A History of Luxemburg Township and Village, 1855-1983

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A History of Luxemburg Township and Village, 1855-1983

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Family and Business Histories

We dedicate this book to our grandparents who left their mother country for a foreign land with a few meager possessions a nd a lot of courage. They carved homes and farms out of the virgin forests. conquering the wilderness with hard work and determination. Their faith in God helped them triumph over many hardships, dangers and heartaches. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never fu lly be repaid. In this book we nope to have their memories linger on for future generations to appreciate.

Compiled by Carol Jean Simonar

Edited by Carol J Simonar and Neoma Michalski

Copyrighted 1983 by Luxemburg Diamond Jubilee and Historical Committee



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,,. ......« ... Pl..ofh Baierl. Jr. Clerk [os Aschenbrenner. Treasurer \! iclor Laurent, Assessor MnCe Novak. Clerk Bm1 Koss. Treasurer L. Vandenhouten, Assessor 1946

Quentin Veeser. Chairmnn Eli Cravillion. Supervisor f red v\lunsch Clarence Novak. Clerk Bcm Koss. Treasurer L. Vandenhouten. Assessor 19'1.7-1948-1949

Quentin Veeser. Chairman Eli Cravi11ion. Supervisor Ed Hiin nman Clarnnce Seidl. Clerk Ben Koss, Treasurer L. Vaned on the draft bourd and assisted the /\mericun l.cgion in its wo rk towcll'(/ the war effort.

/osuph 1\rendt, son of. Michue l und /\nfl(l. After the dea th of his father


Peter P, Daniel, 1'vlichuel and /ohn Arendt. rhe sons of i\llichoel and Anno 1\loria Dieskies. Their eldest son Peter 1859-1869 was the second child born to the new settlers in Luxemburg arcu. 1\ fter he died a second son was named ofte r him, Peter P Arendt. (The first Pe ter was nor /isr.ed in the family roco rd when the orticlc wos written.} There were two PeWI' Arcndt's in l~u xemburg years ago and lo distinguisJ1 wltich one you were wlking about, Pete r r was called Town /loll Pete because his form was next to tile town I loll and the other was referred to as Gravel Pete because he hCJd o /u rge gravel pit on his

he helped raise his younger brothers and sisters. I le died al the age

of 27.



Tlw Village Bond leodil1g lhe Memorial Duy Porcide. The villtJge had m anir bands over the years. The members in th is piclure ore: 1 Olla Kore: 2 fim Son1rm:h: Jim Cherney: ::! /ohn Fameree; 4 Fronk Salmon: 5 Chor/es Seidl: 6 Ole Evenson: 7 Ben S tohl: 8 John Kinnord: 9 [3i// Srnko; 10 Frunk Suntrocli. In the background we see ivfiesler's livery and Oliver De Bauch house und funerol purlor with sloroge shed in back of the house.

Croig, I lector Boncher, /oe Friex. M ike Colle, F ronk Solma n. Midd le: Jule Pe/\ do/ph lJ/ahn ik's bond '/'op. J 10 r: O le 1-:Vlrnson. trie. Joe Ramesh, fohn Kinnord, Adolph Blahnik. An ton Sanlroch, Frank Sontroch Bollom: Bill Mies/er. Ernest Bouche


Cforu /Joier/ Dew/. Hoymond Stahl. joh11 8c1/enline, Ann ie Obe.rh of1~ 1· SulenUmi. Den Solentine, Mario //11un.

0t~ I'.

Wee/ding of // enry nnd Fronces Seidl. Att e ndun ts L to 11, Catherine) ObNhofer. Louis Ze llne r. Katherine Sell.JI. foe Obe rh ofer.

Seid/ Domer. Chas. /. im.meir. Mory Treml.

/os. IJulerl. Mory Christoff Baierl. C1~o rg1? Clirls!off. Frances Boitffi Vitigerold, Louis Zellner, Ann(J Huil:rl I loppe!.

