPA. On Gossypium.


ARREOLA RAMOS, José. 1950. "Cultivo del frijol." Cd. Juárez, 59 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Phaseolus. ARRIAGA, Antonio. See also VARGAS REA, Luís (18th cent.). 1959. "El Doctor Nicolás León y el Muséo Michoacano." (An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Méx. 12(41): 33-38, port.) ARRIAGA, Francisco Javier. 1873. Expediente geográfico-estadístico del distrito de Zacapoaxtla. México, 43 p.—Libr. Porrua. With a section on geography by Francisco Lobato y Huerta, which includes lists of timber trees, medicinal plants, and fruits. ARRIAGA, Francisco Solórzano. See SOLORZANO ARRIAGA, Francisco. 1899. "El Valle de Tenango y Tenango del Valle." (Bol. Cient. Lit. Porfirio Diaz Edo. Méx. 2 (5-8): 62-63, 75-76, 90-91, 105-106.) Is this José Joaquín? With a list of plants for the area, classified according to uses, giving the common name, family, genus, and species. ARRIAGA, José Joaquín. 1871-1879. La ciencia recreativa. México, 12 vols, (fide León) The latter gives the date as 1874. Volume 1 consists of 16 pamphlets, of which the last, 41 p. is entitled La vida de las flores. In Vol. 2, No. 9, 36 p., is on Flores y frutos; No. 16, Bosques y campiñas, 32 p. Other pamphlets relating to botany (vol. number is missing) are: Nutrición del vegetal, 40 p., Los misterios de la flor, 35 p., El polen, el óvulo, el grano, 34 p., Las grandes familias vegetales, 39 p. The first 3 pamphlets are at SMGE. (Records were not kept as to the location of the other pamphlets.) 1887. "Cultivo del lúpulo." (Mem. Sría. Fom. Méx. 3: 352-358.) On Humulus lupulus. 1896. "Estudio relativo a la conservación y explotación de los bosques." (Anu. Acad. Méx. Cieñe. Ex. Fis. Nat. 2: 41-68.) ARRIAGA GARCIA de LEON, Consuelo. 1946. "La higuerilla." Morelia, 49 p. Thesis, Univ. Mich. Arch. On Ricinus. ARRIGUNAGA, Manuel de, y Pedro M. de REGIL. 1907. "El cultivo del zapupe en el cantón de Tuxpan." (Agricultor 1 ( 1 ) : 9-11.) Plant identified as Bromelia pinguin, is used like henequen. On p. 20 a letter from A. L. Herrera states that zapupe is not Bromelia, but Agave; another letter from him 1(11): 167-168 continues the discussion as to the identity of the plants. ARRONIZ, Joaquín, hijo. See also ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905. 1869. "La costa de Sotavento, Veracruz." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 524-532.) With only brief references to plants. ARRONIZ, Marcos. 1857. Manual de biografía Mexicana. Paris, New York, 317 p. Arranged alphabetically; includes Alamán, Alzate, Miguel Bustamante y Septiem, and Clavigero. 1858. Manuel del viajero en Méjico, Paris, 298 p., map. Many references to plants in chapter 1. ARROYO, Antonio Zacatecas. See ZACATECAS ARROYO, Antonio. ARROYO, Javier Irigoyen. See IRIGOYEN ARROYO, Javier. ARROYO, Joan de Magaña. See MAGAÑA ARROYO, Joan de. ARROYO, Juan P. 1942. Geografía del Estado de Morelos. México, 165 p., illus.—SEd. Méx. With a brief list of native and introduced plants, and some references to medicinal and poisonous plants. ARROYO, Victor Manuel. See ORTEGA MARTINEZ, Alfonso and McINTOSH, 1956. ARROYO PEREZ, Fausto. 1932. "Estudio de la Eysenhardtia." México, 48 p.—IB Méx. On Eysenhardtia polystachya Ort. or E. amorphoides H.B.K.




ARROYO TOLEDO, Manuel. 1944. "Cultivo é industrialización del cocotero en la región Xkalac, Q. Roo." Chapingo, 120 p., illus. Thesis ENA. On Cocos nucífera.


ARROYO y ARROYO, Esther. 1935. Estudio del camachín. México, 39 p.—IB Méx. On a latex-producing plant, identified as Ficus padifolia, ó chÜte. Chiite is usually identified as a species of Jatropha. ARTEAGA, Diego Pérez de. See PEREZ de ARTEAGA, Diego. ARTEAGA, Ramón. 1893. El azafrán. México, 9 p.-Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Crocus sativus.

ARTHUR, Joseph Charles. See also STANDLEY, Paul C., and CALDERON, 1925? 1912. "Shorter notes." ( Torreya 12: 33-34.) Transfers Gentiana mexicana to Amarella. 1919. "New names for species of phanerogams." (Torreya 19: 48-49.) Transfers Zeugites hartwegi Fourn. to Senites and Gentiana spathacea H.B.K, to Dasystephana. 1921. "New combinations for phanerogamic names." ( Torreya 21: 11-12.) Transfers 3 species of Gonolobus to Vincetoxicum. 1924. "New combinations." ( Torreya 24: 52.) Transfers Euphorbia macropodoides Rob. and Greenm. to Zygophyllidium and Tradescantia pringlei S. Wats, to Commelinantia. ARTIGAS, Gustavo R. 1880. "Estudio sobre la flor de Noche Buena." (Naturaleza 7: 2229, 1884. Repr. in Monog. Méx., in Estudio 3 ( A p p . ) : 93-99, 1890. ) León cites a separate, México, 1880, 24 p. On Euphorbia pulcherrima, with the emphasis on the chemistry. A French version by Henri-Bocquillon-Limousin was published in Paris, 1893, on p. 25-33 of a work entitled Travaux publiés par El Estudio, edition Française (travaux de matière médicale et de botanique pure) sections 1 and 2, deuxième fascicule. ARTSCHWANGER, Ernst. 1943. "Contribution to the morphology and anatomy of guayule— Parthenium argentatum." ( U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. # 8 4 2 , 33 p., 23 pl.; drawings by Eugenia Artschwanger.) ARTSCHWANGER, Eugenia. See ARTSCHWANGER, Ernst, 1943. ARVERS, Louis Alexandre. 1815. "Essai sur le tabac." Paris, 32 p., thesis.—DNLM. The first section is on the natural history of the plant.

Identified as Datura


Morelia, 21 typed p.

Thesis Univ.


ASCENSION AGUILERA, José. See AGUILERA, José Ascensión. ASCHERSON, Paul (also as Pal), Friedrich August. See also BERNOULLI, Gustav, 1871; GRAEBNER, Paul, 1910; MATZ, A. and ASCHERSON, 1900; M I C H E L E T T I , L., 1901. 1876. "Ueber Euchlaena luxurians Dur. et Asch." (Sitzungsb. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 19: 25-28.) Changes Reana luxurians of Durieu to Euchlaena, describes it, and differentiates it from E. mexicana. 1876a. "Ueber Euchlaena mexicana Schrad." (Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 17: 76-80.) Discussion of the plant as a bridge between Zea and Tripsacum. 1877. "Note sur le genre Euchlaena." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 1 4 ) : 105-108.) A discussion of its structure and relationships. 1877a. "A kukorica (Zea mays L.) Rokonságáról." (Magyar Nòvénytani Lapok: 19-21.) Cited by Harshberger as "Die botanische verwandtschaft der mais." 1891. "Springende bohnen aus Mexico." (Verh. Bot. Ver. Brand. 32 : xxxvi-xxxvii. ) With a brief reference to the work of Buchenau, q.v. 1894. "Solanum rostratum Dun." (Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 35: xliii-xlv. ) On the introduction of the plant into Europe. ASCHERSON, Paul (Friedrich August), Paul GRAEBNER, and Paul GRAEBNER, f. 1896-1939. Synopsis der mitteleuropaeischen flora. Leipzig, 12 vols. —PPAN. Cont. after Ascherson's death by the Graebners. Footnotes give biographies of various collectors for whom the plants are named and among whom are the following: Berlandier, 5 ( 1 ) : 80, 1913; Botteri, 4: 13, 1908; Hartweg, 3: 49, 1905; Linden, 3 : 9 1 0 , 1907 and 5 ( 1 ) : 370, 1914; and Ehrenberg, 3: 431, 1906. ASCHMANN, Herman P. (is this Pedro?).

ARVET-TOUVET, Casimir (full name Jean Maurice Casimir). 1881. Spicilegium rariorum vel novarum Hieraciorum, praecipue Americanorum et Europaeorum. Grenoble, 36 p. Suppl. 1 and 2, 1886, continue the paging to 52. A summ, of the first part appeared in (Bot. Jahresb. 9 ( 2 ) : 120-121, 1881). Descriptions of two new Mexican species are included: Hieracium pavonianum and H. orizabaeum. 1897. "Elenchus Hieraciorum novorum." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 1: 90-104.) H. tolucanum and H. intybiforme of Mexico are included. 1897a. "Sur un nouveau genre de Chicoracées." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 1: 105-106, illus.) Crepidopsis mexicana from Chihuahua. 1899. "Description de deux éspèces nouvelles du genre Hieracium." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 3: 27-28.) H. bulbisetum (H. frigidum of Pringle) is included. de la Castela

Chemical study of Randia ASCENSION, Consuelo. 1931. "Datura estramonio." Michoacán, Arch.

ARTEE, Alejandro, Jr. 1943. "Cultivo del tomate en el valle de El Fuerte." Cd. Juárez, 38 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Lycopersicum.

ARZAC-BEHNKEN, Ana Maria. 1929. Investigación de los efectos terapéuticos

soni en la poliartritis amibiana. México, 29 p.—IB Méx. Identified also as Castela texana Torr. and Gray. ARZAC-BEHNKEN, María de los Angeles. 1934. "Estudio comparativo de la Erythrina americana con el curare." México, 47 p. Thesis Pharm. Chemical study. ARZANI, Lilia. 1929. Estudio del limón cruceto. México, 27 p.


1962. Castellano-Totonaco; Totonaco-Castellano. illus. "Dialecto de la Sierra Norte de Puebla."


171 p.,

ASCHMANN, Homer (full name Howard Homer). See also JAEGER, Edmund C., 1955. 1952. "A primitive food preparation technique in Baja California." (Southw. Jour. Anthrop. 8 ( 1 ) : 36-39.) Based on a passage taken from a manuscript transcript, at Berkeley, of a manuscript entitled "Descripción de la California" (1791?). T h e passage is supposed to be from an anonymous appendix sent to Spain with a ms. prepared by Padre Fernando Consag, in 1742. The whereabouts of the appendix are at present unknown. The passage describes the preparation of a kind of meal, by parching and popping the seeds of Antigonon leptopus, flor de San Miguel. 1957. "The introduction of date palms into Baja California." (Econ. Bot. 11: 174-177, illus.) Decides that 1765 is a more likely date than the usually accepted 1730.

ASCHMANN 1959. "The central desert of Baja California." ( I b e r o Americana 42: 1-82, 16 pi., 9 maps, 10 figs., bibl.) In the section on physical characteristics of the area, the vegetation is discussed on p. 8-21, with distribution maps of 8 outstanding plants. Plants are cited by common names, with scientific names for most. In the section on ecology, plants used for foods are discussed on p. 61-66, and on p. 79-93 there is a classified catalogue of plants used as food. Some are arranged by family, some according to the part of the plant used. In other sections, plants used for other purposes are mentioned by common names only. ASCHMANN, Pedro (is this Herman P.?). 1949. Vocabulario de la lengua Totonaca. México, 2d ed., 1956, 52 p.-Inst. Ling. Ver. First ed., 1949. Totonaco to Español. ASENSIO, Gaspar. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (15791582). ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María. See also LA TORRE, Germán (1579-1581) a. ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, ed. (1579). Relaciones de Yucatán. In Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españoles de Ultramar, II, vol. 11, 1898, vol. 13, 1900. Some of these "relaciones" were publ. also by German La Torre, q.v. All were written in 1579. The above collection, which was edited by José María Asensio y Toledo, contains the following reports: (those which are starred contain botanical data). "Mérida, by Martín de Palomar. "Mutul, by Francisco de Bracamonte (for Martín de Palomar). "Hocaba, by Melchor Pacheco. "Cotuta, (also as Zotuta) y Tibolón, by Joan de Magaña. "Tequite, by Hernando de Bracamonte. Tecauto y Tepagán, by Cristobal Sánchez. Cacalchén, Yaxa, Cihunchén, (Zihunchén) by Francisco Tamayo Pacheco. "Cinanche ó Cacanche (Cananche) y Egum, by Joan de la Cámara. Chunchuchu y Taby, by Pedro García. Can, Panabachén, y Mona, by Alonso Rosado. "Mama, by Joan de Aguilar. Tecal, by Diego Briceno. "Tahzib, by Joan de Magaña Arroyo. Cancacabo, also as Canzacabo, by Cristóbal de San Martín. Cicontum, also as Zizontum, by Martín Sánchez. Quizil y Sitipeche, by Joan de Paredes. Quitelcam, also as Quitelcum, y Cabiche, by Ynigo Nieto. Oscuzcas, by Hernando Muñoz Capata (Zapata). Cucal (Susal) y Chalante, by Alonso de Rrojas. "Quinacama ó Moxopipi, by Pedro de Santillana. Isamal y Santa María, by Juan de la Cueva Santillán. Camahil (Zamahil) y Calamud, by Rodrigo Alvarez. Choburna, Unacama, Tizcoco, Nolo, Mococha y Tabucoz, by Diego de Santillán. The first 2 are also cited as Chubulna and Hunacama. Teav y Tec, also as Tiab and Tiec, y Tiscolum, by Juan Bote. "Tetzal y Temax, by Julian Alonso. "Provincia de Tabasco, by Melchor Alfaro. Also in Archivos de Tabasco, by Manuel Mestre Ghigliazza, 1907, 9-26, q.v. "La Villa de Santa María de la Victoria, by Diego Alver de Soria. Also in Arch. Tabasco, by Manuel Mestre Ghigliazza, 1907, p. 27-50, q.v. Closes with a vocabulary of Maya and Mexican terms. All the above are in volume 11. Those which follow are in volume 13. "Valladolid, by Diego Sarmiento de Figueroa. (See also note at end.)

ASTUDILLO Popola y Sinsimato y Samiol, by the same author. "Nabalon, Tahcabo y la Isla de Cogumel, by Diego de Contreras. Chuaca y Chechimila, by Juan de Urrutia. Guayma y Cantarique, by Juan Vellido. Quiquil, by Francisco de Cárdenas. Tecoco, Tecay y Cosil (Zozil), by Diego Osorio Maldonado. Tishotzuco y Chiquincenote, by Antonio Méndez. "Cucopo, (Zucopo) by Juan Rodríguez, el viejo. Ixumul y Tecuche, by Blas González. "Temul, by Juan de Benavides. Cismopo (Zismopo), by Juan de Benavides. Tenum y Temogón (Temozón), by Juan Cano, el viejo. Xoquén, by Salvador Corzo. "Pizoy, by Esteban González de Najera. Cacalac y Tancuy, by Pedro de Valencia. Zozil y Tecay, by Juan Darreigosa. Tiquibalón, by Juan Gutiérrez Picón. Temocón, by Diego de Burgos Cansino. Yalcón, by Joan Farfán, el mozo. Tecon y Ecabo, by Juan de Cárdenas. "Campocolche y Chochola, by Juan Farfán el viejo. "Cama, also as Zama, by Juan Martín. "Dohot y Tetzimín, by Giraldo Diaz de Alpuche (also as d'Alpuche). Cicab, also as Zicab, by Alonso de Villanueva. "Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, from Diego de Landa. The relación on Villadolid was also published by Sebastián Marimón in (Actas IV Cong. Intern. Americ. 2: 166-195, 18821884). ASHBY, Eric. 1932. "Transpiratory organs of Larrea tridentata and their ecological significance." (Ecology 13: 182-188, 3 figs.) ASIAIN, Lamberto. See ALEJANDRE, Marcelo, 1890. ASPA, Antonio de. See ALVAREZ CHANCA, Diego (1494). ASPLUND, Erik. 1954. "Carex hultenii n. sp." (St). Bot. Tidskr. 4 8 ( 1 ) : 95-98, illus.) From the state of Puebla. ASPREY, G. F „ and R. G. ROBBINS. 1953. "The vegetation of Jamaica." (Ecol. Monog. 23:359-412, 39 figs. incl. maps, bibl.) Includes geology, climate, floristic studies, relationships of the flora, community studies arranged by associations, floristic composition of the different associations, and a check list of the plants. ASSIAYN, Salvador Domínguez. See DOMINGUEZ ASSIAYN, Salvador. ASSO y del RIO, Ignacio Jordán de. See abo LOEFLING, Per (Peter) 1758. 1793. Hispaniensium atque exterorum epistolae. Caesaraugustae [Saragossa (Zaragoza)], 111 p.—MB. The preface, p. 3-36, discusses various Spanish writers on medicinal plants, among whom are Gundinsalvo (sic) Fernández de Oviedo, Monardes, Hernández, Ximénez, and Cavanilles. Pages 53-69 are entitled "Cartas del doctor Juan de Castañeda;" in these the latter lists plants "que años pasados han traído aquí de Indias y otras que con esta flota han venido." The letters are written to L'Ecluse and describe plants being shipped to the latter by Castañeda in Sevilla. There are 14 letters in all, dated 1601, 1602, and 1604. ASTINA, Nicolás de Morales y. See MORALES y ASTINA, Nicolás de. ASTUDILLO, Elias E. 1938. "El cultivo del chayóte." (Agr. Mex. 54 ( 1 0 ) : 21-28.) On Sechium. 1939. "Cítricos." (Agr. Mac. 5 5 ( 2 ) : 25-32; ( 4 / 5 ) : 21-27.) Also in (Bol. Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez No. 43-44, 8 p. each, n.d.). On Citrus.



ASTUDILLO—continued 1939a. "Guayaba." (Agr. Méx. 5 5 ( 4 ) : 1-11.) On Psidium. 1939b. "La chía." (Agr. Méx. 5 5 ( 1 0 ) : 25-28.) On a species of Salvia.

1894. Cultivo y explotación del naranjo. México, 51 p.—DA. Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 4 ( 2 ) : 3-46, 1894). Description and classification; the emphasis is mainly on culture and uses.

ASTURIAS, Miguel Angel. See ANONYMOUS, 1857a. ASUNSOLO VILLALOBOS, José. 1949. "Cultivo de la vid en la región de Delicias, Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 102 p. Thesis EPA. On Vitis. ATABEKOVA, A. I. 1959. "Polyploidie spontanée du Lupinus (Tourn. ) L . " (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 11.) Divides the genus into two caryologic groups: Mediterranean and American; in the first the basic chromosome number is 5 and in the second it is 6. ATCHISON, Earlene. 1947. "Chromosome numbers in the Myrtaceae." {Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 4 ( 3 ) : 159-164, illus.) 1947a. "Studies in the Leguminosae I . " (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 4 ( 8 ) : 407-414, illus.) Gives the chromosome numbers in Erythrina L.; one species is cited from Mexico: E. americana Mill., from Morelos. 1948. "Studies in the Leguminosae III—Cytogeography of Acacia (Tourn.) L . " (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 5 ( 1 0 ) : 651-655, map.) Map shows the distribution of diploid and polyploid forms of Acacia; a table of chromosome numbers is given for 3 8 species and varieties. 1949. "Studies in the Leguminosae II—cytological studies of Lonchocarpus and Derris species." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 6 ( 4 ) : 364368, illus. ) Nine species of Leguminosae are discussed, including L. longistylis Pittier from Mexico. 1949a. "Studies in the Leguminosae IV. Chromosome number and geographic relationships of miscellaneous Leguminosae." (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 65: 118-122, 27 figs.) Twenty-eight species were studied, including Sophora secundifiora (Ortega) Lag. and Dalea occidentals Riley from Mexico. ATCHISON, Earlene, H. E. MOORE, Jr., and C. E . WOOD, Jr. 1949b. "Chromosome numbers for two species of Mexican Commelinaceae." (Science 110: 4 1 . ) Tradescantia iridescens Booth ex Lindi., n = 6 , and Weldenia Candida Schult., 2 n = 2 4 . The first species cited is the first diploid reported in Mexican Tradescantias. ATCHISON, Earlene. 1950. "Studies in the Leguminosae V. Cytological observations on Crotalaria." (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 6 6 : 7 0 - 7 5 , 17 figs.)

Sixteen species were studied, a number of them from Central America. 1951. "Studies in the Leguminosae VI. Chromosome numbers among tropical woody species." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 8 ( 7 ) : 538-546, illus.) Includes 6 species listed specifically from Mexico. The total in the series included 114 species in 55 genera. ATIENZA y SIRVENT, Melitón. 1881. " E l cañamo." (Esc. Agr. 3: 197-206.) 4 : ( 8 7 - 9 2 ) ). On Cannabis




1882. "Origen de la dalia." (Nacional 1887-1888.

Repr. in


Pubi, anonymously.

" E l cacahuate." (Rev. Agr. 3: 25, 56, 66, 86, 99.) Arachis.

ATIZAPAN, Antonio Rojas de. See ROJAS de ATIZAPAN, Antonio. ATL, Dr. See GONZALEZ PENA, Carlos, 1946. ATONDO y ANTILLON, Isidore (Isidro) d\ ANTILLON, Isidore. ATRISTAIN, Federico.



ATTOLINI, José. See also PENA, Moisés T. de la et al, 1946. 1948. "Las especies forestales en la cuenca del Papaloapan." (Rev. Econ. 1 1 ( 1 1 ) : 29-34.) Includes plants like esparto, palma apachite, zacatón, pita, and árbol del timbre. Timber trees are catalogued by families, with names and localities, divided into precious and common woods, trees of cold climate, and of dry climate. Another list gives specific localities for trees in Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Puebla. 1949-1950. Economía de la Cuenca del Papaloapan. México, 2 vols., illus., maps, bibl. The first volume is on agriculture with statistical studies of cultivated crops; the second volume has a section on forests, listing precious and common woods, and other forest products. Trees are cited by common names, with family, and localities where they grow. AUBERT de la RUE, Edgar. See also VARIOUS, 1958 b. 1946. "Quelques aspects biogéographiques des grands volcans du Mexique." (Compt. Rend. Somm. Séanc. Soc. Biogéogr. Paris 23 ( 1 9 4 / 1 9 6 ) : 18-21.) A general description of the vegetation by zones, according to altitudes; a few plants are mentioned in each zone, by genus and species. 1948. "Quelques types de greniers à mais du Mexique." (Rev. Geog. Hum. Ethnol. 2: 17-20, 10 figs.) A picture story, with the text describing various types of corn granaries in the states of Morelos, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, México, and Michoacán. AUBERT de la RUE, Edgar, François B O U R L I E R E , and Jean Paul HARROY. 1957. The tropics. New York, 208 p., 80 pl., 16 pl. in col., 34 col. photographs, maps; text, figs, are by Paul Barruel, after the photographs by E . Aubert de la Rue. The first section is on the tropical environment in general (climates, soils, and main types of plant communities); the second section is on the various types of plant landscapes of the tropics: rain forests, savannahs, dry deciduous forests, and desert vegetaton; both the above sections are by Aubert de la Rue. AUBERT du PETIT-THOUARS, Louis Marie Aubert. 1813. "Notice sur le manglier." (Jour. Bot. 2 : 27-40, illus.) History, detailed description of structure, and germination of Rhizophora. AUBERTIN, John James. 1882. A flight to Mexico. London, 325 p., 7 illus., map. Author is interested mainly in coffee and sugar. A U B L E T , (Jean Baptiste Christophe) Fusée. 1775. Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Française. London, 4 vols., 2 vols, of pl. Observations on plants of economic importance. AUDOT, (Louis Eustache?). 1845-1846. "Cereus militaris." (Rev. Hort. II, 4: 307-308.) Description of a new species from Mexico. AUDUBON, John Woodhouse. 1906. Aububon's western journal 1849-50. Cleveland, 249 p., illus., map. Ed. by Frank Heywood Hodder with biogr. mem. by Maria Rebecca Audubon. In the section referring to northern Mexico, the topography and general aspect of the land are well described, but the plant descriptions are very sketchy. "Alas," says Audubon himself, " I am no botanist." Includes Illustrated notes of an expedition through Mexico and California, published in New York, 1852. AUDUBON, Maria Rebecca. See AUDUBON, John Woodhouse. AUGUR, Helen. 1954. Zapotee. Garden City, N. Y., 279 p., illus. Only scattered, superficial references to plants.




AVILA, Gil González d \ See CASAS, Gonzalo de las, 1571-1585.

AUNG DIN, U. 1958. "Pines for tropical areas." (Unasylva 1 2 ( 3 ) : 121-133, illus., map, bibl.) With a table of 32 pine species in tropical America giving height, diameter, altitude at which found, rainfall of the area, a description of the wood, and remarks on uses. Another table lists the species, divided into 5 zones.

AVILA, Miguel. 1882. Pequeño estudio sobre el mispatle ó quixmipatle. México, 4 p.—DNLM. Repr. in ( N u e v a Recop. Monog. in An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 21-22, 1897). On Buddleia verticillata, with a description of the plant; emphasis of the study is on the chemistry. (1887.) "Chapuz y chapuzina." In Nueva Recop. Monog. (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2 ( A p p . ) : 61-65, 1897.) Both León and Guerra cite a separate publ. in México, 1887. On Helenium as a medicinal plant; "breve estudio sobre su acción fisiológica."

AUSTER, F. See LEMLI, J., 1957. AUTEROCHE, Jean Chappe d \ Jean.



AUXERRE, Louis Liger, sieur d'. See LIGER, Louis, sieur d'Auxerre. AVALOS, Gregorio M. See AGUIRRE, Amado et al, 1925. AVALOS, José María, y Agustín de CASTRO. 1849. Breves noticias estadísticas del territorio de Tlaxcala. 42 p . - B N Méx. With a list of cultivated crops.

AVILA, Pedro de. See VARIOUS, 1878. AVILA AYALA, Manuel. 1941. "Cultivo é industrialización del limón." México, 71 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Citrus medica var. limonum.


AVDULOW, N. P. 1931. "Karyo-systematische Untersuchung der familie Gramineen." {Bull. Appi. Bot. Genet. PI. Breed., Suppl. 44: 1-428, illus., bibl.; in Russian with a German summ. ) By tribes, with information on the number of species in each genus, and distribution of the genus.

AVILA BAEZ, J. Ramiro. 1948. "Informe general . . . de Teapa, Tabasco." México, 57 p.— Col. San Nicolás, Morelia. With brief references to plants of the region, wild and cultivated.

AVE-LALLEMANT, Julius Leopold Eduard. See FISCHER, Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von et al, 1835-1846.

AVILA de la ROSA, Evelia. 1941. "Glucemia y glucosuria." México, 39 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. "Tratados por la Verbesina"; emphasis is on the chemistry.

AVELEYRA, Ramón N. (1871?) "Sustituciones de algunas drogas indígenas." (Naturaleza 7: 169-177, 1185.) Guerra cites a separate, México, 1871, 19 p. With description of plants used as substitutes.

AVILA ESCALANTE, Alvaro. See abo (HERNANDEZ, Juan José) (J. J. H . ) , 1845; OSORIO y CARVAJAL, Ramón, 1936. 1944. "Historia de la medicina alopática en la época colonial." (Enciclopedia Yucatanense 4: 261-341, illus.) With quotes from JJH (Juan José Hernández) on Mayoli, from Reg. Yuc., q.v.

AVELLAR BROTERO, Felix. 1826. Nocöes botánicos das especies de Nicociana. Lisboa, 47 p.— MH. With the place of origin and a description of 85 "species"; considerable emphasis is placed on the culture. 1827. Historia natural dos pinheiros, lárices, e abetos. Lisboa, 152 p.-MH-A. On the genera Pinus, Larix, and Abies.

AVILA HERNANDEZ, Mario. 1946. "Riqueza forestal del Estado de Chiapas." Villahermosa, 99 typed p. Thesis, ENA. With a list of principal "pastos naturales," and a long list of woods, classified as precious, semi-precious, and common. There is a special section on caoba, cedro, corozo, and chicle. Common and scientific names are given for the plants listed. 1951. "Explotaciones forestales en el Sureste de México." (Carib. For. 1 2 ( 1 ) : 37-46.) In English and Spanish. Beltrán (1955) cites a separate, México, 1953, 32 p. Classification of woods, with important species listed, giving common and scientific names.

AVENDANO, Diego de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582); LEON, Nicolás (1550-1564). AVENDANO, Joseph. 1778. "El curato de San Juan Baptista Tabaa (Oaxaca)." lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 87, Col. P. y T.

N.p., 3

AVILES, Gildardo, F. 1910. Geografía elemental de la República 169 illus.-DPU. With a section on agriculture.

AVENDANO VIERA, Francisco. 1929. "La pita de Oaxaca ó Ananas macrodonta." Chapingo, 35 p., illus. Thesis ENA. As a fiber source; other plants found in the same area are listed, with common and scientific names. 1939 "Producción y explotación de fibras en el Estado de Zacatecas." ( Agricultura 2 ( 1 3 ) : 60-64. )

México, 79 p.,

AVILEZ, Enrique G. 1944. "Los Parques Nacionales en la República Mexicana." Chapingo, 48 typed p. Thesis, ENA. With a brief description of each, and references to plants in some of the areas. AVITY, Pierre d', sieur de Montmartin (D.T.V.Y.). 1614. "Les estats, empires, royaumes et principautez du monde." Lyons, 1659, (i-viii), 930 (931-960) p. The first ed. publ. at S. Omer, 1614, under the title, Les estats, empires et principautez du mode, was trans, into English by Edward Grimstone as The estates, empires and principalities of the world. London, 1615.

AVERY, Amos G ( e e r ) , Sophia SATINA, and Jacob RIETSEMA, et al. 1959. Blakeslee—the genus Datura. New York, 289 p., 67 illus., bibl., with foreword and biogr. sketch by Edmund W. Sinnott. With a review of the taxonomic history of Datura which includes a summary of Datura nomenclature, 1753-1958, by Marie Helene Sachet. Other chapters cover alkaloids in the plant, chromosome numbers and morphology, polyploidy, mutation, seed development, and crossability. AVEY, George M. See CARLSON, Raymond, 1954.

Pages 206-209 in the Lyons edition are on Mexico; with brief references to plants. 1643. Déscription genérale de l'Amérique. Paris, 189 p., map. (Volume 7 of Le monde oú la déscription général des ses quatre parties.) Another ed. was publ. in 1660. Pages 62-91 are on Mexico; more detailed than the material in Les estats . . ., q.v. AXE, Ruth Frey. See WAGNER, Henry Raup (1520-1522). AXELROD, Daniel Isaac. See also MUNZ, Philip A. and KECK, 1959.

AVILA, d', de. See also Davila. AVILA, Alfonso. See CUEVAS, Benjamín, 1913 a. AVILA, F. A. 1908. Durango. Durango, 40 p.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. With a section on the principal agricultural products and timber trees. AVILA, Francisco de. (1579-1582).


See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del




AXELROD—continued 1950. "Studies in late Tertiary paleobotany." (Carnegie Inst. Publ. 590: 1-323, illus., maps, bibl.) Part VI, entitled "Evolution of desert vegetation in western North America," considers the relationship of modern to fossil floras of desert and nearby areas; also the relations with South America. AXTMAYER, Joseph Herman, and Donald Hunter COOK. 1942. Manual de bromatologia. Washington, 615 p. (Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. Publ. 186.) Nutritional study useful for scientific equivalents of plants, listed by common names. AYALA, Enrique González. See GONZALEZ AYALA, Enrique. AYALA, Federico Villegas. See VILLEGAS AYALA, Federico. AYALA, Manuel Avila. See AVILA AYALA, Manuel. AYALA C„ Carlos E. 1956. "Informe sobre el servicio social realizado en el pueblo de Chila, Puebla." México, 39 p., map. Thesis ENMVZ. With a brief list of plants cited by common names only. AYALA MONTANEZ, Josefina. 1935. "Estudio sobre el aceite de ricino." Morelia, 30 typed p. Thesis, Univ. Mich. Arch. AYALA y G., Maria Luisa. 1932. "Contribución al estudio de la tuna cardona." México, 42 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. On its application in the alcohol industry. AYBAR, Armando. 1910. "Estudio sobre los sorgos." (Prog. Méx. 17: 71, 90, 91, 104, 117, 123, 153.) From Rev. Agr.; the original version was not seen. On Sorghum. AYERS, Brother (Anastasius) Benedict. See also O'NEILL, Hugh and AYERS, 1944. 1946. The genus Cyperus in Mexico. Washington, 103 p., Univ. Amer., Biol. Stud. # 1 . Thesis. With keys and distributional data.


AYNARD, Ludovic. 1889. "Etude sur la famille des Apocynacées." Montpellier, 80 p.; thesis No. 468. Description, distribution, morphology, affinities, classification, and uses (medicinal); the latter are arranged by tribes. AYRES, William P. See MOORE, Thomas, and AYRES, 1850-1851. AYUSO, P. 1906. "Las orobanquias." (Per. Of. Est. Michoacán 1 4 ( 8 1 ) : 3-4; from Prog. Méx.; original versions was not seen.) On "yerba toro y las Leguminosas," and ways of combating the parasite. AYYAR, Venkatarama Ramanatha. See ABRAHAM, P., 1938. AZCARRAGA, Guillermo Saldaña. See Guillermo.


AZCUE MANCERA, Luis. 1947. El chocolate, el chile, y el jitomate. México, 45 p.— Monografías Rotarías; printed and distributed by Picot Laboratories International Inc. Considers also vainilla and la jicara (the latter referring to containers in which the chocolate was served, including gourds made of Crescentia fruits). Emphasis in the work is on early references in the literature to chocolate, and plants which went into its preparation. Omitting the part on chile and jitomate, the rest was amplified and published in México, 1958, 50 p., 4 illus., with the title Monografía. El chocolate, and distributed by La Azteca S. A., México, D. F. AZNAR, R. See GUZMAN MESTRE, S. and AZNAR, 1887. AZNAR BARBACHANO, Tomás. See also COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban and ALFARO; DONDE IBARRA, Joaquin and DONDE RUIZ, Juan, 1876.

1850. "La caña de azúcar en Yucatán." (Mej. Mat. 1850: 166, 206, 237, 286, 312.) León says of the author: "Todos sus escritos tienen mas valor como prácticos que como científicos." 1850a. "El coco." (Mej. Mat. 7: 264-272; repr. in Mexicano 1: 332334, 1866.) See also Diccionario de agricultura y economía rural, 1870, by Collantes and Alfaro. 1876. "Indice alfabético." In the introduction to Lecciones de Botánica, by J. y J. Donde, p. 229-236, q.v. Gives common names, many from the Maya, botanical names, and families. AZNAR CANO, Luís. 1874. "Aurantiaceas." (Alborada 1( 15): 244-246.) the work to Troconis Alcalá. On citrus fruits.

Guerra credits

AZNAR de COCAR, Andrés. See VARIOUS (1579-1581). AZNAR DONDE, A. See also A. A. D. 1893. Pequeño guía del hortelano y jardinero. Mérida, 1896, 46 & 4 p.—Bibliot. M. Maldonado. First ed., 1893. "Arreglado expresamente para el estado de Yucatán"; plants are listed in many cases with common and scientific names. AZNAR PEREZ, Andrés. See WOEIKOF, Alex, 1879. AZPIROS, Joseph Mariano de. 1777. "Razón de las noticias geográficas físicas y antigüedades pertenecientes al curato de Santiago Ayapango (México)." N.p., 5 lvs., ms„ M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 10, Col. P. y T. The area is near Chalco. B. 1900. "Early history of the Dahlia." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 28: 155.) Clarification of the history of the plant in England, following a note on p. 139, relating to the introduction of the plant into Italy. 1904. "Pentstemon." (Flora Sylva 2:270-274, illus.) A list of species, alphabetically arranged, with brief descriptions and distribution; several are listed from Mexico. 1905. "Eupatorium." (Flora Sylva 3: 24-28, illus.) List of species alphabetically arranged with descriptions and distribution; numerous species from Mexico are included. 1905a. "Jacobinia (Justicia)." (Flora Sylva 3:46-50, illus.) List of species, alphabetically arranged, with descriptions and distribution; four are listed from Mexico. B„ Dr. 1935. "Mescalin." (Ciba Zeitschr. 2 ( 1 8 ) : 631-634, illus.) On peyote and the peyote cult. B. A. 1909-1910. "Botánica." (Rev. Agr. 25: 268, 2 7 4 . ) - B N Méx. B. M. 1874. "The vanilla." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 1:670-671.) Repr. am,.., mously in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. Ill, 5: 24-25, 1874). Description, culture, and preparation, with a quotation from De Menonville, on "vanilla in Guaxaca." See Thiery de Menonville, Nicolas Joseph, 1787. BABCOCK, E(rnest) B(rown), and J. A. JENKINS. 1943. "Chromosomes and phylogeny in Crepis." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 1 8 ( 1 2 ) : 241-292, illus., bibl.) On the relationships of 113 species. 1947. "The genus Crepis." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 21/22: 1-1030, illus., maps.) Part one: history, phylogeny, distribution, evolution, taxonomic characters, and bibliography. Part two: systematic treatment; only Crepis runcinata subsp. barberi is listed for Mexico. BABLOT, Luis Echeagaray. See ECHEAGARAY BABLOT, Luis. BACA, Bernardo Martinez y. See MARTINEZ y BACA, Bernardo. BACA, E. Martinez. See MARTINEZ BACA, E. BACA, Francisco Martinez. See MARTINEZ BACA, Francisco.



Cactaceae. This is continued in the following numbers with descriptions and illustrations of many species from Mexico: 1934 ( 4, 9 ) ; 1935 (6, 7, 9, 11); 1936 (1, 3, 7, 11, 12); 1937 (2, 3, 4, 6, 10); 16 different genera are represented, and areas range from Lower California to Tamaulipas, and from Nuevo León to Oaxaca. The series ends with another systematic synopsis, 26 p., 1938 ( 6 ) , followed by an explanation in German, translated into English by Vera Higgins.

BACA, Salvador Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ BACA, Salvador. BACCARINI, P. (Pasquale?). See BEGUINOT, A. and BELOSERSKY, N. 1913. BACHE, René. 1895. "In the chaparral." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 2 ( 4 ) : 193-194; ( 5 ) : 209-210.) Description of a kind of vegetation which extends into northern Mexico. Plants are listed by common names, mainly, with uses. BACHSTEZ, Marcelo, and Altagracia ARAGON. 1941. "Notes on Mexican drugs I." (Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 30: 218-219, illus.) For continuation of the series, see below. On zapote borracho, Lucuma salicifolia Kunth, with description, common names, and chemical analysis; results indicate it has no intoxicating effects. The series was continued by Bachstez alone. Parts 2 and 3 were on animal products. I have not located part 4.

BACKEBERG, Curt, and F. M. KNUTH. 1935. Kaktus ABC. K0benhavn, 432 p. illus.; in Danish. History, geography, culture, and a detailed taxonomic study, describing many new species. BACKEBERG, Curt. 1935a. "Ein neuer Roseocactus." (Kakt. Fr. 4 : 6 6 , illus.) R. (Ariocarpus) kotschoubeyanus v. albijlorus n.var.; no locality is cited. 1935b. "Solisia und Pelecyphora." (Kakteenkunde 98-101, illus.) Description of P. pseudopectinata, new species from Palmillas, northern Mexico; discussion also of various other species of Pelecyphora and the relation of the genus to Solisia. 1936. "Zu kenntnis der sippen der Cactaceae." (Cactaceae 1937: lvs. 8-9 (Dec. 1963.) With a chart showing the "sippen-stammbaum" of Cactaceae. 1937. "Die vorkommen der sippe Cephalocerei Bckbg." (Cactaceae ( 2 ) : 13-16 lvs., map.) Distribution of the genera is indicated for North and South America.

BACHSTEZ, Marcelo. 1946-1948. "Notas sobre drogas plantas y alimentos Mexicanos." (Ciencia 7: 307-308, illus., 1946.) Continued as noted below. For the beginning of the series, see Bachstez and Aragón, 1941. 5. "Semilla de víbora." On Abelmoschus moschatus and its use against snake bite. 6. "Caracteres y composición del aceite de la semilla de Ungnadia speciosa." ( 8 : 57-58, illus., 1947.) 7. "Almidón del chamal." ( 8 : 1 0 9 - 1 1 0 , illus., 1947.) On Dioon edule, with data on its distribution. 8. "Aceite de las semillas de mamey." ( 8 : 264-265, 1947.) On Lucuma mammosa. 9. "Sobre el acido hibísico." (9:121-123, 1948.) In Hibiscus sabdariffa, for which he cites the Aztec name quauhxocotl.

1937a. "Die sippe der Cephalocerei Bckbg." (Cactaceae 22, illus.) A systematic study of the group.

2: lvs. 17-

1937b. "Colored Cereae." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 6 ) : 89-92, illus.; trans, by R. W. Poindexter.) On species with colored hairs, spines, and epidermis. A list of Mexican species is included; also a list of various species arranged according to color.

BACIGALUPI, Rimo. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960. 1931. "Taxonomic studies in Cuphea." (Contr. Gray Herb. 95: 326, 5 pi.) Includes the following new species from Mexico: C. flavisetula, C. ferrisiae and C. quaternata from Nayarit; C. tenuipes from Guerrero, C. purpurascens from Puebla, and C. mexiae from Jalisco. 1931a. "A monograph of the genus Perezia section Accourtia." (Contr. Gray Herb. 97: 3-81, 7 pi.) A taxonomic account of the section Accourtia, with a review of its history, distribution, economic uses, and keys to species, with descriptions and ranges. In the diagnoses of novelties, 7 new species and varieties are described from Mexico. 1933. "Two new species in Heuchera and Cuphea." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 1 ( 5 ) : 191-193.) One is C. oreophila T. S. Brandegee in herb., described from Chiapas. BACKAUSEN, Victor. See VARIOUS, 1869. BACKEBERG, Curt. See also JACOBSEN, Hermann, 1954-1955; MARSHALL, William Taylor, and BOCK, 1941; SOULAIRE, J., 1946-1949. 1930. Kakteenjagd zwischen Texas und Patagonien. Berlin, 127 p. Rather flowery description of trip with beautiful pictures of the cacti. 1931. "Kakteenjagd." (Atlantis 3 : 5 0 , illus.) Picture story with a quote on Anhalonium from his book. 1931a. Neue kakteen. Frankfort (Oder) and Berlin, 109 p. illus. With a chapter on "Mexico, das reichste kakteenland." Also a section, by Erich Werdermann, describing plants collected on a trip; many new species are included. 1932. "The origin and migration of cacti." ( Cact. Jour. 1 ( 2 ) : 13-16, illus., trans. ) 1932a. "Echinocactus ( Thelocactus) subterraneus." (Kakt. Fr. 1: 110-111, illus.) Description of a new species from northern Mexico. 1934-1938. Blaetter fuer kakteenforschung. (Hamburg, 5 vols.) Issued monthly in German, English and Dutch; pages unnumb. Beginning in # 3 , 1934, there is a systematic synopsis of

1939. "Zu Glandulicactus und Ancistrocactus." (Beitr. Sukk.: 32-35, illus.) Consideration of comparative morphology and systematics in the two genera. 1939a. "Mammillaria pachyrhiza Bckbg. n.sp." (Beitr. Sukk. 2: 39-40, illus.) From Meseta Las Derrumbadas, on the border between Puebla and Veracruz. 1939b. "Seltene kakteen—Melocactus salvador Murillo." (Beitr. Sukk. 3: 56-58, illus.) Reviews the history of the genus, in general, with quotes from Schumann on Melocactus, and Rose's description from the Murillo circular ca. 1897, q.v., which was not included by Schumann. 1939c. "Eine sammelreise durch Mexiko fuer den Hamburger Park 'Planten un Blomen'." (Kakteenkunde 1939: 43-46, illus.) Report on a trip to gather material for the Mexican pavilion in the park. 1939d. "Mammillaria albilanata Bckbg. spec, nov." (Kakteenkunde: 47, illus.) From Guerrero. 1940. "Ein zweiter Glandulicactus: Glandulicactus crassihamatus (Web.) Bckbg." (Beitr. Sukk. 1940: 6-8, illus.) Comparison of species known formerly as Echinocactus crassihamatus, or E. matthsoni, with G. uncinata. 1940a. "Mammillaria eriacantha Lk. et Otto." (Kakteenkunde: 6061, illus.) Reports its collection again near Jalapa, and discusses it as a link between the West Indian and Mexico highland species. 1941. "Die kakteen des Zopilote-cañons (geierschlucht) in Guerrero (Mexico)." (Beitr. Sukk. 1: 1-5, illus.) Includes a description of the following new taxa: Pachycereus granáis var., gigas n.var., Pilocereus guerreronis, and Mammillaria bella. 99


BACKEBERG BACKEBERG-continued 1941a. "Mammillaria gueldemanniana Bckbg. n.sp." (Beitr. Sukk. 3 : 57-58, ill us.) From Sonora. 1941b. "Kurzer bildericht aus Niedercalifornien." (Beitr. Sukk. 3: 6468, illus.) Picture story, with text for 8 photographs. 1941c. "Untersuchungen zur sippe Pachycerei." (Cactaceae 1941 ( 1 ) : Ivs. 17-25, illus.) With an introductory discussion of 7 genera separated from Cephalocereus in 1938, three of which are in Mexico: Cephalocereus, Mitrocereus, and Pilocereus. The discussion of Pachycerei is divided into series Acephalanthi, with subseries Erianthi and Neobuxbaumia, and series Cephalanthi. 1942. "Cactaceae Lindley." ( C a c t a c e a e 1942: 1-80.) "Systematische uebersicht, neubearbeitung mit beschreibungsschluessel," down to genera, and in some cases series and subseries, with type species for each. 1942a. "Zur geschichte der kakteen." ( C a c t a c e a e 1942 (part 2 ) : 172, 19 maps.) "Im verlauf der entwicklung des Amerikanischen kontinentbildes und die geschichte der Neuen Welt und die Cactaceae"; from Palaeozoic times, with consideration of the probable original areas of the Cactaceae and the direction of their distribution. The discussion is arranged for families, tribes, and subtribes. Also included is a list of purely American plant families, their distribution, and number of genera and species (from Irmscher, 1922, q.v.). 1942b. "Neue arten aus Stachlige wüdnis." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 51: 61-65.) New species in Echinofossulocactus, Mammillaria, and Coryphantha, from Hidalgo, Guerrero, and San Luis Potosi. 1944. "Verbreitung und vorkommen der Cactaceae." ( C a c t a c e a e 1944: 1-111, 44 maps.) With a general section on distribution in the New World, then a detailed analysis by subfamilies and genera, giving the type locality for each genus. 1947. "Praehistorische kakteenkunde." (Sukkulentenkunde 1: 3-7, illus., incl. map; with English summary.) Discusses Marshall's article in Cactus # 2 , 1946, q.v., on the problem of the subspecies, and suggests the importance of studies of fossil cacti. 1948. "Four new species from North Argentina and Mexico." (Spine 1 ( 4 ) : 107-113, illus.) Includes Neottoydia matehualensis and N. pulleineana, both from San Luis Potosi. 1948a. Amerikas kakteen. Hamburg, 176 p. Their place in the history of the American continent, their uses and harmful effects; at the end there is a brief description of genera mentioned in the text. 1949. "Coryphantha pseudonickelsae Backb. n.sp." (Blaett. Sukk. 1: 1, illus.) From Durango. 1949a. "Haseltonia Backbg. n.g. ( 1 9 4 9 ) . " (Blaett. Sukk. 1: 3, illus.) "C. hoppenstedtii kein Cephalocereus." 1949b. "Polaskia, ein merkwuerdig bluehenden Cereus." (Blaett. Sukk. 1 : 4 , illus.)


Stachlige wildniss. Radebeul and Berlin, 294 p., illus. "80,000 km. durch die urweit Amerikas; fahrten und abenteuer eines wildpflanzenjaegers." Pages 218-285 are entitled "Durch die kakteenweit Mexikos"; this includes trips to Guerrero, Hidalgo, San Luís Potosí, and Puebla. A dictionary of various terms from the Americas is added with equivalents in German. On p. 346, there is a reference to Echinofossulocactus guerraianus, without a description; this is cited in Ind. Kew. as the authority for a new species.

1953. "Un Ananas géant?" (Cactus 37: 213-214.) Description of an Agave crown which resembles a pineapple, and a discussion of the making of pulque and tequila. 1953a. " F . Schwartz—25 ans de collecte de Cactées au Mexique." (Cactus 37: 237-239, illus.) Description of his activities. 1954. "Monographie du genre Epithelantha." (Cactus 39: 25-32, illus., March; 40: 57-64, June.) Trans, by J. Callé. 1958. 1962. Die Cactaceae—Handbuch der kakteenkunde. Jena, 6 vols., maps. This is a suppl. to the Handbuch der sukkulenten pflanzen, beschreibung und kultur die sukkulenten mit ausnähme der Cactaceae, ed. by Hermann Johannes Heinrich Jacobsen, q.v. Volume 1 covers the history and economic importance of the Cactaceae, the systematics of the family with keys, distribution and descriptions, and an "einleitung und beschreibung der Peireskoideae und Opuntioideae." Volumes 2 to 5 review the Cereoideae. Vol. 6 is a supplement and the index. 1959. "Notes on Neogomesia, Pediocactus, Utahia, Navahoa, and Pilocanthus (Cactaceae)." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 4 ) : 6367, illus.). The first is described from Mexico.


No species name is assigned for the plant which was collected in Oaxaca. 1949c. "Neodawsonia eine interessante neue Cereen gattung Mexikos." (Blaett. Sukk. 1: 4-5, illus.) N. apicicephalium (Daws.) Backbg. from Oaxaca. 1949d. "Systematik und verbreitungsphaenomene Mesembrianthemaceae, und sukkulenten (Blaett. Sukk. 1: 6-7, map.)

1950. "Nova genera et subgenera." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 5 ) : 153154, illus. ) Hertrichocereus new genus, type C. beneckei Ehrenb. from Guerrero. Subg. Eucarnegiea, type Cereus giganteus Engelm. from Sonora. Subg. Rooksbya, type Cereus euphorbioides Haw. Subg. Euastrophytum, type Astrophytum myriostigma Lem. from north central Mexico. Subg. Neoastrophytum, type Echinocactus asterias Zucc. from central Mexico. Dolichothele (K. Schum.) B. & R. emend Backeberg, type Mammillaria longimamma DC. from central Mexico. 1950a. "Stenocacti." (Des. Pl. Life 22: 53-57, illus.) On the genus Echinofossulocactus, with brief descriptions of some species. 1950-1952. "Some results of twenty years of cactus research." ( Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 6 ) : 181-190; 2 3 ( 1 ) : 13-20; ( 2 ) : 4 5 - 5 2 ; ( 3 ) : 81-88; ( 4 ) : 117-124; ( 5 ) : 149-155; ( 6 ) : 181-188, 1951; 2 4 ( 1 ) : 13-22, 1952.) Part 1—begins with a synopsis of the family, down to genera. Part 2—an annotated list of species, genera, varieties, and combinations. Part 3—a summary of the literature on the subject. Part 4—a bibliography of Backeberg's works. Part 5—an index by E . Yale Dawson to Latin names in Part 2.

der Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae."

1949e. "New ways in cactology." ( C a c t . Succ. Jour. 21 ( 1 - 4 ) : 3-7, 35-37, 83-85, 123-126, illus., 4 maps; transl. by John Poindexter.) Includes a discussion of various systems of cactus taxonomy; maps are taken from p. 32-33 of "Zur geschichte der kakteen, in Cactaceae," 1942, q.v. 100

BACKEBERG, Curt, and Guenther KILIAN. 1960. "Ein neuer Roseocactus." (Kakt. And. Sukk. 11 ( 1 0 ) : 149-152, illus.) R. intermedius n. sp., from the north of Mexico. BACKER, Cornelis Andries. 1936. Verklärend woordenboek der wetenschappelijke namen. Groeningen, 644 p.—DA. Scientific names of plants, used in Netherlands and Dutch Indies, for wild as well as cultivated plants; with biographies of people for whom plants are named. BADER, Frido J. Walter. 1960. "Die Coniferen der tropen." ( Decheniana 113( 1 ): 71-97, 8 tables, map, bibl. ) A distributional study by genera, with data also on altitudinal


BADI AN US limits. One table summarizes data on the Pinus species of Mexico and Central America. 1960a. "Die Verbreitung borealer und subantarktischer holzgewaechse in den gebirgen des tropenguertels." ( N o v a Acta Leop. n. s. 23(148): 1-544, 15 maps, 16 profiles, 95 tables, bibl. 1960. "Eine areal geographische Studie in dreidimensionaler sieht." It is divided into two parts; one, "horizontale areal gestaltum der gattungen und arten," is arranged systematically. The other, "die vertikale arealgestaltum und die bildung gesellschaften," is subdivided into "borealen gattungen" and "subantarktischen gattungen." Mexico is included under both in the following groups: "neotropisch-montane gattungen," "neotropischpazifisch-montane gattungen" and "pantropisch-montane gattungen." It is also included under "borealen gattungen" in the "neotropisch Afrikanisch montane gattungen." 1961. "Das areal der gattung Gunnera L." (Bot. Jahrb. 8 0 ( 3 ) : 281293, map., bibl. ) Included, for the New World, is a profile for altitudinal distribution. Distribution is given for 7 genera in the Halorrhagidaceae and for 42 species of Gunnera. Two species are cited from Mexico: G. killipiana and G. mexicana. BADIANUS, Juan. See A C E V E D O LOPEZ, Santos, 1953; BLANTON, William B., 1936; CRUZ, Martin de la, and BADIANUS, 1552. BADILLO, Eulalio R. 1896. "Apuntes sobre el cultivo del chile." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 20: 596, 617, 635, 653, 664.) On Capsicum. BADILLO (also as Vadillo), Perfecto. 1869. "Del cacao." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 190-192; also according to the index; in Per. Of. Edo. Michoacán No. 276, 1870; the work itself was not seen. See also "Noticia sobre el cacao," in Cultivador 2:233-235, 1873.) A separate, El cacao, was printed in México, 1870, 8 p.—Bibliot. Públ. Morelia. The work was written in Cd. del Carmen in 1865. On Theobroma cacao, "su cultivo y sus aplicaciones." BAEGERT, Johann Jacob (listed also as Jacob and Juan Jacobo). 1772. Noticias de la península Americana de California. México, 1942, 262 p., 2 illus., introd. by Paul Kirchhoff. Trans, b y Pedro R. Hendrichs Pérez from the original German Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen halbinsel California, pubi, in Mannheim, 1772. A résumé of the 1772 ed. was pubi, in (Année Géog. 5: 233-239, 1866). An English ed., entitled Observations in Lower California, trans, by Magda M. Brandenburg and Carl L. Baumann, was pubi, in Berkeley, 1952. The original is at CSm. According to Meigs, this is one of the fundamental sources on the Jesuit area of Lower California. But Medina in his Diccionario de anónimos y seudónimos Hispánicos says Baegert's Nachrichten are a translation of Miguel Venegas' Natural and civil history of California, with additions by Andrés Marcos Burriel. Chapter headings are similar, but here the similarity seems to end. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 contain information on plant life. An excerpt, from the original entitled "An account of the aboriginal inhabitants of the Californian peninsula," was printed in (Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst, (for 1863) 1864; 352-369; and in the Report for 1864, printed 1865, 378-399) with an introduction by the editor and translator, Charles Rau. The introduction summarizes the information on plants from the first part of the book, which is not translated here. The part translated does contain references to plants in the section on food. BAEHNI, Charles. 1934-1936. "Sur la position systématique du genre Goethalsia." (Candollea 6: 44-45.) Agrees with Gleason in taking it from the Tiliaceae, but puts it in the Bixaceae rather than Flacourtiaceae. 1936. "Ipomoea heptaphylla." (Rhodora 38: 164.) A note on its occurrence in southern Georgia and the report of a specimen in the Field Museum Herbarium, not previously cited from Campeche. 1936-1938. "Revision des genres Neoleretia, Mappia, et Humirianthera (Icacinaceae)." (Candollea 7: 167-188.) Mappia mexicana is included.

1936-1938a. "Villadia et Altamiranoa." (Candollea 7:283-286.) "Etude sur la fusion de deux genres de Crassulacées," which are combined in Villadia. 1936-1938b. "Mémoires sur les Sapotacées." (Candollea 7: 394-507.) I. "Système de classification"—with a discussion of synonymy, and a key to the genera. 1942-1943. "Mémoire sur les Sapotacées II. L e genre Pouteria." (Candollea 9: 147-475.) Covers morphology, geographic distribution, synonymy, conspectus sectionum, and clavis specierum, descriptions of 318 species with distribution, a list of exsiccatae used, with collection numbers, and the names of collectors. Several new taxa are described from Mexico. 1943-1946. "L'ouverture du boton chez les fleurs de Solanées." (Candollea 10: 399-492, illus., bibl.) With a proposed new classification of Solanaceae. BAERNER, Johannes, und Burghard H E L W I G . 1927. Beitraege zur serologischen systematik der pflanzen. Stuttgart, 83 p., 5 pl., bibl. Bibliot. Bot. No. 94. First author did the Geraniales, Sapindales, Rhamnales, and Malvales; the second from the Verticillatae to the Ranales, and the Primulales. BAERNER, Johannes Max Wilhelm, and Johann Friedrich MUELLER. 1943. Die mutzhoelzer der welt. Neudamm, 4 vols., bibl. In systematic arrangement by families, with genera and species, common names, descriptions, country of origin, uses, and, for some, description of the wood. BAEZ, J. Ramiro Avila. See AVILA BAEZ, J. Ramiro. BAEZ, Manuel Martinez. See MARTINEZ BAEZ, Manuel. BAEZ, Maria Dolores Aburto. See ABURTO BAEZ, Maria Dolores. BAEZA, Bartolomé J. Granada. See GRANADA BAEZA, Bartolomé J. BAEZA, M. Cil. See GIL BAEZA, M. BAEZO, Perfecto. 1832. "Vocabulario de las lenguas Castellana y Maya." Géog. (Paris) 18: 215-217.)



BAHR, Max. 1906. Reise berichte ueber Ameríka. Lansberg a W., 252 p. With a brief section on Mexico, which contains some references to maguey and coffee. BAIER, Johann Jacob (Jakob). 1730. "De Aloes Americanae." (Acta. Phys. Med. 3: 408-410 illus.) "Per suum semen felici propagatione"; with illustrations of steps in their growth. BAILEY, Clyde H. 1904. "The composition and quality of Mexican wheats and wheat flours." (Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. 6 ( 1 ) : 57-64.) From samples collected in Jalisco and Sonora. BAILEY (Edward Henry Summerfield), and Herbert S(tevens) BAILEY. 1922. Food products from afar. New York, 281 p., illus—PU. Includes chapters on "nuts from semi-tropical lands," "living with our Latin American neighbors," "stimulants and sedatives in southern lands"; (this includes cacao and pulque). BAILEY, E. H. S. 1929. "Food products originating in Latin American countries and their importance in the world market." (Jour. Geog. 28: 207211.) Abstract of talk given at the 3d Pan American Congress in Lima; plants are divided into tubers, fruits, beverages, and flavors. BAILEY, Herbert S(tevens). See BAILEY, E. H. S., 1922. BAILEY, Irving Widmer. See abo MONEY, Lillian L., et al, 1950; SINNOTT, Edmund Ware, and BAILEY, 1914. BAILEY, I(rving) W ( i d m e r ) , and Richard Alden HOWARD. 1941. "The comparative morphology of the Icacinaceae." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 22: 125-132, 4 pi. continued as below.)



BAILEY—continued Contains the following: I. Anatomy of the node and internode. II. Vessels—170-187, 6 pi. III. Imperfect tracheary elements and xylem parenchymas— 432-442, 3 pi. IV. Rays of the secondary xylem—556-568, 4 pi. BAILEY, Irving Widmer, and Charlotte G. NAST. 1943-1945. "The comparative morphology of the Winteraceae." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 24: 340-346, 3 pi., 1943; cont. on p. 472481, 6 pl. ; 25: 97-103, 4 pi., 215-220, 3 pi., 342-348, 3 pl„ 454-465, 4 pi. 1944; 26: 37-47, 1945.) Divided as follows: I. Pollen and stamens; II. Carpels; III. Wood; IV. Anatomy of the node and vascularization of the leaf; V. Foliar epidermis and sclerenchyma; VI. Vascular anatomy of the flower shoot; and VII. Summary and conclusions. BAILEY, I. W. 1960-1962. "Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 1 ( 4 ) : 341-349, 1960, 7 pi.) In progress. For continuation, see below. 1, Foliar vasculature of Pereskia, Pereskiopsis, and Quiabentia. Part 2, "Structure and distribution of sclerenchyma in the phloem of . . ." was published in 4 2 ( 2 ) : 144-156, illus., 1961; part 3, "Form and distribution of crystals in . . ." appeared in 42: 334-340, illus., 1961; part 4, done with Lalit Mohan Srivastava." The fusiform initials of the cambium," appeared in 4 3 ( 2 ) : 187-197, 5 pi., 1962; part 5, with Srivastava cited as the first author, "The secondary phloem," was in 4 3 ( 3 ) : 234-272, illus., 1962; part 6, "The xylem of Pereskia saccharosa and P. aculeata," appeared in 4 3 ( 4 ) : 376-383, 5 pl„ 1962. BAILEY, J. F. 1897. "The papaw (Carica papaya Linn.)" (Queensland Agr. Jour. 1: 226-227.) Descriptions, culture, uses, and chemical composition. 1898. "Lignum vitae (Guaiacum officinale Linn.)." (Queensland Agr. Jour. 3: 206-207, illus.) Description, distribution, and uses. BAILEY, Liberty Hyde. See also GRAY, Asa and WATSON, Sereno, 1878-1897: LUNDELL, Cyrus Longworth, et al, 1942-in progress; MOLDENKE, H. N„ 1949; WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937—in progress. 1887. "The origin of the tomato from a morphological standpoint." (Amer. Nat. 21: 573-576, 1 pi.) With a classification of cultivated tomatoes, according to morphological principles. 1887a. "A preliminary synopsis of the North American Carices." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Set. 22: 59-157.) "Including those of Mexico, Central America, and Greenland, with the American bibliography of the genus." 1889. "Studies of the types of various species of the genus Carex." (Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1 ( 1 ) : 1-85.) Includes descriptions of new species, with the following from Mexico: C. pertenuis and C. straminea Willd. var. australis; also a list of Liebmann's Mexican Carices, with a number of suggested changes in the names. 1890. "Ackermann's Phyllocactus." (Amer. Gard. 11: 448-449, illus. facing p. 445.) Descriptions of seven other species as well. 1890a. "Cactuses indoors and out." (Amer. Gard. 11:459-467, illus.) Publ. anonymously. Descriptions, distribution (those out of the United States taken from Grisebach, Vegetation der erde q.v.), uses, and synopsis of the family. 1892. "Notes on Carex." (Bot. Gaz. 17: 148-153.) C. pringlei from San Luís Potosí is included. 1892a. "The wild potato of the Mexican region." (Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 49: 350-352.) Identified as probably Solanum tuberosum var. boreale Gray. (S. fendleri Gray.) 102

1893. "The Columbian Exposition." (Gard. For. 6: 389.) With a paragraph on plants displayed in the Mexican section, listed by genera, with some specific names. 1896. The survival of the unlike. New York, 515 p., illus.—PU. Chap. 4 discusses several species and varieties of corn, tomatoes, and beans; tomatoes are considered in greater detail in chap. 30. 1914-1917. Standard cyclopedia of horticulture. New York, 6 vols.; also 1939, 3 vols., illus.-PPAN. Publ. first as Cyclopedia of American horticulture, New York, 4 vols., illus., 1900-1902. With articles on various groups by cooperating specialists. In the article on Agaves by Trelease, in the first edition, there are various new species described. 1925. "Enumeration of the Eubati (dewberries and blackberries) native in North America." (Gent. Herb. 1 ( 5 ) : 203-297, illus. 91-139.) With keys, descriptions, and distribution. 1929. "The domesticated Cucurbitas." (Gent. Herb. 2 ( 2 ) Art. 4: 63115, figs. 29-64.) The illustrations are from old herbals. 1930. "An interesting Sedum." (Jour. Cact. Soc. Amer. 1: 225-256, illus.) S. mexicanum as a house plant. 1930, 1932. "Three discussions in Cucurbitaceae." (Gent. Herb. 2 ( 4 ) Art. 8: 175-186, figs., 94-98, 1930; An addenda follows in 2 ( 7 ) Art. 13: 427-430, figs., 183-185, 1932.) In the first part there is a discussion of the Texan gourd, Cucurbita texana, of which it is said, "very likely the plant is also Mexican." The second part discusses the nomenclature of various genera. 1932. "The blackberries of North America." (Gent. Herb. 2(Fasc. 6, Art. 12): 271-423, illus. no. 147-182; (Fasc. 7, Art. 14): 442471, illus. no. 191-203.) 1933. The cultivated conifers. New York, 404 p., 48 pi., illus.; successor to The Cultivated Evergreens, 1928. The first part is a taxonomic treatment with keys, descriptions, and place of origin; the second part is on the culture. 1933a. "Palms and their characteristics." (Gent. Herb. 3, Fasc. 1, Art. 1: 1-29, illus. 1-19.) An introductory article, mainly on collecting of palms. 1933b. "Certain palms of Panama." (Gent. Herb. 3, Fasc. 2, Art. 2: 33-116, illus. 20-88.) Includes genera which range into Mexico, e.g., Scheelea, Acrocomia, Desmoncus, Bactris, and Acanthorrhiza. 1933c. "Eubates australes." (Gent. Herb. 3, fasc. 3, art. 3: 119-148, illus. 89-97.) 1934. "The species of grape peculiar to North America." (Gent. Herb. 3, Fasc. 4, Art. 4: 151-244, illus. 98-132.) On Vitis. 1934a. "American palmettoes." (Gent. Herb. 3(Fasc. 6, Art. 6 ) : 275337, illus.) A comprehensive survey of the structure and the taxonomy of the genera Sabal, Inodes, and Serenoa. Keys to species and detailed descriptions are provided for the genus Sabal. 1935. "The royal palms." (Gent. Herb. 3, fasc. 7, art. 7: 343-387, illus.: 191-226.) On Oreodoxa regia. 1936. "Washingtonia." (Gent. Herb. 4, fasc. 2, art. 3:53-82, figs. 28-45.) A survey article. 1937. "Erythea-the hesper palms." (Gent. Herb. 4(Fasc. 3, Art. 4 ) : 85-118, illus.) A taxonomic survey, with keys, descriptions, and distributional data. 1937a. The garden of gourds. New York, 134 p., illus. Study of Cucurbitaceae for gardeners, with classification, distribution, and taxonomy. Mexican species are included. 1937,1943. "Notes on Brahea." (Gent. Herb. 4, fasc. 3, art. 5: 119125, figs. 72-74, 6, fasc. 4, art. 4: 177-195, figs. 87-100, 1943.)


BAILEY 1938. "Thrinax." (Gent. Herb. 4, fasc. 4, art. 6: 129-140, figs. 7585.) A survey article. 1940. "Phaseolus lunatus and relatives." (Gent. Herb. 4:336-341, illus.) Discusses P. limensis and the horticultural synonymy of P. coccineus. 1941. "Acrocomia." (Gent. Herb. 4(Fasc. 12, Art. 3 9 ) : 421-476, figs. 254-298. ) History, morphology, and a tentative key to species with distribution for each. One species, A. mexicana, is cited from Mexico. 1941-1945. "Rubus in North America." (Gent. Herb. 5 ( 1 / 1 0 ) : 1932, 426 illus. ) A monographic study, covering the history, keys to genera, subgenera, and species, with descriptions and distribution. 1943. "Notes on an Erythea." (Gent. Herb. 6(Fasc. 4, Art. 4 ) : 196197.) E. clara, spec. nov. from Sonora. 1943a. "Species of Cucurbita." (Gent. Herb. 6, fasc. 5, art. 6 : 2 6 7 322, figs. 140-165.) On species, wild or native, in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, and British Honduras; especially useful for Mexico; with some information also on a few other genera and species in the family, including an illustration and description of Cayaponia alata Cogn., from Yucatán. 1944. "Revisio palmettorum." (Gent. Herb. 6, fasc. 7, art. 11: 367459, figs. 186-251.) On the genus Sabal. 1948. "Jottings in the Cucurbitas." (Gent. Herb. 7 ( 5 ) : art. 6 : 4 4 9 477, figs. 211-239.) Describes Cucurbita argyrosperma Hort. grown from an unnamed Mexican seed; also C. kellyana and C. moorei, both from Mexico. BAILEY, L. H., and H. E. MOORE, Jr. 1949. "Comments on Reinhardtia and Malortiea." (Gent. Herb. 8 ( 2 ) art. 9: 189-191, illus. 80-81.) Describe R. elegans Liebm. ex Mart, and R. spinigera n.sp., both from Oaxaca. BAILEY, Virginia Long. 1962. "Revision of the genus Ptelea (Rutaceae)." (Brittonia 1 4 ( 1 ) : 1-45, 15 illus., incl. maps.) With a key to species, subspecies, and varieties. Mexican material includes P. trifoliata subsp. angustifolia var. an gust ifolia and var. cognata; subsp. coahuilensis var. coahuilensis and var. pumila; and P. aptera. The last part is devoted to a discussion of the population studies carried out and their relation to an understanding of the history of the genus.

1859. Etude générale des Euphorbiacées. Paris, 684 p., 27 pl.—DA. Trans, by J. K. Hasskarl and publ. in (Flora 42: 626-640, 643656, 721-746, 1859. The beginning of this last part is numbered incorrecdy 741-754). Includes structure, distribution, relationships, classification, and a description of genera. The last section of the translated version is entitled "Clavis analyticum generum Euphorbiacearum secundum Bâillon Etude générale des Euphorbiacées." 1860-1861. "Mémoire sur la symétrie et l'organogénie florale des Marantées." (Adansonia 1: 306-327, 1 pl.) Publ. anonymously. 1860-1861a. "Recherches sur l'organization, le développement et l'anatomie des Caprifoliacées." (Adansonia 1:353-382, 1 pl.) Publ. anonymously. 1861-1862. "Etudes organogéniques sur quelques genres de Byttneriacées." (Adansonia 2: 166-181.) Includes Theobroma in the family. 1861-1863. "Memoire sur les Loranthacées." (Adansonia 2 : 3 3 0 381, illus., 1861-1862; 3:50-128, 1 pl., 1862-1863.) Publ. anonymously. A detailed discussion of morphology with a conspectus generum. 1862-1863. "Organogénie florale des Cordiacées." (Adansonia 3: 1-7, 1 pl.) Publ. anonymously. 1863-1864. "Mémoire sur la famille des Rénonculacées." (Adansonia 4: 1-57.) Publ. anonymously. With a description of the genera. 1864-1866. "Observations sur les Saxifragées—l'organisation, les rapports et les limites de cette famille." (Adansonia 5: 282-304, 1864-1865; 6: 1-15, 1865-1866.) Publ. anonymously. 1866-1867. "Mémoire sur la famille des Magnoliacées." (Adansonia 7:1-16,65-69.) Publ. anonymously. 1866-1867a. "Revision des Aristoloches médicinaux." (Adansonia 7:267-291.) Publ. anonymously. Includes Aristolochia foetida and A. anguicida from Mexico. 1867-1868. "Mémoire sur la famille des Anonacées." (Adansonia 8: 162-184, 295-344.) Publ. anonymously. Second section has a classification down to genera. 1867-1868a. "Anonaceae Mexicanae Liebmannianae enumeratae." (Adansonia 8: 265-269.) Publ. anonymously. Includes the following new species: A. involucrata, A. liebmanniana, Anona? depressa, Guatteria galeottiana, and G. diospyroides. 1867-1876. "Stripes exoticae novae." (Adansonia 8:345-351, 186667; 9:146-152, 1868-70; 10:240-247, 1871-73; 11:175-182, 1873-76. ) Publ. anonymously. With descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Uvaria hahniana, Chamaemeles mexicana, Ruyschia mexicana, Pistacia occidentalis, Smodingium andrieuxii, and S. virlettii. 1867-1895. Histoire des plantes. Paris, 13 vols., illus. Trans, by Marcus M. Hartog as The natural history of plants, London, 1871-1888, 8 vols. Descriptions of the plants, their history, and uses. 1868-1870. "Sur un nouveau genre d'Anonacées a fleurs dimères et unicarpelles." (Adansonia 9: 218-220.) Publ. anonymously. Includes Tridimeris hahniana from Mexico. 1868-1870a. "Observations sur les Légumineuses—Papilionacées. (Adansonia 9:230-240.) Publ. anonymously. Includes "sur un nouveau Brongniartia"—B. oligosperma from Mexico. 1871-1873. "Note sur le Rigiostachys." (Adansonia 10:42-44.) On R. squamata (according to Planchon (J. E.?), perhaps the Recchia of Sessé and Mocino); calls it a member of the Rosaceae. 1871-1873a. "Nouvelles notes sur les Hamamelidées." (Adansonia 10: 120-137.) Publ. anonymously. 1871-1873b. "De genero novo Picrella." (Adansonia 10: 149-151.) Publ. anonymously. Includes P. trifoliata from Mexico. 1871-1873c. "Observations sur les Rutacées." ( Adansonia 10: 299333.) Publ. anonymously. Includes Toxosiphon lindeni and Megastigma galeottii from Mexico.

BAILEY, William Whitman. 1906. "The chocolate plant." (Amer. Bot. 10: 87-89. ) A popular article. BAILLARD, Sr. Edmé ( pseud. ). See ROYER de PRADE, Jean. BAILLAUD, Emile. See also PERROT, Em., 1911. 1910. "Observations sur l'emploi des cactus dans l'alimentation du bétail." (Jour, d'Agrie. Trop. 10(111): 257-262.) Includes "expériences faites au Mexique," with Opuntia mainly; based on many works, including those of Griffiths, q.v. BAILLEY de MERLIEUX, Charles François. 1903. "Cultivo del lúpulo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 27: 503-508, 554557, unfin. ) On Humulus lupulus. BAILLON, Henri Ernest. 1858. "Recherches sur l'organisation des Euphorbiacées." Paris, 241 p. Thesis—PPAN. Description of genera with distribution. 1858a. "Anthostemideaíum sive Euphorbiacearum monandrarum descriptionem." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 9: 132-204.) With a conspectus of genera and descriptions of species; includes Dalembertia populifolia and D. platanoides from Mexico. 103



Paris 2 ( 1 0 3 ) : 819-820.) T. galeottiana from Oaxaca. 1890a. "Sur le Neolindenia." (Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 2 ( 1 0 7 , 1 0 9 ) : 851, 867-868.) With a description of N. mexicana from Chiapas.

BAILLON—continued 1873 (1874). "Sur la culture indigène des Convolvulacées purgatives." (Assoc. Fr. Av. Sci., Compt. Rend. 2: 452-457, 3 pl.) With a discussion on the nomenclature of the true jalap, which is identified as Exogonium jalapa. 1873-1876. "Sur les Krameria et leur symétrie florale." ( Adansonia 11: 15-23, illus.) 1873-1876a. "Nouvelles observations sur les Euphorbiacées." ( Adansonia 11: 72-138, illus.) On p. 120-123, there is is a discussion of the classification of various Mexican genera: e.g., Stillingia and Sebastiania. 1874. "Sur les caractères spécifiques de Toluifera." (Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 7-8.) Distinguishing between Myroxylon toluiferum and M. peruiferum. 1876-1879. "Nouvelles observations sur les Onagrariées." (Adansonia 12: 21-39.) A discussion of structure, and the relationships of various genera. 1876-1879a. "Recherches nouvelles sur les Araliées et sur la famille des Ombellifères en général." (Adansonia 2: 125-178.)

BAILY, J. See JUARROS, Domingo, 1808-1818. BAIN, Douglas Cogburn. See REEVES, Robert Gatlin and BAIN, 1947. BAKER, Bella Yvonne, and Maynard W. QUIMBY. 1953. "A morphological study of the seeds of Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban, the yam bean." (Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 42: 471-473, illus.; based in part on a thesis by Baker for Mass. Coll. Pharm.) A study of macro- and micromorphology. BAKER, Carl Fuller. 1902. "A revision of the Elephantopeae (Comp.)" (Trans. Acad. Set. St. Louis 12: 43-56, 1 pi.) A brief report on the species of Mexico is included. BAKER, C. F. 1913. "Dissemination of new tropical plants." (Amer. Breed. Mag. 4: 209-217, illus.) A general article urging activity along this line, listing some selected plants for the purpose. BAKER, Edmund Gilbert. See also BRITTEN, James and BAKER, 1896, 1897, 1900, 1900a; PRAIN, David, and BAKER, 1902; ROSE, J. N„ 1895; 1895b; 1895c; 1897a. 1890-1894. "Synopsis of genera and species of Malveae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 28: 15, 140, 207, 239, 339, 367, 1890; 29: 49, 164, 362, 1891; 30: 71, 136, 235, 290, 324, 1892; 31: 68, 212, 267, 334, 361, 1893; 32: 35, 1894.) Arranged systematically, with descriptions of species and distribution. 1898. "Two old American types." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 36: 129-132.) One is Heliocarpus; the author discusses Rose's revision in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 5 ( 3 ) , 1897, q.v., and suggests changes he considers desirable. 1899. "Notes on Malvaviscus." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 27: 344-348.) A review of the genus with descriptions of species and distribution.

BAILLON, Henri Ernest, et al. 1876-1892. Dictionnaire de botanique. Paris, 4 vols., illus. For the introduction see "Preface d'un nouveau dictionnaire de botanique." (Adansonia 12:40-49, 1876-1879.) According to a footnote, this was omitted from the first fascicle, but inserted later. BAILLON, H. 1877. "Sur le Reana luxurians." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 1 4 ) : 108-110.) Discussion of its structure, particularly as compared with that of Tripsacum. 1877a. "Encore sur le Reana luxurians." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn Paris 1 ( 1 6 ) : 125-126.) Discussion of Reana as compared with Tripsacum, referring in particular to the views of Fournier and Decaisne. 1878. "Sur les organes de végétation du Reana." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 1 9 ) : 145-146.) Reviews the reasons for distinguishing Reana from Tripsacum, but disagrees with Ascherson who doubts the identity of Reana luxurians and Euchlaena mexicana. 1879. "Sur le Microsplenium et la suppression de la famille des Caprifoliacées." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 2 6 ) : 203204.) Transfers M. coulteri (Hook.) to Machaonia in the Rubiaceae and describes other species of Machaonia from Mexico: M. galeottiana, M. veracruzana, M. lindeniana, and M. hahniana. 1880. "Sur le Podophania." (Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 3 4 ) : 268-269.) Description of P. ghiesbreghtiana and a discussion of related species. 1883. "Un nouvel Ipomoea, remède de la rage." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 4 9 ) : 385.) I. sescossiana from San Luís Potosí, known as quiebra plato and espanta vaqueros. 1884. Traité de botanique médicale phanérogamique. Paris, 2 vols., illus.—PPAP. Gives descriptions of the plants, with country of origin and discussion of synonomy and nomenclature in some cases. 1887. "Un nouveau genre gamopétale de Loasacées." (Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 8 2 ) : 650-651.) Description of Loasella rupestris from Guaymas. 1887-1888. "Observations sur les Gesneriacées." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 90 ) : 717-720, ( 91 ) : 722-725. ) A discussion of systematics of the family with special reference to Isoloma (Cesneria) hahnii from Mexico. 1889. "Sur un nouveau Plocosperma." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1 ( 9 8 ) : 780-781.) Species are described from the collections of Galeotti, but not named. 1890. "Sur un nouveau Thenardia du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. Linn.,

BAKER, Frank Collins. 1895. A naturalist in Mexico. Chicago, 145 p., 41 illus., map. For criticism by Witmer Stone see (Science n.s. 2 ( 4 4 ) : 592-593, November 1, 1895). Covers northern Yucatán and Mexico, a sketch of a naturalist's experiences, with special interest in the fauna; references to plant life are given in passing. BAKER, Henry William Clinton. See CLINTON-BAKER, Henry William. BAKER, H(erbert) G(eorge). 1948-1953. "Dimorphism and monomorphism in the Plumbaginaceae." (Ann. Bot. n.s. 12:207-219, illus. 1948; 17:433-445, illus., 615-627, 2 maps, 1953.) The first part is a general survey; maps show the distribution of various genera. Part 2 considers "Pollen and stigmata in the genus Limonium," "for the solution of taxonomic, phylogenetic and phytogeographic problems." Several species in the genus range into Mexico. Part 3 discusses the "Correlation of geographical distribution patterns with dimorphism and monomorphism in Limonium." BAKER, John Gilbert. See also ROSE, J. N., 1895b; SAUNDERS, William Wilson, 1868-1873(?). BAKER, J. G. 1870. "The known forms of Yucca." (Gard. Chron.: 828-829, 923, 1088, 1183-1184, 1122-1123, 1217, illus.) Arranged in groups, with descriptions and original habitat; descriptions of some new species are included. 1871. "A revision of the genera and species of herbaceous capsular gamophyllous Liliaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 11: 349436.) Includes Bessera elegans and Milla biflora from Mexico.


BAKER 1872. "On Dasylirion and Beaucarnea." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 10: 296299, 323-329.) With a key to species, descriptions, distributional data, and history of the introduction of many species into Europe. D. laxifolium is described as a new species from Mexico. 1874. "On new or little known capsular gamophyllous Liliaceae." (/our. Bot. Br. For. 12: 3-8.) Mentions that Milla biflora Cav. is the plant described by Schauer as Diphalangium. 1875. "Revision of the genera and species of Tulipeae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 14: 211-310.) Calochortus from Mexico is included. 1876. "Yucca whipplei." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 6: 196-197, illus.) First description of the flower. 1877. "The genus Agave." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 7: 171, 303, 368, 527, 620, 717, illus., 8: 40, 136, 264, 396, 490, 556, 620, 682, 717, 748, 780, 907.) Trans, by V. Ricasoli as "Rivista delle Agave" and printed in (Bull. Soc. Tosc. Hort. 3: 183, 207, 234, 272 302, 360, 1878). A summary descriptive enumeration; with a key to Agave and its 3 American allies: Bravoa, Fourcroya, and Beschorneria, and a key to the known species, with data on their history under cultivation. The illustrations are all from specimens in the collection of Wilson Saunders. León cites a separate of Ricasoli's translation as Succinto della monographic delle Agave, Firenze, 1879. 1878. "A new key to the genera of Amaryllidaceae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 16: 161-169.) Down to the genus, with habitat for each; followed by list of 55 genera, and comments on species in each. 1878a. "Systema Iridacearum." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 16: 61180.) Conspectus of tribes and genera, with a list of species and their distribution. 1879. "The species of Fourcroya." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 11: 623-624, 656.) With a key to forms, based on habit and leaves, descriptions of species, and native country. 1879a. "A synopsis of the genus Aechmea." (Jour. Bot. 17: 129, 161, 226.) With keys to sections and species; descriptions include new species and distribution. 1880. "A synopsis of Hypoxidaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. 17: 93-126.) Includes Hypoxis decumbens and Curculigo scorzoneraefolia from tropical America. 1880a. "A synopsis of Colchicaceae and the aberrant tribes of Liliaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 17: 405-510.) Includes Weldenia, Schoenocaulon, and Stenanthium from Mexico. 1880b. "Note on Mikania guaco." (Pharm. Jour. Trans. Ill, 11: 471.) Reviews the synonymy and lists the publications in which the plant is illustrated. 1881. "Zephyranthes macrosiphon." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 16: 70.) Description of a new species from Mexico. 1881a. "A synopsis of the genus Pitcairinia." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 19:225, 266, 303.) Trans, into German as "Synopsis der gattung Pitcairnia" in (Gart. Zeitg. 3: 481-484, illus., 1884). With keys to subgenera, species, descriptions, and distribution. 1881b. "A synopsis of Aloineae and Yuccoideae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 18: 148-241.) With a key to species and detailed descriptions; all in Latin. 1884. "Bravoa bulliana Baker n.sp." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 22: 328.) Describes it as a "South American amaryllid, presumably Mexican." 1884a. "A review of the tuber bearing species of Solanum." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 20: 489-507, 6 pi.) With a special section on those from Mexico, leaving 3 valid species: S. cardiophyllum Lindley, S. jamesii Torrey, and S. oxycarpum Schiede. 1887. "Agave (Littaea) henriquesii n.sp." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 1: 732-733 i.)

BAKHUIZEN van den BRINK "No doubt it is a native of Mexico"; for illustration see III, 2: 307, 1887. 1887,1888. "Synopsis of Tillandsieae." (Jour. Bot. 25:52, 115, 171, 211, 234, 277, 303, 344, 1887; 26: 12, 39, 79, 104, 137, 167, 1888.) With a key to genera and to groups of species, with descriptions and distribution; many new taxa are included from Mexico. 1888. Handbook of Amaryllidae. London, 1888, 216 p. PPAN. With keys, descriptions, and localities. 1889. Handbook of the Bromeliaceae. London, 243 p.-PPAN. With keys, descriptions, and country of origin. 1892. Handbook of the Irideae. London, 247 p. With keys, descriptions, and country of origin. "Full of nomenclatural and tajconomic errors" (Foster—Contr. Gray Herb. 135: 3). 1893. "A synopsis of the genera and species of Museae." (Ann. Bot. 7: 189-222.) Includes Heliconia schiedeana Klotzsch and H. aurantiaca Ghiesb. from Mexico. Descriptions are given with the country of origin. 1893a. "Hymenocallis concinna Baker n.sp." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 14: 150.) Description of a plant from Mexico. 1894. "On the species and garden forms of Canna." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 16: 178-188.) History of the genus, and a brief discussion of the subgenera and species of Canna. 1904-1906. "A revised classification of roses." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 37: 70-79.) A catalogue of spec'es, varieties and principal hybrids, with an analytical key to groups, and a brief discussion of geographic distribution. This .eplaces the catalogue printed in (Gard. Chron.: 199, 1885; q v., and in Jour. Bot. 23: 281-286, 1885), as "A classification of garden roses," q.v. BAKER, M. 1957. "Mexico's marvellous maguey." (Herbarist 23: S 1 ^ , illus. (from Dodge News Mag.) The original was not seen. Mainly on its products. BAKER, Milo Samuel. 1947. "A new violet from Mexico." (Madroño 9: 131-133.) Viola galeanaensis from Nuevo León. 1960. "Studies in western violets IX." (Madroño 15(7): 199-204.) Miscellaneous species in the sections Nomimium and Chaemaemelanium. Viola aliceae is described as a new species from Mexico. BAKER, O. E. See FINCH, Vernor Clifford and BAKER, 1917. BAKER, Richard Eric Defoe, and N. Y. SANDWITH. 1953. "The gender of Theobroma." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 4: 591.) It is feminine, not neuter. BAKER, Ross W. 1941. "Reichenbachia." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 9:317-320.) Reports on a complete set of original paintings for the Reichenbachia illustrations in America; describes the work and the paintings. 1942. "Epidendrum mariae." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 11(2): 5657, illus.) Description of a "little known species." BAKER, Walter and Co. 1891. The chocolate plant. Dorchester, 40 p., illus. On the history and botany of Theobroma cacao; illustrations are from Bontekoe, q.v. BAKHUIZEN van den BRINK, Reiner Cornelis. 1921. "Revisio generis Avicenniae." (Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 3: 199-226, pi. 14-22.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. 1924. "Revisio Bombacacearum." (Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. Ill, 6: 161-240, pi. 26-38.)



BAKHUIZEN van den BRINK-continued With keys to genera and species, descriptions, synonymy, and distribution. Montezuma is retained in the group though the author feels it belongs better in the Hibisceae of the Malvaceae. BALAREZO, Manuel. 1914. "Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. V, 7:331-345, 361-383. ) With a section on the flora, the forest, and agricultural wealth. BALBI, Adriano, et al. 1863. Nuevo curso completo de geografía universal. Paris (4th ed.?), vol. 2.—UNAM. Trans, from what? (Abregé de géographie, Paris, 1st ed., 1833 or Elements de géographie général, Paris, 1st éd., 1843?). Mexico is discussed on p. 141-249; on p. 165-167 there is a list of native plants, by common names only, with uses. BALBONTIN, José Rodríguez. José.




BALBONTIN, Juan Maria. 1859. "Notas formadas para la geografía y estadística del Departamento de Querétaro." (Bol. Soc. M ex. Geog. Est. 7: 493-534.) With a detailed list of plants. 1867. Estadística del Estado de Querétaro. México, 206 p.—Libr. Porrua. With a considerable section devoted to useful plants, cited by common names only. BALBONTIN, Manuel. 1873. "Los bosques." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., I l l , 1: 144-151.) Deploring the destruction of woods and forests, with mention of specific localities, and urging measures of conservation and reforestation. BALBUENA, Bernardo de ( D L C cites as Valbuena). 1604. La grandeza Mexicana. México, 1941, 207 p., illus., ed. by Francisco Monterde. The first ed. was pubi, in Mexico, 1604. Another version, ed. by John Van Home, was pubi, in Urbana, Illinois, 1930. The 6th section of this poem is devoted to plants, native and cultivated. BALDERRAMA, Berta Hiriart Vivar. See HIRIART VIVAR BALDERRAMA, Berta. BALDERRAMA, Salvador González. RAMA, Salvador.



BALDINI, Ferdinando. 1929. "Contribución al estudio de la Heimia salicifolia ( H.B.K. ) Link et Otto." (Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. Univ. Nac. Tucumán 2 ( 3 ) : 5-12, illus.) Description, root anatomy, and chemical analysis. Issued as a separate, Tucumán, 1929, 21 p., 5 figs., with the author's work on Larrea, q.v. 1929a. "Contribución al estudio de la Larrea divaricata Cav." (Boi. Mus. Hist. Nat., Univ. Nac. Tucumán 2 ( 3 ) : 13-21, illus.) Issued as a separate, Tucumán, 1929, 21 p., 5 figs., with the author's work on Heimia, q.v. Description, anatomy of stem and leaf, and a chemical analysis; a description is taken from Juan A. Domínguez Datos para la materia médica Argentina, 1905. BALDIZAN GATO, Emilia. 1946. La Huasteca Potosina. México, 2 vols, typed, bibl., 7 maps.— BNCE-Méx. With a list of native grasses and forage plants, by common names, many with scientific names. Trees are mentioned, by common names only, in the preamble; there is also a brief discussion of dominant plants of region on p. 75, vol. 1, and a more detailed discussion of grasses and other forage plants on p. 136-142. BALDOC LLANSA, P. 1946. "Cultivo de la papa." (Rancho 2 ( 6 ) : 4, illus.; ( 7 ) : 4-9, 78; ( 8 ) : 6-8, 70; ( 9 ) : 4-7, 75.) On Solanum tuberosum.

1947. "El cultivo del castaño en tierras de México." (Rancho 3 ( 2 0 ) : 13-16.) On Castanea. BALDOVINOS, Francisco. See VARIOUS, 1960b. BALDOVINOS, Gabriel. See VARIOUS, 1960b. BALDRATI, Isaia. 1914. "La chayóte." (Agr. Colon. 8 ( 1 ) : 38-55, illus.) Description, common names, culture, and uses. BALESTIER, Joseph N. See REVERE, Joseph Warren, 1849. BALESTRIER, Louis de (often used the pseudonym L. Agrícola.) See abo BIANCONI, F. 1889. 1895. "El axe." (Prog. Méx. 2(66): 1). On a substance of various uses (varnish, dye, medicine), produced by an insect of the same name which lives on various plants in Michoacán, Veracruz, and Yucatán. 1895a. "Raíz de jalapa-purga." (Prog. Méx. 2 ( 6 8 ) : 1.) On Ipomoea purga. 1895b. "El chicalote." (Prog. Méx. 2 ( 7 0 ) : 1.) On Argemone. 1895c. "Plantas forrajeras de la regiones intertropicales." ( Prog. Méx. 2 ( 9 4 ) : 1-2.) Cont. 3: 4-5, 1895. 1895d. "El jardín en Diciembre." (Prog. Méx. 3: 122-123.) Signed L. Agrícola. On "tulipanes y jacintos." 1895e. "La alegría." (Prog. Méx. 3: 135-36). Signed L. Agrícola. On Amaranthus leucospermus. 1896. "El gombo." (Prog. Méx. 3:270-271.) Signed L. Agrícola. On Hibiscus esculentus. 1896a. "El melón." (Prog. Méx. 3: 789, 801, 4: 22, 45.) Signed L. Agrícola. With a description of the varieties, taken from Vilmorin Andrieux y Co. 1896-1897. "El maíz como planta forragera." (Rev. Agr. 12:266267. ) Signed L. Agrícola. With descriptions of varieties. 1897. "El pipirigallo." (Prog. Méx. 4: 300-301, 320.) On Hedysarum onohrijchis L. as a forage plant. 1897a. "Plantas nocivas." (Prog. Méx. 4: 783-784.) On zacatlaxcale, Cuscuta americana. 1898. "Cada planta en su terreno." (Observador, San Juan Bautista, 3 ( 1 2 5 ) : 1, 2; ( 1 2 8 ) : 1, 2.) On plants that serve as indicators of soil types, with examples taken from the Mexican flora. Common and scientific names are given. The first part is principally quotes from Mariano Barcena. (An. Min. Fom. Méx. vol. 4, q.v. ) The second part is original. 1898a. "La Araucaria como planta industrial." (Prog. Méx. 5: 545546.) Signed L. Agrícola. For gums and resins, etc. 1900. "Algunos usos del pochote." (Prog. Méx. 8 ( 3 4 3 ) : 102-103.) Signed L. Agrícola. On Ceiba. 1900a. "Fibras Mexicanas." (Prog. Méx. 8 ( 3 4 4 ) : 120-121.) On la catana ó tronadora de Tamaulipas, identified as probably "Abutilón." 1901b. "La pita de Tamaulipas." (Prog. Méx. 8 : 2 2 5 . ) Signed L. Agrícola. On yucca; in answer to a letter. 1901c. "El hule de las tierras templadas." (Prog. Méx. 8 ( 3 7 4 ) : 593: reprinted, with the author cited as M., P. de, in Her. Agrie. May, 1906: 3-4.) On Sapium biglandulosum. 1901d. "Una planta mas que da gutaperca." (Prog. Méx. 8 : 6 7 3 674.) On el amate, with a quote from an article by Carlos Renson en Bol. Agr. Rep. San Salvador; (this last was not located). 1901e. "Los Agaves Mexicanos." (Prog. Mex. 9: 112.) Signed L. Agrícola. Discusses "errores cometidos por algunos autores." 106


BALFOUR 1902. "Plantas textiles de México." (Prog. Méx. 9: 342-343.) On el alatle, Sida rhombifolia. 1904. "Algunas plantas Mexicanas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 2 8 : 8 2 2 824.) Notes on Roystonea (Oreodoxa) regia, samandoque (Hesperaloe), and henequén (Agave). 1905. "Las Acacias para la curtiduría." (Bol. Cám. Agr. Jal. 7 ( 1 ) : 394-401.) Also in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 29: 122-125, 1905). With common names and, for some, scientific names. 1905a. "El kapok." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 81-84); also in (Per. Of. Est. Mich. 1 3 ( 4 0 ) : 5 ) . With common names, description, culture, distribution, and uses. The plant is identified as Eriodendron (occidentale). 1905b. "Aprovechamiento de algunas Acacias." ( Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 101-103.) Description, origin, and common names. 1905c. "Dos plantas Mexicanas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 342-345.) One of them is el ahuacate; the other el marañon. 1905d. "El nopal." (Per. Of. Gob. Est. Michoacán 13( 102): 4-5.) Taken from Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. The original has not been located. On its use as a forage plant. 1906. "Nuevas plantas huleras en México." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 30: 41-43.) Also in (Per. Of. Est. Michoacán 1 4 ( 2 0 ) : 4-5, 1906). Refers to palo amarillo, guayule, and Sapium biglandulosum. 1906a. "José C. Segura." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 30: 143-146, port.) 1906b. "Una planta barométrica." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 30: 547549.) Also in (Per. Of. Gob. Est. Mich. 1 4 ( 8 9 ) : 4, 1906). On whether Abrus precatorius exists in Mexico, and on other plants that might serve as weather forecasters. BALFOUR, Isaac Bayley. See SCHIMPER, Andreas Franz Wilhelm, 1898; WARMING, Eugen, and VAHL, 1895. BALFOUR, J. H. (John Hutton). 1848. "Notice of some plants which flowered recently in the Edinburgh Botanical Garden." (Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 44: 200-205.) With a detailed description and discussion of the history of Exogonium purga, "the true jalap plant." BALL, C. F. 1911. "Solandra hartwegii." (Gard. Chron. I l l , 49: 383, illus.) History of the plant and a description. BALL, Carleton Roy. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960; LUNDELL, Cyrus Longworth, et al, 1942—in progress; ORCUTT, C. R„ 1900. 1921. "Notes on willows of sections Pentandrae and Nigrae." (Bot. Gaz. 72:220-236.) Discusses Salix gooddingii Ball from Mexico. 1942. "Far western novelties in Salix." (Madroño 6: 227-239.) Includes S. hindsiana Benth. var. leucodendroides (Rowlee) comb. nov. which ranges into Mexico. 1949. "Two problems in Salix distribution." (Madroño 10: 81-87, 2 maps. ) Includes a discussion on S. lasiandra from northwestern Mexico. 1950. "New combinations in southwestern Salix." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sei. 40: 324-335.) Mexican material includes: S. gooddingii and its var. variabilis, and S. lasiolepis var. bracelinae. BALL, J. A. 1908? Mexico as described in personal correspondance between Mr. Ben Slaevin North and his friend Mr. Seymour X. South. Chicago, 2d ed., publ. by National Rail Lines of Mexico.—PU. A guidebook; with brief comments on fruits and vegetables on p. 27. BALLANTYNE, John. See DEAN, Richard, et al, 1897. BALLESTEROS, Laura Esther. 1938. "Extracción de la esencia de epazote del ambrosioides." Monterrey, 30 p. Thesis Pharm.


BALLESTEROS GAIBROIS, Manuel, Rafael ALCALA SANTAELLA, and Dolores ESPINOSA NAVARRO. 1947. "Aportación de los médicos y farmacéuticos Españoles a la obra de España en América." (An. Estud. Amer. 4: 521-578.) With a brief section on "botánicos en América": Oviedo, Hernández, Acosta, et al. BALLESTEROS GAIBROIS, Manuel. 1955. "Manuscritos Hispano-indígenas." (An. XXXI Cong. Int. Amer. Sao Paulo, 2: 1099-1108.) With a discussion of Mexican maps that accompanied the Relaciones. BALLESTEROS ZENDEJAS, José L. 1946. "Estudios sobre la zona norte de la República Mexicana." México, 200 p., 6 maps. Thesis ENE. With a list of forage plants by states; common names are taken from Planeación del Crédito Ganadero by Moisés T. de la Peña. BALLINAS, Juan. (1876-1877.) Memorias 1876-1877; el Desierto de los Lacandones." Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 1951, 77 p., illus., 2 maps; introd. and notes by Frans Blom and illus. by G. Duby—MN Méx. An interesting account, but with few references to plants. BALLOU, Maturin Murray. 1890. Aztec land. Boston, 355 p. With many superficial comments on plants. BALLS, Edward K. 1939. "Plant hunting in Mexico." (Gard. Chron., I l l , 105: 122-123, 138-139, 152-153, illus.) Reports of outstanding plants seen on an 8-month trip; the first part concentrates on collecting on the Nevado de Toluca and Popocatepetl; the second part on the Pedregal south of Mexico City, on Mt. Orizaba, and on the Cofre de Perote; the last part, on Malinche. 1942. "Central and South American potatoes for the improvement of European and North American stocks." (Proc. 8th Amer. Set. Cong. 3: 143-147.) With only a brief reference to the author's collections of Solanum demissum in Mexico. 1948. "Some plant introductions especially suited to California gardens." (Jour. Calif. Hort. Soc. 9: 105-111.) Includes descriptions of two Mexican plants: Agastache mexicana and Rubus trilobus. BALLY, P. R. O. See JACOBSEN, Hermann, 1954-1955. BALMASEDA, Francisco Javier. 1885. "Tratado sobre el plátano." (Rev. Agr. 1: 222, 236, 259, 276, 295, 310, 325, 355, 372, 384.) On Musa. 1886-1887. "Breve tratado sobre el cocotero." (Rev. Agr. 2: 14, 30, 45, 110, 125, 142, 207, 223, 263, 279, 294, 310, 343, 359, 382, 404. ) Repr. as a separate, México, 1895, 48 p . - B N Méx. On Cocos nucifera. 1886-1887a. "Cultivo de las patatas." (Rev. Agr. 2:205-206, 245, 260, 277, 291, 309, 381, 403.) On Solanum tuberosum. BALME, Juan. See ( HAWKES, Alex D.)?, 1953c; ROLFE, R. A., 1907; WRIGHT, Norman Pelham, 1958. 1894. La remolacha—su cultivo, rendimiento, y beneficio. México, 12 p.—Bibliot. M. R. Gómez. On Beta vulgaris. BALME, J., and Co. n.d.( after 1904). Mexican orchids and cacti. México, 36 p.—DPU. Lists, well illustrated, with some descriptions. BALME, Juan. 1919. "El olivo y su porvenir." (Rev. Agr. 3( 1 0 ) : 378-383, illus.; not finished.) History of the plant in Mexico. 1919a. "El frambueso y su cultivo." (Rev. Agr. 5 ( 2 ) : 120-123, illus. ) On Rubus idaeus.





BALME—continued 1920. "Lirio del valle ó muguet." (Rev. Agr. 5: 430-432, illus.) On Convallaria. 1920a. "Repoblando nuestros bosques." (Rev. Agr. 5: 522-525.) Special attention is given to Eucalyptus. 1934. Algunos datos acerca del cultivo de frutales. México, 2d éd., 95 p., illus.—BN Méx. With a list of fruits arranged alphabetically by scientific names, with common name, family, and zones where grown. 1938. "Quelques notes sur un arbre fruitier Mexicain, le Crataegus mexicana Moc. et Sessé . . ." {Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 85: 501-502.) "Dont la culture serait intéressante, tant en France qu'aux Colonies." Reprinted in Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 7: 218219, 1938, with the addition of "tres" in the title before "intéressante," and the "qu'aux" changed to "comme aux." Description of the plant includes common names and uses. 1943. "Orquídeas Mexicanas en general." ( Orquídea 1 ( 2 - 6 ) : 73.) Summary of a paper given at the Primer Congr. Intern, de Orquidófilos, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, April, 1943. This was to be published later. See Balme, 1952. 1943a. "Catálogo de las orquídeas Americanas." (Orquídea 1 ( 2 - 6 ) : 83-88.) Summary of a paper given at the Primer Congr. Intern, de Orquidófilos, Tuxtla Guitiérrez, April, 1943. 1946. "Laelias Mexicanas." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 4: 2-9.) A list of synonyms and common names, from a forthcoming work—"Orquídeas Mexicanas." 1950. "Orquídeas Mexicanas." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 10: 16-25.) A catalogue of outstanding genera and species, with common and scientific names, and distribution. 1952. "Algunas notas sobre Orquídeas de Chiapas." (Chiapas 1 ( 1 ) : 32-33.) With an alphabetical list, by scientific names, of principal species; some common names also are given. 1952a. "Orquídeas Mexicanas." (Mem. Acad. Nac. Cieñe. Méx. 5 7 ( 1 - 2 ) : 9-42, 7 pl.) Discussion of the most important tribes, a review of the history of Mexican orchids, with particular emphasis on genera noted by Hernández, suggestions for the culture of orchids, and a catalogue of epiphytic Mexican orchids, listed alphabetically by genera and species and with descriptions. BALMIS y BERENGUER, Francisco Xavier. 1794. Demostración de las eficaces virtudes nuevamente descubiertas en las raíces de dos plantas de Nueva España. Madrid, 347 p., 2 col. pl. León cites an Italian éd., Roma, 1795 and a German éd., Leipzig, 1797. On the medicinal uses of "especies de Agave y Begonia"; gives a detailed description of the plants. León in his Biblioteca botánico—Mexicana included an extract from the work on p. 29-54. BALTASAR, Juan Antonio. See ORTEGA, José de, 1754. BALTHIS, Frank K. 1938. "Agave miradorensis." (Des. Pl. Life 10: 32-33, illus.) Description, with the distribution given as eastern Mexico. BALTZER, Elizabeth Ammerman. 1944. "A monographic study of the genus Palafoxia and its immediate allies." ( Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 31: 249-276, illus., maps. ) History, morphology, key to genera and species, descriptions and a list of specimens examined. Study includes Othake, Polypteris, and Palafoxia. BAMFORD, Ronald. See KING, J. Richard and BAMFORD, 1937. BAMPTON, S. S. 1961. "Yams and diosgenin." ( T r o p . Set. 3 ( 4 ) : 150-153.) Mainly on methods of detecting diosgenin in the plants; with general information on the botany and distribution of the plants. BANCALARI, Carlos.

1952. "Monografía del maguey del pulque." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Jalisco 1 ( 1 ) : 37-43.) Description, distribution, uses, and insect enemies.


BANCROFT, Griffing. 1932. Lower California, a cruise—the flight of the Least Petrel. New York and London, 395 p., illus., map. Story of a cruise around Lower California, with much information on plants in the areas visited; by a naturalist interested mainly in birds. BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. 1882-1890. History of the Pacific states of North America. San Francisco, 6 vols., illus., maps, bibl. Volumes 4 to 9 are on Mexico; chapter 29 of vol. 6 is on agriculture. 1893. Resources and development of Mexico. San Francisco, 325 p., illus., maps.—NN. A Spanish version, Recursos y desarrollo de México, San Francisco, 1893, is at DLC. With a brief section on the flora in general and a special chapter on agriculture. BANDA, Isaac. 1856. "Estadística del Territorio de Colima." N.p., 79 p., ms. at SMGE. With a section on the agricultural products. BANDA, Longinos. (1857?) Estadística de Jalisco. Guadalajara, 1873, 209 p., map. Also in (Bol. Soc. Mex Geog. Est. 11: 199, 245, 305, 589, 1865). Marte Gómez mentions an earlier edition of 1857 and one of 1866. The section on agriculture contains a list of the plants, arranged alphabetically with common and scientific names. Chapter 3 ends with a list of the plants of the state, arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific names. 1870. "De la yuca." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. II, 2: 555-561.) On Jatropha manihot as a food source, with its history and a description. 1871. "Breves noticias del Volcán de Ceboruco." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. II, 3: 26-34, 2 pi.) With a section on the plants at the foot of the volcano in Jalisco. 1885. Nociones de historia natural. Guadalajara, 75 p.—Bibl. Pubi. Guadalajara. The work is signed L. B. "Exractados de varios autores para los alumnos del Licèo de Varones"; p. 42-57 are on botany. BANDALA M., M. 1933. "La papaya." (Maes Rur. 3 ( 1 3 ) : 17-19, illus.) On Carica papaya. 1934. "El cacahuate." ( Maes. Rur. 5 ( 12) : 14.) On Arachis. BANDELIER, Adolph Francis (Alphonse). See also HAMMOND, George Peter, and Edgar F. GOAD, 1949; NENTWIG, Juan, (1762?); NUNEZ CABECA de VACA, Alvar, 1542. 1884. "Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881." ( Papers Archaeol. Inst. America, Amer. Ser., 2: 1-326.) Report of a trip from Tampico to Mexico City, Cholula, and Mitla. References to plants are brief and scattered. 1885. "Die grenzgebiete der Vereinigten Staaten und Mexico's." (Verh. Ges. Erdk. Berlin 12: 258-281.) Vegetation is considered on p. 266-268; common and scientific names are given for the plants. BANDELIER, Fanny Ritter. See NUNEZ CABECA de VACA, Alvar, 1542. BANDERA MOLINA, Juan. 1943. "La trementina y sus derivados." México, 242 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. With a brief section on the pines of Mexico. BANDINELLI, C. O. See MONTES, A. L„ et al, 1961. BANERJI, I. See BOSE, P. K., and BANERJI, 1933. BANIGAN, Thomas Franklin, Jr., J. W. MEEKS, and R. W. PLANCK.


BANKS 1951. "Distribution of wax in guayule." illus.)

(Boi. Gaz.


BARAJAS, Nicolás García. See GARCIA BARAJAS, Nicolás.


BARANDA, Pedro Sainz de. See SAINZ de BARANDA, Pedro.

As found in various parts of the plant.

BARBA, Rafael. See also ALFARO, A., 1906; VARIOUS, 1888-1889. 1895-1896. " E l henequén en Yucatán." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 19: 468, 683, 719, 732, 750, 766, 1895; 20: 7, 26, 38, 60, 73, 106, 136, 167, 187, 199, 232, 280, 292, 310, 1896.) Publ. also as a separate, México, 1895, 98 p., illus., 1905, 2d ed., 114, p., 2 pi.; 3d ed., 1918, 95 p. An extract by Luís Marin, 28 p., illus., was published in Tacubaya, 1930, by the Depto. Quím. Suelos Agron., Dir. Gral. Agr. Gan., Sria. Agr. Fom.—SHMéx.

BANKS, Georgia. See MARSHALL, William Taylor, 1936. BANNING, Florenz ( Florentius ). 1824. "De herba Nicotianae." Berlin, 30 p., Inaug. Diss.—DA. Mainly on the use of the plant, with an introduction on its history and names. BANNING, George Hugh. 1925. In Mexican waters. London, 196 p., illus., map, 3 2 pi. A well-written account on Lower California and west coast Mexico, with scattered comments on plants.

With native names and description of the plant and its varieties. The emphasis is on culture. 1896. "Selvicultura." (Prog. Méx. 3 : 4 7 4 , 475-477, 489, 492-495, 509, 511, 524-526, 553-555, 604-605, 736-737.) Includes maderas preciosas, with common and scientific names; maderas de construcción; substancias resinosas, y maderas paras combustibles; maderas tintóreas y curtientes; also sections on el oyamél, coquito de aceite, Alfonsia oleífera, cocos del marfil vegetal, and cacao. 1896a. "Explotación de los bosques de México." (Prog. Méx. 3: 722, 750.) The first reference is to ocotzote, Liquidambar; the second to ahuehuete, Taxodium. 1899-1901. "Selvicultura nacional." (Prog. Méx. 6 : 6 3 7 - 6 3 8 , 650652; 7: 609-610; 8: 233-234, 325-326, 360-361, 373-374, 393, 407, 419, 434, 451.) There are many sections before this, but the pages cited contain lists of plants classified as growing in the mountain regions, in the zona calida, zona templada, and zona fría. Common and scientific names are given; some plants are grouped according to use. Vol. 8 contains descriptions of árbol del Perú, Liquidambar, marañon, anacahuite, árbol de mamey, palo de Campeche, and coco. Compare with later work similarly entitled, 1908-1913.

BANNISTER, M. H. 1958. "Specimens of two pine trees from Guadalupe Island, Mexico." (New Zealand Jour. For. 7 ( 5 ) : 81-87.) Anatomical and taxonomic study of the first pines introduced into New Zealand from Guadalupe Island. Both are referred to Pinus radiata var. lineata. BANO, Eugenio (known also as Jeno?). 1908. "Estudios sobre el cultivo del cacao en México." (Bol. Sría. Fom. Méx. II, 7 ( 9 ) : 760-766.) On Theobroma cacao. 1911. Estudio sobre varias plantas tropicales y su cultivo en México. México, 41 p. Repr. in (Bol. Cám. Agr. Nac. Chiapas 1(14-23), 1911-1912). A German version, under the title Tropische gewaechse und ihr anbau in Mexico, was pubi, in Hannover, 1922, 35 p . - N N . On coffee, tobacco, sugar, cacao, vanilla, guayule, etc. The author was the Mexican consul in Koeln. 1918. "Plantas textiles-la ceiba ó pochote." (Rev. Agr. 2 : 288-292, illus.) Cited as trans, from the German; the original source is not indicated.

1906. " E l árbol del Perú." (Agr. Mex. 2 1 ( 5 ) : 107-111.) Also in (Her. Agr. 21: 19-20, 1906). 1906a. " E l yoyote." (Her. Agr. 6: 3.) On Thevetia. 1908-1913. "Selvicultura nacional." (Her. Agr. 8 ( 8 ) : 3, 1908, cont. in each issue to 1 3 ( 6 ) : 6, never finished.) Barba died in 1911, but publication was continued with material he had prepared earlier. Beginning in 1 1 ( 3 ) : 15, 1911 and continuing to 1 1 ( 6 ) : 18, 1911, there is a list of trees and shrubs to be used for reforestation. Plants are arranged in alphabetical order by Barba from "trabajos de los naturalistas F. Altamirano y J. Ramírez." The section entitled "Conocimientos prácticos de botánica necesarios al selvicultor" taken from 7 ( 9 ) : 9-11, ( 1 0 ) : 3-4, ( 1 1 ) : 6-8, 1907, was printed in the Per. Of. Est. Mich. 1 5 ( 9 2 ) : 5-6, 1907, but published anonymously. Compare with earlier work, similarly entitled, 1899-1901.

BANO, J. de. See also ANONYMOUS, 1918j. BANO, Jeno. 1896. Mexico—es utazasom a tropusokon. Budapest, 205 p., illus.—NN. Book of description and travel, with chapters on the production of various crops. BANO, José de, and Miguel SANTA MARIA. 1913. La viticultura en los terrenos arenosos de la República cana. Mexico, 131 p., illus. Varieties and culture.


BANO, José de. 1917. "Zonas vitícolas." (Bol. Agr. 3 ( 3 ) : 116-119, illus.) Arranged according to states, and according to altitude, within the states. 1921. "Tres tubérculos de importancia." (Rev. Agr. 5: 630-631; also in Farmacia, II, 2 ( 3 0 ) : 510-513, 1921.) Curcuma tinctoria, Maranta arundinacea, and Zingiber officinale.

BARBACHANO, Fernando Cámara. See CAMARA BARBACHANO, Fernando.

BANO, Leopoldo. See ERATH, 1902.


BAÑOS CONTRERAS, S. 1945. "La papaya." (Campo Mainly on its uses.

BARBER, Charles H. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947.

II, 1 1 ( 6 4 3 ) : 15-24.)

BARBOSA, Bertha Alicia. 1949. "Contribución al estudio de la corteza de palo piojo." Monterrey, 26 typed p. Thesis Pharm. On Willardia mexicana.

BAO, José Javier de Cubas. See CUBAS BAO, José Javier de. BATTISTA, Mariano. 1777. "El curato de Guiechapa (Guiechaapa) (Oaxaca)." N.p., 14 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 77, Col. P. y T. BAQUEIRO, Serapio. 1881. Reseña geográfica histórica y estadística del Estado de México, 157 p. With only a brief reference to plants.

BARBOSA, Francisco. 1778. "Noticias geográficas . . . de el curato de Señora Santa Anna Guanaxuato." N.p., 7 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 40, Col. P. y T.


BARBOSA, José Carvalho.


BARBOSA RODRIGUEZ, Joäo. 1894. Hortus fiuminensis. Rio de Janeiro, 307 p., illus. "Ou breve noticia sobre as plantas cultivadas no Jardim Botánico do Rio de Janeiro para servir de guia aos visitantes." Index of common and scientific names is arranged systematically by families, and alphabetically by genera and species, with descriptions, country of origin, and distribution.

BAQUERA, Juan Sánchez de la. See SANCHEZ de la BAQUERA, Juan. BAQUERO, Federico. See also PALAZUELOS, Enrique, 1900. 1881. "Sobre preparación y aplicaciones de la lupulina." Morelia, 3 lvs., ms.—Bibliot. Univ. Morelia, Arch. Emphasis is on the chemistry. 109



BARBOSA RODRIGUEZ—continued 1906. "Las Heveas ó seringueiras." (Trog. Méx. 12:239, 260, 273, 284, 307, 325, 373, 406, 13: 438, 441, 464.)

issue to 3: 26, 1881). A separate pubi, with the same title, México, 1881, 21 p. contains data on the Valle de Mexico, Puebla, León, Guadalajara, and Cuernavaca. The data for 1879 were pubi, in (An. Min. Fom. Méx. 4: 299-317, 1881) and were also included in the above cited separate. A discussion of seasonal changes, mainly by families and important genera, for Mexico and a few other cities, as noted below. For the Valle de México, for 1879, there is a chart by months, listing plants observed, with common and scientific names, family, and locality. Data for other cities were supplied as follows: for Puebla (Blásquez); for León (Leal); for Guadalajara ( Flores ) ; for Cuernavaca ( Solórzano ) ; Lázaro Castillo and Próspero Ceballos worked in this area later. The separate refers also to work being done by Dugés, in Guanajuato; by M. V. de León in Aguascalientes; by J. G. SchafFner in San Luís Potosí; by M.Tena in Morelia; and by Aniceto Moreno in Orizaba. 1877-1882. "Calendario botánico de Puebla y sus cercanías." (Bol. Min. Fom. Rep. Méx. 1: Nos. 12, 13, 14, 23, 24-27, 31, 33, 35-37, 42, 58, 59, 61, 1877; 2: Nos. 19, 21, 23, 29, 1878; 3: Nos. 16, 23, 55, 78, 1879; 4: Nos. 35, 60, 73, 77, 89, 101, 107, 121, 126, 150, 152, 1880; 5: Nos. 39, 83, 194, 211, 1881; 6: Nos. 21, 22, 60, 64, 70, 86, 103, 114, 138, 157, 176, 187.) The collaborators include Vicente Reyes, Miguel Pérez and (in vol. 3) Ignacio Blásquez. The latter cont. the calendar into 7: Nos. 5, 32, 44, 74, 86, 1882 and 8: Nos. 7, 90, 133, 155, 1883.

BARBOUR, William R. See also BEARD, J. S., 1944. 1942. "Forest types of tropical America." (Carib. For. 3 ( 4 ) : 137150.) Divided into dry, deciduous, rain, and cloud forests. BARCA, Frances Erskine Inglis Calderón de la. See CALDERON de la BARCA, Frances Erskine Inglis. BARCENA, Mariano. See abo BALESTRIER, L. de, 1898; CABALLERO, Manuel, 1883; MAISCH, John, 1882; ANONYMOUS, 1876 f; 1895d. 1870. "El marañon." (Naturaleza 1: 335-337.) Description and distribution of Anacardium occidentale L. with details of its naturalization in Jalisco. 1871. "Aclimatación de plantas en la República." (Naturaleza 2: 141-148.) General suggestions on the naturalization of plants. 1872. "Observaciones de plantas características de climas y terrenos." (Naturaleza 2: 173-177.) On the value of certain plants as soil indicators; e.g., oaks for red iron oxide. Special attention is given to Bignonia viminalis H.B.K, for alluvial soils. 1874. Viaje a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa. México, 31 p., map, 2 col. pi. Repr. in (Naturaleza 3: 75-92, 1874, and in Propag. Indust. 1: 167, 177, 1875). With a geologic and floristic description of the region between Mexico City and the Caves, a table of characteristic plants along the route, and a description of a new species, Exogonium olivae. 1874a. "El árbol de manitas." (Naturaleza 3: 114-117.) Repr. in (Bol. Inst. Lit. Méx.: 2 p.). History and description of the plant. 1875. "El coamecate." (An. Soc. Humboldt 2: 305-307, 1 pi.) On Antigonon leptopus, with a description of the plant. 1875a. "Noticias del Ceboruco." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. Ill, 2: 232-240.) With brief references to the plants of the area in the distrito de Tepic, north-northwest of Ahuacatlán. 1875b. "Informe." (Naturaleza 3: 254-259.) Summaries of the year's work in botany. 1876. "La Hauya (?) elegans." (Naturaleza 3: 305-307.) With a detailed description. 1876a. "The Valley of México." (Penn Month. 7: 956-959.) With a few references to the plants, by scientific names. 1877. "Nota científica de una parte del Estado de Hidalgo." (An. Min. Fom. Méx. 1: 331-378, 2 col. pi., map.) With a key to plants of the region and descriptions of three: Hauya elegans, Chitonia mexicana, and Hiraea barredae, n. sp. A list of places visited is also cited, with common plants seen in each locality. 1877a. "Descripción de una nueva planta Mexicana." (An. Min. Fom. Rep. Méx. 3: 149-153, illus.; also in Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 2 ( 7 9 ) : 296, 1878.) A separate was printed in México, 1878, 7 p., 1 pi. On Gaudichaudia enrico-martinezii.

BARCENA, Mariano. 1880. "Las flores de San Juan." ( Rev. Cient. Méx. 1 ( 2 ) : 8, 9. ) A description of 2 plants, so called for the date on which they flower: Bouvardia longiflora H.B.K. and Echites hypoleuca Benth. The first is from the "Valle de México," the second "del interior." Mention is made also of Bouvardia barceniana (barcenana), described as a new species by SchafFner. 1880a. "Las flores nocturnas." (Rev. Cient. Mex. 1 ( 5 ) : 14-15.) A general discussion, with reference to some Mexican plants with flowers that bloom at night; gives common and scientific names, and discusses relations of the plants to insects. 1881. "La segunda exposición de las clases productoras y descripción de la Ciudad de Guadalajara." (An. Min. Fom. Méx 4: 3-271.) With a brief list of the plants of the surrounding area and the plants most characteristic of each season; taken from Reyes G. Flores, q.v. BARCENA, Mariano, et al. 1882-1884. "Calendario botánico de México." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. in all numbers of vol. 7, 1882, except 1-3, 5-7, 10-12, 19-21, 30-32, 35-37, 41, 42, 44, 49, 50, 53-55, 64, 65, 69-71, 74, 77, 86, 92, 94, 98, 104, 110, 113, 116, 119; in scattered numbers of vol. 8, 1883 and slightly more frequently in vol. 9, 1884. Collaborators include Miguel Pérez and J. Zendejas. 1883. "Dictamen sobre la repoblación vegetal del Valle de México." (Naturaleza 6:245-251; repr. in Mem. Sría. Fom. Méx. C. Pacheco 3: 582-587, 1887. Cf. also "La repoblación vegetal del Valle de México," in Bol. Inst. Edo. Méx., Dec., 1883, 3 p., and "Dictamen acerca de la manera de repoblar los bosques del Valle de México," in Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 6: 370-373, 1883.) Collaborators include Miguel Pérez, Manuel Urbina, José Ramírez, and José C. Segura. With a suggested list of trees, cited with scientific names, to be used in reforestation. Soils and climates where they would grow best are indicated.

BARCENA, Mariano, et al. 1877-1881. "Calendario botánico del Valle de México." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. In practically every number from 1 ( 1 ) , 1877 to the end of vol. 6, 1881. The part for 1879, however, appeared in An. Min. Fom. Méx. 4: 299-317, 1881. Excerpts were repr. in Naturaleza 4(App.): 10-12, 1877, and 5:183-198, and (App.): 47-49, 1881.) Collaborators include Vicente Reyes, Miguel Pérez, and J. Zendejas. Data include family, common and scientific names, and localities. The first excerpt covers the month of July, 1877; the others are for the year of 1879. 1877-1881a. "Fenómenos periódicos de la vegetación." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 1(6), 1877; 5:38, 72, 88, 158, 170, 302, 376, 392, 416, 438, 1880; 6 : 8 , 32, 52, 66, 90, 199, 294, 396, 1881.) Also in (Esc. Agr. 2: 120, 1880), and cont. in each

BARCENA, Mariano. 1888. Ensayo estadístico del Estado de Jalisco. México, 729 p., illus., maps. Also in (An. Min. Fom. Méx. 9:5-729, (entire vol.), 1891). Chapter 6 is on the flora, 7 on agriculture, 8 on horticulture, and 9 on naturalized plants; products of the state are indicated on a map. Also included are a catalogue of fruits raised, arranged by municipalities, and a list of typical plants that characterize different climates and soils, cited with uses and common and scientific names. The part on fruits was reprinted as Catálogo de frutas que produce el Estado de Jalisco, in Guadalajara, 1889, 56 p. León cites an edition of 1890, 143 p. 110




1890. El Jardín Botánico y de aclimatación de Guadalajara. México, 11 p. Also in (Naturaleza II, 1:433-442, 1890). A history and a description of the garden, with a list of 186 plants and their uses. Common and scientific names are cited for the plants. 1891-1892. "El Museo de Productos Industriales del Estado de Jalisco." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 1 5 : 2 2 5 , 243, 259, 276, 289, 312, 325, 343, 360, 373, 388, 406, 425, 442, 456, 474.) Lists the plant sources of the various products exhibited. 1892. "El Bosque de Chapultepec." (Naturaleza II, 2: 193-198.) On the causes responsible for the destruction of the trees. 1892a. Selvicultura. México, 56 p.—NNC. Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 1 ( 7 ) : 3-56, 1892; in Prog. Méx. 1 ( 3 6 ) , 1892, continuing to 1 ( 4 8 ) : 2, and in Bol. Cam. Agr. Gan. Tamps. 3 ( 4 / 9 ) : 54, 72, 96, 107, 127, 135, 1911). See also (Gac. Of. Gob. Est. Michoacán 8 ( 7 2 3 ) : 3, cont. to ( 7 2 6 ) : 2, 1892). On the development and utilization of forests. Trees, suitable for various regions, are listed by common names; other lists classify trees according to use. There is a special section on the properties and uses of selected trees, with the emphasis on Eucalyptus. 1894. "Plantas textiles y fibrosas." (Prog. Méx. 1 ( 4 6 ) : 3 to 2 ( 5 3 ) : 4.) 1895. Carpología Mexicana. México, 1002 p.; in English, French, and Spanish. Prepared with the help of a number of collaborators, including Manuel M. Villada and Manuel Urbina, the latter did the botanical classification. Publ. by the Sria. Fom., Observ. Meteor. Centr.-MBH. "Directorio general sobre la producción de frutas Mexicanas 1895," with the distribution by states and season. Fruits are arranged alphabetically by common names, with the place where they are grown, and the value of the crop. 1897. Ensayo práctico de repoblación de bosques. México, 12 p. - N N . Publ. by the Sría. Fom. Méx. A prospectus describing an experiment started with Schinus molle at the Hacienda de Santa Cruz de Ahualulco, Jalisco. BARCIA CARBALLIDO y ZUNIGA, A. González. See GONZALEZ de BARCIA CARBALLIDO y ZUNIGA, A. BARCLAY, Arthur S. 1959. "New considerations in an old genus, Datura." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 8 ( 6 ) : 246-272, illus.) Discusses the typification of D. meteloides DC. ex Dunal and D. inoxia Miller. D. kymatocarpa and D. reburra are described as new species from Mexico. BARENQUE, G. Onéo. 1937. "La marihuana no es Canabis indica." (Cienc. Arte 1 ( 2 ) : 12; unf.) Full of errors, typographical and otherwise; proposes taking the plant out of the Urticaceae. BARGAGLI-PETRUCCI, Gino. 1904. "Osservazioni anatomico-sistematiche sulle Bombacee." (Nuov. Gior. Bot. Ital. n.s. 11: 407-415, 6 illus.) Includes studies of Ceiba pentandra, Montezuma speciosissima, and Ochroma Uigopus. BARGAS y RIVERA, Fray Juan Manuel Garcia de. See GARCIA de BARGAS y RIVERA, Fray Juan Manuel. BARGHOORN, Elso Sterrenberg. See Wolfe and BARGHOORN, 1959.




BARGHOORN, Elso S (terrenberg), Margaret K. WOLFE, and Kathryn H. CLISBY. 1954. "Fossil maize from the valley of Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 6 ( 9 ) : 229-240.) A study of the pollen grains. For a critique of this work and its conclusions, see Kurtz, et al, 1960. BARHAM, Henry. 1794. Hortus Americanus. Kingston, Jamaica, 212 p.; ed. and with a pref. by A. Aikman.—PU. Descriptions of plants from South America, the West Indies, and especially Jamaica. Common names and notes on uses are given.

BARI, A. See SAYEEDUDDIN, M. and BARI, 1936. BARIL, V. L., comte de La Hure. 1862. Le Mexique. Douai, 271 p., bibl.-UC-B. With a short section on plants in general, and another on agriculture. In the descriptions of the states, the products are listed. BARKER, Henry D., and William S. DARDEAU. 1930. Flore d'Haiti. Port au Prince, 456 p.; publ. by Service Technique, Dept. Agr., Haiti—DA. With keys to genera. BARKER, M. (Michael?). 1892. "A rare orchid and a new Agave." (Amer. Gard. 13: 609-610, illus.) Agave vestita collected by Pringle in Guadalajara. BARKLEY, Elizabeth Ducker. See BARKLEY, Fred A., 1938. BARKLEY, Fred Alexander. See also BULLOCK, A. A., 1939; LUNDELL, Cyrus Longworth, et al, 1942—in progress; SWEET, Herman R„ and BARKLEY, 1936; THARP, B. C„ and BARKLEY, 1945-1947; 1949. 1937. "A new genus of Anacardiaceae." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24: 1-10, 3 pi., map.) Actinocheita jilicina n. gen., based on a Sesse and Mocino collection; with description, synonymy and list of specimens examined. 1937a. "Studies in the Anacardiaceae." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24: 263-264, pi.) Erects Pseudosmodingium pterocarpus n. comb, for Rhus pterocarpus Sesse and Moc. This is changed 24: 500, 1937 to P. rhoifolium n. comb. ( D C ) Barkl. 1937b. "A monographic study of Rhus and its immediate allies in North and Central America, including the West Indies." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24: 265-500, 30 fig. incl. maps, plates, bibl.) History, morphology, economic uses, key to genera and species, descriptions, and list of specimens examined. BARKLEY, Fred A., and Elizabeth Ducker BARKLEY. 1938. "A short history of Rhus to the time of Linnaeus." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 19: 265-333, illus. bibl.) With quotations mainly from English works or works translated into English; contains a summary of pre-Linnaean synonyms. BARKLEY, Fred A., and Merton J. REED. 1939. "Actinocheita." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 21:368-377, map, illus.) Answers Bullock's article in the Kew Bull. 1937, p. 441, q.v., giving reasons for maintaining the genus, and the species filicina. 1939a. "Studies in the Anacardiaceae IV." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 22:209211, illus.) With a description of Rhus allophylloides Standi, var. mexiae n. var., from Guerrero. BARKLEY, Fred A. 1940. "Schmaltzia." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 24: 647-665.) Supplement to the monographic study on Rhus in (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 1937) q.v., with appropriate synonymy and citation of additional species. BARKLEY, Fred A., and Merton J. REED. 1940a. "Pseudosmodingium and Mosquitoxylon." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 24: 666-679, illus. map.) With a key to the genera of the Rhus complex of the New World; also a key to the species of Pseudosmodingium and Mosquitoxylon with descriptions and distribution. BARKLEY, Fred A. 1942, 1957. "A key to the genera of the Anacardiaceae." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 28: 465-474.) Key gives geographic distribution as well. A revision under the title "Generic key to the Sumac family, Anacardiaceae," in (Lloydia, 2 0 ( 4 ) : 255-265, 1957), includes notes on the economic importance of various members of the family.




BARNES, G. W. See also RILEY, Charles V., 1878 (for 1868-1877). 1882. "Jumping seeds from Baja California." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 4: lxxix-lxxxi. ) Commonly known as viuda Favela; identified by Engelmann as Ruellia tuberosa.

BARKLEY-continued 1944. "Schinus L." (BHUonia 5 ( 2 ) : 160-198, illus.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Only S. molle is listed from Mexico. 1945. "Spanish botanical expedition to New Spain from 1787 to 1804. The Anacardiaceae of Sessé and Mociño." (Biologist 28(1/2): 9-23, illus.) Good account of the disposal of their specimens; also a detailed discussion of the identification of herbarium material and of plants described in the Flora Mexicana and in Plantae Novae Hispaniae. 1954. "Cardenasiodendron, a new genus of Anacardiaceae." ( Lloydia 17: 239-246, illus. ) With a key to related genera in the Western Hemisphere, which includes some from Mexico. 1957. "A study of Schinus L." (Lilloa 28:5-110.) With keys, geographic distribution, common names, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined.

BARNES, Mrs. James, et al. 1937. "Viva México." (Bull. Gard. Club Amer., VI, 2: 12-28, map.) Report of a trip from the west coast to Mexico City, to Taxco and Córdoba; compiled from notes by 16 members. The map is reproduced from Alcocer's Apuntes sobre la antigua México-Tenochtitlán," q.v. BARNHART, John Hendley. See also PRESL, Karel Boriwog, 1849; SHERBORN, C. Davies and WOODWARD, 1901; VARIOUS, 1902—in progress; VARIOUS, 1916-in progress; WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937—in progress. 1902. "Dates of the "Nova genera" of Humboldt, Bonpland, and Kunth." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 585-598.) A long excerpt from this was repr. in (Jour. Bot. 42: 153-156, 1904). Detailed analysis of the folio and quarto editions.

BARLETTI T., Espartaco. 1946. "Ensayo de un estudio agrícola sobre la region de Jojutla, Morelos." Chapingo, 40 typed p., maps, illus. Thesis ENA. With a considerable section on the geology of the region.

BARNOIN, Maria Isabel. 1935. "Crotalaria anargyroides (sic) H.B.K." (Bol. Pro. Cult. Reg. 2(1): 8.) Seems to have been an exercise, in identification and description, for a student. BARNSTEIN, Heinrich. 1644. Tabacologia. Erfurt, 1645, 22 p. An earlier ed. was pubi, in Erfurt, 1644, as Taback, das wunder, and another ed. was pubi, in 1645 as Kurtze beschreibung des tabacks—NN. Description, names, culture, and uses. BARON, Bertha, and Carl Clarence ALBERS. 1943. "A phytochemical study of tlachichinole." (Pharm. Arch. 14 ( 3 ) : 33-43.) On Isoloma deppeanum Hemsl. BARON, Bertha. 1944. "A phytochemical study of matarique." Lafayette, Ind., 50 typed lvs., 2 pi. Ph.D. thesis Purdue Univ., 12 add. lvs. of abstract, and bibliog. abstract by the author, and C. J. Zufall and Glenn Jenkins. Information is given also on the history of the plant, with a description from Altamirano, histology, pharmacognosy, and pharmacology. Plant is identified as Cacalia decomposita A. Gray or Senecio grayanus Hemsley. Common name in Chihuahua is given as maturin.

BARLOW, Robert Hayward. See also ANDERSON, Edgar 1943; MEDINILLA ALVARADO, Francisco de (1579); MENDOZA, Joseph Mariano de (1777); MOLINS FABREGA, N., 1954-1955; RRUIZ de MENDOCA, Juan, (1580); SALAZAR, Agustín de and GAIZTAMO, (1581), 1777?); WEITLANER, Robert J. and BARLOW, 1943-1944; ANONYMOUS, 1778. BARLOW, Robert Hayward, and George T. SMISOR. 1943. Nombre de Dios, Durango. Sacramento, 1943, 103 p., map, bibl. Collection of documents in Nahuatl, Spanish, and English, with translations and notes; also a catalogue of mss. relating to Durango, at UC-B. A brief section on plants of the area is included; also the "Relación de Nombre de Dios," written in 1777 by Joseph Florentino Páez de Alarcón, on p. 73-80. BARLOW, Robert Hayward. 1949. "The extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexica." (Ibero America 28: 144 p., map, bibl.) Based on the "Matrícula de Tributos"; covers the area from Querétaro to Guerrero, Veracruz and Oaxaca, with lists of towns and their tributes. A section on the aboriginal provinces includes comments on the vegetation based on early records and some relaciones in the R. Acad. Hist. Madrid; common and scientific names are given for the plants.

BARQUERA, Wenceslao Sánchez de la. BARQUERA, Wenceslao.

BARLOW, Roger. See FERNANDEZ ENCISO, Martin, 1519.

See SANCHEZ de la

BARRA y VALENZUELA, Pedro. 1953. Los Nahoas. México, 246 p., illus. With a section on the etymological roots of their language, in which many terms for plants are listed; no scientific identifications are included.

BARNAD RAMIREZ, Gloria. 1947. "Contribución al estudio químico y farmacológico de la tronadora (Tecoma mollis)." México, 1947, 43 p. Thesis IPN Méx. Cienc. Biol. With a brief description of the plant.

BARRADAS, Francisco. 1887. "Breves apuntes sobre la familia de las Leguminosas." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 1: 130-138.) With special attention to those of Mexico, and their uses. 1887a. "Estudio sobre la Ambrosia artemisaefolia." México, 28 p. Thesis Med. Also in (Farmacia 1(15): 230-233, 1891). On the botany, chemistry, and uses.

BARNARD, John Gross. See WILLIAMS, John Jay, 1852. BARNEBY, Rupert Charles. 1956. "Pugillus Astragalorum XVIII: Miscellaneous novelties and reappraisals." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 55: 477-503.) Mexican species referred to include: A. humistratus Gray var. sonorae, A. emoryanus (Rydb. ) Cory, A. mexicanus A. DC., which is changed to A. crassicarpus Nutt. var. berlandieri nom. nov., A. helleri Fenzl., A. sanguineus Rydb., and A. scutaneus, described as a new species from Jalisco. 1962. "A synopsis of Errazurizia." (Leafl. West. Bot. 9 ( 1 3 , 1 4 ) : 209-214.) The two Mexican species were first described under Dalea; they are now E. megacarpa and E. benthami. A key to species and section is supplied.

BARRADAS, José Pérez de. See PEREZ de BARRADAS, José. BARRAGAN, Alfonso Cárdenas. Alfonso.


BARRAGAN, José. See also ALTAMIRANO, F., 1884. BARRAGAN de la FUENTE, Augusto. 1949. "Informe sobre . . . el municipio de Trincheras, Sonora." México, 37 p. Thesis Med. With a long list of plants, arranged according to use, cited by common names only.

BARNEOUD, François Marius. 1844. "Récherches sur le développement, la structure générale et la classification des Plantaginées et des Plumbaginées." Paris, 44 p., 2 pl.—DA. Thesis, Fac. Sci., Paris. 1845. Monographie de la famille des Plantaginées. Paris, 52 p.

BARRANCO, Antonio Pefiafiel y. See PENAFIEL y BARRANCO, Antonio. 112


BARRAS y ARAGON BARRAS y ARAGON, Francisco de las (also as y de ARAGON). See also ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio (ca. 1770). 1896. "Bibliographie note." (Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (sección de Sevilla) II, 25: 71-72.) Reports on Alzate's work on cochineal, and eulogizes his contribution to natural history. 1915. "Noticia acerca de la explotación industrial de los productos de Indias en el siglo XVIII." (Bol. Cent. Estud. Amer. 3 ( 1 6 ) : 16-25.) The first part is the "Cultivo y explotación de la malagueta ó pimienta de Tabasco," by Casimiro Gómez de Ortega, q.v. This is cited as being in the Archivos de Indias, estante 145, cajón 7, legajo 23. 1944. "Viaje del astrónomo Francés Abate Chappe ( d'Auteroche ) a California en 1769 y noticias de J. A. Alzate sobre la historia natural de Nueva España." (Anu. Estud. Amer. 1: 741-781, 1944.) The part on Alzate begins on p. 766, and is a reprint of the letter sent by Alzate to the Académie Royale des Sciences, q.v. 1947. "Una información sobre la obra del Dr. Francisco Hernández en la Nueva España." (Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 45: 561-574.) Résumé of his studies to locate documents that relate to the works of Hernández (e.g., a letter by Alzate, July 29, 1786); as well as manuscripts of Hernández. 1950. "Notas para una historia de la expedición botánica de Nueva España." (Anu. Est. Amer. 7: 411-469.) Interesting study. BARREDA FERNANDEZ, María Hermelinda. 1951. "Geografía del Estado de Colima." México, 116 typed p. Thesis UNAM. One chapter is on the agriculture and one is on the forest resources. In the latter, there is a list of trees cited by common names only. 1955. "Recursos naturales y humanos en las zonas cañeras mas importantes de México." México, 168 p., maps, bibl. Thesis UNAM. For the regions around Ingenio Emiliano Zapata (Morelos), San Cristóbal (Veracruz), and El Mante (Tamaulipas), with a section on the flora and fauna of each region. The first report is the most detailed. BARREDA FURLONG, Rodolfo. 1931. Estudio de los frutos de la Arracada atropurpúrea. 87 p., illus.-IB Méx. Pharmaceutical study.


BARREIRO, Adolfo A. 1889-1890. "Plantas útiles de México." (Rev. Agr. 5 : 5 4 , 71, 99, 119, 137, 146, 169, 179, 199, 215.) 1889-1890a. "La higuerilla ó ricino." (Rev. Agr. 5: 90-92, illus.) On Ricinus. 1890-1891. "La violeta y el pensamiento." (Rev. Agr. 6: 23-25.) On Viola. 1890-1891a. "El plátano." (Rev. Agr. 6: 73-75.) On Musa. 1890-1891b. "Las Cycas." (Rev. Agr. 6: 100-102.) 1891-1892. "Productos vegetales." ( Rev. Agr. 7: 209, 225, 241, 257. ) On caoutchouc. 1892. "La vainilla." (Rev. Agr. 8: 93, 209, 241, 257, 273, 305, 321, 337, 354, 369.) 1893-1894. "Las plantas—nociones elementales de botánica agrícola." (Rev. Agr. 9: 3, 19, 34, 67, 83, 98, 124, 141, 157, 181, 202.) 1896-1897. "El árbol del cacao." (Rev. Agr. 12: 114-115.) Emphasis is on the history. 1896-1897a. "Cultivo de la mandarina." (Reo. Agr. 12: 119.) On Citrus nobilis. 18Ç6- 1897b. "Historia del caucho." (Retí. Agr. 12: 142-143.) On Castilla. 1896-1897c. "El caucho." (fleo. Agr. 12: 153-154.) On Castilla as a source of rubber.


1896-1897d. "El ruibarbo." (Rev. Agr. 12:232-233.) On Rheum. 1896-1897e. "La ciruela pasa." (Rev. Agr. 12:252-253.) On Prunus domestica. 1896-1897f. "El ahuacate." (Rev. Agr. 12: 282-283.) On Persea. 1897-1898. "Plantas de adorno y ornato." (Rev. Agr. 13: 41, 66, 98.) 1897-1898a. "El pimiento." (fleti. Agr. 13: 61.) On Capsicum annuum L. 1899-1900. "Plantas alimenticias." (Rev. Agr. 15: 70, 198, 283.) 1902. "La vegetación de las épocas primitivas." (Agrie. Mod. 1 ( 1 ) : 4-9.) A general study. 1902a. "Las flores." (Agrie. Mod. 2: 11-14.) A general study; lists flowers, according to season, by common names only. BARREIRO, Agustín Jesús. 1929. "El testamento del Dr. Francisco Hernández." (Bol. R. Acad. Hist. Madrid 94: 475-497.) Report of the discovery of this important document. A biobibliographical sketch is included, which cites the place of birth as Montalbán, near Toledo, with the date still uncertain (1514?). BARRENECHEA, Raúl Porras. See PORRAS BARRENECHEA, Raúl. BARRENQUY, J. See SPENCE, D. (1909). BARRERA, Alfredo. 1962. "La península de Yucatán como provincia biòtica." ( Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 23: 71-105, 5 maps, bibl.) Doctoral thesis; with a brief section on the flora in general. BARRERA, Diego Rendón. See RENDON BARRERA, Diego. BARRERA, Joaquín Joaquín.





BARRERA, Jorge Dillon. See DILLON BARRERA, Jorge. BARRERA, Manuel de la. See TORO, M. M. del, et al, 1859. BARRERA, Marciano. 1865. Apuntes sobre los Rios de Usumacinta. Mérida, 136 p.—PUMu. With various references to plants and their uses, by common names only. BARRERA GARZA, Andrés. 1952. "El cultivo del algodonero." México, 49 p. Thesis ENA. On Gossypium. BARRERA GONZALEZ, Macedonio. 1949. "Informe . . . del pueblo de Tepoztlán, Morelos." México, 44 p., illus. Thesis Med. With a brief discussion of the flora, wild and cultivated. BARRERA VAZQUEZ, Alfredo (full name is BARRERA VASQUEZ MARIN). See also ARA, Domingo de, 1571; ECHANOVE TRUJILLO, Carlos A., 1945; LANDA, Diego de (ca. 1566); RAMIREZ, Francisco Xavier, (1785); ROYS, Ralph Loveland, 1933; ANONYMOUS, 16th cent, d.; 17th cent. a. 1936. "Sobre la planta conocida en Tabasco y Chiapas con el nombre de guapaque ó paque." (Maya Res. 3 ( 3 / 4 ) : 331.) Comment on the article by Marcos Becerra, q.v. 1937. "Mayismos y voces Mayas en el Español de Yucatán." (Inv. Ling. 4: 9-35.) Compare with the similar work pubi, in 194243. 1938. "Notas sobre la biología de Yucatán." (Orbe: 135-140, July.) A section on the flora lists plants by common names, with some scientific equivalents. 1941. "El pulque entre los Mayas." Mérida, 10 p. (Cuad. May. No. 3). Mainly a philological study with names, from many languages, for pulque and maguey.





BARRERA VAZQUEZ-continued 1942-1943. "Vocabulario de Mayismos y voces Mayas en el Español de Yucatán." (Orbe, II, 4: 16-23; 5: 17-20; 6: 11-14; 7: 1921; 8: 14-17; 9: 18-21; 10: 8-15; supposed to be cont. in No. 11.) Nos. 11 and 12 were not seen. References to plant names are accompanied by scientific equivalents. The last section seen ends with "xla"; the vocabulary probably ended in No. 11 or 12; it was not in No. 13. BARRERA VAZQUEZ MARIN, Alfredo. See BARRERA VAZQUEZ, Alfredo. BARRERE, Pierre. 1741. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de la France équinoxiale. Paris, 215 p.-PPAN. The first part is on plants, listed alphabetically, mainly by scientific names, with common names, descriptions and uses. The work is a complement to the Nouvelle relation . . ., q.v. 1743. Nouvelle relation de la France équinoxiale. Paris, 250 p., illus., maps. On la Guayane and l'lle de Cayenne; plants are referred to in the text by common names, and identified in the notes with scientific names. BARRETO, Esperanza. 1929. "Bolitaria." Guadalajara, 18 p. Thesis Chem. On Sapindus as a soap source. BARRETO, N. L. 1927. "El cultivo del plátano en Colima, México." 220-221, illus.)

BARRETT, Otis Warren. 1928a. The tropical crops. New York, 445 p., 24 pi. A treatise on tropical agriculture covering general conditions, geography, climate, culture, origin of the crops, their varieties and uses. Fifty crops discussed are Mexican. 1933. "The origins of the food plants of Puerto Rico." (Sci. Month. 37: 241-256, illus.) In the first part, discusses New World plants, mainly root crops and fruits, most of which are shared with Mexico. BARRETTO, Ann. See BARRETTO, Larry, 1935. BARRETTO, Larry. 1935. Bright Mexico. New York, 235 p., illus. by Ann Barretto. Scattered comments on plants by a keen observer and a skillful writer. BARRIA G„ Florencio Harmodio. 1941. "El cascalote." Chapingo, 81 typed p., illus. Thesis ENA. On its history, botany, and distribution. BARRIGA, José T. 1889. Apuntes para el estudio de tlanepaquelite. México, 28 p.— BN Méx. Also in (Farmacia 1 ( 1 3 ) : 357-364, 1890). On Piper sanctum. BARRIGA, Rodolfo Mendoza Díaz. RIGA, Rodolfo.

(Hacienda 22:

With descriptions of a large number of varieties. BARRETT, Carter. See VARIOUS, 1948. BARRETT, George E. 1929. "Lophocereus schottii." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1: 5-7, 16, illus.; repr. in 2 7 ( 3 ) : 86-89, illus., 1955.) Letter describing a trip to obtain specimens of the plant. BARRETT, J. M. 1871. "La Huasteca Potosina." In (Rev. Univ. Méx., Jan. 2 ) . Seen as part of a scrapbook on Veracruz, at BN Méx., p. 132-140. With a section on forests and plant products, in general. BARRETT, Luis Alvarez. See ALVAREZ BARRETT, Luis. BARRETT, Otis Warren. 1903. "Deciduous tropical trees." (Amer. Bot. 4 : 9 1 - 9 3 . ) Additional material, following up article by Mrs. C. E. Anthony in vol. 3, p. 90, on the Ceiba in Nassau. 1903a. "Castilloa fruits." (Amer. Bot. 4 : 100.) On their attraction for insects, as food. 1903b. "The largest century plant." (Amer. Bot. 5: 73-75.) Description of Fourcroya gigantea in Puerto Rico. 1904. "Morning glory trees." (Amer. Bot. 6: 77.) On Ipomoea arborescens, with comments on an earlier article by the editor (see Clute, 1904). 1904a. "Tanier, the oldest crop." (Pi. World 7 ( 1 0 ) : 248-249.) Repr. in (Bull. Dept. Agrie. Jamaica 4 ( 8 ) : 180-182, 1906). Description, distribution, and uses of Xanthosoma (yautia). BARRETT, O. W., and O. F. COOK. 1910. Promising root crops for the south. Washington, 43 p. illus.— DA. Divided into 2 parts: Yautias (Xanthosoma), taros and dasheens (Colocasia), by the first author, who also considers Alocasia. Agricultural history and utility of the cultivated aroids are considered by the second author, in part 2. BARRETT, Otis Warren, y Robert Armstrong YOUNG. 1928. "Nuevas plantas alimenticias para la América tropical." (Rev. Sría. Agr. Fom. Méx. 3 ( 1 ) : 27-36, illus.) On "las Araceas económicas," with special reference to Xanthosoma in Mexico. Compare with the first part of Barrett and Young's "Promising root crops for the South," U.S.D.A. Bur. Pi. Indust. Bull. 164, Washington, 1910, 43 p., illus. The plants are commonly known as yautias, taros, and dasheen.


BARRIOS, Ildefonso, et al. 1878-1882. "Calendario botánico de Cuernavaca y sus cercanías." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 2: nos. 27, 43, 47, 79, 1878; 3: nos. 9, 22, 23, 25, 1879; 4: nos. 37, 50, 55, 59, 137, 139, 1880; 5: nos. 21, 77, 82, 126, 184, 185, 207, 1881; 6: 59, 66, 91, 104, 112, 121, 139, 140, 158, 159, 161, 1882. Collaborators include Jacinto Velázquez, Próspero Caballos, Benjamín Castillo, and Justino Solórzano. BARRIOS, Juan de. See also ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio, 1790. CALDERA de HEREDIA, Gaspar, 1658; LEJEUNE, Fritz, 1926; LEON PINELO, Antonio, 1636; VETANCOURT, Agustín de, 1698(1697). 1607. De la verdadera cirugía medicina y astrologia. México, 3 books in one; only copy in the United States at DNLM is incomplete with 186, 80, 69 ff. (37-58 missing in the last part). León cites 700 p., while Guerra cites 303 hojas. Tractado quarto of book 3 (cited by León as book 2 ) is titled "De todas las yervas" and discusses plants reported by Hernández; they are arranged according to diseases in which they are used. León says of Barrios "su obra tiene magna importancia bajo diversos respectos." "This was the first printed book to make use of Hernández' findings" (Nettie Lee Benson). 1609. Libro en él cuál se trata del chocolate. México; cited by León. According to Van Patten "no copy is known to exist"; however, see León Pinelo, 1636. Colmeiro comments on the work as follows: "Indica las producciones vegetales que constituían el chocolate Mejicano, usando los nombres con que alli se conocían. Quer dice ser uno mismo éste y Cárdenas (Juan), arriba mencionado." BARRIOS, Miguel de. See EXQUEMELIN, Alexandre Olivier, 1678. BARRON, Leonard. See CORREVON, Henry, 1930. BARRON, Salvador Salvador.





BARROS, Carlos Espino. See ESPINO BARROS, Carlos. BARROS, Francisco. See VARIOUS, 1873a. BARROSO, Agustín. See also FERNANDEZ, Manuel, 1878. 1875. "Apuntes sobre la vegetación del Istmo de Tehuantepec." (An. Soc. Humb. 2: 223-239; also in An. Min. Fom. Méx. 3 : 309-330, 1878; app. to an article by Manuel Fernández, q.v.) A phytogeographic study with lists of plants, according to families, with common and scientific names. León lists this incorrectly under Francisco Barroso. BARROSO, Francisco. See BARROSO, Agustín, 1875. BARROSO, J. J.



With a key to species, and descriptions of new species only, none of which are from Mexico. 1949. "Fifty-five rare books from the botanical library of Mrs. Roy Arthur Hunt." (Clements Library Bull. 57, 55 p., illus.) Loaned for an exhibition in honor of the Bot. Soc. America, at the summer meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1949. The cover is titled "Rare Botanical Books."

Geografía intuitiva del Distrito Federal de la República Mexicana. México, 45 p., illus., 26 maps.—Bibliot. A. Alzate. Elementary text, with lists of the plants for the different sections.

BARROWS, David Prescott. 1900. "The ethnobotany of the Coahuila Indians of Southern California." Chicago, 82 p. Doctor's thesis, Univ. Chicago. Covers many plants found also in Mexico.

With a biography of Hernández and notes on Jiménez, taken from León.

BARROWS, John Rumsey(?). n.d. Collections from Lower California and the islands off the coast of Lower California and Mexico made by A. W. Anthony in 1897. San Diego, 5 p . - N N B C . Included with plants collected by Purpus in southern Utah, southern Nevada and California.

BARTLETT, J. R. (John Russell). n.d. "Cochimi vocabulary." Ms. at Smiths. Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol. No. 1132, 6 p. "Obtained by Mr. Bartlett through (Mr.) Robinia (?) of Guaymas, Sonora." Copy, in the hand of George Gibbs, on a printed schedule of 180 terms, not completely filled, includes a few general plant terms. 1852. "Seri (Ceris) vocabulary." Ms. Smiths. Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol. No. 1139, 6 p. "Taken by Mr. Bartlett from a native at Hermosillo." Copy, in the hand of George Gibbs, on a printed schedule of 180 terms, is almost completely filled. Terms from A. L. Pinart are added in red by J. M. B. Hewitt. Only a few, very general, plant terms are included. 1854. Personal narrative of exploration and incidents. New York, 2 vols., illus., map. Covers travel in southern United States and northern Mexico; gives casual reference to plants and their descriptions.

BARRUEL, Paul. See AUBERT de la RUE, Edgar et al, 1957. BARRUETA, Fernando Garza. See GARZA BARRUETA, Fernando. BARRUS, Mortier F. See GILBERT, Arthur et al, 1920. BARRY, David, Jr. 1953. "Bromeliads in a Mexican desert." (Brom. Soc. Bull. 3 ( 1 - 2 ) : 8, illus.) Growing on the western sides of idrios in Baja California. 1957. "Comments on Chamaedorea palms." (Principes 1 ( 3 ) : 91-93.) A general article on morphology, distribution, and culture. BARTAS, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur du. Guillaume de Salluste.


BARTLETT, John Sherren. 1846. Maize. London, 24 p. Mainly concerned with it as a food. León calls it "obra muy estimada."

BARTHOLOMEW, Elbert Thomas. See WEBBER, Herbert John and BATCHELOR, Leon Dexter, 1943-1948. BARTLETT, Adelbert. See BEAL, Mary, 1940. BARTLETT, Harley Harris. See also PEARSON, Henry C „ 1918; ROBINSON, B. L „ and BARTLETT, 1907; VARIOUS, 19351940. 1909. "A synopsis of the American species of Litsea." (Proc. Amer. Acad Arts Sci. 44: 597-602, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 6 . ) 1909a. "Notes on Mexican and Central American alders." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 44: 609-612.) (Cont. Gray Herb. # 3 6 . ) With a description of one new species, Alnus ovalifolia, and several varieties; contains data on range extensions for other species also. 1909b. "The purple flowered Androcerae of Mexico and the southern United States." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 44:627-629, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 6 . ) Includes Solanum citrullifolium var. setigerum n. var. from Chihuahua, S. tenuipes from Coahuila, and S. lumholtzianum from Sonora. 1909c. "Descriptions of Mexican phanerogams." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 44: 630-637, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 6 . ) With descriptions of 10 new species in 8 genera, one of them a new genus, Basistelma, in the Asclepiadaceae. 1911. "A supplemental description of Euphorbia ephedromorphia." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 38: 343-346, illus.) Placed in a new section Ephedromorpha; one specimen was collected in Oaxaca. 1916. "Parthenium lloydii, a new Mexican guayule." (Torreya 16: 45-46.) Presents an abstract of Lloyd's account of the plant in his monograph (q.v., 1911) and a formal diagnosis of the new species from Zacatecas. 1932. "A biological survey of the Maya area." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 59: 7-20.) A review of a botanical exploration of the area in the past, a summary of what still remains to be done, and an outline of planned work in the area by the University of Michigan. 1933. "The nomenclature of plant associations." (Ecology 14: 157162.) Criticism of the terminology used by Braun-Blanquet, q.v.; answered by the latter in an article entitled "Phytosociological nomenclature" in (14: 315-317, 1933).

BARTLING, Fridericus Theophilus (Friedrich Gottlieb). See also HEMSLEY, William Botting, 1878-1880; PRESL, Karel Boriwog et al, (1825-) 1830 (-1836); SEEMANN, Berthold, 1861, 1862. 1830. Ordines naturales plantarum. Goettingen, 498 p.—PPAN. Eorumque characteres et affinitates adjecta generum enumeratione. Arranged systematically with detailed description of families (called ordines), and listings of related genera in groups. 1839. "De Galphimiis Mexicanis annotationes." (Linnaea 13: 549558.) New species from Mexico include G. gracilis, G. latifolia, G. grandiflora, G. humboldtiana (G. glandulosum H.B.K.), and G. paniculata. BARTOLACHE, José Ignacio. 1772. "Uso i abuso del pulque para curar enfermedades." (Mere. Vol. Nos. 8-10: 57-80, 1772; also in Esc. Med. 29: 247, 270, 290, 1914.) Detailed study with a description and history of the plant. León, who cites the title as "Usos y abusos del pulque," calls the work "muy interesante." 1827. "Maguey." (Obs. Rep. Méx. 3 ( 2 ) : 86-108.) Followed by anonymous comments on the article (in 3 ( 4 ) 143-144). BARTON, Mary. 1911. Impressions of Mexico with brush and pen. London, 164 p., 20 color illus. Contains scattered references to plants; charming illustrations. BARUSTA, Gonzalo Torres. See TORRES BARUSTA, Gonzalo. BARY, A. de(signed A. B.). 1874. "Personal nachricht." (Bot. Zeitg. 32: 335-336.) Reports announcement of the death of Ludwig Hahn in Vorwaerts, México, Sept. 25, 1873. Hahn collected plants in Mexico, specializing in Lemna and mosses. BASALENQUE, Diego. 1642. "Vocabulario de la lengua Castellana buelto en la Matlaltzinga por el Padre Maestro Fray Diego Basalenque de la orden de N. P. S. Agustín de la provincia de Michoacán, anno 1642."

1935. "Certain Desmond (Palmae) of Central America and Mexico." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 81-88.) 115



BASALENQ UE-continued N.p., 208 Ivs., autograph ms—RPJCB (book plate of Nicolás León). Letter from a M. Bernal to Dr. León indicates that this ms. was once a part of a larger work entitled, "Arte de la lengua Matzalinga(?)" which was in the Biblioteca Lafragua del Colegio del Estado de Puebla. It consisted of 462 lvs: the letter gives a complete description of the work.

BASILEVSKAJA, N. A. See FEDTSCHENKO, B. A., and BASILEVSKAJA, 1926. BASILIO, Tommaso. (Un padre de la Compañía de Jesús; previously attributed to Juan Bautista de Velasco and to Diego Pablo González.) 1737. Arte de la lengua Cahita. México, 118 + 24 unnumb. lvs. (last 2 pages are missing in the copy seen at LNHT). The last section, a Spanish-Cahita vocabulary was reproduced by Eustaquio Buelna, México, 1890, lxii + 264 p., with an added Cahita-Spanish vocabulary; (this is at SMGE).

BASAURI, Carlos. 1927. "Creencias y prácticas de los Tarahumaras." (Méx. Folk. 3 ( 4 ) : 218-234, illus.) In English and Spanish; with a section on peyote and its use by the Tarahumaras; also a reference to a poisonous plant, chilicote. 1930. "Los Indios Maya de Quintana Roo." (Quetzalcoatl 1 ( 3 ) : 2029.) With a section on "yerbas medicinales" giving common names only, descriptions, and uses. 1931. Tojolobales, Tzeltales, y Mayas. México, 163 p., illus.—PU. With a list, at the end, of medicinal plants, cited by common names. 1940. La población indígena de México. México, 3 vols., illus., maps, bibl. A monograph on each of the native tribes that make up Mexico's population. The first part of each section considers the flora of the region.

BASOCO, José María. See ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856. BASSAEUS, Nicolaus. 1590. Eicones plantarum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1128 (i.e., 1122) p., (skips from 1120 (1020 by error) to 1127).-MoBG. "This is a reissue of the illustrations in J. Theodorus Tabernaemontanus' Neuw kreuterbuch (fide Brit. Mus. Cat.). Contains illustrations of Aloe americana, Zea, and Nicotiana. BASSOLS, Narciso. See COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban and ALFARO, 1870. BASSOLS BATALLA, Angel. See also MENDOZA, Joseph Mariano de (1777). 1955. "Cuestiones de geografía Mexicana." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 7 9 ( 2 ) : 119-266). A review of the history of geographical studies in Mexico, the problems faced, and the needs for the future; includes a review of geographical bibliography in Mexico. 1956. El Estado de México. México, 146 p., map, bibl.—ICU. Pages 41-45 are on the flora, with the plants listed according to zones and cited by common and scientific names. 1959. "Los aspectos geo-económicos y humanos de la exploración en el Territorio de Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 8 8 ( 1 / 3 ) : (7)-195, illus., map, bibl.) Contains a diary in the form of travel notes, with references to plants by common names only. There is also a discussion of the economically important plants, cited by common names only.

BASCHIN, O. 1915. "Schweizerische expedition nach der Mexikanischer halbinsel Niederkalifomien." (Naturwissenschaften 3: 723-724.) Summary of a report presented by Arnold Heim at a meeting; plant references are mainly to cultivated ones. 1926. "Reisen und forschungen in Mexiko." (Naturwissenschaften 14: 345-346.) Signed O. B. Summary of a report given by Fritz Jaeger at a meeting; with a description of the vegetation according to altitude. BASCOPE VARGAS Federico, Alessandro L. BERNARDI, and Hans LAMPRECHT. 1957. "Descripciones de árboles forestales. No. 1. Swietenia macrophyüa." (Bol. Inf. Divulg., Inst. For Lat. Invest. Cap., 18 mim. lvs., illus., map, bibl.) Wood study is by the first, botany by the second, and silviculture by the third author. Botany includes also dendrological description and common names.

BASTIN, Edson S., and Henry TRIMBLE. 1896-1897. "A contribution to the knowledge of some North American Coniferae." (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 6 8 : 2 1 , 65, 136, 199, 242, 321, 383, 1896; 69: 90, 354, illus., 1897.) For each species there is a discussion of general characters, distribution, microscopic structures, chemical composition, and economic importance.

BASCOPE, Federico, et al. 1957a. "Descripciones de árboles forestales. No. 2. El género Cedrela en América." (Bol. Inf. Div., Inst. For. Latinoamer. Invest. Cap., 26 mim. lvs., illus., bibl.) Wood study is by Bascope and Pausolino Martínez E., the botany by Alessandro Luciano Bernardi, and silviculture by Hans Lamprecht. Included are common names and descriptions of principal species in Latin America countries, with special attention to C. mexicana, C. odorata, and C. montana. 1958. "Descripciones de árboles forestales. No. 4. El género Anacardium en América." (Bol. Inf. Div., Inst. For. Latinoamer. Invest. Cap., 19 mim. lvs., illus., bibl.) Wood study by Bascopé and Pausolino Martínez E., botany by Alessandro Luciano Bernardi, and silviculture by Hans Lamprecht. Included are distribution and descriptions of species, with the emphasis on A. rhinocarpus and A. occidental.

BASULTO LIMON, Alfonso. 1952. "El Jardín Botánico del Instituto Tecnológico dependiente de la Universidad de Guadalajara." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Est. Jalisco ( 1 ( 1 ) : 45-47.) With a diagram showing a plan of the garden. BASURTO, Celia Robles. See ROBLES BASURTO, Celia. BASURTO, José Trinidad. 1901. El Arzobispado de México. México, 416 p., 2 maps—Bibliot. A. Alzate. With statistical data on the crops in the various parishes and towns in the area. Hieroglyphs are shown for the various settlements, with explanations which in many cases refer to the plants. BASURTO, Ricardo Ricardo.

BASCOPE VARGAS, Federico. 1962. "Clave de identificación macroscópica de algunas maderas dicotiledóneas de Latinoamérica." (Bol. Inst. For. Latinoamer. Invest. Cap. 9: 16-101, 2 pl.) With an enumeration of families, (65) genera, and species, citing each characteristic by a number, for use with key sort cards. This is followed by a descriptive key for some of the woods in Venezuela, and a separate chart for the geographic and ecologic distribution; number 78 refers to Mexico.





BASURTO LARRAINZAR, Andrés. 1893. "La cañagria." (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Mex. 3 ( 2 ) : 46-59.) On Rumex hymenosepalus. 1895. "Instrucciones para cultivar la sacaliña." (Prog. Méx. 2 ( 7 0 ) : 3.) On Polygonum sachalinense. BATALLA, Angel Bassols. See BASSOLS BATALLA, Angel.

BASILA H., Nehme. 1949. "Informe sobre . . . el municipio de Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Guerrero." México, 56 p. Thesis Med. With a list of the plants, cited by common names only.

BATALLA, María Agustina (also as BATALLA de RODRIGUEZ, María Agustina). See also HERNANDEZ. Francisco (15701575). 116


BATALLA BATALLA, María Agustina, y Débora RAMIREZ CANTU. 1939. "Contribución al estudio florístico del Valle de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 10: 227-267, 20 illus.) A study of the plants on hills to the north of the capital.

BATEMAN, James. (1864-) 1874. A monograph of Odontoglossum. London, 1874, 76 p., 30 p l . - D A . Brit. Mus. cites the date as (1864-) 1874. Descriptions, localities, and comments on plants, many of which are Mexican. 1867. A second century of orchidaceous plants. London, 100 pl. With a description of each plant pictured, and notes on their original habitats. The plants were selected from Curtis' Botanical Magazine. For the first "century," see Hooker, William Jackson, 1846.

BATALLA, María Agustina. 1940. "Estudio morfológico de los granos de polen de las plantas vulgares del Valle de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 11: 129161, 87 figs.) Thesis UNAM. Morphological study of the pollen from 87 plants, in 24 families. 1940a. "Botánica del Lago de Pátzcuaro y sus riberas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 11: 427-442, 8 illus.) With a list of important species, by families. 1942. "Estudio de las plantas cultivadas en la región de Izucar de Matamoros, Puebla." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 13: 463-491.) Publ. as Batalla de Rodríguez. With a general discussion of the cultivated plants, divided according to use. 1943. "Nota acerca de las Gramíneas de la región de Izucar de Matamoros." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 14: 15-27, illus.) Catalogue includes synonymy and distribution. 1944. "Contribución al estudio de las Gramíneas del Valle de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 15: 17-25, 2 pl.) Publ. as Batalla de Rodríguez. Descriptions and illustrations of grasses along Lake Texcoco and adjoining regions. 1944a. "Flores comestibles." (Esta Sem. Nov. 18, 1944, p. 28.) In English and Spanish, the trans, by Adela Vázquez Schiaffino. 1944b. "Frutos típicos de la estación." (Esta Sem. Dec. 23, 1944: 2832; Dec. 30, 1944: 28-32; also June 9, 1945: 28-30.) In English and Spanish; the English by Adela Vázquez Schiaffino. 1944c. "Guia para conocer las plantas mas comunes en el Bosque de Chapultepec." (Foil. Div. Cient. Inst. Biol. Méx. No. 39, 1944, 54 p., 71 illus.) Publ. as Batalla de Rodriguez. A history of the area and a study of the various regions, with a catalogue of plants arranged systematically; keys are not provided. 1945. "Plantas textiles y propios para cestería." (Esta Sem. Mar. 3 : 2 7 ; Mar. 1 0 : 2 7 ; Mar. 1 7 : 2 7 . ) In Spanish and English, the latter by Adela Vázquez Schiaffino. 1945a. "Refrescos Mexicanos." (Esta Sem. Mar. 24, 1945:27-35.) In English and Spanish; the English by Adela Vázquez Schiaffino. 1945b. "Different uses of corn in Mexico." (Esta Sem. July 28: 3235; Aug. 4 : 3 2 - 3 5 ; Aug. 11:32-35; Aug. 18:32-36.) In English and Spanish. Publ. as Batalla de Rodríguez. On Zea mays.

BATERDEN, James Rae. 1908. Timber. New York, 351 p., 54 illus., bibl.-DA. With a brief section on the trees of the West Indies and Central America; common and scientific names, descriptions, localities, and properties are given. BATES, Henry Walter. See REID, Mayne, n. d.; ANONYMOUS, 1869-1874, 1869-1874 a, 1869-1874 b. BATES, James Hale. 1887. Notes of a tour in Mexico and California. With some comments on plants.

BATRES, Leopoldo. See also ALVAREZ, Manuel Francisco, 1900. 1887. "Un arbre gigantesque." (Nature 15, part 2, ( 7 5 1 ) : 8-10, illus.) A Spanish trans, was publ. in Las Ruinas de Mitla y la arquitectura, ed. by Manuel Francisco Alvarez, México, 1900, p. 15-16, q.v. On the sapin du Mexique in Tule, Oaxaca; discusses the nomenclature, chemical analysis, and medicinal value of the bark, but repeats the old erroneous statement that Humboldt was one of the visitors to the tree. BATRES, Oscar Castañeda. See CASTAÑEDA BATRES, Oscar. BATTORI, Francisco Francisco.

WEBBER, Herbert John





BAUD, Victor. 1865. La zeide—nouvelle substance alimentaire extraite du mais (Zea mais). Paris, 46 p.—MiU. "Ses influences sur la santé et sur la maladie"; discusses zeide simple, zeide gluten and zeide phosphatique. BAUER, Ferdinand Lucas. See LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke, 18031824. BAUER, Franz Andreas, (also known as Francis). See also LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke, 1803-1824. 1830-1838. Illustrations of orchidaceous plants. London, 30 pl., 14 p. of prefatory remarks and notes for the plates, by John Lindley. Listed in the Br. Mus. Cat. under Lindley, q.v. In 2 parts; the first, entitled "The genera and species of orchideous plants," with 10 plates, is on fructification. Plate 8 in part 2 is Galeandra baueri, which is Usted as Mexican in Ind. Kew. The drawings are highly magnified views, emphasizing the structure.

1945c. "Observaciones florísticas y geobotánicas en el Lago de Texcoco y sus alrededores." México, 57 p., 18 illus., 2 maps. Thesis UNAM. Publ. as Batalla de Rodríguez. The discussion reviews the physical factors in the area and describes the vegetation on the shores of lakes and canals, in the saline fields, on nearby hills, in waste places and on arable land, as well as cultivated plants. BATCHELOR, Leon Dexter. See BATCHELOR, 1943-1948.

New York, 167 p.

BAUER, G. 1832. "Nachricht ueber eine im sommer 1832 in bluete gestandene Agave americana." (Allg. Deut. Gart. Zeitg. 11: 265-268, 1833, illus.) BAUER-THOMA, Wilhelm. 1916. "Unter den Zapoteken und Mixes des staates Oaxaca der Republik Mexico." (Baessler Archiv 5: 75-97, illus.) Foods are listed with Spanish and Zapotee names; also cultivated crops.


BATE-SMITH, E. C. See also VARIOUS, 1958. 1962. "The phenolic constituents of plants and their taxonomic significance. I. Dicotyledons." (Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5 8 ( 3 7 1 ) : 95-173, illus.)

BAUHIN, Hieronymus. See THEODORUS, Jacob, 1588-1591.


BAUHIN, Johann (with Johann Heinrich Cherler and Dominique Chabré). 1650-1651. Historia plantarum universalis. Ebrodunum ( E m b r u m ) , 3 vols. León mentions French editions, 1689, 1726.

1837-1843. The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala. London, 12 p., 40 pl. Descriptions, habitat, notes, and plates of 40 plants; the work is outstanding for its plates.

BAUHIN, Kaspar (also as Caspar). See also MATTIOLI, Petrus Andrea, 1598; SALAMAN, R. N„ and HAWKES, 1949; THEODORUS, Jacob, 1588-1591. 1596. Phytopinax. Basle ( 4 2 ) , 669, (11) p., 8 p l . - N N B G .

The results are arranged in a table, p. 116-163, systematically by families; another table, p. 166-168, gives the phenolic categories of dicotyledonous plants, by orders and families.




BA UHIN—continued Seu enumeratio plantarum ab herbariis nostro seculo descriptarum; contains the first botanical description of the potato, Solanum tuberosum. 1620. Prodromus theatri botanici. Basel, 1671, 160 p., illus. First ed., Frankfurt am Main, 1620. Each plant described is also illustrated, included are potato and mechoacán. 1623. Pinax theatri botanici. Basileae (Basel), 1671, 518 p. First ed., 1623. A French version, Histoire des plantes de l'Europe et des plus usitées qui viennent d'Asie, d'Afrique et de l'Amérique, was pub!, anonymously in Lyon, 1670, 2 vols., illus.—DA. List of all plants known to the author; included are Vanilla and Solanum.

1931d. "Notes on Britton and Rose reprint of Vol. 1," q.v. (Jour. Cact. Succ. Sci. Amer. 3 ( 5 ) : 85, illus.) On Pereskia amapola Weber as distinct from P. saccharosa and P. argentina. 1931-1934. "California cacti." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 3 ( 4 ) : 69-71, ( 5 ) : 85-86, ( 6 ) : 101-102, ( 7 ) : 122-123, ( 8 ) : 134-135, ( 9 ) : 149-150, ( 1 1 ) : 179-180, 5 ( 4 ) : 451-452, ( 7 ) : 498-501, ( 8 ) : 521-522, ( 1 0 ) : 556-560, ( 1 2 ) : 587-588, 6 ( 1 ) : 12-13, ( 2 ) : 28, ( 3 ) : 41, ( 5 ) : 71-72, ( 6 ) : 83-84, illus.) Publ. as a separate, with revisions, Los Angeles, 1935, 93 p., illus. "A complete and scientific record of the cacti native in California," with a key to California genera, descriptions and distribution. New species include Grusonia wrightiana which extends into Mexico. 1932. "Una nueva especie de Opuntia de la Baja California." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 3: 181-182.) Trans, by Helia Bravo Hollis. For the original description of Opuntia lagunae, see Gates, Howard, 1931c. 1932a. "Pereskiopsis gatesii new species. (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 3 ( 8 ) : 133-134, illus.) From Lower California. 1932b. "Notes on 'The Cactaceae.'" (Jour. Cact. Succ. Sci. Amer. 4 ( 5 ) : 281-284; ( 6 ) 297-299, illus.) On Opuntia burrageana, O. moellerii, Grusonia bradtiana (Coulter), and a key to genera and species in the Opuntia sections. 1933. "Opuntia bravoana." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 4: 149-151, illus.) Description of a new species from Baja California. See also Cact. Succ. Jour. 5 ( 3 ) : 436-437, illus., 1933. 1934. "Grusonia santamaría." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 6 ( 4 ) : 60-61, illus.) From Baja California. 1937. "Photographs." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 1 ) : 4; ( 1 ) : 9.) On Fouquieria peninsularis and Echinocereus sciurus, both from Baja California. The second reference is to Machaerocereus gummosus from Baja California. 1944. "Cephalocereus purpusii." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 6 ( 4 ) : 47-51, illus.) Describes search for the plant near Mazatlán and its final location; mentions other plants noticed during the search.

BAUM, H. 1933. "Echinocactus (Astr.) myriostigma Lem. var. quadricostatus Moell. (Kakteenkunde: 205, illus.) With a brief description. 1934. "Kakteen am heimatlichen standort." (Kakteenkunde 157158, 187-188, illus.) Describes the cañón of St. Vicente, near Jaumave, Tamaulipas; includes descriptions of 6 species in 6 genera of cacti. BAUM, Werner C. 1954. "Systematic serology of the family Cucurbitaceae." (Serol. Mus. Bull. 13: 5-8, illus. ) With special reference to the genus Cucurbita. The conclusion is reached that Cucurbita and Luffa are more similar than Cucurbita and Citrullus. BAUMANN, Carl L. See BAEGERT, Johann Jacob, 1772. BAUMANN, Joseph. 1836. "De Nicotiana tabaco." Prague, 35 p., Diss. Inaug. Med.— MH. Discusses the botany, chemistry, and uses. BAUSA, José M. 1857. "Bosquejo geográfico y estadístico del partido de Papantla." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 5: 374-426.) With a section on wild and cultivated plants. BAUSOR, S. C. (Sidney Charles). 1937. "A review of some medicinal plants." ( Torreya 37: 25-32, 4554, map.) Of the fifty drugs cited in the first section, Mexico is associated only with jalapa (on the map). The second section refers to plants in the local flora only (within the range of the Torrey Botanical Club excursions).

BAXTER, Sylvester 1891. The cruise of a land yacht. Boston, 263 p., illus. by L. J. Bridgman. Delightful story of a trip in a private railroad car, with interesting comments on plants. BAXTER, William Hart. See LOUDON, John Claudius, 1830. BAY, J.(ens) Christian. 1894. "Material for a monograph on the tannoids, with special reference to vegetable physiology." (Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard., 5: 61-87.) Actually a bibliography.

BAUTISTA, Francisco Campos. See CAMPOS BAUTISTA, Francisco. BAUTISTA, Manuel Alonso. 1943. "El cultivo de la morera." Cd. Juárez, 35 p., illus., map. Thesis EPA. On Morus. BAXTER, Edgar Martin. See also BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia, 1932.

BAYLE, Constantino. 1933. Historia de los descubrimientos y colonización de los Padres de la Compañía de Jesús en la Baja California. Madrid, 230 p., bibl. (Bibliot. de los Americanistas.) With a brief section in chapter 9 on plant life.

1930. "Popular names for cacti in the Cape region of Baja California, México." ( Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 1 ) : 275. ) 1930a. "Some cactuses from southern Baja California." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 2 ) : 283-284, illus.) 1930b. "A trip to Magdalena Bay." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 4 ) : 323-327, illus.) For the purpose of collecting cacti. 1931. "Notes on Opuntia pycnantha. (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 7 ) : 386-388, illus.) From Magdalena Bay. 1931a. The genus Lophocereus. (Jour. Cad. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 9 ) : 431-432, illus.) Extends to Baja California. 1931b. "Opuntia gosseliniana Weber." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 1 0 ) : 458, illus.) See also Baxter, 1933. 1931c. "A new species of Neomammillaria." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 1 1 ) : 471-472, illus.) N. phitauiana Baxter from Lower California.

BAYLON CH„ Héctor. 1947. "Cultivo de la papa." Cd. Juárez, 55 p. Thesis EPA. "En la región noroeste del Estado de Chihuahua." BAZ, Agustín. 1851. "Opúsculo sobre la Valeriana." México, 19 p. Repr. in Nueva Recop. Monog. in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1 (App.): 36-45, 1895). Thesis UNAM. The emphasis in the study is on the chemistry, but the history and taxonomy of the plant are reviewed. The plant is identified as Valeriana phu. BAZ, Gustavo Adolfo, and Eduardo L. GALLO. 1874. Historia del ferrocarril Mexicano. México, 295 p., illus., map.— NN. English ed., México, 1876, trans, by George F. Henderson. "Riqueza de México—estudios científicos, históricos y 118


SAZ estadísticos." Includes a section on the cantón de Papantla, with a detailed list of plants, common names only (quoted from an unidentified author). A similar section is given for the Costa de Sotavento; there is also a list of plants of the Isthmus by uses, with common names and some scientific names. A section on maguey at Apam quotes from 3 mss. on maguey: by Padre Lazcano, Pedro Fuentes, and the Blázquez Hnos; 1869. BAZ, Gustavo Adolfo. 1884. Apuntes para el cultivo de las dunas en México. Madrid, 72 p.-NN. Also in (Mem. Sría. Fom. Méx. 3: 610-619, 1887). Discusses suggestions based on publications and projects of other countries. BAZAN, Gonzalo. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (15791581); WEITLANER, Robert J., and JOHNSON, Irmgard W. de, 1943. BAZAN, Hernando. See XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615. BAZAN, Severino Herrera. See HERRERA BAZAN, Severino. BAZAN, Tomás Pérez. See PEREZ BAZAN, Tomás. BEADLE, G. W. (George Wells). 1939. "Teosinte and the origin of maize." (Jour. Hered. 30: 245-247, illus. ) Trans, into French by J. G. C. and repr. as "Le teosinte et l'origine du mais," in (Heu. Bot. Appl. 19: 803-805, 1939). Reports on producing edible teosinte by popping. BEAL, John Mann. See also SAX, Karl, and BEAL, 1934. BEAL, J. M., and Marion OWNBEY. 1939-1943. "Cytological studies in relation to the classification of the genus Calochortus." (Bot. Gaz. 100: 528-547, 40 figs., 1939; 102:810-811, illus., 1941; 104:553-562, 1943.) In the first part, the taxonomic work was done by Ownbey. In the second part, there is a report on C. barbatus from Mexico, with a chromosome count of 2n equals 36. In the third part, a table, with species and varieties arranged systematically, summarizes chromosome numbers in the genus; the classification is based on morphological as well as cytologic evidence. BEAL, Mary. 1939. "Food and fishlines for the tribesmen." (Des. Mag. 3 ( 2 ) : 1314; illus. by Norton Allen. On the uses of Agaves. 1940. "Handy man for the homesteader." (Des. Mag. 3 ( 3 ) : 12-13, 37; illus. by Adelbert Bartlett and C. C. Pierce. ) On Prosopis juliflora var. glandulosa (P. chilensis), and P. pubescens. 1940a. "Food, drink, and medicine for the natives." (Des. Mag. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 34, illus.) Description of various Salvias, with uses and distribution; includes chia ( S. columbariae ) and S. vaseyi from Mexico. 1940b. "Wild hollyhocks of the desert." (Des. Mag. 4 ( 2 ) : 16, illus.) On Sphaeralceas; including S. ambigua and S. purpurea, which extend into Mexico. 1941. "Agaves or desert hlies." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 7 ) : 103-107; illus. by Norton Allen. Includes description of A. consociata Trel. from Baja California. 1941a. "Devil's protégé." ( Des. Mag. 4 ( 3 ) : 12, illus. ) On various species of Acacia which extend into Mexico, giving description, distribution, and common names. 1941b. "Golden blossoms on the desert." (Des. Mag. 4 ( 6 ) : 10, illus.) On the genus Coreopsis; including C. douglasii which extends into Mexico. 1942. "Feathery dusters for desert fairies." (Des. Mag. 5 ( 6 ) : 29, illus.) On CaUiandras. 1943. "Nuts for the native larder." (Des. Mag. 6 ( 7 ) : 17, illus.) On piñón; with a description of Pinus cembroides. 1943a. "Incense bush." (Des. Mag. 6 ( 8 ) : 15, illus.) On Encelia farinosa; with a description and distribution.

1943b. "Golden Cassia." (Des. Mag. 6 ( 1 1 ) : 17, illus.) On Cassia wislizeni, C. leptocarpa, and C. leptadenia, which extend into Mexico. 1943c. "Favorite of the chuckawalla." (Des. Mag. 6 ( 1 2 ) : 24, illus.) Description of Bebbia juncea var. aspera. 1943d. "Meet the trailing milkweed." (Des. Mag. 7 ( 1 ) : 28, illus.) Discussion of Philibertia (Funastrum), including P. crispum and P. heterophylla, which extend into Mexico. 1944. "Shrub that smells like turpentine." (Des. Mag. 7 ( 4 ) : 8, illus.) Description and uses of Thamnosma texana (Rutaceae). 1944a. "You're sure to meet the blue Daleas." (Des. Mag. 7 ( 5 ) : 19, illus.) Several species of Parosela are described, including P. schottii from Mexico. 1944b. "Desert's scarlet buglers." (Des. Mag. 7 ( 7 ) : 17-18, illus.) On Pentstemons; including P. clevelandii, P. parryi, and P. barbatus. 1944c. "Desert tobacco grows on trees and bushes." (Des. Mag. 7 ( 1 0 ) : 2, illus.) Nicotiana trigonophylla, N. clevelandii, and N. glauca. 1944d. "Quailbrush and holly." (Des. Mag. 7( 11): 27-28.) Atriplex lentiformis, A. canescens, A. confertifolia, and A. polycarpa. 1944e. "Cream flower cactus with rose-red wreaths." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 1 ) : 13, illus.) Descriptions of Mammillaria macdougalii, M. heyderi and M. wrightii. 1944f. "Mistletoes for Christmas." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 2 ) : 14, illus.) Phoradendron fiavescens var. macrophyllum, P. californicum, and P. juniperinum. 1945. "Camote the black sheep." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 4 ) : 16, illus.) On Hoffmanseggia densiflora and H. microphylla, camote de raton. 1945a. "Desert's shower of gold." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 5 ) : 24, illus.) On Cercidium torreyanum (C. floridum), C. microphyllum (Parkinsonia microphylla), and P. aculeata. 1945b. "Fall's golden carpet." (Des. Mag. 8 ( 1 2 ) : 2, illus.) Descriptions of Pedis papposa, P. angustifolia, P. filipes, P. prostrata, and P. longipes, all from Mexico. 1945c. "Desert Christmas tree." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 2 ) : 2, illus.) Includes Cupressus arizonica which extends into Mexico. 1946. "Desert signpost to water." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 4 ) : 22, illus.) On Baccharis glutinosa and B. sarothroides. 1946a. "The tree that jumps." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 6 ) : 29, illus.) Descriptions of Opuntia fulgida, O. versicolor, and O. spinosior, all known as cholla. 1946b. "Country cousins of the dandelions." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 7 ) : 29, illus.) On Calycoseris parryi and C. wrightii, which extend into Mexico. 1946c. "Shrub that wears royal purple robes." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 9 ) : 19, illus.) On Paroselas; including P. grayi from Mexico. 1946d. "Old man groundsel." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 1 0 ) : 19, illus.) On Senecios; including S. longilobus from Mexico. 1946e. "Plants of starry flowers and sandpaper leaves." (Des. Mag. 9 ( 1 1 ) : 23, illus.) On Petalonyx thurberi and P. linearis. 1947. "Wild pie plant." (Des. Mag. 1 0 ( 4 ) : 15, illus.) On Rumex hymenosepalus and R. violascens. 1947a. "Fremont's pepper grass." (Des. Mag. 1 0 ( 6 ) : 17, illus.) On Lepidiums; including L. montanum and L. flavum from Mexico. 1947b. "Golden desert poppies." (Des. Mag. 1 0 ( 9 ) : 27, illus.) On Eschscholtzias, including E. mexicana. 1947c. "Plants that sponge upon their neighbors." (Des. Mag. 1 0 ( 1 2 ) : 18, illus.)


BEAL BEAL—continued Orobanche cooperi (O. ludoviciana var. cooperi), Pholisma arenarium, and Ammobroma sonorae. 1948. "Oak trees on desert mountains." (Des. Mag. 11(4): 8, illus.) Includes Quercus chrysolepis, Q. palmeri, and Q. emoryi, which extend into Mexico. 1948a. "Desert ash trees." (Des. Mag. 11(5): 29, illus.) Includes Fraxinus velutina in Mexico. 1948b. "Ghost flower named by Fremont." (Des. Mag. 11(6): 24, illus.) On Mohavea confertiflora which extends into Baja California. 1948c. "Trees with willow leaves and catalpa flowers." (Des. Mag. 11(11): 20, illus.) Description of Chilopsis linearis with distribution and uses. 1948d. "Healing berries." (Des. Mag. 12(1): 22, illus.) On Sambucus coerulea and its varieties, including var. mexicana. 1949. "Junipers on the desert." (Des. Mag. 12(4): 23, illus.) Includes Juniperus californica, which ranges into Mexico. 1949a. "Emigrant flowers that never fade." (Des. Mag. 12(8): 27, illus.) Description and uses of Amaranthus fimbrkitus and A. palmeri. 1950. "Lupine once had a bad reputation." (Des. Mag. 13(4): 39, illus.) Describes Lupinus sparsiflorus and its var. amazonicus. 1950a. "Dignity and elegance among the rocks." (Des. Mag. 13(5): 27, illus.) On Brickellias, including B. californica and B. arguta, which extend into Mexico. 1950b. "Crimson splash in the desert." (Des. Mag. 13(6): 17, illus.) On Castillejas; including C. linariaefolia which ranges into Mexico. 1950c. "They perfume the night." (Des. Mag. 13(10): 20, illus.) On Cereus greggii and C. digueti; with an illustration of C. serpentinus. BEAL, William James. 1887,1896. Grasses of North America. Lansing, Mich., 2 vols. (457 and 706 p.; 175 and 126 illus.) The 2d vol. was publ. in New York. Taxonomic study, mainly for farmers and students. 1890. "Grasses in the wrong genus." (Bot. Gaz. 15: 110-112.) Four species formerly in Stipa are transferred to Oryzopsis. One is O. pringlei from Chihuahua. 1890a. "Geographical distribution of the grasses of North America." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 39: 312-319.) A detailed analysis by genera, with relationships to, and comparisons with, grasses of other areas of the world. BEALS, Ralph Leon. 1932. The comparative ethnology of northern Mexico before 1750. Berkeley, California, 225 p., 28 maps, bibl. (Ibero-Americana No. 2.) With a brief section on cultivated plants, and on the use of wild plants. Several maps are concerned with plants. 1933. "The Acaxee." (Ibero Americana No. 6, 36 p.) On an Indian group living in Durango and Sinaloa; with some data on foods and customs involving plants. 1943. "The aboriginal culture of the Cahita Indians." (Ibero Americana 19: 94 p., 3 pi., 7 fig., map.) Reconstruction of the culture of a group living in Sonora and Sinaloa; includes material on the food supply and tobacco; also a section on environmental conditions in which plants are described. 1945. The contemporary culture of the Cahita Indians. Washington, 244 p., 20 pi., bibl., map. (Smithsonian Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol., Bull. 142.) Some references to plants by common names only in the sections on agriculture, food gathering, weaving, and medicinal plants.

1945a. Ethnology of the western Mixe. Berkeley, 176 p., 17 pi., 7 figs., 2 maps. (Univ. Calif. Publ. Amer. Archaeol. Ethnol.) No. 42. On the area in Oaxaca near Zempoaltepetl; some references are given to plants in the chapters on the "land and the people, the food quest, the material culture." Appendix has a vocabulary with a special list of plant names. 1946. Cherán—a Sierra Tarascan village. (Smithson. Inst., Inst. Soc. Anthrop., Publ. No. 2, 225 p., 8 pi., 19 fig., 5 maps.) Contains information on plants used as food, wild and cultivated; one appendix is on food plants from La Cañada; another, on maize from Cherán, is by Edgar Anderson. BEAMAN, John Homer. See also ANDRESEN, John W. and BEAMAN, 1961; STOUTAMIRE, Warren P., and BEAMAN, 1960; TURNER, B. L„ and BEAMAN, 1953; TURNER, B. L., et al, 1961a; VARIOUS, 1960b. 1957. "The systematics and evolution of Townsendia." (Contr. Gray Herb. 183: 1-151, 23 pi., 17 maps, bibl.) Study of 21 species, with 2 new species and one new variety described; covers history, geographic distribution, ecology, relationships, embryology, cytology, hybridization, evolution, morphology, and systematics with a key to species and varieties. Townsendia annua n.sp. is cited from Mexico. 1959. "Vascular plants on the cinder cone of Paricutin volcano in 1958." (Rhodora 62 (739): 175-186, map.) Fourteen species in all are reported: 5 ferns, one species of Pinus, one grass, Aegopogon, one species of Buddleia, 5 composites in 4 genera, and one unidentified seed plant. 1961. "Vascular plants on the cinder cone of Paricutin volcano in 1961." (Rhodora 63 (756): 340-344.) A catalogue, systematically arranged, with a discussion of the changes that have taken place since the earlier survey, q.v. The report lists 17 species in 15 genera and 6 families of flowering plants in 1961. BEAMAN, John H„ D. C. D. DE JONG, and Warren P. STOUTAMIRE. 1962. "Chromosome studies in the alpine and sub-alpine floras of Mexico and Guatemala." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 9 ( 1 ) : 41-50, illus., bibl.) A report on 101 collections, consisting of 69 species, 42 genera and 22 families, with first counts reported in 59 species and 2 genera. BEAMAN, John H. 1962a. "The timberlines of Ixtaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, Mexico." (Ecology 43(3): 377-385, illus., maps.) With a discussion of the geography, geology, and climate. Vegetation at the timberline is described, with special attention given to Pinus hartwegii. BEAMAN, J. H., and B. L. TURNER. 1962b. "Chromosome numbers in Mexican and Guatemalan compositae." (Rhodora 64(759): 271-276, illus.) A report on 25 species; first counts are presented for 16 taxa. BEARD, Eleanor Cooke. 1937. "Some chromosome complements in the Cactaceae and a study of meiosis in Echinocereus papillosus." (Bot. Gaz. 99: 1-21.) Some of the material used was from San Luís Potosí and Tamaulipas. BEARD, John Stewart. 1944. "Provisional list of trees and shrubs of the Lesser Antilles." (Carib. For. 5 ( 2 ) : 48-67; summ. in Spanish.) Extracted from a list of the flora prepared by E. E. Cheesman; arranged systematically by families and alphabetically by genera and species. 1994a. "Natural vegetation of the Island of Tobago, British West Indies." (Ecol. Monog. 14: 135-163, 11 figs. incl. maps.) Discusses factors of the environment, plant communities, and gives a list of plants with common and scientific names, according to associations, and a list of native trees. 1944b. "Climax vegetation in tropical America." (Ecology 25: 128158, illus, bibl.) Based on observations mainly in the West Indies, Central 120







America, and northern South America. Included are a summary of formations, with terms in English, Spanish, and Portuguese; diagrams and illustrations of types of climaxes; tables to correlate terms used, with those of Schimper, Shantz, and Barbour; and a field key for the formations. For the revised version of this work, see Beard, 1955. The natural vegetation of Trinidad. Oxford, 152 p., illus.; Oxford For. Mem. No. 20. Includes a study of the geography, geology and soils, flora, classification and description of plant communities, and ecological relationships. Under "flora," there is a provisional list of trees native to Trinidad, arranged systematically by families, and alphabetically by genera and species, with common names for many. The natural vegetation of the Windward and Leeward Islands. Oxford, 192 p., illus., maps; Oxford For. Mem. No. 21. For arrangement of contents see The natural vegetation of Trinidad, by the same author. For a review of the work, see Egler, Frank E. in Carib. For. 1 3 ( 4 ) : 173-178, 1952. "The savanna vegetation of northern tropical America." ( E c o l . Monog. 23: 149-215, 33 figs.) The areas described include Central American countries, with a brief reference to Yucatán. Descriptions of various types of savannas are included, with a discussion of physical and biotic factors in the habitat and ecological relationships of the various areas. "The classification of tropical American vegetation types." (Ecology 36: 89-100, 7 figs.) This is an amplified and revised version of the 1944 report, q.v. Formations are increased from 26 to 28; all the arborescent formations are illustrated by profile diagrams. Physiognomy and habitat are discussed, as is the importance of soil drainage in the ecology of high rainfall areas.

1910. Les bois industriels. Paris, 420 p., bb ffgs., bibl. Descriptions of families, genera, and species, with synonymy, distribution, and uses. BEAUVISAGE, L. 1920. "Contribution a l'étude anatomique de la famille des Ternstroemiacées." Tours, 470 p., illus.; thesis.—DA. History, morphology, anatomy, and taxonomy; with a list of species under each genus, and the country where each is found. BEAUVOIS, Ambroise Marie François Joseph Palisot de. See PALISOT de BEAUVOIS, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. BEAVEN, Eduardo. 1917-1920. "Ligeros apuntes sobre el cultivo de la higuerilla." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 37:97-105.) Repr. as "La culture du ricin au Mexique" in ( Echo Méx. 1 ( 1 0 ) : 3-4, 1921). With the description and distribution of 3 species. BEBB, Michael Schuck. See WHEELER, George Montague, 1878. BECCARI, Odoardo. 1887-1889. "Le Palme incluse nel genere Cocos Linn. ( Malpighia 1:343-354, 441-454, 1887-1888; 2:85-95, 146-157, 1 pl., 1888-1889.) With descriptions of, or comments on, the 37 species which are recognized. 1907. "Le Palme Americane della tribu delle Corypheae." ( Webbia 2: 1-343.) With a prospectus of the genera, analytical keys to the species, detailed descriptions, and distributional data. Among the new species described are: Brahea pimo and Erythea elegans, from Mexico. 1917. "The origin and dispersal of Cocos nucífera." (Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 2 ( 1 ) : 27-43.) Concludes that an Asiatic or Polynesian origin of the coconut palm is more probable than an American one.

BEATON, D. 1839. "Note on the jalap plant of commerce." (Gard. Mag. 15: 328329.) Reports raising a plant identified as Convolvulus jalapa and questions if it is the same as Ipomoea purga.

BECERRA, César. n.d. "Apuntes para la geografía del Estado de Hidalgo." México?, 17 typed p., ms.-SMGE. With a considerable section on the plant resources.

BEATTY, John Y. See BEATY, John Y. BEATY, John Y. (BEATTY?) 1914. "Una planta forrajera admirable." 362, illus.) On the uses of spineless cactus. BEAUFOY, Mark. 1828. Mexican illustrations.

BECERRA, Ignacio Vargas. See VARGAS BECERRA, Ignacio.

(Hacienda 9 ( 1 2 ) : 360-

BECERRA, Marcos E. See abo BRINTON, Daniel Garrison, 1888; CERVANTES de SALAZAR (1560-1567). 1909. Nombres geográficos del Estado de Tabasco. México, 109 p. Many references to plants, often identified by scientific names, in derivations of names which are not of Spanish origin. 1917-1920. "La papaya orejona." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 37: 357-361, 1 pl.) Pileus pentaphyllus is described as a new species. 1921. "Datos botánicos i lingüísticos sobre la ubicación de Huehuetlapan." Ms., at SMGE, México, 12 typed p. Prepared for the 1st Congr. Nac. Geogr. To show that it was in Honduras—as a source of Toltec, Chichimec, and Aztec cultures. There are many interesting references to plants, by common and scientific names. 1924. "El huacalxochitl de Hernández en un petroglifo." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 43: 345-353, 3 pl.) Identifies it as Philodendron affine Hemsley. 1925. "Exploración biológica en el Estado de Chiapas." (Bol. Dir. Estud. Biol. Méx. 3: 27-29.) On various plants, known commonly as cholagogues. They are identified as Gouania and Colubrina in the Rhamnaceae, and Myriocarpa in the Urticaceae. There is also a reference to "la quina de Chiapa," in which it is reported that Cinchona succirubra had been found in Soconusco, Chiapas. 1932. Nombres geográficos indígenas del Estado de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 386 p. With data on the localities, and derivation of the names. Scientific names are given for the plants cited in the derivations. 1934. "Los Chontales de Tabasco." (Inv. Ling. 2: 29-36.) "Estudio etnográfico i lingüístico"; with a brief vocabulary.

London, 310 p., illus., map.

Observations by a cynical traveler, during the years 18251827; with interesting remarks on plants and good pictures of the flowers of the manita tree and the Mexican cherry, capulín. BEAULAYGUE, Louis Lucien. 1896. "Contribution a l'étude des Sapindacées." Montpellier, 1896, 104 p., bibl. Thesis No. 590. The first chapter covers the general botanical characteristics of the family, with its affinities, distribution, general properties, and names of important species. Another section on saponins, in general, discusses Achras sapota. BEAUMETZ, Georges Octave Dujardin. METZ, Georges Octave.


BEAUMONT, Pablo de la Purísima Concepción. 18th cent. Crónica de la provincia de los Santos Apostoles S. Pedro y S. Pablo de Michoacán. México, 1873-1874, 5 vols. Written between 1766 and 1784, according to Chauvet. The last section discusses plant products of the area, e.g., corn, yuca, and camotes. BEAUPRE, Charles Gaudichaud. Charles.


BEAUREGARD, Luis. 1909. "Nopal sin espinas." (Agricultor Mainly on uses of the plant. BEAUVERIE, Jean.

3 ( 2 9 ) : 59-64.)





BECERRA-continued 1934a. "Sobre como hablamos en Tabasco." (Inv. Ling. 2: 59-64.) With comments that refer to plants. 1935. "Vocabulario de la lengua Choi." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx., V, 2: 7-36.) From Spanish to Choi, with notes giving scientific names of plants mentioned. 1935a. "Algunas anotaciones." (Invest. Ling. 3: 311-319.) Notes to Vocabulario Nacional Agrícola, q.v. (Anon, 1931.) 1936. "La planta llamada guapaque ó paque." México, 6 p. (Foil. Divulg. Cient. No. 24, publ. by the Inst. Biol. Méx.) Description of a new genus Correa, in the Leguminosae, with the species guapaque. For the correct name of the plant, see Dialium. 1937. "Vocabulario Chapaneco—Castellano." (Inv. Ling. 4: 224253.) And vice versa. 1937a. "El jazmín del istmo." (Neza 3 ( 1 ) : 7-11, illus.) Description of Bourreria formosa Hemsl. 1939-1940. "Juegos precoloniales." (An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Méx. 1: 175-178, 1 illus.) Showing the use of acorns of Quercus cyclobalanoides. 1942. "El pochote—Ceiba." (Rev. Méx. Est. Antrop. 6 ( 1 / 2 ) : 92101.) Mainly on the etymology of the name. BECERRA D., Atanasio. 1956. "Producción de la planta de tabaco en la Huasteca Veracruzana." Saltillo, 30 p., illus. Thesis ERA. With "datos geobotánicos." BECERRIL, Luís G. 1917. Geografía del Estado de México. México, 40 p., map—Bibliot. A. Alzate. With a brief section on the natural products, and some reference to the cultivated crops, in the discussion of the various areas. BECERRIL BUITRON, Ana Maria. 1950. "Contribución al estudio farmacológio de la raíz de matarique." México, 40 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. Description and distribution of Cacalia decomposita, tested for use in diabetes and found of no value. BECHER, Henry C. R. 1880. A trip to Mexico. Toronto, 183 p., illus., map. "Notes of a journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco (sic) and back." Mainly archaeological in emphasis, with casual references to plants. BECHER, Joachim Mattheus. 1663. Parnassus medicinalis illustratus. Ulm, 4 vols, in one.—OCL. Each part is numbered separately. Part II entitled "Phythologia or kraeuterbuch," 636 p., illus., includes Solanum indicum and S. poma aurea, frumentum indicum (Zea mays), Piper indicum (Capsicum), stramonia (Datura), Ficus indica sive Opuntia, Aloe americana, and Caryophylli indici (Tagetes). BECHSTEIN, Johann Matthaeus. 1796. Kurzgefaste gemeinnutzige naturgeschichte der gewaechse des in- und auslandes. Leipzig, 2 vols.—MoSB. Plants are arranged according to the Linnaean system with common and scientific names, description, and use. BECHT van OMMEN, G. J. 1927. "Oliveranthus elegans." (Succulenta 9 ( 7 ) : 104-106, illus.) Description of a Mexican succulent; (changed later to Echeveria harmsii). BECHTEL, Albert Reiff. 1921. "The floral anatomy of the Urticales." 8 ( 8 ) : 386-410, illus.) BECK von MANNAGETTA, Guenther, ritter. 1890. "Monographic der gattung Orobanche." 275, 4 pl„ 3 maps, 11 figs.)





Bot. 19: 1-

Includes history, development, morphology, anatomy, biology, systematics, and geographic distribution. One map shows distribution in the New World. The systematic part has a key to sections and species with descriptions, distribution, and host plants. BECK-MANNAGETTA, G. 1927. "Orobanche." (Pflanzenareale 1 ( 7 ) : 73-81, maps 61-69.) Mexico is included in the distribution of Orobanche uniflora, O. ludoviciana, O. californica, and O. fasciculata. BECKER, Claus. See HUMBOLDT, Alexander von and BONPLAND, 1805. BECKER, Lothar. 1875. Der bauerntabak (Nicotiana rustica L . ) . Breslau?, 51 p. A discussion, based on early literature, centers on the possibility of the plant's having been native in the Old World. 1888. "Der Tuerkische weizen und der mais in geschichtlicher hinsicht." (Natur 37: 97, 24, 133, 160, 186, 223, 236, 247.) History, common names, and a discussion of the natural habitat of the plant. BECKER, Wilh. 1924. "Violae Mexicanae et Centrali-Americanae." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 19: 392-400; 20: 1-12.) The first part presents a chart illustrating geographic distribution of the species, a key to species, and descriptions which continue in part 2. Sixteen Mexican species are included, two of them new. BECKETT, Ralph Edwin and Robert S. STITT. 1935. "The desert milkweed (Asclepias subulata) as a possible source of rubber." (U.S. D. A. Tech. Bull. 472, 20 p., illus.) With description, distribution, rubber content, and culture. 1938. "Rubber content and habits of a second desert milkweed (Asclepias erosa) of southern California and Arizona." (U.S. D. A. Tech. Bull. No. 604, 11 p., illus.) With descriptions, distribution, rubber content, and culture. BEDDOME, R. H. (Richard Henry). 1908. "Gesneraceae." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 33: 74-100.) "With an annotated list of the genera and species which have been introduced to cultivation." These are listed alphabetically by genus and species, with a brief description and the country of origin. 1908a. "Acanthaceae." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 34:54-96.) With an annotated list of the species known to have been in cultivation, arranged alphabetically by genus and species, with brief description and country of origin. BEDOLLA ZAMORA, B. 1906. "El cantón de Huatusco, Veracruz." (Prog. Lat. 4 ( 8 ) : 238240.) With a list of the plants of the area, cited by common names only. B E E B E , Charles William (cited often as William Beebe). 1905. Two bird lovers in Mexico. Boston, 408 p., illus. Interesting account with many scattered references to plants. BEEKMAN, Elaine. See BEEKMAN, John, 1953. BEEKMAN, John and Elaine. 1953. Vocabulario Choi. México, 70 p.—Inst. Ling. Ver. Choi to Spanish and reverse. BEEKS, Richard M. See also GRANT, Verne, 1952-1956; MOSELEY, Maynard Fowle, Jr., and BEEKS, 1955. 1962. "Variation and hybridization in southern California populations of Diplacus (Scrophulariaceae)." (Aliso 5 ( 2 ) : 83-122, illus., maps, bibl.) The genus extends to Baja California, but geographic references are given only to the United States. BEER, Joseph Georg. 1854. "Versuch einer eintheilung der familie der Bromeliaceen nach deren bluethenstand." (Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 4: 157-160); also in ( V e r h . Zool. Bot. Ver. Wien 4: 185-188); and in (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 22: 174-175).



Divided into 3 main subdivisions, "hauptabtheilung, unterabtheilung, und sippe" and 19 smaller ones, with representative species for each. 1857. Die familie der Bromeliaceen. Wien, 271 p., illus.—DA. Classification and descriptions, with a special section on the genus Ananas. This was translated and published in (Belgique Hort. 28: 144-172, illus., 1878) as "Monographie des Ananas." 1863. Beitraege zur morphologie und biologie der familie der Orchideen. Wien, 44 p., 12 pi.—DA. With a special section on Vanilla.

BEHNKEN, María de los Angeles Arzac. See ARZAC-BEHNKEN, María de los Angeles. BEHR, Hans Herman. See CURRAN, Mary K. (1884?) 1885. BEHRENDS, Dorothy S. 1952. "Bill Brooks' two new Begonias." (Begonian 19 ( 3 ) : 51.) Begonia Lucy Brooks and Begonia Carlota. BEIJERINCK, (also as Beyerinck), W(illem). 1938. "Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull." (Pflanzenareale 4 ( 6 ) : 74-77, map 55.) The map shows a location for a Mexican specimen, classified as adventive, based on a specimen from Querétaro, in the Berlin herbarium.

BEETLE, Alan A(ckerman). 1941. "Certain North and South American distribution in Scirpus." (Madroño 6: 45-49.) Summaries of the distribution of selected species, some of which range into Mexico. 1941-1946. "Studies in the genus Scirpus." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 2 8 ( 8 ) : 691-700, 1941; 2 9 ( 1 ) : 82-88, 1942; 2 9 ( 8 ) : 653-656, 1942; 3 0 ( 6 ) : 395-401, 1943; 31(5):261-265, 1944; 3 3 ( 8 ) : 661-665, 1946.) With discussions of the following: The American species of the section Lacustres Clarke; with keys to species, descriptions, and distribution. The section Bolboschoenus Palla; taxonomic study with descriptions and distribution. Notes on the section Actaeogeton Erich. The section Schoenoplectus Palla; includes S. americanus var. polyphyllus (Boeckl.) Beetle comb. nov. which extends into Mexico. Conspectus of sections represented in the Americas; with a key to 13 sections in 2 subgenera. The genus Scirpus—notes on its taxonomy, phylogeny, and distribution. For a criticism of the Conspectus of sections, above, see Fernald, M. L., "Unverified bibliography of Scirpus," in Rhodora 49: 49-54, 1947. 1943. "A key to the North American species of the genus Scirpus based on achene characters." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 29: 533-538, illus.) Also a list of species of North America and their distribution; criticised in 31: 250, 1944 by A. C. Martin under "Achene characters in the genus Scirpus." 1943a "The North American variations of Distichlis spicata." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 70: 638-650, illus.) With a key to varieties, descriptions, and distribution. Mexican material includes var. divaricata var. nov., and var. mexicana var. nov. Included is a catalogue of specific names applied to Distichlis, with references and localities. 1944. "A known but undescribed Mexican Scirpus." (Brittonia 5 ( 2 ) : 148.) On S. analecti. 1944a. "Three neglected names in Scirpus." (Rhodora 46: 145-146.) Describes S. cernuus Vahl var. californicus (Torr.) comb, nov. and S. cubensis Poeppig and Kunth var. gracilis (Boeck.) comb. nov. 1949. "Annotated list of original descriptions in Scirpus." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 41: 453-493.) 1955. "The grass genus 'Distichlis.'" (Rev. Argent. Agron. 2 2 ( 2 ) : 86-94, illus.; in English with Spanish summ.) With a key to species, descriptions and distribution. D. texana and D. spicata var. stricta are cited for Mexico. 1960. "Distribution as a key to the age and origin of grasses." (Univ. Wyoming Publ. 2 4 ( 1 ) : 1-8.) Mexico is discussed in connection with Buchloe, the Chlorideae, and the Zoyseae.

BEINLING, Theodore Rudolf Berthold. 1858. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Coniferen. Breslau, 54 p . - D A . Distribution is given according to countries, with ranges and general discussion; also by families and genera. BEISSNER, Ludwig. 1887. Handbuch der nadelholzkunde. Berlin, 1930, 3d ed., 765 p., 204 illus. First ed. Erfurt, 1887, 90 p. Taxonomy, descriptions, and culture. BEIZA, Agustín Albarrán y. See ALBARRAN y BEIZA, Agustín. BEJARANO, M. See RABASA, Ramón et al, 1895. BEJARANO PEDROZA, Armando. 1937. "El cultivo de la papa." Cd. Juárez, 54 p. Thesis EPA. On Solanum tuberosum. BELAUNZARAN PALAFOX, Blanca. 1945. "Estudio del guacamote desde el punto de vista alimenticio." México, 42 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Manihot utilissima. BELCHER, Edward. 1843. Narrative of a voyage round the world performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, 1836-1842. London, 2 vols., illus., maps. In the appendix to vol. 2, p. 325-460, there is a discussion by Richard Brinsley Hinds of "the regions of vegetation . . . over the surface of the globe." Mexico is included in areas designated as The Chihuahua region, the Central American region, and the Mexico-Alpine region. BELCHER, R. S. See also VARIOUS, 1923. BELCHER, R. S., et al. 1925 "Cross ties of foreign woods." (Amer. Ry. Eng. Assoc., Proc. 26: 1033-1078, illus.) Co-authors include S. B. Fisher, John Foley, H. C. Hayes, and A. F. Maischaider. With a brief section on Mexico, listing trees used there, by common names only. This is based on reports from various consuls: O. Gaylord Marsh from Progreso, Fred R. Robinson in Saltillo, and Claude I. Dawson in Mexico City. (See Various, 1923.) Included also is a check list of foreign woods reported suitable for, or used as cross ties, arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, and where they are available. Another check list is arranged by scientific names with the country of origin and the results of tests on the woods. A similar list is provided, arranged by common names, for trees whose scientific names are not known. BELCHER, Robert Orange. 1956. "A revision of the genus Erechtites with inquiries into Senecio and Arrhenechthites." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 43: 1-85.) History of the genus with a condensed key to Senecioninae, a systematic treatment of Erechtites, keys to species, varieties and forms, descriptions and a list of specimens examined.

BEGUINOT, A.(ugusto), and N. BELOSERSKY. 1913. "Revisione monográfica del genere Apocynum Linn." (R. Acc. Lincei, Mem. CI. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. V, 9: 595-734, illus., bibl.) Introd. by O. Mattirolo and P. Baccarini. On the history, morphology, distribution, and systematics, with a special section on North American species.

BELINA, Dr. de. 1882. "Proyecto de desagüe y saneamiento de la Ciudad y del Valle de México." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. III, 6: 142-193.)

BEHNKEN, Ana Maria Arzac. See ARZAC-BEHNKEN, Ana Maria. 123

BELIO BELINA—continued With a section on forestation, and the use of the in this respect.

BELTRAN Eucalyptus

BELIO, José Refugio. 1924. "EI Estado de Hidalgo." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Qeog. Est. V, 10: 211-250.) This was repr. as a separate, México, 1924, 42 p.— Inst. Teen. Monterrey. In the section on agriculture, there is a section p. 16-21, on wild and cultivated plants, cited by common names. BELL, C(lyde) Ritchie. 1954. "The Sanícula crassicaulis complex (Umbelliferae)." (Univ. Calif. Pubi. Bot. 2 7 ( 3 ) : 133-230, illus., bibl.) A study of variation and polyploidy, including work on cytology, distribution, and ecology. BELL, C. Ritchie, and Lincoln CONSTANCE. 1957. "Chromosome numbers in the Umbelliferae I." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 44: 565-572.) The only Mexican species cited is Arracada brandegei from Baja California. 1960. "Chromosome numbers in Umbelliferae II." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 7 ( 1 ) : 24-32, 100 figs.) Mexican material used includes Eryngium crassisquammosum and E. lemmoni from Durango, and E. heterophyllum from Mexico and Jalisco. B E L L , Purl Lord, and H. Bently MACKENZIE. 1923. Mexican west coast and Lower California. Washington, 340 p., 16 pl., map. ( U. S. Bur. For. Dom. Comm., Spec. Agents Ser. No. 220.) Prepared with the assistance of the following U. S. consuls: Francis John Dyer of Nogales, Bartley F . Yost of Guaymas, and William E. Chapman of Mazatlán. "A commercial and industrial survey," with sections on agriculture and forest products; the latter includes a list of woods, cited by common names only, on p. 184. The "west coast" covers Sonora, Sinaloa, and Nayarit; the emphasis in Lower California is on the northern half. B E L L , Willis Harvey. See also CASTETTER, Edward Franklin and BELL, 1937, 1938. BELL, Willis H(arvey) and Edward Franklin CASTETTER. 1937. "The utilization of mesquite and screwbean by the aborigines in the American Southwest." ( Univ. New Méx., Bull. 314, Biol Ser. 5 ( 2 ) ; Ethnobiol. Stud. Southw., # 5 , 55p., bibl., maps. ) A detailed study of Prosopis chilensis giving description, distribution, history, and uses; also on P. pubescens, with some references to P. palmeri and P. cinerascens. 1941. The utilization of yucca, sotol, and beargrass by the aborígenes in the American Southwest. Albuquerque, 74 p.—DA. ( Univ. New Mex. Bull., Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. No. 7, Biol. Ser. 5 ( 5 ) . ) Excellent study of the plants as food and fiber sources. BELLAIR, Georges Adolphe. (1929). Les Dahlias. Paris, 135 p., 59 illus.-NN. Origin, history, description of species and varieties; emphasis is on culture. BELLEGARDE, Jean Baptiste Morvan de, M. l'abbe( pseud. Monsr. Du Perier). 1708. A general history of all voyages and travels. London, 364 p., illus: the translator's name is not given. The original ed. Histoire universalle de voyages, Paris, 1707, was pubi, under the pseudonym.—NN. Planned as a series, but only this first volume on America was printed; it includes excerpts from Cortés and Fernández de Oviedo. BELLIN, Jacques Nicholas. 1758. Description géographique des Isles Antilles possédées par les Anglois. Paris, 171 p., illus. and maps. Includes Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua, Bermudas, etc., with information on the most important plants. 1763. Déscription géographique de la Guyane (Guiarle). Paris, 294 p., illus., maps. Part 2, chapters 2 and 3, are on plants.

BELLO, Andrés. 1823. "Alocución a la poesía: fragmentos de un poema inédito titulado América." (Bibl. Amer. 1 : 3 - 1 6 , 2 : 1 - 1 2 . Repr. as "Silvas Americanas I. La agricultura de la zona tórrida," in Rep. Amer. 1:7-18, 1826.) It is included in Bello's Obras completas, vol. 1, Poesías: 81-92, 1930, publ. in Santiago de Chile, or 65-74, in the Caracas edition, publ. in 1952. It was trans, into English as A georgic of the tropics, by John Cook Wyllie, and publ. in Charlottesville, 1954, 39 p., with the original text. A beautiful ode with many references to typical plants of the tropics. Botanical annotations are by the author. 1827. "Descripción de la cochinilla Misteca i de su cría i benefizio." (Rep. Amer. 2: 152-167.) Also in (Amigo Pueblo 3 ( 3 ) : 7596, 1828). Publ. as A. B. Discussion of the identity of the plants on which the insect lives, and descriptions of various species of cactus. BELLO, Juan GONZALEZ. See GONZALEZ BELLO, Juan. BELLO, Dr. Moreno. See MORENO BELLO, Dr. BELLOC, Alejandro Arellano. See ARELLANO BELLOC, Alejandro. B E L L U E , M. K. See VARIOUS, 1936. BELMAR, Francisco. 1897. Ensayo sobre la lengua Trike. Oaxaca, 53 p.—MN Méx. With a special list of plant names. 1899. El Chocho—Idiomas indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 42 p.—Bibliot. SMGE. With vocabulary. 1900. Estudio de el Chontal. Oaxaca, 148 + 123 p. With a Spanish-Chontal vocabulary, by Román Juárez, in the second part. 1901. Breve noticia del idioma Papabuco. Oaxaca, 20 p.; part of the series called "Idiomas indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca." With a comparison of Spanish, Zapotee, and Papabuco, "del Pueblo de Elotepec." 1901a. Breve reseña histórica y geográfica del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 233 p., 37 illus. With a list of plant products classified according to use; common names only are given. 1901b. Investigaciones sobre el idioma Amuzgo. Oaxaca, 163 p. As spoken in Ipalapa, distrito de Jamiltepec, Oaxaca. 1901c. Lenguas del Estado de Oaxaca—Estudio del Huave. Oaxaca, 111 p. With a Spanish-Huave vocabulary. 1902. El Cuicateco. Oaxaca, 119 p. A vocabulary of a language spoken in Oaxaca. 1902a. Investigaciones sobre la lengua Chatina. Oaxaca, 78 p. One of the "idiomas del Estado de Oaxaca." 1902b. Lenguas indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca—Estudio del idioma Ayook. Oaxaca, 205 p. With a 24-p. appendix of phrases. 1905. Lenguas indígenas de México—Familia Mixteco-Zapoteca. México, 374 p. "Sus relaciones con el Otomí"; also contains "Familia Zoque-Mixe, Chontal, Huave, y Mexicano"; with vocabularies. BELMONT, Angela Torres. See TORRES BELMONT, Angela. BELMONT, Konstantin Dmitrievich. 1923. Visions solaires (Mexique, Egypte, Inde, Japón, Oceanie). Paris, 4th ed., 338 p., port., trans, by Ludmila Savitzky.—MH. The part on Mexico, p. 9-131, is called "Fleurs serpentines"; beautifully written but with only a few references to plants. BELOSERSKY, N. See BEGUINOT, A., 1913. BELTRAMI, Giacomo Constantino (also as J. C.). 1830. Le Mexique. Paris, 2 vols. Contains a list of 100 plants collected and identified by Cervantes, and including many new genera and new species, in volume 2, appendix no. 8, p. 389. BELTRAN, Alberto.

See KEY, Harold, and KEY, 1953; McKAU-


BELTRAN GHAN, Howard, Mariana, 1954.





BELTRAN, Enrique. See abo L E O P O L D , A. Starker, 1959; VARIOUS, 1955; 1956; 1958; 1958(1959). 1939. "Los recursos naturales de México." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 ( 1 ) : 33-43.) On conservation. 1942. "El Prof. Alfonso Herrera." (Ciencia 3 ( 1 0 / 1 1 ) : 322.) Notice of death, and biographical sketch, of Alfonso L. Herrera. 1942a. "Alfonso L. Herrera, un hombre y una época." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 3 ( 1 / 4 ) : 201-210.) His life and scientific activities. 1943. "Datos y documentos para la história de las ciencias naturales en México." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 4: 115-121.) "Los estatutos de la primitiva Sociedad Mexicana de História Natural." 1943a. "Setenta y cinco años de ciencias naturales en México." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 4 : 245-264.) 1945. "Datos y documentos para la historia de las ciencias naturales en México." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 6: 99-106.) "Correspondencia de Alfredo Dugés con Alfonso L. Herrera, 1888-1893." 1946. Los recursos naturales de México y su conservación. México, 95 p. Introd. by Wm. Vogt. Publ. by the Sria Ed. Publ. Méx., as Biblioteca enciclopédica popular. No. 106. With a chapter on the vegetation. 1947-1950. "Informes de labores desarrolladas por la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 9: 37-45; 10: 45-52; 11: 21-27; 12: 23-29.) Continued similarly in the succeeding years. 1948. "La Naturaleza, periódico científico de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, 1869-1914." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 9 ( 1 / 2 ) : 145-174.) With an index of articles by authors, one according to subject matter, by fields of study in general, and one according to geographical areas to which reference is made. 1949. "Plantas usadas en la alimentación por los antiguos Mexicanos." (Amer. Indig. 9: 195-204, bibl.) Discussion of corn, beans, peppers, maguey, alegría and chía citing common and scientific names; a compendium of material from many sources. 1949a. "Los orígenes de la ciencia Mexicana." (Suppl. Novedades, Mar. 13, p. 6.) Mainly on Hernández. 1949b. "Grana ó cochinilla." (Novedades, June 12.) Popular article. 1949c. "Francisco Hernández—Proceres de la ciencia Mexicana III." (Novedades, 24 July 1949, p. 5.) 1949d. "25 Años de ciencias biológicas en México." ( R e v . Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 0 ( 1 / 4 ) : 17-26.) Autobiography, preceded by portrait, curriculum vitae, and bibliography. 1950. "Isaac Ochoterena." (Novedades, Apr. 23.) Biography. 1950a. "El panorama de la ciencia en México—La botánica." ( S u p p l . Novedades, July 23.) A quick résumé from Badianus to date. 1951. "Medio siglo de ciencia Mexicana." In (Novedades, Jan. 14, suppl.) Part IV of "Ciencias biológicas" in the series "México en la Cultura." 1951a. "El pulque." (Novedades, Aug. 19.) 1951b. "El panorama de la biológia Mexicana." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 2 ( 1 / 4 ) : 66-99, 11 figs., bibl.) From pre-Cortés times to the present. 1951c. "La vida de un hombre ejemplar." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 2 ( 1 / 4 ) : 303-318, illus.) Bio-bibliographical study of Conzatti. 1952. "Actividades científicas en Chiapas." (Novedades, 1952.)

June 15,

On the work of Faustino Miranda, in preparing a work on the vegetation of Chiapas. 1953. "Hechos salientes de la biología Mexicana en el siglo XX." (Mem. Cong. Cient. Méx. 7: 453-482.) An important historical contribution. 1953a. "Los bosques tropicales de México y su aprovechamiento." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 1 4 ( 1 / 4 ) : 35-50, 5 illus.) General discussion of the situation with regard to studies undertaken and others needed. 1953b. "Alfredo Dugés: un siglo después, 1853-1953." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 14: 157-168.) Biography, and evaluation of his contribution to Mexican science. BELTRAN, Enrique, ed. 1953c. Vida silvestre y recursos naturales a lo largo de la carretera Panamericana. México, 228 p., illus. maps; published by the Inst. Méx. Rec. Nat. Renov. One chapter by Efraím Hernández Xolocotzi is on vegetation and agriculture, and dominant plants in the various areas are mentioned, as well as the principal crops. Another chapter on forests and national parks is by Daniel F. Galicia. BELTRAN, Enrique. 1955. "Julio Riquelme Inda: cincuenta años de fecunda taréa." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 16: 79-85.) Biographical sketch. 1955a. Los recursos naturales de México. México, 125 p., bibl.—DA. Publ. by the Inst. Méx. Rec. Nat. Ren. This is subtitled I. "Estado actual de las investigaciones forestales, and contains a bibliography of publications on forest resources of Mexico" on p. 69-125. 1956. "El Virrey Revillagigedo y los bosques de San Luís Potosí." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 17: 1-4, illus.) Repr. in Temas Forestales, q.v. 1956a. "Veinte años de vida de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 17: 17-35, illus.) 1958. El hombre y su ambiente. (México), 258 p., illus., map. A study of the Valle de México, and the biological changes that have occurred in it since the pre-conquest days. A brief discussion of the vegetation is included; plants are cited mainly by common names. The region includes the Distrito Federal, and part of Hidalgo and Tlaxcala. BELTRAN, Enrique, ed. 1959(1954). Los recursos naturales del Sureste y su aprovechamiento. México, 3 vols., maps, illus., bibl. Publ. by the Inst. Méx. Rec. Nat. Renov. The project and forthcoming publication were first announced in a pamphlet, El Sureste y sus recursos naturales, México, 1954, 14 p. The area included Belice, Petén, part of Tabasco, most of Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatán. Vol. 1 by Beltrán considers the "situación, problemas y perspectivas." Vols. 2 and 3 consist of "estudios particulares." Of botanical importance are the following: vol. 2, chapter 4, by Faustino Miranda, on "Rasgos fisiográficos de interés para los estudios biológicos," and vol. 2, chapter 6, also by Miranda, entitled "Estudios acerca de la vegetación," which contains descriptions of 26 primary associations and 5 secondary associations. Chapter 7 by Roberto Villaseñor A., on "Los bosques y su explotación," is divided into "estudios forestales" de Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatán. Vol. 3, chapter 1, by Efraím Hernández Xolocotzi, discusses the agriculture of the area, with a catalogue of native plants, taken from Steggerda, 1941, q.v., and a catalogue of common names of types of corn in Campeche. Chapter 2 by Manuel Mesa A. is on the "cultivo del henequén." BELTRAN, Enrique, et al. 1961. Biología. México, Primer curso para secundarias, 460 p., illus. (primera ed., serie de dos tomos); Segundo curso, 381 p., illus. (décimo primera e d . ) ; Tercer curso, 362 p. (décimo ed.). Other authors include José Alcaraz, Enrique Rioja, Manuel Ruíz Oroñoz, Faustino Miranda, and Ignacio Larios.— BN Méx.



BELTRAN-continued The second course contains a detailed section on plants, emphasizing classification and morphology. The 3d course contains a section on ecology, including a discussion on plant associations. BELTRAN, Enrique. 1961a. Temas forestales. (1946-1960). México, 283 p. Prol. by Julian Rodríguez Adame.—PU-Arb. A collection of writings and speeches on the theme of forest conservation. BELTRAN, Gonzalo Aguirre. See AGUIRRE BELTRAN, Gonzalo. BELTRAN, Joseph Ignacio. 1789. Descripción topográfica del pueblo de Tochimilco." N.p., 10 lvs., I D S , M.N. Méx., Leg. 100. No. 105, Col. P. y T. BELTRAN, Luis. See SLOCUM, Mariana, 1954. BELTRAN, Román. 1940. "Un ilustré Michoacano—Don Juan José Martínez de Lejarza." (Univ. Mich. (Morelia, Mich.), Mar. 1940: 169-176.) Bio-bibliographical study. BELTRAN de SANTA MARIA, Pedro. See also PEREZ, Juan Pío, 1898. 1746. Arte del idioma Maya y semi-lexicon Yucateco. México, 14, 188 p., written in 1742. Another ed., Mérida, 242 p., 1859. BELTRAN del RIO, Carlos Aguilar. RIO, Carlos.


BELTRAN FLORES, Rigoberto. 1937. "Breve estudio de la cafeína." Morelia, 12 typed p. Thesis Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Coffea. BELTRAN LOPEZ, Heraclio. 1937. Estudio analítico de la patata cultivada en la zona norte del país. México, 48 p.—IB Méx. Study of the chemistry and pharmaceutics of Solanum tuberosum. BELTRAN LUCHINI, Rafael G. 1923. "La Polygala senega Lin. y la Polygala scoparla H.B.K." México, 24 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. Compares the first species, from Virginia, with the second, from Mexico, in structure, chemistry, and uses. BELTRAN QUIROZ, Enrique. 1947. "El cultivo del arroz y nuevo sistema para Cd. Juárez, 43 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Oryza.


BELTRAN y PUGA, Guillermo. See also ALTAMIRANO, F. 1897 a; VARIOUS, 1895 (1897). 1887. "Ligeras instrucciones para las expediciones ( Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 1: 73-108. )


With a brief section on plants. 1888. "Reseña de la topografía y geología de la Sierra de Guadalupe, Valle de México." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 2 : 2 5 - 9 0 . ) Repr. as a separate, México, 1889, 66 p.—NNC. With a brief section on the flora, p. 85-90, where plants are discussed according to the altitudes at which they grow, and a catalogue of plants, listed with common and scientific names. 1891. "Reseña de una excursión a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 5: 113-224.) Repr. as a separate, México, 1892, 112p. Description of the trip, with comments on the plants seen; the botany on the trip was handled by Manuel Villada and Fernando Altamirano. A profile map of the trip indicates the distribution of dominant plants. In the journal article, p. 213-218 are entitled "Noticias sobre la flora de Cacahuamilpa y plantas colectadas"; this is by F. Altamirano. Fifteen plants are listed, with a reprint of the description of a new variety of Breweria mexicana Hemsley, var. floribunda by Villada (q.v., 1891).


BELTRAN y PUGA, Vicente. 1890-1891. "La yerbamora." (Rev. Agr. 6: 133-134.) On Solanum nigrum. BELVIANES, Marcel. 1957. Exotic plants of the world. Garden City, N. Y., 154 illus., with explanatory text. Trans, by Anthony J. Huxley from Beautés de la flore exotique. BENABIDES, Juan de.

See BENAVIDES, Juan de.

BENADUCI, Lorenzo Lorenzo.





BENAVENTE, Toribio de. See also KINGSBOROUGH, Edward King, 1830-1848; (ZURITA, Alonso de (16th cent.). BENAVENTE, Toribio de (also known as Motolmia). ca. 1541. Memoriales. México, 1903, 356 p. Vol. 1 of Documentos históricos de Méjico. Written around 1541? Probably a rough draft for the later "Historia de los Indios de Nueva España," q.v. Chapters 19 and 24 consider the products used by the Indians. The rest is concerned with the behavior and practices of the Indians, and their conversion. 1541. "Historia de los Indios de la Nueva España." (Col. Doc. Hist. Méx. (ed. by Joaquín García Icazbalceta) 1: 1-249, 1858; 2: xlv-cliii (on the life of Benavente), 1866.) Part was printed earlier by Kingsborough, in vol. 9 of his Antiquities, q.v., under the title Ritos antiguos, sacrificios é idolatrías de los Indios de Nueva España. Another ed. was pubi, in Barcelona, 1914, 282 p., and still another in Mexico, 1941, 320 p., bibl. An English ed., based on the 1858 ed., and entitled History of the Indians of New Spain, was pubi, in Berkeley, 1950, trans, and ed. by Elizabeth Andros Foster. The original ms., written in 1541, is at TxU. An account of the conversion of the Indians, with 2 chapters on plant life, putting special emphasis on the maguey. BENAVIDES, Alfonso.

See LAET, Johannes de, 1625.

BENAVIDES, Felipe de J., Jr. 1939. "Contribución al estudio de tumbavaqueros." Monterrey, 28 p. Thesis Pharm. On Ipomoea stans. BENAVIDES, Gustavo Gustavo.





BENAVIDES (BENABIDES), Juan de. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José Maria, (1579); LA TORRE, Germán, (1579-1581); ( 1579-1581 )a. BENAVIDES, Mario Oscar. 1937. "Estudio del valor alimenticio y terapeutico del plátano." Monterrey, 32 p. Thesis Pharm. On Musa. BENAVIDES Pedro Arias de. BENEDICT, Brother Anastasius.

See ARIAS de BENAVIDES, Pedro. See AYERS, Benedict.

BENEDICT, Francis Gano, and Morris STEGGERDA. 1936. "Food of the present day Maya Indians of Yucatán." (Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pubi. 456: 155-188). Contrib. Amer. Archaeol. No. 18. With a detailed catalogue of foods, classified as maize, vegetables, non-vegetable foods, fruits, and breads. Names are given in English, Spanish, and Maya, with scientific equivalents. Medical properties of these plants are discussed and there is a section on food in colonial times. BENI, Carlo. 1882. "Notizie sopra gli indigeni di Mexico." (Arch. Antrop. 12: 1-17.) With brief references to plants used as food. 1883. "Il pulque (neutli) dei Messicani." (Arch. Antrop. 13: 13-23.) Covers history, preparation, culture, and uses.



BENITEZ MIURA, José Luís. 1950. "El Dr. Francisco Hernández." (Anu. Estud. Amer. 7:367-409.)



p. 295-297, with plants listed by common and scientific names. Appendix No. 3 lists the recommended crops.

Bio-bibliographical sketch; includes 5 letters written to Felipe II and 2 to Juan de Ovando, 1574. BENITEZ V., Eduardo. 1943. "Cultivo del henequén." Cd. Juárez, Thesis EPA. On Agave.


54 p. illus.,

BENITEZ y LEAL, Francisco. 1908. "Estudio sobre la destrucción del zacate Johnson." (Agr. Mex. 26: 56-60, 128-132.) On Holcus halepensis. BENJAMIN, Ludwig. See abo KLOTZSCH, Joh. Friedrich, 18471852. 1847. "Neue gattungen und arten der Utricularieen nebst einer neuen eintheilung der gattung Utricularia." (Linnaea 20: 299320; "berichtigung" on p. 761.) Includes from Mexico: U. andícola. BENJAMIN, Robert Spiers. 1950. "Green gold in Yucatán." (Americas 2 ( 9 ) : 12-15, illus.) Story of the activities of Alfredo Medina in developing a lumber industry in Yucatán. BENNETT, Alfred William. See also HEMSLEY, William Botting, 1878-1880. 1871. "Revision of the genus Hydrolea." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 11: 266-279, 1 pi.) 1879. "Polygalae Americanae novae vel parum cognitae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. n.s. 8: 137-143, 168-173, 201-207.) Descriptions of 34 species, many from Mexico, with references to specific collections by numbers, distribution, and other observations. Many other species, of the 156 which are given as the total for the area, are listed briefly. BENNETT, Arthur. 1887. "A new Potamogeton." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 25: 289.) With a description of P. mexicanus from the Valley of Mexico. 1892. "Bemerkungen ueber die arten der gattung Potamogeton im herbarium des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums." (Ann. Naturh. Hof mus. Wien 7: 285-294.) A catalogue of species, with synonymy and place of origin. P. mexicanus is one of the species cited. BENNETT, Hugh Hammond. See TREADWELL, John Clarence, et al, 1926.

BENSON, Lyman. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960; BUEHRER, T. F., 1945; KEARNEY, Thomas Henry, and PEEBLES, 1942. 1940. "Taxonomic contributions." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 27: 186-190.) Includes references to species of Cercidium and Haplopappus occurring in Arizona and Mexico, together with clarification of their status. The first is in a section, "The native palo verdes of Arizona," with a key to the Arizona representatives of the genera, Cercidium and Parkinsonia, with descriptions and distribution. The second is considered in a discussion of "the name of the burro weed," which is determined to be Haplopappus tenuisectus. 1940a. "The North American subdivisions of Ranunculus." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 27: 799-807, illus.) With a key to 9 subgenera and various sections. 1940b. The cacti of Arizona. Tucson, 134 p. illus. Univ. Ariz. Bull. 4 0 ( 1 ) . With J . J . Thornber; maps by A. A. Nichol; drawings by Lucretia Brezeale Hamilton. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1950. Morphologic and taxonomic study; many Mexican plants are included. 1941. "Taxonomic studies." (Amer. Jour Bot. 2 8 ( 5 ) : 358-364, illus.) Includes in Part III, reclassification of some milkweeds from Arizona and Mexico; Gomphocarpus hypoleucus A. Gray becomes Asclepias hypoleucus, and G. palmeri A. Gray becomes A. grayi. For the earlier publication of the first change, see Woodson, 1941. 1941a. "The mesquites and screw beans of the United States." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 2 8 ( 9 ) : 348-354, illus.) With keys to sections, species and varieties. A new variety Prosopis juliflora var. torreyana extends into Mexico. 1941b. "North American Ranunculi III." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 640-659.) Dealing with the sections Echinella and Epirotes; with a key to species and varieties, descriptions, and distribution. The only Mexican species is R. hebecarpus, from Baja California. 1942. "The relationship of Ranunculus to the North American floras." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 2 9 ( 7 ) : 491-500, map.) Considers first the widespread aquatic and palustrine types, and relics of ancient floras. The rest (the dominant phase of the genus) are considered according to their place in the vegetation zones (north of Mexico). Those discussed in the Sierra Madrean flora show the most relationship with Mexican plants.

BENNETT, Wendell Clark, and Robert Mowry ZINGG. 1935. The Tarahumara. Chicago, 412 p., 14 pi., 7 illus., bibl. (Univ. Chicago Publ., Anthrop. Ethnol. Ser.). With a section on the ethnobotany of the Sierra and the gorges by plant families; species are listed by common and scientific names, with uses. One chapter is on peyote; there are also references to plants in the chapter on agriculture and lumbering.

1942a. "North American Ranunculi IV." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 69: 298-316.) Discussion of the sections Flammula and Hecatonia with a key to species and varieties, descriptions, and distribution; R. hydrocharoides and its var. stolonifer are described from Mexico. The variety is cited as stoloniferus in the index. In a personal communication Dr. Benson writes, "The original spelling by Hemsley is stolonifer. The amendment to stoloniferus in the Index Kewensis has been taken up by some."

BENNETT, Wendell C. 1937. "The playful Tarahumares." (Mex. Life 1 3 ( 7 ) : 25, 26, 55-58.) On their games, with references to plants used by runners. 1947. "Peyote." (Mex. Life 2 3 ( 3 ) : 23-24, 55.) Popular article.

1942b. "North American Ranunculi V." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 69: 373-386.) Reproduces the key to the subgenera and sections previously published in the Amer. Jour. Bot., q.v., followed by descriptions of species with distribution. Mexican material includes: R. cymbalaria var. saximontanus.

BENOT, J. 1899, 1900. "Las yucas (sic)." (Rev. Agr. 15: 118-119.)


1942c. "Notes on the flora of Arizona." (Torreya 42: 9-11.) On Haplophyton cimicidum A.DC. var. crooksii var. nov., with references to plants from Mexico that seem intermediate between the variety and the typical form; a report is given also of the first appearance of Triodia eragrostoides in Arizona. The Haplophyton variety was later raised to specific rank; see (Amer. Jour. Bot. 30: 630, 1943).

1935. "Agroecological exploration in the Soto la Marina region, México (Tamaulipas)." (Geogr. Rev. 25: 285-297, illus., map.) Plant formations are discussed in detail in Appendix 2,

1943. "Revisions of status of southwest desert trees and shrubs." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 0 ( 3 ) : 230-240, ( 8 ) : 630-632.) Includes several species reduced to varieties, which range into Mexico; also several new combinations are described.

On the genus Yucca. BENSCOE, Matt O. 1929. "Peniocereus gregii (sic)." 1 ( 4 ) : 12, 17, illus.) The common name is






BENSIN, Basil Mitrofanovich.




BENSON-continued 1944. "A revision of some Arizona Cactaceae." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 2 5 ( 1 0 ) : 245-268, illus.) Description of species, with habitat, distribution, and type collections; many extend into Mexico.

tributions to that work, as well as from the Bot. Reg. Synopsis. A grand mixture!" 1832-1836. Labiatarum genera et species. London, 783 p. Descriptions of genera and species with general history, characteristics, affinities, and distribution. 1834. "Report on some of the more remarkable hardy ornamental plants raised in the Horticultural Society's garden, from seeds received from Mr. David Douglas in the years 1831, 1832, 1833." (Trans. Hort. S oc., II, 1:403-13, 1831-1835 (read in 1834). Repr. as "Rapport sur quelques unes des plantes" in (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 2: 80-84, 1834).

BENSON, Lyman, and Robert A. DARROW. 1945. The trees and shrubs of the southwestern deserts. Tucson, 1954, 2d ed., 437 p., 84 figs. incl. maps, 34 pi.; drawings are by Lucretia Breazeale Hamilton. The 1st ed., publ. in 1945, was called A manual of southwestern desert trees and shrubs. Includes a general discussion of the vegetation, keys, descriptions, and distribution maps. Plants range into Mexico b u t distribution maps stop at the border. BENSON, Lyman. 1948. "The identity of Ranunculus uncinatus." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 39: 761, 1948.) Clarification of R. uncinatus D. Don, based upon a Mocino collection from "Mexico," b u t almost certainly actually from Alaska, which was visited by Mocino. 1948a. "A treatise on the North American Ranunculi." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 4 0 ( 1 ) : 1-261.) A supp., q.v., was publ. in 1954. A discussion of geographic distribution, by natural vegetation areas of North America; Mexican species are included in the Sierra Madrean region — southwestern oak — woodland chaparral and juniper-pinyon woodland. A key is given to the subgenera, sections, and species with descriptions and distribution. Seven species are described from Mexico with many new varieties. 1953. "Relationships of the Ranunculi of the Continental Divide and of the Pacific and Eastern forests of North America." (Proc. 7th Int. Bot. Cong. Stockholm, p. 862-863.) Includes a discussion of the relationships of species of the section Epirotes, occurring in the Sierra Madre Occidental. 1954. "Supplement to a treatise on the North American Ranunctdi." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 5 2 ( 2 ) : 328-369.) With a section discussing the inter-relationships of the Mexican and Central American Ranunctdi. The bulk of the article is concerned with nomenclatural changes, descriptions of new species (none from Mexico), additional synonyms, and citations of collections.

Includes descriptions of new species (from California) in Platystemon, Platystigma, Dendromecon, Eschscholtzia, Meconopsis, Lupinus, Calochortus, Cyclobothra, and Triteleia. 1835. "A synopsis of the Gerardieae, a tribe of Scrophulariaceae." (Comp. Bot. Mag. 1: 198-212, 1 pi.) Repr. as "Synopsis des Gerardiées," in (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 6: 225-242, 1836). With a key, and descriptions, of genera and species. Many Mexican species are included. There is a discussion of Gerardia dasyantha from Mexico, and of Lyncea which is moved into Melasma. 1835a. "Synopsis of the Buchnereae, a tribe of the Scrophulariaceae." (Comp. Bot. Mag. 1: 356-384, illus.) A taxonomic review with description and localities. B. elongata Sw. var. pilosa Schlecht. and B. americana L. are cited from Mexico. 1835b. "Review of the order of Hydrophylleae." (Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 17:267-282.) General discussion of the characters of the various genera followed by a systematic arrangement and a description of the genera and species. Eutoca mexicana and Phacelia circinata are cited from Mexico. 1835c. Scrophulinearum revisio. London, 6 p. This was printed first in the same year, in (Bot. Reg. 21, following pi. 1770.) It was publ. without a title, but a note from Lindley refers to it as "revision of the whole of the genera of the natural order to which Pentstemon belongs." A French version, "Caractères des tribus et des genres de la famille des Scrophularinées," was publ. in (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 4: 178-188, 1835). With a key to the genera. 1836. "Observations on some new or little known genera and species of Scrophulariaceae." (Comp. Bot. Mag. 2:53-60.) Includes Herpestis vandellioides and H. callitrichoides from Mexico. ( 1836? 1837?) "Note upon a newly introduced half-hardy species of Salvia, called Salvia patens." ( Trans. Hort. Soc. London II, 2: 222-224, col. pi. Trans, into German as "Bemerkung ueber die erst kuerzlich eingefuehrte Salvia patens" in Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 7: 243-244, 1839.) With a description and a review of its botanical history. 1836a. "Observations on the genus Hosackia and the American Loti." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 363-368.) With a synopsis of species of Hosackia and Microlotus, including H. mexicana n. sp. 1837. "De Leguminosarum generibus commentationes." (Ann. Wien Mus. Natur. 2: 63-142.) Publ. first in Vienna, 78 p., 1837 as Commentationes de Leguminosarum generibus. Survey of the family with descriptions of new genera and species, mainly from Brazil and Australia. Mexican species include: Galactia marginalis, G. brachystachys, and Phaseolus macropus. The publication date of the journal listed above is variously cited as 1839, 40 and 41. 1839-1857. Plantae Hartwegianae. London, 393 p. (Listed in the Brit. Mus. Cat. as Plantas Hartwegianas from another title page. ) A study of the plants collected by Theodore Hartweg for the Horticultural Society of London; only new species are described. Pages 5-112 (issued 1839-1842) and 285-294 (issued 1848) are on Mexico; the rest are for South America and California. Some collections of G. J. Graham from Mexico are also included. Some descriptions are by other botanists: cf. orchids by Lindley, other groups by Nees, Herbert.

BENSON, Nettie Lee. See also BARRIOS, Juan de, 1607; H E R N ANDEZ, Francisco, (1570-1575). 1954a. "The ill-fated works of Francisco Hernandez." ( U n i v . Tex. Libr. Chron. 5 ( 1 ) : 17-27, illus.) The story of his expedition, his manuscripts and publications, as well as references to the works of others who made use of his findings. Included is a list of publications dealing with Hernandez and his activities. BENTHAM, George. See also BURBIDGE, Frederick William, 1885; GRAY, Asa, 1850, 1853; GRISEBACH, August, 1846, 1849; HARTWEG, Theodore, 1840; HINDS, Richard Brinsley, ed., 1844-1846; IRWIN, H. S. and TURNER, B. L„ 1960; LINDLEY, John, 1830; OERSTED, A. S., 1852; 1852a; VILLADA, Manuel, 1878, 1894, 1896; ANONYMOUS, 1886. 1829-1830. "Synopsis generum Labiatarum." (Bot. Reg. 15: unnumb. p. following pi. 1282, 1289, 1292, 1300.) The article is untitled, but it is referred to in notes by John Lindley as descriptions of the "characters of the genera of Labiatae." A version was publ. with the tide cited above in (Bull. Bot. 8:195-214, 233-255). This is described (in personal communication from H. W . Rickett) as starting out "as a much abbreviated version of Bentham's synopsis, merely listing the genera, without descriptions, and omitting all species. In spite of the title, it cannot be regarded as Bentham's work, b u t that of Seringe. The second article repeats many of Bentham's words, but adds references to "le grand ouvrage de M. Wallich' and to Bentham, in 'Wall. PI. Asiat. rar. fasc. 2.' Also interspersed are many of Seringe's own comments, referring to Bentham in the third person. All this work is therefore to be ascribed to Seringe, not to Bentham. Reference to Wallich, PI. Asiat. shows that Springe drew his descriptions largely from Bentham's con-




"Primeras divisiones de la familia de las Compuestas" was published in (Bol.Agr. 3 ( 1 / 2 ) : 53-58, 1917).

1841. "On the genus Harpalyce." (Jour. Bot. 3: 208-211, illus.) Adds additional material to the description of the Mociño and Sessé genus as published in the De Candolle Prodromus, and discusses the illustrations of Mexican plants. 1842-1846. "Notes on Mimoseae." (Jour. Bot. 4: 323-418.) Cont. in (London Jour. Bot. 1 : 3 1 8 - 3 9 2 , 494-528, 1842; 3 : 8 2 - 1 1 2 , 195-226, 1844; 4: 577-622, 1845; 5: 75-108, 1846.) A detailed taxonomic treatment with descriptions and distribution data; also a synopsis of species, with descriptions and localities.

BENTHAM, George. 1865. "On the genera, Sweetia Sprengel and Glycine L." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 8: 259-267.) Includes a description of Teramnus uncinatus Sw. from Mexico. 1869. "Some notes on Myrtaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 10: 101-166.) A detailed study on the morphology and taxonomy. 1869a. "Revision of the genus Cassia." ( Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: 503-591, 4 pi.) Includes the history, geographic distribution and taxonomy, with descriptions of species arranged in systematic order, synonymy, and habitat. A special listing is provided of identifications for Mexican collections of Andrieux, Berlandier, Botteri, and Jurgensen. 1873. "Notes on the classification, history, and geographical distribution of Compositae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 13: 335577, 4 pi.)

BENTHAM, George, and A. S. O E R S T E D . 1853. "Leguminosae Centroamericanae." (Vid. Medd. Nat. Forert. Koebenhavn 1 / 2 : 1-19) Systematic review with descriptions of new species. 1853a. "Scrophularineae Centroamericanae." ( Vid. Medd. Nat. F oren. Koebenhavn 1/2: 20-31.) Includes Buddleia. 1853b. "Labiatae Centroamericanae." (Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Koebenhavn 1 / 2 : 32-41.) Systematic review with descriptions of new species.

With tables to show the connections between geographic areas, and the numbers of Compositae in several American areas; also a special discussion of Compositae in the Mexican region.

BENTHAM, George. (1856.) "Notes on Loganiaceae." (Jour. Linn. S oc. London 1: 52114, 1857 (read in 1856). Trans, by B. Seemann as "Bermerkungen ueber Loganiaceen" and pubi, in (Bonplandia 4: 229237, 266-275, 355-356, 1856). A detailed systematic study with a Generimi Loganiacearum synopsis, and descriptions of the genera and species. Comments are included on Bureau's De la famille des Loganiacées, q.v. 1858. "Synopsis of the genus Clitoria." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 2: 33-44.) Detailed taxonomic study with considerable discussion of plants found to be common to North American and Asian regions; includes Clitoria acuminata Wall, and C. mariana L. from Mexico, as illustrations of the similarity mentioned above. Additional Mexican species described are C. mexicana Link and C. polystachya Bentham. 1860. "A synopsis of the Dalbergieae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 4, Supp.: 1-134.) Detailed study of taxonomy and distribution.

1875. "Revision of the suborder Mimoseae." ( Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 335-664, 5 pi.) A detailed discussion of distribution with charts on "the representative Mimoseae in the two hemispheres," on the distribution of "such natural generic or subgeneric groups as are found in both hemispheres," and a summary of distribution of tribes and subgenera by world regions. A conspectus generum is included with descriptions of species; also a catalogue of identifications for collections from Mexico of Andrieux, and Berlandier. 1877. "Notes on the gamopetalous orders belonging to the campanulaceous and oleaceous groups." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 15: 1-16.) General systematic discussion of the groups. 1880. "Notes on Euphorbiaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 267.)

History, nomenclature, systematic arrangement, origin, and geographical distribution.

1861. "Notes on Menispermaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 5 (Suppl. 2 ) ; 45-52.) Refers Hyperbaena mexicana to H. reticulata. 1861a. "Notes on Tiliaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 5 (Suppl. 2 ) : 52-74.) With a synopsis of genera. 1861b. "Notes on Bixaceae and Samydaceae." (Jour. don 5(Suppl. 2 ) . 75-94.)

Linn. Soc.


Notes on Orchideae. (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 1 8 : 2 8 1 - 3 6 0 . ) Conspectus of tribes and detailed discussion of various genera, with occasional references to species. 1881a. "Notes on Cyperaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 18: 360367.) With a special reference to Lestiboudis' Essai sur la famille des Cyperacées q.v., Paris, 1819 (based on a ms. of Beauvois). Gives the history and a critique of work on the group, and divides the family into tribes.


With synopses of tribes and genera. Lindackeria laurina is changed to Mayna laurina. Bañara dioica is described as a new species from Veracruz.

1882. "Notes on Gramineae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 19: 14-134.) Includes criticism of the work of Fournier on Mexican grasses, q.v., and discusses classification of grasses down to genera, with descriptions and distribution.

1862. "Notes on Caryophyllaceae, Portulacaceae and some allied orders." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 6: 55-77.) Discussion on the taxonomy of the groups and their relationships.

B E N T L E Y , Robert and Henry TRIMEN. (1876-1880). Medicinal plants. London, 4 vols., illus.; plates by D. Blair (see Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh, April 1953, p. 157). —PPAmP. Gives description of 305 plants with characters, properties, habitat, and uses. A color illustration of each plant is included.

1862a. "Notes on Malvaceae and Sterculiaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 6: 97-123; resumé, trans, by E . F. (Eugène Fournier ?), in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 9: 306-310, 1862). With an enumeration of tribes and genera, reducing some tribes of Gray to subtribes; followed by brief descriptions of each genus.

BENZONI, Girolamo. 1565. History of the New World. London, 1587, 280 p., 18 illus., trans, and ed. by William Henry Smyth(e) (Smith). The original was publ. in Venice, 1565, as La historia del Mondo Nuovo; trans, also by Urbain Chauveton in De Bry's America, pars quatuor, q.v., Frankfort am Main, 1554. An excerpt was publ. in the 1625 ed. of Purchas, q.v., with the author cited as Jerom Benzos. Contains references to plants, and illustrations of common fruits.

BENTHAM, George, and Joseph Dalton HOOKER. 1862-1883. Genera plantarum.

17: 185-

London, 3 vols.

For more precise data on publication dates, see William T. Steam, "Bentham and Hooker's Genera plantarum: its history and dates of publication." (Jour. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist. 3 ( 3 ) : 127-132, 1956). Authorship of the accounts of various families is also indicated. An excerpt from the Genera Plantarum, translated from the Latin by Román Ramírez as




See BENZONI, Girolamo.

BEQUAERT, Joseph Charles Corneille. Cheever, et al, 1933.


1854? "Revisio Myrtacearum Americae." ( L i n n a e a 27: 1-472.) The actual dates of publication, according to Urban (see Bot. Jahrb. 1 9 : 5 6 2 , 1894), were 1855-1856. It was pubi, also as a separate, Halle, 1855, 472 p. — MH. For additional data on the publication of this work, see McVaugh ( T a x o n 5 ( 6 ) : 134-135, 1956.)


BERCAW, Louise Oldham. 1940. Corn in the development of the civilization of the Americas. Washington, U.S.D.A., Bur. Agr. Econ., Agr. Econ. Bibl. # 8 7 , 195 typed p. More than a bibliography; with excerpts from many of the works cited.

This is part of Klotzsch's Flora Americae Aequinoctialis. Additions were published as follows: "Mantissa prima" ( L i n naea 2 9 : 2 0 7 - 2 6 4 , 1857-1858); "Mantissa I I " ( 3 0 : 6 4 7 - 7 1 3 , 1859-1860); "Mantissa I I I " ( 3 1 : 2 4 7 - 2 6 2 , 1861-1862.) Leon cites the work as Ad Myrtacearum Americanarum Aequinoxialium recisionem (revisionem?). Mantissae, Tressinum, 18581862.

BERCHTOLD, Friedrich, graf von. 1842. Die kartoffeln. Prag, 573 p., bibl. Also as vol. 3, abth. 2, Oekonomisch — technische flora Boehmens, 1943. A detailed work covering the history, culture, chemical analysis, and uses of Solanum tuberosum, particularly in industry.

1856. "Ueber die bis jetzt bekannten arten der gattung Krameria und die im handel befindlichen ratanhawurzelen." (Bot. Zeitg. 14: 745, 761, 777, 793, 1 pl.) Description and distribution of 24 species including Radix ratanhae texensis (K. secundiflora DC.), which extends into Mexico. 1860. "Ueber anacahuiteholz." (Pharm. Zeitg. (Bunzlau) 5 ( 4 2 ) : 182.) Also in (Bonplandia 8: 302-303, 1860, and Vierteljahresschrift Prak. Pharm. 10: 241-244, 1861). A detailed study of the wood structure with ways to distinguish it from a substitute, which is similar to Lignum nephriticum, and which is also described. 1861. "Mexicanische sarsaparille aus Manzanilla. ( s i c ) . " (Flora 44: 373-376, 1 pl.)

B E R D E J A , Rafael Rodriguez. See RODRIGUEZ B E R D E J A , Rafael. B E R E , F. 1895. Les tabacs. Paris, 275 p. - NN. With a brief section on the history of the plant and its botany. BEREA, Isabel A. Escobar.


B E R E N D T , G. 1859. "Plantas exóticas para Yucatán." ( M e j . Mat. 12: 457-462.) Discusses abaca, Musa textilis, Boehmeria, and Sorghum saccharatum. The author is a German doctor who was living in Veracruz in 1858.

The description compares it with sarsaparille from the east coast; the taxonomy of the species is also discussed.

BERENDT, Karl Herman (also as Carl or Carlos). See also BRINTON, Daniel Garrison, 1888; MONTEJANO y AGUINAGA, Rafael, 1960; MORAN, Francisco, 1935; PEREZ, Juan Pio, 1866-1877, 1870; TAPIA CENTENO, Carlos de, 1767; W O E I K O F , Alex., 1879; ANONYMOUS, 1696; ANONYMOUS, 1793; ANONYMOUS, 1870a.; ANONYMOUS, 19th Cent. k.

BERG, Rolf Y. 1960. "Ovary, ovule, and endosperm of Calochortus amabilis." (Nytt Mag. Bot. 8: 189-206, 19 figs., bibl.) With remarks on the taxonomic position of Calochortus, proposing to put it in the Melanthioideae, as a subtribe in the Calochorteae, near Uvularieae or Tricyrteae.

1862. "Vocabulario de da lengua Zoque de Tapijulapa." San Juan Bautista, m s , 13 p. - PU-Mu. Words were supplied by Onecífero Mendoza.

B E R G E N , Heinrich von. 1826. Versuch einer monographie der china. Hamburg, 348 p. 8 pl., bibl.-PPCP. On the different species of quinine, Cinchona, with descriptions, habitat, and common and scientific names. A list is also provided of plants (common and scientific names), used in other parts of the world against malaria. An excerpt, entitled, "Ueber die Chinarinden," was published in (Arch. Pharm. 19: 125-136, 193-212, 1826). A list of species of Exostemma is also included.

1867. "Vocabulario de la lengua Pocomán." New York, 14 p. Ms. at PU-Mu. Compilation of words published by Thomas Gage and Karl von Scherzer. The language is really (according to some) Pokomchi or Poconchi. n.d. (after 1867.) "Diccionario Español-Huasteco." N. p., 84 p. Ms. at PU-Mu. This includes a map by Berendt, of the Huaxteca region in 1867; also a list of place names in San Luís Potosí and a Nahuatl-Huasteca vocabulary.

1827. "Ueber die copalchi rinde." (Arch. Pharm. 23: 130-135.) With a description, including odor, taste, and some chemical analysis, of the bark of Croton sp. B E R G E R , Alwin. See also ANDERSON, Edward F., 1960; ROTHER, Wilhelm Otto, 1902; W A L T H E R , Eric, 1931. 1898. "Agaven." (Gartenwelt 2: 577-579, 591-595, 603-605, illus.). Description of a plant introduced from Mexico in 1820. 1903. "Opuntias." (Gard. Chron. I l l , 34: 89-93, illus.) Morphology, keys to sections, and descriptions of the species with their distribution.

1870. Apuntes sobre la lengua Chaneabel. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 6 p., 19 lvs. - PU-Mu. Introduction of 6 p.; then vocabulary on leaves 7-25. 1872. " E l cultivo del ramie." (Cultivador 1: 233-237, 250-255.) On Boehmeria nivea. B E R E N D T , O. 1884. "Einiges ueber Agaven." (Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. 8: 137-138.) List, and descriptions, of ten Agaves outstanding for culture.

1904. "Agave polyacantha 153, illus. )

B E R E N G U E R , Francisco Xavier Balmis y. See BALMIS Y B E R E N GUER, Francisco Xavier.


14: 151-

Description of a plant introduced from Mexico in 1820.

B E R E N S , Reinhold. 1770. "Dissertatio inauguralis botanica de Dracone arbore Clusii." Goettingen, 52 p. 4 pi. The copy seen at OCL contained only one pi. On Dracaena arbórea. BERG, Alexander. 1840. "Beschreibung einiger neuen Cacteen." (Allg. Gart. 8 : 129-131.) Includes descriptions of 8 species from Mexico.

Haw." (Monatssch.

1905. "A systematic revision of the genus Cereus Mill." ( 1 6 Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard.: 56-86, 12 pi.) Résumé by C. K. Schneider in (Bot. Jahresb. 3 3 ( 2 ) : 430-435; another by Max Guerke in Monatsch. Kakteenk. 16: 67-71, 83-86, 1906) Synopis and descriptions of sub genera, and lists and brief descriptions of species, with distribution.


1905a. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Opuntien." (Bot. Jahrb. 4 5 7 ) ; detailed resumé by M. Guerke in (Monatsch. 17: 129-132, 1907.)

BERG, Otto (Karl). See also BÜCHNER, A., 1861; KLOTZSCH, Joh. Friedrich, 1847-1852.

36: 443Kakteenk.

Suggested classification into subgenera and sections, with a discussion of 15 species, mainly those that have bloomed at


BERGER La Mortola. New species are described but with original habitat of all given as unknown. 1905b. "Opuntia ficus-indica Mill." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 15: 153154.) Mainly on its distribution as a cultivated plant along the Mediterranean. 1906. "Beschomeria pubescens Berger n. sp." (Gard. Chron. 111,40: 350-351, fig. 138, 1906; repr. in Monatsch. Kakteenk. 17: 1-3, 1907; and in Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 3: 335-336, 1907.) The locality is cited as Mexico(?). 1906a. "Opuntia tomentosa Salm-Dyck." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 16: 120-123, illus.) Description of the plant, with habitat cited as: "sie kommt vielleicht aus Zentralamerika, vielleicht auch aus Mexiko." 1907. "Opuntia gosseliniana Web." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 17: 68-71, illus.) Photograph by J. A. Purpus; with description and habitat. 1907a. Sukkulente Euphorbien. Stuttgart, 135 p., 32 figs., bibl.-DA. Detailed descriptions with keys; includes Mexican species. An excerpt entitled "Neue arten sukkulenter Euphorbien" was published in (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 8:84-89, 1910). This includes a description of Euphorbia pteroneura "vielleicht aus Mexiko." 1908. Mesembrianthemum und Portulacaceen. Stuttgart, 328 p., illus., bibl.—DA. The first genus is taken up under the heading, Aizoaceae— Ficoideae — Mesembrianthemeae, with the history, geographic distribution, morphology, taxonomy, keys to sections and species, descriptions, and bibliographical references. 1911. "New or noteworthy plants." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 50: 82.) Description of Senecio prainianus collected by Purpus in the barrancas above Veracruz. Signed A. B. 1911a. "Furcraea longaeva Zucc. and F. bedinghausii C. Koch." (Monatssch. Kakteenk. 21:42-43.) History, description, and culture. 1913. "Eine neue Agave." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 12: 503.) A. vümoriniana from Mexico. 1915. Die Agaven. Jena, 1915, 228 p., 79 illus., 2 maps.-DA. Introduction covers structure, history, and uses. The monograph proper contains keys to subgenera, sections etc. with detailed description of species. 1916. "Einige bemerckungen ueber Agaven." (Gartenwelt 20(7): 73-78, illus.) With reference to earlier articles published in 1898, q.v. 1916a. "Die Washingtonien." (Gartenwelt 2 0 ( 4 6 ) : 547-550, illus.) An interesting article on the history of the plant, with descriptions and distribution. 1925. "A new genus of Cactaceae." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 77: 414-416, illus.) Repr. in (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sei. 15: 43-48, illus., 1925). Roseocactus, its history, synonymy, taxonomy, and distribution. Three species: H. fissurata (Mammillaria fissuratus Engelm.), R. lloydii (Ariocarpus lloydii Rose) and R. kotschoubeyanus (Anhalonium L.) are included. 1928. "Die gattung Obregonia Fric." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 184-185.) Description, in Latin, of the genus, with O. denegrii n. sp. described from Tamaulipas. 1929. Kakteen. Stuttgart, 346 p., 105 figs., bibl. History, distribution, uses, culture, and taxonomy. BERGER, Julius. 1861. "Die pracht-gilgen-H(/menocallis: eine monographische skizze." (Woch. Ver. Bef. Gart. 4: 9-14, 23-24, 27-31.) Description of 30 species with place of origin. BERGER, Marie Gaston. 1919. "Etude organographique anatomique et pharmacologique de la famille des Turneracees." Lille, 268 p., illus., 53 pi., bibl. Thesis. DNLM. Includes also data on the history, distribution, and classification of the family. In uses, the emphasis is on damiana, Tur-

BERLANDIER nera. A study of Aplopappus discoideas (Bigelovia (sic), for veneta), used as a substitute, is included.


BERGER, WALTER. 1953. "Studien zur systematik und geschichte der gattung Carpinus." (Bot. Not. 1-47, maps, illus., bibl.) "Einordnung der rezenten und fossilen Carpinus-arten in formen gruppe auf grund der gestalt ihrer fruchtbecher." Maps show distribution, past and present, with C. caroliniana located in Mexico. BERGHAUS, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm. See DRUDE, Oscar, 1887; WISLIZENUS, A„ 1850. BERGHE, Maximilien Vanden. See VANDEN-BERGHE, Maximilien. BERGHES, Charles de. See EGLOFFSTEIN, F. W., 1864. BERGMAN, Ernest. 1886. "Réléve monographique des Anthurium aujourd'hui connus." (Jour. Soc. Nat. Hort. III, 8: 83-96. Repr. as "Gli Anthurium oggi conosciuti." in Bull. Soc. Tosc. OH. 11: 203-213, 1886.) An alphabetical listing, with descriptions and place of origin. BERGMAN, Herbert Floyd. 1921. "Intra-ovarial fruits in Carica papaya." (Bot. Gaz. 72: 97-101, illus.) 1925. "An unusual intra-ovarial fruit in Carica papaya." (Bot. Gaz. 79: 222-223, illus.) BERGMAN, Manuel Cid y. See CID y BERGMAN, Manuel. BERGNER, Anna Dorothy, (also as Dorothy) 1943. "Geographical distribution of chromosomal types in Datura metel." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 0 ( 3 ) : 222-230, maps, illus.) One type is cited from Oaxaca and two from Yucatán. 1943a. "Chromosomal interchange among six species of Datura in nature." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 0 ( 6 ) : 431-440.) With a table listing chromosome types, including 3 species from 6 localities in Mexico. 1944. "Guayule plants with low chromosome numbers." (Science 99: 224-225.) A study of plants from Durango with 36-39 chromosomes, comparing their morphological characters with those of some 36 chromosome plants from Texas. BERGNER, Dorothy. See BERGNER, Anna Dorothy. BERGSTROM, Gunde. (1930). From Nature's treasure chest. Cincinnati, 11 pamphlets, illus. Publ. by Penrod, Jurden, Clark and Co. Pamphlet No. 3 includes information on Tabebuia; No. 7 on Dalbergia; and No. 11 on Peltogyne. The material in pamphlet No. 7 was reprinted as "Woods from the American tropics," in (Furn. Mfr. 4 0 ( 5 ) : 45-47, 84, 1930). BERINGER, George M. 1892. "Some commercial vanillas." (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 64: 283294, illus.) Repr. in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. 52: 9-11, 1892 and in Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 69 ( 264): 212-215, 1892). With a section on Mexican vanillas and on vanillons (wild vanillas). BERINGER, Kurt. 1927. Der meskalinrausch. Berlin, 315 p., illus. On the botany, chemistry and history of peyote; emphasis on experiments with users of the drug.

with the

BERKY, L. de 1927. Kurze beschreibung ueber Mexico. México, 48 p., illus.— SH Méx. Copy seen was incomplete; p. 4-50 missing. BERLANDIER, Jean Louis (also as Jean Luis or Luis). See also CERVANTES, Vincente Julian, 1827; RIVERA y VILLALON, Pedro de, 1736. n.d. "Botanica—Descripciones." N. p., ca. 750 p., illus., with some specimens in small folders. Ms. at MH—G. Arranged alphabetically by families, with descriptions in Latin, common names, habitat, notes on uses, and references to drawings, plates, and herbarium material. The last 100



1834. "Voyage de Matamoros à Goliad, Bexar, Rio Grande. . . ." N.p., ms., 2 parts.—CtY. No. 1, 20 p. in French, Apr. 18, 1834. No. 2, 21 p. in French, map, n.d.; covers trip just from Bexar to Rio Grande. Both parts are incomplete; but contain some references to plants. (after 1840). "Gazetteer of Mexico." N.p., ms. 17 vols.—CtY. Towns are listed alphabetically with location and productions; in French, except for material copied from official reports, which is in Spanish. 1846. "De Tula á Los Borregos." N.p., ms., 20 lvs.-DSI. A journal with many itineraries and maps, covering travels from Dec. 6 to Dec. 31; continuing from los Borregos to San Luís Potosí, to Coahuila, to Nuevo León. It is written first in French, then in Spanish; the back pages are upside down. After a section on animals, there are 4 lvs. in French describing plants in the Matamoros area.

BERLANDIER—continued pages are on miscellaneous material, with descriptions of unidentified plants, classified according to the Linnaean system. Included, also, are some notes, in French, on native beverages, (n.d. )a. "Botánica—Notes pour servir à la matière médicale de la flore Mexicaine." N.p., ms., 39 folded p. (some blank).—DSI. Notes on miscellaneous plants with common and scientific names, habit, and uses; in French, Spanish and Latin. (n.d.)b. "Catálogo de los dibujos." N. p., 10 p. Ms. No. 13.-DSI. The catalogue is in Spanish, (n.d.)c. "Catalogue de mes collections d'histoire naturelle." N.p., ms., 4 lvs.—DSI. Mainly on plants, by numbers, as arranged in boxes, (n.d.)d. "Catalogues—dessins, paintings." N. p., 10, 3 lvs.—Ms. No. 13, DSml. In English, French, and Latin; the last 3 lvs. are "views." (n.d.)e. "Des plantes usuelles chez les Indiens du Mexique." Ms. 11 p . - M H - G . Gives common and scientific names of the plants, and notes on their uses. (n.d.)f. Gramíneas de los contornos de México. N. p., ca 380 p. Probably copied, in part, by Berlandier from a ms. cited by León, in his Biblioteca Botañico-Mexicana under Cervantes, Vicente as "Agrostographia Mexicana sive enumeratio Graminum, Juncorum et Cyperorum in Valle Mexicana et in montibus collibusque Mexico vicinis crescentium."—MH-G. The copy is limited to descriptions of grasses, in Latin, arranged alphabetically from Agrostis to Trochalanthus, with notes on habitat and flowering time. ( n.d. ) g. "Histoire naturelle des plantes employées dans la matière médicale, les arts, etc. des Mexicains anciens et modernes." N.p., 3 p., followed by ca. 450 p.—ms. at MH. The first part is a list of plants with common and scientific names. The second part is a catalogue of plants listed alphabetically by families, with Latin descriptions and notes in French. Notes include habitat, time of flowering, uses, and common names. Included are some plants from a ms. of Cervantes. (n.d.)h. "Vocabulario de las plantas medicinales." N.p., ms., 40 Ivs. and a duplicate of 37 lvs.—DSI. Alphabetically arranged by common names, with scientific names in Spanish and Latin. Not all are Mexican plants. 1826. "Mémoires sur la famille des Grossulariées." ( Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 3 ( 2 ) : 45-60, 3 pl.) The ms. of this work is at the Gray Herbarium, Harvard. The work was revised for publication in the Prodromus, q.v., 2 years later. Covers history, morphology, geographic distribution, uses, and affinities. The genus is divided into 4 sections with lists of species in each, n.d.(after 1826). "Voyage au Mexique année 1826." N.p., ms., 187 Ivs.-CtY. Followed by report of a visit to areas near Tampico, with notes on plants seen; a note in the book states this is probably the first copy, and that DLC has a later copy. 1827? Expeditions—Résumé des envois, 1827. N.p., 12 pamphlets and one résumé.—DSml. (1827)a. "Geógraphie botanique." N.p., 2 p.—CtY. (Wagner Texas Midwest Collect., G Ziii, 46 n. ) Includes a description of the botanical and agricultural aspects of the region seen on a trip from Mexico to San Luis Potosí, in December 1827. ( 1827?)b. "Icones ineditas."-MH-G. This collection consists of drawings labeled: Botanique No. 1, 10 pl.. 24 sp., 12 pl., 16 pl.; No. 2, 10 pl., 16 sp.; No. 3, 10 pl., 10 sp.; No. 4, 10 pl., 10 sp.; No. 5, 10 pl., 12 sp.; No. 6, 10 pl., 10 sp.; No. 7, 10 pi, 11 sp.; No. 8, 7 pi. incomp.; No. 9, 8 pl.; No. 10, 22 pi. misc. It is bound under the title, Ribes, Figures. (ca. 1828?) "Notes on natural history." Ms. at DSI, No. 10, n. p., 33 lvs. Written in Latin, French, and Spanish. Taken from his "Voyage au Mexique années 1826, 1827." Eleven of the leaves are on plants, identified only as to family.

BERLANDIER, Luís, y Rafael CHOVEL. 1850. Diario de viaje de la Comisión de Límites, México, 298 p. The original ms. of Berlandier's contribution, entitled Memorias de la Comisión de Límites a las órdenes del Gral. Manuel de Mier y Terán, Matamoros de las Tamaulipas, June 20, 1832, 16 p., is at the MH-G. It was first printed in (Mos. Mex. 4: 418-422, 1840) under the heading "Espedición científica del Gral. Terán a Tejas; Botánica del Departamento de Tamaulipas," and repr. in (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 5: 125129, 1857.) In the Diario, Berlandier's work is on p. 292-298; it contains descriptions of 4 new genera and 11 new species. For a discussion of the validity of these names, with suggested changes, see Johnston, I. M., Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 87-90, 1924. There are also many references to plants throughout the text of the Diario. For manuscripts referring to the Diario, by Terán and Chovel(?), see Mier y Teran, Manuel, n.d. BERLANDIER, Jean Luis. n.d. (after 1850). "Journal." N.P., ms., pages given below.—MH-G. Covers the period from Apr. 1830 to Feb. 1831, part of 1845, and from 1849 to 1850; covers the area from Monterrey to Matamoros and from there to Tampico; some sections originally in Spanish, are duplicated in French; others originally in French, are duplicated and extended in Spanish. Items included are: 1. Small books, 132 p., in French, but labeled in English; Matamoros to Monterrey and return, ( April, 1830 ) ; and Matamoros to Tampico and San Fernando, (Oct. 1830 to Feb. 1831). 2. "Voyage pour reconnoitre les principaux points de l'état de Tamaulipas," 5, 61 p., from Aug. to Nov. 1830. (In French. ) 3. "Route de Tampico a Matamoros," 29 p., Jan. to Feb. 1831. (In French.) 4. "Excursion au fronton de Santa Isabel," 4 lvs., 1845. (In French.) 5. "De Matamoros à Mexico," 56 lvs., 1849-1850. (In French. ) 6. "Diario de Tamaulipas," No. 1 (also called No. 4), 28 p., Oct. to Nov. 1830. (In Spanish.) 7. "Itinerario de Santillana á Tamasunchale y Huehutla," 2 p. (In Spanish.) 8. "Camino de Santillana á Méjico," 2 p. (In Spanish.) 9. One fragment, 9 lvs., Oct. no yr., (in French). Describes the area near San Fernando. 10. Two letters, one page each. BERLANDIER, Luis. See BERLANDIER, Jean Luis. BERLANGA, Arturo Vázquez. See VAZQUEZ BERLANGA, Arturo. BERLIN, Elizabeth. 1953. "Yuccas y Agaves de México." (Mem. Congr. Cient. Mex. 6: 362-367.) A general résumé of "classification, with morphology, distribution, and uses." 132


BERLIN BERLIN, Enrique. See WAIBEL, Leo, 1933. BERLIN NEUBART, Juan. 1944. Características químicas del principio activo del zoapatle. México, 29 p. IBMéx. On Montanoa. BERLIOZ, J. 1932. "Sur les hauts-plateaux du Mexique." (Terre et Vie 2: 351362, illus.) With a considerable section on the vegetation; plants are listed with common and scientific names. BERMUDEZ, Angel de Antulo y. Angel de.



. See LOEWENSTERN, Isidore,

BERMUDEZ de CASTRO, Juan. See also CANCINO, Juan Pablo, 1792. 1793. "Carta (a Alzate)." (Gaz. Lit. 3: 37-43, 85-95.) On the use of the root of maravilla for liver trouble, and cebadilla ( Veratum) as a vermifuge; the first installment is followed, p. 72-77, by "Carta de Don Juan Pablo Cancino," who takes exception to some of Bermúdez' statements; this is answered by Bermúdez in the part that follows. BERNAL, Daniel Mesa. See MESA BERNAL, Daniel. BERNAL, Ignacio. See GALDO, Antonio et al (1580); MACARRO, Sebastián (1580); RENDON, Silvia, 1953. BERNAL, M. See BASALENQUE, Diego, 1642. BERNAL, Manuel María. See also CERVANTES, Vicente, 1790; VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 1792-1793. 1793. "Oración que pronunció en la apertura del curso de botánica." (Gac. Lit. 3: 158-183.) Listed by León under Cervantes. Speech delivered June 1, 1793; a general discussion with reference to various plant products. BERNAL, Octavio Quijano. See QUIJANO BERNAL, Octavio. BERNAL FLANDES, Francisco. 1949. "Los falsos antídotos para las mordeduras de las serpientes venenosas." (Medicina 29(586) suppl.: 117-124, 127-128.) Discusses semilla de la culebra, Abelmoschus; raiz de saúco; and guaco, Mikania. BERNARD, Ch. 1905-1906. "Sur la distribution géographique des Ulmacées." (Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 5: 1097-1112, 1905; cont. 6: 23-38, 1906; 3 maps for geographic distribution.) Includes a study of "Euceltis Américains and Trema Américaines." BERNARD, Ulysse August Antoine. BERNARD, 1914-1919.

See CHALOT, Charles and

BERNARD du HAUTCILLY, Auguste. 1834-1835. Voyage autour du monde. Paris, 2 vols. Trans, by Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo Botta as Viaggio intorno al globo, Torino, 2 vols. (1841). "Principally to California and the Sandwich Islands during the years 1826 to 1829;" includes a small section on Mazatlán, with references to plants. BERNARDI, Alessandro Luciano. 1958.

See BASCOPE, Federico, 1957,

BERNARDI, Luciano. 1872. Lauraceas. Mérida, Venezula. 355 p., illus., bibl. Pubi, by the Univ. de los Andes, Fac. Cienc. For.—PPAN. Includes etymology of the genera represented in America, a conspectus and key to genera, according to Kostermans, and a catalogue of species. BERNARDIN, Jean de Waele. 1872. Classification de 100 caoutchoucs p.-MH-A.

et gutta perchas.

Gand, 23

Lists plants according to countries, with a few notes on occasional species. 1874. Classification de 160 huiles et grasses végétales. Gand, 24 p.-MH. By families, with scientific and common names, localities, and uses. 1875. Classification des 40 savons végétaux. Gand, 11 p.—MH. By families, with scientific and common names, and place where used. 1875a. Classification de 250 matières tannantes. Gand, 28 p.—MH. Supp., 1875, 6 p. Arranged by families, systematically, with common names, mostly English or French, scientific names, and distribution. 1876. Classification de 250 fécules. Gand, 26 p.—MH. By families, with scientific and common names, and localities where used. 1886. "Les produits végétaux exotiques." (Bull. Soc. Geog. Anvers 11:155-170.) Repr. as a separate, Anvers, 1886, 18 p. "Etude sur leurs noms vulgaires," with a list of roots and basic terms, from many languages, their meanings and country where used. Mayan and Mexican terms are listed separately. BERNBECK, Fritz. 1932. "Vergleichende morphologie der Urticaceen und Moraceen inflorenszenzen." (Bot. Abh. 19: 100 p., 62 fig.) Detailed study in comparative morphology. BERNEAUD, Arsène Thiebaut de. See THIEBAUT de BERNEAUD, Arsène. BERNEGG, Andreas Sprecher von. See SPRECHER von BERNEGG, Andreas. BERNHARD-SMITH, Arthur. 1905. Poisonous plants of all countries. London, 1923, 2d ed., 112 p., illus. First ed., Bristol, 1905, 88 p. Arranged according to eífect with common names, scientific names, descriptions, and source. BERNHARDI, Johann Jakob. 1833. "Ueber den Charakter und die Verwandtschaft der Papaveraceen und Fumariaceen." (Linnaea 8: 401-477, illus.). Extract also in (Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 3: 357-369, 1835). Refers also to Ranunculaceae and Berberidaceae. 1833a. "Ueber die arten der gattung Datura." (Neues Jour. Pharm. (pubi, by Trommsdorf) 2 6 ( 1 ) : 118-158; a résumé was printed in Linnaea 8 (Litt.): 115-144.) A discussion of Brugmansia, Stramonium, Dutra, and Ceratocaulis, as sections of the genus, and a conspectus of the species in Latin, with brief descriptions and habitat. Of 12 species, only D. suaveolens and D. ceratocaula are cited from Mexico. 1838. "Nachtraegliche bemerkungen ueber Fumariaceae." (Linnaea 12: 651-668).



1839. "Ueber Saracha und Physalis." (Linnaea 13: 357-362.) 1841. "Selectus seminum numerus in Horto Erfurtensi anno 1840 collectorum 4." (Linnaea (litt.) 15: 90-91). Includes a description of Bromus exaltatus, n. sp. from Mexico. BERNIER, Madeleine Steiner-, See STEINER-BERNIER, Madeleine. BERNIUS, Karl. 1905. "Das Becken von Parras." Giessen, 21 p., map, illus., Inaug. Diss.—DI-GS. With only brief references to plants in the area, which is in Coahuila; both common and scientific names are cited. BERNOU, M. 1883. "Etude de l'écorce de sapotillier." (Jour. Pharm. Chim. V, 7: 306-319.) Trans, as "Estudio de la corteza del zapote chico" and published in (Naturaleza 6: 312-322, 1883). León cites a separate, pubi, in Paris, n.d., 16 p. Histologic study and a chemical analysis of Achras sapota L.



BERNOULLI, Gustav. 1871. "Uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannten arten von Theobroma." (Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammt. Naturw. 24 ( 3 ) : 1-16, 7 pi.) Description of 18 species with habitat and monographic treatment; after Al. Braun, A. de Candolle, J. D. Hooker, C. F. Meisner, Ascherson, Eichler, and Mueller Arg.

represented in the flora, and the numbers of species in each. The plants are not identified. BERTEAU, A. 1911. "Une exception au caractère dioique du papayer." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 1 1 ( 2 ) : 340.) On Carica papaya. 1912. "Nouvelles observations sur une exception au caractère dioique du papayer." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 1 2 ( 2 ) : 316-321, illus.) Sequel to the previous article, q.v. 1914. "Reconnaissance pratique des matières tannantes et tinctoriales." (Agron. Col. 1 ( 9 ) : 65-73). Includes Haematoxylon campechianum.

BERNOULLI, Jean. 1803 (1805). "Mémoire sur les divers usages et la grande utilité du mais tant de la plante que du grain." ( Mém. Acad. R. Sci. Bel. Let., Berlin Cl. Phil. Exp. : 3-36.) The title page for the volume is dated 1805. The Roy. Soc. Cat. Sci. Papers cites the date as (1799) 1803.) With a discussion, also, of the morphology. 1804 (1807). "Sur les variétés du mais par rapport a la configuration des grappes et des grains." {Mém. Acad. R. Sci. Bel. Let. Berlin Cl. Phil. Exp. : 43-72. ) The title page for the volume is dated 1807. The Roy. Soc. Cat. Sci. Papers cites the date as (1799, 1801) 1804. With reference to an article on maize in the Dictionnaire de botanique de l'Encyclopédie Méthodique by Desrousseaux.

BERTHAULT, Pierre. 1911. "Récherches botaniques sur les varietés cultivés du Solanum tuberosum et les espèces sauvages de Solanum tuberifères voisins." (Ann. Sci. Agron. III, 6 ( 2 ) : 1-59, 87-143, 172-216, 248-291, 9 pl., 48 figs.) History, morphology, anatomy, and taxonomy. BERTHET, A. 1885. Quatre ans au Mexique. Paris, 160 p. — BN Méx. Memoirs of one of Maximilian's soldiers, with superficial comments on the vegetation, and a section on plant products.

BERRA, Manuel Orozco y. See OROZCO y BERRA, Manuel. BERRIDGE, E. M. 1914. "The structure of the flower of Fagaceae and its bearing on the affinities of the group." (Ann. Bot. 28: 509-526, 9 figs.) BERRIOZABAL, Jorge.



BERROSPE, Ricardo. 1889. "Solanaceas virosas." Morelia, Arch.




BERTIUS, Petrus. 1602. Déscription d'Amérique. Amsterdam, p. 231-254, in Herrera y Tordesilla's Déscription des Indes Occidentales, q.v. — PPAP. From the Tabularium geographicarum contractarum libri quinqué, 2d éd., 1602, by Bertius. Includes Mexico, with a few references to plants.


14 lvs., ms. Thesis Univ.

BERTOLONI, Antonio. 1840. "Florula Guatimalensis." (Novi Comm. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bonon. 4: 403-443, pl. 36-47.) Plants were raised from seeds provided by Joachin Velasquez of the Mexican legation at Rome.

BERRY, Edward Wilber. 1912. "Notes on the geological history of the walnuts and hickories." (PL World 1 5 ( 1 0 ) : 225-240, 4 figs., incl. maps.) Maps show present and past distribution of Hicoria, Juglans, Englehardtia, and Orlomunnea. 1915. "The origin and distribution of the family Myrtaceae." (Bot. Gaz. 59: 484-490.) Includes a discussion of modern distribution. 1919. "The geological history of the sweet gum and witch hazel." (PI. World 2 2 ( 1 2 ) : 345-354, illus., map.) Map shows present and past distribution of the sweet gum, Liquidambar. 1923. Tree ancestors. Baltimore, 270 p., 48 figs., illus., maps. ) Paleontological study of trees in the eastern forest of North America, with interesting facts on present forms. 1935. "The Monimiaceae and a new Laurelia." (Bot. Gaz. 96: 752-754, illus. ) Map shows the geographic distribution of the genera of Monimiaceae. 1935a. "A fossil Cochlospermum from northern Patagonia." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 62: 65-67, illus., map.)


See VELASCO, José Francisco, 1850.

BERTONI, Moise S. (Moisés). 1919. "Essai d'une monographie du genre Ananas." ( An. Cient. Parag. 2: 250-322; No. 7 in Bot.) Description of species, with habitat, properties, common names, origin, and evolution; also a key to species, and a list of varieties, of cultivated species of Ananas. BERTOTTO, Julio César. 1949. Flora medicinal de todas las regiones del mundo. Buenos Aires, 348 p. - DAFM. Arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, names in other languages, descriptions, and uses; rather superficial, and treats mainly of plants as used in Argentina. BERTRAND, A. 1941.

See MARSHALL, William Taylor, and BOCK,

BERTRAND, C. Eg. (Charles Eugene?) 1882.

Map shows present day distribution of the genus.

See BOURIEZ, Albert,

BERTRAND, Gabriel. 1899. "L'arbre à chiite et le chilté. (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 5: 134-136. Trans, as "El árbol del chicle y el chicle," and publ. in Prog. Méx. 7: 227-228, 1900.) Discusses principally the collection and preparation of the latex. The plant is identified as a Jatropha n. sp., near ]. quinqueloba.

BERRY, James Berthold. 1924. Western forest trees. New York and Chicago, 212 p., 96 illus. BERRY, Samuel Stillman. See JAEGER, Edmund Carroll, 1933. BERSUNZA, Carlos R. See also CALDERON AGUILAR, Rubén et al, 1949. BERSUNZA, Carlos R., et al.

BERTUCH, Friedrich Justin. and BERTUCH, 1819.

n. d. ca. 1949? Expedición científico militar de la Escuela Superior de Guerra a islas del Pacífico. México, 3 parts separately paged, as cited below.—Bibliot. R. Alcorta. 1. "Isla de Guadalupe," 35 p., maps. This was reprinted in (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 70: 1-62, map., illus., 1950.) 2. "Islas Coronados," 16 p., maps. Parts 1 and 2 contain brief descriptions of the vegetation, and of the dominant plants. 3. "Islas Revillagigedo," 19 p., maps. With a list of families

BERUMEN, Daniel Ortiz.

See PUTSCHE, Carl Wilhelm Ernst

See ORTIZ BERUMEN, Daniel, 1948.

BERUMEN, Maurilio. See PENA, Moisés T. de la, 1942; PENA, Moisés T. de la et al, 1948a. BESANT, J. W. 1930. "Notes from Glasnevin." (Gard. Chron. III, 8 8 : 4 9 3 , illus.) With a section on Pinus montezumae, and other Mexican pines being cultivated there.




See GIRAL, José et al, 1947.

BESIL ABIZAID, José. 1947. "Contribución al estudio químico de la cera de candelilla." México, 25 typed p. Thesis IPNMéx. With a brief description of the plant, Euphorbia cerifera. BESLER, Basil (Basilius). 1613. Hortus Eystettensis. Norimberg, 2 vols., 366 pi. Many Mexican plants are described and pictured.

BESNARD, W. See KACHKAROV (Kashkarov) Daniil Nikolaevich, and KOROVINE, 1942. BESSA, Pancrace. See D U H A M E L de MONCEAU, Henri Louis, 1755; LOISELEUR-DESLONGCHAMPS, Jean Louis Auguste, 1816-1849/50. BESSER, Wilibaldo de. 1841. "Revisio Artemisiarum." (Linnaea 15: 83-111.) On plants in the Royal Museum of Berlin, from the Willdenow herbarium; included is a description of Artemisia mexicana. BESSERER, C. 1857. "Mexico and its coniferous plants." ( Gard. Chron.: 516-517.) Information accompanying a Roezl catalogue of new conifers. The editor adds some comments of his own. BESSEY, Charles Edwin. 1885. "Notes upon the botany of the New Orleans Exposition." (Boi. Gaz. 1 0 ( 5 ) : 277-279.) With a few comments on the Mexican section. 1897. "The phylogeny and taxonomy of angiosperms." (Bot. Gaz. 24: 145-178, 3 diag. ) Repr. as Pubi. 6, Bot. Soc. Amer., 34 p., 1897. 1915. "The phylogenetic taxonomy of flowering plants." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2: 109-164, 1 fig.) With brief descriptions of 300 families, names of representative genera, and the numbers of species in each. BESSEY, Ernst A(thearn). 1898. "The comparative morphology of the pistils of the Ranunculaceae, Alismaceae, and Rosaceae." (Bot. Gaz. 2 6 ( 5 ) : 297313, 53 figs.) Thesis, Univ. Nebraska. BETANCOURT, Agustín de. See VETANCOURT, Agustín de. BETANCOURT, Rómulo. 1879. Estudio sobre el àhuacate. México, 34 p. Repr., with author listed just as R.B., in (Obs. Mex. 6: 152-159, 161-171, 1881-1883 and in Naturaleza 7: 214-228, 1885). Detailed study, with description of the plant, its history, synonyms, and common names; emphasis is on the chemistry. John M. 167-168.)

See Bullock, William.

BEURLING, Pehr Johan. (for 1854) 1856. "Bidrag till Portobellos flora." (K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl. : 105-148.) Includes plants from Manzinella (Manzanillo, Mexico); e.g., Hiraea manzinellensis and Coccoloba manzinellensis. BEUTNER, Edward L. See W H I T F I E L D , Charles J., and BEUTNER, 1938. BEVAN, Arthur. See VERDOORN, Frans, 1945; WILSON, Charles Morrow, 1945. BEVAN, Bernard. 1934. "Travels with a donkey in Mexico." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 66: 757-788, illus., map. ) Exciting account of a trip from Oaxaca to Acapulco, but not many references to plants; one illustration is of a giant cactus in the forest of Jamiltepec. 1938. "The Chinantec." (Inst. Pan. Geog. Hist., Publ. 24, 161 p., 35 pl., map. ) Report on the central and southeast Chinantec area in Oaxaca. Some references to plants are given in the description of the rain forest, in the introduction, and to cultivated plants in the section on economic background. Included are reproductions of "Relaciones of Ucila and Chinantla"; Ucila, 1579 by Hernando Quixada; Chinantla, 1579 by Diego d'Esquibel. BEVERIDO PEREAU, Manuel. 1948. Informe sanitario general sobre Cuichapa, Veracruz. México, 37 p. — Col. San Nicolás, Morelia. With a brief section on plants, mostly cultivated, cited by common names only. BEWS, John William. 1929. The world's grasses. London, 403 p., 48 figs., bibl. With keys to tribes and genera; the emphasis is on ecology. BEXARANO, Antonio de Alcedo y Bexarano. BEXARANO, Antonio. BEYERINCK, Willem. BEYRODT, O.


plant, sent by the ( no other data are

BETHENCOURT MASSIEU, Antonio. 1960. "Arboladuras de Santa Maria de Chimalapa, Tehuantepec, en las construcciones navales Indianas, 1730-1750." (Rev. Indias 2 0 ( 7 9 ) : 65-102.) From the discovery of large pine stands in the area, in 1730, to their exhaustion and abandonment in 1749.



See SCHLECHTER, Friedrich Reichardt et al, 1915.

BEZANILLA TESTA, Triunfo. 1904. "El chancarro y la semilla de culebra." México, 52 p. Thesis Pharm., Bibliot F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Cecropia mexicana and Hibiscus formicaolens. BHAGWAT, A. W.


BETETA, Ramón. 1937. Tierra del chicle. México, 80 p., illus. Gives a vivid description of the land and the industry, but with few scientific references to the plants.


BETTENCOURT, Harry L. 1937. "From Berkeley to Tiburón Island." (Des. Pi Life 9: 9, illus.) Picture story with text; emphasis is on cacti seen. BEULLOCH, - ?

BESLER, Michael Rupert ( u s ) . 1716. Gazophylacium rerum naturalium. Leipzig and Frankfurt, 34 pi. On plants, animals and minerals; one plate is labeled Amaranthus mexicanus.

BETERMAU (BETERMAN? BESTERMAN?), 1890. "Arbol del diablo." (Med. Cient. 3: (Farmacia 1: 107-109, 1890). A fantastic story of a blood-sucking author from Chihuahua to St. Louis given ).

1936. "Eupedüanthus macrocarpus Benth." (Euphorbia Rev. 2 ( 2 ) : 14, illus.) With a description, and a note of its distribution in Sonora, Mexico.

See BOSE, B. C. et al, 1961.

BHOJ, Raj. 1961. "Pollen morphological studies in the Acanthaceae." Paltjnol. 3 ( 1 ) : 3-108, 44 pi.) BIANCHI, Alberto G.


See LOMBARD, Jean, 1903.

BIANCONI, F. 1889. Le Mexique. Paris, 144 p., map. A guide to investors and businessmen, with a chapter on cultivated plants. BIANCONI, F., and Louis BALESTRIER. 1889a. Texte et carte commerciale des Etats Unis du Mexique. Paris, 52, 28 p., 2 maps. An app., 8 p., is entitled Le Mexique a l'Exposition Universelle de Paris. — CU-B. One chapter considers "productions végétales, animales, et minerales," with the plants divided as sources of food, fibers, medicines, etc. The text in the second part is classified according to states. The entire work makes u p No. 5 of the 7th series of Etudes générales géographiques.


BIART BIART, Lucien. (1862.) Aventures d'un jeune naturaliste. Paris, n.d., 14th ed., 328 p., illus. — PP. León cites the original French ed., 1862. A Spanish trans., by F. N., entitled Aventuras de un naturalista en Méjico, was publ. in Madrid, 2 vols, in one, 1869. An English trans., The adventures of a young naturalist, ed. and adapted by Parker Gillmore, was publ. in New York, (1871?) 491 p., 117 illus. A copy of this at NN is dated 1873. Written for young people, but with numerous scientific observations on Mexican plants; some are cited with scientific names. 1876. A travers l'Amérique. Paris, 383 p. An English trans., by Mary De Hauteville, My rambles in the New World, was publ. in London, 1877, 300 p., illus. References to natural history emphasize animals, but some plants are also mentioned. BIBBY, F. F.

See MORENO G. Ignacio, and BIBBY, 1943.

BICKERN, W. 1903. "Beitrag zur kenntnis der Casimiroa edulis La Llave." (Arch. Pharm. 241: 166-176.) Histoiy, description, distribution, study of its glyco-alkaloid, and a special section called "botanischer teil." BICKLE, J. T. 1941. "Odontoglossum citrosmum." ( 4 ) : 92-94, illus.) Description and culture.





BIGNOLI, Dario Pedro.

BILLINGS, E. R. 1875. Tobacco. Hartford, 486 p., 170 illus. - DA. "Its history, varieties, and culture"; p. 341-344 are on "Tobacco in Mexico." See ALEXANDER, P. 1906.

de la papa cultivada." (Bol. Soc. Nac. Agr. Costa 63-66.) modificaciones obtenidas por el cultivo de los en los Solanum tuberíferos silvestres." et



Not many plant names are included. BIRD, Allan (Allen) T. 1900. Sonora, México. Guaymas, 62 p., map, illus., publ. by the Sonora Ry. "A guide for the traveler and investor" with references to, and many illustrations of plants. BIRD, J. 1909-1910. "Lechuga." (Rev. Agr. 25: 297.)

See PICTET, Amé, 1888.

BIRDSONG, B. A. (Bailey Arnold), R. (Ralph Eugene) ALSTON and B. L. (Billie Lee) TURNER. 1960. "Distribution of canavanine in the family Leguminosae as related to phyletic groupings." (Canad. Jour. Bot. 3 8 ( 4 ) : 499-505.) A study, by chromatographic methods, of 161 species in 78 genera, with additional data from other sources to bring the total to 219 species, in 109 genera. Canavanine was found in 68 species of 32 genera. It was not detected in the subfamilies Mimosoideae or Caesalpinoideae. BIRDWOOD, G. (George Christopher Molesworth?). 1903. "On Ocimum of Asia against malaria." (Prog. Méx. 1 ( 4 6 8 ) : 561; trans, from The London Times.) The original version was not seen. With reference, by the editor, to Ocimum of Mexico, as of possible use in the same way.


BIRKET-SMITH, Kaj. 1943. "The origin of maize cultivation." (Kg I. Dansk Vidensk. Selsk. Hist. Filol. Meddel. 2 9 ( 3 ) : 1-59, map, bibl.) History is based mainly on philological evidence with the emphasis on South America; it is concluded that the origin was in northern Colombia.

See BULLOCK, William, 1824.

BIGGAR, Henry Percival.

PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del

BIPONTINUS, C. H. Schultz-See SCHULTZ, C. H. Bipontinus.

See DURIVAGF,, John C., 1937.

BIGELOW, John Milton.


BIONDELLI, Bernardino. 1869. Glossarium Azteco-Latinum 256 p.

A study, mainly of Prosopis juliflora, with its botany and geographic distribution. A few other species of Prosopis are considered, as is Parkinsonia aculeata ( rétama ). BIERLY, Sir John.

BILLELA, Pedro de. (1579-1582).

BIOLLEY, P. 1907. "El origen Rica 2 ( 3 ) : "Y las tubérculos


BIDDULPH, Susann Fry. 1944. "A revision of the genus Gaillardia." ( Res. Stud. St. Coll. Wash. 12: 195-256, 3 pl., bibl., maps.) Covers history, relationships, morphology, cytology, and distribution. A key is included to sections, species, and varieties with descriptions and list of specmens examined. New taxa from Mexico include G. mexicana var. trífida and G. pinnatifida var. linearis comb. nov. BIEBERDORF, Frederick W(ilhelm), and Boen SWINNY. 1952. "Mesquite and related plants in allergy." (Ann. Allergy 720-724. )

BILIA, Gumersindo Borgo. See BORGO BILIA, Gumersindo.

BINGLEY, William. 1821. Travels in North America. London, 346 p. Section on Mexico, p. 248-262, is based on Pike's account, q.v.

With a key to 25 species, descriptions, and distribution. S. platyphyllum of Mexico is transferred to Oreolirion new gen. and S. eastwoodiae is described as a new species from Baja California.

BIEBER, Ralph P.

BILECKI, Gerhard. 1955. "Rauwolfia serpentina und andere arzneipflanzen in ihrer bedeutung fuer die therapie." (PI. Med. 3 ( 6 ) : 165-171.) With a list of alkaloids in R. serpentina Benth. and R. canescens L.


BICKNELL, Eugene P(intard). 1900. "Studies in Sisyrinchium VIII." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 27 ( 7 2 ) : 373-387; Contr. Dept. Bot. Columbia Ûniv. # 7 . ) "S. californicum and related species of the neglected genus Hydastylus"; with a key to species, descriptions, and localities. Seven species are described as new from Mexico; from Chihuahua, San Luís Potosí, Coahuila, and Veracruz. 1901, 1904. "Studies in Sisyrinchium IX and X. The species of Texas and the southwest." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 570592, 1901; 31: 379-391, 1904.)

BIDDLE, Henry Chalmers.

1909. Le Mexique moderne. Paris, 3d ed., 272 p., 22 illus. Revised ed., Paris, 263 p., 28 illus., map ( 1 9 1 8 ) . - N N . A chapter on agricultural and forest products uses mainly French names.

See VARIOUS, 1855-1860. See CHAMPLAIN, Samuel (1599-1602). See WEATHERWAX, Paul, 1950 a.

BIGOT, Raoul. 1907. "Notes économiques sur le Mexique." (Bull. Techn. Soc. Ane. Elèv. Ecol. Nat. Arts Met. 1907(1-2). 1-180. Repr. as a separate, Paris, 1907, 144 p., map. — SHMéx.

BIRKINBINE, Henry E. 1909. "A trail through the mountains of Oaxaca." (Proc. Engin. Club. Phila. 2 6 ( 3 ) : 201-218, illus. Repr. in Rev. Rev. p. 21-38, May, 1912.)

With a discussion of agricultural products and important trees.

With some scattered references to plants, cited by common names only.



BIRKINBINE BIRKINBINE, John. 1909. "The Mixteca country in the state of Oaxaca, México." Franklin Inst. 168: 200-215, illus.) References to plants are limited to cultivated ones.

BLACK, John. (Jour.

BIRON, Claude. 1703. Curiositez de la nature. Paris, 282 p. — NN. Observations based on a trip to the West Indies. Plants seen are listed with brief comments. There is a chapter on the "tacamaca" (Bursera?). BISCHOFF, (Gottlieb Wilhelm). 1853. "Delectus seminum in Horto Botánico Heidelbergensis." (Ann. Sei. Nat. Ill, 19: 356-358.) Includes Chloris cucullata n. sp. from Mexico. BISHOP, William Henry. 1883. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. New York, 509 p., illus. — Gardiner cites a 2d ed., 569 p., 1889. "A journey in Mexico, Southern California, and Arizona by way of Cuba," with references to plants, especially in the tropical areas. BITTER, Georg. 1903. "Die rassen der Nicandra physaloides." (Beih. Bot. Cenlrtilbl. 14: 145-176, 6 pi.) Mainly on cultivated types. 1911. Die gattung Acaena. Stuttgart, 336 p., 37 pi., 98 figs. Bibl. Bot. Heft # 7 4 ; issued in 4 parts. "Vorstudien zu einer monographic." 1912-1922. "Solana nova vel minus cognita." (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 11: 1-18, 255-260, 349-394, 1912; 431-473, 481-491, 561-566, 1913; 12: 1-10, 49-90, 136-162, illus., 1913; 13: 88103, 169-173, 1914; 18: 301-309, 1922. Includes a number of species, subspecies, varieties, and new combinations from Mexico. Part 2 is subtitled "Muss die Sektion Tuberarium von der gattung Solana in als genus abgetrennt werden?" Part 3 is entitled "Weitere Untersuchungen zur analyse der Sektion Tuberarium sensu strictu Bitter." 1920. "Die gattung Lycianthes." (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 2 4 ( 2 ) : 292-520, 5 illus.) "Vorarbeiten zu einer gesamtschrift," with a discussion of relationships, geographical distribution; followed by a systematic account of the genus, with descriptions of species. Many new taxa are described from Mexico. For the supplement to this work, see "Ergaenzungen," 1922. 1921. "Bidens purpusorum Bitt. et Petersen nov. spec." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 17: 335-338.) Description of a plant found in Puebla. 1922. "Zur gliederung der gattung Saracha und zur kenntnis einiger ihrer bemerkenswerten arten." ( R e p . Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 18:99-112.) Includes the description of a new species, S. chihuahuensis, from Mexico. 1922a. "Ergaenzungen zu Lycianthes." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 18:314-321.) Includes descriptions of 6 species from southern Mexico, including L. stephanocahjx (Brandegee) Bitt. nov. comb, from Veracruz. 1923. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der gattung Sedum." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 8 ( 7 4 ) : 281-284.) Sedum nussbaumerianum from Veracruz, collected by Purpus. 1924. "Zur gattung Physalis." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 20: 369372.) With descriptions of new taxa from Mexico: Physalis melanocystis (Robinson) n. comb, and P. capsicoides n.sp. BJERREGARD, A. P.

See HARE, R. F. and BJERREGARD, 1910.

BLAAUW, Anton Hendrik. BLACHE, P. Vidal de la.

See WENT, F. A. F. C., 1906. See VIDAL de la BLACHE, P.

BLACK, Donald S. See GILBERT, BLACK, 1958. BLACK, Jeannette Dora.

Norris W., and Donald S.

See CHAMPLAIN, Samuel (1599-1602).

See HUMBOLDT, Alexander von, (1808)-1811.

