A Political Economy of the African Crisis 0862323738, 9780862323738

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A Political Economy of the African Crisis
 0862323738, 9780862323738

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Institute for African Alternatives Zed Books Ltd. London and New Jersey

A Political Economy of the African Crisis was first published in 1988 by Zed Books Ltd., 57 Caledonian Road, London N1 9BU and 171 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 07716 with The Institute for African Alternatives, 23 Bevenden Street, London N1 6BH Copyright © Bade Onimode 1988 Typeset by EMS Photosetters, Rochford, Essex Cover design by Andrew Corbett Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn All rights reserved

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Onimode, Bade A political economy of the African crisis. 1. Africa. Economic conditions. Political aspects I. Title 330.96’0328 ISBN 0-86232-373-8 ISBN 0-86232-374-6 Pbk

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Onimode, Bade. A political economy of the African crisis / Bade Onimode. p. cm. Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN 0-86232-373-8. ISBN 0-86232-374-6 (pbk.) 1. Africa—Economic conditions—1960- 2. Africa—Social conditions—1960- I. Title. HC800.055 1988 330.96’0328—dcl9

Other Titles by the Author Economic Development in Nigeria: The Socialist Alternative (Ibadan: Nigerian Academy of Art, Sciences & Technology, 1975)

Basic Mathematics for Economists (London: Allen & Unwin, 1980) Mathematics for Economics and Business (London: Allen & Unwin, forthcoming)

Imperialism and Underdevelopment in Nigeria: The Dialectics of Mass Poverty (London: Zed Books, 1982) An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy {London'. Zed Books, 1985)








The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


The nature of the African crisis The paradox of continental wealth and mass poverty Some facts about the African crisis Socio-political aspects of the crisis Towards a theory of the African crisis

1 3 5 8 11

Bourgeois Social Science and the African Crisis Bourgeois social science: its contribution to the African crisis Social science as an apologetic ideology Ideology and curricula Imperialism and the imported social science The reproduction of imperialist social science in Africa Marxist social science as the scientific alternative to imperialist social science Maximising social science contribution Notes

24 24 27 32 33 35 40 42 42


Multinational Corporations and the Underdevelopment of Africa Multinational corporations as agents of imperialism The scope of MNCs in Africa Decapitalisation and displacement of local entrepreneurship by MNCs MNCs and Africa’s technological lag Other adverse effects of the MNCs Class collaboration with MNCs and the neocolonial state Multinationals: ‘flywheel of growth’? Notes

45 45 47 57 58 60 64 65 67


The Export of Capital from Africa Multinationals’ pillage of Africa Notes

69 70 95


Class Formations, Inequality and the Post-colonial State in Africa Class formations in Africa

97 98


Patterns of class struggles in Africa The structure of inequality in Africa Structural inequalities in Africa The post-colonial state in Africa

107 109 112 120


Industrialisation Strategy in Africa Motives for industrialisation Patterns of import-substitution industrialisation in Africa The distortion of ISI in Africa Import substitution and the myth of technology transfer False start in industrial export promotion Alternative strategies of industrialisation in Africa Notes

126 126 128 134 139 141 144 148


The Agrarian Crisis in Africa The food crisis in Africa Other agricultural deficiencies Rural genocide and the proletarianisation of the peasantry The development of agriculture in Africa Basic generating causes of the agrarian crisis Critique of the Green Revolution Agricultural organisation, land relations and peasant power Notes

150 150 154 157 159 163 166 169 172


Africa’s Foreign Trade and Debts 174 Comparative advantage, capitalist international division of labour and trade dependence 174 The structure of Africa’s foreign trade 178 Intra-African trade 182 Unequal exchange, terms of trade and balance of trade 187 Foreign trade fluctuations, deficits and external debts 194 Africa’s external debt policy 199 Regional and sub-regional cooperation in trade 200 Notes 205


Development Planning and Infrastructure The heritage of colonial planning Critique of neocolonial capitalist planning Planning and the colonial status of African physical and social infrastructure Towards alternative development planning and infrastructural construction The use of direct labour in infrastructure Notes

10. Social and Political Failures in Africa

207 207 209 212 219 222 223 225

The conceptualisation of Africa’s socio-political crisis Pattern and explanation of major political failures Perverse political culture and poor institutionalisation The profile of social failures in Africa Notes

225 227 232 236 242

11. Socialist Experiments in Africa: Old and New Old and new African socialist experiments Old socialist experiments Problems and lessons of socialist experiments in Africa The socialist question in Africa Appendix: Text of the Nkomati Accords Notes

244 245 246 269 272 273 276

12. New Masters: IMF and World Bank Introduction The Bretton Woods system The New Masters: IMF and World Bank Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and the recolonisation of Africa The African crises and the capitalist international division of labour Is there a capitalist path? Notes

278 278 278 280 288 293 296 300

13. Ideology and Political Strategy for a Socialist Africa Introduction The futility of bourgeois reformism The obscurantism of socialism as a foreign ideology The search for indigenous African ideology Bourgeois reformism, utopia and the opium of Africanity Scientific socialism for resolving the African crisis Political strategy for scientific socialist Africa Mobilisation of the peasantry The transition to scientific socialism in Africa Notes

302 302 303 304 307 309 310 312 315 318 322





Tables 1.1 1.2 1.3

Africa’s mineral production: 1973 Global growth levels of GNP and per capita income. 1966/80 GNP per capita in selected African countries: 1979/82

4 6 6

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3a 5.3b 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

Africa’s trade balances. 1970/79 Africa’s net exports as percentage of GDP. 1970/80 The purchasing power of Africa’s export earnings Non-oil producing Africa’s trade and foreign debts General indicators of Africa’s crisis European slave trade-exports by region 1701-1800 Africa’s estimated population in millions. 1750/1960 Hourly wages of multinational corporations Total DAC FDI by country of origin, 1967. 1971. 1976 US FDI in Africa and the Middle East Total DAC private direct investment in UDCs by country. 1978 Known holdings of West Germany’s Grossbanken in banks in Africa excluding South Africa, 1976 Mineral multinationals in Africa. 1977 World and African shares of foreign investment by country Annual earnings on direct private investment - US firms Foreign investment in the private sector in South Africa (including Namibia), 31 December 1973 Role of foreign capital in Financing gross domestic investment in South Africa, 1968/77 Average annual wages of South African workers. 1970/76 Estimated book value of direct foreign investment in Kenya. 1971/72 Net private long-term capital inflows to Kenya. 1964/73 Capital employed in 61 MNC-controlled subsidiaries surveyed in Kenya. 1971/72 ' Kenya: Outflows (-) of private capital Estimated rates of return for a Mombasa refinery Cumulative foreign private investment by origin Cumulative foreign private investment in Nigeria Rates of return on multinational investment in Nigeria, 1976/78 Major textile multinationals in Ivory Coast Ownership structure of Ivorian textile industry Flow of payments on foreign direct investment in Nigeria. 1970/80 Recorded inflows and outflows of private capital Foreign direct investment flows in East Africa, 1966/71 Rates of growth of foreign investment necessary to offset the outflow of investment income Changes in export prices and in the terms of trade, 1965/83 Estimated losses to Third World due to unequal exchange Changes in terms of trade and the associated loss of income in sub-Saharan Africa, 1980/82 Africa’s trade and external debts: 1983 Unit cost of irrigation schemes in West Africa. 1977/78 Unit cost of construction project in Africa Africa’s sub-regional income inequality, 1982 Ratios of Civil Service salaries in Africa. 1963/72 Income distribution in West Africa Percentage share of gross income for different income levels in Nigeria. 1969/72 Gini index of concentration in Nigeria Income distribution in Liberia, 1970 Kenya: Estimated income distribution, 1972/74 Kenya: approximate distribution of non-farm assets 1971 Distribution of shareholding by tvpe of shareholder and value of shares held. 1970 ' West Africa: rural/urban income differentials Kenya: average annual rural-urban incomes. 1969

7 8 8 9 9 15 15 48 49 50 51 53 54 56 71 73 74 74 75 76 77 78 78 80 80 81 82 83 84 85 85 86 89 90 90 91 94 94 110 113 114 114 115 115 116 117 117 118 119

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.7a 8.8 8.8a 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10.1 11.1 12.1 12.2

Manufacturing value added Real growth rates in manufacturing value added Capital-labour ratios in Nigerian and Japanese manufacturing industries. 1967 Percentage structure of manufactured exports in ECOWAS. 1975 Some manufactured exports of Africa Inter-sectoral linkages in the Nigerian economy. 1973 The growth of sub-Saharan Africa’s food imports. 1961/82 Decline in total and per capita food production. 1960/82 Sub-Saharan Africa’s production of major crops. 1969/82 Sub-Saharan Africa’s export of major crops Agricultural export data for seven cash crops. 1969/79 Annual percentage change of per capita income in Africa. 1960/83 Comparative advantage and trade between two countries Selected sub-Saharan African countries’trade dependence. 1982 African dependence on major export crops. 1977/79 The main destination of sub-Saharan African exports. 1982 Computed indices of export commodity and export market concentration for selected Arab countries Colonial intra-African trade. 1950/57 West Africa’s intra-regional trade. 1966/74 East Africa’s intra-regional trade. 1972 Intra-African trade shares in total African trade Africa’s intra-regional trade. 1975 Comparative global intra-regional trade shares Illustration of unequal exchange Africa’s terms of trade. 1970/82 Geographical distribution of Africa’s external trade. 1979 Sub-Saharan Africa’s annual growth rates of commodity trade-volume and prices Sub-Saharan Africa’s trade balance. 1970/82 Low income Africa’s current account deficits Africa’s current account deficits as percentage of GNP. 1960/84 Changes in Africa’s exports and imports Computed indices of instability of export earnings for 27 selected African countries. 1946/68 Africa’s export instability indices Sub-Saharan Africa’s outstanding and disbursed external debt 1970/82 Low-income Africa’s debt indicators. 1970/84 Africa’s debt service ratios. 1983 Growth of Africa’s external debts. 1970/84 ECOWAS railway traffic. 1947/77 Merchant Fleet: selected African countries. 1977 Traffic of ECOWAS airlines. 1976 Sub-Saharan Africa’s health-related indicators Educational indicators for sub-Saharan Africa. 1982 Refugees in Africa by country. 1981 and 1986 Old and new socialist states Voting power structure of the IMF’s committee of executive directors IMF loans during 1947/78

130 132 135 143 144 147 151 153 154 155 155 156 175 179 180 182 183 184 184 184 185 185 186 188 189 190 190 191 192 193 194 195 195 196 198 199 199 214 215 216 217 218 230 245 283 284

Figures 5.1

Lorenz’s curve of income distribution in Kenya



Needs-resource linkages



Comparative growth rates of capital and consumer goods



The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa

The African continent, in addition to being faced with the rapidly deteriorating food situation and increasing dependence on food aid and food imports, continues to face ominous accentuation of mass poverty, the risk of natural resources depletion and of environmental degradation. Life expectancy at birth remains low, while nutritional deficiency and the danger of physical disintegration remain serious. The continent is plagued with large-scale unemployment and inflation, and continues to labour under the crushing burden of inherited alien socio-economic structures and patterns. Little wonder that Africa is the least developed of the world’s major regions (harbouring twenty of the world’s thirty-one least developed among the underdeveloped countries).1 Adebayo Adedeji, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa. The bleak scenario depicted in this quotation attests to the grave and deteriorating crisis in Africa. Indeed, to one observer, the situation is so critical that the title of a book on contemporary Africa poses the question: Can Africa Survive?.2 Though the hysteria is justified, it is important to perceive the myriad problems threatening Africa in an epistemological perspective that emphasises the essential crisis character of these conditions within the framework of the historiography of the continent and its role in world economy.

The nature of the African crisis The African crisis is not merely an economic crisis in the bourgeois or Marxian sense. It is much deeper than a bourgeois economic crisis of threatened starvation, massive unemployment, growing deficits and debts, disequilibria in different markets and sluggish economic growth. These are merely the surface manifestations of the crisis. Neither is the deepening crisis in Africa just a Marxian crisis arising from underconsumption, disproportionality and related factors, which are commonly associated with the contradictions of industrial capitalism. This is because most African countries are either pre-industrial or semi-industrial, their capitalist contradictions are still muted and mediated by their dependence on


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

metropolitan capitalism, so that much of the symptoms of Marxian crises they exhibit are essential spill-overs from the industrialised countries. Fundamentally, the African crisis is one of underdevelopment, the central problematic of the African continent and the Third World generally. This makes the crisis basically structural and historical. But though underdevelopment is largely an economic phenomenon, the African crisis is also accentuated by serious social and political problems as well as an intellectual crisis. The intensification of the contradictions of underdevelopment are visible in the food crisis, deplorable mass poverty, decimating disease, pervasive illiteracy, technological backwardness, prostrate external dependence and mounting foreign debts. The social trauma is exhibited in the sharpening social divisions arising from widening distributional inequalities, ethno-religious primordiality, rising crime and cultural degradation. Correspondingly, Africa’s political contour is disturbed, with widespread and growing repression, resulting in a massive refugee problem, coups and counter¬ coups, apartheid oppression and external subversion. Then, too, there is the intellectual crisis, which results not merely from the lingering colonial mentality and foreign intellectual domination, but from the dominant bourgeois scholarship’s fundamental irrelevance to African social reality, especially in the imported social services. The structural roots of these contradictions of the African crisis are anchored primarily to the relations of exploitation, domestic class structures, prostrate external dependence and the distortions of the dominant neocolonial social formations in Africa. The pliant class structures, production relations and forms of exploitation that sustain neocolonialism, and the nature of the client post-colonial states that these class structures have developed, also operate to intensify the crisis. These structural deformities of the African rriilieu are inexorably bound up with the continent’s historiography. As this history is an integral part of the global history of imperialism, a clear understanding of the major historical epochs in Africa is essential to the correct appreciation of the idiom of the African crisis. By contrast, Basil Davidson perceives the African crisis as a “continental crisis of institutions”. Africa’s real problems are those of a period of major transition from systems of development viable in the pre-colonial past to other systems, similarly viable, which can face the challenges of the future . . . The crisis which thus arises is, therefore, one of institutions. Those of the past have lost their containing power. Those of the present offer little save confusion. Those of the future have yet to appear. And it is this that gives all these societies . . . their essential unity of situation.3 He is right that this is a crisis of system and structure, and that the profound institutional failure is beyond the remedial power of any mere modification or reform, since the system or systems as they stand simply do not work and cannot be made to work. But even for 1974, this perception of the Africa crisis needs modification. It is, indeed, possible that Basil Davidson has revised his view of the crisis since it has

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


been unfolding more clearly and more deeply in the 1970s and 1980s. For example, the predominant transition to neocolonial capitalism has not been viable! Similarly! some of the present institutions, such as liberation movements, mass organisations, public ownership, democratic rule, workers’ control of enterprises, etc. offer some real hope of grappling with the complex problems of the continent. For these reasons it is more appropriate to emphasise the analysis of systems and structures than of their derivative institutions.

The paradox of continental wealth and mass poverty The paradox of the deepening crisis of mass poverty in Africa and the enormous wealth of the continent is very painful.4 Yet this cynical asymmetry is an integral part of the perverse logic of capitalism and imperialism. Marx and Engels were compelled by the force of the irony to devote considerable attention in the Communist Manifesto to the fact that just as capitalism has created more massive wealth than all previous modes of production, it has also generated more incredible squalor than any previous epoch in human history. This is one of the central contradictions of bourgeois society. In contrast to the cynicism of the vicious-circle-of-poverty theorists that “a country is poor because it is poor”, Africa is poor because she is rich. Indeed, one of the keys to the resolution of the African crisis is the explanation of how the enormous wealth of Africa is also the basis of the relationships that have generated the profound misery of the vast majority of Africans. The following confession by a representative of Africa’s predators is instructive. To the crowded Europe, Africa holds the promise of a frontier land still susceptible of great expansion, both as a market and as a source of unexplored industrial potential. Its riches in strategic and other minerals are impressive. In industrial diamonds, columbium, cobalt, chromium and beryllium Africa either heads the list of world producers or stands close to the top. It is a significant producer of tin,manganese, copper, antimony; and its reserves of iron ore and bauxite are just beginning to be tapped. The uranium of the Congo and South Africa has contributed to the unfolding of the atomic age. The French discovery of oil in the Sahara has enhanced the importance of Algeria, and Libya has also come into new riches. To this mineral wealth, Africa adds through its agriculture a variety of foodstuffs and industrial materials such as cocoa, coffee, tea, vegetable oil, cotton and pyrethrum. The United States has a direct interest in many of these products, but it is probably of less importance to assure its own access to Africa’s resources and markets than to make sure that its European allies are not cut off from them. Another dimension of Africa’s colossal riches in minerals is summarised in Table

1.1. The critical significance of this huge mineral wealth lies in the fact that the basic structure of contemporary civilisation worldwide is dependent on minerals. They are required for the production of tractors, cars, railways, ships, planes, steel.