Huy moncJ Dou/, fe te r Aschenbrenner, Lonna Dou/ Asche11/.)1·cn-

Clora Baierl Duu/

josnnh Se idl, fr .. Rose Dorner flrcmg1ir. /(u;ob Dorrrnr. Clora

Cloru Se idl Dorner, Nick Sulentine, Ti/Jiu Schauer, foseph Seidl. Anno Sr! idl Peil. Theodot·e Salentine, Gumline Balentine Seidl, j ohn S11ld/.


l,ux11111burg Boscbull learn 1910 Bock row I. ro Tl. Eugene Kiley. 1-'mnh I lo nnon. Dr. /Vlomoux. 011: Ev1111son. Eo rl Henry Front ro1v. llill Gou~er. Hon Powe/er. Perry. Wally Murquordl, 1\rl Hoz.le n. Georg~ Lt.:y


Vrunt L lo R. George~ Lobe rger, Ari fl(li/un. Glen n Mohr, bat hoy, J·:d Dulek. Ge1rn Ki/er 2nd row. Jndio.n CJ10rlie. fohn L. Miller, George Seidl. Ole Evenson, Frnnk Coro! Bo.ck row. /.ouis Lfohl. Clwrles Seidl, f as. Loberger. C:c11nille Stuge



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INDEX This book is being published in an efforl lo preserve our heritage for future generations. We are not experts, just amateures who have a love of history and our grandparents. We hope through our efforts you can understand and appreciate the hardships the early pioneers endured to give their children a better world to live in. We have included the first, and when available. the second generation of the pioneer families who first settled the township. The information was obtained from fa mily trees, books. county and state records. newspapers, telephone conversations and personal interviews. We apologize for any and all errors and hope we have not given you a whole new family. We trust this book will be enjoyed by the readers.


Title Page Map of Luxemburg Duchy of Luxembourg Achieving Statehood Formation of Counties Luxemburg Township Luxemburg Village Neuren. Scarboro, Tonet and Walhain Railroad Prayer FAMILY SECTION Adams Alsteen Andrn Arendt Arpin Aschenbrenner Aurie Bach Baierl Balza Barbiaux Bastian Baye Bazlen Behring Beirl Belter Benz Bertrand Bohman Boncher Boness Bon jean Bower Bragger Bredael Bunker Cahn Chapelle Charlier Cherney Christoff Christoph Colle Cravillion Dalebroux Dart Daul Dax De Bauch Delco re Delwich De pas Deprez



2 3 3-4 4 4-9 10-16 17-22 22-23 24

25 25 25 25-27 28 28 29 29 29-30 30

30-31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32-33 33 33-34 34 34 34 34-35 35 35-36 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38-39 39-40 40 40 40-43 43 43 44 44 44 44

Deterville Dishmaker Dorner DuBois Duchateau Duerschmidt Elfner Estel Evenson Fameree Fenendael Pilz Fischer Flegel Friex Frisque Gengler Gerondale Glaser Godshoul Goetsch Gosin Grassel Gotstein Haen Haevers Hafeman Halloin Hanamann Happel Hartinger Heim Hendricks Hermans Higet Hinendael Hoebreckx Hoffman Hoppe Haslet Hrabik Hruska Jacques Jadin Jandrain Joerger Jonet Jun ion Kaut Kaye Kelnhofer Kinnard Kirschner Kline Koenig Kohl beck Kollross

44 45 45-46 46-47 47 47 47 47-48 48 48-49 49 49 49 50 50 50-51 51 51 51 51 51-52 52 52-53 53 53.54 54-55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57-58 58 58 58 59 59 59-60 60 61 61 61 61-62 62 62-63 63 63 63-64 64 64-65 65 65 65 65 66 66-67

Kosnar Kratz Krcma Krueger Kuester Kumbera La Court Lanser Larkin Laurent Laurenz Le mens Ley Libal Liebl Lieschow Linzmeier Lo berger Lo hf Lohrey Lue beck Luedtke McMahon Malcore Marcelle Martin Meintz Merens Miesler Miller Moede Moreaux Morna rd Mueller Nellis Nendel Ney Nicholai Nimmer Novak Nuhlicek Oberhofer Okrush Paa! Paid et Pankratz Paul Pauli Peot Peron to Peters Petitjean Pravachek Prochnow Quade Radue Rank