BLACK, Otis Fischer, and J. W. KELLY. 1922. "Examination of the fruit of Samuela carnerosana Trelease." (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 94: 477-479.) Results of studies on material sent from Saltillo. A brief description of the plant and its seeds is given, with a chemical analysis of the latter, and suggested uses. BLACKALLER, Maria Luisa. 1937. "Contribución al estudio de las Ninfeáceas de los lagos y ciénagas del sur y centro del Valle de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 7: 415-455, illus., (28 figs.) Description, classification, and morphology for the Nymphaeaceae. BLACKALLER F., Arturo. 1948. "Flora alergógena del Valle de Atemajac." (Bol. Soc. Méd. Farm., Guadalajara 20: 125-138.) Divided into trees, weeds and grasses; common and scientific names are given, with the localities where the plants are found. 1949. "Pólenes atmosféricas en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco." (Rev. Méx. Alerg. 1 ( 1 ) : 2-4.) Divided into Gramineae, Compositae, Chenopodiaceae, and Amaranthaceae; a separate list is given for the trees. BLACKWELL, Elizabeth. 1737. A curious herbal. London, 2 vols. - NNBG. Second ed., 1739. Five hundred illustrations "of the most useful plants used in the practice of physick." Contains many Mexican plants, e.g., tobacco, pepper, tomato, and sweet gum. BLAIR, Thomas S(tewart). 1921. "Habit indulgence in certain cactaceous plants among the Indians." (Jour. Amer. Med. Assn. 76: 1033-1034.) A critical report of the use of Anhalonium lewinii. BLAIR, W(illiam) Frank(lin). 1950. "The biotic provinces of Texas." (Tex. Jour. Set. 2 ( 1 ) : 93117, map, bibl. ) Includes a Tamaulipan and a Chihuahuan zone which link it with Mexico; contains a good discussion of the vegetation, with a listing of dominant plants for each zone. BLAKE, Doris Holmes. See also ABRAMS, Le Roy, 1923-1960. 1960. "Sidney Fay Blake." (Taxon 9 ( 5 ) : 129-141, port.). Biographical sketch with a bibliography of his publications. BLAKE, Mary Elizabeth, and Margaret Frances SULLIVAN. 1888. Mexico. Boston, 228 p. Contains some material on maguey. BLAKE, S. T. 1958. "New criteria for distinguishing genera allied to Panicum (Gramineae)." (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 70: 15-19.) BLAKE, Sidney Fay. See also KEARNEY, Thomas, and PEEBLES, 1942; MORTON, Conrad V., 1945; REDFIELD, Robert, 1928; SPRAGUE, T. A., 1922, 1923; VARIOUS, 1902 - in progress; WOODSON, Robert E., 1937 - in progress. 1913. "A redisposition of the species heretofore referred to Leptosyne." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 49: 335-346, Contr. Gray Herb. # 4 1 . ) Changed to Coreopsis and Stephanopholis n.g. 1914. "A revision of Encelia and some related genera." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 49: 346-396, illus.) 1915. "Two Verbesinas." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 53: 56-57.) Transfers Silphium arborescens Mill, to V. arborescens n. comb. The plant is found in Veracruz. 1915a. "Two new Mexican amaranths." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 53: 103-104). Amaranthus annectens from Yucatán and A. lepturus from Lower California. 1915b. "A revision of Salmea and some allied genera (Compositae)." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 53: 193-202, 225-235.) With a key to genera and species, descriptions, and distri-


BLAKE BLAKE-continued bution. New species described from Mexico include: Notoptera scabridula from Veracruz, Otopappus trinervis from Chiapas, and O. pringlei from Morelos. 1915c. "Two new Hymenostephiums." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 53: 268-269.) Hymenostephium pilosulum and H. cordatum n. comb. 1916. "Compositae new and transferred, chiefly Mexican." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 51: 515-526; Contr. Gray Herb. # 4 5 . ) 1916a. "Limonium in North America and Mexico." (Rhodora 18: 53-66, 2 pi.) Botanical history, with a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. The following are cited from Mexico: Limonium caroliniarvum, L. mexicanum n. sp., L. endlichianum n. sp., and L. nashii. 1916b. "A revision of the genus Polygala in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies." Cambridge, Mass., 122 p., 2 pi. (Contr. Gray Herb. n.s. # 4 7 . ) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution, and a list of cited exsiccatae. 1917. "New and noteworthy Compositae, chiefly Mexican." (Contr. Gray Herb. 5 2 ( 3 ) : 16-59.) Descriptions of many new species, varieties, and new combinations; one new genus: Rhysolepis (Viguiera) is described with 2 species from Mexico, R. morelensis from Morelos, and R. palmeri from Jalisco. 1917a. "Descriptions of new spermatophytes." (Contr. Gray Herb. 5 2 ( 4 ) : 59-106.) Mostly on plants from British Honduras, but includes also descriptions of Danthonia filifolia Hubbard, Persea podadenia, Phoebe angustata, Licania retifolia, Prunus apodantha, Thryallis langlassei, Colubrina lanulosa, Saurauia buscalioniana, Diospyros sinaloensis, Cynanchum peninsulare, and Gerardia pUosula, all from Mexico.

1920b. "Five new species of Cedrela." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 33: 107-112.) C. discolor from Durango, C. rotunda from Sinaloa, and C. yucatana from Veracruz are cited from Mexico. 1920c. "New trees and shrubs from Mexico and Guatemala." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 33: 117-120.) Jatropha sympetala from Oaxaca; Guarea obtusata from Oaxaca; Russelia obtusata from Puebla and Oaxaca, and R. tetraptera from Tepic. 1921. "Neomillspaughia, a new genus of Polygonaceae, with remarks on related genera." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 48: 77-88, illus.) With a key to distinguish it from four related genera. Keys are given also to species of Gymnopodium and Podopterus. Of the two species of Neomillspaughia described, one, N. emarginata, comes from Mexico (Yucatán). Flourensia, 1921a. "Revision of the genera Acanthospermum, Oyedaea and Tithonia." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 0 ( 1 0 ) : 383-436.) With keys to species of the various genera, descriptions, distribution, and lists of specimens examined. Species are described from Mexico as follows: 9 in Flourensia; Oyedaea, 1; Tithonia, 10, with one new subsp. 1921b. "The American species of Maximilianea (Cochlospermum)." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 11: 125-132, illus.) With a key to species, descriptions, distribution, and common names. One species is cited from Mexico: M. vitifolia (Willd.) Krug. et Urb. 1921c. "Synopsis of the genus Datura." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 11: 173-189, illus.) With keys to sections and species, descriptions, distribution, and common names. Mexico is cited as the habitat for 9 out of 24 species. 1921d. "New trees and shrubs from Yucatán." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34: 43-46.) With descriptions of 6 species in 5 genera. "New Meliaceae from Mexico." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34: 1921e. 115-118.) Includes Cedrela ciliolata from Michoacán, and 3 new species and one subspecies in Guarea. 1922. "Native names and uses of some plants of eastern Guatemala and Honduras." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 4 ( 4 ) : 87-100, illus.) Listed alphabetically by common and scientific names, with information under the latter.

1918. "New plants from Oaxaca." (Contr. Gray Herb. 5 3 ( 4 ) : 55-65.) Thirteen new species are described in twelve genera. One of them is a new genus Schismocarpus (Loasaceae). The plants were collected by Conzatti, Reko, and Makrinius. 1918a. "A revision of the genus Viguiera." (Contr. Gray Herb. 54: 1-205, 3 pi.) History, morphology, relationships, uses, taxonomy, with keys to subgenera sections and species, descriptions, and a list of exsiccatae. 1919. "The genus Homalium in America." (Cont. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 0 ( 7 ) : 221-235.) Systematic treatment, with a key to species, descriptions, distributions, and lists of specimens examined. One new species is described from Mexico: H. mollicellum from Guerrero. 1919a. "Revision of Ichthyomethia, a genus of plants used for poisoning fish. (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9: 241-252.) A review of the botanical history of the genus with a key to species, descriptions with common names, and distribution. Of 8 species, 4 are found in Mexico, including I. communis n. sp. 1919b. "The anay, a new edible-fruited relative of the avocado." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9: 457-462, illus.) Description of Hufelandia anay from northeastern Guatemala; (perhaps also in Mexico). 1919c. "New plants from Sinaloa." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32: 189194.) On the collections of Antonio E. Salazar. New species are described in: Polygala, Parsonsia, Piptothrix, Perymenium, Verbesina, and Otopappus. 1920. "A preliminary revision of the North American and West Indian avocados (Persea spp.)." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 10: 9-21, illus.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Of the 5 species, all but one are from Mexico. 1920a. "Revision of the true mahoganies (Swietenia)." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Set. 10: 286-297, map, illus.) History, distribution, key to species, and descriptions. S. cirrhata is described as a new species from Michoacan.

1923. "A new Gymnocoronis from Mexico." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 36: 179-180.) G. sessilis from Tabasco. 1923a. "Notes on the North American species of Limonium." (Rhodora 25: 55-60.) Transfers a Berlandier specimen, previously labeled L. carolinianum, to L. angustatum which becomes a variety of carolinianum; gives range extensions for L. mexicanum and a revised key to the genus. 1924. "New American Meibomias." (Bot. Gaz. 78:271-288, 1 pi.) Many new species are described from Mexico. "Revision of the American species of Rinorea." (Contr. U.S. 1924a. Natl. Herb. 2 0 ( 1 3 ) : 491-518, illus.) A systematic treatment, with a key and descriptions of 37 species, only one of which, R. pilosula, is from Mexico. 1924b. "Hemibaccharis, a new genus of Baccharidinae." (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 2 0 ( 1 3 ) : 543-554, illus.) Systematic treatment, with a key to species, descriptions, distribution, and lists of specimens examined. The genus is based on Baccharis hieraciifolia Hemsl. Three new species from Mexico are described. Herb. 1924c. "New American Asteraceae." (Contr. U.S. Natl. 2 2 ( 8 ) : 587-661, illus.) Descriptions are in systematic order, with distribution. New species from Mexico include over 60 species in 27 genera, one of them a new genus, Trichocoryne. 138


BLAKE 1924d. "New plants from Central and South America." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 14: 284-293.) Includes from Mexico: Urtica granulosa from Chihuahua, Drymaria cognata from Durango, and D. peninsularis from Lower California. 1924e. "Eight new Asteraceae from Mexico, Guatemala and Hispaniola." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 37: 55-62.) Six species in five genera are described from Mexico. 1926. "Five new American Melampodinae." (/our. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 418-422.) One species, M. cornutum, is from Colima, Mexico. 1926a. "New names for five American Asteraceae." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 39: 144.) Discusses DeCandolle's citing Dunantia microcephala (which he changes to Isocarpha microcephala) and Vernonia hypoleuca (which he changes to Liabum hypoleucum) from Mexico; suggests that they were probably collected in Peru by Haenke.

1935a. "A new plant of the genus Polygala from northern Mexico." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 48: 31-32.) Describes P. hintonii from the state of Mexico and extends the range of P. crinita Chod. 1935b. "Five new plants of the genus Aplopappus." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 48: 169-174.) A. wigginsii, A. ferrisiae, and A. martirensis, all from Baja California, are included. 1936. "Lepidonia, a new genus of Vemonieae." (Jour Wash. Acad. Sci. 26: 452-460, illus.) Discussion includes a reference to Bolanosa, a Mexican genus, an analysis of the systematic position of Leiboldia and the problem of its nomenclature. 1936a. "A new plant of the genus Polygala from northern Mexico." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 49: 151-152.) P. oedophylla from Nuevo León. 1937. "Eleven new Asteraceae from North and South America." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 27: 374-391.) Mexican material includes Alomia stenolepis, Aster coahuilensds, Helianthella ciliata, Verbesina callilepis, and Hieracium dysonymum nom. nov. (for Hieracium junceum Fries). 1938. "Eleven new American Asteraceae." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18: 478-492.) Mexican material includes: Vernonia polypleura, Eupatoriastrum opadoclinium, Desmanthodium caudatum, and Rumfordia media, all from Chiapas, and Psacalium mollifolium from Guerrero. 1941. "Four new Asteraceae from northern Mexico collected by I. M. Johnston." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 54: 17-22.) New species in Brickellia, Aplopappus, Viguiera, and Thelesperma from Zacatecas, Coahuila, and Chihauahua. 1942. "New Asteraceae from northern Mexico collected by C. H. Mueller." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3 2 ( 5 ) : 146-151.) Descriptions of 6 new species and one variety from Coahuila and Nuevo León, in Brickellia, Grindelia, Erigeron, Sabazia, Tagetes, and Psacalium. 1942a. "Five new Asteraceae from Oaxaca collected by W. H. Camp." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 55: 113-119.) New species in Oxylobus, Erigeron, Archibaccharis, and Perezia. Four of them are from Zempoaltepetl. 1943. "Ten new American Asteraceae." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 33: 265-272.) Seven taxa in six genera, from Lower California, Guerrero, Chiapas, and Michoacán. 1945. "Asteraceae described from Mexico and the southwestern United States by M. E. Jones, 1908-1935." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 9 ( 2 ) : 117-137.) With a review of Jones's botanical activities and publications, locations of some of his Chihuahua stations, and an annotated catalogue of species, systematically arranged, with localities and other observations. This is a companion piece to the article by C. V. Morton in the same volume, q.v., covering the other families of flowering plants. 1950. "Five new Asteraceae from Mexico and South America." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4 0 ( 2 ) : 47-50.) Descriptions are included of Aplopappus pseudobaccharis from Coahuila, Montanoa gentryi from Sinaloa, and Flourensia solitaria from Coahuila. 1951. "The status of Encelia angustifolia and E. albescens." (Leafl. West. Bot. 6 ( 5 ) : 105-107.) Transfers the first to Verbesina as V. angustissima; the second becomes a synonym of Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) B. and H. var. exauriculata Rob. and Greenm. 1961. "Edward Palmer's visit to Guadalupe Island, Mexico in 1875." (Madroño 1 6 ( 1 ) : 1-4.) Based on a ms. of Palmer's and a letter from Robert Ridgway to Palmer, at the U.S.D.A. Agr. Res. Serv., New Crops Res. Br. 1951. "A synopsis of the genus Euonymus L." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 2: 210-290, bibl., illus.) Includes botanical and fossil history, geographic distribution, anatomy, uses, taxonomy with a conspectus of genera, distribution, and keys to subgenera, series, and species.

1926b. "Two genera of Asteraceae new to the United States." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 39: 145.) Extensions of range into the United States of 7 Mexican species in 7 genera and, in addition, some with new localities in Mexico. 1926c. "Lennoa caerulea in Colombia." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 39: 146.) First record of the plant outside of Mexico: a reference is made also to various hosts of the Lennoaceae. 1926d. "Zinnia vs. Crassina." (Rhodora 28: 40-42.) Interesting account tracing the original description and authority for the names. 1926e. "Note on arboloco'." (Trop. Woods 7: 33-34.) On the various species of Montañoa, with brief descriptions and ranges. 1928. "Twelve new Asteraceae." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18:25-37.) Descriptions of new species from Mexico include: Simsia grayii from Oaxaca; Zexmenia mexiae from Jalisco; Otopappus cordatus from Guerrero; Verbesina pantoptera from Nayarit; V. heterocarpa, V. glaucophylla, and Perezia longifolia, all from Jalisco. 1929. "New Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, and Honduras." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 268-281, illus.) Mexican material includes Trigonospermum hispidulum, Verbesina microcarpa, Coreopsis congregata, Cacalia eriocarpa, and C. trigonophylla. The Verbesina and Coreopsis are from Sinaloa; the others are from Jalisco. 1930. "Two new Asteraceae from Mexico collected by Georges Woronow (Bot. Gard. Leningrad)." (Biol. Soc. Wash. Proc. 43: 163-166.) Haplocalymma woronowii and Verbesina pterocarpha, both from Michoacán. 1930a. "Notes on certain type specimens of American Asteraceae in European herbaria." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 6 ( 5 ) : 227263.) Results of studies of material from Mexico, Central, and South America. 1931. "Nine new American Asteraceae." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 21: 325-336.) Erigeron phoenicodontus from Chihuahua, Mexico, is included. 1931a. "A flora of Mexico." (Science 7 4 ( 1 9 2 3 ) : 458-459.) Summarizes the publications on Mexican vegetation and flora to date, and reports that Conzatti was preparing a new edition of his Flora sinóptica Mexicana. 1932. "New Central American Asteraceae collected by H. H. Bartlett." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 22: 379-386, illus.) Includes from Mexico Harleya (n.g.) oxylepis, previously described as an Oliganthes, and Aplopappus bartlettii from Tamaulipas; the first is from Yucatán or Tabasco. 1935. "New Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, and South America." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 311-325.) Mexican material includes descriptions of 9 taxa in 8 genera. 139

BLAKESLEE BLAKESLEE, Albert Francis, BERGNER, Dorothy, and Amos Greer AVERY. 1937. "Geographical distribution of chromosomal prime types in Datura stramonium." (Cytologia Fujii Jubilaei Vol: 10701093, 7 maps. ) A study of 583 races, 287 with purple flowers, 289 with white ones, and 7 heterozygous. Central America with Mexico includes a mixture of types. BLAKELEY, Elwood R. 1952. "Elephant trees of Arizona." (Saguaroland Bull. 6 ( 1 ) : 9-10.) Description and distribution of Bursera odorata and B. microphylla. BLANC, A. and Co. 1888. Catalogue and hints on cacti. Philadelphia, 2d ed., 68 p., illus.-PPHi. Repr. 1890, 98 p. ( fide Cat. of the Shreve Libr.) Includes descriptions of many varieties of cacti, with some other succulents. BLANC, A. 1890. "A wonderland of cactus." (Amer. Gard. 11: 526-530, illus.) Novelties, curiosities, and beauties. BLANC, L., and E. DECROCK. 1898. "Distribution géographique des Primulacées." (Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6: 681-713, map.) Arranged by tribes, with distribution of genera and species; also by areas, with important genera and species in each. BLANCHARD, P., and Adrien DAUZATS. 1839. San Juan de Ulua, ou relation de l'expédition Française au Mexique . . . . Paris, 591 p., illus. References to plants in chapters on the tierra caliente, tierra templada, Chapultepec, and Xochimilco. BLANCHET, Gustave. 1884. "Etude sur le cacao." Montpellier, 44 p. Thesis, Ecole Sup. Pharm.-DNLM. With a section on the history and botany of the plant. BLANCO, Alberto. 1959. "Estudios espectrométricos." (Cact. Suc. Méx. 4 ( 2 ) : 40-45.) On the effects of minerals on plants growing on piles of mine wastes. BLANCO, Cenobio E. See also MARTINEZ .Maximino, 1924; VARIOUS, 1946. 1938. "Los pinos de México." (Bol. Dept. For. Méx. 3 ( 1 1 ) : 237255, illus.; also in Méx. For. 19( 1 / 2 ) : 7-10, 1941.) Descriptions with common and scientific names, locations, and uses. Abies and Pseudotsuga are included. 1948. "La reforestación natural de los bosques de El Salto, Durango." (Mens. For. 6 ( 5 6 ) : 5-6, 8, illus.) 1949. "Pinus cooperi Blanco sp. nova." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 20: 185-187, 3 fig. ) A new name is applied to a species formerly known as P. lutea Blanco, and the appropriate changes are made for var. ornelasi Martinez of that species. BLANCO, F. See BLANCO, L. BLANCO, Gabriel. 1906. "Estudio sobre el mezcal." (Prog. Méx. 13: 688, 699, 726, 737, 1906; 14: 29, 39, 50, 70, 89, 105, 116, 137, 1907. Also in Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 25: 73-116, 1906-1907.) With classification, descriptions, and common names. The author puts Agave in the Bromeliaceae, following the advice of M. Villada. 1933. "Estudio relativo a la zona denominada Los Altos, del Estado de Jalisco." México, 15 p., mim.—SEN Méx. With only a very brief section on the flora. BLANCO, L. See CORDERO, Manuel et al, 1877-1878; CORDERO, M. et al, 1878; SEGURA, José Carmen, and M. CORDERO, 1883. The initial is sometimes cited as F. BLANCO, Lázaro. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del ( 15791582).

BLANTON BLANCO, Leopoldo. See HARSHBERGER, J. W„ 1896. BLANCO, Leopoldo Rincón. See RINCON BLANCO, Leopoldo. BLANCO, María Pacheco. See PACHECO BLANCO, María. BLANCO, Ofelia S. de. See BLANCO MATAS, Alberto y BLANCO, 1958. BLANCO, Serafín Meza. See MEZA BLANCO, Serafín. BLANCO MACIAS, Gonzalo. See also SIEVERS, Arthur Frederick, and HIGBEE, 1942; VOGT, William, 1947. 1945. "El mejoramiento genético de las plantas." (Tierra 2 ( 3 ) : 123125, 166, illus.) With emphasis on "el caso específico de la papa." 1946. "Posibilidades del cultivo del canelero." (Tierra: 699-701, 741, illus.) On Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 1947. "La yuca ó guacamote." (Tierra 2: 25-28, 63, illus.) With a description of the plant and its culture. 1949. "El cultivo de las plantas medicinales en México tiene gran porvenier." (Tierra 4: 81-83, 113, illus.) Taken partly from "Plantas medicinales, published by the Pan Amer. Union (Publ. Agr. 154-158), translated from the work of A. F. Sievers and E. C. Higbee, 1942, q.v. Special attention is given to Convolvulus orizabensis, Datura stramonium, Ipomoea purga, and Smilax. 1949a. "El kenaf." (Tierra 4 ( 1 0 ) : 593-595, 634, illus.) Mainly on the culture of the plant; suggested as a promising crop to substitute for jute in Mexico. 1950. Agriculture in Mexico. Washington, 52 p., illus. Pan Amer. Union, Amer. Agr. Ser., Div. Agr. Conserv.—DPU. Lists plants for different uses. 1950a. "Como enriquecen y mejoran el suelo las plantas leguminosas." (Tierra 5 ( 8 ) : 465-467, 505, illus.) Exploration of "la acción de las bacterias nitrificadores." 1952. "El kenaf." (Sisal Yucatán 12 ( 1 4 8 ) : 23-26.) Compare with article printed in 1949 in Tierra. On Hibiscus cannabinus. BLANCO MATAS, Alberto, y Ofelia S. de BLANCO. 1958. "Fluorescencias de algunas Cactaceas Mexicanas." (Cact. Sue. Méx. 3 ( 3 ) : 55-57.) Plants studied were Aporocactus flagettiformis, Opuntia sp. (nopal manso), and Nyctocereus serpentimis. BLANCO S., María del Carmen. 1942. Estudio de los rizomas de Maranta arundinacea, desde puntos de vista químicos. México, 59 p., illus.—IB Méx.


BLANDIN, Linbano. See ROVIROSA, José N„ (1889). BLANKAART, Steven. 1686. Haustus polychresti. Gedancken vom thee, coffee, chocolate und taback. Hamburg, 1705, 222 p., illus. of each plant. Dutch ed. of 1686 was not seen.—NN. BLANKINSHIP, Joseph William. See also ENGELMANN, George and GRAY, Asa, 1845-1907. 1907. "Plantae Lindheimerianae, part III." (Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard., 18: 123-223.) With a biography of Lindheimer, a catalogue of his plant nos. 449-574 and 652-754, 1845-1848, with localities and some with brief descriptions. For parts I and II of Plantae Lindheimerianae, see Engelmann and Gray, 1845, 1850. 1910. "Lindheimer the botanist-editor." (Gard. Chron. Amer. 11: 55-59, port.) Note on p. p. 64 says the article is made possible through the courtesy of Wm. Trelease. Biography, with a brief section on his stay in Mexico. BLANQUET, Josias Braun. See BRAUN-BLANQUET, Josias. BLANTON, (Wyndham Boiling). 1936: "A sixteenth century Mexican herbal." (Ann. Med. Hist., n.s. 8: 180.) Publ. as William B. History and brief description of the Badianus ms. (q.v. under Cruz, Martín de la).

^¡LAMNUHEM 1942. "Medical references in Bernai Diaz' account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521." (Ann. Med. Hist., I l l , 4: 399-405.) Quotes description of the botanical garden of Montezuma and refers to plants seen in the markets. BLARINGHEM, Louis. 1924. "Note sur l'origine du mais." (Ann. Sci. Nat. X, 6: 245-263, illus.) "Metamorphose de l'Euchlaena en Zea." 1937. "Origine et destiñee du mais à graines multipliés." (Ann. Sci. Nat. X, 19: 33-42, 1 pl.) "Contribution a l'hérédité des caractères acquis de Zea mays var. polysperma." BLASCO, Antonio. 1876. "La villa de Papantla y sus terrenos." Coazintla, 22 p., ms.— SMGE. With a considerable section devoted to vanilla. BLASQUEZ. See under BLAZQUEZ. BLAY LOPEZ, Francisco. 1929. "Causas que modifican los caracteres morfológicos, histológicos y farmacológicos de los vegetales." México, 98 p., typed. Thesis, chem., UNAM. With drawings of sections of various plants to help in histologic identification; also suggestions for chemical identification and recognition of substitutes. BLAYDES, Glenn William. 1953. "The romance of domesticated plants." (Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1955, for 1954, p. 317-336, 11 pl., bibl.). Repr. from Ohio Jour. Sci. 5 3 ( 4 ) : 193-215, illus., 1953; also as Publ. 558, Dept. Bot. Pl. Path. Ohio St. Univ. (Pres. Address, Ohio Acad. Sci., April 24, 1953). Discussion of the importance of seed plants, of heritable variations in seeds, and mutations. BLAZQUEZ, Ignacio. See also BARCENA, Mariano et al, 1877-1881; 1877-1882; BLAZQUEZ, Pedro é Ignacio, 1865; COLLANTES, Agustín Estéban and ALFARO, 1870. 1879. "Catálogo de las especies y variedades de maguey que crecen y se cultivan en los Llanos de Apam." ( Rev. Cient. Méx. 1 ( 1 ) : 1-3, illus., 1879; also in Esc. Agrie. 1: 114-117, 1879.) Includes those that grow near Cholula; gives common and scientific names, and uses. Drawings illustrate leaf margins of 33 varieties. According to León, "la lámina y la nomenclatura Nahuatl y vulgar de los magueyes de Apam está copiada, sin indicarlo, de la obra de Sánchez Mora, q.v." BLAZQUEZ, Pedro. See also COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban, and AFARO, 1870. BLAZQUEZ, Pedro é Ignacio. 1865. Memoria sobre el maguey Méxicano. México, 32 p., 2 pl. Repr. in (Mexicano 2: 99, 110, 115, 124, 1866.); also under the title "El maguey," in Diccionario de agricultura," 1870 ed. by Collantes and Alfaro, q.v., and, fide León, repr. in Toluca, 1889. Detailed description and discussion of uses. The name of the plant is changed to Agave maximilianea, in honor of Maximilian and Carlota. BLAZQUEZ, Pedro. 1873. Noches del verano ó estudios familiares sobre historia natural. Puebla, 165 p.-CU-B. Conversation between father and sons on various branches of botany; examples are based on Mexican plants. BLAZQUEZ HNOS (Hermanos, Pedro and Ignacio). See also BAZ, Gustavo Adolfo, and GALLO, 1874; BLAZQUEZ, Pedro é Ignacio, 1865. BLEGNY, Nicolas de. 1687. Le bon usage du thé, café, et du chocolat. Paris, 358 p.— PPAmP. General dissertation; mainly on preparation and use. BLOCH, Robert. See SINNOTT, Edmund W., and BLOCH, 1943.

BLUMER BLOCK, Harry. See PRESCOTT, William Hickling, 1843. BLOM, Frans Ferdinand. See also BALLINAS, Juan (1876-1877); NUTTALL, Zelia, 1929; TORRE, Tomás de la (1544-1545). 1923. I de store skove breve fra Meksiko. K^benhavn, 230 p., illus., map.—NN. Letters, with scattered references to plants. BLOM, Frans, and Oliver LA FARGE. 1926-1927. Tribes and temples, New Orleans, 2 vols., illus., map. With passing references to plants seen on trip through Veracruz, Tabasco, and Chiapas. Vocabularies of native languages, mainly of Chiapas, are included. BLOM, Frans. 1945. "Cacao y chocolate." (Esta Sem.: 32-36, Oct. 27; 32-36, Nov. 3; in Spanish and English. On Theobroma cacao. 1945a. "You have no idea." (Mex. Amer. Rev. 1 3 ( 2 ) : 8-10, illus.) On the chicle industry. BLOM, Frans, and Gertrude DUBY. 1949. "Entre los Indios Lacandones de México." (Amer. Indig. 9: 155-164, 1 pl.).—PU—Mu. With references to plants used. 1949a. "En la selva Chiapaneca." (Mañana Feb. 26: 38-44, Mar. 5: 35-41, Mar. 12: 36-43, Mar. 19: 28-35, illus.) A story of experiences in the area, with some references to plants. 1955. La selva Lacandona. México, 448 p., illus., map. Vivid descriptions of life and experiences in the jungle, with scattered references to plants. BLOM, Frans. 1956. "Vida precortesiana del indio Chiapaneco de hoy." In Estudios antropológicos publicado en homenaje al Dr. Manuel Gamio, publ. by Univ. Nac., México, (City) México, p. 277-285, illus. With reference to the significance of the ceiba in their lives. BLOOM, Edward V. 1960. "La estructura interna de Ariocarpus fissuratus." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 3 ) : 62-65, illus.) BLOUNT, A. E. (Ainsworth E . ) . 1894. "Cañaigre." (N. Mex. Coll. Agr. Mech. Arts, Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 14: 37-44.) A general article on Rumex hymenosepalus. BLOUNT, Sir Thomas Pope, bart. 1693. A natural history. London, 469 p. "Containing many, rather uncommon, observations extracted out of the best modern writers." Gives descriptions and uses of a wide variety of products - animal, vegetable, and mineral. BLOYER (sic.) See LLOYD, Curtis Gates, and LLOYD, 1903. BLUME, C. L. See BLUME, Karel Lodewijk. BLUME, Karel Lodewijk (Karl Ludwig; also cited as Carl L.). 1849-1856. Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum. Lugduni-Batavum, 2 vols (vol. 1, 24 nos. and 59 pl.; vol. 2, 16 nos. and 58 pl.).—DA (copy incomplete ?, only to p. 256). "Stirpium exoticarum novarum vel minus cognitarum ex vivis aut siccis brevis expositio et descriptio." In vol. 2 there are descriptions of Boehmeria ulmifolia Wedd. and Phenax galeottianus Bl., both from Mexico. BLUMER, J. C. (Jacob Corwin). 1910. "Mistletoe in the southwest." (PI. World 1 3 ( 1 0 ) : 240-246.) Descriptions of 8 species in 2 genera, with hosts, and distribution by zones. The genera are Phoradendron and Razoumofskya. 1911. "Notes on the distribution of Castilleja on the Mexican boundary." (Muhlenbergia 7: 65-71.) Includes C. laxa, C. integra, C. lanata, C. minor, all Gray species, and C. patriótica Femald, all from Mexico. 1912. "Notes on the phytogeography of the Arizona desert." (PI. World 1 5 ( 8 ) : 183-189.) Descriptions of plants, with common and scientific names, and distributions.


BOECKELER Trans, by José Ramírez as "Las plantas alexiteras de la América" in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 323-332, 1894.)

See EUPHRASEN, Bengt Anders, 1795.

BLUNT, Wilfred. 1950. The art of botanical illustrations. London (also New York, 1951), 304 p., 45 pl., 61 figs., bibl. Done with the assistance of Wm. T. Stearn. Includes a discussion of the Sessé and Mociño plates and their history; also references to drawings in Hernández and in the Badianus herbal. On the latter, mentions "a free version of the Badianus herbal, probably made in Italy about the year 1600, in the Royal Library in Windsor, entitled Erbe medicinali del Messico, o libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis." See also G. Gabrieli, 1929, and 1940.

Includes antidotes against the poisons, with descriptions of the plants, their habitat, and synonymy; many Mexican plants are included. The translation covers only the part that refers to Mexico. 1892-1893. Travaux publiés par El Estudio (Instituto Médico Nacional de México). Travaux de matière médicale et de botanique pure. Sect. 1, 2; fase. 1, 2. 31, 40 p. Ed. Française. PPCP. For the originals of those published in the first fascicle, see Herrera, Alfonso L., Thevetia, 1890, and Méndez Estrada, F., Xanthoxylum, 1879. For those published in the 2d fascicle, see Altamirano, F., axocopaque, 1889; Cicero, R. E., Aristolochia, 1890 and chicalote, 1891; Ortega, A., chicalote, 1877; Artigas, G. R., flor de Noche Buena, 1880 and Río de la Loza, F., colorín, 1877. The articles by Cicero were done originally with A. L. Herrera; the first is assigned by Bocquillon to Herrera, the second to Altamirano and Herrera. Also in the 2d fascicle, on p. 40, are two lists; one by M. Pecho Toro, entitled "Liste des plantes medicinales recueilliés près de la ville de Tlaxcala," cites 14 plants, with common and scientific names, family and uses. The other, anonymous, entitled "Liste des plantes qui croissent en abondance près de la ville de Patzcuaro," cites 35 species, by scientific names.

BLY, Nellie (pseud.) See COCHRANE, Elizabeth. BLYTHE, Samuel G. 1931. "Taming the wild guayule." (Sat. Eve. Post, May 2, 28-30, 106, 109, 110, illus.) History and development of the industry. BOAS, Franz. 1917. "El dialecto Mexicano de Pochutla, Oaxaca." (Int. Jour. Amer. Ling. 1 ( 1 ) : 9-44). With a Pochutla-Castellano vocabulary and vice versa. BOAS, Friedrich. See also LOESENER, Th., 1910-1922. 1912. "Beitraege zur anatomie und systematik der Simarubaceen." (Beth. Bot. Centralbl. 2 9 ( 1 ) : 303-356, 8 figs.); from his Inaug. Diss. Muenchen, 1912, 58 p., (not seen). New species from this are described also in (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 13: 288-290, 1914). A detailed study with a conspectus of genera and species, and geographic distribution. New species described from Mexico include: Castela salubris which was described earlier from Oaxaca and Tamaulipas in Loesener, Fedde Rep. 12: 223, 1913. q.v. BOBART, Jacob.

1901. "Etude botanique et pharmacologique Paris, 125 p., 4 pl. Thesis, Univ. Paris. With a key and descriptions. BODOQUE, L. E.

BOBROV, A. E. 1962. "A comparative study of the leaf epidermis and stornata of the family Cycadaceae." (Bot. Zhur. 4 7 ( 6 ) : 806-820, illus.; with an English summ.) A study, based on 33 species in 9 genera, is summarized in a key to the genera and a suggested phylogenetic scheme.

I. "Die Cypereen, Scirpeen und Hypolytreen." With a conspectus generum which includes many Mexican plants. II. "Rhynchosporeen."


III. "Sclerieen und Cariceen."

1955. "Apology to the cactus." (Americas 7 ( 9 ) : 15-17, illus.) Popular article on uses, and the place of cacti in the life of Latin America; with interesting illustrations. Scientific names are given for some of the plants.

1878. "Diagnosen theils neuer theils ungenuegend beschriebener bekannter Cyperaceen." (Flora 61: 28-32, 33-41). With descriptions of Cyperus semiochraceus, C. schaffneri, and Carex schaffneri. 1880. "Diagnosen neuer Cyperaceen." (Flora 63:435-440.) Heleocharis triflora from Mexico is included. 1882. "Neue Cyperaceen." (Flora 65: 25-31, 59-64.) Includes Scleria bourgeaui from Orizaba, S. hirta from Cordova, and Carex longicaulis from the valley of Mexico. 1886. "Neue Cyperaceen von Argentinien, Mexiko, Alaska, und dem Kilimandscharo." (Bot. Jahrb. 7:273-280.)

BOCK, Hieronymus (also known as Tragus). 1539. Kreuterbuch. Strassburg, 1587, 454 p., illus. - NNBG. First ed., 1539 as New kreutter buch. Transi, into Latin by Wendel Ribel (V. Ribelius) as De stirpium and pubi. 1552, 1200 p., illus. Brit. Mus. Cat. cites a 1552 ed. with David Kyber as translator. Capsicum.

BOCK, Thor Methven. See GILKEY, Jay E., 1944; MARSHALL, William Taylor and BOCK, 1941; SOULAIRE, J., 1946-1949.

Plants from Mexico, all collected by Schaffner are: Cyperus schaffneri, Heleocharis schaffneri, Scirpus schaffneri, Fuirena repens, and Carex fuscolutea. 1888-1890. Beitraege zur kenntnis der Cyperaceen. Varel a. d. Jade, 2 vols. (53 and 43 p . ) - D A .

BOCQUILLON, Henri. 1861-1862. "Revue du groupe des Verbenacées." (Adansonia 2: 81-165, 3 pl.; amplified to include classification, and pubi, with the same title Paris, 187 p., 20 pl., 1861-1863.) A detailed study of flower and leaf morphology with the emphasis on the former. Descriptions of distinguishing characters are given for each genus with special descriptions for selected species, e.g., Blairia mexicana, Lontana camara, etc.

Both are subtitled "Cyperaceae novae." Heleocharis áurea from San Luís Potosí and H. exilis from Mexico are included. 1889. "Ueber die von Liebmann in Mexico gesammelten Cyperaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 1: 362-364.) Species named by Liebmann as new, but which were actually synonyms for plants already known, are given the appropriate equivalents. 1896. "Diagnosen neuer Cyperaceen." (Allg. Bot. Zeitschr. 2: 1-3.) Includes C. botteri n. sp. from Mexico and C. schmitzianus. These are cited incorrectly in Ind. Kew. as from ( 1: 226, 227, 1895).

1866-1867. "Mémoire sur le groupe des Tiliacées." (Adansonia 7: 17-64.) Résumé of former systems of classification and a discussion of the family, grouped into 11 tribes, with the genera in each. BOCQUILLON-LIMOUSIN, Henri. 1891. Les plantes alexitères de l'Amérique.

See L. E.

BOECKELER, Otto. See also LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923. 1857. "Neue Mexicanische Cyperaceen." (Flora 40: 33-38.) Descriptions of 7 species in 6 genera. 1867-1877. "Die Cyperaceen des Koeniglichen Herbariums zu Berlin." (Linnaea 35: 397-612, 1867-1868; 36: 271-512, 691-768. 1869-1870; 37: 1-142, 520-647, 1871-1873; 38: 223-544, 1874; 39:1-152, 1875; 40:327-452, 1876; 41:145-356, 1877. ) See Svenson, H. K., "Dates of Boeckeler's Cyperaceae" in (Rhodora 41: 313, 1939).

See MORISON, Robert, 1680, 1694.

For a Mexican plant, see reference to

des Xanthoxylées."

Paris, 120 p. — DAFM. 142

BOEDEKER BOEDEKER, Fr. 19J1. "Mammillaria ottonis Pfeiff., Mammillaria golziana Ferd. Haage jun. und Mammillaria bussleri Mündt." ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 21: 140-142.) With a history of the three species and a table to distinguish them. 1912. "Mammillaria verhaertiana Boedeker spec, nov." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 22: 152-155, illus.) "Heimat unbekannt, aber wahrscheinlich Mexico." 1913. "Ueber einige Coryphanthen und deren blueten." ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 23: 45-47.) Special description of Mammillaria golziana Ferd. Hge. jun., and brief references to flowers of other species of Mammillaria. 1914. "Mammillaria guerkeana Boedeker spec, nov." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 24:52-55, illus.) Locality is given just as Mexico. 1915. "Mammillaria multihamata Boedeker spec, nov." ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 25: 76-80, illus.) Locality is given just as Mexico. 1917. "Nochmals weitere beobachtungen erfahrungen und ansichten." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 27: 1-6, illus.) On various species of Mammillaria, esp. M. bussleri Mündt, M. ottonis Pfeiff., and M. golziana Ferd. Haage, Jr. 1918. "Mammillaria erythrosperma Boed. spec, nov." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 28: 101-105, illus.) Habitat is given just as Mexico. 1919. "Mammillaria hirsuta Boed. spec, nov." ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 29: 130-132, illus.) From Mexico. 1920. "Mammillaria graessneriana Boed. spec, nov." ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 30: 84-87, illus.) From Mexico. 1924. "Mammillaria moelleriana Boed. spec, nov." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 1: 213-214, illus.) From Durango. 1924. 1928. "Mammillaria scheeri Muehlenpf. und andere Coryphanthen." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 1: 117-120.) Particularly on its relationships to M. valida Purp., Echinocactus saltillensis Pos., and E. poselgerianus Dietr. See also "Ueber Mammillaria scheeri Muehlenpf. und Mammillaria valida Purp." (syn. Mam. saltillensis Boed.) (3: 268-270, illus., 1928, photos by A. Kreyenkamp and Fr. de Laet). 1925. "Mammillaria gladiispina Boed. n. sp." ( Zeitschr. Sukk. 2: 120-121, illus.) From Coahuila. 1926. "Porfiria coahuilensis Boed. gen. et spec, nova." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 2: 210-213, illus.) From Coahuila. 1926a. "Mammillaria baumii Boed. spec, nov." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 2: 238-242, illus.) Detailed description of a plant found in Tamaulipas. 1927. "Drei neue Mammillarien." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3:72-77, illus.) Descriptions of M. waltherii from Coahuila, M. viereckii from Tamaulipas, and M. gasseriana from southwestern Coahuila. 1927a. "Mammillaria klissingiana Boed. spec, nov." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 123-124, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1928. "Zwei neue Coryphanthen." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 205-208, illus.) C. unicornis from Coahuila and C. vaupeliana from Tamaulipas. 1928a. "Echinocactus schmiedickeanus Boed. spec, nov." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 229-230, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1928b. "Mammillaria (Coryphantha) andreae J. A. Purpus und Boedeker n. spec." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 251-252, illus.) From Veracruz.

BOEDEKER 1928c. "Mammillaria esseriana Boed. spec, nov." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 289-291, illus.) Extends from southern Mexico to Middle America. 1928d. "Echinocactus ritterii Boed. sp. n." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3:305306, illus.) From Nuevo León. 1928e. "Ueber Mammillaria conoidea P.DC und Mammillaria grandiflora Otto." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 312-314, illus.) Detailed discussion of the differences between the two. 1928f. "Mammillaria aurihamata Boed." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 340-342, illus.) Description of a new species from central Mexico. 1928g. "Mammillaria durispina Boed." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 342-343, illus.) Description of a new species from central Mexico. 1928h. "Zwei neue Echinocacteen." (Zeitschr. Sukk. 3: 362-364, illus.) Echinocactus sauerii from Tamaulipas and E. roseanus from Coahuila. 1929. "Coryphantha pseudo-echinus Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 17-20, 2 illus.) From Coahuila. 1929a. "Echinocactus ritterii Boed." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 52.) Elevates it to a new genus, Aztekium, with one sp., A. ritterii. 1929b. "Mammillaria roseoalba Boed. sp. nova." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 87-88, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1929c. "Mammillaria winteriae Boed. sp. nova." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 119-120, illus.) From Nuevo León. 1929d. "Mammillaria zahniana Boed. u. Ritter n. sp." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 120-122, illus.) From Coahuila. 1929e. "Coryphantha roederiana Boed. spec, nova." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 153-154, illus.) From southern Coahuila. 1929f. "Mammillaria ritteriana Boed. sp. n. (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 173-174, illus.) From Coahuila. 1929g. "Coryphantha bergeriana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 191-192, illus.) From southern Nuevo León. 1929h. "Coryphantha asperispina Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 192-194, illus.) From Coahuila. 1929i. "Mammillaria albicoma Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 241-242, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1929, 1930. "Coryphantha werdermannii Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 1: 155-157, illus.) From Coahuila; description of the flower is given on p. 243, and in (2: 220-221, illus., 1930). 1930. "Coryphantha muehlbaueriana Boed. spec, nov." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 18-22, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1930a. "Coryphantha speciosa Boed. spec, nov." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 23-24, illus.) From Coahuila. 1930b. "Coryphantha obscura Boedeker sp. nov." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2:25-26, illus.) Trans, into English and repr. in (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 4 ( 4 ) : 258, 264, illus. on cover, 1932). Plant is from northern Nuevo León. 1930c. "Ariocarpus scapharostrus Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 60-61, illus.) From Nuevo León.



1932. "Coryphantha vogtherriana Werd. et Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 32-34, illus.) From San Luís Potosí. 1932a. "Mammillaria knebeliana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 52-54, illus.) From San Luis Potosí. 1932b. "Coryphantha calcarata Eng." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 71-73, illus.) With references to other species of Coryphantha as well. 1932c. "Mammillaria posseltiana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 99-100, illus.) From Guanajuato. 1932d. "Eigenartiges ueber verschiedene Mammillarien." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 116-122, illus.) Discussion of M. micromeris Engl, and var. greggii Engl., M. boedekeriana Quehl., M. armillata K. Brand., and M. fraileana Br. et Rose. 1932e. "Mammillaria sinistrohamata Boed. sp. n.' (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 162-164, illus.) from Zacatecas. 1932f. "Mammillaria wagneriana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 199-201, illus.) From Zacatecas. 1932g. "Mammillaria weingartiana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 4: 219-220, illus.) From Nuevo León. 1933. "Mammillaria halbingeri Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 9-10, illus.) From Oaxaca. 1933a. "Mammillaria brauneana Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde. 113114, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1933b. "Ueber Coryphantha pycnacantha Mart, und ueber Coryphantha reduncuspina Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 153-154, illus.) The latter is from Oaxaca. 1933c. "Mammillaria fobeana Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 154-156, illus.) Habitat is given as "Mexico?" 1933d. "Mammillaria icamolensis Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 168169, illus.) From Nuevo León.

BOEDEKER-continued 1930d. "Mammillaria pubispina Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 61-63, illus.) From Hidalgo. Deut. 1930e. "Mammillaria rettigiana Boed. sp. n.' (Monatsch. Kakt. Ges. 2: 98-99, illus.) From southwestern Hidalgo. 1930f. "Pelecyphora plumosa Boed. und Ritter sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 116-118, illus.) From Coahuila; changed on p. 147-148 to Echinocactus valdezianus (Moeller) Boed. 1930g. "Echinocactus knuthwnus Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 139-141, illus.) From San Luís Potosí. 1930h. "Eine neue eigenartige Coryphantha." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 168-170, illus.) C. odorata sp. n. from Tamaulipas and San Luís Potosí. 1930i. "Mammillaria erectohamata Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 189-191, illus.) From San Luís Potosí. 1930], "Coryphantha zilziana." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2 : 2 3 3 234, illus.) From Coahuila. 1930k. "Mammillaria orcuttii." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 2: 258259, illus.) From Puebla. 1931. "Ueber einige schwierig zuerkennende Coryphanthen." "Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 12-15, illus.) With illustrations of C. scolymoides Scheidw., C. cornifera P. DC. and C. daemonoceras Lern. 1931a. "Etwas ueber Nieder Californien und seine Mammillarien und Echinocacteen." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3 : 3 6 - 3 7 . ) An extract from a letter sent by Friedrich Ritter of Saltillo, on a trip down the length of the peninsula. 1931b. "Was ist Mammillaria brandegeei Eng. und was ist Mamillaria gabbii Eng.? (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 50-52, illus.) Both are from Lower California. 1931c. "Mammillaria surculosa Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 78-80, illus.) From Tamaulipas. 1931d. "Ueber Mammillaria (Neomammillaria) saffordii Rose und Mammillaria carrettii Reb. cat." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 80-81, illus.) 1931e. "Mammillaria balsasensis Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 121-122, illus.) From Guerrero. 1931f. "Coryphantha georgii Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 163-164, illus.) From San Luís Potosí. 1931g. "Ueber Mammillaria painteri Rose, Mammillaria erythrosperma Boed. und deren varietaet similis De Laet." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 194-197, illus.) With illustrations of the last two. 1931h. "Mammillaria blossfeldiana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 209-210, illus.) From Lower California. 1031i. "Coryphantha longicornis Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 249-251, illus.) From northern Durango. 1931j. "Cereus schmollii spec, nov." (Monatsch. Deut. Kakt. Ges. 3: 251-253, illus.) Locality is given only as Mexico. 1931k. "Mammillaria zeilmanniana Boed. sp. n." (Monatsch. Kakt. Ges. 3:227-228, illus.) From Guanajuato. 19311. "Ueber Mammillaria pygmaea Rose." (Monatsch. Deut. Ges. 3: 278-280, illus.)

1933e. "Weiteres zu Mammillaria balsasensis Boed." (Kakteenkunde: 195, illus.) Detailed description of flowers; the plant is from Michoacán. 1933f. "Mammillaria wiesingeri Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 204, illus.) From Hidalgo. 1933g ."Mammillaria leucantha Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 233234, illus.) From San Luís Potosí. 1933h. Ein Mammillarien Vergleichs schluessel. Koeln, 62 p. — IBMéx. Valuable key to many species — most of them Mexican — with new species included. Brief descriptions are added, with a listing of states where they are found. 1934. "Mammillaria haehneliana Boed. sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 2728, illus.) From Jalisco. 1934a. "Ueber Mammillaria (Neomammillaria) jaliscana Britt. and Rose." (Kakteenkunde: 75, illus.) Detailed description; original habitat is given as "Mexiko, 1934b. "Mammillaria picta Meinshausen, eine nicht mehr bekannte art." (Kakteenkunde: 86-87.) Detailed description; original habitat is given as "Mexiko, Rio Blanca (sic)." 1934c. "Ueber Mammillaria formosa (Gal.) Schiedw." (Kakteenkunde: 146-147, illus.) From southeastern Coahuila and adjoining Nuevo León.



With a translation of Rose's description.



BOEHMER 1934d. "Mammillaria saetigera Boed. and Tieg., sp. n." ( Kakteenkunde: 190-191, illus.) From Querétaro. 1937. "Mammillaria unihamata Boed., sp. n." (Kakteenkunde: 4041, illus. ) From Nuevo León. 1937a. "Mammillaria cephalophora Quehl, 1914." (Kakteenkunde: 172, illus. ) Description of a plant from San Luís Potosí; posthumous article, with comments by W. v. Roeder. BOEHMER, Georg Rudolf. 1799. Commentatio botanico-literaria de plantis. Lipsiae, 233 p.—DA. "In memoriam cultorum nominatus"; list of plant names, with information about people for whom plants were named. 1802. Lexicon rei herbariae. Lipsiae, 392 p. — DA. A dictionary of terms for descriptions of plants, with derivations of plant names. BOEMUS, Johann.

See TAMARA, Francisco, 1556.

BOER, P(etrus) de. 1875. "Agave americana L." (Sieboldia 1: 201-204). Detailed descriptions of the plant and its uses. BOERHAAVE, Herman. 1710. Index plantarum. Leyden, 278 p. This was followed by Index alter plantarum, Leyden, 1720, 2 vols, in one — DA. "Quae in Horto Académico Lugduno Batavo reperiuntur." 1727. Historia plantarum. Roma, 2 vols, in one, 698 p. On plants which grew in the Leyden Botanical Garden. BOERHAVE BEEKMAN, W„ ed. 1950. Bossen, bomen en hout van thans; de voornamste bostypen en houtsorten der wereld (Forests, trees and timbers of the present — the outstanding forest types and timber varieties of the world). Vol. 3 of Hout in alie tijden, Deven ter (Djakarta), 800 p., 1043 illus., maps, bibl. - DA. The part on the primeval forest of North America includes a section on Mexico (p. 769-775) divided as follows: bosbezit en bos complexen (forest associations), de voornamste naald hout bomen (needle-leaved trees), de voornamste loofhout bomen (broad-leaved trees). BOERICKE, Garth W. 1946. "A reproving of Cactus grandiflora with laboratory data." (Jour. Amer. Inst. Homeop. 3 9 ( 6 ) : 194-196, 212.) Repr. in Spanish trans, as "Cactus grandiflorus" in ( Med. Homeop. M ex. 2 ( 2 ) : 57-60, 1947). Reports on tests using 9 human subjects. BOERY, Pascal. 1888. Plantes oléagineuses. Paris, 160 p., 22 fig. - PPF. Covers description, place of origin, culture, and production of the various plants. In an additional section on intertropical food plants, there is a special treatise on cacao. BOESE, Emil.

See VARIOUS, 1912-1913.

BOETIGER, Maria. 1950. "Catemaco — región de Los Tuxtlas." (Veracruz 7 ( 6 ) : 17-22.) With a list of plants, cited by common names only. BOGIN, Clifford. 1955. "Revision of the genus Sagittaria (Alismataceae)." (Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9 ( 2 ) : 179-233, illus., maps.) With a key to subgenera and species; 7 taxa are described which range into Mexico. BOGUSCH, Edwin Robert. 1951. "Climatic limits affecting the distribution of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) in Texas." (Tex. Jour. S ci. 3 ( 4 ) : 554-558, map.) Discusses its origin and spread, and the factors involved. BOGUSLAWSKI, Dr. v. 1848. "Die beschreibung seiner reise von Vera Cruz nach der haupstadt im Januar 1846." ( Vebersicht Arb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. 1847: 186-192.) (Is this B. Boguslawski?) With observations on plants seen along the way.

BOGUSLAWSKI, B. von. 1851. Ueber Deutsche colonisation in Mexico. Berlin, 120 p. "Ein bericht des Herrn B. von Boguslawski an den Berliner Verein zur Centralisation Deutscher Auswanderung Colonisation." - PU. Natural products are considered on p. 66-84, with a special section on each crop. A section by Hugo Finke (p. 108-120) "die umgebung von S. Juan Coscomatepec, Huatusco, Orizava, and Cordova" lists plants in the area; both common and scientific names are given. BOHN, Guy Weston. 1950. BOHN, Henry George.

See WHITAKER, Thomas W., and BOHN, See GORDON, George 1858.

BOIS, Désiré Georges Jean Marie. See also CONSTANTIN, Julien and BOIS, 1916; DIGUET, Leon, 1928. 1888. "Les cactées utiles." (Bull. Soc. Nat. d'Acclim. IV, 5 : 6 4 1 656, illus.) Among the genera discussed are Opuntia, Cereus (with reference to the "suwarrow"), Echinocactus, Mammillaria, and Anhalonium. Spanish translation, by Manuel Urbina, was published in (Naturaleza II, 1: 270-277, 1889). BOIS, D., and P. MAURY. 1889. "Les anones." (Jardin 3:90-91, 124-126, illus.) Repr. anonymously in (Amer. Gard. 10: 435, illus., 1889), as "The custard apple." On various species of Anona (Annona), with descriptions, uses and common names. BOIS, D. 1891. "La chayote." (Naturaliste II, 5: 170-171, illus.) With a description, and data on culture. 1893. Les Orchidées. Paris, 323 p., 119 illus., bibl.-MBH. One chapter is on geographic distribution with a key for classification. A list of species is included with descriptions, localities, notes, and bibliography. 1893-1899. Dictionnaire d'horticulture. Paris, 1227 p., illus. - NNBG. Illus. by H. Gillet, A. Jobin, and L. Planet; some in color. Prepared with the help of many collaborators; descriptions of new species are included. 1901. "Sur les tubercles du Phyllactis." (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 7: 188-189, illus.) Discusses uses of the plant, from information provided by Alfred Dugés. 1904. "Sur l'acocote (acocotli)." (Bull. Soc. Nat. d'Accl. 51: 116117.) Identified as Arracacia dugesii Coult. et Rose, an "ombellifère alimentaire du Mexique"; attempts to grow it in France are reported. BOIS, D., et Léon DIGUET. 1914. "Une plante alimentaire peu connue du Mexique." (Agr. Prat. Pays. Chauds. 14: 257-265.) On Dalembertia populifolia Bâillon; the edible tubercles are called jicama de baryta or jicama del cerro. Three other species of Dalembertia in Mexico are also described: D. platanoides, D. hahniana, and D. triangularis. BOIS, D„ and J. GEROME. 1920. "La chilacayote du Mexique." (Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 26: 675-678.) The authors discuss the history of Cucurbita ficifolia Bouche and conclude that it is native to Mexico, and not originally from Asia. BOIS, D. 1926. "Léon Diguet." (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 32: 333-335.) Biography, with references to his travels in Mexico, and a list of his publications. 1927-1828. Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et à travers les ages. Paris, 4 vols. Vol. 1 — Phanérogames legumières; vol. 2 — Phanérogames fruitières; vol. 3 — Plantes à épices; vol. 4 — Les plantes à boissons.

BOISSEVAIN BOISSEVAIN, Charles Hercules, and Carol DAVIDSON. 1940. Colorado cacti. Pasadena, 71 p., illus. Illustrated guide with keys, descriptions, and notes. BOISSIER, Edmond Pierre. 1860. Centuria Euphorbiarum. Leipzig, 40 p. — DA. Descriptions of Mexican species are included. 1866. Icones Euphorbiarum. Paris, 24 p., 120(i.e. 122) pi. - DA. With notes on the classification and geographical distribution. The plates of 122 species are by Heylans. BOITEAU, P.

See BOURIQUET, G„ and BOITEAU, 1937.

BOIVIN, Bernard. 1944. "American Thalictra and their Old World allies." (Rhodora 46: 337-377, 391-445, 453-487, illus.; Contr. Gray Herb., 152.) History, morphology and taxonomy, keys to subgenera, sections, subsections, and species with descriptions and distribution. Illustrations are supplied for flower or fruits of 114 species. New taxa from Mexico include 11 new species and a number of new varieties. 1956. "Les families de Tracheophytes." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 103: 490-505.) With a synopsis of orders and families, and alphabetical indices of orders and families, the latter with synonyms. BOJORQUEZ, Juan de Dios (published under the name Djed B6rquez). 1937. Islas Marias. Mexico, 183 p., illus. — MN Mex. With a section on the flora, giving common and scientific names for the plants, as classified by Alfonso Madariaga.

BOLLE 1961. "Structure and development of the shoot in Dolicothele." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 316-321, illus., bibl.) Studies of D. sphaerica and D. longimamma, both from Mexico, indicate that Coryphantha vivipara and closely allied species are the nearest extant relatives of Dolicothele. It would therefore be inconsistent to return Dolicothele to Mammillaria, as suggested by some. 1961a. "Areole dimorphism in Coryphantha. (Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 593-603, illus., bibl.) Studies of C. clava and C. erecta, both from Mexico. 1962. "A botanist looks at Mexico." (Bios 3 3 ( 4 ) : 187-199.) With a discussion of the vegetation in general and special references to cactus collecting. Pereskia pititache replaces P. conzattii. BOLANDER, Henry Nicholas. See CURRAN, Mary K. (1884?) 1885. BOLANOS, Bricia Vallejo.


BOLANOS, Juan N. See also ALVAREZ, Manuel Francisco, 1900. 1838. "Maíz." (Día (Oaxaca) 2: 50-51.) Pubi, anonymously. On its composition and its uses. 1838a. "Zumaque." (Dia (Oaxaca) 2: 227.) Pubi, anonymously. The author is Bolaños, according to N. León. On the genus Rhus. 1841. "Arbol de Santa María del Tule." (Mos. Mex. 5: 77-80, illus. Repr. in Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 5: 363-366, 1857.) Repr. also in Las ruinas de Miña y la arquitectura, México, 1900, p. 3-6, q.v. This was ed. by Manuel Francisco Alvarez; he cites the original date as 1840. On the famous specimen of Taxodium in Oaxaca. (1841a.) "El sabino gigantesco de Santa Maria del Tule." Rev. 18 ( 9 4 6 ) : 15, illus. 1928.)

BOKARICA, Nick. 1961. "Convention bus trip to 'The Valley of the Old Men'." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 3 ( 5 ) : 151, 152, illus.) Description of a trip to the Barranca de Venado, in Hidalgo. The article is followed in ( 3 3 ( 6 ) : 168, illus.) with "A convention bus trip to the Tehuacan area."


Compare with the original work of 1841. BOLANOS, Virginia Arenas.


BOLDINGH, Isaac. 1909-1914. The flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands, St. Eustatius, Saba, and St. Martin. Part II is on The flora of Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire. Leiden, 2 vols., illus., maps.

BOKE, Norman Hill. 1955. "Development of the vegetative shoot in Rhipsalis cassytha." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 42: 1-10, 23 figs.) With a review of the literature on the genus, and data on its distribution. 1955a. "Dimorphic areoles of Epithelantha." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 42: 725-733.) The author's studies of E. micromeris lead him to question the taxonomic position of the genus. 1956. "Developmental anatomy and the validity of the genus Bartschella." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 43:819-827, illus.) A study of B. schumannii (Hildman) from Baja California, leading to the conclusion that segregation of the species as a separate genus must be based upon the fruit alone. 1957. "Comparative histogenesis of the areoles in Homalocephala and Echinocactus." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 44: 368-380, 31 figs., illus.) Based on studies of H. texensis, E. horizonthalonius, and E. grusonii. 1957a. "Structure and development of the shoot in Toumeya." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 44: 888-889, 19 figs., bibl.) The study suggests a close relationship to Coryphantha. 1958. "Areole histogenesis in Mammillaria lasiacantha." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 45: 473-479, illus.)

Includes systematics, history, phytogeography and vegetation types; plants are listed by common names with scientific equivalents. BOLDO, Manuel Cetina.


BOLDO y GARCIA, Fr. Francisco ( ? ) . n.d. Diccionario de San Francisco-Maya-Spanish, Spanish-Maya. N. p., 101 (i.e., 202) p. Pubi, anonymously. Note in preface says it was probably written before 1690. Ms. photostat copy by W. E. Gates. - MH. BOLIO, Antonio Mediz.

See MEDIZ BOLIO, Antonio.

BOLIO, José A. 1914. Manuel práctico del henequén. - NjP.

Mérida, 1914, 191 p. 165 illus

Detailed work, mainly on culture, with a description of the plant. Varieties are listed according to Maya names. BOLIO ONTIVEROS, Edmundo. 1944. Diccionario histórico geográfico y biográfico México, 250 p., (cover is dated 1945) - NN.



The biographical section is useful.

Studies do not strongly support Buxbaum's proposal to separate this and related species into a new genus Ebnerella.


See CALZADILLA, J. M. et al,

1959. "Endomorphic and ectomorphic characters in Pelecyphora and Encephalocarpus. (Amer. Jour. Bot. 46: 197-209, 39 figs.) A study of 3 Mexican species: P. aselliformis Ehrenberg, P. valdeziana Moell., and E. strobiliformis (Werd.) Berger.

BOLL, Jacob. 1876. Ueber die befruchtung der Nordamerikanischen Dallas, 4 p., illus. — DA.

1960. "Anatomy and development in Solisia." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 47: 59-65, illus.) The seed structure indicates that it ought to be kept either as a separate genus or reunited with Mammillaria.

BOLLE, Carl.



A brief discussion of the relationship between the Pronuba moth and the fruiting of the Yucca. See SEEMANN, Berthold, 1857.

BOLLE, Friedrich. 146


BONAVIT 1913. "Existe el maíz silvestre?" (Gac. Agr. Vet. 4 ( 1 ) : 4-5.) On Zea mays. 1913a. "El maíz silvestre." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 4 ( 5 ) : 1-2.) Description of a specimen sent from Zamora, under the name of maíz de coyote. 1914. "Biografía." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 5 ( 5 ) : 9, port.) (Published anonymously. ) Biography of Cassiano Conzatti. 1914a. "La plaga de los ocotes y la conservación de los bosques." (Naturaleza III, 1, App.: 1-48.) Refers mainly to Pinus leiophylla and P. ayacahuite in the "monte de Cuautzingo, distrito de Jonacatepec, Morelos". 1919. "Saggio di carpología Messicana." (Ann. R. Acc. Agr. Torino 61: 305-312.) With a "sinonomia volgare e scientifica di alcune frutta Messicane," arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific equivalents. 1919a. "El número de las plantas conocidas y la importancia de los jardines botánicos." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., V, 9: 173-188.) 1920-1921. "Enormes riquezas naturales de México." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 39: 395-404). On forest plants that provide other than timber materials. 1922. "Chenopodium amaranticolor." (Bol. Cam. Centr. Agr. Mexico 2 ( 8 ) : 228-232.) "Nuevo especie de la espinaca," for introduction into Mexico; the description is taken from Oreste Mattirolo, 1911, q.v.

1933. "Eine uebersicht ueber die gattung Geurn L. und die ihr nahestehenden gattungen." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. Beih. 72: 1-119.) On the morphology, biology, systematics, distribution, and phylogeny, with a conspectus of tribes, subtribes, genera and species, descriptions, and distribution of species; a résumé of distribution by genera is on p. 98-100. BOLOGNE, Franscisco (also as Francesco de). ca. 1540. "Lettre du Reverend Père Francesco de Bologne." In Voyages, relations et mémoires ( Ternaux-Compans ) 10: 205221, 1838; also in Marmocchi, Raccolta di viaggi 11: 547-558, 1840, q.v. The original was written in the time of Pope Paul III, (ca. 1540?). To Clemente de Morelia: "écrite de la ville de Mexico dans laquelle on fait connâitre . . . le bois, . . . la grande abondance de froment et d'autres grains." BOLTON, Herbert Eugene. 1944.

See also DUNNE, Peter Masten, 1940,

BOLTON, Herbert Eugene, ed. 1683-1711. Kino's historical memoir of Pimería Alta. Cleveland, 1919, 2 vols., illus., maps, bibl. "A contemporary account of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona," prepared from the original ms. in the Archives of Mexico, entitled "Favores Celestiales de Jesús y de Maria Santísima." There are scattered references to plants seen on the trip and in Vol. 2, Bk. 2, there is a chapter on the natural products of California. 18th cent. Anza's California expeditions. Berkeley, 1930, 5 vols., illus., maps. Includes 13 diaries of Juan Bautista Anza, one by Francisco Garces, Juan Diaz, Pedro Font, and Father Eixarch. Vol. 2 contains 8 diaries of the first Anza expedition, 3 of Anza's, 3 of Garces and 2 of Diaz. Vol. 3 covers the 2d Anza expedition, with one diary of Anza, one by Font, and one by Eixarch. Vol. 4 is Font's complete diary and Vol. 5 consists of correspondence. BOLUS, Harriet Margaret Louisa. 1955.

BONASTRE, Juan Panella. See PANELLA BONASTRE, Juan. BONATI, Gustave Henri. See also MAXIMOWICZ, C. J., 1888. 1910. "Contribution a l'étude du genre Pedicularis." (Mérn. Soc. Bot. France IV, 10: 1-35.) Discusses the history of the genus, and the systems of classification proposed by Maximowicz, 1888, q.v., and by Prain, 1890, in The species of Pedicularis of the Indian Empire and its frontiers, q.v. 1918. "Le genre Pedicularis L." Nancy. 168 p., bibl., 1 pl., diags. Thesis Univ. Nancy.—DA. Includes morphology, classification, geographic distribution, evolution and hybridization, with the emphasis on the last. In the 2d part there is a section on the "province Américaine," from the circumpolar province to Mexico, with a chart showing morphological characters and the percentage of endemics.

See JACOBSEN, Hermann, 1954-

BOMARE, Jacques Christophe Valmont de. BOMARE, Jacques Christophe. BOMHARD, Miriam Lucille.

BONAPARTE, Roland Napoleon, prince, et al. 1904. Le Mexique au debut du XXe siècle. Paris, 2 vols., illus., maps. Chapter on agriculture, by Hippolyte Gomot, includes wild as well as cultivated plants.


See WILSON, Charles Morrow, 1945.

BOMMELJE, C. 1938. "Astrophytum Lem." ( Succulenta 20: 85-91, illus.) With descriptions of six species. 1951. "Astrophytum." (Succulenta 5: 66-70, illus.) With descriptions of the most interesting species. BOMMER, J. E. 1858. "Necrologie." (Hort. Prat. 2: 94-96.) A biography of Henri Guillaume Galeotti, with a detailed account of his travels in Mexico. BONAFOUS, Louis Abel de ( a b b e de Fontenay). Joseph de, 1768-1795.

BONAVENTURA, G. 1958. "Erigeron karwinskianus DC. var. mucronatus DC. (Aschers.) a Perugia é a Lucca." (Nuovo Gior. Bot. Ital. 6 5 ( 4 ) : 879881.) Extension of range in Italy, for a plant introduced originally from Mexico.


BONAFOUS, Mathieu. See also RUIZ ERDOZAIN, Ernesto, 1914. 1829. "Note sur une nouvelle éspèce de mais." (Ann. S ci. Nat. 17: 156-158, illus.) On Zea hirta of California. 1836. Histoire naturelle agricole et économique du mais. Paris, 176 p., 19 pl. Also in (Bibl. Univ. Genève n.s. 4: 217-237, 1836, a résumé by A. De Candolle). Contains a discussion on the origin of maize, with a description of species, methods to be used in its culture, and uses.

BONAVIT, Julian. 1895. "Apuntes sobre el te nurite." Morelia, 4 lvs. (The ms. dated 1892) was accepted by the University in 1895. Thesis Univ. Morelia, Arch. On a species of Salvia. 1905. "El chupiren." (Per Of. Est. Mich. 13(104): 4-5.) Also in (Bol. Soc. Mich. Geog. Est. 1: 140, 1905). Covers the history, description, distribution, and use of the plant as a source of rubber. It is called also chupire, and is identified as Euphorbia calyculata. 1906. "El zacatón en Michoacán." (Bol. Soc. Mich. Geog. Est. 2: 38-39.) The plant is not identified; it is probably Epicampes. 1907. "El palo amarillo." (Bol. Soc. Mich Geog. Est. 3: 91-93, 106, 125, 136, 168.)

BONANSEA, Silvio (Sylvio) J. 1910. "Cultivos tropicales." (Gac. Agrie. Vet. 1 ( 6 ) : 6-12). Publ. anonymously. On el hule y guayule; included is an article by Koschny from El Hacendado Mexicano. The original of this has not been located.



BOND BONAVIT—continued Includes an article by Fernando Altamirano from the An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx., q.v.; identifies chupire as Euphorbia elastica, and palo amarillo as E. calyculata. BOND, T. E. T. 1938. "On the nomenclature of the currant tomato, Lycopersicum pimpinellifolium Mill." (Proc. Linn. Soc. London. 150: 181187, 2 pi.) BONDAROY, Auguste Denis Fougeroux de. See FOUGEROUX de BONDAROY, Auguste Denis. BONDT, Jakob de. See PISO, Guilielmo(us) or Willem, 1658.

See VARIOUS, 1903 i.

BONET, F. See KORNICKER, L. S. et al, 1959; VARIOUS, 1960 b. BONIFAZ, Luís de. BONILLA.

See ANONYMOUS n.d. ( 17th cent. ) b.

See VARIOUS, 1795-1796; ANONYMOUS, 1791.

BONILLA, Eduardo Pérez. BONILLA, José Arbol y.



BONILLA, Joseph Zambrano.


BONILLA, Luis Arturo González. Luís Arturo.



BONILLA, Manuel Diez de.

See DIEZ de BONILLA, Manuel.

BONILLA, Orlando Muñoz.



See DIEZ de BONILLA, Pedro.

See VARIOUS, 1960 b.

See VARIOUS, 1912-1913.

BONKER, Frances. See BONKER, 1932.






BONKER, Frances, and John James THORNBER. 1930. The sage of the desert and other cacti. Boston, 106 p., 8 illus.; introd. is by Harold Bell Wright. Popular treatment; references to Mexico emphasize cacti and other desert plants. BONNER, G. I.

BONTEKOE, Cornelis. See BAKER, Walter and COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio, 1631. BONTIUS, Jakob de.

BONELLI, Giorgio. 1772-1793. Hortus Romanus. Roma, 8 vols., viii, 30 p. text, 800 col. pi. Includes descriptions of Nicotiana, Quamoclit, Stramonium, Ananas, etc.; descriptions are by N. Martellius and C. Sabbati. BONEQUI, Maria de Lourdes Chavarría. See CHAVARRIA BONEQUI, Maria de Lourdes. BONESTELL, L. H.

BONPLAND, Aimé Jacques Alexandre Goujaud. (See also HUMBOLDT, 1803; HUMBOLD, Alexander de, and BONPLAND, 1805; HUMBOLDT, Alexander von et al, 1805-1834; HUMBOLDT, Alexander, and BONPLAND (1806) 1816-1823; KUNTH, C. S„ 1819 (-1824); PADRON PUYOU, Francisco, 1951; ANONYMOUS, 1894 g. 1808. "Hebeandra, nouveau genre de plantes." (Mag. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin 2: 40-47.) From Veracruz.

See C., F. X.

BONNER, James. 1943. "Effects of temperature on rubber accumulation of the guayule plant." (Boi. Gaz. 105: 233-243.) 1944. "Effect of varying nutritional treatments on growth and rubber accumulation in guayule. (Boi. Gaz. 105: 352-363, illus.) BONNETT, Orville Thomas. See also VARIOUS, 1948. 1954. "The inflorescences of maize." (Science 120: 77-87, illus.) Discusses the development of the plant, the relationships of the ear and tassel, the structure of the maize kernel, and compares maize with other grasses. BONNEVIE, J. B. 1864. Les volontaires Beiges au Mexique. Bruxelles, 102 p.—CU-B. "Produits agricoles" are discussed in chap. 1, "Le Mexique," p. 21-27. BONNYCASTLE, Richard Henry. 1818. Spanish America. London, 2 vols., maps, bibl. With a section on Mexico in the first volume; also a brief report on agriculture in general, and by states. Included is an interesting diagram of comparative altitudes of various localities, in Mexico and South America.

BOODLE, Leonard A.



See BONDT, Jakob de. See SOLEREDER, Hans (1898)-1899.

BOOM, B. K. 1955. "Notes on cultivated plants." (Acta Bot. Neerl. 4 ( 2 ) : 167171, illus.) With a description of Setcreasea purpurea n.sp. cultivated in Darmstadt, from material collected in Mexico by C. A. Purpus. BOONE, Raymond Camille Philippe. 1926. Le bananier. Paris, 346 p., bibl. History, description, varieties, common names, distribution, and production in Mexico. 1929-1932. Le cotonnier. Paris?, 3 vols., illus., bibl.; pref. by E. De Wildeman. Volume 1 contains a detailed description of species and varieties; volume 2 is on the culture, and volume 3 is on the industry. BOONE, William K. 1938. "El chayóte." (Hacienda 33: 148-149, illus.) With common names, description, and culture. BOOSFELD, Albert. 1920. "Beitraege zur vergleichenden anatomie stamm sukkulenter pflanzen." (Beit. Bot. Centralbl. 37(1): 217-258, illus.) BOOTH, W. S. 1890. "Mexican fibre or isde." (Kew Bull. Mise. Inf. 46: 220-224). On various plant sources, citing the regions in Mexico where they are found, preparation, and uses. BOOTT, Francis. 1858-1867. Illustrations of the genus Carex. London, 4 vols., 233 p., 600 pi. Part 4 ed., with notes, by J. D. Hooker. BOOTT, William.

See WHEELER, George Montague, 1878.

BOPP OESTE, Monika G. See also VARIOUS, 1960 b. 1955. "Contribución al estudio de la flora fanerogámica de los cerros situados al norte de la ciudad de México." México, 65 typed p., map. Thesis UNAM. A study of the Sierra de Guadalupe and the Cerros Chiquihuite, Ticomán, and Zacatenco, which considers the physical factors, historical data, with a review of previous studies of the area, and the ecology. A systematic index is provided for the plants, citing localities, common names and associations. Floristic observations were concentrated on the three cerros, and there are some references to the relations between selected plants and animals. BORAH, Woodrow Wilson. 1943. "Silk raising in colonial Mexico." Berkeley, 169 p., illus., bibl. (Ibero-America # 2 0 . ) - P P A P . With a section on wild silk, which refers to plants on which the insects live; excellent bibliography. BORCH, C. 1955. "Cochemia poselgeri." (Spine 4 ( 1 ) : 617, 1955.) Description of the plant. BOREAU, Alexandre. See also DU BARTAS, Guillaume de Salluste, 1605; L'ECLUSE, Jules Charles de, 1579. 1851. "Notice sur l'Agave americana." (Bull. Soc. Indust. Agrie, d'Angers. 21 (II, 1) ( 5 / 6 ) : 249-272.)


BORG History and description of the flowering of a particular specimen; identifies the maguey of the Mexicans as Fourcroya cubensis Haw; closes with a list of exotic species of plants, including Sisyrinchium striatum from Mexico, that have withstood the winters of Angers. BORG, John. 1937. Cacti. London, 419 p., 32 pl., bibl. Gardeners' handbook for identification and cultivation, with a "description of all recognized genera and most species, particularly those in cultivation." An excerpt from the book, mainly on habitats and distribution, was printed in (Nat. Cad. Succ. Jour. 3 ( 1 ) : 7-9, illus., 1948) as "A preliminary talk on Cactaceae." BORGO BILIA, Gumersindo. 1959. "Notas preliminares sobre la introducción experimental del genero Eucalyptus a la Huasteca Potosina." (Chapingo 12 ( 7 5 ) : 299-307, illus.) BORJA, Alfonso Loera. BORJA, Héctor Mijares.


BORJA, José de Lille.

See L I L L E BORJA, José de.

BORJA, Pedro de Lille.

See L I L L E BORJA, Pedro de.

BORJON PARGA, Luis. 1944. "Arboricultura forestal y frutal." Cd. Júarez, 63 p. Thesis, EPA. With a special section on the most important plants to be used. BORLAUG, N ( o r m a n ) E ( r n e s t ) , J. A. RUPERT, and J. G. HARRAR. 1949. "Nuevos trigos para México." (Tierra 4: 465-470, 494-495, illus.) Repr. in (Agr. Lag. 4 ( 4 3 ) : 14-34, illus., 1950). Report of the program initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation, and a description of Rocamex varieties nos. 209, 211, 321, 324. BORLAUG, Norman E. 1958. "The impact of agricultural research on Mexican wheat production." (Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. II, 2 0 ( 3 ) : 278-295, 9 illus., incl. map. ) Important for indicating areas where natural vegetation will be disappearing.

BOSCA, Eduardo. 1892. "Noticia de algunas plantas Americanas cultivadas en el (Jardín) Botánico de Valencia." (Actas Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 21: 160-168.) Lists Agave and Echeveria by species; and Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, and Cactaceae by genera and species. BOSE,

B. C„ A. Q. SAIFI, R. VIJAYVARGIYA, and A. W. BHAGWAT. 1961. "Pharmacological study of Carica papaya seeds, with special reference to their antihelminthic action." (Indian Jour. Med. Sci. 1 5 ( 1 1 ) : 888-892, illus.) Tests indicate the seeds may be useful in ascariasis and tapeworm infection. BOSE, Praphulla Kumar, and I. BANERJI. 1933. "The development of the female gametophyte in Argentone mexicana." (Curr. Sci. 2: 94, illus.) Report that n equals 14; this is followed by a letter, on p. 131, from A. C. Joshi, with comments on the authors' work and his own. BOSE, Praphulla Kumar. 1937. "Cytological studies of Argemone mexicana Linn." Indian Bot. S oc. 16: 197-208, illus.) Studies of megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis.


BOSE, S. and Walter S. FLORY, Jr. 1958. "A preliminary study of seed setting in Sprekelia formosissima Herbert." (PI. Life 1 4 ( 1 ) : 102-107, illus.) With a preliminary paragraph on distribution of the Aztec lily in Mexico. In northern Virginia, when grown outdoors, it rarely produces seed without hand pollination. BOSHOUWERS, Hubert M. See REKO, V. A., 1926. BOSQUE, Pedro del. 1935. "Los árboles históricos." (Mapa No. 17: 30-31.) 1936. "El jardín botánico." (Mapa 3 ( 2 2 ) : 11-13, illus.) Popular article. BOSQUE CANO, Josefa del. 1950. "La region Lagunera y su importancia en la economía del Estado y del país." Saltillo, 64 p. Thesis EN Méx. With a list of plant products, cited by common names only; particularly useful for the forest products.

BORNAY, Louis. 1863. Du tabac. Paris. 54 p . - N N . With an introductory section on the history of the plant.

BOSS, Garteninspektor (sic). 1943. "Agave parrasana." (Kakteenkunde. With a brief description.

BORQUEZ, Djed. See BOJORQUEZ, Juan de Dios.

BOSSCHERE, Charles de. 1890. "Le Rhodochiton volubile Zucc." (Rev. Hort. Beige 16: 252, illus. )

BORRAGAN, María Teresa. 1938. Presas y paisajes del agro Mexicano. México, 180 p., illus.— SHMéx. (Econ.) Story of a trip to various irrigation dams in construction, and references to plants seen on the way. BORRE, A. Preudhomme. See P R E U D H O M M E de BORRE, A. BORSSUM WAALKES, J. van. 1960. "The typification of the genus Malvastrum." 212-213.) Supports Kearney's proposal that it be M. ( L . ) Garcke.




BORY de ST. VINCENT, Jean Baptiste George Marie. 1819. "Sur les grenadilles ou passionaires." (Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. 2: 129-156, 3 pi.) On the history and morphology, "et particulièrement sur celles dont les feuilles sont bilobes"; describes 11 species already known, comparing a number of plants figured by Hernández. BORZI, Antonino. 1916. "La patata dolce (Batatas edulis Choisy) e sua coltura in Sicilia." (Boll. Stud. Inform. R. Giard. Col. Palermo 3 ( 3 / 4 ) : 118-127). With a section on the history of the plant.

( 2 ) 45, illus.)

With a description of the plant. BOSSE, Abraham. See DODART, Denis, 1676. BOSSIN, M. (Mathieu?). 1875. "Note sur le Physalis edulis et quelques autres espèces du meme genre." (Bull. Mens. Soc. Acclim. III, 2: 69-74.) With descriptions of 15 species, of which one, P. somnífera, is cited as "originaire du Mexique." BOSSU, Jean Bernard. See L O E F L I N G , Per (Peter), 1758. BOSTELMANN, Else. See BOSWELL, Victor R., 1949; CAMP, Wendell Holmes, 1947; MAGNESS, J. R„ 1951. BOSWELL, Victor R(ickman). 1949. "Our vegetable travelers." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 96: 145-217; 32 pi. by Else Bostelmann.) First section is devoted to vegetables that originated in the Americas. BOTE, Juan. See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José Maria, 1579. BOTELLI, Enriqueta Treviño. See TREVINO BOTELLI, Enriqueta. BOTERO, Giovanni. 1951. Le relationi universali

di Giovanni





BOTKJN BOTERO-continued 1596, 4 vols, in one. First ed., Rome, 1951. First English ed., London, 1601, The traveller's breviat, or an historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world (fide D L C ) . Another, London, 1611, was trans, by Rob. Johnson, as Relations of the most famous kingdoms and commonweales thorough the world (changed in a 1630 ed. to "commonwealths thorowout the world"). There was also a Spanish ed. by Jaime Rebullosa, Gerona, 1748. Second volume of Part I, dealing with the New World, has a considerable section on Mexico. The country is divided into regions and there are references to plants in the different areas. BOTKIN, C. W. (Clayton Winfield). 1943. "The fibers of native plants of New Mexico." (Chemurg. Dig. 3: 189-192, illus.). Cont. as "Utilization of fibers of desert plants" ( 4 : 226-229, illus., 1945.) Many extend into Mexico, particularly various Yuccas and Nolina; the emphasis is on Nolina (sacahuistle), and Yucca glauca. BOTSCHANZEWA, S. 1933. "Studien ueber die biologie des bluehens Parthenium argentatum Gray." (Acta Univ. Asiae Mediae VIII b, Bot., Fase. 15: 1-16, 34 figs.; summ, in German.) With references also to P. incanum; both species will hybridize with each other. BOTTA, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo. CILLY, Auguste.


BOTURINI BENADUCCI, Lorenzo. See NUTTALL, Zelia, 1929; VERNEAU, Dr., 1888. 1746. Idea de una nueva historia general de la América septentrional. Madrid, 167 p. Another ed., México, 1827, 232 p. With a few references to plants used as symbols in the calendar. The author came to Mexico in 1736. A catalogue of his source material, "Catálogo del Museo Indiano," published and bound with the above, lists interesting manuscripts and maps. BOUCARD, Adolphe. 1893-1894. Travels of a naturalist. publ. in (The Hummingbird 1894.) By an ornithologist; chapters sequent chapters on Nicaragua on plants.

London, 1894, 204 p. First 3: 1-126, 1893; 4: 127-203,

1889. The uses of plants. London, 224 p.-PPL-R. A manual of economic botany, with lists of plants, according to use, with comments. Sources, by countries, are given. Many Mexican plants are included. 1902. Wood. London, 369 p., 82 illus., bibl.; also a 1908 ed. Discusses structure, uses, treatment, and sources. Trees are listed alphabetically according to their common names. Sources are given for each plant, with a description of their characteristics and uses. BOURBOURG, Charles Etienne Brasseur de. BOURBOURG, Charles Etienne.


BOURDOIL, C. Sosa-. See SOSA-BOURDOIL, C. BOUREAU, Edouard. 1939. "Recherches anatomiques et experimentales sur l'ontogenie des plantules des Pinacées et ses rapports avec la phylogenie." (Ann. Sci. Nat. XI, 1: 1-219, illus., bibl.) BOURGEOIS, Henri. See PINART, Alphonse Louis and BOURGEOIS, 1896. BOURGOIN D'ORLI, P. H. F. 1867. Guide pratique de la culture du cafier et du cacaoyer. Paris, 100 p.—MH-A. An extract was trans, into Spanish as Guia práctica del cultivo del café, by "un agricultor del Estado de Morelos," México, 45 p., 1878 (SMGE Méx.). History and description of types; emphasis is on culture. BOURIEZ, Albert. 1882. "Recherches sur les jalaps." (Jour. Pharm. V, 6: 329-355.) Résumés were printed in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. Ill, 13 ( 1 4 5 ) : 382-384) as "Researches upon the jalaps" and in (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 55: 29-34, 1883). A résumé was publ. also in (Bull. Sci. Dept. Nord II, 5: 469-477, 1882) as "Recherches sur les jalaps," and a "comte rendu et analyse critique" by C. Eg. Bertrand was printed as "Récherches sur les tubércules de jalap," in (Arch. Bot. Nord. France. 2: 43-69, illus., (18821887). A study of morphology, histology, and chemistry of jalap tubereux, identified as Exogonium purga; jalap de Tampico, identified as Ipomoea simulans, and jalap leger ou fusiforme, identified as Convolvulus orizabensis. BOURIQUET, Gilbert, and P. BOITEAU. 1937. "Germination asymbiotique de graines de vanillier (V. planifolia And.)." (Bull. Acad. Ma/g. n.s., 20: 115-117, 2 figs.)

8 and 9 are on Mexico. Subcontain additional information

BOURIQUET, G. 1942-1943. "Sur la germination des graines de vanillier." (Bull. Acad. Malg. n.s. 25: 1-11, col. pl.; repr. in Agr. Trop. 2: 150164, illus., bibl., 1947.) On the techniques used, with a detailed report of the early stages of growth.

BOUCHE, Peter Carl. See also BRAUN, Alexander et al, 1851, 1854, 1856; SCHLECHTENDAL, D. C. F. and BOUCHE, 1833; VARIOUS, 1844-1860; 1848 a. 1833. "Mittheilung vieljahriger beobachtungen ueber die gattung Canna." (Linnaea 8: 141-168.) 1844. "Synoptische zusamenstellung der Canna arten." (Linnaea 18: 483-495.)

BOURIQUET, Gilbert, et al. 1954. Le vanillier et la vanille. Paris, 748 p., 224 figs., 21 pl., bibl. (Encycl. Biol. vol. 46.) Pref. by Roger Heim and Maurice Guillaume.—DA. History of the plant by Bouriquet, taxonomy by Roland Portéres, ecology by Henri Stehle, and Gilbert Bouriquet.

BOUDOURESQUES, B. 1895. "Du Choisya ternata. Contribution a l'étude des Zanthoxylées." Montpellier, 1895, 65 p., illus. Thesis. No. 580.-DNLM. The material includes the botany, morphology, anatomy, and medicinal uses, with references to the chemistry and pharmacology. A key to the Rutaceae is included, with descriptions of the characters of the genera.

BOURKE, John Gregory. 1893. "Primitive distillation among the Tarascoes." (Amer. Anthrop. 6: 65-69, illus.) On the making of mescal; mentions also making colonche from tunas. 1894. "Popular medicine, customs and superstitions of the Rio Grande." (Jour. Amer. Folk Lore 7: 119-146.) Arranged alphabetically by subject, varying from remedies to plants.

BOULAY, A. See WEITZ, R. and BOULAY, 1922; 1923. BOULDUC, Gilles Francois. See also ANONYMOUS, 1714. 1701(1704). "Observations analitiques du jalap." (Mem. Math. Phys. I'Acad. R. Sei. Paris: 106-109; 2d ed.; 108-111, 1719.) Calls it Convolvulus americanus jalapium. 1711(1714). "Sur la racine de mechoacan et sur son usage." (Mem. Math. Phys. I'Acad. R. Sei. Paris 26: 81-87).

1895. "Folk foods of the Rio Grande Valley of northern Mexico." (Jour. Amer. Folk Lore, 8: 41-71 ) - P U - M . Author calls it the "first description of the foods of Mexico;" plants are described, but lack scientific identification.

Covers nomenclature, history, and medicinal uses. BOULE, H. See TOZZER, Alfred Marston, 1907.

1896. "Notes on the language and folk usage of the Rio Grande Valley." (Jour. Amer. Folk Lore 9: 81-115.)

BOULGER, George Simonds. 150


BOURLIERE "With special regard to survivals of Arabic custom;" on p. 89-92, there is a section on flowers, fruits, and trees. BOURLIERE, François. See AUBERT de la RUE, Edgar et al, 1957. 1946. "Les grands traits de la biogéographie du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. Nat. d'Accl. 9 3 ( 3 / 4 ) : 107-116, 2 pl., map.) Divides the country into 5 main regions: deserts, high mountains, transition, humid Atlantic tropics, and dry Pacific tropics, with 14 subdivisions, listing important plants for each region. BOURNET, E. 1913. "Informe sobre guayule, la candelilla, y otras plantas." (Mem. Sría Fom. Méx. (Alberto Robles Gil) 1911/12: 596-600.) BOURNET, Edmundo. 1937.



BOURS, Ernesto Ramos. See RAMOS BOURS, Ernesto. BOUSSINGAULT, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonne. See also VARIOUS, 1865-1867. 1849. Viajes científicos a los Andes ecuatoriales. Paris, 332 p. Collected and trans, by Joaquin Acosta from articles which appeared in Anales de Física y de Química, and Memorias de los Sabios Extranjeros, publ. by the Academia de Ciencias de Colombia. "Colección de memorias sobre física, química é historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador y Venezuela," among which are the following: "Memoria sobre la leche venenosa del Hura crepitans," 110-114. This was also printed in French as "Sur la toxicité du latex d'Hura crepitans," in Rev. Bot. Appl. 16: 471-474, 1936 and cited as taken from Boussingault's Mémoires, published 1892-1903. "Memoria sobre el árbol de la leche," 23-26. This is on Brosimum alicastrum. "Sobre las propiedades químicas del rocou achote," 114-116. This refers to Bixa orellana. 1865. "Mémoire sur la composition du pulque." (Arch. Comm. Scient. Mexique, 1: 209-224. Translated into Spanish by Enrique Trejo and published in Toluca, 1889, fide Léon.) 1874. "Cultivo del cacao." (Naturaleza 3: 39-44; trans, by Manuel Cordero; original source is not given; (perhaps from a communication sent in French. ) Compare with article entitled "Sur la culture du cacaoyer," marked "extrait" in (Compt. Rend. Acad. Set. Paris 96: 1395-1399, 1883, and repr. in Ann. Chim. 28: 433-456, 1883, and in Jour. Pharm. 8: 20-24, 1883). A résumé of this in English was also printed as "Notes on chocolate" in (Spice Mill 6 ( 9 ) : 271-272, 1883). On Theobroma cacao. 1875. "Observations sur la production du sucre des Agaves." ( Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 81: 1070-1071.) 1875-1876. "Estudio sobre el trigo." (Cultivador II, 1: 10, 64, 85.) On Triticum. BOUTELOU, Claudio. 1801. Tratado de la huerta. 1801 ( D A ) .

Madrid, 2d ed., 1813, 444 p. First ed.,

BOW, J. D. B. de. See De BOW, J. D. B. BOWDEN, Wray M ( errill ). 1945. "A list of chromosome numbers in higher plants." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 2 ( 2 ) : 81-92, illus. and ( 4 ) : 191-201, illus.) First part covers Acanthaceae to Myrtaceae; second part, Menispermaceae to Verbenaceae. 1948. "Chromosome numbers in the Annonaceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 35: 377-381.) Numbers are given for 29 populations in 13 species, including species in the genera Asimina, Annona, and Rollinia. BOWDITCH, Charles Pickering. See LANDA, Diego de (ca. 1566). BOWDITCH, E. 1829. "On the natural order of plants, Dicotyledoneae, Annonaceae." (Mag. Nat. Hist. 1: 438-441, illus.) Mainly on economic uses of various members of the family.

BOWMAN, Howard Hiestand Minnich. 1917. "Ecology and physiology of the red mangrove." (Proc. Amer. Philos. S oc. 5: 589-673, pl. 4-9; Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Pa.) Covers history, taxonomy, morphology, histology, embryology, physiology, ecology, distribution, and economic importance of Rhizophora mangle. BOWMAN, Isaiah. See ANONYMOUS, 1917 d. BOWMAN, Melville LeRoy. 1908. Corn. Waterloo, Iowa, 1915, 473 p., illus. This is a revision of an earlier ed. of 1908, by Bowman and B. W. Crossley. With a brief section on the history of the plant, and a chapter on its botany. BOX, Manuel Madueño. See MADUENO BOX, Manuel. BOYD, Marshall, Jr. 1960. "Una expedición de Yanquis salió hoy al Sumidero." (Pacif. Disc. 1 3 ( 6 ) : 2-13, illus., map.) Describing a trip down the Rio Grijalva from near Chiapa de Corzo to Huimanguillo, skipping the noted Sumidero. Scattered references are given to plants seen in the surrounding countryside. BOYD, W. C. See SCHERTZ, K. F., et al, 1960. BOYER, Jacques. 1927. "Le peyotl." (Nature 5 5 ( 1 ) : 403-406, illus.) Repr. in German trans, as "Der zauberkaktus peyotl" in ( Umschau 31 : 292-295, illus. ) Based on Rouhier's book, q.v. One illustration shows Monte Alban in Oaxaca, as a place where the plant grows ( ! ). BOYER, J. 1950-1957. "Les Cactacées dans leur pays." (Cactus 25: 67-70, illus., cont. as noted below.) "Le Carnegiea gigantea," with illustrations from the Natl. Geog. Mag., 1924-1937; "Les géants du genre Pachycereus" 26: 101-106, illus., Dec., 1950; "Les reines de la nuit," 28: 33-38, illus., June, 1951; "Cephalocereus et Pilocereus" 30: 97-102, Dec., 1951; "Les Echinocereus" 31: 7-10, Mar. 1952 and 32: 33-36, June 1952; "Les géants du genre Trichocereus" 34: 105-108, illus., Dec., 1952; "Les Opuntia" 35: 137-140, illus., March 1953; "Heliocereus speciosus" 36: 173-176, June, 1953; "Le Machaerocereus eruca" 37: 227-229, illus., Sept., 1953. "Les Cereus" 40: 53-56, June, 1954; "Les Hylocereus" 42: 113-116, illus., Dec., 1954; "Les Echinocactanées" 43: 145-147, illus., March, 1955; "Les Cactanées" 44: 169-171, illus., May, 1955; "Les Coryphantanées" 54: 176-177, June, 1957. BOYLE, Frederick. 1901. "The story of Cattleya skinneri alba." In The Woodlands' Orchids, p. 59-66. Repr. in (Orchid Rev. 42: 307-312, 1934.) An account of Roezl's finding the plant in Guatemala. BOYLE, William Sidney. 1945. "A cytotaxonomic study of the North American species of Melica." (Madroño 8: 1-26, 1 pl., 2 maps.) Includes the following species from Mexico: M. montezumae and M. porteri. BOYLES, J. Stuart. 1937. "Photographs." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 1 ) : 1-9.) Descriptions of Lemaireocereus treleasei and Echinocactus ingens. 1942. "Habitat photos in Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 4 ) : 61-63, illus.) Pictures of 6 species in 5 genera, of Cactaceae, from various parts of Mexico. BRACAMONTE, Francisco de (for Martín de Palomar). See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, 1579. BRACAMONTE, Hernando de. María, 1579.


BRACELIN, N. Floy (also as Mrs. H. P.). 1938. "Ynes Mexia." (Madroño 4: 273-275, port.) Biographical sketch.


BRACHO BRACELIN—continued 1938a. "Ynes Mexia." Biography.

1930. Estudio agrológico del proyecto de riego de Santa Tamaulipas. México, 38 p., 2 maps—BN Méx.

(Science 88 ( 2 2 9 5 ) : 586.)


With information on the agricultural crops of the region.

BRACHO, Antonio Cal y. See CAL y BRACHO, Antonio.

BRAMBILA, Arturo Yac. See YAC BRAMBILA, Arturo.

BRACKETT, Amelia Ellen. See F E R N A L D , M. L. and BRACKETT, 1929. 1923. "Revision of the American species of Hypoxis." ( Rhodora 25: 120-147, 151-163, 296-297, 17 illus.; Contr. Gray Herb. No. 69.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. The following novelties are described from Mexico: H. decumbens var. mexicana, H. tepicensis, H. potosina, H. fibrata, H. humilis, H. mexicana, and H. rugosperma, with a numbered list of exsiccatae. Included is a discussion of genera closely related to Hypoxis: Curculigo, Molinería, and Pauridia.

BRAMBILA, José I. 1925. "Un vegetal maravilloso: el plátano." (Jalisco Rur. 7: 24092411.) History, synonymy, distribution, botanical characters, and uses. 1929. "El nopal y el maguey." (Jal. Rur. Indust. 1 0 ( 1 0 ) : 30713072. ) On Opuntia and Agave. 1934. "Flora Jalisciense." (Jalisco Rur. Indust. 1 6 ( 5 ) : 4261-4267.) Common and scientific names are given for the plants, classified by use for medicine, garden, pasture, vegetables, forage, etc.

BRADLEY, C. E. (Charles E d w a r d ) . 1956. "Yerba de la fleche" (sic) — "arrow and fish poison of the American southwest." (Econ. Bot. 1 0 ( 4 ) : 362-366.) On Sapium biloculare — giving the history, characters, data on toxic resins and on a saponin in the latex. BRADLEY, Richard. See also ANONYMOUS, 1729. 1716-1727. The history of succulent plants. London, 5 vols, in one, 50 (i.e., 49) p l . - D A . Consists of 50 plants divided into 5 decades; with descriptions, in Latin and English, and information on their culture. (1725?). A general treatise of husbandry and gardening. London, 2 vols., illus.—DA. Brit. Mus. cites 3 vols., 1724. Special section on exotics in part 4, vol. 2., includes separate discussions of pineapple and coffee. 1728. Dictionarium botanicum. London, 2 vols. With interesting, brief descriptions of Mexican plants. BRADLEY, T. W. See McCARTY, George, 1923. BRADOMIN, José María. 1955. Toponimia de Oaxaca—crítica etimològica. Mexico, 262 p., illus. List of place names with derivations; arranged alphabetically by districts and localities within districts; introductory letter, apparently to the author, addresses him as Guillermo Villa. BRADSHAW, Kenneth English. 1941. "Field characteristics distinguishing Pinus ponderosa and Pinus jeffreyi." ( Madroño 6: 15-18.) BRADT, George McClellan. 1948. "The Tarahumaras." (Nat. Hist. 57: 392-399, 430, illus.) With a list of plants used by them medicinally; common names only. BRAEMER, Louis, and A. SUIS. 1900. Atlas de photomicrographie des plantes medicinales. Paris, 230 p., 76 p l . - D A F M . Anatomical and histological study; includes some Mexican plants. BRAILSFORD, Edward. 1799. "An experimental dissertation on the chemical and medical properties of Nicotiana tabacum." Philadelphia, 70 p., pi., Inaug. Diss., Univ. Pa. On its history and harmful effects.

BRANCIFORTE, Miguel de (also as Marqués de Branciforte). See ANONYMOUS, 1796. BRAND, August. See also LOESENER, Th., 1910-1922. 1904. "Ueber einige Symplocaceen des Herbier Delessert." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 7 / 8 : 277-287.) Includes several species previously described from Mexico. 1911. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Hydrophyllaceen." In Beil. Jahresb. K. Gymn. Sorau, Sorau, 9 p.—UC-B ( H e r b . ) . Repr. in (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Weg. 9: 385-389, 1911). Includes a description of Nama argenteum n. sp. from Hidalgo. 1912. "Namation, eine neue gattung der Scrophulariaceae." (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 10:280-281.) Namation glandulosum from San Luís Potosí and Puebla. 1913. "Neue beitraege zur kenntnis der Polemoniaceen." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 15/16: 322-342.) Based on material in the Herbier Delessert and in the Berlin Museum. A considerable number of specimens are from Mexico, but no new species are cited. 1913a. "Zwei neue Symplocos arten." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 15/16: 343-344.) Includes S. apolis from Nova Hispania, but Brand thinks it may be really from Peru. 1922. "Decas specierum novarum altera." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 18: 309-314.) Includes from Mexico: Nama ehrenbergii and Lappula heliocarpa. 1925. "Decas specierum novarum sexta." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 22: 100-105). Includes from Mexico: Amblynotopsis ehrenbergii and A. humilis. 1927. "Decas specierum novarum séptima." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 24: 56-61.) With a key to species of Hemisphaerocarya, n. gen. and description of H. laxa, n. sp., from Mexico. 1930. "Die Amerikanischen arten der gattung Lithospermum." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 28: 10-17.) With a "conspectus specierum Americanarum indigenarum" and descriptions of 7 new species from Mexico. BRAND, Donald Dilworth. See also HUMBOLDT, Alexander von. ( 1808-) 1811; LA PORTE, Joseph de, 1768-1795; SAUER, Carl Ortwin and BRAND, 1932; SCHULTZE, Joachim H., 1959; VARIOUS, 1936; 1960.

BRAINERD, Ezra. 1911. "Cyrus Guernsey Pringle." (Rhodora 13: 225-232, port.) Biographical sketch, interesting for its sympathetic and sensitive approach.

1936. "Notes to accompany a vegetation map of northwest Mexico." (Univ. N. Mex. Bull. No. 280, Biol. Ser. 4 ( 4 ) : 1-27, map, bibl.) "This paper constitutes the most complete summary of the literature and knowledge concerning the vegetation of the area involved." (True at time of publication.) Reviews the history of vegetation studies in the area, describes the flora, and classifies it according to vegetation types, citing the dominant genera. The region includes Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, and Durango.

BRAMBILA, Alejandro. See also GONZALEZ, Jesús and BRAMBILA, 1877-1878; RICO, Alfredo, and BRAMBILA, 1931; YEPEZ SOLORZANO, Miguel, and BRAMBILA, 1930. 1924. "Cultivo de la palma datilera." (Germinal II, 31: 2; 32: 7, 8.) On Phoenix dactylifera. 1924a. "El cultivo de la papa." (Germinal II, 48: 4-6, illus.) On Solanum tuberosum.




1937. "The naturai landscape of northwestern Chihuahua." ( Univ. N. Mex. Bull. Geol. Ser. 5 ( 2 ) , whole no. 316, 74 p., 10 pi., map. ) With a section on the biota. 1939. "The origin and early distribution of New World cultivated plants." (Agr. Hist. 1 3 ( 2 ) : 109-117.) Based on botanical, archaeological, historical, philological and mythological studies; lists the leading cultivated plants in various areas when the first Europeans arrived, and discusses the origin of the most important ones.

( 1 8 8 4 ? ) 1885. "List of the plants described in California principally in the Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. by Dr. Albert Kellogg, Dr. H. H. Behr, and Mr. H. N. Bolander." (Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1 ( 3 ) : 128-151.) Publ. under the name of Mary Katharine (Layne) Curran. Includes plants collected in Lower California and adjoining islands; revises the identification of many. 1888. "Botanical notes." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., II, 1: 227-269.) Publ. under name of Mary Katharine (Layne) Curran. Consists of two parts: I "Plants from Baja California," giving a catalogue, with some annotations, of plants collected by Walter E. Bryant, and II. "Papaveraceae of the Pacific coast," with a conspectus of tribes and genera.

1941. "Dividivi and sesame in Mexico." ( E c o n . Geog. 1 7 ( 2 ) : 141154, illus., map.) Study in botany and economics, with common and scientific names, distribution, history, and culture. The first plant ( Caesalpinia coriaria ) is also called cascalote. The second is S esamum.

1893. "The botanical writings of Edward L. Greene." (Zoe 4:63103). Detailed and severe criticism of his work, and of the genera and species he created. 1893-1894. "Studies in Ceanothus." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. II, 4: 173-222.) Systematic arrangement, description, collections, new species, and distribution. 1897. "Notes on Eriogoneae." (Erythea 5: 79-81.) Describes E. peninsulare n. sp. from Baja California. 1897a. "Notes on Cacteae 1." ( E r y t h e a 5: 111-123.) Cacteae of Baja California. A review with brief descriptions and distribution. 1900. "Notes on Cacteae II." (Zoe 5: 1-9) Includes descriptions of new taxa: Cereus orcuttii, C. schottii Engelm. var. australis, C. geometrizans Mart. var. cochal, Mammillaria armillata, and M. venusta, all from Mexico. 1900a. "Notes on Cacteae III." (Zoe 5: 31-35). New taxa described include the following from Mexico: Mammillaria nickelsae, south of Laredo, and M. mainae, from south of Nogales. 1904. "Notes on Cactaceae." (Zoe 5: 189-195.) Includes descriptions of new taxa in Cereus and Mammillaria. The description of one of the latter: Mammillaria petrophila, was translated by J. A. Purpus and published in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 17: 55-56, illus., 1907).

1943. "Tapioca from a Brazilian root." (Agr. Amer. 3 ( 5 ) : 93-96, illus.) On Manihot. 1943a. "Primitive and modern economy of the middle Rio Balsas, Guerrero, and Michoacán." (Proc. 8th Amer. Sci. Congr. Wash. 9: 225-231.) Discusses changes in plant use; plants are listed by common names only. The emphasis is mainly on plants used for food. 1944. "An historical sketch of anthropology and geography in the Tarascan region." Part I. ( N e w Mex. Anthrop 6 / 7 : 37-108, 1943 (pubi. 1944) and repr. as Contr. Inst. Soc. Anthrop., Smithson. Inst., 1944). Trans, by José Corona Nuñez and pubi, under the title "Bosquejo histórico de la geografía y antropología en la region Tarasca" (An. Mus. Michoacán, II, 5: 50-163, 1952). With a section on the history of lacquer work in the area and references to plants used in the work; lists six "relaciones" referring to that area and discusses their history. BRAND, Donald Dilworth (assisted by José Corona Nuñez). 1951. "Quiroga - a Mexican municipio." ( Smithson. Inst., Inst. Soc. Anthrop., Pubi. No. 11: 1-242, 35 pi., map.) With sections on cultivated crops, on wild food plants, and on plants used industrially. BRAND, Donald D. 1957-1958. Coastal study of southwest Mexico. Austin, 2 vols., maps, diags., bibl. Pubi, as Tech. Rep. 1 and 2, Dept. Geog., U. Texas. The author was assisted in the work by Pablo Guzman Rivas and Alfonso González Pérez. A repr. ed. was issued in 1959. A remarkably detailed account, mainly of the coast of Michoacán, with some data also on the coast of Colima, Jalisco, and southern Nayarit. The appendix in vol. 1 reviews the history of the area and discusses literature sources. The bulk of data is found in vol. 2, divided into sectors, with plants cited for each region by common, and generally also scientific, names.

BRANDEGEE, Townshend Stith. 1889. "A collection of plants from Baja California." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. II, 2: 117-216, map, 11 pi.) A summ. is given in (Gard. For. 3: 106-107, 1890). An account of a trip, and the country traversed, with a description of the vegetation and names of plants observed. A catalogue of species collected is given with descriptions of new species and their localities; islands are included. One new genus, Alvordia, is described. For California and Arizona plants the most southern habitat at which they were seen is given. Grasses on p. 210-214, were done by George Vasey with descriptions of 3 new species. The map is reproduced from one prepared by the Coast Survey. Some of the plants were collected by Ensign McCormick (sic), C. H. Townsend, and A. W. Anthony.

BRAND, Donald Dilworth, et al. 1960. Coalcoman and Motines del Oro. The Hague, 403 p., illus., maps, bibl. The introduction is a detailed account of field trips in 1950 and 1951, with numerous references to plants seen, cited by common and scientific names. One chapter by Brand reviews natural history research in the area from the colonial period to the present. A chapter on the botany includes a "Phytogeographic reconnaissance of the western segment of the Michoacán coast," by Billie Lee Turner. The region is divided into 6 plant communities; descriptions of these are accompanied by lists of significant plants. A section on place names, by Brand, contains references to plants.

1890. "A cardon forest." (Zoe 1: 26.) Discussion of a stand of Cereus pringlei in Lower California; compares the species with C. pecten-aboriginum. 1890a. "The effect of rain on Fouquieria." (Zoe 1: 40-41.) On the speedy development of the leaves, on F. spinosa and Jatropha canescens, in Lower California. 1890b. "A new Perityle." (Zoe 1: 54.) Description of P. cuneata from Baja California. 1890c. "The hedgerows of Todos Santos." (Zoe 1: 179-181.) A list, with brief descriptions, of many plants that grow in the hedgerows of the town. Scientific names are given for all, and common names for some. 1890d. "Notes concerning the collection of plants made by Xantus at Cape St. Lucas and vicinity." (Zoe 1: 269-272.) Additional notes for the plants which were cited earlier in a list by Gray, q.v.

BRAND, Norton F . (Kamar-al-Shimas (pseud.). 1922. The Mexican southland. Fowlor, India, 327 p., illus., maps. On Tehuantepec, with one chapter on wild plants and one on cultivated plants. BRANDEGEE, Katharine (full name Mary Katharine (Layne), formerly Curran). See also KNOWLTON, F . H., 1898. 153



BRANDEGEE-continued 1890e. "A new cottonwood from Baja California." (Zoe 1: 274275.) Description of Populus montícola, with common names and a list of associated plants. 1890f. "A new Nolina." (Zoe 1: 305-306.) N. beldingi from Lower California. 1890g. "Studies in Coreopsideae and Tagetineae especially of Lower California, with descriptions of new species." ( Z o e 1: 308314.)

1899. "New species of plants from Mexico." (Erythea 7: 1-9.) Nineteen new taxa are described from the collections of A. W . Anthony and A. L. Stockton; some are described as Purpus and Brandegee species. 1900. "Voyage of the Wahlberg." (Zoe 5: 19-28.) An account of a trip to islands west of Lower California, from Todos Santos Islands to Asuncion Island; describes the vegetation on each and lists plants not previously reported from them. 1900a. "A new Tapirira from Baja California." (Zoe 5: 78-79.) T. edulis from Baja California. 1900-1901. "New species of plants mainly from Baja California." (Zoe 5: 104-101.) Descriptions of new species in: Ranunculus, Malpighia, Brongniartia, Houstonia, Perezia, Bumelia, Güia, Salvia, and Ruellia. 1903. "Notes and new species of Lower California plants." (Zoe 5: 155-173.) Descriptions of 32 new species in 28 genera. 1904. "A collection of Mexican plants." (Zoe 5: 179-182.) Plants were collected by C. A. Purpus and include Spermacoce ambigua from Veracruz; Güia purpusi, and Krynitzkia mexicana from Coahuila; Gentiana perpusilla and Castilleia purpusi from Ixtaccihuatl. 1904a. "Palms of Baja California." (Zoe 5: 187-189.) Discusses Washingtonia fUifera, W. sonorae, Erythea armata, E. edulis, and E. brandegei (sic), with a history of the species and their original localities. 1904b. "Plants from Sinaloa, Mexico." (Zoe 5: 196-226.) A collection of plants from Culiacán and the surrounding regions; new species include 54 species in 43 genera. 1906. "New species of Mexican plants collected by Dr. C. A. Purpus." (Zoe 5: 231-241.) Repr. in (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 3: 373-380, 1907). Descriptions of 25 species in 24 genera, 2 of which are new: Taliñaría (Portulacaceae) and Achaenipodium (Compositae). 1906a. "Plants of Sinaloa." (Zoe 5: 241-244.) New species are described in: Pedis, Dyschoriste, Argithamnia, Roulinia, and Gonolobus. 1906-1908. "New species of Mexican plants." (Zoe 5: 244-262.) Descriptions of 47 species in 38 genera; mainly collections of C. A. Purpus from Veracruz, Puebla, and Oaxaca. One new genus is described: Microdactylon in the Asclepiadaceae. 1909-1924. "Plantae Mexicanae Purpusianae." (U. Calif. Publ. Bot. 3 ( 8 ) : 377-396, 1909.) Cont. as noted below.

Bidens nudata, B. refracta, and Tagetes lacera are new species described. 1890h. "A new species of Esenbeckia." (Zoe 1: 378, illus.) E. flava from Lower California. 1891. "The plants peculiar to Magdalena and Santa Margarita." (Zoe 2: 11-12.) Gongylocarpus fruticulosas, Mammillaria halei, Agave margaritae, Brickellia hastata, and Viguiera subincisa. 1891a. "Cactaceae of the Cape region of Baja California." (Zoe 2: 18-22.) Includes descriptions of the following new species: Mammillaria roseana, Cereus striatus, Cereus eruca Brandegee, emended description, and Opuntia rotundifolia. 1891b. " Drymaria in Baja California." (Zoe 2: 68-70.) Description of eight species, two of them new: D. carinata and D. polystachya. 1891c. "Field notes on the plants of Baja California." (Zoe 2: 145152.) An annotated catalogue of over 20 species in as many genera, with scientific names, common names, distribution, and uses. 1891-1892. "Flora of the Cape region of Baja California." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. II, 3: 108-182, 1891; 218-227, 1892.) A systematic catalogue with descriptions of new species and localities. 1892. "The distribution of the flora of the Cape region of Baja California." (Zoe 3:223-231.) A description of topography and climate followed by lists of plants, arranged according to elevation and by flowering time; also a comparison of the flora with that of mainland Mexico, ending with a chart of families giving the distribution by numbers of species in various areas. 1892a. "A new Rumfordia from Lower California." (Zoe 3: 241-242, illus.) On R. connata. 1892b. "Notes concerning the flora of Sonora." (Zoe 3: 344-349.) A description of a trip to Guaymas, Hermosillo, and Las Duraznillas (now Duraznilla), with a description of the vegetation, listing plants by scientific names. Two new species are described: Abutilón (Wissadula) cinctum and Anisacanthus abditus. 1893. "Southern extension of California flora." (Zoe 4 ( 3 ) : 199-210.) A list of plants of northern Baja California with descriptions of new species: Lupinus pallidus and Madia valida. 1893a. "Perityle


( B e n t h . ) " (Zoe

Transferred from the genus 1894. "Two new species of Ilex."

1. On plants collected mainly near Tehuacán, Puebla, and in Oaxaca. 2. (4: 85-95, 1910.) More plants from Puebla. 3. (4: 177-194, 1911.) New and rare plants from Coahuila and Durango. 4. (4: 269-281, 1912.) Mainly on plants from San Luis Potosí. 5. (4: 375-388, 1913.) Mainly on plants from Veracruz. 6. (6: 51-77, 1914.) Mainly on plants from Chiapas. 7. (6: 177-197, 1915.) On plants from Chiapas and Oaxaca. 8. (6:363-375, 1917.) Mainly on plants from Veracruz. 9. (6:497-504, 1919.) On plants from various localities. 10. (7: 325-331, 1920.) On plants from Veracruz. 11. (10: 181-188, 1922.) Mainly on plants from Veracruz. 12. (10:403-421, 1924.) On plants from Veracruz and Chiapas.




7: 414-416, illus.)

I. triflora and I. californica, from Baja California. 1894a. "Additions to the flora of the Cape region of Baja California II." (Zoe 4: 398-408, illus.) An annotated catalogue of collections made in the western part of the mountains. New taxa include Thalictrum vesiculosum Lec. var. peninsulare, Ranunculus abortivus L. var. australis, Colubrina arbórea, Carica caudata, Faxonia gen. nov. with F. pusilla, and Adelia virgata. 1896. "Lavatera


1916. "Species novae vel minus cognitae." ( U n i v . Calif. Publ. Bot. 6 ( 1 2 ) : 357-361). Descriptions of plants from various localities, including some in Mexico.

(Gard. For. 9: 164-165, illus.)

Supposed to be native to the Coronados; localities for other species in Mexico are mentioned without naming the plants.

BRANDENBURG, Magda M. See BAEGERT, Johann Jacob, 1772. 154



BRANDES, E. W. (Elmer Walker). 1942. "Go ahead guayule." (Agr. Americas A popular article.

2 ( 5 ) : 83-86, illus.)

BRANDES, Rudolph. 1826. "Ueber die copalcke (sie), eine neue Mexikanische fieberrinde." (Arch. Pharm. 17: 197-204, 19: 80-100.) On Croton, with the emphasis on the chemical analysis. BRANDT, Cora Rose. 1952. "Lester Rowntree: denizen of the mountains." (Jour. Calif. Hort. Soc. 13: 8-17, port.) Biography, with brief reference to her trips in Mexico.

BRAUN, A. 1858. "Notice sur les Laurinées cultivées dans les jardins." ( Belgique Hort. 8: 112-119; 137-146.) General remarks, followed by a list of species, with descriptions and place of origin of each.

BRANDT, Emst Friedrich Wilhelm. 1949. "Nonnulla de parasitis quibusdam phanerogamicis observata." (Linnaea 22: 81-128, 1 pi.) Résumé of various types of parasitic plants, with examples from various genera in many families.

BRAUN, K. (Karl?). 1876. "Ueber Agaueen-namentlich Furcraea." ( Sitz-ber. Ces. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 3-6). With references to a number of species of Agave and Furcraea, particularly F. longaeva. 1896. "Fibras de los Agaves." (Agrie. Méx. 1, p. 78.) An extract; translator's name and original source are not given. 1906. "Die Agaven." (Pflanzer 2(14-20): 209, 225, 241, 273, 289, 307, bibl., 1906. Nachtrae ge, on 357-351. Another Nachtraege 4 ( 4 , 7 ) : 49-112 a, 1908.) "Ihre kultur und Verwendung mit besonderer beruecksichtigung von Agave rigida var. sisalana"; with a list of many other species, giving common names, distribution, and description of the fiber. 1912. "Reiswurzeln, zacatón und dergl." (Pflanzer 8: 6-17.) A résumé, by Ch. Royer, was publ. in (Quinz. Col. 16: 792-793, 1912), with the title "Chiendents à brosses, zacatón et autres plantes du même genre". On Epicampes macroura and E. stricta from Mexico. There is also a note on a plant cited only as "barba de chivo."

BRANDT, Johan Friedrich. See HAMEL, J., 1835. BRANNT, William Theodore. 1900. India rubber, gutta percha, and balata . . . . Philadelphia, 328 p., 24 illus. Contains a brief reference to cultivation of Castüloa in Mexico. BRASSEUR de BOURBOURG, Charles Etienne Abbé de. See also ARA, Domingo de, 1571; LANDA, Diego de (ca. 1566). 1861-1862. "Voyage sur l'Isthme de Tehuantepec, dans l'état de Chiapas et la Republique de Guatemala, 1859-1960." (Nouv. Ann. Voy. 172: 129-196, 274-370, 1861; 173: 47-89, 1862.) Repr. as a separate, Paris, 1861, 209 p. This is cited as Premiere partie, but no more seems to have been pubi. With a brief discussion of the Agave of the Isthmus. 1872. La langue Maya. Paris, 462 p.—MN Méx. BRASSFIELD, Carl. 1939. "Lower California, Mexico." 166-167, illus.) Brief story of a trip.




BRATTSTROM, Bayard H(olmes). 1953. "The cactus of the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico." Succ. Jour. 2 5 ( 6 ) : 181-182.)


1914. "Die sisalagave." (Pflanzer 10: 95-107, bibl.) Condensed summary of data on the plant, with emphasis on the culture of Agave sisalana. Descriptions are given also of A. cantula Roxb., A. fourcroydes Lem., A. lespinassei Trel., and A. zapupe Trel.


A brief description of the islands, and of the only cactus there: Opuntia engelmannii Salm Dyck. 1955. "Notes on the herpetology of the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 54: 210-229, bibl.) With a brief mention of the vegetation on Clarion and Socorro Islands.

BRAUN-BLANQUET, Josias. See also BARTLETT, Harley Harris, 1933. 1928. Pflanzensoziologie. Berlin, 1928, 1st ed.; Wien, 1951, 2d ed., 630 p., 350 illus. Basic text for a system of classification of plant associations, which has many followers, especially in Europe.

BRAUBACH, Charles.


1925. "Medicinal plants of the Aztecs which are still in common use in Mexico." (Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 1 4 ( 6 ) : 498-505.) Discusses principally drugs which are not known outside Mexico; lists them at random, by common names and scientific names, with uses. There is also a discussion of botanical classification and nomenclature among the Aztecs. BRAUER, Armando Escamilla. mando.



plantae novae et adnotationes in seminum indicibus et adversariis dispositae." With descriptions of the following taxa from Mexico: Euxolus (Berlasia) emarginatus A. Br. & Bouché; Valeriana phaseoli A. Br., and Heterocentron roseum A. Br. & Bouché. 1854, 1856. "Appendix—specierum novarum et minus cognitarum quae in Horto Regio Botánico Berolinensi coluntur." (Ann Sei. Nat., IV, 1: 333-470, 1854 and 6: 350-372, 1856). Includes descriptions of many plants from tropical America. The last section is mainly a treatment of Bromeliaceae by C. Koch.

1933. "Cacti of the Rio Grande Valley." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 5 ( 2 ) : 419-421, illus.) Description of a trip on the American side, listing the plants seen. BRAVO, Francisco. See also LEJEUNE, Fritz, 1926. 1570. Opera medicinalia. México, 316 ff., illus.—NN. Another copy of the work is at CSm H; a photostat of the latter is at DNLM.


BRAUER H., Oscar. See VARIOUS, 1958, 1959.

Fourth section is on sarsaparilla. For a discussion of this work see "El primer libro de medicina impreso en México" by Nicolás León in (Gac. Méd. Méx. 56: 234-243, 1925). The author's name is cited in some places as Bravo Orsunensi, indicating that he was a native of Osuna, in Spain.

BRAUN, Alexander Carl Heinrich. See also BERNOULLI, Gustav, 1871; ENGELMANN, G., 1842-1843. 1849. "Delectus seminum in Horto Botanici Friburgensi." (Ann. Sci. Nat., Ill, 12: 355-356.) With a description of Nicotiana (Hypsiandra) graciliflora A. Br. from Mexico, a new species and a new section.

BRAVO, Gustavo Lezama. See LE Z AM A BRAVO, Gustavo. BRAVO, Helia. See BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia.

BRAUN, Alexander, Carl Heinrich Johann Friedrich, KLOTZSCH, and BOUCHE. 1851. Species novae et minus cognitae Horti Regit Botanici Berolinensis. Berlin, 3 p.-NNBG. Also in (Linnaea 25: 293-302, 1852) with the title, "Hortorum botanicorum

BRAVO, Rodolfo Lezama. See LEZAMA BRAVO, Rodolfo. BRAVO, Samuel Miranda. See MIRANDA BRAVO, Samuel. BRAVO de LAGUNAS, Constantino. Francisco del (1579-1582).







BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia. See also BAXTER, Edgar, 1932; MARISCAL, Mario, 1937; MARSHALL, W. Taylor, 1956; RAMOS ESPINOSA, Alfredo, 1937; VARIOUS, 1955; 1960 a; 1960 b. 1930. "Las Lemnaceas del Valle de Mexico." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 1: 7-32, 27 illus.) With common names, descriptions of the family, a key to genera and species, and descriptions of species. 1930a. "Las Cactaceas de Tehuacán." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 1: 87124, 31 illus.) With a description of a new species: Opuntia hofimanni. 1931. "Contribución al conocimiento de las Cactaceas de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 2: 3-14, 14 illus., presented at 9th Congreso Medico Nacional.) English trans., printed in (Jour. Cad. Succ. Soc. Amer. 4 ( 1 0 ) : 361-362, ( 1 1 ) : 380-381, illus., 1932, 5 ( 7 ) : 505-509, illus., 1934). "Nota acerca de la histología del peyote;" identified as Lophophora williamsii Lemaire. 1931a. "Cactaceas del Valle de Oaxaca." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 2: 117-126, 12 illus.) With descriptions and distribution. 1931b. "Contribución al conocimiento de las Cactaceas de México." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 2: 127-131, 4 illus.) Descriptions of four new species of Neomammillaria: ochoterenae, schmollii, patonii, and hamiltonhoytea. 1931c. "Neomammillarias nuevas de Mexico." (An Inst. Biol. Mex. 2: 193-196, illus.) N. ortizrubiana from Guanajuato and Querétaro and N. mendeliana from Guanajuato. 1931d. "Contribución al conocimiento de las Cactaceas de Tehuacán." México, 52 p., illus. Thesis TJNAM. With description, keys, common names, synonymy, and localities. 1932. "Contribución al conocimiento de las Cactaceas de México." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 3: 15-18, 3 illus.) With a description of Myrtillocactus grandiareolatus. 1932b. "Contribución al conocimiento de las Cactaceas del Estado de Guerrero." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 3: 375-398, 25 illus.) "Cactaceas del Cañón del Zopilote." 1932c. "Las Cactaceas - plantas típicas de Mexico." (Turista Méx. 1: 44-46, 3 illus.) In English and Spanish. 1934. "Las Cactaceas entre los antiguos Mexicanos." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 5: 139-148, 10 figs.) With identification of some species mentioned in Hernández. 1934a. "Estudio botánico acerca de las Solanaceas Mexicanas del género Capsicum." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 5: 303-321, 8 figs.) With keys to species and varieties; also some histological data and chemistry.


1941. "The Mexican cacti." (Mex. Amer. Rev. 9 ( 1 2 ) : 69-72.) Popular article. 1950. "Notas cactológicas." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 21: 23-24.) First description of the flower of Mammillaria guerreronis (Bravo) Baker and Knuth. 1950a. "Notas cactológicas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 21: 293-298, illus., map.) Repr. without the map in (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 13: 11-15, 1951). On plants collected in Sonora by Dudley B. Gold. Plants are grouped according to localities where found, with identifications. 1950-1954. "Iconografía de las Cactaceas Mexicanas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 21: 439-482, illus., 1950; 23: 501-557, illus., 1952; 25: 473-552, illus., 1954.) I. "Cactaceas del norte de Sonora." With a general description of the area and descriptions of 21 species. II. "Cactaceas del suroeste de Tamaulipas." Like the above, with descriptions of 22 species. III. "Cactaceas de las Mixtecas Altas." Like the above, with descriptions of 27 species. For continuation, see 1956 b. 1951. "Nuevas especies del género Epithelantha." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 22: 15-23, illus.) Epithelantha densispina and E. rufispina, from Coahuila. BRAVO, Helia, and Débora RAMIREZ CANTU. 1951a. "Observaciones florístico-ecológicas en la mesa de San Diego y su declive oriental hacia la cuenca del Rio Cazones (Puebla)." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 22: 397-434, illus.) Also in (Mem. Congr. Cient. Méx. 6: 200-229, 1953.) A review of the geography, meteorology, and ecology of the region, with a description of associations and a list of species collected. BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia. 1953. "Una Cactacea del género Mammillaria poco conocida." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 24: 47-50, illus.) On M. diacentra; its exact locality is unknown. 1953a. "Un nuevo género de la familia de las Cactaceas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 24: 215-232, 7 figs.) Repr. in English in (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 7 ( 1 ) : 3-12, illus., 1955; photos by A. Villalobos and Manuel Ruíz O.) Description and nomenclatural history of Backebergia, n.g. from Michoacan and Guerrero, based on Pilocereus chrysomallus Lemaire. This is compared with Pachycereus chrysomallus B. and R., which is transferred to Mitrocereus fulviceps (Weber) Backeberg. 1955. "Una nueva especie de Thelocactus de la cuenca del Rio Meztitlán, Hidalgo." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 26: 23-27, illus. Repr. in Cact. Sue. Méx. 1: 17, 1955, and trans, by Howard E. Gates, as "Thelocactus goldii a new species," and printed in Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 7 ( 5 ) : 158, illus., 1955.)

1935. "Las Cactaceas." (Mapa 2( 12): 17-19, illus.) Popular article. 1936. "Jesús González Ortega." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 7: 167.) Notice of the death of an important Mexican botanist. 1936a. "Observaciones florísticas y geobotánicas en el Valle de Actopan." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 7: 169-233, 27 figs.) An ecological study, with an inventory of the plants, noted by family, with common and scientific names, and localities. 1937. "Observaciones florísticas y geobotánicas en el Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 8: 3-82, 24 figs.) With an analysis of associations and a list of the plants, grouped by families.

1955a. "Algunas observaciones acerca de la vegetación de la region de Escarcega, Campeche, y zonas cercanas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 26: 283-301, illus., repr. without the photographie illus., in Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 18: 11-24, 1955.) A general description of the area and its vegetation (by zones) with lists of dominant species, cited with common and scientific names. A history of botanical exploration in the area is included. 1955, 1957. "Portraits." (On the covers of Cact. Succ. Jour. 27 ( 1 ), 29(1).) 1956. "El género Neodawsonia." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 2 7 ( 1 ) : 7-17, 9 illus.) With a key to 3 species, two of them new—N. guengolensis and N. nana, both from Oaxaca. 1956a. "Una neuva especie de Cereus." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 2 7 ( 2 ) : 311-319; illus. by MacDougall and Sivilla.) Repr. in (Cact. Sue. Mex. 2 ( 3 ) : 49-52, illus., 1957.) Ritterocereus chacalapensis from Oaxaca. 1956b. "Iconografía de las Cactaceas Mexicanas." (Cact. Succ. Mex. 1 ( 1 ) 15-16, 1 ( 3 ) : 51-53, illus.; ( 4 ) : 73-75; ( 5 ) : 93-95, illus.; 2 ( 1 ) : 17-19, illus., ( 2 ) : 39-42, 1957; in progress.)

1937a. "Pachycereus grandis Rose." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 8 ( 7 ) : 118.) Description of a plant in Cuemavaca. 1937b. Las Cactaceas de México. México, 755 p., 324 illus., bibl. -DA. Comprehensive monograph giving history, taxonomy, description, distribution, and use of each plant. If illustration of a plant is not in the book, there is a note telling where one can be found.





Includes descriptions of the following: Neobuxbaumia tetetzo, Lemaireocereus hollianus (Weber) Br. and R.; Pilocereus collinsii (Br. and R . ) Backeberg and Knuth; Stenocactus stellatus (Pfeiffer) Riccobono; Pereskia conzatti (Br. and R . ) ; Melocactus delessertianus Lemaire, reducing M. salvador to synonymy. The second installment was translated into German by K. Johner and published in ( K a k t . And. Sukk. 1 1 ( 7 ) : 108-109, 1960). 1956c. "Estudios cactológicos." ( C a c t . Sue. Mex. 1 ( 4 ) : 53-67, illus.) Illus. by T. MacDougall and Sivilla (Javier Sivilla Cuspinera.) Study of Pachycereus tehuantepeeanus sp.n. with special attention to characters which distinguish it from P. granáis Britton and Rose: (sp.n. is by T. MacDougall and H. Bravo H.) See also "Una neuva especie de Pachycereus" in ( B o l . Soc. Bot. Méx. 19: 16-18, illus., 1956.) 1956d. "Una neuva Mammillaria de espinas ganchudas." ( C a c t . Sue. Mex. 1 ( 5 ) : 85-87, illus.) Description of Mammillaria mitlensis sp. nov. from Oaxaca, with a table to distinguish it from M. solisii. Descriptions are in Latin, Spanish, and English. BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia, and W. Taylor MARSHALL. 1956-1957. "A revision of the genus Toumeya." (Saguaroland Bull. 1 0 ( 1 0 ) : 112-119, 1 1 ( 3 ) : 31; in English and Spanish.) With a key to species ( 7 ) , and descriptions with distribution. Mexican species include T. klinkeriana, T. schmiediekiana, T. maerohele, T. pseudomacrohele, T. lophophoroides, and T. schwarzii (Shurly) Bravo and Marshall comb. nov. BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia. 1957. "Una neuva especie de Mammillaria." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 28: 37-38, illus.) M. pitcayensis from Guerrero. The description was reprinted in ( C a c t . Sue. Mex. 3 ( 4 ) : 75-76, illus., 1958). 1957a. "Mi viaje por Arizona y California." ( C a c t . Sue. Mex. 2 ( 1 ) : 3-11, illus.) Includes observations on a trip through part of Lower California. 1957b. "Un Acanthocereus de Ceibaplaya, Campeche." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 2 ( 4 ) : 85-87, illus.) Detailed description, in Spanish, of A. baxaniensis winsky) Borg.


BRAVO H., Helia and Thomas MacDOUGALL. 1958. "Revisión del género Neodawsonia." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 29: 73-87, illus.) Repr., with some illustrations omitted, in (Cact. Sue. Mex. 4 ( 3 ) : 52-60, 1959.) With keys to 3 species, two of which are described as new (from Oaxaca): N. totolapensis and N. nizandensis. An English translation, by E. Yale Dawson, was published in Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 5 ( 4 ) : 107-116, illus., 1963. BRAVO H., Helia, and Don K. COX. 1958a. "Estudios cactológicos." (Cact. Succ. Mex. 3 ( 1 ) : 3-12, illus., map, bibl.) Description of Heliabravoa chende (Goss.) Backeberg, with a review of the history of the plant and a discussion of its distribution. BRAVO H., Helia. 1958b. "Una Wilcoxia del Estado de Morelos." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 3 ( 2 ) : 37-30, 32, illus.) Description in Latin, Spanish, and English of W. tomentosa sp. nov.; with a table to distinguish it from W. viperina. 1958c. "Notas acerca de una gira cactológica." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 3 ( 3 ) : 63-67, illus.) Account of a trip to central and northern Mexico from Nuevo León, Coahuila, and Durango to Guanajuato, with lists of plants collected and observed. 1959. "Una especie neuva de Echinofossulocactus." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 3 0 ( 1 - 2 ) : 59-61, illus.) Repr. in (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 4 ) : 91-92, illus.) On E. multiareolatus from Apam, in the state of Hildalgo.

1959a. "Nota acerca de algunas especies del herbario Mociño y Sessé." (Cact. Succ. Mex. 4 ( 1 ) : 8-11, illus.) Eleven specimens of cactus are identified, in eight species. 1960. "Una especie nueva del género Echinocereus." (An Inst. Biol. Méx. 31: 119-121, illus.) E. matudae from Chihuahua. 1960a. "Una jira por la zona de la lechuguilla.". (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 2 ) : 27-34, illus.) In northern Mexico, visiting Saltillo, Matehuala, Jaumave, etc. 1960b.

"Reseña de una excursión por los estados del norte de México." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 3 ) : 51-62, illus.) Report of a trip to Chihuahua.

1960c. "Algunos datos acerca de la vegetación del Estado de Oaxaca." (Rev. Mex. Est. Antrop. 16: 31-48.) Divided into 9 zones, according to the work by Leopold (1950, q.v.) with plants listed by common and scientific names. Also included is a list of useful plants for Tuxtepec, taken from Miranda, 1948, q. v. BRAVO, Helia, and Thomas MACDOUGALL. 1961. "Una Mammillaria nueva de México." (An. Inst. Biol. 3 2 ( 1 - 2 ) : 187-190.) M. guiengolensis from Oaxaca.


BRAVO, Helia. 1961a. "Ing. Marcelino Castañeda." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6 ( 1 ) : 16.) Biography, on the occasion of his death. 1961b. "Una excursion al Malpaís cercano á Tacámbaro, Michoacán." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6: 53-59, illus.) 1961c. "Las flores de Backebergia militaris (Audot) Bravo." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6: 90-93, illus.) 1962. "Classificación de las Cactaceas." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 7 ( l ) : 3 - 7 , 31-37, 55-60, 79-81, 84.) To subfamilies, tribes, subtribes, genera, and subgenera. BRAVA ORSUNENSI, Francisco.

See BRAVO, Francisco.

BRAVO V I L L A R O E L , Luis. 1941. El nopalillo en el pulque. México, 29 p.—IBMéx. Chemical study of Opuntia tunicata. BRAY, William L. See also ULINE, Edwin B., and BRAY, 1894. 1898. "On the relation of the flora of the lower Sonoran zone in North America to the flora of the arid zones of Chili and Argentine." (Bot. Gaz. 26: 121-147.) Based on the studies of Amarantaceae, Malvaceae, Loasaceae, Leguminosae, Zygophyllaceae, Polygonaceae, Frankeniaceae, Chenopodiacae, Boraginacae, and Polemoniaceae. Most of the genera are xerophytes or halophytes. 1898a. "The geographical distribution of the Frankeniaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 24: 395-417.) "In connection with their systematic relationships." 1900. "Plant geography of North America." (Science n.s. 12 ( 3 0 6 ) : 709-716.) On the relations of the North American flora to that of South America. Discusses the Gulf zone neo-tropical element; the alpine and arctic alpine floral elements in South America, and warm temperature and subtropical xerophilous elements common to North and South America (divided into 3 subsections ). 1901. "The ecological relations of the vegetation of western Texas." (Bot. Gaz. 32: 99, 195, 262.) A discussion of the influential factors, a description of various plant formations characterizing different areas in general, and in detail, with dominant plants. 1905. "Vegetation of the sotol country, Texas." (Bull. Univ. Tex. 60 (Sci. Ser. No. 6 ) : 1-24, 11 pl. ; also in Trans. Tex. Acad. Sci. 7: 101-122, 11 pi.) On the area where Dasylirion texanum is the dominant plant. The discussion covers physiographic features, floristic content and relationship, ecological forms of the vegetation, classified and described, economic importance of the plants, and a description of associations.


BREACH BRAY—continued 1906. "Distribution and adaptation of the vegetation of Texas." (Bull. Univ. Tex. 82 (Sei. ser. 1 0 ) : 1-108, 14 pi., maps, bibl.) Discusses factors in the environment and their effects. Plant societies are classified and described; detailed lists of plants are given for many of the associations, with scientific and common names. BREACH, Jaime Almada. See ALMADA BREACH, Jaime.

BRENNER, Sophia Elizabet. 1708.

"Minne oefver den foerundranswaerde stora Americanska Aloen." Stockholm ( 11 p. ). Poem in Swedish; with quotes from the Recchi edition of Hernández.

BRENO, José Eduardo Cárdenas. See CARDENAS y BRENO, José Eduardo. BRESSAN, Pablo.

BREAZEALE, Lucretia. See STOCKWELL, William Palmer, and BREAZEALE, 1933.


BRECEDA, Arturo Salvador. 1930. " E l café." México, 5 9 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Coffea.

BRESSMAN, Earl Norman. BRESSMAN, 1923.

BRECK, Joseph. 1871.

"The Mexican tiger flower." (Tilton's Jour. Hort. 9 : 65-67, illus.) Quotes Bernard McMahon's description of The Mexican Ferraría or tiger flower, in American gardener's calendar, p. 4 6 5 (Philadelphia, 1 8 0 6 ) , where the plant is identified as F. tigridia Curtis or F. pavonia L . Breck adds to the description and data on culture, but cites the American gardener's calendar incorrectly as "American Gardener's Magazine."

BRECKER, Carlos S. See BREKER, Carlos S. BREDEMANN, G. 1927.

"Versuche ueber ertragssteigerung bei flachs durch klimawechsel." (Faserforschung 6: 5 1 - 7 2 . ) Includes a section, on p. 56-57, describing the experiments by Dr. Friedr. Petersen in the Hacinda Amalucan, Puebla.

BREKER, Carlos S. See also NELSON, E . W., 1911. 1905. "Un viaje por el sud oeste de México," (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., V, 1: 4 4 6 - 4 6 0 ) . Reports on an article by E . W . Nelson entitled "A winter expedition in southwestern Mexico." (Nat. Geog. Mag. 1 5 ( 4 ) : 339-356, September, 1 9 0 4 ) , q.v. BREKER, D. C. 1884.

"Etymologie geographischer namen in Mexico." (Mitt. K. K. Geog. Ges. Wien 27: 4 1 - 4 8 ) . For localities in 12 states, including the Distrito Federal; derivations include plant names.

BRENA, Daniel Kuri. See KURI BRENA, Daniel. BREÑA ALVIRES, Adrián. 1906. "Sobre ruibarbo." Morelia, 11 lvs. Ms. Thesis Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Rheum. BRENAN, J. P. M. See JAEGER, Paul, 1961.

México, 22 p.



Henry Agard, and

BRETON, Adela C. See ARA, Domingo de, 1571, 1620; GUZMAN, Alonso de, 1616. BRETON, Raimond, R. P. (P. Ie BRETON, S. J . ) . See LABAT, Jean Baptiste, 1722; ROCHEFORT, Charles de, 1658. BRETON, Rubén. See RIVERA, Irene, and BRETON, 1940. BRETON, S. J., P. Ie. See BRETON, Raimond, R. P. BRETON F O N T E C I L L A , Ricardo. 1941. "Importancia económica del cultivo del jitomate." Chapingo, 87 p., map. Thesis ENA. On




BREITUNG, August Julius. 1959-1960. "Cultivated and native Agaves in the southwestern United States." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 1 ( 2 ) : 44-48; ( 3 ) : 90-97, ( 4 ) : 114-117, ( 5 ) : 142-146, illus., 1959; 3 2 ( 1 ) : 20-23, illus., ( 2 ) : 35-38; ( 3 ) : 79-81, illus., ( 4 ) : 112-115, illus., ( 5 ) : 181-183, illus., 1960.) In progress. In each issue, the majority of species described and illustrated are from Mexico. The author writes, Dec. 27, 1960, in a personal communication, "My articles on Agave will run in the Journal until about 1965. Eventually all the Agave material will be published in book form."

de moricultura.

With a section on the history of the industry.

BREDMEYER, Mr. See ANONYMOUS, 1819. 1925. Picturesque Mexico. London, 2 5 6 pi. maps, 19 p. text.—PU. Text is by Walther Staub, with comments on plants. Many of the illustrations refer to important plants. Photographs are mainly by Hugo Brehme; a few are by Caecilie Seler-Sachs and Teobert Maler.

Nociones elementales


"Contribución al estudio botánico, químico, y farmacodinámico de Crataegus mexicana." México, 38 p., illus. Thesis Med. Emphasis is on the chemistry, but there is a short introductory chapter with the history and a botanical description of the plant. The thesis was also published in (Quim. Farm. beginning in vol. 7, 1941 and continuing in 8 ( 5 2 ) : 25-27, ( 5 6 ) : 25-27, ( 5 7 ) : 26-28, ( 5 8 ) : 26-28, ( 5 9 ) : 25-28, 1942. Numbers preceding 8 ( 5 2 ) were not seen.) "Contribución al estudio botánico, químico, y farmacoridámico de la Commelina pallida." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 72: 2232 2 9 . ) Also in (Quím. Farm. 1 1 ( 9 ) : 8-16, 1956). Followed on p. 230-236, with a discussion by Ramón Pérez Cirera, "Comentario al trabajo de ingreso del Dr. Ruben Bretón Manjárrez."

BRETON y VEDRÀ, Luís. 1897.

Las plantas productoras del caoutchouc. México, 46 p., illus. - M n U. By the Mexican consul in Lisbon, from data supplied by the Ministerio de Marina y Ultramar de Portugal: mostly on culture, with a list of source plants from the Euphorbiaceae, Urticaceae, Apocynaceae, with their place of origin and a brief description. The emphasis is on Africa.

BRETT, Charles H. 1944. 1946.

"Cat willow." (Chemurg. Dig. 3: 313-314, illus.) On Amorpha fruticosa L. and its value as an insecticide. "Insecticidal properties of the indigo bush." (Jour. Agr. Res. 7 3 ( 3 ) : 81-96, 5 figs.) Description, distribution of Amorpha fruticosa, and reports on tests of it as a stomach and contact poison, and as a repellent.

B R E W E R , Thomas Mayo. 1870-1871. "On the physical geography and natural history of the islands of the Tres Marias and of Socorro, off the western coast of Mexico." (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 15: 261-302.) The emphasis is on bird collections made by Grayson; descriptions of the islands are from Grayson's narrative. References to plants are occasional and to the most conspicuous ones: Cedrela, Cereus, Ficus, and Eriodendron.


B R E W E R , William Henry. See also STURTEVANT, E . Lewis, 18771882.

1902. "Ficus elastica in Mexico." (Agr. Bull. Str. Fed. Mai. St. n.s. 1: 3 5 9 - 3 6 0 . ) A letter forwarded by Herbert M. Darby; the plant is identified as Castilloa elastica growing in southern Mexico.

B R E W E R , William Henry, Sereno WATSON, and Asa GRAY. 1876, 1880. Botany of California. Cambridge, Mass., 2 vols. Prepared under the auspices of the Geol. Surv. of the state of California.


BREYN Volume I covers the Polypetalae, by Brewer and Watson, and the Gamopetalae by Gray. The Apetalae are done in the 2d volume, by Watson. In vol. 2, p. 553-559, there is a section by Brewer, giving bibliographic details about persons who collected plants in California; many of these collected, also, in Mexico. BREYN, Jacob (BREYNIUS, Jacobus). 1672(1681). "De tacamahaca liquida." (Misc. Cur. Med. Phys. Acad. Nat. Cur. 3: 444.) Mentions a similar resin from Mexico called couxucote. 1678. Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum plantarum. Gedani, 195 p., 101 pi. With descriptions and plates. Leon says the work is by Juan Felipe, son of Jacob, but the son was born in 1680! BREYN, Johann Philip, (also as Breyne and Breynius, Philipp). See also BREYN, Jacob, 1678.


BREYN, Johann Philip (Joannis Philipp). 1731. Historia naturalis cocci radicus tinctorii. Gedani, 22 p., 2 pi. —PPAN. Repr. in ( Acta Phys. Med. Acad, Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 3: l - 3 2 ( A p p . ) , illus., 1733.) With a brief reference to "coccum Americanum sive cochinilla" as one of the 3 species of "grant tinctorii." BREZOL, H. (Pubi, as H. B . ) 1892. "La vigne Mexicaine." (Ret). Sci. Nat. Appi. 3 9 ( 2 ) : 538.) A discussion of Cissus mexicana in Sinaloa, and its uses.

BRIAU, Raymond. 1928. Du peyotl. Paris, 137 p . - I B M é x . Mainly of medical interest. BRICENO, Diego. See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José Maria ( 1 5 7 9 ) . BRICHAMBAUT, Guy Perrin de. See PERRIN de BRICHAMBAUT, Guy. BRIDGMAN, Lewis Jesse. See BAXTER, Sylvester, 1891. BRIEGER, Friedrich G. 1943. "Origem do milho." (Rev. Agr. (Brazil) 18: 409-418.) Résumé of a work presented in the Seccao de Genetica da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da Universidade de Sào Paulo.—Lib. P. C. Mangelsdorf. Mainly a discussion of the ideas set forth by Mangelsdorf and Reeves, followed by the author's own conclusions as to the origin of corn and the position of Euchlaena, with relation to the problem. 1949. "Origem e domesticacao do milho." (Lilloa 20: 37-44.) With the emphasis on South American centers of domestication, and on relations between South American and Central American maize. 1958. "On the phytogeography of orchids." (Proc. 2d World Orchid Conf., 1957: 189-200.) A discussion of distribution correlated with paleo-geography, drawing conclusions for evolution and phylogenetics. The discussion includes dispersal, disjunctions, and distribution within continental areas. Mexico is included in the American tropics. (Proc.

1960a. "On the taxonomy of the tribe Laelieae, Orchidaceae. (Proc. World Orchid Conf. 3: 333-345.) With a list of genera, in 5 series. Series 3, 14 genera, consists of taxa in Central America; series 5 consists of genera from miscellaneous localities. BRIGGS, J. R. 1887. "Museale buttons." (Med. 9 ( 5 ) : 144-145.)

Reg. 1: 276-277; also in Med

BRIGHAM, William Tufts. 1869. "Notes on tropical fruits." (Amer. Nat. 2: 183, 307, 405.) Trans, into French as "Notes sur les fruits des tropiques" by A. Preudhome de Borre (Belg. Hort. 2 : 141-153, 1871). BRIGHT, William O. 1944. "Photograph of Craptopetalum Jour. 1 6 ( 5 ) : 72.) The ghost plant of Mexico.




BRIGNOLI a BRUNNHOFF, F . de. 1849. "Adnotationes ad indicem seminum Horti Botanici Mutinensis." (Ann. Sci. Nat., III, 12: 365.) Includes discussion on Reana giovannini (Gramineae) in Mexico. BRIJADA MONJARAZ, Alfredo. 1936. "Instrucciones para el cultivo y explotación racional del jitomate." Chapingo, 45 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Lycopersicum. BRINE, Lindesay. 1894. Travels amongst American Indians in Guatemala, Mexico, and Yucatán. London, 429 p., illus., 2 maps. With a very interesting chapter on Chiapas. The author is an archaeologist.

BRIAND, J. 1906. "El perejil." (Boi. Soc. Agr. Mex. 3 0 ( 3 3 ) : 655-656.) As a "pianta medicinal."

1960. "Geographic distribution and phylogeny of orchids." World Orchid Conf. 3: 328-333.)

BRIGHAM, Arthur Amber. 1896. "Der mais." Goettingen (thesis), 54 p.—MHA. "Ein beitrag zur geschichte der entwicklung seines anbaues, und Schilderung einer reihe systematischer Untersuchungen zum zwecke der Verbesserung seiner sucht und der Steigerung seiner ertraege." Considers history, distribution, variability, uses, American corn production, and a study of properties of maize which lend themselves best to increase in production.


Describes the physiological effects, as observed in a personal experience with the use of the plant.

BRINGAS ALVAREZ, José. 1948. "Cultivo y beneficio del café en pequeña escala en la region de Jungapéo, Michoacán." Cd. Juárez, 39 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Coffea. BRINGAS ALVAREZ, Leopoldo. 1947. " E l cultivo del plátano." Cd. Juárez, 38 p. Thesis EPA. On Musa. BRINK, R. C. Bakhuizen Van Den. BRINK, R. C.



BRINKER, Robert Roland. 1942. "Monograph of Schoenocaulon." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29: 287-314, illus., incl. maps.) Includes history, morphology, related genera, key to species, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined. Eight new species are described from Mexico. BRINTON, Daniel Garrison. See also COOK, Orator Fuller, 1919; F U E R T E S , E . A., 1871. 1875. "On damiana." (Med. Surg. Rep. 3 3 ( 7 ) : 137.) Printed anonymously, but perhaps by the ed., D. G. Brinton. Believes it to be useless as a drug. 1888. "On the Chaneabal (four language) tribe and dialect of Chiapas." (Amer. Anthrop. 1: 77-96; trans, and annotated by Marcos E . Becerra.) A Spanish version " E l chane abal-cuatro lenguas," was printed in (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. IV, 4 : 331-353, 1926). A discussion of the four languages spoken near Comitán: Tzozil, Zoque, Maya and Tzendal, pointing out errors in the works of earlier writers on the subject. Two vocabularies are included: "Vocabulario comparativo de Chaneabal" collected by Karl Hermann Berendt, 1870, in Tuxtía Gutiérrez, and "Vocabulario de Chaneabal" from the ms. of José María Sanchez, cura de Ocozocuautla, ca. 1860. 1892. "On the Mazatec language of Mexico and its affinities." Amer. Phil. Soc. 30: 31-39.)


With an English-Mazatecan vocabulary, and a comparison of Mazatecan with Chiapanecan. BRINTON, Daniel G., et al.




BRINTON—continued 1893. "The tribute roll of Montezuma." (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n.s. 17: 53-61, 6 pi.) Manuscripts were secured for the society in 1930 by Poinsett; they are numbered in Lorenzana's Historia de Nueva España as 1, 2, 27, 28, and 30. Description of the manuscripts is by Henry Phillips, Jr. and J. Cheston Morris; a discussion of "the written language of the ancient Mexicans" is by Brinton. BRIOSO y CANDIANI, Manuel. 1890? Biografía del Sr. Manuel M. Garcida. Oaxaca, 30 p., port. Bibliot. G. Echániz. 1890. Elementos de geografía del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 44 p.— SMGE. With a brief section on the plant products. B R I Q U E T , John. See also CANDOLLE, Anne Casimir Pyramus de, 1924-1926. 1894. "Fragmenta monographiae Labiatarum." (Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2 ( 1 2 ) : 689-724.) Under Decades Mentharum novarum, describes M. arvensis Linn. var. pavoniana from Mexico. 1896. "Verbenacearum novarum descriptiones." (Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4 : 336-349, illus. Cited also, with the same paging, as Bull. Lab. Bot. Gen. Univ. Genève 1 ( 2 ) . ) The following taxa are included from Mexico: Lippia pringlei from Jalisco, Citharexylum jurgenseni from Oaxaca, Callicarpa pringlei from San Luís Potosí, Vitex hemsleyi from Oaxaca, and Clerodendron emarginatum (in America tropica, verisimiliter Mexico). Citharexylum scandens Briq. et Spruce is from South America, but it is cited in Ind. Kew. as Mexican. 1898. "Observations sur quelques Flacourtiacées de l'Herbier Delessert." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 41-78, 1 pl.) Includes, in part 6, "espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du genre Casearia Jaeq." with C. pringlei, C. orizabana, C. lindeniana, and C. platyphylla from Mexico. 1898a. "Fragmenta monographiae Labiatarum." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 102-251.) With a considerable number of new species, in several genera, described from Mexico. 1900-1902. "Espèces nouvelles ou peu connues." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 4:213-342.) Cont. as "Description de quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues" ( 6 : 157-162, 1902). Includes descriptions of various species from Mexico. 1902. "Description de quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du genre Brittonastrum." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 6: 157-162.) Includes B. pringlei n.sp. from Chihuahua. 1907-1931. "Decades plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 10: 99-107, 1907; 1 1 / 1 2 : 175193, 1908 (decades 2 - 4 ) ; 1 3 / 1 4 : 369-379, 1911 (decades 5 - 7 ) ; 17: 326-403, 1913 (decades 8 - 1 6 ) ; 20: 342-427, 1919 (decades 17-25); and Candollea 4 : 317-352, 1929-1931 decades 26-28). Includes descriptions of new species from Mexico, in Halimium, Geranium, Drymaria, Stachys, Valeriana, Cleome, Capparis, Scutellaria, Clethra, Halenia, and Gentiana. 1920. "Caractères résumés des principaux groupes de formations végétales." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 389-404.) 1924-1926. " L e genre Neoschroetera." (Candollea 2: 514.) Replaces the name Schroeterella and makes the necessary nomenclatural changes. For the original description of Schroeterella, see Briquet, 1925. 1925. "Sur les genres de Zygophyllacées, Covillea, et Schroeterella." In Festschrift Carl Schroeter (Veroeff. Geobot. Inst. Ruebel 3 : 655-665.) A review of the nomenclatural history of Covillea (Larrea Cav. pro parte), establishing Schroeterella for part of the genus. Two species are assigned to Covillea, four to Schroeterella. Of the latter, two were formerly Larrea (Covillea) species and two were in Zygophyllum; of these Z. tridentatum is the only one cited for Mexico. For the change from

BRITTEN Schroeterella to Neoschroetera, see the author's article in (Candollea 2: 514, 1924-1926). 1940. "Biographies des botanistes à Genève." ( Ber. Schw. Bot. Ges. (Bull. Soc. Bot. Suisse) 50a, 494 p.) Bio-bibliographical sketches; with a section on Berlandier, p. 36-39. BRISENO, G. See VARIOUS, 1888-1889. BRISENO RUIZ, Clemencia. 1932. "Tesis sobre Dodonaea viscosa." UNAM.

México, 42 p. Thesis Pharm.,

BRISSEAU de MIRBEL, Charles François. François Brisseau de.

See MIRBEL, Charles

BRISSOT de W A R V I L L E , Anacharsis. See ZAMORA PLOWES, Leopoldo. 1837. Voyage au Guazacoalcos, aux Antilles, et aux Etats Unis. Paris, 390 p., map. Only scattered, superficial references to plants. B R I T T E N , James. See also GODMAN, Frederick DuCane, and SALVIN, Osbert, eds., 1879-1888; M I L L E R , Philip, 1731. 1888. "The nomenclature of Nymphaea." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 26: 6-11.) Considers the use of Castalia as raised by E. L. Greene in the Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, q.v. B R I T T E N , James, and Edmund G(ilbert) BAKER. 1896. "Notes on Ceiba." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 34:173-176, 277.) Description of C. schottii, new species from Yucatán; also a synopsis of species with distribution. 1897. "Houstoun's Central American Leguminosae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 35: 225-234.) A list of the plants as given in Miller's Dictionary, with identifications and localities from specimens in the Banks herbarium. Annotations are given on a number of the plants. A new species, Bauhinia unilaterale, is described from Veracruz. B R I T T E N , James. 1898. "The Conyzas of Miller's Dictionary, For. 36: 51-55.)

8th ed."


Bot. Br.

The results of studies to identify all the plants, by comparing them with specimens in the herbarium. B R I T T E N , James, and Edmund G. BAKER. 1900. "On some species of Cracca."


Bot. Br. For. 38: 12-19.)

Discusses C. virginiana and C. holosericea, and describes C. seemanni n.sp. from Mexico; also reviews species of Cracca which authors would put in Benthamantha Alefeld. A correction is added on p. 53. 1900a. "Notes on Eryngium." illus.)


Bot. Brit. For. 38: 241-246,

Includes a discussion of the various North American species, with emphasis on the nomenclature and synonymy of E. aquaticum and E. yuccifolium. (The author prefers the latter spelling to the more commonly used yuccaefolium. ) Reference is made to ocopiaztli, the name given to Eryngium species by Hernández. B R I T T E N , James. 1905. "Graham's Mexican plants." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 4 3 : 317-318.) Biography of G. J. Graham, based on data supplied by Mrs. Graham; with two corrections, from Graham's notes, for two of his plants in Plantae Hartwegianae. 1909. "Sapium in the collections of Ruiz and Pavón." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 47: 422-424.) A general discussion of the Ruiz and Pavón specimens in England, with data on four species, three of which are from Mexico. 1918. "The cultivated Dahlia."


Bot. Br. For. 56: 33-35.)

On the history of the introduction of the plant to England; a sequel to Payne's article in (Roy. Hort. Soc. Jour. vol. 42 q.v. and Gard. Chron. Sept. 23, 1916, q.v.).

BRITTON BRITTON, Donald M.(acPhail). 1951. "G/togenetic studies on the Boraginaceae." (Brittonia 7 ( 4 ) : 233-266, illus., bibl.) With a list of chromosome numbers, arranged by subfamilies, and a section on phylogenetic relationships. BRITTON, Elizabeth Gertrude (Knight). N., 1889.


BRITTON, Nathaniel Lord. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960; HOUGHTON, Arthur Duvernoix, 1930; KUNTZE, Carl Ernst Otto, 1891-1898; MARSHALL, William Taylor and BOCK, 1941; ORCUTT, C. R., 1906-1926; ROSE, J. N„ 1895b; SPRAGUE, T. A., 1922, 1923; STEARN, William T., 1939; VARIOUS, 1902—in progress. 1884. "A list of Cyperaceae." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 11:85-88.) Collected by S. B. Buckley, 1878-1883, in the valley of the Lower Rio Grande, in Texas and northern Mexico. New species are described but without specific localities. 1885. "Revision of the North American species of the genus Scleria." (Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 3: 228-237.) Synoptic treatment with descriptions and distribution: includes S. reticularis Michx. var. puntila n. var. from Orizaba, plus other species described earlier from Mexico. 1886. "A preliminary list of North American species of Cyperus with descriptions of new forms." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13(11): 205-216, Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. # 1 . ) With a description of new species and new varieties from Mexico; e.g., C. diandrus Torrey var. capitatus, C. flavomariscus var. peduncularis, C. wrightii, and C. luzulae var. umhellulatus. 1886a. "Typha." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 14: 24.) Reports a specimen of Typha latifolia from Orizaba, the first record for Mexico. 1888. "The genus Hicoria Rafinesque." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15: 277-285, Contr. Herb. Dept. Bot. Columbia Coll. 1 ( 7 ) . ) Includes H. mexicana (Engelm.), formerly Carya mexicana. 1888. 1890. "New or noteworthy North American phanerogams." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15: 97-104, 1888; 17(10): 310-316, 1890. Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. Nos. 5 and 16.) The first part includes range extensions into Mexico of Cyperus ferax Richard and C. ochraceus Vahl. C. echinatus Ell. is cited with the note, "we may suspect its occurrence in northern Mexico." Descriptions are given of Fimbristylis capillaris (L.) Gray var. pilosa n. var. from Orizaba, Scirpus pringlei n. sp. from Guerrero, and Scleria graminifolia n. sp. from Chihuahua. In the second part, Ranunculus porteri is noted as extending to Baja California. Cyperus phaeocephalus is found between Mazatlán and Durango.

BRITTON 1891. "The American species of the genus Anemone and the genera which have been referred to it." (Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 6: 215-238.) Synoptic treatment of 6 genera: Pulsatilla, Anemone, Hepatica, Capethia, Barneoudia, and Syndesmon, with a description of species and distribution. Anemone hemsleyi is described as a new species from Veracruz. 1892. "New or noteworthy North American phanerogams VI." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 219-227.) Includes a description of Eriocaulon bilobatum n.sp. from Jalisco. 1892a. "A list of species of the genera Scirpus and Rhynchospora occurring in North America." (Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 11: 74-93, Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. # 2 6 , 19 p.) With synonymy, distribution, and collections, including collectors' names and collection numbers; also descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Scirpus mexicanus and S. potosinus of Clarke ined. 1893. "The North American species of the genus Lespedeza." ( Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 12: 57-68, Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. # 3 4 . ) With a key to 12 species, descriptions, and distribution. Only L. violacea (L.) Pers. is cited for Mexico. 1894. "New or noteworthy North American phanerogams VIII." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 27-32.) Includes a treatment of Stenophyllus with a synopsis of the genus, and an enumeration of species, with distribution; Stenophyllus funckii (Steud.) is cited from Mexico. 1894a. "A revision of the genus Lechea." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21(6): 244-252, Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. # 5 6 . ) Includes Lechea tripetala from Mexico, a Mociho and Sessé species founded on an unpublished plate of Helianthemum tripetalum. 1899. "Description of a new stone crop from Mexico." (Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 257.) Sedum mexicanum from the Distrito Federal. BRITTON, N. L., and J. N. Rose. 1903. "New or noteworthy North American Crassulaceae. ( Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 3: 1-45, 1903.) With descriptions of 3 new genera: Villadia, Urbinia, and Altamiranoa and their new species, as well as new species in Tillaeastrum, Echeveria, Pachyphytum, Dudleya, Stylophyllum, and Sedum. The description of Echeveria cuspidata Rose, was translated by J. A. Purpus and printed in ( Monatsch. Kakteenk. 17: 184-185, 1907). BRITTON, N. L. 1904. "George Washington's palms." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 5: 2528, illus.) History, descriptions, distribution, and nomenclature of Neowaihingtonia ( Washingtonia ).

1889. "Deutzia mexicana Hemsley." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 314.) With comments on the genus, whose other species are in Asia. 1889a. "Preliminary note on the North American species of the genus Tissa Adans." (Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. 1(11): 125-129.) Tissa mexicana (Hemsl)., formerly Spergularia, from San Luís Potosí is included. 1889b. "The genus Eleocharis in North America." (Jour. N.Y. Micro. Soc. 5 ( 4 ) : 95-111, Contr. Herb. Columbia Coll. # 1 2 . ) With a brief section on morphology; then a systematic treatment of the genus with the descriptions of the species, localities, and collectors; a number of species from Mexico are included. 1890. "Charles Christopher Parry." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 74-75.) Biography, with just a brief reference to his collecting in Mexico.

BRITTON, N. L., and J. N. ROSE. 1904a. "Lenophyllum, a new genus of Crassulaceae." (Smithson. Inst. Misc. Collect. 47: 159-162.) Descriptiion of a new genus from northern Mexico and southern Texas, with 4 species: L. guttatum, L. weinbergii, L. acutifolium, and L. texanum. BRITTON, N. L. 1904b. "Rynchospora pringlei Greeman." (Torreya 4: 170.) Reduces the species, described from Michoacàn, to synonymy, under R. indianolensis Small. 1907. "Shorter notes." (Torreya 7: 102.) Description of Ribes chihuahuense sp. nov. BRITTON, N. L., and J. N. ROSE. 1907-1908. "Pereskiovsis a new genus of Cactaceae." (Smithson. Inst. Misc. Collect. 50: 331-333, illus.) Résumé of the article, by M. Guerke, was pubi, in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 18: 81-84, 1908). Transfer of subgenus of Opuntia to generic status, with a description of P. velutina n. sp. from Querétaro.

1890a. "On the general geographic distribution of North American plants." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 39: 322-327.) Divided into northern and southern flora, with orders assigned to one or the other; followed by speculations as to their earlier distribution. 161


BROCKWAY Cereus aus Nieder-Kalifornien," was printed in Kakteenk. 32: 157, 1922).

BRITTON—continued 1908. "A new genus of Cactaceae." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 185188, illus.) Reported by W. B. Hemsley, under the same title in (Gard. Chron. I l l , 45: 162, illus., 1909). After a review of earlier studies of its nomenclature, Cereus giganteas is changed to Carnegiea gigantea. 1908a. "A preliminary treatment of the Opuntioideae of North America." (Smithson. Inst. Misc. Collect. 50: 503-539.) A résumé, by M. Guerke, with the title "Britton und Rose: aufzaehlung der Opuntioideae von Nordamerika," was publ. in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 18: 104-106, 122-125, 1908). Eight n. sp. from Mexico are described, from Hidalgo, Puebla, Oaxaca, Morelos, and Durango.


BRITTON, Nathaniel Lord, Percy WILSON, and William R. MAXON. 1923-1930. Botany of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. New York, 2 vols. Publ. by the N.Y. Acad. Sci. These two volumes make up volumes 5 and 6 of the Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Volume 7, part 1 and 2, 1926, 173 p., 50 pi., 25 illus. are on the Plant ecology of Puerto Rico. This was prepared by Melville Thurston Cook and H. A. Gleason. Descriptions of the areas are by zones, with listings of dominant plants. BRITTON, N. L. 1926. "The swamp cypresses." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 27: 205-207.) With a section on Taxodium mucronatum.

BRITTON, N. L. (with the assistance of John Adolph Shafer). 1908b. North American trees. New York, 894 p., illus. "Descriptions and illustrations of the trees growing independently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies"; includes many plants, some new species, which grow in Mexico.

BRITTON, N. L., and J. N. ROSE. 1929. "Crassulaceae." (Desert 1 ( 5 ) : 54.) Reprint of the key from the North American Flora, 1905, q.v. 1931. "Cephalocereus euphorbioides (Haworth)." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 3 ( 3 ) : 68, illus.) From Vol. 2, p. 33 of their Cactaceae.

BRITTON, N. L., and J. N. ROSE. 1909. "Thompsonella, a new genus of Crassulaceae from Mexico." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 2 ( 9 ) : 391-392, illus.) With 2 species: T. minutiflora (transferred from Echeveria) and T. platyphylla n. sp.

BRIZICKY, George Konstantine. See also GAERTNER, Joseph, 17881791. 1961. "The genera of Turneraceae and Passifloraceae in the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 42: 204-218, illus., bibl.) With a key to two genera, Piriqueta and Turnera in the first group, and discussion of the subgenera of Passiflora. 1962. "The genera of Rutaceae in the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 1 ) : 1-22, illus., bibl.) With keys to genera, descriptions, and data on distribution. 1962a. "Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Zanthoxylum and Glycosmis (Rutaceae)." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 1 ) : 80-93.) Includes a discussion on reasons for regarding F agar a as a subgenus of Zanthoxylum. 1962b. "The genera of Simaroubaceae and Burseraceae in the southwestern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 2 ) : 173-186, bibl.) With keys to genera, descriptions, and distribution. 1962c. "The genera of Anacardiaceae in the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 4 ) : 359-375, bibl.) With a key to the genera. Schinus, Metopium, and Rhus, are found in Mexico.

1909a. "The genus Cereus and its allies in North America." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 2 ( 1 0 ) : 413-437, 1-5 pi.) Trans, by M. Guerke as "Die gattung Cereus und ihre verwandten in Nord Amerika (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 20: 11-14, 24-29, 40-45, 49-51, 1910). With descriptions of genera, lists of species with distributional data, and references to illustrations. Fifteen new genera are described. 1913. "Studies in Cactaceae I." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 6 ( 7 ) : 239-242, illus.) Descriptions of 7 new species, 3 of them from Mexico: Echinocactus alamosanus and E. luteus, both from Sonora, and Opuntia chaffeyi from Zacatecas. This was translated by F. Vaupel as "Sieben neue Cactaceae," and printed in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 23: 105-107, 1913). 1913a. "The genus Epiphyllum and its allies." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 6 ( 9 ) : 255-262, illus.) With an enumeration of species, arranged alphabetically within genera, including a description of one n. sp. in Mexico: Epiphyllum nelsonii. This was trans, by F. Vaupel as "Die gattung Epiphyllum und ihre verwandten" and printed in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 23: 114-118).

BRIZUELA, Joseph Días. See DIAS BRIZUELA, Joseph.

1919-1923. The Cactaceae. Washington, 4 vols., 1120 figs., 137 pi. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 248; vol. 1, and part of vol. 2 (to p. 148) were repr. in (Cact. Succ. Jour., beginning 3 ( 3 ) , 1931 and continuing to 8, 1937). One of the basic taxonomic works for the family. But when the work appeared, Dr. Isaac Ochoterena commented as follows: "Son de lamentarse su elevadísimo costo, la economía y parquedad con que el rico Instituto que la edita hace su distribución, y el sistemático olvido de los trabajos de botánicos Mexicanos a pesar de haber estado el Dr. Rose en el pais y haberle comunicado libremente nuestras modestas investigaciones." A translation into German, of the synopsis from vol. 1, down to genera, including subfamilies Pereskieae and Opuntieae, was printed as "Die neue kakteen monographie von Britton und Rose," in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 32: 113-120, 1922). Vaupel published another excerpt as "Die neue monographie der kakteen von Britton und Rose" in (Zeitschr. Sukk. 1: 123-138, 1924). This included a translation of the keys to tribes and genera, a listing of genera with original citations, numbers of species, type species, and distribution.

BROADDUS, Mabel Jones. 1935. "Marcus E. Jones, A.M." (Contr. West. Bot. 18: 152-157). Biographical sketch by his daughter. BROCKHAUS, F. A. 1855.

See SARTORIUS, Carl Christian Wilhelm,

BROCKLEHURST, Thomas Unett. 1883. Mexico today. London, 2d ed., 259 p., 56 pi., map.-PPL-R. A tourist treatment with scattered references to plants. One chapter is on plant products. BROCKMAN-JEROSCH, Heinrich. See BROCKMAN-JEROSCH, 1912.


Eduard and

BROCKWAY, William. 1895. "An eminent botanist." (Two Republics, Nov. 5, 1895.) Letter to the editor with information on C. G. Pringle. Under subheadings "Mr. C. G. Pringle has spent eleven years collecting in Mexico" and "Twelve thousand classified plants," Brockway lists states in which Pringle collected, institutions to which the plants were sent, and some plants which bear his name.

1922. "The two species of deerhorn cactus." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12: 328-330, illus.) On Pineocereus greggii and P. johnstonii, the latter a new species from Lower California, with a key to distinguish the two species. An excerpt, trans, by F. Vaupel as "Ein neuer

1896. "Letter to John W. Harshberger." On deposit at PPAN. Written from Tuxpan de Michoacán, México, Sept. 6, 1886; reports having found "several fine specimens of the wild 162


BRODIE potato"; also announces plans of the Mexican Botanical Club to devote the next six months to collecting along the west coast of Mexico. BRODIE, John Pringle. 1824-1832. Journal of . . . Typed copy, by Brodie's grandson, E. L. Waldteufel, of 3 vols, of the original ms. which were deposited at ICN in 1919. The copy consists of 31, 70, 19, and 11 lvs.-ICN. The journal covers the following trips: 1. from Alvarado to Xalapa, to Mexico, and the beginning of a trip from Guadalajara to Guaymas; May 29, 1824 to May 16, 1828. This includes, on p. 29-31, a trip from Guadalajara to Colima, 1832, which is repeated in the 4th section, 11 lvs. The continuation of this section is found in part 2. 2. from Guadalajara to Guaymas, Hermosillo, and Arispe, 1832. 3. marked Guadalajara to Guanaxuato, 1831; but refers only to Guadalajara and environs. 4. Guadalajara to Guaymas, 1832; first part of 2, above. Contains general references to the vegetation of the areas visited, and references to cultivated plants. Wild plants are listed by common names only. Hall's work on western Mexico, q.v., is criticized as false and exaggerated. BRODIGAN, Thomas. 1930. A botanical, historical, and practical treatise on the tobacco plant. London, 236 p. Botanical treatment follows Philip Miller, with a chapter referring to tobacco as indigenous to the Old and New World; cited as a valuable "historical treatise," in the catalogue of the Arents Collection. BROKE, W. S. 1911. "Guayule." (Out West 1 ( 3 2 ) n.s., 1 ( 3 ) : 177-181, illus.) On experiments with propagation of the plant. BRONDO RUIZ, Guillermo. 1944. "Cultivo del cacao — Zona Rio Seco, Paraíso, Tabasco, México." Cd. Juárez, 81 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Theobroma cacao. BRONGNIART, Adolphe Theodore. See also DUCHARTRE, P., 1845. 1826. Mémoire sur la famille des Rhamnées. Paris, 78 p., 6 pl. Repr. in (Ann. S ci. Nat. 10: 320-386, illus., 1827). Includes morphology, classification to genera, with important species listed, and geographic distribution. Some Mexican plants are included. 1833. "Note sur quelques conifères de la tribu des Cupressinées." (Ann. S ci. Nat. 30: 176-191.) Mainly on Taxodium. 1840. "Description du Roulinia (Liliacées)." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 14: 319-320.) On a "nouveau genre de plantes du Mexique," made up of 5 species, previously in Yucca, Cordyline, Barbacenia and Anatis. 1841. "Description de quelques Broméliacées nouvelles." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 15: 369-372.) "Qui ont fleuré dans les serres du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle"; includes Neumannia imbricata from Mexico, whose description is reprinted by Otto and Dietrich in the (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 11: 377-378, 1843), under the title, "Beschreibung der Neumannia imbricata Brongn." 1842. "Description de deux genres d'Orchidées du Mexique." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 17: 43-45.) On Barkeria and Hexadesmia, with a description of a plant assigned doubtfully to Barkeria elegans, as described in ( Fl. Cab. 2: 7-8, pi. 49, 1838), and a description of Hexadesmia fasciculata, cited as a new species.

1845-1846. "Nouvelles espèces de Dahlia." (Rev. Hort. II, 4 : 305306.) Descriptions of Dahlia platylepis and D. pubescens, both from Mexico. 1846. "Sur un nouveau genre de Cycadacées du Mexique." (Ann. Sci. Nat. Ill, 5: 5-9, illus.) An extract was publ. in (Rev. Bot. 2: 180-182, 1846-1847), and in (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 15: 129-131, 1847). On Ceratozamia mexicana. 1847. "Plantes nouvelles de la famille des Gesneriées récemment introduites dans les jardins." (Ret;. Hort. Ill, 1: 361-363.) Includes descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Gesneria melittifolia, Gloxinia fimbriata, and Achimenes patens. BROOK, Harry Ellington. 1894. "The Yucca palm." (Land of Sunshine 1: 109, illus.) A popular article, mainly on the uses of the plant. BROOKES, Richard. See QUELUS, D. de, 1719. BROOKS, Erwin R., and Arthur T. GUARD. 1952. "Vegetative anatomy of Theobroma cacao." 444-454, illus.)

(Bot. Gaz. 113:

BROOKS, Eugene Clyde. 1916. The story of corn and the westward migration. Chicago and New York, 308 p., illus., bibl. Emphasis is on the corn industry in the United States, with a brief reference to Mexico in the chapter on the origin and varieties of corn. BROOKS, Jerome E. See also CASTIGLIONI, Arturo, 1943. 1944. "The early iconography of tobacco." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 45: 217-225, 248-255, illus.) Begins with Dodoens, 1554, and continues to Schoon, 1692. BROOKS, W. G. 1937. "Orchids and cacti." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 6 ( 3 ) : 52-54.) On orchids that grow in areas better known for cacti. Mexico is included in the discussion. BROOKS, William (Bill). 1952. "Natural friends of the Begonias." (Begonian 1 9 ( 4 ) : 74-75.) Describes the vegetation of Chiapas and Oaxaca, where Begonias have been collected. 1952a. "More about Mexican Begonias." (Begonian 1 9 ( 8 ) : 176, 177, illus.; ( 9 ) : 198.) Description of a trip, with references to the Begonias seen. BROSIO, Arturo. 1936. "El kaki." (Agr. Mex. 5 2 ( 3 ) : 14-16.) On Diospyros kaki. BROTERO, Felix de Avellar. See AVELLAR BROTERO, Felix de. BROTHER ANASTASIUS BENEDICT.

See AYERS, Benedict.

BROUGHTON, C. See LUMHOLTZ, Carl, 1891. BROUWER, Walther. 1927. Landwirtschaftliche samenkunde. Neudamm, 130 p., 14 pl., 2 figs. With keys for identification and descriptions of seeds. BROUWER, Walther, and Adolf STAEHLIN. 1955. Handbuch der samenkunde. Frankfurt am Main, 656 p., illus. (over 1600).—PPAN. Over 2500 seeds are described. Descriptions are arranged alphabetically by families, and by genera and species within the families; a key is given for selected species. BROWN, Clara Spaulding. 1900. "The national drink of Mexico." (Overl. Month, n.s. 36: 275281, illus.) Popular article with a description of the Agave.

1844. "Pitcairnia densiflora." (Hort. Univ. 6: 228-231, illus.) Description of a new species from Mexico collected by Ghiesbreght; followed by information on culture by Ch. Lemaire.

BROWN, Grace Owen. 1907. The tour of the 400 to Mexico. Chicago, 159 p., illus.-NN. Good travel account with references to plants.



BROWN BROWN, Grant Dukelow. 1956. "The taxonomy of American Atriplex." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 55: 199-210.) Historical review and descriptions, with distribution, of 8 species and a number of varieties; the greater number of the taxa range into Mexico. BROWN, Harold. 1914. Rubber. London, 245 p., 12 pi. Pref. by Wyndham R. Dunstan. (Imp. Inst. Handb.) The emphasis is on West Africa. The author discusses the principal rubber-yielding plants of the world, by families, with geographical distribution. A separate chapter is devoted to Castilloa, and there is a brief reference to the history of rubber in Mexico. BROWN, Harry Bates. 1927. Cotton. New York, 1st ed., 1927; 2d ed., 1938, i-xiii, 592 p., illus. A survey of the history, taxonomy, culture, manufacture, and marketing of cotton, with a key to cultivated species and a description of cultivated varieties. There is a short section on cotton production in Mexico, giving important regions and the amounts produced. BROWN, Herbert. 1908. "The hashish plant in Arizona and Mexico." 1 1 ( 8 ) : 180-183.) On Cannabis indica.



BROWN, J. B. See GOFFART, Auguste, 1877. BROWN, J. R. See also HASELTON, Scott E., ed. 1939; MORAN, Reid, 1954; WHITEHEAD, Jack, 1943. 1944. "Pachyphytum unifiorum." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 6 ( 1 1 ) : 159160, illus.) From Sau Luís Potosí; discusses how it can be distinguished from P. hookeri (Salm) Berger. 1945. "Pachyphytum werdermannii Poelln." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 7 ( 4 ) : 50, illus.) Description of a plant from Tamaulipas. 1945a. "Two well known Agaves." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 7 ( 8 ) : 107110, illus.) On A. victoriae-reginae T. Moore and A. ferdinandi-regis Berger; with a chart of characters for separating them. 1952. "Lenophyllum guttatum." Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 4 ( 5 ) : 152-153, illus.) From Coahuila? BROWN (or BRUNO), John. 1700. Elementa medicinae. Edinburgh, 1700, 421 p. A Spanish trans. Elementos de medicina was publ. in México, 2 vols, in one, 82 and 199 p., ed. and enlarged by Joseph Mariano Mociño—Inst. Teen. Mont. According to León, the publication of the translation "es dato importantísimo para la historia de la medicina en México pues Moziño, después de Bartolache, fué el primero que clamó contra la rutinaria y atrasadísima enseñanza que de la medicina se había venido impartiendo en México desde los principies de la conquista hasta su tiempo." BROWN, John Henry. 1867. Two years in Mexico, or the emigrant's friend. Galveston, 104 p.-CtY. By a Confederate exile who describes his trip from Eagle Pass to Monterrey, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Yucatan, the Pánuco and Tampico regions. Description is given of the country in general, with considerable material on vegetation; emphasis is on the Tuxpan country. One chapter is on the "productions of the country," with common names only; another is on coffee culture. BROWN, John P.? 1903. "Under Mexican skies." (Arboriculture 2 ( 7 ) : 279-285, illus.) Published anonymously; by the ed? One section on forests of Mexico discusses pines, oaks,

mesquite, ash and willows; another is on Eucalyptus Mexico.


BROWN, L. H. 1934. "Relatives of the cactus family." (Des. Pl. Life 6 ( 7 ) : 100, 104, illus.) A general discussion and description. BROWN, Nicholas. See THEODORUS, Jacob, 1588-1591. BROWN, Nicholas Edward. See also VARIOUS, 1894-1933. 1883. "Cestrum hartwegii (Dun.) var. pubescens." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 19: 656.) "Little doubt that this variety also hails from the same region ( Mexico )." BROWN, R. (Robert?). See AITON, William, 1789. BROWN, Robert. 1811. "On the Asclepiadeae." (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 1278.) "A natural order of plants separated from the Apocineae of Jussieu"; with keys to genera in both groups, and descriptions and distribution of each genus. 1818. "Some observations on the natural family of plants called Compositae." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 12: 76-142.) General section on the morphology and anatomy, with remarks on "certain genera which either occur under different names in late systematic works, or whose structure and limits seem to be imperfectly understood." 1845. "Descriptions of the female flower and fruit of Rafflesia arnoldi, with remarks on its affinities." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 19: 221-247, 9 pi.) A supplement, beginning on p. 240, gives "distinguishing characters of the order, tribes, genera and species of Rafflesiaceae." This includes a description of Cytinus americanus listed as from America aequinoctialis, and cited in Ind. Kew. as from Mexico. 1868. "A monograph of the coniferous genus Thuya." (Trans. Bot, Soc. Edinburgh: 358-378.) Study of T. gigantea compared with Libocedrus decurrens. 1870. "On the geographical distribution of the Coniferae and Gnetaceae." (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 10: 175-196.) A German trans, was publ. as "Die geographische verbreitung der Coniferen und Gnetaceen" in (Peterm. Geogr. Mitt. 18: 4148, map, 1872), and an extract from this, into French by Ch. Firket was publ. in (Belgique Hort. 25: 322-345, 1873) with the title "Distribution géographique des Conifères et des Gnetacées." The Mexican province is discussed under New Mexico, the Aztec region, and Guatemala; species are cited for each area. BROWN, Mrs. Stanly N., Mrs. Frank A. EVANS, and Mrs. John B. SELLERS. 1941. "The nightshade family." (Bull. Gard. Club Amer. VII, 18: 10-27.) Plants are listed according to uses, by scientific names, with common names. BROWN, W. 1901. "Succulents." (Gard. Chron., Ill, 29: 88-89, 120, 151-152, 184-185, 207, illus.) Catalogue of various genera of cacti, giving numbers of species, distribution, and brief descriptions of some of the outstanding species. Emphasis is on culture. BROWN, Walter C. See F R E T E R , L. Ernest, and BROWN, 1955. BROWN, Walter Varian. 1948. "A cytological study in the Gramineae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 5 ( 7 ) : 382-395, illus.) A study of 11 species and varieties, in 19 genera. 1958. "Leaf anatomy in grass systematics." (Bot. Gaz. 119(3): 170-178, bibl. ) Study of 101 species in 72 genera, with 6 basic types of tissue arrangement, discusses results in relation to various systems proposed for the family.



BROWN, William H. 1938. "The bearing of nectaries on the phylogeny of flowering plants." (Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 79: 549-595, illus.)

1926. "Beitraege zur anatomie, morphologie und systematik der Commelinaceae." ( B e i b l . Bot. Jahrb. # 1 3 7 , 61: 1-70, illus.) With a synopsis of tribes, and keys to genera, in the Hexandrae, Triandrae, and the Declinatae.

BROWN, William L. See VARIOUS, 1948. BROWNE, Daniel Jay. 1846. The trees of America: illus.

native and foreign.

1927. "Zur speziellen systematik der Commelinaceae." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 0 ( 9 1 ) : 55-61.) New species described from Mexico are Zebrina purpusii, Tradescantia commelinoides var. glabrata, and T. holosericea var. purpusiana. 1927-1928. "Beitraege zur anatomie, morphologie, und systematik der Convolvulaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 61, Beibl. 137: 1-70, illus.)

New York, 520 p.,

The emphasis is on the United States, but some of the trees are Mexican. Geography, history, culture, and uses are given with descriptions and sketches. 1852. Maize or Indian corn. New York, 48 p. Contains a section on the geography and history of the plant.

B R U E H L , Gustave. 1896. Zwischen Alaska und Feuerland—bilder aus den Neuen Welt. Berlin, 722 p. Travels in Mexico are described on p. 205-402 under the following headings: "Aus Yucatan," "Von Veracruz nach Mexico," "Ueber Cuernavaca nach Xochicalco," "Ein ausflug in das land der Zapoteken (Oaxaca and Mitla)," "West und nordwaerts" (to Morelia, San Luís Potosí and the border). References to plants are limited to cultivated ones.

BROWNE, John Ross. 1868. Exploration in Lower California. Tucson, 1952, 43 p.; a repr. of 3 articles publ. originally in (Harper's Neto Month. Mag. 37: 577, 740; 38: 9-23, Oct. to Dec., 1868). With numerous references to plants. 1869. Adventures in the Apache country. London, 535 p., illus. Another ed., New York, 1869. "A tour through Arizona and Sonora" with just a brief section on Sonora; plant references are mainly to cultivated crops.

BRUGES, Roger, graf von. 1873. Reiseskizzen aus West Indien, Mexico, und Nord Leipzig, 405 p. Only a few plant references are included.

1869a. Resources of the Pacific slope. New York and San Francisco, 678, 200 p. The second part is entitled "Sketch of the settlement and exploration of Lower California." The second part includes the following contributions: 1. "Historical summary of Lower California," p. 66-67, by Alexander S(mith) Taylor; with an interesting section on plants.

BRUGGEMAN, L(ouis). (Full name is Marie Louis Abraham.) 1957. Tropical plants and their cultivation. London, 205 p., 292 illus. in color by Ojong Soerjadi; intro. and add. notes by W . M. Campbell. This was trans, from the original Dutch version, Tuinboek voor de tropen. (Date and place of publ. are not given. ) Discussion of the plants is divided according to their habit, habitat and, in some cases, families (cycads, palms, conifers, bamboos). Some common names are included with the descriptions.

2. "Exploration of Lower California," p. 82-122, by William M(ore) Gabb; with much material on plants. 3. "Report on Cerros or Cedros Island," p. 143-154, by John A. Veatch; with a section on the soil and its productions. Veatch mentions an appendix which is supposed to have descriptions on plants. 4. An extract from Clavigero's work on Lower California (q.v.), p. 155-172, translated by A. G. Randall.

BRUGUES, Casimiro. See GILG,Ernst Friedrich, and P. N. SCHURHOFF, 1926. B R U L L E Y (Claudius Antonius? León uses the initials C. A.). 1801. "Mémoire historique sur la culture du nopal et l'éducation de la cochenille." (Mem. Soc. S av. Littl. Rep. Fr. 2: 34-49.) The story of Thiery de Menonville's visit to Mexico is included. The nopal is discussed on p. 39-40.

BROWNE, Peter Arrell. 1842. "Catalogue of plants, woods, seeds, etc. collected in the West Indian Islands." N.p., 23 Ivs., 9 p., Ms. at PPAN.

BRUMAN, Henry John.

Plants, which were collected in St. Croix, are listed by families, with genera and species, and common names.

1940. "Aboriginal drink areas in New Spain." Berkeley, 243 typed Ivs., 3 maps.—CU-B. PhD. thesis.

1943. "A description of the Carica papaya or papaw." N.P., 7 p., Ms. at PPAN. Round with "Catalogue of plants, woods, seeds, etc., collected in the West Indian Islands."

With a map showing areas where various alcoholic beverages are used. Emphasis is on mescal, pulque, and on beverages made of cactus, maize, and jocote. An appendix of auxiliary herbs is included; with common and scientific names, in what drink used, and by what groups. There is a section on the taxonomy of Agave and Dasylirion, a table of uses of mescal for food and drink; a table of Platyopuntiae of economic value in the tuna-mesquite region; and a table on pulque magueyes based on Ramirez Laguna; a very interesting work.

With properties and uses of the plant. BRUCIAGA, Agustín Reyes. See REYES BRUCIAGA, Agustín. BRUECKMANN, Franz (Franc.) Ernst. 1721. De avellana Mexicana—cacao. Helmstadt, 1721, 48 p., 5 figs.— MoBG. An edition of 1728 at DLC, publ. in Brunswick, 29 p., 2 pi., (4 figs.) is entitled "Relatio brevis historico-botanicomedica de avellana Mexicana, vulgo cacao."

1942. "The 16th century 'relaciones geográficas' for Mexico." Assoc. Amer. Geog. 32: 105-106.)

This is a dissertatio inauguralis, accompanied by an invitation from J. C. Spies to attend the presentation of the above study. The first edition is often listed under Spies' name since he presided over the ceremony. The invitation is titled " D e cacao." The thesis reviews the history, botany, and medical uses of the plant, as well as early names and distribution. 1744. "De rarioribus quibusdam fructibus exoticis." Med. 7: 181-182, illus.)


Summary of those known, those printed, and location of some of those not published yet; discusses their importance. 1944. "Some observations on the early history of the coconut in the New World." (Acta Amer. 2 ( 3 ) : 220-243.)


A detailed study which concludes that the evidence is against American origin of the coconut, as proposed by Cook.



1942. "Betrachtungen und beobachtungen zur systematik der cacteen. " (Kakteenkunde: 25-29, illus.)


1945, 1947. "Early coconut culture in western Mexico." (Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. 25: 212-223.) A careful historical study indicating that coconuts could have been brought to Colima by currents from Panama. Followed by "A further note on coconuts in Colima" in ( 2 7 : 572573, 1947) in which, on the basis of a document not previously seen, it seems evident that coconuts were transported

Plants are described as nucem nucern Indicum minorem, etc.









BRUMAN-continued from Panama to Mexico in 1539 on orders of Cortes, and were probably planted in Colima. 1948. "The culture history of Mexican vanilla." (Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. 28: 360-376.) A paper with the same title was presented at the 44th Ann. Meet. Amer. Assoc. Geogr. in 1947, and an abstract of the paper was pubi, in the (Ann. of the Assoc. 38: 84-85, 1948). A well-documented study. BRUMHARD, Philipp. 1905. "Monographische uebersicht der gattung Erodium." Breslau, 59 p. Inaug. Diss. Breslau.—DA. Covers history, morphology, anatomy, and geographical distribution. Only E. texanum and E. macrophyllum are cited for southwestern United States. BRUN, V. A. Malte. See MALTE BRUN, V. A. BRUNAL, Gil Morice. 1919. "Algunos pastos naturales de México." (Rev. illus.)

Agr. 4:38-62,

BRUNET, José. 1933. "Los árboles de sombra para el cafeto en la América tropical." (Hacienda 28: 16-19, 52-55, illus.) With lists of plants, used in various areas, giving their common and scientific names. BRUNI, Luigi. 1890. Attraverso il Messico. Milano, 234 p., illus.—MN Méx. With references to plants in the 2d part, chapter 1, and 4th part, chapters 4 and 5. BRUNNHOFF, F. de Brignoli a. See BRIGNOLI a BRUNNHOFF, F. de. BRUNO, John. See BROWN, John. BRUNSON, Arthur M. See SPRAGUE, George Frederick, 1955. BRUSH, Warren David. See also VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1938. Lignumvitae. Washington, 13 p., map; in series, Foreign woods, pubi, in U.S.D.A. Forest Serv.—DA. Covers nomenclature, distribution, properties, and uses of guaiacum. 1941. Mahogany. Washington, 22 p., map. In series, Foreign woods, pubi, by U.S.D.A. Forest Serv.-DA. On Swietenia species, giving nomenclature, distribution, and use. 1945. Balsa, Ochroma lagopus Sw. Washington, 14, p., bibl., map This replaces an earlier version pubi, in the American Woods Series, 1942. This was not seen. The 1945 version is in the Foreign Woods Series, pubi, by the U. S. Forest Service. Data on nomenclature, distribution, properties, and uses. Other light weight woods are also discussed. BRUTELLE, Charles Luis (Carolus Ludovicus) L'Heritier de. See L'HERITIER de BRUTELLE, Charles Louis (Carolus Ludovicus ). BRUTIO, Luis. See VARIOUS, 1869. BRUYSSEL, Ernest Jean van. 1880. Les Etats Unis Mexicains. Bruxelles, 2d ed., 175 p. Trans, by Platon Roa as "Informe sobre los Estados Unidos Mexicanos" in (Rev. Méx. 2: 2, 14, 41, 55, 82, 93, 99, 111, 123, 135, 147, 160, 176, 181, 201, 213, 249, 1880.) With a brief section on plants of commercial importance, giving scientific names for some. BRY, Johann Israel de. See BRY, Johann Theodor de et al, 15901634; HERRERA y TORDESILLAS, Antonio, 1601. BRY, Johann Theodor de. See also BENZONI, Girolamo, 1565; GOTTFRIED, Johann Ludwig, 1631. BRY, Johann Theodor de, et al. 1590-1634. America (also known as Grand voyages, Great voyages, India occidentalis. Frankfurt, 14 parts, pubi, separately and in many ed. Parts 1 to 6 were ed. and illus. by Theodor de

Bry; 7 to 9, by Johann Theodor and Johann Israel de Bry; 10 to 12, by Johann Theodor de Bry; 13 and 14 by Matthaeus Merian. Planned originally to be publ. in English, French, Latin, and German, but after vol. 1, issued only in Latin and German. Publ. irregularly with new parts overlapping reissues of old parts. For more bibliographic detail see Church catalogue, and DLC catalogue. Parts 9 (also called 9th and last part) and 14 are most important for Mexico. First part of 9 was translated from Linschoten's Dutch version of Jose de Acosta's De Novi Orbis natura. Part 9, book 4 contains "Naturalis Indiae Occidentalis historiae," with chapters 16-32 on plant products, and illustrations of agriculture in Mexico, and of the floating gardens. Book 4 also discusses the climate and geography of Mexico; books 5, 6, 7, the history of Mexico. In part 14, sections 6 and 7, issued only in German, there are sections on "Cinaloa, urbis Mexico, Novae Hispaniae, Jucatan, and Guatimala." Parts 4 and 5 are a translation by Urbain Chauveton of books 1 and 2 of Benzoni's History of the New World, q.v. Part 12 contains the works of Acosta and Herrera (y Tordesillas), q.v. BRY, Johann Theodor de. 1641-(44). Florilegium renovatum et auctum. Franckfurt am Mayn, 176 pi., ( 5 ) & 14 p.-D.A. Brit. Mus. cites dates as 1641-(47). and lists 177 illus. This is an enlarged ed. of the author's 1612 work, Florilegium novum (fide Brit. Mus. Cat.). Text in German is by Matthaeus Merian. Brief text includes descriptions of Ficus indica, tiger flower, and cactus. BRY, Theodor de. See BRY, Johann Theodor de et al, 1590-1634. BRYAN, Carter R . 1943. "The return of the natives." (Mex. Amer. Rev. 1 1 ( 8 ) : 6-9, 39.) On crops made important again by the war. BRYANT, Charles. 1783. Flora diaetetica. London, 379 p. History of esculent plants, with descriptions, uses, and native places of growth; many Mexican plants are included. BRYANT, Walter E. 1891. "Andrew Jackson Grayson." (Zoe 2:34-68). Biography, with appended sketches of birds (heretofore unpublished), mainly Mexican; with references to plants associated with them. 1891a. "The Cape region of Baja California." (Zoe 2: 185-201.) Description of a trip by an ornithologist, with occasional references to plants associated with the birds. BRYANT, William Harrison. See NENTWIG, Juan, 1762. BRYCE, David. See LABAT, Jean Baptiste, 1722. BUCHANAN, Juan. 1927. "Generalidades sobre el cultivo e importancia de la alfalfa." Cd. Juárez, 45 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Medicago. BUCHENAU, Franz. See also ASCHERSON, P., 1891; LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923. 1861. "Tima — ein Mexikanisches mittel gegen lungenschwindsucht." (Bonplandia 9: 175-176, 225-227.) Thinks it is a Crescentia; Seemann ( B ) , in a note, disagrees. 1869. "Index criticus Butomacearum, Alismacearum, Juncaginacearumque hucusque descriptarum." (Jour. Bot. 7: 219-232.) Catalogue of names, authorities, and synonymy. 1873. "Ueber einige von Liebmann in Mexiko gesammelte pflanzen." (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 3: 339-350.) A discussion mainly of many species of Juncaceae, described principally by Liebmann. Buchenau adds diagnoses in Latin for J. brevifolius, J. trinervis, Luzula latifolia; also describes a new species of Potamogeton, P. liebmanni. Descriptions of plants in the Alismaceae and Najadaceae are also included.


BUCHHEIM 1873a. "Die springende samen aus Mexiko." ( A b h . Naturw. Ver. Bremen 3: 373-377, 1873. Rep. in Monatsch. Ver. Bef. Gart. 16: 457-462, 1873.) Discussion centers on the insect and its activities. The plant which produces the beans had not yet been identified, at this date. 1880. "Vorkommen Europäischer Luzula arten in Amerika." (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 6: 622-624.) Report of Luzula pilosa and L. angustifolia in Mexico; the first known previously only from Canada and the northern United States. The second was only known previously from Central Europe. The occurrence of L. gigantea Desv. var. laetevirens in America, from Mexico to Ecuador, is also discussed. 1881. "Die Verbreitung der Juncaceen uéber die erde." ( B o t . Jahrb. 1: 104-141.) With a table showing the geographic distribution of the sections of the family; in it Mexico is considered as a separate area.

and D. New taxa from Mexico include: P. reichet, and its variety microcarpus.

P. matudai

BUCHINGER, J. 1867. "Sericographis mohitli und ihre anwendung." (Bot. Zeitg. 25: 84.) Refers probably to Jacobinia. BUCHINGER, Maria, and Rodolfo FALCONE. 1957. "Cedrela mexicana M. J. Roemer." (Darwiniana 292.) "Especie nueva para la flora Argentina."

1 1 ( 2 ) : 290-

BÜCHNER, A. 1861. "Ueber das anacahuite holz." (Arch. Pharm. II, 106: 137143.) A report on its chemical analysis with a description of the wood, quoted from Otto Berg, q.v. BUC'HOZ, Pierre Joseph. 1770. Manual médical et usuel des plantes tant exotiques qu'indigènes. Paris, 2 vols.—DA. With a list of diseases and plant remedies for each; also a list of plants arranged in groups, according to medicinal uses. 1770-1771. Dictionnaire raisonné universel des plantes . . . Paris, 4 vols.—DA. On plants used in France in agriculture, gardening, arts, and medicine; listed alphabetically by common names. 1774-1778. Histoire universelle du règne végétal. Paris, 12 vols, of text in 4, and 12 vols, of pi. in 4. Copy at PPAN consists of 13 vols. text. "Nouveau dictionnaire physique et économique de toutes les plantes que croissent sur la surface du globe." In the copy at PPAN, the 13th vol. of text ends with Pennantia. Was there more? 1783. Herbier colorié de l'Amérique. Paris, 200 pl.—MH. Hand-colored engravings, many of Mexican plants. 1783-1784. Le jardin d'Eden. Paris, 2 vols., 140 col. pi. "Collection des plantes les plus rares que se trouvent dans les deux hemispheres." Included are Bocconia frutescens, Bixa orellana, Theobroma cacao, Argemone mexicana, Crescentia cujete, Cereus flagelliformis, C. parasiticus, Commelina zanonia and Hura crepitans. Numbering on the last plates in vol. 2 is confused.

1882. "Beitraege zur kenntniss der Alismaceen, Butomaceen, und Juncaginaceen." (Bot. Jahrb. 2: 465-510.) Detailed study. 1886. "Die Juncaceen aus Mittelamerika." ( F l o r a 69: 145-155, 161170.) With a review of the collections of Juncus from middle America, mostly Mexico; a key to species, and descriptions; also a biography of Johann Wilhelm Schaffner, (who later signed himself J.(ohannes) G. (ulielmus or Guillermo), with an attempt to clarify his collection numbers of Juncus. 1890. "Monographia Juncacearum." (Bot. Jahrb. 12: 1-495, 622, illus.) A detailed study with keys. 1891-1892. "Die springenden bohnen aus Mexiko." (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 1 2 ( 1 ) : 47-52, 1891; ( 2 ) : 277-290, 1892. Trans, into Spanish as "Las semillas brincadores de México" and printed in Naturaleza II, 2: 389-403, 1894. See also Aus der Natur 1: 289-294, illus., 1905.) The plant is described by Mueller Arg., in De Candolle's Prodromus, as Sebastiania pavonian. The contributions of C. V. Riley to the subject are discussed and additional reports from various sources are reviewed, including descriptions of Sebastiania palmeri Rose and S. pringlei Watson. 1893, 1897. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der gattung Tropaeolum." (Bot. Jahrb. 15: 180-259, illus., 1893; 22: 157-183, illus., 1897.) One section is entitled "uebersicht ueber die entwicklung unserer kenntnis der arten von Tropaeolum"; another is a "kritische uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannten Tropaeolum arten" and another "geographische Verbreitung der Tropaeolum arten." The second reference consists of additions and corrections to the first part. Tr. emarginatum N. Turcz. from Chiapas is mentioned in the first section as a doubtful species.

1785. Le grand jardin de l'univers. 2 vols, in one, with 200 pi.

Paris, 100 pl. Brit. Mus. has

"Les plantes les plus belles, les plus curieuses et les plus rares des quatre parties de la terre"; a continuation of "l'herbiér de la Chine, collection des fleurs de la Chine, dons merveilleux dans la regne végétal et Jardin d'Eden." Included are Plumiera rubra, Achras sapota and Hypericum mexicanum. 1787. Dissertatio

BUCHHEIM, G. 1960. "Nomenklatorische und systematische bemerkungen ueber die gattung Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae)." (Willdenowia 2(3): 291-318, illus.) Review of the genus, particularly with relation to Croton, Jatropha, and Adelia ( L . non P. Br.); there is a brief reference to a Houstoun collection of Bernardia from Mexico. 1962. "Ueber die typusart der gattung Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae)." (Willdenowia 3 ( 2 ) : 217-220.)

sur le cacao.

Paris, 60 p.

Only brief references to Mexico. 1787a. Dissertation sur le thé, café, cacao. Paris, 60, 65, 91 p. Second ed. entitled Dissertation sur l'ultilité du tabac, du café, du cacao et du thé," Paris, 185 p., 4 pl., 1788. History, description and cultivation. 1800. Manuel économique

des plantes.

Paris, 356 p.—MH.

"Traité de toutes les plantes qui peuvent être utiles aux arts"; alphabetical catalogue of 564 plants arranged by scientific names. A special section on "plantes des Indes, de l'Afrique et de différents pays étrangers" consists of 166 plants arranged alphabetically by common names; on p. 318-339, is the "Flora oeconomica," by Linné.

BUCHHOLZ, John Theodore. See also VARIOUS, 1948b. 1920. "Embryo development and polyembryony in relation to the phylogeny of conifers." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 7 ( 4 ) : 125-145, illus.) BUCHHOLZ, John T(heodore), and Netta E . GRAY. 1948. "A taxonomic revision of Podocarpus." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 49-63, 64-76, 4 pi., 117-122, 1 pi., 123-151, 8 pi.) I. Discuss the sections and subdivisions, with specific references to leaf anatomy. II. American species, section Stachycarpus. III. American species, section Polypodiopsis. IV. America species, section Eupodocarpus, subsections C


Manuel floréal des plantes. Paris, 285 p.—MH. Another ed., 1891, called Traité . . ." with subtitle Manuel fioreal . . . "Traité de toutes les plantes qui peuvent servir d'ornement . . . "; 771 plants listed alphabetically by scientific names, with common names descriptions, and uses, in part I.

1804. Notice

sur la stramoine

en arbre.

Paris, 76 p. MH-A.

The first section, p. 1-5, is on Datura Pérou; the rest is on other plants. 167





BUCKLEY B UC'HOZ—continued 1812. Traité usuel du chocolat. Paris, 112 p.—NN. Description of the plant, and of other plants used in connection with cocoa: vanilla, sugar, etc. BUCKLEY, Samuel Botsford. 1861. "Description of new plants from Phila.: 448-463.) Arranged systematically with range into Mexico. 1883. "Apples in Mexico and Texas." Answering an earlier report who remarked that he did not in Mexico.

1887. "Peregrinación de los Aztecas y nombres geográficos indígenas de Sinaloa." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., IV, 2: 315-464, 6 pl., 1890, 2d ed.) First ed., México, 140 p., 1887; another ed., México, 152 p., 1892. Gives the derivation of place names. BUEN, Fernando de. 1942. "Notas sobre una expedición limnològica al Rio Marqués, afluente del Balsas." (Univ. Michoacán 4 ( 1 8 ) : 114-118.) With general references to the vegetation in the area. 1944. "Limnobiología de Pátzcuaro." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 15: 261312.) With some references to plants. 1947. "La vida en las aguas dulces." ( Univ. Michoacán 25/26: 5-24.) With a section on the littoral and sublittoral vegetation of Lake Pátzcuaro, and a list of species according to families.

Texas." ( Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. localities; many of the plants (Gard. Month. 25: 300.) from a Mr. John E. Russell, think apples could be grown '

BUDA, Gaetano Harasti di. See HARASTI di BUDA, Gaetano. BUDOWSKI, Gerardo. 1956. "Tropical savannas, a sequence of forest felling and repeated burnings." (Turrialba 6 ( 1 ) : 23-33. Repr. in Bol. Mus. Cieñe. Nat. (Caracas) 6 - 7 ( 1 - 4 ) : 63-87, illus., bibl. 1960.) 1959. "Algunas relaciones entre la presente vegetación y las antiguas actividades del hombre en el trópico Americano." (Bol. Mus. Cieñe. Nat. (Caracas) 4-5 ( 1 - 4 ) : 108-111.) Discusses the abundance of Swietenia macrophylla, Achras zapota, and Brosimum alicastrum, and indicates how the past history of Mayan agricultural and pastoral practices could have been responsible for this. 1959a. "The ecological status of fire in the tropical American lowlands." (Actas 33 Cong. Intern. Amer. San fosé, Costa Rica, 1958, 2: 264-278.) Also in (Bol. Mus. Cienc. Nat. (Caracas) 4 - 5 ) : ( 1 - 4 ) : 113-127, bibl., 1959.)

BUENA MAISON, Alonso Olivier, 1678.






See LIZ, Fernández de.



BUGBEE, James McKellar. 1886. Cocoa and cholocate. Dorchester, 165 p. Pubi, by Walter Baker and Co. and repr. in a number of eds., to 1917. Includes a history of the plant, with a list of varieties of Theobroma cacao, and their descriptions. Much is translation or quotation from earlier works. BUGNON, P. 1922. "Sur la position systématique des Euphorbiacées." Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 175: 629-632, illus.)

BUECHNER, Joann (Johann) Gottfried ( G o d o f ) . 1744. "De Aloe americana maiori aculeata anno 1742 in Voigtlandia fiorente." (Act. Phys. Med. 7: 4 2 5 ^ 2 9 . ) With a description of the plant. León cites the original thesis as "De Aloe americana," Greizae, 1743.

BUITRON, Ana María Becerril. María.


BUITRON, Francisco Antonio Lorenzana y Antonio. ZANA y BUITRON, Francisco.

BUEHLER-OPPENHEIM, K. 1949. "Zur geschichte des tabaks." (Ciba Zeitschr. 1 0 ( 1 1 6 ) : 42784284, map. ) On its use by the Indian in America, its introduction to Europe, and its spread throughout the world.



BUKASOV, S. M. See also VAVILOV, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1935-1937. 1926. "Un hibrido de maíz y Euchlaena mexicana." (Méx. For. 4 ( 3 / 4 ) : 38, illus.) Compare with article similarly titled, 1938. 1930. "The cultivated plants of Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia." (Bull. Appi. Bot., Genet., Pl. Breed., Suppl. 47, 553 p., 307 pl., maps; English summ, on p. 470-553.) With articles by N. N. Kuleshov (Kouleshov) on the maize of Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Panama, and Colombia; N. E. Zhiteneva on miscellaneous tropical crops; V. I. Mazkievicz on tomatoes; G. M. Popova, mainly on Ricinus; F. M. Mauer on cottons of Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. Based on data and materials of the Expedition of the Institute of Applied Botany, 1925-1926. Describes the area covered, with Mexico divided into central Mexico, northern Mexico, and southern Mexico and Guatemala. An itinerary of the route is given with an interesting description of the vegetation of the varous regions. A résumé by A. Resnik of the articles by Kouleshov on corn and beans, and by Mauer on cotton, was published in (Rev. Bot. Appi. 13: 132-138, 1933), under the title "Principales plantes cultivées au Mexique, au Gautemala, et en Colombie." Plants are discussed according to four main regions of origin. Mexico is considered as the center of origin for Zea, Phaseolus, Gossypium, Agave, and the Cucurbitaceae. 1933. "The potatoes of South America and their breeding possibilities." (Bull. Appi. Bot. Genet. Pl. Breed. Suppl. 58, 192 p., illus., maps; with a summ, in English by A. E. Trost.) Mexican potatoes are considered in chapter 9, in the group of Argentine, Mexico, and Guatemala. 1938. "Un probable híbrido de maiz y Euchlaena mexicana." ( Rev. Argent. Agron. 5: 113-115, illus.) Reports on his researches in Mexico and states that the only place where he found what he thinks is a natural hybrid, was in Cuahutzingo in the state of Mexico. 1939. "The origin of potato species." (Physis 18: 41-46.) On Solanum tuberosum.

BUEHRER, Theophil Frederic, and Lyman BENSON. 1945. "Rubber content of native plants of the Southwestern Desert." (Agrie. Exp. Sta., Coll. Agrie., Univ. Ariz., Tech. Bull. 108: 1-33.) Analysis of many species, including a number occurring in northern Mexico as well as in Arizona. Lactiferous plans include genera in the Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, and the chicory tribe of the Compositae. BUEK, Heinrich Wilhelm. 1843-1874. Genera, species, et synonyma Candolleana alphabetico ordine disposita, seu index generalis et specialis. Berlin, 4 vols, in 2 . - N N B G . The indices to the Prodromus volumes came out as follows: for vols. 1-4, 1843 (fide Stearns, although the title page says 1842); for vols. 5-7 ( 1 ), 1840: for 7 ( 2 ) - 1 3 , 1858 (or 1859 fide Stearn); and for 1 4 - 1 7 , 1874. BUEL, Albert Wells. 1920. "Timbers of tropical America and railway tie supply." (Engin. News Ree. 85: 1139-1141.) With a discussion of the important Caribbean woods, cited principally by common names; also a table of Cuban hardwood trees, cited with common and scientific names. BUELNA, Eustaquio. See also BASILIO, Tommaso, 1737. 1877. Compendio histórico, geográfico, y estadístico del Estado de Sinaloa. México, 139 p.—MN Méx. Chapter on native products refers to some common plants, by common names only, and includes a list of derivations of place names, with references to plants.




1939a. "Interspecific hybridization in the potato." ( Physis 18:269284.) On Solanum tuberosum. BULBULIAN, Juan. 1954. "Ensayo sobre la posibilidad de la industrialización de la planta palo loco, Senecio praecox." México, 28 p. Thesis Chem. UN AM. Also known as palo bobo. BULCAO, Flavio Bocayuna. BULGARIN, José Antonio.

See BOCAYUNA BULCAO, Flavio. See SANTOSCOY, Alberto, 1649-1769.

BULHART, V. 1927, 1930. "Orchids of utility." (Orchid Rev. 35:234-236, 1927; 38: 85-86, 1930.) On the uses of various plants as foods and medicines, mentioning the part used. BULLER, Roderic E. See also HERNANDEZ X., Efraim, et al, 1956-1957; TAPIA, Carlos, and BULLER, 1956-1957. 1958. "Results and orientation of the researches on forage plants in the Central Plateau and the tropics." (Primer Simp. Invest. Agr. Mex. : 171-185.) An appendix presents a list of the most important species of legumes and grasses adapted to the various regions. BULLER, Roderic E., E. HERNANDEZ X., and Martín H. GONZALEZ. 1960. "Grassland and livestock regions of Mexico. ( Jour. Range Managem. 13(1): 1-6, illus., maps.) For a reprint, see Various, 1961. Divided into northern temperate, semi-arid and arid, central temperate, semi-dry to semi-humid, Gulf plains, tropical humid, and Pacific tropical, semi-arid to humid. Important grasses are cited for each area. BULLOCK, Arthur Allman. See also BARKLEY and REED, 1939; SPRAGUE, T. A., and BULLOCK, 1938. 1936. "Notes on the Mexican species of the genus Bursera. Contribution to the flora of tropical America 27." ( Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 6: 346-387.) An enumeration of species with localities, a key, descriptions of new species, and notes on the economic importance of the plants. 1937. "The genus Períptera. Contributions to the flora of tropical America 29." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 2: 75-78.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. P. trichostemon from Sinaloa is described as a new species from Mexico. 1937a. "On the identification of Rhus filicina Sessé et Mociño ex DC." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 8: 440-441.) Changes it to Actinocheita potentillifolia (Turcz.) Bullock comb. nov. and cites additional collections. 1938. "Pedilanthus versus Tithymalus." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 10: 468-470.) Giving the reasons for conserving the first name. 1939. "Actinocheita." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 7: 337-339.) Answering Barkley and Reed's article in ( Amer. Mid. Nat. Vol. 21, q.v.). 1939a. "Notes on the genus Belotia A. Rich. Contributions to the flora of tropical America 42." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 9: 517521.) Changes in status and extensions in range. Four of the species mentioned are in Mexico. 1958. "Deppea, Deppia, and the lectotype species of Lycaste." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 2: 253-254.) On errors arising out of misspelling of Deppe's name. The lectotype species is established as L. macrophylla. 1958a. "Indicis nominum familiarum Angiospermarum prodromus." (Taxon 7 ( 1 ) : 1-35.) Catalogue of all the "validly published family names" indicating those which should be conserved. Starting point is Jussieu's Genera, 1789.

BULLOCK, William. 1824. Six months residence and travels in Mexico. London, 532 p., 19 illus., maps. Various European ed., including two French ed. pubi, with the author's name given as BEULLOCH, trans, by M.***, and with notes by Sir John Bierly (Byerly). One was printed in Paris 1824 as Le Mexique en 1823, 2 vols., atlas of 20 pl., containing a port, of Bullock. The other, Paris, 1831, 2 vols., as Voyage au Mexique. The 1824 ed. skips chapter 11 of the English version and has a lengthy appendix in the 2d vol. Two maps are of Mexico City, one of which is after the original plan made on Moctezuma's order for Cortes. An excerpt, probably trans, from the French version, with the translator's name not given, was printed as Mexico en 1823 (subtitled Viaje a Mexico en 1823 in (Album Mex. 2: 471-473, 491-492, 522-524, 1849). With a chapter on the Botanical Garden and one on agriculture; also a list of plants by Cervantes. 1843. "El jardín botánico del palacio de México." (Mus. Mex. 2: 115. ) Extract probably from the French version of Six months residence and travels in Mexico, q.v.; translator's name is not given. Repr. in Album Mex. 2 : 524, 1849, under the title "Jardín botánico," without the editorial comments at the beginning and close of the article in the Museo Mexicano. Interesting description of the garden as seen by Bullock. BULMAN, Emily.

See VARIOUS, 1943-1947.

BULNES HUESO, José Leónidas. 1946. "El estudio de el café." México, 50 typed p. Thesis IPN Méx. History and botany. BUNGE, Alexander. 1841. "Ueber eine neue art der gattung Pedicularis." (Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. 8(16): 240-254.) With a key to species, and descriptions in the group Verticillatae, and just a list of species in the group Sparsifolia. P. mexicana Zucc. and P. orizabae Cham, and Schl. are mentioned in the latter group. 1843. "Ueber Pedicularis carnosa und die mit ihr verwandten arten." (Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 1(24): 367-384.) Repr. in (Ann. Sci. Nat. Ill, 3: 312-321, 1845) as "Note sur le Pedicularis comosa et les espèces voisines." With a key to species in the section Lophodon, which contains two Mexican species: P. canadensis L. and P. angustifolia Benth. The original article contains also corrections to the author's work on "Pediculares Verticillatae" in (Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. 8( 16): 240-254, 1841). q.v. 1880. "Pflanzengeographische betrachtungen ueber die familie der Chenopodiaceen." (Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. VII, 2 7 ( 8 ) : 1-36.) Chart lists species and their representation in different areas, with figures for the percentage of representatives of various sub-groups in the different areas. BUNTING, George S(ydney). 1955. "Vining aroids in cultivation." (Baileya 3: 183-187.) With a key to 5 species, of which all but one are American in origin. 1960. "A revision of Spathiphyllum ( Araceae )." ( Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 10(3): 1-55, illus., incl. maps.) With a key to sections and species. S. matudae is described as a new species from Chiapas. 1961. "The cultivated species of Spathiphyllum." (Baileya 9 ( 3 ) : 109-117, illus.) With a key to the species. S. cochlearispathum is mentioned from Mexico. 1962. "Generic delimitations in the Araceae; subfamily Monsteroideae." (Baileya 10: 21-31, illus.) With a key to cultivated species, except in the genus Monstera. BURBANK, Addison. 1940. Mexican frieze. New York, 268 p., illus. Only scattered references to plants. BURBANK, Alfred. 1911. "Spineless cactus." ( Out West n.s. 1 ( 2 ) or 1 ( 28 ) : 80-99, illus. )

BURBANK BURBANK, Luther. 1913. How nature makes plants to our order. Santa Rosa, 32 p., illus. ) Discusses, on p. 14-16, how the Indians practiced plant breeding, and gives, as an example, that they developed com from teosinte. BURBIDGE, F. W. (Frederick William). 1885. "Geographical distribution of orchids." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 23: i-viii, map). A numbered alphabetical list of genera, with brief descriptions for some, numbers of species, and distribution; on the map the genera are located by the numbers. The material was compiled and rearranged from Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, 3: 460-636. 1903. "Philadelphus mexicanus." {Gard. Chron. III, 34:218-219, illus.) History, description, and distribution. BURCEZ, H. 1911. "Exploración forestal del Bosque del Chico." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 1 ( 5 ) , part 3: 106-109, map). BURDICK, Allan B(ernard). 1951. "Evidence concerning the structure of an ear of corn." (Amer. Nat. 8 5 ( 8 2 5 ) : 353-356, illus.) Support for the fusion hypothesis of the origin of the maize ear. BUREAU, Louis Edouard. See also BENTHAM, George, 1856; POSADA-ARANGO, Andrés, 1871. 1856. De la famille des Loganiacées. Paris, 147 p., illus. — NNBG. Mostly medical, with special emphasis on Strychnos; a section on taxonomy is included. For comment see Bentham, "Notes on Loganiaceae" (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 1: 52-114, 1856). 1864. Monographie des Bignoniacées. Paris, 214 p. 31 pl. — NNBG. With classification down to genera. 1872. "Valeur des caractères tirés de la structure de la tige, pour la classification des Bignoniacées." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 19: 14-20. ) With a key to genera. 1894. "Revision du genre Catalpa." (Nouv. Arch. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris III, 6: 109-208, 2 pi.) Mentions "un Catalpa du Mexique, C. pottsii, décrit par Seeman dans Otto et Dietr. (Allg. Gartenztg. 19: 321, 1851), q.v., et cité dans l'Index Kewensis; m'est tout a fait inconnu." BURGER, Johann. 1809. Vollstaendige abhandlung ueber die naturgeschichte, cultur und benuetzung des mais. Wien, 436 p., 4 pl. — DA. History, names in different countries, descriptions, and classification. BURGER, William C. 1962. "Studies in the New World Moraceae: Trophis, Clarisia, Acanthinophyllum." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 4 9 ( 1 - 2 ) : 1-34, illus.) All 4 species in Trophis are Mexican, as is Clarisia biflora ssp. mexicana. BURGERSTEIN, Alfred. 1878. "Die nadelhoelzer." (Schrift. Ver. Verbr. Naturw. Kennt. 18: 547-597, illus.) A brief discussion on Mexican conifers is included on p. 573-574. 1879. "Ueber pflanzenfasern." (Schrift. Ver. Verbr. Naturw. Kennt. 19: 245-286.) "Ueber die wichtigsten gespinnstpflanzen"; divided into those which are seed hairs, bast fibers, and complete fibrovascular bundles; also a discussion of fibers from various families, naming genera and species. 1899. "Pflanzen und ameisen." (Wien. Illus. Gart. Zeitg. 2 4 : 2 7 0 283, illus.) Includes a discussion of leaf-cutting ants, myrmecophilous plants, etc.

BURKLAND BURGESS, Edward Sandford. 1902. "History of pre-Clusian botany in its relation to Aster." (Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 10: 1-447.) Clusian period is put at 1576-1720; one section "on the Aster among Clusius' contemporaries," is an interesting digest of ancient descriptions, and beliefs relating to Aster. BURGOS, Alexandro de. 1777. "Pueblo de San Pedro Chapulco, Tehuacán." N. p., 8 lvs., ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 18, Col. P . y T . BURGOS CANSINO, Diego de. María, 1579. BURGUES, Casimiro. P. N., 1934.


See GILG, Ernst Friedrich & SCHURHOFF,

BURGUETE CORDOVA, Manuel. 1946. "El plátano y su cultivo en la región de Soconusco, Chiapas." Cd. Juárez, 174 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Musa. BURKART, Arturo. See also PARODI, Lorenzo R., ed., 1959. 1940. "Materiales para una monografía del genero Prosopis (Leguminosae)." (Darwinians 4: 57-128, illus.) With keys to sections and species, descriptions, common names and collections; describes P. reptans var. cinerascens (Gray) Burkart nov. comb. 1944. "Estudio del género de compuestas Chaptalia." (Darwiniana 6 ( 4 ) : 505-594, 10 illus.) Taxonomic study with the emphasis on Argentinian species. Several species are included from Mexico, with a number of new species. BURKART, Joseph (Hermann Josef). 1836. Aufenthalt und reisen in Mexico. Stuttgart, 2 vols., 11 pi. incl. maps. By a geologist who visited Mexico in 1825-34; botanical data are limited. A review by Major Chartres appeared in (Jour. Roy Geog. Soc. 10: 544-551, 1841), with a table of altitudes of many localities taken from the book. BURKE, Charles H. See NEWBERNE, Robert E. L., and BURKE, 1922. BURKETT, Charles M., and Clarence Hamilton POE. 1906. Cotton. New York, 331 p., illus., map. Popular treatments, including a history of the plant and its botany. BURKILL, Isaac Henry. See PRAIN, D., and BURKILL, 1919. 1904. "Manihot utilissima." (Agr. Ledger 1 1 ( 1 0 ) : 123-148, illus.) History, description, chemical analysis, culture, and uses. 1930. "Cosmos in the East." (Gard. Bull. Singapore 5 ( 3 / 6 ) : 118120.) Botanical and horticultural history. The plant is used as a food by the Malays. 1938. "The contact of the Portuguese with African food plants which gave the words such as "yam" to European languages." (Proc. Linn. Soc. London 150: 84-95, 2 maps.) Reviews also the use of the word, and its variants, in referring to American plants. 1954. "Aji and batata as group names within the species Ipomoea batatas." (Ceiba 4 ( 4 ) : 227-249.) Interesting study of identification and distribution, based on early historical records. The conclusion is that aji is the starchy form with cordiform leaf, and batata is the sugary form with lobed leaves. 1960. "Organography and evolution of the Dioscoreaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 5 6 ( 3 6 7 ) : 319-412, 59 figs.) A key is provided only for sections in the Old World, but a number of Mexican species are represented in the illustrations. BURKLAND, Edgar R. 1941. "Plants America gave the world." (Agr. Americas illus.) Popular article.

1: 1-16,


BURLAND 1942. "Agriculture in the Americas." (Méx. Amer. Reo. 1 0 ( 1 1 ) : 3738). "From soup to cigars" — foods from the Americas. 1942a. "Tropical American agriculture." ( M e x . Life 1 8 ( 1 0 ) : 25-26, 42-48. ) 1943. "Divi-divi offers tannin." (Agr. Amer. 3 ( 8 ) : 154-156, illus.) On Caesalpinia coriaria. BURLAND, C. A. See also LINNE, Sigvald ( 1 5 5 0 ) . 1950. "A map of Mexico City in 1550." (Geog. Mag. 23: 119-128, illus.) Detailed description of the map and discussion of its importance (as described in the work of Sigvald Linné, q.v.). BURMAN (BURMANNUS), Charles, 1755-1760.





BURMANN, Nikolaus Laurentius (Laurens). 1759. "Specimen botanicum de Geraniis." Lugdunum Batavorum (Leiden), 52 p., 3 pi. Thesis. - NN. Includes Geranium maculatum and G. robertianum. BURNETT, Gilbert Thomas. CHURCHILL, 1831.





BURNETT, M. A. 1842-1850. Plantae utiliores. London, 4 vols. - PPC. "Illustrations of useful plants employed in the arts and medicine." Beautiful colored illustrations of selected plants with notes on their history, description, culture, and use. A few Mexican plants are included: Nicotiana, Passiflora, Agave, Capsicum, Cactus, Dahlia, and Lopezia. BURNS, George P(lummer). 1911. "Cyrus Guernsey Pringle." (Science Biographical sketch.

n.s. 3 4 ( 8 8 3 ) : 750-751.)

BURNS, Jabez, ed. 1884. "Meat and drink in Mexico." (Spice Mill 7 ( 3 ) : 7 2 - 7 4 ) . Popular article; most of the foods described come from plants. BUROLLET, P. A.

See J O U B E R T , A., and B U R O L L E T , 1934.

BURRET, Max. See also McCURRACH, James C., 1960. 1926-1927. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Tiliaceen." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 9 ( 8 8 ) : 592-880, 1926; ( 9 0 ) : 1161-1174, 1927.) A detailed taxonomic treatmer'. 1929. "Die palmengattungen Orbir .ta, Attalea, Scheelea, und Maximiiiana." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 0 ( 9 6 ) : 493-543, illus.; ( 9 7 ) : 651-701. Taxonomy and localities. 1929-1930. "Geonomeae Americanae." (Bot. Jahrb. 63: 123-270). Detailed study with keys and descriptions of Welfia, Calyptrogyne, Asterogyne, and Geonoma. 1932. "Attalea cohune Mart, wirklich eine Orbigyna." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 1 ( 1 0 7 ) : 688-690.) Identifies it as Orbigyna dammeriana Barb. Rodr. 1933. "Chamaedorea Willd. und verwandte palmengattungen." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 1 ( 1 0 8 ) : 724-776.) Many Mexican species are described, including the following new species: Chamaedorea microspadix and C. monostachys; the first is from San Luís Potosí, the second from Veracruz. 1933a. "Bactris cohune S. Watson=Astrocaryum (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 32: 98-99.)



With synonymy and distributional data. 1933b. "Ueber die Verbreitung von Sabal mauritiiformis (Karst.) Gris, et H. Wendl. und andere arten von Sabal." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 32: 100-101.) With a transfer of Corypha pumos.


1934. "Palmae Neogeae VII." (Notizbl. 151-159, illus.) Changes Astrocaryum mexicanum new comb.

from Mexico, to


Bot. Gart. Berlin 12 ( 1 1 2 ) :


Liebm. to


1934a. "Bactris und verwandte palmengattungen." ( R e p . Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 34: 185-253.) Bactris mexicana is included. 1934b. "Die palmengattung Astrocaryum G. F. W. Meyer." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 35: 114-158.) Descriptions of species with distribution. 1934c. "Die palmengattung Desmoncus Mart." ( R e p . Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 36: 197-219.) Includes descriptions of species with distribution. Desmoncus chinantlensis is mentioned for Mexico. 1938. "Eine interessante neue Chamaedorea art aus Mexiko." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 4 ( 1 2 3 ) : 268-269.) C. seifrizii from Yucatán. 1940. "Eine neue Tiliaceen gattung aus Zentralamerika." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 15: 13-14.) Orthandra — based on Sloanea anisophylla from Panama, later assigned to Mortoniodendron by Standley and Steyermark. 1941. "Myrtaceen Studien." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 15(3): 479-550.) A detailed taxonomic study with data on the distribution. 1953, 1956. "Systematische uebersicht ueber die gruppen der Palmen." (Mitt. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 1 ( 1 ) : 59-74, 1953; ( 3 ) ; 350-358, 1956.) Part 2 was done with Eva Potztal. (After 1 ( 1 ) the journal changed its name to Willdenowia.) With a key to subfamilies and genera, and a list of genera with synonymy. B U R R I E L , Andrés Marcos. See also 1772; VENEGAS, Miguel, 1757. BURROWS, Mr.


Johann Jacob,

See GRAHAM, Robert, 1840.

BURTON, Glenn W(illard). 1942. "A cytological study of some species in the tribe Paniceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 2 9 ( 5 ) : 355-359, illus.) Includes Panicum paludivagum Hitch, and Chase, which grows in Mexico. BURTON, R. W . 1952. "The lináloe tree." (Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 51: 116-120, lpl.) Description story of its introduction into India, and chemical analysis of the oil. The plant is identified as Bursera delpechiana. B U R T T , B. L. See WILLIAMS, Robert Orchard, and CHEESMAN, 1928-1947. BURTT-DAVY, Joseph. See also RICHARDS, P. W „ et al, 1939. 1902. "The cultivated guavas and their botanical differences." (Univ. Calif. Exp. Sta. Rep. for the years 1898-1901; Part I : 86-88, 1902.) With a key to species in cultivation. 1909. "Incomplete dichogamy in Zea mays." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 47: 180-182.) Listed as Davy in index. A discussion of its relation to self- and cross-fertilization in the plant; also a discussion of hybridization in Zea. 1909a. "Botanical characters of the maize plant." (Transvaal Agr. Jour. 7 ( 2 7 ) : 378-395, illus.) A discussion of the desirable characters for different parts of the plant, and of the variations to be found in these parts. 1914. Maize. London, 831 p., 245 pi., bibl. Covers the history, botany, geographical distribution, and culture, with special reference to South Africa. 1937. "The classification of Coniferae." (Forestry 11:51-56, 122123.) A key to families, with a listing of genera, numbers of species, and distribution. 1937a. "Erigeron mucronatus DC. in Berkshire." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 75: 235.) Report of its naturalization in England. 1938. "The classification of tropical woody vegetation types." (Oxford Univ. Imp. For. Inst. Papers No. 13, 86 p., bibl.) Discusses earlier classifications and presents his own system; based mainly on Old World tropics.



BURTT-DAVY-coniinued 1939. "Albizzia lebbeck not Albizzia lebbek." (Trop. 52-53.) Giving the reasons for using the first name. BÜRVENICH, Fred. 1879. "Le teosinte (Reana 93, fflus.)



1903. "A new genus of grasses." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 13: 175183, 2 pi.) On Neeragrostis with N. hypnoides (Lam.) B. F. Bush from Mexico. 1904. "The genus Othake Raf." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 14: 171180.) Separates it from Polypteris and includes an analysis of species, descriptions, and localities. 1905. "The North American species of Fuirena." (16th Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. : 87-99. ) With an analytical key to species, descriptions and distribution, based on the list of specimens examined. Fuirena simplex Vahl is cited from Mexico. 1929. "The Mexican species of Tilia." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 11:543560.) With a history of the species, a key to Mexican species ( 1 5 ) , 11 of which are new, descriptions, type localities, and a list of specimens examined.


(Rev. d'Hort. Beige. 5: 92-

From the point of view of horticulture. BÜRVENICH, Fred., pére. 1909. "Epinard d'été, en arbre géant du Mexique." (Rev. Beige. Etr. 35: 167-168.)


Questions identity of die plant described by Noter, q.v. Returns to the subject on p. 183-185, in an article entitled "L'épinard en arbre geant du Mexique." BUSCALIONI, Luigi, and Giuseppe MUSCATELLO. 1909. "Sulla fioritura della Agave filifera Salm." (Malpighia 3-22.)


Detailed record of the flowering, and a study of the plant structure.

BUSK, Marian (Balfour). See KERNER, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun, 1887-1891.

1911-1927. "Studio monografico sulle specie Americane del gen. (sic) Saurauia Willd." (Malpighia 24:381-412, 2 5 : 1 , 103 187, 389, 1912-1913, 26: 1, 97, 281, 389, 1913, 27: 1, 127 293, 487, 1914-1915, 28: 1, 107, 223, 315, 1917-1920 29: 1 97, 231, 319, 411, 1923, 30: 35-444, 473, bibl., 1927.) The first part on geographic distribution, with p. 391-393 on Mexico, includes a discussion of geologic and climatic conditions. The second part gives a table of species with distribution, and discusses conditions in which the plants grow, with notes on the degree of xerophytic adaptations of the plants. This is followed by the taxonomy of the genus with a systematic summary, and descriptions of the species. New species from Mexico are included. The last part includes a description of S. conzatti var. arthuriana n. var., for a plant supposedly collected in "Chinautla di Guatemala" but which the author suspects comes from the Chinantla of Mexico.

BUSSE, Walter Carl Otto. 1899. "Studien ueber die vanille." Part 4 of Ueber gewurze. Pubi, originally in (Arb. K. Gesundheitsamte 15: 1-113;) a separate is at DA. Review of the history, botany, and culture. Ten species are described, with many notes, bibliographical and otherwise. There is a special section on the anatomy and the chemistry of the vanilla fruit. BUSSLER, F. H. 1900. "Vanillekultur und gartenbauverhaeltnisse in Mexico." (Gartenflora 49: 128-131). Remarks on gardening in general and on vanilla culture in particular, based on experiences in Orizaba. BUSSY, A. See also A. B.; CHARBONNIER, Theodore, 1868; VARIOUS, 1865-1867. 1865. "Une liste d'articles de matière médicale d'origine Mexicaine." (Arch. Comm. Sci. Méx., Paris 1: 34-1346.) Also in (Echo Mex. 4 ( 3 4 ) : 12, 1924.) Plants desired in collections, and parts needed, are listed by common names; some scientific names are given.

1913-1918. "Studio anatomo-biologico sul gen. Saurauia Willd. con speciale riguardo alle specie Americane." (Malpighia 26:49 261, 313, 421, 27: 33, 159, 325, 1914-1915, 28: 49, 140, 239! 331, 1917-1918, illus.) Comparative study of anatomy taken in detail according to species, with a classification of the American species of Saurauia.

BUSTAMANTE, Benigno. 1849. "Memoria chorográphica ( corogràfica ) y estadística del Estado de Guanajuato." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 1: 3-56, map; p. 54-95, in the 2d éd., 1861.) With a section on the plants of the area. 1866. "Palo de Campeche." (Mexicano 1: 319.) On Haematoxylon.

BUSCALIONI, Luigi, and G. CATALANO. 1932. "Sulla costituzione morfologica ed anatomica degli stami normali e teratologici dell' Agave zapupe." (Malpighia 32: 111, 1 pi.) BUSCALIONI, Luigi, and Domenico LANZA. 1935-1937. "Le basi morfologiche, anatomiche e teratologiche della nuova famiglia delle Pistiaceae (Buscalioni e Lanza) rappresentata dai due generi Fistia ed Ambrosinia." (Malpighia 34: 103-180, illus.) BUSCHMANN, Johann Cari Edward. 1852. "Ueber die Aztekischen Ortsnamen." (Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1852: 607-812.)

BUSTAMANTE, Carlos María de. See also LOPEZ de GOMARA, Francisco, 1552; MURGUIA y GALARDI, José María, 1859; NENTWIG, Juan, (1762?); SAHAGUN, Bernardino (1575)? 1821. Memoria estadística de Oaxaca y descripción del Valle del mismo nombre. Veracruz, 26 p. — CtY. With a brief section on products; "estractada de la que en grande trabajó el señor Don José Murguía y Galardi," q.v. 1823-1832. Cuadro histórico de la revolución Mexicana. México, 6 vols., 1823-1832. Second ed., 5 vols., 1843-1846; repr. in 1926. Contains a description by La Llave and Lexarza of the plant Galeana, dedicated to one of the heroes of the revolution. In the 1st ed., this is in the tercera época, carta octava, p. 5-6, 1825; in the 2d ed., this is in vol. 3: 84-85, 1844; and in the 1926 reprint, it is in vol. 3: 63-64.


Detailed study on Aztec place names, with references to plants in giving derivation of terms; discussion of the language and history of the Aztecs; distribution of the place names to the north, and in Central America; summary of similar names in different localities, with location of each. A Spanish translation by Oloardo Hassey,, "De los nombres de los lugares Aztecas," was printed in (Boi. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 8: 27-141, 1860.) Corrections by Faustino Chimalpopoca Galicia follow on p. 143-153. BUSEMANN, M.

BUSTAMANTE, (José Maria). 1834. Descripción de la serranía de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, 1889. 68 p. DLC has an edition of 1834, 39 p. With a brief reference to plant life, in the first section.

See SEMLER, Heinrich, 1892-1900.

BUSH, Benjamin Franklin. 1902. "The North American species of Triodia (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 12: 64-77, 2 pi.)


BUSTAMANTE, Miguel. 1832. "Sobre el genero Corallophillum." (Reg. Trim. 1: 131-134.) Opposes the claim of Humboldt, Bonpland, and Kunth to

With a key to species, descriptions, and localities.





new species, indicating La Llave and Lejarza named the same plant Lennoa madreporoides a year earlier. 1835. "Sobre el guaco ' (Rev. Mex. 1 ( 2 ) : 182.) Follows Orive irticle, q.v., with botanical detail. 1839. "Memoria instruc.ive para colectar y preparar para su transporte los objetos de historia natural. Nueva. Recop. Monog." (App., An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 26-35 1895.) León cites the original as a separate, 29 p., 1839. 1841. Curso de botánica elemental. México, 81 p. — Bibliot. M. Maldonado. 1843. "El marfil vegetal." (Mus. Mex. 1 : 4 5 6 . ) On Phytelephas from South America. BUSTAMANTE ESTEVEZ, Ricardo Ignacio. 1947. Aceite de las semillas de Trichilia spicos. IB Méx. On napahuite.

México. 58 p. —

BUSTAMANTE y ROCHA, Pío. 1845. "Discurso expositivo." (Ana. Col. Nac. Min. Méx. 1848: 7-14.) History of botany in general, discussion of the author's reasons for using both Linné's and Jussieu's systems of classification (one for identification and one to show relationships), his aims in teaching, and the reasons for the small number of students. The "discurso" was delivered first Nov. 9, 1845 and was included in the author's Nuevo curso elemental de botánica, published the same year, q.v. 1845a. Nuevo curso elemental de botánica. México, 414 p. 1846, 26 fig. - Bibliot M. Maldonado. Tulane has the 1845 ed., 393 p., illus. Textbook covering structure, physiology, taxonomy, and description of genera studied in his classes. Contains his "Discurso expositivo" delivered Nov. 9, 1845, q.v. 1846. "Descripción de una nueva especie de Escobedia." (Rev. Cient. Lit. Mej. 2: 370-372, illus.) On E. angustifolia, and the dye secured from the rhizone. 1849. "Las papas." (Album Mex. 2: 6-9.) Includes history, description, culture, and uses. 1851. Las familias naturales de las plantas. México, 88 p. ENA, Chapingo. "Resumen de principales caracteres arreglados según Boitard a la clasificación de Antonio Lorenzo Jussieu"; in Spanish with additions by the editor. 1852. "Discurso sobre el movimiento de las plantas." (llust. Mex. 3: 31-34.) 1852a. Catálogo de las plantas." (Ilust. Mex. 4: 133-143.) "Contenidas en el herbario perteneciente al sur de México"; ownership of the herbarium is not stated. The catalogue includes common name, scientific name, descriptions, distribution, family, and localities. 1852b. Breve instrucción sobre el cultivo y conservación de los bosques y arbolados. México, 63 p. — BN Méx. Also publ. in (Rev. Mens. Soc. Prom. Mej. Nat. 2: 16-36, 1852.) General work by the "professor de botánica del Seminario Nacional de Minería;" "estractados de los agricultores de mejor nota para uso del. Sem. Nac. Min." The first part is on methods of reproduction; the second, on uses of various plants. 1853. Nuevas lecciones M. Maldonado.

de botánica.

México, 165 p., 4 pi. — Bibliot.

1865. "Discurso sobre la importancia de la historia natural." Nuevo 1: 218-222). - BN Méx.


With a section on botany. BUSTILLOS, Damian. BUSTILLOS, Francisco.

See VARIOUS, 1888-1889. See LOZANO y CASTRO, Mariano, 1889.

BUSTO, Emiliano. 1882-1886. Diccionario enciclopédico Mejicano del idioma Español. México; saw only vols. 1, 2, 5, and 6. — Inst. Teen. Monterrey. Vol. 3 is at CU-B; no one seems to have vol. 4. Plant information is often quite detailed.

BUSTOS, Alberto Leon Valladares. Alberto Leon. BUTLER, Edward C.


See ANONYMOUS, 1906g.

BUTLER, George Daniel, Jr.

See McGREGOR, S. E., et al, 1959.

BUTTENSHAW, W. R. 1906. "The economic uses of palms." (Agr. News 5 ( 1 1 9 / 1 2 0 ) : 366, 382.) From a paper read before the Barbados Nat. Hist. Soc., October, 1906. BUTTERFIELD, Carlos (Charles). 1861. United States and Mexico. New York, 2d ed., 109 p., maps, app., 188 p. "Commerce, trade, and postal facilities between the two countries; statistics of Mexico," with a brief section on agriculture in the text and in the appendix. Appendix also has a section by states, with lists of products. An article entitled "Mexico" was published in (De Bow's Review, 28: 423-434, 1860), as an extract from a work (not otherwise identified), by Carlos Butterfield; with references to plants, mainly cultivated crops. BUTTERFIELD, H. M. (Harry Morton). 1954. "Echeverias for the fancier." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 6 ( 2 ) : 39-44, illus.) 1962. "Monstrous and unusual growth in succulents." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 4 ( 5 ) : 153-155, illus.) BUTTERS, Frederic King.

See ROSENDAHL, Carl Otto, et al, 1936.

BUTTGENBACH, H. 1902. "Le nord ouest du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. Beige Etud. Col. 9: 1-16, illus.) On Sonora and Chihuahua, with references to dominant plants, mainly in the illustrations. BUXBAUM, Franz. 1929. "Vergleichende anatomie der Melanthioideae." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg., Beih. 29: 1-80, 32 illus., bibl.) Among the specimens studied for comparatives anatomy are Schoenocaulon drummondii and S. officinale from Mexico. 1933. "Is Echinocactus beguinii Web. a Thelocactus or a Neolloydia?" (Cact. Succ. Jour. 5 ( 1 ) : 406-407.) Based on studies of the primordial spines of the seedlings, decides it is a Neolloydia. 1935. "Zur kenntnis der natuerlichen standortsverhaeltnisse der kakteen." (Kakteenkunde 27-28, 29-32, 55, 102-104, 1937.) "Ein bericht ueber photographische standortsaufnahmen im (Cactus and Succulent Journal 3-5)." A summary of species illustrated in their habitats, with data on situations in which they grow, to help in their culture; continues with material from Vols. 6 and 7. 1936. "Der formenkreis der Strombocacti." (Cactaceae, lvs. 19-20, illus., Dec. 1936; also lvs. 26-27, May 1937.) With a chart to show relationships in the group. 1936-1938. "Allgemeine morphologie der kakteen." (Cactaceae Dec. 1936: 10-14, 12 figs.; May 1937: 3-6; Oct. 1937: 1-12 and Oct. 1938: 1-8.) "Neubearbeitung des allgemeinen teiles von Schumanns gesamtbeschreibung"; starts with the flower and continues with the root, stem, and leaves. 1938. "Das diagramm der kakteenbluete." Cactaceae lvs. 9-11, illus. Oct.; followed by p. 12-15, "Bluetenmorphologische einzeluntersuchungen — Zygocactus." 1941. "Allgemeine morphologie der kakteen." (Cactaceae lvs. 1-12, illus.)


A study of the morphology of the fruit. 1941a. "Bluetenmorphologische einzeluntersuchungen." 1 9 4 1 ( 1 ) : lvs. 13-16, illus.) Including studies of Nopalxochia




1944. "Untersuchungen zur morphologie der kakteenbluete." Arch. 45: 191-247, 59 illus.) I — "das gynoeceum"; a detailed study.



BUYSMAN BUXBAUM-continued 1948. "Zur klaerung der phylogenetischen Stellung der Aizoaceae und Cactaceae im pflanzenreich." (Sukkulentenkunde 2: 3-16, 22 figs.) Based on flower structure and embryology. 1949. "Vorlaeufer des kakteen-habitus bei den Phytolaccaceen." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 96: 5-14, 6 figs.) A study of bud and leaf development and "pro-areole" formations, considered as precursors of cactus-like structures in the family. 1951. "Stages and line of evolution of the tribe Echinocactineae." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 3 ( 6 ) : 193-197, table.) 1951a. "Der umfang der gattung Hamatocactus." (Kakt. And. Sukk. 2 ( 1 ) : 1-6, illus.) On its morphology and relationships. 1951b. "Wohin gehoert die gattung Astrophytum?" (Kakt. And Sukk. 2 ( 4 ) : 49-53, illus. map.) Compared with Frailea of South America. 1951c. "Die phylogenie der Nordamerikanischen Echinocacteen." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 98: 44-104, bibl.) Based on morphology, with a discussion of various genera in the tribe Euechinocactineae F. Buxb. A new genus, Ebnerella, is described and a list of the new combinations in that genus is given. Genera in the tribe are summarized by linea and ramis. 1951d. "Die systematische Stellung der MammÜlaria baumii Boed." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 98: 506-508.) Agrees it should be Dolichothele baumii (Boedeker) Werdermann and F. Buxbaum comb. nov. and not Ebnerella sp. The plant is from Tamaulipas. 1951, 1954. "Die gattungen der Mammillarien-staie." (Sukkulentenkunde 4: 3-15, 15-22, 21 and 11 figs., maps, 1951; 5: 5-33, 6 maps, 34 figs., bibl., 1954.) First part discusses Mammilloydia

gen. nov. "und ihre

Vorstufe Neolloydia; Escobaria und ihre MammillarUt-shiie; Leptocladia F. Buxb., die Neobesseya-hauptlinie," with maps showing distribution for species in the various groups.

The second part discusses Oehmea F. Buxb., gen. nov., die Mammillarien-shife der HamatocactusAinie," and considers, in great detail, Chilita (Orcutt 1926) emend, F. Buxbaum (Syn.: Ebnerella F. Buxb.) with a review of morphology, distribution, and taxonomy. Descriptions of (Mammillaria) subgenus incertae sedis, and Austroebnerella F. Buxbaum subgen. nov. are included. Maps indicate distribution of species. 1953. "Morphology of Cactus genera." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 5 ( 3 ) : 82-84.) I. Leuchtenbergia. 1956. "Vorschlaege zur weider Vereinigung von gattungen mit der gattung MammiUaria." (Kakt. And. Sukk. 7 ( 1 ) : 6-7.) With a proposed arrangement including genera, subgenera and series. 1957. "Ist Pilocereus K. Schum. (non Lem.!) biphyletisch?" (Sukkulentenkunde 6: 3-7, 9 figs.) Analysis of the flower structure of P. sartorianus, P. catingicola, and Cephalocereus hoppenstedtii. 1958. "Der morphologische typus und die systematische Stellung der gattung Calochortus." (Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 3 4 ( 3 ) : 405-452, 22 figs., bibl.) Analysis of the Liliaceae in general and of Calochortus in particular; a new tribe Calochorteae, in the subfamily Lilioideae is proposed. 1958a. "The phylogenetic division of the subfamily Cereoideae, Cactaceae." (Madrono 1 4 ( 6 ) : 177-206, bibl.) With descriptions of new tribes, subtribes and lines, and a summary of the phylogenetic division of the Cereoideae. 1960. "Once more — phylogeny of Pelecyphora, Solisia, Encephalocarpus and Epithelantha." {Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 3-4 illus.) 1961. "Vorlaeufige Untersuchungen ueber umfang systematische Stellung und gliederung der Caryophyllales (Centrospermae)." (Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 3 6 ( 1 ) : 1-56, illus., bibl.)

S. S.

BUYSMAN, (also as BUIJSMAN) Marten. 1888. "Artificial floating islands." (West Amer. Set. 4 ( 3 8 ) : 69-70). Suggests ways of adapting the supposed techniques used by the Mexicans to temperate climates; this is discussed further by Arthur Howard Noll ( 5 ( 3 9 ) : 13-14, 1888), under the heading "Chinampas." BYAM, William W. 1897. A sketch of the state of Chiapas. Los Angeles, 78 p., 2 maps, 68 illus. With references to plant products in the different sections, and with a special section on coffee. BYERLY, John, sir.

See BIERLY, John.

BYLES, R. S. See also ROWLEY, G. D., and BYLES, 1960. 1950. "Some notes on the genus Sedum Linn." (Natl. Cad. Succ. Jour. 5 ( 3 ) : 49-50, illus.) Catalogue of plants with brief descriptions and place of origin. 1954-1957. "Plants with personality, I." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 2 ) : 31-32, illus., illus. by G. D. Rowley and R. C. Proctor.) On "the noble Leuchtenbergia," L. principis. Others in the series, from Mexico are: 4. ( 1 1 ( 2 ) : 26-28, illus., 1956.) On Pelecyphora, the Mexican hatchet cactus, with descriptions of several species but with the emphasis on P. aselliformis. 5. ( 1 1 ( 3 ) : 52, 1956.) On the creeping devil cactus or chirinola, Machaerocereus eruca (Brand.) Britt. and Rose. 6. ( 1 1 ( 4 ) : 69-70, 1956.) On Cochemiea, with a description, distribution and a list of species. 7. ( 1 2 ( 3 ) : 49-50, illus., map, 1957.) On Talinum guadalupense; with a description and illustration. 1958. "Echinocereus pectinatus v. reichenbachii." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 1 ) : 16, illus.) With descriptions, common names, related varieties, and distribution. C., F. X. (sometimes catalogued as X. deC., F . ) . 1766. "Extracto de la descripción política y geográfica de las provincias de Campeche y Yucatán." Mérida, 17 p. Photostat, at Tulane Univ., of a ms. at the British Museum. Lists food plants, timbers, medicinal plants, fruits and other useful plant materials. With reference to the manuscript, G. I. Bonner of the British Museum writes as follows: "The manuscript comes from the Bauza collection, containing chiefly the reports of the viceroys of New Spain, 1716-1794. I am afraid there is no clue as to the identity of Don F. X. de C." C., S(alomón). 1874. "Die familie der Anacardiaceen." (Garten-flora 23: 10-12.) Review from the point of view of economic importance, with a list of important genera and species, giving common names, scientific names, and uses. C. C. See also LECLERC, Henri, 1938; 1919. "Une matière première oléagineuse—le pignon d'Inde." (Agr. Col. 3: 123-126.) Is the author perhaps Charles Chalot? On Jatropha curcas "comme le tuteur vivant de la vanille et pour sa graine oléagineuse." C. C. P. See PARRY, C. C. C. H. S. 1878. "Cool-house orchids." (Gard. Month. 20: 230-232.) With a section on Mexican Laelias, including descriptions of 6 species. 1881. "Mexican orchids." (Gard. Month. 23: 41-42.) A catalogue of species, with some descriptions, and notes on culture. C. M. y SANTANDER. 1922. "L'origine du chocolat." (Echo Mex. 2 ( 1 5 ) : 15-16.) On Theobroma cacao. C. P. C. See P. C. C. S. S. See SARGENT, Charles Sprague.

C. T. D.


C.T.D. (Is this, perhaps, Charles T. Druery?) 1901. "Cacti in their natural habitats." (Garden 59: 25-26.) Descriptions of northern Mexico (Sonora), with a discussion of the vegetation, and particular reference to pitayos, Opuntias, and saguaros. CAAMANO, Marcial. 1859. "Breves noticias del Distrito de Morelos." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 7: 543-544.) With references to the cultivated plants of an area in the state of Guerrero. CABALLERO, Juan. See also ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio, 1788; BARLOW, R. H., 1581, 1777; SALAZAR, Agustín de and GAIZTAMO, (1581, 1777?); VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 17841805; ANONYMOUS, ca. 1777. n.d. Dendrología natural y botanelogía (sic) Americana ó tractado de los árboles y hiebas (sic) de la América. N. p., 53 drawings. —Bibliot. Públ. Oaxaca. The author's name is given as Cavallero. The drawings are good, but the plants are identified by common names only. This is probably the work cited by León as "Una colección de dibujos en la Biblioteca Pública de Oaxaca, represantando plantas de Oaxaca, con los nombres en lengua Zapoteca." Were these the illustrations for a work referred to by Alzate? See article on ambar, 1788 where he says "tengo noticia de haber escrito Fr. Juan Caballero una historia sobre la virtud de muchas plantas que crecen en el obispado de Antequera; sin haberla visto se puede creer sera de mucha utilidad se imprima." 1784. "Yerba de la calentura." (Gaz. Méx. Ill, 1: 289.) Description of the plant is included as part of a letter. On p. 315, Julian Antonio González confirms the uses of the plant, but gives it another name. To this, Caballero answers on p. 330, discussing the nomenclatural confusion. The plant referred to is probably Iresine. Léon lists these items as Varias Cartas. CABALLERO, Manuel. 1883. Primer almanaque . . . de la República Mexicana. México, 377 p., illus., map. Includes, on pp. 315-318, a "Revista climatérica y botánica," by Mariano Bárcena. This is a calendar of flowering plants for the year, with a chart illustrating the flowering periods for a group of selected plants in Mexico. CABALLERO, Rodolfo Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ CABALLERO, Rodolfo. CABALLERO DIAZ, Adolfo. 1951. Estado de Morelos — nociones de geografía. México, 2d ed., 124 p., maps, illus.—SMGE. A section on "productos naturales," includes a list of plants cited given by common names only. CABALLERO OLGUIN, Manuel. See also MANILLA CHAVEZ, Amando y CABALLERO OLGUIN, 1938. 1944. "Proyecto de reforestación en las lomas de Los Remedios, San Bartolo Naucalpan, México." Chapingo, 69 typed p., map. Thesis, ENA. Brief discussion of natural vegetation, with plants listed alphabetically by common name, with scientific names and uses. CABALLERO ROJAS, Ramiro. 1947. "La explotación del chicozapote en el Estado de Campeche." Chapingo, 72 p. Thesis ENA. On Achras sapota. CABALLERO y C., Eduardo. 1952. "Isaac Ochoterena." (Univ. Méx. 6 ( 6 5 ) : 9.) An appreciation of his work at the Instituto de Biología. CABANAS, Joaquín Ramirez.


CABANAS, Manuel Ruiz. See RUIZ CABANAS, Manuel. CAB AN ILLAS, E. See SCHERTZ, K. F„ et al, 1960. CABECA de VACA, Alvar Nuñez. See NUNEZ CABECA de VACA, Alvar. CABEZA de VACA, F. See also NUNNEMAKER, J. Horace, 1948.


1943. Apuntes sobre la vida de los Tarahumares. México, 50 p.—MN Méx. The section referring to foods contains references to plants. CABRERA, A. L. See VARIOUS, 1955 b. CABRERA, Antonio. n.d. Apuntes históricos geográficos y administrativos sobre el Estado de San Luís Potosí. San Luís Potosí, 72 p.; map is missing.—Bibliot. A. Alzate. With a brief section on plant products, and references to plants in a discussion of the various partidos. 1902. El Estado de San Luís Potosí. San Luís Potosí, 252 p.— Bibliot. A. Alzate. With only superficial references to plants. CABRERA, Antonio J. 1876. La Huasteca Potosina. San Luís Potosí, 177 p., 153 illus. Three chapters are on plant life; two on agriculture. Plants are grouped according to use, with only common names given. CABRERA, Florencio. 1872. "Dictamen sobre el cundurango y el guaco." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Georg. Est. II, 4: 58-61.) Comparison of the first plant, from South America, with the one known in Mexico (Mikania). They are supposed to be a cure for cancer. CABRERA, Herón. 1920. "Una expedición a Quintana Roo." (Bol. Indust. Com. Trab. 4 ( 4 / 6 ) : 123-140, illus.) Includes "Cozumel, Mujeres, y Cancum, y la Colonia Santa María y el Cuyo." 1920a. "Informe sobre la Isla del Carmen, Campeche, y excursión en los R Í O S Mamantel y Candelaria." (Bol. Indust. Com. Trab. 4 ( 4 / 6 ) : 162-171, illus.) CABRERA, Luis G. 1934. "Patología y terapéutica empírica." (Agricultura 1 (4/5: 202, 362.) "Usada por los indígenas del Valle de Oaxaca"; includes a list of plants, arranged alphabetically by common names, with uses; the work does not seem to have been completed; it ends with encino. 1943. Plantas curativas de México. México, 2d ed., 299 p., illus.— NN. Another ed. was printed in Mexico, 1950, 382 p., illus. Popular work on home medicine, giving descriptions of plants and suggested uses; arranged alphabetically by common names, with pictures of each plant. CABRERA, Manuel. See VELASCO, José Francisco, 1850. CABRERA, Pablo. 1944. Geografía elemental 40 p.—Libr. Porrúa.

del Estado

de Querétaro.


Elementary text, with a brief section on agriculture. CABRERA, Silvio Ibarra. See IBARRA CABRERA, Silvio. CABRERA ALVAREZ, Fernando. 1944. "Monografía del Estado de Morelos." Chapingo, 106 typed lvs. Thesis ENA. A detailed study "relacionada con el cultivo de la caña de azúcar en el distrito de Zacatepec." CABRERA RIVERA, María. 1948. "Estudio sobre el aceite del aguacate." Monterrey, 15 p. Thesis Pharm. With a list of species, and states where they are found, in Mexico. CACERES, Marcelino Castañeda y Nuñez. See CASTAÑEDA y NUNEZ de CACERES, Marcelino. CACERES LOPEZ, Carlos. 1946. Chiapas. México, 168 p., illus.—Libr. Benítez, Chiapas. A chapter on the flora has a list of plants, classified according to use. CACHO, Juan López. See LOPEZ CACHO, Juan. CACTUS PETE, Mrs.


CADBURY CACTUS PETE-continued 1960. "Cactus orphans, a challenge." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 32: 15-18, illus.) On 16 wild species of Epiphyllum, divided into "night bloomers" ( with 3 groups, strictum, oxypetalum and anguliger) and "day bloomers" ( tip and base bloomers ). CADBURY, Henry J. See PRINGLE, Cyrus Guernsey, 1962. CADBURY, Richard. 1896. Cocoa — all about it. London, 2d ed., 99 p.„ illus. Publ. under the pseud. Historicus. See DLC cat. as authority for the name. On the history, culture, and use. A chapter on vanilla is included. CADENA, Josefina Clemente. See CLEMENTE CADENA, Josefina. CADENA, Protasio P. 1942. Reseña histórica social económica y geográfica de Agualegttas. Agualeguas, Nuevo León, 143 p., illus.—BN Méx. A section on the flora lists native plants, by common names only. CADENA de SALDANA, Esther. 1940. "Contribución al estudio de la planta 'cinco llagas.' " México* 41 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Tagetes, lunulata Ort. CADET, Auguste. 1846. "Du tabac." Paris, 34 p. Thesis, L'Ecole de Pharmacie. Includes a description, history, and chemical analysis; emphasis is on the experiments to show the effects of the "action du tabac sur l'économie animale." CADET de GASSICOURT, Charles Louis Felix. 1817. Dissertation sur le jalap. Paris, 84 p.—MHA. Covers history, description, synonymy, chemistry, and physiology. CADWALLADER, G. R. 1949. "Epiphyllums." (Begonian 1 6 ( 1 ) : 12, illus.) With history and culture. CAESALPINI (CAESALPINUS, CESALPINI), Andrea (Andreas). 1583. De plantis libri XVI. Florentiae, 621 p. Mentions Agave and tobacco. CAILLE, O., and H. POISSON. 1920. "Note sur la culture en plein air de quelques Ehretia et sur l'histoire des espèces horticoles de ce genre." ( Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 26: 578-581.) Under species "bien connues," E. elliptica DC. is described from Mexico. CAIN, Stanley A(dair). 1944. Foundations of plant geography. New York and London, 556 p., 63 figs. incl. maps, bibl. A Spanish translation of the work was published in Buenos Aires, 1951. One section considers paleoecology, one discusses areography, one is on evolution and phylogeny, and one on the significance of polyploidy and plant geography. CAIN, Stanley Adair, and G. M. de Oliveira CASTRO. 1959. Manual of vegetation analysis. New York, 325 p., illus., bibl. One chapter considers the major vegetation types of the world, with the tropical rain forest as an example. CAIRNS, Huntington. 1929. "A divine intoxicant." (Atl. Month. 144 : 638-645.) Reports on experiences of Weir Mitchell, William James, Havelock Ellis, and the author. The latter follows Safford in confusing the sacred mushroom with peyote. CAL, Mariano (de). See also MENA, M. M., 1875; RODRIGUEZ RIVERA, R. (n. d.). 1833. "Descripción de una planta." (Reg. Trim. 2: 67-69.) Repr. in (Naturaleza 7 (App.): 89, 1885). Description of a shrubby composite, known as jarilla, which Cal suggests is akin to Flaveria. (Martinez lists many species

of Baccharis as the scientific equivalent for jarilla.) The article ends with an additional note by La Llave. CAL y BRACHO, Antonio. See also COLLANTES, A. E. and ALFARO, J., 1870; VARIOUS, 1795-1796; ANONYMOUS, 1832b. 1870; VARIOUS, 1795-1796; ANONYMOUS, 1832b. 1832. "Memoria sobre el cultivo . . . de los cañamos en la capital del Estado de Puebla." (Reg. Trim. 1: 231-264.) With observations by Manuel Fernández Aguado. 1870. "Noticias sobre el modo de cultivar y preparar el cañamo" . . . In: Diccionario de agricultura y economía rural, ed. by Collantes, A. E. and Alfaro, J., p. 503-517, q.v. According to León — "publicados en varios números del Registro OficiaV; but these were not seen. CAL Y MAYOR, Alberto Nazar. See Alberto.


CAL y MAYOR, Miguel Moguel. See MOGUEL CAL y MAYOR, Miguel. CALATAYUD GONZALEZ, Gonzalo. 1937. Contribución al estudio de la lenteja. México, 38 p.—IB Méx. Study of Lens esculenta Moench, with the emphasis on the chemistry. CALDARERA, I. 1905. "L'avocado." (Boll. Orto. Bot. Palermo 4: 99-104.) Description, varieties, chemical analysis, and common names. CALDERA de HEREDIA, Gaspar. 1658. Tribunal medicum, magicum, et politicum. Lugduni Batavorum, 3 parts, separately paged. —NRU—M. The "pars prima," entitled Tribunal medicum, 534 p., contains in section 4, chapters 4-9, p. 435-395, a "Tractatus de potionum varietate." This includes, on p. 467-495, a discussion of chocolate, with quotations from Barrios, Cárdenas, and Hernández. Chapter 4 contains also references to atole, magei, chica (chia?) and chile. CALDERON, Emilio Flores. See FLORES CALDERON, Emilio. CALDERON, Esteban (Estevan) M. See also VARIOUS, 1888-1889. 1889. Breve estudio sobre el cultivo de maguey. México, 45 p., publ. by ENA, Ser. Agron. # 3 9 . - N N . History, description, classification, varieties, and uses. León calls it "refundión del trabajo del Ingeniero José C. Segura, q.v. CALDERON, Imelda. See GANDARA, Guillermo, 1931; MOTTS, Irene Elena, 1929. CALDERON, Irma Torres. See TORRES CALDERON, Irma. CALDERON, J. León. See also LEGROS, J., 1894. CALDERON, J. León (trans). 1894-1896. "El cacahuate." (Rev. Agr. 10: 318, 330, 345; 11: 12, 31, 33, 56, illus.) This was taken from a U. S. publication, but the original is not cited and was not located. On Arachis. CALDERON, Jesús. 1905. "Sobre el vino." Morelia, 13 Ivs., ms. Thesis Univ. Morelia, Arch. On Vitis. CALDERON, Juan B. See also VARIOUS, 1874. 1886. "Estudio sobre el arbusto llamado sinicuiche." México, 27 p. Thesis, Pharm., repr. in (Estudio 1: 43-44, 1889 and in Nueva Recop. Monog. in An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 36-42, 1897). Repr. as a separate, 1909. On Heimia salicifolia, with a description of the plant, its chemistry and classification. 1892. "La boconina — apuntes para su historia." (Farmacia 2: 178-


An interesting review; on the substance extracted from Bocconia. 1897. "Una nota sobre la hierba santa." (Formada 6: 101-103.) Affirming that Yerbazin Lilly is probably Piper sanctum, with this comment, "lo probable es que la famosa Yerbazin de Lilly sea un humbug, una exageración, a la que son tan inclinados los Americanos."

CALDERON CALDERON, Léon. See HEUZE, G., 1895. CALDERON, María Luisa Valdés. María Luisa. CALDERON, Matilde Matilde.






Anduaga. See

CALDERON, Paz Marrón A. See MARRON A. CALDERON, Paz. CALDERON, Salvador. See STANDLEY, Paul C. and CALDERON, 1925?. CALDERON, AGUILAR, Rubén, Carlos R. BERSUNZA, et al. 1949. Mares é islas Mexicanas del Pacífico. San Jerónimo Lidice, D. F., México, 167 p., maps, illus., bibl. -PPAN. "Resultado de la expedición científico-militar de la Escuela Superior de Guerra, 1948." The chapter on Isla Cedros, with a considerable section on the vegetation, was done by Bibiano Osorio Tafall. The Islas Revillagigedo were covered by Jorge A. Vivó Escoto; he provides a list of plant families represented on the islands, with the numbers of species for each. Data on vegetation are taken mainly from the works of others. Ramón Alcorta Guerrero reports on Isla Margarita, giving a list of plants, cited by scientific names, with common names for many. For the other islands, the description of the vegetation is quite general, with occasional names of plants, common and/or scientific. In the final summary of scientific results of the expedition, prepared by Osorio Tafall and Mauro Cárdenas F., there are references to collections made, but very little data about, or names of, specific plants. CALDERON de la BARCA, Frances Erskine Inglis. 1843. Life in Mexico. London, 437 p.; also Boston, 1843. Pref. by W. H. Prescott. Gardiner cites an abridged ed., pubi, in London, 240 p., 1852, and two abridged Spanish versions, La vida en México. One was pubi, n.p., n.d., 136 p. and another was pubi, in México, 94 p., 1944. An extract including the part on the Botanical Garden was pubi, in (Ausland 16: 1158-1159, 1843). The latest ed. appeared in Mexico, 1959, 252 p. One of the classics on life in Mexico, with frequent references to Mexican plants. CALDERON de RZEDOWSKI, Graciela Calderón de.

Graciela. See

CALDERON RAMIREZ, Guillermo. 1947. "Estudio del Castilloa elastica." UNAM.


México, 48 p., illus. Thesis

CALDERON RAMIREZ, Jorge. 1947. "Estudios relativos al aceite de la semilla de tomate." México, 32 p. Thesis UNAM. On Lycoperscium. CALDERON RODRIGUEZ, Judith. 1949. "Ensayo de los latex de Pileus y Ficus." México, 68, p., 9 p. of charts, 24 illus. Thesis, 1PN-ECB. "Y sus enzimas proteolíticas como medicamentos antihelmínticos"; with common names, and distribution in Mexico. CALDWELL, J. J. 1875. "New remedies." (Virg. Med. Month. 2: 105-110.) Under the heading of "salicylic acid and damiana," describes the plant from a letter "from one of our consuls in Mexico." CALDWELL, Otis William. See COOK, Orator Fuller, 1901. CALLE, Chita de la. See PORTER, Muriel Noe, 1948. CALLE, J. See BACKEBERG, C. 1954; SCHWARTZ, Fritz, 1948; 1950. CALLE, Juan Diez de la. See DIEZ de la CALLE, Juan. CALLEGARI, Guido Valeriano. 1924. "Un Italiano—onore della patria lontana." (Vie Ital. 30: 14391440, port.) Biography, with a portrait of Conzatti as a young man. 1926. Messico. Rome, 362 p., 11 maps, 55 illus., bibl. Pubblicazione dell'Istituto Cristoforo Colombo, no. 23. Also a Milan ed., 347 p., illus., 1931, in Terra e Nazione, volume 5.—NN. With a chapter on the flora and fauna, and one on agriculture.

CALVINO 1927. "La Tebaide Messicana." (Vie Italia Amer. Lat. 3 3 ( 2 ) : 12481253, illus. Called also anno IV dell'edizione per l'America Latina, and anno V—for the period when America Latina was added to the title?) About "El Desierto de los Leones"; four species of trees, seen in the area, are cited with common and scientific names. 1928. "Tre settimane a Oaxaca." (Universo 9 ( 5 ) : 419-428.) Refers to "Carlo (sic) Conzatti, uno de'piu illustre botanici della República." 1929. "L'albero di Santa Maria del Tule (Oaxaca)." (Vie Italia 3 5 ( 2 ) : 1040-1042, illus.) History, common and scientific names, and description, of the famous example of Taxodium. CALLEJA, Felix Maria, conde de Calderón. 1795. "Informe sobre la colonia del Nuevo Santander y Nuevo Reino de León, 1795. México, 1949, 52 numbered lvs. printed on both sides. Bibl. Novohisp. No. 5. Based on a photostatic copy of the original which is at PU and consists of 66, 2, 6 lvs. A typed copy of the original, 57 typed p., is at Bibliot. M. R. Gómez. The work is divided into 2 parts: "la descripción ystórica, geográfica, poblazión, bienes, industria, comercio, productos de rentas," etc., and "ystoria militar política" etc. There are interesting references to useful plants, cited by common names only, on p. 5-6 of the printed version. CALLEN, E. O. 1959. "Studies in the genus Lotus (Leguminosae)." ("Caned. Jour. Bot. 37: 157-165, illus., bibl.) Limits and subdivisions of the genus, with a key to 4 subgenera. CALLMANN, W. See M. G. (GRESHOFF, M.) 1900. CALOCA, María Luz. 1944. "Aceite de cacahuananche." Guadalajara, 43 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. On Licania arbórea, in the Rosaceae, as a source of oil. CALPOUZOS, Lucas. 1954. "Botanical aspects of orégano." (Econ. Bot. 8: 222-233, illus.) Mexican material is generally Lippia graveolens, occasionally L. palmeri. These are studied taxonomically. Common names are given for oreganums of various parts of the world. CALVERT, Ralph. See STONEBACK, W. J. and CALVERT, 1923. CALVINO, Eva Mameli de. 1922. "Tres Euforbiaceae tropicales urentes." (Rev. Agr. Com. Trab. (Cuba) 5 ( 3 ) : 11-15, 6 figs.) Repr. as a separate, Habana, 1922, 12 p., 7 illus. IBMéx. Study of the stinging hairs of Mucuna pruriens (Platygna urens), Tragia volubilis, and Jatropha urens, the last two from Mexico. 1938. "Biología fiorale della Persea drymifolia Cham, et Schlecht. coltivata in San Remo." (Costa Azz. Agrie. Fior. 18: 172-180.) Repr. in (Arch. Bot. 15: 148-168, illus., 1939). CALVINO, Mario. See also MORPURGO, Giulio, 1908. 1910. "Los Eucalyptus." (Hac. Ranch. 1 ( 1 1 ) : 5-6.) 1910a. "El algarrobo." (Hac. Ranch. 1 ( 1 2 ) : 4-5.) Repr. in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36 : 243-245, 1912). On Ceratonia siliqua for forestation. 1910b. "El jitomate." (Hac. Ranch. 2 ( 1 3 ) : 6-7.) On Lycopersicum. 1911. "La calabaza de Italia." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 1: 663-666, illus. Also in Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 364-366, 1912.) On Cucurbita, with scientific names for the chilacayote de Mexico. 1911a. "El heleanthi." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 243.) On Helianthus doronicoides, for forage. 1911b. "Para el cultivo del manzano en México.'" (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 347-348.) On Pyrus malus. 1911c. "El pipirigallo ó esparceta." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 666-670, illus.; also in Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Chiapas 1 ( 1 4 ) : 2, and ( 1 5 ) :

CALVINO C ALVINO—continued 8-9, 1911.) Publ. also as a separate, México, 1911, 10 p., Circ. No. 38, Estac. Agr. Cent. On Hedysarum onobrychis for use as a forage plant. In the separate, the plant is identified as Onobrychis sativa. 191 Id. "La reina de las forrajeras en los climas cálidos." Est. Agr. Cent., Méx. Circ. No. 37. México, 9 p.—Bibliot. M. Maldonado. On la zulla, Hedysarum coronarium. 191 le. "El cereal mas precoz del mundo." México, 5 p., illus. Circ. No. 39, publ. by the Estac. Agr. Cent. Méx. Repr., under the title "El alforfón sarraceno," in (Agr. Méx. 32: 183-186, 1911). On Polygonum fagopyrum and P. tataricum. 1911f. "La alfalfa arbórea." México, 8 p. (Est. Agr. Cent. México, Circ. No. 44.) Repr. in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 243-244, 1911; Fenicia 1 ( 3 ) : 18-19, illus., 1917; and in Rev. Rev. 4(165): 19, illus., 1913). On Medicago arbórea and its introduction into Mexico. 1911g. Cultivo de la papa. México, 57 p., illus., Bol No. 59, Est. Agr. Cent. Méx. A revised ed. was publ. in 1917, 84 p. Includes common names, history, botany, and uses. 1911h. "Una leguminosa de temporal." México, 6 p.—Bibliot. M. Martinez. Circ. # 4 5 , Est. Agr. Cent. Mex. On el heno griego, Trigonella foenum-graecum, as a forage plant. 1911i. "Los claveles reflorescentes." México, 28 p., illus. Est. Agr. Cent., Méx. Bol. # 6 2 . On Dianthus. 1911-1912. "El peral." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 403-406, 1911; 36: 687, 703, 715, illus., 1912.) On Pyrus communis. 1912. "La Rosa índica mayor." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx., part 1: 51-52, 3 pi.) "Como patrón del rosal en México." 1912a. "El chimbombo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 36: 106-107. Also in (Rev. Rev. 4(165): 18, illus., 1913). On Hibiscus esculentus, called also quingombo. 1912b. "Los hinojos." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 161-162, illus.) On Foeniculum. 1912c. "El zapupe Vincent." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 303, 325, 345, 366, illus. Repr. in Hacienda 8: 150, 183, 214, 248, illus., 1913; with a port, of Mordelo L. Vincent. Detailed history of the discovery of the plant and experiments with its culture; distinguishes between zapupe azul and zapupe verde (Vincent's), and reviews experiments of Vincent and Estopier. 1912d. El Agave de aguamiel-la planta sacarina de las regiones aridas. México, 65 p. 52 illus., also in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 423, 442, 464, 484, 503, 523, 546, 563). With the emphasis on culture and the production of pulque; included is a discussion of the history of the plant and its taxonomy, with a synonymy of native terms, and a letter from Trelease on maguey, with instructions for sending specimens. 1912e. "El cultivo del manzano." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 602, 622, 643; also in Méx. Agrie. 2 ( 8 ) : 147-152; (10): 187-193, illus., 1912.) Notes taken in his class. 1912f. "El avellano." (Bol. Soc. Agrie. Mex. 36: 632-633, illus.) Description of Corylus avellana. 1912g. "Cultivo del durazno." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 722, 742, 763, illus.) On Prunus pérsica. 1912h. "El cultivo del ciruelo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 781-790, illus.) On Prunus domestica. 1912i. "El cultivo del chavacano." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 803-808.) On Prunus armeniaca. 1912j. "El cultivo del cerezo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 841-843, illus.) On Cerasus.

CALVINO 1912k. "El cultivo del membrillo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 862-866, illus.) On Cydonia vulgaris. 19121. "Las judías de Lima." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 924-928, illus.) On Phaseolus lunatus. 1912m. Trabajos diversos ejecutados por la división de horticultura. México, 82 p. (Bol. Est. Agr. Centr. 66.-IB Méx. Gives results of experiments on a variety of projects; forage plants, cereals, arboriculture, floriculture, and truck farming. 1912n. "Cultivo de la morera y la higuera." México, 33 p., illus. (Est. Agr. Cent., Bol. 73; also in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 36: 508-513, 1912). On Morus alba and Ficus carica. Based on notes taken in his class. 1912o. "El topinambour." (Hac. Ranch. 1(12): 2-4, illus.) On Helianthus tuberosus. 1912p. Los tréboles. México, 89 p., illus.-IB Méx. On the culture of Trifolium, with descriptions of varieties which grow well in Mexico. 1913. "El colatero." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 37: 250.) On Sterculia acuminata for cola. 1913a. "Informes de los trabajos executados por la División de Horticultura en 1912." (Bol. Est. Centr., 75, 128 p., illus.). Published by Sría de Fom. Dir. Gral. de Agr., Méx.-ICJ. 1914. "El chinchayote." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 38: 21-23.) "O raíz tuberosa del chayóte." 1914a. "Plantas de salón." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 38: 759-799, illus.) On house plants. 1914b. "Informe de la División de Horticultura relativo al año de 1913." (Bol. 79, Est. Agr. Cent., Méx., 63 p. 27 pl.) Bol. 79 reviews work with legumes and grasses for forage, cereals and legumes for food, vegetables, floriculture, etc. 1914c. "Segundo informe de 1913 de la División de Horticultura." (Bol. 81, Est. Agr. Centr., Méx. 116 p., illus. ) - I C J . On p. 8-15 there is an article by Luís Soriano Urrutia on "Cultivo especial del maíz en las chinampas de Xochimilco, D.F." 1916. "Algunas plantas de los jardines de Mérida." (Henequén 1(4): 27-32, illus.) With common names, scientific names, sources, and uses. 1917-1918. "El catingueiro del Brasil." (Inf. Est. Agron. Santiago de las Vegas: 261-266, illus. ) Repr. in Heraldo de Ceiba, March 4, 1923; (this was not seen) and in (Tierra 1(17): 4, 5, 1923) as "Una yerba que destruye la garrapata." On Melinis minutiflora and its effects on ticks. 1918-1919. "La jicama de agua." (Rev. Agr. 3 ( 1 / 9 ) : 74-82.) Description and culture of a plant identified as Pachyrhizus palmatüobus Benth. and Hook, or Dolichos palmatilobus DC. and Sessé. 1919. "Reseña general sobre la arboricultora frutal de México." (Rev. Agr. 5 ( 1 ) : 34-42, illus.; also in Rev. Agr. Com. Trab., Habana 2: 252-258, illus., map.) The most important fruits are listed and described according to zone, with common and scientific names. 1919a. "Chaya." (Rev. Agr. Com. Trab. (Cuba) 2: 364-365.) On Jatropha wrens var. inermis as "la mejor verdura del trópico." CALVINO, Mario, Román RAMIREZ, and Julio RIQUELME INDA. 1920. El jitomate y sus enfermedades. México, 72 p.., illus. (Sría. Agr. Fom. Méx., Nueva Ser., Bol. No. 107.)-IB Méx. Mainly on pests and diseases. CALVINO, Mario. 1920a. "La remolacha forrajera." México, 11 p., illus. (Bol. 109, n.s. Published by the Sría. Agr. Fom., Dir. Agr. Méx.) On Beta as a forage plant. 1920b. Informe de los años 1918-1920, de la Estación Experimental Agronómica, República de Cuba. Habana, 786 p., illus.—DA. In part 4, the discussion on corn by José M. Addis describes "maíces Mexicanos: maíz blanco de Cómala, prov. de Colima; and maíz blanco de Córdoba, prov. de Veracruz."



CALVINO 1921. De zapupe Vincent. México, 49 p.—DA. Calls the plant (identified as Agave lespinassei Trel.) superior to henequén, and gives its history and description. Localities are cited for other species in various parts of Mexico and there is a section on the taxonomy of the Agave by Trelease. 1924. "El mejor zapupe." (Tierra 1(52): 5, 8, illus.) On zapupe Vincent, Agave. 1925. "II 'zicilte' dei Maya." (Agr. Col. 9 ( 9 ) : 331-342, illus.) On Jatropha curcas, with descriptions, common names, culture, chemical analysis, and uses (including serving as a host for the lac-producing insect, aje or axe). Also included is a note on species of Bocconia, in connection with the red juice given off from cuts in the plant. CALVINO, Mario, and Carlos RENSON. 1925a. El zacate gordura ó catingueiro. Villahermosa, 22 p.—Bibliot. M. Martinez. The contributions of each author were published earlier in separate publications. For the Calvino contribution, see Calvino, 1917. The Renson contribution appeared in the Diario Latino de San Salvador; this has not been seen. See also Renson, 1931. CALVINO, Mario. 1928. "Una gloria dell'orticoltura Italiana." (Agr. Col. 22: 122-128.) Biography of Emanuele Orazio Fenzi. 1938. "Nuevas apreciaciones sobre el valor forrajero del zacate gordura." (Hacienda 33: 50, illus.) Answers the article of Gándara, in (32: 412), q.v. CALVO, Gonzalo. See APPELIUS, M„ 1931. CALVO, Paulino Rivera. See RIVERA CALVO, Paulino. CALVO de la TORRE, José. See CRAVIOTO, René O. et al, 1955, GONCALVES de LIMA; Oswaldo, 1955; MIRANDA, Francisco de P. et al, n.d. CALZADILLA, José M.

See also MIRO, Juan, ed., 1910-1911.

CALZADILLA, José M. de, et al. 1871. Apuntes para la estadística de Yucatán 1814. Mérida, 53 p. The other authors were Policarpio Antonio de Echanove, Pedro Bolio y Tordesillas and José Miguel Zuaznavar.—Bibliot. Cepeda, Mérida. With a section on products, including various cultivated plants. Compare with "Producciones de Yucatán", of the same authors, published by Miró, in his Otra Miscelánea, p. 385, 1910-1911, q.v. This, perhaps an earlier version, is cited as Apuntaciones para la estadística de la Provincia de Yucatánparte geográfica, supposedly taken from the (Mus. Yuc. 1811: 36-39). The latter has not been seen. A later version, for 1824 (?), printed in El Fenix, Feb. 5, 1849, was published anonymously, Mérida, 1875, 55 p. In this, p. 29-40 are on agricultural products. CALZADO, Julio. 1928. "Forrajes propios de la región algodonera." (Agr. Mex 44 ( 5 ) : 7-11.) CAMACHO, Francisco Antonio. See VARGAS REA, Luís, 18th cent. 1777. "San Juan Thenatitán Chinameca." N.p., 2 copies, ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 95, Col. P. y T. CAMACHO, R. Gómez. See GOMEZ CAMACHO, R. CAMACHO, Sebastián. See VARIOUS, 1831, i.e. 1832? CAMACHO ARAUJO, Antonio. 1933. "Análisis sobre el queso de tuna y la bebida denominada colonche." México, 29 typed p.; Bibliot. R. Alcorta.—Thesis Chem. Prepared from Opuntia streptacantha. CAMACHO BORBOLLA, Guadalupe. 1947. Esudio de los pólenes y hongos de la atmósfera de la Ciudad de Mexico. México, 73 p., illus.—IBMéx. CAMACHO SANCHEZ, Ernesto. 1954. "Estudio descriptivo y de investigación química del copalquín." Culiacán, 24 p., illus. Thesis Fac. Cieñe. Quím. Biol. On Croton niveus—with common names, description, morphology, and distribution.


CAMARA, Enrique A. Muñoz de la. See MUÑOZ de la CAMARA, Enrique A. CAMARA, Joan de la. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, 1579. CAMARA, Pedro Solís. See SOLIS CAMARA, Pedro. CAMARA ALTA, Agustín López de la. See LOPEZ de la CAMARA ALTA, Agustín. CAMARA BARBACHANO, Fernando. 1945. Monografía sobre los Tzeltales de Tenejapa. Chicago, 522 p., 3 maps. Microfilm Collect. Univ. Chi., Ms. Middle Amer. Cult. Anthr. No. 5. A section on the flora, under topography, considers mainly cultivated plants, referred to only by common names; a few other references to plants are scattered through the text. 1952. Chacaltianguis. México, 170 p., illus., maps. bibl. Vol. 1; (2 was never published); prologue is by Alfonso Villa Rojas. With a detailed section on cultivated crops, and one on the "riqueza forestal," with various trees listed by common and scientific names. CAMARA ZAVALA, Gonzalo. 1936. Reseña histórica de la industria henequenera de Yucatán. Mérida, 1936, 106 p., bibl. With information, in the first chapter, on the history of the plant in Yucatán. CAMARENA, J. J. 1938. "Utilización de la margarita, Pyrethrum, como insecticida." (Rev. Com. Ext. 2 ( 7 ) : 37-38.) CAMARENA M., Salvador. 1934. "Generalidades sobre el cultivo de la alfalfa en el Valle de Juárez, Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 32 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Medicago. CAMARGO, Alfredo Mingram. See MINGRAM CAMARGO, Alfredo. CAMARGO, Diego Muñoz. See MUÑOZ CAMARGO, Diego. CAMARGO LEON, Ernestina. 1951. "Estudio sobre el aceite de chicalote." México, 42 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Argemone, with the history of the plant, a list of species in Mexico, and their distribution. CAMBAS, Manuel Rivera. See RIVERA CAMBAS, Manuel. CAMBESSEDES, J.(acques). 1824. "Monographic du genre Spiraea." (Ann. Sci. Nat. 1: 225-243, 352-392, illus.) Taxonomic study. 1828. "Mémoire sur les families des Ternstroemiacées at des Guttiféres." (Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 16: 369-430, 4 pi.) History, characters of the family and genera, relationships, descriptions of the genera, with numbers of species, and distribution. 1829. "Mémoire sur la famille des Sapindacées." (Mém. Mus. Nati. Hist. Nat. Paris 18: 1-50, illus.) History, family characters, classification and affinities, with an analytic table to the genera, and descriptions of genera, with the number of species in each, and distribution. CAMELLO (CAMELLUS, Georgius Josephus). See RAY, John, 1686-1704. CAMELO G., Joaquin. n.d. "Algunas plantas observadas en Tabasco." N.p., 20 p., unfin., ms.-ICF. Plants are listed alphabetically to Pimienta, by common names, with scientific names and family added for many. 1930. Catálogo de aparatos objetos y productos naturales é industriales presentados en la exposición regional Tabasqueña. Villahermosa, 85 p.—CU—B. With 3 unnumbered pages at the end, "Sinonimia vulgar y científica que facilitan el reconocimiento técnico de los productos naturales citados en este catálogo"; fruits, woods and miscellaneous plants are taken from a "folleto inédito—mas de mil plantas clasificadas de Tabasco." For a criticism of this work see Santamaría, Bibliografía de Tabasco, Vol. 2: 366, 1945.




CAMERARIUS, Joachim. See MATTIOLI, Petrus Andrea, 1586; ZWINGER, Theodor, 1696. 1588. Hortus medicus et philosophicus. Frankfurt am Main, 3 vols. (184 p., 56 pi.; 133 p.; 60 p . ) - D A . Plants are listed alphabetically; included are Agave and tobacco. CAMERON, J. H. See CHAMPLAIN, Samuel (1599-1602). CAMERON, James Wagner. CAMERON, 1942.

See MANGELSDORF, Paul C., and

CAMERON, Robert. 1895. "Cupheas." (Gard. For. 8: 307.) General article, with a description of several species from Mexico. 1896. "Isoloma jaliscanum." (Gard. For. 9: 496.) Includes ths original description by Watson. See (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sei. 25: 159, 1890). CAMIN, Erika. 1937. "Beitraege zur anatomie de Yucca und zur kenntnis ihrer aufbereitungsmoeglichkeiten." (Faserforschung 13 : 214-239, illus., bibl.) Compares various species: angustifolia, aloifolia, karlsruhensis, füamentosa, and gloriosa; also discusses the anatomy of various parts of the plant, and in different stages of growth. CAMINO, Manuel G. Lourdes. See L O U R D E S CAMINO, Manuel G. CAMMERLOHER, Hermann. 1922. "Zur frage der heimat der banane." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitg. 71: 262-266, illus.) Additional evidence in favor of the Old World tropics as the original home of the banana. CAMP, Wendell Holmes. See also GUNDERSEN, Alfred, 1950, SCHULTES, Richard Evans, 1938-1941; W O O D S O N , Robert E. et al, 1937—in progress. 1937. "Professor C. Conzatti: an appreciation." (Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 118-121, port.) Biography and note of appreciation. 1937a. "Winter in Oaxaca." (Jour. New York Bot. Gard 38: 129-144, 153-170, map.) Delightfully written reminiscences with occasional notes on plants. First part is called "Into the Mixteca"; second, "The mountain which has twenty peaks." 1939. "Studies in the Ericales IV. Notes on Chimaphila, Gaultheria, and Pernettya in Mexico and adjacent regions." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 7-28.) Discusses two species of Chimaphila, 14 species of Gaultheria (with descriptions of 7 new taxa), 6 species of Pernettya (with a key to the Mexican species and descriptions of 4 new taxa), and two hybrids between Gaultheria and Pernettya. 1941. "A survey of the American species of Vaccinium, subgenus Euvaccinium." (Brittonia 4 ( 1 ) : 205-247.) A general discussion of the taxonomy ( 1 3 species are described, 2 of them new), and phylogeny, with special attention to a selected group including the Caespitosae, a member of which, V. geminiflorum, is found in Mexico. 1941a. "Studies in the Ericales. A discussion of the genus Befaria in North America." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 100-111.) With a section on "the archetypes of the Mexican uplands," one on the Befaria discolor complex, with a description of B. hintonii n.sp. from Guerrero, and a key to the known species of Befaria in Mexico and Central America. 1941b. "Studies in the Ericales: a review of the North American Gaylussacieae; with remarks on the origin and migration of the group." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 531-551.) With a check list and synopsis of the species of Gaylussacia in North America, and a detailed discussion of the origin, evolution, and phyletic divergence of the group. 1942. "Continental displacement and the origin of the American floras." (Proc. 8th Amer. Sei. Congr. 3: 193-194.) Just a brief summary of his ideas. 1947. "Distribution patterns in modern plants and the problems of ancient dispersals". (Ecol. Monog. 17: 159-183, 32 figs., mainly maps.)

A study of distribution patterns of many plant groups leads the author to the conclusion that "southern land masses have been much more important centers of primary familial evolution in the angiosperms than is usually accorded them." 1947a. "The world in your garden." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 92: 1-65; 24 pi. by Else Bostelmann.) Pages 54-58, with 3 pi., are on Mexico as a source of the flowers in our gardens; Dahlia, Tigridia, Cosmos, Zinnia, Poinsettia, frangipani (Plumería) and marigolds (Tagetes) are among the plants discussed. 1954. "A possible source for American pre-Columbian gourds." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 1 ( 9 ) : 700-701.) Suggesting that Lagenaria siceraria was introduced by early migrants from Asia to America. CAMPA, Juan Palacios de la. See PALACIOS de la CAMPA, Juan. CAMPA, Luís Zubiría y. See ZUBIRIA y CAMPA, Luís. CAMPANILE, Giulia. 1925. "Contribuzione alio studio della sistemática del genere "Cuscuta" (sezione "Chlistogrammica") Englm." (Atti (Rendiconti) R. Accad. Naz. Lincei VI, CI. Set. Fis. Mat. Nat. 2: 212-217.) Summary of conclusions with reference to various species suggesting many changes. 1926. "Sopra alcune specie di Cuscuta della sezione Clistogrammica." (Ann. Bot. 16: 357-379, 18 figs., 1 pi.) A review of the taxonomic history of the group, and of proposed changes in the status of several species. CAMPBELL, Douglas Houghton. 1926a. An outline of plant geography. New York, 392 p., illus. Mexico is discussed on p. 263-270, under "Neotropical region." 1944. "Relations of the temperate floras of North and South America." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 2 5 ( 2 ) : 139-146.) A general discussion which considers the factors in distribution, and fossil evidence. CAMPBELL, D. H. and I. L. WIGGINS. 1947. "Origins of the flora of California." (Stanford Univ., Publ. Univ. Ser., Biol. Sci. 10: 1-19.) With a chart on the geographic distribution of the species comprising the present flora of California. CAMPBELL, Frank M. 1924. "Fantastic plants of our western deserts." (Natl. Geogr. Mag.: 45: 33-40, illus.) With a text to illustrate the pictures of the plants, that grow in Mexico as well as in the United States. CAMPBELL, George W. 1869. "The Mexican ever-bearing strawberry." (Amer. Jour. Hort. 6: 286-287.) Refuting the claims of its value for culture. CAMPBELL, Gloria R ( a e ) . 1950. "Mimulus guttatus and related species." (Aliso 2 ( 3 ) : 319-335, illus.) Includes Mimulus tilingi var. typictis nom. nov., M. guttatus var. gracilis comb, nov., and M. guttatus var. micranthus comb, nov. CAMPBELL, John. See ANONYMOUS, 1763. CAMPBELL, Reau. See also ALVAREZ, Manuel Francisco, 1900. 1895. Complete guide and descriptive book of Mexico. Chicago, 1909, 352 p., illus. First ed., Chicago, 1895. With a superficial section on agriculture and forests. The part referring to the árbol de Santa Maria del Tule was reprinted in Las ruinas de Mitla y la arquitectura, edited by Manuel Francisco Alvarez, México, 1900, p. 26-27, q.v. CAMPBELL, Robert Samuel. 1929. "Vegetative succession in the Prosopis sand dunes of southern New Mexico". (Ecology 10: 392-398, illus.) Description of successional stages leading to the grama grass (Bouteloua eriopoda) climax, a highly valuable range land. CAMPBELL, R. S„ and J. G. KELLER.



1932. "Growth and reproduction of Yucca elata." 374, Mus.)


13: 364-

With notes on its distribution and economic value. CAMPBELL, W. M. See BRUGGEMAN, L „ 1957. CAMPDERA, Francois (Francisco). 1819. Monographie des Rumex. Paris, 169 p., 3 p l . - N N B G . "Procedées de quelques vues genérales sur la famille des Polygonées." (CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich.) 1796. Allgemeines historien buch. Wien, 616 p., 2 vols, in one.—NN. A popular work with the emphasis on the history. Volume 2 is on Mexico; "beschreibung ihrer einvoner . . . thiere, pflanzen and andere seltenheiten." CAMPERO, Horacio S. 1933. "Cultivo del espárrago." Cd. Juarez, 22 p. Thesis EPA. On Asparagus. CAMPESE, Oreste. 1937-1941. Colture tropicali e lavorazione dei prodotti. Milano, 7 vols., illus. Consists of the following: vol. 1, general; 2, coffee, cocoa, Hevea and tea; 3, fiber plants; 4, sugar cane, banana and oil palm; 5, other oil plants; 6, starch plants; 7, fruits. The part on roselle taken from libro 4, vol. 3 was translated and reprinted as "El cultivo de la roselle y la preparación de sus fibras" in (Hacienda 38: 210-213, illus., 1943). CAMPO, Alfonso Martín del. See MARTIN del CAMPO, Alfonso. CAMPO, C. del. 1946. "El frijol soya." ( R a n c h o 2: 6-17, 80, Oct.) On Glycine max. CAMPO, Fernando Martín del. See MARTIN del CAMPO, Fernando. CAMPO, José Lemus CAMPO, José.


CAMPO, Juan Martínez del.

del. See





CAMPO, Luis Fernández del. See FERNANDEZ del CAMPO, Luís. CAMPO, Luís Zubirán. See ZUBIRAN y CAMPO, Luís. CAMPO, Macrina Martín del. See MARTIN del CAMPO, Macrina. CAMPO, Pablo Martínez del. See MARTINEZ del CAMPO, Pablo. CAMPO, Rafael Martín del. See MARTIN del CAMPO, Rafael. CAMPO, Rosa Cueva Martín del. See CUEVA MARTIN del CAMPO, Rosa. CAMPO, Santiago Gresa de. See GRESA de CAMPO, Santiago. CAMPO-DUPLAN, Mme. Van. See VAN CAMPO-DUPLAN, Mme. CAMPOS, Armando, and Jesús FERNANDEZ. 1960. "El cultivo de la papa en el Valle de México." México, 10 unnumb. p., illus. (Circular "El Horno" No. 4. Pubi, by the Sría. Agrie. Gan., Ofic. Estud. Esp., Méx).—DA. Some of the material is taken from "Tres nuevas variedades de papa resistentes al tizón tardío," by John S. Niederhauser et al, in (Agrie. Teen. Méx. No. 9, q.v.) CAMPOS, Enrique Garcia.


CAMPOS, José G. 1945. "La papaya ó fruta bomba." (FOTO. Yucatán 2 ( 1 8 ) : 17-18, 23, 24, good illus.) A study of the morphology of the flower. CAMPOS, Leopoldo Palma y. See PALMA y CAMPOS, Leopoldo. CAMPOS, Manuel de Jesús Alvarez. Manuel de Jesús.




CAMPOS, María. 1926. "Estudio del nogal Mexicano." Guadalajara, 14 typed p. Thesis Chem. On Hicoria


CAMPOS, Miguel Mariá y. See MARIA y CAMPOS, Miguel. CAMPOS BAUTISTA, Francisco.

1910. Flora del partido de Carmen. In the Album Carmelita, Cd. Carmen, 67 p. with a photograph of the author—SH Méx. Plants are listed alphabetically by family, with common and scientific names; there is also a list of plants known only by common name, with brief notes. CAMPOS GAL VAN, Manuel, y Rodolfo A. LA VIE. 1898. Documentos relativos al primer concurso de floricultura y horticultura. Oaxaca, 25 p.—Bibliot. Publ. Oaxaca. With lists of the plants exhibited, cited by common and scientific names. CAMPOS ORTEGA, Lino Ramón. 1927. Boceto histórico sobre el ahuehuete de El Tule. Oaxaca, 127 p. -Bibliot. SMGE. On the famous specimen of Taxodium. CAMPUZANO, Buenaventura et al. 1852. "Informe sobre Tejupilco." (Rev. Mens. Soc. Promov. Mej. Mat.: 323-326.) A section on the plant kingdom contains a long list of the plants by common names, arranged according to use. CAMPUZANO, Jesús Olvera. See OLVERA CAMPUZANO, Jesús. CAMUS, Aimée. 1914. Les cyprès (genre Cypressus). Paris, 106 p., 424 figs., 4 maps, 3 pl., bibl.-DA. Includes systematics, with keys down to species, biology, culture, and uses. Maps show distribution of species. ( 1 9 3 4 ) 1936-1938. Les Chênes. Paris, 2 vols., illus., bibl.-DA. "Monographie due genre Quercus." 1942. "Sur quelques chênes du Mexique." (Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris II, 14: 88-89.) Transfers Quercus platyphylla Warburg to Q. neoplatyphylla, describes a new var. typica for Q. affinis Sch. and a new var. typica for Q. ocoteaefolia Liebm, and suggests that Q. bourgaei should be classed with oaks which mature fruits biennially rather than annually, as proposed by Trelease. CAMUS, Edmund Gustave. 1910. "Nouvelle classification générale du genre Carex." (Not. Syst. 1: 296-298.) With lists of species for the different subgroups. 1913. Les Bambusées. Paris, 215 p., atlas of 101 pl., bibl. With a key to the genera, descriptions, distribution, culture, and uses. CAMUS, Giulio (Jules), and Otto PENZIG. 1885. "Illustrazione del erbario Estense." (Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, III, 4 : 14-57.) On sixteenth century material conserved in the royal state archives in Modena, with mention of Datura, Nicotiana, and Solanum (tomato). CANADA, William W. 1909. "Mexico offers opportunities for fruit growers." (Mex. Herald, May, 1909). Clipping in the Escobar collection, Cd. Juárez, EPA. Plants are listed with common and scientific names, descriptions, and uses. CANALE, F. C. See VARIOUS, 1895-1908. CANALES, Isidro Vizcaya. See VIZCAYA CANALES, Isidro. CANALES GAJA, Arnulfo. 1946. "Aceite de las semillas del Calocarpum 72 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. CANAS, Eugenio J.



See R O B E L O , Cecilio A. et al, 1907.

CANCINO, Armando George. 1948. " E l cultivo del plátano en la República Méxicana." Cd. Júarez, 95 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Musa. CANCINO, Juan Pablo. See also B E R M U D E Z de CASTRO, Juan, 1793. 1792. "Carta de Don Juan Pablo Cancino." (Cae. Lit. 3 ( 1 ) : 2-4; 2d éd., 6-9, 1831; 3d ed. not seen.)



CAN CINO—continued On the use of cebadilla as a vermifuge. Another letter was published ( 3 ( 1 0 ) : 72-77, 1793; 88-96, 2d ed„ 1831), with more material on cebadilla, referring to Esteyneffer's mention of the plant in 1712 and discussing a letter of Bermúdez ( 3 ( 5 , 6 ) : 37-43, 1793; 2d ed. 49-56, q.v.).


CANCIO, Jorge de Castro. See CASTRO CANCIO, Jorge de.


CANDEL ARANDES, Vicente. 1894. "Apuntes sobre el cultivo del frijol de México." (Prog. 1 ( 3 5 ) : 2; cont. to ( 4 2 ) : 4, unf.) On Phaseolus.


CANDELA, J. L. Fontana. See FONTANA-CANDELA, J. L. CANDELAS, José de Jesús Hernández. See HERNANDEZ CANDELAS, José de Jesús.


CANDIANI, Manuel Brioso y. See BRIOSO y CANDIANI, Manuel. CANDOLLE, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de. See also BERNOULLI, Gustav, 1871; BONAFOUS, Matthieu, 1836; CANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus de and CANDOLLE, Alphonse, 1824-1873; ENGLER, Adolf, 1879; 1883; HACKEL, Eduard, 1889; HEEDE, Adolphe van den, 1903; LASEGUE, Antoine, 1845; LIEBMANN, F„ 1852a; MEASE, James, 1831; MICHELI, M„ 1881; 1881a; PERRINE, Henry, 1838; SCHLECHTENDAL, (Diederich) 1856; SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1883. 1830. Monographie des Campanulées. Paris, 384 p., 2 0 pl. Specularia is the only genus cited for Mexico. 1831. "De quelques arbres très anciens measures au Mexique." (Bibliot. Univ. 16: 387-394.) Translation of the Mease letter in Mag. Nat. Hist., q.v. 1834. "A review of the natural order Myrsineae." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 95-138, 5 pi.) Repr., with the pref. trans, into French, as "Revue de la famille des Myrsinées" in (Ann. Sci. Nat. 11, 2: 285-301, 1834). This was followed by a "Second mémoire sur la famille des Myrsineacées" (Ann. Sci. Nat. II 16: 65-97, illus., 1841). The "Troiseme Mémoire" continues in the same volume, pp. 129-176. The first part reviews the systematics and presents a catalogue of genera and species, with descriptions of 58 species, which are new or were previously listed without descriptions. The second part contains a conspectus generum. The third compares the family with related groups. One species in Myrsine, and four in Ardisia, are cited for Mexico. 1836. "Distribution géographique des plantes alimentaires." (Bibl. Univ. n.s. 2: 228-260, 3: 1-28.) 1839. "Mémoire sur les Lobeliacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 12: 129155.) With a conspectus generum Lobeliacearum. 1844. "Mémoire sur la famille des Apocynacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. Ill, 1: 235-263.) On the morphology, classification, and relationships. 1846-1848. "Dixième notice sur les plantes rares cultivées dans le Jardin Botanique de Genève." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 11: 425-456, 2 pl.) Describes Brassia longüoba (perhaps sent from Mexico). 1852. "Plantae quaedam itinerantium sub numeris communicatae." (Linnaea 25: 570-579.) Identification of plants from various sources, including collections of Andrieux, Berlandier, and Linden from Mexico. 1852a. "Sur une pomme de terre du Mexique." (Rev. Hort. IV, 1: 211-217; read before the Aoad. Sci., May 3, 1852.) On Solanum verrucosum Schlecht., cultivated in France; with a discussion of the country of origin of the "Solanum tuberculeux." 1853. "Pomme de terre spontanée a Mexique." (Rev. Hort. IV, 2: 101-104, illus.) "Observations sur la culture essayée prés de Geneve, au point de vue botanique." 1854. "Sur l'origine des Datura stramonium et espèces voisines." (Bibl. Univ. Genève 27: 206-215.) Taken from the Géographie botanique raisonnée which was


then in press; discusses Datura tatula, D. stramonium, D. ferox, and D. metel. Géographie botanique raisonée. Paris, 2 vols., 2 maps. For the posthumous supplement, see Candolle, Alphonse, 1898. Mainly a discussion of distribution and plant ecology. The origin of cultivated species is also discussed. "Mémoire sur la famille des Begoniacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 1 1 ( 2 ) : 93-149.) Repr. in (Belgique Hort. 10: 37-44, 1860), as "Observations sur la famille des Begoniacées." Morphology, distribution and description of new genera including many from Mexico. Collection numbers are cited for species identified and distributed from the collections of Andrieux, Berlandier, Galeotti, Ghiesbreght, Heller, Karwinsky, Linden, Schiede, and Sumichrast. "Note sur un nouveau caractère observé dans le fruit des chênes." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 18: 49-110.) On a character, noticed by the Michaux, and rediscovered by J. Gay; whether the fruits are formed the first year or during the course of the second; also on the position of atrophied ovules in the seed, a de Candolle observation. Calques des dessins de la flore du Mexique. Genève, 2 vols.— DSI. Reproductions of the 279 drawings of the Sessé and Mocino series, which were used as types in the Prodromus. Two sets of these, one copied in pencil and one in ink, are at the IBMéx. Also at IB Méx is an undated ms., mimeographed, of 55 p., entitled "Iconografia inédita." This tells the story of the Mocino drawings, and includes a "Catalogue des dessins et des descriptions d'espèces de la Flora du Mexique," as given to Candolle by Mocino. At CU-B, there are 6 p. of text consisting of the following: p. 1, Preface by de Candolle, Nov. 1, 1874; p. 2-4, Enumeration d'après l'ordre des numéros; p. 5-6, Table alphabétique. This is bound with the Novarum aut rariorum plantarum Horti Matritensis, with the author given as C. G. Ortega. This is followed by a number of miscellaneous drawings: Mammillaria mystax Mart., Ceanothus folius trinervis Lin. Sp. pi. 195, 16 drawings of oaks (on 7 pages), Oxalis, Gilia (Ipomopsis) and Ipomoea. In vol. 2, p. 24-49 are blank. (Information on the material at CU-B was kindly provided by Miss Annetta Carter. )

1878. Smilacêes. In Monographiae Phanerogamarum, 1: 1-217. See under the name of the editors, Candolle, Alphonse L. P. P. de and Candolle, Anne Casimir P. de. De CANDOLLE, Alphonse L. P. P., and Anne Casimir P(yramus), eds. 1878-1896. Monographiae phanerogamarum. Paris, 9 vols. Revision and continuation of the Prodromus . . . Contents of the volumes are as follows: 1: "Smilaceae" by Alphonse and Casimir de Candolle, "Restiaceae" by Masters, "Meliaceae" by Casimir de Candolle. 2. "Araceae" by Adolph Engler. 3. "Philydraceae" by Caruel; "Alismaceae," "Butomaceae, and Juncaginaceae" by Micheli. 3. "Commelinaceae" by C. B. Clarke, "Cucurbitaceae" by Cogniaux. 4. "Pontederiaceae" by Hermann Comité de Solms-Laubach, "Burseraoeae and Anacardiaceae" by Engler. 5. "Cyrtandreae" by C. B. Clarke and "Ampelideae" by J. E. Planchon. 6. "Andropogoneae" by Eduardo Hackel. 7. "Melastomaceae" by Cogniaux. 8. "Guttiferae" by Julian Vesque. 9. "Bromeliaceae" by Carl Mez. Separates have been made for those which contain references to Mexican plants. CANDOLLE, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de. 1882. Origine des plantes cultivées. Paris, 377 p., 1883. Extracts were evidently printed before the official publ. date; see, e.g. (Bibl. Univ. Genève III, 8: 441-462, 1882) where there is a repr. of the last chap., in which the conclusion is summarized; also (Rev. Sci. Ill, 3 (part 2, No. 15): 470-472, 1882 and an additional note under "Botanique," No. 16: 509-510). The material from this journal was trans, as "Origen de las plantas cultivadas" and publ. in (Naturaleza 6:148-152, 1884.) A trans, of part 3 was publ. in (Bot. Jahrb. 3: 487-506, 1883.) An English trans, publ. in New York, 1902, 468 p. (The first American ed. appeared in 1885 fide DLC. ) For an interesting review of the work see Asa Gray and J. Hammond Trumbull, 1883. A detailed study of about 250 species of cultivated plants, 182



tracing them to their native lands. Conclusions are based on botanical studies, reports of travellers, and comparative philology. A summary is given in the form of a table in which species are divided as Old World and New World, and according to use; country of origin and length of time in cultivation are noted. Five species are listed as originating in Mexico; three are considered possibilities. A lengthy résumé of the work, by Edouard Dufresne, was published in (Globe 22: 1-31, 1883). A reprint of the 2d English edition of 1886 was published in New York in 1959. 1882a. "Sur un caractère de la batate." ( Bibliot. Univ. Genève III, 8; 551-554. ) Urges the study of underground parts, for the taxonomy of different species of Convolvulus; refers also to their probable geographic origin. 1884. "Le cherimolia." (Rev. Hort. 56: 44-45.) On its probable origin in Ecuador and Peru. 1898. "Ce qui se passe sur la limite géographique d'une espèce végétale." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 17-37.) A posthumous supplement to the author's Géographie botanique raisonnée, q.v. CANDOLLE, Anne Casimir P. See also CANDOLLE, Alphonse L. P. P. de and CANDOLLE, Casimir, 1878-1896; DURAND, Th. and PITTIER, H., 1891-1898; ENGLER, Adolf 1879, 1883; HACKEL, Eduard, 1889; LOESENER Th., 1894-1923; 1901; ROSE, J. N., 1895b; 1899; SOLMS-LAUBACH, Hermann, 1883. 1862. "Mémoire sur la famille des Juglandées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 18: 5-48, illus.) Includes geographic distribution, classification of the family, and a discussion of its relationships. 1866. "Piperaceae novae." (Jour. Bot. 4: 132-147, 161-167, 210, 219.) Includes the following from Mexico: Peperomia ovato-peltata, P. muscophylla, and P. botterii. 1866a. "Mémoire sur la famille des Piperacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 18: 219-248, 7 pl.) Discusses the morphology, and the basic characters to be used in classification. 1871-1873. "Piperaceae novae." (Linnaea 37: 333-390.) Includes many species of Piper and Peperomia from Mexico. 1878. "Meliacées." (Monog. Phan. 1: 399-752, 3 pi.) Part of the series ed. by Alphonse and Casimir de Candolle, q.v. 1878a. "On the geographic distribution of Meliaceae." (Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., II, Bot., 1: 233-236, map.) Chart shows distribution by genera; Mexico is cited for Melia, Guarea, Trichilia, Swietenia, and Cedrela. 1882. "Nouvelles recherches sur les Piperacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 27(2): 305-309, 15 pl.) Descriptions of species include from Mexico: Piper bourgeaui and P. petrophila, previously described and here distinguished from related species. 1894. "Three new species of Mexican plants." (Bot. Gaz. 19: 39-40. ) Guarea palmeri, Trichilia palmeri, and T. colimana, all from Colima. 1898. "Piperaceae novae." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 252288.)

