A Guide to Feelings [1 ed.]

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Children of the Revolution series

For adults

Acknowledgments and thanks: Sadaf and Mehul and the kid reviewed Growing plant


1 Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Saran Foer beautifully describes coping with PTSD and the ways in which to deal with difficult events and emotions.

Pixar’s Inside Out describes emotional complexity in an interactive way for children.


The Discovery Channel’s documentary Why Dogs Smile and Chimpanzees Cry takes a look at the emotional life of animals, and explores questions about the internal life of our friends.





My amazing friend Sadaf taught me: “visualize your worries as bubbles and then burst them away, one by one!”



The word emoticon combines emotion and icon allowing for new and innovative forms of expression and communication: 😩☺😔😌😒😟😕🤔🥶😡😳😤🤢😪🦜🌈🍇🍉🍓🫐🌶🍫🍭


Expression vs communication

Expression vs communication

Calm app woebot



Discuss tone, decibel and touch.

In the era of digital surveillance we have a right to protect ourselves from over sharing our feelings and then being commodified

To understand ourselves and our feelings can help to figure out what and how or if to express or communicate them


Miscommunicating so much

Feel your emotions Express them Communicate feelings Communicate emotions Protect emotions Protect feelings The role of time and space



Feelings in the body

Fill each bubble with a thought like a list

Categorize them as positive or negative

Things you love

Love you

Basic vs. complex emotions were categorized by

Moods are different from emotions. First, moods tend to be much more long-lasting, going for hours or days, whereas an emotion may only last minutes. Second, emotions are about something specific, such as a person or situation, but moods are much more diffuse with no identifiable object. A mood is a general feeling, not a reaction to a particular situation. Third, moods are not as intense as emotions, which can be strong feelings such as exhilaration, terror, or despair. In contrast, you might not be consciously aware that you are in a good or bad mood until you reflect on your response to situations.

List out all the different things you feel! If they’re new Feelings make up a word you would like to use to describe them. Identifying the feeling can help you both understand yourself and (if you decide to) communicate it to others.

Mood portrait: how are you feeling right now? Describe using words Color’s symbols collage but first : draw!

Do you want anyone else to know how you’re feeling? Y N That’s communication. If yea skip to page x

Match a color or a shape to your feeling. Turn it into a code how to express it or communicate

Draw a portrait of someone else in expressionist style. How are the feeling? How can you tell? Did you ask, or it’s what you think?

That’s why it’s always important when you are with someone to ask or wonder : how are they feeling and why? And to be gentle and sensitive to them. But also to yourself.