67 67-68 68 68 68 68-69 69 69 69-70 70

70 70 70-71 71

71 72 72-73 73 73 73

74 74 74 74 74 75 76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79 79 79-80 80 8Q 80-81 81 81 81 82 82 82-83 83 83 83 83-84 84 84 84-86 86 86-87 87 87 87-88 88 88-89 89-90

Rass Retzlaff Ricki Rueck! Salen tine Salmon Santroch Schmidt Schneider Schroeder Schwab Schwedler Sconzert Seidl Sell Siegmund Simonar Smeeste.r Smetana Spitzer Stage Stahl Stuebs Svoboda Theys Thibaudeau Treml Trudell Ullman Vandenhouten Vandeveld Vandrisse Vanouse Veeser Vorpahl Wahl Weinfurter Weininger Wunsch Zellner Zuege Gillis BUSINESS SECTION American House American Legion Post 262 Augies Lookout Badger State Cheese Bank of Luxemburg Barbiaux Butcher Shop Barber Shops Batten's Baumgartn.er Floral Beauty Shops Beirl Variety Bredael's Bowl

90 90-91 91 91-92 92-93 93.94 94 94 94-95 95 95 95-96 96 97-100 100-101 101 101 101-102 102 102-103 103 103-104 104-105 105 105-106 106-107 107-108 108 108-109 109 109 110 110 111 111 111-112 112 112-113 113-114 114-115 115-116 116 117 117.118 118-119 119 119-120 120 121 121 121 121-122 122 122

Bredael 's Uptown Bar 122-123 Burdick's Bar & Restaurant 123 Caldwell-Dufek 124 Caler Agricultural Whey 124 Carlson Heating 124 Chevrolet Garage 124 Christofferson Orchard 124 Club 163/Lucky 13 124-125 Dayton Ford 125 Dentists 125 Don's Bakery 125 Dorner-Stahl Construction 125 Drew's Tavern 125-126 Empty Glass, The 126 Ellisville-Luxemburg Co-op 126 Farmer's Supply 126 Farmer's Trading Company 126-127 Forest Construction 127 Four Seasons Maple Syrup 127-128 Frog Station 128 General Telephone 128-129 George's Cities Service 129 Halfway House 129 Hank's Appliance 129 Harmann Studios 129 Herman 's Grocery 130 Hillside Palace 130 Hruska/Rendezvous 130 Inland Knitting 130-131 Jandrain Repair 131 Jewelry Stores 131 Jim's 54 Cafe 131 Jim's Plumbing 132 Kewaunee County Fair 132 Kewaunee Implement Company 133 King Sacker Motel 133 Kohlbeck Meats 133 Keller's Korner 133-134 Lawyers 134 Lemens Hardware 134 Wisconsin House 134-135 Leroy's General Store 135 Libert's 135 Liebl Building 136 Linzmeier's Tavern 136-137 Luxemburg Chamber of Comm 137-138 138 Luxemburg Cleaners Luxemburg Clinic 138 Luxemburg Implement Company 138-139 Luxemburg Milling Company 139-1 Luxemburg Motor Company 140