Nine new species are described from Mexico. 1907. "Meliaceae novae." (Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genève 10: 122176.) New species of Guarea and Trichilia are described from Mexico. For Cedrela a conspectus Americanarum et AntiUanarum is provided. 1914. "Piperaceae novae." (Not. Syst. 3: 38-44.) With a separate section on "species Americanae." The following new species are described from Mexico: Peperomia fournieri, Piper diguetii, P. tepicanum and P. plumanum. 1919-1920. "Piperaceae Mexicanae." (Ann. Ccms. Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 305-322.) With descriptions of many new species. 1922-1924. "Piperacearum clavis analytica." (CandoUea 1: 65-414.) With an introduction by Raymond de Candolle. 183

1924-1926. "Piperaceae novae." (Candollea 2: 187-226. ) Lists species which were diagnosed briefly in the key, q.v., as new, but for which a detailed description was lacking, includes Piper elmuletonum, Peperomia puberulirhachis, and P. schiedei from Mexico. The list was prepared by J. Briquet, with descriptions for many, as found in papers after the death of Candolle. For additional material see Schroeder's article in vol. 3. 1924-1926a. "Begoniaceae novae." (Candollea 2: 227-228.) Includes Begonia fusibulba from Mexico. CANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus de. See also DELESSERT, Benjamin, 1820-1846; REDOUTE, Pierre Joseph, 1802-1816. 1798-1837? Plantarum historia succulentarum (Histoire des plantes grasses). Paris, 2 vols., 189 (i.e. 179) pl., illus. by Rédouté. Brit. Mus. cites the dates as 1799-1829, and lists 182 pl. DLC cites the dates as 1799-1832. For more details on this publication, see Rickett, H. W„ and F. A. Stafleu, 1961; also Steam, W. T. (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 7: 37, 1938 and Rowley, G. D., same journal, 1956-1957). 1804. "Essai sur les propriétés médicales des plantes." Paris, 1816, 2d éd., 397 p. M.D. thesis. First éd., 1804. "Comparées avec leur formes extérieures et leur classification naturelle"; the discussion is by families. The author suggests the use of physiological properties as an aid in classifying plants. 1810. "Note sur les Georgina (Dahlia Cav. et Hort. Par.)." (Bull. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 15: 307-316.) Gives reasons for renaming the plant and describes 2 species: G. superflua and G. frustráneo with 4 varieties in the first, and 3 in the second. 1810a. "Observations sur les plantes Composées ou syngeneses." (Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 16: 135-158.) "Premier mémoire sur les Composées et les Cinarocéphales en general"; with a conspectus down to genera and descriptions. In the second, p. 181-208, no Mexican material is considered. 1811. "Monographie des Ochnacées et des Simaroubées." (Ann. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 17: 398-425, 21 pl.) Descriptions of genera and species in systematic arrangement with distribution. Included is Gomphia mexicana, n. sp. from Guerrero. 1812. "Observations sur les plantes Composées on Syngenèses." (Ann. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 19: 59-72, illus. ) "Troisième mémoire sur les Composées à corolles labiées ou labiatiflores"; with a conspectus of 26 genera. 1818, 1821. Regni vegetabilis systema naturale. Paris, 2 vols., bibl. Rickett and Stafleu (1961) cite the date of vol. 1 as 1817. Covers 11 families, from the Ranunculaceae to the Cruciferae. (1819-1821.) "Rapport sur les plantes rares ou nouvelles qui ont fleuri dans le Jardin de Botanique de Genève." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 1: 431-463, 1822.) Covers the years 1819-1821; includes a description of Períptera punicea from Mexico. 1821. "Mémoire sur la famille des Crucifères." (Mém. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 7: 169-252, illus.) On morphology and classification, the latter down to genera, described in systematic order. 1821a. Mémoire sur les affinités naturelles de la famille des Nymphaeacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 1: 209244, 14 figs.) A study of comparative morphology, concerned with the question of whether the family belongs in the monocotyledons or dicotyledons, and its place within the latter. 1822. "Mémoire sur la famille de Ternstroemiacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 1: 393-430, 8 pl. ) Repr. as a separate, Genève, 1823, 38 p., 8 pl.-NNBG. "Et en particulier sur le genre Saurauja"; with a conspectus of genera, and descriptions of species with distribution. Mexican species include: Saurauja villosa and S. serrata (Leucothea Moc. et Sessé); Ternstroemia lineata Moc. et Sessé, and T. brevipes (from tropical America, but cited in later works as from Mexico). 1824. "Notice sur quelques genres et espèces nouvelles des Légumineuses." (Ann. Sci. Nat. 4: 90-103.)


CANDOLLE} p., 13 pl., 1828. 3. "Onagraceae," 16 p., 3 pl., 1829. 4. "Paionychia," 16 p., 6 pl., 1829. 5. "Umbelliferae," 84 p., 19 pl., 1829. 6. "Loranthaceae" 31 p., 12 pl., 1830. 7. "Valerianaceae," 24 p., 5 pl., 1832. 8. "Mémoire sur quelques espèces de Cactées nouvelles ou peu connues," 27 p., 12 pl., 1834. 9. "Observation sur la structure et la classification de la famille de Composées," 44 p., 19 pl., 1838. 10. "Statistique de la famille de Composées," 22 p., 3 tab., 1838. For details on each memoir, see separate listings. 1829. "Mémoire sur la famille des Onagraires." Paris, 16 p., 3 pl.; Mem. # 3 in Collection de mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. With a picture of Hauya elegans. 1829a. Mémoire sur la famille des Paronychieés. Paris, 16 p., 6 pl.NNBG. Mémoire No. 4 in Collection de mémoires, q.v. Cerdia virescens and C. purpurascens are included. 1829b. Mémoire sur la famille des Ombellifères. Paris, 84 p., 19 pl. Mémoire No. 5 in Collection de mémoires q.v— NNBG. 1829c. Plantes rares du Jardin de Genève. Genève, 92 p., 24 pl.NNBG. Includes Cineraria (Senecio) praecox from Mexico. 1830. Mémoire sur la famille des Loranthacées. Paris, 31 p., 12 piMémoire No. 6 in Collection de mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. On the genera Viscum, Misodendron, and Loranthus. 1832. "Histoire de la botanique Génévoise." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 5: 1-61.) General review with bio-bibliographical catalogue of persons who had been associated with botany in Geneva; divided into botanists then dead, those still living, and a third group consisting of foreigners who had worked at Geneva. In this section are notices of Coulter and Berlandier. 1832a. "Mémoire sur la famille des Anonacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 5: 177-221, 5 pl.) Review of the species in the Prodromus with a discussion of general characters, and geographic distribution. Chart shows the numbers of species by genera in various continents. Among the new species described is Rollinia sieberi from Trinidad, which Index Kewensis cites for Mexico. 1832b. Mémoire sur la famille des Valerianées. Paris, 24 p., 5 pl. No. 7 in the Collection des Mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. With descriptions of V. toluccana and V. mexicana. 1833. "Cinquième notice sur les plantes rares cultivées dans le Jardin de Genève." (Mem. Soc. Phy. Hist. Nat. Genève 6: 209-236, 5 pl.) Includes descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Heteronoma subtriplinervium and Astragalus mexicanus. 1834. Mémoire sur quelques espèces de Cactées nouvelles ou peu connues. Paris, 27 p., 12 pl.-NNBG. "Principalment sur celles envoyées du Mexique par le docteur Coulter." With a key to 7 genera, and descriptions and distribution of 26 species, found in Mexico. A résumé of this mémoire was published in (Ann. Sei. Nat. II, 2: 111-114, 1834), with descriptions of the new species. 1835. "Notice sur les graines de YAnanas." (Mem. Soc. Phys. d'Hist. Nat. Genève 7: 161-167, 2 pl.) Also in (Ann. S ci. Nat. II, 4: 57-61). Morphological study. 1838. "Revue sommaire de la famille des Bignoniacées." (Bibl. Univ. Genève n.s. 17: 117-136. Repr. in Ann. Sei. Nat. II, 11: 279298, 1839.) Distribution and classification, with a summary of the family to genera. Descriptions of genera include the following new ones: Arrabidaea and Parmentiera. 1838a. Observations sur la structure et la classification de la famille des Composées. Paris, 44 p., 19 pl. Mémoire No. 9 in Collection de mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. A description of Dumerilia alamani is included. 1838b. Statisque de la famille des Composées. Paris, 15 p., 4 charts. Mémoire # 10, in Collection de mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. An excerpt was trans, by W. G. Walpers as "Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Compositen," and published in (Arch. Naturgesch. 6 ( 1 ) : 287-306, 4 tables, 1840). Lists number of species, number of genera, number of species according to habit of growth, and gives a table of distribution.

CANDOLLE-continued An extract "de divers mémoires présentés à la Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 1823-1824." A description is included of Rhynchosia menispermoidea from Acapulco. CANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus de, and Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de CANDOLLE, eds. 1824-1873. Prodromus systematis naturalis. regni vegetabilis. Paris, 17 vols. For a list of the 33 contributing authors, see Cat. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Lib. 1: 310; also Pritzel's Thesaurus. For an index see, H. W. Buek's "Genera species et synonyma Candolleana." For dates of publication, see the article by William T. S team in (Candollea 8: 1-4, 1939). CANDOLLE, A. P. de. 1825. "Note sur la place de la famille des Cucurbitacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 3 ( 1 ) : 33-36.) Gives his reasons for placing the family among the Calyciflores. 1825a. Mémoires sur la famille des Légumineuses. Paris, 525 p., 70 pl.—NNBG. For a discussion of the publication date, see Stafleu, F. A. and W. T. Steam, "De Candolle's Légumineuses," published in (Taxon 9 ( 6 ) : 169-171, 1960). The dates of publication of the 8 parts and of the plates are cited as 1825-1826, but the pages are listed as 515. In Stafleu and Rickett, 1961, the publication dates are given as 1825-1827. With keys to tribes, genera and some species. One chapter discusses relationships to neighboring families; another, on geographic distribution, contains two tables on distribution, arranged by genera. 1826. "Revue de la famille des Lythraires." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 3 ( 2 ) : 65-96, 3 pl.) Review of general characters, and of the tribes and genera, with a discussion of various taxa from Mexico, e.g., Heimia, Cuphea (with 4 unpublished species from Moc. et Sessé). Lafoensia punicaefolia, from Sainte Marthe, is cited as perhaps also from Mexico. 1828. "Revue de la famille des Cactées." (Mem. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 17: 1-119, illus.) To be considered as a commentary on the cactus section (3: 457-476) of the Prodromus. Includes history, morphology, classification, observations on growth and culture, keys to 7 genera, descriptions of genera and species, place of origin, and distribution of genera. In the last, entitled, "De la distribution, géographique et topographique des Cactées", there is a listing of genera and species by areas; Mexico is cited for 26 species in 6 genera. This part was reprinted in (Cactus 25: 71-74, 1950) as "Les cactées il y a cent ans." A supplement entitled "Postscriptum," p. 107-119, based on 57 species sent by Coulter from Mexico, describes 47 new species and several varieties in Mammillaria, Echinocactus, Cereus, and Opuntia. 1828a. "Revue de la famille des Portulacées." (Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris n.s. 4: 174-193, 2 pl.; (read in 1827.) With keys to the genera, according to the flowers and fruit, descriptions of the 13 genera, and a summary of their geographical distribution. 1828b. "Mémoire sur la famille des Combretacées." (Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 4: 1-42, 5 pl.) Consideration of general characters and of the tribes and genera. Descriptions of new species are included but none are from Mexico, though a number are from tropical America. 1828c. Mémoire sur la famille des Mehstomacées. Paris, 84 p., 10 pl.—NNBG. Mémoire No. 1 in Collection de mémoires, q.v. Monograph reviewing the taxonomy of the family down to genera, with tables of geographic distribution and descriptions of new species. 1828d. Mémoire sur la famille des Crassulacées. Paris, 47 p., 13 pl., # 2 in Collection de mémoires, q.v.—NNBG. With a key to the genera and a table of geographic distribution. 1828-1838. Collection de mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du regne végétal. Paris, 99 pl., 10 separate works as noted below.— NNBG. 1. "Melastomaceae," 84 p. 10 pl., 1828. 2. "Crassulaceae," 47 184



1841. "Sopre le Euforbie a foglie orlate dibianco." (Affi Seconda Riunione Sci. Ital. Torino 1840, 157-159.) Includes a description of E. bejariensis and E. torrida, both cited from Mexico, which then included Texas. 1841-1842. "Mémoire sur la famille des Myrtacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 9: 301-361, 22 pl.; a posthumous publication.) Review of general characters, with a detailed discussion of tribes and genera, and lists of species with distribution. 1862. Mémoires et souvenirs. Genève, 559 p. With two sections on the story of Sessé and Mociño: "Flore du Mexique," pp. 219-221; "Copie de la Flore du Mexique," pp. 288-290. CANDOLLE, Casimir de. See CANDOLLE, Anne Casimir Pyramus de. CANDOLLE, Raymond de. See 1922-1924.

CANDOLLE, Anne Casimir P.,

CAÑEDO, Genaro. See also CAÑEDO, Ignacio, 1917, and CAÑEDO, Jenaro. 1922. "El hermoso y productivo tamarindo." (Jalisco Rur. 5: 779782.) Description, distribution, culture, and uses. 1923. "La flora de Mascota y Autlán." (Jalisco Rur. 5: 1010-1011.) Listed alphabetically by common names. Another list is labeled plantas silvestres although many in the first list are also silvestres. CAÑEDO, Ignacio. (Introductory note, and other installments signed Jenaro Cañedo.) 1917. "Classificación y descripción de las maderas que se producen en las costas de Jalisco y Colima." (Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. Jal 11, 1 ( 3 ) : 37-38; cont. ( 4 ) : 53-54 and ( 7 ) : 94-95.) Listed alphabetically by common names, with descriptions and distribution. CAÑEDO, Jenaro. See also CAÑEDO, Genaro and Ignacio CANEDO, 1917. 1922. "Flora de Jalisco y Colima." (Jalisco Rur. 4 ( 2 , 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 ) : 545, 566, 619, 640, 681, 703.) Listed only by common names, in alphabetical order, with descriptions and uses. CAÑETE, Joseph Joachin. 1777. "Descripción . . . de San Pedro Theozoqualco (Oaxaca)." N.p., 7 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 98, Col. P. y T. CANEVARI, Demetrio. 1602. De Ugno sancto commentarium. On Guaiacum.

Roma, 141 p.—DNLM.

CANGAS, Cosmé de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del ( 15791582). CANGAS y QUINONES, Suero de. See also VARIOUS ( 1579-1581 ). (1580.) "Descripción de la villa de Espíritu Santo" (province of Guazaqualco). (Rev. Mex. Est. Hist. 2(App.): 176-180, 1928. Written in 1580. With references to trees of the area and medicinal plants. CAÑIZARES, Leandro. 1947. De mis recuerdos de Mexico, 1896-1900. Habana, 350 p.; illus. by Stephanie Cañizares. "Notas de un viaje a través de ese país." Chapter 1 is on "la planta maravillosa (maguey). Chapter 2 is on Chapultepec, "el bosque y el castillo." CAÑIZARES, Stephanie. See CAÑIZARES, Leandro, 1947. CAÑIZARES y ZAYAS, Jesús. 1938. "El papayo." (Maes. Rur. 1 1 ( 1 / 2 ) : 30-32.) On Carica papaya. CAÑIZO GOMEZ, José de. 1923. El ricino. Madrid, 31 p . - B N Méx. Emphasis is on the culture and use. CANN, Ross. See KORNICKER, L. S. et al. 1959. CANNABICH, Johann Guenther Friedrich. See HASSEL, Johann Georg Heinrich, 1824.


CANNELL, H. 1892. "Winter-flowering and evergreen Begonias." (Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 15: 194-199.) Catalogue of many species, in no particular order, with brief descriptions: B. Polyantha Hort. is included, and is cited in Ind. Kew as new species; (see Gard. Chron. Ill, 3: 35, 1904). CANNON, John Pershing. 1953. "A regional study of the municipio of Chalco." México, 85 typed p., 2 maps. Thesis Mexico City Coll. With a section on the vegetation, in which the plants are classified according to the Kuchner (sic) for (Kuechler?) system. The flora is arranged according to zones, by families, with the latter cited in the Spanish form (sometimes incorrectly). CANNON, William Austin. See also COVILLE, Frederick Vernon and Daniel Trembley MACDOUGAL, 1903. 1905. "On the water conducting systems of some desert plants." (Bot. Gaz. 39: 397-408, illus.) Study includes: Celtis pallida, Covillea tridentata, Fouquieria splendens, Zizyphus lycioides, Acacia greggii, Prosopis velutina, Parkinsonia microphylla, and P. torreyana. 1906. "Biological relations of certain cacti." (Amer. Nat. 40: 27-47.) Papers Des. Bot. Lab. Carnegie Inst. Washington # 11. Study of root systems of Cereus giganteus, Echinocactus. wislizenii, and Opuntia versicolor, and of transpiration in Cereus and Opuntia. 1906a. "The desert botanical laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington." (Out West 2 4 ( 1 ) : 25-38.) References, with illustrations, of plants that grow in the area. 1908. "Plant immigrants at Del Monte." (Out West 28 ( 5 ) : 357-366, illus. ) Includes plants introduced from Mexico; with a picture of Fourcrya (sic) beldinghausii. 1913. "Notes on root variation in some desert plants." (PI. World 16: 323-341, illus.) Several species in various genera were studied under natural conditions, cultural conditions, and with variations experimentally induced. 1916. "Distribution of the cacti." (Amer. Nat. 50: 435-442.) With a special reference to the role played by the root in response to soil temperature and soil moisture. CANO, Charles G. 1901. "The rubber planting situation in Mexico." (India Rubber World 2 4 ( 5 ) : 319-322.) Mainly on plantations in Chiapas; followed by reports from various plantations in other parts of Mexico. CANO, D. See CANO y ALCACIO, A. CANO, Josefa del Bosque. See BOSQUE CANO, Josefa del. CANO, Juan (el viejo). (1579).

See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José Maria

CANO, Luís Aznar. See AZNAR CANO, Luís. CANO, Miguel, Jr. 1923. "La papa-su cultivo y enfermedades." Cd. Juárez, 48 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Solanum tuberosum. CANO, Ramón. 1882. "Importancia de los montes, bosques, y arbolados." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 5: 14-17.) CANO y ALCACIO, A. See also ARMENDARIZ, E. 1894. 1894. "Senecio canicida." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 225.) Histological study of la yerba de la Puebla is part of longer article by E. Armendariz on pp. 224-225. The author is cited in some works as D. (for Dr.?) Cano. 1894a. "Pipitzahoac." (An. Inst. Med. Nac. Méx. 1: 228-229; part of longer article by E. Armendariz p. 227-230. ) Histological study. 1894b. "Rumex hymenosepalus." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 258259, 1 pi.) "Estudios histoquímicos y histológicos"; part of longer article by Armendáriz, "La cañagria," pp. 250-259, q.v.



CANO y ALC AC IO—continued 1894c. "Epazote del zorrillo." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 1: 288-289.) Histologic study of Chenopodium foetidum. 1894d. "Atanasia." (An. Inst. Med. Nac. Méx. 1: 289-291.) A histologic study. Is the plant a Coleosanthus? 1905. "El fruto del huizache." (Bol. Sría. Fom. Méx. Núm. Propaganda: 1-4.) On Acacia farnesiana, "como materia curtiente," with description, distribution, and use; used also in ink making. CANRIGHT, James Edward. See also VANDER WYK, Raymond and CANRIGHT, 1956. 1949-1960. "The comparative morphology of the Magnoliaceae." Cambridge, Mass., 85 typed p., 134 figs., bibl. Doctoral thesis, published later in parts, as cited below, with the addition of "relationships" to the title. An abstract by H. R. Youse, was published in the (Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 62: 105, 1952). I. "Trends of specialization in the stamens." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 3 9 ( 7 ) : 484-497, illus., bibl., 1952.) A study of 81 species in 7 genera. II. "On the significance of the pollen." (Phytomorphology 3: 355-365, illus., bibl., 1953.) A study of 82 species in 8 genera. III. "Carpels." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 7 ( 2 ) : 145-155, illus., 1960. ) A study of 49 species in 9 of the 10 genera of the Magnoliaceae; gynoecia are compared with those of Himantandraceae, Degneriaceae, and Annonaceae. IV. "Wood and nodal anatomy." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 3 6 ( 2 / 3 ) : 119-140, 3 pl„ bibl., 1955.) A study of 61 species in 7 genera, and 2 species in 2 other genera, omitting only Pachylamax. 1959. "Phylogenetic importance of the stamens and pollen of the Anonaceae." (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 59.) Discussion of the great morphological variation in stamens and pollen in the family. CANSECO, Alonso de. (1579-1582).

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del

CANSECO, Carlos, Jr. 1949. "Contribución al estudio de la polinosis en la vertiente del Golfo de Mexico." (Rev. Méx. Alerg. 1 ( 1 ) : 5-13, 8 charts.) Divided into trees, grasses, weeds, and fungi, for different periods of the year, and for 8 localities, in Tamaulipas, San Luís Potosí, Nuevo León, and Coahuila. CANSINO, Diego de Burgos. See BURGOS CANSINO, Diego de. CANTELOW, Ella Dales, and Herbert Clair CANTELOW. 1957. "Biographical notes on persons in whose honor Alice Eastwood named plants." (Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 83-101.) Sketches of 101 persons; included are the following who collected in Mexico: Brandegee, Greene, Jones, Mexia, Nelson, Palmer, and Rowntree, q.v. CANTELOW, Herbert Clair. See CANTELOW, Ella Dales, 1957. CANTELUE, Gabriel Itie. See ITIE, Gabriel. CANTO, José Correa. See CORREA CANTO, José. CANTON, Rodulfo G. See VARIOUS, 1884. CANTON, ROSADO, Francisco. See CHARNAY, C. J. D„ 1887. CANTU, Débora Ramirez. See RAMIREZ CANTU, Débora. CANTU, Hernán Salinas. See SALINAS CANTU, Hernán. CANTU O., Guadalupe. 1938. "Extracción de la esencia de Eucaliptus ulus." Monterrey, 25 p. Thesis Pharm.

del Eucaliptus


CANTU TREVINO, Sara. 1953. "La Vega de Metztitlán en el estado de Hidalgo." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 75: 1-284, illus., maps.) Chapter on the flora and fauna cites a detailed list of plants, with common and scientific names, and family, divided into trees, cacti, Agaves, herbaceous plants, and cultivated plants. The botany was done by Rubén Pérez Ortega. The appendix contains the Relación of Gabriel de Cháves. CANTU y CANTU, Feliciano R. 1938. "Cafeína." Monterrey, 22 p. Thesis Pharm. On Coffea.

CANUL E „ Andrés. 1939. "El chicozapote y el chicle." Cd. Juárez, 38 p., illus. Thesis EPA. Achras sapota. CAPATA, Hernando Muñoz. See MUNOZ CAPATA, Hernando. CAPELLO, Juan Francisco. 1721. "Compendio medicinal de marabülosas y experimentados remedios contre la peste. México, 1737, 47, and 3 p.—Bibliot. Cervantina, Inst. Tecn. Monterrey. Three earlier eds. were published (fide Bibliot. Nac. Madrid): Sevilla, 1721, Genova, 1721, and Barcelona, 1722. Mainly on European plants, but included because it is one of the early medicinal books published in Mexico. CAPETILLO y MARTINEZ, José Ignacio. 1871. "Estudio histórico acerca del tratamiento de la lues venera en México." México, 78 p. Thesis, Fac. Med. UNAM. Discusses plant remedies. CAPITAINE, Louis. See also COUPIN, Henri, and CAPITAINE, 1909, 1910, 1910a; POST, Tom Erik von and KUNTZE, 1904. 1909. "Sur la répartition géographique du groupe des Légumineuses." (Rev. Bot. 21: 335-350, 1 map.) Mexico is included in the American-African zone for the Cesalpiniacées; in the Mexican-African-Australian zone and Mexico-Venezuela zone for the Mimosacées; and the AmericanAfrican zone for the Papilionacées. 1913-1916. "Etude analytique et phylogénique de groupe des Légumineuses." (Bull. Géog. Bot. 23-26 ( Suppl. ) 500 p., continuously paged, 26 (i.e. 24) maps.) With a conspectus de la famille des Legttminaceae, after the Lexicon . . . of T. v. Post and O. Kuntze q.v. Keys, distribution tables, and an alphabetical table of genera, tribes, and families are included. CAPOTUMMINO, G. See INDOVINA, R. and CAPOTUMMINO, 1938. (A CAPTAIN O F VOLUNTEERS.) 1847. Alta California. Philadelphia, 64 p . - P P H i . Includes notices of agricultural products of northern Mexico. CAPUS, Guillaume, Fernand LEULLIOT, and Etienne FOEX. 1929-1930. Le tabac. Paris, 3 vols., b i b l . - D A . The first volume covers the history, geography, origin, taxonomy, morphology, and culture. CAPUS, Guillaume. 1930. Les produits coloniaux d'origine végétale. Paris, 499 p., illus., bibl.—NN. Classified according to uses, with common and scientific names, description, place of origin, culture, and uses. CAPUZANO M., Guillermo. 1943. "El cultivo de la vid en la Laguna." Cd. Juárez, 55 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Viiis. CARABALLO, Manuel F. 1935. "Cultivo é industrialización del tabaco." Cd. Juárez, 46 p. Thesis EPA. On Nicotiana. CARANO, Enrico. 1915. "Sull'embriologia di Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah." (Ann. Bot. 13: 343-350, 1 pi.) 1919. "L'Erigeron karwinskianus var. mucronatus é apogamo." (Atti Accad. Lincei V, 2 8 ( 2 ) : 94-96.) CARAVA NIEZ, León. 1905. "El paraíso." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 29: 61-64.) On Mélia azedarach. CARAZO, Salvador G. 1909. "El gengibre." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 33: 895-897.) On Zingiber officinale, identified also as Amomum zingiber. 1911. "Plantas tropicales utiles." (Prog. Méx. 18: 83, 95-96.) Translated extracts from various foreign authors, not identified, on Sapindus, Moringa, and Helianthus.






trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants, all by common names only.

CARCER y DISDIER, Mariano de. 1955. Disertaciones sobre la papa (patata) y la batata (patata). México, 90 p.-IPGH Méx. "Rectificación histórica"; an interesting history of both plants.

CARDENAS y BRENO, José Eduardo. See also MESTRE GHIGLIAZZA, Manuel, 1907. (1811). Memoria sobre Tabasco. In Archivo histérico-geográfico de Tabasco, pubi, by Mestre Ghigliazza, San Juan de Bautista, 1897, p. 72-130, q.v., and included in the latter's Documentos y datos para la historia de Tabasco, México, 1916, 1: 22-79 q.v. The Memoria was written in Cadiz in 1811 and probably first printed there, then in Havana. The earlier eds. have not been seen. A list of the most important plants is included.

CARCOBA, Salvador. 1891. "Breve estudio sobre la Hamamelis virginica (sic)." Guanajuato, 15 p. Thesis Pharm. Pharmaceutical study of avellano mágico (H. virginiana). CARDANO (CARDANUS), Girolamo (Hieronymus). See FERRER, Auger, 1564. CARDENAS, Alfredo. 1899. "Espedición á Veracruz." ( B o l . Soc. Agr. Mex. 23: 760-767.) On results of experiments with sugar growing.

CARDONA, Agustín. 1881. "Medicamentos estimulantes." Morella, ms., 3 lvs. Thesis, Univ. Morelia Arch. General work.

CARDENAS, Ernesto Viesca. See VIESCA CARDENAS, Ernesto.

CARDONA, Agustín Navarro. See NAVARRO CARDONA, Agustín.

CARDENAS, Francisco de. See A1ENSIO y TOLEDO, José María, (1579); ANONYMOUS (1608-1609).

CARDONA, Juan. See MULLER, Cornelius H„ 1946.

CARDENAS, Juan. See abo ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María (1579); BARRIOS, Juan de, 1609; CALDERA de HEREDIA, Gaspar, 1658; VETANCOURT, Agustín de, 1698 (1697). 1591. Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias. México, 1913, 2d ed., 222 p. First ed., Madrid, 1591; repr. in a facsimile ed. Madrid, 1945, 246 Ivs.—NN. Observations, often very naive, on natural phenomena as manifested in Mexico. The second book is on plants and includes information on cacao ( 3 chaps.), chile, tuna, yucca, tabaco, etc. A detailed analysis of the work was published by Walter Deuchler in Bern, 1930, 125, ( 2 ) , p., under the title Juan de Cárdenas, ein beitrag zur geschickte der Spanischen naturbetrachtung und medizin in Mexiko wahrend des 16 yahrhunderts. Notes on plants are included. León says of Cardenas, "su obra es una verdadera joya." Colmeiro calls attention to the fact that "Nicolás Antonio indica la parte relativa al chocolate como obra diferente, sin serlo." CARDENAS, Salvador de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). CARDENAS BARRAGAN, Alfonso. 1955. "Estudio del cultivo del algodón en el Rancho San Martín, Paila, Coahuila." Saltillo, 30 p. Thesis ERA. On Gossypium. CARDENAS CIL, Salvador. 1942. "Cultivo del aguacate." Cd. Juárez, 57 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Persea. CARDENAS FIGUEROA, Mauro. See also CALDERON AGUILAR, Rubén et al, 1949. 1948. "Expedición a las Islas Revillagigedo y otras Islas Mexicanas del Océano Pacífico." (Ciencia 9: 167-168.) With some references to the vegetation. CARDENAS MARTINEZ, Héctor. 1955. "EI cultivo del tabaco en las Huastecas." Saltillo, 28 p., illus. Thesis ESA. On Nicotiana. CARDENAS RAMOS, Francisco A. 1951. "Clasificación preliminar de los frijoles en México." Buenavista, Coahuila, 72 lvs., illus., maps. Thesis ESA. Description, with a review of former studies, and a study of variation in seeds, vegetative and reproductive structures of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus. The genus is divided into 6 groups, with the geographic distribution given for each. CARDENAS VALDES, José. 1934. Contribución al estudio del codo de fraile. México, 1934, 56 p., illus. IBMéx. Chemical study of Thevetia thevetioides with history, description, and classification. CARDENAS VILLARREAL, Carlos. 1954. "Breve monografía del municipio de Sacramento, Coahuila." Saltillo, 32 p. Thesis Esc. Norm. Saltillo. Discusses the vegetation of the mountains and the plains—

CARDONA, Lamberto Elias. 1954. "Cultivo de la alfalfa en el Estado de Zacatecas." Cd. Juárez, 52 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Medicago. CARDONA PENA, Alfredo. 1951. "Mexican cacti." (Esta Sem. 17: 32-34, 32-34, 32-33, Aug. 18, Aug. 25, Sept. 1.) In English and Spanish. Mainly on Opuntia, Cereus and Mammülaria, but the maguey is also included. CARDONNE, C. 1905. "El ricino." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 612-613.) CAREAGA, Antonio. See JOURDANET, Dr., 1886. CARERI, Giovanni Francesco Gemelli. See GEMELLI CARERI, Giovanni Francesco. CARLO, Agustín Millares. See MILLARES CARLO, Agustín. CARLQUIST, Sherwin. 1958. "Wood anatomy of Heliantheae (Compositae)." (Trop. Woods 108: 1-30, illus.) Discussion of anatomical characters, followed by a consideration of the taxonomy of the group, down to subtribes, in the light of the anatomy. 1959. "Studies on Madinae: anatomy, cytology, and evolutionary relationships." (Aliso 4 ( 2 ) : 171-236, illus., bibl.) With a table of chromosome numbers for genera and species listed alphabetically. Mexican species are included in Adenothamnus and Hemizonia. 1959a. "Wood anatomy of Helenieae." (Trop. Woods 111: 19-39, illus.) A section on taxonomic conclusions, and a discussion of varied habitats of the genera in the group, is included. 1960. "Wood anatomy of Cichorieae." (Trop. Woods 112: 65-91, illus.) With a discussion of the correlation of habit and ecology with anatomy and taxonomy. One of the plants in the group is Stephanomeria guadalupensis of Mexico. 1960a. "Wood anatomy of Astereae (Compositae)." (Trop. Woods 113: 54-84, 40 figs.) A study of 15 genera in 4 subtribes. 1961. "Wood anatomy of Inuleae (Compositae)." (Aliso 5( 1 ) : 21-37, 28 figs.) Includes data on geographic distribution and conclusions on the taxonomy of the group. Of 11 genera, one, Pluchea, is listed for Mexico. 1962. "Wood anatomy of Senecioneae (Compositae)." (Aliso 5 ( 2 ) : 123-146, illus.) As a basis for a discussion of relationships. CARLSON, Margery Claire. 1947. "Some roadside flowers of Central America." (Chi. Nat. ( 1 0 1 / 2 ) : 10-14, 5 figs.) Plants are listed by scientific names, with family, common names, and brief descriptions.

CARLSON CARLSON-continued 1951. "Mexico's 'weeds' in our gardens." (Bull. Gard. Club Amer. 39(5): 17-20.) Scientific names, common names, and descriptions. CARLSON, Margery, and Kate STALEY. 1953. "En las selvas de Chiapas." (Americas (Spanish version) 5 ( 5 ) : 20-23, 39 illus. ) Description of a collecting trip. CARLSON, Margery C. 1954. "Floral elements of the pine-oak-liquidambar forest of Montebello, Chiapas, Mexico." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 81: 387-399, illus.) A description of the area with a list of plants collected; classified as trees of the overstory, undergrowth of smaller trees and shrubs, herbs and vines of the forest floor, plants of lakes, and shores, pteridophytes, and epiphytes; with indications of their distribution in and out of Mexico. There is a discussion of endemism in the area; several extensions of range are also noted. 1955. "Tracking Russelias." (Bull. Gard. Club Amer. 4 3 ( 6 ) : 17-22, illus. ) Interesting story of a trip to various parts of Mexico. 1957. "Monograph of the genus Russelia." (Fieldiana 29(4) : 231-291, 6 pi., maps, bibl. ) History, morphology, keys, descriptions, distribution, common names, and uses. CARLSON, Raymond, ed. 1954. The flowering cactus. New York, 96 p.; color photographs and technical data by Ralph C. and Claire Meyer Proctor; sketches and designs by George M. Avey. General description of the Southwest, with references and descriptions of other desert plants. Separate chapters are devoted to the saguaro, night-blooming cacti, chollas, organ pipe cacti (Lemaireocereus), barrel cacti (Ferocactus), prickly pear cacti and EpiphyUum. A map shows the locations of the most important species. CARMONA, Francisco F. 1896. Estudio sobre la atanasia amarga. México, 51 p.—Bibliot, F. Guerra. Study of Brickellia cavanillesii. CARMONA, Lilia Velázquez. See VELAZQUEZ CARMONA, Lilia. CARMONA, Nicolás Ferra y. See FERRA y CARMONA, Nicolás. CARMONA, Samuel García. See GARCIA CARMONA, Samuel. CARNAHAN, George H. 1926. "The production of guayule rubber and the chemistry of guayule." (Indust. Eng. Chem. 18: 1124-1126, 1126-1128.) On Parthenium. CARNAHAN, Howard Leon, and Helen D. HILL. 1961. "Cytology and genetics of forage grasses." (Bot. Rev. 2 7 ( 1 ) : 1-162, bibl.) With a table of additional chromosome numbers on p. 83-131. The extensive bibliography is on pp. 131-162. CARNEIRO de ALBUQUERQUE, José Theophile. See NICHOLLS, Henry Alfred Alford, 1891. CARNICERO, José Clemente. 1828. Memoria sobre el origen del tabaco. Madrid, 101 p.; 2d ed., 1833.—NN. Very little on the origin; mainly on how to destroy contraband trade. CARNOT, Paul. See GILBERT, A., 1905; PERROT, Em. et al, 1905. CARO L., Emilio. 1931. "El cultivo del nogal." Cd. Juárez, 24 p. Thesis EPA. On Carya. CAROCHI, Horacio. 1645. Compendio del arte de la lengua Mexicana. Puebla, 1910, 125, 380 p.; ed. by Rufino M. González. The first part is the Carochi work, published originally in 1645, México, 132 lvs. as Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Another edition was prepared by Ignacio de Paredes and published in

CARRASCO NARRO 1759, México, 202 p. This was reprinted in 1902, México, 235 p. The second part is Molina's Vocabulario en lengua Castellana y Mexicana, q.v. CARP (sic). 1894. "Two rare cacti." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1 ( 3 ) : 17.) From Florists Exchange; pages and year not given. A description of Echinocactus mcdowellii from Mexico is included. 1895. "A list of some desirable Agaves." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1:70, illus.) Species are listed alphabetically, with brief description, common names, and uses. 1895a. "Some notes on Cotyledons." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1: 85, illus.) "Popularly called Echeverias." CARPENTER, Charles Halsey. 1932. "An atlas of paper-making fibers." Bull. New York State Coll. For., Techn. Publ. No. 35, 56 figs, with explanatory text. Mexican plants include: Agave americana and Zea mays. CARPENTER, William W. 1851. Travels and adventures in Mexico. New York, 300 p. Travels on foot by a prisoner of war. There are brief references to agriculture. CARPENTIER, Adolphe. 1869. "Histoire naturelle des Smilaoées." Paris, 40 p., 2 pi. Thesis, Pharm—MH. History, morphology, and descriptions, including varieties; emphasis is on the roots. CARPIO, Luís Hidalgo. (The author seemed to prefer this form of his name to the more usual Hidalgo Carpió.) See also HERRERA, Alfonsio, 1872. 1872. "Envenamiento . . . por el bulbo de la cebadilla." (An. Soc. Humboldt. 1: 28-30.) Supposed to be used to make hair grow; the plant, identified also as cebolleja and cintul, is probably Stenanthium frigidum. CARPIO, M. 1836? 1837? "Uso de la cainca en la hidropesía." (Per. Acad. Med. Méx. 1: 177-178.) Uses the "corteza de raíz" of a plant that grows in Florida, the Antilles, and Brazil. Is it Chiococca? CARR, Katherine. 1942. "A key to the North American species of Asclepias." (Castanea 7 ( 1 ) : 1-7.) "Without fruit or color characteristics"; the geographic range of each species is indicated. CARR, William H. See NENTWIG, Juan (1762?). CARRAL, Domingo. See PENAFIEL, Antonio, 1885. CARRANZA, Baltasar Dorantes de. See DORANTES de CARRANZA, Baltasar. (CARRANZA, Ignacio, ed.)? 1911. "Don Rafael Barba." (Her. Agr. 11(6): 7.) Published anonymously. Notice of his death. CARRANZA, Joseph de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del, and GONZALEZ OBREGON, 1885-1904. CARRANZA, Mariano. 1785. "Propiedades medicinales de la raíz de expule." (Gaz. Méx. 1: 400-401, 409.) Also called yerba de la calentura. CARRASCO, Horacio Velázquez. See VELAZQUEZ CARRASCO, Horacio. CARRASCO, Pedro. See CARRASCO PIZANA, Pedro. CARRASCO NARRO, Salvador. 1953. "Proyecto de la instalación de una planta piloto para la obtención de celulosa a partir de materias primas Mexicanas." México, 85 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. Using palma china (Yucca filifera) and lechuguilla.


CARRASCO FIZANA CARRASCO PIZANA, Pedro. See also WEITLANER, Roberto et al, 1947. 1950. "Los Otomies." México, 255 (i.e. 355) p., illus., bibl. (Publ. Inst. Hist. Méx., Prim. Ser. No. 15.) Theses, Esc. Nac. Anthrop. Méx. With data on agriculture in the area, which is in central Mexico. A section on the material culture discusses useful plants and cites the various names by which these plants are referred to by different authors and in vocabularies.

CARRIERE, Elie Abel. 1854. "Thuia gigantea et autres conifères de la Californie et du Mexique septentrional." (Rev. Hort. IV, 3: 223-229, illus.)

CARRASCO T., Emiliano. See HILTON, K. Simon et al, 1959.


CARRASCOSA, Gabriel. 1882. "Noticias estadísticas relativas al Estado de Chiapas." México, 27 p.-Ms. SMGE. With a list of important plants. CARRASCOSA, Manuel. 1883. "Apuntes estadísticas del Estado de Chiapas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 7: 682-686, 692, 694, 1883-1884.) A separate was published in México, 1883, 15 p.-NN. With a section on plants. 1883-1884. "Memoria de los productos 6 frutas de Chiapas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 7: 643-645.) With a list divided according to use; plants are cited by common names only. 1908. "La flora de Chiapas." (Chiapas Méx. 1 ( 1 ) : 23-24.) Names plants by common names only. CARRASCOSA, Romualdo. See VARIOUS, 1854-1882. CARRENO. Alberto Maria. See GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1937; GEMELLI CARERI, Giovanni Francesco, 1700; GOMEZ de CERVANTES, Gonzalo, 16th cent.; MOZINO SUAREZ de FIGUEROA, José Mariano, 1913; REYNOSO, Diego de, 1644. CARREON, Ricardo Chacón. See CHACON CARREON, Ricardo. CARRERA STAMPA, Manuel. 1949. Misiono/i Mexicanas en archivos Européos. México, 120 p. (Pub. 93, Inst. Panamer. Geog. Hist.) Of special interest for the description of the work of Paso y Troncoso, 1892-1916, and for catalogues of the documents he had copied. CARRERE. Francisco F. See FERNANDEZ y PASALAGUA, Luis, 1880. CARRETO OLIVO, Alejandro. 1943. "El cultivo de las hortalizas en la región de Jalapa, Veracruz." Jalapa, 81 p. Thesis EPA. CARRICHTER von RECKINGEN, Bartholomaeus. 1575. Kraeuterbuch. Strassburg, 1577, 2d ed., 223 p. - DNLM. The first ed. was publ. in 1575. Other eds. appeared to 1739. Reckingen is cited as Redingen by Pritzel. With a reference to "salsaperilla." CARRIEDO, Juan Bautista. (1843). Ensayo histérico-estadístico del Departamento de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 1889, 84 p.; written in 1843.-SH Méx. With a considerable section on native plants. 1847, 1849. Estudios históricos y estadísticos del Departamento de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, vol. 1, 141, 3 p., 1847; vol. 2, 120 p., 1849. A facsimile ed. was publ. in México, 1949, with a prol. by Jorge Fernando Iturribarría.—NN. Volume 1 includes the story of the tree with "beautiful, fragrant flowers," owned by an inhabitant of Ynuamne, in the Misteca region, which Moctezuma desired and took by force from the owner. In volume 2, chapter 14 includes references to vegetables and fruits, with scientific names for some of the plants, but with many typographical errors. Chapter 18 of volume 2 is on the "cultivo, cria, y cosecho de la cochinilla." 1852. "Estado de la agricultura en Oaxaca." (Ilust. Méx. 3: 117-119.) With a list of plants cultivated in 1844. CARRIER, Lyman. 1923. The beginnings of agriculture in America. New York, 323 p., illus., bibl. Especially interesting for the history of Indian crops.


1859. 1889.

Includes descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Pinus chihuahuana, P. engelmanni, P. edulis, and P. strobiformis. Traité général des conifères. Paris, 656 p.; 2d éd., 1867, 2 vols. With descriptions, synonymy, common names, habitat, and data on cultivation. "Des Yuccas." (Rev. Hort. IV, 7: 577-581.) Describes 2 new species: Y. lutescens and Y. treculeana; the text cites both from Texas but Ind. Kew. lists the second from Mexico. "Le Yucca flexüis." (Rev. Hort. IV, 8: 398-401, illus.) Discusses the synonymy, and gives a detailed description of the plant. "Le Mexique horticole a l'Exposition Universelle." (Rev. Hort. 6: 462-463.) Repr. and trans, as "Mexico hortícola," in ("Rev. Agr." 6: 309-310, 1890-1891.) With a list of plants exhibited—divided as ferns, palms, orchids, miscellaneous plants; followed by some discussion of various species of Agaves and some cacti, particularly Pilocereus senilis.

CARRILLO, Crescencio. See also CARRILLO y ANCONA, Crescencio; ESPINOSA RENDON, José D., 1863; MENDOZA, Eufemio, 1872; PEREZ, Juan Pío, 1866-1877; VARIOUS (ca. 1870). 1872. "Catálogo de las principales palabras Mayas usadas en el Castellano." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., II, 4: app. 57-75.) CARRILLO, Esmirna D. Martínez. See MARTINEZ CARRILLO, Esmirna D. CARRILLO, Jesús. 1901. Ligeros apuntes sobre plantas Mexicanas. México, 12 p.— BN Méx. On "las propiedades emeto-catárticas, febrífugas, y analgésicas." CARRILLO, Pedro Antonio. 1887. "Breve estudio sobre la rosilla de Puebla." México, 22 p. Repr. in Monog. Méx. (Estudio 3 (App.): 111-121, 1890.) A part was repr. also in (Farmacia 2: 121-125, 1892). Includes description of the plant, with common names, and localities where it is found. The emphasis is on the chemistry. CARRILLO ALVEAR, Antonio. 1951. "Exploración . . . de Castaños, Coahuila." México, 53 p. Thesis Med. With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only. CARRILLO GARCIA, Mario. 1955. Ordenación de nuestros bosques de coniferas. México, 200 p. -SMGE. Chapter 4, 'Las coniferas de México," is based on the work of Martinez, q.v.; it gives a key to genera, and a list of species with distribution for each. CARRILLO y ANCONA, Crescencio. See also CARRILLO, Crescencio. 1871. Compendio de la historia de Yucatán. Mérida, 432 p. With a section on plant products; plants are listed by common names. CARRILLO y VERTIS, Juan José. ( 18th cent. ) Provincia de Sayula. México, 1954, 38 p., ed. by Luís Vargas Rea. An earlier ed. was publ. in 1950 as Sayula. The original was written in the 18th century. With just a little information on plants. Localities included in the report include: Uxmasac, Atoyac, Amacueca, Techaluta, Teocuitatlán, Tizapán, Tocotepec, San Juan Cozala, Chapala, Zacoalco, and Cocula. CARRION, Antonio. See OLMEDO, Daniel S. J., 1953. CARRION, Felipe. See HIDALGO de ORTEGA, J. et al, n.d. CARRIZOSA, Isidro.

CARRIZOSA CAKRIZOSA-continued 1777. "Cavezera de Texupa (Mixteca)." N.p., 9 lvs., map; ms., at M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 94, Col. P. y T. CARRIZOSA, Matilde Matilde.

Ramírez. See



CARROLL (sic). 1895. "The cactus as food and drink." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1: 65.) On Cereus giganteus and Echinocereus wislizeni. 1895a. "Cereus giganteus." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1: 67, illus.) With description and uses. 1895b. "The Agave." (Bait. Cact. Jour. 1: 106.) Mainly on its commercial uses. CARROLL, H. K. See WAGNER, Federico, 1940. CARRON de FLEURY, S. E. L. 1869. "Notas geológicas y estadísticas sobre Sonora y la Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 44-52, 112-118.) With a list of common plants. CARSON, Joseph. See PEREIRA, Jonathan, 1839-1840. CARSON, William English. 1909. Mexico, the wonderland of the south. New York, rev. ed., 1914, 449 p., illus., map. First ed., 1909. With casual scattered comments on plants. CARTAYA, José R. Muñiz. See MUNIZ CARTAYA, José R. CARTER, Adam. 1933. "Medical training in Mexico." (Bull. Pan. Amer. Union 67: 850856.) Historical study; includes references to some of the early medical works. CARTER, Annetta. See also VARIOUS, 1960b. 1955. "Observaciones sobre los encinos de Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 18: 39-42.) Add two species to the oaks of the peninsula: Quercus reticulata and Q. oblongifolia. Q. idonea is reduced to synonymy as Ç. tuberculata. 1955a. "A new species of Bouvardia (Rubiaceae) from Baja California, México." (Madroño 13(4): 140-144, illus.) On B. alexanderae. CARTER, George Francis. See WHITAKER, Thomas W. and CARTER, 1946; 1954; 1961. 1945. Plant geography and culture history in the American southwest. New York, 140 p., 27 illus., 6 tables, maps, bibl. Viking Fund Pubi. Anthrop. No. 5 Interesting discussion of the history and distribution of such crops as cucurbits, maize, tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius), and P. vulgaris. 1946. "Origins of American Indian agriculture." (Amer. Anthrop. 48: 1-21, bibl.) Discusses Zea, Phaseolus, and Cucurbita. 1948. "Sweet corn among the Indians." (Geogr. Rev. 38: 206-221.) With brief references to sweet corn in various regions of Mexico. 1948a. "Géographie des plantes, géographie humaine, et ethnologie en Amérique du Nord." (Rev. Géog. Hum. Ethnol. 2: 5-16, map, bibl.; trans, is by Jean Delvert, André G. Haudricourt, and Mariel Jean Brunhes Delamarre; maps are executed by Roger Humbert. ) A review of studies since 1930, with the emphasis on investigations into the origin and distribution of maize. 1950. "Plant evidence for early contacts with America." (Southw. Jour. Anthrop. 6: 161-182.) Discusses evidence from Jpomoea batatas, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Dioscorea alata, Lagenaria siceraria, Gossypium, Zea and various cosmopolitan weeds. 1950-1951. "An early American description probably referring to Phaseolus lunatus." (Biologia 2: 154-158, (Chron. Bot. 12(4/6).) Discusses the possible spread of Phaseolus lunatus from eastern Mexico to eastern United States, then to the southwest.

CASARRUBIAS IBARRA 1953. "Plants across the Pacific." (Mem. Soc. Amer. Archaeol. 9: 6271.) Cites three plants as positively pre-Columbian in both the Old and New World: Lagenaria siceraria, Cocos nucífera, and lpomoea batatas. Others considered as probable, or possible, cultural transfers are Gossypium, Zea, Amaranthus (grain amaranths), and Phaseolus. CARTER, H. Gilbert. See GILBERT-CARTER, H. CARTER, Santiago. See PARSONS, James Russell, 1905. CARUEL, M. F. 1859. "Observations sur YHeterotoma lobelioides (Lobeliaceae) Zucc." (Ann. Set. Nat. IV, 11: 269-272.) With a detailed description of the genus and species; considers Myopsis mexicana Presl. and Lobelia calcarata Bert, as synonyms. CARUEL, Teodoro. See CONZATTI, Cassiano, 1889-1890. CARVAJAL, Eduardo Lavalle. See LA VALLE CARVAJAL, Eduardo. CARVAJAL, Jorge Cerón. See CERON CARVAJAL, Jorge. CARVAJAL, José María. 1885. "Breves consideraciones sobre el método hipodérmico." México, 65 p. Thesis, Fac. Med. UNAM. With brief references to plant substances used for injections. CARVAJAL, Pío Arias. See ARIAS CARVAJAL, Pío. CARVAJAL, Ramón Osorio y. See OSORIO y CARVAJAL, Ramón. CARVALHO, Alcides. See RHOADS, M. M., and CARVALHO, 1944. CARVALHO BARBOSA, José. 1933. Do abacateiro e do abacate. Sao Paulo, 342 p., illus.—DA. History, botanical characters, culture, and uses of Persea. CARVALLO y A., Alberto. 1936. "El papayo. Cd. Juárez, 47 p., illus. Thesis EPA. Repr. in (Agr. Méx. 54(2): 33-40, finishing in ( 8 ) : 29-40, illus., 1938; also in Agricultura 1(8): 48-60, 1938); and as a separate México, 1939, 15 p., publ. by DAPP-SMGE. See also Bol. 37-40, Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, n.d., 8. each. With descriptions of the cultivated types. 1948. "EI maíz híbrido." (Agr. Méx. 64(4): 6-12, illus., ( 6 / 7 ) : 1823, 27.) With a section on the botanical classification of maize and its relatives. CARVALLO VIELMAS, Alfredo. 1946. "El hule." Chapingo, 62 p. Thesis ENA. "Hevea brasüiensis en México." CASAHONDA, Jorge. See LOPEZ, Elpidio, and 1938.


CASAMORATA, Cesare. 1927. "Un singolare esploratore Italiano Constantino Beltrami scopritore dell sorgenti del Mississippi." (Universo 8: 505-517.) Biographical sketch. CASANOVA, Pablo González. See GONZALEZ CASANOVA, Pablo. CASARES, David. 1907. "El nopal sin espinas y las Cacteas Yucatecas." (Agricultor 1 ( 9 ) : 175-178.) Also in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 31: 876-878). With a list of cacti in Yucatán, by common names; some plants are given scientific identification. CASARES PEREZ, Ernesto. 1943. "El cultivo de la rosella." (Mag. Fin. Ilus. Yucatán 1 ( 2 ) : 9, 12, 29-34.) With a brief section on the botanical characters. 1946. "Estudio del yaax-ki." (Sisal Yucatán, 7(74): 8, 9, 30, illus.) On Agave sisalana. CASARES y GALERA, David. See also CASARES, David; MIRO Juan, ed., 1910-1911. CASARRUBIAS IBARRA, Luis. 1910. Mi patria chica. Paris-México, 69 p., illus., map—SH Méx. "Curso elemental de geografía del Estado de Puebla"; with


CASTELAN formation or corrections were needed. These studies form Vol. 1 and pp. 1-281 of Vol. 2, and consider the morphology and taxonomy of the group as a whole, divided into 9 tribes. 1819. "Analyse critique et raisonnée." (Jour. Phys. 89: 5-33.) "Du quatrième volume de l'ouvrage de M. Kunth, intitulé Nova Genera et Species Plantarum"; accuses Kunth of precipitous publication for purposes of priority, and of having appropriated the better part of the results of Cassini's own work. 1829. "Tableau synoptique des Synanthères." (Ann. Sci. Nat. 17: 387" 423.) With notes on several genera, but none are from Mexico. CASTAÑEDA, Alfonso Manuel. 1933. "La flora del Estado de Jalisco." (Bol. Junta Aux. Jal. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 3: 113-160. An excerpt was publ. in Bol. Soc. Mut. Med. Farm. Guadalajara 5 ( 8 ) : 109, (10): 151, (11): 152, 1933.) With a review of the history of botany in Jalisco, listing the botanists of the state and their works. Plants, both wild and cultivated, are listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific names and family. CASTAÑEDA, Carlos Eduardo. See CERVANTES de SALAZAR, Francisco, 1554.

a section on natural products, and some information on plants, also, in the sections on various districts. CASAS, Carlos. 1869. "Raíz de jalapa." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 6-8.) A botanical study of Ipomoea (Exogonium purga). CASAS, Gonçalo de las (also as Gonzalo). See also HERRERA, Gabriel Alonso de, 1513. (1571-1585.) "La guerra de los Chichimecas." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. II. 1: 159-171, 185-194, 1903(1904).) Repr. by Vargas Rea, in Bibl. Aport. Hist. México, 1944, 67 p., with notes by José F. Ramírez and Luís González Obregón. Another version was pubi, by Hermann Trimborn in Quellen zur kultur geschichte des praekolumbischen Amerika, (Fuentes de la historia cultural de la América pre-colombina), 3: 123-215, of Studien zur kulturkunde, pubi, in Stuttgart, 1936, ed. by Leo Frobenius. Two manuscript versions of this are extant; one is in Paris and the other in Madrid. The work was written between 1571 and 1585. The version published in 1904 was copied by José F. Ramírez in Paris and published, in incomplete form, by Luis González Obregón, with the author's name given tentatively as Gil González d'Avila. The 1936 edition gives the Spanish text from the Escorial copy in Madrid, with a German translation. One page in this edition, (36-38 in the 1944 ed.), is devoted to plants used by the Chichimecas for food and drink. The Trimborn edition contains, also, a detailed analysis of the probable authorship of the manuscript. 1581. Libro intitulado arte para criar seda. . . . Granada. 96 p.—NN. Repr. in Madrid, 1625; in Granada, 1628, and in Agricultura general by Gabriel Alonso de Herrera, Madrid, 1677, p. 382417, q.v. With a section on the mulberry tree.

CASTAÑEDA, Francisco de. See also PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). (1580). "Official reports on the towns." (Harv. Univ., Peabody Mus. Papers 11(2): 45-84, illus., 2 maps, 1926.) Trans., introd. and notes by the ed. Printed earlier by Paso y Troncoso in his Papeles de Nueva España, Vol. 6, 1905, q.v. Reports on Tequizistlán, Tepechpan, Acolman, and San Juan de Teotihuacán, sent by Francisco de Castañeda to Philip II, in 1580. The work was edited by Zelia Nuttall.

CASAS, Tomas. 1891. "Talayote ó tlalayote." Nueva Recop. Monog. México, 1897. (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 175-180.) Guerra cites a separate, Guanajuato, 1891, 14 p. On Gonolobus erianthus.

CASTAÑEDA, Gonzalo. 1893. "Catarro de las vias biliares." México, 96 p. Thesis Med. Suggests a new medication: simonûlo (also called zacachichi or zacatechichi). Identifies it as Laennecia parvifolia, not Calea zacatechichi.

CASASUS, Gonzalo Graham. See GRAHAM CASASUS, Gonzalo.


CASE, Henry A. 1911. Views on and of Yucatán. Mérida, 236 p.—NN. Includes Campeche and Quintana Roo. Emphasis is mainly archaeological.

CASTAÑEDA, José Efraím. 1949. "Datos biográficos del Ing. Agro. Numa Pompilio Escobar." (Agr. Méx. 6 5 ( 3 ) : 31-32.) CASTAÑEDA, Juan. See ALVAREZ LOPEZ, E., 1945; ASSO y del RIO, Ignacio Jordán de, 1793.

CASEY, J. (Jewell). 1943. "Six members of the cactus clan." (Des, Mag. 6 ( 6 ) : 20-21, illus. ) Includes Hamatocactus setispinus from Mexico.

CASSADY, Mrs. T. G. See HAMILL, Clarice, 1946.

CASTAÑEDA, M. (Is this Marcelino Castañeda y Nuñez de Caceres?). 1941. "A new cactus." (Cad. Succ. Jour. 13(6): 98-99, illus.) Neogomesia n. genus and N. agavioides n.sp., from Tamaulipas. CASTAÑEDA, Marcelino (Is this Castañeda y Nuñez de Caceres?). 1925. "Catálogo de plantas útiles de Tamaulipas." (Surco 1 ( 4 ) : 4, illus., l ( 6 ) : 4, June and July 15, 1925. The second installment was repr. in 1(13): 5, 11, Nov. 1925.) The following plants are described: Nerium oleander, laurel rosa; Cryptostegia grandiflora, hiedra, enradedera de la virgen, and madreselva Americana; Moringa pterygosperma, acasia; and Carica papaya, papaya.

CASSE, A. E. 1910. "Rubber trees as shade for cacao." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 6: 208-211.) Special attention is given to Castilloa elastica as "the rubber tree most likely to give satisfaction."

CASTAÑEDA BATRES, Oscar. 1959. "Rafael Heliodoro Valle." (Bol. Bibliog. Sría. Hac. Méx. 160: 1, 7.) Biographical sketch; a bibliography of his writings, prepared by Manuel A. Woolrich, is on p. 4-6.

CASILLAS, Camilo. 1879. Cuadro general estadístico de San Miguel El Alto (de Medianes). Guadalajara, 18 p—Libr. Porrúa. With a brief list of the agricultural products.


CASO, Alfonso. See COCAR, Aznar de (1580); ESTRADA G., Manuel, 1953; VARIOUS, 1946; VARIOUS, 1949b. CASO, Elena. See VARIOUS, 1946.

CASTAÑEDA LEON, Juan de. See LA TORRE, Germán (15791581); (1579-1581) a; PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582).

CASSEL, G. Schiede de. See SCHIEDE, Christian Julius Wilhelm. CASSINI, Henry (full name Alexandre Henri Gabriel). See also ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio (ca. 1770.); HUMBOLDT, Alexander et al, 1805-1834; VARIOUS, 1816-1830. 1813-1819. Ebauche de la synanthérologie. Paris, 1826-1834, Opuscules Phytologiques, 2 vols.—PPAN. Issued originally in 1813, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819. Consists of 16 mémoires, 15 of which were published earlier in the Journal de Physique or his Dictionnaire, and are here reproduced, but with supplementary notes where additional in-

CASTAÑEDA y NUNEZ de CACERES, Marcelino. See also CASTAÑEDA, M., 1941, and Marcelino CASTAÑEDA, 1925. 1953. "Una Mammillaria nueva de Tamaulipas." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 24: 233-235.) M. carmenae. CASTELAN, Saltiel Oliver y. See OLIVER y CASTELAN, Saltiel. CASTELAN, Sandalio Mejia. See MEJIA CASTELAN, Sandalio. 191

CASTELAZO CASTELAZO, Manuel Vargas. See VARGAS CASTELAZO, Manuel. CASTELLA, Manuel T. 1958. "Ensayo de un aficionado a las Cactaceas." (Cact. Succ. Méx. 3 ( 4 ) : 87-90, illus.) Interesting account of a trip from Mexico City to Chihuahua and back; with lists of plants seen and collected, with localities. 1959. "Relación de una excursión a Cd. Victoria y sus alrededores." (Cact. Succ. Méx. 4 ( 1 ) : 17-20.) With descriptions of cactus species seen and collected, with localities. 1959a. "4300 kilómetros recolectando Cactaceas." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 4 ( 4 ) : 88-94, illus.) From Mexico City north to Durango, then to the west coast and back through Michoacán. 1960. "Cuatro cactolocos en excursión." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 1 ) : 13-18, illus.) In northern Mexico, mainly around Saltillo, Matehuala, and Huizache. 1960a. "Colectando Epiphyllum." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 5 ( 4 ) : 81-89, illus.) Over the road from Oaxaca to Veracruz. 1961. "Relato de la IX Convención de Cactus and Succulent Society." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6 ( 3 ) : 63-68, illus.) CASTELLANOS, Alicia Gómez. See GOMEZ CASTELLANOS, Alicia. CASTELLANOS, Aniceto. 1921. "Informe botánico-geológico de Colima." Colima, 8 typed p.— SMGE. With a list of the plants, cited by common names only, and their uses. CASTELLANOS, Manuel. 1777. "Noticias de el pueblo y cavezera de Santa María Guijecollani (Oaxaca)." N.p., 4 lvs.; ms„ M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 78, Col. P. y T. CASTELLANOS R., Oscar A. 1944. "Principales aspectos que ofrece el problema forestal en Chiapas." México, 76 typed p., illus. Thesis ENA; also at DLC. General description of vegetation with special attention to pines, oaks, cedro, caoba, and chicozapote. (CASTELLI, Pietro) (also as Petri or Petrus Castello). 1625. Hortus Farnesianus. Roma, 100 p., illus.-PPAP. Considered by some the work of Castelli. León lists under Aldinus, T. (Tobias Aldino) and Castelli, P., then under Castelli alone. Includes descriptions of such plants as Yucca, Manihot, Passiflora, and Agave, as found in the garden. 1640. Hortus Messanensis. Messina, 51 p., illus.—MH. Collections are classified as medicinal plants, plants cultivated for food, and wild plants; a few of the plants are Mexican. 1652. "An Smilax aspera." Messanae. 31 p.—PPCP. Treatise on Smilax aspera Europea and sahaparilla Americana, with descriptions and quotes from many authors, to prove that they are the same plant. Many species are listed and described, including some from Hernández and Jiménez. Some references are made also to the use of the plant in curing syphilis. Mexican names listed for the plant are mecapatli and quauhmecatl. CASTELLO, Pietro or Petri. See Castelli, Pietro. CASTETTER, Edward Franklin. See also BELL, Willis H. and CASTETTER, 1937, 1941. CASTETTER. E. F. (Edward Franklin) and A. T. ERWTN. 1927. "A systematic study of squashes and pumpkins." (Iowa St. Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 244: 107-135, 28 figs.) With a key to the annual cultivated species of Cucurbita, using characters of leaves, fruiting stalks, and seeds. CASTETTER, Edward F. 1935. "Uncultivated native plants used as sources of food." (Univ. New Méx., Bull. No. 266, Biol. Ser. 4 ( 1 ) : 62 p., bibl. Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. I.) Plants are listed alphabetically by scientific names, with information on use and preparation.

CASTILLO CASTETTER, Edward Franklin, and Ruth Murray UNDERHILL. 1935a. "The ethnobiology of the Papago Indians." ( Univ. New Mex. Bull. 275, Biol. Ser. 4 ( 3 ) : 84 p., bibl. (Ethnobiol. Stud, in the Amer. Southw. II. ) Uncultivated plants used for foods, beverages, smoking and chewing are considered in the first section; then, plants for ornament, clothing, and cosmetics; also for fiber, medicinal uses, construction, weapons, toys, music, etc. CASTETTER, Edward Franklin, and Morris Edward OPLER. 1936. "The ethnobiology of the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches." ( Univ. New Mex. Bull. 297, Biol. Ser. 4 ( 5 ) : 63 p., bibl. Ethnobiol. Stud, in the Amer. Southw. III. ) On plants used for foods, beverages, and narcotics; with a list of common names of the plants in English and Apache, and their scientific equivalents. CASTETTER, Edward F„ and Willis H. BELL. 1937. "The aboriginal utilization of the tall cacti in the American southwest." (Univ. New Mex. Bull. 307, Biol. Ser. 5 ( 1 ) . Eth. nobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw., IV, 48 p., bibl.) Mainly on the sahuaro or Carnegiea gigantea, but covers also pitahaya, Lemaireocereus thurberi, Pachycereus pringlei and P. pecten aboriginum, Lophocereus. schotti, and Machaerocerem gummosus; with descriptions, distribution, parts used, and preparation. CASTETTER, Edward F., Willis H. BELL, and Alvin R. GROVE. 1938. "The early utilization and distribution of Agave in the American southwest." (Univ. New Mex. Bull. 335, Biol. Ser. 5(4). Ethnobiol. Stud. Amer. Southw. VI, 92 p. bibl. maps. ) History, distribution of the most important species and uses; mainly for food, beverage, and fibers. CASTIGLIONE Arturo. 1943. "The use of tobacco among the American Indians." (Ciba Symp. 4: 1426-1435, illus.) Based in a large part on material in the Catalogue of the Arents Collection, by Jerome Brooks, q.v. 1943a. "Herbs in the medicine of Eastern peoples and of the American Indians." (Ciba Symp. 5: 1536-1540, illus.) Includes material from Sahagún; discusses among other plants Datura and Guaiacum. CASTILLA, Gloria Jara. See JARA CASTILLA, Gloria. CASTILLA CHACON, Federico. 1952. "Morfología de la gluma del trigo y su influencia en el desgrane." Saltillo, 68 p., illus. Thesis EAS. A good morphological study. CASTILLEJO, Juan de. See ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio, 1788; 1790. CASTILLO, A. G.(ómez) de. 1903. "La adormidera." (Prog. Méx. 10(459): 426-427; taken from Agricultura, Córdoba; (not available in the United States).) On Papaver somniferum. 1908-1909. "La adormidera." (Rev. Agr. 24: 106-107.) On Papaver somniferum. An article with the same title, in (Prog. Méx. 10(459): 426-427, 1903), is not the same. CASTILLO, Adrian. 1932. "Cultivo racional del café en Soconusco." Cd. Juárez, 74 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Coffea. CASTILLO, Alfonso Preciado. See PRECIADO CASTILLO, Alfonso. CASTILLO, Anatolio. 1889. "Sobre las drogas simples." Morelia, ms., 3 lvs. Thesis, Univ. Morelia Arch. CASTILLO, Angel Vergara. See VERGARA CASTILLO, Angel. CASTILLO, Benigno Navarro. See NAVARRO CASTILLO, Benigno. CASTILLO, Benjamin. See BARRIOS, Ildefonso et al, 1878-1882. CASTILLO, Bernal Díaz del. See DIAZ del CASTILLO, Bernal. CASTILLO, Carlos. See HOLMES, Burton, ed. (1939). CASTILLO, Felipe Valencia y. See VALENCIA y CASTILLO, Felipe.

CASTILLO CASTILLO, Francisco Fernández del. See F E R N A N D E Z del CASTILLO, Francisco. CASTILLO, Gerónimo. See also TORRES, José Joaquín de, 1845. 1866. Diccionario histórico biográfico y monumental de Yucatán Mérida, 315 p., unf.; ended at "E." Geographical data are included, with lists of plants for various regions. Many of the articles are taken from other works. Two contributions by José Joaquín de Torres are included: "Producciones terrestres y marítimas de la Bahía de la Ascensión", p. 66-68, and "Productos de Montañas de Bacalar," 80-89. In these, plants are referred to by common names only. CASTILLO, Ignacio B. del. 1953. "Catalogo de seudónimos, anagramas, iniciales, etc. de escritores Mexicanos y de extranjeros incorporados a las letras Mexicanas." (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. II, 4 ( 4 ) : 31-48.) CASTILLO, Ignacio Manuel del. 1940. "Toponimia Nahuatl del Estado de Michoacán." (Univ. cán 3 ( 1 7 ) : 189-200.)


CASTILLO, Jesús R. Herrera. See HERRERA CASTILLO, Jesús R. CASTILLO, Joachín. 1777. "Curato de Theotitlán de el Valle." N.p., 3 lvs.; ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 97, Col. P. y T. CASTILLO, José Vidal. See VIDAL CASTILLO, José. CASTILLO, L. 1909. "Las Cactaceas Mexicanas en Chile." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 33: 131-132.) Discussing modification of characters that had taken place. CASTILLO, Lázaro. See also BARCENA, Mariano, et al, 1877-1881; MOTA, José E „ 1877-1878. 1877. "Noticia de algunas plantas." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 1: 224, 256, 320.) "Que caracterizan la floración del mes de . . . en la ciudad de Cuernavaca y sus inmediaciones"; for the months of February. March, and May. CASTILLO, Rafael del. See also MENDOZA, Pio, and CASTILLO, 1891. 1880. "Cuadro sinóptico del Estado de San Luís Potosí." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. I l l , 5: 491-523.) With a brief section on plants. 1909? Geografía particular del Estado de Nuevo León. Monterrey, 40 p.—Bibliot. Públ. Monterrey. With a list of timber trees, medicinal plants, and cultivated plants, cited by common names only, on p. 11. CASTILLO JARQUIN, Ofelia. 1944. "La riqueza en cafeína de los cafés del país." México, 41 p. Thesis UNAM. On


CASTILLO LANZAS, Joaquín. See ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856. CASTILLO LEDON, Luís. 1917. El chocolate. México, 30 p., illus. Repr. in (Ambos Mundos 2(67) 3 p., 1919. A French trans, was publ. in (Echo Méx. 2(18): 11-12, ( 1 9 ) : 14-15, 1922, and again in 6 ( 6 0 ) : 10-13, 1926). A popular work, with quotations from other authors. CASTILLO MARIN, Aarón. 1945. "La floricultura Mexicana." Chapingo, 42 typed p. With a list giving common and scientific names of principal plants exploited commercially. CASTILLO MARIN SANCHEZ, Juan. See MARIN SANCHEZ, Juan Castillo. CASTILLO NEGRETE, Francisco. 1859. "Geografía y estadística de la Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 7: 338-359.) T h e ms. of 51 p., dated 1853, is at SMGE. A discussion of plant products of the area is included. Meigs describes this as "an important and useful work."

CASTRO CASTILLO SANCHEZ, Ernesto. 1948. "Informe del servicio social en la zona sur del Estado de Veracruz." México, 38 typed p. Thesis ENMVZ. With a list of plants arranged according to uses, cited by common names only. CASTILLO TORRE, José. 1934. El pais que no se parece a otro. Mexico, 217 p. About Yucatán and the history of the Mayas, with some reference to plants in the chapter on foods. CASTILLO y PINA, José. 1936. Los oasis del camino. México, 486 p., illus. Rather sentimental and poetic descriptions of trips through Mexico, by a priest. Numerous references to plants are by common names only. 1942. "Memorias de un viaje." (Rev. Méx. Geog. 3 ( 3 / 4 ) : 29-55, illus. ) On visits to Luvianos, Nanchititla, Tejupilco, and Temascaltepec, in the state of Mexico. A list of plants, cited by common names, is given for Nanchititla. CASTLE, L ( e w i s ) . 1883. "Petrea volubilis." (Jour. Hort. III, 7: 52-53, illus.) Repr. in German trans, by L. Wittmack in (Gart. Zeitg. 3: 277-278 illus., 1884). History and description of the plant. 1884. Cactaceous plants. London, 93 p., illus. Distribution, history, descriptions, and culture of various species. An excerpt, describing Pelecyphora, the hatchet cactus, was printed in (Bait. Cactus Jour. 1: 89, illus., 1895) but cited as taken from Watson's Cactaceous plants. 1885. Orchids. London, 60 p., 13 figs.; 4th ed., 1889, 146 p., bibl. Includes history, distribution, structure, and uses of orchids. Some Mexican plants, like Vanilla, are included. CASTO PINTO, G. 1905. El cultivo del algodonero. On Gossypium.

México, 34 p.

CASTOREÑA, Manuel M. See VARIOUS, 1948. CASTREJON, A. 1924. "Sabios Mexicanos desaparecidos." (Rev. 2 ( 1 8 ) : 6, port.) Biography of Alfonso Herrera.




CASTRO, Agustín de. See AVALOS, José María y CASTRO, 1849. CASTRO, Ana María. 1897. "La flora Mexicana." (Prog. Méx. 4: 601-604; 608-610.) A speech delivered at the "Exposición de Coyoacán"; a very general summary. CASTRO, Aurelio. 1894. Estudio del colorín chiquito. México, 25 p.—Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Rhynchosis precatoria. CASTRO, Carlos Antonio. See HUMBOLDT, Alexander von (1808)1811; WEITLANER, Roberto J., and CASTRO, 1954. CASTRO, D. Duarte de. 1939. "Qual é a origem do milho?" (Rev. Agron. Lisboa 27: 235-236. ) Reviews the relationships of Euchlaena and Tripsacum in the development of maize, and discusses the significance of Beadle's experiments with popping teosinte grains, q.v. CASTRO, G. M. de Oliveira. See CAIN, Stanley Adair, and CASTRO 1959. CASTRO, J. See VARIOUS, 1873a. CASTRO, Jorge Fernández de. See Jorge.


CASTRO, Juan de. 1620. Historia de las virtudes y propiedades del tabaco. Córdoba- repr in Madrid, 1895, 61 p . - D L N M . Mainly on its uses, with a little on names and their derivation. CASTRO, Juan Bermúdez de. See BERMUDEZ de CASTRO, Juan. CASTRO, Leonel Lara. See LARA CASTRO, Leonel.



CASTRO, Lilia Román. See ROMAN CASTRO, Lilia. CASTRO, Lorenzo. 1882. The Republic of Mexico in 1882. New York, 271 p., map. Handbook covering forest and other plant products with common names and zones; medicinal plants are listed for the country, and by states. CASTRO, Lorenzo Pérez. See PEREZ CASTRO, Lorenzo. CASTRO, Mariano.

See VARIOUS, 1895-1908.

CASTRO, Mariano Lozano.


CASTRO CANCIO, Jorge de. 1924. La industria vainillera. México, 12 p. Repr. as "La industria vainillera en Papantla, Veracruz, México, 1924," in ( Veracruz 9: 49-57, 1949). A rather superficial treatment of the history and culture of the plant. CASTRO G., Vicente. 1930. "El girasol." México, 220 p., illus. Thesis Chem. On Helianthus annuus L.; a chapter on the botany lists the plants by common and scientific names, with which it might be confused. CASTRO GALLARDO, Arturo. 1956. "El cultivo del cacao en Tabasco." Saltillo, 52 p., illus. Thesis ESA. On Theohroma. CASTRO MACIEL, Maria Cristina. 1944. "Valoración de la vitamina C en vegetales regionales." Guadalajara, 37 typed p. Thesis. Chem. In nopales, (Opuntia), verdolaga, (Portulaca oleráceo) and quelite, Amaranthus. CASTRO REYES, Alfonso. 1943. "El cultivo de la vid." Cd. Juárez, 38 p. Thesis EPA. On Vitis. CASTRO ZAPIEN, Roberto. 1951. "Comparación de variedades regionales ( d e maíz) para siembras de temporal." (Chapingo 41: 644-652, illus.) CASTROTERRENO, Duque de. See PHELPS, Mrs. Sheffield, 1937. CATALANO, Giuseppe. See also BUSCALIONI, Luigi, and CATALANO, 1932. 1930. "Specie di Agave fiorite nel R. Orto Botanico di Palermo." (Boll. Stud. Inform. R. Giard Palermo 11: 40-55, 8 figs.) Descriptions of five species and one variety. 1932. "Agave cernua Berger ed altre specie fiorite e fruttificate nell' Orto Botanico di Palermo." (Boll. Stud. Inform. R. Giard. Col. Palermo 12: 19-31, 6 fig.) Descriptions of four species. CATEGNO, Samuel Pérez. See PEREZ CATEGNO, Samuel. CATTANEO, Antonio. 1843. Deltobaco. Milano, 49 p., col. p l . - N N . On the botany, culture, and uses. CATUREGLI, Ricardo. 1901. Introducción al estudio de las drogas vegetales. México, 35 p.—Bibliot. M. Martínez. General study, with some data on the history of botany in Mexico. CAUSE, D. Henri. 1676. De koninglycke hovenier. Amsterdam, 224 p., illus. Includes descriptions of jalappe, salsaparilla, and tomato. CAUVET, Désiré. 1864. "Des Solanées." Strasbourg, 152 p., 6 pi. Thesis Ecole Sup. Pharm., Paris.—DNLM. With an introductory section on the taxonomy and morphology—particularly the phyllotaxy. CAVALLERO, Juan.


CAVANILLES, Antonio Joseph (José, Josef). See also H O W E , Marshall A., 1935; L'HERITIER de BRUTELLE, Charles Louis, 1784-1785; ANONYMOUS, 1788.

1785. "Dissertatio botanica." Paris, 47 p., illus. Repr. in (Mag. Bot. 1: 74-95, 1 pl., 1787). This is the first of the 10 works in the author's Monadelphiae classis etc., q.v. "De S ida et de quibusdam plantis quae cum illa affinitatem habent"; systematic arrangement of species with descriptions and distribution. In the genus Anoda, A. hastata, A. triloba, and A. dilleniana are described from Mexico. 1785-1790. Monadelphiae classis dissertationes decern. Madrid, 3 vols., illus. Consists of the following on monadelphous plants: 1: "Dissertatio botanica de Sida." Paris, 1785, 13 p.; for details of this, see separate entry. 2."De Malva, Serra, Malope, Lavatera, Alcea, Althaea, et Malachra." Paris, 1786. 3. De "Ruizea, Pavonia, Pachira." 4. "Dissertatio botanica de Geranio." Paris, 1787, 128 sp., 49 pi. 5, 6, 7, 9. Miscellaneous. 8. "Erythroxylon and Malpighias." 10. "Passiflora." Index to the genera is at the end of Dissertation 10. The second dissertation is mainly on genera in the Malvaceae, but contains also a description of Triguera in the Solanaceae. An extract from this was reprinted in (Observ. Phys. 30: 147-156, 1787). For the controversy with L'Heritier and others over some of these descriptions, see Cavanilles (Jour. Paris 51, 1789 and Observ. Phys. 34: 183-193, 1789) and L'Heritier, in (Jour. Paris 63, 1789). See also L'Heritier, 1784-1785, and Cavanilles' seventh Dissertation, pp. 379-386 and 387-396, 1785-1790. For more information on the dates of publication of the Dissertationes, see Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1961. 1789. "Botanique." (Jour. Paris 51: 232-233, Feb. 20.) A letter to the editor calling attention to the fact that some recent plant descriptions, by L'Heritier, referred to plants which he (Cavanilles) had described earlier. For a more detailed criticism of L'Heritier, see Cavanilles, 1785-1790. 1789a. "Observations sur le cinquième fascicule de M. L'Heritier." (Jour. Phys. 34: 183-193.) Repr. in his 7th Dissertation, p. 379-386. See Cavanilles, 1785-1790. 1789b. "Lettre de M. I'Abbe Cavanilles a M. Medicus." (Observ. Phys. 34: 119-123.) Additional details to clarify his position on various genera in the Malvaceae; written in answer to a communication from M. Medicus (publication place and date of the latter are not given). Colmeiro refers also to the criticisms of Medicus, without citing data on their publication. See Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir, 1787. 1791-1801. Icones et descriptiones plantarum. Madrid, 6 vols., 600 pl. Many Mexican plants are included. Colmeiro comments on the work, in part, as follows: "Tan importante trabajo mereció general aprobación; solamente los boticarios Gómez Ortega y Ruiz quisieron hallar en el algunos lunares, y procuraron empañar el lustre y la imperecedera gloria de Cavanilles." For more data on the precise dates of publication, see Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1961. 1799. "Descripción de cinco géneros nuevos y de otras plantas." (An. Hist. Nat. 1: 33-45, illus.) Includes descriptions of Brotera ( Melhania ), Galphimia, and a new unnamed Houstonia, all from Mexico. Describes also a new genus, Selliera, from Chile (near S. Carlos de Chiloe and near Coquimbo). This is cited in Ind. Kew. as from Australia, but in the (Bull. Sei. Soc. Philom. Paris 2: 65, 1799), under the tide, "Selliera, nouveau genre de plantes," Cavanilles also describes a new species S. radicans, whose habitat is given as Mexico. 1800. "Materiales para la historia de la botánica." (An. Hist. Nat. 2 ( 4 ) : 1-57.) Includes description of the voyage of Née and Haenke. 1800a. "Descripción de algunas plantas nuevas." (An. Hist. Nat. 2 ( 4 ) : 104-124, illus.) Included from Mexico are Prunus capulí, Salvia incarnata, Eryngium subacaule, and E. monocephalum. There is also a description of the genus Larrea, but all the species cited are South American. 1800b. "Observaciones sobre algunas vegetales que producen resina elástica." (An. Hist. Nat. 2: 124-128.) Refers to Cervantes' "Discurso," q.v., and extracts from it the description of Castilla elástico, as given in the "suplemento a la Gazeta ( d e Literatura) de Mexico."



1800c. "Descripción del género Bonplandia y de otras plantas." (An. Hist. Nat. 2 ( 5 ) : 131-142, illus.) Includes descriptions of Bonplandia geminiflora, Eryngium serratum, and five species of Acalypha: all from Mexico. 1800d. "Sobre el cultivo de algunas especies de malvas." ( Seman. Agrie. (Madrid) 7: 305-309.) "Y uso económico que se puede hacer de sus fibras." Extract "de una memoria leída a la Academia de Ciencias de Francia," Feb. 1, 1786. On Syda abutilón (sic). 1801. "Descripción de los géneros Aeginetia, Rizoa, y Castella." (An. Cieñe. Nat. 3 ( 8 ) : 129-135, illus.) Only the first is from Mexico. 1801a. "De la utilidad del cacahuete ó Arachis hypogaea de Linneo." (An. Cienc. Nat. 4 ( 1 1 ) : 206-225.) 1802. Descripción de las plantas que D. Antonio Josef Cavanilles demostró en las lecciones públicas del año 1801. Madrid, 2 vols. —PPAN. Subtitle—"Géneros y especies de plantas demonstradas en las lecciones públicas del año 1801"; vol. 2, "del año 1802." Contains descriptions of many Mexican plants. 1803. "Observaciones botánicas y descripción de algunas plantas nuevas." (An. Sci. Nat. 6(18): 323-340.) Includes Melampodium longifolium from Mexico and Cactus speciosum (cited without locality). 1804. "Del gènero nuevo Viviania." (An. Cienc. Nat. 7 ( 2 0 ) : 211-212, illus.) Description of Viviania marifolia from Acapulco. Author is undecided about assigning the genus to the Caryophyllaceae or the Cistaceae. CAVAZOS GARZA, Israel, and Rodolfo GARZA OSUNA. 1951. San Francisco de Apodaca, Nuevo León. Monterrey, 64 p., illus., map—Bibliot. Públ. Monterrey. A brief section on the flora of the municipio is on p. 47, with plants cited by common names only. CAVE, Marion Stillwell, and Lincoln CONSTANCE. 1950, 1959. "Chromosome numbers in the Hydrophyllaceae IV and V." (Univ. Calif. Pubi. Bot. 23(7): 363-382, 5 figs., 1950; 30(3): 233-258, 60 figs., 1959.) Numbers reported for the first time include species of Phacelia, Wigandia, and Nama from Mexico. The chart in the second reference gives the chomosome numbers for 9 species in 4 genera from Mexico: Pholistoma, Eucrypta, Phacelia, and Eriodictyon. CAVEROS y RENDON, Francisco. 1777. "Descripción geográfica e hidrográfica del curato de San Juan Baptista Chacaltianguiz, Veracruz." N.p., 18 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 17, Col. P. y T. With detailed treatment of plants. CAYEUX, Henri. 1936. "Contribution a l'historique du Dahlia." (Rev. Hort. 108: 240.) Quotes from an article in Le Petit Havre, Oct. 4, 1934. CAYEUX, Louis Femand. 1934. Le Dahlia. Paris, 184 p., 47 figs.-DA. History, classification, botanical characters, and culture. CAYLA, V. See OLSSON-SEFFER, Runar, 1912. CAZARES, Leonor Herrera. See HERRERA CAZARES, Leonor. CAZZUOLA, Ferdinando. 1876. Dizionario de botanica. Pisa, 718 p.—PPAN. "Applicata alla medicina, alla farmacia, alla veterinaria, all' orticoltura, all'agricultura, all'industria e al comercio." 1880. Le piante utili e nocive agli uomini e agli animali. Torino e Roma, 217 p., 264 illus.-MH. Plants are listed by families, with descriptions of species, place of origin, common names, and uses or harmful effects. CEBALLOS, Pedro. See ORDONNEZ de CEVALLOS, Pedro. CEBALLOS, Próspero. See BARRIOS, Ildefonso et al, 1878-1882; BARCENA, Mariano et al, 1877-1881. CECH, Franldin. See ZOBEL, Bruce, and CECH, 1957.

CERNA CEDILLO SANTILLAN, Aurelio. n.d. "Recursos forestales del Estado de Sinaloa." N.p., 27 typed p. Thesis ENA. A list of species, with common and scientific names, and family. CELARIER, Robert Paul. See abo FARUQUI, Shamim A. et al, 1962; 1962a. 1936. "Additional evidence for five as the basic chromosome number of the Andropogoneae." (Rhodora 581: 135-143, 1 pi., bibl.) 1956-1960. "Cytotaxonomy of the Andropogoneae." (Cytologia 21: 272-291, 1956; 22: 160-183, 1957; 23: 395-418, 1958; 24: 285-303, 1960; all illus., bibl.) I. Subtribes Demeriinae and Saccharinae. II. Subtribes Ischaeminae, Rottboelliinae, and the Maydeae. III. Subtribe Sorgheae, genus Sorghum. IV. Subtribe Sorgheae. CELIS, Adalberto Polo. See POLO CELIS, Adalberto. CELIS (ZELIS), José Rubín de. 1791. "Razón de la Cavezera de Tetela y su partido." N.p., 4 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 101, Col. P. y T. CELIS, Mauro Pérez. See PEREZ CELIS, Mauro. CENICEROS, Enrique Dupré. See DUPRE CENICEROS, Enrique. CENICEROS, M. See VARIOUS, 1960b. CENTENO, Carlos de Tapia. See TAPIA CENTENO, Carlos de. CEPEDA, Juan Suárez de. See SUAREZ de CEPEDA, Juan. CEPEDA, Julian Joseph. 1777. "Cavezera de San Juan Chicomezuchil, Oaxaca." N.p., 7 Ivs., ms., M.N., Méx., Leg. 99, No. 22, Col. P. y T. CERDA, Carolina Cervantes. See CERVANTES CERDA, Carolina. CERDA, Héctor Hermosillo de la. See HERMOSILLO de la CERDA, Héctor. CERDA, Juan de Dios. See LAGASCA y SEGURA, Mariano, n.d. CERDA, Manuel Puente. See PUENTE CERDA, Manuel. CERDA SILVA, Roberto de la. See also ROJAS GONZALEZ, Francisco, and CERDA SILVA, 1941. 1939. "La Huaxteca." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 50: 147-171.) As the origin of Mexican-Mayan culture; with a discussion of maize culture in the region. 1941. "Los Huaves." (Rev. Mex. Soc. 3 ( 1 ) : 81-111, illus., map.) With a list of plants, common names only, used by this group of Indians in Oaxaca. 1942. "Los Cuicatecos." (Rev. Mex. Soc. 4 ( 4 ) : 99-127, illus., map.) With a brief list of plants, common names only, used by this group of Indians in Oaxaca. 1943. "Los Coras." (Rev. Mex. Soc. 5 ( 1 ) : 89-117, illus., maps.) With a list of plants, common names only, used by this group of Indians in Nayarit. 1943a. "Los Tarahumaras." (Rev. Mex. Soc. 5 ( 3 ) : 403-436, illus., map.) With a list of plants, common names only, used by this group of Indians in northwest Mexico. CERECEDA, Juan Dantin. See DANTIN CERECEDA, Juan. CERMENATI, Mario. 1906. "Ulisse Aldrovandi e l'America." (Ann. di Bot. 4 ( 4 ) : 313-366.) Profusely annotated article with many references to early works on the natural history of Mexico and the American areas in general; excellent for bibliographical details. CERNA, David. 1879. "Thevetia iccotli and its glucosides." (Med. Times Phila. 9:397, 426-430. ) Abstract from U.P. thesis, 1879; repr. in (Naturaleza 5: 218-227, 1882). Mainly reports of experiments of its physiological action on circulation, respiration, and the alimentary canal. 1932. "The pharmacology of the ancient Mexicans." (Ann. Med. Hist. 4: 298-307.) With a list of plants according to use, and their common and scientific names.




CEROCERO D., Maria Cristina. 1945. "El chicalote ó amapola silvestre." ( Esta Sem.: English and Spanish. On Argentone mexicana.

33-35.) In

CERON CARVAJAL, Jorge. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). CERUTO, Benedicto, and Andrea CHIOCCO. 1622. Musaeum Franciscí Calceolarii. Verona, 746 p., illus. Includes descriptions of some Mexican plants. CERVANTES, Daniel. See MUÑOZ LUMBIER, Manuel, et al, 1939. CERVANTES, Eduardo. 1885. "Narcóticos." Morelia, ms., 7 lvs. Thesis, Univ. Morelia, Arch. CERVANTES, Enrique A. 1922. Sinopsis del distrito de Atlixco, Estado de Puebla. Puebla, 24 p., map, illus.—Bibliot. México, Basave Coll. With lists of natural products, mostly woods, arranged by municipalities, cited by common names only. 1926. "Monografía del municipio de Tehuacán." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 45: 369-411, 26 illus., map.) With brief lists of plants for the different sections. CERVANTES, Francisco Leonel. 1928. "Estudio sobre las adormideras del Valle de México." México, 24 lvs. Thesis, Chem. UN AM. Mainly on Papaver somniferum; with a section on the "cultivated red-flowered Papaver" in Mexico. CERVANTES, Gonzalo Gómez de. See GOMEZ de CERVANTES, Gonzalo. CERVANTES, José. (Is this José María?) 1874. "Solaneas virosas." (Observ. Méd. 3: 277-281.) CERVANTES, José María. 1880. "Pepsina vegetal." (Observ. On Carica papaya.

Méd. 5 ( 1 3 ) : 253-254.)

CERVANTES, Lucino Manriques. See MANRIQUES CERVANTES, Lucino. CERVANTES, Vicente. See also ALVAREZ LOPEZ, E., 1951; B E L TRAMI, Giacomo Constantino, 1830; BERLANDIER, Jean Luis n.d., ( g ) ; BERNAL, Manuel Maria, 1793; BULLOCK, William, 1824; CAVANILLES, Antonio José, 1800; CLAVIGERO, Francisco Xaviero, 1780-1781; GRIFFITHS, David, 1912; GRISEBACH, August Heinrich Rudolf, 1839; PUGLIA, Pedro, (1790); ROEMER, Johann Jakob, 1809; SAHAGUN, Bernardino, (1575)?; SCM (SESSE, CERVANTES, MOCINO?), 1788; VARIOUS, 1795-1796; WITTMACK, L„ 1889a; ANONYMOUS, ( 1 7 - ? ) . 1788. "Ejercicios públicos de botánica." (Gaz. Méx., Ill, 3: 75-77; also in Mem. Lit. 16: 17-31, 1789.) "Noticia de la abertura del Real Estudio Botánico," May 1-5; a detailed description of the ceremonies including a resumé of a speech by Cervantes. For the "oración pronunciada," May 2, 1788, see the second reference. In it Cervantes reviews the history of botany to Linnaeus; also mentions the botanical expedition in Mexico and the work of Longinos Martínez, Juan de Castillo, and Jayme Senseve. 1788-1789. Ejercicios públicos de botánica. México, 9 p.—BN Méx. Also in (Gaz. Méx., Ill, 3: 213-215, 1789). The separate is an announcement of the forth-coming ceremonies in which Joseph Vicente de la Peña, Francisco Giles de Arellano, and Joseph Timotéo Arsinas will take part. The other reference is an account of the exercises (Jan. 6, 1789) with a list of plants to be described and identified, giving common and scientific names. New species cited are Gentiana violacea, Mimosa esculenta, Datura maxima, Euphorbia fastuosa, and Ageratum strictum. 1789. Ejercicios públicos de botánica. México, 6 p.—BNMéx. Also in (Gaz. Méx., Ill, 3: 439-440 (suppl.), 1789. Reported again 4: 127-128, 1790, quoting from the Gac. Madrid Mar. 12, 1790). The separate announces the graduation exercises, on Nov. 21, 1789, of Joseph Moziño, médico aprobado, Justo Pastor Torres, practicante de farmacia, and Joseph Maldonado, practicante de

cirugía. The other reference describes the ceremonies. The opening speech was given by Moziño. Discussion of the Linnaean system was continued, with Joseph Gracida, Gabriel Ocampo, Daniel O'Sullivan, and Joseph de la Peña as opponents. Then various plants were described, with common and scientific names given. New species included: Bidens heterophilla, by Joseph Maldonado and Poinciana depressa (camaroncillo), by Pastor. (ca. 1790.) Ensayo a la materia médica vegetal de México. México, 1889, 47 p.-NN. León cites the date as 1879. (Written at the close of the 18th century.) Plants are arranged according to the Linnaean system, with brief description, range, and uses; common and scientific names are given. Perhaps this is the "Discurso sobre las plantas medicinales que crecen en las cercanías de México, leído en la apertura del curso (de botánica) en el Jardín Botánico de la misma capital el día 28 de mayo de 1791," which does not seem to have been printed, as were most of the other discursos. Colmeiro adds, "Acaso sea relativa á este discurso una lista de las plantas oficinales que se hallan en el reino de México, copiada por Nee, y conservado por la familia de Boutelou, en Sevilla, 17 fol., con 308 observaciones sobre otras tantas plantas reconocidas por Cervántes." (1790.) Ejercicios públicos de bótanica. México, 8 p. (not seen.) Compare with (Gaz. Méx. III, 5: 110, 220, 242, 346. 17921793). According to León, the separate announces the exercises accompanying the graduation from the Botany Course of Pedro Muñoz, Francisco Peralta Guzmán, and Manuel Maria Bernal. (But, according to the references in the Gazeta, they didn't graduate until 1792, along with Sebastián Gómez Morón.) Peralta's explanation of the "clave sexual de Linnéo" is mentioned on p. 110, reporting the opening of the botany course on January 19, 1792. (There had been no exercises for 2 years preceding these.) The report of the graduation exercises on December 7, 1792 is on p. 220. A more detailed report begins on p. 242, stating that Muñoz described a siempre viva, Sedum rubrum, and an altramuz (?), Lupinus perennis. On p. 243, there is a reference to the description by Gómez Moron of flores mil, Melampodium perfoliatum, and of perilla, Entomanthus glaber, and on p. 244 to the descriptions by Francisco Peralta and Manuel Mario Bernal of Cacalia sonchisfolia and Phlox spinosilla (espinosilla), a new species of the Expedition. Anonymous notes, on p. 243 and 244, complain that the plants were sent to Cavanilles, but that in the prospectus to his (unnamed) "obra," he did not credit Sessé, Moziño and Castillo and, furthermore named the Melampodium an Alcine, which name the Mexicans do not accept. The notes also criticize Gómez de Ortega for not giving credit where it was due, although they agree that Cervantes and Alzate also sent plants to Spain. Cavanilles is charged, in addition, with naming the Entomanthus Lopecia racemosa, three years after he had received it as Entomanthus. The reference on p. 346 is to a speech by Bernal on June 1, 1793, on how to study plants. Here, he is still referred to as a "discípulo." According to León, the separate also contained the "noticia como han sido propuestos por el Director de la Expedición facultativa Martin Sessé, para botánico a José Mariano Mociño, y para disector José Maldonado." 1790a. "Extracto de un discurso." (Mem. Lit. 19: 502-510.) "Sobre la utilidad del método en el estudio de las plantas." Read May 4, 1789. 1 793. Ejercicios públicos de botánica. México, 9 p.—BN Méx. See also (Gaz. Méx. 6: 4-5, 1794). Exercises in the Real y Pontifica Universidad de México on the occasion of the graduation of Joseph Agustín Monroy, Pedro Regalado Tames, and Ignacio Fernández de Cordova. The following new species from Mexico were described: Sedum luteum, Ipomoea arbórea, Pterospermum scandens (Cobaea scandens Cav. is rejected), Salvia grandiflora (but S. fulgens Cav. is accepted), and Euphrasia fruticosa. 1794. "Discurso pronunciado en el Real Jardín Botánico." (Gac. Lit. Supl. July 2, 35 p., 1 pi.; p. 319-344, 2d ed„ 1831. Repr. in Naturaleza 7(App.); 18-33, 1884.) An English trans, publ. in "Tracts relative to botany," London, 1805: 229-239. It was reproduced as a separate, entitled "Una memoria científica

CERVANTES Mexicana sobre el hule," México, 1956, 29 mimeog. p., with an introd. by Luís Chávez Orozco, Pubi. Banco Nac. Créd. Agrie. Gara. No. 13. A treatise on the "árbol del ule," often cited as Castilloa elastica, though the name used here is Castilla. A brief description of the plant is accompanied by methods of extracting and preparing the latex, and the characteristics of the resulting product. A summary of various other plant sources of rubber is also included, as is a biographical sketch of Juan del Castillo. The description of the plant is taken, according to Cervantes himself, from Sessé as are the descriptions of various species of Jatropha. For a discussion of this, see "Castilla Sessé, not Castilla Cerv.", by Ida K. Langman, in (Taxon. Index 23(1), 1960). The publication of the "discurso" gave rise to a discussion initiated by J. L. M. (José Longinos Martinez) in the Supl. of Nov. 5, 1794, 8 p., in which he amplifies the description and calls the plant Castella. On Nov. 14, 1794, in the "Ejercicios de botánica" (see under Cervantes), the discussion is continued by Larreátegui. Longinos followed with his Carta, 1795, q.v. See also Larreátegui in (Gaz. Méx. Ill, 3: 126, 255, 273, 320, 1795). 1794a. Ejercicios públicos de botánica. México, 10 p.—BN Méx. Also in (Gaz. Méx. 6: 703-705, 1794). Exercises in the Real y Pontifica Universidad de México announcing the graduation of Joseph Fernández Varela, Joseph Dionisio Larreátegui, and Ignacio León y Pérez, "Indio cacique y maestro aprobado en farmacia," with summaries of what they will discuss. Larreátegui discusses the name Castilloa in continuation of argument with José Longinos Martinez. (See also Longinos Martinez, and Larreátegui). Included are descriptions and common names of the following new species: Coreopsis sp. ( Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. ), Chelone sp. (C. campanulata Cav. ), Eupatorium triangulare, and Cunila altissima, the latter two with Latin diagnoses. 1803. "De la violeta estrellada y de sus virtudes." (Ara. Cieñe. Nat. 6(17): 185-199; repr. in Naturaleza 7(App.): 52-58, 1885.) An extract of a speech delivered June 3, 1798, describing Viola verticillata and its medicinal values. Some reference is made also to other violets used in medicine. León identifies the plant as Ionidium polygalaefolium Vent. 1803a. "Del género Chirostemon." (An. Cienc. Nat. 6 ( 1 8 ) : 303304.) Repr. in (Naturaleza 7(App.): 33-38, 1885). Cervantes called it originally Chiranthodendron but a letter to Cavanilles indicates that he wanted the name changed to Chirostemon. CERVANTES, Julian (full name Vicente Julian?). 1825. Tablas botánicas. Puebla de Los Angeles, 35 p.—MH. Dictionary of structure and plant anatomy. CERVANTES, Vicente Julian. 1827. "Nombres botánicos correspondientes á las denominaciones Mexicanas que Abate Clavigero empone a los vegetales." México, ms., 34 p.—MH-G. Extract copied by Berlandier "cum addendis," from a manuscript which he evidently saw in Mexico. CERVANTES CERDA, Carolina. 1948. "Contribución al estudio del zapote blanco." Morelia, 32 p. Thesis Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Castmtroa edulis. CERVANTES de SALAZAR, Francisco. See also ROJAS, Gabriel de (1581); WAGNER, Henry Raup, 1942. 1554. México era 1554. Tres diálogos Latinos. México, 1875, 344 p. Trans., notes, and bibliogr. by Joaquín Garcia Icazbalceta. The dialogues appeared originally under the titles, Academia Mexicana, Civitas Mexicus interior, and Mexicus exterior, in Exercitationes linguae Latirme, printed in México, 1554. This has not been seen. Another ed., in Spanish, ed. and with notes, by Julio Jiménez Rueda, was printed in México, 1939. An English ed., trans, by Minnie Lee Barrett Shepard, with notes by Carlos Eduardo Castañeda, was pubi, in Austin, 1953, 113 p., under the title Life in the imperial and loyal city of Mexico, New Spain.

CESAR by the editor. In this edition, also, on p. 227-228, is included a fragment of the Relación de Chólula, by Gabriel de Rojas. A résumé of the last 2 dialogues was published by L. Massebieau in (Rev. Geog. 3: 257-269, 1878). For Massebieau's analysis of the first dialogue, see his Colloques scolaires du XVIeme siècle et leurs auteurs, Paris, 1878: 178-203. ( 1560-1567. ) Crónica de Nueva España. Madrid and México, 3 vols. Pubi, as part of the Papeles de Nueva España, III, History. The first volume, 1914, contains an intro. by Francisco Paso y Troncoso. Volumes 2 and 3, printed in México, 1936, were ed. by Gómez de Orozco, and contain an intro. by Marcos E. Becerra. The work was written in 1560-1567. Three copies of the original, which consisted of 444 p., had been known but were thought to be lost until one copy labeled, Anonymous, was rediscovered in 1911, by Zelia Nuttall. For the report of an earlier finding of this ms. by Paso y Troncoso, see Saville, Marshall H., "The discoveries of Yucatan in 1517 by Francisco Hernández de Córdoba," in (Geogr. Rev. 6: 435-448, 1918). For the story of the discovery of the ms. by Zelia Nuttall, see Currier, Charles Warren, "Discovery of historic manuscript of Mexico," in (Bull. Pan Amer. Union 25: 542-548, illus., port., 1912). The author, a friend of Cortés, and the official chronicler of the city of Mexico, includes two brief chapters on the plant life of Mexico, in bk. 1. Special attention is paid to plants of economic importance: maiz, cacao, chicle, anona, maguey, piña, chia, etc.

CERVANTES HERNANDEZ, José. 1954. "Monografía geográfica del Estado de Durango." Gómez Palacio, 123 p., excellent maps. Thesis Esc. Norm., Saltillo. In the section on forest zones, a list of the trees is given, by common names only. CERVANTES OZTA, J. M. 1856. "Exposicion general de industrias." In (Mem. Sria. Est. Desp. Fom. Col. Indust. Com. Rep. Méx., C. Manuel Siliceo: 155156). With a catalogue of plants by scientific names. CERVANTES R„ Ismael. 1942. "El cultivo del maíz de Tejas ó girasol." Chapingo, 106 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Helianthus. CERVERA, Jorge H. Alvarez. See ALVAREZ CERVERA, Jorge H. CERVERA, José Jesús. See ROSADO, Desiderio Germán (1865). CERVERA, José T. 1863. "Higuerilla." (Rep. Pint. 1: 43. See under Espinosa Rendón. ) On Ricinus. 1863a. "Frijol." (Rep. Pint. 1: 321; see Espinosa Rendón.) On Phaseolus. CERVERA, M. 1926. "Chicle." (Méx. Mag. 2 ( 1 ) : 41-44, illus.) A brief section on the botany of the plant, with an illustration of the flower. Emphasis is on the commercial aspects of the industry. 1926a. "Chechén. (Méx. Mag. 2 ( 5 ) : 44-45, illus.) On Hippomane mancinella; with a description of the plant, and a discussion of the reports that its shade produces skin bums, and that the sap and berries are poisonous. 1926b. "Logwood." (Mex. Mag. 2 ( 7 ) : 39-41, map.) History, description, distribution, and uses of Haematoxylon, called palo de campeche and palo de tinta(e). CERVERA ANDRADE, Alejandro. 1945. "El maíz en la medicina folklórica de Yucatán." (Orbe III, 6: 9, 11.) Also in (Fom. Yucatán 2(20): 7, 22, 1945). On Zea mays. CERVERA SANCHEZ, Jorge. See MORFI, Juan Agustín (1778). CESALPINI, Andrea. See CAESALPINI, Andrea. CESAR, J. N. 1864. Tlacotalpam. Veracruz, 93 p., written in 1859-BN Méx. "Noticias estadísticas sobre aquella municipalidad del distrito de Veracruz." With a section on agriculture, and with lists of The second dialogue refers to plants being sold in the native plants, cited by common names only. markets. In the 1875 edition, notes on these plants are provided 197


CESAR GALLARDO CESAR GALLARDO, Ciro. 1958. Zihuatanejo y la región. México, 133 p., illus., map. On p. 25-30, there is a section on the principal forest species, listed by common and scientific names (the latter with many typographical errors), a list of fruit trees, with common and scientific names, and a list of herbs, cited by common names only, and with their possible medicinal uses. There is also a section on agricultural products. CESI, Federico. See HERNANDEZ, Francisco (1570-1575). CESPEDES, Antonio. See VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 1796, 1798. CETINA BOLDO, Manuel. 1954. "Azucares contenidos en la miel obtenida del jugo del henequén." México, 1954, 27 p. Thesis IPN. With a description of two species, and a list of Maya names, giving scientific equivalents. CEVALLOS, Pedro Ordonnez de. See ORDONNEZ de CAVALLOS, Pedro. CHABERT, Jean Louis (Juan Luis). See also JOHNSON, W. R., 1833; SOTERO NORIEGA, José, 1850. n.d. (after 1832.) Apuntes sobre el huaco. N.p. (Veracruz?), 12 p.—CU-B; microfilm copy at PPC. On Eupatorium guaco ó huaco ( Micania W. ), reviewing the distribution of the plant and its uses; includes a letter written in 1832. 1850. Apuntes sobre el chólera morbus y su curación con la Mikaniahuaco ó guaco. México, 20 p. CEO Orizaba. 1853. Du huaco et de ses vertus médicinales. Paris, 114 p., port.— BNMéx. On Mikania, covering history and description of the plant, its distribution, and medicinal uses. A detailed résumé of the work was printed in German as "Ueber die huaco—(guaco) pflanze in Mexico," in (Centralbl. Naturwiss. 1(41): 794-799, 1853), describing the plant as "wirksamstes mittel gegen giftigen schlangenbliss, gelbes fiber, cholera u.s.w.". This was reprinted in (Bonplandia 2: 167-168, 1854) as "Huaco oder guaco pflanze." CHABLE, Leandro Martínez. See MARTINEZ CHABLE, Leandro. CHABRE, Dominque (known also as Chabree, Chabrey, Chabraeus). See also BAUHIN, Johann, 1650-1651. 1666. Omnium stirpium sciagraphia et icones. Geneva, 2d ed., 1677. 661 p., illus. First ed., Stirpium icones et sciagraphia, 1666. León gives the date as 1637. Includes descriptions of tobacco and tomato. CHACON, Federico Castilla. See CASTILLA CHACON, Federico. CHACON, Tomás. See ANONYMOUS, 1647. CHACON ALDRETE, Oscar. 1954. "El arroz en el Estado de Morelos." Cd. Juárez, 43 p. Thesis EPA. On Oryza. CHACON ALFARO, Manuel de Jesús. 1952. Estudio sanitario del municipio de Jalapa. México, 63 p., map —Bibliot. Públ., Villahermosa. The flora is divided according to uses, and cited by common names only. CHACON CARREON, Ricardo. 1953. "Informe sanitario . . . de el pueblo de Nautla, Veracruz." México, 38 p. Thesis Med. With a list of wild plants, cited by common names only. CHACRA, de la (sic). 1934. "Plantas medicinales." (Agr. Méx. 5 0 ( 9 ) : 41-42.) Listed alphabetically, by common names. CHAILLOT, M. 1914. "Recherches biologiques morphologiques et experimentales sur les Labiées a stolons souterrains." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IX, 19: 193310, illus.) CHALK, Laurence. See also METCALFE, Charles Russell, and CHALK, 1950.

CHALK, L„ and M. M. CHATTAWAY. 1937. "Identification of woods with included phloem." (Trop. Woods 50: 1-31, 21 figs.) With a key to such woods and descriptions of those with anomalous features. CHALONER, Edward, and FLEMING—. 1850. The mahogany tree. Liverpool, 197 p., illus., map. Pritzel lists the authors as Chaloner and George O'Gorman, and gives the date as (1851). Includes description, distribution, history, and uses. CHALOT, Charles. See also C. C., 1919. 1901-1902. "Note sur le teosinte." (Agr. Prat. Pays, Chauds. 1: 129136.) On Rearut luxurians Dur. CHALOT, Charles, and Ulysse August Antoine BERNARD. 1914-1919. "Culture et preparation de la vanille." (Agr. Col. 2(7-12): 1, 36, 81, 111, 145, 175, illus., 1914; 3(13-18): 9, 44, 81, 154, 1914-1915; 4(19-24): 18, 45, 72, 114, 163, 189, 1918-1919; 5(25-26): 11, 46, 1919. The vols, are cited as année 1-4. Repr. as a separate, Paris, 1920, 216 p., 25 figs., 12 pl., map, bibl. With a discussion of the botanical history of the plant. CHAMBERET, Jean Baptiste Joseph Anne César Tyrbas de. See CHAUMETON, Francois Pierre et al. 1814-1820. CHAMBERLAIN, Alexander Francis. 1903. "The contributions of the American Indian to civilization." (Proc. Amer. Antiq. Soc., n.s. 16: 91-126.) With a considerable section on the useful plants, many with common and scientific names. CHAMBERLAIN, Charles J(oseph). 1909. "A preliminary account of Dioon spinulosum." (Science n.s. 29: 908.) Brief description of a plant found in Tierra Blanca and Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. 1915. "A phylogenetic study of cycads." (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1: 86-90.) Report of studies based on paleobotanic records and on the present-day distribution. 1919. The living cycads. Chicago, 172 p., 91 illus., incl. maps. Covers morphology, life history, evolution, and phylogeny, with an introductory section on collecting cycads. Mexico is included in Chapter 1 on western cycads: Zamia, Dioon, and Ceratozamia. Also included is an account of collecting in the state of Veracruz—near Jalapa, on the road to Naolinco, and near Tierra Blanca and Tuxtepec, the latter two near the Veracruz-Oaxaca border. 1921. "The big tree of Tule." (Sch. Sci. Math. 2 1 ( 8 ) : 715-719, illus.) A description of the tree as the author saw it in 1908. The author discusses its probable age, and accepts the story of Humboldt's visit to the tree. 1926. "Two new species of Zamia." (Bot. Gaz. 81: 218-227, 7 illus.) Zamia monticola from Jalapa and Z. sylvatica from Tuxtepec. CHAMBERLAIN, Iris McKy. See MELHUS, Irving E., and CHAMBERLAIN, 1953. CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph Scudder. 1891. "A comparative study of the styles of Compositae." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 175-186, 199-210, illus.) Systematic survey with one species for each genus. CHAMBERLAYN ( E ), ( CHAMBERLAINE ), John. See COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio, 1631. CHAMBERS, J. L. See ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960. CHAMBERS, Kenton Lee. 1955. "A biosystematic study of the annual species of Microseris." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 4 ( 7 ) : 207-312, 22 figs., incl. maps, bibl.) History and detailed study of relationships, based on morphology, chromosome counts, and experimental hybridization. The taxonomic part has a key to subgenera, and a listing of the numbers of species in each with distributional data; also a natural key to species and subspecies, with descriptions and distribution.



1955a. "A collection of plants from the eastern flank of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California." (Contr. Dudley Herb., 4 ( 8 ) : 323-330.) Account of a trip with a general description of the vegetation, and an annotated list of plants in systematic order; some range extensions are noted. 1957. "Taxonomic notes on some Compositae of the western United States." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 5 ( 2 ) : 57-68, map, bibl.) Part 1 is on Microseris; part 2 is on Nothocalais, and the 3d is on Baeria. The last extends to northern Lower California.

CHAN, Ricardo Moreno. See MORENO CHAN, Ricardo.

CHAMBON, Hipólito. 1888. Tratado comparativo de sericultura. México, 85 p.—DA. ( León cites 58 p.) Guanajuato, 1896, 116 p. Repr. in (Bol. Agr. Indust. Guadalajara 1: (part 2 ) : 1-57, 1889 and in Prog. Méx. 9: 689, 705, 721, 1902). History and culture; particularly good for its picture of the industry in Mexico at that time, and especially in Irapuato.

CHANDLER, Harley Pierce. 1902. "A revision of the genus Nemophila." (Bot. Gaz. 34: 194-215, 4 pi.) Some of the species extend into Baja California.

CHAMBON, Ludovic. 1892. Un Gascon au Mexique. Paris, 341 p. With scattered references to plants. CHAMISSO, Adalbert de factually Louis Charles Adelaide. See MOHL, Hugo von, and SCHLECHTENDAL, 1852; SCHLECHTENDAL, D. de, 1830-1853. CHAMPAGNAT, M., and E. LURENT. 1956. "Recherches morphologiques sur la ramification de Mirabilis jalapa L." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 63: 181-192.) Study of development and growth. CHAMPIE, Clark. 1960. "Cactus for the month." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 2 ( 5 ) : 141, illus.) Description of Echinocereus rosei. CHAMPLAIN, Samuel. ( 1599-1602. ) A narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, 1599-1602. London, 1859, xcix, 48 p., 12 pi. Trans, by Alice Wilmere, with biogr. notice, and notes by the translator; ed. by Norton Shaw. (Hakluyt Soc. Ser. 1, vol. 23. ) The first French ed. Brief discours des choses plus remarquables que Samuel Champlain de Brouage a reconnues aux Indes Occidentales, was publ. in vol. 1 of Oeuvres de Champlain, Quebec, 1870. Both were superseded by the ed. in French and English, prepared by H. H. Langton, W. F. Ganong, and J. H. Cameron, in vol. 1 of The works of Samuel de Champlain, ed. by H. P. Biggar, and publ. by the Champlain Society, Toronto, 1922. The original ms. is now at RPJCB.

see H. J. Webber, "An early illustration of the avocado," (Calif. Avocado Assoc., Ann. Rep. 1936: 39-41, illus.) in which it is suggested that the illustration is a mixture, from memory, of the avocado and guava. CHANCA, Diego Alvarez. See ALVAREZ CHANCA, Diego. CHANCEREL, Lucien. 1920. Flore forestiere du globe. Paris, 738 p.-DA. Arranged by families with common names, place of origin, description of important species, and uses.

CHANDLER, Robert Flint. 1942. "Some observations of soils . . . and vegetation in . . . Canada, southern Alaska, and Mexico." (Chron. Bot. 7: 271-272.) The section on Mexico is quite brief. CHANDLER, S. E. See FREEMAN, William George, and CHANDLER, 1907. CHANDLER, William Henry. See POPENOE, Wilson, 1952. 1950. Evergreen orchards. Philadelphia, 452 p., 66 illus., bibl.—DA. On tropical and subtropical fruit trees, with the emphasis on culture. Separate chapters on the various trees give the horticultural history of the plants, descriptions, and details of structure. CHANEY, Robert. See STEWART, Donald, et al, 1954. CHANNELL, Robert Bennie. See also WOOD, Carroll E„ Jr., 1960. 1958. "A new species of Samolus (Primulaceae) from Mexico." (Rhodora 60: 1-6, illus.) On S. dichondrifolius from Coahuila, with a discussion of the vegetation of the region in general. CHANNELL, R. B., and C. E. WOOD, Jr. 1959. "The genera of the Primulales of the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 40: 268-288, illus.) Discusses the genera in the Theophrastaceae, Myrsinaceae, and Primulaceae. Ardisia and Rapanea, in the Myrsinaceae, and Samolus, in the Primulaceae, extend into Mexico. 1959a. "The genera of Plumbaginaceae of the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 40: 391-397, bibl.) With keys to genera and descriptions, and lists of species. CHANONA R., Alberto. 1946. "Regiones naturales de Chiapas." (Cuad. Chiapas No. 7, 29 p.) Mainly a physiographic description, with only superficial references to plants. CHANVALON, Jean Baptiste Thibault de. See THIBAULT de CHANVALON, Jean Baptiste.

A brief but interesting report, with an account of farming in Mexico and references to about 25 plants and their uses. A provocative study of this work is presented by Jacques Rousseau in his Samuel de Champlain—botaniste Mexicain et Antillais (Montréal, 1951. 27 p.) In it, the following questions are considered: Is this the work of an actual observer or just translations from the work of others? Is the work by Champlain? Are the sketches from nature or memory? Are they by Champlain? The history of plants mentioned by Champlain is discussed, and Rousseau concludes that the work might be that of Champlain on a hasty visit (to spy for the King of France?). He notes that the drawings are inaccurate, but reminds us that so were Champlain's sketches of Canadian plants.

CHAO, Chuan-Ying. See LI, Hui-Lin, and CHAO, 1954. CHAP A, Isidro Gomez. See GOMEZ CHAPA, Isidro. CHAPEL, E. 1892. Le caoutchouc et la gutta percha. Paris, 601 p., illus.—NN. For the first product, there is a section on Mexico alone.

I am indebted to Miss Jeannette D. Black ( RPJCB ) for the following information. "The manuscript has the following provenance: Champlain may have given it to M. de Chaste, governor of Dieppe. At his death it went to the Convent of Minimes. During the French Revolution, the books of the convent were dispersed. M. Feret of Dieppe in 1859 obtained it from a resident of the town who had had it for an unknown time. F. S. Ellis, London bookseller, bought it at the Pinart sale, January, 1884. John Nicolas Brown bought it the same year from Ellis. While the manuscript was at Dieppe, the Abbé de la Verdiére printed the text (with very crude pen-and-ink copies of the illustrations ) in his edition of Champlain's works, Québec, 1870. We understand there are two other manuscripts of the Brief Discours, one at Bologna and one at Turin. Mr. (Lawrenoe C. ) Wroth has always felt that the illustrations in our manuscript were by Champlain himself, although the handwriting is not." For further comment on one of the illustrations,

CHAPMAN, Alvan Wentworth. 1860. Flora of the southern United States. New York, 621 p. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1883; a 3d ed. in Cambridge, Mass., 1897. The Brit. Mus. Cat. cites a New York ed. of 1865, (a reissue of the 1st ed.), with the author's name given as Alvin. Covers the area from Tennessee to Florida. CHAPMAN, Frank Michler. 1914. "A naturalist's journey around Veracruz and Tampico." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 25: 532-562, illus.) Description of explorations from sea level to timber line; the emnhasis is on birds, but there are references to plants seen as well. CHAPMAN, Homer Dwight. See WEBBER, Herbert John, and Leon Dexter BATCHELOR, 1943-1948. 199


CHAPMAN CHAPMAN, P. R„ and Margaret J. MARTIN. 1957. "Opuntia microdasys." (Natl. Cact. Succ Jour. 1 2 ( 4 ) : 88, illus.) With a description of 2 vars., albispina and rufida. 1958. "Opuntia (Cylindropuntia) imbricata." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 1 ) : 2, illus.) With a brief description. 1958a. "Opuntia phaeacantha." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 4 ) : 68, illus.) With a brief description. CHAPMAN, Valentine Jackson. 1960. Salt marshes and, salt deserts of the world. London and New York. 392 p., illus. On p. 334, there is a brief mention of Lake Texcoco in Mexico. CHAPMAN, William E. See BELL, P. L „ 1923. CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE, Jean. See also ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio (ca. 1770); BARRAS y ARAGON, Francisco de las, 1944. 1772. A voyage to California. London, 1778, 215 p., map. Trans, from the French original, Voyage en Californie, publ. in Paris, 1772. Cited by Diaz Mercado under Cassini, who was the publisher. Account of a trip through Mexico in 1768, from Veracruz to California, with references to the natural history and discussion of specimens sent to France. Included is a translation of Alzate's letter ( q.v. ) to the Académie de Sciences, Paris. For a discussion of Chappe's work, see Barras y Aragon, 1944. CHARBONNIER, Theodore. 1868. Recherches pour servir a l'histoire botanique, chimique, et physiologique de l'Argemone du Mexique. Paris, 38 p.—DAFM. An extract, prepared by A. B. (A. Bussy?), and with an intro. letter by him, was publ. in the (Jour. Pharm. Chim. V, 7: 348358, 1868 and repr. under the title "El chicalote," in Naturaleza 3: 292-299, 1875). History, botanical characters, comparison with other oleaginous plants, and chemistry. CHARDON, Carlos Eugenio. See STAHL, Agustin, 1833-1888. 1949. Los naturalistas en la America Latina. Ciudad Trujillo, 386 p., 27 pl., bibl. Only part I has been published to date, with general information on the naturalists of the 16th to 18th centuries. Special attention is given to Humboldt, Bonpland, Darwin, and the naturalists of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola. CHARDON de COURCELLES, E. See GEOFFROY, Etienne François, 1741. CHARENCY, Charles Felix Hyacinthe Gouhier, comte de. 1876. Mélanges sur différentes idiomes de la Nouvelle Espagne. Paris, 31 p. - PU-Mu. Contains a fragment of a vocabulaire Chiapaneque and a fragment of a vocabulaire Cakgi. 1884. Vocabulaire Francais-Maya. Alençon, 87 p. From volume 13, Actes de la Société Philologique. 1885. Vocabulaire de la langue Tzotzil. Caen, 41 p.—NN. From (Mem. Acad. Nat. Sei. Arts Belles Lett. Caen 1885 : 251-289). A Spanish-Tzotzil vocabulary from a ms. of Manuel Hidalgo; a companion work, entitled Vocabulario Tzotzil-Espanol was published in Orleans, 27 p., n.d.—NN. CHARGOY M„ Jorge. See MONROY PADILLA, Salvador, n.d. CHARLES, William N. See EPLING, Carl, 1939. CHARLIER, A. 1905-1906. "Contribution a l'étude anatomique des plantes â gutta percha et d'autres Sapotacées." (Jour. Bot. 19: 127-181, 198233, 1905; 20: 22-77, illus., bibl., 1906.) Study of about 40 species in 11 genera. CHARLOT, Ch. See L E C O M T E , Henri, and CHARLOT, 1901. CHARNAY, Claude Joseph Desire. See Francisco, 1900; VARIOUS, 1884.



1862. "Un voyage a u Yucatan 1860." (Tour Monde 5: 337-352, illus., map.) With references to plants used as food. 1863. Cités et mines Américaines. Paris, 543 p.—NN. In two parts: "Antiquités Américaines," by Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, pp. 1-104, and "Le Mexique 1858-1861, souvenirs et impressions de voyage," pp. 107-540, by Charnay. First part, trans, from the French by José Guzmán as Ciudades y ruinas Americanas, was publ. in México, 64 p., 1866. Second part was publ. separately, in Paris, 439 p., 1863. An extract from Charnay's work was publ. in (Ateneo (Chiapas) 4: 97-116, 1952, 5: 45-65, 1954, 6: 123-148, 1956) with illus. by Héctor Ventura Cruz, trans, by Andrés Fábregas Roca, and an intro. note by Eduardo J. Albores. Charnay's work contains numerous references to plants, particularly in the section on Oaxaca. T h e 1952-1956 version covers 3 areas, the first installment Palenque, the second Tumbalá, and the last San Cristobal. 1881. "Sur les couches ligneuses dans les arbres de Palenque au Mexique." (Bibl. Univ. Genève, III, 8: 269-270, 1882.) From an article entitled "De l'âge probable et de l'origine des monuments du Mexique et de l'Amérique Centrale" (Bull. Soc. Geog. Paris, VII, 2: 369-386, 1881). Signed Charney. Report of annual rings (over 200) in trees no more than 22 years old (grown since he cleared the land on an earlier trip). 1881a. "Mes découvertes au Mexique et dans l'Amérique de Centre." (Tour Monde 42: 273-336, illus., map.) Mainly for areas close to Mexico, but includes a trip to Comalcalco in Tabasco, and to Palenque. 1884. "Voyage au Yucatan et au pays des Lacandons 1882." (Tour Monde 47: 1-96, illus., maps and 48: 33-38. ) - N N . Occasional references to plants, including a large "flor de pato" ( Aristolochia? ). Report is incomplete and ends in Oaxaca. 1885. Les anciennes villes du Nouveau Monde. Paris, 464 p., 214 illus., 19 maps. An English trans, by J. Gonino and Helen J. Conant, The ancient cities of the New World, was publ. in New York and London, 514 p., 1887. With references to plants in the text and illustrations; emphasis is mainly on the states of México, Yucatán, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Campeche. 1887. "Ma dernière expedition au Yucatan." (Tour Monde 53 : 273320, illus.) Trans, and annotated by Francisco Cantón Rosado as Viaje a Yucatan a fines de 1886 and publ. in Mérida, 1888. 235 p. A second ed. of this was publ. in Mérida, 1933, 74 p. With scattered references to plants, mainly those used for food. 1890. A travers les forêts vierges. Paris, 391 p. Story of travels in the Selva Lacandona; very interesting, with many references to plants. CHARPENTIER, Paul. 1902. Timber. London, 437 p., 178 illus. Trans, from the French by Joseph Kennell. Mexico is omitted, but many of the trees described are found in Mexico. CHARRASSE (sic). 1885. "Essai d'une étude sur l'oleo resine de copahu." Thesis, Ecole. Sup. Pharm. Montpéllier, 51 p.—DNLM. With a section on the botany, and distribution, of "les arbres à copahu," mainly Copaifera officinalis. CHARTRES, Major. See BURKART, Joseph, 1836. CHASE, Agnes. See also ABBOTT, Charles Greely, 1931; HITCHCOCK, A. S., and CHASE, 1910; 1915; 1920; HITCHCOCK, Albert Spear, 1935; MILLSPAUGH, Charles Frederick, 1900; NILES, Cornelia D., 1925; VARIOUS, 1902-in progress 1906-1911. "Notes on genera of Paniceae." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 19: 183-192, illus., 1906; 21: 175-188, 1908; 24: 103-160, 1911.) Excerpts appeared in (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 4: 2930, 1907; 9: 38-40, 1910 and 13: 180-188, 1914) under the title "Panicearum genera ac species aliter disposita." The first part is a study of 5 genera including Leptocoryphium, with L.lanatum (based on Paspalum lanatum H. B. K.) and Leptoloma n. g. with L. cognata, both the above from Mexico. The next section is on the Olyreae with O. yucatana;







the third part contains a synopsis giving special attention to North American genera. Included is a key to genera, with notes on genera and selected species, and descriptions of some new species. "The North American species of Pennisetum." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 2 ( 4 ) : 209-234, illus.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. P. prolificum is described as a new species from Mexico. "The North American species of Paspalum." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 2 8 ( 1 ) : 1-310.) Reviews the history and limitation of the genus, economic importance, provides keys to species and groups and descriptions, with a figure for each species and subspecies showing inflorescence, spikelet, and fruit. An index is given to the numbered specimens of the more important collectors cited; of 140 species, 10 are described from Mexico. "New species of Paspalum from tropical America." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Set. 27: 143-146.) Mexican material includes Paspalum hintoni from the state of Mexico. "The carpet grasses." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Set. 28: 178-182.) General discussion with a description of a new species Axonopus affinis, which extends into Mexico.

CHAUMETON, Francois Pierre, J. L. M. POIRET, and J. B. J. A. C. Tyrbas de CHAMBERET. 1814-1820. Flore médicale. Paris, 1828-1832, 6 vols. Illus. by Mme. E. Panckoucki and P. J. F. Turpin.-PPAN. First ed. 1814-1820. Description of 301 plants listed alphabetically by French common names, with illustration of each, uses, scientific names, and common names in various languages. Last volume of the first edition is a group of special essays by Poiret and Turpin; at the end of some descriptions of plants there are lists of references to dissertations. CHAUMONT, G. Vauchaussade CHAUMONT, G.



See BEAUMONT, Pablo de la Purísima Concepción.

CHAUVETON, Urbain. See BENZONI, Girolamo, 1565. CHAVANNE, Josef. 1877. "Pflanzen und thierleben im tropischen urwalde Amerika's" (sie). (Schrift Ver. Verbr. Naturw. Kennt. 17: 627-661.) Based on travels in the Caribbean, and in Mexico from Veracruz to Tehuantepec. Forest vegetation is discussed in general terms with plants referred to mainly by families, though some genera and species are mentioned.

CHASE, Stuart, and Marian TYLER. 1931. Mexico: A study of two Americas. New York, 338 p., bibl.; illus. by Diego Rivera. Only scattered references to plants.

CHAVANNES, Edouard. 1833. Monographie des Antirrhinées. Paris, 190 p., 11 pl.—PPAN. History, morphology, physiology, distribution, and taxonomy, with a conspectus generum and a tabula synoptica specierum, descriptions and uses. Lophospermum and Maurandia are cited from Mexico: the plates illustrate the first genus and two of the three Maurandia species cited from Mexico.

CHASE, Virginius Heber. 1953. "The second Hoogstraal biological expedition to Mexico 1939." (Asa Gray Bull. n.s. 2 ( 4 ) : 399-414.) Description of a trip, with a list of collecting localities.

CHAVARRI, Ramón G. 1905. "La nueva farmacopèa Mexicana." (Farmacia 14: 182-186.) Referring to the edition of 1904.

CHASTENET DESTERE, Gabriel. 1800. La science du cultivateur Américain. Paris, 363 p.—NN. With chapters on sugar, coffee, indigo, cacao, cotton, and tobacco (with special attention to Santo Domingo); a little on the history of each plant.

CHAVARRIA BONEQUI, Maria de Lourdes. 1950. "Posibilidades de utilización del aceite de Jatropha curcas L." México, 49 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. Calls it Garcia nutans, and classifies it as Jatropha.

CHASTTLLON, Louis Claude de. See DODART, Denis, 1676. CHATEAU, Robert. 1955. "Note sur l'anatomie florale et la répartition des sexes sur les pieds du papayer commun." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 62: 136-142, 3 figs.) A discussion of the various floral types present, and a study of the methods for controlling the sex in Carica papaya, through artificial pollination. GAZET du


CHAUVEL, Fr. 1903. "Recherches sur la famille des Oxalidacées." Paris, 205 p., illus., bibl. Thesis Univ. Paris. Includes history, geographic distribution, comparative histology, a study of some related genera and species, and a discussion of useful species of Oxalis.

CHASE, Agnes, and Cornelia D. NILES. 1962. Index to grass species. Boston, 3 vols. Covering the entire world.

CHATELIER, Gérard Gazet du. See Gérard.

de. See

CHAVERO, Alfred. See ALVA IXTLILXOCHITL, Fernando de, 1600-1616; DURAN, Diego (1579-1581). ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905; MUÑOZ CAMARGO, Diego (16th cent.); PEREZ y HERNANDEZ, José Maria, 1874-1875. CHA VERT, Jean Louis. See CHABERT, Jean Louis. CHAVES, Gabriel de. See also CANTU TREVINO, Sara, 1953. (1579.) "Rapport sur la province de Meztitlán (Huasteca)." In Voyages, Relations et Mémoires, pubi, by Ternaux Compans, vol. 16: 293-331, 1840. The original was written in 1579. It was printed in Spanish as "Relación de la Provincia de Meztitlán," in Col. Doc. Ined. Descub. Conq. Org. Antig. Pos. Esp. Amer., ed. by Luís Torres de Mendoza, 4: 530-555, 1865. The Relación is cited as from the Colección de Muñoz, vol. 39. It was also pubi, in (Bol. Mus. Nac. Méx. IV, 2: 109-120, 1924). One of the typical 16th century "relaciones," with the usual data on plant life.


CHATHAM, K. H. 1952. "Cyrtopodiums are showy." (Orch. Jour. 1 ( 9 ) : 336-337, illus.) C. punctatum is cited from Mexico. CHATIN, Adolphe (Gaspard Adolphe). 1856. "Mémoire sur la famille des Tropeolées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 5: 283-322, illus.) Morphology, anatomy, uses, geographical distribution, and relationships. 1856a. "Mémoire sur les Limnanthées et les Coriariées." (Ann. Sci. Nat., IV, 6: 247-275, illus.) Discussion of their morphology, medicinal uses, and systematics; includes both groups in the "Coriaraceae vel Coriarineae."

CHAVEZ, Adolfo. 1926. "La caña de azúcar." Cd. Juárez, 59 p. Thesis EPA. On Saccharum. CHAVEZ, Amando Manilla. See MANILLA CHAVEZ, Amando. CHAVEZ, Eduardo. See also MENDOZA VARGAS, Leandro, 1916; RUIZ ERDOZAIN, Ernesto, 1914. 1912. "El cultivo del frijol." (Méx. Agr. 2 ( 9 ) : 177-179.) On Phaseolus. 1912a. Las mejores naranjas, limas, y limones. México, 72 p., 46 figs., (Bol. No. 67, Est. Agr. Centr.) Pubi, by the Sria. Fom., Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. With a detailed botanical review of Citrus, including descriptions of species and varieties.

CHATTAWAY, Mary Margaret. See also CHALK, L., and CHATTAWAY, 1937; METCALFE, Charles Russell, and CHALK, 1950; RECORD, Samuel J., and CHATTAWAY, 1939 1932. "The wood of the Sterculiaceae." (New Phytol. 3 1 ( 2 ) : 119132, 2 pi.) Discusses the specialization of the vertical wood parenchyma within the subfamily Sterculieae; genera and species are divided into 3 groups. 201

CHAVEZ CHAVEZ-continued 1913. "Cultivo del maiz." (Bol.#74, Est. Agr. Cent. México, 316 p., illus.)—DA. History, classification (according to Heuze and Sturtevant), varieties cultivated in Mexico, culture, chemical composition, and uses. CHAVEZ, Ezequiel Adeodato. (1923.) Curso de geografía elemental de la República Mexicana. París, 146 p., illus. incl. maps. First ed., 1909?-NN. Textbook, with a section on agricultural products. 1937. "EI Dr. Nicolas León —su vida y su obra." (Universidad (Méx.) 4 ( 1 7 ) : 7-13). Repr. in (An. Mus. Michoacán II, 1: 2135, 1939). CHAVEZ, Gabriel de. See CHAVES, Gabriel de. CHAVEZ, Ignacio. 1947. México en la cultura médica. México, 187 p., illus. An extract from this was publ. in (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 2 4 ) : 61 p.), as "Medicina botánica de los Aztecas." With a chapter on pre-Cortesian medicine which refers to medicinal plants; also a chapter on colonial medicine, which cites many publications in which there are references to medicinal plants. CHAVEZ, Jesús. 1882. Ligero estudio sobre la gobernadora de México. México, 16 p. Repr. in Monog. Méx. in (Estudio 3 (App.): 3-7, 1890). With some botanical data, but the emphasis is on the chemistry of Zygophyllum fabago L. CHAVEZ, Raymundo Tafoya. See TAFOYA CHAVEZ, Raymundo. CHAVEZ, Salvador Aguirre. See AGUIRRE CHAVEZ, Salvador. CHAVEZ, Tobias. 1943. Notas para la bibliografía de las obras editadas ó patrocinadas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, 260 p. Mostly a listing of theses for the period 1937-1942. CHAVEZ, Ysidoro E. 1894. Breve estudio sobre la calzadilla ó cola de zorra. Guanajuato, 1894, 18 p., 1 pl. Repr. in (Farmacia 8: 111-121, 1899). Separate was seen in the Bibliot. M. Martinez. Pharmaceutical study of Perezia thurberi Gray. León states that "algunos ejemplares tienen fotografía que representa la planta en florescencia." CHAVEZ ARIAS, Carlos. See SANCHEZ MEJORADA, Hernando, and CHAVEZ ARIAS, 1953; 1953a. CHAVEZ FRANCO, Ignacio. See ORNELAS, Julio, and CHAVEZ FRANCO, 1925. CHAVEZ GUZMAN, María Dolores. 1953. "Posibilidades de utilización de xerofitas Mexicanas." Inst. Méx. Invest. Tecn. México, 65 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Opuntia megacantha, Pachtjcereus marginatus, and Agave atrovirens. CHAVEZ HUACUJA, Marina. 1945. "Estudio sobre el frijol soya." Guadalajara, 53 p. Thesis UNAM. On Glycine max. CHAVEZ OROZCO, J. 1934. "Diferenciación de las fibras duras." (Rev. Indust. 2 ( 4 ) : 638639.) Key to distinguish fibers of lechuguilla, maguey, henequén, and ixtle de palma. CHAVEZ OROZCO, Luis. See also CERVANTES, Vicente, 1794. n.d. "El cultivo del café en México — sus orígenes." México, 28 mimeog. p. Publ. by the Banco Nac. Créd. Agr. Méx. Based on various documents of 1810. 1954. "Alzate y la agronomía de la Nueva España." (Publ. Banco Nac. Cred. Agr. Gan., México, No. 7, 33 mimeo. p., map.) Compilation, with notes, of quotes taken from the works of Alzate. 1956. "El cultivo de la vid en la Nueva España." México, 55 typed p. (Publ. Banco Nac. Cred. Agr. México No. 17.) An historical sketch, with the documents appended.

CHEVALIER CHAVIRA, Miguel Fuentes. See FUENTES CHAVIRA, Miguel. CHAY, Dionisio. See ANONYMOUS, 1797. CHAZARI, Esteban. 1873. "Apuntes sobre el añil indígena. México, 21 p. Mainly on the culture and preparation, with distribution and common names. CHAZARI, E„ and Gustavo RUIZ SANDOVAL. 1880. "Experiencias químicas y apuntes sobre el Simaba cedrón (Planchón)." (Gao. Méd. Méx. 15: 100-106.) Repr. in Farmacia 2 ( 1 0 ) : 169-177, 1892). Introduced into southern Mexico as a remedy for snake bite. (CHAZARO, M. M.) 1881. "Calendario botánico de Tlacotalpam, Veracruz." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 6(64/76/77.) Publ. anonymously. CHEADLE, Vernon Irvin, and John M. RUCKER. 1959. "Vessels and phylogeny of Monocotyledoneae." (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 67. ) With particular emphasis on the Gramineae, Butomaceae and Alismataceae, Liliaceae, and Commelinales. CHEESMAN, E. E. See also BEARD, J. S., 1944; WILLIAMS, Robert Orchard, and CHEESMAN, 1928-1947. 1927. "Fertilization and embryogeny in Theobroma cacao L." (Ann. Bot. 41: 107-126, illus.) 1932. The economic botany of cacao. Trinidad, 16 p., bibl.; Suppl. to Trop. Agr., June 1932. "A critical survey of the literature to the end of 1930." 1938. "Recent botanical researches in cacao." (Empire Jour. Exp. Agr. 6 ( 2 3 ) : 219-224; repr. in Trop Agr. 16: 4-7, 1939.) Includes a discussion of the nomenclatorial problems in connection with Theobroma leiocarpa. 1944. "Notes on the nomenclature, classification, and possible relationships of cacao populations." (Trop. Agr. 2 1 ( 8 ) : 144-159, map. ) Classifying them into 2 main groups: criollo and forastero, and placing Mexican species in the Central American criollo groups. There is a review of the history of the names, and descriptions of different types. The author rejects the names Theobroma pentagono and Th. leiocarpa. CHELUS, D. de.

See QUELUS, D. de.

CHENEY, Ralph Holt. 1925 Coffee. New York, i-xvii, 244 p., 77 pl. A monograph reviewing the discovery, ethnology, botany, cultivation, and chemistry of coffee. There is a reference to the introduction of coffee into Mexico, a description of the varieties raised in Mexico, a discussion of plantation methods used in Mexico, and some figures on production there. There is also a key to the economic species of coffee, with the emphasis on Coffea arabica. 1931 "Geographic and taxonomic distribution of American plant arrow poisons." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 1 8 ( 2 ) : 136-145, 3 maps.) Table of genera, arranged systematically with scientific and common names, geographic distribution, part of plant used, alkaloids present, and irritant properties. CHERDMAN CASCON, Seiva, and Walter B. 1958. "Os glucosideos da Asclepias curassavica pastagens Brasileiras." (Arq. Jard. Bot. 101-116, illus.) The aerial parts contain glucosides of

MORS. L. planta toxica das Rio de Janerio 16: the Digitalis type.

CHE RIAN, M. C., and S. RAMACHANDRAN. 1941. "Kernels of Thevetia neriifolia Juss." (Curr. Sci. (India) 10: 42.) Described as a "potent insecticide," after tests on caterpillars, aphids, tingids, and psillids. CHERLER, Johann Heinrich. See BAUHIN, Johann, 1650-1651. CHERVIN, Abraham Cukier. See CUKIER CHERVIN, Abraham. CHESTER, K. Starr. See VAVILOV, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1949-1950. CHEVALIER, Auguste. See also CLAUDE, Daniel, 1927; COLLINS, G. N., 1921; DIGUET, Léon, 1928; HAUDRICOURT, André



G., and HEDIN, 1943; KOPP, Andre, 1929; YOUNG, Robert Armstrong, 1924. 1900-1902. "Monographie des Myricacées." (Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. Math. Cherbourg 32: 85-340, 20 figs., 8 pl., map.) Covers history, morphology, taxonomy, with the keys to genera and species, descriptions, and geographic distribution. Mexican species include Gale hartwegi Watson, Myrica mexicana Willd. with its var. fastuosa, M. lindeniana DC., and M. parvifolia Benth. and its var. confusa (locality for the latter needs verification). 1921. "Le chenopode à essence vermifuge ou thé du Mexique." (Bull. Sci. Pharm. 2 8 ( 3 ) : 129-145.) Résumé in (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 68: 356-357). A trans., by J. A. Durân, entitled "El epazote como esencia vermifuga o té de México", was publ. in (Crôn. M éd. M ex. 25: 142-149, 1926). Classification, description, distribution, and uses of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 1927. Les origines du tabac. Paris, 21 p.—DA. "Et les debuts de sa culture dans le monde." A brief historical study, and equally brief classification into 4 sections; with notes on the culture and the use of tobacco among the Indians. 1929. "L'origine, botanique, et l'amélioration des Arachides cultivées." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 9: 97-102, 190-197.) "Essai d'une classification systématique." 1929a. Les caféiers du globe. Paris, 196 p., 32 figs. (Encycl. Biol. No. 5.) This is Fascicle 1: "généralités sur les caféiers," covering the origin, botany, early culture, and bibliography. Parts 2 and 3, on culture, uses, trade, etc. were not seen. 1933-1934. "Monographie de l'arachide." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 13: 689789, illus.; 14: 565-632, 709-755, 833-864, 1934.) Includes taxonomy, relationships, common names, distribution, uses, history, key to species with descriptions, anatomy, physiology, diseases, insect pests, ecology, and production in different countries. A final section (16: 673-872, 1936), refers to the plant in Senegal. 1936. "Ce que l'Amérique a donné à l'Ancien Monde." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 16: 348-364, 417-441). One section is on the French explorers in America and naturalists; others are on cultivated plants originating in America, divided mainly according to uses. 1939. "Les éspèces de Solarium cultivées venues du Nouveau Monde: les origines et les résultats de leur culture." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 19: 825-835.) Classified as "groupe de la pomme de terre, groupe Lycopersicum, groupe des Aubergines, groupe des morelles, groupe des pommes de loup, groupe des narangitas et des pepinos," etc. 1946. "La systématique du genre Vanilla." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 26: 107-111.) With a key to 3 species, and their distribution. 1946a. "Revision du genre Theobroma d'après 1' herbier du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris." (Rev. Bot. Appl. 26: 265-285, illus.) 1948. "Genèse et origine géographique des Arachides cultivées. ' (Rev. Bot. Appl. Agr. Trop. 28: 514-519, bibl.) With additional material taken mainly from work of A. J. T. Mendes.

1948(?) Plantes bulbeuses et tubéreuses. Liège, 319 p., illus., bibl. Another ed. was publ. in 1949, 348 p. Plants are listed alphabetically by scientific name, with description and sources; emphasis is on the culture. CHEVALIER, François. See VARIOUS, 1958a.

ARREGUI, D. L. de (17th cent.);

CHEVALIER, Jean Baptiste Alphonse, et A. RICHARD. 1827. Dictionnaire des drogues. Paris, 5 vols., illus.—PPC. CHEVALIER, Michel. See also ANONYMOUS, 1864c. 1845. "De la civilisation Mexicaine avant Fernand Cortez." (Rev. Deux Mondes, V, 9: 965-1020). Extract printed in (Das Ausland, beginning No. 114 : 453 to No. 135: 539, 1845). Based on Prescott, and collection of American documents published by M. Ternaux Compans. Section entitled "Des arts et des sciences chez les Mexicains" includes a discussion of agriculture and useful plants. The part on plants in the German version is called "Gartenbau und blumenzucht." 1863. Le Mexique ancien et moderne. Paris, 622 p. Second ed., 1864. Gardiner cites an English trans, by Thomas Alpass, Mexico ancient and modern, London, 2 vols., 1864; also an Italian ed., II Messico, Milano, 1864. Discusses agriculture and gardens among ancient Mexicans and the resources of Mexico of his day. CHEVERAU, Yannick Yannick.





CHEVREUL, M. 1811. "Recherches chimiques sur le bois de Campeche et sur la nature de son principe colorant." (Ann. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 17: 280-307.) Chemical analysis of the wood and its extract. CHICO, Mariano. 1844. "La industria y la agricultura en 1844." ( Bol. Soc. Hist. Geog. Estad. Aguascalientes 1 ( 7 ) : 11-15, 1935.) Reproduction of a document of 1844; the first section refers to cultivated plants, in the state of Aguascalientes. CHIDESTER, C. H. See SCHAFER, E. R., and CHIDESTER, 1961. CHIKHACHEV, Petr Aleksandrovich. See GRISEBACH, August 1872. CHILTON, John 1565-1585? "Travels in Mexico." In Voyages and Travels, an English garner. New York, 1903, 2: 263-280. Taken from An English garner by Arber, 1877-1890, 8 vols, which, in turn, was taken from Hakluyt's Principal voyages, 1598-1600, 2d ed. A Spanish trans, was publ. by Joaquín Garcia Icazbalceta in "Documentos históricos" (Bol. Soc. Geog. Est., II, 1: 446-456, 1869. An account of travels from 1568 to 1585, with comments on the Agave, and brief references to other plants. CHIMALPOPOCA, Luis Alvarez. See ALVAREZ CHIMALPOPOCA, Luis. CHIMALPOPOCA GALICIA, Faustino. See also BUSCHMANN, Johann Carl Eduard, 1852; ANONYMOUS (16th cent.). 1850ca. Breve vocabulario. México, 41 p.; ed. by Vargas Rea. "De nombres Nahoas usados en el Departamento de Tuzpan, Veracruz." In 3 columns: as written, as spoken, and the meaning. The original date for the work is not given. It was probably in the 1850's. 1859. "Matlaltzingo y Mexicano." México, ms. 7 p.—LNHT. Etymological analysis of numerous place names in Mexico and Guatemala. CHIMAY, Marcos de. See REJON GARCIA, Manuel, 1905.

CHEVALIER, Charles. 1935. "Les Broméliacées - Aechméinées." ( Bull. Soc. Natl. Hort. France VI, 2: 190-208: repr. in Arch. Inst. Bot. Univ. Liège 12: 1-19, 1935.) A synopsis of 15 genera, with descriptions of genera and species; original habitats are not indicated.

CHIOCCO, Andrea. See CERUTO, Benedicto, and CHIOCCO, 1622. CHIOVENDA, Emilio. 1921. "La culla del coco." (Webbia 5 ( 1 ) : 199-294; ( 2 ) : 359-449, 1923.) "Contributo alla ricerca della patria originaria della palma del cocco"; an unusually detailed study using the ideas of earlier students of the problem, followed by arguments from the fields of botany, geology, paleontology, ethnology, and

1938. "Les Bégonias. Liège, 416 p., 93 pl. 114 fig. Botany, morphology, history, geographic distribution, classifications (with a key to cultivated species and hybrids), culture, and description of species divided as Bégonias tubéreux, Bégonias socotrana, Bégonias rhizomateux, and Bégonias caulescents.




CHIOVENDA—continued history. The section "notizie sulla presenza del cocco del Nuevo Mondo" includes reports from Columbus, Fernández de Oviedo, Piso, Hernández, Rochefort, and Du Tertre, and decides that the plant is not native in America.

Batatas edulis, Ipomoea sidaefolia, and a conspectus generum, with descriptions of genera and species. 1839. "De Convolvulaceis." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 8: 43-86, 3 pi.) Dissertano secunda, describing new species in many genera. Mexican species include Batatas jalapa, Exogonium spicatum, E. eriospermum, Jacquemontia hirsuta, and Evolvulus acapulcensis. 1841-1842. "De Convolvulaceis - dissertatio tertia." ( Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 9: 261-288, 5 pi. A study of Cuscuta covering morphology, distribution, and description of species. Mexican ones include C. inclusa, C. indecora, C. floribunda, C. stylosa, and C. umbellata. 1849. "Considerations sur la familie des Nyctaginées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 12: 161-168, 1 pi.) Refers to two new genera from Mexico: Nyctaginia and Quamoclidion; a drawing of the first is from Sessé and Mociño. 1855. "Memoire sur les families des Ternstroemiacées et Camelliacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 1 4 ( 1 ) : 91-186, 3 pi.). Includes description of the following species from Mexico: Ternstroemia sylvatica, T. tepezapote Cham, et Schl. (suggests it may be T. dentata), Cleyera integrifolia, C. siphilitica, C. serrulata, and Saurauja (several species formerly described). An etymological table for the names of the genera in both families is included.

CHISHOLM, A. T. See KARPER, R. E., and CHISHOLM, 1936. CHISOLM, Frederic. See PEDROSO, A., 1910. CHITTENDEN, Frederick James. See also NICHOLSON, George, ed. (1884-1887). 1898. "The protective devices of succulents." ( Cact. Jour. 1 ( 1 ) : 3-4.) Popular article. 1898a. "The structure of Cereus." (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 6 ) : 82-83, illus.) CHOAY, Eugene, 1905. See also GILBERT, A., and P. CARNOT, 1905; PERROT, Em, et al, 1905. 1905. "Etude pharmacologique des feuilles du Cecropia obtusa Trécul." (Bull. Sci. Pharm. 11: 75-84.) See also Perrot, 1905, and A. Gilbert and P. Carnot, 1905. CHODAT, Robert. See also LOESENER, Th., 1910-1922. 1891. "Sur la distribution et l'origine de l'éspèce et des groupes chez les Polygalacées." (Bibl. Univ. Genève (Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat.) Ili, 25: 695-714, 1891.) With keys to sections, subsections, listing of typical species for each subsection, and distributional data. This is a preliminary summary of data which appeared later in Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève, q.v. 1891-1893. "Monographia Polygalacearum." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève Vol. Suppl. 1890 ( 7 ) : 1-143, 12 pi., 1891; 31: i-xii, 1-500, illus., 1893.) The first part considers anatomy, physiology, distribution, affinities, and uses; also classification, with a key to genera. The second part completes the systematic section, with a conspectus of sections, and descriptions of species with habitat. New species are included from Mexico.

CHOLES, H. J. See VARIOUS, 1911. CHOMEL, Pierre Jean Baptiste. 1712. Abregée de l'histoire des plantes usuelles. Paris, 1782, 650 p. First ed., 1712. Plants are listed according to diseases in which they are used, with descriptions, and country of origin. Many Mexican plants are included. CHOPRA, I. C. See VARIOUS, 1960.

1893-1896. "Polygalaceae novae vel parum cognitae." (Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1: 354-357, 1893; 3: 121-135, 539-549,1895; 4: 898912, 1896.) With descriptions of the following taxa from Mexico: Polygala apopetala Brand, and P. desertorum Brand., both from Baja California; P. barbeyana, P. alba var. alcalina, n. var., P. albowiana n.sp., Securidaca myrtifolia n.sp., and a discussion of P. michoacana Rob. and Seat., which is cited as equivalent to P. scoparla H.B.K. 1896. "Conspectus systematicus generis Monninae." (Bull Hist. Boiss. 4: 243-253.) Includes a description of M. subserrata n.sp. from Mexico. 1914-1915. "Polygalaceae novae." (Bot. Jahrb. 52, Beibl. 115: 7085.) New Mexican species include: P. glanduloso-pilosum, P. brandegeeanum, P. oaxacanum, P. sphaerocephalum, and P. pterocaryum.

CHOPRA, R. N. et al. 1939. "The experimental production of syndrome of epidemic dropsy in man." (Indian Med. Gaz. 74: 193-195.) On the effects of the oil of Argemone as an adulterant in mustard oil. CHOPRA, R. N., and K. S. RAL. 1958. "Response of ovules of Argemone mexicana L. to colchicine treatment in vivo." (Phytomorphology 8( 1 / 2 ) : 107-113, illus.) CHOVEL, Rafael. See BERLANDIER, Luis, 1850; TERAN, n.d. CHRETIEN, P. See RILEY, Charles V., 1891. CHRISTENSEN, Bodil. 1942. "Notas sobre la fabricación del papel indígena." (Rev. Méx. Est. Antrop. 6 ( 1 / 2 ) : 109-124, illus., map.) With discussion of the plants used. 1946. "La fabricación del papel entre los Aztecas y los Mayas." (Cuad. Amer. 1 9 4 6 ( 2 ) : 216-221). Resume of von Hagen's book, q.v. 1946a. "Indian paper and witchcraft." (Esta Sem., June 22, p. 3436; June 29, p. 34-36.) 1953. "La pesca entre los Otomies de San Pablito, Pue." (Yan No. 2: 87-88, illus.)

CHOISY, Jacques Denis. See also COLLA, Luigi, 1840. 1823. "Memoire sur un nouveau genre de Guttifères." (Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris n.s. 1: 210-232. 2 pi.) "Et sur l'arrangement methodique de cette familie." With a "conspectus generum ordinis Guttiferarum," divided into 4 sections and 21 genera. A new genus Micranthera is described. A description of Mammea emarginata Moc. et Sessé from Mexico is included. 1833. "Description des Hydroléaeées." ( Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 6: 95-122, 3 pi.; also in Ann Sci. Nat. 30: 225-250, illus., 1833.) With a discussion of various genera, their distribution, and affinities. The following new species are described from Mexico: Noma rupicola herb. Bonpl. mss., N. undulata, N. dichotoma, N. origanifolia, N. longiflora, Hijdrolea zeylanica, H. glabra, Wigandia kunthii, and W. scorpioides. 1833a. "Convolvulaceae Orientales." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 6: 383-502, 6 pi. Includes descriptions of the following species from Mexico:

With reference to plants used. CHRISTENSEN, Emma. 1923. Liv og dd—fortaellinger fra Mexico. Kjtfbenhavn, 192 p. Scattered references to fruits and other foods. CHRISTENSEN, Gottlieb Friedrich. See LINNE, Carl v., 1735a. CHRISTENSEN, Valdemar. 1912. "Un Agave superior al henequen." (Bol. 491-493. ) El zapupe Vincent.

Soc. Agr. Mex. 36,

CHRISTERNA, Jesús. See MENDIETA y NUNEZ, Lucio et al, 1949. 204

CHRISTOFF CHRISTOFF, M. 1928. "Cytological studies in the genus Nicotiana." 233-269, illus.) A study of 19 species.



CHRISTY, Henry. 1856. "Mexican botany." (Jour. Bot. 8: 283-284.) Extract from a letter mentions Schaffner in Orizaba and his collections. CHRISTY, Thomas. Í878-1889. New commercial plants and drugs. London, illus.; consists of 11 sections with varying numbers of pages. One library (MBHo) reports 12 sections, ending 1897. With directions for growing the plants. Mexican plants are included in fiber plants, rubber sources, tanning materials, etc. CHUM, C. L. See SCHWARZ, F., 1940. CHURCHILL, James Morse. CHURCHILL, 1831.





CICERO, Ricardo E. See also GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1901; VARIOUS, 1895-1908. CICERO, R. E. (signed R. E. C.), and A. L. HERRERA. 1890. "La Aristolochia mexicana." (Estudio 3 ( 2 5 ) : 385-386.) A French version, by Henri Bocquillon-Limousin, was publ. in Paris, 1893, on p. 8-9 of a work entitled Travaux publiés par El Estudio, ed. Française (Travaux de matière médicale et de botanique pure) sections 1 and 2, deuxième fascicule. Bocquillon assigns the work to Herrera. Description and distribution of tacopatle. CICERO, R. F.., and Alfonso L. HERRERA, (signed R. E. C. and A. L. II.) 1891. "El chicalote." (Estudio 4 ( 1 ) : 23-30.) A French version by Henri Bocquillon-Limousin was publ. in Paris, 1893, on pp. 10-18 of a work entitled Travaux publiés par El Estudio, ed. Française (Travaux de matière médicale et de botanique pure) sections 1 and 2, deuxième fascicule. Bocquillon assigns the work to Altamirano and Herrera. A study of Argemone mexicana, with the emphasis on its medicinal values. CICERO, R. E. 1903. "Breve resumen de las plantas de reputación anti-blenorrágica que constan en la farmacopea Mexicana." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 417-420.) Ten plants, with common and scientific names. CID, Juan de Dios del. See REYES M. J. L., 1960. CID de LEON, Conrado Ruiz. See RUIZ CID de LEON, Conrado. CID ROJAS, Marcial. See VARIOUS, 1960b. CID y BERGMAN, Manuel. 1941. "La resinación de los pinos en México." México, 113 typed p. Thesis ENA. An excerpt was publ. as "La resinación como una industria de porvenir para México," in (Bol. Dir. Gen. For. Méx. 3 ( 2 ) : 21-24, 1942). Descriptions and distribution of "especies resinables." CIENFUEGOS, Waldo. 1912. "Las palmeras de coco." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. part 2, 2 ( 1 2 ) : 974-988. With a description of the fruit structure and the uses made of it.

CLARK 1939. "Elementi per una classificazione sottospecifica del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) coltivato." Tripoli, 6 p., 8th Congr. Intern. Agrie. Trop. Subtrop. Doc. I V - A . (101). Repr. in (Arch Bot. 17: 40-45, 1941). With a key and diagnoses for 2 varieties and 5 varietal hybrids. 1942. "Fondamenti per una classificazione subspecifica della Manihot esculenta Crantz." (Arch. Bot. 18: 27-35.) Grouped in 3 subspecies and 19 varieties. CIFERRI, R., and F. CIFERRI. 1957. "The evolution of cultivated cacao." (Evolution 1 1 ( 4 ) : 381397, illus., maps, diagrams, bibl.) The emphasis is on western Venezuela and part of Columbia as one of two recognized pre-Columbian centers of cacao, the other being Central America and Mexico. A brief section on the taxonomy and nomenclature of cultivated species of Theobroma is included. CIGNOLI, Francisco. 1943. "De como se enriqueció la terapéutica con el descubrimiento de América." (Quím. Farm. 9 ( 6 5 ) : 26-28; ( 6 7 ) : 19-20; ( 6 8 ) : 18-20; ( 6 9 ) : 21-22; ( 7 0 ) : 18-19; ( 7 1 ) : 20-23; and ( 7 2 ) : 20-24). CINCINATO. 1918. "Nuestros frutales." (Henequén 3 ( 5 3 ) : 7-8.) Listed by common names, with their families. 1918a. "Nuestras maderas preciosas y de construcción." (Henequén 3 ( 5 4 ) : 9-10. With common names and uses. 1918b. "El cancerillo ó revienta muías." (Henequén 3 ( 5 7 ) : 4-5). On Asclepias curassavica, with description and uses. CINCINNATUS. See WHEAT, Marvin T. CIPRES, Francisco (listed by Guerra as López). 1880. "Sobre medicamentos astringentes." Morelia, ms., 5 lvs. Thesis; Bibl. Univ. Morelia, Arch. General work, with some reference to Mexican plants. CIRERA, Ramón Pérez. See PEREZ-CIRERA, Ramón. A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. See POINSETT, Joel Robert. CIUDAD REAL, Antonio de la. See MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ, Juan, ed., 1929; SAN JUAN, Alonso de (1584-1589). CLAES, Florent. 1934. "The arracacha." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 95: 236, illus.) Description and culture; the plant is called the Peruvian carrot. CLARK, Alice M. 1944. "Begonia heracleifolia 356-357, 364, illus.)

var. sunderbruchii."


The plant is originally from Mexico. 1945. "Begonia x verschaffeltiana Regel." (Begonian 88, illus.)


12 ( 5 ) : 86-

Description of a hybrid between B. manicata and B. caroliniaefolia, both from Mexico.

CIFERRI, F. See CIFERRI, Rafaele and CIFERRI, F., 1957.

1946. "Begonia incarnata." (Begonian 1 3 ( 2 ) : 30-32, illus.) Brief description of the plant. 1946a. "B. erythrophylla Neum." (Begonian 1 3 ( 3 ) : 59,63, illus.) Description of a cross between B. manicata and B. hydrocotylifolia.

CIFERRI, Rafaele. 1936. "Studio geobotanico dell'isola Hispaniola (Antille)." (Univ. Pavia, Ist. Bot., Atti, IV, 8: 1-336, map, bibl., illus.; with an English summ, and a very brief one in Latin. ) A study mainly of the eastern part of the island, with references to Haiti and Cuba. The emphasis is on associations, their development, composition and relationships; an index of common names of plants, with their scientific equivalents, is provided.

1946b. "Begonia lobulata." (Begonian 1 3 ( 7 ) : 136, illus.) Description of a plant from Chiapas. 1947. "Begonia manicata Brongn., var. aureo-maculata." (Begonian 1 4 ( 3 ) : 51-52.) Description of a plant from Veracruz. 1947a. "Begonia barkeri Knowl. and West." (Begonian 1 4 ( 5 ) : 90, illus.) Describes a plant found in Mexico in 1830, by a Mr. Ross.


CLARK CLARK, Charles F. 1929. "A Solanum hybrid." (/our. Hered. 20: 391-394, illus.) Resulting from a cross between S. fendleri and S. chacoense. CLARK, Charles Upson. See VAZQUEZ de ESPINOSA, Antonio (1630). CLARK, Guy Wendell. See GROFF, G. Weidman, and CLARK, 1928. CLARK, Jacob Allen. 1956. "Collecting, preservation, and utilization of indigenous strains of maize." (Econ. Bot. 1 0 ( 2 ) : 194-200.) On the work of a special committee, one of whose centers for collection is in Mexico. CLARK, James Cooper. See ANONYMOUS (16th cent.) a. CLARK, Josefina Adelaide. 1891. "Systematic and alphabetic index of new species of North American phanerogams and pteridophytes." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 ( 5 ) : 151-188, bibl., 1892; publ in 1891.) Systematic list contains data on distribution of the plants described. CLARK, Joseph K. 1901. "Mexican plantations." (Spice Mill 2 4 ( 6 ) : 178-179). From The Anaconda (Montana) Standard, May 18, 1901. Describes those raising rubber, coffee, vanilla, and tobacco. CLARK, Lorenzo, and Nancy Davis de CLARK. 1960. Popoluca-Castellano; Castellano-Popoluca. illus. As spoken in Sayula, Veracruz.




CLARK, Nancy Davis de. See CLARK, Lorenzo, and Nancy Davis de CLARK, 1960. CLARK, Nathan F. See HEALD, Weldon F „ 1957. CLARK, Robert Brown. 1942. "A revision of the genus Bumelia in the United States." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29: 155-182, map.) With a key to species, distribution, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined; several species range into Mexico. CLARKE, A. B. 1852. Travels in Mexico and California. Boston, 138 p. Photostat reprod. of the original ed. which is in the Huntingdon Library. Journal of a tour through central Mexico, with casual remarks on plants and agriculture. CLARKE, Alfred Ernest. 1934. "The number and morphology of chromosomes in the genus Melilotus." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 1 7 ( 1 5 ) : 435-444, illus.) In general, the results confirm taxonomic groupings made by Seringe. CLARKE, Charles Baron. See also LOESENER, T h , 1894-1923. 1881. "Commelinaceae." In (Monog. Phan. 3: 112-324, 8 pi.) Ed. by Candolle, A. L. P. P. and A. C. P. de, q.v., 1878-1896. 1884. "On Hemicarex Benth., and its allies." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 20: 374-403, 1 pi.) Uncinia mexicana is included. 1895. "On certain authentic Cyperaceae of Linnaeus." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 30: 299-315.) Revision and rectification of the names of certain specimens. 1908. "New genera and species of Cyperaceae." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. Add. Ser. 8, 196 p.; ed. by D. P.) A posthumous publication of diagnoses with distribution, and citation of specimens identified. This is followed by a systematic listing of the species according to Clarke's ms. arrangement. 1909. Illustrations of Cyperaceae. London, 6 p. of index, 144 pi., ms. at Kew. (Excerpts were publ. in Kew Bull. Misc. Inf., Add. Ser. 8, Sept., 1908.) - DA. Each plate is accompanied by an explanatory text.

CLARKE. Duke. See ADMIRAL, Don, 1938. CLARKE, Henry L. 1893. "A characteristic southwestern plant group." (Pop. Sci. Month. 43: 786-803, illus.) On cacti, Agaves, and Yucca, with descriptions and distribution; also for the cacti and Agave, their classification, with names of many species. CLARKE, Samuel. 1657. A mirrour or looking glass both for saints and sinners. London, 1671, 4th ed., 2 vols. The first ed., 1657, is entitled A geographical description of all the countries in the known world. In the 1671 ed., this is Part 2, vol. 1, 293 p., with pp. 158-162 on Mexico. There are brief references to plants, including metl (Agave). CLAUDE, Daniel. 1927. "Les origines du tabac." (Nature 5 5 ( 1 ) : 216-217.) Based on an article by Auguste Chevalier in Revue nationale des Tabacs (the original was not seen).


CLAUDINUS, Julius Caesar. See LAUTENBACH, Joseph, ed., 1605. CLAUSEN, Robert Theodore. See also HANSBERRY, Roy et al, 1947. 1940. "Studies in the Crassulaceae: Villadia, Altamiranoa, and Thompsonella." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67: 195-198.) Discusses the conclusions of Walther and Baehni; prefers the treatment of the latter in accepting Villadia as the aggregate genus for the species of Villadia and Altamiranoa. Thompsonella is excluded from the group. 1940a. "Various rare or unusual cultivated plants." (Gent. Herb. 4 ( 8 ) : 305-315, illus.). Includes Syngonium podophyllum Schott from Mexico. 1941. "Studies in the Crassulaceae. II. Mexican Sedoideae collected by E. K. Balls in 1938." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 68: 473-476, illus.) Sedum obcordatum is described as a new species from Veracruz; Altamiranoa goldmani is changed to Villadia goldmanii; notes are presented on 4 other species of Sedum and on Villadia batesii. CLAUSEN, Robert T., and Charles H. UHL. 1943. "Revision of Sedum cockerellii and related species." (Brittonia 5 ( 1 ) : 33-46.) Includes S. lumholtzii Rob. and Fern., and S. griffithsii Rose from Mexico. CLAUSEN, Robert T. 1943a. "The section Sedastrum of Sedum. Studies in the Crassulaceae IV." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 70:289-296, 1 pi.) With a key to species, descriptions and distribution. Six species in Mexico are described, ranging from southern Coahuila to central Oaxaca. Sedum hintonii is described as a new species from Michoacan. 1943b. "A new name for Rose's Sedum nutans." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 5 ( 5 ) : 63-64, illus.) It becomes Sedum cremnophila. 1943c. "A new species and section of Sedum from Chihuahua." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 5 ( 1 2 ) : 167-169, illus.) A new subgenus Pachysedum is erected to include various species of Dendrosedum, Fruticisedum, and Leptosedum. A new section Craigia is also erected, with the type species Sedum craigii from Chihuahua. 1943d. "Notes on the yam bean." Ithaca, 7 mimeog. p., 1 pi. Publ. by the N. Y. State Coll. Agr.—IB Méx. According to a note from Dr. Clausen, these notes were "circulated to experiment stations which were cooperating in attempts to grow Pachyrrhizus in the United States. Presumably copies may be on file at many institutions." Includes experiments on the possible insecticidal value of the seeds of the plant known as jicama in Mexico. 1944. "A botanical study of the yam bean (Pachyrrhizus)." Ithaca, 38 p., 13 figs., incl. map, bibl. (Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem. No. 264). Drawings are by Elfriede Abbe.



Includes the history, uses, and taxonomy, with a key to the species, detailed descriptions of the species, and distributional data. New species from Mexico included P. strigosus and P. vernalis. A table summarizes and contrasts outstanding characters of the species, and a supplementary note gives chromosome counts for P. erosus and P. strigosus from Mexico.

With a key to 3 subgenera and 11 sections. Subsections are cited as North American, South American, and Australian. CLAUSSEN, Peter See LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923. CLAUSTRO, María Dolores Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ CLAUSTRO, Maria Dolores. CLAVIGERO, Francisco Xaviero (also as Clavijero). See also BROWNE, John Ross, 1869; LEICHT, Hugo, 1937; MANGIN, Arthur, 1867.

CLAUSEN, R. T., R. V. MORAN, and C. H. UHL. 1945. "The taxonomy and cytology of Hasseanthus." (Des. PI. Life 1 7 ( 5 ) : 69-83.) A description of 3 species, only one of which, H. variegatus (Wats.) Rose is from Mexico (Baja California).

1780-1781. The history of Mexico. London, 1787, 2 vols., illus., maps. Trans, by Charles Cullen from the original Italian, Storia antica del Messico, publ. in Cesena, 1780-1781, 4 vols. A Spanish trans., by Francisco P. Vázquez, was publ. in Col. Doc. Hist. Mex. 1853, 439 p. Three Mexican eds. have been publ.: one in 1844, one in 1945, and one in 1959, the last ed. by R. P. Mariano Cueva. This is called the 2d ed. by the publ. In addition to the history, which goes back to the preCortés era, there is a survey of the geography, resources, industries of the country. An extensive section is devoted to the interesting and useful plants of Mexico, identified by Cervantes. There is also a useful bibliography of early writings on Mexico. For a review of Cullen's translation, with lengthy quotes from the section on trees and medicinal plants, see (Med. Rep. 8(2d hexade, 2 ) : 282-290, 396-406, 1805). From the Spanish edition, an extract, entitled "Breve noticia de las plantas y animales de Mexico," was printed in (Naturaleza 6 (App.): 5-27, 1882). Somolinos says of the work, "en ella el autor camina mas de cien páginas de la mano de Hernández cuando se ocupa de describir las plantas, animales, y minerales de Nueva España." Barras y Aragón states that "Alzate anotó con admirable erudición científica la Historia de Clavigero."

CLAUSEN, Robert T. 1945a. "El frijol de jicamo (sic)." (Hacienda 40: 232, illus.) On Pachyrrhizus erosus with description, distribution, and its use as an insecticide. 1946. "A review of the status of several American species of Dalea." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 73: 80-85.) Includes a reference to Parosela humilis (P. thyrsiflora) from Mexico as related to P. floridana; also to Parosela scandens, which is here changed to Dalea scandens, and Dalea humilis. 1946a. "Nomenclatural chances and innovations in the Crassulaceae." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 8 ( 4 ) : 58-61, illus., ( 5 ) : 74-77, illus.) Among the plants discussed are Sedurn australe, S. oaxacanum, S. cockerellii, and S. luteoviride from Mexico. 1946b. "A new subspecies of Sedurn ehracteatum from the Sierra Madre del Sur." {Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 8 ( 6 ) : 86-87, illus.) On subspecies grandifolium from Guerrero. 1946c. "Description of a torulose shrubby Sedum from Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 8 ( 1 0 ) : 151-152, illus.) On S. torulosum, probably from Coahuila. 1948. "A new shrubby species of Sedum from the Sierra Madre del Sur." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 3 ) : 36-37, illus.; photograph by W. R. Fisher.) Sedum pulvinatum from Oaxaca. 1948a. "A green flowered Sedum from the Sierra Madre del Sur." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 4 ) : 53-54, illus.; photograph by W. R. Fisher.) Sedum choropetalum from Oaxaca. 1948b. "A name for Sedum guatemalense of horticulturists." (Cact. Succ. J our. 2 0 ( 6 ) : 79-83, illus.) Calls it S. rubrotinctum and says it probably originated in Mexico. 1948c. "Status of Sedum aoikon." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 9 ) : 132135, illus.) Probably from Mexico; compares it with S. confusum, S. dendroideum, and S. luteoviride. 1949. "A new species related to Sedum chloropetalum." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 1 ( 5 ) : 149-151, illus.) S. grandisepalum from Oaxaca; compared with S. luteoviride, and S. chloropetalum. 1950. "Description of a Sedum from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 3 ) : 86-89, illus.) S. caducum from Tamaulipas is compared with S. lenophylloides, S. wrightii, and S. cockerellii. 1951. "Description of a Sedum from Orizaba, Veracruz." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 3 ( 4 ) : 125-127, illus.) S. lucidum n.sp. is compared with S. adolphi and S. nussbaumerianum. 1951a. "Probable identity of Villadia guatemalensis and Villadia levis." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 3 ( 6 ) : 178-179, illus.) Both are included under the first name. 1959. Sedum of the Trans-Mexican volcano belt. New York, 380 p., 80 illus., maps, bibl. Drawings are by Elfriede Abbe. History of the story of Sedum, geology of the area, native and cultivated species in the region, keys, relationships and distribution. A gazetteer of Mexican localities is included.

1789. Historia de la Antigua ó Baja California. México, 1933, 267 p. Trans, from the Italian by Nicolas García de San Vincente. First publ., posthumously, in Venice, 1789, 2 vols., map, with the title Storia della California. The first Mexican ed. appeared in 1852. An English ed., The history of Lower California, trans, by Sara E. Lake and A. A. Gray, was printed by the Stanford University Press, 1937, 413 p., maps. In the 1933 edition, pp. 9-25 are on plants, cited by common names only. According to Meigs, this work is one of the fundamental sources on the Jesuit area of Lower California. In the 1852 ed., p. 125-252 are a reprint of the original Mexican edition, of 1787, of the Relación histórica of Francisco Palou, which refers to Nueva or Upper California. CLAVIN, James. 1890. "Algarobia (sic) glandulosa." (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 62: 6569.) On the mezquite, Prosopis glandulosa, with descriptions and uses. CLAWSON, Arthur Brooks. See MARSH, C. Dwight et al, 1928. CLELAND, Ralph E., ed. 1950. "Studies in Oenothera-, cytogenetics and phylogeny." (Indiana Univ. Publ., Sci. Ser. 16: 1-348, maps, illus., bibl.) With a chapter on "cytogenetic studies of Oenothera, subgenus Raimannia" by Adolph Hecht. Among the species studied were O. drummondii Hook, from Lower California, O. laciniata Hill from Tlamanalco (better Tlalmanalco), and O. macrosceles from Saltillo. CLELAND, Robert Glass. See EVANS, George W. B„ 1945. CLELAND, Robert Glass, ed. 1922-1924. The Mexican year bibl.


Los Angeles, 2 vols., maps,

References to plants are limited to cultivated crops. In vol. 2 there is a general description of states and territories, citing cultivated crops. CLEMENT, Ian Duncan. 1948. "A revision of the genus Sida." Cambridge, Mass., 184 typed p., illus., bibl.; thesis.

CLAUSEN, Roy E. 1949-1951. "The primary cytogenetic classes of Nicotiana." (Port. Acta Biol., Ser. A., Vol. R. B. Goldschmidt: 137-145.)





CLEMENT-continued Reviews 30 species in 7 sections; but the section Malvinda is excluded from detailed treatment. Keys, descriptions, and distributions are given with 3 new sections and 2 new species: Sida centuriata and S. standleyi; the latter is from Mexico.

CLOS, D(omingo). 1848. "Observations sur quelques genres de la famille des Verbenacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. I l l , 10: 378-381.) Discusses the characteristics of Verbena, Dipyrena, Priva, Lippia, Stachytarpheta, and Bouchea. 1855. "Monographie de la famille des Flacourtiacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 4: 362-387.) Covers morphology, uses, taxonomy, and distribution. 1857. "Revision des genres et des éspèces appartenant a la famille des Flacourtiacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. 8 : 2 0 9 - 2 7 4 . ) Includes Hisingera cinerea, H. celastrina, H. flexuosa, H. elliptica, and Bixa orellana, all from Mexico. 1864. "Recherches sur l'inflorescence du mais et des Dipsacus." (Mem. Acad. Sci. Toulouse VI, 3: 294-305.) A detailed morphological study comparing the corn flower with that of Dipsacus and with those in a number of other families. 1901. "Les genres des Graminées au XVIII siecle." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 48: 190-200.) Historical review, with a special section on Zea.

1957. "Studies in Sida (Malvaceae)." (Contr. Gray Herb. 180: 1-91, bibl.) A review of the genus, and monograph of the sections Malacroideae, Physalodes, Pseudomalvastrum, Incanifolia, Oligandeae, Pseudonapaea, Hookeria, and Steninda. Keys to sections, species, and descriptions are given with distribution; many new entities are described from Mexico. C L E M E N T E C(adena), Josefina. 1939. "Contribución al estudio de la acción de los extractos de Tecoma stans." México, 1939, 39 p. Thesis UNAM. Chemical study. Compare with the article, "Contribución al estudio de la acción hipoglicemante de los extractos de Tecoma stans," in (Quím. Farm. 8 ( 5 7 ) : 12-16, ( 5 8 ) : 8-10, 24, ( 5 9 ) : 13-18, 1942).

CLOVER, Elzada U(rseba). 1932, 1933. "Astrophytum asterias in the United States." (Rhodora 34: 227-228.) First report of its occurrence outside Mexico; followed by "The habitat of Astrophytum asterias in Texas" (35: 224-225, 1933), giving the exact locality and listing of plants found in association with it. 1937. "Vegetational survey of the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas." (Madroño 4 : 41-66, 77-100, illus., bibl.) A detailed study, using mainly Spanish words for ecological nomenclature. 1938. "New species of cacti from Guatemala, Mexico, and Texas." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 65: 565-570, illus.) Includes: Echinocereus gentryi from Chihuahua.

C L E M E N T S , Frederic Edward. See GOODSPEED, Thomas Harper ed., 1936; HALL, Harvey Monroe, and C L E M E N T S , 1923. CLIFTON (sic). 1894. "Agaves." (Bait. Cact. Jour. General article.

1: 44, illus.)

CLINE, Howard Francis. 1956. "The Chinantla of northeastern Oaxaca, México." In: Estudios antropológicos publicados en homenaje al doctor Manuel Camio, México: 635-656. Also in (Bol. Centro Invest. Antrop. Méx. 1 ( 2 ) : 11-17, 1956). "Bibliographical notes on modern investigation," with a list of works on the Chinantla; "a tentative inventory." A brief discussion is included of the work done by Schultes in the area. 1957. "Problems of the Mexican ethno-history: the ancient Chinantla." (Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. 3 7 ( 3 ) : 273-295.) Useful for bibliographic material; a discussion of documents available for study.

CLUSIUS, Carolus.

1961. "The Patino maps of 1580 and related documents." (México Antig. 9: 633-692, 15 maps, bibl.) "Analysis of 16th century cartographic sources for the Gulf Coast of Mexico"; on maps to accompany the "relaciones" by Alvaro Patino Avila, with identifications in current terminology. Ten localities are added; 7 were not located. CLINT, Katherine L. (Mrs. Morris). See also TRAUB, Hamilton P., and CLINT, 1957. 1952. "Exploring for Mexican Zephyranthes." (PI. Life (Herbertia) 8: 77-79, illus.) Story of a trip on which Z. clintiae was found in San Luís Potosí. 1957-1958. "Collecting amaryllids in Texas and Mexico." (PI. Life, Herbertia ed., 13: 10-22, illus., and 14: 12-17.) Covers an area in seven states from Tamaulipas to Jalisco. Species are cited mainly by genus name. First installment covers various trips beginning in 1946. CLINTON, G. W . 1869. "A new Fragaria." On Fragaria

(Amer. Nat. 3: 221-222.)

gillmani, brought from Jalapa, by Mr. F . Mack.

CLINTON-BAKER, Henry William. 1909-1913.


of conifers.

Hertford, 3 vols.

Description and habitat of each plant, with a plate to illustrate. CLISBY, Kathryn Hardey.

See L ' E C L U S E , Jules Charles de.

C L U T E , Willard Nelson. See also BARRETT, O. W., 1904. 1904. "A tree morning glory." (Amer. Bot. 6: 15.) Description of the plant quoted from a report of a "committee that investigated the various parts of the southwest." For a note on this see Barrett, O. W., 1904. 1909. "Cereus giganteus." (Amer. Bot. 15: 18-19.) On the change of its name to Carnegiea. 1914. "The cactus and the desert." (Amer. Bot. 20: 86-90, illus.) Popular article. 1928. The useful plants of the world. Indianapolis, 1932, 2d ed., 220 p. First ed., 1928. Brief discussions of different uses, with lists of plants for each use. Geographic distribution is given for plants in some of the lists. 1931. "Mexican quinoa." (Amer. Bot. 37: 26-27.) On Chenopodium nuttalliae as a food. 1934. "Marijuana." (Amer. Bot. 34: 51-58, illus.) Followed by comments from N. F. Petersen and Oliver Farwell on pp. 119-121; the latter says it is neither Cannabis indica nor C. sativa var. indica (but does not say what it is); followed by more comment on pp. 163-165, by Clute. 1939. "The ceriman." (Amer. Bot. 4 5 ( 1 ) : 3-4.) Popular article on Monstera deliciosa. 1939. "Notes and comment." (Amer. Bot. 4 5 ( 2 ) : 70-72.) Publ. anonymously. Note on the spoon cactus, Dasylirion wheeleri, and huisache, Acacia farnesiana. COBARRUBIAS, Antonio Maria. ( 1777 ). "Informe de la Mission de San Juan Peyotán." ( Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. 8: 122-125, 1905.) Written in 1777. With a section on the natural history of the area, (near the boundary between Durango and Jalisco).

See BARGHOORN, Elso S„ et al, 1954.

CLOKEY, Ira Waddell. 1942. "Notes on the flora of the Charleston Mountains, Clark Co., Nevada. IV, Astragalus." (Madroño 6:211-222.)

COBO, Bernabé. See also RAMIREZ, José, 1900; RIQUELME SALAR, José, 1950; ROBERTSON, James A., 1927.

Includes species that range into Mexico.



COCAR (1653?) Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Sevilla, 1890-1895, 4 vols.; notes by Marcos Jiménez de la Espada. DLC says, "escrita en el año 1653" — advertencia preliminar. Others say it was written during the 1640's. Devotes a comparatively large section to plant life, giving descriptions, uses and sources of plants, by countries. León cites an earlier South American edition, without giving place or date, but describes it as "obra perfectamente escrita, y las plantas están descritas maestramente. En mi concepto, es el mejor complemento de la obra del Dr. Hernández. Tiene cuidado de indicar en su obra, siempre que hay lugar, los usos ecónomicos, medicinales, o industriales de las plantas." According to Colmeiro, this work was partly published in 1804, but the place of publication is not given. COCAR, Andrés Aznar de.

See AZNAR de COCAR, Andrés.

COCAR, Aznar de. See also above. (1580.) "Relación de Ixtlahuaca (Instlahuaca)." (Rev. Méx. Est. Hist. 2 (App.): 135-164, 1928. With a prelim, note by Alfonso Caso.) Written originally in 1580. Includes information on the following localities in Oaxaca Tecomastlahuala, Mistepeque, Ayusuchiquilacala, Puctla, Cacatepeque. All have references to medicinal plants, but the information varies greatly with each locality. COCHRAN, Wm. P., Jr. 1941.


COCHRANE, Elizabeth (pseud. Nellie Bly). 1888. Six months in Mexico. New York, 205 p., illus. Vol. 1, No. 2 of the Nellie Bly series. With a few scattered references to plants. COCHRANE, L. C.

emphasizing the uniqueness of the area. This is followed by an annotated catalogue of the most interesting plants; special attention is given to Rosa minutifolia. COCKERHAM, Kirby Lee. HAM, 1921.

See HAND, Thomas E. and COCKER-

COE, Charles H. 1895. "The floating gardens of Mexico." (Gard. For. 8: 432-433.) A popular article. COELLAR, A. (Usted as CUELLAR by GUERRA). 1906. "(Resumen de plantas del Estado de San Luís Potosí.)" (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 8: 73-74.) A brief report with plants listed by common names only. COELLO RUIZ, Manuel. 1939. "Los sombreros de palma de Jipi." (Ah-Kin-Pech. ( 2 8 ) : 6; ( 2 9 ) : 7; ( 3 0 ) : 13-14.) Plant is described but not identified.

3 ( 2 7 ) : 5;

COFFIN, Alfred Oscar. 1898. Land without chimneys. Cincinnati, 352 p. Good-humored account, with scattered references to plants, especially in the chapter on las tierras calientes; a section on maguey is included. COGNIAUX, Alfred (full name Celestin Alfred). See also LINDEN, Lucien, et al, 1894; LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923; 1910-1922; ROSE, J. N., 1895; 1895b; 1895c. 1877, 1878. "Diagnoses de Cucurbitacées nouvelles et observations sur les espèces critiques." (Mem. Cour. Autr. Mem. Acad. R. Sci. Lett. Beaux Arts Belgique, Coll. 8 ° , 27: 1-44, 28: 1-102, 1 pl., 1877, 1878.) With keys, descriptions of new genera and species, including a number of new species from Mexico, and notes on critical species. 1881. "Cucurbitacées." Paris. In Monographiae phanerogamarum 3: 325-954. See under CANDOLLE, Alphonse L. P. P. de, and CANDOLLE, Anne C. P. de, 1878-1896. 1887. "Description de quelques Cucurbitacées nouvelles." (Bull. Acad. R. Sci. Belgique III, 14: 346-364.) Apodanthera crispa, n.sp. from San Luís Potosí, is included. 1890. "A new cucurbit." (Zoe 1: 368-369, illus.) Vaseyanthus gen. nov. with V. rosei from Lower California. 1890-1892. "Cucurbitacearuni novum genus et species." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. II, 3: 58-60.) Describes Brandegea n.g. (with B. bigelovii and B. monosperma ) and Echinocystis brandegei. The last two are from Baja California. 1891. "Melastomaceae." Paris, 1256 p. In Monographiae phanerogamarum, vol. 7. See under CANDOLLE, Alphonse L. P. P. de, and Anne C. P. de, 1878-1896. 1896. "Roseanthus, a new genus of Cucurbitaceae from Acapulco, Mexico." (U.S.D.A. Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3 ( 9 ) : 577-578, illus. ) A description of ñ. albiflorus. 1896-1897. Dictionnaire iconographique des Orchidées. Bruxelles, 64 parts, issued monthly, with 12 col. pl. in each part. Illus. by A. Goossens. This was accompanied by a monthly supp., Chronique orchidéenne.

See POPENOE, Wilson, 1952.

COCKERELL, Theodore Dru Alison. 1900. "The cactus bees: genus Lithurgus." (Amer. Nat. 34: 487-488.) A study of bees visiting Opuntia and Echinocactus, and the adaptations of the flowers for pollination; the plants are, however, to a large degree, independent of sexual reproduction. 1900a. "Some bees visiting the flowers of mesquite." (Entomologist 33: 243-245.) Refers to Prosopis glandulosa Torr. 1904. "The North American species of Hymenoxys." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 31: 461-509, 6 pi.) Summary of the classification, down to species, with distribution. H. chrysanthemoides and its var. juxta, from Mexico, are described. 1904a. "Notes on Tetraneuris linearifolia." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17: 111-112.) Reduces T. oblongifolia Greene to subsp. of linearifolia; T. linearifolia dodgei is described as a new subsp. from Monterrey. 1904b. "Shorter notes." (Torreya 4: 170.) Description of Hymenoxys insignis n.sp. from Coahuila. 1915. "Specific and varietal characters in annual sunflowers." (Amer. Nat. 49: 609-622, illus.) With descriptions of 9 species in the Euhelianthus group. 1915a. "Tithonia speciosa." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 58: 311; for illus. see 57: facing p. 131.) Differentiating its flower structure from that of Helianthus.

COGOLLUDO, Diego López.


COINDET, Léon Alexandre Hippolyte. See also VARIOUS, 18651867. 1865. "La médecine au Mexique." (Arch. Comm. Sci. Méx., Paris. 1: 351-365.) With references to and descriptions of plants used. 1867-1869. Le Mexique. Paris, 3 vols. Written by a doctor interested in Mexico, mainly from the medical point of view. First volume contains chapters on plant products, agriculture, and foods. There is also description of the vegetation of the plateau, using common and scientific

1915b. "Characters of Helianthus." (Torreya 15: 11-16.) Reports on using a chemical test (immersing ray flowers in liquor potassae (KHO), that may prove useful for distinguishing various composites, including Helianthus. 1937. "The botany of the California islands." (Torreya 37: 117-123.) Only the last paragraph discusses the relationships of the flora of these islands with that of the Mexican islands to the south. 1941. "Observations on plants and insects in northwestern Baja California, México." (Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 9 ( 3 1 ) : 337-352.) An interesting discussion of the vegetation in general,



See VARIOUS, 1943-1947.



COIT, John Eliot. See VARIOUS, 1948. UN COLABORADOR. 1845. "Sobre la industria de joyoc en Yucatán." (Reg. Yuc. 1: 201-


On dye preparations from various plants, mentioned by common names only. COLAPHOS (sic). 1930. "J. A. Purpus zu seinem 70 geburtsfeste." (Moeller's Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. 4 5 ( 3 ) : 35-36, port.) Biography, with a list of plants named by Purpus, and plants named for him. COLBRY, Vera Lyola. 1957. "Diagnostic characteristics of the fruits and florets of economic species of North American Sporobolus." (Contr. V. S. Natl. Herb. 3 4 ( 1 ) : 1-24, illus.) With a key to fruits and one to florets; descriptions include comaion names, distribution, and economic importance. About a third of the species occur in Mexico. COLBY, Amos Blaine. 1943. "A phytochemical study of Cannabis sativa Linne." Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Wise., 76 typed lvs. A botanical description, with scientific synonymy, etymology, habitat, and medical uses (these from other authors). The original work consists of bioassays with various animals, and a detailed chemical analysis. COLE, Catherine Anna. 1953. "Cactus seeds and their value as an aid in generic segregation." Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Mich., 143 p., bibl., 18 pi. Study of 75 species, and 2 vars., in 11 genera; considers character of testae and hilum, and micropylar relationships, in the subtribe Echinocactanae. For each genus there is a description of the generic characterization of the seed, the species studied, with measurements, discussion, and a plate. COLEMAN, Louise Moore. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947. COLIN, Antoine. Carlos, 1936.


COLIN, Eduardo Cruz.





1849. "Achimeneae Gesneriacearum tribus nova." (Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino II, 10: 203-216, 1 pi.) Discussion of Achimenes, Trevirana, and a new genus Salutiaea; this is followed by a systematic revision of the family down to genera, with lists of species, some with distribution. New taxa described from Mexico include T. andrieuxii and S. grandiflora. 1849a. "Ad Gesneraceas additiones cum novi generis, Lobopterae descriptione et icone." (Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino II, 10: 217-223, 1 pi.) With a description of L. longepedunculata from Mexico. COLLADON, Louis Théodore Frédéric. 1816. Histoire naturelle et médicale des Casses. Montpéllier, 140 p., 20 pl. Includes history, structure, distribution, culture, uses, descriptions, and habitat. COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban, and Joaquín ALFARO, eds. 1870. Diccionario de agricultura y economía rural. Puebla, lxxiv, 874 p. illus. "Enriquecidos con muchos y muy interesantes escritos sobre agricultura y ganadería Mexicanos, coleccionados por Narciso Bassols," under whose name the work is often cited. — SH Mex. "Todos los artículos referentes a plantas Mexicanas son reimpressiones, y ningún escrito original para ese libro ahí se halla." (León) See separates for more data on the following articles which are included in the work: Andrade, José, cotton, 256-291; Ortega, Aniceto, sugar, 384-449; Aznar Barbachano, Tomás, coconut, 565-569; Blázquez, Pedro e Ignacio, maguey, 688-736; Fontecilla, Agapito, vanilla, 823-847; Rosa, Luís de la, maize, 737-766; Cal y Bracho, Antonio, cañamo. COLLANTES, Francisco de León. Francisco de. COLLARD, Elizabeth Scott.



See COLLARD, Howard, 1962.

COLLARD, Howard, and Elizabeth Scott COLLARD. 1962. Castellano-Mayo; Mayo-Castellano. México, 219 p., illus.

See CRUZ COLIN, Eduardo.

COLIN, Guillermo García.

See GARCIA COLIN, Guillermo.

COLIN, Salvador Miranda.

See MIRANDA COLIN, Salvador.

COLIN, Salvador Sánchez.

See SANCHEZ COLIN, Salvador.

COLIN y de la SERNA, María del Consuelo. 1935. Estudio de las distintas clases de café en la República. 45 p., illus. — I B Méx. With the emphasis on the chemistry.

one on the Cusparieae — listing comparative morphological characters. Nine genera are covered in the first table, 15 in the second, and 7 in the third.


COLLA, Luigi (also as Aloysio), full name Luigi Aloysius(P). 1824. Hortus Ripulensis. Augustae Taurinorum, 163 p., 40 pi. "Enumeratio plantarum quae ripulis coluntur"; with a table giving authority for name, and country of origin. 1838. "Storia e descrizione del Cactus senilis." (Rep. Sci. Fis. Med. Piemonte IV, 17(31), No. 223: 159-164.) History of the species in Europe, and a description of C. senilis var. inermis, with its synonymy. 1840. "Botanica-Cactus (Mammillaria) spiraeformis." (Rep. Sci. Fis.. Med. Piemonte IV, 1 9 ( 8 7 ) : 279: 337-346.) Description of a new species from Mexico, and a discussion of its pharmaceutical uses. 1840a. "Sopra una nuova specie di Calonyction." (Riun. Scienz. Ital., Atti 2: 149-151, (1840), 1841.) Compare with the Memoria, similarly titled, in (Rep. Set. Fis. Med. Piemonte IV (95-96) (combined ser. Nos. 287-288): 551-563, 1840.) Printed also as a separate, Memoria circa una nuooa specie di Calonyction, Torino ( 1 8 4 0 ) , 15 p., 1 pi. - NNBG. "Con alcuni osservazioni su queste genere," by Choisy. The new species is C. macrantholeucum. 1843. "Observations sur la famille des Rutacées." (Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino II, 5: 473-503, 5 tables.) With a table on the Zanthoxyleae, one on the Rutaceae, and

COLLERA ZUNIGA, Ofelia. 1956. "Estudio del aceite esencial de Piper auritum." typed p. Thesis Chem., UNAM.

México, 38

COLLINGWOOD, C. B., J . W. TOUMEY, and F. A. GULLEY. 1893. "Canaigre." (Ariz. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 7: 1-40, ülus.) History, botanical characteristics, chemical examination, culture, and geographical distribution. COLLINS, E. 1896.

See PLANCHON, Gustave, and COLLINS, 1895-

COLLINS, Guy N. See also COOK, Orator Fuller, and COLLINS, 1903; SAJO, Karl, 1907. 1900. "An ornamental species of Bidens." (PI. World 3 ( 1 1 ) : 161162, illus.) Description of Bidens heterophylla. 1903. "The mango in Porto Rico." (U.S.D.A. Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. # 2 8 , 36 p., 15 pl., 1903.) This is probably the article trans, into Spanish and repr. in (Bol. S oc. Agr. Mex. 2 8 : 4 5 2 , 495, 592, 653, 1904 as "El mango"). Description, origin, culture and uses; with illustration of a mango tree in Tapachula. 1905. "The avocado — a salad fruit from the tropics." ( U.S. D.A., Bur. PI. Indust., Bull. # 7 7 , 49 p., 8 pi.) Origin, history, descriptions, including geographical types, culture, harvesting, marketing, etc. 1909. "Apogamy in the maize plant." ( Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 1 2 ( 1 0 ) : 453-455, iUus.) On an abnormality observed in a variety grown in Texas, from a plant originating in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Apogamy is taken to mean "production of a new plant asexually from tissues which normally give rise to sexual organs."



COLLINS, G. N., and C. B. DOYLE. 1911. "Notes on southern Mexico." (Nati. Geog. Mag. 22: 301-320, illus., map.) Interesting report of a trip across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to Chiapas, and back to the Gulf, through Pichucalco; many references to plants seen, with special attention to cultivated crops (especially cotton), and foods sold in the markets. 1912. "The origin of maize." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 2: 520-530.) Discussion is mainly of the relationships between Zea tunicata and Euchlaena, concluding that the ancestor of corn was a perfect-flowered form in the Andropogeae.



COLLINS, James. 1869. "The lignaloe wood of Mexico." (Pharm. Jour. Trans. II, 10: 590-593.) Identified as Elaphrium (Bursera). Discussion emphasizes pharmaceutical values. COLLINS, Julius Lloyd, and Kenneth R. KERNS. 1931. "Genetic studies of the pineapple." (Jour. Hered. 22: 139-142, illus.) A study of seven varieties of Ananas sativus; also of Bromelia pinguin. 1948. "Pineapples in ancient America." (Set. Month. 67:372-377, illus., 2 maps.) Based mainly on records left by early explorers. 1949. "History, taxonomy and culture of the pineapple." (Econ. Bot. 3: 335-359, illus.) 1951. "Antiquity of the pineapple in America." (Southw. Jour. Anthrop. 7: 145-155, map; Pineapple Res. Int. Hawaii, Misc. Paper # 4 9 . ) Study of Ananas comosus ( L . ) Merr. with history, possible place of origin, and a discussion of some literary references that suggest possible knowledge of pineapple by ancient peoples of the Old World.

COLLINS, G. N„ and J. H. KEMPTON. 1914. "A hybrid between Tripsacum and Euchlaena." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 114-117.) Using for the pollen a Mexican variety of Euchlaena from Durango; the female parent is from Maryland. COLLINS, G. N. 1917. "Hybrids of Zea ramosa and Zea tunicata." (Jour. Agr. Res. 9: 383-395, illus.) Considers both as mutative reversions, one a recessive and one a dominant. Sturtevant's reference to Zea tunicata in Mexico (see Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21, 1894) is characterized as a misidentification. 1917a. "Tropical varieties of maize." ( Troc. 2d Pan Amer. Sci. Cong., Sect. 3, 3: 579-584.) Also in (Jour. Hered. 9: 147-154, 1918). With a discussion of Zea hirta from Mexico. 1919. "Notes on the agricultural history of maize." Agr. Hist. Soc. Papers 2: repr. with the same paging from (Ann. Rep. Amer. Hist. Assoc. 1: 375-454). 1919a. "Structure of the maize ear as indicated in Zea-Euchlaena hybrids." (Jour. Agr. Res. 17: 127-135, pi. 16-18.) 1919b. "Intolerance of maize to self-fertilization." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9: 309-312.) Traces the condition to a perfect flowered ancestor, in which self-pollination was guarded against by proterogyny.

COLLINS, Virginia. 1960.

See DOMINGUEZ, Xorge Alejandro et al,

COLLUDO, Antonio de Coruña. Antonio de.


COLMEIRO y PENIDO, Miguel. See also LOPEZ de GOMARA, Francisco, 1552; MONARDES, Nicolás, 1565; PEREDA y MARTINEZ, Sandalio, 1873-1874; SAHAGUN, Bernardino, (1575)?; SESSE, Martin, n.d.; (1791). 1842. Ensayo histórico sobre los progresos de la botánica. Barcelona, 71 p. Lists early botanists in America and their works; the emphasis is on Spanish botanists. 1858. La botánica y los botánicos de la península Hispano-Lusitánica. Madrid, 216 p. Bio-bibliographic study which contains the following material of interest to Mexican botany: Section 5, "Obras Españoles descriptivas de plantas exóticas, ó con algunas noticias sobre ellas, y casi todas pertenecientes a las Indias Occidentales y Orientales"; Section 6, "Catálogos y noticias de plantas cultivadas en los jardines públicos y en algunos otros de España y Portugal."

COLLINS, G. N., and J. H. KEMPTON. 1920. "A teosinte-maize hybrid." (Jour. Agr. Res. 19: 1-38, 33 figs., 7 pi.) Statistical study of the "behavior of a number of the more sharply contrasted characters in the second generation of a hybrid between Florida teosinte and a diminutive variety of maize known as Tom Thumb pop corn." COLLINS, G. N. 1921. "The origin and early distribution of maize." (Amer. Anthrop. 23: 503-506.) Trans, into French and pubi., with introductory remarks by Auguste Chevalier, as "L'origine du mais" in ( Rev. Bot. Appi. 2: 652-658, 1922). "Cette note est en partie le résumé de travaux plus importants publiés dans le Jour. Agric. Res. en 1917 et en 1920," q.v. 1921a. "Teosinte in Mexico." (Jour. Hered. 12:339-350, illus.) Gives the localities for 2 annual forms and one perennial form; with descriptions, common names, and relationships. 1925. "The 'metamorphosis' of Euchlaena into maize." (Jour. Hered. 16: 378-380, illus.) French trans, by Max Fontaine in (Reo. Bot. Appi. 6: 108-110, 1926). On experiments with the seed of Mexican teosinte, from Durango, which the author considers was already a hybrid.

1871. Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del Antiguo y Nuevo Mundo. Madrid, 235 p. Alphabetical list of common names with scientific equivalents, mainly from Spanish speaking countries. 1875. "Bosquejo histórico y estadístico del Jardín Botánico de Madrid." (An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 4: 241-345.) Includes the story of the Mociño collections, with lists of unpublished drawings at the Garden, and a catalogue of collections in the herbarium. 1892. Arboles y arbustos. Madrid, 54, 2 p. — MH. "Particularmente los de origen Americano," grown in the open air at the Botanical Garden of Madrid, six years after the cyclone of 1886. Plants are listed alphabetically by common names, with descriptions, place of origin, scientific name, and family.

1930. "The phylogeny of maize." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 57: 199210., bibl. ) Trans, by Gualterio Looser, as "La filogenia del maiz," in (Rev. Argent. Agron. 2 ( 5 ) : 1-13, 1935), with additions by the author (according to the ed.) and by P. T., as "La phylogénie du mais" in (Rev. Bot. Appi. 15: 1109-1119, bibl., 1935). Discusses taxonomic relationships, chromosome studies, theories of domestication, and various theories put forth for the origin of maize.

1892a. Primeras noticias acerca de la vegetación Americana. Madrid, 59 p. Discussion of plant information in the writings of early explorers; part 2 is a résumé of the botanical explorations of Spaniards. COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio. See also MARRADON, Bartoloméo, 1618. 1631. Curioso tratado de la naturaleza y calidades de chocolata. Madrid, 11 Ivs. — MHA. (León cites the date incorrectly as 1613.) For data on the trans., see below.

COLLINS, G. N., and A. E. LONGLEY. 1935. "A tetraploid hybrid of maize and perennial teosinte." (Jour. Agr. Res. 5 0 ( 2 ) : 123-133.) 211



COLMENERO de LEDESMA-continued This seems to have served as the basic work on chocolate for the next 50 years. The text discusses the preparation and uses of chocolate and includes the various substances used in the preparation. Aztec names are given for most. The following translations have been seen: (Wadsworth, James) published under the pseudonym Don Diego de Vades-forte. A curious treatise of the nature and quality of chocolate. London, 1640, 21 p. — Folger Libr., Washington. A note in the back dates the work as January 29, 1639. Moreau, René. Du chocolate. Paris, 1643, 59 p. — DNLM. Includes the dialogue of Marradón, q.v., Moreau's translation was revised and reprinted by Dufour, in his various editions, q.v. (Vitrioli?) printed anonymously. Delia cioccolata. Bologna, 1694, 72 p. The first edition was published in 1667. - MHA. This was translated from the French of Moreau. Anonymous. "Ejusdam chocolata inda opusculum de qualitate et natura chocolatae authore Antonio Colmenero de Ledesrna, 1644." (Misc. Cur. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. Decuriae III ( 1 ) : 152-153, 1694. This is a brief review of Colmenero's work, with brief excerpts from it, but León cites it as it were the work itself. The edition reviewed is the one cited below. Volckamer, Georgius. Chocolata inda. Norimberg, 1644, 64 p. — PPLR. — This is a Latin translation and includes a treatise by Johannes Eusebius Nieremberg on cacao and other Mexican plants, taken from his Historia Natural, Lib. 15, chap. 22. Also included is a brief discussion of the medical uses of chocolate by Paulus Zacchias. Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre, ed. De l'usage du caphe, du thé et du chocolate. Lyons, 1671, 188 p. — DNLM. (Sometimes attributed to J. Spon. ) The part on chocolate is the Moreau translation of Colmenero, q.v. Included is the dialogue of Marradón, q.v. Dufour (other editions). Traitez nouveaux et curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate. La Haye, 1685, 403 p. — DNLM. Included is the dialogue of Marradón, q.v., and, for chocolate, the French translation by Moreau, of Colmenero, q.v. Also included is the "Supplement au traité du chocolate," which is probably the work of Stephen Disdier (fide William Jerome Wilson, in personal communication. See data for the 1693 ed.).

l'Excellent Chocolate," but without mentioning Disdier. Our 1693 edition mentions Disdier on the title page but apparently nowhere else. The people connected with all the stages of this work seem to have had a "passion for anonymity" that does not make things easier for the bibliographer." (Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre). Tractatus novi de potu caphé, de Chinensium thé et de chocolata. Paris, 1685, 202 p. The publisher cites Jacob Spon as the compiler, but he was probably the translator, ( f i d e DLC cat.). Another edition was printed in Genève, 1699. — MH-A. The part on chocolate is from the French translation by Moreau of Colmenero, q.v. The dialogue of Marradón, q.v., is also included. Anonymous. ( Perhaps by John Chamberlayne. ) The natural history of coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco etc. London, 1682, 39 p. — MH-A. (For reference to the possible author, see the Bradley Bibliography, by Alfred Rehder. ) This work includes information on beverages of various parts of the world. Compare the part on chocolate with Colmenero's work, and with the work by Chamberlayne which follows. Chamberlayne (Chamberlayn or Chamberlaine), John. The manner of making tea, coffee, and chocolate. London, 1685, 116 p. — DA. This is a translation of Dufour's De l'usage du caphe etc., Lyons, 1671, q.v. The part on chocolate is translated as "A curious treatise of the nature and quality of chocolate," pp. 53-116. Compare with the Wadsworth translation, 1640. ( Bontekoe, Cornelis. ) Drey ( drei ) neue curieuse tractaetgen von dem trancke cafe, sinesischen the, und der chocolata. Budissin, 1688, 247 p., illus. - NN. This is followed by editions of 1692 and 1701. MH-A also has a work by Bontekoe entitled Tractaat von thee (with a section on coffi (sic) and chocolate), 'sGravenhage, 1679. This work quotes from Colmenero, Gage, and Moreau, q.v. The Dialogue, by Marradón, q.v., is also included. A 1686 edition at MH, with a similar tide, is listed under Dufour, but credited to Spon as translator. COLOM, José L. 1932. "Cassava: an economic plant native to Latin America." Pan Amer. Union 66: 639-650, illus.) Description, history, culture, and uses. 1939. "La yuca." (Maest. Rur. 1 2 ( 6 ) : 26-28.) On Manihot. COLONNA, Fabio.

See HERNANDEZ, Francisco

COLUMBUS, Christopher. See ALVAREZ (1494); CHIOVENDA, Emilio, 1921.

Another edition of the Traitez was printed in Lyons, 1685, 445 p. - DNLM. There is also a 1688 ed. published in Lyons, called the 2d ed., and a 1693 ed. published in La Haye, called the 3d ed. The latter contains the supplement of Disdier (see the La Haye ed. of 1685), with the name of Disdier mentioned only on the title page. This item was very kindly checked for me by William Jerome Wilson, at the Rare Book Division of what is now the National Library of Medicine. I append his comments: "The Stephen Disdier addition to Philippe Sylvestre Dufour's Traitez (1693) proved to be something of a puzzle. The title page of the 1963 Dufour says "a quoy on a adjouté dans cette Edition, la meilleure de toutes les methodes, qui manquoit à ce libre, pour composer l'Excellent Chocolate, par Mr. St. Disdier." I looked the 1693 edition through pretty carefully ( b u t ) did not find anything ascribed to Disdier. What I did find was a "Supplement au traité du chocolate" on pages 351-379. This is preceded on pages 349-350 by an "avertissement" which states that it seemed a pity to let so excellent a book as this appear without an adequate explanation of "la veritable methode de faire le bon Chocolate." Later in the "Supplement" actual recipes are given. Also the "Supplement" is evidently not by Dufour, since it refers two or three times to "le Sieur Du Four" and his excellent work on coffee and on tea; on the other hand, it remarks that one learns from him almost nothing "sur la veritable composition de cette pâte." Disdier's name is nowhere mentioned either in the "Avertissement" or in the "Supplement" itself, but I judge from its content that it must be what is stated on the title page to be "par Mr. St. Disdier." The 1685 La Haye edition inserts the "Supplement au traité du chocolate." This is referred to on the title page by the words quoted above "a quoy on a adjoute . . . pour composer





COLUMBUS, J. 1846. Dos buch vom tabak. Wien, 258 p. - NN. A collection of miscellaneous material, with a brief introduction, giving a description of the varieties of tobacco and the history of the plant. COLUMNA, Fabio.

See COLONNA, Fabio.

COMA, Guglielmo.

See THACHER, John Boyd, 1903.

COMAS, Juan. 1954. "Influencia indígena en la medicina hipocrática en la Nueva España del siglo XVI." (Amer. Indi g. 1 4 ( 4 ) : 327-361.) Account of the early writings which mentioned American medicinal plants, with special attention to Farfán as one of the first published in Mexico. Lists 59 remedies, based mainly on plant material, with Spanish name, native name, and scientific equivalent; also much biblio- and biographical material on Farfán. 1955. "Influencia de la medicina Azteca en la obra de Fr. Agustín Farfán (1579)." (An. XXXI Cong. Int. Amer., Sâo Paulo 1: 27-53.) With a list of plants cited by Farfán, arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific equivalents given for the most of them. 1956. "Principales contribuciones indígenas pre-Colombinas a la cultura universal." (Cahiers d'Hist. Mond. 3: 196-230.) Also in Amer. Indig. 1 7 ( 1 ) : 39-85, bibl., 1957). Plants are discussed on p. 200-219 in the first reference 212





COMMELIN, Jan (Johannes). 1697-1701. Horti Medici Amstelodamensis rariorum . . . plantarum descriptio et icones. Amstelodami, 2 vols., illus. Posthumous work ed. by Frederik (Friedrich) Ruysch, and Franciscus Kiggelaer; illus. by Caspar Commelin.

and on pp. 44-67 in the second; includes history, place of origin, common and scientific names, and uses. COMBA. 1897-1898. "Botánica." (Rev. Agr. 13: 6, 39.) Text.


COMBE, L. D. 1906. "La uva del monte ó cimarrón." (Agr. Méx. 2 2 ( 3 ) : 57-58.) On Vitis.

COMPEAN M., Federico. 1949. "Apuntes sobre las fibras duras en San Luís Potosí." lndust. 3 ( 3 0 ) : 57, 59, 61, illus.). On ixtle de palma and lechuguilla.

COMBIER, Cyprien. (1864.) Voyage au Golf e de Calif ornie. Paris, 544 p., map. With only superficial references to plant life.


COMPTON, Robert Harold. 1912-1913. "An investigation of seedling structure in the Leguminosae." (Jour. Linn. S'oc. London 41: 1-122, 9 pi.) With a table summarizing the differences in the various species.

COMENGE, Luis. 1895. "La farmacia y los Aztecas." (Rest. Farm. 50: 257-264, 273278, 289-295. ) Based mainly on Hernández, Ximénez, and Flores, q.v. A résumé was reprinted in (Farm. Esp. 27(45-47): 705-707, 721-724, 737-739, 1895) and from that reprinted in (Farmacia 5: 13-18, 33-40, 83-88, 1896).

CONANT, Helen J. See CHARNAY, C. J. D., 1885. CONARD, 1905. The Inst. A

COMES, Orazio (Horacio). 1895-1896. "Sulla sistemazione botanica delle specie e delle razze del genere Nicotiana." (Atti R. 1st. Incoragg. Napoli IV, 8 ( 8 ) : 1-32, 1895; 9 ( 1 ) : 1-30, 1896.) With a chart to show relationships of various "forme della sezione Tabacum" and a "prospetto preliminare della nuova classificazione del genere Nicotiana"; divided into 4 sections: tabacum, rustica, petunioides, and polidiglia. The second part discusses the races of the different varieties of N. tabacum and presents a "novae systemationis varietatum Nicotianae tabaci et rusticae tentamen." 1897. "Il tabacco." (Atti R. 1st. Incoragg. Napoli IV, 1 0 ( 1 ) : 1-133; ( 1 1 ) : 1-75; 1 1 ( 8 ) : 1-177, 1898.) The first part reviews the history of the plant, as seen in early writings. A section on "Il tabacco nell'America continentale" includes Mexico on pp. 21-28. The history continues with the introduction and spread of the plant in Europe, The second reference reviews the introduction and spread of the plant in Africa and the last concludes with a similar review for Asia and Oceania. 1899. "Monografia del genere Nicotiana." (Atti R. 1st. Incoragg. Napoli V, 1 ( 1 ) : 1-80, 7 pi.) Systematic revision, with descriptions of 41 species, giving synonymy and distribution. This is described in the Catalogue of the Arents Tobacco Collection as "the definitive botanical work on the tobacco of commerce." 1905. "Delle razze dei tabachi." (Atti R. 1st. Incoragg. Napoli VI, 57: 74-306, illus.) Repr. as a separate, Napoli, 1905, 232 p., illus. On the "filogenesi, qualita, ed uso," of Nicotiana tabacum; with detailed Latin descriptions of the varieties, common names, botanical synonyms, and distribution; also descriptions of the hybrid races under the several varieties. 1940-1941. "Historia, geografía y estadística del tabaco." (Rev. Tab. 8 ( 8 0 ) : 21, 1940; 9( 101 ): 21-24, 1941.) Trans, from the the original Italian; the original source is not given, nor is the trans, name.

Henry Shoemaker. waterlilies. Washington, 279 p., 30 pi., bibl., Carnegie Wash. Pubi. # 4 . monograph of the genus Nymphaea.

CONCHELLO, José Angel. See VILLARREAL L„ Ricardo et al, 1936. CONDE, Alexo García. See GARCIA CONDE, Alexo. CONDE, Pedro García. See GARCIA CONDE, Pedro. CONDE, Roberto García. See GARCIA CONDE, Roberto. CONDE de FOX. See VALDES, Maximino, 1918. CONDE DE LA CORTINA. See GOMEZ, José M. Conde (Justo), de la Cortina. CONDE PERERA, J. D. 1924. "Breve estudio acerca de la Carica papaya." (Rev. Med. Homeop. 3 ( 1 0 / 1 1 ) : 141-145; also in Bol. Univ. Nac. Sureste II, 4 ( 7 ) : 358-362, 1924.) A medical study. 1925. "Cactus grandiflorus." (Rev. Med. Homeop. 4 ( 1 ) : 12-15.) CONDER, Josiah. 1825. A popular description . . . of Mexico and Guatemala. ("The modern traveller series," vols. 6 and 7, 1830, illus., m a p ) ; first ed., London, vols. 3 and 4, 1825. — NN. With a chapter on the natural history and plant products. CONDIT, Ira Judson. 1928-1935. "Cytological and morphological studies in the genus Ficus." (Univ. Calif. Pubi. Bot. 11: 233-244, illus.; 17: 61-74, illus., 1935.) Part I is a study of 7 species. Part II is a study of 31 species. 1941. "Fig characteristics useful in the identification of varieties." (Hilgardia 1 4 ( 1 ) : 1-68, illus., bibl.) Includes botanical classification, pomological classification, characteristics of the latex, the leaf, and the tree itself. 1947. The fig. Waltham, Mass., 222 p., illus., maps, bibl., foreword by Walter T. Swingle. History, distribution, botany, culture, and use. 1957. "Fig history in the New World." (Agr. Hist. 3 1 ( 2 ) : 19-24.) Mainly in the United States. 1957a. "Characters useful in the identification of species of Ficus." (Lasca Lvs. 7 ( 4 ) : 81-86, illus.)

COMISION de COLOMBIA. 1908. "Tratamiento de la lepra." (Crón. Méd. Méx. 11:182-188.) Report on mangle rojo, Rhizophora mangle, as a possible cure. COMMELIN, Caspar (Kaspar, Gaspar). See also COMMELIN, Jan, 1697-1701; RAY, John, 1686-1704.

CONERT, Hans Joachim. 1960. "Metcalfia eine neue gattung der Gramineen." 2 ( 3 ) : 417-419.) Based on Danthonia mexicana.

1703. Praeludia botanica. Lugduni Batavorum, 85 p., 33 pi. — DA. Although the paging is continuous, the second part has a separate title, "Plantarum rariorum et exoticarum" and consists of additional descriptions and pictures of plants in the "Praeludia. . . ." This was reprinted in the appendix to vol. 3 of Ray's Historia plantarum, q.v. One of the plants, Aloe americana yuccae foliis arborescens, is cited from Mexico.


LA CONGREGACION DE S. FELIPE NERI. 1777. Relaciones del siglo XVIII relativas a Guanajuato—San Miguel el Grande. México, 1950, 117 p., illus., ed. by Luis Vargas Rea. Written in 1777, by the above mentioned Congregación "en la valle de S. Miguel el Grande."

1706. Horti Medici Amstelaedamensis plantae rariores et exoticae. Lugduni Batavorum, 1715, 48 p., 48 p l . - D A . First ed., 1706. 213



La CONGREGACION de S. FELIPE NERI-continued The section on natural history contains information on fruits, trees and smaller plants, herbs, roots, seeds, etc. Most of the names cited are common names, but some Latin names are also given for some of the plants. Compare with the "Informe de misioneros," written in 1777, by "la congregación del oratorio de San Felipe de Neri de dicha villa ( d e San Miguel el Grande)," in the Obispado de Michoacán, and published in (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. 11/12: 167-176, 190-192, 1905.) CONKLING, Alfred. 1883. "Mexico — her physical geography and resources." (Jour. Geog. Soc. 15: 319-348). T h e part on plants refers mainly to cultivated crops.


CONKLING, Alfred Ronald. 1884. Appletons guide to Mexico. New York, 1895, 5th ed., 390 p., 16 pi., maps. First ed., New York, 1884. Contains a brief section on the botanical aspects of the country and a more detailed chapter on agriculture. CONKLING, Howard. 1883a. Mexico and the Mexicans. New York, 298 p., 7 illus. Superficial account, including the chapter on agriculture. CONKRIGHT, W. A. See ANONYMOUS, 1947g. CONLEN, William James. 1937. Vignettes of Mexico. New York, 145 p. Interesting account, with scattered references to plants. CONN, Carl. 1937. "Meine Selenicereen." (Kakteenkunde 148-151, illus.) With illustrations of Cereus macdonaldiae, C. vaupelii, C. grandiflorus, and its variety maximilianus. 1938. "Mammillaria mazatlanensis." (Kakteenkunde: 130, illus.) Brief description. E L CONQUISTADOR ANONIMO. 16th cent. "Relación de algunas cosas de la Nueva España." (Col. Doc. Hist. Méx. 1: 368-398, 1858). Trans, by Joaquín García Icazbalceta, from the Italian trans, of the original Spanish version which is lost. The Italian trans., "Relazione di alcune cose della Nuova Spagna," or "Relazione d'un gentilhuomo di Ferdinando Córtese," was publ. by Ramusio in the 3d vol. of his "Navigatione et viaggi.". A French version, entitled "Relation abregée sur la Nouvelle Espagne," by Un gentilhomme de la suite de Fermond Cortes, was inserted in vol. 10: 49-105, of the Temaux-Compans ed. of Ramusio, 1838. The 1858 ed. was repr. in México, 1939, 4 5 p., 2 pi. With brief references to plant sources of foods and drink. For a discussion as to the true author of this work, see Gómez de Orozco, Federico, on "El conquistador anónimo," in (Hist. Méx. 2 ( 3 ) : 401-411, 1953). This is a persuasive analysis proving that the real author was Alonso de Ulloa, who wrote the work from various sources, including the Cartas de Cortés. CONRAD, Hally H. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947. CONRAD, Hans. 1906. "Vanilla pompona." (Gartenwelt Description of the plant.

1 0 ( 3 7 ) : 444, illus.)

CONRAD, Heinrich. 1838. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Nicotiana tabaco. Goettingen, 53 p.—NN. Mainly on the chemistry and medicinal uses, with some botany, and a history of the plant. CONRADT, Leopoldo. 1921. "El Istmo de Tehuantepec." (Rev. Agrie. 6: 384-387.) List of plants, wild and cultivated, cites some common names and some scientific names.

1897. "Myrtillocactus, nuovo genere di Cactaceae." (Boll. R. Orto Bot. Palermo ( 1 ) : 8-10, 3 figs.) With the species M. geometrizans and the var. pugionifera (sic) Cons. CONSTANCE, Lincoln. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960; BELL, C. Ritchie and CONSTANCE, 1960; 1957; CAVE, Marion Stillwell and CONSTANCE, 1950; KEARNEY, Thomas Henry and PEEBLES, 1942; L U N D E L L , Cyrus Longworth et al, 1942 - in progress; MATHIAS, Mildred E. and CONSTANCE, 1941; 1941a; 1941b; 1942; 1942a; 1942b; 1943; 1950; 1952; 1955; SHAN, Ren Hwa and CONSTANCE, 1951; VARIOUS, 1902 - in progress; WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937 — in progress. 1934. "A preliminary revision of the perennial species of Eriophyllum." (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2 0 ( 7 ) : 409-413.) Synopsis of a genus which extends into Baja California. 1937. "A systematic study of the genus Eriophyllum Lag." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 1 8 ( 5 ) : 69-136, illus.) With history, relationships, geographical distribution, taxonomy, key to species, descriptions, and distribution. 1938-1939. "The genus Eucrypta Nutt. (Hydrophyllaceae)." (Lloydia 1: 143-151, map.) With a key to species, some of which extend into Baja California and Sonora. 1939. "The genus Pholistoma Lilja." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 341-352, illus., incl. map.) Separated from Nemophila Nutt. and Ellisia L.; a key to species is given with descriptions and distribution. Three species and one variety are described. 1939a. "The genera of the tribe Hydrophylleae of the Hydrophyllaceae." (Madroño 5: 28-33.) With a key to the genera, and a review of the botanical history of the group. 1939b. "The genus Nemophila Nutt." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 1 9 ( 1 0 ) : 341-398, illus., maps.) Revision, with an artificial key to species, descriptions, and distribution. 1948. "A new species of Phacelia from Sonora, Mexico." (Madroño 9: 255-257.) Phacelia gentryi. CONSTANCE, Lincoln, and Ren Hwa SHAN. 1948a. "The genus Osmorhiza (Umbelliferae). A study in geographic affinities." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 2 3 ( 3 ) : 111-156, 5 figs., 4 pi.) With a key to species, description, and localities. Three species are cited in Mexico. CONSTANCE, Lincoln. 1949. "The South American species of Arracada (Umbelliferae) and some related genera." (Bull Torrey Bot. Club 76: 39-52.) With an artificial key to the genus, descriptions, and distribution. Included is a description of A. tolucensis (H.B.K.) Hemsl. var. multiflora (S. Wats.) from Mexico, and of Tauschia nudicaulis. 1949a. "A revision of Phacelia subgenus Cosmanthus (Hydrophyllaceae)." (Contr. Gray Herb. 168: 3-47, 1 pi., 7 maps.) Includes history, morphology, chromosome numbers, geographic distribution, keys to species and varieties, descriptions, and localities. P. pulcherrima from Tamaulipas is described as a new species, and several new varieties and new combinations are also described. 1950. "Some interspecific relationships in Phacelia subgenus Osmanthus." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 7 8 ( 3 ) : 135-147, illus.) With a discussion of P. patuliflora which extends into northeastern Mexico. CONSTANCE, Lincoln, and C. Leo HITCHCOCK.

CONSAG, Femando, padre. See ASCHMANN, Homer, 1952.

1954. "Mathiasella, a new genus of North American Umbelliferae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 1 ( 1 ) : 56-58, illus.) With M. bupleuroides from Tamaulipas, Mexico.

CONSOLE, Michelangelo.



CONSTANTIN 1955. "The systematics of the Angiosperms." In: A century of progress in the natural sciences. San Francisco, p. 405-483, bibl. - D A . Pubi, by the Calif. Acad. Sci. CONSTANTIN, Julien. n.d. Atlas de Orchidées cultivées. Paris, 80 p.—IB Méx. The copy seen was imperfect; 48 p. on culture, incomplete; 80 p. of descriptions, with 18 pi. in color. CONSTANTIN, Julien, et GALLAUD. 1906. "Sur l'arbre a chilté rapporté du Mexique par M. Diguet." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 18: 385-391, 2 figs.) Repr. in (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 5: 128-129, 1908). A description of Jatropha tepiquensis n.sp., with distribution, and uses; (the seeds for food and gum from the stem). 1912. "Note à propos d'un envoi de Cactées d u Mexique par M. Diguet." (Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 18: 385.) Refers to specimens of Pilocereus alensis Weber and Pereskopuntia aquosa; also to the exhibit, in the museum of materials sent by Diguet from Mexico.

CONVERSE, Olivia. See LARA PARDO, Luís, 1946. CONZATTI, Cassiano. See also DAMPF, Alfonso, 1940; GODMAN, Frederick DuCane and SALVIN, Osbert eds., 1879-1888; VARIOUS, 1929; ANONYMOUS, 1927. 1889-1890. "Clave analítica para la determinación de las familias de las plantas fanerógamas que nacen silvestres y cultivadas en México." (Méx. Intel. 2: 225, 289, 1889 and 3: 6, 33, 129, 177, 257-265. ) 1890. Repr. as a separate, Jalapa, 1889, 58 p. For continuation, see below. Based on a key by Caruel, adapted for plants that grow wild or cultivated in Mexico. The following were probably continuations of the above: Clave analítica dicotòmica de las familias vegetales, as part 2, published in Oaxaca, 1895, 27 p. and Clave analítica descriptiva, Clase A. Corolliflorae, as part 3, Oaxaca, 1897, 225 p. This covers 13 families, only one class out of 15. Part 2 and 3 are both at MH-G.

CONSTANTIN, Julien, and Désiré BOIS. 1916. "Les varietés de vanille." (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 16: 466-470.) On the varieties of Vanilla planifolia. Special attention is given to V. sativa, V. sylvestris, V. inodora, and V. pompona; the first two are considered as varieties of V. planifolia. A note discusses the history of other species of vanilla.

1898. "Jardín Botánico Mociño del Instituto de Ciencas y Artes del Estado." Oaxaca, 205 p., ms.—Bibliot. Pubi. Oaxaca. "Clasificación adaptada y elenco de las plantas que figurarán en el mismo"; with lists of plants collected, citing the date, place and description. 1903. "Ensayo de aplicación a la flora Mexicana de la nueva nomenclatura botánica." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 20: 105180.) Plants are arranged according to the system of Alfonso L. Herrera, with a special abbreviation of the family placed before each genus. 1903a. Los géneros vegetales Mexicanos. México, 449 p. With a key to families and genera of the Polypetalae, and lists of important Mexican species, citing common names and localities. One new species, Eriodendron grandiflorum, is also described. This is volume 1 of what was planned to be a 3 volume work. Volume 2 was to cover the Gamopetalae and the third was to include the gymnosperms, monocotyledons, and cryptogams. Of these, Las criptogamas vasculares de México, was published in México, 1907, 61 p. 60 pi., marked "parte tomada de la obra inédita, Los géneros vegetales Mexicanos," with keys, distribution, and descriptions. It is dated at the end, 1902. The only copy of this as a separate that I have seen in the United States is in the library of J. A. Ewan. The material was also published in Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate vol. 25, 1907.

LE CONSUL de FRANCE à la VERACRUZ. 1860. "Mode à Jicaltepec de faire une vanillière nouvelle." (Ann. Agr. Col. 1: 318-320. ) From La Guadeloupe; the original version has not been seen. On Vanilla. CONTRERAS, Diego de. See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José María 1579. CONTRERAS, Francisco, and Carlos LOPEZ. 1921. "Informe preliminar acerca de una expedición al Golfo de California." (Bol. Ofic. Sriá. Agr. Fom. Méx. VI, 6 (Suppl.): 1-21, illus. ) With only superficial references to plant life. Miguel




CONTRERAS R., Carlos. 1933. "50 plantas medicinales indígenas." México, 28 p.—BNMéx. Second ed., 1936. Pharmacological study giving descriptions and uses of plants, listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific equivalents; based mainly on works of others to whom credit is given. CONTRERAS SOTO, Fortunato. 1946. "Breve reseña agrícola monográfica de los principales cultivos Sinaloenses." México, 48 p. Thesis ENA.

CONSTANTIN, J., et H. POISSON. 1913-1914. "Note sur quelques Orchidées intéressantes." (Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 19: 298-300, 1913; 20: 349-351, 1914.) In the first reference, there is a note on a specimen of Bletia shepherdii, collected by Diguet, but cited as B. scheperdi Hook. In the second reference there is a report of a Laelia gouldiana Reichb. f., among plants recently introduced; also a report of an orchid collected by Diguet, either a Catasetum or a Mormodes, awaiting flowering for identification.


CONTRERAS N., Cornelio. 1947. "Cultivo del ajonjolí en el municipio de Tepalcatepec, Michoacán." Cd. Juárez, 46 p. Thesis EPA. On Sesamum indicum. 1947a. "Cultivo del cacahuate." Uruapan, 30 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Arachis.


CONTRERAS, Nicolás de. See KINO, Eusebio Francisco, and CONTRERAS (1683-1684). CONTRERAS, S. Baños. See BAÑOS CONTRERAS, S. CONTRERAS, Salvador Gutiérrez. See GUTIERREZ CONTRERAS, Salvador. CONTRERAS ARIAS, Alfonso. See also H E R N A N D E Z X., Efraím et al, 1959 d; VARIOUS, 1955. 1942. Estudios climatológicos . . . México, 112 p., illus. incl. maps, bibl. Study to determine the climatological factors that control distribution areas of Parthenium argentatura, guayule, Hevea brasiliensis, hule de Para, and Castilloa elastica, árbol de hule; areas in which they grow or could grow.

As for the gymnosperms and monocotyledons, there is at IB Méx a ms. marked "Nueva Flora Mexicana," vol. 3, 1918, 507 p., which includes these two groups. Another part that probably was meant to be part of the complete work was the article on Sinanteraceas. See Conzatti, 1931. Another section taken from vol. 3 covered the orchids. See Conzatti, 1904.

CONTRERAS FIGUEROA, Alonso de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582).

CONZATTI, Casiano, and Lucius C. SMITH. 1903-1905. Flora sinóptica Mexicana. México, 449 p. Repr. in an amplified ed., 1909-1910, 335 p. This is only vol. 1, parts 1-3; the rest was never pubi. With descriptions of families, keys to, and descriptions of genera, and number of species in each.

CONTRERAS MONTES de OCA, Catalina. 1948. "Investigación de la cafeína en el café torrificado." Guadalajara, 19 typed p. Thesis Chem. Study of coffee roasted with sugar. 215



1921. "Monografía del árbol de Santa María del Tule. México, 65 p., 21 illus.—DA. Beltrán cites an edition of 1925, 54 p. Description of the tree with a discussion as to its history, age, and measurements. Translated into English (copy at Harvard) by Ralph Summers, México, 1934, 67 p. Three illustrations in the English version do not correspond to those in the Spanish version; while three from that one are missing in the English version.

CONZATTI, C. 1904. "Taxonomía de las Orquídeas Mexicanas." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 2 1 : 249-341.) Description of family, tribes, subtribes, and genera taken from vol. 3, inédito, of Los géneros vegetales Mexicanos q.v.; with keys, description, localities and comments. 1909-1910. " L a gruta de Santa Ana." {Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 29: 199-205.) With lists of plants seen on the road from Cuyamecalco to Santa Ana. 1910. "Porque el mango tiene la forma semi-arriñonada." ( G a c . Agr. Vet. 1 ( 5 ) : 3-4; repr. in (Hac. Ranch 2 ( 1 7 ) : 4-5, 1910.) Study based on the structure of the flower. 1912. "Un importante cultivo hortícola." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 2, Part 1 ( 1 0 ) : 913-920; also in Rev. Agr. 1 ( 2 ) : 52-58, illus., 1917.)

1922. "Una expedición botánica a la costa Oaxaqueña del suroeste." Oaxaca, 33 p., maps. Repr. in (Provincia, Dec. 18, 1949, pp 3-6, unfin.). A general description of the trip and the country seen. 1925. " E l mimetismo en los vegetales." (Ethnos III, 1 ( 5 ) : 124125.) On the protective coloration of certain cacti. 1925a. "Para la industria sericícola." (Méx. For. 3: 104-105.) Suggesting the planting of the morera blanca, Morus alba.

With a synopsis of the genus Fragaria; a botanical as well as an agricultural study. 1912a. "Las orquídeas y su cultivo." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 3 ( 1 0 ) : 5-6.) With a list of the genera found on the Cerro de San Felipe, in Oaxaca. 1912b. " E l cosmopolitismo del maíz. " (Gac. Agr. Vet. 3 ( 1 1 ) : 1-4. Repr. in Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. 2 ( 2 ) Part 1:136-141, 1912, and in Agr. Mex. 4 9 ( 1 ) : 31-36, 1933.) A discussion on the adaptability of the plant and on why it is so widespread. 1912c. " E l jardín botánico de Oaxaca." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 32: 67-76, illus.) A trans, by F . Franceschi, "The botanic garden of Oaxaca, Mexico" was publ. in (Pomona Coll. Jour. Econ. Bot. 2: 337-341, map, 1912). Another trans, (by whom?) was publ. in (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2 : 165174, 2 maps, 1 pi., 1915).

1926. "Las regiones botánico-geograficas del Estado de Oaxaca." (Int. Congr. Pi. Sci., Ithaca, 1926, vol. 1 (publ. 1929): 525-539, map.) A separate was publ. in 1926, 23 p., map. A discussion of ecology and plant distribution, with a description of zones and lists of plants typical of each. 1931. "Sinanteraceas." (Mem. Rev. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Ant. Alzate 5 3 ( 3 ) : 65-88.) "Claves de tribus y géneros Mexicanos." This seems to be one of the parts planned to be included in Los géneros vegetales Mexicanos, q.v. 1936. "Las plantas heroicas 370-377).





Pages 371-377, by Conzatti, are on ololiuhqui; the rest, by the editors, are on peyote and toloache. 1938-1947. Flora taxonómica Mexicana. Oaxaca and México, 2 vols.

Plan for the future, and a description of the first steps taken.

The work, planned originally for 9 vols, was never completely publ. Vol. 1 consists of 2 parts, publ. first in Oaxaca, 1938. Part 1, 47 p., consists of a key to families and was publ. first in ( M é x For. app., continuously paged, 14(6-12), 1 5 ( 1 - 2 ) , 1 6 ( 1 - 3 ) , 1936-1938). Part 2, 167 p., is on ferns. Vol. 2, also in 2 parts, was also publ. first in Oaxaca. Part 1, i-iv, 1941, is on the probable origin of the monocotyledons. A summ. of this was publ. separately; See Conzatti, 1942. Part 2, 1943, 278 p., is on monocotyledons. The 2 vols, were repr. in Mexico, in an ed. revised by Faustino Miranda and sponsored by the Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Vol. 1 appeared in 1946, 377 p. and vol. 2 in 1947, 220 p.

1914. "La repoblación arbórea del Valle de Oaxaca." (Bol. Est. Agr. Exp. Oaxaca 1: 1-13, illus.) Discusses the damage done by erosion and proposes the use of encina de Parian (Quercus acutifolia?), chupandia (Dasycarya grísea), Persea, nogal de Cuilapam (Carya olivaeformis), Olea europaea, and various species of Morus, for reforestation. 1915. "Plan general de clasificatión de los vegetales." (Bol. Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. 1: 281-283.) With a diagram, and a discussion of the plan. 1916. "Clave analítica ilustrada." Oaxaca, 198 ms. p.; introduction of XVI pages.—IB Méx. To serve as the introduction for his Nueva flora Mexicana. 1916a. "Plantas de Oaxaca." Ms., 1 vol. bound—IB Méx. 1917. "Exploración botánica por la costa meridional de Oaxaca." (Bol. Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. 2: 309-325, 13 illus., map of the trip.) A description of the trip, with a list of 303 species collected. (1918?) "Mapa biológico y mineralógico del Estado de Oaxaca." (México), 1 meter by 85 cm. Publ. by the Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. For authority as to the author's name, see ( L i b r o y el Pueblo 4 ( 4 - 6 ) : 18, 1925).—Cty. In a personal communication, C. Vega suggested that the date of this map was ca. 1923. Names of important plants are indicated on the map.

1940. "Organo transitorio en una talamiflora serrana." (An. Hosp. Gen. Oaxaca 2 ( 5 ) : 4-7, pi.) Describing a new genus, Heptacarpus, in the Ternstroemiaceae, with the species salmonicolor. 1942. " E l origen probable de las Monocotiledoneas." (Proc. 8th Amer. Sci. Cong. 3: 197). See also Conzatti, 1938-1947. Suggests that Isoetes might have been the ancestor of the Glumales and the other perianth-lacking monocotyledons, and that perhaps the cycads could have been the ancestors of the palms. COOK, (Mrs.) J. Fahys. 1940. "Beverage plants of the Americas." (Bull. VII, 12: 55-61). Includes remarks on peyote,

1919. " E l Estado de Oaxaca y sus recursos naturales." (Rev. Agr. 4: 207-212, 302-308, 398-409; 5 ( 2 - 4 ) : 104-106, 203-208, illus.) Repr. as a separate, México, 1920, 81 p. The principal emphasis is on plant products and their uses. Plant descriptions are accompanied by common and scientific names. 1919-1922. "Las plantas alimenticias y comestibles utilizadas en México." Oaxaca, ms. ( 4 2 4 + ? p.) incomplete; various pages missing.—IB Méx. "Plantas condimenticias," p. 400-424. 1920. " E l ololiuhqui." (Crón. Méd. Mex. 19: 128-133.) With a detailed discussion of its taxonomy.

Gard. Club


vanilla, and chocolate.

COOK, Lieutenant. 1769 "Remarks on a passage from the River Balise in the Bay of Honduras to Merida." London, 34 p.—ICN. With references to plants in the regions traversed. COOK, Melville Thurston. See also BRITTON, Nathaniel Lord et al, 1923-1930. 1906. "Tropical epiphytes." (PI.



192-194, illus.)

A general article, with a brief mention of Vanilla folia of Mexico. COOK, Melville Thurston, and Henry Allan GLEASON.




COOK 1928. "Ecological survey of the flora of Porto Rico." (Jour. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico 1 2 ( 1 / 2 ) : 1-139, 74 pi.) With a list of common names of plants and their scientific equivalents. COOK, Melville T. 1945. "Historia de la papa." (Agr. Méx. 6 1 ( 9 ) : 24-28.) On Solarium tuberosum. COOK, Orator Fuller. See also BARRETT, O. W. and COOK, 1910; SAJO, Karl, 1907; ANONYMOUS, 1903 j. 1901. "A synopsis of the palms of Puerto Rico." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 525-569, 6 pi.) With keys to the families and genera; included is a description of Inodes new genus, and of I. rosei n.sp. from Tepic. 1901a. "Shade in coffee culture." (U.S. Dept. Agr., Div. Bot., Bull. 25, 79.p., 16 pi.) With a list of shade plants used in coffee culture in various parts of the world. Plants are listed alphabetically by common and scientific names, with descriptions given under the scientific names. Many Mexican plants are included. 1901b. "The chayóte: a tropical vegetable." (U.S.D.A., Div. Bot., Bull. 28, 31 p., 8 pl.) A résumé, by Otis W. Caldwell (O.W.C.) was pubi, in (Jour. Geog. 1: 131-132, 1902). Covers botanical characters, history, common names, distribution, culture, and uses. This was probably the basis for several translations (some published anonymously; some by Manuel Vera) with the title "El chayóte, fruta tropical," which appeared as follows in Mexican journals: (Bol. S ría. Fom. México beginning in vol. 1: 408, 1901 and continuing in each number to 2 ( 1 ) , 1902; Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 27: 630, 654, 676, 1903; Prog. Méx. 12:233-235, continued in each issue to 357, 1905; Bol. Cám. Agr. Jal. 7 ( 1 ) : 413-416, ( 2 ) : 444-445, 1905). It was published also as a separate, México, 1905, 43 p., 6 pl.-NN. 1901c. "Origin and distribution of the cocoa palm." ( U.S.D.A. Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 7 ( 2 ) : 257-293.) Repr. as a separate Washington, 1901, 36 p., with the title "Origin and distribution of the cocoanut palm." For a revised account, see Cook, 1910. A detailed study, taking issue with De Candolle's conclusions on Africa as the original home of the cocoanut palm. Cook bases his ideas on the American origin of the plant, on early accounts, nomenclature, dissemination methods, and "botanical evidence." COOK, O. F „ and G. N. COLLINS. 1903. Economic plants of Porto Rico. Washington, 269 p., 60 pl., bibl. (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vol. 8, part 2.) Plants are listed alphabetically by common and scientific names; descriptions of plants are given mainly under the latter. COOK, O. F. 1903a. "Four new species of the Central American rubber tree." (Science n.s. 1 8 ( 4 5 7 ) : 436-439.) With a key to species of Castilla; C. lactiflua is described as a new species from Chiapas. 1903b. "The culture of the Central American rubber tree." U.S.D.A., Bur. PI. Ind., Bull. 49, 86 p., 18 pl.). Includes on p. 18-31, a section on the botanical study of Castilloa. A discussion of this article by an anonymous author was published in (Jour. d'Agr. Trop. 4: 49-52, 1904) as "Le Castilloa et sa culture en Amérique centrale" and reprinted in a Spanish translation as "Nueva contribución al estudio del hule en México" in the (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 28:237-239, 1904). A résumé of the article, without illustrations, was published in the (Imp. Inst. Bull. 2: 32-39, 1904), with the title "The cultivation of the Central American rubber tree (Castilloa elastica)." 1904. "Sobre el Castilloa ó hule, y su cultivo." (Prog. Méx. 1 1 ( 5 1 9 ) : 425, 435, 457.) 1909 "Vegetation affected by agriculture in Central America." (U.S.D.A., Bur. PI. Indust. Bull. 145: 1-30, 8 pi.) Discusses succession of vegetation after agriculture, and various kinds of evidence which indicate past agriculture. 217

1910. "History of the cocoanut palm in America." (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 1 4 ( 2 ) : 271-342, illus.) An extract from the intro. and summary was repr. in (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts IV, 31: 221-226, 1911). A continuation of the earlier work on the subject, 1901, q.v., citing additional historical and botanical evidence to show that the plant is a native of South America and was carried westward across the Pacific in prehistoric times. A brief section is included on the domestication of the palmetto in Mexico. The plant is not identified. 1911. "Dimorphic branches in tropical crop plants." ( U . S. D. A., Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 198, 64 p., 7 pi., 9 figs.) Discusses the relationships of form to function and culture techniques in cotton, coffee, cacao, the Central American rubber tree and the banana. 1913. "Relationships of the false date palm, of the Florida Keys, with a synoptical key to the families of American palms." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 6 ( 8 ) : 243-254, illus.) With an analytical key to related families based on fruit characters; also a synoptical key to the families of American palms, 13 groups in all. 1913a. "Nomenclature of the sapote and the sapodilla." (Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 1 6 ( 1 1 ) : 277-285, illus.) Discussion of nomenclature, common and scientific, with the assignment of the sapodilla to Achras zapote and the sapote to Achradelpha mammosa. 1913b. "A new generic name for the sapote." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3: 158-160.) Proposes Achradelpha with A. mammosa (Linnaeus), as the type species. 1915. "Date palm allies in America." (Jour. Hered. 6: 117-122, illus.) Considers Inodes, Mexican palmettos, as a possible relative; also Brahea dulcis. 1915a. "Glaucothea, a new genus of palms from Lower California." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5: 236-241.) Separated from Erythea with the type species G. armata (S. Wats.), from Lower California. 1916. "Branching and flowering habits of cacao and patashte." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 7 ( 8 ) : 609-625, illus.) A comparison of Theobroma and Tribroma, from forms cultivated in eastern Guatemala. 1919. "Olneya beans." (Jour. Hered. 10: 321-331.) On palo fierro — Olneya tesota, with description and uses. 1919a. "The size of Maya farms." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9: 11-14.) Disagrees with Brinton's criticism of Landa's report and presents evidence to support the latter's estimates. See D. G. Brinton, The Maya Chronicles 1882, p. 27, and Essays of an Americanist, p. 438, 1890; also Landa's Relacion de la Cosas de Yucatan. 1921. "Milpa agriculture, a primitive tropical system." (Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst, for 1919: 307-326, 15 pi.) History, techniques used, and effects on the land and the culture. COOK, O. F „ and J. W. HUBBARD. 1926. "Primitive cottons in Mexico." (Jour. Hered. 17:463-472, illus.) On the "characters of native cottons, including a wild species, Gossypium davidsoni near Guaymas"; includes a new species described in (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 1926), q.v. and corrects the description of G. morrilli given there. 1926a. "New species of cotton plants from Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 333-339.) With a key to Mexican cottons and a description of 5 new species: Gossypium hypadenum, G. patens, G. contextum, G. dicladum, and G. morrilli. COOK, O. F., and C. B. DOYLE. 1927. "Acala cotton, a superior upland variety from southern Mexico." (U.S.D.A. Circ. 2: 1-29, 11 pi., map, bibl.) Was a trans, into Spanish publ. in Bol. Mens. Estad. Un. Mex., Dec. 1927? The plant is a variety of Gossypium hirsutum.



1859. "On the distribution of the forests and trees of North America, with notes on its physical geography." (Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst, for 1858, 35th Cong., 2d Sess., Misc. Doc. 49, p. 246-280.) Catalogue of native trees of the United States divided into regions. Common and scientific names are given; many trees range into Mexico. 1861. "On the forests and trees of Florida and the Mexican boundary." (Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst, for 1860; 36th Cong., 2d Sess. Misc. No. 21: 439-442.) Additions of 6 species, in 4 genera, of trees omitted from the list in work on the Mexican boundary. (See Emory.) 1874. "The botany of the Cuyamaca Mountains (southern California)." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 8: 90-98.) A description of the trips to explore the region, with names of plants seen (common and scientific). Emphasis is on the zonation, especially on plants of the higher altitudes.

COOK, Orator Fuller. 1930. "The debt of agriculture to tropical America." (Bull. Pan. Amer. Union 64: 874-887, illus.) Repr. as No. 1, Agr. and For. Ser., Pan Amer. Union, Washington, 16 p., illus., 1930, and also in (Smithson. Inst. Ann. Rep. 1931: 491-501, 7 pi., 1931). With special attention to grains, cotton, quinine, and rubber. 1935. "The Maya breadnut in South Florida." (Science 82: 615-616.) On Brosimum alicastrum, with an analysis of the etymology of its common names. 1937. "Rubber production from Castilla and Hevea." (Science 85: 406-407.) Mainly on Castilla, giving the history of the plant, its distribution, and various uses. COOK, O. F., and J. F. JOYNER. 1938. "A diminutive palm from Mayaland." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 17: 1-12, illus.) On Neanthe bella, first described as a new species in (Science, Aug. 6, 1937 on p. 120-122); a detailed description is given of its structure, with information on its culture.

COOPER, Thomas. 1898. "A few remarks on Echeverias, Cotyledons, and Crassulas." (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 6 ) : 86-87, illus.) Mainly on the first two genera — the distinctions between them, and description of some species of each. 1898a. "Agave, Yucca, Opuntia." (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 7 ) : 98-100, illus.) Gives descriptions and uses, with illustrations for the Agaves and the Opuntias.

COOK, O. F. 1943. "Household palms and related genera." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 22: 83-102, 134-152, illus.) Out of 13 new genera described, without description in Latin, 8 are from Mexico: Mauranthe, Docanthe, Discoma, Meiota, Lophothele (written in one place Lopthele), Stachyophorbe, Anothea, and Cladandra. 1946. "Tropical America's agriculture." (Mex. 63-70.)


COOPER, William Skinner. See also GOODSPEED, Thomas Harper, ed., 1936. 1922. "The broad sclerophyll vegetation of California." (Carnegie Inst. Publ. 319: 1-124, 43 figs., bibl.) An ecological study of chaparral and its related communities, and the relation of chaparral to other communities of scrub plants. The appendix contains an annotated list of broad sclerophylls, a key to species, and an accompanying list of species.

2 2 ( 3 ) : 21, 22,

1947. "Cascade palms in southern Mexico." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 26: 10-34, illus.) On Vadia, with a detailed description of a new palm, V. jotolana, and the story of finding the palm in Chiapas. Chamaedorea atrovirens from Oaxaca is transferred to the genus Vadia, becoming V. atrovirens. A number of other genera, Edanthe, Stachyophorbe, Cladandra, Ynesa, Encheila, and Lobia are compared with and distinguished from Vadia. A new species, Encheila transversa is described from Oaxaca.

COPE, Stuart R. 1913. "A new rubber tree from Mexico." (Trop. Agr. 40: 149.) Quotes report from the L. and C. Express, Jan. 1913, on rubber from Plumería. A letter from Mr. Cope indicates that Olsson-Seffer had reported to him personally on this subject just before his death.

1947a. "Climbing and creeping palms in Mexico and Guatemala, related to household palms." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 26: 215-231, illus.) A detailed description of the genera Anothea and

COPELAND, Herbert Faulkner. See also GUNDERSEN, Alfred, 1950. 1947. "Observation on the structure and classification of the Pyroleae." (Madroño 9: 65-102, illus.) Detailed study covering the history, vegetative gross structure, anatomy, embryogeny, and classification. 1957. "Forecast of a system of the dicotyledons." (Madroño 1 4 ( 1 ) : 1-7.) Presents a system composed of 22 orders, based mainly on anatomical characters.


COOK, Sherburne Friend. 1949. "The historical demography and ecology of the Teotlalpan." (Ibero Amer. 33: 60 p., 8 fig., map.) Discusses changes in vegetation along with those in climate and population. Area covered is north of the valley of Mexico along the Tula River to Tezontepec, to Lake Zumpango; on the south along the mountains from Tezontepec and Mizquiahuala to the northern end of the valley of Actopan; along the east from Tizayuca to Actopan. 1958. "Santa Maria Ixcatlán." (Ibero

COPPOLA, Paula. 1928. "Estudio de la saponina del maguey." México, 1928, 52 p. — Thesis Chem. UNAM. Discusses other plants that are also sources of saponin.

Amer. 41: 1-75, map.)

Describing the habitat, population, and subsistence of a village in Oaxaca. In the section on the physical environment, changes are recorded in the vegetation as compared with the condition described in a 1777 "relación." Other sections on crops, industries, foods, and medicines also refer to plants, mainly by common names. COOK de LEONARD, Carmen. COOKE, George.

CORCORAN, Sister Mary Lucy. 1941. "A revision of the subgenus Pycreus in North and South America." (Cath. Univ. Amer., Biol. Ser. 37, 68 p., bibl.) With a key to species, descriptions, distribution, and index to specimens cited.

See LEONARD, Carmen Cook de.

CORCUERA y LUNA, Manuel. See REMUS, Nicolás, and CORCUERA y LUNA, 1881-1882.

See LODDIGES, Conrad & Sons, 1817-1833.

COOKE, John F „ Jr.

See MORTON, C. V., 1962.

CORDEMOY, Hubert Jacob de. Hubert.

COOLEY, J. S. 1951. "The sweet potato — its origin and primitive storage practices." (Sci. Month. 7 2 ( 5 ) : 325-331.) Repr. in (Econ. Bot. 5: 378386, illus.) COOLIDGE, Mary Elizabeth. COOPER, James Graham.



CORDERO, Adrian. 1943. "Apuntes téorico-prácticos sobre el cultivo del trigo en México." (Siembra 1 ( 9 ) : 38-39.) On Triticum.

See SMITH, Mrs. Albert W.

See also VARIOUS, 1855-1860.

CORDERO, D. Manuel (sic.). 218

See CORDERO, Manuel D.


CORDERO C O R D E R O , Juan. 1892-1893. "El mango y el zapote." (Rev. Agr. 8: 124, 125.) León cites an article with the same title in (Agricultura," No. 2, p. 16, n.d.). This has not been located. On Mangifera and Achras sapota.

CORDERO y HOYOS, Francisco. See also ALTAMIRANO, Fernando, 1876. 1870. "Géneros nuevos de Gramineas." (Naturaleza 1:343-351.) On 14 plants found near Mexico City and described by Vicente Cervantes.

C O R D E R O , Manuel ( D . ) . See also BOUSSINGAULT, J. B., 1874; ORTEGA, Aniceto, 1863; SEGURA, José Carmen, and CORDERO, 1883; 1884; 1900; VARIOUS, 1887 b.; VILLADA, Manuel M., 1875. 1870. "Memoria sobre el cultivo del chile." (Naturaleza 1: 358-388, 1870; repr. in Cultivador II, 2: 4, 39, 74, 154, 165, 18761877; also in Esc. Agr. 3: 276-325 ( a n d succeeding numbers), 1881; in Bol. Inst. Est. Méx. Feb., 1883, 7 p. (the beginning was not seen); and in Rev. Agr. 8: 92, 99, 119, 184, 200, 222, 235, 254, 269, 277, 293, 311, 324, 1892-1893.) León cites it as a separate, México, 1870, 35 p. A comprehensive study covering the history, classification, distribution, chemical analysis, and culture of Capsicum.


CORDERO, Manuel, BLANCO, L., and José Carmen SEGURA. 1877-1878. "Cultivo de la quina." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 1:328-332, 353-362, unf.) Also in (Esc. Agr. 2: 62, 73, 86, 1880) with the author as Cordero, alone. For an amplified version of this article, see Segura, José C., and Cordero, 1883. On the history of Cinchona in Mexico. CORDERO, M., J. C. SEGURA, and L. BLANCO. 1878. "Informe . . . de la expedición (excursión agrícola) a los cantones de Córdoba y Orizaba Die. 1877." (Gac. Agr. Vet. 1: 225, March; cont. to 2: 13 August; unfin.) Reports on sugar, quinine, vanilla, and coffee.

d'Amérique. (Bull.


CORDOBA, Francisco Fernández (or Hernández) de. See FERNANDEZ de CORDOBA, Francisco. CORDOBA, Juan de.

See CORDOVA, Juan de.

CORDOBA, Susana Uribe-Ortíz de Fernández de. See FERNANDEZ de CORDOBA, Susana Uribe-Ortíz de. CORDOUE, Gonzalve de. 1910-1911.

See L E V E I L L E , Augustin Abel Hector,

CORDOVA, Isabel. 1901. "Consideraciones acerca de la vegetación." México, 121-129 p. — BN Méx. In Conf. Cient. Alumnos Esc. Norm. Prof. Very general discussion. CORDOVA, Juan de. ( D C L lists as JUAN de Cordoba.) (1578.) Vocabulario Castellano — Zapoteco. México, 1942, 430 lvs. (Biblioteca Linguistica Mexicana); intro. notes by Wigberto Jiménez Moreno; facs. of original, 1578 ed., which was entitled Vocabulario en lengua Capoteca. CORDOVA, Manuel Salazar. See SALAZAR CORDOVA, Manuel. CORDOVA, Salvador Lujan.

CORDERO, Manuel D. 1879. "La vainilla." (Gac. Agr. Vet. Soc. Ign. Alvarado 2: 1-7.) 1883-1884. "El árbol de cacahoanantzin." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 7: 532-535; also in Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 9: 199-200, 1884; and in Rev. Agr. 25: 233-235, 1909-1910.) On Licania arbórea, seen as a source of oil. A botanical description of the plant, by Gabriel Alcocer, is included. 1895. "La higuerilla ó ricino." (Rev. Chih, 1 ( 7 ) : 220-221. Also in Prog. Méx. 3: 348-349, 1896 and Rev. Agr. 12: 73-74, 18961897.) On Ricinus communis. CORDERO, Manuel, y José C. SEGURA. 1907. "El maguey." (Rev. Agr. 23: 201, 1907-08, 24: 101, 1908-09, 25: 58, 1909-10, unf.) On Agave. CORDERO, M. 1909-1910. "El cacao." (Rev. Agr. 25: 179, 197, 219.) On Theobroma cacao.

See LUJAN CORDOVA, Salvador.

CORDOVA GURRIA, Francisco. 1927. "Contribución al estudio de peyote." (Rev. Med. Farm. Mex. 5 ( 7 ) : 7-9.) Mostly clinical data. CORDUS, Valerius. 1561. "Historiae plantarum libri IV." In Annotationes in pedacii Dioscorides anazarbei de medica materia, posthumous work ed. by Conrad Gesner, Argentorati (Strasbourg), lvs. 86-212, illus. - PU. Includes descriptions of Capsicum, corn ( called Triticum Bactrianum), guaiacum. Lvs. 236-301 in the same work are "De hortis Germaniae." For a detailed analysis of the Historia . . ., see T. A. and M. S. Sprague, "The herbal of Valerius Cordus," (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 5 2 ( 3 4 1 ) : 1-113, 1939). An abstract of a talk describing the most important features of the work was published in 1937, under the same title (Proc. Linn, Soc. London 149: 156-160). CORE, Earl Lemley. 1936. "The American species of Scleria." ( Brittonia (2) ( 1 ) : 1-105, 3 pi.) History, geographic distribution, morphology, key, descriptions, and localities. 1941. "The North American species of Paronychia." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 26: 369-397, 18 maps.) History, economic importance, geographic distribution, morphology, relationships, and key to species. Among the species included is P. mexicana. 1941a. "A new species of Paronychia from Mexico." (Madroño 6: 21-22; Contr. 12 from Herb. West Va. Univ.) Description of P. albomarginata. COREAL, Francisco. 1722. Voyages de François Coreal aux Indes Occidentales. Amsterdam, 3 vols. Identity of the author is uncertain. The work is supposedly a translation from an unknown Spanish original. It contains several chapters on Mexico, with brief mention of plants. CORELLl, Jr., José María. 1926. "El cacahuite (sic) forrajero." Cd. Juárez, 24 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Arachis hypogaea.

CORDERO, Miguel. See also ALTAMIRANO, F., 1904c; VARIOUS, 1895-1908; 1917. 1891. "Apuntes para el estudio de la Spigelia longiflora." In Monog. Méx., in Estudio 2: 49-62, 1 pi.; repr. in Rev. Farm. Mex. 2 ( 6 ) : 210 and cont. in each issue to 2 ( 1 0 ) : 257, 1892). León cites a separate, México, 1891, 2 pi., number of pages not listed. Thesis in Medicine. 1905. "La candelilla." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 165-171; also in Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 32: 96-99, 102-103, 1908.) Chemical study of Rhizophora mangle. 1907. "Contribución al estudio de las trementinas." (Farmacia 1 6 ( 6 ) : 139-142; ( 7 ) : 161-166.) With emphasis on the "trementina de abeto" or Abies. 1917. "Prolegómenos para el estudio analítico del Agave." (Bol. Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. 2: 235-240, illus.) Chemical analysis. CORDERO, Pedro Larréa y.

See MORITZ, E., 1935.

CORDIER, A. 1873. "Note sul l'utilisation de l'Agave Soc. d'Acclim. II, 10: 700-703.) On its various uses.


CORDERO HERMOSILLO, Eduardo. 1956. "Cultivo de la fresa en la región de Irapuato, Gto." Cd. Juárez, 24 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Fragaria. 219



CORIA, Alonso de. 1582).

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco (1579-

CORIA, Hernando de. (1579-1582).

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del

CORLETT, Dudley S. 1939. "Some Mexican flowers." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 106: 321.) Observations on plants in bloom in the winter, mainly around Mexico City and between there and Taxco; also a brief description of the floating gardens of Xochimilco. CORNAILLAC, G. 1903. El café, la vainilla, el cacao, y él té. Barcelona, 480 p., illus. With history, names, taxonomy, and culture. CORNEJO, Ignacio.

See VARIOUS, 1870.

CORNEJO TEMINO, Diego. del (1579-1582).

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco

CORNER, E. J. H. 1949. "The durian theory or the origin of the modern tree." (Ann. Bot., n.s. 13: 367-414.) For a provocative discussion of this see John Parkin, "The durian theory — a criticism," in ( Phytomorphology 3: 80-88, 1953). This was followed by Corner, "The durian theory extended, I," in (Phytomorphology 3:465-476, 1953), with more detail from many families, mainly on the aril and the sarcotesta; "II, The arillate fruit and the compound leaf," (4: 152-165, 1954) and "III, Pachycauly and megaspermy" (4: 263-274, 1954). This is of particular interest as it relates to the history of the tropical forest. 1962. "The classification of Moraceae." ( Gard. Bull., Singapore, 1 9 ( 2 ) : 187-252.) With keys to tribes, genera, and species. CORNETTE, Andre (le P. Cornette). 1858. Relation d'un voyage de Mexique à Guatemala dans le cours de l'année 1855. Paris, 124 p., 3 maps. — CtY. To Veracruz and then by boat; the emphasis is on geology, but there are some references to plants, mostly by common names. CORNYN, John Hubert.

See WILCOX, Marrion, and RINES, 1917.

CORONA, Enrique. 1917. El Estado de Sonora — geografia elemental. Hermosillo, 60 p., 48 illus., map. - SMGE. With a section on plants, divided according to use. CORONA, J. Manuel. 1938. "Algunas maderas preciosas del Territorio de Quintana Roo." (Prot. Nat. 2 ( 9 ) : 4-5, illus.) Plants are cited by common names only. CORONA, J. Orestes. 1923. "Análisis de algunas muestras de café verde." Guadalajara, 15 p. Thesis Chem. On Coffea. CORONA, Leopoldo Tinoco. CORONA, Ramón Lara y. CORONA, Rosendo.

See TINOCO CORONA, Leopoldo. See LARA y CORONA, Ramón.

See RAMIREZ, José, 1900.

CORONA Ch., Carlos Rojas.

See ROJAS CORONA Ch., Carlos.

CORONA M., Paz. 1922. "Dosificación del ácido cianhídrico ( HCN ) en las aguas destilados de hojas de capulín del comercio." Guadalajara, 11 p., typed chart. Thesis Chem. With a description of Prunus capollin, which is considered the same as P. serótina. CORONA NUNEZ, José. . . See also BRAND, Donald D., 1944, 1951; VARIOUS, 1579. 1946. "Cuitzéo." (Acta Anthrop. 2 ( 1 ) : 1-68.) With a section on the plants of the area listed by common and scientific names; references to cultivated crops are included.

CORONADO, Roberto.


See GONZALEZ ORTEGA, Jesús, 1934.

CORONADO MARTINEZ, Magdalena. 1943. "Estudio y obtención de la papaina industrial." Guadalajara, 47 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. Extracted from Carica papaya. CORONADO P., J. Adrián. 1953. Monografía del Departamento de Sacatepequez. Guatemala, 226 p., illus. The flora is discussed on p. 39-49, with common and scientific names; a list of plants according to use, with common names only, is also given. CORONADO P., Ricardo. 1939. "Estudio sobre las plagas del nopal." México, 35 typed p. Thesis ENA. With a detailed description of the plant. CORONEL, Juan.

See MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ, Juan, ed., 1929.

CORRAL, Miguel del. CORRAL, Tomás López.

See VARIOUS, 1873. See LOPEZ CORRAL, Tomás.

CORRAL A., Luis. (1947). Formulario de medicina y farmácia práctica, n.p., 237 p., retrato. — Personal copy of Sr. Jesús Zavala F. (Morelia). A section entitled "Medicina herbaria," p. 91-145, lists plants alphabetically by common name only. CORRAL ALCARAZ, Julio. 1935. "Breve estudio del Cephalocereus p. — Thesis Univ. Mich., Arch. CORRE, A.

purpusii." Morelia, 24 typed

See LOPEZ, Gregorio, 1672.

CORREA, Alberto. ( 1885?) Geografía de México. México, 1889, 110 p. - BN Méx. Textbook with a section on agriculture which lists important native plants by common names only. According to Santamaría in El movimiento cultural en Tabasco, p. 42, the first edition of this work appeared in 1885. 1899. Reseña económica del Estado de Tabasco. México, 165 p., map, illus. Chapter on the flora gives common names of plants. Another chapter is on agriculture and there are special chapters on products like cocoa and vanilla. 1901. "El plátano." (Instructor 1 8 ( 4 ) : 1-3.) Mainly on the culture of Musa. CORREA, Alejandro Zentella. dro.


CORREA, Gustavo C. 1916. El henequén. México, 1916, 11 p. — DA. History, etymology, taxonomy, and culture; based on a thesis (ENA?) awaiting presentation. CORREA, José Antonino. 1887. "Breve estudio sobre los trigos que se consume en el Distrito Federal." México, 41 p., illus. Thesis Med. UNAM. On Triticum. 1898. "Una monstruosidad vegetal útil." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ani. Alzate 12: 459-465. Signed J. A. Correa. On the production of bulbs from the middle of the stalk, by Allium cepa. CORREA, Maevia.

See PARODI, Lorenzo R., ed., 1959.

CORREA CANTO, José. 1879. Tratado elemental de la geografía de Yucatán. Mérida, 7th ed., 1887, 61 p. - LNHT; 10th ed., 1901, 64 p. The first ed. was pubi, in 1879, 56 p. CORREA de MELLO, Joaquín, and Richard SPRUCE. 1869. "Notes on Papayaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 10: 1-14, 1 pl.) History, distribution, and taxonomy; based on the observations of Correa de Mello. CORREA SUAREZ, José Fernando.

CORRELL 1951. Informe médico-socUd de la Villa de Acalá, Chiapas. ico, 54 p., illus., maps. — Bibliot. Frans. Blom. With a brief list of precious woods.


1952. "Section Tuberarium of the genus Solanum of North America and Central America." (U.S.D.A. Monog. 11: 1-243, 168 illus., bibl.; drawings are by Regina O. Hughes.) History and taxonomic treatment; more than 50 species and varieties are segregated into 11 series; descriptions are given, with lists of specimens examined. 1953. "Native American lady's slippers." (Orch. Jour. 2 ( 4 ) : 145-151, illus.) Cypripedium irapeanum is the only species found south of the Rio Grande.

CORRELL, Donovan Stewart. See also AMES, Oakes, 1943, 19521953; LUNDELL, Cyrus Longworth et al, 1942 - in progress. 1940. "Nomenclature of the American species of Corymborchis." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 8 ( 6 ) : 121-128, 2 pi.) Includes C. cubensis Acuña which extends through Mexico. 1941. "The genus Ponera." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 9 ( 8 ) : 129-151; illus. by Gordon W. Dillon.) With a key to species, descriptions, and location; three new species are described from Mexico. 1941a. "Two new American orchids." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 9 ( 8 ) : 152157, illus.) Includes Corallorrhiza williamsii n.sp. from Morelos, in Mexico.

CORRELL, D. S., B. G. SCHUBERT, H. S. GENTRY, and W. O. HAWLEY. 1955. "The search for plant precursors of cortisone." (Econ. Bot. 9: 307-375, illus., maps, bibl.) With a section on exploration in Mexico for Agave and Dioscorea. CORRELL, Donovan S. 1958. "A new species and some nomenclatural changes in Solanum, section Tuberarium." (Madroño 1 4 ( 7 ) : 232-236, illus.) Renames S. confusum Correli as S. nelsonii. 1959. "An interesting holacanthoid plant in Texas." (Wrightia 2 ( 1 ) : 43.) On Holacantha stewartii Muller, with its range extended also in Mexico, from Coahuila and Zacatecas to Chihuahua.

1941b. "Studies in Isochilus, Mormodes, and Hexalectris." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 0 ( 1 ) : 1-20, illus.) Keys are provided to species of Isochilus and Hexalectris, with descriptions and distribution. Hexalectris revoluta is described as a new species from Mexico. Some attention is given to a discussion of Mormodes lineatum Batem. and M. histrio Linden. 1944. "Vanilla, its history, cultivation and importance." (Lloydia 7: 236-264, illus. Revised as "Vanilla, its botany, history, cultivation, and economic importance," and publ. in Econ. Bot. 7: 291-358, illus., bibl., 1953. The bibl. is mainly from Cora L. Feldkamp, "Vanilla, a list of references," U. S. D. A. Libr. List No. 13, 1945.) 1947. "A new Epidendrum from Mexico." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 1 6 ( 2 ) : 106-108, illus.) E. amesianum from Chiapas.

1960. "A mule-train trip to Sierra Mohinora, Chihuahua." (Amer. Fern Jour. 5 0 ( 1 ) : 66-78, illus., map.) With occasional references to flowering plants seen, as well as ferns; e.g., Malaxis ehrenbergii, Triphora mexicana, and Solanum polytrichon. 1961. "Four new Solanums in section Tuberarium." (Wrightia 2 ( 3 ) : 133-141, illus. ) Includes S. hintonii from the state of Mexico. 1961a. "New species and some nomenclatural changes in section Tuberarium of Solanum." (Wrightia 2: 169-171.) Including a description of S. macropilosum n.sp. from Nuevo León. 1962. The potato and its wild relatives. Renner, Texas, 606 p., illus., maps, bibl. Illus. are by Vivian Frazier. Chapters are contributed by Robert W. Hougas, Stanley J. Peloquin, Kenneth S. Dodds, Robert V. Akeley, and P. P. Dykstra. The major part of the work is devoted to the systematic study of the species involved. There is also discussion of the origin of the potato, a review of explorations for potatoes, a listing of the author's itineraries, and a list of species by countries, with descriptions, distribution, and specimens examined.

1947a. "Some revisions of American orchids." (Lloydia 10: 209-228.) With a number of new species and varieties from Mexico. The description of Calanthe mexicana is reprinted in (Orch. Jour. 2 ( 3 ) : 100, 1953), with an illustration on the cover. 1947b. "Additions to the orchids of Texas." (Wrightia 1 ( 3 ) : 166182, illus.) Many from Mexico are included. 1948. "Wild potato collecting in Mexico." (Field Lab. 1 6 ( 2 ) : 94112, map, illus.) An account of a trip to get strains resistant to disease, drought, frost, etc.; with reports on collections of others, also. Potato habitats in Mexico are described with a detailed discussion of 8 states in particular; a list of species found in Mexico is given by states, then by species, in the section Tuberarium, with the Mexican states in which each was found. A more complete report was published as "Collecting wild potatoes in Mexico," 1948a, q.v.

CORRENS, C. 1901. Bastarde zwischen maisrassen mit besonderer beruckischtigung der xenien. Stuttgart, I-XII, 161 p., 2 col. pl., Bibliot. Bot. Heft # 5 3 .

1948a. "Collecting wild potatoes in Mexico." ( U . S. D. A. Circ. 797, 40 p., 32 figs., incl. maps.) A review of potato expeditions to Mexico, a description of the expedition of 1947-1948, with a discussion of various potato habitats in Mexico, and the general distribution of wild potatoes in Mexico, by states, with lists of various species in each. Finally there is a catalogue of Solanum species of the section Tuberarium, with the states where each was found. This is an amplified version of the article published 1948, in Field and Laboratory, q.v.

CORREU TOLEDO, Damián. 1930. "El cultivo del arroz en Morelos." México, 45 p., illus. Thesis ENA. On Oryza. CORREVON, Femand. See CORREVON, Henry, 1914. CORRE VON, Henri (Henry). See also LANE, Bernard Harlin, 1914. 1914. Les plantes des montagnes et des rochers. Genève, Paris, 491 p., 19 figs, dessinées par Fernand Correvon. With a chapter on "Cactées rustiques," listing important species with brief description and their original habitat.

1950. "New Middle American Solanums, section Tuberarium." (Contr. Texas Res. Found. 1 ( 1 ) : 4-14, 5 pi.) Includes S. skutchii n.sp., S. oxycarpum Schiede var. brachycarpum var. nov., and S. trifidum n.sp., all from Mexico. 1950a. Native orchids of North America north of Mexico. Waltham, 400 p., 151 pi., bibl. foreword by Charles Schweinfurth; illus. by Blanche Ames Ames and Gordon Winston Dillon; culture notes by Edgar Theodore Wherry and John Vertrees Watkins. -DA. History, distribution, culture, common and scientific names, keys, and descriptions. Many plants found south of the border are included.

1930. Rock gardens and alpine plants. New York, 544 p., port.; ed. by Leonard Barron. Contains a chapter on hardy cacti; 2d part is an alphabetical list of genera with brief descriptions, listings of species, and original habitats. Author says "this book is not a translation of "Les plantes des montagnes. . . ." CORROY, Francisco. 221


CORROY CORROY-continued 1833. Ensayo sobre el bejuco guaco. Campeche, 18 p. — LNHT. Describes several "bejuco guacos" one a root-guaco, camotillo; three vines, blanco, verde, and morado; but gives no scientific identifications. CORROY, M„ fils. 1832. "Extrait dune lettre." (Bull. Soc. Geogr. (Paris) 1 8 : 5 4 - 5 7 . ) On his voyage to Palenque; with some references to plants. CORTES, Agapita Agapita. CORTES, Ambrosio Ambrosio.

Hernández. González.

See See





CORTES Y ZEDEÑO, Jerónimo Tomás de Aquino. 1765. Arte vocabulario y confessionario en el idioma Puebla, 172 p. - NNH. Very few plant terms are included. CORTEZ, Gabriel Pacheco. CORTINA, Conde de la. la Cortina.

CORTES, Esther. 1926. " E l árbol del Perú." México, 1926, 62 p. Thesis UNAM. Emphasis is on the chemistry. CORTES, Fernando Martinez.

CORTES y MORALES, Balbino. 1889-1891. Cultivo de las plantas industriales. México, 3 vols. — Bibliot. A. Alzate. First volume is on textiles, narcotics, sugar, alcohol, and spices; the second is on oils, dyes, aromatics and medicine, and the third on fruits.

CORTINA, Carlos Garza.


See GOMEZ, José M. (Justo?), Conde de See GARZA CORTINA, Carlos.

CORTINA, José M. (Justo?) Gómez de la. (Justo?), conde de la Cortina.


CORTINA, Martín.

CORTES, Hernán (also as Hernando, and Fernando). See also ALCOCER, I., 1935; GRYNAEUS, Simon, 1532; KINGSBOUROUGH, Edward King, viscount, 1830-1848; MARMOCCHI, Francesco Constantino, 1843; RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista, 1550-1559. PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1505-1818).


See GOMEZ, José M.


CORTINA B., Jaime. 1933. "Estudio comparativo de las diversas variedades de las semillas y aceite de algodón." México, 30 ( 4 ) p. Thesis, Pharm. On Gossypium. CORTINA CARMONA, Benjamín. 1953. "El coquito de aceite en Nayarit." Chapingo 35 lvs., illus. Thesis ENA. On Attalea cohune.

(1519-1526.) Cartas de relación. In Biblioteca de autores Españoles 22(part 1 ) : 1-153, 1858; also in Historia de Nueva España, printed in México, 1770, with notes and additions by Francisco Antonio Lorenzana y Buitrón. According to Sabin, the first complete collection of all known writings of Cortés, and of the papers directly related to him, was printed in Paris, 1866, with the title Cartas y relaciones de Hernán Cortés al Emperador Carlos V. The first letter, supposed to have been written July 10, 1519, and sent from Veracruz, is lost and usually the letter from the Justicia de Veracruz is publ. in its place. The fifth letter, relating to Honduras, has also disappeared. A French version of what seems to be the first and second letters was publ. in Antwerp, 1522. The second and third letters were printed by Grynaeus in his Novus Orbis, 1616, q.v. Numerous trans, of the letters have been publ. in various languages. An English version, trans, by J. Bayard Morris, was printed in New York, 1929, as Five letters. (Argonaut Series, ed. by E. Denison Ross and Eileen Power.) For more detailed information on the various eds., see the Church catalogue.

CORTINA CORTINA, Martín.. .See MELGAREJO VIVANCO, José Luís, 1943(1944). CORUNA y COLLUDO, Antonio de. 1878. "Zoque — the language spoken at Santa Maria de Chimalapa." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 4: 36-42), trans, from the author's ms. by J. A. Dacus. Also spoken at San Miguel and Tierra Blanca, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Vocabulary has only a few plant names. CORY, Victor Louis. 1946. "The genus Palafoxia in Texas." (Rhodora 48: 84-86.) Describes P. riograndensis n.sp. and suggests it probably occurs in Mexico. 1948. "Botanizing with "Marcus E. Jones A. M." in Texas." (Field Lab. 16: 45-61, port.). Includes account of a short trip into Mexico with references to plants collected. 1948a. "Curly mesquite grass in Texas and northern Mexico." (Wrightia 1 ( 4 ) : 214-217.) With a description of Hilaria swalleni n.sp. and a key to other species: H. cenchroides, H. belangeri, and H. swalleni.

These reports of the conqueror of Mexico to the King of Spain contain many references to plants, particularly in the second letter. The Lorenzana edition includes a map of Mexico City, prepared by Alzate; also "fragmentos de un mapa de tributos." "Entre las notas," says Colmeiro, "se hallan algunas de interés botánico, especialmente en lo relativo a frutas de América." León calls attention to the fact that "en varias partes de sus cartas, habla Cortés de las producciones naturales de México, pero con especialidad cuando describe el mercado de Tlatelolco." For a history and bibliographical analysis of the letters, see also Valle, Rafael Heliodoro, 1953.

CORZO, Angel M. 1943. Geografía de Chiapas. México, 35 p., maps, illus. — CU-B. "Libro para el alumno;" with just a brief list of cultivated crops. Do not confuse with the more advanced version "para los maestros y los alumnos de las escuelas secundarias," similarly titled and published in the same year. 1943a. Geografía de Chiapas. México, 116 p., illus., maps. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1946. "Para los maestros y los alumnos de las escuelas secundarias del Estado de Chiapas"; with a brief section on the flora, in which plants are listed by common names only. Lists of products are given in the descriptions of the 13 different "distritos judiciales." Do not confuse this work with the more elementary version "para el alumno," but similarly titled and published in the same year.

CORTES, José Domingo. 1872. La República de Méjico. Santiago, Chile, 233 p. "Apuntes geográficos estadísticos, administrativos, históricos, i de costumbres;" references to plants are in the section by states. CORTES, Martin. See also ITURRIBARRIA, Jorge Fernando, 1933. (1537?) ("Carta a Antonio de Mendoza.") (In: Doc. Ined. Rel. Desc. Conq. Col. Ant. Pos. Esp. Amer. Ocean. 12: 563-568, 1869.) On the first plantations of mulberry for the silk industry (1537?). Iturribarria, q.v., says this is the first written record of the introduction of the silk industry in Mexico.

CORZO, Antonio Hernández.


CORZO, Manuel T. 1897. Ligeros apuntes geográficos y estadísticos del Estado Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 67 p.—Bibliot. F. Castañon. With a list of products according to districts.

CORTES R., Arturo. 1939. "Cultivo y exportación del tomate en Los Mochis, Sinaloa." Los Mochis, 49 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Lycopersicum.

CORZO, Rodolfo Hernández.


See VARIOUS, 1955.



CORZO CORZO, Salvador.

See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José María (1579).

CORZO RUIZ, Francisco. (1945.) "Cacao en México." N.p., 54 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Theobroma COS, Jesús González.

cacao. See GONZALEZ COS, Jesús.

COSBY, Stanley Wallace. 1929. "Notes on a map of the Laguna Salada Basin, Baja California, México." (Geogr. Rev. 19: 613-620, maps, 9 illus.) Plants are listed with common and scientific names. COSIO, Manuel González.


COSSIO, David Alberto. 1924-1933. Historia de Nuevo León. Monterrey, 6 vols. — Cire. Merc. Mut. Monterrey. The first volume includes a chapter on the life of the early inhabitants of the region, and the plants they used. COSSIO, Francisco González de. Francisco, 1606. COSSIO, M. Diaz de. COSSIO, Martin de.



See DIAZ de COSSIO, M. See SMITH, Harold Hamel, 1934.

COSSON, Ernest Saint Charles. 1847. "Note sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou critiques." (Ann. Sci. Nat., III, 7: 205-213.) Includes Amaranthus chlorostachys which is cited from Mexico. COSTA de OLIVIERI, Catalina A. 1959.

See PARODI, Lorenzo R., ed.,

COSTANZA, Miguel. See also VARIOUS, 1785-1789. 1788. "Plano del terreno destinade para jardín botánico contenido entre las dos calzadas del Paseo Nuevo de Bucareli al norte y al oeste, la calzada de Chapultepec al sur, y la zequia que viene de Beiern al este. Contiene este sitio 317768 varas cuadradas." — Drawing at MiU-C. A ms. map of the first botanical garden established by the Spanish in Mexico. COTA, Federico (Guerra cites his name as Francisco). (1883?). "Algo sobre el zihuatlpatl." In Nueva Recop. Monog. (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2 ( A p p . ) : 23-28, 1897). Pubí. as a separate, México, 1883 (fide Guerra), 1884 (fide León). The name of the plant appears variously as zihuapatl and zihualpatl. COTA, Francisco.

1888. Revision of North American Umbelliferae. Crawfordsville, Ind., 144 p., 9 pi. — PPAN. For the revised version see the Monograph of the North American Umbelliferae, by Coulter and Rose, 1900. 1890. "Geographic distribution of North American Umbelliferae." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 39: 292-298.) Considers origin, spread, distribution, and relationships. 1890a. "Geographic distribution of North American Cornaceae." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 39: 319-322.) Considers Garry a, Nyssa, and Cornus. COULTER, John M., and E. M. FISHER. 1892. "Some new North American plants." (Bot. Gaz. 17: 348-352.) Includes Gomphrena pringlei, No. 3152, distributed as G. decumbens Jacq. COULTER, John M. 1894. "Some affinities among Cactaceae." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 40: 286-287.) With suggestions as to the evolution of the members of the family. 1894a. "Preliminary revision of the North American species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora." (U.S. D.A. Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3 ( 2 ) : 91-132.) Descriptions of the species, arranged in taxonomic order, with many new taxa described, and with synonymy and lists of specimens examined. These include a number sent from San Luís Potosí by Dr. Louis Eschanzier. The section on Cactus includes an artificial key to species and a discussion of of geographical distribution. This section was translated by F. Vaupel as "Einige vergessene Mamillarien," and published in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 30: 55-57, 1920), with description of 6 species from San Luís Potosí. In the section on Anhalonium, 4 species are described and a new genus Lophophora is erected for A. williamsii and A. lewinii. COULTER, J. M., and J. N. ROSE. 1895. "Musineon of Rafinesque." (Bot. Gaz. 20: 258-260.) Nomenclature, history and a description of M. alpinum n.sp., from the Nevado de Toluca. 1895a. "Deanea, a new genus of Umbelliferae from Mexico." (Bot. Gaz. 20: 372-373.) With D. nudicaulis and D. tuberosa as new species. 1895b. "Report on Mexican Umbelliferae, mostly from the state of Oaxaca, recently collected by C. G. Pringle and E. W. Nelson." (U.S.D.A., Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3 ( 5 ) : 288-309, 6 pl.) With a catalogue of Umbelliferae cited previously in Oaxaca, a description of the Cerro de San Felipe by Nelson, and a brief description of the Sierra de Clavellinas by Pringle. Some data are given also on other collecting stations; and there is an annotated catalogue of species, with descriptions of new species.

See COTA, Federico.

COTA REAL, Octavio. 1946. "Estudio químico del tomate." Guadalajara, 28 p. Thesis Chem. On Physalis. COTERA, José Ahuja. See AHUJA COTERA, José. COTILLA, Manuel López. See LOPEZ COTILLA, Manuel. COUDREAU, J. 1950. "Traverses de chemins de fer en bois tropicaux." (Bois Trop. 16: 369-388, illus.)

COULTER, John M. 1896. "Preliminary revision of the North American species of Echinocactus, Cereus, and Opuntia." (U.S.D.A., Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3 ( 7 ) : 355-462.) Completes the earlier work, 1894, q.v. Contains an artificial key to species in each genus, and a discussion of their geographic distribution.


Data are cited mainly for Brazil, Salvador, and Honduras, but trees mentioned, in many cases, grow also in Mexico. Common and scientific names are given for the trees. COUES, Elliot. (1777).





COULTER, John M., and J. N. ROSE. 1900. "Synopsis of Mexican and Central American Umbelliferae." (Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1 ( 3 ) : 111-159, 11 pl., 8 figs.) With an artificial key to genera and a key to species, with descriptions and distribution. Several new Mexican species are described in nine different genera. 1900a. "Monograph of the North American Umbelliferae." (U.S. D.A., Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 7 ( 1 ) : 1-256, 9 pl., 65 figs., bibl.) A review of earlier treatments, with keys and descriptions of genera and species, divided as native and introduced and, for each, a list of specimens examined. This replaces the Revision of North American Umbelliferae, 1888, q.v.


COULTER, John Merle. See also GRAY, Asa, and Sereno WATSON 1878-1897; Q U E H L , L„ 1916; ROSE, Joseph Nelson, 18971911; SEATON, Henry E., 1893. COULTER, John M., and J. N. ROSE. 1886. "Synopsis of North American pines based on leaf anatomy." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 35: 254-256.) An abstract of a longer work which was given at the American Association for the Advancement of Science sessions. COULTER, J. M.




COULTER-continued 1909. "Supplement to the monograph of the North American Umbelliferae." ( Smithson. Inst., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 2 ( 1 0 ) : 441-451, illus. ) A record of all new species described since 1900, with transfers, and descriptions of some new taxa; the area covered is North America, north of Mexico. COULTER, John Wesley. 1940. La pina. Washington, 67 p., illus. Publ. Agr. No. 134-136; publ. by the Pan American Union, Oficina de Cooperación Agrícola. Only p. 62-63 refer to Mexico. COUOH VAZQUEZ, Domingo. 1952. "A la memoria Dr. Narciso Souza Novelo." (Rev. Méd. Yucatan 2 6 ( 9 ) : 351-352). From "El Diario de Yucatán." The original was not seen. COUPIN, Henri Eugène Victor. 1903. "Les fibres de l'Agave employées dans la brosserie." (Naturaliste 2(17): 20-21.) Calls the fiber Tampico, gives its place of origin, and describes the industry. ( 1909, acc. to M.H. ) Les plantes medicinales. Paris, 314 p., 30 pl. in color.—DAFM. Another ed., Paris, 1920, 30 pi. With distribution of the plants discussed. COUPIN, Henri, et Louis CAPITAINE. 1909-1910. "Les genres de la famille des Cesalpinacées." (Naturaliste II, 23: 282-283, illus.; 24: 7, 21, 115, 125, 140, 154, 168, 225, 235, illus., 1910. ) "Leur classification et leurs principaux usages"; numbers of species and distribution are given for each genus. 1910. "Les genres de la famille de Convolvulacées du monde entier." (Naturaliste II, 24: 221, 233, 245, 38 figs.) Conspectus of genera, with numbers of species, and distribution for each genus. 1910a. "Les genres de la famille des Ranunculacèes du globe." (Naturaliste II, 24: 265-266, 274-277, 284-286, illus.) "Leur classification et leurs principaux usages"; with numbers of species and distribution for each genus. COURCELLES, E. Chardon de. LES, E.


COURSET, George Louis Marie Dumont de. See D U M O N T COURSET, George Louis Marie.


COUTINO de MATEOS, Celia. 1940. "Estudio de la guasima." México, 19 p.—IB Méx. On Guazuma tomentosa. COUTO, Vicente Gómez y.

See GOMEZ y COUTO, Vicente.

COUVERCHEL, Jean François. 1839. Traité des fruits tant indigènes qu'exotiques. Paris, 717 p.— DA. Classified as starchy, watery, acid, acid-sweet, aromatic, bitter, oily, and described. COVARRUBIAS, Gaspar de. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). COVARRUBIAS, José M. See. VARIOUS, 1878. COVARRUBIAS, Joseph Ramón. See VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 1796, 1798. COVARRUBIAS, Luís F. 1891. "El monacillo." In: Nueva Recop. Monog., in (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 160-166, 1897). León cites a separate, Puebla, 1891, 23 p. illus. Thesis. Med. Plant is identified as Hibiscus pentacarpos L. COVARRUBIAS, Miguel. See also PRESCOTT, William Hickling, 1843. COVARRUBIAS, Miguel. 1946. Mexico south—the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. p., illus., plus 93 pl., bibl., maps.

New York, 429

Divided into the Atlantic slopes and the Pacific plains; includes a vocabulary of 120 words, in 7 Indian languages, of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. COVARRUBIAS, Norberto Cuadra. See CUADRA COVARRUBIAS, Norberto. COVAS, Guillermo. 1949. "Taxonomic observations on the North American species of Hordeum." (Madroño 10: 1-21.) With a key to the species. CO VIAN MARTINEZ, Vidal. 1943. "Geografía de Tamaulipas." Cd. Victoria, 177 typed p.— SMGE. The "flora," on p. 46-70, lists wild and cultivated plants arranged according to uses, with common and scientific names and family. COVILLE, Frederick Vernon. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 19231960; VARIOUS, 1902-in progress. 1890. "Revision of the United States species of the genus Fuirena." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 1-8, illus.) Includes F. simplex, which extends into Mexico. 1893. Botany of the Death Valley expedition. Washington, 318 p., map, 21 pi., bibl. (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 4.) Excellent study with a list of species by family, descriptions and localities. A list of desert plants is also provided for different habitats. 1894. "The genus Hemicarpha in North America." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 34-37.) Includes a detailed description of H. micrantha Britton which extends into Mexico. 1895. "The botanical explorations of Thomas Coulter in Mexico and California." (Bot. Gaz. 20: 519-531, m a p ) . With a list of titles of papers based on his collections, and a list of some of the species named for him, with the works in which they were described. COVILLE, Frederick Vernon, and Daniel Trembley MACDOUGAL. 1903. Desert botanical laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. Washington, 58 p., 29 pi., 4 maps; bibl. by Wm. Austin Cannon. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 6. An account of a trip to choose the locale for such a laboratory includes a discussion of several Mexican areas. COVILLE, F. V. 1904. "The American deserts." (Natl. Geogr. Mag. 15: 152-163, 7 illus., map.) Includes a discussion of the Sonora-Nevada desert and the Chihuahua desert, with interesting illustrations of typical plants. COWAN, Juan L. 1912. "La nueces y sus cosechas en América." (Rev. 20: ( 1 0 6 ) : 20; ( 1 0 7 ) : 20.) On Juglans.

Rev. 2(105):

COWAN, Richard Sumner. 1954. "Studies in tropical American Leguminosae." (Brittonia 8 ( 1 ) : 59-60.) Describes Pterocarpus minimus as a new species from Chiapas. C O W E L L , John. 1730. The curious and profitable illus.—NNBG.

gardener. London, 126 and 67 p.,

Part I contains descriptions of bonana (sic) identified as Musa arbor, of Ananas, guava, etc. Part II "concerning the Aloe americana" reviews its history, especially that of specimens in England. Chapter 2, is "of the torch thistle," identified as Cereus erectus maxima Americanus hexangularis flore albo radiato. COWLEY, Abraham. 1668. Poemata Latina. London, 420 p.—PP-R. English trans, in The poetical works of Abraham Cowley, 4 vols.; in Bell's ed. of The poets of Great Britain, Edinburgh, 1777.



Contains 6 books on plants, with 2 on trees, the first of which refers to such tropical plants as bananas, avocado, cacao, and Opuntia. The first 5 books on plants are in vols. 3; the 6th in vol. 4. COWLEY, José. See VARIOUS, 1831 (1832?). COX, Donald K. See also BRAVO HOLLIS, Helia, and COX, 1958; VARIOUS, 1960b. COX, Don K. et al. 1958. "Estudio de las Dioscoreas Mexicanas." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 22: 12-27, map, illus.) Study of D. spiculiflora Hemsley with a consideration of the chromosomes and ecology; also a table listing important trees, shrubs and herbs in Cárdenas and Tonalá in Chiapas, cited by scientific names with families. Other contributors include Eizi Matuda, Antonio Hernández Corzo, and José G. González Durán. COX, D. K. 1959. "Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of sapogenin-containing Dioscorea spp. in Mexico." (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 81.) Discussion of the relationship of climate, land use practices, and vegetation influenced by human activity and fire. COX, E. H. M. 1955. "Plant collectors employed by the Royal Horticultural Society, 1804-1846." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 8 0 ( 6 ) : 263-280). With a section on Theodore Hartweg, pp. 275-276. COX, H. A., ed. 1932. Handbook of Empire timbers. London, 1939, 214 p. The first ed. was pubi, in 1932; a 3d ed. appeared in 1945. Pubi, by Great Britain, Forest Prod. Res. Lab., Dept. Sci. Indust. Res. Divided into hard- and softwoods, listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, descriptions, properties, and uses. COX, Hiden Toy. 1948. "Studies in the comparative anatomy of the Ericales." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 39: 220-245, 40: 493-516.) I—Ericaceae, subfamily Arbutoideae. II—Ericaceae, subfamily Rhododendroideae. With a discussion of the origin, phylogeny, and spread of the group. COX, Mary Josephine. 1941. "The comparative anatomy of the secondary xylem of five American species of Celtis." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 25: 348-357, illus.) Includes C. mississippiensis from Mexico. COX, William Thomas. 1944. "Balsa." (Amer. Lumberm. 3 2 9 0 : 3 2 , 34, illus.) Repr. as "Some facts about balsa," in (Jour. For. 42: 714-715, 1944). A general article on Ochroma. COXE, John Redman. 1830. "Some observations on the plant that produces the official jalap." (Amer. Jour. Med. Sci. 5: 300-307, 2 pi.) A detailed description of the plant and its growth; also a description of the plant by Nuttall, who calls it Ipomoea jalapa. CRAIG, Helen Hill. See MUENSCHER, Walter Conrad Leopold, 1939. CRAIG, Robert E. See CRAIG, Robert T. CRAIG, Robert T. 1936. "Neomammillaria dawsonii." Amplified description.


Succ. Jour. 8 ( 4 ) : 61.)

1937. "Vagabonding in Lower California." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 8 ( 1 2 ) : 214-216, illus.) 1937a. "Byways of Sonora." (Des. Pi. Life 9 ( 3 ) : 27, illus.) With special attention to cacti. 1939. "Mammillaria inaiae." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 1 0 ( 7 ) : 111-112.) Description of a new species from Sonora.


1940. "Mammillaria sonorensis sp. nov." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 2 ( 1 0 ) : 155-156, illus.) From Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua. 1940a. "Mammillaria lindsayi sp. nov." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 2 ( 1 1 ) : 182-183, illus. ) From southwestern Chihuahua. 1943. "Mammillaria woodsii sp. nov." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 5 ( 3 ) : 33-34, illus.) From Guanajuato. 1945. The Mammillaria handbook. Pasadena, 390 p., 304 figs., bibl.— IB Méx. Keys, descriptions, photographs, lists of little known species and names to be excluded; also descriptions of associated genera. Dr. Standley calls this "a monumental work." 1946. "Hunting that new plant." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 25: 314-319, illus. ) Description of a trip through Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua, with the Barranca de Cobre del Rio Urique as goal. 1947. "Plant hunters." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 ( 1 ) : 4-5, illus.) Descriptions of incidents on collecting trips in various parts of Mexico, from Sonora and Chihuahua to the Rio Balsas. CRAIG, Robert T., and E. Yale DAWSON. 1948. "Two new Mammillarias from Puebla and Oaxaca." (Allan Hancock Found. Pubi., Occ. Papers 2: 55-69, 3 pi.) (printed incorrectly on the cover as Robert E. Craig). Descriptions of M. nejapensis var. typica, var. brevispina and var. longispina, and M. duoformis with var. rectiformis and var. typica. 1948a. "A new variety of Mammillaria scrippsiana." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 9 ) : 126-127, illus.) Var. autlanensis from Jalisco. CRAIG, Thomas. 1934. "A revision of the subgenus Hugelia of the genus Gilia (Polemoniaceae)." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 61: 385-396, 411-438, illus.) With keys to species and varieties, descriptions, and distributional data. New taxa described from Mexico include: G. densifolia Benth. var. austromontana and G. eremica var. yageri (Jones) n. comb. CRANE, E. A.

See KIRKWOOD, J. E., 1909.

CRANE, Julian Coburn. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1949. "Roselle—a potentially important plant fiber." (Econ. 89-103. ) Description, nomenclature, varieties, culture, and uses. C RAVERI, E. See RIO de la LOZA, Leopoldo, and (1854).

Bot. 3:

preparation, CRAVERI,

CRAVIOTO, Alberto Torres. See TORRES CRAVIOTO, Alberto. CRAVIOTO, René Oscar (full name Cravioto Barrera). See also GONCALVES de LIMA, Oswaldo, 1955; GUZMAN G„ Jesús et al, 1947; MASSIEU H., Guillermo et al, 1955; 1959; MIRANDA, Francisco de P. et al, n.d.; TAPIA, Marco A. et al, 1949. 1949. "Contribución al conocimiento de valor nutritivo de los alimentos Mexicanos—el maíz." (Medicina 29: 293-297.) Compares it with other foods. 1951. "Valor nutritivo de los alimentos Mexicanos." (Amer. Indig. 1 1 ( 4 ) : 297-309.) Lists of foods high in various nutritional elements; common and scientific names are given for most plants—many of them wild plants. Compare with Cravioto et al, 1953. CRAVIOTO B., René O., Guillermo MASSIEU H., y Jesús GUZMAN G. 1953. "Valor nutritivo de los alimentos Mexicanos." ( Mem. Cong. Sci. Mex. 7: 434-499.) With a list of the plants used, citing common and scientific names.




CRAVIOTO B., René O., Guillermo, MASSIEU H., Jesús, GUZMAN G„ and José CALVO de la TORRE. 1955. "Composición de alimentos Mexicanos." (Nutríología 2 ( 2 ) : 25 unnumb. p. after p. 26.) Plants are listed with common names, scientific names, and locality where produced. CRAWFORD, Cora Hayward. 1889. Land of the Montezumas. New York, 311 p., illus. Tourist comments on plants in the tierra caliente. CRAWFORD, D. L. 1911. "A biological expedition to southern Mexico." (Pomona Coll. Jour. Econ. Bot. 1: 57-63.) Report of activities in Chiapas, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Morelos, and San Luis Potosi; references are to cultivated plants only. 1911a. "Modern agriculture in Mexico." (Pomona Coll. Jour. Econ. Bot. 1: 111-121.) General survey of conditions at that time and suggestions for improvement in techniques, and crops to be tried. CRAWFORD, Douglas M. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1945. "Coconuts in tropical America." (Agr. Amer. 5 ( 1 1 ) : 206, 215, illus.) A popular article.


CRAWFURD, John. 1867. "On the migration of cultivated plants in reference to ethnology—(articles of food)." (Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London, n.s. 5: 178-192, 255-276, 318-324.) Discusses in the first section starch yielding plants: potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, etc. Second section is on fruits, and the third on sacchariferous plants. 1868. "On the history and migration of cultivated plants used as condiments." (Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London, n.s. 6: 188-206.) With a brief reference to Capsicum, which is cited as indigenous to Asia and Africa, as well as to the Americas. 1869. "On the history and migration of cultivated narcotic plants in reference to ethnology." (Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London, n.s. 7: 78-91. ) Includes a discussion of tobacco. 1869a. "On the history and migration of cultivated plants yielding intoxicating potables and oils." (Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London, n.s., 7: 92-106.) Includes a discussion of the Agave. 1869.b. "On the history and migration of cultivated plants producing coffee, tea, cocoa, etc." ( Trans. Ethnol. Soc. London, n.s. 7: 197-206.) CRAWFORD, Oswald ( p s e u d ) . See HARRIS, William Richard. CRAWSHAY, de B. ( D e Bary). 1902. "Laelia anceps and its varieties." (Gard. Chron. I l l , 32: 414.) An enumeration of the varieties, with descriptions of allied species. CREEL, Enrique C. 1928. "El Estado de Chihuahua." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. V, 12: 126-201.) Repr. as a separate pamphlet, México, 1928, 79 p. With a brief section on the agriculture. CRESPIN, Dr. 1895. "Le pambotano contre les fievres paludéennes." ( Rep. Pharm. I l l , 10: 462-463; from Bull. Therap., 1895.) ( T h e original version is not in the United States.) T h e plant is identified only as a legume. CRESPO, Juana Huerta. See HUERTA CRESPO, Juana. CRETE, P. 1956. "A propos de l'embryologie de YArgentone mexicana L." (Phytomorphology 6 ( 2 ) : 144-148, illus.) Criticism of an earlier paper by Sachar in ( Phytomorphology 5: 200, 1955, q.v.). CREUTZBURG, Harry Charles. See MACKENZIE, Kenneth Kent, 1931-1935, 1940.

CRIST, Raymond E. 1939. "The pulque industry." (Econ. Geog. 15: 189-194, 5 figs.) Review of the industry before and after the land reforms. 1950. "Some geographic aspects of the manufacture of mezcal." (Sci. Month. 50: 234-236, illus.) Description of the process as a household industry in Mexico. CRISTIANI, Luís G. 1961. "Diferenciación de los géneros Cotoneaster, Crataegus y Pyracantha por la anatomía del leño secondario." (Rev. Inst. Mun. Bot. Buenos Aires 1: 57-60, illus.) With a key to the 3 genera. CRISTOBAL, Carmen L. 1960. "Revision del genero Ayenia (Sterculiaceae)." (Opera Lilloana 4 : 5-230, illus., bibl.) Descriptions and distribution of 68 species, with descriptions of 7 new species from Mexico, in various states. Keys are provided to sections, subsections, and species. 1961. "Nueva contribución al estudio del género Ayenia L. (Sterculiaceae)." (An. Inst. Biol. México 3 2 ( 1 - 2 ) : 191-200, illus.) New locality records, a report of cleistogamous flowers in A. fruticosa, and a description of a new species, A. mirandae, from Guerrero. CRITCHLEY, Macdonald. See KLUEVER, Heinrich, 1928. C R I T T E N D E N , Thomas T. 1896. "The manufacture of pulque in Mexico." ( U.S. Cons. Rep. 51 ( 190 ) : 396-404. ) An article based on this was printed as "The production of pulque in Mexico" in (Jour. Soc. Arts 44: 800-801, 1896). A report of the U. S. consul general in Mexico; it includes a translation of an article by Prof. Adam E. Schultze on mescal and tequila, published in the Deutsche Zeitung von Mexico (no date given). The part on pulque by Crittenden describes the Agave and its culture. CROFFUT, William Augustus. 1904. Folks next door. Washington, 3d ed., 373 p., illus. With a part on Mexico, pp. 133-266; a section on plants in tropics, on foods, floating gardens, cacti, etc. There are interesting comments on plants although the author says he is "one who loves folks better than flowers or trees." CROHN, Hertha. 1926. Der mais in der weltwirtschaft. Berlin, 64 p., 11 maps. With only a brief section on Mexico. CROIZAT, Léon Marius Camille. See L U N D E L L , Cyrus Longworth, 1943; WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937-in progress. 1936-1937. "On the classification of Euphorbia." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 63: 525-531, 64: 523-536, bibl.) The first reference asks "how important is the cyathium?" Discussion of the point leads the author to the position that the cyathium does not constitute a useful basis for classification. The second reference asks "how should the cyathium be interpreted?" 1937. "Tithymalus or Pedilanthus." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 24 (10): 702-704.) The first name is preferred. Nomenclatural considerations are discussed, with citations of names and combinations using Tithymalus Mill. 1939. "Euphorbiae species et subgenera nova ex America Latina." (Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 10-14.) Includes a description of E. stormiae n.sp. from Michoacán. 1940. "Thirty-five new species of American Croton." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 21: 76-107.) Six species are described from various parts of Mexico. 1942. "Echinofossulocactus or Stenocactus." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 5 ) : 69-71, illus.) The first term applies to the genus; the second to the subgenus. 1942a. "What is a cephalium?" (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 1 2 ) : 169-172 illus.)


CR0NEM1LLER 1942b. "A study of Manihot in North America." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 23: 216-225, illus.) On species that have been confused as M. carthagenensis Jacq. Ten species are described from Mexico and M. parvicocca and M. colimensis are described as new species. 1943. "The cactus and its body." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 15 ( 3 ) : 37-41, illus.) On the morphology and evolution of tubercles, spines, grooves, and seedling characteristics. 1943a. "What is the cephalium of Melocactus?" (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 5 ( 9 ) : 137-138, illus.) 1943b. "Notes on Cereus and Acanthocereus." (Caldasia 7: 117122.) Reviews nomenclaturai history and accepts Cereus "as the equivalent of Piptanthocereus, and Acanthocereus as a valid and distinct genus." 1943c. "Novelties in American Euphorbiaceae." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 24: 165-189.) Describes Bernardia gentryana n.sp. from Sinaloa and Sapium bourgeaui n.sp. from Veracruz. 1943d. "Notes on American Euphorbiaceae." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 33: 11-20.) With the descriptions of eleven new species; Mexican material includes Andrachne ciliato-glandulosa (Millsp.) Croiz. comb, nov., Phyllanthus coalcomanensis, P. neoleonensis (with a key to species of Phyllanthus), Caperonia chiltepecensis, Jatropha deutziiflora, Pedilanthus coalcomanensis, and Euphorbia crispata Hornem. 1943e. "The typification of Echinocactus." (Lilloa 9: 179-198.) Discussion of the taxonomic history of the genus and its limits. 1943-1945. "A study of the genus Lophophora Coulter." (Des. PI. Life 15: 117-120, 138-140, 152-154, illus., 1943; 16: 7-9, 3738, 43-44, 53-55, 90-93, 103-108, 118-122, 139-143, 150-156, illus., 1944; 17: 11-16, 1945. Some of the illus. are by Ethel Bailey Higgins. Emphasis is on taxonomy and nomenclature, with discussion of species and varieties, and on the morphology of the flower. 1944. "Bibliographical notes on the Euphorbiaceae." (Rev. Acad. Colomh. Cienc. 5 ( 2 0 ) : 541-547.) On the publication dates of various works important in the family. 1945. "New or critical Euphorbiaceae from the Americas." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 26: 181-196, 1 pi.) New species from Mexico include 8 taxa in Croton, and Argythamnia micrandra. 1958. Panbiogeography. Caracas, 3 vols., maps, bibl.; a very detailed index-NNBG. "An introductory synthesis of zoogeography, phytogeography, and geology; with notes on evolution, systematics, ecology, anthropology, etc." Vol. 1 is on the New World, with the emphasis on northern South America and the West Indies, but there are many references to Mexico in the text. 1959. "A note on the origin of Zea mays." (Boi. Mus. Cienc. Nat. (Caracas) 4 - 5 ( 1 - 4 ) : 169-183, map.) Suggests that maize originated somewhere between the central Himalayas and New Guinea, and that there was a center of use and diffusion of Zea mays somewhere east of Assam and west of the New Guinea-Hainan axis. 1962. "Typification of Euphorbia maculata L. A restatement and a conclusion." (Webbia 1 7 ( 1 ) : 187-205.) Continuing the controversy on the subject. See Wheeler, 1960. CRONEMILLER, Fred Parks. 1942. "Chaparral." (Madrono 6: 199.) Discussion of the etymology of the term and its use in characterizing vegetation types; compares it with chamisal. CRONQUIST, Arthur John. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960. 1944. "Studies in the Simaroubaceae IV. Résumé of the American genera." (Brittonia 5 ( 2 ) : 128-147.)

Mexican representatives are described in Recchia, Alvaradoa, Holacantha, Picrasma, and Quassia. Picramnia is omitted, to be treated later. Other genera omitted, Castela, Simaba and Simarouba, were treated elsewhere. 1944a. "Studies in the Simaroubaceae II. The genus Simarouba." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 71: 226-234, 1 fig.) With a key to species and varieties, descriptions, and distribution. Mexican material includes S. glauca var. latifolia var. nov., from southeastern Mexico. 1944b. "Studies in the Simaroubaceae. I. The genus Castela." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 25: 122-128.) With a key to species, comments, and distribution. Three species are described in Mexico: C. peninsularis, C. retusa, and C. tortuosa. 1945. "Studies in the Sapotaceae. The North American species of Chrysophyllum." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 72: 192-205.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution; material from Mexico includes C. mexicanum var. politum var. nov. from Oaxaca. 1945a. "Studies in the Sapotaceae. The North American species of Manilkara." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 72: 550-562.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution; Mexican material includes: M. meridionalis Gilly, M. zapotilla (Jacq.) Gilly, and M. chicle (Pitt.) Gilly. 1945b. "Studies in the Sapotaceae III. Dipholis and Bumelia." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 26: 435-471.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. 1946. "Studies in the Sapotaceae. II. Survey of the North American genera." (Lloydia 9: 241-292.) With keys to species in Micropholis and Pouteria. A new genus, Mastichodendron, is erected for American species related to Sideroxylon. 1947. "Revision of the North American species of Erigeron." ( Brittonia 6 ( 2 ) : 121-300.) Detailed study limited to the "region north of Mexico," but many of the species described are found in Mexico. CRONQUIST, Arthur, and David D. KECK. 1957. "A reconstitution of the genus Machaeranthera." (Brittonia 9 ( 4 ) : 231-239.) Remove Machaerantha from Aster and combine it with Xylorhiza, as more closely related to Haplopappus. A synopsis of the more evident species, with brief descriptions and distributional data, is followed by a catalogue of the same taxa. CRONQUIST, Arthur. 1957a. "Outline for a new system of families and orders of dicotyledons." (Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 2 7 ( 1 ) : 13-40, bibl.). With a synopsis of the orders, and a linear sequence of orders and families. 1960. "The divisions and classes of plants." (Bot. Rev. 26 ( 4 ) : 425-482, bibl.) Divided into 2 subkingdoms, Thallophyta, with 8 divisions^ and Embryophyta, with divisions 9 to 16. CROONENBERGHS, Charles. 1893. Le Mexique. Paris, 424 p., illus., map.—BN Méx. With reference to plants seen on a trip through the country. CROSELLES, Joaquin Izquierdo y. See IZQUIERDO y CROSELLES, Joaquin. CROSELLES, Juan Izquierdo. See IZQUIERDO CROSELLES, Juan. CROSS, Price. 1941. "Cactus lure." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 1 ) : 6-8, illus.) A trip to Los Pinos Mts. (south of Brewster Co., Tex.) and to Nuevo Leon - Santa Catarina and 40 miles west of EI Limon. CROSSLEY, B. W.

See BOWMAN, Melville LeRoy, 1915.

CROUCHER, J. 1872. "Aspects of vegetation - Mexican cacti." (Garden illus.) With special attention to Cereus giganteus.

1: 262-263

CROVETTO CROVETTO, Raúl Martínez. See MARTINEZ CROVETTO, Raúl. CRUCES, María Magdalena Rubio. See RUBIO CRUCES, María Magdalena. CRUEGER, Hermann. 1849. "Organographische betrachtungen ueber einige pflanzen." (Linnaea 22: 477-510, illus.). Refers to plants in the Musaceae, Cannaceae, Zingiberaceae, and Orchidaceae. CRUM, Ethel Katherine. 1929. "The geographic distribution and relationships of Isomeris, Cleomella, and Wislizenia." Berkeley, 172 typed lvs., bibl. Master's thesis. "On three genera of West American Capparidaceae." Covers history, distribution, taxonomy, and relationships between and within genera. Special attention is given to Cleomella, which is divided into subgenera, with keys to species and varieties. All genera are represented in Mexico by several species and varieties. CRUM, Howard. See HERNANDEZ X., Efraim et al., SHARP, A. J., et al, 1950.


CUATRECASAS various items under Emmart. The first 14 pages of the Spanish translation are introductory, reviewing the history of the work. There is also an etymological index of plant names with scientific equivalents. 1552a. The de la Cruz - Badiano Aztec herbal of 1552. Baltimore, 48 p., illus., Maya Soc. Publ. 22. 1939. Reproduction of the Latin text and figures of the original work. Publ. 23 (xxxii, and 143 p.) is the English translation by William Gates, with an introduction on the pre-conquest Aztec system of botany. A study of the plants with their identification, and an explanation of the terms and the illustrations, is included. CRUZ, Miguel Garcia. See GARCIA CRUZ, Miguel. CRUZ, S. 1912. "El cultivo del henequén en Yucatán." (Rev. 2(8-9): 359-360, 367-368, 372-373, 380-382.) In English and Spanish.

Agr. Trop.

CRUZ, Santiago Pacheco. See PACHECO CRUZ, Santiago.

CRUSE, Robert Ridgely. See KROCHMAL, A, et al, 1954.

CRUZ, Wilfrido C. 1946. Oaxaca recondita. México, 350 p. With reference to Zapotee plants, in legend and medicine.

CRUSE, Robert R. 1949. "Chemurgic survey of the desert flora in the American southwest." (Econ. Bot. 3: 111-131, illus., bibl.) Classified according to uses: stock feed, alcohol, paper, resins, medicine, rubber etc. Most of the plants are equally common in Mexico.

CRUZ COLIN, Eduardo. 1946. "Estudio económico social de la región oriente del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo." Zitácuaro, 91 typed p.—Bibliot. Congr. México. Just a brief list of the cultivated plants and trees, by common names only.

CRUZ, Alonso de Santa. See SANTA CRUZ, Alonso de.

CRUZ LOPEZ, Candido, et al. 1949. Estudio agrológico regional del Estado de Tlaxcala. México, 156 p., maps, illus. Also in (Ing. Hidr. Méx. 3 ( 1 ) : 57-97, ( 3 ) : 78-136, illus., maps, 1949). Collaborators include Conrado Alvarez Cruz and Plutarco Noriega Cruz. Chapter 6, on vegetation, contains lists of plants cited with common and scientific names, most of the latter taken from the Martinez Catàlogo, q.v. But the list must be used with care; yoloxochitl, for example, is classified as a legume and identified as Eupatorium(l).

CRUZ, Conrado Alvarez. See ALVAREZ CRUZ, Conrado. CRUZ, Efrén Zamorano. See ZAMORANO CRUZ, Efrén CRUZ, Francisco Antonio Nuñez (Martínez) de Santa. See NUNEZ MARTINEZ de SANTA CRUZ, Francisco Antonio. CRUZ, Francisco B. 1934. "Cultivo del ajonjolí." (Agr. Gan. 9 ( 1 0 ) : 18-23, 32.) On Sesamum indicum. CRUZ, Gregorio. 1928. "Breve estudio geográfico de la municipalidad de Toluca." Toluca, 21 p., illus.—Bibliot. Públ. Toluca. With a list of the plants, cited by common names only. CRUZ, Héctor Ventura. See VENTURA CRUZ, Héctor. CRUZ, Imelda Esquivel. See ESQUIVEL CRUZ, Imelda. CRUZ, Manuel E. See also RABASA, Ramón et al, 1895. 1893-1894. "Datos sobre los cultivos, producciones, minerales y flora en el Departamento de Pichucalco." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 17: 667-670, 682-684, 698-699, 760-761, 1893; 18: 27, 42, 57, 91, 1894; also in Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 3 ( 1 3 ) : 3-38, 1893.) In the state of Chiapas; with a list of native plants and cultivated ones, cited by common and scientific names. CRUZ, Martín de la. See also ACEVEDO LOPEZ, Santos, 1953: BLANTON, William B., 1936. CRUZ, Martín de la, and Juan BADIANUS. 1552. Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis Codex Barberini. Ms. Lat., No. 241 in the Vatican. Written in Aztec, in 1552, with the trans, into Latin by Badianus. An English trans., with notes and intro. by the trans., Emily Walcott Emmart, was publ. in Baltimore, 1940, i-xxiv, 341 p., 122 pi. with the tide, The Badianus manuscript - an Aztec herbal. A Spanish trans, was publ. by Francisco Guerra, México, 1955, 258 p., 3 pi. as a thesis in history, Fac. Fil., UN AM. The Italian version, Erbe medicinali del Messico, reported by Gabrieli, q.v. was probably prepared at the end of the 17th century. This work is important as containing the earliest illustrations of American plants. The English translation is painstaking and scholarly, particularly with regard to the annotations on Aztec medicine and pharmacology, and to the identifications of the plants illustrated. For more information on this work see the

CRUZ LOPEZ, José. n.d. "Cultivo de la veza." N.p., 18 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Vicia sativa. CRUZ SALAZAR, Graciela. 1950. "Datura stramonium." Oaxaca, 29 p., illus. Thesis Univ. Oaxaca. On the variety tatula; common names are listed. CRUZ y FIGUEROA, Consuelo. 1931. Análisis del tepozán. México, 68 p.—IB Méx. Pharmaceutical study of Buddleia americana covering its history, synonymy, description, classification, and histology. CRUZ y MOYA, Juan José de la. (1756-1757). Historia de la Santa y Apostòlica Provincia de Santiago de Predicadores de Mexico en la Nueva España. México, 1954-1955, 2 vols. Intro, by Gabriel Saldivar. The original work was written in 1756-1757. Covers the period to 1544. In chapter 6, there are some references to plants. CUADRA COVARRUBIAS, Norberto. 1956. "Aspectos del cultivo del algodón en Cd. Delicias, Chihuahua." Chapingo, 95 typed lvs. Thesis ENA. On Gossypium. CUATRECASAS, José. 1958. "Introducción al estudio de los manglares." (Bol. Soc. Boi. Méx. 23: 84-98, 6 figs., incl. map.) A discussion of the ecology of the species involved, their adaptations, and their distribution. 1960. "Studies on Andean Compositae. IV." (Brittonia 12(3): 182-195, illus. ) Includes taxonomic descriptions and comments on Com-


CUEVAS positae from Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. The generic name, Cacalia, is synonymous with Adenostyles and is not to be used in the American flora. Baccharis bogotensis H. B. K. and B. elegans H. B. K. are considered synonyms. The first name is applied to the South American plants and for the Mexican plants, formerly called B. elegans, the name B. mexicana sp. nov. is proposed.

CUBA, J. (or Joannes) von (de). See CUBE, Johann von. CUBAS, Antonio Garcia. See GARCIA CUBAS, Antonio. CUBAS BAO, José Javier de. 1832. "Economía." (Reg. Trim. 1: 409-438.) Discusses varieties of maguey and their culture, in answer to questions from Miguel Paes de la Cadena. CUBE, Johann von (also as Joannes de (von) Cuba). See ROESLIN, Eucharius, 1533. CUDAHY, John. 1928. Mañanaland. New York, 250 p., illus., maps. "Adventuring with camera and rifle through California in Mexico"; many references to plants by common names only, in the text and illustrations. CUEBAS, Antonio. (1777.) "San Pedro Iscatán." (Bol. Bibl. Nac. Méx. 18:281-284, 1905.) Description of a region in Nayarit, with references to the natural history. Written in 1777. CUEBAS, Joseph Maestro y.


CUEBAS, Pedro Gutiérrez de. See GUTIERREZ de CUEVAS, Pedro. CUELLAR, A.


CUELLAR, José T. de. See also ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905. CUELLAR, José T. de, y José María FLORES VERDAD. 1869. "El cultivo del lino." (Ilus. Pot. 1: 297-304.) On the culture and preparation of the fiber to stimulate production in the country. CUETO, Graciela Támez. See TAMEZ CUETO, Graciela. CUEVA, Concepción. 1927. "Lobelia laxiflora." Guadalajara, 17 typed lvs. Thesis Chem. Description includes histologic details. CUEVA, Leónidas. 1880. "Noticias estadísticas correspondientes a la municipalidad de Juchitlán, Jalisco." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 1: 233-235.) With a section on the fruiting trees, and medicinal plants, of the monte. CUEVA, Mariano. See CLAVIGERO, Francisco Xaviero, 1780-1781. CUEVA DOMINGUEZ, Antonio. 1942. "Aspectos de la economía agrícola de Tlaxcala." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 56: 243-249.) With a list of cultivated plants. CUEVA MARTIN del CAMPO, Rosa. 1953. "Estudio geográfico de las oleaginosas de México." México, 42 p., charts and maps. Thesis, Fil. Letras, UNAM. Study includes copra, semilla de algodón, ajonjolí, cacahuate, higuerilla, and linaza. CUEVA SANTILLAN, Juan de la. 1581 )a.

See LA TORRE, Germán (1579-

CUEVA VELAZQUEZ, Julio. 1951. "Flora alergénica de la República Mexicana." (Rev. Méx. Alerg. 1(4): 7-13, 3 maps.) Divided into Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Polygonaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Plantaginaceae, and 14 families of trees; distributional data are included. CUEVAS, Benjamín. 1894. Ensayo botánico. Mérida, 51 p. — DPU. One hundred twenty-five medicinal plants are classified;


they are listed alphabetically by common names, many of which are Mayan; uses are also given. 1907. "El guano —en Maya, xaan". (Agricultor 1(2): 36.) On Inodes, a palm with various uses; common Maya names are given for varieties. 1913. Breve tratado de veterinaria. México, 16 p. — DA. Based on Plantas medicinales de "Yucatán, q.v. 1913a. Plantas medicinales de Yucatán. Mérida, 278 p.; atlas of 37 col. plates, entitled "Ilustraciones de la obra, Plantas medicinales de Yucatán y manual ó guia médica práctica doméstica por el Dr. Benjamín Cuevas." Preceded by "Las plantas vermífugas de Yucatán," on p. 5-8, by Alfonso Avila, published originally in Ticul, 1908, and, according to a note on the first page by Octavio Cuevas S., also in Rev. Méd. Yucatan. These earlier versions have not been seen. Plantas medicinales continues to p. 127 and is followed, pp. 131-278, by "Manuel ó guia médica práctica doméstica", printed originally in Ticul, 1908. In the Plantas medicinales, the plants are listed alphabetically by common, mostly Mayan, names, with descriptions, varieties, and uses. The illustrations consist of 3 drawings on a plate, with Spanish and Maya names. CUEVAS, Hilario. See also PARSONS, James Russell, 1905. 1889-1890. "La costa sur del Estado de Oaxaca." (Rev. Agr. 5: 37, 55, 70.) With references to the wild and cultivated plants. 1895. Estudio práctico sobre el cultivo del café. México, 50 p. León lists an ed. of 1894, with 52 p. León characterizes the work as "estudio quizá muy práctico, pero indudablemente poco científico." 1905. "Cultivo del algodon árbol y otras plantas fibrosas." (Per. Ofic. Est. Michoacán. 13(49): 3, 5; also in Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 29: 677, 1905.) Scientific identification is not given. 1905a. "El mais gigante." (Per. Of. Est. Michoacán 13(62): 3.) Mainly on its culture. 1911. "Arbol que produce lana." (Rev. Rev. 2(57): 15, illus.) Plant is not identified. According to Martinez, it is probably Ceiba. CUEVAS, Irma García de León. See GARCIA de LEON CUEVAS, Irma. CUEVAS, Joseph Maestro. See MAESTRO CUEVAS, Joseph. CUEVAS, Mariano.

See OBREGON, Baltasar de (1584).

CUEVAS, Pedro Gutiérrez de. See GUTIERREZ de CUEVAS, Pedro. CUEVAS ALEMAN, Baltasar. 1956. "Las Dahlias." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 19: 21-22.) General article, with special attention to the culture. CUEVAS G., Remigio. 1923. "Breves consideraciones sobre plantas útiles de Yucatán." (Agricultor (Mérida) 10(6): 16.) On mac-much (tapo de sapo), corcho de Yucatán"; not otherwise identified; (in the Malvaceae?). 1923a. "Breves consideraciones sobre plantas útiles de Yucatán." (Agricultor (Mérida) 10(6): 19-20.) El yich-caan (color de cielo); a brief description of a shrub not otherwise identified, source of a blue dye; (Jacobinia?). 1923b. "El chucum." (Agricultor (Mérida) 10(12): 9-10.) On an unidentified legume; probably Pithecolobium albicans. Two varieties are described: chac-chucum, the red variety, and the sac-chucum, the white variety. The plant is a source of lumber, and tanning material. 1923c. "Plantas medicinales de Yucatán. (Medicina 3(35): 295-296; 4 ( 4 2 ) : 170.) The first is on put-balam, with a description of the plant, but no scientific identification. (Is it Solanum?) The second is xkooch-le, likewise not identified. (Cecropia?) CUEVAS LOPEZ, Armando.




CUEVAS LOPEZ-continued 1947. "Explotación de tres especies forestales y propagación artificial de caoba en Quintana Roo." Chapingo, 82 p. Thesis ENA. Includes a list of forest species in the family, cited by common and scientific names. CUEVAS PIMIENTA, Roberto, ed. 1955. Monografía del Estado de Baja California. p., illus., map. — Bibliot. Univ. Sonora. On p. 197 there is a brief list of plants.

Guadalajara, 284

CUEVAS RIOS, Atanasio. See also VARIOUS, 1960b. 1947. "Tipos de maíz en Chiapas." Chapingo, 34 typed p., illus. Thesis ENA. Types of Zea


CUEVAS S., Octavio. See CUEVAS, Benjamín, 1913a. CUFODONTIS, Giorgio. 1934. "Risultati della spedizione biologica Austriana in Costarica." (Arch. Bot. Sist. Fitog. Genet. 10: 25-51.) "Riccolte botaniche, terza parte." Included is a description, by R. E. Woodson, Jr., of a new genus Cufodontia, in the Apocynaceae. CUILTY, Carlos. 1887. "Breve estudio sobre el capulincillo de Querétaro." México, 23 p. Thesis UNAM. Repr. in Monog. Méx. (Estudio (App.): 123-130, 1890.) On Rhamnus humboldtiana, with description and classification. CUKIER CHERVIN, Abraham. 1949. "Investigación del poder antihelmíntico de las semillas de tres especies de Cucurbita." México, 37 typed p. illus. — IPNMéx. Study of C. maxima, C. pepo, and C. argyrosperma. CULEBRO TRUJILLO, Arturo. 1936. "Contribución al estudio de la acción diurética del extracto fluido de zarzaparrilla." México, 77 p. Thesis UNAM. On Smilax medica. CULLEN, Charles. 1781.


CLAVIGERO, Francisco Xaviero,


CULLMANN, Willy. 1957. "Mammillaria guerreronis (Bravo) Bckbg. et Knuth." (Kakt. Andete Sukk. 8 ( 5 ) : 74, illus.) With a brief description. CUMBIE, Billy G. 1960. "Anatomical studies in the Leguminosae." (Trop. Woods 113: 1-47, 38 figs., bibl.) Studies of a broad sampling of herbaceous legumes in 9 tribes, as part of an investigation into phylogenetic sequences and the possible origin of herbaceous dicotyledons from woody plants. CUMMING, W. C. See DUFFIELD, John W., and W. C. CUMMING, 1949. CUNNINGHAM, Alida Mabel. 1898. "Geographic distribution of the species of Cuscuta in North America." (Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci.: 214-215.) With a chart listing the species by zones. Mexico is included in the tropical region. CUNNINGHAM, Charles H. 1920. "Vanilla production in Mexico." ( U. S. Comm. Rep. 274: 826827.) With special reference to Misantla varieties. CUNNINGHAM, Jules Cool. 1937. "Mexico and maize." (Mod. Mex. 8 ( 1 2 ) : 12-16, illus.) Compare with article, same title, in (Mex. Life 2 4 ( 2 ) : 19-22, 1948). 1944. "Corn and the continent." (Frontiers 8: 77-79.) A popular historical account. 1948. "Mexico and maize." (Mex. Life 2 4 ( 2 ) : 19-22.)

On the history and its uses. Compare with article, same title, in (Mod. Mex. 8 ( 1 2 ) : 12-16, illus., 1937). CUNTIRA, Francis Johann. 1777. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de viribus medicis Nicotianae. Vienna, 32 p. - NN. With a brief description, and history of the plant. CURENO, Dulce María Dulce María.





CURENO SALAZAR. Elba. 1953. "Producción y distribución geográfica de los cultivos tropicales en México." México, 69 p. Thesis, UNAM. On café, vainilla, cacoa, tabaco, plátano, caña de azúcar, and piña. CURIEL, Andrés de. (1579-1581).


PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del

CURIEL, María Soledad. 1934. "Estudio analítico de la Argemone illus. Thesis Pharm., UNAM. CURRAN, Mary K.


México, 70 p.,

See Brandegee, Katharine.

CURRIER, Charles Warren. Francisco (1560-1567).





CURTI, G. Philip. 1956. "The Vallecitos' strange tree." (Des. Mag. 1 9 ( 2 ) : 17, illus.) Good description of the elephant tree which is identified as Bursera microphylla. CURTIN, Leonora Scott Muse. 1947. Healing herbs of the Upper Rio Grande. Santa Fe, 281 p., bibl., illus. Drawings by P. G. Napolitano. Plants are listed alphabetically by common names, with scientific and family. CURTIS, William, ed. 1787 to date. Curtis's Botanical Magazine. London, continued by John Sims, W. J. Hooker, J. D. Hooker and many others to the present editor, (1961) W. B. Turrill. A collection of plates and descriptions of "new and rare plants from the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew and other botanical establishments and private gardens"; with descriptions of numerous new species, including a considerable number from Mexico. CURZON, G. 1955. "Mescalin — a chemical which causes hallucinations." (Discovery n.s. 16: 144-146, illus.) Principally on the chemistry and physiology, but with some discussion of the history of the plant. CUSPINERA, Javier Sivilla.


CUSPINERA G., Juan L. 1947. "Estudio agro-económico de la vainilla." Thesis ENA.

Chapingo, 109 p.

CUTAK, Ladislaus. See also WOODSON, Robert E. et al, 1937 in progress. 1935. "Dasylirions." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 2 3 ( 9 ) : 153-155, illus.) A popular article with a description of several species. 1936. "Washingtonia — a desert palm." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 2 4 ( 5 ) : 123-126, illus.) Signed L. C. A popular article, with description and distribution. 1939. "Desert trails and jungle paths in old Mexico." (Missouri Bot. Bot. Gard. Bull. 2 7 ( 7 ) : 145-156, illus.) Signed L. C. Description of trip by collector, interested mainly in succulents. 1940. "Beyond the beaten path." (Cact. Succ. ]our. 1 2 ( 4 ) : 66-70, illus.) Describing a trip through Nuevo León and Coahuila. 1940a. "The lure of Mexican deserts." (Des. Pi. Life 12: 88-93, illus.) Description of trips to various parts of Mexico.


CUTAK 1940b. "A cactus hunt in Mexico." (Gard. Chron. Amer. 44: 237-239, illus.) Account of a trip down the Pan American highway with side trips to Saltillo, Tehuacán, Cordoba, and Acapulco. 1943. "Two plants associated with Holy Week." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 1 ( 5 ) : 106-108, illus.) Includes a discussion of Euphorbia splendens, crown of thorns, and Passiflora caerulea, passion flower. 1943a. "Two new desert shrubs for midwest gardens." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 1 ( 6 ) : 119-123, illus.) Berberís (now Mahonia) trifoliata, and Chilopsis linearis, from northern Mexico. 1943b. "The life-saving barrel cactus, myth or fact?" (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 1 ( 8 ) : 153-158, illus.) Signed L. C. Interesting popular article with lists of the various species in Echinocactus or Ferocactus. 1945. "The night-blooming Cereus and its allies." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 3 ( 5 ) : 93-113, illus.) Detailed article, giving history and descriptions of various genera called night-blooming Cereus. CUTAK, Ladislaus, and George H. PRING. 1945a. "Bromeliads are fascinating plants." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 3 ( 7 ) : 139-160.) With the history, culture and descriptions of a long list of genera and species; in alphabetical order. CUTAK, Ladislaus. 1945b. "Bromeliads at the Missouri Botanical Garden." (Pi. Life 1(2-3): 83-93, illus.) Including many Mexican genera, such as Hechtia, Aechmea, Tillandsia, etc. 1946. "Peniocereus fosterianus sp. nov." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 8 ( 2 ) : 19-23, illus.) From Guerrero. 1946a. "Is there palatable water in the barrel cactus?" (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 4 ( 7 ) : 182-189, illus.) Additional material to the article published in 1943, q.v. 1947. "A new Peniocereus from Oaxaca, Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 9 ( 6 ) : 83-87, illus.) P. macdougallii. 1947a. "In search of Bergerocactus." (Des. PI. Life 19: 23-26, illus.) Report of an excursion along the California-Mexico border, with the emphasis on Bergerocactus emoryi, Ferocactus viridescens, Mammillaria dioica, and Stylophyllum edule. 1947b. "A novel cactus for the hanging basket." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 5 ( 6 ) : 147-148, illus.) Pseudorhipsalis macrantha, native cactus from Oaxaca, as a plant to be grown indoors. 1948. "Down Tehuantepee way." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 5 ) : 63-68, illus.) A description of the area seen on a collecting trip. 1948a. "Journey to a rain forest in Chiapas." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 6 ( 2 ) : 35-46, illus.) Description of collecting trips taken out from Ocozocuautla and Quechula. 1948b. "What is a succulent?" (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 6 ( 7 ) : 111-118.) Repr. in Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 1 ( 1 ) : 10-14, illus., 1949. Discussion of plants in 16 families, giving examples of succulents in each. 1948c. "Men who make Spine." (Spine 1 ( 2 ) : 54-55, port.) Tribute to Scott Haselton. 1948d. "Into the Canyon of Old Men." (Spine 1 ( 3 ) : 72-76, illus.) Describing a visit to the Barranca de los Libros, in Hidalgo, locality for one of the best stands of Cephalocereus senilis. 1949. "A visit to Mexico's largest cactus establishment, La Quinta." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 1 ( 4 ) : 120-122, illus.) Cadereyta de Montes, Querétaro, the home of Fernando and Carolina Schmoll. 1949a. "A visit to the Pedregal." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 4 ( 2 ) : 37-38, illus.)

With the emphasis on Senecio praecox and Mammillaria magnimamma. 1950. "Sedum lenophylloides." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 4 ) : 124-126, illus.) Description of a plant from Nuevo Leon. 1951. "The status of Stenocactus 'Berger'." (Biologia 2(Chronica Botanica 1 2 ( 4 - 6 ) ) : 165-166.) Discussion of the valid name of a Mexican cactus group. Stenocactus vs. Echinofossulocactus. 1951a. "Peniocereus is a sextette." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 3 ( 3 ) : 75-77.) Peniocereus maculatus (Weingart) Cutak comb. nov. (formerly Cereus maculatus and Acanthocereus maculatus from Guerrero). 1951b. "A new dwarf Mexican Agave." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 3 ( 5 ) : 143-145, illus.) A. nizandensis from Oaxaca. 1951c. "Agaves — potential source of a new drug?" (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 39: 67-74, illus.) As a possible source of anti-fatigue hormones; with a résumé of general facts about Agave — descriptions, culture, uses, and list of the outstanding species. 1951d. "Exotic foliage plants for modern interiors." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 3 9 ( 1 0 ) : 195-217, illus. A popular article describing numerous tropical plants, their culture, and uses; arranged by families, with many examples from Mexican plants. 1952. "Collecting bromels in Mexico." (Brom. Soc. Bull. 2 ( 1 ) : 8-9.) Description of a trip to Oaxaca and Chiapas, with names of some of the most noteworthy plants encountered. 1955. "Philodendron." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 43: 97-111, illus.) With a list of Philodendrons grown in the Garden, and with brief descriptions and country of origin. 1956. Cactus guide. Princeton, N. J., 144 p., illus., bibl. Emphasis is on culture; over 170 cultivated species are identified and classified, grouped in the following types: hedgehog and barrel, pincushion, night-blooming cereus, and jungle cacti. 1959. "Succulents." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 4 7 ( 4 ) , illus.) With a section on plant families ( 14 ) which have succulent members; general descriptions are given with names of outstanding species. 1959a. Cactus personified. Terre Haute, Indiana, 116 p., 54 dr., 12 photos. - MoSB. Descriptions of 53 cactus plants which bear intriguing common names, supplemented by full-page drawings in cartoon style. (Annotation by the author.) CUTHBERTSON, William.

See DEAN, Richard et al, 1897.

CUTLER, Hugh Carson. See also ANDERSON, Edgar, and CUTLER, 1942; ANDERSON, Edgar, 1950; VARIOUS, 1948; WHITAKER, T. W. et al, 1957. 1939. "Monograph of the North American species of the genus Ephedra." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26: 373-428, illus., incl. maps. ) History, morphology, uses, artificial key to species, descriptions, and list of specimens examined. CUTLER, Hugh C., and Edgar ANDERSON. 1941. "A preliminary survey of the genus Tripsacum." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 249-269.) Descriptions of 7 species, with synonymy, and list of specimens examined. CUTLER, Hugh Carson. 1947. "A comparative study of Tripsacum australe and its relatives." (Lloydia 10: 229-234.) As connected with the origin of maize. 1950-1951. "The geographic origin of maize." (Biologia 2: 167-169.) (Chron. Bot. 1 2 ( 4 / 6 ) . Rejects Birket-Smith's theory, q.v., that maize originated in Colombia b u t commends his use of linguistic and culture studies in this problem. 231



1923. Cacao. Chicago, 14 p., illus. (Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Dept. Rot. Leafl. No. 4 . ) With a considerable section on the early history of the plant in Mexico. 1936, 1959. "Index of American palms." ( F i e l d Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. 255, Rot. Ser. 14: 1-456, bibl., 1936; also Publ. 863, 412 pi., 1959.) With data on distribution and common names, including a catalogue of common names and scientific equivalents, and a geographical list of synonymy with literature references. A section on fossil palms is by A. C. Noe. In the second part, the plates prepared under the direction of J. Francis McBride, are arranged alphabetically by scientific names, and include hitherto unpublished plates of Liebmann specimens, from the Botanical Museum in Copenhagen. Negatives of the plates are in the Chicago Museum of Natural History (formerly the Field Museum). This museum also has photographs of the following parasitic plants from the Liebmann collections: Helosis mexicana and Langsdorffia hypogaea (Thonningia mexicana), both in the Balanophoraceae, Conopholis sylvatica in the Orobanchaceae, and Scytanthus bambusarum in the Rafflesiaceae; also photographs of 4 cycads identified by Liebmann as Macrozamia littoralis, M. pectinata, Dipsacozamia mexicana and Zamia cylindrica. These are probably the plants referred to by Thiselton Dyer, in his work on Mexican Cyadaceae, q.v., as having been described in a work which he could not locate.

CUTLER-continued 1953. "The favorite Christmas plant." (Missouri Rot. Gard. Rull. 41: 165-171, illus.) Mainly on the culture of Poinsettia. 1954. "Food sources in the New World." (Agric. Hist. 2 8 ( 2 ) : 43-49.) More information on South America than on Mexico. CUTLER, H. C., and T. W. WHITAKER. 1956. "Cucurbita mixta Pang. Its classification and relationships." (Rull. Torrey Rot. Club 83: 253-260.) A review of the nomenclature, followed by classification of varieties on the basis of seed types. Results of hybridization experiments indicate that the species is probably closest to C. moschata. CUTLER, H. C. 1960. "Cultivated plant remains from Waterfall Cave, Chihuahua." (Amer. Antiq. 2 6 ( 2 ) : 277-279, illus.) The material consisted of maize, beans, bottle gourd, and squash. CUTLER, H. C., and T. W. WHITAKER. 1961. "History and distribution of the cultivated cucurbits in the Americas." (Amer. Antiq. 2 6 ( 4 ) : 469-485, illus.) With a list of collections and their approximate dates, a discussion of techniques for distinguishing prehistoric materials, and descriptions of the various plants involved. CUTLER, Marian C. D.G.A.

1938. Coffee. Chicago, 43 p., illus., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Rot. Leafl. 22. - NNBG. Only a few scattered references to Mexico. 1944. "Economic products of palms." (Trop. Woods 78: 10-35.) Described under the parts used; with a discussion of the uses of the various products.

See VARIOUS, 1948.

1914. "Achiote." (Rol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 38: 427-429.) On Rixa. D.M. See MORRIS, D.?

DAHLGREN, Bror Eric, and Paul Carpenter STANDLEY. 1944a. Edible and poisonous plants of the Caribbean region. Washington, 102 p., illus., Bur. Med. Surg., U. S. Navy. On 72 plants, each of which is illustrated and arranged according to the color of the part concerned. Identification tables are arranged according to the part used, and by regions.

D.P. See CLARKE, Charles Baron, 1908. D.P., J . de. 1898-1899. "El arroz." (Rev. Agr. 1 4 ( 1 ) : 66, 67.) On Oryza. D.P.E.P. See ESTALA, Don Pedro, presbitero.

DAHLGREN, Bror Eric. 1947. Tropical and subtropical fruits. Chicago, 72 p., bibl., drawings by Albert Frey. Chi. Nat. Hist. Mus., Pop. Ser., Rot. No. 26. Sixty-five fruits are described and illustrated with common and scientific names, family and uses. A section on New World fruits includes many Mexican ones.

D.T.V.Y. See AVITY, Pierre d'. D.V.R. See ANONYMOUS, 1837-1838. DABILA, Pedro. See AVILA, Pedro de. DABROY, J. 1905. "Cultivo de la mimbrera Salix."


Soc. Agr. Mex.


DAHLGREN, E. W. 1889. "Nagot om det forna och nuvarande Mexico." (Ymer. 9: 3-30, illus.) "Something about Mexico, past and present"; with special attention to early maps.

As used for wicker furniture. DACUS, J. A. See CORUNA y COLLUDO, Antonio de, 1878. DADSWELL, H. E „ and H. D. INGLE. 1947. "The wood anatomy of the Myrtaceae." (Trop. Woods 90: 1-7, 2 pi.) With a note on the genera Eugenia, Syzygium, Acmena. and Cleistocalyx.


See LINNE, Sigvald (1550).

DAHLSTEDT, Hugo. 1900. "Studien ueber Sued und Central Amerikanische Peperomien." (K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 3 3 ( 2 ) : 1-218, 11 pi.) With a conspectus of subgenera and species, descriptions of species, and geographic distribution. Emphasis is on Brazilian material, but many Mexican species are included; Peperomia oajacensis is described as a new species.

DAGOTY, Jacques Gautier. See GAUTIER-DAGOTY, Jacques. DAHL, Anthony Orville. 1952. "The comparative morphology of the Icacinaceae VI." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 252-286, 9 pi.) A study of the pollen, summary of pollen types, and genera in which different kinds are found.

DALE, R. 1951. Notes of an excursion to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. London, 58 p., 6 illus., map. Comments on plants and crops, with special references to timber of commercial value.

DAHLBERG, K. 1912. "The papaya." (Pan Amer. Mag. 1 3 ( 6 ) : 38-42, English section.) From the Cuba Mag. (not seen). Description, culture, and uses.

DALE, Samuel. 1693. Pharmacologia, seu manuductio at materiam medicam. Lugduni Batavorum, 3d ed., 1737, 460 p. First ed., London, 1693. (NNC.) With notes on characteristics of genera and species; also synonyms. Book 2 is on medicinal plants, classified according to systematic arrangement, in part; also as herbs, trees, and according to fruit.

DAHLGREN, Bror Eric. See also HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, Efraim, 1945; POPENOE, Wilson, 1952. 1922. "Figs." ( F i e l d Mus. Nat. Hist., Dept Rot., Leafl. 1: 1-7, illus.) A popular article. 1922a. "The coco palm." (Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Dept. Rot. Leafl. 2: 7, illus.) A popular article on Cocos nucifera. 232



U. Méx., Sría. Agr. Fom. (Publ. anonymously; authority for authorship, Manuel Maldonado Koerdell.) Includes a translation, on p. 485-537, 789-878, 935-946, of the Extension Service Handbook in agriculture and home economics, compiled and edited by T. Weed Harvey, and published in Washington, 1927. The text is adapted to Mexican conditions; in addition, original material is added in the form of chapters 2, 3, and sections relating to plants which do not grow in the United States.

DALECHAMPS, Jacques (Brit. Mus. cites as Alechamps, Jacques d'). 1586-1587. Historia generalis plantarum in libros XVIII. Lyon, 2 vols. French trans, by I. des Moulins, Lyon, 960 p., 1653 as Histoire générale des plantes; first éd., 1615. Book 18 is devoted to foreign plants, with descriptions of a number of Mexican plants: corn, cacti, agave, tomato (taken from Monardes and l'Ecluse, q.v.). DALLIMORE, William. See also HILL, Arthur William, ed., 1927; JACKSON, Albert Bruce, 1946.

1940. "El ilustre botánico Cyrus Guernsey Pringle." (Rev. Soc. Mex. Hist. Nat. 1 ( 2 ) : 131-142.) Based mainly on the book by Helen Burns Davis, q.v.; also on information from Francis Whittier Pennell and a letter from Dr. Conzatti. DAMPIER, William. See also SIMMONDS, Peter Lund, 1864. 1698-1709. A new voyage round the world. London, 1927, 376 p., 3 illus., 4 maps, bibl. Intro, by Sir Albert Gray. Repr. in 1937. Publ. originally in separate sections, 1698-1709; trans, into many languages. The first collected ed., entitled A collection of voyages, was publ. in London, 1729, 4 vols. With references to fruits and other plants of western Mexico, Campeche, and Yucatán. Vol. 1 describes the coast of Mexico; vol. 2 refers to two voyages to Campeche and Yucatán. John Ray did the work on the plants; many of the plants, described from other regions, are common also in Mexico. For an evaluation of Dampier's botanical contributions, see "Captain William Dampier as a botanist," by W. B. Hemsley, in (Gard. Chron. Ill, 15:429-430, 464, 1894.) This includes a discussion of his observations of plants in Campeche and Tabasco.

DALLIMORE, William, and Albert Bruce JACKSON. 1923. A handbook of Coniferae. London, 570 p., 120 pl., drawings by Miss G. Lister, 31 photog.; a 3d ed. was printed in 1948, 682 p., illus. Descriptions, uses, and keys to cultivated genera. For an introduction to the 3d ed. see Jackson, Albert Bruce, The identification of conifers, 1946. DAME, Lawrence. 1914. Yucatán. New York, 374 p., illus., map. A newspaper man's adventures; with some references to plants as used by the inhabitants. DAMMER, Udo. See also LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923; 1910-1922; SCHEIDWEILER, Prof., 1838; URBAN, 1., 1897. 1891. "Zur kenntnis von Podopterus mexicanus." (Bot. Jahrb. 13: 486-491, illus. ) A detailed study, with emphasis on the flower structure. 1893. "Polygonaceen studien I." (Bot. Jahrb. 15:260-285, illus.) Mainly on the structure. 1903. "L'identité botanique du coquito de aceite." (Jour. Agr. Trop. 3: 61.) Identified as Attalea, probably A. cohune. 1904. "The species of Chamaedorea with simple leaves." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 36: 202, 245-246.) A description of 11 species, of which C. rígida and C. stolonifera are new Wendland species from Mexico. 1905. "Species of Chamaedorea with pinnate leaves." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 38: 42-44.) Discusses their division into groups, with the characteristics for each and the names of species in each group. 1906. "Ueber die geographische verbreitung und die standortsverhaeltnisse der Masdevallia arten." (Orchis 1: 69-70.) A catalogue of species, with data on the country of origin, and altitude and temperature of the native habitat. The only Mexican species cited is M. floribunda. 1906 & 1907. "Kurze uebersicht ueber die gattungen und arten die Cypripedilinen." (Orchis 1: 50-52, 57-60, 65-67, 76-79, 81-82.) With a key to genera, sections, and subsections of Cypripedilum with notes on the distribution of genera and species. C. irapeanum is the only one cited from Mexico. 1907. "Die arten der gattung Amblostoma." ( Orchis 1: 83-84, illus. ) History and description of the genus and species; it is suggested that Scheidweiler, in establishing the genus, was wrong in listing it as Mexican. 1919. "Holodiscus loeseneri spec, nov." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 15: 385.) From Chiapas.

DAMS, Erich. 1904. "Mammülaria cornifera P.DC." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 14: 72, 73, illus.) With a description of the plant. 1905 "Mammillaria radians P.DC var. impexicotna S-D." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 15: 6-7, illus.) Brief description of the growth of the plant. 1906. "Mammillaria camptotricha E. Dams. " (Gartenwelt 10: 14.) Repr. by Max Guerke in (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 16: 119-120, 1906 and in Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 3: 143-144, 1907). Description of a new species from Mexico. DANDY, J. E. See HUTCHINSON, J., 1923; 1926, 1934; MILLAIS, John Guille, 1927; WOODSON, R. E. et al, 1937 - in progress. 1926. "Notes on Kissenia and the geographical distribution of the Loasaceae." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 4: 174-180, maps.) Mexico is included in the distribution for four sub-families. 1927. "A key to species of Magnolia." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 52: 260264.) 1927a. "The genera of Magnolieae." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 7 : 257264.) With a key to the genera, and descriptions of new taxa; none of the latter, however, are Mexican. DANDY, J. E „ and R. d'O. GOOD. 1929. "Magnoliaceae Jaume." (Pflanzenareale 2 ( 5 ) : 35-38, maps 41-43.) Mexico is included in the distribution of Talauma and Magnolia. DANERT, Siegfried. 1954. "Die medizinisch genutzten Datura arten und deren benennung". (Pharmazie 9: 349-362, illus.) Botanical history of the genus, with the systematics summarized in a key to 4 species and a large number of varieties.

DAMPF, Alfonso. 1926. "Informe rendido." (Rev. Sría. Agr. Fom. Méx. 1 ( 1 0 ) : 17-37, illus. 1-46, 47-100); map; ( 11/12) : 30-64, illus). For the Comisíon Científica Exploradora del Sureste de México y Guatemala; mainly on Chiapas, with some references to wild and cultivated plants, and a section on the forests of the area.

1955. "Ein beitrag zur kenntnis der gattung Datura L." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 57: 231-242, illus.) Unites the arborescent Daturas into the section Brugmansia (Pers.) Bernh. and provides a key to the cultivated species of the section. 1956. "Zur systematik von Solanum tuberosum L." (Kulturpflanze 4: 83-129, illus., bibl.) With a key to series, in the subsection Hyperbasarthrum Bitt., and a key to varieties of the species.

1928. "Las semillas brincadores de Mexico." (Bol. Men. Of. Def. Agrie. Méx. 2 ( 8 / 9 ) : 440-451, illus., bibl.) On Sebastiania. 1931. Principales plagas y enfermedades de los cultivos en la República Mexicana. Tacubaya (marked 1930 inside), 375 p., 100 figs., bibl., 8 col. pi. Publ. by the Ofic. Fed. Def. Agr. E.



D'ANGHIERA DANERT-continued 1961. "Zur systematik von Nicotiana tabacum." (Kulturpflanze 9: 287-363, illus., bibl.) Based principally on leaf and flower forms. Ten varieties are described. D'ANGHIERA, Pietro Martire. See MARTIRE d'ANGHIERA, Pietro. DANIEL, L. 1890. "Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les bractées de l'involucre des Composées." (Ann. Set. Nat. VII, 11: 17-123, illus.) With application to classification. DANIELLI, Iacopo. 1881. "Studi su\\'Agave americana." (Nuovo. Gior. Bot. ltal. 1 7 ( 2 ) : 49-138, 11 tables, bibl. 1885.) León cites it as a separate, Firenza, 1881 and under the name of Jacopp, Danielli. Reviews the history, classification and nomenclature, morphology, distribution, culture and, uses.

DAROLLES, E. See RAOUL, Edouard François Armand, and DAROLLES, 1897. DARRAGH, W. H. 1929. "A preliminary classification of pumpkins and squashes." (Agr. Gaz. New S. Wales 40: 868-872.) On 3 species: Cucurbita maxima, C. pepo, and C. moschata, with a detailed table giving the characteristics of each. DARRAH, Charles. See SCHUMANN, K., 1901. DARREIGOSA, Juan. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María ( 1579). DARROW, George McMillan. See POPENOE, Wilson, 1952; ROBINSON, T. Ralph, and DARROW, 1929. DARROW, George M. 1953. "Strawberries in Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador." (Ceiba 3 ( 3 ) : 179-185.) On the conditions and culture in various regions.

DANIELS, H. L. 1925. "La producción de fibras vegetales para la fabricación de cordelería." (Hacienda 20: 299-301, illus.). Discusses various Agaves of Mexico.

DARROW, Robert Arthur. See also BENSON, Lyman, and DARROW, 1945. 1943. "Vegetation and flowering growth of Fouquieria splendens." (Ecology 24: 310-322.) Studies indicate mature ages of 60-100 years, and maximum age of 150-200 years.

DANLOS, J. 1907. "Un volcan Mexicain, le Jorullo." (Nature 35: 107-111, illus., map.) Description of the area emphasizes geology; map and illustrations are useful.

DARTON, Nelson Horatio. 1907. "Mexico—The treasure house of the world." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 1 8 ( 8 ) : 492-519, illus.) With a brief section on agricultural resources, and illustrations of some conspicuous plants.

DANSEREAU, Pierre Mackay. 1958. "A universal system for recording vegetation." (Contr. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montréal 72: 1-58, 21 diags., bibl.) Divided into 15 principal formation classes; the diagrams indicate ways to represent the types of plants and the factors involved in the associations.

DARTON, William. See ADAMS, John, 1785.

DANTIN CERECEDA, Juan. See GRANGER, Ernest, 1922. DAPPER, Oliver (Olfert?). See MONTANUS, Arnoldus, 1671. DARBY, Herbert M. See BRENCHLEY, J. V., 1902. DARDEAU, William S. See BARKER, Henry D., and DARDEAU, 1930. D'ARDOIS, Germán Somolinos. See SOMOLINOS d'ARDOIS, Germán. DARDON de LEON, Elena. 1937. "Estudio analítico del fruto de la Myrica cerífera." 35 p.—IB Méx. With a section on the Myricas of Mexico.


DARKENWALD, Gordon Gerald. See JONES, Clarence Fielden, and DARKENWALD, 1941. DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean, and E. K. Janaki AMMAL. 1945. Chromosome atlas of cultivated plants. London, 397 p. Second ed., entitled Chromosome atlas of flowering plants, London, 1955 (i.e. 1956), 519 p., illus., bibl. with A. P. Wylie as coauthor. Arranged in systematic order by families with genera and species listed alphabetically; gives popular names, somatic number of chromosomes, authors, distribution, and uses of the plants. DARLINGTON, Josephine. 1934. "A monograph of the genus Menzelia." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 21: 103-230, illus.) Includes history, morphology, a key to sections, species, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined. DARNELL, Anthony William. 1935-1936. "The genus Anemone." (Gard. Chron. I l l , 98: 386, 408, 444, 1935; 99: 10, 28, 89, 251, 283, 353, 374, 405, 1936; 100: 12, 28, 47, illus., 1936. ) A catalogue of species arranged alphabetically with brief descriptions and distribution. Fifteen species are described from Mexico and North America.

DATTA, Praphulla Chandra. DATTA, 1958.






DATTA, R. M. 1958. "Studies of the pollen grain and pollen tube in certain Malvaceae." (Madroño 1 4 ( 7 ) : 227-232, illus.) Reports of the production of pollen tubes from more than one aperture of the pollen grain, and branched pollen tubes. DAUGHERTY, P.M., H. H. SINEATH, and T. A. WASTLER. 1953. "A survey of candelilla and candelilla wax." (Eng. Exp. Stat., Ga. Inst. Tech., Bull. 1 5 ( 1 2 ) : 1-56, bibl. (Bull. # 1 6 ) . On the botany, culture, and distribution of the plant, preparation of the wax, and a list of 34 uses. 1953a. "A survey of Simmondsia chinensis—jojoba." (Eng. Exp. Stat., Ga. Inst. Tech., Bull. 1 5 ( 1 3 ) : 1-36, Bull. # 1 7 . ) History, botanical description, description of oil and other products derived from the plant, and culture. The article was reprinted, in part, in (Econ. Bot. 12: 296-304, 1958.) DAUL, A. 1890. Illustriertes handbuch der kakteenkunde. Stuttgart, 150 p., 132 figs. MoSB. Emphasis on the culture, with description of selected genera and species; also a section on other succulents. D'AULNAY, Gaston E. Goubard. See GOUBARD d'AULNAY, Gaston E. DAUMANN, Erich. 1928. "Zur biologie der bluete von Nicotiana glauca Grah." (Biol. Gen. 4: 571-588, 15 figs.) "Zugleich ein beitrag zur erweiterung unserer kenntnisse ueber ungewoenlichen bluetenbesuch der honig biene." 1930. "Nektarien und bienensucht bei Opuntia monacantha Haw." (Biol. Gen. 6: 353-376, 25 figs.) Results of a detailed study. DAUTHENAY, H. 1897. "Les Agaves 81.)

et les Cactées du Mexique." (Rev.



Refers to an article of Weber, 1896, q.v., on the economic values to come from collecting these plants. DAUZATS, Adrien. See BLANCHARD, P., and DAUZATS, 1839.



DAVALOS, Balbino. See LUMHOLTZ, Karl Sofus, 1902. DAVALOS, J. E. HERNANDEZ y. See HERNANDEZ y DAVALOS, J. E. DAVALOS HURTADO, Eusebio. 1954-1955. "La alimentación entre los Mexicas." (Rev. Méx. Est. Antr. 14: 103-118.) Mesa Red. Soc. Méx. Antr. No. 6. Plants are referred to by common names only. DAVALOS L., Hector. 1950. "Breve estudio de la flora alergogénica de la ciudad de Chihuahua y sus alrededores." (Rev. Méx. Álerg. 1 ( 3 ) : 11-12.) Divided into conifers, Euphorbiaceae, legumes, grasses, and miscellaneous herbaceous plants. DAVEAU, Jules. 1912. "Deux mimosées énigmatiques." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 629-636, 2 pi.) Acacia mauroceana D.C. and Inga leptophylla Lag. considered identical, and transferred to Pithecolobium tophyüum n. comb.

59: are lep-

DAVIDS, Arlette. 1939. Flowers—rock plants. London, 40 pi. Trans, from the French from the 1st ed., Paris, 1939, with a pref. by S. P. Skipwith; ed. by André Gloeckner. Mainly on succulents; citation of authorities is somewhat careless. DAVIDSON, Anstruther. 1906. "A revision of the western Mentzelias." (So. Bull. 5 ( 1 ) : 13-18.) With a key to species of Acrolasia, giving and distribution. 1917. "Fremontodendron mexicanum." (Bull. So. 1 6 ( 2 ) : 50.) A description of a new species, based on a seed collected in Lower California.

Calif. Acad.


their descriptions Calif. Acad.


plant raised from

DAVIDSON, Anstruther, and George L. MOXLEY. 1923. Flora of Southern California. Los Angeles, 452 p. A useful manual, with keys and descriptions. DAVIDSON, Carol. See BOISSEVAIN, Charles Hercules, 1940. DAVIDSON, E. See MONTES, A. L., 1961. DAVIDSON, John F. See also ABRAMS, LeRoy, 1923-1960. 1948. "A new Polemonium from Mexico." (Madroño 9: 187-189, illus.) P. glabrum from Chihuahua. 1950. "The genus Polemonium ( Tournefort ) L." ( Univ. Calif., Pubi. Bot. 2 3 ( 5 ) : 209-282, 24 figs., 10 maps.) A study of morphological variation and geographic distribution of 19 species and 5 subspecies. A key is given with descriptions and distribution. DAVIDSON, J. F., and T. L. THOMPSON. 1956. "Phytoserology versus genealogy in Zea mays." (Madroño 13(8): 252-259.) Within dent corn, serology does reflect genealogical relations, but it does not distinguish between dent and pop corns.


DAVILA, F. T. 1894. Sonora—histórico y descriptivo. Nogales, 328 p. With a chapter on native plants, but only common names are given; also a chapter on agriculture. At the end each district is considered separately and plant products are mentioned. DAVILA, Francisco. See also LA TORRE, Germán (1579-1581) a. DAVILA, Hermenegildo. 1869. Estudios biográficos sobre el ciudadano González. Monterey (sic), 57 p. Biography and eulogy.


doctor José


1881. Catecismo geográfico político e histórico de Nuevo León. Monterey (sic), 169 p., app. ( 9 p.), map—WaPS. A brief section in the "parte geográfica" is on the flora, with references by common names only. 1888. Biografía del Dr. José Eleuterio González. Monterrey, 264 p., 5 pi. Biography and eulogy. 1889. "Estudio sobre Nuevo León." N.p., 73 p., ms.-SMGE. DAVILA, Juvencio Samaniego. See SAMANIEGO DAVILA, Juvencio. DAVILA, Pedro. See DABILA, Pedro. DAVILA, Rodrigo. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (15791582). DAVILA C., Mario. 1944. "Los sorgos dulces ó sacarinos." (Agr. Méx. 6 0 ( 1 ) : 17-22.) Description, including varieties. DAVILA GARIBI, José Ignacio Paulino. See also HERNANDEZ, Francisco (1570-1575). 1927. Breves apuntes acerca de los Chimalhuacanos. Guadalajara, 321 p., illus., bibl.-NN. Considers etymology of place names, lists desert plants of the area, discusses floriculture, plant uses, and agriculture. The area comprises the Cora and Huichol region, in Jalisco and Nayarit. 1939. Nuevo y mas amplio estudio etimológico del vocablo chocolate y de otros que con el se relacionan. México, 42 p., bibl. -NN. Includes comments on cacao, cacahuate, and chocolate. 1942. Toponimias Nahoas. México, 250 p., bibl. (Inst. Panamer. Geog. Hist., Publ. No. 63.) "Normas para la interpretación de toponímicos de origen Nahuatl y análisis etimológicos de trescientos de ellos." 1942a. Curso de raíces de lenguas indígenas referido a las ciencias biológicas. México; saw only Tomo I.—IU. Grammar, with lessons on words, and references to biological sciences. 1950. Algunas observaciones acerca de la lengua Opata ó Teguima. México, 46 p. bibl—NN. With special emphasis on "vocablos de interés para el estudio de la flora y de la fauna regionales"; lists of plants are included, but no scientific identification is given.

DAVIES, Howell, ed. 1924. The South American handbook. London, 1944, 800 p.-PP. Pubi, annually, beginning in 1924. Contains brief references to Mexican crops: coffee, tobacco, cotton, corn, vegetables, and fruits.


DAVIES, John. See ROCHEFORT, Charles de, 1658.

DAVILA PADILLA, Agustín. See also OJEA, Hernando (1608).

DAVILA. See also AVILA, de.

1596. Historia de la fundación y discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de México. Brusselas, 1625, 2d ed., 654 p. First ed. Madrid, 1596. Printed also in México, 1938. With brief references to such plant products as chocolate, nopal, grana, ocotl, and a description of the Jardín de Netzahualcóyotl en Tezcucingo. According to Armillas (Notas sobre sistemas de cultivo, 1948: 89) this work "fué comenzada por Fray Andrés de Moguer hacia 1550 y acabada en 1592."

DAVILA, Amado González. See GONZALEZ DAVILA, Amado. DAVILA, Esta O. de. 1937. Paradise in Mexico. México, 225 p. On the state of Morelos, with 2 chapters on "trees and plants"; plants are described and listed by common names only.

1935. "Al Cerro de San Miguel." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 45: 1-32, 4 pi.) By way of El Desierto de los Leones, with a list of the plants found there.




DAVILA QUINONES, Baltasar. (1580). Relación de Cualcomán. México, 1954, 36 p., ed. by Vargas Rea. An ed. of 1952 was publ. with the name of Quacomán. The original was written in 1580. Information on plants is quite brief. DAVIS, Anna May Tarrence. 1942. "A study of Boscaje de la Palma in Cameron County, Texas and of Sabal texana." Austin, 111 p., bibl., M.A. thesis; illus. with beautiful photographs—TxU. Includes the history of the region, climate, geology, location of the sabal plants, a description of plant communities associated with sabal, a discussion of the tropical nature of the plants in southern Texas, organography, taxonomy and variation of Sabal texana, distribution of sabal in Mexico, and comparison of habitat in Texas and Mexico. The author decided Sabal exul and Sabal texana are the same species. DAVIS, Edward H „ and E. Yale DAWSON. 1945. "The savage Seris of Sonora." (Sei. Month. 60: 193-202, 261268, illus. ) With brief references to plants used for food or construction. DAVIS, Edwin A. See PAGES, Pierre Marie François, Vicomte de, 1782. DAVIS, H. L. 1937. "Mexican herb doctors." ( M e x . Life 1 3 ( 4 ) : 21, 22, 48.) DAVIS, Helen Burns. See also DAMPF, Alfonso, 1940. 1936. Life and work of Cyrus Guernsey Pringle. Burlington, Vermont, 756, p., 2 pi. With a geographical index by Francis Whittier Pennell. Diary of one of the most important collectors in Mexico,, and very useful for locating plant stations. Plants collected are listed according to families, and numbers. DAVIS, J. R. Ainsworth. See AINSWORTH-DAVIS, James Richard. DAVIS, Kary Cadmus. See also STUART, William, 1937. 1900. "A taxonomic study of the North American Ranunculaceae." (Ithaca), (173 p . ) ; Ph.D. thesis, Cornell. "Treatment of the members of the natural order, whether found in gardens or native in North America including Mexico." Composed largely of reprints and separates from Plant World, American Gardening, Minnesota Botanical Studies and Vick's Magazine, 1899-1900. Includes a key to genera, and a table on geographic range, with a column for species in Mexico only. Separate articles consider different groups; keys to species and descriptions have a special section on Mexican Clematis. DAVIS, Mervyn T. See also E N G L E R , Adolf, 1 9 0 0 - t o date. 1957. "A guide and an analysis of Engler's 'Das Pflanzenreich'." (Taxon 6 ( 6 ) : 161-182.) With an alphabetical list of families, and a guide to locating them in the work, a systematic list of family numbers, an alphabetical list of authors, in chronological order under authors, and a list of heft numbers and date when published, in chronological order.

1936. "Cactus collecting in mañana land." (Cocí. Succ. Jour. 7 ( 8 ) : 115-117, illus.; ( 9 ) : 139-141, illus.) A trip in Lower California. 1944. "Botanizing on the desert coast of Sonora." (Des. PL Life 1 6 ( 5 ) : 69-71, illus.) An interesting account of the vegetation, with the names of outstanding species. 1944a. "Some ethnobotanical notes on the Sen Indians." (Des. PI. Life 1 6 ( 9 ) : 133-138, illus.). Interesting article on various ways in which plants are used. 1945. "Elephant trees in California." (Des. PI. Life 1 7 ( 2 ) : 21-22, illus.) Bursera microphylla. 1946. "Observations from Lower California." (Des. PL Life 18: 150-151.) With a discussion of rainfall conditions, and their effects on plants in various areas. 1947. "Cacti en route in Mexico." (Des. Pl. Life 19: 10-11, 56-58.) Descriptions of plants seen along the coast highway in northwest Mexico, and on a trip from Mexico City to Oaxaca. 1948. "New cacti of southern Mexico." (Allan Hancock Found. Publ. Occ. Papers # 1 , 52 p., 16 pl., map.) Descriptions of 23 species in 9 genera from Nayarit, Jalisco, Puebla, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Tamaulipas. Included are descriptions of 3 new species in Cephalocereus and one new species in Lemaireocereus. 1948a. "Review of Echinocereus pacificus (Engelm.) B. and Rose." (Des. Pl. Life 20: 151-159, illus., map.) Includes history, description of type locality, distribution, relatives, flowering time, and morphology. 1948-1949. "A naturalist's diary on the Mexican west coast." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 0 ( 1 1 ) : 161-165, illus.; ( 1 2 ) : 177-180, illus., 1948; 2 1 ( 1 ) : 26-28, illus.; ( 2 ) : 51-54, illus.; ( 3 ) : 74-78, illus.; ( 4 ) : 99-102, illus., 1949.) With references to plants observed. 1949. "Cactus at the waters' edge." (Des. Pl. Life 21: 51-52, illus.) Description of Puerto Escondido in Baja California, and cacti which grow there. 1949a. "A new Echinocereus from Baja California." (Des. Pl. Life Life 21: 89-93.) E. hancockii from Bahia San Hipolito. 1952. "Notes on Neobuxbaumia." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 4 ( 6 ) : 167173, illus.) With a key to species and varieties. 1952a. "Field observations on some cacti of Oaxaca and Puebla, México." (Des. Pl. Life 24(3): 53-57, illus.) Discusses Neodawsonia apicicephalium, and species of Cephalocereus, Pachycereus, and Lemaireocereus. 1954. "Cactus oaxacensis in Jalisco." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 6 ( 3 ) : 7172, illus.) DAWSON, Marion Lucile. 1936. "The floral morphology of the Polemoniaceae." (Arner. Jour. Bot. 2 3 ( 7 ) : 501-511, illus.) A comparative study to show relationships.

DAVIS, Shirley A. See LEWIS, Walter H., and DAVIS, 1962.

DAYTON, William Adams. See also VARIOUS, 1937. 1931. "Important western browse plants." (U.S.D.A. Misc. Publ. 101: 1-214, 45 illus., 12 pl., bibl.) Described according to taxonomic order, and also classified according to use. 1954. "Some more notes on United States ashes (Fraxinus)." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4 4 ( 1 2 ) : 385-390, illus.) With a key to United States species. Several of the western species range into Mexico. 1957. "Beauty and bounty of southern state trees." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 1 1 2 ( 4 ) : 508-552, illus.). Includes description of the Sabal palmetto, Pinus edulis, and Cercidium floridum. 1959. "A new varietal combination in Oxybaphus." (Rhodora 61: 85.)

DAVIS, William S„ and Peter H. RAVEN. 1962. "Three new species related to Malacothrix clevelandii." (Madroño 16: 258-266, illus., map.) M. similis which ranges into Baja California, M. sonorae, and M. stebbinsii, also from Sonora. DAVY, Joseph Burtt. See BURTT-DAVY, Joseph. DAWSON, Claude Ivan. See BELCHER, R. S. et al, 1925; VARIOUS, 1923. DAWSON, Elmer Yale. See also BACKEBERG, Curt, 1950a; CRAIG, Robert T., and DAWSON, 1948, 1948a; DAVIS, Edward H. and DAWSON, 1945; GATES, Howard E., 1953-1954; L I N D SAY, George, and DAWSON, 1952; MacDOUGALL, T. 1949.



DEAN Description of O. linearis var. subhispida (Heimerl) Dayt. comb, nov., with a discussion of its habitat and distribution. DEAN, Daniel. See GILBERT, Arthur et al, 1920. DEAN, Richard, et al. 1897. The Dahlia. London, 81 p., illus. N. Y. ( ? ) , 1903, 81 p . - D A . (Prepared with the assistance of Robert Fife, John Ballantyne, Stephen Jones, and William Cuthbertson. ) On the history and botany of the plant, but with the emphasis on cultivation. DEASY, George F. 1942. "Landscape types along the Nuevo Laredo-Mexico City highway." (Econ. Geogr. 1 8 ( 1 ) : 57-67, map, illus.) Describes 7 landscape types; a chart sums u p the various features connected with them: towns, relief, rainfall, temperature, natural vegetation, amount of cropland, types of agriculture, most important crops, population density, and types of dwellings. DEBAY, Auguste. 1864. Les influences du chocolate, du thé, et du café. Paris, 276 p. Origin, etymology, and a description of the plant. A description of vanilla varieties is also included. De BOW, James Dunwoody Brownson. 1849. "Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans." (Comm. Rev. 7: 1-37, map.) The map of the Tehuantepec region is by Moro; comments by Maury are included, questioning some of Moro's data. DE BRY, Johann Israel and Johann Theodor. See BRY, Johann Israel de, and Johann Theodor de. DECAISNE, Joseph. See also F O U R N I E R , Eugène, 1872, 1886; HOULLET, B., 1867; LeMAOUT, Jean Emmanuel Marie, and DECAISNE, 1914. 1838. "Etudes sur quelques genres et éspèces de la famille des Asclepiadées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 9: 257-278, 321-348, illus.) With 2 tables showing the distribution of genera. Two new species are described from Mexico: Acerates circinalis and A. gomphocarpoides. 1848. "Lobelia ghiesbreghtii." (Rev. Hort. I l l , 2: 341, illus.) Description of a new species from Mexico. 1848a. "Hippodamia." (Rev. Hort. I l l , 2: 464.) Changes Besleria insignis to Hippodamia n.gen. DECAISNE, J., et J. E. PLANCHON. 1854. "Esquisse d'une monographie des Araliacées." (Rev. Hort. IV, 3: 104-109.) With descriptions of new genera, including Dendropanax. "La suite a un prochain numéro," which seems never to have appeared. DECAISNE, J. 1854a. "Gomphrena coccinea." (Rev. Hort. IV, 3: 161-162, illus.) Received from Mexico under names of G. hoveyana var. superba and G. haageana, b u t named by Decaisne G. coccinea. 1855. "Remarques au sujet de Dioscorea batatas." (Rev. Hort. IV, 4: 69-74, illus. Repr. as "L'igname batate," in Flor des Serres 10: 7-8, 10-12, 15-16, 18-20, 22-24, pl. 971, 1855. A German trans., "Ueber die yams batate, Dioscorea batatas Decsn." was publ. in Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 23: 59-61, 66-69, 1855.) 1865. "Revue du group des Pedalinées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. V, 3: 321336, illus.) Synopsis of genera, and a description of species with geographic distribution. 1865a. "Instructions sommaires sur la botanique." (Arch. Com. Sci. M ex., Paris, 1: 31-37.) Instructions to those charged with the study and collection of plants in Mexico. 1873. "Remarques sur les éspèces du genre Eryngium à feuilles parallélinerves." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 20: 19-27.) With a table listing species; American ones are divided according to leaf shape and veining. E. ghiesbreghtii is described as a new species from Hinchilique and Ciudad Real (Bour-


geau); this is cited as from Mexico in Ind. Kew. According to F. Miranda, Hinchilique should be Huitzilac in Morelos. 1874. "Mémoire sur la famille des Pomacées." (Nouv. Arch. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 10: 113-192, 8 pl.) A systematic revision with a key to genera, descriptions of genera and species, and localities. From Mexico, Cotoneaster denticulata and C. nervosa are described. There is a brief reference to Chamaemeles mexicana Bâillon which resembles a ChrysophyUum from Veracruz. 1876. "Note sur quelques plantes du groupe des Theophrastées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. VI, 3: 138-145, illus.) On Deherainia smaragdina, a new genus and species from Mexico (based on Jacquinia smaragdina Hort.). D E CANDOLLE or D E C A N D O L L E . See CANDOLLE. DECAUX (sic). 1891. "Le fruit de YHymenaea courbaril Linné." (Naturaliste II, 5: 283-285, illus.) Description, uses, and chemical analysis. DECAUX, François. 1961 "L'utilisation du tabac dans la médécine d'autrefois." (Acta Phytotherap. 8 ( 4 ) : 66-71.) Taken from Revue de Phytotheapie, No. 113; this was not seen. On Nicotiana. DECKERT, Emil. 1904. Nordamerika. Leipzig und Wien. 2d ed., 608 p., 13 illus., 12 maps, 21 pl., bibl. Another ed., 1913. Enlarged from his Nordamerika, publ. 1894 as the second part of Wilhelm Siever's Amerika. Part 6 is on Mexico, with a brief section on plants. DECROCK, E. See also BLANC, L., and DECROCK, 1898. 1901. "Anatomie des Primulacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII, 13: 1-199, illus.) DECROIX, E. 1863-64. "Note sur l'Agave." (Jour. Med. Vet. Mil. 2: 119-124.) On its use in medicine. 1897. "Sur quelques propriétés médicinales des Agaves et des Cactées." (Bull. Soc. Nat. d'Accl. 44: 62-63.) Recalls his contributions to the subject in (Soc. Méd. Alger, 1861, p. 108); this does not seem to be available in the United States. DEERR, Noel. 1911. Cane sugar. London, 1921, i-viii, 643 p., 29 pl., bibl., 2d ed. Manchester, 1911, 1st e d . - D A . Comprehensive treatise on all phases of sugar culture and manufacture. There is a brief reference to the beginning of the sugar season in Mexico. DEEVEY, Edward Smith, Jr. See also HUTCHINSON, G. E. et al, 1956. 1943. "Intento para datar las culturas medias del Valle de México mediante análisis de polen." (Ciencia 4 ( 4 / 5 ) : 97-105.) Transí, by Prof. B. F. Osorio Tafall. 1957. "Limnologie studies in Middle America." (Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 39: 213-328, 4 pl., 17 figs., incl. maps, 8 tables.) Interesting and scholarly study, but with only a few references to flowering plants, growing along the shores of the lakes which were studied. De F RAINE, Ethel. 1910. "The seedling structure of certain Cactaceae." (Ann. Bot. 24: 125-175, illus. ) Detailed useful study. D E G E N E R , Otto. 1945. "Tropical plants the world around." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 46: 74-91, 110-125, 132-143, 158-167.) Descriptions and illustrations of plants from many areas, including Mexico. D E GORTARI, Eli. 1952. "Integración de la ciencia Novohispana en el siglo XVI." (Univ. México 6 ( 6 8 ) : 8, 18.) Mainly on Badianus, Sahagún, and Hernández.



DE GRAFFE, Bertha L. 1896. "Opuntia vulgaris Mill." (Amer. Jour. Pharm. 68: 169-177, illus.) Description, distribution, chemical analysis, and uses. DE HAUTEVILLE, Mary. See BIART, Lucien, 1876. DEJEAN, Monod. 1948. "Flowering habits of cacao." (Cacao Inf. Bull. 1(13): 1-3; (14): 3-4.) On the flower structure and pollination. DE JONG, D. C. D. See BEAMAN, John H., et al, 1962. DEKKER, J. 1906-1908. "De looistoffen." (Bull. Kol. Mus. Haarlem No. 35, 220 p., bibl.; No. 39, 241 p.). "Botanisch-chemische monographie der tanniden." First part contains a chronological bibliography of books and articles, then a discussion on the distribution of tanning materials in the plant kingdom, by families. Second part is concerned with chemical analyses and the economic aspects of the industry.

DEMOOR 1908. La República Mexicana. México., 2d ed., 115 p., illus., maps. Thirtieth ed., 138 p., 1947. On economic plants arranged by uses with a brief discussion of each, and distribution maps. DELGADO, Andrés M. 1889. Apuntes para el estudio de la raíz de escorzonera del pais (Eryngium comosum). México, 21 p. Description, localities, and uses; emphasis is on the chemistry. DELGADO, Ignacio L. 1892. "Estudio sobre el mezquite como succedaneo del catecù." Guanajuato, 20 p. Thesis.-Bibliot. F. Guerra. A pharmaceutical study of Prosopis juliflora D. C. DELGADO, Manuel López. See LOPEZ DELGADO, Manuel. DELGADO de GARAY, Alfonso. 1942. "Aportación al conocimiento de las plagas del aguacatero." México, 62 p., illus. Thesis ENA. On the genus Persea.

DE LAET, Frantz. See also BOEDEKER, Fr., 1924, 1928. 1903. "Riesenkakteen gesammelt von C. A. Purpus in Mexico." (Gartenwelt 8(41): 483-484, illus., 1904.) Illustration of Cereus giganteus.

DELGADO GUERRERO, Luís G. 1939. Forrajes Mexicanas. México, 40 p.—BN Méx. Pubi, by Sria Agr. Fom. Méx. DAPP. With a list of plants used as forage; only common names are given.

DELAFONTAINE et DETTWILLER (no first names given). 1860. Le chocolat. Paris, 104 p.-MHA. With a brief section on chocolate among the Aztecs. A description is also included of vanilla.

DELGADO HERNANDEZ, Carlos Manuel. ( n.d. ) "Cultivo de la piña en Estación Isla Ver." N.p., 79 p. illus Thesis ENA. On the genus Ananas.

DELAMARRE, Mariel Jean Brunhes. See CARTER, George F., 1948.

DELGADO MENESES, Antonio. See LAGASCA y SEGURA, Mariano, 1816.

DELAROCHE, François. See LAROCHE, François de. DELCHEVALERIE, G. 1867. "Catalogue raisonné des plantes ornamentales qu'il convient de cultiver dans les parcs et jardins." (Bull. Fed. Soc. Hort. Belgique 1867: 221-304.) Listed alphabetically by genera and species, with countiy of origin. (1869?) Les Orchidées. Paris, 132 p.; 3d ed., 1889, 132 p., 32 illus.—DA. With descriptions and country of origin; the emphasis is on the culture. 1883. "Le Poinsettia pulcherrima en Egypte." (Belgique Hort. 33: 219-221.) A general description, with varieties included. DE LEO, A. 1939. "Osservazioni preliminari sul guaiule come pianta da caucciu." (Lav. R. Ist. Bot. Palermo 10: (78-100), illus.) Reports on experiments with culture of the plants, raised from U.S. seeds, and seeds from Russia. DELESSERT, (also as DE LESSERT), Benjamin, ed. (i.e. Jules Paul Benjamin). 1820-1846. Icones selectae plantarum. Paris, 5 vols., 500 pi. Descriptions are by A. P. De Candolle; drawings by P. J. F. Turpin, et al. Contains descriptions of many Mexican plants, including new species; e.g., Carminatia tenuiflora. For a review of vol. 3 of this work, with a list of plates by families as found in the volume, see (Ann. Sei. Nat., II, 9: 58-62, 1838). 1830. "Note sur de nouvelles découvertes botaniques." (Ann. Sei. Nat. 20: 59-62.) On palo de vaca, arbre à lait ou à vache, named by Kunth Galactodendron utile. DELFEL, Norman E. See IRVINE, James E., and DELFEL, 1961. DELFIN FIGUEROA, Manuel. 1934. "La papaina." Mexico, 99 p., map, illus. Thesis UNAM. Illustrations show the varieties of the fruit. DELGADILLO, Daniel.

DELILE, Alire Raffeneau. See RAFFENEAU-DELILE, Alire. DELON, Ch. 1894. "Nociones de botánica." (Prog. Méx. 1(30): 3 to 1(48): 2.) DELPINO, Federico. 1869. "Rivista monografica della famiglia delle Marcgraviaceae." (Nuovo Gior. Bot. Itàl. 1: 257-290.) With a conspectus of the family down to species, a discussion of its history and phylogeny, and descriptions of the species, with distribution. 1886-1889. "Funzione mirmecofila nel regno vegetale—prodromo d'una monografia delle piante formicarie." (Mem. R. Acc. Sci. 1st. Bologna, IV, 7: 215-323, 1886; 8 : 601-659, 1887 and 10: 115-147, illus., bibl., 1889.) Repr., in revised form, in (Boll. OH. Bot. Napoli 1: 36-48, 63-196, 201-272, 349-393, 18991903), with the title "Piante formicarie." Includes a "rassegna delle piante fornite di nettarii estranuziali" and a "rassegna delle piante che apprestano nidi e domicilii alle formiche." In some families, lists of species are given, with brief description and country of origin. A chart on Cassia gives geographic distribution of melliferous and non-melliferous species. A section on western plants is subtitled "piante Aubletianae." DELTEIL, A. 1872. La vantile. Paris, 1884, 58 p. 2 pi. The first ed. was pubi, in 1872; a 5th ed. appeared in 1902. Covers the history, botany, culture, and uses. 1884. La canne à sucre. Paris, 118 p., 2 pl.-PPF. Contains a brief reference to the introduction of sugar into Mexico. DELVERT, Jean. See CARTER, George F., 1948. DEMING, E. W. See LUMHOLTZ, Carl, 1891. DEMOOR, V. P. G. 1858. Du tabac. Paris, 184 p., illus. With an interesting section on the history, and on the names given to tobacco by various herbalists; also a good section on botany.


DEMPSTER DEMPSTER, Lauramay T. 1958. "New names and combinations in the genus Galium." (Brittonia 1 0 ( 4 ) : 181-192.) G. mexicanum H.B.K, is included in the 8 species considered. 1959. "A re-evaluation of Galium multiflorum and related taxa." (Brittonia 1 1 ( 3 ) : 105-122, 5 figs., incl. maps.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Maps show distribution in the United States only. Of 9 species considered, two are cited as extending into Mexico: G. wrightii A. Gray and G. stellatum Kell. DENAIFFE, Clement. 1906. Les haricots. Paris, 493 p., 272 figs.-DA. On Phaseolus, Dolichos, Canavalia, Soja, and Faha, with descriptions of all varieties cultivated; only a few references are to Mexico. DENDY, J. E. See DANDY, J. E. DENHAM, Humphrey John. 1919. "Gossypium in pre-Linnean literature." (Bot. Mem. No. 2, 24 p., 4 figs. ) In the brief section on Mexico, says about Ximénes, "a folio . . . published at Mexico City, in 1615, the first work on natural history printed in America, afterwards revised by Hernández, and republished at Rome by Recchius in 1651!" DENIKER, J. 1890-1891. "El instinto de las plantas." (Bol. Cient. Soc. Sánchez Oropeza 4: 297-303, 325-328.) Translation from article in Le monde vu par les savants du XIX siècle. The original was not located. DENIS, Ferdinand. See also MANGIN, Arthur, 1862. 1849. Les Californies, l'Oregon, et l'Amérique Russe. Paris, 108 p., illus. Volume 26, part 4 of l'Univers. Brief references to plants in Lower California. DENIS, Victor. 1934. Mexique. Paris, 181 p.-Bibliot. Ant. Alzate. Combination travel report and guide book, with frequent references to plants seen; particular emphasis on Chiapas. DENISSE, Etienne. 1843. Flore d'Amérique. Paris, 200 pl.-NNBG. Beautiful plates, with brief descriptions and comments on uses. DENMAN, Herbert. See LUMHOLTZ, Carl, 1891. DENNIS, William C. 1865. "Sisal hemp." (Technologist 5: 555-556.) On introduced plants as grown in Florida. DENO, Richard A. 1962. "Geographical distribution of drug plants." (Lloydia 271-279, maps.)


DEPPE, Ferdinand. See JAMESON, Robert, 1830. DERBEZ, J., PARDO, E„ and E. C. del POZO. 1945. "El cihuapatli — activador de la motilidad uterina." ( Bol. Inst. Est. Med. Biol. 3 ( 5 / 6 ) : 127-139, graphs.) In the genus Montanoa. DERBY, George Horatio. 1852. "A reconnaisance of the Gulf of California and the Colorado River." (Sen. Exec. Doc. No. 81, 32nd Congr., 1st Sess., Washington, 28 p., map.) Exploration includes a trip from San Francisco around Lower California with an occasional description of the vegetation observed and incidental references to plants, by common names only. DERING, Henry Nevil. 1895. "Report on the cultivation of cacao, vanilla, India rubber, indigo and bananas in Mexico." London, 31 p. Publ. by the For. Off., Great Britain, Misc. Ser., No. 385, Reports on subjects of general and commercial interest.—PPAP. This is an abstract of a report of the Marquis of Salisbury.

The points covered for each crop include history, description, common names, culture, and distribution. It was republished in parts in the following journals: "Cultivation of cacao in Mexico" (Jour. Soc. Arts 44: 669-670, 1896) followed by a note from D. Morris on p. 686: "Cacao in Mexico, with additional information on species cultivated in Mexico;" "Cultivation of vanilla in Mexico," same journal. (44: 716-717, 1896); "India rubber and bananas in Mexico" (p. 733); "Culture of indigo in Mexico" (743-744 and reprinted in Pharm. Jour. Trans. 57: 278, 1896); "Rapport sur le caoutchouquier du Mexique ou de Panama, Paris" (1895), 11 p., translated and with notes by A. Godefroy-Lebeuf, and reprinted in (Sem. Hort. n.s., 3: 87-88, 94, 1899). 1896. "Report on the cultivation in Mexico of. . . ." London, 27 p. Reports on subjects of general and commercial interest, No. 401, Misc. Ser. This is subtitled "Mexico. Further report on the various vegetable products of Mexico, with reference to previous report, Misc. Ser. 393," p. v. Pubi, by For. Off., Great Britain. It is addressed to the Marquis of Salisbury.— PPAP. The plants reported on are yuca, pineapple, the zapote tree, or chicle or chewing gum, ginger, sarsaparilla, jalap, liquorice, canaigre, and ramie. Scientific names are given for some of the plants. The last part was reprinted as "Production of canaigre and ramie" in (Monthly Bull., Bur. Amer. Repub. 4: 1014-1019, 1896). The introduction of ramie is credited to Benito Roezl in 1867. The part on ginger was published under the title "Economic plants of Mexico" in (Gard. For. 9: 530, 1896). It discusses Zingiber officinale as introduced into America as early as 1540 and growing wild in Mexico. The parts on yuca, or cassava, pineapple, ginger, chicle, and canaigre were printed in (Gard. Chron. I l l , 20: 718-719, 759-760, 1896) under the title "Mexican economic plants." The part on chicle was reprinted, under the title "The cultivation of chicle or chewing gum in Mexico," in (Jour. Soc. Arts 45: 383-384, 1897). Report No. 393, to which reference is made, is on the culture of coffee. This has not been seen. DERMEN, Haig. 1932. "Cytological studies of Cornus." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 13: 410416, 1 pi.) Study of twenty-three species of Cornus and one species of Nyssa with conclusions on the origin and spread of the genus. Chromosome numbers confirm previous taxonomic grouping. DERN, W. F., and Ulpiano B. SENCIAL. 1911. El hule. México, 128 p . - B N Méx. Mainly on the culture, with some botany. DERRY, R. 1909. "Report on the international rubber and allied trades' exhibition held in London, Sept. 14-26, 1908." (Agr. Bull. Str. Fed. Mai. St., n.s. 8 ( 2 ) : 39-62). A summary, by families, of rubber producing plants with description, distribution, history, uses, culture, and preparation. DESBOIS, F. 1888. Monographie de Cypripedium, Selenipedium, and Uropedium. Gand, 1898, 544 p., illus. The first ed. was pubi, in 1888, 159 p. illus. Listed alphabetically, according to species, with descriptions, localities, and literature references. DESCOURTILZ, Michel Etienne See also ANONYMOUS, 1852 c. 1821-1829. Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles. Paris, 8 vols., illus. A second ed. was pubi, in 1827-1833. Synonymy, descriptions, history, uses, distribution, and a plate for each plant described. DESFONTAINES, René Louiche. See also JUSSIEU, Adrien de, 1825; 1924. 1802. "Description du genre Tithonia." (Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 49-51, illus.) On T. tagetiflora, grown from the seeds collected by Thiery de Menonville near Veracruz.



DESFONTAINES—continued 1803. "Mémoire sur la jalap." (Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 2: 120-130, 2 pi. ) Repr. in ( Mém. Inst. Sei. Lett. Arts, Sei. Math. Phys. Paris I, 6: 386-398, 1806.) History, description of the plant, identified as Convolvulus jalapa, and distribution and synonymy. Also included is a description of the plant by Thiery, in 1777, in Veracruz. 1804. Tableau de l'école de botanique, du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle et du Jardin du Roi. Paris, 2d ed., 1815, 274 p. —NNBG. First ed., Paris, 1804. Later eds. were called Catalogus plantarum horti regii Parisiensis. Systematically arranged catalogue, with scientific and common names and habitat given; many new species are listed, but with no descriptions. 1817. "Notes sur les cierges." (Mem. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 3: 190-194.) Introduction reviews various ways in which cacti are useful and describes a new species, Cactus speciosissimus; ("on croit qu'elle est indigène du Mexique"). DESLONGCHAMPS, R. A. Loiseleur. LONGCHAMPS, R. A.




DESMOULINS, Charles. 1852. "Etudes organiques sur les Cuscutes." (Compt. Rend. 19 Sess. (Toulouse) Cong. Sei. France 2: 243-320, 17 tables.) Repr. as a separate, Toulouse, 1853, 80 p., 17 tables.-PPAN. History, morphology, and taxonomy, with descriptions of 5 genera, and synoptic keys to species in Cuscuta and Cassytha, with descriptions, synonymy, and distribution. DESPORTE, Jean Baptiste René Poupée. 1770. Histoire des maladies de San Domingue. Paris, 3 vols. Vol. 3 is Traité ou abrégé des plantes usuelles de San Domingue, with a catalogue in which plants are listed by Latin, French, and Carib names, classified according to use. Included is a Mémoire sur le sucre, based on the work of M. Geoffroy. Is this perhaps Etienne François Geoffroy? See his Tractatus de materia medica, 1741. DESPREAUX, Juan Maria. See ANONYMOUS, 1843 b. DESRUISSEAUX, P. Advisse. See ADVISSE-DESRUISSEAUX, P. DESTERE, Gabriel Chastenet. See CHASTENET DESTERE, Gabriel. DESVAUX, N. A. (Nicaise Auguste). 1813. "Precis des caractères de plusieurs genres de la famille des Légumineuses." (Jour. Bot. 1: 118-125, 3 pl.) Preliminary study discussing 31 genera in 4 sections. 1814. "Mémoire et observations sur la famille des plantes Légumineuses." (Jour. Bot. 3: 65-84.) Conspectus of genera and species, with brief descriptions and habitat (the latter in very broad terms). 1814a. "Sur un nouveau calebassier dont le fruit est comestible." (Jour. Bot. 4: 112-113.) Description of Cressentia (Crescentia) edulis from Guaxaca. 1826. "Observations sur la famille des Légumineuses." (Ann. Sei. Nat. 9 : 404-431.) Including many members in tropical America. 1842. "Sur une éspèce nouvelle de figuier et sur quelques arbres à lait édule." (Ann. Sei. Nat. II, 18 : 308-316.) Includes Ficus yoponensis of Venezuela (lechero), F. insipida (Galactendrum ovalifolium and G. chrysophyllifolium W. Ham. ined. ) and F. guianensis Desv. Also discusses "le veritable arbre de la vache" which he calls Clusia galactendron.

1896. "Des Acanthacées médicinales." Paris, 186 p. 41 figs. Thesis Pharm. Includes history, geographic distribution, morphology, anatomy, classification, uses, and descriptions of species with synonymy. Mexican species cited include Ruellia tuberosa, Jacobinia mohintli, Dicliptera acuminata, D. baphica, and D. multiflora. DETHOREY, Ernesto. See LINNE, Sigvald (1550). DELTING, LeRoy Ellsworth. 1939. "A review of the North American species of Descurainia." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 2 2 ( 3 ) : 481-520, map.) Covers history, morphology, key to species and subspecies, descriptions, distribution, and citation of specimens studied. A special map indicates distribution of Central American and Mexican species. DE TONI, Ettore. See also HERNANDEZ, Francisco, 1570-1775; MICHIEL, Pietro Antonio, 1940. 1901. "Le piante Lincea, Cesia, Columnia, Stelluta, e Barberina." (Mem. Pont. Accad. Nuovi Lincei 18: 349-361.) History of the plants, named for those who worked on the Rome edition of the Francisco Hernández work., q.v., preceded by a discussion of the edition itself. Included are the names given to those plants by Hernández himself. Lyncea (Lincea) is now Stanhopea; Caesia (Cesia) is now Dorstenia; Columnia is a palm; Stelluta is Castilloa and Barberina (not described by Hernández), is Lobelia cardinalis. The name was applied incorrectly by Proja to cacao. DE TONI, G. B. 1907. "Le piante dell antico Orto Botánico di Pisa ai tempi di Luca Ghini (Spigolature Aldrovandiane VI)." (Ann. Bot. 5: 421 (i.e. 425)-440.) Mentions "Nux Metel Americana, vulgo Stramonia vocata, maior et minor, and Opuntia herba Pliny. DETTWILLER, M. See DELAFONTAINE, and DETTWILLER, 1860. DETWILER, Samuel Bertolet. 1948. Some basic information regarding tannins and tannin-yielding crops. Washington, 112 p. Issued by the U. S. Off. For Agr. Rel. With a chapter on potential tannin plants, native to Latin America. DEUBER, T. P. See MULLER, J. L„ and DEUBER, 1944; 1944a. DEUCHLER, Walter. See CARDENAS, Juan de, 1591. EIN DEUTSCHER KAUFMANN. 1847. "Erwerbszweige der Mexicanischen provinz Colima." (Ausland No. 107, 425, May 5; cont. 433, 434, 441, 446, 450, 453, 460; ends 115, May 14.) Considers mais-bau, pitayenwaelder, cicle (for chicle), baumwolle, oelpalme (palma de coquito de azeyte), and indigo. A DEVONIAN. See VARIOUS, 1855. DEWEY, Lyster Hoxie. See also De WILDEMAN, Emile, 1909; ROSS, J. H. H., 1933. 1914-1915. "Principales fibras vegetables." (Hacienda 10 : 29-30, 53-55, 79-82, 123, 124, illus.) 1916. "Fibras empleadas en la manufactura del binder twine." (Henequén 1(19): 3-4; (20): 4-9.) Trans., and with comments, by Rafael Hernández Escudero; the original (?) source, is not given. Repr. as "Fibras que se emplean en la manufactura del binder twine" (Sisal Yucatán 5(58/59): 12, 1944 and cont. to (84): 23, 1947). With a separate section for each plant. 1927. "Una interesante planta textil: la lechuguilla". (Hacienda 22: 299, illus.; repr. in Tierra 4(189): 544, 1927.). Description, préparation, and use. 1928. "La Ceiba y sus productos." (Hacienda 23: 26, illus.) Plant is identified as C. pentandra.

1846. "Quelques notions nouvelles sur les vanilles." (Ann. Sei. Nat. III, 6: 117-123.) Lists 8 species of the New World, but mistakenly locates Misantla and Veracruz in Venezuela. DETECTOR (pseud.) See ENGELMANN, George. DETHAN, Georges. 240




1929. "A new variety of henequen without prickles." (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 415-416.) Agave fourcroydes espiculata which originated in Cuba. 1932. "Sisal y henequén." (Hacienda 27: 382-385, illus.) Description, origin, common names, culture, preparation, and by-products. 1941. Fiber production in the Western Hemisphere. Washington, 1943, 95 p., 74 illus., bibl. USDA Misc. Publ. 518. Trans, into Spanish as Fibras vegetales y su producción en América, by Maria Antonieta Ruisánchez Masters and publ. by the Panamerioan Union, Of. Coop. Agr. Publ. Nos. 137-140, 101 p., 1941, lacking only the bibl. Printed also in (El Campo) beginning 11, 1 3 ( 6 5 7 ) : 52, 1946 and cont. to ( 6 6 2 ) : 26.) DLC lists trans, as Maria Antonieta (Ruisánchez) Harvey. With a list of fibers, classified according to types, with common and scientific names, families, distribution, and uses. 1945-1947. "Fibras vegetables." (Sisal de Yucatán 22); cont. in each issue to 8 ( 8 5 ) : 29, 1947.


1907b. "La géographie du caoutchouc et sa explotation." ( Soc. Geog. del l'Est., Bull. 28: 428-447.) With only a brief section on Castilloa. 1909. "Les fibres zapupe du Mexique." (Quinz. Col. 13: 618-619.) Signed E. D. W. Summary based on studies of Trelease and Dewey, q v., listing species and varieties. 1936. "Sur la distribution des saponins dans le regne vegetal." (Inst. R. Col. Beige., Sec. Sci. Nat. Med., Mem. Coll. 8 ° , 5 ( 1 ) , 94 p . ) - D A . With a list, by families, containing alkaloids and saponins arranged by zones, a list of saponins arranged alphabetically with the plant from which taken, and an enumeration, in alphabetic order, of the families, genera, and species in which the presence of saponins has been indicated. 1941. "Une parenté systématique." (Acad. R. Sci. Belgique, Cl Sci., Mem. Coll. en 8°, 18: 1-146.) On whether systematic relationships and similarity in chemical constitution go hand in hand. Includes an enumeration by families, genera, and species of "plantes à latex utilisées en médecine indigène pour usage externes" ( 12 families ). Another section enumerates alkaloids and glucosides in species of different plant families, arranged alphabetically by names of chemicals.


DE WILDEMAN, Emile. See also BOONE, Raymond C. P. 19291923; DIGUET, Léon, 1906. 1899-1909. Icones selectate Horti Thenensis. Bruxelles, 6 vols., 240 pi. "Iconographie de plantes avant fleuri dans les collections de M. van den Bossche á Tirlemont, Belgique." With descriptions and annotations by De Wildeman.

1942. "Le latex chez les Aracées." (Bull. Acad. R. Sci. Belgique, Cl. S ci. V, 27: 156-169.) A detailed discussion of the system proposed by Ad. Engler, using the presence or absence of latex as basis for classification. 1942a. "Les liquides laticiformes des Guttiféracées." (Mem. Acad. R. Sci. Belgique, Cl. Sci., II, Coll. en 8°, 19(No. 1552), 175 p.; Suppl. 23, 79 p., 1949.) Discusses "dérives résineux, matières grasses, propiétés médicinales et pharmacéutiques", with a history of studies in this field, and descriptions of genera and species listed alphabetically, with uses and distribution. Included is a table of species with types of substances found in various parts of the plants. 1944. "Les latex des Euphorbiacées." (Inst. R. Colon. Belgique, Sect. Sci. Nat. Med., Mem. Coll. en 8° 1 2 ( 4 ) : 1-8.) Enumerates the species with countries where they are found, the uses of the latex of each, and other properties. 1949. "Les liquides laticifères et mucilagineux chez les Morâcees." (Mem. Acad. R. Sci. Belg., Coll. en 8°, II, 2 4 ( 3 ) , 132 p.)

1901. "La chayóte." (Bull. Soc. Belgique d'Etud. Col. 8: 342-344.) Description, distribution, and culture. 1901a. "Plantes à indigo." (Bull. Soc. Belg. d'Etud. Col. 8: 345348.) Signed E. D. W. With a list of plants, according to families and country of origin; information is taken from D. Hooper, and an article in India Gardening and Planting, Nov. 22, 1900 (this is not in the U. S.). Plants from the American tropics are cited in the Leguminosae, Composite, and the Acanthcaeae. 1902. "La fibre de l'Agave." (Bull. Soc. d'Etud. Col. 9: 599-601.) Signed E. D. W. On its qualities and uses. 1902a. Les plantes tropicales de grande culture. Bruxelles, 1908, 390 p., 64 figs., 22 pl. First éd., 1902. An excerpt, trans, by G. Gándara, "El cultivo del café", was publ. in (Prog. Méx. beginning in 1 1 ( 4 9 4 ) : 33-34 and cont. to 1 1 ( 5 2 0 ) : 434-435, Jan. 15 to July 30, 1904.) Mainly on African flora, but there is considerable reference to Mexican plants. Plants considered are coffee, cola, vanilla, and banana. Contains a history of the vanilla, a key to the species of cacao, and a list of plants used to shade coffee in various countries. The last is an alphabetical list of plant species with descriptions.

Species are listed with sources and uses. DE WIT, H. C. D.

1903. "Le suc du papayer." (Bull. Soc. Etud. Col. 10: 145-147.) Signed E. D. W. On the chemical composition of the latex and the uses of the plant Carica papaya. 1903a. "Caná agria ou canaigre. (Bull. 519.)

Soc. Etud.


10: 157-

1955. "Notes on the cultivated Solanaceae." (Baileya 3: 173-175, illus.) With a key to the species, and observations on various species of Solandra. Three of the 6 species are Mexican.

Description, culture, and uses. 1906. "A propos de "la raíz de zacatón." ( Quinz. Colon. 17: 63-64. ) Taken from Le Courrier de Mexique et de VEurope, Nov. 21, 1905. This is not available in the United States. Signed E. D. W. The original author's name is not given; the comments are by De Wildeman. This is followed by "A propos de la racine de zacatón", p. 185-186, also signed E. D. W., quoting a letter from Poidevin, listing the places in Mexico where the plant grows.

1956. "Notes on cultivated Solanaceae-2. Datura." (Baileya 4 ( 1 ) : 13-23, illus.) With keys to cultivated species, descriptions, and distribution. 1956a. "Notes on cultivated Scrophulariaceae." (Baileya 4: 55-68, illus.) This is part 2, on Antirrhinum and Asarina; with a key to genera and species, descriptions, synonymy, and distribution.

1907. "Agaves textiles." (Quinz. Col. 11: 831.) Signed E. D. W. List of species, with common names, and uses. 1907a. "L'agriculture au Mexique." (Soc. Belg. d'Etud. 14:44-47.) With the emphasis on Agave.


See WIT, H. C. D. de.

D E WOLF, Gordon P(arker), Jr. 1953. "The genus Lycaste." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 22: 334-338, illus.) Cited here, incorrectly, as DeWolfe. With a list of species and the country of origin. 1953-1954. "Notes on cultivated Labiates." (Baileya 1:115-117, illus.; 2: 3-11, illus.) I. On Agastache with a key to 9 species. II. On Mentha.

DIANNO. 1890-1891. "El fresno." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 14:345-347.) On Fraxinus, but with no specific reference to Mexico.





DIANOVA, W. ]., A. A. SOSNOVETZ, and N. A. STESCHINA. 1934. "Vergleichende zytoembryologische Untersuchung der varietaeten von Parthenium argentatura Gray und Parthenium incarnirti Gray." (Jour Bot. URSS 19: 447-466; with summ, in German.) Repr. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 53 ( 1 ): 293-308, illus., bibl., 1935.) DIAS BRIZUELA, Joseph. See LOPEZ, Gregorio, 1672; TORRES MORENO, Juan de et al, 1677; VARIOUS (1692). DIAZ, Adolfo Caballero.


DIAZ, Alfonso Rosenzweig. DIAZ, Altagracia Arjona. DIAZ, Bernal.

See ROSENZWEIG DIAZ, Alfonso de.

See ARJONA DIAZ, Altagracia.

See DIAZ del CASTILLO, Bernal.

DIAZ, César González. DIAZ, E. García.



DIAZ, Ezequiel. 1948. "Los cardones gigantescos de Indoamérica." (Rev. Geog. Amér. 30: 60-62, illus.) General essay, more literary than botanical, with a reference to the "órganos de Oaxaca." DIAZ, Hermilo. 1926, "Estudio de las plantas gomosas del país." México, 50 p. Thesis, ENA. Lists plants with common and scientific names, and distribution. DIAZ, Horacio Muris. DIAZ, Jaime Orosa.

See MURIS DIAZ, Horacio. See OROSA DIAZ, Jaime.

DIAZ, Juan. See BOLTON, Herbert Eugene (18th cent.); MARMOCCHI, Francesco Constantino, 1843; VARTHEMA, Ludovico de, 1520; WAGNER, Henry Raup, 1942. DIAZ, Luis A.

See DIAZ y DIAZ, Luis A.

DIAZ, Luis Martinez.


DIAZ, Mayor Porfirio (Is this Diaz, P. hijo?'.) See HOLDEN, Perry Greely, 1906. DIAZ, Noè Grajales.


DIAZ, P. hijo (Is this Diaz, Mayor Porfirio?). See GOFF, Emmett Stull, and Dexter Dwight MAYNE (1904). DIAZ, Pedro Aranda.


DIAZ, Rosa María Vázquez.

See VAZQUEZ DIAZ, Rosa Maria.

DIAZ, Severo. 1938. "De Guadalajara a Tizapán el Alto." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., Junta Aux., Jal. 5 ( 9 ) : 98-109, illus.) Includes a description of a unique flowering tree in Santa Cruz de las Flores, known as the árbol de la virgen; not identified scientifically. 1946. Geografía general y física del Estado de Jalisco. Guadalajara, 118 p., 6 pi. - Bibliot. A. Alzate. Only physical data; part 2 was to have biological data, but does not seem to have been published. DIAZ, Tarquino de Jesús Portes. See PORTES DIAZ, Tarquino de Jesús. DIAZ BARRIGA, Rodolfo Mendoza. RIGA, Rodolfo. DIAZ de ALPUCHE, Geraldo. Maria (1579).



DIAZ de COSSIO, M. 1929. "Origen del sisal." (Sisal Méx. 2 ( 2 7 ) : 3.) On Agave. DIAZ de GUZMAN, Carlos Riquelme. GUZMAN, Carlos.


DIAZ de ISLA, Ruy. 1539. Tractado contra et mal serpentino. Sevilla, 54 p. — NNH. Another ed. was pubi, in Sevilla, 1542, 82 p. "Tractado llamado fruto de todos los santos" with the

10th chapter on el palo Indio. The two editions have much in common but are not identical. DIAZ de la VEGA, Silvestre. (1785-1798). "Experiments with rubber in Mexico." (Phil. Doc. Stud., Mid. Amer. Res. Inst., Tulane Univ. 1 ( 3 ) : 33-113. Issued in 1944, but publ. date is given as 1948.) Trans, by S, K. Lowe, who also did the intro., and Maurice Ries. Based on a series of manuscripts, written between 1785 and 1798; mainly on the preparation and use of Castilla elástica. The introduction reviews the history of rubber in Mexico. DIAZ de LEON, Jesús. 1887-1891. Nociones de botánica." (Instructor, starts 4(No. 7) and continues irregularly to 8(No. 6 ) ) . General textbook material. 1888. "Historia del tabaco." (Instructor 5 ( 1 ) : 1-5.) On Nicotiana. 1889. "El sueño de las plantas." (Med. Cient. 2: 373-376.) Discusses the "doble respiración de las plantas." 1890-1891. "El ciprés." (Rev. Agr. 6: 199-200.) On the genus Cupressus. 1892-1893. "Nociones de carpología." (Instructor 9 ( 3 ) : 2-5; cont, under the heading "Carpología higiénica" 9 ( 4 ) : 1-4, (5): 2-4, 1892; ( 1 2 ) : 7-8, 1 0 ( 1 ) : 8, ( 5 ) : 5-6, ( 6 ) : 5-6 and (7): 5-7, 1893. 1895. "Arbol del pan." (Campo (Número de Prospecto): 7-8) As a food source. 1895a. "Fuchsias ó aretes." (Campo 1: 5-8.) Floricultural treatment. 1895b. "Nociones elementales de agriculture." (Campo 2 : 5 - 8 ; 3: 3-6; 4: 1-2; 7: 6-7; 10: 5-6; 16: 6 ) . Printed as a separate, Paris, 1895, 240 p., 79 illus. (León cites 100 illus.) Botany text for rural primary schools; with notes on the history of some of the plants and their taxonomy. The section on azafrán, p. 214, was printed in (Campo 3: 6-8, 4: 2-4, 6: 2-3). 1895c. "Ricino común." (Campo 3: 3.) 1895d. "Cultivo de las rosales." (Campo 5 : 1 - 2 ; 1 7 : 3 ; 2 7 : 3 ; 30: 4-5.) On Rosa. 1895e. "Apuntes para un tratado de carpología." (Campo, begins in No. 5, p. 2, and continues in each issue to No. 25, p. 4.) 1895f. "Cultivo de las hortensias." (Campo 7: 4; also in Rev. Agr. 11: 71-72, 1895-1896.) On Hydrangea. 1895g. "Cultivo del frambueso." (Campo 7: 4-6.) On Rubus. 1895h. "Cultivo de la fresa." (Campo 9 : 5 - 6 ; 11:4-5; 15.3-4; 24: 6-7.) On Fragaria. 1895i. "Aguileña." (Campo 11: 3-4.) On the culture of Aquilegia. 1895j. "Vocabulario." (Campo (Ags.), No. 11:7-8; No. 13:7-8.) - HN Méx. Botanical terms. 1895k. "El maíz." (Campo 22: 6-8.) On Zea mays.

Nos. 18: 3-6, 19: 6-7, 20: 5-7, 21: 7-8,

18951. "El café y el cafetero." (Campo 21: 5-7; 23: 6-8.) On Coffea. 1895m. "El trigo." (Campo 26: 1-3.) Triticum and its culture. 1895n. "Los árboles frutales." (Campo, begins in No. 29, p. 5, and continues in each issue to No. 36, p. 7.) 1896. "Cultivo de las Dahlias." (Instructor 1 3 ( 1 ) : 5-7.) 1896a. "El membrillero." (Instructor 1 3 ( 1 ) : 7-9.) Description and culture of Cydonia vulgaris.


DÍAZ de LEON 1896b. "Los Aloes." (Instructor 13(2): 1-3.) Describes various species, with common and scientific names. 1896c. "Cultivo de los perales." (Instructor 13(2): 3-6; ( 5 ) : 14-15.) On Pyrus communis. 1896d. Apuntes para una carpología higiénica y terapéutica. Aguascalientes, 3d ed., 235 p. - DSG. With classification and descriptions of fruits; common and scientific names are given. 1899. Nociones de botánica. México, 206 p., 147 illus. — MN Méx. Instructional material. 1904. "Los plantíos de ornato." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 21: 371-403.) Separate, México, 35 p., 9 fig., 1905; catalogued at IB Méx., but not seen. On 17 trees, with description and notes on culture and care. 1905. La selva y el prado. México, 360 p., illus. (Location of the copy seen was not noted.) General botany and silviculture, followed by description of the most important Mexican species according to families; first trees, second forage plants. 1908. "Las asociaciones científicas en México." (Instructor 24(12): 2-4.) Publ. anonymously. On the history of La Alianza Científica Universal. 1913. "El cañamo." (Rev. Rev. 4(180): 19.) On Cannabis sativa.

un rincón sin tomarse el trabajo de terminar su lectura." For a discussion of the "medical references in Bernal Diaz' account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico" see Blanton, Wyndham B., 1942. See also Richter, Frans., 1908. DIAZ del PINO, Alfonso. 1945-1946. "Cultivo del chile." (Tierra 1(1): 3-5, 54, illus.; ( 2 ) : 97100, 113; ( 3 ) : 130-132, 154, 1945; ( 4 ) : 188-190, 214; ( 5 ) : 257-259, 265; ( 6 ) : 332-334, 1946.) On Capsicum. (1946?) Cultivo del maíz. México, n.d., 171 p., illus. - SMGE. With a chapter on the botany of the plant. DIAZ DUFOO, Carlos. 1919. "Geografía económica Mexicana." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est., V. 8: 243-280.) With a section on plant products. DIAZ GARCIA, Francisco. 1940. "Análisis de la planta del cenizo." Guadalajara, 24 p. Thesis Chem. Identified as Leucophyllum, but put in the Solanaceae. DIAZ MENDEZ, Daniel. 1952. "Informe de estudio médico higiénico y zootécnico del distrito de Uruapan, Michoacán." México, 45 p. Thesis ENMVZ. A list of plants, with common and scientific name and family. DIAZ MONTERRUBIO, Ricardo. See FRAUSTRO M., Alberto and DIAZ MONTERRUBIO, 1943.

DIAZ de LEON, Jesús, y Ramón MENA. 1914. "Datos para la historia del maíz. " (Gac. Agr. Vet. 5 ( 7 ) : 9-11.) On Zea mays. DIAZ de LEON, Leopoldo. 1904. Compendio de geografía de Montesa (Aguascalientes). Aguascalientes, 25 p., map. — IPGH Méx. With a list of medicinal plants, cited with common and scientific names.

DIAZ SILVERA, Mario. 1922. "El ramón de México." (Rev. Agr. Com. Trab. Havana 5 ( 4 ) : 9-11, illus.) Repr. in (Agricultor (Mérida) 10(7): 11-13, 1923). On Brosimum alicastrum and its "propriedades galactógenas," citing results of experiments with cattle. DIAZ SOLIS, Esperidión. 1938? Atlixco. (Atlixco?), 37 p., illus. - NN. With only a brief list of plants, cited by common names only.

DIAZ de LEON, Rafael. See AGUILAR LAGUNA, Anastasio, and DIAZ de LEON, 1939. DIAZ de SOLIS, Juan. (1520). "Itinerario de la armada del Rey Católico a la Isla de Yucatán en la India el año 1518." (Col. Doc. Hist. Méx. 1: 281-308, 1858. ) Trans, from the Itinerario of Varthema, Venice, 1520, q.v. The original Spanish version, from which the Italian trans, was made, has disappeared. By "el capellán mayor de la dicha armada" and cited here for its historic interest. Compare with the version published by Henry Raup Wagner, in his The discovery of New Spain in 1518, 1942, and with that published by Ternaux-Compans, Voyages, Relations et Mémoires, 10: 1-47, 1838.

DIAZ y DIAZ, Luis A. 1892. La medicina doméstica. México, vol. 1, pp. 147, 171, 185, 265, 310, 358, 382. - Bibliot. F. Guerra. Section called "horticultura" describes commonly cultivated plants, listed alphabetically by common names; scientific equivalents are given also. DIAZ y GAVARDO, Gaspar Baltasar. See ZANNICHELLI, Jacob, 1774. DIBBLE, Charles E.

See SAHAGUN, Bernardino, (1575?)

DICE, Lee Raymond. See also KELLUM, Lewis Burnett et al, 1937.

DIAZ del CASTILLO, Bernai. See also BLANTON, Wyndham Boiling, 1942; E. R., 1846. (1568). Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España. Madrid, 1632, 256 lvs. Written in 1568. English trans, by Maurice Keatinge publ. in London, 1800, with a 3d ed. in New York, 1938, 562 p., 14 pi. map. A Mexican ed., ed. by Genaro García, was publ. in 1904-1905 and trans, into English, with notes by A. P. Maudslay, London, 1925. Another English trans, of the same ed. was printed in New York, 1956, with an intro. by Irving A. Leonard. The latest Mexican ed. (the 4th, "conforme a la de 1944), was publ. in 1955, with an intro. and notes by Joaquín Ramírez Cabañas. The latest English ed., trans, by Albert Idell as The Bernai Diaz chronicles, was publ. in New York, 1956, 414 p., maps. For an evaluation of Diaz del Castillo's work, and bibl. information about it, see Henry Raup Wagner, in (Hisp. Amer. Hist. Rev. 25: 155-190, 199-207, 1945).

1939. "The Sonoran biotic province." (Ecology 20: 118-129, map.) Considered from the point of view of physiography, and discussing the climate and vegetation, with lists of dominant plants. 1943. The biotic provinces of North America. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 78 p., map, bibl. For each province or zone there is a discussion of location, climate, surface, and plant and animal life (dominant forms). The following zones are cited in Mexico: California, Sonoran, San Lucan, Apachian, Sinaloan, Durangan, Chihuahuan, Tamaulipan, Potosian, and Veracruzian. DICKE, Robert Jerome.

See ALLEN, T. C. et al, 1944.

DICKEN, Samuel Newton. 1935. "Galeana: a Mexican highland community." (Jour Geogr. 34: 140-147, 6 figs. incl. 2 maps.) Plant references are only on cultivated plants. 1936. "The basin settlements of the Middle Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico." (Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geogr. 26: 157-178, 11 figs, incl. maps.) In Nuevo Leon, from Monterrey to the 23rd parallel; some references are given to the vegetation in various parts of the region, with plants cited mainly by common names. Emphasis is on cultivated crops.

One of the basic works on the conquest of Mexico, these reminiscences by a soldier in Cortés' army contain numerous references to the plants of Mexico. León says of the work, "contiene interesantes noticias sobre vegetales de uso económico en México y en tiempos de la Conquista." On the other hand, in the Enciclopedia Española Ilustrata, we read "el lector inteligente, cansado de tanto vana palabrería y de la importancia que suele darse, acaba por arrojar el libro a 243


DICKIE DICKEN-continued 1939. "Monterrey and northeastern Mexico." (Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geogr. 29: 127-158, 14 illus.) With a brief section on the natural vegetation; plants are cited by common names only. 1939a. "Corn and wheat in Mexico's changing economy." (Jour. Geog. 38: 99-109, 3 figs., incl. 2 maps.) Maps show corn and wheat lands. DICKIE, George. 1869. "Note on the characters of the genus Canna." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 10: 54-57, illus.) Morphological study. DICKINSON, Fred Eugene. 1947-1954.

See WANGAARD, Frederick F. et al,

DICKSON, Jean. 1936. "Studies in floral anatomy III. An interpretation of the gynaeceum in the Primulaceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 23: 385-393, 10 figs.) Includes also a number of types in the Ranunculaceae, Geraniaceae, and Caryophyllaceae.

DIENER, Mietze (Glanz). 1908. Reise in das moderne Mexico. Wien und Leipzig, 112 p., 30 illus. By a geologist; with references to plant life seen during a visit for a Geological Congress. DIENZ, Diego. See MUELLER, Frederik. DIEPENBROCK, Felix. 1928. "Beitraege zur botanischen und pharmakognostischen kenntnis." (Angew. Bot. 10: 1-66, 34 illus.) On 4 drug plants including Tribulus cistoides and Hibiscus sabdariffa; with common names, place of origin, distribution, morphology, and anatomy. 1928-1929. "Beitrag zur kenntnis der nektarien bei Hibisceen unter besonderer beruecksichtigung der kelchblaetter." (Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 4 5 ( 1 ) : 74-82, illus.) With a table summarizing the findings in 46 species. DIERBACH, Dr. 1829. "Uebersicht der bekannten arten des Spanischen pfeffers." (Arch. Pharm. 30: 19-31.) With a conspectus of species of Capsicum, their distribution and synonymy.

DICKSON, Sara Augusta. 1953, 1954. "Panacea or precious bane, tobacco in sixteenth literature." (Bull. N.Y. Pub. Libr. 57:267, 419, 471, 544, 580, 1953; 58: 42, 55, 110, 174, 230, 274, 315, 1954., illus., bibl.) Repr. as a separate, 1954, 227 p.

DIETERICHS, Johann Georg Nicolaus. See WEINMANN, Johann Wilhelm, 1737-1745. DIETRICH, Albert. See also BROGNIART, A„ 1841; LINDLEY, John, 1844; LINKE, A„ 1848; LINNE, Carl von, 1753; OTTO, Friedrich and DIETRICH, 1833; 1833c; 1833d; 1835; 1836; 1836a; 1837; 1838; 1838a; 1839; 1840; 1840a; 1841; 1841a; 1842; 1843; 1845a; 1847; 1848; 1854. 1833. "Ueber die gattung Georgina mit ihren arten." (Allg. Gait. Zeitg. 1: 196-200.) Follows Otto's article, q.v. 1833a. "Beschreibung einiger schoen bluehenden Salvien." (AUg. Gart. Zeitg. 1: 301-303.) S. cyaniflora Nob., and S. fulgens var. floribunda. 1834. "Beschreibung des Cereus pteranthus Link oder Cereus brevispinulus Salm Dyck." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 2: 209-211.) Differentiated from C. grandiflorus. 1834a. "Beschreibung der Erythrina rosea Nob., einer neuen Zierpflanze aus Mexico." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 2: 253-254.) 1834b. "Beschreibung des Cereus nycticallus (sie) Link." (Verh. Ver. Bef. Gart. 10: 372-375, illus.) Compared with C. grandiflorus; a discussion of the culture by Otto is included. 1835. "Beschreibung zweier neu eingefuehrter Silenen." (Alls. Gart. Zeitg. 3: 195-196.) Silene laciniata Cav. from Mexico is included. 1836. "Beschreibung der Mammillaria wildii." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 4: 137-138.) 1838. "Beschreibung der Opuntia decumbens Salm." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 6: 308-309.) 1839. "Beitraege zur genauem kenntniss einiger cactus arten." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 7: 153-156.) Echinocactus obvallatus, and a new species, E. lancifer, formerly considered a variety of the above. 1840. "Beschreibung eines neuen Echinocactus und zweier noch unbekannter Mammillaria bluethen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 8: 161-162.) Echinocactus arrigens Link, and Mammillaria gladiata and M. loricata. 1840a. "Beschreibung einer neuen Mammillaria und zweier noch unbekannter blumen aus dieser gattung." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 8: 169-170.) Mammillaria subtetragona Mex., M. versicolor Scheidw. and M. elongata DC. 1841. "Beschreibung der Mammillaria arten mit einem hakefoermigen central Stachel." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 9: 177-181.) Six species from Mexico are included. 1843. "Beschreibung einer bluehenden Agave scolymus Karw." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 11: 401-403.)

DIECKMANN, Hans, and Kurt SAPPERT. 1954. "Fructus Capsici." (PI. Med. 2 ( 3 ) : 77-86.) Covers history, botany, chemistry, and pharmacology. DIEDERICHSEN, Heinrich. 1938. "Die nadelhoelzer Nordamerikas." (Mitt. Deut. Dend. Ges. 51: 23-51.) Listed according to regions, with the emphasis on species found in the United States, but one general list of needleleaved trees which grow in North America includes many Mexican species. DIEHL, George A. 1935. "A study of the Lecythidaceae." ( T r o p . Woods 43: 1-15, bibl.) Economic importance, distribution, taxonomy, description of the wood, macroscopic features, and minute anatomy. DIELS, Ludwig. See also ENGLER, Adolf, 1892; ENGLER, A., and L. DIELS, 1900; HANNIG, Emil, ed., 1926-1933. 1905. "Araceen als tropische blattpflanzen." (Aus Natur. 1: 582-587, 4 fig., 1 col. pi.) With a description of variations in structure in the different genera. 1908. Die Orchideen. Osterwieck, Harz, und Leipzig, 107 p., 8 pi., 30 drawings. - ICJ. History, systematics, distribution, and descriptions. 1908a. Pflanzengeographie. Berlin and Leipzig, 1929, 3d ed., 159 p., map. The 1st ed. was publ. in 1908. A 4th ed. was publ. in 1945. Divided into floristic plant geography, ecologic plant geography, and genetic plant geography (the latter considers fossil flora). It closes with a discussion of the vegetation of the world, divided into regions, one of which is the neotropic. 1932. "Die gliederung der Anonaceen und ihre phylogenie." (Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Sitzungsb. 77-85.) With a key to genera, and distributional data, according to continents. 1937. "Ein neuer Styrax aus Mexico." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 13(119): 508.) S. diplotrichus from Guerrero. DIENER, Carl. 1907. "Bericht ueber die exkursionen des C. Internationalen Geologen Kongresses in Mexico." (Mitt. K. Geog. Ges. Wien 50: 211240.) Detailed report on various trips with incidental references to plants. 244


DIETRICH 1844. "Beschreibung einiger nach unbekannter Cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 12: 185-188.) Mammillaria rosea Scheidw., M. formosa Scheidw., Echinocactus undulatus, and Echinopsis amoena. 1844a. "Beschreibung einer bluehenden Agave Gart. Zeitg. 12: 217-218.)

striata Zucc."

1845. "Zwei neue bluehende cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitz. 171.) Echinocactus sulphureus and E. gilvus. 1846. "Beschreibung zweier neuen cacteen." 14: 169-171.) Echinocactus

albatus and E.

1846a. "Beschreibung der Tillandsia Gart. Zeitg. 14: 265-266.)



13: 169-

DIETZ, Sandor. 1885. "Eine abweichend bluehenden Agave americana L . " (Gart. Zeitg. 4 : 366-368, illus.) Description of one, showing several blooming stalks on the same plant. DIEZ de BONILLA, Manuel. DIEZ de BONILLA, Pedro. DIEZ de la CALLE, Juan.




heyderi. schuechii

Beer et Fenzl."


1846-1851. "Beitraege zur cacteenkunde." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 14: 202-205, 305-309, 1846; 16: 297-299, 1848; 18: 185-187, 233-235, 1850; 19: 153-155, 273-275, 345-348, 1851.) Includes descriptions of the following species from Mexico: Mammillaria formosa Galeotti, M. curvispina Otto and M. dealbata Nob., M. autumnalis, M. glanduligera Otto ms., Echinocactus linkeanus, Peirescia (sic) rosea Hort. (locality given as Mexico?), M. bifurca Nob., Cereus superbus Ehrenb. ms. (cf. with Ehrenb. (Bot. Zeitg. 1846), E. fluctuosus, E. poselgerianus, E. flexuosus, M. russea, E. ornatus DC, and E. capricornus Nob. 1847. "Beschreibung der Pitcairnia karwinskiana Schultes." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 15: 145-146.)


1847a. "Beschreibung zweier neuen cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 177-179.) Echinocactus lamellosus and E. allardtianus. 1847b. "Beschreibung der Achimenes Zeitg. 15: 313-314.)


Hort." (Allg.

1848. "Beschreibung von zwei bisher noch unbekannten fruchten." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 16: 1-67.) Cereus grandiflorus and C. nycticalus. 1851. "Beschreibung zweier neuen Pitcairnien." (Allg. 19: 137-139.) Included is a description of P. (montalbensis bansis Cat. Lind.




Gart. for)

Zeitg. montal-

1851a. "Beschreibung von einer neuen Bromeliaceae." (Allg. Zeitg. 1 9 : 3 3 7 - 3 3 8 . ) Pitcairnia funkiana from Mexico.


1853. "Ueber die kultivirten arten der gattung Citrus." Zeitg. 21: 57-62, 67-72.) With descriptions and place of origin.



DIETRICH, David Nathanael (or Nathaniel) Friedrich. 1831-1838. Flora universalis. Jena, 3 vols, in 4, 1410 pi. with 6000 figs. - PPAN. Brit. Mus. lists 10 vols., 1831-1854 ( 5 6 ) . No text; many plants from Mexico in the plates. 1839-1852. Synopsis - PPAN.


Vimariae (Weimar), 3 vols, in 5.

DIETRICH, Friedrich Gottlieb. 1802-1811. Vollstaendiges lexicon der gaertnerei und botanik. Weimar, 11 vols.; last is the index. — DA. Nachtraege, Berlin, 1815-1824, 10 vols.; another Nachtraege, 1825-1840, 10 vols. Plants are listed alphabetically according to genus and species, with common names, descriptions and place of origin. DIETSCHY, Hans.

See ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856. See DUGES, A., 1869.

See also RODRIGUEZ, Luis Angel, 1944.

1937. "Die medizin der Azteken." (Ciba Zeitsch. 4 ( 4 2 ) : 1438-1469, illus., map.) Considers Mexican history, Spanish doctors and Mexican medicine, (Monardes, Hernández, Cobo) "suende und krankheit im alten Mexiko" with discussion of plants used as medicines giving common and scientific names. There is a section on "Aztekische geburtshilfe," with references to plants used; compare with his " L a medicina de los Aztecas" published with Rodríguez, Luís Angel, in La ciencia médica de los Aztecas.

Memorial y noticias sacras ti reales del imperio de las Indias Occidentales. (Madrid), 183 lvs. (i.e. 175 lvs.) Another éd., same date, 172 lvs. (i.e. 164 lvs.) Also México, 1932, 394 p., with notes by Joaquín Ramirez Cabanas; made from a copy at the Bibl. Sria. Hac. México, with additions from manuscript leaves in the copy of José María Andrade. In the section on Mexico, chapter 2 has references to plants (generally under frutos, which are mostly the cultivated ones) of the different areas.

DIEZ de MIRANDA, Gutierre. (1579-1582).

See Paso y Troncoso, Francisco del

D I G U E T , Léon (full name Léon Jacques Gustave). D., 1914; JORDAN, Fernando, 1951.

See also BOIS,

1895. "Note sur une exploration de la Basse Californie." ( Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 28-30.) Discusses his itinerary and collecting stations. 1895a. " L e jojoba." (Rev. Sci. Nat. Appl. 4 2 : 685-687.) Description, distribution, adaptation to desert climate, chemical analysis, and uses. 1895b. "Exploration de M. Diguet en Basse Californie." (A Travers le Monde (suppl. to Tour de monde), n.s. 1 ( 2 ) : 261-264, illus.) Prepared from Diguet's notes. Description of his trip with many references to plants seen. D I G U E T , L „ et J. POISSON. 1896. " L a vegetation de la Basse-Californie." (Nature 2 4 ( 1 ) : 150154, 4 illus.) A discussion of the physiographic conditions, and a description of the vegetation, with common and scientific names of the dominant plants. Special attention is given to cacti, Yuccas, and the cirio, Idria columnaris. D I G U E T , Léon. 1897. ( Reports on his activities. ) ( Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 2: 77-78, 165; 3: 183.) First announces forthcoming trip and gives his proposed itinerary; then his departure is announced; finally receipt of 143 species of dried plants is reported. 1897a. "Correspondance". (Bull. 113, 275-276.) Excerpts of letters to visit to the Huichol area plants seen. The second describes his more recent 1898.

Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 3: 110Poisson and Boulart, describing his in Nayarit and the most interesting is a letter sent from La Paz and researches.

(Report of his activities.) (Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 4 : 3, 4 6 . ) First reference announces receipt by J. Poisson of a letter sent by Diguet from Guadalajara; the second is a report by Milne-Edwards of receipt of specimens from Diguet.

1898a. "Relation sommaire d'un voyage au versant occidental du Mexique." (Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 4 : 3 4 5 - 3 5 2 . ) An extract, including a description of the forests, by zones, p. 102-103, was publ. in (Soc. Geog. de l'Est, Bull. 21: 98-110). Report of a trip through Jalisco and Nayarit with the emphasis on ethnology; some description of the vegetation on p. 347-348. On p. 245 his return to France is announced. 1899. "Contribution a l'étude ethnographique des races primitives du Mexique." (Nouv. Arch. Miss. S ci. 9: 571-630, 11 pl., maps. ) " L a Sierra du Nayarit et ses indigènes." On the Cora and Huichol Indians, with incidental references to plants and a special section, pp. 621-624, on peyote.



DIGUET-continued 1900. "Correspondance." (Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 6: 6364.) Letter to Milne-Edwards from Guadalajara; reports on recent activities and prospective plans; on p. 164 he announces another shipment of specimens collected in Jalisco. 1901. "Le mais de Jala." (Rev. Cult. Col. 9: 262-267, 2 illus.) Also in (Prog. Méx. 9: 122-123, 1901). "Etude sur une variété géante de mais au Mexique" (in Tepic). 1902. "Estudio sobre el maguey de Tequila." ( Prog. Méx. 9: 626, 640, 673, not finished; also in (Bol. Cam. Agr. Jal. 4 ( 7 - 9 ) , 216, 229, 264, 1903.) Compare with "Etude sur le maguey de Tequila" in (Rev. Cult. Col. 10:294-297, 321-326, 357-361, 3 fig., 1902.) History, culture, and preparation of mezcal from A. tequilana Web., with some discussion of its use for fiber also. There is also a list of species of Agave, from which various kinds of beverages are made in different parts of Mexico. 1903. (Lettre à M. Hamy.) (Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 307-308. ) Writes from Tehuacan about his plans for future collecting. 1903a. "Contribution à l'ethnographie précolombienne du Mexique, le Chimalhuacan et ses populations avant la conquête Espagnole." (Jour. Soc. Amer. n.s. 1: 1-57, illus., maps.) With a section on agriculture and plants used in industry; for the western area near Guadalajara, from Colima to Zacatecas. 1906. "Etude sur les principales Cactées utilisées au Mexique et susceptibles d'être introduites dans les regions desertiques des colonies françaises." (Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. 53: 15-28, 42-61, illus. Repr., in part, in Le Mexique 9 ( 9 and 10): 120-127, 137-140, 1906. A résumé, by E. D. W. (Emile De Wildeman) was publ. in (Bull. Soc. d'Etud. Col. 13: 303-305, 1906, with the title "Usages des Cactées au Mexique."). Divided according to uses: edible fruits, fibers, forage, construction material, etc. Descriptions are given, with common and scientific names, and distribution. 1907. "Le peyote et son usage rituel chez les Indiens du Nayarit." (Jour. Soc. Amer. Paris, n.s. 4: 21-29.) On Lophophora. 1908. "Observations faites sur quelques plantes du Mexique." ( Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 14: 194-196.) Suggestions on the culture of plants sent from Mexico: Opuntia, Dahlia, Persea, Jatropha, Tillandsia, and Bursera. 1910. "Le mais et le maguey chez les anciennes populations du Mexique." (Jour. Soc. Amer., Paris, n.s. 7: 5-35, illus.) With a discussion of terminology for the plants and their uses. 1910a. "Histoire de la cochinille au Mexique." (Jour. Soc. Amer. Paris n.s. 7: 75-99.) Repr. in (Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. 58: 330334, 1911). History, and description of Opuntias which serve as hosts. Emphasis is on culture and préparation. 1911. "Quelques plantes Mexicaines employées eventuellment comme fourrage." (Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. 58: 605-613.) Summarized briefly in Quinz. Col. 16: 95, 1912 by Em. P. Discusses Prosopis, Parkinsonia, various species of Cactus, and Brosimum. 1911a. "Idiome Huichol." (Jour. Soc. Amer., Paris, n.s. 8: 23-54.) Spanish-Huichol vocabulary includes list of plants; there is also some discussion of the plants mentioned. 1912. Territorio de la Baja California — reseña geográfica y estadística. México, 40 p., illus., maps, bibl. With a section on the flora, and cultivated crops. 1916. "Culture indigène de certains Cereus." (Bull. Soc. Nat. d'Accl. 63: 123-128, 176-187, illus.) "Dans le Valle de las Playas, Mexique" (lakes of Tizapán, Zacoalco, Sayula and Zapotlán). Mainly on the culture of Cereus queretarensis (for queretaroensis) Web. and C. tricostatus R. R. G., with a shorter section on C. speciosissimus D. C.

1928. "Les Cactacées utiles du Mexique." (Arch. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 4: 1-551, 136 figs.) Ouvrage posthume revu par André Guillaumin. A detailed résumé was published by Auguste Chevalier in (Rev. Bot. Appi. 9: 143-147, 1929) with the tide "Les Cactacées utiles du Mexique." Gives locations, culture, and uses of various cacti, with etymology of common names and descriptions of genera and species. Included also is a "notice nécrologique sur Léon Diguet par D. Bois." DIJKMAN, Marinus Johannes. See also OCHSE, J. J., et al, 1961. 1950. "Leucaena — a promising soil erosion control plant." (Econ. Bot. 4: 337-349, illus.) On L. DILLEMAN, G.

glauca. See VARIOUS, 1960.

DILLENIUS, Johann (Joannes) Jakob. 1732. Hortus Elthamensis. London, 2 vols., 437 p., 324 pl. - PPAN. Another ed., 1774. With description of the plants. DILLEWIJN, Cornelius van. 1952. Botany of sugar cane. Waltham, Mass.: 1-371, illus., bibl. Mainly on morphology, anatomy, and physiology. DILLON, Gordon W (inston). See also CORRELL, Donovan S., 1941; 1950; OBERG, Ruth, 1954; SCHULTES, Richard Evans, 1938-1941; SCHULTES, Richard Evans and DILLON, 1959. 1942. "The story of vanilla." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 1 0 ( 1 1 ) : 338343, illus.) History and culture of the plant. 1942a. "Catasetum russelianum." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 11(2): 62-63, illus.) A detailed description. DILLON BARRERA, Jorge. 1956. "Cultivo del naranjo en el Estado de Nuevo León." Cd. Juárez, 58 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Citrus aurantium. DIMAS de VERA, Leoncio. 1777. "Noticia del pueblo y cavezera de Santa Maria Ayoquesco (Oaxaca)." N.p., 4 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 67, Col. P. y T. DIN, U Aung.


D'INCISA, Jacques.

See RIANT, Paul Edouard Didier, 1877.

DIPPEL, Leopold. 1889-1893. Handbuch der laubholzkunde. Berlin, 3 vols., illus. — Arranged systematically by families with descriptions of species, synonymy, and distribution. Vol. 1 monocotyledons and Sympetalae in the dicotyledons; vol. 2 dicotyledons — Choripetalae (incl. Apetalae) from Urticinae to Frangulinae; vol. 3 dicotyledons—Choripetalae from Cistinae to Serpentarieae. DISDIER, Mariano de Career y. Mariano de.





DISDIER, Stephen. See also COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio, 1631. ( 1685 ). "Supplement au traité du chocolate." Was this ever pubi, as a separate? See Dufour, 1685 and 1693, under Colmenero de Ledesma. DiSOLIS (sic).

See MIDDLETON, Peter, 1769.

DISTEFANO, Concetto. 1956. "Su un nuovo genere di Cactaceae." (Nuov. Gior. Bot. Ital. 6 3 ( 1 ) : 158-161, illus.) Cullmannia, with C. viperina from southern Puebla, replacing Wilcoxia viperina (Web.) Br. and Rose. The report was first presented to the 3d Int. Cong., I. O. S., London, 1955. It was also printed as "Cullmannia, genus novum," in (Kakt. Andere Sukk. 7 ( 1 ) : 8-10, 1956). DITMAR, E. E. 1930: "A contribution to the question of the origin of cultivated beans." (Bull. Appi. Bot. Pl. Breed. Gen. 2 3 ( 5 ) : 309-406, illus., bibl., maps; in Russian — no English summ.)



DITMAR With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution; a section on culture in pre-Columbian America gives special attention to the Toltecs and Aztecs.

319 pl. This is probably the item listed by León under Chastillon and Robert. One of the plates, No. 127 in the 1st ed., is "Virga aurea mexicana limoniifolio"; (is it a Solidago?). This pi. is unnumbered in the 1788 ed. (copy at Brit. Mus.) The description, titled also as "verge dorée de Mexique a feuilles de Limonium," is on p. 219 in the 1731 ed.

DITMAR, R. 1911. "Guayule." ( U m s c h a u 1 5 ( 4 5 ) : 939-941, illus.) A report on the industry in Mexico from its start, which the author dates as 1889. DITTMANN, L.

D O D E , Louis Albert. 1906. "Arbres Mexicains intéressants." (Soc. Dendr. France, Bull. 1: 63-64, illus.). Signed L . - A . D. Announces forthcoming trip of Diguet to collect, among other things, seeds of various trees: Ipomoea murucoides, Bocconia arbórea, and an unidentified Cordia. 1906-1909. "Contribution a l'etude du genre Juglans." (Bull. Soc. Dendr. France No. 2: 67-98, illus. ,1906; No. 11: 22-50, No. 13: 165-215, 1909.) With keys to species, by sections, using foliage and nut characters, descriptions, and distribution. The last reference includes group C., "Mexicains et Antillais," with J. mollis and J. pyriformis from Mexico.

See HENKEL, Friedrich, et al, 1907.

DIVERS, Langdon. DIXON, Alice.

DODDS, Kenneth S. See C O R R E L L , Donovan S., 1962.

See F A S S E T T , Norman C., 1951.

See L e PLONGEON, Alice (Dixon).

DIXON, Henry H. 1918. "Mahogany and the recognition of some of the different kinds by their microscopic characteristics." ( Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. n.s. 15: 431-486, illus.) Based on the collection in the School of Botany, Trinity College, Dublin; with a key to the woods, followed by a descriptive list, divided according to geographic source, of which the first group is western mahoganies. These include Swietenia, Cedrela, Carapa, Protium, Cariniano, Hymenaea, Lysiloma, Mimusops; the rest are listed by common names only.

1908. "Carya diguetii spec, nov." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 55: 470471, illus. ) Description of a new species collected from the "région de Mexico," 1908.

DIXON, Walter E . 1898. "A preliminary note on the pharmacology of the alkaloids derived from the mescal plant." (Brit. Med. Jour. ( 2 ) : 10601061.) Repr. as "Pharmacology of the mescal plant," in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. 61: 1-457, 1898; trans, by A. H. (Alfonso Herrera?) as "EI peyote," and pubi, in (Crón. Méd. Méx. 2: 223, 1899) and repr. in (Prog. Méx. 6: 1-604, 1899). On Lophophora (Anhalonium). ' 1899. "The physiological action of the alkaloids derived from Anhalonium lewinii." (Jour. Phys. 25: 69-86, 8 figs.) Based on this, an article entitled" Effects of Anhalonium lewinii" was pubi, in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. 63: 1-357, 1899).

DODGE, Bernard Ogilvie. See MURRILL, W. A., 1913. DODGE, Charles Richards. 1891. A report on sisal hemp culture. Washington, 59 p., 8 pl., U.S.D.A., Div. Stat., Fiber Invest. Report No. 3. With description of various species and discussion of the industry in Yucatán. 1897. A descriptive catalogue of useful fiber plants of the world. Washington, 361 p., 102 illus., 12 pi. U.S. Dept Agr., Fiber Invest., Rep. No. 9 Arranged alphabetically by scientific names, with common names, distribution and for some, description of the plant, of the fiber, culture, etc.; detailed literature references are given for many. The section on "la piña silvestre" was translated into Spanish and published in (Prog. Méx. 7: 155-156, 1899; the part on pochote on p. 293 and the part on la tronadora, Abutilón incanum, on p. 408-410).

With a description of the plant, and a review of some of the earlier literature on the subject. DLUHOSCH, Helmut. See HIRMER, Max., et al, 1936-1937. DMITRI, Milan J. See PARODI, Lorenzo R., ed., 1959. DOBIE, James Frank, ed. 1935. Puro Mexicano. Austin, 261 p. Stories contributed by a number of writers; with scattered references to plants.

1905. "Our cordage fibres." (Tech.


3 ( 4 ) : 481-487).

Mainly on sisal with a description of the plant, and preparation of the fiber.

DOBIE, James Frank. 1935a. Tongues of the monte. Boston, 1947, 301 p., illus. First ed., New York, 1935. Interesting stories with many references to plants and their uses.

DODGE, Natt Noyes. 1951. Flowers of the southwest deserts. Santa Fe, 112 p., illus., map; drawings are by Jeanne R. Janish. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1952. Arranged by flower colors with common names family (by common name), descriptions, and distribution. 1953. "Confusing quartet of the plant world." (Desert Mag. 1 6 ( 9 ) : 13-16; illus. by Jeanne R. Janish. On how to distinguish "Yucca, Nolina, Dasilyrion and Agave; also a discussion of their uses.

1943. "The conquering mesquite." (Nat. Hist. 5 1 : 208-217, illus.) Interesting article covering a description of the plant, its distribution, and uses. DOBRYNINE, B. F . 1926. "Meksika." (Zemlevedenie (Geograficheskii Zhurnal) 28: 3556, 6 figs. incl. map, bibl.; résumé in French). Discussion of vegetation zones by altitude, with lists of plants by scientific names. Special interest is shown in forest regions.

DODOENS, Rembert (also known as DODONAEUS). See also L ' O B E L , Matthias de, 1581. 1553. Trium priorum de stirpium historia. Antwerp, 444 p., illus. Many (i.e. 4 3 9 ) plants described and illustrated. 1554. De stirpium historia. Antwerp, 1559, 2 vols, in one, illus. The first ed. was publ. in 1554. A Dutch trans. (Cruydt-boeck, Cruyde boeck) was publ. in Antwerp, 1644, 1942 p., illus., 6 vols, in 3.—DA. A French trans, by l'Ecluse was publ. as Histoire des plantes, 1557, 584 p., illus. An English version, trans, by Henry Lyte from the French, was publ. as a Niewe herball, London, 1578, 791 p. The section on "exotic plants," taken from l'Ecluse, includes many from the New World. The illustrations are from Clusius through Fuchs. León calls the Dutch version, "traducción irlandesa [for holandesa?] de Clusius."

DODART, Denis. 1676. "Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des plantes." (Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 4: 121-323, 38 pl., 1731, 2d ed., ( 1 6 6 6 - 1 6 9 9 ) . Pubi, first in 1676—copy in the Brit. Mus. The "description de quelques plantes nouvelles" p. 243323, 1731 éd., is by N. Marchant. The work was reprinted as Estampes pour servir a Vhistoire des plantes, in 1701. The plates in this ed., fide Brit. Mus. Cat., are by Nicolas Robert, assisted by Louis Claude de Chastillon and Abraham Bosse, and were finished in 1692. A revised and enlarged ed. was issued in 1719 (with reprints also in 1736 and 1758?) and another in 1788, with the title Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du Roi Louis XIV, 3 vols., with

1566. Frumentorum leguminum palustrium ac eorum quae eo pertinent historia.


et aquatilium herbarium Antwerp, 271 p., illus.

DODONAEUS DODOENS-continued 1574. Purgantium herbarum aliarumque eo facientium historiae. Antwerp, 506 p., illus. 1583. Stirpium historiae—pemptades sex, sive libri XXX. Antwerp, 1616, 872 p., illus. First ed., 1583. With descriptions of Capsicum, corn, and tomato. DODONAEUS. See DODOENS, Rembert.

DOMINGUEZ 1866. "De Mexico á Durango." (Bull. Soc. Geog. Paris, V, 12: 193207). Only a few references to plants seen on a trip from March 25 to May 12, 1865. 1867. he Mexique tel quil est. Paris, 350 p. Brief description of plants seen on train trip between Veracruz and Mexico, cited by common names only.

DODSON, Calaway H. See also DRESSLER, Robert L„ and DODSON, 1960.

DOMENECH, Ignacio. See VARIOUS, 1795-1796.

DODSON, Calaway H., and G. P. FRYMIRE. 1961. "Preliminary studies in the genus Stanhopea." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 4 8 ( 2 ) : 137-172, 21 figs., incl. map.) With a discussion of its morphology, distribution, phylogeny, pollination, variation, and a key to species, followed by a list of species with synonymy and literature references.

DOMIN, Karel. 1907. Monographie der gattung Koeleria. Stuttgart, 354 p., 22 pi., 3 maps. Bibliot. Bot., Heft. # 6 5 . Detailed and useful study.

DODSON, Calaway H. 1962. "Pollination and variation in the subtribe Catasetinae (Orchidaceae)." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 49(1-2): 35-56, illus.) The group includes Catasetum, Cycnoches, and Mormodes. DODSON, Ruth. 1933. "Folk curing." (M ex. Life 9 ( 7 ) : 23, 24, 53-56.) With references to plants used, giving scientific names for some. DOELKER SEIFERLING, Jorge. 1949. "Obtención del aceite esencial de linaloe." Mexico, 33 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. Description and localities for the most important species of Bursera; most attention is paid to Bursera glabrifolia (HBK) Engl. DOELLINO, Johann Petr. (DOELLINUS, Joannes Petrus). 1712. Dissertatio inauguralis medica de contrayerba. Jena, 40 p. Under the guidance of G. W. Wedel.-MoSB. Synonymy, place of origin, uses, and common names. The plant is identified doubtfully as (Passiflora?). DOELZ, B. 1939. "Die stellung von Thelocactus im system." (Beitr. Sukk. 2: 28-32, illus.) Synopsis of series, subseries, and genera with a key to genera. DOIG, Robert. 1942. "Laelia anceps." (Amer. Orchid S oc. Bull. 11(6): 182-185, illus. ) Description and culture. DOLLERO, Adolfo. 1911. México al dia, impresiones y notas de viaje. Mexico, 972 p., illus., Also II Messico d'Oggi, Milano, 909 p., 20 pl., map, 1914. Guidebook with some references to plants. DOLLEY, Charles Sumner. 1910. "On the occurrence of Palay rubber in Mexico." (India Rub. Jour. 41: 30-32, May 20, 1911.) Extract and résumé by H. N. Ridley (as Cryptostegia grandiflora in Mexico), in (Agrie. Bull. Str. Fed. Mai. St. n.s. 10: 208-209, 1910; also as a separate, México, 1911? 16 p.)—Bibliot M. Martinez. On the introduction into, and distribution of, Cryptostegia grandiflora (called also clavel aleman or clavel d'España) in Sinaloa; with a description of the plant. 1911. Notes on magueys and maguey sap or aguamiel. Detroit, 1911, 18 p. From (Therap. Gaz. 35: 163-168, bibl., 1911.) Describes plant as a "therapeutic agent of high value." Includes common names, descriptions of varieties, process of collection, preparation of the beverage, and an analysis of its composition.



Amalia Rosales. See



DOMINGUEZ, Antonio Cueva. See CUEVA DOMINGUEZ, Antonio. DOMINGUEZ, Felipe. 1939?(1941?) Monografía plátano Roatán. Gutiérrez Zamora?, 207 p., illus.—BN Méx. Detailed study of the industry, with a brief section on the origin of the plant and the etymology of its names. DOMINGUEZ, Francisco. See XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615. DOMINGUEZ, Ignacio. 1919. "Horticultura." (Rev. Agr. 6 ( 3 / 4 ) : 208-218, illus.).-DA. Text on vegetative methods of reproduction. 1922. "EI cultivo del chícharo." (Rev. Agr. 7: 20-22, illus.) With descriptions of varieties of Pisum. 1922a. "La alcachofa." (Rev. Agr. 7: 73-76.) Varieties are described and illustrated. 1922b. "La col." (Rev. Agr. 7: 189-192.) Varieties of Brassica oleracea are described and illustrated. 1922c. "La coliflor." (Rev. Agr. 7: 246-248.) Publ. anonymously. Varieties of Brassica oleracea are described and illustrated. DOMINGUEZ, José de J. Nuñez y. See NUNEZ y DOMINGUEZ, José de J. DOMINGUEZ, José Edmundo Gallardo (or Victor). See GALLARDO y DOMINGUEZ, José Edmundo (or Victor). DOMINGUEZ, Josefina. 1933. Geografía de la República Mexicana. México, 221 p. Thesis, UNAM. With a chapter on "producciones agrícolas," and another on forests and forest products. DOMINGUEZ, Juan Anibal. See also BALDINI, Ferdinando, 1929. 1933. La medicina Americana prehispánica. Buenos Aires, 17 p. Conferencia pronunciada en el Inst. Popul. Conf. Prensa, July 22, 1932. With a considerable section on the etymology of Aztec plant names, as illustrations of their taxonomy; also on Mexican gardens and on plants used medicnally. DOMINGUEZ, Juan de Dios. 1873. Catecismo elemental de geografía y estadística del Estado de Querétaro. México, 72 p.—BN Méx. With a list of important plants, cited by common names, and classified according to use. DOMINGUEZ, Limbano. 1926. Geografía elemental del Estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 19 p.—Univ. Sonora. With a list of plants, cited by common names only.

DOMAURON, Louis. See LA PORTE, Joseph de, 1768-1795.

DOMINGUEZ, Manuel, y Manuel ALTAMIRANO. 1877. "Del colorín. (Gac. Méd. Méx. 12(5): 77.) On Erythrina.

DOMENECH, Emmanuel Henri Dieudonne, l'Abbé.




1890. Medicación evacuante. México, 112 p.—PPC. With description of various Mexican plants tives. 1908-1909. "Breves apuntes de terapéutica." (Esc. 459, 483, 508, 537; and 24 : 6, 35, 87, 100, 294.) Various sections consider plants according the body which they affect.

used as purgaMed. 23: 385, 121, 245, 274, to the parts of

DOMINGUEZ, Manuel Gómez. See GOMEZ DOMINGUEZ, Manuel, 1948. DOMINGUEZ, Miguel. 1943. Coscomatepec de Bravo. Mexico, 330 p., illus.—SMGE. In the first chapter, a list of the most important plants is cited by common names only. DOMINGUEZ, Xorge Alejandro. See also VARIOUS, 1960b. DOMINGUEZ, Xorge Alejandro, et al. 1960. "A phytochemical study of 8 Mexican plants." ( E c o n . Bot. 14(2): 157-159.) Collaborators were Paulino Rojas, Virginia Collins, and Ma. del Refugio Morales. The following genera of flowering plants were included in the studies: Xanthium, Amaranthus, Melia, Cordia, Jatropha, Agave, and Asclepias. All were from Nuevo León except the Agave, which was from Chihuahua. The plants were tested for alkaloids, saponins, flavones, and tannins. DOMINGUEZ ASSIAYN, Salvador. 1937. "El árbol mas grande de América." ( M a p a 4 ( 4 5 ) : illus.) On the Taxodium at Santa María in Oaxaca.


DOMINGUEZ ESCOBAR, Oscar. 1948. "El cultivo del aguacate en Bustamante y Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León." Cd. Juárez, 66 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Persea. DOMINGUEZ G„ Efrén. 1954. "El cultivo del algodón." Cd. Juárez, 45 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Gossypium. DOMINGUEZ MENESES, Guadalupe. 1956. "Investigación analítica de los constituyentes de la vaina del cascalote." México, 59 p. Thesis UNAM. On Caesalpinia coriaria. DOMINGUEZ ORTEGA, J. 1893. "Datos sobre producción agrícola en Yucatañ." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 17: 420, 437, 457, 472; also in Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 2 ( 1 0 ) : 64-79, 1893.) With a list of cultivated plants in the various partidos. DOMINGUEZ S., Francisco. 1951. "Cultivo e industrialización de la caña de azúcar en el Territorio Sur de Baja California." Cd. Juarez, 48 p., plus 4 p. appendix. Thesis EPA. DOMINGUEZ VIDAL, Mario J. 1942. Las selvas de Tabasco. México, 232 p., photo, of the author— NN. With a considerable number of references to plants in the jungle, listed by common names only. DOMINIKUS, Alfred. 1908. "Der anatomische bau der Mexikanischen kautschukpflanze "guayule," Parthenium argentatum Gray." (Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 26A: 248-263, 7 figs. An excerpt of this was publ. in Gummiztg. 22: 1155-1156, illus., 1908. The article was trans, into English as "The anatomical structure of guayule" and printed in India Rubber World 38: 365, 1908.) DOMKE, Walter. 1934. Untersuchungen ueber die systematische und geographische gliederung der Thymelaceen. Stuttgart, 151 p., 7 pi., 3 maps, bibl., Bibliot. Bot., Heft. No. i l l . Includes Daphnopsis

of Mexico.

1852. Les Etats Unis et le Mexique. Paris, 88 p., map. Mainly from the standpoint of how the country might be of interest to possible emigrants; with some references to important plants. DON, David. See also LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke, 1803-1824. 1822. "Observations on the natural family of plants called Polemoniaceae." (Edinb. Philos. lour. 7: 283-291.) History, description of genera, distribution, and lists of species. 1822a. "An illustration of the natural family of plants called Melastomaceae." (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 276-329.) Synopsis of genera, and lists of species with descriptions and habitat; includes a description of Conostegia superba n.sp. from Mexico. 1823. "Description of five new genera of plants belonging to the natural order Bignoniaceae." (Edinb. Philos. Jour. 9: 259268.) Includes descriptions of Chilopsis (C. saligna) and Astianthus (A. longifolius) from Mexico. 1824. "Observations on a new natural family of plants to be called Cobeaceae." (Edinb. Philos. Jour. 10: 109-112; repr. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 3: 108-111.) Includes Cobaea scandens from Mexico: "native of the great valley of Tenochtitlan," with description, distribution, and data on its introduction into Europe. 1825. "Description of Cowania, a new genus of plants." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14: 573-577, 1 pi. On Cowania mexicana and Sieversia paradoxa n.sp., both plants from the Sessé and Mociño herbarium, part of which came into the possession of Lambert. 1827. "Description of a new genus belonging to the natural family of plants called Scrophularinae." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1 5 ( 2 ) : 349-354.) On Lophospermum with two species, L. scandens and L. physalodes, both from the Sessé and Mociño herbarium. 1829(1833?) "Descriptions of the new genera and species of the Compositae belonging to the flora of Peru, Chile and Mexico." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 16: 169-303.) Reports on the material from the collections of Sessé and Mociño in the Lambert herbarium; identifies a number of the composites in Hernández and includes some material described by La Llave and Lagasca. Plants are described in systematic order. 1831. "On the characters and affinities of certain genera chiefly belonging to the flora Peruviana." (Edinburgh New Philos. Jour. 10: 229-238.) Includes descriptions of new Mexican species; e.g., on p. 238, 9 species of Citharexylum are described from Mexico. 1834. "An attempt at a new arrangement of the Ericaceae." (Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 17: 150-160.) Synopsis of tribes, subtribes, and genera, with the names of the type species. 1836. "Sur les charactéres de certains groupes de la classe des Personées." (Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 5: 73-82.) Discussion of a group, most of whose members are now assigned to the Scrophulariaceae, but the Orobanchaceae and the Aragoaceae are included. DON, George. See also LOUDON, John Claudius, 1830; SWEET, Robert, 1826. 1827. "A review of the genus Combretum." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1 5 ( 2 ) : 412-441.) Systematic study with conspectus and description of species; includes C. farinosum and C. mexicana, both from near Acapulco. 1831-1838. General system of gardening and botany. London, 4 vols., illus., bibl. Vols. 3 and 4 issued as A general history of the dichlamydeous plants; then all 4 vols, were reissued under the same title. For precise information on the date of each volume, see Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1961. "A complete enumeration and descriptions of all plants hitherto known, with generic and specific characters, places

DOMMARTIN, Hippolyte de Pasquier de. 249



DON—continued of growth, time of flowering, mode of culture, and uses in medicine and domestic economy; founded upon Miller's Gardener's Dictionary." Contains descriptions of new species. 1832. "A monograph of the genus Allium." ( Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 1-102.) A systematic arrangement, with descriptions of species and distribution. DON, P. N. See DONN, James, 1796. DONALD, James. 1846. "Notes upon Begonias." (Jour. Hort. Soc. London 1: 132-142.) Conspectus of 43 species with descriptions, synonymy, and country of origin; a number are from Mexico. DONALDSON, A. G. 1954. "Geographically speaking." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 1 ) : 3-4, map.) General discussion of the distribution and ecology of cacti, to help with their culture. DONAT, A. 1938. "Australantarktische endemiten II." (Pflanzenareale 4(6): 78-82, maps 56-60.) Mexico is included in the distribution of Pernettya ciliata. DONATI, Marcello. 1569. "De radice purgante quam mechoacan vocant." Mantua, 24 p., bound with "De Variolis et morbilis tractatus".—DNLM. According to León—"Toilet tradujo esta obra en Francés y la publicó en 1577." DONDE, A. Aznar. See AZNAR DONDE, A. DONDE IBARRA, Joaquín. See also HERRERA, Alfonso, 1873-1884; VARIOUS, 1884 a. DONDE IBARRA, Joaquín, y Juan DONDE RUIZ. 1873. Apuntes sobre las plantas de Yucatán. Mérida, 200 p. Botanical descriptions of 65 species, with uses and notes from other works. Common and scientific names are given. For a continuation of this work, see Donde Ruiz, Juan, 1878. 1876. Lecciones de botánica. Mérida, 259 p. Second ed., 264 p., 1905. Textbook on botany, by father and son; contains the "Indice alfabético" by Aznar Barbachano, q.v. Second edition gives a list of plants mentioned, with common names, scientific names, and family; also a list by scientific names. 1884. "El papayero." (Bol. Inst. Est. Méx.: 2p. (not numbered). On Carica papaya. 1884a. "El ramón. (Bol. Inst. Est. Mex. 1/2 p.; not numbered.) On Brosimum. DONDE RUIZ, Juan. See also DONDE IBARRA, Joaquin, and DONDE RUIZ, 1873; 1876; 1884; 1884 a; HERRERA, Alfonso, 1873-1884. 1878. "Apuntes sobre las plantas de Yucatán." (Emulación 3(App.): 1, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24. ) Continuing the earlier work done with his father; see Donde Ibarra, Joaquín y Juan Donde Ruiz, 1873. 1878a. "Calendario botánico de Mérida y sus alrededores." (Emulación 3: 152, 166, 184, 224, 236, 260, 288.) Covers the year, with plants each month arranged alphabetically by families, citing the scientific name for the species and the common name. 1879. "Estudio de los alcaloides y demás principios contenidos en la corteza de la planta conocida en Tabasco con el nombre de macallo y en Yucatán con el de yaba." (Emulación 3: 293343.) Repr. in (Bol. Exp. Int. París 3: 48-54, 1890). Identified as Andira. 1881. "Sulfato de macallina." (Emulación 4 ( 2 ) : 21-22.) The substance is from the plant known as macallo or yaba; for use in malaria. DONN, James. 1796. Hortus Cantabrigiensis.

Cambridge, Eng., 1811, 6th ed., 292

p.-PPAN. First ed., 1796. Thirteenth ed., 1845, 772 p., enlarged, by P. N. Don. Catalogue of plants, indigenous, and exotic; with scientific name, English name, country of origin, and history of cultivation. DONNAVAN, Corydon. 1847. Adventures in Mexico. Cincinnati, 112 p. A German ed., trans, by Henry Hawrecht, as Abenteuer in Mexiko, was pubi, in Kutztaun (Kutztown), Pa., 1848. There are casual references to plants, wild and cultivated, in this account of an American captured during the war with Mexico. He refers to guaco as of the genus Gordonia. DONNELL, Ezekiel J. 1872. Chronological and statistical history of cotton. New York, 650 POn Gossypium. DOOP, J. E. A. den. 1939. "Nicht-bluehende sisalpflanzen." (Faserforschung 14: 9-27, illus. ) Discusses a nonflowering type, due apparently to a mutation, and its vegetative method of reproduction. 1940. "Agaves and Yuccas of Mexico." (Indust. Fib. Rev. 5(6): 101-103.) Discusses henequen, ixtle, maguey, and lechuguilla (and ixtle de palma) with common names, distribution, and uses. Includes a discussion also of pulque, mescal, and tequila, and their plant sources. DOPORTO y UNCILLA, Severiano. 1903. "Tabasco en la época precolombiana." (Bol. R. Soc. Geog. Madrid 45: 7-106, bibl.) Doctoral thesis. Repr. in (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. V, 1: 466-500, 525-546, 1906). Only brief references to plants in the section on agriculture and on foods. DORANTES, Salvador. 1934. "El yute." (Rev. Indust. 2 ( 2 ) : 281-290.) With brief references also to Abutilón incanum in Mexico, as a fiber source. 1934a. "La papaya y sus productores." (Rev. Indust. 2 ( 4 ) : 654655.) On Carica papaya. DORANTES de CARRANZA, Baltasar. (1604). Sumaria relación de las cosas de Nueva España. México, 1902, 491 p. "Paleografiada del original por el Sr. D. José María de Agreda y Sánchez"; pro!, by L. González Obregón and José F. Ramírez. Written in 1604. Plants are considered on p. 116-120. DORCA, A. 1898. "El almendro." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 22: 210-213; also in Rev. Agr. 15: 70, 101, 116, 1899, 1900.) On Amygdalus communis (Prunus amygdalus?). 1898a. "El trigo." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 22: 332-334.) On Triticum. DORF, Erling. 1945. "Observations of the preservation of plants in the Paricutin area." (Amer. Geophys. Union Trans. 2 6 ( 2 : 257-260.) A study of the process of fossilization in the ash deposits at Paricutin. DORIA, Juan C. 1897. "Estudio agrícola-económico del Estado de Tabasco." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 21: 372.) Just a note announcing that this work was to be published in "forma de folletín"; no copy of the work has been located. Cf. note in (Agr. Mex. 5 ( 1 ) : 368, 1898). D'ORLI, P. H. F. Bourgoin. See BOURGOIN D'ORLI, P. H. F. DORSTEN. See MILCHSACK, Conrad Reinhard, 1682. DORVAULT, François Laurent Marie. See MONTERO, F., 1917.


DORVAZ DORVAZ, Camilo. 1940. "Vegetales de América que han conquistado el mundo." (Rev. Geog. Ámer. 13: 350-358, illus.) Includes papas, maiz, caucho, cacao, algodón, pita (Agave), tabaco, and plantas medicinales. DOSSICK, Jesse J. 1943-1944. "Raising of maize among the Aztecs." (Mexicana Rev. 4(1/2): 3-14.) Historical study. DOUGHERTY, William H. See MEEHAN, Thomas, 1880. DOUGLAS, Arthur. 1956. "First impressions of the cactus in its home." (Saguaroland Butt. 10(5): 55-58, illus.) Text refers only to the United States but pictures show the author in Mexico, with Hechtia texensis (in Tamaulipas). DOUGLAS, David. 1830. "An account of the species of Calochortus." (Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7: 275-280, 2 pi.; read on February 19, 1828.) Describes 3 species from western North America; states that he believes that "Fritillaria barbata of M. Kunth, found on the mountains of Mexico, is a fifth species." DOUGLAS, Gertrude Elizabeth. 1936. "Studies in the vascular anatomy of the Primulaceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 23: 189-212, 3 pi., bibl.) Study of 19 species in 10 genera indicates that the primitive flower in the family might well be found in centrospermal stock, as suggested by Wernham, Bessey, and Hutchinson. DOUGLAS, James. 1894. "Pentstemons and Phloxes." (Jour. R. Hort. Soc. 16: 188194). With a brief discussion of Penstemon hartwegi and P. cobaea as popular species introduced into England from Mexico. DOUGLAS, Margaret. 1946. "The huanita." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Card. 47: 112-118, illus.) An account of its discovery in Jalisco, with reports of other localities where it has been found, and a review of its botanical history, with notes by E. J. Alexander and H. W. Rickett. The latter suggests the name could better be Beureria than Bourreria. 1947. "Jojoba—an oil producing plant of the southwestern states." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 48: 29-32, illus., photos by Fred. Gibson; technical notes are added by George S. Jamieson.) Repr. in (Chemurg. Dig. 6: 106-107, illus. 1947.) Description, distribution, and uses. DOUGLAS, Mrs. Walter. See NUTTALL, Zelia, 1919; PHELPS, Mrs. Sheffield, 1937. DOULIOT, Henri Louis. See TIEGHEM, P. V. and DOULIOT, 1888.

DOUTRULEINE (sic), et al. 1874. "Cera vegetal." (Porvenir 6: 3-5.) Includes a letter (translated by Demetrio Molinar) saying he is transmitting a note from Julio Maillefert about the "árbol que produce la cera vegetal." This is followed by an extract, p. 5-7, from the informe of C. Manuel Siliceo (see Nieto, J. A., 1857) on Myrica jalapensis. The contribution by Maillefert follows on p. 8-9, as "Arbol de la cera." This is translated by Demetrio Molinar. It contains also a brief reference to la raiz de Jalapa, Ipomoea purga. DOWELL, Philip. 1906. "North American species of Calceolaria (Ionidium)?" (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 547-556, illus.) Taxonomic study of a genus in the Violaceae includes the following new species from Mexico: C. tenuifolia from Lower California, C. fruticulosa flavescens var. nov. from Sonora, C. longipes from Chiapas, C. glabra from Veracruz, and C. rosei from Guanajuato.

DOYLE, Conrad Bartling. See COLLINS, G. N. and DOYLE, 1911; COOK, O. F., and DOYLE, 1927. DOZAL, Fortunato. 1925. "La cascada de Tomata en el distrito de Jalacingo, Estado de Veracruz." (Méx. For. 3: 97-98, map.) With a detailed description of the route to be taken in reaching the area. DOZAL LOYA, José Fortunato. 1955. "Cultivo del manzano en el Municipio de Cd. Guerrero." Cd. Juárez, 44 p. Thesis EPA. On Pyrus malus. DOZIER, Herbert L. See HOTCHKISS, Neil, and DOZIER, 1949. DRACOPOLI, Ignatius Nicolas. See LUMHOLTZ, Carl, 1913. DRAGENDORFF, Georg. 1898. Die heilpflanzen der verschiedenen voelker und Zeiten. Stuttgart, 884 p. A listing of medicinally important plants, in taxonomic order, with country of origin and use. DRAPER, Benjamin. See MADDEN, Henry Miller, 1949. DRAPIEZ (Pierre Auguste Joseph). 1841. ("Description de quatres plantes.") (Hort. Univ. 2: 127-128.) "Entièrement inédites et fort interessantes"; the plantes are Robynsia geminiflora from the Hemerocallidae, Stanhopea calceolata, Cattleya concolor and Acropera luteola from the Orchidaceae, all Mexican. Extended descriptions and illustrations are to be found as follows: 197-198, pi. 10 (Cattleya)-, 231-234, pi. 36 (Robynsia) now Bravoa, (in the Amaryllidaceae); 264-266, pi. 39 (Stanhopea); and 331-332 (Acropera ). ( The latter part of the annotation was provided by Dr. Bernice Schubert.) DRAR, Mohammed. See VARIOUS, 1955d. DRESNAY, Colonel du. See Du DRESNAY, Colonel. DRESS, William John. 1958-1961. "Notes on the cultivated Composites." (Baileya 6: 158163.) On Townsendia with a key to species (7), followed by brief comments on each. The series is continued similarly as follows: Arnica, 6 ( 4 ) : 194-198, 1958: Liatris, 7 ( 1 ) : 23-32, 1959; Hymenoxys, 8 ( 2 ) : 68-74, 1960; the coneflowers Dracopis, Echinacea, Ratibida, and Rudbeckia. 9 ( 2 ) : 67-83, 1961, illus. DRESSLER, Robert Louis. See also PAYNTER, Raymond A., Jr., 1957; SCHULTES, Richard Evans, and DILLON, 1959. 1953. "The pre-Columbian cultivated plants of Mexico." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 16(6): 115-172, illus., bibl.) Trans, into Spanish and pubi, as "Las plantas cultivadas en el México precolombino" in (Cieñe. Soc. 7(40): 277-316, 1956). Plants are listed alphabetically by scientific names, with common names, history, relationships, distribution, and geographic origins. 1954. "The genus Tetracoccus (Euphorbiaceae)." (Rhodora 56: 4561, illus., map, bibl.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution; represented in Mexico by T. capensis, T. dioicus, and T. fasciculatus var. fasciculatus. 1954a. "Some floristic relationships between Mexico and the United States." (Rhodora 56: 81-96, 8 maps, bibl.) With a discussion or map of the following: Taxus globosa, Pinus strobus and its var. chiapensis, Panicum villosissimum, Epidendrum conopseum and its var. mexicanum, Tovara virginiana, Itticium floridanum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Hamamelis oirginiana, Prunus serótina, Nyssa sylvatica, and Cornus florida and its var. urbiniana; also a discussion of a west American element in eastern Mexico, and an analysis of physiographic and paleobotanic data involved in a history of the areas. 1956. "Prosopis globosa Gill, in Baja California." (Madroño 13(5): 172-174, illus.) Names it var. mexicana, of the species formerly known only from Argentina. 251



DREW, William Brooks. 1936. "The North American representatives of Ranunculus, section Batrachium." (Rhodora 38: 1-47, illus., Contr. Gray Herb. #110.) Taxonomic and phytogeographic study with a key to indigenous North American species and varieties, descriptions, and distribution; Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix., R. subrigidus n.sp., R. longirostris Godron and R. pueblensis n.sp. are described from Mexico.

DRESSLER—continued 1957. "The genus Pedilanthus (Euphorbiaceae)." (Contr. Gray Herb. 182: 1-188, 21 pi., 8 maps, 29 figs.) History, economic value, morphology, distribution, ecology, relationships, evolution, and taxonomy (with the key to species, descriptions, and comments on distribution); also habitas, variations, relationships, and common names. The following new species are described from Mexico: P. gracilis from Guerrero and P. pulchellus from Oaxaca. 1959. "A name for an interesting Epidendrum (acunae)." (Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 28: 358-361.) A new species found in southern Mexico; with a key to distinguish it from 4 related species. 1959a. "A note on Epidendrum eximium." (Bull. Amer. Orch. Soc. 28: 587.) Identifying the plant on the final plate in Wright's Orquídeas de México, q.v. The species is found in the states of Mexico and Chiapas. 1960. "Name changes in orchids." (Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. 29(3): 167-172, (4): 283-286.) On nomenclature and nomenclatural problems in the Orchidaceae. 1960a. "A midget mystery." (Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. 29(12): 929930, illus.) On an orchid identified tentatively as an Odontoglossum; it comes from Michoacan and Hidalgo.

DRIVER, Harold Edson, and William C. MASSEY. 1957. "Comparative studies of North American Indians." (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n.s. 47(2): 165-456, maps, bibl.) A section on wild plant foods listed according to families, is in the section on subsistence; also included are narcotics and stimulants. In the section on farming, domesticated plants are listed alphabetically, by common names, with scientific names and place of origin. DROEGE, Oskar A. 1880. "Briefe aus Mexiko." (Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. 4: 90-91.) Description of travels, mainly between Mexico City and Toluca; numerous plants are listed with scientific names; watch for typographical errors in some of the place names. 1890. "Weizenbau in Mexico." (Jour. Landw. 38: 91-103.) Reports on areas where wheat is cultivated, and on the techniques used. DROIT, Simone. 1932. "Recherches sur la graine et l'huile de purghere ou pignon d'Inde (Jatropha curcas L.)." (Trav. Lab. Mat. Med. 23(3): 1-125, illus., bibl.) A study of the seeds and oil, mainly the latter, and its toxic effects.

DRESSLER, Robert L., and Calaway H. DODSON. 1960b. "Classification and phylogeny in the Orchidaceae." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 47(1): 25-68, illus., bibl.) With keys to subfamilies, tribes, subtribes, and alliances. DRESSLER, Robert L. 1960c. "The relationships of Meiracyllium (Orchidaceae)." (Brittonia 12(3): 222-225, 1 fig.) The author concludes that Meiracyllium and Arpophyllum are "apparently related to each other," that they "may well find a place in a revised and expanded Epidendrinae" and they "appear to represent survivors of the ancestral stock from which the Pleurothallidinae were derived." 1960d. "Tepoztlán, México, interesting orchid locality." (Orch. Dig. 24: 297-299, illus.) A brief description of the locality, a list of 17 spp. found in the area, and a discussion of some of the more interesting species. 1960e. "Nomenclatural notes on the Orchidaceae I." (Taxon 9 ( 7 ) : 213-214.) On the subfamily Epidendoideae proposed as a nom. nov., on the genus Scaphyglottis Poep. and Endl., and on Pinelia, which he would transfer to Homalopetalum. 1961. "Tropical orchids near the Texas border." (Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. 30: 961-965, illus., map, also in Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 50(2): 15-19, illus., map, 1962.) Description of orchid collecting at the Rancho del Cielo, in Tamaulipas, with information on the area in general, notes on the distribution of Epidendrum conopseum in Mexico, and a list of 37 orchid species found in the area, 25 of them new to Tamaulipas. 1961a. "Index of orchid names, 1960." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 48(2): 133-136.) Cont. for 1961, in (49(1-2): 131-136.) 1961b. "A reconsideration of Encyclia (Orchidaceae)." (Brittonia 13(3): 253-266, 6 figs.) With a comparison of characters distinguishing the genus from Epidendrum, a review of its distribution (58 species are assigned to Mexico), and a tentative infra-generic classification on Encyclia. Groups listed as primarily Mexican are erubescens and linearis in the section Encyclia, and venosa and citrina in the section Osmophyta. A list of new combinations in the genus is given. 1962. "A synopsis of Poinsettia (Euphorbiaceae)." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 48 (4). 329-341, Illus. With a key to species; also to American genera of Euphorbieae. New taxa from Mexico include P. coccínea, P. restiacea n. comb., and P. colorata n. comb.

DROUX, Léon. 1864. Le Mexique. Paris, 31 p. With brief references to plant resources. DRUDE (Carl George Oscar). See also ENGLER, A., and O. DRUDE, 1896-1925. 1876. "Ueber die trennung der palmen Amerika's von denen der Alten Welt." (Bot Zeitg. 34: 801-807.) On the distinctness of the distribution of the Old and the New World palms. 1878. "Reise der Herren Dr. Bernoulli und Cario von Retaluleu in Guatemala nach Comitan in sued Mexiko in sommer 1877." (Pet. Geog. Mitt. 410-413.) With incidental references to plants seen. 1887. "Atlas der pflanzenverbreitung." In Heinrich (Karl Wilhelm) Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas, Gotha, 3d ed., Abt. 5, 8 maps (No. 44-51), text 3-6.-PU. Maps illustrate the geographic areas of the world, migration paths for plants, vegetation zones, and distribution of selected plant groups; a floral map of America illustrates characteristic plants of each zone and the original area of various useful plants. 1887. "Die systematische und geographische anordnung der phanerogamen." In (Encyclopaedic der Naturwissenschaften, Breslau, ed. by A. Schenk; I. Abth., I Theil, Hand. Bot. 3 ( 2 ) : 175-496, illus. ) Only p. 441-442 are on the tropisch-Amerikanisches florenreich. 1890. Handbuch der pflanzengeographie. Stuttgart, 582 p., illus., 4 maps. A French version, Manuel de géographie botanique, revised and augmented by the author, and trans, by G. Poirault, was publ. in Paris, 1897, 522 p., 4 maps. With a special section on the distribution of selected families — palms, conifers, and Ericaceae among others. Another section is on the distribution of certain vegetation types and a third describes the vegetation areas of the world geographically arranged — with one part on Mexico and Central America, on pp. 503-510, divided into 6 zones. 1922. "Das Sonorische florenreich." (Ber. Frei. Ver. Pflanz. Geog. Syst. Bot. Berlin 1922: 12-21.) 252


DRUERY Reviews the literature on the area, discusses the limits of the region, and describes the flora with the outstanding families, genera, and species listed for different associations (of which the Southern one extends into Chihuahua ). A brief discussion of endemism in Mexico is included. DRUERY, Charles Thomas. See also C. T. D., 1901. 1890. "Notes from Mexico." (Gard. Chr. Ill, 7: 733-735.) Observations on a trip to Nogales, Hermosillo, and Arispe, with the emphasis on plants of interest to gardeners. DRUGG, Warren S. 1962. "Pollen morphology of the Lennoaceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(10): 1027-1032, illus.) Studies support placement of the family in the Polemoniales, near the Boraginaceae and Hydrophyllaceae. DRUMMOND, James Ramsay, and D. PRAIN. 1905. "Notes on Agave and Furcraea in India." ( Agr. Ledger 13(7) : 77-303, 1907.) Repr. from the Bengal Bull. # 8 , 1905( not seen). NN has a separate printed in Calcutta, 1906, 195 p. bibl. An historical and systematic treatise of the two genera, with a key to species grown in India. Descriptions include many Mexican species. There is a glossary of local and commercial terms referring to the Agaveae (also certain other fibre plants) with language, country, authority, and scientific equivalent. DRUMMOND, J. R. 1907. "The literature of Furcraea with a synopsis of the known species." (Missouri Bot. Gard. 18th Ann. Rep: 25-75, illus.) Detailed discussion of the history of the Agaveae, conspectus of the genus with data on distribution, key to some of the species, and a summary of the synonymy of the group. 1910. "Agave lurida." ( Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 9: 344-349. ) Discussion of its taxonomy, and that of related species; there is a history of species introduced into Europe, and a key to 11 species mentioned in the article. DRUSINA, Fernando Luna y. See LUNA y DRUSINA, Fernando. DRYANDER, R. See AITON, William, 1789. DUARTE, Felix Ramos i (y). See RAMOS i DU ARTE, Felix. DUARTE, Santos Leyva. See LEYVA DUARTE, Santos. DUARTE de CASTRO, D. See CASTRO, D. Duarte de. DUBARD, Marcel. 1906. "De l'origine de l'arachide." (Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 12: 340-344.) Includes a discussion of the history of the plant in Mexico, and its introduction to France from Mexico. 1911. "Remarques fondamentalles sur la classification des Sideroxylées." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 1 1 ( 1 ) : 333-336.) 1911a. "Sur la classification des Lucumées a radicule punctiforme." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds 1 1 ( 2 ) : 69-72.) 1912. "Les Sapotacées du groupe des Sideroxylinées." (Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseilles II, 10: 1-90.) A systematic study with descriptions of genera and species, distribution, common names, synonymy, and a list of exsiccatae. 1914. "Remarques générales sur la place et les caractères de classification de Mimusopées." (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 158: 47-50, 796-798.) The second part is entitled "Sur les relations des principaux genres de Mimusopées entre eux et avec les Sideroxylées." 1914 (1915). "Classification comparée des Sideroxylées et des Mimusopées." (Assoc. Fr. AV. Sci., Compt. Rend. 43: 428-438.) With information also on the distribution of genera. DU BARTAS, Guillaume de Salluste, Seigneur. 1605. The works of Guillaume de Saluste, Sieur (Seigneur) Du Barias. Chapel Hill, 1935-1940, N. C., 3 vols. ed. by Urban Tigner Holmer, Jr., John Coriden Lyons, and Robert White Linker. First collected éd., London, 1605. In volume 3, p. 20, there is a reference to "melt" (metl), the Agave, used as needles and as a source of agua miel. This is the author referred to by León as Dubarts, with the date

1610. According to Michotte 1912-1913, q.v., DuBartas based his information on L'Ecluse, who in turn derived his material from Gomara (Lopez de Gomara?). Compare also with A. Boreau, 1851, on this latter point. DUBARTS. See DU BARTAS, Gillaume de Salluste. DUBOIS, Marcel. See PERIGNY, Maurice, 1912. DUBY, Gertrude (full name, Deuby de Blom). See also BALLINAS, Juan (1876-1877); BLOM, Frans, 1949, 1955. 1944. "The Lacandon region of Chiapas." (Bol. Indig. 4: 209-215.) With references to food plants; in English and Spanish. 1944a. "Something about the Lacandones." (Esta Sera. 10(495): 28, 35.) With some references to the native plants; in English and Spanish. 1945. "Chewing gum in the raw." (Mex. Life 2 1 ( 7 ) : 30, 96, illus.) On Achras sapota. 1952. "Sendas en la selva." (Rev. Atenéo (Chiapas) 3: 23-34, illus.) Description of a trip into the Selva Lacandona; with scattered references to plants. DUBY, Jean Etienne. (1843?). "Mémoire sur la famille des Primulacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève 10: 395-437, 4 pl. Read in 1844, but title page of volume is dated 1843. ) Structure, relationships, and classification to genera, with descriptions and geographic distribution. DUCAMP, L. 1905. "Fleurs anormales d'Agave americana L." ( Rev. Gen. Bot. 17: 116-121, 7 fig.) Teratological study. 1905a. "Sur quelques fleurs anormales d'Agave mexicana et d'Agave vivipara." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 17: 168-178, 11 fig.) Studies of varied modifications in structure. DUCHARTRE, Pierre Etienne. 1845. "Observations sur l'organogénie de la fleur dans les plantes de la famille des Malvacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. Ill, 4: 123-150, illus.) A report on this work by Brongniart, Richard, and Adr. de Jussieu follows on p. 150-161. 1848. "Observations sur l'organogénie florale et sur l'embryogénie des Nyctaginées." (Ann. Sci. Nat. Ill, 9: 263-284, illus.) A study in comparative morphology with reference to Bougainvillea spectabilis, Oxybayphis chilensis, Mirabilis jalapa, and M. longiflora. 1854. "Tentamen methodicae divisionis generis Aristolochia." (Ann. Sci. Nat. IV, 2: 29-76.) With a section on "Aristolochiae novae," which includes descriptions of 11 species from Mexico. DUCHESNE, Edouard Adolphe. 1833. Traité du mais ou blé de Turquie. Paris, 366 p., 3 pl., bibl.—DA. On the history, common names, botany, culture, and uses. 1836. Repertoire des plantes utiles et es plantes véneneuses du globe. Paris, 572 p. Another éd., Brussels, 1846, 505 p. is supposed to have 128 plates in an atlas; these were not seen. Country of origin is given for each plant. DUCHON, Cas. See ROBERTSON, Thomas A., 1947. DUDLEY, William Russel. 1893. "Phyllospadix, its systematic characters and distribution." (Zoe 4: 381-385.) A description of P. torreyi Wats., from Baja California, is included. 1893a. "The genus Phyllospadix." In: Wilder Quarter Century Book, Ithaca, 403-420, 2 pi. A collection of papers dedicated to Burt Green Wilder. The genus discussed ranges from "San Diego to British Columbia and probably beyond these limits." The study emphasizes morphology and anatomy, mainly that of P. torreyi.



DUDLEY-continued 1899. "Report on the plans of Guadalupe Islands." In (Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean (ed. David Starr Jordan) 3: 280-283; map is by A. P. Osborn.) History of collections on the island, a list of plants collected, with descriptions and localities, and a description of a new species Talinum guadalupense.

DUGES, Alfred (Alfredo) (full name Alfred August Delsescautz). See also BELTRAN, Enrique, 1945; BOIS, D., 1901; GONALEZ ROA, Fernando, 1926; VARIOUS, 1884a. 1869. "Noticia sobre el amolé." (Observ. Méd. 1 ( 5 ) : 77-78.) Trans, from the French by Pedro Diez de Bonilla. Presented in Paris, January, 1868. On the irritating effects of Agave americana, when used for soap. 1876. Elementos de botánica al alcance de los niños. Guanajuato, 12 p., illus. (Repertorio No. 6, Feb. 6, 1876.) S.H. Méx. 1878, 1880. "Calendario botánico de Guanajuato." (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 3, ( 3 0 ) 1878; 5, (205-206) 1880.) The first reference is for June, the second for May. 1880. "Descripción de un género nuevo de la familia de las Ramnaceas." (Rev. Cient. Méx. 1 ( 5 ) : 8-9. Repr. in Naturaleza 4: 281-284, 1 pl.) On Barcena guanajuatensis; with a discussion of the plant by Manuel M. Villada. 1881. "Ensayo de una classificación anatómica de los frutos." (Naturaleza 5: 251-258.) A key; with comment by Manuel Villada (p. 254). 1883. "Croton morifolium (sic) var. sphaerocarpum, vulgo palillo, a Guanajuato." (Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris VII, 5 : 695697.) On its therapeutic values. 1886-1888. "Contribución a la Farmacopoéa Mexicana." (Bol. Med. 1: 237-238.) On el huaco de Colima, identified as Aristolochia pardina Duchartre. 1892-1893. "Un caso teratológico en una flor de calabaza." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 6: 333-335, 1 pi.) Repr. in (Bol. Cient. Soc. Sánchez Oropeza 5: 581-583.) In which the androecium reverts to a foliaceous condition. 1893. "Garbancillo ó yerba loca." (Estudio 4 ( 9 ) : 350-352, illus.) Description and economic importance of Astragalus humboldti Gray. 1896. "Un nuevo jahuique." (Naturaleza II, 2: 453-454, illus.) On Tigridia dugesii (Ser. Watson); the description identifies it as the cacomitl of Hernández. 1896a. "El chayotillo ó piojo de burro." (Prog. Méx. 3 : 567-568, illus.) On Xanthium canadense as poisonous to herbivores. 1896b. "Flora y fauna del estado de Guanajuato." In Memoria sobré la administración pública del Estado de Guanajuato, a report presented by the President Joaquín Obregón Gonzáles, April, 1895, Morelia, 4 p. Repr. in Guanajuato, 1924, 16 p . - I B Méx. In the original version, it is listed under Section X. "Condiciones actuales del Estado, B. Agricultura y comercio, No. 50, Plantas silvestres principles." These are listed by families, with scientific with scientific names, and for same, common names. 1896c. Modificaciones al texto de botánica. Guanajuato, 25 p.— SMGE. Based on "Nouveaux eléments de botanique" of A. Richard; to be used in natural history class. 1898. "Una chilacayote monstruoso." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 12: 91-93, illus.) On a case of double "ectopia" accompanied by a false hermaphroditism, in Citrullus vulgaris. 1898a. "Flores de madera." (Naturaleza II, 3 ( 1 ) : 42-43, 2 pl.) Description of the manner in which Loranthus calyculatus parasitizes various plants, and of the outgrowths formed as a result. 1899-1900. "Una monstruosidad de la Crassecheverria imbricata." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 14: 121-122, 1 pl.) Describing an unusual growth on the end of the stem. 1902. "Peloria en una flor de calabaza." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 18: 73-75.) On a Cucurbita pepo in which the corolla insertion is changed from perigynous to hypogynous.

DuDRESNAY, Colonel. 1827. "Extrait d'une lettre . . . à M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire." (Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 15: 475.) Reports on the flowering of an Agave plant which he received in 1799; marvels at its blooming "dans un pays ou les raisins ne peuvent mûrir." DUEBEN, Cesar von. 1871. Resor uti Guiana, Mexico, Californien, China och Ostindien. Stockholm, 140 p., illus.—ICU. (Copy seen was incomplete.) "Foeretagna under âren 1843-58." Describes voyage from Veracruz to Mexico and Toluca, with scattered references to vegetation seen on the trip, and to plants sold for food. DUEBY de BLOM, Gertrude. See DUBY, Gertrude. DUELLMAN, William Edward. 1960. "A distributional study of the amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico." ( Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 3 ( 2 ) : 19-72, 8 pl., 3 figs., incl. map, bibl.) With a section on the vegetation of the area, divided into 4 regions, with the plants listed by scientific names. A gazeteer of the localities in Oaxaca and Veracruz is included. DUERKOPF, Wilhelm. 1907. "Ein beitrag zur geschichte der tomate." (Naturw. Woch. 2 2 ( 3 5 ) : 545-550.) A review of the tomato in the literature starting with the work of Luigi Anguillara, in 1561, and continuing through the 17th century. DUFFEY (Mrs.), J. C. See TRELEASE, William, 1892. DUFFIELD, John Warren, and W. C. CUMMING. 1949. "Does Pinus ponderosa occur in Baja California?" (Madroño 10: 22-24.) Believe it unlikely; feel that all yellow pine of Baja California is P. jeffreyi. DUFLOT de MOFRAS, Eugène. See also MALTE BRUN, Victor Adolphe, 1863. 1844. Exploration du territoire de l'Oregon, des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille. Paris, 2 vols., illus., bibl. English trans, by Marguerite Wilbur, Duflot de Mofras' travels on the Pacific Coast, Santa Ana, California, 2 vols., 1937. Contains references to northwest Mexico and its plants. DUFOO, Carlos Dias. See DIAZ DUFFO, Carlos. DUFOUR, Philippe Sylvestre. See COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio, 1631, MARRADON, Bartoloméo, 1618. DuFRANE, Beatrice. See also VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1946. "Mexico's istle industry." (Agr. Amer. 6 ( 4 ) : 71-73, illus. Repr. in Hacienda 4 1 ( 1 0 ) : 46-47, 1946 and in Sisal Yucatán 7 ( 8 3 ) : 14, 15, 19, 1946 as "La industria del ixtle en México.") Report gives descriptions, distributional data, and uses. Sources listed include Agave lechuguilla, A. funkiana, Yucca carnerosana, Y. treculeana, and Hesperaloe funifera. DUFRENOY, J. 1934. " L e caoutchoue de guayule." 2 3 ( 1 ) : 168-172.) On

(Agr. Prat. Pays. Chauds,



DUFRESNE, Edouard. See CANDOLLE, Alphonse L. P. P. de, 1882. DUFRESNE, Pierre. 1811. "Histoire naturelle et médicale de la famille des Valerianés." Montpéllier, 61 p., 3 pl., thesis.—DA. Includes history, morphology, and a conspectus down to species, with descriptions and habitat for each.




DUHAMEL du MONCEAU, Henri Louis. 1755. Traité des arbres et arbustes. Paris, 2 vols. Second ed., 7 vols., 499 col. pl., 1800-1819. Illus. by P. J. Redouté and Pancrace Bessa. Vols. 5-7 ed. by J. R. A. Loiseleur Deslongchamps. Covers fruits cultivated in France; contains some subtropical fruits. For information on a projected revision of this work by Fougeroux de Bondaroy, see Joseph Ewan's "Analytical guide to persons, gardens and works mentioned in the manuscripts of the latter," in (Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1 0 3 ( 6 ) : 807-818, 1959.) 1850. "Anatomia, organografia y fisiologia vegetal." (Sem. Agr. 1850; 13, 25, 40, 97, 136, 145, 194, 217, 225.) The original work, from which this was taken, was not cited. DUISBERG, Peter Caspar. See also KROCHMAL, A., et. al, 1954. 1952. "Desert plant utilization." ( Texas Jour. Sei. 4(3): 269-283, illus.) Discusses about 16 species; gives common and scientific names, history, distribution and uses. DUJARDIN-BEAUMETZ, Georges Octave, et E. EGASSE. 1889. Les plantes médicinales indigènes et exotiques. Paris, 845 p., 40 pl., 1034 figs.-DAFM. Arranged alphabetically with common and scientific names mixed; description, origin, chemistry, preparation and uses are included. Many Mexican plants are cited. DUKE, James. See also W O O D S O N , Robert E., et al, 1937-in progress. 1961. "A preliminary revision of the genus Drymaria." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 48: 183-268.) With a key to species, and subspecifîc taxa. Two new species are described from Mexico: D. barkleyi from Coahuila and D. conzattii from Oaxaca. DUMKE, Glenn S. See EVANS, George W . B., 1945. DUMONT, A. 1887. "Recherches sur l'anatomie comparée des Malvacées, Bombacées, Tiliacées, Sterculiacées." (Ann. Sei. Nat., VII, 6: 129246, illus.) With tables giving classification down to subtribes. DUMONT de COURSET, George Louis Marie. 1802-1805. Le botaniste cultivateur. Paris, 5 vols, in 4.—DA. Plants are arranged taxonomically, with descriptions of species, place of origin, and time of flowering. Plants of all parts of the world are included. DUNAL, Michel Felix. See LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste Pierre, 17831817. 1813. Histoire naturelle, médicale, et économique des Solanum. Paris, 248 p., 26 p l . - P P L - R . A 2d ed., entitled Solanorum generumque affinium synopsis, was publ. in Montpéllier, 1816. On Solanum and related genera, giving the history, morphology, uses, descriptions, synonymy, and habitat of the various species. 1817. Monographie de la famille des Anonacées. Paris, 145 p. 33 (i.e. 35) illus.—DA. History of the family and the genera, followed by consideration of morphology, taxonomy, and culture. 1819. "Note sur deux genres de plantes de la famille des Composées." (Mem. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 5: 45-58, 4 pl. Repr. in Ann. Gen. Sei. Phys. 4: 29-32, 1820.) On Grindelia and Heliopsis, with descriptions of the species in systematic arrangement. Three species of Grindelia are described from Mexico: G. glutinosa, G. inuloides, and G. angustifolia.



DUNN, David Baxter. 1957, 1960. "Lupinus notes I." (Leafl. West. Bot. 8 ( 6 ) : 154-156, 1957, 9 ( 8 ) : 130-131, 1960.) The first part includes a discussion of "relicts of Lupinus, group Micranthi," L. guadalupensis Greene, and L. aliclementinus C.P. Sm. It is suggested that the plants are the missing link between the Mexican and West Coast species. T h e second reference discusses a plant from Guadalupe Island. D U N N , Stephan Troyte. 1913. "The genus Marah." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 4: 145-153, pi., map.) Includes history, key to the genera allied to Echinocystis, key to the species of Marah, distribution, and descriptions of new species, including M. micranthus from Lower California. D U N N E , Peter Masten. 1940. Pioneer black robes on the West Coast. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1940, 286 p., illus., map, bibl. Pref. by Herbert E. Bolton. Story of the opening of the missions on the Sinaloa River in 1591 to the time they reached the Sonora River forty years later. There are scattered references to plants used by the Indians. 1944. Pioneer Jesuits in northern Mexico. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 227 p., map, illus., bibl. Ed, and with a pref. by Herbert E. Bolton. With scattered references, throughout the text, on plants used by the Indians. 1952. Black Robes in Lower California. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1952, 540 p., illus., map, bibl. The story of the Jesuit missions in Lower California, from 1697 to 1768. The first chapter is on the natural history of Lower California; there are scattered references to plants elsewhere. DUNSTAN, Wyndham Rowland. See BROWN, HAROLD, 1914; GOULDING, Ernest, 1917. DUNSTERVILLE, G. C. K. 1955. "The botanical orchids. 4. Ponthieva Jour. 3 ( 5 ) : 228-229.)




Description and culture. D U PERIER, Monsr. See BELLEGARDE, Jean Baptiste Morvan de. DUPEYRON, F. Gómez. See GOMEZ DUPEYRON, F. DUPIN de SAINT ANDRE, Armand. 1884. Le Mexique aufourd'hui. Paris, 284 p. Translation, Mexiko, was pub. in Stockholm, 206 p., 1891. With comments by the tourist on Agave, chinampas, etc. DUPINET, Antoine de Norey. 1561. Historia plantarum. Lugduni, 1567, 2d ed., 640, 229, (25) p. First ed., 1561. French ed. by Geofroi Linocier, Paris, 1584, was publ. with the title, L'histoire des plantes. ( M H ) . With a description of cactus; part 2, "Simplicium medicamentorum", is on medicinal plants. DUPLAN, Mme. Van Campo. See VAN CAMPO-DUPLAN, Mme. DUPONT, M. See MOQUIN-TANDON, Christian Horace Benedict Alfred. 1840. DUPOYET, Theodore. 1912. "Quelques observations sur l'art de guerir chez certaines tribus nómades du nord du Mexique." (Proc. XVII Int. Cong. Amer., Mexico, part 2, pp. 107-112.) Lists plants used by common and scientific names.

DUNANT, Edouard Wyss. See WYSS-DUNANT, Edouard.

DUPRE, Emile. See HUBERT, Paul, and DUPRE, 1910.

DUNBROOK, Raymond Frederick. See MEMMLER, Karl, ed., 1934.


DUNLOP, Margaret. See N E W B I G I N , Marion Isabel, 1936.

1948. "Los recursos forestales de México/' (Chapingo 21: 37-41 22: 19-20, 29.)

DUNN, Archibald Joseph. 1889. Mexico and her resources, London, 52 p., also 1890, 64 p. With several chapters on plant products.

A very general survey. 1948(?)a. "The forest problem of Mexico." Proc. Intern. Amer. Conf. Conserv. Renew. Nat. Res., Denver, 1948. (Washing-



DUPRE CENICEROS—continued ton?), Dept. State Publ. 3382; Intern. Org. and Conf., Ser. 3, Amer. Repub. 4: 418-425. Includes a discussion of botanical and geographical regions of vegetation in Mexico, with typical plants cited for 3 main regions (hot, temperate, cold) and 8 subregions. 1951. "The forest resources of Mexico." ( U N Sci. Conf. Conserv. Utilization of Resources, Proc. 1949 5: 88-90). Translated from Spanish; brief and rather general; with listings of some species according to regions where found. DUPREE, Anderson Hunter. 1959. Asa Gray, 1810-1888. Cambridge, 505 p., illus., bibl.-PU. A scholarly, detailed biography; for references to Mexico, see the index of the work. DUPUIS, Augustin Noel Aristide. 1861. "Les Echinocactes." (Rev. Hort.-. 270-271, illus.) With a list and description of the species. 1861a. "Les Mamillaires." (Rev. Hort.: 290-291, illus.) with a list and description of species. DUQUE GOMEZ, José. 1955. "Cultivo del cacao." Cd. Juárez, 46 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Theobroma cacao. DURAN, Diego. See also ACOSTA, José, 1590. (1579-1581.) Historia de los Indios de Nueva España y islas de tierra firme. México, 1867-1880, 2 vols, and atlas of 66 pl. Written 1579-1581. With reproductions of plates from the Codex Ixtlilxochitl and explanation of them by Alfredo Chavero. DURAN, Francisco. 1898. "Estudio sobre el tlalayote." México, 1898, 15 p.-Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Gonolobus


DURAN, J. A. See CHEVALIER, Auguste, 1921. DURAN, Jesús. 1915. "El cacao." Morelia, 3 lvs., ms. Arch. On Theobroma cacao.

Thesis Univ. Michocán,

DURAN, José J. 1937. "Frutas, manzano." (Bol. Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, No. 36, 8 p.) On Pyrus malus. 1938. "El aguacate y su cultivo." (Agr. Méx. 5 4 ( 5 ) : 1-8.) With descriptions of various types from different parts of Latin America. 1940. "Chamizo y chaparro." (Agr. Méx. 56(12): 33-40, illus.) Repr. in (Méx For. 1 9 ( 5 / 6 ) : 54-57, 1941). See also Bol. 54 Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, n. d., 8 p., illus. On Atriplex canescens and A. semibaccata as forage plants. DURAN, José M. See ROMERO, Dr., et al, 1859. DURAN, Mario Antonio. 1933. "El chicalote." (Maes. Rur. 3 ( 3 ) : 25-26.) On the medical properties of Argemone mexicana. DURAN, Roberto. 1938. "El ramio." (Agricultura 1 ( 7 ) : 25-32, illus.) On Boehmeria nivea, history of its culture in Mexico, and a study of the fiber structure. DURAN ENRIQUEZ, Roberto. 1949. "Cultivo é industrialización del olivo." Cd. Juárez, 89 p. Thesis EPA. On Olea. DURAN G., María Elena. 1934. "El colorante de las flores de jamaica como indicador." Guadalajara, 35 p., illus. Thesis Chem. Description of the plant is taken from Standley.

DURAND, Elias (Elle Magloire).

See VARIOUS, 1855-1860.

DURAND, J. B. 1940. "Usos y aprovechamiento de las Cactaceas." México, 86 typed p., illus., bibl., with a supp. on "El peyote," 15 p., bibl.SH Méx. A copy at PPAN consists of 74 typed p. and lacks the illus. The study was first prepared in May 1939, when the author was "delegado de la Sría. de Hacienda ante la Comisíon Intersecretarial de Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo". It was then amplified in July 1940, by the same, when he was "adscrito a la Oficina de Investigaciones Económicas de la Dirección Técnica de Ingresos." (This work is available through the Dirección de Estudios Hacendarios, Departamento de Estudios Economicos, Secretaría de Hacienda.) With lists of the following: varieties of the nopal, Opuntia, and other related genera, giving common and scientific names; ornamental forms; cactus genera common in Mexico, with their distribution; and place names derived from cacti. DURAND, Théophile. 1888. Index generum phanerogamorum. Brussels, 772 p.—PPAN. Index to plants in Bentham and Hooker's Genera plantation with synonymy and geographical distribution. DURAND, Th., et H. PITTIER. 1891-1898. "Primitiae florae Costaricensis." (Bull. Soc. H. Bot. Belgique 30: 7-97, 196-305, 1891; 31: 119-142, 143-215, 1892; 32: 1-297, 1893, (this makes up vol. 1.) Vol. 2, 405 p, 1898, followed by 67 p., n.d., is on Cryptogams. Descriptions of plants include new species, some of which extend into Mexico. The work was done with the collaboration of a number of scientists: J. Donnell Smith, Casimir de Candolle, F. Pax, A. Engler, and G. Lindau. DURANTE, Castore. See also EVERARD, Giles (1583). 1585. "Herbario nuovo. Venetia, 1636, 515 p., illus. — DA. First ed, Rome, 1585. Other eds., 1602, 1607, and 1617. A German ed. was pub. in 1609 (CtY), with the title Hortulus sanitatis, Franckfort am Mayn, 1081 p., illus. León cites an Italian ed. of 1684. With descriptions of such plants as tomato, tobacco, Agave, etc., but Zea spelt is wheat, not com. DURCHLAUCHT, Sr. (dem fuersten zu Salm Dyck). 1859. "Bemerkungen ueber die gattungen Agave und Fourcroya nebst beschreibung einiger neuen arten." ( Bonplandia 7: 8596.) With a list of species and their description; of many new species described, only A. scabra from Chiauahua is cited with locality. DUREN, Eug. de. 1876. "L'Agave americana." (Rev. d'Hort. Belge 2: 60-61.) History and culture. DURET, Claude. 1605. Histoire admirable des plantes et herbes. Paris, 341 p., 28 wood cuts. "C'est une compilation savante mais sans critique." Contains many references to plants of the New World, like metl, maguey, ananas, cochineal cactus, but many statements are based on legends. DURHAM, George. 1955. "The pines of Cedros." (Pacif. Discov. 8 ( 6 ) : 22-24, map, illus. ) On Pinus muricata var. cedrensis (for cedrosensis) as an outpost of the Transition Zone on Cedros Island. DURIVAGE, John C. 1937. Through Mexico to California. On pp. 159-255 in Southern trails to California in 1849, ed. by Ralph P. Bieber, Glendale, California, 386 p., illus. Letters and journal published in Daily Picayune; with occasional references to plants. DURLAND, William D. 1930. "Xochimilco, Mexico's floating gardens." (Amer. For. 36: 30-31.) A picture story.



1931. "Mexico's pine forests." (Amer. For 37: 348-349, 364, illus.) A discussion of the principal regions: in Chihuahua, Durango, Sonora, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Michoacán, Tepic, and Zacatecas, with a consideration of the topography, and a list of important plants with scientific names. DURO, Cesáreo Fernández.


DUSS, Antoine, R. P. 1897. "Flore phanérogamique des Antilles Françaises." (Ann. Inst. Col. Marseille 3: 1-656, for 1896, printed in 1897.) A general discussion on the phytogeography of the islands Guadeloupe and Martinique, with distribution of the plants discussed by zones, is followed by an annotated systematic catalogue of the plants, with descriptions and distribution. Annotations on the uses of the plants are by Edouard Heckel. DU TERTRE, Jean Baptiste. See also CHIOVENDA, Emilio, 1921; ROCHEFORT, Charles de, 1658. 1654. Histoire générale des Isles de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique et autres dans l'Amérique. Paris, 481 p. Later eds. are called Histoire générale des Antilles. Part III has 4 chapters with detailed information on plants of the Caribbean Islands. The work was hastily printed because the author "understood that some other person (Rochefort?) was about to issue the work under another name," ( fide DLC cat.) DUTILLEUL, Georges. See LIGNIER, O., 1886-1889. DUTREM, Wenceslao, and E. ESQUIVEL MEDINA. 1939. "Ensayo de la actividad de algunas plantas medicinales en el paludismo de las aves." (An. Esc. Nac. Cieñe. Biol. Méx. 1 ( 2 ) : 263-271, illus.). Common and scientific names are given for 4 plants used, with brief descriptions. DUURSMA, G. D. 1920. "Echinocactus uHlliamsii Lem." (Succulenta 2 ( 1 ) : 2-4, illus.) Signed G. D. D. With description, history, distribution, and a review of its introduction to Europe. 1925. "Echinocereussen." (Succulenta 7 ( 1 2 ) : 175-176, illus.) Signed G. D. D. General article with the names of Mexican species. 1926. "Twee decoratieve vetplanten." (Succulenta 8 ( 6 ) : 84, illus.) Signed G. D. D. Dasylirion gracile Hort. Berol. (D. acrotrichum), and Pincenectitia tuberculata Hort. (Nolina recurvata Hemsl.), both from Mexico. 1928. "Obregonia denegrii." (Succulenta 10: 16-17, illus.) Brief description of a plant found in Tamaulipas. 1928a. "Ariocarpus lloydii." (Succulenta 10: 153-154, illus.) Description of the plant from northern Mexico. 1933. "Necrologie." (Succulenta 15: 39). Biography of J. A. Purpus, and a list of succulents he named. 1938. "Echeveria derenbergii J. A. Purpus." (Succulenta 20: 113114, illus.) Description of a plant found first in Oaxaca. 1938a. "Neolloydia pilispina (J. A. Purp.) Br. et R." ( Succulenta 20: 131-132, illus.) Description of a plant, found first in San Luís Potosí. 1953. "Aztekium ritteri Boed." (Succulenta 2: 24-26, illus.) History, habitat, and illustration of plant in flower. DUVAL, B. R. 1879. A narrative of life and travels in Mexico and British Honduras. Boston, 1881, 3d ed., 70 p. First ed., Baltimore, 1879. -NN. Report of a missionary; with references to maguey, coffee, and chocolate. DUVAL, Léon. 1806. Les Broméliacées. Paris, 150 p., 46 figs. History, culture, list "des plus jolies éspèces" arranged alpha-

betically by scientific names, with detailed descriptions; also 3 special chapters on Ananas. 1900. Les Odontoglossum. Paris, 188 p., 65 figs.-OCL. History and culture; with a special chapter on Mexican Odontoglossum. DUVALL, Grafton. 1802. "An experimental botanico-medical essay on the Melia azedarach of Linnaeus." Philadelphia, 53 p. Thesis U. Pa. DUVALLON, José. 1891-1892. "Cultivo del arroz en el Estado de Colima." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 15: 657-663.) Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. 1 ( 2 ) : 15-30, 1891). On Oryza. 1898. "Catâlogo de las principales maderas existentes en Tamaulipas." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 22: 686-688.) With common and scientific names, and family. DUVAU, August. 1826. "Considerations générales sur le genre Veronica." (Ann. Sei. Nat. 8: 163-186, illus.) "Et sur quelques genres des familles ou sections voisines." DUYK, Maurice. 1898-1899. Les medicaments naturels nouveaux de provenance Mexicaine. Bruxelles, 1899, 32 p.—IB Méx. Originally publ. in (Bull. Soc. R. Pharm. Bruxelles 42: 2-8, 32-46, 107-111, 1898; 43: 15-19, 169-172, 269-271, 306-310, 348-349, 1899). An excerpt, trans, into Spanish, was printed in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 22: 465-467, 1898) as "Los nuevos medicamentos naturales"; another, trans, by J. G. V. as "Los nuevos medicamentos naturales de procedencia Mexicana," was printed in An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 3: 238-240, 1898). A résumé in English, of part, appeared as "Some Mexican drugs," in (Pharm. Jour. Trans. 63: 377-1899). Fifteen plants are discussed, with common and scientific names, data on their active principles and therapeutic applications. DUYVIS, Guda E. G. 1927. "Naar het land der Azteken." (K. Ned. Aard Gen. Tijd., II, 44: 70-92, illus., map.) Emphasis is on the history of earlier civilizations; some references are given to plants at the start. DWYER, John Duncan. 1944. "The taxonomy of the Mexican, Central American, and West Indian species of Ouratea (Ochnaceae)." (Lloydia 7: 121-145, illus.) Of the names in use, the author retains 26 species as valid, 25 are cited as invalid. A table for geographic distribution of species is also given. 1944a. "The genus Pseudocopaiva Britton and Wilson." (Trop. Woods 80: 7-10.) On reasons for considering it a valid genus, distinct from Copaifera. 1958. "The New World species of Cynometra." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45: 313-345, illus.) On the history, relationships, morphology, and taxanomy, with keys to sections, subsections, species and varieties, descriptions, and distribution. Mexican species include C. retusa and C. oaxacana. DYBOWSKI, Jean. 1890. "The rare forms of orchids." (Pop. Sei. Month. 36: 359-363, illus.) Trans, from La Nature; (original was not seen). 1902. Traité pratique de cultures tropicales. Paris, 589 p., 87 illus. Pref. by M. E. Tisserand. Mainly culture of vegetables and fruits, with some description and history. DYCK, Jos. Salm—. See SALM-DYCK, Jos. DYER, Francis John. See BELL, P. L., 1923. DYER, William Turner Thiselton-. See THISELTON-DYER, William Turner.



DYKSTRA, P. P. See CORRELL, Donovan S., 1962. DZIENDZIELEWSKY, U. See GONCALVES de LIMA, O., et ah, 1952. E. 1875-1876. "El Eucalyptus



II, 1: 133-134.)

E. D. W. See De W I L D E M A N , Emile. E. F. ( F O U R N I E R , Eugene?). See BENTHAM, George, 1862; 1882. E. F. 1906. "Apuntes sobre el jitomate." (Prog. Méx. 13: 641.) On


E. G. B. See BRITTON, Elizabeth G. E. J. A. E. O.

See ALBORES, Eduardo J.


E. R. See also La LLAVE, Pablo de, 1846; REGEL, E.; ROTH, E. 1846. "El avellano." (Bol. Agrie. 1: 37-38. Repr. in Cultivador II, 2: 8-9, 1876-1877.) Description of Corylus avellana L., with arguments for its cultivation in Mexico. 1846a. "Botánica aplicada a la agricultura." (Bol. Agr. 1: 55, 61, 78, 88). (León lists author as R. E . ) Treats alphabetically, by common names, of "the most useful plants of Mexico." 1846b. "Arboles pluviales." (Bol. Agr. 1: 67.) Repr. in (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 4: 421, 1881-1882). Refers to a note on this by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, and quotes from Ocios de Españoles Emigrados. 1846c. "Escuela Nacional de Agricultura." (Bol. Agr. 1: 73-76.) "Utilidad de este establecimiento y necesidad de fomentarlo." E. Z. See ROST, E. C., 1931. EAMES, Arthur Johnson. 1952. "Relationships of the Ephedrales." (Phytomorphology 2: 79100, illus., bibl.) Discusses supporting evidence for the break u p of Gnetales into Ephedrales, Welwitschiales, and a restricted Gnetales, with Ephedrales more closely related to the cordaite-conifer line. EARLE, Franklin Sumner. 1928. Sugar cane and its culture. New York, i-vii, 355 p.—PPF. Emphasizes the cultivation of sugar. Contains a reference to the introduction of sugar into Mexico, also production figures for the decade 1917-1927. There is also a key to species and varieties of Saccharum. EARLE, M. T. 1905. "El caucho." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 29: 613-615; 631-633). From Circ. Est. Agron. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. No. 13, 7 p., 1905. On Castilla. EARLE, Thomas. See LUNDY, Benjamin, 1847. EARLE, W . Hubert. 1957. "Chaparral—what is it?" (Saguaroland Bull. 1 1 ( 1 0 ) : 115117, illus.) With a list of various genera and species known b y that name, and a discussion of the derivation of the name. 1958. "Nomenclature of the saguaro." (Saguaroland Bull. 12 ( 5 ) : 54-55, illus.) In favor of retaining Carnegiea gigantea. 1958a. "Collecting cacti in Mexico." (Saguaroland Bull. 1 2 ( 6 ) : 68-72, illus., map.) Describing a trip through 12 states, with a log showing collecting localities and species collected. EAST, Edward Murray. 1913. "A chronicle of the tribe of corn." (Pop. Sci. Month, 82: 225-236, illus.) Reviews the history of the plant and concludes it came

from a perfect flowered plant in the plateaus of Mexico and Central America. EASTICK, F. C. See MARTINEAU, George, and EASTICK, 1910. EASTWOOD, Alice. See also JOHNSON, Mrs. Carl, 1953. 1892. "The loco weeds." (Zoe 3: 53-58.) A review of experiments to determine the toxicity of various species, and a discussion of the attempts to legislate their destruction. 1905. "A handbook of the trees of California." (Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci. 9: 1-86, 57 pi.) With a key to families, descriptions, and distribution. Many extend into Mexico though that is not mentioned in the text. 1909. "Synopsis of the Mexican and Central American species of Castïlleja." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 44 : 565-591, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 6 . ) 1909a. "Some undescribed species of Mexican phanerogams." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 44: 603-608, Contr. Gray Herb. No. 36.) Includes 12 species, in 10 genera, from various states. 1929. "Studies in the flora of Lower California and adjacent islands." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 18: 398-484, illus.) Lists of plants from Guadalupe Island, Cedros Island, Tres Marías, Cape San Lucas, Baja California, Magdalena Bay, Turtle Bay, San Quintín Island, and San Martin Islands, with annotations, arranged systematically and according to relationships. A general description of each area is given with the names of the collectors. 1931. "The true species of Fuchsia cultivated in California." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 10: 100-104, illus.) An annotated catalogue with descriptions and original habitat; F. fulgens and F. arborescens are cited from Mexico. 1942. "Solanum lanceolatum in California." (Leafl. West. Bot. 3(8): 189-190.) Description of a plant, with identification by Standley. 1943. "Two new species from Baja California." (Leafl. West. Bot. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 257.) Hypericum peninsulare and Ipomoea odorata. 1944. "A new manzanita from Baja California." (Leafl. West. Bot. 4 ( 1 ) : 4-5.) On Arctostaphylos australis. EATON, Amos. 1817. Manual of botany for North America. Albany, 1833, 6th ed., 138 p. The first ed. was printed in 1817 (with the title Manual of botany for the northern states); the last, in 1840, entitled North American botany, was done with John Wright. For further information, see Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1961. Descriptions of species are arranged alphabetically, according to genera. In part 2, North American plants are arranged according to Jussieu's "natural method"; this is for plants "growing north of Mexico." EBERHARDT, Philippe. 1927. Les plantes médicinales et leurs propriétés. Paris, clxiv, 136 p., 96 col. pl., 7 black and white pl., 52 figs. First section ( clxiv p. ) is on use and culture; second (136 p.) is descriptions and plates. EBINGER, John E. 1962. "Validity of the grass species Digitaria adscendens." (Brittonia 1 4 ( 3 ) : 248-253, illus., map.) The study is confined to plants from the western hemisphere. Digitaria adscendens is quite distinct from D. sanguinalis, with D. adscendens generally confined to the tropics and subtropics. In zones of contact there is some hybridization. ECCLESTON, Robert. 1950. Overland to California on the southwestern trail 1849. Berkeley, 256 p., port., 2 maps; ed. by George Peter Hammond and Edward H . Howes. Some of the plants referred to in the last part of the journey are found also in Mexico.


ECHANOVE ECHANOVE, Policarpio Antonio de. et al, 1871.


delimitation of the order, and the families in it, with a key to the families and a discussion of the phylogeny. In a proposed new classification, the genus Theobroma is put in the Buettneriaceae.


ECHANOVE TRUJILLO, Carlos A., ed. 1945. Enciclopedia Yucatenense. México, 7 vols—NN. The first volume contains a section on the flora by Standley, translated by Alfredo Barrera Vásquez and Alfredo Barrera Vásquez Marín. A general description follows, with a list of collectors, Mayan botanical terms, descriptions of plants, listed by families, with scientific and common names, and a bibliography.

EDWARDS, Alphonse Milne-. See MILNE-EDWARDS, Alphonse. EDWARDS, Clinton R. 1957. "Quintana Roo: Mexico's empty quarter." Berkeley, 189 typed lvs., 16 figs., 10 maps, bibl. Tech. Rep. ONR.-CU-B Dept. Geog.) A report of field work directed by Carl O. Sauer and James J. Parsons. A section on the vegetation, p. 62-69, discusses the humid tropical forest, dry tropical forest, coastal swamplands and the strand vegetation. Another section is on agriculture and one is on forest products, mainly chicle, mahogany, and Spanish cedar. Plants are cited with common and scientific names.

ECHARRY, A. 1890-1891. "El maíz." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 14: 342, 357, 374, 390.) History and description of varieties. ECHEAGARAY BABLOT, Luis. 1957. Lo que ha sido y lo que puede ser el Sureste (de Mexico). México, 3 vols., illus., maps. Vols. 1 and 2 are paged consecutively, 555 p., and vol. 3 has 623 p. The work was prepared with the collaboration of representatives of 25 institutions.—PPAN. A detailed study of the area, which includes Yucatán, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas, emphasizing its natural potentialities. The section on vegetation was preTabasco, and Chiapas. The section on vegetation was prepared by Faustino Miranda. He divides the area into 9 zones, describing the associations in each, with the dominant plants. An alphabetical list of the plants cited is given at the end, with scientific equivalents. In vol. 3: 1-21, there are observations on the natural environment, by José Alvarez del Villar, emphasizing the inter-relationships of the plant formations and the factors influencing these relationships. Vol. 3: 565-584, by Roberto Vázquez de la Parra, is a "resumen histórico de conocimientos en este campo con algunas referencias a personas quienes han contribuido a este conocimiento."

EDWARDS, H(arry) Taylor. 1924. "Production of henequen fibre in Yucatán and Campeche." (U.S.D.A. Bull. # 1 2 7 8 , 20 p. illus.) Much of this article was repr. under the title, "Henequen fibre or Mexican sisal hemp," in (Bull. Imp. Inst. 23: 17-32, 1925.) History, distribution, botany, culture, and preparation. 1942. "Plant fibers in wartime." (Agr. Amer. 2 ( 6 ) : 103-108, illus.) Popular article. EDWARDS, Mary Taylor. 1939. "An ecological and vegetational study of the Sierra Madre Oriental, México." Austin, 144 p., Ph.D. thesis, bibl., map. 24 pl.-TxU. Describes the area from northern Coahuila to southeastern Puebla, with data on geology, climate, and ecology; included is a list of plants, systematically arranged, with habitat and common names, as collected at various stations. EDWARDS, Sydenham Teak. 1815-1847. Edward's botanical register. London, 33 vols. In 4 series, with the subtitle slightly changed in each. Cont. by John Lindley. "Colored figures of exotic plants cultivated in British gardens." In the sections entitled "Miscellaneous matter," at the back of the volumes, there are descriptions of new species including some from Mexico; e.g., Hymenocallis bistubata, Herbert, 43, 1844.

ECHEVERRIA, Atanasio. See LAGASCA y SEGURA, Mariano, n.d. ECHEVERRIA, José Luís. 1936. "Contribución al estudio del taray." Chem. On Caesalpinia crista.

México, 52 p. Thesis

ECHEVERRIA, Manuel A. 1922. "El cultivo del garbanzo, sus enemigos y medios de combatirlos." Cd. Juárez, 33 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Cicer.

EGASSE, E. See DUJARDIN-BEAUMETZ, Georges Octave, and EGASSE, 1889. EGBERT, Jay. 1957. "The elephant trees of the Southwest." (Saguaroland 1 1 ( 1 0 ) : 118-120, illus.) Discussion of the distribution of Bursera microphylla of the Mexican border.

ECKARDT, Wilhelm Richard Ernst. 1911. "Die landbauzonen der tropen, in ihrer abhaéngigkeit vom klima." (Beih. Tropenpfl. 1 2 ( 5 ) : 403-508, bibl.) General consideration of the climate in the tropics and its effects on plants in general.


EGELING, B. F. G. 1894. "Aguamiel, pulque, and mezcal." (Abh. Ber. Ver. Naturk. Kassel 40: 1-14.) Written in Monterrey, Mexico; emphasis is on culture» preparation, and chemical analysis. A list of common names is given for varieties of Agave. 1895. "Pharmacie im lande der Azteken." (Pharm. Rundschau 13: 157-159). Repr. as "Farmacya w krainie Aztekow" (Wiad. Farm. 23: 41-43, 95-98). By a pharmacist in Monterrey; with references to some of the native plants used in medicine.

EDEN, Richard. See also MARTIRE d'ANGHIERA, Pietro (1501?). 1555. The decades of the New Worlde or West India. London, 361 (i.e. 362) lvs. Repr. in 1577 and in The first three English books in America, Westminster, 408 p., 1895, ed. by Edward Arber. Translations and compilations by Eden include the first 3 decades of Martire d'Anghiera, q.v., an excerpt from The natural history of the West Indies of Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, q.v., and an excerpt from López de Gomara, q.v. In the Arber edition, the pages for these are 61-200, 208-242, and 337-350. The excerpt from Fernández de Oviedo is described by Sterling A. Stoudemire as "a fragmentary account, a partial and unsatisfactory translation, unedited and merged with translations of similar works for the same period." EDJACR.


EGER, Emil.

See ADMIRAL, Don, 1938.

EGGERS, Henrik (Heinrich) Franz Alexander, baron von. 1879. "Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands." (Smithson. Inst. Misc. Collect. 2 3 ( 3 ) : 1-133.) Another ed. was publ. as (Bull. V. S. Natl. Mus. No. 13.)

See ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio, 1792.


A general description of the vegetation followed by an annotated catalogue of plants, arranged in systematic order by families.

1935. "A critical revision of certain taxonomic groups of the Malvales." (New Phytol. 34: 1-20, 122-143, diag.) Includes the history, and a discussion of the tribe Sterculieae as possibly a separate family. The second part considers

EGGLER, Willis A. 259

EGGLESTON EGGLER-continued 1948. "Plant communities in the vicinity of the Volcano El Paricutin after two and a half years of eruption." (Ecology 29: 415-436, 16 illus.) Covers geography, geology, soils, climate, plant communities before eruption, (oak pine and fir pine forests), the effect of volcanism, and species surviving in different depths of ash. 1959, 1963. "Manner of invasion of volcanic deposits by plants." (Ecol. Monog. 2 9 ( 3 ) : 267-284; 10 figs. incl. maps.) See also (Amer. Midi. Nat. 69(1): 38-68, illus., map, 1963. The emphasis is on studies of Paricutin and Jorullo in Mexico, divided into studies of the vegetation prior to volcanic activity near Paricutin, and the studies in 1945 and 1950, including a report on plant successions, and an analysis of the various influences involved. For Jorullo, the studies consider the probable habitats in 1775 and the present vegetation, divided into the fields and forests, the playas, and a history of the vegetation of lava flows and cinder cones. Included is a summary of the families of plants represented. The last reference reports on the area 8 years after cessation of volcanic activity. EGGLESTON, W. W. (Willard Webster). 1909. "The Crataegi of Mexico and Central America." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 36: 501-514; bibl. Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. No. 127.) Includes a good discussion of the history of our knowledge of Mexican Crataegus; a review of the taxonomy, with keys to Mexican and Central American species, in flower and in fruit. New material described from Mexico includes: C. pubescens var. botterii, C. mexicana var. microsperma, C. rosei, C. parryana, C. greggiana, and C. nelsoni. EGLER, Frank Edwin. See also BEARD, J. S., 1949; RICHARDS, Paul Westmacott, 1952; STEHLE, Henri, 1945-1946. 1943. "Leaf key to common forest trees of the Yucatan peninsula." (Carib. For. 5 ( 1 ) : 1-18; Contr. 2, Chicle Dev. Comp. Exp. Stat., N.Y. St. Coll. For.) With a master key and 10 subkeys. 1947. "The role of botanical research in the chicle industry." (Econ. Bot. 1: 188-209, illus., map.) A detailed study of the industry as it is at present and what is needed in the way of research programs; also a brief discussion of other plant sources of masticatories. EGLOFFSTEIN, F. W. von. baron, ed. 1864. Contributions to the geology and the physical geography of Mexico. New York, 40 p., 2 pi., 2 maps. A geological map is by Friedrich von Gerolt and Charles de Berghes; a topographical map is by the latter. Geological observations and profiles are by Gerolt. Included is a translation of a work by Gerolt, Observations made on two excursions from the city of Mexico to Popocatepetl in 1833 and 1834. For the original, see Gerolt, 1835. EHRENBERG, Carl (K.) August and D. F. L. SCHLECHTENDAL. 1838. "Mammillaria schiedeana—eine neue art aus Mexiko." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 6: 249-250.) 1840. "Vier neue Mammillarien." (Linnaea 14: 375-378.) M. parkinsonii, M. ludwigii, M. schlechtendalii, and M. humboldtii, all from Mexico. 1843. "Mammillaria wegenerii—eine neue species." (Bot. Zeitg. 1: 737-738.) From Mexico. 1844. "Sieben neue cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 12: 401-403.) Also in (Bot. Zeitg. 2(49): 833-836.) Mammillaria betwckei, M. haynei, M. klugii, M. meisnerii, M. kunthii, M. zepnickii, and Cereus beneckei, all from Mexico. 1846. "Ein neuer Cereus." (Bot. Zeitg. 4: 324.) On Cereus superbus, from Mexico. 1847. "Beitrag zur geschichte einiger Mexicanischer cacteen." (Linnaea 19: 337-368.) With references to some of the better cactus localities north of Mexico City.

EISEN 1848. "Neue und seltene cacteen aus Mexico." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 16: 265-268.) Nine new species are described; descriptions are given also, of Echinocactus püiferus Lem. and E. bicolor Lern. 1849. "Vierzig neue Mammillarien aus Mexico." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 17: 241, 248, 260, 269, 287, 294, 303, 308, 326.) EHRENDORFER, Friedrich. 1956. "Survey of the Galium multiflorum complex in western North America." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 5: 3-21.) With a key to 10 species, 11 subspecies, and 3 forms, some of which range into Mexico. EHRET, Georg Dionysius. See also TREW, Christoph(er) Jacob(us), 1750-1773. 1748-1749. Plantae et papüiones rariores. London, 15 pi. no text. -MH-A. Rickett and Stafleu give the date as 1748-1759. Several on Mexican plants; copy at Harvard has 3 additional plates, nos. 16 to 18, published 1761-1762, on Theobroma, Solanum, and Walkeria. EHRHARDT, Karl. 1903. "Die geographische Verbreitung der fuer die industrie wichtigen kautschuk und guttaperchapflanzen." (Angew. Geog, 9: 1-78). Classified as Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lobeliaceae, and Sapotaceae, with genera, names and number of species, distribution of the most important ones, and natural requirements. EICHINGER, Alfons. 1926. Mais. Hamburg, 183 p., 21 illus., map. bibl.-DA. Emphasis on uses, culture, and production. EICHLER, August Wilhelm (Guil.). See also BERNOULLI, Gustav, 1871; MARTIUS, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, 1840-1906. 1864. "Menispermaceas Americanas." (Flora AI-. 385-396.) A conspectus of genera and species with country of origin and descriptions; new genera and species are included but none are cited specifically from Mexico. 1881. "Bericht ueber die arbeiten und Veränderungen im Koenigl. Botanischen Garten und Botanischen Museum waehrend der zeit vom 1 April bis ebendahim 1881." (Jahrb. K. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 1-164.) A large part of the report is by I. Urban. The section on "geographische uebersicht" includes a list of collectors of phanerogams, according to countries. Mexico is on p. 162. 1883. "Ein neues Dioon." (Gart.-Zeitg. 2: 411-413, illus. on 439.) Repr. in (Gard. Chron. n.s. 20: 371, 1883) as "Description of a new Mexican cycad." On Dioon spinulosum Dyer, from Yucatán and Veracruz, with a detailed description, and comparison with D. edulis. 1883a. "Beitraege zur morphologie und systematik der Marantaceen." (Physik. Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin-. 1-99, 7 pi.) Detailed study includes a history of the family and a tabulation of the tendency of various parts of plants to twist or tum left or right; listed by families. In the systematic part there is a key to American genera of Marantaceae, with descriptions of genera and lists of species. EIFERT, Virginia S. 1938. "The story of spices." (Nat. Hist. 4 1 ( 3 ) : 214-222, illus.) With a section on chocolate and vanilla. EISEN, Gustav. 1895. "Explorations in the Cape region of Baja California in 1894." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei. II, 5 : 733-775, illus.) An abstract, "Expedition nach nieder Californien", was publ. in (Vehr. Ges. Erdk. Berlin 23: 432-433, 1896 and in Globus 70: 273-275, map, 1896) as "Die erforschung der suedspitze der Californischen halbinsel)." A general description with one section on native wild fruits and economic plants, and another on the aspects of the vegetation. 1897. "Explorations in the Cape region of Baja California." (Jour. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 29: 271-280, map.)


EISENDRATH With a brief section on the botanical and zoological features. Plants are listed by common ( s o m e with scientific) names.


1897a. " E n faerd till Baja California och Sonora." ( Y m e r 1 7 ( 2 ) : 9-151, m a p . ) Detailed account of observations with many references to plants, cited with common and scientific names. 1900. "Explorations in the central part of Baja California." Amer. Geogr. Soc. 3 2 ( 5 ) : 397-429, m a p . )


There is a section on vegetation under "aspect of the country." References to plants emphasize the fan palm, Washingtonia sonorae, and the torote.


1901. "Cerros or Cedros Island." 64-66.)

Amer. Geogr.



Urges the use of the name Cedros; includes a discussion of the junipers found there ( J . californica ( s i c ) or cerrosianus.) 1901a.

The fig. Washington, 317 p., illus., U.S.D.A., Bull. #9.


With a list of the plants arranged according to uses, with common names, scientific names, and family. There are many errors in the scientific names. E L I Z A R R A R A S , Rafael. 1888-1889. " E l chicalote." (Rev. Agr. 4 : 108-109.) Trans, from Le Courrier du Mexique for the Gac. Ofic. Morelia, and taken from the latter. Neither of these two journals is available in the United States. On Argemone. E L I Z O N D O , Alfredo Solis. See S O L I S E L I Z O N D O , Alfredo. E L I Z O N D O , Gabino. 1948.


With a p a g e on f i g culture in Mexico. 1961. "Portraits of plants: A limited study of icones." (Ann. Bot. Gard. 4 8 ( 4 ) : 291-327, illus., bibl.)


With examples taken from illustrations of Cucurbitaceae. E I S E N T R A E G E R , Otto. 1928. "Untersuchungen ueber die brauchbarkeit der serodiagnostik fuer die verwandtschaftsforchungen in der botanik insoderheit innerhalb der klasse der Gymnospermen." (Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 16: 157-216.) EIXARCH, Father. See B O L T O N , Herbert E u g e n e (18th cent.). E K L U N D , G. M.


1914. "West Indian V e m o n i e a e . " (Ark. bibl.)



1-106, 6 pi.,

With a key to the West Indian sections and species, descriptions, and distribution. Under the allies of V. argyropappa Buek., there are descriptions of Vernonia hirsutivena and V. strigosa, n. spp. from Mexico. E L E X A L D E A R I Z M E N D I , Andres Buenaventura de. See V A R G A S R E A , L u i s (18th cent.). (?).

"Vocabulario M a m y E s p a n o l . " n.p., 17 p., m s . - M H . stat by W . E . Gates. Pubi, anonymously.

del Estado



With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only. E L I C E S M O N T E S , Ramon. 1885.



" T h e wooden rose of the Volcan de F u e g o . " (Pan Amer. Mag. 1 2 ( 3 ) : 105-107, illus., 1911 (English sect.) Taken from an anonymous pamphlet which was issued by the 5th Pan Amer. Med. Cong., 1910 ( T h i s was not seen). Produced by invasion of the plant by Loranthus.


" T h e cohune p a l m . " (Pan Amer. Mag. 1 4 ( 6 ) : 34-39, illus.; English sect.) On Attalea cohune, with description, uses, distribution, and preparation.


"Oil palms of the American tropics." (Pan Amer. Mag. English sections: 297-304.)

See R O D R I G U E Z E L I A S , José I.

E L I A S y G U I L L E N , Felipe. 1911. Elementos de geografia particular Querétaro, 4 2 p . - S M G E .

anos en Méjico.

Madrid, 384 p.—NN.

Chapter 1 cites production; chapter 2 discusses agriculture.

With the emphasis on Attalea


trees of the Pacific

coast. N e w York, 565 p., 248 illus.

Considers characteristics, distribution, and habitat.

Report of personal experiments with peyote. earlier article in Lancet. 1902.

"Mescal—a study of a divine plant." (Pop. 52-71.)

Cf. with his

Sci. Month.


On Anhalonium leuiinii, with common names, description, distribution, use among Indians, and report of the author's experiences with the plant. This is an enlarged account based on earlier articles in The Contemporary Review and Lancet, q.v.

1955. "Resena geogràfico-histórica del municipio de General C e p e d a , Coahuila." Saltillo, 5 9 p., map, illus. Thesis Esc. Norm. Saltillo.

E L I Z A L D E V I D A U R R I , Roberto.


See also V A S C H I D E , N., 1905. 1897. " A note on the phenomena of mescal intoxication." (Lancet 75 ( 1 ) : 1540-1542.) Reports on his personal experiments with peyote. 1898. "Mescal: a new artificial paradise." (Contemp. Rev. 7 3 : 130141.) Repr. in (Ann Rep. Smithson. Inst, for 1897 ( 1 8 9 8 ) : 537-548).

E L I Z A L D E J A S S O , Humberto.

With a section on the flora; plants are listed by common names only.


E L L I S , Havelock.

E L I O T , Willard Ayres, and Mrs. Gladys B. M c L E A N . 1938.

" A list of mammals collected by E d m u n d Heller in the San Pedro Mártir and Hanson L a g u n a Mountains and the accompanying coast regions of Lower California." (Field Col. Mus. Publ. 79, Zoo/. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 199-232, 5 pi., m a p . ) T h e m a p is by Heller, as is the description of the area. A detailed description of the vegetation is included, with plants listed by common and scientific names.

E L L I O T T , Lillian Elwyn.


One section on fruits, one on herbs. ELIAS, José I. Rodriguez.

See L L O Y D , Curtis Gates and L L O Y D ,

E L L I O T , Daniel Giraud. 1903.

Stockholm, 210 p., i l l u s . - C S m H .


E L L I O T , Benjamin Franklin. 1917. Lower California. L o s Angeles, 40 p., map, illus. Descriptions of various trips through the .peninsula in the 1890's; references to plants are scattered through the accounts.

EKMAN, Erik Leonard.


See also R. J . G. ( R . J . Gledhill), 1954. "Mammillaria heyderi." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 4 ) : A color photograph of the species.

E L L I N G W O O D , Finley. 1903.

History, place of origin (with m a p ) , morphology, and culture for the plants described.

E L G U E T E , Manuel

Municipio "El Carmen." Monterrey, 92 p. Publ. by the Depto. Estud. Recur. Econ. Serv. Soc., Nuevo León.—Bibliot. Publ. Monterrey. "Monografía histórico—geográfica"; with a very brief list of the most important plants, on p. 49.


E I S E N D R A T H , E r n a Rice.

1935. Kaktusboken.

"Informe médico higiénico y zootécnico del Municipio de L a g o s de Moreno, Jalisco." México, 4 8 p., map. Thesis ENMVZ.

E L L I S , John. 1769.

" A catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being


ELLISON ELLIS—continued encouraged in our American colonies." (Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1: 255-266.) Includes such plants as Jalapium officinarum (sic), Bixa orellana and Dorstenia contrayerva. In the catalogue is an "extract from a pamphlet," not further identified, with Latin and English names, and observations—including place of origin.

have been maintained. Description of the vegetation is very brief; weed competition is held responsible for soil depletion rather than erosion. EMERY, William H. P. 1957. "A cyto-taxonomic study of Setaria macrostachya (Gramineae) and its relatives in the southwestern United States and Mexico." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 84: 94-105, maps.) With an artificial key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Included from Mexico are: S. villosissima, S. macrostachya, S. leucopUa, and S. scheelei. 1957a. "A study of reproduction in Setaria macrostachya and its relatives in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 84: 106-121, illus.)

ELLISON, W. L. See TURNER, B. L., et al, 1961. ELSHOLTZ, Johann Sigismund (Siegesmund). (Other name variations are: Elsholz (Elsholtius) Joannes Sigismundus). 1666. Vom gartenbau. Colin an der Spree, 1672, 378 p., 8 p l . NNBG. First ed., 1666. Another ed. Neu angelegter gartenbau, Leipzig, 1715, at DA. On plants raised as ornamentals, for kitchen use, and medicine; trees are included.

EMMART, Emily Walcott (Mrs. Charles Kingsley Traeblood). See also CRUZ, Martin de la and BADIANUS, 1552; XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615. 1935. "An Aztec medical treatise, the Badianus manuscript." (Bull. Inst. Hist. Med. 3: 483-506, 7 pi.) History and description of the document; some sections are quoted in translation. 1935a. "An Aztec contribution to medical history." (Gaucher Alumnae Quart. 14(1): 27-31, illus.). History and description of the Badianus manuscript; states part was incorporated into an Italian manuscript now in the Windsor Castle library collection. Cf. with Gabrieli, 1929. 1935b. "The Badianus manuscript — an Aztec pharmacopoeia." (Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 24(9): 771-774, illus.) History and description of the work. 1935c. "El manuscrito Badianus — tratado Aztec de medicina." (Med. Ibera (Madrid) 29(2): 439.) Brief description and history of the manuscript. For reference to another copy of the manuscript in the Royal Library at Windsor, see G. Gabrieli "Due codici iconografici di piante miniate" in the ("Atti R. Acc. Naz. Lincei" (Rome), VI, 10(7): 531-538, 1929); (reference to Badianus is on p. 534537). 1935d. "Concerning the Badianus ms., an Aztec herbal, 'Codex Barberini, Latin 241,' Vatican Library." (Smithson. Misc. Coll. 94(2), 14 p., 4 pi.) Detailed story of the Badianus ms. with many references to miscellaneous material relating to the writing of the herbal, its history, and its authors. 1937. "Herb medicine of the Aztecs." (Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 26(10): 42-45.) General report dealing in some detail with narcotics and stimulants. Plants are cited with common and scientific names. (Ololiuqui is identified as Datura meteloides)\ 1953. "The Badianus ms." (Bull. Gard. CI. Amer. 41(2): 40-46.) Detailed account of the steps taken by Dr. Emmart in bringing the manuscript to successful publication.

ELSTOB, Medora. 1953. "Flowers in Mexican art." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 133: 177.) Identifying the flowers portrayed in an exhibition of Mexican art. ELWES, Henry John. 1888. "Notes from a naturalist in Mexico." (Gard. For. 1: 386-387). Repr. in Gard. Chron., Ill, 4: 662-663, 1888. Account of a trip from El Paso to Mexico, and from there to Veracruz; references to plants are by family and sometimes by genera; the author found vegetation disappointing except between Veracruz and Jalapa. 1911. "Mexican Pinguiculas." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 49: 292.) Discussion of the possible identity of various specimens of Pinguicula found in Mexico. Included is a commentary by Dr. Stapf on the same subject discussing mainly P. rosei, P. caudata, and P. orchidoides. ELY, A. W. (?). 1852. "Mexico in 1852." (De Bow's Rev. 13: 326-354.) Publ. anonymously; index cites a Dr. Ely as author. Plant references are in the section on agriculture, p. 332336. EMBERGER, Louis. 1944. Les plantes fossiles dans leur rapports avec les végétaux vivants. Paris, 492 p., illus., map, bibl. Discussion is by groups, arranged systematically. EMBI, Raul. 1931. El cultivo del arroz. Villahermosa, 36 p., prôl. by Angel C. Estapé.—CU-B. On Oryza. EMBREE, Edwin Rogers. 1939. Indians of the Americas. Boston, 260 p., illus.—PU. Illus. by Howard Grieg. With a section on the Mayas and the Aztecs, in which there are references to various plants: maguey, maize, tobacco, cotton, etc. The chinampas are referred to as "wandering islands."

EMONS, Ralph William. 1945. "A revision of the Central American species of Smilacina." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 32: 395-410, illus.) Morphology, relationships, a key to species and varieties, descriptions, and a list of specimens examined. S. flexuosa Bertol. var. erubescens is described as a new variety from Mexico.

EMERSON, Julia Titus, and William H. WELKER. 1908. "Some notes on the chemical composition and toxicity of Ibervillea sonorae." (Jour. Biol. Chem. 5: 339-350, illus., Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. # 1 1 3 . ) With history, description, quantitative and qualitative analysis; toxicological notes were mainly negative.

EMORY, William Hemsley. 1856. "General description of the country adjacent to the boundary between the United States and Mexico." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 10(2): 134-148.) Emphasis is mainly on the physiographic features. 1857-1859. Report on the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey. Washington, 2 vols, in 3, illus., maps. Volume 1, part 1, 257 p., contains a general description of the regions surveyed by Emory and occasional references to the plant life. The illustrations give an excellent idea of the general aspect and of some of the specific plants. Volume 1, part 2, is on geology and paleontology. Volume 2, part 1, botany, has an introduction by C. C. Parry; p. 9-26, plant dis-

EMERSON, Rollins Adams. 1924. "Control of flowering in teosinte." (Jour. Hered. 15: 41-48, illus.) Short day treatment brings early flowers. (1935?) "A preliminary survey of the milpa system of maize culture as practiced by the Maya Indians of the northern part of the Yucatan peninsula." Ithaca, n.d. (1935?), 14 typed p. (at Carnegie Institution, Div. Hist. Res., Cambridge, Mass.; copies at Cornell University and at PPAN.) Printed in (Ann Missouri Bot. Gard. 40: 51-62, 1953.) A study to determine the density of population that could 262


EMPARAN tribution and agriculture; p. 29-270, general botany by Torrey; 78 p. on the Cactaceae by Engelman. Section by Torrey contains notes on various families by Gray. Volume 2, part 2, is on zoology.

ENGELMANN, George. See also BARNES, G. W., 1882; EMORY, William Hemsley (1857-1859); GRAY, Asa, 1848-1852; 1850, 1853; IVES, Joseph C., 1860; MEYER, Rud., 1915; MORONG, Thomas, 1888; SARGENT, Charles S., 1884; SCHLECHTENDAL, Diederich, 1864-1865; TRELEASE, William, 1892; VARIOUS, 1855-1860; WHEELER, George Montague, 1878; WISLIZENUS, Adolphus, 1850; 1850a. 1842-1843. "A monography of the North American Cuscutineae." (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts 43: 333-345, 1 pi.; 45 : 73-77, 1843. Extracts were printed in London Jour. Bot. 2: 184-199, illus., 1843.) The first reference contains a conspectus of species, none of which are cited specifically from Mexico. The second reference is entitled "Corrections and additions to the monography of the Cuscutineae" and contains descriptions of new species which were printed earlier with the extract in the London Jour. Bot. Further additions were printed in (Bot. Zeitg. 4: 273281, 1846), with the title "Bemerkungen ueber Cuscuten." This includes "natuerliche anordnung der arten der gattung Cuscuta." This is followed by comments by Alexander Braun.

EMPARAN, José de. 1866. "Agencia de fomento en Veracruz." ( Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 12: 89-112.) With scattered information on plants in various parts of the state. ENCISO, F. J. 1885. Cartilla de geografía del Distrito Federal. México, 2d ed., 56 p., map.—Bibliot. A. Alzate. Elementary text with a list of the plants. ENCISO, Jorge. 1933. "Pintura sobre madera en Michoacán y en Guerrero." (Me*. Folkw. 8 ( 1 ) : 4-34.) With references to plants used to make dyes, or used for the articles themselves. Some scientific names are given. ENCISO, Martín Fernández.


ENGELMANN, George, and Asa GRAY. 1845, 1850, 1907. "Plantae Lindheimerianae." (Boston. Jour. Nat. Hist. 5 : 210-264, 1845; part 2, 6: 141-240, 1850; for part 3, see Blankinship, J. W., 1907.) Enumeration of the plants collected in Texas"; an annotated catalogue with descriptions of new species and genera; many of the plants range into Mexico.

ENCISO, Miguel Macedo. See MACEDO ENCISO, Miguel. ENDLICH, Rudolf. See also ALTAMIRANO, Fernando, 1907; HILLIER, J. M., 1907; PERROT, Em., 1908; STAPF, Otto, 1907; ANONYMOUS, 1906t. 1905. "Der guayule und seine wirtschaftliche bedeutung." ( Tropenpflanzer 9: 233-247.) With description, etymology of name, distribution, and culture. An article based on this was published by W. J. Gallagher in ( Agr. Bull. Str. Fed. Mai. St. n.s. 6: 385-387, 1907) with the title "Guayule rubber." 1906. "Der neue kautschukbaum Euphorbia elastica." (Tropenpflanzer 10: 525-531.) Based on the Altamirano report, 1905, q.v. 1907. "Ueber den gegenwaertigen stand und die aussichten der guayule industrie." (Tropenpflanzer 1 1 ( 7 ) : 449-465, illus.) An excerpt was repr. in ( K e w Bull. Mise. Inf. 1907). See Hillier, J. M., 1907. With a detailed discussion of the distribution of the plant in Mexico. 1908. "Der ixtle und seine stammpflanzen." (Beih. Tropenpflanzer 9 ( 5 ) : 221-283, illus.) A résumé of this, by F. Vaupel, is given in (Monatsch. f . Kakteenk. 19: 28-30, 43-45, 49-52, 1909). Mainly on various species of Agave, with botanical characters, distribution, culture, and preparation of fibers; includes also a section on ixtle de palma—various species of Yucca. 1908a. "Die zapupekultur in Mexiko." ( Tropenpflanzer 12: 157-178, bibl.) Botany, distribution, and culture.

ENGELMANN, George. 1851. "On the character of the vegetation of southwestern Texas." (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 5: 223-228.) A discussion of its relations to that of adjoining areas, including Mexico; with lists of species found in common. 1852. "Notes on the Cereus giganteus of southeastern California and some other Californian Cactaceae." (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts II, 14: 335-339.) With comments on Cereus greggii (C. pottsii Salm), collected in Chihuahua. 1854. "Further notes on Cereus giganteus of southeastern California." (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts 17: 231-235.) Repr. as "Nachricht von Cereus giganteus Engelm." in (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 23: 5-7, 1855). With a short account of another allied species, Cereus thurberi in Sonora. See also Cereus giganteus et C. thurberi in (Rev. Hort. IV, 3 : 342-348, illus., 1854). (1855-1860). "Photographs of seeds and seedlings of Opuntia." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 5 ) : 68, 1944.) Taken from his contribution to the Survey of the 35th parallel. See Various, 1855-1860. 1857. "Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the territory of the United States and adjacent regions." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 3: 259314; additions and corrections p. 345-346.) Includes a section on the geography of the cactus regions of the United States, and one on geographic distribution of the Cactaceae in the territories of the United States. 1859. "Systematic arrangement of the species of the genus Cuscuta." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 1: 453-523.) "With critical remarks on old species and descriptions of new ones." Mexican species are included in Sect. 5, Eugrammica and Sect. 6, Clistogrammica. 1861. " ( O n the nature of the pulp of the cactus fruit.)" (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 2: 166-167.) "The pulp is always the product of the funiculus or its appendages." 1865. "A revision of the North American species of the genus Juncus." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 2: 424-498, 590.) Morphology, geographic distribution, systematic summary of species, and descriptions. 1868. "Ueber die charactere der Abietineen genera." (Bot. Zeitg. 26: 484-487.) A general summary. 1873, 1874, 1876. "Notes on the genus Yucca." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 17-54, 210-214, 291-322, 371-372.)

ENDLICHER, Stephen Friedrich Ladislaus. See also LINDLEY, John and GARDNER, 1850; MARTIUS, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, 1840-1906; POEPPIG, Eduard Friedrich and ENDLICHER, 1835-1845; SCHOTT, Heinrich Wilhelm, and ENDLICHER, 1832. 1836-1840(1841). Genera plantarum. Vienna, 2 vols.; with supp. in 1836, 1842, 1843, 1847 and 1850. For more information on the dates of pubi., see Stearn, W. T. (Jour. Arnold Arb. 28: 424, 1947). 1838. Iconographia genera plantarum. Vienna ( Vindobonae), 125 pl.-MBHo. 1841. Enchiridion hotanicum. Vienna and Leipzig, 765 p.—PPAN. Emphasis is on the family. Plants are described with discussion of characters, uses, and relationship in the family. 1847. Synopsis Coniferarum. Sangalli, 368 p.—DI-GS. Gives description, synonymy, and habitats of plants; contains also an index for common names. 1960. "Ovule and seed development in certain cacti." ( Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 7 ( 6 ) : 460-467, illus.; modified from a master's thesis, Univ. Oklahoma.) Studies in Astrophytum myriostigma, Thelocactus bicolor, and Toumeya papyracantha.




ENGELMANN-continued A study of morphology and systematics, with descriptions of species and their distribution. An excerpt translated by B. Stein as "Die gattung Yukka" is in ( Mon. Ver. Bef. Gart. 18: 38-47, 1875). Another excerpt translated into French by "Detector," as "Nouveau synopsis du genre Yucca" is in (Illus. Hort. 24: 20, 1877). 1875-1876. "Notes on Agave." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 291322, 370-371.) Morphology, systematic arrangement, description, and distribution. 1877. "The flowering of Agave shawii." ( Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 579-582, illus.) Detailed description of the process. 1877a. "The American junipers of the section Sabina." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 583-592.) A systematic arrangement of species, with description, and localities. 1877b. "A synopsis of the American firs (Abies Link)." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 593-602.) Anatomy, summary (systematic) of species, with description, and localities. 1880. "Revision of the genus Pinus." (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 4: 161-190.) A summ, was printed in (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 7: 39-43, 1880). A synopsis of the species was also printed in (Gard. Chron. n.s 14: 104, 1880). Anatomy, morphology, and a systematic summary of the genus, with description and localities. 1882. "Some notes on Yucca." (Bot. Gaz. 7: 17.) Including Yucca elata n.sp. (formerly Y. angustifolia var. elata ) "probably extending into Mexico." 1882a. "Pinus latisquama n.sp." (Gard. Chron. n.s. 18: 712-713, illus.) A description of a new species collected by Palmer in Coahuila. 1887. The botanical works of the late George Engelmann. Cambridge, 2 vols., 548 p. of text and one vol. of 103 pl. Ed. by William Trelease and Asa Gray. Includes the following material: sketch of the botany of the Wislizenius expedition; papers on the Cuscutineae, Cactaceae, Juncus, Agave, Yucca, Vitis, Euphorbiaceae, and Isoetes; lists and collected descriptions of plants; general notes on the distribution of the North American flora.

considered and classification of the three families down to tribes and subtribes. 1876. '"Zur morphologie der Araceae." (Bot. Zeitg. 34: 81-90, 97105.) A comparative morphological study. 1877. "Vergleichende Untersuchungen ueber die morphologischen verhaeltnisse der Araceae." (Nova. Acta. Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 39: 133-222, 6 pi.) I—Natuerliches system der Araceae. II—Ueber blattstellung und sprossverhaeltnisse der Araceae. 1879. Araceae. Vol. 2, 681 p. in Monographiae phanerogamarum, by Candolle, Alphonse L. P. P., and Casimir, 1878-1896; q.v. 1879-1882. Versuch einer entwicklungsgeschichte der pflanzenweit. Leipzig, 2 vols, in one, maps.—DI-GS. Considers the development and distribution of plants since the Tertiary period. Vol. 1 contains a chapter on plants of the Mexican highland. 1881. "Diagnosen neuer Burseraceae und Anacardiaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 1: 41-47.) With descriptions of Bursera galeottiana and B. schiedeana from Mexico. 1881a. "Ueber die morphologischen verhaeltnisse und die geographische Verbreitung der gattung Rhus." (Bot. Jahrb. 1: 365426.) 1883. Anacardiaceae. Paris. In (Monographiae phanerogamarum. 4: 171-500.) See under Candolle, Alphonse L. P. P., de and Candolle, Casimir de, 1878-1896. 1883a. "Burseraceae." In (Monographiae phanerogamarum 4: 1169.) See Candolle, Alphonse L. P. P., and Casimir, 18781896. 1884. Beitraege zur kenntnis der Araceae V." (Bot. Jahrb. 5: 141287, 5 pi.) Emphasis is on morphology and anatomy. ENGLER, Adolf, and Karl Anton Eugene, eds. Cont. by Hermann Harms. 1887-1909. Die natuerlichen pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig, 32 vols, in 17, illus.; Nachtraege, 4 vols, 1897-1915 by R. Pilger and K. Krause. (Cited thus by DLC.) 2d ed. 1924-1940; in progress). Many collaborators for the various plant families; for a list of their names, see Brit. Mus. Cat. ENGLER, A. 1890. "Beitraege zur kenntniss der Sapotaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 12: 496-525, illus.) Includes a new species from Mexico: Bumelia mexicana. 1892. "Die systematische anordnung der monokotyledoneen angiospermen." (Phys. Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1892(2: 1-55.) 1892a. Syllabus der Vorlesungen ueber specielle und medicinischpharmaceutisch botanik. Berlin, 184 p. Beginning in 1912, Emest Gilg collaborated in the work. The 11th ed., Syllabus der pflanzenfamilien, Berlin, 1936, 419 p., 476 illus., was ed. by Ludwig Diels. The latest ed., 1954, is by Hans Melchior and Erich Werdermann. "Eine uebersicht ueber das gesamte pflanzensystem"; special attention is given to medicinal and other useful plants. Included are brief descriptions of the families, with distribution, names of the genera, and numbers of the species. 1893. "Ueber die verwerthung anatomischer merkmale bei der systematischen gliederung der Icacineae." (Sitzungsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin ( 1 ) : 247-268, illus.) 1896. "Rutaceae novae imprimis Americanae." (Bot. Jahrb. 21: 2030, Beibl. # 5 4 . ) Describes nine new species in Fagara from Mexico, and one species of Polyaster, P. ehrenbergii. 1896a. "Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Rutaceen im verhaeltniss zu ihrer systematische gliederung." (Phys. Abh. K. Wiss. Berlin ( 1 ) : 1-28, 3 pi., maps.) Very useful study. 1896b. "Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Zygophyllaceen im verhaeltniss zu ihrer systematische gliederung." (Phys. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin ( 2 ) : 1-36, 1 pl. (map.).) A very useful treatment.

ENGERRAND, Georges (Jorge). See also VARIOUS, 1912-1913. ENGERRAND, Georges, and I. RAMIREZ CASTANEDA. 1915. "Les simples destinés à des usages médicaux ou superstiteux vendus au marché de Zumpango, Mexique." (Rev. Anthrop. 25 : 55-62.) Catalogue of plants listed by common names with scientific names, family, and uses; scientific equivalents are taken from Ramirez and Alcocer, q.v. ENGLER, Adolf (full name, Heinrich Gustav Adolf). See also DURAND, Th., and H. PITTIER, 1891-1898; HAUDRICOURT, A., 1941; LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923; MIRANDA, F., 1950; SCHUMANN, K., 1900. 1869-1870. "Monographische uebersicht der gattungen Escallonia Mutis, Belangera Camb., und Weinmannia L." (Linnaea 36: 527-650.) "Nebst beitragen zur geographischen Verbreitung der Escallonieen und Cunoniaceen." In the table showing geographic distribution of the Escallonieae, there is included the genus Phylionoma from Mexico. There is also a discussion of Weinmannia intermedia Cham, and Schlect., originally described in (Linnaea 5: 555, 1830). 1874. "Studien ueber die verwandtschaftsverhaeltnisse der Rutaceae, Simarubaceae, und Burseraceae." (Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle 1 3 ( 2 ) : 111-158, 2 pl.) Résumé in (Bot. Jahresb. 2: 735-740, 1874). "Nebst beitraegen zu anatomie und systematik dieser familien"; with flower formulae for the genera in the families 264



ENGLER, A., and DRUDE, O. (eds.). 1896-1925. Die vegetation der erde. Leipzig, 15 vols. Volume 12, "A phytogeographic survey of North America," by John W. Harshberger, was pubi, in 1911, 790 p., 32 figs., 18 pi., map, bibl. A comprehensive survey, covering physical geography, climate, evolution, phytogeography, the botanical history of the area, and a survey of the literature. An extended résumé of the work was published in (Boi. Jahresb. 3 9 ( 1 ) : 967-974, 1911). For critical reviews of the work see the article by M. L. Femald in (Rhodora, 1911: 213-224), and the article by Norman Taylor in ( Torreya 11: 190-199, 1911). Harshberger's answer to the latter follows on p. 217-219. See also the article by P. A. Rydberg, "Phytogeography and its relation to taxonomy and other branches of science," in ( Torreya 12: 73-85, 1912).

groups according to distribution and habitat, with numbers of species, and their distribution in each hemisphere. 1906. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Araceae X; Araceae Novae." ( Bot. Jahrb. 37: 110-143.) Describes Xanthosoma kerberi and X. yucatanense as new species from Mexico. 1908. "Die Vegetationsformationen tropischer und subtropischer laender." (Bot. Jahrb. 41: 367-372.) Text for the chart shows the colors and symbols to be used on vegetation maps. 1914. "Ueber herkunft alter und Verbreitung extremer xerothermer pflanzen." (Sittzungsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (1): 564-621.) With tables divided into sections, one for American plants, for listing under various adaptations: examples of genera are arranged by families; the text contains a résumé of morphology, taxonomy, geography, and botanical history. 1927-1928. "Podostemonaceae Americanae." (Bot. Jahrb. 61, Beibl. 138: 1-9.) New species from Mexico are Marathrum haenkeanum and M. kerberi.

ENGLER, Adolf. 1898. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Araceae." (Boi. Jahrb. 25: 352476; 734.) "Revision der gattung Anthurium." 1899. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Araceae IX." (Bot. Jahrb. 26: 509-572.) "Revision der gattung Philodendron und der gattung Dieffenbachia." 1899a. "Handliste der in unseren warm and kalthaeusern sowie anderweitig als topfpflanzen zu kultivierenden Lillifloren." ( Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2 ( 1 8 ) : 309-352.) Pubi, anonymously. With the country of origin for each.

ENGLER, Victor. 1909. "Monographie der gattung Tilia." Breslau, 74 p., Diss. Univ. Breslau.—ICMILC. History, anatomy, taxonomy, phylogeny, geographic distribution, conspectus by sections, with number of species, and a key to sections and species. ENOCK, Charles Reginald. 1909. Mexico. London, 356 p., 75 illus., map, bibl. Contains a chapter on "Physical conditions" which includes the flora, and a chapter on agriculture under "Natural resources." 1915. The tropics. New York, 466 p., illus. Rather superficial coverage, with one chapter on Mexico.

ENGLER, Heinrich Gustav Adolf. 1899b. Die entwicklung der pflanzengeographie. Wissenschaftliche beitraege zum gedachtniss der hundertjaehrigen Wiederkehr des antritts von A. von Humboldt's Reise nach Amerika. 7th Int. Geog. Kong., Ges. Erdk. Berlin, 247 p. ENGLER, A., und L. DIELS. 1900. "Uebersicht ueber die bekannten gattungen der Anonaceen." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 3 ( 2 3 ) : 45-59, 1 pi.) With a key to genera, and data on distribution.

ENRIQUEZ, Manuel. 1885. "El apiol." Morelia, 9 lvs., ms. Thesis, Univ. Morelia, Arch. As secured from Petroselinum. ENRIQUEZ, R. Zayas. See ZAYAS ENRIQUEZ, R.

ENGLER, Adolf, et al. 1900-to-date a. Das Pflanzenreich. Leipzig, heft 1-107 (1956), illus., in progress (1959). "Regni vegetabilis conspectus." For "A guide and an analysis of Engler's Das Pflanzenreich" see Mervyn T. Davis in Taxon 6 ( 6 ) : 161-182, 1957). This provides an alphabetical list of families and sections, with family number, author, date published, heft number, total number of pages, number of illustrations, pages of addenda, etc.; also a systematic list of families with their numbers, alphabetical list of authors with their works, and heft numbers and chronological order of issue.

ENRIQUEZ, Roberto Durán.


ENS, Gaspar. 1612. Indiae occidentalis historia. Coloniae, 370 p.—MN Méx. In Book 4, "rare plants and animals are described." 1618. West und Ost Indischer Lustgart. Coellen, 236 (i.e. 216) p. and 436 (i.e. 440) p. Part 2 is on America, with a considerable section on native plants. ENSIGN, Margaret. 1942. "A revision of the celastraceous genus Forsellesia (Glossopetalon)." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 27: 501-511, 8 figs.) With a key to species and varieties, and a description of Forsellesia spinescens (Gray) Greene var. mexicana n. var. from Coahuila.

ENGLER, A. 1902. "Die pflanzengeographische gliederung Nordamerikas." (Notizbl. K. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin, App. 9: 1-94, maps.) Mexico is considered in "die prairieen provinz-suedliche zone," "provinz der Rocky Mountains-suedliche zone, und ueber gang zu der chaparral Sonora — zone des Centraiamerikanische Xerophyten gebietes," "die westamerikanische wuersten und steppen provinz." A general description and lists of plants are given. A vegetation map includes Mexico and Central America but the latter is not considered in the text.

ENSLIN, P. R. See VARIOUS, 1958. ENVILA, Miguel Fernández. See FERNANDEZ ENVILA, Miguel. ENZIE, Walter Denton. See TAPLEY, William T., et al, 1937. EPLING, Carl Clawson. See also KEARNEY, Thomas Henry and PEEBLES, 1942; LEWIS, Harlan and EPLING, 1940; LINT, Harold L„ 1944; McCLINTOCK, Elizabeth May and EPLING, 1942-1946; STEWART, Wm. S„ 1939; VARIOUS, 19351940; WOODSON, Robert E. et al., 1937 - in progress. 1925. "Monograph of the genus Monardella." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 12: 1-106, 7 pi., incl. map; 5 figs., incl. 4 maps.) Includes history, morphology, relationships, general distribution, keys to subgenera, species and subspecies, descriptions, synonymy, distribution, and a list of specimens examined. 1929. "Notes on the Linnean types of American Labiatae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 67: 1-12.) Catalogue with brief descriptions and habitat.

ENGLER, A., F. PAX, and P. GRAEBNER. 1902a. "Di Verbreitung wichtiger baumgattungen." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 3 ( 2 8 ) : 181-182.) With maps for Taxus, Pinus, Taxodium-, also a map for Populus after p. 214. ENGLER, A. 1905. "Ueber floristische Verwandtschaft zwischen dem tropischen

Afrika und Amerika." (Sitzungsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Math. Cl. 6: 180-231.) An annotated catalogue of plants common to both areas, with a discussion of various genera and species divided into 12



EPLING EPLING—continued 1932. "Asterohyptis: a newly proposed genus of Mexico and Central America." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 60: 17-21, illus.) Includes transfer of 3 species of Hyptis: H. stellulata, H. mociniana, and H. seemanni, all found in Mexico. 1933. "Synopsis of the genus Hyptis in North America." ( R e p . Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 34: 73-129.) With a key to species ( 5 5 ) , distributional data, and descriptions; many new species are listed, including some from Mexico. 1934. "Preliminary revision of American Stachys." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. Beih. 80: 1-75.) With regional keys to the species (Mexico and Central America) p. 6-8, descriptions, and distribution. New taxa from Mexico include 7 species and varieties. 1935. "Notes on Monarda." (Madroño 3: 20-31.) Includes 2 new species from Mexico: M. mexicana and M. austromantana. 1938. 1940. "The Californian Salvias." (Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 25: 95-188, 14 figs., incl. maps, 1938; 27: 259-262, illus., 1940.) Adds to Munz's works through extensions of range, and discovery of numerous natural hybrids. The section Audibertia is reviewed, with keys to subsections and species, and descriptions. "The supplementary notes on Salvia: Audibertia", in the last reference contain a description and illustration of S. chionopeplica, a new species from Baja California. 1939. "Apuntes sobre el género Scutellaria de la América tropical y subtropical." (Lilloa 4: 229-275, 13 maps; trans, from the English by William N. Charles.) A discussion of 37 species and description of 11 new species, with keys in some sections; new species described from Mexico include: S. stachyoides, S. orizabensis, S. jaliscana, S. blepharophylla, S. russelioides, S. macer, S. hintoniana, S. pallidiflora, and S. mociniana.

1942. "The centers of distribution of the chaparral and coastal sage associations." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 27 : 445-462, maps.) Compare them with similar associations in Mexico. The distribution is developed through, and accompanied by, interesting composite distribution maps. Both types of association have their centers in the Diegan area—San Diego and adjacent Baja California. EPLING, Carl Clawson. 1942a. "The American species of Scutellaria." ( Univ. Calif., Publ. Bot. 2 0 ( 1 ) : 1-146, 3 pi., 10 figs, 36 maps.) Greatest diversity is found in the central Mexican plateau. Maps show the distribution of tropical sections ( 11 ) and temperate sections ( 5 ). A key to species is given with descriptions and distribution. 1948. "A synopsis of the tribe Lepechinieae (Labiatae)." (Brittonia ( 3 ) : 352-364, maps for ranges.) With keys, descriptions, and localities. 1949. "Revisión del género Hyptis." (Rev. Mus. La Plata n.s. (Bot.) 7 ( 3 0 ) : 153-497, illus., maps.) Revision of 301 species in 27 sections, with ranges from southern United States to Argentina. Keys for sections and species are given with descriptions and distribution. EPLING, Carl, and Mildred E. MATHIAS. 1957. "Supplementary notes on American Labiatae." (Brittonia 8(4): 297-313. ) Includes extensions of range for Hyptis pinetorum, Asterohyptis stellulata, Scutellaria orizabensis, Agastache palmeti, Hedeoma costatum, and various species of Salvia. The following are described as new species: Salvia heterofolia from Guerrero, S. sharpii from Tamaulipas, and S. duripes from Chiapas. EPLING, Carl, and A. L. HAINES. 1957a. "A subspecies of Yucca whipplei Torrey." (Brittonia 171-172.) Subspecies eremica from Baja California.

1939a. "Two Mexican species of Hyptis." (Madroño 5 ( 1 ) : 15-16.) Describes Hyptis perpulcher in the state of Mexico, and H. iodantha in Guerrero. 1939b. "A note on the occurrence of Salvia in the New World." (Madroño 5: 34-37.) On the subgenus Calosphace, with maps to illustrate the distributions of the following sections: Curtiflorae, Albolanatae, Tomentellae, Flocculosae, Micranthae, Tubiflorae, Purpureae, Rudes, Chariantha, and Angulatae. 1939c. "Note on the Scutellariae of western (Madroño 5: 49-72, illus., maps.)


EPLING, Carl. 1960. "Supplementary notes on American Labiatae VII." ( Brittonia 1 2 ( 2 ) : 140-150, illus.) With localities for one species of Hedeoma and 8 species of Salvia in Mexico ( states of Querétaro, Chiapas, Zacatecas, Chihuahua, and Hidalgo). EPLING, Carl, Harlan LEWIS, and Peter H. RAVEN. 1962. "Chromosomes of Salvia section Audibertia." (Aliso 5 ( 2 ) : 217221, illus.) Two species range into Mexico: S. californica and S. chionopeplica, both from Baja California.


With a description of S. tuberosa subsp. australis, subsp. nov., which extends to Baja California. 1939d. "A review of Salvia, sub-genus Calosphace." (Univ. Calif. Los Angeles Publ. Biol. Sci. 2: 1-583, 50 pi., 43 maps, 1940. Publ. earlier in Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. Beih. 110, 1939, minus pi. 34-50 and maps 34-43.)

EPLING, Carl, and Carlos D. JATIVA M. 1962a. "A new species of Salvia from Mexico." (Bot. 2 0 ( 3 ) : 75-76.) Salvia divinorum from Oaxaca. ERAS, Pedro de las. 1582).

With keys to sections and species, descriptions, and comments on distribution and uses. 1940. "Supplementary notes on American Labiatae." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67: 509-534.)



See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco (1579-

ERASSO, Antonio de (for el Rey). 1575. "Los primeros fabricantes de papel en la Nueva España." (Bol. Arch. Gral. Nac. Méx. 7 ( 3 ) : 321-323. 1936.) The original document is dated 1575. Answer to an appeal by Hernán Sánchez de Muñón and Juan Cornejo for monopoly rights in the industry, which they wish to set up with an "abundant material" not identified.

Includes descriptions of new species from Mexico in Trichostema, Hesperozygis, and Salvia (plus transfers of species from various genera to Lepechinia). This is really a supplement to the paper on Salvia (see Epling, 1939d), with a rearrangement of the keys as given there. EPLING, Carl, and Ira L. WIGGINS. 1940a. "A new Poliomintha from Baja California." (Contr. Dudley Herb., Stanford Univ. 3 ( 3 ) : 85-86, illus., incl. map.) P. conjunctrix.

ERATH. 1902. "Manual del plantador de lúpulo." (Prog. Méx. 9 : 282, 294, 311, 329, 360, 379, 425, 444, 459, 477, 485, 502, 524, 540, 566, 586, 617, 635.) Trans, from German to French by Napoleon Nickles and to Spanish by Leopoldo Bano. On Humulus lupulus.

EPLING, Carl, and William ROBINSON. 1940b. "Pinus muricata and Cupressus forbesii (Madroño 5: 248-259, illus.) A discussion of their distribution.


in Baja California."

ERDOS, José. 1953. "Fitoquimica y medicina." (Rev. Med. 3 3 ( 6 7 9 ) : 306-315.) Discussion of about 30 Mexican plants used medicinally plus a brief report on recent history of phytochemical studies

EPLING, Carl, and Harlan LEWIS. 266



in Mexico with common and scientific names, distribution, and uses for the plants. ERDOS B„ J. and J. J. AL VARADO P. 1960. "Ensayos sobre el izote (Yucca elephantipes Regel) como materia prima para la obtención de cellulosa." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 2 1 ( 2 ) : 323.) ERDOZAIN, Ernesto Ruiz.


ERDTMAN, Gunnar (Otto Gunnar Elias). 1943. An introduction to pollen analysis. Waltham, Mass., 239 p., illus., bibl. — PU. Foreword is by Roger P. Wodehouse. Description of pollen by families, arranged alphabetically, in the monocots, dicots, and gymnosperms. 1953, 1957. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy: Angiosperms. Stockholm and Waltham, Mass., 539 p., illus., bibl. Foreword is by H. Humbert; illus., based on the author's originals, are by Anna Lisa Nilsson. Volume 1 is "An introduction to palynology"; Vol. 2 is on gymnosperms, pteridophytes, and bryophytes. ERHARDT, H. 1841. Der tabak. Heidelberg, 67 p. - ICJ. Taxonomic section contains keys and descriptions; emphasis is on the culture. ERHART, BALTHASAR (also written EHRHART). 1753-1758. Oeconomische pflanzenhistorie. Ulm, 2 vols., 6 parts. — DA. On plants used in agriculture, gardening, and medicine. ERICKSON, Louis Carl. 1947. "Origin of the seed coat in guayule." (Jour. Agr. Res. 7 4 ( 1 1 / 12): 329-335, 3 figs.) A study of seed anatomy and development. ERICKSON, Ralph Orlando. 1943. "Taxonomy of Clematis, section Viorna." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30: 1-60, illus., maps.) Includes history, morphology, distribution, and economic importance. An artificial key to species and varieties is given, with descriptions and a list of specimens examined. C. pitcheri var. filifera extends into Mexico. ERIKSSON, J. V. 1919. "Montezumas Mexiko." (Ymer 39: 4-33, 9 figs, mainly maps.) Description of Mexico City of that time, with some reference to chinampas; old maps add interest to the article. ERLANSON, Carl Oscar, and B. Y. MORRISON. 1943. "Good neighbor flowers." (Agr. Amer. 3 ( 4 ) : 63-65, illus.) A popular article. ERNST, A. (Gustav Adolf). 1881. "Memoria botánica sobre el embarbascar ó sea la pesca por medio de plantas venenosas." (An. Real Acad. Cien. Med. Fis. Nat. Habana 18: 135-147). Was this publ. as a separate, Caracas, 1881, 16 p.? With a systematic list of plants so used, and data on where they are used. There are no specific listings for Mexico, but many are from the Antilles and South America. 1888. "Fischvergiftende pflanzen." ( Sitzungsb. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 6: 111-118.) This follows an earlier work, Memoria botánica sobre el embarbascar, ó sea la pesca con plantas venenosas, published in Caracas, 1881, 16 p., in which 60 species are listed. The 1888 version adds 32 species to those listed by Radlkofer, q.v., plus some which are not identified scientifically. 1889. "On the etymology of the word tobacco." (Amer. Anthrop. 2: 133-142, illus.) Traces it to the Guaraní. 1890. "Observations sur Thistoire du bananier en Amérique." ( Proc. 8th Cong. Amer., p. 246-253. ) On Musa. ERNST, Adolf Fritzwilm. 1920. Land und leute. Hannover; bd. 1 of series In Mexiko, 93 p. illus. - NN. With a discussion of plant products.

ERNST, Alfons. 1961. "Revision der gattung Pinguicula." (Bot. Jahrb. 8 0 ( 2 ) : 145194.) Morphology, taxonomy, with a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Mexican species include: acuminata, caudata, crenatiloba, heterophylla, lilacina, obtusiloba and parvifolia. ERNST, Gustav Adolf. See ERNST, A. ERNST, Wallace Ray. See also LEWIS, Harlan and ERNST, 1953. 1959. "Chromosome numbers of some Papaveraceae." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 5 ( 5 ) : 137-139, illus.) Mexican material examined includes: Argemone ochroleuca Sweet subsp. ochroleuca, Eschscholtzia mexicana Greene, and Hunnemannia fumariifolia Sweet. 1692. "The genera of Papaveraceae and Fumariaceae, in the southeastern United States." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 3 ) : 315-343, bibl.) With a key to the genera; four new subfamilies are established in the Papaveraceae. EROSA, Paulino Novelo. See NOVELO EROSA, Paulino. ERWIN, Arthur Thomas. See also CASTETTER, E. F. and ERWIN, 1927; WILSON, Charles Morrow, 1945. 1929. "A systematic study of the peppers — Capsicum frutescens L." (Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sei. 26: 128-131.) With a conspectus of cultivated types of Capsicum. 1935. "Alegria — a popping seed used in Mexico as a substitute for popcorn." (Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sei. 9 ( 4 ) : 661-662, 2 pi.) Description and distribution of Amaranthus caudatus L. var. leucospermus Th. 1936. "Nativity of Cucurbita maxima." (Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sei. 1 0 ( 4 ) : 441-444, illus.) Describes an unsuccessful search for the plant in Mexico, and decides the plant is not native in North America. 1937. "An interesting Texas cucurbit." (Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sei. 1 2 ( 2 ) : 253-255, 3 pi.) On Cucurbita pepo L. var. ovifera Alef. (C. texana Gray); reports unsuccessful attempts to find it in Mexico. 1942. "Anent the origin of sweet corn." (Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sei. 1 6 ( 4 ) : 481-485.) On Zea mays L. var. rugosa Bonaf.; reports not finding it in Mexico. 1949. "The origin and history of pop corn, Zea mays L. var. indurata (Sturt.) Bailey mut. everta (Sturt.) Erwin." (Agron. Jour. 4 1 ( 2 ) : 53-56.) ESAU, Katherine. 1944. "Apomixis in guayule." (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sei. 30: 352-355.) Concludes that "in conjunction with generative apospory, unreduced pseudogamy occurs in the apomictic types of guayule." ESCALADA, Ambrosio Lima y. See LIMA y ESCALADA, Ambrosio. ESCALANTE, Albino. 1937. Almanaque Potosino. San Luís Potosí, 117, 12 p., illus. — Bibliot. Univ. San Luís Potosí. In a section entitled "guia de medicina práctica," there is a list of diseases and plant remedies for each, p. 55-80. On p. 80-85 the plants are listed, by common names only, with their medical uses. ESCALANTE, Alvaro Avila. See AVILA ESCALANTE, Alvaro. ESCALANTE, Ignacio.

See ACOME, Tiburcio, 1850.

ESCALANTE, Luisa Isabel. 1949. "Notas sobre el tlachichinole." México, 39 p. Thesis Chem. Refers to Heliotropium, Tournefortia, and Kohleria; it is not clear which plant is used in the tests, probably the latter. (K. deppeana or Isoloma deppeanum.) ESCALANTE E „ Celerino. 1936. "Chícharo de vaca." (Agr. Méx. 5 2 ( 1 0 ) : 6-8; 5 5 ( 1 1 ) : 1419.) Also in (Agricultura 2 ( 1 3 ) : 22-26, 5 illus., 1939.) On the culture of Vigna sinensis, mainly for forage. 1939. "Frijol mungo." (Agricultura 2 ( 1 4 ) : 34-35, illus.) On Phaseolus mungo.




ESCALANTE-continued 1945. "Cultivo del frijol de árbol ó gandul." (Agr. Mex. 61(11): 2326.) Also in Tierra 1: 13-15, 35, illus., 1945; and in Campo (Guadalajara) 14: 126-128, 1946). On Cajanus indicus as a forage plant. 1946. "El mango." (Tierra 1: 355-357, 402-403, illus.) Emphasis is on the culture. 1946a. "La cotufa — interesante tubérculo." (Tierra 1: 807-810, illus.) Description, and results of experiments on the culture, of Helianthus tuberosas. 1947. "El taro ó quequeste." (Tierra 2: 219-221, 246, illus.) On Colocasia, with a description of 2 species, and discussion of characteristics which distinguish it from Xanthosoma.

1934. "La cotufa." (Esc. Part. Agr., Bol. 18, II, 1-8, Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua.) Also in (Agr. Mex. 50(12): 41-48). On Helianthus tuberosus. 1935. "El cultivo del melón." (Agr. Mex. 51:49-56.) Also in (Bol. Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua II, 22: 1-8). On Cucumis melo. 1937. "Cultivo de la alfalfa." (Agr. Mex. 5 3 ( 6 ) : 33-40.) See also Bol. 33, Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, 8 p. 1937. On Medicago. (ca. 1940?) "La remolacha forrajera." (Bol. Esc. Part. Cd. Juárez No. 71, 8 p.) On Beta vulgaris. 1944. "La gloria ó corregüela." (Agr. Mex. 6 0 ( 3 ) : 34-35.) On Convolvulus arvensis.

ESCALANTE SOLIS, Enrique. 1941. Botánica. Mérida, 440 p., 171 illus. Publ. Univ. Yucatán. With list of plants of Yucatán, citing common and scientific names and family; also a section on the ecology of the Yucatán flora.

ESCOBAR, Abelardo, and Roberto PADILLA G. 1945. "Plantas cultivadas." (Agr. Mex. 61(10): 1-26). On caucho, trigo, tabaco, vanilla, and forrageras leguminosas. The part on wheat is repeated in (61(11): 1-4, 1945). ESCOBAR, Abelardo. 1946. "Sorgos." (Agr. Mex. 6 2 ( 8 ) : 25-32, illus.) From his book Plantas Cultivadas; emphasis is on culture. 1946a. Lúpulo. (Agr. Mex. 62(9): 13-16, 28-29, illus.) On Humulus lupulus, with the emphasis on the culture. 1946b. Plantas cultivadas. Ciudad Juárez, 447 p., illus. — DA. Divided according to use: food, forage, industrial uses, miscellaneous fruits, and a final section on selviculture, in which are listed important timber species, mainly pines and other gymnosperms. Excerpts were published in Agr. Mex. as follows: "Plantas alimenticias — maíz," 62(5): 18-27, illus. May 1946; "La papa," 2 ( 1 0 ) : 29-35, illus., Oct. 1946; "El frijol," 6 3 ( 2 ) : 17-19, illus., 1947; "Trébol," 65(1): 16-17, illus., Jan. 1949; "Ajonjolí," 63(5): 4-8, 1947, the latter reprinted in (Agr. Lag. 3(28-29): 15, 21, 23, 1948). See also "Sorgos," 1946. 1947. "El chicle." (Agr. Mex. 6 3 ( 3 ) : 4-7, illus.) On Acliras sapota. 1947a. "El melón." (Agr. Mex. 6 3 ( 4 ) : 14-19, illus.) On Cucumis melo. 1947b. "Los mijos." (Agr. Mex. 6 3 ( 6 ) : 14-16, illus.) On various forage grasses. 1947c. "Zacate elefante." (Agr. Mex. 6 3 ( 6 ) : 16-17, illus.) On Pennisetum purpureum. 1947d. "Cebada y avena." (Agr. Mex. 6 3 ( 7 ) : 11-13, illus.) On Hordeum and Avena. 1949. "De plantas cultivadas." (Agr. Mex. 6 5 ( 2 ) : 5-8; ( 3 ) : 5-9.) On various vegetables; the last section was published anonymously. ESCOBAR, Alonso de la Mota y. See MOTA y ESCOBAR, Alonso de la. ESCOBAR, Fernando Urias. See URIAS ESCOBAR, Fernando.

ESCALERA, Evaristo, and Manuel GONZALEZ LLANA. 1862. Méjico histórico descriptivo. Madrid, 336 p. With a number of references to plants. ESCALONA S., Teodoro. 1952 "El cafeto." Cd. Juárez, 293 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Coffea. ESCAMEZ, Antonio. See ESCAMEZ, n.d.






See VARIOUS, 1960b.

ESCAMILLA SORIANO, J. Guadalupe. 1949. "Cacao." (Méx. Agrie. 7 ( 7 4 ) : 64-66; (75): 53-58, 1960. Taken from a thesis (ENA) publ. in Chapingo, 1949, 52 p., illus. This was also repr. in Chapingo 12(77): 399-409, 1959. "Origen e historia del cultivo del cacao." The original thesis contains a list of especies silvestres, cited by scientific names, with distribution. ESCANDON, Luis. 1890. Ensayo histórico geográfico estadístico del Distrito de Tula. México, 100 p. — MN Méx. With a list of the plants, native and naturalized, listed alphabetically by common names; the scientific name is given in most cases. 1891. Ensayo histórico geográfico estadístico del distrito de Itzmiquilpan. México, 128 p. The section on the flora is similar to that in the work on Tula, 1890, q.v. ESCARCEGA, Leovigildo Islas. gildo.


ESCARPITA H„ Abraham. See SANCHEZ MEJORADA, Norberto et al, 1958.

ESCOBAR, Joseph Manuel Vera y. Manuel.

ESCHSCHOLTZ, Johann Friedrich Gustav. 1826. "Descriptiones plantarum novae Califomiae." (Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., V. 10: 281-292.) Includes new species: Abronia latifolia, Hoitzia squarrosa, Solanum umbelliferum, Ceanothus thyrsiflora, Nierembergia repens, Triumfetta procumbens, and Thuarea involucrata.

ESCOBAR, Juan Antiga y.

See VERA y ESCOBAR, Joseph


ESCOBAR, Leopoldo. 1905. Los purgantes vegetales del país. México, 48 (Guerra lists 32) p. - BN Méx. Also in (Esc. Med. beginning 21(4): 89, cont. in succeeding numbers to p. 398, 1906 and beginning 22: 162, and cont. in succeeding numbers to p. 501, 1907).

ESCOBAR, Abelardo. 1932. "Cultivo de tres Gramíneas forrajeras importantes." (Agr. Méx. 4 8 ( 8 ) : 49-56; also in Campo 15(394): 8, 10, 15, Sept. 30, 1932.) Also as Bol. 4, Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, 8 p., 1932. On zacate Rhodes, Chloris, zacate Sudan, Sorghum vulgare var. sudanense, (identified as Andropogon sudanensis) and mijos, Setaria italica and germanica, Pennisetum iyphoideum, and Panicum crus-galli. (1933?) "El espárrago." (Bol. Esc. Part. Agr., Cd. Juárez, No. 13, 8 p.)

ESCOBAR, Numa Pompilio. See ESCOBAR, Rómulo and Numa P., 1906; ESCOBAR HNOS, 1908-1909; 1909. ESCOBAR, Oscar Domínguez. See DOMINGUEZ ESCOBAR, Oscar. ESCOBAR, Rodolfo. 1928. "Curtiduría." Ciudad Juárez, 23 p., illus. Thesis, EPA. ESCOBAR, Rómulo. See also ESCOBAR HNOS. n.d. Enciclopedia agrícola y de conocimientos afines. Ciudad Juárez, 3 vols. - DPU.



ESCOBAR 1897. "El árbol de Santa María Jel Tule." (Agr. Mex. 3 ( 1 ) : 1-4.) Taxodium. 1897a. "La absorción por las raíces y consecuencias prácticas." (Agr. Mex. 4 ( 5 ) : 1 4 9 - 1 5 3 . ) - D A . Text on plant physiology. 1899. "La cotufa." (Agr. Méx. 7 ( 6 ) : 186-190, illus.) On Helianthus tuberosus. 1900. "El pipirigallo (sainfoin, esparsette)." (Agr. Méx. 10: 234236.) On Hedysarum as a forage plant. 1900-1901. "El zacate de Guinea." (Rev. Agr. 16: 339; 17: 69-70.) On Panicum maximum. 1901. "Chaparro salado Australiano." (Agr. Méx. 12(4): 78-80, illus.) On Atriplex semibaccata. 1901-1903. "Las plantas forrajeras." (Agr. Méx. 11(3): 59-61, illus.; ( 4 ) : 90-92; 12(3): 53-55, 1901; 13(2): 34-36, illus., 1902; 15(3): 61-63, illus.; ( 5 ) : 107-108, 1903; 1 6 ( 3 ) : 52-53, illus.; ( 4 ) : 77-78, 1903.) I. Panicum maximum (zacate de Guinéa); II. Cynodon dactylon (zacate de las Bermudas); III. Sorghum halepense (zacate Johnson); (This was reprinted in Per. Ofic. Gob. Est. Michoacdn 9 ( 9 4 ) : 3, 1901 and 13(51): 3-4, 1905. It was published originally in Rev. Agr. but the volume and date are not specified.) IV. Triticum (spelt and emmer); V. Euchlaena (teosinte); VI. Phleum pratense (zacate Timothy)-, VII. Poa pratensis (zacate azul de Kentucky); VIII. Panicum barbinode (zacate Pará). 1903. "El ginseng." (Agrie. Méx. 15(1): 1-4, illus.) On Panax quinquefolium. 1904. "Una madera preciosa." (Agr. Méx. 17(1): 1-4.) On the hickory, Carya, known as palo de hickory, nogal morado, and nuez chiquita ó pecan. 1904a. "El Agrostis vulgaris." (Agr. Méx. 17(4): 77-78.) 1904b. "La cañagria." (Agr. Méx. 18:25, 50, 73, 97, 121, illus.) also Mexico, 1907, 46 p., map, 5 pl.—DA. Botany, chemistry, distribution, culture, and use. 1904c. The agricultural production of the United States of Mexico. Buffalo, 64 p. Arranged according to products for 1899 and 1900. 1905. "Trébol Mexicano." (Agr. Méx. 1 9 ( 4 ) : 94-95.) On Richardsonia scabra. 1905a. "Problemas agrícolas en México." (Mem. Soc. Ant. Alzate 23: 89-117.) On conservation. 1906. "El henequén en Tamaulipas." (Agr. Méx. 2 1 ( 2 ) : 25-27.) On Agave. ESCOBAR, Rómulo, y P. Numa. 1906a. "El Sr. Ingro. Agrónomo Don José C. Segura." (Agr. Méx. 21: 61-62.) Notice of his death and a brief biography.

1910d. "Arboles útiles a los pajaros." (Agr. Mex. 30(1) 20-22.) With a list of scientific names of trees appropriate to Mexico. 1910e. "El guayule y su propagación." México, 30 p. Bol. No. 25, Est. Agr. Exp. Cd. Juárez, Chih., Sría de Fom. Also in (Agr. Mex. 30(1-4): 24-28, 40-43, 58-65, 86-88 (the last incorrectly numbered) 1910; Rev. For. Mex. 2 ( 8 ) : 199-221, 1911, with the title "Algunos estudios sobre el guayule." (Hac. Ranch. 2 (15, 16): 5-8, 6-11, 1910.) For a review of this work, see Francis E. Lloyd, in (Rev. Trop. Agr. 1(8-9): 251-256, 1910). 1910f. Conferencia é informes sobre el cultivo de secano. México, 49 p. Reports of various meetings, and speeches on dry fanning. 1911 "Mexico and her resources." (Amer. Conserv. 1 ( 4 ) : 119-122, illus.) A very general article. 1914. El cultivo del secano. México, 97 p., illus.-Bibliot. Públ. Durango. 1920. "La cicuta." (Agr. Mex. 3 6 ( 1 ) : 6-8) Discussion of the poisonous effects of the plant, which is not identified. It is also called perejil cimarrón. The common name, cicuta, is often applied to Conium maculatum. 1922. "El espárrago." México, 16p., illus (Bol. Agr. No. 2, publ. by Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx.) On Asparagus. 1923. "Una rica planta silvestre—La jojoba." (Tierra 1(49): 7, 9, illus.) On Simmondsia; compare with article published later in (Agr. Méx., 1935). 1934 "El camote." (Agr. Mex. 5 0 ( 8 ) : 49-56; also in 55(12): 8-9, illus. 1939.) See also Bol. 16, Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, n. d., 8 p. On Ipomoea batatas. 1935. "La jojoba." (Agr. Mex. 5 1 ( 4 ) : 49-56, 1935.) Also in Bol. Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez No. 20, 8 p., 1935. On Simmondsia; compare with article published earlier in La Tierra, 1923. 1936. "Patrones para el persimon." (Agr. Mex. 5 2 ( 3 ) : 2-3.) Lists various species, by scientific names, to be used as stock. 1937. "Alcachofa." (Agr. Mex. 5 3 ( 9 ) : 11-13; repr. in 5 6 ( 4 ) : 3739, 1940 and in 5 7 ( 8 ) : 10-13, illus., 1941.) On the culture of the artichoke, Cynara. 1938. "Bulbos. (Agr. Mex. 5 4 ( 1 ) : 18-23.) Floricultural article with description of various plants. ESCOBAR, Rómulo, and Quintín OCHOA. (n.d.) (after 1938?) "El nopal y el sotol como forrages de invierno." (Bol. 45, Esc. Part. Agr. Cd. Juárez, 8 p.) On Opuntia and Dasylirion. ESCOBAR, Sebastian. See ANONYMOUS, 1871.

ESCOBAR, Rómulo. 1909. "La hierba loca." (Agr. Méx. 28: 61-70.) On Oxytropis lambertii and Astragalus mollissimus. 1909a. "Variedades de árboles frutales propios para la región norte de la mesa central." México, 24 p., Sría de Fom., Est. Agr. Exp. Cd. Juárez, Chih., Bol. 22.-BN Méx. Also in (Agr. Méx. 28: 90-92, 1931). Publ. anonymously. 1910. "Cuatro plantas forrajeras importantes." (Agr. Méx. 2 9 ( 3 ) : 52-55.) 1910a. "Los sorgos forrajeros." (Agr. Méx. 2 9 ( 3 ) : 55-58.) On species of Sorghum. 1910b. "Tres plantas forrajeras." (Agr. Méx. 2 9 ( 4 ) : 78-81). On Batatas edulis (camote), Brassica campestris (rutabaga ó naba forrajero) and Cajanus indicus (chícharo árbol); the last grown from seeds sent from Chiapas. 1910c. "Plantas forrajeras." (Agr. Méx. 2 9 ( 6 ) : 143-145.) Compare with article, published under the same title, in (Rev. Agr. 25: 300-301, 1909-1910.)

ESCOBAR HERMANOS. See also ESCOBAR, Rómulo, and Numa P. ESCOBAR. 1908-1909. "Arboles propios para la región árida del país." (Est. Agr. Exp. Ciudad Juárez, México, Bol. 15, 16. 19, p. 51, 51, 32 resp., illus. )-DA. Prepared with the help of various students listed in the text. For the various trees studied, there is a description, cultural information, uses, and distribution. The section on anacua, Ehretia elliptica, was reprinted in (Bol. Soc. Agrie. Mex. 32: 906-908, 1908). See also Anonymous, 1925-1927. 1909. "Plantas de hortaliza." (Est. Agr. Exp. Cd. Juárez Bol. 18, 32 p.)-DA. Listed alphabetically by common names, with place of origin, scientific names, culture. ESCOBAR BEREA, Isabel A. 1941. "Estudio químico farmacológico preliminar del yoloxochitl." México, 56 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. On Talauma mexicana. 269

ESCOBAR PRIETO ESCOBAR PRIETO, Abelardo. 1956. "El cultivo del manzano." Cd. Juárez, 94 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Pyrus malus. ESCOBAR VILLALBA, Abelardo. See ESCOBAR, Abelardo. ESCOBEDO, A. See WAGNER, Federico, 1940. ESCOBEDO, Victor Manuel Noguez. See NOGUEZ ESCOBEDO, Victor Manuel. ESCOBEDO GAMEROS, Margarita. 1947. "Contribución al estudio de alimentos Mexicanos." México, 49 p. Thesis Chem. On huauzontle, identified as Chenopodium nuttaliae Saff. ESCOFFIE, Homero Lizama. See LIZAMA ESCOFFIE, Homero. ESCOMEL, Edmundo. 1929. "La Lemna minor y la Azolla caroliniana." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 6 0 ( 2 ) : 76-78.) To prevent the development of insect larvae; work was done in Peru, but applies also to Mexico. ESCONTR1A, Manuel. 1936. La guayaba. México, 23 p.—BN Méx. Also in (Gac. Méd. Méx. 66: 317-337, 1936). Medical study of Psidium "en algunos padecimientos intestinales." ESCONTRIA SALIN, Luís. 1943. "El Territorio de Quintana Roo." México, 28 typed p.-SMGE. With a brief section on plants, cited by common names only. ESCOTO, Jorge A. Vivo. See VIVO ESCOTO, Jorge A. ESCOTO SERRANO, Victor. 1939. "El girasol." San Jacinto, México, D. F., 50 p., illus. Thesis, ENA. On Helianthus. ESCUDERO, Alf., and David SALAS. 1925. "Estadística forestal del Estado de Jalisco." (Méx For. 3: 4-9, map.) ¡ With a catalogue of trees listing common names, scientific names and family. ESCUDERO, José Agustín de. 1834. Noticias estadísticas del Estado de Chihuahua. México, 160 (i.e. 260)p. A revised ed. was publ. in 1849, 148 p., map. With a section on vegetable products. Plants are classified as trees, shrubs, roots, fruits, seeds, legumes, etc. 1849. Noticias estadísticas de Sonora y Sinaloa. México, 148 p., map. With a list of plant products, by common names only, and a section on agriculture. 1849a. Noticias estadísticas del Estado de Durango. México, 72 p. With a list of the vegetable products by common names only. 1889. "Catálogo del Herbario de Chihuahua." Ms.—IB Méx. A list of 929 plants, arranged according to cases; then an alphabetical list of genera with locations in the cases. ESCUDERO, Mathéo Escolano de. 1777. "Valle de San Buenaventura." N.p., 64 Ivs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 126(?), Col. P. y T. With drawings of plants and animals, some in color, citing common names and uses. The region is near Durango. ESCUDERO, Rafael Hernández. See HERNANDEZ ESCUDERO, Rafael. ESCUDERO OCHOA, Luis. 1946. "Cultivo del naranjo en Rio Verde, San Luís Potosí." Cd. Juárez, 45 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Citrus aurantium. ESELTINE, Glen P. van. See VAN ESELTINE, Glen P.

ESPINOSA ESENBECK, Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von (ab). See NEES von (ab) ESENBECK, Christian Gottfried Daniel. ESESARTE, Juan A. de. 1909. Geografía del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 105 p.—Bibliot. A. Alzate. Elementary text with a list of plants by common names, classified according to use, a section on agriculture, and references to plants of the various districts. ESKILDSEN, Rosario Maria Gutiérrez. See GUTIERREZ ESKILDSEN, Rosario María. ESNARRIAGA PENICHET, Oscar. 1950. "Informe médico social sobre la población de El Rosario, municipio de Huimanguillo, Tabasco." México, 44 p. Thesis Med. With a long list of plants arranged by uses, cited by common names only. ESPADA, Marcos Jiménez de la. See JIMENEZ de la ESPADA, Marcos. ESPARZA, Benito. 1879. Cuadro estadístico de Paso de Sotos, Jalisco. Guadalajara, 34 p., 21 tables (incomplete in the copy at CU-B). With a very brief list of the agricultural products. ESPARZA, Marcos de. 1830. "Informe de la visita." Zacatecas, 63 p. (In Misc. vol. 32, BN Méx, Sub-Dir. (Rare book Division.) "En los partidos de Villanueva y Juchipila"; there are some references to native plants. ESPEJO, José A. 1951. Geografía de Chihuahua. México, 94 p., map, illus.—Mexico City Book Fair. With a brief section on the vegetation. ESPINDOLA, Nicolás. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). ESPINO BARROS, Carlos. See also ANONYMOUS, 1875-1876. 1875. "El xonequilpatli." (Estudio (Puebla) 1: 44-48.) A detailed description of a new variety of Solidago lanceolata (Royen) var. resinosa (Espino Barros.). ESPINOLA, Francisco Rejón. See REJON ESPINOLA, Francisco. ESPINOSA, Alfredo Ramos. See RAMOS ESPINOSA, Alfredo. ESPINOSA, Antonio Vázquez de. See VAZQUEZ de ESPINOSA, Antonio. ESPINOSA, B. 1900. "El papayo." (Bol. Of. Gob. Est. Michoacán 8 ( 9 ) : 3-4.) Taken from Rev. Agr. The original was not seen. On Carica; "sus propiedades medicinales y alimenticias." ESPINOSA, Héctor Hugo. See ESPINOSA ESPINOSA, Héctor Hugo. ESPINOSA, José Dolores. See also COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban, and J. ALFARO, 1870; GUZMAN MESTRE, A., and R. AZNAR, 1887. (1857). "El henequén." (Mej. Mat. 6: 224-232, 1858-1859; publ. first in Espinosa's Almanaque, 1857. This has not been seen. Also in Mexicano 1: 340-343, 1866; in Diccionario de agricultura y economía rural, 1870; (see Collantes and Alfaro); and in Bol. Agr. Indust. Guadalajara 1: 73-89, 1889.) Was the latter publ. jointly with S. Guzmán Mestre? Emphasis is on the culture. In the last version, did Guzmán Mestre do the natural history of the plant? Compare with Guzmán Mestre and Aznar, 1887. ESPINOSA, Juana Arredondo. Juana.




ESPINOSA, Luís, ed. 1925. Chiapas. México, 220 p., illus.-SH Méx. With a list, under "flora," of important plants, cited by common names only, and with a chapter on cultivated products.



ESPINOSA, Rafael. 1854. "Reseña estadística sobre la Antigua ó Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 4: 121-127.) The ms. entitled "Apuntaciones estadísticas sobre la Antigua ó Baja California," La Paz, 1853, 24 p. is at SMGE. A section on agricultural products is included. ESPINOSA, Rodrigo A. 1897. Ligeros apuntes para la geografía y estadística del Estado de Aguascalientes. Aguascalientes, 48 p.—Bibliot. Reí. Ext. Méx. (Is this the first ed. of the following work?) With a long list of plants, arranged according to use, by common names only. 1900. Ligeros apuntes históricos geográficos y estadísticos del Estado de Aguascalientes. México, 2d ed., 124 p.—Bibliot. A. Alzate. (Is the first ed. the previous work?.) With a list of plants by common names, classified according to use. ESPINOSA, S. See MARTIN y ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS, José, 1831. ESPINOSA AGUILAR, F. See ARELLANO BELLOC, Alejandro, and ESPINOSA AGUILAR, 1939. ESPINOSA ANGELES, Eleuterio. 1942. "La esplotación de los Parques Nacionales." México, 56 typed p. Thesis ENA. Botany of important tree species is taken from Martinez; a list is also given, with distribution, of the principal members of Loranthaceae that attack trees. ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS, Carlos. 1823. Exposición que sobre las Provincias de Sonora y Sinaloa escribió su diputado. México, 44 p., 2 charts. With a list of useful plants including fruits and timbers, cited by common names only. ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS, José Martín y. See MARTIN y ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS, José. ESPINOSA ESPINOSA, Héctor Hugo. 1955. "Contribución al estudio químico de la limonada." Culiacán, 33 p. Thesis Univ. Sinaloa, Fac. Cieñe. Quím. Biol. With a description of the plant identified only as in the Rutaceae, and a report that it contains pilocarpina. Martinez identifies the plant as Murraya exotica. ESPINOSA GARDUÑO, Judith. See RUL, Judith Espinosa duño) de G.



ESQUIVEL MEDINA, Raúl, and Miguél E. GONZALEZ G. 1938. "Marihuana." ( R e v . Med. Yucatán 1 9 ( 1 2 ) : 265-274.) History, botany, and common names of Cannabis sativa. ESQUIVEL RICHMOND, Ricardo. 1947. "El cacahuate." (Campo. 1 4 ( 6 6 0 ) : 43-50.) On Arachis. ESSIG, Edward Oliver. 1934. "Fuchsias." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 13: 1-59, illus.; photographs by Wm. A. Matthews.) The text is mainly descriptions of plants in the illustrations. ESTABILLO, Fermín de. See ESTA VILLON, Pedro Fermín de. (ESTALA, Don Pedro, presbítero.) See also LA PORTE, Joseph de, 1768-1795; NUNNEMAKER, J. Horace, 1948; SALES, Luis, 1794. (1799). Noticias de la Nueva España. México, 1945, 62 p. Bibliot. Aport. Hist., ed. by Vargas Rea. For the original, publ. in 1799, see La Porte; Estala used the initials D. P. E. P. With reference to the study of botany at that time, the state of the botanical garden, and some discussion of agriculture. (1799)a. Veracruz y Oaxaca en 1798. México, 1946, 50 ( 2 ) p . Bibliot. Aport. Hist., ed. by Vargas Rea. For the original, publ. in 1799, see La Porte; Estala used the initials D. P. E. P. Includes the account of Thierry, (Thiery) written in 1777 q.v., which continues the trip through Cordoba to Atlixco, where a large ahuehuete is described. ESTAPE, Angel C. See EMBI, Raúl, 1931. ESTAVILLON, Pedro Fermín de. 1777. "Compendio de las noticias . . . del curato y pueblo de San Miguel de las Bocas (Nueva Viscaya), Durango." N.p., 3 lvs., Ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 12, Col. P. y T. A photocopy of this is at the Department of Geography, CU-B, under the name of Estabillo, Fermín de, with the title "Relación de San Miguel de las Bocas, 1777." ESTEVA, Adalberto A., ed. 1905. México pintoresco. México, 253 p.—MH. Collection of article by various authors, listed below; some comments on plants are included, especially in the article on Uruapan. Contributors include: Antonio Garcia Cubas, Julio Laverriére, Manuel Orozco y Berra, Luís González Obregón, Justo Sierra, Ignacio M. Altamirano, Joaquin Arroñiz hijo, José T. de Cuellar, Edm. Guillemin, Alejandro (sic) de Humboldt, Eduardo Ruiz, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, and Alfredo Chavero.

ESPINOSA RENDON, José D., and Crescencio CARRILLO. 1863. El repertorio pintoresco. Mérida, 586 p., illus.—PU. Contains very brief articles on agriculture: higuerilla, p. 43, by José T. Cervera; algodonero, p. 174, by Joaquin Ancona; frijol, p. 321, by José T. Cervera; others on cochinilla, botany, pifia, and tamarind.

ESTEVA, Cayetano. 1913. Nociones elementales de geografía histórica del Estado de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 470 p.—NN. With a section on the flora, by districts, and one on agriculture, by common names only.


ESTEVES, Antonio Gutiérrez. See GUTIERREZ ESTEVES, Antonio.

1952. "Estudio químico y farmacológico de Castillejo México, 47 p., illus. Thesis Biol.—IPN Méx.


ESQUIBEL, Diego d \ See BEVAN, Bernard 1938; PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). ESQUIVEL. See also EZQUIVEL or ESQUIBEL. ESQUIVEL, Agustín Agustín.





ESQUIVEL, Francisco Anza. See ANZA ESQUIVEL, Francisco. ESQUIVEL, Juan de Dios Nuñez y. See NUNEZ y ESQUIVEL, Juan de Dios. ESQUIVEL CRUZ, Imelda. 1942. Extracción de teobromina. A chemical study.

México, 61 p.—IB Méx.

ESQUIVEL MEDINA, E. See D U T R E M , Wenceslao, and ESQUIVEL MEDINA, 1939.

ESTEVEZ, Ignacio. See LOOCK, E. E. M., 1947. ESTEVEZ, Ricardo Ignacio Bustamante. TEVEZ, Ricardo Ignacio.


ESTEYNEFFER, Juan ( d e ) . See also CANCINO, Juan Pablo, 1792; VALDES, Francisco, 1903. 1712. Florilegio medicinal. México, 522 p.—PPC. Repr. in 1887 with first ed. date given as 1713; 2 vols. (Listed by León as STEYNEFFER). The first book on surgery printed in Mexico. In book 1 there is a chapter on "morbo gálico," with sarsaparilla and guaiacum given as remedies. León comments, "obra escrita según los conocimientos de aquella época y conteniendo muy curiosas noticias sobre plantas Mexicanas y sus aplicaciones." ESTIENNE, Charles. (1564?). L'agriculture et maison rustique. Paris, 1602, 294 lvs., illus., ed. by Jean Liébault. The first ed. was publ. in

ESTRADA ES TIENNE—continued 1564(?). Many other eds. were printed, to 1668. An English trans., by John Frampton, without giving credit to Liébault, was publ. in 1577. In the 1602 ed. lvs. 123-129 are "Discours sur la Nicotiane" and lvs. 129-131 are "Bref discours de la racine de mechoacan." ESTRADA, Cipriano, Jr. 1929. "La papa en el noroeste del Estado de Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 25 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Solanum tuberosum. ESTRADA, Esther. 1931. "Ricino." Morelia, 14 typed p. Thesis, Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Ricinus. ESTRADA, Fernando Méndez. See MENDEZ ESTRADA, nando.


ESTRADA, Genaro. See AJOFRIN and OLITE, 1763; PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del, and GONZALEZ OBREGON, 1885-1904. ESTRADA, Jorge Torres. See TORRES ESTRADA, Jorge. ESTRADA, Oliverio. 1937. Apuntes monográficos del municipio de Tepalcingo. N.p., 40 p., illus., map—Bibliot. G. Echániz. With a list of plants by uses, mostly medicinal, cited by common names only. ESTRADA, Pedro. 1885. Breve estudio sobre la explotación de la caña de azúcar en él Estado de Morelos. Cuernavaca, 64 p.—BN Méx. On Saccharum. 1887. Nociones estadísticas del Estado de Morelos. Cuemavaca, 108 p . - B N Méx. With a lengthy section on the plant kingdom. Plants are listed according to use, with scientific names for some of the medicinal plants. 1896. "Algunas plantas económicas del Estado de Morelos." (Prog. Méx. 3: 465-466.) Listed by common names and described. ESTRADA ACUNA, Consuelo. 1946. "La soya." Morelia, 27 typed p. Thesis, Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Glycine max. ESTRADA FAUDON, Enrique. See VARIOUS, 1960b. ESTRADA FLORES, Andrés de. See VARGAS REA, Luís (18th cent.). ESTRADA G., Manuel. 1953. "La contribución indígena de México en la cultura mundial." (Yikal Maya Than 14(161): 9-12, 14-15.) Discussion of the plants of economic importance that were used in pre-Conquest Mexico; author acknowledges work of Alfonso Caso as source for the article, referring probably to the chapter by Caso in Mexico y la cultura. See Various, 1946. ESTRADA VALDES, Fernando. 1934. Estudio químico del aceite de las semillas de higuerilla de las principales variedades Mexicanas. México, 69 p., illus. IB Méx. With a description of the different varieties. ESTREY, H. Meyners d'. See MEYNERS d'ESTREY, H. ETCHATS (sic). 1934. "Note sur l'origine du mais." (Prem. Cong. Intern. Mais, á Pau en 1930, Compt. Rend. 2: 293.) Cites documents referring to maize, as known in Asia in the 13th century. ETLINGER, Andreas Ernst.

EVERARD 1777. "De Salviae." Erlangen, 63 p. Dissertatio inauguralis.—MHA. With descriptions of various species and their habitats; only S. mexicana is mentioned from Mexico. ETTINGHAUSEN, Constantin von (ritter von). 1857. "Ueber die nervation der blaetter bei den Celastrineen." (Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math-Naturw. CI. 13 ( 1 ) : 43-83, 32 figs., 10 pi.) With a key to species. Mexican plants include a new unnamed species of Dalongia, Wimmeria discolor, and Evonymus acuminatus. With reference to Dalongia, Dr. F. A. Stafleu writes, in a personal communication, "Dr. J. J. Swart . . . has a very complete nomenclatural documentation on the Celastraceae, which was compiled in connection with his work on the Index Nominum Genericorum. Dr. Swart says that, as far as he knows, the genus Dalongia was never validly published. It was one of the numerous nomina nuda in von Ettinghausen^ work and I think that you can safely assume that the name has no standing in botanical nomenclature." 1858. "Ueber die nervation der Bombaceen." (Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Naturw. CI. 14(1): 49-62, 9 fig. 11 pi.) Includes description of Pachira macrocarpa Ch. and Sehl., from Mexico. 1866. "Beitrag zur kenntniss der nervation der Gramineen." (Sifzungsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. CI. 52(1): 405432, 6 pi.) Includes Cinna mexicana Trin., and others from tropical America. 1872. "Ueber die blattskelette der Loranthaceen." (Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Naturw. CI. 32(1): 51-84, 15 pi.) Includes, from Mexico, Phoradendron velutinum DC and Struthanthus concinnus Mart., along with others from tropical America. EUPHRASEN, Bengt Anders. 1795. Beskrifning ofver Svenska Vestindien on St. Barthelemi, samt oarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher. Stockholm, 207 p., 1 pi. (labeled X), map. Trans, into German as Reise nach den Schwedischen Westindischen insel St. Barthelemy . . . by Blumhof (sie), Goettingen, 1798 (fide Pritzel.) With a lengthy section on plants, including an annotated list by genera and species, with descriptions, pp. 96-174. EVANS, Albert S. 1870. Our sister republic. Hartford, 518 p., illus. "A gala trip through tropical Mexico in 1869-1870." Interesting remarks on plants, by a friend of Mexico, and a sympathetic observer. 1872. "The maguey." (Overland Month. 9:20-25.) Popular article giving descriptions and uses of the century plant. EVANS, Mrs. Frank A. See BROWN, Mrs. Stanley N., et al, 1941. EVANS, George W. B. 1945. Mexican gold trail. San Marino, 340 p.; ed. by Glenn S Dumke; pref. by Robert Glass Cleland. Only scattered references to plants. EVANS, Walter Harrison. See VARIOUS, 1896. EVERARD, Giles (Aegidio Everartus). See also NEANDER, Jean, 1622. (1583.) "Compendiosa narratio seu tractatus de usu et praxi radicis mechoacan." Antwerp, 1587, p. 57-73. Bound with "De herba panacea," pp. 3-56, q.v. Both works have introd. epigrams by Castore Durante.—Mn U. The original version, publ. separately in 1583, was not seen. Includes a description and locality for mechoacan. (1583.) De herba panacea. Utrecht, (Ultrajecti (trajectum ad Rheni) ), 1644, 305 p. Publ. first, fide Biog. Univ., in Antwerp, 1583; repr. in 1587 and bound with the author's "Compendiosa narratio . . . de usu et praxi radicis mechoacan," q.v. Description, names of varieties and uses of Nicotiana. Included is Neander's Tabacologia, q.v.

EVERETT EVERETT, Thomas Henry. 1935. "Hunnemannia fumariaefolia." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 36: 245-246, illus.) On the Mexican tulip poppy, with a description and culture data. 1939. "Begonia liebmannii." (Gard. Chron. I l l , 106: 42; illus. on p. 41.) History and description of a plant which, according to the author, has not previously been in cultivation, nor has it been adequately figured or pictured. 1939a. "Plant novelties from Mexico." (Jour. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 40: 278-286, illus.) On plants collected by Thomas MacDougall and raised at the Garden; descriptions are given of Begonia liebmannii, B. lobulata, Quamoclit lobata, Dalechampia scandens, and 27adescantia warscewicziana. 1939b. "Beaux of the Begonia clan." (Real Gard. 2 ( 5 ) : 57-63, illus.) Plants are listed alphabetically by species, with descriptions and place of origin. EVERLY, Mary Louise. 1947. "A taxonomic study of the genus Perityle and related genera." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 377-396, illus.) Includes history of the genus, taxonomy, with a key to species, descriptions, and distributions of the species. P. canescens from Sinaloa is described as a new species. EVREINOFF, V. A. 1950. "Manzanilla." (Fruits Outre Mer. 5 ( 7 ) : 241-243.) Crataegus mexicana Moc. et Sesse; illustrations are from Arboretum et fruticetum Brittanicum, by J. C. Loudon, q.v. EWAN, Joseph Andorfer. See also DUHAMEL du MONCEAU, Henri Louis, 1755; FOSBERG, F. Raymond and EWAN, 1935; GRAYSON, Andrew J., 1871b; HITCHCOCK, Albert Spear, 1935; KEARNEY, Thomas Henry, and P E E B L E S , 1942. 1936. "The genus Delphinium in North America." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 63: 327-342.) Considers the series Pelligerae of subsection Subscaposa; with keys to species and subspecies, descriptions, and distributional data. Refers to Mexican species which were incorrectly placed in some of the taxa cited. 1937. "Cantillas Canyon of Lower California: its geography and botanical history." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 18: 351-362, map.) A history of collectors with a discussion selecting the putative locality, and giving a list of plant species which served as type collections from the locality. 1938. "Creosote bush and the Lower Sonoran zone of the Southwest." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 20: 334-335.) A summary of past studies and some suggestions for the work to be undertaken. 1942. "A bibliogeographical guide to the Brandegee botanical collections. Bibliographical miscellany IV." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 27: 772-789.) A biography and chronological itinerary of both the Brandegees, with gazetteers for the localities. 1944. "The perennial southwestern Datura and the validity of the Matthews hypothesis in plant geography." (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 2 5 ( 9 ) : 235-244, illus., maps.)

F. T. D. can species are discussed on pp. 95-96, with key, descriptions, habitat, and distribution. E W E L L , Ervin Edgar. 1896. "The chemistry of the Cactaceae." (Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18: 624-643, illus.) Mainly on peyote, with a chart comparing Anhalonium fissuratum, A. williamsii, and A. lewinii in the chemical and physical properties of their alkaloids. EWERLIEN, Eugen. 1899. "Die vanille." (Natur 4 8 ( 3 6 ) : 428-429.) With a list of species, their distribution and culture. E X E L L , Arthur Wallis. See also VENTENAT, Etienne Pierre, 18031808; WOODSON, Robert E., et al, 1937-in progress. 1925. "Some overlooked species of Oxalis." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 63: 174-175.) Includes O. villosa from Mexico, named O. dichondraefolia by A. Gray. 1930. "Notes from the British Museum Herbarium." (Jour. Bot. Brit. For. 68: 244-246.) With a description of Bucida megaphylla n. sp. from Mexico. 1931. "The genera of Combretaceae." (Jour. Bot. Br. For. 69: 113120.) With an artificial key to genera, and a key to species of Quisqualis. 1953. "The Combretum species of the New World." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 5 5 ( 3 5 6 ) : 103-141, 5 illus.) With an artificial key to sections; also a conspectus of sections, with distribution, and key to species and varieties. The following species from Mexico: C. argenteum, C. farinosum, C. fruticosum, C. laxum, C. decandrum, and C. rovirosae are included. EXQUEMELIN, Alexandre Olivier (cited also as Exquemeling). 1678. Piratas de la America. Col. Agrippina, 1681, 328 p. Spanish version of the original Dutch De Americaensche zee rovers, trans, by Alonso de Buena Maisón and ed. by Antonio Freyre, Amsterdam, 1678.—NN. The first English version, Buccaneers of America, London, 1684, was done from the Spanish. With descriptions of some of the West Indies, and special sections on fruits and trees. Preceded by a poem, "Descripción de las Islas del Mar Atlántico y de América", by Miguel de Barrios (xvi p.), with interesting references to Mexico, particularly to the state of Michoacán. EXTER, Richard. See 1827.

MEASE, James, 1831; POINSETT, J. R.,

EYDE, Richard H. 1959. "The discovery and naming of the genus Nyssn." 61: 209-218.) EYSTER, William Henry. 1939. "Genetic study in the genus Tagetes." Cong. 117-119.)

(Proc. 7th Int.



Mainly on T. erecta and T. patula. EZQUIVEL. See also ESQUIVEL or ESQUIBEL. F. See FUERNROHR, A. E. F „ Mrs. 1873. "The Mexican climber." (Gard. Month. 15: 243, 331.) An inquiry about the plant, which is identified by the editor (Meehan) as a species of Cocculus; additional description is supplied by John Quill.

A study of leaf forms ( 4 ) in peripheral areas of the range, as compared with less extreme types in the center. 1944a. "Taxonomic history of perennial southwestern Datura meteloides." (Rhodora 46: 317-323, illus.) Discusses the inadequacy of the original description of De Candolle and compares it with the description of D. wrightii Regel. For a detailed discussion of the problem, see Fosberg, F. R. 1959.

F. G. O. See GOMEZ OROZCO (GOMEZ de OROZCO), Federico. F . N. See BIART, Lucien (1862). F . N. H. See HOWES, F. N.

1945. "A snyopsis of the North American species of Delphinium." (Univ. Colo. Stud., Ser. D, Phys. Biol. Sci. 2 ( 2 ) : 55-244, 58 figs., incl. maps.) Covers the morphology, economic importance, geographic distribution, and taxonomy, with regional keys to species. Mexi-

F. T. D. 1931. Ciencias físicas y naturales. México, 6th ed., 338 p., 396 fig. - B N Méx. Text, with a chapter on botany.


F. W. S.


F. W. S. 1953. "Begonia chivatoa(Begonian 2 0 ( 8 ) : 175, illus.) Description of a species from Oaxaca. FABE, F. n.d. Die kakteen und ihre kultur. M. Martinez.

Perleberg, 44 p., illus.—Bibliot.

Includes other succulents too. FABER, F. C. von. See SCHIMPER, Andreas Franz Wilhelm, 1898. FABER, Hermann. See OSWALD, Felix Leopold, 1880. FABER, Johann (also as Juan or Giovanni). See Francisco (1570-1575).



FABRE, Jean Henri. 1899. "Lo que fueron al principio nuestras plantas alimenticias." (Trans, in Prog. Méx. 6: 368-371.) 1899a. "La zanahoria salvaje y la zanahoria cultivada." (Prog. Méx. 6: 401-403.) On Daucus carota. FABREGA, Henri François Pittier de. See PITTIER (de FABREGA) Henri François. FABREGA, N. Molins. See MOLINS FABREGA, N. FABREGAS ROCA, Andrés. See CHARNAY, C. J. D., 1863. FABRI, John. See FABER, Johann.

FABIER, P. A. 1887. El ramie. México, 1889, 28 p . - M N Méx. Trans, from the French; (anonymous trans.). With a preliminary extract from the Diario Oficial, Dec. 4, 1887. The emphasis is on the culture.

F AB RIS, Humberto A. 1949. "Algunas Bignoniaceas cultivadas en la provincia de Buenos Aires y Capital Federal." (Lilloa 17: 61-77.) With keys, bibliography, iconography, and countries of origin of the plants.

FABILA, Alfonso (full name Fábila Montes de Oca). 1938. Valle de El Mezquital (Hidalgo). México, 272 p., illus.IPGH Méx. With a section on plant life in general, discussing useful products, cited by common names only, and a section on agriculture. 1940. Las tribus Yaquis de Sonora. Mexico, 313 p., illus., map. With a section on natural resources of the region where they live. 1941? Exploración económico social del Estado de Yucatán. México, 119 p., map—Bibliot. G. Echániz. In the section on henequen, there are descriptions of varieties, by common names only, and on p. 42, there is a list of plants under "flora silvestre," citing common names only, and uses.

FAGES, Eduardo. See also SOTO, Manuel Fernando, 1869. 1855. Noticias estadísticas sobre el Departamento de Tuspan. Puebla, 126 p., map, 41 tables. The cover is dated 1856. Detailed study of a district, in 1844-1849, with many references to plant life and agriculture.

FABILA, Alfonso, and Filiberto VARGAS TENTORY. ( 1945. ) Chinicuila. Exploración socioeconómica. México, 60 p., map, illus. About a municipio in Michoacán; a section on the flora lists plants by common names only. FABILA, Alfonso. 1945. La tribu Kikapoo de Coahuila. México, 94 p., illus. (Bibliot. Encicl. Pop., vol. 50) Section on natural resources includes a list of native plants. 1945a. Los Indios Yaqui de Sonora. Mexico, 87 p. (Bibliot. Ene. Pop. vol. 68.) Brief list of common native plants is on page 9. Chapter 2 is on cultivated plants. 1947. "Tenancingo, exploración socio-económica." (Rev. Méx. Soc. 9 ( 2 ) : 257-285, illus., map.) A section on the flora contains a brief list of the plants, by common names only. 1949. Sierra Norte de Puebla. México, 209 p., illus. Covers the "municipios de Tlatlauquiá and Zacapoaxtla." Flora, by José Luís Hernández, discusses plants by zones: "templada" and "fría (centro y sur)", and "zona tropical (al norte)." Plants are cited by common names only, and uses are given. FABILA, Alfonso, y Gilberto FABILA. 1951. México. 2 vols., illus., maps. "Ensayo socio-económico del Estado"; with a detailed list of the "flora silvestre," arranged by zones and cited by common names, on pp. 20-21 of vol. 1. FABILA, Alfonso. 1959. Los Huicholes de Jalisco. México, 134 p., illus., maps. (Inst. Nac. Indig. Méx.; Col. Cult. Indig. No. 2.)-PN-Mus. In the section on the "medio físico," there is a brief report on the flora, listing plants by common names. FABILA, Gilberto. See FABILA, Alfonso and Gilberto, 1951. FABILA MONTES de OCA, Alfonso. See FABILA, Alfonso.

FAGES, Pedro. ( 1775. ) "A historical political and natural description of California, 1775." (Cathol. Hist. Rev. 4:486-509 and 5:71-90, 1919.) Pubi, as a separate, Berkeley, 1937, 83 p., map. Trans, by Herbert Ingram. Original ms. is in the Museo Nacional in Mexico. Many of the observations on the plants apply to Mexico as well. FAHLBERG, Samuel. ( 1790. ) "Bermerkungen ueber die baumwollenpflanzungen auf den Amerikanischen inseln besonders auf St. Barthelemi." (N. Abh. K. Schtved. Akad. Wiss. 11: 3-7; 1792; trans, from a 1790 original which was not located.) On Gossypium barbadense. 1792. "Bemerkungen ueber den seide baumwollen (Bombax) und den manchenillenbaum." ( N. Abh. K. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. 11: 207-212, illus.). On Bombax pentandrum and Hippomane mancinella L. FAIRBROTHERS, David Earl. 1953. "Relationships in the Capillaria group of Panicum in Arizona and New Mexico." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 4 0 ( 9 ) : 708-714, 5 figs.) On P. capillare, P. stramineum, P. hirticaule, and P. pampinosum; the last three range into Mexico. FAIRCHILD, David. 1906. "Our plant immigrants." (Natl. Geog. Mag. 1 7 ( 4 ) : 179-201, illus.). Includes a discussion of the tuna and the chayóte. 1939. "The white sapote and the matasano." ( Occ. Papers Fairchild Trop. Gard. 5: 1-7, illus.) On Casimiroa edulis and C. tetrameria, comparing the qualities of each, and possible uses. FAIRHOLT, Frederick William. 1859. Tobacco. London, 332 p., 100 illus. History, description of the plant, and its culture. According to the Arents Catalogue, q.v., this is the most readable and informative of popular 19th century English works on the subject, and the best known. FAIVELEY, J. 1920. "Contribution a l'étude des Cactées Opuntiées." Paris, 29 p. Thesis Med.-DNLM. On various species of Opuntia, with descriptions, and a discussion of their pharmacological and therapeutical values. FAJARDO, José Hernández. See HERNANDEZ FAJARDO, José. FALCON MARIANO, Joseph Agustín. See also VARGAS REA, Luís (18th cent.).



1777. "Descripción de la Mission de Nuestra Señora de el pópulo Guaguachic, Chihuahua." N.p., 24 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 41, Col. P. y T. Natural history is given in detail. FALCONE, Rodolfo. See 1957.


FALCONNET, H. See SEELIGMANN, Th., et al, 1910. FALLINER, José Meza. See MEZA FALLINER, José. FALOMIR, J. Octavio. 1944. "La caña de azúcar en el ingenio de Los Mochis, Sinaloa." Cd. Juárez, 62 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Saccharum. FANSHAWE, Dennys Basil. 1952. "The vegetation of British Guiana - a preliminary review." (Imp. For. Inst., Univ. Oxford, Inst. Paper 29: 1-96, 21 illus.) Detailed study for the parts of the country known. FANTI, Mary. 1943. "The mattress-growing tree; kapok." (Jour. Geog. 42: 96-103, 1 illus.) Mainly on uses, with a brief description of plant and its distribution. FARELA, Cuauhtemoc Vélez. See VELEZ FARELA, Cuauhtemoc. FARFAN, Agustín, (acc. to Comas, the full name is García de Farfán y Elixalde.) See also COMAS, Juan, 1954; 1955; LEJEUNE, Fritz, 1926. 1579. Tratado breve de anathomía y chirugía. México, 274 (i.e. 264) lvs. Original is at CSmH, with a photostat ( 2 vols., 297 p.) at DAFM. Full title: Tratada breve de chirugía y del conocimiento y cura de algunas enfermedades que en esta tierra comunmente suelen haber; ó de algunas enfermedades que mas comunmente suelen haver en este Nueva España. Compare with his Tratado breve de medicina. See also Comas, 1955. 1592. Tratado breve de medicina. México, 353 lvs.—RPJCB. Another ed., México, 1610, 261 p. (Guerra cites 221 lvs.); also a facs. ed. of 1592 ed., Madrid, 1944. Considered by García Icazbalceta, Medina, and León as a 2d ed. of the Tratado breve de anathomía. . . . According to Henry Raup Wagner, (see his Nueva bibliografía Mexicana. . . . , 1946) this is a completely different work. Comas, in his "Influencia de la medicina Azteca en la obra de Fr. Agustín Farfán," quotes from Farfán to show that he considered the 1592 work a 2d ed. of 1579. Many plant remedies are listed. FARFAN, Joan (el mozo). See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José Maríá (1579). FARFAN, Juan (el viejo). See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María (1579). FARIAS, Herminio. 1886. Ligero estudio sobre la yerba del tabardillo. México, 26 p.— DSG. Study of Piquería trinervia, with the emphasis on the chemistry. FARIAS R., Luis. 1939. "Cultivo de algunas plantas de hortaliza." (Agr. Méx. 55 ( 6 ) : 19-23.) FARNHAM, Thomas Jefferson. 1844. Travels in the Californias. New York, 416 p., map; also Oakland, Calif., 1947. Chapter 21 contains a section on animals and plants; the part on plants is brief, but lists common and scientific names. Chapter 19 is on agriculture. Editions were printed in 1844, 1846, 1849, and 1859 with various titles: Life and adventures in California; Life, adventures and travel in California; and The early days of California. 1846. Mexico. New York, 80 p.; another ed., New York, 64 p., (ca. 1846). Some descriptions of agriculture are included.

FARNY, H. F. See OSWALD, Felix Leopold, 1880. FARRINGER, Dale E. See also VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1946. "Sesame". (Agr. Amer. 6 ( 8 ) : 160-163, illus; also in Chemurg. Dig. 5: 353-355, illus., 1946.) With a special section on sesame in Mexico, and an illustration of sesame in Guerrero. See also article in Chemurg. Dig. 7: 17-19, illus., 1948. FARRINGTON, Ernest Albert. 1886. "Observaciones sobre las Anacardiaceas." (Be/. Med. II, 2: 21-28.) Probably trans, from his Comparative materia medica, 1873-1875. FARRINGTON, Oliver Cummings. 1904. "Observations on the geology and geography of western Mexico, including an account of the Cerro Mercado." (Field Col. Mus. Publ. 89, Geol. Ser. 1 1 ( 5 ) : 197-228, illus., map.) With brief references to plants in the text, and in the illustrations. FARUQUI, Shamim A., R. P. CELARIER, and K. L. MEHRA. 1962. "The taxonomy of Setcreasea ovata." (Rhodora 6 4 ( 7 5 7 ) : 6873. Illus.). Distinguished from S. pallida, S. brevifolia, and S. jaumavensis. Mexican distribution of the plant is in Coahuila and Nuevo León. FARUQUI, Shamim A., K. L. MEHRA, and R. P. CELARIER. 1962a. "A new species of Setcreasea from Mexico." (Rhodora ( 7 6 0 ) : 329-331.) S. lanceolata from San Luís Potosí. FARWELL, Oliver. H. W., 1942.

See CLUTE, Willard N., 1934;



FASBENDER, Sister M. Veronica. 1959. "Pollen grain morphology and its taxonomic significance in the Amherstieae, Cynometreae, and Sclerolobieae (Caesalpiniaceae)." (Lloydia 22: 107-162, illus., bibl.) With special reference to American genera. FASSETT, Norman Carter. 1923. "Notes on Distichlis." (Rhodora 27: 67-72.) A discussion and description of D. palmeri from Mexico is included. 1936. "Amorpha fruticosa L. var. angustifola Pursh. f. latior n.f." (Rhodora 38: 190-191.) Distinguishes between var. vulgaris and var. angustifolia; the latter extends into Mexico. The new form comes from the north central United States. 1939. "Elatine and other aquatics." (Rhodora 41: 367-377, illus., 6 maps.) Notes Herb. Univ. Wise. # 1 7 . With a key to species, varieties and forms, descriptions, and distribution. E. triandra var. obovata is described from Mexico. 1940. A manual of aquatic plants. New York, 382 p., illus., bibl. Mainly on the United States, but some plants extend to Mexico; excellent keys and illustrations. 1941. "Mass collections: Rubus odoratus and R. parviflorus." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 299-374, illus.) Includes plants which range into northern Mexico; variation in both species is discussed, with the taxonomy of these variations, and their correlation with geography. 1949. "The variations of Polygonum punctatum." (Brittonia 6 ( 4 ) : 369-393, maps.) With keys to varieties, descriptions and localities, discussion of the Californian and Central American complex, and relationships between varieties. 1951. "Callitriche in the New World." (Rhodora 53: 137-155, 161182, 185-194, 209-222, illus., 24 maps; photographs by Langdon Divers.) Monograph with keys to species, descriptions, and distributional data; a special key is given for Callitriche in Mexico and Central America.



FASSETT-continued 1953.

"A monograph of Cabomba." maps.) Cabomba



18: 116-128,


F E D D E , Friedrich. See also JUST, Johann Leopold, ed., 1873-1935; L O E S E N E R , Th., 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 2 3 ; 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 2 2 . 1900.

is cited as a new species in Mexico.


"North American Ceratophyllum." (Comun. Inst. Trop. Invest. Cient. 2 ( 2 ) : 2 5 - 4 5 , 4 maps, 107 figs.) Summ. entitled "Sinopsis del genero Ceratophyllum en el Nuevo Mundo al norte del Ecuador," is printed in Spanish, pp. 32-33.

With a section on "die Amerikanischen Mahonien," in which Mexico is discussed as "das hauptenwickelungsgebiet der Amerikanischen Mahonien." 1902.

Key to species, with distribution, and discussion of patterns of variation. 1953b.


"Proserpinaca." (Comun. Inst. Trop. Invest. 1 3 9 - 1 6 2 , 17 figs., 7 maps.)



With a key to subgenera, sections, species, and descriptions, distribution, and citations of collections used. A special key is provided for Echinodorus in Mexico. FASSINA, Giuliana. 1961.

"Farmacognosia comparata delle Datura." (Atti 1st. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti, Cl. Sci. Mat. Nat. 1 1 9 : 4 5 1 - 5 0 5 , illus., bibl.)


"Etude organographique anatomique et pharmacologique de la famille Comacees." Lille, 2 2 1 p., bibl., illus., thesis. — CtY. Covers history of family, general morphology, geographic distribution, relationships, and uses. Keys are provided to genera and species with descriptions of the genera, and for each a type species. Charts for the comparison of morphologic characters of different species are divided into Garryaceae, Nyssaceae, Alangiaceae, and Cornaceae.

F A U S B O E L L , A.


"Goldmania Greenman nomen est delendum." Spec. Reg. Veg. 8 : 3 2 5 - 3 2 6 . )



On Allium 1909-1910.


"Neue arten aus der Verwandtschaft der Corydalis aurea Willd. von Nord Amerika." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 40: 205-207.)

from Coahuila is included.


Me VAUGH, Rogers, 1961.

F E D T S C H E N K O , Boris Alexjewitsch, and N. A. BASILEVSKAJA.

Agr. 2 5 : 1 3 6 . )


1910-1936. Flora of Jamaica. London, 7 vols., illus., unf. Vol. 7 is by Rendle and Spencer le Marchant Moore. Description of flowering plants, with keys down to species. Vol. 2 was to complete the monocots except orchids, and vol. 6 was to complete the sympetalous plants with a superior ovary.

"Revisio generis Befaria Vent." (Not. U.S.S.R. 6 ( 3 ) : 3 7 - 4 5 . )

Syst. Herb.



With annotations in English; includes a description of a new species from Mexico: B. ghiesbreghtiana (Planchon). from Oaxaca, plus 3 other species previously described. F E G U E U X , M. 1859.


sur le Cactus opuntia. Paris, 2 7 p.—MH.

Description, chemical analysis, and uses.

F A W C E T T , William. The banana, its cultivation, distribution and common London, i-xi, 287 p., 17 illus.; 2d ed. ( 1 9 2 1 ) . - DA.


F A X O N , Charles Edward. See SARGENT, Charles Sprague, 18911902; 1 9 0 2 - 1 9 1 3 ; 1905. See T U R N E R , B. L., and F E A R I N G , 1960.

"Phylogeny of Pelecyphora, Solisia, and (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 4 ( 1 ) : 1 4 - 1 5 . )


"The genus Astrophytum 15(3): 46.)

Lemaire." (Natl.

With a key to the species and varieties.

Encephalocarpus." Cact.


"Mammillaria H a w . " (Succulenta 2 2 ( 6 ) : 64-67, 76-80, 102108, 114-119, 129-131; illus. incl. portrait of F r . Boedeker.) With a synopsis of the genus and descriptions of the outstanding species.

F E L D K A M P , Cora Lucinda. F E L G E R , Richard S.

See C O R R E L L , Donovan S., 1944.

See VARIOUS, 1960b.

F E L I P E II, King of Spain. See P H I L I P II, in X I M E N E Z , Francisco, 1615.

F E A R N , P. 1959.

F E L D B R U G G E , J. H. B. 1940.

One chapter gives a botanical description of the species of Musa. "Much of the material is taken from the West India Committee Association, 1 9 1 2 - 1 9 1 3 . "

F E A R I N G , O. S.


F E D D E M A , Charles.. .See

F A W C E T T , William, and Alfred Barton R E N D L E .



"Neue arten aus der Verwandtschaft der Corydalis aurea Willd. von Nord Amerika." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 11: 497-499.)

With literature and synonymy for C. curvisiliqua which extends into Mexico.


" L a s legumbres." (Rev.



"Cultivo del ajo." (Rev. Agr. 2 3 : 2 6 7 - 2 6 8 . )



Proposes Caleopsis instead. This is followed on p. 353, by "Noch einmal Goldmania," in which he recognizes Greenman's change to Goldmanella (Bot. Gaz. 4 5 : 198, 1 9 0 8 ) q.v.

FAVEN, E . 1907, 1908.

Nov. Spec.

Includes E. gigas from Lower California.


Agr. 2 3 : 2 8 4 - 2 8 5 . )


"Die geographische Verbreitung der Papaveraceae." ( Bot. Jahrb. Beibl. 81, 3 6 ( 4 ) : 2 8 - 4 3 . ) Repr. in (Ber. Freie Ver. Syst. Bot. Pflanz. Geog. 3 : 2 8 - 4 3 , 1 9 0 5 ) .

"Eschscholtziae generis species novae." (Rep. Veg. 3 : 2 7 - 2 8 . )

See RAUNKIAER, Christen, 1934.

" L a fresa." (Rev.


"Species novae generis Eschscholtziae." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 4 ( 3 5 ) : 153; also in Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 1 ( 2 ) : 17, 1 9 0 5 . )


FAVARI, E . 1907-1908.


A discussion by tribes; with a chart for the distribution of genera, and the number of species in various parts of the world. One section is on the "Central-und Südamerikanisches florenreich".

F A U D O N , Enrique Estrada. See E S T R A D A F A U D O N , Enrique. 1924.

der gattung

With a description and locality for E. pseudopraecox Baja California.

Included is a taxonomic study of the genus, with synonymy, common names, and distribution. Of the 13 species cited, 7 are from Mexico. F A U R E , Antoine Laurent.

"Versuch einer monographic Jahrb. 3 1 : 30-133, illus.)

Review of the history, morphology, and anatomy, with a discussion of the American Mahonias and their distribution. Mexico is noted as an important area for the development of the species. Keys to species are given with descriptions of species and localities. Many are transferred from Berberis to Mahonia.


Amplification of Fernald's treatment; with a key to species, distribution, and patterns of variation in leaves and fruits. "Echinodorus in the American tropics." (Rhodora 5 7 : 133156, 174-188, 2 0 2 - 2 1 2 , 18 maps, 7 6 figs.)

"Die pflanzengeographische Verbreitung der gattung Mahonia." (Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Waterl. Cult. 77 ( 2 b ) : 8 - 1 7 . )


F E L I P O , Juan Bautista. 1793.

See A L Z A T E y RAMIREZ, José Antonio,

F E L I X , Esperanza Moraila. F E L I X , Luis Carlos.

See MORAILA F E L I X , Esperanza.



1945. Introducción de nuevos cultivos en la República Mexicana. Chapingo, 62 p. Scilla marítima, Urginea, and Pyrethrum. FELLERER, Cari. 1892. "Beitraege zur anatomie und systematik der Begoniaceen." Muenchen, 1892, 239 p., 3 pi. Inaug. Diss. In the taxonomic section the family is arranged in systematic order, down to species, with brief notes on the anatomical characters of each. FENNELL, Joseph L. 1940. "Two new North American species of Vitis." Acad. Sci. 30: 15-19.) On Vitis popenoei from Veracruz. 1948. "La uva tropical." ( C a m p o 1 5 ( 6 6 5 ) : 3-24.)


FENZL, Eduard. See also MARTIUS, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, 1840-1906. 1835. "Acanthophyllum C. A. Meyer, eine neue pflanzengattung aus der ordnung der Sileneen." (Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturgesch. 1: 33-68, 3 pl.) With a review of all the genera "der natuerlichen familie der Alsineen," their geographic distribution, and relationships. Sagina is the only one cited from Mexico. 1836, 1839. "Monographic der Mollugineen und Steudelieen." (Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturg. 1:337-384, 1836; 2:245-307, (1839) 1840.) With a conspectus of tribes and genera, their distribution, and a discussion of the groups' affinities. The second part, entitled "Monographie der Mollugineen," ends with a supplement to the first part, citing corrections and additions. Mollugo verticillata occurs in Mexico. 1850. "Arctocalyx eine neue Gesneraceen gattung aus der abtheilung der Eugesnereen." (Denksch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. — Math. Naturio. CI. 1: 177-180; with a résumé in Sitzungsb. of the same Akad. 1: 201-202, 1848.) Also in (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 16: 305-308, 1848). Describes A. endlicherianus from Veracruz and A. insignis from Oaxaca ( formerly Besleria insignis of Martens and Galeotti in Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles 9 ( 2 ) : 37, 1842). (See Martens and Galeotti, Enumeratio synoptica.) 1850a. "Nova quaedam genera et species plantarum vascularium." (Denksch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. Naturio. CI. 1 ( 1 ) : 253-264, illus. ) Cited in Ind. Kew. incorrectly as vol. 2, part 2. Includes Mormolyce. lineolata and Notylia huegellii, both orchids from Veracruz. 1860. "Eine neue Astragalus-art von Mexiko." (Bonplandia 8: 56-57.) The author is listed in the index as Heller. (This is probably Karl (Carl) Bartholomaeus Heller.) On A. helleri.


A discussion of the genus Vitis. FENNELL, N. 1847. "Beschreibung einiger neuen cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 15: 65-66.) Descriptions of Echinocactus muehlenpfordtii, Mammillaria livida and M. schaeferi from Mexico. FENZI, Emanuele Orazio (publ. also as F. Franceschi). See also CONZATTI, C., 1912; RIVIERE, A., and RIVIERE, 1878. n.d. "The anonaceous fruit trees of Mexico." A 2 p. repr. at CCL. The source is not indicated. Publ. under the name of F . Franceschi. Summarizing the work by Foex, q.v. {Bull. 9, Est. Centr. Agr. Méx.)-, with additions by Franceschi, mainly on the last three of the eleven species cited by Foex. 1886. "Yucca angustifolia Pursh." (Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 11: 10-11, illus.) Description, illustration, and horticultural value. 1889. "Yucca filifera Chabaud." (Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 14: 278-280, illus.)

FEREZI SANDOVAL, Raquel. 1948. "Estudio químico y farmacológico del extracto mezquite." Guadalajara, 27 p. Thesis Chem. On Prosopis.

Cited also as Y. canaliculata filifera. 1890. "Dasylirion longifolium." (Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 15: 112-113, pl.) Description and culture. 1893. "Erythea edulis at home." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 13:507-508, illus.) Publ. under the name F. Franceschi. History of the plant, description, distribution, and culture.


FERGUSON, Alastair Mackenzie, and John FERGUSON. 1885. All about the cocoanut palm. Colombo, 1904, 87 p., app. icxcii p. The first ed. was printed in 1855, 235 p. — DA. With a brief reference to cocoanuts in Mexico. 1889. All about spices. Colombo, 247 p., illus. — DA. Compilation of articles and reprints from various sources; mainly on products cultivated in the East Indies; with a good section on vanilla.

1893a. "Notes on the flora of Guadalupe Island." (Zoe 4: 130-139.) Publ. under the name F. Franceschi. An annotated catalogue, by scientific names, with descriptions and localities. 1895. Exotic flora. Santa Barbara, 88 p. name F. Franceschi.


FERGUSON, A. M. 1901. "Crotons of the United States." (12th Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard.: 33-73, pl. 4-31.) With a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. Many from Mexico are included.

OCL. Publ. under the

"A handbook of plants from foreign countries grown at Santa Barbara, California." They are classified as palms, conifers, fruit trees, evergreen shade trees, flowering shrubs, climbers, etc. Some are arranged systematically, with common names and descriptions; others are arranged alphabetically.

FERGUSON, John. See also FERGUSON, Alastair Mackenzie and John, 1885, 1889. 1899. All about India rubber and gutta percha. Colombo, 3d ed., 77 p., app. i-cclix. A list of plant sources of these products includes production figures from various countries. The appendix is from the Encyclopaedia Brittanica. There is also an article on Castilloa by J. D. Hooker (taken from Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., II Bot. 2: 209-215, 2 pl., 1886, q.v.).

1896. "Erythea armata Wats." (Gard. Chron. Ill, 20: 424-425, illus.) Publ. under the name F. Franceschi. With the original description of Watson, and a discussion of the distribution of the species. 1899. "The zapote blanco." ( L a n d Sunshine 1 1 ( 4 ) : 199, illus.) Publ. under the name F. Franceschi. On a large tree of Casimiroa edulis planted in Santa Barbara, from a Mexican source. For additional information as to the name of the author see the biographical article by John H. Tucker in Leafl. Santa Barbara Gard., 1945. 1907, 1908. "Tropic and semi-tropic fruits for southern California." A 2 p. repr. is at OCL. This was printed originally in (Pac. Gard.) Dec. 1907 and Jan. 1908. Publ. under the name F. Franceschi.

FERGUSSON, David. 1863. "Letter of the Secretary of War communicating . . . a report of Major D. Fergusson . . . on the route between Tucson and Lobos Bay." Washington, 22 p., map; (U.S. 37th Congr. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 1.) Excellent army survey, with reports of wild and cultivated plants along the route, ending at Libertad, on the Gulf of California.

Arranged alphabetically by scientific names, with common names and descriptions. Six of those cited are from Mexico. 1840-1906.

FERIA, Ignacio Gómez. FERMIN, Philippe.


See GOMEZ FERIA, Ignacio.

See KENSER, G. A., 1798.



FERMOND, Charles. 1857. Monographie du tahac. Paris, 352 p. Descriptions of species, distribution, common names, history, and properties.

FERNALD, M. L , and Amelia Ellen BRACKETT. 1929. "The representative of Eleocharis palustris in North America." (Rhodora 31: 57-77, 4 pi., Contr. Gray Herb. 83 ( 4 ) . ) With a key to species, varieties, descriptions, and distribution. The following are described from Mexico: E. mamillata Lindb. fil, E. calva Torr, and E. xyridiformis n. sp.

FERNALD, Merritt Lyndon. See also B E E T L E , Alan A., 19411946; ENGLER, A., and DRUDE, O., 1896-1925; LOESENER, Th., 1894-1923; ROBINSON, B. L., and FERNALD, 1894e; SARGENT, Charles Sprague, 1902-1913. 1893. "Notes from the Gray Herbarium." (Zoe 4: 379-380.) With descriptions of Habenaria lucaecapensis, n. sp. and Trifolium gracilentum Torr. and Gray var. inconspicuum, n. var., both from Baja California. 1895. "Undescribed plants from western Mexico." (Bot. Gaz. 20: 532-537.) Based on the collection of Frank H. Lamb in 1894-1895, with new species described. 1897. "Tillandsia dugesii." (Gard. For. 10: 44-45.) Description and illustration. 1897a. "A systematic study of the United States and Mexican species of Pedis." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 33: 55-86, Contr. Gray Herb. # 12.) 1897b. "Some rare and undescribed plants collected by Dr. Edward Palmer at Acapulco." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 33: 86-94, Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 2 . ) 1900. "A synopsis of the Mexican and Central American species of Salvia." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 35: 489-554, Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 9 . ) 1900a. "A revision of the Mexican and Central American Solanums." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 35: 557-562, Contr. Gray Herb. #19.) Of the section Torvaria. 1900b. "Some undescribed Mexican phanerogams chiefly Labiatae and Solanaceae." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 35:562-573, Contr. Gray Herb. # 19.) 1901. "Some new spermatophytes from Mexico and Central America." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 36: 488-506, Contr. Gray Herb. # 2 1 . ) The description of one of them, Alcoceria pringlei, was translated into Spanish and printed in (Naturaleza II, 3: 554, 1 p i , 1901). 1904. "Synopsis of the Mexican and Central American species of Alnus." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 40:24-28.) (Contr. Gray Herb. # 2 8 . ) 1904a. "Some new species of Mexican and Nicaraguan dicotyledons." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 40: 52-57) (Contr. Gray Herb. 28(6).) Twelve species, in 6 genera, are described from Mexico. 1907. "Diagnoses of new spermatophytes from Mexico." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 43: 61-68, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 4 . ) Descriptions of 16 new species in 6 genera. 1910. "New and little known Mexican plants." (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 45: 415-422, Contr. Gray Herb. # 3 8 . ) Chiefly on Labiatae. 1913. "The indigenous varieties of Prunella vulgaris in North America." (Rhodora 15: 179-186.) With a key to varieties, descriptions, and distribution; included from Mexico is P. vulgaris var. lanceolata forma iodocalyx.

FERNALD, M. L. 1931. "Specific segregations and identities in some floras of eastern North America and the Old World." (Rhodora 33: 25-63, 33 maps, Contr. Gray Herb. # 9 3 . ) A study of plant distribution in time and space involving some genera and families which extend into Mexico e.g. Platanus, Cercis, Haemadoraceae (sic), Xyridaceae, Diospyros, Burmanniaceae, Halorrhageae, and Nyssa. 1932. "The linear-leaved North American species of Potamogeton, section Axillares." (Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 1 7 ( 1 ) : 1183, 40 pi. 31 maps, Mem. Gray Herb. 3. ) Considers morphology, with the emphasis on diagnostic characters, geographic distribution of subsections and species; a synoptic treatment with a key to species, descriptions, list of localities, and exsiccatae. Four taxa are cited from Mexico: P. foliosus var. genuinus, P. panormitanus var. major and minor, and P. diversifolius. 1934. "Realignments in the genus Panicum." (Rhodora 36 : 61-87, Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 0 3 . ) Among the species discussed is P. laxiflorum Lam, var. strictirameum (Hitch, and Chase) comb. nov. from Mexico. 1937. "Nomenclatural transfers and new varieties and forms." (Contr. Gray Herb. 1 1 8 ( 4 ) : 309-320). Reduces Astragalus trichocalyx Nutt. to a variety of A. mexicanus A. DC. 1938. "New species, varieties, and transfers." (Rhodora 40: 331358, illus.) Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 2 2 . Includes from Mexico: Agrimonia striata var. campanulata, var. nov. 1943. "Five common rhizomatous species of Muhlenbergia." (Rhodora 45: 221-239, illus, Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 4 8 . ) Discusses M. mexicana (the true M. mexicana and the M. mexicana of recent authors); with 2 forms, ambigua and setiglumis. 1945. "Transfers in and animadversions on Artemisia." (Contr. Gray Herb. # 1 5 7 ; Rhodora 47: 247-256.) Discussion is included of A. ludoviciana Nutt. var. mexicana (Willd.) Fern, and Artemisia albula Wooton. FERNANDEZ, Agustín. 1777. "Curato de Tamazula (N. Vizcaya)." N.p, 6 lvs, ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 89, Col. P. y T. The locality is in Durango. FERNANDEZ, Alexandre Athanasio. n.d. "Compendio de la geografía física de este curato de San Pedro Acatlán en la dirección de Nexapa." N.p, 5 lvs, ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 4, Col. P. y T. The locality is in Oaxaca. FERNANDEZ, Carlos. 1890. "Apuntes referentes a la municipalidad de Chalchihuites, Zacatecas." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. IV, 2: 132.) With a short section on agricultural products.



1914. "The genus Ruppia in eastern North America." (Rhodora 16: 119-127, illus.) A study of R. maritima with a key to varieties, descriptions, and distributional data. One variety, rostrata, is cited from Manzanillo.

FERNANDEZ, Jesús. See CAMPOS, Armando, and FERNANDEZ, 1960. FERNANDEZ, Josef. 1789. "Jurisdicción de Huatulco, Oaxaca." N.p, 7 lvs, m s , M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 55, Col. P. y T.



1919. "The unity of the genus Arenaria." (Contr. Gray Herb. 57 ( 1 ) : 1-7.) With a table comparing Arenaria, Moehringia, and Merckia.


2 1 ( 2 4 1 ) : 1-7.)


1892. Lenguas indígenas de Centro América en el siglo XVIII. San José, 110 p.-NN. "Según copia del archivo de Indias hecha por el Lic. Don León Fernández y publicada por Ricardo Fernández Guardia





y Juan Fernández Ferraz para el 9 o Congreso de Americanistas." Contains Spanish-Choi vocabulary by Juan Jossef de la Fuente Albores, p. 43-48; Tzotzil by Nicolás de Morales y Astiná, p. 49-55; Tzendal, Anón., p. 57-62; Chanabal (sic) by Antonio de Rivera, p. 63-68; Zoque by Feliciano Antonio Vivero, p. 69-74, and Chapaneca (sic), Anon., p. 81-86. FERNANDEZ, Livier.






FERNANDEZ, Manuel. See also BARROSO, Agustín, 1875. 1878. "Informe sobre el reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuantepec." (An. Min. Fom. Rep. Méx. 3: 309-330.) Repr. as a separate, México, 1879, 146 p . - I C J . With a section on the vegetation, pp. 125-146, taken from Barroso, Agustín, 1875, q.v. FERNANDEZ, María Hermelinda Barreda. See bARREDA NANDEZ, Maria Hermelinda.


FERNANDEZ, Ramón. See F E R N A N D E Z y FERNANDEZ, Ramón. FERNANDEZ AGUADO, Manuel. See CAL y BRACHO, Antonio, 1832. FERNANDEZ de CASTRO, Jorge. 1925. "Contribución al estudio de cihuapatli." México, 78 p. Thesis Med. UNAM. History, synonymy, and botany. FERNANDEZ de CORDOBA, Francisco. See WAGNER, Raup, 1942; ANONYMOUS 1647.


FERNANDEZ de CORDOBA, Susana Uribe-Ortiz de. See POMPA y POMPA, Antonio, 1954. FERNANDEZ de JAUREGUI, Manuel (also Manuel F. de Jauregui). See also VARIOUS, 1874. 1871. "Algunas purgantes indígenas." (Obs. Med. 1 ( 2 3 ) : 358-364). Guerra cites a separate, México, 24 p., 1871. Compare with "Estudio acerca de algunas purgantes indígenas," Naturaleza 7: 104-113, 1885). On plants, in the Convolvulaceae, called jalapa; history, description, uses, chemical analysis; emphasis is on the true jalap, Exogonium (Ipomoea) purga; various substitutes are cited with common names, description, uses, and localities. 1876. "La pegaropa amarilla." (Naturaleza 3: 95-96.) Description and chemical analysis of Mentzelia hispida.



version of the author's Historia general, q.v. The 1942 and and 1950 editions contain bio-bibliographical material on Fernández de Oviedo. In the 1950 edition, notes on plants give identification in current Mexican terminology. Colmeiro calls the first edition "la primera obra que con algún detenimiento y formal propósito se escribió de las cosas naturales de América." 1535. Historia general y natural de las Indias. Madrid, 1851-1855, 4 vols., 50 books, illus., maps; first complete ed. The first 19 books and part of the 50th were originally publ. as La historia general de las Indias—La primera parte de la general y natural historia de las Indias in Sevilla, 1535, and reproduced in Salamanca, 1547 as Crónica de las Indias. The 20th book beginning the Segunda parte de la general historia de las Indias was publ. in 1557. The rest of the second part was not publ. until the 1851 ed. An English trans, of the Historia . . ." by M. Lok was publ. in London, 1625, 319 p., as History of the West Indies. For more bibl. detail see the D L C catalogue. In 8 decades, with the 4th on Mexico, covering many topics: navigation, geography, climate, mining, history, and government, as well as the flora and fauna of the region. Books 8-11, in part 1, are on plants. Chapters 2 and 3 of book 10, and chapter 17 of book 16 of part 1, were published separately, fide León, as Dos tratados del palo de guayacán, in 1552. A translation of the parts that have to do with cacti, chapters 23-25, and chapter 1 of book 10, was published by F. Vaupel in (Monatschr. Kakteenk. 29: 25-31, 49-54, 61-66, illus., 1919 (with both the Spanish and German) under the title Crónica de las Indias, and with the author cited as Goncález Hernández de Oviedo y Valdés). León says of the author: "Fué . . . el primero que se ocupó de las cosas naturales de América y con bastante exactitud." Of the glossary at the end of the work, Colmeiro comments as follows: "es de sentir que frecuentemente falte la correspondencia científica, y todavia es mas sensible que en algunos casos séa equivocada ó incorrecta la que se expresa. Hubiera convenido fiar semejante trabajo a un naturalista, que no careciese de la oportuna erudición." F E R N A N D E Z de YBARRA, Augustine CHANCA, Diego (1494).




F E R N A N D E Z del CAMPO, Luís. (1896). Cultivo de la caña de azúcar. México, 1901, 219 p., 5 pl. Thesis, ENA, 1896, 290 lvs., illus. Repr. in (Bol. Agr. Min. Ind. 1 0 ( 5 ) : 3-39, 1900 illus., cont. to No. 8: 3-85, 1901). Includes history, description, classification, and culture.

FERNANDEZ de la LANZA, Manuel. 1939-1940. "El cultivo del naranjo en el Estado de Sonora." Hermosillo, 136 p. Thesis EPA. On Citrus aurantium. FERNANDEZ de L I Z ( L I S ) , Padre Fray Buenaventura. See LIZ, Fernández de. FERNANDEZ de MIRANDA, María Teresa. See MIRANDA, Maria Teresa Fernández de. FERNANDEZ de NAVARRETE, Martín. See ALVAREZ CHANCA, Diego, 1494. FERNANDEZ de O V I E D O y VALDEZ, Gonzalo. See also CHIOVENDA, Emilio, 1921; E D E N , Richard, 1555; G O T T F R I E D , Johann Ludwig, 1631; PEAKE, Thomas, 1655; RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista, 1550-1559; WAGNER, Henry Raup, 1942. 1526. Oviedo de la natural hystoria de las Indias. (Sumario de la natural y general istoria de las Indias—on verso of title page). Toledo, 60 p., 3 illus. Repr. in Bibliot. Aut. Esr>., Madrid, 1858, 22: 471-515. An imperfect repr. was also publ. in London in 1625 by Samuel Purchas (Purchas his Pilgrimes q.v.) and repr. in 1902. An ed., entitled De la natural historia de las Indias, ed. by Enrique Alvarez López was publ. in Madrid in 1942. A complete trans, into modern English, prepared and ed. by Sterling A. Stoudemire, The natural history of the West Indies, was publ. in Chapel Hill, 1959, 140 p., map, illus., bibl., as Univ. N. Carolina Stud. Rom. Lang. Lit. No. 32. A Mexican ed., with notes and introd. by the ed., José Miranda, was publ. in 1950, 279 p., under the title Sumario de la natural historia de las Indias. This work is sometimes cited mistakenly as a condensed


F E R N A N D E Z del CASTILLO, Francisco. See also MANGE, Juan Mathéo (Matéo) (1693-1721). 1927. "Apuntes para la bibliografía del presbítero bachiller José Antonio Felix de Alzate y Ramírez Santillana." (Mem. Soc. Ant. Alzate 48: 347-375.) 1943. "Historia de la materia médica Mexicana." (Sugestiones 8 ( 9 ) : 17-28, illus.). On "los primeros investigadores"—Sahagun and Hernández; continuation was planned, but never published. 1945. "Introducción a la historia de la medicina en México." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 75 : 439-468). With an interesting 16th century Mexican medical chronology. 1953. "Las lecciones de farmacología por el Dr. Leonardo Oliva." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 8 3 ( 6 ) : 503-507, port.) Analysis of the work on the 100th anniversary of its publication, and a biography of the author. 1955. "La medicina contemporánea ante las vivencias de las culturas antiguas de América. III." (Médico 5 ( 5 ) : 36-41, 66-68; ( 6 ) : 30-33, 82-86, illus.; ( 7 ) : 74-82.) Last part contains a map of Hernández' voyages, from Somolinos, q.v.; emphasis is on connections between Hernández, Ximénez, and Huaxtepec. 1955a. "La medicina y los mitos Aztecas." (Médico 5 ( 8 ) : 76-86, illus.) Mainly on various gods connected with therapeutics.




FERNANDEZ del CASTILLO-continued 1955b. "La Ilustración del siglo XVIII en México y el Dr. José Ignacio Bartolache." (Sinopsis 6 ( 2 ) : 19-26, illus.)

FERNANDEZ POSADA, Manuel. 1938. "Estudio farmacológico de la Ipomoea Thesis EMM.

FERNANDEZ DEL VALLES, Justo. 1881-1882. "Dictamen sobre las medidas para conservar y aumentar los montes y arbolados." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 4 : 362-364.)

FERNANDEZ R., Enrique. 1939. "La vainilla." (Rev. Com. Ext. 3 ( 1 3 ) : 37-52, illus.)

stans." México, 47 p.

FERNANDEZ R„ Julián. 1940. "Esencia de lináloe Mexicano." (Bol. Dir. Gral. For. Caza Méx. 1 ( 3 ) : 13-23, mimeogr.) With description of 2 species of Elaphrium, one of Bursera, and one of Idea.

FERNANDEZ DURO, Cesáreo. See also MUELLER, Frederik (1520). (1520?) "Primeras noticias de Yucatán." (Bol. Soc. Geog. Madrid 19: 338-342, 1885.) A report on a letter dated only May, found in the Academia de Historia de Madrid, Colección de Salazar, M. 145 fol. 15, referring to a place called Hiucatá. The letter is reproduced under the title "Las neuvas que vinieron de Sevilla, de todo lo que traía una carabela que viene de Tierra Firme, las cuales enviaron el Arzobispado de Granada, Presidente del Consejo" (identified as Antonio de Rojas). The letter is also reproduced by Angel Nuñez Ortega, in an article also entitled "Primeras noticias de Yucatán," in (Rev. Nac. Letras Cieñe. 3: 193-196, 1890). Nuñez suggests that the letter is the second of three, published in Amsterdam, 1871, by Frederik Mueller, q.v., with the title Trois lettres sur la découverte du Yucatan (1518) and reprinted in 1875, 22 lvs. Nuñez Ortega presents his Spanish translation of the German version; it is dated Nov. 7 and described as having been sent from Sevilla to Juan de la Peña. Despite discrepancies, the text is very similar and Nuñez Ortega feels that the letter found by Fernández Duro and the one printed in Trois Lettres are the same.

FERNANDEZ RUBIO, Joaquín. 1936. El trigo como alimento. México, 45 p.—IB Méx. A chemical study. FERNANDEZ y FERNANDEZ, Ramón. 1946. "Los recursos naturales de México." (Rev. Econ. 9 ( 2 ) : 3435). Critical review of the work by Vogt, as presented at the Segundo Congreso Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales. FERNANDEZ y PASALAGUA, Luís. 1880. "Informe sobre la existencia de plantas propias para la fabricación del papel." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 1: 262-263.) Letter to the above from M. (Matías?) Romero and Francisco F. Carrere, answering request for information, lists plants by common and by scientific names. FERNOW, Bernhard Edward. 1897. "The forests and deserts of Arizona." (Proc. Amer. For. Assoc. 12: 71-95.) A general description of the area with a list of outstanding plants, common and scientific names, brief descriptions, and uses.

FERNANDEZ ENCISO, Martín (DLC lists as ENCISO). 1519. A brief summe of geographie. London, 1932, lvi and 210 p., ed. E. G. R. Taylor. From a ms. in the British Museum by Roger Barlow, who, in 1541, prepared this annotated English trans, from the original Spanish Suma de geografía, printed in Sevilla, 1519. An excerpt from the Suma . . . , called Descripción de las Indias Occidentales, 30 p., was publ. in Santiago de Chile, 1897, with a prologue by José Toribio Medina. First to mention the avocado, according to Condit.

FERRA y CARMONA, Nicolás. 1777. "Descripción . . . de San Pablo Coatlán, Oaxaca." N.p., 7 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 25, Col. P. y T. FERRAR, Miguel Francisco de. 1777. "Curato de San Miguel Talixtaca." Ms., 5 lvs. at MN Méx., Leg. 100, No. 88, Col. Paso y Troncoso. The region described is in Oaxaca.

FERNANDEZ EN VILA, Miguel. 1914. El Estado de Campeche. México, 26 p.-Bibliot. SMGE. In the section on natural resources, a list of plants is included with common and scientific names.

FERRARI, Enrique Olavarria y. See OLAVARRIA y FERRARI, Enrique.


FERRARI, Giovanni Battista (also as Jo. Baptista Ferrarius). 1646. Hesperides. Rome, 480 p., 100 pi. On the culture and uses of the "golden apples," malorum aureorum, malo citreo, malo limonero, and malo aurantio.

FERNANDEZ GUARDIA, Ricardo. See FERNANDEZ, León, 1892. FERNANDEZ LANDERO y OLLIVIER, Maria Christina. 1949. "Estudio químico del nopal." México, 65 p.—Thesis Chem. UNAM. Discusses the following species: Opuntia ficus indica, O. robusta, O. tomentosa, O. hyptiacaniha, and O. megacantha. FERNANDEZ LEAL, Manuel. 1891. "El cultivo del naranjo." (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 1 ( 4 ) : 7-26.) On Citrus aurantium.

FERRARIO, Giulio. 1815-1834. II costume antico e moderno. Milano, 21 vols. North America, including Mexico, in vol. 16(1): 498-619, illus., 1826.—NN. Text includes history and general physical description of Mexico; a section on plant life, according to regions, with scientific names; also a section on foods. Some illustrations are taken from Nebel, q.v.

FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, Jorge. 1954. "Microscopía de las fibras de celulosa obtenida de la palma china—Yucca filifera." México, 51 p., illus. Thesis Chem., UNAM.

FERRARIUS, Jo. Baptista. See FERRARI, Giovanni Battista. FERRAZ, Juan Fernández. See FERNANDEZ FERRAZ, Juan. FERRE, Y. de. 1941. 1944. "Etude morphologique des graines de Gymnospermes." (Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse, Tome 2, Etud. Dendr., Prem. Sect., Les Gymnospermes, vol. 2, graines et plantules, art. 1: 1-14, illus., bibl., 1950. Publ. originally as "Morphologie des graines de Gymnospermes" in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 76: 81-86, 1941, and 79; 73-80, 1944.) Additional material for Hickel's study, Graines et plantules de Conifères, q.v. Juniperus mexicana is included. 1941, 1952. "Etude morphologique des plantules de Gymnospermes." ( Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse, Tome 2, Etud. Dendr., Prem. Sect., Les Gymnospermes, 2 ( 2 ) : 1-12, illus., 1941; The first part was publ. originally as "Morphologie des plantules de Gymnosper-

FERNANDEZ MOREJON. See XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615. FERNANDEZ MUZQUIZ, Emma. 1937. "Contribución al estudio del pavemal." Monterrey, 31 p. Thesis Pharm. On Papaver somniferum. FERNANDEZ PAZ, Juan Francisco. 1791. "Descripción topográfica de la jurisdicción de Malinalco." N.p., 9 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., map, Leg. 99, No. 54, Col. P. yT. The site is also listed as Pueblo de San Salvador de Malinalco, México. 280



mes" in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 76: 87-90, 1941. The continuation, p. 8-12, is dated 1952.) 1947. "Cotyledons et evolution chez les Taxodinées." (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 82: 214-224, illus.) A study of 7 genera, including Taxodium. 1952. "Les formes de jeunesse des Abietacées." (Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse, Tome 2, Etud. Dendr., Prem. Sect., Les Gymnospermes, vol. 3, Formes de jeunesse, art. 1, 284 p., illus., bibl.) A comparative study of seedling structure. FERRER, Auger (Augerius Ferrerius).

1950. "A new species of Abronia from Baja California, México." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 4 ( 2 ) : 32-36, illus.) On Abronia carterae. 1959. "New combinations in Aster." (Madrono 15: 128.) A. occidentalis var. parishii (Gray) Ferris and var. delectabilis ( H . M. Hall) Ferris, both extending into San Pedro Mártir, Baja California. FERRIZ SAVINON, Abraham. 1923. "Una riqueza forestal no explotada en México." (Méx. For. 1(11-12): 10-11.) On various tannin sources, mentioned by common names only.

1564. De pudendagra lue Hispanica, libri duo. Antwerp, 58 lvs. -PPC. With excerpts from Cardanus on radice ciña and sarzaparilia in Part 2, and references to guaiacum as a cure. FERRER, Carlos A. 1936. "Nuevos datos acerca de los recursos de la Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 45: 481-515.) With scattered references to plants. FERRER, Ignacio K. See RUIZ SANDOVAL, Alberto, et al, 1887. FERRER de MENDIOLEA, Gabriel. 1952. "Geografía de Yucatán." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 7 4 ( 1 / 3 ) : 161-238, maps, bibl.) Discusses physiographic features and the flora (very superficially); in agriculture there is a list of fruits and other food plants, cited by common names only.

FERRO, Ramón de Silva. See SILVA FERRO, Ramón de. FERRUS, Alphonse. See FERRI, Alphonse. FERRY, Hippolyte. 1850. Description de la Nouvelle Californie. Paris, 385 p. References to many plants that grow in Mexico are found in chapter 7, on the vegetation, particularly in the section on native plants. They are cited with scientific as well as common names. FERRY, Philip. 1950. "Tree of the sorrowful night." (Nat. Hist. 59: 296-299, illus.) With references also to Taxodium in Chapultepec, and to the tree in Tule. FERWERDA, F. P. 1951. "De vormenrijkdom bij mais." (Zaadwereld 1 5 ( 8 ) : 261-270, illus.) In Dutch and English. On the diversity of types in maize, with special reference to shape, color, and structure of the grain.

FERRER PEREZ, Emma. 1946. "Harina de plátano macho." Guadalajara, 46 p. Thesis Chem., UNAM. Common names, and a description, of Musa sapientum. FERRER S., Vicente. 1951. "Cultivo explotación é industrialización de la fibra vegetal y textil ramio en el Estado, de Veracruz." (Veracruz 5: 6-21, Sept./Oct. ) On Boehmeria nivea. FERRERES, Luis P. 1947. "El cultivo del almendro." (Rancho Méx. 3 ( 1 6 ) : 26-30, 77; ( 1 7 ) : 17-21, 77.)

FESCA, Max. 1904. Der pflanzenbau in den tropen und subtropen. Berlin, 1911, 3 vols. First ed., 2 vols., 1904. Plants are divided according to use, with information as to culture. FEUCHTWANGER, Lewis. 1832. "Notice of the tropical plant guaco." (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts 22: 182.) A short report on the value of Mikania guaco Humb. and Bonp.

With illustrations of varieties. FERRERÒ, José. 1920. Pequeña gramática y diccionario de la lengua Tarahumara. México, 228 p. Also pubi, as Diccionario Tarahumar - Castellano, México, 1924, 115 p . - S H Méx. Plants are identified only as to general use, or by common name in Spanish.

F E U I L L E E , Louis. (Luis, cited by León as Feville, P. Fr. Luis, mínimo). See also FREZIER, Amedée Francois, 1716. 1714-1725. Journal des observations physiques, mathématiques, et botaniques. Paris, 3 vols., 100 pl. Vols. 2 and 3 contain "Histoire des plantes médicinales qui sont le plus en usage aux royaumes du Pérou et du Chily dans l'Amérique méridionale," (2: 704-767; 3: 1-71, 50 pl. each). This was translated by George Leonhard Huth as Beschreibung zur arzeney dienlicher pfianzen, Nuernberg, 1756-1757, 2 vols., 100 pl., some colored; (numbers vary in different copies). A few Mexican plants are included: Argemone mexicana, Jalappa officinarum, Datura arbórea ( as Stramonioides arboreum ). Vol. 3 is subtitled Observations faites aux Isles Antilles et sur les côtes de Nouvelle Espagne depuis 1703 jusqu'en 1706. The preface to this volume is entitled "Reflexions critiques sur différentes observations faites par M. (Amedée François) Frézier, ingenieur de Roi, dans la relation de son voyage a la Mer du Sud." q.v. (English title, "A voyage to the South Sea and along the coasts of Chili and Peru"). All of this is confusingly combined in the citation which León quotes from Pinelo Garcia (under Feville) as "Observaciones hechas por el ingeniero Frezier, en el proemio del viaje a Nueva España."

FERRERÒ, Rómulo A. (1939.) "Posible influencia Asiática sobre la flora Americana." (Proc. 27th Int. Cong. Amér., Lima: 27-28, 1942.) Summary of a report based on cytologic and genetic studies of cotton, which indicate "direct participation of Asiatic plants in the origin of American plants." FERREYRA, Ramón. 1944. "Revisión del género Onoseris." 395, 9 pi.)

(Jour. Arnold Arb. 25: 349-

Includes history, morphology, relationships, distribution, key to species, and descriptions. Only O. onoseroides ( H.B.K. ) Rob. is described from Mexico. FERRI (FERRIUS), Alphonse. See FRACASTORO, Girolamo, 1530. FERRIS, Roxana Judkins ( Stinchfield ). See also AB RAMS, Le Roy, 1923-1960; GONZALEZ ORTEGA, Jesús, 1936. 1927. "Preliminary report on the flora of the Tres Marías Islands." (Contr. Dudley Herb. 1 ( 2 ) : 63-81, 4 pi.) A general description of the area is followed by an annotated list of species, principally those not heretofore reported from the islands. A new genus, Celaenodendron (C. mexicanum Standley) is described from the area; new species and a new variety are described from nine other genera.

FEVILLE, Luís. See F E U I L L E E , Luís. (FEWKES, J. Walter.) 1923. ("Cholla"). Typed copy of a letter sent to Mr. Frederic J. Haskin by the chief of Bur. Amer. Ethnol., July 24, 1923, 3 lvs. Ms. is at Smithson. Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol. #1851. Publ. anonymously. 281




FEWKES-continued Gives only general information about the plant with the emphasis on adaptations.

In volume 1, there is a brief section on plant products for the country, and one for the Distrito Federal. Second volume gives plant products by states.

FIALLOS V., Eusebio. 1919. Apuntes a la flora Hondurena. Tegucigalpa, 174 p. By families, but the arrangement is not clear; species within the families are discussed.

FIGUIER, Guillaume Louis. 1865. Histoire des plantes. Paris, 531 p., 415 figs. — PPAN. León cites an 1871 ed. An English version with the title, The vegetable world was pubi, in London, 1867, 576 p., illus. The last part, on distribution, contains a section on Mexico. 1873. "Eucalyptus globulus." (Hogar 2 ( 2 ) : 17-19,) Trans, by Antemio Manon; original source is not stated. Discussion of medicinal values and culture.

F I D E L , J. and Esther TRISTAN. 1931. "Bau und bestaeubung der bluete von Sechium edule Sw." (Biol. Genet. 7: 334-343, 4 figs., trans, from the Spanish by Otto Porsch.)

FIGUIER, Luis. 1908. "Dos plantas maravillosas." (Progreso (Tabasco) 4(13):2.) On Dionaea and Valisneria, the last reported from Tabasco.

FIECHTNER, Dietrich. 1950. "Die wirtschaftsgeographische struktur der Vereinigten Staaten von Mexiko." Muenchen, 146 typed lvs., maps, bibl. Thesis.

FILATTI, Rosa. See also SORRE, Maximilien, 1928. 1930. Indicios de aridez en México. México, 29 p., map — Bibliot. G. Echániz. With references to dominant plants in various regions, cited by common names only.

Considers climate and vegetation on p. 1-5, cultivated plants, p. 5-13, distribution of the most important crop plants and special sections for each plant to p. 61. F I E D L E R , Hans. 1909-1910. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Nyctaginiaceen." Jahrb. 44: 572-605, illus.) Morphologic study with keys to genera. F I E L D , Alberta A. 1902. "Cereus giganteus." (Amer. A popular article.


FILATTI, Rosa, Manuel MUÑOZ LUMBIER, and Luciano LOPEZ SORCINI. 1935. Bosquejo geográfico-económico del estado de Tlaxcala. México, 2d ed., 86 p., illus., map. Pubi, by Sría. Econ. Nac., Of. Geog. Econ., Méx. — Bibliot. A. Alzate. With a section on agriculture and one on the forest resources of the state.

Bot. 4: 4-6.)

F I E L D , Henry. 1953. "Notes on medicinal plants used in Tepoztlán, Morelos." (Amer. Indig. 1 3 ( 4 ) : 291-300.) Thirty-six plants are discussed, with common and scientific names, preparation, and use. Additional Spanish and Nahuatl equivalents are given for plants in Redfield's "Remedial plants of Tepoztlan - a Mexican folk herbal" in ( Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. 18, 1928), q.v.

FINAN, John Jay. See also ANDERSON, Edgar, and FINAN, 1945. 1948. "Maize in the great herbáis." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 35: 145-191, illus., bibl.) M.S. thesis, Washington Univ. Repr. (Chron. Bot. 14: 149-191, 1950.) Review of the literature in post-Conquest Hispanic America, followed by a detailed study of the references to maize in the most famous of the herbáis. Compares common names, place of origin, color of kernels mentioned, illustrations, etc.

FIERRO, Enrique del.

FINCH, Vernor Clifford, and O. E. BAKER. 1917. "Geography of the world's agriculture." Washington, 149 p., 206 maps. — DA. Thesis, Univ. Wisconsin. Arranged according to farm products; the most important reference to Mexico is in connection with corn.

1943. "Sericicultura." Cd. Juárez, 75 p., illus. Thesis EPA. FIERRO, Germán Meade. See MEADE FIERRO, Germán. FIERRO, José de la Fuente y. See FUENTE y FIERRO, José de la. FIERRO, Manuel de la Fuente. See FUENTE FIERRO, Manuel de la.

FINCK, Hugo. See also SEEMANN, Berthold, 1858. 1873. "Le caoutchouc." (Porvenir 5: 342-344.) On "goma elástica ó hule," classified as Castilloa elastica, Artocarpeae; other plants of Cordova which produce latex are also mentioned. 1874. "Enumeración de los géneros mas comunes con expresión de sus familias de las plantas del Distrito de Córdoba." (Porvenir 6: 42-56.) Trans, by Demetrio Molinar. The emphasis is on useful plants. The notes which follow are numbered to 22, and are for plants arranged alphabetically by common names, with the families. The meaning of the numbers is not explained; perhaps they refer to specimens. 1875. "Una excursión a las faldas del Pico de Orizava." (Naturaleza 3: 231-235; to conclude.) A description of the regions, with lists of plants encountered. 1877. "Apuntes inéditos acerca de algunas plantas del Distrito de Córdoba." (Naturaleza 4: 69-72.) The woods are listed by families, with common names, fruits, recent introductions, and uses. 1889. "Tabla estadística de los productos del Cantón de Cordoba." (Ret;. Mens. Soc. Cient. Lit. José María Mena 1 ( 6 ) : 135-136.) Just a list of cultivated plants, cited by common names only. Perhaps this is part of the work cited by León as "Memoria sobre los productos vegetales del Cantón de Córdoba", published as p. 171, vol. 1 of Rev. Mens. Soc. Cient. Lit. 1892. "La piña. (Bol. Agrie. Min. Indust. Méx. 1 ( 8 ) : 9-16.)

FIESTER, Don. See VARIOUS, 1948. F I F E , Robert. See DEAN, Richard, et al, 1897. FIGARO (pseud.). See HERNANDEZ, Porfirio. FIGUEROA, Alfonso de Contreras. Alfonse de. FIGUEROA, Consuelo Cruz y.


See CRUZ y FIGUEROA, Consuelo.

FIGUEROA, Diego Sarmiento FIGUEROA, Diego.





FIGUEROA, Flor de María. See TAPIA, Marco A., et al., 1949. FIGUEROA, Guadalupe Vásquez FIGUEROA, Guadalupe.





FIGUEROA, José. 1945. "Prosopis." (Fom. Yucatán 2 ( 2 0 ) : 3, 23.) FIGUEROA, José M. 1897. "El guaco y sus propiedades." (Med. Cient. 1 0 ( 5 ) : 71-72.) On Mikania as a remedy against snakebite. FIGUEROA, José Mariano Moziño Suárez de. Mariano. FIGUEROA, Manuel Delfín. FIGUEROA, Mauro Mauro.



FIGUEROA DOMENECH, J. 1899. Guía general descriptiva 2 vols., illus., maps.

See MOCINO, José




On Ananas. de la República


1893. Materials of construction. México, 28 p. On plants of the state of Veracruz, especially the cantón of





FISCHER, Hugo. 1911. "Der mais — eine giftpflanze." (Gartenflora 6 0 : 4 0 7 . Signed H. F.; for the authority on the name, see Bot. Jahresb. 1 9 1 1 ( 1 ) : 556.) Blames pellagra on some substance in corn.

Cordoba. Trees are cited by families, but not many are identified specifically. Descriptions of plants and the wood are given. FINET, Eugène Achille (cited variously as A. Finet or E. Achille Finet). 1907, 1909. "Orchidées nouvelles ou peu connues." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 54:531-537, illus., 1907; 56:97-104, 1909.) Includes descriptions of Microstylis lepidota, Liparis lindeniana, L. galeottiana, and Corallorhiza bulbosa.

FISCHER, Theobald. 1904. "Der oelbaum." (Peterm. Geog. Mitt. Ergaenzungsband 31 ( 1 4 7 ) : 1-87, map.) A study of the olive tree, with a brief reference to the introduction of the plant into Mexico, and its consequent place in the economy of the country.

F I N G E R H U T H , Karl Anton. 1832. Monographia generis Capsici. Duesseldorf, 32 p., 10 p., bibl. -MH. Morphology, taxonomic characters, description, synonymy, and distribution. FINK, Hugo.

FISCHER, Wilhelm J. 1948. Oelpflanzen. Stuttgart, 79 p., illus. - PPAN. First part is on the plants; second part on the oils. Each plant is described and illustrated, and the regions for each is indicated.

See FINCK, Hugo.

FINK, Wilhelm. 1918. Mexiko. Berlin, 1921, 24 p. D L C has a 1918 ed., 23 p. Condensed economic study with a discussion on "pflanzliche stoffe und produkte" (p. 12-18), divided according to uses.

FISHER, E. M. See also COULTER, John M., 1892. 1892. "Revision of the North American species of Hoffmanseggia." (U.S.D.A. Div. Bot., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 ( 5 ) : 143-150.) Covering the history and taxonomic synopsis of the genus, with descriptions and distribution. Two new species are described from Mexico: H. glabra from Lower California and H. canescens from Coahuila.

FINNEMORE, Horace. 1926. The essential oils. London, 880 p., illus. Comprehensive treatise with products arranged taxonomically, according to plant sources. Individual descriptions emphasize culture of the plant, methods of extracting the oil, comparative yields, chemical constituents of the oil, and its physical and chemical properties. Thirteen of the reports deal with oils obtainable from Mexican plants.

FISHER, Edna Marie. 1921. "Medicinal knowledge and practice in New Spain during the 16th century." Berkeley, 171 p., bibl. MA thesis. - CU-B. Brief section on materia medica includes plant medicines. FISHER, Mary Jones. 1928. "The morphology and anatomy of the flowers of the Salicaceae." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 1 5 ( 5 ) : 307-326, illus.; ( 6 ) : 372-394, illus.)

FINTELMANN, G. A. See also H E L L E R , Karl B., 1857; L O U D O N , J. C., 1839. 1858. "Skizzen aus der pflanzengeographie und klimakunde." ( Woch. Gaert. 1: 201-204.) Discusses Heller's (Karl B.) "Abhandlung ueber den vulkan Orizaba," 1857, q.v., with particular reference to "Die vegetation der barranka's." FIRKET, Ch.

Part 1 is on Salix; part 2 on Populus. FISHER, S. B.

FISHER, T. Richard. 1954. "A new species of Heliopsis from Baja California, México." (Madroño 1 2 ( 5 ) : 152-155.) H. rubra, with a list of characters to distinguish it from H. parvifolia A. Gray. 1957. "Taxonomy of the genus Heliopsis." (Ohio Jour. Sci. 5 7 ( 3 ) : 171-191, maps.) Part of Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Ind.; Publ. 606, Dept. Bot. Ohio St. Univ. Considers history, morphology, geographic distribution, cytology, hybridization experiments, economic importance, and relationships. There is an artificial key to species ( 1 3 ) with descriptions; 9 of the 13 species are in Mexico. One map shows the distribution of species limited to Mexico. H. brachactis Standi, ex Fisher is described as a new species from Michoacan. 1961. "A new species of Heliopsis from Mexico." (Ohio Jour. Sci. 61: 178-179, illus.) H. pulchra; with a table of characters to distinguish it from H. bupthalmoides.

See BROWN, Robert, 1870.

FISCH, Max H. 1947. Nicolaus Pol, Doctor, 1494. New York, 246 p., 17 illus. Contains on p. 49-97, "De cura morbi gallici, per lignum guayacanum libellus," a critical text translated and edited by Dorothy M. Schullian. The original was written in 1517, copied in 1519, and published in Venice 1535. Included also is an anonymous recipe of 1516, "Recepta del modo pigliare el ligno de India chiamato guaiacano che e bono per el mal francese." Chapter 4 reviews the history of the "De cura morbi." Pages 84-87 are on the "recepta," which came from Sevilla in 1516 and was copied in 1519. FISCHER, Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von.

See BELCHER, R. S., 1925.

See VARIOUS, 1835-1868.

FISCHER, Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von, Julius Leopold Eduard AVE-LALLEMANT, and Carl Anton (Andreevich) von MEYER. 1835-1846. Index seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Imperialis Petropolitanus pro mutua commutatione offert. St. Petersburg, 11 parts. For more information, see Rickett, H. W., and Stafleu, F. A., 1961. - NNBG. The part for 1840 was reprinted as "Animadversiones botanicae," in (Ann. Sei. Nat. II, 16: 48-60, 1841), with a description of Sida hispida from Mexico. The part for 1845, with a similar title was published in the same journal (III, 5: 370-382, 1846) with descriptions of the following from Mexico; Euphorbia astroites, Mentzelia gronoviaefolia, and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. A supplement to the 11th part, 1846, 79 p. contains a description of Portulaca kartvinskii from Mexico.


See CLAUSEN, Robert T. 1948, 1948a.

FISHER, William Rogers. 1898. F I T C H , John Nugent.

See SCHIMPER, Andreas Franz Wilhelm,

See WARNER, Robert, et al, 1882-1897.

F I T C H , Walter Hood. See SAUNDERS, William Wilson, 18681 8 7 3 ( ? ) ; SEEMANN, Berthold, et al, 1852-1857. FITZGERALD, J.

See POISSON, J., 1878-1879.

FITZ-GERALD, Mary Elizabeth. 1942. "Lemon verbena." (Herbarist 8: 36-37.) On Lippia citriodora, with the story of how it got the name of "yerba Louisa" in Mexico; (named by the Empress Carlotta after her mother). FITZGERELL, James Joseph. See also PARSONS, James Russell, 1905.

FISCHER, Georg. 1939. Heilkrauter und arzneipflanzen. Reichenberg, 310 p.—OCLoyd. Plants are listed alphabetically by scientific names with common names, family, characteristics, chemical analysis, use, and blooming time. A special section covers medicinal plants of the tropics, subtropics, and other "foreign" areas.

1905. Guide to Mexico. Mexico, 1907, 3d ed., 181 p., illus., maps. Issued originally in 1905 as Guide to tropical Mexico. Tells about plants in the tropics and in the highlands. 283



FITZHERBERT, Wyndham. 1910. "Erigeron mucronatus." (Gard. Chron. III, 48:203.) On the "Mexican daisy," as a cultivated plant in Mexico. FITZPATRICK, Thomas Jefferson. See WEAVER, J. E., and FITZPATRICK, 1932. FLAGG, Raymond Osbourne. See also FLORY, W. S., and FLAGG, 1959, 1958; 1961. FLAGG, Raymond Osbourne, and Walter S. FLORY. 1961. "Concepts of the genus Zephyranthes and the confounding of Herbert's Hippeastriformes." (ASB Bull. 8 ( 2 ) : 30.) Several of the genera discussed have Mexican representatives. A phyletic key to generic synonymy of Zephyranthes binomials is presented, and evolutionary trends within the proposed tribe are discussed. FLAGG, Raymond O. 1961a. "A Zephyranthes complex of the Mexican plateau." (Virginia Jour. Sei. 11(4): 177-178. Abstract.) Based on collections of Z. clintiae, Z. fosteri, Z. erubescens, Z. macrosiphon, and Z. lindleyana, mainly from the state of San Luís Potosí. FLANDES, Francisco Bemal. FLEMING, — .

Covers an area south of Rio Bravo del Norte; with casual references to plants. FLORES, Carlos Z. 1909. Departamento de las Casas del Estado de Chiapas. San Cristobal, 52 p. - Bibliot. F. Castañón. With a brief section on plant products, according to regions. FLORES, Emilio Gómez. FLORES, Felipe García.

See BERNAL FLANDES, Francisco.

FLEMING, G. Robertson. 1939. "Tibers and trade of Mexico." ( W o o d (London) 4: 341-345, illus.) With a chart of 24 trees, arranged alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, descriptions, uses, and any special features. There is also a discussion of lumbering in various parts of the country. FLETCHER, B. N. C. 1892. "Prickly pear in Mexico." (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 65/66(251): 144-148.) Repr. in (Gard. Chron. Ill, 12:713, 1892 and in Agr. Jour. Cape Col. 5: 135-136, 1892.) Letter from the manager of the Atlán Land Co. in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, to the British minister in Mexico, reporting uses of the plant in Mexico. A number of official documents are included.


See MORALES, C. 1906-1907.

FLORES, Jesús Romero. FLORES, Jorge Moy.


See MOY FLORES, Jorge.

FLORES, José M. See VARIOUS, 1783a. FLORES, José Mariano. 1846. "Instrucción para sembrar la planta de nopal." (Reg. Yuc. 4: 109-119.) "(en que se cria la grana cochinilla), hecha por el veedor mas antiguo de granas y cultivador de ellas." FLORES, Leopoldo. See also GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 19261927; SOSA, Secundino E., 1893+; VARIOUS, 1904; ANONYMOUS, 1906a. 1901. "El Sr. Dr. D. Secundino E. Sosa." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 5: 200-204.) Notice of his death and a biography; followed by a speech (p. 203-204) delivered by Fernando Altamirano "en la inhumación del cadaver del Dr. Secundino Sosa." 1904. "El Sr. Dr. D. José Ramirez." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 6 ( 2 ) : 87-88.) Notice of his death, followed by speech delivered at his funeral (p. 88-89), by Flores. 1906. "Discurso." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 8: 413-414.) On the death of Juan Martinez del Campo. 1907. "Manual terapéutico de plantas Mexicanas." (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 9:297-391); with a preliminary reference in (7: 317-322, 1905.) Printed as a separate, México, 1909, 102 p. See also (Terap. Mod. 20: 127, 132, 141, 150, 161 and 21: 4, 12, 20, 30, 40, illus., 1908-1910, and Esc. Med. 24 : 211, 225, 253, 297, 349, 374, 398, 419, 449, 471, 493, 1909). Plants are listed alphabetically by common names, with descriptions and synonymy, common and scientific names, and ranges. 1908. "Cicutilla." (Terap. Mod. 20: 80-81, illus., unf.) On Parthenium hysterophorus. 1908a. "Salvia de bolita." (Terap. Mod. 20: 88-89, illus.) On Buddleia perfoliata. 1908b. "Hierba de la cucaracha." (Terap. Mod. 20:95-96, illus.) On Haplophyton. 1911. El estudio farmaco-dinàmico de las plantas Mexicanas. México, 22 p. Also in (Terap. Mod. 22:63, 69, 76, 1911 (unf.)). Historical botanical study with special reference to medicinal plants.

FLETCHER, Mema Irene. 1951. "Balsa — production and utilization." (Econ. Bot. 5: 107-125, illus., map.) Covers history, taxonomy, description, distribution, and the industry (the last named is in Ecuador). FLEUR, N. 1899 & 1900. "Las Orquídeas." (Rev. Agr. 15: 170, 201, 214, 250, unf.) FLEURE, Herbert John. See NEWBIGIN, Marion Isabel, 1936. See CARRON de FLEURY, S. E. L.

FLEURY de la ROCHE, A. 1906. Las plantas bienhechoras. Barcelona, 1931, 330 p., illus., 12 pi. Trans, and adapt, from the French by Francisco Salas. — DA. Original ed., Paris, 1906. Plants are listed alphabetically, by common name (Spanish), with scientific equivalents, descriptions, and uses; mainly on European plants and limited to medicinal plants, though supposed to cover plants useful in other ways as well. FLINT, Timothy. See PATTIE, James Ohio, 1905. FLIPPANCE, F. 1921. "The cohune nut." (Gard. Bull. Str. Settlem. 2 ( 1 2 ) : 432-435.) Description, native habitat, uses, analysis of the nut, and economic possibilities. FLORES, Alfonso Hernández. See HERNANDEZ FLORES, Alfonso. FLORES, Andrés Estrada de.


FLORES, Fernando. See WAGNER, Henry Raup, 1942. FLORES, Francisco A. See also COMENGE, Luis, 1895; NEUBERGER, Max, 1930. 1886-1888. Historia de la medicina en México. México, 3 vols. Contains a good chapter on botany among the Aztecs, and one on foods. Discusses the progress of botanical study in Mexico as related to medicine. Aristide Moll says, "This is an ambitious work which even today constitutes the basic source of information for Mexican medicine." Francisco Fernández del Castillo, on the other hand, says, "Contiene apreciaciones hechas muy a la ligera y datos notoriamente erróneos." A synopsis of "Historia de la medicina de los antiguos Indios Mexicanos," taken from the book, was printed in (Proc. 17th Internat. Cong. Amer., 1910, part 2, pp. 214-224), as "La medicina entre los Indios Mexicanos antes de la conquista."

See CHALONER, Edward and FLEMING, 1850.

FLEURY, S. E. L. Carrón de.


FLORES, Federico Valdés.

See ESTRADA FLORES, Andrés de.

FLORES, Biviano L. Villarreal. See VILLARREAL y FLORES, Viviano L. FLORES, Blas M. 1892. Exploración practicada en él desierto de Coahuila y Chihuahua. México, 23 p. — Bibliot. A. Alzate. 284


FLORES 1916. "Necrología." (Bol. Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. 1:462-465, port.) On the death of Eduardo Armendaris. 1924. La Dirección de Estudios Biológicos. México, 66 p., illus. — DNLM. Repr., 1924-1925, 80 p., illus., and in (Rev. Sría. Agr. Fom. México 1 ( 1 - 5 ) : 8-26, illus. 1926). Discusses the institution, its ends and results; also describes the Botanical Garden and lists the families represented there. A list of lectures sponsored by the Dirección is included. For those published see: José María Gallegos, Sinaloa; Celedonio Nuñez, Guerrero; Luís G. Torres, Las palmeras; Octavio Solis, Sinaloa; Jesús González Ortega, Sinaloa; and Maximino Martínez, Plantas narcóticas. FLORES, Luz Gálvez. See GALVEZ FLORES, Luz. FLORES, Manuel M. 1939. "Contribución al estudio de la Ipomoea 17 typed p. Thesis Pharm.



On a plant known commonly as jicamilla. FLORES, Manuel Payno y.

See PAYNO y FLORES, Manuel.

FLORES, Olivia. 1940. "Contribución al estudio del estafiate." Monterrey, 24 p., illus. Thesis Univ. Monterrey. On Artemisia americana with description, common names, and distribution; studied mainly as a source of essential oil and for its therapeutic value. FLORES, Reyes G. See also BARCENA, Mariano, 1881; 1877-1881. 1863. Lecciones de botánica. Guadalajara, 198 p. In sections on taxonomy, plants used are mainly from Mexico. 1878-1883. "Calendario botánico" (for Guadalajara). (Bol. Min. Fom. Méx. 2: Nos. 33, 49, 88; 3: Nos. 21, 72; 4 : Nos. 47, 57, 62, 72, 73, 79, 80, 86, 87, 92, 93; 5: Nos. 26, 27, 66, 67, 203, 204, 216, 217; 6: Nos. 11, 12, 84, 85, 96, 97, 106, 107, 122, 123, 135, 136, 137, 142-144, 151, 152, 155; 7: Nos. 1-3, 10-12, 41, 42, 104, 110, 119; 8: Nos. 15, 48, 62, 92, 112.) The calendar for September, October, and November, 1881, was also printed in (Bol. Soc. Ing. Jalisco 1: 155-159, 187-192, 219224, 1881).

FLORES, Teodoro. See VARIOUS, 1912-1913. FLORES, Viviano (Biviano) L. Villarreal. FLORES, Viviano (Biviano).

1883. "Azucena silvestre." (Bol. Soc. Ing. Jalisco 3: 289-290.) On Echeandia


FLORES ANDRACA, Antonio. 1939. Estudio del aceite extraído de la Fugnata speciosa. 69 p. - IB Méx. The plant referred to is Ungnadia speciosa.

ternifiora Ortg. with a brief description.

FLORES, Rigoberto Beltrán.


1920. "El kanan ó zorrillo real." (Rev. Rev. 1 1 ( 5 2 1 ) : 30, illus.; with a note by Julio Riquelme Inda.) On Hamelia patens. 1920a. "La piscuala ó quiscuala." (Rev. Rev. 1 1 ( 5 2 4 ) : 33, illus.) On Quisqualis indica L. 1920b. "La floja." (Rev. Rev. 1 1 ( 5 3 0 ) : 30, illus.) On Ipomoea yucatanensis. 1921. "El maculán ú hojas de aján." (Rev. Rev. 1 2 ( 5 5 9 ) : 34; with a note by Julio Riquelme Inda.) On Piper sanctum. 1922-1924. "Estudios de botánica." (Bol. Univ. Nac. Sureste II, 1 ( 5 ) : 332, illus., 1922.) Cont. as noted below. 1. On yooch op tzimin, Petrea volubilis, in the Verbenaceae. 2 . 3 ( 1 ) : 39-45, illus., 1923. On xcoch lee, Cecropia peltata, and chac-sic (ciqueté?), Jacquinia ruscifolia. This was also printed in (Agricultor 1 0 ( 7 ) : 8-10, 4 illus., 1923). 3. 3 ( 5 ) : 234-239, illus., 1923. On Pithecoctenium echinatum (peine de xtabay), Loranthus americanus (xkeu) and Caetera hydnorea (or Hydnorea prosopanchis, in the Aristolochiaceae). The first 2 were reprinted in (Agricultor 1 0 ( 1 1 ) : 6-7, illus., 1923; 1 0 ( 1 5 ) ; 16-18, illus., 1923). 4. II, 4 ( 7 ) : 363-365, 1924. On perejil de Tabasco, Eryngium yuccaefolium and put balan, Solanum equinocarpoideo (sic). The latter is identified by Martinez as Solanum hirtum. 1927. "El elemuy." (Rev. Med. Yucatán 1 4 ( 8 ) : 141-143, illus.) Description and uses of the plant which is also known as cananga Yucateca, and identified as Gualteri gomeri (Guatteria gaumeri?) 1937. "El chacah." (Orbe. 1 ( 1 ) : 24-26.) On a species of Bursera. Many common names are listed; a number of scientific names are suggested, but no precise identification is made.

See BELTRAN FLORES, Rigoberto.

FLORES, Robert E. 1946. "The cacti of a desert section." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 25: 183-187, illus.) Description of the area between Saltillo and Monterrey, with listings of species seen at different altitudes. 1946a. "Astrophytum myriostigma var. coahuilensis." (Natl. Hort. Mag. 25: 309-310, illus.) Account of a trip to locate specimens of the plant near Torreón.


FLORES CALDERON, Emilio. 1938. La candelilla. México, 92 p., illus.; also 1941, 10 mim. p. Thesis ENA. Repr. in (Mem. Prim. Conv. Nac. For. 1941, publ. México, 1942: 137-142). Description and distribution of Euphorbia cerífera. FLORES D., Jorge. 1942. "Don Vicente Cervantes y el Jardín Botánico de México." (Ouim. Farm. 9 ( 6 4 ) : 8-13); taken from El Nacional, Dec. 1942.)

FLORES, Román Sabas. See also LANZ TRUEBA, Joaquin, 1923. 1911. "Plantas útiles del Estado de Campeche." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 1 ( 1 ) : 52-53, ( 2 ) : 129-131.) Descriptions of Carludovica palmata, known commonly as jipi, Coix lacrima (sic) and Bryophilum (sic) calycinum. 1918. "Algunos datos sobre la historia del añil." (Henequén 3(66): 13.) On Indigofera. 1918a. "Las Anonas." (Rev. Rev. 9 ( 4 4 5 ) : 18, illus.) 1919. "El árbol del viajero." (Rev. Agrie. 4 : 6 5 - 6 6 , illus.; also in Rev. Rev. 1 0 ( 4 5 9 ) : 17, illus., 1919.) On Ravenala madagascariensis. 1919a. "El cuapinol." (Rev. Rev. 1 0 ( 4 7 0 ) : 18.) With a note by Julio Riquelme Inda, and illustrations from the work of J. M. Noriega, q.v. 1919b. "El árbol de huevo ó seso vegetal." (Rev. Rev. 1 0 ( 4 7 6 ) : 21, (477): 12, 26, illus.) On Blighia sapida, introduced into Yucatán. The text is translated from the New International Encyclopedia, edited by Gilman, Peck and Colby, vol. 1: 245. See there under AKEE.

FLORES de XEREZ. Gerónimo. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). FLORES GOMEZ, Bertha. 1947. "Estudio analítico de los glucósidos en la raíz de zarzaparrilla." Monterrey, 36 Ivs., typed. Thesis Pharm. On Smilax medica. FLORES GOMEZ, Manuel. 1929. "Interesante camino y bella region de Teziutlán a Nautla." (Méx. For. 7 ( 7 ) : 134-140, map, illus.) With a brief list of important trees. FLORES GRANADOS, E. Gustavo. 1955. "Las variedades de trigo en la Comarca Lagunera." Cd. Juárez, 74 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Triticum. FLORES GUTIERREZ, J. M., and S. R. AGUILAR. 1933. Geografía elemental del Estado de Sinaloa. Culiacán, 104 p., illus., map. — Univ. Sonora.




FLOUS 1931. "Untersuchungen zur stammesgeschichte der Coniferales und Cordaitales." (K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. I l l , 1 0 ( 1 ) : 1588, 58 pl., 11 figs., bibl. p. 531-553.) This is marked Part I and subtitled: "morphologie und epidermis struktur der assimilationsorgane bei den rezenten Koniferen"; it is a detailed study of comparative morphology and histology. 1955. "The systematics of the gymnosperms." In: A century of progress in the natural sciences. San Francisco, p. 324-403, bibl. - DA. Publ. by the Calif. Acad. Sci.

FLORES INIGUEZ, Ignacio. See also SCOTT, William, 1913. 1933. Manual práctico de arboricultura, floricultura, y horticultura. México, 108 p., illus. — BN Méx. FLORES MELLADO, Jorge. 1950. "Informe sanitario . . . de la población de Chamal, Tamaulipas." México, 53 p. Thesis Med. With a brief list of important trees of the area, cited by common names only. FLORES MONTALCO, Ramiro. 1936. "La solución acuosa gliceriada de Casimiroa edulis." México, 67 p. - Bibliot. F. Guerra. Medical thesis. FLORES ORDONEZ, Adda Elsa. 1945. Estudio de los subproductos del pulido del arroz. México, 63 p.—IB Méx.

FLORY, Walter S., Jr. See also BOSE, S., and FLORY, 1958; FLAGG, Raymond Osbourne, and FLORY, 1961. 1934. "A cytological study of the genus Phlox." (Cytologia 6: 1-18, 58 figs. A report on 18 species. 1937. "Chromosome numbers in the Polemoniaceae." (Cytologia, Fujii Jub. 1: 171-180, 19 figs.) Previously unreported counts on 40 species and varieties.

With the emphasis on the chemistry. (FLORES PAZ, Ismael.) 1920. "El cultivo de la cebada." (Amigo Campo 8 : 3 3 - 3 4 . ) Publ. anonymously. On Hordeum. FLORES RAMIREZ, Carmen. 1938. Estudio analítico de la Salvia hispánico. México, 46 p., 1 illus. IB Méx. On chia. FLORES RAMIREZ, Ignacio. 1941. "Breves consideraciones sobre el taray." México, 61 p. Medical thesis. BN Méx. On Caesalpinia FLORES REYES, G.

FLORY, W. S., and Thelma F. SCHMIDHAUSER. 1957. "Mitotic chromosome numbers in Hymenocallis with a consideration of factors possibly affecting numbers and karyotype." (Genet. Soc. Amer. Records 26: 369-370.) Includes numbers on a dozen or so accessions from Mexico. (Annotation by the author. The original was not seen.) FLORY, W(alter) S., and R. O. (Raymond Osbourne) FLAGG. 1958. "A cytological study of the genus Habranthus." (Nucleus 1(2): 267-280, illus., bibl.) Three Mexican species, H. concolor, H. immaculatus, and H. sp. forma patrickiae are cited as markedly different cytologically from their South American relatives. "The chromosome numbers for the Mexican species are new and quite different from those previously known and, in at least one case, much larger in number." (W. S. Flory. )

crista. See FLORES, Reyes G.

FLORES REYES, Tomás. 1944. "Producción de semilla (de algodón) en la Comarca Lagunera." Chapingo, 60 typed p. Thesis ENA. With a section on the classification and distribution of cotton.

FLORY, W. S„ and R. O. FLAGG. 1959. "The chromosomes of three Mexican Habranthus species." (PI. Life, Herbertia ed., 15: 51-54, illus.) H. immaculatus has 22 chromosomes; an undescribed H. species has 108 chromosomes and H. concolor has 36 chromosomes.

FLORES SALINAS, Bertha. 1959. "En busca de la púrpura Mexicana." (Bol. Bibl. Sría. Hac. Méx. 153: 3-4, illus.) Mainly on Thiery's work on the cochineal, q.v.

FLORY, Walter S. 1959a. "Chromosome numbers and phylogeny in Zephyranthes." (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 116-117.) Includes chromosome numbers for a few Mexican species.

FLORES VERDAD, José María. See also CUELLAR, José T. de, and FLORES VERDAD, 1869; NIETO, J. A., 1857. 1857. "Apuntes concernientes al arbusto ó árbol de la cera. (Mem. Sría. Fom. C. Manuel Silíceo Doc. 6: 16-17.) On Myrica cerífera. 1857a. "Exposición universal de 1855 en Paris." (Mem. Sría. Est. Desp. Fom. Col. Indust. Com. Rep. Méx.: 89-94.)

FLORY, Walter S., and Raymond Osbourne FLAGG. 1961. "The chromosomes of Zephyranthes albiella." (ASB Bull. 8 ( 2 ) : 34.) With reference to Z. rosea which may go into Mexico. FLORY, W. S. and Rina VARMA. 1961a. "The genus Beaucarnea. ( 1 ) Chromosomes and ( 2 ) systematic position." (Virginia Jour. Sci. 1 1 ( 4 ) : 178.) Three Mexican species have 38 somatic chromosomes. The numbers, chromosome makeup, along with morphological characters and habitat indicate the genus belongs better in the Agavaceae than in the Liliaceae.

"Colección de maderas del Estado de Veracruz," with common and scientific names for some, localities, and uses. A separate list is given for Tusamapan, distrito de Jalapa. FLORES VIEZCA, Vicente. 1941. "Cultivo del camote." Cd. Juárez, 45 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Ipomoea


FLOUS, F., et H. GAUSSEN. 1932. "Une nouvelle espèce de sapin Mexicain." (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 64: 24-30, illus.) On Abies hickeli, with descriptions and distribution, and a chart of characters to distinguish it from A. religiosa.

FLORES VILLALOBOS, Isabel. 1935. "Estudio de la Heterocentron subtriplinervium." México, 37 p. - IB Méx. Pharmaceutical thesis on caña de venado ó caña de jabalí. FLORES y de PENA, Juan M. FLORES, 1913.


ALCARAZ, José R., and

FLOUS, F. 1934. "Deux espèces nouvelles de Pseudotsuga Américains." (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 66: 211-224, illus.; also in Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse 1: 1-14, 2 pl., 1934.) Includes from Mexico: P. guinieri from Chihuahua and P. macrolepis from Mexico, collected by Hartweg.

FLORIAN, Luís. 1941. "La materia médica Americana en el periodo pre-Colombiano." (Rev. Farm Arg. (Asoc. Farm. Bioquím. Argent.) 8 3 ( 1 0 ) : 445-452.) With a list of plants most used by the Aztecs; with scientific names, some common names, and uses. FLORIN, Rudolf.

1934a. "Diagnoses d'espèces et variétés nouvelles de Pseudotsuga Américains." (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 66: 329-346, illus., map.)

See also VARIOUS, 1948b. 286



Includes from Mexico: P. fiahaulti from Chihuahua and P. guinieri var. mediostrobus; with a key for species determination. 1937. "Revision du genre Pseudotsuga." Toulouse 71: 33-164, illus.)




F O E X , Felix (full name G. Felix Foex?). See also FRANCE SCHI, F. (n.d.) 1908. " E l Africa del norte y sus cultivos de secano." (Est. Agr. Cent. Méx. Bol. No. 1, 82 p., illus. ) Includes a description of the dry regions of Mexico, with a discussion, on pp. 34-42, of characteristic vegetation. 1908a. "Algunas Anonaceas frutales de México." México, 33 p. illus. Publ. by Est. Agr. Cent. Méx. as Bol. 9. With descriptions of many varieties. For a résumé of the work, with additions, see Franceschi, F., n. d. 1912. " E l papaw." (Agr. Mex. 3 3 ( 4 ) : 118-120.) On grafting the chirimoya on Asimina.


Includes history, morphology, and taxonomy with descriptions, distribution, and an illustration of each species. Mexican species include: P. fiahaulti, P. guinieri, P. macrolepis, and P. rehderi. Keys are arranged according to morphological and anatomical characters, and within those, by continents. F L U E C K I G E R , Friedrich August, and Daniel HANBURY. 1878. Histoire des drogues d'origine végétale. Paris, 2 vols., 320 figs. Translated from the Pharmacographia and augmented with notes by J. L. de Lanessan. 1890. "Jalap and jalap resin. ' {Pharm. Jour. Trans. I l l , 2 0 : 5 4 6 547.)

F O G L I O MIRAMONTES, Fernando. 1936. Geografía económico-agrícola del Estado de Michoacán. México, 3 vols, of text, atlas, 2 albums of charts. — DA. Volume 1, with charts on agricultural crops, has a chapter on "agrología," with a list of wild plants, arranged according to agricultural districts. Common and scientific names are given, plus a long list of characteristic species for the state. Volume 2, with charts on forest products, has a chapter on forest products, with a list of characteristic species, cited by common and scientific names. The list includes plants found in the woods and forests, not just trees. The work is very useful despite many typographical errors.

On the various plants that might be substituted for Mexican jalap ( I p o m o e a purga and I. orizabensis). F L U E G G E , Johann. 1810. Graminum monographiae. was publ. — DA. On Paspalus F O B E , F. 1897. "Echinocereus illus.)

Hamburg, 224 p., Part 1; no more

(sic) and





7: 185-187,

F O L E Y , John. See B E L C H E R , R. S., 1925. F O L G N E R , Victor. 1897. "Beitraege zur Systematik und pflanzengeographischen Verbreitung der Pomaceen." (Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 4 7 : 117, 153, 199, 296, bibl. ) The systematic section provides descriptions for genera; the section on distribution discusses the subject in general, classified as "vertical and horizontal," then discusses the distribution of genera in detail.

Description of a new species; locality is given just as Mexico. 1908. "Die schoensten saeulen Cereus." (Monatsch. Kakteenk. 18: 75-79, 89-92.) Descriptions of 35 species; many are from Mexico. 1933. "Leicht bluehende Echinocereen." (Kakteenkunde: 141-142.) A list of the species of Echinocereus. FOCKE, William Olbers. See also L O E S E N E R , Th., 1910-1922. 1875. "Batographische abhandlungen." (Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 4: 139-204.)

FOLSOM, George. 1842. Mexico in 1842. New York, 256 p., map.

Rubi Americani are discussed on pp. 140-168, with a conspectus of sections and species; there are also diagnoses of species, including new ones, followed by more detailed descriptions and distribution; new species are: R. pumilus, R. liebmannii, R. tiliaefolius, and R. uhdeanus. This is followed by a section on "charakter der Amerikanischen Rubus flora."

A description of the country with its natural and political features; includes a chapter on climate and production, also discussion of separate states, with products of each (chap. 6 ) . FONSECA, Mariano Miranda.

1881. "Ueber die natuerliche gliederung und die geographische Verbreitung der gattung Rubus." (Bot. Jahrb. 1: 87-103.) 1910, 1911, 1914. "Species Ruborum." (Stuttgart, parts 1 and 2, 223 p., 53 and 34 pl.; part 3, 274 p., 67 pl.; Eibl. Bot. Heft. 72 and 83.) With several Mexican species. 1911. "Fiubi novi Americae australis et centralis." (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 9: 235-237.) Includes Rubus macrogongylus from southern Mexico.

FONT, Luz. 1926. "Valor alimenticio del camote del cerro, Guadalajara, 23 typed p. Thesis Chem. On Dioscorea, with a description and history. FONT, Pedro.


See BOLTON, Herbert Eugene (18th cent.).

F O N T QUER, P. See GILG, Ernst Friedrich, and P. N. SCHURHOFF, 1934. FONTAINE, Max. See COLLINS, G. N„ 1925; JOLLY, G., 1925; SAFFORD, William Edward, 1925; YOUNG, Robert Armstrong, 1924.

FOERSTER, Carl Friedrich. 1846. Handbuch der cacteenkunde. Leipzig, 548 p. Leipzig, ( 1885 ) 1886-1892, 2d ed., 1029 p., 140 illus.; with additions by the ed., Theodor Ruempler.

FONTANA-CANDELA, J. L. 1957. "Las saponinas y la botánica." (An. 501-521, bibl.)

Includes "Die Cacteen und ihre Verbreitung" from Zuccarini — Plantarum novarum, etc. q.v., and a discussion of their culture and economic importance. Descriptions of the genera and species are given in systematic order, with distribution and synonymy. 1847. "Beschreibung einigen neuen Cacteen." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 15: 49-51.) Describes 6 species, 5 of them in Mexico. 1861. "Neue Cacteen." (Hamb. Gart. Zeitg. 17: 159-167.) Includes descriptions of Cereus linnaei and Mammillaria decora from Mexico.





With a list of families and their saponin-containing genera. F O N T E C I L L A , Agapito. See also COLLANTES, Agustín Esteban, and A L F ARO, 1870. 1866. "Breve tratado sobre el cultivo y beneficio de la vainilla." (Mexicano 2 : 4 , 12, 20, 28, 35, 83, 93, as "Cultivo y beneficio de la vainilla;" also in Per. Of. Edo. Michoacán Nos. 102-115, 1868 (this was not seen); in "Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex." 3: 26, 46, 58, 123, 207, 268, 300, 1881; (compare with later articles similarly entitled in 4 : 515, 526, 539, 1881-1882, and 9: 12, 27, 39, 61, 76, 88, 1885-1886); "Inf. Doc. Rei. Com. Int. Ext. Srta. Fom. Méx. 30: 101-158, Dec. 1 8 8 7 " "Mem. Sría Fom. Méx." 3: 816-819, 1887; in "Agricultura" (Tuxtla Gutiérrez) 1 ( 4 ) : 1-16, 1892, and ( 5 ) : 2-8, 1893; "Progreso" (Tabasco) 2 ( 2 0 ) : 5-7, cont. to ( 2 6 ) : 9-11, 1906.) Reprinted as a separate, México, 1891. León cites a separate for 1861.

FOERSTER, Karl, and Camillo SCHNEIDER. 1927. Das Dahlienbuch. Berlin, 103 p., illus. - DA. History, horticultural classification, and culture. FOEX, Etienne.


FONT, José I. Rivas. See RIVAS FONT, José I.

See CAPUS, Guillaume, et al, 1929-1930.




FONTECILLA—continued See also Diccionario de Agricultura, 1870, ed. by Collantes, A. E. and Alfaro, J. A popular treatise covering the history and culture of the plant. FONTECILLA, Ricardo.

Ricardo Bretón.




FONVIELLE, W. (Wilfred) de. See also ROEZL, Bendict, 18591871. 1861-1862. "Explorations botaniques au Mexique." (Rev. Hort. 1861 (no vol. no.): 414-416; 1862 (no vol. no.): 39, 98, 118, 179.) On Roezl's voyage, 1860, with quotations from letters describing the vegetation as seen on a trip to Toluca, Sultepec, Zacualpan, Tasco, and into Michoacán. FORA, Nicolas de la.

See LAFORA, Nicolas de.

(FORBES, Alexander Clark.) 1851. A trip to Mexico. London, 256 p. Publ. with the author listed as "A barrister." With comments on plants and agriculture, by a tourist. FORBES, James. 1837. Journal of a horticultural tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France in the autumn of 1835. London, 164 p. — NN. "To which is added a catalogue of the different species of Cacteae in the gardens of Woburn Abbey," pp. 147-160, with the year of their introduction; several new species from Mexico, are included; e.g., Echinocactus cylindricus. FORBES, Robert Humphrey. 1895. "The mesquite tree — its products and uses." (Ariz. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 13: 15-26.) A description of its characters and habitat, properties and uses of the wood, with a discussion of the gum, the tanning materials it contains, its uses as food for stock, honey, medicine, and for forestry. 1896. "Canaigre." (Univ. Ariz. Exp. Sta. Bull. 21: 1-35.) Description, common names, study of tanning material and distribution of tanning materials in the plant, and culture. FORBIN, Victor. 1921. "L'arbre a caoutchouc des deserts Mexicains." (Nature 4 9 ( 1 ) : 148-149, illus.) On guayule, with the emphasis on modern attempts to develop the industry. 1943. Le caoutchouc dans le monde. Paris, 286 p. With an introductory chapter on the plants in various families which produce rubber. FORD, Isaac Nelson. 1893. Tropical America. New York, 409 p., illus., map. A rather superficial treatment with two chapters on Mexico; cactus and maguey are mentioned. FOREST, H. 1864. Du cacao. Paris, 103 p. - MHA. History, botany, chemistry, and uses. "A FORESTER." 1906. "Notes on the Castilloa rubber tree." (India Rubber World 34: 217-218, 255-256; and Bull. Dept. Agr. Jamaica 4: 97-99, 172-175.) Mainly on the culture and tapping methods.

denche), Medicago, chamizo (not identified) and salvado? de arroz (rice hulls?). FOSBERG, Francis Raymond. See also PIERCE, Wright M., and FOSBERG, 1933; VERDOORN, Frans, 1945. 1931. "Remarks on the taxonomy of the Cactaceae and some new combinations and names in that family." (Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3 0 ( 2 ) : 50-59.) Jones, see below, cites the volume as 39. Establishes several new subgenera under Neomammillario and makes the necessary nomenclatural changes; also unites Escobaría with Coryphantha and indicates the necessary transfers. For a criticism of this work, see Jones, Marcus E. (Contr. West. Bot. 18: 37, 1935.) 1934. "The southern California prickly-pears." (Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3 3 ( 2 ) : 93-104.) With a key to the fleshy fruited Platyopuntias of southern California, with descriptions and distribution. Species which range into Mexico include O. littoralis (Engelm.) Cockerell, and O. occidentalis Engelm. and Bigelow. FOSBERG, F. Raymond, and Joseph EWAN. 1935. "Notes on southwestern plants." (Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3 4 ( 3 ) : 177-183.) An annotated catalogue, with one section on plants from Baja California, and another on Arizona and Sonora. FOSBERG, F. Raymond. 1935a. "Varieties of the desert willow—ChUopsis linearis." (Madroño 3: 362-366.) Three new varieties are described: var. originaria, var. glutinosa, and var. arcuata. 1938. "Eriogonum abertianum and its varieties." (Madroño 4: 189194.) With 3 varieties from Mexico: ruberrimum, cyclocepalum, and villosum, the latter a new variety. 1941. "Notes on Mexican plants." (Lloydia 4 : 274-290, 3 figs.) On the collections of C. H. Muller, from northern Mexico. A study of several groups in Phoradendron is included, with descriptions of several new varieties, and a number of new combinations and new names. New taxa are described in Drymaria, Hedyotis, and Rhamnus. 1942. "Notes on North American plants." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 27: 253-258.) Extends the range of Nitrophila occidentalis (Nutt) Wats, to Sonora. 1949. "A new Drymaria from Mexico." (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 62: 147-148.) D. gentryi from Chihuahua. 1959. "Nomenclatural notes on Datura L." (Taxon 8 ( 2 ) : 52-57.) Enumeration of all the species, alphabetically, which raise any nomenclatural problems, with explanations as they are needed. Generic synonymy is given, but taxonomic dispositions are generally not undertaken. 1962. "A brief study of the cays of Arrecife Alacrán, a Mexican atoll." (Atoll Res. Bull. No. 93: 1-25, illus., bibl.) The section on vegetation considers 13 different kinds of associations. A list of species found in the area is presented, with distribution data for each of the 6 cays. A systematic list includes observations on habitat. The article concludes with a comparison of the area with Pokak Atoll in the Pacific. FOSCUE, Edwin J. See also WHITE, C. Langdon, and FOSCUE, 1939. 1932. "The natural vegetation of the Lower Rio Grande valley of Texas." (Field Lab. 1: 25-30, 3 figs. incl. map.) Discussion is limited to the United States side, but the plants extend to the Mexican side. 1939. "Historical geography of the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas." (Tex. Geogr. Mag. 3 ( 1 ) : 1-15, 19 figs. incl. maps; condensation of a doctoral dissertation.) With a section on the natural vegetation, taken from the author's article in (Field Lab. 1: 25-30), q.v. Four zones are described: sand dune areas, coastal prairie, sub-tropical palm forest, and chaparral or thorn-bush forest.

FORSTALL, Edmond J. See VRIESE, Wilhelm Hendrik de, 1836. FORSTER, John Reinhold. See LOEFLING, Per (Peter), 1758. FORSYTH, Louis N. 1932. Soconusco. N. p., 92 p., illus. - LNHT. With references to food plants, and scattered references to other plants; the author is specially interested in insects. FORTUM, L. 1911. "Contribución al estudio de la composición de los forrajes de México." (Bol. Dir. Gen. Agr. Méx. 1: 754-757.) Includes Gossypium, Brosimum, Prosopis, Opuntia (car288


FOSSEY FOSSEY, Mathieu de. See also MALTE BRUN, V. A., 1963. 1857. Le Mexique. Paris, 581 p. A modified Spanish version, trans, from the French as Viaje á México, was publ. in México, 1844, 363 p. I have not located an earlier French ed. With numerous comments on plants, mainly on cultivated ones. FOSTER, Adriance Sherwood and Ernest M. GIFFORD. 1959. Comparative morphology of vascular plants. San Francisco, 555 p.; illus. (by Evan L. Gillespie). FOSTER, E. Osborne. See GREENE, Robert A. and FOSTER, 1933. FOSTER, Elizabeth Andros. See BENAVENTE, Toribio de ( 1 5 4 1 ) . FOSTER, George McClelland, Jr. 1940. "Notes on the Popoluca of Veracruz." México, 41 p., illus., map. (Inst. Pan. Geog. Hist. Publ. 51.) Some references to plants in the section on economic life, cited by common names only, and a vocabulary of SpanishPopoluca. 1948. "Empire's children — the people of Tzintzuntzán." México, 297 p., 16 pi., 36 figs., 2 maps, bibl.; assisted by Gabriel Ospina. (Inst. Soc. Anthr. Publ. No. 6, Smithson. Inst.). Plants are described under food and agriculture. FOSTER, George McClelland, and Mary Frazer ( L e Cron) FOSTER. 1948a. "Sierra Popoluca speech." Washington, 45 p. (Inst. Soc. Anthr. Publ. 8, Smithson. Inst.). With a short vocabulary. FOSTER, George M. 1953. "Relationships between Spanish and Spanish American folk medicine." (Jour. Amer. Folk Lore 66: 201-217, bibl. notes.) Mainly on the influence of Spain in America. There is brief mention of American folk medicine in Spain, with a listing of some medicinal plants. FOSTER, John Wells. See ANONYMOUS, 1876f. FOSTER, Lanette M. 1906. "A botanical garden on the Isthmus." (Mod. Mex. 2 1 ( 8 ) : 37-38.) A description of the garden of J. C. Harvey at La Buena Ventura, a 3-hour trip from a railroad station called Sanbom; many exotics are named. FOSTER, Lois Thomson. 1943. "Morphological and cytological studies on Carica (Bot. Gaz. 105: 116-126, 3 illus.)


FOSTER, M. B. See FOSTER, Mulford Bateman. FOSTER, Mary Frazer (LeCron). See FOSTER, George McClelland, and Mary Frazer FOSTER, 1948. FOSTER, Mulford Bateman. 1945. "How to recognize the Bromeliads." 1 ( 2 - 3 ) : 51-65, illus.)




Descriptions of the most common genera. 1945-1947. "Do you know the bromeliads?" (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 7 ( 1 0 ) : 139-141, illus.; ( 1 1 ) 152-154, illus. 1945; 1 8 ( 1 ) : 8-11, illus., 1946; 1 9 ( 3 ) : 41-42, illus., ( 4 ) : 62-63, illus., ( 5 ) : 73-74, illus., ( 7 ) : 103-105, illus., 1947.) 1950. "Terrestrial bromeliads." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 2 ( 2 ) : 43-56, illus.) "And their association with cacti and other succulents," Hechtias, Ananas, and Bromelia. 1951. "How well do you know your bromeliads?" (Brom. Soc. Bull. 1 ( 5 ) : 49, cont. in succeeding issues to 2 ( 1 ) : 10, 1952.) Describes such genera as Lindmania, Pitcairnia, and Hechtia which are found in Mexico. 1951a. "Collecting Amaryllids in Latin America." (PI. Life (Herbertia) 7: 12-18, map.) Includes description of three trips to Mexico, in 1935-1937. 1952. "Bromelia pinguin." (Brom. Brief description.

Soc. Bull. 2 ( 3 ) : 34.)

1953. "Notes on Beaucamea recurvata." 137-139, illus. ) Found in San Luís Potosí.

(PI. Life



FOSTER, Mulford B., and Racine Sarasy FOSTER. 1954. "Tillandsia fiesta in Mexico." (Brom. Soc. Bull. 4 ( 6 ) : 89-90, illus.) Signed M. B. and R. F. Describes the use of T. prodigiosa in Chiapas. FOSTER, Mulford B. 1957. "Mexico, land of Tillandsias." (Brom. Soc. Bull. 7 ( 4 ) : 56-60; 5: 72-76, illus.) Review of various trips, and listing of different species found in the regions visited. FOSTER, Racine Sarasy. See FOSTER, Mulford Bateman, and Racine FOSTER, 1954. 1952. "Benevolent bromeliads." (Brom. Soc. Bull. 2: 32-33, 46-47, 68-69.) Describing their uses by man. FOSTER, Robert Crichton. 1945. "A synopsis of Physostemon Mart, and Zucc." (Contr. Gray Herb. 155: 55-60.) With a key to species, two of which are new from Mexico: P. aureum and P. hemsleyanum (Bullock) comb. nov. 1945a. "The rediscovery of Riesenbachia Presl." (Contr. Gray Herb. 155: 60-62.) Emends the original description, on the basis of the Hinton and Langlassé collections. 1945b. "Miscellaneous diagnoses and transfers." (Contr. Gray Herb. 155 : 64-70.) Descriptions of 7 new species, one new variety, and 2 new combinations in Lopezia, Helianthemum, and Cuphea; mainly in the latter. 1945-1962. "Studies in the Iridaceae III to VII." ( Contr. Gray Herb. 155: 3-54, 1945; 165: 106-111, 1947; 171: 22-28, 1950. The first reference considers the North American species of Sphenostigma Baker, with a key to 4 species, 3 of them new, and one new var., all Mexican, but one species; the genus Rigidella, with a key to 3 species, all in Mexico; a revision of the North American species of Nemastylis, with descriptions of 4 new vars. of N. tenuis in Mexico; miscellaneous diagnoses and notes, with descriptions of Cypella rosei and Orthrosanthus chimboracensis var. exsertus, both new taxa from Mexico; and tentative keys to the indigenous American genera. The second reference includes a description of a new Mexican Sphenostigma, S. conzatti from Oaxaca. The third reference contains a description of Cypella mexicana Morton and Foster, new species from Guerrero. Part VII was published in (Rhodora 6 4 ( 7 6 0 ) : 291-312, 1962). It contains a description of Trimezia steyermarkii, a n. sp. from Guatemala, which probably ranges into Mexico. 1962. "Dates of publication of the journal Linnaea." (Jour. Arnold Arb. 4 3 ( 4 ) : 4 0 0 ^ 0 9 . ) FOUGEROUX de BONDAROY, Auguste Denis. See ALZATE y RAMIREZ, José Antonio (ca. 1770); DUHAMEL du MONCEAU, Henri Louis, 1755. 1786. ("Description de la gaillarde.") (Observ. Phys. 29 : 53-56, 1 Pi.) "Extrait d'une mémoire . . . contenant la description d'un nouveau genre de plante"; read at the Académie Royale des Sciences. FOUNTAIN, Paul. 1901. The great deserts and forests of North America. London, 295 p.; pref. is by W. H. Hudson. Mexico is mentioned only in the last chapter, without reference to plants, but the section on plants in Arizona applies to Mexico. FOUR. Philippe Sylvestre du. See DUFOUR, Philippe Sylvestre. FOURNIER, Eugène. See also BENTHAM, George, 1862; 1882; GODMAN, E. F.; Frederick DuCane and SALVIN, Osbert eds., 1879-1888; GRIFFITHS, David, 1912; GRISEBACH, August, 1872; LAPIE, G. 1912.



F O URNIER—continued 1865. "Sur la classification des Crucifères." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 12: 296-299.) Proposes a new system with suborders, series, and tribes. 1865a. "Recherches anatomiques et taxonomiques sur la famille des Crucifères et sur le genre Sisymbrium en particulier." Paris, 154 p., 2 pl. Thesis, Paris.-DA.





1878. "Sur la distribution géographique des Graminées Mexicaines." (Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. 9 : 2 6 1 - 2 9 0 . ) Trans, into Spanish and printed in (Naturaleza 6: 323-343, 1883), as "Las Gramíneas Mexicanas—distribución geográfica." With a table giving the number of species in various genera that are "special for Mexico", as compared with those "special" for other parts of the world. 1880. "Sur un nouveau genre de Graminées Mexicaines." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 27: 99-103, 2 pl.) Detailed description of Lesourdia with 2 species: L. karwinskyana and L. multiflora. 1882. "Asclepiadaceas Americanas." (Ann. Sci. Nat VI, 14: 364389.) "Exclusis speciebus turn boreali Americanis tum Brasiliensibus," enumerated and described, with localities. 1883. "Sur le premier envoi de M. E . Kerber." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 30: 180-188.) Describes about 50 plants collected around Cordoba, with new species in Sclerocarpus, Loranthus, Elephantopus, and Quamoclit. Range extensions into Mexico of plants from the Antilles and South America are also given.

Includes a conspectus of species with descriptions and distribution. Many Mexican species are described. "Sur deux Asclepiadées du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 14: 249-251.) Discussion of Gomphocarpus arachnoideus n.sp., with the first record of the genus from the New World. Blepharodon of Galeotti, from Oaxaca, is transferred to Asclepias and the species named galeottii. 1869. "Sur le genre Lennoa." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 15: 163-164, 1868; 15: 10-11, 1869.) On its history and relationships. The second installment refers to the article by Solms-Laubach, 1869, q.v. and concludes with a summary of the 3 species: L. madreporoides, L. arenaria, and L. caerulea. "Sur le Disemma hahnii Fourn. n.sp." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 16: 322.) "Une Passiflorée nouvelle, originaire du Mexique," named for one of the collectors attached to the French scientific expedition. 1886. Mexicanas plantas. Paris, 2 vols.—DA. In Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale. Recherches botaniques, publiés sous la direction de ]. Decaisne. A résumé of the work was publ. by A. Franchet in (Bull. S oc. Bot. France 3 4 ( 2 ) : 31-33, 1887). Part 1, on cryptogams, was done with William Nylander and Emile Bescherelle. Part 2, 160 p., is on Gramineae. It reviews the work of many collectors, and gives keys and descriptions of the species.

1873. "Sur un nouveau Pinguicula du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. France 20: L X V I I - L X V I I I (Sess. Extra, en Belgique, 1873). On Pinguicula sodalium, with a key to related species.

FOURNIER, Paul. 1935. Les Cactées et les plantes grasses. Paris, (ccciv) and 110 p., 64 col. pl., 134 black and white drawings, maps.—DA. Covers structure, taxonomy, culture, descriptions, and place of origin. Other succulents are listed and described according to family. One chapter, on the uses of cacti, discusses their place in Mexican life. FOURTON, L. 1910. Toma de muestras de forraje. México, 5 p. Instructions for taking samples of forage plants. FOX, Alvin. 1919. "How the ixtle (lechuguilla) plant grows and its use as a fibre." (Pan. Amer. Mag. 2 8 ( 6 ) : 338-339, Eng. sect.) With description and distribution.

Bot. Juil.

FOX, Charles P. 1909. "The discoverer of guayule." (India Rubber World 3 9 ( 4 ) : 130.) A letter to the editor, on the role of John Milton Bigelow.

1874. "Note sur les Andropogon du Mexique." (Bull. S oc. Bot. France 21: 213-216.) A general survey of the genus dividing it into 5 groups, listing the Mexican representative of each, and describing new species in three of the groups ( 10 in all ). 1876. "Sur les Graminées Mexicaines à sexes séparés." ( Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belgique 15: 459-476.) With descriptions of the following new species: Krombholzia latifolia, Strephium strictiflorum, Euchlaena bourgaei, Jouvea new gen. with J. straminea, n.s.p. 1876a. " L e Reana luxurians." (Illus. Hort. 23: 93.)

FOX, Conde de. See VALDES, Maximino, 1918. FOX, Wm. B. See also HERNANDEZ X., Efrafm, et al, SHARP, A. J., et al, 1950.


FOX, William B., and A. J. SHARP. 1954. " L a distribución de Fagus en México." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 17: 31-33, map.) Indicates 4 localities in which it has been found. FRACASTORO, Girolamo ( Fracastorius, Hieronymus). 1530. Syphilis sive morbus gallicus. Verona, 1530, 36 unnumb. Ivs. —PPCP. Incl. in the work by Alphonse Ferri (Ferrus, Ferrius) " D e ligni sancti," Lugduni, 1547, p. 170-216.-PPCP. An English trans., by Solomon Claiborne Martin, was publ. in St. Louis, 1911, and repr. in 1931; the latter with a biog. of Fracastoro by Mario Truffi, trans, by Philip Frank. A note in the PPCP copy of the first ed. says the work was written before 1521. For details on Fracastoro's work, see G. L. Hendrickson, "The syphilis of Girolamo Fracastoro," in (Bull. Inst. Hist. Med. 2: 515-546, 1934). With a description of the plant, guayacán (Guaiacum), which for a long time was considered a cure for the disease.

Reports that Reana luxurians is really Tripsacum monostachyon, then on p. 143, in an article with the same title, decides it is Euchlaena mexicana. 1877. "Sur les Arundinacées du Mexique." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 24: 177-182 résumé was publ. in Bot. Jahresb. 5: 401-402, 1877.) Includes a discussion of the genus Calamagrostis, an emended description of the genus Deyeuxia, with a key to 10 species and descriptions of the following novelties: Phragmites berlandieri n. sp. and Calamachloa nov. gen. with the species filifolia. (1877-1878.) "Las zonas botánicas de México." (Prog. Méx. 7 : 233, 242, 264, 1900.) Common names of the plants were added in notes by Alfonso Herrera. Instead of the classical tierra caliente, tierra templada, and tierra fría, Fournier notes 5 zones: zona litoral, selva tropical, sabana, zona templada, and zona del Agave. The last-named is subdivided into the northern, southern, and upper zones. This was first published in Die vegetation der erde, 1877-1878, by Grisebach, French ed., q.v. It was also included in La vegetación de México, by J. Ramírez, q.v., in a Spanish translation.

FRAENKEL, Curt. 1903. "Ueber den gefaessbuendelverlauf in den blumenblaettem." (Beih. Bot. Centr. 14: 63-94, illus.) Study of comparative anatomy in various groups. FRAGOSO, Juan. 1572. Discurso de las cosas aromáticas. Madrid, 211 lvs.—DA. Trans, by Israel Spach into Latin for the 2d éd., Argentoratae ( Strassburg), 1601, 115 p., as Aromatum fructuum et simplicum. León cites 1600 as the date of this, as does Colmeiro, who adds "cítanse ejemplares del año 1601." 290




The first ed. covered only the East Indies. The second ed. contains references to Mexican plants supplied probably by Hernández, who was a friend of Fragoso. UN FRAILE MENOR. 1541. "Ritos antiguos sacrificios é idolatrías de los Indios de la Nueva España." In Col. Doc. Ined. Hist. Esp., Madrid, 1869, 53: 295-374. Written, 1541, in the Convento de la Santa María de la Concepción de Teocacín, "al ilustrísimo Señor Don Antonio Pimentel." Natural history is considered in Chaps. 8 and 9 of Part 3; Chap. 19 of the same part is on the maguey. FRAINE, Ethel de. See D E FRAINE, Ethel. FRAMPTON, John. See E S T I E N N E , Charles ( 1 5 6 4 ? ) ; MONARDES, Nicolás, 1565. FRANCE, Raoul Heinrich. See P I L G E R , Robert Knuds Friedrich, 1913; W I N K L E R , Hubert, 1913. FRANCE-HARRAR, Annie. 1953. "Duerre steppe — feuchter urwald." (Allg. Forstzeitg 6 4 ( 1 / 2 ) : 6-8, illus.; introd. note by K. G.) On the question of erosion and reforestation, with pictures illustrating vegetation. Some trees are cited by name in the text. FRANCESCHI, F.(rancesco) (pseud, for FENZI, Emanuele Orazio). FRANCESCONI, Mariano Villanueva FRANCESCONI, Mariano.





FRANCEY, Pierre. 1934-1938. "Monographie du genre Oestrum. L . " (Candollea 6: 46398, 1934-1936; 7 : 1-132, 1936-1938, illus.) Useful work covering the history, morphology, and distribution, with 36 species in Mexico, including some new ones. The systematic part contains a key to species, descriptions, and localities. FRANCHET, Adrien. See F O U R N I E R , Eugene, 1872, 1886. FRANCISCI ( F R A N C I S C U S ) , Erasmus. See FRANZ, Erasmus. FRANCK, Johann. See HERNODIUS, Jacob Olaf, 1633. FRANCKE, A. 1941. "Reitraege zur kenntnis des Waldbaues in den tropenlaendern." (Kol. Forst. Mitt. 3 ( 5 ) : 349-424, illus., maps, bibl.) "Ein ueberblick ueber wald, Waldwirtschaft, und waidbau im tropischen Amerika." Discussion is by countries, with Mexico on pp. 349-352. Forests are described for various zones, and important trees are listed by scientific names. A description of general vegetation is given also; the map shows the forest types. FRANCKE, A., and H. J. S C H L I E ß E N . 1942. "Untersuchungen zur keimung und jugend entwicklung tropischer holzarten." (Kol. Forst Mitt. 5 ( 1 ) : 63-66.) Picture story on Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. FRANCO, Consuelo. 1922. "Primeras contribuciones para el estudio del pulque en el estado." Guadalajara, 1922, 31 p. illus.) Thesis Chem. With a history, description, and taxonomy of Agave. de Puebla.





A monograph covering the world wide genus,




FRANCO, José Cornejo. See T E L L O , Antonio (1650-1651). FRANCO, José González. See GONZALEZ FRANCO, José. FRANCO, M. Mario Taracena. See Mario.


FRANCO, P ° ( P e d r o ) . ( 1 5 7 9 ) . "Descripción de la Ciudad de Antequera, 1579." 2: 134-137, 1945-48. ) FRANCO SILVA, María Cecelia. 1951. "Determinación de alcaloides en el Datura Guadalajara, 39 p., illus. Thesis Chem.




FRANCO VAZQUEZ, María Luisa. 1952. "Estudio de la hierba del pajarito." México, 40 p. Thesis Chem. On Phoradendron velutinum, plied by M. Martinez.

with the botanical data sup-

FRANCOIS, Mr. See FRON et FRANCOIS, 1901-1902. FRANCOLI, Luis de Moxo y de. See MOXO y de FRANCOLI, Luís de. FRANK, Anna M. 1949. "The genus Crassula." (Cact. Dig. of the Henry Shaw Cact. Soc. 8 ( 2 ) : 626-628, illus.) Repr. in (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 1 ( 4 ) ; 106-108, illus., 1949.) Species are described from the point of view of a horticulturist. FRANK, Gerhart. 1957. "Durch die kakteenparadiese Nord und Sued Amerikas." (Kakt. And. Sukk. 8 ( 5 ) : 68-70; ( 6 ) : 116-121, illus.) Travel account; installments which follow are not concerned with Mexico. 1960. "Eine neue seltene Toumeya ( Turbinicarpus Buxb. et Backbg.). ( K a k t . And. Sukk. 1 1 ( 1 1 ) : 168-170, illus.) Repr. in Spanish as "Una nueva Toumeya Mexicana" in (Cact. Suc. Méx. 7 ( 1 ) : 8-10, illus., 1962.) T. krainziana, probably from Querétaro or Hidalgo. Turbinicarpus is retained as a subgenus in Toumeya. FRANK, Josef María. 1938. Mexiko ist anders. Berlin, 354 p., 135 photos, map. Notes of a tourist, but with many observations on plants, and some interesting remarks on pulque and peyotl. FRANK, Philip. See FRACASTORO, Girolamo, 1530. FRANKENHEIM, Moritz Ludwig. 1843. "Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Rosaceen." (Lt'nnaea 17: 549-566.) 1848.

With a number of distribution tables. "Ueber die geographische Verbreitung (Linnaea 21: 527-562.)



With six distribution tables. FRANKLIN, Alfred.

FRANCO, Felipe. 1941. Geografía

FRANCO, Joäo do Amarai. 1950. "Abetos." (An. Inst. illus., bibl.)

México, 245 p., illus., maps.

With a chapter on agricultural regions, citing the products of each area. 1946. Indonimia geográfica del Estado illus.—Bibliot. M. Maldonado.

de Puebla.

México, 386 p.,

Plant references are by common names only. FRANCO, G. González. See GONZALEZ FRANCO, G. FRANCO, Guadalupe. See also R O B E L O , Cecilio A., et al, 1907. 1906. "Mis impresiones de viage a las grutas de Cacahuamilpa." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx. II, 3 : 508-522.) With a few references to plants of the region. FRANCO, Ignacio Chávez. See CHAVEZ FRANCO, Ignacio.

1893. Le café, le thé, et le chocolat. Paris, 319 p., illus.-MB. With the emphasis on chocolate and its history, particularly as it relates to the French colonies. FRANKLYN, C. M. 1939. "Recuerdo de México." Austin, 98 mimeo. lvs. Guidebook for tourists; references to plants, by common names only, are not always botanically accurate. FRANQUET, René. See GUILLAUMIN, A., 1933. FRANWORTH, Constance H. See VARIOUS, 1943-1947. FRANZ (FRANCISCUS, F R A N C I S C I ) , Erasmus. 1668. Ost und West Indischer wie auch garten. Nuernberg, 1762 p., illus.


lust und stat&


FRANZ FRANZ—continued Contains descriptions and illustrations of Mexican plants; based mainly on writing of others, quoted at great length. For a study of Francisci's works see C. Grant Loomis, 1944. 1669. Guineischer und Americanischer blumen-pusch. Nuernberg, 399 p., illus.-NN. In part 2, chap. 5, on the history of Mexico, there is an illustration of floating gardens. 1670. Neu polirter geschicht kunst und sitten spiegel." Nuemberg, 1550 p., illus.-NN. See p. 1231 for a reference to Hernández on Mexican plants. FRANZ, Erich. 1909. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Portulacaceen und Basellaceen." (Bot. Jahrb. 42, Beibl. 97: 1-46, illus.) With a key to subfamilies. FRAPS, George Stronach. See SANDERS, J. McConnell, 1911. FRAPS, G. S„ and J. B. RATHER. 1910. "Constituents of candelilla wax." (Jour. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2: 454-455.) Report of a chemical analysis of the substance; particularly on the presence of the hydrocarbon and hentriacontane. FRASHERS (sic). See ADMIRAL, Don, 1938.

1943. "La palma de sombreros." Chapingo, 1943, 67 p. Thesis ENA. Description of the plant, identified as Brahea dulcis or Inodes species, with uses. Other plants known as palma de sombreros are also listed. FRESNE, Pierre du. See D U F R E S N E , Pierre. F R E T E R , L. Ernest, and Walter C. BROWN. 1955. "A cytotaxonomic study of Bouteloua curtipendula and B. uniflora." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 82: 121-130, illus., map.) Includes a discussion also of morphology and distribution, which, with cytological studies, confirm the separateness of the two species. FREY, Albert. See DAHLGREN, Bror Eric, 1947. FREY, Eugenio. 1883. "La conservación de los bosques." (Bol. 9-12.) FREY-WYSSLING, A. 1949. "Die tabakpflanze." illus.)



Soc. Agr. Méx. 6:



On the morphology of various parts of the plant, its manner of growth, the physiology of nicotine production, and its transfer in the plant.

FRAUENKNECHT, Johann Jacob. 1746. "Dissertatio inauguralis medico-chemica de genuinis viribus tabaci." Halle, 60 ( 4 ) p . - N N . Mainly on experiments, with some history and botany.

F R E Y E R M U T H JIMENEZ, Enriqueta. 1952. "Contribución al conocimiento de la flora fanerogámica del Desierto de los Leones." México, 96 p., 68 illus., map. Thesis Sci. UNAM. With geographic data, floristic observations, and a systematic index.

FRAUSTO, María de la Luz Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ FRAUSTO, María de la Luz.

FREYMANN, J. Guillermo. See AGUIRRE, Amado, et al, 1925.

FRAUSTRO, Alberto. See FRAUSTRO M., Alberto.

FREYRE, Antonio. See E X Q U E M E L I N , Alexandre Olivier, 1678.

FRAUSTRO M., Alberto. See also POZO SANCHEZ, Gustavo del, 1943. FRAUSTRO M„ Alberto, and Ricardo DIAZ MONTERRUBIO. 1943. Regiones ganaderas del Estado de Tamaulipas. México, 126 p., illus., maps—Bibliot. R. Alcorta. Section on "pastos naturales," with plants listed by common and scientific names. FRAYRE J E M E N T E , Mario. 1950. "Cultivo del ajonjolí en la region del Rio Mayo, Sonora." Cd. Juárez, 39 p., illus. Thesis EPA.

FREYRE, Gilberto. See GONCALVES de LIMA, Oswaldo, 1955.

On Sesamum

FRAZIER, Vivian. See CORRELL, Donovan S. 1962. FREDRICHS, Romance. See SHARP, A. J., 1958. FREEMAN, Catherine and Dick. 1945. "Candle of God." (Nat. Hist. 54: 316-321, illus.) A picture story of the Yucca. FREEMAN, Dick. See FREEMAN, Catherine and Dick, 1945. FREEMAN, George Fouché. 1913. "The tepary, a new cultivated legume from the southwest." (Bot. Gaz. 56: 395-417, illus.) Identifies it as Phaseolus acutifolius Gray and describes it, with a discussion of its varieties, uses, distribution, and the derivation of its name. F R E E M A N , William George. See also WILLIAMS, R. O., and W I L LIAMS, Jr. 1927. F R E E M A N , William George, and S. E. C H A N D L E R , et al. 1907. The world's commercial products. London, 391 p., profusely illus., maps. History, botany, preparation, distribution, and use of the various products.


On Acrocomia



FREZIER, Amedée François. See also F E U I L L E E , Luis, 1714-1725.


FREGOSO, Gilberto. 1946. "Las palmas de México." (Indust. 15-27.) Growth statistics and diseases.

FREYTAG, George F(rederick). 1951. "A revision of the genus Guazuma." (Ceiba 1 ( 4 ) : 193-225, illus., maps.) History, relationships, evolution, morphology, uses, common names, taxonomy with a key to species, descriptions, and distribution. 1953. "The coyol palm as a beverage tree." (Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 41: 47-49, illus.)

FREZIER, Amedée François. 1716. Relation du voyage de la Mer du Sud aux côtes du ChÛy et du Pérou. Paris, 1732, 298 p., 37 pl. The first ed. was printed in 1716. An English trans, appeared in London, in 1717. With interesting comments on plants. A criticism of the work, by Louis Feuillée, was published as "Reflexions critiques sur différentes observations faites par M. Frézier," and was included, separately paged, 56 p., in the 1732 ed. of the Relation. ( See Feuillée, 1714-1725. ) It is followed by a "Reponse a la préface critique du livre intitulé Journal des observations physiques mathématiques et botaniques du R. P. Feuillée contra la Relation du voyage de Mer du Sud de M. Frézier." See Feuillée, Luis, 1714-1725, vol. 3. The "Reflexions critiques" were probably published before their appearance in the above cited vol. 3, because the Bibliothèque Nationale shows a separate edition of the "Réponse" in 1717. FRIAS, J. Felix. 1950. "Datos generales sobre la ecologiá vegetal del Cerro de La Herradura, Estado de Morelos." Cuernavaca, 11 typed p., 12 illus.—Bibliot. Fac. Cieñe. UNAM. A general study, with the dominant plants listed, mainly only according to genera. FRIAS, Oscar S. See M E N D I E T A y NUNEZ, Lucio, et al, 1949.

For. 1 ( 9 ) : 19-21;


FRIAS y FRIAS, Valentín. 1906. La conquista de Querétaro. México, 1906, 194 p., illus. With the description of Querétaro, by Hernando de Vargas, 1582. The instructions for the relación are also included.



1931b. "Neomammillaria chinocephala." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Amer. 3 ( 3 ) : 59, illus.) Common in central Mexico, especially Coahuila. 1932. "Echinocereus knippelianus." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 3 ( 7 ) : 116, illus.) From Mexico, but the actual locality is not cited. 1932a. "Leuchtenbergia principis." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 3 ( 9 ) : 153-154, illus.) From central and northern Mexico. 1932b. "An American Euphorbia." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 4 ( 4 ) : 260-261, illus.) Description of Eupedilanthus macrocarpus Benth. northwestern Mexico. 1933. "Cochineal." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 5 ( 2 ) : 430-431, illus.) Reports that the insect is found not only on Opuntia cinellifera, but also on Cochemiea poselgeri, in Lower fornia.

(FRIC, also as FRICH, A. V.) 1923. "Mammillaria sulco-lanata." (Kakt. Sukk. 2: 50-52, illus.) The work was printed anonymously. Descriptions, plus a listing of Mammillaria species, divided into those in the Aulacothelae Lem. and those in the Glanduliferae (sic) S-D. 1923a. "Kvetoucí Cereus v Mexiku." (Kakt. Sukk. 2: 53-57, illus.) The work was printed anonymously. With descriptions of Echinocactus napinus and E. denudatus. 1923b. "Galerie nasich kaktusáru." (Kakt. Sukk. 2: 63-64, port.) The work was publ. anonymously. Biography of Benedict Roezl. 1923c. "Kaktusovymi lesy." (Kakt. Sukk. 4: 99-101, 131-133.) Experiences on a collecting trip; written from Oaxaca. 1923d. ("Descriptions of cacti.") (Kakt. Sukk. 4: 114-119, illus.) Printed anonymously. Includes Cereus grandiflorus Mill., and Echinocereus pulchellus, K. Sch. 1923e. "Vysledek devítimesíení cesty do Mexika." (Kakt. Sukk. 4: 120-123.) Printed anonymously. Enumeration of species, with localities, mainly in Cereus, Coryphantha, Echinocactus, and Echinocereus. 1923f. "Lactomammillaria Fric n.s. aselliformoides Fric n.n." (Kakt. Sukk. 5: 133-142, illus.) Discussion of earlier names, mainly in Pelecyphora. 1923g. "Strombocactus n.n. Rose and Britton turbiniformis Pfeiff." (Kakt. Sukk. 5: 142-146, illus.) With a discussion of synonymy, and a description of a new variety seidelii. 1923h. "Rozdeleni kaktusu." (Kakt. Sukk. 5 : 147-152.) With 2 charts, one illustrating Schumann's classification, the other Fric's proposed system. 1924. O kaktech. Praha, 54 p., illus.-IB Méx. (Publ. as Frich.) "a jejich narkotickych ucincich"; mainly on peyote, with translations of various publications on the subject; also accounts of travels in the Tarahumara region. 1926. "Der kakteenjaeger." (Moeller's Deut. Gart. Zeitg. 41: 140143, 214, 216, 256-257, 286, 379-381, 394, 402-403, 418420, 430-Í31, 440-441, and 42 : 9-10, 64, 77-78, 158, illus., 1927.)

FRICK, Karl O. 1931. "Neomammillaria piumosa." 3 ( 1 ) : 6, illus.) From northern Mexico.






Amer. from



FRIDERICI, Johann Arnoldo. See HAHN, Adam, 1667. F R I E D E , H. 1955. "Exotic conifers in South Africa." (Trees S. Africa 6 ( 1 ) : 1416, illus. ) On the success, in Africa, of Vinus patula and P. pseudostrobus from Mexico. FRIEDERICI, Georg. 1925-1936. Der charakter die entdeckung und eroberung Amerikas durch die Europear. Stuttgart, 3 vols., detailed bibl.—PU. The first section, "kolonisationsschaufplatze," covers the natural history of the area, with a special section for each region, and for different plants — tuna, pitahaya, Agave. 1926. "Die heimat der kokospalme." (Erdball 1 ( 2 ) : 71-77, bibl.) "Und die vorkolumbische entdeckung Amerikas durch die Malaio-Polynesier." FRIEDLAND, Solomon. 1941. "The American species of Hemicarpha (Cyperaceae)." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 2 8 ( 1 0 ) : 855-886, illus., map.) With keys, descriptions, and distribution.

In the first part emphasis is on travels and plants seen in Neuvo Leon. Last part emphasizes Astrophytum, then summarizes the trip in Mexico and Texas. 1933. "The discovery of Cephalocereus senilis." (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 4 ) : 45-46, illus.) On rediscovering the site near Cardonal in 1923. The article was reprinted in (Cact. Succ. Jour. Great Britain, July 1948; this was not seen; and in Spine 1 ( 4 ) : 122-123, 1948). 1933a. "Das kakteen-geschaeft." (Moellers Deut. Gaert. Zeitg. 48: 308-309.) On the introduction of new and rare plants; refers to a plant "die in der form an den Mexikanischen Echinopsis macrodiscus erinnerten"; this is cited as a reference to a new species in Ind. Kew.

FRIES, Elias. 1847, 1850. "Symbolae ad historiam Hieraciorum." (Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Scient. Upsal. 13: 383-416, 14: 1-220, 1850; in Latin. ) History, general description, morphology, classification, geographic distribution, and descriptions of species in systematic arrangement, with localities. Mexican material includes 9 species, mainly Liebmann collections, from the high altitude areas in Mexico. A resumé was published by J. A. Wahlberg under the title "Monografi oefver Hieracium" in (Oefversigt Kg I. Vet. Akad. Foerh. 5: 218-232, 1848). 1856. "Nya och mindre kaenda arter af slaegtet Hieracium." (Oefver. K. Vet. Akad. Foerh. 13: 141-149.) Repr. in (Flora 40: 577-586, 1857) with the title "Neue und weniger bekannte arten der gattung Hieracium." H. stuposum n.sp. from Mexico is included.

FRICH, A. V. See FRIC, A. V. FRICH, Pablo. 1923. "Las nogaleras del Estado de Coahuila." (Méx. For. 1 ( 5 / 6 ) : 11-13, illus.) On el nogal común, and the nogal indígena; not identified scientifically. FRICK, G. A. 1931. "Cephalocereus 470, illus.)



1862. "Epicris generis Hieraciorum." (Uppsala Univ. Arsskr., Math. Naturvet.: 1-160; in Latin.) With a conspectus of subgenera, descriptions of species, and varieties in systematic arrangement, distribution, and synonymy. Several Mexican species are included.

senilis." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 1 1 ) :

FRIES, Robert. See also WOODSON, Robert E. et al. 1937-in progress. 1900. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Sued Amerikanischen Anonaceen." (K. St). Vet. Akad., Handl. 3 4 ( 5 ) : 1-59, 7 pi.) Includes Unonopsis trunciflora (Sch. and Cham.) R. E. Fries, U. galeottiana (Baili.) R. E. Fries, and Cymbopetalum penduliflorum ( Dun. ) Baili.

Description of a species from Hidalgo. 1931a. "Echinofossulocactus." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 1 1 ) : 480, illus.) Description of a species growing in a garden in Santa Barbara, California.




FRIES—continued 1902. "Systematische uebersicht der gattung Scoparia." (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 4 : 116-120; also in Ark. Bot. 6 ( 9 ) : 1-31, 8 pi., 1960.) With a new species Scoparia mexicana, from Oaxaca. 1907. "Einige neue phanerogamen." (Bull. Herb. Boiss., II, 7: 9971004.) Includes Sida corymbosa, n. sp. from Mexico. 1908. "Studien ueber die Amerikanische Columniferenflora." Svensk. Vet. Akad., Handl. 4 2 ( 1 2 ) : 67 p., 7 pi.)


Includes Sterculiaceae, Bombaceae, Malvaceae and Tiliaceae, with description of species and their distribution. New species from Mexico include: Helicteres retinophylla, Sida hastata var. glabriuscula, Pavonia melanommata var. pringleana. The part on Malvaceae was reprinted in (Rep Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. 8: 386-398, 1910) as "Malvaceae novae Americanae." 1908a.

"Entwurf einer monographie der gattungen Wissadula und Pseudabutilon." (K. Svensk. Vet. Akad., Handl. 4 3 ( 4 ) : 1-114, 10 pi., maps. Repr. in Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. Veg. as follows: "Pseudabutilon genus novum Malvacearum" in 9: 475-481, 1911, and "Wissadula genus speciebus novis" in 9: 504-513, 1911.)

1911. "Die arten der gattung Petunia." Handl. 4 6 ( 5 ) : 1-72, 7 figs., 7 pi.) Includes P. parviflora





from Mexico.

1919. "Studien ueber die bluetenstandsverhaeltnisse bei der familie Anonaceae." (Acta. Hort. Berg. 6 ( 6 ) : 74, 48 pi.) Comparative morphological study. 1930-1931, 1939. "Revision der arten einiger Anonaceen gattung." (Acta Hort. Berg. 10: 1-341, 33 pi. 16 fig., 1930-1931; 12: 577, 68 pl„ 66 fig., 1939.) Very useful study, with descriptions, and place of origin of each species. 1943. "Einige gesichtspunkte zur systematischen gruppierung der Amerikanischen Anonaceen gattungen." (Ark. Bot. 30A ( 8 ) : 1-31.) Divided into 10 groups. 1948. "New or noteworthy Anonaceae from tropical (K. Svet. Akad., Handl. I l l , 24 ( 1 0 ) : 20, 7 pi.)


Includes Desmopsis mexicana n.sp., from Michoacän, and Rollinia jimenezii Saff. var. nelsonii n. var. from Veracruz. 1956. "Some new contributions to the knowledge of the Anonaceae in Colombia and Mexico." (Arkiv. Bot. n.s. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 433-442, illus.) With descriptions of Oxandra lanceolata subsp. macrocarpa new subsp. from Michoacan; Cymbopetalum gracile n. sp. from Montes de Oca-San Antonio (Guerrero)? and extension of range into Mexico of Rollinia membranacea Tr. and PI. FRITSCH, Felix Eugen. See also S O L E R E D E R , Hans (1898)-1899. 1908. "The anatomy of the Julianaceae considered from the systematic point of view." (Trans. Linn. Soc. London Bot., II, 7: 129-151, 2 pi.) Detailed study of structure based on Juliania adstringens, J. mollis, J. amplifolia, J. glauca, and Orthopterygium huaucui.

1889b. "Ueber eine neue Potentiüa aus Mittel Amerika." (Bot. Jahrb. 11: 314-317.) Potentilla heterosepala, var. mexicana. 1892. "Die gattungen der Caprifoliaceen." (Bot. Centralbl. 50: 137-139, 168-170.) Summary of genera, with geographic distribution, and a discussion of relationships of the various genera to other families. 1893. "Die gattungen der Caprifoliaceen." (Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 42 (Sitzungsb.)-. 7-10.) Conspectus of genera, with distribution. 1913-1914. "Beitrag zur kenntnis der Gesnerioideae." (Bot. Jahrb. 50: 392-439.) Many new species from Mexico are described in Achimenes, Smithiantha, and Kohleria. 1932. "Die systematische gruppierung der monokotylen." (Bet. Deut. Bot. Ges. 50A: 162-184, bibl.) Classified into 9 orders, with a discussion of each. FRITZ, Emanuel. 1926. "Amapa" for interior trim and flooring." ( Trop. Woods 8: 8-9.) Describes use of the wood of Tecoma pentaphylla Juss. ( Tabebuia pentaphylla Hemsley. ) FROBENIUS, Leo. See CASAS, Gonzalo de las, 1571-1585. F R O E B E L , Julius. 1859. Seven years' travel in Central America, northern Mexico and the far west of the United States. London, 587 p., illus.; modified English ed. of original German Aus Amerika, Leipzig, 2 vols., 1857-1858; French transi, by Emile Tandel, A travers l'Amérique, was publ. in 1861 (acc. Gardiner). Several chapters are on Mexico with description of scenes and references to plants. F R O E D E R S T R O E M , Harald. 1929. "The genus Sedum L." (Meddel. Goeteb. Bot. Trädgard (Bihang) (Acta Horti Goth. App.) 5: 1-72, 28 pl., 304 figs., 6: 1-111, 65 pl., 828 figs., 1930; 7: 1-126, 68 pl., 967 figs., 1931, 10: 1-181, 115 pl., 1360 figs., 1 9 3 5 - ( 1 9 3 6 ) , bibl., in English. ) Thesis. A systematic essay with descriptions, distribution, list of the more important collections of Sedum in China and Mexico, with the species, and the year when collected. There is no key to species. F R O E H N E R , Albrecht. 1896. "Uebersicht ueber die arten der gattung Coffea." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1 ( 6 ) : 230-238.) 1898. "Die gattung Coffea und ihre arten." (Bot. Jahrb. 25: 233-295.) With a key to species. FRON et FRANCOIS, Messieurs. 1901-1902. " L e guayule." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 1: 105-109, illus.) A good botanical study of Parthenium argentatum Gray. FROST, Ben. 1944. "Indians to Spaniards to us." (Crown 3 3 ( 1 2 ) : 9-11, 29 illus.) The story of chocolate, emphasizing its history and preparation.

F R I T S C H , Karl (also as Carl).

FROST, Frederick J. Tabor.

1888. "Ueber die gattungen der Chrysobalanaceen." (Verh. Bot. Ges. Wien 38: 93-95.)

FROST, Howard Brett. See W E B B E R , Herbert John, and Leon Dexter BATCHELOR, 1943-1948.


With a key to genera. 1889. "Beitraege zur kenntnis der Chrysobalanaceen." (Ann. Hofmus. 4: 33-60, bibl.)


With a conspectus generis Licaniae, data on the history, taxonomy, and descriptions of species. 1889a. "Ueber die gattungen der Chrysobalanaceen." tralbl. 39: 6.)



Sets up a new family between the Rosaceae and Leguminosae, describes 3 subfamilies, and lists the genera included in each.

See ARNOLD, Channing, 1909.

FROTHINGHAM, Robert. 1929. "Deserts that bloom as the rose." (Country Life (America) 5 5 ( 3 ) : 35-37, illus.) Description of a trip in Sonora; "through Mexico's vast cactus forests, by automobile"; included in the illustrations are a Yucca, and a cirio cited as a cactus. FRYCKBERG, Marjorie.

See VARIOUS, 1943-1947.

FRYE, Else M. 1939. " W e go to Mexico." (New Flora Silva I I : 269-275, illus.) Description of a trip from Nuevo Laredo to Mexico City,


FRYMIRE then to Cordoba, plus smaller trips to places closer to Mexico City; profuse references to plants seen, use, common and scientific names. FRYMIRE, G. P.

See DODSON, Calaway H., and FRYMIRE, 1961.

FUAUX, Lex. 1948. "A critical discussion of modern taxonomy." (Spine 23, 49-51.)

1 ( 1 ) : 21-

The second part is subtitled "The strange case of ofossulocactus."


FUCHS, Hans Peter. 1960. "Zur nomenklatur der beiden von Linnaeus unterschiedenen Rauvolfia arten." ( T a x o n 9 ( 2 ) : 37-46, bibl.) A detailed study in the synonymy of the species which the author classifies as R. tetraphylla L., and R. tomentosa N. J. Jacquin. FUCHS, Leonhart. 1542. De historia stirpium. Basel, 896 p., illus. Followed by many later eds. in French, Dutch, German, and Spanish. D L C has a 1555 ed. Noted for its fine illustrations. For a detailed analysis of the work, with an index to the scientific the plants included, see Sprague, T. A., and Nelmes, herbal of Leonhart Fuchs." ( Jour. Linn. Soc. London 642, 1928-31.) As an example of Mexican plants see Capsicum. FUCHS, Max. 1886. Die geographische Verbreitung des kaffebaumes. p. - ICJ. With a brief section on coffee in Mexico.

botanical names of E., "The 4 8 : 545included,

Leipzig, 72

FUEHNER, H. 1926. "Solanaceomania." (Rev. Méd. Farm. Mex. 4 ( 7 ) : 18-22.) On the narcotic effects of various members of the family. FUENTE, Augusto Barragán de la. See BARRAGAN de la F U E N T E , Augusto. FUENTE, Julio de la. 1941-1946. "Los Zapotecos de Choapan." (An. Inst. Nac. Ant. Hist. Méx. 2: 143-205, illus., map, bibl.) With references to various plants used for food, etc.; vocabulary, pp. 196-204, includes plant names. 1947. "Notes sobre lugares de Oaxaca." (An. Inst. Nac. Antrop. Hist. Méx. 2: 279-292.) "Con especial referencia a la toponimia Zapoteca." Etymology is given for 29 place names. 1949. Yalalag. México, 382 p., 16 illus., maps, bibl., Serie Cient. No. 1, Mus. Nac. Antrop. Mex. Ethnological study with brief references to plants in the sections on foods, agriculture, diseases, and folklore. FUENTE ALBORES, Juan Jossef de la. 1892.


FUENTE F I E R R O , Manuel de la. 1956. "Cultivo del algodón en la Cuenca del Rio Panuco y generalidades de la región." Panuco, Veracruz, 55 p., illus. Thesis EPA. With a description of the Huasteca region. FUENTE y F I E R R O , José de la. 1946. "Cultivo de la papa en el Estado de México." Toluca, 46 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Solanum tuberosum. FUENTES, Carlos Paz. FUENTES, Clara Matus. FUENTES, Ignacio. 1942.

See PAZ F U E N T E S , Carlos. See MATUS F U E N T E S , Clara.

See TORREA, Juan Manuel, and F U E N T E S ,

FUENTES, Juan Ignacio. 1789. "El pueblo de San Juan Yolotepec." N.p., 2 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 121, Col. P. y T. FUENTES, Pedro.

See BAZ, Gustavo Adolfo, and GALLO, 1874.


1950. " E l cultivo del cocotero en Atoyac, Guerrero." Cd. Juárez, 87 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Cocos nucífera. F U E N T E S LUGO, Gustavo. 1954. "Algunos problemas forestales del Estado de Veracruz." Chapingo, 67 p., illus. Thesis ENA. A detailed discussion of vegetation by zones, with a list of trees for each zone, citing common and scientific names, and family. F U E N T E S y GUZMAN, Francisco de. 1808-1818.

See JUARROS, Domingo,

F U E N T E S y GUZMAN, Francisco Antonio. ( 1 6 9 0 ) . "Historia de Guatemala ó recordación florida." Guatemala, 1932-1933, 3 vols. Written in 1690. Part 1, bks. 1-16, was first publ. in Madrid, 1882-83, 2 vols., map. With many references to plants, especially those used for medicine. FUERNROHR, August Emanuel (signed as F . ) . 1848-1852, 1855.

See GRAY, Asa,

F U E R T E S , E . A. See also S H U F E L D T , Robert Wilson, 1872. 1871. "Vocabularies of the Zapotees from Juchitán." Tehuantepec, 53 ms. pages copied by Daniel Garrison Brinton, with notes by him. — PU-Mu. By an engineer with the Tehuantepec expedition of 1871. Includes a Zoque vocabulary from Chimalapa and a Mixe vocabulary from Guichicari. FUHRI, Peter. 1844. "Dissertatio medico-inauguralis de Nicotiana." Hague, 71 p. - NN. The emphasis is on medicine; with an introductory section on botany. F U J I S E , Kazuma.

See NISHUYAMA, Ichizo, et al, 1961.

F U L L E R , Harry James. 1951. "War time rubber exploitation in tropical America." Bot. 5: 311-337, illus.) With a section on Castilla F U L L E R , J. Angel Reinosa.



See REINOSA F U L L E R , J. Angel.

FULTON, Maurice Garland, ed. (1840's). Diary and letters of Josiah Gregg. Norman, Oklahoma, 1941-1944, 2 vols., illus., maps, Introd. by Paul Horgan. Original was written in 1840's. Volume 1, chapters 6 and 7 describe trip into Mexico; references to plants along the way are by common names. Volume 2, chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are on Mexico. FULTZ, Francis Marion. 1919. "The lilies of the field." (Set. Amer. Suppl. 2275: 92-94, 96, illus.) Descriptions, distribution, and common and scientific names, of members of the Liliaceae in southwestern United States. 1923. The elfin forest of California. Los Angeles, 267 p., 123 illus. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1927. On the chaparral and its constitution; many Mexican plants are included. FUNCK, Nicolas.

See RICHARD, A., and GALEOTTI, 1845.

F U R B E R , George C. 1848. The twelve months volunteer. map.

Cincinnati, Ohio, 624 p., illus.,

Journal of a private in the Mexican campaign 1846-1847; refers to plants in text and illustrations. FURLONG, Rodolfo Barreda.


F U S S E L L , Catharine P. 1958. "Chromosome numbers in the Gesneriaceae." (Baileya 125.) Part of a M.S. thesis at Cornell Univ.

6: 117-

Counts are given for plants in 20 genera and 36 species; one plant used, Episcia dianthiflora H. E . Moore and R. G. Wilson, came from Guerrero.


G. G. G. G. See GARDNER, George? g. 1. See LAENG, G. G. M. 1932. "Mammillaria microcarpa Eng." ( Succulenta 14: 245-249, illus.) Detailed description of a plant which grows in northern Mexico. G. T. S. 1943-1944. "Some details in the life of Johann Jacob Baegert." ( Tlalocan 1: 243-249.) GABB,

William More. See also BROWNE, John Ross, 1869; ORCUTT, C. R., 1886. 1867. "Cochimi and Ki-lee-wee comparative vocabulary." Ms. Smithson. Inst. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. No. 1147, 10 p., in comparative vocabulary schedule No. 170. Pubi, in (Zeits. Ethnol. 9: 341418, 1877), in the article by Albert S. Gatschet, "Der Yuma sprach stamm," with the vocabularies on pp. 390-407. Contains a few general plant terms. GABRIELI, Giuseppe. See also EMMART, Emily Walcott, 1935. 1929. "Iconografia botanica, due codici iconografici di piante miniate nella Biblioteca Reale di Windsor." (R. Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend., VI, 10: 531-538.) One of them is "Erbe medicinali del Messico o libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis . . .," 1552. In describing it, the author says that the editors of Hernández' "Tesoro" in Rome did not know of it. See also the author's later article on the subject, 1940; and Blunt, Wilfred, 1950. 1933. "Un contributo dei missionari Cattolico alla prima conoscenza naturalistica del Messico." (Pens. Miss. 5: 263-274.) Includes a brief discussion of Hernández' Thesaurus of which the author says "era gia quasi tutta stampata e pronta fin del 1628"; also a brief reference to Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum on which he had reported in 1929. 1940. "Il cosiddetto tesoro Messicano edito dai primi Lincei." (R. Accad. Italia, Rend. Ci. Sci. Mor. Stor. VII, 1 ( 7 / 9 ) : 110-121.) "La storia interna brevemente ritracciota del tesoro Messicano." 1940a. "La publicazione del primo erbario medico Azteco." (R. Accad. d'Italia, Rend., CI. Sci. Mor. Sto., VII, 2 ( 1 / 5 ) : 3-9, illus.) Compares copy of the Badianus ms. in the Vatican with copy at Windsor. Changes decision of earlier article, q.v., and wonders if Stelluti did not know the Badianus ms. and perhaps copied material from it. See Guerra, 1955. GADEA, Enrique. See GOMEZ GADEA, Enrique, 1898.




GADOW, Hans (Friedrich). See also KOTSCHY, Theodor, 1852. 1907-1909. "Altitude and distribution of plants in southern Mexico." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 38: 429-440.) With 2 diagrams showing distribution. Origin of the plants in the different areas is discussed, resulting in the classification of plants as originating in the regions north of Mexico, or south of Mexico in Central and South America, with some grouped as endemics. 1908. Through southern Mexico. London and New York, 527 p., profusely illus., map. "An account of the travels of a naturalist," whose special interest is reptiles; contains considerable references to plants, much in the style of Carl Lumholz. 1930. JoruUo. Cambridge, England, 100 p., 3 illus., map. Story of the eruption of the volcano, and the reclamation of the district by plants and animals; some scientific names are given. Included is a good discussion of the development of parasitic plants, and an historical survey, with criticism of the works of other writers, including Humboldt. GAERTNER, Carl Friedrich von. 1791.


GAETA, Giuseppe. 1892. "Catalogo sistemático delle specie e varieta coltivate nel bosco sperimentale di Moncioni." (Bull. R. Soc. Tosc. d'Ort, 17: 36, 83, 107, 145, 167, 204, 234, 266, 304, 335, 357.) With a classification, according to Beissner, and a catalogue of trees with common names and place of origin. GAFFARD, Aug. 1872. Du tabac. Paris, 184 p., 1 illus. - PPCP. History, description, properties, and a discussion of use and abuse, mainly the latter. GAFFAREL, Paul (Louis Jacques). Pietro (1501?).


GAGE, Thomas. See also BERENDT, Karl Hermann, 1867; COLMENERO de LEDESMA, Antonio, 1631; HENESTROSA, Andrés, 1946; PANIAGUA, Flavio Antonio, 1908-1911; RODRIGUEZ PUEBLA, Juan, 1837-1838; THEVENOT, Melchisedech, 1663-1696. 1648. The English American — his travail by sea and land. London, 220 p. Abridged ed., New York, 1929, ed. by A. P. Newton, in the Argonaut series, ed. by E. Denison Ross and Eileen Power. León cites the abridged Spanish ed., Nueva relación que contiene los viages de Tomás Gage en la Nueva España, Paris, 1838. The first complete French ed. was publ. in Paris, 1676. "A new survey of the West India's," by a 17th-century tourist, who spent 12 years in Guatemala. Notes on useful plants and vocabulary of Pocomche are included. In the 1929 ed., chaps. 4 to 12 are on Mexico. A French version, in abridged form, was used by Melchisedec Thevenot, 1672, q.v., in his Relations de divers voyages curieux with the title changed to Relation du Mexique et de la Nouvelle Espagne. According to Cullen, "Gage appears to have delighted in the invention of falsehoods." GAGER, Charles Stuart. 1907. "An occurrence of glands in the embryo of Zea mays." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34: 125-137, Contr. N. Y. Bot. Gard. # 9 2 . ) Review of studies in grass embryos concludes that "scutellar epithelium of the grass embryo is an organ of secretion, a true glandular epithelium." 1937. "Botanical gardens of the world." (Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 2 6 ( 3 ) : 149-353.) "Materials for a history"; arranged alphabetically by country and within that by states and cities, with history, purpose, uses, income, library, publications, numbers of species and books, etc. GAGNEPAIN, F(rançois). 1902. "Zingiberacées nouvelles de l'herbier du Museum." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 49: 23-34.) Includes from Mexico: Renealmia jalapensis, collected by Galeottí. 1906. "Liste des Scitaminées nouvelles du Museum publiées de 1901 au 11 Mai, 1906." (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 12: 223230.) Listed alphabetically by genera and species, with the place of publication, date, synonymy, and the place of origin. GAHN, Henricus. 1767. Fundamenta Agrostographiae. Upsala, 38 p., 2 pl.; also in Linnaeus' Amoenitates Academicae, vol. 7.

See GAERTNER, Joseph, 1788-

GAERTNER, Joseph. 1788-1791 ( 2 ) . De fructibus et seminibus vols. For suppl. see below.

For further information on the dates of publication, see Brizicky, George K. "Dates of publication of Gaertner's De fructibus," in (Rhodora 62: 81-84, 1960.) Also Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1961. A sequel, entided Supplementum Carpologiae . . ., was published by Carl Friderich von Gaertner, 1805-1807. DLC gives the dates for the entire work as 1801-(1807).

Includes a description and illustration of Zea mays. GAIBROIS, Manuel Ballesteros. Manuel.

Stuttgart, 2






1946. "The genus Liatris." (Rhodora 48: 165-183, 216-263, 273-326, 331-382, 393-412.) Discussion of the morphology, with keys to sections and series, species, descriptions, and distribution. 1952. "Some rarely collected Mexican Brickellias." (Rhodora 54: 229232.) A discussion of B. oliganthes (Less.) Gray, B. verbenacea (Greene) Robinson collected in Michoacan and Jalisco, B. reticulata (DC) Gray from Morelos, and the 4 Mexican species described by De Candolle. B. venosa (Wooton and Standley) Robinson, of northern Mexico, is also mentioned. 1953. "Chromosome studies in Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae). I. Brickellia." (Rhodora 55: 253-267, 269-288, 297-321, 328-345, illus., bibl.) Study of 44 species and varieties, 25 of which were represented by specimens from Mexico. Followed by a discussion of relationships between chromosome number and geographic distribution and amount of woodiness. Karyotypes are analyzed by sections; study includes the correlation between chromosome size, length of life cycle, achene size, and trichomes. 1954. "Studies in the Kuhniinae. II." (/our. Arnold Arh. 3 5 ( 2 ) : 87133, illus., bibl.) On seedling growth, chromosome number, and morphology of trichomes and pappus. One of the specimens used was K. schaffneri Gray from Mexico. GAITAN, Leonardo. GAITAN, Pedro. 1582).

See VARIOUS, 1873a.

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-

GAIZTAMO, Joseph de. See SALAZAR, Agustín de, and GAIZTAMO (1581, 1777?). GAJA, Arnulfo Canales. See CANALES GAJA, Arnulfo. GAJDUSEK, Daniel Carleton. 1954. "Tarahumara Indian piscicide: Gilia macombii Torr." (Science 120: 436.) Includes a list of plants previously reported by others, mainly with scientific names. GAJON, Carlos (Is this Carlos Gajón Sánchez?). See MARIE, I. O., and GAJON, 1918-1919. 1918. "Plantas feculentas-la aracacha." (Rev. Agrie. 2: 364-365, illus.; also in Bol. Cám. Cent. Agr. Méx. 1 ( 4 ) : 28-29, 1920.) Arracada escalenta as a food plant. 1919. "Cultivo del chícharo de vaca." (Rev. Agr. 5 ( 1 ) : 26-34, illus.) On Vigna. 1920. "El mamey." (Bol. Cam. Cent. Agr. Méx. 1 ( 4 ) : 25-28; also in Rev. Agr. 7: 517-519, illus., 1922.) On Lucuma (Calocarpum). 1920a. "Las rosas para perfumería." (Rev. Agrie. 5: 351-358, illus.) On Rosa. 1920b. "Una Acacia rica en tanino." (Rev. Agrie. 5: 442-443.) On Acacia pyenantha Benth. 1921. "Los mejores rosales." (Rev. Agrie. 6: 67-78, illus.) On Rosa. GAJON, Mariano. 1911. "Los trabajos en la Hacienda de la Compañía." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 35: 475.) In Chalco, state of Mexico; with lists of the cultivated plants. 1914. "Cultivo intensivo de las plantas de ornato." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 4 ( 9 / 1 2 ) : 615-714.) Second ed., México, 116 p., illus., 1921. With a list giving descriptions, and common and scientific names. 1914a. El té. México, 26 p. IB-Méx. With a section on té de México, Chenopodium ambrosioides, and a list of other plants known as té. 1915. "Dimorfismo y dicroismo ó fenómeno de la vegetación — teratología." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 5 ( 1 ) : 7-58.) General discussion of unusual structures in plants; (examples taken from other works?).

GAJON SANCHEZ, Carlos: See also GAJON, Carlos. 1923. "El árbol del pan." (Tierra 1 ( 3 1 ) : 9, 11.) On Artocarpus. 1927. Horticultura moderna. México, 115 p., 57 illus. — BN Méx. On vegetables, with descriptions of those cultivated in Mexico. 1928. La rosa y su cultivo. México, 224 p., 130 illus. — BN Méx. The emphasis is on the culture, with descriptions of varieties. 1929. Cultivo de la vid. México, 147 p. - NN. History, description, and culture of Vitis. 1930. Las mejoras Orquídeas de México. México, 87 p., 31 figs. — TxU. The first section is on culture; the second is a description of various genera and species, arranged in alphabetical order. One new species, Chysis nietana, is included. 1931. Cultivo de la alfalfa. México, 269 p. Botanical description of Medicago includes varieties. 1931a. Cultivo de la papa. México, 76 p., illus. Description and culture. 1936. Cultivo de las plantas en maceta. México, 380 p., illus. Practical treatise; description of plants, synonymy, uses, and habit are given. 1937. "Flora útil del Territorio Sur de la Baja California." (Agricultura 1 ( 3 ) : 24.) With notes on two plants: Spondias, ciruelo, and Jatropha, lomboy. 1939. Cultivo del naranjo y otras Auranciaceas. México, 175 p., illus. A 2d ed. was printed, 1946, 225 p. On the origin, classification, and varieties of the orange and its relatives, with descriptions and culture. 1943. Cultivo de la pina. México, 1947, 150 p., illus., 1st éd., 1943. — Libr. Porrua Hnos. Mostly on the culture, but with sections on the history and botany. 1943a. Cultivo del plátano. México, 220 p., illus. History, varieties, and culture. 1943b. El lúpulo y la cebada de malta. México, 85 p., 12 illus. — BN Mex. On Humulus lupulus and Hordeum. 1944. "La jojoba." (Hacienda 39: 324-326, illus.) Description, composition of seed, and culture. GALAN, Rafael Garcia. See GARCIA GALAN, Rafael. GALARDI, José Maria Murguia y. José María. GALAVIZ, Antonio H.


See PENAFIEL, Antonio, 1885.

GALAZ, Juan de Dios Pérez.

See PEREZ GALAZ, Juan de Dios.

GALDO, Antonio (also as Alonso). (1580.) "Relación de Tequisquiac (also as Tequixquiac), Citlaltepec, y Xilocingo." (Tlalocan 3 ( 4 ) : 289-308, map, 1957; ed. by Ignacio Bernai.) The map is modern; the original ms. is at TxU. It was written by Alonso de Guzmán, under the direction of Galdo et al. The author's name is given also as Alonso, and as Galdos. The area described is north of Cuauhtitlán, in the state of Mexico. Information is given on timber trees, medicinal plants, etc. GALDOS, Antonio or Alonso.

See GALDO, Antonio.

GALEOTTI, Henri Guillaume. See also GRISEBACH, August, 1846, 1849; MARTENS, Martin and GALEOTTI, 1842; 1842-1845; MORREN, Edouard, 1858; RICHARD, A. and GALEOTTI, 1844; 1845. 1836. "Voyage au Coffre de Perote." (Bull. Acad. R. Sci. Bruxelles 3: 436-452, 1 pl.) With reference to plants seen on the way; common and scientific names are given. 1838. "Notice géognostique sur les mines d'alun de la Barranca de



GALEOTTI—continued Tolimán au Mexique." (Bull. Acad. R. Sci. Bruxelles 5: 751755, 2 maps.) A few plants are listed, mostly by scientific name, in the area near Zimapán. 1839. "Coup d'ceil sur la Laguna de Chapala au Mexique." (Bull. Acad. R. Sci. Bruxelles 6 ( 1 ) : 14-29, 2 illus. incl. map.) Compare with the article entitled "Descripción de la Laguna de Chapala,," pubi, in (Mos. Mex. 6: 337-348, 1841). With a brief list of outstanding plants seen, cited mainly by scientific names. GALERA, David Casares y.


GALICIA, Daniel F. See also BELTRAN, Enrique, 1953; SHELFORD, V. E., 1941. 1938. "Los parques nacionales de México." (Bol. Dept. For. Caza Méx. 10: 73-85.) Listed with the name of the state where they are found, the area covered, and the special features for which they are noted. 1939. "Mexico's national parks." (Parks Recr. 2 2 ( 5 ) : 240-249, illus.) A listing of 29 parks with references to their vegetation, in descriptions of some of them; five additional ones are listed as proposed sites for parks. GALICIA, Faustino Chimalpopoca. See CHIMALPOPOCA GALICIA, Faustino. GALICIA CHIMALPOPOCA, GALICIA, Faustino.




GALINAT, Walton Clarence. See also MANGELSDORF, Paul C., et al, 1956. 1954. "The origin and possible evolution of sub-tassel ears in maize." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 6 ( 9 ) : 261-264, illus.) GALINAT, W. C., Paul C. MANGELSDORF, and L. PIERSON. 1956. "Estimates of teosinte introgression in archaeological maize." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 7 ( 4 ) : 101-124, illus.) Based on material from two caves in Arizona. GALINAT, Walton C. 1956a. "Evolution leading to the formation of the cupulate fruit case in the American Maydeae." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 7 ( 8 ) : 217-239, illus.) 1957. "The effects of certain genes on the outer pistillate glume of maize." (Bot. Mus. Leafl. 1 8 ( 2 ) : 57-76, illus.) GALINDO, Andrés Quiles.


GALINDO, Juan. 1832. "Mémoire." (Bull. Soc. Geogr. (Paris) 18: 198-214, illus., 12 sketches following p. 236.) Written from Palenque, describing the ruins there, and discussing the Maya civilization, with particular reference to the Lacandon Indians. Brief mention of cultivated plants includes a reference to a tree called jabín. GALINDO, Leopoldo Navarro. See poldo.


1897. "Informe de la Secretaria de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural for 1892-1895." (Naturaleza, II, 3 ( 1 ) : 7-20.) Section on botany contains reports of meetings, with references to discussions and comments on a great variety of plants. 1899. "Dedicatoria y biografía del Sr. Ingeniero D. José Joaquín Arriaga." (Naturaleza, II, 3: iii-v inserted between 128-131, port.) 1900. "D. Leopoldo Rio de la Loza." (Naturaleza, II, 3 ( 5 ) : iii-vi (facing p. 2 6 7 ) . ) Biography. 1901. "Biografía del señor professor D. Alfonso Herrea." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 15: 319-360.) List of Herrera's publications, followed by a report of the memorial meeting held in his honor with the speeches of Ricardo Cicero, Galindo, and R. Aguilar Santillán. 1901a. "Discurso." (Prog. Méx. 8: 329-332.) "En honor de Alfonso Herrera." 1905. "Informe acerca de una planta." (An Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 7: 182-184.) On Abrus precatorius as a weather predictor, and on the question of whether this is the plant known in Yucatán under the name of xoxoac or xoxay. 1910-1911. "El Señor Ingeniero Don Antonio García Cubas." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 30 (Rev. Cient. y Bibl.): 27-33.) Bio-bibliography. 1921-1922. "El Dr. D. Manuel Maria Villada." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 40: 65-78.) Bio-bibliography. 1922. "El R. P. Aquiles Gerste S. J." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 40: 497-507, port.) Bio-bibliography. 1923. "Don Francisco del Paso y Troncoso — su vida y su obra." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 42: 135-304, 491-670, port.) Bio-bibliographic work. 1924. "Jardines de Anahuac." (Méx. For. 1 ( 1 3 / 1 4 ) , 2 ( 1 / 2 ) : 15-16.) Discussion based on Paso y Troncoso. 1926-1927. Geografía de la república Méxicana. México, 2 vols., illus., maps. A third vol. was projected but never publ. In the 2d volume, on biological geography, the following contributions by various authors q.v., are reprinted from earlier publications (in the part on botany, p. 5-176): "La botánica entre las Nahoas," by Paso y Troncoso. "Reseña histórica . . .," by Alcocer. "Regiones geográfico-botánicas de México," by Isaac Ochoterena (summarized by Gándara). "La vegetación de México," by Ramírez. "La vegetación en los alrededores de la capital de México," by Reiche. "Bosques y manantiales del Estado de Morelos," by Ruiz de Velasco. "Flora medicinal," by Flores, from his Manual terapeútica. Material is also included from García Cubas, "Cuadro geográfico," and from Quevedo's works on forestry. 1932. Geografía del Distrito Federal y del Valle de México. México, 116 p., illus., maps. An elementary text, with sections on those parts of the states of México, Hidalgo, and Tlaxcala which are considered in the Valle de México. A brief list of plants is included for the area.


GALINDO, Miguel. 1919. "Significación etomológica de algunos nombres de lugar del Estado de Colima." Colima, 37 p. — SH Méx. Scientific names are given in some cases for plant references. GALINDO R., Adalberto. 1940. "Estudio de la leche de soya." México, 30 p. Thesis UNAM. On Glycine max.

1934. "El enciclopedista Antonio Alzate." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 54: 1-14.) Also in (Maes. Rur. 1 1 ( 6 ) : 16-19, 1938). Mainly a review of his writings.

GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús. See also OCHOTERENA, Isaac, 1924; VARIOUS, 1901; ANONYMOUS (16th cent.)a. 1889. "El presbítero José Antonio Alzate y Ramírez." (Mem. Rev. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 3: 125-180, port.) Also in Estudio 2: iv and 28 p., 1890.

1934a. "Breve reseña histórica de la Sociedad Científica Alzate," (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 5 4 ( 4 / 6 ) : 5 illus.) 1937. "Noticia bibliográfica de la labor literaria de Jesús y Villa de 1887 a 1937." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 654, port.)

'Apuntes biográficos y bibliográficos." 1895. "Necrología." (Naturaleza, II, 2 : 4 5 2 . ) Report of the death of Eugène Romain Delsescautz Dugès.


Antonio 323-340, Galindo 45: 521-


GALLAGHER The first part, "Notas biográficas," is on p. 525-560; the second part, "Apunte bibliográfico," is on p. 561-644. A notice of Galindo's death appears on p. 645. This is followed on p. 646-654 by speeches delivered at the funeral by Alberto Maria Carreno, Vicente Garrido Alfaro, and Agustín Aragón. GALLAGHER, W . J.

See E N D L I C H , Rud., 1905.

GALLAIS, A. 1827. Monographie du cacao. Paris, 216 p., map, 2 pi. — DA. Description, history, varieties, and culture. GALLARDO, Alfonso González. Alfonso.




GALLARDO, Arturo Castro. See CASTRO GALLARDO, Arturo. GALLARDO, Aurelio L. 1934. "El cultivo del girasol." ( M a e s . Rur. 4 ( 7 ) . ) On


GALLARDO, Ciro César.


GALLARDO, J. Pérez. See PEREZ GALLARDO, J. GALLARDO, María de Jesús Macías. See MACIAS GALLARDO, María de Jesús. GALLARDO, Pedro Rincón.


GALLARDO A., Fernando. 1935. "Estudio sobre la planta del algodón." (Maes. Rur. 7 ( 1 ) : 36.) On Gossypium. GALLARDO y DOMINGUEZ, José Edmundo. 1946. "Clasificación de algodón." Cd. Juárez, 38 p. Thesis EPA. On Gossypium. GALLARDO y DOMINGUEZ, Victor. 1946. "Curtiduría." Ciudad Juárez, 55 p. Thesis, EPA. On materials used in tanning. GALLARDO y RIONDA, J. P. 1882. Cartilla geográfica del Distrito Federal. México, 2d ed., 43 p. - Bibliot. A. Alzate. With a reference to the plants of the different sections. GALLAUD, Isidore? 1906. GALLEGO, Juan. 1582.)


See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-

GALLEGO, Pedro Moreno. GALLEGOS, Gonzalo. 1582.) GALLEGOS, Hernando.

See M O R E N O GALLEGO, Pedro.

See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco (1579See VARIOUS, 1878.

GALLEGOS, José María. See also FLORES, Leopoldo, 1924. (1918?) "Carta biológica del Estado de Sonora." (México.) 1 meter by 85 cm. Publ. by the Dir. Est. Biol. Méx. For authority as to the author's name, see (Libro y el Pueblo 4: 424, 1925). — CtY. Dates of 1922 and 1923 have also been suggested for this map. With names of important plants in the different areas. 1922. "La riquezas naturales del Estado de Sinaloa." ( R e v . Rev. 1 3 ( 6 5 6 ) : 13, illus.; ( 6 5 7 ) : 25; ( 6 5 8 ) : 12; ( 6 5 9 ) : 39.) 1924. "La Baja California." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. V, 10: 269324.) With a detailed study of plant life and agriculture. A list of wild plants is given for the western zone, and in Sierra de San Pedro Mártir; some are cited for the Isla Guadalupe. 1926. "En la Baja California." (Mag. Geogr. Nac. 2: 1-60, illus.) This is supposed to describe the "fauna y flora de la región norte," but there is very little information on the flora. The last part of the work is a general geographic description of the region. GALLEGOS, María Garcia. See GARCIA GALLEGOS, María. GALLEGOS ESQUIVEL, Agustín. 1939. "Estudio químico del peyote." Morelia, 17 p. — Thesis Univ. Michoacán, Arch. In the genus Lophophora.

GALLEGOS H., Rubén. 1953. "Cultivo de alfalfa." Cd. Juárez, 77 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Medicago. GALLESIO, Giorgio (Georges), count. 1811. Traite du Citrus. Paris, 363 p. Another ed. was publ. in Paris in 1818, 359 p. - NN. T h e Brit. Mus. cites an 1829 ed. History, classification, synonymy, and descriptions. The section on citrus fruit in America contains references to Mexico. GALLI, Ignazio. See also GERSTE, Achille, 1888. 1911. "La medicina e la botanica degli antichi Messicani." (Atti Pont. Accad. Rom. N. Lincei 64:31-34.) "Nota bibliográfica" on Gerste's Notes sur la médécine, q.v. GALLO, Anna Maria. 1926. La raiz de cocolmeca. Martínez — IB Méx. On Smilax.

Guadalajara, 47 p. -

Bibliot. M.

GALLO, Eduardo L. See also BAZ, Gustavo Adolfo, and GALLO, 1874. 1873-1874. Hombres illustres Mexicanos. México, 4 vols., illus. Includes no botanists as such, but people who wrote on botanical matters, such as Clavigero, Alzate, and Bustamante y Septiem. 1890-1891. "La Valeriana." (Rev. Agr. 6: 5.) 1890-1891a. "Patatas." (Rev. Agr. 6: 130-131.) On Solanum tuberosum. 1890-1891b. "El cedro." (Rev. Agr. 6: 163.) On Cedrela. 1890-1891c. "Los bosques de coniferas." ( Ret;. Agr. 6: 178-179.) 1890-1891d. "Los Thuias." (Rev. Agr. 6: 195-196.) 1892-1893. "Una nueva flor." (Rev. Agr. 8: 114.) On Gladiolus. 1892-1893a. "Girasoles." (Rev. Agr. 8: 205, 210.) On Helianthus. 1893-1894. "Principales vegetales del globo." (Rev. Agr. 9: 13, 22, 40, 59, 131, 362.) - NN. General article on plants by families, in taxonomic order. 1893-1894a. "La sacaliña." (Rev. Agr. 9: 139, 149, 161, illus.) Publ. anonymously. Polygonum sachalinense. 1893-1894b. "La yuca." (Rev. Agr. 9: 194, 235, 249, 260, illus.) Publ. anonymously. Description, culture, and uses. 1893 & 1894c. "La menta odorífera." (Rev. Agr. 9: 213, 228, illus.) Publ. anonymously. 1894-1895d. "Gloxinias." (Rev. Agr. 10:293-294.) GALLOIS, L.

See SORRE, Maximilien, 1928.

GALLOP, Rodney. 1939. "Magic and medicine in Mexico." (Cornhill

Mag. 159: 191-

201.) Popular article, with some references to plants used. 1939a. "A pagan cult survives in Mexico." (Discovery, n.s. 2 : 2 1 8 227, illus.) On experiences in San Pablo and Huehuetla (Otomi area); lists floral offerings in illness and the making of paper and paper dolls as part of superstitions. 1939b. Mexican mosaic. London 299 p., illus., map. By a sensitive visitor, interested mainly in folklore and fiestas; scattered references to plants. GALTSOFF, Paul Simon. 1954. "Historical sketch of the explorations in the Gulf of Mexico." (Fish. Bull. U . S . Dept. Int., Fish & Wildlife Serv., No. 89, 36 p., maps, bibl. ) From pre-Columbian times to the present. GALVAN, Héctor Girón.

See GIRON GALVAN, Héctor, 1944.

GALVAN, Manuel Campos. See CAMPOS GALVAN. Manuel.




GALVAN ACUNA, Gabriel. 1953. "Informe médico higiénico y zootécnico del municipio de Magdalena, Sonora." México, 33 p. Thesis ENMVZ. With a list of plants arranged by uses, with common and scientific names and family. GALVAN B., Ferrer. 1933. "La pina, su cultivo e industrialización." Cd. Juárez, 82 p. Thesis EPA. On Ananas. GALVAN GO VEA, Ignacio. 1945. "Contribución al estudio de las plantas tóxicas de Nuevo León." México, 47 p., illus., maps. Thesis, ENMVZ - UNAM. Discusses Karwinskia humboldtiana (R. and Sch.) Zucc., coyotülo; Pentstemon glaber Pursh, falsa cebadilla; Ridellia arachnoidea Grey, amarilla. GALVAO, Antonio (also as Galvano). 1601. The discoveries of the world. London, 242 p. Halduyt Soc. Publ. The original Portuguese text was written in 1555 and publ. in 1563 with the title Tratado que compos o nobre e notavel capitdo Antonio Galvao. This was repr. in Lisboa, 1731, with the title Tratado dos descobrimentos antigos e modernos. A London ed. of 1862 with the Portuguese text is a repr. of the 1563 ed. The section on Mexico contains a brief discussion on maguey. GAL VEZ, Joseph Joaquín Granados y. See GRANADOS y GAL VEZ, Joseph Joaquín. GALVEZ, Luciano Vela. See VELA GALVEZ, Luciano. GALVEZ, Mariano y Joaquín GUERRERO. 1850. Breve instrucción sobre el modo de sembrar el nopal y asemillar la grana. Puebla, 25 p.—Bibliot. Pub. Edo. Michoacán. On Opuntia and the cochineal produced on it. GALVEZ, Nemesio Sánchez.


GALVEZ FLORES, Luz. 1946. "Análisis del jocuistle." Guadalajara, 32 p. Thesis Chem. UNAM. Bromelia pinguin. GALWAY, Desma H. 1944. "The North American species of Smilacina." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 33: 644-666, 2 maps.) Includes history, economic importance, evolution and relationships, and taxonomy. Mexican species include: S. racemosa ( L . ) Desf. var. amplexicaulis (Nutt) S. Wats, and S. stellata ( L . ) Desf. GAMA, Pablo Aceves. See ACEVES GAMA, Pablo. GAMBA, Fortunato Pereira. GAMBLE, E. R. (Mrs.).

See PEREIRA GAMBA, Fortunato. See SAFFORD, William Edward, 1916a.

GAMBLE de STEWART, Shirley. 1954.

See STEWART, Donald, et al,

GAMBOA, Alonso. 1924. "Cedrón." (Rev. Med. Homeop. On Cedrela odorata.

3 ( 9 ) : 128-129.)

GAMBOA MAYORAL, José Armando. 1948. "Informe general médico special y sanitario del Pueblo de San Ignacio, Baja California, Terr. Sur., Municipio de Mulegé." México, 79 p. Thesis Med. With a list of plants, their common and scientific names, and uses. GAMBOA SORIA, Elena. 1937. El aceite esencial de ajo. México, 19 p. — BN Méx. "Desde el punto de vista farmacéutico." GAMEROS, Margarita Escobedo. Margarita.




GAMEZ V., Octavio. 1948. "Cultivo del algodón en el Valle de El Fuerte, Sinaloa." Cd. Juárez, 37 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Gossypium.

1949. "EI cultivo del tomate en el Valle de El Fuerte, Sinaloa." Cd. Juárez, 40 p., illus. On Lycopersicum. GAMIO, Manuel. 1920-1922. "Juguetes de chicle." (Ethnos 1: 244-246.) On objects made of the latex of Manihot foetida, árbol de chicle, ó chitle. 1946. "Exploración económico cultural en la región oncocercosa de Chiapas." (Amer. lndig 6 ( 3 ) : 199-245, maps, illus.) A brief section of the flora contains a list of medicinal and timber plants, with common and scientific names. GAMIOCHIPI, Alta gracia Aragón. See ARAGON GAMIOCHIPI, Altagracia. GAMIZ, Abel. 1911. "Algunos datos sobre geografía del Estado de Durango." (Bol. Ali. Cient. Univ. 3 ( 5 ) : 163-190.) With a section on the natural products and one on the agriculture; plants are listed by common names only. 1927. Geografía del Distrito Federal. México, 122 p., maps, illus.IPGH Méx. Chapter 2 is on the geographic regions divided into zones, with the characteristic plants of each area listed by common names only. 1928. Geográfia nacional de México. México, 192 p., 3d ed., illusBN Méx. Elementary text, with a section on soil resources which includes lists of important plants, wild and cultivated. GAMIZ, Everardo. 1921. " E l Estado de Durango y sus recursos naturales." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 51: 371-422.) On p. 376-383, there is a list of the plants, with common names and uses; on p. 385-400 there is a section on agricultural products and timbers. 1929. Geografía del Estado de Durango. Torreón, 58 p . - S H Méx. "Monografía de los municipios de Nombre de Dios, Poana, y Súchil"; contains a list of plants, cited by common names, and classified according to use. Compare with a later work, La region sureste del Estado de Durango, Torreón, 1936, 94 p., illus. The area covered includes the same three municipios. 1948. Monografía de la nación Tepehuane. México, 150 p., illus., maps. About a group in the state of Durango; with a brief list of plants, by common names only, and a chapter on peyote. GAMIZ, Rafael. 1924. "Monografía de las principales plantas tanantes y curtientes de la República Mexicana." México, 55 p., illus. Thesis, Chem., UNAM. Emphasis is on chemistry; a description is given of about 6 plants used to produce tannin, with a table giving their distribution in the country. GAMONEDA, Francisco. 1923. Excursión a Real del Monte. México, 48 p.—MN Méx. With superficial notes on the vegetation of the Valle de México, and the State of Hidalgo. GANAPATHY, C. V. 1938. "Redox systems in the latex of Carica papaya." (Curr. Se». 6: 451-452.) Confirms the main conclusion of Hopkins and Elliot (Proc. R. Soc. 119: 158, 1931) that ascorbic acid is protected from oxidation by the sulfhydryl compounds which coexist with the vitamin. GANDARA, Antonio. 1791. "Jurisdicción de Santa María la Assumption, Nochistlán, Oaxaca." N.p., 7 Ivs., ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 63, Col. P. y T. GANDARA, Guillermo. See also CALVINO, Mario, 1938; De WILDEMAN, Emile, 1908; GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 19261927; GONZALEZ ROA, Fernando, 1926; Le MAOUT, Jean



Emmanuel Marie and DECAISNE, 1914; MORENO, S. and GANDARA, 1921; RIQUELME INDA, Julio, 1930; SALAZAR y SALAZAR, María de la Luz, 1936; XIMENEZ, Francisco, 1615; ANONYMOUS, 1923b. 1910. "La forma de las raices de las plantas." (Hac. Ranch. 1 ( 1 1 ) : 1-2.) 1910a. "Enfermedades y plagas del naranjo." México, 51 p., illus. Estac. Agr. Cent., Bol. # 3 1 . Discusses Cuscuta on p. 15, Loranthus on p. 16, and Tillandsia. 1910-1911. "Morfología de las raices de las plantas." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 30: 7-10, illus.) 1911. Breve apuntes sobre nosología vegetal. México, 61 p., 27 fig. —Bibliot. M. Martínez. The second part, supposed to treat of fungus diseases, was in press 1911. Was it ever publ.? On plant diseases. 1912. "El árbol de la lluvia." (Naturaleza III, 1: 163-164.) Follows the Villada article on the excursion to Nautla, q.v.; the tree is a Ficus; the insect Homalodisca coagulata (Hemiptera), lives on the tree, secreting the drops of water which form the "rain."

A statistical study, listing the numbers of plants in the different families, and the most common genera in the various ecologic zones. 1926. "Flora vernácula del Cerrito de Tepeyac (Guadalupe Hidalgo, D. F . ) . " (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 45: 105-114.) Species of plants found there are listed, arranged by families. Another list is given of plants that have moved up hill from the valley, and a third, of species that seem to have disappeared. 1926a. "Un caso anómalo de la papaya." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 45: 453-458.) On the appearance of seedless fruit, similar to the navel orange in citrus fruits. 1929. "Frijol de rienda ó tálete." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 50: 95-96, 4 illus.) Gives it the name of Phaseolus longecarpa, but omits a Latin description; it is considered by some a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris. 1929-1930. "La hierba de la langosta." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 51: 107-114, 1 illus.) On Meibomia trígona n.sp., which is reported to trap young locusts with the spines on the stem. 1929-1930a. "Los frutos sin semillas." ( M e m . Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 51: 245-254.) On methods for producing seedless fruits. 1929-1930b. "Flora representada en cerámica Nahoa pre-Cortesiana." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 51: 293-340, 41 figs.; and in An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 1: 329-361, illus., 1930.) Identification of various plants used as decoration in ceramics. 1929-1930 (1932). "Algunas rectificaciones agrícolas de importancia." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 51: 429-436.) Comments on the statement by J. E. Coit that citrus trees have no root hairs and on Stearns' statement that the camote produces tubers. 1930. "La herbolaria Mexicana en la actualidad." (Salubridad 1 ( 2 ) : 223-232.) The article was also printed in (Farmacia II, 6 ( 9 ) : 98-101, 113 ( 1 0 ) : 122-125; ( 1 2 ) : 137-139, 160, 1931.) With a list of plants, alphabetically by common names, with scientific name, family, part used, and for what purpose. 1930a. Registro actual de nuestras especies forestales. México, 10 p.—IB Méx. Repr. in (Méx. For. 9: 33-42, 1931). Divided into 2 groups; those that grow from 1700 meters above sea level or more, and those that grow at 1700 meters or less; grouped alphabetically by common names, with scientific names, and uses. 1930-1931. "La hierba de la leche." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 52: 237-246.) On Euphorbia lancifolia Schlecht. supposed to produce milk in the mammary glands; not tested in humans, only in cattle. 1931. Crítica de un nuevo libro de botánica. México, 36 p. Criticism of a textbook by Irene Motts and Imelda Calderón, q.v. They answered and he replied, México, 62 p., 1932. See also Críticas de botánica, by Gándara and Martínez, México, 70 p., 1932. Answer to Motts and Calderón, number by number, with replies of the latter and original statements of Motts and Calderón were not seen. 1931a. "El heno de los ahuehuetes de Chapultepec." Ms. at Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., 3 p. Considers it a pest on the trees. 1932. "Origen de las calabazas de México." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 5 3 ( 6 / 7 / 8 ) : 209-230.) Description of the most important species, and a description of the studies on their history. 1932a. "El zacate gordura." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 53: 435441.) Repr. in (lrrig. Méx. 5 ( 4 ) : 350-354, illus., 1932); also in (Hacienda 32: 412-413, illus., 1937). This is answered by Mario Calvino; see his article in Hacienda, 1938, a typed copy of which is at IB Méx. Gándara's answer to this is also at IB Méx. (typed copy). Disagrees with the use of Melinis minutiflora as a preferred forage plant, but agrees it is good against ticks.

1913. "Estudio botánico del guayule." (Bol. Gral. Dir. Agr. Méx. 3 ( 4 ) : 317-320, 3 illus. ) On Parthenium. 1917. Plantas útiles Mexicanas. México, 236 p., 24 pl., 135 fig.Libr. Porrua. With keys, descriptions, uses, and localities; also a list of plants, with common and scientific names, and families. 1917a. Sistema dúemático. México, 228 p., 135 illus. Textbook "para clasificar las familias de las plantas fanerogámicas Mexicanas." 1920-1921. "La obra de Fray Francisco Ximénez." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 39: 99-120.) Compares it with the Rome version of the Francisco Hernández Thesaurus, q.v., discussing additions and subtractions made by Ximenez and indicating that certain parts (e.g. chaps. 84-88, in part 2, of book 1 ) were original with Ximénez. 1921. "EI árbol." (Amér. Esp. 1 ( 6 ) : 401-411, ( 7 ) : 516-525.) Second ed., México, 1923, 18 p. (Trans, into English by Ralph Summers, México, 1934, 67 p., illus. according to a dealer's catalogue; work was not seen. ) Good summary of principal Mexican species, "con algunas de las propiedades que poseen"; common and scientific names are given with uses and distribution. 1921a. "El árbol de la noche triste." (Amér. Esp. 1 ( 8 ) : 599-604.) A discussion as to the exact location of the tree, a description of the fire that bumed it in May, 1872, and a description of the tree in 1921. 1923. "Algunas notas biológicas importantes." (Agros. (Méx.) 1 ( 4 ) : 40; ( 5 ) : 5, 26.) With brief notes on various plants. 1923a. "El nopal." (Tierra 1 ( 2 ) : 3, 11, illus.) With a list of common names of Opuntia, some with scientific names. 1924. "Los frutos tropicales mas importantes de México." (Con. Ud. Méx. 1 ( 6 ) : 26-29.) 1924a. "Las chufas Mexicanas." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 43: 327-328.) On the discovery that Cyperus esculentus grows copiously in the "Valle de México." 1925. "Nuestros frutos tropicales." (Mag. Geog. Nac. 1 ( 6 ) : 45-51.) 1925a. "Excrecencias de los tegumentos vegetales." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 44: 239-263, 11 pl., 19 fig.) Instructional material. 1925b. "Algunas consideraciones sobre nuestros frutos tropicales." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 44: 325-338.) Agricultural article. 1925c. "Otro modo de estimar la flora del Valle de México." (Méx. For. 3 ( 1 1 - 1 2 ) : 157-162. Repr. in Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 45: 93-103, 1926.) 301

GANDARA GANDARA—continued 1933. "Las plantas carnívoras." (Nacional, June 9, 1933, p. 7.) General article, with a brief reference to Pinguicula caudata of Mexico. 1933a. Botánica general organostática. México, 390 p., 511 fig.—IB Méx. Very useful textbook for secondary students; well illustrated; with good definition of terms; only the first volume was seen. Emphasis is on external structure with the examples principally Mexican plants. Plants are listed according to the part used, in the phanerogams; according to groups, in the cryptogams. 1934. "Bases para un programa de botánica de las escuelas secundarias." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 54: 465-472.) 1934a. "El ahuehuete de Santa María del Tule." Clipping from Nacional, March 16, 1934—NNBG. Speech delivered before the Acad. Nac. Cienc. Ant. Alzate. Discussion on age of tree, development of trunk, and whether tree is a single one or many. 1935. "Arboles notables." (Montaña 8 ( 8 5 ) : 31.) General article on important trees of the world. GANDARA, Guillermo, and Manuel MUÑOZ LUMBIER. 1935a. Perfil botánico-geológico de la carreterra México-Acapulco. México, 57 p., map, photographs. Publ. by the Sría. Econ. Nac., Ofic. Geogr. Econ. The geological and botanical profiles of the road were repr. in (Rev. Mex. Geogr. 3 (3, 4 ) : 25-26, 1942.) With two lists of plants, arranged according to families, and cited by scientific names. One is for Morelos and one is for Guerrero. Another list provides common and scientific names, descriptions, and uses. GANDARA, Guillermo. 1935-1944. "Nota acerca del xochinacaxtle ó teunacaxtle." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 55: 213-218, 5 pi.; also in Agriculture 1 ( 8 ) : 40-43, 5 figs., 1938.) On Cymbopetalum penduliflorum, used to aromatize chocolate, with data on the history of the plant and its distribution. Some criticism is directed to Safford's studies of the plant, q.v. 1936. "El chicle." (Campesino 1 ( 9 ) : 6-9, map, illus.) On Achras sapota. 1936a. "Hierbas invasoras de las siembras en el Valle de México." (Campesino 1 ( 9 ) : 18-19.) Plants are listed by common names only. 1936b. "Historia de la enseñanza de las ciencias biológicas en México nacional y pre-nacional." (Mem. Acad. Cient. Ant. Alzate 53: 387-410.) Excellent history of biological activities in the country, beginning with the pre-Cortés epoch. 1936c. "Plantas textiles." México, 11 typed pages. Ms. at SMGE. Mainly on native plants. 1937. "Desarrollo del cultivo del máiz en México." (Agricultura 1 ( 3 ) : 5-11.) Historical study. 1939. "La rotenona." (Agricultura 2 ( 1 0 ) : 21-23, illus.) With reference to some Mexican plants as possible sources of rotenone, e.g. Lonchocarpus. 1939a. "La Jamaica." (Agricultura 2 ( 1 2 ) : 34-35, illus.; also in Campo 9 ( 6 0 3 ) : 12-13, 1942.) On Hibiscus sabdariffa L., with the emphasis on the chemistry. 1939b. "Principales pastos silvestres del Valle de México." (Agricultura 2 ( 1 3 ) : 14-21.) "Y sus cuencas adjacentes"; illustrations of 22 herbarium specimens and photos of five. GANDOGER, Michel. 1906. "Eriogonum Polygonacearum genus speciebus varietatibusque novis auctum." (Bull. Soc. R. Bot. Belgique 42: 183-200.) Also in (Rep. Nov. Spec. Reg. Veg. 5: 169-179, 1908).

GARAY Out of 79 species and varieties described, only two: E. abertianum var. ruberrimum and E. polycladon var. mexicanum, both from Chihuahua, are from Mexico. 1912. "Manipulus plantarum novarum praecipue Americae australioris." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 59: 704-710.) Includes a description of Acaena pringlei, n. sp. from Mexico. 1913. "L'herbier Africain de Sonder." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 60: 454-462.) Includes descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: Poly gala conzattii, Krameria ehrenbergii, and Monnina erioclada. 1914. 1919. "Sertum plantarum novarum." (Butt. Soc. Bot. France 65: 24-69, pars prima; 66: 216-233, 286-307, pars secunda.) Includes descriptions of news species in Flaveria, Salvia, Eupatorium, Hyptis, Schkuhria, Lonicera, Lamourouxia, and Epipactis; a number of them are Pringle and Conzatti collections. 1920. "Le genre Myrica L." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 67: 12-22.) "Le M. faya est-il spontane en Portugal?" A key to species is included, with distribution. This is followed on p. 366-374 by a note from Aug. Chevalier "A propos d'une note sur le genre Myrica," and on pp. 374-376, by a note from Samuel Buchet "A propos du Myrica gale L. et de son démembrement par M. Gandoger." GANGWISH, M. E. See MacCORD, George T., 1889. GANKLIN, Olga Hess. See TAKHTAJAN, A. L., 1954; 1958. GANN, Thomas William Francis. 1918. "The Maya Indians of southern Yucatan and northern British Honduras." (Smithson. Inst., Bur. Amer. Ethnol., Bull. No. 64, 146 p., 28 pl., 84 figs.) Plants are mentioned under agriculture and medicine; in the latter, there is a list of 17 plants cited by common names only. 1924. In an unknown land. New York, 256 p., illus., map. Very brief reference to thorny plants of Yucatán, as nuisance plants. GANONG, William F. See also CHAMPLAIN, Samuel (1599-1602). 1894. "Beitraege zur kenntniss der morphologie und biologie der Cacteen." (Flora 79: 49-86, illus.) With special attention to selected genera. See article in Ann. Bot. for 1898 for continuation. 1898. "Contributions to a knowledge of the morphology and ecology of the Cactaceae. II—The comparative morphology of the embryos and seedlings." (Ann. Bot. 12: 423- 474, illus., 1898.) Study of 18 genera; for part 1, on the "morphologie und biologie der vegetativen theile" see article in Flora, 1894. GAONA, J. M. 1872. "Riqueza de Michoacán." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. II 4: 321-333.) With a section on important plants. 1888. Instrucciones sobre forrajes destinados al ganado. México, 117 p.-NN. First 75 p. are on agriculture, as connected with the production of ensilage. GOANA FERNANDEZ, Estela. 1927. "Estudio de las distintas clases de café que se producen en el país." México, 78 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. On Coffea. GARAY, Alfonso Delgado de. See DELGADO de GARAY, Alfonso. GARAY, Francisco de. 1896. "Los jardines flotantes." (Prog. Méx. 3: 717-718.) Extracted from a work by Garay, entitled El Valle de México; this has not been located. GARAY, Leslie A. 1959. "The present status of the recently described genus, Teuscheria." ( Rhodora 61: 35-42, illus. ) Includes T. pickiana

(Schltr.) Garay comb, nov., which



ranges into Mexico. The plant was previously referred to Bifrenaria and Xylobium. 1960. "On the origin of the Orchidaceae." (Bot. Mus. Leafi. 19(3): 57-87, illus., bibl.) 1960a. "On the origin of the Orchidaceae." (Proc. World Orchid Conf. 3: 172-196, illus.) With descriptions of 5 proposed subfamilies. GARAY, P. A. de. See VARIOUS, 1873a. GARAY, Ramón. See VARIOUS, 1831 (i.e. 1832). GARBER, Edward David. 1944. "A cytological study of the genus Sorghum, subsections ParaSorghum and Eu-Sorghum." (Jour. Genet. 78: 89-93, illus.) 1950. "Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Sorghum." (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 2 3 ( 6 ) : 283-362, 6 pi., 5 figs., 1 map, bibl.) Considers taxonomy, distribution, relationships, and phylogeny of the Sorghastrae with specific reference to subgenera Parasorghum and Stiposorghum (the first of which ranges into Mexico). Descriptions, distribution, and chromosome numbers of various species are given. The map indicates distribution of 4 subgenera of Sorghum, including Sorghastrum of the New World; another gives the distribution of Sorghum trichocladum in Mexico and Guatemala, by states. 1954. "The polyploid species of the subgenera Para-Sorghum and Stiposorghum." (Bot. Gaz. 115: 336-342.) GARCES, Diego. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (15791582); VARIOUS, 1579. GARCES, Francisco. See also BOLTON, Herbert Eugene cent.).


GARCES, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo. (1777.) "Diario y derrotero." (Doc. Hist. Méx., II, 1: 223-374, 1854.) Trans, by Elliot Coues, from a contemporaneous copy of the original ms. in Washington, and publ. with the title, On the trail of a Spanish pioneer, New York, 1900, 2 vols., illus., maps. Written in 1777. With scattered references to plants in northern Mexico, mainly Sonora. GARCIA, Alicia Godoy. See GODO Y GARCIA, Alicia. GARCIA, Amado. 1940. "Estudio geográfico económico del Estado de Durango." Cd. Juárez, 56 p. Thesis EPA. With lists of plants, by common names only, according to regions. GARCIA, Baltazar Reyes. See REYES GARCIA, Baltazar. GARCIA, Bautista. 1945. Prácticas de arboricultura. México, 46 p.—Bibliot. M. R. Gómez. Includes castaño, vid, olivo, and almendro. GARCIA, Bruno E. 1883. Cartilla elemental de geografía del Estado de San Luís Potosí. San Luís Potosí, 190 p. A textbook, with references to plants in discussion of the various "municipios." León singles out p. I l l , on La Huasteca, for its "noticia de las producciones vegetales." GARCIA, Christoval. 1790. "El polvo de la cebadilla." (Gaz. Méx. 4: 163-164.) For use "en las llagas." GARCIA, Concepción Guillén. See GUILLEN GARCIA, Concepción. GARCIA, Crescencio. See also SANCHEZ, Ramón, 1896; ANONYMOUS, 1888b. 1872. "Producciones útilísimas en los confines de los Estados de Michoacán y Jalisco." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 4: 557569; also in Bol. Soc. Mich. Geog. Est. 2: 12, 18, 1906.) With a list of plants classified according to use, cited by common and scientific names. 1872a. "Camote del cerro." (Cultivador 1: 184-185. Repr. in Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., Ill, 1: 664-666, 1873.)

On Jatropha manihot as a food source (cassava, tapioca). León says of the author, "aficionado botánico, y en sus libros hay que desconfiar mucho de sus clasificaciones y teorías." 1873. "Noticias históricas geográficas y estadísticas de Xiquilpan." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. Ill, 1: 478-500.) 1875. "El tianguis pepetla." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. Ill, 2: 253256.) On Alternanthera repens. 1875a. "Zumaques de México." (Estudio 1: 245-246.) A ms. of the same title, Cotija, 1875, 2 p., at SMGE. contains drawings of Rhus folia integrum and Rhus bituminosus. A general account of the sumachs of Mexico, with a description of Rhus bituminosus. 1875b. "Araceas Mexicanas." (Estudio 1: 246-248; a ms., 2 p., (with the same title) is at SMGE. With descriptions of: Arum sagittaefolium L. (which Garcia calls aquaticum), A. domesticum (alcatraz), A. silvestrum, and A. maculatum L. The ms. contains drawings of A. domesticum, A. silvestrum, and A. agrosticum. 1875.c. "Viñas silvestres en México." Cotija, 4 p., ms. is at SMGE. With an illustration of Vitis labrusca. 1875-1876. "Topografía del mal de San Lázaro en la República Mexicana." (Estudio 1: 69, 86, 116, 169.) León cites a separate—Zamora, 1884, 20 p. "Y una planta del país con que se cura "—Rhus bituminosus. 1879. "Clasificación botánica del 'te nurite.'" (Bol. Of. Gob. Est. Michoacán 2(26): 4.) Classified as Monarda, in the Labiatae; with a description and distribution. 1885. "Dominguilla." (Voz Hipócrates 3: 134-135.) On Urtica dioica, known also as solimán, and its effects. Reference is also made to Urtica urens; both species are from Michoacán. 1885a. "Bejuco chuparrosa." (Voz Hipócrates 3(203): 102-103.) To be used for heart disease; without scientific identification; (is it Loeselia?). 1885b. "Africana." (Voz Hipócrates 3(211): 162-163.) Description and medicinal uses of a "nueva planta del Estado de Michoacán," identified as Paronychia patinosi. 1886. "Lobelia delessea." (Voz Hipócrates 4(215): 2-3.) As a substitute for Polygala; with descriptions and use. 1886a. "Una neuva planta como subcedanea de la Cuasia." (Voz Hipócrates 4(221): 54.) No description is given for this plant commonly known as guachicata. Martinez, in a personal communication, suggests the plant may be Garrya laurifolia. Plants with a similar name, huachacata, have been identified as Tecoma and Thryallis. 1887. "Febrífugos de la medicina vulgar." (Esc. Med. 8: 133-135, 147-149, 177-180.) 1887a. "Coca-te Michoacano." (Voz Hipócrates 4(234): 154-156 (235): 166-167, (236): 172-173, (237): 179-189.) Calls it Erythroxylum michoacanensis. León cites a separate — Apuntes sobre las virtudes medicinales del coca-te Michoacano, Cotija, 1889, 15 p. 1888. "Resina copal." (Esc. Med. 9: 135-136.) On Elefrium (sic) in the Terebinthaceae, as one of the "remedios de la terapéutica vulgar." 1888a. "Plantas medicinales de México." (Esc. Med. 9: 270-273.) Publ. anonymously. Introductory article; supposed to be continued, but was not. 1890. "Datos útiles." (Estudio (Méx.) 2(16): 256.) List of plants (common and scientific names) used in Cotija, Michoacán, to combat influenza. 1891. "Arbol del caporal." (Farmacia 1(18): 289-290.) León cites this as a separate, Apuntes sobre ensayos de un árbol de nuestro país de singulares virtudes dinamo-hematogenas, Cotija, 1891, 10 p. On Ficus.

GARCIA GARCIA—continued 1893. "Plantas medicinales de Michoacán." (Bol. Of. Michoacán No. 88: 3, 91: 4.) Was to be cont. On Valeriana and Acacia.



GARCIA, Daniel. 1902. "Un caso interesante de envenamiento." (Crón. Méd. Méx. 5: 97-102.) On the seeds of Thevetia


GARCIA, Dolores González. See GONZALEZ GARCIA, Dolores. GARCIA, Dulce María Santos. See SANTOS GARCIA, Dulce María. GARCIA, Enriqueta, Consuelo SOTO, and Faustino MIRANDA. 1959. "Larrea and climate." (Proc. 9th Int. Bot. Cong. 2: 131.) A discussion of the distribution of L. tridentata and L. divaricata, as correlated with the ratio of the annual precipitation in mm. to the mean annual temperature in °C; and the percentage of precipitation in winter with respect to the annual precipitation. 1960. "Larrea y clima." (An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 31: 133-171, illus., 9 pi. incl. maps, bibl.) Comparing the distribution of Larrea tridentata in North America and L. divaricata in South America, and analyzing climatic factors which limit the distribution. Detailed lists of localities are given for both species. Using additional data from Castela and Cercidium, the conclusion is reached that there was a greater continuity between the dry zones of the two continents in the past. GARCIA, Francisco C. 1908. "Variedades de trigo cultivadas en Michoacán." ( A g r . Méx. 26: 160-167.) Taken from the Bol. Cam. Agr. Mich; this is not available in the United States. GARCIA, Francisco Diaz. See DIAZ GARCIA, Francisco. GARCIA, Francisco Valle. See VALLE GARCIA, Francisco. GARCIA, Genaro. See DIAZ del CASTILLO, Bemal (1568). GARCIA, Gregorio González. See GONZALEZ GRACIA, Gregorio. GARCIA, Honorario P. 1873. "Importancia y origen de la medicina; tributo pagado por la botánica á Esculapius y necesidad de experimentar al cancerillo." (Emulación 1: 81-84.) On Asclepias


GARCIA, Irene de la Torre. See TORRE GARCIA, Irene de la. GARCIA, Isabel González. See GONZALEZ GARCIA, Isabel. GARCIA, J. 1862. "Ligeras noticias del amianto, cacao, café, y tabaco." México, 6 typed pages. Ms. at SMGE. GARCIA, José Iniguez. See INIGUEZ GARCIA, José. GARCIA, José María. 1859. "Breves noticias estadísticas de Guadalupe, Hidalgo." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 7: 277-279, map.) With a list of the plants for the region. 1869. "Ligera descripción de la grana ó cochinilla de Oaxaca." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 265-272.) Repr. in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 4 ( 1 2 ) : 3-18, 1895). With a description of different cacti on which the insect lives. 1869a. "Olivos." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 1: 905-917.) Publ. as a separate, México, 1870, 34 p, with the title "El olivo."— BN Méx. T h e emphasis is on the culture. León calls the work "interesante escrito." Information is given on the distribution of the plant and on uses of the wood.

GARCIA, Manuel Rodriguez. See RODRIGUEZ GARCIA, Manuel. GARCIA, María de Lourdes Oriza. See ORIZA GARCIA, María de Lourdes. GARCIA, Mario Carrillo. See CARRILLO GARCIA, Mario. GARCIA, Mario Márquez. See MARQUEZ GARCIA, Mario. GARCIA, Miguel Mayol. See MAYOL GARCIA, Miguel. GARCIA, P. 1873. "Las frutas y maderas de Yucatán." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Est. I l l , 1: 187-190.)


GARCIA, Pedro. See ASENSIO y T O L E D O , José María (1579). GARCIA, Pedro Trujillo. See TRUJILLO GARCIA, Pedro. GARCIA, Pedro Vaquero. See VAQUERO GARCIA, Pedro. GARCIA, Rafael. 1940. "Cultivo é industrialización de la higuerilla." Cd. Juárez, 40 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Ricinus. GARCIA, Ramón. 1911. Zacatecas y la sericicultura. Zacatecas, 127 p.—Bibliot. Públ. Zacatecas. With a history of the planting of Morus in the state, and in the country. GARCIA, Romualdo. 1908. "Cultivo de hortalizas—repollos. " (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 32: 744-747. On Brassica oleráceo. GARCIA, Rubén. 1952. "Arboles de Chiapas." (Trib. Isr. 89: 20-22.) Descriptions of many trees, but cited by common names only. 1952a. "Los jardines botánicos Aztecas." (Trib. Isr. 90: 22-25.) A general account. GARCIA, Silverio. See PEREZ GONZALEZ, Julio, 1894. GARCIA, Valentin Maria. 1956. "Cultivo de la caña de azúcar de Papaloapan." Cd. Juárez, 60 p. Thesis EPA. GARCIA ABARCA, Pablo. See ABARCA, Pablo G. (Contrary to Mexican custom, Abarca used his mother's names and reduced his father's name to an initial.) GARCIA AGUILAR, Moisés. 1956. "Métodos de propagación vegetativa del cacaotero." Chapingo, 72 p., illus. Thesis ENA. On Theobroma cacao. GARCIA B„ Reynaldo. 1938. "Cultivo del naranjo dulce." Cd. EPA. On Citrus aurantium.

Juárez, 128 p., illus. Thesis

GARCIA BARAJAS, Nicolás. 1949. "El cultivo del arroz en el Valle del Río Culiacán." Cd. Juárez, 67 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Oryza. GARCIA C., Emérito. 1949. "El cultivo de la linaza en el Valle del Yaqui, Sonora." Cd. Juárez, 76 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Linum.

GARCIA, José Martinez. See MARTINEZ GARCIA, José.

GARCIA CAMPOS, Enrique. 1946. "Orizaba." México, 712 mim. p . - S M G E . On p. 63-89, there is a discussion of plant life with common names for most of the plants, and scientific names for some.

GARCIA, Juan B. 1859. "Apuntes estadísticos del Distrito de Galeana ( T e c p a n ) , Guerrero." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 7: 439-447.) With a list of the plant products.

GARCIA CARMONA, Samuel. 1933. "Contribución al estudio del zapote blanco." México, 47 p. Thesis Med., UNAM. On Casimiroa edulis.




GARCIA COLIN, Guillermo. 1927. "La farmacia y las hierbas medicinales." (Farmacia, II, 4 ( 2 5 ) : 388-391.) 1928. "La química, farmacologiá y terapéutica del Agave salmiana." (La Farmacia II, 5: 58-60, 73, 84, 114-117.) Guerra lists the last installment under Colin. GARCIA CONDE, Alexo. See ANONYMOUS, 1805-1809. GARCIA CONDE, Pedro. 1857. "Ensayo estadístico sobre el Estado de Chihuahua." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. 5: 166-324. Also see extract in Rev. Chih. 1 ( 8 ) : 9 cont. in succeeding issues to 1(18): 13, 1909 and 2 ( 1 ) : 17-20, 1910.) With a section on wild and cultivated plants. GARCIA CONDE, Roberto. 1944. "Los tinacales, el maguey y sus productos." (Arm. Soc. Folkl. Méx., 331-352, 1945.) (For 1944.) Ethnobotanic study. GARCIA CRUZ, Miguel. 1938. "Candelilla." (Bol. Mens. Est. Agropec.: 682A-760.) On Euphorbia cerífera. 1939. Estudio económico comercial de la candelilla. México, 100 p., illus. Trans, as "Candelilla: a technical and economic study," in (Int. Rev. Agrie. 30 )T and M ) : 85-109, 125-133.) Pages vary in other language eds.). Botanical description, distribution, culture, uses, methods of extraction, comparison of wax characters with that from other plants and commerce. GARCIA CUBAS, Antonio. See also ALMARAZ, Ramón, et al, 1866; ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905; GALINDO y VILLA, Jesús, 1926-1927; HERMOSA, Jesús, 1870; MALTE BRUN, Victor Adolphe, 1863; OLMEDO, Daniel S. J., 1953. 1857. Noticias geográficas de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. México, 27 p., map.-LNHT. With a list of cultivated plants. 1857a. Reséna geográfica del distrito de Soconusco y Tapachula. México, 7 p., map. Publ. in (Mem. Sriá. Est., Desp. Fom. Col. Indust. Com. Repúb. Méx., Doc. 1 (4th part).)—Bibliot. A. Alzate. With brief references to plant products, by common names. (1870-1874.) Escritos diversos de 1870-1874. México, 1874, 422 p., illus., map. Those selections which contain references to Mexican plants are cited below. "Impresiones de un viaje a la Sierra de Huauchinango." 72-87. "Una excursión a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa." 127-162. (This appeared also in the newspaper Porvenir, March 14, 1874, pp. 15, 17, 18, 19.) "Una excursión a la tierra caliente." 163-230. This is subdivided as follows: "Introduction," 163-165; "Teziutlán," 166-178; "Tlapocoyan," 179-187; "Hacienda del Jobo," 187203; "Colonia de Jicaltepec," 203-210. "Un paséo a Jalapa." 249-268. (This was reprinted in Univ. Ver. 4 ( 4 ) : 59-65, 1955.) 1876. The Republic of Mexico in 1876. México, 130 p., 8 pi., map. Trans, by George F. Henderson. Just a page is devoted to agriculture. 1884. Cuadro geográfico estadístico descriptivo é histórico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. México, 474 p., illus., map. Another ed., 1885. Introd. by Alfonso Lancaster Jones. A résumé, trans, by J. Leclercq, was publ. in the (Bull. Soc. Beige Géog. 9: 517-555, 1885). With a chapter on agriculture. 1888-1891. Diccionario geográfico histórico y biográfico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. México, 5 vols. Includes plant products under the various states. 1892. Geografía e historia del Distrito Federal. México, 96 p., illus., maps. With a section on the plant products.


1893. Mexico, its trade, industries and resources. México, 436 p. Trans, by William Thompson. Contains a chapter on agriculture, with lists of trees and the principal vegetable products. GARCIA da (de) ORTA. See ORTA, García de. GARCIA de ALBA, Carmen Ibánez. See IBANEZ y GARCIA de ALBA, Carmen. GARCIA de BARGAS y RIVERA, Fray Juan Manuel. 1774. Relación de los pueblos que comprehende el Obispado de Chiapas, 1774. (San Cristobal Las Casas), 81 lvs.—Bibliot. Frans Blom. Original is in the Biblioteca del Palacio, Madrid, with a copy at the Brit. Mus. By the Mercedario Obispo de Chiapas, 1769-1774; with brief references to cultivated crops of each "pueblo." GARCIA de FARFAN y ELIXALDE, Agustín. See FARFAN, Agustín. GARCIA de LEON, Consuelo Arriaga. See ARRIAGA GARCIA de LEON, Consuelo. GARCIA de LEON CUEVAS, Irma. 1953. "Vincetoxicum officinale." Morelia, 1953, 69 p. Thesis, Univ. Univ. Mich. Arch. Discusses also raíz de michoacán, identified as Stapelia cordifolia, but other names cited: tlallantlacuautlapilli, pascua, tacuache, chicuipo(?), are used generally for Ipomoea jalapa. GARCIA de LEON GONZALEZ, Helena. 1941. "Papaya ó melon zapote." Morelia, 15 p. Thesis Univ. Michoacán, Arch. On Carica papaya. GARCIA de PEREDA, Manuel. 1789. "Descripción topográfica del curato de San Bartholonié, Capulhuac (México)." N.p., 7 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 16, Col. P. y T. GARCIA de SAN VICENTE, Nicolás. See CLAVIGERO, Francisco Xaviero, 1789. GARCIA de VILLAGOMEZ, Sidronia. 1923. "Las tlachichinoas." México, 4 lvs., 2 illus. Thesis Chem. On Tournefortia capitata Mart, and Gal. and Isoloma deppeanum Hemsley. Other tlachichinoas are listed with other common names and distribution, e.g. T. floribunda, T. hirsutissima, Hamelia patens (known also as chacoco, chacloco, according to Martinez), Isoloma elegans, and I. jaliscanum. GARCIA del HUERTO.

See ORTA, García de.

GARCIA del REAL, Eduardo. 1921. Historia de la medicina en España. Madrid, 1148 p. Chap. 4, on natural sciences in "la edad de oro en la medicina Española," refers to Monardes, Hernández, and devotes a long section to Francisco Xavier de Balmis y Berenguer, and names important plants brought to Europe. GARCIA DIAZ, E. 1947. "Una explotación forestal en Méjico." (Montes 3(14): 149155.) Description of operation at the Hacienda de la Gavia on the slopes of the Nevado de Toluca, with lists of species in the forests. GARCIA FLORES, Felipe. (1884.) "Ligero estudio sobre (Monog. Méx. (Estudio cites a separate printed another ed. of 1887. On Eupatorium pextum

el pexto ú orégano del cerro." In 3 (App.): 141-150, 1890). León in México, 1884 and Guerra cites of Laso de la Vega.

GARCIA GALAN, Rafael. See PENA, Moisés T. de la, et al, 1948; 1948a. GARCIA GALLEGOS, María. 1940. "Breve estudio sobre el toloache." Morelia, 11 p. Thesis, Univ. Michoacán, Arch. Guerra cites 24 p. On Datura.




GARCIA GARDUÑO, Roberto. 1944. " E l oyamel." Chapingo, 76 typed p. Thesis ENA. Compare with the version publ. in (Indust. For. 1 ( 1 0 ) : 37-42; 2 ( 1 1 ) : 63-82, ( 1 2 ) : 75-82, ( 1 3 ) : 70, 1946). On Abies religiosa. GARCIA GUERRA, Carlos Maria. 1952. "Estudio . . . del Ejido de Santo Domingo, Baja California Sur." México, 39 p., illus. Thesis Med. With a list of plants, common names only. GARCIA GUTIERREZ, Antonio. See J I M E N E Z de la ESPADA, Marcos, 1876.

GARCIA LEON, Jorge. 1949. "Exploración sanitaria de la congregación 'El Pital,' Veracruz." México, 60 p. Thesis Med. With a list of plants, cited by common names only. GARCIA LUNA, Fructuoso. 1905. Breves apuntes de la excursión escolar . . . a la Ciudad de Orizaba. México, 31 p. — Bibliot. M. Maldonado. For the "alumnos de zoología y botánica de la Escuela Normal Preparatoria." The botanical references are very limited.

GARCIA GUTIERREZ, José. 1928? "Síntesis geográfica del Estado de Guanajuato." ( R o j o y Negro: 10, 51, 52, (Oct.?). - Bibliot. R. Beltrán. With a list of the plants, by uses, cited by common names only.

GARCIA MARTINEZ, José. 1937. "Las superficies forestales de la República." (Bol. Depto. For. Méx. 3 ( 8 ) : 127-140, map.) Areas are divided according to altitude, with lists of trees given for the different regions. 1938. " L a explotación de los pinos en México." ( B o l . Depto. For. Caza Pesca Méx. 4 ( 1 2 ) : 183-260); the conclusion is signed Antonio H. Sosa. Also in (Méx. For. 1 6 ( 1 0 / 1 2 ) : 63-76, 1938 and 1 7 ( 1 / 3 ) : 9-26, 1939). An excerpt, trans, as "Die kiefernwaelder Mexikos," was publ. in (Zeitschr. Weltforstw. 6(9): 634-636, map, 1939). The translator's name is given as K., identified only as Koch in the index.

GARCIA ICAZBALCETA, Joaquin. See also AGÜEROS, V., 1880; ALCOCER, I. 1935; BENAVENTE, Toribio de ( 1 5 4 1 ) ; CERVANTES de SALAZAR, Francisco, 1554; CHILTON, John, (1565-1585)?; CONQUISTADOR ANONIMO, (16th cent.); MUÑOZ CAMARGO, Diego (16th cent.); OROZCO y BERRA, Manuel, 1881; PHILLIPS, Miles, ( 1 5 8 2 ) ; POMAR, Juan Bautista, ( 1 5 8 2 ) ; REYNOSO, Diego de, 1644; T E L L O , Antonio (1650-1651); ZUAZO, Alonso ( 1 5 2 1 ) ; ANONYMOUS, 1853-1856. 1877. "La industria de la seda." ( E x p l . Min. 1 ( 3 5 ) : 257-260.) Publ. anonymously. Repr. as " L a seda nacional" in (Nacional 5: 105-118, 1882) as "nota extractada de una obra inédita cuyo título es Bibliografía Mexicana del siglo X V I " ; see García Icazbalceta, 1886.

Contains a key to 25 species of pine, from "el sistema adaptado por Paul C. Standley en su obra Trees and shrubs of Mexico, modificado de acuerdo con las anotaciones de Profesor Maximino Martínez en su libro en preparación Arboles útiles de México." Descriptions and localities are also given.

Sequel to the article published in Explorador Minero by Santiago Ramírez (S. R . ) , q.v. Gives the history of the silk industry in Mexico, with references to mulberry plants. 1886. Bibliografía Mexicana del siglo XVI. México, 419 p., illus.; Another ed. was publ. in México, 1954, 581 p., ed. and enlarged by Agustín Millares Carlo.

1940. "Plantas hulíferas." (Bol. Dir. Gral. For. Caza Méx. 1 ( 4 ) : 12-18.) On Castilla elástico Cerv. 1944. "Desarrollo y utilización de los recursos forestales de México." (Carib. For. 5 ( 3 ) : 124-135.) With a chart on forest wealth divided into shrubs and trees, precious and common woods, and according to tropic, subtropic and temperate climates; with products from each group. The article was also published in ( R e v . Agr. Guatemala II, 2: 410-418, 1946) and as a separate, México, 1944, 22 p., illus., with the words "de México" in the title replaced by "en los paises Americanos."

This includes on p. 159-178 (new ed., pp. 223-242), "Los médicos de México en el siglo X V I , " with a considerable number of references to Mexican botany. This is an enlarged and modified version of what appeared first in (El Defensor Católico, Sept., 1 8 7 2 ) . ) (This was not seen.) On p. 193-205 (new ed., p. 257-267) of the Bibliografía, there is also an article on " L a industria de la seda," first published in 1877, q.v. In vol. 1 of García's Obras (Biblioteca de autores Mexicanos) in 1896, the article on the "médicos" is printed on p. 65-124; the article on silk is on p. 125-161. The article on the "médicos" seems to have been published also (anonymously) in (Esc. Med. 3 : 9 7 - 1 0 2 , 113-116, 1881) under the title "Apuntes para la historia de la medicina en México." This was supposed to be the first in a series of three articles, but the others seem never to have been published. The author acknowledges using García's then unpublished Bibliografía de los escritores Mexicanos del siglo XVI.

GARCIA MARURI, Luis. 1937. Contribución al estudio de la Attalea cohune. México 59 p., illus. - I B Méx. Also in (Fitófilo 2 ( 3 ) : 76-86, illus.; 4: 110112, 1943). Mainly for the chemistry of the oil, but a good botanical study, too, including synonymy, classification, description, map, and distribution. GARCIA MERINO, Livier. 1922. " E l añil en el 6. cantón." Guadalajara, 13 typed p. Thesis Chem. Guerra lists this as El añil en la medicina. Description, culture, and uses.

1896-1899. Obras. México, 10 vols. The article cited below was printed in vol. 1 : 3 2 3 - 3 3 1 , and repr. in (Her. Agr. 1 4 ( 7 ) : 18-19, 1914). The article is " E l cacao en la historia de México"; Aztec names are cited, as are references to the writings of others. Also in the Obras, vols. 3, 4, 5, 9 there are biographies of Sahagún, Cervantes, Cervantes de Salazar, Cárdenas, Díaz del Castillo, etc.

GARCIA MORALES, José. 1859. "Plantas oleaginosas — ajonjolí." (Mej. Mat. 1: 31-33; repr. in Mexicano 1:447, 1866 and in Cultivador II, 2: 26-27, 18761877.) Not much botanical information, but Maya names, xmehensial ó sicil pus, are given for the plant.

GARCIA JUNCO, Juana. 1935. Estudio del colorante de la col morada. México, 45 p. I B Méx. Chemical study of the purple form of Brassica oleracea.

GARCIA MORENO, Domingo. 1908. "Alfalfa." (Agr. Mex. 25: 15-19.) On Medicago, with descriptions of various species. 1908a. "Avena." (Agr. Mex. 25: 53-56.)


GARCIA MUÑOZ, José M. 1897. Ensayo sobre el cultivo del girasol. México, 8 p. Also in (Frog. Méx. 4 : 695-697, 1897). And also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 7 ( 2 ) : 18-23, 1897). On Helianthus.

1936. "Contribución al estudio del piretro y sus preparados comerciales." México, 35 p. Thesis Chem. On Pyrethrum


1897. En la patria de Juárez. México, 210 p. — CtY. Not much material on plants; but mentions "árboles corpulentos" called "anahuehuetes de forma análoga y propiedades medicinales idénticas al Eucalyptus."







GARCIA SALAS, Jorge. 1910. La planta del banano ó plátano. México, 80 p., illus. — DA. By a Honduran planter; an appendix is supplied by the consul of Mexico in Costa Rica.

1897a. El maíz copos blancos. México, 8 p. — Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 7 ( 2 ) : 24-27). On Zea mays foliis integerrimis. 1897b. Maiz kaffir. México, 15 p. — BN Méx. Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 7 ( 2 ) : 3-11, illus., 1897; and Prog. Méx. 4 : 754-757, 1897). On Sorghum vulgare. 1897c. Maíz precoz. México, 7 p. BN Méx. Also in (Bol. Agr. Min. Indust. Méx. 7 ( 2 ) : 13-17, illus., 1897). On Zea minima. GARCIA OSES, Ramón. 1905. "Cultivo del arroz." (Agr. Méx. 1 9 ( 3 ) : 59-64.) On Oryza. (1908?) Cultivo del cacahuate ó maní. México, 1912, 2d ed., 34 p., 4 illus. Bol. No. 1, publ. by the Estac. Agr. Exp. Rio Verde, San Luís Potosí, Sría. Fom., Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. First ed. 1908? See also (Progreso (Tabasco) 5 ( 5 0 ) : 4-5, Jan. 31, 1909, cont. to 5 ( 5 8 ) : 4-5, Mar. 28, 1909; and Hac. Ranch. 2 ( 1 8 ) : 7-9, 1910). On Arachis. 1910. Cultivo de la alfalfa. Habana, 1910, 65 p. - NN. Repr. in México, 1912, 2d ed., 76 p., illus., as Bol. No. 6, Est. Agr. Exp. Rio Verde, Sría. Fom., Dir. Gral. Agr. Repr. in 1921, 68 p. The first Mexican ed. was publ. in 1910. Descriptions of species and varieties are included.

GARCIA SANCHEZ, Alfredo. 1952. Comparación del sotol y la alfalfa en la alimentación de vacas lecheras. Saltillo, 53 p., illus. Thesis, ESA. Description and distribution of 16 species of Dasylirion. GARCIA SANTIBANEZ, Nancy. 1955. "Contribución al estudio del Tagetes florida, 'pericón.'" Oaxaca, 33 typed p. Thesis, Univ. Oaxaca. With a description of varieties, listed by Aztec names, and a list of species with common names. But pericón is described as genus Tagetes florida and the species as Tribulus cistoides. GARCIA y ALVA, Federico. 1905-1907. México y sus progresos. Album directorio del Estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, over 400 unnumb. p., about half in advertisements, illus. With a list of plant products and a section on agriculture. 1918. "Sonora y sus elementos naturales de riqueza." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. V, 8: 151-203, illus.) With reference to agricultural products. GARCIA y CUBAS, Antonia. GARCIAS, Luís Rocha.

GARCIA OVIEDO, Antonio. 1948. "El cocotero en el Estado de Colima." Chapingo, 77 p. Thesis ENA. On Cocos nucífera.

GARCIDUENAS ESCOTO, Jesús. 1947. "Análisis químico de la hoja del zapote." Guadalajara, 10 typed p. Thesis Chem. On Casimiroa edulis. GARCKE, A. (Friedrich August). See also GRAY, Asa, 1887; ROHRBACH, P., 1869-1873; WALPERS, Wilhelm Gerhard, 1842-1848. 1853. "Ueber Malvaviscus spathulatus." (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 21: 321322.) "Eine neue art der familie der Malvaceen." 1857. "Die gattung Malvastrum Asa Gray." (Bonplandia 5: 292-298.) A discussion of various plants (species of Malva), assigned to the new genus. 1874. "Einige worte ueber die gattung Hibiscus." (Linnaea 38: 673698.) 1881. "Ueber die gattung Pavonia." (Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 198223.)

GARCIA PENA, Pascual. (1888.) "Estudio sobre el zoapatle." In Nueva Recop. Monog. (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2(App.): 71-78, 1897.) León and Guerra cite a separate printed in México, 1888. On Montanoa.

GARCIA PRADA, Carlos. PRADA, 1939.

History, synonymy, and geographical distribution of the genus. P. mexicana is changed to Kosteletzhya mexicana. Five species are listed as just from Mexico.


1890. "Wie viel arten von Wissadula gibt es?" (Zeitschr. Naturw. 63: 113-124.) Discusses the history of the genus and lists 10 species with their literature and synonymy. 1891. "Ueber anfechtbare pflanzennamen." (Bot. Jahrb. 1 3 : 4 5 6 470.) On contested names; includes Toluifera, Sida, and Quararibea. 1893. "Ueber die gattung Abutilón." (Bot. Jahrb. 15: 480-492.) 1896. "Ueber einige Malvaceen gattungen." (Bot. Jahrb. 2 1 : 3 7 9 401.) A general discussion emphasizing the history of Sida, Anoda, Pavonia, and Hibiscus.

See WILEY, Norman L. and GARCIA



GARCIDUENAS, Odilón. 1890. Cicuta. Pénjamo, 10 p. - Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Conium maculatum.

See PANIAGUA, Flavio Antonio, 1908-

GARCIA PEREZ, Antonio. 1863. "Descripción de la ciudad de Uruapan." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Est. 10: 469-477.) With references to plants.



GARCIA PAYON, José. 1936. Amaxocoatl — libro del chocolate. Toluca, 116 p., illus., bibl. Excellent coverage of the historical aspects, with many references to chocolate in the literature. An article by Beatrice Newhall, based on this work, was published under the title "Chocolate in New Spain" in the (Bull. Pan. Amer. Union 70: 786-793, illus., 1936, and in Mod. Mex. 8 ( 8 ) : 24-25, 1937; also under the title "Chocolate in Mexico" in Mex. Amer. Rev. 14, 15, 23, March, 1937 and in Mex. Life 1 3 ( 9 ) : 31, 44, 45, 1937). 1943. "Interpretación de la vida de los pueblos Matlatzincas." (Méx. Antig. 6: 73-90, 93-119, 1942-1943.) With references to plants in the section on agriculture and foods. GARCIA PELAEZ, ( ? ) . 1911.

See GARCIA CUBAS, Antonio.

See VARIOUS, 1955.

GARCIA R., Federico. See PENA, Moisés T. de la, et al, 1946. GARCIA RAMOS, José. 1869. "Elogio histórico del farmacéutico Don Vicente Cervantes." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est., II, 1: 753-765.) GARCIA REJON, Manuel. 1866. Vocabulario del idioma Comanche. México, 2 9 + 1 p. Spanish to Comanche and vice versa.

1897. "Ueber Abutilón erosum Schldl." (Notizbl. 1: 293-294.) Agrees it is Bastardia bivalvis H.B.K.

GARCIA RUIZ, Rebeca. 1946. "Estudio químico del chayóte — fruto." Guadalajara, 38 p. Thesis Chem. On Sechium.



Bot. Gart.




GARDIDAcontinued 1852. "Ginseng de los chinos — Aureliana (Aralia?) canadensis." (Sem. Sen. Mej. 3: 40-42, illus.) Signed T. S. G. Also places it in the genus Panax, and states "esta planta suele encontrarse en los bosques de las immediaciones de Onzava y Córdoba en el estado de Veracruz." 1872. "La oca del Perú." (Cultivador 2: 152-155 1873; also in Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 3: 116, 131-132, 1881.) León cites a separate publ. in México, 1872, 12 p. On the culture of Oxalis. GARDNER, Eldon John. 1946. "Wind pollination in guayule, Parthenium argentatum Gray." (Jour. Amer. Soc. Agr. 38: 264-272.) Study of the distance pollen is carried, and the relationship of the age of pollen and its effectiveness. 1947. "Insect pollination in guayule, Parthenium argentatum Gray." (Jour. Amer. Soc. Agr. 39: 224-233.) A study to determine which insects are most effective.

GARRIDO, A. 1907. "El cacahuate." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 31: 313-315.) On Arachis.

GARDNER, Erie Stanley. 1948. The land of shorter shadows. New York, 228 p., illus. Description of a trip down the length of Lower California; references to plants are based on information from William Pemberton. GARDNER, George.

GARRIDO, Carlos. 1931. " E l chicle y su explotación en el sureste de la República." (Fomento (Yucatán) 3: 238-245, illus.) Description including varieties, chemical composition, extraction, and preparation. 1931a. "El chicle." (/mg. Méx. 3 ( 3 ) : 238, 245, illus.) Repr. in (Agricultor 1 ( 1 5 ) : 419-432, illus., 1932). On Achras sapota. 1933. "El caucho y su explotación. (Irrig. Méx. 6 ( 1 ) : 44-51, illus.) With a section on "los hules," various rubber producing genera.

See LINDLEY, John and GARDNER, 1850.

GARDNER, James Linton. 1951. "Vegetation of the creosote bush area of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico." (Ecol. Monog. 21:379-403, 8 figs., incl. map.) Considers the geology and climate, early descriptions of the vegetation, present vegetation of uplands and washes, with special attention to selected shrubs and grasses, and a description of the effects of protection. GARDUÑO, Judith Espinosa. de G. GARDUÑO, Mariano.

GARRIDO, Casimiro. 1903. "Nota sobre los eucaliptos." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 27: 391-397.) GARRIDO, Francisco. 1789. "Otro Tochimilco." N.p., 11 Ivs., ms, M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 106, Col. P . y . T .

See RUL, Judith Espinosa (Garduño)

See ALTAMIRANO, Fernando, 1896.

GARDUÑO, Roberto Garcia.

GARRIDO, I. Manuel. 1883. "La ciudad de Toluca." Toluca, 78 typed p., illus. Ms.-SMGE. With a list of ornamental plants, flowering from May to August, listed alphabetically, on pp. 36-37, with common and scientific equivalents. The latter are taken from the Calendario botánico de la ciudad de Toluca, by Manuel Villada and José C. Segura, q.v.


GARIBAY, Enrique H. 1903. Principales maderas que se producen y explotan en la República Mexicana. México, 28 p. — Bibliot. Públ. Oax. Listed alphabetically with common and scientific names, family, climate, state, and uses. GARIBAY, Rubén Navarrete. See NAVARRETE GARIBAY, Rubén.

GARRIDO ALFARO, Vicente. 1937.

GARIBAY K., Angel Maria. See HERNANDEZ, Francisco (15701575); OROZCO y BERRA, Manuel, 1880; SAHAGUN, Bernardino, (1575?). GARIBI, José Ignacio Paulino Dávila. Ignacio Paulino.


GARRIGUES, R. 1956. "Etude sur les genres Tradescantia et Zebrina." (Rep. Spec. Nov. Reg. y eg. 59: 140-157, bibl.) With a key to species of Tradescantia and descriptions. A discussion is included of Zebrina, mainly on Z. péndula.


Also known as camote. GARMAN, Allen Don.


GARRIDO URQUIETA, Manuel. 1948. "Condiciones sanitarias de Omealca, Veracruz." México, 42 p. — Col. San Nicolás, Morelia. With a brief section on cultivated plants.


GARMA, Federico. 1912. "La batata, boniato, ó buniato." (Bol. Cam. Agr. Nac. 1 ( 3 ) : 29-32.)

distribution, and notes on the genera, with American genera including Compsoneura from southern Mexico. Description of the woods includes macroscopic features and minute anatomy; an artificial key to the genera uses wood characters. 1933a. "Bearing of wood anatomy on the relationships of the Myristicaceae." (Trop. Woods 36: 20-44, bibl.) Describes the woods of the Myristicaceae and compares them with those in the Lauraceae, Monimiaceae, Magnoliaceae, Anonaceae, and other related groups. 1934. "Systematic anatomy of the woods of the Monimiaceae." (Trop. Woods 39: 28-44, bibl.) On the economic importance, distribution, and taxonomy of the family, with a description of the wood giving macroscopic features and minute anatomy. An artificial key to the genera is supplied, along with a discussion of the relationships of the family.

See HAGEN, Herman Bessel, 1933.

GARRISON, Dorotha J. 1950. "Reclamation project of the Papaloapan River basin in Mexico." (Econ. Geogr. 26:59-63, 3 maps.) In the brief section on vegetation, plants are mentioned by common names only.

GARNICA ANGULO, Josefina. 1928. "Las vitaminas — Investigación cualitativa y comparativa de la vitamina B en vegetales usadas como alimentos." Guadalajara, 26 typed p., illus. Thesis, UNAM. Study of Opuntia, Portulaca oleracea, and Capsicum cordiforme.

GARRISON, Fielding Hudson.. .See NEUBURGER, Max, 1930.

GARRATT, George Alfred. See also RECORD, Samuel J., and GARRATT, 1923. 1922. "Poisonous woods." (Jour. For. 20: 479-487.) Includes a discussion of cocobolo (Dalbergia) and the effect of its sawdust on workers; also considers Brya ebenus. 1933. "Systematic anatomy of the woods of the Myristicaceae." (Trop. Woods 35: 6-48, 2 pi., bibl.)

GARSAULT, Francois Alexandre Pierre. See also GEOFFROY, Etienne François, 1741. 1764-1767. Description vertus et usages de 719 plantes. Paris, xiv and 472 p. — NNBG. Sometimes called Explication abregée and considered vol. 6 of Les figures des plantes . . ., q.v. It is listed as anonymous by Miltitz. Sometimes the title Description vertus . . . is used for the 6 vols, including the 5 vols, of plates (see Les figures . . .).

With a description of the family, its economic importance, 308


GARVENS (1764)-1767a. Les figures des plantes et animaux d'usage en médecine. Paris, 5 vols., 729 pl. (title page says 730 pl.).-NNBG. Four of the volumes, 643 plates are on plants, "rangées suivant l'ordre de la Matière médicale de M. Geoffroy (Etienne François)." Numbers 1-118 are on exotic plants. Published first in 1764 without the text, then in 1765 the entire 6 vols, (including the Description . . ., q.v.) were published under the title "Explication abregée. The plates, according to Quérard, were adapted for the Dictionnaire raisonné of Delabeyrie et Goulin, Paris, 1783, and were reproduced, Paris, 1796, under the title Dictionnaire des plantes usuelles. GARVENS, Wilhelm, Jr. 1905. Kaffee. Hannover, 51 p., illus. - DA. The emphasis is on the culture, "nach meinen aufzeichnungen und erfahrungen in Mexiko." GARZA, Adamina Sandoval.


GARZA, Alejandro Martínez de la. Alejandro. GARZA, Andrés Barrera.



GARZA, Antonio Martínez.


GARZA, Baldomiro. 1953. "La lechuguilla en Tamaulipas." México, 41 p., map. Thesis ENA. With a brief reference to the distribution of the plant. GARZA, Enrique Gómez. GARZA, Israel Cavazos.

See GOMEZ GARZA, Enrique. See CAVAZOS GARZA, Israel.

GARZA, José Alberto de la. 1956. "Estudio taxonómico de la vid." Saltillo, 166 p., illus. Thesis ESA. A detailed study. GARZA, Jr., Juan Manuel de la. 1930. "La mancamula." Guadalajara, 24 typed p., 4 illus. Thesis Chem. On Solanum rostratum. GARZA, Manuel David. n.d. Descripción técnica ilustrada de los extrados fluidos medicinales. México, 176 p.; publ. by Codex Lab., Carlos Stein & Cía. IB Méx. Mainly by the author, but with the help of others (Maximino Martínez, Amador E. Ugalde) from Mexican scientific institutions; with a picture of each plant used. GARZA, Oscar Jiménez de la. GARZA, Renato Miranda.

See JIMENEZ de la GARZA, Oscar.


GARZA BARRUETA, Fernando. 1942. "Caucho obtenido del arbusto guayule." México, 25 p. IBMéx. On Parthenium. GARZA CORTINA, Carlos. 1872. "Estudio sobre las semillas de chirimoya." México, 20 p. Repr. in (Naturaleza 2: 198-202, 1872 and in the Nueva Recop. Monog., in An. Inst. M éd. Nac. Méx. 2: 5-8, 1897). History, description of the plant and its varieties, chemical analysis, and uses. GARZA E., Roberto. 1926, "Frijol soya." Cd. Juárez, 46 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Glycine max. GARZA G., Jaime de la. 1944. "El cultivo del camote." Cd. Juárez, 25 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Ipomoea batatas. GARZA GRANJA, Federico. 1955. "Cultivo e industrialización del olivo." Cd. Juárez, 43 p. Thesis EPA; photostat of a typed paper. On Olea. GARZA MARTINEZ, Ignacio de la. 1934. "Materias primas Mexicanas." México, 88 p. Thesis, ENA. "Para la fabricación de pasta de celulosa." With a story of

the history of paper in Mexico and description of plants used as sources for paper; divided according to the part used. Localities where plants are found or cultivated are given. GARZA OSUNA, Rodolfo. See Rodolfo GARZA OSUNA.

CAVAZOS GARZA, Israel, and

GARZA SALDIVAR, Yolanda de la. 1949. "Contribución al estudio farmacológico de Sechium México, 60 p., illus. Thesis UNAM. On its diuretic properties. GARZA SEPULVEDA, Lucrecia. 1938. "Contribución al estudio de la Argemone ochróleuca Monterrey, 26 p. Thesis Pharm.



GARZON, Domingo. 1777. "Noticia geográfica de este curato de Santa Maria Lochixijo (Lochixiso) (Oaxaca)." N.p., 12 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 69, Col. P. y T. GASCA, Mariano la. See LA GASCA, Mariano. GASCARD, Albert. See also VILLADA, Manuel, 1894, 1896. 1893. "Contribution à l'étude des gommes laques des Indes et de Madagascar." Paris, 83 p., 1 pl. Thesis, Pharm., Paris. — ICMILC. With a history of the product, and the plants on which it is produced; emphasis is on chemistry and preparation. GASPARRINI, Guglielmo. 1838. "Mémoire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Légumineuses." ( Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 6: 898-899. ) On ' l e genre Farnesia" (for Acacia farnesiana), with the new species F. odora. GASPEY, Dr. See SARTORIUS, Carl Christian Wilhelm, 1855. GASSICOURT, Charles Louis Felix Cadet de. GASSICOURT, Charles Louis Felix.



GASTELUM de AMEZCUA, Guadalupe. 1942. "Estudio químico sobre las hojas del zapote blanco." Guadalajara, 37 p., 2 charts. Thesis Chem. On Casimiroa edulis.. GATES, Howard E. See also BAXTER, E., 1932; BRAVO HOLLIS, H., 1955. 1930. "Baja California, México." (Desert 1 ( 1 1 ) : 124, 127; ( 1 2 ) : 141-142; 2 ( 2 ) : 20, 25.) A general article describing preparation for travel. The last part is on the Hamilton Ranch in Baja California, with illustrations of Bergerocactus emoryii. 1930a. "Machaerocereus gummosus." (Desert 2 ( 6 ) : 83, illus.) Also considers M. eruca. 1930b. "Pereskiopsis of Baja California, Mexico." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 3 ) : 311-312, illus.) 1930c. The personal tale of a cactus collector in Baja California. Mexico. (Anaheim), 16 p., illus. — CSdM. 1930-1931. "Milky Mammillarias of Lower California." (Desert 2 ( 7 ) : 94-95, ( 1 0 ) : 133, illus.) On Neomammillarias and Bartschellas. 1931. "Giant cactus in Lower California." (Desert 3 ( 6 ) : 63, illus.) Pachycereus pringlei and P. pecten-aboriginum. 1931a. "Ferocactus rectispinus." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 2 ( 7 ) : 390-391, illus.) From Sierra Gigante in Lower California. 1931b. "Interesting things in Lower California." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 3 ( 1 ) : 3-6, illus.; ( 2 ) : 37-38, illus.) Names and brief descriptions of various cactus species found on trips; one of these is a new species later described as Opuntia lagunae by Baxter. 1932. "Lophocereus in Lower California." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 ( 8 ) : 136-137, illus.) Repr. in (Cact. Jour. 2 ( 4 ) : 68-69, illus. 1934.) With descriptions of 4 species: L. schottii, L. sargentianus, L. australis, and L. gatesii. 1932a. "Neomammillaria la paceña." (Desert 3 ( 1 0 ) : 117, illus.) New species from La Paz.



GATES—continued 1932b. "Agaves of Lower California." (Des. Pi. Life 4 ( 5 ) : 52-53, illus.) General article mentioning outstanding species. 1932c. "Idria columnaria (sic) Kellogg." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 3 ( 1 2 ) : 201-202, illus.) As it grows in Lower California. Followed by a letter from Forrest Shreve ( 4 ( 1 ) : 232, 1932) giving further information on the occurrence of Idria on the Mexican mainland. 1933. "Lower California and Mexico." (Cact. Jour. 1 ( 3 ) : 39-40, illus.) A general description of the vegetation with lists of outstanding plants; common and scientific names are given with brief descriptions.

GATES, Reginald Ruggles. 1910. "Early historico-botanical records of the Oenotheras." (Iowa Acad. S ci. Proc. 17: 85-124, 6 pl., bibl.) Includes a description of Lysimachia americana from Hernández, which is identified as Oenothera lamarckiana. Dr. Gates, in a personal communication, Oct. 20, 1960, stated "My identification of Oe. lamarckiana proved to be incorrect. . . . There are spp. of Oenothera in Mexico, but I do not think any of them are in the early herbáis." 1917-1920. "A systematic study of the North American Melanthaceae." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 4: 131-172, map and diag.) Includes Schoenocaulon drummondii, Stenanthella frígida, Anticlea mohinorensis, A. virescens, and A. gracilenta. The emphasis seems to be on plants from North America outside Mexico. 1918. "A study of North American Melanthaceae from the genetic standpoint." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 44: 131-172, map. ) A phylogenetic study of 21 genera, with descriptions and distribution of species. Three genera are cited from Mexico: Anticlea, Schoenocaulon, and Stenanthella. 1932-1935. "Some phylogenetic considerations on the genus Oenothera." (Jour. Linn. Soc. London 49: 173-197, 8 figs.) Detailed account based on cytogenetics and breeding studies; with a table giving a brief synopsis of known species of Oenothera belonging to the native north American subgenus Onagra. Another gives the complex-formula for 21 species. 1958. Taxonomy and genetics of Oenothera. Den Haag, 115 p., 20 illus., bibl. Monographiae Biologicae vol. 7. — PU. "Forty years study in the cytology and evolution of the Onagraceae."

1933a. "Magdalena's Agaves." (Des. PI. Life 5 ( 5 ) : 77 illus.) On Magdalena Island. 1933b. "Lemaireocereus littoralis." (Des. Pi Life 5 ( 6 ) : 90, illus.) Description of a plant from Baja California. Cf. the article in 1958. 1933c. "Four new species of Ferocactus." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. Amer. 4 ( 8 ) : 323-325, illus., 4 ( 9 ) : 343-344, illus.) F. gracilis and F. viscainensis, F. tortulospinus and F. coloratus. 1933d. "New Neomammillarias from Lower California." (Jour. Succ. Soc. Amer. 4 ( 1 1 ) : 371-382, illus.)


1957. "El genero Machaerocereus." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 2 ( 1 ) : 13-16, illus. ) Description of M. gummosus and M. eruca with their distribution. 1957a. "Distribución de las Cactaceas de Baja California." (Cact. Suc. Mex. 2 ( 4 ) : 69-75, 80, map.) A catalogue of species listed alphabetically by scientific names, with data on distribution; also a numbered list corresponding to localities shown on the map; very useful work. 1958. "The dwarf pitahaya dulce of Baja California." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 0 ( 4 ) : 114-115.) Lemaireocereus littoralis (K. Brandegee) Gates given as comb. nov. for L. thurberi var. littoralis. Cf. his article in 1933.


Descriptions of N. blossfeldiana (Boedeker) Gates n. comb, and N. capensis n.sp. 1934. "Mammillarias of Lower California, Mexico." (Cact. Jour. 2 ( 3 ) : 41-43, illus.) With descriptions, and data on localities. 1934a. "Collecting in Lower California, Mexico." (Jour. Cact. Succ. Soc. 5: 526-527.) 1934b. "New Neomammillarias from Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 6 ( 1 ) : 3-5, illus.) N. baxteriana, N. bullardiana, N. marshalliana, N. hutchinsonnii, and N. pacifica; all from Lower California. 1935. "Pachycereus of Lower California." (Cact. Jour. 3 ( 4 ) : 77-78, illus.) Description of 2 species: P. pringlei and P. pectenaboriginum. 1935a. "Lower California Echinocereus." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 6 ( 1 0 ) : 153-154, illus.) 1938. "A new species." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 0 ( 2 ) : 25-26, illus.) Mammillaria insularis sp. nov. from Baja California. 1938a. "Opuntia (Cylindroptuntia) brevispina sp. nov." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 0 ( 6 ) : 98-99, illus.) From Isla Ballena, Baja California. Latin diagnosis is by Ira L. Wiggins. 1941. "Kuerzer bildbericht aus Niedercalifornien." (Beitr. Sukk. Pflege. 3: 64-68, illus.) Picture story, based on the illustrations taken by Howard Gates. 1941a. "A new variety." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 3 ( 5 ) : 78, illus.) Mammillaria blossfeldiana var. shurliana from Baja California. 1952. "Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 4 ( 3 ) : 85-87, illus.; 2 4 ( 4 ) : 103105, illus. ) - D A . General travel account of an extensive trip. 1953. "Echinocereus ferreirianus spec, nova." (Saguaroland Bull. 7 ( 1 ) : 8-10, illus.) From Baja California. 1953-1954. "More about Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 5 ( 3 ) : 86-88, illus. by E. Yale Dawson; also ( 4 ) : 112-113; ( 5 ) : 146-147; ( 6 ) : 175-177, 1953; 2 6 ( 1 ) : 14-15; ( 2 ) : 57-59, 1954.) 1954. "Name your plants." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 6 ( 4 ) : 102-106 and ( 6 ) : 187-191, illus.) On various succulents. 1955. "A new Mammillaria." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 2 7 ( 6 ) : 185-186, illus.) M. lewisiana from Lower California.

GATES, William E. See ARA, Domingo de, 1571; CRUZ, Martín de la (1552); E L G U E T E , Manuel (n.d.); GONZALEZ, Luis, 1672; MENA, Francisco, n.d.; MORAN, Francisco, 1935; (SAHAGUN, Bernardino), n.d.; ANONYMOUS (16th cent.)b; ANONYMOUS, 1947, 1696, 19th cent. k,t. GATIN, Charles Louis. 1908. "Recherches anatomiques sur l'embryon et la germination des Cannacées et des Musacées." (Ann. Sci. Nat., IX, 8: 113-146, illus. ) 1912. Les palmiers. Paris, 338 p., illus., bibl. Includes morphology, anatomy, reproduction, chemistry, classification, culture, a description of the principal genera with species listed, and the place of origin. GATIN, V. C. 1920. "Recherches anatomiques sur le pédoncule et la fleur des Liliacées." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 32: 369-437, 460-528, 561-591, 60 figs., bibl.) Results are given systematically by tribes and genera, with selected species. GATO, Emilia Baldizán.


GAUCHER, Louis. 1902. "Recherches anatomiques sur les Euphorbiacées." Nat. VIII, 15: 161-309, illus.) GAUDIANA IBARRA, Miguel.


(Ann. Sci.




1944. "Monografía sobre el municipio de Sabinas Hidalgo." Monterrey, Nuevo León. 99 p., illus. (Puhl. No. 7, Soc. Nuevoleonés Geog. Est.)-BN Méx. With a brief list of wild plants, and a list of products cultivated in 1891. GAUDICHAUD BEAUPRE, Charles. 1851. Voyage autour du monde . . . sur la corvette La Bonite. Botanique. Paris, 2 vols.—NNBG. A 3d vol. is Explication et description des planches de l'atlas par Charles d'Alleizette, Paris, 1866; plates form a separate volume. Entire work on the Voyage consists of 15 vols. publ. under the name of Auguste Nicolas Vaillant, captain of the ship. Brit. Mus. Cat. lists the work under France. Plate 53 ( explanation on p. 25 ) is Tillandsia kunthiana cited incorrectly by "Index Kewensis" as from Mexico.



1758. Storia distinta e curiosa del tabacco. Ferrara, 1758, 2d ed., 88 p., illus. - NN. The first ed. (not seen) was publ. at Pesaro in 1758. History, with a report of Jean Nicot's contribution to the knowledge of tobacco, description, including varieties, culture, and preparation. GAVIRA, Gabriel. 1953. Nombres indígenas de todas las ciudades y municipios de la República Mexicana con la traducción de su significado en Castellano. México, 100 p. GAWLER, John Bellenden. 1805. "Ensatarum ordo." (Ann. Bot. 1: 219-247.) Description of genera and lists of species, with references to descriptions and illustrations of the latter.

GAULT, H. See NAVES, Y. R., and MAZUYER, 1939.

GAXIOLA, Alfonso Zazueta. See ZAZUETA GAXIOLA, Alfonso.

GAUMER, George Franklin. n.d. "Ceibo." N. p., n.d., 2 p., ms. at Chi. Mus. Nat. Hist. Description of plant, identified as Eriodendron anfractuosum or Ceiba pentandra. n.d. a. "Pochote." N.p., n.d., 2 p. ms. at Chi. Mus. Nat. Hist. Description of plant, identified as Eriodendron sp., or Ceiba pallida. n.d.b. "Sinonimia científica y vulgar de las plantas Yucatecas." N.p., 46 p., typed ms.—ICF. From Abelmoschus to Zuelania, with scientific names, Mayan names, and Spanish names. 1918. "EI ramón de Yucatán." (Henequén 3 ( 4 9 ) : 12-14, illus.) Common and scientific names, descriptions, and uses. 1923. "La agrostología en Yucatán." (Agricultor (Mérida) 1 0 ( 1 8 ) : 6-9.) Urges study, and cultivation, of grasses in Yucatán.

GAY, Betty. See GAY, Ed, and Betty, 1960-1961; 1961.

GAUSSEN, H. See also FLOUS, F. and GAUSSEN, 1932; LAURE N T , M. and GAUSSEN, 1945; VIGUIE, Marie Thérèse and GAUSSEN, 1928-1929. 1960. "Les gymnospermes actuelles et fossiles." ( Trav. Lab. For. Toulouse Tome II, prem. sect., Toulouse, 272 p., illus., vol. 1, fasc. 6, chap. 11.) Discusses the classification, distribution, biology and uses of the Pinoidines divided into 5 families, of which the Abietacées are considered in this work. Keys are given for the genera and families. Eleven genera are to be considered, b u t this volume considers just the genus Pinus: data on living and fossil forms, its natural classification, and the economic importance of the various species. GAUSSEN, Henri Marie. 1933. Géographie des plantes. Paris, 1953, 223 p., maps. The first ed. was publ. in 1933. In chapter 9, there is an "aperçu de la vegetation" of the globe. GAUTIER, Alexandre. 1822. Manuel des plantes médicinales. Paris, 1124 p.—NNBG. Arranged alphabetically by common (French) names, scientific names, and family, with description, preparation, and use. GAUTIER-DAGOTY, Jacques. 1767. Collection des plantes usuelles curieuses et étrangères. Paris, xxx and 63 p., 40 p l . - D A . Beautiful plates, with descriptions, and lists of species in the genera represented. GAVALDON, José M. 1932. "El cacao." Chapingo, 44 p. Thesis ENA. On Theobroma cacao. GAVARDO, Gaspar Baltasar Díaz y. See DIAZ y GAVARDO, Gaspar Baltasar. GAVARRE, Juan Senosiain. See SENOSIAIN GAVARRE, Juan. GAVARRETE, Juan. See XIMENEZ, Francisco (1721). GAVELLI, Niccolo.

GAY, E. C. 1930. "The naval stores industry in Mexico." ( Gamble's Inter. Naval Stores Yearbk.: 111;112.) Seven species of pine are listed, by common and scientific names; four of them produce turpentine. GAY, E d and Betty. 1960-1961. "High center." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 2 ( 6 ) : 176-179, illus., 1960; 3 3 ( 1 ) : 3-7, 1961.) Describing a trip to Baja California, with many references to the plants seen. 1961. "A cactophile's tour." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 3 3 ( 6 ) : 163-167, illus. ) Covering Querétaro, trips out of Mexico City, Aguascalientes, Durango, Mazatlán, and Guaymas. GAY, Jacques Etienne. See also CANDOLLE, Alphonse de, 1862; VAUPELL, Christian, 1857. 1839. "De Gaillardia." (Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 12: 57-64.) Describes G. pulchella, G. picta, and G. amblyodon, all from Texas. 1848. "Eryngiorum novorum vel minus cognitarum heptas." (Ann. Sci. Nat. I l l , 9: 148-184, illus.) Includes Eryngium nasturtiifolium Juss. of Mexico. 1857. "L'Agave americana considéré dans ses moyens des reproduction par bourgeons souterrains." (Bull. Soc. Bot. France 4: 612-617.) A continuation of the discussion following the presentation of Vaupell, q.v. GAY, José Antonio. 1881. Historia de Oaxaca. México, 2 vols. With a section, in the first volume, which discusses the uses Indians made of native plants. GAY MOLINA, Jorge. 1943. Estudio sobre la producción y análisis de los mezcales Estado de Oaxaca. México, 1943, 39 p. On Agave karwinskii Zucc.


GAYER, Jacob. See WISHERD, Edwin L., 1925. GAYNOR, Frank. See HESSE, Erich, 1946. GAYTON, Anna Hadwick. 1928. "The narcotic plant Datura in aboriginal American culture." Berkeley, 99 typed lvs., bibl., Ph.D. thesis-CU-B. On the extent of its usage in America, the distribution of the plant, and its use in Mexico by the Aztecs and northern tribes. The author accepts Safford's identification of ololiuhqui as Datura meteloides. GAZET du CHATELIER, Gérard. 1940. "Recherches sur les Sterculiacées." (Rev. Gen. Bot. 52: 174191, 211-233, 257-284, 305-332, 63 figs., bibl.) Studies in morphology and anatomy, particularly the comparative anatomy of the leaves, phylogeny, and geographic distribution, with 10 genera listed for Mexico.



GEDNER, Elias. 1786. "Ficus genus." Upsala, 16 p., illus. A botanical dissertation, presented with C. P. Thunberg as praeses. A number of South American species are included: F. nymphoides, F. trigona, F. pertusa and F. hispida, and there is an illustration of F. cordata.

1908-1910. Notes sur le Mexique. México, 306 p., illus., map.—NN. Includes, p. 79-84, "Les Agaves Mexicains", in which he discusses "maguey à pulque," "maguey à eau de vie," henequen, and species used for fibers. On p. 185-197, he describes a "voyage aux pays des cactées," Hidalgo. Plants are mentioned mainly by common names, with scientific names added occasionally. 1928. "El peyotl." (Farmacia II, 5 ( 9 ) : 135-138, 10: 151-153.) On Lophophora williamsii. 1933. Les Français au Mexique de XVIe siècle à nos jours. Paris, 544 p., port. Section 3, on explorers, scholars, etc., has much information on those who botanized in Mexico.

GEDOVIUS, José Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ GEDOVIUS, José. GEEL, P. C. van. 1828-1832. Serturn botanicum. Bruxelles, 4 vols., illus.-NNBG. Plants are listed alphabetically by scientific names; the emphasis is on ornamental plants for cultivation. Some Mexican plants are included. GEIGER, John Lewis. 1874. A peep at Mexico. London, 353 p., 45 illus., 4 maps. Tourist report with brief references to plants. 1875. "Im fluge durch Mexico." (Ausland 48: 585-589, 608-611.) Summary of his travels from Manzanillo to Guadalajara to Mexico.

GENTIL, André Antoine Pierre. 1787. Dissertation sur le café. Paris, 177 p. Botany, description, and history. GENTIL, Louis Theodore Auguste François. 1907. Liste des plantes cultivées dans les serres chaudes et coloniales du Jardin Botanique de VEtat a Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 195 p.-PU. Country of origin cited is for each plant. Many are from Mexico.

GEISELER, Eduard Ferdinand. 1807. Crotonis monographiam. Halle, 83 p.—OCL. Taxonomic study which includes C. dioicus and C. lobatus from Mexico, as well as many others from tropical America.

GENTRY, Howard Scott. See also CORRELL, Donovan Stewart, et al., 1955; VARIOUS, 1960b. 1940. "A new species of Viscainoa from Baja California (Zygophyllaceae)." (Madroño 5: 161-162, illus.) On Viscainoa pinnata. 1942. Rio Mayo plants. Washington, 328(i.e.330) p., 29 pl., maps; Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 527. An outstanding treatise of the vaUey of the Rio Mayo, Sonora; includes the geography, the types of vegetation, a plant census, a study of the successions, and a list of plants annotated; also a section on useful plants — wild and cultivated. 1946. "Sierra Tacuichamona—a Sinaloa plant locale." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 73: 356-362, illus., map.) A description of the area and its vegetation; the latter is divided into 4 types: forest, cliff, summit vegetation, and savanilla. 1946a. "Notes on the vegetation of Sierra Surotato in Northern Sinaloa." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 73: 451-Í62, illus., map.) A description of the vegetation at certain selected localities, from altitudes of 1000 feet to 6000 ft. 1946b. "Anomalosicyos, a new genus in Cucurbitaceae." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 73: 565-569, illus.) Describes A. barbatus and forma lobata from Sinaloa; transfers 6 South American species of Sicyos to the new genus. 1946c. "The Durango grasslands." Ann Arbor, Mich., 165 typed p., illus., map, bibl.—Thesis, Univ. Mich. Trans, into Spanish by Efraím Hernández Xolocotzi as Los pastizales de Durango— estudio ecológico, fisiográfico, y floristico and publ. by the Inst. Méx. Recur. Nat. Renov., México, 1957, 361 p., illus., maps, bibl. Study of the grasslands as they are now, according to plant association zones, with lists of dominant plants, climate, soils. History of the area is taken from the geologic record and from writings of early explorers. Floral list includes grasses in systematic order and non-grasses in alphabetical order, with references to the original descriptions. Grasses are annotated with authorities, distribution, and collection. 1947. "The genus Mimulus in or adjacent to Sinaloa, Mexico." (Madroño 9: 21-25.) With a key to the species. Includes 2 new species: M. calciphilus, separated from M. whipplei, and M. pennellii, separated from M. glabratus. 1948. "Additions to the flora of Sinaloa and Nuevo León." ( Brittonia 6 ( 3 ) : 309-331, illus.) Nineteen new taxa are described from thirteen families. 1949. "Land plants collected by the Velero III, Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 1937-1941." (Allan Hancock Pacif. Exped. 13(2): 1-245, 15 pl., 3 maps.)

GEISER, Samuel Wood. 1933. "In defense of Jean Louis Berlandier." ( Southw. Rev. 18: 430-459.) Mainly on his early life and his collections in Texas. 1936-1937. "Louis Cachand Ervendberg." ( South. Rev. 22: 241284.) Biographical sketch. 1937. Naturalists of the frontier. Dallas, 341 p., illus., maps, bibl. Foreword by Herbert Spencer Jennings. Second ed., 296 p., 1948. Treats of the frontier between Texas and Mexico and includes activities of Berlandier, Charles Wright, Ervendberg, and Lindheimer, who collected in Mexico. The period covered is from 1820 to ca. 1880. GELL, P. G. H. See also VARIOUS, 1958. GELL, P. G. H., J. G. HAWKES, and S. T. C. WRIGHT. 1960. "The application of the immunological methods to the taxonomy of species of the genus Solanum." (Proc. R. S oc., London, Ser. B., Biol. Sci. 151(944): 364-383, illus.) A study of interrelationships of certain Mexican species of potato with one another, and with S. tuberosum. Fifteen Mexican species in 7 series were used. An antiserum was prepared from S. tuberosum and S. ehrenbergii. GEMELLI CARERI, Giovanni Francesco (cited also as Juan Francisco). 1700. Viaje a la Nueva España. México, 1927, 326 p., illus. Trans, by José María de Agreda y Sánchez from the original pubi, in Giro del mundo, Napoli, 1699-1700, vol. 5. Another ed., entitled Las cosas mas considerables vistas en la Nueva España, with a prol. by Alberto Maria Carreno, was pubi, in México, 1946; still another was pubi, in México, 1955, 2 vols., with a prol. by Fernando B. Sandoval. The Agreda y Sánchez version was repr. México, 1961. Chapter 10 refers to fruits and other plants. León describes the work as "escrita con exactitud y juicio." GENEVRAYE, M. de la. 1857. "Notice sur la détermination de véritable Convolvulus jalapa." (Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine-et-Loire 2: 143-145.) On the experiences of M. Ledanois in "Orisaba", in trying to locate the true jalapa instead of the false jalapa, which he does not identify. GENIN, M. (Is this Auguste, also as Augusto?). 1898. (No title.) (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 4: 311.) Announces his prospective return to Mexico from Havana. GENIN, Auguste. 312


GEOFFROY To Cedros and San Benito Islands, Revillagigedo and Tres Marias Islands, Gulf of California, Jalisco, and Oaxaca; a general introduction for each area is followed by a catalogue of collections; 3 n.sp. and 7 n. comb, are proposed in all; descriptions and localities are given for the plants listed. 1949a. "On the hundredth anniversary of Fouquieria splendens." (Des. Pl. Life 21: 11-13, illus.) Mainly on its distribution and associations. 1950. "Taxonomy and evolution of Vaseyanthus, (Cucurbitaceae)." (Madroño 10: 142-155, illus.) With a key to 2 species, V. brandegei and V. insularis, and 3 varieties of the latter. 1950a. "Studies in the genus Dalea." (Madroño 10: 225-250, illus., and distribution maps. ) With a key and descriptions for new species in the section Versicolores, from the Sierra Madre region of northern Mexico and adjacent New Mexico and Arizona. 1956. "A new Gossypium from Michoacán, México." (Madroño 13(8): 261-265, illus.) On G. lobatum. 1957. "A new Yucca from Sonora, Mexico." (Madroño 14(2): 5153, illus.) On Y. grandiflora. 1958. "The natural history of jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) and its cultural aspects." (Econ. Bot. 12: 261-295, 24 illus., bibl., map.) Description of the plant, emphasizing variations in the different parts, a description of its environment, and a distribution map. 1960. "A new Agave from Oaxaca, Mexico." (Brittonia 12(2): 98100, 2 illus. ) A. guiengola.

GEORGI, A. A. 1947. "Mexican maguey." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 19(6) 96 illus.) Popular article. GERARD (GERARDE), John. See also TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de, 1700. 1596. Catalogus arborum fruticum ac plantarum. London, 1599, 2d ed., 22 p. - MBH. First ed., 1596, only known copy of which is at the Brit. Mus. Of indigenous as well as exotic plants in J. Gerard's garden; included Capsicum, Yucca, Mirabilis, poma amoris, and tabaco. 1597. The herball or generali historie of plants. London, 1392 p., illus. Other eds. 1633 and 1636. Some Mexican plants are included; see, for example, tobacco. GERARD, William Ruggles. See also PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco, 1883-1884. 1912. "Trees that yield butter." (Amer. Bot. 18: 109-112.) Includes cocoanut and avocado. GERARDE, John.

See GERARD, John.

GERBAULT, E. 1922. "Sur une plante en voie de naturalisation en France et en Portugal." (Monde Plantes III, 23(20): 7.) On a plant originally from Mexico referred to earlier (22 (17): 1-2, 1921) as Vittadinia and Witadinia lobata. In this article it is cited as commonly called Wittadinia tribola (triloba) although the correct identification is Erigeron mucronatus DC. GERHARD, Wilhelm. 1833. Zur geschickte cultur und classification der Georginen oder Dahlien. 1st ed., 1833. Leipzig, 2d ed., 1836, 164 p., illus., colored frontispiece of first 3 dahlias to bloom out of Mexico, 1791 (Madrid), 1803 (Paris). - DA. Detailed history, botany, uses, classification, and listing of horticultural types. An extract, entitled "Ueber die classification der Georginen," was printed in (Allg. Gart. Xeitg. 2: 29-32, 1834).

GEOFFROY, Etienne François. See also DESPORTE, Jean Baptiste René Poupée. 1714 (1717)). "Observations sur la gomme lacque et sur les autres matières animales qui fournissent la teinture de pourpre." (Mem. Acad. R. Set. Paris, 29: 121-140.) Signed M., le jeune. Pages 136-139 are on cochineal. 1741. Tractatus de materia medica. Paris, 3 vols., ed. by E. Chardon de Courcelles under the direction of Bernard de Jussieu. Vol. 2, De vegetabilibus exoticis, was trans, into English by Ralph Thicknesse and publ. in London, 1749, 458 p., as A treatise on foreign vegetables, with additions by the trans. For an atlas illustrating the plants see Garsault, Les figures des plantes et animaux. The second volume on exotic plants includes many from Mexico, with descriptions, history, common names, sources, and uses.

GERHARDT, Peter, and Howard E. GULICK. 1956. Lower California guide book. Glendale, Calif., 218 p., 16 maps, illus. References to plants are incidental and are by common names only. GERLACH, George Henry. 1948. "Datura innoxia — a potential commercial source of scopolamine." (Econ. Bot. 2: 436-454, bibl.) Includes history and synonymy of Daturas, especially D. innoxia Miller, with descriptions, cultivation, preparation, and alkaloid content. GERMAIN de SAINT PIERRE, Ernest. 1870. Nouveau dictionnaire de botanique. Paris, 1388 p., illus. — DA. Leon cites as 2 vols. Plants are listed alphabetically by common names.

GEORGE, Alfred. 1877. Holidays at home and abroad. London, 199 p. Section on Mexico is in "Second journey to America," p. 122-157; an interesting account with references to plants.

GEROLT, Friedrich Karl Joseph von. See also EGLOFFSTEIN, F. W„ 1864. 1835. "Beobachtungen auf zwei exkursionen von Mexiko nach dem vulkan Popocatepetl in den jähren 1833 und 1834." (Ann. Erd-Voelk.-Staatenk. 12(2): 113-133.) "Mitgetheilt von Alexander von Humboldt." With many references to plants seen on the trips. They are listed by scientific names which were supplied by Dr. Schiede. For the English translation, see Egloffstein, F. W., 1864. A Spanish version, "Observaciones hechas en dos excursiones," was published in (Rev. Mex. 1 ( 4 ) : 460-482, 1835). The plants are listed from Atlauca to the vegetation limit. GEROME, Joseph.. .See BOIS, D., 1920.

GEORGE, Louis. 1901. "Une excursion a travers le Mexique." (Bull. Soc. R. Geog. d'Anvers 25: 299-341, illus.) Description of trip by train, from Laredo to Mexico City; references are given to plants seen, mainly cacti and maguey. 1902. "La terre chaude Mexicaine." (Bull. Soc. R. Geogr. d'Anvers 26:87-138.) Continues the article published in 1901, with a trip from El Paso to México, Guadalajara, and Veracruz. GEORGE, Paul. 1906. Das heutige Mexiko, und seine kultur fortschritte. Jena, 133 p., 34 pl.; Beih. Mitt. Geogr. Gesell fuer Thueringen zu Jena. With a section on natural products and cultivated crops; scientific names are given for most plants.

GERRY, Eloise. See also VARIOUS, 1943-1947. 1954. "Conocaste or guanacaste." (Inf. Leafl. For. Woods, For. Prod. Lab., For. Serv., U.S.D.A. Rep. #1985, 4 p.) Description of Enterlobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Gris. with distribution, common names, description of the plant and its wood, its properties, and uses.

GEORGESSON, C. 1900-1901. "El maiz kaffir." (Rev. Agr. 16: 269, 326.) On Andropogon sorghum; (now as Sorghum). 313



GIBAULT, Georges. 1896. "Etudes historique sur le haricot commun." (Jour. Soc. Nati. Hort. France 18: 658-673.) On Phaseolus, with considerable discussion of the philology of the name haricot. 1912. Histoire des legumes. Paris, 404 p., illus. — PU. Classified according to use and edible parts: "herbages, salades, condimentaires, plantes bulbeuses, tuberculeuses, rhizomateuses, fruits, racines."

GERRY-continued. 1955. "Maria or Santa María." (Inf. Leafl. For. Woods, Forest Prod. Lab., Forest Ser. U.S.D.A. Rep. # 2 0 1 9 , 12 p., bibl.) - PP. On Calophyllum; with distribution, common names, description of the tree and the wood, its properties, and uses. GERSTAECKER, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian. 1868-1869. Neue reisen. Jena, 1876 3 vols. D L C lists an ed. of 18681869. Second volume is on "Mexiko, der Isthmus (Panama) und West Indien"; with scattered references to plants seen.

G ( I B B O N S ) , W(ffliam) P. 1835. "The potatoe, Solanum tuberosum." (Adv. Sci. 1 ( 8 / 9 ) : 353359, 406-413. ) An historical résumé; in the second part other tubers are considered, e.g. Dioscorea, Manihot, and cacomite ( Tigridia).

GERSTE, Achille. See also RODRIGUEZ, Luis Angel, 1944. 1888. Notes sur la médecine et la botanique des anciens Mexicains. Roma, 1909, 161 p.; 2d ed., 1910, 191 p.; originally pubi, in (Rev. Quest. Scient. 24: 112-138, 508-570, 1888), as "Archéologie et bibliographie Mexicaines." For a review of the work, see Ignazio Galli in (Atti Pont. Accad. Rom. Nuovi Lincei 63: 31-34, 1910). Topics covered: ' l a médecine indigène, superstitions et rites magiques, efficacité de la therepéutique, doctrines et pratiques médicales, matière médicale, jardins botaniques de l'Annahuac (sic), sciences des végétaux: synonymie, iconologie, classification, iconographie botanique symbolique, (by families), taxonomie végétale, nomenclature, géographie botanique" (with derivations for place names); also a review of the more recent works on the subject. A ms. translation into Spanish, by Manuel López Ponce, of the 2d ed., n.d., 94 p. is at the Fac. Med., UNAM. It is labeled as having been prepared for the "Revista de la Universidad." Was it ever published? 1914. "Rapport sur un voyage d'exploration dans la Tarahumara (Mexique nord ouest)." (Mem. Pont. Accad. Rom. N. Lincei 32: 137-186.) Also as a separate, Rome, 54 p., illus., map, 1914 (SH Méx.). With a considerable section on the flora, p. 162-175, with common and scientific names, and uses; special attention is given to forest species, Agaves, Cactaceae, fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants.

GIBBS, George.

GIBSON, Amos E. 1951. "Erosional effects of the Tajo de Nochistango in the valley of Mexico — regional study in Teoloyucan and Coyotepec." México, 178 typed p., plates are missing. Thesis MCC. A section on the vegetation, on pp. 37-43, lists the plants by common names only. A chart relates the plant groups to soil phases and soil textures. GIBSON, Frederick. See also DOUGLAS, Margaret, 1947. 1938. "Simmondsia californica Nuttall is dioecious." (Contr. Boy ce Thomp. Inst. 10: 45-46.) Review of, and correction of, common erroneous ideas about the flowers of the plant. GICKLHORN, Joseph. 1941. "Neue gesichtspunkte und grundlagen zur Wertung von Thaddaeus Haenke als botaniker und seiner Stellung in der geschichte der botanik." (Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 6 0 ( A ) : 157-222, illus., bibl.) Gives his full name as Thaddaeus Peregrinus Xaverius Haenke and says little is known of his Mexican activities.

GERTH VAN WIJK, H. L. 1911-1916. Dictionary of plant names. Hague, 2 vols. Mostly English, French, and German. GESNER, Conrad. See CORDUS, Petrus Andrea, 1586. GEYER, Heinz.




See KAISER, Hans, and GEYER, 1955.

GIDDINGS, Luther. 1853. Sketches of the campaign in northern Mexico in 1846-1847. New York, 334 p., maps. Some botanical references by an interested observer.

G H E O R G H I E F F (also as Georgiev), Stefan. 1887. "Beitraege zur vergleichenden anatomie der Chenopodiaceen." (Bot. Centralbl. 30: 117, 150, 183, 216, 245, 280, 328, 359, 369, illus., bibl.; 31: 23, 53, 113, 151, 181, 214, 251.) A study of comparative anatomy for the various genera.

GIELSDORF, K. 1931. "Echinocereus polyacanthus Ges. 3: 63-64, illus.)

GHIESBREGHT ( GHIESBRECHT ), Auguste. See also RICHARD, A. and GALEOTTI, 1845. 1849. "Extrait d'une lettre écrite de Mexico." (Ann. Soc. d'Agrie. Bot. Gand 5: 464-467.) Trans, into German and pubi, in (Allg. Gart. Zeitg. 18: 218-220, 1850) as "Auszug aus einem schreiben aus Mexico"; also in (Neue Allg. Deut. Gart. Blumenzeitg. 6:404-407, 1850) and in (Bot Zeitg. 9 : 1 3 1 135, 1851). Written to Ch. Morren in 1849, reviewing 10 years of residence in Mexico and botanical activities there. Followed by a brief note from Morren, announcing Ghiesbreght's plans for botanical exploration in Mexico the following year. GHIGLIAZZA, Manuel.





See BARTLETT, J. R., 1852.

GIBBS, Ronald D ( a r n l e y ) . See also SHAW, E., and GIBBS, 1961; VARIOUS, 1958. 1962. "Comparative chemistry of plants as applied to a problem of systematics. The Tubiflorae." (Trans. R. Soc. Canada 5 6 ( 3 ) : 143-159, illus.)

Engelm." (Monatsch.



With a description and notes on culture. 1933. "Cephalocereus sartorianus Rose." (Kakteenkunde 1: 224, illus.) (Pilocereus houlletii Lem. and Cereus sartorianus Küpper.) The story of its blooming is followed by more details on this by R. Graeser, "Wie C. cereus (for Cephalocereus?) sartorianus zur bluete kam," on p. 225. 1934. "Vier schoene fettpflanzen." (Kakteenkunde Includes from Mexico, Pachyphytum from San Luís Potosí.


GIESELER, Charlotte Charlotte.

GHORIANINOW, Paulo (Pavel Fedorovich) (GHORYANINOV, Paul Theodorovich, fide Brit. Mus.). 1862. Prodromus monographie Scitaminearum. Petropoli, 45 p., 4 pi. - DA. Includes descriptions of species from Mexico.

GIFFORD, Ernest Milton. FORD, 1959.



208-210, illus.)

oviferum J. A. Purpus — PROPACH-GIESELER,

See FOSTER, Adriance S., and GIF-

GIFFORD, John. 1896.

("The cypress of Noche Triste".) (Forester

2 ( 1 ) : 1, illus.)

A description of the famous tree.

GHORYANINOV, Paul Theodorovich. See GHORIANINOW, Paulo (Pavel Fedorovich). GIANCARLO, Guido Mancini. See MANCINI GIANCARLO, Guido.

1907. "La sapodilla." (Hacienda 2 ( 4 ) : 100-102, illus.) A popular article with the emphasis on reasons for cultivating it.



GIL 1909. "Frutas tropicales." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 33: 389-390.) Not limited to Mexico. 1910. "Mahogany and where it grows: Central America and Mexico." (Woodcraft 14: 139-141, illus.) With a general description of the area; also references to the history of logwood and chicle. GIL, Antonio. 1906. "Trigo negro ó sarraceno." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 30: 114-116; and in Arte Ciencia 7: 241-243, 1906.) Discusses Poligonum (sic) fagopyrum, P. tataricum, and P. emarginatum. GIL, Hilarión Romero.

See ROMERO GIL, Hilarión.

GIL, María Josefa Medina.

See MEDINA GIL, María Josefa.

GIL BAEZA, M. 1825. Geografía elemental de la República Mexicana. México, 173 p., illus., maps. — BN Méx. Text with a section on the national flora, and a map showing the location for wild plants and cultivated crops. GIL F., Francisco. 1950. " E l cultivo del plátano en Tecomán, Colima." Cd. Juárez, 42 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Musa. GIL

FIGUEROA, Guadalupe FIGUEROA, Guadalupe.





GIL PULIDO, Marcial. 1931. "Datos geográficos del municipio de Tacotalpa." Tacotalpa, 8 p. - CU-B. With just a brief list of cultivated food plants and timbers. According to Santamaría, in the 2d vol. of his Bibliografía general de Tabasco, this work was probably printed in Villahermosa, as there was no printing press in Tacotalpa in 1931. GIL y SAENZ, Manuel. See also VARIOUS ( 1854-1882). 1872. Compendio histórico geográfico y estadístico del Estado de Tabasco. San Juan Bautista, 252 p. A 2d ed. was publ. in 1892. (The place of publ. is given as Tabasco.) A section on the vegetable kingdom contains a long list of plants, cited by common names only, with the emphasis on timber trees and fruits. An extract was reprinted in 1882; see Various (1854-1882). 1885. Cartilla de la geografía - SMGE.

de Tabasco.

San Juan Bautista, 73 p.

With a brief list of plants, cited by common names only. GILBERT, Augustin.

See also PERROT, Em., et al, 1905.

GILBERT, A., and P. CARNOT. 1905. "Note sur l'action therapéutique du Cecropia obtusa." (Bull. Sei. Pharm. 11:200-206.) See also Perrot, 1905, and Choay, 1905. Followed on p. 206-207 by "Conclusions générales" by Perrot. GILBERT, Arthur (with Mortier F. BARRUS, and Daniel DEAN.) 1920. The potato. New York, 313 p., illus. - Sria. Agr., Def. Agr. Méx. With a chapter on the history of the plant, and one on the botany. GILBERT, Norris W „ and Donald S. BLACK. 1958. "Canaigre." Washington, 32 p., 10 figs., incl. map, bibl., (U.S.D.A. Prod. Res. Rep. # 2 8 . ) "As a potential domestic source of tanning"; with history, description, distribution, uses, and culture. GILBERT-CARTER, H. See RAUNKIAER, Christen, 1934. GILBERTI, Maturino. See also LA GRASSERIE, Raoul Robert Guerin de, and Nicolás LEÓN, 1896. 1559. Diccionario de la lengua Tarasca 1901. 518 p. First ed., Vocabulario 1559.

6 de Michoacán. México, en lengua de Mechuacán,

Spanish-Tarascan vocabulary and vice versa.

GILDEMEISTER, Edward, and Friedrich HOFFMAN. 1889. The volatile oils. New York, 1913-1922, 3 vols., illus., maps, bibl. Trans, by Edward Kremers from Die aetherischen oele, Berlin, 1st ed., 1889. A comprehensive work, covering the history of distillation of the various oils, their constituents, and analyses. Only 12 sources mentioned are Mexican. GILES, Dorothy. 1940. Singing valleys, the story of com. New York, 361 p., bibl. One chapter is on the history of corn and one on corn in Mexico, one on genetics, and one on corn in the legends and magic of Mexico. GILG, Charlotte. 1939. "Beitraege zur morphologie und systematik der GentianoideaeGentianeae-Erythraeinae." (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 14(125): 417-430, illus.) With a key to the genera. GILG, Ernst Friedrich. See also ENGLER, Adolf, 1892; LOESENER, Th„ 1894-1923; 1910-1922; URBAN, I., 1897; 1900. 1894. "Studien ueber die verwandtschaftsverhaeltnisse der Thymelaeales und ueber die 'anatomische methode'." (Bot. Jahrb. 18:488-574, illus.) Compares the system of van Tieghem with that of Supprian. 1904. "Ueber die verwandtschaftsverhaeltnisse und die Verbreitung der Amerikanischen arten der gattung Draba." (Ber. Frei. Ver. S y st. Bot. Pflanz. Geog. 4 : 3 5 - 4 4 . ) Repr. in (Bot. Jahrb. 40 (Beibl. 9 0 ) : 35-44, 1908). With a summary of distribution by tribes. 1905. "Ueber den behaupteten parallelismus der Silenaceen (Caryophyllaceen) und der Gentianaceen, und ueber neuere system bildungen." (Bot. Jahrb. 36: Beibl. 81: 77-90.) 1924. "Zur frage der Verwandtschaft der Salicaceae mit dem Flacourtiaceae." (Bot. Jahrb. 50, Suppl. Engler Festband: 424-434.) GILG, Ernst Friedrich, and P. N. SCHURHOFF. 1926. Botánica aplicada a la farmacia. Madrid, 2d Spanish ed., 1934, 484 p., 588 illus. - ENP Méx. Trans, from 7th German ed., Aus den reich der drogen, by P. Font Quer and Casimiro Bruges (PPCP). The 1st ed. was printed in 1926. For Hispano-American students, with special attention to plants of the New World. GILKEY, Helen Margaret:. . See VARIOUS, 1902 - in progress. GILKEY, Jay E. See also MARSHALL, W. Taylor, 1955. 1944. "The Astrophytum group." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 1 6 ( 1 0 ) : 143-150, illus.) Detailed study, with a key from Cactaceae (Marshall and Bock), based on information furnished to A. D. Houghton by Arturo Moeller. Of. Taylor, 1955, and Moeller, 1930. GILL, Lake S. 1935. "Arceuthobium in the United States." (Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sei. 32: 111-245, 13 pi., bibl.) Includes morphology, taxonomy, distribution, a key to species, description, pathological considerations, hosts for each species, and economic importance. Several species extend into Mexico. GILL, Mary Wright.

See SARGENT, Charles Sprague, 1905.

GILL, Tom. See also VARIOUS, 1955a. 1930. "Forest resources of Mexico." (Timberman 3 1 ( 1 0 ) : 37-38, illus.) Trans, by Gilberto Serrato A. and repr. in (Méx. For. 9 ( 2 ) : 22-27, 1931). With a description of forest reserves by zones, with special attention to the desert vegetation. 1931. Tropical forests of the Caribbean. Washington, 318 p., illus., maps, bibl. With chapters on tropical forest types, on Mexico (history and types of forests), tropical forest by-products, and a list of better known broad-leaved species of the Caribbean region, by families and genera, with distribution, common names, and uses. An index is also given of common names, scientific names, and family.

GILLESPIE GILLESPIE, Evan L. See FOSTER, Adriance S., and GIFFORD, 1959. GILLET, H. See BOIS, Désiré Georges Jean Marie, 1893-1899. GILLETT, John Montague. 1957. "A revision of the North American species of Gentianella Moench." (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44:195-269, 9 figs., incl. maps. ) Includes the history, morphology, distribution, key to genera of the Gentianinae, key to subgenera, species, and subspecies, descriptions, and list of specimens examined. GILLIAM, Albert M. 1846. Travels over the tablelands and cordilleras of Mexico. Philadelphia, 455 p., illus., maps. A later ed., Travels in Mexico, was publ. in Aberdeen, 1847. With descriptions and illustrations of some plants; careless spelling of Mexican terms. GILLMORE, Parker. See BIART, Lucien (1862). GILLPATRICK, Owen Wallace. 1911. The man who likes Mexico. New York, 374 p., illus. British ed., Wanderings in Mexico, London, 1912 (according to Gardiner ). Some references to plants are included. GILLY, Charles Louis. See also SMITH, A. C., 1940. 1941. "The status of Eleocharis parvula var. anachaeta (Torr.) Svenson." (Amer. Midi. Nat. 26: 65-68, illus., map.) Describes E. memhranacea (Buckley) comb. nov. from Mexico. 1943. "Studies in the Sapotaceae. II. The sapodilla — nispero complex"; an abstract from Ms. thesis, Columbia. (Trop. Woods 73: 1-22.) Nomenclatural history, floral morphology and classification, taxanomic treatment with keys to species and varieties, descriptions, distribution, and a list of specimens examined. The sapodilla-nispero complex (Achras) is combined with balota (Manilkara or Mimusops). Achras sapota becomes Manilkara zapatilla. Three new species are described: Manilkara conzatti from Oaxaca, M. gaumeri from Yucatan, and M. meridionalis, whose variety meriodionalis ranges into Guerrero. 1944. "A new Monarda (Labiatae) and a new Calocarpum (Sapotaceae) from Mexico." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 71: 658-659). Monarda malloryi from Veracruz and Calocarpum huastecanum from San Luís Potosí. 1944a. "Epiphyllum ackermannii Haw." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 16(7): 94-96, illus.) Found near Jalapa; known previously only from cultivation. 1944b. "Virola guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Warb. in Mexico." (Trop. Woods 79: 5-8.) A detailed account of its discovery in Chiapas, with description, common names, and uses of the plant. GILLY, C. L., and E. HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI. 1945. "Las especies de Lonchocarpus en México; lista preliminar." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 6: 107-118, illus.) A list of 43 species, arranged alphabetically, with data on distribution. GILLY, Charles Louis. 1945a. "Etapas principales en el desarrollo de la agricultura indígena en México y América Central." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist Nat. 6 ( 3 / 4 ) : 153-159, 6 maps). On the history of maize and its relatives; with maps to illustrate movements of peoples, correlated with the use and extension of certain plants. Maldonado, 1947 q.v., says of the work, "El trabajo de Gilly representa positivamente una de las mejores contribuciones para conocer el desarrollo de la agricultura en Mesoamérica." 1947. "Map of the geographic regions of Mexico."—Inst. Invest. Agr. Méx. Presented in the symposium on the biota of Mexico, Guatemala, and British Honduras, Dec. 31, 1947, under the auspices of the Ecological Society of America. The country is

G1RAL divided into 11 regions; 8 other smaller maps are included. Some are not labeled; some give hydrographie data. 1953. "Plantas económicas y su relación con el trabajo de investigación y enseñanza fundamental de la ciencia botánica." (Mem. Cong. Cient. Méx. 6: 352-356.) Based mainly on work outside Mexico, but closes with a list of plants of Mexico which might, with further study become important raw materials in industry. GIMBERT, J. L. 1870. L'Eucalyptus globulus. Paris, 102 p. Trans, by F. S. Mora as El Eucalyptus globulus and pubi, in Clichy, 1873, 108 p., illus.—ENA Méx. Another ed. in Spanish was pub. in México, 1874, 70 p.-DA. With some information on the introduction of Eucalyptus to Mexico. GINARTE, Benjamín Muñoz. See MUÑOZ GINARTE, Benjamin. GINER de los RIOS, Francisco. 1948. Los laureles de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, 154 p.—Bibliot. Univ. San Luís Potosí. Many references to plants in this report of a trip. GINGINS, Frédéric Charles Jean de Lassaraz. 1823. "Memoire sur la famille des Violacées." (Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève. 2 ( 1 ) : 1-28, 2 pl. ) Includes history, morphology, relationships, and a "conspectus generum Violacearum." GINZBERGER, August. 1939. Pflanzengeographisches hilfsbuch. Wien, 272 p., illus. A study of the factors involved, the morphology and physiology of the plants, with the emphasis on the types of plants and their distribution. GIORDAN, Jean François. 1838. Description et colonisation de l'Isthme de Tehuantepec. Paris, 144 p., map. With a chapter on cultivated plants. GIORGANA, Amulfo. See AGUILERA MARTINEZ, J. Guadalupe, 1942. GIORGIO, Anna Harley, contessa di San. See SAN GIORGIO, Anna ( Harley ), contessa di. GIRAL, Francisco. See also GIRAL, José, et al, 1947. GIRAL, Francisco, and Juan SENOSIASIAN. 1940. "Contenido en ácido ascòrbico de algunas variedades de chiles Mexicanos." (Ciencia 1: 258-259). With a list of varieties; common and scientific names are given. GIRAL, Francisco. 1941. "El ácido pipitzahoico." (Ciencia 2( 10/12): 350-351.) Names composites in which it is present, and discusses its relationship to vitamin K. GIRAL, Francisco, and Amelia VIESCA VIESCA. 1943. "Contenido en vitamina C de frutas Mexicanas." (Ciencia 4: 9-14). With a list of plants; common and scientific names are given. GIRAL, Francisco, and Carmen SUAREZ ALVAREZ. 1943a. "Contenido en vitamina C de legumbres y verduras Mexicanas." (Ciencia 4: 66-70). With a list of plants cited by common and scientific names. GIRAL, Francisco, and Luz María de la TORRE. 1945. "Nuevas valoraciones de vitamina C en alimentos Mexicanos." (Ciencia 6: 252-254). Plants are listed with common and scientific names. 1947. "Vitamin C content of Mexican ornamental plants." (Science n.s. 105: 66-67). Fourteen plants are analyzed. GIRAL, Francisco, and Etelvina MEDRANO.



GLEASON, Henry Allan. See also BAEHNI, Charles, 1934-1936; BRITTON, Nathaniel Lord, et al, 1923-1930; COOK, Melville Thurston, and GLEASON, 1928; GUNDERSON, Alfred, 1950; 1937—in progress. VARIOUS, 1902-in progress; WOODSON, Robert E., et al. 1906. "A revision of the North American Vernonieae." (Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 4: 144-243.) Includes history, distribution, with a listing of the numbers of endemics by regions, conspectus of North American genera, keys to species, and descriptions. Descriptions of new species in Vernonia and Eremosis, from Mexico, are included. 1913. "Studies on the West Indian Vernonieae." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40: 305-332, Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. # 1 5 8 ) . "With one new species from Mexico," Eremosis ovata from Durango. 1919. "Taxonomic studies in Vernonia and related genera." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 46: 235-252, Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. #213.) Includes descriptions of the following new species from Mexico: V. morelana from Morelos, V. ctenophora from Campeche, and V. jucunda from Chiapas. 1923. "Evolution and geographical distribution of the genus Vernonia in North America." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 10(4): 187-202, 3 figs., Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. #243.) A useful study. 1928. "Miconia minutiflora and allied species." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 117-118.) With a key to 3 species, one of which, M. borealis, is a new species from Chiapas. 1929. "The genus Monochaetum in North America." (Amer. Jour. Bot. 16(8): 586-594, Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. #312.) Includes M. remotum n.sp. from Sinaloa. 1931. "The relationships of certain myrmecophilous melastomes." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 73-85, Contr. N.Y. Bot. Gard. #321.) With a key to the genera Maieta and Clidemia, keys to species, descriptions, and distribution. C. setosa (Triana) comb. nov. is cited from Mexico. 1938. "Notes on American melastomes, including nine new species." (Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 65: 571-580.) Includes from Mexico: Heterocentron floribunda from Durango, H. muricata from Chiapas, and Monochaetum rubescens from Chiapas. 1939. "The genus Clidemia in Mexico and Central America." (Brittonia 3 ( 2 ) : 97-140.) With a key to species, description, and localities; includes Clidemia submontana Rose ined. n.sp. from Tepic. An index of collectors' numbers is also given (for the Melastomaceae). GLEDHILL, R. J. (signed R. J. G.) . 1954. "Aporocactus flagelliformis." (Natl. Cact. Succ. Jour. 9 ( 3 ) : color photo by E. Elkam.) With a brief description.

1953. "Contenido en vitamina C de las drogas medicinales." ( Ciencia 12: 225-227). Study of the leaves with a list of plants giving common and scientific names. Part 2, p. 283-285, on barks, roots, and rhizomes, is by Francisco Giral and María D. Aguilar. GIRAL, Francisco, and Celina PERALTA. 1956. "Grasas vegetales I. Coyal Mexicano." (Ciencia 16(1-3): 7-8.) On Acrocomia mexicana Karw. as an oil source. GIRAL, Francisco. 1957. "Las Dioscoreas en la industria farmacéutica." (In Mem. Tercer Symp. Farmacobotánica Americana, La Habana: 116129, bibl. ) On their importance as a source of various chemicals; with special emphasis on diosgenine from the Mexican Dioscoreas, known as barbasco. GIRAL, Francisco, and Raquel MARIEL. 1959. "Composición de la grasa del colorín." (Ciencia On Erythrina americana Mill. GIRAL, Francisco, and Angela SOTELO. 1959a. "Alcaloides de Argemone ochroleuca.


19: 27-28.)

19: 67-68.)

GIRAL, Francisco, and Consuelo HIDALGO. 1959b. "Algunos fuentes Mexicanos de esmilagenina." (Ciencia 19: 120-122.) All are species of Agave; the emphasis is on A. lecheguilla (sic). GIRAL, Francisco, and Samuel LADABAUM. 1959c. "Principio amargo del zacatechichi." (Ciencia 19: 243.) The plant is identified by Faustino Miranda as Calea zacatechichi Sehl. GIRAL, Francisco, Bertha SOTO, and Asunción GUERRERO. 1961. "Principio amargoso del chaparro amargoso (Castela tortuosa Liebm.)" (Ciencia 2 1 ( 2 ) : 84-86.) Emphasis is on chemical analysis; there is some discussion of synonymy. GIRAL, José, Francisco GIRAL, Guillermo MASSIEU H., and José BESIL. 1947. "Aislamiento de D-mannita de la raíz de chilcuán." (Ciencia 8: 59-60.) On Erigeron affinis as a possible insecticide. The plant is known also as chilcoague (chilcuague), and peritre del pais. GIRARD, Just (pseud.). See ROY, Just Jean Etienne. GIRAVA, Gerónimo. 1556. Los libros de cosmographía. Milan, 271 p. With a list of plants, in the section on Mexico. GIROLA, Carlos D. 1907. "La paja mansa." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 31:396-398, from An. Soc. Rur. Argent.) Original version was not seen. On Setaria glauca L., known as zacate sedoso in Mexico. 1909. "El yute." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 33: 351-354; 364-368.) On Corchorus. 1910. El algodonero. Buenos Aires, 1092 p., 226 figs., 10 maps, bibl. -DA. A discussion of the history and production of cotton in Mexico. 1913. "El cultivo del henequén." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 10351049.) On Agave. 1915. "La Cuscuta." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agr. Méx. 5 ( 2 ) : 187-217, illus.) From an Argentine publication; the original version was not located.

GLEDITSCH, Johann Gottlieb. 1764. Systema plantarum. Berlin, 323 p. "A staminum situ secundum classes, ordines, et genera cum characteribus essentialibus." 1781. "Vorlaeufige bemerkungen ueber den sabatillen saamen." (Sehr. Ber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 2: 77-97.) On "Mexicanischen laeusesaamen"; cautions against confusing it with sapotilla. Discusses its history in the literature, other common names (cebadilla), identification, (in which he includes Veratrum), properties, and uses. GLENDINNING, Robert. See GORDON, George (1858). GLOECKNER, André. See DAVIDS, Arlette, 1939. GLOSSOP, Winifred Mary (de Lisle) Howard of. See HOWARD of GLOSSOP, Winifred Mary (de Lisle). GLUECK, H. 1933-1934. "Limosella Studien." (Bot. Jahrb. 66: 488-566, 3 tables.) "Beitraege zur systematik, morphologie, und biologie der gattung Limosella", with a key to species and descriptions, and a special section on Limosella americana, new species in Mexico.

GIRON GALVAN, Héctor. 1944. "Estudio económico de la piña en la República Mexicana." México, 124 p., 16 appendices. Thesis ENA. On Ananas. 317


GMELIN GMELIN, Johann Friedrich.

GODRON, Dr. 1875. "Brief note on maguey." (Proc. Int. Cong. Amer. 1: 463.) On Agave.

See LINNE, Carl von, 1735.

GNADINGER, Charles B. (1927.) Vanilla. Minneapolis, 1929, 60 p., illus. (1927), 57 p. is at DLC.

An earlier ed.

GODSHALL, Ammon B., et al. 1942. Edible, poisonous, and medicinal fruits of Central America. Panama Canal (Balboa?), 47 p., illus. The author was assisted by W. R. Lindsay and M. F. Ward. Covers only a limited number of plants, and only common names are used.

Only a little on the history and botany of the plant. GOAD, Edgar F. See HAMMOND, George Peter, and GOAD, 1949. GOCHIT, Carlos Anguiano. See ANGUIANO GOCHIT, Carlos. GODEFROY-LEBEUF, Alexandre. See also DERING, Henry Nevill, 1895; KOSCHNY, Th. F., 1901. 189-? Le sisal ou henequén. Paris, ( 189-?) n.d., 15 p. Mainly on the culture of Agave rígida var. sisalana.

GODWIN, F. See ANONYMOUS, 1946d. GOELNER, Ernesto H. 1932. "El cultivo de la cebolla." (Campo On Allium cepa.

GODFREY, Robert Kenneth. 1952. "Pluchea section Stylimnus in North America." (Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 68: 238-271, 19 figs.) Taxonomic revision with key, descriptions, and distribution; new taxa from Mexico include P. parvifolia (A. Gray) comb, nov., P. rosea n.sp., and P. rosea var. mexicana var. nov.

1 5 ( 3 9 4 ) : 1-3, 11, 12.)

GOEPPERT, Heinrich Robert. See also (K. Koch?) 1868b. 1853. "Delectus seminum in Horto Botanico Vratislaviensi collectorum A. 1852." (Linnaea 26: 740-745.) "Enumeratio Ilicum quae in horti Germaniae et Belgii coluntur"; includes a change of Ilex mexicana to I. betschleriana. 1855. "Beitraege zur kenntniss der Dracaeneen." (Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 25: 41-59, 3 pi.) Refers to D. ehrenbergii G. Fintelm. Mexiko? and D. dioscoridis (Pincinectia) Mexiko? The original habitats are unknown. 1861. "Dasylirion acrotrichum in Breslau bluehend." (Bot. Zeitg. 19: 238.) Imported from Mexico 30 years previously. 1871. "Ueber eine bluehende Agave." (Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 49: 143-145, 1872.) (For 1871.) Describes the blooming of a plant in that area.

GODINEZ, Enrique. 1935. "Estudio sobre el axocopaque." Morelia, 10 typed p. Thesis Morelia Univ. Mich. Arch. On Gaultheria acuminata. GODINEZ G., Rafael. 1947. "EI cultivo del manzano en Villa Matamoros, Distrito Hidalgo, Chihuahua." Cd. Juárez, 35 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Pyrus malus. GODINEZ MALDONADO, Cristobal. See LA TORRE, Germán (1579-1851); ( 1579-1581 )a; PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). GODMAN, Frederick Ducane. See also THISELTON-DYER, William Turner, 1882-1886.

GOERTZ, Arthemise. 1948. "A garden in Banderilla." (Mex. Life 2 4 ( 1 2 ) : 12, 71-75.) A popular article with references to plants in the garden.

GODMAN, Frederick DuCane, and Osbert SALVIN, eds. 1879-1888. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Botany. London, 5 vols, (on botany), by William Botting Hemsley, 111 pi., bibl. Includes a history of botanical explorations, a discussion of general plant distribution and phytogeography, an analysis of the flora of Mexico and Central America, comparing it with that of British India, and a listing of all the plants known, with synonymy. Stations are listed for each plant, with the collector's name. Many new plants are described. The section on grasses contains material on Mexican species from the then unpublished monograph of Fournier. The section on Cycadaceae was done by Thiselton-Dyer. For a review and criticism of the first two volumes, see J. Britten in (Jour. Bot. 18: 88-91, 1880.) In this Britten also mentions that Hibiscus acuminatus Cav. should be Kosteletzkaya; this is used by Ind. Kew. as authority for the new name. At the IB Méx, there are two manuscripts, by Conzatti(P); one is a list of plants for Oaxaca, taken from the Biologia CentraliAmericana. The other is a similar list for the Distrito Federal, from the same source.

GOETHALS, Sister Amelia Maria. 1937. "Pre-Columbian plant cultivation and its significance." Berkeley, 109 typed lvs., illus. taken from other works, bibl. MA thesis.—CU-B. Considers the Mexican subtropic floral zone and the North American tropic zone; discusses primitive gardening and farming, with special attention to some of the cultivated crops. GOETHART, Jan Willem Christian. See also PLUMIER, Charles, 1755-1760. 1910. "Die Boerhaave'schen copien der Abbildungen des Botanicon Americanum von Plumier." (Meded. Rijks Herb.: 77.) Repr. p. 75, in the 1923 ed. It is stated that the copies (508 of the 1219 originals) are not at Leyden but in the Groninger Universitaetsbibliothek. GOETZ, Delia. See ANONYMOUS, 1857a. GOEZE, Edmund. 1899. "Zur geschichte der kautschukpflanzen." (Wien Illus. Gart. Zeitg. 24: 15-24.) With a brief section on Castilloa elastica. 1900. "Blicke in die familie der Leguminosen." (Wien Illus. Gart. Zeitg. 25: 311-326, 351-365, 388-400.) Morphology, physiology, taxonomy, and distribution; Mexican species are discussed on pp. 354-355. 1901. "Uebersicht der wichtigsten nutzpflanzen aus der familie der Leguminosen." (Wien Illus. Gart. Zeitg. 26: 15-28.) Divided according to uses, and, within that, according to continents. 1913. "Myrtaceen, Lauraceen, Oleaceen, Aurantiaceen." (Mitt. Deut. Dend. Ges. 22: 236-254.) "Eine pflanzengeographisch-kulturgeschichtliche Studie"; gives special attention to Mexico in connection with the Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, and Aurantiaceae. 1916. "Vegetabilische seife." (Gartenflora 65: 280-282.) Discusses various plants from which soap can be made; includes several plants from Mexico.

GODOFREDUS, D. Jr. 1933. "Observationes de gummi laccae." (Acta Phys. Med. 3(app.): 60-76.) Includes a discussion of cochineal, and the juices of Opuntia or Ficus indicae. GODOY, José F. See PAZ, Ireneo, 1888. GODOY, Nazario Victor Montejo. See MONTEJO GODOY, Nazario Victor. GODOY ALVAREZ, Manuel. See also ALTAMIRANO, F., 1893. 1890. " E l Rhamnus humboldtianus." México, 49 p., 1 pi. Repr. in Nueva Recop. Monog. (An. Inst. Méd. Nac. Méx. 2: 126-140, 1 8 9 7 . ) - I B Méx. Description of the plant, with a list of Mexican species of Rhamnus and their distribution. The emphasis is on medicinal values. GODOY GARCIA, Alicia. 1948. "El aceite del aguacate." México, 53 p. Thesis UNAM. With a little on the history and botany of the plant. 318


GOFF 1917. "Kultur, naturalisation, ausartung." ( Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 26: 160-188.) General discussion, followed by a listing of the most important cultivated plants, according to continents; arranged alphabetically by genera, with family and original native habitat.

Descriptions of E. coccínea, E. glauca, E. alpina, E. platyphylla, E. crassicaulis, and E. grandifolia. 1961. "Excursión al Cerro de Petlalcatl." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 6 ( 1 ) : 19-20, illus.) With descriptions of plants seen in the area, which is in the Distrito Federal.

GOFF, Emmett Stull, and Dexter Dwight MAYNE. ( 1904 ). "Siembras y malezas." ( Cosmos 2( 13 ) ; 126-128, illus, 1913. Trans, by P. Diaz hijo and Gorozpe; the source is not given but it was probably First principles of agriculture, New York (1904).)

GOLD, Dudley B„ and H. SANCHEZ MEJORADA. 1962. "Buscando Peniocereus." (Cact. Sue. Mex. ( 7 ( 3 ) : 38-41, illus.) Describing an expedition in the state of Guerrero, and listing plants observed. GOLD, Dudley B., and Hernando SANCHEZ MEJORADA. 1962a. "Excursion de Tecamachalco á Acultzingo." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 7 ( 4 ) : 96-99, illus.) The area is in the states of Puebla and Veracruz. Plants seen along the way are listed.

With descriptions of several weeds. GOFFART, Auguste. 1877. Manuel de la culture et de l'ensilage des mais et autres fourrages verts. Paris, 200 p., 1 pl.; 5th éd., 1883, 260 p., 4 pl. English trans, by J. B. Brown, The ensilage of maize. New York, 1879, 87 p., 3 illus.-DA. Mostly on maize culture. GOFFART, Jules. 1901-1902. "Recherches sur l'anatomie des feuilles dans les Renonculacées." (Mem. Soc. R. S ci. Liège III, 3 ( 7 ) : 1-97, 14 pl., 1901; 4 ( 1 ) : 98-190, bibl., 1902.) Closes with a synopsis of the genera based on their anatomy, particularly of the leaves. GOHLKE, Kurt. See MEZ, Carl, and GOHLKE, 1914. GOHORY, Jacques (Jacobo) (also as GOHORRI, GOHORY, Jean de Gorris and I. G. P., for laques Gohory Parisien). See also PEREYRA, Carlos, 1936. 1572. Instruction sur l'herbe Petum et sur la racine Mechoacan. Paris, 16 p., illus. The second part is separately paged, 16 p. and was published also in Rouen, 1588. Colmeiro cites several other editions and says, "Estas traducciones deben serlo de los tratados del tabaco y del mechoacan, contenidos el uno en la segunda parte e ol otro en la primera de la obra de Monardes, que trata de las cosas que se traen de las Indias Occidentales, siendo infructuoso que se busquen otros originales." On Nicotiana and Ipomoea with references from Pena and L'Obel q.v. GOLD, Dudley. See also MATUDA, Eizi, and GOLD, 1956. 1952. "Las Cactaceas del Valle de México." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 14: 13-17.) Classified into tribes, with a listing of the important genera and species. 1954. "Visita a Guanajuato." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 17: 34-35.) An account of a trip to collect cacti, with a list of species observed. 1954a. "Habitat photos in Mexico." (Cact. Succ. Jour. 26(6): 184, illus.) Lemaireocereus marginatus in Querétaro and L. dumortieri near Mexico City. 1955. "Las Cactaceas del Valle de México." (Cact. Suc. M ex. 1 ( 1 ) : 4-8, illus. Trans, by K. Johner as "Die kakteen des Valle de Mexiko," in Kakt. And. Sukk. 11(6): 93-94, 1960.) Described according to tribes. GOLD, Dudley B., and H. SANCHEZ MEJORADA. 1956. "Un recorrido por el Estado de Sonora." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 1 ( 3 ) : 45-50, illus. Trans, by K. Johner as "Un streifzug durch den staat Sonora," and publ. in Kakt. And. Sukk. 11(6): 94-95, 108, 1960.) Description of a cactus-collecting trip, with a listing of the species seen. GOLD, Dudley B. y Eizi MATUDA. 1956a. "Las Cactaceas de Tehuacân." (Cact. Sue. Mex. 1 ( 4 ) : 68-72, illus. ) Description of an excursion to the area, with a listing of the various species observed. GOLD, Dudley B. 1958. "Echeverias del Valle de México." (Cact. Suc. Mex. 3 ( 2 ) : 33-35, illus.)

GOLDMAN, Edward Alphonso. See Also NELSON, E. W., 1911; SHELFORD, Victor Ernest, 1926; 1941. 1916. "Plant records of an expedition to Lower California." (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 16(4): 309-371, illus., map.) A brief review of collecting in the area, with a list of 22 species described from material collected in 1905 and 1906. There is also an annotated catalogue of species mainly trees and shrubs, arranged systematically by families and genera with species listed alphabetically, and with descriptions, uses, distribution and common names. Three new species of oaks are also described. GOLDMAN, Edward A(lphonso), and Robert T. MOORE. 1945. "The biotic provinces of Mexico." (Jour. Mammal. 26(4): 347-360; map by Katheryne C. Tabb.) Eighteen areas are delimited, with the characteristic flora of each province provided by Goldman. GOLDMAN, Edward Alphonso. 1951. Biological investigations in Mexico 1892-1906. Washington, 476 p., illus., map. Smithson. Misc. Col. No. 115. Gives itinerary and detailed description of localities visited, with references to important plants. A detailed discussion of biotic relations, by zones, with lists of plants in each zone, is followed by discussion of the biotic provinces of Mexico, mentioning plants characteristic of each. GOLDRING, W. 1883. "Cypripediums." (Gard. Chron. n.s., 19: 755-756, 787; trans, as "Notice sur Ies Cypripedium" by H. F. and publ. in Belg. Hort. 34: 129-139, 1884). On geographic distribution of the genus, and hybrids within the group. The species are divided into temperate, South American, and Eastern groups; Mexico is considered in the first. GOLDSCHMIDT, Alfons. 1925. Mexiko. Berlin, 198 p.; illus. by Diego Rivera.—NN. With a very interesting chapter on plants. 1927. Auf den spuren der Azteken—ein Mexikanisches reisebuch. Berlin, 194 p., illus.-SRE Méx. The chapter on Mexico, in general refers to plants. GOMARA, Francisco López de. See LOPEZ de GOMARA, Francisco. GOMEZ, A. Mena y. See MENA y GOMEZ, A. GOMEZ, Alfonso. 1927. "El cultivo del olivo." Mexicali, 37 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Olea. GOMEZ, Anselmo Treviño. See TREVINO GOMEZ, Anselmo. GOMEZ, Baltasar. 1892. "Sobre la esencia del toronjil." Morelia, 3 Ivs., Ms. Thesis Univ. Morelia, Arch. On Cedronella. GOMEZ, Bertha Flores. See FLORES GOMEZ, Bertha.

GOMEZ GOMEZ, C. Roberto Parra. See PARA GOMEZ, C. Roberto, 1944. GOMEZ, Carlos B. 1887-1888. "Xico (Xicochimal)." (Rev. Agr. 3: 313-315.) A description of a region in Veracruz, with considerable references to plants, by common names only. 1894. "La agricultura en el Estado de Veracruz." (Bol, Soc. Agr. Mex. 18: 177-179, 196-198, 214-216, 234-235.) A general economic study of "la costa de Barlovento," with only brief references to specific plants. 1897. "Revista agrícola del canton de Tuxpan, Veracruz." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 21: 375, 518, 536, 549, 556.) Sometimes called "Correspondencia agrícola." 1897a. "Las explotaciones agrícolas en Tuxpan." (Prog. Méx. 4: 768771.) GOMEZ, Consuelo López. See LOPEZ GOMEZ, Consuelo. GOMEZ, Cristino. 1884. Estudio sobre la yerba del alacrán. México, 15 p., 4 illus.— IB Méx. (Repr. in Monog. Mex. (Estudio 3(App.): 61-69, 1890.) History, description, distribution, classification, and common names. The emphasis is on the chemistry. The plant is Plumbago scandens. GOMEZ, Emilio D. Ribera y. See RIBERA y GOMEZ, Emilio D. GOMEZ, Franco L. See GUTIERREZ, Jesús Agripino, 1949. GOMEZ, Gabriel. See also HENRIQUES, Julio Augusto, 1918. 1894. Cultivo y beneficio del café. México, 136 p., illus.; a trans., by William Thompson, entitled Cultivation and preparation of coffee, was publ. in México, 1894, 148 p., illus. History, synonymy, description, culture, and distribution. 1899. "El hule Mejicano." (Arte Ciencia 1: 25-26.) On Castilla elástico. 1903. "La cañagria." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 27: 292-296, illus.) An extract is in (Prog. Méx. 10: 440-441, 1903; also in Agr. Mod. 1(10): 2-4; ( 1 1 ) : 10-13, illus., 1903; not complete.) The article was also repr. in (Bol. Cám. Agr. Jalisco 5 ( 1 ) : 12-16; ( 2 ) : 63-64; ( 3 ) : 89-92, 1903). On Rumex hymenosepalus. 1911. "Apuntes sobre el cultivo de la piña." (Bol. Dir. Gral. Agrie. Méx. 1: 309-311, 391-407, 502-519, illus.) On Ananas sativus. 1921. La higuerilla y el aceite de ricino. México, 2d ed., 25 p. Bol. 28, Estac. Agrie., Sría. Agrie. Fom. The first ed. was publ. in 1914. With descriptions of 3 species and their distribution in Mexico. 1925. "El lino de Nueva Zelandia." (Campo 3(63): 6.) On Phormium tenax, which, according to the author, was introduced into Mexico at least 25 years previously. GOMEZ, Genaro Salgado. See SALGADO GOMEZ, Genaro. GOMEZ, George. 1909. "La zapupe - Agave textile du Mexique." (Agr. Prat. Pays Chauds. 9 ( 2 ) : 466-471.) With the emphasis on culture, but including descriptions of the habitat, and names of species according to Trelease. GOMEZ, Gildardo. 1889. "Breve estudio sobre el Delphinium ajacis." Oaxaca, 30 ms. p., illus. Thesis—Bibliot. Públ. Oaxaca. GOMEZ, J. M. (Joaquín M.?). 1889-1890. "Arbol del Perú." ( Rev. Agr. 5: 34-35.) On Schinus molle. GOMEZ, Joaquín Maria. 1882. "Papaver somniferum." (Naturaleza 6: 115-118.) An essay on its naturalization in Mexico. GOMEZ, José de la Luz. 1879. "Estudio experimental del cazahuate." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 14(5): 81-89. Repr. in Gac. Agrie. Vet. 2: 193-203, 1880.) On a poison in the leaves of Ipomoea arbórea.

GOMEZ de GOMEZ, José Duque. See DUQUE GOMEZ, José.


GOMEZ, José Justo. See also GOMEZ, José M. (Justo?), conde de la Cortina. 1778. "La mina de Señor San José de Baqueachic." N.p., 6 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 1, Col. P. y T. GOMEZ, José M. (Justo?), Conde de la Cortina (DLC lists as CORTINA, José Justo Gómez de la). See also ROMERO, Dr., et al, 1859. 1849. (Ensayo sobre la primera exposición de agricultura e industria en México.") México, 12 p. Held Nov. 4, 1849. 1858. "El Cactus ophioides, especie nueva." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 6: 187-190). Signed Conde de la Cortina. Letter describing how he found the plant, and including the description of the plant by Rio de la Loza, q.v. 1860. "Cascada de Huauchinango." (Bol. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 8: 155-156, 1 pi.) With a brief list of the plants found there. GOMEZ, Juan. 1889-1890. "El eucalipto." (Rev. Agr. 5: 42.) On Eucalyptus. GOMEZ, Juan F. Márquez. See MARQUEZ GOMEZ, Juan F. GOMEZ, L(eón?). 1893. "Cultivo de la palma de coco." (Agricultura rez) 1 ( 8 ) : 13-14.) On Cocos nucífera.

(Tuxtla Gutiér-

GOMEZ, Manuel Flores. See FLORES GOMEZ, Manuel. GOMEZ, Mardonio. 1924. "El trigo." (Agros 1(12): 5-9, 2(13): 3-7.) Emphasis is on the culture. GOMEZ, Maria Morton. See MORTON GOMEZ, Maria. GOMEZ, Marte Rojo. See also GONZALEZ PENA, Carlos, 1946; MEDIZ BOLIO, Antonio, 1946; NOVO, Salvador, 1945; PELLICER, Carlos, 1946; RENDON, Silvia, 1953; REYES, Alfonso, 1946; ROMERO, José Rubén, 1946. 1948. "Maestros de ayer." (Chapingo 21-24 : 30, 57, 65, 71, 103104). (Signed M.R.G.) Biographies of Rafael Barba, Gabriel Gómez, Andrés Basurto Larrainzar, and Alejandro Brambila. GOMEZ, Matías. 1918. Breves apuntes geográficos del Distrito Norte de la Baja California. San Diego, 82 p., illus.—MN Méx. With a brief section on native plants and agricultural products. GOMEZ, Pedro A. Ripoll. See RIPOLL GOMEZ, Pedro A. GOMEZ CAMACHO, R. 1938. "Estudio agrícola de la Ciénega de Chapala." (Agricultura 1 ( 7 ) : 15-22.) In Michoacán; with a list of the plants raised. GOMEZ CASTELLANOS, Alicia. 1945. "Análisis químico del maguey." Guadalajara, 1945, 41 p. Thesis UNAM. On Agave asperrima. GOMEZ CHAPA, Isidro. 1948. "Estudio médico higiénico sanitario y zootécnico de los municipios de Panindícuaro, Villa Jiménez, Zacapu, del Estado de Michoacán." México, 60 typed p. Thesis ENMVZ. With only a brief list of plants, cited by common and scientific name. GOMEZ D., Francisco. 1934. "El cultivo del tomate." Cd. Juárez, 43 p. Thesis EPA. On Lycopersicum. GOMEZ de ALBARADO, Luis. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del (1579-1582). GOMEZ de CERVANTES, Gonzalo.




16th cent. La vida económica y social de Nueva España al -finalizar el siglo XVI. México, 1944, 218 p., 13 illus. Bibliot. Hist. Méx. Obras Inéd. Vol. 19). Prol. and notes to the ed. are provided by Alberto María Carreno. Original ms. in the Brit. Mus. is entitled Memorial de Gonzalo Gómez de Cervantes. With a detailed section, pp. 163-180, on cochineal, and plants on which the insect lives. GOMEZ de HUERTA, Gerónimo. See HUERTA, Jerónimo Gómez de. GOMEZ de OROZCO, Federico. See also CERVANTES de SALAZAR, Francisco, (1560-1567); CONQUISTADOR ANONIMO, (16th cent.); PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco (1579-1582); ROJAS, Gabriel de (1581). 1931. "Relaciones histórico-geográficas de Nueva España." (Méx. Antig. 3: 43-51.) Explains the plan of publication of the "Relaciones geográficas", in the Papeles de Nueva España; lists the "relaciones" received by Juan López de Velasco in 1583, "en 4 legajos," indicates which have been published and where, and states the location, if known, of the unpublished mss.

GOMEZ DUPEYRON, Francisco. 1897. "La piña." (Bol. Soc. Agrie. Méx. 21: 165, 182, 197, 214, 230.) History and botany, but the emphasis is on the culture. Méx.

GOMEZ FERIA, Ignacio. 1899. El cultivo del plátano. México, 60 p.—BN Méx. On Musa. GOMEZ FLORES, Emilio. 1889. El tabaco. Madrid, 150 p., illus., bibl.-MH. With a description and distribution; the emphasis is on the culture. GOMEZ G., Agustín. See GOMEZ y GUTIERREZ, Agustín. 1908. La lechuguilla. México, 1908, 53 p., illus. Est. Agr. Exp. Cd. Juarez Bol. 14.—DA. Also in (Bol. Cam. Agr. Gan. Tamps. 2 ( 1 0 ) : 156; cont. in succeeding issues to 2 ( 1 4 ) : 217, 1909;) (earlier installments were not seen.)

GOMEZ PEREZ, Ruth María Nelly. 1951. "Estudio químico de las hojas de la Cecropia mexicana Guadalajara, 22 p. Thesis Chem. Commonly known as trómpete.

A study of Agave heteracantha, with descriptions, distribution, and uses. Emphasis is on the industrial aspects, fiber extraction, etc. There is also a section on other fiber-producing plants.

GOMEZ POMPA, Arturo. See also VARIOUS, 1960a; 1960b.


GOMEZ ORTEGA (also as GOMEZ de ORTEGA), Casimiro. See also BARRAS y ARAGON, Francisco de las, 1915; CANDOLLE, A. de 1874; HERNANDEZ, Francisco, (1570-1575); QUER y MARTINEZ, Joseph, 1762-1784; RIQUELME SALAR, José, 1950; SESSE, Martín, 1783-1786; VARIOUS (ca. 1790); ANONYMOUS, 1788 a; 1789.

GOMEZ PELAYO, Esteban. 1926. "El cultivo de la higuera de Esmirna." Mexicali, 41 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Ficus.




GOMEZ ORTEGA, Casimiro, and Antonio PALAU y VERDERA. 1785. Curso elemental de botánica. México, 188 p. Originally printed in Madrid, 1788. DLC has 2d ed. by Gómez Ortega alone, Madrid, 2 vols., 1795. In two parts: parte teórica, founded on the works of Linnaeus; parte práctica, substantially a translation from Linnaeus' Systerna Vegetabilium. (fide catalogue Lib. Br. Mus). Copy of 1788 edition seen at Bib. Nac. Méx. had only the parte teórica. n.d. (1789?) "Especies de plantas que han servido de exemplo a la demostración de las lecciones en el curso del año 1788." Ms. copy by Altamirano of the original in the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid.—IB Méx. Publ. anonymously. 1797-1800. Novarum aut rariorum plantarum Hort. Reg. Bot. Matrit. descriptionum decades cum nonullarum iconibus. Madrid, 138 p., 18 pi.—PPAN. (León cites the author as Ortega). Includes many Mexican plants. According to León, this was prepared with the assistance of A. P. y V. (see below). Colmeiro describes the work as follows: "En esta obra Gómez Ortega trata de rectificar, todas las veces que halla ocasión, algunas de las descripciones ó denominaciones de Cavanilles, y le disputa la prioridad respecto de ciertas plantas." For more precise information on the dates of publication, see Rickett, H. W., and Stafleu, F. A., 1961. A. P. y V. is Antonio Palua y Verdera.

GOMEZ DOMINGUEZ, Manuel. 1948. "Cultivo y beneficio del café en Jalapa." Cd. Juárez, 64 p., illus. printed. Thesis EPA. On Coffea.


GOMEZ OROZCO, Federico. See ROJAS, Gabriel de, SALAS, Cristoval de (1580 or 1581).

Instrucción sobre el modo mas seguro y económico de transportar plantas vivas. Madrid, 70 p—SMGE. With a list of plants that should be sent from Mexico to Spain; refers to other possessions also. 1780. "Historia natural de la malagueta ó pimienta de Tavasco. Madrid, 34 p.—DA. Repr. anonymously as "Descripción del árbol de la malagueta" in (Ami. Pueblo 1 ( 9 ) : 18-31, 1827). History, common names, description, and uses of Myrtus pimento L. The Mexican name is given as xocoxochitl.

GOMEZ de ORTEGA, Casimiro. See GOMEZ ORTEGA, Casimiro.


1 ( 2 ) : 169-



GOMEZ DUPEYRON, Francisco y Enrique GADEA. 1898. "El cultivo de la piña en Amatlán." (Bol. Soc. Agrie. 22: 295, 315, 331.) On Ananas sativus.

1943. "Don Antonio Alzate y Ramírez." (Humanidades 177). Bio-bibliography.


MIRANDA, Faustino,



1948. "La caoba, 'Swietenia mahagoni' sic ( L . ) Jacq." (Montes 4 ( 1 9 ) : 49-52, illus.) History, a list of species with their distribution, and a description of S. mahagoni (sic).

1958. "Una nueva variedad de Dioscorea spiculiflora Hemsl." (Ciencia 1 8 ( 1 1 / 1 2 ) : 242-244, illus.) Var. chiapasana is described, and compared with the typical variety in Yucatán. 1962. "Una neuva especie arbórea de la familia Malvaceae." (Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 27: 37-38, illus.) Robinsonella mirandai from Veracruz.

GOMEZ MORON, Sebastián. See VALDES, Manuel Antonio, 17921793.


GOMEZ N„ M. Piedad.

GOMEZ RUL, Francisco. See THOMPSON, E. H., 1903.

1934. "Los azucares desde el punto de vista medicinal, farmacéutico, é industrial." Oaxaca, 23 p. Thesis, Bibliot. Publ. Oaxaca.

GOMEZ S., Fernando. 1933. "El cultivo del apio." Cd. Juárez, 39 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Apium graveolens.




See ROBLES, Clemente and GOMEZ




GOMEZ VALLE, Miguel. 1950. "Informe sanitario de la villa de Yecapixtla, Morelos." México, 55 p. Thesis Med. With a list of plants, cited by common names only. GOMEZ y COUTO, Vicente. (1876). "La coca." In Monog. Mex. in (Estudio 3(App.): 77-91, 1890). Guerra cites a separate, México, 1876, 31 p. On Erythroxylon. GOMEZ y GUTIERREZ, Agustín. 1931. "El Ceboruco." (Méx. For. 9 ( 1 1 / 1 2 ) : 186-192, illus.) Description of the volcano in Nayarit; with a section on the flora; plants are listed by common and scientific names. 1934. " E l eucalipto." Ms., Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. Guadalajara, 29 typed p. Also in (Jalisco Agr. Gan. 1 ( 1 0 ) : 3-11, illus.; ( 1 2 ) : 6-9, illus., 1934; ( 1 4 ) : 3-7, illus.; ( 1 5 ) : 3-9, 1935). With descriptions of the most useful varieties. 1940. "El árbol de Santa Maria del Tule." {Méx. For. 1 8 ( 3 / 4 ) : 39-40.) On the noted example of Taxodium in Oaxaca. 1942. "Las flores alimenticias, plantas aromáticas, y plantas medicinales." (Méx. For. 2 0 ( 7 / 9 ) : 61-64, ( 1 0 / 1 2 ) : 74-76). Lecture given May 1942. Mainly by common names. 1945. "Flora silvestre del Valle de Guadalajara." (Bol. Junta Aux. Jal. Soc. Mex. Geog. Est. 8 ( 5 ) : 187-260, bibl. Also in Méx. For. 2 3 ( 6 - 9 ) : 58-60, 1945; 2 5 ( 7 - 1 2 ) : 47-50, 59-63, 1947; 2 6 ( 5 - 1 0 ) : 22-27, 50, 1948; 2 8 ( 1 - 3 ) : 14-21, 1950.) Arranged systematically, according to families, with important genera and species within the families. Annotations include brief descriptions, localities, flowering time, common names, and literature references. The catalogue includes cryptogams, beginning with algae. The excerpts in México Forestal end with grasses and other monocots. GOMEZJURADO L., Gustavo. 1945. "Chenopodium ambrosioides." (Bol. Inst. Bot. Univ. Cent. Quito 4 ( 5 ) : 234-239, illus.) History, description, analysis, and medicinal uses of the oil; the plant is known in Ecuador as paico.

GONINO, J. See CHARNAY, Claude Joseph Desiré, 1885. GONZALES, Padre Fray Luís de. See GONZALEZ, Luís de. GONZALEZ, Abel F. 1886. "El Hydrastis canadensis."

4 ( 2 2 6 ) : 94-96.)

GONZALEZ, Agesilas Marín. See MARIN GONZALEZ, Agesilas. GONZALEZ, Agustín R. 1887-1888. "Informe sobre la agricultura en el Estado de Aguascalientes." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Mex. 11: 82, 98.) With a list of medical plants—cited by common and scientific names. GONZALEZ, Alicia Loza. See LOZA GONZALEZ, Alicia. GONZALEZ, Ambrosio. See also GONZALEZ CORTES, Ambrosio. GONZALEZ, Ambrosio, and Victor Manuel SANCHEZ L. 1961. Los Parques Nacionales de México. México, 149 p., illus., maps, bibl. Publ. by the Inst. Mex. Recur. Nat. Renov. Included are a chapter on the historical background, and one cataloguing the parks, giving their location and outstanding features. Another describes in detail the National Park "Insurgente Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla," on the plains of Salazar, in the state of Mexico, as a typical or model park. This contains a section on the wild plants of the area (identifications mainly by Maximino Martínez), divided into plants of the plains and of the forests, and a catalogue of the fungi, identified mainly by Gastón Guzmán H. Is the first author known also as Ambrosio González Cortés? GONZALEZ, Antonio Gómez. See GOMEZ GONZALEZ, Antonio. GONZALEZ, Beatriz. See also MORALES, Beatriz. GONZALEZ, Beatriz Aguilera. See AGUILERA GONZALEZ, Beatriz. GONZALEZ, Blas. See ASENSIO y TOLEDO, José María (1579). GONZALEZ, Cirilo. 1892. "Belladona del país." (Farmacia 2: 65-69; León cites it as also having been publ. in Unión Méd. Mich. 1 ( 4 ) : 3-5, 1892.) On Atropa belladonna, which the author states grows wild in Mexico.

GOMOT, Hippolyte. See BONAPARTE, Riland Napoleon, 1904. GONCALVES de LIMA, Oswaldo, C. DZIENDZIELEWSKY. 1952. "Primeras observaciones sobre planta Mexicana denominada 31-33.) On a species of Aristolochia,

(Voz Hipócrates

Description of a medicinal plant.

GONZALEZ, Cruz. 1833. "Botánica." (Reg. Trim. 2: 51-59). On reasons for studying botany.

LARIOS, M. ZAPATA, and U. un antibiótico, aislado de la raíz de Indio." (Ciencia 12:

GONZALEZ, Diego Pablo. See BASILIO, Tommaso, 1737. GONZALEZ, Elisa Graciela. Graciela.

not further identified.

GONCALVES de LIMA, Oswaldo. 1955. "Alimentos é bebidas no México prehispanico segundo as manuscritas de Sahagun." Recife, 41 p.; pref. by Gilberto Freyre. (Inst. Joaquim Nabuco Pesq. Soc., Publ. Avulsas No. 2.) With notes on plants and a Nahuatl vocabulary; also a table listing common Mexican plant foods (verduras, frutas, sementes, tubérculos), with common and scientific names and their composition. This was taken from the works of René 0 . Cravioto, Guillermo Massieu H., Jesús Guzmán G., and José Calvo de la Torre. 1956. El maguey y el pulque en los códices Mexicanos. México, 278 p., 72 illus., bibl. Illus. by Honorina Lima. ( D L C cites the author as Lima.) Detailed study, with an introductory chapter on maguey and pulque in scientific literature.



GONZALEZ, Enrique Pérez. See PEREZ GONZALEZ, Enrique. GONZALEZ, Faustino Miranda. See MIRANDA, Faustino. GONZALEZ, Francisco. See also VARIOUS, 1874. 1876. "Historia de drogas-taray." (Gac. Méd. Méx. 11: 319-321.) States that the plant called taray (and palo dulce) in Mexico (Viborquia polystachya Ort. or Varennea polystachya DC, Eysenhardtia polystachya (Ort.) Sarg.) is not the true taray, which is Tamarix gallica. GONZALEZ, Francisco Reyes. See REYES GONZALEZ, Francisco. GONZALEZ, Francisco Rojas. See ROJAS GONZALEZ, Francisco. GONZALEZ, Gonzalo. 1921. "Estudio agrícola del Valle de San Juan Teotihuacán." (Rev. Agrie. 6: 133-139, illus.) With a list of the plants classified according to use.

GONDRA, Isidro R. See also PRESCOTT, William Hickling 1843; ANONYMOUS, 1840h. 1836. "Arbol de la cera." (Mos. Mex. 1 ( 4 ) : 193-197, illus.) (signed 1. R. G.). On Myrica cerífera, with a description also of Myrica xalapensis. Compare with the Descripción del árbol de la cera, published anonymously, 1837, q.v. Of the illustration, León says, "es una de las primeras pruebas de litografía hechas en México."

GONZALEZ, Gonzalo Calatayud. Gonzalo.


GONZALEZ, Guillermo. See I RI GO YEN, Ulises, 1943. GONZALEZ, Helena García de León. GONZALEZ, Helena. GONZALEZ, Homobono.






1908. Breves apuntes sobre el cultivo de la morera. México, 2d ed., 71 p.-DA. First part is on the culture of the mulberry plant. Compare with his "Sericicultura" in ( F o m e n t o 3: 446, 561, 1931; 4 ( 1 - 4 ) : 56, 153, 464, 1931-1932). 1928. "La riqueza de la morera." (Méx. For. 6: 92-93.) Taken from "La industria de la seda." This has not been seen. Three species are listed for Mexico: Morus nigra, M. alba, and M. multicaulis.


1672. "Arte breve y vocabulario de la lengua Tzoque." N.p., photostat of original ms. in the Bibl. Nat., Paris, reproduced by W. E. Gates. Viñaza cites the date as 1652. The work consists of two parts: the "Arte" of 42 p. and the vocabulary of 293 p. (42 sect, of 8 p. each, in all). The vocabulary is described as "conforme se habla en el pueblo de Tecpatlán." GONZALEZ, Macedonio Macedonio.

GONZALEZ, Jesús. See also RAMIREZ, José M. and GONZALEZ, 1878.





GONZALEZ, Magdalena. 1926. "Monografía de los pulques." México, 1926, 65 p. illus. Thesis Chem. With a section on the botany of the Agave.

GONZALEZ, Jesús, and Alejandro BRAMBILA. 1877-1878. "Noticia de algunas plantas . . . ."(Gac. Agr. Vet 1: 223, 255, 288, 319, 351, 383.) "Que caracterizan las floración del mes de . . . en la Escuela de Agricultura y Veterinaria (y otros lugares)." The last part is by González and José M. Ramírez and is continued by them ( 2 : 63, 1878). León cites the authors as Ramos and González. Plants are cited by common names, scientific names, and families.

GONZALEZ, Manuel Joachín (Joaquin). 1777. "Breve y puntual noticia de . . . este partido y doctrina de Santa Cruz Yagavijla? (Oaxaca)." N.p., 6 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 100, No. 119, Col. P. y T. GONZALEZ, Manuel Navarro. See NAVARRO GONZALEZ, Manuel. GONZALEZ, Martha María Martha María.

GONZALEZ, John W. 1952. "The vanilla industry in Mexico." México, 94 typed p. Thesis Méx. C. C. An historical study.

Ortega. See



GONZALEZ, Martín H. See BULLER, Roderick E., et al, 1960; HERNANDEZ X., Efraím, and GONZALEZ, 1959. GONZALEZ, Modesto. See KELLY, Isabel Truesdell, and PALERM, 1953.

GONZALEZ, José de Jesús. 1891. Sábila. Guanajuato, 1891, 13 p. Bibliot. F. Guerra. Pharmaceutical study of Aloe barbadensis.

GONZALEZ, Pablo Támez. See TAMEZ GONZALEZ, Pablo. GONZALEZ, Pedro, Jr. See also VARIOUS, 1912-1913. 1904. Geografía local del Estado de Guanajuato. Guanajuato, 455 p. maps.—MN Méx. One map shows the most typical plants of the different areas. A section on the flora is arranged systematically; plants are cited by common names, with common names given for some. For additions, see González Roa, Fernando, 1926.

GONZALEZ, José Eleuterio. 1873. "Algunos apuntes y datos estadísticos . . . . para former una estadística del Estado de Nuevo León". (Bol. S oc. Méx. Geog. Est. III, 1: 213-272. )This was probably the source for an article entitled "La agricultura en el Estado de Nuevo León," publ. in (Cultivador 2: 218, 249, 295, 1873) and cited as coming from the above-cited Boletín. A separate, marked "fin de la primera parte," was publ. in Monterrey, 47 p.—Bibliot. R. Beltrán. With a brief section on "producciones naturales-vegetales y animales." 1874. "Apuntes que pueden servir de base para la formación de la flórula de la ciudad de Monterrey." (Naturaleza 3: 31-35, 145150.) Plants are listed by common and scientific names, and family. 1881. Un discurso y un catálogo de plantas clasificadas. Monterrey, 42 p.—NN. An extract consisting of the speech only as "Discurso sobre el estudio de la botánica" was publ. in the Lit. Sect. (Nacional 2: 106-133); also in (Naturaleza 5: 172182, 1881; and in Rev. Cient Mex. 1 ( 1 4 ) : 9-17, 1881). Speech to the students of the Medical School on the importance and development of the study of botany. The list is of cultivated and wild plants near Monterrey with common and scientific names. Compare with the edition of 1888, 27 p. —Bibl. Públ. Monterrey.

GONZALEZ, Pedro, and Ignacio RAMIREZ. 1905. Geografía elemental del Estado de Guanajuato. 59 p., map.—Bibliot. Ant. Alzate.


Elementary text, with a brief section on plant products. GONZALEZ, Pedro Ruiz. See RUIZ GONZALEZ, Pedro. GONZALEZ, Rufino M. See CAROCHI, Horacio, 1645. GONZALEZ, Salvador Lozano. See vador.


GONZALEZ, Valentin. 1890. "Breve estudio sobre la yerba del tabardillo. Guanajuato, 19 p. -DSG. Study of Piqueria trinervia covering the botany distribution, culture, chemistry, and uses. GONZALEZ ARENAS, G. 1926. "Los montes de nuestras regiones del secano." (Méx. For. 4 : 29.) On "los tunares o nopaleras," and their uses. GONZALEZ ARNAO, Vicente. (1808)-1811.

GONZALEZ, José Rodríguez. See RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ, José. GONZALEZ, Josef. 1777. "Noticias de geografía etc. del curato de Cuicatlán, Oaxaca." N.p., 4 lvs., ms., M.N. Méx., Leg. 99, No. 30, Col. P. y T.

See HUMBOLDT, Alexander von

GONZALEZ AYALA, Enrique. 1944. "La fabricación de citral a partir de té limoñ." México, 48 mim. p. Thesis Chem., UNAM.

GONZALEZ, Juan. See PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del ( 15791581).

On Cymbopogon

citratus Stapf.

GONZALEZ, Julián Antonio. See also CABALLERO, Juan, 1784. 1785. ("On espinosilla") (Gaz. Méx. III, 1: 315.) Loeselia ( ? ) and its uses.

GONZALEZ BALDERRAMA, Salvador. 1952. "El plátano Veracruzano." Cd. Juárez, 77 p., illus. Thesis EPA. On Musa.


GONZALEZ BELLO, Juan. 1950. "Informe sobre el servicio social realizado en Sayula, Jalisco." México, 36 p. Thesis ENMVZ.

GONZALEZ, L. See VARIOUS, 1960b. GONZALEZ, Luís de, Padre Fray. See also LA GRASSERIE Raoul de, 1898.

With a very brief list of plants cited by common names only.


GONZALEZ BONILLA, Luís Arturo. 323




GONZALEZ BONILLA—continued 1941. "Los Seris." (Rev. Méx. Soc. 3 ( 2 ) : 93-107). Only references to plants are on sahuaro and used as food and medicine.

GONZALEZ de NAJERA, Esteban. José María (1579). pitahaya,

GONZALEZ CASANOVA, Pablo. 1923. "Una planta de gran porvenir." ( Tierra 1(18): 11, illus.) On Coix lachryma (lacryma)-jobi. 1925. "Vocabulario Chinanteco." (An. Mus. Nac. Méx., IV, 3: 107112.) From the papers of Manuel Martínez Grácida. "Vocabulario recopilado por Angel Soliz" (sic), as spoken in Valle Nacional and Tuxtepec, is on p. 110-112. The introduction, entitled "Notas sobre la lengua Chinanteca," is by the editor. 1930. "Un vocabulario Chichimeca." ( Proc. 23rd Internat. Cong. Amer., New York, p. 918-925.) Only a few plant terms, in a list of words used in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato. GONZALEZ CORTES, Ambrosio. See also GONZALEZ, Ambrosio. 1960. "EI Dr. Leopoldo Rio de la Loza a 85 anos de su muerte." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 2 1 ( 2 ) : 549-560, port.) Biographical sketch. 1961. "Las sociedades científicas del ramo." (Rev. Soc. Méx. Hist. Nat. 22: 23-36, illus.) A review of the activities of scientific societies during the past 25 years. 1962. "Una expedición a algunas islas del Golfo de Baja California." (Cad. Suc. Méx. 7 ( 3 ) : 61-71, illus.) A detailed account of a visit to 9 islands, with listings of plants seen. GONZALEZ COS, Jesús. 1872. "Estadística del partido de Silao de la Victoria, Guanajuato." (Bol. Soc. Méx. Geog. Est. II, 4: 301-316, 717-772.) With a "flórula de la ciudad," consisting of an alphabetical list of plants, with common names, scientific names and family; also a section on the cultivated plants. GONZALEZ COSIO, Manuel. See VARIOUS, 1955. GONZALEZ DAVILA, Amado. 1938. Monografía del Estado de Nayarit. Tepic, 32 p., maps.— Bibliot. Mun. Tampico. Brief references to the native plants, cited by common names only. 1942. Geografía de Nayarit. México, 214 p., illus.—BN Méx. Elementary text, with a list of plant products and a chapter on agriculture, with a map showing where each crop is raised. 1950. Geografía del Estado de Durango. México, 242 p., maps, illus., bibl.-SMGE. In the chapter on products, there is a list of the wild plants used for various purposes. GONZALEZ d'AVILA, Gil. See CASAS, Gonçalo de las, 1571-1585. GONZALEZ de BARCIA CARBALLIDO y ZUNIGA, A. See HERRERA y TORDESILLAS, Antonio, 1601-1615; NUNEZ CABECA de VACA, Alvar, 1542; PEREZ de TORRES, Simón, 1749. GONZALEZ de COSSIO, Francisco. 1606; ANONYMOUS (1730).

See MARTINEZ, Henrico,

GONZALEZ de la VEGA, José María. See PRESCOTT, William Hickling, 1843. GONZALEZ de la VELA, Manuel. 1922. "Algunas notas sobre la industria de la candelilla." (Bol. Of. Sría. Agr. Fom. Méx. VI, 7 ( 8 ) : 717-719, 2 illus.) Repr. in (Farmacia II, 4 ( 1 ) : 5-8, 1925). With a description and distribution of Euphorbia cerífera Alcocer. 1922a. "El guayule." (Echo. Méx. 2(15): 2.) With description, common names, distribution, and preparation. GONZALEZ de MENDOZA, J. H. See ANONYMOUS, 1857a.



GONZALEZ DIAZ, César. 1942. "Estudio bioquímico de la parota (Enterólobium cyclocarpum)." México, 80 typed p., illus. bibl., Thesis Biol.—IPN Mex. A study of the seeds, principally as food, with common names of the plant. GONZALEZ DURAN, José G. See COX, Don K., et al, 1958. GONZALEZ F., Antonio. 1937. "Soya." Cd. Juárez, 35 p. Thesis EPA. On Glycine max. GONZALEZ FRANCO, G. 1918. "El huizache, elemento de acotamiento y perfume." (Jalisco Rur. 1: 63-64.) On Acacia farnesiana. GONZALEZ FRANCO, José. See JIMENEZ, Faustino, 1914. GONZALEZ G„ Miguel E. See ESQUIVEL MEDINA, Raúl, and G. GONZALEZ, 1938. GONZALEZ GALLARDO, Alfonso. 1937. Explotación del ajonjolí en Sinaloa. México, 253 p., maps, publ. by Banco Nac. Créd. Agrie. México. On Sesamum indicum. 1938-1941. El trigo en México. México, publ. in 6 parts, separately paged. Parts 1 and 3 were not seen. Publ. of the Banco Nac. Créd. Agrie. Part 4, which appeared in 1939, 181 p., illus., contains a section on the botany and descriptions of varieties. GONZALEZ GALLARDO, Josefina. 1912. "Estudio químico de la raíz del chicalote." Guadalajara, 50 p., illus. Thesis Pharm. A pharmaceutical study of Argemone mexicana. GONZALEZ GARCIA, Dolores. 1901. "Las Solanaceas." México, 49-55 p. In Conferencias Científicas de las Alumnos de la Escuela Normal para ProfesorasBN Méx. Superficial treatment; discusses briefly the most important members of the family. GONZALEZ GARCIA, Isabel. 1903. "Necesidad de un jardín botánico y de aclimatación." (Prog. Méx. 10: 489-490.) GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Elisa Graciela. 1946. Habilla de San Ignacio. Guadalajara, 46 p. Pharmaceutical study of Hura polyandra. GONZALEZ GRACIA, Gregorio. 1955. "Frijol para ejote en la region del Bajio." Chapingo, 61 p. Thesis ENA. On Phaseolus vulgaris. GONZALEZ GUZMAN, Ignacio. See VARIOUS, 1946. GONZALEZ H., Gonzalo. 1939. "La producción de papas en México." México, 17 mimeog. p., 24 tables. - BN Méx. With a map showing the potato-producing area of the country. 1941. "La producción de ajonjolí en México." México, 13 mim. p., 24 tables.—BN Méx. Good for the map showing where the plant, Sesamum indicum, is raised. GONZALEZ LIMA, Daniel. 1946. "Tipos de flor en Carica." (Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 3 ( 4 ) : 88-94, illus.) Descriptions of 6 different types. 1946a. "Principios que deben tenerse en cuenta." (Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 3 ( 6 ) : 155-159.) "Para conseguir la fuerza de las variedades v la obtención




de semillas que no produzcan ejemplares machos en la fruta bomba (Carica papaya L . ) . " GONZALEZ LLANA, Manuel. See GONZALEZ LLANA, 1862.




GONZALEZ LLORCA, E . 1925. "Una biografía del Sr. Dr. D. Leopoldo Río de la Loza." (Farmacia II, 4 ( 9 ) : 129-136.) GONZALEZ LOZADA, Heliodoro. 1947. " E l café." Villahermosa, 70 typed p. Thesis ENA. On Coffea. GONZALEZ M., Mercedes. 1942. "Falsas belladonas." Guadalajara, 22 p. Thesis Chem. On Nicandro physaloides. GONZALEZ MARRON, Mateo. 1898. "Apuntes sobre la Madia sativa." (Bol. Soc. Agr. Méx. 2 2 : 224-228.) Results of experiments in Atlixco on the plant as an oil source. GONZALEZ MENDOZA, Carlos. 1947. "Cultivo del naranjo Valencia tardío en Rio Verde, San Luis Potosí." Cd. Juárez, 63 p. Thesis EPA. On Citrus aurantium. GONZALEZ MURGUIA, Josefina. 1945. "Valoración de yodo en algunos vegetables regionales." Guadalajara, 36 p. Thesis, UNAM. Eleven vegetables were studied. GONZALEZ NAVARRO, Moisés. See MORA L., Miguel de la, and GONZALEZ NAVARRO, 1951. GONZALEZ NUNEZ, Gregorio. 1948. "Exploración sanitaria de la Comisaria de los Tanques, municipio de Alamos, Estado de Sonora." México, 41 p. Thesis Med. With a list of plants of the area. GONZALEZ OBREGON, Luis. See also CASAS, Gonzalo de las, 1571-1585; DORANTES de CARRANZA, Baltasar ( 1 6 0 4 ) ; ESTEVA, Adalberto A., 1905; PASO y TRONCOSO, Francisco del, and GONZALEZ OBREGON, 1885-1904. ; 1896. "Los primeros periódicos científicos de México." Dec. 6, 1896 (semanario).)


On Alzate's Diario Literario Mar.-May, 1768; Asuntos Varios, Nov. 1772-Jan. 1773; Gaceta de Literatura Jan. 15, 1788-Oct. 22, 1795 and on Bartolache's, Mercurio Volante, 1772-1773. 1936. Cronistas

é historiadores.

México, 223 p., port.

Includes the lives of Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Clavigero, José Fernando Ramírez, Paso y Troncoso, Genaro García, and José María Marroquí. GONZALEZ ORTEGA, Jesús. See also F L O R E S , Leopoldo, 1924; QUINTANAR, Francisco, 1938. 1926. " E l ébano de México." (Méx. For. 4 ( 1 / 2 ) : 21-23, illus., 1926; also in 1 2 ( 1 2 ) : 216-217, 1934.) Repr. in (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 3 2 ( 3 ) : 3-4, 1934.) On Caesálpinia (Lebidibia) sclerocarpa scription is translated from Standley.

Standley; the de-

1926a. "Amapa prieta" (Méx. For 4 ( 3 / 4 ) : 31-35, illus.) Description of Tabebuia


Rose, from Sinaloa.

1926b. "Arellano ópalo colorado." (Méx. For. 4 ( 7 / 8 ) : 84-85, illus.) Repr. in (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 3 2 ( 3 ) : 5-6, 1934. On Caesalpinia


1926c. "Tecomate." (Méx. For. 4 ( 9 & 1 0 ) : 98-100, illus.) Repr. in (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 3 2 ( 3 ) : 9-10, illus., 1934). Description of Crescentia guaje cirial.

alata HBK, called also ayele


1926d. "Cactaceas neuvas de Sinaloa." (Rev. Mex. Biol. 6: 189-191, 1 pi.) On Peniocereus



1927. "Exploración biológica por la cuenca del Rio Tamazula." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 4 7 ( 1 ) : 145-153, map.) Also (in Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 1 ( 2 ) : 14-16, ( 3 ) : 1-4, 1929). The emphasis is on plants. A description of the litinerary is accompanied by lists of important trees, arranged according to zones, lists of the most common plants, useful plants, and new plants. 1927a. " E l haba ó habilla de San Ignacio." (Méx. For. 5 ( 1 / 2 ) : 8-11, illus.) Repr. in (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 3 2 ( 3 ) : 12, illus., 38-41: 13, 1934). Identified as Hura polyandra. 1927b. " L a biznaga." (Méx. For ( 5 5 / 6 ) : 53-55, illus.) Description of Ferocactus herrerae G. Ort. 1927c. "Pitahaya marismena."(Rev. Mex. Biol.7(5): 121-123, illus.) On Lemaireocereus standleyi with the description in Spanish. 1927. 1934. "Guayacán." (Méx. For. 5 ( 1 1 / 1 2 ) : 139-141, illus.) See also article with the same title in (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 3 2 ( 3 ) : 10-11, illus., 1934). Mainly on Guaiacum coulteri with a detailed description of the plant. An article with the same title, but referring to G. coulteri and G. palmeri was published in (Méx. For 1 2 ( 1 2 ) : 217-218, 1934). 1928. "Ligeros informes sobre la región de los esteros de Escuinapa y Mexcaltitán, Sinaloa y Nayarit." (Mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate 4 9 : 1-12, 2 maps.) Biological study of salt marshes with a list of plants. 1928a. "Lemaireocereus quevedonis." (Méx. For. 6 ( 1 ) : 7-8, illus.) 1928b. "Nuestras Cactaceas de Occidente." (Méx For. 65: 68-70, illus.) Description of Opuntia brittoni known commonly as catalinia. 1928c. "Nuestras Cactaceas de Occidente." (Méx. For. 6 ( 5 ) : 88-90, illus.) Repr. (in An. Inst. Biol. Méx. 1 ( 2 ) : 177-180, 3 figs., 1930, under the title "Cactaceas nuevas de México"). On Echinocereus ochoterenae, describing varieties " a " and "b." 1929. "Catálogo alfabético de los nombres vulgares de las plantas de Sinaloa." (Bol. Pro. Cult. Reg. 1 ( 1 ) ; cont. in ( 2 - 4 ) . 1929a. "Catálogo sistemático de las plantas de Sinaloa." (Bol. ProCult. Reg. 1 ( 1 ) : no numbered pages; cont. in (2-4, 7 - 1 2 ) . 1929-1934. "Flora indígena de Sinaloa." (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 1 ( 1 ) , unpaged; cont. in nos. 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, to Dec., 1930, then No. 33-37, 1934. Publ. separately, Mazatlán, 1929, 49 p., with an alphabetical catalogue of 17 p. and a systematic one of 10 p. An introd. is provided by Standley.—Bibliot. M. Martinez. A key is provided for the legumes, followed by detailed descriptions, based on personal collections. The legumes are followed by the cacti. 1934. "Estudio sobre algunas maderas." (also as "Estudio preliminar de maderas") (Bol. Pro-Cult. Reg. 32 (numbered 3 3 ) : 1-12, 4 pi. Cont. as noted below to Nos. 38-41, 1941.) Botanical studies of the following trees: haba, ébano, arellano, amapa, tecomate, guayacán, candelón, and guacima, with descriptions, distribution, and common names. In Nos. 3 3 / 3 7 : 86, there is a list of trees, with common and, for most, scientific names. This is followed by 2 plates of histologic studies: one by Carlos Ley on cedro, Cedrela occidentalis; and one by Roberto Coronado on Hura polyandra. The list of tree names is continued on p. 88, Nos. 3 8 / 4 1 . 1934a. " L a guazima." (Méx For. 1 2 ( 9 ) : 166-168.) Identified as Guazuma hulmifolia L. 1934b. "Estudio botánico de algunos árboles Mexicanos." (Méx. For. 12(12): 216-218.) On ébano, Caesalpinia sclerocarpa, and guayacán, Guaiacum coulteri and G. palmeri. Based on Standley's work,, see Bixa orellana biznaga, see Echinocactus acanthodes ; E. ingens; E. wislizenus; Ferocactus herrerae; see also Cactaceae, biznaga black cherry, see Prunus serotina blackberries, see Rubus (Eubati) blackbrush acacia, see Acacia amentacea Blake, Sidney F a y bio-bibliography, B L A K E , D. H „ 1960 biography and letters, S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1960 Blanquilla Island, see Caribbean Islands (Swan, etc.) Blazquez (Blasquez) Ignacio, biography, M O R E N O , D. C„ 1942 ble de Turquie, see Zea mays Blechum, see Acanthaceae Blepharodon, see Asclepiadaceae Bletia, see Orchidaceae Blighia, see Sapindaceae Blom, Frans, biography, P E R E Z M O R E N O , J . , 1949 maize, wild, report on, by, N U T T A L L , Z „ 1929 Blomia, see Sapindaceae

Veracruz, historic specimen in, A N O N . , 1930h aesculifolia characters, M A K R I N I U S , E., 1913 general information, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1939b; G A U M E R , G. F. (n. d . ) a parvifolia, root swellings, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1952 Pentandra, D E W E Y , L. H . , 1928 America, early records of, H O W E , M. A., 1906 characters, M A K R I N I U S , E., 1913 culture, G R E S H O F F , M., 1902 fiber source, U P H O F , J . C. T., 1930 general information, G A U M E R , G. F. (n. d.) ; Z A N D , S. J., 1941 ; Z I M M E R M A N N . A.. 1914 growth, early stages, F R A N C K E , A. and S C H L I E B E N , H . J., 1942 Mayas, sacred to, M A R T I N E Z P A R E D E S , D., 1960 Quintana Roo, M A R T I N E Z J U A R E Z , I., 1945 systematics, based on anatomy, B A R G A G L I - P E T R U C C I , G., 1904 schottiin. sp., Yucatan, B R I T T E N , J. and B A K E R , E. G., 1896 Durio sibethinus, Veracruz, introduced into, A N O N . , 191 l j Eriodendron culture, A N O N . , 1901 (i) general information, G A U M E R , G. F. (n. d.) ; M A R T I N E Z , M., 1917 kapok source, B A L E S T R I E R , L. DE. 1905a oil source, L O M A N I T Z , S., 1912 uses, G U A R D I O L A . . J . , 1912 acuminata (for acuminatum), transferred to Ceiba, R O S E , J. N „ 1897-1911 anfractuosum, general information, G A U M E R , G. F . (n. d.) occidentale culture, G U A R D I O L A , J., 1918 medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1903, 1904 Gossypium, assigned to, P R O K H A N O V , J. I., 1947 Gyranthera, systematics, P I T T I E R , H., 1926 Hampea new species, Chiapas, M I R A N D A , F., 1954 revision, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1927a rovirosae n. sp., Tabasco, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1927 Lexarsa funebris, see Quararibea funebris Montezuma description, A N O N . , 1842 systematics, B A K H U I Z E N VAN DEN B R I N K , R. C„ 1924 speciosissima, systematics, B A R G A G L I - P E T R U C C I , G., 1904 Ochroma economic importance, F L E T C H E R , M. I., 1951; V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 general information, COX, W . T., 1944; N E V E R M A N N , F., 1922; P O U D E R O U X , R „ 1950; R A I Z A D A , M. B., 1947; A N O N . , 1942d with light weight wood, R O W L E E , W . W . , 1921 monograph, O R E L L A N A B „ R., 1942 new genus, S W A R T Z , O., 1792a substitutes for, R E C O R D , S. J., 1944 synonymy, S W A R T Z , O., 1792a synopsis, R O W L E E , W . W . , 1919 timber tree, P I E R C E , J . H „ 1942; S T E A R N S , J. L „ 1943; A N O N . , 1944h uses, A N O N . , 1915c wood anatomy, H Y D E , K. C., 1925 concolor, in Mexico, R O W L E E , W . W . , 1919 in Quintana Roo, M A R T I N E Z J U A R E Z , I., 1945 lagopus monograph, B R U S H , W . D „ 1945 nomenclature, P I E R C E , J . H . , 1942a, 1942b systematics, BARGAGLIP E T R U C C I , G., 1904; R A O , C. V., 1953 Pachira characters, P I T T I E R , H „ 1916 myrmecophily in, T E R R A C C I A N O , A., 1897 species, nomenclature, H A R R I S , J . A., 1903 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J., 1785-1790; T R E L E A S E , W . , 1894, 1898

blood, agglutinating action, by plants, S C H E R T Z , K. F. et al, 1960 Bloomeria, see Liliaceae Blossom, voyage of, see expedition, by the British blue grama, see Bouteloua gracilis bluestem grasses, see Andropogon furcatus; A. halli Bocconia, see Papaveraceae boccopine (boconina, boconine) see Bocconia Boehmeria, see Urticaceae Boerhavia, see Nyctaginaceae bohom, bohomche, see Cordia gerascanthus (gerascanthoides) bois de Campeche, see Haematoxylon Boisduvalia, see Onagraceae Bojorquez, J u a n de Dios, biography, P A R O D I , E. DE, 1941 Bolanosa, see Compositae bolitaria, see Sapindus bolsa de cera, see Bryophyllum calycinum; Kalanchoe carnea (pinnata) bolsa del pastor, see Capsella bursapastoris Bomarea, see Amaryllidaceae Bombacaceae (see also Columniferae; plants, fiber sources) America, genera, P I T T I E R , H „ 1926 timber sources, genera, R E C O R D , S. R., 1939b anatomy, comparative, D U M O N T , A., 1887 Berlin, Botanischer Garten, cultivated in, O T T O , F., 1854 leaf nervation, E T T I N G H A U S E N , C. V O N , 1858 nectaries, extra-floral, T E R R A C C I A N O , A., 1897a new taxa, R O S E , J . N., 1899e and related families, fiber sources, N E U B E R T , H . , 1933 revision, B A K H U I Z E N VAN DEN B R I N K , R. C „ 1924 systematics, D U M O N T , A., 1887 based on anatomy, B A R G A G L I P E T R U C C I , G., 1904 Bernoulli^ jaliscana n. sp., M I R A N D A , F. and M c V A U G H , R „ 1961 Bombacopsis n. gen., P I T T I E R , H „ 1916 systematics, P I T T I E R , H . , 1926 Bombax characters, P I T T I E R , H „ 1916 cotton, substitute for, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1795a fiber source, A G U I L A R G., J . I., 1947c; U P H O F , J. C. T., 1930 observations, F A H L B E R G , S., 1792 Ochroma, synonym of, S W A R T Z , O., 1792a grandiflorum, not "xiloxochitl," O C A M P O , M „ 1843 Carolinea species, catalogue, O T T O , F . and D I E T R I C H , A., 1838a fastuosa, "xiloxochitl," O C A M P O , M., 1843 Cavanillesia, with light weight wood, R O W L E E , W . W., 1921 Ceiba (see also ethnobotany, importance to the Indian, Chiapas; ethnobotany, Ceiba, in Maya legends; etymology) in Chiapas, A N O N . , 1908k (of Cortes), historic specimen, A N O N . , 1934m culture, L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1902a; X. X., 1908; A N O N . , 1927(1) economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 Eriodendron acuminata, t r a n s f e r r e d to, R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 fiber source, A G U I L A R , G„ J . I., 1947c; T O R R E S , J. J . DE, 1846b; A N O N . , 1918j general information, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1917; M E L L , C. D., 1912; R A M O S Q U I N T A N A, P., 1851; E L V I E J O J U D I O , 1919; A N O N . , 1925d in Maya culture, see ethnobotany, Maya in Mexico, production zones, A N O N . , 1931g myrmecophily in, T E R R A C C I A N O , A., 1897 in Nassau, B A R R E T T , O. W . , 1903 new species, R O S E , T. N., 18971911 popular account, C U E V A S , H . , 1911 synopsis, B R I T T E N , J. and B A K E R , E. G„ 1896 textile plant, B A N O , E „ 1918 timber source, A N O N . , 1944h uses, B A L E S T R I E R , L., 1900; F A N T I , M., 1943; J O N E S , W . B „ 1924; S E R R A N O , C., 1942


uses, R O L D A N , A., 1938 Quararibea flowers used as spice, S C H U L T E S . R. E., 1957 nomenclature, G A R C K E , A., 1891 systematics, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1957 funebris emended description, V I S C H E R , W . , 1919 history of, R I V E R A M O R A L E S , I., 1942a Riedleja n. spp., T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 18581859 Thespesia, assigned to, P R O K H A N O V , J. 1'., 1947 Waltheria America, North, species, R O S E , J . N., 1899g new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 Bombaceae, see Bombacaceae Bombacopsis, see Bombacaceae Bombax, see Bombacaceae bombo, see Hibiscus esculentus Bombycospermum, see Convolvulaceae Bonaire, see Dutch West Indies Bonamia, see Convolvulaceae bonete, see Pileus Bonetiella, see Anacardiaceae boniato, see Ipomoea batatas Bonpland, Aime biography, R E G E L , E „ 1858 collections, see America, tropical, Humboldt and Bonpland collections travels, S P R A G U E , T . A., 1924b Bonplandia, see Polemoniaceae boogum tree, see Idria columnans Boqueron, Cerro del, see Cerro del Boqueron borage, see Boraginaceae Boraginaceae America, timber source, genera, R E C O R D , S. J . and H E S S , R. W., 1941b America, North, synopsis, GRAY, A., 1875a anatomy, J A D I N , H . , 1903 floral, see Boraginaceae, systematics and floral anatomy borage, see etymology T 1 T 1 T _ _ „ T chromosome numbers, B R I T T O N , D. M., 1951 cultivated genera, I N G R A M , J., 1961 morphology, pistil and fruit, including related families, T I E G H E M , P . E. L., 1907 phylogeny, B R I T T O N , D. M.. 1951 related families, see Boraginaceae, morphology . T„TT.T Sesse and Mocino species, ] O i l N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 systematics, see above based on floral anatomy, L A W R E N C E , J . R., 1937 Allocarya, monograph, P I P E R , C. v . , 1920 mexicana n. sp., Mexico, state, M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1919 Amblynotopsis n. spp., M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1916a ehrenbergii n. sp., B R A N D , A., 1925 kumilis n. sp., see above Atnsinckia America, systematics, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 chromosome numbers, K A M B , P., 1952 revision, North American species, M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1917 synopsis, GRAY, A., 1875a inepta n. sp., San Martin Island, M A C B R I D E , J. F., 1917 microcarpa n. sp., G R E E N E , E. L „ 1893-1894 Antiphytum, synopsis, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 caespitosum n. sp., see above nudicalces n. sp., see above Asperifoliae, monograph, L E H M A N N , J . G. C., 1818b Boraginoideae, systematics, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 Beureria (Beurreria, Bourreria) distribution, D O U G L A S , M „ 1946 general information, L E O N N.. 1886

history, D O U G L A S , M „ 1946 new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 (also in Michoacan) nomenclature, D O U G L A S , M., 1946 original habitat, Oaxaca? L E O N , N., 1886 iormosa, in Tehuantepec, B E C E R R A , M. A., 1937a huanita general information, R A M I R E Z L A G U N A , A., 1931 popular account, V E G A , C., 1941a timber source, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1931c rowellii n. sp., Guerrero, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956

INDEX Boraginaceae—continued Coldenia, chromosome numbers, R A T T E N B U R Y , J . A., 1948, in progress Cordia chemical study, D O M I N G U E Z , X., et al, 1960 (See also wood chemistry below) morphology, floral, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1862-1863 new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 paper source, V E R N E A U , Dr., 1888 in Mexico, R E K O , V. A., 1933b species, key, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 wood anatomy, H Y D E , K. C., 1925 wood chemistry, B U C H N E R , A., 1861; M U E L L E R , L „ 1861 Gerascanthus, sect., Mexico, species, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 Varronia sect., systematics, see above alba, dye source, A N O N . , 1907h boissieri culture, A N O N . , 1907n general information, M E N D O Z A , G. and H E R R E R A , A., 1864 identified as anacahuite, H A N B U R Y , D., 1863; S E E M A N N , B., 1861, 1862, 1862b medicinal uses, A N O N . , 1860a paper source for Maya codices S C H W E D E , R., 1912 (1913) wood, chemical analysis, A N O N . , 1861

wood, structure, B E R G , O., 1860; H A L L I E R , E „ 1861 dodecandra, description, P I N E D A , E „ 1845 gerascanthus (gerascanthoides), general information, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1944 greggii var. palmeri, Guaymas, W A T S O N , S., 1889a hartwissiana n. sp., R E G E L , E., 1857 imparilis n. sp., M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1917a lauta n. sp., Jalisco, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 Cordieae sect., MEZ, C„ 1890 Cryptantha affected by other desert plants, M U L L E R , W . H . and C. H . , 1956 n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 19231956; M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1916a in North America, G R E E N E , E. L „ 1887b; J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 sect. Angustifoliae, K U N J A M M A , M. and R A V E N , P . H . , 1962 sect. Circumscissae, see above sect. Oreocarya, monograph, P A Y S O N , E. B „ 1927 bartholomaei, synonymy, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 circumscissa, in Mexico, K U N J A M M A , M. and R A V E N , P. H., 1962 crassisepala var. elachantha v. nov., northern Mexico, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1959 echinosepala n. sp., B a j a California, M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1918c gypsites n. sp., Nuevo Leon, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1959 patula n. sp., G R E E N E , E. L., 1889 pondii, synonymy, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1923-1956 quentinensis n. sp., B a j a California, M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1918c Echinospermum, systematics, T U R C Z A N I N O W N. v., 1840 Echium, observations, S C H R A N K , F. DE P., 1818 Ehretia, horticultural species, C A I L L E , P. and P O I S S O N , H . , 1920 anacua, nomenclature, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1924b latifolia, anatomy, P I T O T , A., 1939 n. spp., L O I S E L E U R D E S L O N G - C H A M P S , J. L. A., 1816-1849/50; M I E R S , J., 1869 scabra n. sp., V A R I O U S , 1848 Eritrichium, species, transferred to other genera, O R C U T T , C. R., '1885a synopsis, GRAY, A., 1875a Hackelia n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I . M „ 1923-1956 systematics, see above Heliotropiaceae, morphology, T I E G H E M , P. E. L. v., 1906 Heliotropium n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 (including some from Michoacan) synopsis, GRAY, A., 1875a; L E H M A N N , J . G. C., 1818 tlachichinole(?) E S C A L A N T E , L. I., 1949

coriaceum, in Hamburg, L E H M A N N , J . G. C., 1829-1832 fallax var. hintonii n. var., Mexico, state, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 foliosissimum n. sp., M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1916b jaliscense n. sp., see above parviftorum, chromosome number, R A T T E N B U R Y , J . A., 1948, in progress peruvianum, anti-malarial, M A R T I N E Z DEL C A M P O , J., 1898 sessei n. sp., Hidalgo, J O H N S T O N . I. M „ 1923-1956 Hemisphaerocarya n. gen., B R A N D , A., 1927 Krynitzkia, Eritrichium species transferred to, O R C U T T , C. R., 1885a revision, GRAY, A., 1885b mexicana, in Coahuila, B R A N D E GEE, T. S., 1904 Lappula n. spp., M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1916a nomenclature, G R E E N E , E. L „ 1891 heliocarpa n. sp., B R A N D , A., 1922 Lasiarrhenum America, systematics, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 (including new genera and new species) lundellii n. sp. Oaxaca, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1959 Lithospermeae, revision, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 Lithospermum America, species, B R A N D , A., 1930 systematics, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1923-1956 n. spp., B R A N D , A., 1930 (Mexico); J O H N S T O N , I . M „ 1923-1956; M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1916a revision, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 Batschia sect., synopsis, G R A Y , A., 1875a chersinum n. sp., M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1917a Macromeria n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I . M.. 1923-1956 systematics, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1930 Mertensia America, North, monograph, W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1937 synopsis, GRAY, A., 1875a mexicana n. sp., Chihuahua, W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1937 Myosotis America, systematics, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1923-1956 general information, A N O N . , 1899w systematics, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N. v., 1840 Omphalodes cultivated, I N G R A M , J . , 1960a n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 19231956 revision, GRAY, A.,1885b Onosma, observations, S C H R A N K , F. DE P., 1818 Onosmodium n. spp., M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1917a dodrantale n. sp., Nuevo Leon, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 19231956 Oreocarya n. gen., G R E E N E , E. L., 1887b revision, M A C B R I D E , J . F „ 1916 Pectocarya n. spp., J O H N S T O N , I. M.,1923-1956 Plagiobothrys Eritrichium species transferred to, O R C U T T , C. R., 1885a revision, Gray, A., 1885b synopsis, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923-1956 P-ulmonaria, observations, S C H R A N K , F. DE P., 1818 Tournefortia medicinal plant, N O R I E G A , J . M., 1921 substitutes for, N O R I E G A , J . M., 1921 tlachichinole ( ? ) , E S C A L A N T E , L. I., 1949 capitata et al, chemistry, G A R C I A DE V I L L A G O M E Z , S „ 1923 Boraginoideae, see Boraginaceae Boscaje de la Palma, see Texas Bosque del Chico, see El Chico Bosque El Contador, see Mexico, state Bosques de la Malinche, see Malinche Bosques de la Teneria, see Guerrero, Teneria Bossche, M. van den, gardens of, see Hortus Thenensis Botanical Congress, Mexico, see Mexico botanical expeditions, see expeditions botanical gardens, see gardens, botanical botanists, fictitious, Latin America, J A R V I S , R. N., 1953 French, see Mexico, flora, contributions by

Mexico, biographies, see biographies, collective; also under the name of the individual portraits, W I T T R O C K , V. B., 1903, 1905 Spanish, in America. B A L L E S T E R O S G A I B R O I S et al, 1947; COLMEIRO y PENIDO, M., 1842 botany, classification, general, see botany, instructional material, systematics ; also systematic works, general and gardening, D U M O N T DE C O U R S E T , G. L. M., 1802-1805 history of, B U S T A M A N T E y R O C H A , P., 1845; C E R V A N T E S , V., 1788; G O O D S P E E D , T. H . , 1943; M E Y E R . E. H. F „ 1854-1857; P I C K E R I N G , C., 1879; T R O C O N I S A L C A L A , L., 1874 America, in, A L D E N , R. H . and I F F T , J . D „ 1943; C O L M E I R O y P E N I D O , M., 1842 America, Latin, V E R D O O R N , F., 1945 Jalisco, C A S T A Ñ E D A , A. M., 1933 Mexico (see also Alianza Científica Universal; biographies, collective and individual; biology, Mexico, history; botany, history of, Mexico, pre-Hispanic; Chiapas, collecting in; Darwin, influence in Mexico; expeditions, and expeditions under various regions; Mexico, botany, courses in) A L C O C E R , G. V., 1898; A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1891, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1905, 1907, 1909a; A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E., 1950, 1951, 1952; A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1788, 1788e; A N T U N E Z , E. D., 1940; A R R O N I Z , M „ 1857; A S C H E R S O N , P. F. A., 18961935; B A L L E S T E R O S GAIB R O I S , M. et al, 1947; B E L T R A N , E „ 1943, 1943a, 1950a, 1951, 1951b, 1953, 1956a; E S T A L A , P. (1799); I Z Q U I E R D O , J. J., 1955, 1955a; M A R T I N E Z , M „ 1944c, 1953a; M A R T I N E Z B A E Z , M., 1961; M I R A N D A , F., 1961c; O L I V A , L., 1870; Q U I N T A N A , R., 1945; R U I Z L O P E Z , H . and P A V O N , J . A. 1794; ZOZAYA, J., 1943 Academia Nacional de Ciencias, R E K O , V. A., 1932b agricultural biology, H E R N A N DEZ X O L O C O T Z I , E., 1961 agricultural schools, courses in, A N O N . , 1912m (see also Escuela Nacional Superior de Agricultura, below; Mexico, agricultural education) Aztec, see Aztecs, botany, knowledge of botanical club, B R O C K W A Y , W „ 1896 Comision Exploradora, rules of, A N O N . , 1909z Dirección de Estudios Biológicos, F L O R E S , L „ 1924; R O U A I X , P., 1942; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L., 1923c 1820-1920, H E R R E R A , A. L.. 1921 for 1875, B A R C E N A , M „ 1875b Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, E. R., 1846c; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L., 1923 (see also agricultural schools, above) Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, A N T U N E Z E., D., 1940 Escuela Normal Superior, H E R R E J O N , M „ 1961 Escuela Superior de Agricultura "Antonio N a r r o , " A N O N . , 1960? (see also agricultural schools, above) Europeans, influenced by, MALDONADO KOERDELL, M., 1959 flora, preparation proposed, A N O N . , 1919f Instituto Botánico de Chiapas, M I R A N D A , F., 1951, 1952, 1953c Instituto de Biología, L L A M A S , R., 1951; O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1930; R I O J A , E „ 1950a Instituto^Medico Nacional (see also, biographies, collective) A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 18911907, 1896a, 1903b, 1904a, 1905h, 1909a; L A N D A , E., 1916; R A M I R E Z , J., 1891b; S O S A , S. E., 1893 et passim; T O R R E S , J., 1913, 1916; V A R I O U S , 1894 et passim;


V E R G A R A L O P E , D „ 1896; A N O N . , 1888g, 1916 plants studied, 1892-1896, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1896a Mexico Forestal, S E R R A T O A., G., 1948 National Herbarium, R A M I R E Z C A N T U , D., 1953 pre-Hispanic (see also Aztecs, botany, knowledge) G E R S T E , A., 1888; M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M „ 1943 scientific societies (see also Alianza Científica Universal; botany, history of Mexico— _ Academia Nacional de Ciencias —Sociedad Científica Antonio Alzate—Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural) GONZ A L E Z C O R T E S , A., 1961; MALDONADO KOERDELL, M., 1943a 16th and 17th centuries, O C A R A N Z A , F „ 1937 1787-1820, R I C K E T T , H . W . , 1947 Sociedad Científica Antonio Alzate, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J., 1934a Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, B E L T R A N , E „ 1943, 1947, 1956a; G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J., 1897; H E R R E J O N , M., 1961; H E R R E R A , A. L „ 1892a; P E R E D A y M A R T I N E Z , S., 1873-1874; A N O N . , 18961 teaching (see also biology, Mexico; botany, history of, Mexico, agricultural schools; Mexico, botany, courses in) R A M I R E Z , R., 1898; R U I Z O R O N O Z , M., 1961; A N O N . , 1911 (1) (course by Carlos Reiche) Theophrastus to Jussieu, A N O N . , 1851-1853 instructional material general (see also botany, instructional material, text, general; tropics, ecologic studies, methods) A R B O L y B O N I L L A , J., 1894; A R R I A G A , J. J., 18711879; B. A., 1909-1910; BARR E I R O , A. A., 1893-1894; B A N D A , L „ 1885; B E L T R A N , E. et al, 1961; B L A Z Q U E Z , P., 1873; COMBA, 1897-1898; D E L O N , C., 1894; D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1899; D O N D E I B A R R A , J . and D O N D E R U I Z , J., 1876; D U G E S , A., 1876; 1896c; F. T . D., 1931; F L O R E S , R. G., 1863; GAND A R A , G., 1933a; GOMEZ O R T E G A , C. and P A L A U y V E D E R A , A., 1785; GONZALEZ, C., 1833; G O N Z A L E Z , J . E., 1881; G U I N E A , E., 1939; G U T I E R R E Z E S T E V E S , A., 1881-1882; H I L L , J., 1751; J A C K S O N , W . W „ 1928; K E R N E R , A. J., 1887-1891; L E O N , N.. 1889; M E D I N A GIL, M. J., 1948; M O T T S , I. E., 1929; P A T I N O , F „ 1880b; P O R T I L L O , A., 1907-1908a; R A M I R E Z , J., 1896c; R O S N Y , L. DE, 1909; R U I Z , L. E „ 1887, 1898; R U I Z O R O N O Z , M. et al, 1950; A N O N . , 1840e, 1862c, 1876a, 1881a activities (of plants) S C H L E I D E N , M. J., 1848 anatomy, R. R „ 1849; D U H A M E L DU M O N C E A U , H . L., 1850; R O S A L , J. A. DEI., 1844; A N O N . , 1850a, 1850b Bernal, M. M., by, V A L D E S , M. A., 1792-1793 classification, see botany, instructional material, systematics for collectors, B E L T R A N y P U G A , G., 1887; B U S T A M A N T E , M., 1839; GOMEZ O R T E G A , C. (n. d . ) ; H O N E Y , J . (n. d . ) ; L E O N , N., 1894a; S C H W E I N F U R T H , J., 1891; S C O T T , W . , 1912; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897; V E R L O T , B., 18991900; W A R D , L. F., 1893; A N O N . , 18th cent., 1827, 1917Í of forage samples, F O U R T O N , L., 1910 of medicinal plants, N E M O , C., 1938 in Mexico, D E C A I S N E , J., 1865a; H E L L E R , J. B „ 1846 of orchids, O R P E T , E. O., 1906 of pharmaceutical specimens, T E R R E L , A., 1925-1927 of woods, R E Y E S , V., 1873 cultivated plants, D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1895b cytology, R U I Z O R O N O Z , M., 1939; A N O N . , 1910j

INDEX botany—continued describing plants, L A R R E A T E G U I , J . D „ 1795a; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 ecology, H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E „ 1959d; L. E E . , 1843 flowers, adaptation for pollination, M I R A N D A , F., 1944e fertilization, L. E., 1843d morphology, see botany, instructional material, morphology, floral f r u i t s , seedless, producing, GAND A R A , G., 1929-1930 growth, of plants, M O R E N O , A., 1884-1885 helicopter, use of, in tropical field work, L I T T L E , E . L „ J r . , 1956 histochemistry, U R B I N A , M . , 1904a histology, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1914; R U I Z O R O N O Z , M „ 1939 humus, P A R A M O R A N G E L , P . , 1905 importance of study, B U S T A M A N T E y R O C H A , P . , 1865 ; M O N T A N A , L., 1803; S E S S E y L A C A S T A , M. DE, 1778 karyokinesis, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1916 leaves, P . S., 1843 Mexico, phytogeography, R E I C H E , K., 1912 plants of, R E I C H E , K . F „ 1913, 1918 plants desired from, V A R I O U S , 1865-1867 plants of economic importance, V E L A S C O , T . , 1919-1926 microscopic technique, L E O N , N . , 1890 morphology, G A N D A R A , G„ 19291930c; I . G., 1841; L O M A , J . L. DE LA, 1947a; N O R I E G A , C., 1938a; O L I V A N , D . M., 1872; A N O N . , 1842b cellular, O C H O T E R E N A , I . , 1912c floral, T O P F , H . , 1889 illustrations, M U R I L L O , L., 1904 plant teguments, outgrowths, G A N D A R A , G., 1925a roots, G A N D A R A , G., 1910 movements, of plants, B U S T A M A N T E y R O C H A , P . , 1852; S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1905; A N O N . , 1890-1891 (sleep) sensitive plants, L A R R I O S , E., 1889-1890 nitrification, W A R R I N G T O N . R „ 1884-1886 nomenclature, L A R R E A T E G U I , J . D „ 1795a; L A W R E N C E , G. H . M., 1949; P A R A Y , L . , 1935c; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 pathology, G A N D A R A , G., 1911 philosophy, general, J I M E N E Z , L. M., 1873 photosynthesis, P A R R A A, V . , 1954 physiology, D U H A M E L DU M O N C E A U , H . L., 1850; E S C O B A R , R., 1897a; L O M A , J . L. DE LA, 1947a; M E L E R O , M. DE J . , 1873-1874; R O S A L , J. A. DEL, 1844; R U I Z O R O N O Z , M „ 1940; A N O N . , 1842b, 1849, 1850b plant names, see botany, instructional material, nomenclature reactions, of plants (see also botany, instructional material, activities, of plants; also movements, of plants) D E N I K E R , J . , 18901891 reproduction, H E C T O G R A F O , 1921; P O R T I L L O , A., 19081909; R I O S , F., 1909; A N O N . , 1840d,1843a, 1939h vegetative, D O M I N G U E Z , I . , 1919 respiration, D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1889 secondary schools, program, G A N D A R A , G., 1934 seed germination, A N O N . , 1904c seedless f r u i t s , see botany, instructional material, f r u i t s sensitive plants, see botany, instructional material, movements, of plants sexuality, in plants, V A L D E S , M . A., 1791; A N O N . , 1910i sleep, in plants, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1906; A N O N . , 1890-1891 (movements) systematics, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1788; B U S T A M A N T E y R O C H A , P., 1845; G A N D A R A , G., 1917a; H E R N A N D E Z , N., 1912; HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E „ 1955; I T I E , G. and N O R I E G A , C., 1943;

L A N D A W V., C. E. (n. d.) ; N I E T O R O A R O , D „ 1941; N U N E Z , A. S „ 1922; W I L L D E N O W , K . L., 1804; X., 1890-1891 anatomy, based on, R A D L K O F E R , L. A. T., 1883 J u s s i e u system, B U S T A M A N T E y R O C H A , P., 1851; A N O N . , 1873K L i n n a e a n system controversy over, S. C. M., 1788 explained by B e m a l , C E R V A N T E S , V. (1790) observations on, A N O N . , 1788, 1788c v a r i o u s systems, L O N G I N O S M A R T I N E Z , J . , 1788 text, advanced, S A N C H E Z M A R R O Q U I N , A., 1942-1944 general (see also botany, instructional material, general) A R A G O , B „ 1880-1882; B U S T A M A N T E , M., 1841; BUSTAMANTE y ROCHA, P., 1845, 1853; D I A Z DE L E O N , J . , 1887-1891; H O O K E R , J. D „ 1902; K U H N E , G . , R. (n. d.) ; L E O N , L. G„ 1897, 1897a, 1900; M A R T I N E Z , M., 1928, 1931, 1941; R E I C H E , K . F., 1913a; S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1901, 1935; S U A R E Z , M., 1931 water, needed by plants, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1928 workbook, R U I Z O R O N O Z , M „ 1947 Mexico, courses in, u n d e r Spanish expedition, see Mexico, botany, courses in history of, see botany, history of, Mexico pre-Hispanic, knowledge o f , see Aztecs, botany, knowledge of study of (see also botany, instructional material, importance of study general comments, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , T. A., 1789a; C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1790 (by B e r n a l ) ; 1790a teaching, history of, in Mexico, see botany, history of, Mexico, teaching; botany, instructional material text, see botany, instructional material Botelua, see Bouteloua Bothriochilus, see Orchidaceae botoncillo, see Conocarpus erecta Botrys mexicana ambrosioides, see A triplex Botteri, Matteo, api>qintment by the Royal Horticultural Society, H O O K E R , W . T., 1853 biography, A S C H E R S O N , P . F. A., 1896-1939; A N O N . , 1883h collections, S E E M A N N , B., 1857; T U R C Z A N I N O W , N „ 1863 Mexican, B E N T H A M , G., 1869; A N O N . , 1857 obituary, S O L O G U R E N , F „ 1877 travels, in Mexico, S E E M A N N , B . ( ? ) 1853, 1854 bottle gourd, see Lagenaria vulgaris Boturini Benaducci, L., collections at Yale University, P A T T E R S O N , J. E „ 1957 library, catalogue of, B O T U R I N I B E N A D U C C I , L., 1746 report on wild maize by, N U T T A L L , Z., 1929 Bouchea, see Verbenaceae Bouchetia, see Solanaceae B ougainvillea, see Nyctaginaceae Boulduc, G. F., experiments with mechoacan, see Ipomoea purga, experiments with Bourgeau, Eugene, see Mexico, expedition by the F r e n c h collections, see Acanthaceae Bourreria, see Boraginaceae, Beureria B oussingaultia, see Basellaceae Bouteloua, see Gramineae Bouvardia, see Rubiaceae box elder, see Acer; also Rulac Boyce Thompson Southwestern A r b o r e t u m , Mexico, plants of, in, M U E N C H , J . , 1950 Brachiaria, see G r a m i n e a e Brachistus, see Solanaceae Bradburya, see Leguminosae Brahea, see Palmae Brambila, Alejandro, biography, G O M E Z , M . R „ 1948 portrait, A N O N . , 1923a Bramia sect., see Bacopa Brandegea, see Cucurbitaceae Brandegee, K. ( M r s . T. S . ) biography, J O N E S , M . E., 1930, 1932 collections, E W A N , J . , 1942 Brandegee, T . S., bio-bibliography, E W A N , J . , 1942 collections (see Euphorbiaceae; Gramineae, B a j a California) E W A N , J., 1942 portrait, P U R P U S , J. A., 1910

travels in Mexico, M O R A N , E. V., 1952b Brandesia, see Amaranthaceae Brasilettia, see Leguminosae Brasil wood, see Brazil wood Brassavola, see Orchidaceae Brassia, see Orchidaceae Brassica, see C r u c i f e r a e Brassicaceae, see C r u c i f e r a e B r a t h y s sect., see Hypericum Bravo, Francisco, contribution to Mexican medicine, L E J E U N E , F., 1926 Bravo Hollis, Helia portraits, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1955, 1957 travel account, see B a j a California, travel account Bravoa, see Amaryllidaceae Brazil, flora, M A R T I U S , K. F . P., 1840-1906; W A R M I N G , E., 1867-1893 n a t u r a l history, M A R C G R A V DE L I E B S T A D , G., 1648 plants of, new taxa, M A R T I U S , K. F . P. (1823-1832) ; P O H L , J. B. E „ 1827-1831; V A N D E L L I , D „ 1771 Rio de Janeiro, Botanic G a r d e n , plants cultivated in, B A R B O S A R O D R I G U E Z , J., 1894 Brazil wood, see Haematoxylon breadnut, Maya, see Brosimum alicastrum Bredmeyer, M r . , Brosimum qalactodendron, report on, A N O N . , 1819 Breslau, Botanischer Garten, see Agave, blooming in Breweria, see Convolvulaceae Brickellia, see Compositae Bright's disease, see plants, medicinal, for Bright's disease British Guiana, flora, S C H O M B U R G K , R „ 1848 travel account, H A R C O U R T , R., 1613 vegetation, F A N S H A W E , D. B „ 1952 British H o n d u r a s , see Belice British Isles, Mexican plants in (see also England, Mexican plants in; Great Britain, g a r d e n s ) , L O U D O N , J . C., 1822, 1829, 1830,1838 British W e s t Indies (see also Antilles; B a h a m a s ; J a m a i c a ; Leeward I s l a n d s ; Tobago; T r i n i d a d ; W i n d w a r d Islands) flora, G R I S E B A C H , A. H . R. (1859)1864; H O W A R D , R. A., 1952 vegetation, see H O W A R D , as above Brittonastrum, see Labiatae Brodiaea, see Liliaceae Brodie, John Pringle, travels in Mexico, B R O D I E , J . P., 1824-1832 Bromelia, see Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae (see also America, deserts, succulent p l a n t s ; Chiapas, collecting trip) A n d r e , E „ collections, A N D R E , E., 1889a in B a j a California, B A R R Y , D. J r . , 1953 Chiapas, catalogue of collections, V A N H Y N I N G , O. C „ 1962 systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1952 of economic importance, F O S T E R , R., 1952 epiphytes, adaptations as, K O C H , K „ 1866b ecology of, P I C A D O , C., 1913 evolution, S M I T H , L. B., 1933-1934 genera, characters, F O S T E R , M . B., 1945, 1945-1947, 1951 general information, P O I S S O N , J . , 1884a geography, S M I T H , L. B., 1933-1934 in the Lundell herbarium, S M I T H , L. B., 1960a in Mexico, V A U P E L , F . , 1909 and associated plants, K A R S T E N , G. a n d S T A H L , E . , 1904b illustrations, M A T U D A , E „ 19561959 Missouri Botanical Garden, cultivated in, C U T A K , L., 1945b monograph, B A K E R , J . G., 1889; D U V A L , L „ 1896; M E Z , C. C „ 1896; 1903 ( s u p p l e m e n t ) ; R A A L T E , D. VAN, 1953 new taxa, Langlasse collections, P O I S S O N , J . and M E N E T , P . , 1908 Oaxaca, range extensions, S C H U L T E S , R. E . , 1941-1943 ornamentals, C U T A K , L. and P R I N G , G. H . , 1945a; K O C H , K „ 1859a Palermo, O r t o Botanico, catalogue, M A N G A N O , G., 1898 " p i t a , " general information, A N O N . , 1895m rhaphides in anthers, types, K U G L E R , H „ 1942 synonymy, H E B E R T S , P . , 1876


systematics, B E E R , J . G., 1854, 1857; B R A U N , A., 1854, 1856; K O C H , K „ 1873; S M I T H , L. B „ 1947a terrestrial, F O S T E R , M . B., 1950 textile plant, A L M A Z A N , P . , 1882b travels for collecting, C U T A K , L., 1952 with tri-partite capsules, systematics, K O C H , K., 1858 Valencia, cultivated in, B O S C A , E „ 1892 Vienna, Royal Garden, illustrations, A N T O I N E , F., 1884 Yucatan, peninsula, V A R I O U S , 1935-1940 Aechmea, Mexican species, illustrations, M A T U D A , E., 1956-1959 synopsis and new spp., B A K E R , J . G., 1879e hoekeli n. sp„ R E G E L , E., 1887 magdalenae, fiber plant, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 19381941 ; S O U Z A N O V E L O , N . . 1947 matudai n. sp., Chiapas, S M I T H , L. B „ 1951 Aechmeineae, synopsis, C H E V A L I E R , C, 1935 Agallostachys, systematics, K O C H , K., 1859a Ananas in America (see also Ananas, history) C O L L I N S , J. L „ 1948 anatomy, flower and f r u i t , O K I M O T O , M. C., 1948 bromelina in, A C E V E D O R E Y E S , D., 1948 culture, B R A D L E Y , R „ 1725?; C O U L T E R , J. W „ 1940; CO W E L L , J., 1730; F I N C K , H „ 1892; G A J O N S A N C H E Z , C., 1943; G A L V A N , B. F „ 1933; V E L A S C O , A. L „ 18961897; A N O N . , 1887h; 1891 economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 fiber source, L. E., 1843g; M O R R I S , D., 1887; V A R I O U S , 1898; A N O N . , 1900e flower and f r u i t , see Ananas, anatomy, histology general information, L O C H N E R , M. F „ 1716; A N O N . , 1918b; 1918d histology, flower and f r u i t , O K I M O T O , M. C., 1948 history, in America, C O L L I N S , J. L., 1951. ( S e e also Ananas, in America) in Mexico, C O L L I N S , J . L., 1951 ; C U R E N O S A L A Z A R , E., 1953; G I R O N G A L V A N , H „ 1944 monograph, B E E R , J. G., 1857; B E R T O N I , M. S., 1919; H U B E R T , P., 1908; K O P P , A., 1929; A N O N . , 1938d morphology, C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1835 (seeds) ; C O L L I N S , J . L.. 1949 pita, in Papaloapan, cuenca del, forest species, A T T O L I N I , J . , 1948 systematics, S M I T H , L. B „ 1939 comosus, the "cultivated pineapple,*' S M I T H , L. B „ 1939 morphology, vegetative organs, K R A U S S , B. H „ 1948 origin, C O L L I N S , J. L., 1951 macrodontes, fiber source, A V E N D A N O V I E R A , F., 1929 sativus, agricultural thesis, M A R Q U E S , R. L „ 1942 called Bromelia ananas, A N O N . , 1892 culture, D E R I N G , H . N „ 1896; G O M E Z , G., 1911; G O M E Z D U P E Y R O N , F „ 1897; H E R E D I A , J . N., 1888-1889; L E Z A M A B R A V O , G., 1935; L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1907; M A C I A S , C., 1915; M A R T I N E Z C H A B L E , L., 1910a; N O R I E G A , C., 1938; S A N C H E Z C O L I N , S „ 1946 culture, in Amatlan, G O M E Z D U P E Y R O N , F . and G A D E A , E . , 1898 in Veracruz, Estación Isla, DELGADO HERNANDEZ, C. M. (n. d.) dispersal, from America, L A U F E R , B., 1929 general information, J. O., 1840a; A N O N . , 1926c genetic studies, C O L L I N S , J . L . and K E R N S , K. R „ 1931 literature, early, H A Y W A R D , W „ 1956 uses, S C H E N C K , H „ 1904, 1911 varieties, I T I E , G„ 1938 Billbergia, Mexican species, illustrations, M A T U D A , E . , 1956-1959

INDEX Bromeliaceae—continued chiapensis n. sp., M A T U D A , E., 1952 mexicana n. sp., M E Z , C., 1916, 1919 Bromelia (see also plants, fiber sources) fiber source, L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1900c; V A R I O U S , 1898; A N O N . , 1906aa (in O a x a c a ) ; A N O N . , 1907s systematics, K O C H , K., 1859a uses, M E A S E , J., 1834 zapupe, identified as, J. D., 1906 ananas, the pineapple, A N O N . , 1892 mucronata n. sp., M E Z , C., 1903 pinguin, chemical study, G A L V E Z F L O R E S , L „ 1946 description, F O S T E R , M. B „ 1952 genetic studies, C O L L I N S , J . L . and K E R N S , K. R., 1931 illustration, M A T U D A , E „ 1956-1959 medicinal plant, anti-scurvy, R U I Z , J. B. J r . , 1930 zapupe, identified as, A R R I G U N A G A , M. DE, 1907; A N O N . , 1907v sylvestris, fiber source, O R T I Z , F. M., 1906; V A I L , S., 1892 Catopsis, Mexico, n. spp., S M I T H , L. B., 1936 compacta n. sp., M E Z , C., 1903 cucullata n. sp., S M I T H , L. B., 1934 triticea n. sp., Chiapas, S M I T H , L. B „ 1939a Cryptanthus, systematics, K O C H , K., 1859a Greigia juareziana n, sp., Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B „ 1959 oaxacana n. sp., S M I T H , L. B., 1959 •van-hyningii n. sp., Veracruz, S M I T H , L. B „ 1959 Guzmania, species, S M I T H , L. B., 1932 Hechtia, history of, K O C H , K „ 1868 Mexican species, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 n. gen., stenopctala, K L O T Z S C H , J. F., 1835 n. spp., S M I T H , L. B., 1937 revision, S M I T H , L. B„ 1961 species, key, S M I T H , L. B., 1937 arcjentea, wax source, ' A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1892 caudata n. sp., Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 confusa, and allies, S M I T H , L. B., 1961 fosteriana n. sp., Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 galeottii n. sp., MEZ, C., 1916, 1919 alomerata, medicinal plant, O R V A N A N O S , D., 1895; A N O N . , 1917b lanata n. sp., Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 laxissima n. sp., S M I T H , L. B., 1954 marnier-lapostollei, and allies, S M I T H , L. B., 1961 matudae n. sp., Morelos, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 matudai, see above melanocarpa n. sp., Guerrero, S M I T H , L. B., 1946a meziana n. sp., Chiapas, S M I T H , L . B„ 1935 mooreana n. sp., S M I T H , L. B., 1954 tehuacaiui, description, P U R P U S , J. A., 1911c texensis, in Tamaulipas, D O U G L A S , A., 1956 tillandsioides, systematics, S M I T H , L. B., 1951 Neumannia imbricata n. sp., B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1841 Nidttlarium, systematics, K O C H , K., 1859a Pitcairnia, Mexico, n. spp., S M I T H , L. B „ 1936 n. spp., S M I T H , L. B., 1937 Ehrenberg collection, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F „ L., 1843a Guerrero, S M I T H , L. B., 1946a synopsis, B A K E R , T. G., 1881a densifiora n. sp., B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1844 elata n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F „ 1849 funkiana, D I E T R I C H , A., 1851a jaliscana, description, W A T S O N , S., 1888a karwinskiana (karwinskyana), D I E T R I C H , A., 1847 lymanii n. sp., Chiapas, M A T U D A , E., 1952 matudae n. sp., Chiapas, S M I T H , L. B „ 1953-1962 micheliana n. sp., Langlasse collection, Michoacan, A N D R E , E „ 1901a

modesta n. sp., Guerrero, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 montalbensis (for montalbansis) n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1851 mooreana n. sp., S M I T H , L . B., 1954 palmeri var. longebracteata var. nov., S M I T H , L. B., 1960a punicea n. sp., H A S S K A R L , J. K., 1856; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F „ 1842 violacea, description, J A C Q U E S , ?, 1847 Pseudananas, distinct from Ananas, S M I T H , L. B., 1939 Ruckia ellemeetiana, description, A N O N . , 1863a Tillandsia (see Mexico, travels to collect) on Citrus, G A N D A R A , G„ 1910a culture, D I G U E T , L „ 1908 Mexican species, illustrations, M A T U D A , E., 1956-1959 Mexico, n. spp., S M I T H , L. B., 1936 myrmecophilous plant, R O S S , H . , 1909 n. spp., MEZ, C„ 1903, 1916, 1919; S M I T H , L. B „ 1937 as a "parasite," S O L O R Z A N O y P L I E G O , J., 1948 argentea, range extension into Mexico, S M I T H , L. B., 1931 atroviridipetala n. sp., Morelos and Mexico (state), M A T U D A , E., 1957c capitata var. guzmanioides n. var., S M I T H , L. B „ 1939a caput-medusae n. sp., M O R R E N , E., 1880a carlsoniae n. sp., Chiapas, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 cinerea, synonymy, S M I T H , L. B., 1932 concolor n. sp., Guerrero, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 dasyliriifolia, near San Jose P u r u a , P A D I L L A , V., 1954 dressleri, S M I T H , L. B „ 1953-1962 n. sp., Sinaloa, see above dugesii, description, F E R N A L D , M. L „ 1897 exserta, synonymy, S M I T H , L. B., 1932 ferrisiana, from Sinaloa and B a j a California, S M I T H , L. B., 1960 ghiesbreghtii n. sp., Veracruz, S M I T H , L. B., 1930 intumescens n. sp., Mexico, state, S M I T H , L. B „ 1953-1962 kirchofflana n. sp., W I T T M A C K , L „ 1889 kunthiana. not Mexican, GAUDICHAUD-BEAUPRE, C., 1851 langlasseana, synonymy, S M I T H , L. B., 1930 lepidosepala n. sp., Hidalgo and Puebla, S M I T H , L. B „ 1935 macdougallii n. sp., S M I T H , L . B. f 1949 matudai n. sp., S M I T H , L. B., 1949 oaxacana n. sp., see above prodigiosa, Chiapas, F O S T E R , M . B. and R. S., 1954 (ornamental) ; H O R I C H , C. K., 1956 pueblensis n. sp., S M I T H , L. B „ 1934 v a r . glabrior n. var. Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B „ 1953-1962 schuechii, D I E T R I C H , A., 1846a socialis, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 streptophylla, Galeotti collections, S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F.. 1838a usneoides, in Chapultepec, V A R I O U S , 1931 considered parasitic, A L C O C E R , G. V., 1886-1887 on Taxodium, G A N D A R A , G., 1931a variegata, brief description, W I T T M A C K , L „ 1885b virginalis n. sp., M O R R E N , E., 1880b vitellina n. sp., K L O T Z S C H , T. F., 1841a Tillandsieae, synopsis, B A K E R , J . G., 1887, 1888 (and n. spp.); S M I T H , L. B., 1930, 1935, 1951 Pseudocatopsis sect., S M I T H , L. B., 1930 Vriesea, replaces Vriesia, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 Vriesia (see also above) billbergiae, Ghiesbreght collection, L E M A I R E , C„ 1869b chiapensis n. sp., M A T U D A , E., 1952 heliconioides, illustration, M A T U D A , E., 1956-1959 ovandensis n. sp., Chiapas, M A T U D A , E „ 1957d

prodigiosa, ornamental, L E M A I R E , C., 1869b vanhyningii n. sp., Oaxaca, S M I T H , L. B., 1953-1962 bromeliads, see Bromeliaceae Bromeliales, fiber sources, P E R R I N E , H., 1838a bromo, see Bromus Bromopsis sect., see Bromus Bromus, see Gramineae Brongniartia, see Leguminosae Bronnia, see Fouquieriaceae broom root, see Epicampes macroura broom snakeweed, see Gutierrezia sarothrae Brosim-um, see Moraceae Brotera, see Sterculiaceae brucine, see Loganiaceae Brugmansia sect., see Datura Brunella, see Labiatae brushes, see plants, for brushes Bruxelles, Jardin Botanique, plants cultivated in, G E N T I L , L. T . A. F „ 1907 Brya, see Leguminosae Bryant, Walter E., collections in B a j a California, B R A N D E G E E , K., 1888 Bryophyllum, see Crassulaceae Buceragenia, see Acanthaceae Buchloe, see Gramineae Buchnera, see Scrophulariaceae Buchnereae, see Scrophulariaceae Bucida, see Combretaceae Buckley, S. B., see Cyperaceae, collected by Buddleia, see Loganiaceae Buddleiaceae, see Ligustrales, systematics Buena Ventura, Cascafel, see Veracruz (near Sanborn) Buettneriaceae, systematics, E D L I N , H . L., 1935 B u f a , La, see La B u f a Buffalo, P a n American Exposition McDowell, Alberto, exhibits by, A N O N . , 1901gg Mexican exhibits, see above Bulbophyllum, see Orchidaceae Bulbostylis, see Compositae bulbs, or bulbous plants, see Mexico, plants, bulbous Bullock, William, collections, see Cactaceae Bulnesia, see Zygophyllaceae Bumelia, see Sapotaceae Bunchosia, see Malpighiaceae buniato, see Ipomoea batatas Burmanniaceae Chiapas, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1953b distribution, F E R N A L D , M. L „ 1931 Mexico, range extensions, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1941-1943 monograph, J O N K E R , S. P., 1938 Burragea, see Onagraceae burro weed, see Haplopappus tenuisectus Bursa, see Capsella Bursera, see Burseraceae Burseraceae (see also Terebinthaceae) biology and distribution, G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1908 copal source, U R B I N A , M., 1890 of economic importance, G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1909 Mexico, monograph, M A R C H A N D , L „ 1867-1868; U R B I N A , M „ 1890 relationships and systematics, E N G L E R , A., 1874 systematics (see also above), E N G L E R , A., 1881, 1883a; G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1909a (based on morphology) ; W E B B E R , I . E., 1936 (based on wood anatomy) wood anatomy (see also above), W E B B E R , I. E „ 1941 Bursera (see also cuajiotal) "chacah," popular account, F L O R E S , R. S., 1937 chemical analysis, M O R T E R A L L A N O , C., 1925; T O R R E S T O R I J A , M., 1921 ( ? ) culture, D I G U E T , L „ 1908 economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 in Guerrero, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 host to Dipodophyllum digueti, q.v. linaloe source, F E R N A N D E Z , R., J., 1940 medicinal plant, A R M E N D A R I S , E „ 1895 Mexican species, B U L L O C K , A. A., 1936 new species, R A M I R E Z , J., 1898a, 1904; T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1863; V A R I O U S , 19361958 (Hinton collections) "palo mulato," general information, A N O N . , 1788-1789a resins of, G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1909 transferred to Terebinthus, R O S E , J . N. 1906g United States, southeastern, genera, B R I Z I C K Y , G. K „ 1952b


West Indies, in, B I R O N , C., 1703 wood anatomy, M O E L L E R , J., 1879, 1897 aloexylon, medicinal plant, ALTAM I R A N O , F., 1904a, 1905e concinna n. sp., Sinaloa and Sonora, V A R I O U S , 1894-1933 delpechiana, introduction into India, B U R T O N , R. W „ 1954 medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1905e new species, P O I S S O N , J., 1884 oil, essential, in, L O P E Z C A R D E N A S , C., 1937a resin source, U R B I N A , M., 1890 diversifolia n. sp., Chiapas, R O S E , J. N „ 1897d glabrifolia, for linaloe oil, DOELKER SEIFERLING, J., 1949 graveolens, medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1905e _ gummifera, source of goma archipin, R I O DE LA LOZA, L „ 1870 hindsiana, distinguished from Terebinthus macdougalii, ROSE, J . R., 1906g jorullensis, pharmaceutical study, V I A L E , O., 1892 longicuspis n. sp., Chiapas, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1961c microphylla, "elephant tree," B L A K L E Y , E. L., 1952 in California, C U R T I , G. P., 1956; D A W S O N , E. Y„ 1945 distribution, in the U . S., E G B E R T , J., 1957 in the Vizcaino Desert, J A E G E R , E. C., 1956c odorata, "elephant tree," B L A K L E Y , E. R., 1952 ve jar-vazquezii n. sp., Puebla, M I R A N D A , F., 1942b Elaphrium, culture, A N O N . , 1866h "elephant tree," description, P E R K I N S , C. S„ 1938 industrial uses, S E G U R A J A I M E S , J., 1941 linaloe source, F E R N A N D E Z , R., J., 1940 medicinal plant, A R I A S DE B E N A V I D E S , P., 1567; C O L L I N S , J., 1869; GARCIA, C., 1888 Terebinthaceae, assigned to, GARCIA, C., 1888 "torote," in Baja California, E I S E N , G., 1900 transferred to Terebinthus, R O S E , J. N., 1906g aloexylon, chemical study, M E N A , R „ 1905; V A S C O N C E L O S A L D A N A , M., 1939 (oil) uses, A N O N . , 1940c elemiferum, gum and resin source, A L E X A N D E R , A. E „ 1936 jorullensis, general information, H E R R E R A , A., 1895a macdougallii, in the Vizcaino Desert, J A E G E R , E. C., 1956c tomentosum, medicinal plant, L E P P M A N , A., 1849 Idea, linaloe source, F E R N A N D E Z , R., J., 1940 n. species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N „ 1858-1859 Protium, microscopic characters, D I X O N , H . H „ 1918 Bustamante, see Nuevo Leon Bustamante y Septiem, Miguel bio-bibliography, M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M., 1940 biography, A R R O N I Z , M „ 1857; I B A R R A C A B R E R A , S„ 1936a; SOSA, F., 1884a, 1885c; A N O N . , 1845a Bustamante y Septien, Benigno, biography, R O M E R O , Dr. et al, 1859 Butomaceae catalogue, B U C H E N A U , F., 1869 systematics, B U C H E N A U , F., 1882; P I C H O N , M „ 1946a butter, see plants, " b u t t e r " sources Buttneria, see Sterculiaceae button cactus, see Epithelantha micromeris buttonwood, see Conocarpus erecta Buttonwood Mission, exploration for tannin sources, G O O C H , W . L, et al, 1944, 1945 Buxaceae, distribution, P A X , F., 1927 Buxus, substitute for engraving blocks of, see Tabebuia pentaphylla tricera, placed in the Euphorbiaceae, L O P E Z , M., 1891 Sarcococca, new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M „ 1939-1943 Simmondsia agricultural thesis, Z A C A T E C A S A R R O Y O , A., 1943 cacao substitute, proposed as, M A N C I L L A , F. M., 1942 culture, GAJON S A N C H E Z , C., 1944

INDEX Buxaceae—continued in desert areas, S A U N D E R S , C. F., 1930 general information, A G U I R R E B E N A V I D E S , G„ 1950; D I G U E T , L., 1895a host for "axe," T E R A N , P., 1825 monograph, M I R O V , N. T., 1952 n. gen ( californica), N U T T A L L , T., 1844 oil source, D O U G L A S , M „ 1947; M A R K W O O D , N. L., 1942; A N O N . , 1937h uses, E S C O B A R , R., 1923, 1935 wax source, A N O N . , 1943k _ californica, in B a j a California, ANON., 1949 dioecious, G I B S O N , F., 1938 economic importance, R 1 Q U E L M E I N D A , J., 1944 oil, effect on tubercle bacilli, T O B I A S , T. W . et al, 19471949 seeds, analysis, R O B L E S B A S U R T O , C., 1940 wax, composition, G R E E N E , R. A. and F O S T E R , E. O., 1933 chinensis, monograph, G E N T R Y , II. S., 1958 survey article, D A U G H E R T Y , P. M. et al, 1953a uses, L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1945a pabulosa n. sp., Cedros Island, K E L L O G G , A., 1859 Buxus, see Buxaceae Bymesia, see Crassulaceae Byrsonima. see Malpighiaceae _ Byttneriaceae. genera, descriptions, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1861-1862 Theobroma, see Sterculiaceae Caballero, Juan, correspondence, V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805 cabalonga de Tabasco, see Strychnos triplinervia cabeza de Neero, see Nymphaea Cabiche, see Yucatan Cabo Negro, see B a j a California Cabo Rojo. see Veracruz Cabomba, see Nymphaeaceae cacahoanantzin. see IJcania arborea Cacahuamilpa (and Cavernas de), see Morelos cacahuananche. see Gliricidia sepium; Licania arborea cacahuate. see Arachis; also etymology, chocolate cacahuet, see Theobroma cacahuite, see A rachis (cacahuate) Cacalac, see Yucatan Cacalchen, see Yucatan Cacalia. see Compositae cacalosucbil, see Plumeria cacaloxochitl. see Plumeria Cacanche, see Yucatan cacaouete, see Theobroma cacao volador, see Virola guatemalenyis cacaoyer, see Theobroma Cacara. see Leguminosae Cactatepeque, see Zacatepec (Zacatepeque) cacavi, see cassavi cacaxclapa, see Ipomoea( ?) Cachula, see Quechula (Puebla) cacomite, see Carina editlis (?) '; Nemastvlis, Tigridia dugesii; T. pavonia Cactaceae (see also B a j a California— collecting in—Hamilton's Ranch, expedition to—travels in. for cactus collecting; Cactoideae; ethnobotany, Cactaceae, and as used in pre-Hispanic times; etymology, place names derived from cacti; Hidalgo, cactus collecting in; Mexico, travel accounts, collecting cacti; Mexico, northern, as above; Mexico, plateau, arid regions; Oaxaca, travels, cactus collecting ; plants, parasitic on Cactaceae; plants, succulent, new taxa, catalogue; Ritter, Friedrich, travels in B a j a California; Sonora, travel accounts, collecting cacti) alkaloid contents, H E Y L , G., 1901; L I L L E , J. DE. 1937; S C H U M A N N . K „ 1903; S O D I P A L L A R E S , E., 1960 America, general information, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1948a pre-Hispanic, used in, see ethnobotany systematics, A L E X A N D E R , E . J., 1941a travels, for collecting, BACKEBERG, 1930 anatomy, P O I N D E X T E R , J., 1951; S C H L E I D E N , M. J., 1839a anti-biotics, sources of, M c C L E A R Y , J . A. and W A L K I N G T O N , D. L., 1962 areoles, L E I N F E L L N E R , W „ 1937 Arizona, illustrations, P R O C T O R , R. C„ 1949

common names (see also B a j a California, Cape Region, Cactaceae, catalogue), M A R S H A L L , W . T. and H A S E L T O N , S., 1943 conservation of, in Mexico, A N C O N A H . , L., 1932 Coulter collections, new taxa, C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1834 crested forms, see Cactaceae, B a j a California, travel account; Cactaceae, teratology; Mexico, northern, travels for; teratology cultivated, guide to, C U T A K , L., 1956 monograph, G R I F F I T H S , D. and T H O M P S O N , C. H „ 1929 species, G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1933; 1946 (monograph) for cultivation, P U R P U S , J. A., 1924; P O I S S O N , J., 1876; S C H N E I D E R , C. K„ 1929 culture, B L A N C , A. and Co., 1888; BORG, ]., 1937; F A B E , F. (n. d . ) ; NAGY, L. VON, 1885; O R C U T T , C. R., 1906; P A L M E R , F. T „ 1867; R E H N E L T , F „ 1911; R O E D E R , W . VON, 1925; R O T H E R , W. O., 1902; S H R E V E , F., 1931c descriptions, D A L E C H A M P S , J., 1586-1587; O R C U T T , C. R., 1915a; R O E Z L , B„ 1923 in the desert, popular account, C L U T E , W . N., 1914 Diguet collections, C O N S T A N T I N , T-, 1912 distribution, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1942a, 1944, 1949d; B U X B A U M , F., 1935; D O N A L D S O N , A. G., 1954; S C H O U W , J. F „ 1853; S M I T H , A., 1933; ZUCCAR I N I , J . G., (1829) 18321846 altitudinal, M U E L L E R , K., 1855 America, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1944 based on soil conditions, C A N N O N , W . A., 1916 by systematic groups, S C H U M A N N , K., 1899b Durango, distribution, P A T O N I , C., 1907-1909 ecology, D O N A L D S O N , A. G., 1954 of economic importance, B O I S , D., 1888; D E S F O N T A I N E S , R. L., 1817; D I G U E T , L „ 1906, 1928; D U R A N D , J . B., 1940; F O U R N I E R , P., 1935; G U I L L A U M I N , A., 1927; R A M I R E Z , J., 1900b; R U S B Y . H . H., 1911c; W E B E R , F. A. C., 1896; A N O N . , 1932b edible, S., P. L „ 1884 enumeration, by genera, W A L T O N , F. A . , 1898 epiphytes, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1934a; in the Chontal region,

systematics, B E N S O N , L., 1940b (and morphology), 1944; S T O C K W E L L , W . P. and B R E A Z E A L E , L., 1933 axin host, R O D R I G U E Z R I V E R A , R. (n. d.) ; see also cochineal B a j a California, in, B R A N D E G E E , K., 1897; D I G U E T , L. and P O I S S O N , J., 1896; G A T E S , H . E „ 1931b; M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1933; S T E R N E , C., 1896; T U R N E R , G., 1937, 1938 Bahia Magdalena, B A X T E R , E., 1930b Cape Region, B A X T E R , E., 1930 (common names); B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1891a collecting in, L E E S E , O., 1961; P U R P U S , C. A., 1899 distribution, catalogue, G A T E S , H. E., 1957a Distrito del Sur, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1933a enumeration, W A L T O N , F. A., 1899b Gates, H . E., collections, G A T E S , H . E., 1930c Puerto Escondido, D A W S O N , E. Y„ 1949 P u r p u s collections, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898e southern, B A X T E R , E., 1930a species, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1894 travel account, collecting trip, B A X T E R , E., 1930b (to Bahia Magdalena); D A W S O N , E. Y„ 1936; G R A H A M , D „ 1962 (for crested cacti) ; L I N D S A Y , G„ 1939a; M I L L S , L. A., 1958, 1959; T E G E L BERG, G. H „ 1939 Barranca de Venados, collecting in, L E E S E , O., 1961 barrel cactus, illustration, L E H M A N , W . F., 1942 water storage in, A D M I R A L , D., 1938 Berlin, Botanischer Garten, in, O T T O , F., 1833f; S C H U M A N N , K „ 1895c; W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1931a (new t a x a ) ; A N O N . , 1829 beverage source, colonche, see Opuntia strcptacantha bibliography, see bibliographic works, biology, G A N O N G , W . F., 1894a bisnaga, varieties, J A N S E , J. A., 1947 for Bright's disease, S E S S I O N S , K. O., 1932 Bullock collections, H A W O R T H , A. H . , 1824 cactus areas, orchids in, see Orchidaceae cactus, giant, see Cactaceae, in Jamiltepec cactus, spineless, reports of, N I E U W L A N D , J. A., 1909 California, monograph, B A X T E R , E. M., 1931-1934 candy source, see Cactus oaxacensis cardon organo, not identified, medicinal plant, for cancer, A N O N . , 17841785j catalogue, N E A L E , W . T., 1935; O R C U T T , C. R., 1906-1926; P F E I F F E R , L., 1837c common names, German and scientific, R O E D E R , W. VON, 1934 forbidden to export, A N O N . , 1934(1) new taxa, in Schumann s work, V A U P E L , F., 1913 cephalium forming, K N U T H K N U T H E N B O R G , F. M., 1937 characters, general, M A N N I N G , J., 1930-1931 chemistry, E W E L L , E. E., 1896 Chiapas, species, catalogue,

M A C D O U G A L L . T., 1946b distribution, S C H U M A N N , K.,

M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1959b

Chihuahua, see Chihuahua, travel account, cactus collecting chromosome counts, B E A R D , E . C., 1937; K A T A G I R I , S., 1953 (and polypoidy); STOCKW E L L , W. P., 1935 classification, see systematics climbing forms, T R E W , C. J., 1752 cochineal, host to, see cochineal in Colima, see Cactaceae, pitaya forests collecting trips, see under specific localities; also travels for collecting collections (see also by localities) Dawson, E. Y., D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1936 Gold, Dudley B., B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1950a in Colorado, guide to, B O I S S E V A I N , C. H. and D A V I D S O N , C., 1940 commentaries, T U R P I N , P. J . F., 1833


1899c Eschanzier, Louis, collections, C O U L T E R , J . M „ 1894a evolution (see also phylogeny) C O U L T E R , J. M., 1894; M c M U L L E N , J. F., 1899 experiences, while collecting, N I C K E L S , A. B„ 1895 fasciation in, H U M M E L , E. C., 1935 flowering, descriptions of, P F E I F F E R , L., 1843-1850 flowering periods, L L O Y D , F. E., 1907 flowers, anatomy and physiology, M A T H A E . A., 1936 development, H U B E R , J. A., 1937a morphology, B U X B A U M , F., 1938 noted for, C A R L S O N , R., 1954 phosphorescent, O C H O T E R E N A . I., 1915 fluorescent, B L A N C O M A T A S , A. and B L A N C O , O. S., 1958 food source, P E R R O T , E., 1911; S O U L A I R E , J., 1946; W E 1 N E R , H. A., 1934 as forage plants, G R I F F I T H S , D., 1905; L I N D S A Y , G., 1952a; P E R R O T , E., 1911 See also Cactaceae, spineless fruits, K R A I N Z , II., 1939 morphology, E N G E L M A N N , G„ 1861 use by Indians, T H A C K E R Y , F. A. and L E D I N G , A. R., 1929 Galeotti collections, new species, S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F „ 1841 genera, catalogue, K R O O K , J . J., 1855, key, V E R B E E K W O L T H U Y S . J . J., 1924 general information, A N D R E A E , W . , 1950; A L L N U T T , H . , 1877; A R M E R , L. A., 1934; B A I L E Y , L. H . , 1890a; C A S T L E , L., 1884; H A L D Y . B „ 1909; H O S S E U S , C. C., 1926; O C H O T E R E N A , I.,

1933-1934; O R C U T T , C. R „ 1887, 1888; R I V E R A M O R A L E S , I., 1945; S C H L E I D E N , M. J., 1847a, 1848; S M A L L , J. K „ 1927a; SORGE, S. M., 1957 giant species, conservation of, R U I Z M A R T I N E Z , I., 1938 grafting, in various species, S C H A U E R , C., 1833 Gray Herbarium, at the, O R C U T T , C. R., 1898 growth, requisites for, R I C H T E R , F., 1930 Guaymas, islands near, collecting in, L E E S E , O., 1961 Guerrero Canon del Zopilote, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1941 (new taxa) ; B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1932b collecting in, BACKEBERG, C., 1951 new taxa (see also Canon del Zopilote, above) B A C K E B E R G , C., 1942; D A W S O N , E. Y., 1948 travels, for collecting (see also collecting, above), S C H W A R Z , F.1950 habitat, B O Y L E S , J. S„ 1942 (photos, in Mexico); DOUGLAS, A., 1956 Hamilton Ranch, expedition to, R E I D , G., 1942 handbook, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1958; BORG, J., 1937; D A U L , A., 1890; F O R S T E R , C. F., 1846; H A A G E , F. A., J r . (1892) (for gardeners); H O U G H T O N , A. D., 1930a hardy, C O R R E V O N , H „ 1930; L A N E , B. H „ 1914; M A S T R A N G E L , W „ 1953c H a r v a r d University, Botanical Garden, O R C U T T , C. R „ 1898 Hernandez, mentioned by, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1934 Hidalgo, travels in, for collecting, G E N I N , A., 1908-1910 history, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1942a in the Hortus Botanicus Monacensis, Z U C C A R I N I , J. G. (1829) 1832-1846 in Hortus Dyckensis, SALM-DYCK, J., 1822, 1845, 1849, 1850, 1855 in Hortus Monvillianus, L E M A I R E , C. A., 1838, 1839, 1840-1841 hosts, for epiphytes and parasites, H A R M S , H „ 1921 illustrations, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1950-1954, 1956b; H E E S E , E „ 1911; L E M A I R E , C„ (18411847); S C H U M A N N , K. M. et al, 1900-1921; W E R D E R M A N N , E„ 1930-1933 insects, relationships to, see Cactaceae cochineal; Opuntia, nopal; pollination; Seri region Jalisco, new taxa, D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1948 Jamiltepec, giant cactus in, B E V A N , B., 1934 La Quinta, grown at, C U T A K , L., 1949 largest (see also Pachycereus pringlei) M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1939 leaf-bearing, B A I L E Y , I. W . , 19601961, 1962; S R I V A S T A N A , L. M. and B A I L E Y , I. W., 1962 as leather source, W R I G H T , F. C., 1908 longevity of, S H R E V E , F., 1935 for magic purposes, see ethnobotany manual of, P E T E R S E N , E., 1927 Matehuala, travels for collecting, M A T U D A , E. and GOLD, D. B., 1956e medical thesis, P A E Z , R., 1888 medicinal, D E C R O I X , E., 1897; J A C Q U E T , R., 1934; L E W I N , L., 1888; S O U L A I R E , J., 1948 monograph, H O B S C H E T T E , A., 1929 Mexica Indians, used by, see ethnobotany, Mexica Indians Mexican species, in Chile, C A S T I L L O , L., 1909 in Mexico, S M I T H , F. C., 1930; V A U P E L , F., 1909; A N O N . , 1912-1913 associated plants, K A R S T E N , G. and S T A H L , E., 1904b central, S A F F O R D , W. E., 19081909 collecting in, R I C H T E R , L „ 1926, 1927 distribution in, Z A V A L E T A R U I Z , D., 1945b by soils, in upper altitudes, R U P R E C H T , G., 1929 enumeration, B A L M E , J . and Co. (n. d . ) ; F R I C , A. V., 1923e

INDEX Cactaceae—continued general information, O C H O T E R E N A , I. and G U T I E R R E Z , A. D., 1918a highway, Laredo to Cd. Victoria, S A N C H E Z MEJORADA, H., 1956 Meztitlan to Pachuca, SANCHEZ MEJORADA, H. and C H A V E Z A R I A S . C„ 1953, 1955 history, E H R E N B E R G , K. A.. 1847; S C H M O L L , C., 1941 Mexico Citv to Oaxaca, D A W S O N , E. Y., 1947 monograph, B R A V O H O L L I S . H „ 1937b; O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1922-1923; S C H I L L E R , E „ 1886

morphology, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1911 native to, A R M S T R O N G , W . C„ 1937 northeast, S A F F O R D , W . E., 1908-1909 northern, L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1891, 1893 northwest, D A W S O N , E. Y., 1947 travels, for collecting, CRAIG, R. T., 1946 Paris Exposition, at the, A N O N . , 1889e popular account, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1932c, 1935, 1941; T A B L A D A , T. J., 1938; Z A V A L E T A R U I Z , D „ 1945a pre-Hispanic, see ethnobotany species, miscellaneous. C A R D O N A P E N A , A., 1951 systematics, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1911 travels in, for collecting, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1939c; B O K E , N. H., 1962; C A S T E L L A , M. T., 1958, 1959, 1959a, 1960, 1960a; CRAIG. R. T., 1947; E A R L E , W . H „ 1958a; GAY, E. and B., 1960-1961, 1961; L I N D S A Y , G., 1940; M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1944, 1955f ; M A T H S S O N , A., 1890; M C D O W E L L , J . A., 1894, 1894a, 1895-1896; S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1936a; T A Y L O R , R. J . and S „ 1958; V A U P E L , F „ 1902; V I E R E C K , H . W . , 1934; W A T S O N , F. A., 1899e, 18991900 Universal Exposition, at, M A U R Y , P., 1889 uses, D A U T H E N A Y , H „ 1897; M U S S E T , R., 1930 Valle de, GOLD, D. B „ 1952, 1956 W o b u m Abbey, cultivated in, F O R B E S , J., 1837 migration, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1932 mimicry, protective, in, C O N Z A T T I , C., 1925 on mine waste, in Cananea, M E Y R A N , J „ 1959 Mixteca Alta, illustrations, B R A V O H O L L I S . H.. 1950-1954 monograph. B A C K E B E R G , C., 1935; B E R G E R , A.. 1929; B R I T T O N , N. L. and R O S E , J. N., 1919-1923; E K L U N D , G. M „ 1935; G R E E N , G. G., 1953; J A C Q U E T , I«., 1934; K N A U E R , F „ 1907; K N U T H K N U T H E N B O R G . F. M „ 1928, 1930, 1931a; K R A I N Z , H., 1956, in progress; K U P P E R . W., 1928; L A B O U R E T , J.. 1858; L E M A I R E , C„ 1868; M A R S H A L L , W . T. and BOCK. T. M., 1941; M A S S O N . L., 1890; S C H E L L E , E „ 1926; S C H U M A N N , K. M „ 18971899; T H O R N B E R , J . J. and B O N K E R , F., 1932; V A N L A R E N , A. J., 1935 morphology, B U X B A U M , F., 19361938; C R O I Z A T , L„ 1943; G A N O N G , W . F „ 1894a; S C H O U W , J. F „ 1853; S O U L A I R E , J., 1946-1949 affected by environment, G R A V I S , A., 1935 cephalium, C R O I Z A T , L., 1942a comparative, Z U C C A R I N I , J . G„ 1837 embryos and seedlings, G A N O N G , W . F „ 1894 f r u i t , B U X B A U M , F., 1941 gynoeceum, B U X B A U M , F., 1944 seedlings, D E F R A I N E , E., 1910; M E Y R A N , J., 1956 spines, O. S. S., 1895 mucilage producing, T R E C U L , A., 1866-1867 names in Britton and Rose's work, compared with those in Pfeiffer and Otto, S T E A R N , W . T „ 1939

Nayarit, new taxa, D A W S O N , E. Y., 1948 nectaries, extra-floral, L L O Y D , F. E., 1908a new taxa (see also Cactaceae, Berlin, Botanischer Garten; Coulter collections; Guerrero; N a y a r i t ; Oaxaca; Puebla; Real del Monte ; San Luis Potosi ; Tamaulipas) B A C K E B E R G , C., 1931a, 1942b, 1950; B E R G , A., 1840; E H R E N B E R G , K „ 1848; F O E R S T E R , C. F „ 1847; F O R B E S , J., 1837; H I L D M A N N , H „ 1885; J A C O B I , G. A., 1856; M I Q U E L , F. A. W., 18381840; M U E H L E N P F O R D T , E., 1845, 1846; O T T O , F. and D I E T R I C H , A., 1838; P F E I F F E R , L., 1838; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F., 1838-1839 Coulter collections, C A N D O L L E . A. P., 1828 Ellemeet collections, M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1859 in St. Petersburg, Botanical Garden, R E G E L , E. A. and K L E I N , 1860 Schumann's work, catalogue, V A U P E L , F., 1913 nomenclature, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1937 (nopaleen) Echinocactus new species, M A R T I U S , K. F. P., 1832 Mammillaria, new species, see above Nuevo Leon, travels in, for collecting, G R O S S , P., 1941 between Saltillo and Monterrey, F L O R E S , R. E „ 1946 Oaxaca, D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1952a to Mexico City, D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1947 new taxa, D A W S O N , E. Y.. 1948 species, catalogue, MACDOUGALL, T., 1959b Valle de, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1931a organ cacti, DIAZ, E., 1948 origin, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1932; R O E D E R , W. VON, 1925 ornamental species, H A S T I N G S , G., 1890; R I V E R A M O R A L E S , I., 1943a; T H O M P S O N , C. H . , 1912 Palermo, Orto Botanico, catalogue of genera, R I C C O B O N O , V., 1909 parasites on, see plants, parasitic, on Cactaceae Pettigrew collection, Manchester, P E T T I G R E W , W . W., 1932 peyote, plants known as, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1926, 1933-1934 phytogeny, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1936; H U B E R , J . A., 1937 phytogeography, R E V E N U S S O , Dr., 1952 Phytolaccaceae, compared with, SCARAMELLA PETRI, P. et al, 1957 precursors in, B U X B A U M , F., 1949 pitaya forests, in Colima, E I N E S DEUTSCHEN KAUFMANNS, 1847 plants associated with, H O W E S , P. G., 1954 poisonous, L E W I N , L „ 1894; S C H U M A N N , K., 1895 (mainly Lophophora) ; A N O N . , 1895a pollen grains, characters, K U R T Z , E. B., 1948, 1949 pollination, adaptations for, P O R S C H , O., 1938-1939 popular account, B O C A Y U N A B U L C A O , F., 1955; B O N K E R , F. and T H O R N B E R , J . T., 1930; C U T A K , L., 1959a; G U E R R A , R. DE LA, 1897; H U N T I N G T O N , E „ 1912; K L A C K O W , G. and M E R Z E N I C H , T „ 1925; M A R I S C A L , M., 1937a, 1937b; V A S E Y , G., 1890; Y S U N Z A , R. G., 1935 pre-history of, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1942b,1947 Puebla, D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1948 (new t a x a ) , 1952a from, to Oaxaca, G R I F F I T H S , D.. 1911 travels in, for collecting, B A C K E B E R G , C„ 1951 Real del Monte, new taxa, MUEHLENPFORDT, E„ 1845, 1846 Rebut collection ( R E B U T , P . ) ? (n. d.) related plants (see also Cactaceae, Phytolaccaceae compared with) B R O W N , L. H., 1934; C O U L T E R , J. M „ 1894 Aizoaceae, B U X B A U M , F „ 1948


report on, early, A C O S T A , J., 1590 revision, C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1828 Rio Grande Valley, see Cactaceae, U. S. rock and mountain plants, C O R R E V O N , H., 1914 Roeder collection, catalogue, R O E D E R , W . VON, 1938 San Luis Potosi, new taxa, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1942; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F . . 1840 travels, for collecting in, B A C K E B E R G , C„ 1951 San Pedro Nolasco Island, L I N D S A Y , G. E., 1947a San Vicente, canon of, B A U M , H., 1934 sapogenins, steroid in, S O D I P A L L A R E S , E „ 1961 saponins in, H E Y L , G., 1901; S C H U M A N N . K., 1903 seed development, H U B E R , J . A., 1937b seedlings, see Cactaceae, morphology, embryos Seri region, and relationships to insects, M c G E E , W . J., 1896c in Sesse and Mocino collections, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1959a in Simon, Charles, collections, A N O N . , 19th cent. Sinaloa, enumeration, S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H „ 1961 with key, G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J., 1929-1934 travels in, for collecting, CRAIG, R. T., 1946 Sonora, C. T. D„ 1901; T U R N E R , G., 1937, 1938 Gold, Dudley B., collections, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1950a northern, illustration, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1950-1954 travels in, for collecting, CRAIG, R. T., 1937a, 1946; GOLD, D. B. and S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H „ 1956; L I N D S A Y , G., 1939 Yaqui River area, H O L D E R , C. F „ 1910 species, miscellaneous, B O Y E R , J., 1950-1957 spineless, C A S A R E S , D., 1907; S T E A R N S , E., 1912 (see also Opuntia, spineless) forage plant, B E A T Y , J O H N Y „ 1914 popular account, B U R B A N K , A., 1911 uses, B E A U R E G A R D , L., 1909 spines, modifications and variations, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898|(1) ; A N O N . , 1945a structure, see morphology and other succulent plants, F O U R N I E R , P., 1935 culture, B R O W N , W . , 1901 synopsis, B A C K E B E R G , C., 19341938; L E M A I R E , C., 18401841 systematics (see also Cactaceae, Mexico, systematics), B A C K E B E R G , C„ 1942, 1942a, 1949d, e, 1950-1952; B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1962; F O S B E R G , F. R., 1931; F R I C , A. V., 1923h; H U B E R , J . A., 1937; M A R S H A L L , W . T „ 1946, 1947; M c M U L L E N , J . F „ 1899; M I O U E L , F. A. W . , 1839; M O R A N , R. V., 1953a; P F E I F F E R , L., 1835, 1837, 1837b; R O E D E R , W . VON, 1936a; S A L M - D Y C K , J., 1836, 1840; S C H U M A N N , K „ 1897; V A U P E L , F „ 1922a, 1925-1926 anatomy, based on, P O I N D E X T E R , J., 1951 Centrospermae, assigned to the, SCARAMELLA PETRI, P. et al, 1957 flowers and seeds, based on, H U B E R , J. A., 1929 Ranales, position in the, M I T R A , J. N „ 1956 Salm-Dyck system, A N O N . , 1891e tall, see ethnobotany, Cactaceae, tall Tamaulipas, new taxa, D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1948 southwest, illustrations, B R A V O H O L L I S . H., 1950-1954 Tehuacan, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1930a, 193Id; GOLD, D. B. and M A T U D A , E „ 1956a; H O F F M A N N , C. C„ 1918 collecting in, L E E S E , O., 1961; P A R A Y , L., 1935 travels, for collecting, MACDOUGAL, D. T „ 1907a (to Oaxaca) ; M U N Z , P. A., 1931a temperature of, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1910 teratology, crested forms, G R A H A M , D., 1962;

L I N D S A Y , G. 1962 (in Baja California) Texas, Q U I L L I N , E. D. S. and R U N Y O N , R., 1930 Tiburón Island, B E T T E N C O U R T , H . L „ 1937 in the Topolobampo area, S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H „ 1958a travel accounts, collecting (see also Cactaceae, Mexico; Mexico, central (and various states), travels, for collecting), B A C K E B E R G , C., 1951; F R A N K , G „ 1957; F R I C , A. V., 1923c ( O a x a c a ) ; M I E G , C„ 1954 United States, O R C U T T , C. R., 18971902 described in the Pacific Railroad Reports, V A R I O U S , 1855-1860 native to, H I G G I N S , E. P. B., 1931 Rio Grande Valley, B R A U N T O N , E 1933 lower, R U N Y O N , R., 1936 southwest, C L A R K E , H . L „ 1893; W I S H E R D , E. L. et al, 1925 useful, C A S T E T T E R , E. F. and B E L L , W . H., 1937 synopsis, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1857 unusual forms, B L A N C , A., 1890 uses, O R C U T T , C. R., 1903; R U S S E L L , P. G„ 1917; W I L S O N , J. A. S., 1927 medicinal, see Cactaceae, medicinal Valencia, cultivated in, BOSCA, E., 1892 varieties, popular account, S E G U R A , G., 1942 Veracruz, enumeration, M A T H S S O N , A., 1891b vocabulary, used in the Americas, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1951 Werdermann collections, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1931a works, miscellaneous on, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1887 Wright Pearce collections, A N O N . , 1935i in Yucatan, C A S A R E S , D., 1907 in Zacatecas, northern, L L O Y D , F. E., 1908a Acanthocereus, nomenclature, C R O I Z A T , L., 1943b baxaniensis, at Ceibaplaya, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1957b maculatus, changed to Peniocereus, C U T A K , L., 1951a 'Ancistrocactus, systematics, B A C K E B E R G , C„ 1939 Anhalonium, see also Ariocarpus, similarity to Ariocarpus preferred over, S C H U M A N N , K., 1898c changed to Roseocactus, B E R G E R , A., 1925 systematics, C O U L T E R , J. M., 1894a areolosum n. sp., L E M A I R E , C., 1859 fissuratum, assigned to Ariocarpus, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 lewinii, see Lophophora prismaticum, assigned to Ariocarpus, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 williamsii, see Lophophora Aporocactus n. gen., L E M A I R E , C-, 1860a systematics, V A U P E L , F., 1925-1926 consattianum, on Cerro de San Felipe del Agua, MACDOUGALL, T „ 1962a fiagelliformis (see also Cactaceae, fluorescent), description, G L E D H I L L , R. J., 1954 Mexico, cultivated in, T E U S C H E R , H., 1953 Ariocarpus (see also Mexico, northern, expedition for) Anhalonium, similarity to, P U R P U S , T. A., 1914 distribution, A N D E R S O N , E . F „ 1958 name preferred over Anhalonium, S C H U M A N N , K., 1898c rare species, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898j revision, A N D E R S O N , E . F., 1961; M A R S H A L L , W . T „ 1946a segregate from Anhalcnium, T H O M P S O N , C. H „ 1898a species, catalogue, L E E , M. H., 1937 systematics, A N D E R S O N , E. F „ 1960-1962; L O W R Y , W . E., 1935 Ariocarpus subg., systematics, A N D E R S O N , E. F., 1960-1962 fissuratus, anatomy, B L O O M , E. V., 1960 description, P A T O N I , C„ 1912f; V O S S , A., 1930 systematics, A N D E R S O N , E. F „ 1960-1962; M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896

INDEX Cactaceae—continued kotschoubeyanus, or kotschubeyanus (see also Roseocactus), description, R., 1931 lewinii, see Lophophora Iloydii, changed to Roseocactus, BERGER, A., 1925 n. sp., Zacatecas, ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911; VAUPEL, F„ 1911a northern Mexico, DUURSMA, G. D„ 1928a retusus n. sp., S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J. F., 1838-1839 synonymy, MICHAELIS, P., 1896 systematics, ANDERSON, E. F.. 1960-1962 scapharostrus n. sp., Nuevo Leon, BOEDEKER, F., 1930c strobiliformis, flower, description, WERDERMANN, E„ 1928 new species, Tamaulipas, WERDERMANN, E., 1927 trigonus, in Coahuila, P U R P U S . J. A., 1913 description, SCHLANGE, K., 1934a similar to Agave victoriae-reginae, GUILLAUMIN, A., 1933 williamsii, see Lopkophora Astrophytum, compared with Frailea, BUXBAUM, F., 1951b distribution, VIERECK, H. W., 1939 observations, FRIC, A. V., 1926 species, BOMMELJE, C., 1938, 1951; FEARN, P., 1960; MOELLER, A. F „ 1930; ROST, E. C., 1925; SADOVSKY, O., 1943; WALTON, J. A., 1898j (rare) ; ANON., 1938a systematics, GILKEY, J. E., 1944 Wright Pearce collections, illustrations, ANON., 1935j asterias, description, HUEBNER, W „ 1932; VERBEEK WOLTHUYS, T. J., 1925 history, ROWLEY, G„ 1958a in the U. S., CLOVER, E. U„ 1932 variation in, GRAESER, R„ 1960 varieties, SADOVSKY, O., 1941 capricornis (see also Echinocactus capricornis niveus transferred to Ma.ieroca.ctus, q. v. coahuilensis, illustration, KANFER, K„ 1932 Euastrophytum n. subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 koahuilensis, see A. coahuilensis myriostigma, description, MASTRANGEL, W„ 1953b; ROST, E. C., 1930 distribution in Mexico, McCABE, H., 1929 general information, SPINES, 1894 ovule and seed development, ENGELMANN, E. M., 1960 type for new subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 varieties, MARSHALL, W. T., 1955g; MOELLER, A. F., 1930 coahuilensis, var. near Torreon, FLORES, R., 1946a travels for collecting, SCHWARZ, F„ 1948 potosinum ssp., KANFER, K., 1932 tulense ssp., see below Neoastrophytum n. subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 Aztekium n. gen., BOEDEKER, F., 1929a ritterii, description, ANON., 1943j general information, DUURSMA, G. D., 1953; WEINBERG, F „ 1933 in Nuevo Leon, HAAS, T. DE, 1940 Backebergia n. gen., Michoacan and Guerrero, BRAVO HOLLIS, H„ 1953a militaris, flowers of, BRAVO HOLLIS, H „ 1961c Bartschella, Baja California, GATES, H. E., 1930-1931 schumannii, general information, VAN OOSTEN, M. W. B„ 1940 taxonomy, N. H., 1956 Bergerocactus, expedition for, CUTAK, L„ 1947a emoryi(i) crested form, Todos Santos Island, LINDSAY, G., 1962 hybridized with Myrtillocactus cochal, see Myrtgerocactus lindsayi hybridized with Pachycereus pringlei, MORAN, R. V., 1962a illustration, GATES, H. E., 1930

Cacteae rotatae, systematics, (ARENDT?) 1891-1892a Cacteae tubulosae, systematics, see above Cactus, botanical study, OCAMPO, M., 1844a distribution and temperature, SHREVE, F., 1911 (.Mammillaria), see also Matnmillaria bergii morphology and relationships, MAXWELL, C. F., 1894 North America, revision, COULTER, J. M., 1894a species, notes on, KARWINSKI, B. VON, 1833 bergii, see Mammillaria bergii cochenillifer(a) synonymy, LYONS, A. B„ 1900 grandiflorus, for angina, PALAZUELOS, E „ 1900 cardiac remedy(?), SHARP, G., 1894a chemical analysis, SHARP, G., 1894, 1898 medicinal uses (see also for angina and cardiac remedy, above), BOERICKE, G. W., 1946; CON DE PERERA, J. D., 1925; LLOYD, C. G. and J. U„ 1903; WILLIAMS, P. W., 1891 pharmaceutical study, HOLMES, E. M., 1897 physiological effects, SAYRE, L. E., 1906 linkii, see Cereus linkii lutisfinus n. sp., H A W O R T H , A . H„ 1824 oaxacensis, for candy making, MACDOUGALL, T„ 1952a in Jalisco, DAWSON, E. Y„ 1954 ophioides, description, RIO DE LA L O Z A , L . , 1911 n. sp., G O M E Z , J . M . , 1858; R I O DE LA L O Z A , L „ 1844-

1845 (in the Mezquital) opuntia, uses, FEGUEUX, M., 1859 ottonis, see Cereus ottonis placentiformis, assigned to Discocactus lehmanni, P F E I F F E R , L . , 1839 senilis, history in Europe, COLLA, L 1838 n . sp'., H A W O R T H , A . H „ 1824

serpentinus, from Mexico,

L A G A S C A , M. and R O D R I G U E Z , J . , 1801

speciosus n. sp.. CAVAN1LLES, A. J., 1803 spiraeformis, see Mammillaria spiraeformis triangularis, see Cereus triangularis Carnegiea, growth rate, MARSHALL, W. T., 1955b gum sources, water soluble, MANTELL, C. L„ 1949 n. gen. (from Cereus), BRITTON, N. L. and ROSE, J. N., 1908 popular account, HUNTINGTON, Mrs. R. W., 1938 Eucarnegiea n. subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 gigantea, alkaloid content, HEYL, G., 1928 Arizona state flower, MARSHALL, W. T., 1955b bee visitors, McGREGOR, S. E. etal, 1959 chromosome numbers, STOCKWELL, W. P., 1935 distribution, SHREVE, F., 1931b flowering, and insolation, JOHNSON, D. S., 1924 fruit (see also "saguaro," below), tiswin source(?), GREENE, R . A . , 1936 use of, T H A C K E R Y , F. A. a n d L E D I N G , A . R . , 1929

general information, HARSHB E R G E R , J . W „ 1926;

MACOOUGAL, D. T., 1905a; S H O E M A K E R , L . , 1935

in Mexico, northwest, Papago region, MACDOUGAL, D. T., 1908a pollination (see also bee visitors, above), ALCORN, S. M. et al, 1961; McGREGOR, S. E„ et al, 1962 (agents); MORAN, R., 1962c "saguaro," EARLE, W. H., 1958; R. H. P., 1947 (fruit) in Sonora, C. T. D., 1901; LUMHOLTZ, K. S„ 1912 uses, aboriginal, see ethnobotany, Carnegiea Rooksbya n. subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 Cephalocereus, distribution, BACKEBERG, C. flower structure, and Pilocereus, BUXBAUM, F., 1957 general information, W E T H E R BEE, W., Jr.,1942 new species, DAWSON, E. Y„ 1948

nomenclature, LITTLE, E. L., Jr., 1944a in Oaxaca, DAWSON, E. Y„ 1952a in Puebla, see above systematics, BACKEBERG, C., 1937a, 1941c de laetii n. sp., GUERKE, M„ 1909a transferred to Echinocereus, GUERKE, M., 1909b euphorbioides, BRITTON, N. L. and ROSE, J. N„ 1931 illustration, ANON., 1945a range extension to Veracruz, VAIL, R., 1960 hoppenstedtii, see Haseltonia illustration, ANON., 1945a purpusii. search for, near Mazatlan, BAXTER, E. M., 1944 thesis, CORRAL ALCARAZ, J., 1935 sartorianus, in bloom, GIELSDORF, K„ 1909 illustration, MORITZ, E„ 1935 scoparius, compared with C. euphorbioides, VAIL, R., 1960 senilis, in Barranca de los Libros, CUTAK, L„ 1948d description, MASTRANGEL, W „ 1953 in Hidalgo and Guanajuato, FRICK, G. A., 1931 ;HERTRICH, W.. 1929 illustration, ANON., 1945a rediscovery of site (Cardonal), FRIC, A. V., 1933 Cereae, systematics, MANNING, J., 1930-1931 Cereoideae, phylogenetic division, BUXBAUM, F., 1958a Cereus (see also Cereae; shrubs, desert, water absorption) and allies, in America, North, BRITTON, N. L. and ROSE, J. N., 1909a monograph, ROSE, J. N„ 1909a characters, generic, TREW, C. J., 1733 climbing species, TREW, C. J., 1752 with colored hairs, spines, etc., BACKEBERG, C„ 1937b culture, LACANAL, 1861 (cierge) in Hortus Dickensis, SALM-DYCK, J., 1822 medicinal values, JACQUET, R., 1934 in Mexico, CARDONA P E N A, A., 1951 morphology, CHITTENDEN, F. J., 1898a; MAXWELL, C. F., 1894 new taxa, BRANDEGEE, K., 1900, 1904; BRITTON, N. L. and ROSE, J. N., 1909; MIQUEL, F. A. W „ 1838; ROLANDGOSSELIN, E., 1904, 1905, 1906a; SCHEIDWEILER, M. J. F., 1838-1839; WEBER, F. A. C„ 1904 Coulter collections, CANDOLLE, A P 1828 Purpus "collections, WEINGART, W., 1906 night-blooming (see also Cereus grandiflorus ; C. triangularis) SCHUMANN, K. M'., 1893 and allies, CUTAK, L., 1945 nomenclature, CROIZAT, L „ 1943b North America, species, COULTER, J. M„ 1896 ornamental species, FOBE, F., 1908 physiological effects, H E F F T E R , A., 1894, 1898 pollen grain characters, KURTZ, E. B., 1948 pollination in, S EUR AT, L. G., 1898a popular account, WALTON, F. A., 1898f relationships, MAXWELL, C. F.. 1894 revision, BERGER, A., 1905 species, miscellaneous, CONN, C., 1937; HERTRICH, W., 1949 systematics, MANNING, J., 1930-1931 "torch thistle," ANON., 1729 transpiration in CANNON, W. A., 1906 useful, BOIS, D., 1888 acanthosphaera n. sp., Veracruz, WEINGART, W., 1914 amecaensis, characters, SCHUMANN, K., 1897a n. sp., HEESE, E., 1897; ROTHER, W. O., 1896 auratus, not Mexican, LABOURET, J., 1855 baxaniensis, description, SCHUMANN, K., 1903a beneckei n. sp., EHRENBERG, K„ 1844 boeckmannii, in Veracruz, WEINGART, W„ 1913 brandcgei n. sp., Baja California, WALTON, F. A., 1898e

brevispinulus and C. grandiflorus. DIETRICH, A., 1834 chende n. sp., Tehuacan, ROLANDGOSSELIN, R., 1905 chichipe n. sp., Tehuacan, see above chiotilla, from Tomellin, UPHOF, J. C. T„ 1926 cochal, and C. geometrizans, WEINGART, W., 1922 n. sp., Baja California, ORCUTT, C. R., 1889; ZEISSOLD, H. 1895 cumengei n. sp., Baja California, WEBER, F. A. C., 1894 del moralii n. sp., Sierra de Mixteca, PURPUS, J. A., 1909g digueti, aromatic plant, BEAL, M., 1950c n. sp., Baja California, WEBER, F. A. C., 1894, 1898 ehrenberqii n. sp., PFEIFFER, L „ 184Ö eruca n. sp., Baja California, BRANDEGEE, T. S., 1891a; ZEISSOLD, H., 1895 euphorbioides, type for new subg., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 gemmatus, illustration, WALTON, F. A., 1899d geometrizans, description, VAUPEL, F., 1923a in Mexico, KARSTEN, G., 1897 and related species, WEINGART, W., 1922 giganteus (see also Carnegiea gigantea), CROUCHER, J., 1872 in California, ENGELMANN, G„ 1852,1854 changed to Carnegiea, CLUTE, W. N„ 1909 description, SARGENT, C. S„ 1894; ANON., 1884a discovery of, POISSON, J., 1876 food source, CARROLL, 1895 general information, ANDRE, E., 1872 in Mazatlan, VAUPEL, F., 1922 Pilocereus, transferred to, LEMAIRE, C., 1862a popular account, TOUMEY, J. W., 1897; FIELD, A. A., 1902 Purpus collection, DELAET, F., 1903 root system, CANNON, W. A., 1906 type for new subg., BACKEBERG, C„ 1950 uses, CARROLL, 1895a and water supply, SPALDING. E. S., 1905 gladiator, description, OTTO, F. and DIETRICH, A., 1838 grandiflorus (see also Cactus grandiflorus) characters, DIETRICH, A., 1834, 1834b description, FRIC, A. V., 1923, 1923d fruits. DIETRICH, A., 1848; KUNZE, R. E„ 1884 medicinal uses, WEGNER, I., 1930 night-blooming, SCHMUCKER, T., 1928 thesis, RENOULT, G., 1902 greggii, aromatic plant, BEAL, M., 1950c in Chihuahua, ENGELMANN, 1852 description, SCHUMANN, K., 1895a gummosus, alkaloid-containing species, SCHUMANN, K., 1903 in Baja California, PARRY, C. C., 1883a; ANON., 1950a luxmatus, description, VAUPEL, F., 1923b fruit, SCHUMANN, K., 1899 n. sp., P F E I F F E R , L„ 1837a linnaei n. sp., FOERSTER, C. F., 1861

linkii (Cactus) n. sp., LEHMANN, J. G. C., 1829-1832 longicaudatus and C. vagans, WEINGART, S., 1912a macracanthus n. sp., LINKE, A., 1857 maculatus n. sp., Guerrero, WEINGART, W., 1933 changed to Peniocereus, CUTAK, L., 1951a marginatum f. gibbosa, from Puebla, PURPUS, J. A., 1913d maritimus, in Ensenada, Baja California, JONES, M. E., 1883 martianus, from Zimapan, SCHUMANN, K„ 1899a mieckleyanus n. sp., WEINGART, W., 1931 militaris n. sp., AUDOT, 1845-1846 mixtecensis n. sp.. Sierra de Mixteca, PURPUS, J. A., 1909f

INDEX Cactaceae—continued munzii, synonymy, P I E R C E , W . M. and F O S B E R G , F. R., 1933 nelsonii n. sp., W E I N G A R T , W „ 1923 nycticallus (nycticalus), compared with C. grandiflorus, D I E T R I C H , A., 1834b flower and fruit, D I E T R I C H , A., 1848; K U N Z E , R. E „ 1884 ocamponis, compared with C. tricostatus, R O L A N D - G O S S E L I N , R „ 1907 orcuttii, in Rosario, ANON., 1903e ottonis (Cactus) n. sp., L E H M A N N , J. G. C„ 1829-1832 pecten-aboriginum, description, SARGÈNT, C. S., 1894 pectinatus, and related species, O R C U T T , C. R., 1891d phoenicius var. pacificus n. var., Baja California, O R C U T T , C. R., 1886b pottsii, see also C er eus greggii pringlei, in Baja California, B R A N D E G E E , T. S„ 1890 description, G U E R K E , M., 1908a; S A R G E N T , C. S., 1889 pseudosonorensis, compared with C. sonorensis, G U E R K E , M., 1910b pseudospinulosus n. sp., W E I N GART, W., 1931b pteranthus and C. grandiflorus, D I E T R I C H , A., 1934 puginiforus, see below pugioniferus, and C. geometrizans, W E I N G A R T , W., 1922 _ var. geometricans, illustration, W A L T O N , F. A., 1899d purpusii, flower, W E I N G A R T , W., 1912 flowering of, K E S S E L R I N G , W., 1936 n. sp., Tuxpan, W E I N G A R T , W., 1909 queretarocnsis n. sp., M A T H S S O N , A., 1891 culture, in Jalisco, D I G U E T , L „ 1916 sargentianus, Baja California, O R C U T T , C. R., 1891a; ANON, 1900 sartorianus, see Cephalocereus sartorianus schenckii n. sp., in the Sierra de Mixteca, P U R P U S , J. A., 1909e Schmölln n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F., 1931j ; W E I N G A R T , W., 1931a serpentinus, aromatic plant, BEAL, M., 1950c description, V E L A S C O , J . M., 1870 fruits, K U N Z E , R. E „ 1884 var. albicaulis, with phosphorescent flowers, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1915 similis n. sp., M E I N S H A U S E N , K., 1858 sonorensis, description, S C H U M A N N , K., 1901a n. sp., G U E R K E , M„ 1910b speciosissimus, culture, in Jalisco, D I G U E T , L., 1916 n. sp., D E S F O N T A I N E S , R. L „ 1817 white-blooming, see C. amecaensis spiwulosus, see C. pseudospinulosus stellatus n. sp., P F E I F F E R , L., 1836 striatus n. sp., Baja California, B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1891a superbus n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1846-1851; E H R E N B E R G , K., 1846 tehuacanus, observations, L I N D I N G E R , L., 1942 tetragonus. dimorphism in, LANZONI, F., 1930 in Parma, LANZONI, F., 1930 thurberi, description, S A R G E N T , C. S„ 1894 food source, S. P. L., 1884 general information, P U R P U S , J. A., 1907a Sonora, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1854 triangularis, compared with C. tricostatus, ROLANDG O S S E L I N , R„ 1907 description, G R A E B N E R , 1904; H E E S E , E., 1906 in Misantla, M U R I L L O , L., 1898 odor, narcotic, see above popular account, S H E P H E R D , T. B., 1895 var. brevis, description, T R E W , C. J., 1752 tricostatus, culture, in Jalisco, D I G U E T , L „ 1916 n. sp., Jalisco and Puebla, ROLAND-GOSSELIN, R., 1907 trigonus, compared with C, tricostatus, see above

vagans, and C.


W E I N G A R T , W „ 1912a in M a z a t l a n , V A U P E L , F „ 1912b

Chiapasia, in Mexico, MACDOUGALL, T., 1945a morphology, flower, B U X B A U M , F „ 1941a nelsonii,


E. C., 1946 Chilita (.Ebnerella), B U X B A U M , F „ 1951,1954 Cochemiea, BYLES, R. S., 1954-1957 distribution map, S N Y D E R , L. A., 1956 new species, Baja California, W A L T O N , F. A., 1899b species, catalogue, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1934-1935 descriptions, L I N D S A Y , G., 1959 halei, Baja California, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1937a; T U R N E R , G., 1939 maritima n. sp., Baja California, L I N D S A Y , G., 1937 poselqeri, cochineal host, F R I C K , G. A.. 1933 description, BORCH, C., 1955 illustration, ANON., 1945a setispina. Baja California, W E R D E R M A N N , E„ 1937a description, W E R D E R M A N N , E „ 1938 n. sp., Baja California, L I N D S A Y , G., 1936 Coryphantha. areole dimorphism, B O K E , N . H . , 1961a

compared with Thelocactus and Dolichothele,



1941 critical species, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931 Escobaria, united to, F O S B E R G , F. R„ 1931 new taxa, BACKEBERG, C„ 1942b; S C H W A R Z , F., 1949 Oklahoma, L A H M A N , M. S., 1934 related to Dolichothele, BOKE, H. N „ 1961 relationship to Toumeya, B O K E , N. H., 1957a alversonii, description, O L I N , G., 1942 asperispina n. sp., Coahuila B O E D E K E R . F „ 1929h bergeriana n. sp., Nuevo Leon, ' B O E D E K E R , F.. 1929c calcarata, description, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1932b densispina n. sp., W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1932 georgii n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931f longicornis n. sp., Durango, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931i muehlbaueriana n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1929, 1930 obscura n. sp., Nuevo Leon, B O E D E K E R , F . . 1930b

odorata n. sp., Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F., 1930h pseudo-echinus n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F „ 1929 pseudonickclsae n. sp., Durango, BACKEBERG, C., 1949 reduncuspina n. sp., Oaxaca, B O E D E K E R . F „ 1933b roederiana n. sp.. Coahuila, B O E D E K E R . F „ 1929e speciosa n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R . F.. 1930a unicornis n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1928 vaupeliana n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F., 1928 voqtherriana n. sp.. San Luis Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F., 1932 werdermannii, in Coahuila, SCHWARZ. F., 1952 n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F „ 1929, 1930 zilziana n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1930j Coryphanthae, svstematics, SEELBACH, C., 1934; (see also Mammillaria golziana) Coryphanthanae, systematics, M A R S H A L L , W., T., 1934-1935 Cryptocereus n. pen., Chiapas, A L E X A N D E R , E. T., 1950a Cullmannia n. gen., D I S T E F A N O , C., 1956 viperina n. sp., Puebla, see above Cylindropuntia, see Opuntia ramosissima Deamia testudo, description, P U R P U S , C A 1935 distribution, H O R I C H , C. K „ 1959 Discocactus n. gen., (lehmanni), P F E I F F E R , L., 1839 linkii, transferred from Melocactus, P F E I F F E R , L „ 1839 nelsoni, observations, L I N D I N G E R , L„ 1942 ramulosus, systematics, K I M N A C H , M., 1961

Dolichothele, compared with Thelocactus and Coryphantha, O E H M E , H., 1941 description, emended, BACKEBERG, C., 1950 related to Coryphantha, BOKE, N. H „ 1961 aylostera, see Mammillaria aylostera baumii and Ebnerella, B U X B A U M , F., 195 Id in Tamaulipas, K O E H L E R , U „ 1958b Ebnerella, and Chilita, B U X B A U M , F., 1951, 1954 n. gen., B U X B A U M , F., 1951c valid genus? BOKE, N. H., 1958 Echinocactanae, systematics, based on seeds, COLE, C. A., 1953 to tribes, M A N N I N G , J., 1930-1931 Echinocactineae, evolution of, B U X B A U M , F., 1951 phylogeny, see above; also 1951a Echinocactus, and Anhalonium, systematics, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 areoles, histogenesis, BOKE, N. H., 1957 in Baja California, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931a; P O I S S O N , J., 1899; W E B E R , F. A. C., 1898 barrel cactus, water in, CUTAK, L., 1943b, 1946a in Berlin, Botanischer Garten, L I N K , H . F. and OTTO, F „ 1827 beverage source, R U S B Y , H . H. f 1904 in California, southern, O R C U T T , C. R., 1890 catalogue, species, P U R P U S , J. A., 1925a description, O C A M P O . M . , 1844a development and growth, K A U F F MAN, N., 1859 general information, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898d medicinal values, J A C Q U E T , R „ 1934 in Mexico, P U R P U S , J. A., 1912g flowers, P F E I F F E R , L„ 1839 morphology, M A X W E L L , C. F „ 1894; WE1SSE, A., 1931 nectar glands, LLOYD, F. E. and R1DGWAY, C. S„ 1912 new taxa (see also Cactaceae, nopaleen) C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1828 (Coulter collections); D I E T R I C H , A., 1846-1851; L I N K , H. F. and OTTO, F „ 1827; M E I N S H A U S E N , K „ 1858; M I Q U E L , F. A. W., 1838; M U E H L E N P F O R D T , E., 1847, 1848; P O S E L G E R , H., 1853; ROSE, J. N., 18971911; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J. F„ 1838-1839; S T I E B E R , IX C., 1847; W E G E N E R , T „ 1844; W E R D E R M A N N , E„ 1931a North America, distribution, H E R Z F E L D , F „ 1956 phylogeny, B U X B A U M , F „ 1951c pollen grain characters, K U R T Z , E. B., 1948 pollinated by bees, COCKERELL, T. D. A., 1900 relationships, M A X W E L L , C. F „ 1894 revision, C O U L T E R , J. M., 1896 similarities to Pelecyphora and Leuchtenbergia, P U R P U S , C. A., 1914 species, M A R S H A L L , W., T., 1957b descriptions, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898b enumeration, D U P U I S , A., 1861 rare, W A L T O N , F., A., 1898j transferred to Strombocactus, W E S T , J., 1930 typification, CROIZAT, L„ 1943e useful, BOIS, D., 1888 Wright Pearce collection, illustration, ANON., 1935j Ancistrocactus subg., species, MEYER, R., 1917 acanthodes, in Baja California, W E B E R , F. A. C„ 1898 for drinking water, H E N D E R SON, R„ 1950 acutispinus n. sp., H I L D M A N , H., 1885 alamosanus n. sp., Sonora, B R I T TON, N. L. and R O S E , J . N., 1913 albatus n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1846 allardtianus n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1847a arizonicus, characters of, Q U E H L . L „ 1913 arrigens n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1840 asterias, description, S C H U M A N N , K „ 1896; V A U P E L , F „ 1923c

type for new subg., BACKEBERG, Ç , 1950 beguinii, nomenclature, B U X B A U M , F., 1933 bolansis n. sp., Coahuila, RUNGE, C., 1889 buckiin. sp., K L E I N , 1859 californiens, in Baja California, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1898 capricornus, for capricornis, description, MEYER, R., 1916; P A T O N I , C., 1912g; S E I D L , J., 1923a varieties, M O E L L E R , H., 1925 var. niveus n. var., Sonora, KAYSER, K., 1933 corniger, flowers of, T I E G E L , E„ 1934b in Hidalgo, KRANZ, E „ 1934 var. fiavispinus, San Luis Potosi, K U N Z E , R. E., 1911 crassihamatus, see Glandulicactus cylindraceus longispinus, from Sonora, western, W A L T O N , F. A., 1899e de laetii, in the Sierra de Paila, KNUTH-KNUTHENBORG, F. M„ 1935 denudatus, description, FRIC, A. V., 1923a echidna, and £ . vanderaeyi, MEYER, R., 1916a electracanthus, in San Luis Potosi, P U R P U S , J. A., 191 li ellemeetii, in Mexico? M I Q U E L , F. A. G„ 1859 emoryi, description, MEYER, R., 1915a ghiesbrechtii n. sp., SALM-DYCK, J., 1850 gielsdorfianits n. sp., Tamaulipas, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1929a gilvus, in bloom, D I E T R I C H , A., 1845 gladiatus, flower, G U E R K E , M„ 1907 grandis n. sp., P U R P U S , J. A., 1907 in Puebla, Q U E H L , L., 1917a grusoni(i), description, H E E S E , E „ 1897a; V A U P E L , F., 1923 excursion in search of, WAGNER, E „ 1962 history and culture, MEYER, R„ 1915 n. sp., I I I L D M A N N , H „ 1885, 1891 haematacanthus, in Puebla, MEYER, R.1913 hastatus, flower, GUERKE, M., 1907 heterochromus, and E. pottsii, T I E G E L , E„ 1933 hexaedrophorus, description, ANON., 1895b heyderi n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1846 horizonthalonius, distribution in Mexico, McCABE, H „ 1930 and varieties, MEYER, R., 1911 ingens, description, J A N S E , J. A., 1947; M A T H S S O N , A., 18911892c; S C H U M A N N , K„ 1902 illustration, BOYLES, J. S., 1937; P E D E R S E N , 1936 popular account, K U E N T Z , L., 1934 varieties, M E Y E R , R., 1912a knuthianus n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F., 1930g lamellosus n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1847a lancifer n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1839 lecontei, characters, Q U E H L , L., 1913 compared with E. wislizeni, G U E R K E , M., 1910a and related species, T O U M E Y , J. W., 1895 lecontii, see above lophothele n. sp., SALM-DYCK, J., 1850 luteus n. sp., Sonora, B R I T T O N , N. I. and ROSE. J. N., 1913 macracanthus n. sp., V R I E S E , W. H „ 1839 macrodiscus var. multifiorus, M E Y E R , R., 1914a mathssonii, see Glandulicactus crassiha mat us mcdowelii, rare species, CARP.,1894 muehlenpfordtii n. sp., F E N N E L L , N „ 1847 multicostatus var. violaciftorus, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1912-1922 myriostiqma, description, S E I D L , J., 1923a var. quadricostatus, B A U M , H., 1933 napinus, description, FRIC., A. V., 1923 a nidulans, description, P A T O N I , C., 19l2d n. sp., Q U E H L , L„ 1911

INDEX Cactaceae—continued obvallatus, D I E T R I C H , A., 1839 orcuttii n. sp., Baja California, O R C U T T , C. R., 1886b ottonis, morphology, runners, H A G E M A N N , W., 1960 parryi, rediscovery in Chihuahua, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1953 peninsulae n. sp., Baja California, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1894, 1898 phyllacanthus, description, O T T O , F. and D I E T R I C H , A., 1836a phymatothclos, description, GUERKE, M„ 1906 pilosus, in Coahuila, M E Y E R , R „ 1912 description, V A U P E L , F „ 1912a illustration, M O E L L E R , A. F. (Mrs.), 1935 platyacanthus, description, OTTO, F., 1845; ROST, E. C., 1931 poselgerianus, relationships, B O E D E K E R , F., 1924, 1928: M E Y E R , R „ 1910 pottsii, in Chihuahua, M E Y E R , R „ 1914 and heterochromus,TIEGEL, E., 1933 n. sp., SALM-DYCK, J., 1850 rafaelensis, P U R P U S , T. A., 1912g ritterii, Nuevo Leon, B Ô E D E K E R , F., 1928d transferred to Aztekium q.v. roseanus n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F 1928h saltillensis, description, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898h relationships, B O E D E K E R , F., 1924, 1928; M E Y E R , R „ 1910 sauerii n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F., 1928h schmicdickeanus, description, H E R M A N N , H „ 1934 n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F „ 1928a subterraneus n. sp., BACKEBERG, C., 1932a sulphureus, in bloom, D I E T R I C H , A., 1845 texensis, description, OCHOT E R E N A , I., 1912b illustration, P A T O N I , C., 1912i Thelocactus subg., species, MEYER, R„ 1917a theloideus n. sp., SALM-DYCK, J., 1850 trollietii, discovery in Mexico, north, MCDOWELL, J. A., 1896 transferred to E. unguispinus, S C H U M A N N , K'„ 1895b undulatus n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1844 unguispinus, synonymy, S C H U MANN, K., 1895b valdezianus, formerly Pelecyphora, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1930f vanderaeyi, and E. echidna, M E Y E R , R„ 1916a viereckii n. sp., Tamaulipas, W E R D E R M A N N , E „ 1931 violaciflorus n. sp., Zacatecas, Q U E H L , L„ 1912b var. of E. multicostatus, OCHOT E R E N A , I., 1921-1922 williamsii (see also Lophophora williamsii), adaptations for cross pollination, LANGE, T., 1899 description, V A U P E L , F., 1921a general effects, LAENG, G., 1927 general information, D U U R S M A G. D„ 1920 wislizeni(i), characters, Q U E H L . L„ 1913 description, W A L T O N , F. A.. 1898g food source, S., P. L., 1884 general information, M E Y E R . R.. 1920 growth habits, H U M P H R E Y . R. R., 1936 related species, T O U M E Y , T. W 1895 root system, CANNON, W . A.. 1906 Echinocereus (see also Cephalocereus de laetii, transferred to), in Baja California, species, G A T E S , H . E., 1935a catalogue, species, P U R P U S , T. A 1925a enumeration, FOBE, F„ 1933 general information, D U U R S M A , G. D„ 1925; W A L T O N , F. A., 1908k new taxa, S C H W A R Z , F „ 1949 physiological effects, H E F F T E R , A., 1894, 1898 pollen grain characters, KURTZ, E. B „ 1948 species, descriptions, V O O R W I N D E , F „ 1926 abbeae n. sp., Sonora, P A R S O N , S., 1936 adustus, in Chihuahua, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1953a

albiflorusn. sp., Chihuahua, W E I N G A R T , W., 1933a brandegeei, Baja California, L I N D S A Y , G., 1943a bristolii n. sp., Sonora, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1938 transferred to E. pectinatus var. bristolii q.v. caespitosus, description, L I N D B E R G , G. A., 1884 de laetii, description, V A U P E L , F., 1912 engelmanni(i), Cereus munzii, var. of, P I E R C E , W. M. and FOSBERG, F. R„ 1933 chromosome numbers, S T O C K W E L L , W. P., 1935 description, G U E R R E , M., 1906a ferreirianus n. sp., Baja California, G A T E S , H. E„ 1953 gentryi n. sp., Chihuahua, CLOVER, E. U., 1938 hancockii n. sp., Baja California, D A W S O N , E. Y„ 1949a hempelii, flower, G U E R K E , M., 1907d n. sp., FOBE, F., 1897 knippelianus, F R I C K , G. A., 1932 description, H E R R M A N N , K „ 1932 n. sp., L I E B N E R , C„ 1895 leonensis n. sp., Nuevo Leon, M A T H S S O N , A., 1891-1892a luteus, synonymy, L I N D S A Y , G., 1944 maritimus, in B a j a California, ROST, E. C., 1938f matudae n. sp., Chihuahua, BRAVO H O L L I S , H „ 1960 merkeri, illustration, M c C A B E C A C T U S GARDENS, 1935 ochoterenae n. sp., GONZALEZ ORTEGA, J., 1928c pacificus, flower, L I N D S A Y , G., 1951a illustration, H U T C H I N S O N , T., 1935 survey, D A W S O N , E. Y., 1948a palmeri, in Chihuahua, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1953a papillosus, meiosis in, BEÄRD, E. C., 1937 pectinatus, nomenclature, G U E R K E , M„ 1905a var. bristolii n. comb., M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1956c var. rcichenbachii, description, BYLES, R. S., 1958 var. rigidissimus, description, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1955c pensilis, description, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1937b n. sp., Baja California, P U R P U S , J. A., 1908d pentalophus, description, ROST, E. C., 1938d in Mexico, northern, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1956 polyacanthus, description, G I E L S D O R F , K., 1931; G U E R K E , M., 1907b poselgerianus n. sp., L I N K E , A., 1857 pulchellus, description, FRIC, A. f 1923, 1923d; W A G N E R , E „ 1926 rosei, C H A M P I E , C., 1960 salm-dyckianus, description, H U E B N E R , W., 1934b; S C H U M A N N , 1893a var. noctitiorus n. var., Chihuahua, H E I D , G., 1944 scheerii, in Mexico, ANON., 1945d sciurus, illustration, B A X T E R , E. M., 1937 stoloniferus n. sp., Sonora, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1938 stramineus, Mexican strawberry, G R I F F I T H S , D. and H A R E , R. F., 1907 subinermis, Chihuahua, V A U P E L , F., 1916 in Sonora, L I N D S A Y , G., 1944 tayopensis n. sp., Sonora, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1956b triglochidiatus, description, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1954a viereckii n. sp., Tamaulipas, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1934a websterianus n. sp., San Pedro Nolasco Island, L I N D S A Y , G., 1947 wislizeniiS), water source, CARROLL, 1895 Echinofossulocactus (see also Stenocactus) general review, BACKEBERG, C., 1950a new species, BACKEBERG, C., 1942b nomenclature, CROIZAT, L., 1942; CUTAK, L., 1951 observations, S C H M O L L , C., 1934 in Santa Barbara, F R I C K , G. A., 1931a systematics, F U A U X , L., 1948


guerraianus n. sp.(?), B A C K E B E R G , C., 1951

multiareolatus n. sp., Hidalgo, BRAVO H O L L I S , H „ 1959 ochoterenaus, see Stenocactus ochoterenaus Echinoniastus, Mexico, species in, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1957d observations, WAGNER, E., 1939 Echinomelocactos, systematics, T R E W , C. J., 1733 Echinopsis, new species, L I N K E , A. f 1858 amoena n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1844 formosissima n. sp., Chihuahua, L I N K E , A., 1858 turbinata, description, ROEZL, B., 1923 macrodiscus n, sp.(?) F R I C , A. V., 1933a Encephalocarpus, B U X B A U M , F., 1960 characters, B O K E , N . H „ 1959 observations, N E W T O N , L. E „

1960 phytogeny, F E A R N , P., 1959 Epipkyllum, and allies, catalogue, B R I T T O N , N. L. and ROSE, J. N., 1913a cascading type, M A N N I N G , J., 1941-1942 classification, CACTUS P E T E , Mrs., 1960 culture, LACANAL, 1861, 1861a; O R C U T T , C. R., 1891c general information, P A C K A R D , J. H., 1946; W A L T O N , F. A., 1898i handbook, H A S E L T O N , S. E „ 1946 history and culture, C A D W A L L A D E R , G. R . , 1949 in Mexico, M A C D O U G A L L , T „

1945a nomenclature, L E M A I R E , C., 1861b, c Oaxaca to Veracruz, collecting on road, CASTELLA, M. 1960a survey, P L A C E , M., 1954 synonymy, S T E E L E , C., 1934 systematics, S C H U M A N N , K., 1898; V A U P E L , F „ 1925-1926 ackermannii, albino form, A L E X A N D E R , E . J., 1947

in Jalapa, G1LLY, C. L „ 1944a in Mexico, M A C D O U G A L L , T.,

1961a anguliyer, characters, M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1944a

cultivated in Mexico, M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1948b

chiapensis, see f nyllocactus chiapensis chrysocardium n. sp., Chiapas, A L E X A N D E R , E. J., 1956 darrahii, characters, M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1944a

guatemalense, nelsmii

in Chiapas,

M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1947b n. sp., B R I T T O N , N . L .

and ROSE, J. N., 1913a oxypetalum, in Oaxaca, M A C D O U G A L L , T . , 1945b

intmilum, in Oaxaca, M A C D O U G A L L , T . , 1945b

truncatum, see Schlumbergera bridgesii morphology, floral, S C H U M A N N , K„ 1898f Epithelantha, monograph, BACKEBERG, C., 1954 phylogeny, B U X B A U M , F., 1960 densispina n. sp., Coahuila, BRAVO HOLLIS, H„


micromeris, description, VOSS, A., 1930a in Mexico, northern, ROST, E. C„ 1938a systematics, BOKE, N. H., 1955a var. pachyrhiza n. var., Coahuila, M A R S H A L L , W . T.,

1944b rufispina n. sp., Coahuila, BRAVO H O L L I S , H „ 1951 spinosior, from Coahuila, S C H M O L L , C„ 1951 Escobaria, related to Leptocladia, B U X B A U M , F . , 1951, 1954

united with Coryphantha, FOSBERG, F. R., 1931 Escobesseya n. gen., H E S T E R , J . P., 1941 dasycantha n. sp., H E S T E R , J . P., 1941 duncanii, H E S T E R , J . P., 1941 Escontria n. gen., P U R P U S , J . A., 1907 chiotilla n. sp., ROSE, J . N., 18971911 Euechinocactineae, phylogeny, based on morphology, B U X B A U M , F., 1951c theory above, criticized, MORAN, R. V., 1954 Ferocactus, barrel cactus, water in, CUTAK, L „ 1943b, 1946a

general information, N I C K E R S O N , G. P., 1929d Mexico, species, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1957b monograph, L I N D S A Y , G. E., 1955d new species, GATES, H. E., 1933c nomenclature, L I N D S A Y , G., 1955b in Sonora, L O W R Y , W. E„ 1936 systematics, L I N D S A Y , G., 1955b Wright Pearce collections, illustration, ANON., 1935j acanthodes, in Baja California, ROST, E. C., 1938e alamosanus var. platygonus n. var., Sonora, L I N D S A Y , G„ 1942b covillei, and related species, M I L L E R , R., 1940a diguetii, description, T U R N E R , G., 1939 general information, L I N D S A Y , G„ 1948 gatesii n. sp., Smith Islands, LINDSAY, G., 1955a herrerae, description, GONZALEZ ORTEGA, J., 1927b prinalei, crested, search for in San Luis Potosi( ?) SCHWARZ, F „ 1947 rectispinus, in Baja California, GATES, H. E., 1931a illustration, ANON., 1945a schwarzii n. sp., Sinaloa, L I N D S A Y , G„ 1955 stainesii, illustration, MOELLER, A. F., Mrs., 1935 uncinatus, in central Mexico, ROST, E. C., 1938g wislizeni(i), description, M A R S H A L L , W. T., 1955e direction indicator, OLIN, G., 1941 Frailea, compared with Astrophytum, B U X B A U M , F., 1951d Glandulicactus, systematics, BACKEBERG, C., 1939 crassihamatus n. comb., BACKEBERG, C., 1940 uncinatus, compared with above, BACKEBERG, C., 1940 Grusonia bradtiana, notes on, B A X T E R , E. M., 1932b in the Sierra de la Paila, K.XUIH-KIN U T H E N B O R G , 1-. i l . , 1931 santamaria, in Baja California, B A X T E R , E. M„ 1934 wrightiana, distribution, WIGGINS, I. L „ 1937 n. sp., BAXTER, E. M., 1931-1934 Gymnocactus, observations, W A G N E R , E„ 1939 Hamatocactus, barrel cactus, RAND, W., 1957 morphology and relationships, B U X B A U M , F „ 1951a and Oehmea, BUXBAUM, F „ 1951,1954 systematics, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1944a bicolor, nomenclature, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1924b setispinus, CASEY, J., 1943 illustration, L A H M E Y E R , R. H „ 1944 Hariota salicornioides, development, MEYRAN, J., 1958 Haseltonia n. gen., BACKEBERG, C., 1949a Heliabravoa chende, BRAVO H O L L I S , H. and COX, D. K., 1958a Heliocereus, travels for collecting, M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1950


Cerro de Sari Felipe

del A g u a , M A C D O U G A L L ,


1962a schrankii n. sp., W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1955-1962 Hertrichocereus n. gen., BACKEBERG, C., 1950 Homalocephala. areoles, histogenesis of, BOKE, N. H „ 1957 texensis, in Mexico, ALBERT, R. C„ 1961 Hylocereus, see Cereus purpusii Lactomammillaria aselliformoides synonymy, FRIC, A. V., 1923f Lemaireocereus, new species, DAWSON, E. Y„ 1948 in Oaxaca, DAWSON, E. Y., 1952a "pitahaya," in Mexico, production zones, ANON., 1930c "pitayo," in Sonora, C. T. D., 1901 Lemaireocereus, in Puebla, DAWSON, E. Y„ 1952a beneckei, illustration, ANON., 1945a dumortieri, illustration, GOLD. D. B., 1954a gummosus. in Baja California, ANON., 1950a littoralis, GATES, H. E., 1933b comb, nov., GATES, H. E„ 1958 marginatus, Queretaro, illustration, GOLD, D. B., 1954a

INDEX Cactaceae—continued montanus, Sonora, illustration, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1939 quevedonis, description, GONZALEZ ORTEGA, J., 1928a standleyi, description, G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J., 1927c thurberi, crested, in B a j a California, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1960 description, M I L L E R , R „ 1940 general information, L I N D S A Y , G., 1940a pollination of, A L C O R N , S. M. et al, 1962 uses, aboriginal, see ethnobotany var. littoralis, raised to species, G A T E S , H . E., 1958 treleasei, illustration, B O Y L E S , J . S „ 1937 Leptocladia, and Escobaría, B U X B A U M , F., 1951, 1954 Leuchtenbergia (see also Echiiwcactus similarities to), B Y L E S , R. S., 1954-1957 morphology, B U X B A U M , F., 1953 similarities to Pelecyphora and Echinocactus, P U R P U S , C. A., 1914 principis, description, F R I C K , G. A., 1932a; H O O K E R , W . J., 1848; S C H U M A N N ,


1894a; V A U P E L , F., 1925a ecology, V A R I O U S , 1960b in Mexico, central and northern, T E G E L B E R G , G. H . , 1934

Lobeira n. gen. (macdougallii), on Cerro Hueitepec(?) A L E X A N D E R , E. J., 1944; 1948a f r u i t , MACDOUGALL, T., 1948a Lophocereus, in B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E „ 1932

general information, B A X T E R , E. M., 1931a australis, at the Desert Botanical Garden, M A R S H A L L , W . T . , 1949 gatesii, as above n. sp., B a j a California, J O N E S , M. E., 1934 schotti (for schottii) (see also ethnobotany) chromosome numbers, STOCKW E L L , W . P., 1935 description, A N O N . , 1938b at the Desert Botanical Garden, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1948 Sonora, variations, V A R I O U S , 1960b trip to collect, B A R R E T T , G. E., 1929 var. monstrosus, Sonora and B a j a California, M A S T R A N G E L , W., 1953a Lophophora, earlier as Anhalonium and Echinocactus (see also ethnobotany, Lophophora ; ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic, plants, narcotics ; ethnobotany, Huichol Indians ; plants, beverage sources, America) alkaloid content (see also Lophophora, chemical study), D I X O N , W . E „ 1898, 1899; S O D I P A L L A R E S , E „ 1960 in various species, E W E L L , E. E., 1896 Azqueltan, used in, see ethnobotany, Lophophora Aztecs, sacred to, T O R O , A., 1930 in Baja California, species, G A T E S , H . E „ 1934 bibliography, H I J A R y H A R O , L „ 1937 chemical study (see also Lophophora, alkaloid content) G A L L E G O S E S Q U I V E L , A., 1939; S T E I N E R - B E R N I E R , M., 1937 (alkaloids) clinical data, C O R D O V A G U R R I A , F., 1927 effects (see also Lophophora, narcotic effects), R E K O , V . A., 1932; R O U H I E R , A., 1927a; S O U L A I R E , J., 1951 physiological, B R I G G S , J. R., 1887; L E W I N , L „ 1924; P R O C T O R , R. C„ 1952; R O B L E S C. and GOMEZ R O B L E D A , J., 1931; S C H U M A N N K „ 1895; V A S C H I D E , N., 1905 (see also pellotin) ethnobotany, see ethnobotany, Lophophora experiments with, C A I R N S , H . , 1929 general information, A G U I R R E B E L T R A N , G., 1952; H I J A R y H A R O , L., 1940; K L U E V E R , H., 1928; M O O N E Y , J., 1896; R A M I R E Z , T., 1900b, 1904; S A Y R E , L. E. and S T E V E N S O N , A. E., 1914; S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1938; U R B I N A , M., 1903; W R I G H T , Y., 1931; A N O N , 1926 not harmful, H A R M O N , J. E., 1957

Indians, used by, see Lophophora, Tarahumaras, used by; ethnobotany, Lophophora medical thesis, M A Z Z O T T I , J . , 1926 medicinal uses, A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1900a; B R I A U , R., 1928; C O N Z A T T I , C., 1936; P R E N T I S S , D. W . and M O R G A N , F. W „ 1896a; S C H U L T E S , R. E „ 1940b; T R U E , R. H., 1901 mescal intoxication, E L L I S , H . , 1897, 1898, 1902 mescalin, and the peyote cult, B., Dr., 1935 source, B E R I N G E R , K.. 1927; C U R Z O N , G., 1955 in Mexico, northwestern, L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1903a monograph, N E W B E R N E , R. E . L. and B U R K E , C. H . , 1922; W A G N E R , G., 1932; R O U H I E R , A., 1926, 1927 . mushroom, "sacred," confused with, P R O C T O R , C. M., 1949; S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1960a narcotic effects, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1925b; R E I C H E , K. F., 1927 Nayarit, used in, D 1 G U E T , L., 1899, 1907; S A N T O S C O Y , A., 1649-1769 (Sierra de) new genus, C O U L T E R , J . M., 1894a in Oaxaca?, B O Y E R , J., 1927 observations, F R I C , A. V., 1924 pellotin in, as soporific, J O L L Y , F., 1896 use of, P I L C Z , A., 1896 pharmacological study, H E F F T E R , A., 1894, 1898 picture story, B A C K E B E R G , C „ 1931 poisonous, K A L I S C H E R , S., 1895 popular account, B E N N E T T , W . C„ 1947; M A R I S C A L , M., 1937; M A R T I N E Z , L., 1954a; R E K O , V. A., 1936; SLOSS O N , E. E., 1929; SOL, A., 1924; Z A V A L E T E R U I Z , D „ 1947 rare species, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898j in religious rituals, H O L L A N D E R , A. N. J., 1935; P E T R U L L O , V., 1934; S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1937; S H O N L E , R., 1925; U N D E R H I L L , R. M., 1952 segregate from Anhalonium, T H O M P S O N , C. H., 1898a similarity to Anhalonium, PURPUS, C. A., 1914 species, L E M A I R E , C., 1869a (catalogue); S W E N S O N , M „ 1894; A N O N . , 1896e systematics, C R O I Z A T , L., 19431945; S C H U M A N N , K., 1895 T a r a h u m a r a , used by the, A G U I L A R B E L T R A N DEL R I O , C., 1953; B A S A U R I , C„ 1927; BENN E T T , W . C. and Z I N G G , R. M „ 1935; G R A H A M , T. C , 1906; L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1894a,b in Texas ( S h a f t e r ) , M c A L L I S T E R , G., 1954 uses, B O I S , D., 1888; H E F F T E R , A., 1894, 1898; T O R R E A , J . M. and F U E N T E S , I., 1942 jourdanianum (Anhalonium.) assigned to Echinocactus, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 poisonous, L E W I N , L., 1894 lewinii, chemical analysis, L E W I N , L 1888 description, A N O N . . 1891d Echinocactus, assigned to, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 effects, physiological, A N O N . , 1896d general information ( A R E N D T , P . ?), 1891-1892; P R E N T I S S , D. W . and M O R G A N , F. P., 1895, 1896; W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1929b history, R U S B Y , H . H „ 1888 Indians, used by, B L A I R , T. S., 1921 medicinal uses, S C H U L E R , G., 1933 in Monterrey, A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1899 n. sp., compared with A. williamsii, H E N N I N G S , P., 1882 nomenclature, R U S B Y , H . H „ 1888; S C H U M A N N , K., 1898a pharmacological study, L E W I N , L., 1894 in rituals, S E Y M O U R , G., 1916 williamsii (see also Echinocactus williamsii) assigned to Echinocactus, M I C H A E L I S , P . , 1896


description, K R A E H L E N B U E H L , F., 1961; M A R T I N , J . W „ 1960; S C H U M A N N , K., 1894b general information, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1921, 1933 histology, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1931 medicinal uses, S C H U L E R , G., 1933; S C H U L T E S , R. E „ 1938 in Monterrey, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1899 narcotic plant, T A Y L O R , N „ 1944 new species, compared with Anhalonium lewinii, H E N N I N G S , P., 1888 nomenclature, S C H U M A N N , K , 1898a peyocactin in, anti-microbial, M c C L E A R Y , J . A. et al, 1960 pharmaceutical study, G E N I N , A., 1928; M O R E N O , G. H „ 1940 poisonous, L E W I N , L „ 1894 ritual uses, Z A N D E R , R „ 1927 and the sacred mushroom (see also L. williamsii, teonanacatl, identified as), H I G G I N S , E. B., 1932-1933 in San Luis Potosi, R Z E D O W S K I , J., 1955 synonymy, R U S B Y , H . H „ 1894 teonanacatl, identified as, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1915 var. lutea, nomenclature, S O U L A I R E , J., 1952 Machaerocereus eruca, B Y L E S , R. S., 1954-1957 in B a j a California, R O S T , E. C., 1938c; A N O N . , 1937d (illustration) description, G A T E S , H . E „ 1930a, 1957 gummöses, see also ethnobotany in B a j a California, L I N D S A Y , G., 1941; A N O N . , 1950a description, G A T E S , H . E., 1930a, 1957 illustration, B A X T E R , E. M „ 1937 Maierocactus n. gen., R O S T , E. C., 1925 Maihuenia, catalogue, species, P U R P U S , J . A., 1925a systematics, V A U P E L , F., 1925-1926 Malacospermae subf., systematics, V A U P E L , F., 1922a Mammillaria, and Anhalonium, systematics, M I C H A E L I S , P., 1896 in B a j a California, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931a catalogue, species, F R I C , A . V., 1923; P U R P U S , J. A., 1925a description, O C A M P O , M „ 1844a development and growth, . K A U F F M A N , N „ 1859 distinguished from Neomammillaria, S E E L B A C H , C., 1934 effects, physiological, H E F F T E R , A., 1894, 1898 floriferous, W A G N E R , E., 1941 general information, A N O N . , 1894c handbook, CRAIG, R. T., 1945 hooked spine species, W A T L I N G , D. E., 1960 islands off B a j a California, northwest, L I N D S A Y , G. and D A W S O N , E. Y., 1952 medicinal values, J A C Q U E T , R., 1934 in Mexico, C A R D O N A P E N A , A., 1951 midget types, in B a j a California, L I N D S A Y , G. E „ 1960 morphology, W E I S S E , A., 1931 nectar glands, L L O Y D , F. E. and R I D G W A Y , C. S., 1912 new taxa (see also Cactaceae, nopaleen), B A C K E B E R G , C „ 1942b; B O E D E K E R , F., 1933h; C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1828 (Coulter collections); D I E T R I C H , A., 1846-1851; E H R E N B E R G , K., 1840, 1844, 1849; L I N K E , A.. 1848, 1857; M E I N S H A U S E N , K., 1858; M I Q U E L , F. A. W., 1838; P F E I F F E R , L „ 1836; 1837a, 1840; P O S E L G E R , H., 1853, 1855; R O L A N D - G O S S E L I N , R „ 1904, 1906a; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J. F., 18381839; S C H W A R Z , F., 1949; T I E G E L , E., 1933c (Guanajuato and Queretaro, also as Neomammillaria); VRIESE, W. H . DE, 1839; W A L T O N , F. A., 1899b, e; W E B E R , F. A. C., 1904; W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1931a, 1932 ornamental species, W A L T O N , F . A., 1898c poisonous species, L E W I N , L „ 1894

pollen grain characters, K U R T Z , E . B „ 1948 pubescence, axillary, P A T O N I , C., 1912 in Puebla, see Mammillaria, species, in Puebla and San Luis Potosi r a r e species, W A T L I N G , D. E „ 1960a and related genera, B U X B A U M , F „ 1956 relationship to Dolicothele, B O K E , N. H., 1961 revision, C O U L T E R , J . M., 1894a in San Luis Potosi, see Mammillaria, species, in Puebla and San Luis Potosi species, Britton and Rose key, S H U R L Y , E., 1946 catalogue, see catalogue, species enumeration, D U P U I S , A., 1861a miscellaneous species, B O E D E K E R , F., 1917, 1932d; D I E T R I C H , A., 1841; P U R P U S , J. A., 1912g (in Puebla and San Luis Potosi) synopsis, F E L D B R U G G E , J . H . B., 1940 systematics, based on ovary character, L A B O U R E T , J., 1854 useful, B O I S , D., 1888 white hair, covered with, W A G N E R , E., 1935 albescens n. sp., Queretaro, T I E G E L , E „ 1933b albicoma n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1929i; A N O N . , 1945 albilanatan. sp., Guerrero, BACKEBERG, C„ 1939d ancistroides n. sp., L E H M A N N , J . C. C. ( ? ) 1832, 1849 andreae n. sp., Veracruz, B O E D E K E R , F., 1928b arida n. sp., Pichilinque Island, Q U E H L , 1913 Aulacothelae, F R I C , A. V., 1923 aurihamata n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F., 1928f Austroebnerella subg. n., BUXB A U M , F., 1951, 1954 aylostera n. sp., Guerrero, W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1937 balsasensis, flowers, B O E D E K E R , F., 1933e n. sp., Guerrero, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931e barbata, characters of, Q U E H L , L., 1910d description, P A T O N I , C., 1912i baumii n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1926a systematics, B U X B A U M , F., 195ld berqii n. sp., M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1838-1840 blossfeldiana n. sp., B a j a California, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931h var. shurliana n. var., B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E., 1941a bocasana, description, H U E B N E R . 1934; V A U P E L , F „ 1921, 1927 relationships, Q U E H L , L., 1916 bombycina n sp., Q U E H L , L.. 1910c boolii n. sp., Sonora, L I N D S A Y , G„ 1953 borwigii n. sp., Coahuila, P U R P U S , J . A., 1927b brandegeei, B a j a California, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931b; S C H U M A N N , K „ 1901b brauneana n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F., 1933a buchheimiana n. sp., Q U E H L , L., 1917b bussleri, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1917 history, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1911 f r o m Mexico?, S C H U M A N N , K., 1902 calacantha n. sp., Queretaro, T I E G E L , E., 1933a camptotricha n. sp., D A M S , E., 1906 f r o m Queretaro, V A U P E L , F . , 1925 carmenae n. sp., Tamaulipas, C A S T A N E D A y N U N E Z DE C A C E R E S , M., 1953 carnea, description, Q U E H L , L., 1918 carretii (carrettii), characters, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931d variation in, Q U E H L , L „ 1910 cephalophora n. sp., San Luis Potosi, Q U E H L , L., 1914a; B O E D E K E R , F., 1937a ceratites n. sp., Q U E H L , L „ 1908a chionocephaJa n. sp., Coahuila, P U R P U S , J . A., 1906 variation in, Q U E H L , L., 1910a closiana n. sp., in sect. Polyedrae, R O U M E G U E R E , C . , 1855

collinsii, habitats, MACDOUGALL, T., 1957

INDEX Cactaceae—continued compressa, illustration, H A S E L T O N , S., 1947; H E R T R I C H , W . , 1938 conoidea, compared with M. grandiflora, B O E D E K E R , F.. 1928c conopsea, Galeotti collections, S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F., 1839b cornifera, D A M S , E., 1904 craigii n. sp., Chihuahua, L I N D S A Y , G., 1942a. crucígera, K a r w i n s k i collection, Q U E H L , L „ 1909b in Oaxaca, T I E G E L , E., 1934a daedalea n. sp., J a l a p a , S C H E I D W E I L E R , M . J . F., 1837 decora n. sp., F O E R S T E R , C. F . , 1861 diacentra, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1953 dietrichae, illustration, A N O N . , 1936Í difficilis n. sp., Q U E H L , L., 1908a dioica, description, O L I N , G., 1941a illustration, A N O N . , 1946b duoformis n. sp., and v a r s . , O a x a c a , C R A I G , R. T. and D A W S O N . E. Y „ 1948 durispina n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F . , 1928K echinoidea, characters, Q U E H L , L., 1913-1914 n. sp., D u r a n g o , Q U E H L , L., 1913a synonymy, W E I D L I C H , E „ 1913 eiongata, description, D I E T R I C H , A., 1840a (flower) ; H U E B N E R , W . , 1934a; A N O N . , 1946c (in sect. H y d r o c h i l u s ) emskoetteriana n. sp., San L u i s Potosi, Q U E H L . L., 1910b erectohamata n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F., 1930 eriacantha, distribution, B A C K E B E R G , C „ 1940a erythrosperma n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F., 1918 and var. similis, characters, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931fr esseriana n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F . , 1928c fischeri, illustration, S C H M O L L , F . , 1936a fissurata, changed to Roseocactus, B E R G E R , A., 1925 fobeana n . sp., B O E D E K E R , F . , 1933c formosa, Coahuila and N u e v o Leon, B O E D E K E R . F . , 1934c n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1844 gabbii, B a j a California, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931b gasseriana, Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1927 •gatesii n. sp., B a j a California, J O N E S , M . E „ 1937 geminispina n. sp., H A W O R T H , A. H „ 1824 gladiata. flower, D I E T R I C H , A., 1840 qladiispina n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1925 Glanduliferae, F R I C , A. V., 1923 glanduligera, characters, Q U E H L , L., 1913-1914 synonymy, W E I D L I C H , E „ 1913 qolziana ( C o r y p h a n t h a e ) , B O E D E K E R . F., 1913, 1917 history, B O E D E K E R , F., 1911 in Zacatecas, K U N Z E , R. E., 1909 goodridgei var. rectospina n. v a r . , L I N D S A Y , G. and D A W S O N , E . Y. ; 1952 graessneriana n . sp., B O E D E K E R , F . . 1920 grandiûora, compared with M. conoidea, B O E D E K E R , F., 1928c granulata n. sp., M E I N S H A U S E N , K . , 1858a grusoni n. sp., Coahuila, R U N G E , C., 1889 gueldemanniana n. sp., B A C K E B E R G , C., 1941a guelzowiana n. sp., Durango, W E R D E R M A N N , E „ 1928a guerkeana n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F . , 1914 guerreronis, C U L L M A N N , W . , 1957 flower, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1950 guiengolensis n. sp., Oaxaca, B R A V O H O L L I S , H. and M A C D O U G A L L , T., 1961 haehneliana n. sp., Jalisco, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1934 hahniana n . sp., W E R D E R M A N N , E . , 1929 halbingeri n. sp., O a x a c a , B O E D E K E R , F., 1933 halei n. sp., B a j a California, Z E I S S O L D . H „ 1895 hamata n. sp., L E H M A N N , J . , G. C. ( ? ) , 1832, 1849

haynii, relationship to M. umbrina, G U E R K E , M., 1907a heeseana n. sp., G u a n a j u a t o , M c d o w e l l , j . a . , i896a heyderi, B E A L , M., 1944e illustration, E L K A N , E „ 1954 hidalgensis, f r o m near I x m i q u i l p a n , P U R P U S , J . A., 1907b hirsuta n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F . , 1919 H y d r o c h y l u s sect., see M . eiongata icamolensis n. sp., N u e v o Leon, B O E D E K E R , F., 1933d imbricata n. sp., W E G E N E R , T., 1844 inaiae n. sp,, Sonora, C R A I G , R. T . , 1939 insularis n. sp., B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E., 1938 jaliscana, description, B O E D E K E R , F., 1934a joassensiana n. sp., Q U E H L , L . , 1908 kleinschmidtiana n. sp., Z E I S S O L D , H „ 1898 klissingiana n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , B O E D E K E R , F „ 1927a knebeliana n. sp., S a n L u i s Potosi, B O E D E K E R . F . , 1932a lactescens n. sp., K a r w i n s k i collection, M E I N S H A U S E N , K „ 1859 ianifera n. sp., H A W O R T H , A. H . , 1824 lasiacantha, areole, histogenesis, B O K E , N. H „ 1958 characters, S C H U M A N N , K „ 1898b o r n a m e n t a l species, W A L T O N , F . A., 1898a •denudator, characters, S C H U M A N N , K „ 1898b lehmanni, and related species, P F E I F F E R , L., 1838a leucantha n. sp., San L u i s Potosi, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1933g lewisiana n. sp., B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E „ 1955 lindsayi n. sp., C h i h u a h u a , C R A I G , R. T., 1940a lividan. sp., F E N N E L L , N., 1847 longiHora, in D u r a n g o , K O E H L E R , U . , 1958a longimamma, H U E B N E R , W., 1933a description, K O E N I G , G., 1927a type for new subg., B A C K E B E R G , C., 1950 loricata, flower, D I E T R I C H , A . , 1840 louisae n . sp., B a j a California, L I N D S A Y , G. E.. 1960 macdougalii, B E A L . M., 1944e magneticola n. sp., Hidalgo, M E Y R A N , J., 1961 magnitnamma n. sp., H A W O R T H , A. H . , 1824 in the Pedregal, C U T A K , L., 1949a mainae n. sp., Sonora, B R A N D E G E E , K., 1900a marksiana n . sp., K R A I N Z , H . , 1948 mazatlanensis, C O N N , C., 1938 description. S C H U M A N N , K „ 1901c; T H O O R N , J . J . E . , 1950; V A U P E L , F., 1926 flower, G U E R K E . M., 1905 melanocentra, description, Q U E H L , L., 1912 melispina n. sp.. T a m a u l i p a s , W E R D E R M A N N , E „ 1934b microcarpa, description, G. M., 1932 microhelia, description, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1955a n. sp., O u e r e t a r o , W E R D E R M A N N , E „ 1930 michroheliopsis, description, H E R R M A N N , K „ 1932a micromeris, description, V A U P E L , F „ 1924 mitlensis n. sp.. O a x a c a , B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1956d moelleriana n . sp., D u r a n g o , B O E D E K E R , F „ 1924 multidigitata n. sp., S a n Pedro, Nolasco Island, L I N D S A Y , G., 1947 multihamata n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F „ 1915 nejapensis ( a n d v a r s . ) n. sp., Puebla, C R A I G , R. T . and D A W S O N , E . Y., 1948 neopalmeri, S a n Benito Islands, L I N D S A Y , G., 1950 nickelsae n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , B R A N D E G E E . K., 1900a ocamponis n. sp., O C H O T E R E N A , I . , 1917 oetingenii n. sp., Z E I S S O L D , H . f 1898 orcuttii n. sp., Puebla, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1930k ottonis, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1917 history, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1911 pachyrhiza n. sp., M e s e t a L a s Derrumbadas, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1939a

painteri, characters, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1931g n . sp., Q u e r e t a r o , Q U E H L , L., 1917 pazzani n. sp., S T I E B E R , D. C „ 1847 pennispinosa n. sp., K R A I N Z , H „ 1948 petrophila n. sp., B R A N D E G E E , K., 1904 petterssonii n. sp., H I L D M A N N , H . , 1885 picta, description, B O E D E K E R , F „ 1934b pitcayensis n. sp., G u e r r e r o , B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1957 plumosa, characters, S C H U M A N N , K., 1898 polytrichia n. sp., Mexico( ?), S A L M D Y C K , J., 1842 pondiin. sp., G R E E N E , E, L „ 1888,1889 posseltiana n. sp., G u a n a j u a t o , B O E D E K E R , F „ 1932c pringlei, description, Q U E H L , L., 1921 pseudofuscata n. sp., S a n L u i s Potosi, Q U E H L , L . 1914 pseudoperbella n . sp., Q U E H L , L . , 1909a pubispina n. sp., Hidalgo, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1930d pusilla, description, H U E B N E R , W . , 1933 pygmaea, description, B O E D E K E R , F., 1931(1) radians, varieties, G U E R K E , M „ 1907c var. impexicoma, D A M S , E., 1905 radliana n. sp., Q U E H L , L „ 1892 rettigiana n. sp., Hidalgo, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1930e ritteriana n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F., 1929f robustispina, Sonora, A. A. K., 1898 distinguished f r o m M. valida, P U R P U S , J . A., 191 l h rosea, Galeotti collections, S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J. F „ 1839b n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1844 roseana n. sp., B a j a California, B R A N D E G E E , T. S „ 1891a roseoalba n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , B O E D E K E R , F „ 1929b rossiana n. sp., San L u i s Potosi, H E I N R I C H , W . , 1958 rungei, sold as M. lasiacantha denudator q.v. ruschiana n. sp., R E G E L , E., 1850a saetiqera n. sp., Queretaro, B O E D E K E R , F., 1934d saffordii, characters, B O E D E K E R , F „ 193 Id sartoriin. sp., V e r a c r u z , P U R P U S , J . A., 191 If schaeferi n. sp., F E N N E L L , N., 1847 scheeri(i). Chihuahua, S E E M A N N , B., 1863 description, S C H U M A N N , K., 1898d distinguished f r o m M. valida, P U R P U S , T. A., 1911h flowers, S C H U M A N N , K „ 1900 n. sp., M U E H L E N P F O R D T , E „ 1847, 1848 related species, M E Y E R , R „ 1910 relationships, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1924, 1928 synonymy, P A T O N I , C., 1912e variations in, Q U E H L , L „ 1912a scheideana n. sp., E H R E N B E R G , K . . and S C H L E C H T E N D A L , 1838 scrippsiana var. autlanensis n. var., Jalisco, CRATG, R. T . a n d D A W S O N , E. Y „ 1948a seideliana n . sp., Zacatecas, Q U E H L . L „ 1911a setosa n. sp., P F E I F F E R , L., 1835a sinistrohamata n. sp., Zacatecas, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1932e sonorensis n. sp., C R A I G , R. T . , 1940 sphacelata, description, Q U E H L , L., 1918a spinosa n. sp., S A L M - D Y C K , J . , 1850 spinosissima, description, H U E B N E R , W . , 1932a spiraeformis n. sp., C O L L A , L . , 1840 strobiliformis, varieties, Q U E H L , L., 1907 subtetragona n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1840a surculosa n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , B O E D E K E R , F „ 1931c tiegeliana, illustration, S C H M O L L , F . , 1936 umbriana, relationship to M. haynii, G U E R K E , M „ 1907a unihamata n. sp., N u e v o Leon, B O E D E K E R , F., 1937 valida n. sp., Coahuila, P U R P U S , J . A., 191 l h

relationships, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1924, 1928 synonymy, P A T O N I , C., 1912e vaupelii n. sp., O a x a c a , T I E G E L , E., 1933c verhaertiana n. sp., B O E D E K E R , F., 1912 versicolor, flower, D I E T R I C H , A . , 1840a viereckvi n. sp., Tamaulipas, B O E D E K E R , F., 1927


n. sp., Zacatecas,

B O E D E K E R , F . , 1932f


n. sp., Coahuila,

B O E D E K E R , F . , 1927 wegenerii n. sp., E H R E N B E R G ,


1843 weingartiana n. sp., Nuevo Leon, B O E D E K E R , F . , 1932g wiesingeri n. sp., Hidalgo, B O E D E K E R , F., 1933f wildii, D I E T R I C H , A., 1836; S C H O E N I N G E R , L „ 1932 winteriae n. sp., Nuevo Leon, B O E D E K E R , F., 1929c woodsii n. sp., G u a n a j uato, C R A I G , R. T., 1943 wrightii, B E A L , M., 1944e sahniana n. sp., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F., 1929d


n. sp., G u a n a j u a t o

B O E D E K E R , F., 1931k Mammilloydia n. g e n . , B U X B A U M ,

F . , 1951, 1954 Melocactus, anatomy, M I Q U E L , F. A. W „ 1842 in Berlin, Botanischer Garten, L I N K , H . F . and O T T O , F . , 1827 characters, generic, T R E W , C. J . , 1733 description, O C A M P O , M., 1844a history, S C H U M A N N , K „ 1896b in Mexico, M A R S H A L L , W . T . , 1955d monograph, M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1841a morphology, C R O I Z A T , L „ 1943a (cephalium) ; W E I S S E , A., 1931 new species, M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1838 systematics, B R U E C K N E R , E., 1942; S C H U M A N N , K., 1898 besleri, t r a n s f e r r e d to Discocactus linkii, P F E I F F E R , L „ 1839 curvispinus, in Mexico, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1955d nomenclature, V A R I O U S , 1962 dazvsoniin. sp., V A R I O U S , 1960b delessertianus. nomenclature, VARIOUS, mammillariaeformis

1962 n. sp., S A L M -

D Y Ç K , J., 1836 oaxacensis, development, M E Y R A N , T., 1958 nomenclature, V A R I O U S , 1962 ruestii, and M. curvispina, V A R I O U S , 1962 Salvador, description, V A N DEN H O U T E N , K. M.. 1925 history, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1939b n. sp., M U R I L L O , L „ ca. 1897? t r a n s f e r r e d to M. delessertianus, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1956b nomenclature, V A R I O U S , 1962 viridescens, nomenclature, T E S C H E M A C H E R , J. E „ 1847 Mitrocereus, taxonomy, B A C K E B E R G . C., 1941c fulviceps (Pachycereus chrysomallus), B R A V O H O L L r S , H „ 1953a Myrtgerocactus n. gen., hybrid (lindsayi), M O R A N , R. V., 1962f Myrtillocactus, description. M A N N I N G , J., 1938 n. gen., C O N S O L E , M., 1897 species, H E R T R I C H , W „ 1932 cochal, description, L I N D S A Y , G., 1942c hybridized with Bergerocactus emoryii, see Mvrtaerocactus illustration, H U T C H I S O N , T.,

1935 type locality, W I G G I N S , I . L „ 1946 geometrizans n. sp., C O N S O L E , M „ 1897 grandiareolatus, BRAVO HOLLIS, H „ 1932 illustration, M A N N I N G , J., 1938 Neobesseya, systematics, B Ü X B A U M , F., 1951, 1954 Neobuxbaumia, systematics, D A W S O N , E . Y „ 1952

Neodawsonia, perhaps Cephalo• cereus apicicephalium? M A C D O U G A L L , T . , 1949 in Chiapas, M A C D O U G A L L , T „

1949 n. gen., B A C K E B E R G , C., 1949c revision, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . a n d M A C D O U G A L L , T . , 1958

INDEX Cactaceae—continued species, key, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1956 apicicephalium, D A W S O N , E. Y.. 1952a guengolensis tl. sp., Oaxaca, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1956 nana n. sp., Oaxaca, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1956 nizandensis n. sp., Oaxaca, B R A V O H O L L I S , H . and MACDOUGALL, T., 1958 totolapensis n. sp., Oaxaca, see above Neogomesia, description, B A C K E B E R G , C„ 1959 n. gen., agavioides, Tamaulipas, C A S T A N E D A , M., 1941 t r a n s f e r r e d to Ariocarpus, A N D E R S O N , E. F „ 1960-1962 agavioides, description, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1947a Neolloydia, and Echinocact-us beguinii, B U X B A U M , F., 1933 illustration, A N O N . , 1935i observations, W A G N E R , E., 1939 related to Mammilloydia, B U X B A U M , F., 1951, 1954 matehualensis n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1948 pilispina, San Luis Potosi, D U U R S M A , G. D „ 1938a pulleineana n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1948 Neomammillaria, B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E., 1930-1931, 1934b (new taxa) chromosome numbers, S T O C K W E L L , W . P., 1935 Mammillaria, distinguished from, S E E L B A C H , C„ 1934 Mexico, new species, S C H M O L L , F., 1935 new taxa, see also Mammillaria, new taxa, Guanajuato and Queretaro species, changed to Mammillaria. W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1932 sub-genera, F O S B E R G , F. R., 1931 W r i g h t Pearce collections, illustrations, A N O N . , 1935j auriareolis, illustration, S C H M O L L , F., 1935a baumii, Tamaulipas, H A R D E R S , C. L , 1932 blossfeldiana n. comb., G A T E S , H. E „ 1933d camptotricha, illustration, S C H M O L L , F „ 1936b capensis, B a j a California, G A T E S , H. E., 1933d chinocephala, Coahuila, F R I C K , G. A., 1931b dawsonii, description, amplified, CRAIG, R. T., 1936 n. sp., B a j a California, H O U G H T O N , A. D „ 1935 dioica, description, H I G G I N S , E. B., 1934 hamiltonhoytea n. sp., B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1931b hoffmanniana n. sp., T I E G E L , E., 1934 jaliscana, see Mammillaria karwinskiana, synonymy, S C H M O L L , F., 1936a la pacena n. sp., La Paz, G A T E S , H . E., 1932a mendeliana n. sp., Queretaro, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1931c microcarpa, variation in, P I E R C E , W . M. and F O S B E R G , F . R.. 1933 ochoterenae n. sp., B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1931b ortizrubiana n. sp., G u a n a j u a t o and Queretaro, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1931c patonii n. sp., B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1931b phitauiana n. sp., B a j a California, B A X T E R , E. M., 1931c plumosa, Mexico, northern, F R I C K , G. O., 1931 pringlei, illustration, T O B U S C H , H „ 1935 saffordii, see Mammillaria sckmollii n. sp., B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1931b scrippsiana, illustration, M c C A B E C A C T U S G A R D E N S , 1935 Nopalea, catalogue, species, H O U G H T O N , A. D., 1929b cochineal, host for, O R C U T T , C. R „ 1899 dye source, A L C A Z A R , B., 1704 in H o r t u s Dickensis, S A L M - D Y C K , J., 1849 cochenillifera, cochineal host, L Y O N S , A. B., 1900 observations, L I N D I N G E R , L., 1942 cochinellifera (for the above), analysis, chemical, M A S T E R , R. W . P., 1958 escuintlensis n. sp., M A T U D A , E., 1956b

Nopalxochia, in Mexico, MACDOUGALL, T., 1945a morphology, floral, B U X B A U M . F., 1941a ackermanni, observations, LINDINGER, L„




and f r u i t ,



n. sp., Oaxaca, MACDOUGALL, T., 1947 phyllanthoides, in Puebla, M E Y R A N , J., 1962a Notocactus ottonis, see Echinocactus ottonis Nyctocereus, see also Cactaceae, fluorescent range, MACDOUGALL, T., 1954 chontalensis n. sp., Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E. J., 1950 Obregonia deneqri(i) n. sp., B E R G E R , A., 1928 in Tamaulipas, D U U R S M A , G. D „ 1928 illustration, K N U T H - K N U T H E N B O R G , F . M., 1937a Oehmea n. gen., B U X B A U M , F., 1951, 1954 Opuntia (see also Cereae; shrubs, desert, water absorption) in America, North, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1933 anatomy, root and stem, R E I C H E , K. F., 1922a (see also systematica and anatomy) arid zone plants, see Opuntia, species, arid zone plants beverage source, colonche, B O U R K E , J. G„ 1893 in Big Bend Region, ecology, A N T H O N Y , M „ 1954 Cactus prandißorus, confused with, S H A R P , G„ 1898 California, species, J O N E S , M. E „ 1935b chemical study, F E R N A N D E Z LANDERO y OLLIVIER, M. C.. 1949 "cholla," O R C U T T , C. R., 1891 adaptations, F E W K E S , J . W . , 1923 cochineal host (see also Opuntia, nopal; Opuntia ficus-indica; piatvopuntia), B R U L L E Y , C. A., 1801: D I G U E T , L., 1910a; F L O R E S , T. M., 1846; G A L V E Z , M. and G U E R R E R O , J., 1850; M. L. he T.. 1866; O R C U T T , C. R.. 1899; R O L A N D - G O S S E L I N , R., 1903, 1909; U N D A , J . S., 1870 varieties for, A N O N . , 1784a common names, kev, M U N O Z L U M B T E R . M. et al, 1939 culture, B R A M B I L A , J. I., 1929; D T G U E T . L.. 1908; R O S S I G N O N , J.. 1859a development and growth, K A U F F M A N , N., 1859 Durango and adjacent regions, O C H O T E R E N A , I.. 1914-1916 dye source, A L C A Z A R . B.. 1704 economic importance, T H I E B A U T DE B E R N E A I T D . A., 1813; Z I M M E R M A N N , A.. 1910 food source, Z I M M E R M A N N , A., 1910 forage plant (see also Opuntia, nopal) A L L R E D . B. W., 19461950; B A T L L A U D . E.. 1910; E S C O B A R . R. and O C H O A , O.. a f t e r 1938? (for winter) ; M A R T T N E Z . T.. 1912; R O D R I G U E Z , M. V.. 1928 f r u i t , H A R R T S , T. A.. 1905; P A L M E R . E „ 1889a; T O U M E Y , T. W . , 1905 (mornhologv) general information, A D M I R A L , D., 1938c gum source (see also Opuntia species, gummv slime produced b y ) , O R T U N O H E R N A N D E Z , T., 1951; RTO. A. DEL, 1938; M A N T E L L , C. L., 1949 (water soluble) hardy. P u r p u s collections, S P A E T H . L. and CO., 1920 in H o r t u s Dickensis, S A L M - D Y C K , J., 1822 medicinal species, F A I V E L E Y , J . , 1920 values, J A C O U E T , R.. 1934 in Mexico, C A R D O N A P E N A , A., 1951; W E B E R . F . A. C., 1902a monograph, B E R G E R , A., 1903 morphology and relationships, M A X W E L L , C. F., 1894 nectar glands, L L O Y D , F . E. and R I D G W A Y , C. S., 1912 new taxa, C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1828 (Coulter collections); G R I F F I T H S , D., 1908-1911; R O L A N D - G O S S E L I N , R., 1904, 1906a; R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911; W E B E R , F . A. C., 1904; W I G G I N S , I . L. and


R O L L I N S , R. C., 1943 (in Sonora) nomenclature, R O W L E Y , G. D., 1958 nopal (see also Cactaceae, nopaleen; etymology, nopal), H U A R T , A., 1907 cochineal host, T H I E R Y DE M E N O N V I L L E , N. J., 1787; A N O N . , 1784-1785 common names, G A N D A R A , G., 1923a culture, T H I E R Y DE M E N O N V I L L E , N. J., 1787 forage plant, B A L E S T R I E R , L . DE, 1905d; M I E R , U., 1912; V A R I O U S (1958) 1959; V I L L A R R E A L G., A., 1959; A N O N . , 1907j (for winter) insect pests on, C O R O N A D O P . , R., 1939 medicinal plant, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1791a observations, V A L D E S , M . A., 1784-1805 reforestation, not useful in, Q U E V E D O , M. A. DE, 1932b uses, R A N G E L , L. H „ 1926 nopal manso, see also Cactaceae, fluorescent North America, species, C O U L T E R , J . M., 1896 ovaries, teratology, R A M I R E Z , J., 1897b phytobezoar, in the formation of, T R E L E A S E , W „ 1897 pollen grain characters, K U R T Z , E. B., 1948 pollinated by bees, C O C K E R E L L , T. D. A., 1900 popular account, M A N G H A M , H . J., 1952 seedlings, E N G E L M A N N , G„ 1855-1860 seeds, see above variation, H O R N E , W . T., 1937 in Sonora, C. T . D., 1901; A N O N . . 1895o species, arid zone plants, V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 catalogue, P U R P U S , J. A., 1925a g u m m y slime produced by, R E I C H E , K. F „ 1923a pectin source, T O R A L G U T I E R R E Z , C„ 1955 spineless, G R I F F I T H S , D., 1909A N O N . , 1915 s y s t e m a t i c s , B A X T E R , E. M 1932b; B E R G E R , A., 1903 (based on morphology). IQÛÇaH O U G H T O N , A. D., 1930- ' M A N N I N G , J., 1930-1931; P O I N D E X T E R , J., 1951 (and anatomy ) transpiration in, C A N N O N W . A., 1906 t u n a (see also etymology, t u n a ) O R C U T T , C. R „ 1891b characters, generic basis, T R E W , C. J., 1733 culture, M A R Q U E Z , J., 1937 food plant, G R I F F I T H S , D. and H A R E , R. F., 1907 illustration, W A L T O N , F . A 1899d Mexico, production zones, A N O N 1930a in the U. S., F A I R C H I L D , D.. 1906 uses, H O U G H , W . , 1899W H I T E , C. A., 1898 tuna cardona, uses, R A N G E L , L. H., 1926 tunares or nopaleras, G O N Z A L E Z A R E N A S , G., 1926 uses, B O I S , D „ 1888; C O O P E R T., 1898a; F L E T C H E R , B. N . C., 1892 (in Mexico) varieties (see also Opuntia, cochineal, varieties f o r ) , common names, G R I F F I T H S D „ 1906 vitamin B content, G A R N I C A A N G U L O , J., 1928 vitamin C content, C A S T R O M A C I E L , M. C., 1944 water purification by, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1784-1799f acanthocarpa, description, N I C K E R S O N , G. F „ 1929a affinis n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1914 alcahes n. sp., B a j a California, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1894 amarilla n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1919 angusta n. sp., M E I N S H A U S E N , K., 1858 basilaris, description, N I C K E R S O N , G. P., 1929c v a r . cordata, illustration, W A L T O N , F . A., 1895 bigelovii, description, R O S T , E . C., 1938 bradtiana, description, V A U P E L , F „ 1911

bravoana n. sp., B A X T E R , E. M., 1933 brevispina n. sp., B a j a California, G A T E S , H . E „ 1938a brittoni, description, G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J., 1928b burrageana, notes on, B A X T E R , E. M., 1932b cardenche n. sp., O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1914-1916 forage plant, F O R T U M , L., 1911 cereiformis, see O. bradtiana chaffeyi n. sp., Zacatecas, B R I T T O N , N. L. and R O S E , J . N., 1913 chaetocarpa n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1914 chata n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1919 chlorotica, description, M I L L E R . R., 1941 cholla n. sp., B a j a California, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1894 cineracea n. sp., San Felipe Desert, W I G G I N S , I. L „ 1943a costigera n. sp., Mexico? M I Q U E L , F. A. W., 1859 cretochaeta n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1916b crinifera, general information, M A A S S , C. A., 1928 crystalenia n. sp., G R I F F I T H S . D „ 1916a cyanea n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D.. 1919 Cylindropuntia, species, A N O N . . 1946a decumana, substitute for Cactus grandiliorus, H O L M E S , E. M.. 1897 decumbens, D I E T R I C H , A., 1838 dillenii, morphology, floral, M I T R A , J. N „ 1956 effulgia n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D.. 1919 engelmanni(0, forage plant, V A S E Y , G„ 1888a observations, V A S E Y , G., 1887b Revillagiedo Islands, B R A T T S T R O M , B. H., 1953 ficus-indica, for cochineal, GODOF R E D U S , D „ J r . , 1733 cochineal host, R O L A N D G O S S E L I N , R „ 1903 cultivated along the Mediterranean, B E R G E R , A., 1905b for erosion control, H O U Z E A U DE L E H A 1 E , J., 1909 Guerrero, Langlasse collection, ROLAND-GOSSELIN, R„ 1903 for gum-lacquer, G O D O F R E D U S , D „ J r . , 1733 varieties, used in Mexico, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1900 var. inermis, culture, R I V I E R E , C., 1902 var. splendida n. var., R O L A N D G O S S E L I N , R „ 1909 fulgida, B E A L , M., 1946a description, G U E R K E , M „ 1908b and related species, T O U M E Y , J. W., 1895a galeottii n. sp., Mexico? M I Q U E L , F . A. G., 1859 gorda n. sp., Aguascalientes, G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1913 gosseliniana, B A X T E R , E. M., 1931b description, B E R G E R , A., 1907 n. sp., Sonora, W E B E R , F. A. C.. 1902a hernandezii, cochineal host, ROLAND-GOSSELIN, R„ 1903 varieties, R O L A N D - G O S S E L I N . R.. 1909 hoffmanni n. sp., Tehuacan, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1930a icterica n. sp., Guadalajara, G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1913 imbricata, C H A P M A N , P . R. and _ M A R T I N , M. J., 1958 invicta, in B a j a California, W A L T O N , F. A., 1898 lagunae n. sp., B a j a California, B A X T E R , E „ 1932; G A T E S , H „ 1931b leptocaulis, anatomy, P O I N D E X T E R , J., 1950 description, W H I T E H E A D , J „ 1936 leucotricha, f r u i t , color variations, P A T O N I , C., 1912a magna n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1914 marenae n. sp., Sonora, P A R S O N S , S., 1936 megacantha, uses, C H A V E Z G U Z M A N , M. D., 1953 megarrhisa n. sp., P U R P U S , J . A., 1907 micrarthra n. sp., San Luis Potosi, G R I F F I T H S , D., 1913 microdasys, characters, MARS H A L L , W . T „ 1954

INDEX Cactaceae—continued description, HOST, E. C., 1938b var. albispina and var. rufida, CHAPMAN, P. R. and M A R T I N , M. J., 1957 moelleri, notes on, BAXTER, E. M „ 1932b monacantha, nectaries, DAUMANN, E „ 1930 obovata n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1919 pailana n. sp., Coahuila, W E I N GART, W., 1929 pereskioides, synonymy, W E B E R , F. A. C., 1898a Pereskopuntia subg., systematics, see above phaeacantha, C H A P M A N , P. R. and MARTIN, M. J., 1958a chromosome numbers, STOCKW E L L , W. P., 1935 pilifera n. sp., Oaxaca, Diguet collection, W E B E R , F. A. C„ 1904 Platyopuntia, cochineal host, ORCUTT, C. R„ 1899 southern California, systematics, FOSBERG, F. R., 1934 species, key, ANON., 1946a pycnantha, Magdalena Bay, BAXTER, E. M., 1931 ramosissima (Cylindropuntia), NICKERSON, G. P., 1929 range extension, P I E R C E , W. M. and FOSBERG, F. R., 1933 rosarica n. sp., Baja California, LINDSAY, G., 1942 rotundifolia n. sp., Baja California, BRANDEGEE, T. S., 1891a rufida, characters, MARSHALL, W. T., 1954 semispinosa n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1916 spinosior, BEAL, M., 1946a spinotectal sp., G R I F F I T H S , D „ 1914 squarrosa n. sp., G R I F F I T H S , D., 1916 streptacantha, for alcohol production, AYALA y G., M. L., 1932 colonche, source of, CAMACHO ARAUJO, A., 1933 tomentosa, description, BERGER, A., 1906a tribuloides n. sp., Aguascalientes, G R I F F I T H S , D„ 1913 tuna, pollination, S E U R A T , L. G., 1898a tunicata, description, SCHUMANN, K „ 1898* in pulque, BRAVO V I L L A R O E L , L „ 1941 reproduction, vegetative, R E I C H E , K. F„ 1922 spines, R E I C H E , K. F., 1922 versicolor, BEAL, M. A., 1946a root system, CANNON, W. A., 1906 vulgaris, pharmaceutic study, D e G R A F F E , B. L., 1896 Opuntiaceae, morphology, T U R P I N , P. J. F.,1830a Opuntioideae n. sp., B R I T T O N , N. L. and Rose, J. N., 1908a systematics, B R I T T O N , N. L. and ROSE, J. N „ 1908a Ortegocactus n. gen. (macdougallii), Oaxaca, ALEXANDER, E. J., 1961 Pachycereus, in "forest" growths, H I G G I N S . E. B„ 1934a in Oaxaca, E. Y., 1952a pachycereine in, L I L L E BORJA DE, 1931 parasitized by Phoradendron diquetianum q.v. in Puebla, DAWSON, E. Y., 1952a species, giant cacti, in Baja California, LINDSAY, G., 1942e taxonomy, BACKEBERG, C., 1941c Acephalanthi, taxonomy, see above Cephalanthi, taxonomy, see above ckrysomalhts, flowers and fruits, H E R T R I C H , W., 1934 transferred to Mitrocereus pulviceps, BRAVO H O L L I S , H „ 1953a gaumeri, assigned to Anisocereus, MARSHALL, W. T., 1957c assigned to Pterocereus, MIRANDA, F., 1954 grandis, in Cuernavaca, BRAVO H O L L I S , H., 1937a marginatus, P E R E G R I N A , M. DE LOS A., 1933 medicinal plant, L I L L E BORJA, J. DE, 1930-1931, 1933b, 1937 pharmacological study, R I Q U E L M E DIAZ DE GUZMAN, C., 1938 uses, CHAVEZ GUZMAN, M. D„ 1953 orcuttii, in Baja California, HARB I S O N , C. F „ 1950

description, LINDSAY, G., 1942f; MARSHALL, W. T., 1957a from Rosario, ROOKSBY, E., 1950 type locality, in Baja California, rediscovery, L I N D S A Y , G„ 1950a see also X-Pachygerocereus orcuttii pecten-aboriginum, in Baja California, GATES, H. E„ 1931, 1935; L I N D S A Y , G„ 1944a uses, SANCHEZ MEJORADA, H., 1960 aboriginal, see ethnobotany, Pachycereus prinqlei, in Baja California, GATES, H. E., 1931, 1935; W I G G I N S , I. L„ 1931 crested form, LINDSAY. G„ 1962 (in El Rosario) ; MORAN, R„ 1962 hybridized with Berqerocactus emoryi, MORAN, R. V., 1962a largest cactus, JAEGER, E. C., 1956d pollination, MORAN, R., 1961a, 1962c in Sonora, SYKES, G. G., 1937 uses, aboriginal, see ethnobotany, Pachycereus teh-uantepecanus n. sp., BRAVO H O L L I S , H „ 1956c X-Pachygerocereus orcuttii, replaces Pachycereus orcuttii, MORAN, R. V„ 1962e Peireskia, see Pereskia Peireskiopsis, see Pereskiopsis Pelecyphora (see also Echinncerrus, similarities to), CASTLE, L., 1884 characters, BOKE. N. H.. 1959 description, ANON., 1895 Echinocereus and Leuchfenbergia, similarities to, P U R P U S , C. A., 1914 observations, N E W T O N , L. E., 1960 phyloeeny. BUXBAUM, F„ 1960; F E A R N . P., 1959 in the synonvmy of Lactomammillaria, FRTC. A. V.. 1023f asseliformis, BYLES, R. S., 19541957 description, ANON.. 1941a illustration. K N U T H - K N U T H ENBORG, F. M.. 1937 pectinata n. sp., V A R I O U S . 1885 plumosa. chantred to Echinocactus, B O E D E K E R . F.. 1930f n. sn., Coahuila, B O E D E K E R , F.. see above pseudobcctinata n. sp., BACKEBERG, C.. 1935b spine, illustration, S H E T R O N E , H. C„ 1939 valdeziana n. G. C., 1937 morphology, FLORTN, R., 1931; HIRMER, M. et al. 1936-1937 (floral) ; MASTERS. M. T., 1891; STRASBURGER, E., 1872 phylogeny, based on embryo studies, BUCHHOLZ, J. T., 1920 Roezl collections, see also Coniferae, Mexico, above (Roezl catalogue and Roezl collections). KOCH. K., 1857, 1858a; ROEZL and Co., B„ 1857, 1884 (seed catalogue, Mexico) seeds and seedlings (see also above), HICKEL, R., 1911 species. PARDE, L., 1911; SENECLAUZE, A.,, 1867 _ (grown by the latter in Paris) synonymy, LTNDLEY, J. and GARDNER, G.. 1850 synopsis, ENDLICHER, S. F. L., 1847 systematics, BEISSNER, L., 1887; BURTT-DAVY, T„ 1937; JANCHEN, E.. 1949a; KOCH, K., 1869-1873; RICHARD, L. C. M., 1792. 1826; SCHLECHTENDAL. D. F. L., 1864-1865; VIERHAPPER, F., 1910 of the tropics, BADER, F. J. W., 1960; WECK, J., 1958 (useful species) woods, microscopic structure, P H I L L I P S , E. W. J., 1941 conifers, see Coniferae Conium, see Umbelliferae Connaraceae (see also Terebinthaceae) distribution,SCHELLENBERG, G„ 1928 Mexico, medicinal species, VILLADA, M. M., 1890 monograph, PLANCHON, J. E„ 1850 phylogeny, SCHELLENBERG, G., 1925-1926 Rourea glabra, in Mexico, SCHELLENBERG, G„ 1920 oblongifolia, in Mexico, see above medicinal plant, VARIOUS, 1895. 1897 var. fioribunda, chemical study, GUZMAN, C. R., 1888 condiments, see plants, spice sources Congress, Botanical, Mexico, see Mexico, Botanical Congress

INDEX Congress—continued First International Orchid, reports onf JONES, R. W „ 1943 Congresses, International, Mexicans, participation in, SANCHEZ MARROQUIN, A., 1961 Conobea, see Scrophulariaceae Conocarpus, see Combretaceae conocaste, see Enterolobium cyclocarpum Conocephalus, see Moraceae Conopholis, see Orobanchaceae Conostegia, see Melastomaceae conservation, forests, see forests general information, ESCOBAR, R., 1905a Mexico, see Mexico, natural resources; Mexico, tropical forests construction, see plants, for construction consuda, not identified, forage plant, ANON., 1893c Contador, see Bosque El Contador Contortae. observations, MEDIKUS, F. K., 1783 systematics, KORTE, F., 1954 (based on morphology and chemistry); TOURNAY, R. and LAWALREE, A., 1952; WAGENITZ, G„ 1959 contrahierba (also as contrayerba), see Psoralea and Psoralen pentaphylia ; Passiflora (?) contrayerba blanca, see Psoralea pentaphylia contrayerba de Mexico, see Psoralea mexicana Contreras, Canada de, see Distrito Federal Convolvulaceae, America, HALLIER, H., 1897-1899, 1898; O'DONELL, C. A., 1941a (revision) chromosome counts, KANO, T., 1929 compatibility in, KNIGHT, R. J. JR., 1959 medicinal species, LABOUREUER, E. J., 1884 (anatomy) ; VILLADA, M. M„ 1903 (in Mexico) in Mexico, southern, O'DONELL, C. A., 1941 monograph, BRUECKNER, G., 19271928; HALLIER, H „ 1897-1.899 as purgatives, BAILLON, H. E., 1873(1874) Seler collections, HALLIER, H., 1897-1899 synopsis, ROBF.RTY, G„ 1952-1953 systematics, CHOISY, J. F„ 1833a; COUPIN, H. and CAPITAINE, L„ 1910; HALLIER, H „ 1893; VAN OOSTROOM, S. J. and HOOGLAND, R. D„ 1953 tropical, LEFORT, M„ 1951 uses, COUPIN, H. and CAPITAINE, L., 1910 "yerba de las animas," medicinal plant, SORIANO, M. S., 1881 Aniseia aurea n. sp., Baja California, KELLOGG, A., 1873a asurea n. sp., Baja California, see above Batatas edulis (see also Ipomoea batatas), CHOISY, J. D., 1833a culture, BORZI, A., 1916 (in Sicily); WICKEN. P. G., 1902 forage plant, ESCOBAR, R., 1910b Batatas jalapa n. sp., CHOISY, J. D„ 1839 Bombycospermum, systematics, HALLIER, H., 1898a mexicanum, transferred to Ipomoea, HALLIER, H„ 1898a Bonamia, North America, HOUSE, H. D., 1907a synopsis, SHINNERS, L. H., 1962 Brvweria, Mexico, new species, SMITH. L. B. and SCHUBERT, B. G., 1939b systematics, SHINNERS, L. H., 1962 ttexicana var. floribunda n. var., BELTRAN y PUGA, G„ 1891; VILLADA, M. M., 1891a Caiboa, new species, LINDLEY, J., 1848-1851 Calonyction, chromosome numbers, KING, J. R. and BAMFORD, R., 1937 compatibility, KNIGHT, R. J. JR., 1959 systematics, HALLIER, H., 18971899 aculeatum comb, nov., HOUSE, H. D„ 1904 new form, ALLARD, H. A., 1945 bona-nox, nomenclature, HOUSE, H. D„ 1904 macrantholeucum n. sp., COLLA, L., 1840a Calycobolus, North America, HOUSE, H. D„ 1907a pringlei n. sp., Morelos and Puebla, see above Calystegia spithamaea, substitute for Exogonium pwrqa, KELLOGG, A., 1862

Cassytha, systematics, DESMOULINS, C„ 1852 Convolvulus, California, systematics, ABRAMS, L „ 1946 "false jalap," with rose odor, GUIBOURT, N. J. B. G., 1843 food plant, PARMENTIER, M„ 1788 "guaco," KELLOGG, A., 1862 "jalapa macho," medicinal plant, SORIANO, M. S„ 1881 new species, HOUSE, H. D., 1909a origin, geographic, CANDOLLE, A. L. P. P. DE, 1882a systematics, based on underground parts, see above as a weed, ANON., 1913i americanus jalapium, BOULDUC, G. F„ 1701(1704) arvensis, culture, ESCOBAR, A., 1944 substitute for Exogonium purga, KELLOGG, A., 1862 batatas, see Ipomoea batatas jalapa, monograph, DESFONTAINES, R. L., 1803 synonymy, BEATON, D., 1839 "true jalap," GENEVRAYE, M. D E L A , 1857 in the U. S., southeast, MICHAUX, A., 1803 officinalis, properties, PELLETAN, G., 1834 orisabensis, medicinal plant. BLANCO MACIAS, G., 1949 pharmaceutical study, BOURIEZ, A., 1882 Queretarensis, resin source, . JIMENEZ, M. C„ 1871 sepi-um, substitute for Exogonium purga, KELLOGG, A., 1862 sylvatico flore albo, see Smilax Cressa insularis, Socorro and Clarion Islands, HOUSE, H. D„ 1906a Cuscuta, see also Cuscutineae America, North, revision, YUNCKER, T. G„ 1921 on Citrus, GANDARA, G., 1910a collections, YUNCKER, T. G., 1932 culture, GIROLA, C. D., 1915 distribution, North America, CUNNINGHAM, A. M„ 1898 dye plant, ANON., 1890-1891b general information, ANON., 18891890 importance, ANON., 1902h Mexico, alfalfa fields, species in, MADARIAGA, A., 1909 monograph, CHOISY, J. D., 18411842; YUNCKER, T. G„ 1932 as a parasite (see also Cuscuta americana, on Bidens pilosa; Cuscuta, on Citrus, on Parthenium), PARDO y URBINA, M., 1888-1889 on Parthenium, LLOYD, F. E., 1908 systematics, CAMPANILE, G., 1925, 1926; DESMOULINS, C., 1852; ENGELMANN, G., 1859 americana, BALESTRIER, L. DE, 1897a on Bidens pilosa, histology, VILLAGRAN PRADO, F., 1939 aurea n. sp., Puebla, LIEBMANN, _ F., 1847b Chlistogrammica sect., systematics. CAMPANILE, G., 1925, 1926 cosumeliensis n. sp., YUNCKER, T. G., 1922 deltoidea var. serrulata n. var., Colima, YUNCKER, T. G„ 1935 dentasquamata n. sp., Sonora, YUNCKER, T. G., 1922 durangana n. sp., YUNCKER, T. G., 1922 lindsayi n. sp.. Sinaloa, WIGGINS, I. L., 1959 macvauphii n. sp., Michoacan, YUNCKER, T. G., 1960 palustris n. sp., Yucatan, YUNCKER, T. G., 1939 sidarum n. sp., Oaxaca, LIEBMANN, F„ 1847b strobilacea n. sp., Veracruz, LIEBMANN, F„ 1847b veatchii, see Baja California, plants, unusual yucatana n. sp., YUNCKER, T. G., 1935 Cuscutineae, Cuscuta, systematics, ENGELMANN, G„ 1842-1843, 1887 Dichondra, America, North, revision, THARP, B. C. and JOHNSTON, M. C., 1961 Capsularia subg., systematics, see above nivea, changed to Dichondra, see above Evolvulus, monograph, VAN OOSTROOM, S. J., 1934

acapulcensis n. sp., CHOISY, J. D., 1839 adscendens n. sp., Colima, HOUSE, H. D., 1906a palmeri n. sp., Colima, see above wilcoxiana n. sp., Mexico, northern, see above Exogonium, species, HOUSE, H. D., 1908a eriospermum n. sp., CHOISY, J . D„ 1839 jalapa, medicinal plant, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1944a nomenclature, BAILLON, H. E„ 1873(1874) as purgative, see above Utteum n. sp., Oaxaca, HOUSE, H. D„ 1908a olivae n. sp., BARCENA, M., 1874 purga (see also Ipomoea purga) culture, HANBURY, D., 1867 (jalap) ornamental, ANON., 1874 pharmaceutical study, BOURIEZ, A., 1882 substitutes for, KELLOGG, A., 1862

"true jalapa," NORIEGA, J. M „ 1903 spicatum n. sp., CHOISY, J. D., 1839 velutifolium n. sp., Oaxaca, HOUSE, H. D., 1908a Hewittia, see Convolvulaceae, tropical Ipomoea (see also Convolvulaceae, tropical; ethnobotany, Maya) a j e ( ? ) , HENRIQUEZ URENA, P., 1938 America, North, monograph, HOUSE, H. D., 1908 arboreal species, Mexico, ROSE, J. N., 1894a "cacaxclapa"?, ROUSSET, E„ 1902 "campanilla," medicinal uses, RAMIREZ, G., 1921 "cazahuate," SALINAS, M., 1938 as climbers, RAMIREZ CANTU, D., 1943c compatibility, KNIGHT, R. J. JR., 1959 culture, VARIOUS, 1889-1891 (in Michoacan); ANON., 1849a cytology, SHARMA, A. K. and DATTA, P. C., 1958 "false jalap," GUIBOURT, N. G., 1843 general information, ALZATE y RAMIREZ, J. A., 1790 growth behavior and twining, ALLARD, H. A., 1947 jalap officinal(?), GRISARD, J., 1890b legends connected with, see ethnobotany, Maya "manto," on trees, SOLORZANO PLIEGO, J., 1938 "mechoacan," GOHORY, J., 1572 medicinal plant, for rabies(?), ANON., 1888f new taxa, HOUSE, H. D., 1907, 1907b; O'DONELL, C. A., 1950-1953; RAMIREZ, R., 1913 (unnamed) ; SMITH, L. B. and SCHUBERT, B. G., 1939b; WIGGINS, I. L „ 1950 (in the Sonoran Desert) ornamental, ROWNTREE, L., 1939, 1941 phylogeny, SHARMA, A. K. and DATTA, P. C., 1958 and related genera, chromosome numbers, KING, J. R. and BAMFORD, R„ 1937 systematics, sections, MOTTET, S., 1891; VAN OOSTROOM, S. J . , 1940 twining, see Ipomoea, growth behavior and twining amarga, pharmaceutical thesis, FLORES, M. M„ 1939 arborea n. sp., CERVANTES, V., 1793 poisonous leaves, GOMEZ, J . O E LA, L., 1879 arborescens, BARRETT, O. W „ 1904; CLUTE, W. N., 1904 descriptions, P U R P U S , J. A., 1926c in the U. S., southwest, CLUTE, W. N., 1904 batatas (see also Batatas edulis and Ipomoea, Batatas sect, below), GARMA, F„ 1912; GARZA G„ J. DE LA, 1944; ANON., 1909j aji as group name, BURKILL, I. H., 1954 anatomy, seedling, HAYWARD, H. E., 1932 tubers, McCORMICK, F. A., 1916 ancestral form, NISHTYAMA, I. et al, 1961a batata as group name, BURKILL, I. H., 1954

compared with I. trifida, NISHIYAMA, I., 1961a culture, ESCOBAR, R., 1934; FLORES VIEZCA, V., 1941; MARIN, L., 1924d; PARMENTIER, A. A., 1789; REYES GARCIA, B., 1936, 1943; STEARNS, E., 1910; ANON., 1851-1853, 1901k, 1925, 1943d in Juarez, Valle de Cd., SERRANO, G., 1928 in San Bartolo, QUINTERO T „ E., 1932 cytology, see I. batatas, and related species description, ANON., 1856a dispersal from America, LAUFER, B., 1929 to Oceania, HARNELL, J., 1946 economic importance, VARIOUS, 1943-1947 general information, MATTEI, G. E„ 1912 history of, CARCER y DISDIER, M. DE, 1955; CARTER, G. F., 1950, 1953 (in America); MERRILL, E. D., 1950 monograph, HAND, T. W. and COCKERHAM, K. L„ 1921 origin, COOLEY, J. S„ 1951; TING, Y. C. et al, 1957; W I E N E R , L., 1920-1922 (in Africa?) and related species, cytology, TING, Y. C. et al, 1957 systematics, cultivated varieties, GROTH, B. H. A„ 1911 Batatas sect., systematics and cytogenetics, NISHIYAMA, I. et al, 1961 bombycina, formerly in Bombycospermum, HALLIER, H., 1898a grandidentata n. sp., Torreon, THOMPSON, C. H„ 1911 heptaphylla, in Campeche, BAEHNI, C., 1936 jalapa, COXE, J. R., 1830 mellifera alba, general information, SOUZA NOVELO, N„ 1948 mirabilis, dissertation, medical, SCHALLER, J. P. B., 1761 ttvurucoides, medicinal plant, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1905a resin source, JIMENEZ, M. C„ 1871 odorata n. sp., Baja California, EASTWOOD, A., 1943 orisabensis (jalap male), chemical composition, LEDANOIS, M., 1829 medicinal plant, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1944a properties, PELLETAN, G., 1834 substitutes for, FLUECKIGER, F. A., 1890 true jalapa, NORIEGA, J. M., 1903 purga. LANDERO, P. DE, 1880; P A U L L I N I , C. F., 1700 botanical study, CASAS, C„ 1869 culture, DERING, H. N., 1896; VARIOUS, 1889-1890 (in Michoacan); ANON., 1907f dissertation, CADET DE GASSICOURT, C. L. F., 1817 experiments with, by M. Boulduc, ANON., 1714 flowering in Edinburgh, BALFOUR, J. H„ 1848 general information, OTTO, F. and DIETRICH, A., 1835; P E T I T . J., 1892 "jalap," BAUSOR, S. C., 1937 in Jalapa, GRAHAM, R., 1840 "jalappe," CAUSE, D. H., 1676 "mechoacan," EVERARD, G. (1583) culture, ESTIENNE, C. (1564?) description, by Monardes, ALVAREZ LOPEZ, E., 1949; LEON, N., 1926 note on, by Monardes, LEON, N., 1886a uses, GUARGUANTI, O., 1595 medicinal plant, ANDOUARD, A., 1864; BALESTRIER, L. DE, 1895a; BLANCO MACIAS, G., 1949; BOULDUC, G. F., 1711(1714); DONATI. M., 1569; RUBIO, J., 1890; SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L., 1832a medical thesis, SCHMID, J. U., 1678 in Michoacan, MENDOZA, J., 1877 Monardes, described by, ALVAREZ LOPEZ, E„ 1949; see also I. purga, mechoacan

INDEX Convolvulaceae—continued morphology and anatomy, SHELLARD, E. J., 1961 n. sp., HAYNE, F. G., 18051846 and substitutes, FERNANDEZ DE JAUREGUI, M„ 1871; FLUECKIGER, F. A., 1890; ANON., 1920e synonymy, BEATON, D., 1839; WENDEROTH, G. W. F„ 1854 in Veracruz, ANON., 1920e OuamocJit sect., America, O'DONELL, C. A., 1959 santillani n. sp., O'DONELL, C. A., 1941 schiedeana, "true jalap"?, GRAHAM, R., 1840 sescossiana, medicinal plant, San Luis Potosí, BAILLON, H „ 1883 sidaefolia. CHOISY, J. D., 1833a; RAMIREZ, J., 1900a, 1900c, 1904 ("ololiuhqui") simulans. jalap source, HANBURY, D., 1870 morphology and anatomy, SHELLARD, E. J., 1961 pharmaceutical study, BOURIEZ, A.. 1882 resin source, SPIRGATIS, H., 1870 true jalap, NORIEGA, J. M„ 1903 stems, culture, PURPUS, J. A., 1912b medical thesis, SOLIS RODRIGUEZ, S„ 1932 medicinal plant. MONTES DE OCA, V., 1893 (for hysteria and epilepsy) ; SOSA, S., 1895 pharmaceutical study, BENAVIDES, F. ra T. JR., 1939; FERNANDEZ "POSADA, M., 1938; HERNANDEZ UGALDE, J. A., 1932 tiliacra. in the origin of I. batatas, TING. Y. C. et al, 1957 tricolor, hallucinogenic, MACDOUGALL, T., 1960c trífida, ancestral form of modern sweet potato, NISHIYAMA, I. et al. 1961a compared with /. batatas, see above triflora n. sp.. VELASCO, J. M. and I., 1870a resin source, JIMENEZ, M. C., 1871 tuberosa. England, introduced to, TURNER, J., 1812 violacea, substitute for hallucinogenic fungi, WASSON, R. G., 1961 woolcottiana n. sp., ROSE, J. N., 1894a _ yucatanensis. popular account, FLORES, R. S.. 1920b Jacquemontia. new species, HOUSE, H. D., 1909a; STANDLEY, P. C.. 1926 (Chiapas); WTGGTNS, I. L. and ROLLINS, R. C„ 1943 (in Sonora) hirsuta n. sp., CHOISY, J. D„ 1839 obcordata, Yucatan, MONACHINO, J.. 1958 secundiflora n. comb., O'DONELL, C. A., 1950-1953 simulata n. sp., Yucatan, HOUSE, _ H. D., 1906a Jalapium officinarum, general information, ELLIS, J., 1769 Merremia (see also Convolvulaceae, tropical) chromosome numbers, KING, T. R. and BAMFORD. R.. 1937 tuirea n. comb., Baja California, O'DONELL, C. A., 1941a platyphylla n. comb., Guerrero, C. A., 1941 Mina lobata, history, PERRING, W „ 1886

Operculina, chromosome numbers, KING. J. R. and BAMFORD, R., 1937 new species, HOUSE, H. D., 1907, 1909a North America, species, HOUSE, H. D., 1906b a urea. Baja California, J O H A N S E N , D. A., 1933 pinnatifida n. comb., O'DONELL, C.A., 1950-1953 Quamoclit, chromosome numbers, KING, J. R. and BAMFORD, R., 1937 compatibility in, KNIGHT, R. J. JR., 1959 new taxa, F O U R N I E R , E„ 1883; HOUSE, H. D., 1909 North America, species, HOUSE, H. D., 1909 gracilis n. sp., HALLIER, H., 18971899

lobata, ornamental, EVERETT, T. H., 1939a Rivea, medicinal value, CONZATTI, C., 1936 narcotic plant, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1901a taxonomy, CONZATTI, C., 1920 corymbosa (see also ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic, plants narcotic) identified as Datura, SAFFORD, W. E., 1917b, 1921a description from Hernandez, LEON, N., 1920 ergot alkaloid in seeds, TABER, W. A. and HEACOCK, R. A., 1962 general information, REKO, B. P., 1934; URBINA, M., 1903 gluco-alkaloid in, SANTESSON, C. G., 1937, 1937a monograph, SCHULTES, R. E „ 1941c narcotic plant, SCHULTES, R. E., 1953, 1954; TAYLOR, N„ 1944 nomenclature, SCHULTES, R. E., 1960a in Oaxaca, northeast, SCHULTES, R. E., 1941d physiological effects, REKO, B. P., 1921; OSMOND, H „ 1955 sacred to Aztecs, TORO, A., 1930 seeds, see ergot alkaloid, above substitute for hallucinogenic fungi, WASSON, R. G., 1961 Stylisma, North America species, HOUSE, H. D., 1907a systematics, S H I N N E R S , L. H., 1962 Convolvulus, see Convolvulaceae Conyza, see Compositae Conzatti, Cassiano, bio-bibliography, BELTRAN, E„ 1951c biography, BONANSEA, S., 1914; CALLEGARI, G. V., 1924, 1928; CAMP, W. H., 1937; MARTINEZ, M., 1951a collections, in Oaxaca, BLAKE, S. F., 1918 Mexico flora, work on, BLAKE, S. F., 1931c publications, evaluation, MALDO. NADO KOERDELL, M.. 1951 Comattia, see Leguminosae Cooperia, see Amaryllidaceae copahu, see Copaifera Copaiba, see Leguminosae Copaifera, see Leguminosae Copainala, see Chiapas copal, see Elaphrium ; Hymenaea courbaril; Jatropha; plants, copal sources ; Rhus copalinum copal, plants, known as (see plants, copal sources) unidentified, rubber source, P., 1911 copal bianco de santo, see Elaphrium jorullense copal chino, see Amyris bipinnata copal d'Amerique, see Hymenaea courbaril copal de penca, see Bursera jorullensis copalche, copalchi, see Croton suberosum ; C. pseudo-china; Coutarea latiflora; Exostema copalchi, not identified, uses, ANON., 1904r copalchi de Jojutla, see Coutarea. laiifiora copalichi, see copalchi copalier d'Amerique, see Hymenaea courbaril copalillo, see Jatropha copalillo, unidentified, rubber source, P., 1911 copaljocote, see Sapindus saponaria copalme d'Amerique, see Liquidambar styraciflua copaloxtli, see Schinus molle copalquin, see Croton niveus Copanaquista, see Chiapas copite, see Cordia dodecandra Coptis, see Ranunculaceae Coque, see Zoque coquito de aceite (azeyte), see Attalea cohune Cora Indians, see ethnobotany; Nayarit, Cora territory; vocabulary Cora region, see Durango, Jalisco, Nayarit coral trees, see Erythrina Corallophyllum, Corallophillum, see Lennoa Corallorrhisa, see Orchidaceae corcho de Yucatan, also as mac much and tapo de sapo (Malvaceae?), CUEVAS G„ R„ 1923 Corchcrus, see Tiliaceae cordage, see plants, for cordage Cordatae sect., see Salix Cordero y Hoyos, Francisco, biography, SOLOGUREN, F. et al, 18771879 Cordia, see Boraginaceae ; also Cordieae Cordieae, see Boraginaceae Cordoba, see Veracruz cordoban, see Pedilanthus pavonis cordoncillo, see Piper angustifolium Cordova, see Cordoba

cordovan, see Pedilanthus tomentellus Cordyline, see Liliaceae; (by some in the Agavaceae) Coreocarpus, see Compositae Coreopsideae, see Compositae Coreopsidinae, see Compositae Coreopsis, see Compositae Coreosma, see Saxifragaceae; also Grossularieae Coriandrum, see Umbelliferae Coriaria, see Coriariaceae Coriariaceae, anatomy, shoots, RUSSOW, E„ 1881 pharmacological study, LEDENTU, H. A. C„ 1910 systematics, CHATIN, A., 1856 (relation to Limnanthes) ; MAXIMOWICZ, C. J., 1881 Coriaria, distribution, MAEKAWA, F., 1960a in the origin of Angiospermae, MAEKAWA, D„ 1960 phytogeographic study, GOOD, R. D'O., 1930 atropurpurea, chemical study, RIO DE LA LOZA, F., 1891 medicinal plant, TOUSSAINT, M„ 1895 myrtifolia, poisonous, MARTINEZ VARGAS, A., 1928 Cornaceae (see also Umbellulales, woody) and allies, systematics, LI, H. L. and CHAO, C. Y„ 1954. (See also and related taxa, below) wood anatomy, see above; also anatomy, below America, North, distribution, COULTER, J. M., 1890a anatomy (see also wood anatomy, above) comparative, SARTORIUS, A., 1893 stem, compared with Umbelliflorae, q.v. wood (see also Cornaceae and allies, above), ADAMS, J. E., 1949 morphology, comparative (related families), FAURE, A. L., 1924 Nevada, LITTLE, E. L. JR., 1956a phylogeny, ADAMS, J. E., 1949 and related taxa (see also and allies above), systematics, WANGERIN, W., 1907 systematics (see also above), HALLIER, H., 1918; HARMS, H„ 1897; H U T C H I N S O N , J., 1942 thesis, FAURE, A. L., 1924 Umbellales, removed from, MITTAL, S. P., 1960 wood, see anatomy, wood, above Alanqium, systematics, WANGERIN, W „ 1907 Benthamia, in Mexico, NAKAI, T., 1909 Apocarpa subg., Discocrania sect., systematics, see above Benthamidia, includes Cornus, HARA, H „ 1948 Camptotheca, systematics, WANGERIN, W „ 1907; see also under Nyssaceae Cornus, cytology, DERMEN, H., 1932 in Mexico, RICKETT, H. W., 1950; ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911 nomenclature, sections, RICKETT, H. W., 1942 North America, RICKETT, H. W., 1943a species, descriptions, L ' H E R I T I E R DE BRUTELLE, C. L „ 1788(1789) transferred to Benthamidia-, HARA, H „ 1948 floccosa n. sp., WANGERIN, W „ . 1909 florida subsp. urbiniana comb, nov., RICKETT, H. W., 1945 Microcarpum sect., systematics, KOEHNE, E., 1903 occidentalis, hybrids with C. stolonifera, RICKETT, H. W., 1944 stolonifera, see above Thelycrania subg., systematics, MEYER, C. A., 1849 Cynoxylon, species in Mexico, H U T C H I N S O N , J., 1942 Davidia, systematics, WANGERIN, W., 1907; see also under Nyssaceae Helwingia, epiphyllous flowers, JOHNSON, M. A., 1958 Nyssa, systematics, WANGERIN, W., 1907; see also under Nyssaceae Cornus, see Cornaceae Cornutia, see Verbenaceae corozo, see Attalea cohune; Orbignya; Scheelea liebmanni correguela, see Convolvulus arvensis Correll, Donovan S., collections in Mexico, see Solanaceae travels, for potato collecting, CORRELL, D. S., 1962 Cortes, Hernan (see also Ceiba, of Cortes)


expedition, report of, CORTES, H., 1519-1526; WAGNER, H. R. (1520-1522) letters of, see bibliographic works Mexico City, map of, made by, see Mexico City, gardens of Moctezuma cortex copalche, see Croton suberosum corteza de Jojutla, see Coutarea Cortina, Conde de la, letter from Rio de la Loza, L., RIO DE LA LOZA, L., 1844-1845 cortisone, see plants, cortisone sources Corydalis, see Papaveraceae Corylus, see Betulaceae Corymborchis, see Orchidaceae Corypha, see Palmae Coryphantha, see Cactaceae; also Coryphanthanae and Mammillaria Coryphanthanae, see Cactaceae Corypheae, see Palmae Cosamaloapam, see Veracruz Coscatlan, see Puebla, Cuzcutlan Coscomatepec, see Veracruz Cosil, see Yucatan Cosmanthus subg., see Phacelia Cosmos, see Compositae; also Coreopsidinae Costa Chica, see Guerrero costa de Barlovento, see Barlovento, costa de costa de Sotavento, see Sotavento, costa de Costa Grande, see Guerrero Costa Rica, flora, DURAND, T. and P I T T I E R , H., 1891-1898; STANDLEY, P. C., 1937-1938 plants of economic importance, P I T T I E R DE FABREGA, H. F., 1908a trees, bipinnate and tri-pinnate leaved, HOLDRIDGE, L. R., 1957 vegetation (see also Golfo Dulce, below), STANDLEY, P. C., 1937-1938 Golfo Dulce, rain forests, vegetation of, ALLEN, P. H., 1956 Turrialba, Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, plants being studied at, ANON., 19431952 seed catalogue, ANON., 1943-1952 Costaceae, new family, TOMLINSON, B. P., 1962 costicpatli, see Thalictrum hernandezii costomate, see Physalis costomatl Costus, see Zingiberaceae Cotija, see Michoacan Cotoneaster, see Rosaceae cotonnier arborescent, see Gossypium, tree form cotton, see Gossypium; also tree cotton cotton, Acala, see Acala cotton cotton boll weevil, see plants, cotton boll weevil host cotton gin, description of, ALZATE y RAMIREZ, J. A., 1772 cotufa, see Helicnthus tuberosus cotufa Espanola, see Cyperus esculentus Cotuta, see Yucatan, Zotuta Cotyledon, see Crassulaceae in America, see Echeveria Coulter, Thomas, biography, ALDEN, R. H. and 1FFT, J. D., 1943; CANDOLLE, A. P., 1832 collections, see Cactaceae, Coulter collections; Cactaceae, new taxa, Coulter collections explorations of, COVILLE, F. V., 1895 travels in Mexico, McVAUGH, R., 1943a Coulterella, see Compositae Coulterophytum, see Umbelliferae courbaril, see Hymenaea courbaril Coutarea, see Rubiaceae Coutouly, Gustave de, letter to, LEJEUNE, L., 1885 couxucote, resin source, BREYN, J., 1672(1681) Covarrubias, Joseph Ramon, studies, botanical, VALDES, M. A., 1796,1798 cover crops, see plants, cover crops Covillea, see Zygophyllaceae Cowania, see Rosaceae cow tree, see Brosimum galactodendron coyo, see Persea schiedeana Coyoacan, see Distrito Federal coyol, see Acrocomia mexicana coyol de Jahuacte, see Bactris coyol Mexicano, see Acrocomui mexicana coyol real, see iSckeelea liebmanmi Coyolapan, see Cuilapa coyol i, see Calappa coyopatli, see Physalis(f) Coyotepec, see Mexico, state coyotillo, see Karwinskia humboldtiana (Rhamnus humboldtiana) Coyotitlanapa, see Puebla coyotomate, see Vitex mollis Coyta, see Ocozocoautla (Chiapas) Coyuca (de Benitez), see Guerrero Coyuca de Catalan, see Guerrero Cozautepeque, see Cocautepeque cozticpatli, see Thalictrum hernandezii cozticxochitl, see Cattleya( ?)

INDEX Cozumel (see also Cuscuta cosumeliensis ; Esenbeckia n. sp. ; Mexico, southeastern, forest conditions; Q u i n t a n a Roo) descriptive account, A A R O N , E. M „ 1892; P A V I A A N G U L O , A . , 1938

expedition, C A B R E R A , H . , 1920 plants (see also U t o w a n a E x p e d i t i o n ) , A A R O N , E. M., 1892; M . F . P., 1846; T O R R E S , J. J.,

1846a; A N O N . , 1909Ì timbers, L L O Y D , W . E „ 1915 travel account, L E P L O N G E O N , A. D., 1886 trees of, see above crabwood, see Carapa Crucca, see Leguminosae Craig, R . T . , collections, see C R A I G . R. T . , 1947 Cranichis, see Orchidaceae Crassecheverria, see Crassulaceae Crossino., see Compositae Crassula, see Crassulaceae Crassulaceae (see also America, deserts, succulent plants; plants, succulent, new taxa, catalogue) alpine species, chromosome numbers, S T O U T A M I R E , W . P. and B E A M A N , J . H . , 1960a anatomy and physiology, R E I C H E , K „ 1921a catalogue, V E R B E E K W O L T H U Y S , J . J „ 1920-1922 cytology, U H L , C. H „ 1947 cytotaxonomy, U H L , C. H . and M O R A N , R „ 1953 distribution, M O R A N , R. V., 1933; S C H I L L , J . F . , 1921 isocitric acid content, S O D E R S T R O M , T . R., 1962 k e y to, B R I T T O N , N . L. and R O S E , J . N., 1929 in Mexico, J U M P E R T Z , W . , 1939 monograph, C A N D O L L E , A. P . , 1828 morphology, floral, Q U I M B Y , M . W . , 1939 nectaries, W A L T H E R , E . , 1959 n e w taxa, B R I T T O N , N. L . and R O S E , J . N., 1903; P U R P U S , J . A., 1911a ( P u r p u s collections) R O S E , T. N., 1897-1911, 1909a nomenclature, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1946 systematics, M O R A N , R. V., 1942; W A L T H E R , E., 1931 Altamiranoa, see also Sedum galeottianum illustrations, W A L T H E R , E . , 1934, 1937 n. gen., B R I T T O N , N . L. and R O S E , J . N . . 1903 nomenclature, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1940 systematic position, B A E H N I , C., 1936-1938a Villadia, species, t r a n s f e r r e d to, W A L T H E R . E., 1938a goldmani, changed to V. goldmanii, q.v. Bryophvllum calycinum, in Campeche, F L O R E S , R. S., 1911 culture, R A M I R E Z , R., 1917 Byrnesia weinbergii, description, K I N C H E R , M . and T R E F F R Y , H . , 1935 n . sp., R O S E , J . N „ 1922 Ciliatae, n e w ser., M O R A N , R . , 1961c Cotyledon, see also Sedum galeottianum called Echeveria, C A R P , 1895a characters, C O O P E R , T . , 1898 distinguished f r o m 'Echeveria a n d Dudleyo, W A L T H E R , E., 1932b Crassechever ria imbricata, teratology, D U G E S , A., 1899-1900 Crassula, characters, C O O P E R , T., 1898 h o r t i c u l t u r a l species, F R A N K , A . M . , 1949

Cremnophila nutans, characters, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959d P r i n g l e collection, rediscovery, M A T U D A , E „ 1958b Diotostemon hookeri n. sp., S A L M D Y C K , J . , 1854 Dudleya, characters, M O R A N , R. V . , 1942 cytotaxonomy, U H L , C. H . and M O R A N , R . , 1953

distinguished f r o m Cotyledon and Echeveria, W A L T H E R , E., 1932b general i n f o r m a t i o n , R U S H , H . G., 1948 hybrids in B a j a California, M O R A N , R . V., 1951 hybrids with Hasseanthus, M O R A N , R. V., 1951 monograph, J O H A N S E N , D . A „ 1932 n e w species, B R I T T O N , N . L . a n d R O S E , J . N „ 1903; J O H A N S E N , D. A . , 1932 ( B a i a California) revision, M O R A N , R. V . , 1951c

white-flowered species, J O H A N S E N , D . A., 1932 abramsii, and r e l a t e d species, M O R A N , R . V., 1952 anthonyi, in B a j a California, M O R A N , R. V., 1943a in Isla S a n M a r t i n , M A T U D A , E., 1962a brittonii, in B a j a California, R U S H , H . G., 1949 illustration, A N O N . , 1953 formosa n. sp., B a j a California, M O R A N , R . V., 1950a guadalupensis n. sp., G u a d a l u p e Island, M O R A N , R. V . , 1951b pulverulenta, observations, R U S H , H . G., 1948 subspecies, M O R A N , R. V . , 1943 semiteres n, comb., M O R A N , R. V., 1950c Stylophyllum subg., revision, M O R A N , R. V., 1942-1943 tenuis, synonymy, M O R A N , R. V . , 1952 Echeveria (see also Cotyledon, called Echeveria; Etcheveria; Eckeveria) breeding experiments with, R E I T E R , V. JR., 1935 characters, C O O P E R , T . , 1898; M O R A N , R. V.. 1942 cultivated species, O T T O , E., 1873 see also horticultural species; Valencia, cultivated in cytotaxonomy, U H L , C. H . and M O R A N , R., 1953 distinguished f r o m Cotyledon a n d Dudleya, W A L T H E R , E „ 1932b enumeration, species, M O R R E N , E „ 1874 h o r t i c u l t u r a l species, B U T T E R F I E L D , H . M „ 1954; see also cultivated species hybrids, W A L T H E R , E „ 19341935 in Mexico, J U M P E R T Z , W . , 1939; W A L T H E R , E., 1958 (localities b y states) in Mexico, Valle de, G O L D , D. B., 1958 nectaries, W A L T H E R , E „ 1959 new t a x a , B R I T T O N , N . L . and R O S E , T. N., 1903; P O E L L N I T Z , K., 1935; R O S E , T. N „ 1897-1911; W A L T H E R , E „ 1935, 1938 Chiapas, A L E X A N D E R , E . J . , 1941 Hidalgo, W A L T H E R , E . , 19581959 Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E. J., 1941; W A L T H E R , E., 19581959 P u r p u s collections. R O S E , J . N . and P U R P U S , J. A., 1910 phylogenv, W A L T H E R , E „ 1936a and related genera, J A N S E , J . A., 1951 species, S K I N N E R , W . J., 1899 catalogue, L E M A I R E , C., 1863 outstanding, R U S H , H „ 1945 t r a n s f e r r e d to Thompsonella. B R I T T O N , N. L. and R O S E , J . N „ 1909a systematics, P O E L L N I T Z , K . VON, 1936, 1939_ Valencia, cultivated in, B O S C A , E., 1892 acutifnlia, O a x a c a , endemic in, M A T U D A , E „ 1959d affinis n. sp., W A L T H E R , E „ 1958a agarvoides, c u l t u r e , T H O O R N , J . J . E., 1933 akontiop'hvl'ia n . sp., W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1932 amoena, a n ornamental, S M E T , L . DE, 1875 introduced into Europe, see above bifurcata n. sp., Hidalgo, R O S E , J . N., 1909b brachyantha n . sp., V A R I O U S , 1894-1933 carnicolor, crossed with E. pulvinata, W A L T H E R , E „ 1934-1935 epiphyte, V e r a c r u z , P U R P U S , J . A., 1930 in V e r a c r u z , R O S E , J . N . , 1909 Chloranthae n. ser., M O R A N , R. V . (1960) 1961 ciliata n. sp., O a x a c a , M O R A N , R. V., 1961c Ciliatae n. ser., M O R A N , R. V . , _1961a craigiana n. sp., C h i h u a h u a , W A L T H E R , E., 1952 derenbergii n. sp., S i e r r a de Mixteca, P U R P U S , J . A., 1921a Oaxaca, D U U R S M A , G. D „ 1938; A N O N . , 1939a, 1948c ( P u r p u s collection) desmetiana, description, R O E Z L , B., 1923 i n t r o d u c e d into E u r o p e , S M E T , L . DE, 1875a elegans, at H a c i e n d a del C a r m e n ,


Omitlan, Hidalgo, W A L T H E R , E., 1958b nomenclatural history, H I G G I N S , V., 1947 fimbriata, Morelos, T H O M P S O N , C. H . , 1911 flammea, description, R U S H , H . G-. 1946 gigantea, description, M A C D O U G A L L , T . , 1949a in the S i e r r a de Mixteca, P U R P U S , J. A., 1921

goldiana n. sp., Mexico, state, W A L T H E R , E „ 1959a harmsii, formerly Oliveranthus elegans, B E C H T VAN O M M E N , G . J . , 1927 nomenclature, H I G G I N S , V . , 1947 heterosepala, t r a n s f e r r e d to Packyphytum, M O R A N , R. V . (1960) 1961 leucotricha, ornamental f r o m t h e S i e r r a d e Mixteca, P U R P U S , J . A., 1914b linguaefolia, characters, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959d longiflora n. sp., Guerrero, W A L T H E R , E „ 1959b lutea, amplified description, M O R A N , R. C., 1962d n. sp., San Luis Potosi, P U R P U S , T. A., 1931; R O S E , J . N., 1911c meyraniana n. sp., Puebla, W A L T H E R , E., 1959a multicaulis n. sp., G u e r r e r o , R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 parrasensis n. sp., Coahuila, W A L T H E R , E., 1959b pilosa n. sp., Sierra d e Mixteca, P U R P U S , J . A., 1917b pulvi-carn, hybrid species, W A L T H E R , E., 1934-1935 pulvinata, crossed with E. carnicolor, see above description, M A T U D A , E . , 1960a rosea grande, description, R U S H , H . G., 1946 runyonii var. macabeana, description, see above semivestita n. sp., Hidalgo, M O R A N , R. V., 1954a v a r . fioresiana n. v a r . , W A L T H E R , E „ 1958a sessilifiora, description, M A T U D A , E., 1959c setosa, in P u e b l a , V A N DEN H O U T E N , J . M . , 1933 simulans, description, S A M U E L S , M. C „ 1930 tolimanensis n. sp., Hidalgo, M A T U D A , E., 1958c trianthina n. sp., Hidalgo, R O S E , J . N . , 1909b turgida n. sp., Coahuila, P U R P U S , J . A., 1907c walpoleana n. sp., S a n L u i s Potosi, R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 waltheri n. sp., Mexico, state, M O R A N , R. and M E Y R A N , J . , 1961 Eckeveria, Etcheveria, see Echeveria; also etymology, Eckeveria, Etcheveria Graptopetalum, illustrations, W A L T H E R , E., 1934, 1937 n . gen., R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 amethystinum n. comb., Jalisco, W A L T H E R , E., 1931c bartramii, in Chihuahua, M O R A N , R . V., 1949 filiferum, synonymy, W H I T E H E A D , J . , 1943 goldt n. sp., Hidalgo, M A T U D A , E., 1956c grande n. sp., Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E . J . , 1956a macdougallii n . sp., Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E. J . , 1940 mexicanum n. sp., Mexico, state, M A T U D A , E „ 1956d occidentale n. sp., Sinaloa, W A L T H E R , E., 1933 in Sonora, W A L T H E R , E., 1938 pachyphyllum, in Queretaro, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959b paraguayense, illustration, B R I G H T , W . 0 . , 1944 pusillum, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Hasseanthus, cytology, C L A U S E N , R. T . et al, 1945 cytotaxonomy, U H L , C. H . a n d M O R A N , R., 1953 h y b r i d s with Dudleya, M O R A N , R. V „ 1951 species, M O R A N , R. V., 1950b taxonomy (see also cytotaxonomy above), C L A U S E N , R. T . et al, 1945 blochmaniae subsp. blochmaniae, chromosome count, M O R A N , R. V., 1950b variegatus, B a j a California, C L A U S E N , R. T . et al, 1945 Kalanchoe carnea, see K. pinnata c u l t u r e , R A M I R E Z , R „ 1917

Lenophyllum n. gen., B R I T T O N , N . L . a n d R O S E , J . N „ 1904a guttatum, f r o m C o a h u i l a ( ? ) , B R O W N , J . R „ 1952 description, U I T E W A A L , A . J . A., 1960 reflexum n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , W H I T E , S. S., 1941 Oliveranthus elegans, see also Echeveria harmsii ornamental, P U R P U S , C. A., 1909c; A N O N . , 1908m pachyphytum, in Mexico, J U M P E R T Z , W . , 1939 n. gen. (bracteosum), K L O T Z S C H , J . F . , 1841 new species, B R I T T O N , N . L . a n d R O S E , J . N., 1903 and Pachyveria, keys to, W A L T H E R , E „ 1934-1935 systematics, P O E L L N I T Z , K., 1937; W A L T H E R , E., 1931b amethystin-um, t r a n s f e r r e d to Graptopetalum amethystinum, q.v. bracteosum (see also n. gen. above) description, A N O N . , 1952 illustration, L I N K , H . F . et al, 1841-1844 brevifolium, characters, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959f description, W A L T H E R , E., 1932a general information, V A N K E P P E L , J. C., 1959a illustration, W A L T H E R , E „ 1932 chloranthum n. sp., W A L T H E R , E „ 1931b compactum, characteristics, V A N K E P P E L , J . C „ 1959f hookeri, description, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959c; see also P . uniflorum, distinguished f r o m P. hookeri oviferum n. sp., S a n L u i s Potosi, P U R P U S , J . A., 1919a in S a n L u i s Potosi, G I E L S D O R F , K., 1934 uniflorum, distinguished f r o m P. hookeri, B R O W N , J . R., 1944 viride, description, P O E L L N I T Z , K . VON,1938 illustration, K N I C K E R B O C K E R N U R S E R Y and W A L T H E R , E . , 1944 n . sp., W A L T H E R , E., 1937 relationships, V A N K E P P E L , J . C., 1959 werdermannii n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , W E R D E R M A N N , E., 1937c in T a m a u l i p a s , B R O W N , J . R., 1945 Pachyveria, and Pachyphytum, keys to, W A L T H E R , E., 1934-1935 Sedastrum pachucense n. sp., Hidalgo, T H O M P S O N , C. H . , 1911 Sedoideae, Mexico, E K. Balls collection, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1941 Sedum, catalogue, species, B Y L E S , R. S., 1950; W A L T H E R , E., 1929-1931 cultivated species, P R A E G E R , R L 1921 in M e i i c ^ C L A U S E N , R . T , 1941; T U N N A R D , H . B., 1934; A N O N . , 1940a monograph, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1959 (in M e x i c a n volcanic belt) ; F R O E D E R S T R O E M , H „ 1929 new species, A L E X A N D E R , E . J., 1942 ( O a x a c a ) ; B R I T T O N , N . L. and R O S E , J . N., 1903 ; P U R P U S , C. A., 1917; R O S E . J . N., 1897-1911 relationships, H U B E R , J . A., 1957 systematics, H U B E R , J . A., 1928 ( 1 9 2 9 ) ? adolphi n . sp., P u r p u s collection, R A Y M O N D - H A M E T , M., 1912 a n d 5 . lucidum, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1951 allantoides n. sp., Oaxaca, R O S E , J . N., 1909b amecamecanum n. sp., P R A E G E R , R. L „ 1917 aoikon, and relatives, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1948c n. sp., U L B R I C H , E., 1917a australe, in Mexico, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1946a botteri(X), epiphyte, in V e r a c r u z , P U R P U S , J . A., 1930 brandtianum n . sp., P O E L L N I T Z , K., 1933a caducum n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , C L A U S E N , R. T., 1950 chloropetalum n. sp., O a x a c a , C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1948a and grandisepalum, CLAUSEN, R. T „ 1949 chontalense n. sp., Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E . J . , 1947a cockerellii, and affinities, C L A U S E N , R. T . and U H L , C. H . , 1943, 1946a, 1950 compressum n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , R O S E , J . N „ 1909b

INDEX Crassulaceae—continued confusum, and allies, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1948c rediscovery of, R U S H , E . , 1941 Craigia n. sect., C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1943c craigii n. sp., Chihuahua, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1943c cremnophila, and 5". nutans, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1943b cuspidatum n. sp., Chiapas, A L E X A N D E R , E . J., 1946 dendroideum, and allies, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1948c Dendrosedum, changed to P a c h y sedum, q.v. ebracteatum subsp. grandifolium, Guerrero, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1946b filiferum. and Graptopetalum filiferum, W H I T E H E A D , J „ 1943 F r u c t i c i s e d u m , changed to P a c h y sedum, q.v. furfuraceum n. sp., S a n L u i s Potosi, M O R A N , R. V . , 1961b qaleottianum. f o r m e r l y in Cotyledon, R A Y M O N D - H A M E T , M., 1929-1931 grandisepalum n. sp., O a x a c a , C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1949 oriMthsii, related to S. cockerelln, C L A U S E N , R. T . and U H L , C. H „ 1943 griseum n. sp., P R A E G E R , R . L. f 1917 guatemalense, changed to rubrotinctum, CLAUSEN, R. T . , 1948b hintonii n . sp.. Michoacan, C L A U S E N , R., 1943a lahovarianum n. sp., N u e v o Leon, R A Y M O N D - H A M E T , M., 1913 lenophvlloides, N u e v o Leon, C U T A K , L., 1950 and S. caducum, C L A U S E N , R . T „ 1950 Leptosedum, changed to P a c h y s e d u m , q.v. liebmannianitm n . sp., H E M S L E Y , W . B., 1880a longtietae n. sp., O a x a c a , RAYMOND-HAMET, M„ 1913 lucidum n. sp., Orizaba, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1951 „ , „.. lumholtzii, related to S\ cockerelln, C L A U S E N , R. T . and U H L , C H 1943 luteoviride, and allies, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1948c, 1949 in Mexico, C L A U S E N , R . T „ 1946a luteum n. sp., C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1793 M e x i c a n a sect., catalogue, R U S H , E . 1946 mexicanum. house plant, B A I L E Y , L. H . . 1930 n. sp., Distrito Federal, B R I T T O N , N . L „ 1899 morqanianum n. sp., Coatepec, W A L T H E R , E., 1936. 1938a in V e r a c r u z . U I T E W A A L , A. J . A., 1950 niveum, and related species, W A L T H E R , E „ 1931d nussbaumerianum, P u r p u s collection, B I T T E R , G., 1923 and 5 . lucidum, C L A U S E N , R . T „ 1951 nutans, changed to S\ cremnophilia, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1943b oaxacannm, in Mexico, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1946a obcordatum n. sp., V e r a c r u z , C L A U S E N , R. T., 1941 P a c h y s e d u m n. subg., C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1943c sect., catalogue, species, R U S H , H „ 1943 pentastamineum, in Chalma, M E Y R A N , J „ 1962 pinetorum, f r o m M e x i c o ( ? ) , M O R A N , R. V., 1950d platyphyllum n. sp., Oaxaca, A L E X A N D E R , E . J . , 1942a pulvinatum n. sp., O a x a c a , C L A U S E N , R. T., 1948 guevae n. sp., P u e b l a , R A Y M O N D H A M E T , M . , 1914 retusum n . sp., H E M S L E Y , W . B „ 1880a rubrotinctum, and 5". guatemalense, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1948b rubrum n. sp., V A L D E S , , M . A . , 1792-1793 n. sp., described b y Munoz, C E R V A N T E S , V . (1790) Seda genuina sect., species in, R U S H , H . G., 1945a S e d a s t r u m sect., systematics, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1943a torulosum, in C o a h u i l a ( ? ) , C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1946b

versadense n. sp., O a x a c a , T H O M P S O N , C. H., 1911 wrightii, and S. caducum, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1950 Stylophyllum n. sp., B R I T T O N , N . L . a n d R O S E , J . N „ 1903 popular account, S K I N N E R , D . B „ 1935 systematics, M O R A N , R. V . , 1942 attenuatum, description, J O H A N S E N , D. A., 1932b semiteres, t r a n s f e r r e d to Dudleya semiteres Thompsonella, illustrations, W A L T H E R , E., 1934, 1937 n . gen., B R I T T O N , N . L . a n d R O S E , J . N., 1909a nomenclature, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1940 minutiflora, f r o m P u e b l a , P U R P U S , J . A., 1919 t r a n s f e r r e d to Villadia, W A L T H E R , E., 1938a platyphylla n. sp., B R I T T O N , N . L . and R O S E , J . N „ 1909a t r a n s f e r r e d to Villadia, W A L T H E R , E „ 1938a Tillaeastrum, new species, B R I T T O N , N . L . and R O S E , J . N „ 1903 Urbinia n. gen., see above Villadia, illustrations, W A L T H E R , E „ 1934, 1937 n . gen., B R I T T O N , N . L . and R O S E , J . N., 1903 n o m e n c l a t u r e , C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1940 species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Altamiranoa, W A L T H E R , E „ 1938a synonymy, W A L T H E R , E., 1938a systematic position, B A E H N I , C., 1936-1938a batesii, observations, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1941 goldmanii, synonymy, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1941 guatemalensis, and V. laevis, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1951a laevis n. sp., Oaxaca, R O S E , J . N „ 1909b and guatemalensis, CLAUSEN, R. T „ 1951a parviflora, replaces Thompsonella, W A L T H E R , E „ 1938a Crataegus, see Rosaceae Crataeva, see Capparidaceae creeping devil cactus, see Machaerocereus eruca Cremnophila, see Crassulaceae Cremophyllum, see E u p h o r b i a c e a e creosote bush, see Larrea (.Covillea) tridentata Crepidopsis, see Compositae Crepis, see Compositae Crescentia, see Bignoniaceae Crescentiaceae, see Bignoniaceae Crescentieae, see Bignoniaceae; also Crescentiaceae Cressa, see Convolvulaceae Cressentia, see Crescentia cresta de gallo, see Phoradendron crested plants, see plants, crested Crinum, see Amaryllidaceae Cristatella, see Capparidaceae Crocus, see I r i d a c e a e cross ties ( r a i l w a y s ) , see woods, f o r and woods, tropical, for Crossopetalum, see Celastraceae Crossosoma, see Crossosomataceae Crossosomataceae Crossosoma, distribution, S H R E V E , F „ 1935b Crotalaria, see Leguminosae Croton, see E u p h o r b i a c e a e Cruces, S e r r a n i a de las, see Mexico, state of C r u c i f e r a e , see also Rhoeadineae C r u c i f e r a e (Brassicaceae) n e w species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Chihuahua, new taxa, R O L L I N S , R. C „ 1941a, 1957 Coahuila, n e w t a x a , see above embryogeny, L E B E G U E , A., 1952 in Mexico, H I T C H C O C K , C. L „ 1945a morphology, f r u i t s and seeds, A L J A W D I N A , A., 1931 n e w taxa (see also C h i h u a h u a and Coahuila, a b o v e ) , S C H U L Z , O. E., 1933-1934 Chihuahua, Sierra Madre, R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1900 Hidalgo, R O L L I N S , R . C., 1957 N u e v o Leon, see above oil sources, W U L F F , E . V., 1941 relationships to P a p a v e r a c e a e , M I R B E L , C. F . B. DE, 1825; T I E G H E M , P . E . L „ 1900 in Sesse and Mocino collection, R O L L I N S , R. C., 1960 systematics, C A N D O L L E , A . P . , 1821 (to g e n e r a ) ; F O U R N I E R , E . , 1865 (to t r i b e s ) Arabis, A m e r i c a , N o r t h ( w e s t e r n ) , monograph, R O L L I N S , R . C „ 1941d N u e v o Leon, new species, S C H U L Z , O . E., 1932



forage plant, H E U Z E , G.,

tanacetifolium, and related species, 1887-1888C S C H U L Z , O. E., 1933a medicinal plant, antidote, A L Z A T E Nerisyrenia, n e w taxa, R O L L I N S , y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1784-1799a R. C., 1941a "mostaza b l a n c a , " as a weed, incana n. sp., R O L L I N S , R . C., A N O N . , 1913i 1939 campestris, forage plant, E S C O B A R , Ornithocarpa n. gen., R O S E , J . N . , R., 1910b 1897-1911 general information, A N O N . , Raphanus, general information, 18991 A N O N . , 1906bb napus, culture, A. L., 1907-1908a Romanschulzia, revision, R O L L I N S , ( n a b o ) ; A N O N . , 1909d R. C., 1942a forage plant, V I L M O R I N , H . elata n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. C., 1942a L . DE, 1898a meyeri n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. C., oil source, A N O N . , 1885b, 1899y 1956 nigra, c u l t u r e , M A D U E N O B O X , schistacea n. sp., R O L L I N S , R . G , M „ 1945 1956 oleracea, c u l t u r e (col), subclavata n. sp., R O L L I N S , R . G , D O M I N G U E Z , I., 1922b; (col 1956 brocoli) ; A N O N . , 1899d; Rorippa, in America, G R E E N , P . S., (coliflor); D O M I N G U E Z , I., 1962; R O L L I N S , R. G , 1961 1922c; G A R C I A , R „ 1908; new taxa, R O L L I N S , R. G , 1957 L A S E L V A , M „ 1898; ramosa n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. G , V A R E L A , E „ 1917a; A N O N . , 1961 1909 Scoliaxon n. pen., P A Y S O N , E. B., purple f o r m , chemistry, G A R C I A 1924 J U N C O , J . , 1935 Selenia, revision, M A R T I N , R. F „ Camelina, oil source, A N O N . , 1899y 1940 Capsella bursa-pastoris, medicinal Sibara n. gen., B a j a California, plant, in Atlixco and Matamoros, G R E E N E , E. L., 1896 M O R A L E S P E R E I R A , S., revision, R O L L I N S , R. C., 1947 1881 Sisymbrium, America, North, Cardamine, monograph, S C H U L Z , P A Y S O N , E . B., 1922a O. E., 1903 food source, W E I M E R , H . A., 1934 longipedicellata n. sp., R O L L I N S , new taxa, R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1900; R. C., 1940 R O L L I N S , R. C., 1957 macrocarpa var. texana n. v a r . , species, F O U R N I E R , E., 1865a # R O L L I N S , R. C„ 1940 acuticarpum n. sp., B a j a California, obliqua v a r . stylosa n. v a r . , J O N E S , M . E., 1883 R O L L I N S , R. C „ 1940 arcuatum n. sp., Nuevo Leon, Cibotarium, new taxa, R O L L I N S , R O L L I N S , R. C., 1960a R. C., 1 9 5 7 purpusii, description, amplified, Cochlearia mexicana, t r a n s f e r r e d to R O L L I N S , R. C., 1960a Scoliaxon, q.v. shinnersii, synonymy, R O L L I N S , Descurainia, systematics, D E T L I N G , R. C., 1960a L. E „ 1 9 3 9 Synthlipsis, revision, R O L L I N S , Dithyrea, systematics, P A Y S O N , R. G , 1 9 5 9 E. B., 1 9 1 8 densiflora n. sp., Coahuila, clinata n. sp., B a j a California, R O L L I N S , R. C., 1959 P A Y S O N , E . B., 1918 elata n. sp., D u r a n g o , R O L L I N S , membranacea n. sp., T a m a u l i p a s , R. C., 1959 see above greggii var. hispidula n. var., Draba, A m e r i c a n species, distribution, R O L L I N S , R. C., 1939 G I L G , E., 1904 Streptanthus, new taxa, R O L L I N S , A m e r i c a , N o r t h , revision, R. C., 1941a W A T S O N , S „ 1887a Thelypodium, new taxa, R O L L I N S , n e w species, R O S E . J . N., 1903e R. C., 1957 rubricaulis n. sp., C h i h u a h u a , purpusi(i), see Sisymbrium purpusii vaseyi, t r a n s f e r r e d to Sisymbrium H E L L E R , A. A., 1899 shinnersii, R O L L I N S , R. C., unilateralis n . sp., B a j a California, 1960a J O N E S , M . E., 1882 Thlaspi, see Cap sella bursa-Pastoris, Dryopetalon, revision, R O L L I N S , medicinal plant R. C., 1941c Cruz, M a r t i n de la, biography, purpureum n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. C., A C E V E D O L O P E Z , S., 1953 1941c Crybe, see Orchidaceae Erysimum, systematics, R O S S B A C H , Cryophytum, see Aizoaceae G. B „ 1958 Cryphiacanthus, see Acanthaceae Gregqia linearifolia n. sp., W A T S O N , Cryptantha (Cryptanthe), see S „ 1883 Boraginaceae Halimolobos, revision, R O L L I N S , Cryptanthus, see Bromeliaceae R. C., 1943 Cryptocereus, see Cactaceae Hartwegiella n. gen. ( n a s t u r t i o i d e s ) , Cryptostegia, see Asclepiadaceae S C H U L Z , O. E., 1933 cuachalala, see Amphipterygium Iodanthus, systematics, R O L L I N S , adstringens R. C „ 1942 cuachalalate, see Juliania adstringens acuminatum n . sp., R O L L I N S , cuachichi, see Garrya R. C., 1942 Cuahuitlan, see Oaxaca mexican-us n. sp., see above c u a j a n i , see Prunus Lepidium, species, A N O N . , 1899t cuajilote, see Parmentiera teratology, H I T C H C O C K , C. L . , C u a j i m a i p a , see Distrito Federal 1945 cuajiotal, species associated in, M I R A N D A , F . , 1941 U n i t e d States, species, H I T C H cuajiote ( c u a j i o t a ) (see also Burserd) C O C K , C. L „ 1936 not identified, uses, A N O N . , 1904r fiavum, B E A L , M., 1947a Cualcoman, see Coalcoman intermedium, medicinal plant, c u a n a x a n a , see Calea hypoleuca V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 cuapatli, see Acacia, used in maguey montanum, B E A L , M., 1947a ruderale, medicinal plant, fermentation A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1882 cuapinole, See Hymenaea courbaril sativum, culture, A N O N . , 1934c Cuasia, see Quassia Lesquerella, auriculate-leaved species, cuauchichic, see Garrya racemosa R O L L I N S , R. C „ 1955 Cuauhquilpan, see Hidalgo monograph, P A Y S O N , E. B „ 1922 C u a u h t e m o c , see C h i h u a h u a , Distrito new taxa, R O L L I N S , R. C „ 1941a Benito J u a r e z revision, W A T S O N , S., 1887a C u a u h t i t l a n ( C u a u t i t l a n ) , see Mexico, diffusa n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. C „ state 1940 cuautecomate, see Crescentia alata ftexuosa, observations, P A Y S O N , Cuautzingo, see Mexico, state; Morelos, E. B., 1924 Jonacatepec, district of mexicana n. sp., R O L L I N S , R. C., Cuba, see also Antilles, Estacion ^ 1958 Experimental Agronomica, mirandiana n. sp., R O L L I N S , experiments with M e x i c a n corn, R. C., 1957 C A L V I N O , M., 1920b Lyrocarpa, revision, R O L L I N S , flora (see also Cuba, plant l i f e ) , R. C., 1941 relationships to that of Mexico, Mancoa, n e w taxa, R O L L I N S , R . C., A L A I N , H . , 1958 1957 n a t u r a l history, S A G R A , R. DE LA, Nasturtium, " b e r r o acuatico," general 1838-1857 information, A N O N . , 1897i plant life (see also Cuba, flora), n e w species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , S E I F R I Z , W . , 1943 N „ 1854 plants, aromatic, R O I G y M E S A , officinale (see also Rorippa J . T., 1945 nasturtium-aquaticum) catalogue, G R I S E B A C H , A . H . R . , c u l t u r e , A N O N . , 1934c 1866; S A U V A L L E , F . A . , medicinal uses, A . L., 1907-1908 1868,1871 palustre, see Hartwegiella

INDEX Cuba—continued medicinal, R O I G y M E S A , J. T . . 1945 poisonous, see above Isle of Pines, plants of, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1900a Cuban shoal grass, see Diplanthera wrightii Cucal, see Yucatan Cucopo, see Yucatan Cucumis, see Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita, see Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceae, in America, cultivated, history and distribution, C U T L E R , H . C. and W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1961 anatomy, comparative, Y A S U D A , A., 1903 pistil and f r u i t , S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A 1819-1822 ayotli, known as, U R B I N A , M., 1903a in B a j a California, southern, archaeological remains, W H I T A K E R , T . W., 1957a chromosome numbers, M c K A Y , J. W . , 1930, 1931 cultivated (see also America, cultivated i n ) , B A I L E Y , L. H „ 1937a at Paris, Museum, in 1859, 1862, 1866, N A U D I N , C., 1859a, 1862a,1866 species, systematics, T A P L E Y , W . T. et al, 1937 cytology, W H I T A K E R , T. W., 1933 diagnoses, species, C O G N I A U X , A., 1877-1878 embryology, comparative, K I R K W O O D , J . E „ 1904 general information, P A R D O y U R B I N A , M., 1888-1889. gourds, dispersal, and oceanic d r i f t , W H I T A K E R , T . W . and C A R T E R , G. F „ 1954 illustrations, E I S E N D R A T H , E. R., 1961 Mexico, taxa native to, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1943a; see also origin, below monograph, C O G N I A U X , A., 1881; R O E M E R , M. J., 1846-1847; Z I M M E R M A N N , A., 1922 morphology, H A G E R U P , O., 1930 flower and tendrils, N A U D I N , C., 1855 Nelson collections, R O S E , J . N „ 1897e new taxa, C O G N I A U X , A., 1890-1892; N A U D I N , C., 1862; R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 nomenclature, genera, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1930, 1932 origin, in Mexico, B U K A S O V , S. M., 1930 Palmer collections, R O S E , J. N., 1897e and the Passifioraceae, S A I N T H I L A I R E , A. DE, 1819-1822 phylogeny, W H I T A K E R , T . W „ 1933 Pringle collections, R O S E , J . N., 1897e relationships, based on morphology, S E R I N G E , N. C., 1825 systematics, A R N O T T , C>. A. W . , 1841; B A I L E Y , L. H . , 1937a; H A G E R U P , O., 1930; V U I L L E M I N , P., 1923 based on cucurbitacins in, V A R I O U S , 1958 position in the Calycifiores, C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1825 based on serology, B A U M , W . C., 1954 tropical, A D V I S S E - D E S R U I S S E A U X , P., 1907 ( c u l t u r e ) ; S O R N A Y , P . DE, 1921 in the United States, southwest, history, C A R T E R , G. F „ 1945, 1946 AnomaJosicyos n. gen., G E N T R Y , H . S., 1946b barbatusn. sp., Sinaloa, G E N T R Y , H . S., 1946b Apodanthera crispa n. sp., C O G N I A U X , A., 1887 pringlei, t r a n s f e r r e d to Melothria, MARTINEZ CROVETTO, R „ 1954 undulata, description, S T E A R N S , E., 1911b Benincasa. culture, P A R D O y U R B I N A , M., 1888-1889 Brandegea n. gen., C O G N I A U X , A., 1890-1892 monosperma, in B a j a California, C O G N I A U X , A., 1890-1892 Carica papaya, assigned to, A N O N . , 1891c Cayaponia alata, in Yucatan, B A I L E Y , L. H „ 1943a grandifiora, t r a n s f e r r e d to Pittiera, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 Citrullus, relationships with Cucurbita, B A U M , W . C„ 1954 vulgaris, culture, A N O N . , 1921d, 1930 teratology, D U G E S , A., 1898

Cucumis, monograph, N A U D I N , C., 1859 melo, culture, E S C O B A R , A., 1935, 1947; M E N D O Z A V A R G A S , L., 1921; A N O N . , 1913a general information, A N O N . , 1842a, 1908x in Mexico, A N O N . , 1901(1) varieties, description, _ B A L E S T R I E R , L. DE, 1896a sativus, general information, A N O N . , 1897j Cucurbita, annual, cultivated species, systematics, C A S T E T T E R , E. F. and E R W I N , A. T „ 1927 archaeological remains, Chihuahua, C U T L E R , H . C., 1960 in P e r u , J I M E N E Z DE LA E S P A D A , M., 1891 "calabaza," general information, A N O N . , 1899hh _ "chiiacayote," in Mexico, C A L V I N O , M., 1911 climbing forms, A N O N . , 1944f cultivated species (see also annual cultivated species, above) monograph, W H I T A K E R , T. W . and B O H N , G. W . , 1950 origin, W H I T A K E R , T. W . , 1947, 1956; and C A R T E R , G. F., 1946 (and domestication) culture, N E G R E T E , J., 1909-1910; P O R T I L L O , A., 1906-1907; A N O N . , 1901c, 1926j domesticated (see also cultivated species, origin, above), B A I L E Y , L. H., 1929 economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 flowers, edible, P E R E Z G U T I E R R E Z , H., 1947 teratology, D U G E S , A., 18921893 illustrations, in herbals, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1929 literature, systematic, Z H I T E N E V A , N. E., 1929-1930 Mexico, history of, G A N D A R A , G„ 1932 new species, B A I L E Y , L. H . , 1948 species in, Z H I T E N E V A , N . E „ 1929-1930 native to, B A I L E Y , L . H . , 1943a wild in, M A D R A Z O M U N O Z , H . J., 1955 monograph, U R B I N A , M., 1903a; Z H I T E N E V A , N. E., 19291930 in Ocampo caves, W H I T A K E R , T. W . et al, 1957 relationships with Luffa and Citrullus, B A U M , W . C., 1954 species, a n t h e l m i n t i c (see also Cucurbita, t e n i f u g e ) , C U K I E R C H E R V I N , A., 1949; H E R Z I G L I E R , P . T . , 1946 (using seeds) distinguishing characters, LITMANOWITZ RUSSEK S W I R K A , S., 1953 systematics, D A R R A G H , W . H . , 1929; N A U D I N , C., 1856; W E R K E N T H I N , F . O., 1922 tenifuge, seeds, U R I B E L O P E Z , A. M „ 1951 teratology, see Cucurbita, flowers varieties, O L I V A , L., 1870a ficifolia, Jalisco, Palmer collection, W I T T M A C K , L., 1889a native to Mexico, B O I S , D. a n d G E R O M E , J., 1920 lundelliana, in the origin of cultivated species, W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1956 maxima, place of origin, E R W I N , A . T., 1936 melanosperma, general information, A N O N . , 1896a mixta, systematics and relationships, C U T L E R , H . C. and W H I T A K E R , T. W . , 1956 pepo, fruits, see also Cucurbita pepo, teratology oil source, in seeds, H A L V A S G U E R R E R O , T., 1952 teratology, D U G E S , A., 1902; H E R R E R A , A., 1879 ( f r u i t ) v a r . ovifera, in Mexico( ?), E R W I N , A. T., 1937 v a r . tamala, vermifuge, M A T U S F U E N T E S , C., 1950 radicans, saponin source, M A D R A Z O MUNOZ, H . J., 1955 texana, distribution, B A I L E Y , L. H . , 1930, 1932 Echinocystis, characters, W A T S O N , S., 1887 species, transferred to Vaseyanthus and Brandegea, R O S E , J . N . , 1897e systematics, S T O C K I N G , K . M., 1955 western species, G R E E N E , E . L., 1887c


brandegei, in B a j a California, C O G N I A U X , A., 1890-1892 Bchinopepon, characters, W A T S O N , S., 1887 new species, R O S E , J. N „ 1897e species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Vaseyanthus and Brandegea, R O S E , J . N., 1897e systematics, S T O C K I N G , K. M., 1955 Hanburui n. gen. (mexicana.), S E E M A N N , B., 1858 identified as chayote, M E E H A N , T., 1880 Ibervillea lindheimeri, nomenclature, M O O R E , H . E. JR., 1953a sonorae, chemistry, E M E R S O N , J . T. and W E L K E R , W . H „ 1908 description, R O W L E Y , G. D. and B Y L E S , R. S., 1960 general information, K N O X , A. A., 1907 Logenaria (see also Cucurbitaceae, tropical, culture) in America, monograph, W H I T A K E R , T. W „ 1948 archaeological remains, Chihuahua, C U T L E R , H . C„ 1960 climbing forms, A N O N . , 1944f distribution, K E L L Y , I. T., 1951 in Mexico, northern, L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1891, 1893 siceraria, in B a j a California, archaeological remains, W H I T A K E R , T. W . , 1957a history of, in America, C A R T E R , G. F., 1950, 1953 f r o m Ocampo caves, W H I T A K E R , T . W . et al, 1957 origin, C A M P , W . H . , 1954 survival of, in water, W H I T A K E R , T. W . and C A R T E R , G. F., 1961 vulgaris, systematics and distribution, K O B J A K O V A . J. A.. 1929-1930 Luffa, see also Cucurbitaceae, tropical culture culture, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1927; Y M B E R T , M. DE, 1946; A N O N . , 1928i general information, M O R R I S O N , B. Y „ 1942 Mexico, species in, R E K O , V . A., 1937 relationships with Cucurbita, B A U M , W . C., 1954 uses, M O L D E N K E , H . N., 1944d acutangula, uses, A N O N . , 1912 cylindrica, culture, O S I O , M . L., 1902 f r u i t , development of fibers, S I N N O T T , E. W . and B L O C H , R., 1943 general information, A N O N . , 1897(1) fricatoria, chemical analysis, L O P E Z R E Y E S . D. M „ 1951 Marah, monograph, S T O C K I N G , K. M „ 1955a systematics, D U N N , S. T., 1913; G R E E N E , E. L . ; 1910 micranthus n. sp., B a j a California, D U N N , S. T., 1913 minima n. sp., Cedros Island, K E L L O G G , A., 1859 Maximowicsia tripartita var. tenuisecta, description, S T E A R N S , E., 1911b Megarrhisa, characters, W A T S O N , S „ 1887 revision, W A T S O N , S., 1876b Melothria pringlei n. comb., MARTINEZ CROVETTO, R., 1954 Micrampelis guadalupensis, G R E E N E , E. L., 1890 Microsechium helleri, insecticide, A N O N . , 1900-1902a medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 18951908 saponin source, V I L L A S E N O R , F. F., 1900 Momordica elaterium, medicinal uses, R E K O , V. A., 1931c Nietoa mexicana, see Hanburia mexicana Roseanthus n. gen., Guerrero, C O G N I A U X , A., 1896 albifiorus n. sp., Guerrero, see above Schizocarpum attenuatum n. sp., Acapulco, R O S E , J . N., 18971911 reflexum n. sp., Iguala, see above Sechium (see also Cucurbitaceae, culture) chemistry, G A R C I A R U I Z , R., 1946 culture, A S T U D I L L O , E . E., 1938; B A L D R A T I , L „ 1914; B O I S , D „ 1891; B O O N E , W . K . , 1938; D E W I L D E M A N , E „ 1901; O L I T E R , 1938; P I E R G R O S S I , G„ 1886; S A N C H E Z G., A., 1919, 1947; V A R E L A , E. 1917

food source, root, C A L V I N O , M „ 1914 general information, N O T E R , R. DE, 1932-1933; S A J O , K., 1902a; A N O N . , 1939f leaves, chemical analysis, L O P E Z M A R T I N E Z , J., 1940 monograph, C O O K , O. F „ 1901b teratology, see Sechium e-dule, flowers edule, V E G A G U T I E R R E Z , E . E „ 1955 Alzate, work by, H E R N A N D E Z L U N A , J., 1945 culture, H E U Z E , G„ 1886-1887; H O O V E R , L. G „ 1923; M A T T E I , G. E „ 1907, 1916; T E R R A C C I A N O , N., 1904 (in Napoli); Y O U N G , R. A., 1933 embryology, L O N G O , B „ 1907, 1909 flowers, abnormalities, M A R T I N E Z C R O V E T T O , R., 1946 development, M E R O L A , A., 1955 f r u i t , histology, Y O U N G K E N , H. W., 1919 general information, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1792a; H E R R E R A , A., 1905; M E L L , C. D „ 1922; Y O U N G K E N , H . W., 1919 germination, endocarpic, M E R O L A , A., 1949 growth and development, R E I C H E , K. F., 1921 identified as Hanburia, q.v. medicinal plant, diuretic, GARZA S A L D I V A R , Y. DE LA, 1949 monograph, H E R R E R A , A., 1870; S O R N A Y , P . DE, 1921 pharmacological study, G A R Z A S A L D I V A R , Y. DE LA, 1949 pollination, F I D E L , J. and T R I S T A N , E., 1931 teratology (see also flowers), A R C A N G E L I , G., 1891 in the U. S., F A I R C H I L D , D., 1906 Sicana odorifera, general information; A N O N . , 1903e Sicyos, species, transferred to Anomalosicyos, GENTRY, H . S., 1946b t r a n s f e r r e d to Brandegea, R O S E , J . N., 1897e Vaseyanthus n. gen., C O G N I A U X , A., 1890 taxonomy and evolution, G E N T R Y , H . S., 1950 rosei, B a j a California, C O G N I A U X , A., 1890 cucurbitacins, see Cucurbitaceae, systematics, based on cuentas de xabon, arbol de, see arbol de cuentas de xabon Cuernavaca, see Morelos Cuetzala (Cuezala), see Guerrero Cufodontia, see Apocynaceae Cuicatecos, Cuicatlecos (Oaxaca), see ethnobotany; vocabulary Cuicatlan, see Oaxaca Cuichapa, see V e r a c r u z cuija, see Opuntia C u i l a p a ( m ) , see Oaxaca; also Villa d e Santiago Cuilapam Cuitlausina, see Orchidaceae Cuitzeo de la Laguna, see Michoacan Cuitzeo del Rio, see below Cuizeo, del Rio, see Jalisco culantro, see Coriandrum sativum Culhua Mexica tribe, empire of, plants in, B A R L O W , R. H „ 1949 Culiacan, see Sinaloa Culiacan, Rio, Valle de, see Triticum vulgare, culture Cullmannia, see Cactaceae cultivated plants, see plants, cultivated Cumbres de Acultzingo, see Acultzingo Cumbres d e Majalca, see Chihuahua Cumpas, see Sonora cun-cancere, unidentified, poisonous, A B A R C A , P. G., 1881 cundurango, see Gonolobus unidentified, compared with Mikania, C A B R E R A , F., 1872 Cunila, see Labiatae Cunoniaceae, distribution, E N G L E R , A., 1869-1870 Belangera, monograph, see above Weinmannia, monograph, see above intermedia, see above Cupaniae, see Sapindaceae Cuphea, see Lythraceae Cupressaceae (see also Pinaceae) systematics, L I , H. L., 1953a; P E I R C E , A. S., 1937 (based on wood anatomy) Chamaecyparis thurifera, and Cupressus benthami, K O C H , K., 1857a Cupressus (see also ethnobotany) culture, D I A Z DE L E O N , J „ 18901891

INDEX Cupressaceae—continu ed general information, M A S T E R S , M. T „ 1895-1897 medicinal plant, for toothache, A N O N . , 1790a, 1790-1791a in Mexican mythology, see ethnobotany in Mexico, rare species, W A L T H E R , E., 1958b systematics, M A R T I N E Z , M „ 1947, 1948d monograph, K O C H , K., 1873a systematics (see also in Mexico, above), C A M U S , A., 1914; J O U B E R T , A. and B U R O L L E T , P. A., 1934 (and geography); M A L E J E F F , W . , 1928 "Tecate cypress," P A R I S H , S. B „ 1914; S A U N D E R S , C. F „ 1916 (stations for) arizonica, desert plant, B E A L , M., 1945c benthami, and Chamaecyparis thurifera, K O C H , K „ 1857a uses, P O P E N O E , F . W . , 1941b forbesii, in B a j a California, E P L I N G , C. C. and R O B I N S O N , W., 1940b guadeloupensis (for guadelupensis), referred to C. macrocarpa, M A S T E R S , M. T., 1895 karwinskiana n. sp., R E G E L , E . , 1857 macrocarpa, systematics, M A S T E R S , M. T „ 1895 thurifera, forest tree, R O L D A N , A. and M A R T I N E Z , M., 19231924 hardy in England, S L O W E , J., 1844 really Juniperus flaccida var. poblana, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1946a Heyderia, synonymy, L I , H . L., 1953a Libocedrus, systematics, see above decurrens, transferred to Heyderia; see above Cupressus, see Cupressaceae; also Pinaceae Cupuliferae, systematics, K O C H , K., 1869-1873; S C H W A R T Z , O.. 1936 Fagaceae, cupule and other characters, P R A N T L , K., 1887 cura del galico, see Croton Curacao, see Dutch W e s t Indies curare, see Erythrina, seeds; plants, curare sources; Strychnos Curatella, see Dilleniaceae Curcas subg., see Jatropha Curculigo, see Amaryllidaceae C-urcuma, see Zingiberaceae curindal, see Licania curly mesquite, see Hilaria berlangeri; H. swalleni Curtiflorae sect., see Salvia subg. Calosphace Curucupaseo, see Michoacan Cururu, see Sapindaceae Cusalapa, see Jalisco Cascuta, see Convolvulaceae Cuscutineae, see Convolvulaceae Cuseo, see Guerrero Cuseo, de la Laguna, see Cuitzeo de la Laguna Cusihuiriachic, see Chihuahua custard apple, see Annona diversifolia Cutak, L., collections, see Coahuila; Mexico, succulent collections; Nuevo Leon, travel account Cutzamala, see Guerrero Cuyamaca Mountains, see California, southern Cuyamecalco, see Oaxaca Cuylapa, see Cuilapa Cuyo, see Colonia Santa Maria y el Cuyo Cuyseo de la Laguna, see Cuitzeo de la Laguna Cuyutlan, see Colima Cuzaquaquatla, see Colima Cuzcatlan, see Puebla Cyanobotrys, see Leguminosae Cyanctis, see Commelinaceae Cybiostigma, see Sterculiaceae Cybistax, see Bignoniaceae Cycadaceae, America, systematics, M I Q U E L , F. A. W „ 1866-1870 anatomy, comparative, W O R S D E L L , W . C., 1897-1898, 1901 ancestors of Palmae( ?), C O N Z A T T I , C., 1942 catalogue, systematic, L E M A I R E , C., 1869c collections, C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J . , 1919 distribution, H O L L I C K , A., 1923; S C H U S T E R , J., 1931 (and evolution) economic importance, T H I E R E T , J . W . , 1958 genera, miscellaneous, A N D R E , E., 1861

Hortus Botanicus Petropolitanus, species in, R E G E L , E „ 18751878

Liebmann collections, D A H L G R E N , B. E., 1936, 1959 Loddiges collections, M I Q U E L , F . A. W . , 1843a i n Mexico, L I E B M A N N , F „ 1849b; T H I S E L T O N - D Y E R , W . T., 1882-1886 (monograph) monograph, C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J., 1919; M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1842a, 1866-1870 new taxa, M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 18381840, 1847, 1848 (in Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam) phylogeny, A R N O L D , C., 1953; B O B R O V , A. E., 1962; C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J., 1915 popular account, M U I R H E A D , D., 1961 relationships, L I N K , H . F., 1845-1846 revision, R E G E L , E., 1876 synopsis, addenda, M I Q U E L , F. A . W., 1844a systematics, A B E L , F „ 1886; B O B R O V , A. E „ 1962 (based on leaf epidermis) ; K I R C H N E R , P., 1935; L I N K , H . F., 1845-1846; M I Q U E L , F. A. W . . 1843, 1849, 1861; R I C H A R D , L . C. M „ 1826; S C H U S T E R , J . , 1931 Ceratozamia n. gen., B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1846 new species, M I Q U E L , F . A. W . , 1848 phyllotaxis, U N T E R H U B E R , A., 1870 mexicana, anatomy, W O R S D E L L , W . C., 1897-1898, 1901 description, P U R P U S , J. A., 1910c general information, A N D R E , E . , 1861 miqueliana, in M e x i c o ( ? ) , W E N D L A N D , H „ 1854a Cycadeae, cultivated in Europe, W E N D L A N D , H „ 1854a Cycas, culture, B A R R E I R O , A. A., 1890-1891b Dioon, economic importance, T H I E R E T , J. W . , 1958 new species, M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1848 edule, monograph, W I L S O N , W . B., 1911 ornamental plant, W I T T M A C K , L., 1899b pharmaceutical study, R E K O , V. A., 1937b starch source, B A C H S T E Z , M „ 1946-1948 var. lanuginosa, ornamental, W I T T M A C K , L „ 1899b purpusii n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 18971911 in the Sierra de Mixteca, P U R P U S , J . A., 1910b spinulosum, description, W I T T M A C K , L „ 1899b n. sp., Yucatan and Veracruz, E I C H L E R , A. W., 1883 Oaxaca, C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J., 1909 Dipsacozamia mexicana, illustration, D A H L G R E N , B. E., 1936, 1959 n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F., 1847 (for 1844)e Macrozamia littoralis, illustration, D A H L G R E N , B. E „ 1936, 1959 n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F „ 1847 ( f o r 1844)e pectinata, illustration, D A H L G R E N , B. E., 1936, 1959 n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F „ 1847 ( f o r 1844)e Zamia, new varieties, M I Q U E L , F . A. W., 1848 cylindrica, illustration, D A H L G R E N , B. E., 1936, 1959 n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F „ 1847 (for 1844)e iurfuracea, illustration, L I E B M A N N , F., 1847 ( f o r 1844)e galeotti n. sp., V R I E S E , W . H . DE, 1845 loddigesii, in M e x i c o ( ? ) , M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1843a monticola, in Tuxtepec, C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J., 1926 muricata, see also Zamia galeotti nomenclature, V R I E S E , W . H . DE, 1846 picta n. sp., T H I S E L T O N - D Y E R , W . T., 1882-1886 pumila, synonymy, S M I T H , L. B., 1961a sylvatica, Tuxtepec, C H A M B E R L A I N , C. J., 1926 verschaffeltii n. sp., M I Q U E L , F. A. W . , 1866-1870 Cycadales, chromosome numbers, SAX, K. and B E A L , J. M., 1934 Cycadeae, see Cydaceae Cycadeen, see Cycadaceae

Cyclantheae, see Cyclanthaceae Cyclanthaceae, Mexico, systematics, M A T U D A , E„ 1951b monograph, H A R L I N G , G„ 1958 new family, P O I T E A U , P. A., 1822a Asplundia, separated from Carludovica, H A R L I N G , G„ 1954 chiapensis n. sp., H A R L I N G , G., 1954 Carludovica, characters, P O I T E A U , P A 1822 for hat making, A N O N . , 1887-1888a systematics, H A R L I N G , G., 1954 chiapensis, description, M A T U D A , E., 1949a,b labela, Oaxaca, see above palmata, Campeche, F L O R E S , R. S „ 1911 culture, A N O N . , 1895-1896a for hat making, C O E L L O R U I Z , M „ 1939 tabascana n. sp., M A T U D A , E. f 1951b Cyclantheae, Europe, cultivated in, W E N D L A N D , H „ 1854a Cyclanthus bipartitus n. sp., P O I T E A U , A., 1822a plumierii n. sp., see above Dicranopygium, segregated f r o m Carludovica, H A R L I N G , G „ 1954 J.udovia, see Carludovica Cyclanthees, see Cyclanthaceae Cyclanthus, see Cyclanthaceae Cyclobothra subg., see Calochortus Cyclosia, see Orchidaceae Cycnoches, see Orchidaceae Cydonia, see Rosaceae Cylactis, see Rosaceae Cylindropuntia, see Cactaceae; also Opuntia Cymbidium, see Orchidaceae Cymbispatha, see Commelinaceae Cymbopetalum, see Annonaceae Cymbopogon, see Gramineae Cymodocea, see Potamogetonaceae Cymopterus, see Umbelliferae Cynanchum, see Asclepiadaceae Cynara, see Compositae Cynodon, see Gramineae Cynometra, see Leguminosae Cynometreae, see Leguminosae (Caesalpiniaceae) Cynoxylon, see Cornaceae Cypella, see Iridaceae Cyperaceae (see also Glumaceae) allergenic, distribution, C U E V A V E L A S Q U E Z , J., 1951 America, Middle, revision, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1931 America, North, monograph, T O R R E Y , J., 1836 systematics, M U E H L E N B E R G , H., 1817 B a j a California, O R C U T T , C. R., 1900 Beauvois, described by, B E N T H A M , G„ 1881a in the Berlin herbarium, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1867-1877 California, southern, synopsis, P A R I S H , S. B „ 1904-1906 embryogeny, comparative, G U I G N A R D , J . L „ 1961 genera, key to, based on anatomy, P L O W M A N , A. B „ 1906 illustrations, C L A R K E , C. B., 1909 Islas Revillagigedo, S V E N S O N , H . K., 1939 Lestiboudis, described by, B E N T H A M , G„ 1881a Liebmann, F. M. (collections, see also Carex, Mexico, Liebmann collections), B O E C K E L E R , O., 1889 Mexico, catalogue, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1849 distribution, M A U R Y , P., 1888 new species, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1857, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1886, 1888-1890, 1896 northern, Buckley collections, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1884 species in, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1888, 1890; L I E B M A N N , F. M „ 1851 west coast, S V E N S O N , H . K „ 1939 Mexico, state, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1959e Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1958 Michoacan, new species, P A L L A , E . , 1913 monograph, genera, L E S T I B O U D I S , T., 1819 morphology, M O R A , L. E., 1960 (and development) ; P A X , F., 1886 new taxa, C L A R K E , C. B., 1908 oil sources, W U L F F , E . V . , 1941 phylogeny, P L O W M A N , A. B., 1906 Schaffner, J . G., collections, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 species, catalogue, S C H K U H R , C., 1801, 1806


systematics, B E N T H A M , G., 1881a (to tribes) ; K U N T H , K . S „ 1815, 1837, 1837a; N E E S VON E S E N B E C K , C. G. D „ 1834; P A X , F „ 1886; S C H E U C H Z E R , J . , 1719 Yucatan, peninsula, V A R I O U S , 19351940 Carex, illustrations, B O O T T , F., 1858-1867 Mexico, Liebmann collections, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1889 new species, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1889 range extensions, H E R M A N N , F. J., 1954 Schkuhr's work, supplement to, K U N Z E , G., 1840-1850(1851) synopsis, B A I L E Y , L. H . , 1887a systematics, CAMUS, E. G., 1910 (new system) ; C L A R K E , C. B „ 1895 Templeton Crocker Expedition, collected on, S V E N S O N , H . K„ 1939 arsenii n. sp., Michoacan, K U E K E N T H A L , G., 1910 atractodes n. sp., H E R M A N N , F. J., 1940 chihuahuensis n. sp., M A C K E N Z I E , K. K „ 1908-1909 egglestonii var. festivelliformis n. var., H E R M A N N , F . J., 1960 festivella n. sp., M A C K E N Z I E , K. K „ 1915 fuscolutea n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 fuscotincta, and allies, M A C K E N Z I E , K. K „ 19081909 hultenii n. sp., Puebla, A S P L U N D , E., 1954 longicaulis, Mexico, Valle de, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1882 mackenziana n. sp., Nuevo Leon, W E A T H E R B Y , C. A., 1936 macrosperma, in Oaxaca, M A C K E N Z I E , K. K „ 19081909 madrensis, observations, R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 percostata n. sp., H E R M A N N , F. J., 1940 perstricta, distinguished from C. schiedeana, M A C K E N Z I E , K. K., 1908-1909 peucophila, synonymy, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 pinetorum, changed to C. peucophila, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 planostachys n. sp., K U N Z E , G., 1840-1850(1851) pringlei, San Luis Potosi, B A I L E Y . L. H . , 1892 schaffneri n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1878 schiedeana, distinguished from C. perstricta, M A C K E N Z I E , K . K., 1908-1909 n. sp., K U N Z E , G„ 1840.1850(1851) vallicola var. hidalgensis n. var., H E R M A N N , F. J., 1960 Cariceae, North America, monograph, M A C K E N Z I E , K. K „ 19311935, 1940 phylogeny, N E L M E S , E„ 1951 systematics, genera, K U N T H , C. S „ 1839, 1839c Caustis, systematics, P F E I F F E R , H . . 1920 Chlorocyperus n. sp., Michoacan, P A L L A , E., 1913 arsenii, systematics, O ' N E I L L , H . and A Y R E S , B „ 1944 mexicanus n. sp., P A L L A , E., 1908 Cyperus America, North, catalogue, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1886 distribution, O ' N E I L L , H „ 1942 systematics, see above Mexico, systematics, A Y R E S , B., 1946 new taxa, O ' N E I L L , H . and A Y R E S , B „ 1944 Mexico, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1886 revision, CORCORAN, M. L., 1941 systematics, O ' N E I L L , H . and A Y R E S , B., 1944 botteri n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1896 esculentus, culture, S A N C H E Z , E „ 1913 ; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L „ 1923f in Mexico, Valle de, G A N D A R A , G., 1924a Eucyperus subg., U . S., revision, M c G I V N E Y , Sister M. V. DE P., 1938 filicinus, nomenclature, O ' N E I L L , H., 1940 microdontus, nomenclature, see above oxylepis, in Mexico, O ' N E I L L , H „ 1938 phaeocephalus, in Mexico, B R I T T O N , N . L „ 1888, 1890

INDEX Cyperaceae—continued polystachyus, vars. and nomenclature, O ' N E I L L , H „ 1940 schaffnerin. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1878 n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 schmitzianus, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1896 semiochraceus n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1878 Eleocharis (Heleocharis), North America, systematics, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1889b monograph, S V E N S O N , H . K., 1929-1939 new taxa, see above arenico'a, related to E. fallax, W E A T H E R B Y , C. A., 1922 aurea n. sp., San Luis Potosi, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1888-1890 exilis n. sp., see above fallax, and southern relatives, W E A T H E R B Y , C. A., 1922 membranacea comb, nov., G I L L Y , C., 1941 mexicana n. sp., Michoacan, P A L L A , E., 1913 palustris, North America, and related species, F E R N A L D , M. L. and B R A C K E T T , A . E „ 1929 schaffneri n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 triflora n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , 0 . , 1880 truncata, compared with E. arenicola, W E A T H E R B Y , C. A., 1922 xyridiformis n. sp., F E R N A L D , M. L. and B R A C K E T T , A . E „ 1929 Fimbristylis, new taxa, in the Sonoran Desert, W I G G I N S , I. L „ 19S0 in Papaloapan, cuenca del, _ A T T O L I N I , J., 1948 capillaris var. pilosa n. var., Orizaba, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1888, 1890 mexicana n. sp., P A L L A , E., 1908 Fuirena, North American species, B U S H , B. F., 1905 U . S. species, revision, C O V I L L E , F. V., 1890 hexachacta n. sp., S C H L E C H T E N DAL, D. F. L „ 1847 repens n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 schiedeana n. sp., S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L., 1847 Heleocharis, see Eleocharis Hemicarex. and allies, C L A R K E , C. B., 1884 Hemicarpha, American species, F R I E D L A N D , S., 1941 North America, C O V I L L E , F. V., 1894 Holoschoenus mexicanus n. sp., Michoacan, P A L L A , E., 1913 Hypolytreae, systematics, K U N T H , C. S., 1837 Mariscus subg., systematics, H O R V A T , M. L., 1941 Mariscus latibracteatus n. sp., Michoacan, P A L L A , E., 1913 Remirea maritima, in Yucatan, P F E I F F E R , H „ 1936 Rhynchospora (Rynchospora), North America, species, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1892 clarkei, systematics, P F E I F F E R , H., 1940 indianolensis, in Michoacan, B R I T T O N , N . L „ 1904b pringlei, see above tenuis, systematics, P F E I F F E R , H „ 1940 Rhynchosporoideae, monograph, K U E K E N T H A L , G„ 1938-1952 systematics, P F E I F F E R , H., 1920 Schoenus, and related genera, K U N T H , C. S., 1835, 1836 Scirpus, description, original, list of, B E E T L E , A. A., 1949 distribution, North and South America, B E E T L E , A. A., 1941 new combinations, B E E T L E , A . A., 1944a in North America, B R I T T O N , N . L „ 1892a and related genera, K U N T H , C. S., 1835; P A L L A , E., 1889 systematics, B E E T L E , A. A., 19411946, 1943; K O Y A M A , T „ 1958; P A L L A , E., 1889 analecti n. sp., B E E T L E , A. A., 1944 mexicanus n. sp., B R I T T O N , N . L., 1892a potosinus n. sp., see above pringlei n. sp., Guerrero, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1888, 1890 rubricosus, in Hidalgo, M O O R E , H . E. JR., 1947 schaffneri n. sp., B O E C K E L E R , O., 1886 Scleria, America, monograph, C O R E , E. L., 1936

America, North, species, revision, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1885 bourgeaui n. sp., Orizaba, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1882 graminifolia n. sp., Chihuahua, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1888, 1890 hirta n. sp., Cordova, B O E C K E L E R , O., 1882 reticularis var. pumila n. var., Orizaba, B R I T T O N , N . L., 1885 schiedeana n. sp., Veracruz, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L.. 1845 Sclerieae, systematics, K U N T H , C. S., 1839, 1839c Stenophyllus, synopsis, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1894 Uncinia mexicana, related to Hemicarex, C L A R K E , C. B., 1884 Cyperus, see Cyperaceae Cyphomandra, see Solanaceae cypres, see Cupressus cypress, bald, see Taxodium cypress, swamp, see above Cypripedilinae, see Orchidaceae Cypripedilum, see Orchidaceae Cypripedium, see Orchidaceae Cyrillaceae, monograph, T H O M A S , J. L., 1960 Cyrilla racemiflora, in Oaxaca, T H O M A S , J . L., 1960 Cyrtopodium, see Orchidaceae Cystium, see Leguminosae cystoliths, systematic characters, see Acanthaceae, cystoliths Cytinus, see Rafflesiaceae Cytisus, see Leguminosae cytogenetics, studies in, see various taxonomic groups

Demeriinae subtribe, see Andropogoneae Dendrobium, see Orchidaceae Dendropanax, see Araliaceae Dendrophthora, see Loranthaceae Denmark, see Mexico, expedition f r o m Deppe, Ferdinand, biography, L I N D E M A N N , E. VON, 18841885 collections (see also Begonia, incarnata; Gramineae, Schiede and Deppe collections; Mexico, plants of; potato collections, below) in the Missouri Botanical Garden herbarium, A N O N . , 1919g obituary, A N O N . , 1861a potato collections, see Solanum tuberosum, on Mt. Orizaba travels, L I C H T E N S T E I N , M. H . K „ 1838(1839); S C H I E D E , C. J . W . , 1829, 1829-1830 (in Veracruz); STRESEMANN, E „ 1954 Deppea, see Deppia Deppia, see Orchidaceae dermatitis, caused by plants, see Mexico, plants, causing dermatitis Derris, see Leguminosae descriptions, of plants, see plants, . descriptions descriptive accounts, see area concerned; also travel accounts general (the world), ( A B B O T T , G.), .1599; A V I T Y , P . D', 1614 Descurainia, see Cruciferae Desert Botanical Garden, and Laboratory, see Arizona, Tucson desert milkweed, see milkweed, desert desert palm, see palm, desert desert plants, see plants, desert desert poppy, see poppy, desert desert tobacco, see tobacco, desert desert willow, see willow, desert deserts (see also America, deserts; Dactylis, see Gramineae Arizona, Phoenix and Tucson; Dahlia, see Compositae; also B a j a California, northern; California; grasslands, desert) Coreopsidinae flora (see also plants, desert) dahlia arbore, see Dahlia excelsa dahlia, tree, see above origin of, S P A L D I N G , V. M „ 1909 Dalbergia, see Leguminosae phytogeography, K A C H K A R O V , Dalbergieae, see Leguminosae D. N. and K O R O V I N E , E . P., Dalea, see Leguminosae 1942 Dalechampia, see Euphorbiaceae salt, of the world, C H A P M A N , V . J . , Dalembertia, see Euphorbiaceae 1960. dalia, see Dahlia vegetation (see also plants, desert), Dalongia, see Celastraceae S P A L D I N G , V. M „ 1909 (by damiana (see also Bigelovia veneta; associations); A N O N . , 1912b Turner a aphrodisiaca; T. western North America, see diffusa) America, North, western Desierto, El, see Chiapas, Lacandon area plants so called, R O T H R O C K , T. T „ Desierto de los Leones, see Distrito 1876b; R U I Z , L. E „ 1907 damiana del pais, see Turnera pringlei Federal Dandya, see Amaryllidaceae Diacrium, see Orchidaceae Danthonia, see Gramineae Desmanthus, see Leguminosae Daphnopsis, see Thymelaceae Desmoncus, see Palmae Darmstadt, Botanical Garden, xerophyte Desmopsis, see Annonaceae house, P U R P U S , J. A., 1916a Deutzia, see Saxifragaceae Darwin, Charles, influence in Mexico, devil finger cactus, see Echinocereus pentalophus MALDONADO KOERDELL, dewberries, see Rubus (Eubati) M „ 1959a Diacrium, see Orchidaceae dasheen, see Colocasia Dialium, see Leguminosae Dasycarya, see Anacardiaceae Dianthus, see Caryophyllaceae Dasylirion, see Liliaceae; more recently Diario Literario, see bibliographic works moved to Agavaceae Diastatea, see Campanulaceae Dasylirium, see above Diaz, Bernal, see Diaz del Castillo, Dasystephana, see Gentianaceae Bernal date palm, see Phoenix dactylifera Datura, see Solanaceae Diaz, J u a n , travels to California, Daucus, see Umbelliferae B O L T O N , H . E . (18th cent.) Davidia, see Nyssaceae; also Cornaceae Diaz, Salvador, Dahlia, n. var., Davilla, see Dilleniaceae developed by, " A G R O F I L O , " Dawson, E. Y., collections, see Cactaceae, 1911 collections Diaz de Leon, Jesus, biography, A N O N . , Deam, C. C., collections, see Mexico, 1919b. plants, Deam collections Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, biography, Deamia, see Cactaceae G A R C I A I C A Z B A L C E T A , J., Deanea, see Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) 1896-1899; G O N Z A L E Z De Berghes, . . ., collections, N E E S AB O B R E G O N , L., 1936. E S E N B E C K , C. G. and medical references in his works, S C H A U E R , S., 1846-1847 B L A N T O N , W . B., 1942. deciduous plants, see plants, deciduous Dichaea, see Orchidaceae Declinatae, see Commelinaceae Dichaetophora, see Compositae dedalera, see Digitalis Dicharo, Diego de, letter from Dienz, deerhorn cactus, see Peniocereus Diego, re: discovery of Yucatan, degame, see Calycophyllum candidissimum M U E L L E R , F., (1520) Degeneriaceae, morphology. Dichelostemma, see Liliaceae Dichondra, see Convolvulaceae C A N R I G H T , J. E., 1949-1960 Dichondropsis, see Convolvulaceae (compared with Magnoliaceae); Dichorisandra, see Commelinaceae V A N D E R W Y K , R. W., 1950 Dicliptera, see Acanthaceae Deherainia, see Theophrastaceae Dicotyledoneae (see also woods, Del Carmen Mountains, see Coahuila, dicotyledonous) northern anatomy (see also Dicotyledoneae, Delairea, see Compositae Delessert, Benjamin, herbarium of (see woody), M E T C A L F E , C. R. also Flacourtiaceae; Ghiesand C H A L K , L., 1950, P E T I T breght, collections; Hartweg, L., 1887 (petiole); T., collections; Malvaceae, new S O L E R E D E R , H „ (1898)t a x a ; Mocino collections, dis1900 posal of; Nyctaginaceae; Sesse distribution, M E T C A L F E , C. R. and collections, disposal o f ; C H A L K , L., 1950 Symplocaceae), L A S E G U E , leuco-anthocyanins in, V A R I O U S , A., 1845 1958 Delicias, see Chihuahua, Ciudad Delicias morphology, H A L L I E R , H „ 1908 Delisseae, see Campanulaceae phylogeny, see above Delphinium, see Ranunculaceae systematics, B A T E - S M I T H , E . C., Delpinoa, see Agavaceae; also 1962 (based on phenolic Amaryllidaceae constituents); C O P E L A N D ,


H . F., 1957; C R O N Q U I S T , A., 1957a (to families); G U N D E R S E N , A., 1950 (family characters); H A L L I E R , H . , 1903; R A E D E R , F., 1924 (sero-diagnostics) tannins in, V A R I O U S , 1958 wood structure, P F E I F F E R , J . P. and V A R O S S I E A U , W . W . , 1942-1945 woody, anatomy, secondary phloem, Z A H U R , M. S „ 1959 Dicranopygium, see Cyclanthaceae dictamo real, see Passiflora mexicana dictionary (see also Mexico, dictionary; Michoacan, dictionary; vocabularies; Yucatan) agricultural, C O L L A N T E S , A. E. and A L F A R O , J., 1870, M A T O N S , A., 1928-1940; P A R O D I , L. R „ 1959 Americanisms, S A N T A M A R I A , F . J., 1942-1943 botanical, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1876-1892; B R A D L E Y , R., 1728; BUC' H O Z , P. J., 17701771; 1774-1778; C A Z Z U O L A . F., 1876; C E R V A N T E S , J., 1825; C O L M E I R O y P E N I D O . M., 1871; D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1895j ¡ D I E T R I C H , F . G., 1802-1811; G E R M A I N DE S A I N T P I E R R E , E., 1870; G E R T H , VAN W I J K , H . L. 1911-1916; I T I E C A N T E L U E , G., 1948-1957; L A M A R C K , J . B. P. A. M. DE 1783-1817; L O U D O N , J . C., 1829; L Y O N S , A. B „ 1900; M E N T Z E L , C., 1682; M I L L E R , P., 1731; P F E I F F E R , L., 1873-1874; S A N G I O R G I O , A. H., 1870; S T E U D E L , E. G., 18211824; V E N T E N A T , E . P., 1799a; W I L L I S , J . C„ 1897; A N O N . , 1772-1778 Americas, P A D I L L A , S. A., 19171926 illustrations (see also dictionary, Orchidaceae, iconographic), M I L L E R , P. (17S5)-1760 Latin-German, K R U E G E R , J . F . , 1833 Mexico, common and scientific names, J O C E F E , C. G„ 1889 (see also Mexico, plants, names) phanerogams, genera, L E M E E , A. M. v . , 1929-1943; P O S T , T . E . and K U N T Z E , C. E. O., 1904 pharmacy, used in, I B A N E Z , M., (1925)? plants of economic importance, S M I T H , J., 1882 Tabasco, C A M E L O G„ J., 1930 United States, southwest, H O U G H , M. Z., 1900 Chiapas, P A N I A G U A , F . A., 1908-1911 gardening, P A R O D I , L. R „ 1959 geographical, A N O N . , 1853-1856 Hispano-America, authors, anonymous, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1793a pseudonyms, see above horticultural, N I C H O L S O N , G., (1884-1887) Mexico, see Mexico, dictionary natural history (science), O R B I G N Y , C., D' (1839)1849; V A L M O N T DE B O M A R E , J . C., 1764; V A R I O U S , 1816-1830 Orchidaceae, iconographic, see Orchidaceae, dictionary plants, exotic, H E L L W I G , C. von, 1730 timber names, M E Y E R , H . , 1933-1936 Dicyrta sect., see Achimenes; also Gesneriaceae Didymopanax, see Araliaceae Didymaea, see Rubiaceae Dienia, see Orchidaceae Dienz, Diego, see Dicharo, Diego de Diervilla, see Caprifoliaceae digital, see Digitalis Digitalis, see Scrophulariaceae Digitaria, see Gramineae Dignathe, see Orchidaceae Diguet, L., activities, D I G U E T , L., 1897, 1898 bio-bibliography, B O I S , D., 1926; A N O N ( a f t e r 1908) collections (see also B a j a California; Jalisco; Opuntia filifera; Orchidaceae) D O D E , L. A., 1906 (trees) ; A N O N . , 1898, 1899 correspondence, D I G U E T , L., 1897a, 1900, 1903 expedition, see Baja California obituary, D I G U E T , L., 1928; A N O N . , 1926a

INDEX Dilleniaceae Curatella americana, chemical s t u d y , RAMIREZ FERNANDEZ, L „ 1948; W A D A W A D A , K . , 1950 f o r diabetes, T E O D O S I O , N . et al, 1960. Davilla, in Mexico, n e w comb., W I L L I A M S , L. 0 . , 1955-1962 matudai n. sp., Chiapas, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940d Doliocarpus oaxacanus n . sp., S Z Y S Z Y L O W I C Z , I . , 1895 Obelanthera melastomacea n. sp., T U R C Z A N I N O W , N „ 1847 Saurauja, new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 villosa, timber source, R E C O R D , S. J., 1926 Dionaea (Dionea) see D r o s e r a c e a e Dioon, see Cycadaceae Dioscorea, see Dioscoreaceae Dioscoreaceae, in A m e r i c a , new species, K N U T H , R., 1917 in Mexico, new species, U L I N E , E . B „ 1897; M A T U D A , E . , 1953a revision, M A T U D A , E . , 1953a in Mexico, state, systematica, M A T U D A , E . , 1955d monograph, U L I N E , E . B., 1898 new t a x a , K N U T H , R „ 1936; U L I N E , E . B., 1900 organography, B U R K I L L , I. H., 1960 soap sources, U R B I N A , M . , 1898 systematics, g e n e r a , K U N T H , C. S., 1848a in Y u c a t a n , peninsula, V A R I O U S , 1935-1940 n e w species, U L I N E , E . B., 1899 Dioscorea called a j e ( ? ) , H E N R I Q U E Z U R E N A , P . , 1938 in A m e r i c a , systematics, S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1959 catalogue, species, N O T E R , R . DE 1913 chromosome counts, S M I T H , B. W . , 1937 cortisone source, C O R R E L L , D . S. et al, 1955 culture, A N O N . , 1906y diosgenin(e) source, B A M P T O N , S. S., 1961; G I R A L , F . , 1957 distribution, K E L L Y , I. T „ 1951, (wild species) ; S M I T H , B. W . , 1937 food plant, F O N T , L., 1926; A N O N . , 1926m growth behavior and t w i n i n g , A L L A R D , H . A., 1945a, 1947 illustrations, B U R K I L L , I . H . , 1960 medicinal plant, G I R A L , F . , 1957; H I D A L G O , G., 1944; A N O N . , 1949f ( f o r a r t h r i t i s ) in Mexico, new species, M A T U D A , E . , 1953; S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1843-1844 species, C O X , D. K. et al, 1958 in Oaxaca, ecology, N A V A R R O G A L I N D O , L., 1955 origin, in A f r i c a ( ? ) , W I E N E R , L., 1920-1922 sapogenin-containing species, distribution, C O X , D. K „ 1959 sapogenins, steroid, in, S O D I P A L L A R E S , E . , 1961 species, A N O N . , 1909e in V e r a c r u z , ecology, N A V A R R O G A L I N D O , L „ 1955 y a m s , see etymology, yam alata, C A R T E R , G. F „ 1950 food plant, A N O N . , 1909e c u l t u r e , Y O U N G , R. A., 1924 alboholosericea, and D. subtomentosa, V A R I O U S , 1960b n . sp., Chiapas, M A T U D A , E . , 1957b batatas, " y a m , " D E C A I S N E , J . , 1855 chiapensis n. sp., M A T U D A , E . , 1953c deppii ( f o r deppei) n. sp., V e r a cruz, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D . F . L., 1843b dugesii n. sp., G u a n a j u a t o , R O B I N S O N , B. L „ 1894c galeottiana, morphology, floral and embryonic, M E D E L L I N L E A L , F . , 1959 igualamontana n . sp., G u e r r e r o , M A T U D A , E „ 1953 sativa, systematics, P R A I N , D . and B U R K I L L , I . H . , 1919 spiculiflora v a r . chiapasana n . v a r . , G O M E Z P O M P A , A., 1958 subtomentosa, and D. alboholosericea.. V A R I O U S , 1960b tabascana n. sp., M A T U D A , E . , 1957b

tancitarensis n . sp., Michoacan, M A T U D A , E . , 1953 uruapanensis n . sp., M A T U D A , E . , 1953c Higinbothamia n . gen., Y u c a t a n , U L I N E , E . B., 1899 Nanarepenta n. gen. (tolucana), M A T U D A , E . , 1961 Oncus, see Menispermaceae Testudinaria cocolmeca n. sp. Oaxaca, P R O C O P P , E., 1892, 1892a d i o s g e n i n ( e ) , see plants, diosgenine sources Diospyros, see Ebenaceae Diotostemon, see Crassulaceae Diphalangium, see Liliaceae, Milla Dipholis, see Sapotaceae Diphragmus, see Rubiaceae Diphysa, see Leguminosae Diosmeae, see Rutaceae Diplacus, see Scrophulariaceae Diplanthera, see Potamogetonaceae Dipodophyllum, see L o r a n t h a c e a e Dipsacaceae, relationship to Valerianaceae, H O E C K , F . , 1902 systematics, W A G E N I T Z , G., 1959 Dipsacus, morphology, floral, C L O S , D., 1864 Dipsacales, new order, W A G E N I T Z , G., 1959 Dipsacozamia, see Cycadaceae Dipsacus, see Dipsacaceae Dipterocarpaceae, morphology, M U E L L E R , K., 1882 Dipyrena, see Verbenaceae Direccion de E s t u d i o s Biologicos, Mexico, see botany, history of, Mexico Dischidium, see Viola Discocactus, see Cactaceae Discocrania, see Benthamia, subg. Apocarpa Discolores sect., see Salix Discoma, see P a l m a e diseases, see A m e r i c a , diseases; plants, medicinal (general, a n d in different a r e a s ) Disemma, see Passifloraceae dispersal of plants, see plants, dispersal, methods used Dissanthelium, see G r a m i n e a e Disterigma, see Ericaceae Distichlis, see Gramineae D i s t r i t o Benito J u a r e z , see C h i h u a h u a D i s t r i t o F e d e r a l (see also etymology— place names, and place names, N a h u a t l ; Mexico, Valle d e ; Persicaria punctata v a r tacubayana; Pyrus malus, cider source; Sedum mexicanum ; Triticum) excursions, botanical, S A N C H E Z S A N C H E Z , O., 1958 f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910b f o r e s t vegetation, S U E S S E N G U T H , K. and R E I C H E , IC., 1928 g a r d e n s , plants in, J E H T , H . , 1889 geography, B A R R O S O , J . J . (n. d . ) ; G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J . , 1932; GALLARDO y RIONDA, J. P . , 1882; G A M I Z , A., 1927; G A R C I A C U B A S , A., 1892; M O N R O Y P A D I L L A , S. 1947 place names, see etymology, place names, N a h u a t l plants of, N O R I E G A , J . M . , 19181919a in Biologia Centrali-Americana, G O D M A N , F . D. and S A L V I N , O., 1879-1888 cultivated in the chinampas, S A N T A M A R I A , M., 1912 list of, E N C I S O , F . J., 1885 soil analyses, S U E S S E N G U T H , K . and R E I C H E , K., 1928 A j u s c o , P a r q u e Nacional Cumbres de, trees of, S O S A , A . H . , 1938c Cerro Chiquihuite, flora, B O P P O E S T E , M., 1955. ( T h i s is p a r t of the S i e r r a de Guadalupe.) Cerro de Guadalupe, vegetation, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1785-1786 Cerro de G u e r r e r o , flora of, S A N C H E Z S A N C H E Z , O., 1958. T h i s is p a r t of the S i e r r a de Guadalupe q.v. C e r r o de S a n Miguel, excursion to, D A V I L A L E O N , R., 1935. See also S i e r r a de Guadalupe Cerro Ticoman, flora of, B O P P O E S T E , M . , 1955. T h i s is p a r t of the S i e r r a de G u a d a l u p e Cerro Zacatenco, flora, see above Chapultepec, see Mexico City, below Contreras, C a n a d a de, see Clethra quercifolia Coyocan, see Mexico City, below C u a j i m a l p a , Desierto de (see also Abies religiosa)

f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 plants of, L A P I E , G „ 1912 Cumbres de A j u s c o , see A j u s c o Desierto de los Leones (also as P a r q u e Nacional Desierto de los Leones) S A N C H E Z S A N C H E Z , O., 1958 excursion, D A V I L A L E O N R., 1935 flora, F R E Y E R M U T H J I M E N E Z E., 1952 plants of, R I O DE LA L O Z A , L . a n d C R A V E R I , E. (1854) trees of, C A L L E G A R I , G. V . , 1927; S O S A , A . H . , 1940, 1952a; T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., 1922 Guadalupe, S i e r r a de, see S i e r r a de Guadalupe Guadalupe Hidalgo, see Mexico City below, Cerrito de Tepeyac I x t a p a l a p a , f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 M e s e t a de A n a h u a c , (also in other states) hills south of, see cuajiotal Mexico, city (see also Begonia martiana; biography, collective; Gramineae, new genera, described by C e r v a n t e s ; Mexico, highways, Mexico City to v a r i o u s localities; Mexico, t r a v e l accounts — Mexico City to various localities a n d vice versa) C e r r i t o de Tepeyac, see below, a f t e r t r a v e l account Chapultepec, see below, a f t e r t r a v e l accounts Coyoacan, see belcrw, a f t e r t r a v e l accounts descriptive accounts, C E R V A N T E S DE S A L A Z A R , F . , 1554; E R I K S S O N , J . V . , 1919 ( a t t h e time of t h e Conquest) ; S A N S O N D ' A B B E V I L L E , N., 1656 Exposition, plants exhibited, U L L O A , C. M., 1883 f r u i t s , see Mexico, city, m a r k e t s g a r d e n s (see also America, preHispanic, gardens), O ' B R I E N , J . , 1865 gardens, botanical (see also Mexico City, Chapultepec, g a r d e n s ) , B U L L O C K , W . , 1824; C A L D E R O N DE LA B A R C A , F . E . I., 1843; E S T A L A , P . , ( 1 7 9 9 ) ; L Y O N , G. F . , 1828 gardens, of Moctezuma, on m a p by Cortes, A L C O C E R , I . , 1935 gardens, plants introduced to, S A N C H E Z , J . , 1888-1889 Guadalupe Hidalgo, see C e r r i t o de Tepeyac, below, a f t e r t r a v e l accounts guide, R 1 E D E L , E . , 1892 I n s t i t u t o de Biologia, history (see also botany, history of, M e x i c o ; Mexico, flora, contributions to knowledge o f ) h e r b a r i u m , historic collections, A N O N . , 1937b I n s t i t u t o Medico Nacional, h e r b a r i u m of, A L C O C E R , G. V . , 1904, 1905; A R M E N D A R I Z , E . , 1904; A N O N . , 1904a (collections i n ) history, see botany, history of, Mexico w o r k e r s in, see biographies, collective, I n s t i t u t o Medico etc. m a p of, B U L L O C K , W . , 1824 Alzate, p r e p a r e d by, C O R T E S , H . , 1519-1526 by Cortes, see Mexico, city, g a r d e n s of Moctezuma in 1550, B U R L A N D , C. A., 1950 of Tenochtitlan, B A R N E S , M r s . J . , 1937 m a r k e t s , f r u i t s sold in, V I E R A , J . DE, 1777. See also Tlaltelolco plants, sold in, C E R V A N T E S DE S A L A Z A R , F „ 1554 Mixcoac, see below, a f t e r t r a v e l accounts M u s e o de Historia N a t u r a l , description, H E R R E R A , M . , 1918 guide to Applied Botany Section, M A R T I N E Z , M „ 1918 P e d r e g a l , see below, a f t e r Chapultepec plants of, B O L O G N E , F „ ca. 1540; B U L L O C K , W . , 1824, 1843; O G I L B Y , J . , 1671 allergenic, S A L A Z A R M A L L E N , M., 1940, 1940b sold in m a r k e t s , see m a r k e t s winter-blooming, C O R L E T T , D. S., 1939 pollens in atmosphere, C A M A C H O B O R B O L L A , G., 1947 s u r r o u n d i n g area, plants of, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., ca. 1770

vegetation, R E I C H E , K . F . , 1914 Tacuba, Tacubaya, see a f t e r S a n J o a q u i n below " T e n o c h t i t l a n , " gardens, see America, pre-Historic, g a r d e n s Tlaltelolco, see below, a f t e r Tacubaya travel account, M A R G A T I , J . , 1885 to various localities, see Mexico, highways; Mexico, t r a v e l accounts, Mexico City t o various localities Cerrito de Tepeyac, Guadalupe Hidalgo, flora, G A N D A R A , G., 1926. See also S i e r r a d e Guadalupe Chapultepec, Bosque de, P a r q u e de, (see also Taxodium, age o f ; Taxodium, in Chapultepec; Taxodium mucronatum, notable specimens; Tillandsia usneoides) Botanical Garden, see g a r d e n s below conservation of, Q U E V E D O , M . A D E 1935 description of, C A N I Z A R E S , L „ 1947 gardens, botanical ( J a r d i n Botanico), H E R R E R A , A. L., 1924 history o f ; O N E A L , C., 1941; V A Z Q U E Z , R „ 1923 plants of, A N O N , 1926g J a r d i n Botanico, see above plants of, B A T A L L A , M. A., 1944c woods of, destruction, B A R C E N A , M., 1892 Chapultepec, Cerro de, see Hibiscus spiralis Coyoacan, A r b o r e t u m Panzacola, trees in, Q U E V E D O , M . A., DE, 1940 Exposicion, C A S T R O , A . M „ 1897 floral, Murillo collections, T O L S A , M . C., 1899 d e Flores, inaugural address. R A M I R E Z , J., 1896c by the Instituto Medico Nacional, A N O N . , 1895s products, regional, exhibited, A N O N . , 1896f f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 1911f f r u i t trees, cultural, 18th century, N U T T A L L , Z., 1925 gardens, colonial, M A R Q U E S DE S A N F R A N C I S C O , 1923 Mixcoac, f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 191 If P e d r e g a l (see also Mammillaria magnimamma; Senecio praecox; S a n Angel, pedregal, below) description, C U T A K , L . , 1949a plants of, B A L L S , E . K „ 1939; M A C D O U G A L , D . T „ 1907b San Angel forest resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 gardens, colonial, M A R Q U E S DE S A N F R A N C I S C O , 1923 pedregal (mainly outside the city) plants of, P A N I A G U A , M . J . , 1950 vegetation, R Z E D O W S K I , J . , 1954 S a n Joaquin, see Phalangium pusillum Tacuba, gardens, colonial, M A R Q U E S DE S A N F R A N C I S C O , 1923 Tacubaya, f o r e s t resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910b Tlaltelolco (Tlatelolco), market, plants sold in, C O R T E S , H . , 1519-1526 Milpa Alta, forest resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 geography, R O B L E S R U S S , G., 1954 Mixcoac, see Mexico, City, above P a r q u e Nacional Cumbres de Ajusco, see A j u s c o P a r q u e Nacional Desierto de los Leones, see Desierto de los Leones Pedregal, see Mexico, City, P e d r e g a l ; S a n Angel, pedregal S a n Angel, see Mexico, City S a n t a F e , products of, A N O N . , 1823a S i e r r a de Guadalupe (also in t h e state of Mexico) f l o r a , B O P P O E S T E , M „ 1955 Tecomic, see Olea in Tepeyac, see Mexico, City, Cerrito de Tepeyac Tlahuac, plants of, H E R R E R A y P E R E Z , M . M., 1873 Tlalpam (see also Castanea, planted in T l a l p a m ; Lennoa madreporoides reichei forest resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 Xochimilco (see also Olea)

INDEX Distrito Federal—continued chinampas, plants of, M O N T E S DE OCA, J . G., 1926; see also chinampas descriptive account, R O Y , J . J . E., 1859 flora, S A N C H E Z S A N C H E Z , O., 1911 forest resources, A N O N . , 1909-1910 gardens, O N E A L , C., 1941 picture story, D U R L A N D , W . D., 1930 plants of (see also chinampas, above) C O R L E T T , D. S., 1939 resources natural, pre-Hispanic era, M U L L E R , E. F., 1952 Zea mays in, see Zea mays, cultivated in Distylium, see Hamamelidaceae Ditaxis, see Euphorbiaceae Dithyrea, see Cruciferae diuretics, see plants, medicinal, diuretics dividivi, see Caesalpinia (Lebidibia) coriaria Docanthe, see Palmae Dodocatheon, see Primulaceae Dodonaea, see Sapindaceae Dohot, see Yucatan doldengewaechse, see Umbelliferae Dolicholus, see Leguminosae Dolichos, see Leguminosae Dolichothele, see Cactaceae Doliocarpus, see Dilleniaceae Dolores Hidalgo, see Guanajuato Dominica, see Leeward Islands Dominican Republic, see Republica Dominicana Dominicans, missions of, see B a j a California dominguilla, see Urtica dioica Donde, J u a n , biography, A N O N . , 1882e Donde Ibarra, Joaquin, biography, H E R R E R A , A., 1875; L A N Z , M. A., 1910, 1910a; O S O R I O y C A R V A J A L , R., 1936; SOSA, F., 1884a, 1885d obituary, A N O N . , 1875a Dondia, see Chenopodiaceae Doniphan, Col., see Mexico, northern, expedition Donnelsmithia, see Umbelliferae Dorstenia, see Moraceae Douglas fir, see Pseudotsuga doves, see pollination by Draba, see Cruciferae Dracaena, see Liliaceae; more recently in Agavaceae; see also Pincinectia Dracaeneae, see Liliaceae Dracontium, see Araceae Dracopis, see Compositae Drateln, Herman von, biography, O B E R L Y , M., 1947 Dresden (see also Agave, flowering in) Koeniglich Botanischer Garten, plants in, S C H A U E R , C., 1833a Drimys, see Magnoliaceae Droege, Oscar A., see Mexico, tree planting by dropsy, epidemic, see Argemone, oil as adulterant, producing Drosera, see Droseraceae Droseraceae, United States, southeast, systematics, W O O D , C. E . , J*. 1960a Dionaea, description, F I G U I E R , L., 1908 general information, P A T I N O , F . , 1883 movements of, OX, DR, 1894 Drosera, in Oaxaca, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1941a capillaris, in Mexico, W O O D , C. E . JR., 1960a tenella, see above Drummond, Mr., of Belfast, travels in Mexico, A N O N . , 1831 Drymaria, see Caryophyllaceae Dryopetalon, see Cruciferae Drypetes, see Euphorbiaceae Duby (Dueby), Gertrude, biography, P E R E Z M O R E N O , J . , 1949 duckweeds, see Lemnaceae Dudleya, see Crassulaceae Duflet de Mofras, Eugene, biography, A L D E N , R. H . and I F F T , J . D., 1943 Duges, Alfredo, bio-bibliography, H E R R E R A , A. L., 1902, 1909-1910; M A R T I N d e l C A M P O , R., 1937 biography, B E L T R A N , E., 1953b; H E R R E R A , A. L., 1910a; V I L L A D A , M. M., 1910d, 1911 collections, see Dioscorea dugesii; Zea canina, wild in Mexico correspondence of, B E L T R A N , E . , 1945 obituary, A N O N . , 1909k Duges, E. R. D., biography, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J., 1895 Dugesta, see Compositae Dulongia, see Saxifragaceae Dutnerilia, see Compositae

Dunantia, see Compositae dunes control of, plants for use in, R A M O S , J . J., 1887 by trees, see Veracruz, trees by vegetation, BAZ, G. A., 1884 p flora of, see America, North Pacific coast Durango (see also Abies durangensis; Agave complicata; A. quiotifera; Bouteloua gentryi; Cactaceae; Ceanothus ochraceus; Cedrela discolor; Celastrus longipes; Cnidoscolus elasticus ; Compositae; Coreopsis may sill e sii; Coryphantha longicornis; C. psuedonickelsae ; Cosmos linearifolius var. maysillesii; Cranichis gracilis; C us cut a durangana; Dahlia scapigera var. scapigera f . merckii; Drymaria cognata; Dyssodia gentryi; Epilobium maysillesh; ethnobotany, Tepehuan Indians; Euphorbia jahscensis var. durangensis; Fraxinus reflexiflora; Gramineae; Gramineae, chromosome numbers; Jaegeria purpurascens; La Laguna; Mammillaria echinoidea; M. guelzowiana; M. longiflora; M. moelleriana n. sp., Mexico, F o r r e r , A., collections; Mexico, northern, Mazatlan to; Mexico, travel accounts, Durango to Mazatlan, and to Mexico City; Mimulus pallens; Muhlenbergia subaristata; Nueva Galicia; Nueva Vizcaya; Odontotrichium, Mexico, species; Oenothera maysillesii; Opuntioideae; new species, 1908a; Philadelphus madrensis; Phlox mexicana; Pinus durangensis; P u r p u s , C. A., collections; Ribes madrense; Senecio, new species; Separotheca; Sisyrinchium arizonicum; Stenandrium pelorium; Synthlipsis elata; Tradescantia, new species; Veratrum species) Cora region, plants of,

Chalchihuites site, vegetation of, H E N D R I C H S , A. J . , 1961 Durango, Villa de, see relaciones geográficas El Salto, reforestation, natural, B L A N C O , C. E., 1948 El Tunal, plants of, H U A C U J A R I V E R O , J . 1944; S A N D O V A L M., F., 1946 Laguna region, see Gossypium, culture Llanos de Guatimape, descriptive account V A L L E , A. DE (1618) Los Azufres, proposed as national park, S O S A , A. H . , 1953 Mission de Navogame, see relaciones geográficas Nombre de Dios (Villa del), see relaciones geográficas plants of, BARLOW*, R. H . and S M I S O R , G. T., 1943; G A M I Z E., 1929 Poana, plants of, G A M I Z , E., 1929 Real de Nuestra Señora de la Merced del Oro, see relaciones geográficas Real de Señor José de Bassis, see relaciones geográficas Rio Nazas, plains, plants of, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1908 Rio Tamazula, cuenca, plants of, GONZALEZ ORTEGA, J., 1927 San Buenaventura, description, E S C U D E R O , M. E., 1777 San Miguel de las Bocas, see relaciones geográficas Sierra Madre, forests, R O T H K U G E L , M., 1909 Súchil, plants of, G A M I Z , E., 1929 Tamazula, see relaciones geográficas Topia, see relaciones geográficas Villa del Nombre de Dios, see Nombre de Dios duraznillo, see Opuntia species durazno, see Prunus pérsica durian, see Durio zibethinus Durio, see Bombacaceae Dusen, P., collections, see Orchidaceae Dussia, see Leguminosae Dutch Guyana, see Surinam(e) Dutch West Indies, flora, B O L D I N G H , I., 1909-1914. See also Antilles. St. Eustache, descriptive account and flora, E U P H R A S E N , B. A., 1795 D u t r a sect., see Datura dye plants, see plants, dye sources dye sources, insects, see axe, cochineal dye sources, plants, see plants, dye sources Dyschoriste, see Acanthaceae Dyscritothamnus, see Compositae dysentery, see plants, medicinal, for Dyssodia, see Compositae dzalmuy, see Annona squammosa

P U L I D O I S L A S , A., 1940 flora, M E Z A B L A N C O , S., 1949; R O U A I X , P., 1929 forests, M E Y E R , H . A. and T R E V I N O S A L D A N A , C., 1938 geography, C E R V A N T E S H E R N A N D E Z , J . , 1954; G A M I Z , A., 1911; G A R C I A , A., 1940; G O N Z A L E Z D A V I L A , A., 1950; R O U A I X , P., 1942 grasslands, composition, G E N T R Y , ear flower, see Cymbopetalum H . S., 1946c penduliflorum Huichol region, plants of, P U L I D O ebano de Mexico, see Caesalpinia I S L A S , A., 1940 sclerocarpa Indians, see Cora; Huichol Ebenaceae, see also Ebenales Kerber, proposed collecting in, monograph, H I E R N , W . P . A N O N . , 1881f (1872) National P a r k , proposed, S O S A , A. Diospyros, culture ( g r a f t i n g ) , H . , 1953 E S C O B A R , R., 1936 pasture lands, see Mexico, northwest distribution, F E R N A L D , M. L., plant products, E S C U D E R O , J . A. DE, 1931 1849a; A N O N . , 1889h; see Mexico, new species, S T A N D L E Y , also products, below P. C., 1914-1919 plants of, H E R N A N D E Z , C., 1903, Michoacan, new species, 1909; J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1943-1944; O C H O T E R E N A , L E A V E N W O R T H , W . C., 1946 I., 1912a; R O U A I X , P., conzattii n. sp., Oaxaca, 1909-1910 S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1922 common and scientific names, digyna, synonymy, H O W A R D , R. P A T O N I , C., 1909-1911 A., 1961a of economic importance, Q U I R O Z ebenaster, synonymy, see above M A R T I N E Z , R., 1930a kaki, culture, B R O S I O , A., 1936 forage, Z U B I R A N y C A M P O , L. F nigra, synonymy, H O W A R D , R . 1927 A., 1961a products (see also plant products) oaxacana n. sp., S T A N D L E Y , P . agricultural, A V I L A , F . A., 1908 C., 1914-1919 resources, natural, G A M I Z , E., 1921 revoluta, synonymy, H O W A R D , southern, exploration of, L E Z A M A R. A., 1961a M I C H E L , R., 1932 Maba, Mexico, new species, travel account, C A S T E L L A , M. T., S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1914-1919 1959 a (for cactus collecting); rekoi n. sp., S T A N D L E Y , P . C., S C H W A T K A , F., 1893 1914-1919 trees, A V I L A , F . A., 1908 ( f o r Ebenales, relationships with Tubiflorae, timber); C E R V A N T E S H A L L I E R , H . , 1901 H E R N A N D E Z , J., 1954 United States, southeast, systematics, vegetation, by zones, O C H O T E R E N A , W O O D , C. E . JR. and I., 1909 C H A N N E L L , R. B., 1960 western, collecting in, history of, Ebnerella, see Cactaceae M A Y S I L L E S , J . H., 1959 Ebtun, see Yucatan pine forests, vegetation of, see Ecabo, see Yucatan above Echeandia, see Liliaceae Echeveria, see Crassulaceae Canatlan, see Pyrus malus, culture Echeverria, Anastasio, botanical artist, Canelas, expedition to, Z U B I R I A y V A R I O U S , 1785-1789 C A M P A , L., 1929 Echinacea, see compositae Cerro Mercado, geology and Echinocactanae, see Cactaceae geography, F A R R I N G T O N , Echinocactus, see Cactaceae; also O. C., 1904 plants of, Z U B I R I A y C A M P A , Cactaceae, Nopaleen L., 1923 Echinochloa, see Gramineae


Echinocystis, see Cucurbitaceae Echinodorus, see Alismaceae Echinofossulocactus, see Cactaceae Echinomastus, see Cactaceae Echinomelocactos, see Cactaceae Echinopepon, see Cucurbitaceae Echinopterys, see Malpighiaceae Echinopsis, see Cactaceae E chinos per mum, see Boraginaceae Echites, see Apocynaceae Echitoideae, see Apocynaceae ecology, see plants, ecology Edanthe, see Palmae Edinburgh, Hortus Medicus, catalogue, S U T H E R L A N D , J . , 1683 Mexico, plants of, in, G R A H A M , DR. 1827-1842 Edithea, see Rubiaceae edredon vegetal, see Ceiba pentandra eggs, yolk color, changes in, see Bixa Egletes, see Compositae Egum, see Yucatan Ehrenberg, Carl August, bio-bibliography, U R B A N , I., 1897a biography, A S C H E R S O N , P . F . A., 1896-1939; S C H U M A N N , K , 1900a; A N O N . , 1849d collections, see Euphorbia densiflora; Mexico, plants; Pitcairnia n. sp. Ehretia, see Boraginaceae Ehretiaceae (see also Boraginaceae) systematics, M I E R S , J., 1869 Eichlerina, see Loranthaceae Eichlerodendron, see Flacourtiaceae Eichornea (Eichornia), see Pontederiaceae Eisen, G., travels, S I E V E R S , W . , 1888; see also Mexico, travel, B a j a California to Sonora Eixarch, Father, travels to California, B O L T O N , H . E. (18th cent.) E j u t l a , see Oaxaca eklemuy, see elemuy El Cannen, municipio, see Nuevo Leon El Chico, Parque Nacional, see Hidalgo El Contador, see Bosque El Contador El Desierto, see Chiapas, Lacandon area El Fuerte, valle de, see Sinaloa El Limon, see Nuevo Leon El Mangal, see Veracruz El Mante, see Tamaulipas El Mirador, see Hacienda El Mirador El Nopaloso, see Tamaulipas El Palmar, see Veracruz El Pital, see Veracruz El Potrero, see Veracruz El Rosario, see Baja California; Sonora El Salto, see Durango El Salvador, flora, S T A N D L E Y , P. C. and C A L D E R O N , S., 1925a; A N O N . , 1926p of economic importance, G U Z M A N , D. J . , 1926 Sonsonate, see Myrospermum pereirae El Sumidero, see Chiapas, Rio Grijalva El Tepozteco, Parque Nacional, see Morelos El Tunal, see Durango Elaeocarpaceae Sloanea, in America, S M I T H , C. E . J R . , 1954 synonymy, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1944 Elaphrium, see Burseraceae; also Bur sera Elatinaceae Elatine, species, key, F A S S E T T , N. C., 1939 triandra var. obovata, see above Elatine, see Elatinaceae electrophoresis, in systematics, see Euphorbia elemi, see Elaphrium elemiferum elemuy, see Guatteria gaumeri; G. leiophylla Eleocharis, see Cyperaceae elephant tree, see Bursera microphylla; Elaphrium macdougallii; Pachycornus discolor; Rhus veatchiana; Veatchia discolor Elcphantopus, see Compositae elfin forest, see chaparral Ellemeet, Jonge, collections, see Cactaceae new taxa Ellobium, see Primulaceae (now Onagraceae) Elotepec, see Oaxaca Elotepeque, see San J u a n Elotepeque Eloxochitlan, see San Miguel Eloxochitlan Elymus, see Gramineae Elytraria, see Acanthaceae Elwes, H . J., travels, El Paso to Veracruz, E L W E S , H . J . , 1888

Elyzondo, Dona Eugenia, see Sesse, collections embryology, see Angiospermae, embryology; also specific plant taxa Emorya, see Loganiaceae Encelia, see Compositae Encephalocarpus, see Cactaceae Encheila, see Palmae enchiladera, see Croton adenaster

INDEX encina, see Quercus description (madrono), SARGENT, encina de Parian, see Quercus acutifolia C. S., (1890d) Encinada, see Ensenada new species, LINDLEY, J., encino, see Quercus 1848-1851 Encliandra, see Primulaceae species, catalogue, ANON., 1904j (now Onagraceae) peninsularis n. sp., Baja California, Encliandra sect., see Fuchsia, ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911 purpusi, illustration, ANON., 1896o small-flowered, California xalapensis, ornamental, LEMAIRE, species C., 1851 Encyclia, see Orchidaceae Arctostaphylos, California species, Encyclium sect., see Epidendrum revision, JEPSON, W. L., encyclopedia, general, VARIOUS, 1922-1923 1833-1843 medicinal plant, ARMENDARIZ, endemic plants, see Mexico, plants, E., 1904a endemic Mexico, species, culture, ANON., Endlich, R. (?), collections, see Labiatae 1851 Endlicheria, see Lauraceae Endotricha sect., see Gentiana systematics, ADAMS, J. E., 1935 Engelhardtia, see Juglandaceae; also arguta, medicinal plant, VARIOUS, 1895-1908 Engelhardtieae synonymy, RAMIREZ, J., 1896d Engelhardtieae, see Juglandaceae australis n. sp., Baja California, Engelmann, George, see Cereus EASTWOOD, A., 1944 giganteas, discovery of caeciliana n. sp., SELER, C., 1900 England, Mexican plants in (see British novoleontis n. sp., Nuevo Leon, Isles, Mexican plants in; Great Britain, Mexican plants in) REHDER, A., 1935 cultivated in (see also fruits, Great oppositifolia n. sp., Baja California, Britain), REA, J., 1665 PARRY, C. C., 1884 English, see Mexico, natural history, in pringlei n. sp., Baja California, PARRY, C. C., 1886-1887 reports by the English pungens, medicinal plant, Enneapogon, see Gramineae MURILLO, L. G., 1892; enredadera de la virgen, see Cryptostegia ORVANANOS, D., 1895 grandiflora thesis, SILVA SCHMIDT, J., Ensatae (see also Iridaceae), monograph, 1932 ROEMER, M. J., 1846-1847 salicifolia n. sp., Baja California, Ensenada, see Baja California PARRY, C. C., 1883a Ensete, see Musaceae Befaria, revision, F E D T S C H E N K O , Enslenia, see Asclepiadaceae B. A. and BASILEVSKAJA, Enterolobium, see Leguminosae N. A., 1926; MANSFELD, R. Entomanthus (Lopezia), see Onagraceae and SLEUMER, H., 1935 Epacoyuca, see Epazoyuca Epacridaceae, see Bicornes survey, Mexican species, CAMP, W . Epaltes, see Compositae H., 1941a Epatlan, see Colima discolor complex, in Mexico, see Epatlan, Laguna de, see Puebla above epazote, see Chenopodium ambrosioides ghiesbreghtiana n. sp., Oaxaca, epazote del zorrillo, see Chenopodiutn F E D T S C H E N K O , B. A. and foetidum BASILEVSKAJA, N. A., 1926 epazotl, see Atriplex odorata mexicana hintonii n. sp., Guerrero, CAMP, Epazoyuca, see Hidalgo W. H., 1941a Ephedra, see Gnetaceae; also Calluna vulgaris, adventive in Ephedraceae Queretaro, BEIJERINCK, W., Ephedraceae 1938 Ephedra, North America, monograph, Gaylussacia, North America, species, CUTLER, H. C., 1939 CAMP, W. H., 1941b Ephedrales, relationships, EAMES, A. Gaultheria, in Mexico, species, CAMP, J., 1952 W. H., 1939; M E D E L L I N , Epicatnpes, see Gramineae R., 1920; SLEUMER, H., Epidanthus, see Orchidaceae 1934a, 1934-1935 Epidendrinae, see Orchidaceae acuminata, medicinal plant, BOCEpidendroideae, see Orchidaceae QUILLON-LIMOUSIN, H., Epidendrum, see Orchidaceae 1892-1893 Epilobium, see Onagraceae popular account, R I Q U E L M E epinard d'ete, see Chenopodiutn INDA, J., 1936 Epiphyllutn, see Cactaceae thesis, GODINEZ, E., 1935 epiphytic plants, epiphytes (see also cummingii n. sp., SLEUMER, H., Cactaceae, epiphytic; Mexico, 1934-1935 plants, epiphytes; Orchidaceae, longiflora n. sp., MORREN, epiphytic; plants, epiphytes; C. F. A., 1845-1849 tropics, epiphytes) ovata, medicinal plant, general information, ANDREWS, H. ALTAMIRANO, F., 1889 N., 1947 schiedeana n. sp., SLEUMER, H., Episcia, see Gesneriaceae 1934-1935 Epithelantha, see Cactaceae Jurgensenia n. gen. (mexicana), Eragrostis, see Gramineae TURCZANINOW, N., 1847 Eragrostoideae, see Gramineae Leucothoe, America, extra tropical, Eranthis, see Ranunculaceae SLEUMER, H., 1959 Erbario Estense, 16th century material, Agastia sect., in Mexico, see above in Modena archives, CAMUS, Pernettya, in Mexico, CAMP. W. H., G. and PENZIG, O., 1885 Erblichia, see Turneraceae 1939 erdbirnen, see Solanum tuberosum Mexico, species, culture, Erechtites, see Compositae ANON., 1851 Eretnalche, see Malvaceae myrmecophilous plant, ROSS, Eremogeton, see Scrophulariaceae H., 1909 Eremogone, see Arenaria> American ciliata, distribution, DONAT, A., 1938 species Rhododendroideae subf., COX, H. T., Eremosis, see Compositae 1948 ergot, see Rivea corymbosa, ergot Rhododendron, culture, ALMAZAN, alkaloid in seeds P., 1882a Erianthus, see Gramineae popular account, TORRES, M. Eriastrum, see Polemoniaceae DE J., 1894a; 1894d Ericaceae (see also Bicornes) Sphyrospermum majus, in Mexico, America, new taxa, SLEUMER, H., SMITH, A. C., 1933 1934-1935 Thibaudieae, America, SMITH, A. C., Mexico, general information, 1932 ALTAMIRANO, F., 1889 systematics, HOEROLD, R., 1909 new taxa in, CAMP, W. H., 1939 Vaccinioideae, monograph, systematics, genera and type species, NIEDENZU, F., 1889 DON, D., 1834 Vaccinium, in America, Middle, tropical, with enlarged root crowns, SLEUMER, H., 1936 WEBER, H., 1960 n. sp., Chiapas, LUNDELL, C. L., United States, southeast, systematics, 1941b genera, WOOD, C. E. JR., Caespitosae, systematics, CAMP, 1961 W. H., 1941 Andromeda ferruginea, general Euvaccinium, systematics, see above information, ALTAMIRANO, glaucescens n. sp., Tepic, F., 1889a VARIOUS, 1894-1933 Arbuteae, anatomy, floral, PALSER, gonzalezii n. sp., Sinaloa, B. F., 1954 1894-1933 Arbutoideae, anatomy, COX, H. T., Ericales, comparative anatomy, studies 1948 in, COX, H. T., 1948 monograph, N I E D E N Z U , F „ 1889 leaves, morphology and systematics, Arbutus (see also etymology, madrono) HAGERUP, O., 1953 culture, ANON., 1851 Ericopsis sect., see Penstemon

Erigeron, see Compositae Eriocaulaceae, see Glumaceae catalogue, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1959 collections, locations, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1939c; (1946)-1949 distribution, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1946-1949a; 1949-1954; RUHLAND, W., 1914 individuals who have contributed to knowledge of, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1950 invalid and incorrect names, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1940f in Mexico, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1939-1957 monograph, KOERNICKE, F., 1854 (also supplement); MARTIUS, K. F. P., 1833 systematics, genera, K U N T H , C. S., 1840 Yucatan peninsula, VARIOUS, 1935-1940 Eriocauleae, North America, MORONG, T., 1891a Eriocaulon, in Mexico, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1939-1957 new species, MOLDENKE, H. N., 1946 bilobatum n. sp., Jalisco, BRITTON, N. L., 1892 Paepalanthus, in Mexico, MOLDENKE, H. N., 19391957 Eriocauleae, see Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon, see Eriocaulaceae Eriochloa, see Gramineae Eriocoma, see Compositae eriocomine, see Montagnoa tomentosa Eriodendron, see Bombacaceae Eriodictyon, see Hydrophyllaceae Eriogonum, see Polygonaceae Eriogoneae, see Polygonaceae Eriopersicon, see LycoPersicum Eriophyllum, see Compositae Erioxylum, see Malvaceae Eritrichium, see Boraginaceae Ernandez, Francesco, see Hernandez, Francisco Erodium, see Geraniaceae erosion, control of, see Agave americana, Opuntia ficus'indica plants for control of, see above; also plants, for erosion control dangers of, QUEVEDO, M. A. de, 1932 Errazurizia, see Leguminosae Ervendberg, L. C., biography, GEISER, S. W., 1936-1937; 1937 collections, in Tantoyuca, GRAY, A., 1861a, 1861b Mexico, projected plans for collecting in, ANON., 1862 Eryngium, see Umbelliferae Erysimum, see Cruciferae Erythea, see Palmae Erythraea, see Gentianaceae Erythraeinae, see Gentianaceae Erythrina, see Leguminosae Erythrobalanus, subg., see Quercus Erythrocoma, see Rosaceae Erythronium, see Liliaceae Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylon {Erythroxylum), see also ethnobotany, Yaqui culture, DEWILDEMAN, E., 1902a medicinal plant, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1885; G O M E Z y C O U T O ,

V., (1876); VARIOUS, 1890a new species, ROSE, J. N., 18971911 species, coca substitutes, RAMIREZ CARRIZOSA, M., 1936 systematics, CAVANILLES, A. J., 1785-1790 thesis, MUNGUIA, L. G., 1896 bequaertii n. sp., Yucatan, STANDLEY, P. C., 1930 coca, general information, SOLORZANO ARRIAGA, F., 1889 medicinal plant, PFREZ, L., 1885 ellipticum n. sp., RAMIREZ, J., 1897a, 1904 macrophyHum, synonymy, RAMIREZ J., 1896d michoacanensis, medicinal plant, GARCIA, C., 1887a Erythroxylon (Erythroxylum), see above Escallonia, see Saxifragaceae Escarcega, see Campeche Eschanzier, Louis, see Cactaceae, collected by Escholtzia, see Eschscholtzia Eschscholtzia, see Papaveraceae escoba, see Centaurea salmantica Escobar, Numa Pompilio, biography, CASTAÑEDA, J. E., 1949; LOPEZ BERMUDEZ, J., 1940 Escobar, Romulo, biography, LOPEZ BERMUDEZ, J., 1940 Escobaría, see Cactaceae; also Coryphanthanae Escobedia, see Scrophulariaceae Escobesseya, see Cactaceae Escontria, see Cactaceae


Escontria, B., collection of woods, see San Luis Potosi, woods; Tamau lipas, woods escorzonera del pais, see Eryngium comosum Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, Mexico, see Mexico Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas^ Mexico, see Mexico Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, Mexico, see Mexico Escuela Normal Superior, Mexico, see Mexico Escuela Superior de Agricultura "Antonio Narro," Mexico, see Mexico Escuinapa, see Sinaloa Escuintla, see Chiapas Esenbeckia, see Rutaceae espanta vaqueros, see Ipomoea sescossiana esparceta, see Hcdysarum onobrychts esparrago, see Asparagus esparsette, see Hedysarum esparto, see Fimbristylis; Spartium (Spartianthus) espinaca, see Chenopodiutn amaranticolor; Spinacia espinosilla, see also Phlox spinosilla; Loeselia coccínea not identified, VALDES, M. A., 1784-1805 Espíritu Santo, provincia Guazaqualco, see Veracruz Espíritu Santo, Villa de, see above Espita, see Yucatan espuela de caballero, see Delphinium ajacis espule, see expule esquahuitl, not identified, medicinal uses, bark, MENDOZA, G., 1867 Estación Balsas, see Guerrero Estación Concho, see Chihuahua, Saucillo Estación Isla, see Veracruz estafiate, see Ambrosia; Artemisia laciniata; A. mexicana; Franseria Estancia, see San Juan Baptista de Amatlan de Xora Estanque de Jabalí, see Coahuila Estopier, experiments with Agave, see Agave, experiments of Vincent estramonio, see Datura estropajo, see Luffa estropajo de guia, see Luffa cylindrica ethnobotany (see also botany, history of, Mexico, pre-Hispanic; Mexico, pre-Hispanic-medicine; plants (cultivated, food sources); Mexico, Valle de, plants used in pre-Hispanic times; plants of economic importance, and for various uses; plants, used in magic) Acaxee Indians, BEALS, R. L., 1933 Agave (see also Agave—for agua miel, as a beverage source, for binder twine, and similar sub-headings under Agave, to Agave, uses) maguey, GORDON, Dr., 1875 America, Latin, VERDOORN, F., # 1945 America, pre-Hispanic, medicine (see also ethnobotany, America, preHispanic, plants, medicinal) DOMINGUEZ, J. A., 1933 plants, fiber sources WHITFORD, A. C., 1943 plants, food sources, SAFFORD, W. E., 1917 plants, medicinal (see also America pre-Hispanic, medicine, above) PARDAL, R., 1937 plants, narcotic, SAFFORD, W. E., 1917b plants, rubber sources, THOMPSON, J. R. S., 1950 plants, stimulants, SAFFORD, W. E., 1917b plants, textile sources, SAFFORD, W.. E., 1917 Ammobroma, see Ammobroma sonorae> used by the Papagos Antigonon, use of, see Antigonon leptopus, food plant, in Baja California Antilles, pre-Hispanic, ROUMAIN, J., 1942 Apache Indians, see ethnobotany, Mescalero Apache Aztecs (see also Aztecs, civilization; ethnobotany, Mexico, and Mexicans; ethnobotany, plants, medicinal, used by; Hypericum+ medicinal plant, anaesthetic; Phaseolus, in America, preHispanic; plants, as anaesthetics; plants, used in ceramic decorations; Zea mays> culture among the Aztecs), BRAUBACH, C., 1925; EMBREE, E. R., 1939; IZQUIERDO, J. J., 1955;

INDEX ethnobotany—continued L. A., 1843a; S T A R R , F . , 1899-1903 Dahlia, importance of, to, H A R T , D. W . , 1929 flowers, sacred to, S A F F O R D , W . E., 1912 flowers, use of (see also Dahlia, above; orchids, below), A N O N . , 1941c medicine (see also plants, medicinal, used by), A N D E R S O N , A. J . O., 1961 F E R N A N D E Z DEL C A S T I L L O , F . , 1955a (medicine and g o d s ) ; A N O N . , 1881e, 1881g orchids, use of, P U Y D T , E . DE, 1880 paper making, see plants, paper sources, Aztec plants, used as anaesthetics, N O G U E R A , E., 1928 plants, food sources, F L O R E S , F . A., 1886-1888 plants, medicinal (see also medicine, above), A G U I L A R , G. F., 1944; A L A T R I S T E DE L O P E , J., 1896; B R A U B A C H , C., 1925; C H A V E Z , I., 1947; C O M E N G E , L., 1895; D I E T S C H Y , H., 1937; E M M A R T , E. W . , 1937; F L O R I A N , L „ 1941; P O Z O , E . C. DEL, 1946; R O D R I G U E Z , L. A., 1944; S A H A G U N , B „ (1575); S A L D A N A A Z C A R R A G A , G., 1960; S C H A E F F E R , G., 1955 plants, paper sources, see paper making, above plants, sacred to (see also flowers, sacred to), T O R O , A., 1930 Cactaceae, Americans, preHispanic, used by B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1934; M A R T I N DEL C A M P O , R., 1957; M A R T I U S , K. F . P . , 1832 See also Cactaceae, fruits, used by Indians magic purposes, used for, R I V E R A M O R A L E S , I., 1943a in Mexico, pre-Hispanic, see all the above, under Cactaceae tall, uses, aboriginal, C A S T E T T E R , E . F . and B E L L , W . H., 1937 Caesalpinia pulcherrima, see ethnobotany, Maya Cahita Indians, aboriginal, B E A L S , R. L., 1943 contemporary, B E A L S , R. L., 1945 Canna edulis, L E I V A B „ A . M . , 1941 Carnegiea gigantea, uses aboriginal, see Cactaceae, tall, above Ceiba, importance to the Indian in Chiapas, B L O M , F., 1956 in Maya culture, see ethnobotany, Maya chia sources, see Salvia, chia source Chiapanec Indians, S T A R R , F . , 1899-1903 Chiapas, R O Y S , R. L., 1943 Acacoyahua, alimentation in, H O R C A S I T A S DE P O Z A S , I., 1951 Lacandon area, edible plants, D U B Y , G., 1944 Chichimec Indians, C A S A S , G. DE LAS, (1571-1585); H R D L I C K A , A., 1903 Chihuahua, see Chihuahua, plants, medicinal Chimalhuacan, D I G U E T , L., 1903a Chinantec Indians, S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 plants, food and beverage sources, W E I T L A N E R , R. J . , 1951 Chinantla, W E I T L A N E R , R. J . and C A S T R O , C. A., 1954 Chiricahua Indians, C A S T E T T E R , E . F . and O P L E R , M. E., 1936 Chocho Indians, S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 Choi Indians, Chiapas, H I T C H N E R , R., 1947; see also above Chontal Indians, S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 Coahuila Indians (Coahuiltecans), B A R R O W S , D. P., 1900; R U E C K I N G , F . J r . , 1953 Cocopa Indians, K E L L Y , W . H . , 1944 Colima Indians, S U A R E Z DE C E P E D A , J . , (1581) Cora Indians (see also Mexico, Sierra Madre Occidental, travels), C E R D A S I L V A , R. DE LA, 1943 (in Nayarit) ; D I G U E T , L., 1899 Crescentia, see Crescentia, uses Cuicateco Indians, A D A N , E „ 1923 (in Oaxaca, food plants) ; C E R D A S I L V A , R. DE LA.

1942 (in O a x a c a ) ; S T A R R , F . , 1899-1903 Cupressus, in Mexican mythology, R E K O , B. P., 1948b Datura, A G U I R R E B E L T R A N , G., 1955; G A Y T O N , A. H „ 1928 (in A m e r i c a ) ; G U N C K E L L., H . , 1951. See also Solanaceae, Datura, toloache stramonium, see ethnobotany, Mayo Indians flowers, use of (see also ethnobotany, Mexico, pre-Hispanic) in greetings, T O O R , F . , 1927 sacred, see ethnobotany, Aztecs Gossypium, in the U . S. southwest, pre-historic, K E N T , K. P., 1957 Guatemala, highlands, food plants, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1946 Helianthus annuus, among Indians, in North America, H E I S E R , C. B. Jk., 1951 Hernandez, F., contributions of, S C H U L T E S , R. E . , 1960a Hidalgo, Mezquital, Valle del, M E N D I Z A B A L , O. DE, 1947 Huastec Indians, M E A D E , J . , 1942; S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 Huave Indians, C E R D A S I L V A , R . DE LA, 1941 (in O a x a c a ) ; S T A R R , F . , 1899-1903 Huaxtec Indians, see Huastec Indians Huichol Indians (see also Mexico, Sierra Madre Occidental, travels), D I G U E T , L., 1899; L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1898, 1903 Lophophora, use of, see ethnobotany, Lophophora Indians (see also Cactaceae, fruits, use of; Zea, uses of, by; also specific tribes) America, foods used by, M c N E I L , B. and E . V., 1936 plants, food sources, used by, S T O U T , A. B., 1914; W I T T R O C K , M. A. and G. L., 1942 plants, hallucinogenic, used by, P A R D A L , R., 1936; P E R E Z DE B A R R A D A S , J., 1950, 1951 plants, medicinal, used by, C A S T I G L I O N I , A., 1943a; P A R D A L , R „ 1937; P E R E Z DE B A R R A D A S , J., 1951 plants, narcotic, used by, P A R D A L , R., 1936; S E R R A N O , A., 1934 plants, poisonous, P E R E Z DE B A R R A D A S , J., 1951 plants, used by, P L A T T , Mrs. C., 1942 America, North, D R I V E R , H . E . and M A S S E Y , W . C., 1957; P A L M E R , E., 1878 plants, beverage sources, H A V A R D , V., 1896 plants, fiber sources, N E W B E R R Y , J . S., 1887 plants, food sources, H A V A R D , V., 1895; N E W B E R R Y , J . S., 1887; P A L M E R , E., 1870, 1878 California, R O M E R O , J. B „ 1954 contributions to civilization (plants) C H A M B E R L A I N , A. F., 1903 in Mexico, B E N A V E N T E , T „ (1541); B E R L A N D I E R , J . L. (n. d.) e; H A R T M A N , C. V., 1894 (1897), 1895 (northwest) ; S E R N A , J . DE LA (1651) botany and medicine, GRANADOS y GALVEZ, J. J., 1778 plants, medicinal, F L O R E S , F . A., 1886-1888 Ipomoea, see ethnobotany, Maya Kiliwa Indians, B a j a California, M E I G S , P., 1939 Lacandon Indians, B L O M , F. and D U B Y , G., 1949; D U B Y , G., 1944a; S O U S T E L L E , J., 1937 compared with the Mayas, T O Z Z E R , A. M „ 1907 Tabebuia (guayacan), used for arrows, M I R A N D A , F., 1953d legends about plants, see ethnobotany, M a y a (Caesalpinia flowers, Ipomoea, Lonchocarpus, Plumería, Tecoma, plants, connected with legends. Zea mays) ; Myroxylon pereirae Lemaireocereus thurberi, uses, aboriginal, C A S T E T T E R , E . F. and B E L L , W . H . , 1937 Lonchocarpus longistylis, see ethnobotany, Maya Lophocereus schotti (for schottii), uses, aboriginal, C A S T E T T E R , E. F. and B E L L , W . H., 1937 Lophophora, G U S I N D E , M „ 1939; L A B A R R E , W „ 1938; A N O N . , 1914

Azqueltan, used in, A N O N . , 1912(1) Indians, used by, M c N I C K L E , D., 1943 Indians, American, used by, P A R D A L , R „ 1936, 1937 Indians, Huichol, used by, R A S C H , A., 1927; L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1898, 1903; S E L E R , G. E., 1901 medicinal uses, see Cactaceae, Lophophora Machaerocereus qummosus. uses, aboriginal, C A S T E T T E R , E . F. and B E L L , W . H . , 1937 magic in medicine, see Mexico, medicine, magic in magic, plants used for, see plants, used for magic Matlatzinca Indians, G A R C I A P A Y O N , J., 1943 Matzahua Indians, see Mazahua Maya (see also Agave, henequen, Mayas, used by; Agave, Indians, used by; Agave, in pre-Hispanic populations; ethnobotany, Nicotiana; plants, medicinal, used by Mayas; plants, paper sources), E M B R E E , E. R., 1939; S T A R R , F., 1899-1903; S T E G G E R D A , M „ 1940 Caesalpinia pulcherrima, in legends, R O S A D O V E G A , L., 1938 Ceiba, in the culture, N O V E L O E R O S A , P., 1939; R E D F I E L D , R „ 1936; R O S A D O V E G A , L „ 1938 (in legends) compared with the Lacandones, T O Z Z E R , A. M „ 1907 flowers, origin of, legend, M E D I Z B O L I O , A., 1946 Ipomoea, in legend, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1946b legends, plants connected with, see plants, in legends, below Lonchocarpus longistylis, in legend, S O Ü Z A N O V E L O , N., 1946a Old Empire, L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1938a paper sources, see plants, paper sources plants, food sources, B E N E D I C T , F . G. and S T E G G E R D A , M., 1936; L A R S E N , H . 1939; V A R I O U S , 1940 in legends, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1945b, 1946d; see also Caesalpinia, Ceibat flowers, Ipomoea, and Lonchocarpus above; Plumería; Tecoma; and Zea mays, below, medicinal, B A S A U R I , C., 1930 (in Quintana Roo); B A S A U R I , C., 1931; B E N E D I C T , F. G. and S T E G G E R D A , M., 1936; L E O N , N., 1920a; M E N A , F . (n. d . ) ; P E R E Z , J . P., 1870 (catalogue) ; R A M I R E Z , F . X . (1785) ; R O Y S , R. L., 1931, 1933; S O T O H A L L , M., 1938, 1939; S O U Z A N O V E L O , N. (n. d . ) ; S T E G G E R D A , M. and K O R S C H , B „ 1943; V A R O N A , I., 1952; A N O N . , 17th cent.a, 1797, 18th cent, d, e, f Plumería, in legends, R O S A D O V E G A , L „ 1938 Tecoma stans, in legends. see above in Yucatan, southern, plants used, G A N N , T . W . F., 1918 Zea mays, in the culture, W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1952; A N O N . , 1938 in legends, V I G I L , C. C„ 1945 in rituals, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1948a Mayo Indians, Sonora, H R D L I C K A , A., 1904 Datura- stramonium, use of, R E K O , V. A., 1928, 1932-1933 Mazahua, Matzahua, Indians, (see also sendecho) plants, medicinal, R O J A S G O N Z A L E Z , F., 1939a Mazatec Indians, J O H N S O N , J . B., 1939a; S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 plants used for witchcraft, J O H N S O N , J . B., 1939 yerba maria, use of W E I T L A N E R , R. J . , 1949-1950 Mescalero Apache Indians, C A S T E T T E R , E. F . and O P L E R , M. E „ 1936 Mexica Indians Cactaceae, used by, M A R T I N DEL C A M P O , R., 1957

food sources, D A V A L O S H U R T A D O , E., 1954-1955 plants, medicinal, V A R G A S C A S T E L A Z O , M., 1954-1955 Mexico (see also the various tribes) A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1897; R O M A N y ZAMORA, J., 1575 northern, B E A L S , R. L., 1932; D U P O Y E T , T „ 1912 plants, food sources (see also Mexico, pre-Hispanic, below), B E N I , G , 1882 plants, hallucinogenic, R U I Z DE A L A R C O N , H . (1629) plants used in magic, see above; also ethnobotany, Zea mays plants, in ritual uses (see also ethnobotany, Maya, Zea mays; Lophophora in religious rituals; Yucatan, plants used in rituals), P O N C E , P., (16th c e n t . ) ; R U I Z DE A L A R C O N , H „ (1629); S P E N C E , L „ 1930 pre-Hispanic (see also Codexes or Codices; Nicotiana, below), C H E V A L I E R , M., 1845; E S T R A D A G., M., 1953; M O R I N E A U , A. de, 1872; O R O Z C O y B E R R A , M., 1880; T H O M P S O N , J . E., 1933 flowers, use of, N U T T A L L , Z., 1919 plants, used in childbirth, V A N P A T T E N , N „ 1932 plants, food sources B E L T R A N , E., 1949; P A L A C I O S , E. J., 1934; S A H A G U N , B. (1575) plants, medicinal, C E R N A , D., 1932; R E K O , B. P., 1920 southern, S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 (by tribes), 1908 by tribes, B A S A U R I , C. 1940 Mitla, P A R S O N S , E. W . C., 1936 Mixe Indians, B A U E R - T H O M A , W . , 1916 (food plants); B E A L S , R. L., 1945a (western); S T A R R , F . , 1899-1903 Mixtec Indians, S T A R R , F „ 1899-1903 Morelos, Tepoztlan, plants, used in childbirth, R E D F I E L D , M. P., 1928 Myroxylon pereirae, in legend, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1944c Nicotiana, in America, P O R T E R M. N „ 1948 Indians, use by, C A S T I G L I O N I , A., 1943 Mayas, use by, T H O M P S O N , J . R. S., 1946 in Mexico, A G U I R R E B E L T R A N , G., 1955 (pre-Hispanic); M A S O N , J . A., 1924 Nuevo Leon, early inhabitants C O S S I O , D. A., 1924-1933 Oaxaca, GAY, J. A., 1881 coastal area, plants, medicinal, K A P L A N , L. N. and L., 1960 Yalalag area, see ethnobotany, Yalalag Olneya tesota, used by Indians, A D M I R A L , D., 1938e Opata Indians, Sonora, H R D L I C K A , A., 1904 Otomi Indians (see also sendecho), CARRASCO PIZANA, P.. 1950; S T A R R , F., 1899-1903 fiber plants, L A N K S , H . C., 1938, 1939 Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum, uses, C A S T E T T E R , E . F . and B E L L , W . H., 1937 pringlei, uses, aboriginal, see above Papago Indians (see also Ammobroma sonorae, used by by the Papagos), C A S T E T T E R , E . F. and U N D E R H I L L , R. M., 1935a paper dolls, in medicine, see Mexico, medicine and paper dolls Phaseolus, see Pha^eolus, cultivated, pre-historic plants, dye sources, see plants, dye sources, pre-Hispanic plants, fiber sources, see ethnobotany, America, _ pre-Hispanic; plants, fiber sources, pre-Hispanic plants, used in fishing, see ethnobotany, San Pablito, plants, fish poisons plants, food sources, see ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic plants, medicinal, see ethnobotany. America, pre-Hispanic, medicine; ethnobotany, M a y a ; plants, medicinal plants, narcotic, see ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic

INDEX ethnobotany—continued plants, paper sources, see plants, paper sources (of the Aztecs, of the Mayas, pre-Hispanic, and witchcraft) plants, in ritual uses, see ethnobotany, Maya, Zea mays; ethnobotany, Mexico, plants, in ritual uses plants, rubber sources, see also ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic plants, stimulants, see ethnobotany, America, pre-Hispanic plants, textile sources, see above Plumeria, in Maya legends, ROSADO VEGA, L., 1938 Popoluca Indians (also Popoloca), F O S T E R , G. M. Jr., 1940 (in Veracruz); L E O N , N., 1905 pulque, legends about, S H U B E R T D., 1941 Quercus, used in festival, in Tixtla, A L T A M I R A N O , I. M., 1884. See also Q. cyclobalanoides (Fagaceae) Sahagun, contributions of, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1960a San Pablito, plants used in fishing, C H R I S T E N S E N , B„ 1953 San Pablo Cuatro Venados, STEINTNGER, G. R. and V E L D E , P. v.d., 1935 Saurauia aspera uses, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1938- 1941 consatti, uses, see above Seri Indians, DAVIS, E. H. and D A W S O N , E. Y„ 1945; D A W S O N . E. Y., 1944a; G O N Z A L E Z B O N I L L A , L. A., 1941: GRTFFEN. W. B., 1955, 1959; K R O E B E R , A. L., 1931; McGEE, W. J., 1898 (food plants) Sonora, see ethnobotany, Yaqui Indians Tabasco, ROYS, R. L., 1943 Tagetes, see Tagetcs, domestication Tarahumara Indians, BASAURT, C., 1927: B E N N E T T , W. C., 1937; B E N N E T T , W. C. and ZTNGG, R. M., 1935; CERDA SILVA, Roberto de la, 1943a; H O M E I K E , H., 1926; KNOBLOCH, T. W., 1943; P E N A , M. T. de la, 1944 plants used as fish poisons, PENNTNGTON. C„ 1958 plants, for food, CABEZA DE VACA. F., 1943; L U M H O L T Z , K. S„ 1894, 1894a. 1894b plants, medicinal BRADT, G. McC., 1948: TRTGOYEN, U., 1938; REYES, A. (n. d.) Tarascan Indians, BEALS. R. L., 1946; L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1902; STARR, F „ 1899-1903 plants used in construction, M E N D I E T A y N U N E Z , L. et al, 1940 plants, for food, see above; also RENDON, S., 1941-1946 Tecoma stans, see ethnobotany, Maya Tepecano Indians, H R D L I C K A A., 1903 Tepehua(n) Indians, GAMIZ, E „ 1948 (in Durango, plants used); P E N N I N G T O N , C. W „ 1963 (plants medicinal); STARR, F., 1899-1903 Tlaxcalan Indians, STARR, F „ 1899-1903 Tojolobal Indians, medicinal plants, BASAURI, C., 1931 toloache, see Solanaceae, Datura, toloache Toltec Indians, see Phaseolus, in America, pre-Hispanic Totonac, KELLY, I. T. and P A L E R M , A., 1952 ( T a j i n ) ; STARR, F., 1899-1903; S T R E B E L , H., 1884 (in Cempoalla) Triqui Indians, STARR, F „ 1899-1903 Tzeltal Indians, B A S A U R I , C. 1931 (medicinal plants used) ; CAMARA BARBACHANO, F., 1945 (in Tenejapa); V I L L A ROJAS, A., 1946 (in Oxcbuc) Tzendal Indians, STARR, F., 1899-1903 Tzotzil Indians, ROJAS GONZALEZ, F. and CERDA SILVA, R. DELA, 1941; STARR, F., 1899-1903; W E A T H E R S , K., 1946 (in Nabenchauc, cultivated plants) Yalalag Indians, Oaxaca, F U E N T E , J . DE LA, 1949

Yaqui Indians S P I C E R , E. H „ 1954 chuculi-bauhuame, preparation of, using Erythroxylon, Paullinia, and Thevetia, REKO, V. A., 1932c in Sonora, H O L D E N , W . E. et al, 1936 (medicine and agriculture); H R D L I C K A , A., 1904 Yucatan, LANDA, D. DE (ca. 1566); R E D F I E L D , R., 1941; ROYS, R. L., 1943; STEGGERDA, M., 1943a Chan Kom, plants used in, R E D F I E L D , R. and V I L L A ROJAS, A., 1934 Zapotec Indians (see also Ipomoea tricolor, hallucinogenic plant), L O P E Z CHINAS, J., 1937; REKO, B. P., 1945a; STARR, F., 1899-1903 in Choapan, F U E N T E , J. DE LA, 1941-1946 plants used for construction, M E N D I E T A y N U N E Z , L. et al, 1949 plants for food, BAUER-THOMA, W., 1916; see also above substitutes for hallucinogenic f u n g i , W A S S O N , R . G., 1961

Zea mays (see also ethnobotany, Maya, Zea mays; Zea mays, medicinal plant) Indians, use by, S T U R T E V A N T , E. L., 1885 magic, use in, SELER G. E., 1900 1900. in pre-Hispanic populations, see Zea mays, under Gramineae Zoque Indians, STARR, F., 1899-1903 Etla, see Oaxaca etymology (see also Mexico, chinampas) Agave, ANON., 1944a henequen, A G R O F I L O , 1917; Maya names, LIZAMA E S C O F F I E , H „ 1927 classification by, L I Z A M A E S C O F F I E , H., 1920-1927 varieties, P E N I C H E , P., 1883; T O V A R V., F., 1943 pulque and maguey, names for, B A R R E R A V A Z Q U E Z , A., 1941 a h u e h u e t l , R O J A S , M . J . , 1929 a l i s o , R I P L E Y , D „ 1960 Annona, S A F F O R D , W . E . , 1911b

squamosa, derivation of common names, SOUZA NOVELO, N „ 1940a Antigonon leptopus, KOCH, K., 1871 Argemone, chicalote, G U T I E R R E Z E S K I L D S E N , R. M., 1933 ayacotli, NYKL, A. R., 1926 Aztec, see etymology, Nahuatl Barberina, D E T O N I , E., 1901 batatas, and varieties, P E R E Z V A L D E S , P., 1790 biological terms, from Mexican Indian languages, D A V I L A GARIBI, J. I. P., 1942a Bixa, KAY, E., 1941; P A L A C I O S R I N C O N , M. A., 1961 achiote, in Tabasco, G U T I E R R E Z E S K I L D S E N , R. M „ 1933 borage, K N O P F , C. S., 1942 Bravoa, V I L L A D A , M., 1899b Brosimum alicastrum, COOK, O. F., 1935 Buceragenia, R A M I R E Z , J., 1898a cacahuatl, NYKL, A. R., 1926 cacao, MARCOU, P., 1920 Cactaceae, see etymology, place names, derived from cacti Costilla,

D E T O N I , E . , 1901

Cattleya, species names, W I T H N E R , C., 1948 Ceiba, etymology, BECERRA, M. E., 1942 Cesia, D E T O N I , E . 1901 cbamisal, C R O N E M I L L E R , F . P.,

1942 chaparral, see above; also E A R L E , W . H., 1957 chocolate, and related words, D A V I L A G A R I B I , J. I. P., 1939; N Y K L , A . R . , 1926 Columnia, D E T O N I , E . , 1901 c o t t o n , K N O P F , C . S . , 1942

Cuernavaca, R A M I R E Z , J., 1898a E c k e v e r i a , W E S T , J . , 1931

Etcheveria, see above henequen, see Agave, henequen Jalisco, plant names, ANON., 1924e j i c a r a , K I D D L E , L . B . , 1944

Lincea (Lynceae),

DETONI, E. t 1901

Mazahua, see etymology, place names, Mazahua Mexican, see etymology, Nahuatl Mexico, plants of, CRUZ, M. de la and B A D I A N U S , J., 1552, 1552a Michoacan, plant names, BRAND, D. D. et al, 1960 Musa, platano Roatan, DOMINGUEZ, F., 1939 (?) Nahuatl (see also etymology, place names, Mexico, Nahuatl; etymology, plant names, N a h u a t l ) , R O B E L O , C. A . ,

1904 plants of economic importance, B E R N A R D I N , J. de W., 1886 nopal, ROLAND-GOSSELIN, R., 1903 Orchidaceae, genera, S C H U L T E S , R. _ E., 1960 Otomi, see etymology, place names, Otomi Papago, see etymology, place names, Papago Parmentiera, caujilote, G U T I E R R E Z E S K I L D S E N , R. M „ 1933 place names, cacti, derived from, D U R A N D , J. B., 1940 Chiapas, BECERRA, M. E., 1932 Chihuahua, see etymology, place names, Tarahumara Chimalhuacanos, D A V I L A GARIBI, J. I. P., 1927 Colima, GALINDO, M., 1919 corn, maize, based on, G R I F F I N , P. F., 1953 flowers, based on, L. R., 1843a Guanajuato, VARGAS, F., 1949 Hidalgo, MANZANO, T „ 1930, 1948; VEGA SANCHEZ, R. et al, 1933 Huasteca, Huaxteca, A L E J A N D R E , M., 1890a; M E A D E , J., 1942; STAUB, W., 1924 Huasteca Poblana, MEADE, J., 1951 Huasteca Queretana, see above Jalisco (see also etymology, place names, Nahuatl), A R R E O L A , J. M„ 1935-1936) Matlaltzingo, C H I M A L P O P O C A GALICIA, F „ 1859 Maya, P A C H E C O CRUZ, S., 1953; ROBELO, C. A., 1902a Mazahua, Mexico, state, O L A G U I B E L , M. de, 1894; S P O T T S , H., 1954-1955 Mexico, GAVIRA, G., 1953; H E N E S T R O S A , A., 1934; I B A R R A d e A N D A , F., 1932; J O S E F E , C., 1876 various states in, B R E K E R , D. C., 1884 Mexico, Arzobispado, B A S U R T O , J . T., 1901 Mexico, Nahuatl, P E N A F I E L , A., 1885, 1895-1896 Mexico, state (see also etymology, Nahuatl), O L A G U I B E L , M. DE, 1894; ROBELO, C. A., 1900; V I L L A D A J. V., 1894 Otomi, A N D R E W S , H „ 1954-1955; O L A G U I B E L , M. de, 1894 Tarascan, OLAGUIBEL, M. de, 1894 Mezquital, Valle del, Otomi, W A L L I S , E. E „ 1954-1955 Michoacan, ROMERO F L O R E S , J., 1938; RODRIGUEZ, A., 1873; T O R R E S , M. de J., 1905-1915; see also Nahuatl, below Morelos, R E Y E S , V., 1888; ROBELO, C. A., 1897 Nahuatl (Aztec), B U S C H M A N N , J. C. E., 1852; D A V I L A GARIBI, J. I. P., 1942; ROBELO, C. A., 1902a, b Cordoba, foundation title, MENA, R., 1945 Distrito Federal, ROBELO, C. A., 1900a, 1901 Jalisco, ANON., 1924e Mexico, state, see Mexico, state, above Mexico, see Mexico, Nahuatl Michoacan, CASTILLO, I. M. del, 1940 Veracruz, ROBELO, C. A., 1902 Nayarit, M U Ñ O Z L U M B I E R , M. et al, 1939a Oaxaca. B R A D O M I N , J. M., 1955; M A R T I N E Z GRACIDA M., 1888

m a d r o n o , R I P L E Y , D . , 1960 Malva, K N O P F , C. S „ 1942

Zapotec, F U E N T E , J. DE LA, 1947 Otomi (see also etymology, place names, Mexico, state; Mezquital, Valle del) U R I B E , O., 1954-1955 Papago, L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1912 Popoloca, M I R A N D A , M. T. C. de, 1961a

Maya (see also etymology, Agave, henequen; etymology, place names, Maya; etymology, Sesamum) plant names, R E J O N GARCIA, M., 1910 plants, of economic importance, B E R N A R D I N , J . de W . 1886


Puebla, FRANCO, F „ 1946 San Luis Potosi, A L D E R E T E , J . R. and R I V E R A , V., 1932; BERENDT, C. H. (n. d.) Sinaloa, BUELNA, E„ 1877, 1890 Sonora, Yaqui, P F E F F E R K O R N , I., 1794-1795 Tabasco, BECERRA, M. E., 1909; ROVIROSA, J . N „ 1888a Tarahumara, Chihuahua, P O N C E DE LEON, J., 1924 Tarascan (see also etymology, place names, Mexico, state), HAMY, E. T „ 1888; ROBELO, C. A., 1902b Teotihuacan, Valle de, V A R I O U S , 1922 Tlaxcala, MORALES, A. C., 1955 Tulancingo, OCADIZ, R., 1962 Veracruz, MELGAREJO VIVANCO, J. L., 1950 Yucatan, ROYS, R. L., 1935 plant names, BACKER, C., 1936; B O E H M E R G. R., 1799, 1802; STORM, M„ 1945 Nahuatl (Aztec), DOMINGUEZ, J , A., 1933 in Codice Cruz, LEICHT, H „ 1938 plants of economic importance (see also etymology, Maya), names of, B E R N A R D I N , J. DE W., 1886

plants, food sources, URBINA, M., 1904 plants, useful, see plants, of economic importance, above Popoloca, see etymology, place names pozole, MIRO, J., 1910 Sesamum, Maya names, GARCIA M O R A L E S , J . , 1859 Stelluta, D E T O N I , E . , 1901 tabaco, R I V E R O M U N I Z , J., 1934;

V A L E R O OLEA, M., 1793 Tarahumara, see etymology, place names Temstroemiaceae, genera, CHOISY, J. D„ 1855 Theaceae, genera, CHOISY, J. D „ 1855 Theobroma, BAKER, R. E. D. and S A N D W I T H , N. Y., 1953 (and gender) tobacco, E R N S T , A., 1889 tuna, ROLAND-GOSSELIN, R., 1903 yam, B U R K I L L , I. H., 1938 Yaqui, see etymology, place names, Sonora yerba del polio, T O U R A I N N E , A., 1866

Zapotec, see etymology, place names, Oaxaca Zea mays, history of, philologic, W I E N E R , L., 1926 Euagave. see Agave macroacantha, and allied species Euastrophytum, see Cactaceae Eubates, see Rosaceae, Rubas Euberberis, see Berberis Eucalyptus, see Myrtaceae Eucarnegiea, see Cactaceae Euceltis, see Ulmaceae Euchlaena, see Gramineae Eucnide, see Loasaceae Eucrypta, see Hydrophyllaceae Eucurcas subsect., see Jatropha Eucyclium, see Orchidaceae Eucyperus subg., see Cyperus Euechinocactineae, see Cactaceae Eufrasia, see Euphrasia Eugenia, see Myrtaceae Eugentiana subg., see Gentiana Euglypta sect., see Hydrophyllaceae, Phacelia Euhelianthus sect., see Helianthus Eulobus, see Oenothera Eulycopersicon, see Lycopersicum Eumecanthus, see Euphorbiaceae Eumimoseae, see Mimosoideae Eumonarda sect., see Monarda Euoenothera, see Oenothera Euonymus, see Celastraceae Eupatoriaceae, see Compositae Eupatoriastrum, see Compositae Eupatorieae (Kuhniinae) see Compositae Eupedilanthus, see Euphorbiaceae; also Pedilanthus Euphacelia, see Phacelia Euphorbia, see Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae (see also America, deserts, succulent plants) allergenic, in Chihuahua, DAVALOS L „ H „ 1950 America, nomenclature, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1939a timber sources, RECORD, S. J. t 1938a anatomy, GAUCHER, L., 1902; P A X , F., 1883 Berlin herbarium, relationships to other Tricoccae, KLOTZSCH, J. F., 1859 bibliography, CROIZAT, L „ 1944 botanical study, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1887

INDEX Euphorbiaceae—continued Brandegee collections, Baja California, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1899a, 1890a (Todos Santos) cytology, P E R R Y , B. A., 1943 distribution, B O I S S I E R , E., 1866; J U S S I E U , A. DE, 1823 Durango, Palmer collections, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1898 economic importance, genera and species, SALOMON, C„ 1872 genera, descriptions, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1858 illustrations, B O I S S I E R , E.,


lactiferous species, D E W I L D E M A N E.,


medicinal species, O R T E G A R E Y E S , M., 1885; V I L L A D A , M. M., 1891-1892 (in Mexico) medicinal value, genera, J U S S I E U , A. DE 1824b Mexico (see also medicinal species, above), M I L L S P A U G H , C. F „ 1889 (Pringle collections) Mexico, state, systematics, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1955 miscellaneous, descriptions, B O I S S I E R , E. P., 1860 monograph, B A I L L O N , H., 1859; B E N T H A M , G., 1880 morphology, J U S S I E U , A. DE, 1823; M I C H A E L I S , P., 1924 (floral) ; P U N T , W., 1962 (pollen) new taxa, Yucatan, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1914, 1916 oil sources, W U L F F , E. V., 1941 olivilla ( B u x u s tricera?), medical thesis, L O P E Z , M., 1891 phytogeny, P E R R Y , B. A., 1943 pollen, see morphology above relationships to Carica papaya, U S T E R I , A., 1907 rubber sources, B R E T O N y V E D R A , L., 1897; B U E H R E R , T. F. and B E N S O N , L., 1945; E H R H A R D T , K., 1903 Simon, Charles, collections, ANON., 19th cent Sonora Desert, selected, systematics, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1955 South America, genera, K L O T Z S C H , J. F., 1841d stinging species, see Euphorbiaceae, tropical, stinging succulent, J A C O B S E N , H., 1950 distribution, BACKEBERG, C„ 1949d new species, B E R G E R A., 1907a systematics, BACKEBERG, C., 1949d systematics (see also succulent, systematics, above), BOISS I E R E „ 1866; B U G N O N , P., 1922; CROIZAT, L„ 19361937 (based on the cyathium); H U R U S A W A , I., 1954; I N G R A M , J., 1957 (cultivated) ; J U S S T E U , A. DE, 1824 (genera); M U E L L E R , J., 1863-1866, 1864, 1866; P A X , F., 1883, 1924-1925; P U N T , W „ 1962 (based on pollen morphology) tribes, conspectus, G R I S E B A C H , A. H. R., 1860 tropical, stinging, C A L V I N O , E. M. DE. 1922 Yucatan, miscellaneous genera, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1914, 1916 Acalypha, distribution, N I T Z S C H K E , R., 1923 new species M U E L L E R , J., 1872 species, C A V A N I L L E S , A. J., 1800c in Texas, western, J O H N S T O N , M. C. and W A R N O C K , B. H., 1926f Adelia, new species, in Sonora, W I G G I N S , I. L. and R O L L I N S , R. C., 1943 related to Bernardia, B U C H H E I M , G., 1960 virgata n. sp., Baja California, B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1894a Adenopetalum barnesii n. sp., M I L L S P A U G H , C. F „ 1913 Aklema, Mexico, species in, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F „ 1914, 1916 new comb, in, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1914, 1916 Alchornea n. sp., Chiapas, M I R A N D A , F „ 1954 similis n. sp., M U E L L E R , J., 1863 Alcoceria pringlei n. sp., F E R N A L D , M. L., 1901 Aleurites, Mexico, southeast, wild in, A G U I L A R G., J . I., 1947a. oil source, see above Andrachne ciliato- glandulosa n. comb., C R O Z I A T , L., 1943d.

Anthostemideae, descriptions, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1858a Antidesma n. gen., T U L A S N E , L. R., 1851 Argithamnia (Argythamnia), in Mexico, J O H N S T O N , M. C. and W A R N O C K , B. H., 1962e new taxa, B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1906 (in Sinaloa), I N G R A M , J., 1953 arlynniana n. sp., Coahuila, I N G R A M , J., 1953 dressleriana n. sp., Oaxaca, see above gentryi n. sp., Sinaloa, see above micrandra n. sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1945 Astrocasia, new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1923 neurocarpa, in San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas, endemic in, R Z E D O W S K I , J., 1955-1960 Beltrania n. gen. (crenatifolia), in Yucatan, JMIRANDA, F „ 1957 Bernardia, new species, in Sonora, W I G G I N S , I. L. and R O L L I N S , R. C., 1943 systematics, B U C H H E I M , G., 1960 type species, B U C H H E I M , G., 1962 gentryana n. sp., Sinaloa CROIZAT, L., 1943c Caperonia chiltepecensis n. sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1943d palustris, aquatic, P U R P U S , J. A., 1916b synonymy, S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A. DE, 1824a Celaenodendron mexicanum, in Mexico, west central, RECORD, S. J., 1928 n. gen., F E R R I S , R. J., 1927 Chamaesyce, Mexico, species, M I L L S P A U G H C. F., 1914, 1916 rubida n. sp., see above Cnidoscolus (copal or copalillo), Mexico, west coast, rubber source, P., 1911 cultivated species, I N G R A M , J., 1957 Jatropha palmeri, transferred to, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 in Mexico, sect. Calyptrosolen, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1945 new species, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1923; L U N D E L L , C. L., 1945 nomenclature, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1939b rubber source, M O L D E N K E , H . N., 1943a synonym of Jatropha, McVAUGH, R. 1943b systematics, M c V A U G H , R., 1944; M I L L E R , K. I. and W E B S T E R , G. L „ 1962 uses, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1945a chayamansa n. sp., M c V A U G H , R., 1944 in Yucatan, P E R E Z T O R O , A., 1948 elasticus, latex source, W I L L I A M S , L., 1962, 1962a n. sp., rubber source, LUNDELL, C. L., 1944 souzae n. sp., McVAUGH, R., _ 1944 tepiquensis, distinguished from C. elasticus, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1944 latex source, W I L L I A M S , L., 1962, 1962a Colliguaja odorifera, identified as jumping seeds, H O O K E R , W . J., 1854 Cremophyllum spathulatum n. sp., S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F., 1842 Croton, bark, medicinal uses, M E N D O Z A , G., 1867 chemistry, B R A N D E S , R., 1826 properties, BERGEN, H., v., 1827 economic importance, ANON., 1809a for malaria, O L V E R A , J., 1873 medical thesis, M O R A L E S , J. D., 1872 medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897; see also sangre de drago, below monograph, G E I S E L E R , E. F., 1807 new species, CROIZAT, L., 1940, 1945 (Mexico) ; L U N D E L L , C. L„ 1940e (Yucatan peninsula) North America, K L O T Z S C H , J. F., 1841e poisonous, E. C., 1956a purgative M A R T I N E Z DEL CAMPO, J., 1900 reference to, V A N D E L L I , D., 1768 related to Bernardia, B U C H H E I M , G., 1960

sangre de drago, medical plant, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L., 1832a species, histology, T O U S S A I N T , M., 1893 Texas, species, J O H N S T O N , M. C., 1958 (1959); J O H N S T O N , M. C. and W A R N O C K , B. H „ 1962d U.S., monograph, F E R G U S O N , A. M., 1901 adenaster, medicinal plant, J I M E N E Z , L. M., 1876. stimulant of apetite, R O B L E S , J., 1885 castaneaefolius, changed to Caperonia palustris, SAINTH I L A I R E , A. DE, 1824a chichenensis n. sp., Yucatan, L U N D E L L . C. L., 1940f conspurcatus, transferred to Julocroton q.v. dioicus, medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 for syphilis, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1788a glandulosum, transferred to Geiseleria glandulosa q.v. maritimum, transferred to Hendecandra, K L O T Z S C H , J. F „ 1841e morifolius, medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1900a; V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 var. sphaerocarpum, medicinal plant, D U G E S , A., 1883 niveus, bark, study of, V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 chemical study, CAMACHO S A N C H E Z , E „ 1954 medicinal plant, A R E V A L O , R., 1887 palustris, changed to Caperonia palustris, S A I N T H I L A I R E , A. DE, 1824a pseudo-china, medicinal plant, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L., 1829 pseudo-niveus n. sp., Sinaloa, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940f sonorae, range extension to Texas, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F „ 1890 suaveolens n. sp., Chihuahua, J O H N S T O N , M. C., 1960 suberosum, medicinal plant, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1832a tacanensis n. sp., Chiapas, L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1940f vulpinum, medical thesis, MAYCOTE M U C I O , M., 1872 Dalechampia scandens, ornamental, E V E R E T T , T. H., 1939a Dalembertia, food source, BOIS, D. and D I G U E T , L., 1914 Mexico, species, see above Ditaxis, new species, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1923 Vrypetes brownii, range extension, M I R A N D A , F „ 1956 gentryi n. sp., Sinaloa, M O N A C H I N O , J. v . , 1948 Eumecanthus, Mexico, species, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1914, 1916 new comb., see above Eupedilanthus macrocarpus, in Baja California, L I N D S A Y , G., 1942d in Mexico, northwestern, F R I C K , G. A., 1932b Euphorbia, in America, resembling Cactaceae, M A N S F I E L D , R., 1931 anatomy, H A B E R , J. M., 1925 biology, floral, N I C O T R A , L „ 1894 candelilla, rubber source, V I L L A S E N O R , F., 1908 dissertation, L I N N E , C. von, 1749-1769 economic importance, see Euphorbia, species, of economic importance Guanajuato, ALEMAN, J., 1898 morphology, floral, H A B E R , J. M „ 1925 new species, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1939a Isla de Carmen ROSE, J. N „ 1892a nomenclature, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1943a North America, sect. Tithymalus. systematics, N O R T O N , J . B. S., 1899 palo amarillo, lactiferous plant, ANON., 1905n pale de leche, poisonous, T H O M A S , R. H., (1899) poisonous species, ANON., 1888-1889 resin source, A L C A N T A R A , J., 1880. rubber source, ALBA, L., 1882; A L E X A N D E R , P. and BING,

K., 1906; A L T A M I R A N O , F „ 1904a; ANON., 1909y seed coats, P A M M E L , L. H., 1891. species of economic importance, R E A S O N E R , P. W., 1887 synopsis, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1943a systematics, by electrophoresis of latex, M O Y E R , L. S., 1934 United States, Pacific states, systematics, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1936 Anisophyllum sect., G R E E N E , E. L., 1885-1887 antisyphilitica, candelilla, W O O T O N , E. O., 1910 economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W., 1946-1950 letter on, by Prof. Hare, W O O T O N , E. O., 1910 in New Mexico, L E Y E N D E C K E R , P. J. and K E N N E D Y , C. A., 1956 rubber source, W E E K S , G. F., 1928b in Tehuacan, P A T O N I , C„ 1917a varieties, M I R A N D A , F., 1944a wax source, H A R E , R. F. and B J E R R E G A R D , A. P., 1910; HODGE, W . H . and S I N E A T H , H. H „ 1956; O L S S O N - S E F F E R , P., 1909; Z I M M E R M A N N , A., 1912. var. luxurians n. var., Puebla, M I R A N D A , F., 1943 astroites n. sp., F I S C H E R , F. E. L. et al, 1835-1846; V A R I O U S , 1835-1868 bejariensis, CANDOLLE, A. P., 1841 benedicta n. sp., G R E E N E , E. L „ 1889 biserrata n. sp., Baja California, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1890a californica-E. misera complex, systematics, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1955 Chamaesyce subg., systematics, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1941 calyculata (chupire), pharmaceutical study, V I L L A GORDOA, J., 1889 compared with E. elastica, T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., 1911a compared with E. fulva, S T A P F , O., 1907 general information, B O N A V I T , J., 1907 medicinal plant, R U I Z , L. E., 1905 pharmacological study, LOPEZ, B., 1894 rubber source, A L E M A N , J., 1899; B O N A V I T , J., 1905 uses, T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., .1911a capitellata, in Mexico, northern and northwestern, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1935 cerifera, ANON., 1947d agricultural thesis, N A V A R R O GONZALEZ, M., 1947 arid zone plant, V A R I O U S , (1958) 1959 candelilla 9ource, in Nuevo Leon, S A N F O R D , J. B„ 1911 chemical study, B E S I L A B I Z A I D , J., 1947; R U I Z VEGA, A., 1946; ANON., 1910f culture, ALARCON M O R E N O , A., 1945; GARCIA CRUZ, M., 1938; O L S S O N - S E F F E R , R., 1912 description, T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., 1911a general information, A N D R A D E , F. J., 1958 industry in Mexico, W I L S O N , H . M., 1911 in Mexico, B O U R N E T , E., 1913; ANON., 1943 in Mexico, northern, L O E R A BORJA, A., 1945 arid region, M A D E R O , R., 1937 monograph, GARCIA CRUZ, M., 1939 rubber source, V I L L A S E N O R , F., 1908 thesis, agricultural, F L O R E S , C A L D E R O N , E., 1938 uses, Q U I N T A N A R , F „ 1945a industrial, R O D R I G U E Z L E A L , R., 1924 wax, analysis of, F R A P S , G. S., and R A T H E R , J. B., 1910 wax source, D A U G H E R T Y , P. M. et al, 1953; GONZALEZ de la VEGA, M., 1922; ANON., 1911a, 1921g, 1936-1938a

INDEX Euphorbiaceae—continued chiapensis, and related species, W H E E L E R , L . C., 1939 consoquitlae n. sp., P Ù R P U S , J . A . , 1928 cotiwifolia, latex study, RODRIGUEZ YANEZ, E„ 1941 crispata n.sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1943d densiflora, in Atotonilco, P E T E R S , W . K. H „ 1862-1864 in P a p a n t l a , see above elastica, compared with E. calyculata, T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., 1911a economic importance, E N D L I C H , R., 1906 general i n f o r m a t i o n , B O N A V I T , J . , 1907 illustration, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1909a elastica, latex source, A N O N . , 1 9 0 6 n f o r n a t u r a l i z a t i o n in the U S S R , V O R O N O V , G. N., 1928-1929 n.sp., A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1905g nomenclature, Z I N S E R , J . , 1941 not the palo amarillo, S T A P F , O., 1907 uses, T O R N E L O L V E R A , A . , 1911a E p h e d r o m o r p h a sect., B A R T L E T T , H . H . , 1911 ephedromorpha n. sp., O a x a c a , R O B I N S O N , B. L. and B A R T L E T T , H . H . , 1907a in O a x a c a , B A R T L E T T , H . H „ 1911 fastuosa n.sp., C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1788-1789 fimbrilligera, in Mexico, A N O N . , 1847a fulgens n.sp., K L O T Z S C H , J . F „ 1834 o r n a m e n t a l , H . H . , 1911a fulva, nomenclature, Z I N S E R , J . 1941 "palo a m a r i l l o , " S T A P F , O., 1907 r u b b e r source, B A L E S T R I E R , L . de, 1906; P . , 1911 (Mexico, west coast) ; _ W E E K S , G. F „ 1928b jaliscensis var. durangensis, M T L L S P A U G H , C. F., 1898 lancifolia, f o r a g e plant, A G U I L A R G., J . I., 1947d milk production, stimulating, G A N D A R A , G., 1930-1931 lathyris, medicinal plant, J I M E N E Z , L „ 1870 macropodoides, t r a n s f e r r e d to ZvQophyllidium, ARTHUR, J . C„ 1924 maculata, pharmaceutical s t u d y , O C H O A L O W R E E , D . , 1932 typification, C R O I Z A T , L., 1962; W H E E L E R , L . C „ 1960 mexiae, Jalisco, and related species, W H E E L E R , L. C., 1939 nelsonii n.sp., Islas T r è s M a r i a s , M I L L S P A U G H , C. F „ 1898a pilulifera, n. var. of, in Mexico, A L C O C E R , G. V., 1907 polycarpa, f o r rattlesnake bite, O R C U T T , C. R „ 1890e group, new t a x a and systematics, W H E E L E R , L . C., 1936a prostrata, medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 pseudofulva n.sp., Chiapas, M I R A N D A , F . , 1950 pteroneura, in Mexico ( ? ) , B E R G E R . A., 1907a; M A N S F I E L D , R „ 1931 pulcherrima, see also Poinsettia n.sp., K L O T Z S C H , J . F „ 1834 radians, uses, R E I C H E , K. F „ 1923 rossiana n. sp., Puebla, P A X F . , 1910a serpyllijolia v a r . consanguinea, in Baja California, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1890a sloanei n. sp., f r o m Acapulco, W H E E L E R , L . C., 1939 sphaerorhiza. medicinal plant, A L E M A N P E R E Z , J . , 1901 splendens, medicinal plant, R A M I R E Z del P R A D O , M . , 1887 o r n a m e n t a l , C U T A K , L . , 1943 stormiac n. sp., Michoacan, C R O I Z A T , L., 1939 torrida, C A N D O L L E , A . P . , 1841 trichocardia n . sp., N u e v o Leon, S M I T H , L. B „ 1936a watsonii n. sp., B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , M I L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1890a wkitei n. sp., G u e r r e r o and Temascaltepec, W H E E L E R , L . C „ 1939 xanti, rubber source V I L L A S E N O R , F . , 1908 Euphorbieae, A m e r i c a , D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1962a

g e n e r a , typification, W H E E L E R , L . C., 1943a synopsis, genera, see above Forchhammeria, removed f r o m R A D L K O F E R , L., 1884 Garcia, history, V A H L , M. H . , 1802 oil source, L U N D E L L , C. L . , 1945b nutans, description, R O H R , . . . and V A H L , 1792 Jatropha, classified as, CHAVARRIA BONEQUI, M . de L., 1950 oil source, f r o m the H u a s t e c a Potosina, M A D R A Z O G., M . and S A N C H E Z S I E R R A , E., 1954; S A N C H E Z S A N C H E Z , E . , 1954 uses, L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1945a parviflora n. sp., Tabasco, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1945b Geiseleria glandulosa, s y n o n y m y , K L O T Z S C H , J . F . , 1841e Gymnanthes riparia var. caudata n . var., Puebla, M I R A N D A , F., 1946 Halliophytum, n e w species, J O H N S T O N , I. M . , 1923 Hendecandra maritima, synonymy, K L O T Z S C H , J . F . , 1841e procumbens, in Mexico, see above Heterochlamys quinquinervia, B e r l a n d i e r collections, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1843 Hevea, culture, B A R B O S A R O D R I G U E Z , J . , 1906 r u b b e r production, C O O K , O . F . , 1937 rubber source (see also plants, rubber s o u r c e s ) , A N O N . , 1908 ( 1 ) ; T R E A D W E L L , J . C. et al, 1926 (in Mexico) thesis, on g r a f t i n g , V E R G A R A C A S T I L L O , A., 1950 brasiliensis, culture, P A C H E C O H E R R A R T E , M . , 1943; A N O N . , 1910k distribution and climate, C O N T R E R A S A R I A S , A., 1942 i n Mexico, C A R V A L L O V I E L M A S , A., 1946 Hippomane, poisonous, A N O N . , 1944p mancinella, general i n f o r m a t i o n , W A L L I S , G „ 1873 poisonous, C E R V E R A , M . , 1926a Hura, poisonous, A N O N . , 1944p crepitans, description, A N O N . , 1937i explosive f r u i t s , A N O N . , 1898d latex, poisonous, B O U S S I N G A U L T , J . B. J . D., 1849 medicinal values, H A M I L T O N , W . , 1845, 1846 timber source, R E C O R D , S. J . , 1925e uses, R O S A D O , D . G., 1877-1879 polyandra, description, G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J . , 1927a, 1934 fish poison, G R A Y S O N , A . J . , 1871b histologic s t u d y , G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J . , 1934 in M a z a t l a n , G R A Y S O N , A . J . , 1871b pharmaceutical s t u d y , GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, E. G., 1946 H y p e r i c i f o l i a e , new comb., M I L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1914, 1916 Janipha, species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Manihot, P O H L , J . B. E . , 1827-1831 loeflingii, medicinal plant, H A M I L T O N , W „ 1846 manihot, medicinal plant, H A M I L T O N , W . , 1846 Jatropha, A m e r i c a , systematics, M c V A U G H , R., 1945b in B a j a California, see uses, below chemical study, D O M I N G U E Z , X . A. et al, 1960 "chilte," rubber source(?), M c V A U G H , R . , 1943b; P . , 1911 copal, copalillo(?), rubber source. Mexico, west coast, P . , 191 i cultivated species, I N G R A M , J . , 1957 culture, D I G U E T , L., 1908 host to Phoradendron diguetianum q.v. Mexico, species, M c V A U G H , R . , 1943b n e w species, B E R T R A N D , G., 1899; J O H N S T O N , I . M . , 1923; W I G G I N S , I . L . a n d R O L L I N S , R. C „ 1943 ( i n Sonora) oil source, T O R R E S , J . J . DE, 1846


"palo Colorado", rubber source, P . , 1911 poisonous, A N O N . , 1944p related to Bernardia, BUCHHEIM, G., 1960 rubber source, in Mexico (see also chilte, copal and pale Colorado, above), T R E A D W E L L , J . C. et al, 1926; W E E K S , G. F . , 1928b; A N O N . , 1909y Sesse and Mocino collections, M c V A U G H , R . , 1945a in Sonora, Seri region, M c G E E , W . J . , 1896a species, miscellaneous, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1794 synonymy, M c V A U G H , R., 1943b systematic position, M I L L E R , K . I . a n d W E B S T E R , G. L., 1962 uses, in B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , G A J O N S A N C H E Z , C., 1937 bartlettii n. sp., Jalisco, W I L B U R , R. L., 1954 cancscens, affected by r a i n , B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1890a cardiophylla, rubber source, H A L L , H . M . and L O N G , F . L . , 1921 cinerea, chemical s t u d y , R I P O L L G O M E Z , P . A., 1946 C u r c a s subg., systematics, M I L L E R , K . I . a n d W E B S T E R , G. L., 1962 curcas, chemical study, S A Y N E Z , A . L., 1939 general i n f o r m a t i o n , G R E S H O F F , M., 1900; S O U Z A N O V E L O , N . , 1939c host f o r a j e , C A L V I N O , M . , 1925 medicinal plant, H A M I L T O N , W . , 1846; M A R T I N E Z , M . , 1924a oil (see also J. curcas, toxic effects) chemical analysis, HERNANDEZ SERRANO, F . , 1944 oil source, A L V A R E Z O C H O A , M . , 1930; C. C., 1919; CHAVARRIA BONEQUI, M. DE L., 1950; P E R A Z A N U N E Z , M . J . , 1945 popular account, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1941a s u p p o r t f o r vanilla plants, C. C., 1919 toxic effects, oil, D R O I T , S., 1932 deutziiflora n . sp., C R O I Z A T , L . , 1943d elastica, g u m source, A N O N . , 1842c E u c u r c a s subsect., synopsis, W I L B U R , R. L., 1954 harmsiana n. sp., sect. M o z i n n a , M A T T F E L D , J . , 1923 hintonii n. sp., Mexico, state, W I L B U R , R. L „ 1954 jurgensenii, t r a n s f e r r e d to Cnidoscolus, L U N D E L L , C. L . , 1945 liebmanii, t r a n s f e r r e d to Cnidoscolus, L U N D E L L , C. L . , 1945 macrorhiza, description, S T E A R N S , E . , 1911b manihot, culture, A N O N . , 1893-1894 food source, G A R C I A , C., 1872a type of the genus, M A C K E N Z I E , K . K . , 1929 M o z i n n a sect, or subg. (see also Jatropha harmsiana), systematics, M c V A U G H , R . , 1945a; M I L L E R , K . I . , a n d W E B S T E R , G. L., 1962 multifida, medicinal plant, H A M I L T O N , Wv, 1846 palmeri, t r a n s f e r r e d to Cnidoscolus, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 purgans, medicinal plant, T O R R E S , E . , 1892 poisonous, A N O N . , 1901x riojae n . sp., P u e b l a , M I R A N D A , F . , 1942b spatulata, histology, R E I C H E , K . , 1912b medicinal plant, T E R R E S , J . , 1895 sympetala n . sp., O a x a c a , B L A K E , S. F . , 1920c tepiquensis n. sp., C O N S T A N T I N , J . and G A L L A U D , 1906 urens, stinging, C A L V I N O , E . M . , de, 1922 v a r . inermis, f o r a g e plant, C A L V I N O , M., 1919a J a t r o p h e a e , A m e r i c a , continental, P A X , F „ 1910 distribution, phylogeny and ecology, P A X , F . , 1910-1911 Julocroton, Croton conspurcatus, t r a n s f e r r e d to, K L O T Z S C H , J . F . , 1841d

Manihot, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , systematics, C R O I Z A T , L . , 1942b characters, seeds, W I G G I N S , I . L., 1955 culture, B L A N C O M A C I A S , G., 1947; G A L L O , E . L „ 1893-1894b; G U A R D I O L A , J . , 1912a; P O N C E de L E O N , M . M., 1888-1889; T R A C Y , S. M „ 1903; A N O N . , 1931, 1942a economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947; A N O N . , 1928j food plant, B A N D A , L., 1870 in H o r t u s F a r n e s i a n u s , g a r d e n s , C A S T E L L I , P . , 1625 Janipha species t r a n s f e r r e d to, P O H L , J . B. E „ 1827-1831 Mexico, production in, H U B E R T , P . and D U P R E , E . , 1910 monograph, C O L O M , J . L., 1932 new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M . , 1923; L E A V E N W O R T H , W . C., 1946 (in Michoacan) not poisonous, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791 popular account, C O L O M , J . L., 1939 r u b b e r source (see also plants, rubber sources), T R E A D W E L L , J . C„ 1926 (in M e x i c o ) ; A N O N . , 1908(1) starcb source, M A R I E , I . O. and G A J O N , C., 1918-1919 tapioca source, B R A N D , D. D., 1943 uses, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791, 1792; G A L L O , E . L „ 1893-1894b aipi, culture, R E G N A U D I N , A . N . H . A., 1932 chlorosticta n. sp., B a j a California, S T A N D L E Y , P . C. and G O L D M A N , E . A., 1911 colimensis n. sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1942b esculenta, economic importance, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1943a systematics, C I F E R R I , R „ 1942 uses, S C H E R Y , R. W „ 1947 foetida, latex of, f o r toys, G A M I O , M., 1920-1922 glaziovii, culture, U R I B E U R I B E , R., 1907; W A C H E R , C. J . , 1911 experiments with, in Soconusco, O L S S O N - S E F F E R , P . , 1906 introduction to Mexico, L U D E W I G , H . J . , 1910a in Mexico, Z I M M E R M A N N , A., 1913 rubber source, see above parvicocca n . sp., C R O I Z A T , L . , 1942b utilissima, antidote f o r , see Bixa culture, B U R K I L L I . H . , 1904; D E R I N G , H . N „ 1896; R E G N A U D I N , A. N . H . A., 1932; R O D R I G U E Z , E . , 1911 food value, B E L A U N Z A R A N P A L A F O X , B., 1945 poisonous, R E K O , V . A., 1932b starch source, M A R T I N E Z S E P U L V E D A , G., 1950 uses, S C H E N C K , H . , 1904, 1911 Mozinna pauciflora n. sp., R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 Omphalea oleifera, plants, oil source, A G U I L A R G., J . I., 1947a Pedilanthus, agricultural thesis, RODRIGUEZ BASURTO, R., 1951 monograph, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1957; M A R K O W S K I , A., 1912 new species, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1913 nomenclature, C R O I Z A T , L „ 1937; W H E E L E R , L . C., 1939b rubber source, V I L L A S E N O R , F . , 1908; A N O N . , 1909y species, P O I T E A U , P . A., 1812 synonyms, typification, W H E E L E R , L . C „ 1939b systematics, M I L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1913 Tithymalus, Pedilanthus preferred to, B U L L O C K , A. A., 1938 aphyllus, description, U R B I N A , M . , 1903-1904b coalcomanensis n . sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1943d gracilis n. sp., Guerrero, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1957 involucratus, rubber source, W E E K S , G. F . , 1928b macrocarpus, illustration, W A L T H E R , E . , 1934 distribution in Sonora, B E T T E N C O U R T , H . , 1936 pavonis, histology, stem, O L I V A , J . C., 1894 medicinal plant, A R J O N A D I A Z , A., 1906

INDEX Euphorbiaceae—continued wax source, L A B R O Y , O., 1909: N I E D E R S T A D T , D r . , 1911; Z I M M E R M A N N , A., 1912 pulchellus n. sp., Oaxaca, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1957 Phyllanthoideae, see Phyllanthus, below Phyllanthus, America, described by Linnaeus, W E B S T E R , G. L., 1956 n. sp., Michoacan, L E A V E N W O R T H , W . C., 1946 species, C R O I Z A T , L., 1943d coalcomanensis n. sp., see above grandifolius, in Campeche, W E B S T E R , G. L., 1956 neoleonensis n. sp., C R O I Z A T , L., 1943d Pleuradenia, nomenclature, R A F I N E S Q U E , C. S., 1832 Poinsettia, comparison of leaves, red and green, W E B E R , F . and T H A L E R , I., 1952 general information, A D A I R , E . F., 1945; A N O N . , 1924g history, M O O N , M. H . , 1956; A N O N . , X925j inflorescence, A N O N . , 1925j medicinal plant, B O C Q U I L L O N L I M O U S I N , H., 1892-1843; V A R I O U S , 1890a n. gen., G R A H A M , DR., 1827-1842 nomenclature, H O A K , C. M., 1930 ornamental, C U T L E R , H . C., 1953 named Pleuradenia, R A F I N E S Q U E , C. S., 1832 species, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1962 synopsis, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1962a varieties, R O B I N S O N , T. R. and D A R R O W , G. M., 1929 coccinea n. sp., D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1962a colorata n. comb., see above pulcherrima, culture, S C H M I D T P., 1931 description, H I G G I N S , J., 1893 in E g y p t , D E L C H E V A L E R I E , G., 1883 embryology, C A R A N O , E., 1915 general i n f o r m a t i o n , ADAIR, E . F., 1945 medicinal plant, A R T I G A S , G. R. (1880) restiacea n. comb., D R E S S L E R , R . L., 1962a Pseudosmodingium virletii, S a n Luis Potosi and, Queretaro, endemic in, R Z E D O W S K I , J . , 1955-1958 Ricinus communis culture, B A R R E I R O , A . A . , 1889-1890a; B E A V E N , E., 1917-1920; C A N I Z O G O M E Z , J . DE, 1923; C A R D O N N E , C., 1905; C E R V E R A , J . T., 1863; CORDERO M. D., 1895; DIAZ, DE L E O N , J., 1895c; E S P I N O S A R E N D O N , J . D. and C A R R I L L O , C., 1863; GARCIA, R., 1940; I T I E , G., 1913; L A R A V E G A , R., 1937; L O P E Z y P A R R A , R., 1899g; L U N A , R., 1903-1904; M A R I N , L., 1925, 1937; P R A D O S E P U L V E D A , C., 1945; RODRIGUEZ BALBONTIN, J . , 1937; S A N C H E Z , A., 1898: SEGURA, J . C. a n d CORDERO, D. M., 1900; V A L L E J O L E A L , A., 1927 (in Mexico); A N O N . , 1885-1886c 1888-1889c, 1909p, 1927, 1927k, 1928k (in E j u t l a ) , 1931f, 1943a economic importance, A N O N . , 1928 general i n f o r m a t i o n , ARRIAGA G A R C I A DE L E O N , C., 1946; H E R R E R A . A., 1894; E L V I E J O J U D I O , 1919d in Mexico, BUKASOV, S. M., 1930 distribution, GOMEZ, G., 1914 m o n o g r a p h , I T I E , G., 1919; A N O N . , 1937k (commercial) morphology, floral, A N O N . , 1936 (1)

oil source, A Y A L A M O N T A N E Z , J . , 1935; E S T R A D A V A L D E S , F., 1934 ( s e e d s ) : M A R T I N E Z , I., 1940; T O R R E S , J . J.DE, 1846; A N O N . , 1893e oil, uses of, T H U N B E R G , K. P . (1815) pharmaceutical study, T O R R E S , L., 1919 systematics, T H U N B E R G , K . P . , 1815 thesis, E S T R A D A , E., 1931 in Y u c a t a n , A G R O F I L O , 1919a Sapium, distribution, P A X , F., 1926a Mexico, species, P I T T I E R , H.,

1908, 1909; see also revision, below f o r naturalization in t h e U S S R , V O R O N O V , G. N., 1928-1929 revision, Mexican species, H U B E R , J . , 1906; see also Mexico, above in Ruiz a n d P a v o n collections, B R I T T E N , J . , 1909 biglandulosum, r u b b e r source, B A L E S T R I E R , L. DE, 1901c, 1906 biloculare, medicinal p l a n t , f o r rabies, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1784-1785 saponin in, B R A D L E Y , C. E „ 1956 toxic resin, see above bourgeaui n . sp., Veracruz, CROIZAT, L., 1943c mexicanum n. sp., Morelos, P I T T I E R , H „ 1908 pedicellatum n. sp., H U B E R , J . , 1906; P I T T I E R , H . t 1908 (Colima) Sebastiania Carpocapsa, host f o r , B U C H E N A U , F., 1873a; L E O N , N., 1887a; R A M I R E Z , J . , 1888 j u m p i n g beans, (see also above; S. bilocularis, S. palmeri, S. pavoniana, S. ramirezii), R I L E Y , C. V., 1878, 1891; S P R A G U E , T. B., 1896 studies, review of, W E 1 S S E , . . . 1925 in Mexico, D A M P F , A., 1928. taxonomy, B A I L L O N , H., 1873-1876a bilocularis, j u m p i n g beans, R I L E Y , C. V., 1891 hintonii n . sp., Guerrero, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1960a palmeri, j u m p i n g beans, B U C H E N A U . F., 1891-1892 n. sp., R I L E Y , C. V., 1891 pavoniana, general i n f o r m a t i o n , A S C H E R S O N , P., 1891 j u m p i n g beans, B U C H E N A U , F., 1891-1892; H O F M A N N , E., 1891 medicinal plant, f o r rabies, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1784-1785 pringlei B U C H E N A U , F . , 1891-1892 general i n f o r m a t i o n , M E L L , C. D., 1929b n . sp., R I L E Y , C. V., 1891 in Sonora, H I L T O N , J . W., 1947 ramirezii n. sp., M A U R Y , P., 1890 host for Carpocapsa, R A M I R E Z , J . , 1894c Stilaginella n. gen., T U L A S N E , L. R., 1851 Stillinoia, America, revision, ROGERS, D. J . , 1951 taxonomy, B A I L L O N , H . , 1873-1876 u n n a m e d species, H U B E R , J „ 1906 Tetracoccvs, snecies, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1954 n . gen (dioicus). in B a j a California, P A R R Y , C. C., 1885 Tithytnalus, nomenclature, C R O I Z A T , L., 1937 in Pedilanthus synonymy, B U L L O C K , A. A., 1938 proposed for conservation, # W H E E L E R . L. C., 1946 Tragia, characters, floral, WTGGTNS. T. L., 1955 nepetifolia, in Texas, J O H N S T O N , M. C., 1962c Potosina n. sn., San Luis Potosi, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940d volubilis, description, R E K O , B. P., 1946 stin?ine. C A L V I N O , E . M. df., 1922 Tricoccae, in the Berlin herbarium, svstematics, K L O T Z S C H , J. F . . 1859 Zygophyllidium. Euphorbia macmpodnidcs, transferred to, A R T H U R , J. C., 1924 Euphorbiales. systematics, H U R U S A W A . T., 1954 F.uphorbieae. see Eunhnrbiaceae Euphrasia, see Scrophulariaceae Eupomatiaceae, morphology, comparative, V A N der W Y K , R. W . , 1950 Eurasia, see plants, cultivated in Europe, Mexican plants in (see also Agave, flowering in; British Isles; England; Florence; Great Britain; various gardensunder gardens, botanical), H E Y N H O L D , G., 1840-1846; M O R R E N , C. F . A.,

California Avocado Society, see Mexico, visit by Denmark, see Mexico, expedition from 1866 French, see America, exploration ; plants, introduced into Mexico, see Mexico, descriptive account, Mexico, plants of, introduced French expedition; Mexico, f r o m Europe; Michoacan, expedition by the French European plants introduced to International Geologic Congress, see Eurotia, see Chenopodiaceae Eurya, see Theaceae; also Mexico, travel account Ternstroemiaceae Russia, see Mexico, expedition f r o m Euryalaceae, new family, L I , H . L., Sesse, directed by, see Mexico, 1955 expedition Spanish, see Mexico, expedition by Euryalales, new order, see above Swiss, see B a j a California Eu-Sorghum, see Sorghum explorations, see descriptive Eusphaeralcea subg., see Sphaeralcea Eustachys, see Gramineae accounts, under various Eustoma, see Gentianaceae geographic localities; Eutoca, see Hydrophyllaceae expeditions; travel accounts, Eutriana, see Gramineae under various geographic Euvaccinium, see Vaccinium localities; voyages; also the Euxolus, see Amaranthaceae following: Albatross X V I ; evening primrose, see Anogra; Burragea; America, explorations; Baja California; Hernandez, F . ; Oenothera Isla Guadalupe; Isla Margarita; Evolvulus, see Convolvulaceae Islas Todos Santos; Mexico, Evonymus, see Euonymus southeast; Mocino, J. M . ; Tarexcursion, botanical, see expeditions; ahumara area ; United States ; exploration Veracruz, Barra de Nautla Exogonium, see Convolvulaceae Expositions, see the following: Belgian Exostemma, see Rubiaceae National Horticultural Exothea, see Sapindaceae Exhibition; Buffalo, P a n expeditions (see also descriptive accounts, American Exposition; Colima, under various geographic Exposicion Costena; Columbian localities; exploration; travel Exposition; Coyoacan; accounts, under various floriculture; Guadalajara geographic localities; voyages; Exposition; Louisiana also the following: Ajusco, Exposition; Mexico, Exposicion montanas de; Alan Hancock de Agricultura; Mexico, Pacific Expedition; Albatross horticultural exposition, X V I ; Allison V . A r m o u r ; Mexico City; Mexico, state, Alvarez de Miranda, P . ; Segunda Exposicion; America, Middle; A u t l a n ; B a j a Michoacan; New Orleans California; Brodie, J . P . ; Exposition; Oaxaca, flowers; Cacahuamilpa Cavernas de; Paris, Exposition Universelle; Cactaceae, Mexico, collecting in; Philadelphia, International California-Mexico border; • Exhibition; Puebla, Segunda Canelas; Cascada de Tomata; Exposicion; St. Louis; Tabasco; Cephalocereus purpusii Veracruz, Primera Exposicion (Sinaloa) ; Cerro de San Veracruzana Miguel; Chiapas; ChiapasIndustrial, plants exhibited, Lacandon area, Rio Grijalva; Chimalpam; Coalcoman; C E R V A N T E S OZTA, J. M „ Columbus, Christopher; Correll, 1856 Donovan S., collections in Universelle, see Paris Mexico; Cortes, H e r n a n expule (see also Verbesina mollis), not ( F e r n a n d o ) ; Cozumel; Craig, identified, medicinal plant, R. T . ; Cruces, Serrania de las; C A R R A N Z A , M., 1785 Cuyamaca Mts.; Death Valley, Eysenhardtia, see Leguminosae U . S. A . ; Echinocactus ezquahuitl, see Croton arusonii; Fernandez de Cordoba; Fric, A. V . ; Grijalva, J u a n ; Guanajuato, Faha, see Leguminosae Acambaro; Guerrero; Gulf of Fabaceae, see Leguminosae California, islands in; Haenke, (see also Cupuliferae) T . ; Hamilton's Ranch; Hidalgo- Fagaceae flowers, and affinities, B E R R I D G E , Tolantongo, Barranca de, E . M „ 1914 Barranca de Venado, Valley of Castanea, culture, B A L D O C the Old M e n ; Isla de L L A N S A , P., 1947 Altamura; Isla de M u j e r e s ; general information, A N O N . , Jsla M a r g a r i t a ; Islas 1899aa Revillagigedo; Txtapan de la planted in Tlalpam, A N O N . , Sal; Jalisco, Tanacatita, Bay 1890-1891b o f ; Jones, Marcus E., vesca, popular account, collecting trips; Longinos R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J., Martinez, Jose; Magdalena 1936d B a y ; Manantlan, Sierra de; Fagus, in America, Middle, and Mexico; Mexico, central; Mexico, northern (and for United States, eastern, Ariocarpus) ; Mexico, S H A R P , A. J., 1946b northwest, islands off; Mexico, Mexico, distribution in, F O X , W . Pacific Islands: Mexico to San B. and S H A R P , A. J., 1954 Luis Potosi; Mexico, southeast; castanea, see Castanea also southern; Mexico, mexicana n. sp., Hidalgo, southwest; Michoacan; M A R T I N E Z , M., 1939, 1939b Michoacan, west coast; Mocino, uses, L A S S E , R. W . de, 1944 J . M . ; Monterrey; Morelos; Quercus (see also Chiapas, Nee, L . ; Oaxaca, coastMontebello) southern and southwest; America, L I E B M A N N , F., 1852 Oaxaca, G r u t a d e Nindo-da-ge; monograph, T R E L E A S E , W . , Oaxaca, Mixteca region; 1924 Perote, Cofre de; plants, systematics, M I C H A U X , A., succulent; Pringle, C. G. in 1801 Michoacan: Queretaro; America, Central, M U L L E R , C. H . , Quintana Roo: Revillagigedo 1942b Islands; Rio Candelaria; Rio America, tropical, systematics, Mamantel; Rio Marques L I E B M A N N , F . M., 1869; (limnologic) ; Ritter, F . ; San W E N Z I G , T., 1884 Luis Potosi; Shaw, George R. anatomy, leaf, S C H O T T , P . C., (in Michoacan); Sierra de 1900 Cuale; Sonora: Talpa; B a j a California, catalogue, Tamaulipas: Tehuacan; Templcton Crocker Expedition; C A R T E R , A., 1955 Thurber, G. (in Sonora) : new taxa, G O L D M A N , E . A., Toluca. Nevado. trip to: U . S . 1916 Santa F e expedition: Utowana, species, O R C U T T , C. R., 1887a vacht, on the; Yucatan Chihuahua, new taxa, M U L L E R , B a j a California, see Diguet. L. C H 1938 British, in the Blossom, H O O K E R , Colima, Volcan de, K E R B E R , E „ W . J . and A R N O T T , G. A. C1882)-1883 W . , 1830-C1841) festival, used in, see ethnobotany, Cactus and Succulent Society, 1961, fodder, acorns, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1786-1787 f r u i t , morphology, C A N D O L L E , see Mexico, expedition A. L. P. P., 1862 California Academy of Sciences, see in spikes, T R E L E A S E , W . , B a j a California; Gulf of 1921a California; Sonora


1845-1849; S H E R A R D , W . , 1689 plants, exotic in, S C H N I Z L E I N , A.,

INDEX Kagaceae—continued G u e r r e r o , n e w species, T R E L E A S E , S. F . , 1934 H i n t o n collections, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 host to Phoradendron diguetianum q.v. h y b r i d species, P A L M E R , E . J . , 1948 L e m m o n , J . G., collections, A N O N . , 1906f Mexico, B R O W N , J . P . , 1903; C A M U S , A . , 1942; S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J. F., 1837

monograph, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1951-1959 northeast, see Q-uercus n e w t a x a Mexico, s t a t e , s y s t e m a t i c s , M A R T I N E Z , M . , 1954a Mexico, Valle de, in m o u n t a i n s a r o u n d . P O N C E , J . M . , 1941 in Michoacau, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1904b monograph, C A M U S , A. (1934), 1936-1938; O E R S T E D , A . S., 1871 new t a x a , (see also B a j a California, Chihuahua, and G u e r r e r o , above, a n d N u e v o Leon, b e l o w ) C A M U S , A . , 1942 (in Mexico, a n d t r a n s f e r s ) ; M U L L E R , C. H . , 1936a ( M e x i c o n o r t h e a s t ) , 1937, 1942 h i g h w a y , Acapulco to Mexico C i t y , N E E , L., 1801 N u e v o Leon, new t a x a , M U L L E R , C. H . , 1936 S e e m a n n collections, L I E B M A N N , F . , 1855 subgenera, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1951-1959 s y s t e m a t i c s , O E R S T E D , A . S., 1866: S C H O T T , P . C., 1900; S C H W A R Z , O.. 1936; T 7 L L S O N , A. H . and M U L L E R , C. H . , 1942 (based on a n a t o m v ) T e x a s species, M U L L E R , C. I L , 1940 ( T r a n s - P e c o s ) . 1951 (monograph) U . S.. C o n t i n e n t a l D i v i d e , R Y D B E R G . P . A., 1901 acutifolia, f o r r e f o r e s t a t i o n in O a x a c a , C O N Z A T T T , C., 1914 ajocnsis, h i s t o r y . T U C K E R , T. M . a n d M U L L E R , C. I L . 1956 n. sp., A r i z o n a , M U L L E R , C. H . , 1954 dba, c o m p a r e d with Hvmenaca, K R Y N , J . M . , 1953 brandeaci, in t h e f o r m a t i o n of Q. fusiformis, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1961a cedroscnsis n. sp.. Cedros I s l a n d M u l l e r , C. H . , 1962 chiapasensis n. sp., T R E L E A S E , W..1915 chrvsolepis, d e s e r t tree, B E A L , M . . 1948 conzattii n. sp.. O a x a c a , T R E L E A S E , W . , 1921a cvclobalanoidcs, acorns used in games, B E C E R R A , M . E . , 1939-1940 n. sp., T R E L E A S E , W . , 1915 dumosa complex relationships, T U C K E R , J . M . , 1952 duvnii, in B a i a C a l i f o r n i a , T U C K E R . J. M. and H A S K E L L , H . S., I 9 6 0 and Q. chrysolepis, see above cniorvi, acorn, chemical s t u d v of, R A M I R E Z V A L D E Z , F. A., 1952 desert tree, B E A L , M . . 1 Q 48 fusiformis. origin, M U L L E R , C. H . . 1961a geminata, in t h e origin of Q. saaracana, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1955 ahbresccns, small f r u i t e d oak, T R E L E A S E , W . . 1915 graciliformis n. sp., Chisos M t s . , M U L L E R , C. H . , 1934 grisea, ecology, A L L R E D , B. W . , 194 6-19 5 Ö L e p i d o b a l a n u s . Q. martinezi n. sp., M U L L E R , C. H . , 1953a martinezi, see above me Hi f era n. sp., O C A M P O , M . , 1844 observations, V I L L A D A , M . , 1912c microphylla n. sp., A c a m b a r o , N E E , L . , 1801 mullcri n. sp., O a x a c a , M A R T I N E Z , M . , 1953 oleoides, in the o r i g i n of Q. saqraeana, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1955 palmcri, d e s e r t t r e e , B E A L , M . , 1948 Parviglans nom. nov., T R E L E A S E , W . , 1915 pastorensis, hybrid, near Galeana,

P A L M E R , E . J . , 1948 radiata n . sp. T e p i c , T R E L E A S E , W . , 1921a Relictae n. ser., M U L L E R , C. H . , 1954 robxtsta n. sp., Chisos M t s . M U L L E R , C. H . , 1934 sagraeana, in Cuba, origin of, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1955 sempervirens, t a n n i n source, A L C O C E R , P . , 1876 siltcpecana n. sp., Chiapas, M A T U D A , E . , 1955b suber, in M i c h o a c a n ( ? ) , S E G U R A , J . C., 1878 subturbinella, synonymy, T U C K E R , J . M . , 1952 suchiensis n. sp., V A R I O U S , 1894-1933 turbinella, synonymy, T U C K E R , J. M . , 1952 vrbani n. sp., Mic.hoacan, Guerrero, T R E L E A S E , W., 1921a V i r e n t e s ser., M U L L E R , C. H . , 1961 virqiniana, forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 in the origin of Q. fusiformis, M U L L E R , C. H . , 1961a wislizeni, A B R A M S , L e R o y , 1904 Fagara, see R u t a c e a e f a l s a acacia, see Robinia f a l s a belladona (see also Nicandra physaloidcs) plants k n o w n as, Z E P E D A , A . M . , 1923 f a l s a cebadilla, see I'enstcmon glabcr f a l s a d a m i a n a , see Chrysactinia mexicana falsa j a l a p de Q u e r e t a r o , see Ipomoca tri flora falsa q u i n a , see Coutarca; Exostcmma f a l s a q u i n a de M i c h o a c a n , see Exostcmma f a l s e date p a l m , see Pscndophocni.r f a l s e f u c h s i a , see Oenothera arborca f a l s e j a l a p , see Convolvulus (?) f a l s o a z a f r a n , see Carthamus Faramea, see R u b i a c e a e F a r f a n , A., biography, C O M A S , J., 1954 M e x i c a n medicine, c o n t r i b u t i o n to, L E J E U N E , F . , 1926 p l a n t s , m e d i c i n a l , cited by, C O M A S , J . , 1955 F a r i a s , S r . , a n d Myrica ccrifera, S E N T I S , J . M . , 1830 Farinosae, systematics and relationships, H A M A N N , U . , 1962 f a r m i n g , d r y , see a g r i c u l t u r e Farnesia, see L e g u m i n o s a e f a t s , see plants, f a t s o u r c e s Faxonia, see Compositae f e b r i f u g e , see p l a n t s , medicinal, f o r fevers F e l i p e I I , l e t t e r s to, see H e r n a n d e z , Francisco f e n c e s , see plants, f o r f e n c e s F e n d l e r , A . , collections, N e w Mexico, G R A Y , A . , 1848-1852 Fendlcra, see S a x i f r a g a c e a e F e n z i , E m a n u e l e O r a z i o , bio-bibliography T U C K E R , T. M . , 1943 b i o g r a p h y , C A L V I N O , M . , 1928 h o r t i c u l t u r e , c o n t r i b u t i o n to, P O P E N O E , F . W . , 1922a FernaJdia, see A p o c y n a c e a c F e r n a n d e z de Cordoba, F r a n c i s c o , e x p e d i t i o n , r e p o r t of, A N O N . . 1520 F e r n a n d e z de Cordoba, I g n a c i o , g r a d u a t i o n f r o m B o t a n v Course, C E R V A N T E S , V . (1790) F e r n a n d e z de O v i e d o y V a l d e s , G. (see Zea mays, described b y ; also i l l u s t r a t i o n , first o f ) b i o g r a p h y , A S S O y del RTO, T. T. DE, 1893; M I A L L , L . C., 1912 F e r n a n d e z Varela, Joseph, graduation f r o m B o t a n v Course, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1794a F e r n a n d o V I I . see Mexico, Botanical G a r d e n , i n t e r e s t in Ferraria, see Tridaceae f e r t i l i z e r s , see p l a n t s , f e r t i l i z e r s Festuca, see G r a m i n e a e F e s t u c a c e a e , see G r a m i n e a e F e s t u c e a e , see G r a m i n e a e F e s t u c o i d e a e , see G r a m i n e a e f e v e r s , see p l a n t s , m e d i c i n a l , f o r fiber, M e x i c a n , see M e x i c a n fiber fiber plants, see p l a n t s , fiber sources fibers, h a r d , see plants, fiber, h a r d , sources fibers, long, see p l a n t s , fiber, long, source F i c e a e , see M o r a c e a e Ficoidaceae, see Aizoaceae Ficoideae, see A i z o a c e a e ; also Cactoideae Ficus, see M o r a c e a e F i g u e r o a , L u i s de, c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , Z U A Z O , A., (1521) t figuier d e B a r b a r i e , see Opuntia ficusindica

Fimbristylis, see C y p e r a c e a e Finck, H u g o , see Cinchona, c u l t u r e in Cordoba fir, silver, see silver fir fire, effect o n plants, see A m e r i c a , tropical, lowlands fire, p r e v e n t i o n , see Netzahualcoyotl fish poisons, see p l a n t s , fish poisons; also Mexico, p l a n t s , fish poison fishing, see plants, fishing, used i n ; ethnobotany, San Pablitu; plants, fish poisons fitolaca, see Phytolacca F l a c o u r t i a , see F l a c o u r t i a c e a e Flacourtiaceae A m e r i c a , t i m b e r sources, g e n e r a , R E C O R D , S. J . , 1941c D e l e s s e r t H e r b a r i u m , in t h e , B R I Q U E T , J . , 1898 m o n o g r a p h , C L O S , D . , 1855, 1857 r e l a t i o n s h i p to t h e Salicaceae, G I L G , E . , 1924 wood s t r u c t u r e , T U P P E R , W . W . , 1934 Banara dioica n. sp., V e r a c r u z , B E N T H A M , G., 1861b t r a n s f e r r e d to Hasseltia, S L E U M E R , I I . , 1934 mexicana, t r a n s f e r r e d to Plcuranthodendron n. gen. q.v. Bixa orel¡ana, see Bixaceae, Bixa orellana, s y s t e m a t i c s Casearia n. comb., W I L L I A M S , L . O., 1955-1962 new species, B R I Q U E T , J . , 1898; T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 systematics, M I Q U E L , F . A. W . . 1844 Eichlerodcndron mcxicanum n. sp., S L E U M E R , I I . . 1934 Flacourtia, new species. T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1854 Hasseltia, Banara dioica, t r a n s f e r r e d to, S L E U M E R , H . . 1934 Homalium, in A m e r i c a , B L A K E . _S. F . , 1919 mollicelhivi n. sp.. G u e r r e r o , B L A K E . S. F . , 1919 Lindackcria laurina, changed to Myna laurina q.v. Mvna laurina, s v n o n y m y , B E N T H A M , G., 1861b Olmediella, systematics, L O E S E N E R , T . , 1905 Plcuranthodendron n. gen., W I L L I A M S , L . 0 - , 1955-1962 Prockia n. sp., T U R C Z A N I N O W , # N . , 1854 Ryania spcciosa, insecticide. R O A R K . R. C.. 1947 Xxlosma n. sp., T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1863 flamboyan, see Poinciana Flaveria, see Compositae flecha, a r b u s t o de, see a r b u s t o de la flecha Fleischmannia, see Compositae fleur de m a i n , see Chiranthodcndron Flocculosae sect., see Salvia subg. Calosphace floja, see Ipomoca yucatancnsis flor de c a n d e l a r i a . see Cattleya shinncri flor de ceniza, not identified, V A L D E S , M . A . , 1784-1805 flor de ccra, sec Bryophllum calycinnum; Kalanchoc carnca (pinnata) flor de m a d e r a , see Loranthus calyculatus, caused b y ; see also wooden rose a n d wooden flowers flor de M a y o , see Plnmeria flor de M o n t e z u m a (Mocteuzoma"), see Montezuma speciosissima flor de Noche B u e n a , see Poinsettia pulcherrima flor de P a s c u a , see Anemone Pulsatilla flor de pasion, see Poinsettia flor de S a n A n d r e s , see Lennoa coerulca flor de S a n J u a n , see Bouvardia longifolia; Echites hypoleuca flor de S a n M i g u e l , see Antigonon leptopus flor de t i e r r a , see Orobanche flor de t i m a c a g u a , u n i d e n t i f i e d , medicinal plant, f o r m a l a r i a , A N O N . , 1905f flora, see r e g i o n d e s i r e d flora, alpine, see M e x i c o a n d G u a t e m a l a , flora, alpine F l o r a M e x i c a n a , d a t a on contents, see bibliographic w o r k s F l o r e n c e , M u s e e Royale, M e x i c a n p l a n t s in, P A R L A T O R E , P . , 1874 Flores, Francisco, biography, S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1957b flores mil, see Mclampodium perfoliatum floriculture, exposition, A N O N . , 18S8-1889b i n s t r u c t i o n s , L E O N , L . G., 1902; M A G A N A , R., 1888; A N O N . , 1851-1853


Mexico, h i s t o r y , A N O N . , 1944q F l o r i d a , see U n i t e d S t a t e s floripondio, see Datura; D. arborea Flourensia, see Compositae Flous, F . , see Pseudotsuga flowers (see also e t h n o b o t a n y , M a y a , flowers; etymology, place n a m e s , based o n ) color change, by chemicals, A N O N . , 1851e edible (see also Cucurbit a), B A T A L L A , M . A . , 1944a. epiphyllous, see Helwingia; plants, w i t h epiphyllous flowers; Turnera greetings, used in, see ethnobotany legends connected with, see ethnobotany, legends, p a r t i c u l a r l y ethnobotany, M a y a , plants, in legends in medicine, see Mexico, medicine, floral offerings n o c t u r n a l (see also Cereus, nightblooming), B A R C E N A , M., 1880a popular account, R A M I R E Z C A N T U , D . , 1942a odor change by chemicals, A N O N . , 1851e s a c r e d , see ethnobotany, Aztecs spice, used as, see Quararibea t r i b u t e to, N O V O , S., 1945; P E L L I C E R , C., 1946; R O M E R O , J . R., 1946 use of, see also ethnobotany, Aztecs, flowers; ethnobotany, flowers; e t h n o b o t a n y , Mexico, preH i s p a n i c ; f l o w e r s , edible; f l o w e r s , spices, used as fluorescent plants, see plants, fluorescent fluorescent wood, see wood, fluorescent f o d d e r plants, see plants, f o r a g e Foeniculum, see U m b e l l i f e r a e Font, Pedro, (travels to California. B O L T O N , H . E . (18th cent.) food p l a n t s , see plants, food source f o r a g e p l a n t s , see plants, f o r a g e Forchhammeria (Forchammeria) see C a p p a r i d a c e a e ; also E u p h o r b i a c e a e ( c h a n g e d later 1 ) Forcstiera, see Oleaceae f o r e s t r y , see tropics, h u m i d f o r e s t s (see also a r e a s c o n c e r n e d : A m e r i c a , t r o p i c a l ; Chico, Bosque del; P a p a l o a p a n , C u e n c a del; Q u i n t a n a Roo; Sinaloa) C h i a p a s , see Chiapas, t r a v e l account, f o r e s t regions c o n s e r v a t i o n of, A L T A M T R A N O , F . , 1895; A R M E N D A R I Z , E . , 1897; A R R T A G A , J . J . . 1896; B A L B O N T I N , M . , 1873; B E L T R A N , E . , 1961a: B U S T A M A N T E y ROCTTA. P . , 1852b: F E R N A N D E Z del V A L L E S , T.. 1881-1882; F R A N C E - H A R R A R , A . , 1953; F R E Y . E . . 1883; G U T T E R R E Z , T., 1930; R A M T R E Z , R., 1897; M E N E N D E Z . R . , 1907; RTO de la T.OZA, L., 1911: V A R I O U S . 1895(1897); A N O N . , 1889-1892 d i s t r i b u t i o n , see f o r e s t s , world, distribution e v e r g r e e n , see f o r e s t s , tropical evergreen y.'neral i n f o r m a t i o n , M . A., 1840 importance (see also f o r e s t s , u s e s ) . C A N O . R., 1882; L O B A T O , T. G., 1881 p l a n t s , h a r m f u l in. V A R I O U S . 1960b plants of, world wide, C I I A N C E R E L , L., 1920 p r o d u c t s (see also f o r e s t s , r e s o u r c e s ) , A N O N . , 1946d r a i n f a l l , influence on, (see also forests, and water supplies), Q U E V E D O , M . A., DE, 1924 resources (see also forests, p r o d u c t s ; f o r e s t s , world, r e s o u r c e s ) . G U E S T , S. II. et al, 1956 and soil conservation, W A G N E R , H . O. a n d L A N Z , H . . 1948 species in, see H a c i e n d a de la Gavia sub-tropical. O L S S O N - S E F F E R , P . , 1910b c u l t u r e L E R O Y , J . F . , 1944 tropical (see also A m e r i c a , tropical. forests), C O R N E R , E . J . H., 1949; F R A N C K E . A . , 1941; O L S S O N - S E F F E R , P . , 1910b classification, R I C H A R D S , P . W . et al, 1939 e v e r g r e e n , n o r t h e r n limit in N o r t h A m e r i c a , continental, V A R I O U S , 1960b phylogeny and evolution, C O R N E R , E . J . H . , 1949 ^ p r o d u c t s , of economic i m p o r t a n c e , H E S K E , F . , 1945

INDEX forests—continued types, world, B O E R H A V E B E E K M A N , W . , 1950 uses (see also forests, importance), H I N O J O S A , G., 1873 and water supplies (see also forests, rainfall, influence on), Z O N , R., 1930 world, distribution, past and present, GRAY, A., 1878 resources, ZON, R. and S P A R H A W K , W . N., 1923 forraje nutriol, see Euchlaena Forrer, A., collections, see Mexico, Forrer, A., collections Forsellesia, see Celastraceae Fouquieria, see Fouquieriaceae Fouquieriaceae (see also America, deserts, succulent plants) cultivated species, I N G R A M , J . , 1962 distribution, S H R E V E , F., 1931 general information, A D M I R A L , D., 1938a; J O H A N S E N , D. A., 1931; P U R P U S , T. A., 1927c monograph, T I E G H E M , P. E. L. v., 1899 Bronnia, distribution and morphology, see above Fouquieria (see also shrubs, desert, water absorption, by leaves) host to Dipodophyllum digueti q.v. new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1939-1943; N A S H , G. V., 1903 revision, N A S H , G. V., 1903, 1956 rubber substitute, A N O N . , 1921c species, key, R O D R I G U E Z H A H N , L., 1954 burragci n. sp., Pichilinque Island, R O S E , J. N., 1911b columnaris, see Idria columnaris, history fasiculata, rediscovered, M I R A N D A , F., 1950a gigantca n. sp., Baja California, O R C U T T , C. R., 1886c leonilae n. sp.. Guerrero, M I R A N D A , F., 1961a macdougalii, spine formation R O B I N S O N , W . J., 1904 ochotcrenac n. sp., Puebla. M I R A N D A , F., 1942b Peninsularis, illustration, B A X T E R , E . M., 1937 saj>ouenin in, R O D R I G U E Z H A H N , L., 1954 purpusii, description, TACOBSEN, H., 1949; P U R P U S , J . A., 1910 spinosa, affected by rain, B R A N D E G E E , T. S.. 1890a splcndens, anatomy, S C O T T , F. M., 1932 analysis, chemical, M I C H A E L , H. C. D E S. A., 1884, 1885, 1907 anatomy, H U M P H R E Y , R. R., . 19?5 distribution and associations, G E N T R Y , H. S., 1949a ecology, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 growth and age, D A R R O W , R. A. 1943 habitat in Zacatecas, L L O Y D , F. E., 1909 seedling forms, L L O Y D , F . E., 1908b spine formation, R O B I N S O N , W . J., 1904 thorn formation, H U M P H R E Y , R. R., 1931 water conducting svstem, C A N N O N , W . A., 1905 Idria, in B a j a California, S N Y D E R . L. A., 1956 distribution, G A T E S , H . E., 1932c in the Viscaino Desert, J A E G E R . E . C., 1955b columnaris (see also Baja California, plants, unusuaD anatomy, H U M P H R E Y , R. R., 1935 B a j a California, D I G U E T , L. and P O T S S O N , T., 1896; S H E L T O N , C., 1938; W A L K E R , L. W., 1948 in Darmstadt, K E S S E L R I N G , W . , 1954 description, H E R T R I C H , \V„ 1955; J A C O B S E N . H., 1949; M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1957 general information, J O H A N S E N , D. A., 1931a history of, K N O W L T O N , F. H., 1898a illustration, K E L L O G G , A., 1884 new species, in B a j a California, K E L L O G G , A., 1859b in Sonora, S Y K E S , G. G., 1937 spine formation, P O I S S O N , T., 1895a thorn formation, H U M P H R E Y , R. R. 1931

f'hilctaeria horrida n. sp., Tehuacan, L I E B M A N N , F . , 1851a Fourcroya, see Furcraea Fournier, Eugene, see Bromus, Mexico Foumieia, see Gramineae fourwing saltbrush, see Atriplex canescens Fragaria, see Rosacea^ Fraile, see Coahuila Frailea, see Cactaceae frambueso, see Rubus idaeus Francaville, herbarium, see Compositae in France, plants of Mexico, sent by Alzate to, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A. (ca. 1770) ; A R A G O N L E I V A , A., 1942 Franceschi, Francesco, biography, see Fenzi, E. O. Francisco I. Madero, see Hidalgo frangipani, see Plumiçria (Plumeria) F r a n k , Gerhart, travels, F R A N K , G.. 1957 Frankenia, see Frankeniaceae Frankeniaceae, distribution, B R A Y , W . L., 1898a monograph, S U R G I S , E., 1922 systematics, B R A Y , W . L., 1898a; G U N D E R S E N , A., 1927 Frankenia, new species, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1939-1943 Franseria, see Compositae Fraxineae, see Oleaceae Fraxinellae, see Rutaceae Fraxinus, see Oleaceae Fremont, John Charles, collections (California) T O R R E Y , J., 1854 Fremontia, see Sterculiaceae Fremontodendron, see Sterculiaceae French, botanists, see Mexico, flora. contributions to knowledge by explorations by, see America, explorations; Mexico, descriptive account, French expedition in Mexico, G E N I N , A., 1933 French Antilles (see also Antilles), phytogeography, D U S S , A. R. P., 1897; D U T E R T R E , J. B., 1654 Guadeloupe Island, vegetation. G R I S E B A C H , A. H. R., 1857 Martinique, plants, cultivated, T H I B A U L T DE C H A N V A L O N , J . !$., 1763 travel account, see above St. Barthelemi (see also Gossypimn barbadense) descriptive account, and flora, E U P H R A S E N , B. A., 17^5 French Guiana, see Guiane Française Fresnillo (Minas de), see Zacatecas fresno, see Fraxinus Freycinetia (changed to Beaucarnea) see Liliaceae Freziera, see Theaccae ; also Ternstroemiaceae Fribourg, see Hortus Botanicus Friburgensis Fric, A. V., biography, S E I D L , T.. 1923 travels (see also Sonora. T a r a h u m a r a region) to collect Cactaceae, see Oaxaca in Mexico, F R I C , A. V., 1926 Fridrichsberg, see Agave, blooming in frijol, see Phaseolus frijol "bayo gordo", see Phaseolus vulgaris frijol de arbol, see Caianus indiens frijol de rienda, see Phaseolus longecarpa friiol dolico, see Dolichos frijol mungo, see Phaseolus mungo frijol soya, see Glycine max Fritillaria, see Liliaceae f r u i t s (see area desired e.g., America; Chiapas; Jalisco: Mexico, mesa central, northern p a r t : Yucatan Zacapoaxtla; also trees, culture, forest and fruit : anatomy, see Acanthaceae citrus, in Mexico, see Citrus classified, see systematic work?, fruits and seeds culture (see also fruits, treps culture), AT.VAREZ R O D R I G U E Z , R.. 1955: NORTEGA, C., 193* a of economic importance. G R A F E . V., 1909; O C A M P O , M.. 1844-1845 Great Britain. P H I L L I P S . H . . 1821 Mexico, see Mexico, f r u i t s morphology, see Acanthaceae origin of. T.AZARO e I B I Z A , B., H920) ? small, culture, G R E E N , W, J., 1899 sub-tropical (see also fruits, trees) DAHT.GREN, B. E.. 1047 (popular account) ; H U B E R T , P., 1912: L E R O Y . J. F . . 1944; P O P E N O E , F., W . , 1920

systematics, see systematic works, f r u i t s and seeds trees (see also tropics, f r u i t trees), D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1895n culture (see also Coyoacan), C A L V 1 N O , M., 1919; R I B E R A y G O M E Z , , E. D., 1903 subtropical, C H A N D L E R , \Y. H., 1950 tropical, see above tropical (see also above), B R I G H A M , W . T., 1869; G I F F O R D , J., 1909; J. J. D., 1940; P O P E N O E , F . W . , 1920, 1941; R E Y N O S O , A., 1884-1885; S C H W U C H O W , W . , 1927; U L B R 1 C H , E., 1916 culture, L E R O Y , J . F., 1944 England, for cultivation in L I N D L E Y , J., 1824 food for animals, S O L O R Z A N O A L C A R A Z . R.. 1942 in Mexico, M A R T I N E Z C H A B L E , L., 1912 popular account, D A H L G R E N , B. E., 1947 use of, by Indians, see Cactaceae, fruits useful, D I A Z DE L E O N , J., 1892-1893, 1895e, 1896d of the world, M O T T , F. T., 1883: N O T E R , R. DE, 1923 f r u t a bomba, see Carica papaya Fuchs, Leonhart, Zea mays, first illustration, W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1950 Fuchsia, see Onagraceae Fuerte avocado tree, see Puebla, Atlixco Fuerte, Valle de El, see Sinaloa Fuerte de Montes Claros, see Villa de Senor San J u a n Baptista y Fuerte etc. Fugnata, see Ungnadia Fuirena, see Cyperaceae Fulvae sect., see Salix Fumaria, see Papaveraceae Fumariaceae (see also Papaveraceae. Corydalis; Rhoeadincae) characters and relationships B E R N H A R D I , J . J., 1833, 1838 systematics, H U T C H I N S O N . J., 1921 Fumariae, see Papaveraceae Funastrum (Philibertia) see Asclepiadaceae Funck, Nicolas, collections, see Orchidaceae, Mexico travels, L I N D E N . J . and P L A N C H O N , J. E., 1867 fungi, hallucinogenic, substitutes for, see Ipomoca violacea; also ethnobotany, Zapotec Furcraea, see Agavaceae; also Agaveae: Amaryllidaceae furniture, woods for, see timbers, for f u r n i t u r e ; woods, tropical fustic, see Chlorophora tinctoria Gaceta de Literatura, bibliographic data, see science, history of, Mcxico, periodicals gaiac, see Guaiacum officinale Gaillardia, see Compositae Galactia, see Leguminosae Galactodcndron, see Moraceae Galeana, see Compositae Galeana, see Nuevo Leon Galeana, distrito (Tecpan), see Guerrero Galeandra, see Orchidaceae Galegeae, see Leguminosae Galcoylossum, see Orchidaceae Galeotti, Henri, bio-bibliography, L E M A 1 R E , C., 1858a; M O R R E N , E., 1858; A N O N . , 1858; see also publications, below biography, B O M M E R , J. E., 185«: R E G E L , E., 1858 collections (see also Begonia; Cactaceae; Cybiostigma sidacfolium; Heterotopia tenella; Orchidaceae, Mexico; Ranunculus longepeduncufatiis; Rencahnia jalapenis; Rytidolovia reticulata; Siphonandra mexican a: Tillandsia streptophylla; Stanhope a frcqeana), C A N D O L L E , A. DR. 1852; L A S E G U E , A., 1845 (in the Delessert herbarium) ; M A R T E N S , M. and GALEOTTT, H . G., 1842-1845: T U R C Z A N T N O W , N., 1854, 1858-1859; 1863 obituary, A N O N . , 1858a, 1859 publications, KONTNCK, A. DE et al, 1886-1910 travels, B O M M E R , J . E., 1858 Galeottia, see Orchidaceae Galindo y Villa. Tesus, bio-bibliography GALTNDO y V I L L A , J., 1937; A N O N . , 1919a


biography, I G U I N I Z , J . P>.. 1942 portrait, A N O N . , 1919a Galinsoga, see Compositae Galium, see Rubiaceae gall eta, see Hilar ia jamesi galloping cactus, see Machacrocereus gummosus galluba del pais, see Arctostaphylos pungens Galphimia, see Malpighiaceae Galvezia, see Scrophulariaceae Gama, see Compositae gambier, see Uncaria Gamopetalae (see also Mexico, plants, new taxa, Gamopetalae) new taxa, R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1891a (Pringle collections), 1900b systematic works, based on leaf anatomy, V E S Q U E , J., 1885 Gandara, Guillermo, biography, A N O N . , 1923 obituary, ANON., 1939a gandul, see Cajanus indicus garanon, unidentified, poisonous plant, ABARCA, P. G., 1881 garbancillo, see Astragalus harpalyce; A. humboldtii; Brongniartia garbancillo de Nuevo Leon, see Lupinus leonensis garbanzo. see Cicer Garces, Francisco, travels to California. B O L T O N , H . E., (18th cent.) Garcia, see Euphorbiaceae Garcia, Crescencio, obituary, A N O N . , 1894a Garcia, Genaro, biography, G O N Z A L E Z O B R E G O N , L., 1936 Garcia Cubas, Antonio, bio-bibliography. G A L I N D O y V I L L A . J., 1910-1911 biography. P I N A , F . DE P., 1912; SOSA, F., 1884b Garcia Tcazbalceta, Joaquin, bio-biblioqraphv, W A G N E R , H . R., 1934 biography, A G U E R O S . V.. 1880; S O M O L T N O S d'ARDOTS, G., 1957b; V E L A Z Q U E Z , P. F . . 1943 Gardeil, M., renort on "the du Mcxique", A N O N . , 1782 Gardenia, see Rubiaceae gardening (see also dictionary, gardening; horticulture; Michoacan; tropics; Yucatan, also gardens) double flowers, L. E., 1843a flowers, hybrids, L. E., 1843b general instructions, A F F A I T A T I , C., 1712; B R A D L E Y . R., 1725 ( ? ) ; C O W E L L , J., 1730: F L O R E S I N I G U E Z , I., 1933; L I G E R , L., 1706 Mexico, history of, L O U D O N , T. C., 1822 pre-Hispanic, see Mexico, pre-Hispanic gardens, see under locality desired; also America, pre-Hispanic; Banderilla Gardens; Merida; Moctezuma, gardens of; Netzahualcoyotl, gardens of botanical, see Amsterdam, Hortus Botanicus; Berlin, (K.) Botanischer Garten (Hortus Berolinensis); Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum; Breslau, Botanischer Garten; Castleton Gardens; Cels, J . M., garden o f ; Chiapas, Instituto Botanico; Darmstadt; Distrito Federal, Chapultepec; Dresden. Koeniglich Botanischer Garten; Geneve; Gerard, J ; Goettingen, Botanischer Garten. Hortus Academicus): Guadalajara, Jardin Botanico; H a r v a r d University; Heidelberg; Hortus Academicus Halensis; Hortus Academicus Hauniensis ( H o r t u s Regius Botanicus H a f n i e n s i s ) ; Hortus Academicus (Botanicus) Marburgensis; Hortus Botanicus Bergianus; Hortus (Botanicus) Friburgensis (Fribourg) ; H o r t u s Botanicus Hamburgensis; Hortus Botanicus Lovaniensi.s; Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus; Hortus Botanicus Regiomontanus; Hortus, Botanicus Turicensis; Hortus Botanicus Vindoboncnsis; Hortus Caesareus Schoenbrunnensis; Hortus Cantabrigiensis; Hortus Carlsruhanus; Hortus Cliffortianus; Hortus Dickensis or Hortus Dyckensis; Hortus Elginensis; Hortus Elthamensis; Hortus Eystettensis; Hortus Farnesianus; Hortus

INDEX gardens—continued Lindenianus; Hortus Lugdunum B a t a v u m (Leiden, J a r d i n B o t a n i q u e ) ; H o r t u s Medicus Chelseianus; H o r t u s Medicus Edinburgensis; Hortus Messanensis; Hortus Monvillianus; H o r t u s M u t i n e n s i s ; H o r t u s Regius Botanicus Berolinensis (see Berlin Botanischer G a r t e n ) ; H o r t u s Regius N e a p o l i t a n u s ; Hortus Romanus; Hortus Thenensis; Hortus Universitatis Lipsiensis; H o r t u s Upsaliensis; H o r t u s Vanhoutteanus; Hortus Vilmorinianus; Hortus Vratislaviensis; Huaxtepec; H u n t i n g t o n Botanic G a r d e n s ; Jamaica, Botanic G a r d e n s (Public G a r d e n s ) ; J a r d i n de M a l m a i s o n ; Kew, Royal Botanic G a r d e n s ; L a B u e n a V e n t u r a ; Leiden, J a r d i n Botanique de l ' U n i v e r s i t e (or Hortus Lugdunum Batavum); London, H o r t i c u l t u r a l Society; Lucknow; Madrid, (Real) J a r d i n Botánico; Mexico ( C i t y ) ; Missouri Botanical G a r d e n ; M u e n c h e n , Botanischer G a r t e n ; Napoli, ( R e a l ) O r t o Botánico; Netzahualcóyotl; New York Botanical G a r d e n ; O a x a c a ; Padova, O r t o Botánico; Palermo, R. G i a r d i n o Coloniale; Palermo, O r t o Botánico; P a r i s ; Paris, Museum; Parma; Pisa; P o p p e l s d o r f e r G a r t e n ; Rio de J a n e i r o ; St. P e t e r s b u r g ; Singapore, Botanic G a r d e n s ; T u x t l a Gutierrez, J a r d i n Botánico; U t r e c h t , H o r t u s ; V a l e n c i a ; W a s h i n g t o n , Botanic Gardens F r i b o u r g , see H o r t u s Botanicus Friburgensis general i n f o r m a t i o n , T R O U C H E T , A., 1953 H a m b u r g , see H o r t u s Botanicus Hamburgensis history, G A G E R , C. S., 1937 H o r t u s Botanicus Imperiales Petropolitanus, see St. Petersburg H o r t u s Botanicus Monacensis, see M u e n c h e n , Botanischer G a r t e n H o r t u s H a u n i e n s i s ( H o r t u s Regius Botanicus H a f n i e n s i s ) see H o r t u s Academicus H a u n i e n s i s H o r t u s Imperialis Petropolitanus, see St. P e t e r s b u r g H o r t u s Kewensis, see Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens H o r t u s Lipsiensis, see H o r t u s U n i v e r s i t a t i s Lipsiensis H o r t u s Monacensis, see M u e n c h e n , Botanischer G a r t e n H o r t u s P a n o r m i t a n u s , see H o r t u s Botanicus P a n o r m i t a n u s H o r t u s Turicensis, see H o r t u s Botanicus T u r i c e n s i s importance (see also uses, below"), B O N A N S E A , S. J . , 1919a; S O L I S , O., 1921 Naples, see Napoli, O r t o Botánico naturalization of plants, f o r , S O L I S , O., 1928 popular account, B O S Q U E , P . del, 1936 uses (see also importance, above), A C H R A S S A P O T A , 1912; S A N C H E Z , J . , 1896-1897; GONZALEZ GARCIA, L, 1903 floating (see also c h i n a m p a s ; Mexico, a g r i c u l t u r e in chinampas; Mexico, chinampas; Mexico, gardens, floating) in Mexico, F R A N C I S C U S , E., 1669; G A R A Y . F. DE, 1896 popular account, C O E , C. H . , 1895 Mexico, see Mexico, g a r d e n s Moctezuma, see Mexico, gardens Netzahualcóyotl, see Mexico, g a r d e n s ; Tetzcotzingo, Cerro de pre-Hispanic, see gardens, Mexico trees for use in, see Mexico, trees, f o r use in garlic, see Allium Garrya, see G a r r y a c e a e Garryaceae (see also Umbellales, woody) morphology compared with Cornaceae. F A Ü R E , A. L., 1924 new family, L I N D L E Y , J . , 1834 and related t a x a , systematics. W A N G E R I N , W . , 1907 Garrya, anatomy, comparative, S E R T O R I U S , A., 1893 medicinal uses, M E N D O Z A , G., 1867 systematics, H A L L I E R , H . , 1 9 1 8 ; L I , H . L. and C H A O C. Y.,

1954; M O S E L E Y , M . F. and B E E K S , R. M., 1955 laurifolia, pharmaceutical study, O L G U I N H E R M I D A , C., 1932 substitute f o r Quassia (?), G A R C I A , C., 1886a longifolia n. sp., Morelos, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 raccmosa, medicinal plant, A R M E N D A R I S , E., 1895 n. sp., R A M I R E Z , J . , 1904 veatchii n. sp., Cedros I s l a n d , K E L L O G , A., 1873 Gates, H . E . , collections, see B a j a California, collecting in; Cactaceae travel, see Mexico, travel Gaudichaudia, see Malpighiaceae Gaultheria, see Ericaceae G a u m e r , G. F . , collections, Y u c a t a n , M T L L S P A U G H , C. F . , 1895-1898 Gaura, see O n a g r a c e a e Gauridium, see Onagraceae Gauropsis subg., see Oenothera ; also Onagraceae Gauteria, see Gaultheria Gavilan, see Rio Gavilan Gaya, see Malvaceae gayac, see Guaiacum officinale Gaylussacia, see Ericaceae Gayophytum, see O n a g r a c e a e gayuba, see Arctostaphylos puttgens Gazeta de L i t e r a t u r a , see science, history of, Mexico Geiseleria, see Euphorbiaceae Geissolepis, see Compositae Geissomeria, see Acanthaceae gelsemio, see Gelsemium sempervirens Gelsemium, see Loganiceae genciana, see Gentiana Genea sect., see Bromus General Bravo, municipio, see Nuevo Leon General Cepeda, municipio de, see Coahuila Geneve, botanists who have been associated with the city, C A N D O L L E , A. P . , 1832 Botanical Garden, r a r e plants f r o m , see Brassia lonailoba new species f r o m , C A N D O L L E , A . P . , 1819-1821, 1833 gengibre, see Amomum zingiber; Zingiber officinale Genin, M . . r e t u r n to Mexico, from Cuba, G E N I N , M., 1898 Geniostemon, see Gentianaceae Genipa, see Rubiaceae Genista, see Lesruminosac Gentiana, see Gentianaceae Gentianaceae (see also Contnrtac. systematics) America. Middle, s v s t e m n t ' f s and distribution, O E R S T E D . A. S., 1853b aiiatnmv. comparative. P E R R O T . E., 1898 floral. L T N D S E Y , A. A., 1940 Caryophvllnceae. compared with, a^d relation « V n s to. GTLG, E . . 1905 new t a x a . R O B T N C O N . B. L . . 1910 nomenclature. K N O B L A U C H . E . . 1894 s y s t e m a t i c , G R T S E B A C H , A. IT. R.. 1830 Amarella, Gentiana me xi can a t r a n s f e r r e d to, A R T H U R , T. C.. 1912 Dusxstrbhava. Gentiana sbntharea, t r a n s f e r r e d to, A R T H U R , T. C.. 1919 Erxthraea prxnqleana n. sp., W I T T R O C K , V . , 1891a stricta, description, S C H I E D E . C. T. W . , 1836 medicinal plant, R A M I R E Z , R., 1918b tetramcra, description, S C H I E D E , C. T. W . , 1836 remtsfa, ornamental, O R C U T T , C. R . . 1890c E r y t h r a e i n a e , systematics, G I L G , C., 1939 Eustoma, synopsis, S H I N N E R S , L. H . . 1957 barkleyi n. sp., see above arandiflorum comb, no v., see above lacteum n. sp., V A R I O U S . 1848 russellianum, changed to E. arandiflorum, SHINNERS, L . H . , 1957 Frasera, reduction of, S T . J O H N , H . , 1941 Geniostemon n. gen., G R A Y , A., 1881c c&ulteri n. sp., see above schaffneri n. sp., see above Gentiana. America, N o r t h , svstematics. W E T T S T E I N , R., 1900 general i n f o r m a t i o n , A N O N . , 1901y morphology, H U X L E Y , T . H . , 1888 new species, Mexico, B R I Q U E T , J . , 1907-1931

adsurgens n. sp., G R I S E B A C H , A . H . R., 1839 E n d o t r i c h a , America, N o r t h , systematics, W E T T S T E I N , R., 1900 E u g e n t i a n a subg., systematics, K U S N E Z O W , N . L., 1896-1904 mexicana, t r a n s f e r r e d to Amarella, A R T H U R , J . C., 1912 mirandae n. sp., G u e r r e r o , P A R A Y , L., 1957a ovatiloba n. sp., K U S N E Z O W , N. L., 1893 pcrpusilla, f r o m Ixtaccihuatl, B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1904 spathacca, pharmaceutical s t u d y , S A L A Z A R S A L A Z A R , T., 1945 t r a n s f e r r e d to Dasystephana, A R T H U R , J . C., 1919 violacea n . sp., C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1788-1789 Gentianae, America, tropical, K L O T Z S C H , J . F . , 1847-1852 Gentianoideae, systematics, G I L G C., 1939 Gentianella, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , revision, G I L L E T T , J . M „ 1957 Gentianinae, genera, key, see above Gentianoidae, systematics, G I L G , C., 1939 Halenia, A m e r i c a , systematics, A L L E N , C. K., 1933 Mexico, new species, B R I Q U E T , J . , 1907-1931 Candida n. sp., A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1895c; R A M I R E Z , J . , 1904 (Valle de Mexico) Lisianthus, monograph, P E R K I N S , J . R . , 1902a nigrescens, description, R E A D , R. W . , 1960 Microcala, species t r a n s f e r r e d to Schultesia mexicana, W I T T R O C K , V., 1891a Pneumonanthe, t r a n s f e r s to the genus, G R E E N E , E . L „ 1904 Sabatia, America, N o r t h , revision, W I L B U R , R. L., 1955 Schultesia mexicana n. sp., W I T T R O C K , V., 1891a Swertia, America, revision, S T . J O H N , H „ 1941 XJrananthus pallidus n. sp., A N O N . , 1844a Gentianae, see Gentianaceae Gentianales, systematics, W A G E N I T Z , G., 1959 Gentianeae, see Gentianaceae Gentianella, see Gentianaceae Gentianinae, see Gentianaceae Gentianoideae, see Gentianaceae Gentry, H . S., collections, Sonora and Chihuahua, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1929-1940 geographic works, geographies ( see also u n d e r region desired— descriptive account, geography, and t r a v e l account; relaciones geograficas) general ( w o r l d ) , B A L B I , A. et al, 1863; C L A R K E . S., 1657 G T R A V A , G., 1556; G R A N G E R , E „ 1922; M E I S S A S , A. de and M I C H E L O T , C. A. J . , 1847; A N O N . . 1853-1856 economic. T O N E S , C. F . , and D A R K E N W A L D , G. G „ 1941 plant, see phytogeography s t u d y of. in Mexico, history of BASSOLS BATALLA, A„ 1955 Geonoma, see P a l m a e (Geonomeae) Geoprumnon, see Leguminosae, Fabaceae Georgina, see Dahlia Geraniaceae A m e r i c a , N o r t h , synopsis, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1886-1893 distribution, K N U T H , R., 1903 illustrations, S W E E T , R „ 1820-1830 morphology, floral, D I C K S O N , T.. 1936 new t a x a , H i n t o n collections, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 systematics, K N U T H , R., 1903 Balsamineae, systematics, T R E L E A S E , W „ 1886-1893 Erodium, characters, P . B. R., 1845 monograph, B R U M H A R D , P . , 1905 cicutarium, f o r a g e plant, T H O R N B E R , J . J . , 1906 Geranium, America, r a n g e extensions, M O O R E . H . E . J r . , 1951c distribution, K N U T H . R „ 1903 Hidalgo, new species, R O S E , J . N., 1906e in Mexico, B U R M A N N , N . L „ 1759 new species. B R T O U E T , T., 1907-1931; R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 revision, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1943


systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790; K N U T H , R., 1903 arsenianum n. sp., Puebla, K N U T H , R., 1922 campanulatum n. sp., San L u i s Potosi, P A R A Y , L., 1954 carolinianum, medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 hernandesii, varieties, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1951c pnrpusii n. sp., Puebla, K N U T H , R., 1913 schiedcanum, on Citlaltepetl, P U R P U S , J . A., 1914a Limnantheae, systematics, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1886-1893 Oxalideae, systematics, see above Pelargonium, characters, P . B. R., 1845 Viviania n. gen., C A V A N I L L E S , A. J . , 1804 assigned to Caryophyllaceae ( ? ) , see above assigned to Cistaceae ( ? ) , see above Geranium, see Geraniaceae Gerard, J . , garden, plants in, G E R A R D , J . , 1596 Gerardia (also Gerardieae) see Scrophulariaceae Gerascanthus sect., see Cordia Germans, see Mexico, immigration into, by in Mexico (see also Tamaulipas, G e r m a n colonv in) activities, P F E R D E K A M P , W . , 1958 colonization by, B O G U S L A W S K I , B. v o n , 1 8 5 1 Germany, Mexican plants in, R E U S S , C. F . , 1774; S C H K U H R , C., 1791-1803; S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L.,1841-1869; S T E R E R T , A. and V O S S , A., 1894-1896 germination, see plants, germination Ceroid,. . . ( ? ) , collections, see Commelina puberula Gerste, Achille ( A q u i l e s ) , bio-bibliography, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J . , 1922 Gesneraceer, see Gesneriaceae Gesneria, see Gesneriaceae Gesneriaceae (also as Gesneraceae) America, Middle, genera, key, O E R S T E D , A. S.. 1858a chromosome numbers, F U S S E L L , C. P . . 1958; L E E , R. E., 1962; R O G E R S O. M.. 1954 cultivated, catalogue, B E D D O M E , R. H „ 1907 epiphytic, see Colnmnea schiedeana genera, key to, R E G E L , E . A. von, 1848 H i n t o n collections, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 new t a x a . M O R T O N . C. V., 1938; V A R I O U S . 1936-1958 revision, C O L L A. L „ 1849 survey, H A N S T E T N . T., 1853-1866 svstematics. B A T L L O N , H . E . , 1887-1888 Achimeneae, new tribe, C O L L A , L., 1849 Achimenes (see also Gesnerioideae) new taxa, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 Achimenes sect., species key, M O O R E , H . E . . 1960b brevifnlia n. sp., M O R T O N , C. V . , 1938 cardinally. D I E T R I C H . A., 1847b cettoana n. sp., Chiapas, M O O R E , H . E „ 1960b Dicyrta sect. M O R T O N , C. V., 1962 systematics, M O R T O N . C. V., 1962a dulcis n. sp., M O R T O N , C. V., 1938 flava v a r . pu^e'-iifa n. var., M O R T O N . C. V., 1938 mexicana, svstematics, A R N O L D , _ P . , 1955 Occident;ih's n. sp., Talisco, M O R T O N . C. V.. 1962a patens n. sn.. B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1847 schecri. see Schceria woodii n sp., Guerrero, M O R T O N , C. v . , 1962 Alloplectus curuVatus, in Mexico, M O R T O N , C. V.. 1944 Arctocah'x. n. gen.. F E N Z L , E., 1850 cndlichcrianus n. sp., V e r a c r u z , see above insiaris n. comb., Oaxaca, see above Bcsleria. revision, M O R T O N , C. V., 1939 glabra, endemic in Oaxaca. northeast, S C H U L T E S , R. E „ 1938-1941 insionis, changed to Arctocalyx, F E N Z L , E . , 1850

INDEX Gesneriaceae—continued t r a n s f e r r e d to Hippodamia, D E C A I S N E , J . , 1848a Columnea, new species, C h i a p a s , S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1926 erythrophaea n. sp., C h i a p a s , H O U L L E T , B., 1867 erythroplaxa. see above schicdcana epiphytic, A N O N . , 1916b Episcia. c u l t i v a t e d species, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1954 dianthi flora n. sp.. M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1954a Gcsneria •geroltiana, description, O T T O , K., 1845 Jtahnii, see Is ohm a hah mi melittifolia n. sp., B R O N G N I A R T , A . , 1847 sartorii n. sp., L I E B M A N N , F . , 1849 Gesneroideae, n e w t a x a , F R I T S C H , , K . , 1913-1914 Gloxinia, c u l t u r e , G A L L O , E . L. 1894-1895d popular a c c o u n t , T O R R E S , M . p e J . , 1894 fimbriatan. sp., B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1847 Hippodamia n. gen., D E C A I S N E , J . , 1848a Isoloma (see also Kohleria) dcppcanatn, chemical s t u d y . B A R O N , B. a n d A L B E R S , C. C., 1943; G A R C I A de V T L L A G O M E Z , S., 1923; H E R R E R A , C. R . , 1917 pharmaceutical study, G R A H A M , M . J . , 1941; M E D E L U N , R . , 1917 hahnii description, B A I L L O N , H . E . , 1887-1888 jaliscanum, C A M E R O N , R . , 1896 Kohleria (see also G e s n e r i o i d e a e ) p r e f e r r e d to Isoloma, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1953b species, c u l t i v a t e d , see above deppeana. chemical s t u d y E S C A L A N T E , L . I . , 1949 Loboptera n. gen., C O L L A , 1 8 4 ^ Myconia, invalid n a m e , S P R A G U E , T . , 1928 Niphaea cupreo-virens, Ghiesbreght collection, L E M A I R E , C., 1860b Phinaea nwltiflora n. sp., M O R T O N , C. V . , 1938; V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 Salutiaea n. gen., C O L L A , L . , 1849 grandiflora n. sp., C O L L A , L . , 1849 Scheeria mexicana n. sp., S E E M A N , B., 1853 Smithiana, see Gesnerioideae Trcvirana andrieuxii n. sp., C O L L A , L . , 1849 Gesnerioideae, see G e s n e r i a c c a e Geum, see Rosaceae G h i e s b r e g h t . A u g u s t B.. b i o g r a p h v G H I E S B R E G H T , A . , 1849 M A R G A L L I , F . A . , 1893; R O V I R O S A . J . N . , 1889 collections (see also Begonia. Boehmeria aracntea; Niphaea cupreo-virens; Orchidaceae, M e x i c o ; Pitcairnia densiflora; Vriesia billbergiae), L A S E G U E , A . , 1845 (in t h e Delessert, herbarium"); T U R C Z A N T N O W , N . , 1863 M e x i c a n botanv, c o n t r i b u t i o n to, R O V I R O S A . J . N . , 1889 M o r r e n , Ch.. l e t t e r to, G H T E S B R E G H T , A . , 1849 t r a v e l s . L I N D E N . T. and P L A N C H O N , T- E . , 1867; R O V I R O S A . J. N . , 1889 Ghiesbreghtia, see O r c h i d a c e a e ; Scrophulariaceae ghost flower, see Mohavea ghost p l a n t , see Graptopetalum gia-hia. see Indira galcoftiana g i a l a p a . see Ipomoea Purga g i a n t c a c t u s , see Pachycereus orcuttii; P. pecten-aboriginum; P. pringlei Giles y A r e l l a n o , F r a n c i s c o , studies, botanical. V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805 GUia, see P o l e m o n i a c e a e Gilibertia, see A r a l i a c e a e Ginalloeae, see L o r a n t h a c e a e Ginoria, see L y t h r a c e a e g i n s e n g , see Aureliana canadensis; Panax girasol, see Helianthus girasol R u s o , see Helianthus annuns Gladiolus, see I r i d a c e a e Glanduliractus, see Cactaceae G l a n d u l i f e r a e , see Cactaceae, Manvmillaria Glaucidium, see R a n u n c u l a c e a e Glaucothea, see P a l m a e Gleditsia, see L e g u m i n o s a e GHricidia, see L e g u m i n o s a e gloria, see Convolvulus arvensis

Glossopetalon, see C e l a s t r a c e a e ; also c o n t r i b u t i o n to A m e r i c a n science, Forsellesia R 1 Q U E L M E S A L A R , J . , 1950 Gloxinia, see G e s n e r i a c e a e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e with I b a r r a , J o a q u i n , gluco-alkaloids, see Lycopersicum; v i u d a d e , V A R I O U S (ca. 1790) w i t h Sesse, S E S S E , M . , 1783-1786 Rivea corymbosa; Solanum teaching, plants used in, see Mexico, glucosides (glycosides), see Asclepias p l a n t s used curassavica; Mexico, p l a n t s , glucosides i n ; Nerinm oleander; Gomez P o m p a , A r t u r o , t r a v e l s in p l a n t s , glucoside s o u r c e s ; C h i a p a s , M I R A N D A , ]?., 1961a R h o e a d a l e s ; Smilax medica Gomezia, see Compositae Glumaceae Gomphia, see O c h n a c e a e svstematics, S T E U D E L , E . G., Gompliocarpus, see Asclepiadaceae (1854)-1S55 Gompkrena, see A m a r a n t h a c e a e Glumales, a n c e s t o r of, see Isoetcs Gongora, see O r c h i d a c e a e G l u m i f l o r a e , pliylogenv, based on Gongylocarpeae, see O n a g r a c e a e Gonolobus, see Asclepiadaceae morphology, Z I E G E N S P E C K , Gonzalez, Jose Eleuterio, biography, H . , 1938 D A V 1 L A , H . , 1869, 1888; Glycine, see L e g u m i n o s a e R O E L , S., 1938 glycosides, see glucosides Gonzalez O r t e g a , J e s u s , b i o g r a p h y , Glycosmis, see R u t a c e a e Glycyrrhiza, see L e g u m i n o s a e B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1936 Gnaphalium, see Compos it ae ( a n d o b i t u a r y ) ; A N O N . , 1936m Gnetaceae, d i s t r i b u t i o n , B R O W N , R . , collections, t r e e s a n d s h r u b s , 1870; H I L D E B R A N D , F . , S T A N D L E Y , P . C „ 1931c 1861 Goodeniaceae morphology, S T R A S B U R G E R , E . , Srlliera n. gen. C A V A N I L L E S , 1872 A . J . , 1799 Ephedra, food s o u r c e , W E I M E R , H . radicans n. sp., see above Goodycra, see O r c h i d a c e a e A . , 1934 Gordonia, see T h e a c e a e h i s t o r y , M I E R S , T., 1862 Gossypium, sec M a l v a c e a e ; also m o n o g r a p h , M E Y E R , C. A . , 1847; S T A P F , O., 1889 Bombacaceae morphologv. M T E R S , J . , 1862; G o u a n i g r o u p , see Veronica, sect. S T E E V E S , M. W . and Veronicastruni B A R G H O O R N , E . S., 1959 Gouania, see R h a m n a c e a e r e l a t i o n s h i p s to t h e A p e t a l a e , Gouinia, see G r a m i n e a e g o u r d , see C u c u r b i t a c e a e , aNo J A N C H E N , E . , 1950 systematics, North American Lagenaria siceraria g o u r d , T e x a n , see Cucurbita texana species, G R O F F , G. W . a n d Govcnia, see O r c h i d a c e a e C L A R K , G. W . , 1828 g o y a v i e r , see Psidium u s e s , O L S O N , L . M . , 1940 G r a c i d a , J o s e p h , in B o t a n y C o u r s e , antisvphilitica, description, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1789 M E Y E R , C. A . , 1847 G r a h a m , G. J . , b i o g r a p h y , B R I T T E N , eompacta n. sp., R O S E , J . N . , J . , 1905 1897-1911 collections, B E N T H A M , G., nevadensis n. sp., W A T S O N , S., 1879a 1839-1857; B R I T T E N , J . , 1905 trijurca, desert plant, S T A N D L E Y . Grajalesia, see N y c t a g i n a c e a e P . C., 1909 g r a m a g r a s s , see Boutcloua criopoda Gnetum, r e l a t i o n s h i p to t h e A p e t a l a e , g r a m a R h o d e s , see Chloris gayana J A N C H E N , E . , 1950 g r a m i l l a , see Cynodon dactylon Gnetales, m o n o g r a p h , P E A R S O N , G r a m i n e a e (see also D u r a n g o , H . H . W . , 1929 g r a s s l a n d s ; etymology, place r e l a t i o n s h i p s E A M E S , A . J . . 1952 n a m e s , based on corn ( m a i z e ) ; Gnetum, see G n e t a c e a e Glumaceae; plants, allergenic; g o b e r n a d o r a , see Larrea mexicana; p r a i r i e , tall g r a s s ; Sinaloa, forage plants) Zygophyllum fabago Acapulco, P a l m e r collections. Godin, F r a n c i s c o , see M i c h o a c a n , LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F„ E u r o p e a n plants, introduced 1897a into Goethalsia, see B i x a c e a e ; also Tilincene a n d affinities, s y s t e m a t i c s , Goettingen, Botanischer Garten, H o r t u s S C H E U C H Z E R J . , 1719 allergenic. B L A C K A L L E R , F . A.. A c a d e m i c u s (see also Nycterium cardaminifolij'in) 1949; C U E V A V E L A S Q U E Z , seed catalogue, S C H R Ä D E R . H . A . , J . , 1951 1836 Chihuahua, D A V A L O S L., H., gold, a c c u m u l a t e d in p l a n t s , see Zea 1950 mays A m e r i c a , cereals. A R B E R . A . , 1934 Gold, D u d l e y B., collections, sec species, L A M S O N - S C R I B N E R , F . , Cactaceae. collection 1 ? p 1897-1900 t r a v e l account, G u e r r e r o . G O L D , D . America. Central, synonymy, B. a n d S A N C H E Z H T T C H C O C K . A . S., 1930 M E J O R A D A , H . . 1962 America. North, distribution, B E A L , G o l d m a n , E . A., t r a v e l s . M e x i c o . W . J . , 1890a i l l u s t r a t i o n s , V A S E Y , G., G O L D M A N , E . A . , 1951 Goldmanella, see Compositae 1891-1893 Goldmania (Compo collections, goma lacca k a r a b e . u n i d e n t i f i e d , in LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F„ Mexico. A L Z A T E v 1893 R A M T R E Z , J . A . . 1787 t r a v e l s in, f o r collecting, f r o m gombo, see Hibiscus esculentus S a n t o D o m i n g o to S a n t a dombo f/>?'»j,\ T.uffa acutnnnnln Rosalia, O R C U T T , C. R „ Gomez, Gabriel, b ' o e r a p h y , G O M E Z , 1900 M . R . , 1948 B e a u v o i s , w o r k of, c r i t i q u e of, Gomez, J u a n A n t o n i o (see also Coffea N I L E S , C. D „ 1925 a n d Mangijera, i n t r o d u c e d to cereals (see also A m e r i c a , cereals, Cordova) above), culture, A N O N . , plant n a m e d f o r , L A L L A V E , P . be. 1851-1853 183 2g v a r i o u s , in Mexico, A N O N . , 1901q Gomez. M ^ r t e R . , b i o g r a p h y , A N O N . , chemical composition, V A S E Y , G., 1942 1889a n o r t r a i t A N O N . . 1923a C h i h u a h u a , by zones, H E R N A N D E Z Gomez de O r t e g a , C a s i m i r o , see Gomez X O L O C O T Z I , E . , 1959-1960 Ortega chromosome n u m b e r s (see also Gomez F a r i a s , see T a m a u l i p a s S or ahum, g e n e r a r e l a t e d t o ) , Gomez M o r o n , S e b a s t i a n , in B o t a n y G O U L D , F . W „ 1958, 1960 Course, C E R V A N T E S , V . Coahuila, tribes, d i s t r i b u t i o n , (1790); V A L D E S , M. A „ H A R T L E Y , W . , 1950 1792-1793 c u l t u r e , A N O N . , 1941 cytogenetics a n d evolution, Gomez (de) O r t e g a , C a s i m i r o (see also Malvaceae, new taxa, by S T E B B I N S , G. L „ 1956. C a v a n i l l e s ; Mexico, p l a n t s , xised S e e also f o r a g e t y p e s , below in t e a c h i n g b y ) cytologv. B R O W N . W . V . . 1948; criticism of, C E R V A N T E S , V . K R I S H N A S W A M Y , N . , 1941. (1790) See also M e x i c o , below


forage types, C A R N A H A N , H. L. a n d H I L L , H . D . , 1961 ( a n d g e n e t i c s ) ; M Y E R S , W . , 1947 D e p p e collections, T H I E L E , F . L., 1834 dioecious a n d monoecious, P I L G E R , R . , 1905. See also Mexico, below d i s s e r t a t i o n , T R I N I U S , K . B „ 1824 d i s t r i b u t i o n , B E E T L E , A . A . , 1960 (in relation to age a n d o r i g i n ) ; B E W S , J . W . , 1929; H A R T L E Y , W . , 1950 (tribes); H U M B O L D T , A von, 1817; P A T O N I , C., 1912b ( D u r a n g o ) of economic i m p o r t a n c e , LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F„ 1896a. 1898a; M O O R E , A . C., 1960 embryogeny, comparative, G U I G N A R D , J . L . , 1961 f o d d e r sources, see G r a m i n e a e , t r o p i c s ; also p l a n t s , f o r a g e a n d f o d d e r sources food sources, see cereals, below; G r a m i n e a e , tropics f o r a g e species a n d t y p e s (see also G r a m i n e a e , cytology; G r a m i n e a e , f o r p a s t u r e in the t r o p i c s ) . A G U I L A R G., J . T„ 1947b; E S C O B A R , A . , 1947b ( m i j o s ) ; P I P E R , C. V . , 1925a; A N O N . , 1909n. See also plants, f o r a g e a n d f o d d e r sources F o u r n i e r , described by, B E N T H A M , G., 1882 g e n e r a of, in the 18th c e n t u r y , C L O S , D . , 1901 g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n , A B B O T T , C. G., 1931; P O R T T L L O , A., 1906-1907; A N O N . , 1909v H a c k e l ' s work, s u p p l e m e n t to, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F„ 1899a H a e n k e collections, in t h e B e r n h a r d i herbarium, L A M S O N - S C R I B N E R , F., 1899 Hitchcock, t r a v e l s in Mexico, f o r collecting, S T O C K B E R G E R , W . W . , 1911 Tzucar de M a t a m o r o s . catalogue of species, B A T A L L A , M . A., 1943 Talisco, V A R T O I J S , 1960b leaf n e r v a t i o n . F . T T I N G H A U S E N , C. von, 1866 _ L i e b m a n n . new specific t v p e s , A N O N . , 1893, 1895 M e x i c o (see nlso Mexico, g r a s s l a n d s ) , H T T C H C O C K , A. S., 1919a f o r animal i n d u s t r i e s . H E R N A N D E Z XOLOCOTZT, E . . 1958-1959 catalogue and n e w t a x a . L A M S O N - S C R T B N E R . F . and MERRTLT., E . D., 1900-O901) collections in 1894-1899, see above corrections and r a n g e e x t e n s i o n s , H T T C H C O C K . A. S., 1915 cvtologv, T A T F . O K A . T . . 1962a dioecious t a x a . F O U R N I E R , E . , 1876 distribution. F O U R N T E R . E., 1878; H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z T . E . , 1959b of economic i m p o r t a n c e . V A S E Y , G.. 1887a f o r a g e n l a n t s . A L C A R A Z . T. R . . 1913; B U L T E R . R . E . . 1958 g e n e r a in. S W A L L E N , T. R. and H E R N A N D E Z X . . E . , 1961: V A R I O U S , 1960b Tieilprin collections. LAMSON-SCRTBNER, F„ 1891 Mesa Centrnl. H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z T . E . . 1959 n e w t a x a (see also catalogue above). L A M S O N - S C R T B N E R , F . . 1900a ( P r i n c l e collections); S W A L L E N , J. R . , 1950 n o r t h e r n , see G r a m i n e a e , f o r pasture P r i n g l e collections, L A M S O N - S C R I B N E R , F., 1891. 1900a species, F O U R N T E R . F... 1872, 1886 (key t o ) ; A N O N . , 1378a ( n u m b e r s ) t r a v e l s f o r collecting, see B a j a C a l i f o r n i a a n d Hitchcock, above in t h e U . S. N a t i o n a l H e r b a r i u m , H I T C H C O C K , A. S „ 1913 V a l l e de. B A T A L L A , M . A . , 1944; B E R L A N D I E R , J . L . (n. d.)f w e s t e r n , n e w t a x a , V A S E Y , G., 1893 m i j o s , see G r a m i n e a e , f o r a g e species

INDEX Gramineae—continued monoecious and dioecious, PILGER, R., 1905 monograph, BONAFOUS, M., 1836; HACKEL, E., 1890 morphology, embryo and seedling, SARGANT, E. and ARBER, A. R., 1905 Nelson, E. W., collections, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F. and SMITH, J. G., 1897b New Mexico, monograph, WOOTON, E. O. and STANDLEY, P. C., 1912 (1911) new taxa, SWALLEN, J. R., 1943 described by Cervantes, CORDERO y HOYOS, F., 1870 proposed by Beauvois, NILES, C. D., 1925 Oaxaca, central, TARACENA FRANCO, M. M., 1947 ornamental, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1896a; ANON., 1902n pasture plants (see also Gramineae, tropical), ALBA, J. de, et al, 1953 (northern Mexico) ; ANON., 1889 phytogeny, LAMB, W. H., 1912 Poaceae, systematics, TATEOKA, T., 1957 revision, HUMBOLDT, A. and KUNTH, K. S., 1829-1834 Schiede collections, T H I E L E , F. L., 1834 species, index to, CHASE, A. and NILES, C. D., 1962 synopsis, T R I N I U S , K. B„ 1820 systematics (see also Poaceae, above) AVDULOW, N. P., 1931; BENTHAM, G., 1882 (to genera); BEWS, J. W., 1929; BROWN, W. V., 1958 (based on leaf anatomy) ; GAHN, H., 1767; HARPE, J. J. C. de la, 1825; HARZ, C. O., 1880-1882; KENNEDY, P. B., 1899 (tribes, based on caryopsis); KRAUSE, E. H. L., 1909-1910; KRISHNASWAMY, N„ 1941; LINK, H. F „ 1825 (to genera) ; P A L I S O T de BEAUVOIS, A. M. F. J., 1812; PILGER, R., 1954; PRAT, H. 1932 (based on epidermis anatomy), 1936, 1960; RASPAIL, F. V., 1825 (1826), 1826; REEDER, J. R., 1957 (based on the embryo); SCHREBER, J. C. D., 1769; T R I N I U S , K. B„ 1828-1836 (species, 1840-1849 (genera); Tamaulipas, collecting in, SWALLEN, J. R., 1932; Texas, monograph, SILVEUS, W. A., 1933 tropical species, description, TAPIA, C. and BULLER, R. E„ 1956-1957 fodder sources, ANON., 1894h food sources, HEUZE, G., 1899 forage species, T A P I A JASSO, C., 1960; VINALL, H. N., 1931 pasture plants, R I Q U E L M E INDA, J., 1937 United States, descriptions, VASEY, G., 1889 (agricultural species), 1891-1893 forage species, VASEY, G., 1889a manual, with species key, HITCHCOCK, A. S„ 1935a southwest, GOULD, F. W., 1951 (survey, systematic); VASEY, G., 1891-1893 synopsis, to genera, VASEY, G., 1883 as vegetation indicators, H E R N A N D E Z X., E. et al, 1956-1957 in Yucatan, catalogue, SOUZA NOVELO, N., 1944a collecting in, SWALLEN, J. R., 1933a to be studied, GAUMER, G. F., 1923 Yucatan, peninsula, species, key, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1934 zacate parrol ( ? ) , in Tuxpan, Veracruz, J O H N S O N , E „ 1875 Aegopogon n. sp., VASEY, G., 1886-1887. geminiflorus var. breviglumis n. var., Baja California, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F „ 1893 Agropyron (Agropyrum) anatomy, PRAT, H „ 1932 species, key, LAMSONSCRIBNER, F. and SMITH, J. G., 1897c arizonicum n. sp., see above Agrostidea, systematics, T R I N I U S , K. B„ 1840-1849

Agrostea, systematics, see above Stipacea, systematics, see above Vilfea, systematics, see above Agrostideae, systematics, REEDER, J. R., 1953 Agrostis, forage, AGRO, 1907 new species, MEZ, C. and J A N O W S K I , M., 1921 North American species, HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1905 hiemalis subsp. subrepens n. subsp., see above vulgaris, culture, ESCOBAR, R„ 1904a Andropog&n (see also Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central; prairie, tall grass) cytotaxonomic study, GOULD, F. W., 1953 Durango, chromosome numbers, GOULD, F. W., 1958, 1960 revision, F O U R N I E R , E., 1874 Amphilophis subg., new taxa. GOULD, F. W., 1957a systematics, GOULD, F. W., 1957, 1957a, 1959 barbinodis-A. saccharides complex, GOULD, F. W., 1957 bourgaei n. sp., Veracruz, HACKEL, E., 1885 furcatus, forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 halepensis, forage, in Coahuila (Palestina), PATINO, L. R., 1945 systematics, P I P E R , C. V., 1915 hallii, forage plant, ALFRED, B. W., 1946-1950 liebmanni n. sp. Veracruz, HACKEL, E „ 1885 macrourus n. sp., MICHAUX, A., 1803a saccharoides-A. barbinodis complex, GOULD, F. W., 1957 sorghum, culture, GEORGESSON, C., 1900-1901 systematics, P I P E R , C. V., 1915 sudanensi-s, forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 Andropogoneae, chromosome numbers, CELARIER, R. F., 1936 cytology and systematics, KRISHNASWAMY, N., 1941 cytotaxonomy, to subtribes, CELARIER, R. F „ 1959-1960 distribution, HARTLEY, W., 1958 maize, in the origin of, COLLINS, G. N., 1912 monograph, HACKEL, E., 1889 systematics (see also cytology and systematics and cytotaxonomy, above) KENG, Y. L., 1939 (based on morphology); K R I S H N A S W A M Y , N„ 1941 Anthephora, systematics, REEDER, J. R., 1960 Aristida, monograph, HENRARD, J. T., 1929-1933 revision, HENRARD, J. T „ 1926-1933; HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1924 (North American species) americana, and varieties, MERRILL, E., D., 1901 eggersii n. sp., HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1924 longiseta and varieties, MERRILL, E. D„ 1901 peninsularis n. sp., HITCHCOCK, A. S„ 1924 purpurea and allies, MERRILL, E. D., 1901 vaginata n. sp., Revillagigedo Islands, HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1935 Arundinaria acuminata n. sp., MUNRO, Col., 1870 Arundinariae, systematics, HOUZEAU de L E H A I E , J., 1910 Arundinella glauca n. sp., MEZ, C. and JANOWSKI, M., 1921 Avena, culture, ESCOBAR, A., 1947d; GARCIA MORENO, D., 1908a; ANON., 1935k. See also Avena sativa general information. ANON., 1900k observations, VALDES, M. A., 1784-1805 sativa, chemical study, GRANIER ARMENGOL, L„ 1937 culture, RODRIGUEZ GEDOVIUS, J., 1947. See also Avena above Axonopus affinis n. sp., CHASE, A., 1938 arsenei n. sp., Michoacan, SWALLEN, J. R., 1933 multipes n. sp., Veracruz, see above Bambusa, in America, W I L S O N , C. M-, 1945 classification, H O L T T U M , E. R., 1956

culture, PORTILLO, A., 1896-1897; STEARNS, E „ 1911 general information, ALZATE y RAMIREZ, J. A., 1788b; R I V I E R E , C„ 1902a in Latin America, McCLURE, F. A., 1952 in Mexico, general information, VARELA, A., 1953a monograph, HÖSSEUS, C. C., 1914; RIVIERE, C., 1878; R I V I E R E , A. and C„ 1878a; R U P R E C H T , F. J., 1840; SCHROETER, C., 1885 uses, ANON., 1888-1889e arundinacea, culture, MARTINEZ CHABLE, L., 1939 vulgaris, general information, M. P., 1840 Bambusaceae, genera, key to, CAMUS, E. C., 1913 Bambuseae, systematics, HOUZEAU DE LEHAIE, J., 1910; MUNRO, Col., 1870 Bambusoideae, genera, typification, McCLURE, F. A., 1957 Bealia mexicana, synonymy, REEDER, C. G., 1956 Beckmannia, relationships, REEDER, J. R., 1953 systematics, see above Bouteloua (see also Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central) Durango, chromosome numbers, GOULD, F. W., 1958, 1960 in Mexico, observations, VASEY, G., 1886-1887 n. gen., LAGASCA, M., 1805 new species, SWALLEN, J. R., 1950 systematics, G R I F F I T H S , D., 1912 annua n. sp., Baja California, SWALLEN, J. R., 1935a curtipendula, cytotaxonomic study, FRETER, L. E. and BROWN, W. C., 1955 forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 eriopoda, in Mexico sand dunes, CAMPBELL, R. S., 1929 gentryi n. sp., Durango, Sinaloa, GOULD, F. W., 1949 gracilis, in Chihuahua, SNYDER, L. A. and HARLAN, J. R., 1953 forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 pringlei, in Guerrero, LAMSONSCRIBNER, F., 1901a uniflora, cytotaxonomic study, F R E T E R , L. E. and BROWN, W. C., 1955 warnockii n. sp., GOULD, F. W., and KAPODIA, Z. J., 1962 Brachiaria, North America, revision, HITCHCOCK, A. S. and CHASE, A., 1920 ophryodes n. sp., Nuevo Leon, see above platyphvlla, relationships, REEDER, J. R., 1953 Bromus (see also Mexico, Mesa Central) America, North, revision, SHEAR, C. L., 1900. See also Bromopsis sect., below forage plant, ANON., 1898s Mexico, Fournier's taxa, SHEAR, C. L., 1901 new taxa, SWALLEN, T. R.. 1950 nomenclature, sections, TOURNAY, R„ 1961 Bromopsis sect, (see also Bromus, nomenclature), America, North revision, WAGNON, H. K„ 1912 catharticus, forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 Ceratochloa sect., see nomenclature, above cernuus n. sp., SWALLEN, J. R„ 1958 dolichocarpus n. sp., WAGNON, H. K., 1950 exaltatus n. sp., BERNHARDI, J. J., 1841 Genea sect., see Bromus, nomenclature inermis, uses, ANON., 1913(1) mexicanus, changed to Triticum scaberrimum, TAUSCH, J. F., 1837 mucroglumis n. sp., WAGNON, H. K„ 1950 Nevskiella, sect., see Bromus, nomenclature Buchloe, see Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central Calamagrostis, Mexico, new taxa, SOHNS, E. R„ 1956b Calamochloa, in San Luis Potosi, description, SOHNS, E. R„ 1956 Cathestecum, new species, SWALLEN, J. R„ 1937

systematics, see above erectum n. sp., Sonora, Palmer collection, VASEY, G., 1884 Cenchrus, North America monograph, NASH, G. V., 1895a revision, HITCHCOCK, A. S. and CHASE, A., 1920 Chaboissea ligulata, in Guanajuato, SOHNS, E. R„ 1953a Chaeti-um, in Morelos, chromosome numbers, GOULD, F. W., 1958, 1960 Chaetochloa, North America, revision, HITCHCOCK, A. S„ 1920a latifolia n. sp., LAMSONSCRIBNER, F., 1898 rigida, transferred to Setaria palmeri, HENRARD, J. T., 1938-1940 Chlorideae, cytology and systematics, KRISHNASWAMY, N., 1941 systematics, REEDER, J. R., 1953 Chloris, culture, ITIE, G., 1946a Durango, chromosome numbers, GOULD F. W., 1958, 1960 forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 North America, revision, NASH, G. V., 1898 berroi, morphology, REEVES, R. G., 1958 cucullata n. sp., BISCHOFF, G. W „ 1853 gayana, agricultural thesis, ORTEGA C., J., 1926 Chusquea, new species, Chiapas, SWALLEN, J. R., 1940 mexicana n. sp., HACKEL, E., 1902 mulleri n. sp., MUNRO, Col., 1870 nelsoni n. sp., LAMSONSCRIBNER, F. and SMITH J. G., 1897b Coix lachryma (lacryma), Campeche, FLORES, R. S., 1911 lachryma (lacryma)-j obi, uses, GONZALEZ CASANOVA, P., 1923 Cymbopogon citratus, chemical thesis, GONZALEZ AYALA, E., 1944 Cynodon dactyloides (for dactylon?), forage plant, X. Y. Z., 1895 dactylon, culture, LAMSONSCRIBNER, F., 1901; OBREGON, M. B„ 1936 forage plant, ESCOBAR, R„ 1901-1903 introduced to Michoacan, LAGRANGE, A., 1898 Dactylis, uses, ANON., 1913 (1). glomerata, forage plant, ANON., 1927n Danthonia mexicana, transferred to Metcalfia, CONERT, H. J., 1960 n. sp., LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1891 Deschampsia mexicana n. sp., SWALLEN, J. R„ 1958 Digitaria, monograph, HENRARD, J . T., 1950 adscendens, distinguished from D. sanguinalis, EBINGER, J. E., 1962 Digitaria sanguinaria, see above Dissanthelium calycilum, Nevado de Toluca and Ixtaccihuatl, HITCHCOCK, A. S„ 1923 Distichlis, systematics, BEETLE, A. A., 1955 palmeri, FASSETT, N. C., 1923 spicata, characters, OGDEN, E. L., 1897 Lago de Texcoco, RZEDOWSKI, J., 1957 North America, varieties, BEETLE, A. A., 1943a texana «. sp., LAMSONSCRIBNER, F.. 1899b Echinochloa, America, North, HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1920a (revision); WIEGAND, K. M . , 1921 Elymus (see also prairie, tall grass) California, species, GOULD, F. W., 1947 Enneapogon, Durango, chromosome numbers, GOULD, F. W., 1958, 1960 Epicampes, agricultural thesis, SALAZAR, C„ 1945 for brushes, ANON., 1886b general information, ANON., 1887f histology, HUERTA, L., and ANCONA H., L., 1938 in Michoacan, BONAVIT, J „ 1906 new species, MEZ, C. and M. J A N O W S K I , 1921

in Papaloapan, Cuenca del, A T T O L I N I , J . , 1948

paper source, ANON., 1919i uses, DEWILDEMAN, E., 1906 crassiculmis n. sp., Sonora, P I P E R , C. V., 1905 leptoura n. sp., Chihuahua, see above macrotis n. sp., Zacatecas, see above

INDEX Gramineae—continued macroura (see also Mexico, grass zones) for brooms, J A C K S O N , J . R., 1887 for brushes, B R A U N , K „ 1912 fiber source, R E K O , V . A., 1933a stricta, for brushes, B R A U N , K., 1912 fiber source, M A R T I N E Z , I . R., 1914 Eragrostis, Chihuahua, chromosome numbers, G O U L D . , F . W . , 1958, 1960 forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 species, key to, M A T T E I , G. E . and T R O P E A , C., 1909 systematics, J I R A S E K , V., 1952 glandulosa n. sp., Guerrero, H A R V E Y , L. H., 1954 longiramea n. sp., Tamaulipas, S W A L L E N , J. R., 1931 mexicana, see Poa mexicana obtusiflora, morphology, leaf O G D E N , E . L., 1897 oreophila n. sp., H A R V E Y , L . H . , 1954 praetermissa n. sp., Michoacan, H A R V E Y , L. H „ 1954 pringlei, systematics, H E N R A R D , J . T., 1938-1940 scribneriana, transferred to E. pringlei q.v. yucatana n. sp., H A R V E Y L. H . , 1954 Eragrostoideae, distribution, H A R T L E Y , W . and S L A T E R , C„ 1960 Erianthus, ancestor of Saccharum (?) M U K H E R J E E , S. E., 1957 revision, M U K H E R J E E , S. K., 1958 systematics, A N D E R S S O N , N. J . , 1855 Eriochloa n. sp., V A S E Y , G., 1886-1887 nelsoni n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F . and S M I T H , J . G., 1897b Euchlaena (see also Zea mays, introgression) chromosomes, morphology, L O N G L E Y , A. E . , 1937, 1941; T I N G , Y. C., 1958 crosses, see Euchlaena hybrids culture, A L M A Z A N , P., 1882 cytogenetics, O ' M A R A , J . G., 1942 distribution, K E M P T O N , J . H . , 1938 edible a f t e r popping, B E A D L E , G. W . , 1939 Europe, introduction into, S C H W E 1 N F U R T H , G., 1878 flowering, control of, E M E R S O N , R. A., 1924 fodder source, A N O N . , 1894h forage plant, E S C O B A R , R., 1901-1903; L E C U O N A , G., L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1908a general information, A S C H E R S O N , P., 1877 growth and development, M E L H U S , I. E., 1959 Guatemala, in, K E M P T O N , J . H . and P O P E N O E , W., 1937; M E L H U S , I. E . and C H A M B E R L A I N , I. M., 1953 Guerrero, in, J E N K I N S , M. T . , 1943 history, G R I S A R D , J., 1896 Honduras, in, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1950 hybrid of Zea mays and Tripsacum, M A N G E S L D O R F , P. C. and R E E V E S , R. G., 1931, 1935, 1938, 1939a hybrid with Tripsacum, C O L L I N S , G. N. and K E M P T O N , J . H „ 1914 hybrids with Zea mays, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1919a, 1920; H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W . , 1896a, 1898a; L A N G H A M , D. G., 1940; O ' M A R A , J . G., 1942; R O G E R S , J. S. 1950 (inflorescence) ; SOSAB O U R D O I L , C. and M I E G E , E., 1936 "metamorphosis" into maize, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1925; A N O N . , 1895k Mexico, in, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1921a origin of, R E E V E S , R. G., 1953a phylogeny, A S C H E R S O N , P . F. A.. 1876a; L O P E Z y P A R R A , R., 1908a Reana luxurians, t r a n s f e r r e d to, A S C H E R S O N , P. F . A., 1876 systematics, see above; also R E E V E S , R. G. and M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C „ 1942

uses, A N O N . , 1911d Zea, relationship to (see also hybrids and metamorphosis, above) B U R B A N K , L., 1913; S C H U M A N N , K., 1904 in the evolution of, W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1918, 1924 and the origin of, B E A D L E , G. W., 1939; B L A R I N G H E M , L., 1924; B R I E G E R , F . G., 1943; C A S T R O , D. D. de, 1939; L O P E Z , R., 1908a Zea tunicata, relationship to, C O L L I N S , G. N „ 1912 bourgaei n. sp., F O U R N I E R , E . , 1876 giovannini (formerly Reana) in Mexico, B R 1 G N O L I a B R U N N H O F F , F. DE, 1849 luxurians (formerly Reana), compared with Tripsacum, B A 1 L L O N , H . E „ 1877, 1877a, 1878 crossed with Zea mays, V I L M O R I N , P. L. de, 1907 culture, C H A L O T , C., 1901-1902 forage plant, E L A G E R D E J A L A P A , 1912; V A S E Y , G„ 1888a in horticulture, B Ü R V E N I C H , F., 1879 morphology, BATLLON, H . E., 1878; H A N A U S E K , T . F . , 1881 ( f r u i t ) mexicana, biology of, G R E B E N S C I K O V , I., 1953 culture, G U A R D I O L A , J . , 1913 forage plant in Italy, S P R E N G E R , C., 1907 growth and development, M E L H U S , I. E . and A H R E N S , J . F . , 1959a hybrid with Zea, B U K A S O V , S., 1926, 1938 hybridized with Zea mays tunicata, K H A N K H O J E , P . , 1935-1940 identification of, A N D R E , E . , 1877 identification with Reana luxuriansi ?), B A I L L O N , H . E., 1878 inflorescence, teratology, H A R R I S , T. A., 1912 synonymy, F O U R N I E R , E . , 1876a perennis n. sp., Jalisco, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1922 Eustachys, North America, revision, N A S H , G. V., 1898 Eutriana fientarrhaphis. synonymy, T R I N T U S , K. B., 1824 Festuca, America, North, monograph, P I P E R , C. V., 1906. 1913 general information, A N O N . , 1899k Mexico, species, S A I N T - Y V E S , A., 1924-1926 new species, S W A L L E N , J . R., 1950 systematics, L I T A R D I E R E , R. de, 1943-1946 amplissima (see also Mexico, grass zones), fiber source, M A R T I N E Z , I. R „ 1914 Festucaceae, systematics, L O H A U S S , K „ 1905 Festuceae, genera, enumeration, T A T E O K A , T., 1962 Vulpia, systematics. H E N R A R D , J. T., 1935-1937 Festucoideae, svstematics, R E E D E R , J . R., 1953 Fourniera mexicana n. sp., Acapulco, L A M S O N - S C R I B N E R , F., 1897a Gouinia, systematics, S W A L L E N , J . R., 1935; T A T E O K A , T . , 1961 brandegei, Leptochloa brandeqei transferred to, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1903 Gynerium arncnteum, culture, MARTTNEZ CHABLE, L„ 1910; A N O N . , 1912e Hilaria (see also Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central; Mexico, northern, Hilaria llanos) Durango, chromosome numbers, G O U L D . F. W . . 1958, 1960 monograph, Mexico, S O H N S , E . R., 1956a species, key to, CORY, V . L., 1948a berlanqeri. forace plant, A L L R E D , B. W., 1946-1950 hintonii n. sp., S O H N S , E . R., 1956a jamesi, forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 mutica, forage plant, see above semplei n. sp., S O H N S , E . R., 1956a


swalleni n. sp., C O R Y , V . L., 1948a Holcus halepensis (see also Sorghum halepense) destruction of, B E N I T E Z y L E A L , F . , 1908 field pest, A N O N . , 1928q forage plant, R I O S , E., 1928 uses, A N O N . , 1918a as a weed, S T E V E N S O N , J . A., 1918 Holcus saccharatus, forage plant, A N O N . , 1905c Hoplismenus, see Oplismenus Hordeum, culture, E S C O B A R , A., 1947d; F L O R E S P A Z , I „ 1920; M I R A M O N T E S M „ H . , 1948a; A N O N . , 1866d, 1943e North America, species, C O V A S , G.,1949 species, key to, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F . and S M I T H , J . G., 1897c for tortillas, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1786-1787c vulgare, culture, M A R I N , L., 1944; S O S A , J. M., 1895 varieties for beer, O L I V A R E S , D., 1919a Hymenachne, systematics, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L „ 1861-1862a Ichnanthus, North America, revision, H I T C H C O C K , A. S. and C H A S E , A., 1920 apiculatus n. sp., Veracruz, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1901a lanceolatus, forage plant, A N O N . , 1907 n. sp., Yucatan, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F . and S M I T H , J . G., 1897d Imperata hookeri n. sp., A N D E R S O N , N. J . , 1855 Isachne, North America, revision, H I T C H C O C K , A. S „ 1920a Ixophorus, species, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F „ 1897 unisetus, morphology, floral, S O H N S , E. R., 1953 nomenclatural history, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1919 Jouvea, morphology, O G D E N , E. L., 1897 ( l e a f ) ; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1939 n. gen., F O U R N I E R , E., 1876 systematics, W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1939 pilosa, description, P I L G E R , R., 1905 n. sp., L A M S O N - S C R I B N E R , F . , 1896 straminea, description, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F „ 1888, 1890, 1896; P I L G E R , R „ 1905 n. sp., F O U R N I E R , E., 1876 Koeleria (see also prairie, tall grass) monograph, D O M I N , K., 1907 Krombholzia latifolia n. sp., F O U R N I E R , E., 1876 _ Lasiacis, North America, revision, H I T C H C O C K , A. S. and C H A S E , A., 1920 Leersia mexicana, description, M U E L L E R , K., 1856 Leptochloa, North America, species, key to, H I T C H C O C K , A. S „ 1903 brandeuei, transferred to Gouinia, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1903 mexicana n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1891 Leptocoryphium lanatum, based on Paspalum lanatum, C H A S E , A., 1906-1911 Leptoloma n. gen., C H A S E , A., 1906-1911 Lesourdia n. gen., F O U R N I E R , E . , 1880 karwinskyana n. sp., F O U R N I E R , F . 1880 multiflora n. sp., see above Lolium italicum, culture, L E O N , L. L „ 1911 Lycurus, see Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central Matuaacalamus n. gen. ( l a x u s ) , Chiapas, M A E K A W A , F „ 1961 Maydeae. fruit, evolution of, G A L I N A T , W . C., 1956a morphology, R E E V E S , R. G., 1953a systematics, R E E V E S , R. G., and M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C., 1942 Melica, cytotaxonomy, B O Y L E , W . S., 1945 montezumae n. sp., Chihuahua and Coahuila, P I P E R , C. V., 1905 Melinis minutiflora, culture, R E N S O N , C., 1931 forage plant, C A L V I N O , M., 1938 general information, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1925a

insect repellant, M O R G A N , E., 1940 Mexico, introduction to, A N O N . , 1926e tick repellant, C A L V I N O , M., 1917-1918; G A N D A R A , G., 1932a value, C A L V I N O , M. and R E N S O N , C., 1925a Metcalfia n. gen., based on Danthonia mexicana, C O N E R T , H . J., 1960 Miscanthus, systematics, A N D E R S S O N , N. J., 1855 Monanthochloe littoralis, description, P I L G E R , R., 1905 Muhlenbergia, also as Muehlenbergia (see also Gramineae, Mexico, Mesa Central) Durango, chromosome numbers, G O U L D , F . W . , 1958, 1960 Mexico, new taxa, S O H N S , E . R., 1956b new species, M E Z , C. and M. J A N O W S K I , 1921; S W A L L E N , J . R „ 1950, 1958; V A S E Y , G„ 1886-1887 species, synonymy, T R I N I U S , K. B., 1824 arisonica, in Mexico, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1888, 1890 articulata n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1891 biloba, relationships, R E E D E R , C. G., 1956 brandegei n. sp., B a j a California, R E E D E R , C. G., 1956 brevis n. sp., R E E D E R , C. G., 1941 eludens n. sp., R E E D E R , C. G., 1949 flaviseta n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F „ 1897e fragilis n. sp., S W A L L E N , J . R., 1947 gracilis, fiber source, M A R T I N E Z , I. R., 1914 lucida n. sp., Chihuahua, S W A L L E N , J . R., 1936 macroura, see Epicampes macroura mexicana, description, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1907 forms, F E R N A L D , M. L., 1943 forma ambigua, in California, R U B T Z O F F , P., 1961 minutissima, and allied species, R E E D E R , C. G., 1949 pectinata n. sp., R E E D E R , C. G., 1941 polycaulis n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1911 polypogonoides n. sp., H A C K E L , E., 1902 schmitzii n. sp., H A C K E L , E . , 1902 subaristata n. sp., Durango, S W A L L E N , J . R., 1936 trifida n. sp., Michoacan, H A C K E L , E., 1910 Neeragrostis n. gen., B U S H , B. F . , 1903 Olyreae (with Olyra yucatana), C H A S E , A., 1906-1911 Opisia stolonifera, description, P I L G E R , R., 1905 Oplismenus (Hoplismenus'), North America, revision, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1920a transferred to Panicum, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1861-1862

Orcuttia, systematics, H O O V E R , R. F . , 1941a n . gen. {californica) B a j a California, V A S E Y , G., 1886 fragilis n. sp., Baja California, S W A L L E N , J. R., 1944 Oryza (see also Morelos, health conditions) for beer O R I Z A GARCIA, M. DE L., 1947 chemistry of polishings, F L O R E S O R D O N E Z , A. E., 1945 culture, A L A R C O N M E N D T Z A B A L , E., 1951; B E L T R A N QUTROZ, E., 1947; D. P., J. DE, 1898-1899; E M B I , , R., 1931; G A R C I A O S E S , R., 1905; I B A R R A , D. S., 1947a; M A R I N , L., 1924b; M E N A y G O M E Z , A., 1885; R U I Z DE V E L A S C O , C., 1941; V E L A R D E , F. M., 1944; A N O N . , 1866h, 1873d, 1887j, 1907a in Campeche, I B A R R A , D. S., 1942a in Colima, D U V A L L O N , J., 1891-1892; A N O N . , 1904t in Michoacan, V A R I O U S , 1889-1891 in Morelos, C H A C O N A L D R E T E , O., 1954; C O R R E U T O L E D O , D., 1930; U R I B E J A S S O , S., 1928

INDEX Gramineae—continued in the Rio Culiacan Valley, GARCIA BARAJAS, N., 1949 in the Yaqui region, ALMADA O., H., 1944 medicinal plant, ARAGON GAMIOCHIPI, A., 1938 monograph, MUNOZ, R., 1939 observations, VALDES, M. A., 1784-1805 phytogeography, R E I N , J., 1875-1878 "salvado de arroz," animal food, FORTUM, L., 1911 sativa, agricultural thesis, SAN VICENTE, A., 1918 culture, MANGEL N„ R., 1938; SCHWARZBECK, J., 1941 in Sonora) systematics, T R I N I U S , K. B., 1940-1849 varieties, P E R E Z AGUIRRE, R., 1956 Orysopsis pringlei, changed from Stipa, BEAL, W. J., 1890 Paniceae, cytologv, BURTON, G. W., 1942; K R I S H N A S W A M Y , N., 1941 distribution, H A R T L E Y , W., 1958 genera, CHASE, A., 1906-1911 (key to); T R I N I U S , K. B., 1835 systematics, K R I S H N A S W A M Y , N., 1941; REEDER, . JR., 1960 Panicoideae, sheath plastids, RHOADES, M. M. and CARVALHO, A., 1944 systematics, REEDER, J. R., 1953 Panicum (see also prairie, tall grass) and allied penera, characters, BLAKE, S. T., 1958 America, North, synopsis, HITCHCOCK. A. S. and CHASE, A., 1910 tropical species, HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1915a Hoplismenus species transferred to, SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L.. 1861-1862 Mexico, new taxa, SOHNS, E. R., 1956b new species, MEZ, C., 1920-1921; SWALLEN, J. R., 1950 species, catalogue, SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L., 1853c systematics, SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L., 1853a United States, systematics, SILVEUS, W. A., 1942 altissimum, culture, SEGURA, J. C., 1877-1878 barbinode, forage plant, ESCOBAR, R„ 1901-1903 biglandulare n. sp., LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F. and SMITH, J. G., 1897b Capillaria group, relationships, F A I R B R O T H E R S , D. E., 1953 crus-galli, forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 havardii n. sp., Chihuahua, VASEY, G., 1887 jumentorum, in the Huasteca, MEDELLIN, S., 1904 laxiflorum var. strictirameum comb. nov., FERNALD, M. L., 1934 maximum, forage plant, ESCOBAR, R., 1900-1901, 1901-1903; ORTIZ y BERUMEN, D., 1948; ANON., 1888-1889g (in Soconusco) miliaceum, general information, ANON., 1903k molle, forage plant, X. Y. Z., 1895 in the Huasteca, MEDELLIN, S., 1904 purpurascens, forage plant, ORTIZ y BERUMEN, D„ 1948 Mexico, introduction to, I T I E , G., 1939 schmitzii n. sp., HACKEL, E., 1902 transient n. sp., Tamaulipas, SWALLEN, J. R„ 1931 virgatum, forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 Pappophoreae, see Calamochloa Paspalum, America, tropical, new species, CHASE, A., 1937 culture, ABAD, J. R., 1907 monograph, FLUEGGE, J., 1810 North America, species, key to, CHASE, A., 1929 systematics, PILGER, R„ 1929; SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L., 1853a United States, systematics, SILVEUS, W. A., 1942 alcalinum n. sp., San Luis Potosi MEZ, C., 1917a hintoni n. sp., CHASE, A., 1937

lanatum, changed to Leptocoryphium, CHASE, A., 1906-1911 purpusii n. sp., MEZ, C„ 1920-1921 Pennisetum, America, North, species, CHASE, A., 1921 culture, MARIN, L„ 1934a systematics, LEEKE, P., 1907 pringlei n. sp., see above prolificum n. sp., CHASE, A., 1921 purpureum, culture, ESCOBAR, A., 1947c forage plant, ORTIZ y BERUMEN, D„ 1948 typhoideum, forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 Pentarrhaphis, Durango, chromosome numbers, GOULD, F. W., 1958, 1960 species, key to, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1888, 1890 fourneriana, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1888, 1890 scabra, transferred to Eutriana pentarrhaphis, T R I N I U S , K. B., 1824 Phalaridea, monograph, T R I N I U S , K. B., 1840 Phalaris, systematics, ANDERSON, D. E., 1961 canariensis, general information, ANON., 1903k Phleum pratense, forage plant, ESCOBAR, R., 1901-1903 uses, ANON., 1913 (1) Phyllostachys, see Bambuseae Poa, new species, SWALLEN, J. R., 1950 origin and distribution, HARTLEY, W., 1961 mexicana, description, MARTENS, M., 1844 mulleri n. sp., Nuevo Leon, SWALLEN, J. R., 1940 pratensis, forage plant, ESCOBAR, R., 1901-1903 Poaceae, systematics, TATEOKA, T„ 1957 Podochaenium, in Mexico, SCHULTZ, C. H„ 1862 Podosaemum mucronatum, transferred to Muhlenbergia, T R I N I U S , K. B., 1824 Polypogon australis, in Baja California, RUBTZOFF, P., 1961a mexicanus n. sp. SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F . L., 1843a Pringleochloa n. gen. LAMSON-SCRIBNER, 1895 stolonifera, description, PILGER, R„ 1905 Reana, see Euchlaena luxurians ; E. mexicana Reimaria, monograph, FLUEGGE, J., 1810 Rkachidospermum mexicanum n. sp., La Paz, VASEY, G., 1890a Saccharum (see also dictionary, agricultural; Mexico, northeast, coastal plain, plants, cultivated; Zacatecas, Juchipila, agriculture), D E S P O R T E , J. B. R. P., 1770 officinarum, agricultural thesis, CHAVEZ, A., 1926; OJEDA HERRERA, J. P., 1952; SALAZAR S., C. M „ 1943; ZAMORANO CRUZ, E., 1946 in America, WILSON, C. M „ 1945 chemical study, SILVA, M., 1923 chocolate, used in, BUC'HOZ, P. J., 1812 culture, FERNANDEZ DEL CAMPO, L. (1896); GOROZPE L„ 1910; GUTIERREZ, I. J., 1885; J I M E N E Z , L. R., 1926; MAC1AS, C., 1915b; MIRAMONTES M„ H „ 1948; PORTAS, R. de, 1872; REYNOSO, A., 1865; RUIZ DE VF.LASCO, A., 1894; SAMANO, C. (1885); SANCHEZ SOLIS, F. X., 1948; TOVAR ROMERO, F., 1896; VARIOUS, 1889-1891 in America, CHASTENET DESTERE, G. 1800 in Baja California, DOMINGUEZ S.. F., 1951 in Campeche, IBARRA, D. S„ 1947 in El Potrero, ITIE, M., 1938 in Jalisco, NAVARRETE RODRIGUEZ, A., 1949 in Los Mochis, FALOMIR, T. 0., 1944; NARZAGARAY. J. B„ 1933 in Mexico. CURENO SALA-

ZAR, E., 1953; RUIZ DE VELASCO, 1937 (history); TELLEZ, O., 1916 in Michoacan, ABARCA, P. G., 1874-1875 in Morelos, ESTRADA, P., 1885; PEREZ GONZALEZ. E., 1953 in Papaloapan, GARCIA, C. M., 1956 in Taretan, POSADA TORRES, F„ 1942 in Tlalquiltenango de Juarez, SALAZAR RANGEL, C„ 1940 in Veracruz, CARDENAS, A., 1899; CORDERO, M. et al, 1878 in Yucatan, LARA VEGA, R., 1939 in Zacatepec, CABRERA ALVAREZ, F„ 1944; I T I E . M., 1939 distribution SUCK, W „ 1900 history, SURFACE, G. T., 1910; see also origin, below monograph, DELTEIL, A., 1884; DILLEW1JN, C. VAN, 1952; MARTINEAU, G. and EASTICK, F. C., 1910; NEWLANDS, J. A. R. and B. A. R. (1882); ORTEGA, A., 1863; ROSSIGNON. J., 1859 natural history, QUELUS, D. DE, 1719 origin and distribution, M U K H E R J E E , S. K., 1957 production, in Mexico, ANON., 1901s sugar growing zones, Mexico, see Mexico, sugar growing zones systematics, ALCANTARA, M. C„ 1936; ANDERSSON, N. J., 1855; EARLE, F. S., 1928 treatise, DEERR, N„ 1911 in Yucatan, AZNAR BARBACHANO, T., 1850 Scleropogon, morphology, floral, PILGER, R., 1940 Senites, Zeugites hartwegi transferred to, ARTHUR, _ J. C., 1919 Setaria, America, North, revision, ROM1NGER, J. M., 1962 cyto-taxonomy, EMERY, W. H. P., 1957 new species, HERRMANN, W., 1911; VASEY, G., 1886-1887 species, SCHLECHTENDAL, D. F. L., 1861-1862b systematics and phylogeny, HERRMANN, W „ 1911 arizonica n. sp., ROMINGER, J. M., 1962 germanica, forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 glauca, culture, GIROLA, C. D., . 1907 italica, and allies, systematics, HUBBARD, F. T., 1915 forage plant, ESCOBAR, A., 1932 latiglumis, transferred to Setariopsis, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F „ 1901a macrostachya, and relatives, EMERY, W. H. P., 1957 reproduction, EMERY, W. H. P., 1957a palmeri, systematics, HENRARD, J. T., 1938-1940 Setariopsis latiglumis, synonymy, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F „ 1901a scribneri n. sp., Yucatan, MEZ, C., 1917 Sitanion hystrix, in Mexico, Valle de, I T I E CANTELUE, G., 1946 Sorghastrum, see prairie, tall grass; also Sorghum, distribution Sorghum and allies, chromosome numbers, KARPER, R. E. and CHISHOLM, A. T., 1936 compared with Zea mays, ANON., 1896 corn substitute, TORNEL, .OLVERA, L„ 1945 cultivated forms, HACKEL, E., 1886; SNOWDEN, J. D., 1935 (systematics) culture, ESCOBAR, A., 1946; RUIZ SANDOVAL, A., 1880 cytology, H U S K I N S , C. L„ and SMITH, S. G., 1932, 1934; LONGLEY, A. E., 1932 distribution, GARBER, E. D., 1950 forage plant, PUIG y NATTINO, J., 1918; see also species, below genera related to, chromosome

numbers, KARPER, R. E. and CHISHOLM, A. T „ 1936 general information, AYBAR, A., 1910 species, ESCOBAR, R., 1910a (forage plants); SOUZA NOVELO, N., 1944b (selected) sugar source, DAVILA C., M., 1944 systematics (see also cultivated forms, above), PECH, F., 1866; VINALL, H. N. et al, 1936 (varieties) bicolor, nomenclature, S H I N N E R S , L. H., 1956a Eu-Sorghum, cytology, GARBER, E., 1944 species, key, SNOWDEN, J. D., 1955 halepense (see also Holcus halepensis) culture, ANON., 1888-1889d forage plant, ESCOBAR, R., 1901-1903 as a weed, STEVENSON, J. A., 1918 Para-Sorghum, cytology, GARBER, E., 1944 cytotaxonomy, see Sorghastrae polyploid species, GARBER, E., 1954 saccharatum, culture, ANON., 1881-1882

introduced into Yucatan, BERENDT, G., 1859 nomenclature, SHINNERS, L. H „ 1956a Sorghastrae (Para-Sorghum and Stipo-Sorghum), cytotaxonomy, GARBER, E. D., 1950 Stipo-Sorghum, polyploid species, GARBER, E„ 1954 trichocladum, distribution, GARBER, E. D., 1950 vulgare, culture, GARCIA MUNOZ, J. M„ 1897; STEARNS, E., 1911a nomenclature, SHINNERS, L. H „ 1956a var. saccharatum, culture, MARIN, L., 1937a var. sudanense, forage plant . ESCOBAR, A., 1932 Spartina (see also prairie, tall grass) America, North, species, key to, MOBBERLEY, D. G., 1956 monograph, SAINT-YVES, A., 1931-1934 densiflora, synonymy, VASEY, G.. 1891 gouini, synonymy, VASEY, G., 1891 junciformis, synonymy, see above Sporobolus (see also prairie, tall grass) keys, based on fruits and flowers, COLBRY, V. L„ 1957 Mexico, native to, HERNANDEZ X., E. and MARTINEZ M„ F., 1957 new taxa, SOHNS. E. R„ 1956b; VASEY, G., 1886-1887 airoides, forage plant. ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 expansns n. so.. Baia California, LAMSON-SCRIBNER, F., 1893 hintoniin. sp.. Temascaltepec, HARTLEY, W„ 1941 palmeri n. sp.. LAMSONSCRIBNER, F., 1898 plumbeus, in Mexico, LAMSONSCRIBNER, F., 1897e poaeoides n. sp., Puebla, HACKEL, E„ 1911 schaffneri n. sp.. MEZ. C. and M. JANOWSKI, 1921 splendens n. sp., SWALLEN, J. R., 1958 Stipa (see also prairie, tall grass) North America, revision, HITCHCOCK, A. S„ 1925 acuta n. sp., Coahuila, SWALLEN, J. R., 1940 arsenii n. sp., Michoacan, HACKEL, E., 1910 bracteata n. sp., Baja California, SWALLEN, J. R„ 1940 clandestina n. sp., Michoacan, HACKEL, E„ 1910 leucotricha, forage plant, ALLRED, B. W., 1946-1950 linearis n. sp., Nuevo Leon, SWALLEN, J. R„ 1940 pringlei, changed to Orysopsis, BEAL, W. J., 1890 Strephium strictiflorum n. sp., FOURNIER, E., 1876 Trachypogon preslei n. sp., ANDERSSON, N. J., 1857 Tricholaena rosea in Mexico, I T I E , G., 1945 Triniochloa n. sp., HITCHCOCK, A. S., 1913

INDEX Gramineae—continued Triodia, North America, key to species, B U S H , B. F., 1902 erogrostoid.es, in Arizona, B E N S O N , L., 1942c Tripsacum (see also Zea mays, introgression) America, North, synopsis, H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1906 chromosomes, L O N G L E Y , A. E „ 1941 crossed with Zea mays and Euchlaena, M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C., and R E E V E S , R. G „ 1931, 1935. See also Euchlaena, below diploid species, H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E . and R A N D O L P H , L. F „ 1950 Euchlaena, hybrid with, C O L L I N S , G. N. and K E M P T O N , J . H . , 1914. See also crossed with Zea above mexicana, relation to, A S C H E R S O N , P . F . A., 1876a Mexico, cytotaxonomy, R A N D O L P H , L. F . and HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E . , 1950 Reana, compared with, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1877, 1877a, 1878 relationships to Zea and Euchlaena (see also crossed with Zea, and Euchlaena both above) M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C., 1950. See also Zea mays, below systematics, C U T L E R , H . C. and A N D E R S O N , E., 1941 Zea mays, in the evolution of, W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1918 and origin of, C A S T R O , D. D . de, 1939 australe and allies, C U T L E R , H . C., 1947 dactyloides hispidumn. ssp., H I T C H C O C K , A. S., 1906 fasciculatum, culture, R E N S O N , C., 1913 maizar, genetics, V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 hybrid with T. zopilotense, P R Y W E R , L., C., 1960 meiosis in, P R Y W E R , L. C., 1954 1960 n. sp., Guerrero, R A N D O L P H , L F. and H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E . , 1950 monostachyon, synonymy, F O U R N I E R , E „ 1876a zopilotense, cytology, P R Y W E R L . , C., 1960 genetics, V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 hybrid with T. maizar, P R Y W E R L., 1960 n. sp., Guerrero, R A N D O L P H , L., F. and H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E., 1950 Trisetum rosei n. sp., Popocatepetl, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 Triticum, agricultural thesis, S A L A Z A R , R. J., 1956 "blanquillo," see trigo blanquillo, below „ chemical study, Z E D I L L O , S., 1923 cultivated in government experiment stations, Z E R T U C H E R., M. del C „ 1944 cultivated species, distribution, D R O E G E , O. A., 1890 culture, B O U S S I N G A U L T , J . B. J . D., 1875-1876; C O R D E R O , A., 1943; D I A Z de L E O N , J . , 1895m; D O R C A , A., 1898a; G O M E Z , M., 1924; GONZALEZ GALLARDO, A., 1938-1941; O R T I Z M „ H . , 1941; S A N C H E Z , N., 1903-1904; S E G U R A , J . C., 1906; A N O N . , 1866j; A N O N . , 1900b effect on natural vegetation, B O R L A U G , N. E „ 1958 in L a Laguna, V A R G A S B E C E R R A , I., 1946 in Michoacan, V A R I O U S , 1889-1891 in Navidad, R I V E R A M O L I N A , M., 1955 in Sierra de Arteaga, S U A R E Z I., M. C., 1936 in the Distrito Federal, C O R R E A , J . A., 1887 emmer type, see spelt and emmer types food source, F E R N A N D E Z R U B I O , I., 1936 general information, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1784-1799d in Jalisoo, B A I L E Y , C. H., 1904 in La Laguna area, F L O R E S G R A N A D O S , E . G., 1955 in Mexico, B A I L E Y , C. H „ 1904; LKROY, J . A. 1905

distribution in, D I C K E N , S. N „ 1939a history of, A N O N . , 1846g varieties, B O R L A U G , N . E. et al, 1949 ( n e w ) ; A N O N . , 1937j in Michoacan, production, R A M O S , R., 1908 varieties cultivated in, G A R C I A , F. C„ 1908 monograph, V I T E L A , M., 1900 morphology, C A S T I L L A C H A C O N , F . , 1952 observations, V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805 origin, I L I N , M „ 1947; R O S A , L. DE LA, 1846 in Sonora, B A I L E Y , C. H . . 1904 spelt and emmer types, forage, E S C O B A R , R., 1901-1903 systematics, varieties, A C U N A , A. (n. d.) trigo blanquillo, effect on health, T O R R E S M O R E N O , J . de, 1677 food source, A N O N . , 17th cent. ( ? ) uses, L I M A y E S C A L A D A , A., 1692 varieties, A N O N . , 1897h scaberrimum, synonymy, T A U S C H , J . F., 1837 vulqare, culture in Culiacan, Rio, ' Valle de, M A R T I N E Z S., V., 1955 Vulpia, see Gramineae, Festuceae Zea (see also Codex Yanhuitlan; etymology, place names, based on corn or maize) and the American Indian, A B B O T T , C. G., 1931 Aztec terminology, see vocabulary, Aztec Campeche, common names in, B E L T R A N , E., 1959 in Cheran, Michoacan, B E A L S , R. L., 1946 corn cobs, for fodder, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1786-1787 corn popping methods, A N D E R S O N , E., 1950a culture, A C E V E D O A., D. A., 1944 (in Guanajuato, Leon) ; A G U I R R E , P., 1951; A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791d Euchlaena; hybrids with, B U K A S O V , S., 1926, 1938; C O L L I N S , G. N., 1919a; C O L L I N S , G. N . and L O N G L E Y , A. E „ 1935; H A R S H B E R G E R . J. W „ 1896a, 1898a; L A N G H A M , D . G„ 1940 M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C. and R E E V E S , R. G., 1931, 1935 (also with Tripsacum'); O ' M A R A , J . G., 1942; R O G E R S , J . S., 1950 (inflorescence) ; S O S A - B O U R D O I L , C. and MTEGE. E „ 1936; V I L M O R I N , P. L . de, 1907 mexicana. relation to, A S C H E R S O N , P . F . A., 1876a general information, A L B E S , E . , 1916a; A R B E R , A., 1934; A L C A R A Z , J . A., 1949 granaries, H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E „ 1949a in Guerrero, Mexico, state of, Michoacan, Morelos, Tlaxcala, A U B E R T de la R U E , E . , 1948 history, A G U I R R E , P . , 1951 Irapuato, wild in, A L C A N T A R A , J., 1880 maiz reventador in Jalisco, distribution of, A N D E R S O N , E . , 1944a Maya terminology, see vocabulary, Maya in Mexico, central, A N D E R S O N , E . , 1946 Mexico, western, near Guadalajara, A N D E R S O N , E „ 1946 morphology of, A N D E R S O N , E „ 1955 origin of, A G R O , 1906; A L D A S O R O , G„ 1907; B R I E G E R , F . G., 1943, 1949; B R O O K S , E. C „ 1916 phylogenetic study, A S C H E R S O N , P . , 1877a pinole, preparation of, A N D E R S O N , E . , 1945b popcorn, varieties, A N D E R S O N , E „ 1950a pozole, see etymology, pozole in pre-Hispanic, populations, A N D E R S O N , E „ 1947a; D I G U E T , L „ 1910 stigmas, medicinal uses, A C E V E S , A,. 1881 styles, medicinal uses, diuretic, A Q U I N O A R A G O N , J . , 1955


teratology of, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A. (1784-1799?)b for tortillas, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1786-1787a uses of, by Indians, A N D E R S O N , E., 1943b varieties, B R O O K S , E . C., 1916 tropical, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1917a wild, in Irapuato, A L C A N T A R A , J., 1880 amylacea, see Zea mays, varieties canina, identification of, H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W., 1898a Guanajuato, wild in, W A T S O N , S., 1891c systematics, A N O N . , 1892c everta indurata, see Gramineae, Zea mays, varieties hirta, in Mexico, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1917a n. sp., B O N A F O U S , M „ 1829 systematics, A N D E R S O N , E . , 1942 indentata, see Zea mays varieties mays (see also dictionary agricultural; ethnobotany ( M a y a ; Maya, use of Zea mays; Zea mays, Indian, used by; Zea mays, legends); etymology, place names; etymology; Zea mays; vocabulary—Huasteco, Maya, Zea mavs. Maya names), H O L D ' E N , P . G-, 1906 adaptability of C O N Z A T T I , C„ 1912b in Africa, tropical, M I R A C L E , M. P., 1958 in America, W I L S O N , C. M., 1945; S W E E N E Y , Mrs. E . C., 1945 (importance) America, North, types compared with those of America, South W I T T M A C K , L., 1880 America, pre-Hispanic, in, B E R C A W , L. O., 1940; V I G I L , C. C„ 1944; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1954; W I S S L E R , C., 1945 America, South, see America, North, types compared anatomy, S H A R M A N , B. C. f 1942 scutellum, S A R G A N T , E . and A R B E R , A. R., 1905 vascular, K U M A Z A W A , M., 1939-1940 ancestral plant, M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C„ 1958 apogamous plant, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1909 archaeological remains, Chihuahua, C U T L E R , H . C., 1960 in Asia, M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C. and O L I V E R , D. L., 1951 origin in ( ?), H A U D R I C O U R T , A. G.. 1952; S T O N O R . C. R. and A N D E R S O N , E., 1949 in Assam and Colombia, M E S A B E R N A L , D., 1951a f o r atole, R O D R I G U E Z P U E B L A , J . , 1837-1838 beverage source, sendecho, M E N D O Z A , G., 1870 Black Mexican, chromosomes, H U M P H R E Y , L. M „ 1935 chapalote race, of pop corn, N I C K E R S O N , N. H „ 1953 characters, B U R T T - D A V Y , J . , 1909a for breeding, V A R G A S Z A L D I V A R , C., 1950 evolution of, S C O S S I R O L I , R., 1950 heritable, V A R I O U S , 1920 chemical study, Z E D I L L O , S., 1923 Chiapas, expedition to study origin, K E M P T O N , J . H . and P O P E N O E , W . , 1937 types in, C U E V A S R I O S , A., 1947 chromosome count, K U W A D A , Y., 1915, 1919, 1925 morphology, M c C L I N T O C K , B., 1929 Colima, in, E I N E S DEUTSCHEN K A U F M A N N S , 1847 in Colombia, see in Assam and Colombia, above in Comala, C A L V I N O , M., 1920b campared with Sorghum, A N O N . , 1896 composition, B O L A N O S , J . N., 1838 culture, B I R K E T - S M I T H , K., 1943 (origin o f ) ; B O W M A N , M. L „ 1915; C H A V E Z , E . , 1913; D I A Z DE L E O N , J . , 1895k; D I A Z DEL P I N O , A .

( 1 9 4 6 ? ) ; E I C H I N G E R , A., 1926; G O F F A R T , A., 1877; H A R A S T I DI B U D A , G., 1788; J A R A M I L L O A., R „ 1944; L A N D A V E R D E , A., 1949; M Y R I C K , H . , 1903; P E R E Z G A L L A R D O , J., 1875-1876; P O R T I L L O , A., 1908-1909; R E N A U D M „ M., 1942; R I V A S T A G L E , A., 1929; R O S A , L. de la, 1844; R U I Z E R D O Z A I N , E „ 1914; S A N J U A N , A., 1903 among the Aztecs, D O S S E C K , J . 1943-1944 history of, in America, M A R T I N E Z DEL R I O . P., 1942 in the Huasteca, C E R D A S I L V A , R. DE LA, 1939 by Indians, history of, C A R T E R , G. F., 1948 in Mexico, L O M A S , A., 1945; T E R R E R O S , M „ 1880; U R A N G A M., M „ A., 1955; A N O N . , 19th cent.b, 1902b (coastal) history of, G A N D A R A , G., 1937 in milpas, J E R E Z T O R O , A., 1942a in Xochimilco, C A L V I N O , M., 1914b cytogenetics, O ' M A R A , J. G., 1942; R H O A D E S , M. M. and M c C L I N T O C K , B., 1935 description, D A L E C H A M P S , J., 1586-1587 early (see also Zea mays, literature, early) W E A T H E R W A X . P., 1944 distribution, C O L L I N S , G. N „ 1921 ; V L O R A , A. K „ 1956 domestication of, B R I E G E R , F . G,. 1943; K U L E S H O V , N. N., 1929 economic importance, R I V E R A M O R A L E S , I., 1938; V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 ethnobotany, see ethnobotany, Maya, Zea mays etymology, H A R R I N G T O N , J . P., 1945 in Europe, 1204 (false report), R I A N T , P . A. D., 1877 evolution (see also Zea mays, origin, and phylogeny), M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C. and S M I T H , C. E . J r . , 1949; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1918, 1919a, 1923 evidence from Mexico, northwest, M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C. and L E S T E R , R. H., 1956a experiments of Segura, J . C., H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W., 1896a fasciation in, H U S , H . and M U R D O C K , A. W . , 1911 Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, described by, M E S A B E R N A L , D., 1954 fertilization and hybridization, B U R T T - D A V Y , J., 1909 flour analysis, R O M E R O R., L „ 1932 flower, evolution, M O N T G O M E R Y , E . G., 1906 perfect, in, M O N T G O M E R Y , E. G., 1911 food plant, B A R T L E T T , J . S., 1846 food value, C R A V I O T O , R. O., 1949 forage plant, B A L E S T R I E R , L . DE (L. A G R I C O L A ) 18961897; L E C O U T E U X , E „ 1883; M I E R , U . , 1912 fossil, B A R G H O O R N , E . S. et al, 1954 (pollen grains, in the Valle de Mexico) general information, H E R N A N D E Z C O R Z O , A., 1954; K O E P P E N , N. 1884; Q U I N T A N AR, F . , 1951; T E L L E Z , G., 1922, 1932-1933; A N O N . , 1833-1834, 1909s genetics, W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1919 chromosome map, L I N D S T R O M , E. W . , 1931 geography, B R O W N E , D. J., 1852 giant type (gigante), culture, C U E V A S , H „ 1905a in Jala, D I G U E T , L., 1901; K E M P T O N , J . H., 1924; A N O N . , 1906d (also in San Luis Xoyatlan) glume variation, G A L I N A T , W , C „ 1957 gold accumulator, N E M E C , B „ 1935 herbals, in, see herbals, pre-Linnaean

INDEX Gramineae—continued history, B E C K E R L., 1888; B E R C A W , L. O., 1940; B R O W N E , D. J., 1852; C A R T E R , G. F „ 1948a C U N N I N G H A M , J . C., 1944; D I A Z de L E O N , J , and M E N A , R „ 1914; G I L E S , D . , 1940; H E W E T T , E. L., 1936; H U M L U M , J., 1942; K E M P T O N , J . H „ 1919, 1938; M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M., 1947; M A R T I N E Z P A R E D E S , D,. 1948; M E R R I L L , E. D., 1950; M E S S E D A G L I A , L „ 1924, 1927; P R O C T O R , R. C., 1952a R E J O N R. P., 1919; S P R A G U E , G. F „ 1955; W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1952 in Africa, J E F F E R Y , M. D. W . , 1954 agricultural, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1919 in America, C A R T E R , G. F . , 1950, 1953 hybrid forms, C A R V A L L O y A., A., 1948 illustration, first, W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1950 improvement program, in Mexico, H O P K I N S , J . A., 1949; M E L H U S , I. E., 1949 Indians, used by, see ethnobotany, Zea mays inflorescence, B O N N E T , O. T., 1954; C L O S , D., 1864; H O F F M A N , H . , 1878 (teratology); S C O T T , J., 1863 (evolution); V A R I O U S , 1948 introgression, M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C., 1961. See also Zea mays, teosinte introgression Italy, in M E S S E D A G L I A , L „ 1924, 1927 in Juchipila, with 36 ears, A N O N . , 1851d in L a P e r r a Cave, M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C. et al, 1956 leaf, parenchyma sheath plastids, R H O A D E S , M. M. and C A R V A L H O , A., 1944 life history, W E A T H E R W A X , _ P., 1931 literature, early (see also Zea mays, descriptions, early), F I N A N , J . J., 1948 magic, used in, see ethnobotany, Zea mays maiz bianco, see Comala, and Cordoba maiz de espiga, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1930 maiz granada, see above Maoris, used by the, Y E N , D. E . , 1959 in Maya culture, see ethnobotany, Maya in Maya legends, see above Mayas, used by, see above medicinal plant, C E R V E R A A N D R A D E , A., 1945. See also Zea, stigmas and styles in Mexico, B U K A S O V , S. M., 1930; C U N N I N G H A M , J . C., 1937, 1948; D I C K E N , S. N., 1939a (lands where grown) ; H E L L E R , K. B„ 1853; R I O U E L M E I N D A , J., 1953b history of, A N O N . , 1846g in the Mesa Central, R O D R I G U E Z , N. B., 1949 northern, V E L A M U R I L L O , H . , 1934 northwestern, L I S T E R , R. H . , 1958 poem on, M I S T R A L , G., 1937 pre-Hispanic, A N O N . , 1951a uses, B A T A L L A , M. A., 1945b Valle de, see Zea mays, fossil monograph, B R I G H A M , A. A., 1896; B U R G E R , J., 1809; B U R T T - D A V Y , J., 1914; D U C H E S N E , E. A., 1833; H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W., 1892-1897; M I R A N D A , F . de P . et al, (n. d.) ; P A R M E N T I E R , A. A., 1812; S E G U R A , J . C„ 1888; S T U R T E V A N T , E. L „ 1877-1882, 1894; W A L L A C E , H . A. and B R E S S M A N , E . N., 1923 morphology, B E R N O U L L I , J . 1803 (1805); S A N T A M A R I A P L A Y A , R., 1948 cob, N I C K E R S O N , N . H „ 1953 ear, B U R D I C K , A. B „ 1951; C O L L I N S , G. N., 1919a; R E E V E S , R. G„ 1953; W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1920 sub-tassel, G A L I N A T , W . C., 1954

techniques for study of, R E E V E S , R. G„ 1946 embryo, GAGER, C. S., 1907 floral, A L A V A , R. O., 1952; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1916, 1917, 1921 inflorescence, teratology, G R A E B N E R , I. P., 1912 vascular, K U M A Z A W A , M., 1961 names of, L ' O B E L , M. de, 1576 new varieties, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1930, 1932 in Oaxaca, L O P E Z D E L G A D O , M., 1943 observations on, NOCCA, D., 1793; V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805 origin (see also Andropogoneae, and the origin of maize; Eucheaena, and the origin of maize; Zea mays, Asia; Zea mays, evolution, and phylogeny), C A S T R O , D. D. DE, 1939; C O L L I N S , G. N., 1912, 1921; C R O I Z A T , L., 1959; C U T L E R , H . C., 1947, 1950-1951; E A S T , E . M., 1913; E T C H A T S (sic), 1934; H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W., 1896a; H U M L U M , J., 1942; K E M P T O N , J . H., 1938; K U L E S H O V , N. N., 1929; L A N G H A M , D. G., 1940; L O N G L E Y , A. E., 1941; M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C. and R E E V E S , R. G., 1938, 1939, 1939a, 1942a, 1945, 1945a, 1947, 1948, 1959; M E S A B E R N A L , D., 1957; M E Y E R 1' E P E E , C., 1943; M I R A N D A , F., 1950d; R A N D O L P H , L. F „ 1952; R O S A , L. de la, 1846; T O R R E S B A R U S T A , G., 1938; V A L L E , R. H . , 1947a; V A R I O U S , 1936; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1950a; W H I T I N G , A. F., 1944; W I T T M A C K , L „ 1880; 1895k; A N O N . , 1937e f r o m Euchlaena, B L A R I N G H E M , L., 1924 in Europe ( ? ) , R E N D O N , S 1953 in the Huasteca, M E A D E , J., 1942, 1948 in Paraguay ( ? ) , S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A. de, 1829 paper source, C A R P E N T E R , C. H „ 1932; R O S E N T H A L , Dr., 1866 pellagra, cause of, F I S C H E R , H . , 1911 phylogeny (see also Zea mays, evolution, and origin above), C O L L I N S , G. N., 1930; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1935 phytogeography, R E I N , J., 1875-1876 pod corn, history, M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C., 1948 pollen grains (see also Zea mays, fossil) identification, K U R T Z , E . B. Tr. et al, 1960 popular account, M A I T L A N D , J., 1947; W E S T H E I M , P., 1952 pre-Columbian references, in Persian literature, L A C Y , M. G., 1911 races in Mexico, collections, C L A R K , J . A., 1956 systematics of, W E L L H A U S E N , E. J., 1951 relationships to Tripsacum and Euchlaena, M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C., 1950 and relatives, K E M P T O N , J . H . , 1926 in ritual use, see ethnobotany, Maya, Zea mays seed selection, L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1908 self-pollination, intolerance to, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1919b systematics (see also races in Mexico above), A N D E R S O N , E., 1942, 1943 (races) ; 1945a (progress i n ) ; I L T I S , H „ 1911; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1923; A N O N . , 1894k sweet, in Jalisco, K E L L Y , I . and A N D E R S O N , E., 1943 teomaiz, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1930 and teosinte (see also Zea, Euchlaena, hybrids with), B U R B A N K , L., 1913; S C H U M A N N , K., 1904 teosinte introgression, G A L I N A T , W . C. et al, 1956 teratology, G R A E B N E R , I . P . ,


1912; H O F F M A N , H., 1878 (both inflorescence) ; R A M I R E Z , J., 1898 ( e a r s ) ; S H A R M A N , B. C., 1942a; W E A T H E R W A X , P . , 1916, 1921 tlaolli, god of, M A C I A S V I L L A D A V., M., 1956 tropical types, in Veracruz, H E R R E R A S E R R A N O , A., 1956 in United States, southwest, history of, C A R T E R , G. F „ 1945, 1946 uses, B A T A L L A , M. A., 1945b (in Mexico); B E R N O U L L I , J . , 1803 (1805); B O L A N O S , J . N., 1838. in magic, see ethnobotany, Zea mays variation in, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1896; F E R W E R D A , F . P., 1951 varieties of, B E R N O U L L I , J . , 1804 (1807); C A S T R O Z A P I E N , R., 1951; E C H A R R Y , A., 1890-1891; K O E R N I C K E , F. A., 1872; R O V I R O S A , E., 1906; S T U R T E V A N T , E. L., 1884, 1899; A N O N . , 1897d in Chalco, M O N T E L O N G O , E., 1939 chemical study, V A R G A S , V . N . de, 1941 classification, by serology, D A V I D S O N , J . F . and T H O M P S O N , T . L., 1956 cultivated in Guatemala, M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C. and C A M E R O N , J . W „ 1942 distribution of, K U L E S H O V , N. N., 1929 Indians, used by, origin and distribution, M c N A I R , J . B „ 1930b invalid ( ? ) , W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1917a wild ( ? ) , B O N A N S E A , S. J . , 1913, 1913a in Mexico ( ? ) , N U T T A L L , Z., 1929 (see also Zea, in Irapuato) Rocky Mountain form, A N O N . , 1846c world crop, C R O H N , H „ 1926 xenia, in hybrids, C O R R E N S , C„ 1901 Yucatan, in history of, P E R E Z T O R O , A., 1947 zapalote chico, growth habit, A N D E R S O N , E., 1959 zeide content, B A U D , V., 1865 digitata, origin and culture, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1936a foliis integerrimis, culture, G A R C I A M U N O Z , J . M., 1897b var. indurata mut. everta, history, E R W I N , A. T „ 1949 var. polysperma, B L A R I N G H E M , L., 1937 var. rugosa, in Mexico ( ? ) , E R W I N , A. T., 1942 saccharata var. (see also Zea saccharata) culture, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1940a tunicata var. (see also Zea tunicata), K H A N K H O J E , P., 1930; S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A. de, 1829; (from B r a z i l ) ; history, W I T T M A C K , L., 1886 hybridized with Euchlaena, K H A N K H O J E , P., 1935-1940 mexicana, R E E V E S , R. G. and M A N G E L S D O R F , P. C., 1942 annual, see Zea mays, introgression minima, culture, G A R C I A M U N O Z , J . M., 1897a perennis, perennial (see also Zea mays, introgression), R E E V E S , R. G. and M A N G E L S D O R F , P . C., 1942 ramosa, and Z. tunicata, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1917 saccharata, see Zea mays saccharata; Zea mays, varieties tunicata (see also Zea mays tunicata; Zea ramosa) and Euchlaena, C O L L I N S , G. N., 1912 primitive form, S T U R T E V A N T , E . L., 1894 Zeugites, species, key to, L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F „ 1895 hartwegi, transferred to Senites, A R T H U R , J . C„ 1919 hintoni, n. sp., Temascaltepec, H A R T L E Y , W . , 1941 pringlei n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F . , 1898

sagittata n. sp., Temascaltepec, H A R T L E Y , W . , 1941 smilacifolia, n. sp., L A M S O N S C R I B N E R , F., 1895 grana, see cochineal granadilla, see Mocinna heterophylla; Passiflora granado, see Punica granatum granaries, see Zea Granateae, see Punicaceae Graptopetalum see Crassulaceae grasses, see Gramineae grasslands, desert, palynology, postglacial, V A R I O U S , 1960b desert plains, vegetation, W H I T F I E L D , C. J . and B E U T N E R , E. L „ 1938, 1938a Gray, Asa, biography, D U P R E E , A. H „ 1959 . collections, in the Missouri Botanical Garden, herbarium, A N O N . , 1919g nomenclatural changes by, O R C U T T , C. R., 1886 gray oak, see oak, gray Grayson, Andrew Jackson, biography, B R Y A N T , W . E., 1891 travels, see Mexico, northern, explorations; Mexico, northwest Great Britain, Mexican plants in (see also British Isles, Mexican plants in; England, Mexican plants in) gardens of, Mexican plants in, S W E E T , R., 1826 plants, cultivated in, illustrations, M A U N D , B., 1825-1850(51) Greene, Edward Lee (see also bibliographical works) collections, see Isla Guadalupe travels, S I E V E R S , W . , 1888 Greenella, see Compositae Gregg, Josiah, collections, GRAY, A., 1848-1852, 1850, 1853 Greggia, see Cruciferae Greigia. see Bromeliaceae grenadille, see Passiflora Grenadines, see Windward Islands, British West Indies Grevillea, see Proteaceae . Grijalva, J u a n de, expedition to Mexico, various accounts, WAUJNH.K, H . R., 1942 Grindelia, see Compositae Griseae sect., see Salix Grossularia, see Saxifragaceae Grossularieae, see Saxifragaceae grosellero, see Ribes groundsel, see Senecio Grusonia, see Cactaceae Gruta de Atoyac, see Veracruz Gruta de Nindo-da-ge, see Oaxaca Gruta de Tolantongo, see Gruta de Tonaltongo Gruta de Tonaltongo, see Hidalgo guacamote, see Manihot;M. esculenta; M. utilissima Guachachic, see Tonachic guachicate, see Garrya laurtfoha (?) guachicata, see huachacata (?) guachichile, see Bocconia arborea Guachinango, see Huauchinango guacima, see Guazuma ulmtfolta gauco (see also Aristolochia; Aristolochiaceae, Convolvulus (?) ; Eupatorium; Gordonia (!) ; Mikania) plants known as, R E N A U D E T , G., 1909 not identified, for snakebite, H E L L E R T , 1846; V A R G A S , P . F . DE, 1798 not identified, various plants, C O R R O Y , F „ 1833 Guadalajara, see Jalisco Guadalcazar, see San Luis Potosl Guadalupe, see Hidalgo . Guadalupe Canyon, see B a j a California Guadalupe, Cerro de, or Sierra, see _ Cerro de Guadalupe (Distrito Federal) Guadalupe Hidalgo, see Distrito Federal Guadalupe Island pine, see Pinus radiata var. binata Guadalupe palm, see Erythea edulis Guadeloupe, see French Antilles Guaguachic, see Chihuahua Guaiacum, see Zygophyllaceae Guajaca, see Oaxaca guaje cirial, see Crescentia alata guajillo, see Acacia berlandieri Gualteria, see Guatteria Guam, plants of. S A F F O R D , W . E., 1902-1904, 1905 guamuchil, see Pithecolobhim guanabana, see Annona muricata guanabano, see Annona glabra guanacaste, see Enterolobium cyclocarpum Guanajuato, city, see Guanajuato, state Guanajuato, state, see also Michoacan, Obispado; and the following:,. Cephalocereus senilis; Chaboissea ligulata; Coryphantha, new t a x a ; Dioscorea dugesii;

INDEX Guana} uato—continued Echinocactus horizonthalonius and varieties ; Echinocereus, new taxa; etymology, place names; Euphorbia; Fragaria, varieties; Habranthus immaculatus ; Ionidium rosei; Mammillaria, new taxa; M* heeseana; M. posseltiana; M. woodsii; M. zeümanniana; M. (Neomammillaria) new species; Meliaceae, Cedrela; Moctnna heterophylla var. sesseana; Nemastylis dugesii; Neomammillaria ortizrubiana; Nueva Galicia; Rusby, H. H., collections; Solanum tuberosum flora, DUGES, A., 1896b; GONZALEZ, P., 1904; QUIROZ MARTINEZ, R., 1931a (families); R I Q U E L M E V E R T I Z de REJON, D., 1953 geography, GARCIA GUTIERREZ, J., 1928 (?) ; GONZALEZ, P. and RAMIREZ, I., 1905; RAMIREZ, I. (n. d.) ; SANCHEZ VALLE, M., * 1953; VARGAS, F., 1940 plants of (see also flora, above), BUSTAMANTE, B., 1849; VARGAS, F., 1939; ANON., 1865b cultivated, QUINTANAR, F., 1946 useful, GONZALEZ ROA, F., 1926 resources, economic (see also above), LLACA, P. M., 1939-1940 travel account, collecting cacti, GOLD, D. B., 1954 Viits culture, see Vitts, from Switzerland, for culture in Mexico Acambaro( see also Quercus microphylla) expedition, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1904a; ANON., 1905n Ajuchitlan, see relaciones geográficas Apaseo, see Michoacan, Obispado Bajio, see^ separate citation under Bajio Celaya, see Michoacan, Obispado; relaciones geográficas Chamacuero, see Michoacan, Obispado Dolores Hidalgo, see Michoacan, Obispado El Bajio, see separate citation, under Bajio Guanajuato, calendar, botanical, DUGES, A., 1878, 1880 Irapuato, see Morus, culture ; Michoacan, Obispado; Zea Irapuato, wild in Iturbide San Jose, see Jose Casas Viejas Jaral (see also Michoacan, Obispado) Walter Schumann's collecting site, MULLER, C., 1942a Leon (see relaciones geográficas; Zea, culture) calendar, botanical, BARCENA, M. et al, 1877-1881a; LEAL, M., 1878-1881 plants of, MIGUEL CAL y MAYOR, M., 1949 Marfil, description, ROMERO, J. G., 1861-1862 Moroleon, see cebolleja Palmar de Vega, see San Pedro de los Posos Penxamo, see Michoacan, Obispado Pozos, see San Pedro de los Posos, Palmar de Vega Romita, plants of, T E J E D A SANTILLANA, J., 1949 Salamanca, see Michoacan, Obispado Salvatierra, plants of, VERA QUINTANA, R., 1869 San Diego del Biscocho, see Michoacan, Obispado San Felipe, see Michoacan, Obispado San Jose Casas Viejas, see relaciones geográficas San Luis de la Paz, see vocabulary, Chichimeca San Miguel de Allende, see Michoacan, Obispado San Miguel el Grande, see relaciones geográficas San Pedro, see Michoacan, Obispado San Pedro de los Posos, Palmar de Vega, see relaciones geográficas Santa Anna de Guanajuato, see relaciones geográficas Santa Maria Magdalena de Cuitzeo de la Laguna, see relaciones geográficas Santana, description, ROMERO, J . G., 1861-1862

Silao, see Michoacan, Obispado Silao de la Victoria, florula, GONZALEZ COS, J., 1872 Yurirapundaro (Yuririapundaro), see relaciones geográficas. See also below

Yuririhapundaro, plants of, JUNCAL, M., 1856. See also above Guanaxuato, see Guanajuato guano, see Inodes guapaque, see Dialium guapilla, see Agave falcata; Hechtia argentea; H. glomerata Guardiola, see Compositae Guarea, see Meliaceae Guarijio, see vocabulary guasima, see Guasuma tomentosa guatecomate, see Crescentia Guatemala ( see also Orchidaceae; Zea mays, cultivated varieties eastern, plants of, common names, BLAKE, S. F., 1922 flora (see also above; Guatemala, forests, plants), BERTOLONI, A., 1840; MOCINO, J. M. (n.d.)g; STANDLEY, P. C. f et al, 1946-1962 alpine, chromosome studies, BEAMAN, J. H. et al, 1962 relationships, STEYERMARK, J. A., 1950 food plants, highlands, see ethnobotany, Guatemala forage plants, see plants, forage, below forest plants, MORTON, F., 1937a forests, travel account, MORTON, F., 1937 highlands, see ethnobotany, Guatemala plants of, SMITH, J. D., 1889-1907 catalogue, JOHNSTON, J. R., 1938 food sources, see ethnobotany, Guatemala highlands forage, AGUILAR G., J. I., 1946 Peten, vegetation, LUNDELL, C. L., 1937b Sacatepequez, flora, CORONADO P J A 1953 Tikal, flora,' cultivated, LUNDELL, C. L., 1961 Guatimape, see Llanos de Guatimape Guatteria, see Annonaceae Guatulco, see Oaxaca guau, see Rhus radicans guauchille, see Bocconia guava, see Psidium Guaxaca, see Oaxaca Guaxolotitlan, see San Pablo Guaxolotitlan guayaba, see Psidium guayabo, see Psidium guajava guayacan, see Guaiacum, Porlieria angustifolia guayaco, see Guaiacum officinale Guayameo, see S. Agustin Guimeo Guayma, see Yucatan Guaymas, see Sonora; also Mexico, northwest guayule, see Parthenium Guazacoalcos, Guazaqualco, see Coatzacoalcos Guazapares, see Chihuahua # guazima, see Guasuma ulmifolia Guazuma, see Sterculiaceae Guei(y)puchtla, see Ueipuchtla Guerrero, Cerro de, see Cerro de Guerrero Guerrero, state (see also Acacia nelsonii; Achimenes woodii; Apocynaceae, America, tropical; Backebergia n. gen.; Befaria hintonii; Begonia unifolia; Bidens serrulata sharpii; Bourreria rowellii; Bouteloua pringlei; Brassia mexicana; Bromeliceae, new taxa, Langlasse collections; Bulbophyllum cirrhosum; Cactaceae, Guerrero, collecting in, and travels for; Cactaceae, new species; Cereus maculatus; Cinchona; Cocos nucifera, culture in Atoyac; Compositae, new species; Cuphea tenuipes n. sp.; CypeUa mexicana; Dahlia chisholmi; Dalbergia, new species; Dioscorea igualamontana; Echeveria longiflora; E. multicaulis ; Edtthea floribunda; Epidendrum brachycolumna; E. nagelii; Eragrostis glandulosa; Euphorbia whitei; Eysenhardtia olivana; Fouquieria leonilae; Gentiana mirandae; Gomphia mexicana; Hauya rusbyi; Hechtia melanocarpa; Hexalectris brevicaulis; Homalium mollicelum; Hymenocallis cordifolia; Hyptis iodantha; Laelia sawyeri; Lantana hintoni; Leguminosae, Langlasse> collection; Liabum caducifolium; Lundellia argyrea; Mammillaria albtlanata n. sp., M. aylostera; M. balsasensis; M. pitcayensis; Manilkara meridionalis var. meridionalis; Mayepea macrocarpa; mercatilla, fiber source; Merremia platyphylla; Michoacan,

Obispado; Mimosa, new species; Nocca pringlei; Omiltemia longipes; Opuntia ficus-indica; Orchidaceae, travels for collecting; Oropappus cordata; Our atea madrensis; Passiflora mexicana; Pedilanthus gracilis; Peltogyne mexicana; Peniocereus fosterianus; Pteronymphe decora; Pitcairnia, Guerrero, new species; P. modesta; Pleurothallis hintonii; Polianthes elongata; Psacalium mollifolium ; Pseudosmodingium barkleyi; Quercus, new species; Q. urbani ;Rhus allophylloides; menispermoides; Rio Balsas; Ruellia montesumae; Rusby, H. H., collections; Salvia heterofolia; Scirpus pringlei; Sebastiania hintonii; Sedum ebracteatum; Sesamum indicum, culture; Sigmatostalix mexicana; Smilax occidentalis; Styrax diplotrichus; Thelocactus sanchez-mejoradai; Tillandsia concolor; Trixis caldcóla; Vanilla pfaviana; Vitis, wild in; V. acapulcensis; Wimmeria acapulcensis) agriculture, ALVAREZ, P., 1935 central, see Orchidaceae coast, resources of, RETCHKIMAN R., B., 1948 dictionary, comprehensive, LOPEZ MENA, H. F., 1942 eastern, southern part, vegetation, SCHULTZE, L. H., 1933-1938 expedition, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1904; ZINSER, J., 1940 flora of, LOPEZ MENA, H. F., 1941; NUNEZ, C., 1926; REKO, B. P., 1948 forest plants, MOLENES.—, 1909 geography, QUESADA, M. (n.d.); VIRAMONTES, L., 1905 Indians, see Tlapaneco plants of (see also Mexico, highway, Mexico City to Acapulco), QUINTANAR, F., 1941; VARIOUS, 1857 Altamirano collections, ALTAMIRANO, F., 1904c cultivated, MUÑOZ, C., 1859; ANON., 1901h industrial NUNEZ, C., 1921 at international Exposition, Paris, JARAMILLO, J., 1890 by zones, PENA, M. T. DE LA et al, 1949 products, see above resources, natural, GUTIERREZ, I., 1933; LEOPOLD, A. S. and H E R N A N D E Z MONTANA, L., 1945 timber sources (see also trees), ZINSER, J., 1940; ANON., 1936n travel account (see also Gold, D. B.; Peniocereus, travels, hunting for), ALEXANDER, E. J., 1945 trees of, PENA, M. T. DE LA et al, 1949 vegetation types, LEOPOLD, A. S. and HERNANDEZ MONTANA, L., 1945 western, explorations, WEITLANER, R. J. and BARLOW, R. H., 1943-1944 Acapetlauaya, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Acapulco (see also Citrus, culture; Euphorbia sloanei; Forchhammeria apiocarpa; Fourniera mexicana; Gramineae; Mexico, highwayMexico City, to Acapulco, Oaxaca to Acapulco, Rio Bravo to Acapulco; Mexico, southwest, expedition; Physalis minuta; Roseanthus albiflorus; Schizocarpum attenuatum) coastal lagoons, near, vegetation, RAMIREZ GRANADOS, R., 1952 descriptive work (Haenke), KHOL, F., 1911 Palmer, collections of, F E R N A L D , M. L., 1897b travel account, CUTAK, L., 1940b; R I V I N U S , Mrs. E. F., 1934a visit to, by Haenke, K U E H N E L , J., 1939 Acapulco, distrito, agriculture, TORO, M. M. DEL et al, 1859 Acapulco de Tabares, see above Acatlan, see vocabulary, Nahuatl Ajuchitlan, see relaciones geográficas Ajuchitlan del Progreso, plants of the area, BASILA H., N., 1949

Alauiztlan, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Anecuilco, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Apaztla, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Atoyac, see relaciones geográficas Ayuchitlan, see Guerrero, western, exploration Bosque de la Teneria, see Tenería Canon de Zopilote, see Cactaceae of, new taxa Chiepetlan, see relaciones geográficas Chilapa, see relaciones geográficas; vocabulary, Nahuatl Chilpancingo, plants of, ANDRADE, V. de P., 1911; ARAGON, A., 1941 Citlaltomagua, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Coahuayutla, see relaciones geográficas Coatepec Costales, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Costa Chica, vegetation, MENDIZABAL PEREZ PENA, L., 1952 Costa Grande, see Cocos nucifera Coyuca, see relaciones geográficas, Ajuchitlan Coyuca de Benitez, see Guerrero, western, exploration Coyuca de Catalan, see Sesamum indicum, culture Cuetzala, plants of, LORIA, J. B. Jr., 1950 Cuezala, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Cuseo, see relaciones geográficas Cutzamala, see relaciones geográficas Estación Balsas, see Guerrero, western, explorations Guayameo, see San Agustin Guimeo Hidalgo, distrito de, plants of economic importance, MUNOZ, C., 1872 Hueycantenango, see vocabulary, Nahuatl Huitziltepec, plants of, W E I T L A N E R , R. J. et al, 1947 Ichcateopan, see relaciones geográficas Iguala, see Schizocarpum reflexum; Sesamum; Isla de Grifo (near Acapulco), flora, RAMIREZ CANTU, D., 1956 Isla de Roqueta, see above La Teneria, Bosques de, site of National Park, proposed, QUEVEDO, M. A., 1932a trees of, SOSA, A. H., 1936b Montes de Oca, distrito, plant products, LOPEZ, H. F., 1937 San Antonio, see Cymbopetalum gracile Morelos, distrito de, plants, cultivated, CAMANO, M., 1859 Olinala, see Jicara, plants used in manufacture Olinalan, paintings, plants used in, ALEJO DE MEAVE, J., 1791. See also above Oztoman, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Parque Nacional Alejandro de Humboldt, projected, description, SOSA, A. H., 1938a trees of, SOSA, A. H., 1939b Petatlan, see relaciones geográficas Rio de las Balsas (see also Rio Balsas, under Mexico; also vocabulary) valley of, plants of, H E N D R I C H S PEREZ, P. R., 1945, 1946 San Agustin Guimeo, see relaciones geográficas San Juan Bautista de Alahuiztlan, see relaciones geográficas San Lucas Tlalcozautitlan, see relaciones geográficas, Guerrero, Chiepetlan Santa Matilda, see Linum, culture Sierra Madre del Sur, plants, for pottery making, ARMILLAS, P., 1949 Sierra Madre Occidental, travels, for collecting in, PARAY, L., 1948 Tasco, see Taxco Taxco (see also Mexico City, plants, from Taxco to; relaciones geográficas) geography, MUNOZ, C., 1859 trees of, SOSA, A. H., 1939b Tecpan, see relaciones geográficas Galeana, distrito de, plant products, GARCIA, J. B., 1859 Papanoa, plants of, REMOLINA LOPEZ, J., 1950 Teloloapan (see also relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan) plants of, SUAREZ, F., 1859 Temalacac, see relaciones geográficas, Guerrero, Chiepetlan Tenepatlan, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan

INDEX Guerrero—continued Tetela del Rio, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Tinajas, plant, of economic importance, ANON., 1869a Tixtla (see also Quercus, used in festival) flora of, A L T A M I R A N O , I . M. t 1884 Tlacotepec, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Tlalcozautitlan, see relaciones geográficas Tololtepec, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Tzicaputzalco, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Utlatlan, see relaciones geográficas, Ichcateopan Xochipala, see Zisyphus sonorensis f. brevipedunculata Zacatula, see relaciones geográficas Zihuatanejo (see also Mexico, southwest, expedition) flora, SAROYAN S A R O Y A N , S., 1949 plants of, C E S A R G A L L A R D O , C., 1958 Zirandaro, see relaciones geográficas Zumpango, see relaciones geográficas Guettarda, see Rubiaceae Guiana, British, see British Guiana Guiana, French, see Guiane Française Guiane, Française, descriptive account, B E L L I N , J. N., 1763 plants of, B A R R E R E , P., 1741, 1743 of economic importance, A U B L E T , J. B. C. F., 1775 woods, of economic importance, S T O N E , H., 1917-1922 Cayenne, l ' I l e de (see also Ocotea, as lináloe plants of, B A R R E R E , P., 1743; R I C H A R D , L. C. M., 1792 Guiathoni. see San Pedro Guiathoni Guichicori, see Oaxaca Guichicubi, see San Juan Baptista Guichicubi guide book, Mexico, see Mexico, guide book Guiechapa, Guiechaapa, see Oaxaca Guiengola, see Oaxaca Guijecollani, see Santa Maria Guijecollani Guimeo, see San Agustín Guimeo guinari, see Malvastrum scoparium guineo Roatan, see Musa Guirocoba, see Sonora guitoxiga, see Crescentia alata Gulf of California (see also Baja California, Golfo de) Albatross, voyage of, T O W N S E N D , C. H., 1916 desert areas, vegetation, S H R E V E , F., 1934a expedition, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1924c (by California Academy of Science) ; Z A R A T E , J. C., 1920 islands in (see also Isla San Pedro Mártir; Smith Tsland Group) expedition, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1924c (California Academy of Science) ; Z A R A T E , J. C., 1920 plants, GONZALEZ CORTES, A., 1962 travels, for collecting, L I N D S A Y , G., 1947-1948 plants, C O N T R E R A S , F. and L O P E Z , C., 1921; S T E R N E , C., 1896; T O W N S E N D , C. H., 1916 travel account, COMBIER, C. (1864) ; L E I G H , R., 1941; L I N D S A Y , G., 1947-1948 (cactus collecting) Gulf of Mexico (see also Cymodocea manatorum; Thalassia) explorations in, G A L T S O F F , P . S., 1954 waters and shores, plants of, T H O R N E , R. F., 1954 gum arabic, compared with prosopis gum S C H I E D E , C. J. W., 1836a gumbo, see Hibiscus esculentus Gunnera, see Halorrhagidaceae Gutierresia, see Compositae Guttiferae America, North, distribution, A D A M S , W . P., 1962a systematics, see above Clusiaceae, anatomy, M U E L L E R , K., 1882

Hypericaceae (see also Ascyrum, systematics) anatomy, comparative, T U R N E R , W., 1885 morphology, M U E L L E R , K., 1882 relationships to Guttiferae, V E S T A L , P . A., 1937 separated from Guttiferae, see above systematics, position based on anatomy, see above monograph, C A M B E S S E D E S , J., 1828; P L A N C H O N , J . E. and

T R I A N A , J., 1860-1862; V E S Q U E , J . , 1893

relationships to Hypericaceae,

Gyroccerpus, distribution, see above Gyrocarpus, see Gyrocarpaceae; also Hernandiaceae

V E S T A L , P . A., 1937

systematics, C H O I S Y , J. D., 1823 (genera); D E W I L D E M A N , E., 1942a (based on chemical constitution) Ascyrum (Hypericaceae), systematics, A D A M S , W . P., 1957 Calopkyllum, forestry thesis, G R E E N E , E. C. Tr., 1932 timber source, RECORD, S. J., 1925f wood study, GERRY, E., 1955 brasiliense var. rekoi, S T A N D L E Y , P. C. 1932a chiapense"n. sp., S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 rekoi, reduced to var. of C. brasiliense, q.v. n. sp., S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 19141919 Clusia, pharmaceutical properties, H A M I L T O N , W „ 1847a systematics, V E S Q U E , J., 1891 Anandrogyne sect., distribution, see above galactodendron (urn), lactiferous plant, D E S V A U X , M., 1842 Hypericum (see also Hypericaceae, above) America, Central and South, K E L L E R , R., 1898

anaesthetic species, N O G U E R A , E., 1928 new species, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 yauhtli, medicinal plant, see anaesthetic, above Brathys sect., new taxa, K E L L E R . R., 1908 hypericoides, distribution, A D A M S , W . P., 1962a in Mexico, A D A M S , W . P., 1962 melanostictum n. sp., K E L L E R , R., 1908 Myriandra sect., species, key to, A D A M S , W . P., 1962 pauciflorum complex, A D A M S , W . P., 1962a Peninsulare n. SP., Baja California, E A S T W O O D , A., 1943 Perforatum, svnonymy, A D A M S , W . P., 1962a p ring lei, synonym of H. perforatum, n.v. punctatum complex, see above seleri n. sp., K E L L E R , R., 1922-1923 Mammea, description, OTTO, F . and D I E T R I C H , A., 1837 4 in Peruvian ore-historic articles, J I M E N E Z de la E S P A D A , M., 1891 and Rheedia, G R I S E B A C H , A., 1861

americana, characters, M E L L , C.D., 1929a general information, R E Y N O S O , A., 1885 in Mexico, P I T T I E R . H., 1912 seeds, insecticidal, J A R A M I L L O M A D A R I A G A , G., 1950 emarginata, Sesse and Mocino species, C H O I S Y , J. D., 1823 Micranthera n. gen., see above Rheedia, and Mammea, G R I S E B A C H , A., 1861 Guzmania, see Bromeliaceae Gyminda, see Celastraceae Gymnanthes, see Euphorbiaceae Gymnocactus, see Cactaceae Gymnocoronis, see Compositae Gymnolomia, see Compositae Gymnopodium, see Polygonaceae Gymnosiphon, see Burmanniaceae Gymnosperma, see Compositae GymnosPermae morphology, seedlings, F E R R E , Y. de, 1941, 1952 seeds, F E R R E , Y. de, 1941, 1944 North America, manual, P E N H A L L O W , D. P., 1905 San Luis Potosi, wild species, catalogue, V A R I O U S , 1960b systematics, E I S E N T R A E G E R , O., 1928 (based on serology); F L O R I N , R., 1955; H U T C H T N S O N , J., 1923; K I R S T E I N , K., 1922 (based on serology); MEZ, C. and K E R S T E I N , K., 1920 (based on serology); V A R I O U S , 1948a Gynandropsis, see Capparidaceae Gyneriumt see Gramineae gypsophilous plants, see plants, gypsophilous Gyrantherat see Bombacaceae Gyrocarpaceae wood anatomy, S H U T T S , C. F „ 1960

haba, see Faba vulgaris; Vicia fdba haba de San Ignacio, see Hura polyandra Habenaria, see Orchidaceae habichuela, see Phaseolus vulgaris habilla, see Hura crepitans habilla de San Ignacio, see Hura polyandra habillo, see Leucophyllum altamiranü Habranthus, see Amaryllidaceae Habroneuron, see Rubiaceae H abrothamnus, see Solanaceae Hacienda de Amalucan, see Puebla Hacienda de Atequiza, see Jalisco Hacienda de la Capilla, see Jalisco Hacienda de la Compañía, see Chalco, state of Mexico Hacienda de la Encarnación, see Hidalgo(?) Hacienda de la Gavia, see Mexico, state Hacienda de la Huerta, Apatzingan, see Michoacan Hacienda de los Cedros, see Zacatecas Hacienda de San Antonio, see Colima Hacienda de San Diego, see Curucupaseo Hacienda de San Jose, see Cordova Hacienda de San Jose Acolman, see Colegio de San Gregorio Hacienda de San Juan Bautista de los Cedros, see Hacienda de los Cedros Hacienda del Carmen, see Omitían, Hidalgo Hacienda del Jobo, see V e r a c r u z ( ? ) Hacienda (El) Mirador, see Veracruz Hacienda Monserrate, see Chiapas Hacienda Vista Hermosa, see Nuevo Leon Hackelia, see Boraginaceae Hadrodemas, see Commelinaceae Haematoxylon, see Leguminoseae Haemodoraceae, anatomy, comparative studies, S C H U L Z E , R., 1893 distribution, F E R N A L D , M. L., 1931 Haenke, T. (see also Mexico, plants, Haenke collections) biography, GTCKLHORN, J., 1941; H A M B E R G E R , G. C., 1796-1834; K H O L , F., 1911; K U E H N E L , J., 1939, 1960; M A I W A L D , V., 1904; N E T L R E I C H , A., 1855; P R E S L , K. B. et al, (1825)1830(1836); S A F F O R D , W . E., 1905 collections (see also Gramineae; Iridaceae) in the Missouri Botanical Garden, herbarium, ANON., 1919g expedition, C A V A N I L L E S , A. J., 1800

letters, K H O L , F., 1911; K U E H N E L , J., 1939, 1960 Hahn, Ludwig, obituary, BARY, A. de, 1874 Haiti, flora, B A R K E R , H. D. and D A R D E A U , 1930 See also Antilles Halenia, see Gentianaceae Halesia, see Styracaceae Halimium, see Cistaceae Halimolobos, see Cruciferae Hall, H. M., biography, J O N E S , M. E., 1930 Halle, see Hortus Academicus Halensis Halliophytum, see Euphorbiaceae hallucinatory plants, see plants, hallucinatory hallucinogenic fungi, see fungi, hallucinogenic Halophila, see Hydrocharitaceae Halorageae, see Halorrhagidaceae Haloragidaceae, see Halorrhagidaceae Halorrhageae, see Halorrhagidaceae Halorrhagidaceae (also as Haloragidaceae, Haloragaceae) anatomy and systematics, P A R M E N T I E R , P., 1897 distribution, S C H I N D L E R , A. K., 1905 Gunnera, in Chiapas, northern MACDOUGALL, T., 1953 distribution, B A D E R , F . J . W., 1961 killipiana n. sp., Chiapas, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940f mexicana, locality in Misantla, M A T H O W , K., 1921 Halorageae (Halorrhageae), distribution, F E R N A L D , M. L. t 1931 systematics, MORONG, T., 1891 Myriophyllum, in Mexico, see above Proserpinaca, species, key to, F A S S E T T , N. C., 1953b Palustris, in Mexico, M O R O N G , T., 1891 Hamadryas, see Ranunculaceae Hamamelidaceae notes on, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1871-1873a

relationships, based on chemistry, S H A W , E. and GIBBS, R. D., 1961 systematics, R E I N S C H , A,, 1889 wood, anatomy, TANG, Y., 1943 Distylium, distribution, S H A R P , A. J., 1953a Hamamelis, geologic history, B E R R Y , E. W., 1919 virginiana, first report for Mexico, H E R N A N D E Z X „ E . et al, 1951 pharmaceutical study, CARCOBA, S., 1891 Liquidambar (see also Chiapas, Montebello) chemical study, G U T I E R R E Z LOZADA, M., 1869 culture, S A N C H E Z , J, N., 1889-1890 distribution, BERRY, E . W., 1919 economic importance, G U T I E R R E Z , T., 1946 forest tree, ROLDAN, A., 1933 history, BERRY, E. W., 1919; MAKAROVA, I., 1957 palynological data, K U P R I A N O V A , L. A., 1959 identified as mahogany, K O E H L E R , A 1922 in Mexico, ALCOCER, G. V., 1903a species, U G O L I N I , G., 1892 uses, BARBA, R., 1896a; H O C K I N G , G. M., 1960 macrophylla, characters, O E R S T E D , A. S., 1870 styraciflua, in America, Middle, and relations with eastern U. S., S H A R P , A. J., 1946b characters of, O E R S T E D , A. S., 1870 chemical study, S P O K E S , R. E., 1920 description, S C H O C H , L., 1837 general information, M O U I L L E F E R T , P., 1889 var. mexicana, characters, O E R S T E D , A. S., 1870 Liquidambaroideae, chromosome numbers, A N D E R S O N , E., 1935 phylogenetic study, see above Matudaea n. gen. (trinervia), L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940c hirsuta n. sp., Mexico, state, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1961c trinervia, see n. gen., above Hamamelis, see Hamamelidaceae Hamatocactus, see Cactaceae Hamburg, Botanical Garden, catalogue, L E H M A N N , J. G. C., 1829-1832, 1830, 1832-1849, 1838, 1849, 1853, 1854; V A R I O U S , 1844-1860 (seeds) Hamelia, see Rubiaceae Hamilton Ranch, see Baja California Hamosa, see Leguminosae, Fabaceae Hampea, see Bombacaceae Hanburia, see Cucurbitaceae ^ hanchinol, see Heimia syphilitica Hancornia, see Apocynaceae Hanson Laguna Mountains, see Baja California Haplocalymma, see Compositae Haplopappus, see Compositae; also Astereae Haphphyton, see Apocynaceae hard fibers, see plants, fiber (hard), source hardwoods, see timbers tropical, see timbers Hare, Prof., letter on Euphorbia, see Euphorbia antisyphilitica Harfordia, see Polygonaceae haricot, see Canavallia: Dolichos; Faba; Phaseolus; Soia haricot Mexicain, see Phaseolusi ?) Hariota, see Cactaceae Harleya, see Compositae Harpalium, see Compositae Harpalyce, see Leguminosae Harrison, O. H., see Manihot glasiovii, experiments with, in Soconusco Harshberger, J. W., correspondence with, BROCKWAY, W., 1896; L E O N , N., 1891-1913; PRTNGLE, C. G., 1896-1897; W I E L A N D , G. R. and E., 1910 travels, see Mexico: Mexico, Valle de Hartman, C. V., see Mexico, northwest, new taxa Hartmannia, see Oenothera Hartweg, Theodor, activities in Mexico, ANON., 1846d biography, A L D E N , R. H. and I F F T , J. D., 1943; A S C H E R S O N , P. F. A., 1896-1939; K A N I T Z , A., 1864-1865; L I N D E N , J., 1871; A N O N ^ 1871b collections (see also Catasetum laminatum; Dichaea trichocarpa; Epidendrum trachychilum; London,

INDEX Hartweg—continued Horticultural Society, H a r t w e g collections; Pinaceae) B E N T H A M , G., 1839-1857; H A R T W E G , T., 1840; L A S E G U E , A., 1845 (in the Delessert herbarium) ; A N O N . , 1846d explorations of, J E P S O N , W . L., 1897 plant collector for the Royal Horticultural Society, COX, E. H . M., 1955 travels, Mexico, H A R T W E G , T . , 1840, 1842, 1843-1847, 1846, 1847; L I N D E N , J . and P L A N C H O N , J . E . , 1867 Hartwegia, see Orchidaceae Hartwegiella, see Cruciferae H a r v a r d University, Botanical Garden, see Cactaceae Harvey, J . C., see Veracruz, L a Buena Ventura Haselton, Scott, biography, C U T A K , L., 1948c Haseitonia, see Cactaceae hashish, see Cannabis Hasseanthus, see Crassulaceae Hasseltia, see Flacourtiaceae Hasskarl, J . C., herbarium, see Compos itae hatchet cactus, see Pelecyphora Hauya, see Onagraceae Hauyeae, see Onagraceae Hawkes, J . G., collections, potatoes, see Solanum tuberosum hawthorn, see Crataegus hay fever plants, see plants, allergenic haya, see Pagus mexicana Hasardia, see Compositae heart-leaved Mentzelia, see Mentselia cordata Hebeandra, see Polygalaceae Hecktia, see Bromeliaceae Hecubaea, see Compositae Hedeoma, see Labiatae Hederaceae (see also Araliaceae) America, revision, M A R C H A L , E., 1879 revision, S E E M A N N , B., 1864 hedgehog breast cactus, see Echinomastus Hedychium, see Zingiberaceae ; also Musaceae Hedyotis, see Rubiaceae Hedysareae, see Stylosanthinae Hedysarum, see Leguminosae Heeria, see Melastomaceae Heese, E., travels in Mexico, S C H U M A N N , K., 1896a Heidelberg v Botanical Garden, Mexican plants in, B I S C H O F F , G. W . , 1853 Heilprin, A., collections (see Gramineae, Mexico), H E I L P R I N , A., 1892, 1894 (on Mexico's volcanoes) travels, S I E V E R S , W . , 1888 Heimia, see Lythraceae Helenieae, see Compositae Helenioideae, see Compositae Helenium, see Compositae Heleocharis, see Cyperaceae Heliabravoa, see Cactaceae Heliantheae, see Compositae Helianthelia, see Compositae Helianthemum, see Cistaceae Helianthus, see Compositae Heliconia, see Musaceae Heliconiaceae, new family, T O M L Ï N S O N , B. P . , 1962 helicopter, in field work, see tropics, heliocopter Helicteres, see Sterculiaceae Heliocarpus, see Tiliaceae Heliocereus, see Cactaceae Heliopsis, see Compositae Heliotropiaceae, see Boraginaceae Heliotropium, see Boraginaceae Heller, Karl B., biography, A N O N . , 1881 i collections (see also Begonia; Mexico, plants; Yucatan, plants), A N O N . , 1846e travels, see Mexico Helobieae, in the phylogeny of the Monocotvledoneae, N I T Z S C H K E , J . , 1914 Helogyne, see Compositae; also Eupatorieae Helosis, see Balanophoraceae Helwingia, see Cornaceae Hematoxylon, see Haematoxylon Hemibaccharis, see Compositae Hetnicarex, see Cyperaceae Hetnicarpha, see Cyperaceae Hemipogon sect., see Lobelia Hemisandra, see Acanthaceae Hemisphaerocarya, see Boraginaceae Hemizonia see Compositae (Madinae) hemp, see Cannabis Hendecandra, see Eunhorbiaceae Henderson, Randall, biography, H E A L D , W . F., 1960 Hendrichs Perez, Pedro Rodolfo, biography, L I N G A , C. R., 1955

henequen, see Agave rigida; A. rigida var. sisalana; A. sisalana heno, see Tillandsia usneoides heno griego, see Trigonella foenumgroecutn Henrya, see Acanthaceae Hepatica, see Ranunculaceae Heptacarpus, see Terns troemiaceae Herald, H . M. S., voyage of, S E E M A N N , B. et al, 1852-1857 herbals (see Cucurbita, illustration; Mexico, plants of, in; systematic works, pre-Linnaean) American plants in, see America, plants of, in Mexican (see also Badianus herbal), C R U Z , M. de la and B A D I A N U S , J . , 1552, 1552a; M O N A R D E S , N., 1565 Mexican plants in, see herbals, pre-Linnaean, below pre-Linnaean (see also systematic works, pre-Linnaean) including Mexican plants, B O C K , H . , 1539; C A R R I C H T E R VON R E C K I N G E N , B., 1575; D U R A N T E , C., 1585; L ' E C L U S E , C., 1574, 1605, 1611; L ' O B E L , M. de, 1576; L O V E L L , R., 1659; M A T T I O L I , P . A., 1544; N E W T O N , J., 1752; N Y L A N D T , P., 1670; P A N C K O W , T., 1654, 1654a; S A L M O N , W., 1710; W E I N M A N N , J. W., 1737-1745; Z W I N G E R , T . , 1696 Zea mays, descriptions of, in, F I N A N , J., 1948; W E A T H E R W A X , P., 1944 herbe du chicle, see Asclepias lanuginosa Hermannia, see Sterculiaceae Hermessen, J. L., collections, see Orchidaceae Hermosillo, see Sonora Hernandez, Francisco (see also Cactaceae, mentioned by; ethnobotany, contributions to; Orchidaceae, Mexico, genera cited by) Agave, data on L A L L A V E , P . DE, 1832] ayotli, plants described as, U R B I N A , M., 1903a bibliography, see bibliographical works bio-bibliography. B E N I T E Z M I U R A , J. S., 1950; B E N S O N , N. L., 1954a; X I M E N E Z . F., 1615 biography, A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E., 1942; A S S O y PFT. R I O , I. J . DE, 1793; B A R R E I R O , A. J., 1929 (testament); B A R T L E T T , H . H., 1949; F E R N A N D E Z DEL C A S T I L L O , F., 1943; G A R C I A DEL R E A L , E., 1921; H A G E N . V. W . VON. 1941, 1944; H E R N A N D E Z , F . , 1570-1575; S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1956, 1957, 1957a, 1961 collections, A L D E N , R. H . and I F F T , J. D., 1943 Compositate described by, see Compositae, new taxa contribution, to Mexican science, B E L T R A N , E., 1949a, 1949c; D e G O R T A R I , E., 1952 scientific (see also medicine, contribution), M A R T I N E Z , M., 1921 ; P A L E N C I A . C., 1948; P E R E Y R A . C., 1920; S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1955 correspondence, H E R N A N D E Z , F . , (1570-1575) : with Feline II', B E N I T E Z M U I R A , J . L., 1950; X I M E N E Z , F.. 1615 with J u a n de Ovando, B E N I T E Z M I U R A , J. L., 1950 miscellaneous, X I M E N E Z , F . , 1615 Dahlia, illustrations, see Dahlia death certificate, S O M O L I N O S d'ARDOTS. G., 1951a ethnobotany, contribution to, see elbnobntanv explorations, G O O D S P E E D , T . H . , 1943 illustrations in his work, B L U N T , W . , 1950; S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , , G., 1954b; A N O N . , 1805 (reported by Sesse) manuscripts, discovery of, A N O N . , 1825 medicine, contribution to (see also contribution, scientific, above) F E R N A N D E ] DEL C A S T I L L O , F., 1955; M E N D E Z T R O N G E , M. F., 1939; L E J E U N E , F., 1926. See also works, medicobotanical, below American, contribution to, R 1 Q U E L M E S A L A R , J., 1950

Mexico, work in (see also medicine, contribution to, and contribution, scientific). B A R R A S y DE A R A G O N , F. de las, 1947; H U M P H R E Y , D. G., 1962; P E R E Y R A , C., 1920; S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1954c work on the natural history of, P R O J A , S., 1859, 1860; announcement of publication, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791h Opera, printing of, documents connected with, V A R I O U S (ca. 1790) plants described by (see also ayotli, above) A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1896; R A Y , J . , 1686-1704 Pliny, commentaries on, A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E., 1942 rubber, discovery of, R O D R I G U E Z B A T T O R I , F., 1954 science, contribution to, see contribution, above signature, S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1948 travels, H E R N A N D E Z , F . , (1570-1575)a map of, F E R N A N D E Z DEL C A S T I L L O , F., 1955 in Mexico, itinerary, S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1951 works, medico-botanical (see also medicine, contribution to, above), A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1790a reference to, R E D I , F., 1671 writings of, S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1951b (history o f ) , 1954 Zacatecas, plants of, described by, identified, A M A D O R , E . , 1899 Hernandez, Porfirio, collections, see Pinus strobus chiapensis travels, H E R N A N D E Z , P., 1946 Hernandia, see Hernandiaceae Hernandiaceae, wood anatomy, S H U T T S , C. F., 1960 Hernandia, distribution, see above Sparattanthelium, distribution, see above Herpestis, see Scrophulariaceae H e r r a d u r a , Cerro de la, see Cerro de la Herradura H e r r e r a , Pringle collections attributed to, see Pringle, collections H e r r e r a , Alfonso, bio-bibliography, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J., 1901 biography, C A S T R E J O N , A., 1924; R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1948; S O R I A N O , M. S. t 1901; V I L L A D A , M. M., 1901; A N O N . , 1896q; 1901u; 1926d medicinal plants, collection of, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1876 obituary, A N O N . , 1901f, 1901n, 1901ee portrait, C A S T R E J O N , A., 1924; V I L L A D A , M. M., 1901; A N O N . , 1896q tribute to, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J . , 1901a; V A R I O U S , 1901 H e r r e r a , Alfonso L., bio-bibliography, A N O N . , 1921 biography, B E L T R A N , E., 1942, 1942a, 1945; M E N D I C U T I y P O N C E , I., 1908; R O U A I X , P., 1942; A N O N . , 1926d correspondence, B E L T R A N , E „ 1945 obituary, A N O N . , 1942g plant classification, system of, C O N Z A T T I C., 1903 portrait, M E N D I C U T I y P O N C E , I., 1908; A N O N . , 1921 Hertrichocereus, see Cactaceae hesper palm, see Erythea Hesperaloe, see Liliaceae; more recently assigned to Agavaceae Hesperastragalus, see Leguminosae, Fabaceae Hesperastragalus subg., see Astragalus Hesperides, see Rutaceae, Citrus Hesperocallis, see Liliaceae Hesperolinon, see Linaceae Hesperonia subg., see Mirabilis Hesperothamnus sect., see Penstemon Hesperoyucca, see Liliaceae Hesperozygis, see Labiatae Heteranthera, see Pontederiaceae Heteranthus sect., see Cuphea Heterocentron, see Melastomaceae Heterochlamys, see Euphorbiaceae Heteronoma, see Melastomaceae Heteropteris, see Malpighiaceae Heterosperma, see Compositae Heterospermum, see Compositae Heterotheca, see Compositae Heterotoma, see Campanulaceae Heuchera, see Saxifragaceae Heucherella, see Saxifragaceae


Hevea, see Euphorbiaceae Hewittia, see Convolvulaceae Hexadesmia, see Orchidaceae Hexalectris, see Orchidaceae Hexandrae, see Commelinaceae Hexisea, see Orchidaceae Hexopetion, see Palmae Heyderia, see Cupressaceae; also Pinaceae Hibisceae, see Malvaceae Hibiscus, see Malvaceae hickory, see Carya Hicoria, see Juglandaceae Hidalgo, distrito, see Guerrero Hidalgo, state (see also Alchemilla procumbens; Apocynaceae, America tropical; Atelophragma, in Mexico; Cactaceae, collecting trip; Cactaceae, new species, in Mexico; Carex vallicola var. hidalgensis; Cephalocereus senilis; Cruciferae, new taxa, miscellaneous genera; Dahlia moorei; Dasylirion longissimum; Echeveria, new taxa, Hidalgo; E. bifurcata; E. semivestita; tolimanensis; E. trianthina; etymology, place names; Fagus mexicana; Geranium, new species; Graptopetalum gold*; Habenaria repens; Heliocereus, travels; Heliotropium sessei; Heuchera acutifolia; Hiraea barredae; Linociera areolataj Lobelia gladiaria; Mammillaria pubispina; M. rettigiana; M. wiesingeri; Meibomia pinetorum; Mexico, Valle de; Monnina ocampi; Ñama argenteum; Opuntioideae, new species, 1908a; Orchidaceae, new taxa; Pleurothallis eximia; Potentilla lozani; Salvia hidalguensis; Scirpus rubricosus; Sedastrum pachucense; Solanum tuberosum, culture; Spermatophyta, Mexico, new species; Tillandsia lepidosepala, Tovara repens; T. virginiana; Trachyandra nana; Trifolium cognatum; Veeresia clarkii; Viola painteri; Zanthoxylum hidalgense) agriculture, A N O N . , 1897e cactus collecting in, B A C K E B E R G , C., 1951 exploration, botanical, history of, R U B I O , H . , 1938(?) flora, see above; V E G A S A N C H E Z , E . et al, 1933; A N O N . , 1884d geography, B E C E R R A , C. ( n . d . ) ; M A N Z A N O , T., 1897; M U Ñ O Z L U M B I E R , M. et al, 1939 (economic) guide book, A N O N . , 1933f Indians, see Otomi phytogeography, M U N O Z L U M B I E R , M. et al, 1939; R U B I O , H., 1953 plants of, B A R C E N A , M., 1877; B E L I O , J . R., 1924; M O R A L E S , J . I., 1941; P A R A Y , L., 1949 cultivated, A G U I L A R M E D R A N O , L., 1950; M A N Z A N O , T . , 1943; A N O N . , 1898h of economic importance (see also Hidalgo, geography), H E R R E R I A S , A., 1876 travel account, M O R A L E S , J. I., 1941; P A R A Y , L., 1949 (for collecting) zones, agricultural, A G U I L A R M E D R A N O , L., 1950 Actopan, plants of, B R A V O H O L L I S , H., 1936a; R O J A S C O R O N A CH., C., 1947 Valle de, see Agave Alfajayucan, food plants of, A N D R A D E , V. de P., 1909 Apam, see Agave, culture; E chino fos sulo cactus multiareolatus Atitalaquia, see relaciones geográficas Atotonilco, see Euphorbia densiflora Atotonilco el Grande, plants of, JIMENEZ VILLASENOR, C., 1947; A N O N . , 1838 timbers, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 Barranca de los Libros, see Cephalocereus senilis Barranca de Venados (see also Cactaceae) expedition to B O K A R I C A , N., 1961 Barranca Honda (see also San Sebastian) flora, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 Capula, monograph, M E N D I Z A B A L , O. de, 1947 Cardonal, see Cephalocereus senilis, rediscovery of site Cuauhquilpan, see relaciones geográficas

INDEX Hidalgo—continued £1 Chico (also Mineral del Chico) Bosque de, forests of, B U R C E Z , H . , 1911 flora, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 P a r q u e Nacional, forest plants, S A N C H E Z , E . P., 1927 Epazoyuca, see relaciones geográficas Francisco I. Madero, plants of, R O J A S C O R O N A C H „ C., 1947 Guadalupe, plants of, G A R C I A , J . M., 1859 Hacienda de la Encarnación, plants, Capetillo collections, A N O N . , 1896c Huasca, flora, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 Huehuetla, medicine and magic in, G A L L O P , R., 1939a Huejutla, timber sources, A N O N . , 1854 Ixmiquilpan, flora, E S C A N D O N , L. A., 1891 vegetation, R O S E , J . N., _ 1897-1911 Metztitlan (see also relaciones geográficas) flora, C A N T U T R E V I N O , S., 1953 Vega de, see Lycopersicum Mezquital, see Cactus ophioides n. sp., Indians, see Otomi plants, food sources, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1785-1786 Valle del (see Agave, uses; ethnobotany; etymology, place names, Otomi) plants of, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1937; F A B I L A , A., 1938; R O J A S G O N Z A L E Z , F „ 1939 of economic importance, R A M I R E Z L A G U N A , A., 1937 forage, R I V E R A C A L V O , P., 1941 Mineral del Chico, see El Chico Mixquiahuala de Tuarez, plants of, ROTAS C O R O N A C H „ C „ 1947 Molango, travels, M O R A L E S , J . I., 1941 Omitían, Hacienda del Carmen, see Echeveria elegans Pachuca (see also Potentilla rydbergiana** exploration, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1908 flora, V I L L A D A . M., 1865 travels, M O R A L E S , T. I., 1941 Pisaflores, products, A N O N . , 1899d Real del Monte, (see also Cactaceae, new taxa) flora, V I L L A D A , M „ 1865 vegetation, G A M O N E D A , F., 1923 Rio Meztitlan, see Thelocactus goldii San Juan Yolotepec, see relaciones geográficas San Pablo, medicine and magic in, G A L L O P , R., 1939a San Salvador, nlants of, R O J A S C O R O N A C H „ C.. 1947 San Sebastian (see also Barranca Honda") timbers of, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 Santa Maria Tepeji, monograph, M E N D I Z A B A L , O. de, 1947 Sierra, timbers of, V I L L A D A , M., 1865 Singuilucan, Tecanecapa. Rancho. plants of, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , .T., 1937a Tasquillo (see also vocabulary, Otomi) flora of, A R C I N I E G A , A., 1941 Tecozautla, excursion to, M E Y R A N , G. C. de, 1958 Tepepulco, see relaciones geográficas Tianguistengo, travels, M O R A L E S , J . I., 1941 Tletlistaca, see relaciones geográficas Tolantongo (see also Tonaltongo, Gruta de) Barranca, exploration, P A R A Y , L., 1944 plants of, P A R A Y , L., 1947 Tollman, Barranca de, plants, G A L E O T T I , H „ 1838 Tonaltongo (see also Tolantongo) Gruta de, plants of, V I L L A D A , M., 1910b Totolapa, see relaciones geográficas Tula, flora, E S C A N D O N , L., 1890 timber sources, A N O N . , 1854 Tulancingo (see also biography, collective, Tulancingo, residents; etymology, place names) flora, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1890-1891 gardens, colonial, M A R Q U E S DE S A N F R A N C I S C O , 1923 plants of, A N A Y A , C. E., 1918; O R T E G A , F., 1825; R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J., 1941 (of economic importance) timber sources, A N O N . , 1854

Hippocratea, see Hippocrateaceae vegetation, A L M A R A Z , R. et al, Hippocrateaceae, America, monograph, 1866 S M I T H , A. C., 1940 Uexutla, see relaciones geográficas Hippocratea acapulcensis, insecticide, Valley of Old Men, expedition, O R O Z C O , M. L., 1940 B O K A R I C A , N., 1961 medicinal plant, for baldness, Zacualtipan (see also Mexico, travel, A N O N . , 1925f Tampico to Zacualtipan) Hippodamia, see Gesneriaceae forests of, S O S A , A. H., 1935 Hippomane, see Euphorbiaceae travel account, M O R A L E S , J . I., Hiraea, see Malpigniaceae 1941; W U E R T E M B E R G , P . Hisingera, see Flacourtiaceae W . , 1845 (from Tampico to) Hispaniola (see also Antilles; Haiti, Zempoala, see relaciones geográficas and Republica Dominicana) Zimapan, see Cereus martianus; phytogeography, C I F E R R I , R., 1936 relaciones geográficas Hispano-America, authors, anonymous, Hidalgo Carpió, Luis, biography, S O S A , see dictionary, HispanoF . , 1844a America Hidalgoa, see Compositae pseudonyms, see dictionary, hiedra, see Cryptostegia grandiflora Hispano-America Hieracium, see Compositae historical works (see also Mexico, hierba, de, see also yerba, yerva hierba de la cucaracha, Echites northwest, Society of Jesus in), C A M P E , J . H „ 1796 hypoleuca; see also jlaplophyton America, COBO, B „ 1653; E D E N , cimicidum; Trachelospermum R „ 1555; H E R R E R A y stans T O R D E S I L L A S , A., hierba de la golondrina, see Euphorbia 1601-1615 pilulifera; E. prostrata America, North, B O T U R I N I hierba de la langosta, see Meibomia B E N A D U C I , L., 1746 trigona Antilles, L O P E Z DE G O M A R A , F . , hierba de la leche, see Euphorbia 1552 lancifolia hierba de pollo, see Commelina; also B a j a California, C L A V I G E R O , F . yerba del pollo X., 1789. (see also Jesuits, hierba de quetzalcoatl, see Tragia below) volubilis California, V E N E G A S , M., 1757 hierba de San Nicolas, see # Chiapas, P I N E D A , V., 1888; Chrysactinia mexicana; X I M E N E Z , F . (1721) Psychotria Chichimecas, C A S A S , G. de las hierba del cancer, see Lythrum (1571-1585) vulnerarium Cuauhtitlan, A N O N . , 16th cent. hierba del chicle, see Asclepias lanuginosa Franciscans, in Mexico, R E A , A . hierba del negro, see Sphaeralcea D E L A , 1639 angustifolia Guatemala, F U E N T E S y G U Z M A N , hierba del pajarito, see Phoradendron F . A., 1690; T U A R R O S , D., 1808-1818; A N O N . , 1857a velutinum (Popol V u h ) hierba del perro, see Senecio canicida Huasteca. M E A D E , J., 1942 hierba del piojo, see Hippocratea Jalisco, T E L L O , A. (1650-1651) acapulcensis Jesuits, in B a j a California, B A Y L E , hierba del puerco, see Aristolochia C„ 1933; D U N N E , P . M., pardina 1952 hierba del zorrillo, see Croton dioicus hierba loca, see Astragalus humboldtii ; in northern Mexico, D U N N E , P . A. mollissimus; Oxytropis M., 1944. See also Mexico, lamberti northwest, Society of Jesus, below hierba loca morada, see Oxytropis hierba lumbre, see Plumbago (?) Mexico (see also Codice Mendocino), hierba rodadora, see Salsola kali var. ALVA IXTLILXOCHITL, F. tenuifolia DE (1600-1616) ; A L E G R E , hierba santa, see Piper sanctum F . X. (1767; A L V A R A D O hierbabuena, see Mentha piperita; M T E Z O Z O M O C , H . , ca. 1598; viridis ; B U S T A M A N T E , C. M. DE, Higginsia. see Rubiaceae 1823-1832; C E R V A N T E S DE Higinbothamia ^ see Dioscoreaceae S A L A Z A R . F „ (1560-1567); higuera, see Ficus C L A V I G E R O , F . X., higuera de Esmirna, see Ficus 1780-1781; C O N Q U I S T A D O R A N O N I M O (16th c e n t u r y ) ; (Smyrna f i g ) C R U Z y M O Y A , J. T. DE higuera sivestre. see Ficus spp. LA, 1756-1757; D A V I L A higuerilla, see Ricinus P A D I L L A , A., 1596; D I A Z hikori, see Lophophora DEL CASTTLLO, B. (1568) ; hikuli (peyote), see Lophophora D O R A N T E S DE C A R R A N Z A , Hilaria, see Gramineae B. (1604); D U R A N , D. Hillia, see Rubiaceae 1579-1581); E S T A L A , P . Himantandraceae, morphology, (1799) ; L O P E Z TIE'GOMARA, comparative, V A N D E R W Y K . F . , 1552; M A R T I N E Z , H . , R. W . , 1950 1606; M I L L . N.. 1824; O J E A , compared with Magnoliaceae, H . (1608); O R O Z C O y C A N R I G H T , J . E „ 1949-1960 B E R R A . M., 1880; Himantostemma, see Asclepiadaceae P R E S C O T T , W . H „ 1843; Himatanthus, see Apocynaceae S O L I S y RIVADENEYRA, Hinchilique, see Huitzilac A. DE. 1684; S O L O R Z A N O y Hinds, Richard Brinsley, A L D E N , R. P E R E Y R A . J. DE, 1629-1639; H . and I F F T , J . D., 1943 Z U R I T A , A. DE (16th cent.) (biography) Belgian volunteers in, B O N N E V I E , hinojo, see Foeniculum Hinton, George B. J . B., 1864 collection, K T N G S B O R O U G H , E . K., collections (see also Acanthaceae; 1830-1848 Bignoniaceae; Bur sera; Dalea; to 1820, AGUTLAR, F . (1579) Geraniaceae; Gesneriaceae; Indians of. T O V A R , J. DE Leguminosae; Malpighiaceae; (1569?-1573) Malvaceae; Microspermum; Maya area (see also historical works, Mimosaceae; Quercus; Yucatan), V I L L A G U T I E R R E Rubiaceae; Sterculiaceae; S O T O M A Y O R , J. DE, 1701 Tiliaceae). V A R I O U S , northern, O C A R A N Z A , F.,_1939 1936-1958 (grouped northwest, Society of Jesus in, systematically) Hintonella, see Orchidaceae O R T E G A , J. DE, 1754. See ( Ornithocephaleae) also Jesuits above hipericon, see Hypericum Nueva Galicia, M O T A P A D I L L A , M. Hipopogon (Hypopogon), see A. DE I.A (1742) Sinaloa and Sonora, missionaries Symplocaceae in, D U N N E , P. M „ 1940 Hippeastriformes, see Amaryllidaceae Tabasco, MESTRE GHIGLIAZZA, Hippeastrum, see Amaryllidaceae Hippobroma, see Campanulaceae M., 1916, 1940 Hippocastanaceae, America, revision, Tlaxcala, M U N O Z C A M A R G O , D . H A R D I N , J . W . , 1957 (16th cent.) Aesculus, as a quinine substitute, Veracruz, M E L G A R E J O V I V A N C O , Z A N N I C H E L L I , J., 1774 J. L., 1949(1950) parryi, in B a j a California, P A R R Y , W e s t Indies (see also Antilles), C. C., 1882, 1883a; D I E Z DE LA C A L L E , J . , 1646; S A R G E N T , C. S „ 1890b; E D E N , R „ 1555 W I G G I N S , I. L., 1932 Yucatan (see also historical works, Billia, distribution, P A X , F., 1928 Mexico, Maya a r e a ) , D I A Z DE n. gen. (hippocastanum), Oaxaca S O L I S , J., (1520); and Veracruz, P E Y R I T S C H , F E R N A N D E Z D U R O , C. J., 1858 (1520?); L O P E Z C O G O L L U D O , D., 1688; wood of, K R A M E R , P . R.. 1939


M O L I N A S O L I S , J . F „ 1896; V A R T H E M A , L. DE, 1520 Hitchcock, A. S., biography, P F E I F F E R , H . , 1937 collections, see Gramineae, travels in Mexico, for collecting travels, see above; also Mexico, travel account Hocaba, see Yucatan Hoffmanseggia (Hoffmannseggta), see Leguminosae _ Hofmeisteria, see Compositae Hoitzia, see Polemoniaceae hoitziloxitl, see Myrospermum perexra; M. pubescens hojas de ajan, see Piper sanctum hojas de la Maria Pastora, see Salvta divinorum hojas de la pastora, see above hojasen, see Caesalpinia exostemma; Flourensia cernua hokab, see Tabebuia Holacantha, see Simarubaceae holacanthoid plants, see plants, holacanthoid Holcus, see Gramineae Holland, miscellaneous plants grown in, systematics, M U N T I N G , A. 1672, hollyhock, wild, see Sphaeralcea Holodiscus, see Rosaceae Holoschoenus, see Cyperaceae Homaiium, see Flacourtiaceae Homalocephala, see Cactaceae Homalopetalum, see Orchidaceae Homphaleae, see Omphaleae Honduras (see also Orchidaceae, Epidendrum rhynchophorum, range extension) flora, F I A L L O S V., E., 1919; Y U N C K E R , T . G., 1938 plant names, indigenous, B L A K E , S. F 1922 trees of, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1930b Aguan Valley, flora, Y U N C K E R , T . G., 1940 Huehuetlapan, plants of, B E C E R R A , M. E., 1921 source of Mexican culture, see above L a Ceiba, coastal region, flora, Y U N C K E R , T. G., 1940 Lancetilla Valley, flora, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1931a Honduras bark, see Picramnta Honduras, British, see Belice honey locust, see Gleditsia tnacanthos honote, see jonote . Hoogstraal, H a r r y , collections, C H A b t , V . H „ 1953 Hooker, W . J., herbarium, see Piperaceae Hookera, see Liliaceae Hookeria sect., see Sida Hoplismenus, see Gramineae Hordeum, see Gramineae Horkelia, see Rosaceae Horridae, see Rosaceae hortensia, see Hydrangea _ horticulture (see also dictionary, horticultural; gardening) food plants, S C H M I D L I N , E., 1877 general, B O I S , D. G. J . M „ 1893 1899; B O U T E L O U , C., 1813; L A U R E M B E R G , P . , 1631; L E O N , L. G., 1902; M O R A L E S , C„ 1906-1907; R U E M P L E R , K. T., 1879; W A L T E R , J. J., 1792; A N O N . , 1896w, 1926h manual of, S A N D O V A L , J. de, 1921; S A N T I B A N E Z , L. R., 1941 naturalization, plants for, guide to, N A U D I N , C. V . and M U E L L E R , F . J. H., 1887 ornamentals, S C H M I D L I N , E „ 1877 Hortop, Job, travels of, H O R T O P , J., 1591 Hortus Academicus Goettingensis, see Goettingen, Botanischer Garten or Hortus Academicus Hortus Academicus Halensis, catalogue, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1841, 1853 seed catalogue, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1841, 1843, 1850 Hortus Academicus Hauniensis, catalogue. H O R N E M A N N , J. W . (18135-1815; L I E B M A N N , F . , 1849 new taxa, V A R I O U S . 1848 seed catalogue. S C H O U W , J . F „ 1847; V A R I O U S , 1844-1860, 1848; A N O N . , 1844a Hortus Academicus Marburgensis, see Hortus Botanicus Marburgensis Hortus Berolinensis, see Berlin, Hortus Berolinensis, or Botanischer Garten Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, see Amsterdam Hortus Botanicus Bergianus, plants, catalogue. W I T T R O C K , V . B. and J U E L , H . O., 1891 Hortus Botanicus Berolinensis, see Berlin, Botanischer Garten or Hortus Berolinensis

INDEX H o r t u s Botanicus F r i b u r g e n s i s , plants in, see Nicotiana graciltflora H o r t u s Botanicus Hamburgensis, catalogue, seeds, L E H M A N N , J . G. C., 1854 H o r t u s Botanicus Lovaniensis, catalogue, seeds, M A R T E N S , M., 1844 H o r t u s Botanicus Marburgensis, plants, systematic works, M O E N C H , K., 1794 seed catalogue, W E N D E R O T H , G. W . F . , 1838, 1843 H o r t u s Botanicus Monacensis, see Muenchen, Botanical Garden H o r t u s Botanicus P a n o r m i t a n u s , see Palermo, Orto Botánico H o r t u s Botanicus Regiomontanus, catalogue, S C H W E I G G E R , A . F . , 1812 H o r t u s Botanicus Turicensis, plants, index, R E G E L , E . , 1850a, 1850b seed catalogue, V A R I O U S , 1844-1860 H o r t u s Botanicus Vindobonensis, see V i e n n a , Botanical Garden H o r t u s Botanicus Vratislava, see Vratislava, H o r t u s Botanicus H o r t u s Caesarius Schoenbrunnensis, plants of, J A C Q U 1 N , N., 1797-1804 H o r t u s Cantabrigiensis, catalogue of plants, D O N N , J . , 1796 H o r t u s Carlsruhanus, catalogue of plants, H A R T W E G , Garteninspector, 1825 H o r t u s Cliffortianus, catalogue, L I N N E , C. von, 1737a, 1737b H o r t u s Dyckensis, see Cactaceae, i n H o r t u s Dyckensis H o r t u s Elginensis, catalogue, H O S A C K , D., 1806 H o r t u s Elthamensis, catalogue, D I L L E N I U S , J . J . , 1732 H o r t u s Eystettensis, Mexican plants in, B E S L E R , B., 1613 H o r t u s F a r n e s i a n u s , see Agave; Manihot; Passif lora; Yucca H o r t u s Hauniensis, see H o r t u s Academicus H a u n i e n s i s H o r t u s Imperialis (Botanicus) Petropolitanus, see St. P e t e r s b u r g , H o r t u s Imperialis H o r t u s Kewensis, catalogue of plants, A I T O N , W . , 1789; H I L L , J . , 1768 illustrations, of plants in, H O O K E R , W . J . , 1837-to date introductions, illustrations, L I N D E N , J . J . , 1859-1860 H o r t u s Lipsiensis, seed catalogue, K U N Z E , G. and P L A S C H N I C K , C., 1847; V A R I O U S , 1844-1860 H o r t u s L u g d u n u m Batavum, see Leiden, Botanical Garden H o r t u s Medicus Chelseianus, plants, catalogue, R A N D , I., 1739 H o r t u s Medicus Edinburgensis, see Edinburgh H o r t u s Messanensis ( M e s s i n a ) , u s e f u l plants, C A S T E L L O , P . , 1640 H o r t u s Monacensis. see H o r t u s Botanicus Monacensis H o r t u s Monvillianus, see Cactaceae H o r t u s Mutinensis, plants in, BRIGNOLI a BRUNNHOFF, F. D E , 1849 H o r t u s P a n o r m i t a n u s , see Palermo, O r t o Botánico H o r t u s Regius Botanicus H a f n i e n s i s , see H o r t u s Academicus H a u n i e n s i s H o r t u s Regius Neapolitanus, see Napoli, Orto Botánico H o r t u s Regius P a n o r m i t a n u s ( P a n h o r m i t a n u s ) , see P a l e r m o , Orto Botánico H o r t u s Ripulensis. plants, enumeration of, C O L L A , L., 1824 H o r t u s Romanus, niants in, B O N E L L I , G., 1772-1793 H o r t u s Thenensis. plants, illustrations of. P e W T L D E M A N , E . , 1899-1909 H o r t u s Turicensis, see H o r t u s Botanicus Turicensis H o r t u s U n i v e r s i t a t i s Lipsiensis, see H o r t u s Lipsiensis H o r t u s Upsaliensis, catalogue, L I N N E , C. 1748 H o r t u s V a n h o u t t e a n u s , new taxa, P O I T E A U , P . A., 1845 H o r t u s Vilmorinianus, catalogue, V I L M O R T N , P . L. DE, 1906 H o r t u s Vratislaviensis, see Vratislava, H o r t u s Botanicus Hosackia, see Leguminosae house plants, see plants, o r n a m e n t a l Houstonia, see Rubiaceae Houstoun, William (see also Bernardia, collections) biography, J O H N S T O N , E . D . , 1950: P U L T E N E Y , R., 1790 collections (see also Laurus mexicana; Leguminosae), H O U S T O U N , W . , 1781 (in V e r a c r u z )


(Anemopsis), see Piperaceae (Saururaceae) Hoverdenia, see Acanthaceae H o w a r d , T . M., collections, see Zephyranthes Howell, J . T . , collections, see Cedros Island huacalxochitl, see Philodendron affine huacamote, see Manihot utilissima huachacata, see Thryallis huachacate, see Tecoma huaco, see Mikania huaco de Colima, see Aristolochia pardina H u a i n a m o t a , see San Ignacio de Huainamota huanita, see Beureria; also as Bourreria and Beurreria huauhtli, see Amaranthus paniculatus H u a r t , Alberto, obituary, A N O N . , 1909o Huasca, see Hidalgo H u a s t e c a (see also etymology, place n a m e s ; historical works; Nicotiana tabacum, c u l t u r e ; Orchidaceae, catalogue; V e r a c r u z , Rio P a n u c o basin; vocabulary; Zea mays, c u l t u r e ; also origin) agriculture, P E R E Z B O N I L L A , E . , 1948 descriptive account, R I V E R A y V 1 L L A L O N , P . DE, 1736 forestry, P E R E Z B O N I L L A , E., 1948 linguistics, see bibliographic works map of, A L E J A N D R E , M., 1890; B E R E N D T , C. H . (n. d.) ( i n 1867); M O N T E J A N O y A G U I N A G A , R., 1960 orchids in, S A W Y E R , H . D., 1941-1953 p a s t u r e areas, P E R E Z B O N I L L A , E . , 1948 pasture plants, see Panicum molle; P. jumentorum plants of, S O T O , M. F . , 1869; S T A U B , W . , 1926 travel account, mainly archaeological, S E L E R , G. E . , 1889 Hidalguense, travels in, P A R A Y , L . , 1939-1940 Poblana (see also etymology, place n a m e s ) , monograph, M E A D E , J . , 1951 Potosina (see also Eucalyptus; Garcia nutans, oil source) flora, B A L D I Z A N G A T O , E . , 1946 plant products of, B A R R E T T , J . M., 1871 plants of, C A B R E R A , A. J . , 1876; G A R C I A , B. E . , 1883; M O N S I V A I S , R. M . , 1936 of economic importance, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1942 forage, B A L D I Z A N G A T O , E . , 1946 travels in, P A R A Y , L., 1939-1940 Q u e r e t a n a (see also etymology, place names) monograph, M E A D E , J . , 1951 Tamaulipas, in, plants of, S T A U B , W . , 1923 V e r a c r u z a n a (see also E r v e n d b e r g , collections, T a n t o y u c a ; Nicotiana, c u l t u r e ) agricultural products, A N D U A G A C A L D E R O N , M., 1947 plants of, S T A U B , W . , 1923 Huasteco, see vocabulary Huasteco I n d i a n s , see ethnobotany Huatulco, see Oaxaca Huatusco, see V e r a c r u z H u a u c h i n a n g o , see Puebla H u a u h t l a , see Oaxaca H u a u h t l a de Jimenez, see Oaxaca huauhtli, see Chenopodium nuttalliae huauzontle, see Chenopodium nuttalliae H u a v e Indians, see ethnobotany in Tehuantepec, see vocabulary Huaxolotitlan, see S a n t a M a r i a Asumpcion Huaxolotitlan; also Oaxaca H u a x t e c ( o ) , see H u a s t e c ( o ) H u a x t e c a , see H u a s t e c a Huaxtepec, see Morelos huayacan, see guayacan Huayacocutla ( H u a y a c o c o t l a ) , see Chicontepec de Huayacocutla huazontle, see Chenopodium nuttalliae H u e h u e t l a , see Hidalgo H u e h u e t l a p a n , see H o n d u r a s Huehuetoca, see Mexico, state Hueitepec, Cerro de, see Cerro Hueitepec Huejotzingo, see Puebla H u e j u t l a , see Hidalgo H u e p a c , see Sonora hueso de fraile, Thevetia thevetoides H u e t a m o , see Michoacan H u e y a p a n , see Puebla Hueycantenango, see G u e r r e r o Hufelandia, see L a u r a c e a e Hugelia subg., see Gilia Huichol Indians, Huicholes, see ethnobotany; Jalisco, Huichol a r e a ; vocabulary Huichol area, see N a y a r i t

huicicialtemetl, see Bumelia altamianoi; systematics, C O N S T A N C E , L., Pittosporum 1938-1939 Huimanguillo, see Tabasco; also Eutoca mexicana, B E N T H A M , G., 1835c Veracruz, Acayucam Huiquilcan, see Mexico, state ortgesiana, H E E R , O., 1861 huirigo, see Populus (?) Hydrolea, revision, B E N N E T T , A. huisache, see Acacia albicans; A. W . , 1871 glabra n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., 1833 farnesiana; zeylanica n. sp., see above Huitzilac, see Morelos Hydrophylleae, genera, key to, Huitziltepec, see G u e r r e r o huizache, sec Acacia farnesiana; see C O N S T A N C E , L., 1939a Nama, chromosome numbers, also huisache C A V E , M. S. and huizpatli, see Psoralea C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950, 1959 hule, see Costilla; Euphorbia Mexico, perennial, revision, hule de P a r a , see Hevea brasiliensis hule de tierras templadas, see Sapiutn H I T C H C O C K , C. L., 1939 biglandulosum systematics, H I T C H C O C K , C. L., Humboldt, Alexander von, biography, 1933 K O E H L E R , H . , 1904a; argenteum n. sp., Hidalgo, B R A N D , S T E V E N S - M I D D L E T O N , R. A., 1911 L., 1956 coulteri var, pringlei, raised to Cavanilles, letter to, species, H I T C H C O C K , C. L., H U M B O L D T , A. DE, 1939 1803 dichotoma n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., collections (see also America, tropical) 1833 S T E V E N S - M I D D L E T O N , R. ehrenbergii n. sp., B R A N D , A . , L., 1956 1922 cow tree, report of, see Brosimum longiflora n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., galactodendron 1833 Essai Politique, study of, see origanifolia n. sp., see above bibliographic works purpusii, t r a n s f e r r e d to N. Mexican biogeography, contribution to, stenophyllum, HITCHCOCK, S T E V E N S - M I D D L E T O N , R. C. L 1939 L., 1956 rupicola n.' sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., Mexico, influence in, M A L D O N A D O 1833 K O E R D E L L , M., 1959a stenophyllum and N. purpusii, Oaxaca, supposed visit to, V E L D E , P . H I T C H C O C K , C. L., 1939 torynophyllum n. sp., northern v. D., 1934 scientific traveller and naturalist, Mexico, G R E E N M A N , J . M. f S C H U L T Z E , J . H . , 1959 1904b systematics, contributions, undulata n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., S T E V E N S - M I D D L E T O N , R. 1833 L . , 1956 Nemophila, and Pholistoma, C O N S T A N C E , L., 1939 travels in Mexico, H U M B O L D T , A . revision, C H A N D L E R , H . P . , VON (1808)-1811; K O E H L E R , 1902; C O N S T A N C E , L., H . , 1904a; S P R A G U E , T . A . , 1939b 1924b Humulus, see Cannabinaceae Phacelia, chromosome numbers, H u n a c a m a , see U n a c a m a C A V E , M. S. and Hunnemannia, see Papaveraceae C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950, 1959 H u n t , M r s . Roy A r t h u r , library, revision, partial, H O W E L L , J . T . , catalogue, selected books, 1944 B A R T L E T T , H . H . , 1949 circinata, B E N T H A M , G., H u n t i n g t o n Botanic Gardens, see Agave 1835c Hura, see Euphorbiaceae C o s m a n t h u s revision, Hyacinthus, see Liliaceae C O N S T A N C E , L . , 1949a Hybanthus, see Violaceae crenulata, new varieties, V O S S , hybridization, see Solanum tuberosum J . W . , 1937 hybrids, see gardening, flowers crenulata group, revision, V O S S , Hydastylus, see Iridaceae J . W . , 1937 Hydnora, see Hydnoraceae Euglypta, revision, H O W E L L , Hydnoraceae J . T., 1946 Hydnora (Caeteraf), parasite, L A N Z Euphacelia, Phacelia magellanica T R U E B A , J . , 1923 group, MACBRIDE, J. F., prosopanchis, put in the 1917b gentryi n. sp., Sonora, Aristolochiaceae, F L O R E S , R. S., 1922-1924 C O N S T A N C E , L., 1948 Hydnorea, see Hydnora heterophylla, varieties, range Hydnostachys, see Araceae extensions to Sonora, W H I T E , Hydrangea, see Saxifragaceae S. S., 1947 Hydrangeaceae, see S a x i f r a g a c e a e hispida group, revision, V O S S , Hydrastis, see Ranunculaceae J . W . , 1934 Hydrocharitaceae ixodes n. sp., Cedros Island, K E L L O G G , A., 1884 Halophila engelmanni, see L a g u n a de magellanica group, see Terminos, flora, submerged Euphacelia, above Thalassia, distribution, O S T E N F E L D , pulcherrima n. sp.. Tamaulipas, C. H . , 1927 C O N S T A N C E , L., 1949a in the Gulf of Mexico, O s m a n t h u s , relationships, M O L D E N K E , H . N . , 1940e C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950 testudinum, see also Laguna de umbrosa n. sp., G R E E N E , E. L . , Terminos, flora, submerged 1893-1894 at A r r e c i f e de Alacranes, Pholistoma, chromosome numbers, K O R N I C K E R , L. S. et al, 1959 C A V E , M. S. and in Tamaulipas, L a g u n a M a d r e , C O N S T A N C E . L., 1950, 1959 H I L D E B R A N D , H . H . , 1958 systematics, C O N S T A N C E , L . , Vallisneria, general information, O., 1939 1840 movements of, O X , Dr., 1894 Wigandia, chromosome numbers, in Tabasco, F I G U I E R , L., 1908 C A V E , M. S. and Hydrochilus sect., see Mammillaria C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950, 1959 Hydrocotyle, see Umbelliferae kunthii n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . D., hydrocyanic acid, in leaves, see Prunus 1833 capuli; P. serotina scorpiodes n. sp., C H O I S Y , J . Hydrolea, see Hydrophyllaceae D., 1833 Hydromestus, see Acanthaceae Hydrophylleae, see Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hydrotaenia, see Iridaceae America, North, conspectus, G R A Y , Hylocereus, see Cactaceae A., 1875d Hymenachne, see Gramineae chromosome numbers, C A V E , M . S. Hymenaea, see Leguminosae and C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950, Hymenocallis, see Amaryllidaceae 1959 Hymenoea, see Hymenaea Hymenopappus, see Compositae genera and species, miscellaneous, Hymenostephium see Compositae C H O I S Y , J. D., 1833 Hymenothrix, see Compositae revision, B E N T H A M , G., 1835b Hymenoxys, see Compositae systematics, B R A N D , A., 1911 Hyperbaena, see Menispermaceae U . S., southeast, genera, key to, Hypericaceae, see Guttiferae W I L S O N , K. A., 1960a Hypericifoliae, see Euphorbiaceae, Eriodictyon, chromosome numbers, C A V E , M. S. and Chamaesyce C O N S T A N C E , L., 1950, 1959 Hypericum, see Guttiferae systematics and distribution, hypnotic plants, see plants, hypnotic hypocastano, see Aesculus A B R A M S , L. and S M I L E Y , hippocastanum F . J . , 1915 Hypolj^treae, see Cyperaceae Eucrypta, chromosome n u m b e r s , Hypopithieae, see Bicornes C A V E , M. S., and Hypopityeae, see Pyrolaceae C O N S T A N C E , L . , 1950, 1959


INDEX Hypopogon, Hipopogon, see Symplocaceae see also Styracaceae Hypoxidaceae, synopsis, B A K E R , J . G., 1880 Hypoxis, American species, revision, B R A C K E T T , A., 1923 new species, B R A C K E T T , A., 1923 Hypoxidoideae, see Amaryllidaceae Hypoxis, see Hypoxidaceae; also Amaryllidaceae Hypsiandra, see Nicotiana Hyptis, see Labiatae

H O C H E N L E I T T E R , L., 1788-1793(94); J A C Q U I N , N., 1781, 1788, 1793; K E R N E R , J . S., 1796-1831; K N O W L E S , G. B. and W E S T C O T T , F . , 1837-1840; L A M A R C K , J . B. P . A. M. DE, 1791-1823; L O D D I G E S , C. and S O N S , 1817-1833; L O I S E L E U R D E S L O N G C H A M P S , J. L. A., 1816-1849-50; SAUNDERS, W. W., 1868-1873(?); S C H N I Z L E I N , A., 1843-1870; S M I T H , J . E . , Ibarra, Joaquin, viuda de, 1790-1793; T R E W , C. J . , correspondence with Gomez 1750-1773; V A R I O U S , Ortega, C., V A R I O U S (ca. 1832-1848, 1916-in progress; 1790) A N O N . , 1618 (?> Ibervillea, see Cucurbitaceae ornamental, M A U N D , B. and H E N S L O W , J. S., 1837-1846 monograph, H O W A R D , R., 1940, pre-Linnaean, L ' O B E L , M. DE, 1942 1581; M U N T I N G , A., 1713; morphology, B A I L E Y , I . W . and SCARAMELLA P E T R I , P., H O W A R D , R. A., 1941 1954 pollen, D A H L , A. O., 1952 selected, rare, E H R E T , G. D., pubescence, and crystals, 1748-1749 H E I N T Z E L M A N , C. E . JR., Ilysanthes, see Scrophulariaceae and H O W A R D , R. A., 1948 immigrants to Mexico, see Mexico, systematics, M I E R S , J., 1851-1871 descriptive accounts, for Icacineae, systematics, based on immigrants anatomy, E N G L E R , A., 1893 immunology, see Solanum, systematics Colatola, species, key to, H O W A R D , based on R., 1940, 1942 Imperata, see Gramineae systematics, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., Incanifolia, see Sida, revision 1926a incense bush, see Encelia farinosa laevigata, in Oaxaca, see above India, fiber plants, R O Y L E , J . F . , 1855 mollis, in Puebla, S T A N D L E Y , Indians (see also historical works, P. C., 1926a Mexico; Indians, in various Mappia, revision, B A E H N I , C., states; and the following tribes; 1936-1938 Acaxee; Apache; Aztecs; species, key to, H O W A R D , R., Cahita; Chiapanec; Chichimec; 1940, 1942 Chinantec; Chiricahua; Chocho; Oecopetalum n. gen., G R E E N M A N , Choi; Chontal: Coahuila; J . M. and T H O M P S O N , C. Cocopa; Colima; Cora; H . , 1915 species, key to, H O W A R D , H . , Cuicateco; Huasteco; H u a v e ; Huichol; Kikapoo; Kileewee; 1940, 1942 Kiliwa; K u n k a a k : Lacandon; guatemalense n. sp., Chiapas, Matlatzinco; M a y a ; Mayo; H O W A R D , R., 1940, 1942 M a z a h u a ; Mazatec; Mescalero Icacineae, see Icacinaceae Apache; Mexica; M i x e ; icaco, see Chrysobalanus icaco Mixtec; Opata; Otomi; Ichcateopan, see Guerrero Papago; Popoluca; Seri; Ichnanthus, see Gramineae Ichthyomethia, see Leguminosae Tarahumara; Tarascan; Idea, see Burseraceae Tepecano; Tepehuan; Icxitlan, see Puebla Tlaxcalan; Tojolobal; Toltec; Idria, see Fouquieriaceae Totonac; T r i q u e ; Tzeltales; Ignacio de la Llave, municipio, see Tzendal; Tzotzil; Yalalag; Yaqui; Zapotec; Zoque) Veracruz Agave, use of, see Agave, Ignacio Zaragoza, see Tamaulipas Indians, used by igname, see Dioscorea batatas America, agriculture, see Iguala, see Guerrero llama, see Annona diversifolia agriculture, Indian, in ilamatzapotl, see Annona diversifolia America Ilex see Aquifoliaceae Lophophora, use of, see Ilex-like leaves, plants with, see plants, ethnobotany, Lophophora medicine, see medicine, history of, with llex-Wkz leaves American Indians Ilicineae, see Aquifoliaceae plants, cultivated, see plants, Illiciaceae, monograph, S M I T H , A. C., 1947 cultivated by Indians plants, food sources, see Illicium, see Magnoliaceae; also above illustrations, Bromeliaceae, see ethnobotany, Indians, America Bromeliaceae, Royal Garden of plants, hallucinatory, use of, see Vienna ethnobotany, Indians, America; flora, world wide, D I E T R I C H , D. N . also plants, hallucinogenic, F., 1831 used by Indians flowers, J A E G E R , P., 1961 plants, medicinal, used by, see icones, E I S E N D R A T H , E. R., 1961 ethnobotany, Indians, America plants (see also Agave, Mexico; plants, narcotic, used by, see America, plants of; Berlin, ethnobotany, Indians, America Botanischer Garten; plants, poisonous, used by, see bibliographic works; Cactaceae, ethnobotany, Indians, America illustrations; Cucurbita, in California, see ethnobotany, Indians herbals; Erbario Estense; ethnobotany, see ethnobotany, Indians Linnaeus, herbarium, plants i n ; fruits, use of, see Cactaceae, f r u i t s Nicotiana tabacum; plants, Mexico, see ethnobotany medicinal, illustrated; plants, Indicum f r u m e n t u m , see Zea mays succulent; Sesse, collections of Indies, America, see Antilles plants, illustrations; tropics, Indies, West, see Antilles plants of economic importance) indigo, see Indigofcra suffruticosa; see in British gardens, exotic, also plants, indigo sources E D W A R D S , S. T., 1815-1847 indigo bush, see Amorpha fruticosa by Converse, O., L A R A y P A R D O , Indigofera, see Leguminosae L., 1946 Indische kartoffel, see Convolvulus Europe, cultivated in, V A R I O U S , batatas 1845-1883 Infiernillo, see Queretaro Europe, outside of , Inga, see Leguminosae R E I C H E N B A C H , H . G. L. Ingenhousia, see Malvaceae (1824) 1827-1830, 1834-1836 Ingenio Emiliano Zapata, see Morelos exotic, B E L V I A N E S , M., 1957 inguarde, see Bocconia flowering, miscellaneous, P A X T O N , injerto, see Phoradendron J., 1834-1849; P A X T O N , J . ink sources, see plants, ink sources and L I N D L E Y , J., 1853 Inodes, see Palmae Great Britain, cultivated in, see insecticides, see plants, insecticide Great Britain, plants, cultivated sources guide to, S T A P F , O., 1929-1941 insects, dye source, see cochineal at Kew, Royal Botanical Gardens, C U R T I S , W . , 1787; H O O K E R , edible, see plants, hosts for edible W . J., 1837 to date insects miscellaneous, A N D R E W S , H . C., lacquer source, see a j e (axe), axin 1797-1811; B A S S A E U S , N., useful, see a j e ; ants; axe, axin; 1590; B U R N E T T , M. A., cochineal 1842-1850; D E L E S S E R T , B., Institute Medico Nacional, Mexico, see 1820-1846; G A U T I E R Mexico City, Institute D A G O T Y , J . , 1767; Instlahuaca, see Oaxaca

Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, see Turrialba Inuleae, see Compositae Iodanthus, see Cruciferae iodine, content in vegetables, GONZALEZ M U R G U I A , J., 1945 Ionidium, see Violaceae Ionopsis, see Orchidaceae Ionoxalis, see Oxalidaceae lostephane, see Compositae Ipalapa, see Oaxaca ipecacuana, ipecacuanha, see Callicocca ipecacuanha; Cephaelisj C. ipecacuanha; Ionidium poligalifolium; plants, ipecacuanha sources; plants, ipecacuanha substitutes; Psychotria; Uragoga ipecacuana, bastard, see Asclepias curassavica ipecacuana del pais, see Cephaelis cianocarpa; Psychotria; Richardsonia ipecacuanha, see ipecacuana Ipomea, see Convolvulaceae Ipomopsis, see Polemoniaceae iraca, see Carludovica (?) Irapuato, see Guanajuato Iresine, see Amaranthaceae Iridaceae America, genera, key to, F O S T E R , R. O., 1945-1962 Ensatae, catalogue, species, G A W L E R , J . B., 1805 Haenke, collections, K L A T T , F . W . , 1863 Liebmann, collections, K L A T T , F . W . , 1863 Mexico, state, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1960d Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1961a revision, K L A T T , F . W . , 1865-1866 systematics, B A K E R , J. G.. 1878a: K E R , J . B., 1827; K L A T T , F . W . , 1861-1862a, 1867-1868 Uhde, collections, K L A T T , F . W . , 1863 Crocus sdtivus, culture, M A R I N S., L., 1944b; A N O N . , 1809 general information, A G U I L A R , R., 1906; A N O N . , 1903n medicinal plant, A R T E A G A , R., 1893 proposed for cultivation in Mexico, P O N C E DE L E O N , R., 1897 substitute for (see also Escobedid), A N O N . , 1905m, 1908y Cypella mexicana n. sp., Guerrero, F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 rosei^ n. sp., see above Ferraria Pavonia, culture, B R E C K , J., 1871 tigridia, culture, see above Gladiolus, culture, G A L L O , E . L., 1892-1893; H E R N A N D E Z O L M E D O , I., 1947 Hydastylus, related to Sisyrinchium, B I C K N E L L , E. P., 1900 Hydrotaenia ehrenbergii n. sp., S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1844a Irideae, monograph, B A K E R , J . G., 1892 Nemastylis, America, North, revision, F O S T E R , R. O., 1945-1962 "cacomite," M E D I N A y G U T I E R R E Z , J . L., 1928 Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1961 bequaertii n. sp., Yucatan, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1930 dugesii n. sp., Guanajuato, W A T S O N , S., 1889e pringlei n. sp., Chihuahua, W A T S O N , S., 1889e tenuis, new varieties, F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 Oreolirion n. gen., B I C K N E L L , E . P., 1901, 1904 Orthrosanthus, Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E . , 1961 chimboracensis, varieties, S T E Y E R M A R K , J. A., 1948, var. exertus n. var., F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 Rigidella, species, key to, see above Sisyrinchium, America, North, eastern, chromosome numbers, O L I V E R , R. L. and L E W I S , W . H., 1962 Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1961 monograph, K L A T T , F . W . , 1861-1862 new taxa, G R E E N M A N , J . M. and T H O M P S O N , C. H . , 1915 systematics, new species, B I C K N E L L , E. P., 1900 in United States, southwest, B I C K N E L L , E . P., 1901, 1904 andinum, range extension to

Mexico, K L A T T , F . W . , 1867-1868 arisowicum, in Durango, O L I V E R , R. L. and L E W I S , W . H . , 1962 eastwoodiae n. sp., B I C K N E L L , E . P., 1901, 1904 platyphyllum, transferred to Oreolirion q.v. quadrangulatum, chromosomes, L E W I S , W . H . and O L I V E R , R. L., 1961 sertiflorum n. sp., S A L I S B U R Y , R. A., 1812b striatum, hardy in Angers, B O R E A U , A., 1851 Sphenostigma, new taxa, F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 conzattii n. sp., Oaxaca, F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 Tigridia, see ethnobotany, Aztecs, flowers sacred to "cacomite"(?), illustration, A N O N . , 1956b food value, H E R R E R A , A. L., 1908 Mexico, Valle de, systematics, M A T U D A , E., 1961 monograph, M E D I N A y G U T I E R R E Z , J. L., 1928 new species, Pringle collection, R A N D , W . H., 1889 ornamental, R O W N T R E E , L „ 1939, 1941; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L., 1929 (in Mexico) buccifera, in Jalisco, W A T S O N , S., 1889c dugesii n. sp., D U G E S , A., 1896 grandiflora n, sp., S A L I S B U R Y , R. A., 1812b pavonia, history, P A M P A N I N I , R., 1911 ornamental, S M E T , A.DE, 1881 range extension to Mexico, K L A T T , F . W., 1867-1868 uses, G O N Z A L E Z U R U E N A , J., 1849a varieties, O T T O , F . and D I E T R I C H , A., 1847 Pringlei, description, W A T S O N , S., 1888c violacea, illustration, L I N K , H . F . et al, 1841-1844 n. sp., S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1838 Trimesia (Trimesa) steyermarkii n. sp., F O S T E R , R. C., 1945-1962 Irideae, see Iridaceae Irmischia, see Asclepiadaceae ironwood, see Olneya tesota Isabel Island, see Stegnosperma cubense Isachne, see Gramineae Isamal, see Yucatan Ischaeminae, sub-tribe, see Andropogoneae Isla Ballena, see Opuntia brevispina n. sp. Isla Clarion, see Islas Revillagigedo Isla de Altamura, excursion to, Z A R A T E , J . C., 1920a Isla del Carmen, see Campeche Isla de Cedros, Cedros Island (see also Astragalus insularis; Bahiopsts lanata; Bigelovia tridentata; Brickellia cedrosensis; Delphinium flammeum; Diplacus stellatus; Encelia californica; Eriogonum pondit; E. taxifolium; Galium stellatum; Garrya veatchii; Juniperus cerrosianus; Linosyris dentatus; Lipochaeta kastata; Lycium cedrosense; Mammillaria pondii; Mar ah minima; Mentzelia cordata; Mimulus cardinalis; Oenothera arborea; Penstemon cerrosianus ; Phacelia ixodesj Physalis pedunculata; Pmus muricata var. cedrosensis; Quercus cedrosensis; Rhamnus insularis; Rhus lentii; Rhus veatchiana; Saccularia veatchii; Simmondsia pabulosa; Staphylea geniculata; Teucriutft glandulosum; Trixis californica; Vcatchia cedrosensis; Verbesina venosa; Xylonagra arborea ssp. tvigginsii; X. rusbyi) botany of, G R E E N E , E . L., 1888, 1889 collections H O W E L L , J . T., 1942 of Veatch, J . A., new taxa, K E L L O G G , A., 1859, 1859c flora, E A S T W O O D , A., 1929; V E A T C H , J . A., 1860 plants, H A N N A , G. D. and A N T H O N Y , A. W . , 1923; V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N . , 1888 cultivated, B R O W N E , J . R., 1869 Palmer collections, V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N., 1890c

INDEX Isla de Cedros—continued preferred, as name, to Cerros Island, E I S E N , G., 1901 products, B R O W N E , J . R., 1869a vegetation, C A L D E R O N A G U I L A R , R. et al, 1949; H A L E , G. O., 1941; O S O R I O T A F A L L , B. F „ 1940; S L E V I N , J . R., 1936 (vanishing) Isla de Cozumel, see Cozumel Isla de Grifo, see Guerrero Isla de Guadalupe (see also Dudleya guadalupensis; Erythea edulis; Hasardia; Lupinus ; Palmer, Edward, visit to; Petromecon; Finns radiata var. binata; also var. guadalupensis; var. lineata; Talinum guadalupense) explorations, history of, M O R A N , R. V. and L I N D S A Y , G„ 1950 flora, E A S T W O O D , A., 1929; F E N Z I , E . O., 1893a (catalogue); H E M S L E Y , W . B., 1885(relationships) ; M O R A N , R. V., 1951b; W A T S O N , S „ 1876 plants of, B E R S U N Z A , C. R. et al, ca. 1949; D U D L E Y , W . R., 1899; G A L L E G O S , J . M., 1924; R I P L E Y , D., 1934; V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N „ 1888

catalogue, G R E E N E , E . L., 1885-1887 Greene collections, H E M S L E Y , W . B., 1885 Palmer collections, see above; also V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N., 1890c; W A T S O N , S., 1876a succulent, M O R A N , R. V . and L I N D S A Y , G., 1950; M O R A N , R. V., 1959 vascular, catalogue, H O W E L L , J . T., 1941, 1942 vegetation, M O R A N , R. V. and L I N D S A Y , G., 1950; S L E V I N , J. R., 1936 (vanishing) visit to, see Palmer, E d w a r d Isla de la Roqueta, see Guerrero Isla de M u j e r e s (see bibliographic work, Libro del Judio; Mexico, southeast, forest conditions; Quintana Roo) expedition, C A B R E R A , H . , 1920 Isla Magdalena (see also Agave, in Magdalena Island; Agave species; Euphorbiacaae, Brandegee collections) endemic plants, B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1891 Isla Margarita ( B a j a California), exploration, A L C O R T A G U E R R E R O , R., 1948 flora, C A L D E R O N A G U I L A R , R., 1949 plants of, A L C O R T A G U E R R E R O , R., 1948 Isla Medio, see Gulf of California, islands in Isla Patos, see above Isla Raza, plants, new taxa. V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J. N., 1890b Isla San Benito (see also Mammillaria neopalmeri) plants of, G R E E N E , E . L., 1889; V A S E Y . G. and R O S E , J . N., 1888, 1890c (Palmer collections) vegetation, M O R A N , R. V . and L I N D S A Y , G., 1951a Isla San Esteban, see Gulf of California, islands in Isla San Martin, B a j a California (see also Amsinckia inepta; Dudleya anthonyi) flora, E A S T W O O D , A., 1929 Isla San P e d r o Martin, plants, new taxa, V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N., 1890b Palmer collections, W A T S O N , S., 1889d Isla San Pedro Nolasco, see Cactaceae, San Pedro Nolasco I s l a n d ; Echinocereus websterianus; Mammillaria multidigitata descriptive account, R A D L E Y , F., 1940 Isla Santa Margarita (see also Euphorbiaceae, Brandegee collections) plants, B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1891 (endemic); H A N N A , G. D. and A N T H O N Y , A. W . , 1923 Isla Socorro, see under Islas Revillagigedo Isla Tiburon, see Gulf of California, islands in; America, Sonoran Desert, plant distribution islands, Mexico, see Mexico, islands; also the various islands mentioned under Isla, above and Islas, below

Islas Coronados, plants of, B E R S U N Z A , C. R., ca. 1949 Isla Marias, see Islas Tres Marias Islas Revillagigedo (see also Aristida vaginata; Cactaceae, Opuntia engelmanii; Cyperaceae) expedition, H A N N A , G. D., 1926; H O W E L L , J. T., 1949; S A N C H E Z de LA P E N A , M., 1948 flora of, C A L D E R O N A G U I L A R , R. et al, 1949; J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1931a plants of, B E R S U N Z A , C. R. et al, ca. 1949 vegation, H A N N A , G. D., 1926 Isla Clarion (see also Cressa insularis) plants, V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N., 1890(1891) vegetation, B R A T T S T R O M , B. H . , 1955; P I L S B R Y , H . A., 1898; S L E V I N , J . R., 1936 (vanishing) Isla Socorro (see Cressa insularis; PleurothalUs; Teucrium townscndii) natural history, mainly ornithology, G R A Y S O N , A. J., 1871 plants of, B R E W E R , T . M., 1870-1871; V A S E Y , G. and R O S E , J . N., 1890(1891) for introduction, A D E M , J . et al, 1960 vegetation, B R A T T S T R O M , B. H . , 1955; M O R E N O R E S E N D I Z , S., 1948; A D E M , J . et al, 1960 Islas Todos Santos (see also Bergerocactus emoryii) explorations, history of, M O R A N , R. V., 1950c plants, catalogue, M O R A N , R. V., 1950c succulent, M O R A N , R. V. and L I N D S A Y , G., 1949b Islas Tres Marias (see also Celaenondendron mexicanum, in Mexico, west central; Euphorbia nelsonii; see also bibliographic works) flora, B O J O R Q U E Z , J . de D., 1937; E A S T W O O D , A., 1929; F E R R I S , R. J., 1927 (new t a x a ) ; N E L S O N , E. W., 1899 . natural history, mainly ornithology, G R A Y S O N , A. J., 1871 plants of, B R E W E R , T. M., 1870-1871; G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J., 1936; R O S E , J . N., 1899 (catalogue and new taxa) travel account, R O G E R S , W . , 1712 Isle of Pines, see Cuba Isochilus, see Orchidaceae isocitric acid, see Crassulaceae Isoetaceae Isoetes, ancestor of Glumales(?), C O N Z A T T I , C., 1942 Isoetes, see Isoetaceae Isoloma, see Gesneriaceae Isomeris, see Capparidaceae isoquinoline, alkaloids related to, see plants, alkaloid sources isote, see Yucca Isotoma sect., see Lobelia Istapan ( I x t a p a n ) , see Mexico, state Isthmus of Panama, see Panama, Isthmus Isthmus of Tehuantepec, see Tehuantepec, Isthmus Istlahuaca, see Michoacan^ istle (see also Agave funkiana; A. heteracantha; A. lechuguilla; A. treculeana; Hesperaloe funifera; Yucca carnerossana) long fiber source, W E I N D L I N G , L., 1947 plants producing, systematics of, A N O N . , 1887e. See also ixtle various sources, B O O T H , W . S., 1890 istontle (ystontli), unidentified, uses of, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791h Italy, Mexican plants cultivated in, RE, F., 1811 itamo real, see Potentilla candicans Iturbide San Jose, see Guanajuato Itzmiquilpan (Ixquimilpan), see Hidalgo Itzocar de Matamoros, see Izucar de Matamoros itzquimpatli, see Senecio canicida Itztepexic, see Oaxaca Iva, see Compositae Ivesia, see Rosaceae ivory, vegetable, see Phytelephas ixbut, see Euphorbia lancifolia Ixcateco, see vocabulary Ixcatlan, see Santa Maria Ixcatlan Ixil, see vocabulary Ixophorus, see Gramineae ixora, see Croton{f)

Ixtaccihuatl (see also Arenaria oresbia; Castilleia purpusii; Cerastium, new taxa ; Dissantkelium calycilum; Eupatorium, new t a x a ; Gentiana perpusilla; Mexico, alpine species; Tlaxcala, P a r q u e Nacional Izta-Popo) exploration of, A L C A R A Z , J . R. and F L O R E S y DE LA P E N A , J. M., 1913a (Serrania de) Pinus, at timber line, V A L L E V E L L I O M E J I A , A. F., 1943 timberline, vegetation (see also above), B E A M A N , J . H . , 1962a Ixtacomitan, see Chiapas Ixtapa, see Chiapas Ixtapalapa, see Distrito Federal Ixtapan de la Sal, see Mexico, state Ixtenca, see Tlaxcala Ixtlahuaca, see Oaxaca Ixtlan de Juarez, see Oaxaca ixtle, see Agave heteracantha; A. lechuguilla; Samuela carnerosana; also istle ixtle de palma, see Samuela carnerosana; Yucca Ixumul, see Yucatan iziz-centli, see Zea mays izlama, see Annona diversifolia izote, see Yucca elephantipes; Y. periculosa Iztaccihuatl, see Ixtaccihuatl iztamaxuchitl, unidentified, uses of, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791h Iztepec, see Santa Cruz Iztepec Izucar de Matamoros, see Puebla jabin, see Ichthyomethia Jacalteca, see vocabulary Jacaranda, see Bignoniaceae Jacaratia (Jaracatia) see Caricaceae jacinto, see Hyacinthus Jacobinia, see Acanthaceae Jacona, see Michoacan Jacquemontia, see Convolvulaceae Jacquinia, see Theophrastaceae; also Myrsinaceae Jaegeria, see Compositae jahuique, see Tigridia Jala, see Tepic Jalacingo, see Veracruz jalap, see Convolvulus americanus; Exogonium jalap a; E. Purga; Ipomoea jalap de Tampico, see Ipomoea simulans jalap fusiforme, see Convolvulus orizabensis jalap leger, see Convolvulus orizabensis jalap male, see Ipomoea orisabensis jalap tubereux, see Exogonium purga jalap, vrai, see Convolvulus officinalis Jalapa, see Nyctaginaceae Jalapa, see Veracruz, also Santa Maria Assumption de Jalapa jalapa macho, see Convolvulus jalapa, true, see Exogonium purga; Ipomoea orizabensis; I. simulans Jalapium (sic), see Convolvulaceae Jalcocotan, see San Bias, Nayarit Jalisco (see also Achimenes occidentalis; Agave vestita; Apocynaceae, America, tropical; Atelophragma, in Mexico; Bernoullia jaliscana; botany, history o f ; Cacalia eriocarpa; C. trigonophylla; C. tussilaginoides; Cactaceae, new species; Cactus oaxacensis; Cereus tricostatus; Coffea, culture; Coleosanthus polyanthemus; Commelina, new species; Cordia lauta; Cucurbita ficifolia; Cuphea mexiae n. sp.; Eriocaulon bilobatum; etymology, place names (Chimahualcanos, Jalisco, and N a h u a t l ) ; Euchlaena perennis; Euphorbia mexiae; Euphorbiaceae, Mexico, Pringle collections; Gramineae; Graptopetalum amethystinum; Ionopsis longicaulis; Iresine jaliscana; Jatropha bartlettii; Lippia Pringlei; Louteridium koelzii; Mammillaria hachneliana; Mammillaria scrippsiana var. autlanensis; McVaugh, R., travels; Meibomia rubricaulis; Mexia, Y., collections; Mexianthus; Mexico, Pringle collections, 1893; Mexico, western, new t a x a ; Mocinna heterophylla var. sesseana; Nueva Galicia; Odontotrichium, Mexico, species; Peltostigma eximium; Perezia longifolia; Pitcairnia jaliscana; Psidium; Rhysolepis palmeri; Russelia jaliscensis; Saccharum,


culture; Schoenocaulon, new _ species; Spermatophyta, Mexico, new species; Tigridia buccifera; Tithonia tubaeformis; Trigonospermum hispidulum; Triticum; Verbenaceae, new species; Verbesina glaucophylla; V. heterocarpa; vocabulary; Zea (maiz reventador), distribution; Zea mays, sweet; Zexmenia mexiae) agriculture, B A N D A , L., (1857?) bibliography, M O R A L., M. de l a and G O N Z A L E Z N A V A R R O , M.f 1951 botany, see botany, history, Jalisco calendar, botanical, A N O N . , 1935j coasts of, plants seen, S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H., 1959 vegetation, B R A N D , D. D., 1957-1958 woods, C A N E D O , I., 1917 collections (see also Alan Hancock Pacific Expedition), D I G U E T , L., 1900 Cora region, flora, D A V I L A G A R I B I , J . I. P., 1927; P U L I D O I S L A S , A., 1940 descriptive account, L U M H O L T Z , K. S., 1902; R I O DE LA L O Z A y M I R A N D A , F . , 1900 flora, B A N D A , L. (1857?); B R A M B I L A , J. I., 1934 (uses); C A N E D O , J., 1922; C A S T A N E D A , A. M., 1933; J I M E N E Z , G., 1940; O L I V A , L., 1880 forest trees, catalogue, E S C U D E R O , A. and S A L A S , D., 1925 f r u i t s of, B A R C E N A , M., 1888; M U N O Z , J. R., 1939; V E L A S C O , A. L., 1893, 1894; A N O N . , 1919f geography, D I A Z , S., 1946 (physical); H E R N A N D E Z y D A V A L O S . J. E., 1871; LARTS. T. T., 1942; N A J A R H E R R E R A , J . M., 1914; N E G R E T E , J. V., 1926 Huichol region, flora, D A V I L A G A R I B I , J . I. P., 1927; F A B I L A , A., 1959 plants of, P U L I D O I S L A S , A., 1940 Indians, see Cora, Huichol Palmer, Edward, collections,^ see plants, Palmer collections, below plants of, B A R C E N A , M „ 1888; L O P E Z C O T I L L A , M., 1843; S A N T O S C O Y , A., 1901; T E L L O , A. (1650-1651); A N O N . , 1843c, 1921-1923 (catalogue) cultivated (see also Jalisco, root crops, tuber crops), M U N O Z , J . R., 1939; Q U I R O Z M A R T I N E Z , R., 1931b; R O A , C. V., 1825; A N O N . , 1846; 1919, 1925, 1931 i, 1946i of economic importance, G A R C I A , C., 1872 food, sources, see f r u i t s above, and root crops and tuber crops below forage, A N O N . , 1924, 1929; 1929i industrial, B A R C E N A , M „ 1891-1892 names, common and scientific, A N O N . , 1921-1923 new taxa, TONES, M. E., 1935 Palmer collections, W A T S O N , S., 1887b products, A N O N . , 1889h tannin sources, T O R R E S R „ L . d e l , 1943 wild, A N O N . , 1935j reforestation, in Ahualulco, B A R C E N A , M., 1897 resources, natural, popular account, M U N O Z L U M B I E R , M., 1950 root crops, A N O N . , 1919f travel account (see also Mexico, travel account, Guadalajara to Guaymas and Colima), D I A Z , S., 1938 (Guadalajara to Tizapan el alto) tuber crops, A N O N . . 1919f vegetation (see also Jalisco, coast), D I G U E T , L., 1898a western, travels in, for collecting, M I R A N D A , F . and M c V A U G H , R., 1961 woods, see Jalisco, coast Ahualulco, see reforestation, above Amatitan, plants, food sources, A N O N . , 1919f Ameca (see also biography, persons connected with; relaciones geograficas) calendar, botanical, G U T I E R R E Z , J . M., 1881-1882

INDEX Jalisco—continued geography, H E R N A N D E Z y D A V A L O S , J . E., 1870 places connected with, A M A Y A , J . , 1951 plants of, H E M A N P A L I , M „ 1950 food sources, A N O N . , 1919f Arandas, plants of, S A N C H E Z , R., 1889 plants, food sources, A N O N . , 1919f Atemajac, Valle de, flora, allergenic, B L A C K A L L E R , F . , A., 1948 Atequiza, see Hacienda de Atequiza, below Atoyac, see also relaciones geográficas plants of, A N O N . , 1880(1) Autlan, see also relaciones geográficas collecting in, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a expedition, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a flora, C A Ñ E D O , G., 1923 Azqueltan, see ethnobotany, Lophophora Ceboruco, volcan de, flora at foot, B A N D A , L., 1871. See also Ceboruco, in Nayarit and Tepic, Territorio de Chamela, excursion to, S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H . , 1959 Chapala (see also Mexico, southwest, expedition to) Cienega de, plants, cultivated, S E R R A N O , J . et al, 1932 Laguna de, plants of, G A L E O T T I , H „ 1839; A N O N . , 1853-1856 Chiquilistlan, plants of, M U R I S D I A Z , H . , 1949 Ciudad Guzman, formerly T u x p a n q.v. Cuizeo, Cuitzeo (del Rio), see relaciones geográficas Cusalapa, see relaciones geográficas Guadalajara (see also Jalisco, travel account, Guadalajara to Tizapan el alto; Mexico, travel account, Guadalajara to Guaymas and Colima; Opuntia ictérica; relaciones geográficas (including Guadalajara to Zacatecas) Barrancas, near, collecting sites in, M c V A U G H , R., 1952b exploring in, J O N E S , M. E . , 1931 Botanical Garden, see J a r d i n Botanico calendar, botanical, B A R C E N A , M. et al, 1877-1881a; F L O R E S , R. G„ 1878-1883 Exposición, B A R C E N A , M „ 1881 flora, A N O N . , 1853-1856 allergenic, B L A C K A L L E R F . . A., 1949 Jardin Botanico, B A R C E N A , M., 1890 (plants in) ; B A S U L T O L I M O N , A.. 1952; A N O N . . 1841 (description) plants of, B A R C E N A , M., 1881; OGTLBY, T., 1671; S A N S O N D ' A B B E V I L L E , N.. 1656 (of the region) ; A N O N . , 1853-1856 Valle de, flora, wild, catalogue of, G O M E Z y G U T I E R R E Z , A., 1945 visit to, D I G U E T , L., 1898, 1900 Hacienda de Atequiza, trees of, A N O N . , 1926-1928 Hacienda de la Capilla, trees of, A N O N . , 1926-1928 Juchitlan, plants of, C U E V A , L „ 1880 L a Barca, see relaciones geográficas Lagos de Moreno, plants of, E L I Z A L D E V I D A U R R I , R., 1949 Los Altos, plants of, B L A N C O , G., 1933 Manantlan, Sierra de, expedition to, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a Mascota, flora of, C A Ñ E D O , G., 1923 Misión de la J u n t a de los Rios, natural history, T R A S V I N A R E T I S , J . A. de (1715) Misión de la Santissima Trinidad de la Mesa del Tonati, see missionaries, reports Paso de Sotos, plants, cultivated, E S P A R Z A , B., 1879 Poncitlan, see relaciones geográficas Puerta las Penas, descriptive account, Z A M O R A P L O W E S , L „ 1925 Rio Bolanos, Cuenca del, geografical exploration, A L V A R E Z C A M P O S , M. DE J „ 1939 San Ignacio de Huainamota, natural history, R U I Z , J . F . (1777) San J u a n de los Lagos, plants, cultivated, R O M O , B., 1850

San Luis de Xoyatlan, see Zea mays, £iant types San Miguel el alto (de los Alcalanes), agricultural products, C A S I L L A S , C „ 1879 plants, M E D I N A DE LA T O R R E , F . , 1908 San P e d r o Teocaltiche, see relaciones geográficas San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Tithonia tubaeformis in, A N D E R S O N , E . , 1944 Santa Cruz de las Flores, home of "árbol de la virgen," D I A Z , S., 1938 Santa Maria del Oro, see relaciones geográficas Sayula, plants of, C A R R I L L O y V E R T I S , J . J . (18th c e n t . ) ; G O N Z A L E Z B E L L O , J „ 1950; A N O N . , 1880k Sayula, Lago, see Valle de las Playas Sierra de Cuale, expedition to, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a Talpa, collecting in, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a expedition to, M c V A U G H , R., 1952a Tamatzula (Tamazula), see relaciones geográficas Tanacatita, Bay of, excursion to, S A N C H E Z M E J O R A D A , H., 1959 Tenamaztlan, see relaciones geográficas Teocaltiche, see Helianthus annttus, maíz de t e j a Tequaltiche, see relaciones geográficas Tequila (see also Agave tequilana) mountains of, trees in, S O S A , A. H „ 1934 Tizapan, Lago, see Valle de las Playas Tizapan el alto, travel account to Guadalajara, D I A Z , S., 1938 Tlaxomulco, see relaciones geográficas Tuscacuesco, see relaciones geográficas Tuxpan, see Cereus purpusii; Mexico, travel, Mexico City to T u x p a n ; relaciones geográficas Vallarta, descriptive account, Z A M O R A P L O W E S , L „ 1925 Valle de las Playas, see Cereus queretaroensis ; C. speciosissimus; C. tricostatus ; see also Tizapan; Sayula, Zacoalco and Zapotlan Ville de la Purificación, see relaciones geográficas Villa de los Lagos, see relaciones geográficas t Xocotlan, see relaciones geográficas Zacoalco, Lago, see Valle de las Playas Zapopan, plants of, P O R T I L L O , M., 1889; R I V E R A V A L E N C I A , H . , 1955 Zapotitlan, see relaciones geográficas Zapotlan (see relaciones geográficas; Valle de las Playas) description, J I M E N E Z , G., 1940 jaltomate, see Physalis; Saracha jamaica, see Hibiscus sabdariffa Jamaica (see also Antilles) Botanical Gardens (see also Palmae cultivated i n ; Castleton Gardens; and Public Gardens) fruits, cultivated in A N O N . , 1877b plants, of economic importance, cultivated in, A N O N . , 1887a plants, ornamental in, A N O N . , 1888a trees, timber and shade, cultivated in, A N O N . , 1888 Castleton Gardens, plants of, A N O N . , 1894f. See also Botanical Gardens and Public Gardens flora, T U S S A C , F. R. DE, 1808-1827 species, key to, F A W C E T T , W . and R E N D L E , A. B., 1910-1936. See also British W e s t Indies natural history, S L O A N E , H . , 1707-1725 plants of, L U N A N , J . , 1814; S L O A N E , H . , 1696; W . F . , 1888-1889 Public Gardens, see Orchidaceae; also Botanical Gardens and Public Gardens vegetation, A S P R E Y , G. F . , 1953. See also British W e s t Indies Jamiltepec, see Oaxaca Janipha, see Euphorbiaceae Janusia, see Malpighiaceae Jaral, see Guanajuato J a r d i n de Malmaison, plants of, V E N T E N A T , E . P., 1803-1805 Jaracatia (Jacaratia) see Caricaceae jaral, see Baccharis (?) jaramago, see Vicia sativa jarilla, see Baccharis; Caricaceae; Mocinna heterophylla Jasminoideae, see Oleaceae

Jatropha, see Euphorbiaceae; also Mozinna sect. Jatropheae, see Euphorbiaceae Jaumave, Valle de, see Tamaulipas jazmin del istmo, see Bourreria formosa J e f f r e y pine, see Pinus jeffreyi Jehlia, see Onagraceae jenjibre, see Zingiber jequirity, see Abrus Jerusalem artichoke, see Helianthus tuberosus Jicaltepec, Colonia de, see Veracruz jicama, see Cacara; Dolichos tuberosus; Pachyrrhizus jicama de agua, see Dolichos palmatilobus ; Pachyrhisus palmatilobus jicama de Aureliano Rivera, not identified, medicinal plant, typhus cure, A R M E N D A R I Z , E., 1893 jicama de baryta, see Dalembertia populifolia jicama del cerro, see above jicamilla, see Euphorbia sphaerorhiza; Ipomoea amarga; Jatropha macrorhiza; Jatropha purgans jicara (see also Crescentia cujete; etymology) plants used in manufacture, K I D D L E , L. B „ 1944 Jimenez Francisco, biography, B A R T L E T T , H . H . , 1949 Jimenez, Lauro, biography, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1876; A N O N . , 1875 Jimenez de Teul, see Zacatecas jimson weed, see Datura jinicuil, see Inga jipi, see Carludovica palmata jiquilite, see Indigofera. Jiquilpan, see Michoacan J iquilpan de Juarez, see above jiricua, see Plumbago jobo, see Spondias jocote, see Spondias jocote maranon, see Anacardium occidentale jocuistle, see Bromelia pinquin Johnson, Ezekiel P., biography, R O V I R O S A , J . N „ 1894 Johnson, Florence B., see Phragmipedium caudatum Johnson grass, see Holcus halepense; Sorghum halepense Johnston, Ivan M u r r a y , bio-bibliography, H O W A R D , R. A. 1961 collections, see Compositae, northern Mexico, collected in; Gramineae,, new taxa jojoba, see Simmondsia Jojutla, see Morelos jolocin, see Heliocarpus americanus Jonacatepec, see Morelos Jonaz, see vocabulary Joncees, see Juncaceae Jones, M. E., autobiography, J O N E S , M. E., 1935c biography, A D A M S , T . C„ 1938; B R O A D U S , M . J . , 1935; J E P S O N , W . L „ 1934; R O O K S B Y , E., 1934 Compositae described by, B L A K E , S. F „ 1945 plants described, see above; also Mexico, phanerogams, described travels (see also B a j a California; Guadalajara; Jalisco; Mexico, western) CORY, V . L., 1948; J O N E S , M. E. (n. d.), 1929b; M O R T O N , C. V., 1945 Jonopsis, see Ionopsis jonote (see also Heliocarpus americanus) not identified, uses, A N O N . , 1908t Jorullo, see Michoacan Joshua Tree National Monument, see United States Jouvea, see Gramineae joyoc, see Morinda yucatanensis Juanulloa, see Solanaceae Juarez, ciudad de, see Ciudad Juarez Juarez, Valle de, see Chihuahua Juchipila (partido de), see Zacatecas Juchitan, see Oaxaca Juchitlan, see Jalisco judias de Lima, see Phaseolus lunatus Judio, El, see Mayoli, Giovanni Francesco Juglandaceae anatomy, P A R M E N T I E R , P., 1911 floral, compared with Julianiaceae, H E R Z F E L D , S „ 1914 wood, H E I M S C H , C. J r . and W E T M O R E , R. H . , 1939 general information, N A G E L , K., 1914 geologic history, B E R R Y , E W . , 1912 monograph, C A N D O L L E , A . C. P . . 1862 morphology, floral, M A N N I N G , W . E „ 1938a nuts, M A N N I N G , W . E „ 1940 stigmas, M A N N I N G , W . E., 1938


nogal, in Coahuila, F R I C H , P., 1923 systematica, tribes, O E R S T E D , A . S., 1870a based on anatomy, F R I T S C H , F . E . , 1908; P A R M E N T I E R , P., 1911 based on wood anatomy, H E I M S C H , C. J r . and W E T M O R E , R. H „ 1939 United States, synopsis, winter characters, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1896 walnuts (not identified), see Coahuila Alfaroa, America, M A N N I N G , W . E . , 1959 relationships, M A N N I N G , W E . , 1949 Carya, agricultural thesis, M E N D O Z A , V . M „ 1945 chromosome numbers, S T O N E , D . E., 1961 in Coahuila, R O L D A N , A., 1925a culture, CARO L., E., 1931 in Mexico, new taxa, M A N N I N G , W . E., 1949a additional data, M A N N I N G , W . E . , 1962 species, key to, M A N N I N G , W . E „ 1949a species, nomenclature, L I T T L E , E . L. J r . , 1943 stomatal size, S T O N E , D. E., 1961 timber source, E S C O B A R , R., 1904 alba, anatomy, floral, H E R Z F E L D , S., 1914 culture, H O R N E L A S , F., 1914 diguetii n. sp., D O D E , L. A., 1908 illinoensis, economic importance, A N O N . , 1928b nomenclature, T H I E R E T , J . W., 1961a mexicana, changed to Hicoria, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1888 forma polyneura, in Nuevo Leon, R E H D E R , A., 1935 olivaeformis, culture, A N O N . , 1909a for reforestation, in Oaxaca, C O N Z A T T I , C., 1914 ovata, compared with Hymenaea, K R Y N , J . M., 1953 palmeri, and allied species, S T O N E , D. E., 1962 tetraptera n. sp., Oaxaca, L I E B M A N N , F „ 1850c Engelhardtia America, monograph, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1927c species, key to, M A N N I N G , W . E., 1959 compared with Alfaroa, M A N N I N G , W . E „ 1949 distribution, B E R R Y , E. W . , 1912 new species, Orizaba, M I R A N D A , F., 1946a mexicana n. sp., Chiapas, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1927c spicata, anatomy, floral, H E R Z F E L D S., 1914 Engelhardtieae, systematics, O E R S T E D , A. S., 1870a Hicoria, distribution, B E R R Y , E . W . , 1912 mexicana, changed from Carya, B R I T T O N , N. L „ 1888 dissertation, C A M P O S , M., 1926 pecan, chemical study, S I E V E R S , W . , 1888 culture, H U M E , H . , 1913; M A R I N , L., 1941 economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 in Mexico, R O L D A N , A., 1945a Juglandeae verae, systematics, Oersted, A. S., 1870a Juglans, in America, C O W A N , J . L., 1912 compared with Alfaroa, M A N N I N G , W . , E „ 1949 culture, L O P E Z , A. R., 1935; L U J A N C O R D O V A , S., 1950; M A R I N , L „ 1941; M O I L L E F E R T , P., 1911; T E L L E Z , O., 1922a; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L „ 1923d; A N O N . , 1886-1887e; 1902p distribution, B E R R Y , E. W . , 1912 in Mexico, species, key to, M A N N I N G , W . E., 1957, 1962 (additional d a t a ) ; A N O N . , 1921a related to the Julianiaceae, K E R S H A W , E. M., 1909 substitutes for, R E C O R D , S. J . , 1929 systematics, D O D E , L. A., 1906-1909 pyriformis n. sp., Veracruz, L I E B M A N N , F „ 1850c regia, anatomy, floral, H E R Z F E L D , S., 1914 culture, H O R N E L A S , F . , 1914; A N O N . , 1909a morphology, K R O N F E L D , M., 1888

INDEX Juglandaceae—continued pharmaceutical study, L O P E Z GOMEZ, C„ 1938 sieboldiana, anatomy, floral, HERZFELD, S„ 1914 Orlomunnea, distribution, BERRY, E. W., 1912 Platycarya, anatomy, floral, HERZFELD, S., 1914 Platycaryeae, systematics, OERSTED, A. S„ 1870a Pterocarxa, compared with Alfaroa, MANNING, W. E., 1949 fraxinifolia, anatomy, floral, HERZFELD, S., 1914 Juglandeae, see Juglandaceae; also Terebinthaceae Juglans, see Juglandaceae; also Juglandeae verae juhuite, see Parthenium Juliania, see Julianiaceae Julianiaceae, anatomy, F R I T S C H , F. E., 1908 comparative, xylem, STEIN, W. L., 1952 floral, compared with Juglandaceae, H E R Z F E L D , S„ 1914 new family, HEMSLEY, W. B., 1908 new "order", HEMSLEY, W. B., 1906 phytogeny, STERN, W. L„ 1952 relationships, KERSHAW, E. M „ 1909 to the Anacardiaceae, STERN, W. L„ 1952 systematics, ALCOCER, G. V., 1907a; F R I T S C H , F. E., 1908 Amphipterygium adstringens, bark, chemical analysis, ACEVES ALVAREZ, E., 1943 Juliania, systematics, HALLIER, H „ 1908, 1918 wood of, KRAMER, P. R„ 1939 wood anatomy, KRYN, J. M., 1952 adstrinaens, anatomv, floral, H E R Z F E L D , S„ 1914 chemical study, MENDEZ SALDANA, A., 1954 amplifolia n. sp.. HEMSLEY, W . B. and ROSE, J. N., 1903 glauca n. sp., see above Julocroton, see Euphorbiaceae jumeton, see Pedilanthus jumping beans, see Sebastiania, Carpocapsa, host for; ., Tepic and Sinaloa, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1915a glauca, synonymy, W I T , H . C. D . de, 1961 globulifera n. so., Y u c a t a n , S A F F O R D , W . E . , 1914a greqgii, description. ANON.,1918e desert tree, W I G G I N S , I . L „ 1956 w a t e r conducting system, C A N N O N , W . A., 1905 hernandesii rt. sp., San Luis Potosi, S A F F O R D . W . F.„ 1914a laccifera, Carteria mexicana, host to, V I L L A D A , M. M. 1894, 1896 n. sp., Oaxaca, see above mauroceana, t r a n s f e r r e d to Pithecolobium, D A V E A U , J., 1912 nelsonii n. sp., Guerrero, S A F F O R D , W . E . . 1914a pudica ( f o r Mimosa pudicat), popular account, A N O N . , 1840a pycnantha, tannin source, G A J O N , C., 1920b sericocarpa, A. ambigua t r a n s f e r r e d to, R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 sinaloensis n. sp., Sinaloa, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1914a standleyi n. sp., Tepic, S A F F O R D , _ W . E . , 1914a tepicana n. sp., Tepic, see above veracruzensis n. sp., S C H E N C K , H . , 1913 villosa, changed to A. glauca, W I T , H . C. D. de, 1961 yucatanensis n. sp., S C H E N C K , H . , 1913 Adenanthereae, see Mimosoideae Aeschynomene, America, species, R U D D , V . E . , 1955 Mexico, herbaceous species, M O R T O N , C. V . , 1944 new species, R O S E , J . N . , 1899j systematics, J A U M E S A I N T H I L A I R E , J . H . , 1813

bracteolaris n. sp., Sinaloa, V A R I O U S , 1894-1933 versicolor, f r o m M e x i c o ( ? ) , W E N D E R O T H , G. W . F . , 1843 Albizzia lebbeck (lebbek), the f i r s t preferred, B U R T T - D A V Y , J „ 1939 f o r naturalization in Mexico, A N O N . , 1900n Alepidocalyx n. sp., P I P E R , C. V . , 1926 Alqarobia glandulosa (see Prosopis) gum source, P R O C T E R , W . J r . , 1855 Amherstieae (Caesalpiniaceae), taxonomy, morphology, pollen grain, F A S B E N D E R , M. V., 1959 Amorpha, systematics, P A L M E R , E. J., 1931 fruticosa, insecticide, B R E T T , C. H . , 1944, 1946 range, H O L Z I N G E R , J . M „ 1893 var. angustifolia, F A S S E T T , N . C., 1936 Andira, alkaloid content, D O N D E R U I Z , J . , 1879, 1881 galeottiana, Mexico, distribution, S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1940a racemosa, medicinal plant, R O S A D O , D. G., ( 1 8 6 5 ) ; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 Anneslia chiapensis, t r a n s f e r r e d to Calliandra, L U N D E L L , C. L., _1940d Arachis, anatomy, f r u i t s and seeds, P E R R O T , E., 1903 common names, in Latin America, T A B A R E S de U L L O A , F . , 1800

culture of, A N Z A E S Q U I V E L , F „ 1939; A T I E N Z A y S I R V E N T , M., 1887-1888; C A L D E R O N , J . L „ 1894-1896; C O N T R E R A S N „ C „ 1947a; ESQUIVEL RICHMOND, R., 1947; G A R C I A O S E S , R., ( 1 9 0 8 ( ? ) ; G A R R I D O , A., 1907; M A R I N , L „ 1934; S O T O B., I., 1943; T E L L E Z , O., 1901; T O R N E L O L V E R A , L., 1923e; A N O N . , 1885e, 1895p, 1910(1), 1913, 1923e, 1934k, 1945c economic importance, A N O N . , 1811 general information, B A N D A L A M „ M., 1934; M A Y O R G O , W „ 1890 geographic origin, C H E V A L I E R , A., 1948 monograph, C H E V A L I E R , A., 1933-1934; S O N N I N I DE M A N O N C O U R T , C. N . S., 1808 oil source, P E R R O T , E., 1903; A N O N . , 19—? origin in A f r i c a ( ?), W I E N E R , L., 1920-1922; D U B A R D , M., 1906 species, chromosome numbers, H U S T E D , L., 1931, 1933, 1936 systematics, C H E V A L I E R , A., 1929 varieties, M O N T E J A N O U R A N G A , S., 1934 hypogaea, flowers and f r u i t s , P O I T E A U , P . A., 1806a forage plant, C O R E L L I , J . M. J r . , 1926 general information, A N O N . , 1905 monograph, W A L D R O N , R. A., 1919 morphology, J A C O B DE C O R D E M O Y , H . , 1865-1877 floral, P O I T E A U , P . A., 1853 nomenclature, K R A P O V I C K A S , A., and R I G O N I , V . A., 1960 uses, C A V A N I L L E S , A . H . , 1801a hypogea, see above Astragaleae, new species, U L B R I C H , E . , 1902 Astragalus, (see also Leguminosae, Fabaceae) America, North, revision, J O N E S , M . E . , 1923 loco weed, hierba loca, M A R S H , C. D., 1908 Nevada, C L O K E Y , I . W . , 1942 new species, J O N E S , M. E., 1891-1935 novelties in, B A R N E B Y , R C., 1956 pharmaceutical study, R E K O , V . A . , 1937b and related genera, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1923-1930 revision, based on f r u i t , G R A Y , A., 1866a species, catalogue, K A M F F E R , R . M . and A N C O N A H . , L „ 1942

INDEX Leguminosae—continued erythrostachys n. sp. f U L B R I C H , E . , 1902 figueroai n. sp., K A M F F E R , R. M . and A N C O N A H „ L „ 1942 harpalyce, medicinal thesis, R O C H A A., 1897 helleri n . sp., F E N Z L , E . , 1860 H e s p e r a s t r a g a l u s , systematics, J A M E S , L . E . , 1951 humboldtii, economic importance, D U G E S , A., 1893 poisonous plant, A R M E N D A R I Z , E . , 1906 insularis n. sp., Cedros I s l a n d , K E L L O G G , A., 1884 lambertii, popular account, H O L L I C K , A., 1921 mexicanus n. sp., C A N D O L L E , A. P . a n d A . L . P . P . , 1833 v a r . trichocalyx, FERNALD, M . L „ 1937 mollissimus, poisonous, E S C O B A R , R., 1909; H E R N A N D E Z , N . , 1933, 1942-1943 popular account, H O L L I C K , A. f 1921 pertenuis n. sp., B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , G R E E N E , E . L., 1910a proriferus n. sp., B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , J O N E S , M . E., 1893a subuniflorus n. sp., Puebla, G R E E N E , E . L., 1910a trichocalyx, reduced to v a r i e t y , F E R N A L D , M . L „ 1937 Ateleia, Mexico, species, key to, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 revision, M O H L E N B R O C K , R. H . , 1962b albolutescens n. sp., Chiapas, see above standlevana n. sp., N a y a r i t , M O H L E N B R O C K , R. H., 1962b truncata n. sp., Michoacan, see above Atelophraqma, in Mexico, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1926-1931 Bauhinia, in A m e r i c a , observations, V O G E L , J . R. T . , 1839 new combinations, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1937-1939 new taxa. R O S E . T. N . , 1897-1911, 1906a systematics, K U N T H , C., 1824 mexicana n. sp., V O G E L , J . R . T . , 1839 unilaterale n. sp., V e r a c r u z , B R I T T E N , J . and B A K E R , E . G., 1897 Benthamantha, Cracca species changed to, B R I T T E N , J . and B A K E R , E . G., 1900 Mexico, catalogue, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 new t a x a , R O S E , J . N . , 1906b Bradburya, species t r a n s f e r r e d to, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 Brasilettia platyloba, see Caesalpinia platyloba Brongniartia, new t a x a , B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1900-1901 ( B a j a C a l i f o r n i a ) ; J O H N S T O N , I . M . , 1938; R O S E . J N „ 1897-1911, 1899j; S M I T H , L . B. and S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1939b; W I G G I N S , I . L „ 1950 (in the Sonoran D e s e r t ) species, poisonous, A R M E N D A R I Z , E . , 1906 caeciliae n . sp., Oaxaca, H A R M S , H . , 1922, 1923 intermedia n. sp., M O R I C A N D , M . E . , 1833-1846 oligospermia n. sp., B A I L L O N , H . , 1868-1870a seleri n . sp., O a x a c a , H A R M S , H . , 1922-1923 Brya ebenus, poisonous, G A R R A T T , A., 1922 Cacara erosa, uses, P E D R O S O , A., 1910 Caesalpinia, t a n n i n source, T O R R E S , R., L . DEL, 1943 cacalaco, see C. coriaria, t a n n i n source coriaria, chemical thesis, P R I E T O , M „ 1932 in C h i h u a h u a , distrito G u e r r e r o , R I C O , G. M . , 1909 c u l t u r e , T H O M A T I S , D., 1911a; A N O N . , 1928h dye source, A L V A R E Z , M . , 1908 economic importance, B R A N D , D. D . , 1941 f r u i t , analysis, D O M I N G U E Z M E N E S E S , G., 1956 general information, B A R R I A G., F . H . , 1941; R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1925 f o r ink m a k i n g , A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A . , 1787a

medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , D., 1882 t a n n i n source, A L C O C E R , P . , 1876 (also as C. cacalaco); B U R K L A N D , E . R., 1943; M O L D E N K E , H . N „ 1944b; P U E N T E E . , J . M . DE LA, 1946 crista, chemical s t u d y , E C H E V E R I A , J . L., 1936 thesis, medical, F L O R E S R A M I R E Z , I., 1941 eriostachys, fish poison, R E K O , V . A . , 1932e exostemma, as hojasen, R O U A I X , P . , 1909-1910 ortegae n. sp., Sinaloa, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1923 platyloba, description, G O N Z A L E Z O R T E G A , J . , 1926b, 1934 pulcherrima, see ethnobotany, M a y a sclerocarpa, description, G O N Z A L E Z ORTEGA, J., 1926, 1934, 1934b Cajanus indicus, f o r a g e plant, E S C A L A N T E E . , C., 1945; E S C O B A R , R „ 1910b Calliandra, as desert plants, B E A L , M . , 1942 medicinal plant, A B O G A D O , E . L., 1902, 1902a; H E S L E S , J . ( 1 8 9 1 ) ; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 new species, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1941b (in Chiapas) ; R O S E , J . N „ 1899j; S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 "pambotano", for fevers, C R E S P I N , D r . , 1895 anomala, medicinal plant, A N O N . , 1886g chiapensis, synonymy, L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1940d grandiflora, medicinal plant, T E R R E S , J . , 1895 in pulque p r e p a r a t i o n , S A F F O R D , W . E . , 1909 houstoni, properties, A N O N . , 1890h in pulque preparation, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1909 langlassei n. sp., H A R M S , H . , 1921b pallens, t r a n s f e r r e d to Pithecolobium, STANDLEY, P . C., 1933b portoricensis v a r , major n . v a r . , V A R I O U S , 1908 seleri n. sp., H A R M S , H . , 1921b Canavalia, America, monograph, P I P E R , C. V., 1925 cultivated varieties, D E N A I F F E , C., 1906 separated f r o m Bauhinia, KUNTH, C., 1824 Cassia, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , species, key to, P O L L A R D , C. L „ 1894 cyto-taxonomy. I R W I N , H . S. a n d T U R N E R , B. L „ 1960 medical thesis, C O L L A D O N , L . T . F . , 1816 melliferous species, D E L P I N O , F . , 1886-1889 Mexico, n e w species, S M I T H , L . B. and S C H U B E R T , B. G „ 1939b new combinations, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1937-1939 new t a x a , R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 ("several c i t a t i o n s ) , 1899j, 1906a in P e r u v i a n , pre-historic, a r t e f a c t s , T I M E N E Z DE LA E S P A D A , M „ 1891 revision, B E N T H A M , G., 1869a species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Chamaecrista, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 synopsis, V O G E L , J . R. T . , 1837 holwayana, C. multiflora transferred to, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 leptadenia, general i n f o r m a t i o n , B E A L , M „ 1943b leptocarpa, general i n f o r m a t i o n , B E A L , M . , 1943b multiflora, t r a n s f e r r e d t o C. holwayana q.v. occidentalis, medicinal plant, N A V A R R E T E , A., 1902 wislixeni, general i n f o r m a t i o n , B E A L , M . , 1943h Ceratonia siliqua, c u l t u r e , S O T O , M . , (1884)a description, V A R E L A , A . , 1953 economic importance, W A L T O N , F . P . , 1923 f r u i t s , chemical analysis, H E C K E L , E. and S C H L A G D E R H A U F F E N , F., 1889 for reforestation, C A L V I N O , M., 1910a seed, distributed in Mexico, M A T H E Y , A., 1910 substitute f o r f u s t i c , M E L L , C. D., 1922b

Cercidium, distribution, S H R E V E , F . , 1935b food source, W E I M E R , H . A., 1934 new species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 relationships with Comattia and Peltophorum, M I R A N D A , F., 1955a species, key to, J O H N S T O N , I . M . , 1924 taxonomic status, B E N S O N , L., 1940 floridum, desert plant, B E A L , M . , 1945a. See also below in the Sonora D e s e r t , cambium g r o w t h , V A R I O U S , 1960b in the U n i t e d States, southern, D A Y T O N , W . A., 1957 microphyllum, desert plant, B E A L , M . , 1945a. See also below in t h e Sonora D e s e r t , cambium growth, V A R I O U S , 1960b torreyanum, anatomy, S C O T T , F . M., 1935 desert plant, B E A L , M . , 1945a nomenclature, A D A I R , E . F . , 1942 Cercis, distribution, F E R N A L D , M . L., 1931 systematics, H O P K I N S , M., 1942 Chaetocalyx, revision, R U D D , V . E., 1958 Chamaecrista, Cassia species t r a n s f e r r e d to, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 amplistipulata n. sp., R O S E , T. N . , 1897-1911 bifoiiolata, G R E E N E , E . L „ 1899 palmeri, G R E E N E , E . L., 1897b Cicer, a g r i c u l t u r a l thesis, M A R Q U E Z G O M E Z , J . F „ 1944 culture, A L A T O R R E , M . R., 1933; A N G U L O , E . , 1936 (in S i n a l o a ) ; E C H E V E R R I A , M . A., 1922; I B A R R A , F . Y „ 1909; V A R I O U S , 1889-1891 (in M i c h o a c a n ) ; A N O N . , 1866, 1886-1887d 1896x, 1923d, 1925e, 1943f general i n f o r m a t i o n , V E L L A R D O , E „ 1932 arietinum, culture, P A R D O y U R B I N A , M . , 1911 varieties, M I J A R E S B O R J A , H „ 1937 Climacorachis n. gen., R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 Clitoria, common to N o r t h A m e r i c a and Asia, B E N T H A M , G., 1858 Mexico, species in, see above; also R O S E , J . N „ 1899d systematics, B E N T H A M , G „ 1858 Cologania ( V i c i a c e a e ) , new t a x a , R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911, 1906b N o r t h A m e r i c a , species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 synopsis, see above Comattia (Caesalpiniaceae), n . gen., (arborea) in O a x a c a , R O S E , J . N., 1909 relationships with Cercidium and peltophorum, M I R A N D A , F., 1955a chiapensis n . sp., M I R A N D A , F . , 1950 Copaiba officinalis, thesis, H I N O J O S A L U N A , J . , 1882. See also following Copaifera, species, H A Y N E , F . G., 1826 a valid genus, D W Y E R , J . D., 1944a officinalis, medicinal plant, A N O N . , 1893f resin source, C H A R R A S S E , . . . , 1885 Cracca, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , revision, V A I L , A . M „ 1895 and Benthamantha, B R I T T E N , J. and B A K E R , E . G., 1900 fish poison, M C L A U G H L I N , E . D „ 1933 insecticide, W H I T T A K E R , R. M . a n d A. L., 1935 new t a x a , R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 pringlei n. sp., Oaxaca, R O S E , J . N., 1905 seemanni n. sp., B R I T T E N , J . a n d B A K E R , E. G., 1900 toxicaria, thesis, P E R E Z R I V E R A , E „ 1946 Crotalaria, a g r i c u l t u r a l thesis, R E Y E S F . , E . , 1936 A m e r i c a , N o r t h , revision, S E N N , H . A., 1939 cytology, A T C H I S O N , E „ 1950 in Mexico, state, V I L L A D A , J . V . , 1894 anargyroides (for anagyroides), B A R N O I N , M . I., 1935 tuerckheimii n. sp., S E N N , H . A., 1939

Cyanobotrys mexicana, description, A N O N . , 1847a Cynometra, gum and resin source, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1788c Cyuometreae, taxonomy, based o n pollen g r a i n morphology, F A S B E N D E R , M . V . , 1959 Cystium diphysum, popular account, H O L L I C K , A., 1921 Cytisus laburnum, pharmaceutical study, K E N T Z L E R , E . , 1891 Dalbergia, America, Middle, species, key to, R E C O R D , S. J . a n d G A R R A T T , G. A., 1923 new species, P I T T I E R , H . , 1922a poisonous ( s a w d u s t ) , G A R R A T T , A., 1922 revision, Mexican species, P I T T I E R , H . , 1922 timber source, B E R G S T R O M , G. ( 1 9 3 0 ) ; R E C O R D , S. J . , 1942c retusa, dye wood, R E N D L E , B. J . , 1930 Dalbergieae, synopsis, B E N T H A M , G., 1860 Dalea, characters, V E N T E N A T , E . P . , 1799 new taxa, M O R I C A N D , M. E . t 1833-1846; V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 and related genera, in the Sonoran Desert, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1940 in San L u i s Potosi, new species, R Z E D O W S K I , J., 1955-1960 species t r a n s f e r r e d to Errazurisia, B A R N E Y , R. C., 1962 species t r a n s f e r r e d to Parosela, R O S E , J . N . , 1906c systematic position, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1946 albiflora, t r a n s f e r r e d to Thornbera q.v. erythrorhiza n. sp., northern Mexico, G R E E N M A N , J . M., 1904b humilis, and D. scandens, C L A U S E N , R. T „ 1946 neglecta n . sp., R O B I N S O N , B. L., _ 1894c occidentalis, chromosome numbers, A T C H I S O N , E . , 1949a scandens, and D. humilis, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1946 Parosela scandens changed to, C L A U S E N , R. T . , 1946 spinosa, desert tree, W I G G I N S , I . L „ 1956 Versicolores, new taxa, G E N T R Y , H . S v 1950a Delonix regia, see Poinciana Derris, cytology, A T C H I S O N , E . , 1949 insecticide, W H I T T A K E R , R. M . and A. L „ 1935 elliptica, culture, in Mexico, S A M A N I E G O D A V I L A , J., 1944 Desmanthus, and allied genera, in T e x a s , T U R N E R , B. L „ 1950 chromosome counts, T U R N E R , B. L . and B E A M A N , J . H . , 1953 Mexico, species, key to, T U R N E R , B. L., 1950a new species, Isla de C a r m e n , R O S E , J . N., 1892a systematic position, T U R N E R , B. L. and B E A M A N , J . H . , 1953 Desmodium (see also Meibomia) forage plant, S Q U I B B , R. L., 1945 in Mexico, S C H I N D L E R , A. K., 1924 Sesse and Mocino, collections S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1940-1950 1946 systematics, S C H U B E R T , B. G „ 1940-1950 A m e r i c a n a , new species, see above axillare, varieties, see above leiocarpum, forage plant, T O R R E S , L. G., 1921 maxonii and related species, S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1940-1950 procumbens, and related species, see above rosei n. sp., see above subsessile, and related species, see above wigginsii n. sp., see above Dialium, B A R R E R A V A Z Q U E Z , A., 1936 described as Correa, R E C E R R A , M . E., 1936 Diphysa, new species, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 Dolicholus, new taxa, see above, 1906b systematics, V A I L , A . M-, 1896-1899 Dolichos, cultivated species, I R I S H , H . C., 1901 cultivated varieties, D E N A I F F E , C., 1906 culture, V A R E L A , E „ 1919

INDEX Leguminosae—continued Mexico, state, V I L L A D A , J. V . , 1894 bulbosus, description, G O N Z A L E Z U R U E N A , J., 1849b palmatilobus, culture, C A L V I N O , M., 1918-1919 pruriens, see Mucuna pruriens tuberosus, culture, H U A R T , A., 1902a, 1908-1910 not poisonous, A N O N . , 1901x Dussia mexicana, Ormosia mexicana transferred to, H A R M S , H . , 1924 Enterolobium, general information, 1786-1787 as a Juglans substitute, R E C O R D , S. J., 1929 for veneer, S T E A R N S , J . L., 1947 cyclocarpum, general information, G E R R Y , E „ 1954 seeds, food source, G O N Z A L E Z D I A Z , C., 1942 veneer source, M E L L , C. D., 1929c Errazurizia, synopsis, B A R N E B Y , R , C„ 1962 Erythrina, America, species, key to, K R U K O F F , B. A., 1939, 1941, 1943 bark, study of, V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 California species, M c C L I N T O C K , E., 1949 Erythrina, chromosome numbers, A T C H I S O N , E., 1947a cultivated species, M c C L I N T O C K , E., 1953 culture, S I E R R A , H . M „ 1947 general information, R E K O , V, A., 1926b as medicinal plant, D O M I N G U E Z , M. and A L T A M I R A N O , M „ 1877; B O C Q U I L L O N L I M O U S I N , H., 1892-1893; L A Z O de la V E G A , J . M „ 1891; R I O de la L O Z A , F . (1877); V A R I O U S , 1890a in Mexico, monograph, S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1914-1919 monograph, P R I E T O , J. M., 1890 new species, K R U K O F F , B. A., 1939 poison plant, B A S A U R I , C., 1927 seeds, curare content, S A N T E S S O N , C. G., 1938a uses, R O L D A N , A., 1937 americana, curare action, A R Z A C B E H N K E N , M. DE LA A., 1934; L E H M A N , A. J . , 1936, 1937 general information, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J., 1953 oil, analysis, G I R A L , F . , and M A R I E L , R „ 1959 breviflora, medicinal plant, A L E M A N , P., 1901 corallodendron, narcotic plant, G U Z M A N , S., 1882 rosea n. sp., D I E T R I C H , A., 1834a Eumimoseae, see Mimosoideae # Eysenhardtia, general information, A R R O Y O P E R E Z , F., 1932 species, key to, H A R M S , H., 1915a systematics, S T A P F , O., 1909 amorphoides, antibiotic activity, G U E R R A , F. et al 1946 fluorescent, H A R M S , H . , 1915a; S T A P F , O., 1909 (wood) history, S T A P F , O., 1909 uses, see above olivana n. sp., Guerrero, S A F F O R D , W . E „ 1916a parvifolia, fluorescent, H A R M S , H . , 1915b peninsularis, fluorescent, see above polystackya, as lignum nephriticum, 1915b, 1916b, 1918 medicinal plant, G O N Z A L E Z , F . , 1876 pharmaceutical thesis, P L A N C A R T E , E „ 1934 properties, L A L L A V E , P . de, 18321 spinosa, range extension to Mexico, H I N C K L E Y , L. C., 1949 Faba, cultivated varieties, D E N A I F F E , C., 1906 •vulgaris, A N O N . , 1934 general information, A N O N . , 1902m Farnesia n. gen., G A S P A R R I N I , G., 1838 odora n. sp., see above Galactia, species, key to, V A I L , A. M „ 1895b brachystachys n. sp., B E N T H A M , G., 1837 marginalis n. sp., see above Galegeae, anatomy, W E Y L A N D , J . , 1893 genera, key to, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1923-1930

Genista, medicinal plant, A R A N D A D I A Z , P., 1889 Geoprumnon, Fabaceae, species, key to, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1926-1931 Gleditsia, culture, A N O N . , 1934f triacanthos, economic importance, W A L T O N , G. P., 1923 Gliricidia sepium, oil plant, K N I G H T , M „ C„ 1947 Glycine, cultivated species, I R I S H , H . C., 1901 cultivated varieties, D E N A I F F E , C., 1906 nomenclature, P I P E R , C. V., 1914 oil source, M A R T I N E Z , I., 1940 systematics, B E N T H A M , G., 1865 hispida, culture, V A R I O U S , 1911 max, agricultural thesis, G A R Z A , E „ R „ 1926; G O N Z A L E Z F . , A., 1937 culture, C A M P O , C. del, 1946; H E R N A N D E Z F L O R E S , A., 1950; I T I E , G., 1910; K H A N K H O J E , P., 1936; L O P E Z O C A M P O , R., 1912b; P U E N T E C E R D A , M., 1944; W I L L I A M S , T . A., 1899; A N O N . , 1912e, 1948 general information, A N O N . , 1944 (1) latex, study of, G A L I N D O R., A., 1940 nomenclature, P I P E R , C. V . , 1914; R I C K E R , P . L., and M O R S E , W . J., 1948 thesis, C H A V E Z H U A C U J A , M „ 1945; E S T R A D A A C U N A , C., 1946 urease, extracted from, M A R T I N E Z , V. A., 1935 Glycyrrhiza glabra, culture in Mexico, D E R I N G , H . N., 1896 Goldmanella, new genus, G R E E N M A N , J . M., 1908 Goldmania, changed to Goldmanella, G R E E N M A N , J. M „ 1908 Haematoxvlon, in Campeche, A C E V E D O , J . R., 1902 (partido d e ) ; K E A T I N G , M., 1784 in commerce, S I M M O N D S , P. L., 1864 culture, A N O N . , 1895-1896, 1906(1) dye plant, M O L D E N K E , H . N „ 1944b general information, B U S T A M A N T E , B „ 1866; C E R V E R A , M., 1926b; H O L L A N D , J. H „ 1916, A N O N . , 1911 history, in Mexico, G I F F O R D , J . , 1910 uses, V A N D E N - B E R G H E , M., 1894 wood chemistry, C H E V R E U L , M., 1811

campechianum (see also Rio Uzumazinta, plants, along the shores) chemical indicator, A L V A R E Z L., M. A.. 1938 dye source, B E R T E A U , A., 1914 tannin source, B E R T E A U , A.,


uses, H O W E S , F . N „ 1948 Hamosa (Fabaceae), species, key to, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1926-1931 Harpahce, new species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Sesse and Mocino, described by, B E N T H A M , G.. 1841 species, catalogue, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 Hedysarum, culture, A N O N . , 1931b forage plant, E S C O B A R , R., 1900; 1882c movements of, O X , Dr., 1894 Sesse and Mocino collections, see Desmodium systematics, TAUME S A I N T H I L A I R E , J . H „ 1813 coronarium, culture, A N O N . , 1911g forage plant, C A L V I N O , M., 1911b, 1911 d ( f o r warm regions); A N O N . , 1904e, 1918 (in Coahuila and U r u a p a n ) girans, movements of, O C A M P O , M., 1843a onobrychis, forage plant, B A L E S T R I E R , L. de, 1897; C A L V I N O , M., 1911c Hesperastragalus (Fabaceae), in Mexico, R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1926-1931 Hoffmanseggia (Hoffmannseggia), in Mexico, new species, S T A N D L E Y , P . C „ 1914-1919 new taxa, R O S E , J . N „ 1906a revision, F I S H E R , E. M., 1892 arida n. sp., R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 canescens, in Coahuila, F I S H E R , E . M., 1892 densiflora, B E A L , M., 1945


glabra, in B a j a California, F I S H E R , E. M., 1892 microphylla, B E A L , M., 1945 Hosackia, synopsis, B E N T H A M , G., 1836a endlichii n. sp., Chihuahua, H A R M S , H., 1921c mexicana n. sp., B E N T H A M , G., 1836a Hymenaea, chemical study, L E H M A N N , M., 1758 (1765) copal source, H A Y N E , F. G„ 1827 f r u i t , chemical analysis, H E C K E L , E. and S C H L A G D E R H A U F F E N , F., 1889a general information, K R Y N , J . M., 1953 medical thesis, N O R I E G A , J . M., 1917a microscopic characters, D I X O N , H . H., 1918 resin source, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1789c courbaril, copal source, O L I V A , L., 1866 fruit, DECAUX 1891 general information, G R I S A R D , J., 1889; H E R R E R A , A., 1896 karabe source ( ? ) , V A Z Q U E Z , J . , 1788-1789 medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1903a popular account, F L O R E S , R. S., 1919a resin source, P A O L I da P E S A R O , D., 1824; VANDEN-BERGHE, M„ 1894a succino source ( ? ) , V A Z Q U E Z , J., 1788-1789 Ichthyomethia, fish poison, B L A K E , S. F., 1919a at Palenque, G A L I N D O , J., 1832 revision, B L A K E , S. F . , 1919a americana, fish poison, M C L A U G H L I N , E. D., 1933 communis n. sp., B L A K E , S. F . , 1919a in Papantla, V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805; A N O N . , 1784-1785h Indigo americana, illustration, M A R C H A N T , M „ 1718 (1719) Indigofera, America, native species S A T N T - H I L A I R E , A. de, 1837 chemistry, G A R C I A M E R I N O , L . , 1922 in Colima. E I N E S D E U T S C H E N K A U F M A N N S , 1847 culture, U N A G R T C U L T O R A M E R I C A N O , 1897; A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1772b, 1789b; D E R I N G , H . N „ 1895; M A R T I N E Z , P., 1873; P I N O , R. del 1895-1896; R O S S T G N O N , J., 1859a; V A R I O U S , 1889-1891 (in Michoacan) ; A N O N . , 1825a, 1866k, 1914b, 1919k (in Oaxaca) dye sources, R E Y E S M., J . L., 1960 general information, A L C A Z A R , B., 1704a in Guatemala, M O C I N O , J . M., 1826 medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1890; A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791 (for hiccoughs) in Mexico, A N O N . , 1901t new species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 observations, A N O N . , 1704 popular account, R A M I R E Z C A N T U , D „ 1943e purgative, M A R T I N E Z del C A M P O , J., 1900 species, nomenclature, P R A I N , D . and B A K E R , E „ 1902 anil, culture, C H A Z A R I , E . , 1873 history, F L O R E S , R. S., 1918 medicinal plant, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1890, 1895b Inga, new species, H A R M S , H . , 1915a, 1922, 1923 in Peruvian pre-historic artefacts, J I M E N E Z DE LA E S P A D A . M., 1891 P . Preuss collections, H A R M S , H . , 1914 revision, P I T T I E R , H . , 1916a uses, H E R N A N D E Z V E L A , M., 1933 leptophylla, t r a n s f e r r e d to Pithecolobium leptophyllum, D A V E A U , J., 1912 pringlei n. sp., Veracruz, H A R M S , H „ 1915 spuria, in Tabasco, R O V I R O S A , J. N „ 1890 Krameria (see also Krameriaceae) America, N o r t h ( catalogue, R O S E , J. N . , 1897-1911

catalogue of species, B E R G , O., 1856 morphology, floral, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1873-1876 new species, R O S E , J . M., 1906d notes on, J E P S O N , W . L., 1932 San Luis Potosi n. sp., R Z E D O W S K I , J., 1955-1960 systematics, and anatomy, K U N Z , M., 1913 ehrenbergii n. sp., G A N D O G E R , M., 1913 Kuhnistera, characters, V E N T E N A T , E. P., 1799 Lathyrus, America, systematics, W H I T E , T. G., 1894 revision, S E N N , H . A., 1938. (cytotaxonomic) ; W A T S O N , S., 1876b species, Q U E V E D O , M. G. de, 1900 longipes n. sp., W H I T E , T . G., 1894 mexicanits n. sp., W E N D E R O T H , G. W . F., 1838 odoratus, general information, A N O N . , 1902t sylvestris, forage plant, L O P E Z y P A R R A , R., 1899 tingitanus, in Mexico, cultivated, A N O N . , 191 lh violaceus barbcrae n. var., B a j a California, W H I T E , T . G„ 1894 Lebidibia, Lebidivia, uses, G U R M A N f ? ) , D. T., 1908 coriaria, dye source, A L V A R E Z , M., 1908 general information, G U R M A N , D. T . 1908 sclerocarpa, see Caesalpinia scelerocarpa Lens, culture, R I O S , F „ 1935; A N O N . , 1866b esculenta, chemistry of, CALATAYUD GONZALEZ, G., 1937 culture, M A C I A S , C., 1911a Lespedesa, North America, species, kev to, B R I T T O N , N. L., 1893 and related plants, S C H I N D L E R , A. K., 1912-1913 Leucaena n. sp., S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 uses, R I G O T A R D , M „ 1932 glauca, changed to L. leucocephala, q. v. for erosion control, D I J K M A N , M. J., 1950 leucocephala n. sp., W I T , H . C. D, 1961 Lonchocarpus _ America, Middle. H E R M A N N , F . J.. 1947, 1949 species, kev to, P I T T I E R , H., 1917a cytology, A T C H I S O N . E., 1949 fish poison, R O A R K , R. C., 1938 insecticide, W H I T T A K E R , R. M. and A. L., 1935 Mexico, species, GTLLY, C. L . and HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E., 1945 timber sources, S T A N D L E Y , P . C„ 1930a new taxa, H A R M S , H „ 1921d; H E R M A N N , F. J., 1949 and related genera, H E R M A N N , F . J., 1947, 1949 rotenone source, G A N D A R A , G., 1939 cruentus n. sp., Tabasco, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1945c gillyi n. sp., Chiapas, L U N D E L L , C. L. 1945c guatemalensis var. mexicanus, H E Y M A N N . F . J., 1949 longistylus, legends connected with, see ethnobotany, Maya source of pitarrilla, N O V E L O E R O S A . P., 1943 oaxacensis, distinguished from L. guatemalensis, HERMANN, F . J . 1949 resinosus n. sp., H E R M A N N , F . J., 1949 roseus, oil source, M O L D E N K E , H . N., 1944c rugosus complex, H E R M A N N , F . J., 1947 sinaloensis comb, nov., H E R M A N N , F . J., 1949 spectabilis n. sp., H E R M A N N , F . J., 1949 venustus n. sp., H E R M A N N , F. J., 1949 Lotus, in America, B E N T H A M , G., 1836a systematics, O T T L E Y , A. M „ 1944 America, North, synopsis, G R E E N E , E . L „ 1890a California, revision, O T T L E Y , A. M., 1923

INDEX Leguminosae—continued systematics, C A L L E N , E . O., 1959 Simpeteria n. sect., O T T L E Y , A. M., 1944 Lupinus, America, North, annual species, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 biennial species, see above^ extra-tropical species, revision, W A T S O N , S., 1873 cytology, chromosome numbers, A T A B E K O V A , A. I., 1959 on Guadalupe Island, D U N N , D. B., 1957, 1960 Mexico, species, S M I T H , C. P., 1938-1953 new species, ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911 ornamental, R O W N T R E E , L., 1939, 1941 pharmaceutical study, U R I B E y T R O N C O S O , J., 1892 systematics, A G A R D H , J . G., 1835 bicolor, C. P., 1918-1924 var. microphyllus, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 chihuahuensis, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 Concinni sect., systematics, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 leonensis, chemical analysis, S A L D A N A , J . R „ 1903 poisonous plant, A R M E N D A R I Z , E „ 1906 Micranthi group, D U N N , D. B., 1957, 1960 species, key to, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 niveus, in Baja California, see above pallidas n. sp., Baja California, B R A N D E G E E , T. S., 1893 perennis n. sp., described by Munoz, C E R V A N T E S , V. (1790) Pusilli, species, key to, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 Sparsiflori sect., new taxa, see above sparsiflorus and var. amazonicus, BEAL, M„ 1950 Stiversiana sect., systematics, S M I T H , C. P., 1918-1924 Subcarnosi, systematics, see above succulentus var. brandegeei n. var., Baja California, see above Lysiloma, microscopic characters, D I X O N , H. H., 1918 rubber sourceC?), W E E K S , G. F., 1928b tannin source, T O R R E S R., L. DEL, 1943 Candida, Baja California, A C E V E D O M I R A N D A , A., 1944 divaricata, tannin source, R O M E R O G R E E N , V. M., 1941 Machaerium, America, Middle systematics, P I T T I E R , H., 1922 timber source, R E C O R D , S. J., 1942c Macrolobium, systematics, M I Q U E L , F. A. W., 1844 Medicago, culture, A G U I R R E M., H., 1945; B U C H A N A N , J., 1927; E S C O B A R , A., 1937; GAJON S A N C H E Z , C„ 1931; GALLEGOS H., R., 1953; GARCIA OSES, R., 1910; OROPEZA VELASCO, M„ 1956; ANON., 1931e, 1943(?), 1943 in Cordoba, ANON., 1873a in Juarez, C A M A R E N A M., S., 1934 O L I V A R E S R., V., 1944 (Valle de) in Zacatecas, CARDONA, L. E., 1954 forage plant, F O R T U M , L., 1911; G A R C I A S A N C H E Z , A., 1952 monograph, U R B A N , I., 1873 species, GARCIA M O R E N O , D., 1908 arborea, introduction into Mexico, C A L V I N O , M., 191 If lupulina, culture, M A G A L L O N , A., 1913 sativa, fodder, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1786-1787 naturalization, K L I N K O W S K I , M „ 1931 Meibomia (see also Desmodium) new taxa, B L A K E , S. F., 1924; S C H I N D L E R , A. K., 1924, 1926 species, enumeration, V A I L , A. M., 1892 systematics, V A I L , A. M., 1896-1899 Nephromeria sect., America, species, R O S E , J. N. and S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1913

occidentalis n. sp., Jalisco, M O R T O N , C. V., 1930 pallida n. sp., Oaxaca, ROSE, J . N. and P A I N T E R , J. H., 1905 pinetorum n. sp., Hidalgo, R O S E , J. N., 1905 rubricaulis n. sp., Jalisco, R O S E , J. N „ 1905 saxatilis n. sp., Jalisco, M O R T O N , C. V., 1930 trigona n. sp., GANDARA, G., 1929-1930 Melilotus, chromosomes, C L A R K E , A. E., 1934 uses, ANON., 1889-1890 alba annua, forage plant, P I T N E R , J. B., 1948 indica, forage plant, H E R N A N D E Z , N., 1933, 1942-1943 Mesosphaerum insularz n. sp., B a j a California, S T A N D L E Y , P. C. and G O L D M A N , E. A., 1911 Microlotus, synopsis, B E N T H A M , G., 1836a Mimosa, Mexico, revision, R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1898 new species, Guerrero and Colima, R O B I N S O N , B. L „ 1904d in weather changes, R U I Z , L. E., 1905d acapulcensis n. sp., R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1899 affinis n. sp., R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1891 endlichii n. sp., Chihuahua, H A R M S , H , 1922, 1923 esculenta n. sp., C E R V A N T E S , V., 1788-1789 hemiendyta n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1903g pudica (see also Acacia pudica) in Mexico, state, V I L L A D A , J . V., 1894 movements of, OX, Dr., 1894 velloziana, observations, M O R T O N , F „ 1937a Mimoseae, collected by Andrieux, B E N T H A M , G., 1875 collected by Berlandier, see above distribution, B E N T H A M , G., 1875 key to, by Bentham, V I L L A D A , M., 1894, 1896 new taxa, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 and related plants, America, K U N T H , C. S., 1819-(1824) revision, B E N T H A M , G., 1842-1846, 1875 Mimosoideae Adenanthereae, chromosome counts, T U R N E R , B. L., and B E A M A N , J. H „ 1953 chromosome counts, see above Eumimoseae, chromosome counts, see above Minkelersia vulcanica n. sp., P I P E R , C. V., 1926 Mucuna, poisonous, ANON., 1944p pruriens, effects, ANON., 1880-1881a Myrospermum (see also Myroxylori) hoitziloxitl, illustration, P E R E I R A , J., 1850 species, enumeration, K L O T Z S C H , F „ 1857 history, P E R E I R A , J., 1850 substitute for frankincense, S T I E R E N , H „ 1885 pereirae, description, K L O T Z S C H , F., 1857b peruiferum, description, G U I B O U R T , M., 1850 medicinal plant, L E P P M A N , A., 1849 pubescens, distinguished f r o m Myrospermum sp. in Sonsonate, P E R E I R A , J 1850a products, medicinal, P E R E I R A , J., 1850 sonsonatense, description and distribution, O E R S T E D , A. S., 1855a new species, G U I B O U R T , M., 1850 reported without name, P E R E I R A , J., 1850a Myroxylon (see also Myrospermum; Toluifera) culture, H E R R E R A , A., 1894-1895 species, enumeration, K L O T Z S C H , F „ 1857 substitute for frankincense, S T I E R E N , H., 1885 synonymy, R I C H A R D , A., 1824 timber source, M E L L , C. D., 1933 balsamum, varieties, H A R M S , H., 1908 pereirae, legends about, see ethnobotany general information, P E R E Z P E R E Z , M., 1951 uses, ANON., 1896j


peruiferum, description, LAMBERT, A. B., 1821 distinguished from M. toluiferum, B A I L L O N , H. E., 1874 nomenclature, H A R M S , H., 1908 toluiferum, balsam of Tolu source, W E I R , J., 1864 distinguished from M. peruiferum, B A I L L O N , H. E., 1874 nomenclature, R I C H A R D , A., 1824 Neptunia, America, North, revision, R O B I N S O N , B. L „ 1898a chromosome numbers, T U R N E R , B. L. and F E A R I N G , O. S., 1960 U. S. species, T U R N E R , B. L., 1951 microcarpa n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Nissolia, America, North, synopsis, ROSE, J. N., 1899b in Mexico, GRAY, A., 1861 revision, R U D D , V. E „ 1956 Odonia, new taxa, ROSE, J . N., 1897-1911, 1906b (in the Viciaceae) Olneya tesota, desert tree, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1956 distribution, S H R E V E , F., 1935b ecology, J A E G E R , E. C„ 1951 Indians, use by, see ethnobotany, Olneya tesota in the Sonora Desert, cambium growth, V A R I O U S , 1960b uses, A D M I R A L , D., 1938e; COOK, O. F „ 1919 Onobrychis sativa, forage plant, C A L V I N O , M., 1911c Ormosia, in Mexico, distribution, V A R I O U S , 1960b mexicana, transferred to Dussia, H A R M S , H., 1924 Oxyrhynckus, systematics, P I P E R , C. V., 1924 volubilis n. sp., Tamaulipas, P I P E R , C. V., 1924 Oxytropis, North America, revision, GRAY, A., 1885a pharmaceutical study, R E K O , V . A., 1937b revision, based on f r u i t , GRAY, A., 1866a lambertii, general information, I R I G O Y E N , A., 1884 monograph, ORDAZ, E., 1884; V A R I O U S , 1891 poisonous, E S C O B A R , R „ 1909; H E R N A N D E Z , N., 1933, 1942-1943 Pachecoa guatemalensis, transferred to P. prismatica, S C H U B E R T , B. G., 1946 prismatica, nomenclature, see above Pachyrhizus, culture in Michoacan, V A R I O U S , 1889-1991 flowering and growth, P L U M M E R , C C. 1943 food plant, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J. A., 1784-1799 insecticide, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1943d; H A N S B E R R Y , R. et al, 1947 medicinal uses, R O D R I G U E Z , A., Y., 1945 Mexico, producing zones, ANON., 1929c monograph, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1944 angulatus, medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 erosus, chromosome counts, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1944 insecticide, C L A U S E N , R. T., 1945a; H A N S B E R R Y , R. and L E E , C., 1943 morphology, B A K E R , B. Y. and Q U I M B Y , M. W., 1953 palmatilobus, culture, C A L V I N O , M., 1918-1919 strigosus n. sp., C L A U S E N , R. T., 1944 vernalis n. sp., see above Parkinsonia (see also shrubs, desert, water absorption, by leaves) in Arizona, B E N S O N , L., 1940 desert tree, W I G G I N S , I. L „ 1956 species, LLOYD, F. E., 1906 systematics, J O H N S T O N , I . M., 1924 aculeata, allergenic plant, B I E B E R D O R F , F. W . and S W I N N Y , B„ 1952 anatomy, S C O T T , F. M., 1935 xylem fibers, SCOTT, F . M., 1936 beans, composition, G R E E N E , R. A., 1932a desert plant, BEAL, M., 1945a; ANON., 1933b microphylla, see also P. aculeata, desert plant, BEAL, M., 1945a water conducting system, C A N N O N , W . A., 1905

torreyana, C A N N O N , W . A., 1905 Parosela, in California, species, key to, P A R I S H , S. B., 1913 Dalea species transferred to, ROSE, J. N., 1906c Mexico, pediceled species, ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911 sessile flowered species, ROSE, J. N., 1906c. See also below new species, ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911 (including sessile flowered ones) species, transferred to Dalea, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 systematics, V A I L , A. M., 1896-1899 arsenei (Psoraleae) n. sp., Michoacan, M A C B R I D E , J . F., 1922 Aureae, species, key to, T H A R P , B. C. and BARKLEY, F . A., 1945-1947 floridana, and P. humilis, CLAUSEN, R. T., 1946 grayi, BEAL, M., 1946c humilis (thyrsiflora) and P. floridana, CLAUSEN, R. T„ 1946c scandens, changed to Dalea, see above schottii, BEAL, M., 1944a thyrsiflora, see humilis above Pauletia, separated from Bauhinia, K U N T H , C., 1824 Peltogync, timber sources, B E R G S T R O M , G. (1930) for veneer, S T E A R N S , K. L., 1947 krusei n. sp., V A R I O U S , 1960b mexicana, in Guerrero, M A R T I N E Z , M„ 1960 Peltophorum, relationships with Cercidium and Conzattia, M I R A N D A , F „ 1955a Peteria, monograph, P O R T E R , C. L., 1956 pinetorum n. sp., see above Phaseolinae, cultivated, distribution, I V A N O V , N. R„ 1933 Phaseolineae, America, species, key to, P I P E R , C. V., 1926 Phaseolus, agricultural thesis, M E N D O Z A D I A Z BARRIGA, R., 1960 in America, pre-Hispanic (see also Phaseolus species, in Chihuahua, archaeological remains), D I T M A R , E. E., 1930 chemical study, P A D I L L A ROCHA, M. DE LA L., 1941 cultivated, prehistoric (see also Phaseolus, species, in Chihuahua), K A P L A N , L „ 1956; K A P L A N , L. and MACNEISH, R. S., 1960 species, key to, D I T M A R , E. E., 1930; I R I S H , H. C., 1901 varieties, D E N A I F F E , C„ 1906 culture, A R R E O L A RAMOS, J., 1950; C A N D E L A R A N D E S , v . , 1894; CERVERA, J. T., 1863a; C H A V E Z , E., 1912; E S P I N O S A R E N D O N , J. D. and C A R R I L L O , C., 1863; G U A R D I O L A , J., 1921; J H O N , J., 1898-1899; L U P I O R O B L E S , E., 1955 (Rio Culiacan Valley) ; MARIN, L., 1941a; S A L C I D O M O R I N E A U , C„ 1948 (in Altar, distrito); ANON., 1866c history of, GIBAULT, G., 1896; W I L L I A M S , L. O., 1952 from Mexico, M A I N E 1870 new species, P I P E R , C. V., 1926; ROSE, J. N., 1897-1911; W I G G I N S , I. L„ and R O L L I N S , R. C., 1943 (in Sonora) in Old and New World, I V A N O V , N. R., 1928 origin in Mexico, BUKASOV, S. M., 1930 species, in Chihuahua, archaeological remains, CUTLER, H. C., 1960 synonymy, MORTON, C. V., 1944 systematics, CARDENAS RAMOS, F. A., 1951 variation, BAILEY, L. H., 1896 varieties (see also Phaseolus, cultivated varieties), LOPEZ OCAMPO, R., 1912 food values, OCHOA DE LA. ROSA, E., 1950 Maya names, M A R T I N E Z L., J. and P E R R Y , J. P. J r . , 1956-1957 acutifolius, general information, F R E E M A N , G. F „ 1913

INDEX Leguminosae—continued in the United States, southwest, history, C A R T E R , G. F „ 1945 chiapasanus n. sp., P I P E R , C. V., 1921 coccineus, crosses with P. vulgaris, HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E . and M I R A N D A C O L I N , S., 1958; V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 morphologic variation, C A R D E N A S R A M O S , F . A., 1951 synonymy, B A I L E Y , L . H . , 1940 darwinianus ssp. nov., HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E . et al, 1959c hernandezii, transferred to Soya, P I P E R , C. V., 1914 limensis, relatives, B A I L E Y , L . H . , 1940 longecarpa var. of P. vulgaris, G A N D A R A , G., 1929 new species, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1930 lunatus, culture, C A L V I N O , M., 1912(1) history of, C A R T E R , G. F., 1950-1951, 1953 monograph, M A C K I E , W . W . , 1943 relatives, B A I L E Y , L. H., 1940 synonymy, V A N E S E L T I N E , G. P., 1931 variation, see above macropus n. sp., B E N T H A M , G., 1837 mungo, culture, E S C A L A N T E E . , C„ 1939 neglectus n. sp., Nuevo Leon, H E R M A N N , F. J . , 1948 plagiocylix n. sp., Nuevo Leon, H A R M S , H., 1921a scleri n. sp., Oaxaca, see above vulgaris, agricultural thesis, M I R A V E T E A., R., 1945 in the Bajio, G O N Z A L E Z G R A C I A , G„ 1955 "bayo gordo," pharmaceutical study, R E N D O N P O N C E , J . , 1936 culture, A N O N . , 1928p hybrids with P. coccineus, HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E . and M I R A N D A C O L I N , S., 1958; V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 Mexico, Mesa Central, varieties best for, W E L L H A U S E N , E . J. et al, 1949 morphologic variation, C A R D E N A S R A M O S , F . A., 1951 in the United States, southwest, history, C A R T E R , G. F „ 1945, 1946 varieties, common names, A N O N . , 1936g Piptadenia, hallucinogenic plant, P E R E Z DE B A R R A D A S , J . , 1950 narcotic source, T H O M P S O N , J . E . S., 1950 Pisum, culture, D O M I N G U E Z , I., 1922 sativum, culture, M A R I N , L., 1943a; T E R M I N E L , R., 1938: A N O N . , 1909, 1910a, 1943h Pithecolobium, in Colima, S O S A , A. H . , 1939 new species, H A R M S , H „ 1921a; S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1914-1919 tannin source, T O R R E S R., L. DEL 1943 albicans, tanning plant, Yucatan, M A R T I N E Z CARRILLO, E. D., 1944 uses, C U E V A S G., R., 1923b campechense n. sp., L U N D E L L , C. L „ 1941a compactum n. sp., R O S E , J. N., 1903g leptophyllum n. comb., D A V E A U , J . , 1912 pallens, Calliandra pallens t r a n s f e r r e d to, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1933b revolutum n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 seleri n. sp., Oaxaca, H A R M S , H . , 1920 Unguis-cati sect., spicate flowered species, P I T T I E R , H . , 1922 Poindana, also as Delonix general information, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N., 1945a new taxa, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 depressa n. sp., C E R V A N T E S , V., 1789 regia, description, N O R I E G A , J . M., 1917 Poltolobium hypoleucum n. sp., P R E S L , K. B., 1844

Prosopis (see also ethnobotany, Prosopis; New Mexico, sand dunes; shrubs, desert, water absorption, by leaves) America, North, see Algarobia sect, culture, H U A R T , A., 1902b dye source, M E L L , C. D., 1928 economic importance, F O R B E S , R. H . , 1895 eradication of, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 food source, W E I M E R , H . A., 1934 forage plant, F O R T U M , L „ 1911; R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J., 1936c general information, A L C A Z A R , B., 1704a; F I G U E R O A , J . , 1945; O R C U T T , C. R „ 1890a; A N O N . , 1920, 1944, 1938h gum source, water soluble, M A N T E L L , C. L „ 1949; M O R A L E S , A., 1872; S C H I E D E , C. J. W . , 1836a (compared with gum arabic) ; A N O N . , 19—?b in Hawaii, J U D D , C. S., 1920 medicinal plant, A L C O C E R , G. V., 1903; A N O N . , 1893d in Mexico, B R O W N , J . P., 1903 northeast, variation in, G R A H A M , J . D., 1960 monograph, B U R K A R T , A., 1940 observations, A N O N . , 1704 pharmacology, F E R E Z I S A N D O V A L , R., 1948 popular account, D O B I E , J . F . , 1943 tannin source, M E L L , C. D., 1928 in the United States, monograph, B E N S O N , L „ 1941a uses, B E A L , M., 1940; B E L L , W . H . and C A S T E T T E R , E . F . , 1937 (by I n d i a n s ) ; H A V A R D , V., 1884; H E R R E R A , A., 1896c; H U R L E Y , C. C., 1931; S C H U C H A R D , H . J . , 1885; A N O N . , 1910n, 1944c Algarobia sect., revision, J O H N S T O N , M. C., 1962 dulcis, gum source, P R O C T E R , W . J r . , 1855 glandulosa, forage plant, H E R N A N D E Z , N., 1933, 1942-1943 pollinated by bees, C O C K E R E L L , T . D. A., 1900a uses, C L A V I N , J., 1890 globosa var. mexicana n. var., B a j a California, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1956 juliflora, allergenic plant, B I E B E R D O R F , F . W . and S W I N N Y , B „ 1952 anti-bacterial action, R U I Z S A N C H E Z , F. et al, 1948 distribution and climate, B O G U S C H , E . R „ 1951 dye plant, M E L L , C. D., 1922b economic importance, W A L T O N , G. P., 1923 general information, M I L L E , L., 1943 in Mexico, northern, V I L L A , J . L., 1947 rubber source, D E L G A D O , I. L., 1892 uses, H O L S I N G E R , S. J., 1902 var. glandulosa, desert tree, W I G G I N S , I. L „ 1956 uses. B E A L , M., 1940 var. torreyana n. var., B E N S O N , L., 1941a var. velutina, Sonoran Desert, cambium growth, V A R I O U S , 1960b pubescens, desert tree, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1956 forage plant, H E R N A N D E Z , N., 1933, 1942-1943 uses, B E A L , M., 1940; H O L S I N G E R , S. J . , 1902 reptans var.cinerascens n. comb., B U R K A R T , A., 1940 velutina n. sp., W O O T O N , E . O., 1898 water conducting system, C A N N O N , W . A., 1905 Pseudocopaiva, distinct f r o m Copaifera, D W Y E R , J . D., 1944a Psoraleat in America, species, key to, V A I L , A. M., 1894 characters, V E N T E N A T , E . P., 1799 description, J U S S I E U , A., 1744 (1748) economic importance, M A I S C H , J . M., 1889 medicinal plant, G O V A N T E S , J . , 1892; V A R I O U S , 1795-1796 (for rabies) systematics, V A R I O U S , 1795-1796 pentaphylla, alkaloid content, V I L L A S E N O R , F „ 1896

Trachylobium, copal source, H A Y N E , medical thesis, L O Z A N O y F . G., 1827 C A S T R O , M „ 1889 Trifolium, America. North, revision, medicinal plant, A R M E N D A R I Z , L O J A C O N O , M., 1883 E.,1894a; O R V A N A N O S , D., species, key to, M c D E R M O T T , 1895; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 Psoraleae (see also Parosela L. F „ 1910 arsenei) genera, key to, Mexico, involúcrate species, R Y D B E R G , P. A., 1923-1930 V A U G H A N , A., 1939 Pterocarpus, identification as lignum varieties, C A L V I N O , M., 1912p nephriticum, M O E L L E R , H . new taxa, V A U G H A N , A., 1939 J., 1913 revision, W A T S O N , S., 1876b Mexico, species, key to, amabile, Pringle # 9 5 1 2 , changed to S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1931d T. lozani q.v. indicus, as lignum nephriticum, Amoria sect., revision, K E N N E D Y , S A F F O R D , W . E., 1918 P. B., 1909 minimus n. sp., Chiapas, C O W A N , cognatum n. sp., Hidalgo, H O U S E , R. S., 1954 H. D., 1906 Ramirezella n. gen., R O S E , J . N., gracilentum var. inconspicuum n. 1897-1911 var., Baja California, species transferred to Phaseolus, F E R N A L D , M. L., 1893 M O R T O N , C. V., 1944 involucratum, nomenclature, nitida n. sp., P I P E R , C. V., 1926 G R E E N E , E. L., 1897 Rhynchosia (see also Dolicholus) lozani n. sp., H O U S E , H . D., 1906 general information, R E K O , V . A., nelsoni n. sp., Oaxaca, see above 1926b ortegae, nomenclature, G R E E N E , pharmaceutical study, C A S T R O , E. L., 1897 A., 1894 pinetorum n. sp., G R E E N E , E . L. ( menispermoidea, Guerrero, 1893-1894 C A N D O L L E , A. P., 1824 Trigonella foenum-groecum, forage phaseoloides, chemical analysis, plant, C A L V I N O , M., 1911h S A N T E S S O N , C. G„ 1938 Vicia, cultivated species, I R I S H , H . Robinia, culture, A N O N . , 1934e C.,1901 general information, A N O N . , taxonomy, A L E F E L D , F., 1861 1937g jaba, culture, M A C I A S , C., 1911 Sclerolobieae (Ceasalpiniaceae), monograph, M U R A T O V A , V. taxonomy, based on pollen S., 1931 grain morphology, forma citrina, in Mexico, see F A S B E N D E R , M. V., 1959 above Sesbania, forage plant, P I N O A., F., sativa, culture, C R U Z L O P E Z , J. 1931 (n. d . ) ; M A G A L L O N , A. 1911 as green fertilizer, R I Q U E L M E economic importance, I N D A , J . , 1949 R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1943 macrocarpa, anatomy, S T A B E R , forage plant, V E Z A , G., 1908 M. J . , 1909 Vigna, agricultural thesis, P E R E Z uses, R I Q U E L M E I N D A . J.. R O D R I G U E Z , G., 1925 1939 cultivates species, I R I S H , H . C., Soja, see Glycine 1901 Sophora secundiflora (see also culture, G A J O N , C., 1919; ethnobotany, America, U R A N G A , A. R „ 1912 pre-Hispanic, plants, narcotic), populnea n. sp., P I P E R , C. V. 1926 S C H U L T E S , R. E., 1961 sinensis, forage plant, chromosome numbers, A T C H I S O N , E S C A L A N T E E., C., 1936 E., 1949a Voupa, copal source, H A Y N E , F . G., forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1827 1946-1950 Wenderothia, America, monograph, Soya, see Glycine P I P E R , C. V., 1925 Spartianthus, medicinal plant, palmeri n. sp., see above A R A N D A D I A Z , P., 1889 Willardia, synopsis, H E R M A N N , F . Spartium, medicinal plant, J., 1947 A R A N D A D I A Z , P., 1889 mexicana, study of the bark, 1889 B A R B O S A , B. A., 1949 Sphinctosperm-um n. gen., R O S E , J . Zornia, collections, additional, N., 1897-1911 M O H L E N B R O C K , R. H., new taxa (Viciaceae), R O S E , J . 1962a N., 1906b monograph, M O H L E N B R O C K , R. Stylosanthes, monograph, T A U B E R T , H . , 1961 P . H . W . , 1890(1891) new species, see above revision, M O H L E N B R O C K , R. H . , dipyhylla, pharmaceutical study, 1957 S A M P E R I O , G. M., DEL C., Stylosanthinae, Hedysareae, _ 1940 systematics, M O H L E N B R O C K , Leiboldia, see Compositae R. H . , 1962 Leichtlinia, see Agavaceae; also Sweetia, systematics, B E N T H A M , G., Amaryllidaceae 1865 Leiden, Botancil Garden (Jardin Tamarindus, in America, tropical, Botanique de l'Universite), see M E L L , C. D., 1921 also Orchidaceae, in Leiden culture, M A C I E L P E R E Z , F . , catalogue of, H E R M A N N , P., 1687, 1905; A N O N . , 1906c 1698 general information, C A N E D O , G., plants in, B O E R H A V E , H . , 1710, 1922 1727 medicinal uses, L A N Z , M. A., 1875 L e j a r z a (Lexarza), J u a n Jose Martinez popular account, T O R R E S , M. DE de (see also Bombacaceae) J., 1876 bio-bibliography, B E L T R A N , R „ Tephrosia, America, monograph, 1940 barbistyled species, W O O D , biography, S O S A , F . , 1884a; C. E . J r . , 1949 A N O N . , 1856 America, North, revision, Lemaireocereus, see Cactaceae R O B I N S O N , B. L „ 1899a Lemmon, J . G. travels in insecticide, R O A R K , R. C., 1937 Mexico, A N O N . , 1905f constriota, transferred to Lemna, see Lemnaceae Sphinctospermum, ROSE, J. Lemnaceae (see also Arales) N., 1897-1911 America, North, species, key to, macrantha n. sp., P R I N G L E , C. G., T H O M P S O N , C. H . , 1898 1893-1897 classification, L A W A L R E E , A., 1948 Teramnus uncinatus, description, insecticides (against mosquitoes), B E N T H A M , G., 1865 A N C O N A H „ L., 1930 Thornbera n. gen. (albiflora), Mexico, Valle de, species, key to, R Y D B E R G , P. A., 1919 B R A V O H O L L I S , H . , 1930 Tium (Fabaceae) monograph, H E G E L M A I E R , F . , brevisetum, in Mexico, R Y D B E R G , 1868; S O L M S - L A U B A C H , H . , P . A., 1926-1931 1870; S C H L E I D E N , M. J., orcuttianum, in Mexico, 1839 R Y D B E R G , P . A., 1926-1931 morphology, G R A V I S , A., 1935 Toluifera (see also Myroxylon) (affected by environment); popular account, A N O N . , 1912k S O L M S - L A U B A C H , H . , 1869 synonymy, G A R C K E , A., 1891; systematics, HEGELMAIER, F„ R I C H A R D , A., 1824 1896; H I L L M A N , W . S., 1961 pereirae, general information, Lemna minor, insecticide, E S C O M E L , H E R N A N D E Z ALFARO, L. E., 1929 A., 1935; M A R T I N E Z , M., Wolffia, United States, ligulate 1925c species, T H O M P S O N , C. H . , medicinal uses, N O R I E G A , J . 1896 M „ 1925

INDEX Lemnaceae—continued Columbiana n. s p ( ? ) , K A R S T E N , H . , 1867 gladiata, systematics, S M I T H , J . D., 1880 lingulata, in Mexico, see above Wolffiella gladiata, see Wolffia gladiata lingulata, flowering of, M A S O N , H . L., 1938 lemon, see Citrus medica var. timonum lemonwood, see Calycophyllum candidissimum Lendneria, see Scrophulariaceae lengua de buey, see Rumex sp. Lennoa, see Lennoaceae Lennoaceae, morphology, pollen, D R U G G , W . S., 1962 relationships, H A L L I E R , H . , 1924 systematics, D R U G G , W . S., 1962; H A L L I E R , H . , 1924 Ammobroma, description, S E E M A N N , B . ( ? ) , 1855 food source, W E I M E R , H . A., 1934 n . gen., T O R R E Y , J . , 1867 uses, see above sonorae, discovery and uses, G R A Y , A . B., 1855 observations, T H E D E N I U S , K . F „ 1855 Papagos, used by the, T H A C K E R Y , F . A., 1953 parasitic plant, B E A L , M., 1947c systematics, G R A Y , A., 1865 Corallophillum (for Corallophyllum), synonym of Lennoa, B U S T A M A N T E , M., 1832 Lennoa, and Ammobroma, GRAY, A., 1865 and CoraHophyllum, B U S T A M A N T E , M . , 1832 revision, F O U R N I E R , E „ 1868, 1869 caerulea, in Colombia, B L A K E , S. F., 1926c description, V I L L A D A , M . , 1881 host plants, B L A K E , S. F . , 1926c madrepororoides-reichei, Reiche, K. collection, Tlalpam, S U E S S E N G U T H , K „ 1927 Pholisma, and Ammobroma, GRAY, A., 1865 illustration, T H A C K E R Y , F . A . , 1953 arenarium, parasitic plant, B E A L , M., 1947c Lenophyllum, see Crassulaceae Lens, see Leguminosae l e n t e j a , see Lens esculenta lentejilla, see Lepidium intermedium; L. ruderale Lentibulariaceae, A m e r i c a , tropical, K L O T Z S C H , J. F., 1847-1852 Pinguicula, in Mexico, P U R P U S , J . A., 1912 identification, E L W E S , J . J . 1911 species, A N O N . , 1919d proteolytic effects, compared with Carica, W I T T M A C K , L . , 1878 revision, E R N S T , A., 1961 bakeriana (see also P . caudata) description, A N O N . , 1881h caudata, carnivorous plant, G A N D A R A , G., 1933 observations, W A T S O N , W . , 1911 gypsicola, in San L u i s Potosi, P U R P U S , J . A., 1912 rosei, distribution, W A T S O N , W . , 1911 sodalium, and related species, F O U R N I E R , E „ 1873 Vtricularia, A m e r i c a n species, G R A Y , A., 1885c N o r t h A m e r i c a n species, catalogue, L E C O N T E , J . , 1824 systematics, B E N J A M I N , L., 1847 L e n t ' s sumac, see Rhus lentii L e n z , Alberto, biography, L I N G A , C. R., 1955a Leochilus, see Orchidaceae Leon, see G u a n a j u a t o Leon, Nicolas, activities, M A R T I N E Z B A E Z , M „ 1940 Biblioteca Botanico-Mexicana, see bibliographic works biography, A L V A R E Z , W . C., 1928; C H A V E Z , E . A., 1937; P R U N E D A , A., 1940 S O M O L I N O S d'ARDOIS, G„ 1957b correspondence with J . H a r s h b e r g e r , L E O N , N . , 1891-1913 medical historian, S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1959 and the M u s e o Michoacano, A R R I A G A , A., 1959 a s a naturalist, M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M . , 1959

Leon y P e r e z , Ignacio, g r a d u a t i o n f r o m Botany Course, C E R V A N T E S , V., 1794a Lepanthes, see Orchidaceae Lepechinia, see Labiatae Lepechinieae, see Labiatae Lepidium, see C r u c i f e r a e Lepidobalanus subg., see Quercus Lepidonia, see Compositae Lepidospartum, see Compositae L e p t a n d r a , see Veronica Leptochloa, see Gramineae Leptocladia, see Cactaceae Leptocoryphium, see Gramineae Leptodactylon, see Polemoniaceae Leptoloma, see Gramineae Leptosyne, see Compositae Leptotaenia, see Umbelliferae L e r m a , see Mexico, state L e S u e u r , H a r d e , collections, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1929-1940 Lesourdia, see G r a m i n e a e Lespedeza, see Leguminosae Lesquerella, see C r u c i f e r a e Lesser Antilles (see also A n t i l l e s ; L e e w a r d I s l a n d s ; and Windward Islands) trees and shrubs, B E A R D , J . S., 1944; S T E H L E , H . and M R S . , 1947 vegetation and volcanism, H O W A R D , R. A., 1962 Barbados, flora, M A Y C O C K , J . D . , 1830 n a t u r a l history, H U G H E S , G., 1750; S L O A N E , H . , 1707-1725 plants of, L I G O N , R., 1657 common and scientific names, M A Y C O C K , J . D., 1830 M a r t i n i q u e , see French Antilles Lessingia, see Compositae Leucaena, see Leguminosae Leucelene, see Compositae Leuchtenbergia, see Cactaceae leuco-anthocyanins, see Dicotyledonae Leucophyllum, see Scrophulariaceae Leucosyris, see Compositae Leucotkea, now Saurauja q.v. Leucothoe, see Ericaceae Leycesteria, see Caprifoliaceae L e x a r z a , J u a n , see L e j a r z a , J u a n Leyden, see Leiden L ' H e r i t i e r , C. L., controversy with Cavanilles, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J „ 1785-1790 Liabum, see Compositae lianas, see O a x a c a ; Sonora, M a z a t l a n to Los C a j o n e s Liatris, see Compositae Libocedrus, see P i n a c e a e ; also Cupressaceae Licania, see Rosaceae Licaria, see L a u r a c e a e licorice, see Glycyrrhiza glabra L i e b m a n n , F r e d e r i k Michael (see Annonaceae, Mexico, L i e b m a n n collections; Carex, collected in Mexico b y ; Cyperaceae, collected b y ; Mexico, expedition from Denmark) activities in Mexico, L I N D B L O M , A . E . , 1841-1842 bio-bibliography, L I E B M A N N , F . M . , 1869 collections (see also Amaryllidaceae; Cycadaceae; I r i d a c e a e ; Loranthaceae, M e x i c o ; O r c h i d a c e a e ; P a l m a e ; plants, p a r a s i t i c ; Rubiaceae, Mexico, L i e b m a n collections), B U C H E N A U , F . , 1873; H E I L P R I N , A., 1892 (on M e x i c a n volcanoes) Liebold, F . , collections (see Orchidaceae, new taxa, Liebold collections), V A R I O U S , 1844, 1847 L i e r e n a , see Zacatecas liga, see Euphorbia xanti lignaloe, see linaloe lignum aloes (linaloe) see Bursera lignum nephriticum, see Eysenhardtia amorphoides; E. polystachya; Pterocarpus l i g n u m s a n c t u m , see Guaiacum. lignum vitae, see Guaicum officinale Ligusticella, see U m b e l l i f e r a e Ligusticum, see U m b e l l i f e r a e Ligustrales, systematics, T O U R N A Y , R. and L A W A L R E E , A., 1952 Ligustrum, see Oleaceae lila, see Melia azederach; M. sempervirens Lilaea, see N a i a d a c e a e ; placed also in the J u n c a g i n a c e a e and Scheuchzeriaceae Lilaeopsis, see Umbelliferae Liliaceae (see also A m e r i c a , deserts, succulent p l a n t s ; plants, succulent, new t a x a )


A m e r i c a n N o r t h , revision W A T S O N , S., 1879 anatomy, comparative, S C H U L Z E , R . , 1893; floral, G A T I N , V . C., 1920 capsular (see also Liliaceae, herbaceous capsular) gamophyllous, new species, B A K E R , J . G., 1874 cebadilla, plants known as, insecticidal properties, A N O N . , 1900-1902b cevadilla, plants known as, V A L D E S , M. A., 1791a. See also above Colchicaceae, synopsis, B A K E R , J . G., 1880a cultivated, origin of, E N G L E R , A., 1899a embryogeny, comparative, G U I G N A R D , J . L . , 1961 fiber plants, M A R I N , L., 1936 herbaceous, capsular (see also Liliaceae, capsular, above) gamophyllous, revision, B A K E R , J . G., 1871 illustrations, R E D O U T E , P . J . , 1802-1816 isocitric acid occurrence, S O D E R S T R O M , T . R „ 1962 Melanthaceae, N o r t h A m e r i c a , phylogenetic study, G A T E S , R. R., 1918 systematics, G A T E S , R. R . , 1917-1920 Mexico, state, systematics, M A T U D A , E . , 1960c Mexico, Valle de, systematics, see above sapogenins, steroid, in, S O D I P A L L A R E S , E „ 1961 Smilaceae, Mexico, systematics, M O R O N G , T . , 1894 See also Smilacaceae soap sources, U R B I N A , M., 1898 systematics, K U N T H , C. S., 1842; S A V I L L E , D . B. O., 1962; S I M O N S O H N , M „ 1901 (based on petals, vascular structure); S C H N A R F , K., 1929 U n i t e d States, southwest, F U L T Z , F . M., 1919 Allieae, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , southwest, U P H O F , J . C. T . , 1944a systematics, S A V I L L E , D. B. O., 1962 Allium, cultivated species, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1954-1955 in the desert, H O A K , C. M . , 1929 medicinal plant, antidote, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1784-1799a, 1791a ( f o r hiccoughs) monograph, R E G E L , E . A., 1875 synopsis, J O N E S , M. E . , 1891-1935 systematics, D O N , G., 1932, S A V I L L E , D. B. O., 1962 (based on r u s t f u n g i ) ascalonicum, general i n f o r m a t i o n , A N O N . , 1898r cepa, bulb production f r o m the stalk, C O R R E A , T. A., 1898 c u l t u r e , G A E L N E R , E . H . , 1932; J . L., 1907-1908 glandulosum, observations, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F „ 1838a sativum, A N O N . , 1894-1895 culture, F A V E N , E . , 1907-1908; M A A S , G. C., 1946; M A R I N , L., 1937c; M A R T I N , A., 1894; NAVARRO SOLER, D„ 1885-1886; S A N C H E Z G., N . , 1917; V A R E L A , E . , 1928 (in T e h u a c a n ) A N O N . , 1913g, 1918-1919a medicinal plant, f o r hiccoughs, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791e pharmaceutical study, essential oil in, G A M B O A S O R I A , E . , 1937 uses, M A R T I N E Z y L A R R E A , M . , 1934 varieties, I T I E , G., 1937a Aloe, medicinal plant, M A R T I N E Z DEL C A M P O , J., 1900 (purgative); V A R I O U S , 1890a; W A G N E R , I., 1930 resin source, R A B A G O , E . , 1934 species, D I A Z DE L E O N , J . , 1896b thesis, M E S A , M., 1904; O L V E R A C A M P U Z A N O , J . , 1905; O R T E G A P E R E Z , D., 1939 barbadensis, pharmaceutical s t u d y , G O N Z A L E Z , J . DE J . , 1891 grandiflora variegata, medicinal plant, L L A M A S , F . , 1881 vulgaris, medicinal plant, T E R R E S , J . , 1895 pharmaceutical thesis, T R E V I N O B O T E L L I , E . , 1949

uses, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1940 Aloineae, synopsis, B A K E R , J . G,, 1881b Anatis, species t r a n s f e r r e d to Roulinia q.v. Anthericum, new names, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1951b new taxa, Mexico, P O E L L N I T Z , K. von, 1943 nanum, synonymy, M O O R E , H . E . J r . , 1951b Anticlea, see Liliaceae, Melanthaceae Asparagus, culture, C A M P E R O , H . S., 1933; E S C O B A R , A., 1 9 3 3 ( F ) ; E S C O B A R , R., 1922; L O P E Z y P A R R A , R . , 1911; P E L U F F O , A . S., 1891; U R I A S E S C O B A R , F . , 1946; A N O N . , 1899ee, 1913c general information, A N O N . , 1899(1) Asphodeleae, Mexico, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1845a Barbacenia, species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Roulinia, q.v. Beaucarnea (see also Nolineae) and allies, key to, R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 chromosomes and systematics, F L O R Y , W . S. and V A R M A , R., 1961a monograph, B A K E R , J . G., 1872 new genus, L E M A I R E , C., 1861a ornamental species, K O C H , K., 1869a; L E M A I R E , C., 1862 synonymy, P U R P U S , J . A., 1908b; S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1861 systematics, F L O R Y , W . S. and V A R M A , R., 1961a goldmanii n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 hookeri, soap source, A L V A R E Z C E R V E R A , J . H . , 1955 purpusi, description, P U R P U S , J . A., 1908b recurvata, in San L u i s Potosi, F O S T E R , M . B „ 1953 stricta, description, M A T U D A , E . , 1960c Behria n. gen., G R E E N E , E . L., 1885-1887 Bessera, new genus ( e l e g a n s ) . Karwinski collection, S C H U L T E S , J . H . and S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1829 elegans, description, S A R G E N T , C. S., 1891. See also above relationships, K L O T Z S C H , J . F „ 1839 Bloomeria, monograph, I N G R A M , J., 1953a Brodiaea, revision, H O O V E R , R. F . , 1939 synonymy, G R E E N E , E . L., 1885-1887 systematics, H O O V E R , R. F . , 1939a palmeri (see also B a j a California, plants, u n u s u a l ) in B a j a California, W A T S O N , S., 1889b Calibanus (see also Nolineae) and allies, key to, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 new species, T R E L E A S E , W . , 191 I d caespitosus, soap source, A L V A R E Z C E R V E R A , J . H . , 1955 hookeri, soap source, San Luis Potosi, see above Calochorteae, new tribe, B U X B A U M , F . , 1958 Calochortus (see also Lilioideae) in California, K E L L O G G , A., 1860

in the desert, H O A K , C. M., 1929 monograph, O W N B E Y , M., 1940 revision, P U R D Y , C., 1901 separated f r o m the Lilioideae, S C H N A R F , K., 1948 species of, D O U G L A S , D., 1830 chromosome count, N E W T O N , W . C. F . , 1925-1927 systematics, B E A L , J . M . and O W N B E Y , M., 1939-1943 (based on cytology) ; B U X B A U M , F „ 1958 amabilis, taxonomic status, B E R G , R. Y., 1960 Cyclobothra, revision, P A I N T E R , J . H „ 1911 Chlorogalum, monograph, H O O V E R , R. F . , 1940a Cleistoyucca (see also Clistoyucca), relationships, W H I T A K E R , T . W „ 1934 Clistoyucca, see Yucca (Clistoyucca); also Yucceae

INDEX Liliaceae—continued Convallaria, culture, B A L M E , J . . 1920 Cordyline, systematic position, W U N D E R L I C H , R „ 1950 species, transferred to Roulinia, q.v. Dasylirion (see also Nolineae) and allies, key, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 beverage source, fermented, L U M H O L T Z , K. S „ 1898 culture, F E N Z I , E . O., 1890; N O T E R , R. DE, 1910-1912 distinguishing characters, D O D G E , M. N., 1953 forage plant ( E S C O B A R , R. and O C H O A , Q. ( a f t e r 1938?); G A R C I A S A N C H E Z , A., 1952 (distribution) monograph, B A K E R , J . G., 1872 new genus, Z U C C A R I N I , T. G., 1838 new species, R Z E D O W S K I , J . , 1955-1960 (in San Luis Potosi); T R E L E A S E , W . , 191 Id ornamental species, K O C H , K., 1869a popular account, C U T A K , L., 1935 in San Luis Potosi, see new species above seedling forms, L L O Y D , F . E . , 1908b soap source, various species, A L V A R E Z CERVERA, J. H., 1955 sotol, forage plant, winter, A N O N . . 1907j species, M U E L L E R , K., 1885 systematics, B R U M A N , H . J . , 1940 uses, B E L L . W . H . and C A S T E T T E R , E. F., 1941 acrotriche, see below acrotricham, apogamous species, W E N T , F. A. F. C. and B L A A U W , A. H . , 1906 in Breslau, G O E P P E R T , H . R „ 1861

culture. O T T O F . and D I E T R I C H , A., 1848 hardy in Italy, W . B. D., 1901 ornamental, D U U R S M A , G. D., 1926 caespitosum n. sp., S C H E I D W E I L E R , M. J . F „ 1861

flexile n. sp., V A R I O U S , 1843-1871 gracile, ornamental, D U U R S M A , G. D „ 1926 graminifolium, description, Z U C C A R I N I , J . G„ 1837a; 1841 longissimum, Hidalgo, M A T U D A , E., 1958d longistylum n. sp., San Luis Potosi, M A C B R T D E , J . F . , 1918 quadranaulatum, culture, PAMPANTNT, R., 1910 serratifolium, morphology, inflorescence, A N O N . , 1918i wheeleri, observations, C L U T E , W . N., 1939a Dichelostemma, systematics, H O O V E R , R. F „ 1939a, 1940 Dracaena, d-'ssertation, V A N D E L L I , D., 1768 in M e x i c o ( ? ) , G O E P P E R T , H . R „ 1855 systematic position, W U N D E R L I C H , R „ 1950 arborea, dissertation, B E R E N S , R., 1770 Dracaeneae. systematics, M O R A N , R. V., 1949a Echeandia, new varieties, W E A T H E R B Y , C. A., 1910 synopsis, see above paniculata n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 terniflorn, description, F L O R E S R E Y E S , G., 1883 Erythronium, America, North, revision, W A T S O N , S., 1891a Freycinetia, transferred to Beaucamea, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1861 Friiillaria barbata, really CalochortusO), DOUGLAS, D., 1830 Hesperaloe (see also Yucceae, systematics) in the desert, H O A K , C. M., 1929 general information, B A L E S T R I E R , L. DE, 1904 relationships, W H I T A K E R , T . W „ 1934 funifera, istle source, D U F R A N E , B., 1946

in Tehuacan, P A T O N I , C., 1917a uses, Q U I N T A N A R , F., 1945a Hesperocallis, in the desert, H O A K , C. M., 1929 undulata, general information, A B B O T , C., 1945, A D M I R A L , D., 1938b Hesperoyucca (see also Yucceae, systematics) relationships, W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1934 Hookera, synonymy, G R E E N E , E . L., _ 1885-1887 Hyacinthus, flower, L. E., 1843c general information, A N O N . , 1902v in Mexico, B A L E S T R I E R , L. DE, 1895d Lilioideae, systematics, S C H N A R F , K., 1948 Lilium candidttm, uses, M O R A L E S P E R E I R A , S., 1880-1881a longiflorum, karyokinesis in, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1916 Melanthioideae, anatomy, B U X B A U M , F., 1929 Muilla, monograph, I N G R A M , J . , 1953a Nolina (see also Nolineae) distinguishing characters, D O D G E , M. N., 1953 fiber source, B O T K I N , C. W . , 1943 n. gen., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 new species, T R E L E A S E , W . , 191 Id popular account, S C H I L L I N G , F . A., 1939 uses, B E L L , W . H . and C A S T E T T E R , E . F . , 1941 altamiranoana n. sp., Mexico, Valle de, R O S E , J. N „ 1905a beldingi n. sp., Baja California, B R A N D E G E E , T . S „ 1890f recurvata (see also Monocotyledoneae, trees) also as Pincenectitia tuberculata, D U U R S M A , G. D. D „ 1926 description, S A R G E N T , C. S., 1896a texana, flowering of, N A S H , G. V., 1905 forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 Nolineae, in the desert, H O A K , C. M., 1929 systematics, M O R A N , R. V . , 1949a; T R E L E A S E , W „ 1911d; W U N D E R L I C H , R „ 1950 Nothoscordum, systematics, T R A U B , H . P . , 1954 striatum, insecticide, A N O N . , 1903 Phalangium (see also Asphodeleae) pusillum n. sp., San Joaquin, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1845a t r a n s f e r r e d to Anthericum, M O O R E , H . E „ J r . , 1951b Phormieae, systematics, M O R A N , R. V., 1949a Phormium tenax, in Mexico, G O M E Z , G., 1925 textile plant, A L M A Z A N , P., 1882b Pincenectia, ornamental species, K O C H , K., 1869a. See also below Pincinectia (Dracaena discoridis?) in M e x i c o ( ? ) , G O E P P E R T , H . R „ 1855. See also below Pincinectitia tuberculata, ornamental plant, D U U R S M A , G. D., 1826y. See also preceding two items Polygonatum, monograph, O W N B E Y , R. P., 1944 Roulinia, Anatis species t r a n s f e r r e d to, B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1840 Barbacenia species transferred to, B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1840 Cordyline species t r a n s f e r r e d to, B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1840 11. gen., see above ornamental species, K O C H , K., 1869a Yucca species t r a n s f e r r e d to, B R O N G N I A R T , A., 1840 Sabadilla, H I M M E L B A U R , W . , 1931 Samuela (see also Yucceae) arid zone plant, V A R I O U S , 1958-1959 relationships, W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1934 carnerosana, agricultural thesis, Z A R Z O S A L O P E Z , O., 1943 fiber source, V I V A N C O , S. J . , 1956 Mexico, early record of, V A I L L A N T , G. C., 1939 fiber source, hard, C H A V E Z O R O Z C O , J., 1934; C O M P E A N . M., F., 1949 (in San Luis Potosi) f r u i t , chemical study, B L A C K , O. F . and K E L L Y , J . W . , 1922

histology, H U E R T A , L. and A N C O N A , H „ L., 1938 in northern Mexico, L O E R A B O R J A , A., 1945 Zacatecas, habitat in, L L O Y D , F . E., 1909 Sansevieria, culture, L O R E T de M O L A , R., 1942; MENDOZA VARGAS, L„ 1920a; P E R E Z T O R O , A., 1942 (in Y u c a t a n ) ; A N O N . , 1914c general information, A N O N . , 1904v monograph, M I C H O T T E , F . , 1913 systematic position, W U N D E R L I C H , R., 1950 textile plant, M A R T I N E Z C H A B L E , L „ 1910b; T O R N E L O L V E R A , A., 1911 guineensis, culture, A B R I S Q U E T A , L., 1892-1893 general information, J I M E N E Z , J. B., 1911 Schoenocaulon (see also plants, insecticides; Liliaceae, Melanthaceae) anatomy, B U X B A U M , F . , 1929 general information, H E R R E R A , A., 1895 insecticide, M O L D E N K E , H . N., 1944b; R. M. J., 1948 Monardes. described by, A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E., 1949 monograph, B R I N K E R , R. R., 1942 new species, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Jalisco, G R E E N M A N , J . M., 1907b sabadilla, reference to, S C H E N D , M., 1725 systematics, B A K E R , J . G., 1880a toxicity to housefly, A L L E N , T . C., et al, 1944 vermifuge (cebadilla), A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1791e Scilla maritima, culture, in Mexico, F E L I X , L. C., 1945 Smilacina, North American species, G A L W A Y , D. H . , 1944 revision, E M M O N S , R. W . , 1945 flexuosa var. erubescens n. var., E M M O N S , R. W . , 1945 Smilacineae, systematics, K U N T H , C. S., 1848 Stenanthella, see Liliaceae, Melanthaceae Stenanthium, general information, H E R R E R A , A., 1895 systematics, B A K E R , J . G., 1880a frigidum, description, P U R P U S , J . A., 1910d for hair growth, C A R P I O , L. H „ 1872 poisonous plant, see above Trachyandra (see also Asphodeleae) echeandioides n. sp., Michoacan, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1845a nana n. sp., Hidalgo, see above Triteleia, synonymy, G R E E N E , E . L., 1885-1887 systematics, H O O V E R , R. F . , 1939a, 1941 Triteleiopsis n. gen., H O O V E R , R. F . , 1941 Tulipa, in Mexico, B A L E S T R I E R , L. de, 1895d; A N O N . , 1901aa (cultivated) Tulipeae, revision, B A K E R , J . G., 1875 Urginea, culture in Mexico, F E L I X , L. C., 1945 Veratreae, systematics, K U P C H A N , S. M., 1961; Z I M M E R M A N , J . H . , 1958 Veratrum, alkaloids, K U P C H A N , S. M., 1961 Durango, species in, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1957a general information, H E R R E R A , A., 1895 monograph, L O E S E N E R , O., 1926, 1927; Z I M M E R M A N , J . H „ 1958 and related genera, systematics, K U P C H A N , S. M. et al 1961 vermifuge, B E R M U D E Z de C A S T R O , J., 1793 frigidum, medicinal plant, ALVARADO y R I V E R A , I., 1882

monograph, V A R I O U S , 1891 sabadilla, poisonous, L I G U I S T I N , H . , 1866 Weldenia, systematics, B A K E R , J . G., 1880a Yucca (see also Agavaceae,, Yucca, assigned to; plants, fiber source; Yucceae) agricultural data, B E N O T , J . , 1899, 1900 anatomy, C A M I N , E „ 1937

arboreal species, U . S., S A R G E N T , C. S., 1895 B a j a California, D I G U E T , L. and P O I S S O N , J., 1896; S T E R N E , C., 1896 in Botanical Garden, St. Petersburg, R E G E L , E „ 1859 botanical study, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1887 cardon isote ( ? ) , fiber source Veracruz, A N O N . , 19th cent, n catalogue, including new species, B A K E R , J . G., 1870 chromosome numbers, W A T K I N S , G. M „ 1936 compared with Agave, W E B B E R , J. M., 1960 culture, A N O N . , 1899e in the desert, H O A K , C. M., 1929 distinguishing characters, D O D G E , M. N., 1953 in Durango, O C H O T E R E N A , I., 1912a epiphytic species, in the Selva Lacandona, V A R I O U S , 1960b fiber mixed with cotton, K E N T , K. P., 1957 fiber sources, E N D L I C H , R., 1908; MACKINNEY, E., 1889-1890; M A R I E , I. O., 1907, 1908; V A I L L A N T , G. C., 1939 (early record of) flower description of, B A K E R , J . G., 1876; L A U D E R M I L K , J . , 1945 food source, W E I M E R , H . A., 1934 f r u i t , J O N E S , H C., 1934 fruiting, and the Pronuba moth, B O L L , J., 1876 general information, P O I S S O N , J., 1887; W A L T O N , F . A., 1899c; A N O N . , 1908h Hortus Farnesianus, in the gardens, C A S T E L L I , P., 1625 illustrations, T R E L E A S E , W „ 1892a Indians, used by, S A U N D E R S , C. F „ 1911 labeled A gave (!), M O N T E A G U D O , A. M. and E S C A M E Z , A. (n. d.) in Mexico, V A U P E L , F . , 1903 catalogue of species, A L T A M I R A N O , F., 1903d monograph, B E R L I N , E., 1953 monograph, K O C H , K., 1873b; M O L O N , G., 1914 morphology, nectary, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1886 observations, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1843c ornamental species, W E L D I N , H . , 1935 paper source, in Mexico, R E K O , V. A., 1933b in the P a r k of Peace (Big Bend), J O N E S , H . C., 1936 pita de Tamaulipas, identified as, B A L E S T R I E R , L. de, 1901b pollination, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1893, 1894, 1898 by moth, R I L E Y , C. V., 1892 popular account, B R O O K , H . E., 1894; F R E E M A N , C. and D „ 1945 relationships, W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1934 to Agave, M c K E L V E Y , S. D. and S A X , K., 1933 in San Luis Potosi, new species, R Z E D O W S K I , J., 1955-1960 seeds, germination, and seedlings, A R N O T T , H . J., 1962 species, catalogue, L E M A I R E , C., 1866

distribution, H O O P E S , J., 1883 habitat, R O B I N S O N , W . , ( ? ) , 1872 popular account, S C H I L L I N G , F . A., 1939 transferred to Roulinia, q.v. synopsis, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1892a systematics, E N G E L M A N N , G., 1873-1876; A N O N . , 1903g textile source, in Germany, R O O S , K., 1931 United States, southeast, systematics, M c K E L V E Y , S. D., 1938, 1947 southwest, C L A R K E , H . L., 1893 uses, B E L L , W . H. and CAST E T T E R , E. F „ 1941; C O O P E R , T., 1898a; D O O P , J. E. A. den, 1940; M E A S E , J., 1834; A N O N . , 1880i winter hardy species, R E H D E R , A., 1896 oloifolia (see also Monocotyledoneae, trees) pita de Tamaulipas, culture, A N O N . , 1909c

INDEX Liliaceae—continued seed dispersal, W E B B E R , H . J . , 1895 var. marginata, illustration, O R C U T T , C. R., 1906 angustifolia, F E N Z I , E . O., 1886 • analysis, chemical, M I C H A E L , H . C. de S. A., 1890, 1907 var. elata raised to species, E N G E L M A N N , G„ 1882 australis, in Coahuila, H E R T R I C H , W . , 1934a, 1954 culture, P A M P A N I N I , R., 1908a flowering of, P A R I S H , S. B., 1905 baccata, in Chihuahua, J O N E S , H . C., 1934 forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 (timbiriche), general information, J O N E S , H . C., 1934 canaliculata var. filifera, see Y. filifera carnerosana, forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 illustration, P I N A L., I., 1957 istle source, D U F R A N E , B., 1946 Chaenoyucca. seed dispersal, W E B B E R , H . J . , 1895 Clistoyucca, seed dispersal, see above decipiens n. sp., Mexico, central, T R E L E A S E , W „ 1907 , elata, description, M A R S H A L L , W . T., 1955 forage plant, A L L R E D , B. W . , 1946-1950 growth of, C A M P B E L L , R. S. and K E L L E R , J. G., 1932 n. sp., E N G E L M A N N , G., 1882 elephantipes, cellulose source, A L V A R A D O P E R E Z , J. J., 1953; E R D O S B „ J . and A L V A R A D O P., J . J . , 1960 description, P U R P U S , J . A., 1927a endlichiana n. sp., Coahuila, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1907 filamentosa, steroid sapogenin source, W U , C. H., 1960 filifera, F E N Z I , E. O., 1889 arid zone plant, V A R I O U S (1958) 1959 cellulose source, C A R R A S C O N A R R O , S, 1953; FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, J., 1954 in Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, S A R G E N T , C S., 1896b description, S A R G E N T , C. S. S.,

insecticide, A N O N . , 1900-1902b varieties, A N O N . , 1901a Liliales, fiber sources, P E R R I N E , H . , 1838a lilies, desert, see Agave Lilioideae, see Liliaceae Lilium, see Liliaceae lily, see Lilium; also Hesperocallis lima acida, see Citrus aurantifolia Limnanthaceae Limnanthes, put with the Coriariaceae, C H A T I N , A., 1856a Limnantheae, see Geraniaceae; now in the Limnanthaceae Limnanthes, see Limnanthaceae Limnorchis, see Orchidaceae Limodorum, see Orchidaceae Limon, Nuevo Leon, see El Limon limon cruceto, see Randia tetracantha limon gigante, see Citrus limonium var. ponderosa limon Mexicano, see Citrus aurantifolia; C. limonia; C. limonium limonaria, see Murraya limonero, see Citrus medica var. acida Limonium, see Plumbaginaceae Limosella, see Scrophulariaceae Linaceae America, North, synopsis, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1887 systematics, P L A N C H O N , J . E . , 1847, 1848 Hesperolinon, monograph, S H A R S M I T H , H . K., 1961 Linum culture, A. C. y A. R., 1850; C U E L L A R , J . T . and F L O R E S V E R D A D , J . M „ 1869; H E R R E R I A S , G. E., 1880; H E U Z E , G., 1884; M A R I N , L., 1924a; R I O S R., M., 1940; R O M E R O , A. M., 1938; S A L C E D A M., L., 1922; A N O N . , 1791, 1796a, 1882a, 1936 in Amalucan, Puebla, B R E D E M A N N , G., 1927 in Mexico, M A R T I N DEL C A M P O , A and F . , 1922 in Santa Matilda, R O D R I G U E Z E L I A S , J . I., (n.d.) in the Yaqui Valley, G A R C I A C., E., 1949 general information, A N O N . , 1898p introduction to Nuevo Leon, A N O N . , 1944b new species, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 1888 lasiocarpum n. sp., see above seedling forms, L L O Y D , F . E . , Raucheria n. gen., P L A N C H O N , 1908b J . E.. 1847 synonymy, C A R R I E R E , E . A., linaloe, see Amyris linaloe; Bursera 1859 delpechiana; B. glabrifolia; gigantea, in M e x i c o ( ? ) , L E M A I R E . Elaphrium aloexylon; Idea; C „ 1859 Ocotea caudata (in Cayenne) glauca, fiber source, B O T K I N , C. Linanthastrum, see Polemoniaceae Linanthus, see Polemoniaceae W . , 1943 linaza, see Linum grandiflora n. sp., Sonora, Lincea, Lyncea (now Stanhopea), see G E N T R Y , H . S., 1957 Orchidaceae howard-smithii, origin, in the wild, Lindackeria, see Flacourtiaceae T R E L E A S E , W . , 1937 Linden, Jean Jules, biography, parmentieri, synonymy, A S C H E R S O N , P . F . A., S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L „ 1896-1939; R E G E L , E . , 1874; 1864a 1879c, 1879d peninsularis n. sp., Baja California, collections (see also Acanthaceae; _ M c K E L V E Y , S. D., 1938, 1947 Begonia; Metastelma periculosa, industrial uses, angustifolium; Mexico; J I M E N E Z L A B O R A , F . , 1933 Orchidaceae, Mexico; rostrata, ornamental, P U R P U S , Schaetsellia mexicana), . J . A „ 1926 C A N D O L L E , A. L. P. P . , linearis n. var. Coahuila, 1852; T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , T R E L E A S E , W., 1907 1854, 1858-1859, 1863b Sarcoyucca, seed dispersal, travels in Mexico, L I N D E N , J . and W E B B E R , H . J., 1895 P L A N C H O N , J. E „ 1867 thompsoniana n. sp., T R E L E A S E , Lindheimer, F. J., biography, W . , 1911b B L A N K I N S H I P , J. W., treculeana, istle source, D U F R A N E , 1910; G E I S E R , S. W . , B., 1946 1937 f r o m Mexico ( ? ) , C A R R I E R E , collections described, B L A N K I N S H I P , E . A., 1858 J . W . , 1907; E N G E L M A N N , valida, and associated plants, G. and G R A Y , A., 1845, 1850, P U R P U S , J . A., 1908e 1907 in B a j a California, H E R T R I C H , Lindheimera, see Compositae W „ 1934a, 1954; L E W I S , B. Lindenia, see Rubiaceae R „ 1936 Lindeniopiper, see Piperaceae whipplei, culture, G R O V E , A., 1930 Lindsay, G., travels, see Baja California, flower, description, B A K E R , J . travels, cactus collecting; Gulf G., 1876 of California; Mexico, travels food source, G R O V E , A., 1930; in, cactus collecting; Sonora, P A R I S H , W . F., 1890 travels in, cactus collecting variation, H A I N E S , L., 1941 linen, see Linum eremica subsp., B a j a California, linguistics, see vocabularies E P L I N G , C. C. and H A I N E S , Huasteca, see bibliographic works A. L., 1957a Linnaea, see bibliographic works Yucceae, systematics, T R E L E A S E , Linnaea, see Caprifoliaceae W . , 1902 Linnaeeae, see Caprifoliaceae, Lonicereae Yuccoideae, synopsis, B A K E R , J . G., Linnaeus, C., herbarium, plants in, 1881b illustrations of, S M I T H , J . E . , Zygadenus, cytotaxonomy, P R E E C E , 1789-1791 S. J . J r . , 1956 Mexico, influence in, M A L D O N A D O general information, H E R R E R A , K O E R D E L L , M „ 1959a A., 1895; A N O N . , 1790-1791b lino, see Linum

Linociera, see Oleaceae lino de Nueva Zelandia, see Phormium tenax Linosyris, see Compositae Linum, see Linaceae Liparis, see Orchidaceae Lipochaeta, see Compositae Lippia, see Verbenaceae Liquidambar, see Hamamelidaceae Liquidambaroideae, see Hamamelidaceae lirio azul, see Eichornia crassipes lirio bianco, see Lilium candidum lirio del valle, see Convallaria Lisianthus, see Gentianaceae lisimaca vulgar, see Lysimachia vulgaris Lithospermeae, see Boraginaceae Lithosperum, see Boraginaceae Lithraea, see Anacardiaceae Lithurgus, bee genus, see Cactaceae, Opuntia, pollinated by; Echinocactus, pollinated by Litsea, see Lauraceae Litteae, see Agave Llanos de Guatimape, see Durango Llera, see Tamaulipas lleren, see Calathea Llerena, Villa de, see Lierena llora sangre, see Bocconia Lloyd, C. E., collections, see Mexico, northwest, new taxa Loasa, see Loasaceae; also Mentzeliaceae Loasella, see Loasaceae Loasaceae, distribution, D A N D Y , J . E . , 1926 monograph, U R B A N , I., 1900 morphology, P A Y E R , M., 1853 pollination, adaptations for, key to, U R B A N , I., 1886a Acrolasia, species key, D A V I D S O N , A., 1906 Eucnide, new species, R O S E , J . N. ( 1897-1911 revision, W A T E R F A L L , U . T., 1959a bartonioides, description, O T T O , F . and D I E T R I C H , A., 1845a and Microsperina lobata W A L P E R S , W . G., 1846 wrens, desert plant, A N O N . , 1939d Kissenia, distribution, D A N D Y , J . E . , 1926 Loasella n. gen. (rupestris), in Guaymas, B A I L L O N , H . E . , 1887 Mentselia, monograph, D A R L I N G T O N , J., 1934 purgative, M A R T I N E Z del C A M P O , J., 1900 U . S., western, revision, D A V I D S O N , A „ 1906 albicaulis var. gracilenta, in B a j a California, M A C B R I D E , J . F . , 1918b cordata n. sp., Cedros Island, K E L L O G G , A., 1859b grandiflora n. sp., G R O E N L A N D , J., 1861 gronoviaefolia n. sp., F I S C H E R , F . E. L. et al, 1835-1846 hispida, chemical analysis, F E R N A N D E Z DE J A U R E G U L M . , 1876; L U N A L A G U N A , E. E.. 1948 medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 Trachyphytum sect., revision, M A C B R I D E , J. F., 1918b Microsperma (see also Eucnide) bartonioides, see Eucnide bartonioides lobata, and bartonioides, W A L P E R S , W . G., 1846 Petalonyx linearis, B E A L , M., 1946e thurberi, B E A L , M., 1946e Schismocarpus n. gen., B L A K E , S. F . , 1918 matudai n. sp., Chiapas, S T E Y E R M A R K , J . A., 1953 Sympetaleia n. gen., B a j a California, G R A Y , A., 1877a Lobbia, see Aristolochiaceae Lobeira, see Cactaceae Lobelia, see Campanulaceae Lobeliaceae, see Campanulaceae; also Lobelia delessea Lobelieae, see Campanulaceae, Lobelioidea Lobelioideae, see Campanulaceae Lobia, see Palmae Loboptera, see Gesneriaceae Lochoxijo (Lochoxiso), see Santa M a r i a Lochixijo loco, see hierba loca loco-krauter, see Astragalus; Dioon edule; Oxytropis loco weed, see Astragalus; Oxytropis loco weeds, various species, toxicity, E A S T W O O D , A., 1892 Loddiges, Conrad, collections, see Cycadaceae Loeselia, see Polemoniaceae Loganiaceae America, timber sources, genera, R E C O R D , S. J . , 1938b brucine in H I N O J O S A , R., 1873


cytotaxonomic studies, M O O R E , R. J., 1947 described by Bureau, B E N T H A M , G., (1856) medical thesis, S A U V A N , L., 1896 medicinal importance, B U R E A U , L . E „ 1856 systematics, B E N T H A M , G., (1856); B U R E A U , L. E . , 1856; K L E T T , W . , 1924 Buddleia, in America, Middle, B E N T H A M , G. and O E R S T E D , A. S., 1853a in America, North, revision, N O R M A N , E . M., 1962 botanical study, V A Z Q U E Z , L „ 1934-1936 common names, R E C O R D , S. J., 1938b distribution, M O O R E , R. J., 1947 flower structure, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A„ 1831 new species, K U N T H , C. S., 1844, 1846 S T A N D L E Y , P . C„ 1926 (in Chiapas) americana, pharmaceutical study, C R U Z y F I G U E R O A , C „ 1931 medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 barbata n. sp., V A R I O U S , 1848 bracteolata n. sp., K R A E N Z L I N , F . , 1912a gentryi n. sp., Baja California, N O R M A N , E. M., 1962 marrubiifolia ssp.occidentalis, Chihuahua, see above ovandensis n. sp., Chiapas, see above perfoliata, chemical study, P U E N T E , E . G., 1897 medicinal plant, F L O R E S , L. 1908a; V A R I O U S , 1895-1908 simplex n. sp., K R A E N Z L I N , F., 1912 verticillata, medicinal plant, AVTLA, M., 1882; V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 wrightii n. sp., R O B I N S O N , B. L., 1891 Buddleieae, systematics, K U N T H , C. S „ 1844 Emory>a, in Nuevo Leon, L O E S E N E R , T., 1911. Gelsemium, medical uses, P A T I N O , F . , 1880-1881 sempervirens, medicinal plant, N O R I E G A , T. M., 1929 poisonous. H O W E S , F . N „ 1949 (honey) ; R E K O , V. A., 1933 Plocospcrma, collected by Galeotti, B A I L L O N , H. E., 1889 Spigelia, monograph, V A R I O U S , 1891 longiflora (see also bibliographic works) medicinal plant, C O R D E R O , M., 1891; T O U S S A I N T , M „ 1895 speciosa, range extension, P A R A Y , L., 1945 Strychnos, American species, K R U K O F F , B. A. and M O N A C H I N O . T., 1942 America, tropical. S P R A G U E , T . A. and S A N D W I T H . N. Y „ 1927 medicinal imnortance, B U R E A U , L. E., 1856 thesis, O C A M P O , J.. 1896 nux-vomica. thesis, O R T I Z , I., 1897; Z E P E D A . F.. 1896 tabascana n. sp., S P R A G U E , T . A. and S A N D W I T H . N. Y „ 1927 toxifera, compared with Erythrina americana, A R Z A C - B E H N K E N , M. de la A., 1934 triplinervia. pharmaceutical study, G R A H A M V P O N Z , J., 1892 logwood, see Haematoxylon Lolium, see Gramineae Lomatium, see Umbelli ferae lomboi (lomboy), see Jatropha cinerea Lomo de Caballo, Montana de, see Tabasco Lonchocarpus, see Leguminosae London, Horticultural Society. Garden, Mexican plnnts in, G O R D O N , G., 1846. 1847 Hartweg collections for, H A R T W E G , T., 1840, 1843, 1847 Mexico, new taxa from, L I N D L E Y , J., 1848-1851 London, plants cultivated in the area, S A L I S B U R Y , R. A., 1806, 1807 long fibers, see plants, fiber source, long Longchampia see Compositae Longifoliae sect, see Salix Longinos Martinez, Jose, appointment to staff of Botanical Garden, V A R I O U S , 1785-1789 biography, A N A Y A I B A R R A , P . M., 1945

INDEX Longinos Martinez—continued trees, effect on, S O L O R Z A N O collections, see B a j a California, P L I E G O , J . , 1938 plants of U . S., southwest, B L U M E R , J . C., correspondence, with Sesse, 1910 Q U I N T A N A , J . M., 1945 californicum, B E A L , M., 1944f with V. F . , see V. F . , 1795, 1795a diguetianum n. sp., B a j a California, . documents of, Q U I N T A N A , J . M., T I E G H E M , P . E. L., 1895 1945 on Paciiycereus, M O R A N , R., expedition, to California, L O N G I N O S 1962b M A R T I N E Z , JT., (1792) flavescens, t r a n s f e r r e d to P. in the Spanish expedition, serotinum, q.v. C E R V A N T E S , V., 1788 var. macrophyllum, B E A L , M., Lonicera, see Caprifoliaceae 1944f Lonicereae, see Caprifoliaceae goldmani n. sp., Tamaulipas, Lopatecki, Maurice, collection, see T R E L E A S E , W . , 1927 B a j a California, plants juniperinum, B E A L , M., 1944f Lopecia, see Lope si a millspaughii n. sp., Yucatan, Lopez de Gomara, Francisco, T R E L E A S E , W . , 1927 bio-bibliography, W A G N E R , serotinum, synonymy, J O H N S T O N , H . R., 1948 M . C., 1957 Lopez y P a r r a , Rodrigo, obituary, tomentosum, synonymy, see above A N O N . , 191 l i velutinum, chemical study, Lopezia, see Onagraceae F R A N C O V A Z Q U E Z , M . L., Lopezieae subf., see Onagraceae 1952 Lophocereus, see Cactaceae trees attacked by, in Valle de Lopkophora, see Cactaceae Mexico, R O L D A N , A., 1921 Lophospermum, see Scrophulariaceae, Psittacanthus, chromosome numbers, K I N G , R. M., 1961 Antirrhineae Ptychostylus n. gen., T I E G H E M , Lophothele (Lophthele), see Palmae P. E. L., 1895a Lophotocarpus, see Alismaceae Razoumofskya, in U. S., southwest, Loranthaceae B L U M E R , J . C., 1910 leaf nervation, E T T I N G H A U S E N , C. Spirostylis, relationships to von, 1872 Ptychostylus, T I E G H E M , P. Mexico, Liebmann collections, E . L. v., 1895b O L I V E R , D., 1864 species t r a n s f e r r e d to, T I E G H E M , National P a r k s , E S P I N O S A P. E. L. v., 1895b A N G E L E S , E., 1942 Struthantheae, systematics, see above, Oersted collections, O L I V E R , also 1895a D., 1864 Struthanthus n. sp., Chiapas, monograph, C A N D O L L E , A. P . , L U N D E L L , C. L., 1941b 1830 hunnewellii n. sp., Morelos and systematics, B A T L L O N , H . E . , 1861Oaxaca, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1863 (and morphology); 1931 O L I V E R , D., 1863 Visceae, systematics, T I E G H E M , P . Arceuthobium, on gymnosperms, ( E . L. v., 1896 H E D G C O C K , G. G., 1915 Mexico, species, T U B E U F , C., 1919 Loranthineae, see Loranthaceae Loranthoideae, see Loranthaceae monograph, G I L L , L. S., 1935 Loranthus, see Loranthaceae vaginatum, in Mexico, H A W K S W O R T H , F . G., 1961 Loremanea, see Sabiaceae Los Altos, see Jalisco Bifarieae, systematics, T I E G H E M , Los A z u f r e s , see D u r a n g o P . E. L. v, 1896 Los Derrumbados, Veracruz, see Las Cladocolea n. gen. (andrieuxii), Derrumbadas T I E G H E M , P . E. L., 1895a Los Hermanos Islands, see Carribbean Dendrophthora, revision, K U I J T , J., Islands, Swan, etc. 1961 Los Libres, see Puebla mexicana n. sp., Niquivil, see Los Mochis, see Sinaloa above Los Remedios, see Mexico, state pedicellata n. sp., T I E G H E M , P . Los Tuxtlas, see V e r a c r u z E. L. v., 1896 Lotoxalis, see Oxalidaceae Dipodophvllum n. gen. (digueti), Lotus, see Leguminosae T I E G H E M , P . E . L., 1895, Louisana (see also United States) 1895a Exposition, Mexican plants in, Eichlerina, relationship to Ptychostylus, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1904c T I E G H E M , P . E . L., 1895b Louteridium, see Acanthaceae Ginalloeae, systematics, T I E G H E M , love apple, see Lycopersicum P . E. L. v., 1896 love grasses, see Eragrostis Loranthineae, systematics, to tribes, Lowiaceae, relationships, see Musaceae, T I E G H E M , P . E . L. v., 1896a genera Loranthoideae, systematics, Loxania, see Loranthaceae T I E G H E M , P . E . L. v., 1894 loyito, see Lolium italicum Loranthus, on Citrus, G A N D A R A , G., Lozana, Filemon, expedition, to 1910a Michoacan, ALTAMIRANO, new species, F O U R N I E R , E . , F . , 1904b 1883; O L I V E R , D., 1864 lucerne, see Medicago as a parasitic plant, L. G. I., 1897 Lucknow gardens, botanical, plants of, pharmaceutical study, R O S A L E S A N O N . , 1956-1962 A., H . , 1949 Lucuma, see Sapotaceae species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Loxania q.v. Ludovia, see Cyclanthaceae (earlier in species t r a n s f e r r e d to new genera, Araceae) T I E G H E M , P . E . L. v., 1895b Ludwigia, see Onagraceae species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Spirostylis, Luehea, see Tiliaceae T I E G H E M , P . E. L., 1895a l u f a , see Luffa "wooden rose," produced by, Luffa, see Cucurbitaceae E L L I O T , L. E., 1910 lumbering, in Yucatan, see Medina V . , atnericanus, popular account, A., activities F L O R E S , R. S., 1922-1924 Lumholtz, K. S., collections, see Mexico calyculatus, parasitic, forms " f l o r northwest de m a d e r a , " D U G E S , A., 1898a travels (see Mexico; Mexico, deppeanus, t r a n s f e r r e d to n o r t h e r n ; Mexico, Ptychostylus q.v. northwestern; Mexico, Sierra ladebeckii, cause of "wooden M a d r e Occidental; Sonora, flowers," P H I L L I P S , O. P . , northwestern; Sonora, Pinacate 1906 region), S I E V E R S , W . , 1888 palmeri, t r a n s f e r r e d to Martiella, Lundellia, see Acanthaceae q.v. Loxania n. gen., T I E G H E M , P . E . L., Lundia, see Bignoniaceae Lupinus, see Leguminosae 1895b Martiella n. gen., T I E G H E M , P . E . L. lupulo, see Humulus Lupulus, see Humulus v., 1895a luzerne, see Medicago Phoradendreae. systematics, Luzula, see Juncaceae T I E G H E M , P . E. L. v., 1896 Lycaste, see Orchidaceae Phoradendron, on angiosperms, Lychnideae, see Caryophyllaceae H E D G C O C K , G. G., 1915 Lycianthes, see Solanceae on gymnosperms, see above Lycium, see Solanaceae monograph, by Trelease, U R B A N , Lycopersicum (Ly coper sicon), see I . , 1921a "mucrdaoo," SOLORZANO Solanaceae P L I E G O , J., 1948 Lycurus, see Gramineae Muller, C. H., collections, Lyncea, see Scrophulariaceae F O S B E R G , F . R., 1941 Lyrocarpa, see Cruciferae new species, O L I V E R , D., 1864 Lysiloma, see Leguminosae systematics, T R E L E A S E , W . , Lysimachia, see Primulaceae 1915a, 1916

Lythraceae embryology and relationships, J O S H I , A. C., 1939a Mexico, medicinal species, V I L L A D A M. M . 1890 monograph, C A N D O L L E , A. P . , 1826; K O E H N E , E., 1881-1886, 1908-1909 (supplement) new taxa, K O E H N E , E., 1901 related to the Myrtales ( ? ) , J O S H I , A. C., 1939a systematics, K O E H N E , E., 1885 ( U . S . ) ; S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A. de, 1815, 1818. (based on placentation) Cuphea, American species (not Parsonsia), M E R R I L L , E. D., 1934 general information, C A M E R O N , R., 1895 morphology, S A I N T - H I L A I R E , A. de, 1833a new taxa, B A C I G A L U P I ,


1931 (in N a y a r i t ) ; F O S T E R , R. C., 1945b; R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 systematics, new species, B A C I G A L U P I , R., 1931; K O E H N E , E., 1873 Heteranthus sect., systematics S P R A G U E , T. A., 1903 itzocanensis n. sp., Puebla, M I R A N D A , F . , 1942b mexiae n. sp., Jalisco, B A C I G A L U P I , R., 1931 oreophila n. sp., B A C I G A L U P I ,


1933 purpurascens

n. sp.,


R., 1931 silenoides, description, S C H A U E R , C., 1833a tenuipes n. sp., Guerrero, B A C I G A L U P I , R.,


zimapani, systematics, sérodiagnostic, N A Y , W . , 1927 Ginoria davisii n. sp., Veracruz, J O H N S T O N , M . C., 1956a nudiflora, amplified description, M I R A N D A , F., 1953a relationship to G. davisii, q.v. Heitnia, anatomy, chemistry, B A L D I N I , F., 1929 general information, R E K O , V. A., 1926b salicifolia, L I N K , H . F . , and O T T O , F . (1820-1828) medicinal plant, C A L D E R O N , J . B., 1886; V A R I O U S

1897 syphilitica,


general information,

A L A S , A., 1877

Lysimachia vulgaris, medicinal plant, T O R R E S , E., 1896 Lythrum, U. S., synopsis, S H I N N E R S , L. H., 1953 vulneraria, chemical study, L U G O A L A T O R R E , R., 1945 Parsonsia, and Cuphea, M E R R I L L , E. D. 1934 new species, Sinaloa, B L A K E , S F . , 1919c Lythrum, see Lythraceae Maba, see Ebenaceae macal, see Colocasia macallo, see Andira racemosa Macardonia, see Scrophulariaceae MacDougal, D. T., travels, M A C D O U G A L , D. T., 1904a,

1905 MacDougall, T., collections (see also Begonia cavum ) in Mexico, E V E R E T T , T . H . , 1939a travels, see Oaxaca, travel account Machacranthera, see Compositae Machaerium, see Leguminosae Machaerocereus, see Cactaceae Machaonia, see Rubiaceae Mack, F . , see Fragaria, brought f r o m Jalapa Macleania, see Thibaudieae Macleaya, see Papaveraceae Maclura, see Moraceae mac much, see Malvaceae ( ? ) maconha, see Cannabis sativa Macrolobium, see Leguminosae Macromeria, see Boraginaceae Macrosiphonia, see Apocynaceae Macrozamia, see Cycadaceae Macuilsuchil, see Oaxaca maculan, see Piper sanctum Macuspana, see Tabasco Madagascar, see Agave; Echinopterys; Galphimia angusti folia; Janusia scandens madera del pulque, see Acacia angustissima, used in maguey fermentation Madia, see Compositae Madieae, see Compositae Madinae, see Compositae


madreselva Americana, see Cryptostegia grandiflora Madrid, J a r d i n Botanico, American trees and shrubs in, C O L M E I R O y P E N I D O , M., 1892 history of, C O L M E I R O y P E N I D O , M., 1875 Mexican plants in, L A G A S C A , M, and R O D R I G U E Z , J., 1801, 1802 Madrigal, Montana, see Tabasco madrono, see Arbutus; Arctostaphylos arguta madrono borracho, see Arctostaphylos arguta Maga, see Malvaceae Magdalena, see Sonora Magdalena Bay, see B a j a California, Bahia Magdalena Magdalena Island, see Isla Magdalena magei (maguey), see Agave magic, see Mexico, medicine, magic in Magnolia, see Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae, distribution, D A N D Y , J . E. and G O O D , E . d'O, 1929 genera, key to, D A N D Y , J . E., 1927a monograph, P A R M E N T I E R , P . , 1895 morphology, comparative, V A N D E R W Y K , R. W . , 1950 stamens, carpels, pollen, wood, C A N R I G H T , J . E., 1949-1960 relationships, sérodiagnostic, J O H N S O N , M. A., 1953, 1954 survey, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1866-1867 wood, anatomy (see also Magnoliales, systematics, based o n ) , G A R R A T T , G. A., 1933a; G R O P P L E R , R., 1894 (comparative) characters, M C L A U G H L I N , R. P . , 1928 Drimys, America, monograph, S M I T H , A. C., 1943 granadensis var. mexicana comb. nov., S M I T H , A. C., 1943 mexicana, medicinal plant, R A M I R E Z , R., 1919a Illicium anisatum, medicinal value, L E C L E R C , H „ 1938 Magnolia, chemical study, T O R R E S B E L M O N T , A., 1946 species, key, D A N D Y , J . E., 1927; M I L L A I S J . G., 1927 grandiflora, medicinal plant, L E D A N O I S , M., 1829 mexicana, description, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L., 1864 in Jamiltepec, Z U C C A R I N I , J . G., 1832 schiedeana n. sp., S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F. L., 1864 sharpii n. sp., Chiapas, M I R A N D A , F . , 1955 Magnolieae, distribution, G O O D , R. d'O, 1925 Talauma, medicinal plant, A R M E N D A R I Z , E., 1892 pharmacological study, H E R N A N D E Z C O R T E S , A., 1947 mexicana, bark, chemical analysis, M A G D A L E N O L „ M . DEL R „ 1940 medicinal plant, H E R R E R A , A. L „ 1891; L O Z A G O N Z A L E Z , A., 1954; M E N D O Z A , G. and H E R R E R A , A., 1866; R A M I R E Z , J., 1895 pharmacological study, E S C O B A R B E R E A , I. A., 1941 Magnoliales, systematics, based on cytology and anatomy, W H I T A K E R , T . W . , 1933a systematics, based on wood anatomy, _ M C L A U G H L I N , R . P . , 1933

Magnolieae, see Magnoliaceae Magnusia, see Begoniaceae maguey, see Agave mahogany (see Carapa; Cariniana; Cedrela mahogani ; Hymenaea; Liquidambar ; Lysiloma; Mexico, mahogany areas; Mexico, plants called mahogany in; Mimusops ; Protium; Swietenia; Tabebuia; Tehauntepec, Isthmus) plants so-called, M E L L , C. D., 1917a; R E N D L E , B. J., 1938; A N O N . , 1938i characters, D I X O N , H . H „ 1918 (microscopic) ; R E C O R D , S. J., 1919 substitutes for, R E C O R D , S. J., 1919 t r u e and false, M E L V I L L E , R., 1936 (catalogue); A N O N . , 1938i mahogany, white, see Tabebuia donnell-smithii Mahonia, see Berberidaceae Maierocactus, see Cactaceae Maieta, see Melastomaceae Maihuenia, see Cactaceae

maiz copos blancos, see Zea mays foliis integerrimis maiz de coyote, see Euchlaena mexicana ; Zea canina; Zea mays, w i l d ( ? ) maiz de espiga, see Zea mays maiz de Texas ( T e j a s ) , see Helianthus annuus maiz dulce, see Zea mays saccharata maiz g r a n a d a , see Zea mays digitata maiz kaffir, see Sorghum vulgare maiz precoz, see Zea minima maize, see Zea M a k r i n i u s , Emil, collections in Oaxaca, B L A K E , S. F . , 1918 Malachra, see Malvaceae Malacomeles, see Rosaceae Malacospermae, subfamily, see Cactaceae Malacothamnus, see Malvaceae Malacothrix, see Compositae Malacroideae, see Sida, revision malagueta, see Pimenta officinalis malanga, see Colocasia antiquorum Malaxis, see Orchidaceae Maldonado, Joseph, g r a d u a t i o n f r o m the Botany course, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1789 named to the Botanical Expedition, C E R V A N T E S , V . (1790) studies, botanical, V A L D E S , M . A . , 1784-1805 Malinalco, see Mexico, state Malinaltepec, see Oaxaca Malinche (including Bosques de l a ) , see Tlaxcala Malope, see Malvaceae Malortiea, see Palmae Malosma, see Anacardiaceae malpais, see Tacambaro Malpighia, see Malpighiaceae Malpighiaceae America, anatomy, leaves, N I E D E N Z U , F., 1918-1919 systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 America, Middle, systematics, new taxa, O E R S T E D , A . S., 1853a America, North, species, enumeration, V A I L , A . M., 1895a collections, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1926 Hilton collections, V A R I O U S , 1936-1958 Mexico, M a y a area, V A R I O U S , 1935-1940 stations and collectors, U R B I N A , M., 1905a monograph, Jussieu, A . de, 1843, 1845 new taxa, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926; R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 synopsis, J U S S I E U , A., 1840 systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1890 (based on f r u i t and pistil), 1897-1926 Aspicarpa hirtella n. sp., R I C H A R D , L. C. M „ 1815 Bnnisteria, hallucinogenic plant, P E R E Z de B A R R A D A S , J . , 1950 systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 laurifolia, d r u p plant, G U E R R A , F . and O L I V E R A , H „ 1954 in Oaxaca, R E K O , V . A., 1929 Bunchosia, new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N „ 1863 systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 Byrsonima (see also sabana de nanche) in the Selva del Ocote, M I R A N D A , F . , 1952a systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 crassifolia, culture, T H O M A T I S , D., 1913e karwinskiana n. sp., J U S S I E U , A. de, 1840 oaxacana n. sp., J U S S I E U , A . de, 1840 Eehinopterys eglandulosa, incorrectly cited f o r Madagascar, A R E N E S , J . , 1948 Galphimia n. gen., C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1799 new species, B A R T L I N G , F . T . , 1839 (in M e x i c o ) ; L I N D L E Y , J . , 1848-1851 angustifolia, incorrectly cited for Madagascar, A R E N E S , J., 1948 glauca, ornamental, L E M A I R E , C., 1851 multicaulis n. s p „ J U S S I E U , A . de, 1840 pabulosa ( f o r Simmondsia pabulosa?), illustration, K E L L O G G , A., 1859a Gaudichaudia enrico-martinezii n. sp., B A R C E N A , M „ 1877a

uhdeana n. sp., N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1892 Heteropteris, systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 Hiraea, new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1863 systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 barredae n. sp., Hidalgo, B A R C E N A , M., 1877 mansinellensis, description of, B E U R L I N G , P . J . , 1856 Janusia scandens, incorrectly cited f o r , Madagascar, A R E N E S , J . , 1948 Malpighia, new species, B a j a California, B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1900-1901 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790; N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 punicifolia, vitamin C content, M A S S I E U H . G., et al, 1955 souzae, and related species, M I R A N D A , F „ 1957 Mascagnia, systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 Stigmatophyllon, systematics, N I E D E N Z U , F . , 1897-1926 Tetrapteris, systematics, see above Thryallis, Mexico, species key, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 substitute for Quassia(?), G A R C I A , C., 1886a Malva, see Malvaceae Malvaceae (see also C o l u m n i f e r a e ; ^ plants, fiber sources) America, 13 chromosome species, K E A R N E Y , T. H . , 1934 America, North, revision, G R A Y , A., 1887 anatomy, comparative, D U M O N T , A., 1887; K U N Z E , G., 1891 corcho de Y u c a t a n (also as mac-much and tapo de s a p o ) , C U E V A S G„ R., 1923 distribution, Texas, H A N S O N , H . C., 1921 enumeration, to genera, B E N T H A M , G., 1862a fiber sources, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1800d genera (see also enumeration, above). . M E D I K U S , F . K., 1787 l ' H e r i t i e r , description of, criticized by Cavanilles, L ' H E R I T I E R de B R U T E L L E , C. L . , 1784-1785 Juzepczuk collections, U L B R I C H , E . , 1939 mac much (also as tapo de sapo and corcho de Y u c a t a n ) , C U E V A S G., R., 1923 Mexico, state, systematics, M A R T I N E Z , M „ 1955b Mexico and T e x a s , key and distribution, N A V A R R O C A R D O N A , A., 1929 morphology, floral, D U C H A R T R E , P . , 1845 pollen, D A T T A , R. M., 1958 mucilage producing, T R E C U L , A., 1866-1867 nectaries, J A N D A , C., 1937 new t a x a , H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1920 ( f r o m the Delessert herbarium) ; R O S E , J . N., 1899e; A N O N . , 1788a, 1789 (by Cavanilles, comments o n ) products, economic, J A C K S O N , J . R „ 1862 species, catalogue, R O B E R T Y , G., 1936-1938 systematics, A L E F E L D , F . , 1862a; C A V A N I L L E S , A. J . , 1785-1790; D U M O N T , A . , 1887 (and anatomy) ; W E B B E R , I . E . , 1934a (based on wood anatomy) tapo de sapo (also as mac much a n d corcho de Y u c a t a n ) , C U E V A S G., R., 1923 wood anatomy, see systematics above Woronow collections, U L B R I C H , E . , 1939 Abelmoschus, antidote f o r snake bite, B E R N A L F L A N D E S , F., 1949 new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1858-1859 esculentus, fiber source, A N O N . , 1898b moschatus, remedy f o r snake bite, B A C H S T E Z , M., 1946-1948 general information, A N O N . , 1802-1803 medicinal plant, V A L D E S , M . A., 1784-1805 Abutilon (see also plants, fiber source, f o r braiding) America, N o r t h , species, key to, K E A R N E Y , T . H „ 1955a

fiber source, A C O S T A , G., 1904a; A R J O N A R E Y E S , V . , 1933; B A L E S T R I E R , L. de, 1900a new species, R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911; T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 systematics, G A R C K E , A., 1893 carterae n. sp., B a j a California, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1953 cinctum n. sp., Sonora, B R A N D E G E E , T. S „ 1892b coahuilae n. sp., K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1953 durangense n. sp., R O S E , J . N . , 1897-1911 erosum, t r a n s f e r r e d to Bastardía, G A R C K E , A., 1897 incanum, fiber source, A L C O C E R , G. V . and S A N D E R S , J . M., 1905b Alcea, systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790 Althaea, popular account, A N O N . , 1851a systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790 mexicana n. sp., K U N Z E , G. a n d P L A S C H N I C K , C „ 1847 Anoda, F r a n c e , species in, N I C O L A S , G., 1930 history of, G A R C K E , A., 1896 monograph, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1916 new species, see above revision, G R A Y , A., 1887; S C H L E C H T E N D A L , D. F . L „ 1837 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785 hastata, ornamental, S P R E N G E R , C., 1893 triangularis, chemical study, O R T I Z O., N., 1923 Anotea (Malvaviscus) chloranthus n. sp., K U N T H , C „ 1847 Arcynospermum n. sp., T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 Armouria, systematics, H O W A R D , R. A., 1949 Atkinsia n. gen., see above Bastardía bivalvis, Abutilon erosum t r a n s f e r r e d to, G A R C K E , A . , 1897 Cheirostemon, see Chiranthodendron (Sterculiaceae) Cienfuegosia, systematics, H U T C H I N S O N , J. B., 1947; U L B R I C H , E . , 1914 (also Gossypium and related genera) Eremalche, species, key to, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1956 Erioxylum n. gen. ( a r i d u m ) , Sinaloa, R O S E , J. N., 1897-1911 Gaya violacea n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Gossypi-um (see also cotton g i n ; dictionary, agricultural; ethnobotany; ethnobotany, pre-Hispanic, plants, textile sources; etymology, cotton; tree cotton), S O N N I N I de M A N O N C O U R T , C. N . S „ 1810 in A f r i c a and Mexico, W E I N E R , L., 1920-1922 agricultural thesis, S A N D E R S B „ C., 1942 "algodon caravonica," hybrid, O L S S O N - S E F F E R , R., 1912b; T H O M A T I S , D., 1911b, 1912 in America, morphology, K E A R N E Y , T. H . a n d W E B B E R , I . E., 1939 American and Asiatic species, F E R R E R O , R. A. (1939) in Colima, E I N E S D E U T S C H E N K A U F M A N N S , 1847 cultivated species (see also Gossypium, monograph), H U T C H I N S O N , J . B., 1939; R O B E R T Y , G., 1936-1938 monograph, B R O W N , H . B., 1927; K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1930 revision, R O B E R T Y , G., 1942-1952 culture, A G U I L A R , A. and R U I Z , A., 1887; B A R R E R A G A R Z A , A., 1952; C A S T O P I N T O , G., 1905; C O O K , O. F . , 1911; D O M I N G U E Z G. E . , 1954; E S P I N O S A R E N D O N , J. D. and C A R R I L L O , C „ 1863; G U T I E R R E Z , D., 1885; L E S C A N O , A., 1873; M A R I N , L „ 1924, 1937e; M A R T I N E Z del R I O , P . , 1854, 1882; P R E C I A D O C A S T I L L O , A., 1950; R U I Z y S A N D O V A L , A., 1883b; S E N C I A L , U . B., 1914; T H O M A T I S , D . , 1911; V A L L E , A. del, 1904a; A N O N . , 1873b, 1881c

in America, C H A S T E N E T D E S T E R E , G „ 1800 in Cd. Delicias, C U A D R A C O V A R R U B I A S , N., 1956; M O Y F L O R E S , J . , 1952; VIESCA CARDENAS, E „ 1957 in Cd. Jimenez, Chihuahua, A R R E O L A R A M O S , H . 1952 in El F u e r t e , Valle de, G A M E Z V., O., 1948 in L a L a g u n a region (Coahuila and D u r a n g o ) , A G U I L A R , A . and R U I Z , A., 1887a; R A M I R E Z , J . C „ 1956; V I L L A R R E A L A., D „ 1949 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, J I M E N E Z , L. R., 1929; R A M I R E Z , J . E . , 1942 in Mexico, A N O N . , 1901p in Paila-Parras, A L A M A N Z A S A N T O S , E., 1956; C A R D E N A S B A R R A G A N , A., 1955 (Rancho San M a r t i n ) in Rio Panuco basin, F U E N T E F I E R R O , M. de la, 1956 cytology, W E B B E R , J. M., 1939 cytotaxonomy, W O U T E R S , W . , 1948 distribution, F L O R E S R E Y E S , T . , 1944; H U T C H I N S O N , J . B., 1939; K E L L Y , I. T., 1951 evolution, H U T C H I N S O N , J. B „ 1939, 1947a forage plant, F O R T U M , L „ 1911 general information, A N C O N A , J . , 1863; A N D R A D E , J., 1863; B O O N E , R. C. P., 1929-1932; G A L L A R D O A. F . , 1935; V A R I O U S , 1896 genetics, H A R L A N D , S. C., 1939 herbaceous, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1772 history of, C A R T E R , G. F . , 1950, 1953, (in A m e r i c a ) ; D O N N E L L , E . J . , 1872; R I T T E R , C., 1851; V A L L E , A . del, 1903, 1904 in Mexico, see Mexico, history, below hybrid, see Gossypium, algodon caravonica in Mexico, B U K A S O V , S. M., 1930; W I E N E R , L „ 1920-1922 early record of, V A I L L A N T , G. C., 1939 history of, R E K O , V. A., 1937a; R U I Z y S A N D O V A L , A., 1884 new species, C O O K , O. F . and H U B B A R D , J. W „ 1926a production, G I R O L A , C. D., 1910 species, C O O K , O. F . and H U B B A R D , J. W . , 1926a monograph, B U R K E T T , C. M. and P O E , C. H . , 1906; L E C O M T E , H . , 1900; S E N A Y , P . , 1937-1939; T O D A R O , A., 1877-1878, 1878; W I L K I N S O N , F . , 1902 morphology, floral, A B R A H A M , P . and A Y Y A R , V . R., 1938 new species, Sinaloa, Sonora, C O O K , O F . and H U B B A R D , J . W . , 1926a observations, V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805 in Palermo, O r t o Botanico, T O D A R O , A., 1863 popular account, A N O N . , 1840b pre-Hispanic, in United States, southwest, K E N T , K. P., 1957 pre-historic, see ethnobotany, Gossypium in pre-Linnaean literature, D E N H A M , H . J., 1919 primitive species, C O O K , O. F . and H U B B A R D , J . W . , 1926a a n d related genera, systematics, U L B R I C H , E., 1913, 1914 revision, W A T T , G., 1907 seeds, agricultural thesis, S I E R R A , O., 1946 species, P A R L A T O R E , F . , 1866; U L B R I C H , E., 1917 descriptions, S W A R T Z , O., 1792 survey, K E A R N E Y , T. H . , 1957 synonym of Ochroma, S W A R T Z , O., 1792a systematics, A B R A H A M , P . a n d A Y Y A R , V. R., 1938; ALAMANZA SANTOS, E., 1956; A L E F E L D , F . , 1861a; A L L I O T T A , A., 1903; F L O R E S R E Y E S , T., 1944; GALLARDO y DOMINGUEZ, J . E „ 1946; H A R L A N D , S. C., 1939; K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1936, 1942; L E W T O N , F . L., 1925; P R O K H A N O V , J. I., 1947, 1948; Z A I T Z E V , G. S., 1927-1928

INDEX Malpighiaceae—continued in T i e r r a Blanca, S O B E R O N H E R N A N D E Z , W . , 1955 tree f o r m , or tree species, A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1772; C U E V A S , H . , 1905; A N O N . , 1906o. See also tree cotton in TJ. S-, southwest, see ethnobotany, Gossypium varieties, A M B R I Z P A L M A , J . , 1954 f o r seeds and oil, C O R T I N A B., J . , 1933 wild species, S A U N D E R S , J . H . , 1959 distribution, S A U N D E R S , J . H „ 1961 evolution, see above arboreum var. nadam n. v a r . , P R O K H A N O V , Y., 1959 armourianum n. sp., B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1933 barbadense, on St. Barthelemi, F A H L B E R G , S., 1790 South A m e r i c a , t r a n s f e r r e d to G. peruvianum, PROKHANOV. Y., 1959 var. of G. arboreum, see above davidsoni(i), in G u a y m a s , C O O K , O. F . and H U B B A R D , J . W . , 1926 characters, K E A R N E Y , T . H „ 1952 n . sp., B a j a California, K E L L O G G , A., 1873a harknessii, distinguished f r o m G. armourianum, K E A R N E Y , T. H . , 1933 hirsutum, f r o m Mexico, T O D A R O , A., 1863 v a r . Acala, southern Mexico, C O O K , O. F . and D O Y L E , C. B., 1927 klotzschianum, characters of, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1952 davidsonii, in B a j a C a l i f o r n i a , M O R A N , R. V . , 1961d not in Revillagigedo Islands, M O R A N , R. V., 1961d lobatum n. sp., Michnacan, G E N T R Y , H . S „ 1956 mexicanum, never wild, W A T T , G., 1927 morrilli, emended description, C O O K , O. F . and H U B B A R D , J . W . , 1926 nervosum n. sp., V e r a c r u z , W A T T , G., 1927 peruvianum, synonymy, . P R O K H A N O V . , J. I., 1959 sericatum, from Mitla, P R O K H A N O V , J. I., 1947 thurberi, synonymy, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1937 trilobum, collections of, K E A R N E Y , 1952 synonymy, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1937 Hibisceae, systematics, based on anatomv. L E W T O X , F . L., 1925a Hibiscus A m e r i c a , N o r t h , species, key to, K E A R N E Y , T . H „ 1955b history of, G A R C K E , A., 1896 in Mexico, M I C H O T T E , F . , 1928 morphology, nectaries, DIEPENBROCK, F„ 1928-1929 n e w species, M O R I C A N D , M . E . , 1833-1846 revision, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1900 s y n o n y m of Ochroma, S W A R T Z , O., 1792a systematics, G A R C K E , A . , 1874 acuminatus, t r a n s f e r r e d to Kosteletzkya, GODMAN, F. D. and S A L V I N , O., 1879-1888 cannabinus, chemical thesis, M O R E N O SAHAGUN, J. J. 1953 chromosome n u m b e r s , R A O , M . B. V . N „ 1935 f i b e r source, S O U Z A N O V E L O , N „ 1952 morphology, A L V A R E Z L U N A , E . , 1953 substitute f o r j u t e , B L A N C O M A C I A S , G., 1949a, 1952; H A A R E R , A . E „ 1954 esculentus, culture, C A L V I N O , M., 1912a; A N O N . , 1896a general i n f o r m a t i o n , B A L E S T R I E R , L . de, 1896 textile plant, M A R T I N E Z C H A B L E , L., 1910b uses, A N O N . , 1912 formicaolens, pharmaceutical s t u d y , B E Z A N I L L A T E S T A , T., 1904 mutabilis, flower, color change, A N O N . , 1890-1891d

pentacarpos, medical thesis, C O V A R R U B I A S , L. F . , 1891 medicinal plant, V A R I O U S , 1895, 1897 sabdariffa, acid source, B A C H S T E Z , M., 1946-1948 bibliography, W E S T E R , P . J . , 1911 chemical study, G A N D A R A , G., 1939a chromosome n u m b e r s , R A O , M . B. V. N „ 1935 culture, C A M P E S E , O., 1937-1941; C A S A R E S P E R E Z , E „ 1943; M A R I N , L., 1940; M A T H I E U , E . , 1920; W E S T E R , P . J . , 1923; A N O N . , 1909g, 1926o economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1943-1947 f i b e r source, C R A N E , J . C., 1949 general i n f o r m a t i o n , H E A T H , E . S., 1912 history, W E S T E R , P . J . , 1911, 1912 indicator plant, D U R A N G., M . E . , 1934 medicinal plant, D I E P E N B R O C K , F „ 1928 substitute for j u t e , H A A R E R , A . E . , 1954 uses, I N D O V I N A , R. and C A P O T U M M I N O , G „ 1938 spyralis (spiralis), on Cerro de Chapultepec, P A R A Y , L., 1953a tampicensis, t r a n s f e r r e d to Kosteletzkya, R O S E , T. N . , 1897-1911 tiliaceus, distribution, world, K E L L Y , I. T . 1951 history, in A m e r i c a , C A R T E R , G. F . , 1950 origin, M E R R I L L , E . D „ 1920 wood s t r u c t u r e , W E B B E R , I . E „ 1934 Ingehouzia (see also Gossypium, and related g e n e r a ) triloba, assigned to Gossypium, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1937 Kosteletzkya, antidote f o r snake bite, S A N T E S S O N , C. G., 1939 Hibiscus acuminatus, t r a n s f e r r e d to, G O D M A N , F . D. and S A L V I N , O., 1879-1888 Hibiscus tampicensis t r a n s f e r r e d to, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 n e w species, see above Pavonia mexicana, t r a n s f e r r e d to G A R C K E , A., 1881 Lavatera, in Mexico, B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1896 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . T.. 1785-1790 insularis, Coronado I s l a n d s , B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1896 hndsayt n. sp., Guadalupe I s l a n d , M O R A N , R. V., 1951b Maga (see also Gossypium and related g e n e r a ) synonymy, U R B A N , I., 1921 systematics, H O W A R D , R. A . , 1949 Malachra, systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A. J . , 1785-1790; G U E R K E , M „ 1893 Malacothamnus, revision, K E A R N E Y . T . H „ 1951 Malope, species, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. G. P . , 1901 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A. J . , 1785-1790 Malva (see also etymology, Malva) f i b e r plant, U N A F E C T I S I M O D E L B I E N C O M U N , 1779 species, t r a n s f e r r e d to Malvastrum, G A R C K E , A., 1857 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . T., 1785-1790 hastata, see Anoda hastata officinalis, pharmaceutical thesis, H E R R E R A B., E . , 1949 parviflora, calcium content, T A P I A , M . A . et al, 1949 Malvastrum, systematics, K E A R N E Y , T . H „ 1955 t r a n s f e r s to, G A R C K E , A., 1857 typification, B O R S S U M W A A L K E S , J . , 1960 coromandelianum, type f o r genus, B O R S S U M W A A L K E S , J., 1960 type species, K E A R N E Y , T . H „ 1947 marrubioides var. paniculatum, see M. paniculatum paniculatum comb, nov., B a j a California, W I G G I N S , I. L., 1950a scoparium, fiber plant, I B A R R A , P . , 1909 Malvaviscus, monograph, S C H E R Y , R. W „ 1942 t a x o n o m y , B A K E R , E . G., 1899 chloranthus, see Anotea

pentacarpus, fiber source, A N O N . , 1906k pringlei n. sp., Michoacan, R O B I N S O N , B. L . and G R E E N M A N , J . M . , 1895b spathulatus n. sp., G A R C K E , A., 1853 Malveae, revision, B A K E R , E . G., 1890-1894 systematics, A L E F E L D , D r . , 1863 Montezuma, synonym of Maga, U R B A N , I., 1921 systematics, H O W A R D , R. A . , 1949 speciosissima, notes on, K A R W I N S K I , B. von, 1833 Neobrittonia n. gen., ( a c e r i f o l i a ) , H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1905 Neogossypium, phylogeny, W O U T E R S , W . , 1948 Palaua, species, key to, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G. ( 1901 tomentosa n. sp., H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1901 Pavonia, A m e r i c a , N o r t h , species key, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1954 history, G A R C K E , A., 1896 new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1858-1859 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790; G A R C K E , A., 1881 melanommata var. pringleana n . v a r . , F R I E S , R. E . , 1908 mexicana, t r a n s f e r r e d to Kosteletzkya, G A R C K E , A., 1881 Periptera punicea n. sp., C A N D O L L E , A . P . , 1819-1821 trichostemon n. sp., Sinaloa, B U L L O C K , A . A., 1937 Pseudabutilon n. gen., m o n o g r a p h , F R I E S , R. E., 1908a Robinsonella n. gen., R O S E , J . N . and B A K E R , E . G., 1897a synopsis, R O U S H , E . M . F . , 1931a cordata n. sp., O a x a c a , R O S E , J . N . and B A K E R , E . G., 1897a lindeniana n. sp., V e r a c r u z , R O S E , J . N. a n d B A K E R , E . G., 1897a mirandai n. sp., V e r a c r u z , G O M E Z P O M P A , A., 1962 pilosa n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Selera (see also Gossypium a n d related genera) n . gen. ( g o s s y p i o i d e s ) , in O a x a c a , U L B R I C H , E „ 1913 Serra, systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785-1790 Sida, A m e r i c a , North, species key, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1954a "babosilla," culture, A N O N . , 1896v history of, G A R C K E , A., 1896 n e w species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N . , 1858-1859, 1863 nomenclature, G A R C K E , A., 1891 revision, C L E M E N T , I . D., 1948, 1957 systematics, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1785 abutilon, fiber source, C A V A N I L L E S , A . J . , 1800d acerifolia, changed to Neobrittonia, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1905 acuta carpinifolia, f i b e r source, T O R R E S , J . J . de, 1907 ciliaris var. mexicana, Tampico, S H I N N E R S , L. H „ 1953a corymbosa n. sp., F R I E S , R. E „ 1907 hastata var. glabriuscula n. v a r . , F R I E S , R. E . , 1908 hispida n. sp., F I S C H E R , F . E . L . et al, 1835-1846 mexicana n. sp., S C O P O L I , G. A., 1786-1788 rhombifolia, fiber plant, B A L E S T R I E R , L. de, 1902; M O N T I E L O L V E R A , J., 1922; A N O N . , 1908i general i n f o r m a t i o n , A N O N . , 1924c j u t e substitute, A R A G O N , J . , 1931 romboida ( f o r rhomboidea), see Sida rhombifolia salviaefolia, collections of, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1952 spinosa, description, M A R T E N S , M . , 1844 standleyi n. sp., C L E M E N T , I . D . , 1948 •woronowii n . sp., U L B R I C H , E . , 1939 Sidalcea, monograph, R O U S H , E . M . F . , 1931 notes on, G R A Y , A . , 1886a


confinis n . sp., G R E E N E , E . L., 1914 Sphaeralcea (see also shrubs, desert, w a t e r absorption, by leaves) new species, T U R C Z A N I N O W , N., 1858-1859 ambigua, in deserts, B E A L , M . , 1940b angustifolia, cotton boll weevil host, A N O N . , 1900-1902d emoryi, desert plant, A N O N . , 1939d Eusphaeralcea, monograph, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1935 purpurea, in deserts, B E A L , M . , 1940b Syda, see Sida Thespesia (see also Gossypium and related g e n e r a ) systematics, H O W A R D , R. A., 1949; H U T C H I N S O N , J . B., 1947 Thurberia thespesioides, t r a n s f e r r e d to Gossypium thurberi, K E A R N E Y , T . H . , 1937 Triumfetta rhomboidea fiber plant, A N O N . , 1908i Ulbrichia, systematics, H O W A R D , R. A., 1949 Urena, systematics, G U E R K E , M . , 1893 lobata, jute substitute, H A A R E R , A. E „ 1954 Wissadula, monograph, F R I E S , R. E . , 1908a n e w species R O S E , J . N „ 1897-1911 species, catalogue, G A R C K E , A., 1890 cincta, see Abutilon gracilis n. sp., Oaxaca, H O C H R E U T I N E R , B. P . G., 1902 microcalyx n. sp., R O S E , J . N . , 1897- 1911 Malvales, America, timber sources, R E C O R D , S. J . and H E S S , R. W . , 1937 revision, E D L I N , H . L., 1935 Malvastrum, see Malvaceae malvavisco, see Sida rhombifolia Malvaviscus, see Malvaceae Malveae, see Malvaceae malvon, see Malvaviscus pentacarpus Malzine, O. de, collections, see Masdevallia myriostigma M a m , see vocabulary M a m a , see Y u c a t a n M a m e , see vocabularies m a m e y , see Calocarpum; Lucuma m a m e y Colorado, see Calocarpum sapota Mammea, see G u t t i f e r a e Mammillaria, see Cactaceae; also Cactaceae. Nopaleen; Coryphantha; Coryphanthanae; Mammilloydia, see Cactaceae mamoeiro, see Carica mamon, see Carica papaya m a n , plants h a r m f u l to, see plants, h a r m f u l to m a n m a n a n i t a orchid, white, see Camaridium M a n a n t l a n , S i e r r a de, see Jalisco mancamula, see Solanum rostratum Manchester, see Cactaceae, in P e t t i g r e w collection; plants, succulent, in P e t t i g r e w collection Mancoa, see C r u c i f e r a e m a n d a r i n a , see Citrus nobilis Mandevilla, see Apocynaceae mandioca, see Manihot Manettia, see Rubiaceae Manfreda, see A g a v a c e a e ; also Amaryllidaceae Mangifera, see Anacardiaceae mangle, see Rhizophora mangle negro, see Avicennia nitida mangle rojo, see Rhizophora mangle manglier, see Rhizophora mango, see Mangifera indica m a n g r o v e , red, see Rhizophora mangle mangrove, see Rhizophora mangroves, in America, tropical, general information, M E L L , C. D., 1919 g e n e r a in the association, K A R S T E N , G., 1905 g r o w t h of colony, N A S H , G. V . , 1908 plants, known as, anatomy, W E N Z E L , H . , 1925 (also bark a n a t o m y ) distribution, S T E E N I S , C. G. G. J . 1962 t a n n i n source, W E N Z E L , H . , 1925 swamps, in America, monograph, V A R I O U S , 1959 ecology of, C U A T R E C A S A S , J . , 1958 plants in, distribution, S T E E N I S , C. G. G. J . v a n , 1962 manguipo, see Cordia alba m a n i , see Arachis m a n i Americano, see Arachis Manihot, see Euphorbiaceae Manilkara, see Sapotaceae manioc, see Manihot aipi; M. utilissima m a n i t a s , arbol de, see arbol de m a n i t a s M a n t e , T a m a u l i p a s , see E l M a n t e

INDEX Martinez Gracida, Manuel, bio-bibliography, A N O N . , 1920c bibliography, M A R T I N E Z G R A C I D A , M., 1955 biography, B R I O S O y C A N D I A N I , M., ( 1 8 9 0 ? ) ; M A R T I N E Z G R A C I D A , M., 1955 portrait, A N O N . , 1920c Martinez Solorzano, M. herbarium of, M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M., 1939-1940 Martini, Bartolomeo, herbarium of, Mexican plants in, S A C C A R D O , P. A., 1904 Martynia, see Martyniaceae Martyniaceae, survey, L A W R E N C E , G. H . M., 1957 Martynia, revision, V A N E S E L T I N E , G. P., 1929 diandra, description, P U R P U S , J . A., 1912f Proboscidea n. sp., V A N E S E L T I N E , G. P., 1929 and related genera, L A W R E N C E , G. H . M., 1957 Mascagnia, see Malpighiaceae mascal, see mescal Mascota, see Jalisco Masdevallia, see Orchidaceae maslalitztic, see Zebrina pendula Massowia, see Araceae; also S pathiphyllum Mastichodendron, see Sapotaceae mastuerzo, see Tropaeolum Matachic, see Chihuahua Matamoros, see Puebla; Tamaulipas Matamoros, canton de, see Chihuahua Matamoros, Izucar de, see Izucar de Matamoros matarique, see Cacalia decomposita; Senecio grayanus matasano, see Casimiroa tetrameria Matehuala, see San Luis Potosi Matelea, see Asclepiadaceae Mathiasella, see Umbelliferae raatico, see Piper angustifolium matilija poppy, see Romneya coulteri matlaliste, see Zebrina pendula Matlaltzinca area, see Mexico, central Matlaltzingo(a) (Matlatzinca), see ethnobotany; etymology, place names; vocabulary. See also above Matlazingo (Matlalzingo, Matlanzingo) see San Miguel de Charo Matlazingo) See also Matlaltzinca a r e a ( ? ) Matricaria, see Compositae Matuda, Eizi, biography, H E R N A N D E Z X O I . O C O T Z I , E . , 1947a; J O R D A N , F., 1948 collections (see also Chiapas, plants, new t a x a ; Chiapas, M t . Tacana and Mt. Ovando) Chiapas, H E R N A N D E Z X O L O C O T Z I , E., 1947a; L U N D E L L , C. L., 1940b 1941, 1942, 1942a (catalogue); S T A N D L E Y , P. C., 1929-1940 Matudacalamus, see Gramineae Matudea, see Hamamelidaceae^ maturin, see Cacalia decomposita matzab-citam, see Bidens leucantha Matzahua, see Mazahua Matzatlan, see Oaxaca Maurandia (Maurandya,) see Scrophulariaceae, Antirrhineae Mauranthe, see Palmae Muaritius hemp, see Furcraea M a u r y , Paul, biography, R A M I R E Z , J . , 1894c. travels in Mexico, A N O N . , 1890g. mauto, see Lysiloma divaricata mave, see Thevetia Maxaltetepeque, see Xilotepeque Maxillaria, see Orchidaceae Maximiliana, see Palmae; also Cochlospermum Maximowiczia, see Cucurbitaceae Mayas (see also Agave, henequen, Mayas, used by; Agave henequen, varieties; Agave, Maya names; ethnobotany; etymology, place names; etymology, Sesamum; milpa culture; vocabulary; vocabulary, maize) agriculture, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1933a; C O O K , O. F., 1919a, 1921 L U N D E L L , C. L., 1961; S T E F F E N , M., 1863; T H O M P S O N , J . E . S., 1927 and effect on vegetation, B U D O W S K I , G., 1959 area, includes Tabasco, Yucatan, Chiapas (see also tropics, humid) vegetation, L U N D E L L , C. L., Martinez de Lejarza, J u a n Jose, see 1937b Lejarza, J u a n Jose Martinez de ethnobotany, see ethnobotany, Maya Martinez del Campo, J u a n , biography, legends, about plants, see ethnobotany, legends, about plants F L O R E S , L., 1906 paper in codices, see plants, paper Martinez del Rio, Pablo, biography, source, Maya S O R I A N O , M., 1882

roanto, see Ipomoea manzanilla, see Anthemis nobilis; Crataegus mexicana; Matricaria chamomilla manzanilla del rio, see Gnaphalium oxyphyllum Manzanillo, see Colima manzanita, see Arctostaphylos manzano, see Pyrus mains Manzano, Teodomiro, biography, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1935 manzinella baum, see Hippomane mancinella Maoris, see Zea mays, used by Mapouria, see Rubiaceae Mappia, see Icacinaceae Maquili, see Colima Marah, see Cucurbitaceae maranon, see Anacardium occidentale Maranta, see Marantaceae Marantaceae, Chiapas, M A T U D A , E., 1950b monograph, K O E R N I C K E , F . , 1862 morphology (see also systematics) floral, B A I L L O N , H . E., 1860-1861; G R I S , A., 1859 relationships with Zingiberaceae, H A L L , H. C. van, 1858 systematics, E I C H L E R , A. W . , 1883a (and morphology, American g e n e r a ) ; T O M L I N S O N , P. B., 1961 based on morphology and anatomy) Calathea, starch source, M A R I E , I . O. and G A J O N , C., 1918-1919 ovandensis n. sp., Chiapas, M A T U D A , E., 1950b soconuscum n. sp., Chiapas, see above Calatheae, systematics, T O M L I N S O N , P. B., 1961 Maranta, starch source, M A R I E , I . O. and G A J O N C., 1918-1919 arundinacea, chemical study, roots, B L A N C O S., M. del C., 1942 culture, B A N O , J. de, 1921 description, A N O N . , 1864a uses, S C H E N C K , H . , 1904, 1911 Maranteae, systematics, T O M L I N S O N , P. B., 1961 Phrynium trifas datum n. sp., P O I T E A U , P. A., 1845 Maranteae, see Maranthaceae Marathrum see Podostemonaceae Marathrum (Musineon), see Umbelliferae Maravatio, see Michoacan maravilla, see Mirabilis dichotoma Marburg, see Hortus Academicus Marburgensis Marcgravia, see Marcgraviaceae Marcgraviaceae monograph, D E L P I N O , F . , 1869 pollination, by humming birds, H E M S L E Y , W . B., 1880 Marcgravia, systematics, M I Q U E L , F . A. W . 1844 Ruyschia mexicana n. sp., B A I L L O N , H . E., 1867-1876 M a r f i l , see Guanajuato marfil vegetal, see phytelephas Margaranthus, see Solanaceae; also Solanae margarita, see Pyrethrum margarita de Jalisco, see Karwinskia humboldtiana Margarita Island, see Isla Margarita Maria Madre Island, see Isla Maria Madre Marias Islands, see Islas Tres Marias marihuana, marijuana, see Cannabis sativa Marin, see Nuevo Leon mariola, see Parthenium incanum; Chrysactinia mexicana Mariscal, distrito de, see Chiapas Mariscus, see Cyperaceae Markea, see Solanaceae maro, see Salvia sclarea maron, see Calappa Marroqui, Jose Maria, biography, G O N Z A L E Z O B R E G O N , L., 1936 marrubio, see Marrubium Marrubium, see Labiatae Marsdenia, see Asclepiadaceae marshes, salt, of the world, C H A P M A N , V. J . , 1960 vegetation, see Escuinapa, and Mexcaltitan, esteros Martiella, see Loranthaceae M a r t i n y Espinosa de los Monteros, J . , biography, see M A R T I N y E S P I N O S A de los M O N T E R O S , J., 1831 Martinez, Maximino, biography, A N O N . , 1959b ^

plants, medicinal, see ethnobotany, sphaerica, systematics, T R I A N A , Maya J . , 1871 Mayer, Brantz, biography, superba n. sp., D O N , D., 1882a P A T T E R S O N J . E . , 1957 Heeria elegans, transferred to Maydeae, see Gramineae; also Schisocentron, R O S E , J . N „ Andropogoneae 1905e Mayepea, see Oleaceae macrostachys, T R I A N A , J., 1871 may flower, see Tabebuia pentaphylla Heterocentron, synopsis, R O S E , J . Maynat see Flacourtiaceae N., 1905e Mayo Indians, Sinaloa, see vocabulary systematics, S C H L E C H T E N D A L , Mayo Indians, Sonora, see ethnobotany D. F . L., 1852 Mayoli, Giovanni Francesco, biography, floribunda n. sp., Durango, A V I L A E S C A L A N T E , A., G L E A S O N , H. A., 1938 1944; H E R N A N D E Z , J . J . , muricata n. sp., Chiapas, see above 1845; H E R N A N D E Z occidentale n. sp., R O S E , J . N., F A J A R D O , J . , 1946. See also 1905e Ossado, R roseum n. sp., B R A U N , A. et al, Maytenus, see Celastraceae 1851 Mazahua, see ethnobotany; etymology, subtriplinervium n. sp., place names; vocabulary C A N D O L L E , A. P . and A . L . Mazahua area, see Mexico, central P . P., 1833 Mazatec, see ethnobotany; vocabulary pharmaceutical thesis, F L O R E S Mazatepec, see Morelos V I L L A L O B O S , I., 1935 Mazatlan, see also Mexico, northern; Maieta, systematics, G L E A S O N , H . A., 1931 Mexico, northwest; Mexico, Melastoma, monograph, H U M B O L D T , western; Sinoloa A. and B O N P L A N D , A. mazorquilla, see Phytolacca octandra (1806) 1823 McCormick, Ensign, collections, see Miconia, validity of name, B a j a California S P R A G U E , T., 1928 McDowell, Alberto, see Buffalo, P a n borealis n. sp., Chiapas, G L E A S O N , American Exposition; St. Louis, H . A., 1928 Exposition chrysoneura, systematics, T R I A N A , M c V a u g h , Rogers, travels, M c V A U G H , J., 1871 R., 1952 (including to Pinal Miconieae, leaf, anatomy, de Amoles, in Q u e r e t a r o ) ; G O T T S C H A L L , M., 1900 1952a (in Jalisco and Colima, Monochaetum, in North America, 1952) G L E A S O N , H . A., 1929 mechioacani (mechoacan), see Ipomoea deppeanum, anatomy, leaf, purga Medicago, see Leguminosae P A L E Z I E U X , P. de, 1899 medicine (see also plants, medicinal; pringlei n. sp., R O S E , J . N., ethnobotany, plants, medicinal) 1905e history of, M I D D L E T O N , P., 1769: remotum n. sp., Sinaloa, N E U B U R G E R , M., 1930 G L E A S O N , H . A., 1929 American Indians, P E R E Z DE rubescens n. sp., Chiapas, B A R R A D A S J . , 1949 G L E A S O N , H . A., 1938 Latin American, M O L L , A. A., 1944 Mouriri, monograph, M O R L E Y , T., Mexico, see Mexico, medicine, 1951 history Rhexia, monograph, H U M B O L D T , Michoacan, L E O N , N., 1886a A. and B O N P L A N D , A. Spain, 15th and 16th century, (1806)-1823 M E N D E Z T R O N G E , M. F „ Schisocentron, Heeria elegans 1939 transferred to, R O S E , J . N . , Mexico, see Mexico, medicine 1905e Medicus, criticism of Cavanilles, Melhania, see Sterculiaceae C A V A N I L L E S , A. J . , 1789b Melia, see Meliaceae Medina V., Alfredo, lumbering Meliaceae activities in Yucatan, America, timber source, genera, B E N J A M I N , R. S., 1950; R E C O R D , S. J . and H E S S , M c M A N A M A , G. P., 1950 R. W . , 1941a Meehan, Thomas, see Rovirosa, J . N., America, North, species, key, R O S E , correspondence J . N., 1899i Megapterium, see Oenothera anatomy, floral, selected genera, Megarrhiza, see Cucurbitaceae N A R A Y A N A , L. L „ 1958 Megastigma, see Rutaceae Chiapas, systematics, M A T U D A , E., Meibomia, see Leguminosae 1948 Meiota, see Palmae distribution, C A N D O L L E , A. C. P. Meiracyllium, see Orchidaceae de, 1878a Mejicano, see vocabulary, Nahuatl in Mexico, southeast, G U T I E R R E Z Melampodium, see Compositae P A L A C I O , A.,1944 Melanium, see Viola monograph, C A N D O L L E , A. C. P . Melanthaceae, see Liliaceae de, 1878; J U S S I E U , A. de, Melanthiodeae, see Liliaceae 1830 Melasma, see Scrophulariaceae in Nevada, L I T T L E , E . L. J r . , Melastoma, see Melastomaceae 1956a Melastomaceae new species, B L A K E , S. F., 1921e anatomy, comparative, L I G N I E R , O., Swieteniaceae, see Swietenioideae, 1886-1889; see also systematics, below based on leaf anatomy systematics, based on wood anatomy, economic importance, S A L O M O N , C., W E B B E R , I. E., 1941 1898 wood, anatomy, K R I B S , D. A., genera and species, D O N , D., 1882a 1930; see also above monograph, C O G N I A U X , A., 1891; Carapa, general information, S E R I N G E , N. C., 1828 K U K A C H K A , B. F „ 1962a; myrmecophilous, G L E A S O N , H . A . , microscopic characters, D l X O N , 1931 H . H., 1918 wood, identification, H E S S , R. observations, G R I S E B A C H , A . H . W . , 1950 R., 1860 Cedrela, in America, C A N D O L L E , in P a r i s Museum, monograph, A. C. P. de, 1907 N A U D I N , C. V., 1849-1852 characters, R E C O R D , S. J., 1944a systematics, C A N D O L L E , A. P., in Chiapas, A V I L A H E R N A N D E Z , 1828c (to g e n e r a ) ; M I Q U E L , M „ 1946 F . A. W . , 1838-1840; compared with Swietenia, K R Y N , J . P A L E Z I E U X , P . de, 1899 M., 1953a (based on leaf anatomy); culture, G A L L O , E. L., T I E G H E M , P. E . L. v., 1891 1890-1891b (based on anatomy); T R I A N A , in Guanajuato, V A L D E S , M. A., J . , 1866 1784-1805 Yucatan peninsula, V A R I O U S , identification as mahogany, 1935-1940 K O E H L E R , A., 1922 Arthrostemma n. sp., L I N D L E Y , J . . medicinal plant, P A D I L L A , S. A., 1848-1851 1907 Centradenia, species, K L O T Z S C H , microscopic characters, D I X O N , J . F., 1851a H . H., 1918 Clidemia, systematics, G L E A S O N , monograph, B A S C O P E , F . et al, H . A., 1931, 1939 (Middle 1957a; S M I T H , C. E . J r . , America) 1959, 1960 setosa n. comb., G L E A S O N , H . A., new species, B L A K E , S. F „ 1920b; 1931 C A N D O L L E , A. C. P., 1907 submontana n. sp., Tepic, timber sources, R E N D L E , B. J . , G L E A S O N , H . A., 1939 1938; A N O N . , 1943(1) in Yucatan, Z A M U D I O Conostegia minutiflora n. sp., R O S E , S A N C H E Z , E „ 1944 J . N., 1905e


INDEX Meliaceae—continued ciliolata n. sp., Michoacan, B L A K E , S. F., 1921e discolor n. sp., Durango, B L A K E , S. F., 1920b mahogani, culture, A L M A Z A N , P . , 1882c mexicana, in Argentina, B U C H I N G E R , M. and F A L C O N E , R „ 1957 timber source, L A T H A M , F . B., 1950 mollior, separated f r o m C. odorata, . LA L L A V E , P. DE, 1832e, 1846 occidentalism histologic study, GONZALEZ ORTEGA, J., 1934 odorata, medicinal plant, G A M B O A , A., 1924 observations, A N O N . , 1907e separated f r o m C. mollior LA L L A V E , P. DE, 1832e, 1846 poblensis n. sp., Puebla, M I R A N D A , F., 1942b rotunda n. sp., Sinaloa, B L A K E , S. F., 1920b saxatilis n. sp., R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 yucatana n. sp., Veracruz, B L A K E , S. F., 1920b Guarea, new species, B L A K E , S. F . , 1921e; C A N D O L L E , A. C. P., 1907 obtusata n. sp., Oaxaca, B L A K E , S. F., 1920c palmeri, Colima, C A N D O L L E , A. C. P. de, 1894 Melia, chemical study, D O M I N G U E Z , X. A. et al, 1960 azedarach, culture, C A R A V A N I E Z , L., 1905; A N O N . , 1935d medicinal plant, D U V A L L , G., 1802 for planting in Mexico, arid regions, A N O N . , 1909u sempervirens, for planting in Mexico, arid regions, A N O N . , 1909u Swietenia (see also Mexico, mahogany areas) age, determination of, R E C O R D , S. J., 1944a characters of, see above in Chiapas, A V I L A H E R N A N D E Z , M., 1946 compared with Cedrcla, K R Y N , J . M., 1935b compared with false mahoganies. A N O N . , 1938i distribution, R E C O R D , S. T., 1925R O L F E , R. A., 1919 economic importance, V A R I O U S . 1943-1947 general information, L A M B , G. N . 1946; M E L L , C. D „ 1917a; RODRIGUEZ MUNOZ, R„ 1932 identification as mahogany, K O E H L E R , A., 1922 Mexico; production in, R E N D O N T R U J I L L O , C., 1945 timber sources, S T A N D L E Y , P C., 1930a microscopic characters, D I X O N . H . H „ 1918 monograph, B R U S H , W D 1941C H A L O N E R , E. and F L E M I N G , 1850 popular account, A N O N . , 1842d in Quintana Roo, C U E V A S L O P E Z , A., 1947 reforestation in, M A R T I N E Z J U A R E Z . I., 1945 revision, B L A K E , S. F., 1920a species, G O M E Z - M E N O R , J., 1948 systematics, R O L F E , R. A., 1919 timber source, R E N D L E , B. J., 1938; A N O N . , 1944h wood identification, H E S S , R. W . 1950 bijuga, referred to S. humilis, H A R M S , H . , 1913 cirrhata n. sp., Michoacan, B L A K E , S. F . , 1920a humilis, general information, M E L L , C. D., 1931 synonym for bijuga q. v. macrophylla, in commerce, L A M B , G. N., 1935 general information, M E L L , C. D., 1917 and Mayan agriculture, B U D O W S K I , G., 1959 in Mexico, L A T H A M , F . B., 1950 monograph, B A S C O P E , F . et al, 1957 in Quintana Roo, R O D R I G U E Z C A B A L L E R O , R., 1944 mahogani, in commerce, L A M B , G. N „ 1935 description, H O O K E R , W . J . , 1830-1833

seeds, pharmaceutical study, Q U I N T E R O A R C E , E . , 1942 Swietenioideae (Swieteniaceae), in America, species, P A N S H I N , A. J . , 1933 wood anatomy, see above Trichilia, new species, C A N D O L L E , A. C. P., 1907 hirta, oil source, M A G A N A , V., 1918 palmeri n. sp., C A N D O L L E , A. C. P., 1894 pringlei n. sp., Morelos, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 spicos, oil source, B U S T A M A N T E E S T E V E Z , R. I., 1947 yucatanensis, in Campeche, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1960 Xylocarpeae, revision, N O A M E S I , G. K., 1958 Melica, see Gramineae meliloto, see Melilotus Melilotus, see Leguminosae Melinis, see Gramineae Meliosma, see Sabiaceae Mella sect., see Bacopa Mellichampia, see Asclepiadaceae Melocactus, see Cactaceae Melochia, see Sterculiaceae melocoton, see Sicana odorifera melon, see Cucumts melo melon de coyote, see Apodanthera undulata melonenbaum, see Carica papaya Melothria, see Cucurbitaceae membrillero, see Cydonia vulgaris membrillo, see Cydonia vulgaris Menispermaceae in America, conspectus, E I C H L E R , A. W . , 1864 anatomy, floral, vascular, S M I T H , G. H . , 1926, 1928 monograph, MTERS, J . , 1851-1871, 1864-1867 synopsis, M I E R S , J., 1851 Cocculus, ornamental, F . M R S . , 1873 Hyperbaenc mexicana, changed to H. reticulata, B E N T H A M , G., 1861 reticulata, see above Menispermeae, see Berberineae Menisperum mexicanum n. sp., Nuevo Leon, R O S E , J . N., 1897-1911 Oncus esculentus, culture, S E G U R A , J . C., 1877-1878a Menispermeae, see Berberineae Menispermum, see Menispermaceae Menodora, see Oleaceae menta, see Mentha Mentha, see Labiatae Mentselia, see Loasaceae; also Mentzeliaceae Mentzeliaceae (see also Loasaceae) new family, J U S S I E U , A. L. DE, 1804c Menyanthaceae, see Ligustrales, systematics Menziesiaceae, see Bicornes Mercado, Cerro de, see Cerro Mercado mercatilla, not identified, fiber source, Guerrero, R O M E R O , M., 1871 Merckia, see Caryophyllaceae mercurial, see Galinsoga parviflora Mercurio Volante, see bibliographic works Merida, see Yucatan Merremia, see Convolvulaceae Mesa Andraca, Manuel, portrait, A N O N . , 1922 Mertensia, see Boraginaceae Mesa de Anahuac, eastern slope, see Puebla Mesa de San Diego, see Puebla Mesa del Correo, see Chihuahua Mesadenia, see Compositae mescal (mezcal), see Agave parryi var. neomexicana ; Lophophora (peyote); plants, beverage sources; Yucca whipplei mescal bean, see Sophora secundiflora mescal button, see Lophophora Mescalero Apache, see ethnobotany mescalin, see Lophophora Mesembrianthemaceae (Mesembryanthemaceae), see Aizoaceae; also plants, succulent, new taxa, catalogue Mesembrianthemeae (Mesembryanthemeae), see Aizoaceae Mesembryanthemum, see Aizoaceae Mesembryanthemaceae Meseta de Anahuac, see Distrito Federal (in p a r t ) ; also Mesa de Anahuac southern slopes, see Morelos Meseta las Derrumbadas, see Las Derrumbadas, Meseta Mesoamerica, see America, Middle Mesoneuris, see Compositae Mesosphacrum, see Labiatae Mespilus, see Rosaceae mesqual see Yucca whipplei

mesquite, curly, see Hilaria berlangeri Messina, see Hortus Messanensis Metasequoia, see Taxodiaceae metabolites, see systematics, based on Metastelma, see Asclepiadaceae Metcalfia, see Graminea metl, see Agave Metlac, Barranca de, see Veracruz Metlaltoyuca, see Puebla Metopium, see Anacardiaceae Metztitlan, see Hidalgo Mexcaltitan, see Nayarit Mexia, Ynes, biography, B R A C E L I N , N. F., 1938, 1938a; S P E N C E R , M., 1930 collections. Jalisco and Nayarit, S T A N D L E Y , P . C., 1929-1940 Mexianthus, see Compositae; also Eupatorieae Mexica Indians, see Culhua-Mexica tribe; ethnobotany Mexicali, see Baja California Mexican almond, see Prunus microphylla Mexican apple, see Casimiroa edulis Mexican ash, see Fraxinus berlandieriana Mexican bird flower, see Heterotoma; Lobelia; My op sis Mexican climber, see Cocculus Mexican clover, see Richardsonia scabra Mexican daisy, see Erigeron mucronatus Mexican ever-bearing strawberry, see Fragaria gillmani Mexican fiber (see also Agave heteracantha; istle or ixtle) various sources, B O O T H , W . S., 1890; A N O N . , 1887e Mexican orange flower, see Choisya ternata Mexican sandalwood, see Myroxylon or Myrospermum Mexican strawberry, see Echtnocereus stramineus Mexican sunflower, see Tithonia diversifolia Mexican tea, see Turnera aphrodisiaca Mexican tulip poppy, see Hunnemannia Mexican whisk, see Epicampes Mexicana sect., see Sedum Mexicanischen laeusesaamen, see cebadilla Mexicanischen rosen-lilie, see Alstroemeria Mexicatzinco, see Mexico, state Mexico, Arzobispado. cultivated crops of, B A S U R T O , J. T „ 1901 Mexico, city, see Distrito Federal Mexico, country (see also Cactaceae, travels in, for collecting; Coffea, plantations in; dictionary, Mexico; etymology, place names) Academia Nacional de Ciencias, history of, R E K O , V. A., 1932a agricultural education, V A R I O U S , 1955c. See also agriculture, teaching agricultural regions, plants of, V I L L A R R E A L L., R. et al, 1936 agricultural research, by crops; V A R I O U S , 1955c agricultural tour, see Mexico, travels, agricultural tour agriculture (see also Mexico, flora, regional and agriculture; Mexico, pre-Hispanic; Mexico, products, agricultural; Mexico, resources, economic; Mexico, tropical; Rockefeller Foundation), A B B O T T , B. T., 1930(?); ALCEDO B E X A R A N O , A., 1786-1789; A L V A R E Z B A R R E T T , L. ( 1940; A N D E R S O N , A. D., 1877, 1884; A R B O L y B O N I L L A , J., 1894; ( A R P I , M. d ' ) , 1924; A V I L E S , G. F., 1910; B A N C R O F T , H . H . , 1882-1890; B A N O , J . , 1896; B L A N C O M A C I A S , G„ 1950; B O N A P A R T E , R. N „ 1904; C O N K L I N G , H „ 1883a, 1884; C O R R E A , A., 1889; C R A W F O R D , D. L „ 1911a; H U M B O L D T , A VON (1808)-1811; L A R O U S S E , J . C., 1903-1904; L O P E Z y P A R R A , R „ 1910; P E R E Z G A L L A R D O , J., 1866; P O W E L L , J. S „ 1942; S H E L T O N , H . H., 1909; S T E P H A N , C. H., 1903; T U D O R , H., 1834; V E R D O O R N , F . , 1945; A N O N . , 1762, 1911-1914 colonial period, M O R R I S S E Y , R. J . , 1957


in floating gardens (see also Mexico, chinampas), A L Z A T E y R A M I R E Z , J . A., 1792c history of, I T I E , G., 1960; R E T I N G E R , J . H . (1928) ; T E R M E R , F., 1954; A N O N . , 1902b instructions, S A N D A L I O DE A R I A S , A., 1866; V A R I O U S , 1830; A N O N . , 1941 pre-Hispanic, see Mexico, pre-Hispanic seed selection, R O M E R O , F., 1928 16th century, R E E D , H . S., 1944; S E A R S , P. B., 1953 alpine flora, see Mexico, flora, alpine Angiospermae, chromosome numbers, L E W I S , W . H . et al, 1962c new taxa, G R E E N M A N , J . M., 1903 Apachian zone, see Mexico, vegetation arid regions (see also Mexico, deserts; Mexico, northern; Opuntia (tunares or nopaleras); Mexico, southern; trees, suitable for) plant life, S T E A R N S , E „ 1914; V A R I O U S , 1955 (ecology) plants, of economic importance, V A R I O U S , 1955, 1960b studies, history of, V A R I O U S , 1955 trees, for reforestation, A N O N . , 1925-1927 vegetation, F O E X , F., 1908; V A R I O U S , 1955d woody, classification, V A R I O U S , 1955 Asia, plants of, in, M A T U D A , E., 1953d Big Bend area, see Mexico, P a r k of Peace; also Texas, Big Bend area biogeography (see also Mexico, biotic provinces), B O U R L I E R E , F . , 1946; T A M A Y O , J . L., 1953; T O W N S E N D , C. H . T., 1895, 1897 biology, teaching of, see biology, Mexico, teaching of biota, temperate, history, M A R T I N , P . S. and H A R R E L L , B. E „ 1957 biotic provinces (see also biogeography, above), G O L D M A N , E. A. and M O O R E , R. T., 1945, 1951; M O O R E , R. T., 1945; S M I T H , H . M., 1939. See also Mexico, natural regions border states (see also U S. - Mexico, border; Mexico-U. S. border; also border states, separately, Mexico, and U . S.) products, A N O N . , 1897c Botanical Congress, first, excursion guide, V A R I O U S , 1960a proceedings, V A R I O U S , 1960b Botanical Garden (see also Distrito Federal, Mexico City), F L O R E S , L., 1924; H U M B O L D T , A. DE, 1803; L A P O R T E , J . DE, 1768-1795; T H E D E N I U S , K. F . , 1855 Aztec, G A R C I A , R „ 1952a and Cervantes, F L O R E S , D., J . , 1942 first, documents concerning the, V A R I O U S , 1785-1789 establishment of, A N O N . , 18th cent, g map of, C O S T A N Z A , M., 1788 plans of, V A R I O U S , 1785-1789 staff appointments, see above history of, A L A M A N , L., 1823-1832; R I C K E T T , H . W . , 1947 interest in, of Fernando V I I , A N O N . , 1808 at National Palace, V A L L E A R I Z P E , A., 1947; A N O N . , 1877 plans for, A L C O C E R , G. V . , 1886 reference to, T U D O R , H . , 1834 pre-Hispanic, L A N G M A N , I . K., 1954, 1956 Botanical Station, suggested, H A R S H B E R G E R , J. W., 1898 botany, courses in, or school of (see also Arellano, Francisco Giles de; Arsinas, Joseph Timoteo; Bernal, Manuel M a r i a ; Pena, Joseph Vicente de la), L A P O R T E , J . DE, 1768-1795 activities, V A L D E S , M. A., 1784-1805; 1791; A N O N . , 1788-1805 exercises, V A R I O U S , 1792-1793, 1796, 1798 for 1794, C E R V A N T E S , V., 1794

INDEX Mexico, country—continued graduation, 1789, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1789, (1790), f o r 1792, 1793 ( f o r 1793), 1794a ( f o r 1794) opening, C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1788 (in M a y ) ; S E S S E y L A C A S T A , M. DE, 1778; A N O N . , 1788b in 1789, C E R V A N T E S , C., 1788-1789 in 1803, M O N T A N A , L . , 1803 plan of instruction, A N O N . , 18th cent, g plants used in, A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E „ 1951 speech delivered at, V A L D E S , M . A . , 1791 botany, history of, see botany, history of, Mexico botany school of, see Mexico, botany, courses Cactaceae, see Cactaceae, Mexico Cactus and Succulent Society, t r i p through, B O K A R I C A , N., 1961; C A S T E L L A , M. T . , 1961 calendar, botanical, B A R C E N A , M., 1882-1884; C A B A L L E R O , M . , 1883; A N O N . , 1881f California border, C U T A K , L., 1947a California zone, see Mexico, vegetation center of origin of cultivated plants, V A V I L O V , N . I., 1931, 1931b central (see also Capsicum, c u l t u r e ; Ferocactus uncinatus ; Leuchtenbergia principes ; Mexico, M e s a C e n t r a l ; Mexico, Valle C e n t r a l ; Yucca _ decipiens; Zea, in) agriculture, 16th century, S I M P S O N , L. B „ 1952 Chichimec area, see below descriptive account, including Chichimec area, S O U S T E L L E , J . , 1937a expedition, B A L L S , E. A., 1939 Matlaltzinca area, descriptive account, S O U S T E L L E , J . , 1937a M a z a h u a area, descriptive account, see above Otomi region (see also agriculture, among the Otomi I n d i a n s ) descriptive account, S O U S T E L L E , J . , 1937a P â m e area, descriptive account, S O U S T E L L E , J . , 1937a phytogeography, T R O L L , C., 1954 plateau, see Mexico, Mesa Central states, products, A N O N . , 1897c travel account, B R A V O H O L L I S , H „ 1958c (cactus collecting); C L A R K E , A. B „ 1852; T R O L L , C., 1954 vegetation, P U R P U S , C. A., 1905 Chichimec area, see Mexico, central Chihuahuan zone, see Mexico, vegetation chinampas (see also chinampas ; Mexico-agriculture, floating g a r d e n s ; Mexico, gardens, f l o a t i n g ) , L E H Z E N , P., 1894 description, O C T A V I O , R., 1923 etymology, L E I C H T , H . , 1937 general information, A N O N . , 1900Í history, W E S T , R. C. and A R M I L L A S , P . , 1950a Chinese, visits by, 5th century ( ? ) , N E U M A N N , K . F . , 1845 City, see Distrito Federal coastal areas, see Mexico, n o r t h e a s t ; Mexico, northwest; Mexico, Pacific coast; Mexico, southwest; Mexico, west coast; Zea mays, culture ; also t h e various coastal states of Mexico coffee lands, A N O N . , 1896y cold regions, reforestation of, trees recommended f o r , A N O N . , 1927g collections, see collectors; Mexico, plants, succulents, collecting; travel occounts, f o r collecting collectors, see collectors, Mexico colonial, documents relating to, P A S O y T R O N C O S O , F . DEL, 1905-1948 Colorado Desert, plant life, M U R P H Y , R. C „ 1915-1917 Comision E x p l o r a d o r a , see botany, history o f , Mexico Cordillera, western slope, travel account, W H E A T , M . T . , 1857 Costa de Sotavento (see also V e r a c r u z , Sotavento, Costa de) descriptive account, W A G N E R , M . L., 1914-1915 descriptive accounts, A G U I L A R , F . C „ 1885; A J O F R I N , F . a n d O L I T E , F. (1763); A L L A I R E , M. ( 1 9 4 7 ) ; ( A R P I , M . D.'),

1924: B E E B E , C. W . , 1905; B E L M O N T , K . D . , 1923; B E L T R A M I , G. C., 1830; B E R K Y , L. DE, 1927; B L A K E , M . E . and S U L L I V A N , M . F . , 1888; B L A N C H A R D , P . a n d D A U Z A T S , A., 1839 ( F r e n c h expedition) ; B O K E , N . H „ 1962; B O N A P A R T E , R . N . , 1904; B R E H M E , H „ 1925; B R O C K L E H U R S T , T. U., 1883; B R O W N , J . H . , 1867; B U R B A N K , A., 1940; C A L D E R O N DE LA B A R C A , F . E . I., 1843; C A R S O N , W . E . , 1909; C A S T I L L O y P I N A , J . , 1936, 1942; C H A M B O N , L., 1892; C H A S E , S. and T Y L E R , M „ 1931; C O I N D E T , L. A . H . , 1867-1869; C O N D E R , J . , 1825; D E C K E R T , E . , 1904; D O B I E , J . F . , 1935, 1935a; D O M E N E C H , E . H . D., 1867; E L I C E S M O N T E S , R., 1885; E L Y , A . W „ 1852; E N O C K , C. R., 1909; E R N S T , A . F . , 1920; E S C A L E R A , E . a n d G O N Z A L E Z L L A N A , M., 1862; E S T E V A , A. A., 1905; F A R N H A M , T . J . , 1846; F E R R A R I O , G., 1815-1834; F O L S O M , G., 1842; F R A N K , J . M „ 1938; G A R C I A C U B A S , A . , 1876; G A R C I A K O H L Y , M., 1897; G E I G E R , J . L . , 1874; G E N I N , A . , 1908-1910; G I D D I N G S , L „ 1853; G O L D S C H M I D T , A., 1925; G R A H A M , A . A., 1907; G R I F F I N , S. B., 1886; G R Y N A E U S , S., 1532; H A G A R , G. J . , 1916; H E I L P R I N , A . (n. d) ; H E L L E R , K . B „ 1864; H E S S E - W A R T E G G , E . v., 1890; H O L M E S , B., ( 1 9 3 9 ) ; H O W E L L , E . J . , 1892; H U M B O L D T , A . VON (1808)-1811 (economics); J O H N S O N , H . M., 1887; J O H N S T O N E , E. McD., 1890; J O S E F E , C., 1876; K E N D A L L , G. W „ 1844, 1844a; K I N G , J . L., 1903; K N O X , N. A., 1867-1868; L A E T , J . DE, 1625; L A R R A L D E , E . , 1950; L A U T E R E R , J . , 1908; L E J E U N E , L., 1912; L E M C K E , H „ 1900a; L E M P R I E R E , C., 1862; L I N D A U , P . , 1893; L U M H O L T Z , K . S., 1902; L U M M I S , C. F . , 1897; L U S S A N , E „ 1908; M A C H U G H , R. J . ( 1 9 1 4 ) ; M A R T I N , P . F . , 1907; M A R T U S C E L L I , E., 1892; M A Y E R , B., 1844; 1852; M A Y E R , W . , 1950 (by T . G a g e ) ; M c C O L L E S T E R , S. H . , 1897; M c N A L L Y , E . E . G. and A., 1947; M c S H E R R Y , R., 1850, 1868; M O N T A L B A N , L., 1922; M O N T E A G U D O , A. M . a n d E S C A M E Z , A. (n.d.); M O R D E C A I , A., 1945; M O X O y DE F R A N C O L I , L. DE, 1828; M U E H L E N P F O R D T , E., 1844; N E W M A N , J . B., 1846; O C T A V I O , R., 1923; O G R I Z E K , D „ 1955; OLAVARRIA y FERRARI, E . . 1898; O R D O N N E Z DE C E V A L L O S , P . , 1622; O T T M A N , V . , 1920; P E R I G N Y , M., 1912; P H I L I P O T , T . , 1664; P H I L L I P S , J . , 1848; P O I N S E T T , J . R „ 1824; P O N C E DE L E O N . S., 1957; Q U I L E S G A L I N D O , A. ( 1 7 0 7 ) ; Q U I N N , V . , 1924; R E E S , T. (1906); R E G L E R , G., 1954; R E M Y , H . , 1859; R I C H A R D S O N , D . S., 1880; S A P P E R , K . T . , 1908; S A R T O R I U S , C. C. W „ 1850, 1852 ( f o r prospective G e r m a n i m m i g r a n t s ) , 1854, 1855; S C H R O E D E R , O., 1905; S E R R A N O de W I L S O N , E „ 1890; S H E P A R D , A . K . , 1859; S H O W A L T E R , W . J . , 1914; S P E N C E , L., 1917; S T A H L , W . , 1910; S T E L Z M A N , A., 1926; S T R I C K E R , W . F . K., 1847; T H O M A S , R. H . ( 1 8 8 9 ) ; T H O M P S O N , W „ 1846;


T H U E M M E L , A. R., 1848; T Y L O R , E. B „ 1861; U L R I C H , P . , 1956; ( V A L D E S , M . ) , 1918; V A R I O U S , 1884, 1948b; V E R G E Z , J . , 1902; V E R M 1 L Y A , L. H . , 1850; VILLASENOR y S A N C H E Z , J . A., 1746-1748; V I V I E N DE S A I N T M A R T I N , L., 1902; W A F E R , J . , 1699; W A L L A C E , I . S „ 1936; W A R D , H . G., 1828; W A R N E R , C. D., 1884; W A T E L I N , L. C „ 1900; W I L S O N , R. A., 1855; W I N T E R B O T H A M , W., 1795; W I N T O N , G. B., 1913; W I T T E R , M. K „ 1865; W R I G H T , M . R., 1897; W R I G H T , N . P . , 1947; W Y T F L I E T , C „ 1597; Z I M M E R M A N , W „ 1930; Z U A Z O , A. (1521); Z U E R N , D., 1908; A N O N . , 1848, 1854a ( f o r i m m i g r a n t s ) ; 1904x, a f t e r 1943 deserts (see also America, d e s e r t s ; Mexico, arid regions) plants, gypsophily among, J O H N S T O N , I. M., 1941 vegetation, G I L L , T . , 1930 dictionary, B U S T O , E . , 1882-1886; P E R E Z y HERNANDEZ, J. M „ 1874-1875; R A M O S i D U A R T E , F . , 1899 Direccion de Estudios Biologicos, see botany, history of, Mexico discovery, accounts by various individuals (Cervantes de Salazar, Diaz, F e r n a n d e z de Oviedo y Valdes, L a s Casa9, Lopez de Gomara, S a n t a Cruz) W A G N E R , H . R „ 1942 D u r a n g a n zone, see Mexico, vegetation eastern flora, relation to Eocene Wilcox flora, S H A R P , A . J . , 1951 high mountains, vegetation, S A U S S U R E , H . L. F . de, 1862 temperate areas, vegetation, M I R A N D A , F . and S H A R P , A . J . , 1850c travel account, by avocado growers, S C H R O E D E R , C. A . , 1947 economics, works on, or economy (see also Mexico, geography, economic; Mexico, resources, economic and resources, n a t u r a l ) , S T E P H A N , C. H „ 1903 pre-Hispanic, see Mexico, pre-Hispanic Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, history, see botany, history of, Mexico Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas, see botany, history of, Mexico Escuela Nacional P r e p a r a t o r i a , see Mexico, gardens Escuela Normal Superior, see botany, history of, Mexico Escuela Superior de Agricultura, see botany, history of, Mexico ethnobotany, see ethnobotany, Mexico; also ethnobotany, various I n d i a n groups E u r o p e a n plants introduced into, see Mexico, plants, introduced from Europe expedition (see also expeditions; explorations, and explorations, below, Solanum tuberosum, collections) from Denmark, M O E R C H , H., 1841 by the F r e n c h , A N O N . , 1868 by Mocino, J . M., S A G R A , R . de la, 1866 proposed, A N O N . , 1864b, 1865c by the Russians, B U K A S O V , S. M., 1930 Sesse, directed by (see also by Mocino, above; by the Spanish, below), A L V A R E Z L O P E Z , E . , 1950, 1951, 1952 plant collections, see above by the Spanish, see above, also 1954; B A R K L E Y , F . A . , 1945; B A R R A S y A R A G O N , F . de las, 1950; C E R V A N T E S , V . , 1788, (1790); J A R A M I L L O A R A N G A , J . , 1953; M O C I N O , J. M., (1793); R I C K E T T , H . W . , 1947; S E S S E , M. and M O C I N O , J . M., 1887 (resume o f )

to San Luis Potosi, B E R L A N D I E R , J . L. (1827a) explorations (see also Mexico, southeast) anthropological, L U M H O L T Z , K . S., 1897-1898, 1903 botanical, history of, H E M S L E Y , W . B., 1887; L A S E G U E , A., 1845; L E O N , N . , 1895; L I E B M A N N , F . , 1849a; M A T S C H A T , C. H . , 1935; R O D G E R S , A . D „ 1944; S A G R A , R. de la, 1866; S T E E R E , W . C „ 1958 f o r rubber, W E E K S , G. F . , 1928b exposicion, exposition (see also Expositions) de agricultura, G O M E Z , J . M . , 1849 horticultural, f i r s t , A N O N . , 1895d extra-tropical, trees, R O B E R T S O N , C. C., 1907 flora (see also Mexico, flowers; Mexico, plants; Texas, Texano-Mexican f l o r a ) , ( A R P I , M. d ' ) , 1924; C A L L E G A R I , G. V., 1926; C A S T R O , A. M „ 1897; H A G E N , H . B., 1933; IZQUIERDO y C R O S E L L E S , J., 1929(?); L A U T E R E R , J., 1908; L O E S E N E R , T . , 1901; M U Z I O , C. ( n . d . ) ; P R I N G L E , C. G., 1909; S C O B E L , A., 1882a; V I V O , J . A., 1948; Z A Y A S E N R I Q U E Z , R. DE, 1893; A N O N . , 1922c alpine (see also Mexico, volcanoes; Mexico, vegetation, high peaks), V A R I O U S , 1960b chromosome studies, B E A M A N , J . , H . et al, 1962; S T O U T A M I R E , W . P . and B E A M A N , J . H . , 1960a compared with South A f r i c a , J A E G E R , F „ 1926 distribution, H E R R E R A , A. L., 1924 F r e n c h , contributions to knowledge by, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1925e illustrations, C A N D O L L E , A. L. P . P . , 1874; V E L A S C O , J . M., 1869-1870 I n s t i t u t o de Biologia, contributions to knowledge of, by members of, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1953a monocotyledons, C O N Z A T T I , C., 1938-1947 popular account, T H O M A S , R. H . (1889) publication, (see also, flora, synoptic) B L A K E , S. F . , 1931c; M E D E L L I N , R „ 1915 (need of) ; A N O N . , 1892g (need of) by regions ( see also vegetation zones, below), H I T C H C O C K , A . S., 1919a and agriculture, A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1905h by tribal regions, B A S A U R I , C., 1940 relationship, to Antilles, G R I S E B A C H , A., 1864-1865 Asia, eastern (generic), to S H A R P , A. J . , 1953a, 1961 Central America, to, R O V I R O S A , J . N., 1899 Cuba, to, A L A I N , H „ 1958 geographical, S T A N D L E Y , P . C „ 1936 U . S. flora, to, D R E S S L E R , R. L., 1954a; W A T S O N , S., 1890b, 1891d by states, O L I V A de A R M A S , J . , 1 9 4 6 ( ? ) ; A N O N . , 1925-1928 in sugar growing zones, B A R R E D A F E R N A N D E Z , M. H . , 1955 survey, superficial, A N O N . , 1889-1890f synoptic (of Conzatti), V I L L A D A , M., 1914a systematics, C O N Z A T T I , C., 1938-1947 (incomplete); S E S S E , M. and M O C I N O , J . M „ 1887, 1887a on the U . S. border, B A N D E L I E R , A., 1885 by vegetation zones (see also flora, by regions) P E S M A N , M . W „ 1962 xerophilous, history of, R Z E D O W S K I , J . , 1962 floriculture (see also plants, ornamental), C A S T I L L O M A R I N , A., 1945 flowering plants, popular article, E R L A N S O N , C. O. and M O R R I S O N , B. Y . , 1943

INDEX Mexico, country—continued by seasons, B A R R E I R O , A . A . , 1902a flowers, S A N C H E Z V E N T U R A , R . , 1943 in a r t works, E L S T O B , M „ 1953 miscellaneous, A N O N . , 1899kk native, MACLEAN, F . , 1937 origin, see ethnobotany, M a y a popular account, T U L L , E . , 1936 t r i b u t e to, G O N Z A L E Z P E N A , C., 1946 folk lore (see also e t h n o b o t a n y ) , G A L L O P , R., 1939b foods, see Mexico, plants, food sources f o r e s t r y , V E R D O O R N , F . , 1945 history of, T E R M E R , F . , 1954 forests (see also Mexico, biogeography; Mexico, t r o p i c a l ) . A L L O U A R D , P . , 1950, 1952: B R O W N , J . P . , 1903; P A Y N O , M . , 1890; R O T H K U G E L , M . , 1909; S T E L Z M A N N , A., 1927 according to altitude, G A R C I A M A R T I N E Z , J . , 1937 conditions in, V O G T , W . , 1948 conservation of (see also Mexico, forests, tropical), Q U E V E D O , M . A. de, 1909, 1919a; R E M U S , N. and C O R C U E R A y L U N A , M . , 1881-1882; R O L D A N , A., 1927a; TERRAZAS SANCHEZ, F„ 1944; V I L L A U R R U T I A , A . de, 1865 herbs in, G U E R R E R O , S., 1924 n a t u r a l resources, B E L T R A N . E . . 1955a plants in, B O N A N S E A , S. J . , 1920-1921; T R E V I N O S A L D A N A , C., 1937 products of, A N D E R S O N , A. D , 1884; V I V O , J . A., 1948; A N O N . , 1936o (by regions) by regions (see also Mexico, forests, by zones), D O B R Y N I N E , B. F „ 1926: S O S A , A. H „ 1937 ( a n d geology) resources (see also Mexico timber resources), D U P R E C E N T C E R O S , E., 1948, 1948a. G A R C I A M A R T I N E Z , T.. 1944; G I L L , T „ 1930; M E Y E R , H . A., 1942, 1942a: M U L L E R , jr. L . and D E U B E R , T . P . , 1944a; SANCHEZ METORADA, N et al, 1958; V A R I O U S , 1949; A N O N . , 1956 (tree species, distribution) shrubs in, G U E R R E R O , S., 1924 survey, V A R I O U S , 1956 trees, catalogue, Q U E V E D O , M A . de, 1911a, 1919, 1927; A N O N . , 1911v, 1912m (by zones) culture, R O L D A N , A., 1935; A N O N . , 1940 of economic importance, A N O N . , history, R O L D A N , A., 1934 tropical, conservation of, B E L T R A N , E „ 1953a plants of economic importance. A N O N . , 1901 f f types, G I L L , T., 1931; H I N D S H . V . and L A R S E N , E . , 1961 zones (see also Mexico, forests, by regions), M U L L E R , T. L. and D E U B E R , T . P., 1944 b y zones, A N O N . , 1910o, 1912n (catalogue) F o r r e r , A., collections, new t a x a , G R E E N E , E . L „ 1888a f r u i t s (see also Annonaceae, f r u i t s ) , B A R C E N A , M., 1895; B A T A L L A , M. A., 1944b; B O N A N S E A , S „ 1919; M O T Z , F . A. and M A L L O R Y , L . D „ 1944; R E A , A. de la, 1639; S A N V I C E N T E , J . M . de, ( 1 7 6 8 ) ; S C A R O N E , F . , 1939: A N O N . , 1924d, 1927b, 1931a cultivated, A N O N . , 1882 culture, B A L M E , J., 1934; C A N A D A . W . W „ 1909 edible, A L C O C E R , G. V., 1905a enumeration, B A L M E , J . , 1934 exotic, M O R E N O V I L L A , J . , 1940 to be improved, A N O N . , 1895e miscellaneous, A N O N . , 1899 (11) sweet source, R A B I E L A , R., 1945 tropical, G A X D A R A , G., 1924, 1925, 1925b vitamin C. content. G I R A L , F . a n d V I E S C A V I E S C A , A., 1943; V I E S C A V I E S C A , A., 1942 by zones, A N O N . , 1896t g a r d e n s (see also Mexico, city, g a r d e n s ) , M A N G I N , A., 1867; M A T S C H A T , C. H „ 1935;

SANCHEZ VENTURA, R„ 1943; S O L I S y R I V A D E N E Y R A , A . de, 1684; O N E A L , C., 1941 ancient (see also Mexico, g a r d e n s of Moctezuma, and of Netzahualcóyotl), H A L E , S., 1888

botanical (see Mexico, botanical Garden) colonial, M A R Q U E S de S A N F R A N C I S C O , 1923 Escuela Nacional P r e p a r a t o r i a , P E R E Z , M . , 1879 f l o a t i n g (see also A m e r i c a , pre-Hispanic, g a r d e n s , Chinampas; gardens, floating; Mexico, gardens, p r e - H i s p a n i c ) , L A R E N A U D I E R E , P . F . de, 1843; M A N G I N , A., 1876; W . M., 1874 (popular a c c o u n t ) ; W E S T , R. C „ 1950 (compared with those of K a s h m i r ) ; A N O N . , 1903p history of, O N E A L , C. M., 1945 Moctezuma, of (see also Mexico, g a r d e n s , a n c i e n t ) , L O I S E L , G., 1912 Netzahualcóyotl, of (see also Mexico, gardens, ancient; Tetzcotcingo, Cerro d e ) , M E N D I Z A B A L , M . O. de, 1925 p r e - H i s p a n i c (see also Mexico, gardens, ancient; gardens, botanical, p r e - H i s p a n i c ; g a r d e n s of Moctezuma, and of Netzahualcóyotl, above; Tetzcotzingo, Cerro d e ) , C H E V A L I E R , M., 1863; D O M I N G U E Z , J . A., 1933, G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J . , 1924; L. R., 1843a; M A L D O N A D O K O E R D E L L , M., 1941; N U T T A L L , Z., 1919, 1919a; P H E L P S , M r s . S., 1937; A N O N . , 1903q gazetteer, B E R L A N D I E R , J . L . ( a f t e r 1840) geography and geographic works (see also bibliographic works, Mexico, geographic s t u d i e s ) , A L V A R E Z B A R R E T T , 1940; A V I L E S , G. F „ 1910; B O N N Y C A S T L E , R. H . , 1818; C H A V E Z , E . A., 1923; C O R T E S , J . D., 1872; D O M I N G U E Z , J „ 1933; D I A Z D U F O O , C., 1919; G A L I N D O y V I L L A , J . , 1926-1927; G A M I Z , A., 1928; G A R C I A C U B A S , A., 1857, 1884, 1888-1891; G I L B A E Z A , M „ 1825; H A G E N , H . B „ 1933; H A S S E L , J . G. H . , 1824; H E R M O S A , J . , 1857, 1870; H U M B O L D T , A. von (1808)1811, 1822; I Z Q U I E R D O v C R O S E L L E S , J., 1 9 2 9 ( ? ) ; L E D U C , A. et al, 1910; L O P E Z , E . and C A S A H O N D A , J . , 1938; M I R A N D A F O N S E C A , M., (1940); M O N R O Y P A D I L L A , S. ( n . d . ) , ( n . d . ) a ; M U R I L L O V E L A R D E , P.. 1752; P A Y N O , M „ 1872; R I V E R A C A M B A S , M . , 1874; S A N C H E Z M O L I N A , A., 1946; S A N T I B A N E Z , E . , (1923) ; S O R R E , M., 1928; V I V O , J . A., 1948; W A P P A E U S , J . E „ 1863; Z E P E D A R T N C O N , T . , 1934 economic (see also Mexico, economics), F T E C H T N E R , D . . 1950; H U M B O L D T , A. v. (1808)-1811; M U N O Z L U M B I E R , M., 1940; S A P P E R , K. T „ 1908a; S C H U M A C H E R , K. v., 1928, 1929; W A T B E L , L., 1929 a n d geology, E G L O F F S T E I N , F . W . , 1864 history of, O R O Z C O y B E R R A , M . , 1881 regions, map of, G I L L Y , C. L . , 1947 b y states, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , T., 1946b; V E L A S C O , A. L., 1889-1898 grassland regions (see also m o u n t a i n s , grassland zones), B U L L E R , R. E. et al, 1960 guide book (see also Mexico, S i e r r a M a d r e Occidental), A R R O N I Z , M . , 1858; B A L L , J. A . (1908?); C A M P B E L L , R „ 1909; D E N I S , V . , 1934; D O L L E R O , A., 1911; FIGUEROA DOMENECH, J . , 1899; F I T Z G E R E L L , J . J . , 1905; F R A N K L Y N , C. M „


1939; H A N S O N , E . P . , 1943; J A N V I E R , T . A., 1890; P R I T C H A R D , W . T . , 1898 (to C u e r n a v a c a ) ; S T E E L E , J . W „ 1884; S U T T O N , E . R . , 1904; T H E A R D , T . , 1862 ( f o r prospective e m i g r a n t s ) Gulf Coast (see also Laelia tibicinis; trees, forage sources) maps, 16th c e n t u r y , C L I N E , H . F . , 1961 Gulf of California, see Gulf of California Gulf of Mexico, see Gulf of Mexico handbook (see also guidebooks), R O B E R T S O N , J . M „ 1883; S C H N I T Z L E R , H . , 1924; A N O N . , 1920f herbals (see also B a d i a n u s ) , X I M E N E Z , F „ 1615; A N O N . , 17th cent, high plateaus, descriptive account, W Y S S - D U N A N T , F., 1937 plants of, H E R R E R A , A . L . a n d V E R G A R A L O P E , D., 1899 highlands, plants of, R O W N T R E E , L., 1939a plants, cultivated, L E H Z E N , P . , 1894 vegetation, zones, L A F R E N T Z , K . , 1928 h i g h w a y s (see also Mexico, travel accounts, to various localities) Mexico City to Acapulco (see also Quercus, new t a x a ) f o r e s t conditions, Q U E V E D O , M . A . de, 1928 plants of, G A N D A R A , G. a n d M U N O Z L U M B I E R , M., 1935a Mexico City to Cacahuamilpa, C a v e r n a de, plants of, B A R C E N A , M., 1874 Mexico City to G u a d a l a j a r a , f o r e s t conditions, Q U E V E D O , M . A . de, 1939 Mexico City to Laredo, forest conditions, Q U E V E D O , M . A . DE,1936 landscape types and vegetation, D E A S Y , G. F „ 1942 plants collected, L U N D E L L , C. L., 1937-1939 timber trees, R I Q U E L M E I N D A , J . , 1950 Mexico City to Puebla, forests, S O S A , A. H „ 1948 plants, M E N A , M . M . , 1875; A N O N . , 1849b vegetation, V A R I O U S , 1960a Mexico City to T u x p a n , S A L A Z A R , L., 1885 P a n American, n a t u r a l resources of, B E L T R A N , E . , 1953c history of botany, see Mexico, botany, history of H o r t i c u l t u r a , Division de, activities, C A L V I N O , M . , 1912m, 1913a, 1914b, 1914c horticulture, R U S S E L L , J . E . , 1882, 1883; A N O N . , 1882b H u a s t e c a area, see H u a s t e c a a r e a H u m b o l d t and Bonpland, see localities, visited, below immigration to, by G e r m a n s , L E H Z E N , P . , 1897 I n d i a n s , see ethnobotany, I n d i a n s , Mexico; also I n d i a n s ; and I n d i a n s , u n d e r various states I n s t i t u t o de Biologia, see botany, history of, Mexico, Mexico, City, I n s t i t u t o de I n s t i t u t o Medico Nacional, see botany, history of, Mexico; Mexico, City, I n s t i t u t o Medico Nacional; P a r i s , Exposition I n t e r n a t i o n a l e , 1889, Mexican plants islands (see also B a j a California, Golfo de; B a j a California, islands o f f , and islands off west coast; California, i s l a n d s ; Cozumel; Gulf of C a l i f o r n i a , islands in; Isabel I s l a n d ; all the islands listed separately in the index, beginning with I s l a Ballena and ending with Islas T r e s M a r i a s ; Mexico, northwest, islands o f f ; P a c i f i c I s l a n d s ; Pichilinque I s l a n d ) p l a n t s of, M U N O Z L U M B I E R , M . , 1919, 1946; T O S C A N O , R . , 1940 voyage to, in the W a h l b e r g , B R A N D E G E E , T . S., 1900 Ixtaccihuatl, see Ixtaccihuatl land use, see Mexico, a g r i c u l t u r e latitudes, of localities, B U R K A R T , J . , 1836 lianas, ornamental, M A T S C H A T , C. H . , 1934c L i n d e n , J . , collections, K O C H , K „ 1859

localities, visited by H u m b o l d t a n d Bonpland, S P R A G U E , T . A . , 1924a m a h o g a n y areas, descriptive account, G I F F O R D , J . , 1910 maps, early, A L C O C E R , I., 1935; BALLESTEROS GAIBROIS, M . , 1955; D A H L G R E N , E . W . , 1889 by Ortelius, A N O N . , 16th cent.a 16th century, C L I N E , H . F „ 1961 Matlaltzinca area, see Mexico, central M a y a area (see also Malpighiaceae; Palmae, Corypheae; P a s s i f l o r a c e a e ; Y u c a t a n and Y u c a t a n , peninsula) biological survey, B A R T L E T T , H . H „ 1932 descriptive account, P U X L E Y , W . L., 1928 exploration, botanical, history of, B A R T L E T T , H . H . , 1932 plants of, V A R I O U S , 1935-1940; VILLAGUTIERRE SOTO M A Y O R , J . DE, 1701 M a z a h u a area, see Mexico, central medicine, Aztecs, influenced by, C O M A S , J . , 1955 f i r s t book printed in, L E O N , N . , 1925a f l o r a l o f f e r i n g s used, G A L L O P , R . , 1939a history o f ( see also ethnobotany, Aztec, medicine), A L C A N T A R A H E R R E R A , J., 1948, 1949; B R O W N , J., 1700; C A R T E R , A., 1933; C H A V E Z , I.,1947; D O M I N G U E Z , J . A., 1933; F E R N A N D E Z DF.I. C A S T I L L O , F . , 1943, 1955; F L O R E S , F . A., 1886-1888; F L O R I A N , L „ 1941; J A R C H O , S „ 1957; L A N D A , E . , 1916; O C A R A N Z A , F „ 1934; O L I V A , L „ 1857; O S O R I O y C A R V A J A L , R „ 1936 (allopathic) ; P A S O y T R O N C O S O , F „ 1883-1884; R I Q U E L M E S A L A R , J., 1950; S O M O L I N O S d ' A R D O I S , G., 1957b; S O R I A N O , M. S., 1915; V A L D E S , F „ 1903; V A R I O U S , 1946a; A N O N . , 1881g colonial epoch (see also medicine, history of, Mexico, 1500-1800; also 16th cent.) A V I L A E S C A L A N T E , A., 1944; T R E N S , M . B., 1952 early Spaniards, L E T E U N E , F . , 1926 1500-1800 (see also colonial epoch, above, and 16th cent, below), L E O N , N., 1915, 1915-1921 16th c e n t u r y (see also colonial epoch, and 1500-1800, above) C O M A S , J . , 1954; F E R N A N D E Z DEL C A S T T L L O , F . , 1945; F I S H E R , E . M., 1921; GARCIA ICAZBALCETA, J . , 1886 and magic, G A L L O P , R., 1939a and paper dolls, see above pre-Hispanic (see also Mexico, p r e - H i s p a n i c ) , G E R S T E , A., 1888; M A R T T N E Z , J . , 1934; N U T T A L L , Z., 1909; R A F F O U R . L., 1900 t e x t book, S A L G A D O , M. J . , 1727 w o r k e r s in, portraits of, A L C A N T A R A H E R R E R A , J., 1948 M e s a C e n t r a l (see also Mexico, c e n t r a l ; Nicotiana, culture, in M e x i c o ; Zea mays) f o r a g e plants, B U T L E R , R. E . , 1958 f r u i t trees. E S C O B A R , R., 1909a (northern part) vegetation, C O I N D E T , L . A. H . , 1867-1869 m o u n t a i n s , grassland zones, ecology, I N G L E S , L. G., 1955 M u s e o Nacional de Historia N a t u r a l , see Distrito Federal, Mexico City National H e r b a r i u m , see botany, history of, Mexico National P a r k s (see also C o f r e d e P e r o t e ; El Tepozteco; L o r a n t h a c e a e ; Los A z u f r e s , proposed; P a r q u e Nacional A l e j a n d r o de H u m b o l d t ; P a r q u e Nacional C h a c a h u a ; P a r q u e Nacional C u m b r e s d e A j u s c o ; P a r q u e Nacional Desierto de los Leones; P a r q u e Nacional I n s u r g e n t e M i g u e l Hidalgo y Costilla;

INDEX Mexico, country—continued P a r q u e Nacional Izta-Popo; P a r q u e Nacional Nauhcampatepetl; P a r q u e Nacional Rio Blanco), V O G T , W . , 1947 catalogue, G O N Z A L E Z , A. and S A N C H E Z L., V. M., 1961 plants of, A V I L E Z , E . G., 1944 proposed, S H E L F O R D , V . E . , 1941 special features, A N O N . , 1940-1941 survey, G A L I C I A , D. F . , 1938, 1939 tree species in, E S P I N O S A A N G E L E S , E., 1942 natural history, C A M P E , J . H . , 1796; C A R D E N A S , J . de, 1591; C H A P P E d' A U T E R O C H E , J . , 1772.; C O N D E R , J . , 1825; U N F R A 1 L E M E N O R , 1541; F R I E D E R I C I , G., 1925-1936; M A R T I N E Z , H., 1606; O R T E G A y M E D I N A , J . O., 1953 (in reports by the English); P E A S E , W . H „ 1848; R I O J A , E . , 1950 (contribution by the S p a n i s h ) ; R O S E N Z W E I G D I A Z , A., 1956-1957; S A H A G U N , B. (1575); V E T A N C O U R T , A . DE, 1698(1697) natural regions, map of, W E L L H A U S E N , E . J . , 1950. See also Mexico, biotic provinces, natural resources (see Mexico, resources, natural) natural sciences, history of, HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E., 1960 naturalists, foreign in, see biography, collective north central (see also Cleomella perennis; Mexico, northern) Nueva Vizcaya, geography, M O T A y E S C O B A R , A. DE LA (1602-1605) northeast (see also Lupulus, culture in Mexico; Pinus nelsoni; plants weather indicators; Prosopis; Quercus, new t a x a ; Tharp, collections; Zea mays; Zea mays, La P e r r a Cave) allergenic plants, pollen, C A N S E C O , C. Jr., 1949 coastal plain, plants, cultivated, L E M E R T , B. F . and R. V., 1935 Indians, see Coahuiltecans plants, R U E C K I N G , F . J r . , 1953; S T A U B , W . , 1925, 1926 found with Varilla texana q.v. vegetation, D I C K E N , S. N., 1939 zones, phytogeographic, HERNANDEZ XOLOCOTZI, E., 1953 northern (see Anemopsis californica; Ariocarpus lloydii; Cedronella cana; Chrysopsis nivea; Compositae; Cryptantha crassisepala var. elachantha; Dalea erythrorhiza; Echinocactus trollietii; Echinocereus pentalophus; Epithelantha micromeris; ethnobotany; Euphorbia capitellata; Evolvulus wilcoxiana ; historical work, Jesuits; Leuchtenbcrgia principis; Mexico, north central; MorkilHa acuminata; Nama torynophyllum; Neomammillaria plumosa; Parthenium, rubber source; Physostegia correllii; Prosopis juliflora; Tecoma tronadora; Triticum, culture, in Sierra de Arteaga; Turnera aphrodisiaca; Wislizenus, Adolphus, collections; Zea mays) arid regions (see also Euphorbia cerifera; Mexico, northern, deserts, and semi-arid regions) forest resources, M A R T I N E Z , M., 1926 cactus-acacia grasslands (see also Mexico, northern, grasslands), S H R E V E , F . , 1942a descriptive account, H O V E Y , E . O., 1906; L A N C A S T E R , A. B. M., 1889; P A T T I E , J . O., 1905; RTVERA y V I L L A L O N , P . DE, 1736; U H D E , A., 1861; W I S L I Z E N U S , A., 1848 deserts (see also Mexico, northern, arid regions, and semi-arid regions) plants of, O C H O T E R E N A , I . , 1909b encinal, S H R E V E , F „ 1942a expedition (Monterrey, Saltillo, Pachuca), A L T A M I R A N O , F . , 1908; A N D E R S O N , E . F „

1958 ( f o r Ariocarpus); B E R L A N D I E R , J . L. (1827), n. d. ( a f t e r 1850), 1834, 1846; W I S L I Z E N U S , A., 1848 with Col. Doniphan) explorations, G R A Y S O N , A . J . , 1870-1871 (Mazatlan to Durango, by an ornithologist);


K. S.. 1891. 1893 flora, W I S L I Z E N U S , A., 1848, 1850 geography, W I S L I Z E N U S , A., 1850 grasses, for pasture, see Gramineae, for pasture; also grasslands, below grasslands (see also Mexico, northern, cactus-acacia grasslands) S H R E V E , F „ 1942a Hilaria llanos, vegetation of, see above Muller. C. H . . collections described, F O S B E R G , F . R „ 1941 plants of (see also Cyperaceae, collected bv Bucklev, S. B . ) , A N D E R S O N , E. F „ 1958 cultivated. (A C A P T A T N O F V O L U N T E E R S ' » , 1847 forage. B A L L E S T F . R O S Z E N D E T A S . T. L „ 1946 medicinal, W O O D C O C K , F . G., 1927 Palmer collections, W A T S O N , S., 1882-1883 Pringle collections, new taxa, _ W A T S O N , S „ 1890a semi-arid regions (see also Mexico, northern, deserts; also arid regions) plants, of economic importance, L O E R A BORTA, A., 1945 Sierra Madre region, see Dalea, sect. Versicolores travel account. ATTnTTBON. T. W . , 1906; B A R T L F . T T . T. R „ 1854; B R A V O HOT.T.TS. H . . 1960s. 1O60b: G A R C F S . F . T . H . (1777); MTF.R v T E R A N , M. DE (n. d . ) ; P A R A Y . L., 1942; SEF.LA._J. L.. 1939 (Laredo to Sabinas Hidalgo) ; W I S L I Z E N U S , A., 1848, 1850 for ra--tiis rnll^cting. B R A V O HOT.T.TS. H „ 1958c; P A T T E L L A . M. T.. 1960; KRF.S. T. and I... 1960: G R A H A M . D., 1962 (for crested carti) U . S. border (see also MexicoU . S. border states) forests of, C O n T F . R . T. G.. 1861 vegetati_on_ of. SHRF.VF,. F., 1942c associations. V A L D E S G U T T F R R F Z . T., 1958 forests. PRTVCT.E. C. G.. 1888 xerophvtes, S T A H L , F.., 1905a northwest fsee also