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

Table 1.1 Africa’s mineral production: 1973 Mineral

Steel industry metals (metric tons): Iron ore Nickel Manganese Chromium Cobalt Vanadium Tungsten Columbium

Total African production (inc. South Africa)

% of world production

Major producer in Africa

Liberia South Africa South Africa South Africa Zaire South Africa Rwanda Nigeria

47.8m 31,626 3m 1.1m 18,374 8,900 1,100 1,300

4.9 2.8 14.9 22.0 68.9 42.4 0.9 4.0

1.4m 15,800 212,000 290,400

9.9 3.2 3.0 2.1

Zambia Nigeria Morocco Zaire




899,000 kilos 1.8m ozs

75.4 36.8

67.9m 286.5m

2.8 3.8



Gem stones, abrasives & insulators: Diamonds (carats) Asbestos (metric tons)

33.5m 452,000

29.3 6.7

Zaire South Africa

Nuclear & chemical (metric tons): Uranium Phosphates Antimony Fluorspar

4,000 28.5m 16,800 357,300

13.7 17.3 22.3 4.7

South Africa Morocco South Africa South Africa

Older major metals (metric tons): Copper Tin Lead Zinc Light metals (metric tons): Bauxite Precious metals: Gold Platinum Fuel minerals: Coal (metric tons) Crude oil (metric tons) Natural gas (cu m)

South Africa South Africa South Africa Libya, Nigeria, Algeria Liberia, Nigeria, Algeria

Source: G. Lanning with M. Mueller (1979) Africa Undermined - Mining Companies and the Under-development of Africa (Harmondsworth; Penguin), pp. 100-1.

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


etc. The USA, Western Europe and Japan depend on Africa for more than 50% of their imports of bauxite, natural gas, phosphates, cobalt, uranium ore, alumina, chromium, manganese, etc.5 Yet, most of Africa’s mineral wealth remains untapped and unknown. Africa produces virtually every agricultural and sylvicultural raw material, such as rubber, cotton, paper, timber, oils, fruits and so on, plus a rich variety of foodstuffs including meat, as well as fish. The continent is blessed with rich alluvial and sandy soils in numerous, large river valleys and undulating terrains, and over 50% of this vast arable land is still uncultivated, despite the waste of shiftcultivation. This huge wealth is supported with a virile population of approximately 492 million in 1982 in a land area of more than 10 million square miles. Though the per capita income for the continent is still under SUS200, this large population constitutes a relatively extensive market for many products. In addition, Africa possesses excellent transport potentials in numerous navigable rivers and highly accessible plains and lowlands. Collectively, therefore, Africa has an excellent resource base that could have supported a much higher standard of living for the people than their current squalor. This enormous resource base is still an impressive potential for the genuine future development of the continent under the appropriate socio-economic transformation. This is without prejudice to the objective fact that the imperialist balkanisation of the continent into mini-states has limited the availability of these resources within each country. But relative to countries such as Japan with virtually no minerals, which have nevertheless industrialised, the resource base of African countries could have supported, and can still sustain, a very healthy level of development. Yet, in spite of this enormous wealth, Africa remains the poorest continent in the world, and is sinking into deeper crisis. The main reason for this is that for centuries, Africa’s huge wealth has been plundered for the benefit of non-Africans. The visible tragedies of this long foreign depredation of Africa, which constitute the empirical manifestations of the continental crisis, bear summarising.

Some facts about the African crisis The surface manifestations of the crisis of underdevelopment in Africa presented here are merely the economic evidence. They are the effects of the crisis on the economic plane and, therefore, they cannot also be regarded as the only causes of the disaster, as in bourgeois theorising on underdevelopment. One feature of the crisis is that 21 of the 30 countries classified by the UN as least-developed in the world are in Africa.6 With respect to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while 12 African countries had negative annual growth rates of GDP per capita (that is, per head of population) during 1960/70,20 countries had negative annual growth rates in 1970/76. For 1960/79, the per capita income growth rate was negative in eight countries, 0 to 1% in another ten countries and 1 to 2% in five others.7 The annual real growth of GNP (Gross National Product) and GNP per capita for Africa and other regions during 1966/80 are shown in Table 1.2.


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

Table 1.2 Global growth levels of GNP and per capita income, 1966/80 Region

GNP per capita

GNP 1978







































All developing regions


Africa South of the Sahara Industrial Countries a Preliminary.

Source: World Bank: World Development Report. 1981 (Washington), p. 19.

The corresponding per capita income of selected African countries from the highest to the lowest in 1979 and 1982 is shown in Table 1.3. Table 1.3 GNP per capita in selected African countries: 1979/82 (US$) 1979 Gabon Ivory Coast Mauritius Botswana Nigeria Congo Cameroon Zambia Rwanda & Malawi Burundi & Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) Guinea Bissau Mali Ethiopia Chad (lowest)

1040 1030 720 670 630 560 500 200 180 170 140 130 110

1982 4,000 950 1,240 900 860 1,180 890 640 210 (Malawi) 210 (B.Faso) 170 180 140 80

Source: World Bank, World Development Report. 1981 and 1984 (Washington), pp. 31. 37. 218.

The per capita income in Africa rose from an average of SUS133 in 1960 to SUS170 in 1970. By 1979, it fluctuated between $US110 and SUS370 for the whole continent, except South Africa. By contrast, the average per capita income in the industrialised capitalist countries (ICC’s) was $US 1,500 in 1960 and SUS2.980 in 1970: eleven times the average income for Africa in 1960 and 18 times in 1970 - a measure of widening global inequality. In agriculture. 29 out of 45 African countries had negative annual growth rates of

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


per capita food production during 1970/76, while in the 1960/70 period only 17 of the 45 countries had such negative growth rates. In 1980, taking 1969/71 as base (that is, 1969/71 = 100), the per capita food production index was below 100 in 16 countries. This declining production has resulted in massive food imports into what is a primarily agricultural continent. Thus, by 1980, each African country had an average food import bill of $US102 million for cereals and livestock. For all non-oil producing African countries, the total food import bill which in 1973 was SUS1.9 billion rose to $US6 billion in 1980; or, from being 19.4% of total export earnings in 1973, by 1980 the food import bill was 23.7% of these exports.8 In manufacturing, in the 1970/80 period, the annual real growth rate of manufacturing value-added (mva) was negative in six countries, but in 1975/80 it was negative in 13 countries and 0 to 3% in 14 other countries. In 1980 constant prices, mva per capita averaged SUS21.1 for all Africa, but less than that for 37 countries. The corresponding mva in GDP at factor cost in constant 1980 was 9.8% for all Africa, and less than that in 34 countries.9 During 1950/60 and 1960/70, Africa’s share in world manufacturing output remained stagnant at 0.6%. The per capita manufacturing output in Africa rose from SUS11 to SUS16 or by $US5 in 1960/70, by $US220 in the industrialised capitalist countries (ICCs) and by SUS430 in the socialist countries. Africa’s foreign debts have also been piling up; rising from $US7 billion in 1965 to$US28 billion in 1974, or from SUS9.02 billion in 1970 to SUS49.6 billion in 1978, with total debt servicing increasing from SUS0.85 billion in 1970 to SUS5.6 billion in 1978. Debt servicing has thus been rising by $2 billion annually for non-oil exporting African countries. Debt servicing as a proportion of export earnings was 10 to 20% in 15 countries in 1970 and more than 20% in eight countries by 1978/79.10 Africa’s consolidated balance of foreign trade payments in billions of US dollars is shown in Table 1.4.11 Table 1.4 Africa’s trade balances, 1970/79 Item



Trade balance Current account balance General balance

+0.6 -1.8 +0.6

-3.7 -10.3 -1.4

The associated net exports of Africa as a percentage of GDP at current market prices are shown in Table 1.5.12 These data imply that a rising proportion of GDP is needed to offset trade deficit. The associated terms of trade (ratio of export to import prices) and purchasing power of exports (PPE) for Africa are shown in Table 1.6. Similarly, non-oil producing Africa’s current account balances and long-term external debt for 1967/82 are shown in Table 1.7.


A Political Economy of the African Crisis












Main oil exporters












Least developed 21 countries












Other African countries









1 oo

African sub-region

00 k>

Table 1.5 Africa’s net exports as percentage of GDP, 1970/80


Africa (ex¬ cluding South Africa)












Terms of trade
























Balance on current account = exports minus imports ($ billion)
















Source: UNIDO, op. cit.. p. 135.

Table 1.6 The purchasing power of Africa’s export earnings

Overall balance of payments

Change from Preceding Year

-12.7 -13.3 -13.0




a PPE = export earnings deflated by import prices; all figures with minus sign are unfavourable. Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook, 1982, pp. 156, 158, 162, 164.

Socio-political aspects of the crisis The social, political and cultural aspects of the African crisis also exhibit some graphic symptoms. These socio-political data are in most cases reflections and spill-over effects of the syndrome of underdevelopment. For example, superficially, political instability and cultural degradation may appear to be unrelated to underdevelopment but they are often the by-products of some of its mechanisms such as dependency, imperialist penetration, illiteracy and the grinding poverty that

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


Table 1.7 Non-oil producing Africa’s trade and foreign debts Item

1967/72 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

Balance on current account as % of exports (weighted for non-oil exporting countries) -16.9 -10.6 -17.9 -34.2 -27.0 -17.7 -19.0 -12.6 -14.8 -32.2 -29.5 Long-term external debt (non-oil export¬ ing countries) (US$ billion) — 13.1 15.9 19.9 24.2 31.7 38.7 44.7 49.2 56.0 66.0 Source: IMF. World Economic Outlook, 1982, pp. 156, 158, 162. 164.

Other indicators of Africa’s crisis are summarised in Table 1.8.13 Table 1.8 General indicators of Africa’s crisis Item

African average

Industrial sector as % of economy3 (1978) 23 Industrial labour force as % of active population (15-64 years, 1979) 11.4 Literacy rate (1980) 29.8 Inhabitants per physician 53,407(1960) (Sub-Saharan Africa) 21.234(1980) Scientists & engineers per 10,000 population 5.8 Scientists & engineers in R & D per 10,000 population 0.35 R & D expenditure as % of GNP 0.6

Average ICC

Latin America













40.9 99.0

3 Industrial sector is larger than manufacturing. Source: Haile Woldemikael (1981) “Issues in Social and Economic Development in Africa” (mimeo.).

define the character of backwardness on the continent. Though this is not so in all cases, there is some fundamental, causal unity stemming from underdevelopment between the economic and socio-political data of the African crisis. To start with the indicators of Africa’s social trauma, we find these to be reflected in wide and growing structural inequalities, primordiality and crime. The structural disparities are visible in inter- and intra-class inequalities, rural-urban dichotomy


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

and sectoral disparities. Though there are as yet no comprehensive and reliable data for the whole continent, it is quite clear that in most African countries the development of neocolonial capitalism has been associated with very wide and growing inequalities in power, wealth, income and social opportunities with regard to educational, health and related facilities.14 The problems here are so basic and serious that they are taken up separately in a later chapter. While the African bourgeoisie contains multimillionaires like Mobutu and the “mandarin millionaires” of Nigeria and elsewhere, the vast majority of Africans in each country languish in almost inhuman misery with open starvation, malnutrition and massive unemployment. The associated rural-urban cleavages are closely tied up with the sectoral disparities between a largely rural agricultural sector and the urbanised modern sector. These have produced Africa’s massive rural-urban migration with decaying villages and stinking, sprawling urban slums. Urban slums and massive unemployment, together with yawning inequalities, have bred a rapidly escalating wave of crimes, especially in African cities. Armed robbery has made many cities and highways extremely dangerous, especially in such countries as Nigeria. Zaire, Kenya and so on. These dens of crime are also creeping with drug abuse and prostitution, especially among young, female schoolleavers. The extent of the human decay from these crimes can only be imagined. Primordiality in the form of the colonial survival of semi-feudal, ethnic and religious relations is another major form of social trauma in Africa.15 The arbitrariness of colonial boundaries in lumping together different nationalities within and between national borders, the divide-and-rule tactic of encouraging rural reaction in the form of traditional oligarchies as local support for imperial power (as in Lugard’s “dual mandate” in Nigeria) and regionalism based on ethno-religious divisions have all planted the seeds of parochialism in Africa. Post-colonial ruling groups in Africa have manipulated and reinforced these primordialities in their often myopic and selfish bid to retain power. This has led to ethno-religious animosities, cultural irredentism and conflicts involving open civil wars as in the Congo, Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia and so on. Apartheid in Southern Africa is the worst manifestation of this social trauma. The economic disabilities and growing social divisions of Africa have resulted in widespread political instability and pervasive political repression. Perhaps the most notable examples of these are the spate of military coups and counter-coups across the continent. By 1968, barely a decade after flag independence around 1960. there were 30 major military operations with 19 successful coups.16 These have been associated with fascist police states involving large-scale murder, torture, terror and detention, as in Idi Amin’s Uganda,17 Mobutu’s Zaire, Bokassa’s Central African Republic and Nguema’s Equatorial Guinea. Then neo-fascist one-party states under neocolonial capitalism, massive curtailment of civil liberties and oppressive harassment of the press have also featured in the political repression that keeps Africa’s leaders in power for 20 or more years - even when they have no clue to their country’s deepening crisis. One gruesome consequence of Africa’s political repression, primordial conflicts and natural disasters is a massive and growing refugee problem. By July 1985, there was a total of about 5.7 million refugees on the continent, with some one million

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


political, and an estimated 4.7 million economic refugees.18 While political refugees are those fleeing from territories considered to be areas of political persecution, economic refugees are the socially marooned who have lost their means of livelihood and shelter through such natural disasters as drought, flood and the like. These refugees are spread across the entire continent in countries such as Sudan. Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda in North-East Africa; Ghana and Chad in West Africa; Zaire. Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa in South-Central Africa. With the refugee population growing at about 2.7% annually, UN sources have estimated that more than one million metric tons of food are needed to cope with the requirements of these refugees, while Africa will need a total investment of over SUS2.9 billion by 1986 to offset the refugee and food problems. These requirements are clearly beyond the current internal resources of the continent, with the implication of growing external dependence or massive disaster. Such is the eloquent testimony of Africa’s growing “mobile referendum on the march” for the crisis of underdevelopment. Finally, the cultural degradation in Africa is a critical aspect of the continental crisis. This has resulted from the cultural penetration or the cultural imperialism associated with the post-colonial survival of “colonial mentality” and the cultural aspects of the activities of multinational corporations on the continent. Both are reflected not only in the pervasive and growing use of foreign languages, dress, music (of which America’s Motown for disco is the best example) and religion but more seriously in foreign intellectual domination. The widespread retention of the colonial educational system, which has left curricula and syllabi largely unchanged since independence and basically irrelevant to Africa’s needs, is reinforced by foreign intellectual domination through foreign publishing, research funding, educational exchange programmes and so on. As ideas and theories must be the basis of any sustained social action, including policies and programmes for dealing with the African crisis, this increasing cultural penetration of the continent is one of the most dangerous threats to Africa.

Towards a theory of the African crisis According to Basil Davidson, Africa has had an “inherent crisis”, which assumed immense proportions in the last years of colonialism, and gave the wrong impression of a new crisis. The later decades of colonial rule only deepened the crisis of growth that already existed, through such processes as the population increase owing to the introduction of preventive medicine; the increasing numbers of slum-dwellers on the outskirts of cities owing to the dismantling of traditional structures, customs and beliefs, as well as institutionalised subjection within the general economic system. On account of his great influence in Africanist circles, Davidson bears quoting at length on this fundamental question. He stated: Any attentive reading of the historical evidence, it seems to me, displays a latent institutional breakdown started even before the colonial period began. Its origins, on this view, will be found in Late Iron Age structures of society and systems of


A Political Economy of the A frican Crisis production whose capacity for further expansion, or growth, was nearing its possible limit even by the early part of the nineteenth century. . . . The early systems grew and spread and diversified in a thousand cultural contrasts. But progress came from the modification of what existed rather than from any departure in system or in structure. It came, in short from growth rather than development. By the early or middle nineteenth century, however, this steady growth had begun t o break through its containing institutions. Harried here and there by external factors of disintegration, such as the inland slave trade from the Zanzibari Coast, or the consequences of the much older and much larger Atlantic slave trade, the ancient checks and balances of traditional society began to give way to royal autocracies, to vast reorganisations of power, to a general increase of interstate rivalry and warfare.19

Davidson’s account of an “inherent crisis” in Africa is a feature of any part of the international capitalist system. The scenario he paints for Africa before the mid19th century is generally applicable to most pre-capitalist societies. The “latent institutional breakdown” corresponds to periods of transition from one mode of production, or from one social formation, to another (for example, from the feudal to the petty-commodity producing mode of production in Europe); the progress through “growth rather than development” is reminiscent of the slow development of productive forces under pre-capitalist social formations; while the breaking of growth through its institutional constraints is the change in the superstructure concomitant on the transition from, say, feudalism to petty-commodity production in the last pre-capitalist epoch. In varying degrees these different phases are identifiable in the history of all industrialised countries, as economic history shows very abundantly.20 Furthermore, societies have typically transcended this inherent crisis over time through their own internal dynamics - provided their transition is not blocked by external forces. Thus, after such debacles as the autocratic monarchies, interstate warfare (of which the Franco-Prussian wars in Europe are very reminiscent), and the revolutions in Europe, the American Civil War, the Tokugawa restoration in Japan, to mention a few, these regions successfully liquidated underdevelopment; they were not underdeveloped like the Third World. Yet, Third World countries, and Africa in particular, have remained trapped in the crisis. The fundamental non-linearity of historical experiences between the industrialised and the underdeveloped countries is rooted in the critical role of imperialism and its contemporary neocolonialism. Africa suffered a triple tragedy in this respect: slavery, colonialism and the last escape from colonial subjugation into neocolonialism as elaborated below. This is why Davidson’s statement that Africa’s innate crisis “assumed tumultuous proportions in the last years of colonialism” underlines this neocolonial contradiction. The crucial significance of this dominant external constraint on Africa is that it forestalled or delayed the global diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to the continent. It is instructive in this regard that although the USA was a former British colony, she gained independence in 1776 before the critical mid-19th century when industrialisation began to spread around the world. China, which was also partly

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


colonised by Japan, needed a socialist revolution to terminate the abuses of underdevelopment, while Japan, far from being colonised, exploited colonies in parts of China and the Pacific Islands for her early industrialisation. From the 1830s, post-colonial Latin America was a veritable American neocolony, while South-East Asia and Africa remained dominated by colonialism up to the mid-20th century. It was an integral part of the logic of the colonial system to keep the colonies under primary production, technologically backward and underdeveloped. These facts demonstrate the need to develop a theory of the African crisis. First, it should be emphasised that the African crisis is neither a crisis of institutions per se nor a bourgeois business cycle. Bourgeois economic theory, whether Keynesian or neo-classical, is also useless for understanding the crisis. The Marxist theories of crisis such as the falling rate of profit, under-consumption or over-production and disproportionality do not explain the African crisis either, though the Marxist method of analysis contains the basic tools for theorising the crisis. For example, in spite of the crisis, multinational corporations have been hauling huge super-profits from the continent, so that in Nigeria, during the crisis of the 1980s, many enterprises were doubling their profits annually since 1983. The African crisis is also associated with acute shortages of many essential commodities, which is indicative of excess demand or under-production, rather than under-consumption or over-production. Only the theory of disproportionality, especially between agriculture and other sectors of the economy, is marginally relevant to the crisis. Orthodox crisis theories, both bourgeois and Marxian, are not adequate for comprehending the African crisis, and the crisis of the Third World generally, because its basic generating causes essentially postdate the elaboration of these theories, which were developed for the industrialised capitalist countries. Basically, the African crisis is a composite of underdevelopment and cyclical fluctuations. Underdevelopment in its contemporary form in Africa and the rest of the Third World is also a phenomenon of neocolonialism (or imperialism), therefore, this composite crisis of underdevelopment is also a crisis of neocolonial capitalism, or simply a crisis of neocolonialism.21 Cyclical fluctuations are merely superimposed on the underlying crisis of underdevelopment. So whether the affected countries are in cyclical boom or depression (or the milder recession), they are still trapped in the crisis of underdevelopment, represented by disarticulation, structural distortions, external dependence, low productive capacity, technological backwardness and mass squalor. Since both underdevelopment and neocolonialism are integral aspects of global capitalism, the African crisis is a derivative of the growing crisis of global capitalism. The peculiar nature that the disarticulation of the individual African countries takes with respect to the distortions of the economy, and the character of the post-colonial state, also affect the specific manifestations of the crisis.in Africa generally, and in individual African countries. It is thus not possible to explain the crisis within the closed-economy model (that is, excluding international economic relations) of the orthodox theories of crisis. The interplay of broad and inter-related internal and external factors lies at the root of the African crisis. In individual African countries the largely internal factors that generate the crisis are the structural distortions inherited from the perverse international division of


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

labour under colonialism, the resulting prostrate external dependency of the economy, unequal exchange with international capitalism, the external debt crisis, the further distortion and external drain of economic surplus by multinational corporations through foreign direct investment and loans, and the superstructure of these countries as represented by their lop-sided class structures and pliant post-colonial states. These internal class formations and the post-colonial states they control then become the ideological link between the internal and external factors in the crisis. The succeeding chapters will analyse these complex internal factors. The leading external factors in the industrialised capitalist countries that propel the African crisis are the increasing concentration and transnationalisation of power, capital and production; the new technological revolution that has been displacing many of the exports of the poor countries, and increasing foreign technological control over their economies; the rising scarcity of basic raw materials; the diversion of trade and investment from the poor countries; and changing capitalist cycles, which have been getting shorter and with weaker recovery.22 Thus the advanced capitalist countries currently control about 50% of world trade and some 85% of the main exports of the Third World. Similarly, there has been increasing privatisation of international monetary and financial relations represented by the rapid growth of the Eurodollar market. Thus, between 1970 and 1979, foreign direct investment fell from 56% to 28% of all private capital flows, while by 1979, private loans and credits that were virtually non-existent in 1970 rose steeply to 44% of these private capital flows. It is in these circumstances that the current crisis started with a sharp fall in the growth rates in the Gross National Product of these advanced capitalist countries from 3.7% in 1979 to barely 1% in 1980/81 and-0.5% in 1982. All these external developments have been aggravating the impact of the historical roots of underdevelopment in Africa. The roles of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism in Africa’s underdevelopment Any serious account of the historical origins of African underdevelopment must transcend any inherent crisis of African societies and grapple with the central roles of slavery, colonialism and contemporary neocolonialism in the context of world imperialism. The basic reason for this is that researches have clearly demonstrated that up to the 17th century (i.e., under mercantilist imperialism), Africa was not generally inferior to the rest of the world.23 Indeed, it was because Africa’s mining technology was superior to that of southern Europe that skilled African miners were taken into slavery by Europeans to operate the gold and silver mines of South America.24 But the transitional conjunctures produced by the Euro-American25 slave trade - colonialism and neocolonialism - deeply intensified and transformed any innate crisis in Africa, and thereby laid the basic structural foundation for the systematic underdevelopment of the continent as summarised by Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Under mercantilist and free trade imperialism and for about 350 years from 1451 (when the first slaves were on sale in Lisbon, Portugal) to the effective abolition of slavery after the 1833 Abolition Act,26 Africa lost between 30 and 160 million people due to depopulation caused by the slave trade. Most of these were the productively most virile members of the population.

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


Their loss constituted a drain on direct human labour and skilled miners, on the invested capital in the development of their productive power and on the physical capital structures burnt down in slave raids. The loss also included the disruption of productive activities because of the slave raids and the resultant low population density and small internal markets, which persist in many parts of Africa to this day (see Table 1.9). Table 1.9 European slave trade - exports by region 1701-1800 (totals of British, French and Portuguese slave exports) 1701-20




West Africa: Number in ’000 % of total

497.6 77.6

594.2 67.6

619.1 61.0

654.1 63.2

648.7 45.9

West, Central & Southern Africa: Number in ’000 % of total

144.0 22.4

278.5 31.7

379.3 37.4

379.3 36.7

758.9 53.7

6.3 0.7 879.0

16.2 1.6 1,014.6

0.8 0.1 1.034.2

6.5 0.4 1,414.1

Other & unknown Number in ’000 % of total Total (’000)

— —



Grand total, 1701-1800 = 4,983,000 Source: P. D. Curtin (1969) The Atlantic Slave Trade (London), p. 211.

Thus the estimated population of Africa south of the Sahara was as in Table 1.10 (in millions): Table 1.10 Africa’s estimated population in millions, 1750/1960

Variant A Variant B







135 54

124 61

124 69

124 89

180 160

207 207

Source: J. F. Monroe (1976) Africa and the International Economy, 1800-1960 (London; Dent & Sons), p. 20.

Variant A’s stagnation between 1800 and 1900 was attributed by the author to the forced migration and high mortality owing to the Euro-American slave trade; variant B’s modest growth rate of 0.25% during 1750/1850 was also due to the demographic impact of the slave trade in that era.27 Conversely, the gains of the European. American and Arab slave traders


A Political Economy of the A frican Crisis

included the enormous super-profits from the extraction of surplus from the production by African slaves of tobacco, cotton, sugar and coffee in Central. South and North America as well as the Arab West Indies (Southern Arabia and Lower Iraq). In addition, profits accrued to Britain for the manufacture of textiles and guns exported to Africa. The use-values derived by these foreign regions from the consumption of the commodities produced by slave labour (that is. the implicit saving from not having to purchase those commodities) were part of the gains as well as physical structures such as roads, bridges, canals, and so on. also constructed by slave labour. David and Alexander Barclay used their slaving loot to establish Barclays Bank (now Union Bank in Nigeria) and slave profits helped James Watt to produce his steam engine. The Great Western Railway in Britain was also built with slave profit from Bristol slave merchants, while several iron, textile and other infrastructures were built with money from slave proceeds. In these different ways, while slavery accelerated any inherent crisis of disintegration in African communities and destroyed traditional technologies by the forced export of their practitioners, it vastly retarded primitive capital accumulation by destroying existing forms of capital and inhibiting additional accumulation over centuries of human exploitation. This drastic annihilation of productive capacity through the intergenerational destruction of human and material productive forces28 operated everywhere in Africa to stultify technological development and intensify the contradictions of the initial “undevelopment”. By contrast, slave looting provided an important part of the primitive capital accumulation of North America and Europe for launching their agricultural and industrial revolutions from the mid18th century. It supplied those continents with the material precondition of the accumulation and concentration of money capital for the transition from feudal and petty-commodity producing social formations to industrial capitalism.29 As Karl Marx summarised these dialectics of slavery under mercantilist and free-trade imperialism: The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the indigenous population of that continent, the beginnings of the conquest and plunder of India, and the conversion of Africa into a preserve for the commercial hunting of blackskins. are all things which characterise the dawn of the era of capitalist production. These idyllic proceedings are the chief moments of primitive accumulation.30 Colonialism under free-trade and corporate imperialism, intensified the crisis initiated by slavery. The two phases of colonialism correspond to the “empire of outposts” from 1598 to 1763 under free-trade imperialism, and the era of formal colonialism with direct political control after 1763 under corporate or monopolistic imperialism.31 In the first phase, the strategy was based on capitalist production at home and free trade overseas. By this time, the emergence of industrial capitalism in Britain during the Industrial Revolution required free, mobile labour against the indenture of slavery, and Britain’s status as “the workshop of the world” dictated her leadership role in the anti-slavery campaign and free trade - to the point where the “Little Englanders”, or liberal free traders among the industrial bourgeoisie, advocated the dissolution of white settler colonies.32

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


But with the spread of the new industrial technology and the emergence of Germany. France and the United States as strong capitalist rivals to Britain, competition for foreign markets sharpened. Formal colonisation for lucrative monopoly markets and cheap sources of industrial raw materials and labour thus emerged. The domestic transition in the metropoles from competitive to industrial capitalism also led to the transition from free-trade imperialism to the monopolistic imperialism styled “constructive imperialism”.33 The era witnessed the scramble for Africa and her avaricious partition among the imperial powers at the Berlin Conference of 1885. This colonial system rested on a new capitalist international division of labour, based on Ricardo’s comparative advantage, in which the imperial countries specialised in manufacturing activities and the export of manufactures and capital to the colonies, which were forced to specialise in the primary production of agricultural and mineral raw materials for the colonialists’ factories. Local manufacturing in the colonies was effectively banned in order to preserve their raw materials and markets for Europe, while their traditional technology, which had been under attack since the slave era, now atrophied through the disappearance of its raw materials and local markets (taken over by Europe), and the non-absorption of the displaced indigenous craftspeople into new industries - as happened earlier in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. To facilitate the exploitation of the colonies through the extraction of both absolute surplus value and value transfer (through the consumption of use value for the reproduction of the African communities’ local labour), the political instance (i.e.. coercion) superseded the economic instance in surplus extraction.34 The colonial state became a coercive interventionist state with two dominant functions: 1) the wholesale destruction of the simple reproduction cycle of pre-capitalist social formations through peasant dispossession; and 2) the reproduction of distorted forms of pre-capitalist social relations of production under capitalist hegemony in the forms of agrarian capitalism, capitalist mining and colonial import-export trade. These were the sources of the critical disarticulation of the colonial social formation. It was based on violence and the use of force for the extraction of surplus labour; the reproduction of pre-capitalist ideological and political divisions;- the cheap administration of the colonial state through the mediation of pre-capitalist superstructures articulated to it in the mutual support of imperial authority and traditional power; and on racism as an ideological justification for the savagery of colonial exploitation. In these processes, three broad colonial zones have been identified in Africa, corresponding to “Africa of the colonial trade economy”, the zone of the “concession-owning companies” and “Africa of the labour reserves”.35 The colonial trade economy embraced traditional West Africa (Ghana. Nigeria. Sierra Leone. Gambia. Liberia. Guinea-Bissau, Togo and former French West Africa). Cameroon, Chad, Sudan and North Africa, organised largely for colonial importexport trade anchored to agrarian capitalism in the colonies. Africa of the concessionary companies consisted of the traditional Congo River basin, embracing Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon and the Central African Republic. While the ecology protected this zone from slavery, its low population density and insufficient


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

African hierarchies made the colonial trade model unviable. Industrial plantations for oil palm, rubber and so on were, therefore, established there, especially after World War I. Thus Lever Brothers was welcomed to this region by the Belgians after the company’s failure in Ghana (then Gold Coast). The region of labour reserves spanned eastern and southern Africa (Kenya, Uganda. Tanzania. Rwanda. Burundi. Malawi. Angola. Mozambique. Zimbabwe. Botswana. Lesotho. Swaziland and South Africa), and was subjected to Enclosure Acts for the supply of temporary and semi-permanent labour migrants on a vast scale for mines and farms, and later for the manufacturing industries of South Africa, Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) and Kenya. These regions clearly overlapped because the concessionary companies operated all over the continent. Labour reserves were created for colonial mining, plantation agriculture, industrial processing and public works, while the colonial trade model was established extensively in eastern and southern Africa for export crops such as tea, coffee, cotton, etc. All over the continent, the creation of the colonial proletariat involved the extensive imposition of taxation, dispossession of the peasantry and forced labour.36 One fundamental consequence of the colonial moment in African history was the capitalist penetration of the continent. This was the point Marx made about British colonialism in India, when he suggested that colonialism was both destructive and regenerative in creating a new capitalist mode of production on the ashes of the liquidated pre-capitalist modes.37 But he was mistaken about the regeneration, as the greedy logic of colonial exploitation blocked the capitalist transformation of the colonies. Rather, colonialism produced disarticulation on the ruins of pre-capitalist colonial societies, by reproducing deformed and truncated forms of these pre¬ capitalist social relations under the hegemony of colonial capital. Yet it is the transformation of these social relations of production, rather than Adam Smith’s trade or market expansion, that produces capitalism. Thus, the emergence of new social relations of production or new social classes, which intensified the exploitation of the rest of the society (dispossessed peasants and artisans) via the economic instance, produced capitalism in Europe, North America and Japan, but this did not happen in the colonies. The authoritarian colonial state imposed coercion on the political instance (rather than the economic instance) as the dominant source of exploitation, transferred the economic surplus whose reinvestment constitutes the accumulation of money, and permitted the survival of petty peasant production and its pre-capitalist social relations of production, thus subverting the basic preconditions for capitalist transformation. By imposing the systematic transfer of the economic surplus of these colonies to the metropoles through various devices (unequal import-export trade, taxation, foreign investment and theft) and directly prohibiting manufacturing in the colonies, colonialism everywhere retarded the development of productive forces, sustained technological backwardness, decapitalised the exploited societies, inhibited the flourishing of capitalist relations of production, and in these ways blocked capitalist development in the colonies. For the development of neocolonialism, colonial regimes everywhere carefully cultivated a domestic, rabidly reactionary petit-bourgeois class of comprador

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


merchants in import-export trade: traditional rulers, feudal landlords, civil and uniformed professionals and politicians. These not only provided local support for imperial authority, but more importantly constituted the nucleus of the post¬ colonial ruling group (not yet a class in the early post-colonial era). This petitbourgeois class not only constituted the leadership of the anti-colonial nationalist struggle, who compromised the objective of the struggle to mere political freedom; except where they were relatively weak, and colonialism involved settler racism, when the nationalist struggle became liberation wars leading to popular revolution, as in Algeria and the Portuguese African colonies. More seriously, this pro¬ imperialist colonial elite retained the post-colonial state as a satellite of the former colonial power by ensuring the survival and intensification of colonial-type mechanisms of domination and exploitation. Hence such neo-colonies usually achieved only flag or nominal (political) independence without achieving national economic independence. The basic strategy is the forging of symbiotic collaboration between the reactionary domestic petitbourgeoisie and the imperialist bourgeoisie for the joint, if unequal, domination and exploitation of the post-colonial state. As economic methods replace old political control in this age of multilateral imperialism since 1945, the multinational corporations in different economic sectors become the dominant agents of imperialism in the neo-colony. It then claims to be pursuing the capitalist path of development that is really only the development of underdevelopment.38 Imperialism, uneven development and the crisis On account of their central role in the crisis, it is important to deal with two issues here: 1) the nature of imperialism; and 2) the erroneous idea or myth that in the post-colonial era, imperialism has ended. First, imperialism is basically a system of domination and exploitation of one country by another, or of one group of countries by another group of countries.39 So the industrialised capitalist countries of Western Europe, North America and Japan have been maintaining imperialist relationships of foreign control and plunder over Africa and the rest of the Third World; in the past, even the USA and China were colonised. The fundamental goal of imperialism or the imperial system is to acquire economic surplus from abroad. Other objectives are to maintain political, economic, technological and cultural domination of foreign countries in order to achieve territorial expansion, foreign markets, sources of cheap raw materials, outlets for capital export and even a safety valve for surplus domestic population. The main source of imperialism is inequality among countries, as a result of differences in military might or national fire-power, technological development, level of national economic development and size. As a historical process that has been changing over the years, imperialism has been employing different methods that depend on its pressing objectives, internal contradictions and the global environment. Thus the earliest and best known method of imperialism is violence through the military conquest of weaker states. This violence was the basis of slavery and colonialism as imperialist strategies. The first and second World Wars were thus imperialist wars of division and redivision of the world. Trade has also been such a major strategy of imperialism that we talk of free-trade imperialism and the imperialism of foreign trade. In the post-colonial


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

era, and with respect to Canada (which did not experience direct colonisation), neocolonialism has also been the dominant method or form of modern imperialism. The common mechanisms of neocolonialism are foreign direct investment, loans and credits (by private foreign banks, the IMF and the World Bank), foreign “aid” (economic, technical and military), unequal trade, technology and cultural ties. Historically, imperialism has thus passed through different stages, which caused it to employ different methods. These main stages of imperialist development are mercantilist, free-trade, corporate or monopolistic, and contemporary, neocolonial or multilateral imperialism. Correspondingly, imperialism’s most profound effects on a world scale are the familiar wars and arms race, and the more pervasive but less familiar generation of unequal development. It is important to emphasise that the gap between Africa and the industrialised capitalist countries (ICCs), which started in the 47th century, is the fundamental by-product of world imperialism or the international capitalist system.40 It is this same organic system, which produced the development of the ICCs, that simultaneously generated the deepening crisis of underdevelopment in Africa. The concurrence of both development and underdevelopment on a global scale is the direct and systematic consequence of the differing effects of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism on the ICCs, which reaped the advantages of these processes, and on Africa, which paid the price and bore the losses. The basic reason for this is that throughout its history, imperialism in its different phases has been consistently addressed to the domination, plunder and exploitation of the Third World in order to advance capital accumulation in the ICCs.41 Thus, under commercial capitalism, we had mercantilist imperialism, which used slavery and so-called legitimate trade as its strategies of plunder and exploitation of Africa for the primitive accumulation of capital. With the emergence of industrial or competitive capitalism towards the end of the 18th century, imperialism changed its character to free-trade imperialism, using colonisation and unequal exchange for the exploitation of the periphery of world capitalism in the Third World. In the era of monopoly capitalism, when the giant monopolies and multinational corporations (MNCs) emerged from the 1880s, Rudolf Hilferding’s “finance capital” used the colonial vehicle for foreign exploitation by employing imperial power and MNCs’ capital. After this phase of imperialism led to the war to redivide the world among the imperial powers during 1939/45, the emergence of USA (which had had no formal colonies thus far) hegemony in world imperialism, dictated the need for multilateral imperialism. This opened up the erstwhile monopolised colonies (under the slogans of “self-determination” and “open door policy”) to global imperial exploitation, using MNCs as the main catalysts of this neocolonial strategy. Consequently, it is false to suggest, as do bourgeois scholars, that development is a process while underdevelopment is an original state — both are concurrent products of world imperialism.42 Underdeveloped countries are, therefore, not merely at a lower stage of the development of the ICCs — this historical linearity is false, because even though ICCs were ««developed in their earlier history, they were not Mrtrferdeveloped by any conscious imperialist policies of exploitation. Similarly, the bourgeois causes of underdevelopment in terms of resource scarcity, archaic

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


culture and institutions, population explosion, vicious circle of poverty, “ideal types ’ and such racist theories, are all apologetic nonsense in the service of imperialism. By implication, the “trickle down” or diffusion notion, according to which technology and development will trickle down to underdeveloped countries in the fullness of time, is a pathetic delusion — after 150 years of Latin America’s flag independence, this trickle down has not occurred in those distorted and mercilessly exploited “banana republics”. Equally false and misleading are the claims that the underdeveloped countries are dual societies with non-capitalist segments, and that, therefore, they have a possibility of independent capitalist development. The fact is, that though the peripheral societies, as predominantly neocolonial social formations, embrace a dominant capitalist mode of production and subsidiary pre-capitalist modes, these social formations as structured articulations of different modes of production, are all integrated and not distinct modes. Correspondingly, no independent capitalist development outside the orbit of the international capitalist system is possible, as the manufacturing imperialism in so-called newly industrialised countries (NICs) in South-East Asia and Latin America (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Argentina and Brazil) clearly demonstrates. For these reasons, the deepening crisis of underdevelopment in Africa cannot be understood outside the logic of world imperialism. To say this does not absolve the peoples of these countries from responsibility for their predicament. From what has been explained about neocolonialism, it is clear that the domestic petit-bourgeois classes in these countries are an integral part of the problem. It is from these perspectives that the dialectics of the nature and resolution of the African crisis derive critical imperatives. This makes it necessary to debunk the myth that in the post-colonial era, imperialism has come to an end in Africa or elsewhere. As indicated in the discussion of the stages of imperialism, what is true is that in the post-colonial era, imperialism has changed its appearance (but not its substance), and replaced direct colonialism with neocolonialism. This involves the use of indirect methods of domination and plunder of Africa and the other post-colonial regions. Foreign direct investment by multinational corporations, increasing foreign loans and credits by imperialist banks, unequal trade, monopoly of technology, so-called foreign aid and cultural ties have become the new mechanisms of foreign domination and exploitation in modern Africa and the rest of the post-colonial world. The dominant agents of post-colonial imperialism are the multinational corporations that manage the transnationalisation of monopoly capital and production: the IMF and the World Bank. They work closely with the imperialist countries to systematically transfer huge amounts of economic surplus from Africa to the metropolitan countries, decapitalise the poor countries, sustain their technological backwardness and intensify their mass poverty. This is how unequal development and the underdevelopment of Africa and the rest of the Third World are nurtured in the post-colonial era. This neocolonialism is precisely the heart of the African crisis. Besides its changed methods, another difference between imperialism in the post-colonial and earlier periods is the role of dominant local classes in the Third


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

World. Before the post-independence era, imperialism was basically imposed unilaterally from abroad, whereas in the post-colonial era, imperialism involves the symbiotic collusion or collaboration of the local petit-bourgeoisie (which controls the post-colonial state) with the imperialists. The gains from the domination and plunder of the post-colonial countries are then shared (unequally of course) between the imperialist bourgeoisie and the local petit-bourgeoisie. It is because of this mutual advantage that the domestic bureaucratic bourgeoisie in Africa and the rest of the Third World assist in formulating and implementing neocolonial policies that intensify the underdevelopment and crises of their countries.43 Hence, the African crisis has both foreign and local agents that must be combated.

Notes 1. Adebayo Adedeji (1981), parentheses mine. 2. Basil Davidson (1974). 3. Ibid., p. 6. 4. See F. Robson and D. Lury (eds.) (1969). 5. Ibid., pp. 112-3. 6. These least developed countries in Africa are: Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Chad, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Comoros, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and Upper Volta; others in Asia and Oceania are Afghanistan. Bhutan, Laos. Maldives, Nepal, Sikkim. Western Samoa and Yemen; in Latin America, Haiti. 7. See World Bank, World Development Report, 1982. 8. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Statistics Division, Addis Ababa. 9. UNIDO, Africa Development, vol. VII, no. 1/2, 1982. 10. IMF, World Economic Outlook, 1980. 11. Ibid. 12. These net exports are exports less imports. 13. See World Bank, World Development Report, 1980; and F. Stewart (1977) p. 120. 14. See, for example, J. F. Rweyemamu (1980). 15. For the colonial origin of primordiality, see R. Zahara (1974). 16. W. F. Gutheridge (1976). 17. See M. Mamdani (1983). 18. For data on Africa’s refugee problems, see the UN Commission for Refugees publications and New Nigerian, 28 April 1983, p. 5. 19. B. Davidson (1974), pp. 15-16; emphasis mine. 20. On this issue, see the economic history of Europe in M. M. Knight et al (1928). 21. This crisis of neocolonial capitalism is reported in detail in B. Onimode (1987). 22. See Fidel Castro (1983), chs. 1 and 2. 23. See S. Amin (1981) in D. L. Cohen and J. Daniel (eds.) ch. 2. 24. Mai Palmberg (ed.) (1983) p. 7. 25. The so-called triangular trade” or “Atlantic slave trade” was really a

The Crisis of Underdevelopment in Africa


Euro-American slave trade because the demand, the actual transactions in humans and the surplus appropriation from it involved both Europeans and Americans with their African middlemen, who were merchants, traditional nobility and chiefs. 26. The 1833 Act that abolished slavery in British colonies exempted India, Ceylon and St. Helena, and did not cover such slaving non-British colonies as Zanzibar, Mozambique and Angola — and, of course, the Act took years to enforce even in British colonies. 27. On account of the impossibility of estimating the total population losses from those killed in slave raids, those captured into slavery and those who died from post-slave-raid famines, and the cumulative growth effect of these losses over the years, Africa’s demographic loss from slavery is incalculable. 28. See also J. D. Durand (1967) in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 11, 138. 29. Eric Williams (1972). 30. Karl Marx (1977) Capital vol. I, ch. 31. 31. See D. Nabudere (1981) vol. I, ch. 1. 32. See Jeremy Bentham (1793). 33. See A. Temu and B. Swai (1981), ch. 2. 34. See L. Althusser (1969). 35. S. Amin (1981) pp. 28-9 and 38-42. 36. See T. Nzula et al. (1979). 37. K. Marx and F. Engels (1978) On Colonialism. 38. See A. G. Frank (1970). 39. Dan Nabudere (1978). 40. S. Amin (1974). 41. See Dan Nabudere (1978). 42. On these distortions of underdevelopment, see A. G. Frank (1970) chs. 2-7. 43. This is the theme of A. G. Frank (1972).


Bourgeois Social Science and the African Crisis

In a continent-wide tragedy of the magnitude of the African crisis, which affects major aspects of the economy, state and society, it is only logical to look into the role played by the sciences of society. Without even a priori presumptions, it is imperative to examine the possible connections between the crisis and the predominant social sciences in Africa, as indeed in the Third World generally. Specifically, we should investigate the role of social sciences in generating, preventing, ameliorating or sustaining the crisis; in explaining the structural character of the crisis; and, therefore, in proposing remedies for eliminating or containing the disaster at present and in the future.

Bourgeois social science: its contribution to the African crisis The predominant social sciences in Africa were imposed initially under colonialism and imported subsequently under post-colonial neocolonialism as the intellectual core of the cultural offensive of imperialism against Africa and the rest of the Third World. This common historical and contemporary origin of the social sciences in Africa from the capitalist and imperialist countries of Western Europe and North America is what constitutes these imported disciplines as bourgeois and imperialist. To balance the perception of their role in the African crisis, it is perhaps best to start with the perspective of their practitioners and defenders on the continent: the African petit-bourgeois social scientists.1 Most African social scientists recognise the unsatisfactory state of their disciplines in failing to cope with the crisis, but there are some recalcitrants among these petit-bourgeois scholars who feel differently. They are surprised by any suggestion that their disciplines have failed, or that they have any connection with the tragedy. From their own point of view, social sciences have done very well in terms of quantitative criteria, such as increasing the number of professionals, student enrolment, and expansion of institutions, publications, etc. And, they would ask, is knowledge not to be pursued for its own sake as an objective, positive and neutral affair? But their position is trivial and unacceptable. The majority of African social scientists who are disturbed by the role of their disciplines in African societies insist that their paradigms are relevant, and that with the exception of specific aberrations, their theories and policies are correct. What is

Bourgeois Social Science and the African Crisis


wrong, they argue, is the poor implementation of their blueprints and recommendations by incorrigible politicians and technocrats.2 Thus, in bourgeois economics, while accepting the neoclassical and Keynesian paradigms as valid for Africa, or seeking a revival of bourgeois classical political economy, these social scientists quibble about the theory of income distribution and inequality, planning models and similar defects in their discipline. In bourgeois political science, the perceived defects are the absence of modernising elites, of the correct type of government, the number of political parties, pluralism and the like, while sociologists tinker with mobility theory and role specificity, leaving psychologists to tackle need-achievement motivation, aggressive individualism and so on. In spite of these aberrations, most African social scientists insist that the basic problem with the performance of their disciplines lies with wayward and ineffective policy makers and policy executors. In one Nigerian version of this selfcongratulatory rhetoric, some economists claim that the problem with the Nigerian economy is that government has not allowed sufficient capitalism.3 Other social scientists claim that they are ineffective because government functionaries routinely ignore their research findings and distort the implementation of their policy prescriptions. Without denying the veracity of these allegations, we must insist, however, that at best they are symptoms rather than the real causes of bourgeois social science’s failure in Africa. Yes, Africa has more than her share of theatrical clowns, state gangsters and incompetent politicians and technocrats as the Idi Amins, Bokassas. Mobutus and others demonstrate. But there is more to it than that, for several reasons. For example, 1) even when such petit-bourgeois African social scientists as professors and doctors serve in government at cabinet level and as professional advisers, they are often failures, or at least set no consistent examples of competence, vision and integrity; 2) in spite of policy-makers’ alleged incorrigibility, these social scientists continue to hob-nob with them, neither resigning their advisory and other positions, nor publicly criticising them. Governments also tend to recruit the more reactionary elements among social scientists; and 3) as for the quality of bourgeois research findings and policies, it is on record that even those that are faithfully implemented, such as export promotion, import-substitution industrialisation, foreign aid and investment, Green Revolution and agricultural modernisation (new seed varieties, fertilisers and mechanisation), tax reforms, etc. have resulted in such disasters as starvation, massive unemployment, pernicious inflation, balance-of-payments crises and rising external debts under the rhetoric of “under-borrowing”, as in Nigeria during 1982/83. Policy-makers correctly ignore many of the theories and policies of bourgeois social science in Africa because past and comparative experiences show them to be quite useless. The claim by petit-bourgeois African social scientists that their theories and policies are disregarded or distorted by government presupposes that these bourgeois principles are socially relevant to start with. That this claim is false, and that the paradigms, theories and policy prescriptions of bourgeois social science in Africa are basically socially irrelevant to the African and Third World situation, is the crux of the matter.


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

The major defects of bourgeois social science The deepening character of the African crisis, widening global inequality, growing alienation of the elite from the masses, political instability and massive social trauma, all reflect, in part, the professional failure and futility of bourgeois social science in Africa. The major defects of this imported discipline are fivefold. One: the paradigms or conceptions of reality are fundamentally incongruous with observable reality.4 In the different forms of neoclassicism and Keynesianism in bourgeois economics, Lockean empiricism and the cultural secularisation of the theory of political development, Parsonian functionalism in sociology, Freudian psychology and the “continuity and change” of Africanist historiography, bourgeois social sciences posit false pictures of the real world. The common elements of this false conception of reality consist in the search for equilibrium in a basically disequilibrious world; for harmony of interests and cooperation rather than observed pervasive conflicts; the insistence on gradual change (Alfred Marshall’s economics insisted that natura non facit saltum. that is, nature makes no leaps, whereas we observe natura facit salta, that is, nature makes leaps, for example, in revolutions);5 and the demand for universalism in a divided world. Together with their common origin in British empiricist philosophy and its piecemeal approach to social phenomena,6 the false premises of these paradigms predicate the social irrelevance of bourgeois social science. Two: bourgeois social science is basically imperialistic, ideological, and apologetic on behalf of capitalism; and, as an integral part of bourgeois ideology, it has been imported into the Third World, including Africa, as the intellectual handmaiden of imperialism. This explains why the value premises of this social science emphasise private property, the competitive liberalism of free market forces of supply and demand, aggressive individualism and escapist commitment to the social values of capitalism in the name of scientific universalism. Thus neoclassical economics portrays social Darwinism. In this ideology, wealth accumulation is considered as a de facto proof of evolutionary superiority, and poverty is evidence of evolutionary inferiority. “Competition in economics is the same as the law of. . . ‘natural selection’ in nature. Thus placing reliance upon neoclassical economic theory is a matter offaith. I personally have the faith; but at present the best I can do to convince others is to invoke the weight of Samuelson’s authority . . .”7 Unfortunately, Samuelson, other neoclassical and bourgeois economists have no answer to the American and global capitalist crises, and their authority has been seriously questioned. As an integral part of the status quo, bourgeois social science is necessarily an apologetic ideology, largely because its modern theories have been elaborated in deliberate defence of the property relations of industrial capitalism since the 1840s. Thus, neoclassical economics was fashioned in the 1870s by William Stanley Jevons, Wilfred Pareto, Leon Walras and others as an ideological alternative to classical political economy and its labour theory of value, which was accused of asking too many questions and becoming a danger to private property.8 The new neoclassical economics has since been made increasingly narrow, more mathe¬ matical, trivial and abstract in order to conceal the property relations and irrationality of capitalism. The other social sciences have been growing more

Bourgeois Social Science and the African Crisis


mathematical for similar reasons. For example, the marginal productivity theory of distribution in neoclassical economics explains away inequality in terms of differences in the technical marginal contributions to social wealth by different individuals. So poverty and unemployment are due to inadequate competition or evolutionary inferiority. Three: for these ideological reasons, bourgeois social science poses false problems and proffers bogus, pro-imperialist solutions, especially in the Third World; The Journal of Economic Theory offers classic examples of these. Other common examples of these false problems are the advocacy of sophisticated and automated technology, optimal growth and much of the rest of mathematical economics, general equilibrium analysis, game-theoretic and consensus politics, social mobility, need-achievement analysis (so-called n-achievement motivation in psychology which is even analysed through dreams), and so on. As false problems beget false solutions, these bogus preoccupations divert serious attention from genuine and urgent problems and constitute an epistemological barrier against the rational understanding of the African world. Four: for these reaons. bourgeois social science also foists an irrelevant capitalist model of development and growth strategies on Africa and the rest of the Third World. The basic orientation is to attempt to reproduce, in these poor countries, the decaying societies of Western Europe and North America through the capitalist path of development. This is a logical consequence of the false universalism and unilinear conception of history claimed for the imported social sciences, and the reason why these abstract and mathematical models of growth fail disastrously to cope with the legitimate aspirations of the majority of the population of these poor Third World countries. The egregious example here is the import-substitution industrialisation strategy imposed on these countries, which rests basically on import-intensive industries based on inappropriate foreign technology to meet the perverted foreign consumption habits imported by imperialism. Finally, the Third World’s hapless dependence on bourgeois social science is the collective consequence of the persistence of colonial mentality in scientific endeavours, and foreign intellectual domination in teaching and research with respect to curricula, publication and academic funding which underscore this external intellectual dependence. It leads to teaching and researching according to the preferences of imperialist mentors, rather than according to the social requirements of African and other poor societies. This is an additional source of the praxiological failure of bourgeois social science in Africa.

Social science as an apologetic ideology Both the ideological and apologetic characteristics of bourgeois social science are interrelated in one critical sense: its apologetic aspect is necessary in order to rationalise its capitalist-imperialist ideology and whitewash its irrationalities and perverse functioning. As it has been observed, the insistence on equilibrium, harmony and gradualism “was dictated not by the scientific requirement of fidelity to reality, but by the bourgeois need to prettify and justify a system which was [is]


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

anything but harmonious, equilibrated and gradualistic”.9 Bourgeois social science is ideological both in scope as “symbolic universes” or comprehensive world-views of specific rationalisations of broad political programmes and social arrangements, and in function in the Marxist interest theory as false consciousness that distorts the picture of social reality and serves dominant class interests, thus leading to three basic features of its ideological character:10 1) it promotes such capitalist values as materialism, individualism, acquisitive aggression, and so on; fosters capitalist institutions such as market exchange and private property, and promotes capitalist development; 2) it promotes the class domination or dictatorship of the African and Third World petit-bourgeoisie, and provides intellectual justification for their perverse activities, thus fostering the social acceptance of their class oppression; and. 3) by these means, bourgeois social science fails scientific tests of validity through fidelity to reality and the canon of social usefulness. The philosophical origin, historical development and theoretical preoccupations of bourgeois social science demonstrate its ideological character. Historically, it evolved from philosophy (ancient religion, metaphysics, Aristotle’s writings, etc.), which in Western Europe was dominated initially by the philosophy of the enlightenment and British empiricism;11 this empiricist philosophy is the philosophical origin of bourgeois ideology. It is the source of the sharp distinction between the empiricist tradition in bourgeois thought and, for example, the Marxian materialist tradition. The historical development of bourgeois social science should be analysed from the perspective of the sociology of knowledge and its social construction of reality.12 The two relevant points here are that the development of ideas and theories typically reflects the material development of society, and that people’s particular thought reflects their status and role in the social organisation of production. Thus, the transformation from feudalism to capitalism, which started with the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and the emergence of the new industrial property class under industrial capitalism, was also associated with the bourgeois transformation of the social sciences. In political science, the divine right of kings was challenged by the democratic principles of popular sovereignty, universal franchise and electoral government. In economics - the so-called science of wealth - the bourgeois reorientation was more obvious and thorough. Classical political economy and its robust labour theory of value encouraged socialist criticism of the then emerging capitalist order of the mid-19th century; the machine-smashing riots of the Luddite movement which ended in 1813 were also attributed to the same labour theory of value. These anti-property revolts led to deliberate attempts to shift the focus of economic enquiry to a safer and pro-capitalist plane. This led to the replacement of classical political economy and its labour theory of value by marginalist neoclassical economics with its metaphysical utility theory of value.13 Bourgeois economics has since concealed capitalist social relations of production behind the technical sophistry of production functions; class conflicts were replaced by the alleged co-operation of factors of production in input-output conceptions of the business and of production functions. Exploitative property incomes were then mystified as the technical properties of things, as the marginal products of

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productive factors, corresponding to the rewards for their alleged sacrifices. Weberian sociology then rationalised the bureaucratic principle for the new capitalist organisations, with psychology chipping in with achievement motivation, industrial and social psychology. In these ways, the emergence of capitalism also witnessed the transformation of the social sciences into the intellectual ideology of corporate capitalism and imperialism. The major intellectual preoccupations of bourgeois social science also demonstrate its corporate ideological character.14 For example, its treatment of revolution shows that “the drift of much bourgeois social theory is to undermine the idea that men [people] can ever transform society - its function is to induce a morbid paralysis of social will”.15 Bourgeois social science understands revolutions only when they fail, and since it claims that revolutions change very little, they are to be averted, for example, by courses in counter-insurgency and the attempted suppression of revolutionary potentiality by applying the concept to common social phenomena, as with “green revolution”, technological revolution and so on. Similarly, to distort the differences between capitalist and socialist industrialisa¬ tion strategies, bourgeois social theory links industrial society with technological determinism, as in J. K. Galbraith’s New Industrial State. The technological determinism here is the suggestion that the industrial nature of technology dominates social organisation as a whole. By deducing social organisation from industrial technology, as with the nuclear family, bureaucratic organisation and the like as in Talcott Parsons’ “evolutionary universals” (bureaucracy, money market, etc.), imperialist social science trivialises the major differences between capitalist and socialist societies, and magnifies the minor similarities (money, bureaucracy, etc.). The ideological objective is to portray capitalism as devoid of contradictions and, therefore, ultimate. This falsely suggests that only by abandoning modern technology can capitalist social relations of production be rejected and transcended. The treatment of bureaucracy in bourgeois social theory deriving from Max Weber also has ideological and fatalistic overtones as an institutionalisation of the imperatives of capitalist society and its consequent alienations. This theory suggests that the style of work in the bureaucratic enterprise or firm will generalise itself inevitably through society in all institutions. Yet, the formal abstract efficiency of bureaucracy serves only the powers that be - its formal rationality thus depends on the rationality of the capitalist system of which it is part. Charisma is another ideological factor in bourgeois social science. Here, Weber identified social creativity and innovation with the irrational, and subsumed it under charisma. This denies such rational factors as the dynamics of social forces, potency of ideas, imaginative programmes that propel leaders and movements. As charisma is derived from the medieval doctrine of essences, this means that unless societies are accidentally endowed with charismatic leaders, it is futile trying to transform them through social programmes - a classic celebration of inertia and the impossibility of planned social change. The apologetic use of capitalist social science as ideology, on the other hand, consists of two elements. On a more visible plane, this apologetic theorising involves the rationalisation of the malfunctioning of capitalism and the posing of


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

false and diversionary problems in an attempt to dodge- awkward social issues including the use of euphemisms to deny the social realities which they obscure. Thus, instead of exploitation, one bourgeois social scientist prefers “reciprocity imbalance”; instead of dominant and antagonistic social classes, we hear of elite groups; rather than class analysis, we have social stratification and mobility; and underdeveloped countries become developing countries. In place of an analysis of sharp class conflicts, we read of consensus politics; and the growing polarisation between rich and poor countries is camouflaged as “partners in progress” (between exploiting and exploited countries!). Bourgeois economics rationalises poverty and widening income inequalities as differences in the marginal products of factors of production and as imperfect competition. The idea is to suggest that these fundamental capitalist irrationalities are temporary aberrations which time will correct, and that there is nothing basically wrong with the economic system that generates them. The growing mathematical sophistry of bourgeois social science, especially neoclassical and Keynesian economics, has been designed for this apologetic use, to provide such facile rationalisations and obscure the structural problems of capitalism. The apologetic use of imperialist social science also involves its preoccupation with appearances rather than reality. These appearances of bourgeois society are taken for granted and the relations between them become the subject of study. Thus, bourgeois economics is predicated on the appearances of exchange, so it studies markets, wages, profits, interest rate and general commodity fetishism. In the process, the relations of production, distribution and exchange are stripped of their social significance. The fundamentally antagonistic character of the capitallabour relation in capitalist production is also reduced to the appearances of wages and labour-market competition. Similarly, vulgar economy, as Marx disdainfully called bourgeois economics, is trapped into the atomisation of the economy by Adam Smith, so it analyses the economy in terms of the behaviour of individual economic agents. Society is then analysed by bourgeois social theory in terms of individuals, rather than vice versa. The idea, of course, is to abstract from the social relations and class positions of individuals since, as Marx stated, individuals are merely the bearers of definite social relations. In its method of analysis, this apologetic social theory uses the “axiomatic deductive method” for establishing its claim to consistency. But the unilinear causation implied by this method cannot deal with the dilemmas posed by the appearances of atomisation and social categories. The successive approximation for building more and more realistic models by this social theory also implies that facts can be constructed atheoretically, or that theories can be tested by a knowledge of the real world separate from theory. In these different ways, the most important assumptions of bourgeois social science are metaphysical, like utility maximization, perfect competition, future certainty, and so on; this is to prettify the irrational and perverse reality of bourgeois society. In order to deal with the inevitable crises of this asocial theorising, much of the bourgeois social sciences have been reduced to practical disciplines for managing the contradictions of capitalism. The egregious example of this is in economics where the managerial revolution has sprouted practical fields

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such as management science - which is anything but scientific, as it lacks any grand vision of society- business administration, accounting, operations research, and so on. All ofthem are poised towards intervention or non-intervention in the allegedly free market capitalism, and for social engineering at micro and macro levels. This is not to deny the practical usefulness of these disciplines, but to underline their ideological role under capitalism. They are built around capitalist categories like the primacy of money, profit, market, competition, etc. In socialist countries, these practical disciplines are not used in this way. A more subtle, apologetic use of bourgeois social theory is in treating social phenomena as equalities in quantitative models, and giving apologetic interpreta¬ tions to the technical properties of things in such models. Thus, in general equilibrium theory, the capitalist economy is stylised as attaining equilibrium or full employment in which, the postponement of consumption is described as a sacrifice to be measured by the relevant subjective rate of time preference, the receipt of extra commodities is described as a reward to be measured by the relevant rate of interest, and finally, marginal products are described as the marginal contribution to production of capital in the particular form it happens to take.16 In these ways, neoclassical theory . . . [and bourgeois social theory generally] represents the capitalist world as a Kibbutz [Israeli cooperative] operated in a perfectly enlightened manner to maximize the welfare of all its members.17 Women in development is also the latest element in this ideology of imperialist

social science. Here, the urgent need for women’s liberation from centuries of mindless oppression under patriarchy and capitalism is not disputed, as it is already an integral component of the struggles of all progressive humanity. What has to be exposed and combated is the imperialist attempt to: 1) make it a separate ideology of development in opposition to the anti¬ imperialist ideology in the Third World; 2) de-class the women’s question so that women have only gender and no class; 3) separate the women’s question from the general problems of oppression and exploitation in society. Having failed to provide a consistent theory of underdevelopment and to formulate effective development policies, imperialist social science has been trying to find a refuge under the rubric of women in development. The progressive women’s struggle is thus being converted into a reactionary ideology for getting women to endorse the discredited capitalist path of development. So the question must be constantly posed: women in which kind of development? The answer of bourgeois social science is women in capitalist development, and this should be rejected, as capitalism is one of the strongest bastions of women’s oppression and exploitation.


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

Ideology and curricula If the bourgeois social sciences are ideological, the curricula for teaching these disciplines must be equally ideological.18 This arises from the nature of ideological relations and the social character of educational institutions. Ideological relations exist as a precondition for the formation of individual consciousness. These ideological relations are embodied in specific ideological institutions such as the factory, market mechanism, legal system and educational institution. This is why ideological struggle is waged on two levels - 1) the ideological relations themselves, as in the struggle for freedom of education and speech, and 2) the control of ideological institutions through which ideological relations materialise as ideologies.19 Educational institutions as ideological structures are unique combinations of elite and popular culture, and critical mechanisms for the social distribution of culture. This leads to the problem of determining the “reality” which schools select, preserve and distribute - why certain social and cultural meanings and not others are distributed through schools. This is connected with the relation between the (ideological) economic structure and school knowledge or curriculum. This relationship implies that the culture (ideas and values) preserved and distributed by educational institutions is not neutral. Educational institutions serve the dominant social classes very well and the less privileged classes less well. This is why Marx stated that the class that owns and controls the means of material production also dominates the mechanisms of mental production. Hence, there is an organic link between control and the meaning or content of curricula in educational institutions. For the same reason, there is a relation between high status and knowledge on the one hand and their economic and cultural effects in society on the other. In respect of bourgeois social science in Africa, this means that we have to pay close attention to schools and their curricula as critical mechanisms of economic and cultural reproduction. This is both with respect to the credentials conferred by and the socialising functions of educational institutions by which societies stabilise themselves. In the African context, the colonial and missionary origins of educational institutions and their curricula were structured after imperialist public schools in Britain and elsewhere abroad; the persistent failure to decolonise them must imply the operation of educational systems whose curricula are loaded with ideological preoccupations for preserving imperialist Western Europe and North America, rather than for stabilising Africa and the Third World in general. Furthermore, as these educational systems expand and Africa totters in crises, the imperialist countries develop faster from the continuing exploitation of the Third World. All this bears on the relationship between hegemony and the “hidden curriculum . Hegemony, in the context of educational institutions, corresponds to ideological stability or the control and maintenance of particular forms of ideology. Correspondingly, while curricula knowledge relates to “legitimate culture” or the stuff taught, “hidden curriculum” concerns the social relations of classroom life with respect to such issues as obedience, the negative conception of topics like

Bourgeois Social Science and the African Crisis


conflict, exploitation, social justice, and so on, and the neglect of the study of such topics. The hidden curriculum of bourgeois social science in Africa reinforces the ideological hegemony of its oppressors and their capitalist-imperialist system. This ideological role of curricula is essential for the reproduction of bourgeois social science in Africa as discussed below. All this underlines the urgent need for the radical overhauling of educational curricula at all levels of schooling in Africa.

Imperialism and the imported social science The imperialist character of the dominant bourgeois social science in the Third World will be analysed here with respect to its ideological orientation, historical development, contemporary preoccupations and collective consequences. It is important to note that if bourgeois social science is an integral part of bourgeois ideology, this bourgeois ideology is the ideology or world-view of international capitalism or imperialism. By serving the interests of capitalism, even in the Third World and African periphery, bourgeois social science is equally serving the interest of imperialism, because both the imported imperialist bourgeoisie and its petitbourgeois collaborators in the Third World are allies of world capitalism or imperialism. The consolidation of the dictatorship of these bourgeois classes world¬ wide is one of the major preoccupations of bourgeois social science. Historically also, bourgeois social science was initially imported into Africa and the rest of the Third World as the core of the cultural offensive of imperialism in its colonial phase. The subsequent reproduction of this reactionary social science in the capitalist periphery has been an integral part of the neocolonial mechanisms of imperialism in its contemporary multilateral phase. Thus colonial educational institutions, including university colleges (as in the former British colonies) and universities in other former colonies, were developed by imperialist missionaries and colonial administrations. By designing peripheral educational institutions along metropolitan models both the colonial church and state introduced imperialist social science into the Third World countries; the peripheral and metropolitan curricula, books and even teachers were (and largely still are) the same, or drawn from the same imperialist sources; the values, institutions and development model promoted in these imperialist schools in Africa and elsewhere in the periphery were (and still are) basically the same; the colonial schools also aimed to cultivate dominant classes to provide local support for imperialism.20 As the persistence of colonial mentality in modes of thought clearly demonstrates, the imperialist character of education and social science in the periphery has changed very little in the post-colonial era. The mystification of underdevelopment The imperialist preoccupation of the contents of the imported social science in the Third World has been well documented by A. G. Frank, Samir Amin, Claude Ake and others.21 The vast literature on bourgeois development economics, sociology of development and political development has been intensively scorched for their basic commitment to the promotion of imperialist values, by insisting that capitalist


A Political Economy of the African Crisis

development is the only model of development for the Third World in a vain proclamation of “the end of ideology”, attempting to reproduce decadent W estern society in the periphery and generally mystifying the tragic reality of these regions in the service of imperialism. Thus orthodox economics propagates a false harmony of interests between the imperialist and Third World countries through slogans like “partners in progress”, mutually advantageous trade through comparative advantage, “aid”, technology transfer, and so on. Bourgeois development economics mystifies underdevelopment as lack of economic growth in its GDP number-game or growthmanship, preaches a false “vicious circle” theory of underdevelopment - “a country is poor because it is poor” - and incarnates interminable missing factors of development, such as capital, management, skilled labour, technology, etc., as if their presence (or absence) is fortuitous and ahistorical. The reformist solutions for underdevelopment such as importsubstitution, export promotion, tax reform, and so on, from the technical nostrums of bourgeois economics have been a fiasco. Their eclectic GDP planning, rooted in discredited Keynesian economics, has succeeded only too well in fostering neocolonial dependence, promoting kleptocratic accumulation by a predatory minority, exacerbating mass squalor and intensifying food crises and structural inequalities. For its part, the bourgeois sociology of development has formulated the “ideal type” index approach to development.22 This approach consists of first, defining the alleged features of underdeveloped countries, such as role diffusion, ascriptive status, particularism and collectivism. For successful development, these characteristics are supposed to be replaced with the corresponding ideal indices of Western society, which are said to be role specificity, achieved status, universalism and individualism. The so-called theory of political development in its eclectic imitation of neoclassical economics conceives of development falsely as a technical input-output process with the objective of maximising such nebulous variables as structural differentiation, cultural secularisation, formal equality (of the market place as opposed to concrete social equality), and Weberian bureaucracy.23 Bourgeois psychology then posits inertia, lack of foresight, low need-achievement motivation and similar banalities as the causes of underdevelopment.24 Apart from the racist character of some of these prescriptions on underdevelopment, they are all united in mystifying and distorting its historical and social nature by denying its fundamentally imperialist root cause and imposing a false unilinear conception of history, according to which all societies must traverse the Western Rostovian stages of development.25 The collective consequences of this imperialist social science throughout the Third World are basically twofold. One is the entrenchment of capitalist values and development models in these regions in a futile attempt to reproduce Western capitalist economy and society there. Fanon’s “mimic intellectuals” of these countries and their frenetic reproduction of this reactionary and imperialist social science is, perhaps, the most visible symbol of this morbid attempt to replicate decadent Western development in these poor countries. One fundamental flaw in the intellectual nostalgia of imperialist social science for reproducing Western development in the Third World is its refusal to recommend the adoption by

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underdeveloped countries of the Western model of capital accumulation by expropriation - because capitalist accumulation in Western Europe, North America and Japan was achieved through inhuman slavery, the exploitation of American plantations and mines, the sale of opium to China and the expropriation of the grazing lands of American Indians (and their genocidal annihilation) and of the common lands of the European peasantry in the violently imposed enclosure movement.26 The other more tragic consequence of imperialist social science is the unmitigated disaster so eloquently manifested in the deepening crisis of underdevelopment in Africa and elsewhere in the periphery of world capitalism. Far from being epiphenomenal to this crisis, bourgeois social science is fundamental to the legitimation of the capitalist class dictatorship that nurtured and sustains this mass poverty, and to the bankrupt theories and policies that generate and rationalise it for social acceptance by the pauperised majority in the poor countries.

The reproduction of imperialist social science in Africa The mechanisms of reproduction and the criteria of irrelevance of imperialist social science in Africa and throughout the Third World, which the foregoing analysis has implied, must be discussed explicitly. This is important for the elaboration of appropriate strategies for intellectual liberation in Africa. In this regard, though the uncritical reproduction of imperialist social science is familiarly a function of teaching and research, it is in fact possible to identify several other mechanisms involved. They include the control of educational institutions, curriculum development, publication, funding and educational exchange programmes, all of which determine the character of teaching and research.27 The significance of control over resource allocation and decision-making in educational institutions for the puerile reproduction of bourgeois social science in the periphery is bound up with the basic issue of dominant petit-bourgeois class control of the state in these countries, and the fact that educational institutions, as critical ideological institutions bearing ideological relations, are major arenas of class struggle in bourgeois society. This explains why Africa’s educational institutions, especially at tertiary and university levels, have their boards of governors or councils dominated by appointed (rather than popularly elected) petit-bourgeois representatives of the dominant classes, drawn from such conservative strata of society as the feudal traditional elite of chiefs, comprador chambers of commerce, pro-imperialist bar associations, capitalist-oriented bureaucrats and conservative professionals. These are precisely imperialism’s local allies in the Third World whose predatory class interests are so well served by the predominant imperialist social science in these countries. For the same reasons, these pro-imperialist elements provide the political and ideological support for petit-bourgeois social science academics as professors, vicechancellors or presidents, provosts, deans, departmental heads or chairmen, directors and lecturers, to devise reactionary curricula for their educational and research establishments. As direct products of colonial and metropolitan


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educational institutions, these scholars invoke an asocial and obtuse universalism of knowledge, international standards and even “knowledge for its own sake’ to replicate imperialist curricula in Africa with various reactionary and socially irrelevant courses and programmes. In the process, the pressing problems of their societies receive scant attention, and even perverted treatment. The imperialist intellectual domination of the Third World is then forcibly demonstrated with the foreign publishing of textbooks and research findings. In virtually all disciplines, in peripheral educational institutions, especially in Africa, major textbooks are written by imperialist scholars (with few by their local proteges) and mostly published by such imperialist publishing houses as Praeger, McGraw Hill, John Wiley, Addison-Wesley, Prentice-Hall, Macmillan, Longman, Oxford University Press (now University Press Ltd., UPL, in Nigeria), etc.28 Research findings by Third World scholars are also usually sent for publication in such journals as World Politics, Economic Development and Cultural Change (EDCC), etc. some of which have notorious records of imperialist patronage.29 The basic problem with publishing in the imperialist press is that apart from subordinating Third World scholars, it imposes an overt or covert capitalist ideological standard on the writings and research of peripheral scholars. The imperialist funding of social science teaching, research and staff development in the Third World also imposes the same ideological and imperialist orientation and surveillance on peripheral social science scholarship. The issue here is more obvious: “who pays the piper, calls the tune”. This is how the valuable energies of Third World scholars are diverted into the pursuit of false problems, the mystifications of the realities of their countries, and the whims and caprices of imperialist foundations and other research grant donors. True enough, the recipient institutions and scholars should be able to define their own academic priorities, but the problems are that some of the foreign grants are like project-tied “aid” (in reality subsidies for the donor country’s exports), while the pro¬ imperialist orientation of peripheral social scientists ensures that their most irrelevant and obscurantist projects may be funded from abroad in this symbiotic relationship between comprador scholars and imperialist donors. This is how the system of imperialist intermediary in the larger neocolonial economy and society is reproduced in the intellectual sphere. Educational exchange programmes involving students and scholars of Third World educational and research institutions and their imperialist counterparts, and the foreign training of academic staff also encourage the reproduction of imperialist and irrelevant social science in a more obvious way. But the major problems of both sets of countries differ, and the preoccupations of their academic institutions and personnel should also differ. So, in unequal exchange and collaborative programmes between institutions in peripheral and metropolitan countries, it is most likely that the teaching and research agenda as well as the ideological orientation of the imperialist countries will be imposed, directly or indirectly, on the dominated countries. Any sharing of costs (for travel, equipment, etc.) in such programmes may even mean that the meagre resources of the poor countries are being diverted, not only from their myriad pressing problems, but to promote the academic interests of the imperialist countries. Even the exposure to advanced

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research methods and equipment by Third World scholars under such arrangements may not be of the best advantage in terms of the priorities of the poor countries - because such advanced equipment and methods are neither available nor usable in poor countries, and where they are, the problems which they address are not Third World priorities. The training of social science academic staff abroad should be more selective, with closer monitoring of research programmes. In these different ways, the contents of social science teaching and research in the Third World tend uncritically to reproduce imperialist social science. By being preoccupied with the same paradigms, such as neoclassical and Keynesian economics, the Weberian theory of the state, consensus politics, Parsonian functionalism and Freudian psyschology, peripheral social science produces graduates and academics with the same ideological and imperialist orientations as their imperialist mentors. These then perpetuate the same false problems, mystifications and obscurantism in teaching and research that constitute real epistemological barriers to the rational understanding and consequent resolution of the deepening crisis of underdevelopment, through the liberation of the Third World from stifling imperialist domination and exploitation. The basic point of this critique of bourgeois or imperialist social science in Africa is not that some parts of it cannot be found useful. Rather, the point is that, taken collectively, imperialist social science contributes significantly to the African crisis by mystifying, distorting and concealing many critical aspects of the African reality.

The irrelevance of imperialist social science It is important to underline the social irrelevance of imperialist social science to the Third World in explicit terms. First, on purely scientific grounds, bourgeois social science is a failure on two counts. One is that its theories fail the test of correctly reflecting reality, or of providing an accurate explanation of the real world. The conflict between its theories and observed reality has reached such a level as to generate the rupture of consensus in individual social science disciplines and lead to an intellectual crisis. For example, distributional theory and the shifting missingfactor explanation for underdevelopment in bourgeois economics have both collapsed because of growing inequalities and the persistent underdevelopment of such capital-rich OPEC countries as Nigeria. Similarly, in spite of flirtation with consensus politics, inter- and intra-class conflicts as well as irredentism have been generating political instability in the Third World. The second reason for the scientific failure of bourgeois social science is that many of its basic theories are meaningless and useless.30 For example, the vicious circle theory of under¬ development and the metaphysical utility theory of value with its impregnable circularity, according to which a commodity has utility if it is useful, while this usefulness is derived from its utility in the First instance! Other useless bourgeois social theories are general equilibrium theory, which insists that everything depends on everything else, capital theory and the aggregate production function, the theory of political development and functionalist sociology. Furthermore, imperialist social science poses bogus problems for the Third World and thus constitutes a barrier to the scientific understanding of the true reality of these countries. Examples of such diversionary problems in the different


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social science J Iplines are: the search for metaphysical utility maximisation; general equilibrium; aggregate production function; optimal growth; the insistence on “technology transfer” and GDP planning in bourgeois economics; consensus politics; cultural secularisation and greater bureaucratisation for alleged social efficiency, which mars democratic political participation; the social contract theory of the state; abstract stability and harmony of interests in political science; social mobility; role specificity; and the attributes of sociological functionalism, as well as the problem of need-achievement motivation and the search for innovative personalities (as if they were a special genre of humans) in imperialist psychology. African countries are already being invited internationally to study environmental pollution - when they have no clue to the problem of human pollution manifested principally by the naked starvation of millions, not to mention malnutrition! In bourgeois economics, talented African scholars are also being diverted into developing a model of global capitalism - for the more effective domination and exploitation of their countries - when they do not even have basic data for budgeting, let alone for planning. Imperialist social science is also irrelevant in the sense that it has no answer to a whole range of pressing problems of Third World countries - and even of the imperialist countries. Its theories either cannot explain or the policies distilled from such theories cannot solve these urgent problems. Among these are growing inequalities, which neoclassical theory cannot explain and reformist redistributive taxation of Kaldor and others cannot resolve. Indeed, bourgeois economics simply has no consistent theory of distribution. On this score, Lipsey confesses: We conclude by raising the interesting question of the share of profits in the national income. We have no satisfactory theory of the share of national income going as profits and we can do little to explain (the) past behaviour of this share, nor do we have a body of predictions about the effect on this share of occurrences like the rise of unions, wage freezes, profits taxes, tax controls, etc.31 Similarly, orthodox economics has no consistent theory of value, capital, the firm, multinational corporations or monopoly capital and long-run development. These are precisely the critical problems plaguing the poor countries. The bureaucratic failures, political militarisation, pervasive instability and separatist irredentism of the periphery also have no adequate theories in bourgeois political science, just as functionalist sociology has no satifactory explanations for the rising crime, leadership failure, class polarisation, social decay and related manifestations of the traumatised social milieu and social disintegration of the periphery. Likewise, bourgeois psychology has no credible theories to explain the growing alienation of the masses, their deep disenchantment and paranoia. Finally, we must insist against the protestations of right-wing apologists that many of the solutions and policies of imperialist social science for the major problems of the Third World, and Africa in particular, have resulted in disastrous calamity with tragic human cost. The deteriorating food crisis and widespread starvation in spite of years of so-called internally consistent planning is the most visible expression of this disaster in Africa. Agricultural and tax reforms, “green revolution”, foreign “aid” and investment, “technology transfer”, bureaucratic

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modernisation, social mobility programmes and policies for achievement motivation have featured in these solutions. They have succeeded only too well in generating agricultural stagnation, rural decay, massive and rising unemployment, multinational pillage, balance of payments crises, technological backwardness, hypertrophic administrative spending and the fiscal crisis of the state, sharpening social divisions and producing mass psychological paralysis across the entire African continent. In the face of this tragic record, the apostles of imperialist social science raise the mantle of Africanity.

The opium of Africanity With mounting criticism of bourgeois social science and the growing demand for a more socially relevant social theory, the apologists of imperialist social science falsely charge that the new orthodoxy demanded implies, that there is an African political [social] science, one that is sui generis, simply because it is decolonised . . . Only on the assumption that “Western” political [social] science has exhausted all possibilities, . . . could one begin to wonder if the time had not come for a separate discipline called African political [social] science . . . the discipline throughout its history has been persistently concerned with the reconceptualisation of significant variables, with the continuing search for adequate units of analysis.32 Another version of this position insists that to concentrate on the study of African societies is “ethnic replicative scholarship” - whatever that means! We reject this defence of imperialist social science in the guise of false intellectual universalism. The objective of the legitimate critique of bourgeois social science by the “new orthodoxy” and the valid demand for greater intellectual concentration on African societies is not the creation of an African social science. And, after over a century of maturity with industrial capitalism since the 1840s, what possibilities, what new vistas within its dominant paradigms, short of ongoing eclecticism, sophistry and the sprouting of “practical disciplines”, have bourgeois social science or any of its components not exhausted? After half a century of fulminating since two global holocausts and a world depression, after the sterile marginalist, Keynesian, functionalist and Freudian intellectual revolutions with the barren neoclassical synthesis, what new vistas of imperialist social science are being canvassed? We also maintain that the alleged “reconceptualisation of significant variables” and “search for adequate units of analysis” have not prevented the tragic irrelevance and disastrous consequences of imperialist social science in Africa and the rest of the Third World. It is for these reasons that both those who wrongly condemn the requirement for a “new orthodoxy” as a demand for African social science, and those who insist on a separate African social science, like their petit-bourgeois counterparts who insist on a separate African ideology, are being diversionary, evasive and obscurantist. They pervert a scientific argument into a parochial obsession. They do so in a veiled opposition to the scientific alternative to bourgeois economy and society, and the imperialist social science that defends and promotes them. This veiled opposition, moreover, is nothing but the oblique defence of vested interests in terms of the


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privileges of petit-bourgeois membership of a predatory and minority dominant class. The prerequisites of elite status and corporate ambition generally slumber deep beneath these oblique objections to the elaboration of a scientific alternative to the bankrupt imperialist social science in Africa.

Marxist social science as the scientific alternative to imperialist social science Just as “imperialism is the eve of the socialist revolution”, Marxist social science is the only scientific alternative to the bankruptcy and social irrelevance of imperialist social science. Why, on epistemological, political and other grounds should Marxist social science be the scientific alternative to the tragic failure of bourgeois social science in the Third World? There are six reasons. 1) the theory of historical development or historical materialism demonstrates that just as the capitalist mode of production and social formation succeeded its feudal predecessor, so the socialist transitional phase and social formation is the logical, historical higher level of development into which capitalism is transformed. Correspondingly, just as the sociology of knowledge shows how capitalism necessarily develops bourgeois and imperialist social science, through the process of the social construction of reality, the socialist society into which capitalist society has to be transformed demands Marxist social science. As soon as bourgeois social science has reached a stage in any society when it cannot adequately explain and resolve the problems of that society, it is into an intellectual crisis, which is the signal that it is due for replacement by the higher power of Marxist social science. The deepening crisis of the Third World and its imperialist social science amply demonstrate that neocolonial capitalism and its imperialist social science are ripe for transformation into scientific socialism and Marxist social science, respectively. 2) on the purely epistemic canons of scientific validity, Marxist social science is superior to imperialist social science, especially with respect to the Third World. This is in the sense that Marxist social theory, in general, corresponds more to objective social reality than does bourgeois social science. And this does not rest on the dramatised trite point that all of Marx’s predictions have not been fulfilled. Nobody denies that Marx as a human being made mistakes. What we contend, however, are (a) that Marxist social theory is more than Marx’s social science, even though Marx first systematically elaborated the former; and (b) in spite of its shortcomings, Marxist social science is more congruent with observed social phenomena and. therefore, has greater explanatory power, especially for the Third World milieu, than has imperialist social science. Perhaps the best proof of this is not only the proliferation of Marxist literature, but the growing abandonment of imperialist social science and the increasing eclectic incorporation of the Marxist tradition by many of its adherents - even though they often class-consciously reject the unpalatable political implications of Marxist theory. 3) the basic goal of liberation in Marxist social theory and the exploited Third World countries is essentially the same, whereas the basic exploitative and domination objective of imperialist social science conflict with that of the poor

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countries. In laying bare the laws of motion of modern bourgeois society, Marxist social theory is fundamentally addressed to the rapid change of society. As Marx put it, “philosophers have been explaining the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.” Lenin also insisted that “the liberation of the people is the measure of all intellectual work”. The liberation of the Third World from its imperialist domination and exploitation is thus consonant with the revolutionary preoccupations of Marxism - hence the militant and growing popularity of Marxist social theory and the corresponding decline of bourgeois paradigms in these countries. 4) the major preoccupations of Marxist social science also correspond to the critical and urgent problems of the periphery. These are alienation, exploitation, mass poverty, class domination, oppression and conflict, monopoly capital and imperialist contradictions, multinational pillage, racism, the features of techno¬ logical development, economic crises and so on. These are precisely the dominant problems on the social agenda of African and other Third World countries. By contrast, the obsessions of imperialist social science with equilibrium, harmony, gradualism, consensus, mobility, individualism, acquisitive aggression, achievement motivation and so on are diversions from Third World priorities. 5) the long-term and structuralist emphasis in the Marxist tradition accords more closely with the persistent and systemic nature of underdevelopment in the Third World than the short-term and myopic predilections of bourgeois social theory. This also explains why the solutions from the short-term theories of imperialist social science perform so disastrously when applied to the long-term problems of the poor countries. While bourgeois social science is preoccupied with economic growth, periodic cycles and the efficient management of wealth for the imperialist countries, the Third World is addressing the longer-term questions of generating development, achieving structural transformation, coping with permanent economic, political and social crises, and liquidating mass poverty. This is why short-term Keynesian prescriptions are useless, and even counter-productive, when applied to planning and other structural development problems in the poor countries. Finally, the empirical performance of Marxist social theory is not comparable with the tragedy wrought by imperialist social science, especially in the Third World. Thus while the application of Marxist theory since 1917 has generated the economic, technological and social miracles in the USSR, China, Cuba and other socialist countries, the application of imperialist theories to the poor countries since the 1930s (when Latin American countries started gaining nominal independence) has been a tragedy.33 Not a single underdeveloped country operating bourgeois social theory since 1900 has achieved successful transformation. The Japanese development is atypical, because Japan was never colonised like the rest of the Third World, and she colonised parts of China and islands in the Pacific. The North American transformation was also an imperialist experiment rooted in slavery, internal expropriation of Indians and Blacks and the exploitation of the entire Third World. The contrasting fortunes of China and India based on the opposing social theories is also instructive here. Indeed, the superiority and desirability of Marxist social theory is so obvious at this historical juncture that, if anything, it is


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imperialist social theory, and not Marxist social science, which should now justify its practice, especially in Africa and the Third World in general. In this regard, the misguided and class-inspired selfish opposition to Marxist social science by imperialist apologists like Rene Dumont is basically the veiled defence of vested interests in the bankrupt capitalist and imperialist order. Their quibbles about different social conditions in Africa and the rest of theThird World are more a caution against imperialist social science, which is alien to the Third World, than against the socialist alternative. All that is implied scientifically by their criticisms is that we have to be creative in the practice and application of Marxist social science in theThird World. The specific theories and policies have to be rooted in the concrete social reality of each poor society. This is even part of the requirements of the Marxist tradition - hence the insistence on the historical specificity of all scientific theories.

Maximising social science contribution Besides the elimination of the contribution of bourgeois social science to the generation of the African crisis, the foregoing analysis has another critical objective. This is to maximise the contribution of social science to African development. The important requirements for this have been itemised as follows:34 (1) Social relevance of social science research - this depends on the African (and other Third World) governments, public and other agencies that fund them and the social scientists themselves. The de-trivialisation of social science research is also critical. (2) Effective communication of social science research results - this requires research reporting to government, business, the public, other social scientists, etc. (3) Mass education and the political consciousness of the broad masses - which will raise the demand for socially relevant social science research and lead to a desirable change in the distribution of politico-economic power. (4) Funding radical social science research - if the demand for radical and socially relevant social science research is not backed up by adequate funding, little result can be achieved. (5) Political participation of social scientists - it is important that African social scientists should become more involved and participate actively in political processes and decision-making in order to sensitise them, widen their perspectives and sharpen their analytical apparatus. (6) National liberation through the achievement of national economic independence is critical to all these. This is essential in order to eliminate false and diversionary problems, and the distortion of national priorities by vested foreign interests like those of the multinationals.

Notes 1. These African social scientists are petit-bourgeois in the etymological sense,

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like the rest of the African petit-bourgeoisie because, like them, they are dependent and lacking in the resources for constituting an autonomous national bourgeoisie as Frantz Fanon suggested (1965), ch. 4. 2. See, for example, Y. Barongo (ed.) (1982). 3. See the proceedings and communique of The Punch Seminar on the Nigerian Economy, Lagos, 7 & 8 December 1983. 4. On the paradigms of bourgeois social science, see P. M. Sweezy (1972), ch. 4. 5. Ibid., pp. 53-4. 6. On the empiricist origin of bourgeois social science, see G. Novack (1971). 7. Richard R. Bowker in S. Fine (1964) p. 100. 8. On this, see E. K. Hunt (1975). 9. P. M. Sweezy (1972) p. 54. 10. See G. Novack (1971). 11. For a specific discussion of the ideological character of the bourgeois theory of political development, see Claude Ake (1979), ch. 3, pp. 60-98. 12. See Karl Mannheim (1936); and P. L. Berger & T. Luckman (1967). 13. For these developments, see E. K. Hunt (1975), chs. 4-8. 14. On the ideological preoccupations of bourgeois social science, see R. Blackburn in R. C. Edwards et al. (eds.) (1972), pp. 36-46; N. Chomsky (1969) especially “Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship” and “The Responsibility of Intellectuals”. 15. R. Blackburn, op. cit. p. 44. 16. Bob Rowthorn (1980). p. 20. 17. Joan Robinson (1971), p. 144. 18. See M. W. Apple (1979), chs. 1-3 & 8. 19. Ben Fine (1980). ch. 1. 20. On these, see Kwame Nkrumah (1973), chs. 4 and 5. 21. For detailed critiques of the bourgeois theories of underdevelopment, see A. G. Frank (1970), and Samir Amin (1974) (2 volumes). 22. For a critique of bourgeois sociology of development and the “ideal type” index approach, see A. G. Frank (1970), ch. 2. 23. For the mystification of underdevelopment by bourgeois sociologists, see B. F. Hoslitz (1960); Talcott Parsons (1960). 24. D. C. McClelland (1964) in Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 12, no. 3, and his book The Achieving Society. 25. For this backward perception of historical development, see W. W. Rostow (1962). 26. On these expropriatory methods of Western capitalist accumulation, see Eric Williams (1972). 27. For the discussion of the issues involved in the reproduction of imperialist social science in Africa, see UNESCO, Expert Meeting on the Formulation of Social Science Policies in Africa South of the Sahara, Kinshasa, Zaire, 8-12 October 1979, Declaration and Recommendations. 28. Macmillan, McGraw-Hill and John Wiley & Sons are reported to have subsidiaries in South Africa, See Newsletter ofURPE (Union for Radical Political Economic), vol. 16, no. 4, Summer 1985, p. 7. 29. See discussions of the reactionary orientation of EDCC in A. G. Frank (1970), ch. 2. 30. On the scientific failure of imperialist social science, see Alvin Gouldner (1972). 31. R. G. Lipsey (1971). p. 481.


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32. Yolamu Barongo (ed.) (1982), p. 58. 33. On the tragedy of Latin America, see E. Galeano (1974). 34. See UNESCO (1979) “Declarations and Recommendations” of the Expert Meeting on the Formulation of Social Science Policies in Africa South of the Sahara. Kinshasa, Zaire, 8-12 October.


Multinational Corporations and the Underdevelopment of Africa

Multinational corporations have played, and continue to play, a critical role in the generation and intensification of the contradictions of underdevelopment in Africa and throughout the Third World. Bourgeois economics’ misleading conception that multinationals are partners in development because they convey foreign capital to poor countries, transfer technology, create jobs, pay wages and taxes, and promote industrialisation conceals the stark reality: the pillage of natural resources, superexploitation of labour, net capital transfer from the poor countries, technological retardation, structural distortions, political instability, cultural degradation and other abuses imposed by multinationals on Third World countries. In generating these contradictions, foreign direct investment (FDI), the transnationalisation of capital and production, multinational corporations (MNCs) or transnational corporations (TNCs), neocolonialism and multilateral imperialism all mean basically the same thing.

Multinational corporations as agents of imperialism It is important to analyse the multinational corporations (MNCs) in the context of world imperialism in order to gain a correct appreciation of their role in the intensifying drama of underdevelopment in the Third World. In this regard. World War II marked the watershed of bilateral imperialism as colonial domination and exploitation; the anti-colonial defeat of France in Indo-China at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 sounded the death knell of bilateral imperialism. The transition from a strategy of bilateral to a strategy of multilateral imperialism was dictated by some basic factors in imperialism’s adjustment to its structural crises.1 One factor was the weakening of the European imperialist powers during World War II. This led to the collapse of direct colonisation and ultimately forced Britain, France, Germany and the other imperialist countries to change their strategy of domination. Another factor was the US imperialist motive after emerging from World War II as the strongest capitalist country. While Britain sold over $6 billion in overseas investment, used up $0.8 billion in gold reserves and incurred private capital losses of over $8 billion, in the US, GNP rose by 100% during 1939/44, gold reserves increased from $4 billion in 1932 to $20.6 billion in 1958, and world capital exports


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rose from 35.3% in 1930 to 59.1% in 1960. This US hegemony nurtured expansionist ambition as reflected in the paradox of an isolationist state with an aggressive foreign policy.2 The US’s previous lack of colonies and need for vast trade and investment outlets as the strongest post-war economic power with surplus goods and capital, propelled the launching of the Marshall Plan and the transition to multilateral imperialism. European imperialist powers, in their weakened post¬ war position, had their own motive in the emergence of multilateralism: they needed to retain their interests and to contain the anti-imperialist nationalism in their colonies. This required the “unity” of all imperialist powers under US domination and a change in the strategy of colonial exploitation. Given these motives, the US elaborated the new imperialist strategy around a demand for a “new world order”: a neocolonial order under her domination. It was to this end, that the first Marshall Plan was launched to rescue and dominate European capitalism. Then, despite the effective colonisation of the US’s own black population, propaganda was mounted for the “self-determination” of all colonised peoples (similar to the recent hypocritical human rights campaign in the US) plus a demand for an “open door policy” in order to achieve colonial dissolution and penetration. In the proposals for the Atlantic Charter at the end of World War II, the US Under-Secretary of State declared: “The age of (bilateral) imperialism is ended. The right of all peoples to their freedom must be recognised . . . The principles of the Atlantic Charter must be guaranteed to the world as a whole - in all oceans and in all continents.”3 “Aid” was launched - both military and economic to fight communism and to capture the compradoF bourgeoisie of the poor countries and to soften and contain their post-colonial nationalism and prevent the consolidation of national independence in these countries. This “aid” was also (and still is) an indirect subsidy for US exports (e.g. as tied-purchase aid) and the development of the US’s military-industrial complex as well as a form of military assistance for building new neocolonial armies and police.4 Under US leadership, all the imperialist powers also fashioned two strategies for multilateral imperialism. One was the establishment of multilateral institutions, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) within the framework of the post-war international monetary system, styled the Bretton Woods System, which was launched in 1944.5 While the World Bank looked after imperialist investment, the unequal GATT treaties policed free trade and the IMF imposed currency convertibility. The second component of the joint imperialist post-war strategies consisted of the elaboration of a new international division of labour centred around the new corporate structure of the MNC, which first emerged in the US from the growth of monopoly capitalism and from Hilferding’s finance capital, which started in the 1880s. This was the strategy of global accumulation of capital anchored to the inter¬ nationalisation of capital and production across the entire non-socialist world. The basic idea of these two joint imperialist strategies and the US inspired neocolonial mechanism was to replace direct bilateral imperialism, which had come under nationalist, socialist bloc and US attacks, with indirect economic mechanisms of

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domination and exploitation. The MNCs, on account of their diversity of activities, enormous resources and rapid growth, soon became the core of the new multilateral imperialist strategies. “These firms’ motive, whatever their nationality, is rationally to exploit all existing inequalities, including human ones, purely and simply for their own gain. The more liberalisation there is, the more these companies will grow.”6 Hence they demand the abolition of customs barriers (through GATT) and the elimination of restrictions on foreign investment (through the IMF and the World Bank) for their internationalisation of accumulation. For these reasons, the MNCs develop highly centralised organisations; monopolistic competition; the insertion of representatives in the “host” state itself; investment at a loss for protecting markets and sources of raw materials; and joint ventures. The joint ventures in particular offer the MNCs several advantages such as insurance against nationalisation and other risk minimisation through short pay-back periods of three to five years; easy profit repatriation; a docile labour force; such incentives as local loans; and importation of raw materials and spare parts, as well as first claim to local raw materials, markets, management, skilled labour, and distributive outlets, including state networks. In addition. MNCs also perform three critical roles for multilateral imperialism. The first is to blur the visibility of the imperialist strategy of domination by shifting it to the ostensibly objective economic plane. This facilitates imperialism’s quiet penetration of “host” countries, and enables the MNCs to advance the foreign policy objectives of their home countries. The second is the development of a new international division of labour through the internationalisation of capital and production. While serving to offset a tendency to the falling rate of profit, and advancing the global accumulation of capital, this strategy accentuates the centreperiphery dichotomy and Third World countries’ dependence on the industrialised home countries of the MNCs. Thirdly, this system is functional for world imperialism because it ensures that the MNCs not only become the dominant purveyors of monopoly capital and technology, but the critical actors in the dialectics of development in the centre (the imperialist countries) and under¬ development in the periphery. This ensures the survival of imperialism by guaranteeing it a region of the world that can be used as the extensive margin of imperialist exploitation for resolving its basic contradictions in the advanced countries.

The scope of MNCs in Africa Though the first foreign production subsidiary in the world has been traced to the Belgian firm, Cockrill, in Prussia, the multinational phenomenon in Africa started with the activities of old colonial mercantile houses, such as the Royal Niger Company, United Africa Company (UAC), Chandaria in Kenya, Lever Brothers and so on.7 With the growth of monopoly capitalism from the 1880s and the emergence of multilateral imperialism after 1945, these mercantile houses gradually diverted their investment portfolio into plantation agriculture, mining and


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manufacturing. The stiff tariff protection of early post-colonial nationalism also encouraged the establishment of multinational affiliates as “tariff factories in Third World countries. The motives of these MNCs have historically been analysed, by Lenin, Hobson and others, around the falling rate of profit from shrinking home markets.8 Apart from the search for profitable investment outlets for surplus capital and for protected foreign markets, control over sources of such raw materials as oil, copper, rubber, etc. has remained a major motive of multinational activity. The exploitation of cheap labour in low-wage countries is also an important source of the super-profits of the MNCs as Table 3.1. providing comparative data on compensation per hour (CPH), shows.9 Table 3.1 Hourly wages of multinational corporations Region

Average Hourly Compensation $


US parent MNC Developed countries’ affiliates Foreign affiliates, all countries Developing countries’ affiliates Indian affiliates Sub-Saharan African affiliates Philippines’ affiliates

8.76 6.34 4.92 1.74 1.27 1.16 0.57

100 72 56 (20% of US rate) (About 15% of US rate) (13.3% of US rate) (About 6.7% of US rate)

The other advantages sought by the MNCs include risk minimisation through geographical spread, checking competitors globally or at home (which makes Alcan and Alcoa control over 50% of world production of bauxite-aluminium at all levels and price leaders in the industry), exploitation of the monopoly advantage of a new product as market leaders, and reaping economies of scale. For the whole world. UN estimates show that in 1971, the total value-added of all MNCs was $500 billion or 20% of the GNP of all the non-socialist countries. The worldwide investment stock of these MNCs rose from $104 billion in 1967 to $650 billion in 1982. The annual sales of some of the multinational juggernauts like Exxon, Shell-BP. ITT and so on, is also more than $26 billion from over 200 subsidiaries in more than 100 countries. For the underdeveloped countries (UDCs) alone, the annual flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) to them rose from $1.8 billion in 1960 to $13.5 billion in 1979. The US investment (total stock) in these countries also increased from $5.7 billion in 1950 to $52.7 billion in 1980, while for the past two decades, US MNCs have accounted for over 50% of the total flow of FDI to the poor countries.10 Correspondingly, FDI as a percentage of total capital exports to the UDCs by OECD countries was 21.6% in 1960/61 and 23.5% in 1970/71. But the significance of this direct investment exceeds its quantitative magnitude as it grows over time, corresponds to permanent productive structure with penetration and control in the “host” countries, and is aimed at the maximisation of global accumulation. Export

Multinational Corporations and the Underdevelopment of Africa


credits, loans, public aid, portfolio investment (share ownership) and so on, also seek to maximise accumulation but do not represent the same degree of control of resources and opportunities as foreign direct investment. Thus it has been argued that the UN study of MNCs errs by failing to see FDI as a tool of the corporate headquarters and not as a type of Financial flow analytically distinguishable from the corporation itself." The sources or origins of foreign direct investment to Africa and the rest of the Third World show a high degree of concentration. Thus eight countries - USA. West Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and the Netherlands account for over 90% of the total flow of FDI to the poor countries.12 In 1979. the US share of the total flow was 59%. In spite of the dissolution of bilateral colonial links, most of the multinational stock in each African country is still held by the erstwhile colonial predators. Thus Britain, France, the Netherlands and the US dominate most of the multinational capital in the continent (see Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 Total DACa FDI by country of origin, 1967,1971, 1976 ($ billion and %) Country of origin

USA Britain





























W. Germany
























4.1 3.9

Switzerland France






















































Grand Total









All others

a The DAC Countries include the above countries plus Australia, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Austria and Norway; >> from 1974 to 1978; c from 1974 to 1977. Source: H. S. Marcussen and J. E. Torp (1982) Internationalisation of Capital - Prospects for the Third World (London: Zed Press), pp. 166 & 168.

A Political Economy of the African Crisis


Between the advanced and underdeveloped countries (UDCs) about 30% of foreign direct investment went to the latter. But although the volume of foreign direct investment to these poor countries increased over this period, their share in total










Transnational Corporations (UNCTC). For the US alone, investment in UDCs increased from $5.7 billion in 1950 to $52.7 billion in 1980. But the share of US multinational investment of total FDI in UDCs declined from-48.7% in 1950 to 24.7% in 1980.

Table 3.3 US FDI in Africa and the Middle East (Cumulative book value at year end, in $ million) 1957








Total in Africa





South Africa





Location Total all areas

Rhodesia & Nyasaland (Zimbabwe, Zambia & —























Middle East

Source: S. Smith (1974) US Neocolonialism in Africa (New York; International Publishers). Regionally, in 1978 the share of FDI stock in UDCs declined in Africa to 12.6% of the total - with 10.4% fall south of the Sahara and 2.2% fall north of it. Correspondingly, South-East Asia’s share fell to 26.3% of the total while Latin America’s share increased to 57.2%. The remaining 3.9% of FDI in the poor countries was lodged in Western Asia.

Size and distribution of multinational activities in Africa For Africa, excluding South Africa, total FDI by OECD countries was $6.6 billion in 1967 and $9.4 billion in 1972 out of a world total of $165 billion in 1972.13 This shows a relative decline of the African share, which grew by 43% between the two years, while the world total rose by 60%. This decline is attributed to the relative economic decline of the old colonial powers, especially Britain, and the unlikely possibility that accumulated investments in the continent represented sufficient penetration of the African economies, since global accumulation has no regional ceiling. The US is the other major source of FDI in Africa, accounting for 20.8% of all foreign investment there in 1967; 2.3% of US world investments were in Africa. In terms of national distribution, MNCs tend to concentrate in high per capita income and fast-growing economies, as well as in tax havens. For Africa, this makes Algeria, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Zaire, Zambia and a few other

Multinational Corporations and the Underdevelopment of Africa


countries besides South Africa, the main bases of MNCs in the continent (see Table 3.3). Thus, Nigeria which ranks as the fifth most attractive foreign investment (FI)14 area in the Third World (after Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and Argentina) almost doubled her stock of FI from 1967-a 17% share-to 1971, with $2.1 billion in 1972, which represented 22% of Africa’s FD Indigenisation during 1972/77 did not change the situation significantly. Libya also increased her African share, which is mainly in oil, from 9% to 16.5% during 1967/72, while Algeria, which has been the most restrictive, reduced her share by 64% in the same period; Libya has followed the Algerian example since 1970. Since the partial nationalisation of the copper industry in Zaire in 1967 and the Mulungushi declaration in Zambia in 1969, both

Table 3.4 Total DAC private direct investment3 in UDCs by country, 1978 ($ million) Country




Sub-Saharan Africa (continued):

Africa, North of Sahara








10 25








Mozambique Rwanda


24 (100) 25 340

Senegal Sub-Total




Sierra Leone

82 (100)


Sub-Saharan Africa: Angola
























Upper Volta

Congo (P.R.) Ethiopia Gabon Gambia

170 (100) 780 280


200 20

Ivory Coast




Lesotho Liberia

(10) 20 (1,250)


330 (400)

Zambia Zimbabwe


Ghana Guinea (Eq.)

10 100

4 1,230

Source: Marcussen andTorp, pp. 170-1.

Sub-Total Less South Africa




A Political Economy of the African Crisis

countries have pursued moderate nationalisation with disinvestment, though they remain major hosts of MNCs. For Kenya, the total estimated book-value of FDI in 1971/72, which originated mostly from Britain and USA, was K£125 million.15 By policy spread, Nigeria, Kenya and Ivory Coast are most liberal to MNCs; Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia and other socialist countries are most restrictive, with others in between. (Table 3.4.) The sectoral distribution of foreign direct investment in Africa shows that 30% was lodged in oil in 1967 and about 20% in mining and smelting. Together with agriculture, 56.5% of the FDI in Africa in that year was in raw material extraction; 23.4% in the processing sectors of manufacturing and petroleum refining, with the remaining 20% in service sectors such as import-export trade, banking and insurance, and so on (see Table 3.4). The pattern since then has not changed drastically except that the manufacturing share has risen, while more countries like Nigeria, Gabon, Congo and Cameroon have joined the core extractive countries, comprising Libya, Algeria, Zambia, Zaire, Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone. The comparison of the sectoral distribution of FDI in the Third World shows that in 1967, Africa had the highest share for extractive activities and almost the smallest share for processing activities (see Table 3.6). In manufacturing, which is the fastest growing sector of most economies, MNCs accounted for over 50% of all foreign investment in Gambia, Swaziland, Chad, Somalia and Burundi, although in these countries both foreign investment and the manufacturing sector






of multinational

investment in manufacturing in these and other African countries has been rising with import-substitution industrialisation generally, the processing level and valueadded are still very low.16 Thus, most multinational manufacturing in Africa consists of consumer goods and assembly plants for brewery, sugar and flour mills, textiles, matches, assembly of bicycles, motor cycles, transistor radios, refrigerators, cars, etc. with very high import content of over 90% for the turn-key projects like the assembly of completely-knocked-down parts (CKDs). The technological implications of these manufacturing activities are examined later. In the financial sector, the MNCs’ role in Africa is illustrated by the holdings of West Germany’s Grossbanken in ten African countries as shown in Table 3.5. In the mining sector, MNCs’ control on Africa is summarised in Table 3.6 with respect to the investments of the major mineral multinationals in 1977.

Ownership, control and dependency MNCs generally establish financial control over their African operations through majority ownership. Thus 81% of US and 72% of non-US MNCs had over 51% share of the book-value capital of their African subsidiaries in 1971, against a world average of 78% and 71%, respectively. Correspondingly, 50-50 joint ownership of operations was reported for only 6% US and 7% non-US African subsidiaries, with MNCs holding minority interest in only 13% and 20% of cases, respectively. In addition to stock ownership, market control, especially in manufacturing, is a critical mechanism of the MNCs’ leverage, domination and exploitation. This is why market control is an important objective of multinational activity. It has been reported that in 1971 the local “host” country was the main market for 95% of US

Multinational Corporations and the Underdevelopment of Africa


Table 3.5 Known holdings of West Germany’s Grossbanken in banks in Africa excluding South Africa, 1976 Holdings (% of shares) Deutsche Commerz Dresdner Bank Bank Bank



Congo Morocco

Banque Commerciale Congolaise Banque Commerciale de Commerce Morocco


Banque Nationale pour le Developpement Economique Chad Cameroun Ivory Coast Gabon Senegal Togo Zaire Tunisia

Banque Tchadienne de Credits et de Depots Societe Camerounaise de Banque Societe Ivoirienne de Banque Union Gabonaise de Banque Union Senegalaise de Banque pour le Commerce et l’lndustrie Union Togolaise de Bank Societe Financiere de Developpement (SOFIDE) Union Internationale de Banques S.A.





7.5 5.0 12.0 8.0 1.9 18.0 — —

t *

* unspecified shareholding t also acts as representative bank Source: A. Seidman & N. S. Makgetla (1980), p. 215.

and 94% of non-US MNCs in Africa. In Nigeria, the proportion was 100% for 48 multinational subsidiaries sampled; 35% in Zambia; and 38% for 31% of the reporting subsidiaries in French-speaking Africa, which had external markets as their major clients. French multinationals rely mainly on neighbouring African countries or their home countries. Moreover, 93% of the African multinational subsidiaries in 1971 sold their products primarily to customers outside the MNC; the corresponding percentage for the Magreb countries was 73%. These figures imply that the practice of sub-contracting African subsidiaries to produce for other multinational affiliates higher up in the corporate structure (for example under vertical integration of subsidiaries from those involved in raw material extraction to those processing finished products) is small in Africa. This suggests that the pattern of specialisation of multinational subsidiaries in Africa is that of being the last link in the product cycle. This partly explains the relatively low value-added, poor technological impact and weak linkage effects of multinational activities in Africa. All these have critical implications for the dependency syndrome imposed by multinationals on the African continent. Thus, while in terms of the world total, industrialised capitalist countries’ (ICCs) foreign investment in Africa is not high, in terms

of penetration









multinational capital constitutes effective penetration of Africa. This can be gauged from the ratio of FI to GNP (FI/GNP) for five groups of African countries

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A Political Economy of the African Crisis


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Table 9.1