Luxemburg News 140-141 Luxemburg Plumbing & Heat 141 Luxemburg Schools 141-148 Hawthorne 148-149 Holmes 149 Garfield 149-150 Lowell 150 US Grant 150 Walhain 150-151 Luxemburg Sportsman Club 151 Luxemburg Fire Dept 152-155 Luxemburg Weld & Repair 155 McMahon's of Luxemburg 155-156 Bach-Kieweg Store 157 A M Hoppe Store 158 Mike's Service 158 Jim Miller Real Estate 158 Muchenhof Mill/Lamb Mill 158 N E W Plastics 159 Bio Chemical Corp 159 Northbrook Country Club 160 Northbrook Lumber & Feed 161 Otto's Meats 162 Outsider's Inn 162 Renard Cheese 162 Retzlaff Well Drilling 162 Rodrain's Welding 162 Rosy's Cosy Corner 163 Rueck! Pole Building 163 Norbert Rueckl Constr 163 SAS 163 Salmon's Meats 163 Schwab Shoes 163-16 Seidl Construction 164 Seidl Electric 16 Simonar Service 164-165 St. Amand's-Walhain 165 St. John's Lutheran Church 165-167 St. Martin's-Tenet 168 St. Mary's Catholic Church 169-172 Standard Oil Company 172 Stodola IGA 172 Bay Ridge Specialties 172 TeKulve Construction 173 Theys Orchards 173 Ullman's Tavern 173-174 U S Post Office 175-176 Vandrisse Insurance 176 Vandrisse Oil Company 176 Veterinary Clinic 177 Village Inn 177 Zellner Harness Shop 178 PICTURE GALLERY 179 Maps 193 199


Family Tree Contributors

History of Brown County, Wisconsin Past and Present-by Deborah B Martin Vol 1-1913

Neoma Michalski Alice Seidl Lynn Stahl Lloyd Haen Mike Peot Adeline Aschenbrenner Donna Thibaudeau Verna H eim

Commemorative Biographica l Record of Brown . Kewaunee and Door, Wisconsin by j H Beer & Company-Chicago 1895 Birthplace of a Commonwealth A short History of Brown County, Wisconsin by Jack Rudolph-1976 The World Book Encyclopedia Field Enterprises Educational Corporation Chicago- Vol 12 A Century of God's Grace History of St. john's Church- Sept 8 1974 Nick Thimmesch Newspaper article dated Aug 8, 1971 Ha11oin article from Green Bay Press Gazette Official Directory. Kewaunee County American Legion Records, Joseph F Stodola Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce Records. Ted Stodola Luxemburg High School Records. Charlotte Jerabek Luxemburg Fire Department Records, Marvin Bins Muchenhof Mill article, Diane Dorner Scarboro, Verna Heim, Jerry Thibaudeau, Viola and Kay Hanrahan Walhain, Mrs. Ray Paye St. Martins. Hazel Lemens U S Post Office, Austin Allard Luxemburg News, Olga Schwab

Olga Carlson Map of Luxemburg

Photo contributions Gary Arendt Paul Arendt Stella Arpin Mrs. Elmer Baumann Anna Benz Marvin Bins Jim DuBois Richard Cmeyla Alice Estel Irene Oalebroux Ed Goetsch Verna Heim Pearl Hruska Margaret Johnson Edna Kubale Harold Lemens Ray Liebl Alfred Linzmeier Peter Martin

Mrs. Peter Mathu Neoma Michalski Kate Ouradnik Mrs. Raymond Paye Earl Peot Estella Peot Leo Sa lmon Gail Santroch Bertha Kline Schauer Olga Schwab Alice Seidl Len Seidl Velda Seidl Irene Simonar Ervin Stahl Madonna Thibaudeau Esther Theys Norman VanDrisse Millie Panosh

Special thanks to Bernadin e and Terry Mathu for keeping the records and for a ll the help others gave in the mailing. proof reading and getting the book ready for publication.

Typists- Carol Simonar, Berdina Lemens, Alice Seidl and Olga Schwab

We also wish to thank the following offices for their cooperation Register of Deeds County Clerk University of Wisconsin Area Research Library Luxemburg News Office State Historical Society -M ~1ps 1876 and 1895 Secretary of State Lary Swoboda

Researchers-Neoma Michalski. Pearl Hruska, Stella Arpin and Irene Simonar (Verna Heim for use of her scrap books]

A special thank you to the Kewaunee County Historical Society for lending us the use of their pictures.

Cover design by Lee Anderson

To anyone we forgot to mention. Thank You.

We appreciate and gratefully acknowledge the assistance given by the following people: