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English Pages [439] Year 1893
Table of contents :
Front Cover
are written with one. In speaking of a place ...
Plural. ...
O ai? who? singular and plural. ...
Singular. ...
taʻele, to bathe, taʻelea. ...
mulumulu, to rub, muluia. ...
The Causative, like Hiphil in Hebrew. ...
vave, quickly ; e ita vave o ia, ...
One noun follows another in the ablative, governed by ...
Verbs having a passive form are made active by placing ...
that my people had hearkened; fia oti! O ...
Tagi le ui'i; ...
Se pule a le ā, ...
Fai pea si a latou mane, ...
3. ...
'O le ‘umu ua vela, Of one ...
war. ...
a competitor, that the person | 'Ela, ...
'IVA. ...
SU ...
( 115 ) ...
( 125 ) ...
terous, of a woman. 2. To be ...
FAF ...
na. ...
FUĀMANAVA, 1 s. testes. ...
LAGA'ALI, 8. the name of a ...
a blunder in speaking. 'O lāna ...
MĀ-EʻE, v. 1. to shiver...
do. ...
PEPEPEⓇAPEʻA, 8. one kind of butter- | ...
SAPASAPAIALUGA, v. to be in every SASAⓇE, ...
TĂ“AFUA, 8. a detached clamfish; ...
1e ...
TEʻl, v. 1. to startle. “...
TŪa, v. from tu, to have ptery...
meild ...
А ...
Buy, v. (baī] faatau ; t...
mai. ...
GREEN, [grīn] unripe, moto. Gut...
. ...
NEGOTIATE, v. [ně-go-shi...
OPPRESS, v. fa‘asauā. ...
SHOE, n. (shu] se'rvae...
mea. ...
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SANTA CRUZ From the Personal Library of
RAYMOND W . FIRTH Purchased in part through the contributions of the
W .
Jollas. Sabin . h
me23- 1896 . mond
SAMOAN LANGUAGE, With English and Samoan Vocabulary . BY
Third and Revised Edition .
THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 1893. [ All rights reserved .]
also m
PL 6501 P82 1893 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The former editions of this work having passed out of print, in compliance with the urgent suggestions of several friends and a strong impression on my own
mind of the necessity for preserving the usefulness of the work, I have now prepared a revised and enlarged edition , and have also introduced into it valuable additions which will be found of great advantage to the student of the Samoan language. From a volume of MS. songs, written out by a native
poet, and lent me by the Rev. G . Brown, I culled 500 new words. On a visit to Samoa in 1885, I ascertained
the correct meaning of these words from various pun dits, and also collected many other words at the same time. Since then I have added to the new collection while translating a volume of myths and legends, & c., compiled by the late Rev. T . Powell. From Marsden 's
Malay Dictionary I obtained 180 Eastern Polynesian roots, which I have inserted in their places. There are also many resemblances found in the Malay Grammar
to the Samoan. (See note appended.) In this edition I have enlarged the Grammar,and
. iv
have added 560 words to the English and Samoan part of the Dictionary.* About 1300 new words or new meanings have been added, making a total of over
12,000 words.
Lastly , I have given a number of Proverbs in use among the natives.
GEO . PRATT. SYDNEY, N .S .W ., 1892. * The English and Samoan Vocabulary has been placed last in the
Book for the convenience of Samoan students learning English ; and the Samoan phonetic spelling of some English words, with the Samoan
names for parts of speech , have been included for the benefit of natives. J. E . N .
PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. For my own amusement in 1875 I wrote out a syntax of the Samoan Grammar. I was led to do this by
observing, while reading Nordheimer's Hebrew Gram mar, that the Samoan, in many points, resembled the
Hebrew . Shortly afterwards the Rev. S. J. Whitmee asked me to contribute the Samoan part of a compara tive Malayo- Polynesian Dictionary . I at once, with the aid of pundits, commenced revising the first edition
of my Dictionary, which was printed at the Samoan Mission Press in 1862. I read through the Hawaii, Maori, Tahiti, and Fiji Dictionaries, and from these I obtained some words which occur also in the Samoan
dialect, but which had been overlooked in the first edition .
I also culled words and examples from
Samoan genealogical accounts, songs, traditionary tales, proverbs, & c . In this way I have been enabled to add over four thousand new words or new meanings.
To the Rev. T . Powell, F.L .S., I am indebted for many new words, including names, both native and scientific, of plants .
Mr. Whitmee has filled up, as far as possible, the scientific names of the plants and animals.
Many immodest words excluded from
the first
edition have been admitted into this . 6 ' Tis needful that themost immodest word Be looked upon and learn 'd ; which, once attained, Comes to no further use But to be known and hated .”
Such is my experience. Having once learnt such a word, I know how to avoid stumbling upon it in
Those who take the opposite course are
apt, all unconsciously , to say things which , had they
known, they would have wished unsaid . Some Polynesian tribes have recently changed the pronunciation of one or two consonants. The natives
of Niuē (Savage Island) have changed the t into ts. Fifteen years ago only a portion of the younger people made the t into ts before i ; as lautsi for lauti. Since
then the practice has spread amongst the people, and the use has been extended by some to the t before any vowel.
In Hawaii they have changed the t into k , and ng
into n . Thus tangata has become kanaka . Samoans are doing the same thing at the present time, to the
great injury of the language. The examples in the Grammar are taken from the Scriptures. I wrote that part on the Island of Tutuila . I had not access to any other Samoan writings, and the convenience afforded by the use of a Concordance was not to be despised. In the Samoan and English part of the Dictionary most of the examples are taken from old songs and historical myths. The examples given with the nouns will show whether they take o
or a , lona or lana, in governing another noun, or in an accompanying pronoun .
That all Samoan words have been collected it would be useless to affirm . I would fain have had several
years during which to go on collecting, but must needs be content to go to press with such as I have, as a new
edition is called for, the former being out of print.
NOTES. (1 ). ON THE Malay LANGUAGE. — The Malay language was inundated in the 12th century by the Arabic. Some letters were then intro duced ; and all words beginning with those letters are Arabic . There are besides “ multitudes of pure Sanscrit words.” (Marsden's Malay Dictionary .)
In introducing Arabic the words liave been softened in accordance
with the genius of the Malay. May not the Malayan words also have been hardened to bring them into accordance with the genius of the Arabic, as iku to ikur; langi to langit. The Malayan abounds in reduplicated words as lakilaki. Redupli cation is a characteristic feature of the Samoan verb. Nouns have no cases. Case is indicated by a preposition , e.g. ka langit, to the sky. An is suffixed to form the noun as pilian , choice, from pili ; compare
ga in Samoan . Gender is denoted by adding male or female. The
adjective follows the noun, and is not otherwise distinguished . Numerals have many resemblances : lima puluh, five feathers, or fifty . In Samoan lima fulu , fifty. In the verb, the causative is indicated by men ; as diya men jakat. All the tenses in Javanese and in Malay are indicated by adverbs ; and this is probably the origin of the verbal particles of the Samoan .
Syntax.— The subject generally follows the verb, and the agent precedes; as, A horse eats grass. Sometimes the subject precedes; as,My plantation the elephants have destroyed. So the Samoan. In the imperfect the agent mostly follows the verb ; thus, Hear thou. Numerals precede the noun, as, Six men ; Samoan, E toa ono tagata . Sometimes they follow , as, 'O manu e fa, four birds.
Malay has a language of politeness ; so also the Samoan. The Polynesians must have migrated before the Malay became than the language at present in use by the Malays. Samoans have lost the h and softened the k, and changed r into l ; but they almost corrupted . Their language, probably, is now nearer to the old Malay
alone have retained the s, and the language of politeness. (2 ). PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS TO EUROPEANS WHO ARE BEGINNING TO LEARN SAMOAN . — Letters : (1) Pronounce vowels as in the Continental languages, not as in English. (2) Pronounce every vowel distinctly, whether short or long. A difference in the quantity or accent of a vowel makes a difference in the meaning of the word ; e.g. mánu, a
bird ; mānu , to rise above. (3 ) Of the consonants g is sounded like
NOTES . ng in the English word sing ; 1, with a or u before it, and i after it, is sounded as a soft r, almost as ad. (4) The “ break ,” which stands for the dropping out of a consonant, usually k,must be carefully observed.
Accent.— The accent falls on the penultimate syllable. Names of places at a distance, of families, and some other words have a long
vowel at the end . A contracted syllable is always long, as lē for le e. The voice is raised on the last word of a sentence. The Article. Se is equal to a or an, Eng.; but le is often used by Samoanswhere a is used in English ; as, 0 le ali'i Pai, Pai is a chief. Nouns. Verbs and adjectives, in their simple form , with 'o le put before them , are used as nouns. When a noun formed from a verb by adding a suffix (ga , & c .) is used to express the idea of agency or action , it takes the genitive preposition a , not o, after it ; as, o le faiga o le fale, the building of the house ; but ' 0 le faiga a fale, the builders of the house. This rule generally regulates also the vowels
of the possessive pronouns lona, lana, & c.,and the dative preposition mo, ma.
adv. adverb . conj. conjunction . cont. contraction . dimin. diminutive. euph. euphemism .
fig. figuratively. impers. impersonal interj. interjection.
pron . pronoun .
pass. passive. prep. preposition. recip. reciprocal. redup. reduplication . 8. substantive. spec. specially. syn . synonym .
intens. intensive.
V. verb . v. a . verb active.
V. N . verb neuter.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . LETTERS. THE Samoan alphabet proper consists of only fourteen letters: a , e, i, o , u ; f, g, l, m , n, p, s, t, v. The word ūūū, a shout of triumph, has something very nearly approaching to the aspirate, as if,uhuhu . K is found only in puke ! catch you ; and its compound , pukētā ! Recently,as in the Sandwich Islands, the t has come to be pronounced as k in common conversation. In set speeches the proper pronun ciation is still, for the most part, observed . A is pronounced 1st, long,as in father; pā, a wall. 2nd, rather short,as in mat; patilima, to clap hands. 3rd, very short, nearly like ŭ in smut ; as mate, dead ; maliu , dead ; vave, be quick . The difference between long and short a is very observable in a greatmany words, spelt in the same way, but having widely different meanings ; as tamā, father; táma, child ; făʻamoega, a sheath ; fā' amoega , a war feast ; mănu, a bird ; mānu, to rise above.
The learner must pay special attention to the quantity of a . The
meaning is often dependent on the quantity ; as, păpă, a rock ; pāpā, to burst ; păpā, to miscarry ; tuafăfine, a sister; tuafāfine, sisters. The third quantity is limited to a very few words. E, i, o, u are pronounced as in Continental languages. Each of them has both a long and short quantity ; as pěpē, dead ; tiga, pain ; titi, girdle of ti ; põpā, to pat; popo,dry ; păpă, ironbound coast. G (nga ) is always nasal, as ng in sing. L (la ) the same as in English , except when preceded by either a, o, or ú ,and followed by i, when it is pronounced by most natives as a soft r, almost approaching to a d sound, for which it is substituted , in similar situations, in the pronunciation of New Zealand words ; as kirikiri, pronounced kidikidi ; so in Samoan aliali is pronounced
ariari ; olioli is pronounced oriori ; uliuli as uriuri. S is not quite so sibilantas in English . It is called sa. The other letters, f, m , n, p, t, v, called fa ,mo, nu, pi, ti, vi,are pronounced as in English . In foreign introduced words k and r are retained , as Kerise,
karite, barley ; but d becomes t, as Tavita , David ; ph becomes f, as Fērukia, Phrygia ; g and c hard become k , as Kerika,Greek ; Kanana , Canaan ; h is also retained at the beginning of some proper names ; as Herota, Herod ; z becomes 8, Sakaria ; w becomes , Uiliamu, William ; 5 becomes p, Petania, Bethany. In addition to these, there is a sound something between h and k , and used in the place of the latter letter, as found in words in kindred dialects ; as, uía, paper-mulberry, in Niuē, uka . This is represented by an inverted comma, and is called a “ break .” Two similar vowels cannot occur together without a break between , except in a few cases of compound words ; as mataala , to watch ; mataali, to fall blighted ; mataafi, a large fire, etc.; on the contrary, agaaga is written, and pronounced agaga ; so alaala is alāla . When two such vowels come together in forming new words, or in com mencing a word with the yowel which terminates the preceding word , and with which it stands in close connection, they are pronounced by a single impulse of the voice, as one long vowel ; as mata alofa (mata
lofa), benevolent-looking; alofa atu, to love, pronounced alofātu . A few cases occur of the coalescence of different vowels ; as ma ona, , for him , pronounced mona ; ave atu , to take, contracted to avatu ; tosina , drawn, contracted from tosoina. Every letter is distinctly sounded , so that there are no improper diphthongs. The proper diphthongs are au, as in sau, to come; ai, as in fai, to do; ae, as in mae, to be stale ; ei, as in lelei, good ; ou , as in outou , you ; ue, as in aue, alas !
No two consonants can come together without a vowel between .
All syllables are open , i.e., must end in a vowel. Many natives are exceedingly careless and incorrect in the pro nunciation of consonants, and even exchange or transpose them without confusion, and almost unnoticed by their hearers; as mānu , fornāmu,a scent ; lagoga for lagona , to understand ; lava'au for valaʻau , to call;but they are very particular about the pronunciation of the vowels. In some foreign namesh is changed into 8 ; as Sapaifor Hapai. SYLLABLES. Every syllable must end in a vowel. No 'syllable can consist of more than three letters, one consonant and two vowels, the two vowels making a diphthong ; as fai, mai, tau. Roots are sometimes mono
byllabic, but mostly dissyllabic. Polysyllabic words are nearly all derived or compound words; as nofogatā from nofo and gatā, difficult of access ; taʻigāafi, from taʻi, to attend to the fire, and afi, fire, the hearth .
The general rule is that the accent is on the penultima, but to this there are exceptions. Many words ending in a long vowel take the accent on the ultima; as ma'elegā, zealous ; 'onā, to be intoxicated ; faigatā, difficult. Verbs formed from nounsending in a, and meaning to 'abound in, have properly two a's, as puaā (pua 'aa ), ponā, tagatā , but
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. are written with one. In speaking of a place at some distance, the accent is placed on the last syllable ; as ' O loro į Safotū, he is at Safotu. The samething is done in referring to a family ; as sa Muli agā, the family of Muliaga. Somost words ending in ga, not a sign of a noun ,as tigā , puapuagā, pologā, fantagā ,ugā. So also all words ending in a diphthong, asmamaū,mafai,aoai.
In speaking the voice is raised, and the emphasis falls on the last word in each sentence.
When a word receives an addition by means of an affixed particle,
the accent is shifted forward ; as alófa, love ; alofága, loving, or showing love ; alofagia, beloved . Reduplicated words have two accents ; as pálapála,mud ; ségiséyi, twilight. Compound words may have eyen three or four, accordivg to thenumber of words and affixes of which the compound word is composed ; as töfátumoánaína , to be engulfed. The articles le and se are accented. When used to form a pronoun or participle, lēand sē are contractions for le e, se e, and so are accented ; as “Olē ana le mea , the owner, lit. the (person ) whose (is ) the thing, instead of O le e ana le mea . The sign of the nominative 'o, the prepositions o, a , i, e, and the euphonic particles i and te, are unaccented ; as "O i mava , ma te o atu ia te oe, we two will go to you . Inā , the sign of the imperative, is accented on the ultima; ina, the sign of the subjunctive, on the penultima. The preposition iá is accented on the ultima, the pronoun iu on the peuultima.
The article le is both definite and indefinite ; at least it is constantly ased by the natives, where the English would require the indefinite
article ; def., le Atua , God ; indef., o le alii Pai, such an one is o
chief. On looking into such cases, it will be found that there is something definite, from a pative standpoint, which makes him use le rather than se, as Da tu mai le va'a , a canoe appears. Se is always indefinite ; ta mai se laʻau, (ut me a stick .
The article is omitted before plural nouns, thus, 'O le tagata , the man ; " O tagata ,men .
Names of natural objects, as men , trees, animals, are mostly primi
tive nouns, as 'Ole la , the sun ; 'o le tagata, the man ; 'o le talo, taro ; 'o le i'a , the fish ; also manufactured articles, asmătau , an axe, va'a, canoe, tao, spear, fale, house, etc. Some nouns are derived from verbs by the addition of either ga , saga, taga ,maga, or "aga : as tuli, to drive ; tuliga, a driving ; lulu'u , to fill the hand ; lu’utaga , a handful; anu , to spit ; anusaga, spittle ; tanu, to bury ; tanumaga , the part buried . These verbal nouns have an active parlicipialmeaniug ; as o le faiga o le fale, the building of the house. Often they refer to the persons acting, in whichB2 case they
govern the next noun in the genitive with a ; 'O le faiga a fale, cona tracted into “o le faigā fale , those who build the house, the builders. In some cases verbal nouns refer to either persons or things done by them : ' O le faiga a talo, the getting of taro, or the party getting the taro, or the taro itself which has been got. The context in such cases decides the meaning. Sometimes place is indicated by the termina tion ; as tofā, to sleep ; tofāga , a sleeping-place, a bed . Ole taʻelega is either the bathing-place or the party of bathers. The first would take o after it to govern the next noun, 'O le taóelega o le nuću , the bathing-place of the village ; the latter would be followed by a , 'O le taóelega a teine. Sometimes such nouns have a passive meaning, as being acted upon ; O le taomaga a lau, the thatch that has been pressed ; 'o le faupućega a maóa, the heap of stones, that is, the stones which have been heaped up. Those nouns which take caga are rare, except on Tutuila ;
gata'aga, the end ; Camataʻaga, the beginning; ola‘aga, lifetime; misa‘aga, quarrelling. Sometimes the addition of ga makes the signi fication intensive ; as ua ,and timu, rain ; uaga, and timuga , continued pouring . The simple form of the verb is sometimes used as a noun ; tatalo, to pray ; 'o le tatalo, a prayer ; poto, to be wise ; “o le poto, wisdom . The reciprocal form of the verb is often used as a noun ; as 'O le fealofani, o femisaiga, quarrellings (from misa ), fe'umaiga ; e.g., E lelei le fealofani, mutual love is good . A few diminutives are made by reduplication, as Paapaa, small crabs; pulepule, small shells ; liilii, ripples. Adjectives are made into abstract nouns by adding an article or pronoun ; as lelei, good ; bo ' le lelei, goodness ; silisili, excellent ; '0 lona lea silisili, that is his excellence. Many verbs may become participle-nouns by adding ga ; as sau, come, sauga, ' O lona luai sauga , his first coming ; mau to mauga , 'O le maugamuamua, the first dwelling.
Gender. Gender is sometimes expressed by distinct names : O le aliʻi, a chief.
O le tamaita'i, a lady.
O le tane, a man . O le tama, a boy. " O le toa , a cock .
O le fafine, a woman .
O le teine, a girl. O le matuā moa , a hen .
"O le po‘a, a male animal.
'O le manu fafine, a female animal. When no distinct name exists, the gender of animals is known by adding poʻa and fafine respectively. The gender of some few plants is distinguished by tane and fafine, so le esi tane ; 'o le esi fafine. No other names of objects have any mark of gender.
The singular number is known by the article with thenoun ; as 'o le tama, a boy. Properly there is no dual. It is expressed by omitting the article ,
and adding e lua for things, e toalua, two, for persons; as “o fale e lua , two houses; 'o le nu'u e toalua, two persons. The plural is known - 1. By the omission of the article ; '0 'ulu , breadfruits. 2. By particles denoting multitude, as "au , vao, mou , and motu, and such plural is emphatic ; ‘o le ‘au iʻa , a shoal of fishes ; so le vao tagata, a forest of men , i.e., a great company ; 'o le mou mea, a great numberof things ; 'o le motu o tagata , a crowd of people. These particles cannot be used indiscriminately ; motu could not be used with fish , nor "au with men. 3 . By lengthening, or more correctly doubling, a yowel in the word ; tuafāfine, instead of tuafafine, sisters of a brother. This method is rare.
Case. This is indicated by particles and prepositions. The Nominative case is shown by the particle 0 ; as 'O le fale tou te ulu atu ai, thehouse which ye shall enter. It is used before proper names ; as ‘0 Tahiti. It is omitted wben the nom . follows the verb ; Ua alu le vaʻa, the canoe is gone. But, in the verbal form , ona followed by ai lea , the noun and pronoun may either take the 'o or
omit it ; as Ona alu ai lea 'o le tamaloa ; Ona fai atu lea lo latou
Genitive. This is indicated by the prepositions a or o (soft). As to which of these should be used , as well as the pronouns lou, lau , lona, lana, lo and la matou , etc., it is difficult for a foreigner to know . There is no general rule which will apply to every case. The governing noun
decides which should be used ; thus 'o le poto 'o le tufuga, the wisdom of the builder ; 'O le amio a le tama, the conduct of the boy; upu o Fagono, words of Fagono (a kind of narrative and song); but upu a tagata, words of men . The following hints may serve in some measure to guide as to which some classes of nouns govern : I. O is used with
1, Nouns denoting parts of the body ; fofoga o le ali'i, eyes of the
chief. So of hands, legs, hair, etc. ; except the beard, which takes a , lana 'ava ; but a chief's is lona soesā .
2 . The mind and its affections ; 'o le toʻasā o le ali'i, the wrath of the chief. So of the will, desire, love, fear, etc. ; ' O le mana' o o le nu'u, the desire of the land ; 'o le mataʻu o le tama, the fear of the boy.
3. Houses, and all their parts; canoes, land, country, trees, planta 4. People, relations, slaves ; 'o ona tagata ,his people; 'o le faletua o le aliʻi, the chief's wife. So also of a son , daughter, father, etc . Exceptions. — Tane, husband ; avā, wife (of a common man ), and children ,which take a ; lana avā ma ana fanau. 5. Garments, etc., if for use ; ona ‘ofu. Except when spoken of as
tions; thus, pou o le fale, posts of the house ; lona fanua, lona nu-u, etc.
property, riches, things laid up in store.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . II. A is used with 1. Words denoting conduct, custom , etc.; amio,masani, tu . 2. Language, words, speecbes; gagana, upu, fetalaiga , afioga ; '0
le upu a le tama. 3 . Property of every kind. Except garments, etc., for use. 4. Servants, animals, men killed and carried off in war; lana tagata . 5 . Food of every kind. 6. Weapons and implements, as clubs, knives, swords,bows, cups, tattooing instruments, etc.
Except spears, axes, and ‘080 (the stick used for planting taro), which take o. 7. Work ; as lana galuega .
Except faiva , which takes o. Some; words take either a or 0 ; as manału, taofi, o se tali a Matautų , an answer given by Matautu ; 'o se tali Matautu, an answer given to M .* Irregularities in the use of the preposition : ( 1). Nouns denoting the vessel and its contents do not take the pre
position between them : 'o le 'ato talo, a basket of taro ; 'o le fale oloa , a house of property, or store-house. (2). Nouns denoting the material of which a thing is made : 'O le tupe auro, a coin of gold ; 'o le vaʻa ifi, a canoe of teak . (3). Nouns indicating members of the body are rather compounded with other nouns instead of being followed by a genitive : 'O le mata ivi, an eye of bone; "o le isu va 'a , a nose of a canoe ; ‘o le gutu sumu, a mouth of the sumu ; 'o le loto alofa , a heart of love.
(4.) Many other nouns are compounded in the same way : '0 le apaau tane, the male wing ; 'o le pito pou , the end ofthe post. (5 ). The country or town of a person omits the preposition : '0 le tagata Samoa, a man of Samoa ; o le Tui-Manuća, the king ofManu'a. (6 ). Nouns ending in a, lengthen (or double) that letter before other nouns in the possessive form : '0 le suā susu ; 'o le magā ala, or maga a ala , a branch road .
(7). The sign of the possessive is not used between a town and its proper name, but the nominative sign is repeated ; thus putting the two in apposition : '0 le 'a'ai “o Matautu.
Dative. Mo and ma governing this case, usually signify for ; as au mai lea ma
aʻu , give that for, or to,me. Ma also means, on account of, rules govern the use of mo and ma, as o and a in the genitive : ' O le sui
because ; sau i fale ma le la, come in , because of the sun . The same mo outou , a substitute for you . * In bis “ Short Synopsis of Hawaiian Grammar,” Professor Alexander gives the following rule for the use of these prepositions : “ O implies a passive or intransitive a living person or agent, and implies that the thing possessed is bis to make or act
relation ; a , an active and transitive one. A can be used only before a word denoting
upon, or is subject to his will ; while o implies that it is his merely to possess or use , to receive or be affected by."
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. Accusative. accusative The or objective case follows the verb withoutany sign : Seu lou vaʻa , turn or steer your canoe. This case is governed also by the preposition i in, into, to ; ia, to persons ; and with pronouns. It mostly follows active verbs : Seu lou vaʻa i le mea nei, steer your canoe to this place. It is also used in sentences which require the addition of the verb to be,or to have, in translating them ; 'ua ia te ia le mea , the property is to him ; that is, he has it.
Vocative . This is indicated by e. Sometimes it retains the article ; le ali'i e ;
butmost commonly it is omitted . Ablative.
The ablat is gover
by mai, nai, ai, from ; i, into ; e, from ,
ive mostly with persons. ned Proper names are declined as the plural form of the common noun . That is to say, they omit the article ; thus, 'O Toga ; 'o le Toga , would mean a Tonga man. The accusative takes ia instead of i. Declension of a Common Noun . Plural. N . " le alisi, the chief. "O ali'i, or aliʻi, the chiefs. G . o or a le aliʻi, of the chief oor a ali'i, of the chiefs. A . ¿ le aliʻi, to the chief. i ali'i, to the chiefs. V . le ali'i e, O chief. ali'i e, chiefs. Ab. e le ali'i, by the chief. e ali-i, by the chiefs. i le ali'i, in the chief. mai le ali-i, from the chief. mai ali'i, from the chiefs. Examples : 'Oleall'iwamaliu mai,or, Ua maliu mai le ali'i, The chief has come. Ua fai le fale o le ali'i, The house of the chief ismade. Va maumau mea a le ali'i, The property of the chief is wasted . Tu'u ia mo le aliʻi, Leave it for the chief. Ave mo le ali'i,Give it for the chief. Alu ia i le aliti, Go to the chief. Voc. — Le ali'i e, ua e afio mai, Chief, you have come. Ab. - Da 'auina a'u e le ali'i, I am sent by the chief. Singular.
Declension of a Proper Name of a Person. N . 'O Malietoa, Malietoa.
A . ia Malietoa, to Malietoa.
G . o or a Malietoa, of Malietoa . V . Malietoa e, O Malietoa. D . mo or ma Malietoa, for Ab. e or mai Malietoa, by or from Malietoa. Malietoa.
The proper names of places are declined in the sameway as the plural of common nouns.
Some adjectives are primitive, as umi, long ; poto, wise. Some formed from nouns by the addition of a , like y in English ; as word ,
wordy ; thus, ‘ele ele , dirt ; "ele elea , dirty ; palapala , mud ; palapalā, muddy. Others are formed by doubling the noun ; as pona , a knot ;
pona pona, knotty ; fatu , a stone ; fatufatua , stony. Others are formed by prefixing faʻa to the noun ; as 'o le tu faʻasamoa , a Samoan custom . Like ly in English, the fa'a often expresses similitude ; 'o le amio fa-apuaʻa , swinish conduct. In one or two cases a js prefixed ; as
apulupulu , sticky, from pulu, resin ; avanoa, open ; from va and noa . Verbs are also used as adjectives : 'o le ala faigatā , a difficult road ; o le vai tafe, a river, flowing water ; 'o le la 'au ola, a live tree; also the passive : 'o le ali i mataʻutia .
Ma is the prefix of condition, sae, to tear ; masae, torn ; as, 'O le e'e masae, torn cloth ; Goto, to sink ; magoto, sunk ; 'o le vaʻa magoto, a sunken canoe.
A kind of compound adjective is formed by the union of a noun with
an adjective ; as 'o le tagata lima malosi, a strongman, lit. the strong. handed man ; 'o le tagata loto vaivai, a weak-spirited man .
Nouns denoting the materials out of which things are made are stone house. Or they may be reckoned as nouns in thegenitive. (See Syntax.) Adjectives expressive of colours are mostly reduplicated words ; as sinasina, white ; uliuli, black ; samasama, yellow ; enaʻena, brown ; mūmū, red , etc. ; but when they follow a noun they are usually found in their simple form ; as 'o le 'ie sina , white cloth ; 'o le pua-a uli, a black pig. The plural is sometimes distinguished by doubling the first syīlable; as sina,white ; plural, sisina ; tele, great ; pl. tetele. In compound words the first syllable of the root is doubled ; as maualuga ,
used as adjectives : “o le mama auro, a gold ring ; o le fale maʻa, a
high ; pl. maualuluga. Occasionally the reciprocal form is used as a plural; as lele , flying ; 'o manu felelei, flying creatures, birds. Comparison is generally effected by using two adjectives, both in the positive state ; thus e lelei lenei, 'a'e leaga lenā, this is good — but that is bad, not in itself,but in comparison with the other ; e umi lenei, a e puupuu lena, this is long, that is short.
The superlative is formed by the addition of an adverb, such as matuā , tasi, sili, silisilióese aʻiaʻi, na-uā ; as 'ua lelei tasi, it alone is
good — that is, nothing equals it. “Ua matuā silisili ona lelei, it is very exceedingly good ; 'ua tele naʻuā, it is very great. Silisili ese, highest, ese , differing from all others.
Nauā has often the meaning of “ too much " ; ua tele nauā, it is greater than is required.
Numerals . The cardinals are : E tasi, one. E tolu , three.
E lima, five. E ono, six. E fitu, seven .
E fā, four.
E valu , eight.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . E iva, nine. E fitugafulu, seventy. E sefulu , ten . Evalugafulu , eighty. E sefulu ma le tasi, eleven . E sefulu ma le lua, twelve. E twenty luafulu, or e lua sefulu , .
E tolugafulu, thirty.
E fāgafulu , forty. E limagafulu, fifty . E onogafulu , sixty.
E ivagafulu, ninety. E selau , one hundred . E lua lau , two hundred . E tolugalau , three hundred . E afe, one thousand . E lua afe, two thousand. E tolugaafe, three thousand . E mano, ten thousand .
É mano is the utmost limit. The natives do not say, e lua mano,
but all beyond mano is manomano, ilu ; that is, innumerable. Hazlewood , in his Fijian Grammar, regards the particle e as a kind of article. It would seem rather to be the verbal particle, because the numerals take ua and sa , instead of e ; as, ua valu , there are eight. When joined to nouns of time e is omitted before the numeral: ' E po
fitu, seven nights, but, E fitu o matou po, our nights are seven . “ Numerals in the Melanesian languages are used as nouns,adjectives, and verbs.” (Codrington, p. 237.) E sefulu , it is tenned ; here it is a verb.
Ordinals. "O le muamua , or "o le uluaʻi, first. O le lua, second . O le tolu , third , etc. Months are counted differently after the second . O le toluga masina , the third month . O le fāga masina , the fourth month , etc., up to the ninth, after which the ordinary counting is followed . The numeral adverbs, once, twice, etc., are expressed by atu ; as 0 le atu tasi, once ; '0 le atu lua , twice, etc. Another method is by prefixing fāʻa ; as Ua ʻou sau fā'alua, I have come twice.
Distributives are formed by prefixing taʻi; as taʻitasi, one by one, one at a time; taʻilima, five each , or by fives. Toʻa is added in counting persons ; as taʻito‘alua, two at a time, or in pairs. * * Thicknesses of things doubled, or folds, are expressed by prefixing to the cardinal number sāutua ; as sāutualua, doubled ; sāutuatolu, threefold , etc. Very many things are counted each in its own peculiar way. A knowledge of this is absolutely necessary , as being always used by the natives, and also to prevent mistakes ; thus, to say, 'o iʻa e lualau , instead of meaning two hundred , would mean only two. The following are the principal forms: Men are counted by prefixing toʻa : e toʻatasi, one; e toʻatinoa gafulu , ten .
Young pigs and cocoa-nuts by affixing oa, or in couples ; as e lua oa, four ; e fāgaoa, eight. The odd one being expressed separately; thus, o popo e onogaoa ma le popo e tasi, thirteen.
Cocoa-nuts by the score; thus, e seaea , twenty; e'luāea, forty; e tolugaea, sixty. Fowls, breadfruit, and some shell-fish ; e tasi, one (as often with other things); e luafua , two; e tolugafua, three ; e fuāgafulu , ten ; e fualua , twenty ; e fuaselau , one hundred .
Crayfish ; when ten, e tuéeagafulu ; tu'elua, twenty. Fish ; e lualau , two; e tolugalau , three ; e lauagafulu , ten ; e laulua , one thousand, Bonito (not called i'a by Sumoans, except on Tutuila ) ; 'o atu e luatino, two bonitos ; e tinoagafulu , ten . twenty ; e lauselar, one hundred ; e laulualau , two hundred ; e lauafe,
Taro, e luamata , two; ematāgafulu, ten ; ematalua, twenty, etc. Yams; units as cocoa -nuts, tens as bananas : 'O ufi a 'aulua, twenty
yams, lit. twenty stems. Bananas ; le 'aufa 'i, one bunch (or stem ) ; e lua'au, two bunches ; e 'auagafulu, ten ; e 'aulua, twenty.
Masi, in round cakes or balls (potoi); e potoiagafulu , ten ; in Alat (cooked in leaves); e fa'a'ofuagafulu, ten ;
cakes, afiagafulu, ten . Native-made dishes ‘ofulua, twenty.
4. PRONOUNS. These are declined by means of the same particles and prepositions as the noun , except the accusative, which takes the preposition used with proper names, and in addition an euphonic particle te, as Ia te aʻu , ia te 'oulua. That it is merely euphonic seems proved by its absence in kindred dialects ; e.g ., Tahitian and Niuean . The first and third persons, dual and plural, in every case take i before the pronoun ; as
oimāua . The dual is formed from lua, usually by eliminating the l, and prefixing ta ,ma, 'ou, la ; as tāua, māra , 'oulua, lõua. The plural is formed from tou , a contraction of tolu, which appears in Niue and Tongan, mautolu. To this is prefixed the particles, ta, ma , ‘ou, la ; as tātou , mātou , 'outou , lātou . The same rules which regulate the o and a before the genitive of the noun regulate also their use with the pronoun. The inclusive form ofthe pronoun is used when two or more persons speak of themselves inclusively ; as Tātou te o, let us go. The ex clusive form is used by two or more persons speaking of themselves to a third party not included : Ua mātou o mai ia te 'oe, we are come to you .
The sign of the nominative, 'o, is subject to the same rules as in the nouns except the third person . For euphony the 'o is sometimes used after the verb : Va alu 'o ia , He is gone,
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. Personal Pronouns. FIRST PERSON. Singular. N . 'O a'u ,'ou, tă, I. G . o and a aʻu , of me.
(Including persons addressed.) G . o and a i tāua ,of us two. N . ' O i tāua, we two.
oʻu (moʻu ),ma aʻu (māʻu ), D . mo for for me.
D . mo and ma i tāua , for us two.
A . ia te aru , or ia te ita ,me,in me. A . ia te i tāua, or ia 'i tāua, for Ab. e a 'u , by me. us two. From me requires two pre- Ab. e i tāua, by us two. positions,mai ia te aʻu . I
'O imāua, we two (excluding the person addressed ) is declined in the same way as tāua .
N . 'O i tātou , we (including person or persons addressed). G . o i tatou , or a i tatou , of us. D . mo i tatou, or ma i tatou , for us. A . ia te i tatou , or ia i tatou , to us. Ab. e i tatou , by us.*
Oimātou , we (excluding person or persons addressed ), is declined the same as tatou . SECOND PERSON . Dual. | G . o and a 'oulua, of you two. of you . o andanda ‘oe, GD .. mo ma 'oe (contracted to D . mo and ma 'oulua, for you two. māw and mou ), for you .
Singula N . 'O 'oe, thou . r.
N . 'O ' oulua, you two.
A . ia te ‘oulua, you two.
A . ia te 'oe, you. Ab. e 'oe, by you.
| Ab. e 'oulua, by you two.
* Examples : . Ua tofia aʻu' O , aI'uamnei,appointed NN .. absolute 'ou te alu , As for me, I will go . : G . 'O le fale 'o a'u lenei, This is my house ; more usual, loʻu fale, ' O le mea a a 'u lena , That is mine ; more usual, la ‘u mea . D . Tu 'u mai le va 'a moʻu, Leave the canoe for me, Au mai lea māʻu , Give me that thing . Ua fai mai o ia ia ti au, He told me.
N . OOimāua le ā nonofonei,i tāua,Wetwo (including the party addressed )willremain . will remaino. le a nonofo imāua,We two (excluding the party addressed) G . 'O le fale o i tāua lenei, This is the house of us two. The possessive pronoun is usually used, ' O lo ta fale. D . Aumaileofu lenā mo i māua,Give that garment for us two (excluding the person addressed ) . Ta "aile i'a nei ma i taua, Let us two eat this fish for us.
le alii A. Du fetalai ad iressed ). ia i mãua, The chief spoke to us iwo (excluding the party Ua agalelei o ia ia te i tāua, He was kind to us two ( inclusive ).
Ab. Va uma ona faia le fale e i maua, The house is finished building by as
(excluding those addressed ).
. G A SAM OAN RAMMA R Plural. N . 'O 'outou , you . G . o and a 'outou, of you . D . mo and ma‘outou, for you . A . ia te 'outou, you.
Ab. e outou, by you .
THIRD PERSON . Singular. Dual. N . 'O ia,* he or she. N . 'O and a i lāua, they two. G . o ia and a ia, of him or her. G . 'o and a i lāua, of them . D . mo and ma ia,mo ona (mõna), | D . mo and ma i lāua , for them .
and ma ana (māna ), for A . ia te i lāua , them . Ab. e i lāua , by them .
him , etc. Ab. e ia , by him .
A . ia te ia, him or her. Plural.
'O i lātou , they, declined as “o i lāua. The personal pronouns are used of rational beings, animals, and ithilatou ,of articles of trade, but Ou te faatau ia mea, I will buy these ngs .
trees. They are not used of inanimate objects. Not Ou te fa'atau ia POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS.
It is probable tbat these are formed from the personal pronoun by prefixing the articles le, se, and then eliding the e ; as le aʻu , laʻl , se a'u , saíu . The latter is an indefinite form . In the distributive pronouns, taʻitasi is more restricted in meaning than the English “ each.” Thus, ia ta' itasi ma sau would mean , let
each one comeseparately. Plural. Singular. Loʻu and laʻu, lota and lata , my. | O‘u and āru,my. Lou and lāu , lo 'oe and la ‘oe, thy. "Ou and āu , thy. Lona, lana, his . Ona and ana , his. Lo and la māra , our two. O and a māua, our; (and so on Lo and la tāua ,our two (inclusive). throughout the dual and Lo and la oulua, your two, plural) . Lo and la lāna, their two. Lo and la matou, our (exclusive). Lo and la tatou , our (inclusive). Lo and la outou , your. Lo and la latou , their. t
* Na is also used,but only in the nominative; as Na na fai mai, he said, instead of Na ia .
† Ex . Ua fai la lāua galuega, They two are doing their work.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. Taʻitasi, each.* Taʻitasi uma, every. So before a personal pronoun ; as
So māua,one of us two. So 'oulua , one of you two, etc. † DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS.
Plural. Singular. ' O lenei,this ; sinei,a diminutive. Ia and nei, these. O lea ,'o lenā, 'o lelā, that. | Na, those ; (la ).
Sea, sisi, siasi, sinasi, diminutives, INDEFINITE PRONOUNS.
Nisi (ni isi), isi, some, others. Ni, some, any. Nai, some (a few ). To avoid an indecent word it is better to omit the 'o before these. Where itmust have ‘o,as at the beginning of a sentence, then use isi : " O isi.
Se tasi, le tasi, one, another, the other. Le isi, the other. Se isi, another.
Au maininiu, Bring me some nuts. Au mai se tasi, Bring mealso another. RELATIVE PRONOUNS.
Personal pronouns are also used as relatives : 0 ia te i latou tupuga , whose are the ancestors; lit. there is to them ancestors.
Singular. "O lē, who, that.
'Oē, who, that. Ai is also constantly used in a relative sentence ; as Ona taomia
lea, oti ai, Then he was crushed, by which he died. It is used for him , O lē aupito ane i ai, He that was next to him . Her : Oemaiai le tasi Tui, Another Tui answered her. Them : Se'i lua silitonua mai
ai, Ask of them . Where : Se mea e saofaʻi ai, A place where to sit . There : Ua i ai le aitu, The god was there. INTERROGATIVES.
Here also as in the personal pronoun the 'o of the nominative is omitted , except in the third personal pronoun following the interroga tion : 0 ai i latou ? Who are they ? O aio ia ? Who is he? * Ta'itasima alu i lona aiga, Let each go to his family , + Sau ia so oulua taeao, One of you two cometo -morrow . I ' O sē tama itiiti sinei, This little child .
In asking the name of a person, o ai, and not o le ā, is used : O ai O ai is declined in the same way as the personal pronoun. The singular and the plural are the same.
lona igoa ? Who is his name ? (For Eng. : What is his name ?) O ai ? who ? singular and plural.
"O le â ? what? (singular). Oā ? (plural). Se ā ? what ? (indefinite). Ni ā ? (plural). Le fea ? se feu ? which ? Such of these as are declinable , are declined as the personal pronoun ; with the accusative ; i lona, his ; i lenei, this.
'o ai, who ; o and a ai, whose ; mo and ma ai, etc. The others take i
5 . VERBS. Most of the verbs are primitive or underived words; as tu , to stand ; nofo, to sit. Compound verbs are readily fornied by prefixing
fa'a or fåʻale ; as fa'alealofa, to love but little, lit., like not loving. Others are formed by prefixing mata ; as mataita , angry-looking . So also with loto ; as 'ua lotoleaga , be is evil disposed . And so with many other words. Many nouns may be turned into verbs by adding the verbal particles : as loto, tlie heart ; ua loto, he desires ; ita , anger ; ua ita o ia , he is angry ; pvara , pig ; faʻapua 'a, swinish . Some few verbs are formed from prepositions; as lumana 'i, from luma ; tuunaʻi, to have passed helind, from tua, bebind ; lugaluga 'i,
from luga. The reduplication of the first syllable,as with the adjective,makes the plural. The reduplicaliou of both syllables gives a diminutive or frequentative force to the verb : Plural. Freg. and Dim . fofulo . Folo, to swallow. folofolo. gagalu . Galu, to be rough (sea). galugalu . Pati, to clap hands. pati . patipati. Velo, to dart. vevelo velovelo. Nofo, to sit. nonofo. nofonofo . reemo. Emo, to wink. "emo emo. • Umi, long.
In words of three syllables, when the last, or two last, are doubled , the first vowel is usnally lengthened ; as manatu , to think ; mānatunatu ; manuóa , mānunu'a ; manifi, mānifinifi ; savali, sävalivali.
An examination of the most common verbs in the Samoan shows that the plural is formed in nine different ways,as under : 71 reduplicate the first syllable. 61 are the same in both singular and pluralnumbers. 33 take the prefix fe and a suffix which ends in i.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. 22 reduplicate the second syllable.
16 reduplicate the third or fourth syllable. 11 drop a syllable. 9 make the vowel in the first syllable long. 3 reduplicate two syllables, or the entire word .
5 are of irregular formation. Some examples of the first class, which is most common - viz., those which reduplicate the first syllable - have been given . The following verbs form the plural by a reduplication of the second syllable : Singular. Plural. āulalaʻi. āula'i, to be heaped up. “äитотое. ‘āumoe, to go courting. afi, to do up in a bundle. afīfi. afio , to come, to go , etc. alaga , to call, shout. alofa, to love.
aliga , to rest the head on a pillow .
fātai, to sit cross-legged . fānau, to bring forth. fetuta'i, to join by a knot. galue, to work . gāpē, to be broken .
āfifio. alalaga. ālolofa . āluluga. fātatai. fānanau . fetututa 'i. gālulue.
ma'ona, to be satisfied (with food).
ma'o 'ona ,
mafai, to be able. malemo, to be drowned .
māfafai. mâlelemo.
maliu , to die .
maliliu . mātata 'u .
mataru , to fear. salofia , to be starved. ta 'ele, to bathe. ta'oto, to lie down.
tofao, to walk about. taʻalo , to sport.
salolofia . ta 'e'ele,
ta'o'oto. tāfafao. ta 'a'alo.
The fillowing form the plural by a reduplication of the third (two are all compound will be noticed thatthethese the fourth) syllable. Itreduplication second word in the is on words, and that the or even the fourth third to the compound ; hence it is thrown on syllable : Singular. Plural. anapogi, to fast. fu 'alanu, to wash off salt water. faʻamomo, to break in pieces.
faʻataʻalo, to make to sport. fa 'ata 'oto, to lay down,
fa'atafa , to step aside. fa 'atū , to set up. faʻalusa , to compare.
laulautū, to stand up together
· anapopogi. fa 'alalanu. fa'amomomo faʻata 'a 'alo . fa 'ata 'oʻoto. faʻatatafa . fa 'atutū .
fa'atutusa . laulaututū .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . Singular. Plural. lemafai, to be unable. lemafafai. muliluilua . mulilua, to commit adultery. taumafa, to eat. taumamafa . ta 'afili, to wallow . taʻafifili. taʻalilise taʻalise, to be quick .
taʻatia , to be prostrate .
ta'avale, to roll.
. ta'avavale. taʻatitia .
Thefollowing form the plural by a reduplication of two syllables, or the entire word :
Singular. Plural. unauna . una, to pinch. fiti, to fillip. fitifiti. matamatavale . matavale, to look cowardly. fūnau, to bring forth. fānafānau. There are several monosyllabic verbs which make the plural by reduplication, such as fo, to doctor ; pl. fofo ; pā, to explode; pl. pāpā ; tu , to stand ; pl. tutū . In forming the plural the following verbs drop a syllable. But it will be seen that the singular form is reduplicated : Singular. Plural. faraitiiti, to make smaller. fa'aiti. fa-aloaloa, to stretch out. fa'aloloa . faʻamalimali, to speak with familiarity. faʻamamali. faʻan evaneva , to walk about idle.
fa 'ataavalevale , to roll round . -
fa'aneneva .
faʻataavavale .
lagilagi, to warm .
lioli'o, to surround. matamata , to look at. pilipili, to be near, to approach . tatala , to untie.
lilio. mamata .
mulumulu , to rub
pipili. talā. mumulu .
These verbs form the plural by lengthening the vowel in the first syllable, but without otherwise altering the word : Singular. Plural. faitau. faitau , to read . faitala , to give news faitala . varai, to look at. valu , to scratch. palutu , to beat. saʻili, to seek. savali, to walk . tauivi, to wrestle .
vāʻai. vālu . pālutu . sāʻili. sāvali. tāuivi.
manatu , to think .
manatu .
Some verbs form the plural by taking the prefix fe, and usually by taking a suffix, which is either i, fi, ni, si, faʻi, maói, na'i, va 'i, or tani. In one case a is inserted between the usual prefix and the root (sogi, feasogi), in some the reduplication of the singular form is dropped ,
and in one n is inserted in the root (tulei, fetuleni). Singular. ‘aa, to kick, “aau, to swim .
Plural. fe-aa. feausi. feʻaʻei. feaofaʻi. feala.
'a 'e, to ascend . aofaći, to collect together . ala , to scratch .
ālo, to paddle . ‘ata, to laugh. inu, to drink . ita, to be angry . oi, to groan . ū, to bite. utu , to fill. filo, to mix.
feālofa'i. feʻatani. feinu,
feitatani. feõi. feu.
feutufa 'i. fefiloi.
gagana , to speak . lata , to be near. lele, to fly. mea, to do.
feganavaći. felat a'i and lalata . felelei.
mili, to rub . misa , to quarrel. momoʻe, to run . pupula, to shine. sogi, to salute. susu, to suck (the breast). tagi, to cry. tago, to take hold of. tatao , to press. tofu , to dive . togi, to throw . toso, to drag . toto, to bleed . totolo , to crawl.
femeina -i.
femili and mimili. femisaři. femo‘ei and taufetuli. fepulafi. feasogi. fesusui.
fetagisi. fetagofi. fetaomasi, fetofui. fetogi, fetoso, tõso , and totoso.
fetotoi. paolofesauniaći. paolosauni,to connect by marriage. fetuleni.
tulei, to push .
Taufai prefixed to some verbs makes the plural intensive , as, Taufaloso , to continue jumping ; Taufaipepese, to continue singing. IRREGULAR VERBS.
Singular. sau , to come. alu , to go. momoʻe, to run .
Plural. taufetuli and femoʻei.
Singular. * nonoa , to tie. palasi, to drop down.
noati. pălasi.
fāifai, to abuse.
The verb itself undergoes no change to denote the person. The present tense either takes the pronoun first with the euphonic particle te* between it and the verb , or else the verbal particle e precedes, and the pronoun follows the verb . PRESENT TENSE
(and also used as a future ). Dual. e pule i māua, we two rule. E pule i tāua , 2. Lua te pule, or you two rule. e pule 'oulua, they two two rule te pule 3. La , or they rule .. i lára, e pule
Singular. 1. Ou te pule, I rule .
1. Ma te pule, or
2. E pule ‘oe, thou rulest. 3. E pule 'o ia , he rules.
Plural. 1. Mātou te pule, or e pule i mātou , ' lum we Tātou te pule, or e pule i tātou, 2. Tou te pule, or e pule “outou, you rule.
3. Lātou te pule, or e pule i lātou, they rule.
“Ua, though generally past,also sometimes designates the present ;
thus, 'ua maʻi 'o ia , he is sick .
E sometimes denotes what now is, and always was so : e silisili le
Atua, God is very great. IMPERFECT TENSE . 1. Na 'ou alofa , I loved . 2. Na ‘e alofa , thou lovedst. 3. Na ia alofá, he loved . etc. etc . etc.
Sa differs but little from na ; sa 'ou nofo, I sat or was sitting. PERFECT TENSE.
1. ' Ua 'ou sao, I have escaped . 2. “Ua 'e sao, thou hast escaped . 3. Ua sao ia , he has escaped . Also 'Ua ia sao, and ‘Ua na sao. etc. etc. etc.
The PLÜPERFECT is expressed by the imperfect, or by adding “uma : sua uma ona taʻele ina ‘ua o mai i lutou , they had bathed when they arrived. * “ Te is a future particle." - CODRINGTON,
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. FUTURE (IMMEDIATE). 1. 'Ole à a'u alu , or ā aʻu alu , I am about to go.
2. 'Ole é alu , or o le ā alu 'oe, thou art about to go. 3. ' le ä alu 'o ia , be is about to go.
Dual. Singular. 1. 'Ou te alu, or tă te alu , I shall , 1. Mā te o, or e o 3 ) Iwe two will māua, go.
2. E alu 'oe, or e te alu , thou
Tā te o, or e o il go . tāua, etc. etc,
shalt go .
3. E alu 'o ia, or ia te alu, or na te alu, he shall go.
1. Se'i ou saʻili, let me seek . 2. Ină 'e saʻili, or saʻili, or sa ‘ili ia oe, seek thou . Ia “ē saʻili, do thou seek .
3. Ia saʻili o ia , let him seek . In poetry é is used sometimes for ia : Sau i fale i ta gaguse, Come into the house that we may die together. - Fagono. INFINITIVE MOOD. E saʻili, to seek .
An infinitive appears as a noun : Ou te musu i galue, I am unwilling to work SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD .
The subjunctive is expressed by the particles ina ia, ina ua , ona uda before the verb ; thus PRESENT.
1. Ina ia oʻu alu, that I should go. 2. Ina ia e alu , that you may go . 3. Ina ia alu o ia , that he should go. etc .
Ex. E lelei ina ia oʻu alu , It is good that I should go. PERFECT.
1. Ina ua oʻu alu , or ona ua oʻu alu, that I went. 2 . Ina ua e alu , that he went. 3. Ina ua alu o ia, that he went. etc.
etc .
Ex. E lelei ina ua e alu, It is good that you went.
Participles. O loʻo sa‘ili, seeking. 'O loʻo ʻua sa‘ilia, being sought. A sa‘ ili, about seeking. 0 2
Ona is used before verbs to form a participle : E tuai ona sau , His coming is delayed.
THE PASSIVE. particles : ina , ia, a, fia, gia, lia, mia, sia , tia. Euphony regulates The passive is formed by suffixing to the root one of the following
the choice of the particle in each particular word. If the word will admit of it, it is shortened ; thus, muina, to be burnt; tuluia , from
tutulu, to be leaked upon ; sa'iliu, to be sought ; inofia, from inoino, to be demanded of ; alofagia, to be beloved ; taulia, to be fought; si-omia, to be surrounded ; 'inosia , from 'ino‘ino, to be hated ; pulutia, from
pupulu , to be mediated with . • The formation of the passive, like the formation of the plural, is very complicated . No rule can be given to guide the learner. Euphony alone seems to regulate the choice of the particle in each word. And euphony may be one thing to a native, and another thing to a European learning the language. In order to help learners, I give below lists of many of the most common verbs, except those which form the passive in ina,which are themost numerous. In the diction ary, where the passive form of a verb is not given , it may, as a rule, be taken for granted that it is in ina. The greater part of the verbs which take the causative prefix (see next section ) also form the passive in ina . In the following lists those formswhich are most largely used come first.
I. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN A . lele, to fly, lelea. lēmafai, to be unable, lēmafaia . lia i, to pull up, liaʻia and liaʻiina.
‘aami, to fetch , "amia . a 'e, to ascend, area . ūu , to carry away, āua.
afe, to call at, afea . ave, to take, avea . 'oomi, to squeeze, ‘omia . ‘oosi, to scratch, 'osia . osi, to make, osia .
manatu, to think ,manatua.
manino, to be clear, māninoa . moe, to sleep, moea .
muimui, to grumble, muia and muimuia . numi, to be involved, numia.
fa'aali, to show , fa'aalia. fai, to do, faia. paʻi to touch , paéia . palu , to mix, palua . fāifai, to abuse, fāia. pipisi, to be infected , pisia . fao, to rob , faoa . fafao, to pack in basket, faoa and pure, to seize, puéea . faoina. saʻili, to seek , saʻilia . salo, to repeat over and over, saloa. fafagu, to waken, fagua . fānau, to bring forth, fānaua . sapasapai, to take in the arms, fasi, to beat, fasia . fati, to break , fatia . fue, to beat, fuea . fusi, to tie, fusia. futi, to pluck feathers, futia. gaui, to break, gauia . gali, to gnaw, galia . lagiaji, to warm , lagia .
8αραsαραία. sasae, to tear, saea . segi, to snatch , segia . sili, to question, silia . soli, to trample on, solia.
80solo , to creep, soloa. su'e, to search , su ’ea .
sufi, to choose, sufia .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . taʻele, to bathe, taʻelea . toto, to bleed, totoa. tao, to bake, taoa and taoina. taʻu, to tell, taʻua and taʻuina . tausi, to take care of, tausia . tafe, to flow , tafea . tali, to receive, talia . teu , to adorn , teua.
tinei, to extinguish , tineia .
tuói, to thump, tuốia . tuu , to place, tuua and tuuina.
tuli, to drive away, tulia . vaʻai, to see, vaʻaia .
vagavagai, to surround, vagaia. valu , to scrape, valua . vavae, to divide, vaea .
togi, to throw , togia.
II. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN tia. ini, to pinch, initia . oʻo , to arrive at, oʻotia . ū , to bite , ūtia .
fono, to hold a council, fonotia. lamalama, to watch for, lamatia . mataʻu , to fear,mataʻutia . na , to conceal, natia . nau, to desire, nautia . nonod , to tie, noatia.
paʻū , to fall, paʻūtia .
pupulu, to intercede for, pulutia. pupuni, to shut, punitia . saisai, to bind, saisaitia .
sau, to bedew , sautia . siʻi, to lift, siʻitia . sola , to escape, solatia . sua, to grub up, suatia. taumafa , to eat, taumafatia .
III. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN sia. aʻa , to kick , aʻasia. gau, to break, gausia. lara , to step over, la'asia . elo, to stink , elosia. milo, to twist, milosia . ‘ino‘ino, to hate, 'inosia . motu , to break , motusia . onā, to be drunk, onāsia . fa'afoʻi, to bring back , fa'afoʻisia. tagi, to cry, tagisia . tatalo, to pray, talosia . fau , to tie together, fausia . folo, to swallow , folosia . tofu, to have a portion, tofusia.
velo, to dart, velosia. IV . VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN gia .
fuli, to capsize ,fulisia. alofa , to love, alofagia. ‘ata, to laugh, 'atagia.
ita , to be angry, itagia . ‘ole, to deceive, 'olegia . ‘ote, to scold , 'otegia . ula, to joke, ulagia . uli, to steer, uligia .
no, to borrow , nogia. pala, to rot, palagia. pepelo, to lie, pelogia . po, to be benighted , pogia . popole, to be anxious, polegia . pusa, to send up smoke, pusagia . savili, to blow (wind), saviligia .
málūlū, to cool, mālūgia, and tautala, to talk, tautalagia . mālūlūgia .
V . VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN ia . fo, to doctor, foia . asa , to be lacking, asaia. usu, to go to a fono, usuia . ganagana, to converse, ganaia . fa-agala , to desire earnestly, moto, to strike with the fist,
faʻagalaia .
motoia .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . mulumulu , to rub ,muluia . sesega, to be dim , segaia. sisina , to drop, sinaia . sulu , to light, suluia . susulu , to shine, suluia . vavao, to forbid , vaoia .
nofo, to sit,nofoia . nuti, to crush , nutiia . po, to slap, poia. sasa , to beat, sāia .
VI. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN fia . alo, to paddle, alofia .
inoino, to demand, inofia. 080, to jump, osofia. ula , to smoke, ulafia .
sisila, to look, silafia.
una , to pinch , unafia . utu , to draw water, utufia .
tilotilo, to spy, tilofia .
taofi, to hold, taofia . tago, to take hold of, tagofia .
totolo, to creep, tolofia.
lolo, to overflow , lofia. VII. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN mia .
inu , to drink, inumia.
fa'asino, to point out, faʻasinomia.
"uu , to grasp, 'umia . lago, to lean against, lagomia. faʻalanu, to wash off salt water, si-o, to surround, si-omia . faʻalanumia . tanu , to bury, tanumia. VIII. VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN lia .
au, to reach to, aulia . tau , to fight, taulia . mātau, to consider ,mātaulia. tautau, to hang up, tautaulia . puna , to spring up, punalia tau, to buy or sell, taulia . (Tutuila ). As far as I can remember, only those verbs which end in tau form the passive in lia. But all verbs thus ending do not thus form the passive : faatau , to buy or sell, is faatauina ; faitau, to read, is
faitaulia , but more commonly faitauina . IX . VERBS WHICH FORM THE PASSIVE IN na. sasa 'e, to capsize, sa'ena. tete'e, to reject, te ena. tuʻu , to leave, tuóuna . suře, to lift up, suốena. The following verb lengthens the last vowel to form the passive : tatala , to untie, talā .
These two combine the directive particles mai and atu, and add the passive form a ;
Aumai (au and mai), to bring, aumaia. Avatu (ave atu ), to take, avatua . In declension, the pronoun follows the verb in the passive.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. Present Tense (also used as future). Singular. 1. E alofagia aʻu , I am beloved . 2 . E alofagia ‘oe, thou art beloved . 3. E alofagia 'o ia, he is beloved .
1. E alofagia i maud , } we two are beloved . E alofagia i tāua, etc. etc. Intransitive as well as transitive verbs take a passive ; as 'ua nofoia le fale, the house is inhabited.
The Causative, like Hiphil in Hebrew . This is formed by prefixing fa'a to the root ; as tupu , to grow ; fa'atupu, to cause to grow . 1. Fa'a , like fa , also denotes a diminished degree ; as lata, to feel at home; le lata, not feeling at home; fa'ale lata, to be not quite at home. 2. It is also used to mark comparison ; as fa 'atamaitiiti, to act like a child . 3 . Some of this class of verbs are used intransitively ; as faʻamalosi, to strengthen oneself. 4 . It
changes the noun to a verb, as "au, a handle; fa'a'au le toʻi, to put a handle to the axe. 5 . It changes the adjective to a verb , by making the thing to be what is expressed by the adjective ; as lēva, long ; faʻalelēva, to make long. 6 . It changes intransitive verbs to transitive, as ola, tó live ; fa'aola, to deliver. 7. Sometimes it is prefixed to verbs apparently without altering the meaning, as potopoto, fa 'a potopoto, to gather together. This and the following form are declined just as the simple, active, and passive forms of the verb : 1. Ou te fa'atupu , I cause to grow .
2. E te fa'atupu, you cause to grow . 3. Na te faʻatupu , he causes to grow .
The Intensive, like Piel. Continued action is denoted by prefixing tau ; as tausau , to endeayour to come; taufa 'atupu , to continue to cause to grow .
Intensity is also indicated by reduplication ; as mu, to burn ; mumu, to burn brightly. On the contrary, reduplication is also used to
indicate diminished action ; galu , to be rough ; galugalu, to be some what rough (of the sea ). The simple root only is doubled, as suéesuée, asiasi, but not a prefix ; savilivili, ma'anuminumi,ma'e'a'e'a. The suffix a'iña also denotes intensity of action ; faia 'ina, to be overcome, surpassed ; teleaʻina , to hurry on ; tulia'ina, to drive on .
. 24
The Reciprocal, Hithpael. This is formed by prefixing fe to the root, and affixing, according to the requirement of euphony, some one of the particles ni, a'i, faói, sa'i, taʻi,ma‘i, na 'i ; as fealofani, root, alofa , to love mutually ; femaliuaʻi, root,maliu, to go about from place to place ; felamataʻi, root, lamalama, to watch for one another ; fetaolafa 'i, root, ola, to make a fire burn brightly ; fealumaʻi, root, alu ,to go from place to place ; fetuanaći, root, tua , to sit back to back .
To take along with a person is expressed by suffixing taʻi, or saʻi ; by the preposition ma, with , as ā aʻu alu ma aʻu ; lit., I will go with as moʻetaʻi, to run with a thing ; ausaʻi, to swim with a thing. Also
me, for, I will go with it. The suffix aʻi (interposing a consonant when euphony requires) makes the meaning emphatic; as nofoaối, lafoaʻi, leoleosa'i, uligaới, alofa'i. Ma prefixed to an active verb makes it neuter ; as sasa'a, to pour out, to spill ; masa'a , spilt. Or it denotes ability ; as mafai, to be able ; 'ua mă mānava, he can breathe. The full form , however, is much better, 'Ua mafaiona mānava. * The prefix gā expresses equality or companionship ; as gātusa , to be equal; gātasi, to be together ; gāsolo, to glide along. It occurs only in the dualand plural numbers.
All these forms are declined in the same way as the simple primitive verb.
THE VERB “ TO BE.” The verb to be is expressed by the verbal particles : O aʻu ‘o le tagata, I am a man. "O oe 'o le tama, You are a boy. ' O ia 'o le teine, She is a girl. 'O i māua 'o fafine, We two are women.
O i tāua 'o taulelea , We two are young men .
O oulua 'o aliʻi, You two are chiefs. O i lāua 'o faipule, They two are councillors. 'Oimatou 'o tufuga, We (exclusive ) are carpenters . 'O i tatou 'o le “auva‘a , We ( inclusive) are the crew . O outou ‘o le "auʻoso, You are the food -gatherers. O i latou 'o tagata 'ese, They are strangers. FUTURE .
1. Ou te į ai, I will be there.
Ma te į ai, we two (exclusive) will be there. Ta te i ai, we two ( inclusive) will
2. E te i ai, thou wilt be there.
Lua te i ai, you two will be there.
be there.
3. Eiai o ia, he will be there. La te i ai, they two will be there. * * Ma is a prefix of condition." - CODRINGTON, p. 137.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. Plural. 1. Matou te i ai, we ( exclusive) will be there. Tatou te į ai, we (inclusive) will be there. 2. Tou te i ai, you will be there. 3. Latou te i ai, they will be there.
Singular. 1. Na aʻu i ai, I was there. 2. Na e i ai, thou wast there. 3. Na i ai 'o ia, he was there.
Dual. Na ma i ai, we two ( exclusive ) Na were ai, we two ( inclusive) ta į there. theryou werei ai, e. two were there. Na lua | Na la i ai, they two were there.
Plural. 1. Na matou i ai, we ( exclusive) were there. - Na tatou i ai, we (inclusive) were there. 2 . Na outou i ai, you were there. 3. Na latou i ai, they were there.
'O loo i ai 'o ia, he is there, etc., etc. The Interrogative is formed by adding the particle 'ea : as, ' Ou te se teine 'ea ? Am I a girl ? "Oia ea lenei ? Is this he ? And so on
through the different persons. In asking the question , Is there ? the Is there a canoe ? Pe ai ea sou vaʻa ? Have you a canoe ? lit., whether there your canoe
relative particle ai is used with the verbal particle, as, E ai se vaʻa ? is
On Tutuila , isi is used for to be and to have : E isi sāu avā, Have you a wife ?
COMPOUND VERBS. 1. Verbs compounded from two verbs ; as, 'Ai-taoto, to eat lying down ; Moetu, to sleep standing ; Fasioti, to strike dead . 2. Verbs composed of a noun and adjectiv e ; as, Lotoleaga , to be of a bad disposition . 3. A verb , noun , and preposition ; as, Mateima'alili, to be dead with cold . noun ; as, Faleola , to be a thriving family ; Soloalofa , 4. Verb and to pine from affectionTeaó . eseina, to be away from ; Avatua, to particle as 5. Verbhawith ve it given. ; 6. Verb and adjective ; as, Fa 'atelevave, to cause to make haste.
. These are in very frequent use, and are distinguished from the passive by the pronoun being placed before the verb ; thus, Oʻu te alofaina o ia , I love him : Ma te manatua oe,We two will remember you .
IMPERSONAL VERBS, Fa,Galo. 1. fa 'i, fa ita , fa a'u mai, I thought (erroneously). 2. fa 'oe, fa te ‘oe, you thought. 3. fa te ia, he thought. Dual.
1. fa te “i māua ,we two thought, etc. Galo , to forget. 2 . 'ua galo ia te 'oe, you forgot.
1. 'ua galo ia te aér, I forgot.
3. 'ua galo ia te ia, he forgot, etc. Particles directives to Verbs. mai, direction towards the speaker. atu , direction from . a'e, above; ‘ua alu a'e, it is gone up. ifo, below, down. ane, a more indirect motion, along, aside. Examples.
(ua savali mai“o ia, he walks this way. ‘ua la o atu , they two are gone away . 'ua alu aʻe le la , the sun has gone up. (ua alu ifo o ia , he has gone down. tua alu ane i le ala , he has gone along in the road . fua alu ane i le fale, he has gone aside to the house . 6. ADVERBS.
Some adverbs are formed from adjectives ; as mulia 'i, last, from mulimuli ; muaʻi, first, from muamua ; matua'i, exceedingly , from matua . Adjectives themselves are used as adverbs; as 'ua ma i tele 'o ia, he is very ill. itinei, here ; o iʻinei le tama, the boy is here. i-ilā , there ; o loʻo i'ila le mea , the thing is there.
io, yonder ; ma te o ióo, we go yonder. nei, now ; ua oʻu sau nei, I have comenow. io, ioe, e, yes.
e leai, i'ai, no. oi, yes (to a call).
80ʻo ,often ; wa ma'i soʻo, he is often sick.
afea ? wben ? e te alu afea ? when will you go ? anafea ? when ? (past ) ; na oti anafea o ia, when did he die ? to fea ? i fea ? where ?
analeila , just now ; na ma o mai analeila ,we came just now . nanei, presently .
talu, since ; talu ananafi 'ua ua, it has rained since yesterday. anei, by-and-by ; anei e le mafai, by-and -by he will not.
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . vave, quickly ; e ita vave o ia , he is quickly angry . fa-apefea ? how ? pe na manu'a fa'apefea ? how was he
wounded ? faʻapea , thus; ia faia fa-apea , do it thus. With many others.
7. PREPOSITIONS. i fafo, without; alu i fafo, go
o and a , of.
mo and ma, for, on account of. ma, with ; sau ma ia, come with him . ia (to proper names), to. i, in, at, to.* e, by. mai, from . i totonu, within . i loto, within ; o loo i loto fale, he is within the house.
i luga,above. i lalo, under. i tala atu, beyond ; o loo i tala atu o le vai, it is beyond the river.
i tala mai, on this side . i tua , behind. i luma, before.
The last six of these take the plural form of the pronoun. In the case of the last two it serves to distinguish them from the noun ; alu i oʻu tua, go behind me. Alu i loʻu tua would mean, to get up on my back .
8. CONJUNCTIONS. 'afai, if. ana, if (past).
ma and foʻi, also , likewise.
e ui lava ina, although .
auā, because.
peitaʻi and peisa'i, but. 'a , but.
‘atoa ma, together with, and also. neři, lest.
faita 'i, but. peiseaí, like as, as though. 'a , if (future).
amaise, together with .
ana le se anoa , except.
e ui ina mea, notwithstanding. 9 . INTERJECTIONS. ma'eu ! excellent ! ola ! wonderful ! ena ! well done ! alili ! atiti ! pshaw !
oi ! oh ! oi, oi, oi ! oh ! oh ! ‘uē! exclamation ofdelight. isa ! of contempt. Get out ! fa 'auta ! behold !
tafefe ! lit., I fear. Alas ! maumau ! what waste !
terenu ! "enuóenu !} PS taʻino‘ino, lit., I hate, abominable ! se pagā ! what a pity !
* " A tacao, at to-morrow .” - CODRINGTON . It is also used to denote the instrument by wbich something is done, and answers to with ; as, Na fasia o ia i le laʻau , He was beaten with a stick .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . SYNTAX . THE ARTICLE. Every noun in the singular, except proper names, must take the article, because its omission makes the noun plural; as 'o le tagata, the man ; 'o tagata, men . Nouns of multitude take the article ; as 'Ua tele le i'a i le med nei, There are many fish in this place ; 'Ua tu'ua le fa-apotopotoga, The assembly is dismissed . The article, with the name of a country, indicates a man of that country ; as 'o le Samoa , a Samoan.
The definite article is used when the noun has been previously mentioned : Exod. ii. 7, 9, “Ou te alu “ea e 'a'ami se fafine ? . . . Ona ave lea 'o le tama e le fafine, Shall I go and fetch a woman ? . . . then the child was taken by the woman. The article is used as a pronoun ; as 'o le "ua alofa, the one who loves. It is often used where the English would put the indefinite article ; as, Sa į ai le tagata 'ua gase lona lima, There was there a man who had a withered hand. It was not any man, but one par ticular individual, definitely marked by his withered hand. An appellative, used to signify a whole class, takes the definite article : Ps. 144, 3, Se a ea le tagata ? What isman ? So in describing different fishes, etc., as, 'o le anae, 'o le atule, 'o le malauli, etc., the mullet, the herring , the schnapper. Abstract nouns are used in the same way ; as, 'O le mata 'u ma le fefe, Fear and dread . The article is used with a verb to form a participial noun : '0 le sau faʻalua lenei, This is the second coming .
The definite article is used when the object is definite in the mind Sina 'o le gogo sina, It was that bird , and no other, present to her mind . The whole, totality, takes the article : 'O le atoatoa 'o le aofa'i,
of the speaker, though not previously mentioned : Ona vaaia lea e
The whole of the gathering. Also with tonu, thus making it a noun : O le tonu lenei, This is the correct (account). Proper names,derived from some peculiarity of the place or person, have the article ; as, ‘O Lepapalaulelei; 'o Letuʻituasivi. The article is used before verbs to form a participle ; as 'o le a maliu mai, the coming one. The plural is formed by changing le to e ; as o e 'ua oti, those dead. The article is omitted after the expression e fai ma ; as e fai ma taula , to become an anchor, or to be instead of an anchor. With the article before the noun, in such a connection , an indecent meaning is conveyed . The article is also used to form the participles : 'O le a aʻu alu, I am going ; 'o le na alu , the (one) who went. It is then a relative pronoun . Gen . 21, 3. The article is used with the units in counting ; e sefulu ma le fa , ten
and the four. The omission of the article in this case would makean indecent word . · The article is also used with tens and hundreds when
29 A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. coming after a larger number ; as e selau, ma le luafulu ,ma le lima, a hundred ,and the twenty, and the five. The indefinite article se is much more restricted in its use than the English a or an . When the idea is definite in the speaker's mind, the le is used ; as Sa i le nuću o Usa le tasi tagata, There was in the land of Uz a certain man . Only when the object is entirely indefinite, answering to any, is se used ; as 'Ou futia se i'a, se lautua, I will draw up a fish ,one from outside the reef. Se follows verbal particles, used to signify the verb to be, and having a comparative meaning ; as 'ua se umu le fale nei, this house is like a cooking house. Se is also used before verbs in such sentences as 'o sē fia alu , any one who desires to go ; in full, 'o se e fia alu , or 'o se tasi e fia alu . Perhaps of late use is se with lelei : E leai se lelei i le aiga nei, There is nothing good in this family. Nouns.
The singular noun is sometimes used instead of the plural. 1. Nouns ofmultitude : “Ua o mai le nuíu, The people have come.The 2. Where one stands for a class : E fa-asalaina le pagota,
criminal will be punished . The Nominative. The nominative usually follows the verb ; "ua sau le tamaloa , the man is come. When it precedes the verb it is emphatic, and requires
to be followed by a pronoun after the verb : Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamoa, Avatu i laua e fai ma oso. Filoilupo and Lemaluosamoa , Take these two for food. Nouns standing in apposition, whatever case the first may be in, all the subsequent ones are in the nominative ; as Na e tagi i lau tane, o le gogo sina, You cried out for your husband, the white tern . Every poun, word, or sentence standing as a nominative absolute
requires the‘o before it; as'O lona fa'atoʻa sau lenei, This is his first coming, or visit. The "o is inserted - 1. After the adversatives 'a and peitaʻi; 'a 'o i matou ,matou te o, as for us, we will go. 2 . In making comparisons ;
O le saito, 'o le afioga lea a le Atua , The wheat, that is the word of
God. 3. Mostly after the verbal particles, ona . . . ai lea ; as Ona fetalai atu ai lea o ia , Then he said . 4. After a verb, with the pronoun ia ; as 'ua alofa tele mai 'o ia , he loves greatly. 5. Before proper names following titles ; as ' O le aliʻi, 'o Muliaga. O le ali i Muliaga would mean ,Muliaga is a chief. The ' o is omitted - 1. Before a descriptive noun in apposition : ' Ioane le papatiso , John the Baptist. 2. It is usually omitted when
the verb precedes it; as 'Ua taugagaifo le la , The sun is towards the and the woman. 3. It is often omitted in poetry : Fagali-i ma Selea
west. 3. After the conjunctive ma; o le tane ma le fafine, the man
le fanua , Fagali'i and Selea, the land. The nominative absolute stands in the beginning of a sentence without a verb ; as 'o le Atua, e sao lava lona ala , God , his way is perfect.
The Genitive. The genitive of material is made by putting the nouns in appo sition ; 'o ipu auro, cups gold . Also nouns signifying the use to
which a thing is applied : o le fale oloa, a house of goods, in which goods are stored . Things contained in a vessel omit the 'o ; as “o le ‘ato masi, a basket of masi ; 'o le fagu uru, a bottle of oil. The noun
governing the second noun appears to be understood in such sentences as Ua fai mai a ia , for Ua faimai le upu, He spoke his word. Ua fai mai a le fafine, i.e., le upu a le fafine, The woman spoke her word . E rese le pupula 'o le tasi fetu i lo le tasi fetu . for ¿ le pupula 'o le tasi fetu ; where le and 'o is contracted into lo, and pupula understood . The shining of one star differs from the shining of another star. •I la le Atua , for ' Imataupu a le Atua, The word concerning God .
The Dative. The dative is used to signify - 1. For the benefit of, or for the use of; as au mai ma aʻu, give it for me, for my use. Au mai ia te aru would merely mean to hand over something to his care, but not necessarily for him . 2. On account of; sau ma le la , come in , on account of the sun. 3. The dative is also used to signify - on account
of, for the sake of; 'Ou te le fa'aumatia ona 'o i latou , I will not
destroy it for their sakes. The Accusative. Two or more accusatives may follow a verb ; ma e fai ai taulaga mu
ia leova lou Atua i ona luga. Sometimes one noun takes another noun after it in the accusative, with a preposition ; 'O le tala i tagata , A narrative concerning men ; 'O le mapu i sela , A whistling from breathlessness ; 'O le tino i fili, The principal enemy. The preposition is often omitted after the verb ; ' Ieova, na te foaʻi mai le poto, Jehovah, he will give wisdom .
The Vocative . This, in prose, stands in the beginning of a sentence. In poetry it end ; e, at
Faʻatali atu Tagipo, Wait, 0 Tangipo . may be placed the The e, the sign of the vocative, is ofteu omitted ; Soufuna Sina , le tama fafine ! Woman , Sina , the daughter. When two vocatives are con nected by the conjunction ma, the e is omitted after the second ; Tui e ma Tui! Tui and Tui ! Sometimes a pronoun is used in such cases before the second noun ; Ali'i e, ma outou tulafale, Chiefs, and you heads of families. In poetry the sign of the vocative is used after verbs and sentences ; as Faʻatali atu e ! Oh, wait ! The Ablative.
With, along with, is designated by theuse of the conjunction ma; as Lua te o ma ia , go you two, and he— that is, go with him ; tātou te o ma aʻu, let us go with me; tātou te o ma ‘oe, let us go with you. The use of e, by, is rarely allowed to inanimate things; 'Ua le "aina e le leona, He was not eaten by the lion ; but ‘Ua lelea i le matagi, He was carried away in the wind.
One noun follows another in the ablative, governed by ¿ ; as, ' O le vai i le fagu , The water in the bottle; 'O le ‘ato i lona lima, The basket in his hand ; 'O le manu i le laʻau , The bird in the tree. A peculiar idiom is ui a uta , to go by land . So also, nofo a tolu , seated
by three (in a canoe). "O le pu i pa, a hole in a wall, seems as though the pluralwere used for the singular. ADJECTIVES.
The adjective follows the noun, and agrees with it in number ; as o le falelelei, a good house ; 60 talo tetele, large taro. When two adjectives qualify one noun , the second takes thearticle, and thus, in fact, becomes a noun ; as ' le tagata malosi ma le “aulelei, a strung man, and good-looking. The same is the case even with a plural noun , the second being in the singular form ; 'o va'a fou ma le lelei, new canoes, and (the) good . One adjective caunot qualify two nouns, butmust be repeated with each ; 'o aposetolo paʻia, ma perofeta paʻia , holy apostles, and holy prophets. The pronominal adjective lenei may either precede or follow the noun ; as' o lenei le fale, or “o le fale lenei, this is the house. Comparison .
There is no real superlative. The idea is expressed in various ways ; E silisili “ese lava Ieova ,Jehovah is exceedingly excellent; ' O le fa'atoʻa fale tele lenei, This is the first big house ; ‘Ua tasi lava le va‘a, The canoe is unique ; “Ua leaga naʻuā le 'upu , Thesaying is too bad ; '0 le uso aupito itiitē, The brother, the last of the little ones. Sometimes it is expressed by repeating the adjective, and adding the intensive particle lava ; E leaga , leaga lava, It is bad, very bad.
Numerals. There are different ways of counting ; thus, besides those already given , e tolugafulu i le fa, thirty -four, lit., thirty in the four ; e limaga fulu ma ona tupu e fitu , e ono sefulu a'i, fifty and seven over towards
the sixty. 'o le aso lima, the fifth day; but.O le tausaga e fitu , the seventh year. With months ya is added ; ‘Olona onoga masina lenei, this is her sixth month. Numerals may either precede the noun, as e tolu aso ; or follow , as 'o aso e tolu , three days. Odd numbers are expressed as above by the phrase ma ona tupu, and that which is over ; 'o mātau e sefulu ma ona tupu e lima, ten fish -hooks, and five over.
Round numbers are expressed by 'a'ato, from "atoa , complete ; e luafulu 'a'ato, twenty complete. In things counted by couples,an odd one is expressed by fai soa ; o popo e limaga oa ma le fai soa , five couples of nuts, and an odd one. Peculiar among the distributives is the sentence "Ua taʻitasi 'uma ma alu , Each and all went. A kind of distributive is expressed families.
by a ; as, Sau a aiga, Come by
The pronoun is put in the nominative absolute for emphasis, and is then repeated with the verb ; as 'a 'o 'oe, ia 'e fai atu , but as for you , you say. The possessive pronoun precedes the noun ; as 'o lona fale, his house. In quoting the words of another, the person of the pronouns is usually changed from the indirect to the direct ; as 'Ua faimai 'o ia “Ou te alu, He told me that I should go ; very seldom 'Ua faimai 'o ia , ' E te alu 'oe, He told me, You go. When it follows the verb, the 'o of the nominative is usually dropped ; “Va sesē i mātou nei, We are in fault. On the contrary, it is always used with ia, third person singular. E le toe sau lava 'o ia , He will not comeagain . Euphony seems to direct this usage. The relative is often understood in Samoan : ' le la 'au lea na au lia'iina , That is the plant I pulled up. In this case the passive ter mination seems to supply the place of ai. More commonly it is expressed by ai : '0 le mea lava lenei na a 'u mana'o ai, This is the thing which I wanted .
ole mea lea, therefore, and se a le mea , wherefore, are always followed by ai after the verb ; as O le mea lea na aʻu sau ai, That is why I came. The interrogative pronoun ismuch used instead of direct negation : Ou te alu 'o le ā ? What should I go for ? instead of, I will not go ; E iloa e ai ? Who knows? I don't. The interrogative pronoun 'o ai is used in asking a person's name : '0 ai lona igoa ? lit.: Who is his name?
Generally a verb agrees with its nominative case in number. 1. Exception. Nouns of multitude take a plural verb ; as lua mamate le lafu , the herd are dead . 2. In some cases the verb agrees with its object in number ; as Ia " e tutuli ia te i lātou, Drive thou them ; here the verb is plural.
To accompany or do something with another is expressed by the dual or plural verb ; as Lua te o maima Mareko, lit., You two come and Mark ,
bringMark with you ; Tā te nonofo,lit., Let us two sit,sit with me ; Pe tātou te o 'ea ma i mātou ? Shall we (inclusive) go with us (exclusive) ? Will you gowith us ? Pe tātou te o ‘ea ma outou ? May we go with you ? The usual historic tense is expressed by 'ua. Very often in nar rating a tale “o will be used , as if bringing the events before the hearer's eyes. Na tago < le lauulu 'o le aitu, ua ave le tasi fuafuati lauulu ,ua nonoa, He took hold of the hair of the aitu, he took one lock and bound it. Peculiar idiomsare, 'Uamālūlo , He is well-- that is, he has recovered from sickness ; O mālõlõ 'ea ? Is he well - - that is, does he continue in a state of health ?
Verbal Particles. "Ua is used to signify the present with neuter verbs ; as . Va tagi
lo‘u loto, Myheart weeps ; 'Ua 'ou tula 'i atu , I am standing up ; 'Ua ou nofo i'inei, I am sitting here.
Na and sa mark the imperfect tense ; as Na ‘ou le fai atu “ea ia te 'oe ? did I not tell you ? na oti, 'a 'ua toe ola mai, he was dead, but is
alive again . Sa is very rarely to be found in old tales, etc., “ 0 le Pitofau o Tur sa lavalava mai.” There seems to be little or no difference between the two particles. E , besides marking the future, is also used with verbs signifying quality or condition, without respect to time; as E silisili leova , Jehovah is very great ; E lelei le poto, wisdom is good . The third person singular changes the pronoun ia into na for euphony : na te le mafai, he is unwilling. la is also sometimes heard :
la te lavatia tai tetele, he is able to rective high tides (i.e. number of visitors). Ona before the verb, followed by ai lea after the verb, is used in a dependent sentence, and is either past or future, according to the tense preceding it ; as “Ua sau 'o ia , ona matou o mai ai lea , he came, and then we came; ' A sau o ia , ona matou o mai ai lea , if he comes, or
when he comes, then we will come.
The Imperative. Inā is used in positive commands: ia is precative; as inā sau ia , come; ia 'e sau , do you come. For intensity the verb is repeated ,
followed by ia ; alu, inā alu ia, or alu ia, inā álu , go, begoue. The future tense is also used as an imperative ; e te alu lava oe, you shall go. The formal inā and ia are often dispensed with ; o ia outou , go you . Especially is this the case when the verb is repeated ; o, inā 0, go, be off. Peculiar is sau, inā alu , come, go.
The Infinitive. The infinitive is rather confined in its use ; 'Ou te alu e ta 'ele, I go to bathe ; but also, 'ou te alu, ‘ou te taóele, I go, I bathe. More common than the infinitive is the use of particles, ia , “ina ia, ona ia making a subjunctive ; as na ia fa aeaina le 'ua mativa, "ina ia fa-anofo, & c., he exalted him that was poor, that he mignt cause him to sit ; 'a 'ua lemafai o ia ona faʻalogo ia te ia, but he was not willing that he should hear hiin . The infinitive sometimes takes i instead of e ; as 'ou te musui alu , I will not go, lit., I am unwilling in (in the matter of) going.
Directive Particles. Verbal directives are mai, atu, ane, ifo, aʻe, ese. Maiaftır the verb denotes direction towards the speaker ; as o mai ia te a 'u , come to me.
Atu is direction from the speaker ; o atu ia Iosefa, go to Joseph . A nice distinction, not readily comprehended by foreigners, is found in ‘a'ami atu , to go and fetch from a distance, in order to bring it. So
'a 'ami mai, to fetch from the speaker, in order to take somewhere ;
also difficulty is found with fa'atau mai, to buy; faʻatau atu, to sell; *Ua iloa mai i tatou , they can see us ; “Ua 'ou iloa atu le vaʻa, I can
see the canoe; *Ua lagona mai i tātou e i lātou , they hear us ; 'ua 'ou lagona atu , I can hear. In describing boundaries, if the speaker is within the bounds, he will say, E pau mai (Lealatele), e pau mai ( Safotu ]. If he is outside the bounds then, E pau mai [Safotu ], e pau atu i [Sasina ]; the nearest, mai ; the farthest off, atu. Ane is indirect, along, aside; 'ua alu ane i le ala, he has gone along
in the read ; . Ua alu une i le fale, he has gone aside to the house. Ifo is direction downwards; as E o ifo é lātou i le tuʻugamau, they go duwn to the grave ; Se*i 'ou ‘ar ifo, let me eat down, is peculiar.
Ae is direction upwards ; as 'Va lele a'e le manu, the bird has flown up.
* Ese is away, away from ; o 'ese, begone. Doubling it makes it mean in different directions; *Ua o 'ese 'ese, they have gone one in one
wa), one in another.
Accusative withouta Preposition . Many verbs in Samoan (“ the definite transitive ) gorern an accusa
tive directly, without any intervening prepusition : as “Ua na au mai le tala lelei, he brought good news. Verus signifying to lay up in store, to lay aside, tu put off, thus take the accusative ; *Ua to “ese lona 'ofu, he bias put off his garment. Definite transitive verbs onit the article bufore the noun governed by them . Vert 8 of plenty ; as ‘ua destitute of goods. Verbs of eating ; *Ua 'ai talo, he eats taro ; of buy ing and selling : 'Ua faʻatau 'oloa, he sells goods; of making or building : 'Ua fai fale,he builds houses ; of journeying : 'Ou te alu malaga , I am going a journey. “Ou te alu i le malaga would mean , I am going with a party of travellers. Adding the article makes the
mau talo, there is abundance of taro. Verbs of scarcity : 'ua oge mea ,
object definite ; as e fai le fale, to build the house. Ta‘i suffixed m ans with, asmoeta'i, to run with. Terbs with two Accusatives. Some verbs take two nouns after them , one in the accusative, and the other governed by a preposition . Amongst these are all causative verbs ; as Ua lātou fa'atumuina le nuru i le sauā, they filled the land with oppression . Also verbs meaning to anoint, to plant, to stone, to feed. Sometimes each objective has a preposition , sometimes only one : \Ua na fa aʻofu ia te ia i le ‘ie vavae, he clothed him with cotton cloth ; "Ua ufiufi lona ulu i le pulou, he covered his head with a hat. The repetition of a verb followed by its opposite denotes continu
ance ending in its opposite ; vevela, vedela,maʻulili, after being hot it becomes cold. The alternation is denoted by reversing the order ; maʻalili , ma‘alili, vevela , after being cold it is hot. Very peculiar is the use of a noun with a verbal particle ; as 'Ou te se teine ‘ea ? am I a girl ? 'Ua ʻo Toe, it is (like ] Toe. Passive verbs take after then, the nominative, and the agent in the ab ative ; as Ia fa‘atoina į mātou e ia, he has cursed us, or, we are cursed by him .
Verbs having a passive form are made active by placing the pronoun
before them : Ia outou tuóuina atu outou i le Atua , yield yourselves to manatua le aso sapati, 'e te fa'apa-iaina , or, e fa-apaʻia ai, or \ina ia fa‘apa‘iaina, Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
God . This form of the verb renders unnecessary the relative ai ; la 'e
Participles. These, like verbs, take a noun after them governed by a preposition : o Wo‘alaga fiafia lo‘u loto ma loʻu tino i le Atua soifua, My heart and my flesh are joyfully shouting to the living God . The bare participial particle ‘o lošo is used for the verb to be ; .O loʻo ia te ‘oe lona malosi, His strength is in Thee. The use of the participle is confined to that which is now actually in progress ; as 'o loʻo sau, he is now coming — that is, he is on the way. Then when he or it has actually come, 'ua is added ; 'O loʻo 'ua ua, it is now raining. The future participle is expressed by “o le ā ; as 'ó le a faraóumatia le 'a'ai, the city is about to be destroyed . A peculiar use of 'o loro is in reference to the existence of God : ' O loʻo soifua le Atua , God lives. Other attributes take e : E poto lava o ia , He is wise .
Very many verbs are used also as adverbs ; as 'Ua tu sipa, it stands slantingly ; 'Ua moe nofo, he sleeps silting.
Particles. Particles of negation : e leai (like the Hebrew particle), signifies non -existence ; as e, leai se lelei, there is nothing good . It is also used for denial, No ! E te fia alu ? E leai, do you wish to go ? No. It takes the verbal particles ; as sa leai, there was not ; 'ua leai, there is not. E leʻi leai is used in a diminutive deprecatory way ; thus, in answer to the question , Have you brought a payment ? answer, Ele i leai. Leʻi besides being used with the perfect tense, has also themeaning “ not yet ” (nondum ) ; E le'i alu le vara , the canoe has not yet gone, leaving it to be implied that it will go at some future time ; 'ua le alu , it has not gone, and may not go at all. A negative question is answered by an affirmation ; as 'Ua le alu 'ea le malaga ? Has not the party left ? ioe, 'Ua le alu, yes, it has not gone ; or, e leai, 'ua alu . ' 'Aua is prohibitive ; it is strengthened by ne'i; as "aua ne'i alu , do not by any means go. Nei is also used alone : ne'i e alu , lit. lest you go. It is strengthened by mao : Nei e mao alu , beware lést you go. Le does not require the repetition of the verb in the second clause of a sentence ; as Ia outou saʻili i le lelei, 'a e le .o le leaga, seek ye the good , but not the bad . Particles of limitation are na 'o, tau ; as na 'n manu , na ave ma mātou , only the cattle we took for ourselves. Tau is more subjective in its meaning than na ‘o, and refers to the views and wishes of the speaker ; Tauina 'e fa 'amalosi, only be thou strong.
Optative particles are e, fia ; as E ! ana fa-alogo mai lou nuću, O D 2
thatmy people had hearkened ; fia oti ! O that Imightdie ! E ! fia aluA, Iiswish gone. particle in some proper names ; as Falealupo, alsotoanbe infix
house of lupo ; Fatualavai, the stone and the lavai.
Causative Particles. Auā. Sentences beginn ng with a causative particle in other
languages are translated positively in Samoan ; as Na oulua le fa 'atuatua ia te a'u . . . 'o le mea lea , & c., ye did not believe me, there fore, & c. Should the senten e not be followed up by therefore, then auā must be expressed at the beginning : auā 'ua 'e faʻatau 'oe ia te 'oe . . . faʻauta, & c., because you sold yourself . . . belold , & c. Ona ‘o, for the sake of, differs from the former word in that it is placed before a noun to point out that on account of which something is done ; as ' E te fa'a'umatia ‘ea le 'a'ai 'uma ona 'o le toʻalima ? Wilt thou destroy all the city on account of the five ? 'Ina ia is placed hefore verbs to indicate that something is done in order that the event denoted by the verb may take place : 'Ou te 'ai ai le manu a loʻu atali'i, ‘ ina in ‘ou faʻamanuia ia te 'oe, I will eat of my son's venison , in order that I may bless you . Ina neói is used to mark negative causality : 'ina ne'i malaia ‘oe i le sala a le nu 'u , lest you should perish in the punisiment of the place . Ner is also often found without the 'ina ; as Ne'i 'on iloa le leaga e oʻo i loʻu tamā, lest I should behold the evil that will come to my
father. Atonu expresses partly a doubt,inil partly a lope to the contrary, like perhaps in English ; Atonu 'ua agasala oʻu atali'i,May be my sons have sinned . Ai lara indicates miore certainty with the doubt; ai lava ‘ua moe ia, probably he is asleep . Atonu would he improper here,
as it would express the conviction of the speaker that such probably wasA'itheisfact. a particle of instrumentality. It follows the verb, and indicates the instrument by which anything is effected . It also caused the relative ai to be dispensed with : Au mai le toʻi e vavae a'i le la‘au , bring an axe with which to cut the word in two. Multiplicatives are formed with the cusative ſa'a ; as, fa'alima, five times : ' O lo u sau fa 'alima lenci, this is my fifth coming. Particles of Consequence.
Farapca, though usually employed to point out similarity or con formity of one object or action to another, also intimates cons' quence ; as,Gen . i. 7, i le ‘wa fa-apea lava ; and it was so. Gen . xxix. 26, E le fa-apea le tu i lu mātou nu'u , such is not the custom in our country. It is used , priceded by pei, in the former sertence for the purpose of making a comparison : E pei 'o u fanafana i le lima o le toa ; e faʻapea lava, & c., like arrows in the hand of the warrior, so, & c. - " O le mea lea followed by ai, lit. it is that thing, or, therefore, points out an event as a consequence of a preceding event: Num . xx . 11, Na
culuu le fa'atuatua ia te aru , . . . 'o le mea lava lea lua te le faʻaoʻotia
ai, & c., you (two) did not believe in me, therefore you shallnot bring iu , & c.
Conditional particles are 'afai, ana, 'a , pea . Afai is future, and introduces tie condition on which the fulfilment of the event depends. Exod. xix. 5, ‘Afai tor te matuā fa'alogo mai i lo u leo, ona fui lea outou ma 'oloa tāua. It ye will hearmy voice, then shall you become a peculiar treasure. Ana is past time; Ana le mai le Atua lena tagata, na te le mafaia, If thatman were not from God, he could not. Both 'afai and ana may be used in a subjunctive sense : 'Afai ana outou tāuaso, if ye were blind. — John ix . 33, 41. ' A is used like 'afai; as 'a ua, mātou te le 7, if it rains we shall not go . Ai supposes a case which may most likely occur; as Aise le tali i le malo o le Atua , Should any one not receive the king lo ii of God . Se anoa (utinam !), O that! Se anoa ! ana i ai lo‘u alisi, O that my lord were.
Pe a differs from a and afai, in that it refers to the timeof an action , when ; Pe a 'e fa'atau se ‘au auna, when you buy a servant, Exod. xxi. 2. Then v. 3, Pe afaina sau ; the afai is rendered into the past time by adding na, if he came. Ana suu would mean, Hal he come; meaning he did not do so. Auā introduces an account of the cause of a preceding statement; as Ona 'ou fefe ai lea , auā 'ua 'ou le lavalavā, Then I was afraid , because I was naked . Peculiar is its use by way of remons'rance, on hearing a false statement : 'o le ā le mea na ia le sau ai? why did he not come ? auā, na sau , lit. because he did come, or, yes but, he did coine. E ui lava is always in the antecedent,nr.ver in the relative sentence. I will go although it rains, must be transposed thus; E ui ina ua , ou te alu , although it rains, I will go.
Adversatives are ‘a, peitaʻi, peisa'i. These are emphatic, and stand with a noun or pronoun in the nominative absolute ; as E le 'o outou, na "auina mai a 'u 'i'inei, 'a 'o le Atua, It was not you that sent me here, but God. It may also precede a verb ; as 'ua le ola Napoti,'u 'ua oti, Naboth is not alive, but dead. It is often used in Samoan
where a conjunctive is used in English ; as Le ali'i e, 'ou te alu ; 'a ua le alu , sir , I go, buthe went not. Conjunctives are ma, foi, ‘atoa, amaise. Ona lalafi ai lea 'o Atamu ma lana avā, Then Adam and his wife hid themselves. Ma always causes the rejection of a preposition : Inā 'e toe foʻi atu i lou nuóu ma lou aiga, return to your country and your family. It connects two or more verbs relating to the same subject ; Ma connects nouns which are subjects of the same proposition ; as
as Ia uluola, ma ia tupu tele, ma ia tumu ai le sami, multiply,and increase, and fill the sea. Sometimes the verbal particle is rejected aftermá ; 'Ua mafu ma louā, it ismusty and disagreeable. Ma, when it connects adjectives, changes the second to a roun ; as 'O le tagata tino (ese ma le puta , a man tall and stout, lit. stoutness. Thus it apparently treats the first clause as a compound noun, to which the second is made to conform . In order to connect sentences together,
foʻi is used ; thus, Sa ufitia foʻi le moana i le pouliuli: na fegaoioiai,
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . fo'i le Agaga. The deep was covered with darkness ; the Spirit also moved . When there is consequence, or dependence of one sentence on the other, they are connected by ona . . . ai len . In a list of names the conjunction is sometimes expressed only before the last : ' Semu, 'o Humu, ma Iafeta , Sbem , Ham , and Japhet. Or nouns may be coupled together, and 'atoa with ma and foʻi , will then be used to gather up the last of the list; O le lagi ma le lalolagi,'atoa foʻi ma mea 'uma 'o i ai, The heavens and the earth , together also with all things in them . Amaise has much the same meaning as 'aton , and is sometimes joined with foʻi ; Ia 'e alofa ia te ia , umaise le fanau , have compassion on him , and also the chillren .
I le answers to and then ; Se'i mulumulu foʻi o oulua vae ; i le
alausu ai, wash your feet; and then start early.
Disjunctives. Po, or, is used before nouns, pronouns, Po o ai na te alu , po o aʻu , po o Sina ? Who shall go, I or Sina ? and also before 'ua. Va sau ea, po ua ma'i ? Has he come, or is he sick ? Pe is used befvre verbs : De musu o ia pe leai ? Is he unwilling or not ?
Interrogatives. A question is shown by the particle ea occurring early in the sentence ; as 'O a'u ea le leoleo o lo‘r U80 ? Am I my brother's
keeper ? Sometimes a question is known by the tone of the voice only .
Pe before verbs, with or without ‘ea is also used in asking ques tions : pe matou te o atu 'ea ? shall we go ? Before 'o and fua , po is used ; as po o 'ai ? who ? po 'ua o mai ? have they come? Besides these there are interrogative pronouns ; as 'o ai ? 'o le fea ? i ni ā ? and also interrogative adverbs : pe fa'apefea ? how ? 'o fea ? where ? 'o anafea ? when ? (past); afea ? when ? (future ) ; ai se ā ? why ? 86 ā ? what ? maifea ? whence ? In answering a question , the verb of the questioner must always be repeated ; as 'e te alu afea ? when will you go ? Ou te alu taeao, I go to -morrow .
Emphatic Particles. lava, even to him . La : Faauta la ia ! Behold them ! Collocation . In a simple sentence the verb precedes : then follows the nominative, or, if a passive verb, the ablative (the agent), then the accusative, Lava , indeed, very , even : Ua oti lava, He is indeed dead. Ia te ia
then a second accusutive; as Na faia o le Atua le lagima le lalolagi i beginning. In a relative sentence, the relative prononn ai precedes the nominative to the verb ; as 'ua silasila atu i ai le Atua, God beheld it. The conjunction foʻi follows the verb : 'ua fetalaimai foi
le "amataga . Were made by God the heavens and the earth in the
le Atua, God spake also. Únless a nominative absolute begins the sentence, in that case the foʻi follows it ; 'o a'u foʻi, ou te alu atu , I
also, I will go.
The adverb is often expressed by a noun joined to the verb by the preposition ma ; as Na ia tautala mai ma le ita , lit. be talked with anger, he talked angrily. Sometimes the adverb comes between the verb and its directive particle ; as 'ua potopoto “uma mai, they are all gathered. Or it comes after : as 'ua alu atu soʻo ʻo ia , he went constantly .
Sometimes the adverb precedes the verb, but more commonly it follows; as 'Ua vave oti, he is soon dead ; Va savali taʻalise, he walks quickly. Sometimes it is expressed by two verbs : 'Ua loa ona sau, he came long ago, lit. it is long his coming, or since he came. PREPOSITIONS.
The preposition is omitted after the conjunction ; as E pule 'o ia i lo lagi ma le lalolagi, He shall rule in the heaven and the earth .
CONJUNCTION. A adversative is often followed by a nominative absolute ; 'a 'o a'u , 'ou te le alu , but as for me, I will not go. CHIEFS' LANGUAGE. There is a large number ofwords used to chiefs and strangers ; and to use any other when addressing such is equivalent to an insult. These words are never used by a chief speaking of himself. The chiefs' language is not confined to chiefs, but is also used in courtesy to any strangers. Amongst these are words used according to the rank of the person addressed ; e.g. tausami, to eat, - a respectful term to a “ tulafale ; ” taumafa - to a chief ; taute- to the highest chief. Ua maliu , he is
gone; Ua folau, he is on a voyage. All members of the chief's body : Ua gasegase le a'ao o le ali-i, The arm of the chief is weak . His actions of body or mind : Ua toasa le alii i lona nu 'u , The chief is angry with his people. His dwelling : Ua afio le alii i lona maota , The chief has gone to his house. All these have differentwords to those used of common people. Offensive weapons or tools: Vaeane ali-i, ua li 'iloa loʻu faʻasagaese, Asking pardon of chiefs, I have lost my axe. Marriage, disease, death : ua gasolo ao, the clouds have passed along ; and burial - o le a fale-lauasi le ali-i, the chief is about to be buried ; all have special words. The greatest families have each a special word for the death of a member of that family. If a chief adopts a common name of anything, that word ceases to be used by that chief's adherents, and is changed for another word : Thus, pe'a, a bat, is manulagi, a bird of the air, in Peʻa 's tribe, & c. So also the names of gods were not allowed by their worshippers to be used in common . Vave was changed to taʻalise , titi to noa , fiti, to tapena .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. Other Examples of Chiefs' Language.
Ua alāla le alii i lona maota , The chief is sitting in his house. Ua falafalanaći le aliʻi, The chief is reclining. Ua taumamafa aliʻi, The chiefs are eating. Ua taute le tupu , The king is eating. Ua 'au'au i le taufa , He is bathing (lit. swimming ) in the water. Ua afio i lona uiuiga, He has gone in his canoe. Sauni ia le tofāga , Prepare his bed . Auă le toia le va, ua toʻa le ali-i, Don 'tmake a noise, the chief sleeps. Ua tulei mai le afioga a le tupu , The chief speaks. Va i le maota le masiofo o le tupu ma ona alo, The wife of the king and his children are in the house.
Uavery malumalu ao le faatafa o le alii The sickness of the chief is great.
( 41 )
SAMOAN POETRY. THE Samoan has many different kinds of poetical compositions. Metre is altogether unknown , but the best kinds of poetry are in rhyme. They are mostly responsive, each verse being commenced by a few persons, and this is called the usu ; the remaining half being taken up in chorus, and with strict attention to time, by all present ; it is called the tali. Popular songs on passing events are,as in other lands, very common .
They are sung to the stroke of the paddles when on a journey, or when engaged on any work requiring united exertion.
At the time when religion was beginning to take root, the lovers of darkness thus expressed their regrets at the prospective loss of their pleasures : Tini, tinio , tinio ! Maumau o mea faamālama, A tiaʻi e le malo.
II. War Songs. Pe tipa i le lo Pe tuli fao.
Sua le anefe, Ta le alogo. E ula i le i'a tui ogo. III. The Fagono is partly narrative, partly sung by one person ; 1st. 'O le Fagono. 'A 'o Tafitofau la leneima Ogafau ; Aue ! 'a 'o fanau la la tama, ona fanau lea “o Tui. Toe fanau 'o
Tui; toe fanau “o Tui; toe fanau ' Tui ; toe fanau ' Tui ; toe fanau 'o Tui ; toe fanau “o Tui ; toe fanau 60 Tui; toe fanau ' Tui; ona fanau lea “o Sina. Upu o Fagono; pe moni? “Ua leai lava le au uso ' ma lo latou tuafafine; ‘ua soʻona matutua, 1 I.e., There was none like them in beauty.
ma soʻona mananaia , ma lalelei lo latou tuafafine. Le 'au uso o lo 'ua matutua .
Ona fai atu 'lea lo latou tuafafide, “ Tui e, ma Tui ma Tui ma Tui, 'o lenei 'ua tatou matutua ; pe ni ā “o tatou faiva a fai nei ? E lelei ina ia tatou ta ti-a.” Ona usitaʻi lea i ai 'o le nuốū ; ona latou ta tí a lea. Ta le ti-a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ta le tita a Sina ; mua i uta .
Toe ta le ti-a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ua leai lava le fafine - 'ua soʻona lalelei; ‘ua u mai mata , 'ua ni aiga fa‘alălă ; u mai le tua, 'ua 'oʻo le malama i Sáuă .' Ona vaaia lea e Sina o le gogo sina , 'ua tipatipa mai tai. Ona faʻapea lea “o Sina ;
“ Oi la ‘u tane ! 'o le gogo sina.
‘Ou te mānamea iana tipa." Ona fai atu lea 'o le nuóū, “ Sema e, o mai ia , ina tatou sailia le tane a Sina.” Ona latou fai atu ailea ia Sina, “ Sina e, sau ia ; ina e nofo i'inei ; 'a e matou Ō e saili i lau tane, o le gogo sina, e te māna mea i ana tipa. Sina e, aua te tauvala'au ." Ona latou o ai lea . Ona tauvala'au lea ‘o Sina, " Tui e, ma Tui ma Tui! ”
Ona sau ai
lea 'o Tuiletafu'e, o le saualisi ; ona fefe ai lea 'o Sina. Ua sau le aitu ; ona moe lea i vae o Sina . Ona o mai lea le au uso tuagane o Sina,ma lana tane, 'o le gogo sina ; ona tepa atu lea ‘ua iai le aitu ia Sina, ona tagi lea. 'O Fagono a tagi; 'a 'o tagi le tamaloa : “ Soufuna Sina, soufuna Sina, Le tama fafine, le feagaiga, Lota tuafafine, na 'e tagi i lau tane, 'o le gogo sina. E te manamea i apa tipa.
Ifo vapu, a 'e vanu, āu manu na .
'A e tă alu ita, ne'i tă paū ; tă lilia e."
‘A ‘o tagi Sina ; “ Sole Tui, sau i fale ; Tui e, sau i fale, i tá gagase. Naʻu valaau, 'o Tui ma Tui ! De mai ai le tasi Tui, “o Tuiletafu'e ; lē moe nei, Le tofa i oʻu vae nei
Tui e, sau i fale nei."
Ona tagi lea 'o le aupito ane i ai. E fa-apea “uma lava a latou tagi. Ona tagi lea ‘o Sina ; " Sole Tui e, sau i fale ; Sau i fale, i tā gagabe. Naʻu valaau, o Tuima Tui ! Oemaiaile tasi Tui, Tuiletafuée ; le moe nei. Tui e, sau i fale nei.” 1 A phrase meaning beautiful.
Tagi le ui'i; « Soufuna Sina, le tamafafine,
Lota tuafafine, le feagaiga,
Na 'e tagi i lau tane, 'o le gogo sina ; E te manamea i ana tipa. 'A e alu ita nei; tă paū ; tă lilia e.”
Ifo vanu, aʻe vanu, āu manu na.
Ona alu ai lea 'o le ui'i, na tago i le lauulu o le aitu ; 'ua ave le tasi
fuafuati lauulu ; 'ua ave, nouoa i le la'au. Toe alu ma le tasi fuafuati lauulu ; ave, nonoa i le niu ; 'ua faapea solo i laʻau 'uma. Ona tago atu lea e le tuagane o Sina , 'ua tagó i le lima o Sina ; ona la sosolo lta. Ona oso atu lea le aitu ; oso i sasa'e, 'ua paʻuíu “uma mai la'au i sisifo . "Ua toe oso sisifo , ona paʻuéu 'una mai lea 'o la 'au i sasaʻe ; ona taomia lea le aitu , oti ai.
2d . The Viti, the most common of all, is used in praise of chiefs. The first half of each verse is sung by some three or four, and then
the latter half is taken up in full choras. It is accompanied with beating on a mat rolled up, and dancing.
"Ole Vici o Letiutaugā. Fa'atali atu e ; 'a 'o tiu i le manu. Fa'atali atu e, Tayipo ; 'a 'o tiu i le manu. "Ua ligoliyo le ulufanua ; 'a 'ua tau matagi. A sa matou taumatea, pe ni sāsā o papalagi ? Oi, lau tama el sa fiaolioli nei lava i le nuru o manu o le tau. Oi, le ula ! e moni o le fuaimamao se ali'i nei,'ua gutu i aitu faʻalerao. Letiutaugā , ina folau ; po 'o lelei lava le tagata o le atu toʻelau . 'A e le ‘ole lea ; ina gaso moe, 'o le faiva o tama tane 'o tau.
3d . The Lagisolo , or funeral dirge, is in form much like the preced ing. It is sung slowly, without dancing, in honour of a deceased chief. One of considerable length , in honour of Tato, of Safuge, commences
"O le li'a mai ; aue, lisa mai, & c.? 4th. The Vila , the above, accompanied by clapping of hands, but no dancing . It has also a commencement of its own ; thus, and a chorus 'Ua ta'afili i mauga lega, 'ua lupē. Lupe, lupe ulu iva. 'O le li'a mai, aue li'a mail Lupe, lupe ulu iva , & c.
5th. The Talalo is sung slowly, with motion of the hands, and beat ing themat. The following is a I See p. 45.
SAMOAN POETRY. Talalo i Matautu . “Ua tutunoa , tutunoa , Au lē foa, au lē foa , Tutunoa lenei aso vale. Nu‘u a “uma si ata sa tane i le utu tau, Se va'a Tufulele, ma nai lagaali o Masefau . “Ua fa-ae'e mamu 'atoa le tuāvao . Afu maile faimatā tao, Mataia e.
E le iloa se ata so povale lo‘ia e.
Toli mai sea ‘ula e, tāu mamao, a galo e.
6th. The Fiti is quite new to Samoans, having been introduced from Fiji. It is accompanied with beating the mat, and motion of the hands. 7th. The Fatu is sung in honour of a deceased chief, nnt danced to, nor even used at a dance ; more properly in this respect a funeral dirge than the Lagisolo. Imoaāīmapu e i logologo 'uaʻu sau. Na‘u sa ‘ilia mai se pupū e logona i vao . Soufuna faufau, & c.? 8th. The Solo in praise of chief's lands and laumua ; sung by one. Na'u tipa ifo, tipa ifo i niu -lega. Fa'ataulia i tafetafe lou fia inu le'a. Faiatu i fale na, le galu teine ma le galu tauleleʻa. Se 'i latou māia ai se 'ava 'o i fale na ; Se'i taumafa ane ali'i, a lailoa i le tuneva.
A tufa lava , ia oʻu mua , 'o aʻu 'o Letu 'uga. 'Ou te fa 'anau ala i Piu ; Seu ai lota va'a i fanua ; ‘Ou futia se i'a se lautua ; Fa'ataatia i le taumua . 9th . The Muli-au (including the Mualeva ) is like the Viti, struck
up by two or more, and answered in full chorus, accompanied by the boating ofan instrument called the fa'aali i.5
Ole Mualeva.
E tu'u fetā 'i. Savai'i, E tiga mauga , mauga Eo tu'u fetāʻi. E fetaitai ma fale,
Mamauga loa ma Vaete, Ma utu a lau fau. Aue mauga, & c. i See p . 46. 4 A harbour.
2 See p. 47.
8 A bathing-place at Safa 'i.
5 See p . 48.
SAMOAN POETRY. Se pule a le ā, Ma maluiteit, Ma mulimauga o Olomea ,
Ma le vao na oNuanua masa tuai.
Lopā mai i le , Ma le Afi'a i mulimauga.
Aue mauga , & c. o le lagisolo iā Tato. 'O le li'a mai, 'aue li'a mai ; Tolila -au e Tolilā ." ' A ‘o ai lē tala i fafo ? *Ua le migao , 'ua tala po ; Seʻia ao e fa'atrio, E alaga, 'ua l. fo le mālo ; solofa le lagi, 'ua fao. “Uamatou fa amavre ai, “A Saivāiago ,' ma Tu -uiletai,' Luʻulaufasa ' ma Tagatānu'u.' "O imaua na 'ua o mai,
Vajafai;: Na ma ma sailia ? fetai," 'Olo‘apu Faufilii Na Aise mea o saosaofa 'i ai. ‘O Sinasegi : ma Sinava ava‘ai," Ai se alofa lua taʻua mai, Sau i loni lumāfale niāvae.
Na ma ‘Olo‘apu mai Faleʻafa ; ‘O le ā maliu ifo sa Tuala . ' A oʻo ito le fulugā vaʻa.
Talofa i nai tulafale, ‘A tau ina tatou fetaia'i, Ai lau teva nei, e le a'e. l'a futu, 'ua soʻo le atu sasa'e , “O sa ‘ili i le tafatafa ‘i lagi. Se ā ‘ea lenei? 'ua ti te'i, Segia mai mauli, 'ua ta fefe ! Ta 'ino‘ino i nalaga āu'e'e ; Sa faiatu lava ' u le va'a tele, Fai lā, a tatou gae'e ; Ia te lavatia tai tetele . Ia te tino e faasau e Meto ; 6 E te alo e nau laya i le solo.
Se fa'amomo i loto, se tu'u fileupolu . Fa'afono atu lo tatou na motu , Si'osi'omnia le va'a la ono. Filoilupo ? ma Lemaluosamoa ," Avatu i laua e faima fa aoso. I maliu atu, 'a 'ua ma i le motu , name. I A woman's 2 The name of the ambassador of Safune. 3 The Iva drinking -water . brother. 7 A woman 's name. 4 Chief's reference 5 A woman 's name. 6 A to a fagonu.
Nama saʻilia Naumatiutuloa , Pe maua i le vavaloloa ? Se gutupoto ia te talasāloa , O ali'i 'ua i'inā 'atoa.
Sema e, 'o ai 'ea e pisā ? Pe se soa le va i le fagā ? Pe ni fa 'aali'i 'ua tatā ? Ofo mai se tautai pagotā .
Na 'o Leasiõnõ ,? ma Utā , Lesiene, ma Palepalegaoā,” Si'i ifo le va'a e nofoafă, 'E A ifoe to‘alima i Agalelā . a'u ma tagi, 'a 'ua lupea sina tu 'itu 'i. Le Atua e, to mai sau pule, Foʻisaʻiina mai Fuatafuti ; 5 Scʻia to ane se matai tuli. Fo‘isa 'iina mai i Fuailalama Ia Safune, 'o taua o le pala ; Ninainuru na mai La'afaga ; 6 Na 'o Su'esu'e' lea ma Tāga." Avatu i laua e faima papa Vae'auao '? ee faimou vaʻa ; IaTofoilev faima malama. Alu atu Manu e ta 'ai tapa'a ;
Lo outou ili, 'o le sau o Lavaʻa ;
'A e matafi ane ao valevale, Ai le fuālupe e tāu tasi. . Talofa i le fuía, nei tauvale, Ne'i le ‘auga le fao-'ato 8 Ape ane, 'a nimea fa'amālama Avatu le tuaefu ' e togisala
'A e tautua na Lefuaiva ‘a.10 O le fiti ia Matautu . Lemaile !!ma Lesuni-ula e,11 A avatu ‘upu , tetee mai.12 Ne'i tu'u i le “upu fa'aoso 13 A 'au na i tafeaga,14 Le fia eva gatasi lava15 Seaʻula e, a toli e 16 Susu'i ma faʻatali i nai Lomea e 17 3 Women 's names . 7 People's names . 8 In the war the children of Safune were carried to the fort in baskets. 10 Tato 's name. 9 The young men of the place compared to pigeons. 11 Names of Manono. The people ofthat island were angry with Matautu. you hear. 12 Don 't receive the tales which
1 Tato.
2 Women .
4 Name of Moana a tulafale. 6 Name of a place.
13 Do not believe the aggravating words. 14 Ofthe troops of the conquered party. 15 Who wish to be on an equal footing. 16 When you pluck the fruit of the sea . , and wait for Lomea.* 17 Make them into a necklace * An emblematic name of Matautu .
5 Names of Tato .
Fai pea si a latou mane, A lena yao tagata vale I le lupe ' nei 'ua tufale . Olotū i Taoa valeyale . A 'ou pefeaina ea ? Tau ina ia e fa 'a pea ,
E ‘auga i ai Lelomua. Sea ‘ula, & c. 3.
Tu mai, ina a tatou o, Ma Letaituli ? e pula po. Se'i aʻo niaga ia fofo, Ma lota mata 'u i le mālo , Ne'i fa'avovo trio. Seaʻula e, & c .
Lemaile, Lemaile, fa'amolemole ; Ne'i maó i le ivi o le i-a. Foʻi mai e seu i Masina." Se'i tali le Va'afaifaiva, ‘O loʻo ʻua tāli tula‘i na ; Mona : āsā o uila . ' O taeao e tau paipa.
Seuʻula e, & c. O le fatu ia Suluga . Imoaaimanu 6 e, i logologo ‘ua aʻu sau . Na a'u sailia mai Sepupūelogonaivao .? Soufuna Faufauiātanē8ma Le'aunofoitalau, Na aʻau sailia mai Sepupūelogonaivao. Aue Fa'atiu e, ória vāgana , 'ua a ‘u le iloa. Na aʻu sailia mai Sepupūelogonaivao. 'Uamuamua mai tala leaga, 'ua aʻu fa 'atuama‘oa ; Nitala mai o le soʻo o Tigilau ; 10 *Ua ʻatoa lava lou aso tau. A palui liutua taʻi'au ; Fa'amau fao tulimuli'au . 1 A reference to Suisala, a chief of Matautu . A reference to a chief called Faapoaifoto. 4 The name of a mountain .
2 The nameof a young chief.
5 A reference to the chief Va'afagota . 6 The name of a traditionary stone at Falelatai here put to signify the people of
the place . One of Suluga's names. 9 The nameof a dead chief.
8 A woman who was changed to a stone. 10 Suluga compared to Tigilau .
SAMOAN POETRY. A 'e liuliu a le togapulau ; Si 'ou lalelei 'ua naunau . 'A 'o a‘u lenā sina fafine mai Savavau ; ? Tiliaui lea , e faima nofoātau, I se e njapu i ai Lenaunau,3 'Ou te talitā i ou tafatafa . Ma (ou sui lou masei'au .
'Oifea ea tupua o le fanua ? Le paepae lei i solvi ane, Le fanua lea e tuʻulafoa ‘i. O mai ia, ina lua o iā Puanās ma Tālāʻi. Se'i lua silitonua mai ai
Soufuna e, Uluselevalevale,*
Faunānā ma Alomaugana.i.? “Ua ma o mai, e le i ai;
Nainaisoania le fetuao, ‘O Tapuiteas loʻo ʻua sopolagi. Aue Li'agogo ' i le talafatai, 'ofea Letaiāūā ? 10 Sulugaiu amea lauama,10
Namatātau ma Lefagugatā .11 gi -aeufi'atoaletuāpapa.13 Iā Siʻil utoileli-atoga.13 Toimoanaletulio ala Le usoilei ‘ua tagimai Leutuu'amea,14 Fagumau ia o
Ma Samoa •ua fa'atāutala. O le Muli-au iā Tuóu . 1.
E , Tu u e ‘ua igo i lana sala e ;
E , `aua le fetulia, faitalia lona loto e. Aue sole Turu , 'o fea lou fanua ? Aue Tutuila e, o lota nuru e mamao. Fagali'ima Selea le fanua, Olao, ma Tula , ma Onenoa, ‘O fanua o Turu e ‘atoa . To lau sala , 'a 'ua iloa.
Tu‘u e, 'ua igo i lana sala ;
E , ‘aua le fetulia, faitalia lona loto e. Aue sole Tuóu e, ‘oifea ou fanua ? Fagalele,ma le tolo i Puaya, 1 The name of land belonging to Tigilau. .
2 A woman 's name.
4 A woman changed into one of these tupua. 3 One of Suluga 's names. 6 A chief of Satapuala, 5 Names of two tupua at Amoa. 8 The name of a star. 7 An Amoa chief. 10 Names of Suluga . 9 A chief of Falelatai. 12 Tui'a 'ana. 11 Va'afusu, chief of Falelatai. 14 Three handsome brothers . 13 Suluga .
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . Initū, ma Inifa 'atafa, *O fanua o Tu'uleama'aga ; Noto ai, auā ‘ua sala .
Tuľu e,'ua igo i lana sala, etc. 3.
AueOlomio sole Tu-u , 'ofeaLupeuluiva, ou fanua ? Se mai le "O i Va'agauta, “o i Va'agatai.? ‘O* A 'oLetui 3 le nuíu o sauali'i; Nu'u 3 le malae o ali'i. "O i Vaifoa 4 imalae Filogia.5 E vavae le toga le Pu'aʻivine; ‘ A galu , fatia Sióunau.? Tuʻu e, 'ua igo, etc. Aue Galegalea'e 8 i Olofetu -u,
I Lealailenau 8ma Tafaʻitoa.8 Mamafiologologo,' ma Ausoloiago, Ma Ititaʻoto,' ma Tagi, ma Alualo ;' Turu fanua. E sa 'afi i ona Lau sala e fa'apua fua . E alaala ai Moaaletiale 10 ae manaia . Ni‘ava lelei ia atia mai ; Lafo i fafo, ia laina ; Au mai i fale, i maia ; Utufia ni taufa e sui aʻi ; La inu, ma nofonofo vale. Le sala a Tu'u 'ua le a 'e .
Tu‘u e, 'ua igo, etc.
O le Pitofau "1 o Tušu sa lavalava mai, Ma Leuooutumoso 12 na la momoe ai; Fai ai ana mavaega . ; ‘A se tamafafine, pule Faleʻafa . "A se ali'i avane lona suafa Auā sa fa'amanamana. Tu‘u e, 'ua igo i lana sala .
'A e liliu e ia iā Lī'āva‘a .13
E , ‘aua le fetulia, faitalia lona loto e. 1 A traditionary stone at Aopo. 3 A place in Sasina .
5 The malae. 7 A reef. 9 Land of Tu'u . 11 The name of a finemat. 13 The husband's name from attributed to him .
2 The same. 4 The drinking -water of Sasina . 6 A place which divides the south wind ,
8 Pieces of land. 10 A name of Tu 'u . 12 The name of a place .
whom he had taken the wife. The child was to be
SAMOAN PROVERBS. Ia lafoia i le figāra'a tele ; lit., Let it be thrown on the deck of the large canoe. A depreciatory saying of a speaker. O le fogāvaʻa e tasi, One family.
Ua iloa i vaʻa lelea, Of one seldom seen . Ua le seimau se alā va‘a, Why not steer a straightcourse ? Applied to a speech having no definite proposition .
Ua mele le manŭ e Afono, Afono made light of his prosperity. E pogai i vao, a e lin‘i i ala, It grew in the bush, but it is cast away in the road. 'O lalo ifi lenei, This is a sucret ; lit., This is under the chestnut tree.
'O le puta i Tufa, Only a threat. Turu ia ma paga, In the game of tatia when counted wrongly ; applied to anything not paid for. Da se va'a tu matagi, Of anything quick, like a canoe before the wind.
Ua usiusi-fa'ava'asavili, To obey like a canoe before the wind . Ua lē se'i seu fa'a'alo, To request to be respeciful; lit., Why do you not steer out of the way ? Ia tala mea farasolo, (of seuga -lupe), To dismiss an assembly. Fale-taeao e le afiafi, Who sits at home in the morning will not eat in the evening. Ofa lazy person . Taliu a e popoʻe, Of one who is afraid out at sea. He bails out the canoe, but is afraid. Ua lē faasinopu le tautu u pal pala , A reference to the work of digging tupa . Applied to lazy people who do not help at work. E le fono paía mona vae, The crab did not consult with its legs that they should pinclı ; they did it of themselves. Applied to youths who get into trouble without consulting the seniors. O le lima e paia le mata ; lit., The hand strikes the eye. Of one who brings trouble on himself. 'O le to‘otoʻo sinasina, A white staff; i.e. a new speaker. ' O le toʻotoʻo uliuli, A back staff ; i.e., an old speaker. E logo le tuli ona tātā, The deafhears when he is tapped .
E păta le tūtū i ona vae, The crab blusters on his feet ; a boy blusters when he knows his father is near. Na “o gata e fasi a va‘ai, The snake when about to be killed looks but does not escape. Said of one blamed before his face. E solo le fai, a e tuʻu le foto, The skate swims away, but leaves its barb .
E le pu se tino è upu ,Words don 't break bonce. E pala le maʻa, a e le pala upu , Stones rot but not words. Amuia le masina, e alu ma sau ; lit., Blessed is the moon which goes and returns ! Men die and return not.
‘Ole ūa na fua mai Manu'a, The rain came from Manuća. Spoken of Uu tuíu maʻa , a e maʻa i a'au , Tbe crabs left the stone, and took a
a thing long known beforehand, and yet unprepared for. piece of the reef. Ua solo le lava -lima, To be prosperous.
51 A SAMOAN GRAMMAR. ' O le ‘umu ua vela, Of one who doesmany things for bis country. 'O le sola a Faleāta, Does not run far, but returns. 'O le ā 8080po le manu vale i le fogā -tia, The foolish bird passes over the ti*a. Applied by one of limself when speaking before great chiefs. 'O le fogātiʻa un malu maunu, Ofone who calls in to get food . Punapuna a manū fou . To begin heartily and finish weakly.
Ua se vi a toli, Applied to a number falling in a clubbing match . E i o le ūa tafuna'i, The rain carried by the wind to leeward . Applied to toilalo party. Ta fili e le tai se agāvnía, Let the wind a canoe.
choose as to the quickness of
Se a lou manoginogi,Spoken to a man of bail conduct. His conduct is no more fragrant.
E lutia i Puava, a e mapu i Fagalele, Hard-pressed paddling in Puava , but at rest in Fagalele.
Ua tagi le fatuma le eleele, The stones and the earth weep . Applied to the death of a beloved chief.
Ua lelea le laumea, The dry leaves are carried away by the wiu l. Of troops routed Sei logo ia Moo,Make it known to Moo .
Ua o Tapatapað le fealua'i, A myth of a mountain that went back wards and forwards between Upolu and Savai'i. Ia tupu i se fusi, May you grow in a swamp,i.e. quickly. A prayer of a father for his son . 'O le ola e taupule-esea,Our gods.
livi's are decreed to be taken by the
E ese ea le aitu,ese le moemu ? Is the aitu different from the moemu ? Daing something wrung unler anot..er name. Tapai tatagale pilia , “ Little pitchers have ears; ” lit., Don't let lizards go near when getting afato, b 'cause they will eat them . Applied to children presentat conversation of grown people. E tuai tuai, ta te ma‘ona ai, It is very long cominy, but will be satisfying . Of an oven of food long in preparation, but satisfying. Applied generally to expected butdelayed good . 'O le mămă ma le ponoi, A mouti ful and a blow ; or of a canoe both leaky and with the waves coming in. Applied to one over-burdened with different tasks. Vamua ane lava se fale, First of all a house . Applied to one hay ing neither strength nor means, but who talks of building a house. Ua o Lea'ea, He is like Lea'ea. Lea‘ea shook the bonito off his hook back into the sea. Applied to those rejecting good thingswhen offered . Ia e vae a Vaeau, Let your feet be those of Vaeau (who went to heaven and back in a day) ; i.e., Be quick . Ua o le malaga i Oloolo, It is like the journey of Oloolo. Applied to a thing proposed to be done, but yet left undone. (A Samoan myth .) Ua se ana , Of something promised , but not given . A fai ea aʻu mou titi seesee, Am I to be your old ti-leaf girdle ? Said to one constantly begging.
Ua ola ipiniu , 1hey used cups for fish-baskets; because there were so few fish caught. E 2
A SAMOAN GRAMMAR . E toa e le loto, a e pa le noo, Strong in heart, but broken in the back . Of a man whose will is stronger than his body . Lua mata to ese, Two taro planted away ; i.e., Better have a small plantation of your own than be joined with another. E le papeva se upu , Not a word stumbles. Anini, Anini, Aveavai, The town Aniniwas burning, and Aveavai said it served them right, for they were thieves ; but the fire spread to Aveavai,and they, too, were burned out. Ua aofia i le futiafu e tasi, When the river dries up, water is found
only in the bason of the waterfall. Applied to all being of one mind in a council.
Se'i luaći lou le ‘ulu taumamao, Pick the breadfruits on the far off branches first. Applied to any work , otc., to be done. Do the most difficult first. Tau ina ta ma fa'apoi, Only threaten and not execute. Ia lafoia i le alo galo , May you be thrown on the bosom of the wave ; the front part of the wave where it is easy to swim . la natia i Fatwalavai,May our fault be hidden in Fatualavai. May webe forgiven .
Ua se tifitifi. Of a nimble warrior. Va se moo le sosolo, He is a lizırd crawling. Ofa disobedient lad . Ua se taʻataʻa a le ala , Like grass by the roadside. Of one who has no fixed abode.
SAMOAN AND ENGLISH VOCABULARY. The first letter in the Samoan alphabet. It has a long and short pro nunciation , so marked as to be equal to two different letters. In some few words it is very short, almost like a short u ; as in mate,maliu , vave, fanafanau, etc . Å is the vowel of emphasis. Added to some nouns, it makes them adjectives having the meaning of abounding in ; as niua, abounding in cocoa -nuts ; tagatā , contracted from tagataa , to be full of people. It also terminates some words indicating suffering. It is in such cases long, and takes the accent ; as tigā, puapuagā, sauā, etc . Also it terminates other words indicating mental distress ; as louā, soesā , matagā, tugā, etc.
A , prep.marking the genitive case, of, or belonging to ; as 'o le afioga
the singular la ; as, Si a tā tama ; and a tātou mea .
a le Atua. | A , 8. a fence, instead of ai, on Ā ,adv. when. À o mai i lātou, ia Manu'a . tātou o,When they come, let us go. A , adv. probably ; used in poetry ‘A , conj. 1. but ; as, 'A 'ua leai, but instead of ai; as 'A , a tulilon le it is not. 2. If; 'A fai mai, mala ia Tolututuila . tātou talia, If he speaks, we will A , is often used after verbs of speaking ; as, a e fai atu a fafine. answer. Ā , pron . what ? Se ā lea mea ? Ūa faimai a id. In this case it Ā , a sign of the future tense, when
near at band ; as, ' O le ā ua, It is about to rain . A , an affix to some verbs to form
is the prep . of ; and le upu (the thus the full sentence would be, but says (the word ) of the women . Al le vaʻa papalagi. word ) seems to be understood :
the passive ; AVE , to take, AVEA. A , an affix to some nouns to form ' A , interj. of surprise.
adjectives, signifying full of, A 'A, 8. Malcy, Åkar. 1. fibres of a abounding in ; as, niu, a cocoa root, 2. Family connections; as, nut ; niua, full of cocoa-nuts.
*Ua sosolo le aʻa i le aiga . It
A , a sign of the dual and plural | takes o after it in the genitive before the pronouns, instead of and in pronouns ; as, ona a'a .
AA AAP ( 54 ) 3. The name of a plant; the root 'A 'ALA, 8. the smarting ; as of a is used for food occasionally . I wound. ' O lona 'a'ala . A 'ALE, 8. a driving in war, a rout. AⓇA, 8. a kick . “O lona aʻa . AʻA, v. to kick ; pl. FEA'A ; pass. Na će tau i tai, i le to le ‘a'ale. A ASIA . ‘A 'ALE, a. prompt, doing with A•A,.8. 1. the name of a fish . 2. despatch. * Ua faiofmea 'a'ale. substance \ 'A 'ALIÓI, 8. a species taro. which The fibrous grows round the base of the 'A 'ALO, a. deceitful, avoiding open cocoa -nut leaf ; the stipule. | ness, covering up. 'Aua le fai Called also Lauraʻa. mea 'a 'alo . ' A 'A, interj. an exclamation of dis- | 'A 'ALO, v. pl. of ‘alo ; to avoid con approbation . stantly or repeatedly. AĀ, lumps of bread-fruit un- | 'A 'ALU, 8. 1. dregs, 8.diment ; as fermented in the masi. 'alu. 2. Cocoa -nut oil partially A 'AAʻA, 8. an oduriferous plant formed . used iu scenting oil (Seiges- ' A 'ALU, v. to be partially formed, beckia orientalis ). applied to scraped cocoa-nuts A 'As' , v. to have many aʻa , as the which do not readily yield oil. cocoa-nut tree . | 'A 'AMAU, 8. 1. cocoa -nuts which fall ‘A AI, 8. a town, a village. "Ua il from the tree, and grow as they le 'a'ai o finagalo. It takes lie. 2 . Plants and trees firmly rither a or o after it. rooted. 'A 'Ai, v. pl. of 'Ai, to eat. ** A 'AMI, v. to fetch ; 'a'ami mai, to ' A 'AO, 8. the arm , hand, leg , or foot of a chief. 'O lou 'a'ao.
'A 'AO, a. proud bearing ; applied to
come and fetch a thing from the speaker ; 'a 'ami atu , to go and
fetch from a distance; pass.
AMIA ; redup. "AMI'AMI, to fetch a pigeon preparing to fly ; and Boffingly to a man ; as, "Ua 'a'ao } one after another. nauā le tagata lea . ' A 'AMI'A, 8. the name of a shrub. A 'AOSE“E , 8. Ch , word , as LIMASEʻE . } 'A 'AMU, v. to whisper and excite A 'AU , 8. a coral reef. 'Olo 'a'au o discontent with ridicule ; pl. le nuʻu . 2. The loop at the end | FE ' A AMIJA 'I . of the pole for catching pigeons. \ 'A 'AMUTALE. v. to whisper and ' A 'AFA, indecent word . excite discontent without cause. A 'Av, v. to swim ; pl. FE'AUSI 'Ua 'A 'ANO, 8. 1. flesh of animals. 2. toʻilalo le va 'a 'ua fe'ausi le uso . The kernel of a cocoa -nut. "O A 'AU, v. pl. of, 'Au, to send. le "a'ano o le niu . 3. Substantial A 'AFIA, v. 1. to be taken away (of food . “Ua lê toe ‘ainimea 'a'ano, property ) by a relation, without na 'o suāvai. 'Olāna 'a'ano. the permission of the owner. 4. The meaning, the substance, From AʻA , a rout. "Ta "ave auā ' O le 'u 'ano o lana lauga. sua 'a'afia i le äiga. 2. To be | ' A 'ANO, v. 1. to have a thick ker involved with others in trouble. | nel, as a full- grown cocoa-nut ; "Ua 'a'afia tātou i le amio al pass. 'ANOA. 2. To indulge in Atamu. angry feelinys. Se tagata 'ua
"A 'AFIA, 8. the name of a shrub. a ano. 'A 'aru, v. pl. of "Arv, to wrap up in 'A 'APA, v. to put out the hand in a sheet. order to take hold of something. A 'AGA, 8. a kicking match. 'O le “ Ină 'a'apa atu ia o lou lima, araga a tama. ma tago i lona i'r " (Ex. iv. 4 ). ' A 'ALĂ, v. Malay, Gatal, to smart ; 'A 'APO, v. pl. of 'APO. pl. FE'ALABI. \ ' A 'APU, v. to draw the wind, as a
AI ( 55 ) sail; froin ‘APO, a cup. Ua | AEA, 8. always with se, a score ; as 'a'apu le lā i lematagi. seaea , e luāea , e tolugāea . ‘A ’Asa, v. to be glowing hot; fig. A ‘EGA, 8. 1. an ascent. 'O le a'ega
to be ardent. 'Ua 'a 'asa le loto i
o le nu'u, the ascent of the place.
le fia alu . 2. The food prepared for seuga . ‘A ’ASA, a. glowing hot. 'O maʻa | ' O le aʻega a le nuru . 3. The kaʻasa o le umu. coming of a shoal of fish. “O le
aʻega o anae.
paper mulberry) with the 'asi, a 'A ‘EGA, 8. a pole or beam , used for shell. 2. To scratch . a ladder. A 'ASIA , pass. of A 'A . A ‘EGĂFALE, 8. the provoking con ' A 'ATA, V . pl. of 'Ata , to laugh. duct of a family, compared to an A 'ATASI, 8. a species of cress (Car- ascent. “Ou te tiga i le a'egăfale. damine sarmentosa ). A ‘EGĀFALE, 8. a number of houses ' A ATI, v. to eat in, as an ulcer. built at the same time. “Ua 'a'ati e pei 'o se papala. 2. A ‘EGĀMAUMAGA, 8. plantations To eat into a tree, as the afato , a I made at the same time. grub, does. 3. To gnaw off, as A ‘EGĀVAʻA, 8. canoes built at the the skin of sugar-cane or the sametime. husk of a cocoa-nut. 4. To 'AEMAISE, conj. also, together with ; pierce, as the teeth of a dog, so as to meet.
as AMAISE . A ‘EMATĀFAGA, from a'e and matā -
*A papala `ATI,a . 'aeating, corroding ;as'o le faga, v. to act without consulting 'ati. others. 'A 'ato, a . complete, in counting AENO, 8, a species of land-crab. entire tens ; as e sefulu ‘aʻato. 1 'A EPOPO’E, from a'e and popo-e, to ' A 'AVA, a . 1. pungent, sour, acrid ; ! climb in fear, as a tree. from 'AVA. 2. Scorching hot, as A 'ETUA, v. to take hold of one arm the sun. ' O le la ‘aʻava . with the hand of the other arm , 'A 'AVA, v . 1. to be pungent, sour, behind the back . acrid. 2. To be scorching hot. ĀI, v. 1. to fence in ; pask. ĀJA. *Ua 'a 'ava le lā ; pass. 'AVASIA. 1 2. To join two seams by sewing. ' A 'AVE, v. to be talked about, | AI, 8. a fence, a railing ; ' O lāna āi. applied to a renownied warrior, | A1, 8. a concession made in defer or a fine man ; as Ganagana ence to another party, E lē toe Pua'iina . Ua 'aʻave tala 3 lea tau , 'a e tu 'u atu e fai ni ona ai tamaali'i. o le ifoga . Nearly syn . AVA.
AE, interj.used in chasing a bird, AI, a relative particle; as, 'O le or in forbidding a dog running togafiti e ola ai, a plan by which after something. to live. "Ole mea lea na ia sau A ‘E, v. 1. to go up, to ascend, as ai. That was the reason why he from fishing . 'Ua are le faiva . came. There, or for the verb to 2. To return from banishment. be. Pe ai sana avā ? Is there a "Ua are mai le teva a Muao. 3. wife to him ? To rise, as waves. 'Ua a'e mai Ai, pron . inter. who ? O ai bea ? galu . Redup., A‘EAⓇE. whose ? '0 le fale o ai? him , it, A 'E, adv. up. Ua alu a'e le lā. her, Na e sau i le v'a 'a ? Ou te le 'A ‘E , v. to ascend , as to the top of sau ai.
a house, tree, or mountain ; pl. Ai, whoever. Ai sē fia sau.
FEʻA'EI, and TAUSILI; pa88. ‘ ’EA, AI, adv. probably, very likely, ai to be taken, as a fort. Ua 'a'ea lava , na te lē sau . le 'olo . | Ai, prep. from ,also NAIand MAI.
AIG ( 56 ) ‘Ai,‘AINA. v. to eat; pl. ‘A’ar; pass. 'AIATE, v. to eat his liver, a coward .
‘AI, 8. 1. a present of raw food. '0 'Ansi, v. from 'ai and isi, to beg le 'ai a le ali'i. 2. A stone wit!ı food . Syn . 'AISEĆE. which children play hide ard Aifol, v. to beg, to entreat, to im seek . 3. A count towards the plore. Ia ai oi ia ‘au maise mea . number which determines the Aiol, 8. an eutreaty. “O lāna game. O lo mātou 'ai e tasi. L ai oi. A 'i, a particle denoting the cause, | Al'OIMAMATE, o. to beg earnestly. means, or instrument. Au mai A10GE, 8. one who removes to se toʻi e vavae a'i le la 'au . auotber place on account of AIA, v. 1. to be rubbed , word, as scarcity of foud ; a terın of ru E aia ma'a e le rai; 2. to be proach.
galled or cliafed, as by the seat | AiOGE, v. to leave one's village on of a canoe while paddling.
account of scarcity of food.
AJĀ, v. to have authority over. E 'A1'ū , v. to eat sulkily. iloga e te aiā i lenā mea . It is \ 'AIULI, v. lit. ‘ai, to eat uli, the mostly used with a negative. shoots of taro ; to pet, to make A '14'I, a . true, genuine. much of ; applied to a favourite A 'la ‘l, adv. very, truly, really. child , or to a people who make much of their chief. 'Ua 'aiuli O te faʻamaoniaʻiaʻi. i lo lātou ali'i. Redup . ‘Al-AIULI. 'AI-AIULI, see 'AIULI.
'AI'AIGA, 8. 1. a remnant, from | 'AIULI, 8. the making much of. which part is taken ; as, a piece of AIUTA, v . to dwell inland . O le cloth . 2. Something partly con - nuéu e aiuta gogo. sumed ; as a fowl partly eaten. 'AIFAʻAFEII, v. to eat to repletion , 3. A part of the moon, either boastingly.
waxing orwaning. 'O le 'ai'aigā 'AIFAʻATOGA, v. to eat and ‘AIFAATUITOGA, ) throw away what 'AI AIGA, v. to be incomplete ; as a is left. masina .
part of a piere of cloth ; a fowl | 'AIFANUA, 8. a tenant, a person partly eaten ; the moon before or cultivating another person 's land. The custom was confined to 'ĀI'AIGA, v. to go out to beg food , relations and family connections. such as the case mentioned in 'ĀIFANUA, v. to be a tenant. after the full.
Luke xi. 5. Se'i ‘āi'aigaina mai ‘AIFETAC, v. to upbraid for eating without paying. 'ĀI'AIGAGA, 8. a party begging food . | ĀiFOI, 8. à crab , snake, or cock . 'AI AIGAMISA, v . to interfere in roach which has cast its skin . 'AiFuna, v. to stop in a family for family quarrels. ‘Ai-AigẤTAUA, v. to interfere in a the sake of food . war of others. Āiga, 8. a family ; a relative; co 'Alau, v. lit. to eat the gall, to be habiting, as the beginning of a family. 'Ua fai lo la āiga . cowardly. Syn . ATEʻAI. AIAFUA, 8. the longing of a preg - | ĀIGA, v. to belong to a family. Mātou te āiga . nant woman . ‘AIALIʻI, v. to supply a chief with 'AIGA,8. 1. the act of eating. 2. A food, in order to be repaid in meal. A foreign application of the word . toga . ‘AIALIʻIGA, 18. the office or act 'AIGAAITU, 8. an ulcer hard to heal. ‘AIALIʻITAGA, ) of “aiali-i. O lāna | 'AIGAALEAFI, 8. lit. ‘aiga, the eat ing ; afi, of the fire ; ashes. ‘aiali'iga. sa tātou 'ulu .
'AIG ( 57 ) 'AIT 'AIGAULIULI, nearly the whole. A AINIU, v. to pick cocoa -nuts on a I journey in order to eat. word used only on Manu“a . 'AIGĀMEA , 8. 1. a part of some food, •AINIU , 8. the sheath or covering
between the cocoa -nut and the stem . person. ‘AIPĀ, 8, a glutton . AIGOFIE , 8. a club match. be ; tomea to eat "popo reducedv.tolit.poverty. Sa ‘ai AIGOFIE , a. pretty , as a village. ‘AIPOPO, O le a'ai aigofie . fencing samusa ma mu lenā lelei,'a “uá 'o with , kaipopo. 'ĀILAO, 8. the act of or flourishing, a club. haste. AIPOPOLE, v.take inside of v. to to eatoutin the 'AILAO, v. to brandish the club. I Āisa, order large fish to eat it. in 'AILAOPULOU, v. to give thanks for any property or good news; putting 'Aisago, v. to praise the food or gift on the head . See also property which has been given . the FA'AMANŪ. of the 8. the the used perianth to scrape out cocoa -nut, ‘ AILAUULU, v. lit. to eat hair, to be ‘AISALI, a coward , kernel. ‘AILALALA, 8. one found not to be a AI SE Ā ? adv. why ? *Ua lē ulu ai virgin . se ā ? v. to beg food at a feast. AILE, 8. a cocoa -nut just formed. 'AISEʻE, 'AILOTO , cancerous ulcer. Fua mai"i'inā fish 'aise , of e.those v. to begmasei, of cloth 'AISILA, a. two fathoms 'AILUA, leng toge thwa sewn ailua ther ys. 01 . le 'ie . from to steal relationv.s 1.; also food property . 2. To steal AILUAINA, v. to be sewn together, Aisola, as part of a joint ofmeat. 2. A contemptuous term for a diseased
as two pieces of cloth . a wife.OLO, v. a term used by 'AIMAU. See "AIALI'I : v. to con - ' ALSOLOS tinue feeding the chief. feedingany the fut wbilewithout on trouble AIMĀLO, v. to be victorious. | visitors of the land, themselves. As the sega eats Mostly applied to children and to animals. of nuts. of the, v.blossom all. to eat up ‘AIMĂMĂ , v. 1. to eat chewed food . | A180PO severely beaten with | AITA, 8. the grommet of a sail. 2. To be fists or clubs. ‘AITAGI, 8. lit . to eat weeping, 'AIMĀTŪ . See FA'A'AIMĀTĀ . A recently a funeralterm feast. AIMEAIM adapted ITI dream feast. of to | , v. ' ing. on to get the v. to borrow ced , from credit. U, Introdu 'AIMEO , v . to be angry on account ' AITALAF Tahitian. of, or in connection with , food . AITALIAGA, Y. ' AIMEO, a . angry on account of | '' AITALIA GA, v. to eat lying on the food ; pl. 'AIMEMEO . lazy. a glutton . andeater, back ;, of a great 8. sick ' AIMELO, genitale rubrum feminae ; / ' AITELE Syn . 'AIPĀ. pl. ‘AIMEMELO. A term of re proach . AITIA, 8. a child's game. Aitia i AINA, a . eatable. Мапопо е. AINA, v. to be inhabited . danceparty on ;a tocanoe in AINAGA, 8. 1. a child given to the | AITIATU front ,ofv. atowar jump gods or a chief. 2. Attendants about at a feast. Aua e te and ministers of the aitu. Se'i aitiatu , a ia nofo i lalo. faʻapouliuliga 'i le ainaga, le 'AITOU, v, of a fish , to play with
faitua .
the bonito hook, but not bite it.
( 58 )
‘AITOGA, 8. a pig divided out and Ao, v. to collect, to gather together. eaten, to be paid for in toga. "Ua 080 atu le teine e ao i le *Aitoto, v. to have a bloody "au afa ; pass. AOFIA. mouth . Ao, v. to be excellent, to be perfect, AITU , 8. 1. a spirit. 2. A god . as a house, boat, & c. ; redup.. SynMoemu . Atua. Pe 'ese le aitu, "ese A0A0. Ua aoao le vaʻa į va a le ? 3. A feast in honour 'uma . of a god . Āo, v. to search , to look for, espe cially in the bush ; redup. Ā0AO. AITua, v. to be haunted. AITUEMEA, an expression signi- | 'A0, a. small-made, slender, of fying bad luck . The opposite to men ; redup. 'AOʻA0 . meaaaitu, good luck. To do a A 'o, v. to teach , to learn ; pass. thing under the influence of an A‘Oina ; redup. Aʻoaʻo ; pass. A 'OA OINA. aitu . [ T . P .] ‘AITUIVI, 8. pain from eating after hõa, 8. 1. a fish -trap. 2. A bird abstinence from food . "Ai tu ivi. cage. 3. The hole in the coral Aitto, interj. the call in tautapa. | reef in which the cuttle- fish AITUTAGATA, 8. a murderer by lives. means of the foto, the barb of Aõa, 8.a the banyan -tree (Ficus prolix ). the Ray ; an assassin . AITUTAGATA, v. to assassinate by ' A OA , v. to reprove, to correct. means of the foto. ‘ A OA IGA, 8. a reproof, a correction . Aivao, v. to run wild, of animals | A0A0 , a. excellent, surpassing,
which have strayed into the bush .
supreme; from ao. E pule aodo . A0A0, v . to be supreme.
A OA , 8. a teacher ; from A 'o . ‘AIVALE , v. to eat improper articles A ‘OA‘o, v. to teach . See A ‘o . of food . A ‘OA '0, 8. Tahitian, a preacher. AIVALE, v. 1. to eat up all the food , 'AO‘AO, 8. 1. armpits. Ona 'ao'ao. leaving none for visitors. 2. To 2. The inner sides of a canoe.
eat up the produce of a planta - | 'AoʻAO, 8. slim . See ‘Ao. tion wastefully . AQAULI, 8. before noon . Syn . 'AIVALEA, v. to be nibbled , as a AOATEA. bait by a fish . 8. a tree of the fig kind (Ficus). 'Aivava, to commit fornication AQAFAFINE, while professing to be a virgin. AQALATA , 8. a coralline. Ao, s. 1. a cloud. Ia mātafitafi ao AOATAI, s. 1. a large branching co valevale. 2. Day ; opposed to ralline (Gorgonia). 2. Another po, night. 3. Daylight, the name for the aoafafine (Ficus). dawn. 4. A chief's head . 5. A AQATA E, 8. a large species of fig. title of dignity given to chiefs. tree (Ficus). 'O lona ao. 6. The name of a | AOATEA, syn . AOAULI. fern . Aoi, v . See ALOI. Ao, v. 1. to be day. “Da ao. 2. Aoina. See Ao. To be dawn ; pass. AOINA. Na AOULA, 8. a day dance. aoina le malaga . 3. To have AOFA'I, v. n . to collect together, to peace. Anei foi ao e salamo.
A7, a. ten , used in counting games. ' FEAOFAʻI. Used only of people. Ao, v. impers. it is right, proper, AOFA‘IGA, 8. the sum total. O lona fitting, necessary. E ao ina sau aofaʻiga o mea uma. 'oshould ia . come. It is necessary that he Aoraga, 8. a coilection, a gather ing ; from A0.
•AUA AOF ( 59 ) AOFAGA, 8. a party searching for with the negative. Elē ‘āu sau. anything ; fiom Ā0. He hasnot yet w ne. Aofia, v. puss. of so, to be as- 'Au, v. to sile with , to be if the
same party , in disputes or sembled, to be collected . AOFIA, 8. an assembly. quarrels ; from 'au , a troop. AOGĀ, a. useful, valuable, profit. 'A0. 8. 1. the stalk of a plant. 2. A handle. Olona 'au. 3. A able . O le mea aogā lava . AOGĀ, 8. usefulness. E leai sona | bunch of bananas. O le ‘au fa'i. aogā. 4. A troop of warriors. 'O 'au a A ‘oga, 8. 1, a teaching. 2. A lo mātou nuóu . 5. A class, or school. O lāna aʻoga . company. 'O le 'au faipule a le nuóú . 6 . A shoal of fish . ' O le AOGALĒMŪ, v. to be broad day light. "Uu aogalēmū le ao. ‘au ia. 7. The keel of a canoe, before it is cut. AOLAGIĀ. v. to be cloudy. AOLELE, 8. scud , flying clouds. | 'Au, v. to send ; au mai to bring ; A ONA TAU . See Tau . ‘ A’au , pass. ‘AUINA ; pass. pl. Aolo, v. from Olo, to reprove 'Apl.'AUINA. severelv. A 'u , pron . I. Malay, AKU . A 'u , v. to scrape the dirt from the ‘A ‘OLOA, 8. Syn.MASI. AOPA, word of tautapa : “ Mimusa hole of the fresh planted taro, e, mimusa e, Aopa e, aopa e | 'and to press down the tigapula. Äitu , aîtuo " When three or four leaves ap pear, the process is called Faala . AOPOA, 8. a large cloud . A ‘U, 8. the guard -fish . AOSOA, 8. a day song. AOTELE, v. to gather all into one, ' A 'u , a . meeting, as a girdle of of things. leaves or a wrapper. O le titi AOTELEGA, 8. a general gathering lē ‘aʻu ; pl. ‘A’AU . together in one, as food or pro ‘ A , v. 1. to surround so as to perty . ' O le aotelega a mea . meet. Applied to girdles of
AOTOʻA. adj. stationary, cloudy. leaves ; pl.”“AʻAU. 2. To reach AU, 8. 1. a sharp fish thorn ; hence or arrive. Ua le ašu mai lau - 2. A needle. 3. A tattooing avā. Syn. Oʻo, taunuóu . [CARNE.] instrument. 4. The gall; in 'Aua, v. impers. do not. Aua le poetry, the seat of the affections. alú ; lit. Do not the going. E vaua mai au. 5. The liver of AuĀ, conj. 1. because, on account a pig. 6 . A current at sea. “Ua Au, pron. pl., thy. Malay, Kau. usi i le galu ma le au .
of. 2. Just so, to be sure. In assenting to a person speaking. 3. As a particle of dissent, or correct
Au, à particle of negation ; as Au AŪA, ion .8. aWellbut. Auā na sau. young anae, nifoa . A UA Ā ? interrog. but what is it ? Au, adj. good : Se faiva Āu. or, what about it. , tu ; pass.TheĀUSIA reach AULIA. v. to and Āu,ĀUTIA, last | AUAI, 8. to join with , to take part applied to a body reached in the in . Mātou te lē auai i lenā mea. face of the enemy and carried ĀUAʻl, v. to take in turns, to alter off in time of battle. Tou te lē nate ; redup. ĀUAUAʻl; recip. āu i Samoa . "Ua lē ausia le FEĀUA 'I. | Auao, 8. a general name for flying lua'i nofoaʻiga. Āu, v. to carry away, as the stones insects. of a wall ; pass. ĀUA ; redup. 'AUAO, 8. attendants on the aitu , AUAU. being inferior spirits. “Olāna
‘Āu, adv. yet, hitherto, always
"AUE AUA ( 60 ) AJAU, 8. rubbish carried off the ĀUAGA, v. to continue to act, to beach and out to sea by the live on . Eāu lo tātou aga . high tide. | Āuaga. Syn. AuEVA. AUAU, v. to pick out, as the bones AUAGA‘E, 8. a current setting to of a fish . the east ; from au , current; aga , AU‘AU, v. to review troops, before going ; a'e, up. going to tight. 'AUAGAFULU, a. ten , yams or 'AUʻAU, 8. 1. the ridge pole of a bunchies of bananas. house. 2. The part of the house | ‘AUALA, 8. the roadside. O lona under the ridge pole, by the 'auala . central posts. Le fafine e nofo i ĀUALA, 8. the bier of a dead chief. 'O lona āuala . le 'au´au.
‘AUʻAU, v. 1. to swim about ; from AŪALELE, 8. 1. the fish aña, being 'a'au . 2. to bathe ; a chief's afraid of the malauli, jumps out word. of the water as if flying, lele. 2. ĀVĀU, a. coniplete, in counting. A coward. E fā āuāu gafa. Four complete ‘AUALIʻI, 8. 1. a talie tree (Ter fathoms. minalia ). 2. A keel of a canoe AUAUGA, 8. the lauốie left over after made of talie. A chief's word . making a fine mat, and used to AUALOFA, 8. a keepsake, some make a second of inferior quality. thing kept in remembrance of 'AU'AUFAU, v. to agree together in the absent or dead. regard to doing something. | 'Aulua, twenty, yams or bunches *AUʻAULI, 8. a tree whose fruit of bananas. blisters the skin. (Dyospyros AUALUMA, s. 1. a company of single samoensis.) ladies. Ua alu ifo i le fale i le 'AU‘AULOA, v. to pass right on to āualuma. Le āualuma o Man the journey's end without calling ono. 2. Euphemistic for penis. "AUAMĀ, 8. lit. a troop of shame in on the way. ‘AU‘AUMAILE, 8. one kind of yam faced ones. A depreciatory (Dioscorea ). word when begging, or when *AU'AUMAMĀ, a. 1. good quality ; refusing to give anything to as property. 2. Clean, well beggars. kept; as a plantation . 3. Good - | •AUAMALA, 8. the fly fish -hook of looking ; as a party of travellers, ill luck ; that is, when the fisher or a company of warriors. is unsuccessful. ‘AUʻAUNA, 8. á servant ; from 'AU . AUAMANŪ 8. the fish-hook of good
to send. 'O lāna 'au'auna . | 'AU'AUNA, v. to serve. 'AU'AUNONO, 8. a wild yam (Dioscorea ).
luck , when the fisher is success ful.
Auamo, v. to carry a dead chief about on a bier. ‘AUʻAUSI, a. good -looking . Syn. 'AUAMO, 8. a party carrying the post of a house. AULELEI. AUAUTA'ATA'A, 8. a rock in the ĀÚANE, v. to take the name of the reef. O lona soa le auauta 'ata'a. | head of a family who is dead , Av‘AFA, 8. the fine mats consti to succeed to a name or title. tuting the wealth of a family. When a son or brother succeeds, So called because tied up in a || āu ifo is used . bundle with 'afa. Faʻasau le Auata, v. to show respect to . AUAVĀIVAI. See 'AUAMĀ. 'au afa. Auaga, 8. the part of the body | AuĒ, interj. 1. alas, oh ! wonder. 2. Oh ! of approbation . Auē between the thigh and penis.
ĀUŠE ĀUG . ( 61 ) weapons war. 'O of AUʻUPEGA, 8. o Savaiʻi. Malay, mauga,mauga WEH , WAH . toa āuʻupega . le o AUʻEʻE, s. a passenger, one wlio 'AUFA'ATALA, 8. one of the tattoo begs a passage in a canoe. Syn . ing instruments. AUUSO . | ĀUFAGA, 8. a bandage used on the ATĒGA, 8. the cry of auē. fect in climbing cocounut trees. ‘AU‘EVA, S. snakes, shellfish (Crus- ! See AFAGA. t.icea ), & c., which have shed 'AUFA'I, 8. a bunch of bananas. their skin . Nearly syn . with AIFOI. 'Avíeva, v. to cast the skin , as snakes, Crustacea , & c. 'Aul, v. to wind round, as a bandage; intens. 'AU'AUI, to wind round and round. ten , in counting bonito. 'Aui, a.TINOAGAFULU Syn. . 'Aur‘A, a . slender, ofmen . 'AUʻILIʻILI, v. to go all, as all the people of a village going a , journey.
O lāna “aufaʻi. sticks for building a ‘AUFALE, house for8. seuga. AUFALE, V . See LEĀUFALE.
'AUFALE, 8. women living together. ĀUFANA, 8. a bow . 'O lāna āu fana . AUFANAUA, v. to be childless, from the death of children .
AUFANUA, 8. a current in the sea setting towards the land.
Aurasa, lit. higher than the fasa the moon to rise, FĂNA; ‘E. le lā.. Syn . AUILUMA, v. to advance , to make tree “Uaofaufasa progress ; as a wall being built, | ‘AUFATA, 8. palanquin -bearers. or sick person towards health .
' O lāna 'aufata .
a in pain . 'AUITALIGA, v. lit. to be sent by 'AUFITI, v. to writhe the ears, to be led away by re- | 'AUFONO, 8. a division of a village, ports. used in some places instead of ĀCITUA, v. to retrograde, to grow ala. 'O lo mātou ‘ aufono. worse ; as a disease. gods for AUFONO, 8. a meeting O lona at consultation skeleton . Onlyof used . ' ‘AUIVI, 8. the "auivi. Matautu . AUIVI, v. to be skinny ; pass. ĀUFUA, v. to begin. See AFUA.
AUIVIA . Tino e auivia i le faʻa - | 'AUFUA, v. to send away empty . läina . 8. a turn in succession , as augāali'i. Atõ, s. a calm . "Da paʻū le āuo i ‘AUGA, le ‘auvaʻa nei. v. to look up to, to attend on , to depend on . , 8.one kind of yam (Dios Auga, ‘AUʻoʻA corea). AUGA, 8.8. aSeemakeshift, ‘AUSAGA. a do-no 'AUOLETALIGA, 8. the back of the ĀUGA,
ear. Lona auoletaliga .
' better. O le auga lava . Auoso, 8. a passenger . O' lona AUGA, v. to be for a makeshift. āuoso. Syn . ĀUʻEⓇE. . ĀUGAŠAU, 8. a review , a display of Auoso , v. to be a passenger . Fol before lowed by le āugā'au a too war. o orgoing 'Auoso, v. to have plantations troops robbed by a number of family a le nuću. connec succession of chiefs. AUOSOGAtions. , 8. a party who wound ĀUGĀALIʻl, O lo lātou8.aāugāaliti. their heads with stones , & c., as ĀUGĀFATU , 8. the removing of an expression of love to a dead | AUGĀMA A . S the heap of stones placed in the shallow water of chief. ' O le āuosoga o le ali'i.
'Auulia , a. dirty, bad ; applied to property .
the lagoon to attract fish. They take o or a .
AUM 'AUG ( 62 ) ‘AUGAMĀLIE , v. to come oppor- “ĀULALO, 8. the under jaw of a pig. tunely. Syn . TAIGALÊMŪ. See TAULALO. 'O lona ‘āulalo. ĀUGĀMĀLÖ, 8. a succession of mālo. AULAMA, 8. 1. dry cocon-nut leaves AUGANI, 8. an oath . Lana au - used as torches. 'O 'aulama a gani. Ona toe fa'afiti ailea 'o ia teine. 2. Dry logs of ifilele. ma le augani (Matt. xxvi. 72). AULAMU, 8. the jaw . AUGANI, v. to swear. 'AULAPATAʻI, 8. the level land at ‘AUGAPIU, a. very ugly, exceedingly the footof a hill. Also LAPATA‘I. bad ; applied to men , houses, 1 'O le 'aulapata'i o lemauga. ‘AULAPE, 8. witnesses or lookers-on & c., very small,as taro. AUGĀPO , 8. the succession of nights. at the game of tologa, whose 'AUGATĀ , a. lit. difficult to send , business it was to see thnt the tapulaʻa , or boundary, was not disobedient; pl. ‘AUGATATĀ . AUGATĀ , v . to be disobedient. stepped over by the players. ĂUGÂTAGATA, 8. the succession of 'Ua taʻoto le 'aulape o le nuʻu . the generations of men . LO 'AULELE , v. to run swiftly, ‘AULELEI, 8. a favouring current in lātou āugātagata . 8. à succession of kings. the sea . ĀUGĀTUPU,āugātupu “AULELEI, a. 1. handsome, applied . Lo lātou ĀUGĀTUPULAGA, 8. See ĀUGĀ to men only , and not to women . TAGATA. 2 . Good -looking, of bananas.
‘AUGAVALE, a . perishing, unen - Syn. 'AUʻAUSI. during, of men, houses, cloth - | AULELEIA, v. to be carried along, as a boat at sea, by a favourable ing, & c, ‘AUGOFIE, a. lit. easily sent, current obedient. ĀŪLI, &. pure, unmixed , of water. Ole vai auli. 'AUGOFIE, v. to be obedient.
‘AUGUTUAVA, s. the sides of an AULI, 8. a clothes-iron . Lāna āuli. opening through the coral reef. Auli, v. to iron clothes. AULIA , v . 1. to reaclı, to arrive at. O lona 'augutuava. ‘AUGUTUVAʻA, 8. the top sides ofal Ua aulia lenei aso. 2 . To he cauoe. "Olona “augutuva'a . takun in war, either dead or
“AULĀ, 8. the two edges of al alive. Samoan sail. "O lona “aulā. ĀULIULI, a . spacious. Syn. VĀ ĀULAʻAUA, V. to be killed and TEATEA. decapitated in war,and have the | AULIULIGIA, v. to be far from , to be head carried away; from the free from blame. la 'au or club with which he was 'AULĪLŌ , killed.
18. the stem from
‘AULOSOLOSO, / which the cocoa
ĀULA‘l, v. to be heaped up, to be in abundance ; pl. 'AULALAʻI. See FĀULAʻI. ĀULAʻIGA, 8. a leap. See FãU
puts have been picked. Tley take lāna with the person, lona with the tree. Ole niu na lona, etc. | Auma, 8. a rock below the surface LAⓇIGA. AULA'IGĀTAGATA, 8. a generation of the sea, known by the swell it of men. 'o lo mātou aulaʻigā- | causes. It is called ulu in some parts. 'O le auma o le nu'u . tagata . AULAUMEA, 8. fish-gills. A chief's AUMĀ ? for what purpose , of what word for Fuilauvi. "Olona use ? E tu 'u e aumā ; a lē togia a 'i lāu sala ? 'aulaumea . AULALO, v. to swim low , in order | AUMAU , 8.an alien, a stranger. O loću āumau "iinei. to catch sea -birds.
( 63 )
ÀUMAU, v. to sojourn, to reside in a | AUMOMO AUMOMOE, v. pl. ofrunĀUMOE.
‘E, v . to on . strange village or country. ĀUMAFUĀ, v. to be without mafua, AUMULI, 8. a current setting west. Lona aumuli. or pigeons' food .
AUMAFUTE, 8. the wood of the AUNA‘iloa, v. to continue a long time; as a house, canoe, life, paper mulberry , after the bark is stripped off. It takes oor al etc. in the genitive, etc. | 'AUNIFO, 8. the row of teeth . Le ‘AUMĀGA, 8. 1. the company of lāulaufaiva 'ua tu i le va o young men or young women wlio 'aunifo ; lona ‘aunifo.
chew the 'ava ; from mămă, to ĀUNIFOA, a . toothless. chew . 'O le ‘aumāga a le ali'i. | AUNOA , v. to be without, not to possess, as in Eph . ii. 12 : sa 2. Young men generally . ‘AUMAGEO , 8. one kind of banana | auno foi ma le Atua i le lalolagi, withoutGod in the world." E “ (Musa ). 'AUMĀLAIA, troops who are always lē aunoa, to be unremitting. getting into trouble. 'O āna 'AUNOFO, 8. troops in reserve. It aumalaia . takes either o or a after it. "0 ‘AUMĀLAIA, v. to be continually in | _ 'aunofo a (or o) le mālo. ĀUNU'UA, v. to dwell away from adversity. | home. ‘AUMALIE, one 8. kind of banana (Musa ). ‘AUNUNU, 8. the name of a month answering to parts of April and ‘AUMĀLOSI, 8. one kind of wild yam May. (Dioscorea). ĀUMALOTU , V. to struggle. “Ua 'AUPĂ , 8. a line of wall ; troops are āumalotu fua le fe'e, 'a 'ua lë toe compared to it. 'O lāna ‘aupā. ‘AUPAʻA, to be equal to, to be on a mafai. 'AUMALU , 8. one kind of wild yam par with ; referring to the legs of à crab as being unequal. It is (Dioscorea ). AUMANUTA, 8. troops always pros I used by way of reproof. E perous and victorious. 'aupa'a ma ai ? Who is he 'AUMAXUIA, v. to be continually equal to ? prosperous. ‘AUPIU . See 'AUGAPIU . 'AUMATA, 8. the inner corner of the 'AupITO, a. very, exceedingly. E eye. Lona ‘aumata . aupito leaga ,at the very end of bad things. ‘AUMATOTO, pl. of MATOTO .
*AUMATUA, 8. a breeding animal. 'AUPITO, v. 10 be at the end farthest off when followed by atu ; to be Lāna “aumatua . ĀUMATUA, 8. an orphan . “Ou te lē tuʻua outou pei 'o tama āumatuā.
at the nearest end when followed by mai.
8. an associate. •0 lāna AUPITOALUGA, a. highest. ‘AUMEA, 'aumea .
‘AUPOULI, v . to be dark all night,
'AUMEAMAMAE. 8. a bosom friend. Lāna “aumeamamae.
ĀUMOE, v. 1. to sleep away from home. 2. To go out courting.
when there is no moon. cocoa -nut leaf mat for carrying
‘AUPOLAPOLA, 8. 1. a rough-made
food on. 2. A roughly-made 3 . To sleep in a woman's family, fan . with a view of making her pro- | 'AUPOTO, 8. the name of a yam posals ofmarriage : pl. ĀUMOMOE. (Dioscorea ).
ĀUMOEGA, 8. the party going to 'AUPŪ, v. to have a hollow place in , make proposals to a lady. Ona as a hollow tree ; pass, ‘AUPūINA. alu ifo lea 'o āumoega a le tama. | 'AUPU1, v. to splash the water.
( 64 ) 'AUT AUS Ausa, 8. steam , vapour. 'O lona a after it. 'O le ‘ausiva a (oro) le nuʻu . ausa . Ausa, v. to be enraged. "lla ausa Ausoa, v. to dance by companies at a night dance. mai lona ita . ‘AUSAʻALO, 8. a wooden seat to 'AUSONI‘ASO, s. the name of one of which the notched iron scraper, the tattooing instruments for grating up the cocoa-nut ‘AUSULU, 8. an axe, so called before kernel for cooking and other chiefs. O lāna ‘ausulu . purposes, is fixed. O' lāna | ĀUSULU, v. to run quickly with ‘ausaʻalo. _ head down. ‘AUSAʻI, v. from 'A‘a, to swim with 'ĀUTĀ, 8. 1. marks burnt in the an article for the purpose of con - ! body on the death of a chief. 2 . The wooden drumstick used to veying it. beat the mat- drum at a night pany of swimmers. 2. Some dance, or a wooden bell. ' O lona , thing to assist the swimmer, as or 'o lāna, 'āutā. a swimming -belt. It takes o or ‘AUTĀ, 8 . the agitation of the sta a. ' O lona (or “o lāna ) āusaga . I after a breeze. ' O le ‘autā o le AUSAGE, v. to be left few in peau. number, to be desulate. 'Ua 'AUTAʻI, 8. troops being led to fight. AUTAFA, v. 1. to take out the bones āusage lo mātou aiga. AUSAGETALITAMA, 8. a couple at in the side of a fish . 2. To take first childless, and afterwards off the thorns from the side of paoga ( Pandanus) leaf. having a family.
“ĀUSAGA, 8. 1. from ‘A AU, a com
‘AUSELAU, a hundred yams. ‘AUTAFA, 8.a large tattooing instru * AŪsi, a. good -looking, of men , ment. bananas, etc.; redup. ‘AUʻAUSI. AUTAFA, 8. the sloping side of a ‘AUSI, 8. 1. the stick on which a hill. 'O lona “autafa. fishing-net is hung in a house. | AUTALAGA, v. to take the bones out 2. The head fisherman who of a fish for the ayed . directs the others, lit. on whom Āutagata, v. to be desolate, to be they hang. without people, as a village or a 'Ausi, v. to hang a fishing-net on . country. AUTALA, v. to call out the titles Eausi ai le 'upega . AUSIA, v. to pass b yond, as the belonging to a place before dart tiirown in the game of making a specch . tagāti'a . AUTALU, v. to weed a second time *Austa, v. to swim about, applied the māumaga or taro plantation . to palolo. AUTALUGA, 8. the second weeding. Ausiusi, a . sleek, in good condition . /| AUTAPU, v. to swear. Syn . Au AUSIGO, v. to stoop down so as to | GANI. make the posteriors prominent; ĀUTAPU, 8. an oath. 'Olāna pl. ĀUSISIGO. Also used adver- ! āutapu . bially. 'Ua vele talo āusigo ia le \ 'AUTE, 8. the Chinese rose, or
tulafale. blacking plant (Hibiscus rosa Ausilia. See LEAUSILIA. sinensis) 'AtsitiʻA, v. to dart the ti'a or stick AUTEFAFINE, 8. one kind of "aute, in the game of tāgātiʻa beyond a variety of the preceding. the most distant one already | 'AUTETELE, 8. the loins. Syn . thrown . TauʻUPU. ' O le ‘āutetele o le tino. ‘Ausiva, 8. the company of dancers AUTETOGA, 8. one kind of 'aute at a night dance. It takes o or (Hibiscus Storckii).
( 65 )
AUTIA, S. one side in tatia. Ua
nails for house and boat build .
faiaina le tasi auti'a , a word
ing. ' O laʻu 'afa. 2. The name and more common term , TAULA. AUTILUA / games of children . |•AFA, adj. See 'AFA'AFA. O le 'AUTONU, 0. 1. to keep things in tagata puta ‘afa. used in the native game tagati'a . AUTITASI | used in counting in
of a fish . 3. An anchor. Syn .
order in a village or family. 2. 'AFA, v. i. to be fit, to be proper. To be put, right. Le pa fua E lē ‘afa ona toe alu, nei mā laia . 2. To be fit for making AUTŪ, 8. the leader, director, or sinnet ; of cocoa-nuts neither too principal agent. O le autū o ! old nor too young. 3. To be fit only for plaiting sinnet. “Ua tufuga. AUTUPUA, v. to curse, to imprecate 'afa le aso, that is, a rainy day. a curse on . Ia autupua, "aua le | ‘AFA AFA, 8. the name of a fish . toe tutupu nisi. | 'AFA'AFA, a. strong, robust ; ap AUTUPULAGA, 8. all generations. plied to men . ĀUVAʻA, v. to be fit, to be proper ; 'AFA'AFA, v. to exaggerate. Aua "autonu .
applied to work , words, or con - ' e te 'afa'afa ; o se mea itiiti. duct. “Ua 'aumai le fono o le 'AFA 'AFAI, v. to wind sinnet round the handle of a weapon to pre vaʻa , kua tatau , 'ua āuva'a . 'Auva A s. a ship's or boat's crew . vent it from slipping. 'O lo mātou "auva 'a . ‘AUVAE, 8. the chin . 'Olona 'ĀFAI, *AFA'I'o,conj.. if.a bank of sinnet. "O "auvae. la -u 'afa'i'o. Syn . FA'A'AFAGA. 'AUVAEALALO, 8. the lower jaw . 'AFAILAUGUTU, v. to draw people 'AUVAEALUGA, 8. the upper jaw . with words, as with a string.
'AUVAI, s. the brink of a river,lake, Afa -i-laugutu. pond, well, or any place contain - AFAINA, v. to endanger. Tou te ing water. 'O le fauvai o le afaina ai a'u .
AFăina, v. to be hurt, to be en dangered ; from afā, a storm . Used only negatively and inter rogatively ; as 'Ua afāina 'ea
'AUVALE, a . 1. ugly, of men. 2. Bad, of bananas. AUVALEA, v. 1. to be carried away
at sea by the current. 2 . To lou lima ? Elē afāina . lose all out of a family by death . ‘AFAUTO, s. the rope along the top I of a fishing -net.' 'O laʻu 'afauto. Syn . AUTAGATA.
AFA, 8. 1. the nameof a tree. 2. The AFAFINE, 8. a daughter. O le mesh -stick used in making nets.L afafine o le tulāfale. O la'u afa . 'Araga, 8. 1. the bandage put AFĀ, 8. a 'storm . 'O le afā o le on the feet when climbing the vāipalolo, the storm of the pa | cocoa-nut tree. "O lāna 'afaga . lolo season . AFĀTIA, to be bestormed .
2. fig. A peace-offering to an offended party. E fai mou 'afaga
AFĀ, v. to have a storm ; pass. I
e toe lelei ai.
Ara, v. to be united in action ; AFAGA, 8. a small portion of beach, from afa , a mesh -stick . 'Ua as in a cove or small bay. 'O le afa fa-atasi. They all use one afaga o le nuću . mesh -stick , and the meshes are 'AFAGAFAGA, 0. 1. to be stiffened , equal. as a diseased limb. "Ua afaga 'AFA , 8. 1. sinnet, the cord plaited faga ua o le vae. 2. To be over from the fibre of the cocoa -nut strained , as a rope drawn too husk , largely used instead of ! tightly. "Ua afagafaga vale le
( 66 )
maea. 3. To have the sinews | A Fi, 8. a bundle, parcel, package.
'A ina a 'ea sina afī tunu lautī ?
drawn tight; applied to anger.
‘AFAPALA, 8. sinnet stained black ! 'O lāna afi. by steeping it in the black mud Ari, v. to do up in a bundle; pl. AFIFI. of a swamp.
‘AFATAʻAI, 8. a large roll of sin- AFIA, 8. the name of a shrub ). fire ; to lanceolata (Ascarina AFATAGAI, ) net. O laʻu 'afa- 1 ĀFIA from afi, v. pass. tarai. v. pass. of AfĀ, to be be be ,burnt accidentally, either of AFĀTIA, persons or houses. .
stormed . ABATO, 8. a large edible grub , AFIAFI, 8. the evening. Ole afi found in dry trees. 'O lāu afato. afi o le aso lua . AFIAFIAO , 8. the evening, before Syn .MOEʻESE'ESE . ‘AFĀVAE, s. the rope along the foot sunset. of a fishing-net. 'O lāu "afāvae. AFIAFIM ALAMA, 8. the evening,after sunset. Syn . FAUVAE . AFIAFIPO , s. the evening, at dusk . AFE, a . a thousand . AFE , v. to call in at a house or a AFÍAGAFULU , a , ten afī, or small place when on a journey; to bundles of fish ,masi, & c. turn aside, as Exod. iii. 3, 4 ; AFIAVAO, s.the nameof a shrub. “ Na afe ane ia e maimoa ; " AF1o, v. 1. to come, when fol. lowed by mai; to go away, pass. AFEA. ĀFE, v. 1. to turn up an end or when followed by atu. 2. To corner, as of a mat or book . 2. be present. 'Oloo āfifio. 3. To die. Ua afio "ea Gogo ? To hem . AFEA, adv, when ? Only future. pl. ĀFIFIO. Used only to the 1
highest chiefs. O afea e te sau ai ? 8. a room , a partO oflona the AFIOAGA, AFEAFE, 8. 1. the residence of a high chief or king . 2. A chief's house screened off. ' seat. 'O le afioaga o king's or afeafe. v. to call at place le tupu . AFEAFESOLO, AFIOINA ! a salutation to chiefs.. after place, or house after house, | AFIOGA, 8. 1. the word of a high . a on when journey AFEI, v. to line with leaves; as a chief. 2. The speech of a high pit in which musi or fermented chief. 'Olāna afloga . 3. The þreadfruit, & c., is made, or a presence of a high chief. Vaeane le afioga a le tupu . basket. AFEGA, 8. a person living away | AFİFİ, v. pl. of AFI. from his own village in a place AFIFIO, v. pl. of AFIO, a high chief's convenient for his passing fel low -townsmen to call on him . " O le afega o le nuću . AFEMODINĂ, v. 1. to call at a place to sleep there. 2 . fig. To come upon, as a calamity. “Ua afe moeina e se malu . AFETUAINA, v. to call on casually,
AFILA'AU , 8. a great burning in honour of a dead chief. AFILUA, Q, twenty bundles of fish , masi, & c. AFINAMEA, . the name of a fish . AFISAVAE, &. the upper inner part of the thigh. O lona afisavae.
not having intended to do so on AFISI, v. 1. to carry under the arm . setting out. Ina se'i iloa se 2. To carry a child astride on the hip. mala e afetuaina AFISIGA, S. an armful, a load carried AFE'I UALAINA, V. as. AFETUAINA .
AFI, 8. fire. "Olāna afi, Malay,Api. I under the arm . 'O lāna afisiga .
AFI AGA ( 67 ) AFITULIA, s. the time of eight or | AFULUGĀ, v. 1. to have a bad nine P.M ., when most of the smell, as long-cooked fish , which lights are out.
not been rebaked to keep AFO, & a fishing-line. 'O laʻu afo. has it sweet. rotten , as 'Aro, v. to be seriously wounded in | taro planted 2 . in Tothebestump of a war. rotten tree. AFOLAU, 8. a long house. "Ole AFULUMEMEA, v. to be burnt āfolau pou tasi.
O" lona | brown.
AFUSAU. Syn . UFISAU. perhaps. AFONO, ĀTONU. AFUSIGALU, adv. Syn . 8. Malay, Buhr; the AFU, 8. perspiration , sweat. '0 spray rising from waves the
- lona āfu . on the ĀFU, v. 1. To perspire . 2. To be breaking lona afusigalu . coral-reef. 'O heated , as an oven. 3 . To ĀFUVALE, v. to perspire without wither, as annual plants. "Da any cause, such as exertion or āfu le vao. heat, as a person weak great sickness 'AFU, 8. a wrapper of siapo used as from does. a sheet. 'Olona 'afu . conduct, AGA, manner 8. 'AFU, v. to wrap up in the 'afu ; | ing. It takes either but o or ofa, act pl. ' A 'AFU. mostly aga a ; ' as O a nuʻu le . AFU, 8. a waterfall. O le afu o le | AGA, v. to do, to act, to go, fol nu' w . lowed by atu , to go away : fol AFUA, 8. a feast made when the lowed by mai, to come; redup. becom
es pregnant. “ O le
AGĀGA ; recip. FEĀGA'I, to go
afua a lāna avā .
and down, backwards and AFUA, v. to begin ; redup. AFUA up forwards. FUA. 'Olona afuafuã maliu - | ĀGA, 8. Malay, JANGKAL ; a span ; mai. AFUAFU , 8. a light shower. Fūói limasāga, seven spans.tive spans; fitusāga, niua, a ni ufuafu . conduct. AFUAFU , v. 1. to curl over, as a AGAALIʻI, AGAALIʻI, v.8. gentlemanly to act as a gentleman. wave about to break. 2. To | AGA‘ESE, v . to go away from . rain slightly. Ua afuafu le ua. | AGA ESE, 8. an axe, used instead of to 'i before chiefs . ' O lona 3. To run quickly . Uu afuafu ona momoʻe . agaʻese.
'AFUʻAFU, 8. 1. the peritoneum . 2. AGAI, 8. attendants on a clief. The hymen . 3. À true brother. " O agai o le ali'i. 'O le “afuʻafu e tasi. |I AGAI, have work AFUAFUA , v. redup. of AFUA. agaiv.to le galuega . paid for. Ua AFULELEA, v. from āfu , to wither, | AGAIAFI, v . to make a burning, and lelea, blown away ; to be a number of fires kindled in the completely withered away. Ap - malae, for a dead chief. plied, 1. to annual plants. 2 . | AGAIOTUPU , 8. a complimentary To the oven when the fire is name for carpenters and tattooers. burnt out. Agaiotupu o Safune. 'AFULOTO , 8. bedclothes used | AGAFA'AITULĀ, v. to be inconstant.
under the tainamu, or mosquito AGAFA 'AFAFINE, v. to act as a curtain .
woman , to act with mildness. 'AFULOTO, v. to wrap up under the AGAFA'ALETINO, v. to le sensual. tainamu , ormosquito curtain . AGAFA'AMANU, I v. to act without AFTLU , 8. the name of a fish . AGAFA'APUAʻA ,J thought ; lit. tu AFULU, v. to be over-cooked . act as an animal or a pig .
F 2
AGA ( 68 ) AGO AGAFA' ATAMAITIITI,v. to be childish , visitors. 3. To one who has AGAFA'AVALEA, v. to act as a foolish never been fined for improper person conduct. AGAFOUA., v. to be practicable, to AGAVAʻA , 1. lit. the “ conduct ” of attempt ; as to open an abscess , a canoe, its quality and behaviour or to take a canoe through a in the water . 'Ua fili e le tai se passage in the coral -reef. agava ʻa. 2.. Applied to the con AGAGA, 8. Malay, ANGAN-ANGAN, ' duct ofmen thought ; a disembodied spirit . AGAVĀIVAI, a . mild , gentle . O le agaga o le tagata AGAVALE, ĀIVAI,s. v.theto left be gentle AGAGA, a . spying . “. O tagata | AGAV hand . . agaga spies , . AGAVALE, v. 1. to be left-handed. AGAGĂ , v. redup. of AGA. cometeful empty To ungra Agaga, v. 1. to devise, to plan. 2. 2.To be . -handed. 3. To challenge . AGAVAL left-handed E, 1. a. . 2. AGAGAFULU , a . ten spans. Ungrateful. AGAGAMEA, a . skilful. wind ;; 0. 1.AGIAGI, to blowto, ofblowthe gently AGALEAGA , v. to ill-use, to treat AGI, redup. unkindly . AGALEAGAUa conduct IAGI,AGINA. lis ness, angrily. speech angrily , 8. unkind 8. a chief2 's. Tospeak kind. con - / ALpass. AGALELEI, 8.makindnes s, kind 'con - AGILAUFOLA , 0. to blow steadily, duct without squalls. lona agalelei. ctELEI . Uamălie du AGAL , v. to act kindly . AGINA, v. pass. of Agi, 1. to be put AGĀLIʻI. See AGAALIʻI. by astheawind in motionout, AGAMAFU, v. to be ripe; used only straight flag.; to2.blowfig. of thechestnut ( Inocarpus edulis). Applied to speeches not meant AGAMALOSI, 0. to be gruff . to end in anything practical ; AGAMALŪ, a. mild in conduct . redup.of AGINAGINA, AGAMĀSESEI, 8. bad conduct. 'O away,toastheif ears ope runningapplied lona, or lāna agamāsesei. blown ht. up the lavalava , AGANI, s. the tail or abdomen of the AGINI to tuck , v.straig crayfish and robber-crab. obstruct. as not or -clothin, sowalking to atwork AGANOA . See FAAAGAGANOAINA, or wearer theloin nothi have to ng visito to give Agipā rs. to blow | atnight, the , v. AGĂNUⓇU , s. conduct according to wind usually ceasing to blowtrade in
the customs of one's own country . the evening. O lona aganu 'u . s. the AGĂNUʻU , v. to act according to AGO, longa ). turmeric plant (Cucuma the customsof one's own country . Ago, v. 1. to mark with charcoal, AGASALA, s. sin ; an adapted word . | as the edges of the planks when ' O lāu agasala . to testthewhether AGASALA , v. to commit sin ; caus. making they fit. a 2.canoe lines To draw FA'AAGASALA , to cause to sin . tattoo for GO, ing. AGATELE, v. to abuse , to use abusive | AGOA s. the name of a tree. language. go, AGATONU, v. lit. to go straight. | Agoa plan. v. from ago, to devise , to
Applied , 1. To the people of a AGOFI, a. thin in body without village having a chief as a guide disease. or head, that everything may be AgoFI, Q. itching ( Tutuila for orderly. Ja tupu se ou soʻo, ia Mageso.) agatonu ai faleupolu . 2. To the AGOSI, v. to be wasted away from head ofa family in giving food to l sickness.
( 69 )
ALA, 8. Malay, DARA. 1. a path, |. ALAFĀ, a. from alafa, shining, of a way, road, passage. 2. The scar. "O vae alafā. warp. 3. A cause or reason . 4 . | ALA-FA -AAPEFA 'I, 8. steps.
A division of a village. All with | ALĀFAU , 8. the cheek . 'Olona 0. 'Olona ala . alafau. ALA, v. to make use of, as a path . | ALAFaga, 8. a morning angling. 'Va ala i tra o tagata . Ona laga mai lea ‘o le alafaga. ALA, v. to spring from , to give rise ALĀFALĀ, 8. the impression of a to, to arise ; from ala , a road. mat on the body after sleeping Ole ā le mea ua ala ai le taua ? ! on it. What is the thing that gave rise ALĀFALE, 8. land belonging to the to the war ? L aitu of a village. ALA,v. 1. to awake; pl. Āla ; redup. ALAFIA, v. pass. from ALA, road • ALĀLA. 2. To angle in the 1. to be able to head for, applied morning. “Ou te fa'anau ala i Piu. to a canoe or boat sailing. Pe ALA, v. to scratch FEALA,
; pl.
scratch with both hands.
‘ALA, v. to breathe ; pl. A‘ala. Ona gāoi fua lea o tino, a e lē 'a 'ala . ALĀ, s. a stone worn smooth by the action of water. 'O alū o le alia . ALA'A, s. the nameof a tree.
ALA'AFA, 8. the mark left by sinnet when tied round the body. ALAALA. See A LĀLA. ALA'ALO, 8. from ala and alo, to
alafia "ea le tolotolo ? Shall we fetch the headland ? 2. To be able to get at, as a tree, in order to cut it down. 3. To get a chance to shoot, as at a pigeon standing in an exposed position . 4 . To get an occasion to pick a
quarrel. 5. To have a road for the fishing -net, that is, a low tide in the morning favourable for fishing.
avoid ala'alo ;a bye-path. Syn . ALĀTUA. ALAFIA, v. to be hurt by joining in le nuću 'O le
through one's another's quarrel,or own fault. Faʻalua'i alafia ma ALAI, v. 1. to be forward in speak ing, as a child before its elders. manuća . Syn . ALĀTAIA. 2. To be forward in interfering 'ALAGA, 8. Malay,GARANG , a shout. in a quarrel. 3. To pretend to 'ALAGA, v. 1. to shout out, to call
ALAILEFAU, v. (ala-2-le-fau ) to
out ; pl. 'ĀLALAGA ; pass. 'ALA GAINA. 2. To proclaim a chief or king on accession to a title.
have a road to heaven . Referring
O le ‘alaga ai Tupo i le Tuiātua.
possess knowledge
ALAI, a. forward, impertinent.
ĀLAGA, 8. a shoulder or leg of an a fau (Hibiscus a legend ofSagana, totiliaceus) by which animal. O lona ālaga ; a joint at
men climbed tu heaven . ofmeat as a portion for a person , ALAINI-AI, v. to awake to eat. Al o lāna ālaga. word of comfort to the supperless. | ALAGAUPU, 8. a saying. Syn. Moeinivai alaini'ai. MUAGAGANA. ALAŠU, v. to be nearly finished or ĀLAGĀLIMA, 8. the shoulder of an nearly reached . It is always | animal. either interrogative or negative ; | ALAGĀMEA, 8. the name of one kind as 'Da ala 'y bea ? Ua lē alaʻu . of fishing-ne t.
"Ua lé ala u po . . ALĀGASEGASE, chiefs'word for ALĀ Alausu, v. to start the first thing MA‘I. in themorning ; from ala and usu . | ALAGĀVAʻA, 8. a chafe or sore caused
ALAFA, s. a fungus growing on by rubbing against the canoe rotten wood, and highly phos- | while paddling . 'Olona ala gāvaʻq. 2. Any sore or uuplea phorescent.
ALI ( 70 ) sant sight or defect, as a crooked when plaiting a mat, with which leg. 3. The whole of the fly- to fasten off the edge. 'O le hooks attached to the bonito fish - alasi'i o le “ie . ing-rod. “O lāna alagāvaʻa. ALASOLO, v. to overflow . ALAGĀVAE, s. the leg of an animal. ALĀTAIA, v. to be hurt by joining O le alagāvde ö le puaʻa. “0 in another's quarrel, or by one's lāna alagāvae, a person's joint of own fault. Syn . ALAFIA. ALATANU, 8. “ a buried road ," a meat, his portion . ALĀLA, v. from ALA, redup.; 1. to highway. sit awake at night. 2. To sit, ALĀTUA, 8. a back way. 'O le or dwell ; applied to chiefs, in - ' alātua o le nuru . stead of nofo. 3. A form of ALAVA, 8. 1. the skin of the flat evening salutation, Alāla mai ia . part of the stem of the cocoa -nut ALALA, 8. plates or scales of tor leaf. 2. Fibres of the stem and toiseshell. wood of the cocoa -nut tree. 8. ALALĀ, v. to smell of hot pork or ALAVĀ , to rise like a wall, as a fish . wave, so as to break violently. . ALĀLAFA'I, v. to sit, emphatic for Applied to a wave not fit to alāla. Sei lātou alālafa'i se ALĀVAʻA, 8 . a passage for canoes afioga a Toimoana. ALĀLAFAGA, 8. 1. a number of among rocksand shoals. people sitting together at night. ALAVA‘ULA, 8. one species of shark . ALA
e on
2. A chief's dwelling. 3. A ALAVALAVA, 0. 1. to be fibrous, as chief's coffin .
the cocoa-nut. 2. To be stringy,
ALĀLAFUTU, 8. the nameof a fish . I as some roots. 3 . To have the •ĀLALAGA, v. pl. of 'ALAGA. veins prominent, as when in a ALĀLATOA . See LALATOA. rage. ALALŪ, 8. a cockroach, so called 'ALE, 8. the nameof a shell-fish. at Manu'a . 'ALE, S. See ‘UAʻALE . ALĀMAʻI, 8. lit. the road of the ĀLE, ĀLEʻOʻA, s. the second coat disease; a family complaint. of colouring to siapo, or native cloth made from the paper mul ALAMALIFA, 8. a slopiny road. ALAMEA, 8. a many-rayed Echino berry. derm . "Ua folau alamea. ALEALE, 8. 1. a young cocoa -nut 'ALAMISI, 8. one kind of land -crab. in which the kernel is just be ALAMŪ, v. 1. to go direct. 2. To | ginning to form . 2. A coward , 'ua leai se aleale. go quickly. ALANA'I, s. one who dies with his | ALEI, v. 1. to drive, to chase ; pass. opponent. “Ua oti 'o ia ma le ALEIA. Tulei le va'a,alei le vaʻa , alana'i. tau matagi. Of persons or canoes ALANA'I, v. to take with , to carry | going in haste. To divorce. ALELO,8.Malay, DELAH, the tongue. away ; pass. ALANAŠIA . ALANI, 8. an excuse .
A term of greatest abuse. See
ALANI, v. to find an excuse . Ua | LAULAUFAIVA. lē maua se mea e alaniai. ALEVA, 8. the name of the cuckoo ALAPAE, 8. a road paved with stones. (Endynamis Taitensis). Alasa , v. to desire earnestly, as the ALI, 8. the name of a small trans lover the object of his affections. parent fish . ALASEA'E, 8. a bye-bath . Syn . ĀLI, v. to appear ; redup. ĀLIALI ; ALATUA . caus. FA'AĀLI, to show .
| 'ALI,8. the bamboo pillow . 'O lona ALASI, V. See FEALASI. ALĀSIÓI, 8. the row of ends left, l 'ali.
( 71 )
ALIA, 8. a double canoe. 'Olona ălia .
ALO FIA ; redup. ‘ALOʻALO ; recipr. FEʻALOʻALOFAʻI.
ĀLIA, 8. 1. a watercourse. 2. The AloĀ, s. 1. a worn-out asi, a shell dry bed of a river. ' O le ālia o le used as a scraper. 'O lāna aloā . nuíu . 2. A blunt to‘i before chiefs. 'ALI‘AO, 8. the name of a shell- fish . 'Ua se aloā , letool; nei. ALIALI, v. redup. of ĀLI. AloĀ, interj. of joyful surprise. ALIʻl, 8. a chief. 'O le ali'i o lo Oi aloā, 'ua 'e sau ! mātou nuów. Used also sarcas | Aloa, v. to be treated with re tically ; as Lou aliʻi na, Your spect ; pass. ALOA'INA. impudence. ĂLOĂLO, v. to fan continuously ; ALI'ITAʻI, v. 1. to have, as a chief. redup. of ĂLO . 2. To be subject to a chief. “Ua ALOalo, v. redup.of Ālo, to paddle. aliʻitaʻi tagata i le Atua . | ALOALO, s. 1. the lagoon between ALIʻITIA, v. to be inhabited by a the coral-reef and the beach. chief, to have a chief dwelling in 2. One method of fishing by the village. “Ua ali-itia fanua. night. ALIGA, 8. a semi- transparent cala ‘ALOʻALO, 8. the flower of the gatae bash ; a clear glass bottle. ' (Erythrina Indica ). ÅLIGALIGA,a. 1. smooth and shining, | 'ALOʻALO, v. redup. of 'ALO. as an abscess when near break- | ALOALO, 8. the name of a shrub ing. 2. Thin,as the plank of a (Premna Taitensis). canoe . ALOALOFANUA, 8. the name of a plant. ALILA, interj. pshaw ! Alili, s. the name of a mollusc. ‘ ALOʻALOMAMAO, v.to keep far away. ALIMAGO, 8. a crab ; a species of ‘ALOʻALOSĀ , v. to avoid, to dodge, lupia ; family, perlunida. toSĀSĀkeep aloof from ; also “ALO . ALISE, 8. a cricket. ALITITAI. See ILITITAI. ALOALOSINA, 8. the name of a tree. ALITIVAI. See ILITIVAI. ALOALOTAI, 8. the name of a shrub. Alivu, a. long ago. See AviLU. ALOALOTANE, 8. the name of a ALO, 8. 1. the under side, as of a shrub ( Timonius inconspicuus). cloth , the belly of a fish , & c. ALOALOVAI, s. the name of a plant. 2. A chief's belly. 3. The child ALOALOVAO. See ALOALOTANE . of a chief. 4 . Used also for the ALOATU , s. bonito - fishing. seat of the affections, and of | ALOATU, v. to go out bonito-fish feeling. Fofo ane lou alo ; and ing .
Ia bē liuliu alo mai, Be propi- ALOI, v. to remove dirt from a tious.
Alo,v. to be pregnant, of a chief's
bottle by introducing a stick. See Aol.
| ALOIAFI, 8. sparks from the fire. wife. Aloiafi o le afi. continue to fan. Šete 'e 'aumaia ALOINIÚ, 8. 1. the inner side of the se ile, se'i 'ou ăloălo. Fagono. kernel of the young cocoa -nut. Alo, v. 1. to paddle, to pull a 'Olona aloiniu . 2. The part canoe. 2. To go out bonito- under thebend of a leaning cocoa fishing ; pass. ĀLOFIA ; redup . nut tree.
ÅLO, v. to fan ; redup. ALOXLO, to
ALOIPOPO, 8. the inner side of the ĀLOAĻO ; intens. TAUĀLO. ‘ALO, v. 1. to conceal, to hide. kernel of the full-grown cocoa 2. To get out of the road . 3. nut. To evado a blow. 4. To make ALOIVAE, 8. the inner side of the excuses ; pl. “AʻALO; pass. ‘ALO-
thigh. 'O lona aloivae.
( 112 )
FAʻA‘OTOPUAPUA, v. to be in a line | FAŠAUFIUFI, v. to cover up, to con and cluse together, as troops or a ceal. | FA‘AUGA‘ , v. 1. to be skinned over, fleet. FA'Aū, v. 1. to insist on, to urge as u sore, hollow underneath. 2. upon . 2. To shut in the sides of a house with reeds. 3. To fish at night with the pa .
FA'A'T, v. to cry with a low moan ing voice.
To build a house with mixed ‘aso, new and old . 3. To indulge angry fuelings without showing them . FAⓇAULAULA, 0. to joke.
FA'AUA, o. to expose to rain. FA'AULAVALE. See ULAVALE. FA'AUAAMO, v. to cut a notch in FAʻAULI, 8. the rope which holds the amo, or carrying-stick , to the steering oar. prevent the burden slipping off. FA'AULIULI, 8. dark clouds. Seia FAʻAU‘AUʻA, v. to make glutinous, iloga le fa'auliuli. as mortar or lega worked up. FA'AULIULI, a . somewhat black . FAʻAUʻAUⓇĀ, a . showing the sinews FAʻAULIULITO, v. to have invete of the leg , as a man not tattooed . | rate hatred . Ia tolooae le galu FA'AVALOA. See FA'AFUALOA . ega faʻauliulito.
FAʻAuALOLO, 0. to run about in FA AULU, v. to exaggerate. confusion, as in rushing to a FA'AULUULU, v.to cry out, to shout, quarrel, & c. either from pain or fear. FASAUEʻUE, 0. to walk slowly. FA'AULUULUMAMAU, v. to be very personal. FĀ'Ajl, v. to call out. FXʻaui, v. 1. to disentangle. 2. | FA AULUFALE, v. 1. to take toga To take down from a hook or with a child , when first taken peg, using both hands to do it. to its father's relatives. 2. To Aua le tago lima tasi, ka e open a new chapel. matuă făʻaui le mea nei paʻū. FAⓇAULUFALEGA, 8. 1. the induc 3. To lead through ; pass. FAʻA• tion of a chief. 2. The opening of a chapel, ΓΙΑ. FA'AUʻI, v. to beseech . FA'AULUGA, 8. the head end of a FA'AUIUILAVEA, 0. 1. to disentangle, strip of pork or fish . as a fishing -net. 2. fig. Of con- FAⓇAULUGOGO, v. lit. to draw in the duct. 'O le faʻauiuilavea i a head like a gogo when flying ; to tātou aga. beg in a shamefaced way. FA'AULULATELEINA, v. to have the FA'Aviga, v. to misconstrue. head enlarged by praises. FA'AUIGA‘ESE, v. to counterfeit. FA'Auo, v. to make friends with , FAʻAŠUMA, 0. 1. to finish a thing, to to associate with . 'O le ali'i lea bring to an end. 2. To destroy : lā te fa 'auo ; pa88. FA'AVÕTIA .
pa88 . FA' A 'UMATIA ,
FĀ'A 'UMANUMEA, v. to cry like the of each round the other's neck . manumea in order to attract and FA'AUÕVALE , v. to be in confusion catch one of them . or disorder, as a concourse of | FA'A'UMI'UMI, v. to elongate, to protract. people, troops, waves, & c. FA'AUOUO. v. to walk with an arm
FA'AUʻu, v. 1. to anoint. 2. TO FA'A‘UMIʻUMINOA, v. to lose interest appoint to office ; pass. FA'AU- bein melancholy everything . through grief, to ‘UINA.
FA'A*ū•ū, v. to look angry, to be FA'AUMU, v. to light an oven, and have nothing to cook . sulky. FA'A'víū, a. sulky. 'Ole tagata FAʻAUMUAVAO, 8. a tree with a hole wata fa‘aʻūʻī.
in it,
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FAʻAUMUUMUA, v. to eat all alone, FAʻAUTU, v, to leave off work ; only to be greedy.
used of carpenters.
FA'AUMUFAIILEVAO, v. to be like an | FA'AUTUUTUMANU, v. to reside in a family while waiting to get from oven cooked in the bush , to plan secretly without consulting them toga . others. FA'AUTUGAMISA, v. to make peace FA'A'UNE, v. to request, to ask the in quarrels. loan of. See ‘UNE. FAʻAUTUGĀTAGI, v. lit. to cause to FA'AUNUSURUA, v. to pine away for cease weeping ; to comfort those the breast.
in trouble.
FA'AUPĀ, v. 1. to be blighted, as a FA-AFĀ, adv. four times. bunch of bananas. 2. To be FA'Arā, v. to divide into four. FA'AFA'I, a. fed only with the stunted, as a cob of corn . FA'A 'UPUTOINA, as 'UPUTOINA. mother's milk. 'O 'le tama fa FA'AUSI, 8. a native dish of scraped | afari. taro or yam with expressed juice FA AFAILA,v. 1. to stand on the legs of cocoa-Dut. and claws in a defensive attitude FA'AUSI, v. 1. to be ashamed. 2. (of crabs). 2. To place things To adze smooth , to smooth . in a basket in a disorderly FA'AUSIUSI, v. to yield in deference manner, to others. FA'AFAILELEINA, 0, caused to be FAʻAUSIUSITAʻI, v. to be yielding, to nursed or suckled, Ona ia fa L afaileleina le Alualutoto. be obsequious. FA‘AUSU, 0. l. to cause to go to Fa'arao, v. to turn upside down ; stool. 2. To cause the sega to pass. FA'AFADINA. come from its sleeping-place. FAʻAFĀJATAFE, v. to water at the FA'AUSUIA, d. pass. of FA AUSUUSU , mouth in prospect of good to be stirred up. Fa'ausuia le things,
fia alu iā Faluóula māna manu. | FA'AFAU , v. to be qualmish, to FAʻAUSUIAALOFA , v. to excite love feel sickFAU. FA'AFAUL'AI, } v. to heap up. . by praising. FA'AUSUUPU, v. to bring to remem - FAʻAFĀUPUʻE, ) brance forgotten sayings (of a bad FA'AFAFA, 8. a burden carried on
the back . 'Ole tagata e tu ma meaning.) FAʻAUSUUSU, v. to provoke, to stir le fa'afafa. Tupua. up, to incite ; pass. FA'AUBUIA, FA'AFAFA, a . rakish , as the mast of FA'AUSUGĀSEGA, v, 1. to cause the a ship . sega to come from its sleeping - FA'AFAFINE,a . belonging to women , place. 2. To commit obscenity as some kinds of work . after the poula . | FA‘AFĀFINE, 8. a hermaphrodite. FAʻAUTA, interj. lol behold ! | FAⓇAFĀGAFAGA, 8. a small bay. FA'AUTA, v. to behold, to attend to ; FA'AFAGAFAGA, v. 1. to peel the pass. FAʻAUTAGIA . bark from a tree in order to kill FA'AUTA, 8. a distinguishing. El FA'it.AFAGAFA 2. ToGALALAT be bandy-legged . A, v.delighting mātau ane se faʻauta . FA'AUTA, v. to prepare food from in a thing. inland, while others are fa'atai, | FA'AFAGAFAGAMAMAO, v. hating fishing. and avoiding a thing. FA‘AUTAUTA, v. 1. to devise, to FA'AFAGALĒTALI, v. to be unpre
pared, as for visitors. Ua fa'a plan . 2. Toa.consider. FAʻAUTAUTA, prudent, thought- | fagalētali imātou . ful, considerate . | FA'AFALALA, a. slauting.
( 112 )
and close together, as troops or a
FA'A ' U
FAʻAUGA-Ö, v. 1. to be skinned over, FAAū, v. 1. to insist on, to urge as u sore, hollow underneath . 2. upon. 2. To shut in the sides To build a house with mixed of a house with reeds. 3. To ‘aso, new and old. 3. To indulge fish at night with the pa. angry fuelings without showing them . FA'A‘ū, v. to cry with a low moan ing voice. FA'AULAULA, v. to joke. . FA'AUA, o. to expose to rain. FAʻAULAVALE. See ULAVALE . FAʻAuAAMO, v. to cut a notch in FAʻAULI, 8. the rope which holds the amo, or carrying-stick , to the steering oar. prevent the burden slipping off. | FAʻAULIULI, 8. dark clouds. Seia FA AUʻAUʻA, v. to make glutinous, iloga le fa'auliuli. as mortar or lega worked up. FA'AULIULI, a . somewhat black . FAʻAUʻAUʻĀ, a. showing the sinews FA'AULIULITO, v. to have invete of the leg, as a man not tattooed . rate hatred . Ia tolovae le galy fleet.
FAʻAUALOA. See FAʻAFUALOA. ega faʻauliulito . FA'AUALOLO, 0. to run about in FA AULU, v. tov.exaggerate. confusion, as in rushing to a FA'AULUULU, to cry out, to shout, quarrel, & c. either from pain or fear. FASA‘UEʻUE, 0. to walk slowly, FAʻAULUULUMAMAU, v. to be very personal. FÃ'Aji, v. to call out. FXʻaui, v. 1. to disentangle. 2. | FĀŠAULUFALE, v. 1. to take toga To take down from a hook or with a child , when first taken peg, using both hands to do it. I to its father's relatives. 2. To Aua le tago lima tasi, ‘a e open a new chapel. matuă făʻaui le mea ne'i paʻū. FAAULUFALEGA, 8. 1. the induc 3. To lead through ; pass. FAʻA• tion of a chief. 2. The opening of a chapel. VIA . FAⓇAUʻI, v. to beseech . FAʻAULUGA, 8. the head end of a FA'AUIUILAVEA, 0. 1. to disentangle, strip of pork or fish. as a fishing-net. 2. fig. Of con - FAⓇAULUGOGO, v. lit. to draw in the
duct. 'O le faʻauiuilavea i a head like a gogo when flying ; to beg in a shamefaced way. FA'Aviga, v. to misconstrue. FA'AULULATELEINA, v. to have the tātou aga .
FA 'AUIGA‘ESE, v. to counterfeit. head enlarged by praises. FA'AUÕ, v. to make friends with, | FA'A 'UMA, o. 1. to finish a thing, to to associate with . ' O le ali'i lea bring to an end. 2. To destroy ; lā te fa'auo ; pass. FA'ATŪTIA. pass. FA 'A 'UMATIA. FA'AUOUO, v. to walk with an arm FA'A'UMANUMEA, v. to cry like the of each round the other's neck . I manumea in order to attract and FAʻAUÕVALE, v. to be in confusion catch one of them . or disorder, as a concourse of FA'A‘UMIUMI, v. to elongate, to protract.
people, troops, waves, & c. FĀ'AUʻu, v. 1.' to anoint. 2. To | FA'A‘UMIʻUMINOA, v. to lose interest in everything through grief, to appoint to oftice ; pass. FA'AU 'UINA.
be melancholy.
FA'A'Ū‘Ū, v. to look angry, to be FA'Aumu, v. to light an oven , and have nothing to cook . sulky. FA'A‘ūíū, a. sulky. 'O le tagata FA'AUMUAVAO, 8. a tree with a hole wata fa-aʻū ‘ū.
in it,
FAAU FA AF ( 113 ) FA'AUMUUMUA, v. to eat all alone, FAŠAUTU, v, to leave off work ; only to be greedy. used of carpenters. FA'AUMUFAIILEVAO, v. to be like an FA'AUTUUTUMANU, v . to reside in a oven cooked in the bush , to family while waiting to get from plan secretly without consulting them toga. others. FA'AUTUGAMISA, v. to make peace FA'A'UNE, v. to request, to ask the in quarrels. loan of. See ‘UNE. FA'AUTUGĀTAGI, v. lit. to cause to FA'AUNUSURUA, v. to pine away for cease weeping ; to comfort those the breast.
in trouble.
FA'AUPĀ, v. 1. to be blighted, as a FAʻAFĀ, adv. four times. bunch of bananas. ' 2. To be FAʻarā, v. to divide into four. FA'AFA'I, Q. fed only with the stunted, as a cob of corn . FA‘A UPUTOINA, as ‘UPUTOINA. mother's milk. 'O 'le tama fa FAʻAUSI, 8. a native dish of scraped afaři. taro or yam with expressed juice FA AFAILA, v. 1. to stand on the legs of cocoa -put. and claws in a defensive attitude FA'AUSI, v. 1. to be ashamed. 2. | (of crabs). 2. To place things To adze smooth , to smooth . in a basket in a disorderly
FA'AUSIUSI, v. to yield in deference manner. to others. FA'AFAILELEINA, V, caused to be FAʻAUSIUSITA'I, v. to be yielding, to nursed or suckled, Ona ia fa obsequious. be afaileleina le Alualutoto. Faʻausu, 0. l. to cause to go to FA'AFAē, v. to turn upside down ; stool. 2. To cause the sega to pass. FA 'AFADINA. come from its sleeping-place. FAAFĀJATAFE, v. to water at the FA'AUSUIA, 0. pass. of FAʻAUSUUSU, mouth in prospect of good to be stirred up. Fa‘ausuia le things, fia alu iā Falu -ula māna manu . FAAFAUFAU , v. to be qualmish , to FA'AUSUIAALOFA, v. to excite love feel sick . FA'AFÄULʻAI, La to her by praising. FA AUSUUPU, v. to bring to remem FAʻAFĀUPUʻF , } v.Ouluto heap up. . brance forgotten sayings (of a bad FA'AFAFA, 8. a burden carried on
FA AUSUUSU, v. to provoke, to stir up , to incite ; pass. FAʻAUSUIA.
FA'AUSUGĀSEGA, v, 1. to cause the
the back . 'Ole tagata e tu ma
le fa'afafa. Tupua. | FA'AFAFA, a . rakish , as the mast of
a ship.
sega to come from its sleeping - FA'AFAFINE, a. belonging to women , place. 2. To commit obscenity as some kinds of work . after the poula.
FA'AUTA, interj. lo ! behold !
FA'AFĀFINE, 8. a hermaphrodite. FA'AFĀGAFAGA, 8. a small bay .
FA'AUTA, v. to behold, to attend to ; FA'AFAGAFAGA, v. 1. to peel the pass. FA'AUTAGIA. bark from a tree in order to kill FA'AUTA, 8. a distinguishing. E ' it. 2. To be bandy -legged. mātau ane se faʻauta . FA'AUTA, v. to prepare food from
FA'AFAGAFAGALALATA, v.delighting in a thing.
inland , while others are faʻatai, | FA'AFAGAFAGAMAMAO, v. hating and avoiding a thing. fishing . FAʻAUTAUTA, v. 1. to devise, to FAʻAFAGALĒTALI, v. to be uppre. pared , as for visitors. Ua fa'a plan . 2. To consider. FA AUTAUTA, a . prudent, thought- | FA-fagalētali slant. ing. APALALA,i a.mātou ful, considerate.
ALI sant sight or defect, as a crooked when plaiting a mat, with which leg. 3. The whole of the fly- to fasten off the edge. 'O le hooksattached to the bonito fish - alasi'i o le ‘ ie . ing-rod . 'O lāna alagāva'a. ALASOLO, v. to overflow . ALAGĀVAE, 8. the leg of an animal. | ALĀTAIA, v. to be hurt by joining O le alagāođe o le puaʻa. 'o in another's quarrel, or by one's
( 70 )
lāna alagāvae, a person's joint of own fault. Syn . ALAFIA . meat, his portion. ALATANU, 8. “ a buried road," a ALĀLA, v. from ALA , redup. ; 1. to highway .
sit awake at night. 2. To sit, ALĀTUA, 8. a back way. 'O le or dwell; applied to chiefs, in - ' alātua o le nuʻu . stead of nofo. 3. A form of ALAVA , 8. 1. the skin of the flat evening salutation , Alāla mai ia . part of the stem of the cocoa -nut ALALA, 8. plates or scales of tor leaf. 2 . Fibres of the stem and toiseshell.
wood of the cocoa -nut tree.
ALALĀ, v. to smell of hot pork or ALAVĀ, to rise like a wall, as a fish . wave, so as to break violently. . ALĀLAFA'I, v. to sit, emphatic for Applied to a wave not fit to alāla . Se'i lātou alālafaři se
fa'ase'e on . among rocks and shoals.
ALĀVAʻA , 8. a passage for canoes
afioga a Toimoana.
ALĂLAFAGA, 8. 1. a number of people sitting together at night. ALAVA‘ULA, 8. one species of shark . 2. A chief's dwelling. 3. A ALAVALAVA, 0. l. to be fibrous, as chief's coffin . the cocoa-nut. 2. To be stringy, ALĀLAFUTU , 8. the name of a fish . as some roots. 3. To have the 'ALALAGA, v. pl. of 'ALAGA. veins prominent, as when in a ALĀLATOA. See LALATOA. rage. ALALŪ, 8. a cockroach, so called 'ALE, 8. the name of a shell-fish. at Manu'a . ‘ALE, 8. See 'UAʻALE.
ALĀMA‘I, 8. lit. the road of the | ĀLE, ALEʻOʻA, 8. the second coat disease ; a family complaint. of colouring to siapo, or native ALAMALIFA, 8. a slopiny road. cloth made from the paper mul ALAMEA, 8. a many-rayed Echino- || berry. derm .' Ua folaŭ alamea . ALEALE, 8. 1. a young cocoa -nut 'ALAMISI, 8. one kind of land -crab .
in which the kernel is just be
ALAMŪ, v. 1. to go direct. 2. To ginning to form . 2. A coward , 'ua leai se aleale. go quickly. ALANA'1, s. one who dies with his ALEI, v. 1. to drive, to chase ; pass. opponent. “Ua oti o ia ma le ALEIA. Tulei le vaʻa, alei le vara , alana'i. tau matagi. Of persons or canoes ALANA'I, v. to take with , to carry going in haste. To divorce. | ALELO ,8.Malay, DELAH, the tongue . away ; pass. ALANA'IA . ALANI, 8. an excuse . A term of greatest abuse. See ALANI, v. to find an excuse . "Ua LAULAUFAIVA. lē maua se mea e alani ai. ALEVA, 8. the name of the cuckoo ALAPAE,8. a road paved with stones. (Endynamis Taitensis ). ALASA, v. to desire earnestly,as the ALI, 8. the name of a small trans lover the object of his affections. parent fish . ALASEA‘E, 8. a bye-bath . ALATUA. ALASI, v. See FEALASI.
Syn . ALI, v. to appear ; redup. ĀLIALI; caus. FA'AĀLI, to show .
ALĀSIʻI, 8. the row of ends left,
‘ALI,8. the bamboo pillow . 'O lona
( 71 )
ALIA, 8. a double canoe. 'Olona FIA ; redup. 'ALOʻALO ; recipr. FEʻALOʻALOFA™I. ălia . ĀLIA, s. 1. a watercourse. 2. The AloĀ, s. 1, a worn -out asi, a shell dry bed of a river. 'O le ālia o le used as a scraper. 'O lāna aloā . 2. A blunt tool; before chiefs. nufu . ‘ALI‘AO, 8. the nameof a shell-fish. “Ua se aloā, le toʻi nei. ALIALI, v. redup . of ĀLI.
AloĀ, interj. of joyful surprise.
ALIʻI, s. a chief. ' O le aliʻi o lo Oi aloā, 'ua 'e sau i mātou nuóU . Used also sarcas- Aloa, v. to be treated with re tically ; as Lou aliti na , Your spect ; pass. ALOAŠINA. impudence. ĂLOĂLO, v. to fan continuously ; ALI'ITA ‘I, v. 1. to have, as a chief. redup. of ĂLO . 2. To be subject to a chief. "Ua ALOALO, v. redup. of Alo, to paddle. aliʻitaʻi tagata i le Atua . | ALOALO, 8. 1. the lagoon between
ALIʻITIA, v. to be inhabited by a chief, to have a chief dwelling in the village. Da ali'itia fanua .
the coral-reef and the beach . 2. One method of fishing by night.
ALIGA, 8. a semi-transparent cala- | 'AlOʻALO, s. the flower of the gatae bash ; a clear glass bottle. (Erythrina Indica). ĀLIGALIGA,a. 1. smooth and shining, 'AlOʻALO, v. redup. of 'ALO. as an abscess when near break- ALOALO, 8. the name of a shrub ing. 2. Thin, as the plank of a | (Premna Taitensis ). canoe. ALOALOFANUA, s. the name of a plant. ALILA, interj. pshaw ! ALILI, s. the name of a mollusc. | 'ALO‘ALOMAMAO, v. to keep faraway . ALIMAGO, 8. a crab ; a species of 'ALOʻALOSĀ , v. to avoid, to dodge, to keep aloof from ; also ‘ALO lupia ; family, perlunida . ALISE , 8. a cricket. SĀSĀ. ALOALOSINA, 8. the name of a tree. ALITITAI. See ILITITAI. ALOALOTAI, 8. the name of a shrub. ALITIVAI. See ILITIVAI. Alivu, a . long ago. See AVILU . | ALOALOTANE, 8. the name of a ALO, 8. 1. the under side, as of a shrub ( Timonius inconspicuus). cloth, the belly of a fish, & c. ALOALOVAI, s. the name of a plant. 2. A chief's belly. 3. The child ALOALOVAO. See ALOALOTANE.
of a chief. 4. Used also for the | ALOATU, 8. bonito - fishing.
seat of the affections, and of ALOATU, v. to go out bonito-fish feeling. Fofo ane loz alo ; and ing. Ia tē liuliu alo mai, Be propi- | ALOI, v. to remove dirt from a tious .
Alo, v. to be pregnant,of a chief's
bottle by introducing a stick . See Aon.
ALOIAFI, 8. sparks from the fire. wife. ÅLO, v. to fan ; redup. ÅloĂLO, to Aloiafi o le afi. continue to fan. Se'i 'e 'aumaia ALOINIÚ, 8. 1. the inner side of the se ile, se'i 'ou ăloălo. Fagono. kernel of the young cocoa -nut. Alo, v. 1. to paddle, to pull a | 'Olona aloiniu . 2. The part canoe. 2. To go out bonito under the bend of a leaning cocoa fishing ; pass. ĂLOFIA ; redup. nut tree. ALOIPOPO, 8. the inner side of the ĀLOAĻO ; intens. TAUĀLO. "ALO, v. 1. to conceal, to hide. kernel of the full-grown cocoa 2. To get out of the road. 3. nut. To evade a blow . 4. To make ALOIVAE, 8. the inner side of the excuses ; pl. 'AʻALO ; pass. ‘ALO- ! thigh . O lona aloivae.
ALU Alou, s. 1. matter, pus. “O alou o ALOLIFA, 8. 1. a flat turtle. 2. leO ma‘i. 2. A pig,before chiefs. A man with a flat belly. lāna alou. | ALOMĀTŪ, a . partially dry, as
( 72 )
Aloua, v. to have matter formed, as an abscess.
ALOFA, 8. 1. love, compassion. 'O
ALOPUTA, 8. 1. a thick turtle. 2. A man with a big belly .
lona alofa. 2. A present, a gift. ‘ALOSĀ, v. to avoid, as a dangerous boat passage ; redup. 'ALOSĀSĀ, sionate. 2. To salute ; as Ta 'ALOʻALOSĀ.
ALOFA , v. 1. to love, to compas
alofa, contracted to Tālófa, the ‘ALOVAO, s. one who gets out of the ordinary salutation ; pl. ĀLO- way of visitors in order to escape LOFA ; paes. ALOFAINA, ALO from entertaining them . E leaga FAGIA ; recip . FEALOFANI. lona ‘alovao. ALOFA'Aga. See ALOFA . ‘ALOVAO, v. to avoid visitors by ĀLOFAʻl, v. from alo , to paddle a going away into the bush. canoe. ALU, v . to go ; pl. 0 ; redup. ALU
‘ALOFAʻI, v. from 'alo, to conceal, ALU ; recip . FEALUAʻI, pl. FEO as food or property. Aʻl, to go backwards and for ALOFA'I, v. to be uneven , as the wards. Fealuma‘i is frequent posts of a house not set straight. on Upolu ; redup . recipr. FEA ALOFAFAIIFUTU, s. true love. Futu LUALUA'I, FEALUALUMA‘I. is the name of a difficult boat 'ALU, 8. 1. dregs, lees. O lona passage in Tonga, requiring the
aid of the people of the place in order to effect a safe entrance. Ai se alofafaiifutu . ALOFAFINE, s. à chief's daughter. ' O lona alofafine. ALOFAGA, 8. the expression of love. 'O āna alofaga. ĀLOFAGA, s. the distance which a canoe has to be pulled from one place to another.
'ALOFAGĀ, 8. a place of refuge, a
'ALU, v. to be congealed. Ua 'ALU, 8. an opportune arrival. Si oʻú ‘alu 'ua sau 'ua maua ni - atu . ALUAʻI ANE, v. go on. Used on Upolu as an encouragement to speakers, instead of Fai ane ;
like “ Hear, hear !” ALUALU, v. 1. to exceed, to excel, as a student in his studies. 2 .
place in which to avoid danger. to drive, to chase. E le'i mau 'alofagā. ‘ALU-ALU, 8. a species of jelly- fish , ALOFI, 8. the circle of chiefs, sitting covered -eyed Medusa. round a house. 'O le alofi o alii. ‘ALU -ALUTOTO , 8. clotted blood . ALOFI, v. to sit in a circle. ALUGA, 8. a soft pillow . 'Olona ĀLOFI, 8. a name given to Aana. aluga. 'O le itu ālofi. ALUGĂ, v. to place the head on a ĀLOFIA, n . pass. of Alo, to paddle. pillow ; pl. ÄLULUGA, ‘ALOFIA, v. pass. of 'Alo, to avoid . ALUGĀI'A, 8. a going out to beg for ALOFILIMA,8.the palm of the hand. fish . O lona alofilima. ALUGĀPUAʻA, 8. a going out to beg ALOFIVAE, s. the sole of the foot. | pigs.
O lona alofivae. ALUMAGA, 8. 1. the party begging ALOGALU, 8. the sloping side of a pigs. 2. The going of a canoe, wave just about to break . 'Ua as to its speed or other quality, ALUMI, v. to eat much (a jocular lafoia i le alogalu . ALOGO, 8. the name of a fish . Ta term ). Saga alumipea mea nā. le alogo.
ALUSOPO, v. to go all together ,
AMU AMA ( 73 ) as on a journey of all the people direction of. 2, To work ; ap plied to chiefs. belonging to a village. AMA, 8. 1. the outrigger of a canoe. AMIOMIO ,8. a chief's work. 'O lāna ' O le ama o le va 'a . 2. fig . A amiomio . wife. AMIOTAMAITA‘l, a. ladylike. Ama, v. 1. to be ignorant, to be ‘AMIGA, 8. a fetching , the party who unable to do a thing. But it is go to fetch another. 'Olāna always used with a negative, and amiga . applied to one who is handy at 'AMITOLOTOLO, v. to go in and out, work . E leai se mea e ama ia . following the coast-line in pulling There is nothing which he cannot along near the shore. do. 2. It is also applied to bad | AMO, 8. thestick on which a burden conduct. is carried on the shoulder, a yoke. ‘AMA‘AMA, 8. a speciesof crab found o lāna amo.
on the rocks. ‘AMA‘AMAFATU, 8. a spiny species of 'AMA‘AMA. AMAISE, conj. also, together with . AMANAʻI, v. 1. to heap up, to gather to excess ; as food, toga, & c. *Ua amana 'i toga , a e le iloga se mea e ave i ai. A quantity of native property is collected , but it is not known what is to be done with it. 2. To keep in
Amo, v. to carry on the shoulder ; pass. AMOINA ; redup. Amoamo, to carry constantly. Amo, v. to separate the fibres of a cocoa-nut husk by rubbing . AMOAMO, 8. the name of a beam in a native house. AMOAMO, v. to repaint black siapo,
native bark cloth . 2. The name of a large net · mind an injury or a favour; carried on the shoulders. pass. AMANAŠIINA ; redup. AMA- | AMOAMO, v. redup. of AMO. AMANA'I. Amoga, 8. 1. a burden . 2. The ‘AMATA, v. to begin , to commence ; name of the stars which form the pass. ‘AMATAINA.
AMOAMO, 8. 1. one kind of fishing.
belt of Orion .
‘AMATAʻAGA, 8. the beginning. Used on Tutuila for “amatāga. ‘AMATĀGA, 8. the beginning, the commencement. AMATĒ, a. very small, next to nothing. A MEA, a phrase used in answering a question with Why ? It
AMOMULI, v. to bear the hinder part of a fata. AMOPOU, 8. the name of a beam in a native house. AMOTI, 8. the trigger of a gun . 'O lāna amoti. AMOTI, v. to pull the trigger. ĀMU, v. to speak thickly,asa dying was because, & c. A mea ua lē person . iloa . 'AMU, 8. branching coral, various AMEISE, conj. used by some for madrepores. AMAISE. ‘Amu, v. to cut off, as part of a
AMETO, 8. the name of a small
beam .
‘AMUAMU, v. to mock . Sa amuamu AMI, 8. 1. the roe of crabsand other mai ia te a 'u . For 'A 'AMU. crustaceans. 2 . Penis. | 'AMUʻAMU, a cellular-like 'amu or 'AMIA, v. pass. of 'A 'AMI, to fetch. coral. Amio , 8. conduct, behaviour. AMUIA, v. to be blessed , to be AMIOGA,J 'O lāna amio. happy. Used only in congratu . lation. Amuia 'oe. Amio, v. to go towards. AMIOALIʻI, a. polite. Amu’u, 8. the sea cucumber. crab .
AMJOVIO, v. 1. to go about in the l 'AMŲʻULA, 8, 1. red coral (Stylaster
AMU ( 74 ) 'ANO sanguineus). 2. A name given | ANATAEAO, adv. this morning ; of to the dolphin . past time. Amuli, adv. hereafter. 'ANAVA, 8. the club of a great AMUIA. warrior handed down as an heir AMUTIA , v. as loom . O lāna 'anava. ANA, 8. a cave. ' O lona ana. ANA, conj. if ; used only of past Ane, a directive verbal particle, denoting indirect action ; along time.
ANĀ, pl. pron. of LĀNA, his, hers. Ana mea .
or aside. “Ua alu ane, he has turned aside.
gone along ; 'ua afe ane, he has
'ANA, 8. a species of nullipore used as pumice-stone. ' O lāna 'ana . ANE, 8. the white ant ( Termes). 'Ana Ana, v. to obey. . ANEA, v. to be eaten by white ants (Termes). ANAANA, a . full of caves. ANEANEA, a . 1. of long standing, 'ĀNAʻANA, v. to go into danger. applied to the mālo. 2. A large ‘ANAĂNĀLAGI, a. fresh -water fish . quantity, too much to be attended ANAAsē, adv. yesterday. to,and hence anea , or consumed ANAE, s. the name of a fish . with 'ana ; redup. by white ants. 'ANAI, v. to rub ĀNEI, adv. by-and -by ; used con 'ANA'ANAI, to rub repeatedly. ANAOSO, 8. à thorny tree (Cæsal jecturally. Anei e ua. pinia Banducella ). ANEFE, 8. the name of the lo when young. Sua le anefe. ANAFEA, adv.when ? of past time. ANĀFIAFI, adv.(ana and afiafi) this ANEMATŪ, 8. the species of white ant ( Termes) which eats into evening ; of past time. ANAGA, 8. a joke, a jest. ' O lāna timber. ANESOSOLO, 8. the species of white anaga . “Aua le fai anaga. 'AnagaTĀ, a . durable, lasting ; of ant( Termes)which builds covered men who are robust and live to roads on the outside of timber, old age, or of things which last trees, & c. long. 'ANAGOFIE, a . perishable.
'ANALAUFAʻI, 8. one kind of 'ana .
| ĂNI‘ĂNI, a. large ; applied to men , beasts, and houses. Ua ăni“ăni le pua'a.
ANALEILĀ ,adv. to-day ; past time. 'Aniva, 8. the Milky-way. ANALĒSEANOA, conj. except, unless. ANO, s. 1. the crater of an extinct Analēseanoa asó vale. Only of volcano. “Ole ano o le mauga . past time. 2. Pretension. “Ua fai fua ăna ANALULU, adv. quite dark ; as if ano . Ano, v. to mark a part to be cut off. going into the cave of an owl. ‘ANAMÄGI, 8. a full-grown inaga . Ano, v. to yield to, to listen to. Used only with a negative. “Ua ANAMUA, adv. formerly. lē āno a'i mai ia te a'u. ANANAFI, adv. yesterday. v. 1, to be good . “Ua ʻano ‘Ano, ANAPO, adv. last night. ANANE, 8. name of a fish . ' E tele foʻi lo outou mālo . 2. of a good le anane e 080 i le vaʻa , ona goto looking man. AnoĀ, a. very great, in quantity ; ANAPOFIAMAINA, adv. lit. three redup. ĀNOANO. ANDALO . See ĀNOMANAVA. nights ago ; recently. ANOAMAʻA, a . rough, stony. 'O le 'ANAPOGI, 8. a fast. ailea .
v. to fast ; pl. 'ANAPO ‘ANAPOGI, POGI.
ANOANO, a . great in quantity .
ANAPOLUA, adv. two nights ago. 'ANAPUGA, 8. one kind of puga.
'ANOʻANO, 8. 1. the nest of the lago mumu. 2. The name of a scoria ,
itu anoama'a , 'o Atua .
( 75 )
or coarse specimen of punice | APA, coitus. stone. 'APA, v. See LEʻAPA . ANOANOAʻI, v. to be great beyond 'APA, 8. from the English, copper, requirement, to exceed the de 1. copper. 'O le “apa o le vaʻa . mand. Se'i mo ane ia le moe 2. Sheet tin, or sheet-iron . folαι αηοαηοαο. APAʻAU, 8. Malay, SAYAP, a wing. ANOI, s. the finest mat, worn by a ' O lona apa 'au. bride at her marriage next to her | APAʻAUTANE, 8. 1. a part of the end of the roof of a house. 2. A body. Syn . 'IEFAʻATUPU .
*ANOFALE, 8. those who receive people distinguished for prowess. APA'AUVAI, 8. the nameof a species visitors hospitably. *ANOGASE, 8. the lean part of flesh . of small bat (Emballonura fuli. Syn. ANOMATE . 'O lona ‘anogase. ginosa). ANOMALAE, 8. those living nearest APAAPA, redup. ofĀPA. Malay, the malae, being of more conse KAPAKAPA, to struggle. quence than those on the out 'APAʻAPA, 8. 1. the fin of a fish . 'O skirts of the village. ‘apa-apa. 2. The young of ANOMANAVA , 8. provisions for a lona the filoa. journey. 'APAʻAPAVALU, 8. a shark with ANOMANĂVA, 8. 1, the discharge in eight fins. menorrhagia and flooding. 2. | APAU , conj. if. Apau e sau . Children, or a true brother. ‘APAʻULA , 8. lit. red 'apa, copper, to distinguish it from tin ; also 'ANOMATE. See ‘ANOGASE .
'ANOMOEA, 8. wide, roomy; applied 'APAMEMEA, brass. 8. as 'APA'ULA. to a house . ĀPĀPĀLAGI, 8. foreign cloth . 'O 'ANOMOEA , v. to be roomy. 8. a native dish of fish lona āpāpālagi, if in use ; lāna, ANOVAI, cooked in leaves. if laid up in store. ‘APATā, v. to clap the wings. ANOVALE,spittoon 8, filthy talk. ANU, 8. a . APE, 8. 1. a plant (Colocasia ). Syn ., ANU, v. to spit ; pl. FEANU ; redup. TAʻAMU. 2. A blunderbuss. O U antly ĀNUAN ; pass. lona ‘ape. ĀNUSIA . , to spit const
•APE, v. to pluck out the eyes ; ANUILAGI, v. lit. to spit to heaven ; pl. 'A'APE ; pass. "APEA. Syn. speak of a superior with great SALI. tocont empt, to insult greatly. Syn . APE ANE, conj. had it been. The ANUSĀ . term for ATEANE. Ape ane ANUFE, 8. 1. a worm . 2. A cater poetic a nimea fa 'amālama. APEAPE, v. to be scarce ; as 'Da pillar.
ANUFEA, a . wormy, full of worms. apeape теа е 'ai. ANUFEA, v. to have worms. 'APEʻAPE , v. to raise the skin over ANUME, 8. the name of a tree (Maba a boil, so as to let the matter escape. , eliptica ). APEFAI, 8. a ladder. O' lāna ANUSĀ, v. Syn. ĀNUILAGI. g standin notwith apefa'i.LA AnŪSĀ . See 'APEGATA , 8. one variety of NŪSĀ,adv. .
ANUSAGA, 8. spittle. 'O lāna ta'amū or "ape (Colocasia ). APELE, v. to be full ; pl. APEPELE. ,, ānusaga . ĀNUSĀLo,v. to hawk up the plegm , ‘APEMAGAULI, 8. a species of ta'amū (Colocasia ). disgust. . a sign v.of pass. ANUBIA, of Anu, to be spit API, 8. a lodging -house. Lāna
upon, to be hated.
( 76 )
API, v.to lodge,to put up at a house | ĀPULUPULU, a. sticky, glutinous, for a time. resinous. ĀPULUPULU, v. to be sticky; pass. APIAPI, a. narrow , straight. ĀPULUPULUTIA . APIAPI, v. to be narrow . ‘API‘API, v. to patch a cracked | APUTI, s. 1. the husk . 2. The sheath or covering of the young canoe with bamboo. APITA, 8. a frame of sticks in a leaf (stipule). canoe, on which property is placed | APUTI, v. to cover up, as the body,
during a journey to keep it from or a native oven , & c.; redup. dimin. APUTIPUTI. Naaʻu aputia, apita o le va' a. Asa, 8. the fin of the bonito APITAU, 8. war lodgings. (Thymnus). O le asa o le atu. APITAGA, 8. a temporary hut made Āsa, v. to wade through , as water or long grass ; pass. ĀSAINA. of green boughs. APITĂGALU, 8. the place where the 'Asa, v. to be without, to be waves break along the shore. lacking, to be destitute of; pass.
being wetted by leakage. 'O le
APITIA, v. to be wedged in , to be confined , straitened. APO and APOAPO, to draw in the
‘ASAIA and ‘ASALIA. E le ‘asa le afā ma le anufe. Specially used of unsuccessful fishing. Ona alu sail, so as to make it fill out. aʻe lea le alafaga atu, 'ua 'asa . ‘APO, v. 1. to take care of, as an ASAUA, 8. the name of a fern orphan child ; to attend to land ; | (Gleichenia dichotoma). pl. ‘A’APO ; pass. ‘APOIA. 2. To Āsaga, 8. from Āsa, a ford. 'O le cling to , to keep near to , tātou 'apo atu iā Iesū . Viéi.
āsaga o le vai.
ĀPĒ, v. lit. it will be night; be ASAGE, &. the name of a plant. quick . See ĀPOULI. ASALELE, v. to be utterly without. Ua asalele le faiva . Apoa, s. the name of a fish. APOAPO, v. to poise the spear. Syn . | Asamo, v. to beg uncooked food. FUA
. ASAMOGA, 8. a party begging un cooked food . O la mātou asamoga . APOAPOA'I, v. to exhort. APOAPOAʻIGA, 8. an exhortation . '0 ASEVA, v. 1. to have tall posts, as a house. 2. fig . To have long legs, lāna apoapoaʻiga . ĀPOULI,*v. lit. it will be a dark used of a man . Asi, 8. 1. the name of a tree. 2. night ; be quick . APOFIĀ, adv. for ANAPOFIA, three Sandal-wood . nights ago. Asi, v. 1. to visit. Soʻu asi a'e le
APOGA, 8. the fins of small fish, so called on Tutuila . APOGĀLEVELEVE, 8. Malay, LAWA Lawa. 1. A spider. 2. A spider's web. See APUGĀLEVELEVE.
nuíu o lo ‘u tină. 2 . To search
for, to look for. Ona asi lea, o i ai. Pass. ASIA ; redup. ASIASI. 'Asi, 8. 1. The name of a shell- fish (mollusc). 2. The shell of the same used to scrape tutuga. ' O la‘r ‘asi. 3. The shell ofthe sele, used to scrape breadfruit. 4 . A cocoa-nut shell used to scrape taro. 5. The name of a disease. ASI'AIIVI, 8. lit. the asi which eats the bones ; the name of a disease.
‘APU, , a cup or dish made of a leaf. 'O lona ‘apu . APUGĀLEVELEVE, 8. 1. A spider. 2. A spider's web . 'O le apugā leveleve o le fale. APULĀ, interj. Syn . FULĀ ! APULAUTĀLO , 8. 1. a taro-leaf cup. O lona ‘apulautālo . 2. Life, as AsiasI, V. See Asi. being frail. "O i tātou le apulau- ASI'ASI, 8. 1. the name of a fish. tālo , 2. One kind of clamfish .
( 77 )
AsIosio, 8. 1. a whirlwind. 2. A | Asosā, s. Sunday. waterspout. 3. fig. The heat of AsosĀLO. See LEASOSĀLO. the body, as in a fever. 'Ua se Asosi, v. 1. to persist in making asiosio le vevela o le tama. | offers of marriage after having Asiosio, v. to be very hot, as in a been rejected . “Ua asosi solo i fafine. fever. ASIFA, s. a stratum of sandstone AsoTOʻONAʻI, s. Saturday. found under the soil. ASOTULOTO, 8. Thursday. ASILAUIFI, 8. the name of a tree ASOVALE, s. an evil day, a day of disaster. Tūtūnoa leneiasovale. (Eugenia sp .). Asina, 8. one kind of breadfruit. ASOVALETAUA, 8. a day of slaughter. ASINO, v. impers. mostly used with Asu, v. 1. to dip out, to bale , as the a negative. E lē 'asino nimea e 1 well of a boat. 2. To pour out fai, There is no knowing what to dust or sand ; reput. ASUASU. do. utu sami, i le asu i le upega. ‘ASITATANU, 8. the name of a dis 'AFagono . ease . Asu , 8. Malay, ASAP and Taso, ASITINO, v. 1. to visit. 2. To searchI smoke. 'O lona asu . for; a stronger term than asi alone. | Asua, v. pass. to be smoked ; also
ASITOA, 8. two names of the same ASUINA. ASIVAI, tree (Eugenia sp .). Asua, a . smoky. Da namu asua. ASIVAO, s. the name of a tree. A ASUASU , s. haze, mist, or a dense species of Eugenia .
atmosphere arising from spray
Aso, s. 1. a day; 'o le aső, to-day. I of the sea, smoke, & c. 'Olona ' O lona aso lua lenei. 2. A daily asuasu . offering of food to a chief. 3. A ASUASUGALU, 8. spray. day's offering of a human victim . ASUASUSĀ, a . See ASUASU, misty.
Se! ina sae ane o lo oulua aso. | ATA, 8. 1. a shadow . 2. The morn ing dawn. “Ua tafa mai ata . Aso, v. to leave off work ; only 3. A spirit. 4 . The emblem or applied to carpenters. “Va aso representative of an aitu , as the manualii (Porphyrio ) was the le galuega. ‘Aso, s. the small rods or rafters in ata of the god Tuifiti. 5 . A the roof of a native house. '01 reflected image,as a photograph. Caso o le fale. 'O lona ata. 6 . The stem of the ‘Asoa, 8. a necklace. 'O le ‘asoa o 'ava plant. 'ATA , s. 1. a hero, a strong one, the le teine. Asoaso, adv. from Aso,many days, dreaded one of its enemies. As continually . Asoaso le vaoia . the shark was the 'ata to atule, ‘AsoʻAso, 8. one kind of yam (Dio 80 Goliath was the 'ata of the Philistines. 2. A branch of scorea ). *AsoʻASOÚLUMOA, 8. one kind of yam 'ava. ATA, pron . I. Ata tagivale. (Dioscorea ). Skin your day's offering .
ASOFALAILE, 8. Friday ; from the Ara, pron. my. Iñā siti si ata English . ta na. 'Ata, v. to laugh ; pl. 'AʻATA, ASOGAFUA, 8.Monday. FEATANI, and TAPISA ; redup. Asolva, s. Tuesday. ASOLULU, 8. Wednesday ; from the 'ATAʻATA, to continue to laugh ; pass. 'ATAGIA , 'ATAʻATAGIA . Tahitian. ASOMANU, 8. Wednesday. ATAATA, 8. the red sky after sun ‘ASOMOAMOA, 8. the ‘aso next the set. Na mu le ataata. ATAATA, 0. to treat with propor ridgepole.
ATI ( 78 ) respect. Ia fai se fono, ia ata- ATATAI, 8. third day from full ata se mea na sau ai.
moon .
‘ATAʻATA, 8. the naine of a fish . ATAVALE, v. to be dazzled by the 'ATA'ATA, v. from 'ATA , to continue sun shining on the water. ‘ATAVALE, v. to laugh causelessly. to laugh. ATAATAI, v, to set after daylight ; ATE, 8. Malay, Ati, the liver. Sina applied to the moon at full. ate o le malie, se'ia 'aina aʻe.
'ATA ATALILI, v. to laugh angrily. ATEʻAI, a . lit. liver eaten, cowardly, fish, 2. The nameof a shellfish . ATEATE, 8. the name of a plant ĀTĀEAO, adv. lit. when it is morn - 1 . (Wedelia biflora). ĀTEATEA, a. widé, spacious. See ing ; to-morrow . ‘ATAONIFO , v. to laugh deceitfully VĀTEATEA . or feignedly. E ataonifo, a e ATELALAMU, 8. a coward. Syn.
'ATA'ATAMAMALA, s. 1. thenameof a ATEANE, as APEANE. See TEANE .
tigā le loto. ATEʻal and ATESŪ, ATAFA, s. the frigate bird (Tachy- ATELIMA, 8. the thick part of the petes aquila, L .). arm . 'O lona atelima. ‘AEAFA'AMAELA, v. to laugh vehe |ATEPILI, 8. the pancreas. O lona ATAFA'AMALELE,J mently . atepili. ATAFU, v, to sun the body, or a ATESAI,s. one full of liver,a warrior. canoe. 'Ua futu le atafu le vaʻa | ATESŪ, 8. a coward . Syn . ATEʻAI nei . and ATELALAMU. ATAGA, 8. from ATA, a shadow , the ATEVAE,atevae. 8. the calf of the leg. '0
mere appearance of a thing, not lona what it is in reality. "O ona ĀTI, 8. a speech in the malae at a ataga o le lau 'a 'ai, 'a e mamao. public gathering. 'O lāna āti. 'Araga, s. laughter. 'O ‘ataga o le ATI, v. 1. to pull up, applied to 'ava and tigapula ; pass. ATIA. Ni nuľu .
ATAGIA, v. 1. to glisten, as from 'ava lélei ia atia . 2. To pierce reflected light. 2. To become through ,as a spear. 3. To build evident, as anger. E lē gagana up, as a wall ; redup. ATIATI. 'O fua , 'a 'ua atagia i mata . Salafai atiati pā.* 4. To fetch 'ATAGIA, v. pask. of 'ATA, to laugh . fire. ProverbE . ati afi, ka e no masi. ATALĪ, adv. hereafter. ATALIʻI, S. a son , the ordinary word | 'ATI, v. to eat in , to corrode ; applied used for people generally. See to wood eaten by white ants Alo . O lona atali'i. (Termes) ; to cloth, mats, & c., ATAMAI,8. 1. the mind . 2. Servants eaten by insects ; and to some or attendants on a chief. kinds of ulcers which eat into ATAMAI, a . clever, intelligent, sen the flesh ; pass. ‘ATIA ; redup. Bible ; pl. ATAMAMAI. ‘ATI'ATI; pass. ‘ATI‘ATIA, to con ATAMAI, V, to understand, as a child ; tinue to eat in . to be clever. 'Ua atamai le tama ; ĀTI, pl.particle, denoting a number pl. ATAMAMAI. of chiefs of the same name or ATAMATUA, 8. early dawn. title ; as ' O le ati Tagaloa. ATAMEA, 8. a breadfruit tree whose ĀTIA 'I, v. 1. to go softly towards bark is injured by limumea, and in order to seize, as a bird or an which still bears a large crop of fruit . ATAPAʻIA . See LEATAPA 'IA . ATAPUPUNI, to cover the mouth in
enemy; redup. ĀTIATIAʻI. 2. To take by surprise, as sudden
death . Ua atia 'i lona oti. “ Sei atia-i pe se ā le mea e faapea ai ona ave faalologo le olo ?”
( 79 )
ATIAUVAE, v. to persist in scolding, and using angry words, & c.
ATU stronger A le ato. mai Ua tu'u
] expression than the verb alone.
ATIAPOGA, v. to strive against an 'ATO, 8. a basket. Syn. 'ETE. 'O unequallymatched crew in racing, ‘ATOA, lāna 'ato. a . all, whole, complete, or a superior enemy. perfect. Ua 'inosia e le mālo ATIATI, v.redup. from ATI. 'ATI-ATI, 8. 1. the inside fibres of atoa ; redup. 'ĀTOATOA. the paogo (Pandanus) fruit. 2. / 'Aroa, v. to be complete, perfect, entire ; redup, 'ĀTOATOA. Worms ATI-AVA, v.in tostagnant pull up water. 'avą . | 'ATOA, conj. generally used with Ariu, s. the name of a plant | the conj. ma, also, together with. E ifo mai Aopo ma Asau , ‘atoa (Cucumis acidus). 'ATIGA, s. from ‘ATI, broken food , ma le nuću Satue.
pieces of food partly eaten. 'O ATOAGA , 8. 1. property given on occasion of a death . 2 . Pro perty given to one who saves another in war. 3. Property given to redeem the life of a prisoner of war. A shell of a shellfish , | 'ATOAGA, 8. lit. a basket of jokes ; jokingNO. , v. 1. to be full, as the 'O le atigi pipi. 4. A ‘ATOATI s. 1. the skull of an moon, or a canoe. 2. To be all 2 . The skull of a man , present, as the people of a vil
āna 'atiga.
‘ATIGĀMEA, s.dust from wood eaten by wormsor white ants (Termes). ATIGI, 8. 1. a nail of the hand or foot. 2. A hoof. 'Olona atigi vae. 3. mollusc . husk . ATIGIULU , animal.
but used only by way of abuse. ATIGIFAGU, S. an empty bottle,
v. to appointa time; pass. ‘ATOFA, ATOFAINA.
ATIGILIMA, 8. 1. the finger-nail, Syn. MariʻUʻU , MAIʻUʻu. 2. A | ATOFAʻI, v. 1. to thatch with . 2. To throw at. 'O se la‘au e ato thimble . ATIGIMEA, 8. 1. a mere shell. 2. A fa i a'i le moa. ATOFAGA, 8. 1. the act of thatch poorman. ing. 2. The thatchers . See ATIGIULU. 8. ATIGIPOʻO, ATIGIVAE, s. the toe-nail. ‘ATOMAFULI, 8. a basket turning over because empty (A depreci ex more increasingly, adv. ATILI, ceedingly . Ua tupu atili ai. atory term for a present of food ). ATILI, anything all the ATONE, 8. the nutmeg -tree (Myris more.v. toUadovavao, 'a 'ua atili tica ). Three or four species. ATONU, v. impers. it is likely, it is αι οια αlagα. ATILO, 8. the core of an abscess or probable ; also NATONU. Funa e, 'Apaʻula natonu e te fa'asino boil. ‘ATILOTO, 8. the disease called vale. ATOSELAU, a hundred (baskets). shingles. 'ATIMOTU, v. to bite through . ATOTAU, 8. (Introd.), a cartridge ‘ATIPUPUNI, v. to eat away the box .
flesh, leaving the skin, as an | AȚU, a verbal particle denoting motion from the speaker. Alu atuia ATITA, interj. See ALILA. ATITUSIA, s. speeches in an ap - ATU, 8. 1. a row, line, or chain of mountains, things; as houses, pointed order. ' O lona atu mauga . abscess.
ATO , v. 1. to thatch ; pass. ATOA. 2. To throw a stick at anything. ATO , s. the throwing of a stick.
islands, & c.
O le atu nuu . 2. The bonito. 'O lāna atu . 3. Times ; as atu
Atupa ane nitze ATU 'AVA ( 80 ) tolu , thrice ; atu lasi, ofttimes. ATUMUAMUA, 8. a chief's head after 4 . A succession . O le atu Folasă .
death .
Atu, v. to be distressed, perplexed , ATUNUʻU, 8. a chain or group of troubled ĀTUA, ĀTUGIA
; pass. ; | islands. O lo tātou atunu'u . redup. ĀTUATU. ATUSASA‘E, 8. lands to the east. ATUA, 8. Malay, Tuan . 1. a god. “Ua futu , 'ua soʻo le atusasa 'e. Syn. AITU. Logologo se atua fai ATUSISIFO, 8. lands to the west. fili. 2. God . "Ua lē ave i le atusisifo. ATUAO, 8. lit. the row of chiefs' | Ava, 8. 1. an opening in the coral heads, 1. the row of posts round reef, a boat passage into the the house. The use of the word lagoon . 'Olona ava . 2 . An on Upolu . 2. The stick on | anchorage for ships. 3. The which the last thatch of the | name of a very scaly fish . house rests. So called on Sayai'i. | AvĀ, s. the wife of a common man. ĀTUAULIA, v. from ĀTU and AULIA , ' O lāna avā . to be overtaken by distress. Ava, v. 1. to show respect to. ‘ATUALALA, v. to embalm the dead 2. To be wide apart, as a plank of a canoe not fitting. 3. To be body ; pass. ‘ATUALALAINA. ATUALAGI, 8. the chief's word for open , as a doorway. aitu . 'Ava, s. 1. the beard. 'Olāna
ATUALO, 8. a bonito caught inside the reef.
ATUALOA, 8. the centipede.
'ava . 2. The name of a plant from which a narcotic drink is made (Piper methisticum ). The
ATUAMANATU, v. to have a good memory . ATUAPAOA, v. to be frightened .
kava of many other islands.
Māsei óra ātuapaoa i lenā utu toʻilalo . ATUATUVALE, v. to be greatly dis
Fai se 'ava, to partake of food . 'O le ‘ava a finagalo, food to cause thoughtfulness. | AVAAVA, 8. a small opening in the
tressed in mind.
ATUVerseUPU, 8. (Introd.), a line of a .
3 . The drink itself. Muamua lau 'ava, nei e tete e. 4 . Food .
the reef.
Avaava, v. to be full of openings
ATUFANUA, 8. a row of portions of 'AVA'AVA, in the reef. land. 8. 1.
the name of a
ĀTUGA, 8. distress, of mind. 0 small fish . 2. A man who can lona ātuga . not be caught by the enemy. ATUGA, v. to resemble. Syn. Fo- 'AVA'AVA, v. to be oppressively hot, as on a sunny calm day. plied to the shark and bonito. I per (Piper insectifugum , P . Iati ATUGA, 8. coevals, of men or beasts. folium , Forst., and P . puberulum , Seem ). o le ātugā tagata . LIGA.
ATUGA, 8. the fin of a fish ; not ap - 'AVA'AVAAITU, 8. species of pep
ATUGALOLOA, 8. 1. one kind of 'AVA'AVAU, v. redup. of ' AVAU , to
malauli. 2. A long-armed man. I speak over-loud, as in public speaking or quarrelling. ATULĀULAU , 8. all countries, mean 'AVAŠAVAMOANA, 8. the name of a ing the entire world . ATULE, s . the herring. fish . ATULOLOI, 8. a native dish made 'AVA 'AVATUA. See 'AVA'AVAAITU . with atu, the bonito, and ex - AVEʻEGA [O LE FALE ], 8. a feast on pressed juice of cocoa -nuts . the erection of a house. ATULULUGA, 8. lands to the west. Avau, a . loud , as tale avau. Seo ATUSISIFO. 'Avad, v. to bawl, to speak too
AVA "ĀVE ( 81 ) loud ; redup. ‘AVAʻAVAU ; recipr. conduct. Na te ‘ave le malaga . FEʻAVALA'I. 4 . To become, in the pass . E ÅVAGA, v. to marry, applied only 'avea ma tamafai. 5. To carry . to the woman . Ona avaga loa Ave le avega . 6. To take away, in the pass. 'Ua 'avea le ai i le AVAGA, s, a marriage portion . Eau tupu ; pass. ‘AVEA and 'AVEINA. mai ni ona mea aoaga. with directive particles contracted AVAGAGA, 8. a marrying, a mar into 'AVATU, 'AVANE; redup, riage. O lāna avagaga . ‘AVEʻAVE ; recipr. FEʻAVEAʻI. AVAGĀLAFU, 8. a fire-place, a hearth . AVEAU, S. the name of various Ole avagālafu o le fale. Syn . kinds of star-fish . TAʻIGĀAFI and MAGĀLAFO. | AVEALEMAULI. Syn . SEGIAMAULI. AVAGĀLIMA, 0. to carry something 'AVEAMATA, v. to have the eyes in the hand for the sake of clear but blind.
appearances, as a walking-stick | AVEAVE, 8. l. one kind of bread or a present. 'O se mea e avagā fruit. On Tutuila. 2. Thename lima a'i. of a shrub with the leaves prettily 'AVALA'AU, I 8. varieties of "ava marked (Codiæum variegatum ). 'AVALEʻA, 1 (Pipermethisticum ). |'A VEʻAVE, 8. one species of yam AVALEVALE, v. 1. to blow gently , (Dioscorea ). of the wind. 2. To veer round | •AVE'AVE, v. redup. of "AVE. in all directions. 3. To go from AVEAVEI, s. leaves of laufala for one house to another, of a tra- | making mats. velling party while staying in a AVEAVEALUGA . See SAPASAPAILUGA. village. AVEI, 8. 1. the cord used for tying AVANE, v. See ‘AVE. up a woman's burthen . Ole AVANOA, 8. an open space. āvei a le fafine. 2. The handle AVANOA, v. to be open, as a door. I of a mat-basket. 'AVAPUI, 8. Malay, JAWA, ginger AVEI, 8. sympathetic consequences plant (Zingiber zerumbet and of a complaint, as pain in the Z. officinale ). head arising from ear-ache.
'AVASĀ, 8. a plant used to poison |AVEI, v. to cause unpleasantness in fish with ( Tephrosia piscatoria). I a family by tale-bearing, & c. 'AVASAI, & à long beard , pl. 'AVA - ! «Ua avei lenā tagata i le nu'u ; SASAI. redup. AVEAVEI. 'AVASAULI, 16. different names of AVEIGĀ, 8. as ĂVEI. ' O ăveiga o le
‘AVABĀTOGA,} the same shrub . ma‘i. Syn . LAUMATUI. *AVEGA, 8. a burden. E goto le va 'a 'AVASIA, v. pass. 1. to be burnt byl AVEGAALELAʻI, i lāu 'avega a fetalaiga. 8. tales from the the sun ; from 'A'AVA. 2. To be poisoned . west. AVATUAUMAI, v. to give and take. AVEGAALETOELAU, 8. tales from the (Applied to contentions.) east, AVE, 8. 1. a sunbeam . Na to le ĀVELOLOA, 8. one variety of bread fafine i le ave o le lā. 2. A fruit. tentacle of the cuttle -fish , star- | AVENONUA, 8. phymosis. fish, & c. 3. Red lines proceeding | ĀVESAʻA, 8. one variety of bread from a swelling. Ave o le ma'i. fruit. 'Ave, v. 1. to take. E le faʻapena |•ĀVESA O, v. 1. to be convalescent. mea e aliʻi ‘ave i mālo. 2. Toandgive. ' ' Ua ‘avesa'o le mai. 2. To get ane A se “avane (Save an undisputed title ; rullup. 'AVE cont. to avane) lona suafa . 3. To ! 'AVESA'O .
( 82 )
" E 'EU
AVESEGA, 8. a withered fruit of the E , prep. by. “Ua tetese e Tigilau. at breadfruit. E , interj. an affirmative, used ĀVETETELE, 8. the name on Tutuila the beginning of a sentence for the aveloloa . mostly in poetry , and expressing ‘AVETOLOTOLO, v. to have the road desire. E ! ata tapa fua ia te‘oe. lengthened by going round Ē , 8. loud laughter. Ona to ai lea points. 'Aua le 'avetolotolo lenei o le ē. See Tōē. Ē , pron . you , thou ; with verbs. mea , ma le savaligatā. Aua ne'i ē alu . Avi, a. sought after, desired , of one Ea, v. 1. to rise to the surface, as a sex by the other. "U le tane avi ; diver. 2. To return home, as war captives. 3. To granulate, 'o le fafine avi. Avi'i, s. one kind of crab, the as a sore. 4. To rise to a level, as a hole being filled up. fighting crab. AviʻIVI-I, 8. 1. the afato in the Ea, v. to beg, to implore. Ea e, winged state. 2. Reefs iņ a sail. inā aumai ia . ‘EA, 8. the name of a fislı ; the de AVILU, a . stunted, old . sire of one who, being sick , desires AVILU, v. to be stunted . AVITI, 8. a great tale-teller, a liar. to eat fish . “Ua maua e le 'ea . 'AVEVALEA, v. to be badly reported .
AVITI, v. to give a false report, to 'Ea, the sign of a question. 'O ai give different reports of the same 'ea 'oe ? Who are you ? 'Eʻa , v . to do a thing deliberately ; tale ; recipr. FEAVITIAʻI. redup. 'EʻA‘EʻA. See MA‘EʻA. EAEA, 8. 1. the disease called
THE second letter in the Samoan
thrush ,aphthee . 2. The eggs of the 'alu -alu .
alphabet. Its sound is simple, | EʻE , v. 1. to abound , as fruit lying like e in obey, but it is both | under the trees. 2. To raise on long and short. E is used at supports, as a canoe raised from the end of a line of poetry to the ground to keep itfrom rotting.
prolong the sound, and to allow 'EʻE, v. to place upon, as FA'A“EʻE. the voice to rest on it. 'O afio *Ē ‘E, v. to pay respect to, to rever mai Tagaloa i le lagi tuavalu e. ence ; redup. 'Ē‘EʻĒ'E . ‘Ē ‘E, 8. reverence. Na 'o le māma E ! le tēóe e pau i le ali-i.
E , interj, alas ! E , a call to gain attention . sole, inā fa'alogo mai.
' EʻE, v. 1. to be overscalded, as a pig when killed. 2. To be under done, of the alili, and so not EINA. 2. to drive away. E ! e ! ! easily got out of the shell. ua eina i matou. É ‘E, v. 1. To be dead, of animals. E , the sign of the vocative, coming 2. To be low tide, jocularly.
Ē . pron. those. Oē faimai. E , v. 1. to forbid by calling e ! pass. after the noun . Funa e, Olo manu .
E , the sign of the infinitive mood. “Avatu le tuaefu e togisala. E , a verbal particle indicating the present tense, and implying that which is always the same. Se nuru e leai ni tagata. E , a verbul particle indicating the future tense. E toe sau ʻo ia. E , adv. yes. Syn. IOE.
EʻĒ, v. to squeak . ' EʻEU, v. 1. to ward off on every side, as spears thrown. 2. To be full of, as cocoa -nuts lying on the ground, and requiring
moving to find a place for the fout. 3. To be tame, as pigs crowding around, and requiring to be thrust aside when fed . “Ua tau 'e'eu atu į pua 'a , 'a 'o lalata .
4. To put aside, as the claims of
( 83 )
a competitor, that the person | 'Ela, v. 1. to miss the mark , as a dart or stone thrown. 2. Tomiss may have all to himself. E ‘EFU, a. pl. of ‘EFU, reddish catching a thing thrown . 'ELE, 8. 1. red earth . 2. Rust brown.
‘ E‘EGA, 8. 1. anything used to help | 'ELEA, a. rusty. a swimmer, as a life-belt. So 'ELEʻELE, 8. 1. earth , dirt. 2. 3. Euphem . for , to chiefs. Bloodmenses of snakes A numberSyn. “EʻETAGA. . Fa- | the all coiled 2.together. TINIGA, also ‘EʻETAGA.
'ELEʻELEA, a. dirty .
'ELE-ELEULI, 8. good dark earth . 'EE 'ELI. 'ELA, v.a .topl.press of ‘ELA. the feet firmly to (Applied to a firm conquering the ground when about to fight. I party, or to a man skilled in clubbing matches.) ‘EʻEMA, a . pl. of‘EMA, to glisten. 'ELEI, v. to put the colour on native 'EʻEMO, v. pl. of ‘Emo, to wivk. ‘EʻENA, a. pl. of ‘ENA, yellowish cloth ; pl. 'ELELEI.
brown .
‘ELEMUTU, 8. a grub in rotten wood . ELEMUTUA, a . worm -eaten , rotten . ELESI, v. to daub, as in marking ‘E ‘ENU, interj. pshaw ! See 'Enu - ! siapo, or writing. Eli, v. 1. to dig ; pl. “E‘ELI ; pass. ‘ENU. Syn . I'INO. ‘EʻETAGA, 8. See 'EʻEGA. 'ELIA. 2. To pull hard, in pad 'EʻETI, 0. See 'ETI. dling a canoe ; pl. FEʻELI. 3. To
‘EʻENAʻI, o. emphatic of E, to abound. 'EʻETIA, D. See NEʻE .
' E 'Eva, v. to be weak in the joints, from illness, hunger, or long swimming Ēia, interj. That's it ! giving ap proval and encouragement. So ENA. Eitu, 8. used by some instead of aitu , which see. Eu, 8.the point or corner of an axe.
have a sharp pain. Malay,GALI. •ELIGA, 8.a digging. Le'rliga luaʻi laua . ‘ELILUA,v.lit. to dig a hole; to swear, meaning, May I be buried if, & c. ‘ELISOPO, v. 1. to dig down to the very end of a yam in taking it
out of the ground . 2. To kill all in a war, so as to leave none to increase. 'Eu, v. to remove, to take out of Elo, v. to stink ; pass. ELOSIA. the way ; always referring to 'Elo, a. reddish brown, regarded as
something ; anything a markareofthus. beauty in those whose in the eye ;bad,as the skinfilthover a boil; skins the snuff of a lamp; redup. 'Elo, v. to be reddish brown. ‘EMA, 8. a piece of polished metal 'EU 'EU . E UI INA, conj. although. E ui ina hung in the centre of a necklace ; to‘atele o mānaia , e faʻasasano, & c. used as a comparison for anything black and shining. “Ua se ema. EUTASI, 8. a felling axe. E FIA ? how many ? *Ema, a. shining, black , as black siapo and marksof tattooing ; pl. EFU, 8. dust. EFU, v. to become dust. ‘EʻEMA ; redup. 'EMA‘EMA. ‘EFU, a. reddish brown ; pl.‘EʻEFU . 'EMA. v. to glisten ,as a wet paddle EFUEFU, s. dust. in the sun seen afar off; pl. 'Ela, a. mattery ; 1. ap: lied to the "EʻEMA ; redup. ‘EMA'EMA. v. 1. to wink the eye. 2. fig. 'Emo, | eyes. 2. Also to the hands and To take a nap . 3. To flash , as mouth after eating baked cocoa nut juice. 3. A term of reproach lightning ; pl. 'EʻEMO ; redup . to a bastard. ' o le ulu bela 'ela ; 'EMO‘EMO. | 'Emo, 8. a wink of the eye. 'Ua se pl. 'EʻELA ; redup. 'ELA'ELA . G 2
( 84 ) “emo o le matu , It is but a wiuk of 'Etu, v. to limp, to be lame; redup. the eye — but a moment.
‘ EmoʻEMO, 0. from 'EMO, 1. to wink Eva, o. 1. to take a walk, especially repeatedly. 2 . To flash repeat- by moonlight. 2. To go about. edly,as lightniny. 3. To glisten , " Va eta togāfauina . 3. To walk at liberty. Le fia eva gatasi lava . as glass in the sun .
ENA," interj. that's it! denoting EVAGA, 8. a moonlight walk , or approbationyellowish and encouragement. games by moonlight. brown ENA, a .
; pl.
'EʻENA ; redup.'ENAŠENA. "ENA, 8.a cocoa-nut with long fibres, used for making sinnet. THE third letter in the Samoan ENEENE, v. to tickle. Enu, 8. a net or basket used for alphabet, pronounced as ee in catching atule and palolo, & c. | been. It is both long and short. *ENUʻENU, interj. pshaw ! See I, an euphonic particle before pl. " E 'ENO.
EPA, 8. native mats and cloth -on
pronouns, except the second per son. "Oimāua.
which a dead cbief is laid in state. I, occasionally used as a sign of “Ua i epa, He is in his shroud , the imperative and subjunctive, instead of ia . Tu-u i ai itinā 'o he is dead .
EPU, v. 1. to stir about, to stir up,
Pipi'i, i matou teua . I puée, i
as water ; pass. EPUA ; redup. / tao ma ni ali'i. Fagono. intens. EPUEPU. 2. To stir round , I, adv. yes ; also loE , E . (This has as arrowroot in preparing it. I only recently come into use, and 'ESE, a . 1. strange ; different. “Ua is a contraction of Ioe.] aumai mea 'ese i ali'i; pl.‘ESE- I,prep. 1. in. Tau ina ta imalae. *ESE . 2. Tall. “Ua tino ‘ese ; pl. 2. Āt. Le tolo i Puata . 3. To. 'EʻESE . Po ‘ofea le ala i le nu'u . 4. For. ‘ESE, ado. away from ; different. E sa-afi Tu-u i ona fanua . 5. Of. Alu 'ese, Go away. Lota mataʻu i le malo. 6. On. *ESE, v. to be different. "Ua 'ese Teine, ti'eti'e į le pā . 7. On lāna amio. account of. Ou te sau i le tala . ‘ESEʻESEGA, 8. difference. 8. Concerning. "Ou te fesili i le Esi, 8. the papaw (Carica Papaya ). | kupu . 9 . With . Ou te alu i le Esi, v. to drive away ; pa88. ESIA ; malaga a le nuću . I, 8. a very poisonous crab. intens. ESIESI. 'ETE, 8. a basket. 'Ua ete lasi. 1, v. 1. to take away the breath , as Syn . 'ATO . by a blow , or by anger or crying. ETEETE, v. to be careful, to take 2. To rumble,as an empty belly. care. See FA'AETEETE. Ifo ia 'Ua i le manāva i le fia-ai. ma eteete a 'i. Vi'i. 8. a. LAGO. fly, so called from its cry. SETEOMANĪ, 8. lit. a basket full of 'I, Syn prosperity , great prosperity. | 'I, v. to cry, as a fly or a bird . ‘ ETELII, 8. a finely -made basket. '1, ado. here. 'ETEMAMANU, 8. an ornamental Ia, pron . Malay, Iya, he, she. E basket. alu 'o ia. Sometimes it is used ‘ETI, v. 1. to blow freshly ; pl. instead ofna,which usually comes ‘EʻETI; redup. ‘ETI‘ETI. 2 . To before the verb. Se gutu poto ia forbid, as to a child ; pass. ‘ETIA. | te tala saloa . Eto, v. to lick, to lap with the IA, 1. a precative particle before the tongue ; redup. ETOETO. imperative. Ia e alofa mai. 2.
IA TIV ( 85 ) Used after the verb when an im - | I‘E, the mallet for beating out the perative. Sau ia, inä aloh bark for making native cloth . Ia, a suffix to some verbs to form ‘IE, 8. 1. the name of fine native the passive. Au mai i fale i money mats, which are used much as is. They constitute the тема. juost valuable property of the La, pron . pl. these. LA, pronounced sharp , like ya, used
Samoans. The different kinds
to call attention in the middle
are — lālaga , 'ie tāua, 'ie ‘ula, ‘ie sina or si 'aloa . Inā lava
of a tale or a speech : Well, then. laoa ni‘ou “že se tolu . 2. Foreigu LĀ , prep. to ; before pronouns. Fai print and calico. atu iā te ia ; and always instead 'IEʻIE, 8. 1. a rag of cloth. Lava of i before names of persons. laoa ma lor 'ie'ie . 2. A species LĀ , interj. a response to the call of creeper (Freycinetia ) used for toso, in dragging a log of wood, making fish -traps. & c. Iā ā ‘TEFA'ATUPU, 8. Syn . ANOI. ‘IA, the sign of the subjunctive. I'ETOSI, 8. á mallet with grooves for beating out the bark of the Lafo i fafo 'ia läina. I'a, Malay, IKAN , 8. the general paper mulberry and making tv name for fishes, except the bonito tuga . ( Thymnus) and shellfish (Mol- | I'i, v. to give a prolonged scream lusca and Crustacea ). On Tu - | or squeak. tuila the bonito is called ea. I'l, 8. sauce, or more near to the I'AAFALELO, 8. the name of a fish . Scotch “ kitchen ; ” anything
I'al, ado, no, not so
Iao, 8. the name of a bird , the
used as a relish, or to qualify other food, as vegetables to eat
wattled creeper (Ptilotis carun with meat. culata ). It is called "e, to cry, I'l, o. to be used as sauce. See and ao, daybreak , because it is INA'I. heard at that time. "I'i, 8. the name of a small herb. IA ‘OE, beware ! take care of your l'i, 8. the name of a weed Osalis self. comiculata ).
I'AIVJLILO, o. to be strong in war.
I'ī, adv . here.
I'AUI, 8. á species of eel, said to 'I'I'o, pl. of “l'o. grow too large for it to get into 'I'ILA, 0. to shine, to glisten, to its hole. glitter ; applied to the eyes PAMANU, 8. lit. fish -beast ; the abusively ; redup. ‘ILAŠILA . whale. Syn . TAFOLĀ.
I'ASINA, 8. the nameofa fish . Tato, s. the bars connecting the outrigger with a canoe. IATOLO, 8. small boils, mostly on the head . LATOLOFĂNAU, 8. a succession of
' I'ILĀ , adv. there, at a distance. ' I'INĀ, ado, there, close at hand. Tu‘u i aicinā. " IÓINEI, ado. here.
*I*INI, Ö. to do things slowly. See 'INI'INI.
"I'INO, interj. Pshaw ! See ‘Ino 'INO. I‘ĀTULI, 8. a small fish eaten by the "I'INO, a. bad , either physically or tuli. morally. ' O le tagata 'i'ino . I'AVAI, 8. 1. the eel. Syn. TUNA. 'I'ITE, v. to predict, to foretell ; iatolo .
pass. 'ITEA ; recip . FEʻITEA'I. Se 2. Fresh -water fish . IĒ, v. to be weary of. Nearly Syn . ' a8o ifea na aʻu le ‘ itea i Lin Musu and Fiv. Soia e te iz la'au. | ' I'Iva, a. tall, of the virgin forest. fa'apea le tama.
TID ( 86 ) 'O'IVA.le vao a “'iva ; redup. 'IVA I'UI'U, 8. the end, as of a
IFO cocoa-nut leaf ; as SióusióU . 'I' vi, a. pl. of ‘iyi, bony. I'UFONO, 8. the decision of a council, Io, 8. a long strip of fish or flesh . what it ends in deciding on . Io, adv. yes ; commonly IOE. I'UGA, 8. ending , determination or I'Ò , adv. yonder ; redup. I'vi o. A decision of a deliberation. O iõio foʻi, i'u mai.
lona i uga.
I'o, v. to wind, as siunet round the I'ULEO , 8. an echo. 'O lona i uleo. I'Umaga, s. 1. the tail ofthe bonito arm , or a net. 'I'o, aí 1. full as a bottle, a well. when cut up ( Thymnus). 2. The 2. Full-sized , as a yam or a taro. centipede, on Manu-a. 3. The 3. Covered, as a bone with meat ; pl. 'I'10 .
Io,part8.. the inside, the fleshy
I'UMATAGI, 8. the end of a storm . "Ua lutiluti a se i umatagi. I'USINA, 8. the name of a fish .
Ito, v. to be full, to be full-sized, I UTA, ado. inland ; ashore. to be covered with meat ; pl. I'UTAGATA, 8. the lastof a family. . 'I'10 . I FAFO, adv.without,outside. Lafo *Io, 8. 1. the cry of a chicken. 2. | i fafo, ia läina . A chicken , from its cry ; redup. I FALE, adv. indoors, within. 'Au '10 '10 .
mai i fale i măia .
load, s. the Upolu word for iotua . IFEA ? ado. wliere ? " ifea le IOALO, 8. the strip of fish or flesh piliti, au mai ? IFI, 8. 1. the chestnut tree (Inocar taken from the belly. pus edulis). 2. The edible IOE, Malay, IyĀ, adv. yes. Idio, 8. the flesh of the sides under chestnut fruit. the arm . IFI, v. 1. to blow smoke through
"Ioʻro, v. to peep, to cry, as a chicken .
'I'oʻl'o, v. to coil up, as sinnet round the fingers ; pass. 'I'OFIA .
an ifi leaf on to a sick person , being a native treatment of
disease. 2. To smoke, as to bacco .
'I OʻIMATA, 8. the eyeball. “Ua IFIALAVA, 8. one species of ifi taʻalo " ifoʻimata . The eyes roll (Inocarpus). IFIATUA , 8. the name of a tree. abuut, as from pain . IFIIFI, 8. the name of a tree ( Pari. I'OFI, 8. tongs, pincers. 'I'OFIA , v. pass. of 'i'oʻl'o. narium laurinum ). ‘IOLE, 8. a rat. Syn . 'Imoa and IFIUI, 8. the sameas ifialava . , ' ISUMU. IFIʻULU, 8. a smooth-grained ifilele IoTua, 8. a strip of fish or flesh (Afzelia bijuga). taken from the back . IFIFATU, 8. a hard-grained ifilele I'u, Malay, IKUR, 8. 1. the tail. 'O (Afzelia bijuga ). lona i u. 2. The end, the ex IFIFUĀMOA, 8. one kind of ifi (Ino tremity of anything carpus). I'u, v. 1. to end. "Ta iu le fili- IFILELE, 8. the name of a valuable filiga a lo lātou saofa'iga . 2. timber tree (Afzelia bijuga ). To finish. 3. To fulfil. 4. To IFIMAʻANUMINUMI, 8. the name of come upon. Ne'i iõio i'u mai ; one kind of ifi on Tutuila. pass. IʻUA, and I'UINA. IFIMEA, 8. one kind of ifi (Inocar I'v, a. finished, completed . Nanei pus). IFISOGĀ, 8. Syn. IFIFATU. ā fai mea lē i'u .
I'UAĪNA, v. to come to an end, to IFO, v. 1. to bow down, as do those die. conquered in war, in token of
( 87 )
submission . 2. To descend, as ship sustained by the from inland to the shore ; pass. of a sister to the childrenchildren of her IFOA and IFOGIA. E ifo mai brother, after the brother and Asau. · Aopo ma "Ofea taua a sister are dead ; a father's sister. Syn . TAMASĀ . fa'aŭ ni e ifoa ILASĀ, \ 8. the mark in tbe skin , IFO, adv. down. Ifo, v. to terminate. 'O le aso lea Ilasupa, thought to be a symp o Tupuivao na ifo.
tom of supa.
IFOA, v. 1. to have an attack of a | ILI, 8. a fan. ' O lāna ili. complaiut to which the person is ILI, , to blow , as a trumpet ; pass.
then falls (ifo)upon ILIA ; pl. FEILI. subject,which someother part of the body ; as a 'ILI, 8. 1. a rasp, a file. 2. A gaw . headache ending in bad eyes. " O lāna " ili. 2. To produce largely, as cocoa 'ILI, v. 1. to file. 2. To saw ; nut trees from which nuts are pass. 'ILIA . 'Ili, v. to be very far away. A 6 piked often . IFOA‘E, 8. a descent. “O lona ifoa'e. ‘ili i lagi ona mamao. IFOIFO, 0. to descend, as from the 'ILIĀII-A , 8. a sign that one has top of a house, a tree, or a moun - || not left entirely, not again to return . E lē te'a le "iliāii'a . So · tain .
IFOILESUSU, v. to go down to the also of anger which has not breasts, of food taken by a entirely passed away. nursing mother. Applied to Iliasina, a. light-coloured , of the food taken to chiefs. skin . . IFOGA, 8. 1. a bowing down, an act | ILIILI, swimmerets of cray fish, and of submission . O down. lāna ifoga . flipper of the turtle.pebbles, small 'ILIʻILI, 8. gravel, 2. The party bowing IFOGIA, pass. of 170.
'IFU, v. to run away, to run far off | ‘ILIʻILI. See LEʻILIʻILI. 'ILIʻILIA, s. the name of the young out of sight; reilup. 'IFUʻIFU . , to be ume (Naseus lituratus). IGO,tiredv. toof. beNearly weariedas with Fiu . “Ua | ILIILIFIA, v . to be blown by about
matou igoigo lava ai lea fa'atu
the wind, as dry leaves, smoke, & c. puleaga ; redup. IGOIGO. IGOA, 8. a name.“ O ai lona igoa ? ILIOLA, 8. the outer skin. "Olona Who is his name? of persons. iliola . '0 le ā lona igoa ? What is its | ILIŪ, 8. the name of a fish . It causes a stinging sensation when name ? of things. eaten , if cooked with the skin on IGOA, o. to be named .
(Chostodon Chirurgeons). watchwordmark IGOĀPO, in ,war. ILA, 8. 1.8. aa mother's a mark | ILIUI, a . dark -skinned . E ILIFIA, v. to be thrown down by a stone passing close to a person . 'ILIGĀLA 'ILIGANOA,AU ,8.8. asawdust. scar. 'Olona ili gаnоа . 'ILILUA, 8. Syn . FAⓇAPĀ 'ULUA. 'ILAŠILA, v. redup. of 'I'ILA, to shine. 'Ililua, v. to divide in two. . 'ILIMĂNIFI, 8. one species of banana. İLalo, prep. und
in the skin . 2 . A defect. leai sona ila . ILĀ, adv. there. ILA. See LEILA . ILAILA, a . marked , spotted . ILAILA, v. to be spotted .
ILAMEA, s. a disease of infants. 'ILIMATŪ, v. to be partially dry, as 'Ua te'a le e'a, 'a e tali le ilamea . clothes. ILĀMUTU, 8. cousins, the relation- | ILITEA, 8. a white fan. .
( 88 ) INU TI, v. from ‘ili, to be pained by INAʻl, v. from I'l, to eat one kind of 'ILIwal king over sharp stones. “Ua I food with another as sauce. i vae i le ala talatala . 'ilitITAI INA-IA, conj. in order that, that. ILIT the
bed of the sea .
, 8.
' ILITIVAI, 8. the bed or bottom of a river. Ilo , 8. a worm or maygot in putrid flesh and ulcers.
Ilo v. to know.
INA 'ILAU , 8. a row of thatch, one width of the thatch put on from
bott of .the house. 'O le inaom'ilauto otople fule
INAINĀ , v. to be full to repletion .
INA ILOA, v. 1. to see. Ina neři iloa e 'INA 'INAU,) v. to contend, to strive. Sina lona tino. 2. To know . INAINANA;, ʻI, 8. the main body of an To lau sala ua iloa . 3. To army. understand . , 'a ' INAFO, 8. 1. a shoal of bonito Iloa , v. to have maggots in . number Inafo 2. yA e, mostl o atu. of peopl ( Thymnus). ILOILO, v. to look at, to examine . I great ILOILOLIMA, v. lit. to look at the to chiefs . Inafo aliti. hands, to fight and see who is INAGA, 8. the name of the fry ofa strong est ILOGA,detv. 1.. to be known . 2. To smal inaga-wate itiitilo fresh . r fish . Se ia be ermined on , decided on , INAMAU, an Upolu word for FINA settled . AU . conj. lest . ILOGA, v. imp. it is doubtful. E | 'INAFINNEʻI, iloga e sau .. INATO , 8. the full-grown sesele. I LOTO , prep. in the midst. 'INI, v. 1. to take hold ofwith the ' Ilu , a . innumerable . nails, to pinch . 2. To pull up I LUGA, prep. above , before . small weeds. 3. To kill, as a fish LUMA, prep .innum IILŪMA erabl e NÓ ' , a, . pinching. “Ua initia lau by IMAUNU, a word used in seuga -lupe . man 'INI'INI. ini; pass. "INITIA ; intens. Imoa rat Syn IOLE and ' , 8. 1. a . . ' 'INI, S. a pinch . ' ISUMU. 2. The name of a fish . 'INI'INI, 0 . l. to do a thing grad Ina , a particle affixed to verbs to ually, as to bring taro from the form the passive . quanti2.ties, To eke out. as totionmake 'INA, 8. 1. the sea -urchin (Echinus). soplanta in itsmall abusive term . eat a fish in small pieces, so as An The thr oat. 2. ‘ INA,conj. because that. Sa fa‘apea to make it last with the taro.
foʻi ina 'ua sau 'o le tupu . tamata there is no juice . *Uaailmatuā ofo, ina o ast fa' oga , “ He was onishedi when he saw the sigas,” & c. | ' INOĀS xcrements .
SeeINI,I'INI INA, adv. when, of past time only. ' INIŠ 8. a. ripe cocoa -nut in which ma
Act viii mea inā, As if food
. 13 ). scol exafoi mineia; Ină( , a.sgrumbl andfai ino,. INOF ing, ding . E fail Inopass v. toIA.dem"Ua , to atu gru sauce to his
mbling was
inoino ia te ia ma sasa , Acts
INĀ, v. to grumble. 'Ua tautua 'INOxxii ʻINi.O,240.. to bate, to abominate ; inā , ina ua fai mea ma le pass . 'INOSIA. ot INOFIE, I a. beautiful, good-looking, INĀ, e.a particle marking the im - INOMI, perstim wasng im people . the houses,INOʻINO people. | .NOFIE,) as houses, INA'Ê, v. to be wearied , either in | 'INO INOFIA, SIA , v.1. pass pass.. of 'INO INO. . body or mind. Mala MINU y, M, v. to drink ; | INU,
( 89 )
pl. FEINU ; pass. INUMIA ; redup. IsumITI, 8. a sniffing nose. 'Isumu, 8. a rat (Mus). Syn . 'IOLE INUASUASU , v. to drink by lapping. and 'Imoa. INUITINO , v. lit. to drink the rain | ISUPAPA, 8. a flat nose. water from the body ; to rain ISUPĒ, 8.mucus from the nose. heavily . 8. a diseased nose, eaten off Inuga, s.a drinking . “O lona inugā IsuP7, by ulceration (Lupus). 'ava. Isusisi, 8. a turned -up nose. ISUVAʻA , 8. a large nose. INUMAGA, 8. a draught, a drink. INUPā, v. lit. to drink at night, to 'Ira, Malay, Kita, pron . I, me. fast ; because the thirst wasmore 'Ua lelei 'oe lelei 'ita . than the hunger. ITA, 8. anger. Tuli le moa , e lē INUSAMI, v . lit. to drink salt water maua ; ona tupu lea 'o le ita. 'O INUINU.
or the sea ; to rain heavily, so lona ita . as to cause a splashing of the Ita, v. to be angry. “Aua le ita, sea . soʻu fesili ; pl. FEITATANI; pass. INUSAMI, s. a half-starved pigeon. ITAGIA ; recip. FEITAGAʻI. Syn. TUPUʻA. ITAFATAFA, prep. by the side.
IPIIFI, 8. a soft edible cocoa -nut ITAGOFIE , a. irritable. shell, thought to be medicinal. I TALA ATU, prep. on that side,
IPINIU, 8. 1. à cocoa-nut shell cup.
buyond a certain thing or
2. An axe, so called before place. chiefs. I TALA MAI, prep. on this side of a
IPO, 8. an edible mud -worm . certain thing or place. IPU, 8.'a cup. 'O lāna ipu. ITAVALE, v. to be angry without IPU'AVA, 8. the cup for serving out cause. 'ava . ITE, 8. the month of December Isa, interj. get out ! out upon you ! ! [ T . P.]. ITIITI,Malay,KIITI,a. little ; small ; for shame! redup. ISAISA . ISE ,
ISEISE , } 8 . names of fishes. ISEʻULA ,
Isi, v. to be, to have, on Tutuila only. E isi sāu avā ? Isi, pron. some.
Isi, v. to beg,mostly for food . Isr, v. to split ; intens. ISIISI ; pass. ISIA . worsted , as in wrestling , guess-
Iso, v. to acknowledge oneself ing riddles, & c. "Ua 'ou iso, I
few ; pl. iTI ; TOʻAITII11, few per sons.
‘ ITOGI, 8. one kind of veʻa . I TOTONU, prep. inside. ITŪ, 8. a side. 'O lona itū . I TUA, prep.behind , at the back. ITUA‘EA, s. the south side of Savai'i. ITUĀIGA, 8. 1. a division or branch of a family. 'O lona ituāiga. 2. A religioussect. ITUASO, 8. a part of a day ; an hour of the day only ; itupā, of the night. Syn . ITULĀ.
give it up. " Isc, 8. 1. the nose. 'Olona isu . ITU I MĀTŪ, 8. the North . 2. The snout. 3. The bill of a ITU I TOGA, 8. tbe South. bird, the great- ITUʻITU, v. to be tired of, to be billed as tuli tuliisutele, (Numenius). wearied with , of the mind. Isu, interj. an apologetic and depre ITUFIA, 8. one name of the Atua catory word, after having come district. suddenly into the presence of ITULĀ, 8. a part of a day ; an hour chiefs . Isu e, sau mai i fafo, e of the day only ; itupo, of the lē iloa alii. night. Syn . Ituaso. 'Olona
ISUMENE, 8. a small nose.
itulā .
( 90 )
ITUTAUA, 8. an army; all the troops of one party. "Ua fasiu lāna itutaua.
of a word , it is the vowel of ex . clamation ; as uio, pisao, vavao, fa 'ataio , aituā, manuā, & c. ITUPO, 8. a part of the night ; ano , a sign of the present participle, hour; used only of the night. in some instances used instead of " lo ‘o. “Ona vaʻai atu lea , o Iva, Malay, Siwa, a . nine.
IvĀ, o. to be languid, to be ex- ' fa'ala Taligamaivalu . Without hausted ; redup. dimin . IVAIVĀ, & verb expressed, 0 jā Una le pa. O , prep. of, belonging to. O le somewhat languid . Ivaiva, 8. the name of the lo when pou o le fale. On the choice of o or a, see Grammar. grown large. 'IVAʻIVA, a . tall, of men or trees ; 0 , adv. yonder.ve prefix lo i Ō ifuto mai. the dual | O , the possessi dim , of 'i'IVA. and plural pronouns when the IVAGAFULU , a. ninety. IVAGALAU, a . nine hundred.. noun is plural. Tātou te o io ‘IVI, s. 1. a bone. Ne'i mao į le tātou fale . 'ivi o le ia. 2. A portion of the O , a verbal particle marking the back of a cooked pig . ' O lāna perfect tense instead of 'ua . ivi. 3. The keel of a canoe. | 0 , Malay, OMAI, v. pl. of Alo and 'IvI, a . bony, applied to the eye SAU. when covered with a film ; pl. O , x. to penetrate , as a spear into - 'I'IVI. the body ; to go deep down, as a 'Ivo, v. to become bone ; pass. “IVI- l stick stuck into the ground and 'IVIA, to be thin . meeting with no obstacle.
‘IVI AUVAE, 8. the jawbone. 'Ole | ‘O , the sign of the nominative kivi arvae o le tagata . absolute. “O si 'ou tuagāne, 'o ‘Ivi'AsO‘ASO , 8. the ribs. "O ona | Pinono. It is also often used ‘ivitasoʻaso.
'IvI'IVIA, a .bony, lean .
with a nominative after the form ona . . . ai lea . Ona oʻomai lea 'o le nu-u . Otherwise it is very
‘IVIʻIVIMA‘AʻA, ã. lit. hard -boned, seldom used with a nominative strong. 'IVIFA'ALĀ, 8. the hip-bone. Some after a verb,exceptwhen required use it of the shoulder-bone; lit. | for the sake of euphony. On the bones exposed to the sun . use of this particle, see Grammar. ' TVIFATAFATA , 8. the breast-bone. 'IVIFOE , s. the shoulder-blade.
'IVINOʻo, 8. os sacrum , including od coxigis. 'IVISĀ, 8. Syn . 'IVIFOE. 'IVITELE, the large bone of the arm . 'IVITŪ, 8. lit. the standing bone, the spine,
1 " , adv. yes, in answer to a call. See OE.
0A, 8. a couple, commencing with the second ; as e luā oa , e tolue _ gāoa , & c. 'OA, 8. lather, soapsuds.
'Da, v. to lather ; pl. 'o‘OA . ‘OA, 8. property, goods, riches, com prising all foreign articles, as distinguished from toga, native made goods, such as fine mats,
? o
ITULASI, a. having many relations. THE fourth letter in the Samoan 'O le tama itulasi. ITUMEA, &. a division , a portion, alphabet. It is both long and mostly of food . 'O lāna itumea . short. Its sound is the same as ITUTAOA,8. the north side of Savai'i. ! in English. Placed at the end
ITULAGI, 8. a side of the heavens. · Ona alu lea i le itulagi sisifo.
( 91 )
siapo, & c. ; also houses and Õi, v. to groan ; pl. FEÕI. canoes. Syn . 'OLOA. 'O āna | 'Oi, interj. oh ſ expressing sur · 'oa. prise,‘or‘ou also oi.pain and grief; in . Oʻa, v. to husk cocoa-nuts. Syn . / tens. MELEʻI. | 'O ‘i, v. 1. to creak , as the rafters of OʻA, 8. the stick for busking cocoa a house during a storm . 2. To grind the teeth ; intens. "OʻI'oʻi. nuts. Syn. MELEʻI. "OʻA, 8. a tree from which the OI AUĒ, interj. alas, alas ! siapo is obtained (Bischoffia Ja
colouring matter for marking vanica ). "Oʻal, v. to mark or paint siapo. ‘OʻAIGA, 8. a making of native
OI AUĒ, v. to wail as in trouble . "Ua oi auē le fafine. OIALEVAQIFAGALELE , v. to be pained.
cloth. Syn . ELEI. O lāna | 'oʻaiga. Oaoa, 8. a scarecrow , made by rattling together empty water
OI TALOFA, interj. alas ! used in expressing sympathy ; also com miseration approaching to the denunciation of woe upon those who wilfully do wrong.
'OIFEA, adv. where ? See ‘OFEA.
bottlesmade of cocoa -nut shells. 00, 8. a saddle of pork . ‘OʻAʻoʻA, 8. a stake stuck into the O ‘o , 8. 1. the spongy substance inside of a cocoa-nut just begin 2. Property taken to relatives. Ua lasi (ou ‘OnFIAFIA oa, v., to be delighted. Syn. oʻo o tauosi i itu i vao. | Oʻo, v. to arrive at; to reach to ; ‘OA‘OAJFALESAU, of great joy. pass. OʻOTIA . QAULI, 8. noon. See AQAULI. Oʻo, a . full-grown. ' O le puaʻa oʻo. ‘OALUʻULUʻU , 8. a mixed payment | 07, 8. the shout at the end of the of rõloa and toga , foreign and _ song soa. 'o 'o, v. 1. to be slack , to be loosely native property. OATEA, 8. noon . See AOATEA. Syn . tied. 2. To be hollow . QAULI. ‘O ‘ A, v. pl. of 'oa, to lather. ‘OAVALE, 8. property of small value. 'Oʻoa, v. 1. to praise one's own deeds, to boast. 2. To make See 'OLOAVALE.
· sand to secure a canoe to . · Syn. FIAFIA .
‘OA oa, 8. delight. “O lona 'oa 'oa.
ning to sprout.
‘OE, pron. sing. thou, you ; con - others laugh. tracted into 'e before verbs. O ‘ooʻo, v. 1. to visit a sick person. 2. To be full tide. OE, adv. yes. See O . O ‘E, 8. a knife. O ‘OFE, v. to have a voice like a UI, interj. 1. alas ! oh ! 2. Joyful fute ('ofe) ; to have a good surprise. Ona taufaioso leå o voice. Ua oʻofe le leo. fafine ma fa-apea. Oi! 'ua 'OʻOLA, a . 1. half crooked . 2. See fa'afetai. The difference be- ‘OLA. tween these two significations | ‘OʻOLE, v. to shrink , to shrivel up. is indicated by the tone of the ‘OʻOLE, a . pl. of 'OLE, deceitful. 'Oʻolo, v. to have a voice like a voice. 01, v. to disturb , to meddle with | hen , to speak indistinctly .
what would have been better | Oʻolo, ai indistinct utterance, left alone ; as to cut into a hoarse. swelling which was getting well; | 'O ‘OMI, v. to squeeze, to press in ; a tree, causing it to pass. “OMIA ; redup. 'OMIŠOMI, to to cut downplantation, fall on a & c. ; pass. continue to squeeze. OIA ; recip. FEOIAʻI ; pass. FEO - | 'O ‘omo, a . pl. of 'omo. ISA 'IA .
O ‘ONA, a . bitter, sour.
"OʻON ( 92 •O ‘ona, v. to be bitter, to be sour. I "Oʻono, v. 1. to bear down, as a woman in labour. 2. To be
To blow a fair wind. 'Ua ofaga vara. As if the wind were mak
lelei mai le matagi ile la o 'le
patient, to endure, as pain or ing its nest in the sail. provocation . See ‘ONOSAʻI. ‘OFE, 8. 1. a bamboo. 2. A fish
OOPA, v. to close the wings as a ing-rod . 'O lona 'ofe ālo atu . flying pigeon so as to descend 'OFEA, adv. where ? See ‘OIFEA ? OFI, v. 1. to enter, as a canoe into quickly. ‘Oʻopa, a . pl. of 'OPA. the lagoon . 2. To fit in , to find ‘O ‘osa, v. to be old and yet seeking room . Ua tumu le fale, 'na lē ofi nisi. 3. To cover, of the "OʻOSI, v. to scratch ; pass. ‘OSIA ; | . male animal; pass. Ofia, of the female. redup. 'osi'OSI. Oʻoraga, 8. property presented to OFO, 8. astonishment,wonder. Ja his family on the occasion of a tele lona ofo. chief's death .
O lana oʻotaga .
Oro , v. to be astonished , to won .
"OʻOTI, v. pl. of 'OTI. der ; intens. OFOOFO . Oʻoria, v. to be beaten and abused . OFO, 8. a part of a tia . 'Ua iloga Qu, v. to bark , ofa dog. le ofo a Aleipata, “ua lē tanua. Õu, interj. fie ! for shame ! Ou a | Oro, v. 1. to salute on meeting. mā! 2. To make an offer of food , services, & c. Ofo mai se tau Ou, pron. pl. of Lou, your. “Ou, pron . I, before verbs. 'A ou tai pagotā. 3. To shout before alualu , lafo ane. a fight; redup. OFOOFO. Oʻu, pron . pl. of Loʻu, my. OFO, 8. the first speech made on ‘Oʻu, v. to be upeven , to bulge presenting food to visitors. out, as siapo and mats when OFOOFOGIA , pass. of OFO. not well made ; intens. "OʻU - OFOAUĒ, v. to salute with wailing. "OʻU . ‘A sau, ia “e ofoauē i ai. ‘OULUA, pron . you two ; contracted OFOAALISE, . the beginning of the to lua before verbs. cry of alise. OUSOSOGA, adv. whilst, during uso, the Orotu, 8. to offer to lend or give something without consulting the time of, in the midst. From the pith of a tree. family.
'Ourou, pron . pl. you ; contracted ‘OFU, s. 1. native food , tied up in to tou before verbs. a leaf, ready for being cooked , as Ora, v. to be startled. See MA fofu palolo, 'ofu samilolo , & c. OFA. E , ata moemoe, tă te ofa . O lána ‘ofu . 2. A garment OFA, 8. 1. the top gravestones of I derived from the first meaning. a chief's grave. 2. A rising ' O lona ofu. ground built up with stones, as ‘OFU, v. to put on a garment ; pl. 8 tia.
"OʻOFU ; pass. "OFUINA.
OFAOFA, 8. a species of the sea 'OFUʻOFU, v. to tie up in leaves, ready for cooking. urchin (Echinidea ). OFAOFALAUAGO, 8. two kinds of 'OFUFAFINE, 8. a woman 's dress, a gown . OFAOFASINA, ofaofa. OFAOFATA‘I, v. to cover with the 'OFULUA, a . twenty 'ofu or parcels wings, to brood over, to cherish, of food tied up in leaves, as palusami, & c. as a hen does her chickens. OFAGA, 8. a nest. U lona ofaga. 'OFUTINO, 8. a shirt.
‘OFUTOTO, s. a packet of baked OFAGA, v. 1. to mako a nest. 2. ! blood .
"OFU "OFUVAE, s. trousers .
( 93 )
āgā, v. to have the snuffles ; intens. OGAOGĀ. 'Oga, v. 1. the trunk of anything, as 'O lona 'ogāfa'i. 2. A division, a part cut off. 3. A principal part. In each of these cases it must be compounded with an other noun, and the uniting a be lengthened , or properly be doubled. 'Ole ogāla‘au . 4. The penis, when the word is used alone. "OGĀUMU, 8. the hole in which the native oven is made. ogāumu .
O lāna
OLA Forst., and Fleurya enderalis, interrupta, Gaud .).
OGOGO,8. Forst.). a weed (Fleurya cordata, OGOGOSINA, 8. & weed (Leucas decemdentata). OGOTEA, | 8. species of the disease OGOTOTO, ) ogo. OLA, 8. 1. life, the ordinary word not used to chiefs. 'Olona ola . 2. A figh basket. 'Olāna ola . 3. A piece-offering. 4 . The first bonito caught in a new canoe,
5. Prosperity. E ! le sau o le ola. Said when rain falls after a
‘OGĀLA AU, 8. the trunk of a tree, a OLA, v. 1. to live. 2. To recover from sickness. “Ua ola le ma‘i. large log. 3. To be delivered of a child . *OGĀLOTO, 8. the middle. 4. To be de ‘OGĀMANAVA, s. the side of the *Ua ola le fafine. belly above the hips. O le livered from punishment. Ua tagata e motulua i le ogāmanava . olu le sala. 5. To end a war Tupua. and conclude a peace. 'Ua ola ‘OGĀMATAGI, 8. a circumscribed le taua . OLA, a. prosperous. ' O le tagata gust of wind.
‘OGĀNUʻU, 8. 1. a part of a district, ahabitants town, a village.village. 2. The Ona in - Ola, interj. wonderful! surpris. ing ! of a le ‘ogānuću. OLA, 8. semen ; also ‘OLAÍOLA and potopoto ane ai lea “omiddle. Syn. | OʻOLA. 8. the ‘OGĀTOTONU, OGĀLOTO . ' OGE, 8. a famine, a dearth . OGE, v. to have a famine, to have a dearth . 8. a famine of two OGELUĂVAI, bottles, when much water is drunk to appease hunger; a great famine.
OLAʻAGA, 8. lifetime. 'Olona ola
'aga . See OLAGA. OLAAso, v. lit. to live for a day ; to threaten to kill when oppor tunity offers.
OLAOLA, v. to flourish , to thrive. OLAOLA, adv. flourishingly. Ia tupu olaola lāna afioga. OGO, 8. a disease of children's OLAOLAATI, 8. the wedge to fis on eyes. the handle of a hatchet. Ogo, v. to be of good conduct. Ua OLAOLAATI, v. to wedge a batchet handle. ogo lona agabelei. Ogo, v. 1. to scorch , as the sun . OLAGA, 8. lifetime. 'O lona olaga . 2 . To give pain , as a disease, or OLAMEA, 8. the name of a tree harsh words; pass. OGOTIA ; intens. (Randia densiflora , Benth .). OLĀMOAMOA, v. lit. the life of the : OGOGO. 'Ua ogotia i le lā. Ogo, a. 1. scorching, of the sun. moamoa, to live a scared life, 2. Painful, of a disease. 3. Le Tui 'ua olāmoamoa . Cutting, of words ; intens. OGOGO. OLAPITO , 8. 1. the name of a tree. 4. Severe, as a fine. O le sala Syn . ' MATALAFI (Psychotria sp.). 2. A brittle cocoa-nut ogo .
OGOGO,8. the stinging nettle (Urtical leaf.
( 94 )
OLASINA, 8. the name of a tree. ‘OLOA, s. 1. property, goods, riches, OLATAGA, 8. 1. a means of de wealth ; as houses, canoes, foreign liverance. O lāna olataga. articles of every kind, to distin 2. Salvation, deliverance. 3. A guish them from native property, saviour. 'Olonu olataga. toga. “0 lāna oloa, also ` lona. OLĂVAI, 8 the name of a shrub 2. A chief's tooth . “O lona ‘oloa. (Psychotria sp.). OLOAMANU, 8. the name of a Samoan month ; May - June. OLE, v. to ask, to beg. OLE, s. begging . 'O lāna ole. ‘OLOĀTAUA, 8. property (or a wife ) ‘OLE, v. to deceive ; intens. "OLE given to a chief to secure his 'OLE ; pass. 'OLEGIA, 'OLEʻOLE assistance in war. GIA.
‘OLE, a, deceitful. ‘OLEGA, 8. a begging.
‘OLOAVALE, 8. property of small value, as fish -hooks, needles, & c. See 'OAVALE.
OLI, v. to challenge to a club match OLOOLO, S. 1. an uninhabited by brandishing the club. haunted place. 2. A method of ‘Oli, s. the name of a tree, called fishing by rubbing down futu , neurocalyx the fruit of Barringtonia speciosa , also fena (Eugenia ). OLIOLI, s. the name of a tree fern , to poison the fish . called 'also Paoga, and on OLOOLOTU, v. 1. to be incapacitated Minu'a, Pagoa (Alsophila lunu by age,as for war. 2. Not to be lata ). in a hurry to start on a journey. ‘OLI'OLI, s. joy. Olona ‘oli'oli. ‘OLOGA, 8. 'from ‘Olo, a place to ‘OLI'OLI, v. to be joyful. 'Ua ‘oli wait at for fair weather, in order 'oli fua le livaliva , 'a 'ua gau le to set out on a journey. matāvana. The family rejoice in OLOMATUA, 8. an old woman. See vain , for the child dies. LoʻOMATUA. ‘OLI OLISAGA, 8. a chief's grave. | OLOPALA, v. to rub to pieces, to Talofa i lenā tagata, 'a eva i le destruy . 'oli olisaga . OLOTALO, 8. a native dish of scraped ‘OLIUI, 8. variety of ‘oli. taro. O lāna olotalo . "OLINAONA, a. 'fruit of the Coli, | OLOTū, 8. an old pigeon . Sun . well filled, plump ; fig. good - MĀTUAISU.
looking, well-proportioned . Ua OLŪ, v. to be bulky, bloated ; se "olima'ona. redup. OLUOLŪ. “Ua olū vale le ‘OLITOTO, s. the red variety of ‘oli. | tino. Olo, v. 1. to rub down, to grate, as OLULA, 8. masi made from bread taro. 2. To rub, to make smooth . | fruit, first left to soften , and then *Ua uma ona olo o le pā. 3. To buried. plane. 4. To destroy, to raze, OMA, 8. a kind of dog's collar. to reduce all to a level with the *OMA‘l, v. to run in, as a bay or ground . 5. To coo, as a dove. OLO, s. a plane. 'O lāna olo.
I inlet ; also ‘OMOAʻI. OMEA, 8. clay.
'OLÓ ( Tongan), 8. a mace in the OMEA, v. to put clay on the head form of a knob with a short in order to stiffen the hair. handle, carried about by young 'OMI‘OMI, v. 1. to press between the men . hands ; pass. "OMIA. 2. To de ‘Olo, 8. a fortress. O lo lātou ‘olo. tract ; pl. ʻoʻOMI. ‘Olo, v. to prepare to make an 'Omo, 8. a hollow , indentation . attempt, as to take a voyag:.; | 'Omo, a . indented , bent in ; pl. intens. “OLOʻOLO. 'Ua tau olo-olo "Oʻomo ; intens. "omoʻomo. O atu i le aiga mamao.
mata ‘oʻomo, sunken eyes.
OSI OMO ( 95 ) ‘Omo, v. to be indented, to be sunk | 'ONOʻONO, v. to suffer under an in ; pl. ‘oʻomo ; intens. “OMO‘OMO. | insult or injury . ONOGÃOA, a. six couples, of young ‘Omoa‘ . See 'OMA‘I. OMOMI, 8. 1. a sponge. 2. A glut- pigs or of cocoa-nuts. ton . ONOGAFULU, a . sixty. ONOGALAU, a. six hundred . 'Omotaʻl. See 'Oma‘l. ONOMEA, v. to be becoming, to be Ona, pron. pl. his, hers. Ona, conj. because of, on account appropriate. See ONO . of. “Ua mātou le 7, ona 'o le ‘ONOSA'I, 8. patience, endurance. ma'i. Before verbs, because that. ' O lona ‘onosa ‘i. ‘Ua le 7, ona ‘ua matugi. Nearly 'ONOSAʻI, v. to be patient, to en as ina 'ua . dure. Ona, adv. then. It is always ‘ONOSA‘I, a. patient, enduring. 'O followed by lea or ai lea after | le tagata ‘onosa 'i. the verb. Ona alu ai lea 'o le 'Onosi, v. 1. to strain , as in labour, & c. 2 . To suffer under an insult tagata .
Ona, v. to own, to be the owner of. or injury ; as 'ONO‘ono. E ona le fanua . ‘Opa, a. 1.weak, of body. 2. Igno Ona, a kind of participle. Ua loa rant in making a speech ; pl. ona sau, the coming was long ‘O‘OPA ; intens. 'OPA‘OPA. 3. Stiff, of hair which stands up. ago. 'Ona, s. the lower part of the ab- OPEOPE, v. to float; pass. OPEA, OPEAPEA. Na opea mai, 'ua sau, domen . ‘Ona, a. bitter, poisonous. "Ole ' 'ua talana‘i valé i lenei mea. 'ava 'ona . See "OʻONA ; dim . OPO, v. to take hold of, as in 'ONA'ONA.
‘Onā, v. 1. to be poisoned. 2. To Opo, v. to measure round with the be intoxicated ; pass. ‘ONASIA . arms, as a tree. ‘ONĀ, a . druuken. 'Ole tagata | OPOOPO, v. to carry in the arms. 'onā. OFOGA, 8. 1. the pairing of laumei ONE, 8. gunpowder. 'O lāna one. (Chelonia). 2. A number of fai ONEA, 8. a species of sea -snake. fish (Rays). ONEONE, 8. 1. sand. 2. A great OPONI, v. to strengthen , as a house, multitude. Se mea a oe e fitā, by adding another beam to one ona a 'e tali le oneone e sau that is weak . Osaosa, a. partly filled, as a bottle, nei. basket, the belly, & c. 'O le ONEONEA, a . fandy . ONEULI, 8. black sand . osaosā fagu . ONEGA, 8. a sandy place in which Osposa , v . to be partly filled . a river is lost before reaching the Osi, v. 1. to make, as a speech , a sea . covenant, a sacrifice. Ua osia ONEPATA , 8. coarse sand. le feagaiga. 2. To act accord Ono, Malay, ONOMO, a. six . ing to, as the conquered party Ono, v. to be becoming, to be appro towar is the conquerors. A e priate. E lē ono i ali'i ia onā. osi pea lo mātou nei to‘ilalo. Ono, v. to look at preparatory to 3. To build. "Ua lelei osi o le springing upon, as a dog does. maota nei ; pass. OSIA. ONOA, 8. an open space. Syn. Ava- | 'OSIA , v. pass. of 'O‘OSI. NOA. "Osióo -1, v. redup. of ‘oʻOSI. Oxoono, v. to appear, as the head USITĀULAGA , 8. (osi, to make, and of a child when about to be tāulaga, an offering, a sacrifice ). born . a priest; adopted to represent
( 96 ) the word priest in the sacred | 'OTE, v. to scold ; pass. “OTEGIA. Scriptures. 'Oso, s. 1. food to be used while
Ona 'ote ai lea 'o le tamaita 'i "ina 'ua ta 'e le vai. on a journey . 'O lo lātou 080. | ‘OTE , a . scolding .
2. a planting stick, or dibble. Oti, v. 1. to die, the common word, Oso, v. 1. to jump. 2. To jump used only of mankind. 2. Tó up, to rise, as the sun and stars. faint. Ona matapogia lea 'o le *Ua 080 mai le fetūao. 3. To fafine 'o Sinasegi, ona oti lea , throw oneself down. E oso loa ona toe ola lea. i lalo i le liu o lou vaʻa. 4. To ‘OTI, 8. a black pig. rush upon, in a hostile manner. ‘Oti, v. to cut, to clip, as the hair, Ona oso loa lea ia Tafitofau . busher , & c.; pl. "OʻOTI ; intens. 5. To plunge into, as the water ; "OTI'OTI. OTIŠIOTIĀ, v. (oti "i oti ā ) to have pass . OSOFIA ; intens. OSOOSO . OSOFA'l, v. to jump about, as troops one and another die. E luia le or a disease in the body. tua ma le alo i ona aso 'ua 'e Osofia, v. pass. to be taken pos otiʻiotiā , 'ua maua sou mālo.
session of by an aitu , to be en- OTIOLA, v. to be dead -alive, of a Jazy person . OsoFua, v. to go uncalled ; to in - OTIFA7, v. to die in anger with terfere without cause. the family . OSOPUNA, v. to jump over. OTILAINA, be starved ; used Ososua‘l, v. to use bad language, in anger ö.fortomatelaina. trusting to a chief's protection to 'Oro, v. 1. to pluck one here and avert the consequences. Syn . another there. 2. To speak SIVAALANA'I. appropriately. there, leafgathered Osoru, to thrust oneself into a crew | a leat here andAs aif he tranced .
or travelling party . OSOVALE. See OsOFUA.
quoting others ; dimin , when "OTO 'OTO .
Ora, pron . pl. of Lora, my. Ta OT7, 8. food taken to carpenters moemoe, sūʻi ota lima. It is when at work . also used in the sing. Si ota | OTOFIA, pass. of OTO. тапао е. ‘OTOPUAPUA, 8. the name of a OTA, a. uncooked, raw. game. Ora, v. to eat raw food, especially 'OTUʻorŪ, a, stiff, hard ; applied to fish. native cloth, cocoa-nut leaves, & c. OTĀ, a. ripe; pl. OTATĀ. 'Ovi, v. to be lumpy, to be uneven ; OTĀ , v. to be ripe ; pl. OTATĀ ; as citron skin , palsied fingers, & c. ; pl. oʻovi; intens. “OVI‘OVI; caus. Fa'aoTĀ, to make ripe. OTAEIA, , interj. of admiration , pass. 'OVI‘OVIA. OTAIFO, Į applied to a boat or a OVITIA, v. to be overawed by a house. E moʻi momoʻo otaifo se multitude, so as not to be able to fanua ua poto. speak . OTAI, 8. a native dish of food. OTAOTA , 8. 1. rubbish . Ne'i 'e taea - le otaota . Fagono . 2. euphem . THE fifth letter in the Samoan Filth , ordure . alphabet. Its sound is that of oo in fool. It is both long and OTAOTĀ, a. littered with rubbish . short. OTAOTAGASE , 8. small rubbish . OTALALA'oa , v. to eat raw fish U , 8. 1. a reed . 2. An arrow . O OTAMĀTŪTŪ, ) long after it has lāna u . 3. A brother. "O lona been cauglit. u moni lava .
UAT ( 97 ) U , v. to direct towards, to turn to. 'UAⓇUA. v. to grunt. A 'e 'a'e i se niu, u i luga ou UAUATAʻI, v. to raise by a lever. vae. See UAʻl. U 'AUʻAVALE, v. to be envious ; from Ū , v. to emit a hollow sound, to UʻA , roar, as the waves on the reef, U ‘AʻULU, 8. a young breadfruit true. See U 'A 3 . or the tramp of troops. U , v. to bite ; pass. UTIA ; recipr. UAFA'AAOSIʻITIA, 8. a shower of FEUTAʻI. "Ua u ifo, .a e tau i rain . le paów. Proverb. . Of family UAFA'AAFUAFU, 8. a slight shower,
quarrels as if only piercing the skin .
*Ū , v. to look angrily towards, to be sulky. UA, Mulay, UJAN, 8. 1. rain . 2.
UAFAAFOGAUPOLU, 8. East wind .
UAFA'ATAIMAMASA, 8. rain at low I tide. UAFA'ATAUFAʻALEMANUNU, 8. rain
confined to themountains. The neck . Ona lafo lea i luga | UAFAATAUFANUA, 8. a shower com i le ua . 3. Sinews. 4. Veins. ing from inland.
O ua o le tino. UA, v. to rain ; pass. UAINA.
UAINUITINO, 8. soaking rain. UĀFANA, 8. a volley of arrows or
‘UA, a verbal particle marking the musketry. present and perfect tenses. UAGA, 8. 1. heavy rain. Syn . UⓇA, 8. 1. the paper mulberry. Timuga. 2. The name of a very Syn . TUTUGA (Broussonetia scaly fish . papyrifera). "O lầna u*a. 2. UAGAGAU, 8. sickness, when spoken
The bark of the plant, scraped about before chiefs . for making siapo. 3. A young UAGALU. Syn . FUATĀGALU. breadfruit ; in full u'aʻulu. 4. UAGANI, 8. the name of a tree . The temporary fastening used in UAGANI, v. to divide or cut off, as building canoes. 5. A net made the end of a post. of the bark of the breadfruit UALĀ, v. 1. to be rainy with in tree. termitting sunshine. 2. To UʻA, a. 1. tough , tenacious, gluti. have intermissions of pain and nous; intens. U'AUʻA. 2 . fig. Of ease. UALOLO, 8. 1. rain causing a flood . an old man, scraggy. UʻA , v. to envy. See MATAUʻA . 2. Crowds of people passing and •UʻA, 8. 1. the name of a land crab. | repassing. UALOLO, V. 1. to have rain and 2. A species of cray fish , UAʻALE, 8. a shower of rain . flood. 2. To have crowd of UAI, 8. a chief's spear or walking | people passing and repassing ; recip. FEUALOLOA'l. stick .
UA'I, v. to turn towards ; intens. UaMAU, v. to be firm ,as a house, of u. Vaři mai ou fofoga. or a government. UʻA1, v. to fasten the fono of the UʻAMEA, 8. 1. iron, 2. Beads. 3. canoe with ua. very good. Ole UA‘ono, v. to strain , as a youngLuAnything 'amea le fanua . infant does.
UAMULI, 8. those who assist in
Uaua, v. to commence a planta providing food when there is to tion . Syn . SOLISOLI. be an interchange of property. U 'AUʻĀ, a. See FA'AUʻAUʻĀ. UAMULI, v. to prompt a speaker. UAUA, 8. 1. a slight rain. 2. A UASAMI, 8. the spray of the sea laul rising like mist. lever. Taumoa, Syn. 'O uaua .
UATEA, 8. rain and sunshine to
U 'AUʻA, a.tough ; intens. of UʻA. I gether,
( 98 )
UATI, v. to act as a lever on both Uio, v. to cry out, to howl. Ona sides. uio leq “o Sinasegi. UATOGI, 8. a war-club. ULUIESE, a. very good . UĀTOLO, 8. the taro tops first | UIDIGA, 8. the polite name for a planted . Opposite of TĀUMULIGA. chief's canoe or boat. UATOTO, s. bloody or red rain . UIGA, 8. 1. an explanation, the Nainai lava toto le uatoto. meaning of anything . 2 . Man ner, way of acting. ‘UE, interj. ah ! UEA , 8. the name of a tree. | UILA, 8. lightning . Ona emo lava UEA, 8. a handsome man . Ua sau lea 'o le uila .
le uea lālelei.
UILA, v. to lighten .
UEA, v. to be giddy ; intens. UEUEA. | UILELEI, v. to be a good breeder. Ua uea mata . UIMOTO, v. 1. to pluck the sigano, UI, a. dark coloured ; mostly the fruit of the pandanus, be suffixed to the poun ; as iliui, fore it is come to maturity. 2. niui, & c. fig. To die young U1, v. 1. to go along, to pass along. UINOFO, v. to pluck sigano, the *Ua ui ane į le ala . 2. To fruit of the pandanus, while breed , to have young. Ua ui sitting. lelei la mātou pua' a. 3. To | UISA, v. to hiss at. take off the tapui (tabu ). “Ua | UISILA, 8, the name of a fish .
ui le sā. 4. To pluck fruit, UITOLU, v. to have three at a birth . confined to sigano and fala. 5. UITUAINA, v. pass. to be struck To unloose a canoe fastened by from behind. a pole stuck in the sand . "Ua UivĀ, 8. the malauli in its stage of ui le taula i fanua . 6 . To re- l growth before becoming ulua . move by rubbing in water, with | UIVALE, v. to be a bad breeder.
a stone or other bard substance, Uô, 8. a friend, a bosom companion. the outer skin of the lomu and 'Uo, 8. one of the lengths into loli (Holothuriæ ), and thus re- which a tree is cut up in order move the bitter
taste. Hence to to be easily carried, or for use. forgive sin , a stronger term than | UOAGO, 8. the name of a fish . magālo. 7. euphem . To go to | 'Uoʻvo , s, the nameof a fish . stool. “Ua ui i le vao ; pass. of Uogo, v. to sting. Uogo, a . stinging. 1. UIA. 8 . To strain the 'ava . U1, s. a call to come to visitors. | UŪ, s. the rubber crab (Birgus latro ).
Pa se ui, pa se alaga !MYTH . U 'U 8. oil; it was always scented *UʻI, v. to solicit a woman . 2. To with flowers, & c. 'Olona ufu . ask help to beat another, or for E , Satali e, ia palua le u 'u . permission to beat another. 3. U “u , v. 1. to oil, to anoint with oil. To solicit generally. Ia toʻa le 2. To use leaves as soap. 3. To
smear the UʻUINA. head, as with clay, & c. : pass. on, walked on . 'O le ala o manī 'Uʻu, s. the name of a shellfish , a species of mussel. lē uia . UIAUTA , v. to go by land. ‘Uʻů, v. 1. to nudge with the UÍAUTAGA, s. a party travelling by shoulder in order to cause a nofo, neři ai se 'u‘igofie. UIA, v . pass. of ui, to be trodden |
land. UI'I, s. the youngest, the last born
in a family .
person to move on . 2. To urge
on. 3. To take hold of, to grasp ; pass. 'UMIA.
UI INA, conj. although. E ui ina ' Ŭ ‘ū, v. 1. to cry gently, as a child. tele, 'a e tusa 'o le vagatai. 2. To smell rankly, as a person
( 99 )
who has long been perspiring | UFILAʻAU, 8. sweet cassava (Mani greatly without bathing himself. | hot palmata ). It is also called MANIOKA. . . 'ÜŬū, U 'ü , a interj. , frowsy,a rank shout. of triumph UFILEI, 8. a sweet yam (Dioscoren ). · or delight, as in surf-swimming, UFILEI'AFA, I 8. varieties of ufilei or when taking tāufolo to a party . UFILEIʻULA, UFILEI'ULU, 1 (Dioscorea ). UʻUUʻUVALU, as U ‘UVALU. “U ‘UFATU, s. one kind of 'u'r, or UFILEISĒ, J mussel. v. to soap or wash with U 'UFISOA, fisoa. «Ua uʻufisoa o lātou loto.
UFILOLA, 8. 1. a yam half cooked,
U 'ULAUMEA , v. to wash the head with native orange-juice.
caught. UFISAU, 8. the cloth covering the
which is slippery when skinned . 2. A strong man difficult to be
'U ‘UMALA, 8. one kind of cuíu , or dead . UFISASA, v. lit. to cover all over ; mussel. UʻUMANOGI, 8. a man held in good to excel, to be excellent, as a report, as rich , diligent, skil good singer, a handsomeman .
| UFISOI, 8. an edible soi, or wild ful, & c . yam (Dioscorea ). 'U 'UMI, a . v.pl. toof 'UMI. ‘UʻUNAʻI, take hold of, to UFITA'I, v. to cover with ;. from ūfi, and aʻi, the instrumental urge,morally or physically . ‘UʻUNU, s. the nume of a tree particle. . A ŪFITĀTAGAFAG , a.. abounding, (Meryta). widely diffused , covering ( X “UʻUTI, 8. one kind of net. ‘Uʻuso, a. thick ; applied to pork , 1 tensively. " ŪFITIA, pass. v. of ūFI. and to timber. U ‘UVALU, 8. the name of an odori- | Ufu, s. the name of a fish . ' ferous plant. Called also UʻUU- UFUUFU, v. 1. to sniff up a pleas ant smell ; to blow out through
‘UVALU. UFA, 8. 1. the rectum . . 2. The the nose a bad one. . 2. To smell about, as a dog . On Upolu . posteriors. UFAUFA-MA- TOA, 8. a crowing hen UGA, 8.. a soldier crab . that does not breed . [ T . P .] Uga,v. to beg, as the use of tools, assistance in work , & c. rectum . UFAMEA, s. theUBI, UFI, Malay, s. a yam . 'O UGĀ, a . rotten , of teeth . lāna ufi (Dioscorea ). UGAUGA, a . 1. to be partially grey, of the hair. 'O isi*ua ulusinā ,ko UFI, 8. a lid , a cover. UFI, v. 1. to cover. 2. To conceal ; isi ‘ua ugauga le sina . 2. Small. redup. intens. UFIUFI; pass. O le falé ugauga . | UGAMEA, s. one kind of soldier crab . UFITIA, UFIUFITIA . UFIATA, 8. a cloud covering the UGĀTAI, 8. the name of a shellfish . horizon when niorning is dawn UGĀVAI, s. the name of a fresh ing; lit. a covering of the dawn. water shellfish. UFIĀTULI, 8. a weed . UĻA, s. 1. a term of respect to a UFIULA, woman. Le ula e ! 2. A joke. UFIMASQĀ, 3. A cray fish . Malay, ULAI. UFIPOA , Malay, GURAU, ÜLAH , v. to 8. Different kinds ULA, UFĮPULA, joke, to sport ; pass. ULAGIA ; of yams (Dios redup. UFISINA, ULAULA. Pe ula i le i'a corea ). UFITAU
ULA, a. jocular, jesting. 'O laʻu I mea ula . : . i H22
( 100 )
Ula, v. 1. to blow with the mouth . / ULIULIPATOʻI a . deep black . 2. To smoke tobacco ; dimin . | ULIULITAULOTO, a . black or ugly, ULAULA ; pass. ULAFIA. 3. To but desired ; as an ugly man by blow , as a trumpet. 'O le pu al a handsome wife. ulafia 'ua taʻalili. Tupua. ULIGA'I, v. to steer more before the “ULA, 8. 1 . a necklace. Sea 'ula e, wind. a toli e, susu'i, do. O lāna 'ula . ULIMA‘O, 8. an incomplete rainbow . 2. Erysipelas. On Tutuila. The representative of the god of 'ULA, v. to put on & necklace. Atua. Ula i le paega. ULISEGA, 8. the name of a fish. ULA, a . 1. red. 2. Joyful ; redup. ULITO, v. 1. to steer right before the wind. 2. To persist in ‘ULA‘ULA. 'O le aso 'ula lenei. ULAAFI, 8. the time for blowing up anger. ULITŪ, v. to steer standing up. the fire. ULAULA, redup. of Ula, to smoke a Sei ulitū mai sou vaʻa. little. 'ULO, 8. a pot, a caldron . A Tongan word . ‘ULA‘ULA, redup, of 'ULA, red . ULAULAATU, 8. à stinging mollusc. Ulu, Malay, Hulu, 8. 1. the head ULAULĀFITI, 8. a small sea shrimp. of men and animals. The com ULAYA, 8. & term of familiarity mon word not used to chiefs. " O applied to a man. "O le ulafa lona ulu . 2 . The end of a tree or ladder nearest the ground ; the lena e ma‘eu . Syn . ULALA , ULAFIA, v . pa88. of ULA,
end of a club furthest from the
ULĂFITI, 8. a small species of ULA
handle. 3. The handle end of a walking-stick . 4. A grove or (Squilla ). of trees. 'O le ulu niu, Ulaga, a. joking, sporting. Al clump o le ulu fa'i, & c. 5. A suuken avane 'ea kupu ulaga . rock . Syn . AUMA. ULAGA, 8. a joking, jesting , ULALA, 8. Śyn. ULAFA. Ulu, a. ten, used only in games. · ULAPO, 8. the fuga (a Holothuria ) "Ua ulu lā mātou ‘au . when full grown. ULATAI, 8. a salt-water shrimp. ULĀVAI, 8. a fresh -water prawn. ULAVALE, a. 1. mischievous 2. Fond of fun . 3. Dissolute ; pl. * ULAVAVALE. ULAVALE, v. 1. to be mischievous. 2. To be fond of fun , 3. To be dissolute ; pl. ULAVAVALE. ULAVĀPUA. See LAVAULAPUA,
ULU, V. to enter, into a house ; pa88. ULUFIA. Ulu , v. 1. to make double, as, a mat. 2. To repair a mat ; pass. ULUA, ULUINA. 3. To resound. Ua ulu le pati. Ulu, v. to re-thatch a house. 'ULU, 8. the breadfruit tree and
fruit. There aremany varieties, as 'uluea , 'ulumaʻa, & c.
ULUA, 8. the name of the malauli ULI, 8. sprouts from the taro. when full grown. Uli, a . 1. black . 2. Dark blue. UluĀ, a. excessive ; applied to bad
ULE, 8. membrum virile.
' O le moana uli. 3. Any dark colour ; intens. ULIULI.
words, a fine, & c. ' O le sala uluā.
ULI, v. to steer; pass. ULIGIA and UluĀ, v, to be in excess. "O supu ULIA.
E le ulia i tātou.
Uli, 8. a dog. Syn .MAILE.
'ua uluā.
UluĀ, v. to have a head. E lē
ULA, 8. a polite name for the peli. uluā, He has no head . “Ua tõia i le ulia, a sign of im - 'ULUA, v. to be full of breadfruits, · fending calamity. either trees or fruit. | ULUAʻAU, 8. a jutting point of reef. ULIULI, redup. of ULI.
ULO ULU ( 101 ) ULUAʻI, a. first. 'O le ulua'i ta- | from the cooking-place before gata.
lighting the fire.
ULUA‘ IGA, a. the first. O le | ULUULULUA, 8. See ULULUA. ULUULUMAMAU. See FA'AULUULU uluaʻiga ‘ia na 'aifanua. . ULU-A0, 8. 1. a pig or a fish having MAMAU . a long head." 2. A man with a | ULUULUMATĀFOLAU, v. from ulu , mata , and afolau ; 1. to enter long small head . ULU'AU, 8. 1. taro leaves. 2. A house after house. 2 . To go native dish of food made of taro from heart to heart. Applied PALUSAMI. leaves. Syn . to the work of the Holy Spirit. ULU 'AUFUI, 8 . taro leaves cooked in ULUFA'AVAI, 0, not to be blamed. · salt water. ULUAGO, 8. the name of a wild yam (Dioscorea ). Also TAIU LUAGO. ULUEA, 6. the name of one kind of breadfruit.
ULUELAELA, 8. a bastard. A term of reproach .
Opposite to ululemãi. 'ULUFAU , 8. one kind of breadfruita ULUFAFO , v. to go out of a house. ULUFALE, v. to enter a house.
ULUFALEGASE, v. to sit after enter ing a house, prepared to rise and give place to others who may enter afterwards.
ULUI, 0. to tempt, to urge on , to | ULUFANUA, 8. the tops of the high excite to something bad. Anei trees. 'Ua ligoligo le ulufanua . | ULUFETIŠI, v. to string up cocoa a ulni ului, pa-itinaa . ULUʻIA, v. 1. to be overburthened . nuts round a tree or pole. † 2. To be strained, as by a fall, | ULUFIA, v. 1. pa88. of Ulu , to enter. when the bones are put out of 2. As ULUIA, to have a spear or joint. 3. To be greatly increased , as property which was small at
splinter in the body.
3. To
commit adultery, of a chief's
first. wife. 4. To search diligently. ULUIA, D. from ULU, to enter, 1. "Ua uuſia le faleo'o ma be to have a splinter in the body ; faletele. as ULUFIA . 2. To be pained at ULUGA, 8. 1. a couple, a man and
his wife. 'O le ulagā tagata. heart, as by bad conduct. ULUITINO, v. lit. to enter the body, 2. A couple of birds or fishes. to possess, as by an aita ; also ULUGĀALIʻI, 8.a couple, a chief and applied to heavy rain ; pass. his wife. 'O Pua ma Sigano le ULUITINOINA.
ULUFAʻI, 8. a grove of bananas. ULUIVALE, V. See ULUI. ULUOLA, v. 1. to grow luxuriantly, ULULĀ, 8. the top edge of a Samoan
as trees. 2. To increase, of
ULULAʻAU, 8. a grove of trees, a thicket. “ULUUEA, 8. See ULUEA. ‘ULUUI, 8. one kind of breadfruit. | ULULAU, 1. the end of the bamboo ULUULO, 8. 1. foliage. 2. Anything nearest the opening of the net. men .
spreading about, as a number of people. 3. The name of one kind of net 4. One method of fishing. 5. The outer edge of : the reef. ULUULU, v. 1. to be umbrageous,
E tele a ululau. 2. The ends of thatch thrust into the next row
of thatch . 3. The ends of thatch farthest from the reeds, applied to a large family who yet can do nothing.
of trees. 2. To be bushy, of a ULULASI, v. to be very numerous.
Used in counting the width of ULUULD, v. to remove the stones ! siapo by upeti. beard.
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ULULELEVA, a. long-haired . UMA, 8. a wide chest. ULULEMĀI, v. lit. the salt has Uma, v. to intend, to purpose. entered the body, 1. to leave Applied to work or a journey salt water unwashed from the purposed to be undertaken . It body: 2. fig. To te highly is confined in its use to questions criminal. . asked by others ; as Pe umauma ULULIMA, a. fifty upeti wide, of alu afea lāu malaga ? When do siapo.
you think of going on your
ULULUA, 8. an unusually shaped journey ? redup. UMA-UMA. " UMA , a .all. head ; also ULUULULUA. 'ULUMAⓇA , 8. one kind of breadfruit 'Uma, v. to be finished , to be com full of seeds. ' . . pleted , to be done. “Ua 'uma ULUMALŪ, 8. one kind of filoa . mai i lātou . They have finished
ULUMANU, &. one portion of the to come, į. e. they have all come. tattooing . . UMAUMA, 8. an unfledged manumea 'ULUMANUⓇA, 8. one kind of bread- (Didunculus strigirostris). UMAUMA, 0. redup. of uma. fruit. ULUMATĀUTU, 8. a point of land 'Umaga, s. the tattooing in thelower running out into the lagoon . ULUMATUA, 8. the first-born.
part of the belly.
UMAGĀ, a. flourishing. Ia umaga
ULUPĀGA, 8. the boundary-line on la tatou galuega . · which the thrower stands in the 'UMALA, 8. the sweet potato. In troduced. game of teʻaga. ULUPALE, s. the head of a club, cut UMAMEA, redup. UMAUMAMEA. See out of a cocoa -nut leaf stem , used LEUMAMEA . in club matches. UMĀTAGATA, 8. 1. the trunk of the ‘ULUPĒ, 8. rotten -ripe breadfruit. I| human body when disembered .
ULUPIŠI, 8.curly hair. O lona ulupi'i.
2. A cripple. A term ofabuse.
ULUPOʻo, 8. the skull. O lona ulupo-o. UME, 8. the name of a fish . 8. the different UMEALEVA, ULUSASA A, a . short-haired . ULUSELAU, a . a hundred widths of UMELEI, kinds of ume. UMELOLO, the upeti, in siapo. Ulusiná, v. to be grey-headed . 0 UMELE, 8. the stand for the bamboo isi 'ua ulusinā, to isi "ua teinemuli. fishing rod. 'ULUSINA, 8. one kind of ‘ulu . UMEMASIMASI, 8. the Manu 'a name UlusŪ, s. the dry stalk of a cocoa - | for the tuagau . ‘UMETE, 8. 1. a wooden bowl. nut leaf. ULUTEGA, s. the groin, the inner 2. The name of one kind of top part of the thigh . ‘Olona abscess. “UMETETATANU , 8. a name for cer ulutega. ULUTIPI, I a . hatchet-headed , flat tain kinds of abscesses. ULUTOʻI, headed. UMI, v . 1. to lengthen out, as a ULUTULA, 8. a bald head. "O lona string. 2. To desire, to make ulutula. choice of ; redup . UMIUMI. Ta'u
‘ULUTUNU, 8. 1. a roasted bread- ane se ali'i, po 'o ai lua te nau i fruit. 2. The name of a large ai ? Na umi ia Loitutumai. Holothuria . 3. To resemble. Syn . Foliga. ULUTUTUGA, 8. à bundle of the 4. To have the appearance of. · Syn . MATA scraped bark of tutuga . UluvÃO, s. the trees of the bush . 'Umi, a. long, in3. time or space ; pl. 'ULUVALE, 8. one kind of ‘ulu, “UⓇUMI; redup. ‘UMIʻUMI. called in some places malulu. | 'Umi, v. to take food or property to
UPE UMÍ ( 103 ). family connections; recip. FE the moon . 2. Pass. of UNAFI. . To be driven away. ‘UMIAʻI. Syn . Usi 4. ‘UMI, 8. a length of ten fathoms. UNANI, v. 1. to break off pieoe after piece of reserved food . 2 . To ‘UMIA, v. pass. of ‘Oʻui UMIŪMI, v. redup. of UMI. fetch taro constantly from the UMIʻUMI, redup. of 'UMI. plantation, without regard to the UMITI, s. 1. u, to bite, miti, to suck ; future. 3. To continue to do a good food. 2. An offering, on thing. E unani unani i aso uma lava . Manu'a. UMU, 8. 1. a cooking-house. 2. The UNATIA, v. to be pinched with the food cooked there. “Ua fai lāna fingers ; pass. of UnA. UNAVAU, 8. 1. the name of a umu, 'ua tao le talo. poisonous fish . 2. fig. A tell-tale. UMUUMUĀ, a .dirty, smutty. UMUFONO, 8. a quantity of food pre | 'UNE, v. to grant a request ; pass. pared by all the people of aLUNEA. village for visitors . UNEFE, 8. an intestinal worm . On
UMUSĀ , v. to give property and food ! Tutuila. to the carpenters on the comple- UNI, 8. the one who begins the tion of a house or canoe. game of tagāti'a. See SAUNI. UMUSAGA, 8. property and food | UNOI, 8. a plant of the myrtaceous given on the completion of all order. house or canoe. 'O le umusaga a UNOʻo, 8. a bruise. 'O lona unoʻo. Uno‘o , v. 1. to be bruised . 2. To le va 'a . UMUTI, 8. a large oven of the root | stink, of fish. 3. To be pained of the ti (Cordyline terminalis). I at heart. UMUTO, 8. a feast before shark - Unu, s. the strainer used in making fishing. On Tutuila . oil, & c . UMUTUʻUVAʻA, 8. the oven of food 'UNU, v. to have the face puckered prepared when the canoe goes a I from anger ; redup. “UNUʻUNU. voyage or to fight. UNUALUGA, 8. the upper stick of
Una, 8. 1. the scale of a fish. 2. A the unu or strainer. UNUALALO, 8. the under stick of the plate of tortoiseshell. UNĀ, a . scaly .
unu .
UNĀ . v. to be furnished with scales. UnUOI, 8. the name of a tree
UNA, v. 1. to pinch . 2. To split off · (Myrtacea ). ; · the taro top. 3. To fetch out a 'UNUʻUNU, v. redup. of 'UNU. person privately ; pl. UNAUNA ; | Unusi, v. 1. to pick out the full pass. UNAFIA, UNATIA , UNAUNATIA . grown taro which ought to have UNAʻl. See 'U 'UNAʻI.
been left for chiefs or visitors.
UNĀI'A, 8. 1. a fish scale. 2. A 2. To get taro constantly with speck in the eye. out regard to the future. Syn . UNAUNATIA, v. pass. of una, to be · UNANI 2 . entreated for. Syn . TĀTĀTULI. UNUSUSU, v. to pine away for want • Lenei tama le unaunatia .
of the breast ; pass. UNUSUSUA.
UNAFI, v. 1. to clean off the scales | UPĀ, 8. the name of an insect, a of a fish . 2. To pull up taro | parasite in pigeons. irregularly, one here and another | UPĀ, a . small, bad-conditioned , there. 3. To kill off chiefs ; worm -eaten ; applied to bananas. pass. UNAFIA. O le tama ua 'UPEGA, 8. 1. a net for fishing. 2 . mataʻutu e nofo į Samoa, a A net for catching birds. 3. fig. unafia . ia Anything used to entrap a person .
UNAFIA , v. 1. to begin to wane, ofl 'Olāna 'upega.
( 104 )
UPETI, 8. the frame used for redup. USIUSI. Ia usi i le galu printing native cloth . 'Olāna ma le au . . upeti. | UsiʻULU, 8. one kind of usi. UPOLU, pron . I, me. 'Ua leaga | Usiusi, s. the name of a fish .
Upolu i le lā, I am pained by the Usiusi, a. 1. sleek , in good condi n tion . 2. Green
. su . UPOLU, 8. the name of the second | Usiusi, v. redup. of usi. island in size of Samoa, but con- USIUSITAʻI, v. to obey ; from usi, pl. USITA‘l. “ Ona usita 'i lea le taining the largest population. U and Polu , two of the crew of nu'u .” Pulotu , settled it. USILEAIGA, v. to pay deference to a ‘UPU, 8. á word . 'O lāna 'upu . 2. family by taking presents. Speech, language. 3. A space | Usisë, kinds between the knots in a bamboo or USITOGA, ļ| 8.8. different of usi. USITUANIU . sugar-cane. 'O 'upu o le ‘ofe. Usivao, s. the name of a shrub 'UPUA , a . wordy.
*Upua, v. to be wordy, of a long speech .
*UPUʻATAGIA, a . facetious, comical. ‘UPUIA, v. to be often reproycd ; to be found fault with ; redup. 'UPU "UPUIA . “UPUTOIĀVALEVÁLE, v. to speak as |
(Evodia Zanthoxylon var.). Uso, 8. 1. the pith of a tree. 2. The heart of timber. 3. The root of the "ava . 4 . A man 's brother.
5. A woman's sister. 6. Brothers and sisters. 7. Cousins ; if two, le uso ; if more, le 'au uso. 8.
if to children, who act upon an The umbilical cord . 'O lona uso. angry and basty expression | USOALIʻI, 8. brother chiefs ; the which was not intended to be immediate connections of a chief, carried out; such as the beating who counselled and controlled of a person by the too willing him . followers of a chief. USOILEI, 8. the name given to three 'UPUTÕINA, v. to be cursed , to be handsome brothers, chiefs of Up
olu . UsoitaMĀ, 8. the children of one Usaga, 8. 1. a proper time, about father. the same time. 2. A proper re- USOITAMĀ, v. to be the children of sult. 3. A proper portion to give. one father. O ona usaga iā . See Tusaga. USOITINĀ, 8. brothers and sisters by Usi, 8. 1 . the name of a strong - 1 one mother. smelling shrub (Evodia horten - USOITINA, v. to be brothers, and sis). 2. One kind of banana. 3. sisters by one mother. USOGĀSEA, 8. the strong love of a The oil of fa'ausi. Usi, v. 1. to be green ; applied to wife or brother, leading such to the ti leaf before it turns yellow . die with the husband or brother. 2. To melt, as lard . 3. To make UsOSOGA. See OUSOSOGA. smooth by adzing. 4. To take USOTĀŪFEAGAI, 8. the children of food or property to family con either the same father or the nections. Syn . “UMI. 5 . To be same mother. ashamed in the presence of | Usu , v. to start on a journey early superiors. 6 . To strain ‘ava. 7. in themorning ; dimin . USUUSU. To be in the prime of youth . Usu , v. to lead the singing ; pass. Ua usi le malosi. Applied to USUINA. young men . See USIUSI. Usu, v. 1. to go to a fono. _ 'Ua usu Usi, v. to defer, to yield , to obey ; le fono, 'ua potopoto Atuq. 2. devoted to destruction ,
'UPUTUʻU , 8. a traditiou .
( 105 )
To take food to visitors. 3. To make masi ; pass. USUIA.
Usu, v. 1. to be painful, of the mouth ; (on Manu'a.) 2. To be clear, as strained 'ava.
UTU ahead, to consider beforehand ; redup. UTAUTA. manū Pe amapomala li'a vale
e uta į ai . 2. To be a landmark . ' O le mea e uta mai ai le alāvaʻa .
UTĀFANUA, 8. 1. inland . Ana 'ua tautapa'ena Sina i le utafanua depressed . 2. To exaggerate, to na. 2. A person living inland . 3. An ill-mannered person . boast. Usuia, v. to marry, to unite in | UTALILO, v. to be concealed from marriage. Applied to chiefs. view , to be far back from the road , as a plantation . Na usuia e Sagapolutele ia Iu afaletele . UTATAI, v. 1. to go from the planta . tion to fish . 2. To be pained USUIGA, 8. exaggeration. USUisui, v. 1. to put a bait into the with incessant work . hole of an eеl. 2. To urge to UTE, 8. 1. the tail part of a shell fish. 2. The best of anything. come, to urge on , to entice. O le ute o toga. USUITAU , 8., a year or season . Usurono, v. 1. to go to a fono. 2. UTEFUIONO, 8. the inner segments of a nautilus shell used as an To die , of a tulāfale. Usuga, s. 1. those who start off ornament. early to work. Le tala a le UTETE, 8. 1. the name of a humming Usuga ma le vai. 2. Food given plaything. 2. A jew 's harp . to à travelling party. 3. A 'UTIʻUTI, v. not to know how to formal visit to a sick chief. 4. make a speech , to have no com The preparing ofmasi. 5. Mar mand of words. riage alliances. "Ousuga ia a UTO,8.1.thesmallspongy substance Galumalemana . inside of an old cocoa-nut. 2. USUGAFA, v. to marry into a family. The floats on the upper edge of a USUGĀFONO, 8. the party going to a net. Le uto ma lemaene e fetau fono. faoaʻi le supega. Tupua. 3. The USUGĀMASI, 8.a party making masi. fluating bait to catch flying- fish. USUNOA, 8. the first day of the 4. The head : a term of abuse. appearing of palolo . 5. The thing struck at in the USUPESE, 8.a singer, a leader of the game of tāpalega. singing. UTOI, v. to peck, as a fowl. Used UsuPõ, v. to start off before day- on Tutuila and Manu'a. light. UTOUTO, 8. 1. the float of a fishing. USUSEU , v. to start very early, as line. 2. A buoyant canoe. in pigeon -catching. 'UTOʻUTO, 8. the name of a shrub. USUSUI. See USUISUI. Called also Aloalosina and Fauuta UTA, 8. 1. ashore. 2. Inland op (Mussoenda frondosa ). posed to tai, the sea. 3. The UTOGAU, 8. a cocoa-nut whose husk load of a canoe, or boat, or ship. and shellare edible. 4. A landmark . 5. An opinion, UTONI, 8. a buoy. a judgment on any matter. "Ua Utu, 8. 1. the right of succession to royalty. 'O le utu a Taufau ‘ua i ai le uta i lāu tofā. UTA, v. 1. to be inland . E uta tafea . 2. The name of a fish . mamao le nuu nei. 2. To dwell. 3. A ditch, a trench . Afai a lē māgālo , o uta ia i Uru, v. 1. to draw water. E utu
USUA'I, 8. a young manuali-i.
Usui, ó. 1. to spear with the hands
'Olo e.
UTA, v. 1. to take heed to, to look
po le vai o tautai. 2 . To fill a
bottle. 3. To load a gun. 4.
( 106 )
To stanch blood ; pl. FEUTUFAʻI; pass. UTUFIA. 5. To dig up, as yams and arrowroot.
UTU, adv. unceasingly , without The sixth letter in the Samoan intermission. It is compounded with verbs , as ututau .
‘UTU , 8. Malay, Kutu, 1. a louse. 2. An insect which eats the skin
of the hands and feet. 3. The v. to be full of lice. unceas 'UTUA, TAGI UTUINA name of a kind of rush .
alphabet; pronounced as the
. stem of the taro and Fa,English s. 1. the banana leaf. 2. The name of a fish. Fa, Malay, Faa. a. four. It, as s, ise the other well asprecede always d by e.numeral “O fale
, v. to weep • ingly. Syn. SOANI. to verbs, together with UTUUTU , 8. the sea close upon the FĀ,fa.a prefix shore. negativ e, meaning the fālēʻatoc ,not quite not much, U, 8. 1. rushes ( Juncus). not quite ; as ‘UTUʻUT 2. Duckweed . complet much fālēua, rain , not e ; UTUFAGA, 8. 1. a charge of gun - ! See FA'A 2. powder. 2. A pipeful of to- | FĀ. v. to be hoarse, to lose the bacco. voice ; pl. FĀFĀ. “Ua fā le leo. UTUFIA , v. pass. of UTU . Fā, v. to borrow ; applied only to UTUFITI, 8. a flea . borrowing boat or a canoe ; UTUGA, 8. 1. a digging up . 2. The pass. FĀINA.a Alu se'i fāina mai diggers.
UTUGIA , v. pass. to be hated. Poetic for itagia . 'Ua lē ono nauā mea | leaga utugia .
. to suppose, errone FĀ,le vaʻa v. irreg. ously. The different forms are
te aʻu , ;fāfā aʻu'oe mai, fā 'ita ,, fāwrongly UTUMA‘ona, v, to have a long con - | fāi, I thought and abundan ce of an question it merely ·· tinuance of fā te In ‘oe. a food ; pl. UTUMA'OʻONA, asks anis opinion . Pe ni UTUMĀLAIA, 8. a succession of What your opinion ? a fā ‘oe ? causativ prefix ; as e the O FAʻA, miseries utumāla ē| unes. 1. or misfort ' ia
nofo i le . UTUPOTO, 8. a beam of a house. "
be correct , to ; fā'atonu tonu, tocorrect. the nega make 2. With
Wako UTUPOTO, v. to consist of so many 1 tive it is used as fa, not much, · utupoto . 'o le fale 'ua utupoto not quite ; as fa-alēloto, not much
fā .
used toa mark to like son it. ;3. asIt isfaʻasamo compari , ac cording to Samoan custom . 4 . It is added to numerals signifying times ;three as, times 'ua sau he , es lly | came Sometim , v. to be . 5.faʻātolu pained or afflicted . “Ua ututaia | it is used to signify divisions ; as faʻalua , to divide in halves. 6 . atāutala . i lona fouto fa' i mātou UTUTAI VALEA , v. be repeatedly Sometimes it appears to add conquered . of the the meaning word ; as topotopoto ga, fa-apotopo UTUTAU , 8. 1. a succession of wars. nothing si ata satane i le toga . 7. Nearness ; as ‘o le vasa Nuru a 'uma cartridg ututau e A faʻaupolu, the sea near Upolu. UTUVĀ . 2 .LEUTUV Ā . UTUPŪPŪ , v. 1. to store up in a bamboo case . 2. To take great * care of. Inā utupūpū ia, ia matuā fagumau lava . UTUTAIA continua
. See . , likefoʻiwhat lou fili? ?*Ua galo UTUVĀM fa'aā? how .ane 'ea UA, 8.the month answering FA'AĀ to December - January . I FA'AA A , v. to get connected with a
FAA FAA ( 107 ) family, as by giving a woman in FA'AAULIA , v . lit . to make like marriage. Syn . FA'A'AIGA. • uli, the good taro being picked FA'A 'A 'AI, v. pl. of FA'A'AI. out and the uli left ; applied to FA'A'A'ALE, 0. to do things ex the leavings of toga , from which peditiously . the good has been picked out. FĀ'A'A'ANO, V. Syn . FA'AUIGA. | FA'AʻAUMEA, v. to associate to FA'A 'A 'ASA, v. to make red hot. | gether ; to hold in common . FA'AA‘E, v. to cause to ascend. | FA'A'AUMEAMAMAE, v. to make · Applied to those banished , and friends, to be on terms of inti · to fishermen . macy.
FĀ'AAI, 8. 1. the forfeit of food FA-AAUTA, v. to ask questions · paid by the loser of a game. 2. whilst knowing what is proper Forced contributions of food to be done. . .
given to the mālo. FA‘A AUTAMA, 8. the womb. . ' FAŠAⓇAI, infant. v. to begin ' to feed an FAʻAⓇAUTU, v. to apply to, as a parable to a particular party. ..
FA'A AI, v. to make to fit in , as two FA'A'AFA'AFA, v. to exaggerate. - pieces of wood. FA'A'AFAGA, 8. a hank of sinnet. FA'A -AI-AIULI. See 'AIULI. Syn. ‘AFA'I'o. O lāu fa'a'afaga . FA'A 'AIGA, V. Syn . FA'AA'A. FA'AAFE, v. 1. to cause to turn FA'A'AIMAGO , v. to encroach, to aside. 2. To cause to call in, as claim that which belongs to a travelling party invited into a another, to cheat.
FA'A'AIMATŪ, v. to have weak eyes FA'AAFI, s. the sheet and tilalalo of from old age or disease.
a canoe.
FAʻAĀIVAO, v. to cause to go wild, FA‘A’AFI, v. 1. to bring down a to drive into the bush, of ani tame pigeon to its perch by mals. pulling its string. 2. To put FA'A'AOʻAO, v. 1. to have a long down the pola of a house. Syn .
head ; a disfigurement. 2. To TATUʻU. be long and narrow, of a canoe. FA'AAFU, s. the name of a month , FAʻAA'OA o, v. 1. to imitate, 2. To February — March . mimic. Ona fa'aaʻoaʻo lea “o le FA'AAFU, v. to lay the firewood leo o lona tuagane. ready for lighting . FA'AAOAO, as A0AO. FA'aĀFU, v. 1. to search for a yam FA'AA'OA‘o, 8. a copy, a model. which is āfu . 2. To search for FA'AAQAOINA, v. to be left alone, a pedigree. to be shunned . Syn . FA-AA- FA'AAFUFAʻAUFI, v. to seek dili GAGANOAINA. gently, as looking for wild yams. FA'AA 'OA OGA, 8.mimicry. FA'AAFULU, v. to be over -cooked , to be cooked too much . FA'AAOIʻA, 8. a slight squall. FAʻAAOGĀ, v. to make of use ; to FA'AAGAFAU. v. to be fit to be built bring into use.
in , as a fono of a canoe.
FA'A'AU, v. to put a helve to an FAAAGAGAINA, v. 1. to take pro axe, to make a handle for any perty to a family in order to thing. become connected by marriage. FA'A 'AUʻAULOA,as ‘AUʻAULOA. 2. To put oneself in the way of FA‘AAUAUMAMĀINA, v. to be pro a distribution of food or property nounced good, of toga given . " in order to get a share. · 3. To FA'AAUALELE, V, from AUALELE, put heart and courage into one. to be a coward , to be precipi An Upolu - meaning. 4. To tate,
brandish (a club). [ T. P.] . ..
FAA FAA ( 108 ) FA'AAGAGANOAINA, v. to be shunned , | FA'A'ALO, a. deceitful. "Ua fai to be left alone. Syn . FAʻAA0A- || mea faʻa -alo. FA'AALOFA, v. 1. to resemble the ΟΙΝΑ. FA'AAGASALA, v. to cause to sin. father, said of a son. 2. To love
"Aua tou te fa'aagasala ia te aʻu . falsely, to pretend to love; re FA'AAGĀTAMA, v. to play as chil. dup. PAʻAALOFALOFA. 3. To love sincerely . dren . FA'AAGATAMAALI'I, v. lit. to act FA'AALOFA, 8. 1. false love, pre . like chiefs, to be haughty . tended love. "Ua lelei ali'i, na FA'AALA, v. to wake up, to rouse alaga, 'ua se fa'aalofa . 2. Re from sleep ; intens. FA'AALAALA . semblance of a son to his father. FA'A'ALA, v. 1. to give the first FA'AALU, v. to stir up, to excite. speech at a fono. 2. To open the Syn . FA'AOSO . way. FAAALUALU. See ALUALU. FA'A'ALAʻALA, v. to talk sarcas- FA'AALUMAGA, v. a portion of food tically, to mock . for one person, at feasts. O FA'A'ALA'ALA, a . sarcastic. 'Ua lāna fa'aalumaga . | FA'AALUALUē, to leave all the pro fai 'upu fa 'a 'ala'ala . FA'AALAMALIE , v. to warn ; to pre
perty for one person ; not to
pare another for news of a death , distribute. or to receive a bequest. | FA'AAMOAMOTALI, v. to put up a FA'AALANI. See FA'ALANI. hand to help carry a log, the FA'AALATA, v . to give the opening person so doing being too short or speech at a fono. too tall to put the shoulder to it. FAAALATAUA, 8. a name given to | FA'AAMOGAINA, v. to take between Leulumoega as a messenger to two armies. FA'AAMUIA , v. to congratulate . the gods.
FA'AALATAUA, v. to take news of a FA AAMU-IA, v. to desire earnestly . war to the gods, or to the shades E fa'aamusia le loto o le gaoi i le of departed chiefs. fia gaoi. FA'A'ALE, v. to do things expedi FA'AANOANO, v. to be in large tiously .
quantity , to be in excess.
FA'A'ALEʻALE, v. to act heedlessly. FA AAPITOA, v. to be beaten at a FAʻAALI, v . 1. to show . 2 . To game or a fight, but resolved to make known ; pass. FA 'AALIA ; try again . intens. FA'AAĻIALI. FA'A'ASA ASA, v. to be hasty, hot FA'AALIʻI, 8. a wooden drum . Pel tempered ; from 'AʻASA. FA'A'ASA ASA, a. hasty, hot-tem ni fa'aali'i e tatā ? FA'AALII, v. 1. to act the chief. pered . 'O le tagata faʻaʻasaʻasa . | FA'AASIFA, a. like sandstone. O 2. To be provoking. FAʻAALIGA, 8. a showing ; a reve le 'ele'ele faʻaasifa . lation. 'O lāna fa'aaliga . FA‘AASOASOFANUA, v. to be home FAAALITINO, v. to show distinctly ; 1 sick. to tell plainly ; pass. FA'AALITI FAʻAASU, v . to expose to smoke ; NOINA.
FA'AALO, 0. to pay respect to ; FĀAATA, v. 1. to shade the eyes, intens. FA-AALOALO.
or partially close them , in order gale. with a glass or telescope. FA'A'ALO, v. to refuse to lend under FA'AATA, 8. 1. a looking -glass. 2. A spyglass, a telescope. 'O lāna to it belongs that plea false the
FA'AALO , v. to commence to blow a another.
to see far-off objects. 2. To spy
| fa'aata.
FAA FAA ( 109 ) FA'AĀTA, v. to treat with respect ! Uu lē sei fa'aete fimalie, nei while refusing a request ; redup. _ gae e. FA'AATAĀTA. FA'AETO, v. to put out the tongue. FA'A'ATA, v. to make to laugh ; FAʻA‘ETUʻETU, v. to limp. intens. FA'A 'ATA'ATA. FA'AEVAEVA, v. caus. of EVA, to FA'AATAFU, v. to sun the body ; as cause to walk about; to deprive ATAFU, from TAFU. of. 'Ou ao e fa'aevaeva. FA'AATAMAI, v. to make wise ; pl. FA'Ai, 8. the larynx. 'O lona fir'ai. FA'AATAMAMAI. FA'A'IAVÈLOA, v. to continue a long FA'AĀTEATEA, v. to make spacious. time, as sickness, rain, work, & c. FA'A'ĀTOATOS, v. to complete ; | FAʻAʻITVA, v. to be emaciated ; pass. FA'A 'ĀTOATOAINA. redup. dimin . FAʻAʻIVAʻIVA. FAAATUA, v. 1. to deify, to make a FA'A'I'IVI, v. to blind a pig god. 2. To predict, by one who FA'A 'U, 8. the ending. '0 le has a god in him . fa'aiếu o le igoa o Leutele, o FA'AATUA, v. to go about as a ghost Leuteleleiite. frightening people. FAʻar'u, v. to finish, to end ; pass. FA'AATUĀTAUTALI, V. from ATUA FA'ATUA, FA'AI'UINA. and TAUTALI, 1. to be afraid of FAʻAI'UGA, 8. the tail end of a strip gods waylaying. 2. To be dis of pork or fish . tressed or afraid ; used of war, FA'AIFIFATU,chestnut lit. to be likepersevere a hard work, & c. kind of ; to FA'AATUATUINA, 0. to trouble, to under difficulty. distress. E lê toe fa'aatuatuina FAʻAIFITUFUA, v. to go each by i látou . himself, and not altogether ; just FA'AATUSOLO, v. to range in a row . as people go atall times to pick FA'AAVAGA, v. to give in marriage. up the if . FAʻAAVAAVA, v. to make wide. FA'Airo, v. to make a hostile de
FA'A'AVA'AVA, v. to warm in the Sun .
FA'AAVANOA, v. to open , as a door.
scent, to attack the enemy in
time of war. open, to place FA'AIFOASO, v. to bring to an end - the daily offering of a human show peculiar body in heathen times. Syn. partiality. GAUASO .
FA'AAVIAVI, v. to favour to, to show FA'AEA, v. to raise up, to exalt ; FA'AIFOGA, 8. 1. a pigeon newly
caught. 2. A captive in war. pass . FA'AEAINA. FĀ'AⓇEⓇE, v. 1. to place upon,as on FA'AIFOLENAALOA, of pigeon catch a shelf ; pa88. referrin FA A‘EʻETIA. 2 .
To place oneself upon or in a
ing. A term ofrespect
to a chief's speech .
canoe. 'Ua fa-ae'e le "auvaʻa. FA'AIGOA, v. to give a name, to name ; pass. FAⓇAIGOAINA. E fa'ae'e le ao. FA'AEʻEFUNUʻU , v. to be sulky.
FA'AIGOIGO, v. to be wearied of,
FAʻAEʻETAGA, 8. 1. an ambassador.
See IGO. FA'AILI, 8. a whistle. FA'A'ELEʻELEA, v. to make dirty . FA'AILI, v. to play on the fa'aili. FA'AELO, v. to leave till it becomes FA'AILIILIAIAGA, v. to search up old family acquaintances in order stinking, as shark or ula . FA'AEMU. See FA'ATAUEMU. to beg from them . FA'AČENAŠENA, a. somewbat 'ena- | FA'AILILUA, v. to injure down to
2. The place of embarking .
Sena . the second skin by scratching. FA'AETE, V. to take care, to be FAʻAILIMĀTU, v. 1. to dry partially
careful of ; redup. FA'AETEETE.
indoors,as clothes on a wet day,
FA' A ( 110 ) FAA 2. To drain the water from sea FAʻAIVIIVI, v. to have a speck in
the eye. FA'eggs. AILO, v. to makeknown, to show ; FA'A ' A . See FA'A 'OLOA, pass. in form , but used act. FAʻAʻOʻAMAGO, v. to be like a dry < - FA'AILOA. Coʻa tree .
FAʻAILOGA, 8. a sign , a mark . '0 | FA'A'ōʻō, v. to reveal the poverty of friends,as by bringing a large party for whom provision is not distinguish ; pass. FA‘AILOGAINA. I made. FA'AILOGAVAʻAIA , 8. evident signs. | FAʻaoʻo, v. to cause to reach . FA'A 'INAELO, v. to be slovenly. . | FAʻAʻoʻo, v. to make slack , to FA'A'INAELO, a. slovenly. 'O le loosen a fasteniny. FAʻaoʻooʻo. See O ‘ooʻo. fafine fara‘inaelo. FX-A INATOA, a. tough,as overgrown | FA'AOFI, v. to cause to enter, to lona fa'ailoga . : FAʻAILOGA, v. 1. to mark . 2. To
( taro and ta 'amū.
FAproper AINOĀ,v.to go to stool in an im place.
bring through, as a canoe through an opening in the reef.
FA-AOFIFA'AVAA, v. to cause to FAŠA'INOʻINO v. to cause to hate ; I enter as a canoe enters. pass. FAʻAŠINOSIA . FAʻAOFO, v. to bestow , to give ; as FĀ'AINU, v. to give to drink, to
a title to a chief, or food to the
cause to drink ; pasa. FAʻAINUMIA. | FA'AINUINU, v . to make off to wind - | FA'A 'OFU, v. to dress another, to ward as a shoal of bonito . put on clothes. FA AIPOIPO, v . to perform the mar FA'A'OFUAGAFULU, a . ten native ringe ceremony ; to be married . dishes of food cooked in leaves. FA'A 'OFOʻOFU, a , deep , as a jug, From the Rarotongan , FA'AIMOIPOGA, s. the marriage cere FA'AOLA, 8. a savivur, a deliverer. O lona fa 'aola . mony.
FA'AITA, v. to provoke to anger ; FAAOLA, v. 1. to make alive ; dimin . FA'AITAITA, to teaze, to dimin . FA'AOLAOLA, to cause to revive. 2. To save, to deliver. irritate. FAʻAITEITE, 8. a prodigy, as al 3. To proclaim peace. "Ua fa monster with three legs, triplets, faola le taua. & c.
FAʻITIITI, v. to make smaller, to
FA'AQLAOLAPITO, v. to be like the olapito ; to be easily broken.
diminish ; to abridge ; pl. FAʻA - 'Ua 'ou fa'aolaolapito i le mālo ITI. · sa fainei. FA‘AITUʻAU, v. to act or speak FAʻAOLAGA, 1 8. 1. a deliver partially, to take sides with . FAAITUASO , adv.as FAʻAITULĀ.
FAʻALATAGA, S ance, a means of deliverance. 'Olāna fa'ao FAAITUITU , v . to be wearied of : as ! laga. 2. A deliverer. 'Olona ITUITU . faʻaolaga.
FAʻAITULĀ, adv.after the morning. FAʻAOLEOLE, v. 1. to retreat, to Na alu fa'aitulā le malaga. persuade, to induce. 2 . To FAʻAʻlvĀ, v. to be worn out, to be dandle a child on the knees
wearied , to be exhausted ; dimin . while sitting ; pass, FAʻAOLEA . : FA'AʻIVA‘IVĂ. FA'AIVAIVALOLOA, a , very tall ; as trees,wen , & c. · Ta‘AIVAIVALOLOA, 1. to be very . ' tall.
FAʻAIVJIVI, s. rafters of a house.
FAʻAOLEOLE, a . persuasive. FA'A'OLE-OLE, v. to deceive. FA'A'OLEʻOLE, a. deceitful | FAʻAOLIOLI, v. 1. to make a dis play of a young chief or a young
I lady. Dlou ało lea sa fa'aoli
( 111 )
· FAA oli į le utāfanua. 2. To quiet FAʻAOSOʻAI, v. to incite to make an a child by walking about with offer of food . it. | FAʻAOSOAGATA v. to make a feint FAʻA‘OLIʻOLI, v. to make joyful, to but not to , perform , as when a rejoice ; pass. FA‘A ’OLI'OLIINA. FAʻAOLO , V. to whistle for the
snake is approached it makes a
dart as if it would bite.
wind. | FA Aoscoso, v. from FAʻaoso, to FAʻA‘OLOA, v. to give property, to tempt ; pass. FA 'AOSOOSOINA. pay ; pass. FA'A 'OLOAINA. FA'AOSOOSOFIA, v. to come eagerly FA'A‘OLOAGA, 8. 1. the giving of and be eaten by the small birds,, property, payment. 2. The pro | as the large sea-bird at Utufia . Applied perty given .'s 'Oproperty great lona fa-aoloaga. left at talker andintaleanger -bearer.to a FA'A'OLOĀPO , 8. night to pay for a wife who has | FAʻAOSOOSOGA, 8. a temptation ; of been eloped with . the tempter, o lāna ; of the property given tempted FA'A'OLOĀTAUA
, 8. , “o lona faʻaosoosoga . to secure services in war. FA'AOSOOSOMANOGI, v. 1. to mix different kinds of scent, to in war. crease the sweet odour of the FAʻAOLOOLO, v. to ask sideways by oil scented . 2. fig. To speak so hints. as to help on a reconciliation . FA'AOLOVITI, v. to neglect to cor FAʻAOSOFĀTAI, 8. a travelling party rect children . without a fine chief or lady, who
FAʻA'OLOĀTAUA, v. to pay for aid in
FAʻAOLU OLŪ, v. to be bulky, to be thus provoke the people to sit unwieldy. quietly, and not receive the visitors hospitably FAʻA‘onā, v. 1. to poison. 2. To site . The oppo make drunk. of FAʻAOSOʻAI. v. to be sliglıtly | FA‘AQTĀ, v. to ripen, to mellow ; FA‘A‘ona‘ona, bitter. FAʻAONEONE, v. to mix with sand. FA'A'onoʻONO, 1. to provoke. FAʻA‘ONOʻONO, a. provoking. FAʻAONOU , v. to set at, as a dog . FAʻAONOMEA. See ONOMEA.
pl. FAʻAOTATĀ. FĀ'AOTAOTA, v. to litter, to make | rubbish . [ This word has a pe culiar pronunciation , the o being
like aw in awful, thé word being
pronounced fa-aawtaawta . A similar sound is found in one or FA'AOPEOPE, v. to float; pass. FA 'AOPEOPEA. two words in other Polynesian FAʻAOPEOPELUA, v. to be of two languages. - S. J. W .] minds, to be undecided . FAAOTĀGA, s. bananas ripened by
FAŠAOPEOPETŪ, v. to keep back an burying . “O lāna fa'aotāga . opinion for the present. FA'AOTATĀ, pl. ofFA AOTĀ . FA aopo, v. to put to, to add to FAʻAOTI, v. to kill one already dying. gether, to join to ; redup. FA 'A OPOOPO ; pass. FAʻAOPOOPOINA. FA'AOTIITUA, v. to propose some food journey thing different after a plan has FA'Aoso, s. for a ; as OSO . been agreed on . FA‘Aoso, v. lit. to cause to jump, FAʻAOTILĀINA, v. to be starved. to stir up, to excite, to incite ; Used angrily instead of faʻa redup. intens. FA'AOSOOSO ; pass. matelāina . FA'A'OTOʻOTO, v. to relate frag FA'AOSOOSOINA. FA‘AOSOʻAI, 8. a handsome chief or mentarily, not to give wholly, lady on a journey, which causes but only a little here and there. I See 'Oto. the party to be well fed.
( 112 )
FAʻA‘OTOPUAPUA, v. to be in a line | FAʻAUFIUFI, v. to cover up, to con and cluse together, as troops or a ceal. fleet. FAʻAUGA‘ā, v. 1. to be skinned over, FA'AŪ, v. 1. to insist on , to urge upon . 2. To shut in the sides
as a sore, hollow underneath . 2. To build a house with mixed
of a house with reeds. 3. To fish at night with the pa .
‘aso, new and old . 3. To indulge angry fuelings without showing
FA'A'ī, v. to cry with a low moan them . ing voice . FAʻAULAULA, 0. to joke. FA'AUA, v. to expose to rain. | FA'AULAVALE. See ULAVALE. FA'AUAAMO, v. to cut a notch in FA'AULI, 8. the rope which holds the amo, or carrying-stick , to the steering oar. prevent the burden slipping off. FASAULIULI, 3. dark clouds. Seia FA AUʻAUʻA, 0. to make glutinous, iloga le fa'auliuli. as mortar or lega worked up. FA'AULIULI, a. somewhat black. FA'AUʻAUʻĀ, a . showing the sinews FASAULIULITÕ, v. to have invete of the leg, as a man not tattooed . rate hatred. Ia tolovae le galu FA'AVALOA. See FA'AFUALOA. ega fa'auliulito. FA'AUALOLO, 0. to run about in | FA'AULU, v. to exaggerate. confusion, as in rushing to a FA'AULUULU, o. to cry out, to shout, quarrel, & c. either from pain or fear. FAʻAULUULUMAMAU, v. to be very FASA‘UEʻUE, 0. to walk slowly. FĀ'AÕI, v. to call out.
FXʻaui, v. 1. to disentangle. 2. FA'AULUFALE, v. 1. to take toga To take down from a hook or with a child, when first taken peg , using both hands to do it. to its father's relatives. 2. To Aua le tago lima tasi, 'a e open a new chapel. matuă făʻaui le mea ne'i paʻū . FA'AULUFALEGA, 8. 1. the induc 3. To lead through ; pass. FA'A tion of a chief. 2. The opening UIA . of a chapel FA'AUʻI, v. to beseech . FA'AULUGA, 8. the head end of a FA'AUIUILAVEA, v. 1. to disentangle, | strip of pork or fish. as a fishing-net. 2. fig. Of con- FA-AULUGOGO, v. lit. to draw in the duct. 'O le faʻauiuilavea i a lead like a gogo when flying ; to tātou aga . beg in a shamefaced way . FA'AUIGA, v. to misconstrue. FA'AULULATELEINA, v. to have the head enlarged by praises. FA'AUIGA'ESE , v. to counterfeit. FA'AuŐ, v. to make friends with , | FA'A 'UMA, v. 1. to finish a thing, to to associate with . ' O le ali i lea I bring to an end. 2. To destroy ; lā te fa 'auo ; pass. FA-AUÕTIA ,
I pass. FA'A 'UMATIA .
FA'AUOUO, v. to walk with an arm FA' A'UMANUMEA, v . to cry like the of each round the other's neck. | manumea in order to attract and FA'AUÕVALE, v. to be in confusion catch one of them . or disorder, as a concourse of FA'A'UMIʻUMI, v. to elongate, to protract. people, troops, waves, & c. FAʻAUʻu, v. 1. to anoint. 2. To FAA‘UMIʻUMINOA, v. to lose interest appoint to office ; pa88. FAʻAU in everything through grief, to ‘UINA.
be melancholy.
FA'A'ū‘ū, v. to look angry, to be FA'AUMU, v. to light an oven , and sulky. I have nothing to cook . FA'A‘ūrī, a. silky. 'O le tagata FA'AUMUAVAO, 8. a tree with a hole wata fa'aʻūšū .
| in it,
FAAF ( 113 ) off work ; only v, to leave FA'AUTU, all alone, v. to eat FA'AUMUUMUA, to be greedy. used of carpenters. FA'AUMUFAILLEVÆO, v. to be like an FAŠAUTUUTUMANU, v. to reside in a oven cooked in the bush, to family while waiting to get from plan secretly without consulting them toga . others. FA'AUTUGAMISA, v. to make peace FA'A'UNE, v. to request, to ask the in quarrels . loan of. See 'UNE. FA'AUTUGĀTAGI, v. lit. to cause to FA'AUNUSUSUA, v. to pine away for cease weeping; to comfort those the breast. in trouble. FA'AUPĀ, v. 1. to be blighted ,as a FAʻAFĀ, adv. four times. bunch of bananas. ' 2. To be FAʻarā, v. to divide into four. stunted, as a cob of corn. FA'AFA‘I, a. fed only with the FA'A‘UPUTOINA, as ‘UPUTOINA. mother's milk. 'O 'le tama fa FA'AUSL, 8. a native dish of scraped afaći. taro or yam with expressed juice FA'AFAILA, v. 1. to stand on the legs of cocoa -nut. and claws in a defensive attitude FA'AUSI, v. 1. to be ashamed. 2. (of crabs). 2. To place things To adze smooth, to smooth . in a basket in a disorderly FẠAUSIUSI, v. to yield in deference man er. to others . FA'AFAILELEINA, V, caused to be FAʻAUSIUSITA'I, v. to be yielding, to nursed or suckled , Ona ia fa be obsequious. afaileleina le Alualutoto. FA'Ausu, Q. 1. to cause to go to FA-AFA7, v. to turn upside down ; stool. 2. To cause the sega to I pass. FA'AFADINA, come from its sleeping-place. FA'AFĀJATAFE , v. to water at the FA'AUSUIA, 0. pass. of FA 'AUSUUSU, mouth in prospect of good to be stirred up. Fa'ausuia le things , fia alu iă Faluóula māna manu. feel sick . v. to be qualmish , to love | FA'AFAUFAU, FAʻAUSUIAALOFA, v. toto excite excite love FA'AFÃULʻAI, praising v.. to bring to remem FA'AFAUPUʻ , } Uw heap upup. . FAbyAUSUUPU, F v. tomap brance forgotten sayings (of a bad | FA'AFAFA, 8. a burden carried on the back . "O le tagata e tu ma meaning.) FA'AUSUUSU, v. to provoke, to stir le fa'afafa. Tupua. up, to incite ; pass. FAʻAUSUIA. | FA'AFAFA, a. rakish , as the mast of FA AUSUGĀSEGA, V, 1. to cause the a ship . sega to come from its sleeping FA'AFAFINE, a.belonging to women , place. 2. To commit obscenity as some kinds of work . after the poula. FA'AFĀFINE, 8. a hermaphrodite. FA'AFĀGAFAGA, 8. a small bay. FA'AUTA, interj. lol behold ! FA'AUTA, v. to behold, to attend to ; FA'AFAGAFAGA, v . 1. to peel the bark from a tree in order to kill pass. FA'AUTAGIA . FĀ'AUTA, 8. a distinguishing. El it. 2. To be bandy-legged. FAʻAFAGAFAGALALATA, v.delighting mātau ane se faʻauta. thing FA'AUTA, v. to prepare food from
in a
inland, while others are fa'atai, FA'AFAGAFAGAMAMAO, v. hating
Land avoiding a thing. fishing. FA'AUTAUTA, v. 1. to devise, to | FAʻAFAGALĒTALI, v. to be unpre plan . 2. To consider. pared, as for visitors. Va fa'a FA AUTAUTA, a. prudent, thought- fagalētali imātou. ful, considerate. | FA'AFALALA, a . slanting.
( 114 )
FAʻAFALEAUTO, v. to be like an FA'AFATUFENA, 8. the womb. alien . FA'AFATUPA' , . a native dish of FA'AFALEALʻIGA, 8. 1. games of taro leaves and juice of popo. words. 2. Applied to one who | FA'AFATUTŪ, as FA'AFATUFATU. excels in games, fighting , & c. FAʻAFATUTU,v. to be the industrious ole tagata o le fa'afaleali'iga .
man of a family. Ua fa'afatutu
3. Applied to one who is learned i le aiga. in all the ancient lore. FA'AFEAO, v. 1. to accompany as a
FAʻAFALEOO, v, like a fale 00. protector. O ifea le piliti ? au FA'AFALEFALEA'I, v. to be dis- | mai ina fa'afeao. 2. To guard, respectful. to protect. FA'AFALEGA, 8. an intermarriage of FA'AFEAGAI, 0. lit. to be opposite families. to each other ; to be on good FA'AFALELAINA, v. 1. to sit in the terms. sun, as at a fono. 2. To be ill ; FA'AFEANINI, 0. escaping from one as FA 'AFALETIMU
FA'AFALEMA'I, v. 1. to be ill con stantly. 2. To have a sick house constantly.
evil but falling into another. ( A man escaping from Anini was
overtaken by calamity in Ave avai.) FA'AFALESOLOFA , v. to be like a FAʻAFEʻEFEʻEMANU, 8. a short attack falling house. Applied to con - of elephantiasis. nections allowed to be forgotten . FAAFEI, v. to cause to cry, as a FAʻAFALETIMU, 0. 1. to be rainy . 2. child , a pig, or rat. To be ill. Syn. FA'AFALELAINA. FA'AFEʻIA, 8. ornamented siapo. FA'AFALETELE, 0. to be made like a FAʻAFEI'I, v. to hang on to, to cling fale tele. to, to depend on for help, in war, FA'AFALEVALE, v. 1. to be inoppor work , & c. tune. 2. to sit in a worthless | FAʻAFEI), v. to cause chickens to house . cry io. FAʻAFANA, v. to warm up food . FA'AFEOLOOLO (pronounced fa á FA'AFANA, a . warmed up, as food . feolólo) v. See FEOLOOLO. O le umu fa'afana . FAʻAFEOSOFAʻI, 0. to go from one FA'AFANAU , Syn . FA'ATOSOGA. side to another in quarrels . FAʻarano, v. to curse, to devote to FAʻAFEFENA, v. to make tough . destruction .
FAʻAFANOGA, 8. cursing. FA'AFANUAINA, v. 1. to have two abodes. 2. To be buried with out gravestones to mark the grave. FAAFANUAMULIVAI, o. lit. to be like land at themouth of a river ; to
FA'AFEFETE , v. 1. to cause to
swell. 2. To be puffed up with pride. FA AFEFETE, s. leaven . FA'AFEFILOI, v. to mingle, to mix. FA'AFELAVEI,
0. l. to intercept.
2. To interrupt
in a speech .
recip. causative of FA'AFANUANA, v. to give the taro FAʻAFEPI'ITI, PIPI'I. · plantation of a chief to bis FA‘AFEPULAFI, v. to cause to shine. be changeable. people.
FAʻAFATĀTI, v. lit. like a fata of ti ; FAʻAPETAI, v. to thank ; pass. to be high in the eaves, of a FAʻAFETAIA. FA'APETAIAʻI, v. to cause to meet, house . to meet purposely. E alu e FA'AFATIATĀMAʻI, a. steep. FA'AFATUFATU , v. to persevere inde
fatigably. Syn. FA'AJFIFATU.
fa 'afetaiaʻi lona aiga .
FA'AFETAUI, v. 1. to knock one
) ITI, v. 1. to denyFAA FAʻAF against another. 2. To clash in( 115 . F2. To | jangle .thr words to , AF IT IA wi TA AF th FA'refuse, as UT FA' ETE, v. 1. to eaten out FAʻ AI,v. n. to deny falsely. a loa
AFITIGA, 8. 1. a denial, 2. A doing. 2. To make a great show ofAFaETlittle. FA' OAI, v. to dash together, to FAʻA refFOusaA,l. 8. a boil. clash . ʻISurn FA'AFETUA OIAI, v. 1. to place alter FAbri IA., to caus.seFAʻtoAFOret AFOngʻIbac , v.k to; pas nately different kinds of things . | FA''AFOʻII TA, v. to cause anger to be 2 . To marry a second husband in FAʻrestrained . AFOʻIFOʻIGA , v. to be unable to ord rid of the first. er toUAget FA'A'FET 'OIVAI, v. to rinse a bear; to succumb easily, as to h water. FAʻAbotFItleA, wit apr prefix to verasbs, signify FA'toAFwoOʻrkIT,ĀMorA‘I,sicv.kneas ss. FAʻAFOʻIITA, sume. but used to chiefs. ing to etpre endtento, to as ding , suming ; | FA'AFOU , v. to make new ; pass. FA'AFIA, a . · mostly compounded with another FA'AFOUINA. far word , as afiapule. redutop. lisFA'A lieFOd GA,to v.chitoefshe; ar, FA' AFIAALIʻI, v. to assume to be a FAapp ʻAFO ten ; chief. AFOAFO FOLGAI, ; V.pass.to FAʻmaAFO likeA.; keFOGAIN FA'AFIAIO , v. to affect to be great. FA'FOG em app del AFI
lied to an balmed body, FA' AFIA, v. to please , to ight; | pass. FA 'AFIAIAINA . ʻAFO easterly. FA'strAFIAMALOSI, v. to pretend to be FAma deGAtoUPreOLseUmb, le8. theanlivingman ong . FA ʻAnd. FOGAFOSeeGA,MAv.TĀtoUPOL listen FA'maAFIAMATAI, v. to assume to be a wi U. ; redup.
i. FAʻAta FIAM IFFO EA , v. to be presumptuous, FA'ofAFFAOGʻA OGFO v. to snort. I, GA. to be assuming .es pr um AF pt IA FA FA' ʻAFOLIGA, 8. a delusion ; applied FAʻAFIAPMEOTA,O,av.. to pretenduotous.know thin on lywhget emgs lik ats onsoemese to to e geit,t, anbudt le dg e. FAʻAFIAPOTO, a . pretended know - FA'noAFt ON ga th theO, verv.y thito ng . er to a ledge. FAʻA FIAPULE, v. to assume the me moin tu . naet afono atu lo tātou dir pre d to authority . | FA' AFÒNO,g.v. toFa'cal FAʻAFIectASIionLI,, tov. to ten assume to be the FA'AFUA, v. to risle,to.as a ground chiFIef or best. FAʻA ĀTULI, s. the name of a plant. swe ma onnoa.t to break . Uallfaʻorafua awama FA'AFIU, v. to cause to be weary of; FA'AFUA tobut do 'AVA, ve, v. a thing intens. FAʻAFIUFIU. “Ua faʻafiu i without consulting others con le FItigā, “a e ola . FAʻA AITAGATA, V. Syn . FAA UOLA , v. 1. to be beaten FAʻA cerFUned within an inch of life. 2. To be FU AV.A . A' sick almost to death . afuAIaoiTA,moav.itato itrtātamou, FA'AFIUGA, 8. that which causes FANe ʻA'iFUfaʻ AIMO plepeona . weariness as sickness.
: FA'AFILI, , conten wit word d h s. FA'māAF v. to sāLĀ, 8. one kiud of sailing loUA no FĀ'AFISI, v. 1. to cause to entwine, ca e. tani. Vi'iga. FA ʻAFUALOA, v. to endure long, to as a yam plant on a pole. 2. To
to one's words, wresting . add me their aning .
continue long,as the life of an
I aged man ; as FA'AUALOA . I2
FA' AG ( 116 ) FAʻAFUALUA, v. to be two together, any one in a family, as to pick as two houses, two men, two cocoa -nuts. When a difficult animals. request is made, uga is used. FA'AFUĀMANAVA, v. to be startled . FA‘agagao, v. 1. to beat about the FA'AFUASEʻI, adv. suddenly . bush and not come to the point FA'AFUASEʻI, v. to come suddenly, in speaking. 2. To abuse in with mai; to go suddenly, with directly. atu . FA'AGAGAFU, v. to feel sick, to be FA'AFUATA, v. 1 to carry on the squeamish . Less than FA'A back between the shoulders. 2. FĀUFAU. To puta handle to a spear. | FAʻAGAGALEFIAMOE, v. to be sleepy. FAʻAFUATOLU , v. to stand three FA'AGALA, v. to long after, as together, of houses,men , & c. absent friends; from GĀLALA ; FA'AF
pass. FA'AGALAIA .
FAʻAFUNá, v. to clip the hair short. MULEMU . FAʻAFUTEFUTEA, v. to be puffed up, FAʻAGĀLO, v. to cause to disappear. swollen , as on recovering from FA'AGALOGALO, v. to forget wilfully, illness. to put from one's mind, Fa'aga FA'AFUTIA, v. to make like a futia. | logalo 'a e lē galo . FA'AGA'AU, 8. a strip or piece of FA'AGALU , v. to make rough , as a cloth rolled up and wound round wind making the sea rough ; the loins. dimin . FAʻAGALUGALU , to make it somewhat rough. by a lever. 2. To rouse up ; FA'AGALUE, v . to teach to work . FA'AGĀLULU, v. to make the head pass. FA 'AGAEʻETIA.
FA'AGA‘EʻE, v . 1. to stir, as a stone
FĀ'AGA EGA‘E, v. to breathe hard .
Ta musu i faʻagaʻega'e. FAʻAGAEPU, v. to stir up, to make muddy, as water ; redup. FAʻA GAEPUEPU ; pass. FA'AGAEPUINA. FAʻAGAITOITO, a. tall and thin, lank . FAʻAGAOI, v. to steal from family connections. FAʻAGĀOI, v. 1. to cause to shake, to shake ; redup. FA 'AGĀ0101;
ache, as by eating rich food .
FAʻAGALUTAU, v. to have a cross sea, waves rebounding and meet ing waves .
FA'AGALUVAI, v. to have waves like
a river stream . FA'AGASE, v. 1. to sit quiet and silent. 2. To hide behind any . thing. 3 To feign sickness ; redup. FA'AGĂSEGĂSE. FAʻAGĀSĒ, v. to cause to rustle.
pass. FAʻAGĀOIINA. 2. To urge on . FAʻAGĀSEGĀSE, 8. an epidemic. To chiefs instead of FAʻAMAʻI. habited. 2 . To make desolate. FA'AGASOLO, v. to cause to pass on , FAʻAGAOGAOSĀ, v. 1. to make rough like a crowd of people. and rugged. 2. To be somewhat | FA'Agata, v. 1. to check the growth , as of tobacco, by break rough and stony.
FAʻAGAOGAO, v. 1. to leave unin
FA'AGAUGAAMO, v. to bend the body ing off the top of the plant. 2. To vaccinate. Adapted on the hold of it in readiness to relieve introduction of vaccination . other bearers. FAʻAGATA. v. to make an end of; to FA'AGAUGʻAU v. to bend down, to desist. bow down the head . FAʻAGATAGATA, v. to mark siapo FAʻAGAFUA, v. to take off a restrict FA'AGĒGĒ, like a snake. v. to talk with fear of tion , to remove the sa, or tapui. FAʻAGAGA, v. to ask permission of the head of the family.
.. under the amo, trying to take
FA'AL FAʻAG ( 117 ) FA'agi, v. to persuade a sick person FA'ALAOTŪ, a. steep and straight, to eat ; intens. Faʻagigi. as the roof of a house without FA'AGOGOFALA, v. lit. to be like the the bend usual in native roofs. gogofala , to beg in a low tone of FA'ALAU, 8. the name of a large voice. siapo. FA'AGOGOLO, v. to curse, to utter a FA'ALĀUAʻITELE,v.to spread abroad malediction . a report. FAʻAGUMAI, v. to be preceded by the FA'ALAUFAO, v. to shut in the sides of a house with thatch . report. FA'AGUTU , 8, a horse's bit. FA'ALAUGASEGASE, v. to die away, FA'AGUTU, v. to make an opening of the wind. FA'ALAULAUE, v. to sit idly in the to an abscess. FAʻAGUTUGUTULUA, v. lit. to have house , to walk about idly. twomouths,to be of two opinions, FA'ALAULELEI, v. 1. to make level, to make even . 2 . To calm down to be undecided. FA'AGUTULULU, 8. muliebr. pudend. anger, to appease wrath . FAALA, v. to clear weeds and earth FA'ALAULOLOA, an obscene word. from the hole of the taro plant FAʻALAULAU, v. to be cracked , but when it has three or four leaves. not badly. FAʻALĀ, v. to expose to the sun ; ) FA'ALAUSASA A , v. to make short. pass . FA'ALĀINA. FA'ALĀUSOʻo, v. 1. to have no space FA'ALAʻA. 8. a stranger. It is used between , to be spread over, to be with a negative. E lē se fā'ala'a , covered completely, as with a crowd of men, with weeds, or 'a 'o le tagata moni o le äiga . FXʻALAʻA, v. 1. to pass one thing | canoes drawn up together. 2. To over another, as in twisting a be overcast, of clouds. rope with the hand. 2. To inter- | FAʻALAUTAOMIA, v. to be kept un rupt a speaker in order to correct der, as a lauloloa , trodden under a mistake. foot. FA'ALA‘EI‘AU, 8. a messenger to call FA'ALĀFULAFU , v. 1. to be slovenly, out troops for war. See LA'EIAU . unadorned . 2. To omit to oil FA'ALAE7, v. 1. to act greedily and the body, as when about to covetously. 2. To destroy all in seugogo. war. E lelei pule, “a e leaga FA'ALAGALAGAĒ, v. to shout and fa'alaeo. make a noise in the road in order FA'ALAE7, a. greedy, covetous. to attract others, either for sport legendary FA'ALAE7, 8. a name of or to quarrel. Of children . the manuāli'i (Porphyrio Samo- FAʻALAGATĀ, v. 1. to give a blow in ensis). commence a club match . FXʻALAí, v. 1. to play the coquette. order 2. To togive the first speech . See 2 . To induce a man to bring FA'AALATĀ. presents of food by holding FAʻALAG comb. · hope of his getting a wife. out FAʻALAGI,I, 8.v.a chief's to compliment; to FA'Alo, v. 1. to gather together the call out names and titles. Syn . · materials for building , to prepare FA'ALUPE. for work . 2. To carry down the FA'ALAGILAGI, v. to be angry on load of a canoe so as to be ready. account of disrespect shown. 3. To rise, of themoon. Fāʻi aʻu e te eva a Samoa fa 'a FA'ALAOLAO, v. to finish up any lagilagi. work, as house-building, weed - | FA'ALAGOLAGO , v. 1. to lean upon . ing, etc. 2. To trust to, usually said when
FAAL FAAL ( 118 ) disappointed in a person trusted | FA'ALATALATA, 8. a coquette. in . FAʻALATANONOFO, v. to consultwell FA'ALĂLA, 8. a native dish made of together. scraped taro and expressed cocoa - FA'ALAVA, v. 1. to place across. 2. To make up a complement ; pa88 . nut juice. Syn . FA AUSI. FA'ALÁLA, a . beautiful. “Ua ni | FAʻALAVAINA ; recip. FA'AFELA VASAʻI. săigā fa'alăla. FA'ALĀLĀ, v. to stretch out the FA'ALAVA, a . across, cross, as a
arms or legs like branches of
cross-road. Silia i Vaoto e le ala
fa 'alava. | FA'ALAVA, 8. 1. a cross-bar, a rail of FA'ALALAO, v. to lay waste, to de- a fence. 2. Beams in a house stroy. running parallel with the wall. trees.
FA'ALALAE, v. to destroy .
FAʻALĂLAFUIA, a. from lăla, to
plate, purlins. 3. A net.
shine like the bird named fuia FA-ALAVAŠAU , v. to kill a chief, in (Sturnoides atrifuscaor);a blackish war. brown, of pigs andaddogs. FAʻALAVALAVA, 8. a weal, the mark FA'ALALANO, v. to bring death upon of a stripe. FA'ALĀVALAVA, v. 1. to put on the by an ifoga . Fa'alalano, applied to ifoga ; as if | lāvalava . 2. To clothe, to give they had drunk the juice of the clothes to a person . lalano. Deep humiliation on FAʻALAVE, v. 1. to take a turn of a account of pagota . FA'ALALANU, pl. of FA'ALANU.
rope round something. 2. To
FĀʻALALO , v. i. to stir up, to excite.
good property in order to get the best 'ie in the toga to be distributed. 4. euphem ." To cas
2. To tell of the enemy's move ments in time war. FX-ALALO, v. toof intercede. See FAULALO.
kill a champion . 3. To bring trate.
| FA'ALAVELAVE, 8. a hindrance, an
FAʻALALOLALO, 8. self-depreciation. | impediment. FA‘alani, v. from alani, properly FA'ALAVELAVE, a . hindering, ob fa'aalani; to cause , to produce, structive. as a quarrel, a disease, & c . FA'ALAVELAVE, v. to hinder, to FĀʻALANU, v. 1. to wash off salt obstruct ; pass. FAʻALAVELAVEINA . water. 2. To remit punishment. FAʻALEAI, v. to be hardly any. 'Ua 3. To remove offence by under- faʻaleai ni i'a . going a penalty, 4. To prevent FAALĒAOGĀ, v. 1. to treat as of no the effects supposed to arise from I value. 2. To treat with disre eating tapui nuts. “Ua fā'alanu spect. Shortened in poetry to le tapui; pl. FĀ'ALALANU ; pass. FAʻALEAOINA for pass. FA'ALĒAO FĀ'ALANUMIA ; with the instru . 1 GAINA. "Ua fa'alēaoina se i'a
mental particle, FĀ'ALANUMAʻI. itiiti o inaga. FĀ'ALANUMAGA, 8. 1. the washing FA'ALĒĀTATA, v. 1. to have nothing off of salt water. 2. The remis - | to give as a token of respect. 2 . sion of sin . To have no one to receive a visitor properly, as a tulāfale. FA'ALAPALAPA, v. to make flat. FĀ'ALATA, v. 1. to cause to come FA'ALEAGA, v. 1. to abuse. 2. To near. 2. To tame, as animals.L ill-use ; pass. FA 'ALEAGAINA. 3 . To betray ; intens. FĀ'A - FAʻALEʻALE-A, a . small. Fono ai le LATALATA ; pass. FĀ'ALATAINA. "ava fa-ale-ale-e.
FA'ALATAFETALAI, v. to be con tented . [ T. P .1
FA'ALĒ IʻILA, v. to be disrespectful.
A term of abuse.
( 119 )
FAʻALEILEIA, v. to speak with the FA'ALELOTO, v. to be not entirely agreed to. 'A 'ua fa-alēloto i ai voice of an aitu , as when in spired to deliver an oracle. 2. To ! Tusa . scold . FAʻALĒLOVI, v. to be disrespectful. FA'ALĒILIILI, v. to be unbecoming, Syn . FAʻALĒMĪGAO. to be improper. FA-ALĒMĪGAO. Syn. FAʻALĒLOVI. FAʻALEILIILIVA, v. not to be like a FAʻALEMULEMU, 0. to be not well _ rainy day, to be incompatible. E fa'aleo i ai iā Itu'au.
I put together.
o. to have no ten ALĒNAUOLA, FA'ALEO, v. to guard ; from LEOLEO. FAdency to thrive. FAʻALEOIGALUA, I a .middling , nei | FAʻALENUʻU, v. to act according to the custom of the place. FA'ALEOGALUA, I ther large nor small, good nor bad. FAʻALENUⓇUPĒ, v. to act accord
FA'ALĒOLĒa, v. to be not quite like,
ing to old customs ; lit. like
the dark country, or benighted v. 1. to lie to, of a ship. OMALIE, v.to be of a pleasant | FAʻALEPA,break FA'ALE off a speech for a | 2. To voice or sound . FA'ALĒONO, I a. unbecoming, time. 3. To dam up or stop the to be altered for the worse. FA'ALEOLUA, v. to mumble.
FA'ALĒONOMEA, S shabby. course of running water ; redup. FA'ALEPALEPA. able. FA‘ALEPO, 8. a chief's dreani. FAALEFUA, v. to be bad (Tutuila ). FAʻALEPOPOI, 0. to be disrespect FA'ALEFUNUʻu, v. to make trouble ful.
FA'ALĒFEAGAI, 0. to be unsoci
in a village. 2. To be a disgrace | FAʻALĒPOTOĀiga, 0. not to know to a village.
how to look after family work .
FĂ ALELE, v. 1. to cause to fly . 2. FAʻALĒTAUPULEA, a . ungoverned , To do a thing quickly ; pass. lawless. Sa ututaia ia i amio FA'ALELEA, to be blown away. | faʻalētaupulea . Na faʻalele lupe iā Mu. FAʻALĒTAUPULEA, v. to be ungov . name of one of erned , to be lawless. FĀ'ALELE,8. 1. thehouses in | FA‘AlĒTALA, I v. to treat with used the circle of
pigeon -catching. 2. The month FA'ALĒTALAĒ , undeserved con of February ( T . P .7 tempt ; pass. FA'ALĒTALAINA ; re FA'ALELEI, v. to reconcile ; to dup. FA ALĒTALATALAĒ .
propitiate an offended party ; FAʻALĒTATAU, a . 1. incorrect. 2. pass. FA ' ALELEIA .
FA'ALĒPATau, v. 1. to be incorrect. FA'ALELEIGA, 8. reconciliation. FA'ALELEO , v . 1. to conceal, to give ! 2. To be incongruous. away something without consult- | FA'ALETINO, a . relating to the ing other members of the family
who have a right to be heard in FA'ALĒTONU, v. to be undecided. · the matter. 2. To make a sug- | FAʻALĒTONUGA, 8. indecision .
v. to be not very hos suggestion to a council, which is FAʻALETÕTE, pitable.
not received . FA'ALELEO, adv. clandestinely FA'ALĒTULI, v. to dislike, as a woman her husband. Ua fa-a given . 'Ua to faʻaleleo. lētuli, ma le usitaʻi. FAʻALELEFU , v. to reduce to ashes. | FAʻALEYAO, a . boorish, disrespect FA'ALELEFULU, o, to fly the feathers ful. and eat the fowl. ' A tale of the FA'ALEVAO, v. to be boorish, to be Safotu aitu .
FA'AL ( 120 ) FA'ALEVALEYA, v. to lengthen, to | FA'ALOʻU ,v. to cause to bend down, draw out, as time, or a speech . | as a tree ; redup. FAʻALOLOʻU. FAʻALEVELEVE, v. to obstruct; as FA'ALOʻUFANAAFITI, v. to point a FA'ALAVELAVE . gun at one, and shoot another. ' FA'ALĒVÏVI, 1 a. small in num - | FA'ALOFATA‘INA, v. to crouch down, FA'ALĒVĎvo, 1 ber or quantity, as a dog does. ' where more was expected ; as, FAʻALOGO, v. 1. to hear. 2. To but few fishes caught, where obey. 3. intens. FAʻALOGOLOGO, · many were seen ; or a small to listen . 4. To feel, to per offering from a rich man. ceive, as a pain. Syn . LAGONA. FĀ'ALIA, v. to insinuate, to tell (Carne). sideways or indirectly. "Upu FAʻALOGOʻESE, 0. to misunderstand. o le po, e taʻu fā'ali'a ; redup. FA'ALOLOA, v. pl. of FAʻALOALOA. FĀ'ALI-ALI-A . FA'ALOLOʻI, v. 1. to be dark and FAʻALIALIA, v. to make a display. I lowering, of the sky. 2. To FAʻALIALIAVALE, v. to make an un - desire covetously. called - for display. | FAʻALOLO‘U, 0. to cause to bend FAʻALI'OLIŠO, v. to surround, to en - down, as a tree. circle ; as FA'ATA'ALI'OLIO ; pass. FAʻALOLOGO, v. to hold one's tongue, FA 'ALI'OLI OINA. to be silent. FA'ALIU, v. to hollow out, as a FAʻALOLOTO, a. close- fisted ,miserly, stingy . trough. FAʻALIUTUAINA, v. to have the back FAʻALOLOTO , v. to destroy a whole family by the aitu. turned towards. FĀ 'ALIFA, v. to be sloping, as a FAʻALOTO, v. to urge others to work , road. 'o le ala faʻalifa. 2. To or to go to war, and not to help draw in , as the abdomen . oneself. FA'ALILI, v. to teaze, to worry, to FAʻALOTOLELEI, 0. to satisfy, to provoke, to irritate. appease ; pass. FA'ALOTOLELEI FA'ALILIʻA, v. to make timid, to INA. frighten . 'Auē, o ona tua foi na, FA'ALOTOLOTO, 0. to cherish re 'ua eva fa‘lili'aina ai. venge. E lelei pule, “a e leaga FAʻALILIU, v. to turn round ; pass. fa 'alotoloto . FA'ALOTOLOTOLUA , 0. to be of two FA 'ALILIUINA. FAʻALILIU , a. lit. turning all lo minds, to be undecided . FAʻALOTOMĂLIE, v. to appease , to oneself, covetous. FA'ALILO, v. to do secretly ; pass. satisfy. Syn . FA'ALOTOLELEI. FA'ALILOINA ; redup. FA'ALILO FA'ALOTOMATALA, v. to comfort. LILO , FA'ALOTOMIMIO, v. to sulk . FA'ALILOLILO, adv. secretly. FA'ALOTOTELE, v. to be encouraged . FA'ALIMA, a. 1. five times. 2. Five FA'ALOTOTOGA, v. lit. to have the heart of a Tongan, to be without parts. FA'ALIMALIMĀ, v. to spatch covet love ; to be greedy ; to be re uously atthings being distributed . vengeful. FA'ALO, v. to stretch out. FA'ALOTOVAIVAI, V to be dis FA'ALOALOA, v . to make long, to couraged . extend, to lengthen unduly, as FA'ALOTOVITI, v. to be afraid . a speech, a sermon ; or to stretch FĀ'ALUA, adv. twice. out the hand ; pl. FA'ALOLOA ; / FXʻalua, v. to divide into two. FA'AL
pass . FAʻALOALOAINA. FA'ALUAʻI, as FA'AMUAʻI. FA'ALOALOAVALE, v. to be without FA'ALUE, as LUE.
chiefs or rulers, of a village.
| FA'ALUMA, 8. a jester, a buffoon .
( 121 )
FAʻALUMA, v.to stigmatise, to cause FA'AMA‘I, 8. an epidemic. to be reproached . FĀ'ALUMAGA, 8. a disgrace, a re- FA'AMĀʻ101, prompt. a. slow, sluggish, not proach . O lāna fā'alumaga . FA AMATOIO, 0. to explain min FA'ALUPE, v.lit.to be like a pigeon ,l utely. to be an only child . 'o le aló FA'AMÃILEI, v. to entrap, to en spare. e fa'alupe o Ieova. FA'ALUPE, v. 1. to compliment. 2. FA'AMA‘IMA‘I, v. to pretend sick . To call out the names and titles | ness. fo chiefs and villages; redup. FAʻAMAISE , v. to comfort those FA'ALUPELUPE . Fa'alupe fua le weeping . malae, anei e oʻo į vi'iga ; pass. FA'AMĀISI, v. to split. FA'AMAOʻI, v. to be in earnest, to . speak the truth. 2. Naming titles, & c., of a vil | FA'AMA'OI. Syn . FA'ATAPU . lage. FA'AMA‘OrʻOI, v. to act crookedly, FA'ALUPELUPEA, v. 1. to beshunned toOPI'beO . perverse. Syn . FA'API y ., and compelled to leave a famil family. FA'ALUPEA,
FA'ALUPEGA, 8. 1. complimenting.
FA'ALUTI, v. to be urgent with ; pass. FA'AMAOINA , V. caus. of MAO, to PAʻALUTIA ; redup. FA'ALUTILUTI. be made to do a thing fruit lessly. Syn . FA'ANATI. pass. ; FAʻAM to sham to put FAʻA v. e MĀ, AOFA , v. to startle . FA'AMĀINA. FAʻAMA‘ONA, v. 1, to feed full. FA'AMA‘AI, v. to sharpen ; redup. 2. To fill a bag quite full; pass. FA'AMA'ONAINA. · FA'AMA'AMA'AI. FAⓇAMAʻAUGĀ, v. to be most ex. FAʻAMAONI. See FAʻAMAOʻI. cellent ; as a fine-looking man, FA'AMAOPOOPO, as MAOPOOPO. FAʻAMAOSIOSI, v. to be scratched ; or a plantation FA'AMAʻALAVAINA, v. to abuse side | applied to one slightly wounded . ways, to provoke. FA'AMAU, v. 1. to make fast. 2. FA'AMAʻALILI, v. to be chilly, to be | To make a stand in war ; pass. in the cold stage of a fever. FAʻAMAUINA. Fa'amau faö tuli FA'AMA'ALILI, 8. chilliness, a sbiver- | muli'au.
ing fit.
FA'AMA'AMA'AMALÕ, applied to a FAʻAMAU, hinge. 8. 1. a fastening. 2. A contentious man . The govern - FAʻAMAUALUGA, v. to be proud ; pl. FAʻAMAUALULUGA ; pa88. FA'AMAU . ment is compared to a stone. A ALUGAINA . proud boaster. FA'AMA'AMULUMULU, v. to be half FA'AMAUALUGA, a. proud ; pl. FA . cooked . AMAUALULUGA. FA'AMAʻANUMINUMI, v. to wrinkle. FA'AMAUI, v. to cause to subside. FA'AMAASUASU , v. to show anger by | FA'AMAUGA, 8. one kind of club. tugging at, or pulling off, the FA'AMAULALO, v. 1. to be humble. wrapper. 2 . To humble oneself ; pl. FAʻA
FA'AMAE, v. to put by fish till it
is mae, as the shark and the LOINA. crayfish . FA'AMAʻULU, v. to slip away quietly, FA'AMAEʻa, v. to do slowly and to steal away unobserved . deliberately ; redup. FA AMAE - | FA'AMA‘ULUʻULU , v. to rain slightly. AE A . FA'AMĀUMAU, v. to waste. FA'AMAELA, v. to laugh scornfully ; FAʻAMA‘UMA'Ú, v. to endure, to bear redup. FA'AMAELAELA, with .
FA'AM FAAM ( 122 ) FA'AMAUNU, v. 1. to bait a hook. | FA'AMĀGAI, v. to make to sit astride. 2. To slacken a fastening. FA'AMAUMANĀVA, 8. property given FAʻAMĀGALO, v. 1. to remit a fine ; to a wife's family, on the near lit. to make sweet. 2. To forgive ; approach of child -birth . pass. FAʻAMĀGALOINA ; dimin . FA'AMAUPAO, v. to stop from going FAʻAMĀGALOGALO. on . uarat G AGIA FAAM GI, 1 a . light,not heavy, FAʻAMAUTŪ , v. to put up at a house FA'AMAGI, {I applied things. to a few for a time, till relatives are found in the neighbourhood . FA'AMALAEOLAINA, v. to be burnt FA'AMAUVAE, v. to fasten the feet out, laid waste, and driven away . on ascending a cocoa-nut tree. - Lealatele. FAʻAMĀFANAFANA, v. to hearten , to FA-AMALAGA, v. like a travelling party . encourage, to cheer up. FA'AMAFI. See FA'AMAFIMAFI. FA'AMĀLAGA , v. 1. to cause a “ Fa 'amafimai le lagi.” Sufi. quarrel. 2. To keep closer to FA'AMAFIAFIA, v. to make thick , as the wind in sailing. planks of a canoe. FA'AMALAMA, 8. 1. a fire for giving FA'AMAFIMAFI, v. to use threaten - / light. 2. Á lamp. 3. A window . FA'AMĀLAMA, 8. heathen customs, ings. FA'AMĂFITI, v. 1. to turn inside out, 18 war, obscene dances, & c. A as a dress. 2 . To interrupt ! Tongan word .
· another's tale. 'Ua fa-amăfiti FAʻAMALAMALA, v. to make a canoe āna tala . 3. Priapismus ; redup. out of planks left over after FA'AMĀFITIFITI. making another canoe. FA'AMAFOʻEFOʻE , v . to peel off, as FA'AMĀLAMALAMA, 0. 1. to cause to the skin of a half-cooked veget burn brightly. 2. To make able . clear, to explain . FA'AMĀFOLA, 0. to open up, to FA'AMĀLELE, V. asMĀLELE.
spread out, as a cloth, or the FAʻAMALELE, v. to laugh rehe fingers. mently . FA'AMĀFOLAFOLA, v. 1. to spread FA'AMALEMO, v. a . to drown. out, to unfold . 2. To explain ; | FAʻ FAʻAMĂLIE, v. to say mălie. AMĂLIE , pass. FA 'AMĀFOLAFOLAINA. v. to tliank. FA‘AMAFUA, 8. 1. a bait of old | FAʻAMĂLIEPULE, " co scraped nut. 2. A dead body FA'AMĂLIMĂLI, a . disrespectful. lying between the combatants, FAʻAMĂLIMĂLI, v. 1. to speak with and acting as a lure to tempt great familiarity, as a child to some tothemselves carry it off, and range thus his father, or a jester to a chief. bring within 2. To speak disrespectfully ; pl. of the enemy. FA AMĂMĂLI.
FAʻAMĀFULIFULI, v. 1. to waddle FA'AMĀLÕ, v. to act as a conquer..
from fatness. 2. 10 sway the To sway the body from side side,
ing party. to as in con FA'AMĀLOFIE, 8. ), a clief's dog. tempt anger cranky, or ; to be of A 2. blemish in the body caused a boat . by the aitu. 3. Marks of a FAʻAMĀFUTAFUTA, 1. Syn . FA'AMĀ. tagāvai arranged in regular FITIFITI (a bad word ). 2. A order. proud man . FAʻAMĀLOFIE, v. 1. to make a dis , play, to show off, as the numbers the mouth FA'AMAGA, v. to open gape; pass. and good looks of a people. 2, · as a young bird , to
To be ranged in order, as troops.
FA'AM ( 123 ) FA'AMALOMALOĀ, v. to make a be stranded when FĀ the 'AMtide is chi sta noi ldr bir out, as a rve se, low as en or ds. To | . 2. FAʻAMĀLOSI, v. 1. to act with the garrison . strong band. 2. To act with FĂ AMĀMĀSAGIA, v. to lighten . vig . 3. To encourage ; pl. FAʻAMAMATA, v. 1. to look well, FAʻAour MĀLOLOSI ; pass. FA'AMĀLO but to be diseased . 2. Applied SIA . FA'AMALU , v. 1. to shade, from the | into it. . e having a decayed place protect ; pl. FA FAʻAaMAtre MA sun TI, v. to leave salt water To 2. . AMAM AMAL
‘ ALU ; pass. FA ' ·FA'FAAMʻAALMAMALUanINA. umbrel U, 8.
la .
to stink. FAʻAMAMULU. Syn . FAʻAMOLE. făʻama
FA'AMĀLŪ, v. lit. to make cool; to FĂ AMANna A,inasaFA‘oe.ATU‘UMANA. Ne'i bathe, of chiefs . AM tra AL ord FA' UʻĀIGA, 8. 1. a strong, FĀ'AMANina ry eneshrgy, poas in heex al stout man , able to protect his iny, & c.A, v. to ow wer or family. 2. A good speaker, who FA'AMĀNAIA, v. 1. to dress up, to can defend the cause of the adorn. 2. To act the mānaia. family. ·FAʻA MALUʻAU, v. 1. to discourage FAre' AMduAN diminv.. toFAʻAcaMA A‘o.ire ; p. A‘o, usNA'aONdes AMĀN cal AMANA, v. to atte rib troops ami tal FA' ty. of by es ute an 2. | di ToAMĂLscourage generally . sof ŪL FA' accident or misfortune to super FAʻAMĂLŪLŪŪ,, v.8. tua softenten. er. Ap- l na a weau į tuLia ravaʻ lilam l po r.ā Asa e fa' iu ān e iaa plied to the wind as a softener, mana . orO on e giving ease from pulling. FAʻAMANATU, v. to remind, to put le fa 'amălūlū o tau au . ĀLŪLŪ, v. to damp , as clothes TU FA' AMiro in INmiA .nd of ; pass. FA'AMANA forAMĀL ning . overshadow . FA'brAManAN UM AL FA U to ' , ce.ATUG v. 2. The Lord 's Surepper. FAʻAMALUNUʻU, 8. one who protects FA'AMĀN AVA, A,v. to8. ca1.usea workmetom cou vil br bis
lage or
ntry by
conduct, or wise words. childrv.ento. have a swollen • FAʻAMAMĀ, v. 1.to clean, to make FAbel ʻAly, MA ofVA‘T'I, FAʻAMĂNINAFI, clean. wa pas lay st To 2. e s. ; v. to make thin , as a AM AMĀINA. FA ʻA MA NI FI FAFAʻA'MĀMĀ, ĀF lig GA, AMv.ĀNIF lit. IF v. 1. to hten . 2. canoe; redugrOA to be lig tre dstone ; IN htly,extotenumake of no thin as a p.inFA' at To 1. toI. be. accoun tr at pa
t. 3. To
e ; ss.
little but
2 . To be
MAMA‘I, a. urnful, applied ulc er. voice. O le leo fa'ama- | sniall, but hard to heal, as an th to e · ma' i. | FA' AMANINITAI, 8. 1. a shoal of FA ʻAMAMAFI, v. to honour. ni owds sti of ll,peoasplethe . FAʻAMĀ MALA, v. to express appro FAma cle ar.ni. 2. 2.Tov.Crma ʻA MA NI NO, to cau seputottinbe 1.wake Ma ba sa mā su ti yi la rf on by ng te th by ac of e ! e r e g FAʻAMAMALU , v. to protect. AM AM car peo go AN wa fro in ved FA' ple m U, v. to be g to Tor. keep a , to ; pl. FA be figured ; pass. FAʻAMAMA- | FA-oilAMy ANnuU,t v.in toit.cal3.l out NUINA. FAʻAMAMASA , v. 1. to enclose fish FA'ʻA AMMA AMNU,U.bev. to impoverish, as us ggars taking all a at high water, leaving them to previoAN
FAʻAM FA'AM ( 121 ) person has to give, so that he | FAʻAMATA, v. a prefix signifying to is unable to supply those who look like, to have the appearance come after. “Ua fā'amanu mai of. le teine 'ua alu . FA'AMATAʻAI, v. 1. to desire to eat FA'AMANŪ, v. to place a gift on the fish , of convalescents. 2. To head , to thank in a most re have no appetite for ordinary food, except there be something spectful manner. FA AMANUIA, v. 1. to bless. 2. To to give it a relish ; pl. FAʻAMATA 'A 'AI. make prosperous. FAʻAMANUGA, 8. one method of FAʻAMATAAITU. See MATAAITU . fishing. FA'AMATAOLA, v. to be lively -look FA'AMĂPĀ, v. to cause to crack , to ing. make a snapping noise ; redup. | FA'AMATA‘ESEʻESE , v. 1. to take FA'AMAPĀPĀ. some of all kinds of food to FA'AMAPUNA, v. 1. to stir up the visitors. 2. To be of different mud, to foul. 2. To recall or kinds, as 'oloa. FA'AMATAITAI, v. lit. to have the stir up old grievances. eyes towards the sea ; 1. to look FA'AMĀPUNI, v. to shut. FA 'AMASA . See FA'AMAMASA . out to sea. I papale gogo fa'a FA'AMASAU, v . to strike the ti'a on mataitai. 2. As MATATAI, to the ground so that it will rise. be a clever fisherman. FA'AMĀSANI, v. to accustom . FA'AMATAIVIIVI, v. to look like a FA'AMASAVAI, 8. lit. water-bottle
blind person .
emptiers ; 1. children , as being FAʻAMĀTAU, v. to be hooked on to a useless in a canoe. 2. Loungers. fish -hook .
FA'AMASEI“AU, v. hymenem rum - | FAʻAMĂTA‘u, v. 1. To frighten . 2. pere . To threaten . "Ua lē fili sou nuću FĀ'AMASESEI, v. to excite quarrels. e faʻamata“u le talavalu e ; pl. FA'AMASEPUSEPU , v. to require con firmation, as reports not known correctly . FAʻAMASI, a. like masi. Ua faula'i faʻamasi. FAʻAMĀSIASI, v. to put to shame. FA'AMĀSIMA, v . to salt.
FA'AMASINO, v. to examine, to judge ; pass. FAʻAMASINOINA ; recip. FEFAʻAMASINOAʻI.
FA'AMASINO, 8. 1. a judge. 2. A consul. FA'AMASINOGA, 8. a trial by a judge. FA'AMASOE, v. to make to bleed ; (of the hymen ). FA'AMĀSOFA, v. to break down, as a house or a wall. FAʻAMASUASU, v. to put on airs. * See MAMAPO. FA'AMĀSUISUI, v. to begin to be in labour, to have slight labour pains. FA AMATA, v. to sharpen .
FA'AMATA‘ū‘Ū. See MATA‘ūʻī. | FAʻAMATA‘UPEGA, 8. network. FAʻAMĀTAGĀ, v. to make ugly, to make bad looking. FA'AMATAGATAGA, v. to make slack , to make loose ; pass. FAʻAMATA GATAGAINA. FA'AMATAGITAGI, made to cry .
v. to be easily FAʻAMĀTAGOFIE , v, to make to look nice. FA'AMATALA, v. 1. to loosen, so as to be easily untied . 2. To ex plain ; redup. FAʻAMATALATALA ;
pass ; FA'AMATALAINA. Faʻalogo mai soʻu fa'amatala atu .
FAʻAMATALALOTO, v. to comfort. FAʻAMATAMAʻI, v. to look ill; pl. FAʻAMATAMAMAʻI. FA'AMATAMAINA. 1. of a child born and dying directly. 2. Of things only seen, but not obtained . Ja
FA'AM 125 ) AMĀVAEGA, fareweFĀ'AM ll. 8. a na , a e (le FA'AM na ona fa-amatambeaaiuti VEU, v. to unsettle, to maua . 3. Of a ful man ; | FA' AVEU con from maina, the glow of the fire. I create fusion . . FA' AMATAMATAIVI, v. to pretend to | FA'AMEAGOTOIMOANA, v. lit. to be be blind. riedng insuobl . ocean, I tolikbe buthi FA'AMATAMEA. See MATAMEA. nk iviinonthe Aʻta UA,pav.' ua.to leave tiga - FA' AMeEAa TĀPENA, v. lit. to be like FA'pulAMaATtillAPma convi fusngionfro at all to doin. to kn , nom t on FĀ'AMATMAAPTAAʻUPAUA, 8. scaly eyes. mo use, e'sowhowh EELA. Syn . FAspʻAeaMEkiIMng, to v.be afr aidbe towespeakak .in FA'hauAMETAPĒ, v. to have an ex FA sted look, to look like one ⓇAMEO,EI, v. to fret,to to chafe. dying. depreciate,reftouse,dis To FA' AMATATAGI, v. 1. to stare till FA'2.AMME rejage ect.. ELE, toEA.par LEv.: 1.pastos. FA'AMEL tears start, as in trials of FASee th e endurance. 2. To be made to ʻAMEMELO, v. to make vegetables cry easily . baking. skin off too oreapi soon befscr FA'AMATĀTALO, 8. a red ornament, red e ate disturb like a tail , fixed to the lower pant FA' AMIMbyIO, v. 1.ngto thcre De cro
rived from ance. 2 . To look ss. of the back . Tonga . MIMIl,SA.to l;k pl.a FAquaʻArre FA'AMATATIAIALA, v. to gad about FAsti ʻArMIupSA,a v.quatorrepic
sight- seeing . hare velsaompre.emonitory I, v.a . toquar FA' AMATATITIO, v. to act as a FA'AMIT ISA, matatio. AMAT
end., as of the death of a to be like a fri FA' AVALE, v. 1. om ITIFA'ATOLAI, v. to act as a fool. 2 . To look inous. 3. FAdre 'AMam To look half asleep. AM OANAwh,env. toa hegoadfarof oua tfamtoilysea. , dea AM FĂ' ATE , v. to put to th a FA'youth, animal. " dyAMinATg EM AGA, of8. alanpard.ty swimming FA' shĀTAŠINA, ma 1. v. lit. to kill | FAʻA ouyotMOofndANsig with ame, to ke greatly . be thht e reef. ashamed. Se'i fiu ai le mea ula , FA'AMOATAULIA , v . to provoke a ma seʻi fa 'amatemātaʻina. 2 . To quarrel of two, as if of two cocks.
be a loanng detiatme; to hang FA AMOE, betwsic prepv.ar1.e toa puspteetoch sl; eerep.dup.2. eenk lif To h. d T. .] [ P | e AM AM AT FA' IVA, v. FA to make poor ; FĂ' OEMOE. redup. diAMmin. ʻAMATIVATIVA ; FĀ'AMOE, v. to make a feast pre
pass. FA' ATIVAINA. OʻĒ , 8.toonwae r.kind of club. FA'AMATIVATIVAGA , 8. impoverish - | FĀ'parAMato GA, s. 1. a case, a sheath . mentfaó “ Uativsāua i'uo mea i si FX AMOEry . ama
ativaga . aʻu FA'draAMĂTŪ, v. to dreg y in the air, to
place of a 2.AMOEThe sleepingin dry, as sea gs. MOEG GĀ ĀL LĀ8. a See FA'AMATUA, 8. things prepared FAAM bef fea OE oreO.war. st GA, FĀ' AM OE against the death of a parent. FA' GĀPUAʻA , v. to sl posteep like AM
ures, as FA' ĀTŪTŪ, v. 1. to dry in the pigs, lying in all air. 2. To dry oneself after The head of one on the legs of bathing. OEMOE , v. 1. to expect, to FA'AMĀVAE , v. to take leave of, to FĀ'anAM farewell. A mātou fa'a - hootpe.her.2. To lay wait for. 3. To bi d māvae ai.
prepare for war.
FAAM FAAN ( 126 ) FAʻAMOEMOEOPU , 8. one who does | FAʻAMŮMŪ, v. to cause to burn not forget words. brightly, as the evening fire. FAʻAMUSU , v. to cause to bemusu . FĀ'AMOEMOEGA, 8. hope. FAʻAMOEPUʻEA, v. to be seized with FA'AMUSUGĀTAU, v. to be tired of sudden rage. war. Po o fa'amusugātau, a e
FĂ-AMOLE, 2. to cause death by drowning , or strangling , or suffocation in any way . FĀ 'AMOLE, v. to let slip from the hand, as an axe or a fishing-line. FĂ AMOLEMANAVA, v. 1. to feel faint with .hunger. 2. To feel faint with bad news. 'O lašu tama, se făʻamolemanava . FA'AMOLEMOLE, v. 1. to smooth , to make smooth . . 2. fig. (recently adapted ) To smooth down anger, to appease. Lemaile, Lemaile
lē i'u. FAʻAMUTU, t. to cut off a part, to mutilate. FA'ANĀ, v. 1. to quiet a child. 2 . To conceal ; intens. FAʻANĀNĀ. FAʻANAU, v. to desire, to long for ; intens. FAʻANAUNAU . "Ou te fa'a nau ala i Piu . FAʻANAʻUNAʻu , a . very great ;
applied to wind, work , war-re ports, crowds of people. & c. FĀŠANAUNAUGA, 8. longing , great desire for. Fa'anaunauga i nai faʻamolemole ; pass . FAʻAMOLE - toe tane mamalı . MOLEINA. FAʻANAMUSALA, v. lit. to make to FA'AMOMO, v. 1. to break to pieces. savour of punishment: applied 2. fig. To break the heart. Se to such as had not hitherto been faʻamomo į loto ; redup. intens. punished. FA'AMOMOMO ; pass. FA 'AMOMOMO | FA'ANAMUTAUA, v. lit. to make to savour of war ; to do some hostile INA.
FAʻAMONI, v. 1. to tell the truth . I act, so as to get the credit of 2. To be certain. E fa'amoni'ea having fought. lāu tama. FAʻANANĀGA, 8. a song to soothe a FA'AMOTU, v. to break or divide in sick chief. two ; pass. FA 'AMOTUSIA. FAʻANANAMOINA, v. 1. to be all FA'AMOTU ĀIGA, 8. a barren woman ; dead. 2. To lay waste.
lit. one who breaks off a family. FAʻANANANANA, v. See Nawa. FAʻAMŪ, v . 1. to kindle a fire. 2. FAʻANĀNĀSUA, v. to glory in , to To set fire to ; pass. FAʻAMUINA. delight to talk about, to show FĀ‘AMUA, v. to joke, to deride. honour to. 'Aua e te fā'amua i la‘u mea. FAʻANĀNĀSUAGA, 8. a glorying in , a FAʻAMUA, į v. 1. to send a party delighting in. 'O ata fa-anānā FAʻAMUA'I, on ahead and not suaga Gogo e, ia te 'oe.
to follow . 2. To excite to action, FAʻANANEA, v. to cause a suffi and then leave in the lurch . 3. ciency . To bring about an anticipated FAʻANENEGO, v. to conceal the calainity . Faʻamuaʻi motu lāu desire. pa, 'a 'ua a'u fai atu , 'aua le FAʻANANINANI, v. to speak indis tinctly, to speak like a child . avea . Syn . FA'ALUAʻl. FA'AMUAMUA, v . to send on ahead ; | FAʻANANUNANU, v. to stutter. FAʻANAPAGOFIE , v. to take a present pass. FA 'AMUAMUAINA. FĀ'AMULI, v. 1. to remain at home in the hand for appearance's while others go anywhere. 2. sake; to make to appear decent.
To shout when a fish or a pigeon Nearly syn . with FA AONOMEA . is caught. FAʻANAPE, v. 1. to tie loosely. 2. FA'AMULIʻUPU, v. to consent to a To interrupt a speech in order to thing, and afterwards to grumble. notice the arrival of some chief ;
FAAP FAAN ( 127 ) 4: or to give a parable by way of pl. FAʻANONOFO ; dimin. FA'A' NOFONOFO ; pass. FAʻANOFOINA. explanation . FA'ANATI, v. to be urgent; intens. FAʻANOFO, 8. 1. a secondary wife, FAʻANATINATI. ' Ua faanati i le introduced by the first wife. 2. pola e pi'i. The low cry of the manutagi FAʻANE'ENEʻE, v. to praise, to make (Ptilonopus fasciatus). much of, to pet. FA'ANOGA'I, 0. to cease from , to FAʻANEʻENEʻEGA, 8. praise. Sana rest. See NOGA. tu 'ua fa'ane ene ega a agelu . FAʻANUʻU, 0. to be like a people ; as fa'anuʻu a Toga. FA'ANEʻETAGA, 8. praising. FAʻANEFU , v. to make muddy, to FA'ANUʻU, s. 1. the ring for the foot of the sprit of the sail. 2. The stir up (water). FA'ANEFUNEFU, v. to be indistinct, sheet of the sail, the grummet. to be misty, to be dim , of the FAʻANUUNUU, v. to put aside cloth
sight and of words. Also FAʻA NENEFU .
ing without folding up. FAʻANUMINUMI, v. to cause to be wrinkled or puckered .
FA'ANEPU. See FAʻANEFU. FAʻANUNU, v. 1. to create a disturb FAʻANEVANEVA,v. to have no family ance ; intens. FAʻANUNUNUNU . connections to call on at a place ;
Inā folau ai ma le fa 'anunu mai
o mala . 2 . To come in crowds.
FA'ANIUPAPUA, v. to tie with a slip- FAʻANŪNŪ, v. to look displeased. knot, so as to be easily undone. FAʻANUNUETELASI, 8. a family in FAʻANIUTŪ, v. 1. to ascend up | wbich there is only one to work , straight,as a column of smoke. and many cripples, & c. 2. To be in a long line, as a FA'ANUNUUPU , v. to cause a family travelling party in single file. to be talked about by the bad 3. To act proudly. 4. To scold conduct of one member of it. loudly. FAʻANUNUTA, v. to give a number FA'ANIFO, v. to make forked , as the of blows in a club match. Ap upper end of a post, so as to plied to one who causes trouble receive a beam . in a family. FAʻANIFOʻOTI, 8. a blubber-knife. FA'ANUNUTAMATE, v. to provoke to FA'ANIFONIFO, a. toothed , jagged. FAʻANINIMO , v. to leer. FA'ANOA, 8. 1. fish near spawning,
FAʻAPĀ, v. to cause to explode; to fire off, as a gun.
easily caught. 2. A glutton. FA'APAEʻE, v. 1. to be lean, ap 'Ua se fa 'anoa . plied jocularly to men . 2. To FAʻANOA, v. to mourn , to grieve ; be shrunk and small, as a bun intens. FAʻANOANOA. Tātou faʻa dle. 3. To make oneself small, noa ,ma ia tātou moe ātu . FA'ANOANOAGA, v. grief, mourning. FA'ANOI, v. 1. to ask permission .
as the head of a family refus
ing the honour due to his posi tion . 2. To raise the hand in order to FA-APAEPAE , v. to be narrow and strike, or as threatening to do so. short, as a canoe or a basket. Syn . FAʻAPOI. FA'APA EPAČE, v. to be somewhat white. FA'ANOINOITU, v. to be about to stand, as a pigeon ; but flies off . | FAʻAPAʻIAMATA, v. lit. to touch the eyes, to cause trouble. FA'ANOUNOU, v. to frown, to scowl.
FAʻANOʻUNOʻU, v. to stoop, to bend FA-APAʻIAVAʻA, v. 1. to be wrecked . the back . 2. To warn off from what will FAʻANOFO, v. to cause to sit up ; l bring punishment.
( 128 )
FA'APAIĒ, v. to be somewhat lazy; | FA'APALE, 8, a level spot on a mountain 's side. dimin . of PAIĒ. FĂ“APALE, v. to catch liquid in a FA'APAʻITA‘U,v. 8.1.jesting. FA'APAOLO, to shade. 2 . Tol vessel, as rain -water in a tub. protect. 'O ita se aoa mafalā, FAʻAPALEʻAUTE, 8. a fine mat with ina aʻu fa -apaologia . Tared border. FAʻAPAU, v. 1. to bring to a stand, FA'APĀLEGA, v. 1. to be exempt as a party of travellers. 2. To from work. 2. To bemade much
cause to stop, as in a speech , or work .
of. Nearly syn. FAʻANEʻENEʻE. FĀ'APALEPALE, V. See FĀ'APALE.
FA'APALEMATAFUA, v. to appear FAʻAPAʻU, 8. a frying-pan . FA'APA'ī, v. 1. to throw oneself favourable but not really so. down. Ona fa-apaʻū lea o Tali- FA'APĀLÕ, v. to cause to be beaten , gamaivalu . 2. To cause another as fighting of dogs. to fall down. 3. To put from FAʻAPALEVAI, v. to have a flat roof, office,or outof the church . ( This of a house. FAʻAPĂNUʻU , v. to make a short use recently adopted .) FA'APA‘ūFAO, v. to prostrate one call ; as a travelling party enter self. ing a house, or a canoe calling FA'APA'ULUA, v. 1. to injure the ashore. second skin , as by scratching FAʻAPAPAʻu , v. 1. lit. to make it so after tattooing . 2. To have a shallow as not to be able to fish . 2. To destroy . “Ua aveolaina fault in timber. FA‘APAUPAU , v. 1. dimin. of FAAPAU, || tagata i le fa-apapa'u e aitu .
to bring to a stand. 2. To leave FA'APĀPĀ, s. a flat cake ofmasi. food or pigs for some great FAʻAPAPAFU, v. 1. to be bulky and occasion .
FA'APAUPAU, 8. a heathen . FA'APAUPAU, v. to be heathen . FA'APAʻUPAʻU, v. to be scabbed over, as a sore healing up .
fat, as a cripple from always sitting in the house. 2 . To eat all alone. Syn . FA'AUMUUMUA. 3. To be difficult of accomplish ment.
FAʻAPĀ‘UPĀŠU, v. to starve oneself.
FAʻAPAPALE, 8. a ledge of rocks forming a level spoton which to plant. FA'APĀGAINOAINA, v. 1. to keep FA APAPANA, v. from pana, to silent on entering a house where hinder, to prevent, to keep people are sitting. 2. To omit under, as disease, war, weeds, to give a return for property the white ant, & c.; pass. FAʻA PAPANAINA. begged.
FA'APALA, v. to dye black , as FA'APAPATA, v. to hide, as a fright sinnet by steeping in black mud . | ened fish .
FA'APALA, 8. the name of a tree on FAʻAPAPĀTEAINA, to be all dead, of Manu'a . a village or a family. FA'APALA, v. to ripen . Syn . FA- FAʻAPASUPASU, v. 1. to be unwieldy 'AOTĀ. of body, as men or pigs. 2. To FA'APALALAU , v. to put upon others be overgrown, as taro. what one should do himself. FAʻAPĀTAPATA, v. to bully when help is near. See PALALAU. FA'APALAPALA, v. to be remiss, to FA-APĀVAŠINA, v. to talk on one subject only ; to keep on doing grow weary, to be discouraged .
FĀAPALE, to bear patiently ; redup. intens. FĀʻAPALEPALE.
the same thing, as going to one place only .
FA'AP here. 2. To cling to. "Ua se tapuna le fa‘apipi'i ; pass. FAʻA PIPI'IINA. Used of a common man joining himself to chiefs. FAʻAPISI, v. to splash with water. FAʻAPITO, v. to contine to. Ja fa apito 'outou i le gautā ala . FA-APITOʻAUNAFA, s. the drummers
( 129 )
FĀ'APE, v. to guess. Syn. Tau MATE .
FX-APĒ, v. to leave till soft, as breadfruit to make olula . FAʻAPEA, adv. thus. FA'APEA, v. 1. to say thus. 2. To do thus. 3. Used to express disapproval of some act. Ua fa-apea lea tamaloa ; pass. FA who sit one on each side of the APEAINA ; redup. FA'APEAPEA, to tălua, to strike the fa'aali-i. do constantly. "Ua fa-apeapea | FAʻAPITOALOFA, v. to have one-sided love, to show partiality. lava i po e tele. FA'APEAPEA, 0. to move off, to F . APā, v. 1. to seize on prey, as move out of the way. the owl or cat. 2. To kill. 3. FA'APEʻAPEʻALETU, v. to be unde To bring war or aigofie to a cided , as the swallow flitters close ; pass. FĂ“APOINA. Se'i fă about . 'apoina le ututau . FAʻAPET, adv. like. FĀ'AP7, v. to work till night. FAʻAPEFEA, adv. how ? FA'APOʻA , v. to castrate. FAʻAPELEPELE, v. to take care of, FAʻAPOA, v. to feed young children to make much of; pass. FAʻA- with fish . PELEPELEINA. FAʻAPOI, v. to threaten to strike , FAʻAPENĀ, adv. like that. E lē to raise the hand in a threaten faʻapenā mea e ave imālo. ing manner. Tau ina tama FAʻAPEPĒ, v. 1. to fester. 2. To faʻapoi. soften , as breadfruit ; pl. of FA - FAʻAPOU, 8. a large-headed club . 'APĒ. FA'APOULIULI, v. to shut off light, FAʻAPEPEPEPE, v. 1. to hover, as toLIGIA.darken ; pass. FA'APOULIU à bird ; lit. butterfly -like. 2. To flutter, as the dress in the FAʻAPOULIULIGAʻI, v. to darken ; to wind . be dark . Se'i fa-apouliuliga i le FA'APETI, v. 1. to make fat, to ainaga, Let them be covered fatten ; jocularly applied to men . with darkness in the fight, and 2. To bulge out; opp. to FAʻAPA so escape. 'EʻE. FAʻAPOGIPOGI, v. to look angry. FAʻAPII, v.to be of unequal lengths. FA'APOGIPOGIMATA, v. to make a FAʻAPI'OPI'O, v. 1. to make crooked . mask . 2. To act crookedly. 3. To | FA'APOLOGA, v. to enslave ; pass. distort a tale ; pass. FAʻAPI'OPI FA'APOLOGAINA. "OINA. FAʻAPIU , 8. a swing .
FA'APOLOPOLO, 8. firstfruits.
FA'APONA, v. to knot. . FAʻAPIU , v. to swing. FA'APOPO , v. to be covetous. FAAPIUGA, 8. a swing. FA'APOPO, v . to dry. FA'APILI, v. 1. to bring near. 2. | FA'APOPOA, 8. fish put on an open To decoy . Syn. FAʻALATA ; abscess to make it discharge FAⓇAPILIA ; redup. FAʻAPI freely . pass. LIPILI. FĂ-APOPOA, v. 1. to leave nuts till
they are fully ripe. 2. To scent FAʻAPILIA, pass. I v. to cause to be caught the water with tigh in order to FAʻAPILITIA , pass. or entangled ; to strain out, as attract other fish . masoā, or soi, through a strainer. FA'APOPOAITU, v. to keep silent. FA'APIPI'I, v. 1. to cause to ad - | FĀ'APOPOINA, v. to be pained with
FAAP FAAS ( 130 ) sickness. “Ua fā'apopoina 'oe i fession of religion. Recently le ma'i. adapted application . FAʻAPOTOPOTO,v.to gather together, FAʻASA‘AU, 8. a piece of cloth worn to assemble ; pass. FAʻAPOTOPO as an apron . TOINA. | FAʻASA ASAʻA, o. to make short, as FA'APOTOPOTOGA, 8. an assembly . a speech, & c. FAʻASAʻASA ALUTU, 0. to cause to FAʻAPŪ , v. to make a hole . FA'APUĀ, v. to put a heavy fine on shake about. a small offence on account of FAʻASAEI, 0. to provoke; redup. former misconduct. Na fai a FAʻASAESAET. fa-apuāina, ona talutalu foʻi nā FAʻASAESAE, v. to walk with the o Tūga. legs far apart, to be bandy FAʻAPƯA‘1, v. to make sick . | legged. · FAʻAPUATAMAULA, a .like a trumpet FAʻASĀʻI, v. to upbraid. blown by wild lads, blown any FA‘Asao, v. to save, to spare, to how and at all times ; so conduct preserve ; pass. FAʻASAOINA. Tu without consideration . le paogo, a fa‘asao lou FAʻAPUGA, v. 1. to crouch down , as togi lagaali. from fear. 2. To prepare to FAʻAsao, v. to call out sao. spring on, as a cat on its prey. FA'ASA'o, v. 1. to make straight. FAAPULAPULA , v. 1. to cause fire to 2. To direct, to explain ; pl. Pa burn . 2. To cause to under ‘ASASAⓇO ; . pass. FAʻASA OINA ; stand . dimin. FAʻASA 'osa'o . FAʻAPULOU, 0. to cover over, to FAʻASAOLO, v. to destroy overshadow , as shady trees ; | FA'AsAU, v. to bedew ; pl. FAʻA SASAU ; pass. FAʻASAUINA. Ua redup. intens. FA'APULOULOU. fa'asau le 'au'afa . FA'APULOGO, 8. a great talker. FA'APULUPULU, v . to wrap oneself FAʻASĀuĀ, v. to be oppressive, to be tyrannical; pass. FAʻASAU up. FA'APUNA'OA, 8. 1. a deep hole in ĀINA ; dimin . FAʻASAUSAUĀ. FAʻASĀUAʻI v. to overlap, as thatch , a stream . 2. A cavern in the boughs of trees, & c. coral reef. 1. FA'APUPULA, v. to cause to shine. | FA'ASĀUA‘IGA, 8. an overlapping, as 2. To explain ; pass. FAʻAPUPU of thatch . Ua leai se fa'asāua LAINA. 'iga, 'o le mea lea ua tutulu ai.
FAʻAPUPUNI, v. to cause to shut, to FA'ASAUAOINA, v. to be in the dew shut. all night. Ai ka fa'asauaoina FAʻAPUTA, 0. to inflate, as the nai aliti o le Ta'ifaú . cheeks; pl. FAʻAPUPUTA . FA'ASĀUĀGA, 8. an act of oppres FAʻAPUTU, v. to gather together, sion. "O fa'asāuāga a le mâlo. of things, not persons; redup. | Fa‘ASAUEA, v. to be slow , to be FA'APUTUPUTU . deliberate. FA‘APUTUGA, 8. a gathering of | FAʻASAULALA, a . oppressive. E things. suóe i ai e nei atua faʻasaulala. FAʻAPUTUPUTU, v. 1. to be close FAʻASĀUNOA, v. to ill-use, to together ; as PUTUPUTU . 2 . redup. ' damage. of FA'APUTU. FAʻASAʻUNUʻUNU, v. to pucker up , FAʻAsā , v. 1. to prohibit. 2. To as the skin of the face ; to scowl, make sacred , to consecrate ; pass. also from sickness. PAʻASĀINA ; redup. FAʻASĀSĀ ; pl. FAʻASĀUSILI, a. haughty, affecting FA'ASĀSĀ .
| superiority .
FA'ASĀ, 6. one who makes a pro- | FA'AsaUTAMA‘I, o. 1. to be adul
( 131 ) FAAS terous, of a woman. 2. To be FA'ASAPILIMA, v. to take from
cross and disobedient, of a child . a relative without permission . FA'ASAUTOGA, v. to be oppressive. L ' A faʻasapilima i manu faʻatou FA'ASAUTŪ, v. 1. to shake about, as toai. a sail in a calm . 2. To be un- FAʻASAPISAPI, v. 1. to provoke, 2.
able to reply to hostile attacks; To be saucy to relations. 3. Syn . with FA'ASAPILIMA. FA-ASAUTĒ, v. to refuse to acknow - FA'ASAPITAFAʻI, v. to behave ledge lawful authority. haughtily, as the right-hand FAʻASĀUTUĀMA‘O. See FA'ATUĀ- | man of the king. MÃO. FAʻAsasa, v. 1. to stand aslant. 2. FA‘ASAUTULI, v. to be stunted in To speak indirectly. Luafa'atia growth , of a plantation . ma faʻasasa [le ‘ava ]. FA ASAGA, v. to direct to, to point FAʻASASA‘o, a . middling, neither to, to face to ; redup. FA ASA | fat norlean . 2. Straight. 3. GASAGA. Ona ō ai lea 'o i lāua, Faultless, physically. 'ua faʻasaga i sasaʻe. FAʻASASAU, v. to blow the trumpet. FA'ASAGA‘ESE, 8. an axe, so called | FAʻASASAMU, v. to begin to eat as before chiefs. young pigs. FAʻASAGA‘ESE, v. to go out bonito- FA™ASASANO, v. to desire ; redup. fishing, See ĀLOATU . FAʻASANOSANO. E ui ina toʻatele FAʻASAGAFULU, v. to be ten nights o mānaia e faʻasanosano Sina iā Tigilau . old , of the moon . FA'AsAGATĀMA'I, v. to rebel against | FAʻASASISASI, v. caus. of sasi. the malo . FAʻASĀTUI, 8. 1. the name of fa'ata FAʻASĀGITI, be chilly. fiti on Tutuila. 2. One part of a FA‘ASALA, v.v.totofine, to punish . “A fishing -net. fa'asala e'a Funa'i le mālo 0 FAʻASĀVAʻl, a. grey ; as SĀVAʻl. pass. FAʻASAUTŪINA.
saualiʻi ? pass. FA‘ASALAINA. FAʻASAVAGATUNU, v. to fish with FĀ‘ASALA, v. See TUSALA. two nets. FA'ASĀLAĒ , v. to abuse indirectly ; FA‘ASAVALA, v. to long after some to address one person and mean particular food ; as SAVALA . FĀ‘ASAVALI, v. to cause to walk ; · it for another. FA'ASALALAU, v. to scatter ; pass. pass. FAʻASAVALIINA. FAʻASALALAUINA. FAʻASAVILI, v. 1. to air. 2. To FA'ASĀLASALA, v. 1. to act differ cool oneself in the wind ; pass. FAʻASA VILIGIA ; redup. FA'ASĀVI ently from others, to affect sin gularity . 2. To cause to blunder LIVILI. FĀ'ASEʻE, v. to glide on the breakers, in making a speech . FA'ASALEMAUSAU, v. to act accord by means of a board or the stem ing to the customs of the world . of a cocoa -nut leaf, when there FA‘ASALOFIA, v. to be starved. is a swell on the reef or the
FA‘ASAMOA, v. to act according to
FAʻASEʻE, &. a small shed built FAʻASANISANI, v. 1. to urge the sick against the side of a house. to eat. Syn . Faʻagigi. 2. To | FĀ'ASEʻE, adv. aside, sideways. Ta urge to make a will. fā'ase'e, to strike sideways, 80 FAʻASANOSANO , v. to desire ; redup. that the blow glided off. Samoan customs.
FAʻASAPASAPA , a . aslant. FA'ASĀPESAPE, v. to have a knock
knee'd, shuffling gait.
FA'ASEI, v. to adorn with flowers. FAʻASEUAPA, v. to be aslant, to be off the level, as a house, a bur then , a tub. K 2
( 132 )
FA'ASEUMATAINA, v. to attempt to throw the pigeon -net while the pigeon is looking. FA ASEGAO, v. to eat with the gao ; to eat with only half a mouthful. FAʻASEGOSEGO, v. to blink, as from short-sightedness. FAʻASELEGĀ, v. to prowl about, as a man in the neighbourhood of his
FAʻASILASILA, v. to make known. A chief's word. FAʻASILI, v. to cause to pass off, as fatigue by taking rest, or sleepi ness by getting a nap. FAʻASILI, v. 1. to go beyond, to project. 2. To be superior ; in tens. FA'ASILISILI. FAʻASILIILEMAUGA, v.to go to sleep.
sweetheart, or in order to be FAʻASILIGA, 8. allowing the fatigue asked to eat. off. Se'i fai se fa'asiliga FAʻASELEMUTU, v. 1. to cut off a oto lepass mālosi. part. 2. To cut short, as a FA ASILITOFO, v. to be relieved for speech . a time, to have a partial relief in FAⓇASELEVEI, v. 1. to intercept. 2. sickness. To interrupt a speaker. Syn . FAʻASINASINA, v. to whiten, to FA'AFELAVEI. whitewash . FAʻASEMAE, v. to call out Sema e ! FAʻASINASINA, a. somewhatwhite. FAASEMÜ, 8. the end of a mast. FA‘ASINO, v. to point out, to show , FAʻASEPUSEPU . See MASEPUSEPU . I to point to ; pass. FA'ASINOMIA . FA'ASESĒ, v. 1. to cause to go astray, Pe taufaʻasino le teva a le i'uva to mislead . 2 . To bring the head | levale.
of a canoe to the wind so as to FAʻASINOVALE, v. 1. to point out a passer-by as some great person . leave the sail flapping. 56 O le tapu lea o isi ali'i. 2. To
FA'ASETOA, v. to express sympathy
by sayivg Setoa . See SETOA. FAⓇASEVASEVALOA, v. to be a vaga
speak of a thing as good that is
bond. | FAʻASINUʻU, 8. the name of a strong wind, called after the anger of nu'u . tuous. FAʻASIASIA, v. to be haughty, to be FAʻASISASISA, v. to have a mis understanding. .. contemptuous.
FA' ASIASIA, a. haughty, contemp
FAʻASIOA, v. to be faint, languid, FĀ'ASISI, v. to act in a sideway, in exhausted. direct fashion ; as, 1. to accuse FAʻASIʻUGUTU, v. to talk to a person one on the ground of another's and look away from him , as in FA'ASIʻULĀ, v. to look askance, to anger.
fault. 2. To beat a child be cause angry with the wife. 3 .
To go to strangers for help
dart angry glances. rather than to relatives. FAʻASIʻUSIʻUMATA, v. to look out of FAʻASISILA, v. to look on while food the corners of the eyes, as if ex- is being distributed in order to pecting an attack . get a share.
FA ASIFO, v. 1. to bow down in FA ASISINA, v. 1. to cause to drop acknowledgment of being con down. 2. To eat and destroy quered ; applied to chiefs instead food before going to war. of ifo. 2. To embrace Christian - | FAʻASIVA, v. to tie hands and feet ity.' 3. To devote to destruction. together crossways, the left to FAʻASIGANO, v. 1. to leave notches, the right, and the right to the left. in cutting wood . 2 . To as marks
: make dovetail.
FAʻASILAFAʻl, v. to show , to direct. I ave e fa'asilafa'i.
FĀ‘asoa, v. to apportion, to dis tribute, to divide out ; pass. FĀ ASOAINA.
FAAS FAAT ( 133 ) FXʻasoa, v. to seek a wiſe for an - FAʻASOLOSOLOLĒMŪ, v. to do gently and slowly. other. FA'Asoasoa, v. 1. to deliberate about | FA‘ASOLOSOLOMĀLIE,v. 1. to cause to the distribution of food . 2. To slide along gently. 2. To get be prudent. gradually weaker, as a sick FĀ'asoara, 8. curved posts used in person. building boat-sheds and cooking FA ASOPOIA, v. to pass over. | FA'ASOSOAGALOTO , v. to try means houses. FAʻASOESĀ , v. to annoy. for satisfaction 's sake, without FAʻASOIFUA, v. to save, to deliver. much hope of success. '0 au The chief's word for FA‘AOLA ; faʻasosoagalato,ma si āu taufetaʻi pass. FAʻASOIFUAINA. nofo. From Soso . FÁ ASOIFUAGA, 8. life. A chief's FAʻASOSOFA, v. to break up. word for OLA. Ufi ane le fa'a - | FAʻASOSOLO, v. to cause to spread soifuaga ,mo tātou finagalo e. and increase, applied to bad con FA'Aso‘o, v. 1. to join together. 2. duct unreproved . To encroach on adjoining land ; FA‘asū , v. to put into the water in pass. FAʻASOʻOINA. order to keep moist. FA Asoʻo, 8. a war messenger sent FA‘asua, v. to discharge matter, as to induce different companies of an abscess. troops to unite . a . brackish . Syn . FA'ATAITAINONO. FAʻASO‘OFUA, v. to encroach by FAʻASUALUA, weeding and planting on the FAʻASUAMATAMULI. See TAUSUANA land of another : redup . FA ' A TAMULI. SOʻOSOʻOFUA.
FA-ASUAPANOPANOʻI, v.to heap jests
FAʻAsoʻosoʻo, v. to deliberate about on an angry person. the distribution of food or pro FAʻASUAPĀNUPANU, v. lit. 1. to daub with filth . 2. To jeer at, using perty. oʻOGATĀ, v. incompa FA'Asoʻos rable, bad words. in goodness or riches. FAʻASUAVALE, V. See TAUSUA FA'AsoʻOSOʻOPAʻu, v. lit. to join VALE. skin to skin , to be in closest in FAʻASUFI, v. to endeavour to draw timacy . out a confession of guilt ; redup. FĂ ASOLA, v. to cause to run away. FA 'ASUFISUFI. FĀ'ASOLA, v. to kill. FAʻASUʻESUʻE, v. to be fat, of a child FAʻASOLO, v. to cause to slide along. or animal. Su'i faʻasolo e. FAʻASŪGALUGALUFALE, v. to be bed FA'ASOLOGA, 8. food taken by a ridden . sick chief. Ua fai si ona fa-aso FAʻASULĀMUAINA, v. to act or talk loga. saucily or haughtily. FA'AÕLOGŪ, v. to be silent in con - FA-ASULUSULU, v. to take refuge sequence of not acquiescing. afar off, as a wife running away FAʻASOLOLIMA, v. to pass from hand from her husband. Faita e lē to band . Na taʻape pāpā iā fa-asulusulu ou atua lagi. Paitomaleifii, ona fa-asololimā FA'ASUMUSUMU, v. to pout. "Ua faʻasumusumu le gutu . ane ia lea . FAʻASOLOMOʻo, v. to be slow and FA-asūsu, v. to suckle, to give the dilatory ; as SOLOMOʻO.
breast to .
FAʻASOLOPITO , v. to do in succes FA'AsŪSŪ , v. to make wet.
sion ,as a class of scholars read - FAʻATĀ, v. to intercede for ; redup. ing in the order in which they FAʻATATĀ. Syn. Fautua. sit, one after the other. FAʻATAʻA, 8. the fibres of the cocoa
FAAT put husk twisted for making away. Fa'apei 'o peau o le sami, sinnet. e fa'ată'esea e le matagi. FAʻATA'a,v.to adze offthewhiteout- | FAÁTĂ‘ESEGA, 8. a driving away, side and soft wood from timber jn L poet. killing. O eva pi'ilima i le order to use only the hard inside fa'ata'esega o Gogo. FA'ATAI. go to fish , while
( 134 )
v. to portion ; redup. FA'ATA'ATA'A . | FA'ATA'AFILI. v. to roll as a stone : 1 others fa'auta , or work inland. redup. FAʻATA AFILIFILI. FA'ATĀIALA. See TÄIALA. FA'ATA'AFITI, v . 1. to make restless. || FA'Atalʻia , v. 1. to be unable to 2. To cause to struggle , as an answer an opponent. 2. To be animal tied up. 3. To struggle . worsted by an inferior opponent.
FA'ATA'AFULI, v. to cause a disturbo
3. To be put to shame by the
. out, to shout. ATĀioreproved FA'ATA'ALI'OLIO, v. to encircle ; | FAparty , v . to call pass. FAʻATAʻALIOLI OINA. Seʻialeaomālo. e fa'atăio e alaga, 'ua FAATAʻALILI, v. caus. of TA'ALILI. I lafo FA'ATA'ALISE, v. to make haste.
FA'ATAIMĀLIE, 1 v. 1. to sit at ease. 2 . To prosper. a cala to n. FA'ATĀIMUA, lou atali'i. mity ; as Anei e otipredict FA'ATA'IMUAGA, the dead. 8. the anointing of to make FA'ATĀITAI, to, to comev.near to ; ofapproaches those wlo formerly kept aloof. FAʻATA‘ITAʻI, v. 1. to try, to prove. 2. To imitateO., a . brackish. Syn. FA'ATAITAINON
FA'ATA 'ALO, v. to excite to sport ; | FAATAIMĀLIE, pl. FA'ATA'A 'ALO.
FA ATA ALOGA, 8. playing, sport. tama. 'O le fa'ata'aloga FAʻATA ALOLO, v. to adismiss an as sembly. FA'ATA'ALUTULUTU , v. 1. to shake
the lutu . 2. To shake against as a basket half one another, tilled causing rattling ,
FA'ATA'AMILO, v. to go round about : intens. FA'ATA'AMILOMILO . FA-ASUALUA . FA'ATA'AMILOSAGA , 8. a tour. FA'ATA'OTO, 8.v. a toparable. lay down; pl. FA'ATA'ANI'o , v . to go about the FA'ATAOTO, bush in speaking . FA'ATA'OʻOTO ; pass. PAʻATA‘OTO FA'ATA'APE , v. to scatter ; intens . LIA. FA'ATA'APEAPE ; pass. FA 'ATA 'A Fa'atau, a. equally, alike; as 'Ua PEAPEINA. faʻatau lelei. FA'ATA'ATAʻA , v. 1. to let loose , to FåʻATAU, v. to contend for the let go , of animals . 2. To bark a privilege of being spokesman , or tree . 3 . To speak indefinitely. of speaking first in an assembly. Syn . FA'ATA ' ANIO . to barter. 1. toTĀbuy, FAXTAʻATONU ATAUINA . 2. To sell ;v.pass. , v. 1. to be lucky, to FĀʻATAU, be fortunate . 2. To be correct in FA'ATAU, a . recklessly , as in time speaking. marau done by wouldlebefaimea of war “Aua fa'ataud. FA'ATA'ATŪ, v. to be grounded in 1 ders. the middle, as a canoe. v. battleto havefieldboth , of left home for ,the v . to roll round ; in FA'ATAUAUPALĀ FA'ATA'AVALE,AVAL two contenting armies. tens. FAʻATA ' EVALE ; pl. FA 'A AVA VAL TA' E. • AGAMALŪ. FA'ATA-AVILI, v. to turn round , as || FA'ATAUAGAFAU FA'ATAUALA ‘ESE ,. v.Synto . reprove the a grindstone. proper person the wrong that , so FA' ATAELAMA , 8. black vomit. hear. onemay UÃNAU , v. to importune ; FA'ATĂ‘ESEA, v. 1. to be refused , not FAʻATA to be received . 2 . To be driven ! pass. FAʻATAUĀNAUINA.
FAAT FAAT ( 135 ) FA'ATĀUʻATA , v. to make a joke of. FXʻATAUTAU, v. to hang up ; pass. FA'ATĀUʻATAGA, 8. the making a joke of.
FA'ATAUEMU, v. to mock ; as Tau- FĀ'ATAUTAU, v. to do slowly and EMU. deliberately, as walking, sing ing, & c. FA'ATAUʻOA, v. to sell goods. FA'ATAUʻ0A, 8. a merchant. FA'ATĀUTAU, v. 1. to lang down, coat-tails. 2 . To bang over. as FA'ATAUʻOLOA, v. to sell goods. as the legs over the side of a FA ATUFA - A -LE -MANUNU . v . to be like the rain which is only on boat. 3. To make to overlap, the Manunu. as thatch . 4. To hold back, as FA'ATAUFUTIMISA. v . to provoke a being unwilling to go. fresh quarrel after one had been FA'ATAUTALA, v. to hold in conver left off. sation. FAʻATAUGĀ, v. to ill-use ; pass. FA-A- FAʻATĀUTALA, v. 1. to ill-use. "Ua TAUGĀINA. ututaia i mātou i lona fou fa'a , FA'ATAUGĀ OLOA, 8. a sale of goods. | tāutala . 2. To bring disgrace FA'ATAULĀITU, v. to pretend to beall upon. taulāitu ,to pretend to inspiration. FA'ATAUTONU, v. 1. to be equally FA'ATAULIA, v. 1. to contend with . right. 2. To place correctly, as 2. To reply to a speech aimed at a plank of a canoe. a party. | FA'ATĀUTONU, v. to make believe, FA'ATAULOLOʻI, 0, to surround, as to pretend ,as to work while the master is present. To keep up with dark clouds. FA'ATĀULUA, v. 1. to have two vir a fire to make believe that a gins in one family equally praised . deserted fort is still held . 2 . To have two dogs kept by one FA'ATAU'TU , v. 1. to stop on the road undecided, whether to go on FA'ATĀUMA‘01, v. to ill-use, not to or return . 2. To be undecided. take care of. 'O le a 'uma mea FA'ATAUTUʻI, v . to sell by auction . man .
mātagofie a le alii le fa'atāu FA'ATAUMANUFUA, v. 1. to be laid on so as just to touch without being fastened . 2. To use as a makeshift. 3. To engage in a business or dwell in a place tem -
FA'ATĀUTUPE, to take place ; ap plied to war,marriage, & c. FA'ATAUVAA, a . of small account, of little value, trifling. FA'ATAFA, v. to step on one side, to
porarily , so as to feel iudifferent to its concerns.
get out of the road to allow a chief to pass ; pl. FA'ATATAFA.
FA'ATAUTULIA , v. to strike the kneo against a stone.
FA'ATĀUNUʻU, v. to bring to pass ; FAʻATAFA, 8. a chief's illness. Syn . PULUPULUSI. pass. FAʻATĀUNUʻUINA. FA'ATAUPAU , v. to be equal in price FA'ATĀFAGAFAGA, v. to draw up all or quality. Syn. FAATAUTUSA. the cocoa-nut leaf screens of a FA'ATAUPEUPE , v . 1. to bang up. house . FA'ATAFATAFA, adv. on one side, 2 . To be in suspense. FA'ATĀUPOU , v. to bring up as a indirectly . virgin FA'ATAFATAFA, v. 1. to pass on one FA'ATAUSALA, v. to act the lady, to side. 2. To ask sideways. FA'ATAFATAFAFUGA, 8. quiet con be haughty. FAʻATAUSUAI, 0. 1. to cause to duct.
stumble, 2. To offend, to cause | FA'ATAFATAFA-MANINI, a . haughty offence. and oppressive.
FAAT FAAT ( 136 ) FA'ATAFATÕINA, 0. to be driven FA'ATAGIULA, 0. lit. 1. to make the away by one's own people never ula cry ; a reference to the plan lo return ; to be disinherited . I of putting a young ula into a Auē Tuisalafetai ma Ae, 'ua faʻalafatõina . FA'ATAFE, v. to cause to flow ; pass. FAʻATAFEA : dimin. FA'ATAFETA
trap, to entice others to enter. 2. To entice. ' O loʻo ʻou te fa'a
tagiula i le Faʻasāleleaga 'o loʻo 'ou te fa'aolea .
0. to jingle, to ring FA'ATAFI, 0. to devote to destrac FA'ATAGITAGI, a bell. FEA,
tion .
FA'ATAFIOLĒTAU, v. lit. to be like a FAʻATĀLA‘ESE, 0. to refuse saucily, bad -fitting timber of a canoe ; a to disobey haughtily . depreciatory word applied to a FAʻATĀLAⓇUʻULA, 0. 1. to take un. speech . warrantable freedom . 2. To pre FA'ATAFILI, v. to fly a tame pigeon . | sent unwarrantable requests. FA'ATĂFITI, .8. the wide plaited FA'ATALALĒ, v. to neglect, to dis cocoa-nut leaves forming the regard , to take no care of, outmost covering on the ridge of FA'ATĀLALUA , v. 1. to give two dif a house.
inn FA'ATĂFITI, V. as FA'ATA'AFITI. in opinion . FA'ATAFUEFUE, v. to shake about, FAʻATALATALA, v. to engage in as a cocoa -put tree bridge, & c. talk . E faʻatalatala ja Tupvao FA'ATĂFUNA, 8. a place for rubbish . i fafo. FA'ATĀFUNA, v. to lay waste ; pass. FA'ATĀLATĀLA , v. to make rough . FA'ATAFUNAINA. FA'ATALANOA, v. to take it easily , FA'Araga, v. to take off the sa or to sit idle ; redup, FA'ATALATALA
prohibition ; pl. FAʻATATAGA. FA'ATAGĀ,v. to pretend to, to feign ; as fa'atagāma‘i. FA'ATĀGAO, v. to help oneself secretly to ford or property. FA'ATAGĀMAʻI, 0. to pretend to be ill, to feign sickness. FA'ATAGATA, 8. 1. an image, a sculpture. 2. A picture, FA'ATAGATA , 0. to dress out, to
FA'ATALATŪ, v. to boast, and not to perform . See TALATU. FĀATALI, v. to wait for ; redup. FA'ATALITALI ; pass. FA 'ATALIA . "Ou te fa'atalia mai 'oe i le Mulu nu ' u .
FA'ATALIAGA, v. to lay a person or thing on the back . FAʻATALIGAOPEʻA, o. to have small adorn . breasts. FA'ATAGATAOTAUA, 0. to take cap- | FA'ATALIGATULI, v. to be as if deaf; tive, to treat as captives ; pass. to be disobedient. FA'ATALITUAINA,v. to die just after FA 'ATAGATAOTAUAINA. FA'ATAGATAGA, o, to put in readi
parting with a relative.
ness, to have at hand. FA'ATĀMA, v. lit. to be as a father, FA'ATAGATAMATUA, v. 1. to act like to wait on a chief.
a full-grown man . 2 . To be FAʻATAMA‘IA, v. to be killed in war. strong. 3. To be thoughtful. FA'ATAMA‘IMAʻI, 0. to be small, FA'ATAGI, 0, to cause to weep ; pass. į applied to size, quantity, mental FA'ATAGISIA ; applied to kings capacity ; also to food, wind , & c. when rebelled against. Ona 'o le FA'ATAMA'IMAILE, v. lit . to act as a puppy, to cringe. fa'atagisia o Iesu . FAATĀGI*IʻI, v. to continue, to per- | FA'ATAMAITIITI , 0. 1. to act as a sist in , as work, rain , & c. Syn . I child . 2. To quarrel with chil FA'A 'IA VELOA. dren .
FAAT ( 137 ) FA'AT FA'ATAMALA, v. 1. to procrastinate, | FAʻATE'AGA , 8. expulsion , banish to delay. 2. To neglect, to be ment. “Ua tūtūnoa, si o mātou remiss. faʻateʻaga . FAATAMATAMA , v. to act like a FÁʻATEI, v. cousins who are tattooed child , in dress or play. at the same time as an older FA'ATAMATANE, v. to be manful, to cousin is. be courageous. | FA'ATEʻI, v. to startle ; pass. FA FA'ATANE, v. to be masculine, of a ATEʻIA. Saʻua, 'a soʻu fa'ate'ia , woman . a lē te'i, o le ditu. FA'ATANO, v. to humble oneself, to FA'ATEINE, v. 1. to act the girl. debase oneself. Also FA'ATANOĀ; 2. To dress up, to adorn. redup. FA'ATANOTANO. 'Ua fa-a - | FA'ATEʻINOA, v. to call on a person tanoā i le matafaga, 'a e tuću fale without having any particular lelei. business. FA'ATAPU, v. 1. to take good things FAʻATEITEIE,as TEITEIE. to a woman to engage her affec FA'ATEʻITEʻIVALE, as FA'ATEʻINOA. tions. 2. To save up good things FA'AT FUA, 8. 1. a widower. 2. A for one beloved. Syn. FA'AMA‘OI. ' single man. FA'ATAPUNA, v. to act the parasite. FA'ATEGATEGA, v. to speak or act in See TAPUNA. a straightforward manner with FA'ATASI, a . once.
out evasion .
FAʻATASI, v. 1. to add to, to join FAʻATELE, v. 1. to enlarge, to together, to make one. 2. To increase. 2. To multiply ; pass. together pass. be ; pl. FĀ'ATASI; FA 'ATELEINA. FA'ATASIA, FA'ATASIINA. FA'ATELETELEAʻI, v. 1. to make FA'ATASI, adv. together. haste, to run quickly. 2. To be FAʻATASIGA, 8. a uniting. . oppressive, to act overbearingly . FA'ATĀTĀ, v. to crack a cocoa -nut | FA'ATELETULAU, v. to be a stop in the middle, so as to make gap. the juice flow quickly. FA ATEMUTEMU, v. to take slight FA'ATĀTĀ, 8. one method of fishing. hold of. FA'ATATA A, v. to let loose, to allow FA'ATETEAVALE ,as FĀ'ASISIVALE. to go at liberty, as an animal. FA'ATETEGE, v. to puff out the FA'ATATATAU, v. 1. to fit. 2. To cheeks. apply as a parable,or a speech . FA'ATETETETE, v. to quaver, as the 3 . To imitate . Ai a musamusa , voice. FA'ATETEVA, v. 1. to be stunted , fa 'atatau le musa . FA'ATATAGA, v. 1. to eat food to stop growing, of fa'i and niu . consecrated to an aitu. 2. To 2. To waste away , ofmen. take off a tapui or restriction . | FA'ATEVA, v. to banish ; pass. FAʻATATEA, v. e 1.faʻatatea to throw į away. vasa . 'Oni tiale 2. To be unattended to , or ne
FA'ATEVAINA. Ona fa 'atevaina ai lea 'o Toilolo i Tutuila . FAA
glected , as unwelcome visitors. FA'ATIA‘ITOATĀMAʻI. v. to leave in
3. To be refused, as TOMAAGA or anger. TAGOGATAUA . FA'ATIAU, v. 1. to disembowel. 2. FX-ATĒ, v. to expose the person To draw a fowl. indecently , FA'ATIAPULAINA, v. to plant as FA'ATEʻA, . to cast off, to reject, tiapula . Na aʻu to fa'atiapulaina. to expel; pass. FA'ATEʻAINA ; pl. | FA'ATIATIĀ , as TIATIĀ . FA'ATETEA. O le fa'ateaina o FAʻATI'ETIŠE, v. to set on high. Toilolo e Tupuivao . | FA'ATIU, 8. a northerly wind.
FA'AT FAAT ( 138 ) FA'ATIUFAGALUA, 8. the name of a l lelative. 'O le fa'atoʻa mati tele
a. northerly wind . FA'ATIGĀ, 2. to cause pain , either FAʻATOʻAITAUA , v. to make war his bodily or mental ; pass. FA'ATI. plantation. "Ua fou fa'ato-aitaua. GĀINA. | FAʻATOʻAGA, 8. a plantation.
FAʻATIGĀ, V. n. to be in labour. FA'ATOATOA, v. to bear patiently. FA'ATIGATIGĀ, v. to be pained , as to endure. FA'ATOE, v. to cause some to remain , with travelling, work, & c. FA'ATILITILI, v. to be sparing of, to to reserve ; pass. FATOEINA ; use sparingly.
redup. FA'ATOTOE. See TIMA FA'ATOEAINA, a . lit. like an old TIMALOLOA, man , sedate, sober. FA'ATINĀ, v. to act as a mother. FA'ATÖ ESE, v. to ask pardon, to FAʻATINAVĀ, v. to thrust into a apologise. FA'ATIMATIMALOLOA.
place already occupied by othır3 FA-ATOʻESEGA, 8. the act of asking (as if the person were a wedge). pardon, the acknowledgment of a FA'ATINIFU , v. to be cloudy. “Ua FA-ATOʻILALO, v. to subdue, to fa 'atinifu le lagi. conquer in war, to bring under ; FA'ATINIFU, 18. persons incapable pass. FA'ATOʻILALOINA. FA'ATINIFUGA, ) of fighting, as | FĀ‘ATOFĀ, v. to say tofa, to bid the aged woinen, and children . goodbye to Po 'ofea "o fa'anoanoa ai le fa- FA-ATOFUTOFUSIA, v. to receive each a portion . ‘atinifuga o le taua . FAʻATINIFUTAGIA, v. like the crying FAʻATOGA, v. to beg, to entreat; FA ATINATOA, v. to incite to division. || fault.
of women in war.
FA'ATINO , v. 1. to grow stout. FAʻATOGAMAMATE, v. to beseech 2. To fill out, as the body of a ' earnestly. limp basket. 3. To come all FA'ATOLOʻULU , v. to give an un together, as troops to war, | willing consent.
none remaining behind. Syn . FAʻATOLOLĪ, v. to make a grating SAUSOPO .
FAʻATIPATIPA, redup. dimin. of FA'ATOLOPAŠĀ, v. to be getting old and weak . FA'ATITIPA . FAʻATITI, v. to be like a titi. FAʻATOLOPINE, v. to be quick , to do FA'ATITI, v. to be dangt-rously quickly. FA ATOLOSISI, v. to receive some wounded . FA'ATITINO, v. to be greatly in thing, and wait for more .
creased , as pain , drought, famine. FA'ATITIPA , v. to be careless, neg ligent; dim . FA'ATIPATIPA. FA'ATĪTĪ, v. to cast headlong, to precipitate. FA'AT7, v. 1. to give over, as land sold or given . 2. To curse. FAʻATOʻA, v. 1. To commence a
FAʻATOLOVITI, v. to praise oneself. FĀ'ATOLU, a. thrice. FXATOLU , v. to divide into three. 2. To be three days old, of the moon . FA'ATÕMALA, v. to devote to des truction. FAʻATOMO, v. to cause to sink in.
plantation , to cultivate land | FA'ATOMUA, v. 1. to call out the for the first time after being name of a party before giving deserted. 2. To cause or allow I him his portion . 2. To give out, to settle, to let subside. as a hymn. FA'ATOʻA , a . 1. first ; 'olona fa'ato 'a FA'ATONATONAESE, v. 1. to spare
ma'i lenā. 2. Used as a super- | one's own, and take what belongs
( 139 )
to others. 2. To be out of order or time, as a house, posts, & c.
FA'AT 3. To ask when he knowsalready .
Ua fesili fa'atuāma‘o. FA'ATONU, v. to put right, to direct, FA‘atuatuả, v. 1. to delight in to instruct ; pass. FA'ATONUINA ; some acquisition . 2. To hope for something promised. 3. To redup. FA 'ATONUTONU. “Ua fa trust, to rely on . 4. To cherish ‘atonu atu ia te ia le mea na te revenge. faia . FA'ATOSAGA, v. to act the midwife. FA'ATUATUA, adv. revengefully . FXATOTO. See FA'ATOTOMEA. Se ā le 'upu a nei ‘ulu e tu‘i ai FĀ'ATOTO , v. to take up a growing faʻatuatua. yam , leaving the stalk to grow FAʻATŪĀTŪĀ, leisurely . v. to do or prepare
again .
FA'ATOTOLO , v. to cause to crawl. | FAʻATUATUAGA , 8. something to rely on . I, v. lit. to put contr. from Þafa-- |1 FA'ATUATUANAʻ FA'ATỐTOMEA , a.frugal. Syn. ‘atotoe mea, NAPA . behind the back ; to forget. FA'ATUTOPE, v. to be too rapid Fa'atuatuana‘i le tama moni, 'a either in speaking or paddling al e fa'asaga i le tamafai. FA ATUETUE, v. to call out Tue ! canoe ; dim . FA'ATOPETOPE. FX‘ATŪ, v. 1. to cause to stand up. when one falls in a club-matcb. 2. To place on end , as a post. | FA'ATUʻIAVAʻA, a . wreck -causing, 3 . To appoint, as to an office as a sunken rock . (introduced ); pl. FA'ATUTŪ ; pass. FA'ATUʻIAVAE, v. to look away and strike the foot against a stone. FA'ATŪINA.
FĀ'ATU , v. to crouch down, not
Ua valevalenoa , ua faatu‘iavae ;
the attention being taken up bending the back , but the legs. FA'ATUA, 8. a pig brought to a with some object so as not to tulāfale by lis relations to enable _ notice a stone in the way. him to talitoga . FA'ATUʻI‘ESE, v. to object, to oppose. FĀAtua, v. to bring pigs to a tula - FAʻATUIPAPAI. See FA AOTOPUA fale for him to talilõga with PUA. FAATUITUIA , v. to indulge angry them .
FA'ATUĀ, v. to punish , to fine. I feelings. Moia le fa'atuituia i le ala o le pouliuli. Used on Upolu for FA‘ASALA. v. to leave without : to put off ; FA‘ATUUAINA, FA'ATUAI, v. to prolong to delay ; pl. FA ATUAI: dim . help. FAʻATUATUAI. FA'ATUⓇUʻAUINA, v. to disband FA'ATUA‘OI‘ESE, v. to kill,to murder. troops. FA'ATUAOPAIAINA, v. to seize on a FA'ATUʻL 'ALA. Syn. FA'ATUʻUMANA . dead man's goods,withoutregard FA'ATUVALA, v. to divide off to to his will. FA'ATU‘AU, 8. a fine mat given to
one party after siding with the other.
get permission to cut an ifilele FAʻATUʻUGA'AVA, 8. a place to lay (Afzelia bijuga) for the keel of a | offerings to the aitu on . canoe. | FA'ATUⓇUMANA, v. 1. to apply an FA'ATUĀ‘UPU'A, v. to backbite. accident as being a judgment. FAʻATUALĀINA. See TĀTUALĀINA. | 2. To rejoice in another's wis FA'ATUĀMA‘o, v. 1. to propose some- fortune. thing after all is settled. Ua FA'ATUʻUTUʻu, v. to yield to, to be muamua mai tala leaga, 'ua aʻul discouraged . fa'atuāma'oa. 2. To come un- FAʻATUFUGAGA, 8. carpenters' tools. expected, and unprepared for.
O lāna faʻatufugaga.
FAAV FA'ATUGĀ, v. from tugā, to give FA'ATUPULOTO, v. to provoke, to trouble, as by calling unex- l make angry. pectedly. Elē mafa'atugāina | FA'ATUPUMA A, v. to change to e le vao amio leaga . stone, to fossilise . FAʻATUGA‘ESE, v. to be different FA ATUSA, v. to compare ; pl. FA from others, in dress, & c.
( 140 )
FA'ATULIFETAIAʻI, v. to be knock - ! pass. FA 'ATUSAINA. kneed . FAATUSA, 8. a comparison, a simili FA'ATULITULI, v. to pretend to / tude. be deaf. Ana fa'atulituli pea | FA'ATUSAMOEMOE, v. to be equal. FA'ATŪTETEʻE, v. to be on tiptoe. ia . FAʻATULITULIA, v. to pretend to be | FA'ATUTIGAPULA, v. to beg for tiga driven off, in order to lead the pula ; as TUⓇUTIGAPULA. | FA'ATUTOʻOTOʻo , v. to erect the staff enemy into an ambush . FAʻATULOU,) v. to apologise for of office. Ua faʻatuto‘otoʻo ai lo making a sudden noise by call- tatou Faleatua. ing out Tulou ! redup. PA'ATU - FAʻATUTŪ, v. pl. of FA'ATŪ . LOTULOU. Ia lua 'i fa'atulotulou , | FA'ATŪTŪ, v. 1. to ask for a share of food taken to visitors. 2. To i le lafo ai le fafie. FA'ATULOLO, a. bowing, inclining, ask a larger share thau Was
as a wall about to fall down. given . 3. To refuse a request. FA'ATULUʻIPĀEPAE,v. to be haunted , 4 . To walk about with a child in order to quiet it. of a house only . FA'ATULUTULU, v. to cause to drop. FA'ATUTUE, v. to wait about for FA'ATUMAGA, 8. scalloping ; one more food, after having already modeof uniting the planks of a LOSISI. received a share. Syn. FAʻATO canoe . FA'ATUMAU, v. to cause to stand FAʻATŪTŪMALU, v. 1. to profess to fast ; pass. FA 'ATUMAUINA. be above law ; as by refusing FA'ATUMU, v. to fill; pl. FAʻATU to be fined . 2. To act the pro TUMU ; pass. FA'ATUMUINA . tector without having the power FA'ATUPETUPEASOLO,of a poor man to protect. FA'ATŪTŪMAMAO, v. to stand off for tupea. FA'ATUPOLO, v. to act as if a from ; to disagree with . FA'ATUTUPU , v. pl. of FA'ATUPU. stranger. FA'ava, v. to cause a rivalry ; re FA'ATUPU, 8, a dowry . FA'ATUPU, v. 1. to cause to grow . dup. FA AVĀVĀ. "Ua fa -avā fua 2. To cause, to originate, as a Safata i ali i o le fa 'avagana. quarrel, & c. 3. To raise a post, FA‘AVAʻA , s. 1. the wooden handle by filling in the hole under it of a fishing-rod . 2. the bind with earth ; pl. FA'ATUTUPU ; ing of a book. 3. Frame of a pass.FA'ATUPUINA ; redup. FA'ATU - | slate. PUTUPU. 4 . To change into, as FA'AVAʻAASĀGA, v. to be treated as fa'atupuma'a , to change into a a conquered party . “Ua solisoli stone. fa'ava-aasāga. FA'ATUPUAʻA, v. to beg pigs ; as FA'AVAʻAMĂMĂ, v. to be like a · TUʻUPUA'A . leaky canoe ; applied to bad FA'ATUPUFATU, v. to be enduring. ' reports pouring in against & Ia maua le ola fa'atupufatu. person . Ua feutufa'i fa ava FA'ATUPULEAGA, v. to cause mis- "amăma ‘ona tai'upu. - chiet. 'Ua mātou igoigo lava ai FA'AVAʻASAVILI, v. to obey. | FA'AVAʻATAULAI, a. lit : anchored lea faʻatupuleaga .
( 141 )
FA'AV with weeds. O le fanua o Tupua ‘ua fa-avaoteaina.
like a boat; of a man remaining behind after his party have left the village which they were FA'AVAOTULA, v. to be destitute of visiting. FA'AVA'AVA'AĀITU , v. to be the
trees on account of a bed of lava rocks.
medium (vaʻa ) of an aitu , but FA'AVAOVAOTOAFA , v. to have a low not tlie taulāitu . I scrubby bush .
FA'AVAE, v. to lay the foundation ; FAʻAVAUVAU, v. to grieve, to mourn . FA'AVĀGANA, v. to engage in a con pass . FA'AVAEINA. FA'AVAEʻAINA, v. to feel as if the troversy before breakfast. 'Ua fa-avāfua Safata i ali*i o le leg was being eaten.
FA'AVAEASAGA, v. to pass over in fa'avāgana. A reference to a searching, as a part of the bush legend. between two parties,as in look - FA'AVAGANAIPA‘IA, an apologetic ing for wild yams. word in a house where there is FA'AVAEGUGU, v. lit. to have as if a talk and not food. rheumatic leg, to do a thing FA'AVAGAVAGA, v. to sit all round in a circle. slowly and deliberately . FA'AVAESAPE, 8. a club foot. | FĀ'AVALE, v. 1. to act foolishly . FA'AVAETUIA, v. to walk mincingly, 2. Applied to one who has a as if the feet had been pricked. | defect, as a mutilated arm or a FA'AVAEVAETULI, 8. lit. " like the blind eye. legs of the tuli , the name of one part of the tattooing. FA'AVAEVAVE, v. to hasten , to make haste. FĀ'AVAI, v. to place in water, to soak . FX'AVAI,v. to bake. Used to chiefs instead of tao. FA'AVAILAUʻULU, 8. a small crop of breadfruit.
FA'AVALEA, v. to act foolishly ; redup. FA 'AVALEVALEA. FA'AVALEʻĀIGA, v. 1. to make mis chief in a family. 2. To cause
an evil reportof a fainily. FA'AVALEMĀLOSI, v. to act like a raving madman , to be outrageous. FA'AVALEMATUA, v. to act as one in his dotage ; redup. FA'AVALEVALE MATUA.
FAʻAVAILOLO, v. to lie-to, as a ship. FA'AVASAI, v. to alternate. Syn. FAʻALEPA. | FA'AVĀSALĒMŪ, v. to make equally FA'AVĀISULU, v. to go between the distant,as in planting. torches when catching land crabs. FA AvĀVĀ, v. 1. pl. of FA'AVĀ. 2. To FA'AVAITAUSoa, v. to be cloudy I make a space between . without rain or wind . FA'AVAVAU , v. to be perpetual, to be
FAʻAVĀIVAʻA, v. to go between the lasting . large canoes so as to be shel- FA'AVAVAU , a. lasting, enduring. tered from the waves ; of small FA'AVAVAU, 8. a stone connected canoes.
with a legend.
FA'AVĂIVAI, v. 1. to make watery. | FA'AVAVE, v. to hasten . 2. To make soft, to make tender. FA'AVEʻA , v. to be speckled, as a FAʻAVĀIVAI, v. 1. to weaken . 2. veʻa .
To lose heart, to be discouraged . FAʻAVELA, v. to burn, to set fire to. FAʻAVĀIVAO, v. to leave to be over- Used before chiefs for SUSUNU. grown with bush. | FAʻAVELAVELA, v. to be slightly FA AVAO, v. as the preceding; pass. warm , of food or disease. FA 'AVAOA, to let lie fallow .
FA'AVĒVĒ, v. 1. to do a thing by halves or ineffectually. 2. To
FA'AVAOTEAINA, v. to be overgrown . spare, to deal too leniently with ,
( 142 )
as in helping oneself from a
wrench off, as the outrigger
family plantation , or in correct- | of a canoe ; pl. FAFAʻi ; intens. FA 'IFA 'I ; pass. FA 'IA , FA 'IFA'IA. ing a child .
FA'AVEVELA, v. 1. to warm up, as FĀʻI, v. irreg. See FĀ. Funa e, cold food . 2. To ripen , as fruit neři fā'i său totatau. FĀJĀ , 8. 1. a bridge. 2. An enclo by burying . FA'AVEVESI, v. to put in commo- ! sure. 'O le faiã o le nu'u . 2. fig. tion , to make a disturbance ; A matrimonial or other alliance. redup. FA'AVESIVESI. 'Ua tu'u 'O la lā e fāiā e tasi. faʻavesivesi le fono. FAI'AʻAI, 8. a new settlement, a new FA'AVEVEVEVE, V. to be incom - | village. It takes either o or a . pressible, as thatch. O lona fai'a'ai ; 'o lāna fai'a'ai. FAʻAVI'IVIʻI, v. to deal tenderly Se fai'a'ai ‘ea e talatū ?
with ,as a child ; not beating or FAI'AI, v. 1. to get food . 2. To | bring up by hand , as a child. harshly reproving it. FA'AVI'IvI'l, d. blandishing. '0 FÃIAI, 8. 1. the brain . 'Olona fāžai. 2 . The cooked juice of fupu faʻavi'iviói. FA'AVILI, 8. the cross-stick and cord the cocoa -nut. 'O lāna fāi'ai. of the drill. O loʻu faʻavili. FĀIAIʻULU, 8. a native preparation of expressed cocoa -nut juice and FA'AVILI, v. to work the drill. FAʻAVITÁSOLO, v. to go from tree to breadfruit. Syn . TAUFOLONIŲ. tree in plucking the vi. Applied | FĂI'ĀIGA, 8. the consummation of to one employed in task after marriage. task . FĀIĀIGA, 8. the living together in FA'Avõvõsolo, ) v. to go about in a family. Sa ‘ou punopunou atu FA'AVÕVÕTUI7 ) crowds confusedly. I lava i si a ta fāiāiga. Lota mataʻri i le mālo, ne'i fa'a- FĂI'AIGA, v. to consummate mar võvõtuio . riage ; pass. FĂI‘AIGAINA. ' A sāu FAEME, 8. the name of a fish . avā, po 'o 'e făi'aigaina . FAI, v. 1. to do. Ta te ola 'ea ? ni FAIAINA, v. to be overcome, to be a mea o fai. 2. To say , to speak . worsted , in games or war, or con Ona ‘alaga lea o Tigilau , 'ua tention of all kinds. “Ua faiaina fai atu . 3. To get, to obtain, to le aitu i lea mea . possess. “Ou te sau nei, ‘ou te FALAIVALE, v. to be slovenly. Syn . fai fe'au . 4. To become, to be TOLELA. instead of. Avatu i lāua e fai Farao, a. property-getting, as hus ma fa 'aoso. 5 . To make sail. | bands who are carpenters. O
Faila, a tātou ga'e'e. 6. To co tu'u le tane făiao. habit with . "Ua fai o lā ūiga . FAIAUGA, v. to be a makeshift. 7. To commit incestor bestiality ; FAIAGA, 8. Malay, ANGA, to mock ; pass. FAIA ; intens. FAIFAI; pl. FĀI. FAI, 8, the stinging ray- fish ,
proper conduct generally. 'O
FẢI. See FAIMAI. . guage to ; pl. FAFAI; redup. FĀI-
fool ; to behave improperly.
antics, playing the fool ; ini lona faiaga.
FÃ , v. to abuse, to use bad lan - FaiaGĂ, v. to play antics, to act the FAI; pass. FĀIA , FĀIFAIA. FAIALUGA, v. 1. to fly high, as sea FA'I, 8. the banana, plant and fruit. birds when fish disappear. 2 . To
Syn . MoʻÉ (Musa sp. pl.). "0 ! have one post higher than the others. FA'I, v. 1. to break off, to pluck , as FĀIAMUGA , v. to come in time. a leaf. "Ua lē fa'i, 'a sua fati. FAIANAGA, 8. joking. 'Olona fai lãna faʻi.
2. To extract, as a tooth ; tol anaga .
( 143 )
FAIAso, 8. 1. à cannibal high chief, FĀIFETAUI, v. to avenge. who claimed to have a man a FA'IFILIFILI, v. to choose the good day. 2. fig. An oppressor. I tileaves when plucking. Applied FĀraso, v. to be a long time ago. to choice ofmen to pull a canoe, "Ua fāiaso naʻuā , ona iā Samoa .
& c.
FAIATIGA, v. to quiz. Ua faiatiga FA'IFUINIU, v. 1. to break off nut i tagata . by nut in plucking cocoa-nuts. to get Faravā, v. lit. wife, to a 2.dualfig. Toorderpick out an indivi in to punish . Ne'i marry . interj. exactly FĀ'IEĀ, That's it, faʻifuiniu nei Fa'asāle loʻu i 80 !
leaga. FaigĂ, 8. 1. the making, the doing. FAIESE , a . exceedingly good . FAIILI, 8. a stinging ray- fish , the 2. The getting . 3 . Custom . O bone and skin of which are used le faiga o lenei atu nuću . FĂIGA, 8. 1. an abusing ; pl. FĀIGA. as a rasp. FĂroso, n . to forage, to seek food in O lou faiga. 2. Labour pains. war time. . O ona faiga . FĀioso, v. to prepare food for a FĀiga, 8. canoes which keep to journey . gether in racing. Fáillu, š.the teeth of a shark used | FAIGĀ, a. difficult. A contraction for scissors or a lancet. “Ua tago I of FAIGATĀ,and used in compound i le faiulu , ona tafa ai lea . "O words; as, Tama-faigā. lona faiulu. FA'IGA, 8. a joint, as the hip, & c. FAIUPU, v. to use bad lan ' O le faʻiga o le vae. FAIUPUMASUA,) guage ; to be abu FAIGAʻAI, 8. a feast. FAIGĀMEA, 8. 1. any occasion on sive. Falumu, 8. a cook. 'O le faiumu marriage, which property is exchanged, as o le alii. house-building, & c. 2. FAIUMU, v. to make or cook a baking An inferior quality of property. of food. 3. fig . War. I a'u nei faigāmea , FaruruMATUITUI, | v.one who uses ma tatala le "auốafa. FAIUPUTINAMATA , cutting , satiri- FAIGĀPOI, 8. the playing the game of poi (on Tutuila ).
FAIUPUSAOʻI, I cal language. 1 a. difficult. FAIFAI, v. rédup. of FAI, to become, FAIGATĀ, FAIGOFI to happen . Syn . PEAPEA.
E, a . easy.
FĀIFAI, v. redup. of FĀI. FAIGOFIE, v. to be easy to be done. FAIFAIESE, to do a thing out of FAILĀ, v. to make sail, to hoist up the sail. Failā , a tātou ga'e'e.
FAIFAIGATĀ, a. redup. of FAIGATĀ. FAILAUGA, 8. an orator, a speaker. ' O le failauga o le nu u . faifaigatā galuega E
FAIFAIMĀLIE, v. 1. to do a thing FAILĀMATĀFAGA, to set sail as
· deliberately. 2. To act with moderation .
each canoe is ready, without waiting for one another.
FAILELE, 8. a suckling woman, a FAIFAFIE , v. to get firewood . FAIFEʻAU, v. to go on a message. _ wet nurse. FAIFEAU, 8. a missionary, a pastor. FAILELE, v. to suckle, to nurse ; pl.
(By an adaptation of the verb.)
FAILELEGAU, 8. puerperal disease. FAIFESIA, v. an apologetic term FĀIMAI, v . to come together. used when dissenting from other FAIMAOINA, v. to do a thing un speakers. Ta faifesia i ali'i o le wittingly ; to be disappointed in tofeulae. I one's expectation. o lo lātou faifeau .
( 144 )
FAMANU, 8. a species of the fai. | FAITALA, v. 1. to give news. 2. FĀIMANU, 8. a bird -catcher. To be a talebearer ; pl. of the news, FĀITALA , FĀITATALA. 'Ofea FAIMANUFA'ALOGO, v. to obey. FĀMATA. Syn . FĀITOTO. le nuóu feoaʻi, o mai i lua fai FAMATA , 8. a bandage for the tala. eyes. "O le faimata à Lopa. FAITALIA, v. impers. to do as one FĀNA, v. pass. of Fa, to borrow . I chooses. Faitalia lava aʻu , neři FAINIMASI, a jeering term applied lē maua . to a man who courts a woman , FAITALIA, 8. will, choice. 'O lona but marries some other. lava faitalia. FAIPALA, 8. Syn. FAIMANU. FAITAMA, v. to be motherly, to FaʻIPALA, 8. a ripe banana. On take care of its young . FAITASIA, v. to be set upon by Tutuila for Fa‘IOTĀ . FA'IPAPĀLAGI, 8. an introduced all.
kind of banana (Musa Caven - FAITASIGA, 8. a union, a combina tion . "Úa mataʻutuia tagata i lo FAIPESEGA, v. to accompany music tā lua'i faitasiga. dishii).
FAITATAU, v. to be ornamented with shells. “ E te eva , auā se FĀipā, v. to be long ago. Syn. va'a faitatau . Syn . TĀUPULE.. Fairio, v. to be done under the FĀLASO . eyes of those watching for Faipona, v. to detract. with singing.
FĂIPŐ, v. to do at night.
FAIPULE, 8. a councillor, a ruler. faults; pass. FAITIOINA. E faitio 'ea se taua o tagata fola . Faipule a le nuću . FaisoA, 8. 1. one who teaches the FAITIFAGA, 8. a juggler. 80a . 2. A man who has many FĀITITILI, 8. thunder. 'Ua pā te
in his family, and is thus ex - ' fāititili. empted from the necessity of FAITITILI, v. to thunder. working, having others to work | FĀITOʻAGA, 8. a deliverer,a saviour. for him . O le faito‘aga o le nu-u. One FĀisoa, 8. an odd one, when count who affords protection to crimi ing by pairs. E limagāoa ma le nals. See FA'ATUTUMALU. faisoa.
Fáiso‘o, adv. continually. 'O aso faisoʻo. Faisua, 8. food taken to relations when visiting in the neighbour hoo “O le fai äig
FA'ITOGA, 8. one kind of the banana .
FĀITOTO , v. to take blood from the eye. A native surgical opera tion . FĀITOTOʻA , 8. a doorway . 'O le
d. sua a le a. FĀISUA , 8. the clam fish. fale fāitotoʻa tasi. "Olona fāi methought. FA'Ita , v. See Fa. totoʻa . Faʻita le mea fai fetalai. Fairua, v. to lean upon . E fai. FAITAʻA, v. to commit fornication . tua ia te 'oe le Maile . Faiva, 8. 1. a fishing. Nai faiva Applied to women . FAITA'AGA, 8. fornication. 'O lāna o le' Tialoa, fau mai sa aʻe ma faitaʻaga . sasaʻa i le fisoa . 2. A trade, FAITAʻI, conj. but, nevertheless . an occupation . ' O le faiva 0
tamatane 'o tau.
FAITAU, v. 1. to count. 2 . To | FaIVAĀULIMA, 8. a reference to a read . 3. To get leaves to cover club -match , in which blows were
in the oven ; pl. FĀITAU.
FA'ITAFA, 8. one particular banana . in a bunch .
given at random ; fig. a depre catory word when a speech was
supposed to have given offence.
FAU FAI ( 145 ) FAIVAE, 8. a prawn with a small pigeon . Ia eva į le fau. Go body and long legs. loose, only restrained by law , FAIVALE , v. 1. to act unbecom as the pigeon by its string . 4 . ingly, to act scuryily. 2. To Peculiar ways of fastening the fly fish -hook . 5 . The beains in commit incest. Fao, v. to seize, to take violently, the round end of a house. to rob ; pass . FADA. Na faoa le Fau, v. 1. to tie together, to fasten faletua o Tupuivao . by tying. 2. To build , fastening Fão, 8. 1. a wooden peg, a nail. | by sinnet. 3. To build a wall 2 . A kind of gouge used in mak (on Upolu ) ; pass. FAUSIA ; intens. ing the sinnet-holes in canoes. FAUFAU. Fa'u , v . See FA‘UMAI. 'Olona fao. Fao, v. to punch holes for the FĀua, 8. saliva, spittle, as issuing sinnet of a canoe. from the mouth . 'O lona fāua. Fao, v. 1. to lie on the face. Fa- FavĀ , v, to drivel. 'amau faö tuli muli-au . 2. To FaUALIʻI, 8. a native custom in be turned bottom up, to be up I connection with the exchange of _
set. “Ua solofa le lagi 'ua fao. I property . FAUALOGĀ, 8. the Manu'a name 3 . To be neutral in war. for fausogā (Pipturus propin quus). canve. “O lona faoaugutu .
FAOʻAUGUTU , 8. a small undecked FAOʻATO, v. to pack in a basket.
FAOʻato, 8. the children of Sa fune, carried to a place of safety in baskets in time of a sudden attack . Ne'i le “auga le fao‘ato. FAOʻOLO, v. to entrench in a fort. Faorao, 8. a long shell formerly used as a gougelashing in making the together sinnet-holes for the planks of a canoe. FAOFAO, v. to nail,
FauATAGALOA , 8. 1. a species of indigenous cotton (Gossypium sp.), and, 2. (Hibiscus tetra · phyllus). FAUEPA, 0. 1. to prepare the fine mats on which a dead chief is laid in state. 2. fig . To be dead . FĀUOLA, v. to calculate on long life. Fauvi, 8. the name of a tree (Trema cannabina).
FAUUTA, 8. the name of a plant FAOFALE, v. to bring in , to cause (Maoutia Australis ). to enter a house, a party bow FĀUFAʻAFALEGA, v. to betroth a ing down in sign of submission , child . or in offering a very humble FĀUFAU, v. 1. To fasten on, to tie together. 2. To fuel sick . apology (ifoga ). FAOFANA, 8. a screw . FĀUFAUTANE, v. to betroth a FAOPUGATI, v. to take refuge among daughter. the roots of a tree, as a wild hog FĀŪFANUA, 8. a pig, so called be at bay.. fore chiefs. . Syn . VAEFĀ, ALOU .
FAOTANE, v. to steal a husbard, to deprive a woman of her husband by marrying him . FAOVAʻA, v. to put into a canoe (persous and things). Fau, 8. 1. the name of a tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus). 2. The string for tying up the hair, 'Olona faŭ . 3. The string
FAUFAUTU, 8. the long hair tied up in a knot. FAUFILI, 8. a cord used by women to fasten on their burdens. '0 lona faufili. FAUFILITĀ, v. lit. to use the faufili to drive off flies ; fig.' to come back empty-handed. FAUFILO, 8. perineum , of a man . ... attached to the leg of a tame Syn. TASELE. I
FAF ( 146 ) FAUFUNAʻ1, v. to hide in the heart. FAUSALA, v. to fasten wrong the Faumai na sa faufuna'i. | bonito flyhook . 'O le pa 'ua FaugaTĀ, a . i. difficult to be fausala . " brought to obey the string, of a FausoGĀ, 8. the name of a plant trained pigeon . 2. Disobedient. (Pipturus propinquus). FÄULAʻI, 0. to be heaped up, to FAUTANE, v. to betroth a daughter ; abound ; pl. FĀULALA‘I. intens. FĀUFAUTANE. FAULAʻIGA, 8. a heap. "O le faula - FAUTU, 8. the name of one kind of | fau (Hibiscus tiliaceus). 'iga a maʻa. FAULALO, s. the lowest fau in a FAUTUA, v. to intercede. Tau ina house , ‘ua uma fautua ma faulalo . FAULALO, v. to advise, to intercede ; Syn. FaULALO. pass . FAULALOA. E mamalu , e lē FAUTUⓇUAINA, v. to be unrestrained , to be unchecked ; of a child left faulaeoa . Syn . FAUTUA. FĀULALO, v. 1. to fasten on the to take its own way, or an ob FAU
outrigger so that the canoe may stinate man . lie flat in the water. 2. To de- | FAUVAE , 8. the rope at the foot of a
mean oneself, to humble oneself. fishing -net. Syn . AFĀVAE. FAULALO, s. the name of a fish . FAUVAEMANUʻA, 8. fau which has Syn .MASEFAU. been trodden on by birds, and so FAULALOGATĀ, v. to be anper unfit for making fine mats ; com
pared to common people,who die ancared for. FAFA, v. to carry a person on the FA'UMAI, v . impers. it is said . 1 back . Fa'umai sa are ma sasaʻa i le FAFĀ, 8. the Samoan bades. Inā suadable.
FAULUALUA, v, to bind two together, as two canoes, & c. fisoa.
gogolo i le fafā.
FAUMAU, v. to hold firmly, to stick FĂTĂ, 8. 1. taro tops denuded of the leaves and stalks. 2. Cooked to, as an opinion . FAUMUALULU, 8, a head-band. food taken to a fisherman pre FA‘ūPA, 8. a fish 's name. Syn . paratory to committing a fishing canoe to him . 3. Hoarseness. FOTUA. FAUPATA, 8. the name of a plant | 4. The name of a native dish of from which the white mat and food on Upolu. string are made (Cypholophus FAFAI, 0. 1. to get taro from the macrocephalus, Weddel; Boeh - plantation. 2. To scrape off the outer bark of tutuga. 3. pl. meria Harveyi, Seem .). FĀUPUʻE, v. to be heaped up, to be of FAI, to abuse . abundant. Syn . FĀULA I; pl. FAFAʻl, v. pl. of Faíl. FĀUPUPUʻE. ' Ua fāupure taumafa FAFAIMATĀ, v. to put out the eyes (as of pigeons, & c.). tali a'e sa Tagaloa. FĀUPU ‘EGA, 8. a heap. “O le fāupu - FAFAO, v. 1. to pack in a basket. a mea . E fafao į se “ato, 'a 'ua le ‘ai Fausa, s. 1. the woof. “O le fausa lava . 2 . To thrust the arm o le ‘ie. 2. A bundle of taume or into a sleeve ; pass. FAOA and dry leaves made up into a torch FAFAOINA. for fishing FaFau, v. to lash on , to fasten with sinnet, as an adze to its FAUSAGA, 8. a fastening . FausagAIU, 8. the end fastening of handle, an outrigger to a canoe , & c. the bonito flyhook . FAUSAGALOTO, 8. the middle fas- FAFAGA, v. to feed ; pass. FAGAINA. tening of the bonito flyhook , FAFAGA, 8. from fafa, a woman's
( 147 )
burden , carried strapped to her FĀGAFAGA, 8. 1. a small* FAbayL. 2. back AFAkin Faragu., v. to waken , to rouse FĀGOne of,ti.v. to have many GALdASI from sleep ; pass. FĀGUA ; dimin. topics in a speech .
FĀGUFAGU. Ona fāgufagu lea , FĀGAFULU , a. forty.
Funa Sina. agad,. s. from FAFAGA , to feed ; FAFALI (indecent), v. to wife after Faga her defecating
FĀGaLA ALAUON U , a.EONfour FAFANO , v. 1. to wash the hands Fag E , hund lit. red a bay with a and rinse the mouth. Au mai sandy beach ; to be at peace. FAG se vai, seʻi ou fafano. 2. To | ALOA, 8. 1. a deep bay . 2. One miscar abort. FAFANO ,ry,v. to to mak AMOetyA, of8. taro. e small by FĂGvari a hencoop. stretching, as sinnet. FĀG AMOAʻA A, v. to tofeed FĀGAPU FAFAsa , a. foolish, mad , crazed . feedfowl pigss. FAFASA , v. to be foolish , to be mad , FAGAPUPŪ , ,v.v.lit. a bay with. a rocky deli rious. . ' to be varis ance FAFASI, v. 1. to force open , as the FAGsho be spe at cie ASĀre;, 8.toone of ti.. · mouth , " shellfish , & c. 2. pl. of FĀGATASI, S. Syn . TA'ATASI. FASI, to beat. FĀGATUA, v. to wrestle. FAFATI, v. pl. of FATI. FĀGATUAGA, 8. a wrestling. 'Olo . FAFATU , v. pl. of FATU . fāgatu FAFIE, 8. firewood. 'O lāna fafie. FĀlāGONO, 8. aagatal. e intermingled with FAFINE , 8. 1. a woman. Malay, / song.
BINI. 2. A wife. 'O lo mātou FĀGONO , inter. applied to a boaster.
ne. . female
Malay, BAWINE. 3. A FĀGOTA , v. to fish ; pl. FĀGOGOTA ;
Faro, prep . outside. O loʻo i fafo. | FĀGO pass.TAIAFĀGO . TAINA, FĀGOTALIA,
otAGA, 8. a fishing. 'O lānu Faga, 8. 1. a bay . 'O le faga o le Fagfago taga . nu -u. 2. A fish - trap. . lāna vari faga very acri Fag ety of d 3. . A u, s. 1. a small species of gourd. taʻamū. LEFAGA. FAGA. See fruit of the gourd used as 2. The bott FĀG bot bor an
A, 8. from FĀ, to row ; a lāna oilfaga - . le.Malay, 3. ĂSANGKAtle. . 'O borrowing. “O le fāgā vaʻa . FĀGUFAGU, v. din . of FAFAGU. FAGA'AU, 8. a piece of cloth wound | FAGUFAGU , 8. a flute. 'O lāna fagu • round the waist. FAGAEA , a. four score (nuts). FAG fagUMA u. U, v. to bottle up safely . FĀGAI, s. the hiding-place of a bird Ia matuā fagumau lava. shooter. FAGAIFATA, v. to feed on a raised FALwhic leavanus A, hs. mats es of). a treearefrom madethe( Pand bed. Ua fagaifata , Sinatuele. mat. 'Olona fala. 3. A 2. A FĀGAʻILUPE, 8. lit. the pigeon feed - pineapple. 'O lāna fala . Also · ing ; about 9 o'clock A.M . Ua called FALAʻAINA. faga' ilupe le la . FĀLAʻo FĀGAFA FAAkwe A, ʻOT LA.ed . v. O,See8. duc O, 8. a pet animal fed in the FAL house . O lāna fāgafao. FAGAFAGA, 8. the hair over the FALA naunau , 8. i 1.le one falaʻkind ula . of2. fala The. " A ʻULA temples. E leai ni fagafaga o na me of one kind of shellfish at , Pai.
moaLA . , 8. an old mat. FĀGAOA , a. eight ( young pigs, nuts, FALAAFA & c.). FALAFALANA'I, v. to lie down, to L2
FAL FAL ( 148 ) recline. A term of respect. Inā FALEŠESEA, 0. to dwell a part, as a falafalana'i ane ia . sick person , or a husbaud driven FĀLAGA, 8. properly FAALAGA, from away by his wife. FAALA ; the clearing out of the FalEʻoa, 8. a store, a shop. 'O lona hole in which a taro is planted . fale'oa. O lāna fālaga . 8. a small back house. 'O FALAGĀ, s. the name of a tree (Bar FALEOʻO, lona faleoʻo . ringtonia Samoensis). Falsoia, 8. 1. a house built of olamea. 2. Offspring all living ; Falagaua, 8. a species of fala . In troduced (Ananassa sativa ). FĂLALA, v . to be aslant.
opp. to FALEGASE .
FALEʻOLOA, 8. See FalEʻoa.
FĀLALA, 8.the nameof a fish having FALEUI, 8. a privy. a spiny horn on the head . FALEULI, 8. a cooking-house. Syn. fine FALALILII,8.a kind FALEʻESE , TUNOA. of sleeping mat. FALEʻULU, 8. a house made of the FALAMOE, 8. a sleeping mat. 01 breadfruit wood . lona falamoe. FALEULUPOʻO, 8.a cavefull of skulls. FALAPAPĀLAGI, 8. pineapple. Savali, tau atu i le faleulupoʻo. FALATEA, 8. a species of fala | FALEUPOLU, 8. the body of citizens, (Ananassa sativa var. prolifera ). the people ; a term of respect FALATOGA, 8. a sleeping mat. Syn . instead of nuíu. Filifila ia lo FALAMOE. tātou faleupolu i aliʻi na e lua.
FALE,8.1.a house. 2. An umbrella. FĀLEFĀ, 8. a union of four villages. O lona fale. FALEFA'ĀFOLAU, S. a house made FALE, v. to dwell in , as if in a house .
FALE, prep. within, inside, indoors.
like an afolau. FALEFAʻALAUFAO, 8. a house made of laufao.
FALEFALE , 8. placenta ; perhaps so called from fale, from the native belief that the foetus was inside FALEAUTO , 8. a stranger, an alien , of it. Syn . FanUA. .
Falea , a . full of houses. FALEAINA, 8. an inhabited house. FALEAITU , 8. a comedy.
a person residing away from his FALEGASE, 8. 1. offspring all dying ; own village.
FALEAF., 8.a strong house,to stand storms. FALEAFEI, a house that has been
opp. to FALEOLA . 2. Things taken
from a family by their aitu , and buried to bring misfortune or
death .
cleaned and prepared. Tofo i le FALELAUPOLA, 8. a house of cocoa faleafei. Solo . nut leaves.
FALEALIʻI, 8. 1. a feast at the time FALELALAGA, 8. a house for ladies of getting palolo. 2. Games on to plait fine mats in . a large scale. FALELAUASI, v. lit. to be in a house FALEALILI, v. to be disappointed . of sandal-wood ; to bury. Applied Ta te fia falealili ai. Origin to chicfs. ally, to desire and yet not desire FALELIMA,8. five divisions of a town. to live at Falealili, because they FALEMA‘A, 8. a stone house. FALEMA'O , 8. a house made of ma'o. killed strangers there. FALEALO, 8. children of a chief by FALEMOA, 8. a fowl house. FALEMUA, 8. the name of one seu different wives. FALEAPIFAGOTA, 8. a hut for fishers. I house. " FALEʻESE ,a cooking-house. Instead FALENIU, 8. a house in which the of umu before chiefs. Syn . FALE- people of a village gather on the TLI, TUNA.
death of their chief.
FAN ( 149 ) FALEPA, 8. a palolo feast. Syn . FĂLT, 8. a species of grass. Inā tā FAL
FALEALIʻI. FALEPUIPUI, 8. a prison .
soli le fălī. Fali, 8. coitio .
FALEPULE, 6. a name of the pule, or Faliu, v. to turn, as the sun after ruling , towns, Safotulafaiand Sa- noon. leaula. Syn. FALETUFUGA. FĀLIU, v. to turn the head , to look FALEPUNAOA, s. the malae in Falea - ' back . lili. Ifparties seeking assistance FALIPITOPITO, 8. the nameofa fish . in war entered it they were re- Euph. i'aigovale, and on Upolu, ceived . Ua ulufia le falepunaoa. ' sa'isa‘i.
FALESAE, 8. a house built of split FĀLĒ, v. to stretch out ; redup. FĀLĪLŌ. sticks, a good house, FALESEU, 8. 1. a house built on a FALUA, v. to shed down. Ta falua favourable spot in the bush for i le liu o le vaʻa . . pigeon-catching. 2. An apolo- FĂLUTE , v. to gather up evenly , as getic word for speaking with the ends of ti leaves in making the mouth full. 'O le faleseu lē a titi, or pieces of native cloth , āina . sheets of paper, & c.; pl. FĀLUTE ;
FALETAʻA, 8. a brothel. redup. FĀLUTELUTE. FALETAEAOELEAFIAFI, he who sits Fana, 8. 1. a gun, Malay, Panah . idly in his house in the morning 2. A syringe. 'O lāna fana. will lazy be hungry at night. Applied Fana, Ö. 1. to shoot. 2. To man.
syringe ; pass. FANAIA ; redup. to a Fanafana. E fana le fatu, 'a e visitors. tuếu le manu. FALETÁMA, s. the children of a FANĀ, 8. a mast. 'O le fanā o le vaʻa . polygamist. FALETALIMALO , 8. the house for
FALETELE, 8. the large house of FANAʻASA, v. to shoot beside the a family or village in which
mark , to miss.
visitors are received ; the house FANA'E, v. to rise, of the moon . of the head of the family ; opp. Le mālama, e făna'e ma sau i to FALEOʻO . tausaga ,
FĀLĒTELE , v. to be not very large. FĀNA‘E, v. to rise, of the tide; re FALETOʻA, 8. a chief's sleeping· house .
dup. FĀNAŠENA“E, to commence to
rise. FALETOFĀ . Syn . FALETOʻA. FĀNAⓇE, a. rising, of the tide. 2, FĀLETOLU, 8. a union of three High ,of the tide. villages. FĀNA ĒGA, 8. a number ofaitu pos FĀLETOLU, v. to unite together, of sessing one person . three villages. FANA‘ELA, v. to miss in shooting . FALETŪ ,8. the house of the head of Syn. Fana‘ASA. a family ; opp. to FALEOʻo. FANA ELEʻELE, 8. the moon as if FALETUA, 8. 1. a small back house. rising from the earth just after 2. A chief's wife. ' O lona falètua . full.
FALETUFUGA, 8. Syn . FALEPULE. FĀLETULI, v. not to be earnest in driving away FALEVAʻAI, 8. the middle house on a tia for catching pigeons. FALEVAO, 8. a house made of com mon wood ; opp. to FALEʻULU. FALEVALI, 8. a plastered house.
FANAEILELE, 8. fourth day from full moon, on which land crabs are caught. ' FĀNAŠENA E. See FĀNAŠE. FĀNA‘ETUTŪ, v. to be full-tide. FANAIA, 8. dynamite, a name given to it from its use in taking fish . Fanaia, v. pass. of FANA.
( 150 )
Fana‘io,8.the nameof a tree . Syn. TIAT
lo outou vaʻa . E leai lava, o le
ULI fanogale FĀNAU , v.. to bring forth young . | FANOLÓ . moon not visible. ' A, alu 8. the
2. To be born . 3. To exude FanŪ. See ManŪ. . Malay, BENUA, s. 1. land . gum ; pl. FĀNANA U ; pa88. FA- Fanua, tātou fanua nei 'ua sa . 2. NAUA ; intens. FĂNAFĂNAU. "O O lo fana sega na ua lā le . fastenin. g of the bonito-hook . * FĀNAU, s. offspring, children . '0 3.ThePlacenta lāna fānau . ALAbrium name , 8. thepopuli FĂna ū , 8. a bow . Syn . ĀUFANA. FANU treeĀMAM foliumof ).a ( Carum FĀNAUGA , 8. 1. child -bearing . 'O FANUATANU, 8. a stone pavement., lona fānauga . 2. Offspring. “O ' O lona fanuatanu. lān a fānauga . FĀNAULĒĀU fanugaexcellent. , v. to bring forth pre - le UGA, fale uaa.most . E tasi. maturely . FĀNAU PĂLASI, v. to have children Fasa , 8.).the name of a tree (Pan danus in quick succession . Fasa mad,A.crazy , de , FĀNAUSEʻELĀ , 8. a foot presentation liriouá.s ; foolis reduph.,FAFAS in childbirth . FANAFANA, v. 1. to fire off guns re Fasa deliri FAFAS,A.mad , or be .foolish v. to; redup , ous peatedly , 2. To go out shooting. FĂSI, v. 1. to beat. 2. To kill, FANAFANAGA, 8. 1. a shooting . 2. especially of animals ; FASIOTI, The things shot. ' O lāna fana- | usually of men ; pl. FAFASI; fanaga . FANAFANUA, 8. a cannon. ' O lāna plintens. . ASI ; pass . FASIA ; . FĀSIAFASIF fanafanua . FĂNAMANU, 8. 1. a fowling- piece . FĂSI ng.to 2. A killin slaug , 8.hter 1. a .beati usedg, qua«Uarrel orle infasi, Indian shot ( Canna Indica ). | whe war, the in a , n 2. resu lts are fatal. FĂNASI, v. to doctor the eye; pass. FANASIA . FANATAʻAI, 8. a rifle. Fāsi, v. to split. fāsi FANAVALE , v. to shoot beside the FĀsi, place. O 3.lānaPrivate talo .s. 1.2. à Ápiece. mark , to miss. Syn . FANA'ELA, parts. “O lona fāsi. Syn.MEA. FANA' ASA . FĂSIOTI, v. to kill, of persons . FANENE. See MANENE . redup FĀNIU , 8. the large plank next the FåsIF con; ASI,, from to split v. 1. FĀSI . 2.in Topieces keel of a double canoe. ng .of FĂSI Fano , v. to die , to perish . E fano | FASIG tinueA, to8.beat redup. O lona a ;beati . .. le para i lona vae. fasiLUAI ga NA , v. to split in two: FANO , adv . along, passing along. | FĂSI tagi fano FAN"Ua OAULUGA, v.. to die off one tino, tete'ana ' esee ai ona luai le leapou. olā ' . “Ua fāsi after another, as a husband and FĂSITUINA, v. lit. to be beat en a wife .
FANOALOU , v. slimy diarrhea . standtoingreply - able ; to .be attacked and not FANOʻELEʻELE , v. to be eclipsed , 1 Fata , 8. 1. a raised house for GAS of the moon. Syn. EʻELE storing yamsin . O lāna fata ufi. ‘ ELE . FANOFANO , v. to wash the hands, 4.2. AA shelf. bier. 3.'Olona . w5.. -barro A handfata chiefs for FAFANO. to FANOGALEALU , v. going abreast, as FatA a,litte carr pass . fata y in r. to ; a v. tuun FATAIN can rac Soi oes
ing. “ a , ua
( 151 )
FĀTAI, v, to sit cross-legged ; pl.
boughs in the road ; to be near
the birth . FĀTATAI. FATAFATA, 8. the chest, breast. FATIMATAO, 8. the name of a tree. FĀTIPAUMASUNU, v. to break off ' O lona, fatafata . Fataga , s. the carrying on a fata . the branches of the pau , leaving
FATALELE, 8. 1. a part of the old Samoan double canoe. 2. An
the fruit to ripen on the ground ; fig. to die.
eminence. 3. A bluff point. FATIPā, v. to be shady. Only in FATĀMANU, 8. a scaffold for house poetry. E fatipo leneimalu e.
building, & c. 'O le fatāmanu o FATISOSOE, v. lit. to break off le fale. the soesoe (young turo shoots ) FATĀNIGA, 8. 1. a bird's nest. 2. A number of snakes inter inTIULI.haste ; to steal. Syn . Fa. twined . Fatirou, v. lit. to break off short, FĀTATAIGA, 8. lit. a sitting to as the tou tree. 1. To break , gether cross-legged ; the chiefs of a crested wave. 2. To die and heads of families who com suddenly . . pose the council. “O le fāta FĀTITUA, v. to alter plans, to taiga o alii. change the mind. Fati, 8. a tune. 'Olona fati. Faro, v. to eat. Only used in FATI, v. 1. To break , as waves. abuse. Syn. Va‘o. ' A galu fatia Si-unau . 2. To Fatu, Malay , Batu, 8. 1. a stone. break off,as twigs of trees. “ A “ O ona fatu . 2. The core or stone fatifati le pua vii Tigilau. 3. of fruit. 3. Seeds. 4. The To return . A depreciatory heart. Not the affections. 5. term . Ua 'ou toe fati mai. | The gizzard. 6. A song. “O 4. To be angry. Applied in . lāna “ E tagi fatu ma anger to an aitu. Natonu le eleele.”fatu .Saying on ledeath of lea atua 'ua fati. 5. To cease, as a chief. a call-bird ceasing to cry so as Fatu, a . hard ; applied to some to attract other birds ; or as kinds of wood, as faufatu , fu'a a tame decoy pigeon ceasing fu 'afatu . to fly about to attract other | Fátu , v. 1. to make a titi. “Ua pigeons : fig . applied to a per lē fatua se nau . 2 . To com son leaving a family in disgust ; menice plaiting. 3. To fasten pl. FAFATI; pass. FATIA ; redup. || floats to a net. 4 . To compose FATIFATI; recip. FEFATIFATIAʻI. a song . 5. To raise a fulse re Fatia‘ina, v. to have a relapse, of port ; pass. FATUA. sickness. FATUAʻAFA, 8. strings of sinnet laid FATIATĀMAʻI, 8. unevennesses in on evenly upon the beams of a the ground, abrupt rocks stand ing in the road.
louse. Applied to doing a thing again which is already done.
FATIOo, v. to break (of a wave), FATUAʻI, v. to lay up in the me reaching to the beach .
FATIULI, V. lit. to break off the
mory ; to compose and commit to memory.
taro shoots ; to steal ; a jocular FatuĀIGA, 8. domestic work , caus term , because the thief in his ing fatigue. haste pulls off the shoots and FATUĀIGA'UPU, v. to be pained with leaves the root of the taro. much scolding. FATIULI, 8. a thief. See the verb. FATUAUA, 8. the name of a shell. FATIFATIALA, v. lit. to break off fish .
FEA FAT ( 152 ) FATUALAVAI,8.a traditionary stone. FATUPESE, 8. a poet. ' O le fatupese o le nuću . la natia ifo i fatualavai. on which the burthen rests . " O a game to break off. Tréu ia te lona fatuamo. toe le fatupona. FATUAMOA, p. 1. to have a swollen FatusIVA, 8. a poet. Syn. Fatu shoulder from bearing burdens. PESE . - 2. To be hard -worked . FATUSULU, 8. the end of a torch FATUʻAMU, 8. a heap of ‘amu col which is burnt out. lected in the lagoon to attract fish . FATUTAU , v. to devise, plan , as in FATUATI, 8. a heap of stones in war. Ua fatutau pea i aso uma, the lagoon to attract fish . ' O . ma togafau . FATUTOʻI, 8. a worn -out hatchet. lāna fatuati. FATUʻULU, v. 1. to thatch over ' O lāna fatuto‘i. old thatch. 2. To store up FATUTŪ. . 1. a heap of stones in the lagoon, left for a long time grievances. FATUFALA, 8. a variety of bread undisturbed . 2. A firm rock .
FATUAMO, 8. the part of the shoulder FATUPONA, 8. a fault which causes
fruit. 3. An industrious man. FATUFATU , 10. 1. To fold up. FATUTALEA, to expectorate from a FĀTUFATUAʻI, } 2. To lay up cough. FĀTUFATUI, J words, to com - | FĀTUVALU, 8. an inferior siapo. ' pose and commit to memory . O lāna fatuvalu. FE, a préfix to verbs, with i, a'i, 3. To ponder carefully. FATUFATUA, a. stony, having small taʻi,ani, & c., suffixed. It usually stones. denotes reciprocal action ; but in FATUFETUʻU , 0. 1. to overlap ; like some instances it only forms a the scales of a fish , the leaves of plural. a titi, & c. 2. To be of different Fea, adv. where ? ages. O le alaalafaga fatu FEA'AA'AA'l, v. from AʻA, to be inter
fetu-u .
FĂTUFUA, 0. to raise a false report, to accuse falsely. Fatuga, 8. the timbers to which the purlins of a house are fastened. Fatuga o le fale. FATUGA‘O, 8. the kidneys. "O ona fatugaʻo. FATUGUGU, 8. a fatty tumour. ' O lona fatugugu . FATULAU, s. old thatch.
connected as families. Syn . FE FISIFISIAʻI. .
FEʻA'EI, v. pl. of A‘E, to climb. FEʻAI, v. to be fierce, savage. FEʻAI, a. fierce , savage. FEAO, v. to keep another company,
to guard , to protect. Ua futú le feao ma alofa. FEAOFA'I, 0. recip. of mo, to collect together from different places. Nai*auvaʻa feaofa'i, 'o loʻo filo iä
FATULALO, 8. the under row of ti papālagi. leaves in a titi. “Ua lotoi lauti FEAOGA, 8. a guard. E fai ma fatulalo. feaogo i le lagilua. FATULOGONOA, 8. a measure ex FEAU, 8. a message. “O lāna feau . tending from the bend of the Pe se ā le fe'au puapuagā.
elbow to the tips of the fingers FEʻAU, v. to send for. on the opposite band. Syn. FEʻAUSI, v. pl. of ‘A‘au, to swim . FEʻAFEʻA, 8. entrails of the bonito. VAETULILIMA. FATUMANAVA, 8. the motion of the CARNE. heart. ' O lona fatumanava .
FATUMATAU, 8. a worn -out hatchet. O lāna fatumatau.
FEAGAI, v, 1. to be opposite to each other. 2. To correspond . 3. To dwell together cordially, to be on
( 153 )
good terms; as a chief with his FEAVAUAʻI, v. to be in an uproar,
people, or a minister with his to be all talking together, to wrangle . FEĀGAʻI, v. recip. from Āga; to go FEʻXVEA'I, v. from 'AVE, to be a up and down, backwards and talebearer. Hock .
forwards. FEʻĀVEA'I, v. recip. of 'Ave, to take FEAGAIGA, 8. 1. an established about; redup. FEʻAVE'AVEA ‘I ; pass. relationship between different FEʻAVEA‘INA. parties, as between brothers and FEAVITIAʻI, v. to tell a tale in sisters and their children . Lota | different ways, to prevaricate. tuafafine le feagaiga . Also beFrom Aviti.
tween chiefs and their tulāfale. lately adopted neaning. 'O la la feagaiga . FE'ALASI, v. pl. of 'A'ALA, to smart. FEALATAʻI, v. from Ala, to arise, to spring up, on all sides,as rumours of war, & c. FEALOAʻI, v. recip. of ALOA, to
FEʻE, s. the cuttlefish (Octopus). FEʻEFEʻE, 8. the elephantiasis. FEʻEFEʻEA, v. to have feefe'e.
2. An agreement, a covenant. A FEEUTA, 8. a yellow spider.
FE'EFEʻELAUVAI, v. to be dropsical. FEʻEFEʻETOLIU, ś. elephantiasis fall.
ing on internal organs. FEʻELI, v. pl. of ‘ELI, to pull hard in paddling a canoe. mutually pay respect to ; pass. | FEETIETIA‘I, v. to bedriven from post FEALOA INA. to pillar, to be sent on diffe FEALOAʻIGA, 8. a mutual showing of rent messages at the same time, respect. to be puzzled .
FEʻALOʻALOFAʻl, v. recip. of ‘ALO, to FEʻIA, 8. ornamentally - marked · evade, to make excuses.
FEʻALOFAʻI, v. to commit adultery or fornication secretly. Elē gata ¿ Safata ona feʻalofa'i ai “o Māta'utia ma le tamaita'i. FEĀLOFA'I, v. pl. of Alo, to paddle . FEALOFANI, v. recip. of ALOFA, to · love mutually. FEʻALOFI, V. pl. of ‘alo. FEA FEALUMA‘I, } v.6. recip. TeoIT of alu, to go
about, to go up and down, to walk backwards and forwards;
native cloth .
FEI'l, 8. a younger brother who quarrels with his older brother. FEILOAʻI, v. recip. of iloa , to see one another ; redup. FEILOILOA ‘I. FEINOFA‘I, v. to demand mutually ; from INOINO. FEITAGAŠI, V. from ITA, to hate mutually. FEITATANI, v. pl. of Ita, to hate.
FEʻITEʻITEA'I, v. to see indistinctly, as at twilight, to be distinguish able. “Ua fe'ite'iteaʻi aitu ma
redup. FEALUALUAʻI, FEALUALU - | tagata . MAŠI. FEʻITETELE, 8. the moon a little
FEANU, v. to spit. past full. 'O le feitetele o le FEAPATAʻI, v. to interlace, as māsina. branches of a tree. “ Feapataʻi | FEʻITETELE, v. to be a little past the maiona la.” Myth. Syn.FESAUAʻI. full, of the moon . FEASOFAʻI, v. to rush upon , to run FEITI, v. to copulate. madly about. FEʻOEʻOEA'I, v. to love one another. FEASOGI, v. to salute by rubbing FEOA‘l, v. to walk with , to go about noses.
with .
FEʻATANI, v. pl. of ‘ATA, to laugh. FEOFEO , 8. branching coral. Tapisa ma tou feʻatani. FEOFOAʻI, v. recip. from Oro, to FEĀVAʻI, v. recip. of Āva, to show greetmutually. mutual respect. | FEOLOOLO, v. (pronounced feolūlo ),
( 154 )
moderated , to be improved, toto bebe better.
fig. To be inflated,as the heart with pride,
FEOSOFA'I, pl. of OSOFAI. FEFILOI, v. to mix ; from filo. FEOSOFI, v. pl. of osā, to jump. FEFINAUAʻI, v. recip. from FINAU, Feosofi to coutend together. ane*ia, 'o le ā saei. FEʻOTE, Lab of "OTE . FEFISIFISIAʻI, v. recip. from tj * FEʻOTEʻOTE, pl. 01 1. to entwine, as creepers. 2 . *
FEŪ, a. pungent, acrid. FEŪ, v. I. to bite ; pl. of U. 2. To be
be interconnected , as fanilies. Syn . FEA' AA 'AAʻI.
acrid, pungent. FEUALOLOAʻI, v. recip, of UALOLO, to | FEFOʻIFOʻIAʻI, FEFUGAFUGANI,v. tov.betofickle. distribute pass and repass in crowds. property or food impartially so FEʻUⓇUAʻl, v. recip. of Uʻu , to grasp as to avoid offence. mutually. to turn back FEUʻUA'I, v. 1 1. to jostle . 2. To FEFULIITUA, back beforev. beginning a clubto FEUʻUNA‘I, v. ] move backwards match . FEGALEGALEA 'I, v. 1. to be driven , and forwards, as a boundary. FEUFEU, a . 1. tough , of meat. 2 . first one army, and then the Hard to split, as firewood . other. 2. To go about to feasts FEULA, v. from ula , to blow up, as in different villages. 3. To dwell the fire with the mouth. peace, in of FEʻUMA‘IGA, 8. from 'u -u , a grasping FEGANAVAI, v. families. recip. of GAGANA, to of hands. Ne'i taufa'alelea è la speak to one another. Lenuóu e tātou feʻumaʻiga . lē iloa feganavai. FEUMIA IGA, 6. friendly intercourse | FEGAOGAOAʻI , 8. mutual abuse. between families . See ‘UMI, v. FEGAUIAʻI, v. to have many frac FEʻUPUAʻI, v. from 'upu , to wrangle. tures . FEUSUAʻIGAFA, v. to intermarry. FEGENOTA‘I, recep. of GENO, to wink FEUTUUTU, v. to pour from one at one another. bottle to another. “ Ua tagi feu - FEgo, v. to look covetously . Na te tuutu le fafine.” fego mea lelei uma e fai mona . FEUTUFAʻI, v. pl. of UTU, to fill I FEGUIGUI, v. to talk in a low tone. bottles , to draw water. 'Ua FELA, 8. 1. ectropion . 2. The eye. feutufa-i Only in abuse. FEFA'AĀLOAʻIfaʻavaa'mămă. , v. from āloa, to show FELA, v. to pull down the under mutual respect. Syn. FEAVAʻI. eyelid , equivalent to a charge FEFĂLOAI, v. 1. to pull at the of adultery to the person before opposite ends of a rope. 2. To whom it is done; pl. FEFELA, contend. , v. 1. to scratch ,18 a cat. FEFAʻAMĀFANAFANAʻI, v. to en - |„FELAŠU 2. To scratch indecently ; pass. courage mutually .
FELA‘UA. FEFE, 8. fear. O lona fefe. Syn .| FELAULAU, v. to sail about. MATAʻv
. . of LAILAU , FEFE, spread v.outrecip quickly,as v. 1. be FELAULAUA'I, food. slirivelled .to 2.beTowrinkled 2.1. toTo bring various charges be afraid, to; pl. FEFEFE. Syn . MATAʻu. FEFEU, a, tough . FEFEGA. See FEFE . FEFELA, v. verbum obucenissimum . FEFENA, a . tough
against a person . FELĀULAUAʻi, recip. ofLĀULAU . FELAʻULA'UA'I, v. recip . from LAŠU , 1. to carry off. 2. To be a tell tale. FEFETE, v. 1. to be puffed up, to | FELAULAUTASI , v. to be the one
be swollen, to be distended . 2.
speaker to whom all others give
FEN FEL ( 155 ) place,none contending with him FELUʻULUⓇU, v, pl. of LULUʻU, to fill for the privilege of speaking. 'o the hands with several different se mālo tu i Maile ma Salafai- things. faigā, ina felaulautasi ai‘oe. FEMAOMAOGAʻI, v. recip. of mao, to FELAFELA, v. to sleep with the legs do mutually a thing to no pur pose . wide apart. Indecent. FELAFOLAFOA ‘I, v. recip. of LAFO , to | FEMAUAINA, v. recip. of maua, to deliberate, lit. to toss the matter be variously engaged, to be to and fro. | busy. FELAGOLAGOMAʻI, v. recip. of Lago FEMAGOAʻ , v. to make dry, as LAGO , to lean to, to depend on clothes, & c. Applied to large one another. plantations, which dry up before FELAPAʻIGA, 8. a warning . 'O toe they can be eaten. felapa 'iga nei. FEMEINAʻI, v. pl. 1. of MEA. 2. To FELĀTA'I, v. pl. recip. of Lata, to FEMEMEAʻI, do quickly . v. to be confounded . to be near together.
FELAVASAʻI, v. to be intercrossed, FEMIGO1, v. to wriggle about, as an to be one across another. afato; applied to a child ; redup, FELAVET, 1 v. to be inter FEMIGOMIGOI. FELAVELAVEAʻI, ) twined , to be FEMIli, v. to rub together, as the intricate, to be involved. branches of two trees. FELEI, v. to fly at, as a hen ; pass. FEMISA‘I, v. pl.of misa, to wrangle FELEIA . together. Pe ni ‘au māga fe FELEFELE, a. 1. bushy, of trees, misaři. hair, & c. 2. Complicated, in FEMOʻEI, v. pl.of momoʻE, to run. volved , of wind.
FEMUMUFALOAʻI, v. lit. to stretch
FELEFELE, v. 1. to be bushy. 2. by pulling in differentdirections; To be complicated , to be in to have each one hisown opinion, volved, intricate. to be divided in sentiment. FELEFELEIA. Syn . Tana. Of FEMUSUMUSUI,v.recip. of MUSUMUSU , chiefs. to whisper together. FELELEI, v. pl. of LELE, to fly. FENA, 8. the name of a tree (Eu FELO, a. light yellow . Ua felo le genia neurocalyx). Syn . ‘OLI. sama. FENA, 8. sleepiness, weariness, ex . FELOUAʻI, v. to bend in one direc- haustion. "Ua tu le fena. tion and then in another. Ap FENAUI, 8. a variety of fena. plied to contentions. Talu ai na FENAFENA, v. 1. to be hard to cut feloua 'i nu-u .- Solo. up, as firewood . 2. To be of a FELOGOAʻI, v. recip. of LOGO, to tough constitution , as a sick make known from one to another. man who long holds out, neither FELOGOLOGOI. Syn . FELOGOAʻI. getting well nor dying . Also
FELOSIAʻI, v. recip. of LOSILOSI, to FEFENA. be jealous of one another. Ia FENANAI, v. pl. of Nana, to brag . te'a le felosia 'i. Syn . LIMALA'U. FELOTOIA'I, v. to be intermixed. FENATIAʻl, v. recip. of nati, to be FELUANI, v. from lua, two. 1. to | urged to go hither and thither. go two together. 2. To sound || FENATOTO, 8. a variety of fena . together, as two trumpet-shells. FENAVENAVEA'I, v. See FELAVE FELŪEAʻI, v. pl. of LUE, to shake LAVEAʻI. about, as the head . FENAVUNAVUA'IINA, v. to be beaten FELUʻIAʻI, v. recip. of LUʻI, to all over the body with a club ; as | if daubed with lime. challenge one another.
( 156 )
FENEʻE, v. to be inflated , puffed up. FESEʻETI, pl. of SEʻE. Fenee, fene'e, pae 'e. incorrect. a. recip. logona oftalasē,fesei. Se'i tātou FENINIA '1, v. recip. of NINI, to smear FESEI, one another. " O au mea na fui, FESEʻJA'I, v. pl. of SEʻI, to draw out, ' 'a e a feninia 'i mai. sword FENŪ, v. to make a join in plait - as pluck out.s from the scabbard, to ing, & c. FESEU AʻI, from SEU, v. recip FEPAUTI, v. recip . of Pau, to reach | steer about from 1.oneto a .canoe toget her, of two par a place place to another. 2. To commit ties. '0 loʻolililofeseua'i le FEPALAP- UAʻI, v. 1. pl. of PALAPU , adultery tamāloá .i Mulitoʻa . to omit smoke. 2. To rush to FESIA . See FAIFESIA . gether, as winds down adjacent FESI'ITA'I, v. recip. of siʻi, to lift · gullies. place from'ITI,place FEPANIPANIAʻI, v. to ply with blows FESI up. in the lap, as v. to totake or words. a child . FEPI'ITI, v. pl. of PIPI'I. a question lava se8. fesili 'O lona lata na. . Tutunoa FEPILIAʻI, v. recip. of PIPILI, to beL FESILI, near one to another. Syn. FE fesili. LATA 'I. , v. , to question , to ask a FEPISIAʻI, v. recip . of PIPISI. 1. to FESILI question
splash oneanother. 2. To infect FESILIAʻI, v. to pass one another one another. unwittingly , FEPULAFI, pl. of PUPULA. FESAETAINĀ, v. recip . from SAEI, to FESOA anothNI,er.v. from soa, to accompany be pulled to pieces. FESOASOANI ANI,, v.S. assistan to help,ceto. assist. FESA 'EAINA, v. recip . of Sasa‘E , to FESOASO carry about a house from one FESOʻOTAʻI, v. pl. of soʻo, to join place to another. togetA‘INA, her. v. to be tossed by FESA ‘ESA‘EAʻINA, v. to be in per- FESOU plexity . waves . , v. recip . to run for FESAESAEAINA, v. to run about from FESOL ATAʻI fesaesaeai place to place. refug
na | place to place. 'Da e from atefanau . To run about FESOPOAI, v. 1. pl. of sopo, to pass · faʻamMatef anau , a godi. like over. 2. recip . of sopo , to pass FESĂ
UA ‘l, v. to hang across from and repass over, as a hill. FESUIAʻI, v.recip. of sur, to exchange. . 'I, v. toe ,mafes E lēUAʻI FESAGA'I, v. recip . of SAGA, to be FESUL pl. of sulu , to take 1 v.uia'i. opposite to each other . FESULUN refuge with one A'I, ) FESAGOA 'I, v. pl. of SAGO . after another. Fesulunaći
brancmarry both sides, asinter hes of trees. FESĀUA to
FESANUI, v . to talk together plea atua o Samoa iā Tagaloa . į le santly, asfriend family meeti FESUS at ng, to a UI, v. pl. of susu , to suck . chat as s; recip . FESANU | FETAʻALOLO A 'I, v. recip . of TA'ALOLO, SANUI.
confus toswaye bed inbackw , asforwa a crowd ardsionand rds.
ISAPIAʻI, v. to retort on one FETAENAʻI, v. to come, or to gather another. to one FESAVALI, E se uila e tapa fe ing to place a head,'as. a swelling gather savali Song
.-. I, .8. the name of a creeping FESĒA recip ʻI, plant v. 1. . of SĒ. 2. Also FETA pl. of SĒ. FETAʻI, v. pl. of Ta‘l, to lead,
FET FET ( 157 ) FETĀʻI, v. from tā, to fight with FETĀLAʻI, v. recip. of TALA, to clubs. confess one to another, in order to ascertain on whose account FETAIAʻ , v. to meet. FETAIAʻIFOLA, v. to meet visitors on one of the family is ill. the road. FETALAIGA, 8. a chief's word , a FETAIAʻIGAFA, v. to connect by chief's speech . O lāna fetalaiga. marriage, FETALIA“1, v. to answer backwards FETAILELII. The star called liiL and forwards, to respond ; pass. springs up first, and then others FETALIA‘ina. follow , so the chief speaker gives FETALIAʻIGA, 8. mutual returns. the keynote to the meeting,and FETANIGA, 8. See FATANIGA. then other speakers follow in his FETATOTI, V. See LEFETATOTI. FETELEAʻI, v. to run hither and steps. FETAITAI, v. to be near. E mamao thither. fua, ‘a e fetaitai. FETTʻI, v. to hang popo, tied in FETAʻITA‘I, v. to take hold of hands, pairs, round a tree. and walk together. FETIʻITI'I, v. piled up. Si a'u avega FETAOLAFAʻI, v. to make the fire feti'iti-i. burn brightly. FETIMA‘I, v. from tima, to mutually FETAOMA‘I, 8. one kind of banana. encourage. Syn. FETOMA‘I. FETAOMA‘I, v. pl. of TATAO, to press FETINAʻI, v. recip, of TITINA, to be down. pressed together, to be choked FETAU, 8. the nameof a tree (Calo for room , as trees too close phyllum inophyllum ). together. FETAU, v. to reproach , to upbraid. FETO, s. the eyes. A term of abuse. FETAUA'I, a . recip. of tau, baffling, FETOʻAI, v. to clash together, to of wind. Nei to se matagi fall, or run one against another. FETOA'I, v. 1. to be undecided , to fetaua‘i. FETAUI, v. to clash together, as two be of two minds. To take what belongs to another by mistake. bottles, or two falling trees. FETOʻATĀMA'I, v. to be angry with FETAUIA'I, v. recip . of TAUI. FETAUIAⓇIGA, 8. retaliation . ' ' O le a | one another. A chief's word . FETOʻATĀMA‘IGA, 8.mutual anger of fai le fetauiaʻiga i le mea . FETAUFAOA‘I, v. recip. of Fao, to chiefs. “O lo lā feto‘atāmaʻiga. take forcibly from one another. FETOʻI, a.with negative, unequalled. E fetaufaoaʻi la lā mea . E leai se na te feto‘i. FETAUFAOAʻlga, 8. the taking by FETOʻI, v. to moderate,as the wind ; force from each other. redup. FETOʻITOʻI. FETAUFETULIAʻI, v. recip. of TAU - FETOFUI, v. pl. of TOFU, to dive, to FETULI, to run hither and thither. FETAULAʻI, v. 1. to meet, as two roads. 2. To have a concurrence,
dip under.
FETOGI, v. pl. of TOGI, to throw at, to stone.
FETOLO‘AʻI, v. to grow over, as as of misfortunes . FETAULA‘IGĀALA, 8. a place where skin over a sore. two roadsmeet. FETOLOFAʻI, v. recip. of TOTOLO , to FETĀFA'I, v. recip. of TAFA, to crawlabout. remove a house from place to FETOLOFI, v. pl. of Totolo, to crawl, to creep . place. Syn . FESA‘EAʻI. FETAGOFI, 0. pl. of Tago, to take FETOLOFILOFI, redup. of FETOLOFI. FETÕMA‘I, v. recip . from TOMA, to hold of ; pass. FETAGOFIA . encourage one another. Syn . FETAGOTOIA 'I, v. recip . of TAGOTOJ. FETALAI, v. to speak. Used of chiefs. / FETIMA‘I.
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FETÕMA‘IGA, 8. mutual exhortation. FEVI'IAʻI, v. recip. from ViviʻI, to FETOTI, v. to grind the teeth , to praise one another . have the teeth chatter. FEVIŠIAʻ praise. IGA, 8.mutual FETŪ, Malay, FATUI, 8. a star. 0 | FIA, Syn . Tolu. a . three. fetū o le lagi.
to wish , to desire. Le fia FETŪAO, s. the morning star. Nai- FIA, eva v.gatasi lava. nai soania le fetūao. . to some as the passive, FETUANAʻl, v. recip. of Tua, 1. To Fia,verbsa particle to form suffixed sit with the backs to each other, "alofia , inofia . to be at variance. 2. To convey Fia, adv. interrog. how many ? E from one place to another ; applied fia aso ?
to the non - combatants in time of FIAʻAI, v. to be hungry. war taken about to seek pro- | FIAĒ, 8. concupiscence. tection ; redup. FETUATUANAʻI. FIAINU, S. thirst. “O lona fiainu . Sa fetuanaʻi ainei,lamauta le fua . FIAINU, v. to thirst.
FETUANI, v. 1. to heap things up, FIAOLA, interj. let me live ! [ A one on another. 2. To heap up , very common exclamation ; used as complaints. beatenn, orbyby aa a child person FETUI, v. to pile or build up stones, by whenwhenovertake as in a wall, or on the firewood calamity, or when frightened.] in a native oven . desire death. FIAOTI, 8.v. ato pigeon FETUⓇU, 8. a curse. "O lāna fetu“U . FIAUI, [Columba cas taneiceps FETUʻU FETUʻU, pass. to curse ). | ; v. INA.
fiafia . s.'joy, delight. 'Olona FETUⓇUAʻI, v. to accuse falsely ; FIAFIA, pass. FETUʻUA 'INA . FETUʻULOGOLOGO, 8. a wide-spread FIAFIA FIAFIA,, v.a. tojoyful. be joyful, to rejoice, to curse. Applied to tale-bearing be delighted. that causes quarrels. plant. name of a quadri 8. the(Portulaca Syn. TAMOLE FETUʻUNA‘IGA, S. a putting off from FIAFIĀTULI, one to another, as a speech , work , & c .
fida.). FIAMEA FIAMOE,, as be sleepy. v. toFIAE.
FETUʻUTUʻUAʻI, v. 1. to take from one branch of FIASEGA, 8. one kind of ta'amū. a family to another. "Ua lē fetu - | FIASILI, futuʻuaći le tama a Sināletagataga . | FIATELE, } v. to be ambitious. FIASILI, s. ambition, “Olona fia 2. To spread evenly, as mats . FETŪLELE, 8. a shooting star, a sili. meteor . of, leto meabe seʻi fiu ai FETULENI, v. recip. from TULEI, to FIU,tiredv. of.to be"A wearied press on one another, to crowd ula . FETUʻUTUʻUNA'I,
upon .
FETULI, v. to pursue. FETULIA , 2. to run after, to give chase to. Fetulia , 'ua i le vasa . FETULIAVĀ , v . to pursue a runaway wife.
FIFI, s. the small intestines.
FIFĪLĒMIE, Ū, a.a .dimin FIFĪMAL dimin.. ofofFĪLĒMŪ. FIMALIE. “ shellfish,” including “ jelly term includes fish.”sea[ This FETULIGA, 8. chasing, a pursuit. all and except fishalmost animals O le fetuliga o le fafine . Molluscs, Crusta turtles, viz., FETUTAʻI, v. to join by knotting ceans, Echinoderms, and Acale together, as a rope ; pl. FETU TUTAʻI ,
FIGOTA, 8. the general name for
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FILELEI, a. quiet, easy ; redup.
filuin. 2. The float baited for
FilĒMŪ, v. to be quiet, to be easy ; | Filo , v. to mix ; pl. FEFILOI; pass. redup. FIFĪLĒMŪ. FILOGIA . Nai auvaʻa feaofa'i 'o Fili;s.one who is hated by another. loʻo filo iā papālagi. 'Ua sao mai i le fili o le mālo. | FILOA , 8. the nameof a fish .
8. the name of a War was the enemy, or hated FILOAGUTUʻULA, fish . FILI, v. to plait, as sinnet ; pl. FI- FILOUʻA, 8. envy. Syn . MATAUʻA. 'O lona filou -a . FILI. FILI, Malay, Pilin , v. 1. to be FILOUʻA, v. to envy; redup. FILO entangled, to be involved , to be FILUUʻA . intricate. 2. To choose, to select. FILOFILOA, 8. the name of a tree Malay, PILIH . 3. To deliberate ; | (Coffeacea ). intens. FILIFILI ; pass. FILIFILIA . FILOTAI, 8. the name of a shell "Ua fili e le tai se agava'a , The fish . sea chooses (or shows) the quality FIMĀLIE, adv. easily, gently ; in of the canoe. . tens. FIFĪMĀLIE. FilI'AFALOA, v.to engage constantly | FIMĀLIE, a . gentle, mild . Ia maua in war. Moia te te fili'afaloa, atu lonamālo fimālie. nei faifai fa'alētonuga . FINAU, v. to strive, to contend ; FILIAFILIA , Šyn . FILIFUEA. intens. FINAFINAU ; recip. FEFI FILIFILIGA,8.a deliberation . Malay, | NAUAʻI. PILI-AN, choice. “Ua i'u le fili- | FINAUGA, 8. disputation, contention . ' O lāna finauga . filiya a lo lātou saofa'iga. FILIFUEA, v. to be entwined and | FINAUMĀUA'I, v. to persevere till one.
gained . choked by fue. FữLIGA, 8. the edge or border of a FINAUVALE , v. to be obstinate .
cocoa-nut mat ; the joining in a FINAUVALE, a . headstrong, obsti basket.
Filiga. See FILIFILIGA . FINAGALO, 8. 1. a chief's will or FILIGA, 8. the quantity of sinnet desire. O lou finagalo na tā to plaited. ' O lāna filiga. Intens. 'ese'ese ai. 2. A chief's heart, FILIFILIGĀ. or the seat of the affections. 3. FILIGĀ, 8. perseverance, diligence. The liver of a pig or shark . "O lona finagalo . ' O lona filigā. FILIGĀ , a: diligent, persevering . FINAGALO, 7. to will, of chiefs. persevering be FILIGĀ, v. to be , to FINAGALOA, v . to be angry, of chiefs. diligent.
FILIGĀTA, 8. a number of snakes
FINAGALOATUA, v. to have the will inclined towardsGod .
intertwined . Syn . EʻEGA, FE - FISAGA, 8. a gentle north -westerly TANIGA. : wind . Ia agile sulu ma le fisaga, FILIMOTO , 8. the name of a tree. I i mola'i si ata tama. FILISĀUGA. See FILITĀGAGA . Fisi, Malay, Pisi, the skin , v. 1. to FILITA'A, v. to prefer, to give the peel, to cut off the skin, as of preference to . fruit, bark , & c. 2. To entwine, FILITĀGAGA, 8. sinnet plaited in as a vine round a stick . 8. 1. indigenous sugar-cane Fiso, lengths. Syn . FILISAUGA. | FILITAVATI'O, 8. the name of a tree. (Saccharum floridulum ). 2. The Syn . MAMĀLUPE (Faradaya ami blossom of the sugar-cane. corum , or Powellii). . Fiso , v. to blossom , of the sugar Filo, 8. 1. twine, thread. Latin, I cane.
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FISOA , 8. the name of a plant (Columbrina Asiatica ).
FITĀ , 8. 1. a steep place. 2. Food brought to visitors. Fa'afetai fitā . FiTĀ, a . 1. difficult. 2. Courageous.
Ooe e fitā, ona 'a 'e tali “o le oneone e sau nei. FITAFITA, a . courageous.
FOU willing. 3. To give up to die , as by sending into great danger or certain death ; pass. FOA‘IINA, FOAʻIA . FOAFOA, 8. the trumpet-shell. "O le foafoa a le nuʻu . FOAFOAI, 8. a knife. Foaga, 8. a grindstone. 'O lāna foaga .
FITI, 8. 1. the name of a plant. FOAGAOLETA'AFANO , 8. pigeons 2. One kind of song borrowed hatched late in the season, and from Fiji. 3. A somersault. | so easily killed by the wind. "Ua ta lāna fiti. 4. The name FOAGĂFANUA, 8. pigeons hatched of a game. early, in cultivated land.
FITI, v. Malay, JINTIK , to fillip ; pl. FOAGAMAGOGO, 8. pigeons hatched FITIFITI. settled .
at the same time with the gogo.
FITIĀ, v. to be restless, to be un FOALIMA, 8. a chicken hatched by hand , from an egg left by the FITIU, 8. a game played with reeds. hen . FITIGASE , 8. dying struggles . Ap FOE, 8. a paddle . ' O lāna foe. plied to a storm dying out. Fora, v. to have lots of pullers in a FITIPUʻU, 8. a short stick used in canoe. FOEULI, 8. 1. a steering paddle. 2. the gameof fiti. FITIVALE, v. to struggle. “Ua fiti A steer-oar. 3. A rudder. rale ina a malemo. FOEFOE, v, to paddle briskly. FITIVALEVALE, 8. a handsomeman . FOELOTO, 8. the paddler amidships. FITOI, 8. a brother or sister from FOEMUA, 8. the bow paddle, the
whom assistance is sought. Syn . stroke paddle in a canoe. U and TINOI. 'O lona fitoi. FOEMULI, 8. Malay, KA-MUDI, a FITU , Malay, FITU , A . seven . steering paddle. "Syn . FOEULI. FITUGAFULU, a . seventy . FOEMULI, v . to steer ; pass. FOE FITUGALAU, a. seven hundred . MULIA . E te foemulia lo tātou vaʻa . Fo, s. the name of a fish . F . , v. to doctor, to apply remedies ; FOETAUTĀ , 8. steer oar. redup. Foro ; pass. FÕIA. Sei FOETALITALI, 8. a large paddle, aʻo ni aga ia fofo. Applied fig. used by the paddler nearest the to ceasing to be angry. Ia fofo steersman to help to steer a boat. lou alo . Foʻi, v. to return , to turn back ; Fo, v. 1. to rub the grated arrow pass. FOʻISIA ; recip. FEFOʻIFO
root with the hand , when pre
"IAʻl. Sole Tigilau , sau inā foʻi,
paring it by washing , so as to e gata i-inei. force out the dregs. 2. To draw Foʻl, conj. 1. also. . 2. A diminu in the lauloa , so as to force the tive in qualifying assertions. Sa fish into the tu i ; pass. FOINA. I ua foʻi. It did rain, butnotmuch . Foa, v. 1. to chip, as a hole in an FoʻISA'I, v. to send back ; pass. egg -shell. 2. To break , as a FOʻISAʻIINA. Foʻisaʻiina mai lata rock . 3. To break the head ; pl. tamama lota alofa. FOFOA ; redup. FOAFOA. FoʻISAGA, 8. 1. the place from Foa, 8. a fracture of the head. “ O lona foa .
which a party returns. 2. The
party returning. 'O lo lātou FOA'l, v. 1. to give. 2. To give | foʻisaga. away, as a daughter who is un- | Fou, a. new , recent.
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Fou, v. 1. to be new , recent, 2. , 3. To send on to forbid a purty • To attempt to make an at- coming. tempt ; as to go a voyage, to Forora, v. 1. to grow large, as a cut into a swelling ; to raise a yam . 2. To be always sitting rebellion ; pass. FOUA. "Ua fou about. 3. To have elephantiasis le va 'a . in scroto. Fou, 8. an attempt, as to rebel. Foga, 8. 1. the hair tied up in a * Ua ututaia į mātou i lona fou I knot. Le foga tele, ma le lau fa'atāutala , ti'ula . ' lona foga. 2. A FOUTAUTALA , v. to engage the knot of false hair.
in talkTālofa whilei lepreparing 8. the surface of the anenemy ambush. mālo a FOGĀ'ELEʻELE, earth . FOGAITUA, 8. the knot of hair tied foutautala . v. to rebel. Ia fouvale up at the back of the head . 'O FOUVALE, Nafanua. lona fogaitua, FoUVALE, 8. rebellion. Na vave FŪGAU, 8. a setter of broken bones. maliu ona 'o lona fouvale. FOUVALE, a . rebellious.
8. a great talker and FOFAʻAMEAAGATA , v. to crush ,as a FOGAFOGA, liar. snake does its victim . - CARNE. FOGAFOGAOLA, v. to look lively, Foro, v. to doctor; pass. FOIA. as on recovery from sickness. Fofo lou alo . FOGAFOGAVALE, v. 1. to look sickly . FoFő, 8. a doctoring of a disease. 2. To look frightened , as troops O le fofo a Tulalia ; like “ Phy about to run away. sician , heal thyself.” FOGĀLELE, 8. a precipice. FoFoʻA, v. 1. to eat loathsome FOGĀLELE, a. precipitous. 'o le food.' 2. To eat voraciously. itū fogālele . FoFoa, v. 1. to break the shell, to FOGĀNUʻU, 8. a night breeze from off shore. hatch . 2. To begin a taro plan tation . | FOGĂSEʻI, 8. the hair tied in a knot, FOFO‘E, v. to skin, to peel off skin , and the end pulled through, so to bark ; pass. FOʻEA. “Ua fofoe as not to come undone, as wheu : le "ulu, avatu e "ai. about to fight. FOFO‘EFA'AVĪ, t. to peel like a FOGĀTAI, S. the surface of the vi, i.e., easily ; to recover rapidly sea . from sickness.
FOGĀTOAFA,8. the bush skirting a
FOFOGA, v. to sing a song. tafa . FOFOGA, 8. 1. a chief's head, face, FOGĀVA ‘A, s. the deck of a vessel,
eves, ears, mouth , or tongue. O lona fogāvaʻa . 2. A chief's word . 'Ua lātou FOGĀVAI, 8. the surfuce of the sapai fofoga. O lona fofoga. water. Fogi, v. to blow the nose. FOFOGĀ, a. having eyes. FOFOGAPOGIA, v. to faint (of chiefs). FOGIFOGI, 8. 1. the part between FOFOLA, v. pl. of FOLA. | the nose and the lip. Ua lavea FOFOLO , v . 1. pl. of FOLO, to i le fogifogi o le pua'a. 2. The swallow . 2. To go and look feelers of crustaceans and insects. on in order to get food . Syn . FOGIFOGI, v. to blow the nose. FA'ASISILA. FOGIFOGIVALE, v. to blow the nose FOFOMOMONO. See FUAFUAMOMONO. frequently, a sign of anger. FOFONO, v. 1. pl. of FONO, to Fola, v, 1. to spread out, as mats patch. 2. To send on a mes
sage one who has just come in
to sleep on . 2. To unfold, as the laud . 3. To ' promise ; re M
( 162 )
dup. FOLAFOLA ; pl. FOFOLA ; | Foloo. Syn . FOLOPAO. FOLO‘ona, v. to swallow a bitter FOLAU, v. to apply ointments or thing. Applied to bearing with other external applications to a bad conduct. wound or sore. FOLOMAGA, 8. the morsel swal FÖLAU, v. to go a voyage ; fig. to lowed . die. Inā folau ai, ma le fa'a- FOLOPAő, v. to swallow whole, to nunu o mala . swallow without chewing. FÖLAU, 8. 1. a voyage. 2, fig. FOMA'I, 8. a doctor. Death . 3. A ship , Malay, PRAU. Fono, s. 1. a council, a legislative, pass. FOLASIA .
Ou te tulia mai ni põpõtu'u o le folau . FÕLAUALAMEA, v. to be its own
assembly. ' O le fono a le nuru .
2. Cold food . Fa'alata, se'i fai ane nimea fono. 3. A plank of
a canoe. 'O le fono o le vaʻa . spiny Echinoderm ) is trodden | 4 . A patch in a garment. on, it is turned over, and by | Fono, 7. 1. to hold a council; applying the under side the pass. FONOA, of the place where
When the alamea (a
it is beld ; FONOTIA, of the per sons attending. 2. To patch ; fölaualamea . to inlay. 3. To eat. Ia fono se 'ava. FÓLAUGA, 8. See FÖLAU. FOLAULAU. Tutuila for FELAU- | Fono, v. to shout, to call out. thorns are sucked out. Ua 'ou usiusi ia te 'oe, 'ua 'o le
LAU. FONOFAFAO , 8. a small plank in a FOLAUSOLA, v. 1. to set sail secretly. I canoe between large ones. 2 . fig. To die. Le vaʻaloa 'ua FONOFONO, v. to go and meet on toto‘o atu , 'ua fölausola ai nei the road . Ona ō ai lea a tama Tui e. e fonofono i o lā mātua . FOLAFOLA , v. 1. to spread out. 2. FŌNOFONO , v. redup. of FONO, to . To unfold, to preach . 3. To patch . FONOLULUʻU , 8. a council beld promise. FOLAFOLAGA, 8. 1. the proclaiming. before going to war. O le fono 2. The promising. 'O lāna fola luluíu a le nu'u . FONOMANU, 8. a council hastily folaga. FOLAGĀFALE , 8. a feast preparatory called by a crier. to war. FONOTALAGA, 8. a council held at FOLALEFAU, v. fastened rightly, of the close of a war. the pigeon . Applied to counsels FONOTIA, v. pass. of FONO , to hold a ending well. l council against some party. FOLASI, v. 1. to spread about. 2. Fota, 8. i. the soil deposited To spread about a report. by rivers. Olona fota . 2. A FOLE, 8. the name of a shell- fish. I large quantity of anything FOLE, v. 1. to be sunken , as the brought. eyes in their sockets. 2. To be Fora , v. 1. to swell, as the mound wasted away . of earth over a yam plant. 2. Foliga, ü. to be like, to resemble . To swell from elephantiasis. 'A e foliga ia te ai ? E foliga 3. To come suddenly. . a Niupisupua. FOTAGA, 8. a larger deposit of soil swallow ; pl. FUFOLO ; thin fota. Folo, v. toFOLOFOLO FOLOpass. Foto, &. the barbed bone in the | dimin . ; | GIA, of the skate, assassination with.used to commit FoloĀ, a. from fofolo , looking on, tail to get some foud given . | Foru, v. 1. to fruit. 2. To appear,
FUA FOT ( 163 ) hair. the to come into sight. Ona fotu mai FUʻA, v. to cut leu o le tamāloa . 3. To eat FUAʻAGA, 8. the beginning, the alone from stinginess ; pl. FOFOTU. cause. O lona fua'aga. Foru, a. ' eating all alone ; pl. FUAALETAFATAFA, 8. the Sataua fleet of fishing canoes. FOFOTU. FOTUA, 8. a large fo. | FUAIALA, 8. one division of a vil FOTUAPALOLO, 8. a party seldom lage. Depreciatory for ala . going a journey. FUAI'UPU, 8. a single sentiment in a FOTUGA, 8. 1. a crop of warts or speech. 'O lāna fuai'upu . pimples. 2. Property given long FUA‘IFA 'I, 8. a single banana . after the death of a chief. ' O la FUAʻISISILA, v. to measure by the mātou fotuga . eye. “Ua fua‘ isisila lāu amio na . FU, 8. vagina. Fua, Malay, BUAH, 8. 1. fruit, FUAITAU , 8. a line of song. flower. I fua mai le nau iná FUA'IVAI, 8. a single water-bottle. · utupūpū ia. 'Olona fua. 2. | “Ua lē inu, 'a 'ua utu i le tasi Seed . 3. An egg. Le fuā lupe fuaʻivai. e tau tasi. 4 . Spawn of fish. Fuão, v. to be excellent. to be
5. A good-looking child of a
chief. E le tauilo fua o alii. Fuao, 8. the name of a sea-bird. 6. A fleet of canoes. 7. A FUAULI, 8. taro sprouts. As ULI. FUAFEALEI, v. 1. to pursue, as the measure . Fua, a particle suffixed to the | fleet in pursuit of bonito. 2. To units, with ga as a connecting make haste after, as to a quarrel, particle, in counting breadfruit, or to a person who is ill. shellfish , & c., e laufua, e tolu - FUAFUA, 8. 1. abscesses in the gafua ; it is prefixed in counting | hands, feet, or face. 2. A young апае. tens, e fualua . Fua, adv. 1. without cause. Lāu FUAFUA, v. from fua, 1. to measure, · sala e fa'apua fua. 2. Without to weigh. 2. To ponder. 3. To success. 3. Uselessly, to no take aim with the spear; pass. FUAFUATIA . purpose . Fua, v. 1. to produce fruit. 2. To FUʻAFUʻA , 8. the name of a tree proceed from , to originate. Fua ! (Kleinhovia hospita). mai lava "i'inā masei ‘aistē. 3. | FUAFUA‘INI, 8. pimples. To begin . 4 . To measure. 5 . | FUʻAFUʻAFATU, 8. a hard kind of To poise thespear. 6. To collect fu 'afuía . the leaves of the sugar-cane for | FUʻAFUʻAMALA, 8. a soft kind of thatch ; also the leaves of thenau .
fuʻafu‘a . Fai atu le ali'i, inā fua sou nau ; | FUAFUAMOMONO, v. to doctor a sore pl. FUFUA ; pass. FUATIA ; redup. throat. FUAFUA ; pass. FUAFUATIA . 7. To FUAFUATI, 8. a lock of hair. "O infer. Ai lava 'ua 'e le mafai, lona fuafuati lauulu . Fuaga, s. 1. a crop of fruit. 2. A fua ina le tali mai. FuĀ, 8. jealousy ; only of the sexes ; game of balls. Fuaga, v. to begin , to cause. " O O lona fua. FuĀ, v. to be jealous ; pass. FUĀTIA. le mea na fuaga ai le misa .
FuĀ,a. jealous. “O le tane fuā. FUAGĀLAU, s. thatch -gatherers. 2. FUʻA, s. 1. a bow -string. Loʻu fuía. The thatch gathered. "01: fafine 2. A banner or flag . Recently na alu atu ma lāna juagālui. adapted , 0 la lātou fuía. 3. FUALAU, v. to gather the leaves of The strand of a rope. the sugar-canu for thatch . M 2
( 164 )
FUALEPA, FUALEVA 8. a fleet of shark- fishers. FUATAʻl, v.to begin . 'O le'a fuataʻi , ) v. to be long since. o lā aiga ona fai. FUATAUA, 8. shoulder. FUALUA, a. twenty, of fowls, bread - FUATAUʻAŠAU, 8. the bonito fleet of Falealupo. fruit, & c. FUĀLUGA, 8. blindness. "Ua malu FUATAUINA, v. to kill a chief. Syn . FUALOA,
fuāluga .
FüĀLUPE, 8. 1. a pigeon 's egg. 2. | FUATAUʻUPU, v. to place the hands An only child .
O le fuālupe'ua
on the loins.
tāutasi. FUATAUTAU, 8. 1. one variety of FTĀMANAVA, 0. to be startled, banana . 2. A pair of scales. . FUATAGA, 8. 1. the quantity of FUsurprised ĀMANAVA, 1 s. testes . sugar-cane leaves collected by one
FUĀMITI, T o person. 2. The displaying of FUAMATAGI, v. lit. to begin or come property in the malae." · from whence the wind comes, to FUATĀGALU, 8. a succession of heavy sail before the wind . Alu lava waves rolling up and breaking on the coral reef, or on the shore. ? 'oe, inā fuamatagi. FuĀMOA, 8. a hen 's egg.
FUAPAU, v. to make all of one FUATAPU , 0. to refuse to eat that which had nearly choked the measure ; to make equal. FuĀPILI, 8. a lizard 's egg. eater before. ' A 'ua fuatapu i le FU‘APINI, 8. the name of a tree tu-u-u , 'a 'o le malau ; 'a 'ua · (Moesa nemoralis ). fuatapu i le malar, 'a 'o le tu-u-u . FưĀPOĻO, 8. one kind of chestnut FuATASI, 0. to be peculiar to, to be tree . confined to. E fuatasi ia te 'oe FCASALĀ, 8: the blossom of the fasa- lenā amio. fasa. Toli mai le fuasalā . Syn . FUATĀVA‘Ā , 8. a name of Manono. SIGANO. I lo‘u mataʻu i le fuatāva 'a. FUASALĀ, v. to have something FUATOLU, a. thirty, of fowls,bread · not possessed by others, as a fruit, & c. remedy for a disease, or a method FUE , 8. 1. the general name for all of fishing ; to be incomparable. creeping plants. 2. A fly - flapper carried by chiefs and orators. O le tu'aimeo e fuasalā . FUASELAU, a. a hundred, of bread- Fue, v. to beat persons; pl. FUFUE ; fruit, & c. pass. FUEA . FUASETAPU, v. to measure or ponder FU'E, v. 1. to put into a basket. 2. on what is tapu , so as not to To uncover an oven of foodl. Ona repeat an offence. Ia fuasetapu fuốe ifo lea ‘o le umu. Pl. FUFU'E ;
i aga o le mālo . Fuasou, 8. the jabble produced by the current in an opening in the reef. E lē mafai ona taulaga pe a to i le fuasou. FUASQUINA, v. to be tossed about in the jabble of the sea. FUATA, 8. 1. a crop of fruit. 2. The handle of a spear. 'O le fuata o le tao.
redup. FU'EFU‘E. FUFAFA, 8. one kind of fue (or creeping plant) used for corid or string on Upolu. FUEULI, 8. one kind of fue (Papi lionace ). FUEULUFETIŠI,8. a bindweed . FU*EFUA, 8. a canoe hollowed out of one tree. Syn. SĀU*ATOA. FUEFUE, v. to drive off flies. .
FUATAALELĀ, s. lit. the crop of the FUʻEFU*E, v. redup. of FU‘E. · sun ; the crop of breadfruit in FUEFUEALIʻI, 8. à number of chiefs October. together. ·
FUG ( 165 ) FUEFUEALIʻI, v. to be distinguished FUIPANI, 8. a black cloth. Olara . as a yreat chief, because at his lava i le fuipani. death many come to him each FUIPANI, ů, to blackeu with the with his fue, pani. FUEFUELUEA, 8. a creeping plant. FuITALO, 8. a wild taro. FUE
FUEMAGA, 8. a cret ping plant ( Jas- | Fuivī, 8. a bunch of ri. FufĀ, 8. a portion of pork between minum sp.). FUEMANOGI, $. a sweet - scented the legs. Euph . VASĀ SUI. FUFU, 8. onanism . creeper (Jasminum sp.). FUEMEA, s. the waterbine. Fufua, v. pl. of FUA. FUESĀ , 8. the sacred bindweed FUFUʻÉ, v. 1. pl. of FUʻE. 2. To cut the planks of a canoe thin after (Hoya sp. pl.). FUESELELĀ, s. the sun -nooser,another | fitting them . name for fuesā (Hoya sp . pl.) FUFUI, v. 1. to dip. “Ave, inā fufui FUESINA, 8. one kind of bindweed . į le sami; pass. FUIA. 2. To FU‘ESUA, v. to uncover an oven of bathe : a chief's word. 3. To bake ; before chiefs, instead of tao. food made for others.
FUETŐ, 8.another name for fuesina . FUFULA, v. to swell; redup. Fl FUEVAI, 8. one kind of fue which LAFULA . yields a drink of water when cut, FUFULI, v. 1. pl. of FULI. 2. To and is useful to travellers in the
vomit blood . Ua fufuli alua lutoto. FUI, & 1. a cluster of nuts. 2. A FUFULU,v. to rub, to wash , to wipe; pass. FULUA ; redup. FULUFULU . wild taro. See FuITALO.
• bush .
Fuia, s. the name of a bird (Stur
Applied to a bush cleared off, to a plantation all taken, to men killed, to birds killed off and "ava . fishes swept off by lauloa . FuiʻELE, v. to redden with red FUFUTI, v. 1. to haul in the fishing line. 2. pl.ofFUTI. Pass. FUTIA. earth , as shaggy mats.
· noides atrifusca).
FurĀva, 8. to mix water with
Furono, 8. 1. the Nautilus pom - ' 'Ou futia se i'a se lautua. pilius. 2. A chaplet of nautilus | FUGA, Malay, BUNGA, 8. 1. flowers, blossom . 2. The name of a fish . shell. ' ' O le pale fuiono.
FUIFA'AVEʻA, v. to bathe like a FUGAUSI, name of a fish. FUGAFUGA,v. the 8. the rubbish which is veʻa ; i.e. quickly. separated from cocoanut fibre in FUIFUI, v. redup . of FUI. FUIFUI, 8. 1. a bunch or cluster of process of cleaning. 2. Thename fruit. 2. A flock of birds. 3. A of the fuga when it is small, or succession of waves. · when there are several together.'
FUIFUIATU , 8. a school of bonito. | FUGAFUGAMUTIA, 8. grass seed. Ap FUIFUIOSO, a succession of leaps, as plied to one who often falls in of bathers, dancers, fishes. games. FUIFDIFETŪ , 8. a cluster of stars. FUGAMEA, s. the name of a fish .
FUIFUIMAʻI, a number of sick nesses, FUIFUIMALA, 6. a number of cala • mities. FUIFUIMANU, 8. a flock of birds, as · pigeons. FUILAUVĪ, 8. fishgills. FUIMOLI, 8. a bunch of oranges. FUINONU, v. to dye red .
FUGĀSEA, 8. the edible part of the lomu (Holothuria sp.). FUGASEĀ, v. with a negative, to be unmixed with evil; applied to lands at peace, having nothing to disturb them . E lē fugaseā. FugĂTAO, s. the thick part of a .. spear. A o lē papae na fugătao ma le Tuumāsaga.
FUT FUL ( 166 ) FuLA, 8. 1. dropsy of the belly. 2. FUNA, v.tomoult. Frod taken to visitors. A com - FUNĀ, v. to conceal, with a negative, plimentary term used by visitors applied to scent or a wind rising. in thanking, Ūa lē funā matagi lelei. Syn. Fula, a . stout. A jocular term . NANĀ.
Fula, v. to be very low, of the neap FUNAʻl, v. 1. to reside temporarily at a place in order to fish for
· tides.
FULĀ, a word of response to those bonito. 2. To conceal, to hide saying Soifua when a person away ; pl. FUFUNAʻI. 'A 'o ifea 'o i ai Liutolo, 'ua funaći Sivaovao. sneezes. Syn . APULĀ. 8.swellings on the body. FUNA'IGA , 8. a party making a stay FULAFULA, FULAFULA Le to be swollen
. , at a place for the sake of bonito fisbing . FULAGA'I, ". FUNAFU capsize. to over, turn NA , s. the name of a “ sea FULI, v. 1. to
2. To roll along ; pl. FUFULI ; FULIALO, v. to be turned wrong side out. Fulirao, v. to turn upside down. FULIFULI, v. redup. of FULI. FULIFULIMAUGA, 8. a child's game, like “ horses." FULITA‘ELEA, v. to be turned keel up. FULITUA, v. to turn the back to, as in anger or flight. Fulu, Malay, Bulu, s. 1. a hair. 2. A feather. “ O lona fulu . 3. A pen . O lāna fulu . FULUI, 8. entropion , a complaint of the eye. FULUFISO, 8. the hairs on young pass. FULISJA ; redup. FULIFULI.
birds. FULUFULU , 8. See FULU. FULUFULUA, a. hairy .
cucumber ” (Holothuria ). FUNAFUNAULI, 18. varieties of FUNAFUNAGATAE,{ the funafuna FUNAFUNASINA , 1 (Holothuriæ ). FUNAMEA , a . frugal.
Syn . Pas
FUNE, 8. the core of a bread-fruit. FUSI, 8. 1. a belt, a girdle. 'O lona fusi. 2. A piece of swamp. 0 ‘lāna fusi. 3. A portion of the tattooing. Fusi, v. 1. to tie, to bind . 2. To gird , to put on a girdle. 3. To embrace ; pl. FUFUSI ; pass. FUSIA ; intens. FUSIFUSI; pass. FUSIFUSIA .
FUSIAU,8. 1. a band round the loins, a girdle. 2. A fine mat, girded on to fight in. FUSIUA, 8. 1. a neck handkerchief, a cravat. 2. A ti leaf (Dracena) fusiua.
girdle. A term of abuse. 'Olona
FULUFULULELE , v. to be hasty in quarrelling, to be easily made FUSIFUSI, v. to bind hand and foot; angry. ona fulufulumata .
pl. FUFUSI ; pass. FUSIFUSIA .
FULUFULUMATA, 8. the eyebrow . O" FUSIGA, 8. a marsh , a swamp.
FULUGA, 8. the rubbing of a thing. FULUMA‘EUA, v. 1. to have the feathers rumpled . 2. To have the hair rumpled . FULUMANU, 8. a chestnut gnawed by a bat (Pteropus). FULUMUMUTU, 8. the name of a fish . FULUTAGATA , 8. a great warrior who
FUSIPUGA, v . to tie very tightly .
Fusu, v. to box , to fight with fists ; pl. FUFUSU . FuSUAGA, 8. a boxing-match. '0 la lā fusuaga. FUTAMEA, a. fat to excess, of pigeons,and jocularly ofmen . FUTI, 8. the banana . Syn . FA'I, Mo' Ê. .
kills many.
FUTI, v. 1. to pluck feathers or FUNA, 8.an epithet used in addres huirs. 2. To pull up weeds. 3. sing a woman . Ua lē taʻu ane, funa e, 'o ai 'oe ?
To hook up a fish ; pl. FUFUTI; pass. FUTIA ; redup . FUTIFUTI.
* FUT GAO ( 167 ) · "Ua tunu le moa. lē futia, ma le GAʻAUSĀLO, v. to be starved. Syn. moa futi. GA'AUAFEA. . FUTI, á. plucked. intestines . 8. one part of the which GA'AUTAOTO, rinnot Le intofuti. ringmoa
FUTIA, 8. 1. a sinnet ring into which the fishing -rod is inserted . the2. GAʻAUT U , 8.one part of the intes tines. The sinnet ring for holding end of the sprit of a boat. GA‘E, v. to breathe hard, to pant, FUTIAFU, 8. the basin of a water to be out of breath ; redup.GA-E fall. Na ta le moli i le futiafu . GA'E . Ua aofia i le futiafu e tasi. GA'EA‘E, v. to set agoing any diffi
FUTIOPA, v. 1. to pluck the wings | cult work . Syn. Laga. and tail of a pigeon . 2. To cut GAEʻE , v. 1. to move, as a stone the hair close, used in derision. by means of a lever. 2. To be FUTIFUTI, v. redup. of FUTI, to stirred up, to be roused. ' A 'ua pluck repeatedly. lē se'i fa'aete fimālie,ne'i gae-e. ; , FUTU , s. the name of a tree (Bar To be on themove, to be stirring. · ringtonia speciosa ). Failā, a tātou. gae e. 4. To toss FUTU, v. to be a long time since. about, as when in pain ; pass.
· "Ua futu le feao ma alofa.
GAEGAE, v. to be loose, to shake. GA‘EGA'E , v. redup. of GA“E , to be i
out of breath , to pant.
|GAŠEGA‘ELOLOA , v. to pant greatly. The seventh letter in the Samoan GAELE, ». to 'shake, to oscillate as a alphabet. It has always the bog when walking over it; redup. nasal sound, as ng in singing. 1 . GAELEELE. GĀ, 1. a prefix to some few verbs, GAELE, a. shaking, quaking. O making them neuter, as gāsolo, gātusa. 2. Prefixed to some adverbs indicating only a short distance, as gafea ? gāuta . Ga, 1. a particle suffixed to some verbs to form nouns, as galue, .. to work , gāluega, work . 2. A euphonic infixed particle in
le fusi galeele. GAEPU , v. to be stirred up, to be troubled ,to be agitated , as water ; redup. GAEPUEPU. GA‘ETÒ, v. to stand and pant. Gal, v. to be astonished , to be sur prised . A jocular word . Gaī, v. to be pained or injured
counting couples, tens, hundreds, internally, as by a fall ; redup. after the second ofeach ; as tolu - | GAĪGAI. gaoa , fagafulu, limagalau, ono- Garol'o, v. to wriggle, as snakes gaafe. 3. Iu counting units of
and eels, Applied to a lanky
i some things, as breadfruit, & c., | man . : as e limagafua . 4 . In counting GAIGAI, v, to be exhausted, as by the first ten ofmany things, taro, work or exposure to the sun,
yams,bananas, & c. ; also ofmen ; GAITO, s. 1. the name of a fish. 2. wan , e fuagafulu , e tinoagafulu , & c. At.
GAITOITO, a . lanky. Ga, s. the name of a ish . Ga, v. to pant; on Tutuila for ga'e. GAO, s. 1. the double teeth . 'O ona · Malay, NGANGA, to gape. gao. 2. A reproach ; something GA'Au , 8. 1. entrails . Olona garau, which causes shame when men tioned. ' O lāna gao. · 2. One's own child . GAʻAUAFEA , v. to be starved, to be Ga‘o, 8. lard, fat. . . GĀ' , a . diligent ; redup. Ga'ōʻō. ipin hed with hunger. GAAUFĀNAUA, s. a prolific woman, (GĀ7, v. to be iudustrious.
GAU ( 168 ) GaoĀ, v.to be rough, rugged, stony ; / mollusc. 2. The name of a redup. GAO
GAOGADĀ. disease. GaoĀ, a. rough, stony, as a roud . GAỦ, 0. 1. to break . 2. To yield . Ole ala gaoa. Ona gau ifo lea o Tagaloālagi. GA' , a . fat. 3. To chew sugar-cane, or ti root; GÃO , 8. a thief. also the skin of ihe chestuut'by GÃor, v. to thieve, to steal ; pass. bats ; pl. GAGAU , GĀUGAU ; pass. GĂOIA . GĀUSIA . GĀ I, v, to throb, to ache. GĀUA‘l, v. to yield to, to obey. GA'oʻl, v. 1. to swarm , as vermin. GAUʻAUGUTU, a . raised at both 2. To abound, of people . ends,but iow in the middle ; of
GĀJĀ , v. 1. to be restless or active, a canoe. . as one who is always at work , or GAUALOFA, v. to yield from love. doing something . 2. To desire GaUALUGA, of a hungry man . new wives. Gausso, v. to break in upon , or GAOI01, v. to shake about. to bring to an end the daily GAOFAʻA‘UPEGA, 8. the caul. offering of a human body. (Ob GAOFE, a . bending, yielding, shak - l solete). ing, rickety, as an old canoe, GAUESEESE, v. to be of different or an old house ready to drop to opinions. pieces ; redup .GAOFEOFE. Gati, v. to break, a dimin. of GAU ;
GAOGA, 8. the act of reproaching. ' redup.GAUGAUI; pass. sing.GĀCIA ; pl.GĂUIA. See GAO . GĀOGAO,a . 1. empty,ofthe stomach . GAUIUI, to fold up. Syn.GĀUGAU. 2. Deserted , forsaken , of a house, GAUOLOSA A, v. to die. Applied only to the family of Tuala . Lit. The mountain Olosa'a is
village, & c. E , Gogo e, le alofa i si ou nu-u 'ua gāogao. GÃOGAO, v. 1. to be empty, of the
broken in two.
stomach . 2. To be deserted, of GAUGĀIVI, 8. a joint. "O lona gau a house or village.
GAOGAO -ATO-TELE, 8. a large basket GĂUGAU, . 1. pl. of gau. 2. To fold up up.. though not full las much in it. GAOGAOINA, v. to be reproached ; GAUGAUTASI, v , to be of one mind. fr , gao. GAUGĀTINO, 8. a joint. Syn. Gau GAŠOGA‘OOLETAI, 8. one who has • GĀINI. many methods of fishing. GAUGUTU, 8. See GaUʻAUGUTU . ; Gaolo, v. 1. to rattle, to crepitate, GĂULELE. See GĂUTOU. as broken bones. 2. To abound, GĀUMATA, V. lit. to -be broken green , 1. to die young. 2. To as people in a family.. GA‘OPUNIPŪ, s. the midriff. die suddenly or by accident; GAOSĀ , d. rough, stony; redup. pl.GAGAUMATA. GAUPOPO, v. to bave a relapse of GAOGAOSĀ . Syn . GaoĀ . GAOSĀ , v. 1. to be rough , stony. 2. illness from working too soon To be littered , as a house not put after becoming convalescent. " to rights. GAUPULE, 0. lit. to break the GAOsi, v. 1. to prepare, as a pig authority, to interfere with the for the oven . “Ua mate, ona o authority of another. Syn . Seu - ane lea le nu'u , 'ua gaosi. 2. To PULE. make. GAUPULU. The rat is the gnawer
GAOSI‘ESE, v. to be badly made, as a house or a deformed person .
GAU, s. 1. the name of a naked
of pulu ; and he ran off with the bat's wings. " O gaupulu le pea i lalo nei.
GAU GAL ( 169 ) GAGALO, v. pl. of GALO. GAUTA, adv. towards inland . GĂUTOU, v. lit. to break like tou. GAGALU, v. to be rippled, as the young. to brittle, water by a canoe, or a fish die 1. to be : 2. To die suddenly , or by acci swimming near the surface; dent. Syn . FatitoU, GĀUMATA, redup. GALUGALU . GAULELE. 8. speech, language. 'O GAFA, 8. 1. a fathom . 2. Ances- Gagana, lona gagana. tors. 3. Descendants. 4. A GAGANA, v. to speak to ; recip. · pedigree. FEGANAVAI. Ua iloa e ai ri GAFAFESAUAʻI, v, to intermarry with la 'au e gagana . : another family. GALA. Oʻu te nofo, oʻr te gala. GAFATĀ , 8. 1, marriages into an - GALALA , v. 1. to have intense
other family. 2. The offspring thirst, to be parched with thirst. ofsuch marriages; pl.GAFATATĀ . I 2. To long for. GAFATĀILELAGI, v. to marry above GĀLEGĀLE, 8. a young cock , not one's rank .
full grown.
GAFATĀITUA, I v. to marry beneath GALEGALE, v. to crow, as a young GAFATĀVALE , ) one's rank . cock . GALEGALEATA, v. to be dawn, GAFEA, adv. whereabouts ? 8. 1. an old siapo used GALEMULEMU, v. 1, to shake about, GAFIGAFI, as a wrapper for native property. to be soft, of taro and breadfruit. 2 . A rich man. 2. fig. To be weakly, of men . GAFOA, v. 1. to be notched, as a GALEPU, v. to be stirred up, to be knife, & c. 2. To be daybreak ; / troubled, to be agitated , aswater ; intens. GAFOAFOA . Ua gafoa le dim . GALEPULEPU. Syn . GAEPU . ata , The shade is broken . It is GALI, v. to gnaw ; intens. GAGALI ; break of day. pass. GALIA ; dim . GALIGALI. 8, a sea shake (Pelamis be made common , to. GALI‘O, GAFUA, v. toprohibition bicolor). removed have a
Used both of sa and pa'ia . GALIOLA, v. to eat alive. Hence applied to Monday. See GALIMAUNU, v. to nibble the bait. the adjective. | GALO , v. to forget ; pl. GAGALO. GAFUA, a. common, unprohibited. Tulaʻi atu Siva, 'a e galo Leo O le aso gafua . urameatagata . Impers, verb . GAFULU, a , ten . |GĀLO, 8. a full-grown usiusi. GAGA, v. to give permission . See GĀLO, v. to pass out of sight, to : FA' AGAGA . vanish in the distance , to dis
GAGA‘E, v. to spring up, to arise ; l appear. 'A'e va'ai mai 'ua 'ou :- as a wish , a disease. 2. To sigh gālo, i le 'e oso. : . for home. GÃLOULUVAO, v. to disappear be GĀGA‘E, adv. eastward, a little | hind the trees, of the moon . Le mālama e gālouluvao . towards the east. Gaga‘Ē, adv. eastward , at some GĀLOGĀLOVA'Arx, the moon appar ently setting and appearing again . s distance, as at the next village. GAGAIFO, adv. westward , a little Malay, ALUN . toward the west . GALOLO , 8. the name of a fish , GAGAU, v. 1. pl. of Gau, to break . |GALOVAOINA, v. to be forgotten in the bush . 2 . To fold up, to crease. GAGAFA, v. to measure with the GĀLOVALE, v. to go inland, as to arms, to fathom .
GAGAFO, adv. westward , at some d .stance to the west.
the plantations, and return empty handed.
|Galu, 8. 1. & wave, a breaker.
GAS GAL ( 170 ) Amuia le galu & faʻafua ma GALUTUʻU, 8. the last wave on maona . 2. A number of young | which those who faʻase'e slije persons. ' O le galu teine, ma before finishing the game. le galu tauleleʻa. GALUVAEA, v. to be trampled under Galu, v. to be rough, to break foot. heavily on the reef. “A galu, GANAGANA, v. to be talked about, fatia Si-unau ; redup. GALU to be the subject of conversation . GALU. Mona sāsā e ganagana . GalvĀ, v. to be rough, of the GĀNAGANA, v. to talk , to con waves. verse, to chat ; pass. GĀNAIA ; GALUAILETAI, 8. great numbers of recip. FEGANAVAI. fishes. GANAGATĀ, a . difficult to be per GALUAO, 8. a wave breaking at suaded , disobe lient. one end first. Syn .GALUTA AI. GANAGATĀ, v. to be disobedient. GALUE, 0. to work, especially in GĀNAGOFIE, a. easily persuaded , cultivating the ground ; pl. GĀ obedient. GĀNAGOFIE , v. to be obedient. LULUE ; pu88. GALUEINA. GĀLUE, s. the food taken by a GAPĒ, s. hunger. visitors. GAPĒ, v. 1. to be broken, gene whole village to work lazily GALUEILIILI to . , ) o rally of things fragile. 2 Of GALUEINIINI, S . the voice of a youth . 'O le leo GĀLUEFAʻAFAFA, 8. food , consis- ‘ua gapē ; pl. GAPĒDĒ. ting of a pig and a basket of GAPELU, a . weak, as a stick or as vegetables taken by each head a man . of a family to visitors in their GAPIĀ, 8. fish taken to relations. O lona gapiā. . village. GALUEGA, 8. work , especially hus- GASE, a. 1. palsied, lifeless. 2. bandry. 'O lāna galuega . Languid ; pl. GAGASE. O le GĀLUELUE, v. to shake, to move to tino gagase. and fro.
GĀLUELILI, 8. lit. baskets of food tied up because full, and taken
GASE, v. 1. to be languid, to be lifeless. E , loto e mutivale , ma
ota tino e gase. 2. To wane, as to visitors. Syn.GĀLUEFA'AFAFA. the moon . 3. To die . E gase GĀLUETALĪ. Syn . GĀLUEFA'AFAFA. | fua lava mālolo ; pass.GASEA . Galto, a . rough, with breakers. | GASĒ, v. to rustle ; redup. GASĒSĒ. GALUGALU, v. redup. of GALU, GASE'ELEʻELE , v. to be eclipsed , of the moon and sun . (Used somewhat rough .
GĂLULU, v. 1. to shake, as a nut chiefly of themoon .] not full of juice. 2. fig. To be GASEGASE , 8. a chief's illness. shaken or influenced by a chief, Se'i ai se atua e laveaʻi i le gase as a people. ' O le tupu lea na gase o Tagipo . gălulu į ai aitu ma tagata. 3. GASEG ASE, v. to be ill, of a chief. To go in crowds. Intens. GALU GASEGASEMALŪ , 8. a chief's ulcer. |GASEMOE, v. to die. Inā gasemoe ; LULULU. o le faiva o tamatane o tau. GĀLULU , v. to have the headache. GALUTAʻA, 8. waves rolling from GASESE, a. industrious. 8. the preparation of GASESE, ' west to east, or the contrary. GASESEGA, S an oven of food. GALUTAʻAI, 8. Syn. GALUAO. A polite term before chiefs. GALUTAI, 8. waves of the sea . GALUTAFI, 8. a high wave which GASETOTO, v. to be eclipsed. (Used sweeps the rubbish from the chiefly ofthe sun .] Na fua i le beach . la na gasetoto.
( 171 )
GĀsolo, a. swift, of a canoe. a wrapper, or as rags in sick ness . GĀSolo, v. 1. to pass along. Ona I as gāsolo ai lea 'o le taua . 2. To be |GĀTU, v. to make head -quarters, to quick, swift, as a canoe, or work ; come to one point from different dimin. GĀSOLOSOLO . places. A gatu mai le alofa i GĂSolo, v. to slip down,as thatch tama e.
slipping out of place on the roof |GATUGATUFĀNAU, 0. to be accus of a house . tomed to bear children . GĀSOLOAO, v. to die. Applied to GĀTUSA, v. to be equal, to be alike ; intens. GĀTUSATUSA. the highest chiefs. Gasū, v. to be wet, of the bush . |GEGE, v. to die, of animals, and GATA, 8. a snake. of men abusively. A gege i le Gata, 8. property given when a maʻalili. girl commences her monthly GEGE, 8. the name of a fish . courses. GĒGĒ, a . very fat.— CARNE. Gata, v. to finish , to end , to ter- | GEGEGEGE, v. to appear as if dying. minate, to be restricted to. E lē Applied to the sun when ob · gata i Safata ona fealofa'i ai. scured by clouds. GATĀ, suffixed to verbs and ad- GELI, 8. a cat. Syn. GOSE. jectives to express difficulty ; as GENO, v. to nod , to wink ; intens. maugatā, to be difficult to obtain . GENOGENO . Syn . NEGO.
GATA'AGA, 8. the end. 'Olona GESE, a. slow ; intens.GESEGESE. GETI, 8. a full-grown lomu. gataʻaga. GÅTAE, 8. the name of a tree. Its GETIGETIA, a . fat, of pigs and men . flowers are called “alo‘alo (Ery- Gīgi, v. to obey. thrina Indica ). |GIGIE, 8. the Manu'a name of the GĀTA‘E, v. to be cracked , to be tamole. split. GIGILI, v. 1. to have a good voice GĀTAI, adv. seawards, a little for singing. “Ua giyili le leo. towards the sea. Ona alu atu | 2. To become a public speaker lea i gātai o Tutuila . on account of having a good GATA'ULA, 1 8. two kinds of voice. "Ua oti Pai, à e gigili GATAULI, ſ snakes. lona atali'i. 3. To be able to GĂTALA, 8. the name of a fish talk but not to act, as a cripple. (Serranus sp. pl.). GĀTASI, , adv. 1. equal. Le fia GIGILIANAFA. It is first praised GĂrasi, eva gātasi lava. 2. for its good tone,and then thrown Together ; intens. GĀTASITASI. aside as a log of wood . GATASINA, 8. one kind of snake. GITA, 8, the hair on both sides of GATETE, v. 1. to shake, to tremble. the head left long , as practised 2. To be troubled ; pl. GĀTETE ; by virgins. “O lona gita. intens. GATETETETE. GOFIE, suftixed to verbs, meaning GATI, 8. one kind of song, sung by easy, as maugofie, to be obtained three or four persons.
GATILO, v. to grow in great num Gogo, 8. a tern (Sterna sp. pl). bers, to increase greatly. Mostly GOGOFALA, 8. 1. a bird having a of insects ; redup . GĀTILOTILO. GATOGIĀ , 8. the first atu caught in
small voice. 2. A child's whistle. 'Olāna gogofala. the season, and given to the chief. GOGOLO, s. a rushing sound, as of 'O le atu o le gatogiā . wind , waves, thunder, & c. GATU , 8. 1. the stick used to rub GOGOLO, v. 1. to make a rushing
for fire. 2. An old siapo, used
sound. 2. To come in crowds.
L GOSE, 8. a cat. Syn . GELI. . GUTUFILOA, a . prominent-mouthed. GOTO, v. 1. to sink. 2. To be GUTUGUTU, v. to promise and not swamped, as a canoe. 3. To set, ' perform . as the sun, & c. Pl. GOGOTO ; | GUTULEI, 8. the name of a bird . intens..GOTOGOTO. Pei o le la, a GUTUMAʻA, s. a noisy blustering
( 172 )
bully .
goto e toe oso mai.
Goto, .a . setting, of the sun , or GUTUMĂLÕ , v. to use strong lan moon , or stars. 'Ua pulapula al guage because a conqueror. la goto. 8. a boaster. See GOTOUGA, v. lit. to sink like an uga, GUTUMAMAPO, LOTOVIʻI. GUTUMANU, s. the first stage of the taro shoot. hook . GUTUMO‘o, a . small-mouthed. Gu, v. 1. to growl. 2. To make a GUTUMULU, v . to eat by the sly. murmuring noise, as voicus in GUTUPAGO, 8. a contentious man. the distance. GUTUPOTO, v. to be a clever talker. GUFEʻE, 8, the name of a fish . Se gutu poto ia te tala saloa. GUGU, 8. rheumatism . 'Olona |GUTUSALÚ, v. to bespatter with gugu . ' praises, to mix the talk with to sink to the bottom .
Gu, a dark -coloured artificial fly
Gugu, v. to scranch. As PAʻAGUGU. many compliments. GŪGŪ, a . dumb. GUTUSEGA, a. beardless. GUTUSOLOSOLO, d. sore-mouthed . GŪGŪ, v. to be dumb. GUGUA, a. rheumatic. Syn . GUTUAOPO. GUGUTU, v. to be a great talker GUTUSUA, a . jesting ; redup. GƯ without regarding truth ; recip. | TUSUA . FEGUTUGUTUA'I. GUTUSUMU,a.small and prominent mouthed. GUTUTAVALE, 8. a great talker . redup. GULUGULU. GUTAU, v. lit. to have the mutter- GUTUVALE, v. to use bad language. ings of war.
Gulu, v. to slevp. A jocular term ;
GUTU, v. to excel, to be very great. Ua gutu le vara . GUTU, v. 1. to eat one's food by
oneself alone. 2. To trespass The eighth letter in the Samoan against oneself. 'Ua gutu iā | alphabet ; it is pronounced for the most part, and by some Vave le sa o Vave. . GUTU , s. 1. the mouth of men , I natives always, as the English . animals, wells, bottles, & c. 2 . When it is preceded by a, o, or The beak of a bird . 3. An open U , and followed by i, it has, with ing, as of a cave, or through the most natives, the sound of a soft, not a rolling r, as in ma reef, & c. GUTUA, v. baving a month . liu, pronounced mariu ; Apolima, pronounced
Aporima. GUTUĀ, v. to talk impudently. GUTUAITU, 8. 1. a man full of La, adv. there. Le la le, o i ai.
words ; in a bad sense . 2. A | LA, 8. 1. the sun. Malay, LAEL. 2. A sail. Malay, LAYER. O scold . GUTUAOPO, a , sore-mouthed . Syn. le la o la va'a . 3. A branch of a tree.
GUTUSOLOSOLO. GUTUAVA, 8. the inner sides of an LA, v. to be intensely hot, of the opening in the reef. sun ; pass. LÁINA, to be exposed
GUTUFAGU, 8. one kind of bread - ] to the sun . fruit.
| LĀ, pron. they two. Abbreviated
LA LAO ( 173 ) · from lāua, used before verbs and I to step deliberately , so as not nouns. Lā te o i o lā nuru . to step over bounds, or into a La, a particle of emphasis, much · pit. used in the eastern part of the LA AVALE, v. to speak ill of, un group. It may perhaps be ex - intentionally. pressed by then , at once, as, Sau LAE, 8. the part between the lip la ia . and the chain without lair . E LAʻA, to step. mamao le lae ma le ‘auvae. KAH.v. 1.Niue, LAKA.Malay, 2. ToLANG pass vāvā A figurative way of expressing over, to step over ; redup. LA- | neighbours are not of the same LA'A , LA'ALA'A ; pass. LAʻASIA . I fanily . LA'Al, v. 1. to pass over. 2. To LAEA, s. the usiusi when grown to : break over, as a wave making a
a moderate size.
clean breach across a canoe. LA‘EI, 8. ti leaves tied to a stone · 3. To join another's quarrel ; to attract cuttlefish . recip . FELA‘AIA' I ; redup. LA LA'EI, v. 1. to wear a train . 2. To dress for a review of troops. LA'ALA AITU,AI.v. to cross an island. “Ua | 3. To fish for cuttlefish with the laʻaitu Logona ma nai ona nuľu . | la -ei. LA'AU, 8. 1. a tree, a plant. 2. LA‘EIAU, v. 1. to exercise troops at
Wood , timber, firewood on Tu -
a review . 2. To have all ready
tuila . 3. A club . 4 . A small for war. axe. ' O lāna laʻau. LAELAE, 8. one who leaves his
LAAU, v. to behead in war. Alu ia family. “ Ua laelae mamao i ina laau mai le tagata. - CARNE. se tasi aiga.” LA'AUALĀLA, 8. the cotton plant | LAI, 8. 1. a sea -bird. 2. The name of a fish . (Gossypium ). LA AUFEFE, 8. the sensitive plant LA'I, 8. a westerly wind. Tuʻituʻi · (Mimosa pudica ). le laʻi, ‘a e tau .o le toʻelau. LA'AULALAGA, 8. the cotton plant LAIA, 8. the name of a bird . . (Gossypiunı). Syn . LA AUALĀLA . LA'IA, v. to be blighted by the LA'AULOPĀ, 8. the name of an | westerly wind. introduced tree (Andenanthera LA‘IOʻATOA, 8. a westerly wind at pavonica ).
the fullmoon (used on Tutuila ).
LA'AUTĀ, 8. a stick for striking LA‘IOPUPULA, 8. a westerly wind the sea to drive fishes into al at the new moon (used on Tu net. tuila ).
LA'AUTAUTĀ, 8. a long stick for LĂILOA, Mulay, LELAH, v. to bar driving fowls out of the house. LA'AUVAVAE , 8. the cotton tree
tired, to be exhausted, to be pained. Inā sau ia 'a 'e lăiloa.
(Gossypium ). Syn . LA'AULA- LAINA, v. to be starved, to be hungry. LA AGA, 8. 1. a step. 2. A step- LĀINA, v. pass. of La, to be sunned , Ua laina mai. A salutation to ping over. O lona la 'aga . LA'ALAʻA, v. 1. to step over some one coming in the heat of the thing sacred , as a laumei in the day. • oven. 2. To step carefully, as a LA‘ITA, 8. a cocoa-nutbearing large clusters of smiill nuts. · thief at night. LA'ALA-A10, v. to interfere in LAITILTI, a. small; pl. LAITI. quarrels of others. LA‘o, 8. the nameof a fish . Laro, v. 1. to be low tide in the LA ASAGA, 8. See LAʻAGA. LA'ATONU v. to step carefully, I morning. 2. To be satisfied with LAGA, LA AUALĀLA.
LAOA ( 174 ) food . 3. To be accustomed to, | fish.
I'a e lauagafulu,ma ia e
to be experienced . Applied to a lua lau. full-grown man who may be de- Lav. See LAULOA. pended on in war not to run LĀu. See LELĀU . away. 4. To be prepared, to be LĀu, a particle prefixed to some ready, as a canoe for a journey . verbs, indicating uniformity or Ua la-o taumaea o le oa'a universality, as lāufola , lāuiloa .
Laoa, v. to lodged be choked, have Lau, v. to give out a song verse by. something in the tothroat. verse . LAOA‘l, v. to pull in the sheet of a LĀu, pron . thy. LA'U , pron ,my. sail. LaʻoʻAI, 8. 1. a plaited cocoa-nut LA‘u, v. 1. to clear off, to carry leaf used as a tray, or table. 2 . away. 2. With mai, to bring ; A table. Syn . LAULAU . ' O lāna intens. LAʻULAŠU . la'oʻai. LAʻu, v. to be decrepit; redup. LA LÃO1, v. to pull out the tongue. LA 'U . | LAUA, v. from Lau, a leaf, to be in Lăoimai i fafo le alelo. LAʻoifua , v. to be well, to be in leaf, to be full of leaves.
health ; applied to a chief on LĀua, pron . they two. Upolu . LAUʻAʻA, 8. the fibrous substance LAOFIE, v. to be fair weather, to be which grows round the base of fine after rain . the cocoa -nut leaf, the stipule. Laolao, a. 1. smooth, of the sea . LAUʻAⓇAI, 8. a town, in opposition 2. Finished , as the body of a to the bush. canoe just built. 3. Cleared , as LAUAINATASI, a. one-sided. Syn.
a part of the bush for a planta
TĀFATASI. LAUAITU, 8. a weeping, a wailing. LAOLAO, v. to be smooth , of the sea . "Ua pa le lauaitu a le nu-u . *Ua laolao le vasa. 2. To be Lavao, 8. a chief's hair. 'O le finished , of a canoe. 3. To be lauao o le ali'i. tion .
cleared , as the bush for plant LavĀUTĀ, 8. the name of a fern . ing. Syn. LAUFALE. Gymnogramme LĀOLÃO, 8. 1. an open space free tartarea . from trees. Lāvlão ane le vao. LAUʻAFA, 8. cocoa -nut fibre cleaned 2. A part of the bush free from formaking sinnet. stones. So used at Falealupo. LAUAFEGA, 8. leaves of the cocoa LA‘OLA‘o, adv. no wonder; for that nut or bread -fruit when very old · reason . Syn . NAINAI. trees. LAOSĀ , 8.matter clinging to sores. LAUAFIA, s. the name of a tree. LA‘OSAUNI, v. to be completed . LAUALO , 8. 1. a malauli caugbt in LA‘OTALE , s. the name of a fish side the reef. 2. The belly of a (Antennarius cocoineus).
chief, external.
LAU, 8. 1. a la af. Malay, Daun. Laualou, 8. one kind of bread Le tino o le pu ‘a, lau o le pu 'a ,
lau o le pura . 2 . Thatch . Lau o LAUALUGA, v. to be on the top , to le fale. Lau a le aiga. 3. The be uppermost . lip. 'O lona lau. 4. The brim LAUALUGA, a , uppermost. LAUAMA, 8. the name of the Upolu of a cup . Lau, a , breadth . fleet. So called because in cross Lau, a . hundred, after the first ing to Savaiʻiwith the tradewind hundred , e lua lau. the sail was on the left, or ama LAU, a particle used in counting | side.
LAU ( 175 ) LAUAPI, 8. a war lodging -house. LAUULU , 8. the hair of the head. 'O lona lauulu . O le lauapi a le nuću . LAUATEA, 8. the Savai'i fleet. 'Ole | LAUʻULU, 8. a breadfruit leaf. LAU
lauatea a Salāfai. LAUULUA, v. 1. to have hair. 2. To LAU 'AVA, 8. food eaten on the burial have a crack in a bottle looking of a chief. CARNE. . like a hair. LAUʻULUMAFA 'I, v. to be easily LAUŠAVA, a . green . LAUʻAVI-AVI, 8. one kind of banana. | knocked down in a club match . LAUULUMAGAAFE, a . thousandfold , LAU'ELEʻELE, 8. land, soil. LaurʻA, 8. 1. a fish cooked in a as the hair. Taua lauulumagaafe. cocoa -nut leaf. 'O lāna laui'a . One so wise that he could count 2. A measure, from above the the hair. Applied to a usually wrist to the tips of the fingers. | clever man who has done some foolish thing. O lona laui'a. LAUIFI, 8. 1. chestnut leaves. 2. LAUʻULUSILIA, 8. ripe breadfruit. The eyes. A depreciatory term LAUʻUPEGA, 8. the width of a net. in speaking of one's own eyes. 'Ua toia le lauʻupega i le nuóu . O oʻu lauifi. To be prosperous. LAUILOA, v. to be known to all. LAUSIUSI, a. shining green, as 'Ua tātou lauiloa 'upu na tu 'u leaves. mai. LaufĀ, 8. a piece of the cocoa -nut Lavina, s. birds of the leafy bush . butt taken off by the spear in
LAUINA, v. to be in leaf. Manū 'o le vao e lauina.
LĀUITIITI, a . narrow ; pl. LĀUITI. LAUFAO, 8. the name of a plant. LĀUITIITI, v. to be narrow ; pl. LAUFAU, 8. the second best mat, worn by a bride over the anoi. LĀUITI. LĂUITIITI, 8. a small leaf. LAUFAFA, 8. a support for the jaw
LAUO'O, 8. a leaf of a young cocoa I of a dead person . nut tree . LAUFAGUFAGU, 8. the name of a LAU'Oʻ0 , 8. one kind of ta'amū. I trte. LAUʻOFE, 8. one stage in the growth | LAUFALA, 8. 1. leaves of the fila of the atule. used to make mats. 2. Tie LAU‘OFEʻOFE, 8. the name of more nameof a tree (Pandanus). The leaves used for making sleepiug . than one plant. One is Rham mats. phidia tenuis . LAUOLAOLA, v. to grow luxuriantly . LAUFALE, 8. 1. branches and leaves LIUOLAOLA, a . luxuriant. used to cover over the faleseu. LAUOLO, v. to grind down with re 2. The name of a plant. Syn . LAJĀUTĀ (Panax sp.). proaches. 8. sandy soil above the LAUFANUA, 8. the cultivated land. LAUONEONE, heach . ' O le laufauua o le nu-u . LĀUOTI, v. to have frequent deaths LAUFASI, 8. a slice of a yam for in a family, or village. planting. LAUUʻA, 8. 1. the leaf of the paper LAUFATU, 8. the name of a tree. mulberry. 2. The bark of the Syn. LAUMA‘A. uʻa prepared for making native | LAUFOFOGA, 8. a chief's eyelids. cloth . Syn . TUTUGA, for which LAUFOLA, 8, one kind of the ta 'amū.
word it has been substituted on LĀUFOLA, adv.steartily,of the wind . account of superstitions in con . “Ua agi läufola le matagi. nection with fishing. ' O lāna LAUFONO, 8 a plank of a canoe. lauuʻa . | LAUFŪ , 8. labia puduudi.
( 176 )
LAUFUEFUE, 8. the name of a LAULALA, 8. the name of a tree. . creeper. a , underneath , under LAUFUEFUETEA, 8. a variety of lau LAULALO, most..
LAULALO, v. to be at the bottom , to be underneath . lāna lāuga. LAULALO, 8. the plank of a canoe LA‘UGA,8. from lasu, a carrying off. | next the keel, the garbel streak . LAUGAPĀPĀ , S. the name of a fern . LAULATA, Malay, Rata, 8. a level Syn . LAUMAPĀPĀ (Asplenium place on a mountain 's side or at fuefue.
LAUGA, 8. a 'speech , a sermon. "O
nidus). its foot. LĀULEAGA, a . uneven. LAUGATASI, a . even, level. . LĀULEAGA, v. to be uneven. " LAUGATASI, v. to be even , to be LĀULELEI, a . l. even, level. 2. level. Satisfied with food . LAUGUTU, 8. the lip. "O ona lau- LĀULELEI, v. 1. to be well, to be recovered , of a chief. 2. To be gutu .
LAUGASĒSĒ, s. the name of a fern ,
LAULAU, 8. 1. a temporary cocoaput leaf house. 2. A plaited
satisfied with food . Instead of
ma‘ona, to chiefs. . coca-nut leaf tray. . 3 . A table. | LAULILIʻI, 8. a tree. Syn . TAPUTOʻI. ". Syn . LA'OʻAI. LAULOA, 8. a method of catching
fish by twisting cocoa-nut leaves
LĀULAU, v. to abuse by naming the private parts. LĀULAU, a particle used to qualify some verbs, as Lāulautū.
on ropes, with which a large space in the lagoon is enclosed,
'O la lātou lauloa. LAULOTO, v. to be between, to be
LAULAU , v. 1, to layout food on the in the middle. tray or table. “Ua laulau mai le LAULOTO, a . middle. į moa na tunu . 2. To narrate. LĀ ULAⓇU , v . to be decrepit.
LAULUA, 8. the name of a part of
the Aana troops. Tāli fasi mai le laulua. tender, as ulu'au. 2. To be rot LAULUA, pron. contraction of la ten . oulua . LĀULAUFAIVA, 8. the tongue. LĀULULUPE, 8. a great number of
LĂ'ULAⓇU, v. 1. to be very soft and
LAULAUFAU, s. the name of a fish , people ; lau i lupe. LĂ ULA‘UNOA. See LĂ'ULAŠU. LAULULUPE, v. to cluster around ; LĀULAUPOTO , v. to be wise in war to flock to , as to a rich chief, a exercises, or in making speeches ; king, or a conqueror. pl. LĀCLAUPOPOTO. | LAUMA'A. 8. the name of a tree .
LAULAUSIVA , 8. the man who gives
out a song verse by verse at a LAUMAIA, 8. a plant found on night dance, Tutuila (Aroidea ). LAULAUTŪ, s. a house, so called LAUMAIŠE, 8. the name of a plant on occasion of the death of a (Alyxia olivæformis). chief. LAUMAILE, 8. the name of two plants (Alyxia bracteolora and pl. LAULAUTUTŪ. A . scandens). LĀL'LAUVALE. See LĀULAU. LAUMĀʻULUʻULU, 8. the name of a LAULAFALAFA, 8. a northerly wind . tree. Lua suốe na le to‘e, a na laufala - LAUMAFATIFATI, 8, a shrub (Cin chonacea ). falu . LAULAGĪ, s. the hair of the highest LAUMAFATIFATISINA, 8. the name of chiefs. a tree (Geniostoma Eupestre),
LAULAUTū, v. to stand up together ;
LAU ( 177 ) LAUMAGAMAGA, 8. the name of a LAUPOPO, 8. the month of Septem fern . ber.— [ T. P .] LAUMĀLIE v. 1. to be enough , to be LAUSAʻATO, 8. one kind of fern complete. 2. To be in good (Acrostichum aureum ). LAUSAE, 8. one portion of the health, to be well. LAUMANÉA, v. to be full of the tattooing. white ant, applied to a living | LĀusoʻo, v. to be overspread, as LAU
with men or weeds, or as the
LAUMANUINA, v. to have praise or heavens with clouds. blame shouted after one. O lo ‘o LAUSULUI, 8. dry banana leaves. laumanuina i atu motu . LAUTAFIFI, 8. the name of a vine. LAUMAPĀPĀ , v. the name of a fern LAUTĀGITAGI, v.to be drooping , as (Asplenium nidus). Syn . Lau the leaves of a tree. GAPAPA .
LAUTAGITAGI, 8. the name of a tree ,
LAUMASAMASA, a. narrow , of fish - LAUTALIGA, 8. 1. the lobe of the ing nets, cloth , & c.
ear. 2. A toadstool, a fungus.
LAUMATA, 8. the eyelid. 'Olona Syn . MOLO‘AU . laumata . LAUTALATALO, 8. the name of a LAUMATUI, 8. a shrub. Syn. 'AvA- plant (Crinum Asiaticum ). SĀULI. LAUTAMANU, 8. a slice of pork .
LAUMEA, adv. long since. “O se a LAUTAMATAMA. Syn . LAUTALO TALO. toe tofia le laumea . LAUMEA, 8. 1. leaves of trees. 2. A LAUTASI, v. 1. to be one stone deep, country, an island. 3. A large of a pavement. 2. To be steady, fish , or a large tree fioating out of the wind.
at sea , and attracting fish to it. LAUTEĀ , a . thin, dwarfed , stunted , LAUMEI, 8. a turtle (Chelonia imbri. of men , taro, bananas, & c.
cata,and C . virgata ). LAUMOANA, 8. the name of a fish . LAUMOMOLE'A . See MOMOLEʻA.
LĂUTELE, 8. a large leaf. I LĀUTELE, a. 1. wide. 2. Widely
known. 3. Common, of people ;
LAUMUA, 8. the name given to | pl. LÂUTETELE. Sagana , as the ruling land in LAUTĪ, 8. 1. a ti leaf. 2. A bam the Tuamāsaga. The lau was boo, instead of 'ofe before chiefs. the tu pe first thrown in the game LAUTILĀULELEI, v. to be on an of lafogātupe. Hence, the prin - | equality ; of a village without chiefs. cipal town, the capital. LAUNIU, 8. 1. a cocoa-nut leaf. 2. LAUTITI, 8. 1. a leaf of a titi. 2.
A bamboo, so called before LAUNONOFO, v. to sit in crowds and talk . LAUPAE, v. to sit together, in order to look at a dance or a quarrel. LAUPAPA, 8. a board, a plank. “0 lāna laupapa. “O laupapa o le fale . LAUPATA, 8. the name of a tree chiefs.
Fish caught in such numbers as to hang round the body like A titi. 3. Men killed in num
bers in war. "Uamotu le lau titi. LAUTOA, 8. the name of a plant. *Ua motu a lautoa . LAUTOI, 8. one stage in the growth of the atule.
LĂUTOLU, 8. three fishes. LĀUTOLU , 8. three villages going (Mallotus Roxburghianus). together, as on an embassy. LAUPIPI, v. 1. to find fault with , | LAUTUA, 8. the name of a malauli to abuse, to make ashamed . 2 . when found outside the reef. To tell all that can be said LAUTUA, a. outside, outer, us * garment. against a person ,
( 178 )
LAUTUA, v. to be on the top or LAFITAGA, 8. a hiding -place. 'O outside. lona lafitaga. LAUTUMANU, $. the Manu'a term | LAFO, v. 1. to throw , 2. To clear for lautumoa . off the bush ; pl. LALAFO ; pass. LAUTUMOA, s. the short banana leaf | LAFOIA ; intens. LAFOLAFO. which covers the bunch of fruit. LaFO, 8. property given to a tulā
fale. *o le lafo o le tulāfale. See Tumoa. ' 8. the Synbark LAUTUTUGA, of the LaFoá, LAFO, § 8. the rattan cane. paper mulberry. . LAUU‘A. LAUVAE, 8. the string tied to a tame LAFOAʻI, v. 1. to throw away. 2. To desert, to reject. pigeon's leg. LAUVAEA, v . to be held in LAFOA'I, s. the name of the cooked LAUVAEINA, and restrained, food taken to sea when bonito as a tamepigeon is by the string. / fishing. LAUVAI, S. taro sprouts. Syn . UlI. LAFOIA, v. pass. of lafo, 1. to be Used on Upolu . repulsed , of troops. 2. To be Lauvao , 8. the wild ti plant (Cor placed, as a canoe, in the midst · dyline terminalis ). of the breakers. “Ua lafoia oe
LĂÜVALE, v. to be bad, worthless. 1 i le alogalu, . It is used only in a negative LAFOGA, 8.a gameplayed with tupe. sentence,bea ormea a a lenā question. lit. todown throwthedown sail. theE sail, to, v.lower tagata ? Pe LAFOLĀ lauvale LĀUVALE, v. 1. to be planted in oia mai e le toʻelau ali'i e, inā the wet season , as yams or taro. | lafolā mai ia .
2. To be thin and wasting pre- | LAFOLAFO, v. 1. to be jabbly, of the vious to a fit of illness. 3. To sea . pass, LAFOLAFOAINA. 2. To abuse indecently ; redup. LĀU deliberate. | LAFOTŰ, v. to tlırow down, LAUVALE. LAUVIVILU. See Vivilu. | LAFOVAO, v. to clear the bush . Lara, 8. the ringworm . LAFU, 8. 1. herd of pigs. 2. A
LAFALAFA, 8. 1. the level top of a number of fowls. O lāna lafu . mountain. 2. The name of a LAFU, v. to prohibit the killing of wind . pigs. LAFALAFA, a . chiefless ; a land LĀFULAFU, 8. one kind of taro. LĀFULAFU , a. dingy, dusky, as the without chiefs. LAFALAFAMOANA, 8. a gentle west- 1 body for want of oiling. See erly wind ; (because it makes ' LALAFU. LAFULAFU, a. barren , unproductive, the sea level). LAFASUPA, 8. an ulcer supposed to exhausted , of land . indicate palsy. LAFULĒMŪ, a. rich , productive, of LAFATOʻELĀU, 8. a peculiar skin land. disease (tinea disquamens ). LAFUTAGATA, 8. a herd of men , (jocular). LAFETONA, 8. a stye in the eye. LAFI, 8. 1. a largo sheet of lauu'a . LAGA, v. 1. to raise up, as a heavy 2. A hiding away. Ua 'o le lafi weight, or a conquered party . a le tetea . *Ua laga le to 'ilalo. 2. To rise LAFI, v. to hide oneself ; pl. LALAFI. from a sitting posture. 3. To A o lafi i ai Mälaʻutia i le ana ; rise to arms, as troops in am · redup. LAFILAFI. Fa'u mai na bush . Malay, LANGGAR ; pass. sa lafilaſ. LAGAINA ; redup. LAGALAGA.
LAFITA'I, v. to hide away, to con - LAGA AU, v. to rise up, of troops in ambush . ceal, of persons.
( 179 )
LAGA'ALI, 8. the name of a tree LAGAPAPALE, v. to bear with, to (Aglaia edulis ). Its flowers are endure. See FA'APALEPALE. Tutogi le LAGAVA'A, v. to rise near the canoe , paogo ‘a e fa'asao lou laga'ali. as bonito , when a canoe comes LAGA'ALIʻULU, 8. a variety of laga - | over them . 'ali. | LAGAVALE, v. 1. to get up too early LAGAI, 8. a shoal of dolphins. in the night. 2. To have no LAGAʻl, v. to excite, as to fight or proper errand. E lē se lagavale used to scent oil.
le mea nei.
LAGAUTA, v. to carry a large load, LAGI, Malay, LANGIT, 1. the sky. applied to canoes, and fig. to *Ua solofa le lagi ua fao. 2. Heaven.' 0 afio mai Tagaloa i · men . LAGAFUAina, v. 1. to be struck by le lagi tuavalu e. 3. Customs a Wave, of a canoe in shallow observed on the death of a chief. water. 2. To be struck in an O le lagi o le aliʻi ʻua osi. other's quarrel. Lagi, v. 1. to sing. Lagi mai se Lagalaga, 8. a stick used to detach siva ; redup. LAGILAGI. 2. To the flat coral employed to keep call out the different portions of food at a feast, and for whom down fish -traps. LAGALAGA, v. 1. to raise up, as a . intended . heavy weight. 2. To raise the Lagi, s. the head of a chief. It has the plural form . “Ua lavea finger nails. LAGALAGA'AU, v. to reconnoitre, of lagi o le ali-i. a small party sent on ahead of LAGIʻULO, 8. a dark sky. LAGIFELO‘UA'I, 1 v. to marry into the advanced guard . LAGALAGAIŠUPU . Syn . FA'AUSUʻUPU . | LAGIFETAOPEAʻI, ) another village LAGALAGAOLA, v. to raise the or family of chiefs. finger nails from the flesh . “Ua LĀGILAGI, v. to warm anything
lagalagaola atigilima o tagata . I at the fire ; pl. LALAGI; pass. LAGALĒ, v. to get fish . The fish LAGIA . being satisfied with lo are not | LAGILAGIĀ , v. to be cloudy, to
easily caught. 'Ole ava le la - | threaten rain . LAGILAGIMUA, v. to remind those LAGAMULI, v. 1. to be tardy or late about to distribute food or pro · in doing anything. 2. To gain perty of some party having a the victory after being often claim , that they may not be defeated . Applied also to all overlooked . speaker, who after being severely LAGILELEI, 8. a clear sky. reproved, afterwards gets the LAGILELEI, better of his opponent. 3. To of the skyv.. to be fine and clear, disturb previous arrangements, LAGILOʻULO‘U , v. to intermarry with things another . as4. by To | SAUA‘ family. Syn . GAFAFE revive already an old settled quarrel, I. killing a man , after it had been LagiMĀ, s. bright heavens. agreed not to do so. . LAGIPATI, LAGANOFO, v. to sit attentively, as hands. v. to sing and clap LAGIPUAʻA, v. to beg pigs for stock . when waiting for the enemy. Used Tutuila galo.
for tu-upua-a . on LAGAPAʻIA, 2.v. to be struck acci- |/ dentally, to be burnt accidentally. LAGISIGISI, a . small ; (obsolete ex LAGAPALO , v . to contend with oneI cept on Manu'a ). Sina mara who was conqueror in a former lagisigisi. | LĀGISIVA, 8. a singer. club match . N 2
( 180 ) LAL LĀGISOLO, 8. a long song, unac- LĀGOLALA, o. to use low props for a companied with dancing. 'O le canoe. LAGOLEI, 8. one kind of fly. lāgisolo a le nu- u. LAGITATAU, 8. property given on LĀGOLĒMŪ. See LĀGOGALĒMŪ. the completion of tattooing. LĀGOMAU, 0. 1. to prop up firmly. LAGITATAFI, s. property given after 2 . To be the support of, to be the the operation for elephantiasis in work confidence of, as in war, or for . scroto .
LAGITIGAPULA, v. to beg taro tops. LAGOMEA, 8. one kind of fly.
Used on Tutuila for tuʻutiga- | LĀGOMIA, v. pass. of LĀGO. LAGOMŮMU, 8. the carpenter bee. LAGITUAIVA,8.lit. the ninth heaven , LAGONA, v. 1. to understand. 2. To feel. Tru mai le ato, e lē very far off. LAGITUATOLU, 8. the third heaven . lagona . 3 . To perceive, by the LAGIVALEA, v. to be obscured by senses, as to hear, to smell, to taste . clouds, of themoon. Lago,Malay,Rango,8. the common | LĀgotu,v.to place a canoe on high house fly. LAUGAU. Malay, a props. LĀGOTUA, 8. the tenderline. great fly . LĀGO, 8. props to rest a capoe on. LĂLĂ, 8. 1. a shrub, used for a "Ua ta lava lāgo a Lemasefar. pigeon perch (Desmodium um pula .
LAGO, v. 1. to lean against or upon,
bellatum ). 2. The name of of things, not persons. 2. To various plants, especially shrubs raise on supports. Si o mātou of tie papilionaceous division , vaʻa e Save e lago tūtūmiau ; pl. | LĂLĂ, v. 1. to be greasy. To shine. LALAGO ; pass. LAGOMIA ; redup. LĂLĀ, v. to leap upon, of the male
animal on the female.
LagoĀ, a . 1. cranky, of a canoe. LĀLĀ, &. small branches. 2. Easily displaced, ofchiefs. LĀLĀ , v. 1. to stand out, like LagoĀ, v. 1. to be cranky. 2. To branches. 2. To stand up , as & be easily displeased . Ua lagoa | comb stuck into the hair . 3. To lona finagalo . LĀGOULI, 8. the puller in front of the sttersman , who helps occa sionally to steer. Syn. TALIULI. LAGOFUFU, s. See LAGOMUMU, for which it is exchanged .
project, as a spear in the body. LĀLAŠAU, 8. a branch of a tree. LALAO, v. to go out to sea (of bon ito ). LĂLA'0A, v. to have a fishy smell.
LAGOIA, v. to be covered with flies. | LĂLA A . See LA-A.
LALAU, v. from lau, 8. it leat, to be LAGOGALĒMŪ, a . 1. steady, not in leaf,of annual plants. cranky, of a canoe. 2. Quiet in LALAU, v.to speak ,tomake a speech .
disposition , not easily provoked . LALAⓇU , v. to be decrepit. LAGOLA‘AI, 8. a threshold . On Tu- LALA'U, v. See FELA'U . tuila . | LALAUI, 8. 1. the name of a tree. LĀGOLAU, 8. neatly plaited cocoa- | Syn . MĂLŌ. 2. A name of the nut leaves, used to keep the ends | fu apine on Manu'a. of the thatch from hanging LALAUTA, 8. a nane of the fuéapine on Manuća . down. LALAFI, 8. the name of a fish . LAGOLAGO, 8. a wall-plate. LĀGOLAGO, v. to help , to prop up. LALAFI, v. pl. of LAFI. LAGOLAGOAUVAE, v. to take hold of | LALAFO, v. pl. of LAFO. the chin . (A sign of grief). LALAFU, a. dingy, dusky. See LĀGOLAGOSUA, v. to help , to prop up. / LAFULAFU.
LAL LAM ( 181 ) LALAGA, v. toweave, to plait ; pass be beautiful. Oi, se fafine o LALAGAINA.
lenei e lālelei. LĀLAGA, 8. 1. a fine mat partly LALI,8, a smallwoollen hand -drum . finished. Soʻu alu ane ia i laʻu Introduced from Fiji. lālaga . 2. A new fine mat. LALIFAU, 8. 1. the juice of the fau
LALAGI, v, to broil. Used before tree. 2. Mucus from the mouth . chiefs for tunu. LĀLILALI, v. to mistake in naming LALAGO, s. 1. a chief's bamboo persons, calling by the wrong pillow . "Olelalago o le ali-i. 2. name; pl. LALALI. A prophet's staff. Faaifo lalago | LALO, 8. a war messenger sent o le Folasā . secretly. 'Ole lalo a le alise. LALAGO, v. 1. to lay down LALO,
thekeel of a new canoe. 2. To vard off a
blow . 3 . pl. of LAGO.
prep. below , down, under. Ua paʻū i lalo o le nofoa. LALO‘A AO, 8. (below the feet) com
LALALA, 8. pudend,muliebr. mon people. LALAMA, v. 1, to be ripe, applied to LALOAOA, v. pass. lit. to be under a chestnuts, bananas, and yams. cloud, to be gathering, as clouds 2. pl. ofLAMA. under the sun, thence spreading LALAMEA, 8. a wild species of tre all over the heavens. foil. On Tutuila . LALAMEA, s. names of the fua- l LALOIFI, lenei.efi, to be a secret.v. lit.under O laloifi the
LALAMELO, pine on Manu'a . | LALOFALE, 8. the conduct of a LALANO, s. the name of a poisonous family. 'O lo lātou lalofale. tree. LALOLAGI, 8. ]. the world . 2. A LALANO, a . deep, of water. part of the world, Elē lâu lalo LALANU, v. pl. of LANU. lagi, All countries are not alike. LALOMA'OA, a . overshadowed. Ap LALAPA , s. the name of a shrub. LĂLAPA, a. pl, of LAPA, flat, com plied to, 1, a small plantation in . pressed . " O vae lălapa. midst of a forest. 2. A LALASE, v, 1. pl. of Lase, to scrape the speech interrupted by another. off warts. 2. To destroy, as 3. One chief over another. people and pigs. LALOMATA, s. the under eyelid. , LALATA, v. pl. ofLATA HATA . s. the weeds under large trees. LALATATAI, 8. the name of a I LALOVAO, shrub. LALOVASA, s. 1. the space between
the two canoes forming a double stuny acrid substance. canoe, 'Q loʻo i ai Lautiuligia by an Syn. SALATO , i lalooasa o le vara telt. 2. The between a canoe and its LALATOA , & the name of a shrub space (Missiessya corymbulosa ). Syn . outrigger. 3 . Scrotum , euphem . ALALATOA. for laso. LALAVA, v. to be firialy bound with LAMA, 8. 1. the candlenut tree sinnet. (Aleuritea LĀLĀVALE, 0. 1. to branch out, as al torch made ofMoluccana). its fruit. 2. A the over - tree road. 2. To be |LAMA, v . to fish with torches ; pl. afraid . LAMALAMA. Ta LĀLEAGA, a. bad -looking, ugly. I teLALAMA lalama; redup. į vai Tutuluia . Lama LĀLEAGA, v. to be bad-looking, to lama ifo i le Pratolivaʻa. be ugly. watch for, to lie in v. toLALAMA LALELEI, A . good-looking , fine-look - LAMA, wait; pl. ; pass. LAMA ing LALATO, 0. to have the mouth
; intens. LAMALAMA; recip . FELAMATAʻI. LĀLELEI, 0. to be good-looking, to ! TIA
LAT LAMAGA, 8. a fishing with torches. LAPATA'I, 8. the level land at the ' O lāna lamaga . foot of a hill. See.'AULAPATA'I. Ole lapataʻi o lemauga. LĀMALA, 8. a drought. LAMALAPĀLAGI, s. the castor oil LĀPATA‘I, v, to warn. See LĀPA. LAM
plant (Ricinus communis).
( 182 )
LAPAVALE, 8. a slip of the tongue,
alablunder LAMATAGA, 8. an ambush . pavale . in speaking. 'O lāna LĀMO IMOʻI, a . small. LĀMOLEMOLE, a. 1. smooth . 2. LAPAVALE, v. to make a slip of the Good -looking . tongue, to mispronounce. LĀMOLEMOLE, 0. 1. to be smooth , | LAPE, 6. 1. a man who sits and wishes bad luck in tagāti'a. 2. 2. To be good-looking. LAMU, v. to chew ; pass. LAMUA ; The name of a shell -fish .
LAPE, v. to sit and wish bad luck dimin . LAMULAMU. LAMUFATIFATI, s. the name of a l to the opposite party in tagātia : tree , pass. LAPEA ; redup. LAPELAIE . LAMULAMUFAʻASEGAO, v.to eat with LAPEA , v. to be visited by a cala a small mouthful, to eat minc- mity, after warnings rejected ; ingly. redup. LĀPELAPEA. LAMUPALA, v. to chew to pieces, to LAPEGA, 8. a gamewith the hands. chew up ; pass. LAMUPALAINA . LĀPOʻA, a . large ; pl. LĀPOPOʻA . LĀPOʻA, v. to be large ; pl. LĀPO LĀNA, pron. ħis,her. LĀNINI'I, a . small.
POʻA .
LANO, 8. 1. a lake. Malay , DanaU. LĀPOTOPOTO , a . globular. 2 . Liquor amnii; also LANU. LAPUSAʻI, v, to reproach , as being
LANOTOTO, 8. red liquor amnii, the cause of a calamity. thought to indicate a man -child. LAPUSA'IGA, 8. reproach , as the LANU , 8. 1. colour. "O le lanu o le cause of a calamity, 'ie. 2. Liquor amnii, used by LĀSAGAI, 8. a jibsail. some for LANO. LASE, v. to scrape off warts ; pl. LANU, 0. to wash off salt water. | LALASE. 2. To oil the body all over. 3. | LASE, a . many.
To be free from punishment | Laso, s. scrotum ; euph . LALOVASA.. after paying the penalty ; pl. LASOMIMI, S. elephantisis in scroto. | LATA , a . 1. tame, domesticated . 2 . LALANU. LANUĀ, v. to have sore eyes ; pl. At home in a place. LĀNUÃ ; redup. LANULANUĀ. LATA, v, 1. to be near ; redup. LĀNUAGA, 8. an early setting sun . LATALATA ; recip. FELATAʻI. 2 . LANUFALEA, v. 1. to be dim , to be To le tame. Ele ifo le sega ,e lē mouldy, of a flyhook . 2. To be lata. 3. To feel at home; pl. dim , obscured , as the eyes from LALATA . not being exposed while diseased . LĀTA, pron . my. See LA'ī. Tū LANUMOANA, a . sky-coloured , blue. tūnoc lava se fesili lata na. LATAFANUA, v. to be attached to LAPA , a . flat ; pl. LALAPA . LAPA , v. to be flat ; pl. LALAPA. one's own home. LAPA , 8. 1. a flat kind of coral. 2 . LATALATA, 8.nearness. O le lata A flat slab at the root of a large lata a Saleia. tree, acting as a buttress to the LATANUʻU, v. to be attached to trunk. one's own place. LATAVALE, a. 1. not afraid of stran LĀPA, v. to warn . LAPALAPA , s. the stem of the cocoa- 1 gers,not shy, easilymade friends.
nut and banana leaf. 'Olona | 2. Easily making oneself athome Παραλαρα. in a new place.
( 183 )
LEA LĀTELE, a, large ; pl. LĀTETELE. I LAVE, 8. a part of a head-dress, a crest. ' O lona lave. Latot, pron . they. LATŪ, s. the head builder. Lave, v. 1. to steer free, to keep LATULATU, 8. 1. the name of a before the wind . 2. To belay, to chattering bird . 2. A man who | take a turn of a rope, as round a pin . 3. To be of great service talks rapidly . LAVA, s. ornaments worn across the in a family. 4 . To be intricate, shoulders. " O ona lava, of subjects toE be discussed ; re dup. LAVELAV . Lava, adv. indeed , very . LAVA, 8. a payment given on catch - | LAVEA , v. pass. 1. to be struck. 2. To be choked . 3. To be removed , ing a shark . Lava, v. to be enough, to complete of a disease. Syn. SAFEA. · the complement. LAVEA'I, v. to extricate, to deliver ;
LAVĀ, v. to be able ; pass. LAVĀTIA. Ua ʻou lē lavātia tausiʻi o le
pass. LAVEA‘IINA. Sei ai se atua e lavea'i, i le gasegaseo
Tagipo . faiva o tau . LAVĀ, v. to grieve for a dead chief. LAVEI, 8. one kind of taro . 'Ua lavā Saleaula iā Fue. LAVEITALA, v. 1. to interrupt a tale . LAVAʻAU, v. to call, to call out to ; 2. To contradict. pass. LAVAŠAUIA. See VALA 'AU. LAVEITIGĀ, v. to save from pain or LAVAI, 8. the leaves of the‘oʻa used trouble. as stuffing for baked pigs. LAVEGA, 8. frenum penis.
LAVAOʻA, 8. an old bat ( Pteropus). LAVELAVE, 8. a short fishing -rod. O lāna lāvelave. See PE- A . LAVAULĀPUA, a . black in the fore LĂVELAVE, v . to entangle, to be and hind parts, and white in the intertwined . 2. To be intricate,
middle, of an animal. Bytransp. VALAULĀPUA, ULAVAPUA.
as subjects under discussion ; pass. LĀVELAVEA. .
LAVAGAIFO, 8. the name of a fish . LAVENA, 8. the name of a fish . VA, 8. the calico or print LAVETEMUTEMU, v. to be struck LAVALA wrapper worn round the loins. sideways, so as to escape the full - 'O lona lavalava. force of the blow . Syn. FA-APĀ. LAVALAVA, v. to put on the wrapper | GASE'E .
or loincloth, to dress ; pass. LE, art. the. It is often used where the English uses the in leта pito fau o Turu , sa lavalava definite article. . LĒ, pron . who , that. "A o ai lë LAVALAVAÕ, a . clamorous, noisy . tala i fafö ? LAVALAVASIA, LAVALAVAINA. 0
Syn. PISAPISAO. LĒ, adv. pot. LAVALIMA, v. to be prosperous. LEA, pron . that. “Ua lē “o leá “o Ua solo le lavalima. amio a lau tane. LAVASAUNI, v. to prepare before LEA, a particle following the verb · hand , to collect food ready to when it takes ona before it. Ona
entertain visitors. Syn. Pago FALE .
fai lea le umu.
LEA 8. 1. one kind of‘ava. 2. One
LAVASI, v. 1. to tie round and round. ' kind of cocoa -nut. • 2 . To entwine as a snake.
LEAT, adv, no, not.
LĀVASI, v. to entwine the hand | LĒĀJĀ , v, to have no voice, power,
with a cord , so as to form a box or authority in a matter. LEĀUFALE, v. not to fit, as the fau LAVATA ‘l. See LAPATAʻI. and fatuga of a house. | LEXUSILIA, v. 1. not to be exceeded , LAVĀTIA, v. pass. of LAVĀ . · ing glove (Cestus).
( 184 )
not to be surpassed. 2. Not to reach to. 1
LEAGA, a. 1. bad . 2. Common, of | lien.
LEO, 8. 1. the voice. 'Olona leo. 2 . A sound . 3. A guard , a watchman. LEO, v. to watch , to guard ; pl. LELEO ; pass. LEOSIA ; redup. LEO LEO. “O le pipili leo foaga. .. LEOFA' AMAMA'I, 8 . a doleful, whin
LEAGA, v. 1. to be bad. 2. To be angry. “Ua leaga le loto o Tā fa'i i fale. LEAGIAGI, 8. an eminence exposed L ing voice. LEOFA'AMAMA'I, v. to whine. Syn . to the breeze. TAGIFAʻAMAMA'I. LĒALA , a . causeless. LEʻALEʻA, v. to be one night after | LEOLEO, 8. a guard , a watchman, a policeman . full, of the moon . LEĀNO , V . See ĀNO . LEOLEOĀ, a. loud talking, clamor LĒ APA, v. from 'A'apa, lit. not to ous, noisy . . reach to, to have no more right | LEOLEOGA, 8. a watching. 'O le leoleoga o le po. in. E lé toe ‘apaiai. LEASAGE, v. to despair. LEOLEOSA 'I, v. to watch . Leoleosaʻi LEATAPAʻIA, v. not to bear being le tuasivi, ma le lupe pāpāgatā. touched, to be tender and painful | LEOMALIE, v. to have a pleasant to the touch . voice. LEOPUALIʻI, 8. a good voice. mory. LEI, 8. 1. whale's teeth . 2. A LEOVAO, s. 1, a very old tree. 2. necklace of whale's teeth . 3. | An old pigeon .
LEATUAMANATU , 8. a retentive me- LEOMALŪ, 8. a bass voice.
Ivory. Le paepae i lei i soloiane. | LEU, v. to knock against accident LEʻI, s. the prominence in the helve ally, to strike accidentally. of an adze, against which the LEULEU , 8. an old siapo. “O lāna leuleu . end rests. LEʻI, adv. 1. not. (Past time). 2. LĒULUA, v. haviug nu head. Not yet. 'A 'o le'i oso are le lā. LEULUMOEGA, 8. 1. a number of LE'IAU, v. to be a long time. 'Ua mats spread for a bed . 2. The LEʻIFUTU , le iau le tuliloa, nameof the leading land in A 'ana, LĒIGOA, v. to be unnamed . LEUMAUMA, v. to be unbecoming, LEILA, v. 1. not to be hurt. Faʻa as for a chief to thieve. fetaia'i i le ato e lēila . 2. Not LĒUMAMEA, a . uubounded . LEUTUVĀ, v. to be uuintermitting. to be nearly finished . LEʻILEAI, adv. uo. A diminutive LEFAIAMUGA, v. to be too late, as to ackuow ledging the omission of catch a canoe, or to get a share
something which should have of food or property. v. to be inseparable from , been LEʻILEʻI,done. 8. 1. the name of a tree. LĒFaga, to follow without fail. E lēfaga 2. Anything very good , as aI lemasa o le tai ma le laofie. good -looking man , a good house, | LEFANOGA, 8. the month of October. ‘ava , & c. 'Ua se le'ile'i le masoa [ T. P .] LĒFEA , pron . which ? ona lelei.
LEILEIA, 1 v. to be frightened by LEFELEFE, 8. os interior vaginæ . LE'ILEʻla, ) a taulāitu pretend LEFETATOI, v. to fit badly, as tho ing to be inspired. teeth , planks of a canoe, & c., or a LEʻILIʻILI, v. to act unbecomingly.
man living in a strange family.
'O 'oe le tumua,‘a e le'iliʻili fa'a- LEFU,a .1.bad. On Tutuila. 2.Ugly , levao.
LEʻIMAI, adv. long since.
LEFU, v. 1. to be bad. 2. To be ugly, LEFU, 8. ashes, 'O lefu o le afi,
LEF ( 185 ) *LES have LEFUGĀSEĀ, v. See FuGĀSEĀ. no will or wish . E lēlotoa i mātou . LEFULEFU, 8. ashes ; as LEFU. disrespectful. Syn . LEGA, 8. 1. prepared turmeric . 2. LELOV I, a . rude, LĒMĪGAO . The yolk of an egy
LEGĀ, V. 1. to be coloured with | LEMAULIMA. See LETĀGOLIMA. turineric . 2 . To be yellow . LĒMAFAI, v. 1. to be unwilling. 2 . LEGA'EA 'INA, 8. work which cannot To be unable ; pl. LĒMĀFAFAI; I pass. LĒMAFAIA . be set agoing.
LĒGĀVIĀ, a. quiet, mild , chaste. LEMĀLOĀ, v. to get bonito con LEGALEGA, ai 1. yellowish, as the stantly. body from sickness, the skin of a LĒMiraó, a. rude, disrespectful. fat pigeon , a ripe breadfruit. Syn . LĒLOVI. LELĀ, adv, that, there. Lēmu, adv. i. quietly, privately. LĒLĀUTAOFI, v. to be not equal in 2. Exactly half or middle, as thu possession of a retentive OSAOSALĒMŪ. memory. v. to draw the finger LĒLAUTAGATA, across the nose , a sign of having v. to be not equalor LEMULEMU, alike. LELALE
LELE Esg } adv. there.
illicit intercourse.
Upolu .
LENA, 8. 1. the name of a kind of wild yam (Dioscorea penta LELE, v. to fly ; pl. FELELEI. LELEA, v. 1. to be carried away by phylla ). 2. Elephantiasis in the wind. 2. To be driven off by a strong wind ; redup. LELE- LENĀ, pron . that. LELEA . "Ua se “auva'a na lelea . LENĀ, adv. there ; nearer than lelā. LELE-A, a. fermented. Se ‘ava | LĒNALENĀ, a. swollen , of the belly lele'a . with food. scro
LELEAʻI, v. to be puffed up with LENAMUSELA, a. blameless. pride on accouut of sudden pro LENĀNE, pron , that. motion . LENEI, pron. this. LELEAGA, 8. a party driven off by LENEI, adv. now . a strony wiud. Inu i le lā le LENEI, conj. therefore. leleaga . LENOFOOLOʻO, v. lit. to be like the LELEI, a . good. sitting of Loʻo ; to sit idle , doing
LELEI, v. 1. to be good . 2. To be no work . on guod terms, to be reconciled, | LEPA, s. 1. a pond, stagnant water. to be at peace with . Na lelei lava mālo ma Atua ma Salafai.
2. A village without chiefs, where all are equal. O le vai lepa.
LELEIAGAIA, a. equally handsome. Syn. LAUTILAULELEI. A leleiagaia o la lalelei e le LEPA, v. 1. to be stagnant. 2. To tama o Maluofiti. lie to, of a vessel ; pl. LELEPA. LELEO, v. pl. of LEO, to guard . 'O LEPAMĂLIE, s. shark - fishing. LEPAMĂLIE, v. to fish for sharks. LEPETI, v. to break down, as a LELELELEA, v. redup. of LELEA. house, wall, & c.; pass. LEPETIA . LEPOA‘E, v, to by unremitting, as in LELEMO, v . a . to drown. LELENA, v. to spread out in the sun fishing , working, & c. and press down with weights so LEPU, v. to be stirred up, as water ; as to make straight and sinooth , pass. LEPUA ; dimin . LEPULEPUA. ofnew siapo. LĒSOLOSOLOŪ, v. 1. to have no re leleo nai tama e to‘alua.
LELEFU, v. to be burut to ashes. LELEFUA, 8. a moth .
LĒLOTOA, v. from lē and loto, to
LEPETI, 8. one kind of breadfruit.
mission , as of puiul. 2. To have
LID ( 186 ) novisitors. cessation, as in the arrival of miti e, lata lia. Syn. Fa•A• LEPO. LET
LĒTĀITAI, v. to be not near, to be LIA'I, v. to root up, to pull up ; wide of the mark .
pass. LIA 'IA, LIA'IINA. ' A liaʻi āu
talo, 'aua le lia 'ia i lima. paid to, to be treated with dis LIA'l, v. 1. to whirl round , to swing respect. round ; pass. LIA 'IINA ; redup. LÊTĀUIA, v. to have no voice or LIALIA 'I. 2 . To diffuse a sweet right in a matter. Syn . LEAIA. scent. E poga i vao, 'a e liaʻiina LĒTAUALOA , v. to have no respect
E lè tāuia mulē.
i ala .
LETAUILO , v. not requiring to be LIA'INEMEA, 8.the name of a child's inquired into, to be well known. gameof play. E lētauilo fua o alii. LIA IMEMEA, v. to play at the game
LETAUFIA, å . uncovered . Moe le of liaʻimemea. " Pei o le upu i taufiu, to sleep as an uncovered LI'AGA, tama, pea agiddy lia'imemea iā i tātou . Oveill . height. 8. LĒTAUPULEA. See FAʻALĒTAUPU LI'ALI'A, 6. to be afraid of. Ia LEA . liʻaliʻa mamao atu se toʻa, ne'i ai LĒTĀGATOI, v. to be not near the se pefea i le vu'a. mark ; to be not nearly fiuished . | LIALIA'I, v. redup. of LIAʻI, 1. to
LETĀGOLIMA, v. to be poverty whirl round. 2 . To shake the stricken . head. LĒTĀLATALAĒ, v. to despise, to LI'AVALE, v. to have bad dreams. treat with contempt, to make no vale. Seu lēna taua , perā 'o 'e po lia account of. LĒTĀLITALIA, 1 v. to be unrestrain - | LIELIEVALE, Syn. Sasagi mitami LĒTĂLITALIA , } able, not to be tavale. LĒTATALI. checkedor Li'l, 8. the name of a cluster of
stopped ,as war, bleediny, matter stars. The Pleiades. discharging from an abscess, & c. Li'l, a . finely plaited, as a basket, LĒTIOA, v. not to be blamed , not to mat, & c. be found fault with . Li'l, v. to be small, to be of a fine LETOLEGĀ. See TOLEGA. mike, as mats, & c., or as “aso LĒTONUGA, v. to be undecided . As cut small, or young plants just FAⓇALĒTONU. appeariny, or ripples on the LĒTULI, adv. not only. Syn . LE water, or fishes in great num NA ' O . bers, or pimples ; pl. LILIʻI ; re LEVA, 8. the name of a tree (Cer- ! dup.LI'ILI'I. bei a lactaria ). LI'ILI'I, s. ripples. LEVA, a . long,of time; pl.LELEVA ; Li'o, 8. 1. a circle. 2. One method redup. LEVALEVA. of fishing. 3. The net used in LEVA, v. to be long since ; redup. fishing. O la lātou li-o. LELEVA and LEVALEVA. LI'OFIGOTA, 8. a . halo round the moon . LĒVAEA , a . not having legs. LEAVAVO, 8. the name of a tree. LI'Olio, v. to surround ; pl. LILIO ; Li, s. 1. the sinnet fastening which pass. LISOFIA . secures an outrigger. 2. The LI'OLI OSAGA, 8. a chief's grave. name of a shellfish . ( le li-oli-osaga a le ali'i.
Li, v. to set firmly together, as the LIU, 8. 1. the bilge of a canoe. 2. teethı ; redup. LĪLĪ. LIA , 8. a nit, a louse's egg. LiA, 8. a chief's dream . Auē lata
The inside bottom of any vessel, box, & c. 3. The inside of a pig after it is cleaned . "O le liu o le
( 187 )
mea. Ona 080 loa lea i le liu o le LILIA, v. to be timid, to be vaʻa . | atfrighted . Liu, v. 1. to turn . Eliua le tua ma LILIAU , v. to set the teeth fast to le alo. To go backwards and gether, to be enraged. Lenei forwards. 2 . To turn over. 3. To mālo liliau a Tuliuea. turn into, to change. ' O le fa - | Lili'i, a . small. fine na liu la 'au ; pass, LIUA, LILi'o , v. 1. to surround . 2 . To redup. LILIU ; dimin . LIULIU. Ta circumvent, to hinder. Syn . SISI'O . te liuliu tauala ai. Liva, a. wide, as a canoe of too LILIU. See Liu. greatbeam . LILI'AVA, v. to prepare 'ava . LIUA, 8. a hollow in the road or in LILIFA, a . sloping, as the side of a the ground . Syn . MALIFALIFA. I hill. See LIFA. LIUALO, v. lit, to turn the belly to, LILIGI, v. to pour; pass. LILIGIINA; to regard , to be favourable to ; redup. dimin . LIGILIGI. LILIGO. See LIGOLIGO. 'O le tasi redup. LIULIUALO . LIUTINOGATA, v. to become incar- | liligo. nate, as the gods were thought LILILO , v. pl. of LILO . tu do . LILIMU, v. pl. of LIMU. LIUTOFAGA, v. to exhume the bones LILIVAU. See LILIAU. of a dead chief for the purpose | Lilivu, v. to be long ago. of reinterring in another place. I Lilo, a . secret, hidden . LIUTUA, v. to turn the baik upon. Lilo, v. to be liidden , to be con ' A palui liutua taʻitau. cealed ; pl. LILILO ; pass. LILOIA. LIUTULIAIMOTU, v. to be made an Amuia Olosega, ua lilo , e lē iloa e outcast. Sa 'e liutuliaimotu . in mata 'u .. LIFA, a . 1. sloping, as some small | LILOIA , v. pass. of LILO, to be
declivity, or as a wave before it
covered over, as with sores, & c.
breaks. 2 . Thin , wastel, as the LIMA, s. 1. the hand. 2 . The arm .
belly from disease or hunger ; pl.1 3 . The foreleg of an animal. "O lona lima. LILIFA : redup. LIFALIFA. LIMA, Malay, Lima, a, five. LIGI. See LILIGI.
LIGILIGI, v. redup. of LILIGI, 1. to LIMAELO, a. stingy. Syn . LIMA pour gently. 2. To make water, VALE. of little children . LIGO. See LIGOLIGO.
LIMA‘ONA, a . strong-fisted in box ing. LIGOA , a . frightened away ; redup. LIMAGAFULU, a . fifty. LIGOLIGOA . LIMAGALAU, a. five hundred . LIGOLIGO, 8. 1. a cricket. 2. A LIMALA'U, 8. a boaster. metallic green beetle. LIMALĒIGOA, s. the fourth finger. LIGOLIGO, v. to be calm , to be quiet, LIMALIMA, v. to do quickly.
to be undisturbed. “Ua ligoligo LĨMALIMA, v. to be clever at all
le ulufanua . Nothing to be
work .
heard but the chirp of the LIMALIMATASI, v. to work all to cricket ; pass. LIGOLIGOA, to be getier. all alone. LIMAMAU, a. stingy. Syn . LIMA Lřli, v. to be angry, to be enraged . VALE . Lili, v. to prepare. Se'i tatou lili | LIMAMĂLIE , 8. one expert in catch "ava, si-i taeao. jny fishes with his hand. Lilī, v. to be firmly fastened. “Ua LIMAMALO, a. strong-handed. : LIMAMOLOSI, } los lili pea le tuiga.
Lili'a, a. timid , affrighted .
LIMAMATUA, s. the thumb.
LIM ( 188 ) LIMAMULU, a. lit, slow of liand, | LIMUPATA, stingy. Syn . LIMAVALE ; pl. LILIMASAGA, a . five span . LIMASEⓇE , 8. a quick carpenter. LIMASUSUNU, a. lit. hanıl-burnt, in haste to seize on fuod ; grecdy. LIMATAOFIA, I v.to have the hands LIMATAUPEA, I held , applied to a · MAMUM
| 8. species of sea .
weed .
LIMUTONA, 8. a moss used to kill waits. LIMUVAI, 8. a fresh -water weed . LIPI,
PIOLA , ş v. to die sudilenly. woman with a baby requiring | LILIPOI, 8. 1.' a shelter, a place of refuge from a storm . 2. A shel LIMATAGOESE, 8. a lazy man who tered bay.
her attention .
becomes a thief.
Livor, 8. a leaf parcel of afato. ' O LIMATAMA, 8. the little finger. LIMATASI, v. to use only one lāna lipoi. LIPOLIPOI, v. to gather round, as round a sick mau about to die. .
hand .
LIMATOGESE , a . poor.
LIMATAGOTONU, 8. an industrious LISE ,adv. quickly. man . LISEGA, 8. a miracle. Ai ni ou lisega , fai i ai. Syn . VAVEGA. LIMATOLOLOLO, 8. a thief. LIMATUSI, s. the forefinger. LIVALIVA, 8. the circular plata of LIMAVALE, a . stingy, in food and a Samoan drill. E tenetene fua le livaliva , “a e sagasaga 'ai le · news ; pl. LIMAVAVALE.
LIMAVELA, 8. a quick carpenter. | vili ia . 'O ai se limavela é ali'i i fale. Lo,s. 1. the nameof a fish . 2. The LIMU, 8. 1. seaweed. 2. Riverweed . | name of the month answering to
3. Moss, Mulay, LUMUT. 4. A
portions of March - April.
Lo, the possessive prefix to the LIMU, v. to apply limu to warts ; dual and plural of pronouns when the noun is singular ; as, pl. LILIMU. lo lātou vaʻa . LIMUA, a .moss-grown. plaut.
8. names of differ- | Lo, prep. of, concerning .
ent seaweeds.
LIMU'AVA, 8. an edible seaweed . LIMU'ULA, 8. an edible seaweed .
| Loa , u. long ; pl. LOLOA ; redup. | LOALOA ; of time and measure. Loa, v. to be long since.
LIMUFOE, 8. one kind of staweed Loa, adv. directly, instantly. Ona 1 avaga loa lea .
(Haloplnilit ovalis).
LOA, 8. 1. gravestones, a grave
8. different I built over with stones. “ O le loa ol ali-i. 2. The name of an kinds of introduced tree (Bixa orellana ). seawe. d .
LIMULIMU, 8. 1. detached graweed . | LOALOAVALE, v. to be without a 2 . Duckweed . chief ; a term of reproach to a LIMULUPANI, . See LIMUTONA. village. LIMUMEA, 8. the name of a para - | LOALOĀVALE, 8. the middle finger. sitic plant (Fungus) which kills | LOATA, 8. a large venomous ant.
te breadfruit ; fig. of one who LOI, 8. an ant. makes a clean sweep of a plan - LoʻI, 8. a pigsty. E tofu lava ma tation . «Ua se limumea lea
si ona lo‘i.
Loia, a , full of ants. LIMUMEĀ, v. to have the limumea, Loia, v. pass. from LOLOLO, to be of breadfruit trees. surfeited with rich food . tagata .
LOI LOL ( 189 ) LOIŠENA, 18. different kinds of LOFITŪINA, v. to be overwhelmed LOIULI, ants . with waves. LOIULUʻAU, 8. a native dish of LOGALOGA, 8. an insect very de structive to books. cocoa -nut juice . LOIFA'I, s. bananas cooked in ex - LOGATĀ, v. to be offensive. Syn , · pressed juice of the cocoa -nut. I LOUĀ, SOESĀ.
LOIFOFOGA, 8. tears (chief's word ). Logo, 8. 1. a report, a sound. 'O lona logo. 2. A wooden drum . LOILOI, v. to dip in a sauce. LOILOIAO, v. to be near down. ' O la lātou logo. LOIMATA, 8. a tear. 'Oona loi- LOGO, v. to report ; pl. LOLOGO ; mata . LOIMATA, v. to be for tears. Ma le tai ou te loimata ai. The ocean shall be for my tears.
pass. LOGOINA ; redup. LOGOLOGO. Alu avaava e logologo ia tava . tava .
Logo, v. to hear. 2. To feel, as LOIMATA -0-A0, 8. tearsof the clouds, pain. LOGOUA, 8. stagnant rain -pools. LOGOULI, 8. the name given to the maomao when it changes colour, preparatory to becoming a pala ‘ia . Loʻo, the sign of the present par- LOGOLOGO, redup. of Logo. ticiple. LOGOLOGO , 8. a report. E le tu rain .
LOIPOTO, 8. one kind of ant.
LOʻITUTŪINA, v. to be shut up, as pigs in a sty, or as men in a fort.
LO‘OFALE, v. to speak first, to give manu, a e tu logologo. the opening speech at a meeting LOGOLOGOĀ, v. to be famed , re in a house . nowned. Taliga e tuliau i le LÕ'OFE'OFE , 8. one kind of lo . tala 'ua logologoā. LoʻOFONO, V. See LO‘OFALE, to LOGOLOGOSAⓇI, v. to report. speak first in the malae. LOGONA, v. to hear. Se'i tātou LoʻOMATUA, 8. an old woman. As logona tala e fesei. OLOMATUA ; pl. LoʻOMĀTUTUA. LOGONOA, v. to be deaf. Lou, s. a long pole with a crook at the end, used in gathering breadfruit. 'O lāna lou . Lou , pron . thine, thy. Loʻu, pron .mine, my. Lou, v. 1. to turn round . 2. To steer, as a canoe. 3. To pluck with the lou . Lou mai le ‘ulu. LOUĀ, v. to be troublesome, offensive; intens. LOULOUĀ. 'Ua mafu, та lоий таі.
LOGOPAPA, lit. feeling the rock ; of 'ava planted on rocky soil, and therefore strong. Ta‘ali lio se 'ava logopapa.
LOGOSA'IINA v. to listen to, to obey. A tali le logosaʻiina. LOGOTINO, v. to rejoice at success, as in fishing ,pigeon -catching , & c. LOGOTUA , v. to give tales picked up ; pass. LOGOTUAINA, to over hear.
LOULAʻAI, v. to ascend one's own LOGOVALE, v. to report erroneously, breadfruit tree, and from it pick LOLA, a . 1. hard, strong. “Ua se the neighbour's breadfruit. ia lola lea tagata. 2. Raw, of LOULOUĀ, v. to be very ill, of a the shark before becoming soft chief. “A tua i ni a le loulouã a by keeping . E ai lola le i-a .
sai nei? Syn.MaLOMALOĀ. LOLALOLĀ, v. to take indecent LOFA, v. to cower down, to crouch , liberties towards a woman. Used as a dog . by her in repelling the offender. LoFATA‘ IINA, v. to cause to crouch . LOLE, v. 1. to rub smooth , as LOFIA, v. pass. of LOLO, to be over- breadfruit in making taufolo , flowed . 2. To rub, as a fallen adversary
LOL LOT ( 190 ) : in the dirt. 3. fig. To be beaten, used as the emblem of Matautu. Susu-i ma fa'atali i nai lomea . as a canoe in racing. LOLELOLE,v. to do a thing anyhow . LOMI, v. 1. to press on, as the “ Ua soʻona lolelole. sprit of a canoe , in order to LOLI, 8. a sea slug (Holothuria ). adjust it properly. 2. To knead LOLO, s. a flood. LOLO, v. to overflow ; pass. LOFIA.
gently . 3. To pres3 under, as siapo, under water. 4. To sup
Lolo , v, to obey Lolo ia i le taofi | press, as anger ; dimin , LOMILO lenā. MI; pass. LOMIA . 5. To print. LOLO, v. to sit: only in poetry. LOMILOMIĀ, v. 1. to press down into the earth , or under - water. Sau ina tā lolo e. LOLO, 8. the cocoa-nut prepared for | 2. To suppress, as something making scented oil. O le lolo o about Ia chief. . LOMITUS , 8. a printer. i le fafine. Lolo , v. to be wet, as the clothes. Lomu, s. 1. the name of a naked LOLOA, 8. the nameof a fish . mollusc. 2. A coward . LOLOA, a . pl. of LOA. LONA, pron . his, her. LOLOI, 8. a native dish of taro and | Lona, v. to be pained by swallowing • cocoa-nut juice.
a hard unmasticated substance.
LOLOI, v. to bind on another stick LOPA, 8. a necklace. "O lāna lopa . when the outrigger or boom is Syn . Asoa. LOPOTO , 8. amenorrhea. : too small, LOLOʻI, v . to make a pig 's house.
Losi, 8. emulation. 'O lona losi.
LOLOʻu , v. to bend , to bend down, Losi, v. 1. to emulate. 2. To be to bend round ; pass. LO‘UA. jealous of, to envy ; pass. LOSIA ; LOLOUTA, 8. a flood coming down redup. LOSILOSI. "Ūa ta lē fia nu-u i Samoa, e losi ali'i. from inland. LOLOFI, v. to crowd to, to flock | LOSIVALE, v. to be jealous of, to be envious. towards; from LOLO. LÒLOGA, 8. great rain. 'Ua louă | Lota, pron . my. See Loʻu. E lòloga . aumā "ea lota loto e ? LOLOGO, v. pl. of LOGO. LOTOATO, 8. the crop of breadfruit LOLOLO, a . fat, of pork. in March . LOLOLO, v. to be fat, to be rich. LOTE, v. to handle, to pull about; LOLOMI, v. 1. to press down. 2. To pass. LOTEA ; redup. LOTELOTE . knead, to shampoo. 3. To print. LOTEMĀTŪTŪINA, v, to he cut up by 4. To suppress a report ; pass. another, not the fisherman who caught it, of a fish . LOMIA ; redup. LOMILOMI. LOLOTAI, s. a flood from the sea . LOTO , 8. 1. the heart, as the seat of LOLOTO , a . deep . the affections. 2. The desire,
LOLOTO, 8. the depth . the will. 'O lona loto. LOLOTO, v. to be deep. Loto, v. to prefer, to desire, to will. LOMA, v. 1. to be quiet, to cease, Loro, s. 1. a deep hole in the to intermit, as the wind, war, lagoon. ' O le vara lē tau i le & c. ; redup. LOMALOMA. 2. To loto. 2 . The interior, as of a wait to see who would have the | house. O le loto i fale. first cup of ‘ava. E loma ‘ava I Loto, prep. in the midst, as i loto fale. mua. LOMEA, 8. from lo and memea ; LÓTOA, V. from LOTO, 8. See the general name for the fry of LĒLOTOA. several fishes, including the lo, Loroa, a. passionate. "Ole tama · the anefe, and the loloa. It is lotoa .
LOT Lotoa, v. to be passionate.
( 191 )
LOTÒA, 8. anger, passion . ' O lona lotoa. LOTOĀ, 8. an enclosure, a field . 'O le lotoā a le ali i.
moni, ua oʻu lotovale ia te | oulua. LOTOVIʻI, 8. self-praise. LOTOVI'I, v. to praise oneself.
LOTU , 8. 1. religion . 2. Religious
LOTOALA, 8. the middle of the road .
persuasion , a sect. 3. A reli 'Ona tulia lea 'o ‘au o le lotoala . gious service. A Tonga word meaning prayer. O lāna lotu . LOTOALIʻI, a , noble-minded . LOTOATAI, 8. the moon rising in Lotu, v. to turn from heathenism ; · the dawn. pl. LOLOTO. LOTOI, v. to be in the middle. "Ua Lotu, v. to make a hollow sound lotoi lautī fatulalo. in the water with the hand ; LOTOOTI, v. lit. to wish for death, intens. LOTULOTU. LOTUAGA, 8. the name of a month , to be courageous. LOTOFALE, 8. the inside of a house. corresponding with parts of Sep O lona lotofale. tember -October. LOTOFUATIAIFO, s. conscience.
LOTOLEAGA, v. to be of a bad dis
LOTULOTU, v. to do anything has tily, to make haste, to be urgent.
position , to be vicious, to be LOTULOTU , adv. intensely , urgently. LOTUSA'I, v . to contend earnestly, revengeful.
LOTOLELEI, v. to be of a kind dis to strive eagerly, to persevere , position . 2. To be appeased, to to strive to accomplish ,as war or be satisfied. work , & c., from LOTULOTU . LOTOMAULALO, 8. deep holes with - LOTUVALE, v. to be distressed , as fearing a calamity, or anxious to in a lagoon . LOTOMAULALO, d. 1. profound, obtain somebenefit. thoughtful. 2. Humble. (Re Lovi. See LĒVOVI. Lu, 8. a native dish of taro leaves. cently adapted meaning.) LOTOMĂLIE, v. to be satisfied , to be LUA, s. a hole, a pit, an aperture. ' O lona lua. appeased , of anger.
LOTOMĀSAGA, v. to have the dis LUA, Malay, Dua, a. two. position of twins, that is, cross Lua, pron . dual. you two. See i grained ,butboth angry together. 'OULUA. LOTOMATALA, v . to be comforted. LUA'Au,a.two (bunches of bananas). LOTOMOMOTU, a. unkind, neglecting LUA'EA, a , two scores (cocoa -nuts, the family. & c.) LOTONU‘U, s. the love of country. Luai, v. to spit out, as anything LOTONUʻU , v. to love one's country . from themouth. LOTOPĀ, 8. the inside of an enclo LUAʻI, 8. 1. the hole in which a sure.
LOTOPUAʻA , a . bestial, without thought. LOTOTĀIA'E, s. from loto, tāitai, and aʻe, shallow holes within the lagoon. LOTOTĀIA‘E, a. shallow-brained, of small understanding. LOTOTELE, v. to be of good cheer, to be courageous.
taro or other vegetable has been planted . 2. The hole in which masi is made. LUAʻl, a . first. As ULUAʻI. Lua‘l, v. from lua , 1. to give the taro its last weeding. 2. To in
cite to anything , as a quarrel. LUA'I0A, 8. the first foreign pro perty, iron hoop .
LUAI'UFI, s. a yam pit. LOTOTOGA, a . ungrateful, ungene LUA'IGA,8. the first weeding of taro. rous, stingy, wanting affection. LUAI-MASI, 8. a masi pit.
LOTOVALE, v. evilly disposed . E LUA‘ITAUA, 8. a war pit, Le eliga
( 192 )
lua 'i-taua, the digging of a war LUFILUFI, v. to divide out food according to orders given ; ap pit. LUAʻITALO, 8. a taro hole. plied to the young men who LUA‘ , 8. the abyss, Ona toe tau - wait on the faipule. tala lea Tagaloa i le papa , ona LUFILUFI, 8. a bamboo knife . So fanau ai leao Luaʻō. Syn . called before chiefs. Syn . FacĀ. LAUNIU. LUʻAU, 8. 1. raw taro leaves. 2. | LUGA, prep. upon , above. Taro leaves cooked . Se ULUʻAU . | LUGALUGAʻI, v . to increase in LUAFA'ATAU, 8. a hole from which violence after a partial cessa fishes are easily obtained. tion , as war, wind , or disease. LUAFULU , Malay, DUAPULUH, a . | LULI, 8. the screeching of the fruit twenty . bat (Pteropus). LUAGA, 8. the small purlins of the LULU, 8. the owl (Strix delica roof of a house. Luaga o le fale. tula ). | Lulu, (Tongan ), 8. a lattice-work LUALAU , a . two hundred . LUALOTO, 8. 1. a deep hole. 2. ' barricade to a war boat. The fafā. LŪLŪ, v. to shake with more
LUALUA, a. two or three, a few , of words.
violence than lue; pass. LŪLŪ Lulua, v. to be sick, to vomit. A INA. “Ua lūlūina le lalolagi.
LUALUĀ , a. full of holes. LUALUANIA, v. from lua , two jocular word. things together, to pretend to be LULUʻU , v. 1. to take up a handful. very sick when only slightly so. 1 2 . To sprinkle with the juice
LUAMAI, 8. the second issue of al of niuui anything used by an aliʻi pa‘ia , so that it may be marriage. LUAMATA, a. two (heads of taro). made common ; so also of a new LUAMĀTAU. See LUAFA'ATAU. fishing-net or canoe. See NIUUI. LUĀTAGATA, 8. the name of two LULUGA, a . western . ' O le atu stars (Castor and Pollux). Filo luluga,ma le atu sasa'e. ma mea . LULUGĀ, v. to be serious, to be LUATINO, a. two (bonitos). weighty ; of a speech or a crime, LUAVAI, a. lit. two water-bottles, & c. Lulugā lau pagotā, 'ua e severe, of famine, causing a Wiga i le ala . person to drink two bottles of LULULU, 8. fat cheeks. water at once to stop hunger. LULUPE , v. to agree together as to LUĀVAI, 8. a legendary name of something to be done. Ona the abyss. Ona fanau ai lea “o lulupe lea e tagata , e leai se Luāvai, nofo. LUE, v. to shake ; intens. LUELUE ; LULUTAI, 8. the name of a sea bird .
e sea .; 1LULUTI, UTI, toto be in f thLUʻIA great pav.in ?l. hy. ®3:opass. LU'I, v. to challenge; pl. ofof LLUTI, redup. LUʻILUʻI. 2. To be rainy . 3. To be in
Luo, v. 1. to be rough, of the sea . Luma, 8. a disgrace, a reproach . ' O lona luma. sence of, before.
consternation, to be ready to run LUMA, prep. in front of, in pre away . LU'ULU‘U, 8. one kind of crab. luóutaga. LUFA, s. a large black siapo. lāna lufa .
LUʻUTAGA, 8. a handful. 'Olona
LUMA‘AVA, 8. a public morning meal. O lo lātou luma ava. LUMĀFALE, 8. the space in front of
.0 | ,LUMANAʻI, a house. v. to have before one, to
( 193 )
· have in prospect, either of time
ona lutaluta o le matagi nay sau
ai. • or place.8, the name of a large sea / LUTI, LUMANE, v. 1. to be in pain . 2. To
urge to be expeditious ; pa88. anemone (Actinea ). LUNĀ, v. to cause & return of LUTIA ; pl. LULUTI ; intens. LUTI Lutia i Puava , a e mapu swelling8.s.the yaws (Frambesia ). || LUTI. i Fagalele. LUPANI, U, LUTITA v. to urge on a fight. Syn . NuPANI and TONA. LUTU, 8. a rattle to attract sharks. have yaws. LUPANIA, 1,o. to LUPE, s. a pigeon (Carpophaga LUTU, v. 1. to rattle the lutu . 2. Pacitica). O lana lupe. 2. The As LOTU ; redup. LUTULUTU. name of a skin disease. 'Olona LUVE, 8. See SA'E. lupe.
Lupea, a. 1. full of pigeons. 2. Having the lupe disease.
M. LUPEOʻATOA, 8. pigeons caught at the full of the moon. LUPEOFANOLOA, s. pigeons caught The ninth letter in the Samoan alphabet ; pronounced as the when there is no moon. LUTEOMAUNU, 8. pigeons caught at Ma, s. 1. shame. ' O lona ma. 2. the wane of the moon. LUPEOPUPULA, 8. pigeons caught at One kind of taro. 3. The name of a tree. the increase of the moon . LUPEFA 'AMULI, v. to shout or to Ma, a . clear, pure ; bright red , as
blow a trumpet as a sign of arterial blood. See TðTOMĀ, PA‘EPA ‘EMĀ. having caught pigeons LUPELAUFAUSIA, s. 1. an untrained MĀ, v. 1. to be ashamed . 2. To pigeon . 2 . An untaught boy, be all destroyed . Syn. FA'A'U MATIA . never checked or reproved . Ma, pron . du . we two; for MĀUA. LUPELUPE, a . very aged .
LUPEPE, v. to crowd to, to crowd | Ma, Malay, ME, forming the transi after, tive. 1. a prefix to some active LUPENI, v. to crowd ; to go in great Verbs, making them neuter ; as numbers. E lupenie tagata uma liligi, to pour; maligi, to be spiſt. 2. A prefix to denote 'o le nuću o le ali'i. LUPETUPOLA, v. 1. lit. to stand on ability : as fai, to do ; mafai, a pola, of a pigeon . 2. To be an to be able. It will not fit all orphin. Tofā 'oe, 'a ina aʻu verbs ; some require the full lu petu pola . form . E lē mafai ona sau ; nọt LUPO, s. the name of a small fish. e lē nasau. LUPOA'E, v. to come in shoals, of Ma, prep. 1. for ; in the sense of, the lupo.
LUPOLAGO, 8. a small lupo. LUPOLUPO, 8. 1. a small lupo. 2. The name given to the ulua ,
for the use of. Avatu i lāua e fai ma papa. 2. With . Lua te o mai ma ia . 3. From . 'Ua te'a ma le atunuóu 'ese. 4 . On
for the purpose of concealing account of,because of. Sau ma success. le la . LUPOSEUSEU, 8. the lupo, within one Ma, conj. and . stage of a malauli. MAA, 8. a stone. 'Olona maʻa. Syn . Faru . LUPOTĀ , 8. a large lupo. LUTALUTA, v. to blow hard, to be MA'A'A, a . hard, strong. at the height of the storm . 'O | MA'AAFI, 8. a gunflint.
( 194 )
MA'AAFISUNUʻI, 8. a percussion cap .
MAʻAAFU, 8. a heated stone of the
MAE a man slipping down a coroa
nut tree , and rubbing off the skin of his legs, & c. ; as a half- cooked out sid yam , only the e skin com gra hav AAN vel sto ing off. a. ly, rough with MA‘ OANO, 8. a ne ing | MA'ANAO, cavities , ( volcanic stone). sma stones wri oven . ' O le ma'aafu o le umu.
MA'AALĀ, 8. a very hard compost stone.
ll MI, v. . to be MAAI, a . sharp, cutting ; applied MA' ANU
to tools, to fire, and to cutting MAʻAMA'AI. worils ; redup.stre tch
nkled ,
puckered , crimpled ; intens. MA
MA‘au, v. 1. to out, as the NUMI 'ANUAMIN . UMI ; pass. MAʻANUMI neck in looking eagerly after. MA‘ANUMI, a . wrinkled , puckered ; ch out, as the hand in redup . MA'ANUMINUMI. 2. erTo totrettak ord e hold of ; a com - MA‘ANUNU, s. 1. the name of a plimentiry term for tago ; redup. gelatinous sea animal. 2. The intens. MA'AMA‘AU. “Ua ma‘au name of a tree ; also MĀNUNU. ona faia 'o mea e 'ai. spanta MA'A7, s. maʻa and ū , lit. a biting | MAappl ciotious,ns . extensive ; ‘APEied, ato. pla poison maa stone, the name of a
ous MA ATĀ
sling . ' O lāna
ta .
' , s. a stone found in the sea, the touch | MA‘ATA A, of which causes pain . MAʻATA o a, Lee stoane.ma a loos /slat } &.e.loo ATUʻAN SI, 8.OA 'sa O e lān MA‘ AFALA,8.one kind of breadfruit MA‘ Artoca
s incisa ). . MAʻ( ALAELArpu ' AVAi.LU. See FATUVALU. E,s. the name applied to MAatus those who do not engage in seuga. | MA‘ AVE, 8. 1. a large branching MAʻALASI, 8. a stone thrown over coralline. 2. A good head of the heads of others. ir. ʻAVE, 8. the stalk and MA'ALEʻALE, a . 1. brittle , as some | MAha‘AVE 2. | cluster of leaves forminy a small MA‘ALI, s. the name of a tree . bran ‘uludfru , it true . O mach‘aveof-avetheo lebrea Syn . MĀFOA . AVEV smal AVE MA' ' ALE 8. l branches MAALILI, s. cold . whichof the growifruit are MA'ALILI, a . cold ; pl. MAʻALILILI. I bread ng outtree, of theandtrunk MA'ALILI, v. to be cold ; pl. MA'A - || broken off as useless. LILILI. mothersone; 'AVEer‘ ESEʻ butESE,diffv.erentot have MA'ALILIGIA , v. pass. to , be cold . MAfath “ Nei mea ma‘aliligia lava le redup. MA'AVEʻAVE'ESE 'ESE . - alo o Sina." MAE , MAE v. to. be stale , of fish ; dimin . MA‘ALO , 8. a part of the belly of MAE kinds of wood, glass, & c.
Tender, of pork .
the bonito taken to a clief.
MA‘ALOALO , v. to appearand vanish .
MAEA, 8. 1. a rope. O lāna maea . 2. The nameof the poponą tree
Ua ma‘aloalo atu le ata ole tagata . | on Manu'a .
MA' AMAʻA , 8. small stones .
WellʻA .done, MAʻAMA'Ā, a. stony, full of small MA'EʻA, complete slowp.MA‘ a. ;1.redu . 2. EʻAŠE ston es.
well done be compl MA‘ AMAʻA , v. to moderate, of rain , MA‘EʻA, 2. To; 1. to to bebeslow. v. ete, rain slightred ly to . MA' ĒMŪ, 'EʻA MA'AMA‘AU, v , up. of MA‘AU. redEʻA v . to. be all finished MA'EʻA up.GAL MA'AMAʻANOA , a . stiong , hardy. up and put to riglits, as work, | del A1 AʻAMULUMULU , v. to be rubbed , I MAE iberations, & c.
to be frayed, to be fretted ; as
ALALO, s.the sheet of a sail.
( 195 )
MĀ-EʻE, v. 1. to shiver, to quake. MaĒva, v. 1. to walk about, from eva . 2. To be at work ; to chiefs, 2. To shrink , as wood . MĂ‘EʻE, v. to be envious; pass. MAI, a particle denoting action MAⓇEʻETIA . Syn . MATAUʻA. ' O
towards the speaker. Ua ma
liu mai. Leauauga 'ua ma'e'etia . MĂ‘EⓇE, 8. envy. Aue le “upu a le Mai, v. to spring from , to come mă'e'e. from . E ave i luga i loʻu tamā, MA'EU, o. to exceed , to be super ou te mai ai. lative; mostly in a good , but | Mai, prep . from . sometimes in a bail sense. MĀi, a . brackish. MA‘EU , interj. excellent, super MĀi, v. to be brackish . lative. MA‘l, 8. sickness, disease, illness.
MĀEFULU, 0. 1. to be careful of O lona ma‘i. its long tail-feathers, of the ||MA‘ l, v. to be ill. tropic bird (Phæton æt ereus. Maʻi, ado. very, as ma'i ulavale, 2 . fig . To be careful of one's how very mischievous ; as if it property. were a disease ; also of good things. MA'ĒGALĒMU, v. to be appeased. MĀ'ELEGĀ, s. zeal. O lona mā- MĀia, v. pass. of MĂMĀ.
elegā . MĀ'ELEGA, a , zealous.
MA'IALEALA, 8. lit. a disease of the .
road ; a disease that admits of a
MĀ‘ELEGĀ, v. to be zealous, to remedy. be earnestly desirous for; pass. MAIALIʻI, 8. paralysis. Syn. SUPA. MĀ ELEGĀINA ; intens. MĀ'ELE- MA'I'I, v, to be slow in doing any ‘ELEGA. Ia mā‘elegā i le ola thing ; redup. MAʻl'IʻIʻI. MĂ‘ELI, 0. 1. to be rooted up. 2. Malo , 8. from io, a small piece of To be dug in holes, as ground pork. O lāna maio. which las been dug up for wild MÃIOA, v. expressive of negation , yams, or been grubbed up by to be without, applied very generally to war, epidemics, pigs ; redup. MĀ'ELI‘ELI. MĂEMA. See MĀ'EMA‘EMA. wind , & c. Syn. Aunoa. MĀ•101, a. slow . MAEMAE, v. dimin .of MAE . MA‘EMA'E, a . 1. courageous. 2. Ma1010 , a. like the io of an atu , Strong to work . 3. Having which is very distinct ; distinct, resources through family con clear, as the voice. nections. |MA'10'ó, 8. lit. a disease that MA'EMA‘EĀ, 8. anger,of high chiefs. I reaches, a fatal disease. Syn . " O lona ma‘ema'cā.
8. the finger nail. Syr . v. to be angry. Of a Mai'UʻU, MA‘EMA‘Eā, MATI'UʻU. high chief. MĀ'EMA‘EMA, a. from "ema, shining, bright. MĀ'EMA‘EMA, v. to be bright, to be shining. MĀEMĀLO, v. to wish to keep on
MAIFEA, adv. whence ? MaʻIFOFO , 8. a disease admitting of being treated by a doctor. MA‘IGA, 8. an epidemic. good termswith the mālo. Ua MAILE, 8. a chief's dog . 'O lāna ta māemāló. maile. Syn. Ta‘IFAU. MĀEMEA, v. to be careful of, to MĀILEI, 8. a trap. 'O lāna māilei. take care of. Syn .MAEFULU. MĀILEI, v. 1. to entrap. 2. fig.
MAENE, 8. the stones tied to the foot of a fishing-net. 'O maene o le 'upega.
MAIFI, 8. peditum .
applied to words; pass. MAILEIA ;
retup. MĀILEILEI. O ai le Pave o Samoa na mailei aʻu . o 2
MAO ( 196 ) MĀILEILEI, v. redup. of MĀILEI, to Mao, 8. 1. a lull in the wind or the waves. “O le mao o le ava . 2. entrap in talk . MĀILI, V, to commence to blow , to The lull in the opening through spring up, as a breeze ; dimin . the reef. MĀILIILI. Syn . TĀILI. Mao, v. 1. to come or to go fruit Mailo, 1 8. 1. a basket in which lessly. “Ua mao i ai fā'i e lelei. MA'ILO, ) faʻausi is served up. 2. To do a thing accidentally or 'Olāna mailo . 2. A spittoon, in ignorance. or spitting -dish for a sick person . Mao, ado. l. accidentally, to no O lāna ma‘ilo. purpose, by mistake. 2. It also MĀ IMA‘I, v. to have elephantiasis intensifies a prohibition . Nei in the limbs. mao sau . Don't by any means
MA‘IMA‘I, v. to delight in ; opposite to 'ino‘ino. “Ua tă ma‘ima'i. MA‘IMA‘ISOʻo , v. to be often ill. MA‘IMĀLIU, 8. epilepsy. MA‘IMALŪ, 8. an ulcer. A mild term for PAPALA. MĀIMOA, v. to look at, to view , as an object of curiosity . MĀIMOAGA, 8. a party of sightseers. O la lātou māimoaga .
Mao, v. to be far off ; compounded with other words, for mamao ; as Ua maogauta . Mao, 8. an accident. MA‘o, 8. the collective name of several trees. (One is Tricho
spermum Richei ; another Me
lochia odorata .) Maoa, v. to make a chopping or
Maina, v. to shine, of fire. 'Ua
hammering noise ; redup. MAO MĀʻINA, v. to be ashamed . MÃoa , a . dense, of the bush be MA‘INI, v. to tingle, to smart, as on yond the cultivated land. ' O being beaten with a small rod ; | le vao māoa. also the beginning of labour | MaoĀ , v . to scold . pains; redup. MA‘INI INI. MĀOA‘E , 8. a large eel (Muræna). MA‘INOFO , 8. paralysis of the legs. MĀOA‘E, v. from mamao and a'e, to MA‘INOFO, v. to have paralysis of be very high . MA‘OA‘o. See MA‘OMA‘O. the legs; pl. MA‘INONOFO. MAISE, V. to quiet, to comfort one MAOAMA, 0. 1. to steer towards the · outrigger. 2. To speak so as to Weeping. MĀisi, v. to be split, to be cracked. give offence. Syn . GĀTA‘E ; this is generally MĂ'ÕI, s. particular kinds of food used on account of the next demanded from & conquered maina mai le afi.
word .
party .
MĀOI, v. to act contrarily. Syn . MĀISI, 8. orificium vaginæ . Proi. MA‘IS/ SO , E. colicupiscence. v. to be uneven , to be Maisu , 8. the name of a black sea MĀ'O'U, shrivelled,
as siapo, bark of a maisu lea tagata . MA'QUI, 8. ma‘o and ui ; one kind MA'ITAGA , 8. a lying-in, a confine- of ma‘o. Maora, v. to be startled ; redup. ment. MAOFAOFA. As OFA. MA'ITASI. Syn .Ma' lo ‘o. MA'Itā , 8. pregnancy. 'Olona MAOFAʻALUGA. See MANUANTA cucumber (Holothuria ). 2 . A dark -skinned native. 'Ta se
tree, & c. ; redup. MĀ‘O'U 'OʻU.
maʻito . · called by some naitolama.
Maivaiva, v. to be lanky.
lou va'a i tuia ¿ 'amu.
MAITOLAMA, s. the name of a fish , MAOGAUTA, v. to be towards the land or shore. Ia maogauta atu
MAO - MAU ( 197 ) MAOGAGA‘E, 0. to be towards the MA‘OTEA, 8. the name of a tree. east. MA‘OTI, v. 1. to cut off, as branches MAOGAGAIFO, v. to be towards the from a tree. 2. To be of one west.
MAOGĀTAI, 0. to be towards the sea. |
mind and purpose ; redup. MA‘0 TI'OTI.
MAOMAO, 8. the name of a young | MAOTUA, a. far back , as a deep pala ‘ia . cave. ' O le ana maotua. MAHOMA O, & the name of a bird MaoTUA, v. 1. to go far back, as a . (Leptornis Samoensis). cave. 2. To be long since. 3. MA‘OMĀLIE, 8. one kind of dance. 1 To be of a deep understanding. .' On Upolu . Mau, 8. 1. abundance. 2. A tes MAOMIOMI, v. to be pressed in , as timony. ' O lāna mau. - the roof of a house by a storm or Mau, v. 1. to be firm , to be fast. 2. To have abundance of food ; · a plank of a canoe. Maona, v. 1. to subside, as a wave. and by adding mea, 'oa , toga , 2. To be appeased, of anger. & c., meaning to possess plenty MA‘Ona, v. 1. to be satisfied with of such articles. * 3. To dweli. food. 2. To be overloaded , of ' O le ali i lea e mau į le vao. · a gun . 3. To be intiated ,as a 4. To be decided , to be unwa vering. bladder ; pl.MA‘OʻONA. MA'ONAONE, v. to be overloaded , of Maī, v. 1. to run off, to drain through, as water through sand. a gun . MA‘ONAFONO, 0. to be built high 2. To sink down,as the posts of in the sides, as a canoe. Syn. a house. 3. To depart, to dis TA 'ELETO. perse, as a crowd of people. 4. To result, to terminate, as a MAONO, 8. the name of a fish . MĀOPO, 8. the name of one kind of fono. |Maua, v. 1. to get, to obtain, to breadfruit. MĀOPOOPO, a . 1. compact, close acquire. Ona fa'aaʻoaʻo lea 'o in texture. 2. Retentive in le leo o lona tinā, ona maua lea . memory. 3. Of one opinion, as 2. To reach, to get to. Ne'i lē a company of people. maua le nuíu o Šinasegi. 3. To MĀOPOOPO , 0. 1. to be of a close overtake. 4. To catch. Pe texture. 2. To be of a reten maua i le vāvāloloa ; pl. MĀUA. tive memory. 3. To hold to- |MĀŪa, pron. dual. we two, ex gether, cluding the person addressed . MAOSASAⓇE, o. to be far to the east. Mau“A A, 0. 1. to get roots, to take MA‘OSI, 8. a scratch . root. 2. To have connections in MA'OSI'Osi, v. 1. To be scratched . a village, and through them a 2. To obtain with difficulty ; as right to dwell there. food , especially in war time. MAUAEOLIMA, thanks for a present MA'OSINA, 8. one kind of maro of cocoa -nuts. Fa'afetai, mau aeolima. ( Tiliaceæ ). MÀOTA , 8. the name of a tree MAUAʻI, v. to be firm , as in a (Dysoxylon sp.). cranky canoe ; or, in war, when MÀOTA, s. the premises of a chief. the enemy is in sight. O lona maota . MAUAGA, 8. joking, sporting, dal MAOTAI, 9. to be far off towards liance ; intens. MAUMAUAGA. ' O) the sea.
lāna mauaga.
MAOTAMEA, 8. the name of a tree. MAUALALO. See MAULALO. Called also MAMALA (Dysoxylon MAUALANIGAʻI, v. from mau and alliaceum ). alani ; to get an excuse or pre
( 198 )
text. Se mea e maualuniga'i ni| MAULI, 8. the heart, used only in 'upu . the expression “Va srgia lona Mat*ALOFAGA, o.to have a place to mauli. Segia mai mauli,'ua tă retreat to . fefe. Maualtga, a. high, elevated,tall ; | MĀULI,s. the moon. pl. MAUALULUGA. MAULU, v. 1. to creep under, to MAUALUGA, v. to be high , to be creep through . 2. To swim tall ; pl. MAUALULUGA. under water ; redup. MAULUULU. MĀui, v. 1. to ebb, of the tide. 2. Ona oso lea ‘o Tigilau,‘ua maulu , To subside, as a swelling ; also ona oʻo atu lea i le nuću . of war. | MA‘ULU , d. 1. to sprinkle, as rain . MĂui, v. 1. to fall down, as a 2 . To drop as dew . 3 . To fall cluster of cocoa -nuts. 2. To through , as anything from a hole excel in the game of tagāti'a . ' in a basket. 4 . To shed the 3 . A word of salutation on feathers, to moult. Manu“a . “Ua măui mai. MĀʻULUOLA, o. to be very fatigued, Mauʻoa, a . rich . as if about to drop to pieces. Mau OA, 8. a rich man, one who has MĀ ULU'ULU, 0. as MĀ·ULUOLA . plenty of property. MĀ'ULUʻULU, 8. a kind of night MAUⓇOA , o. to be wealthy. dance recently introduced. MAUʻOLOA, a . as MAUⓇOA . MA‘ULUʻULU, 8. 1. the name of a tree. 2. A new kind of song. MAU 'OLOA, 8. as MAUⓇOA. MĂUMAU, 0. to break one's own MAUʻOLOA, . as MAUʻOA . MA‘UʻU , 8. grass and weeds used to head with a stone. cover round the roots of taro . MĀUMAU, 0. to waste, to lose.
MAUʻUPU, v. to have a command of Māumau “o teu ma tifiga , “a e a language, to excel in speaking. galo . MĂ'UʻUTOGA, 8. the name of a weed MAUMAUAʻI, v. to be firm , to be (Commelyna ). unyielding in an opinion . MAUFOE, 0. 1. to grasp firmly the MAUMAUA, pl. of Maua. O ai nie paddle . 2. To pull strougly . maumaua ? — Whom have you MĂUGA, 8. 1. a hill, a mountain . got ? " O le mauga o le nuru . 2. From MAUMAUAGA, o. to practise buffoon mau, a residing at a place. ery, to play tricks ; pl. MĀUMAU MaūGA, 8. 1. from maū , the drain - ' AGA. See MAUAGA. ing off, or running away, as of MAUMAULA'I. See MAUMAUAʻI. water. 2. The result. Ole MAUMAULOTO, d. to have the heart or will firm . maūga o le mea . MAUGATĀ, a. obtained with diffi - MAUMAUSOLO, 0. to move from culty ; redup. MAUMAUGATĀ. place to place, to be unsettled . MaugaTĀ, o. to be obtained with MĀUMAGA, 8. a plantation of taro. difficulty. Se'i ma o e asiasi lo tātou (or la MAUGOFIE, a. obtained easily. tātou ) māumaga. MAUGOFIE, v. to be easily obtained . MAUMEA MauMAUATU, v. to be thoughtful. , a. MĀULALO, a . low , deep ; pl. MĀu | LALALO. MAUNA, 8. from una, a waning
MĀULALO, v. to be low, to be deep ; I moon . pl. MĀULALALO. MAUNU, 8. 1. a pigeon long tame, MAULALOATAVAI, short, like the an old pigeon taught to entice tavai, but easily known by the wild pigeons. 2. Tutuga plants. pigeon. Of a chief, though short Oāna maunu. he is known as a chief.
| MĀŪNU, s. bait. ' O lāna māūnu.
MĀF MĀŪ ( 199 ) MĀŪNU, v. to bait. Ia māūnu ¿ MĀFAUFAU, a. prudent, thoughtful, tautala. Bait him with words, considerate. in order to get him to talk . MĀFAUFAUGA, 8. consideration , MAUNUALUGA, v. to be clear thought. sighted. MAFALĀ, a. wide-spreading , um MĀUPAPAʻI, v. to remain steadfast. brageous. 'O ita se aoa mafalā, MĀUPIPI'I, v. to cling fast, to ina a'u fa-apaologia . MAFAMAFA, a . dimin . of MAMAFA, remain , to continue. somewhat heavy, applied to a MAUPU'EPU‘E, 8. a rising ground. Mausa, 8. 1. an emblem of a chief | number of things. or a people. 2. Ironically ap- MĂFAFA, 8. a species of crab . plied to conduct; 'O lona mausa | MĀFANA, a. lit. warm , 1. applied le gaoi. MAUSALĪ, v. to be firmly fixed, to
allowed to marry again , even
be immovable, Mausā, v. to get good ,to be in luck .
to a married woman who is not though she leaves her husband .
2. A husband who gets plenty of
MAUTAIA , v. to know certainly. property through his wives. MAUTALI, v. to have an answer, MĀFANAFANA, v. to be warm . to be able to answer, as to an | MĀFASI, v. to be split off. accusation . MĀFasi, orificium vaginæ . MAUTĀMA‘IA, v. 1. to be caught MAFATI, v. to be easily broken unawares, as by sickness. 2. To off, as branches of trees ; redup. get unexpectedly .
MĀUTI‘ETI‘E,8. rising ground . Syn. | MAFATIA, 8. the distribution of MAUPU EPU ' E . property on the death of a tulā MAUTINOA, v. to know certainly. fale. “O le mafatia o le tulāfale. MAFATIA, v. pass. of MAMAFA , 1. Syn. MAUTAIA . MAUTOFU , 8. the name of a plant to be weighed down. 2. To be (Urena lobata ). burdened , to be oppressed. 3. MAUTOFUTAI,8. the name of a weed To be dead. ( Triumfetta procumbens). MAFATIFATI. See LAUMAFATIFATI. MAUTOGA, v. to possess native MĀFATUA, v. to sneeze. Sei iloga property in abundance. e tu'ia le pogaiisu , e māfatua ai. MAUTŪ, v. to stanı firm . Proverb . MĂFA, 8. the brow of the table MAFATUA, 8. a sneezing. land at Safotu. 'O le măfa o le MAFEGAALA, 8. the joining of a branch road to the main road . mauga. Māra, v. to be disproportionately MAFELA, v. to spread out food large in number or quantity , as before all are assembled . niany houses and few people. MAFELA , 8. asMĀFĀ . Ua māfa fule . 0. to be honoured ; redup . MĀFĀ ,8. orificium vaginæ apertum . MĀFI, MAMAFI.
MAFAI, v. 1. to be able. 2. To MAFIMAFI. See FA'AMAFIMAFI. be willing ; pl. MĀFAFAI ; pass. MĂFIA, a. thick ; redup. MĀFIAFIA . MAFAIA . E lē māfafai nu -u | MĂFIA , v. to be thick ; redup. MĀFIAFIA . mātutua 'ua mumusu .
MAFA'l, redup. MĀFAʻIFA'I, v. to be MAFIUGA, 8. the origin , the cause. broken out, to be extrarted ,to be |MĀFILEO, 8. one who is great in wrenched out. Ona u lava lea 'o shouting, but not in doing. le tutua , ona māfa'ifai lea ‘0 MAFIMAFI. See FAʻAMAFIMAFI. nfo . MĀFINE, 8. a woman. A term of MĀFAOFAU, v. to meditate. respect.
( 200 ) MÁG -1ĀFITI, a. blustering , quarrelsome. MAFULILELAGI, v. to die. Applied MXFITI, v. to spring out, as a to Mata'afa . spark from the fire ; to spring MĂFULU , a . 1. disagreeable ; ap up, as a splinter of wood ; redup. plied to conduct, as lightness MAFITIFITI. (tūto), scolding ; also to a foul MAFOA, 8. the name of a tree. wind . 2. Very tattooin fat, of a mar, 3. The scab of g coming Syn . MAʻALI. MĀFOʻE, v. to be skinned ; redup. off. MAFULUFULU. MĀFOʻEFOʻE . | MAFUNA, a. ruggeil, not having MÅFLA, v. 1. to be spread out. ' a smooth surface ; redup. MĀFU 2. To be extensive, to be wide. NAFUNA. 3. To be plain, to be perspicu - MAFUNA, v. to peel off, as the skin . MĀF
ous, of a speech ; redup. MĀFO MAFUTA, 0. to rise up, as pigeons. MĀFUTA, 8. communion, association ,
MĂFU, 8. 1. the fat of a pigeon. || dwelling together. 'O lo lā mā o le mafu o le lupe. 2. The futa fa'atasi. |MĀPUTA, 0. 1. to be roused from pieces of faʻausi. MAFU , a , stale, musty, applied to
sleep. 2. To dwell together. 3.
cooked food . Ade ma le tufa - l To rise, as pigeons. MAFUTAGA, 8. a flock of pigeons ‘aga a mea mafu .
Mafu, v. to be stale, to be musty ; rising up. MĀFUTĀMOEAFIAFT, 8. the early MAFU, v. to heal up, of an ulcer. evening.
• pass. MAFUA.
MĀFU , v. 1. to burn . 2 . To emit MĀFUTĀMOEAFIAFI, v. to go to sleep an odour either good or bad. early in the evening.. 'Ua māfu manogi mai le mosoʻoi. | Maga, 8. 1. a branch , as of a tree, *Ua māfu mai le elo o le mea a river, a road , or anything mate. forked. ' 2. Thecurved or hooked
MĀFUA, v. to cause, to originate. Na mafua i le tauamoga o le
part of an artificial fly -hook . 'O le maga o le pā, & c. | MĀGA, 8. a mouthful of ‘ava chewed alii. MAFUA, 8. 1. scraped nut, left to ready for mixing with water to get mafu , and then used as a make the drink . 'O lāna māga . The young fishes which serve as MĀGAEGAE, 0. to be loose, to be food for the larger, and are used movable, as a tooth , a stone, & c. as bait for them . 3. The ripe Măgal, v. to sit astride. seeds and fruits of trees attrart- MĂGAUGAU, v. to be broken . ing pigeons, and thus making MĂGAUGAU,a .brittle, of some kinds it easy to catch them . of wood . MĀFUAGA, 8. the cause, the origin . MAGAULI, 8. the name of one kind MAFUI‘E , 8. an earthquake. of taro . MĀFUFI, v. to laugh suppressedly, MAGAULIPUTE , 18. different to smile. MAGAULITALĀMOLI, kinds of magauli. MĀFUFI, 8. vagina. MĂFULI, v. 1. to be turned over, to | MĀGAGALO, 0. pl. of MĀGALO. be upset. 2. To have the heart MAGĀLAFU , 8. the hearth . Syn . AvaGĀLAFU . set on.
bait to attract wild fowls. 2. MAGAALA, 8. a branch road.
MĀFULIFULI, v. to be cranky, of a MĀGALO, a. 1. fresh, not salt. 2. Sweet, not sour, as the vi. canoe. MAFULILEGAʻAU, 0. to be injured MĀGALO, v. 1. to be fresh , not salt, internally , as from a fal}. . 2 . To be sweet, not sour. 3. To
( 201 )
be forgiven, to be freed from mago. Let him who is first dry punishment. use the lega . Win who cap . MÅGALO, 8. 1. one kind of taro. 2. Mago, 8. one kind of shark . "Ua The name of a plant, the leaves tuliluliloa. 'Ua 'o le magő i of which are couked and eaten | Foa .
along with taro leaves (Solanum | MAGOMAGOA , a . 1. persisting in, as oleraceum ). work , war, & c. 2. Envious. Syn. MĀGALOGALÓ, v. dimin . of MĀGALO, I MATAUʻA. MAGONI. See MANOGI. to be somewhat fresh . MAGALUA, a. having two branches. MĀGOTO, v. 1. to be sunk low ,as a MĀGAMAGA, a . branched, forked . deep -laden canoe, or one badly built. 2. To sunken
MĂGAMAGA, orificium vaginæ . MAGAMAGĀLIMA, 8. the divisions between the fingers.
in the
ground. 3. To have the property of sinking , as heavy wood ; re
MAGAMAGĀVAE, 8. the divisions be- ! dup. MĀGOTOGOTO. MĀGOTOGOTO, v. to be uneven, to tweeu the toes. MAGAMATĒ, 8. the bamboo, so be full of hollow places, in the road or in the lagoon, called in presence of chiefs in Magu, a. dried up, as grass in the stead of 'ofe. MAGAMATI, 8. one kind of taro.
sun , or blood in a wound ; redup.
MAGANA'A, 8. 1. the fork of the I MAGUMAGU. na'a. 2. A large kind of taro. Magu , v. to be dried up, to be parched ; redup. MAGUMAGU. Talo o le magana 'a .
MAGĀPĀ, s. the branch of a fly fish - |MAGUGU, v. 1. to be scranched . 2. hook .
MAGASIVA, 8. a branching taro. MAGĀVAI, 8. a branch of a river. MAGAVA A1, v. to see double, to be
To be scranchable. 3. To be cracked or broken , as a bone. 4. To make a grinding noise , as
in walking over gravel ; redup.
failing in the eyesight.
MAGUGUGUGU. Mageo, 8. 1. the name of a shell- |MAGUTI, a . diligent, persevering. fish . 2. The shell of the same On Manu'a. used to scrape the bark of the Mala, Malay,MALANG and MARA. tutuga . 8. a calamity . 'O lona mala .
MĀGELE, 8. the name of a tree.
Inā folau ai, ma le fa'anunu mai
MAGESO, 8. 1. the prickly heat. 2. o mala . Mala, a . soft,as fau mala , fuʻafuía The itch . MAGESO, d . itching, of anything mala . which irritates the skin , as raw MĀLA , 8. a new plantation . MALAE, 8. 1. an open space in a - taro, nettles, & c . village, where public meetings are held . "0) le malae o le nu 'u . . MAGIMAGI, MAGIAGIA, v. to be set on edge, of E toʻatāma'i, a e tau ina tā i the teeth . malae. 2. The centre piece of a MAGIMAGINOA, 8. 1. the bait for a necklace, as a piece of polished - shark tied to a net. 2. Applied metal. O le malae o le lopa . · to a convalescent from sick MALAE‘ESE , v. to be fighting on the ness. side of the malae, where it was MĂgo, 8. 1. a small kind of eel. 2. not usualto fight at a clubmatch . - The name of a fern . Lenā lo 'ua malae ese ona '' o Samoa . Mago, a . dry ; pl. MAMAGO .
Magi, a. light, nimble ; redup.
Mago, v. to be dry ; pl. MAMAGO . | MALA ‘ESE , v. to have a different dimin . MAGAMAGO. Sama 'o sē ļ calamity . E lē malaʻese "i inei, e
( 202')
lē malaóese 7. We will all share
as a hen. 2. To rise from am
in the samemisfortune. lortune .
raise a troops. 3. ToToluff. bush , as canoe. swampıd 4.
MALAʻl, v. to keep doing one thing only to the neglect of others. MALAGA AUSEVGA, 8. a party going used to reproach an idle about begging implements for Mostly person
. seuga. 'O la lātou malagu-uu MALA'I, s. the name of a fish . seuga . MALAGAUPU, 8. words compared to MĀLAIA, 8. a calamity. 'Olona malaia .
Į travellers. MĀLAIA, a . unhappy, unfortunate, MALAGÁFAGA, 8. à party going miserable. begging fly .fish -hooks. Pe sau malagāfaga MĀLAIA, v. 1. to be unfortunate. / lāabout
8. charcoal. Mălala o le Pe tuíu ou te mālaiu ia te oe ? MĂLALA, afi.
2. To die, to be dead. Sei mā-l
laia ane se tagata ‘ua taumull- MĀLALA, v. to be reduced to char | mat .
coal. MALALAOLA, s. live coals. MĂLAISE, 8. a block for beating MALALI, slippery, level ; cocoa-nut fibre on to make sin- applied a. smooth,road or rock.
, 1, to a
net. A new name for it instead
of sāga . v. to be unlucky in fish ·MALA‘ITAI, ing. Tau ina malaʻitai, “a e alu
face. 3. Toplaces To a ofnoseless no the deck a canoelaving
to tie on white chells ; redup.
e fai faiva . MĀLALILALI. MALAU , MALALIA- A, 8. the name of a fish . fishes names of 8. MALAUAU , V to be much MALAUATU , I Myripristis of the genera and MALALILALI, scratched, as a person thrown on MALAUO , the reef by a wave. Holocentrum . MALAUʻULA, 8. 1. the Malay,MALAM moon . Amuia, MALAULAU , )a . 1. new , fresh , as MĀLAMA, sau a le mālama. food cooked the first time. 2 . night. 2. A light, a lamp. To fig. Applied to a young man. foilevao e fai mamālama. MALAUFAIUMU, 8. as MALAUMATA - | MALAMA, s. the ninth month of PUAʻA. pregnancy. ' Ua oʻo i ona ma MALAUFALAULA ,
| 8.
MALAMA, v. to be light,as at day
a fire. of fishes dawn, or fromA'AU, v. 1. to appear mostly of MALAMAATUA' , as the bottom of the sea, thegenera shallow 2. To appear to be morning be Myripris - fore it is so. 3. To appear to be tis and deserted Holocen fort. , to those attacking a
also MALAUʻULU , MALAUPUⓇU , MALAUTALA , MALAUTEA , trum . MALAUTUI, also MĀLAMAISAUA, 8. the moon. Only called MALAUAU , in poetry. 8. 1. chips of wood. 2. MALAUVAI, s. the name of a fresh - |MALAMALA, water fish, Small pieces of fish . 'O mala la 02 . la ma MALAFATU one kind of banana.
, 8. I MALAGA, 8. 1. a journey. 'O lāna MĀLAMALA, v. to have a bad taste in the mouth from eating poison Oitai le malaga a taimaitaʻi. 1 ous food . 'Ua mālamala gutu.
malaga. 2. A travelling party,
MĀLAGA, v. to cause, to originate . MALAMALAATU , 8. small broken MALAGA, v. 1. to rise from its nest, pieces of the bonito .
( 203 )
MALAMALAGOFIE, v. to be brittle. MĀLEMOLEMO, v. to die away in MĀLAMALAMA, Malay, TAMARAMA, | the distance, as the voice of one 8. from lama, light. 'Olona shouting. mālainalama. MĀLEMULEMU. Syn.MĀLOMILOMI. MĀLAMALAMA, 0. 1. to be light. 2. MALENA,a .swelled out, as a basket To be aware of ill-doing and not ( rammed full ; redup. MĀLENA forbid it, hence by implication to be guilty ; puss. MALAMALA MALEPE, v. to be broken, to come MAGIA .
MALAMALĀTOA, a. lit. chips of toa
to pieces; applied to things which are put together or made,
wood, hard ; applied to taro, | as boats, boxes, houses, & c. ; dimin . MĀLEPELEPE. ta'amū, and atu . MĀLASIA, v. 1. to have a bad taste MĀLEPELEPE, V. dimin . of MALEPE, in the mouth from the mamala 1. to be partially broken, to be tree. 2. To be difficult to satisfy, ricketty. . 2. To be very weak ,of as a child always eating . “Ua lē au malasia .
an old man . See TU 'ŪMALEPELEPE,
MALASINA, s. 1. refuse of turmeric . MĂLIE , 8. a shark. ' O lāna mălie. 2 . A dish of food made from the ' O le mălie ma le tue'u . above and expressed cocoa-nut MĀLIE, a . well, agreeable. MĀLIE, v. to be right,to be proper,to juice. MALATÕIMEA, 8. a calamity coming beagreeable. " A elimālie-ea lava ? MĀLIE , adv. slowly , agreeably. on animals. MĀLAVA, 8. a large kind of lo. Faifaimālie, Do it slowlo. MĂLE, 8. a chief's couglı. 'Ole |MĂLIE, v. 1. to be satisfied with drink , to have the thirst quenched . 2. To thauk. “Ua mălie agalelei. 3. To fly high , of tame pigeous ; pl. MĀLILIE . MĂLEIFUA, v. to awake. Used to MĂLIE, s. à good message. Pe ni cuiefs instead of ala . Inā måle- 1 mălie, pe ni tama'i ? ifua ane ia , 'a e taumafa se “ava. MĂLIEALO, s. the lagoon shark . MALEFU, v. to disperse, to break MĂLIETUA, 8. the deep -sea shark . up , as an assembly . Malio, 8. a land -crab . 'Olāna mali'o. MĀLELE, 8. one kind of vera. MĂLELE, v. to propose something MALIʻOLAGI, s. one kind of land in a speech , in order to satisfy crab which is said to break off its the public, without intending to own leg when polluted by filth . carry it out. | MALI'OLAGI, v . to abominate ex MĂLELE, v. to let fly, as a spear. ceedingly. MĂLELEGA, $. the flight of a tame MALIU, v. 1. to go , when followed pigeon . 'O lona mălelega . by atu ; to come,when followed by MĀLELELELE, A . overhanging, as a mai. 2. To die , of chiefs; pl. MĂ precipice. LILIU ; recip. FEMALIUA'I. 'Ua ma MÃLEMALE , v. 1. to have a cough , liu mai. A salut: tion on arriving. of a chief. 2. To pretend to MĀLIU , 8. epilepsy . "Ole maimāliu . cough , as when desiring to call MĂLIUGA, 8. death , of a chief. Se ia oʻo anei lemăliuga o tagata . attention . MĂLEMO, v. 1. to be under water, of | MĀLIUGA, S. a privy. things. 2. To be drowned . 2. | MĂLIULIU, v. to be able to turn . To be extinguished , of the eye ; | MALIFA , a . sloping. 'Ole ala malifa . pl. MĀLELEMO. male o le ali i. dup. MALEMALE. MALE, 8. a native game.
MĂLE, v. to cough , of a chief ; re-
MĀL MAL ( 204 ) MĀLIFALIFA, 8. a hollow, & sunken chief. 2. Moonlight sports. 3. place in the ground. A club match . MALIGALIGA , 8. the temples. "O MĂLOLO, v. to be subdued, to be māligaliga. conquered. MĀNIFIona Si vāivai e, tātou te Syn | . NIFI. målālo ai pea. I MĂLIGI, 0. to be spilled , to be MĀLOLO, 8. the flying- fish. Tur poured down ; dimin. MĀLIGI mai le tai o mālolo . LIGI. MĂLoLÕ, a.v. redup. MALIGI, a. pouring, of rain . "Ole MĀLÕlo, 1. to ofMĂLÕ, rest. 2. hard. To be: ua maligi. recovered from sickness, to be MĀLIGILIGI, v. intens. of MĂLIGI, to well. “Ua mālölo ea ? Is he pour out tears, to weep abun recovered ? O mālõlõ ea ? Is he dantly. in health ? MALILA, 8. 1. the name of a plant. MĀLĪLŌGA, 8. a resting-place. 'O 2. Common people. Tui le lona mālūloga . "auva'a malila . MALOMALOĀ, . to be very ill, to be MĂLILI, v. to drop from a tree. ' in great pain . (Of a chief.) Applied to fruits dropping im LOUĀ . maturely. MĀLOMILOMI, u . that which may be MĀLILI, 8. the name of a tree. squeezed : 1. soft to the feeling ; MĀLILIU , v. pl. of MALIU . 2. Weak of conduct. MALIMALI, v. redup. of MAMALI. MALONA, v. to be filled out, to be MALIVAO , 8. an insect that burrows swelled out, as a basket. Syn. in timber . MAL , MĂLð, 8. a narrow girdle worn in | MĀLÕPOENA PO , 8. a stable govern . war. ment. Máló , v. to hang down the tail, as MĀLOSI, 8. strength. a dog when afraid. MĀLOSI, a . strong ; pl. MĀLOLOST. Målő, 8.the name of a tree. Called MĀLOSI, v . to be strong ; pl. MĀLO also LALAI" LOSI ; dimin . MĀLOSILOSI. conquering Mālā , 8. 1. a party . MĂLOSI, v. to smart, to tingle, as a le mālo. 2 . sore. Ma lota mataʻu i government Visitors. 3. The . | MĀLOSIGUTU, v. to be stronger in E osi lona mālo. talking than at work . Mālā , v. 1. to be visitors in war or | MĀLOSILOSI, v. dimin . of MĀLOSI, games. 5. To be strong, a little strong, to be gain pull, to walk , to work . as'Uato ! toingbestrength . māló álo ; pass. MĀLOA, to have { MĀLĪTU, 8. a firm government. visitors. MĂLU, 8. 1. a shadle. E fatipo Målő, a . hard ; redup. MĂLĪLŌ. lenei malu e. 2. A shelter. Malo , v. to be hard ; redup. MĂ- | MALU, v. 1. to be shaded. 2. To LOLO. be sheltered , to be protected . 3. MĂLoĀ, great
v. to be a
talker ;
redup. MĂLOMALOĀ . Măloh , v. 1. to get no bonito. 2. To be free from visitors.
MĀLoĀ. Syn. Pisa.
To be tight, to be iin pervious, as grow adarkhouse at leaky. night. 4. ATo malu , as not afiafi, 'ua tagi alise.
MALŪ, Malay, MARU, a . 1. soft. 2.
MĀLÕA , V. from mālo , to have Ulcerated ; of chiefs. 'Olona visitors. gasegase malū. 3. Gentle, easy, MĂLoʻu , v. to bend down, as a ' ' of conduct ; redup. MALŪLŪ. See
branch of a tree. MALOʻULOʻU . I AGAMALŪ.
MĀLOFIE, 8. 1. the tattooing of a | MALŪ, v. 1. to be soft. 2. To be
( 205 )
calm , to be lulled, of the wind ; MALUMAUNU, v. to be shaded by tamepigeons. A word of pigeon MĀLŪ, a. 1. cool. E agi le fa'atiu. | catching. 'O le fogatia ua malu redup. MALŪLŪ.
e mālū nauā lea matagi.
Eased , of pain ; redup. MĀLŪLŪ. MALUMALU , a . overcast, cloudy. MĀLŪ, v. 1. to be cool. 2 . To be | MĀLUMĀLU, 8. 1. the residence of easy from pain ; redup. MĀLŪLŪ . a deity, whether a house or a MĀLŐ, s. water, so called instead tree. 2. A temple. of vai, when taken in a bonito MALUMOEA, v. 1. to be over
shadowed so as to hinder the calice. MĀLUA, 8. a hole in the reef in growth , of trees. 2. fig. Ap plied to good -looking men or wo which the fee lives. MĀLUAULI, v. to return safe from men , as overshadowing others. war. MĀLUPĒ, s. the shades of evening. MALUAFIAFI, v. to be shaded in the MALUTAEAO, v. to be shaded in the evening ; thought to be bad for morning. Thougbt to be good plants. for plants. MĀLUALIʻI, a. 1. stout, large-bodied. MALUTIA, v. pass. of MAMALU. 2. Dignified . MĂMĂ, 8. 1. a ring. 'O lāna mămă.
MĀLUALIʻI, v. 1. to be stout. 2. To be dignified .
2 . A leak, in a canoe. ' O le mămă o le vara . 3. A mouthful. ' O le mămă a le ita . MĀLUELUE, v. n . to shake. Mămă, Malay,MAMAH, v. to chew ; MALUIA , v. pass. ofMAMALU. pass. MĀIA. Au mai i fale i MaLUIA MAI, 8. a form of salutation māia . MĂMĂ, v. n . to leak , of a canoe, in the evening . -MALUOPEAUA, of the moon soon water-bottle, & c. after it has risen. “ Hidden by MĂMĀ, a. 1. clean , of the body; the waves." clothes, vessels, & c. 2. Free from
MĂLVĀPAPA, 8. a sheltering rock .
MALUFANUA, v. to be hidden , or weeds,as a plaut . to be protected under the shelter MĂMĀ, v. 1. to be clean. 2. To be of the land, as a boat at sea. MALULAUFA'I, v. to be oversha
free from weeds. 3 . To be free from tona. 4. To be all cleared
dowed , as ground by the leaves | off, to be destroyed . 5. pl. of MĀ, to be ashamedi. of banana plants.
MALULAUFA'I, 8. a name given to MĀMĀ, a. 1. light, not beavy. 2. Manono.
MALULAUTĪ, 8. a name given to MĀMĀ, 8. the lungs. "Olona Falealili. māmā.
MĀMĀ, v. to be light, to be not MĂLŪLŪ, 8. See 'ULUVALE. ; intens.MĀMĀSAGIA ; pass. MĂLŪLŪ, v. to be possible to be heavy MĀMĀTIA . shaken. MAMA‘a, v. to be trodden down, MĀLŪLŪ, v. 1. to be cool, to im - as grass from people walking part a feeling of coolness. 2. | over it. To be damp and cool; pass. MAMAE, 8. one kind of banana. MAMAE, v. 1. to wither, to fade, as MĀLŪGIA ; MĀLŪLŪGIA. MĀLŪLŪ, a. 1. coul. 2. Damp a leaf. 2. To take great care of, Col. to make much of. " Ou te mamae MĀLĀLŪVAOA, v. to be very cold , i loʻu vara , ne'i leaga . as a corpse, or cold cooked MAMAE, a. beloved. 'O lāna ‘au mea mamae. vegetables.
MĂLŪLŪ , a . See MĀLŪ .
MAM ( 206 ) MAMAEʻULA, 8. one variety of the plant (Faradaya amicorum ). See mamae (banana ). MAMAGI. 2. Food prepared MAMA'l, v. pl. of MA‘l. for seuga. O le mămālupe a le
MĀMĀIAVEGASI'I, 8. a burden that
nuʻu .
seems light when first lifted, MAMAMI, V. See MAMI. but is found heavy when the MAMANA, 8. supernatural power. See MANA. road is long. Mamao, v. to be far off, to be dis Mamana, v. to do wonders. See tant. E pipili tia , “a e mamao MANA, ala . Proverb . MAMANA, v. to desire, to love, of the sexes. Syn . MANAMEA . Mamao ,adv, far off, distant. MAMAU, v. pl. of mau, 1. to be fast, to be firm . 2. To be costive. MamaFA, 8. weight. 'O lona ma mafa .
| MAMANU. See MĀNUMANU. MAMANU, 8. the name of a fish . . MAMANU, 8. figured work in cloth , clubs, siunet, & c. MAMANU, v. to be worked in Mamara, v. to be heavy ; pass. MA figures, to be carved . FATIA, to be burdened .
MAMAFI, v. to be honoured.
MAMAPO, v. to show off, to put on airs.
interj. shut yo'ir mouth ! MĂMĂFEULUNAʻI, v. to be leaky all MAMAPO, a word of recrimination to a over, of a canoe. reprover who is himself faulty. MAMAGI, 8. 1. a creeping plant MAMAPOELO, a word of abuse to (Faradaya amicorum ). See MA one making presents to strangers. MĀLUPE. 2. The name of a From mama, to chew , mapo and
MAMAFU, v. pl. of MAFU. .
disease of the penis. Mamago, v . pl. of MAGO.
elo. (Before chewing the 'ava they rinse the mouth ). Applied
MAMALA, 8. 1. the name of a tree to proud boasters. (Dysoxylon alliaceum ). 2 . Food MAMAPU, v. pl. of MAPU . given to visitors. So called by |MAMAPU, 8. a flute or whistle made the visitors in returning thanks. of bamboo .
3. A name for masi in lands Mamasa, v. redup. of MASA. where the chief's name is Masi. | MĀMĀSAGIA, v . intens. of MĀMĀ, 1. MAMALA, a. disease-producing, ap- to be light, to be very light. 2. plied to a husband or wife who To be made light of. is supposed to communicate MAMASI, a. 1. smarting, tingling, disease to the partner ; also to a as a wound . 2. Also from grief, Syn. MĂLOSI. mother or wet nurse. MAMALA, v. See MALAMALA. MAMATA . See MATAMATA. MAMĀLA, interj. well done ! MAMATE, v. pl. of MATE . MĀMĀLAVA, s. the name of a tree. MĀMĀTIA , V. from MĀMĀ, 1. to be easily settled , to be a light redup. MALIMALI. matter. 2. To treat as a light MAMALU, 8. influence. O lonal matter.
MAMALI, v. to be disrespectful to ; mamalu .
| MĂMĂTOIGUTU , 8. a mouthful taken
MAMALU, a. overshadowing, in from the mouth. Applied to fluential. Fa'anaunauga į nail things once possessed and lost. toe tare mamalu .
| MAMEA, 8. 1. the name of a fish .
Mamalu, v. 1. to overshadow. 2. 2. The name of a fern . (On To protect; pass. MALUIA , MA- 1 Manu'a .) LUTIA. E mamalu ia te ‘oe. MĂMĀLUPE , 8. 1. the fruit of a
Mami, v. sugere in coitu ; redup. MAMAMI.
MAM ( 207 ) MĀN MAMO , 8. the name of a fish. brin a pare MĀMOE, 8. a sheep ( Tahitian ). 'O powe curseronofa diso bedintent childging . a lāna māmoe. MAN ĀMA TUA V. pass . toe have MAMULU, v. to slip through, to slip the curse INA nt com of a, pare upon - off. “Ua toe mamulu ia te ia le | a child . mea aogā tele. MANA, 8. supernatural power. Sau MĀNA sexes .8. a beloved one. - Of theMEA, MĀNAMEA , v. to love, to desire ; of ma le mana a Tuimanu'a . super
natural - husband or wife. togetMANA talk. MANA her NŪ. in a MĀNA, pron . With the prep. ma and MANA voicev.; toredup low NŪ, MANA, v. to exert
power ; redup . MAMANA.
ana for him for her. MĀNAPAU, s. the name of a tree. MĀNAIA, , s. 1. a, good -looking man . | MAN ASE , 8. the name of a fish .
E ui ina toʻatele o mānaia , e fa- Syn . ANAE. Sina ia Tigilau . 2. A | MANATU , s. a thought. It takes "asasano polygam ist.
MÃNA IA, a. fine-looking, hand some.
either o or a . 'Olona manatu . O lāna manatu .
1. toavā think . . Ua2. manaTU, MANA‘o, v. to desire, to wish ; pass. MANA tu v.i lāna 'o Sina MANA'OMIA. remember . “Ua o manatu i To Manao, 8. a desire. O' lona le ala ; pl. MĀNATU ; pass. MA mana'o . MĀNATUNAe.TU . NATUA ; redup. TUGA MANA'OMIA, a. desirable, desired . | MANA , 8. remembranc MANA'ONA‘o, v. to desire contin MANĀVA, s. 1 . the belly . 2. The ually . womeb.of chil The 'Oantelona riormanfont 3. dren. MANA ONA OGA, 8. earnest desire. I nell ava.a MANAVA, v. 1. to throb. 2. To MANAUI, s. the name of a tree. MĂNAFA, a. 1. industrious; having exist on, as a sick man on water many trades ; redup. MĀNAFA- | alone.
2. Having chickens, MĀNAVA , v. 1. to breathe. 2. To
TINĀMANAFA.planta rest from work . “Ua 'uma ga prolific MĀNA FANĀ. FA,Seespoke n of the - / luega ona mānava ifo lea. 3. To tion of an industriousman. “ Ua palpitate, to pulsate. tupu ai ua manafanafa.- SOLO I MĀNAVA , s. breath . 'O lāna mā LE VA. nava . VAALOFA, v. to love, to com MĀNA GATĀ, 8. the name of a pig, MĂNA before chiefs.
passionate, to be benevolent. Fãi e tau mănavaalofa le Ta (uleifa . or a single village. bar constantly | MANA VA'I'I, stingy. . OGE,a a, .pot-bellied MANAMANA, v. to bear constantly MANĀVA in inind , to treasure up in the MANAVAOLEULU, s. the opening in memory. Ia manamana i loto. the cranium of infants. Ne'i manamana toe sau. Neyer, | MANAVAFILIGĀ, a . persevering .
MĀNAGOFIE , v. to be easily settled , as a quarrel confined to a family
never return . VAGA, party returning MANAMANAILOTO , v. to cherish the MĀNA from work .8. a remembrance, VA-MILI, cowar . MANAMANALOLOA, v. to hold in the MANĀ MĀNAVANAVA, S.S. aarteriald action. breath , as in diving. | MĀNAVANAVA, v. to pulsate, as
MANAMANATŪ, 8. the name of a arteries. fish . MĂNAVASA , 1 v. to brrathe MANĀMATUA, 8. the supernatural | MĂNAVASAPOTU PUTU, | quickly.
( 208 )
MAN MANAVASĒ, a . fearful.
MANĀVATALATALA. Syn . FILIGĀ . MANE, 8. 1. a custom , a habit, as of lying , & c. Fai pea si a lā tou,mane. 2. One kind of white ant ( Termes). MANEA, 8. the name of an insect. MANEʻE , v. to walk proudly. MĀNE-E, v. to begin to rise, as the tide, or a person sitting down. MĀNEGA, 8. a custom , a habit. See MANE . MANEMANE, 8. a disease which eats away the skin of the palms of the hands and the soles of the
MAN MĀNOA, 8. from NONOA, thread , string. 'O lāna mānoa. MĀNOATŪINA, v. to be held back or interrupted in making a speech . Referring to a tame pigeon held · by its leg. MANOʻo, 8. the name of a fish . MANOGI, 8. a sweet odour. MANOGI, Q, odoriferous, sweet smelling. MANOGI, v, 1. to be odoriferous, to have a sweet smell. 2. By euph. of a dead chief, beginning to be offensive. MĀNOGINOGI, a. of good report. “ Sealoumanoginogi.” – PROVERB.
feet. MANEMANEA, a . worm -eaten, of MANOMĀNO, a . innumerable, timber. Manu, 8. Malay, MANUK , Manu , a
MANENE, v. 1. to be slow in walk
fowl. 1. the general name for a
ing, to loiter. 2. To fall slowly, bird. E lua lava manu o loʻrt as from a blow in club matches. nu-u , 'o le tuli ma le matu-u . 2, MANIUNIU , s. 1. the name of a The general name for a beast. plant, Job's tears. Syn . Sa (A new application.) O lāna NASANA. (Coix lacryma ; also, manu. 3. A crier. O le manu in some places, Joinvillea ele- | o le nu-u . gans.) 2. A gristly substance MANU, 8. poverty. E, fia ola i le in a pig's head . 3. A species of manu toga e fai nei. locust. (At Atua on Upolu .) |ManŪ , 8.luck , good fortune. Alu ma MANIFI, a. thin ; redup. MANIFI- | leʻauamala , auā mala mala manū.
ManŪ, adv. whilst. In a good sense. Tu'u mai Sina manū o NIFINIFI. sololelei fetalaiga . MĀNIFI, 8. 1. the name of a fish . MĀNU, v. 1. to rise above, as a 2 . A well-shaped man . rock out of the water, or a tree MĀNIFINIFI, 8. the temples. O above other trees. 2. To float ona mānifinifi. Syn. MĀLIGA bigh , as a canoe. 3. To become LIGA . well known, as if rising above MANINI, 8. the name of a fish. “Ua others. 4. To show through initia lau manini. Proverb . an attempted concealment ; re Beaten and eaten. dup. MĀNUANU. E lè se'i ma MANINIFATU, 8. the name of a nuanu lou taofi. fish . . MĀNU , 8. a smell. See NĀMU. MANINO, a. clear, not disturbed , of ManŪ, v. impere. it was as if, liquids. methought." Na manū a'u oti. NIFI.
ManiFi, v. to be thin ; redup. MĀ
MĀNUĀ, v. to be poor. 'Ua māanu MĀNINO, v. 1. to be calm . 2. To lasi. be quiet, to be free from war ; MANUʻA, 8. 1. a cut, a wound . 2 . pass. MĀNINOA ; redup. MĀNINO A bruise. 3. A scar from a cut. NINO. 'Olona manu'a. A wounded Mano , a , a myriad, a great num person .
MĀNINO, 8. peace.
v. to be wounded ; pl. The limit of Samoan MANUʻA, MANUNU™A
counting .
MAN ( 209 ) MĂNUAO, 8. 1. the name of a bird MANULAGI, (bird of the sky), 8. the (Ptilotis carunculata) which name of the large fruit-bats whistles at daybreak. Called (Pteropus Keraudrenii, P , Samo also Iao. A tauvale manuao. ensis,and P . Whitmeei), instead MĀNUAO, 8. 1. a song word , used in of pe'a , in placeswhere the chief's the chorus. The meaning lost. name is Pea. 2. A song in praise of a chief ; |MANULELE. 8. the general name for sung walking along the road . birds, to distinguish them from MĀNUʻAGA , 8 . a party of wounded beasts. men , MANULUA, 8.the nameof the female MANUALIʻI, 8. lit. the bird of Li'i; bird of the manumā (Ptilonupus the name of a bird . Syn . Ma | Perousei). NUSĀ (Porphyrio Samoevsis). MANUMĀ, &. the name of a bird MĀNUANUALUGA, used to a weak ( Ptilonopus Perousei). MÀNUMĂLIE , v. to have in abun voiced speaker ; “ Speak up.” MANU‘ENA, 8. a white sentinel tern , dance, as property or food. Also
So called by fishermen instead Syn . ManūIA. of manusina. | MANUMĀLĒ , v. to be victorious.
MANŪI, a . figured, as cloth, clubs, MĂNUMĂNU, 8. 1. the toothache, beams of a house, & c. ; redup. the faceache. 2. Small birds. MĀNUMANU, MAMANU. Le au mānumānu lē o atu . MANŪI, v. to be figured , as cloth , MĀNUMANU, 8. covetousness. An clubs, & c. ; redup. MĀNUMANU , | introduced word . ' O lona mānu MAMANU.
manu .
MANŪIA, v. from MANŪ, 8. to be MĀNUMANU, v. 1. to be covetous. happy, to be fortunate, to be 2. To refuse to part with a thing. MĀNUMANU, a . 1. covetous. 2 . re prosperous. MANŪIA, a. happy, fortunate, dup. of MANŪI. MĂNUMANUA, v. 1. to have black lucky, prosperous. MANUʻía, o. from MĂNU, a bird teeth . 2. To be black, of bread with a verbal pass. termination, fruit, when cooked . 1. to be set upon , as one bird by | MANUMEA, 8, a bird which is re others. 2. To be badly reported . markable as being the nearest MANU'IAFAʻAALEVA, v. to fly away, living bird to the extinct dodo like the aleva (Eudynamis Tai (Didunculus strigirostris). tiensis) when pursued by the iao MÀNUNIFO, 8. a large boar. (Ptilotis carunculata ). MĀNUNU, 8. the name of a tree . MANUʻIAFALUGA, for Fá‘AALUGA, as Also called ma'anunu ( Psycho a child put to sleep with a pil tria sp .). low ; to be very prosperous. MANUNU, v. 1. to be blistered . 2. MĀNUO, v. to proclaim aloud. To be scorched . MANUOLEAFĀ, 8. lean birds,having |MANUNU , 8. the name of a tract of had no food on account of a land covered with scoriæ . storm . MANUNU, a. blistered . 'O le mai MANUUTA, 8. birdswhich breed far manunu. Erysipelas. inland. MANUSĀ . See MANUALIʻI. MANUFILI, 8. the young manutagi MANUSAMOA, 8. an emblematic name of Faleālili. (Ptilonopus fasciatus). MANUFOLAU, 8. sea -birds driven MĂNUSIA, v. pa88. of MANU, to be near the land by a storm . raised , of a swamped canoe. MANULAUTĪ, 8. lit. a ti leaf bird , a | MANUSINA, 8. a white sentinel tern mark to shoot at. (Gygisalba).
( 210 )
MANUTA‘ELE, s. the part of the MĀPUMĀPU, v. redup. of MĀPU, to belly under the navel. O lona grumble, to be discontented. • manutaʻele. . MĂPUNA, v. 1. to strain, as the MANUTAI, 8. a general name for back . 2 . To start out, as a į sea-birds. splinter from a falling tree. MANUTAGI, 8. the name of a bird MĀPUNA, v. to spring from , to arise from ; redup.MĀPUNAPUNA. • (Ptilonopus fasciatus). MĀNUTASI, a. of one pattern, as |MĀPUNAPUNA, v. to come to light, cloth .
of what was bidden .
MĂNUTI, v. from NUTI, to be friable, MĀPUNI, v. to be shut. to be brittle, as dry leaves, & c.; MAPUSAGA, 8. a resting -place. MĀPUSELA, v. to breathe hard , as redup.MĂNUTINUTI. , MĂpĀ, v. 1. to snap. 2. To make a from fatigue, pain, or anger. snapping, cracking noise ; redup. MAPUSIA, v. to be so oppressed as • MĂPĀPĀ. to cause to breathe hard. The MAPELU, v. to bend , to stoop, to oppressor is mapusia . bow down ; redup. MAPELUPELU. | MAPUTU, v. to stand in order to Applied , 1. to persons stooping rest. from age. 2 . To beams of a Masa, v. 1. to be low tide. 2. To house, bent from the weight of be sour, Malay, Masam . 3. To the house. have an offensive smell,of things MAPEva, v. to twist the foot. See beginning to putrefy, of water, PAPEVA. food , ulcers, & c .; redup. MAMASA . Mapo, a . mealy, of taro ; pl. MaMĂSAʻA, v. to be spilt. MAPO . MĀSAE, v. 1. to be torn ; intens. MAPOMA'A'A, a. mealy and hard. | MĀSAESAE , to be torn to rags. 2. To burst, as a gun. ·MAPOMALŪ, &. mealy and soft. MAPOMAPO, v. 1. to make preten - MĀSAESAELELAGI, v. to die, of sions, to talk largely, to ex- | chiefs. · aggerate. 2. To urgo to the MASAʻrʻI, v. to be dead low tide. adoption of an opinion in prefer- Syn . Masato. ence to one thought better. MĂŠAU , a. very great, exceeding MAPu, v. 1. to whistle. 2. To rest; large ; pl. MĀSASAU . pl. MAMAPU ; redup. MAPUMAPU. MASAFĀNĀŠE, v. to be on the rise, of *Ua fai maii lāua, Ua mapu mai. the tide. MAPU, 8. 1. a rest. 2. A whistle. MASAFULA, v. to be mid -tide. At Tutuila and Manu'a. MAPUʻE , 8. a rise , a hillock . MĀPUEA, v. to breathe hard , to be MĀSAGA, 8. twins. out ofbreath. MĀSaga, v. to have twins. E MAPUILAGI, v. to complain and māsaga, ona lē mavae 'ese'ese, e
groan under ill-usage, as though
pi'i fa'atasi o la tua .
only expecting rest in the death MĀSAGA, v. to act together as twins. Faʻita aitu e lē māsaga O lona mā o lātou loto. MĀSAGĀLEI, 8. twins, one of each
of the offender. MĀPUITIGĀ , 8. a sigh . puitigā .
MĀPUITIGĀ, v. to sigh . gender. MAPUGATĀMAI, v. to breathe hard, MĀSAGĀTAMA, 8. twins, both boys. MĀSAGĀTEINE, 8. twins, both girls. as in angor. MĂPUMAPU, v. from MAPU, to MĂSAGI, a. 1. what can be lifted, as whistle repeatedly . a burden . 2. High , lifted up, as MĂPUMAPU, 8. a whistling. 'O lona the eaves of a house. mapumapu .
| MĀSAGISAGI, a. nimble.
· MAS ( 211 ) · MĂS .MĂSALA , a . great, in any way . l word wo conduct ; redup. MASE FA'AMASEPUSEPU. .or See MĂSALO, 8. suspicion , doubt. It PUSEPU takes either o ora. E asa le MĀSESEI, v. to be at variance, to faiva , “a e lë asa le măsalo . have a misunderstanding . Proverb . MĀSESEIGA, 8. a misunderstanding. MASALO, v. to suspect, to doubt; “O la lā māses eiga. redup. MĀSALOSALO . breadfruit. . '0 fermented MASI, 8. MĀSALOSALOVALE, v. to be sus lāna masi. picious without cause. MASIASI,v. . MASAMASA, v. to be falling,as the MASIʻI, v. to1. beashamed to be raised , to be tide. journeyup.or to2.war.To be off on a MASAME, s. the name of a tree lifted ( Phyllanthus Taitense ). breadfruit.of chestnuts instead 8.ofmasimade MĂSANI, 8. a custom , a habit. 'O |MASIIFI, lāna māsani. Syn . Tu. of masiofo. a high 8. the. wife chief, a queen 'O lāna MĀSANI, v. to be accustomed to, to MASIOFO, MASIFAʻI, bananas. made of mātou 8.masi be in the habit of. "O a MĀSIMA, Malay, MASIN. 8. salt . aga ,'ua mātou masani ai. MĀSATO, v. to be very low tide ; } From Fiji. redup. MĂSATOTO . MASIMASI, 3. the dolphin . MASATOLOPA, s. neap tide. MASIMASI, 8. the smarting pain of a MASEʻE, s. the name of one kind of wound . breadfruit. MASIMASI, v. to smart, of a wound. MASEʻESE-E, a . slippery. MĀSina, Mala y, Fasina, 8. 1. the 'MĀSEI, s. bad conduct. Ua fai moon . 'O le māsina ſua vaea . mea masei. partial eclipse. 2. A There MĀSEI, o, to do thatwhich has re month ,is a MĀSINAATAALA I, 8. the moon two sulted badly, though done with . 'Ua māsei ia | days after full. intention a good te ia . MĀSinao, interj. the call of chil. MĀSEI, a . improper ; of conduct. I dren on first seeing the new to moon . to countable ; to be MĂSEI, v. the1. toperson. be uncover v. be 2. Toed ,act MĂSINO, expose comprehensible ; redup. MASINO shamefully , as marrying a rela tion . 3. To use words giving SINO . offence. MASISI, v. 1. to be broken obliquely, MĂSEI‘AU, s, the murder of a chief. 2. To sprain , as a joint. O lona maseiau. 'O a'u lena, MASISI, s. the piece of wood used . ou te sui i lou masei'au re in operating forAu tafao masisi, mai ;leused MĀSEIGA, 8. a misunderstanding, proachfully. See MĀSESEIGA. 'O la lā ma inā toe tafao. seiga . 8. a multitude of | MASITAGATA, meu. MĂSEU, v. to be able to steer. 8.masimade from taro. MASEFAU, S. the name of a fish. MASITALO,arrowroo MĀSoĀ, 8. t ; euphem . sub Syn. FAULALO. MĂSELE, 8. a temporary moderating stitute for the old root pia ( Tacca of rain . pinnatifida). 'O lāna māsvā. MāsoĀ, a. filthy, obscene, applied redup. MĂSELE, ; cutting sharp, a. MĂSELESELE. to words. Probably in reference MASEPU, 8. a fault,an error in word to pia. or conduct. “ O lona masepu. | MASOE, v. to be sick , to be wounded . MASEPU, v. to commit an error in ! Of a chief. Ah
( 212 )
MĂSOE, 8.a chief's sickness,a chief's wound. Tālofa i lou măsoe.
words, as matāvao. 7. The
source, spring. “O le mata o le MĀSofa, v, to be broken down ; real puna. 8. The most prominend point of an abscess. dup. MĀSOFASOFA . MĀSOFASOFA, v. 1. to be broken , MATA, Malay, MANTAH, a . 1. raw , exhausted, of the body with hard upripe, 2. Used in counting work. A tă māsofasofa . 2. To taro, and bonito hooks. E toluga
die, of the aged . Ta tāli māso fasofa le toea'ina.
mata . Mata, a. looking, appearing, as mata feai, fierce-looking
MĀSOLI, 8. one kind of banana. MĀSOLIʻULA, 8. Varieties of MĀTA, v. 1. to look at ; in com MĀSOLISINA, másoli . pound words, mātafolau . 2. To MASOLOGA, 8. a walking about in see. Lenā le ou te mātaʻina company . lau fetalaiga fa-aata . 3. To MĀSOMASO, s. 1. the tail of the uga. ' have the appearance. E mata lē sau . 2 . Penis. MĀSŪ, 8. 1. the sound produced by MATAʻA, 0. to be separated, as the waves forcing the air through shell from a cocoa-nut. 2 . To be crevices in a ruck . 2. The hard | raised , to be loose and separated , breathing of a dying person . 3. as the skin ; redup. MATA ATA'A. The sound made by a turtle . MATA ‘al, v. to desire to eat fish . from being full, as a basket of Syn . SASALU . taro, & c. 2. To be poured out, MATAĀIGA, v. to help the family, as anger ; redup.MASUASUA. l to act kindly to relations. I
Măsua, v. 1. to run over, to spill MATA‘AIGA, v. to eat deliberately.
MĀSua, v. from the preceding word , MATAAITU . See MATĀITU. 1. to run over with bad words. MATA'AFA, 8. the sinnet fastenings 2. To praise oneself. 3. To pro- of the planks of a canoe. |MATAAFI, 8. a large fire to burn off mise and not perform . -MĀSUASU , v. to laugh scornfully. I trees in clearing the forest. 0 Măsu‘E, v. 1. to be forced up, to be lāna mataafi. raised up. 2. To be turned up. MATA‘AGA, s. 1. an observatory, a : MĀSUʻESUŠE 3. To break up,as clouds; redup. watch tower. 2. Lookers-on. . MATAALA , v. 1. to be wakeful. 2. MĀSUʻESUʻE, v. to be lifted ; as the To watch , to be on the look -out. cocoa -nut leaf screens of a house MATAALEPOLA , 8. the name of a wind . by the wind.
MĀSUI, v. 1. to be put out of joint. MATAALI,8. a blighted fallen cocua 2. To act perversely. Aneimāsui nut. māsui,'ua lē alu i le fe'au. Re- MATAALI, v. to fall before mature, dup. MĀSUISUI. as cocoa-nuts and leares. :
MĂSUNU, v. to singe, as the hairs of MĀTAALIʻI, v. to regard a chief; as his wife does not leave him , a pig. but follow him about. See MA MĂSŪSŪ, v. to sob . MATA, Malay,MATA, s. 1. the eye. TATANE. Toe tā le tasi mata, 'ua ivi. 2. MATAAMUSIA, v. to be sickly -look The face, the countenance. Al ing, to have a worn -out look, as ways in the pl. 'Oona mata . | from excessive venery. 3. The point of anything . 4. | MATA'ATA, 8. a smiling face. The edge of an instrument. 5. MATA'ATOA, 8. lit. all eye, a sharp The mesh of a net. 6. The sighted man . boundary or edge; in compound | MATAŠAVA'AVA, 8. lit. eyes of the
MAT ( 213 ) MAT 'avaʻava , one who keeps a sharp MATAOGEITAUTU, 8. the stinginess look -out in war.
MATAAVEA. Syn . MATAAMUSIA . MATAAVI'I, 8. i, a chestnut when small. 2. Prominent eyes. MATĀEAEA, s. the name of a shell
of the distributor of food . as MATAOLA, a . 1. lively-looking, unexhausted by work or war, 2. Revived after sickness. 3. Lascivi ous-looking.
fish . 1. to be lively-looking after sickness.. MATAEAEA , v. to have a healthyl|MATAOLA, 2. To bev.revived
lookELA, , of ulcers. MATA 8. sore eyes with matte
lascivious -looking ; beOLAO 3. ToMATA redup.
LA. MATA 'ELEʻELE, 8. the name of r.a MATA 'OMO, 8. a sunke n eye : pl. fish . Syn. TANUTANU. MATAʻOʻOMO. MATA‘EMA, 8. 1. a chestnut left in MATA'OMO, v. to have a sunken store till it separates from the eye ; pl. MATA'OʻOMO. skin. 2. Taufolo, well made. MATAONE, a. soft, of a native grindstone. MATA‘EMA, o. To be well made, of MATAONE , 8. the name of a gela taufolo. "Ua soʻona mata'ema le taufolo.
MATAI, 8. the head of a family . MATAIA, s. 1. one keen to see fish .
tinous fish . MATĀOTAO , v. to be pressed down,
asby weight.
MATAOTAO, a. mata-o-tao, spear 2 . A portion of the fai. MATAIA, v. to look out for fish , so pointed . so as to direct the fishers. MĀTAU, 8. 1. an axe. 'Olāna MATAI'OLOA, 8. the best article matau . 2. The right-hand side, the starboard . amongst a lot of goods.
MĀTA'INA, 0. pass. of Mata.
MĀTAU, 8. a fish-hook. 'O lāna
. MATAINUMERĀ, 8. introd .a numeral. mātau . MATĀIPU, 8. the top half of a cocoa |MĀTAU, v. to consider, to mark nut shell. attentively ; pass. MĀTAULIA ; E MĀTAISAU, 8. a carpenter, a re mātau ane se faʻauta.
MATA'T, 0. mata and - ū, to be spectable term for tufuga . MATAISIVA, 8. the best dancer in a stingy. night dance. MĂTAⓇU, 8. fear. Ma lota mătaru i
MATAITA, v. to look angry. le mālo . Syn . FEFE. MATAITAGATA, 8. a good -looking MĂTA‘U, 0. to fear, to be afraid ; pl. • man . MĀTĀTA'U ; pass. MĂTA'UTIA . E MATAʻITALIGA, 8. the name of a matatašu nei fasia. fi
sh. : pl. a. jealous, togafauina MĀTATAUʻA. MATAITAMAITAʻI, 8. the mistress of MATAUʻA, 'Ua evaenvious a family. i le malo mataría . v. to be jealous, to be MATAITĪGA, 8. the best tõga in a MATAUʻA, lot. ' O lāna mataitoga. MĀTATAUʻA. envious 8.; apl.drop of rain . MATĀITU , 8, mata-a-aitu, the eyes MATĀUA, MATA'T‘ū, v. to look cross. of an aitu , lascivious. MATAI-TU, 8. the chief carpenter. MĀTAUGA, 8. a fishing with a hook.
ugly. MATA‘ITUSI, 8. a letter of the alpha | MATAULĪ, a .dog-thefaced, meshesof a net. bet.
MATAIVI, v. lit. to be bony-eyed , to MATĀUPOLU , 8. an easterly wind. Syn. FA'AFOGĀUPOLU. be blind. MATAOGE, v. 1. to have the ap- MATĀŠUPU, 8. 1. a subject of dis pearance of famine. 2. To be course. 'O lāna matāʻupu. 2. stingy. A .chapter.
( 214 )
MATĀUTU, 8. a point of land run- | MĀTAGATAGA, 0. to be of an easy disposition . ning into a lagoon. MATA'UTUIA, v. to be terrified,to be MATAGI, Malay, ANGIN . 8. the greatly frightened. “O le tama wind. ' O lona matagi. Matagi, o. to blow , to be windy ; MATAFĀ , s. boils on the face. pass. MATAGIA . MATAFA'A' Ū. See MATA:Ū‘Ū. MATAGIESE, v. to be angry. MATĀFAI, 8. 1. the side of a plan - MATAGIOLÓ, 8. bastions defending tation from which the ripe taro the entrance to a fort. 'Oona is being pulled up . 2. Old matagiolo. people, likely to die first. MATAGITOGAINA , v. to die, of the MATĀFAIVA, 8. different modes of Tuala family. fishing. MĀTAGOFIE, a. pleasant to the eye, MATĀraga, 8. the beach , the sea beautiful. side. Oi lenei aliʻi, 'ua fa'ată I|MĀTAGOFIE, v. to be pleasant to the eye, to be beautiful. noa i le matāfaga . MATĀFALA, 8. the edge of the end | MATALA, 0. 1. to be open , as a of the mat in the game of lafogā leaf. 2. To be split open. 3. To be untied , as fastenings. 4 . tupe. MATĀFALALUA, v. to interfere with a To make haste. E tē matala party in the game of lafogā tupe. TALATALA. le fili ; pl. MĀTALA ; redup. MĀ MATĀFANUA . s. the windward end of an island. 'O le matafanua o | MATALAFI, 8. 1. the name of a Upolu . tree (Psychotria sp.). 2. Wedges MATĂratu, a. 1. hard, unimpres- | for tightening the sinnet fasten sible, as one struck by a club ings of canoes. “ O matalafi o le and not falling. 2. Unashamed , va 'a . as one cast off by his wife, and MĀTALASI, 0. to be various, to be complicated . yet remaining in her family.
· "ua mataʻutuia .
MATAFEʻE, 8. prominent eyes. Syn. MATAAVI'I. MATAFELA, 8. ectropion . MATAFI, v. 1. to be swept or blown away, as clouds. 2. To be weil, to be in good health ; given
MATALAVE, v. to be intricate-look ing. MATALĒMANUʻA, 8. one kind of taro. MATALĒMANUĀLII, | 8. two kinds MATALĒMANUSA, } of taro. .
as a good wish to chiefs ; redup. MATALĒPOPOʻULU, I 8. two kinds MĀTAFITAFI. Ia māta fitafi ao MATALĒTĀLIGA, I of taro . . valevale. MATALI'I, 8. the name of a cluster
MataGĀ, a . bad -looking.
of stars.
MĀTAGĀ, v. to be ugly or un - MĀTALILI'I, 0. 1. to be finely pleasant-looking plaited as a mat, or hat. 2. To MĀTĂGA, 8. one kind of dragon -fly. have small meshes, as a net. Mataga, v. to be loosened , as a MĀTALOLOA, a . having a long fastening ; redup. MĀTAGATAGA. | swell without breaking, as waves. MATĀGAU, 8. the surface of the yam " O peau mātaloloa . broken off. Ua tuli matāgau o MATALUA, a. twenty (heads of taro ). le 'ufi. MATAGA01, a. laving a thief's look. | MATAMAI, v. to look towards, as a MATAGAFULU, a , ten heads, of taro, man desirous of uniting himself & c. with a family, or as property MĀTAGATAGA, of a. easy disposicoming into a family. tion, as loto matagataga .. MATAMA‘I, v. to appear sickly.
( 215 )
MataMAU, 0. 1. to have the ap pearance of plenty. To be un
at night. “O le matāmue o le taua .
O, 8. the name of a 3.° To be(Onliberal. yielding. bird . part of4. |MATĀMOSOMOS To be stingy. MATĀMUA, 8. the title-page, the Savai'i) ; pl. MATAMAMAU. MATAMAU , a . appearing to have first page of a book . plenty. 2. Unyielding. 'Ole MATĂMUAMUA, a, brazen -faced, not fafine matamau. 3. Liberal. | ashamed . 4. Stingy. (On north -west of MATAMULI, a. shamefaced ; pl. MA Savai'i) : pl. MATAMAMAU. MATAMALAE, v. to look about un dauntedly, as one about to en
TAMUMULI. ' O ai ea lea ula
matamuli, na te le'i iloa tasi 'a e afe. .
|MATĀMUTIA, 8. a taro plantation by : gage in a club match . MATAMĀLALI, 8. the disease called the side of a house. lupus. MATANANA, a. boastful. MATAMALŪ, v. to be calm -looking, MATANEI, a. incestuous. From the expression ' O mata nei o lou tua of the sky. MATAMALŪ, 8. a species of jelly - fafine, used by a woman , and fish . overheard . MĀTAMĀMĀ, a. beautiful. 'Ole MATĀNIU, 8. the eye end of a cocoa -nut. aʻaimātamāmā. MATAMAMAFA, 8. common people. MATĀNOFO, 8. a row of sitters. MATĀMANUʻA , 8. the surface of a MAȚANONOU, a . surly -looking. MĀTANUʻU , v. to go to look at å · wound. MĀTAMATA, Malay, AMATA, v. to country. look at, to view ; pl. MAMATA . MATAPĀ, 8. a fence, a line of wall. MĂTAMATA, 8. a large afato, a MATAPAOGO,v. 1. to be in its prime. The opposite to palaʻau . O le wood-eating grub . Matamata,a. having large meshes, lautī ‘ua mata paogo. 2. fig. To of a net. be in the prime of life. MATAMATĀŠUPEGA, 8. a large cob- |MATAPA7, a. of a forbidding aspect. MATAPAʻU, 8. the snuff of a torch or web.
MATĀMATAGI, 8. lit. the wind's eye, lamp. “O lona matapaʻu . the quarter from which the wind MATAPAʻUA, v. pass. 1. to be hard · blows. ened at the end, as the wick of a MATAMATĀMĒ, a word of a song | lamp requirirg to be snuffed. sung in the fight with Tongans ; 2. To be hardened ,as the end of exciting to drive them off. a tigapula when dry. MATAMATĀMOSO, 8. the name of a MATAPĀLAPALA, a. prosperous, as plant (Abrus precatorius). a man of wealth , a fisherman , or MATAMATAVALE, pl. of MATAVALE . with red eyes. 2. Red eyes. MATAMEMEA, 8. the name of a star,
MATAMEA, 8. 1. one kind of crab
one who gets property through his wives. MATĀPAPA, rock .
8. the surface of a
• Mars, from its ruddy appearance. MATAPAPAGI, v. to have bad eyes from disease. MĀTAMO, 8. the nameof a shrub. | MATAPAPAGO, v. to have eyes full MATAMOE , a. sleepy. of covetousness. MATAMOE , v. to be sleepy. MATĀMOE, v. to watch , to keep MATAPĒ, 8. a coward. MATAPEʻAPEʻA, a . covetous. guard during the night. MATĀMOE, 8. à picket, an outpost MATAPEʻAPEʻA, 8. covetousne s. . of the army, for keeping watch | MATAPEʻAPEʻA , v. to be cuvetous.'
MAT MAT ( 216 ) MATAPISU, 8. one kind of shell- fish. MATATAI, 8. a clever fisherman . ; MATAPO , a . blind. MATATAI, v. to be wise in nautical MATAPO, v. to be blind. inatters. MĀTAPā, v. to look at a night MATĀTAO, v. to look out for and dance.
ward off spears from a chief, to
MATAPOʻo, v. to have sunken eyes ; act as body-guard. Se fafine i pl. MATAPOPOʻO . Finao Samoa e faimatātao. MATAPOGI, a. forbidding looking. MATATAU, a. having figliting looks. MĀTAPOGIA, v. to faint. Ona mata- | MATATAU , v. to look as if a fight pogia lea ‘o Sinasegi; ona oti lea, would take place. MĀTATA‘ , v. pl. of MATA‘U. MATAPONA, a . good -looking. MATĀTĀGA, 8. from MATĀTĀ, the MATAPOTO, s. the name of a shell line of bush cut down in order • fish . to form a plantation . MATAPOTO, a. sharp -sighted , as to MATĀTALO, 8. the eye or upper end avoid a spear, or to get toga . of a taro. MATAPUAʻA , a. ugly. MĀTATAMĀLI'I, See MĀTA -ALI'I. MATAPULA, 8. the name of a fish . MATATANE, 8. a woman who follows MATASĀ, 8. 1. a blind pigeon. 2. her husband about, to desire her A blind man . A term of con husband. tempt. MATATASI, a . one-eyed . MATASĀSĀ, 8. the name of a shell MĀTATATATA , v. i, to have the fish . hair painfully stretched ,by the MATASELAU, a . 1. a hundred , in tuiga. 2. To be uneven , as a counting taro , & c. 2 . A lund plank of a canoe warped . 3. To red , the width of a net counted make a speech stirring up trouble, ona toe dla lea .
after all has been settled . by meshes. MATĀSELE, 8. a noose. 'O le ma. MATATĒ, a. having the ball of the
tāsele a le tagata , that is, of the eye projecting beyond the lid from disease. sele o le manu, that is, of the |MATATIAIALA, v. to go gadding animal caught in it. about after sights. MATASEPA, a. squint-eyed ; pl. MA- MATATIOTIO , 8. a warrior. man using it ; but o le matā TASESEPA.
MATASEPA, 0. to be squint-eyed ; pl. MATASESEPA. MATĀSILA, v. to go to the sea to
MĀTATILI, v. 1. to sprout, to ger minate, as yams, & c., left above ground. Ž. To be horrified,
Syn. TULEMOGE. dip, of the land-crab . MAMATOA, a . brave -looking. MATĀTUAI, 8. an instrument used MATĀSUSU, 8. a teat. 'Olona matā for scraping into small pieces susu. the cocoa -nut when used for MATASUSUI, 8. a disease of the cooking purposes, & c. 'Olāna MATASUĀUʻUA, 8. sore eyes. eyes.
matātuai. 'o le nuu MATATUNA, s. one of the divisions
MATATĀ, a. face-tattooed , of the MATATUʻITAI, a. greedy. New Zealanders. matatā.
made in husking a cocoa-nut.
MATĀTĀ, 8. the edge or line of MATATUPA, a. blunt. cutting. Applied to the line of MATATUPA, v. to be blunt. Syn . bush along which trees have TULALI. been cut. MATĀTŪTAGA, 8. the place of cut MATATAI, 8. a respectful name for ting off a part of a tree. See TŪTAGA. the mălo.
MĀT MATĀVAI, 8. a spring, a fountain . contrivance. "O lāna mātemate. TOGAFITI. Syn . Puna. , MATĀVAO , 8. the edge of the bush MĂTEMATELIMA v. to do for towards which a plantation is yourself what should be left advancing. “O le matāvao 01 for others to do for you, as a lāna fa'ato‘aga . bride spreading out her own MAT
( 217 )
MĂTĂVAO, 8. a reconnoitring party. | dowry. MĂTĂvao, v. to die in war (of a MATETŪ, v. Syn . FA'ABAUTU . MATEVALEA, v. to be very ignorant. tulafale). MATAVALE, a. dull-sighted, in | MATI, 8. the name of several avoiding a spear. species of fig (Ficus tinctoria, MATATALE, v. to look like a & c.) coward ; pl. MATAMATAVALE. | Mati, a. stale, as water that has MATAVALEA, a. ignorant-looking. been left for some time, or MATAVALEA, v. to be ignorant cocoa -nuts picked some days looking. before, also of 'ava . MATĀVANA, 8, a drill. 'Olāna MATI'ATA, 8. one kind of mati (Ficus). On Tutuila. matāvana. MATE, v. 1. to die, to be extinct, MATIʻUʻú, s. the finger-nails. Syn . of animals , trees, and fire. 2 . MaruʻU . ATIGILIMA. To be overgrown, of a road. MATIʻULU, 8. one kind of mati "Ua mate le ala . 3. To be (Ficus). benumbed , to be cramped . 4. MATIʻUTIʻU, 8. the ends of the To die away, of wind . 5 . To fingers and toes. be upset, of a canoe ; pl. ma- | MATIFANUA, 8. one kind of mati MATE . (Ficus).
MATE, a . dead, of animals, trees, MATILA, 8. a short fishing-rod . fire, & c. Also of a road which MATIMAIVASA, 8. things introduced
is overgrown and indistinct. MATE, v. to guess ; pass. MATEA.
from other countries, as talo, ti, & o., and greatly desired. . MATINI, 8. an offering of branches of certain trees, to induce aitu MATEFĀNAU, v. 1. to be dead with to pass over the place where child -beariug. 2. Applied to a they are hung without calling See TAUMATE. MATEILILI, v. to be enraged .
bapana which has lots of young in . MATINITINIESE , 8. a painful disease. suckers, but no fruit. MATEFĂNAU, 8. 1. the name of a MATINITINIESE, a. very much , as of Holothuria . 2. A warrior. food given to the gods. MATELĀINA, v. to be starved . MĀTIPITIPI, a , having a edge. MĂTELE, v. to run swiftly, to pull MATISĒ, 8. one kind of mati swiftly, of a canoe. (Ficus). MĀTELE, v. 1. to lean upon ; ex | MATIVA, a. poor ; pl.MĀTITIVA. pressive of intensity either in |Mativa, v. to be poor ; pl. MĀTI TIVA . thought or action . 2. To ex ceed , to go beyond , as in abus- | MATIVAO, 8. one kind of mati (Ficus). ing ; redup. MĀTELETELE. MATELIPI. Syn. LIPIOLA. |Maro, s. a steep place, a precipice. MATEMA‘ALILI, v. lit. to be dead Ole mato o le nuru . Maro, a. precipitous ; redup. MA with cold , to be very cold .
MATEMATA‘INA, v. lit. to die of TÕTÓ, MATOMATO. shame, to be much ashamed. MĀTou, pron . pl. we, excluding MĀTEMATE, 8, a means, a plan , a
the person addressed .
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MATOUTOU, a. thick , only of pork. MATUAʻl, ado. very, exceedingly. Also MATOLUTOLU . MĀTUAISU, 8. an old pigeon . Syn . MĀTOFI, v. 1. to be split. 2. To be OLOTĀ. quartered , as the moon in the MĀTUAOTI, 8.an orphan. last quarter ; redup. MĀTOFITOFI. MATUAFAFAFINE , 8. a mother. On Tutuila . Mātofitofi le mālamalama. MĂTOFI, s. the fibres of one division MATUĀFAFINE, 8. a matron, an
of cocoa-nut husk, prepared for elderly woman . MATUĀFAFINE, v. to be matronly . . making into sinnet. MĀTOLITOLI, a. 1. scranchable (less |MatcĀMOA, 8. a hen. 'Olāna than paʻagugu , which is applied matuāmoa . to harder substances), as gristle, MATUAMOEAO, 8. the male pigeon, cocoa-nut, & c. 2. Tender, of which sits during the day ; a term of reproach to those who pork . MĂTOLUTOLU, a . thick , only of sleep, but do not work. MATUAMOEPŐ, 8. the hen pigeon, pork . MATOMATO, a . redup. of MATO ; full which sits atnight. MATUĀTALA , 8. the centre of the of precipices. Matosi, a: 1. shredded . 2.Scratched , round end of a house. The seat scratches redup. of honour. Ua taʻitasi matu marked with : MĀTOSITOSI.
ātala .
Matosoroso , 8. that which may be |MATUATANE, 8. a father. dragged. . MATUATOGA, v. to act oppressively MATðTÓ, a. See Mato. Pl. 'AU- to the members of a family ; used MATOTO. of the head of the family. MĂTŪ, 8. a dry garment. Togimai MĀTUATUA, 8. the first quarter of the moon . soʻu mătū . MĂTŪ, v. to put on dry clothes. | MĀTUATUA, a . dimin of MATUA. Avatu se 'ie e mătū ai. MĂTUITUI, v. to be prickly. Matu, 8. the name of a fish . MĂTUITUI, a . prickly. MĀTŪ , 8. a northerly gale. MATUʻU, 8. a heron (Ardea sacra ). . MĀTŪ, v. to be dry. A compli- MATŪLAU, s. the name of a fish. mentary word to those returning MĀTULE, v. to be repulsed, to be forced to yield , but not routed . from bathing. “Ua mātū. Matua, 8. 1. a parent ; pl. MATUA. | MATUPUʻU , s. the name of a fish . E loto i ai mātua Ō Sina . 2. |MĀTŪTŪ , v. 1. to be dry. 2. The name of a game. 3. The Euphem . to be costive. principal house used in pigeon | MAVAE, v. to pass by. Ona mavae catching. lea ‘o Tagalou i luga i lona nu-u . Matua, Malay, Tuah , a . 1. elder. 2. To be at an end . E lē mavae . O le uso matua. The elder le tulivalaʻauia . brother. 2. Mature, full-grown, | MĀVAE, 8. 1. a crack, a fissure, as fit to pluck or dig up. 'O le ‘ulu in a rock . 2. Os vaginæ . matua. Pl. MĀTUTUA ; dimin . MĀVAE, a. bequeathed . Sau i MĀTUATUA. lona lumāfale māvae.
Matua, v. to frequent, to make a MĀVAE, v. to be split, to be cracked home of. E matua mai i'inei. open, to be chapped ; intens. MatuĀ, adv. very, altogether,quite. MĀVAEVAE. Used to mark the superlative MĀVAEIFIUIMAIFIMEA, v. lit. the degree. “Ua matuā leaga 'o ia . MATUAALIʻI, 8. an aged chief. A term of respect for toea‘ina .
dividing the ifiuifrom the ifimed ; to develop the chestnut, as to ·
which kind it is.
(.219 )
MĀVAEGA, 8. a parting command , MEASINA, 8. white mats. ·
engagement, or promise. Ona MEAVALE, 8. 1. the populace, com alu ifo lea e fai lāna māvaega. mon people. 2. Anything vile Introduced from Tonga. ME'EME'E, v. redup. of MEMEʻE, to MĀVAVA, v. to yawn. rejoice. MAVEU, v. to be in confusion, to MEʻi, v. 1. to shrink, to slirivel. MAVAVA, v. to express wonder. be unsettled ; redup. MAVEUVEU.
2. To warp. 3. An obscene use ;
MĀVETE, 8. verbum obscenissimum . | redup. MEMEʻI, MEʻIMEʻI. As MAFĀ. MEINA I, v. from MEA, to do, to MAVEVE, a. dry and clotty, as the I prepare.
earth parched in the sun, arrow . MEO, v. to be sulky ; pl. MEMEO ; root, scoriæ , & c.
redup. MEOMEO.
MAVEVE, v. 1. to have a thick head MELE, v. to refuse, to reject, to of long curly hair. 2. To be make light of. Na 'o Neiafu e thick with feathers, as an orpa- mele ai le toʻelau . ment of red feathers, a tuiga , & c. MELEʻI, 8. a stick used to husk
MEA, 8. 1. a thing. A ni ā foʻi mea cocoa -nuts with. Syn . "OʻA. ce tagisia. “O lau mea. 2. A MELEʻI, v. to husk a cocoa-nuto · place. 3 . An animal or live Syn . “O ‘A. creature. O tamaʻi mea na aʻu |MELO, as ‘AIMELO. Malay ,MERA .
'au mai, 'o mălie. 4. A creature ; MELOMELO, a. red ; pl. MEMELO. applied to persons. Semea 'o 'oe MELOMELO, 8. mulieb. pudend. : awhen fouvale. 5. The private parts MEMEA, a. yellowish brown, sear,as used with o in the genitive leaves. - case, and with the pronouns lona , MEMEA, s. the name of a fish. lou , & c. Always be careful to |MEME*E, v. to boast ; redup. MEʻE use a, lāna , lau , & c., with this MEE. word. 6 . The name of a star, | MEMEʻI, v. See MEʻI. MEMU, v. 1. to move the lips as if ? one of Luatagata . . MEA, conj. therefore, in the phrase, I speaking . 2. To laugh quietly. : ' 0 le mea lea (lit. that is the MENEMENE, a. small, of the breasts. thing). MIAGA, 8. urine. MEA, v. to do, to prepare ; pass. Mio, v. to wander about, to go round about; redup. MIMIO, MEAIFA , MEINA. MEAAAITU , v. lit. the doings of an MIOMIO. Na ta to 'ese'ese ai, po 'o ta miomio i le vao. for the proceeding, after receivingLP101.
aitu , it was luck .
MEAAMANU, v. it was luck . Used M101, v. to act perversely. Sym Miga, v. to show respect to, Ele'i Christianity. miga le fafine. - the death of a cuief, by notching | Migao, v. to show respect to, to the trees. When the nuts were reverence. “Ua lē migao “ua ripe they were made into oil, and it tala po.
MEAI, v. to tapui the cocoa -nuts on
was given to the faipulewith food . |Migao, Malay, MISI. 8. reverence, MEĀFALE, 8. furniture, household
Migi, a. curly ; redup. MIGIMIGI, MEAFONO, 8. 1. food taken to a fono. MIMIGI. 2. Cold food . 'O lāna meafono. MIGIMIGI, v, dry cocoa-nut husks, goods. A lātou meāfale.
MEAMEA, a . young, of infants. so called because they curl up. MEAMEA, v. to be an infant. “UaL MIGIMIGI, v. to curl up, of the hair, and of the entrails. • meamea le tama.
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Migros, a. curled up by the beat PISTMISI, T. to smack the lips with of the sun. i desire for good things. JIGOMIGOI, E, to wriggle about, of MITA, T. the afato, a wood -eating grub. ' MITA'I, . to boast. MIGOMIGOSI, 0. 1. to twine round, as MITAVITA, r. a vine to a tree. 2. To seek to MITAVITAVALE, s. empty boasting. injare another from jealousy. MITAMITAVALE, C. to boast vainly . Mili, t. 1. to rub. 2. To rub in, VITI, &. 1. the name of a bird as an ointment; pl. YDILI; I (Lalage terat). Syn . MITISINA. recipr. PEMILI ; intens. MILIMILI.
2. A dream . Fai lara ita miti
MILIGA, r. sowing by rubbing be
e moni. O lang miti. 3. Rain
tween the fingers , as tobacco seed .
or mist, so called on the moun
MILIGA, 8. a young shark.
MILIPAT, o. lit. to rub skins, to MITI, c. 1. to suck. 2. To sip. 3. fondle , to caress. To kiss. 4. To snuff up, to sniff. Milo , &, the name of a tree. The 5. To make a smacking noise tulip tree of India ( Thespesia with the lips ; redup.MIMITI. MITIULI, 8. a black miti. populnea ). Milo, o. tó twist, as in making a MITTITI, o. 1. to call to a child or string by twisting on the thigh ; dog, by making a smacking noise. to twist a rope ; pl.MDAILO ; pass. 2. To suck out, as a bone. MILOSIA ; reilup. MILOMILO. MITIMITIĀ, 0. to go about with MILOSI, 0. 1. to be twisted. 2. To ghosts. be cross-grained , to be perverse ; MITISINA, 8. the name of a bird MIMI, 0. to make water.
(Lalage terat). Syn. MITI. MITIVAO, 8. the name of a bird
MIMIO, 0. 1. to behave with coolness towards another. "Ona manatu lea “o Sinasegi ina 'ua mimio o Tigilau. 2. To be confused , as a currentat sea . MMILI, v. to rub together. See MILI. MIMILO, 0. to be perverse, to act contrarily . MIMITA, v. to boast, to brag. Tuin
(Aplonis brevirostris). Mitt, 8. the name of a god . 'O le tama a mitu . Mo, prep. for the benefit of, for the use of. Moa, v. to produce & moa , as & bunch of bananas. Ua fa'atoa moa le fa'i. Moa, 8. 1. a fowl. "Ua tunu le moa lē futia. 'O lāna moa. 2. The
lemu e, 'aua 'e te mimita. MIMITI, 0. 1. to suck a wound. 2. To dry up, as water in the sun .
3 . To absorb, as the flesh of the
body by disease. 4 . To suck or MISA, 8. & quarrel. “ O la la misa . Misa, v. 1. to quarrel. 2. To make
a noise. Syn . Pisa. “ Aua le
end of a bunch of bananas. Ole moa o le fa'i. 3. The fleshy part of the alili (a mollusc). O le moa o le alili. 4 . A child's top. O lāna moa. 5 . The epigastric region. 6. The middle, as of a road or river. All take o in the genitive, & c. 7 . The name of a moon in the wet season.
misa , se'i fa'alogo ; recipr. FE MOA AIVAO, 8. a wild fowl. Moao, 8. a sitting fowl. “ Pei ni MISAⓇI. MISA'AGA, 8. a quarrel, less than mata o se moao ; ” a handsome moao . misa . ' O la lā misaʻaga . Misi, 1 v. to make a kissing MOAGA, 8. the name of a fish.
MISIALOFA ,) noise with the lips, MoĀLILI, 8. 1.moa-a -alili ; the flesh as a token of affection , | under the cap (operculum ) of
( 221 )
the alili, a mollusc. 2. A speck | MOEIʻULA, v. to delight in, to re in the eye. joice. Moamoa, 8. 1. the name of a fish . |MOEINIVAI, v. to go to sleep on a 2. A piece of cloth used to take water supper. Moeinivai, ala hold of a fish with . Moamoa, a. full-grown. MOAMOA, 8. See ‘ASOMOAMOA.
MOEIVAI, v. to sleep in a leaky
house. MOʻAMOʻA, v. to be slack , not MOEʻUʻu, v, to be restless at night, stretched out, as a net, & c. from pain . MOAMOAFATU , 8. one kind of moa- |MOEULUMOEVAE , v. lit. to sleep at
moa (fish ). the head and sleep at the feet ; to MOAMOALEGA, 8. one kind of bread - guard carefully, as a chief from assassination, or a virgin . fruit. MOAMOALULU. Tongans brought MOEFAʻALILIINÁ, v. to sleep in fear. owls for fowls. See NIUNIUPULU. MOEFAGA, v. to set fish -traps. MOAMOAMAGA, 8. onekind of bread | MOEFIMALIE , v. to sleep peacefully , fruit. without MOAMOAVAʻA , 8. the moamoa when | MOEFITI, v.fear. to be restless in sleep. full grown . MÕEGA , 8. 1. a sleeping place , a Moana, 8. the deep sea. Tuta il bed . 'O lona moega . 2. A hen 's Muliaga , na taula i moana, nest. Moana, a. sea -blue. MÕEGA, 8. a cohabiting. MOANA, v. to be laid waste, as in war. - CARNE. readiness. so as to MOANAULI, 8. the deep blue sea. MOEGAGANAbe, inr. to talk in sleep . MOANASĀUSAU, 8. the great ocean . MOETAUTALA. See
. E oʻo lava i tai moanasāusau , s. lemon . MOANAVALEVAL Ē . ia .lefar MOEGĀLUAGA out to sea .. || MOEGĀLĒ joiningsgrass , 8. the-scented of the
purlins of the sideofa house with congealed , of oil. 3. To sit upon , MOEGĀPEPE, s. lit. the butterfly's as a hen on eggs. 4 . To roost , bed , the name of a tree. Syn. asbirds. 5. To cohabit ; pl. Mo TAUSUNU. * MOE ; pass. MOEA. MOEGASE, v. to sleep soundly. Ona | taʻoʻoto ai lea, ua moegase le MoE, 8. sleep. ' O lona moe. adv. to no purpose, uselessly. fafine ; pl.MOEGAGASE. MOE, Na aʻu moe sau . MOEGATOFĀ,8. purposesand thoughts MoʻĒ,8. 1. a generalname for the of those who have to consider banana. Syn . FA'l. 2. Onekind matters of stato preparatory to of club. speaking. MOEĀPUA‘A, v. to sleep as pigs, as MOELOA, v. to oversleep oneself, to the head of one resting on the sleep for a long tiine. MOEMĀi, v. lit. to sleep with the body of another. MOE-APUTIA, v. to sleep covered up. salt water not washed off, to be ' O mauga o Fitiuta ua moe-aputia . unpardoned . “ Ua mātou māgālo MOEĀTUA, v. to sleep in fear. ai lo mātou moemūi. MOEʻESEʻESE, 8. the name of the MOEMALETILA , v. to put in the afato (a wood-eating grub ) when tila overnight, to get ready over spoken of before chiefs. night. MOEIILA. Syn. MOETOTOLO . | MOEMITI, v. to dream . MOEʻIINI, v. to shut one's eyes MOEMOE,8. 1. a sprout, a shoot. Se'i forcibly MOE, v. 1. to sleep. Na aʻu moe i
le po, ma aʻu tagi. 2. To be
those of the end .
mai le moemoe o le niu , e fai ai
( 222 )
sona taumata. 2. A bud of a MOIMOI, 8. 1. the name of a large I fish. 2. The small fishes left in flower or leaf. MOEMOE, v. redup. dimin . of MOE, a net after the large ones are to sleep lightly. E, a ta moemoe, taken out. MoʻIMOʻI, a. small. ta te ofa . MoʻEMO‘E, v. dimin. of moʻE, to Moʻo, 8. 1. a lizard . 2. The name run .
MOEMOEAO, 8. 1. a species of shark . 2. the name of a weed . (Phyli. · anthus simplex, Retz, var. Vir gatus, Müll.) MOEMOEFUGA, 8. a bud of flower or leaf.
of a fish .
Moʻo, v. to be surprised .
Moʻo, interj. of surprise and ad miration . Mo‘ouli, 8 one kind of moʻo. MO‘OMIA , v . pass. of MOMO‘o .
Mo‘omoʻo , 8. 1. a cocoa-nut either
MOEMOEGAMĀLIE, v. to be prepared without juice, or without much kernel. 2. The nameof a disease. overnight. MOEMOEGATĀMA'I, v. to be un MōʻOMÕ'o, v. redup. of momOʻO. prepared. MōʻomōʻOGA, 8. covetous desires. MOEMOETONU, v. to be prepared Oana moʻomoʻoga. overnight. Syn. MOEMOEGAMĀ Mo‘osina, 8. one species of lizard . MoʻOTAI, 8. 1. the name of a fish , MOENOA, a. inconsiderate, thought and in some places also of a sea less ; redup. MOEMOENOA. snake (Pelamis bicolur). 2. One MOENOFO, v. to sit and sleep. species of lizard . MOEPITO, v. 1. to sleep last of a MoʻOTĀLIA, v. to have the desires row . 2. To be conquered . Syn . favourably received . LIE .
моЕТЕРІто . Mõu, v. to vanish . MOEMOEPUPULA, v.to sleep with the Mou, a. many. Used in a grum eyes open. bling way, as when having done
MOESI'ITIA, v. to be restless at Mou, unnecessary work . Se mou limą. prep. and pron . for, mo-oʻu , night. MO‘ETA‘l, v. to run with a thing , to for you. Moʻu, prep. and pron. for, mo-oʻu , convey speedily . MOETĀu, v. to dream of business in for me. hand . MOUTOU, 8. the name of a shell MOETAUSIʻITIA, v.to have thenight fish. On Manu'a . Also MOTOU . MOGAMOGA, 8. a cockroach , a beetle . mare. MOETAUTALA, v. Syn.MOEGAGANA. MOGAMOGAIAÕ. The earwig crawls MOETOTOLO, v. to commit fornica by day on food not prepared for tion ; of the man . it : to put in a word uncalled for MOETU, v. to sleep standing. when others are talking. MOETUPITO. SeeMOEPITO. MOGAMOGAIŠUMAGA, 8. one kind of MOEvao, v. to sleep in the bush . beetle. MOEVAVALE, v. to have the night MOGE, 8. horripilatio. “Ua tutū le mare . Syn . MOETAUSI ITIA .
Mogea, a. shrivelled , as from cold Moʻl, a. true. Syn .MONI. Moʻl, v. to be true. or fright; also of a shrivelled Moia, v., it is enough ; leave off. taro ; redup. MOGEMOGEA. See Sora. Moia le faʻatuituia i Mogea, v. to be shrivelled ; redup. MOGEMOGEA. le ata o le pouliuli. MorʻAʻA, 8. fibres of the cocoa-nut MOLAʻI, v. 1. to convey, to take back ; applied to a present taken, husk . See MOTI'A'A. MOIFA 'I, 8. fibres of the banana. and to the conveyance by which
MOM ( 223 ) a party is taken. Ia agi le sulu MOLIOVIOVIA, s. the citron (Citrus a ma le fisaga. I molaʻi are si ata medica ). tama. 2. To be as a vehicle for MOLIGA, 5. a sending, a conveying . medicine. ' O lona moliga . MOLAGA, 8. property taken from the MOLIMAU, 8. a witness. husband's family, on a wife's MOLIMAU, v. to bear witness. visiting her relations. O lona MOLIMATAGI, 8, a lantern . (Intro duced.) smolaga. MOLALĪ, v. to be obliterated by MOLIMOLÍ, v. redup. of MOMOLI, disease ; of the eyes. “Uamolali 1. to accompany a part of the mata . way. 2. To carry about to dif MOLE, 8. a soft oily matter between ferent families, as portions of the spongy and the hard kernel food . 3. To take the discarded of an old cocoa -nut. of a polygamist to their MOLE, v. to be faint, to be ex wives friends. hausted , as with hunger, thirst, |MOLIMUA, v. to send off a party, or pain . 2 . To be suffocated . while the sender himself stops. 3. To die. Fe'ausi,mole Laʻulu. |MOLIMUAINA, V. See MolIAMOLIA. 4 . To perish , of the eye; pl. MOLIAPATUPATU, 8. the Upolu name MOMOLE .
MOLEMANAVA, v. to be faint with . hunger. MOLEMĀSESEI, v. to be distressed, to be anguished in mind. “Ua é · sao mai i motu ,'a e molemāsesei manava ia te ‘oe. MOLEMOLE, a . smooth ; pl. MOMOLE. MOLEMOLE, v. to be smooth ; pl. MOMOLE. MOLEMOLELOLOA, v. to be faint with hunger. MOLI, 8. 1. the wild orange (Citrus vulgaris). Na ta le moli i le futiafu .' 2. Soap; so called be cause the orange is used for soap.
of the citron (Citrus medica). MOLITAI, 8. the nime of a small tree (Ximenia elliptica ). MOLITASI, v. 1. to report as the words of one for the sayings of a whole company. 2. To report unitedly against one. MOLITINO, v. 1. to convey direct to a person . 2. To convey plainly opinions or wishes. MOLITOGA, 8. the shaddock (Citrus decumana ). MOLO‘AU, 8. a toadstool, a fungus. MOLOASI, 8. Syn . MOLO‘AU. MOLOIUFI, 8. a young yam ; pl. MOLOMOLOIUFI.
MOLOIʻULU, 8. the catkin of male 3. One kind of song. Moli, s. 1. cocoa -nutoil. 2. A lamp. flowers of the breadfruit tree . A Tahitian word. 'O lāna moli. MomoʻA, a . 1. much , abounding. MOLIA, v. pass. of MOMOLI. Na te 2 . Intense, of eye disease. MomoʻA, v. 1. to abound ; mostly . molia 'oe, e tele vave.
MOLI AINA, 8. the edible orange applied to women's work, as 'Ua (Citrus aurantium ). momoʻa le faigāii'a nei. 2. To MOLIAMOLIA, v. to be disappointed be intense, of pain in the eye. or deceived , as to be promised | MOMOE, v. 1. pl. ofMOE. 2. To lie help, and then to be left un with carnally. E alu ane Māta supported , or to have a time of 'utia, ma momoe ma le tamai ta 'i. plenty followed by a dearth . MOLIOʻo, v. to carry or couvey all MOMO‘ E, v. to run ; pl. FEMOʻĒT, TAUFETULI, ; redup. MOʻEMOE. the way. Moliola, v. to get home alive. Ta MOMOI, s. crumbs; as momoiufi. v. 1. to express covetous Momoʻo, ou se i va'ai atu ia , o totoʻo mai desires, to long for. 2 . To ex funua , se'i e moliola i ai.
MOT MOM ( 224 ) press admiration ; redup. Mōʻo- MONOLIMA, 8. the side of the hand. Mõo ; pass. MOʻOMIA. Le isi le MONOLIMA, v. to make a bottle stopper of the hand. momoʻo, Praising is asking . MOMOʻULU, 8. clitoris. MONOMONO, v. to calk . MOMOLE, a . pl. of MOLEMOLE. MONOTAGA, 8. the portion of food MOMOLE, O. pl. of MOLE . prepared by an individual to MOMOLEʻA, 8. 1. the name of a tree take with all the rest of the the wood of which is very brittle village to a party of visitors. "O (Cyrtandra sp.). 2. A weak man. lāna monotaga. MONOTI, v. pl. of MOMONO. Ua se momole'a .
MOMOLI, v. 1. to carry, to bring. | MONOTUI, v. to raise lying reports. O mălie na aʻu molia mai. 2. MONOTUI, a . lying, as reports. Ia To report a person 's conduct, to teʻa le tala monotui, tala a le accuse ; redup. MOLIMOLI; pass. matau´a . MOLIA , MOLIMOLIA . |MOSEMOSE, a. beautiful, handsome, pretty ; pl. MOMOSE. MOSEMOSE, v. to be beautiful, to MÕMÕNA, a. fat, rich, of pigeons be handsome, to be pretty ; pla
MOMOMO, v. to break in pieces ; pass. MOMOIA , MOMOMOINA.
and fish .
MŌMŌNA, v. to be fat, to be rich, of Mosi, MOSI'ULA, } v." da young cray-fish . pigeons and fishi. MOMONO, 8. a cork of a bottle, & c. |MOSIMOSI, 8. 1. a young fresh-water O le momono o le fagu . MOMONO, v. to cork, to plug ; pl. MONOTI ; redup. MONOMONO. MOMOSE , a . pl. of MOSEMOSE . MOMOTAE , s. human excrements. MOMOTELA, 8. as MOMOʻULU. MOMOTO , a . pl. of MoTO.
prawn. 2. A small fish seen the day before the palolo. MOSIMOSIPALOLO,8. as the preceding word . No. 2.
Moso, 8. the name of one of the great gods. Mosoʻo1, s. the name of a tree bearing very fragrant flowers Mona, v. 1. to burst forth, as fai-ai (Cananga odorata ). from the leaf in which it is tied . MosoʻOITAI, s. the name of two as a young child . 3. To snivel,
Dendrobium .
to run at the nose. 4. To excel MoSomoso, 8. the nameof a bird . in tagāti-a. 5. To work with all MOTI, 8. scarsmade by burning . the might, aswishing to disprove MOTI, v. to burn a scar on the arm , a charge of laziness, ‘Ua ita le as an ornament, or in mourning топа. for the dead . Mõna, prep. with pron. mo-ona for MOTIŠAʻA, 8. the fibre of the cocoa him , for her. nut husk . See Mor‘ A’A. MONAMONA, a . muddy, of the feet. MOTO, 8. a blow with the fist.
Moto, v. to strike with the fist; MONI, a . true. Moni, v. to be true, to speak truth . pass. MOTOIA, 'Ou te moni. Moto, a. unripe, not mature ; pl. Mono, a , impotens. MOMOTO .
Moto, v. to be unripe ; pl.MOMOTO ; MonoĀ . See TALIMONOĀ. Monoi, v. 1. to give blows with fig. to die young. the fist in quick succession . 2. MOTOU , 8. a shell-fish . Also MOU To have troubles come in quick TOU. On Manu-a. MOTOMOTO, 8. a part of the inside succession . MONOULU, 8. a portion of the bonito. ' of a turtle.
( 225 )
MotosOSOʻA, 8. a straight blow with MOTUSI, v. to break off, to tear, the fist. Ua lē fua lelei, 'a 'ua vele ma Morososoʻa, v. to give a straight motusia . MOTUSIA, v. 1. pass. of moru. 2. blow with the fist. MOTU, v. 1. to be broken off, to be To come in small and detached snapt asunder, to be severed . 2. quantities ; applied to the palolo To go through a place instead of on the first day of appearing. 3. passing round ; hence MOTUMEA ; To leak in some places ; of a pass. MOTUSIA ; redup. MOMOTU house, the thatch of which has and MOTUMOTU . Ua motu le been trampled. 4 , Applied to a gafa. plantation in which the taro in MOTU, 8. 1. an islet. E taumanuina the middle are dead. i atu motu. 2. A district or |MOTUSIMOTO, v. to pull up taro village. 3. The people of a before it is full grown. place. Fa'afono atu lo tātou MU, 8. the name of a fish . na motu. 4. A multitude. "O Mu, v. 1. to burn. “ Ua fa'aere ma le motu o tagata . mu ‘atoa le tuāvao. 2. To glow , MOTUAGA, v. to have life broken off, to redden . ' Ua mu le ataata. Pass. MUINA ; redup. MŪMŪ. cut short. MOTUOLAUTOA, v. lit. to be broken MUA, 8, 1. the first. O le mua le like the lautoa , which is easily fuatia ia . 2. The shout of joined again . Applied to a victory. Na 'e tau i uta, i le to family losing its head, who has a lea mua. son to succeed him . Mua, a. first ; redup.MUAMUA. MOTUOMANUMĀ, v. lit. like the Mua, v. 1. to do first. Na mua le breaking away of the manumã fai lea ferau , i le, & c. 2. To (Ptilonopus Perousei) not to be be first. A tufa lava , ia fou caught again ; to have no suc MUʻA тца. , 8. a young cocoa -nut with cessor. MOTUFAU, a. childless, having no the kernel half formed . "O lāna muʻa . successor, MOTUFAU , v. 1. to get loose from MUʻA, Malay, MUDAH , a. tender,
· its string, as a tied pigeon . 2. To be set free from , to be quite
young, green , applied to the new growth of boughs, young trees, or grass, & c.; pl. MUMU'A ; redup.
disconnected with . MOTULUA, v. to be divided in halves. MUʻAMUʻA . O le tagata e matulua i le ogāma- | MUĀ'AU , s. the van of an army. ' O
nava . Riddle. le muā'au a le taua ; also 'o le MOTUMEA, v. 1. to pass across the taua. place where people are catching MUĀAVA, 8. the part of an opening pigeons. 2 . To pass through a in a reef which is towards the house where chiefs are sitting. shore, MOTUMOTU, 8. a firebrand , 'O lāʻu | MUAʻl, a , first, motumotu . 'O le motumotu o le MUA'l, adv. first. Na mar'i saw . afi.
MUAʻI, v. See FAʻANUAʻI. be broken or torn in several chestnut tree. places. Muao, int. the cry of victory MOTUMOTUGA, 8. a ragged cloth, racing, tagāti'a , & c.
MOTUMOTU, v. redup. of Motu, to MUʻAIFI, 8. the young leaves of the
a torn fine mat. 'O lo‘u motu- MuĀ‘olo , 8. the front of a fort. MUĀULU, 8, the forehead , 'Olona
motuga. Syn . TUPUA.
MOTUSAGA,8. the first day of palolo. I muāulina
( 226 )
MUAFETALAI, chief's word for Mu- MULIAʻI, a. last. AGAGANA. MULIAⓇI, v. to be last. MUAFI, 8.the cotton plant, so called MULIAʻITĀ'IGA, v. to follow on in the rear. in some parts (Gossypium ). MTĀFOFOGA, 8. 1. a chief's lips. 2. | Mulrat, 8. the rear of an army. ' O le muli-au o le taua ; also a le Speech. "O ona muāfofoga . MuĀGAGANA, 8. a proverb , a pro taua . 2 . One kind of song. verbial expression . 'O lāna mu
Pei ni pesega , fua į muli au e
toto .
MtaguTU, 8. the lips. MULIAULOA, v . to follow in great MUĂLEVA, 8. the name of one kind numbers, as men , fish , or animals. song of . MULIAFE, v. to commit adultery MUĀLILI, 8. For moālili on Tu frequently. tuila . MULIATEĀ, 8. 1. the rump of a MUĀMALAGA, 8. those in a travelling turtle. 2. Euphem . for a man's. party who go on ahead. . MULIAVA, 8. the end of an opening Muamua, v. redup. of Mua. Ua through the reef which is out muamua mai tala leaga. side the lagoon. 'O lona muli MUAMUA, a . first; redup. of MuA. ava . DU'AMUʻA, a. green, immature, of MULIIPU, 8. the bottom end of a
trees,and of a young person. cocoa-nut shell. 'Olāna muli MUAMUAAFATAGA, 0. to put the ipu o le ipu . MULIOĀIGA, 8. the head of a family . principal things first. MTĀNIFO, 8. the front teeth . ' O MULI'OLO , 8. the hind part of a ona muānifo. fort, on the inside. MUĀPAEPAE, 8. the front or face of MULIOLOGA, 8. the ends of taro after making faʻausi. Syn . a pavement. MUAPA‘U, 8. (Introd .), the foreskin. MULIMAFU . DIVĀVAE, 8. the projection under MULIONE, 8. the name of a gela the foot at the root of the toes. tinous fish . 'O ona muāvae. MULIULU, 8. the back of the head . MUĀVAEAFETONU, v. to come to the 'Olona muliulu . MULIFĀ, 8. the name of a month, proper party for help. Mui, 0. to murmur ; pass. MUIA, | August-September. MUIMUIA ; redup. MUIMUI. Ana | MULIFA'I, s. the small bananas at the end of a bunch , lē mui e tagata ola . MUIMUIGA, 8.murmuring . 'O lāna MULIFANUA, s. the lee end of an | island . “Ona lā tunuít ai lea i muimuiga .
MULAUAGÓ, 8. the name of a fish . I le mulifanua. MULE, 8. 1. the scraped cocoa-nut MULILĀ, 8. the lower end of a mat forming a lump in the tauaga, sail . so thatthe juice is not expressed . MULILUA, v. to commit adultery ; 2 . One made of no account. E lē
MULIMAUGA, 8. the hind part of a MULI, 8. 1. the end, the hind part. | mountain . ' O lona mulimauga . 2. The bottom , as of a box. 3 . MULIMAFU. Syn . MULIOLOGA. Therump ; euph. for ufa ; Malay, MULIMAFUA, s. the trees whose fruits are eaten last by pigeons. BURIT. tăuia mulē.
Muli, a. young , of men, women , MULIMAGA, 8. an earwig. and trees when in their prime. MULIMĂLO, s. 1, an ornament worn 0 isi 'ua patealomea, 'o isi 'ol like a tail. Syn . FAʻAMATĀTALO. 2. A bunch of red feathers. . teine miili.
( 227 )
MULIMATAGI, 8. the place where MumuA, 8. a word in tuiya masi the wind ends. E, le mulima- ! masi. tagi e, 'ua a'e Puava e. MŪMŪFATU , 8. the name of a fish . . MULIMULI, v. to follow after, to MUMULE, 8. odor feminæ ; odor .. come after. maris before tefi. MULIMULIANE,adv. afterwards. MUMULU, v. pl. of MULUMULU. . MULIMULIĀ, v. to dirt about from | MUMUSU , v . pl. of MUSU .
place to place, as young children do.
MUMUTA , 8. the name of a weed (Graminea ).
MULISAU, 0. to prompt. Syn. MÙMUTU, v. pl. of MUTU . VAINIU. v. to grumble ; redup. MULITAU, 0. to commit adultery. Muna, MUNAMUNA. Syn . MULILUA. MUNIAʻI, v. to dwell. Applied MULITALO, s. the end of a taro. only to Mata'afa . Lenā lava MULITATAGA, a . obedient. lē muniaʻi i le vai suatoto e. MULITO'A, 8. sunken rocks used as |MUNUA, 8. the porpoise. fishing grounds. O lo‘o feseua'i Musa, v. to skip, to hop ; redup. i mulitoʻa lililo . MUSAMUSA . Ai 'a musamusa MULIVAE, 8. the heel. O lona fa'atatau lemusa . mulivae. Musa, 8 . a skipping . MULIVAI, s. the mouth of a river. Musu , v. to be indisposed, to be O lona mulivae. unwilling ; pl. MUMUSU. E lē young yam MULO, 8. a
. māfafai nu'u mātutua , e mu MULU , v . 1. to be slow . 2. To musu . grumble. 3. To singe a pig. Must, 1 8. unwillingness, indo In Atua. | MusuĀ, ) lence. It has no exact
Mulu, v. to handle, to rub ; pass. MULUIA . MULUIA, v. pass. of Mulu, to be rubbed off, as the skin . MULUMEA, v. to handle covetously. MULUMULU, v. 1. to rub. 2. TO rub with water, to wash . 3. To rub together, as the hands
equivalent in English. Mustia, v. to be doomed to be killed or otherwise punished. " MUSUMUSU, v. to whisper ; pass, MUSUIA . MUSUVĀ, v. to whisper together with the next person . Muta, v. to be finished. A chief's
in order to warm them before word for umamai, gata mai. the fire ; to warm oneself by the MUTĀLALI, v. to burn with a fire ; pl. MUMULU ; pass. MULUA, | crackling noise, to burn fiercely. MULUIA , MUMULUINA. 8. the general name for MUMEA, 8. 1. the name of a fish . MUTIA, grass . 2 . The name of a fern . MUTIA, v. to be overgrown with
MůmŪ,8. words spoken in private MUTgrass. IAMOA, conversation.
e different kinds of MUTIAT IATOGA MŬMŪ, v. redup. of mu, 1. to burn MUT AI, . } grass. brightly , of a fire. 2. To glow , TI
to be red, of the body, a sign of
beauty .
MUTIMU , v. to yearn over. MUTIMUTIALOFA, v. to commiser
MŪMŪ, a , red .
ate, to compassionate, to love
MŪMŪ, v. to be red , as the eyes, & c.
fondly .
MUTITINI, v. to be fiercely hot, of MūMŪ, 8. the name of a fish . .Můmų, v. to be in swarms,as flies, the sun. small fish , or children ; redup. MUTIVALE, v. to be distressed in MUMUMUMU .
| mind through live.
E , lotu e Q2
( 228 )
· mutivale ē, ma ota tino e gase ; Nai, prep. See Mar. NAIUFI, 18. the name of a shark redup. MUTIMUTIVALE. MUTIVALE, a. distressed tlırough (rarely taken ). affcction ; redup, MUTIMUTIVALE . NAIFEA. See MAIFEA . O le alofa mutimutivale . Nainal, v. to fix on ,to select before MUTOTOʻA . Syn . MUTITINI. I hand. MUTU , 8. the name of a fish . NAINAI, adv. no wonder. Nainai MUTU, v. 1. to be cut off. 2. To soania le fetūao. Syn . SoasoĀ, be defective. E mumutu ona LA'OLA‘O. faiva. 3. To be incomplete. NAITO, 8. the name of a tree. • Ua mumutu vanu . The valleys NAITOLAMA, 8. the name of a fish . stop short, and do not reach See MAITOLAMA. the sea ; pl. MUMUTU ; pa88. MU NA'o, adv. only. Ma neći na 'o la TUIA . se nuću , e leai ni tagata. Mutu, a . 1. cut off, maimed ; as, NA NÃO, 8. the name of one kind 0 le lima mutu .
2. Incom
· plete, as a house. Ole tala
of ant which eats the taro leaves.
Naonao, v. to feel for, as for fishes
· mutu .
MUTUI, v. to have no break or in holes, by introducing the cessation . E le mutui le alu i | arm . Upolu . NAONAOA, a . full of naonao. MUTUIA , V. pass. of MUTU , to be | NAONAOFAGA, 8. the fishes caught
forbidden, to be cut short in a
by naonao. “O lona naonanfaga . I fua mai le nau inā utupūpū ia . 2. Thename ofa cat,from its cry.
Nau, 8. 1. the name of a bindweed .
speech ,
On Manu'a .
Naū, 8. a chief's girdle of leaves. The tenth letter in the Samoan Nau, v. to desire earnestly, to long · alphabet. Pronounced as in for ; redup. NAUNAU ; pass.touNAUte TIA , NAUNAUTIA. Pe English. Na, a particle used before verbs to naunautia ea nei amio ? Ta‘u ane se aliʻi, po 'o ai lua te nau mark the imperfect tense. Na, pron. he, she; used before i ai ? NA'vĀ, adv. very exceedingly. verbs, as Na te sau . Na, pron . this, that, these, those. Auē le sola sulusulu, 'ua mataʻu It always brings the accent of tele našūa. the preceding word on to the NAUGA, 8. from nau , desire. 'Ua 'o ultima, and causes a lengthening le nauga iā Veve. of the vowel. 'O i le nuū na . NauMATI, a.dry, destitute of water, "Ua fuaisisila lau amiö na. as a country . Na, º to quiet, to hush, as a NAUMATI, 8. destitution of water. crying child . ' O le naumati o si a'u taʻavaoga, Na, v. to conceal; pas8. NATIA ; ! e utupö le vai o tautai. redup. NĂNĀ, NĀNĀ. E nanā fua , NauNAU, 8. the name of a tree 'a 'e le lilo. (Geophila reniformis). NAʻA, 8. the pole to which a net NÀUNAU, v. to be very great, to for pigeon -catching is fixed . O lāna na 'a ,
exceed .
Si ou lalelei 'ua nau
nan .
NAI, a. some: an endearing dimin . NAUNAUTAʻI, v. to desire earnestly. Inā o mai nai au pugavavalo. nauta Tou featani i le mala 'ua nau 'i. Talofa ai i naitulāfale.
( 229 )
NAUSOSOLO, 8. the name of a creep- NANĀMU, 8. fragrance. O' lona nanamu.
ing plant. NANANANA, 0. a word found in Nafa, o. to appoint,as to be with poetry ; the meaning is lost. one of the opposite party in ' E te nananana le tai o nana. seuga , or in a clubbing match ; Nanasu, v. 1. to grow rankly, as or to be the host and entertainer weeds on good soil. 2. To abound , as the dry sugar-cane of a person .
NAFA, 8. a native drum .
NAFA, 8. the one appointed to be leaf used for thatch . the opponent or host of another. NANATI, v. pl. of NATI. NAFAI, v. pret. Methought. Nafai NANEA, v. to be sufficient for the purpose, as thatch for a house, a aʻu oti, NAFANAFATA'I, v. to bear in mind, wood to build a canoe, & c. to lay up in memory. NĀNEI, adv. by -and-by , presently. NĀGA, 8. from nā, to hide, the place NĀNEINEI ANE, adv. presently, very where a net is hidden to catch
shortly .
NANI, v. to talk indistinctly, as a NAMO, 8. a place in the lagoon child ; redup. NANINANI. fish .
abounding in fish .
NAMU, 8. the mosquito. NĀMU, 8. a smell, an odour. NĀMU, v. to have a bad smell. Namun, a. full of mosquitoes.
NANU, v. 1. to stammer, to pronounce
wrongly. 2. To speak a foreign
language ; recip. FENANUʻI; dimin, NANUNANU . NANUE, 8. the name of a fish .
Namun, v. to abound in mosquitoes. NĀNUGA, v. to talk nonsense, as a A delirious person. depreciatory word of a party NĀNUGĀMA‘ITĪGĀ, v. to ask for seeking assistance ; professing property like one delirious. poverty as an excuse. See Applied to themselves by those ManuĀ . who beg for property.
NAMUĀLASI, v. to be poor.
NAMULEGA, 8. the name of a tree'| NĀPAGOFIE , v. to prepare before
(Vitex trifolia ). NĀMUMOTO, v. to smell rankly, as
hand , as materials for house building .
wild yams on the second day. NAPĀTIA, v. to meet with a cala mity. Syn . PAGĀTIA. NAMUSEFA, v. to smell like sefa, NAPE, v. 1. to be entangled ; redup . in consequence of neglecting to NAPENAPE ; recip. pl. FA'AFENAPE. bathe oneself. 2. To steer free. Syn . LAVE. NĀMUSESE*U, v. to emit a bad smell. NASE , s. the giant fern (Angiopteris 2. To have a bad taste in the evecta ; and another species, NAMUSALA. See LANAMUSALA.
Marattia fraxinea ). NĂNĂ, 8. a swarm of soldier crabs. I the flesh of wild pigs. Nana , v. 1. to urge, to request, to Nasu, v. to cover the earth round a mouth.
NAMUVASA, v. to smell of the sea .
NASE, bad- flavoured , unsavoury, as
persist in asking. 2. To boast ; taro plant with grass, leaves, & c.; redup. NANASU . Nasu, 8. the grass, leaves, & c., used NĂNĀ. } 0. redup. of NA. to nasu with . NĀNĀ, 8. one method of fishing. Nati, v. to tease, to be importu Syn. Saosao‘o. nate ; pl. NANATI ; redup. NATINATI. NANAU , v. pl. of NAU. redup. NANANANA .
NANĀMU, v. to be fragrant, to give NATIVALE, v. to be unduly impor & sweet smell. tunato.
NIF N1, a. some,any. 'Ua iloa e ai ni
( 230 )
laʻau e gagana . Navu, s. lime. Navu, v. to dress the hair with Niau , v. to desire, to long for. lime. NI'INII, a . small, minute. See Navua, v. to break the head. A NINI'I. N10, 8., the rope of a sailing canoe. jocular term . Ne, v. 1. to draw back, as from a Ni'o, v. to bring the hand round disgusting or offensive object. bebind in order to catch some 2 . To keep back , as offensive thing. 2. To do things in a words. 3. To withdraw in con semicircle . 3. To cover up a bad word uttered ; to say, and sequence of shame. NEʻE, v . 1. to bear up, to lift up, as then deny the meaning attached .
a boat lifted by the water. 2. To 'Ua piso ma niso, to be all shapes. redup. NENE'E, NEʻENEʻE ; pass. | 1. The cocoa-nut tree (Cocos NE'ETIA . nucifera ). 'O lona niu . 2 . The NEʻE, a . puffed up, proud ; pl. fruit of the cocoa-nut. 'Oānaniu . NENE'E . Niua , a . full of cocoa -nut trees. NEʻETAGA, 8. praises. flattering NIVAIMOA, 8. the name of a plant. attentions. 'O āna ne' etaga . NIUʻAFA, 8. a large kind of cocoa NEI, Malay, Ini, pron. 1. this. 2. nut, the husk of which produces pl. of LENET, these. long fibres from which sinnet is
inflate, to puff up, as with pride ; Niu, 8., Malay, NIYOR and NIULA .
NEI, adv, now . made. NEʻI, adv. lest ; not. Funa e, NIVALAVA, I 8. two kinds of cocoa Olomanu , ne'i fāʻi sa ‘u totatau. NiuuI, nut. NEFU, 8. the name of a small NIUui, v. 1. to sprinkle with the fish . juice of niuui in order to make NEFU, v. to be stirred up, to be common . 2. To pardon. turbid , to be muddy ; redup. NIUUIGOFIE , a . forgiving. NENEFU ; dimin . NEFUNEFU. | NIUFAFO, 8. the bottom beam (wall NĒFUA, v. to be pricked by the nefu. plate) of a house on which the NEFUNEFU , 8. the white blossom of last thatch rests. the pandanus. Ua se nefunefu NIUFETEPULU, S. cocoa -nut with much husk and a small nut. sigano ona vai atu . NEGO, v. to make signs with the NIULA‘ITA. See LaʻITA . eyebrows, to beckon : redup. | NIULEʻA, 8. one kind of cocoa -nut. NEGONEGO. NIUMAGUMAGU, s. the nameof popo NENE, s. the name of a game of | (old cocoa -nuts) at Sapapālii. NIUMEA, 8. one kind of cocoa-nut. play. NENEʻA, v. to laugh heartily, to | NIUNIUPULU, v. taking husks instead of cocoa-nuts. continue to laugh ; redup. NE 'ANEʻA . NIUPAOGA, 8. a tall cocoa-nut tree. NENE E, v.to act the mānaia. Syn . "Ua gagau le niupaoga fatifati. FA'AMĀNAIA . NIUPIU, s. the fan palm (Pritch
NENEFU, dis v. to be dim , to be in
ardia Pacifica).
tinct. NIUSAMI, 8. a cocoa-nut in the last Neva, to wander about, having no stage before becoming a popo. | NIUTETEA , s. lit. the albino cocoa where to go. NENA, a . friendless, destitute of nut, a pale-leafed cocoa-nut. relations. (A term of reproach ); NiuvAO, s. the name of wild palms • pl. NENENA ; recip . FENEVAʻI.
NEVENENE, 8.mons veneris.
(Kentia sp . pl.). | NIFO,8.,Malay, NIFOA. 1. A tooth .
( 231 )
2. A tusk. 3. A horn. (1) Ona | Noa, adv. 1. without object, with māfaʻifaʻi lea 'o nifo. O lona | out cause. Syn. Fua. 2. With nifo.
Niroa, a. having teeth .
out fastening , as 'Ua ufi noa le ‘ato.
NIFOELO, a. baving poisonous teeth , Noa, 8. a girdle of ti leaves. Used causing bad wounds, as dogs, or at Matautu for titi. wild hogs.
NIFOUGĀ, a. having rotten teeth .
Noa, a. of no account, as 60 le tagata noa .
NIFOLOA, 8. the nameof a cannibal NOAMUA, a. first fastened. 'O le itu noamua. god . NIFOPŪ, a. having a vacant space NOAUNU, a slip-knot. NÕANOA, a. calm , quiet, hushed , as in the row of teeth . the wind. “Ua noanoa le ulu NIFOTUIMANU , 8. the eye-tooth . NIMO, v. 1. to be out of sight. Solo fanua . nofo į Leuo ninimo. 2. To be NÕANOA, v. redup. of NONOA, to forgotten ; to be unknown, of bind hand and foot. that which was known ; redup. NōANOAGA, 8. bonds, fastenings. " O ona nõanoaga .
NIMOAIINA , v. to put out of sight. NOAPALA . See TITIPALA . Ia e nimoaiina se toga i le aiga NOATAGA, 8. 1. a tie. 2. A place nei. to tie to. 3. fig. A law ; pl. NIFA, 8.an occasion, an opportunity, NOANOATAGA. , an excuse. A Tutuila word . NOATI, v. pl. of NONOA, to tie up NOANOATI. NINā , v. to converse together, as ' animals ; redup. friends about to part. *Ua lē se'i Noia ! int.sometimes used for Soia ! ninā ea ? NOIMUA, o. to show beforehand,as NINANINA, v. a poetic word, the | An opinion or determination . meaning unknown. ' E te nina | Noʻo, s. the hips. "O ona no‘o.
Noʻor, v. to answer back. ‘Aua e te noʻoi i 'upu a lou tamā. NINIA . Noʻoia, v. 1. to be pressed down, NINIANE, v. to be near, as under a heavy burden . 2. NINI'I, a . small. To be bent in, as the edge of a NINIā, v . to be far off, in reference hatchet. 3. To be forbidden, as to something which at last comes to continue a speech . 4 . To be nina lava le tai o nina.
NINI, v. to daub, to smear ; pass.
upon a person. 'Ne'inini o nini“ő lava , ui ane į le "alofaga e.
pained at heart.
No‘OPĀ , 8. a foundation .
Syn .
NINIFI, v, to adorn. Syn . TITIFI. FA'AVAE. 'Olona no‘opā, NINIMO. See NIMO. NOʻUNOʻU, v. to bend down, to stoop , NINININI, v. a poetic word , the as under a burden , or from age. . meaning of which is lost. Ete NoʻUTUA, v. to bend down the back , nininini lava le tai o nini. as when eating (stooping to take NINIVA , 0. to be giddy ; dimin . the food from the ground), NIVANIVA . paddling a canoe, & c. NISI, a . some, any. 'Ua oʻo i nisz Noro, v. 1. to sit. 2 . To dwell. aso, ona ta'amilo , & c. 3. To live with. 4. To cohabit NIYAGA, 8. a giddy height. with ,as a wife. Ona fānau lea NIVANIVA. See VINAVINA. o le fafine ina 'ua nofo ia Tā No, v. to borrow ; redup. NONO ; faʻi. 5 . To remain ; pl.NONOFO ;
pass. NOGIA .
Noa, v. to strangle oneself, to com init suicide by strangling.
redup. NOFONOFO ; pass. NOFOIA.
Nofo is used in composition with other words, indicating a certain
NON NOF ( 232 ) condition , as nofolelei, to dwell | NOFOGOFIE , a. accessible,of an easy peaceably . disposition .
NoFoa, 8. a seat. 'O lona nofoa . | NOFOGOFIE, v. to be of an easy, NOFOAʻI, v. 1. to sit down. 2. To accessible disposition . live in virginity. NOFOLELEI, v. to dwell in peace. NOFOAʻIG A, 8. 1. the time during NOFOLUA, 8. a bigamist. In the which a man bears the name or same way other numbers are title belonging to bis family . combined , as NOFOTOLU, & c. 2. A reign . ' lona nofoa'iga. | NOFOLUA, v. to be a bigamist. NoFoao, v. to be a titled chief. E NOFONOFO, v. dimin. of Noro. te lē iloa lē nofoao. NOFONOFONOA, o. to be unprepared.
NoFoarā, v. to have four pullers in a canoe .
2. To be doing nothing.
NOFONOFOTONU, 0. to be prepared,
NoFoĀFONO,8.a seat in the council. to be waiting for. NOFONOFOVALE. See NOFONOFONOA. O lo lātou nofoāfono. NOFOAGA, 8. 1. the place in which NOFOPOLOGA, v. to be a slave, to be one sits. 2. The posteriors. “O enslaved . NOFOSA‘o, v. to sit quiet; redup. ona nofoaga . NoFoĀLIʻI, s. a chief's seat,a throne. NOFONOFOSA '0 ; pl. NOFOSASA'O , NONOFOSA O . ' O lona nofoāli'i. NoFoĀLUA, v. to have two pullers NOFOSAUNI, v. to be prepared , to in a canoe. wait prepared . NOFOAMU, v. to remain among the NOFOSALA, v. to be under condemna . tion . coralbranches, as amall fish . NOFOĀSEU, 8. a seat used in pigeon NOFOTĂFĀʻI, 0. to sit on each side catching.
of the king.
NoFoĀTAU, 8. the war-stool. Të- NOFOTANE, 0. to be married , of the liaui lea e fai ma nofoātau. woman . NoFoĀTOLU, v. to have three pullers | NOFOTASI, 0. to dwell with one, as one wife. "Ole ā nofotasi in a canoe. NOFOI, v. to fall in a sitting pos- lava Sina. NOFOTOʻILALO, v. to remain in a ture. NOFOIA, 0. 1. to have an oppres conquered , subject condition.
sion on the chest,as from indi. NOFOTONU. See NOFOXOFOTONU. gestion , pregnancy, & c. 2. To NOFU, 8. the name of a stinging rise up, as black clouds hanging fish (Scorpæna sp.). about on the horizon ; redup. NO- Noga,
1 v. 1. to be quiet, to be
| NOGATAŠI,} easy, as from pain. NOFOIFEʻE, v. toManu'a be in the zenith, of 2. To leave off, to leave, as work, word . the sun. A speaking, & c. NOFOITAU, v. to sit on the half- Nono, s. 1. the name of the white deck of a canoe. Lē nofoitau i ant when , being winged , it swarms. 2 . The cord used to le vaʻa lē to į le tai. NOFOFALA, v. to sit at the fala in wind round a canoe. 3. The string attached to a stone taken order to play at lafoga . NOFOFUA, v. to be single, to be un - | down by a diver. Nono, v. to make a pause in a married ; of a woman . NOFOGATĀ , on difficult of access, of speech , waiting for the promp a reserved and haughty person , ters. 2. To make a pause before or one with an uncertain temper. | doing something . Ua nono le NOFOGATĀ, v. to be of a harsh and loto. Nono, v. redup. of No, to borrow . . distant disposition . FONOFOIA .
PAA ( 233 ) NON Nonoa,v.to tie,to bind ; pl.NOATI ; I of people for feasting and inter pass. NOATIA ; redup.intens. NOA - 1 changing property, as on occa NOA. I puée, i tao, ma noanoa. Nonou, a . cross, surly -looking .
Nonou, v. to look cross. NONU, Malay , NONA, 8. the name
sion of a chief's marriage. Nunu, v. 1. to crowd together ; re. dup. NUNUNUNU . 2. To grate down, as turmeric .
of a tree (Morinda citrifolia ). NUNUMI, v. pl. of NUMI. NONUUI, s. the white kind of nonu - | NUNUTI, v. pl. of NUTI. fi'afića (Eugenia Malaccensis). | NUNUVALE, v. 1. to be in confusion, NONU'ULA, 8. the red kind of nonu | as troops. 2. To go to a fono fi'afi-a (Eugenia Malaccensis). | in which the party has not a LU , 8. a species of nonu voice. NONUʻU (Morinda citrifolia ) having large NUNUVALE, 8. a large concourse with little food. fruit. NONUFI*AFTʻA, 8. the Malay apple NUPANI, 8. the yaws. Syn . TONA.
"O ona nupani. (Eugenia Malaccensis ). 8. the wild nonu . | Nosa, conj. even although,notwith Nonuvao, NUAGA, 8. a grating down, as of standing . A nusā ‘ea le tơese, ' e manatu i tua e. See ANŪSĀ. arrowroot or turmeric. NUTI, v. 1.to crush in the hand. 2. NUANUA, 8. a rainbow . NUʻANUʻA, 8. the name of a shrub To break in pieces ; pl. NUNUTI ; pass. NUTIIA ; redup. NUTINUTI.
(Nelitris Vitiensis). Nui, v. to be great, to increase, as NŪTIMOMOMO, v. to crush to atoms. wind or pain . “Ua nui i le po. O le loto 'ua nutimomoia . NUTININI'I, v. to break up very ' Tis near night. NUʻu, 8. 1. a district, a town. 2. small. A country, an island . Auē Tutu NUTIPALA, v.to crush to dust ; pa88. ila e, “o lota nuću e mamão. 3. NUTIPALAINA. People. Oi ta “ino‘ino. ¿ le nu'r 'ua au mai, & c.
NUʻUPO, I adv. formerly, in olden
NUʻUTŪ,) times. “Oe le Atua o THE eleventh letter in the Samoan le nurutū. NUⓇUTULOTO, 8. an island. Syn. alphabet. It is sounded as in English . NUʻUTUTAI. NUʻUTUMATĀFAGA, 8. a maritime Pa, s. 1. a wall. 'O lāna pa . 2. A fly fish-hook . 3. An indentation place. NUʻUTUTAI, 8. an islet near the in a tree. “Ua tele le pa i le laʻau. mainland. See NUʻUTULOTO . 4. A feast at the palalo fishing. NUMI, v. 1. to be involved, to be Pa, v. 1. to explode, as a gun , intricate. 2. To rumple, to crush thunder, & c. 2. To burst, as an together without folding up. 3. abscess. 3. To break forth into To be jabbled , as the sea ; pl. lamentations. “Ua pa le lauaitu . NUNUMI; pass. NUMIA ; redup. 4 . To be barren . Of women and animals. 5. To turn ,as the tide NUMINUMI. at full. “Ua pa le fogātai. 6. NUMI, 8. a gather of a dress.
NUMILEFAU, v. to be entangled, of. To be indented, as a tree. 'Ua the pigeons' string. Applied to pa le laʻau. counsels differing and dissenting . På, a. barren . ' O le fafine pa. NŪNŪ, v. to be silent from anger; PAʻA, 8. the general name for all crabs. 'Ua fano le pa'a i long applied to gods and chiefs. NUNU, 8. a gathering, a concoursc ! vae.
( 234 ) · PAI PAʻA, v. to be scarce, of food . “Ua mals. 2. Poor, having no rela - paʻa mea e 'ai.
tions. A term of contempt ; pl. PAʻA‘Ā, a. 1. crisp, dry, as leaves. PA'EʻEʻE. PAⓇEE, v. to be lean, to be skinny; PAʻAALIMAGO. See ALIMAGO. ʻE . who go to supper pl. A,PAʻEⓇE PĂ“au, v. to come down upon the PÃEG 8. those enemy, as in making a hostile with a sick chief, or in honour of descent from inland. E taʻa le a dead chief, or with food to a galo, a e gase i parau. - Proverb . night dance. « Ula e i le pāega , PAʻAUʻAU, Ü. 1. to be full to the Fu'ateine ma le avega . O le ridgepole ; as food given to pāega a le nu-u . visitors and piled up in the | PĀ ELA, v. to miss, to fail to get. Always in the pl. house. 2 . To be swollen , of the belly ; to be surfeited. PAEP go to 2.a suppe AE,redv. for1. toa chief. | PAʻAGA, 8. an ornament like a lialf I prepa To sitr down together. 3. To be scat girdleblack was over worn it hip one ; , dyed . about aintree, greator numbe rs, asn tered under fish throw PA' AGATAGOTINO,) s. like a paʻaga fruit PAʻAGATÕTINO , } which is one's up on the beach . PAʻAGATÕTONU, I own ; true re- PĀEPAE, 8.a pavement. Le paepae lations, as children ,or a brother's lei i sóloi ane. children . Ne'i tou ta'u si oʻr PĀEPAE, v. 1. to lay stones , as in paʻag atötonu. · pavemen road . t or, toa speak together PĀ Agugu, v. to scranch , as bones, making 2. Tolayawords dry chestnuts, & c. See Pagugu. so as not to offend. PAALA, 8. pa . and ala, a small fly - | PAʻEPA‘E, a . redup . of PAʻE. PA‘EPAČE to be shallo of : fish hook . 'O lāna paala . PAʻALAUIFI, 8. one species of crab . canoe. , v.2.1. To be shortw , anda Syn. SOLATIA . Darrow PA'ALIMAGO, 8. softened from para 'ETA 'E . , . of a basket . Syn . TA ‘ aimago, the name of a large PAʻEPA‘EMĀ, a pure white. crab so calle because PAE • 2. Oppressive ; bullying .
d , it goes | TAU , v . to be in battle array , to about both in the salt and fresh be ranged for battle ; either of water. an arnıy or a fleet. PAʻAPA 'A , 8. small crabs. anybo In or every PAʻATEA, 8. the nameof a poisonous Pal, Tuima Sai,body. the8.sayin g, dyPaimai crab. Seve.v. to touch ; pass. PAʻIA ; PAATU, 8. pa and atu, a large fly - PA'l, fish hook for bonito . O' lāna redup. PAʻIPAʻI, PAPA'I. paatu .
at ; to,. PAPAʻ to arriv to reach pass.v. PĀŠIA I. e Ona ; redup PÃE, s. 1. a seat erected in the open PĀ'I, air. Teine ti'etióe i le pae. 2. A la pāói atu lea i le mauga . se heap PAʻl, 8. 1. masAnyt i made from refu house builpile t on poles. 3. Alago food hing of littl
of stones d up in the on . to attract fish . Syn . FATUATI. I value. PA‘E , a. white; redup. PAʻEPA‘E, PAʻIA, a. PAPA ‘E . sacred .
2. E aumā lea pa'i ?
not touched by work , A term applied to titled Para , a. friendless , poor. chiefs PAEA-E, v. to sit together, as tra- | PĀʻIA U, .v. lit. to reach the gall, to vellers, troops & c. heart , to be grieve naruāgreatl PAEASO, 8. small, rafter Ua enpāʻiau d . -strick s of a house. T be , utuy PA‘EʻE, a. 1. lean, skinny, of ani- ! le fao i Leituva..
( 235 ) wpxIT
PĀʻrʻAU, V. See PĂ-AU . Parē , a . lazy.
Palē , v. to be lazy.
PA'IU, v. 1. to dart the ti'a so that only the end of it shall touch
the ground. 2. To be eager for battle, as if flying like a tia to it. PAʻIFAILELEA, v. to die in childbed .
obedient; pl. PAOGATATĂ; re dup. PAOPAOGATĀ . PAOGATĂ , v, to be difficult to re strain, to be disobedient: pl, PAOGATATĀ ; redup . PAOPAOGATĀ. Paogo, 8.the name of a tree from the leaves of which a house mat is made (Pandanus odoratissi
PAIPAI, 8. one kind of ciab. PAOGOFIE, a. obedient; redup. PAO PAʻIPAʻI, 8. the nameof a fish . PAOGOFIE . PA'IPA'I, s. from paʻi, uselessness, PAOGOFIE, v. to be easily restrained,
to no purpose. O le pa'ipa'i o le PAʻISA, v. to abound , as food or property. PA'ITAʻU, 8. jesting. O' lāna PAITAⓇU , S paʻitaʻu . PAʻITINOA, v. to be killed . Anei a ului ului paʻitinoa . PAITO, 8. a cookiny -house. 'Olona paito. Syn . Umu. PĀŠIVAO, v. to work quickly in mativa 'ua alu atu ai.
to be obedient; redup. PAOPAO PaoGOPÜ, 8. one found not a virgin . Paolo, s. 1. shude. 2. Protection . “O lona paolo . 3. The name of a wind . Paolo, v. 1. to be shady. 2. To be protected ; pass. PAOLOGIA , PAOLOSAUNI, v. lit. to prepare shade, to connect by marriage ; pl. GOFIE .
PAOLOFESAUNIAʻI. Syn . GAFATĀ. clearing the bush ; redup. PA'I- | PAOLOTUTUGAMĀLIE , v. to get the protection of a chief through PAʻIVALEA, v. 1. to be struck acci marriage. dentally. 2. To be set on fire PAOPAO , 8. a small canoe. Ia 'ese PAŠIVAO.
апе раорао е 8оа. “ 0 lona by accident. Pao, s. a fringe. 'O le pao o le ' ie. paopuo. Pao, v. 1. to stop, to check, as a PAOPÃO, v. redup. of Pao, to forbid ; flying trained pigeon by means pass. PAOSIA. of the string on its foot. 2. To PÃOPAOITUA, I v. 1. to keep in the correct, to furbid . PĀ 'o, to make a chopping or ham
PAOPAOMULI, rear. 2 . To pro ceed with caution , as in speaking. PAʻOTONU, v. the opposite to Pa "OVALE.
mering noise ; pass. PAⓇOTIA . PĀ'7 , s. one kind of chestnut. PĂ' , s. the butt end of a tree. PAʻOTIA, v. to be disturbed by a Paoa, v . to be overawed. noise. PAʻoʻA, v. to use too much foʻa in PAŠOVALE, v. to arrive without colouring siapo. warning . Ua pa'ovale luʻu nei Parā ā, 8. the gills of a fish, and sau . the bony covering on them . "O Pau, Malay, Pauh, s. 1. the name ona pa'o'o. of a tree from which clubs are PX'OFU, s. the nameof a freshwater made. 2. The poetic name of fish . the bonito. " O le paʻumasunu, 'o PAOGA, 8. a tree fern. Syn. OLIOLI le pau mai moana . v. to be as far as, to reach to , Pau, (Alsophila lunulata ).
Paoga, a. tall, running up high and to be bounded by . Syn .Gata. slender ; of the cocoa -nut at its Paū, a. dreaded . upper partwhen it becomes very Paū, v. to be dreaded. Ou temataʻu high. ai, e paū fa'aavatanifā. PAOGATĀ , a. pao and gatā, dis- Pxv, 8. 1. the skin of animals.
( 236 )
*Ua u ifo, 'a e tau i le păíu . 2. The bark of trees. 'Ua se pă“u
place, as tools, & c. Paga a'e i luga, "aua le taʻatia i lalo. 2. To
paogo. 3. The rind of fruit. 4.
obey. E paga ane i lona tama.
| Pāga, 8. a plaited cocoa-nut leaf PĀʻī, v. 1. to fall, to fall down. 2. ! used as a boundary in the game To have visitors. 3. To set, of of lafogā tupe. the sun ; pl. PA•T•v ; pass. PA- Pagā, 8. trouble, distress. 'UTIA : recip. FEPA‘ŪTI. E lē Pagā, interj. how annoying ! how paʻūtia e į lātou, 'ua nofo i le unfortunate ! how sad ! alas ! utumālaia. A strong wind is redup. PAGAPAGĀ. The crust. 'O lona păíu .
Pagai, v. to strike on both sides, to give a double blow . PAⓇŪ ū, 8. a footfall, the sound of a PAGALÊMŪ, 1 v. to arrive oppor PÄGAMĀLIE, ) tunely. footstep. PAʻōʻī, . to give the sound of a PAGANOA, v. to be at leisure. footstep . PĀGĀTI‘A, 8. the ground prepared
said to paʻū mai. PAUʻI, O. " See Pouʻl.
PAʻUʻULU, 8. the name of one kind of lo .
for tāgāti'a by clearing away the loose sand .
Paulu , s. the blossom of tavai (Rhus PAGĀTIA, v. pass. of pagā, to be in Taitense ). distress, to be in difficulty.
Pagi, 8. the bait for mālolo . 'Ua PA'ŪLEMĀSINA, v. to die ; of Fiamē. suluia le pagi. PÄŪLI, a. purple. PAGIUTO, v. to fix the bait for PĀʻULIA, v. pass. of PAPAʻU, to be PAGITAUFOE, v. to tie the steering aground, of a canoe. PAUMALU , 8. a weak man . paddle while arranging bait for PAŠUMASUNU, 8. a poetic nameof the | mālolo. bonito. Inā futi pa umasunu e. PAGITIA, v. to be left alone, de PAʻULAEA, 8. neap tide.
PĀŠUMĀTŪ, 8. å place left dry by receding water.
serted and unaided . “Ua tuór pagitia i mātou .
PĀŠUMĀTŐ, v. to be left dry,as a Págo, v. 1. to forbid things being shallow place in the lagoon, or given away in hopes of getting a sandbank. them for oneself. 2. To make PAʻUPAOGO, a. beautiful. trading difficult by suggestions PĂ‘upĂ•U, 8. 1. a scab . 'Olona | made to the trader by a third pă upă “u . 2. A dry titi. party ; to interfere with trade PÃ'UPÃ'U, v. dimin. of PAPAʻU, to be so as to injure it. Pago, v. to have a command of rather shallow
PAʻUPA‘UA, a . scabby.
PAʻUPAʻUOOLE,8.a very old,shrunken titi .
language and a knowledge of titles ; redup. PAGOPAGO.
| Pagoa, a. stony, rugged . Syn . AMALOST SA strong man. man . GADĀ . PAUPAUMALOSI, 8. a strong PAʻUSISI, 8. the sides of a house, PågoA, 8. the well of an old under the eaves. O le saga o fashioned sailing canoe.
Pa‘usisi. Proverb.
PAGOAGOA, v. 1. to make a chopping
noise,as in working, eating, & c. ; PAʻŪTIA, pass. of Paū . PAFUGA, v. to settle on the blossoms, redup. PAGOPAGOA. 2. To work as the sega on the buds of the ou alone, to continue to work or cocoa -nut. So a man who has eat after others have done. food or property delights in it. PAGOFALE,V.,to prepare beforehand , to collect food for expected Ua pafuga mai taumafa .
Paga, v. 1. to put away into their
visitors. Syn. LAVASAUNI.
PAL PĀGOTĀ, 8. an offender, a trans drift on to, as a canoe carried by wind and current. 2. fig . To · gressor, a criminal. PĀGOTĀ, v. to transgress, to act lean upon others, as a person depending on others to do his i criminally ; pl. PĀGOTATĂ. PĀGOTĀ, a . felonious, criminal ; pl. work ; pass. PALALAUA. PĀLALAU, 8. the name of one of the PĀGOTATĀ. PAGOVIVILU, v. 1. to seize greedily houses used to sit in and catch 9 . onshared foodout. or property it is pigeons. “ 2. To bebefore knowing, PĀLĀLĪ, v. to discharge with vio as a child using words beyond lence (as the bowels). Applied to the voice. . . its years. Pagutu, v. to scranch . See PA PALALŪ, 8. the noise made by the PAG
- 'AGUGU .
( 237 )
wings in flying.
PALA , 8. 1. a muddy deposit in the sea. Ia Safune, o taua o le · pala. 2. SA black mud from a swampa . used to dye. with. Pala, 1. rotten 2. Ripe, as bananas. A Tutuila meaning. PALA, v. 1. to rot. 2. To be
PALALŪ, v. to make a noise with the wings in flying. PALANAʻI. See TALANAʻI. PALAPALA , Malay , PARAPARA , sooty. 8. 1. mud . 2. Blood , before chiefs, instead of toto, PALAPALĀ, a . muddy. rotten ; pl. PAPALA ; pass. PALA- PALAPALAŪ, 8. itch between the toes caused by mud. GIA.
PALA'AI, a . cowardly ; pl. PĀLA'AI, PALAPALANAʻI, v. 1. to lean upon others, to be guided by others, PALA'A 'Al. PALAʻAI, v. to be a coward ; pl. 2. To take things easily. PALAPU, 8. a wind from the land . PĀLAʻAI, PALA'A'AT.
PALĀPU , v. 1. to smoke, to send satiety, to be forth smoke. 2. To light an ? oven ; used before chiefs instead surfeited . Syn . PĀLASIA. PĀLAʻAU, 8. the nameof a shell-fish . of pusa ; pl. FEPALAPUAʻI. PĀLASI, v. to drop down, as over PĀLA'au, wooden PĀLA AU , av.. afrom palafence. , rotten , and ripe fruit. 2. To fall down, as a · "au, a stem ; 1. to hàve the stem person from a tree, 3. To fall of the ti leaf rotten , and the leaf with violence, as a house ; pl. fallen . 2. To be near dropping PALASI ; redup. PĀLASILASI. off. Applied to the aged. 'Ua Pålasi, v. to dash to the ground, as in anger . pālaʻau&. le lauti. PALAI, 1. a hard kind of yam . PĀLasia , v. to eat to satiety, to be surfeited . Syn. PALA'AIA. 2. A trowel. (Introduced PALAʻIA, 8. the name of a fish. ). PalavAO , v. to be rotten from being PALĀ ‘IE, 8. an old rotten cloth . '01 left in the ground too long , as taro . lona palāʻie. PALĀ OFU, 8. an old rotten garment. PĀLAVALE, 8. dry ti leaves. PĀLAUFAU, v. to be full of water, as PĀLAVALE, v. to rot without turn river beds, reaching to the fau ing into oil, of scraped cocoa
PALAʻAI, PĀLA'Aia ,8.v.cowardice. to eat to
nuts .
leaves. . that shakes ; PALE, 8. 1. a head-dress, a frontlet. PALAGATETE,v.lit,mud to be unsettled , as a land politi- | Si ona pale laufalagā. 2. A crown.
cally disturbed PÅLAGI, Malay, . SILANGI, 8. the Pale, v. to put on a pale. 2. To I show anger, as if it were worn as name of a fish .
PaLaLau, v. 1. to drift along, tol a pale.
( 238 )
PALE, v. 1. to catch water. 2. To | PALOLOMULI, 8. the name of a catch a pigeon missed by another. month , July - August. 3. To decline to the west, of the PALOPALO, v. from palo, to be sun or moon. beaten , to be overawed . PALE, v. to row , to paddle ; redup. Palu, 8. the name of a fish. PALEPALE. pale mai.
complimentary Palu, Malay, PALU , v. to mix , to
term on meeting a canoe. 'Ua
stir together with the hands ; pass. PALUA ; redup. PALUPALŲ.
PALE, v. to be over a shoal of E Satali e, ia palua le u-u . bonito ; pl. PAPALE. I papale PALUI, v. 1. to depreciate another. gogo fa'amata i tai. 2. To try to imitate . “ A palui PALEFEAGA, v. to sit with. 'Ua liutua , taʻi-au. PALUMĀTŪINA, v. 1. to bring a palefeaga ma tupu . PĀLEFOGĂTAI, v. pa le fogātai, to be fish ashore to be cut up, con trary to custom . 2 . To kill on the ebb, of the tide. PALEMĀVAE, v. to pay off. “ Ia | enemies, or destroy their pro perty , after a war is over. palemāvae le taui o le vaʻa." PALENI, v. to line a basket with PĀLUSAMI, 8. taro leaves cooked leaves, in order to keep the con - | with the expressed juice of the tents from falling through . cocoa -nut. "O lāna pālusami. PALEPALE, 8. a shelf made of sticks. PĀLUTU, 8. the name of a sea-egg Syn. TALITALI. (Echinus) without spines. PALEPALE, TALITALI v. to hold up. Syn. PALUTU, v. to beat ; pl. PĀLUTU. . See PATUTU. ployed by a chief to attend on a Pana, v. to be stunted . single lady. PANA'I, v. to heap up, as things PALEPALETAO, a place over the to be cooked in the oven , or outrigger of a canoe on which words good or bad ; redup. PA spears were placed. NAPANAʻI. Syn . Panoʻl.
PALEPALEʻAULAMA, 8. a servant em - Pana, a. stunted, slow of growth.
PĀLEPŐ, v. to start on a journey by PANAUAVILA, 8. one kind of siva, sea during night. in which tley continue to beat the drum till the siva is finished . PĀLETĀ, I leaf set on end round PANAUAVILU, a. full-grown. E te the outside of a house. fa'amisa ma le tama itiiti, 'o oe PĀLETUA, 8. a stick for the steers- le panauavilu .
PĀLEPOI, I 8. a plaited cocoa -nut | man to lean against. PĀLETUALAPALAPA, v. to lean upon
PĀNAPA, a. frugal. Syn. Fa' TOTOMEA.
a weak support.' A depreciatory PĀNAPA, v. to be frugal. term used by a people to those PANEA, 8. the nameof a shell- fish . seeking their aid . PĀNEPANEA, a . 1. a ripe, full PALI, 8. pubes. PALO, 8. a defcat in war or games.
Laga mai ia lo outou palo.
Palolo, 8. a sea-worm , found in
grown, as taro and fruits . 2. Abundant, as toga .
PĀNEPANEA, 0. 1. to be ripe, to be
full-grown, as taro or fruit. 2.
the openings of the reef for only ! To abound, as toga .
a few hours on the morning PANI, 8. the name of a tree.
after the third quartering of the PANI, v. to go to stool in the October and November moons road, as a child ; redup. PANI (Palola viridis).
PALOLOMUA, 8. the name of a PANI, v. to dye the hair with the 1 juice of pani. mouth, June- July.
PAN PAP. ( 239 ) PĀNILOA, 8. a piy with a white spot PĀPAONO, 8. the name of a tree on the foreheail. (Embelia ribes). PANISINA, 8. 1. lime. 2. Mortar. PAPA‘U, a . shallow , of the sea. : Olāna panisina . 'O le pani PAPAʻU , v. to be shallow ; pass. PA'ULIA , to be grounded sina o le fale. PANOʻI, v. to heap one thing on PAPAFU , v. to be fat, bulky, from another ; redup. PANOPANOʻI, sitting in the house, as a cripple. PANOʻINOʻI. Syn . Pana‘l. PAPAGA, 8. 1. a neighbour. 'O Panu'u, v. to touch or call at on a · lo mātou papaga. 2. The hole journey by sea.
of an eel.
PÄNUPANU, v. to be smeared over, PĀPĀGĂ, 8. the coral bottom of the to be daubed , as a mat with filth
sea. [ T. P.]
PĀPĀGATĀ, a. 1. difficult to be or food. to PAPA, 8. 1. a rock. 2. A floor brought to settle, applied pigeons, and to fish difficult to mat. “ O papa o le fale. 'O lāna papa . 3. A board, Malay, catch . 2. Disregardful of re " PAPAN . 4 . One kind of banana. proof. PĀPĀGATĀ, v. 1. to be difficult to 5. The name of a fish .
bring to perch . 2. To disregard rock, a board, nose, & c.; redup. ! reproof. PĀPAPAPA. PAPAGI, a. palsied in the fingers PAPA, v. to be flat, level; redup. or toes.
PaPA, a . plain , level, flat, as a PĀPAPAPA.
PĂPĀ, v. to miscarry, to abort.
PAPAGI, v. to be palsied in the fingers or toes.
PĂPĀ, a. miscarried, aborted . •0 PAPAGO, a. difficult to deal with. le tama păpā. O le tagata papago.. PĀPĀ, s. 1. a general name for the PAPALA, 8. a sore, an ulcer. titles of high chiefs. “Ua te' a PAPALA, v. to have an ulcer, to be le pāpā į Lealātaua . 2. One ulcerated.
method of fishing . PAPALA, a. pl. of PALA , rotten . PĀPĀ, v. 1. pl. of PA. 2. To bleed PAPALA, v. to be rotten , of tiga at the nose. “Ua pāpā toto le isu . | pula . PAPA AEGATA, v. to cease from , as | PAPALAUAAU, s, a rocky reef. coming, or doing evil. PAPĀLAGI, 8. a foreigner. O lāna PAPAE, v. to take supper with a papalagi. chief or with visitors. As PAEPAE . | PAPĀLAGI, a, foreign. PAPAE, v. to be equal, alike. 'A PAPALAMĀSEI, 8. anything causing olē papae na fugătao ma Le- a blemish , especially an ulcer. tuamāsaga . PAPALE, v. 1. to go to the aid of, PAPAELE, 8. earth stone, rotten to lend assistance, as a younger brother to an elder one, or chil. stone. PAPAI, 8. one kind of necklace. dren to their father. 2. To go PAPA'I, v. redup. of PĀʻI, to arrive. and be chief or orator of a land Ona papa'i ifo lea sa Tagaloā . which had none. 3. pl. of PALE. PAPALILII, 8. a fine house-mat. PAPA 'I'ILA, 8. a bare rock . PAPAO, v. redup. of Pao, to forbid. O lāna papalili'i o le fale. PĀPĀ‘O A, v. to be hardened by too PAPALU, v. 1. to plant land which much oʻa , of siapo. has been laid waste, or left. 2. PAPAOFO, s. a rock rising above Apprehendere testes, in quar ·PAwater, or above ground . relling . PAONE, 1 s. sandstone. PAPANI, 8. the oross poles of a PAPAONEONE, scatfoldling .
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PAPĀNOʻU, 8.the lower part of the PASAPASA. Pisipisi, pasapasa.Sufi. backbone. PAPANU , v. 1. to be bedaubed, as PASAPASAʻI, v, to spread abroad
with mud, & c. 2. To be daubed | wbat was secret. on thickly,as colouring of siapo, Pasi, v. to be wearied , of the eyes or paint. 3. To be overdone , and ears ; pl. PAPASI; redup. with sinnet, as posts of a house. PASIPASI. 'Ua papasi mata . See PĀNUPANU. Pasā, v. to strike against and
PĀPAPAPA, a. from papa, even , glide off. level, as a rocky road . Pasu, a. large ; pl. PAPASU ; redup. PAPASI, v. pl. of Pasi, to be wearied PASUPASU . of one another, as a man and Pasu, v. to be large; pl. PAPASU ; PASUPAS redup. U. wife. PAPATA, 8. 1. the name of a shell- Pasuvi, v. to be very great. "Ua
fish. 2. Anythiug done quickly . *Ua se papata “o ia.
tele lava , 'ua pasuvi. PATA, 8. one kind of banana.
Papata, a. 1. large patterned . Pata, a. coarse, of sand . “Ole one pata . th Of clo ", of 2. Of a coarse texture, cloth Pata, v. to be swollen, to be and mats. lumpy, as the skin from eruptive PAPATE, a . pl. of PATE . PĀPATETELE, 8. 1. a coarse house mat. 2. A woman who has
complaints, or from bites of insects .
committed fornication , while pro- PĀTA, a. blustering,bullying,when fessing to be a virgin . | help is near ; redup. PĀTAPATA. PAPATI, v. pl. of PATI. PATAŠINAʻAʻAI, v. to waste food after PĀPATOA , 8. 1. a bare rock . Syn. I being satisfied . PATAFATU , 8. the name of a tree PAPAʻlʻILA . 2. An eunuch , PĀPATOA, v. to be an eunuch. 'O ( Euphorbiacea ). le ali i nei e pāpatoa, “a e sau PĀTAGALOA, 8. the name of a fish . noa fua į tamaita 'i. .
PAPATŪ, 8. 1. a standing rock that PĀTAGATA, 8. lit. a wall of men , a number of people standing side cannot be moved . 2. A coura geous man. 3. A hard-working by side. man . PĀTAMEMEA, \ 8. 1. red gum . 2. PĀPĀTŪ, v. 1. to crack while PĀTAMŪMŪ, ' } Patches of red in standing,as a tree about to fall. | the skin of infants. 2. To get reports beforehand of PATAPATA, a . tall. Syn. TINOʻE-E. PĀTASI, 8. 1. a village wall to shut something about to happen . PAPĀTUA, 8. the small of the back . in pigs. 2. From v. pa and tasi, ' O lona papātua . a single clap of thunder,
PĀPĀTUA,“ v. to clap the wings, PĀTATĒ, v. to make a hammering as a pigeon when starting off to or chopping poise. Syn. PĀ' . PĀTATŪ, v. to resound , as the beat fly . PapĀVA‘ELO, 8. the nameof a fish. ing of the mat drum at a night PAPĀVAO, 8. a part of the bush not dance, & c. PATE,
a .middle-aged ; pl. PAPATE , cut by carpenters. PAPEVA, v. 1. to stumble from PATE, v. to be middle -aged ; pl. twisting the foot. 2. To make PAPATE. PĀTĒ, 8. a small wcoden drum , - a mistake in speaking. PĀSAMI, v. to reach to the sea ; carriedTahiti on the arm . Introduced . of the bush, or people. A lē liva le tuli, 'ua pāsami. | PATEALOMEA, a . middle-aged . O
( 241 )
PEI isi“ua patealomea ,ʻo isi‘ua , teine PE,‘atoaconj.Savai'i or, whether. Pe tofu muli. ? See Po. -
PATEMAIVASA, 8. a name given to lo and pala‘ia when larger than usual. PATĒTŐ, v. to make a noise, as a dog when drinking, or children drumming on a log of wood ; redup. PATĒTOTĒTO. PATI, 0. 1. to clap hands. 2. To smite the hands together, a sign of grief on receiving bad news, also in wonder and joy ; pl. PAPATI; redup. PATIPATI. PATILIMA, o. to clap hands.
PE, 8. a restrictive particle in counting, as tasi pe, only one. PE ANE ! interj. O that. (Utinam .) Pea, adv. still, continually, yet. Fai pea si a lātou mane. PEA, v. be quiet. Pea 'oe, said to a crying child PEA, v. in poetry for fa'apea, to say thus. Oi auē, a pea mai lavu . PEʻĀ, adv. when (future). PEʻA, 8. 1. a large bat, or “ flying fox ” (Pteropus Keraudrenii, Q . and G .; Pt. Samoensis, Peale ; PĂTINO, v. 1. to deliver a message and Pt. Whitmeei, Alston . Also to the person himself for whom called Manulagi). 2. A title of it is intended. 2. To cleave to, nobility. as a child to its parent. PEAU, 8. a wave. Peau o le sami. Paro, 8. the Muscovy duck . Intro PEAUA, a. rough, boisterous, of the sea . duced from Tahiti. PEAVĀ, v. to be rough, of the Parā, 8. a scrofulous swelling. Patē, v. to have a scrofulous sea. swelling. PEAUSOLOGĀ, 8. waves subsiding, Patu , 8. a fatty tumour. down the slope of which the canoe glides. PATUA, a . having a patu . PATUMIMI, 8. a kind of phymosis PEAUTAGATA, 8. very rough waves, occasioned by the operation of the boat swamped anıl men and waves mixed up together. tafao. PATUPATU, a. lumpy. PEAPEA, v. to act thus, to continue PATUPATU, v. to be lumpy. thus. Anei peapea pogia . Syn . PATUPATU , 8. the name of a shell FAIFAI. fish which burrows in mud . PEʻAPEʻA, 8. 1. the swallow (Collo PATUTU, v. to beat, as a wife ; to calia spodiopygia ). 2. A child's beat to death , as a pių. Syn . toy, PALUTU . PEAPEA ANE, v. to move away, to Pava, 8. the name of a tree. stand aside. PAVĀ, v. to speak evil, to Use bad PEAPEAFUA, v. to do causelessly. language. Da ‘e peapeafua lava . PĀVA'I, v. the name of an old PEAPEAFUA, adv. canselessly. Oi cripple who used to talk while lau tama e, 'a uofonofo peapece
lying down ; lence, to talk lying
fua .
PEʻAPEʻAVAI, 8. the nameof a small semicaudata). bat (Emballonura PĀVALI, 8. a plastered wall. Syn . APAʻAUVAI. PE,2 . s.Rotten 1. the breadfruit. matter of an abscess. PEʻEPEʻE, 8. 1. a number of ufilei growing together. 2. A sauce PE, v. 1. to be dead , of trees and ma le of the expressed juice of down.
PĂvao, v. to reach to the bush.
animals. 2. To be extinguished , cocoa-nut. as fire. 3. To be dead low , as Per, v . 1. to be broken , as a cup. the tide. 4 . To be dried up , as 2 . To be broken in halves, as a water ; pl. PĚPĒ. Syn .MATE .
I cocoa-nut. 3. To be divided , as R
( 242 )
the malo ; pass. PEIA. E, Fua- PENA, 8. 1. a knife. 2. A snare, a fa 'atali pei le mālo. noose. ' O lāna pena. L'EI, 8. a tree covered with robber. PENA, 0. 1. to cut up , as a pig. crabs (Birgus latro ). On Manu'a . 2. To snare ; redup. PENAPENA ; Pei, adv. like. Pei se tino o se pa88. PENAINA. Sau inā momotu va 'a ,ma iato . le fue e pena ai le la ; pl. PEPENA. Pei, adv. like as if, as though . As Penā , adv. about this time. Penă PEISEA'T. i se aso ‘ua oʻo mai. PEIFAI, conj. if. Peifai ane ua oʻu | PENAGA, 8. the cutting up of many taʻu upu .- SOLO IA SAGATEA. fishes. Peiga, s. the dividing of the mālo . PENAPENA, v. to soap the head. Peisa‘I, conj. but. See PEITA ‘I. Used to chiefs instead of u'u . PEisEa7, adv. like as if, as though . PENEI, adv. like this, about this PEITA'I, conj. but. time. “0 Fuo le mauga talusā
PEFEA, adv. interr. how about ? ua tātou penei ai. Ana penā, ana pefea ? 'A e pefea PENU, 8. scraped cocoa-nut. 'O le ali i? ai a fasia . A peculiar lāna penu . use is, Ne'i ai se pefea, lest any . Penu, a. old and soft, as siapo ; thing should happen to someof us. | redup. PENUPENU. PEFEA, v. to do with , to control; PENU, v. to be old and soft, of pa88. PEFEAINA. 'A 'ou pefeaina siapo ; redup. PENUPENU. | PENUPENU , 8. i. the name of a fish . finagalo o na sauali' i. PEFU, 8. 1. salt water crystallised 2. An old ragged siapo. Syn . on the body. 2. Small weeds TA'AFI. hanging about a fishing-net. 3. PEPE, Malay, PEPEUL. 8. 1. a Dust. On Tutuila . butterfly. 2. The corners of the PEFUPEFUA, a . 1. covered with salt. round end of a native house. 'O pepe o le fale. 2. Dusty.. On Tutuila . PELA, 8. the name of a fish. Syn. PEPE, v. to flutter about ; redup. FILOA. PEPEPEPE. Na pepe le tau manu . PELĀ , adv. as if, as though . PEPĒ, v. pl. of PE . PELE, a. dear, beloved, petted ; | PEPEʻA , v .from pe'a, to have a strong smell, peculiar to some natives. redup. PELEPELE. PELE, 8. a beloved one. I seʻi e te'a PEPEʻAVA, 8. one kind of butterfly. PEPEʻE, v. to be crippled by warts i ou pele. PELE, v. 1. to be beloved, petted on the soles of the feet. 2 . To take care of, as a canoe, PĒPEIGALĒMŪ, v. to be broken in house, & c. ; pass. PELEINA ; re dup. PELEPELE.
halves, as a cocoa -nut. PEPE 'U , a. decrepit. See PEPELU. .
PELĒ, v. to serenade, to sing in PEPE'U, v. 1. to be decrepit. 2. To front of a bouse, in order to get
be disgusted , as with filth or abusive language. | PEPEFUI, 8. one kind of butterfly . PELEPELEGA, 8. loving , a taking PEPELO , 8. a lie. 'O lāna pepelo. care of. Ni ā ea o tātou pele PEPELO , a . lying. 'Ole tala pepelo. PEPELO , v. to lie, to deceive ; pa88. pelega ? PELU, 8. a sword . (Introduced .) PELOGIA ; redup. PELOPELO . PEPELU, a . decrepit. See PEPEⓇU . O lāna pelu. food .
PELUʻl, 8.à billhook. (Introduced.) PEPENA, v. pl. of PENA. PELUPELU, 8. l. one kind of yam . PEPENU, v. to be dry, as the core 2. The nameof a fish, sometimes of a vi, or blighted sugar-cane, fatally poisonous.
1 or very dry taro.
PIL PEP ( 243 ) PEPEPEⓇAPEʻA, 8. one kind of butter- | PiʻI, 8. a trip up, in wrestling. 'Ua lave le piti . - fly . PEPEPEPE, 8. the name of a shrub Pi' , a. curly. 'O le lauulu pi'i. Piél, v. to be curly, of hair. (Adenostemma viscosum ). Piél, v. 1. to draw up, as pola of a PEPEPEPE, 0. redup. of PEPE. PEPESAMA, house. 'Ua faʻanati i le pola e PEPESINA, | 8. names of butterflies. pi'i. 2. To cling to. 3. To fold, PEPETOJA, PEPETALA, 8. a great talker, a To trip up in wrestling ; pl. FEPIŠITI ; pass. PI'ITIA . PI'IGOGI. An obscene word . PEPETI, a. pl. of PETI. PESE, 8, a song, a hymn. ' O lāna PrʻILIMA, v. to fold the arms; a sign of distress. Maile o eva pese.
PESE, v. to sing; pl.PEPESE ; redup. piʻilima ai le fa'ataóesega o Gogo. dimin. PESEPESE. Ona alu lea, Piimau, v. to cling firmly. Pi'IPA, s. a shrub. fai lāna umu, má pese. PĒSEGA, 8. singing accompanied by PiʻIPAPA, 8. a cold wind, which · music. Pei ni pesegå fua i | causes people to cling to a rock . muli-au e toto. . PI'IPIʻI, a redup. of PIʻl, curly. PESEPESE, 0, to call out, as to the PrʻIPIŠI, v. to cling together for steersman by one on the look warmth . out. PI'IPIʻI,8.one kind of fee (Octopus). Pesi, v. 1. to beat upon , as a storm . PI'ITAGA, 8. a person through whom 'Ua pesi mai le afā. 2. To come 1 others are connected with a with force, as an epidemic. 3. | family . To dash down on the ground . 4. PIʻITIA, v. pass. of PrʻI, to pursue ; To comein large quantities, as a as an enemy. 'O ai lē piʻitia maina le tuli ? PETI, v. fat, good -conditioned, as PITTULI, v. to pursue closely.
animals and bananas ; pl. PEPETI. PI'IVAʻA, v. to stick to the canoe, as PETI, v. to be fat, to be in good a good steering paddle, making condition ; pl. PEPETI. . it easy to steer. PETOGI, 0. to throw at, to stone : Pro, a. 1. crooked. 2. Wrong, in a moral sense ; pl. PIPI‘O ; redup. pass. PETOGIA . See FETOGI. PETUMAI. Syn. AOLAGIA and FA- PIŠOPIO. NOLOA. From petumai. The Pio, v. to be crooked ; pl. PIPI‘O ; Waning moon again appears. redup . PrʻOPIO ; pass. PI‘OINA. PEVA, 8. 1. the name of a sca ! Ua pi'o ma nito. cucumber (Holothuria). 2. fig . 4 Pi'oi, v. to make crooked, to be A weak map . perverse ; redup. PI‘OPIOI. PI, v. to make a slapping noise, as Piu, 8. 1. as niupiu , a fan -palm (Pritchardia Pacifica ). 2." An a fish in a trap ; redup. PIPI. Pia, 8. arrowroot ; masoā is now umbrella . used , because pia is an obscene Pili, 8. one class of lizards. 'Ua word . lauiloa e pilima se. PIAPIA, 8. froth of the sea, or of a Pilia, v. to be caught, to be lodged pot boiling. in , to be entangled, as one true
PIAPIAÕ, 8. 1. an outcry, a shout
falling against another, & c.
ing. Syn . Pisa 'o. 2. A child - PILIALOSAMA, PILIO ‘UA, ren's game. } 8. names of lizards. Plasua, 8. arrowroot cooked with PILIULI, juice of expressed cocoa -nut. | PILILEOFETIŠI,) R 2
РОА PILIMATE, 8. a term of reproach to PIPISI, 0. 1. to be infectious, to a uselessmember of a family. be contagious. 2. To be influ - ' PIL
( 244 )
PILIPILI, v. to be near, to approach ; || enced by example ; pass. PISIA. pl. PIPILI. "Ua pipili tia, 'a 'ua PIPITALA , 1 s. varities of the cockle .
PIPITŪT mamao ala . Proverb . Pilita, s. the name of the lena on PIPIVĀIVAÍ, 8. a less advanced stage Tutuila (Dioscorea pentaphylla ). in the growth of the chestnut PILITI, 8. the name given to the fruit than PIPIMÁLOSI. fresh -water prawn by somechiefs Pisa, 8. a noise, a confusion of whose emblem it is . 'Oifea le voices. "Aua la le pisa , "aua le vā. piliti ? 'au mai inā faʻafeao. Pilo, v. pedere ; pl. PIPILO ; redup. Pisao, 8. an outcry, a shouting ; PILOPILO . redup. PISAPISAO. PINE, 8. fry , a shoal of small fishes. PISAGÁVAE, 8. the inner side of the
thighs. 'O le pine lo. PINE, a v. PISAT be long time; to redup. ALAU , 8. an outcry. Syn . PIPINE. It is always used nega- | Pisao.
tively, E lē pine.
Pisi, v. 1. to splash with water ;
PINEPINE, v. to be confined , to be · pa88. PISIA ; redup. PISIPISI. 2. To
shut in. Applied to a place
fall. On Upolu .
where the reef is near the shore. Pisia, v. pass. 1. to be infected, as PIPI, s. 1. the cockle. 2. Thename with a contagious disease. 2. To of a tree. Auē fia pale i pipi o be influenced by evil eximple. Matā i. Pisu, v. to be spread abroad , as a Pipi, 8. the turkey, so called from report. PITO, 8, the end of anything, as its cry. pitola'au . It cannot stand by Pipi, v. pl. of PI. PIPIA , a . full of cockles. itself without having a bad PIPI'l, v. to stick to, to adhere to, meaning to cling to ; pl. FEPIŠITI; pass. PITOAO, v. to be overshadowed by PIŠITIA ; recip . FEPI'ITA 'I. the edge of a cloud ; pass. Pipi'o , a . pl. of Pióo . PITOAOA . Pirro, s. 1. a man having crooked PITOPITO, 8. anus.
ways. 2. One kind of banana. Po, s . night. ' O lona po tolu Syn . FAʻASEʻE. Nai tama e lē blind. 3. To have war. 4. To pipiu fütio. be conquered ; pass. POGIA, to be PIPICE, Is the name of a man benighted. Na pogia ma lāna PIPIUEFUA, I expected by his wife, 'ulafala ; double pass. POGIAINA. but he did not come. Of a false Po, v. 1. to slap. 2. To seize or report or a false expectation . catch , as an owl or cat its prey ; PIPIFAIAVA , 8. 'ava, scraped . pass. Po ‘ia. PIPILI, 8. a cripple. 'O le pipili leo Po, adv. by night. «Uu sau po. Po, conj. whether, or. Po ou te foaga . PIPILI, v, 1. to be a cripple. 2. pl. alu , po ‘ou te nofo ? of PILIPILI. Poa, pass. of Po . PIPIMĀLOSI, 8. an advanced stage in Poa, 8. one kind of yam having a the growth of the chestnut fruit. fragrant odour. Po‘a, a . large. See LAPOʻA . PIPINE, 8. the name of a fish . PoʻA , 8. a male animal. PIPINE, v. redup. of PNE. Pirisi, a. contagious. O le maʻi Po‘Al. Syn . FAʻAPOʻA . | PosloĀ, a. fishy-smelling. μίρίεί.
Pipil, v. to glide on the waves, Po, v. 1. to be niglit. 2 To be
POG PoʻE, 0. to be afraid ; redup. Po- POUFESISI, 8. the posts round thio
( 245 )
eaves of a house. (Phaleria sp .). Its wood is very
Po‘ELEʻELE, O. to be night. The POUMULI, s. the name of a tree sun having gone under the earth .
POEVAGA, 6. of a number of people durable. walking or playing games at PoʻUPOʻUA, a . covered with pimples. night, especially in the moon Po‘UPOʻUA, v. to be covered with light pimples. Neë iloa e Sina lona Poi, s. 1. the name of a small fish . tino 'ua poʻupoʻua . 2. A gameon mud flats. POUPOUʻI, 0. redup. of POUʻI, 1. To Poi, v. to venerate, to pay deference put posts into a house. 2. fig. to, to stand in awe of; redup. To support, to bear up, as a sick POPOI, POIPOL. person . 3. To remain stationary Po:ī,v . to kill flies by slapping . in a family. Po‘i, 8. a name of contempt for a POUTŐ, s. the central posts of a house. young man , or a person with an ulcer. Porea, ado. where ? As Poifea ?
Po‘īA, 0. pass. of Po, to slap , & c . ' Pofea 'o é ai Sina ? POIFEA, ado, where ? Also POFEA ? PĪGĀ, v. to grow up as a report Poifea le ala i le nu-u ? away in the bush ,but known in POIPOI, a word used in songs. the villages. E põgā é vao, 'a e Meaning unknown. “Ua poipoi | eu ena lia'jina i ala . Proverb . e a oailolo.
POIPO, 8. a shoal of poi.
POGAI, S. the root, the stump of a tree, & c. “O le pogai o le lāʻau .
POʻITAU, v. to be a long time, to be POGAIISU, S. the nostrils. of long standing. POGAIMATA, s. the inner corner of Po‘OPOʻ0 , s. clitoris.
the eye.
8. & post, a pillar. O le pou POGAMATA , s. the eye of a cocoa Pou, o le fale. nut, taro, & c. Po‘u, 8. a pimple. 'Olona poʻulo | POGAPOGA, 8. 1. the worm -eaten end Pouʻl, v . to be firm , as if a post of a of a bunch of bananas. 2. The house ; redup. POUPOUʻI. 'Ua ! name of a small basket taken to Tuitana or Tui- Atua which pou 'i le tu , e Tē toe alu .
POU'OFE,8. the stand of the fishing marked their chieftainship. Sa rod. o le Tue-Atua ‘o le ‘ato pogapoga . POUOLEISU,8. the septum of the nose. POGAPOGĀ, v. redup. of POGĀ , to be alone. POULA, 8. a night-dance. POULA, v. to have a night-dance; | POGATI, s. flat slabs, like buttresses pass . POULAINA. at the root of trees. Syn . LAPA . POULI, v.to be darkened ,to be dim ; pogati o le laʻaui. pass. POULIGIA ; redup. POULIULI. POGI, a .harsh, sour, severe, crabbed , Ua pouli oʻu mata. mostly of the countenance. POULIULI, 8. 1. darkness. 2. fig. | POGIA, d. pass. of Po ; double priss.
Ignorance. 'O lona pouliuli.
POGIAINA. · Na liu 'ula se nuću e
POULIULI, U. 1. to be dark. 2. To pogiaira le tamālod . be ignoraut. In a good sense | POGIPOGI, 8. twilight. it implied innocence. 'Ua pou POGISĀ , Malay, BUNGI, 8. darkness. liudi alií o le 'au Maile. As Syn. POULIULI. now used itmeans only to be in POGISĀ, v. to be quite dark. mental darkness. Pass. POULIGIA . | POGITAI, o. to look cross, of fisher A respectful salutation at night. men after a quarrel, or at the *Ua pouligia mai. sight ofbeggars.
POL ( 246 ) PON POLA, s. a plaited cocoa -nut leaf, POLO , 0. to cut up , to carve a fish of
used to enclose the sides of a a pig ; pass. POLOA. 'Ua polo le 1:01se. “Ua fa'anati i le pola el piaʻa, 'ua ta'ape. pi'i.
POLOA'I o 1. to send a message to,
Põlago, s. lit. a fy-killer ; a young to command a person at a dis. lad, in contempt. tance. 2. To leave commands, POLANI, 8. one kind of cocoa-nut as when going a journey or leafmat, used to wrap up things. dying ; redup. POLOPOLOAʻI; pass. POLANI, v. 1. to wrap in a polani. | POLOA“IINA. 2. To carry in a polani, as a pig . | POLOA'IGA, 8. a message or com POLAPOLA, 8. 1. a double pola ,used mand to one at a distance. "O to carry food to chiefs. 2. A lāna poloaʻiga.
POLOITE, 8. i. one kind of polo flat-built canoe. POLAPOLAMAGITI, 8.a cocoa-nut leaf (Capsicum ). 2. The name of a god . mat shutter. POLATA, 8. 1. a layer of the trunk POLGA, 8. a slave. O lona pologa. of a banana tree. 2. Firewood . | POLOGĀ, a. mouldy ; redup. POLO So called before chiefs, instead POLOGĀ. POLOGĀ, v. to be mouldy ; redup. of fafie. POLATĀUFAFO, 8. 1.the outside pola POLOPOLOGĀ. of a house. 2. fig. Strangers, POLOVA ), 8. the name of a plant having no connection with the (Solanum ). family. E lē tioa , o le polatāu- POLUALUA, v. to be a short time. fafo. " Ua polualua o lupe. POLATĀUFALE, 8. the inner pola of POMALAE, v. 1. dark in the Malae. E i ai le muāgagana nei, '0 le a house. POLĀVAʻA, 8. plaited cocoa - nut pomalae. 2. A word in club matches: not to know a friend, but only to desire victory . POLENUʻU , v. lit. it is night in the Pona, 8. 1. a knot, as in a rope, & c . land, to die, of Te'o. 2. A joint of sugar-cane or bam POLEPOLE, 8. a portion of food for a boo . 3. A lump. 4. A fault. O lona pona. favourite child . POLEPOLE , 0. to eat a part of some Ponā, a . faulty. food , leaving the bulk to be | Ponā, v. to be faulty. · divided out. | Ponaata, 8. the throat, that part POLEPOLEVALE, 0. 1. to palpitate, of called Adam 's Apple. Olona the heart. 2. To be distressed ponaata . in mind. PoNĀivi, 8. the projecting bones, POLESEU, 0. 1. to be in a hurry to the joints. "O ona ponāivi. catch at, as a pigeon about to be | Ponaua, 8. See PONĀATA. seu by another. 2. To snatch PONĂULI, 8.the budding of the fruit what others were attempting to of breadfruit. get. PonĂULI, v. to begin to develop, of PolilŤ, 8. a second crop of taro | the fruit of the breadfruit. leaves used to cover a canoe.
from the same ground. PONAULIA, a. mildewed, applied Politý, v. 1. to have a second crop / only to nets.
of taro. 2. To strike a second PONAULIA, 0. to be mildewed, of blow . 3. To repeat a bad word . nets. Polo, 8. 1. a bamboo knife. 2. PÕNAPONA, a. knotty, lumpy . Several plants belonging to the PÕNAPONA, a. tall and well formed . genera Capsicum and Solanum . PÕNAPONA, v. 1. to be knotty, to
РОТ be lumpy. 2. To be knotty and POPOLE, v. to be in trepidation, to
( 247 )
well formeil. 'Ua põnapona i l be flurried , to be anxious ; pa88. luga 3. To begin to develop, of POLEGIA ; redup. POLEPOLE. | POPOLE, v. See POLEPOLE . the fruit of breadfruit. PONAPONĀVAE, 8. the ankle. ' O POPOLEÍFOTU, v. afraid of the foto fastened to the spear. lona ponaponāvae.
Punatia, v. piss. from pona, 8. to PÕPĀMĀLĒ, v. to beg the mālo to come in contact with a lump, as remain tirm . the foot treading on a stune PUPONA, 8. the name of a tree. PONE, s. the name of a fish (Acan POPONA, v. pl. of PONAPONA. thurus).
POPONA, v. 1. to have knots, as a
Ponor, v. to do a thing frequently,
tree ; hence, 2. To liave faults,
as cating,sending messages, ask ing ior property , & c.
'Ua popona le toa i le fetulaiga nei. 3. To bulge out, as the
PopĀ, s. nights of pa .
breasts of a youiig girl; or, as
PUPO, 8. 1. a cocoa-nut fully ripe. the point of a spear passing 2. A pig given at the birth of a through the body and raisin : child for a fe.ist. the skin into a lump on thu Popo, a. dry ; pl. POPOPO. opposite side. Pupo, v. 1. to be dry, as clothes, an POPOPO, v. 1. pl. of POPO, to be dry. old canoe, & c. ; pl. POPOPO ; re-
2. To be full of cocoa-nuts . Syn .
dup. POPOPOPO. 2. To return Popoa. property because dissatisfied POPOPOPU, v. redup . intens. of PUPO , wi
th it. to be very dry. Popā, v. redup.dimin. of Po, to pat POPOSE, a. 1. dim -sighted . 2. Dull gently, as a child in order to of understanding. Va popose le uta . quiet it to sleep . Popoa, a. 1. abounding in POPO. POPOTEĀ, v. to be dry and inclining
2. Fishy-smelling. See PoAPOĀ. | to rot. POPOA, v. 1. to abound in popo. POPOTEĀ, a. inclining to rot. 2. To have a fishy smell. POPOTO, a . and v. pl. of POTO. POPOTO, a . 1. round, as the trunk PopoʻA, a. pl. of poʻA, large. PÕPÕAʻ1, v. 1. to be many nights in of a tree. 2. Well-shaped, as a well-formed man . a place. 2. To be long ago. POPO‘E, a. 1. timid , frightened. PÕPÕTŪ, v. to be swollen , to be pot bellied , from disease . 2. Weak ofbody. POPOʻE, v. to be afraid , to be timid . PŌPŪTŪ , 8. a small white crab. Ou te taliu, ia e popoe. See PÕPÕTUʻU, s. an appointed time. Ou te tulia nzai ni popotuíu o le POʻE . Popoʻo, v. to look longingly. Ua folau. Popua, 8. a blowhole in the cliffs, popoo mața i le fạnau .
POPOULI, 8. the popo in its best through which the waves send a fuuntain of spray. stage of ripeness. POPOGA, a. 1. staring, as the eyes | Popua, a . rugged, rocky. of an owl. 2. Looking carnistly, Po-E, v.from TAHITIAN pohe, to die ; as expecting a share of foud or
used jocularly. Eāti a ta pose,
property being divided. | Posē, v. to catch crickets. PUPOGI, 0. 1. to scowl. 2. To be | POTA, 8. plain -cooked taro leaves.
dark, to be dizzy,as when feeling ! O lāna pota. faint. 3. To begin to be blind. Puto, 8. 1. a hard -working man. 2. POPOGI, 8. the dim morning light. Wisdom . 'Olona poto. 3. A o le popogi o le taeao.
short-legged aviós .
POT ( 248 Puto, a. 1. hard -working. Syn . MANAFA . 2 Wise ; pl. POPOTO . Pot OTO . to be wisewis ; pl. POPcom POTo), OALv.AUL
PU 'E fused , as an odour, good or bad . 2. Applied to a report spread abroad . Syn. GANAGANA. " Pua man
" iina le ogi o Letułu'iga . Vomi.t. O lona pua'iga . Pua Poroi, v. to press into a heap, to Puno'iga , s.,a8.mist OA, 8.
to all.
gather into a lump, as wet arrow - | Puada, a. misty , of the eyes. Potoi, 8. 1. a cake, a loaf. 2. A Punonaoa,mata. to. be misty. *Ua puaoa lump, as of arrowroo . sono POTOIAGAFULU , a . ten , t.in counting PUAL the voic as Iʻ1,a e. rous,deep-sounding , root.
potoi ; pötoilua , twenty,and so on . | PuĀLULU, s . the name of a tree. POTOPOTO , 8. a small portion of PUANEA, a . distant, afar off on the fish or pork . ains, vao māoa POTOP . ' Oo OTO , v. to assemble, to gather mount le tagat a o beyon sau įduta i le vao together ; pass . POTOPOTOINA. puanea . POTOPOTOGA, 8. a gathering, an | PŪANEVA, 8. a shrub . (On Ma assembly . 'O le potopotoga o le nu 'a .) nufu .
Potu , 8. 1. the siapo screen from behind which an aitu spoke. 2 Thewhite border of siapo. 3. A room . ( Introduced from the Tong O lonaunsupotu POVALE ,an.) cces. sful in to be v. fishing
PUANIVAI, banan s of of a specie name UA, S.8. the | PUAP a a.tree (Guettarda speciosa.). | PUAPUA'I, 8, a small fish -trap. PUAPUAGĀ, 8. pain , distress, toiment of min puāg a.d' or budy. 'O lona pua
. ỦAGĀ , a.. painf POVALEA , 0. 1. to be conquered . ) PūAP distre ssing feau, Pe ul, se torme à le nting
O povalea le itufia. 2. To have PỦApuapuagă , ina óra e sau fu'alā ? PỦAGĂ, D. to be tormented ; a chief die . "Ta povalea trum le nu'u . PUAPUAGĀ
pet pass . Pu, s. 1. a hole. * 2. A TIA . shell, a trumpet. O lāna pu . PUAPUĀLALOʻULU , 8. a weed ( Plec 3. The anus. 'O lona pr . 4 . tranthus Forsteri). · The vagina . O lona pu . PUĀTIALI, 8. the plant four-o'clock Pu, v. to have a hole in.“ Jalatppa). (Mira Pra , v. 1. the name of a tree (Gar- | PuʻA at the west end VA,bili e, as poin
denia sp.). 'A fatifati le pua of Savai'i off which the sea is vi'i Tigilau . 2. The name of a very rough . fish . 3 . The mouth of a fish - | Puava, 8. See PUVA 'AVAA. trap . VAI, PUʻA , 8. 1. the name of a tree (Her - PuĀtree . 4. the name of a large nandia peltata ). 2. The iris of | PuĀVAO , 8. the name of a tree the eye .
Bertemoun rianad). of earth in ( Fagræ PuĀINAFO , s. . a shoal of bonito. Syn . Pu’E, 8. 1.a the yam e oroftaro is plant PuĀ, v. to he bad - flavoured , as | which as ineda. a curve, 2. The amiddl water long kept. bow ,0.the fau oftoa house, & c. of ; catch hold PUAʻA , 8. from the English pork , PUŠE, to seize, 1. a pig . 2. Pork . 3. An ani- pl. PUPUʻE ; pass. PUʻEA. I puée, mal, generally. 'Olāna pua'a . litao ma ni ali'i. PUAʻl, v. to be sick , to vomit ; pass . PUʻETA, 8. a fit of the elephantiasis, PUA‘IINA a fitGAof, 8.ague . 'Ohinglona PUA 'IINA, .v. 1. to emit, to be dif - | PUʻE 1. catc , aspuof'eia.a pig
( 249 )
or a thief. 'O le puóega a pua'a. ' exclamation of triumph in the 2. A fit of a disease. game of tagati-a . PUIĀ MANU E, a chorus to a song . Pula, v. to shine, to be yellow , as Themeaning is lost. ripe fruit. PUIA'I, 8. a place sheltered from the Pula, 8. a general name for yellow wind .
PUIĀIGA, 8. a family living under PuLĀ, 8. the eyes ; a term of the same roof. 'O lo latou pui abu: e, probably a corruption of αίgα. “ bloody .”
Puri, 8. a small pig. A jocular Pula, interj. the answer of a person term . sneezing to the exclamation , PUIMANAVA, 8. the liypogastric re | Soifua ! gion . 'O lona puimanava. | PULA A, 8. a species of wild taro. PUIPUI, 8. 1. a door. 2. A parti | PULA‘au, one kind of pula . tion . O lona puipui. PulaŰ, s. a species of wild taro. PUIPUI, v. to shiut, to shut off, to | PULA Ū, s. rotten taro. PULLAAU'LI PU USOL, EGA, le varieties of the pula .. PULAFELO , I pula it PUOUFATU , PULAFUI, 8. a speciesvariofetie wild taro. PUOUTALU,0; } 8. varieties of puou . PULĀLUPE , s of the s. MANU Puoso , 8. the part of a canoe under PULA , ʻA NEFU PULA ' . pula . the balf-deck . shut up ; pass. PUIPUIA .
PūIT ofdfru the hole the ear. A , 8.kind . 8. one Puou,ALIG of brea
PUʻu, 8. a fowlhaving short legs. PULAPā , v. to shine at night, as the PUʻu, v. to put in the mouth whole , glow -worm , & c. Ma le taetuli e to take the whole at one mouth pulapo. ful. 080 mai le aitu , a pu'u . PřLAPÜLA, 8. 1. the root of a tree. PUʻUPUʻU, a. short; pl. PUPU‘U . 2. A slice of yam , to cook or to Pucao, 8. a shell used as a gouge plant. PŪLAPŪLA, v. dimin. of PUPULA, to in canoe-building. PUFATU,8. a shell used as a trumpet. Puga, 8. 1. the general name for
shine a little, as the eyes on re covery from sickness.
the larger kinds of coral. 2. PŪLAPULA , 8. a shining appearance The groin . 3. Disease of the at the bottom of the sea in a groin . place where it is not deep enough PuGĀ, a. mouldy. Only ofmasi. to be dark blue. PugaaLĀ, 8. one kind of puga. PŪLAPULĀLĀGOTO, 1. 1. to shino Pugal. See Pogal. as the setting sun . 2. fig. To PUGAONE, 8. a kind of sandstone. be in the prime of life. "Un Pugaū, 8. a stinging coral. pūlapulālāgoto. PUGAUFI, 8. a species of puga . PULASINA, 8. one kind of pula . PUGAPUGA, 8. sinall pieces of coral, PULATOʻA, v. to stare at, to look fixedly . vel gra
PUKE, interj. catch you ! A word PULAVALE , to stare from fear or used to startle with. It and the anger. nextword were the only instances | PULE, 8. 1. a command, an order. in which the k was used until Le Atua e, tomai sau pule. 2. A the recent corruption of t into k . decision, authority. 3. Certain
villages on Sarai'i which have the direction in councils, and to whom it pertains to apportion PUKETA, interj. 1. as PUKE. 2. Anl food. 4. “ A shellfish (Cypræa See GRAMMAR, P . 1 .
Soʻu fa - |
‘ateʻia , 'a lē te'i, o le aitu ; " a te'i, o le tagata . Puke!
( 250 )
ovula ) having a white shell, used / sun at noon . “Ua pulvu tonu le to adorn canoes. 'Opule o le la ; redup. PULOPULOU, PULOULOU. vaʻa . 'Oāna pule. 5. Î'he gene- PULOULOU, v. tu be covered over ral name for shells of marine molluscs.
with bush , as land. PULOULOU, a . wide-spreading, of a
Pule, v. 1. to order, to command. tree. Syn .Mafalâ. 2. To decide with authority ; PULOTU, 8. 1. the native drum . pass. PULEA ; dimin . PULEPULE. Syn . FA‘AALIʻI. 2. The resi Pulsa, v. to be decreed, of the dence of the guds. O mai la ia, death of a person . Auē, Uga e, i lun sailia i pulotu e. ala mai, lau tama o pulea mai tai. Pulu, 8. 1. glue, gum , resin . 2. PULEAOAO, v. to be supreme. Lead , shot. 3. The husk of the
PULE', v. to be checkered , as old aud new "aso in a house ; to be
cocoa -nut. 4. A variety of ba
nana. O lāna pulu.
mixed alternately, as different | PULU , 8. names of a tree coloured beads in a necklace. PULUELO, (Capparis). PULEOTO , 8. the name of a shellfish . PULUFA'AMA'AMULU, v . to interpose POLEGA, 8. 1. a determination , a or furbid in a half-hearted way,
decision. 2. The partywho carry without earnestness. PULUFAFINE, 8. the inside layer of out the decision. PůLEGA, 8. 1. a conspiracy to kill a cocoa -nut fibre next to the shell. person . 2. The party who carry PULUFANA, 8. shot, a bullet. out the murder. PULUGA, 8. used on Tutuila for asa yapiä on, . PŪLEGA, v. 1. to determine a war. ' O Saveasi'uleo e puleg PULULIMA, v. 1. to clean the hands mai ai taua. 2. To decide to with fibre. 2. To take care of, kill a person or party. as a child , or a plantation well PULEMANAVA, v. to plan in the weeded. heart. 'O pulemanava e toʻese | PULUNAUNAU, v. to be urgent with , ai nei. to importune, to persuade, to constrain . PULENI. See PULEI.
PULEPULE,8.small shellfish (marine | PULUPULU, 8. a large cloth or mollusca) and their shells. wrapper round the whole body. ' O lona pulupulu. PŪLEPULE, a. spotted ; striped with PULUPULU, v. to cover the body various colours. with a cloth . PŪLEPULE, v. to be spotted , to be PULUPULUI, 8. a number of cocoa striped . nuts tied together. PULETA‘IFEʻE, 8. the name of a PULUPULUSI, 8. a high chief's sick shellfish . ness. PULETUA, &. a party opposed to PULUPULUSI, v. to be ill, of a high
PULEPULE, v. to decide secretly.
the Government.
coined word .
( A newly- | chief.
PULUPULUTAʻI, v. to cover up, so as
to take care of. I pulu pulutaʻi Puli, a. a spıcies ofbanana. Pulov , 8. a covering for the head, manū o ali-i. a hat, a bonnet. O lona pulou . | PULUTAI, 8. tlie name of a weed ' O le au uso e toʻaluafulu ma le (Euphorbia ). toʻafā e tofu ma le pulou . Riddle. | PULUTANE, s. the outer fibre of the
Pulou, v. 1. to cover the head, to put cocoa -nut, used to make sinnet. on a hat or bonnet. 2. To cover PuLUTI,Malay,LULUTI,v.to glue, to over with leaves, as the native pitch , to apply pulu to anything. oven . 3 To be overhead, as the | PULUTIA , v. pass. of PUPULU.
POP PUL ( 251 ) PULUVAO, s. the name of a tree PUNIPUNI, V. redup. of PUNI, 1. to (Hodycarya dorstenioides).
shut in , to close in , as many
PULUVAGA, 8. from V. PUPULU, a apertures. 2 . To cover over, as .mecliator. holes i:) a sheet of tutuga. PUMALA, 8. a species of the trumpet | PUNITA, 8. to prevent anger by shell.
stepping in as mediator or peace
PUNA, 8. a spring of water. 'Ole maker, therefore, a peacemaker. PUNITA'I, v. to stop with . puna o le vai. Puna, v. 1. to spring up. 2. To PUNIVAIAʻI, s. lit. blocking up the boil up, to bubble. 3. To re. water-courses, as if with fallen buund, to fly up. It was used chestnuts ; a large crop of chest instead of fiti by Matautu , be nuts. cause of their god Tuifiti. 4. Punou, v. to bow the head, to bend To leap. “Ua 080 puna ; redup. down ; pl. PUNONOƯ ; redup. in PUNAPUNA, PUPUNA. tens. PŨNÕPUNOU, to do intently . PUNA‘E, 8. the name of a bird. Sa ‘ou punopunou atu lava i si a (Pareudiastes Pacificus). ta fāiāiga. PUNA'ia, v. pass. of PUNA, to gush PUNTAMANU, 8. 1. a young bird , forth , of words. especially the tavaće (Phæton PUNAOUPU, 8. a spring or fountain æthereus). 5. A fat child . 3.
PUNALIA, v. pass. of PUNA, a Tutu ila form .
A white head of hair, like the hairs of a young gogo (Sterna). PŪNUPUNU, 8. a cluster of para
PUNAPUNA, v. redup. of PUNA, to ascend , to rise up. Manuʻula e, a puna puna. PUNAPUNAMANUFOU , 8. to begin well and end ill, as one entering a family works well at first, and then falls off. PUNATOTO , 8. menorrbagia ; euph. for tufumea . PUNĀVAI, 8. a spring of water.
Pupa, v. to shut the mouth , to hold the tongue. A term of abuse. PŮPŮ, 8. à clump of trees. O le púpú vao. PŮPŮ, v. to be distressed , to be perplexed , to be agitated . Syn . FEMEMEAʻI. E 'ua păpă mai loto аi ѕе “ири. PŬPŪ , 8. a cliff, a bold coast.
of words, either good or bad .
sitical plants.
PUNEFU, 8. an old man who is PŭPŪ, v. 1. to give out heat, as looked up to as an able councillor. from an aperture in an oven, PUNEFU , a . strong-smelling, as the leaving the food uncooked . 2. ulua, fish often warmed , old To show forth anger, ending in nothing 3. To bear the blame, dirty siapo , & c. PUNEFU, V. to be disordered and while the rest of those involved dirty , as an uninhabited house,
in a matter escape. “Ua păpū
PUNI, 8. a place enclosed to catch fish . PUNIALO,s. the part of the tattooing
ia te ia la lātou mea na fai. Also of children suffering for their parents fault.
under the navel.
PŪPŪ, 8. a sheath , a case. 'O lāna
pūpūv. 1. to gargle. 2. To rinse out PUNIFAGA, v. to be nearly full, of Pūpī, themoon. PŪNIMATAGI, 8. trees planted to themouth . 3. To rinse offa curse. screen houses from the wind. Pupua. Syn . PopUA. "Ua mavae la mātou punimatagi. PUPUʻE, v. 1. pl. of PUʻE. 2. To PŬNIMATAGI, v. to be wind-bound ; have a fit of any complaint pass. PŬNIMATAGIA . which affects two or more parts PUNIPŪ. See GA‘OPUNIPŪ.
of the body, as the teeth , & c.
SA ( 252 ) PUPUIONO, 8. the name of an orna- Puso, 8. 1. the head of a fish or a mental shrub with dark leaves pig. 2. fig. The head -quarters, the seat of authority, the chief - (Acalypha insulana). Pupu-u, a . pl. of PUⓇUPU 'U . division of a village.
PŬPUGA, 8. a person diseased in the Pura, 8. the stomach. groin . Syn . TUTUTE . Puta, a. fat; pl. PUPUTA ; dimin.
PŪPŪGA, 8. from 0. PŪPŪ, the removal of a curse by spirting Cocou-nut juice from the mouth . PUPULA, O. to shine; pl. FEPULAFI; redup. PULAPULA. POPULĀSI, 8. 1. clumps of various plants and trees growing together. 2. Different subjects intermixed in discourse. PUPULĀVAO, 8. the name of a shrub. PUPULE, O. pl. of PULE. V . PUPULU, v. I. to interpose, to medi. ate ; pass. PULUTIA E misa le toʻalua , a e pupulu le to‘alua . 2. To apply pula (gum of bread-
PUTAPUTA. Puta, v. to be fat; pl. PUPUTA ; dimin . PUTAPUTA. PUTAITUFU, 8. 1. the name of a wind at Tufu only. 2. A threat ening ending in nothing. 'O le putaitufu . PUTAGAELE, a. shaking with fat. PUTANU, 8. the hole of the aviói, covered up by itself . PUTE, 8. the navel.
PUTEPUTÉ, 8. the very centre of the mâlo. “ O le puteputē o le mālo, PUTIPUTI, v 1. to grasp all. 2. To hold tightly. fruit). Ina oaetoto e pupulu . Puto, 8. the purse of a pigeon net. PUPULUAVĀLUMUA,s. lit. the media - | Putu , 8. a feast on the death of a tion of Vālumua, a one-sided chief, or after building a wall. mediation. Putu, v. to make a feast. «Ua lē PūPŪLU-LULUTU, v. to rinse the I putu nonofo ia . mouth . PU'TUGA, 8. à feast after building &
Pupuna, v. to boil, to bubble up . I wall. PUPUNI, v. to shut, to enclose ; pass. PUTUNONOFO, v. to continue to feast. PUNITIA ; redup. PUNIPUNI. PUTUPUTU, a. close together. PUIŪSOLO, a . full of holes. PUTUPUTU , v. to be close together. PŪPŪSOLO, v. to be full of holes. PuvĂva, v. to open the mouth , to PUPUTA, 8. one kind of banana. talk . (Only in abuse.) PUPUTA, a . pl. of PUTA. PUVA AVAČA, 8. ribbon . ' Tahitian ;
PUPUTĀMA‘I, v. to be angry , to beTUPUTĀ enraged. Of chiefs. Syn .
now softened to puava.
MA‘I. PUPUVAO, 8. a clump of bush . Pusa, v. 1. to send up a xmoke.
Applied also to spray, dust, and The twelfth letter in the Samoan
vapour. 2. To light an oven ; l alphabet. Pronounced as in - English . Sa, a. forbidden , prohibited. This 8. a sea-eel (Muræna sp. pl.). woril was used formerly to mean Pusi,AIUGA,
pass. PUSAGIA . Pusaloa , 8. a comet. PusI'
sacred , holy, and is still much used in that sense, as, asn 8a,
18. different fale sa, & c.; redup. SĀSĀ. | kinds of SĂ, v. to be prohibited, to be fur pusi (Mu- l bidden ; redup. SĀSĀ. E sa le ræna). | sami, e sa foʻi le lau-ele'ele. Sa, 8. special privileges. “O sa o
( 253 )
Sa, v. to be blind, of a pigeon ; it, so as to avoid trees ; redup. SASAE. applied abusively to a man . Sa, a distributive particle used | SA‘E, v. 1. to upset, as a canoe. 2 . before pronouns, either, one of, To elevate one leg , as in the act as, sa lātou mea , one article of of falling in a club match . theirs. See also So. SX-E, 8. a naked dance. "Ua ta le Sa,perfectand a particle aorist used totenses. mark See the Na. im - SaĒr, săíē.v . to tear : recin . FESAELA ‘INA. Sa, a particle used before names to be torn to pieces. Feosofi ane of persons signifying the family ia, o le ā saēi. SĀ Ēu, v. to scratch up the earth . of, as Sa Muliagā.
SA A, v. to dance ; redup. SĀ‘ASĀʻA. SĂ EU, v. to stir up, to throw into A e sa 'a iā Ama, 'o lāna lea tama. confusion , to scatter about. SAʻA, s. 1. a short man . 2. Syn. SAEGĀFAU, 8. from sae and fau, a Pu'u .
SA'AFA, 8. the mallet for beating sinnet.
party getting the bark of fau for making finemats.
SA‘ENA, pass. of SASA‘E. SA‘AFI, v. to regret, to grieve for ; | SAELE, 0. to swing the arms in redup . SAⓇAFIAFI. E sa'afi Turu I walking ; redup. SAELEELE. SAENI, v. to break down. i ona fanua. SAⓇAFIGA, 8. regret, grief, for a loss. SAESAE, adv. brightly, brilliantly, of a fire. “Ua mu saesac. O lona sa'afiga . SĂʻAGA, 8. the branch of a pigeon's SA‘ESA'E, 8. a species of crab. The king of the crabs. perch . O le sa'aga o le tūla . v. to carry between two SĀ AGA, 8. from susa'a, a pouring SĀinESAtheE,hands. out. SĀ'AGA, 8. the song which finishes SAESAEGALAUFA'I, 8. obscene talk . SAI, 8. anybody, everybody, in the the soa. SAʻalo. See AUSAʻALO. saying, Pai ma Sai. SAʻALUʻU, v. to shake; pass, SA- Sai, v. to be good -looking, as a 'ALUʻUINA. man, house, canoe, & c. *Ua sai SA'ALUTU, v. to shake about, as a lemea nei. mast, or a bottle partly filled. SAI, 8. 1. a pigsty. 2. A tightly bound bundle, as of tobacco, ' O "Ua saʻalutu le manăva . SAʻANA, 8. the whole number of fly land hooks ou a fishing-rod . Saʻana SĀi, v. to jerk the arm in anger. ua gai. Ta moemoe sā'i ota lima .
SAʻANU*U, a . wrinkled , puckered . Saia, pass. of SĂSĂ. Syn. MA'ANUMI. | SĀ TAU, v. to prepare for fighting Sa'anyʻu, v. to be wrinkled, to be as by encouraging words, and beating down the bush . puckered . SA ASA A , a . short ; pl. sasa‘A. SĂ•r*v,v. to warı, to mention before d. han SA‘Asa A, v. to be short; pl. sasa‘A. SAʻILI, Malay, CHARI, v. to seek , to SĀŠASĀ'A, v. redup. of sa‘A. SAʻATI, v. pl. of SASA A, to pour out. | search for : pl. SA ‘ili; pa88. SA'ATULA, 8. the name of a shell SA'ILIA ; redup. SA'ILI'ILI. Ua fish . o ifo saʻili, sa ili, 'ua lē maua . SA'AVAETASI, v. to dance on one leg. SAILI-ESEFAʻATAVAŪ. The leech Sae, v. 1. to tear off the bark or serks for the eye of man, and so skin. 2. To go about gadding. differs from others. Applied to 3. To briny a house round by those who, not content with what an open space when removing theyhave,seek for things too high .
SAO SAI ( 254 ) SAILIILIAIGA, v. to go from one Saʻo, v. 1. to be straight, to be long, branch of the family to another, tall. 2. To be correct, to be right. and not continue long in any. SA ILIGA, 8. a seeking, a search . Sa'o , S. a term applied to the Ona sau lea ‘o le sa‘iliga o tautai. head of a family ; the principal SA'ILIMATAGI, v. to seek a change
of air .
chief or chieftainess of a village, O le saʻo o le nu-u .
Sa'ina, v. to pull a man down SaʻoĀUALUMA. See SaʻOTAMAITA'I. backwards by bis burden. 2. To SA' ALII, 6. the principal chief, be thrown down, as a burden of | who has the right to determine food brought as a present. 3. what is proper, (saʻo) to be done. To break down, as trees by the São'o , a . 1. craggy , rugged . 2. wind ; redup. SĀSĀ‘ INA. Heated, of the body. 3. Heated Saisai, v. to bind round, to bind fiercely, as an oveu . together ; pass. SAISAITIA. Słoʻo, v. 1. to be craggy, to be Saisai, adv.“ full to overflowing, rugged , of rocks. 2. To be so as to require to be bound to heated , of the body. 3. To be prevent falling out. " Va tumu heated fiercely, as an oven . saisai. SaoFAʻl, v. 1. to sit round in a SAISAITAGA , 8. 1. a binding up. 2. circle. 2. To sit unemployed ; Bindings or fastenings. 'O sai redup. SAOSAOFAʻI. SAOFAⓇIGA, 8. a circle of chiefs saitaga o le ‘ato. SAITAMU, 8. the name of a tree. seated . “Ua i'u le filifiliga a The wood used to make clubs lo lātou saofaʻiga . SA'OFAUPEA. Syn . SA OLELE. on Tutuila. Sao, 8. the appointed portion of SAOFAGA, 8. a collection . property or food brought by SAOGALĒMŪ, v. 1. to enter safely, each individual preparatory to as through the reef. 2. To be presenting it. 'Oloʻrl sao lenei. in safety. 3. To escape dangers ; Sao, a, unblamable, without fault redup. SAOSAOGALĒMĀ. or blemish .
SA'OLA, 8. the name of a fish .
Sao, v. to be unblamable,to be with - SA'OLE, 8. the name of the Safune out blemish. “Ua sao ona lelei. | fleet. Sao, v. to collect together food or SA‘OLELE, v. to allow a pigeon to property preparatory to present fly the length of its tether. Ap plied to a chief's speech , to per ing it ; pl. SĀSAO ; pass. SAOA. Sao, interj. an exclamation of mit to speak on. Saʻolele lau thanks on receiving property. pule. Sao, v . 1. to enter where there | SAOLETAI, 8. fishermen . was a difficulty, as a canoe in SA'OLOTO, v. to be at liberty, to a narrow passage. 2. To escape have freedom . (Of men only.) from danger. Moasegi ‘ua satia , Seri 'ou eva saʻoloto ane. a 'o se'i sao mai se tasi; pl. SAOMALAMA, 8. a feast and giving SĀSAO ; pas8. SAOFIA . of property by a chief on his Sao, v. to sit together, of the recovery from sickness. "aumāga ; pass. SAOA, SAOFIA. Săosảo, s. the name of a fish . Sãosão, v. 1. to collect food from Ua saoa le `aumāga . SA‘o, adv. at Jiberty. Inā taʻape house to house for a travelling saʻo ʻoutou loto, o le ā nofotasi party arrived late in the day. lava Sina . 2. To sit together, as saofa'i.
SA‘o, a. 1. straight, long, tall. 2. Correct, right ; pl. sĂSA‘o.
Tafa'i sāosão mamao. | SAOSAOA, a . swift, of a canoe.
SAO Saosada , v . to be swift.
( 255 )
Saosao‘o, 8. one kind of fishing . SAOSAOFA‘l, v. redup. of SAOFAⓇI. SA'OTAMAITA ‘I, 8. a chieftainess who has the direction .
SĀUFONO, v. to cut the planks for a canoe. SĀUFUA, v. 1. to utter cries rapidly, as the manutagi. 2. To make a speech without calling out naines
SA‘OTULĀFALE, 8. a tulāfale wbo and titles of chiefs. 3. To do rules. anything hastily. SAOVALE , v. to burn to waste, as | SĀuGĀ, a .strong-smelling, pungent, a native oven with few stones rank . and much firewood . SĀUGĀFONO, 8. a cutting of planks Sau , 8. 1. the dew. 2. A present for a canoe. SA'ULĀ, s. the nameof a fish . of cooked food . Sau, v . to come ; pl. o . SAULALA, a. oppressive, cruel. Syn . Sau, v. to fall as the dew ; pass. SĀUĀ. SAULALO , v. 1. to prepare the SAUTIA ; redup. SASAU. SĀu, v. to angle. materials for making mats. 2. To prepare materials before SĀu, pron. thy, your. Sa'u, pron. my, for se a'u Leulu - | building. moega e, nei fā'i se aʻu totatau. SAULEIA, a. dark coloured and bad SĀUA, v. 1. to have a return of
tasted ; of wild yams when left
sickness. 2. To be ill of an | uncooked .
epidemic. 3. To reach , to spread Saulu. Syn . TUULU. to, to overrun , as with fire , flood, | SĀULUPO, v. to angle for lupo. vincs, or visitors. E saua lona SA'UMI, 8. a species ofbanani.
SĀUNI, 8. he who begins the game SăvĂ, 8. the name of an orchid. of tagāti'a. SĀuĀ, d. cruel, oppressive, des SĀUNI, v. to prepare, to get ready ; potic. pass , SĀUNIA ; redup. SĀUNIUNI. SĀuĀ, v. to be cruel, to be oppres Tau ina sāuniuni vale, md fa atali. sive, to act the despot. SA‘Ūa, interj. stop! wait a little ! SĀUNIGA, 8. preparation, especially Saʻūa , a soʻu fa 'ate*ia. in reference to food. Oānu SĀUAELEATA, v. the moon waning . sāuniga. O le māsina 'ua sāua e le ata . SĀunoa, v. 1. to damage, to injure, SAUŠĀITAGATA, a . cannibal. Ua | to maltreat. 2. To beat the lafoaʻi le tinotagata, 'a 'ua i ai wooden drum . 3. To make a rattling noise to please a child . le tino sau 'āitagata . SAUAULI, 8. a place where pigs are 4. To be engaged in games ; allowed to range. redup . SĀUNOANOA . SAUʻAFA, v. to fasten with sinnet. SĀUNOAGA, 8. 1. games. 2. War. SĀUĀGA, 8. oppression , ill-treating. Pe a fai ni āu sāunoaga . 3. SAUALIʻI, 8. a god. The respectful Conversation , of chiefs. term for an aitu . A ou pe- SĂÓUNU, a . wrinkled , puckered , feaina finagalo o na sauali-i. slack , as the skin , a sail, siapo ; SAUASO (sau, aso), 8. another day. redup. SA‘UNUʻUNU. E toe fai i se tasi aso. SĂʻunu, v. to be wrinkled, to be SĀUⓇATOA, 8. a canoe hollowed out slack ; redup. SAʻUNUʻUNU. of one tree. SAUPAPA, 1 v. to cut off the outer SAUOPUALAI, 8. the eternal past. SĀūPAPA, / part of a log of wood, to make it level and even . Pualai, a person 's name. SĀvo'o, v. to carry out. Sāuoʻo lou | Sausau, 8. the name of a fish . faiva. SAUSAU, v. 1. to sprinkle. 2. To · laueleele i le aufuefue.
( 256 )
build up part of a wall that had SAGĀMULI, 8. the hind-quarter of a turtle. fallen down. SAUSAU, 8. the mallet used in tat- SAGASAGATEA, 8. one species of banana . tooing. SĀusau, v. 1. to flutter the wings, SAGATONU, v. to be in a straight as when about to fly. 2. Tol direction, to face towards.
throw a fishing line, to angle. SĀGIGA , 8. from sasagi, rejoicing,
* 3. To repair a net (on Manu'a ). | boasting, mostly causelessly. SAUSĀU, a. wide, unbounded. E SAGINI, 8. the name of one kind of song . oʻo lava i tai i le moana sāusāu . SAUS OPO , v. to come all. Syn. FĀ - SAGINI, 8. talking and not doing. ATINO . "Ua ta fua lāna sagini. SĀUTASI, 8. 1. one wide plank of a SAGINI, v. 1. to talk of work and canoe. 2. Fathom -wide calico. not help at it. 2. To forbid a SAUTIA, v. pass. of sau, to be thing being done, and do it bedewed . oneself. SĀUTUALASI, a . manifold, many SAGISAGI, a. 1. light, as a hurden . thicknesses. 2. Nimble. 3. fig . Lightsome, SĀUTUALUA , a. two-fold, double ; relieved of a mental burden. and so of any other number, SAGISAGI, v. 1. to be light, of a SĀUTUATOLU, & c. | burden. 2. To feel light,to be nim SAFA'AUSU, S. the name of the ble. 3. To be lightened of some chief fisher for bonito at Safotu. Į mental burden ; pass. SAGISAGIA. SAFE, 8. pannus menstrualis. | SAGISAGINOA, v. to be light. Ap SAFEA, V. pass. 1. to be struck . plied to one who has been See LAVEA . 2. To be removed, I operated on for eleph. in scroto. as a disease. 3. To be choked . | Sago, v. 1. to move the lips, as SAFOLE, s. the name of a fish . in eating or talking (a term of SAFU, 8. a broom . On Manu 'a abuse). 2. To boast of goods instead of salu . or food received ; redup. SASAGO, SAFUE, v. to beat. SĀGOSAGO ; recip . FESAGOAʻI
SAFUSÁFU , v. to explain . SAGOLE, v. to pull about, to ran sack, but not thievishly, as given by the woman's family at tagole ; redup. SĀGOLEGOLE . her marriage. O le saga o pa - Sala, Malay, SALAH, 8. a fine, a Susisi. Proverb. 2. The fin of punishment. Lau sala e fa'apuā fua. the turtle. Saga, adv. continually, without SALA, v. to be punished ,to be fined. Saga, 8. 1. a dowry, property
intermission ; redup. SAGASAGA. ' A 'ua sala uta , ia tonu tai. E tenetene fua le livaliva, a e SALA, a. incorrect, wrong, as a sagasaga ‘ai le vili ia . Proverb . hook fastened wrongly, or a SAGA, v. to face, to be opposite. E word in a speech . Saga mài. Sala, adv. incorrectly, wrongly . SAGA'AFA , 8. Cocoa -nut fibres ready "Ua fau sala le pā. for plaiting. SALA, v. to lop , to cut off ; redup. Sagaido, v. to gather up the net SASALA, SALASALA.
into the hand , so as to be ready Sala, adv. continually, without to throw . intermission . Syn . SAGA. SAGAOLEVAO, s. the name of a bird SALA'AMU, 8. the name of the atule found on Manu'a . in one stage of its growth .
SAGĀMUA, s. the fore-quarter of a SALAI, v. to cut fastenings. , to be turtle. SALAIĀVALA, v. sala -iā -Vala
( 257 )
led astray by another, to be put SALIATOLOA , s. the name of a star. wrong by another, as a speaker.
SALIGA, 8. a girdle of ti leaves.
SALAFA, 1. applied to a village of Instead of titi,before chiefs. (At great extent. 2. To a man of Ātua.) consequence, of many family SALISALÍ,. 8. a thin layer of the relations. kernel of a young cocoa-nut SALAFANUA, v. to cut vines and adhering to the shell after the bush on a piece of land. Thank bulk of it has been removed . ing for raw breadfruit. Fa'afeSĀLO, v. 1. to rub smooth with tai salafanua.
SĀLAFALAFA, a. flat; pl. SĀLA i LAFA .
the aloa , as laupaoga , & c. 2. To tell a thing over and over
again, as if rubbing out all SĀLAFALAFA, v. to be flat; pl. SĀLAunevennesses ; to tell all the · LAFA. particulars ' minutely. . 3. To SALALA, s. the name of a fish . . - grumble, to complain of ; pass. SACALAU, v. to be scattered, to be SĀLOA. Saloa,.interj. thanks! thank you ! spread about. SALĀMA, v. sala -ama, 1. to cut off Suloa ! 'ua mafai le mea ona the outrigger of a canoe. 2. To fai. . leave off morning fishing. SALOFIA, V. pass. to be starved ; pl. SalamÕ, Malay, Sasal, v. to SALOLOFIA. | SALU, 8. a broom made of midribs repent. SALAMĒ, . repentance. "Olona of cocoa -nut leaflets. . ' SALU, Malay,GARU, v. 1. to brush salamo. SALAMÕVALE, v. to feel remorse, to I up rubbish. 2. To scrape out, i repent uselessly. 'Ua toemativa, as the kernel of a cocoa-nut ; ona salamovale ai lea . . redup. SALUSALU . SALANI, 8. broken coral, gravel. SALUẤU, v. 1. to shake. 2. To SALASALA, 8. the name of a tree. ' sprinkle. Syn. 'IEʻIE (Freycinetia ). SĂLULU, v. to blow uncertainly, SALASALA, v. to nibble, to gnaw , as | of the wind. .'Ua sălulu vale le a rat. . matagi. .
SALASALATUA, v. to be not clearly SÂLULU, 8. a chief's anger. Syn . known.
SALATO, Malay, JALATAN, s. the SALUSALU, v. redup. of SALU, 1. name of a stinging 'tree (La- to brush out a house. 2. To portea Harveyi). prepare the keel of a canoe . SALATO , V. as LALATO . 3. To rub smooth, as fau , or SĀLEFEʻĒ , s. the land of aitu , the tutuga .. . Samoan Hades. SALUSALU , v. to rejoice in prospect
SALEFU, S. an ashpan , used to carry of some good, to hope.' the hot ashes to the roots of Sama, v. 1. to colour the skin with small trees to kill them . SALEFUGA, 8. the third day of
turmeric. 2. To give property to the wife's family. Se ‘oloa e
palolo. -sama a'i laʻu avā. SĀLEMAUSAU, 8. all the world , a SAMA, 8. the application of lega as great coucourse of people. (De a cosmetic. O le sama füatu rived from a tradition of Mau - tuila , maning , to marry after sau.) living in concubinage.
Sali, Malay, Garis, v. to scoop SAMA‘AGA, 8. the application of turmeric to the body. out; pl. SaSALI; pass. SALIA. SALI,-8. the name of a fish . .
SĀMAIVAO,-8. sā-mai-vao, a pigeon
SAP BAM ( 258 ) .caught from the bush blind of as into a bamboo. 3. To dart, one eye. SAMAOLA , 0. to apply turmeric while alive. ( A refi rence to the
to shoot, as pain going from one part of the body to another ;
redup. SASANA.
practice of applying it to the SANASANA, 8. the name of a plant, Job's tears (Coix lacryma). Syn . dead .) MANIUNIU . SAMAOSEMAGO, v. let him who is SANATOTO, 8. dysentery. first dry after bathing use the lega ; like “ catch who can ; " | SANI, v. to receive with delight, to treat hospitably, as a party of “ first come, first served.” SAMA-FAʻA- TUTUILA, 8. a Tutuila travellers ; redup. SANISANI. marriage ; i.e. the man dwells in SANI, 8. 1. a law by which all pigs · found in the plantations were the wife 's family. SAMANI, 8. the end of a suati of a killed and eaten by the finder. : canoe. Oloiva'afulu 'o loʻo tula*i 2. A law to punish any infring on things prohibited . 'Ua i le samani. SĀMANU, 8. à chief's anger. Syn . ing tu le sani; redup. SASANI. SĀLULU. , 8. the basin of a waterfall, SAMAPUGAI, v. to colour, to stain. SANI, A Manu'a word .
O le a samapugai le tama ia | SĀNIĀ, v. to expect too much , to 'seek for what is beyond reach ; SAMASAMA , A . yellow . as a man seeking a wife of melomeloula , e pei se aute.
higher rank than his own. SAMASAMA, v. to be yellow . SAMI, 8. 1. the sea. 2. Salt water. Sano , v. to longSANOSANO. for, to be intent Se'i utu mai la 'u sami. 3. Al upon ; redup. v. to desire earnestly to cocoa-nut in the stage before SanooLA, live. becoming popo. SAMI, a., strong-tasted, as if SĂNUʻU, v. 1. to be loose, slack, brackish ; applied to a cocoa as a rope. 2. To be wrinkled , to , but when nearly popo. O le niu be puckered. Syn. SA‘UNU. SĀPA , v. to be unequal, to incline sami; pl. SASAMI. . SAMIALAINA, v. fas:. to be red - to one side, as a paddle larger dened by exposure to the at sea. A mark of beauty. samialaina, samialaina, 'ua le lino o le tamāloa . SAMILOLO, 8. a native dish
sun | on one side than the other ; the “Ua sun more to the west than the leai | east ; the night more than half past. Ua sāpa i ao. of SAPAI, v. 1. to hold in the palms of sami cocoa-nut softened in salt | the hands, as an infant, to take water, and mixed with taro in the arms. 2. To receive. O
SAMOAMOA, a. dried up, as a fish
lau sala lea e sapai mai e āiga ; pass. SAPAIA ; redup. SAPASAPAI.
often cooked , or a skeleton on SAPAI, 8. a general contribution . which the flesh has dried up . A e taualuga a'e į la i lau sapai SAMUSAMU, 1 . to pick up crumbs tele.
and fragments, to eat the re- SAPAIFA'ATUA‘ELEʻELE, v to pre mains of food .
SAMUTI, v. to eat (a jocular term ). Oʻu te nofo ma samuti te ina , SANA, 8. Indian corn , maize,
SĀNA, pron . indef. his, ber.
serve its tail feathers froin being soiled or broken, of the tava e (Phæton æthereus) ; to takecare of. SAPASAPAI, v redup . of SAPAI, 1. to
Sana, v. 1. to spirt out, as blood take in the arms. 2. To take ficm a vein , 2. To mike water, I hold of, as any one's wurds. ' 7
( 259 )
SAPASAPAIALUGA, v. to be in every SASAⓇE , v. 1. to capsize, to upset, as one's mouth . Applied to one a canoe. 2 . To move a house ; hated. As a post of a house I pass. SĀ ‘ENA. 3. To pull down carried on the shoulders, and not a house or wall. put down till it reaches its des SĂSAO, v . 1. to terminate on some tination. part, as an internal complaint
breaking out into a rash . 2. To burst forth,as fire from a volcano , as to walk on the side. O le 3. To be salivated. 4. pl. of v. vae sape ; pl. SASAPE . sao, to collect food or property. SAPI, a . quarrelsome, snarling ; pl. SÅsa o, a. pl. of sa'o, straiglit. SASAPI. Sāsao, v. pl. of sao , to escape.
SĀPATU ,... the name of a fish . SAPE , a. turned up, of the foot, so
SAPINI, v. to jerk, to lash ; pass. Sasau, SASAU, 8.v. from sau, heavy dew , SAPINIA . to fall, of dew . Sapo, Malay, Sapat, v. 1. to catch Sasau, a . 1. mischievous, as animals anything thrown, as breadfruits breaking through into planta in a basket when being picked ; ) tions. 2. Lascivious, as que as a dog with his mouih ; as in going about to seek women . a hand-net, the fishes jumping Sasau , v. 1. to sling a stone. 2, from the large net. Utailelei To swing round the arm in sapo a'e ou lava . 2. To catch up giving a blow, 3. To blow a a word , in order to answer it. trumpet. 3. To put in a new plank, or keel Sasau, 8. 1. one kind of cuttle-fish to a canoe ; pl. SASAPO ; redup. having long tentacles. 2. A long SAPOSAPO. legged crayfish . 3. A large axe SAPOGA, 8. from sapo, one lump of taufolo. SASAULI, 8.one species of taro.
SAPONIŠO, v. to catch from behind, SASAGA, 8. a botile-rack . or back -handed . Sasagi, v. to boast of, to rejoice in . SAPOTUVALE, 1 v. to palpitate, to (Mostly without cause.) SAPUPUVALE, ) flutter, of the Sasala, v. 1. to be diffused, as a heart. perfume. Syn . PUA'IINA. 2. Te
SASA, 8.a scourge, a rod , a whip. be spread abroad , as a report. 3 . Sasa, v. 1. to scourge, to beat; fig. pl. of sala, v. to cut off. Ole ā to make war upon. 2. To reprove sasala le pā. · strongly in a speech . Pass. SAIA SASALI, v. pl. of sali. and SASAINA. SASALU, v. 1. to eat or work very Sāsā, 8. a sign , portent, omen . deliberately. 2. To make a SĀSĀ, v. to have omens. Tuiolemū thorcugh clearance. 3. To long e sāsā i uila . for, to rejoice in prospect of good . SĀSĀ , a. redup.of sa, forbidden. SASAMA, a . pl. of SAMA. SĂSAⓇA , a . pl. of SA 'ASAʻA, short.
SASAMI, a . pl. of SAMI.
SĂSA -a , v. 1. to pour out, of liquids, SASANA, v. pl. of SANA . sand , dust. 2. To show the cause SASAPI, a. pl. of SAPI. of anger,in order tomake friends ; SASAPO, v. 1. pl. of SAPO. 2. To
pl. SA ATI. 3. The pl. of sa'a, to
catch in the mouth , as a dog does. 3. To catch a nunuber Sasae, v.to tear,to rend ; pass. SAEA. I of oranges thrown up and kept SASA-E 8. 1. the east. 2. The stick going. dance.
for spreading out the hot stones SASAVE, s. one kind of cocoa-nut of an oven , on which to place the having no stem to the fruit. food to be cooked . | Sasi, v. 1. to make a slip of the 8 2
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tongue in speaking. O mea el as rubbish , when searching for something lost ; redup. SAVEVE : "ai. 2. To talk nonsense, as in VEVE. delirium ; redup. SASISASI. SAVILI, 8. a breeze. SĀTA'ALAUA, 8. a pame of respect SAVILI, v. to blow , to be windy : pass. SAVILIGIA ; dimin . SĀVILI given to Tongans. SĀTANE, 8. handsomemen . Nuru a VILI, to blow gently . SAVINI, v. to rejoice, as a young · Cuma si ata sātane i le ututau .
: fai ina ia sasi se tasi, e tau ai le
SĀTIA, v. 1. to be eaten, devoured, by pigs, dogs, or insects; applied to food, a live piyeon, or a fine
bird on the return of its parent with food ; fig. of children re joicing in their parents, or vice
mat. 2. To be burnt. Ua sātial versâ . si ota fale kua ato. 3. fig. To SE, art. a, an .
die, of a chief. Moasegë çua SĒ, adv. not. (In poetry for lē.) Na sē iloa semala à afetuaina ai. sātia . SATIAʻILEMOA, 8. Samoa is so called. SĒ, 8. friend (a call to a man ). No SATULA, 8, the nameof a shell-fish . equivalent in English . Sava, 8. filth , ordure. SĒ, 8. the general name for grass Sava, v. to be daubed with filth ; hoppers. | SE, a.afraid. "O le manava sē. - redup. SAVASAVA. SAVĀ, v. to be able. A Tutuila SĒ, v, 1. to wander, 2. To mis ; redup. SESĒ ; recip. FESĒ word for lavā. “ Tau ina savā take A ‘I. lou numu.” — MYTH. SĀVA'I, 8. one species of the sea- SEA, 8. 1. the name of a tree ( Parin . arium insularum ), the fruit used - urchin (Echinus). to scent oil, and to make neck SĀVAʻl, a . grey, of pigs. Savatól, 8. Sava and I'i, of the crew laces. Sea ‘ula e,'a toli e susu-i. of Pulotu settled on Savai'i. 2. The inside of the lomu. SAVALA, v. to long for, to desire to SEĀ, pron . interr. what? eat particular articles, as fish , SEA‘E, a . See ALASEA‘E. SEAEA, a . a score, as of cocoa -nuts." masi, & c. SAVALI, v. to walk ; pl. SÃVALI and SEAFĀ, adv. like a strong wind. SAVAVALI ; dimin . SAVALIVALI. Ua seafā le malosi. * A*e alu , “aua te te savali, “a e SEANOA, interj. O that! se'e . SEANOAANA, conj. if I had. SEASEA, 8. the name of a tree, and SĀVALI, 8. an ambassador. SAVALIAʻIINA, v. to go about trying its fruit (Eugenia sp.). 2. A to make peace, as tulāfale do child's penis. when chiefs quarrel. "Ua 'ou SEĀSEĀ , adv. seldom . • savaliaʻiina 'o upu o tamāalii. SEASEAVAO, 8. the name of a tree. SĀVALIGA, 8. 1. a walk . 2. The SEASIASI, 8. one species of SĒ . distance to be walked . SEATUA, interj. an expression of SĂVALIGA, 8. a girdle of ti leaves. | astonishment on escaping from Syn . TITI. danger ; from ātu . Seatua ma i SÄVALIVALI, v. redup. of SAVALI, to mātou . walk on , to keep moving on . SEʻE , 8. onemethod of fishing. SAYASAVA, a . redup. of sava. SEⓇE, v. 1. to slip, to slide, to glide SAVE, 8. a young Hying fish . Ma along. 'Ae alu, “aua 'e te savuli, la e se'e. 2. To be dislocated, of le save e lele i le moana . Sayeu, a joint. 3. To beg food . See A EU . SAVELU, : redup. SESEʻE, SEʻESE-E. Sayeve, v. to stir up, and turn over, 'AISEʻE pl. FESEʻETI.
( 261 )
SEʻĒa, a, weak, of the hair. “O le lauulu sefea.
fly -catcher (Rhipidura nebulosa ). 2. The name of a seabird (proba
SEʻEGA, 8. a party gliding on the bly Thalassidroma lineata ). See waves, SEʻUTĀPEAU. SEʻESEʻE, 8. one kind of taro. SEʻu, v. 1. to move up and down SEʻESEʻE, v. to drag oneself along the feathers of the tail, as the sitting on the ground. manuāliʻi ( Porphyrio )when about SEʻESEʻEFUALAVA, v. to interfere in to fly away. 2. fig . to show the quarrels of other families. cowardice. " Ua se'u le fulu. . Se'eserefualava i misa ese. SEUGA, 8. the method of catching SE‘ETI, 8. 1. a saudy flat at the pigeons with a net. O le seuga
mouth of a river. 2. A contri-
ã Aopo.
Vance for bringing a canoe more | SEUGAⓇI, adv. to no purpose, use on a level by wedges driven under | lessly. Uʻa seuga ‘i sau. Syn .Mao.
| SEUGA‘IMITI, 8. a youth , not a full the iato. SEʻETUĀPAŠU , v. to be seated under grown man. (A term of con the skin , of a disease. tempt.) SEʻEVAE, s. a shoe. "O ona se'evae. SĒʻulü, s. one kind of sē. SEI, 8. a flower stuck into the hair , SEUPULE, v. to interfere with the or behind the ear. of another. Syn. Gau SEI, v. to put a flower into the hair , authority PULE. or behind the ear; redup. SEISEI. SEUSEU, 8. leafless branches. SEʻI, v. to jerk, to pluck , to snatch ; | SEUSEU, v. redup. of SEU , to stir pass. SEʻIA ; redup. SEʻISEʻI. Se'i | round repeatedly. mai le moemoe o le niu e fai ai SEʻUSEʻU , v. to be matted together, sona taumata . as the hair from wet or dirt ; SEʻl, adv. only just recently. Na SE*UTĀPEAU, pass. SEʻUSEʻUA. 8. the name of a sea se'i alu . bird . See SEʻu. used precatively. Seʻi lātou māia SEUVA'AL. Used in seulupe. ai se 'ava . SEFA , s. the name of a weed . SEʻIA,conj. se'i-ia, until, till. Se'ia SĒFEA, pron . indef. which ? SEFEA, adv, whence ? ao, e fa'ataio .
SEʻI, a sign of the imperative mood ,
SEILALA, 8. the name of a tree. SEFULU, a. ten . Malay, SAPULU, lit. SEʻIMAI,adv.long since. As LEʻIMAI. a feather, because they counted SEISEI, v. redup. of SEI, to adorn the tens by feathers. SEFULUAʻI, 8. a tenth , a tithe. head with flowers. SEʻISEʻI, v. redup. of SEʻI, to jerk SEGA, 8. 1. the general name of the repeatedly, as a rope in order to I parroquet (Coriphilus fringilla ceus). 2. The tail of the fly disentangle it.
Seu, 8. a method of catching fish . fish hook . | SEGAIA , v. pass. of SESEGA. 'O le seu o le nuću . Seu, v. 1. to stir round . 2. To turn SEGA‘ULA, 8. the Fijian parroquet . the head of a canoe, to steer to. (Lorius solitarius). Introduced Seu ai lota vaʻa i fanua. 3. To | into Samoa and kept by the catch in a net, as pigeons or fish . natives for the sake of its Ua sau le tupu e seu i le mauga. feathers, which are used to orna i
4. To ward off a blow . 5. Tol ment fine mats. interrupt a speech. 6. To pre- SEGAPONAIA, v. to be pained by vent,as a fight; pl. SESEU ; dimin . conduct, sought to be avoided , as SEUSEU. the sega bumps its head against
SEʻu, 8. 1. the name of a bird , al the trap."
SEG SEŃ ( 262 ) SEGASĀMOA, 8. the Samoan Sega | SELEFATU, 8.theshell used to scrapë • (Coriphilus fringillaceus), so breadfruit. · called in contradiction to the SELEMĂMĂ, v. to shave the head Fijian Sega. I quite close ; pass. SELEMĂMĀINA. SEGASEGA, S. the name of a fish. . ' SELESELE, 8. 1. an evenly -cut head SEGASEGA, a. yellowish , as the of hair. 2. A cloud bringing a · body from disease. Syn . LEGA- squall of wind and rain. 3. A · LEGA. species of sedge (Cyperus). SEGASEGA, v. to be yellowish , from SÉLESELE, v. redup. of SELE, 1. to : disease. cut into several pieces. 2. To SEGASEGAMA‘UʻU, s. the name of a shear. bird (Erythrura cyanovir ns). SELESELEAFO, v. to be in commo SEGAVALE, v. 1. to shine dimly, as tion, as the sea by a fish dragged the sun through a mist. 2. To · through the water at the end of a fish-line, or when rippled by be pale from fear. SEGI,'a. wild , shy, not tame; pl. a rising wind. SESEGI; redup. SEGISEGI. Ia tuli SELEVĂLEVALE,v. to shave the head se puaʻa segisegi õivao. quite clean. SEGI, v. to spatch , to catch away ; SĒLOGOLOGO, 8. a name given to • pass. SEGIA. Ona teu lea le lālaga, some kiuds of crickets when they come into the house. Syn. SĒ o lē a segi le nuću . SEGI, 8. the name of a fine mat ! ASIASI. : given to Tuʻu. 'o le segi a SELU, 8. 1. a comb. 'Olona selu Tuu. 2. The feathers in a cock 's head SEGI, v. to burn a scar, as a beauty which are erected when he is beaten in a fight. “Ua tu le selu . Ispot. SEGIAMAULI, v. lit. to have the SELU, v. to comb; pass. SELUA ; * heart snatched away ; to be redup. SESELU, SELUSELU . startled . Segia mai mauli, ‘ua | SELUGA, 8. praises. tă fefe. SELUSELU, v. to praise. Also SE SELU. SEGISEGI, 8. twilight. SĒMĀ, 8. friends! a call for atten SEGISEGI, a . redup. of SEGI. SELA, 8. 1.breathlessness. 2. Asth - tion , the pl. of SE, SOLE. ma. SEMA, 8. a red siapo. SELA, v. 1. to be out of breath . 2. SEMA, v. 1. to engage with another To be asthmatic . to be his antagonist at a club SELAU, a. a hundred, lit. a leaf,be- | match. 2 . To sop up scented cause they counted hundreds by cocoa -nut oil as it is produced . leaves ; hence lualau . . 3. To beg for various things. 0 SELAUSELAU, a . very many. le tagata lea e sema mea ; pl. SE
SELE, 8. 1. a snare. 'Olāna sele .
2. The name of a shell- fish . 3. | SEMANŪ, adv. hardly, it was as if. SĒMATAPIA, 8. one kind of sē. A bamboo knife . SELE, v. 1. to cut, as the hair , & c. SEMU, v. 1. to cut off what is 2. To snare ; pass. SELEA ; redup. above or beyond the rest, as a ' SELESELE ; pass. SELESELEA. post too long, a lock of hair. SELE, 8. the name of a sharp, cut 2 . To cut off one in advance of the troop . 3. To be nearly hit, ting weed . SELEA,v. pass. of SELE,to be cut,of to justº escape Nabeing struck ; semuina aʻu, pass. SEMUINA. the flesh, & c.
SELEI, v. to cut, to slash. .. SELEULU, 8. scissors.
na fai a lavea. SEMO , 8. the dragon -fly.
SII SENA, 8.an affectionate address to SETĀIMAI, adv. long ago. "Ua á parent, or to any aged person . | setāimai lou le tatai mai. Ona fai atu lea o Sina, Sena e, SETOA, v. a word of sympathy to Taliya . those in pain or distress. Ma SENĀ, pron. indef. that. : nusamoa , 'ua setoa ma 'oe i tau . SENEI, pron. indef . this. Se ta - ' fofo. maita'i o senei, 'ua tă te'i. SETU , Ú. to limp ; redup. ŠETU . SEPA, a. squinting ; pl. SESEPA. SETU. SEPA , v . to squint ; pl. SESEPA. SĒva‘A, 8. one kind of sē. SEPO, 8. the name of an aitu in- SEVE, 8. anybody, everybody. In voked in cursing children . the saying, Pai ma Lafai, Tui SEPUSEPU, a. hearsay, of reports. ma Seve. SĒPUTE, 8. one species of sē. | Si, å, little. A diminutive particle SESĒ, 8. 1. a mistake. 2. A fault. often expressing endearment. Si Malay, SESSAT. . ana tama. SESĒ, v. 1. to wander. 2 . To mis- Sī, v. semen emittere. take. 3. To do evil, to do Sia , pron , this. : wrong. Applied to crimes, such Sia, one passive termination , as motusia . as adultery. “Ua ʻou sesē. SĒSĒ, v. redup. of SĒ, to be nearly SióA, 8. a netting needle. blind . Si'a, v. to get fire by rubbing one SESEʻE, v. pl. of seée, 1. to slide stick on another. A si-a se afi, along sitting. 2. To glide on ¿ le si a se fa 'i. - the waves. Si'AGA, 8. the large stationary stick SESEʻI, 8. the stick used to extend a used in rubbing for fire. . mosquito screen . Also TETEʻi. | SI-ALOA, 8. a shaggy white mat. SIAPO, 8. native cloth made from SESEU, v. pl. of SEU . SESE*U , a ,having a bad taste ; namu the bark of the paper mulberry seseóu ; of the food or themouth . (Broussonetia papyrifera). 'Ua SESEʻu, v. 1. to make a smell. tuíu fala leleima siapo lelei. Euphem . for pilo . 2. To be SIAPOATUA, 8. the name of a shrub. disagreeable in conduct. SIASI, pron. that, near at hand. 1 SĒŠĒFAGA, 8. one kind of banana. Siasia, interj. an exclamation of iSEȘEGA, Syn. SagaSAGATEA. v. 1. to be dim , to be delight. lelea. Na pa le siasia a taun obscured ; pass. SEGAIA. 2. To Siól, v. 1. to lift. Si-i ifo le vara be dazzled , as by the sun . 'Ua e nofoafā. 2. To levy a fine. segaia ota mata i le afi. "Ua si-i le sala . 3. To carry SESEGI, a . pl. of SEGI. . war into a district or country. SESELE, 8. the name of a fresh Na ia toe siʻi le taua į Lealā water fish. ' ' O le lata a sesele . taua. 4. To take oneself off in
( 263 )
· Proverb . a grudge. Ua sii le teva a SESELE, v. to cut off,as a strip of Tauaga ; pl. SISI'I ; pass. SI‘I TIA ; dimin , SI'ISI'I ; recip. FE • siapo. SESELU, v. 1. to comb the hair with SI'ITA'I. the fingers. 2. To praise. SI'IILELAU, 8. a babbler. SESEMA, v. pl. ofSEMA. SI'ILEOLA, v. to die. SESĒMA, 8. the Portuguese man -of SIʻILEMAUGA, V. 8i-i-le-mau, to change the place of residence. • war.
| SIʻILOTO, v. 1. to be in the midst, SESEPA, a. pl. of SEPA. S a taro plantation in the midst ULU; }} $o8. different kindsof sē. | asof the bush. 2. To begin in the SĒTELE,
SIL middle, as a tale ; redup. SIʻISI- | Sr'UFOFOGA, 8. a chief's voice. 'ILOTO. SIʻUGALU, 8. the extremity of a Srilua, v. to take two wives in one wave. • night. SIʻUGUTU , 8. a corner of the mouth , Siʻisīti, v. to attempt. Olē sie SIUGUTUIAUTE, 8. a great talker. sii nei,ma tu'u . SI'UMANUNU, 8. the name of a fish . Si'isi 1, 8. one method of fishing. Syn. MALAUMATAPUA'A . SrʻISIʻIALAFI'A, v. to kill from pro- SIʻUMATA, 8. the outer corner of the vocation . Leye. SiʻISI'ILOTO, V. redup. of si'ILOTO, SI'UMUTI, 8. the name of the lalafi to do anything disproportionate, when full grown. as for a young girl to marry an SrʻusióU , 8. 1. the point of a sharp • old man. instrument,as a knife, sword, & c. SI'ISI'ITALIGA, v. lit. to lift the ears, 2. The extremity, as of a leaf, a | bamboo, & c. 3. The tail of a pig to give attention . SIʻISI ITAMA, 8. property given on or fish . : occasion of a first confinement of SIʻUTEA , 8. one kind of the ti. ' a woman . SIFO, 8. the west ; for sisifo. Peau SrʻISIʻITOLELA, 0. Syn. SrʻISIʻILOTO. a sifo. SiʻISIʻITŪ, v. to do a thing without Siga, 8. semen . • consulting others. SIGANO, 8. the blossom of the fasa. . SIITĀ, v. 1. to raise the arms to SIGANOPĀ, 8. the name of a plant strike a blow with a club . 2. To (Freycinetia ). act all together. Sigo, o. See AUSIGO ; redup. SIGO SI'ITAʻl, v. i. to make larger than SIGO. necessary. 2. To exaggerate. SILA, 8. an extremity of a rainbow. SI'ITAUMULIMULI, 0. to broach an Sila, v. 1. to be outdone. “Ua sila old affair, or a matter already le nuću i lea tagata . 2. Not to settled . Syn . LAGAMULI. possess. 'Ua sila lea tagata . SI'ITAGA, 8. 1. a lifting. 2. The - He is done for. - party lifting SILAʻILAGI, 8. an ulcer in the back, Sro, v. to surround ; pass. SI'OMIA ; a carbuncle. redup. si'osi'o . SILAŠILALO, 8. piles. Sioa, V. See FAʻASIOA. · 1. To be SILAFAGA, 8. i, a chief's viewing, worn out, wearied . 2. To have observing, a chief's sight. 2. A the look of weariness and ex chief's knowledge. haustion . SILAFIA , v. pass. of SISILA. SIOTAITA ! a form of salutation. SILAGATAIFALE, v. to observe the Syn.SoʻUALOFA ! weather of the place. SILAMATAGI, 1 8. 1. the sila Si'v, 8. the name of a fish . Si'u, 8. 1. the extremity, the end , SILATAŠIMATAGI, which brings the corner, as of the eye, the or indicates wind . 2. A chief mouth , a wave, & c. 2. The who causes war. refuse of turmeric. SILANOA, v. to look on without en Si'ua, v. to be falsely accused . Syn . gaging in. In the gameof lafoga . TUʻUA‘IINA. Na tonu e si-ua fua Sili, a. principal, best, highest. O
( 264 )
| le aliʻi sili.
' oe .
SI'va‘AU, 8. an extremity of the Sili, v. to be the principal, to be the highest; redup. intens. SILI Sr'uava, 8. one point of the outer SILI. extremity of an opening in a SILI, v. to lodge in , to stick in ,as a reef.
o. . .
pen behind the ear. Who cut
STS SIL ( 265 ) SINIOGA,v. to8. afindrace.fault with another's to toask.pass2.; | SINOI, v. 1. to toinquire, SILI,To exceed, go beyond, pass. SILIA ; recip. FESILIA ‘I. Ua | conduct while doing the same silia e le tulāfale po 'o le ā ? · oneself, SIPA, 8. the name of a fish . A SILI, adv. exceedingly. small flying- fish . Oi auē ‘o sipa SILIA, v. See LEĂUSILIA.
a sloping le v. 1. toe. be awry, to incline 8. a road. (At $ ILIʻA, slippery rock alongTutuila .) | SIPA,lamaga SILIFA'I, v. to go beyond , as troops to one side. “Ua sipa lava Ātua making a detour, and thus turn jā I'amafana , 'a fua itiiti iz Tupo. 2. To make a mistake in ing the flank of the enemy. SĪLIGA, 8. 1. the place to stick in I speaking. the fly -fish hook. 2. A pen - Sisi, dimin. pron. that. Sisi, v. to hoist up, to draw up. holder. SILIGA, v. to have got beyond the SISI, v. to trickle down. proper or expected time ; to be Sisi, 8. 1. fresh -water molluscs, too late, to be past and gone See SISIVAI, SISIvao, and other by. 'A fa'atali faʻatali,“a siliga . | cumpounds. 2 . A fissure or SILIGĀFĀNAUA,' v. 1. tó remain hole from which water trickles. · unmarried till too old to bear | 3. Streams, in the sand at low children . 2. Also applied to a water. 4 . The two hard eyes in a cocoa-nut. The other is barren woman . . SILIMUSA, v. to exceed all, either in Sisī,thev.gutu onomatopoet, to make a hiss , goodness orI badness. redup. of SILI, chief ing noise,as green wood in the fire, SILISILI, SILISILI“EŠE, } est, most excellent. Sisi'l, v. 1. pl. of sI'l, to lift. 2. SILITONU, v. to ascertain correctly ; | To make great, to make oneself pass. SILITONUA. E uma oulua great. A sisi'i, to a person com silitonua mai se fale Salāfai o paring a small thing to a large one. 3. To be proud without i ai. cause. 4. To abuse haughtily. SILIVALE, v. to grumble. Sisiól, v. to make a fringe. , SILO, s. the entrails of the shark . SIMU, 8. the Manu'a name of the Sisi'o, v. redup. of si'o, to circum crab, generally known as "ala - | vent. SISIFO, s. west. SINA, a. some. A diminutive Sina | SISIGA, s. from sisi, the act of hoist. ing, as a flag. ·SINA, vai.8. aA gourd little water. and its fruit . SISIGOGO , 8. clitoris.
· misi.
Sina, a. white ; pl. SISINA ; redup. SISILA, v. to look (a chief's word ) ; to see ; to know ; pass. SILAFIA ; SINASINA. SINĀ, v. to be white, of the hair . redup. SILASILA ; recip . FESILA FA 'I. Ua sinā le lauulu . SISILA, 8. the fixing of the eye in SINĀ, a . white, of the hair. sisilaattentively. AIUGA,thea. 1.uga.grey-headed . death . “Uav. tuto lelook 2. Old from but SISILATAGAI, ·SÎNA eating head turmeric -maker.' the s. SISILI, foolish . , that. Of a more dis SISILI, v . 1. to be spread about, as SINÁSI, pron tant object than siasi. SINEI, dimin . pron . this.
the water from a water-course
which has overflowed . 2. To shoot, to dart, as pain from one SINI,.v. the goal in racing. SINIÓ, v. to race, to run a race. . part of the body to another ; 80 Inā siniā. i se maua . ini i t also of the effect of medicine. ,
SIS SOʻI ( 266 ) SISILINIFO, 8. a full-grown pig . to SOANIA, v. from soa. 1. be ac 8. two kinds of coinpanioned , to have a second SISILOALOA, SISIMATAIVI, sisi. . or companion . Nainai soania Sisina, v. to drop down, of liquids; le fetūao. 2. To do a thing a . . pass. SINAIA ; dimin. SINASINA. second time, as to fall twice from SISITAI, 8. salt-water winkles. . a tree. . SISITUI,04,
8. the Manu'a name for } 8.two kindsof sisi. | SOʻAPINI, Su‘apini. Syn. FUʻAPINI. Soaso. , adv. no wonder, that is
SISIVAI, 8. fresh -water molluscs.
SISIVAO, 8. land-snails. the reason . Soasoā fefe ina ‘ua SIVA, 8. a song. . fasia anamua . Syn. NAINAI, Siva, v. to dance accompanied by LAʻolaío . So‘AsoʻA, v. to spear fish. song ; redup . SIVASIVA. SIVAALANA'I, v. to use bad lan . SoʻASOʻAGA, 8. a spearing of fish. guage. Syn . Ososuar; pl. sisi- SOATA, 8. a stony tract of land. VAALANAʻI. A term applied to Falealili in SIVĀ‘OFE, 8. a bamboo flute. song. Lau tama na fa'aolioli i So, a . 1. either, one of ; 80 lātou. ! le soata. 2. Any one of them , whosoever. SoĀTAʻI,8. a second ta'i in the yaws. ! So se tasi. See Sa. .. SoĂTAU, 8. a large canoe made from Soa , 8 . 1. a companion , a second one tree. ' O lona soătau . 2. One who procures a wife for SoĀTAU, 8. an armour-bearer. ' O another. 'O lona soa . 3. A sungI lona soātau. · in honour of visitors. Pe se soa | SoĀVAʻA, 8. a companion canoe i le va i le faga ? going with another.
SOʻA, 8. 1. one method of fishing by SOEE, 8. a landing -net. niglit. The brace of a house. 3. SOEAGO, 8. the name of a fish . . .. A gun . (Obsolete.) SOESĀ, a . disagreeable, offensive, SoaʻA, 8. the mountain plantain aunoying ; redup. SOESOESĀ. Soesa , v. to be disagreeable, to he · (Musa uranospatha .) Soaʻal, v. to steal fuod ; pl. soa - offensive, to be annoying ; pass. 'A 'A'I. SOESĀTIA ; redup. SOESOESĀ .
80AʻAI,8. of food.ofsoaʻa. SOESOE, 8. youny turo shoots ; SOA ULUa stealerparieties 'A‘ ,
smaller than uli. | Soi, 8. a species of yam (Dios corea ). SoĀIGOA, 8. names of young chiefs, Soʻl, v. to swarm , as mice or men ; by which they are praised . redup. SOʻISOʻI. SOʻAITU, v. 1. to tell faults plainly. Sõia, interj. enough ! desist ! let it SOA'ASĒ,
Soʻal, v. to brace a house.
; 2. To make a begging request
be ! leave off !
to cease from . 'Ua fai atu, SOAIVI, 8. the small bone of the Sora,v. E sõia le fefe.
- plainly.
: arm or leg .
SorʻULA, 8. one kind of soi.
SOAFAFINE, 8. the female com · panions of a lady. SOAMAFUTA, v. to dwell together. í Ua soamafuta le itu nei. SOĀMOEMOE, 8. the leaf of a cocoa nut or banana just unfolded ; also of ti, & c. SOANI, a . four. (On part of SaVAI' I .
Soifua, 8. a tale of a life. “ Ia fai . mai de soifua." - SOLO OF MALIE TOAFEAI.
SOIFUA, 8. life. (Chief's word.) . Soifua, v. to live ; of chiefs. Soifua, interj. may you live ! An ejaculation to one sneezing. SOISINA, 8. one kind of soi. | So‘i$oʻl, v. redup.ofsoʻI.
BOL Soisor, v. to laugh . (Of a SOFA'l, v.at Atua for sofai. SOFE, 8. the name of a fish . Soisoiku , chief.) So‘o, a. any ; distributive ; as so. SOFESOFE, 8. a native dish of yam cooked in juice of cocoa -nut. · Soʻo se la 'au. Soʻo, v. 1. to encircle, to surround. Soga, 8. the name of an attendant
( 267 )
'Ua futu , 'ua soʻo le atu sasa 'e. on the chief Salā of Lealatele. 2. To join ; pl. soso-o ; pass . SoGĀ, 8. the name of a plant, from į SOʻOTIA ; intens. so ‘oso ‘o . the bark of which nets and red So‘o, 8. 1. a follower, an imitator, shaggy niats are made (Pipturus one like another. Ia tupu se ou propinquus). . . • 80*0, ia agatunu ai faleupolu . 2. SOLASOGĀ, a . persevering , as in
work or anger. Syn . MAGOMA A disciple. So‘o, v. to be pained ,to be troubled . GOA. ma le mea, 'ua tau manu i se SOGELAU, 8. the name of a fish . - āSoʻo ? Sogi, v. to rub noses, to salute ; pl. Soʻo, adv. frequently, continually, FEASOGI. without intermission . | SogisOGI, v. to smell ; pa88. SOGITIA. Soʻoga, 8. 1. property given to the Sogo, 8. 1. the fleshy end of the family of the wife on fetching soldier crab . 2. A child's penis . her after a separation . 2 . Peri- | Sola, v. 1. to run away, to escape, to fly away. “ Ua sosola Tigilau Deum muliebre. to. have a firm joint. ma Sina. 2. fig. To die. "Va 'e 1. v. SoʻOMAU, 2 . To be firm sola i le to‘ilalo o Atua ; pl. Soʻona, adv. 1. at random , anyhow. SOSOLA ; pass. SOLATÍA ; redup. SOLASOLA . - 2. Very. “Ua so‘ona lālelei. SoʻONAFAI, v. to do a thing any- SOLA AGA, 8. 1. flight. 2. The how . . party running away ; pl. sosoLA. So‘osoʻo, v. 1. to be joined in many | ‘AGA. places. 2. To be close together. SOLAIA (So- la -ia), interj. enough ! : "Ua soʻosoʻo tagatá . leave off ! See SoIA. SoʻOTŪTI, v. to resemble in form SOLAOʻo, v. to run away home,as a - and shape. It goes beyond foliga . woman runuing from her hus Sou, a. rough, foaming, of the sea ; || band. SOLASŪLUSŪLU, v. to flee and hide redup. SOUSOU. Sou, v. to be rough, to foam , as away. Aué le solasūlusūlu , 'ua • the sea ; pass. SOUA ; redup. 80U- | mata'u tele naʻuā. SOU . SOLATA'l, v. to abscond with, tó carry off. Sou, pron . 80-0u , thy. Soʻu, pron . 80-oʻu ,my. SOLATAGA, 8. a company of persons Soʻu, v. for se-i-tou, let me. Saʻua , running away . Syn . SOLA'AGA. ta soʻu fa 'ate‘ia . Solaria, 8. a species of crab which Sõua, v. pass. of sou, 1. to labour is fierce, and so solatia. Syn . PA'ALAUIFI. · in a cross sea . Ia “ese ane pao pao e sõua. 2. To be beset with | Solaria, v. pass. of SOLA, to be tongues, to be scolded on all avoided , to be deserted . - sides. SOLE, 8. friend ! (A call to a mån.) Soufuna, 8. a call to a woman. See See SE. Funa. Soufuna, fafagu ane a SOLI, v. 1. to tread on , to trample outou ta 'a . on . 2. To treat as a conquered SOFAI, v. 1. to break down. 2. To party, to ill-use ; pass. SOLIA ; break through , as an opposing - redup. SOSOLI, SOLISOLI; pass, ". army; pass. SOFAIA . SOLISOLIA ; recip. FESOLIAʻI. Ua
( 268 )
na soli o lo lāsā e ona va'a e , Solo, a. swift. 'O le vaʻa solo. feoa 'i ma ta 'ipisa. Solo, v. to be swift, of a canoe. SOLI-AⓇAU, v. to beg seu implements, SOLOA, v. pass. of sosolo, 1. to be overspread , as by vines. 2 . To by a whole village. SOLIAITU, 8. large gatherings of be overrun with water. Ja soloa people for wrestling and games i le vai lalo. May your house į on removing a prohibition from stand in water. places made sacred to the gods. Soloaʻl, v. 1. to pass along , as SOLIGA, 8. native cloth given by a troops to the seat of war. 'Ua soloaʻi mai au o le taua. 2 . virgin to visitors.
8. a partySyn.begging To .succeed to a title or posses ·SOLIGAAʻAU, seuga implements. MALA ! sion GAʻAUSEUGA. SOLOALALO, 8. a kind of sea-snake. SOLILEMOGAMOGA, v. lit, to trample SOLOALOFA, v. to pine after, as a : on cockroaches ; to have a house- child for its absent parent. warming by having a poula ,
: the soles of a chief's feet against · the palms of the hands and the cheeks. SOLISOLI, v. to commence a taro
SOLO-ATOA, v. to be all in one piece, to have no join . SOLO‘AVA, 8. songs of ‘ava -drink , ing . SÕlor, 8. a towel. SOLOI, v. to wipe ; pass. SÕLOIA . Soloi, v, 1. to throw down , as & wall; pass. SOLOỊA. Le paepae lei ¿ soloi ane. 2. To break
plantation . Syn . UAUA. - ple, to tread on repeatedly.
gradually, as a wave fit to glide on . SOLOILUMA, v. to improve.
SOLIPŐ, v. to be troilden on in the
· dark. (Of chiefs.) Pass. SOLIPOINA. SOLISÕLI, 8. prostration ; putting
SOLISOLT, v. redup. of SOLI, to tram
SOLISOLINIU, v. to offer no apology Soloitua, v. to get worse, to de before speaking . ( A Manu'a teriorate. word .) SOLOFA, v. 1. to fall down, of a
SOLITĪGĀ, v. to be painfully op house only. 2. To disperse, to . pressed. 'O le tupu na solitīgā ; dissipate, to resolve, as a swell ing . pass. SOLITĪGĀINA. SOLITŪ, v. 1. to remain away from | SOLOFASOLO, v. to go all about the i the war, 2. To stop, as travel- | body, as a disease. lers or troops, from proceeding. SOLOGĀTUPU , v. the succession of SOLITULĀFONO, 0, to break laws, to kings. transgress .
SOLIYALE, v. to be trespassed upon
8. a horse. (From the | Solofanua, Tahitian .)
without cause. Le nuću e sa e le SologÕGŪ, v. to pass on silently, as , Bolivale.
if dumb.
Solo, v. 1. to slide, to fall down, as SOLOLELEI, v. 1, to proceed pros a wall. 2. To pass along, as a perously and without calamity. number of people on a road. 3. | Ua sololelei le tuusaga . 2. To To wipe, as after bathing.
make pleasant speeches, without
SOLO, 8. 1. a landslip. 2. À part of anything to offend. Manū o solo a wall fallen down. 3. A string lelei fetalaiga . · ofmen or animals passing along. SOLOMOʻo, v. i. to glide along like 4 . A song in praise of a chief's · land. 5 . A towel.
Solo, adv. along, from place to · place.
a moʻo. Applied to a tiʻa which does not rebound. 2. To speak in a covert way. See FAʻASOLO MO‘o . Se a le mea 'e te fa'asolo
SOS ( 269 ) moʻo ai lau fetalaiga, 'a e lē se'i || heavens; applied to the morn . ing star, as if it passed over the mānuanu lou taofi ? Solomua, v. 1. to go ahead , to take heavens and became the evening the lead. 2. To be beforehand, star. Supposed to be a sign of as a crop of breadfruit. death to the Pe'a family. 'Ua SOLOMULI, v. 1. to back the paddles, / sopolagi Tapuitea. to pull backwards. 2.° To be SOPOLIU, v. to transgress the laws behindhand, as a crop of bread of bonito-fishing by stepping over fruit. 3. To walk backwards, to the canoe. v. redup. of sopo, 1. to SOPOSOPO, go back . SOLOSOLO, 8. 1. the name of a fish. pass over. 2 . To transgress. 3. Syn . Usiusi. 2. A handkerchief. To raise the feet in walking , so SoloSolo, v. to slip away, as the as to leave a small trail. 4 . To earth on the side of a hill. marry, or approach criminally to a relative. SolosoLQŪ. See LESOLOSOLOŪ . SOPOSOPOLOLOA, v. 1. to take long SOLOTAŠELE, 8. a bathing towel. SoloTA'oro, v. to desire to lie down, steps. 2. To make long stages on of a woman who has conceived. a journey. Syn . Sosolo . SOPOTOFĀGA, 8. adultery with a Solovala, v. to have water stand chief's wife. ing on the land. Syn. VAILALOA , SOPOTOFĀGA, v. to commit adultery • of a house. with a chief's wife.
Solovī, the shout of victory. SOPOVALE, v. 1. to pass over uncere Solovī, v. to slide down, as a man moniously. 2. T'o use bad words down a cocoa -nut tree. SouĀ. See SEMA.
to a chief. E lē iloa se ata sopo vale lo i'a e . .
Somo, 8. 1. a gummy secretion on Sosia, 8. riches or property spread diseased eyes, after sleep. Syn . out to view . TUPALA. 2 . The same e vagina . Soso, 8. the part of the yam which SOMOA, v. to bave the eyes ag glutinated ; redup . SOMOSOMOA.
decays before the yam grons again . .
SOMOLOTO, 8. secretio in vaginâ . Sosā, v. to move along, to draw SOMOSOMOA, v. redup. of somOA, 1. near, with mai; to move off, to beagglutinated, to be gummy, with atu . Ona sōsō atu lea o Sina , of the eyes. 2. To be sticky, as Soso, v. to decay before growing a stale fish. 3. To secrete al again, as bulbous roots. 'O le ufi slimy juice,as the sprouts of some leleima le 8ðs/. trees. Soso, v. to turn from side to side, Sona, pron. 80 -ona , his, her. to be restless, as in a fever ; re SONI, v. to chop ; pl. SOSONI; re- ! dup. sosososo . 'Ua 8ðsổ le ma‘i. dup. SONISONI. But ' O le ma‘i sðeð is concupis Soni, 8. a water-bottle. cence . SOPE, 8. a lock of hair left as an | Sosoa, v. to dance accompanied by ornament. siuging. Sopo, v. 1. to step over. 2. To pass SosoʻA, v. 1. to spcar. 2. To husk over ; pl. SOSOPO ; redup. SOPO - cocoa -nuts. - SOPO ; recip. FESOPOAʻI. Nei '80- Sosoʻo, v. 1. to join together, to : sopo ifo se tasi i le gatai ala , unite. 2. To reconcile. . . . e lē fesopoā'i a tātou itū ala . Sosogo, v. to smell of urine. Syn . La'a . Sosolt, v . 1. to trample on , to treall SOPOAGA, 8. a step. Syn . LAʻASAGA. | on . 2. To eat things which were
SOPOLAGI, v. to pass over the
representatives of the gods. .
( 270 )
Sosolo, v. 1. to run , as, liquids,or 'O suaga a le pua-a: 2. The as fat when melting . 2. To tacking of a ship. 3. Jestiug . spread, as a skin disease, or as O lāna suaga. creeping plants. Tau atu i le | SUAGE, 8. a mäle friend of a woman , pau e sosolo . 3. To lie about, as with theidea of illicit intercourse. å woman who has conceived . 4. Se āna suage, se āna tane. To be a coward . SUĂGOGI, v. to persist in a charge. SOSONI, v. from soni, to chop, to SUĀLIU, 8. bilge water. notch . Sualua, a. brackish . Syn. TAITAI. SOSONI, 8. a cutting blow
in a club
match. SUAMĂLIE, a . sweet. . eet. SosoPo, v. to pass over. O le ă SUAMĂLIE , v. to be sweet. de sw
8080po le manu vale i le fogātia,
SUAMALU, v. to soften the soil by
Su, a. 1, watery, waxy, as taro, breadfruit, & c. 2. clothes, bush, & c. ; , dimin . SŪSŪ. Su , v. 1. to be wet. watery, of taro ; also
digving. pl. SŬSŪ ; Suamua, v. to be first, as in speak , ing or tighting, 2. To be SUAMULI,v. to be last,as in speaking Wet, as SUAMILI. See TIGOGI.
of bread ,
or fighting ; redup. SUASUAMULI.
* fruit before full grown. It indi- SUAPEAU, 8. juice of the turtle,most ... cates the stage of growth . “Ua
delicate of all juices.
ou 'ulu . If eaten they are watery ; SUʻAPINI, 8. the fu ‘apini, so called pl. sởsŪ ; dimin . sūsū. in some parts. Sva, v. 1. to grub up, to plough, as SUĀSAMI, 8. salt water, sea water. the soil. 2 . To gore, as a boar SUASUA, v. redup. of sua, to root up, or bull; pass. SUATIA . 3. To to turn up the ground , as a pig does. tack a ship . . Sua, v. 1. to contain liquid , as a SUASUAI, v. to work hard for others, bottle, a well. 2. To discharge as a man in his wife's family, · matter, as an abscess ; pl. susuA. | or vice versa . Va suasuai į le 3. To rise (of the tide). Ua sua galuega a le fatuaiga. SUASUAMUA , v. to make known an · mai le tai. SUA, v. to jest, to joke ; pl. susuA. opinion before consulting others SUA, 8. a jest. Ia tasi le sua, soia . concerned . SUASUÒ. See SUASUAI. O lāna sua.
Sua, 8. Malay, Kua, 1. juice or SuĀSUSU, 8. milk . ' 'O lona suāsusu, · liquid of any kind , as suāvai, SUATAILí, v. to flutter, to shake the suāsusu . ' O lona sua. 2. Cooked | wings, as a bird when washing. food , especially as prepared for Ta'ele i Avaavaafiti, a oauli sua. the sick . " O sua a le ma‘i. taili. ' SUAAUGA, v. to be only a little risen, SÚATAUFUTI, v. 1. to provoke to a of the tide. contest though worsted. 2. To SCAALANA'I, v. to depreciate,as one | jeer at-an angry person . chief or his followers another to SUATAGA, 8. 1. a tack of a ship ;
· the lady to whom both he and fig. applied to the return of a his rival are paying addresses. chief to his people. O le toe SUA'AVA. See LAUʻAVA (CARNE ). suataga o le va'a tele. 2. The Sual, v. to dig up. rooting a pig. SuĀv‘U , 8. oil. O lāna suāuru. SUATI, 8.anof outrigger on the right Suara, 8. a name (of chiefs ). A se side of a canoe, to kep the ama ali'i,avane lona suafa. from being submerged when
Suaga, 8. 1. the rooting of a pig.
SUG ŞUA ( 271 ) SUATI, v. 1. to spit. out. . 2. To - making thatch , 3. To do needle pour out rubbish . 3. To pour work ; redup. SUSUʻI, SUʻISUʻI. - out, as water. 4. To use bad Sea "ula e, 'a toli e, susu'i. . language. . SUʻ10FU , v. to sew clothes. SUATUʻI, v. to dig into the ground Suiga, 8. a substitute. See Sur. with the toʻoto'o of offi .e, signi SUILAPALAPA, 8. the hips. "O ona 'fying heavy punishment to an suilapala pa. offender. A e suatu‘i ma to SU‘IsU IA, v. to be pained in the fotoʻo. foot, as if being pricked . Sup . SUĀVAI, 8. 1. water. 2. Food , so posed tod be a sign of being Se*i fai mai | grumble at. calledu toO chiefs. Se'i
sina au suāvai. Ona alu ai lea SUITAGAVAI, v. to exchange signals · in war, e sauni le mea e 'ai. SUE, 8. a fish sometimes poisonous SUITū, v. 1. lit. to exchange stand . ing, as a girdle of leaves ex · ( Tetrodon ). Sue, v. to project, as the belly of chianged with visitors. 2. To a pig or a fat person ; redup. exchange a rotten post of a SUESUE, house for a new one. 3. To take SUⓇE, v. 1. to lift up as a mat. 2. a substitute offhand. 4. To To search, to examine ; pass, take the father's place. · SUʻEA ; redup. SUSUʻE, SUʻESUʻE. SUʻITUAFILO, v. to stitch. Na 'ou sau nei e suíe le pagotā.
Suo, s. a spade. O lona suo.
SUʻE, v. to renew the sinnet fasten Suõ, v. to fall with the eyes to the ground . ings of a canoe. SUʻEGA, 8. 1. an examination , “O SCOGEA, 23. 1. to be put to shifts on lāna su ‘ega, of the examiner. "O account of famine. 2. To work lona, of the examined. 2. The hard after a famine. 3. To be ends of the thatch where they stingy. . Suosuo, v. See Suasual. overlap each other. Sù ENA, pass. of suốE, to be lifted | SUFI, 8. the name of one kind of up, as vines by the tide. song. SUʻESUʻE, v. redup. of SUʻE. See Sufi, v. 1. to try to get a pig SUSUʻE . from some one for a party of SUʻESUⓇEUGA,v. to search diligently, I travellers. 2. To scold on tion ac as they seek foruga for bait. İa | count of a small contribu out draw to try To 3. a made. tuʻu su'esu euga į poloaʻig na mai.
à secret ; pl. SUSUFI ; pass. SU
Sur, v. 1. to dilute. 2. To add FIA ; redup. SUFISUFI ; recip. FE fresh ingredients when preparing SUFIAʻI. cocoa -nut oil ; redup. SUISUI. SUFISUFI, v. redup. of SUFI, to sift
Sul, 8. a substitute. O lona sui. L a person in order to find out Sui, v. to substitute, to be a something. substitute ; recip. FESUIAʻI, to SUFITĀ, v. to find fault with . ; SUGALE, exchange. leaflet used as a fork .
SUʻI, 8. the stem of a cocoa-nut SUʻI, 8. a young cocoa-nut having water in it, but no kernel, 'O le mu'a suri. -Scʻl, v. 1. to thread on a string, as beads. 2. To twist sugar
8. 1. one kind of taro. 2.
The name of a fish. SUGALE'ULA, SUGALEFALA ,
8. different kinds of the fish sugale.
: cane leaf on to a reed, as in SUGALU, 8. 1. taro left till over-ripe.
SUG SOL ( 272 ) 2. An old pigeon. 3. A re- ' wind. . 6 . A yellowish fly -fish spectful name for seu fishing. I hook .
4 . An old person wbo is still SULU, v. to light by a torch ; pass. SULUIA ; pl. SUSULU . . 'Ua māla malama le fale, 'ua suluia é le la . to some other things which are Sulu, Malay , SULU, a spy, v. 1. to thrust into. 2. To fasten on , as · old but good. SUGALUĀUALUMA, 8. the refusal the native wrapper. 3. To of proposals of marriage by the plunge into, as a canoe in the waves. 4 . To take refuge in . āualuma. SUGALUFAIVA, 8. a term of respect 5 . To wear a cloth , on visiting for all faiva , as seu , pigeon the family of a dead chief, which cloth is given to the family. - catching, tologa, & c. SUGALUGALUFALE, v. to be bed - SULUAOAO, v. to fasten on the ridden from old age. wrapper under the armpits. SUGALUVAI, s. 1. the ifiifi found in SULUI. See LAUSULUI. the water. 2. A good -looking | SULUFAʻl, v. to take refuge with . good -looking. 5. An old arrow taken great care of. 6. Ifiifi left till dry. 7. Applied also
man . SULUFA 'IGA, 8. a refuge. SULA, v. to praise on account of Suluga, 8. a party visiting the riches, beauty, & c.; redup. SULA family of a dead chief, and leav SULA. ing the wrappers which they
SULĀ, V. (negative, with lē, not wear. praised . Ua lē sulā le pule a le SULUGAMALIO, 8. a catching of Atua). crabs by torchlight. Sula, s. a song of thanks for a SULUGĀTITI, 8. 1. the place where present of "ava . the titi is fastened. 2. euph . SULA‘ESE, v. 1. to be praised by for taurupu, the loins. 'Olona others, and not by oneself or sulugātiti . . hy relations; pass. SULA'ESEA. SULULUPE, v. to catch pigeons by Lau tama i sulaʻesea. 2. To be torchlight. praised by others on account of SULUMA‘I, v. to thrust, or push
something which yields no profit to its owner.
through , or into, as the oso into a thicket to hide it.
Sulali, 8. the name of a shell | SULUMA‘la, v. 1. to be thrust or fish . plunged into, as the bows of a SULASULA, 8. one species of plan canoe into the waves, or a per tain . son carried headlong by the waves into a cave ; or one fall Sulasula, v. redup.ofSULA . SULASULAGA, 8. praises. ing headlong into a hole. 2. SULI, 8. 1. the sucker of a banana. To die suddenly, after previous O le suli o le fa'i. 2. The true good health ; from sulu and Eon of a chief. 'O le ali'i lea e ona le suli iā Moegagogo. SILISULI, 8. a species of star- fish .
SULUMALA, v. 1. to be first prog perous and then unfortunate. 2.
Sulu ,Malay, SULUH, 8. 1. a torch . To die without being ill. Nearly 'Olona sulu . 2. Dry leaves of syn . with SULUMA‘IA . paogo. 3. fig. the eye, as the SULUMUA, 8. the pieces of tortoise torch of the body. 4 . The true shell near the head of the turtle. son of a chief. (Instead of suli SULUMULI, 8. the pieces of tortoise on the north -west side of Sa- shell near the tail .
vai'i.) . 5. A south -westerly SULUSEU, v. to seu pigeons by torch
ST'S ( 273 ) · light. Loʻu tula'imai e faimoʻr SUNUAGA, 8. a place to insert the suluseu .
perch of pigeons. SULUSULU, v. 1. to take about a SUNUʻI, v. to thrust in, as a stick into the ground . or for something, to look torch to fish with . 2. To persevere SUNUʻILAUNIU, v. to insert a coroa in. E sulusulu ifo si a tātou nut leaf into the boundary on each side of two contending lama. SULUSULUA, a . ripe, full-grown, as parties, to indicate that the war taro . is to be confined to them . SULUSULULATOT, 8. a small light- SUNUGA, 8. a burning. coloured snake which bites, but SUNUSUNU, 8. the burnt bush where a plantation is made. is not venomous. SULUSULUTAU, v. to rush into a SUPA, 8. 1. paralysis. 'O lona supa. fight. 2. The name of a moon in the SŪMĀLIE, a. great, for tele. It was wet season. . thought to be unlucky to use Supa, v. to be palsied ; pl. 84 tele iu praising anything in one's | supa . own family. Also used by Sởsů, Malay, SūsŪ, s. 1. the breast. bonito - fishers. 2. The dug or teat of animals. SUMU, v. 1. to tie on the ridgepole O ona sūsů. of a house. 2. To enter thebody, Sởsū, SūsŪ, a. pl. of su . v. to come with mai; to go, as a spear. SUMU, 8. 1. the name of fishes of with atu. Used only tó titled the genus Balistes. 2. A clus chiefs. Tigilau ‘ra súsū mai. ter of stars . The sumu (fislı) | SŪSŪ , a . dimin . of su, 1. somewhat and the toloa (duck ) were taken wet. 2. A little watery, of taro. up to heaven and became signs. SūsŪ, v. to be pierced so that the 3. An ambassador from the camp | spear shows a protuberance on of the enemy. 4 . One who steals the opposite side of the body. into the enemy's camp to kill a Syn . POPONA. man . Susua, a . pl. of sua. SUMUFALA, I 8. varieties of sumu Susua, v. pl.of sua. SUMUSINA, (Balistes). SUSUʻE, v. redup. of suốE, 1. to lift SUNI, 8. 1. the name of a tree froin up, to open . 2. To uncover, as which garlands are made (Dry an oven of food . 'A 'e'susu “e le mispermum Burnettiauum ). 2. foaga , e iloa ai le ala . . The piece of tutuya used as a SUSUʻE, v. to be spring tide, so sponge to take up scented cocoa called because it lifts up the oil as it forms. vines on the beach . SUNI, v. 1. to sponge up scented SusUŠE, a . high, of the spring tide. cocoa-nut oil with a piece of ' O le tai susu 'e. . tutuga. 2. To polish the tita ; SUSUʻl, v. 1. to fasten on the tau aluga of a house. 2. To pierce redup. SUNISUNI. SONIʻULA, 8. a necklace of suni. a hole in a young cocoa-nut in Tui e, 'ua fia suni'ula . order to drink the juice. 3. The SUNITAI, 8. the name of a twining pl. of suʻl. | Susu“Ia, v. See SUʻISUʻIA. slirub . SUNIVAO, 8. the name of a small SůsŪGA, 8. 1. the speech of a titled tree . chief. 2. His presence. 'O lau SUNISUNI, v.redup. of SUNI. susuga . SUNISUNI, 8. the name of a shell. SửsởGĂ, a . having littlemilk. fish .
SUSULU, v. 1. to shine, of tho
( 274 )
heavenly bodies, fire, & c. 2. To looking, but a cripple. 4. To
be handsome. 3. To be good 1 plunge, as a canoe in the waves. |
TAA TA'A, v. to commit fornication, of the woman. Ta‘A, v. to go at large, as animals and fish ; pl. TATA‘A ; redup. TĀ
'ATĀ A . See Sulu . 5. pl. of sulu . SUSUNU, v. to burn up ; pass. SU - TA‘Ā, 8. a small fishing -line. 'O NUA, SUSUNUINA.
lāna ta'ā.
SŪSŪTAU, v. to be pierced by a TAʻAⓇAFA, v. to struggle. Syn. FITIVALE. spear close at hand. SŪTULIA, v. 1. to be frightened by TA'A'ALO, v. pl. of TAʻALO. being constantly beaten. 2. To | TA‘AI, v. to wind round ; applier be driven from fishing by the to smoke circling round in a cold .
liduse, and to an ulcer encir
cling a limb ; pas8. TA AJA ; redup. TA'ATA'ĀI. TA‘Al, 8. See ‘AFATAŠAI.
The thirteenth letter in the TA'AIGA, 8. a roll, as of sinnet, Samoan alphabet. It is pro- | mats, tobacco, & c. TA'AIGĀPULU, . a piece of bread nounced as in English . TĀ, s. a stroke, a blow . ' O lāna ta. fruit gum chewed by children . Tă, pron . I. Tă te ola 'ea ? Ni ā TA‘A’īna, v. 1. to be gathered together, as gravel by the waves. mea o fai ? Tā, pron . dual. we two. (Abbre | 2. To be drawn in ; to be induced
to do. 3. To staggerunder a load. viated from tāua. TĀ, v. 1. to strike with a stick or Ta‘AIVAI, 8. iron hoop. Corrupted weapon . Auē, taʻitasi tā į o la into tāivai. tua. 2. To beat with a stick , TA'Au, v. to strike the handle of a as the native drum , or the mat | paddle against the gunwale of at a night dauce. Pe ni faʻa - | the canoe in pulling. aliói ua tatā ? 3. To play on a TA‘auso, 8. the usoali-i of the Vui musical instrument with the family . hand. “Ua tā le laʻaupese. 4. TA'AFALU, 8. a thief of things in a To reprove. E toʻatāmaći a 'e house.
tau ina tā į malae. 5. To TA'AFANO, v. to be scattered about, tattoo. E tatā tane, “a e tuʻu as pigeons seeking food . fafine. 6. To open a vein . 7. TAʻAFANUA, v. fish easily caught, To bale a canoe. Tā le liu . because near land or near the 8. To wash clothes by beating.
reef ; opp. to taamaotai. Va
9. To jump a somersault. 'Ua | taafanua le inafo. TĀINA ; redup. TĀTĀ. May. Tă,repeated a prefixandto quick verbs action, denotingas TAʻAFI, 8. rags of siapo ; FI‘AFI. 'Olona ta 'afi.
tā le fiti ; pl. TĂTĀ ; pass. TAIA, TA'AFANUĀ -TELE, 8. the month of
pl. TA'A
tălua, tămoʻe. Also applied to the TAʻAFILI, v. 1. to rolí, to wallow . plurality of things, as tă“e mo. | 2. To struggle with ; pl. TA'A TĀ E, 8. child ! (A call to a child .) | FIFILI ; redup . TA'AFILIFILI. Sa
Ta'a, 8. the party who go to al “e tau ta'afili ai, Fou e. woman 's family to take pro - | TA'AFILIFILI, v. to dismember, as a posals of marriage from their dead man in war. chief. 2 . The food taken on | TAʻAFITI, v. to struggle , to be rest such occasions as a present. '01 less, of animals ; redup. TA 'AFI
le taʻa a le ali'i.
( 275 )
TĂ“AFUA, 8. a detached clamfish ; TA'ALOTO, 8. a small enclosure also called tă'anoa. for pigs. 'O lona taʻaloto , TĀ‘AGA, 8. 1. a shoal of fish. 2. TA'ALOTO, v. to put pigs into an A herd of animals . 3. A flock
of ducks.
TAALUGA, 8. ta -a -luga , the top | row of a bunch of bananas. TA'Aga, v. to pasture, to graze. 'O TA'AMALA, I v. to go ahout mea e ta 'aga i aimanu . TAʻAMĀLATA , S with a calamity TA'ALAELAE, 8. 1. a wide or bald impending. 'Ua taʻamala i lenā forehead . 2. A beardless chin . taua. 3 . Pudend, mulieb. depile. | TA'AMANUIA, v. to go about at TA'ALAELAE , a. open , as a country tended by prosperity. without trees. TA'AMILO, v. to go round about; TA'ALAO, v. to finish up, as a job of redup. TAʻAMILOMILO. Ua ta TAⓇAGA, s. pasture.
familo ma fa-anoanoa, 'ua manatu work . TA'ALE, s. 1. the soft inside of the i lāna avā . top of a cocoa -nut tree. 2. The TA'AMŪ, 8. the name of a plant head. ( A term of abuse.) (Alocasia Indica et A . costata). TA 'ALEU , V. See LEU . crickets ; quiet, still. TAʻALIGOLIGOA, v. to be quiet, to be still. TA'ALILI, a . resounding, sonor ous, as thunder, waves, a trum pet, & c.
TAʻALIGOL!GOA, a. lit. a place of
TAʻANEVA , 8. 1. the name of a fish. 2. A man wandering about friendless. Ta‘ANIO, v. to go round about in speaking . TĀ“ANOA, 8. an animal that is weaned . "O lāna tā 'anoa .
TĂ“ANOA, 8. 1. a detached clam fish ; also taʻafua. 2. A man or woman whose husband or LILILILI. wife is dead or gone away . TA'ALILIVALE, 8. turbulence, up- TĂ'ANOA, v. to be at liberty, as roar, tumult. an unmarried man or woman ;
TAʻALILI, v. 1. to resound. 2. To come in crowds ; redup. TA'A
TAʻALISE, adv. quickly. Syn. redup. TAʻATA 'ANOA . VAVE. TAʻANŪŠU, v. to wander from land TAʻALISE, v. to be quick ; pl. TA to land. ‘ALILISE. TA'ANUNU, v. to be in crowds. TA‘alo, v. to play, to sport, to TAʻAPE, v. to be dispersed, to be scattered ; redup. TAʻAPEʻAPE ; dally with ; pl. TA'A'ALO.
TAʻALOFA'APUNA, v. to play roughly pl. TAʻAʻAPE. Na ta ape pāpā so as to hurt others. ia Paitomaleifi. TA'ALOGA, 8. play, sport, dalli- TAⓇAPEAFATUATI, v. to be scattered ance. “ O la là ta'aloga. to gather together again .
TAʻALOLO, 8. the taking of food TA'APEʻAPEPĀPĀ, v. to be dead . to visitors by a whole district Applied to Tupua . atitů . once. O te taʻalolo a le TA'APEGA, 8. 1. & scattering. E maulu mai a se taʻapega . 2. A TA'ALOLO, v. 1. to go in crowds. routed party. E maulu mai ai 2. To disperse. Ta'alolo ma ni ta'apega. | TA'AsĀMOA, 8. the Samoan group tau fetalaiga. TĀ'ALOLO, v. to be almost beaten | down, as houses in a storm ; to stand aslant. Tumau į lou atu · mauga tāʻalolo.
of islands. TAʻASĒ, 8. 2. a stray pig. 2. A wanderer, an alien , ( A term T 2
of reproach.)
ТАЕ Ta‘asē, v. to wander from home. I mill, a drill, & c. ; redup. TA'A Taasi, v. ta -asi, to cut sandal- VILIVILI. TA'AVILIVILI, V. intens. of TA'A wood. TA'ATAʻA, 8. a species of grass. VILI, to turn round and round TA'ATA'Ā , a . strong. quickly, as a whirligig. . TA'ata'a, v. to be strong. TA AVULA, a . very fat, as men TA'ATA'A, v. redup. of TĀ' , to and pigs. TA'AVULAVULA, a. redup. dimin. go at large.
( 276 )
TA'ATA'AALEALA, a . well known, of preceding, fat, as children common, ordinary . and young pigs. TA'ATA'AALEALA, v. to be a pros- | TĂE, Malay, TAI, 8. excrements, titute. foces. TA'ATAʻAI, v. redup. intens. of TĀE, v. to gather up rubbish ; pl. · TAʻAI. TATĀE ; pass. TAEA ; redup. TA'ATASI, 8. 1. a pig belonging TĂETAE . Na tāe otaota o le to a whole village. Syn . FAGA- Magamagaifatua.
TASI. 2. An only pig of a TA‘E, v. 1. to be cracked. 2. To family.
3. A
solitary wild
be broken ; pl. TATAŠE, TA‘EI ;
boar. redup. TA'ETA E. TA'E, . the top of a cocoa-nut TA'ATELE,v.to abound. TA'ATIA, v. 1. to be prostrate, to which has been broken out for be. lying down. 2. To appear | the purpose of drinking the
plainly. . Ta‘atia mai lava Lei- l juice. 'O le ta'e o le niu . pata, e le'i lilo . TĂĒa, v. to be reached, to reach to. TĀ‘ATIU, v. to die. Of the Taga - l “Ou te lē tāēd. loa family . TAEAO, 8. 1. the morning. 2. To TĂ ATUA, v. 1. to sit apart from morrow . the chiefs. 2. To be confined TAEAOFUA, 8. 1. early dawn. 2. The to a few , as a report not gene name of a war in Atua. rally known. TA‘EI, v. to break to picces. Ta‘ei, Ta‘ATUʻUIMALAE , 8, food giveu / ta'ei sau, o le ā “uma lava mea in the malae with an offer of mātagofie a le ali'i le fa'atāw marriage.
TA'ATŪUỐ, v. to be about to separate, as friends who have been sitting together. TA'ATCGA, 8. 1. a standing-place. (A Tutuila word.) 2. A footstool. TAATULALO , v. to rumble, as thunder. TA'AVAO, v. 1. to wander in the
TaErʻA, 8. the rich and oily part of faʻausi.
TA'EILILIʻI, v. to break up small ; pass. TA'EILILI'IA . TA'Êina, v. 1. to be forbidden. 2. To be driven away TĀ‘EU , v. 1. to scratch the ground,
as a fowl. 2. To take away,as
bush , of men . 2. To run away rubbish . into the bush , of animals. Ga TAEFAʻI, 8. an infant fed young taʻula e, tali a 'e 'oe, 'a ina ‘ou TAEFEʻE, 8. black vomit, black ta 'avao pea . stools. TAʻAVAOGA, 8. a wandering in TA‘EGĀIPU, 8. a broken piece of the bush . Le naumati o si a'u a cup, a shard . ta 'avaoga . TA'ELAFA, 8. a cocoa -nut very TA'AVALE, v. to roll; pl. TAʻA flat at the end which is broken VAVALE ; redup. TA'AVALE open . i VALE .
TAELAGOA,a . fly -dirtied . Applied to
TA'AVILI, V, to turn round, as al ripe bananas. Malay, TAILALAT.
TAI TAELAMA, 8. 1. black vomit, or TAETAEAPUPULU, 8. the name of a black stools. Syn. TAEFEʻE . shellfish. Applied to one who 3. Black pigment of the eye. carries off things. TA‘ELE, 8. 1. the keel of a canoe. TAETAEPALOLO, 8. mildew . 2. The bottom of a box, pail, & c. TAETAEPALOLOA, v. to be mildewed . 3. A red shaggy mat. TAETAFE, 8. rubbish brought down by a river. O lelā “o le taetafe. TA'ELE, v. to strain out. TĀ‘ELE, v. 1. tā-'ele, to bathe. TA'ETU, v . to limp ; redup. TA Ona lā tā'e'ele ai lea i le vai. 2. | ‘ETUʻETU. Syn . SETU. To open a dead body to search | TAETULI, 8. 1. a phosphorescent for the disease, so that by taking millepede. Ma le taetuli e pu
( 277 )
out the diseased part and burn - lapā. 2. Phosphorescence in the ing it, the disease itself may sea . 3. Was in the ear. be destroyed, and not enter TAETULIATU ,8. thephosphorescence another of the family ; pl. TA of the bonito. TAI, 8. 1. the sea. Osovale le tai 'EŠELE ; pass. TĀ'ELEA . TĀ ELEFAGA, l 8. 1 . a bathing place, o Savai'i. 2. The tide. 3. A TĀ‘ELEGA, S 2. A company of number, as se tai lima, only used bathers.
TĀELELĀ, interj. How hot is the sun ! TA'ELET7, a. deep-keeled. Syn . nearly MA‘ONAFONO.
TA‘ELETÕTÕ, v. to be bathed in blood , from wounds. TĂ'ELEPOLAPOLA, a . flat-bottomed, of a canoe. TAELO, 8. the name of a moon in the wet season . TXEMA, v. from 'ema, to glisten, as black siapo, tattooing, & c. TĂEMANU, 8, 1. one species of bread fruit. 2. One kind of banana . Guano. 3.
TĂEMO, v. to wink repeatedly .
in expressing inability or un willingness to do something re
quired ; pl. TĀI. 4. A number, as tai maumaga, tai galue, & c. Tai, 8. the heart of a tree. 'O lona - tai. TĀi,adv. nearly. As TĀLI. TĀi, v. to be near ; redup. TĀITAI. Lota fia tai atu Satali ē. TÃI. v. See TĀIMAI. TA'I, 8. the mother yam . Ta‘l,a . distributive particle. With tasi it means each , as Ia taʻitasi ma alu . Let each one go , i.e., With lud , it means pairs. all. taʻito‘alua la
ona o mai ; and so
with all other numbers, taʻilima,
TĀENAʻI, v. to gather together, 1. taʻiafe, & c. as fish , food , or property. 2. As | TAʻI, v. 1. to attend to the fire, to a swelling gathers to a head and keep up the flame. 2. To lead a troop. 3. To lead. TĂʻENUŠENU. Syn . TX‘INOʻINO. Taia , v. 1. to be mature, to be fit TĂEPĀ, 8. a basket or net made of to be cut, of trees. 2. To be old laura'a ,for catching palolo. The enough to be tattooed. 3. Pass. of TA. Savai'iname. Syn. 'Enu. TĂEPŪ , v. pedere. Taifa, v. ta -ia,'to fish for palolo , lo , TA'ESEA, Ü. to be blown off the palaʻia, and inaga . land, as a canoe. TÃIA‘E, v. to be shallow , as the sea, TAETAE, v. redup. of TĀE. an umeti, & c. TA'ETA'E , v. redup. of TA'E . TAʻl'AU , 8. a leader of troops. TA‘ETA‘E, a . shallow, as a boat or a TAʻl'AU, v. to lead a troop. 'A basket. Syn . PA‘EPA‘E . palui liutua, taʻitau , fa'amaufao. TA'ETA'E, v. to be shallow , of a boat TĀʻIAFI, v. to keep up the evening or a basket.
TĀÍ TAI ( 278 ) TAIAFIAFI, 8. an evening low tide. | TAʻIFEʻE, 8. one who fishes for cuttle- fish. E, taiafiafi 'o te Vaimuaga.
TAIAFULU, 8. the part of a log of
TAIFULA, 8. falling tide but still deep.
wood between the white and the TAʻIGÃAFI, 8. 1. the hearth , the red . fireplace. Syn .' AVAGĀLAFO.' 2. The company who go to keep up TĀIALA. See TUʻUIALA. TAIALOALO, v. to have a lagoon on a fire for visitors. the coast. Taigau, 8. the turn of the tide. "O le māsina e oso į le taitau la e TAIANE. See TEANE. TAIEFANOLOLO, 8. a moderate tide, e goto i le taigau. neither too high or too low . TAIGULU, 8. high tide. TAIGALĒMŪ, į v.to be just in time, TĀʻII, v. to be slow of speech . TĂ“ ' , 8. the sickness of an old TAIGAMĀLIE, ) to come oppor person, especially elephanti. tunely. Syn . PĀGAMĀLIE, TAILELAO, 8. the tide rising in the asis. TĂóróla, v. to be ill, to have some morning dawn. sickness. A depreciatory term TĀʻILELAGI, v. ta-ti -le-lagi, to be when speaking of one's own exalted , as the children of a mean parent, through the supe sickness. rior rank of the other parent. TAI'ILELĀ , V. tai-'i-le-lā, to fish while the sun is high, although TAILELEI, v. to have deep water within the reef, suitable for a it be not low tide. boat journey. 2 . To be dead low TA'I'ITAMA, 8. lochia . TA 'l'o , 8. the name of a sea -bird water, for fishermen . TAILELEI, v . 1. to have a lagoon on (Diomedea.) TAIOAULI, 8. a noon low tide. the coast. Opposed to taipupū . TAIOFAFINELEAVI, v.'a tide on which 2. To be at peace. Na tă alu a wife goes to fish for herhusband, atu o tailelei, Cua taipupū foi le nufu nei. whether high or low . TAIOFEITI, 8. spring -tide. Syn . TAILELEIA, v. to be prosperous, to TAISUSUʻE .
be well fed on a journey .
TAIOLEMA‘I, 8. the root of the TĀILELUA, v. tā-2-ie-lua, lit. to be struck into the grave ; to be sick , disease. TAIVALĀ, , 8. low tide in the to vomit. TĂILI, v. to fan , as a fan . 2. To TAIVALAO,) morning. TAIULU, 8. 1. a yam top, kept for blow , as the wind. 3. To send · planting. '0 'le taiulu o le ufi. about a child continually on 10 le taiulu a le tagata. 2. A messages ; redup. TAILIILI. Syn . man who raises reports. ' O le MĀILI (2). TAʻili, a. stony, gravelly , especially taiulu lenā tagata. when coming to stony soil in TAIULUAGO, 8. one kind of yam . TAʻIULULIMA, 8. fifty breadths. Le digging ; redup. TA'ILIʻILI.
aosoa taʻiululima, a siapo fifty TAILILIGO, 8. smooth sca. (Poetic word ). boards in width TAʻIUTULIMA, 8. five baskets of food Tailā, 8. tai-lo, a school of lo. . contr. from ta -te-lo-iloa, I TĀILO, each . 8. one row of a bunch of don 'tvknow . TĀIFA'I, TAILOLOTO,8. a deep tide. Applied bananas. TA'IFAU, 8. a chief's dog . Syn. | to a council of chiefs atwhich no
. -fish . taʻifau MAILE. v. "Oto lāna TAʻIFEʻE, fish for cuttle
common man spoke. TĀILUA, 8. two tides, ...
TAO TAI ( 279 ) TA‘ilua,adv. 1. in pairs. 2. Two | TAʻITAʻI, v. to lead ; pass. TAʻITA apiece. 'IINA. ' O le afu lea na taʻitaʻi TĀiluma, v. tā-i-luma. Syn. ifo i ai Iliganoa . TĀILELAGI. | TAŠITAʻI, 8. anything carried in the TAILUPE, 8. an abundance of TAITAII hand. PO,L pigeons. ama of a tree. names TÃI MAI, v. impers. it is long since. TAITAIIPU, } 8.8. na mai nofo itinei. *Ua tai lou TAIMAUI, 8. a falling tide.
TAITAINONÓ, a. brackish .
TAITAINONO, v. to be brackish . TAIMĀLIE, 8. a piece of good for- TAITAU, 8. the top of full tide. 'O tune. le masina e oso i le taitau. TAIMĀLIE, v. to come opportunely . TAITAFOLA, 8. a shallow place insiile the reef. Syn. TAIGALĒMŪ. TAMASA, 8. low tide. TA'ITASI, a. each , one by one. Ta‘IMUA, 8. 1. one who goes a little TAITETELE, 8. flood tide. Syn . ahead to lead the way in war. | TAISUSU‘E . 2. A leader of the dance. 3. A TĀITETELE, S. 1. large gatherings leader, generally . of people. Ia te lavātia tāitetele.
Ta‘INA. See TA'A‘INA. TĀINAMU, 8. a mosquito curtain . TA‘INI, 8. perineum ; also to‘a, ufa ,
2 . Persons known to be brave, or handsome, or able to answer a
speech at a great fono ; as, “o le tagata o le täitetele. TĀINIFO, 8. the gums. TĀITI, 8. a person tattooed young ; TĂʻINOʻINO, interj. I hate. Oi a youth . tă‘ino‘ino i le nuru . TAITOLOPĂ, s. tide rising a little. TAIPAAP'U, 8. a shallow tide. TAITŪ, 8. full tide ; also taitutū. Taipē, 8. a dead low tide. TĀ‘ĪTUA, S. ta - i-tua, a back TAʻIPISA, v, to go along singing ,as handed blow . 'Olāna tāʻitua. a party carrying a log. Oona TĀ‘itua, v. to be degraded , as the vara e feoa'i mu taʻipisa. children of a chief or lady who TAIPISI, 8. the spray of the sea. has married beneath his or her Syn . UASAMI. station . Taipo, 8. a low tide at night. TĀIVA, 8. the name of a small fish . TAIPŬPŪ, 8. an iron -bound coast. TĀIVAI, 8. iron hoop. Perhaps for and soʻoga .
TAISALA, 8. a low tide. (On Upolu .) E usu i te taisala . | TAISAMUTI, 8. the season in which the large fishes come to the beach to eat the smaller ones. TAISI, v. 1. to smite, to beat. 2. To break up, as firewood .
taʻaivai. TAIVALE, 8. 1. a shallow place within the reef. 2. A falling or low tide.
TAIVALE, v. to lead astray.
TAIVALEA, v. 1. to be unprosperous, to be not well fed on a journey .
TĀ ISI,8. vegetables cooked in leaves.1 2 . To have no head to a family . Na fai a utu taivalea. O lāna tā ‘isi talo. TAISINA, 8. the white wood of timber Tao , v. to bake ; pl. TATAO ; pass. next the bark. TAOA , TAOINA. Tao, 8. a spear. 'O lona tao. Fuiva FUTI are TAISUA, 8, a rising tide. TAOA, 8. the north side of Savai'i, TAISUSUʻE, 8. spring tide. from a man's name. Olotu i TAITAEAO, 8. a morning low tide. TĀITAI, 8. nearness. “Ua te tāitai T'aoa valevale.
TAOʻAPE, 8. the spear which lifts Toga e suíe i ai. TĀitai, v. to be near. See alsoL and loosens the first spear in - TATĀI and TĀL. tologa.
ΤΑΟ TAU ( 280 ) TAOʻĂTOA, 8. a brendfruit baked TAOTAO, 0. to press down by whole.
weights , & c., pass. TAOTAOINA.
TAOʻAVE, 8. a cocoa -nut tree very TAOTAO, 8. The beams of a house over the utupotu . productive. TÃOʻOFU, 8. lit. that which presses Txotão, 8. names of a down the clothes ; hence, a TĂOTĂOAMA, fish . waistcoat, a shawl. O lona TAOTAOULI, v. to bake with the tao‘ ofu . skin on , as taro, & c. Tacolo, 8. a three-pointed spear. TAOTAOMI, v. redup. of TAOMI. TĀÕFI, v. 1. to hold on to, to retain . TA'Oro, v. to lie down ; pl. Ta‘O 2. To holi to, as an opinion. 3. "OTO ; dimin . Ta‘OTOʻOTO. To restrain, to hold back , either TA'OTO, 8. the nameof a fish which a person or his speech ; pass. lies on the bottom of the sea to watch for prey. TĀÕFIA ; dimin. TĀÕFIOFI. TĀÕFI, 8. 1. a holding on to. 2. An TA‘OTOFAʻAATUVELA , . to lie apart opinion . 3. A restraining. "O like the divisions of a cooked lona tāòfia . bonito ; to be well defined , to be TĀÕFIGA, 8. those who hold back clear and straightforward. from war, out of regard to the TaotuA, 0. pressing over another, teaching of the New Testa as a rope fastened over another to strengthen it. TAOFONO, v. to cook food the day TAOTUANIU, v. to put on thatch so ment.
before it is wanted . Syn . Tao as to press on the tuaniu used to fasten it. TĀ'OFU, v. to wash clothes. . TAU , 8. 1. leaves used to cover up a TAOGĀSEA, a . speared by accident. native oven of food . 2. A year, Taolafo, v. to press or overlap one a season, Malay, Taun. 3. A stick of thatch upon another. price. O lāna tau. 4 . Some TAOLEOLEO, 8. a lance, a spear not thing to sell. 5. The deck of a thrown. taoleoleo to be 'O lona . canoe. ' O le tau o le vaʻa . TAOMA'I, v. from taotao, to press Tau, a sign of the plural, applied NAŠE .
to birds. “O le tau manu. down with . Tau, a . fixed, as colours in cloth . TAOMAGA, 8. things pressed . TAOMEA, s. food , & c., taken to pro- Tau, v. to fight ; pl. TATAU; pass, TAULIA . Alti le va'a, tau ma cure a pig with . Taomi, v. to press down by a tagi. weight or by force ; pass. TAO- Tau, v. 1. to arrive at, to end at. MIA ; redup. TAOTAOMI. 'A 'ua tau atu i le motu , foʻi mai Taona, v. to bake food the day ai. 2. To fit in. 3. To hit or before it is given to those for strike against. 4. To be an whose use it is provided. Syn . chored . I le vaʻa 'ua tau i le TAOFONO. loto. 5. To buy, to barter. 6 . TAOSALA, 8. a spear placed high To pluck fruit with the hand . up in the butt in the game of 7. To count. 8. To be swollen tologa.
TAOSALA, 8. a spear piercing the body and cut out. TA‘osi, v. to scratch.
uniformly, as in confirmed ele phantiasis, 'Ua tau le vae, 'uo solo ‘atoa le fe'efe'e ; pass . TAUA, TAULIA,
Thoso, v. to prepare for a journey. TĀu, 8. family connections; ap TÃosoga, 8. the preparing for a plied to food brought by rela journey. ' O le tāosaga a le ma tions. “O le tāu lenei. laga.
| Tau, v. impers. used to express
( 281 )
TAU sympathy with another's pain TauaʻIFUSU, v. to box , to fight with or trouble ; as tau ma 'outou . It fists. is used only in the second and TAUA‘IFUSUGA, 8. a fight with third persons.
Tau, a . that which is right and proper. A ona tau, tou molia i se atunu 'u . Tau, a prefix to verbs, denoting, 1. intensity, or endeavour. “Ua tau sau. 2. Continued action, as 'Ua tau alaga . 3. United with fai it forms a plural. "Ua taufaitagi.
Tau, a particle denoting that which
TĀUʻAIGA, 8. a victory in fishing, seuga, or war. Tusa o tāu'aiga i nunu . TĀUĀIGA, 8. family connections. TAUAʻIMISA, v . to quarrel. TAUA'IVEʻEVEʻEO, 8. a noisy quar rel. TavĀu , v. 1. to tend towards, to be on the decline. 2. To be on the increase. “Ua tauāu ona mālosi.
belongs to, or has respect to, as 'Ua tauāu ina vāivai. "O tala tau ali'i, reports con - TAUʻAU, 8. the shoulder. 'O lona taurau. cerning chiefs. Tau, adv. only. (Prohibitive .) E TAUʻAⓇU, 8. the tapui which im toʻatāma'i, a ē tau ina ta i precates death by the 'a'u . malae. | TAU'AUTO‘ONA, v. lit. to have the TĀu, v. 1. to press out, as juice. 2. To milk.
Ua tặu suru ; redup.
shoulder rested on , as is done in a crowded house by those pres
TATAU. 3. To be married. Syn . sing forward to the front ; to be passed by, to be superseded . NOFOTANE. TA‘U, v. to tell, to mention ; pl. TAUAFIAFI, 8. said of a district TATA-U ; pass . TA‘UA, TA 'UINA ;
redup. TA‘UTA‘U ; pass. TA‘UTA 'UA. "Ai se alofa lua taʻua mai.
shadowed by mountains, and so TĀUAGA, 8. a press, a strainer.
has a long evening .
Taua, 8. a war, a fight. O' lona | TauagaFAU, 8. mild conduct, kind ness. 'Olona tauagafau. Syn . taua . Taua, v. pass. of Tau , to count. 'O ! AGAMALŪ. ia e taua lauulu magaafe. 8. 1. the left. 2. A left-handed man. Ta‘ua, a .talked about,well known, TAUAGAVALE, famed .
Tavala, v. 1. to luff, to keep close
TĀua, a. precious, valuable. 'O le 'je tāua .
to the wind. 2. To watch by the sick at night. TĀŪa, pron. dual.we two (including | TA'UALAULUMAGAAFE, 8. one who can count the hairs and yet the person addressed ).
TauĀ, 8. one name of the Ātua district. “Ua tusi'eseina i le itū
make slips in speaking. Ap plied to a good speaker in
making mistakes. o le Tauā . games. 2. To be first in fishing, a party courting a lady ; pass. war, or seu ; pasa. TAU‘AIA . TAVALĀLAFIA. 2 . To exhibit a TAUA'I, v. to be wounded slightly, new canoe or new spears. TauʻALALIA , v. 1. to make attempts, not in a dangerous part. TAUAI AⓇAU, a word used in pigeon - to attempt to go. 2. To feign as catching. When there are many though about to strike.
Tao‘AI, v. 1. to gain a mark in TauALĀLA, v. 1. to go and sit with
present, the loops clash together. TAUALASA, v. to strive for what cannot be obtained , as an old Applied to contentions. TAUAʻI'UPU, v. to fight with words, man for a young wife. Only of to quarrelwith abusive language. the sexes.
( 282 )
TĀUALII, v. to reach a chief, of a ill or unfortunate. Da tau'a | poia e le mala . spear thrown. 8. 1. blindness. 2. A blind TauĀlo, v. to continue to row or TAUASO, man . paddle. TAUĂLOA, v. to be treated with TĀUASO, v. to be blind. respect. TAUʻaso, v. to put on the ‘aso of a TAUĀLOGA, 8. the paddling of a house. boat or a canoe. TAUĀTANE, v. 1. to have dincing TAUALUGA, 8. 1. the covering of the with men only . 2 . To engage ridge of a house. 2. A cock's | in fight with men , i.e., brave comb. 3. The roof of the mouth men . when diseased .
TAUĀTANE, 8. a species of sodomy,
TAUALUGA, v. 1. to raise the hands | sed non introiens. in holding a club. 2. To be TAUʻĂTEA, 8. the name of a rope in a sailing canoe. victorious.
TĀUALUGA,8. a flag, a pennant in a boat.
TAUATEATEA. See TAUMAMAO. TAUATUATUGIA , v. to be of po im TAUAMA, 8. the name of one rope in portance ; of persons and things. TĀUAVA, 8. a pilot through an a sailing carloe. TAUAMO, v. 1. to carry about al opening in the reef. dead chief. 2. To find fault TĀU'AVA, v. to strain the 'ava . with an absent prson, as if TAUĀVALE. See TavĀPAʻI. they were carrying him about TAU'AVE, v. to bear about. Auē se deal. mea 'o sala e tau 'ave. TAUAMOGA, 8. 1. the carrying about TAUEMU, v. to niock, to ridicule, to of a dead chief. Na māfua i le jeer ; pass. TAUEMUA .
tauamoga o le ali-i. 2. The TĂUEMUGA, 8. mocking, ridicule, jeering. 'Olāna tauemuga . TAU‘ĀMU, v. 1. to tie ‘amu on to TĂUENE, v. 1. to stretch up the a fish - trap so as to conceal it hand, and not be able to reach . from fishes. 2. To chop or adze 2. To long for, to desire, and not off the end of a beam when too be able to obtain . long ; redup. TAUʻAMUʻAMU. TĀU'ESE, v. 1. to count wrongly the TavĀNAU, v. to be urgent, to be coming of palolo. 2. To sit apart from others. importunate. TAUẢNAU, v. to use provoking TAUI, 8. a reward, a payment. "O words after being worsted . lāna taui. TAUANAVE, 8. the name of a tree Taui, v. 1. to reward. 2. To pay. 3. To revenge ; pass. TATIA ; (Cordia subcordata ). TAUʻAPAʻAPA , v. to endeavour to | recip. FETAUIAʻI. O le ā tauia le reach after. Also TAU'A'APA. tu'umāvaega o le teine. TavĀPAʻI, v. to be involved with TA‘ūI, 8. a bundle, a parcel. another in some foolish act. TAUIĀ. See LETAUIĀ . TAUʻAPATOTOLO, v. to begin to try TA'ūr‘ūI, 8. a small bundle or parcel. to crawl, of a child . TAUʻAPE, v. to try to raise the skin TaulA7, 8. confusion, as from all a bearers of the bier.
over an abscess so as to let out party talking together. the matter; redup. TAUʻAPE'APE . TAUIAMA, 8. the name of a rope of
TAUʻĂPOʻXPO, v. to adjust a bad a sailiny canoe. wrapper so as to cover the body. TauʻLAMA, v. to be on the left side TAU'APO‘ĀPO, v. to cleave to. of a canoe, as a fish -hook . TAU APOIA, v. pass. to be constantly | TAUILO. See LETAUILO.
TAU TAUFA'ALIʻA, v. to tell sideways, to tell indirectly . TAUFAʻALANI. . Intens. of FA'A LANI. TAUFA‘ASALA, v. 1. to endeavour to bring under punishment, or to finewithout cause. 2 . To accuse falsely.
( 283 )
TAUʻIMATAU, 8. the name of a rope in a sailing canoe. TauʻITUA. See TĀ ITUA .
v. to revenge. Ana TAUITUAINA, a'u tito a'u nei, i le 'ua tauitu TAUIMASUI. . Syn aina. TAUIVI, v. 1. to wrestle. 2. To
work with all the strength ; pl. TĀUIVI. 3. To reach to the bone, TAUFA'APITO. Intens. of FAʻAPITO. | TAUFAʻASEʻE. Syn . TAUFAALANI. as a spear wound. TAUFAʻASUA, v. to beat to wind TA‘uo, 8. the name of a fish.
TĀUŪ, a. tāu-ū , belonging to a ward . family, relating to family con - TAUFAI, a prefix to some verbs to form an intensive plural, as tau nections. faitagi.so , v. pl. to jump, as for TauUʻA, 8. a temporary fastening | TĂUfalo used in building. o lea ‘o fafine, Ona taufaios joy. fa ‘apea Tauʻōʻl, v. to entreat, to importune, ma , Oi 'ua fa'afetai.
· as a woman , or for a canoe.
TAUFAIPEPESE, v. to sing all. TAUUFI, 8. a yam plantation. TAUʻULU, 8. one method of fishing. I TĂUFĀITITILI, 8. the tapui impre cating death by thunder. TAUʻUPEGA, 8. payment for a net. TĀUʻUPEGA, 8. the owner of a net TAUFĂITITILI, v . to go in numbers
which , iss. given a fisherman . I TAUFAO, to tili. v. 1. to scramble for. 2. TauʻUPU 1. the towaist, the loins. 2. The part where the tigapula To take from one another by joins the taro. “Ua taurupu force. E maua mālie tāufao. mālosi le talo. 3. Pudend. TAUFAU, v. from the striug of a mulieb.
TAUUTA, 8. a landsman . TAUUTA, v. to take a canoe-load of taro .
tame pigeon . 1. to teach a pigeon. 2. To exhort ; redup. TAUFAUFAU . 3. To teach to fix
the fly -hook for bonito. of taro in a boat. "O lāna tau- | ai Fiti mataufaga. TAUFĀLA, v. to push apart so as to utaga. . TAUUTO, v. to gather up a net by widen ; as bushes growing over a road ; or the interstices of a bas · taking hold of the uto. TAUFA, 8. water.· (A chief's word .) | ket, so as to be able to abstract something. , Utufia ni taufa è sui aʻi.
TAUUTAGA, 8. a carrying of a load TaufAGA, v. to set fish -traps. Ifo
TAUFAŠAUTULEFAO, v. to leave off TAUFĀLALO, v. taufa-a -lalo , to have
working at canoe-building. TAUFAʻAALA, v. to try to find
water at the root of yams or taro, causing ruttenness.
occasion to fight or do anything. TAUFALE, 8. the entrails ; used TAUFA'AFEILO, v. to talk together, before chiefs for gaʻau. as troops of both armies, as if TĀUFALE, v. to sit with carpenters not at war. “Ua taufa'afeilo le while at work ; of the owner of the house being built. taua. TAUFA AGEGE, v. to stir up a fire, a TAUFĀLUGA, 8. 1. a branch of a tree plantand hanging down. 2 . A drooping || broken dying pig, or a branch over a road. ation .
TAUFĀʻALALO, v. intens. of FA'A - TAUFANO, v. to fight and run on . TAUFANUA, v. to be off the land, as LALO.
TAUFAʻALEMANUNU , 8. partial rain . 1 a wind .
( 284 )
TĀUFANUA, 8. the owner of a piece | TAUFONO, v. to hold frequent of land. 1 councils. TAUFĀNUʻU, 8. lit. water (vapour) | TAUFĪNĪ. v. to call out. from the land, clouds rising from TAUFONOFONO, v. to go out to meet. the mountains and spreading E taufonofono i le moana . towards the sea in the middle of TAUFOTA, 8. See Fota ; pl. TAU FOTAGA. the day . TAUFATA, v. to continue to bear | TĀUFUA, v. to return from fishing about in a palanquin . E taufata without any fish . Syn. 'ASA. TAUFATU , v. to tie on a stone as a
TAUFUIFUI, v. to bear fruit in clusters.
TAUFATU, 1 8. stones heaped up in the lagoon to attract fish. 'O lāna taufatu . TAUFELEFELE, a .bushy, thick with
TAUFUSI, 1 8. a swamp. 'O lona
pea lo lātou tamā. weight to a fish -hook .
TAUFULUFULU, a. hairy. TAUFULUFULU, v. to be hairy. TAUFUSIGA,
TAUFUTI, V. to pluck hairs or
bushes. feathers ; spec.muliebr. pud . TAUFETAʻI, v. to fight with clubs TĀŪFUTI, v. to do a thing con or axes. Si āu taufetaʻi nofo, stantly. ua tu ' u A TAUFUTIFUTI, V. 1 . to beg con tinually. 2. To continue to be middle branch, of bruadfruit troubled some tiine after an only . opponent has apologised .
TAUFETULI, v. pl. of MOMO‘E, to run. TAUGA, 8. a fighting ; as 'o le tauga a mod. TAUFETULITULI, v. redup. to run | TĀUGA, 8. 1. a basket of provisions reserved for the next meal. 2. two together on a message. TAUFI, v. to cover in an oven with Food taken to a female with leaves. proposals of marriage or concu TĀUFIA. See TĀUTOLU. binage. 'O läna tāuga , 'o pua 'a TAUFOE, 8. the fastening of the ma mălie. 3. Pledge mats taken TAUFETULIGA, 8. a runuing, a race.
to a carpenter to secure his ser vices. O le tāuga o le fale. (CARNE.)
TAUFOE, v. 1. to tie a fishing-line to a paddle. 2. To tie the end | TẶUGĀ, v. 1. to be speared in a of a pigeon 's string to the seu mortal part. 2. To be pained house. 3. To warn, to exhort. I with hard words. TAUFOEGATĀ, a. disobedient. TĀUGĀ, v. 1. to do as one likes, TAUFOEGATĀ, v. to be disobe- ! to act perversely. 2. To waste, dient. to neglect. 'Ua tāugā le malū. TAUFOFő, v. to persuade, to entreat, TAUGA AI, 8. from vi tau'ai, the with particular reference to a gaining of a count in a game. quarrel, or to an angry man. | TĀUGĀʻITŪ , v. tāugā - i-tū , to be Ua setoa ma ‘oe į taufofo o le independent, to act indepen . finagalo o le mālo. dently. TAUFOLO,8.a nativedish of pounded | TAUGĂULI, a . dirty, black, un breadfruit, with expressed cocoa washed . TAUGAGAFA, v. 1. to stutter. Syn . nut juice and salt water. TAUFOLONIU, 8. taufolo made with TOLOGAGAFA at Manu'a. 2. To cocoa -nut, without salt water. act deliberately. 3. To try to TAUFOLOSAMI, 8. taufolo made with claim kindred . 4. To take food salt water.
to the chief of a party instead of
TAU TAU ( 285 ) to those who call out the different TĀULAUFAU, v. to have a piece of articles. lauie tied on , as to a tame gogo. TAUGAGANA, v. to try to talk or TĀULAUFAFA, v. the poetic naine of speak. TAUGĀLATULATU, 8. 1. the chatter-
tāulaufau ; a mark of a chief's dependant.
ing of latulatu . 2. The noise of TĀULAGA, 8. 1. a sacred offering. many people talking all together. “O lāna tāulaga. 2. An anchor TĂUGALÈMŪ. Syn. PAGAMĀLIE. age. Tāulaga o vara . TĂUGALOLOA, 8. 1. a long girdle TAULAGA, 8. 1. the roost of a bat. of leaves. 2. A burden hanging 'Olona taulaga . 2. A place low . 3. Large elephantiasis in where fishes congregate. scroto . TAULAGA, v. to endeavour to raise, as a swamped canoe, or a con TĂUGAMĀLIE. See TĂUGALĒMŪ. TAUGĀMATA, 8. the back of the quered party ; pass. TAULAGAINA. Ē lē mafai ona taulaga pe a to i head . ' O lona taugāmata . TAUGATĀ, v. 1. to be difficult to le fuasou. buy, to be high priced. 2. To be TAULAGĀI‘A. See Taulaga (2). difficult to deal with , to make TauLAGĀPEʻA. See TAULAGA (1). hard bargains ; pl. TĀUGATĀ . | TAULAGI. See TĀILELAGI. TAUGATĀMAʻI, v. to come inoppor- TAULAGI, v. 1. to sing a songadapted TAUGAVALE, 3 portunely . to dancing. 2. To make an appro TAUGOFIE, v. 1. to be easily pur priate speech . Tă fiu i lo outou chased, to be low priced . 2. | fa'atupu 'upu , 'a e lē mau tau To be easy to deal with ; pl. lagi. TĀUGOFIE. TĀULAGI, 8. a chief's blindness.
TAULA , Malay, SAUH , 8. an anchor. Syn . TĀUVALE. “O lona tāulagi. Fesui Aiua i le taula . 'O le TAULAGILAGI, v. 1. to put in mind , taula o le vara . 'O lāna taula . L as those diyiiling out food ; of TAULA, v. to anchor. Tūta i Muli - visitors present who wish to get aga , na taula i moana. a share. 2. Toremind a speaker TĀULA, 8. 1. the keeper or feeder · of some topic. of a chief's dog . 2. The priest | TAULALO, 8. 1. a crouching action of an aitu . See TAULĀITU. " O in dancing . 2. A pig's cheek . le tāula o le aitu . o le taulalo o le pua'a ; when
TĀula, v. to be brought in abun dance, as food and property brought continually to a chief. TAULĀ, 8. a sailing canoe.
spoken of as food it takes a. 3. A low place in a rock or hill. 4 . A prompter to a speaker, or to une distributing food or ‘ava. TĀulaới, v. 1. to an hor with ; to TAULALO, v. 1. to let the hands anchor to. 2. To hang up with. | drop down in a club match . 2. 3. To hang on to, as anger, To be conquered . 3. To inter hope , & c.
cede. Syn . FAULALO .
TAULĀITU, s. taula-o-le-aitu, 1. a | TĀulalo, v. to hany low , as fruit. priest of the aitu . 2. A doctor, | TĀULALO, 8. low -hanging fruit. who worked by charms. TĂULALO‘ESE, v. 1. to taulalo out of TAULAOLEGALU, 8. the guide over tune in dancing. 2. To speak the waves ; the name of a large against. 3. To cause to err. Iliganoa taulalo‘ese. shark . TĀULAOLEVAI, 8. lit. keeper of the TauLĀMUA, v. 1. to precede, to go water, an eel. Syn . TUNA. before. 2. To go and listen to TAULAUIFI, s. the bonito fishermau 's the speeches at a fono, and bring home its decisions. bun -shude ; for TAUMATA.
TAD TIU ( 286 ) TAULANI, 8. a small canoe taken on of the same gender equally board a large one to distant praised ; or two canoes anchored fishing-grounds. together ; or two dogsfed by one TAULANI, v. to jump overboard in man . order to put the canoe on the TAULUAʻILETUGA, adv. unequally matched. other tack ; pass. TAULANIA. TĀULATA, v. 1. to hang near to the TAULUALOFI, 8. the nameof a star. body of the tree, as fruit. 2. To TAULUATUAFANUA, 8. the name of a be near, to be at hand. star. TAULEʻALEʻA, 8. (from le'ale'a , small, | TĀLUULUOLA, a . 1. umbrageous, not come to maturity ) ; a young flourishing. 2. Abounding , of
man ; pl. TĀULELEʻA. ' O le galu
TĀULÜLAUTĪ, 8. the top of the ti tāulele'a o le nuću. TAULEʻALEʻAUSUMAI, 8. a young plant, used as an emblem of a man who goes to help in a family | TAULUULA, message of peace. 8. a branch
in the early morning . TAČULEAGAINA, v. to be badly reported of.
of a bread
fruit tree with leaves and blos soms.
TA'ULEIA, s. the name of a fish , TAUMA, v. impers. a word of condo the emblem of Safotulāfai. lence to those suffering. Used TĀʻULELEIA, v. to be well reported only in personally. Tauma 'oe i of.
lou ma‘i.
TAULI, a.dirty, unscraped, as taro TauvA'A. See TAUFATU . or yam baked in the skin. TĀUMAU, v. to hang firmly, as a
TĀULIA, v. 1. to be dirty. 2. To cocoa-nut, or a fish on a book . have dark clouds hanging on to TĀUMAU, v. to continue, to remain the mountains, “Ua tāulia le
firm , to persist in .
tuasivi. 3. To be found fault TAUMÁUNU, v. 1. to bait. 2. To with. 4. To be ill, of a chief. entice. TAUMAFA, s. food, of chiefs. "Ua · "Ua tāulia le fala . TĀULIA, v. to be there, of a large lafoaći i le laitāumafa . number of fishes, as atule, & c. TĀUMAFA, v. to eat or to drink, of
TAULIA, v. pass. of Tau. 1. To be chiefs and a chief's pigeon ; pl. fought, as a battle, to be engaged TĀUMAMAFA ; pass. TĀUMAFATIA, in fight. 2. To contend for the "Ua taóe le vai e tāumafa a 'i le ali'i. privilege of speaking . 3. To be TĀUMAFA , 8. abundance, plenty. lodged in , as a spear in thebody. ' 'Ua tumu le faga i tāumafa o le 4 . To be interrupted , as a fono. ca. 5. To be bought. TĀUMAFA, v. to be in abundance. TĀULILO, v. to hang hidden, as TAUMAFAI, v. to strive, to en fruit in the middle of a tree. deavour ; pass. TAUMAFAIA . TAUMAFĀMUA, 8. the name of a TAULIMA, 8.an armlet. TAULOʻU, s. the name of a plant month , October-November. (Solanum repandum ). TĀUMAFATAGA, 8. the meal of a TAULOTO, v. to desire. chief, his eating. 'Olāna tāx TAULOTOA‘IGA, 8. the middle, the mafataga. TĀUMALAE. See ANOMALAE. . TAULOTOGA, 1 half-way. TAULU, v. to be in great pain . TAUMĀLAGA, v. 1. to put a vessel TauLvA, 8. 1. a couple growing together, as fruit. 2. A couple
more before the wind. 2. To en deavour to raise, as a war, & c.
hung together, as water-bottles. TAUMĀLOLO, v. to quiet down, to TĀULUA, 8. a pair, as two children subside, as anger. -
TAU ( 287 ) TĀU TAUMALUA, v. 1. to shake about, as | TAUMULT, 8 . the stern . " O le tar
a mast. 2. To be changeable, as muli o le va'a . TĂUMAMAO, v. to keep off, to keep steersman . away from . Syn . TAUATEATEA . TAUMULIĀ, v. 1. to blow into an TĀUMAMAO, v. 1. to hang on an opening in the reef, so making it outside bough, as fruit. 2. To rough . 2. To meet, as the cur
the wind. 3. To be undecided. TAUMULI, v. to steer, to act as be far off.
rents at the end of an island.
TAUMANAVAALOFA, v. to assist. TAUMULIAVA, v. to have passed the Fāie tauinanavaulofa le Tauleia . passage in the reef; to be in TAUMANU, 8. a number of birds. smooth water. Na pepe le taumanu. TĀUMULIGA, 8. taro last planted . TAUMĀSINA, 8. the attendants of Opposite ofuātolo.
Malietoa, whose duty it was to TaunANU, v. to talk indistinctly, as keep up the fire while he slept. a child or a dying person . ' O le taumāsina a Malietoa . TAUNAPU, v. to warn. Syn . LĀ TAUMASUASUA, v. to be full to over PATA I. TAUNONOFO, v. to be a polygamist. flowing. TAUMATA, 8. a shade for the eyes TAUNONOFO, 8. the wives of a poly
gamist. Oiai le taunonofo a le Taumătat, v. to angle, to fish, with | TĀUNUʻU, v. 1. to reach to, to arrive froin the sun. Se'imai le moemoe
o le niu e fai aʻi sona taumata .
uli'i e to‘aselau .
a hook . at. 2. To come to pass. TAUMĂTAU, a. the right. 'O le itū TAUNUʻUGA, 8. the arriving at. 2. taumatau. The coming to pass. TAUMĀTAU, v. to buy fish -hooks. TĀupĀ, adv. seldom . Syn .SEĀSEĀ. TAUMATE, v. to guess. Syn . TAUPĒ ; pass. TAUMATEA. Sa mātou taumatea le māsina 'ua
TĀUPAO, v. fa'alogo to forbid,atufrom o é lava pao. Se ia aʻu tāupao.
TAUPAU, v. to count out in equal
vaea .
TAUMATUA, v. to keep near to, as
to a road , lest one should be lost. TAUPA'Ū , v. to stumble, as if falling.
TAUME, 8. the cover or sheath of TAUPALE, v. to pull, to paddle. A the cocoa-nutblossoms, used as a chief's word to a crew ; redup. TAUPALEPALE . Taupalepale mai torch . TAUMEETU, v. to be restless, from foe. fear or desire. | TĂUPALETUOLELĀ, 8. about nine TAUMILOGA, 8. 1. the making of
o'clock in the morning.
twine for nets. 2 . The wrest- TAUPANAU, v. 1. to urge for the payment of a debt. 2. To re ling together. Taumoa, 8. a lever. Syn . Uaua. strain , to suppress, as a cough, & c., by medicine. O lāna taumoa. Taumua, 8. the fore part of a canoe. TAUPATI, v. toswing. strive, to persevere. TĀUPE, v . to O le taumua o le vaʻa . Syn . TAUMATE . guess. to v. TĂUPĒ, or taumua, two lit. 8. TAUMUALUA, bows ; the name of a Nitive boat TAUPEAU, v, to contend with the built like a whaleboat. waves. E ,'ua tauma 'oe i taupearo TAUMUAMUA, S. those first in order, as old men first in order for death ; or those who go first on | · a journey. Seʻi malaia ane se
tagata ua taumuamua.
TĀUPEGA, 8. a swing. ' O lona tău pega. TĀUPEPĒ, v. to reckon on what is past. “Ua tāupepē į mea ana mua, 'a 'ua lē toe au mai.
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TAUPEPEPEPE, 8. flying ornaments TAUSAMIGA, 8. a feast. of a canoe, tuiga,bonnet, & c, I TAUSANI, v. to sing, to whistle, as birds morning.
TAUPĪ, v. to engage in certain games on the death of a chief.
in the Ona tawo sani lea o manuao. TausANISANI. See FAʻASANISANI. TAUPĪGA, 8. games and jesting on TAUSEA, v. to warn , to exhort. Syn. the death of a chief. Tauro, 8. a night attack . Tauro2. Tausea i le mala ia Taupā, v. to make a night attack ; tupu ma‘a . pae8. TAUPÕINA. TAUSEAGATĀ, v. to be disobedient. " TĀUPOU, 8. a virgin. 'O le tāupou | TAUSEU, v. 1. to endeavour to steer o le aiga. away from . Semā, tauseu o ma TAUPOLA, 8. the name of a crab . mao. 2. To forbid or interrupt See TAPOLA. Applied to a young a speaker. man who did not fight. Latoa Tausi, v. 1. to take care of, to ua tofia e fai ma taupola 0 nurse. 2 . To observe, to keep , as a command ; pass. TAUSIA ; manu“a . TAUPOTU, 8. the different islands of redup . TAUSIUSI. Fiji. Le taupotu o Fiti. Tausi'ÚSIʻU , 8. the top branches of a tree. TAUPUAʻI, v. to retch. TAUPUGA, 8. 1. a piece of coral TĀUSIʻUSIʻU, v. to hang on the top hung to a tree as a tapui, im - | branches. precating disease on a thief. 2. TĀUSIʻUSIʻUGA, 8. the extremity of a land. Tausi'usi'uga a le nuću . A large block of coral. TĀUPULE, v. 1. to be ornamented Also the end of a speech , the top with shells. 2. To consult to of a tree, mast, & c. gether, as the members of a TĀUSILI, v. to climb. “Ua tāusili i le mauga . fig. He is asleep . family. TAIPULEA, v. to have rulers. TAUBINIÕ , v. to race, to run a race. TAUPULEʻESEA, v. to be privily con TAUSINIOGA, 8. a race. ' O la la
demned to death . E nofo aima tausinioga . le mala e taupule-esca . TaUsisi, Ö. 1. to strive after, to persevere in . 2. To follow up, to hold on to, as a report, & c.;. pl. TĀUSISI ; pass. TAUSISIA . in secret. Tausoa, 8. a burden carried on a Tausaga, 8. 1. a season, a year, of stick by two. 'O la lā tausoa. . six months only. 2. A twelve Tausoa, v. to carry a burden be month year. Ona tausaga . | tween two persons.
TAUPULEGA, 8. The rulers of a land. It takes o or a in the genitive. TAUPULEPULE, v.to consult together
(Lately adopted meaning.) TausoAGA, s. beams of a house. Tausagā, v.to be many years since. Tausua, v. 1. to joke, to jeer. 2. Tausala, 8. a titled lady, a chief To endeavour to raise by a tainess. O le tausala o le nuóu . | lever. TĀUSALA, 8. 1. a breadfruit hang- TAUSUAI, v. 1. to stumble forward . ing far out on the extremity of a 2. fig. To be stumbled, to take branch. 2. One lau for fishing, offence at. have no other to double it with . TAUSUAGA, 8. jesting. 'O lāna tau. TAUSAMA, v. from sama, to make a suaga . marriage feast. Ona 'uma lea | TAUSUAMATAMULI, v. 1. not to bear being joked , to be angry with a ona tausama. TAUSAMA‘AGA, 8. a marriage feast. joke. Syn . TAUSUAVALE. TAUSAMI, v. to eat. (A respectful TĂUSUAVALE, v. 1. to jest, using term .) indecent language. Syn. LĀu
TAU ( 289 ) LAU. 2. To be angry with a TAUTALAITIITI, v. to talk while a joke. Syn . TAUSUAMATAMULI. I child, to be forward before grown TAUSUNU, 8. the name of a sea people. Syn . ALAI. side tree ( Tounefurtia argentea ). TAUTALAGA, 8. the speech of a Called also Moegāpepe, the but tulāfale . 'O lāna tautalaga .
terfily's bed . TAŪTA, 8. See Tauuta .
TAUTALAGIA , v. pass. of TAUTALA, to be spoken with .
TAUTĀ, 8. a long stick for driving TĀUTALAGIA, v. pass. to be ill-used . animals and fowls from a house. See FA'ATĀUTALA. TAUTALI, v. to follow after. 'Ua O lāna tautā . TAUTĀ, v. 1. to fish with a large tula'i le fafine a tautali. net, driving the fish into it by TAUTAMA, a. concerning chiefs. striking the water. 2. To keep Tautamā, v. to suckle. (A Ma back , to hold back by persuasion . pu'a word for failele.) Tauta-ainiu, 8. tau-ta-ai-nui, a TAUTAPA, v. to shout the praises of a chief on occasion of his getting tapui imprecating disease. TAUTAI, 8. 1. a seaman . 2. A a wife. Ana 'ua tautapa a'e na lava. steersman . 3 . A fisherman. 'O le tautai o le nu-u . E utu po le TĀUTĀSI, v. 1. to hang one alone, vai o tautai. as a single cocoa -nut. 2. To be TAUTAI, v. to steer ; pass. TAUTAIA. one alone,as the egg of a pigeon, TAUTAU , v. to hang, to hang up ; or a young pigeon, or an only child . ' O le fuālupe 'ua tāutasi. pass. TAUTAUINA, TAUTAULIA . TĀ'UTA‘U , 8. a squall. TĀUTATAU, 8. one who sits with the Ta‘UTA‘u, v. to mention, to tell; | tattooer while at work. TAUTE, v. to eat. Only used to pass. TA‘UTA‘UINA.
TAUTĀUGA, 8. 1. a contrivance to the highest chiefs. prevent rats getting to food, by TAUTEʻAGA. See TE-AGA. interposing a piece of bamboo or TAUTEFATEFA, v. to stagger. cocoa-nut shell in the string to TAUTEGA, 8. the eating. Of the
which a basket is bung. 2. A highest chiefs. cat. | TAUTELEAʻI, v. to run and fight. TAUTAULAGA, 8. a hook to hang Fia alu i le tautelea 'i. TAUTEVATEVA, v. to stagger. See things on . TAUTAFA, 8. a squall. Syn . TAI TAUTEFATEFA. 'UTA‘U . | Tăuri, v. to hang water-bottles on to trees in order to catch rain TaūTAGA, 8. See TAUUTAGA. TAUTAGATA . 8. the people of an water. aitu . Applied to a family de TAUTIA, v. pass. to take care of. Used on Manu'a for tausia. voted to his service. TAUTAGATA, v. to count people in TAUTI‘A, v. to eat. Only to chiefs order to apportion out food. TĀUTAGATA, v. 1. to find people at home. 2. To fall in with , as troops in war. 3. To strike, of a spear or shot sent at random . TAUTALA, v. to talk ; pass. TAUTA LAGIA ; redup. TAUTALATALA ; recip. FETAUTALATALA'I.
of Amoa and Lealatele. TAUTILI, v. to make haste to do. . TAUTILO, v. to look out for. TAUTIMA, v. to exhort. TAU TINA'AVA. TINATOA. TAUTINATOA . See
TAUTINO, a. his very own. "Ole maunu tautino.
TĀUTALA, 8. ropes used to prevent | TĀUTINO, v. to hang near the body the tala of a house from being broken when lifted .
of a tree, as fruit.
TA'UTINO, v. to declare plainly.
TÃO back . 4 . The tupe thrown well within the edge of the mat in playing at lafoga .
( 290 )
TA'UTINOGA, 8. professiun, declara
ution. TAUTIPATIPA, 8. an ornament tied to the tătă of a canoe. TAUTUA, v . to serve ; pass. TAUTU
TAUTā, v. to imprecate curses on AINA. oneself, to take an oath , to swear. TAUTUAO, v. to rise up and pass TAUTĒ, s. an oath .
over, as clouds.
Tauro“AI, v. to run against, as a TAUTUAFIAAIGA, v. to serve in a blind man does. family desiring to become head TAUTOʻo, v. 1. to push forward a of it. canoe or boat with a pole. 2. To TAUTUAFIAIGOA, v. to desire to be a cut up breadfruit for masi. TĀUTOʻOTOʻo, v. to walk with a stick , as a sick person . TAUTOGA, 8. the taking of an oath . • ' O lāna tautoga . TAUTOGĀFAU, 0. 1. to scheme. 2. To concoct mischief. TAUTOLOPAʻĀ. See FA'ATOLOPAʻĀ. TĀUTOLU, a . three hanging together, | as a cluster of three oranges, or
matai, of a servant.
TAUTUANĀ, v. to givethe precedence
to. “A e tautuanā Lefua‘ iva‘a. TAUTUĀTALIGA, v. to turn away the ear from hearing ; as if the word · bad gone behind the ear; to refuse to listen . TĀUTUʻI, v. to insinuate an impre cation by praising in a jeering manner, as, Amuia outou ē mālo losi, meaning the reverse. Oi le three wives, & c. TAUTOMA, v. 1. to encourage, as to teine lalelei. · fight. 2. To give directions. TAUTUʻU, v. to carry off, to clear - off, as a quantity of things taken TAUTOMUA, v. to come first. in different lots. «Ua soʻo Salāfai TAUTOMULI, v. to come last. TAUTONU, v. to come right, to come i tautu'r i uta atu . direct to a party.
TĀUTUʻUTUʻu, v. to yield to. Faita
TAUTŪ, 8. 1. à large block of coral| lia 'oe pee te tāutuʻutu'u mai lava . ( in2. The the stick lagooninto. whic Syn .h aTAUPUGA. pigeon 's TAŬTŰFALA , 8. the name of a fish . perch is thrust. 3. The joining TAUTūLA, v. to fasten the string of at the ends of the planks of a a pigeon to its perch . TAUTUGA, 8. a footstool. [ T. P.] • canoe. TAUTU,8.theporcupinefish (Diodon TAUTULUA , v. to reach the middle, as of life. Se'i tautulua lenei · hystrix ). TAUTŪ, v. 1. to attempt to stand. tama. s. half-way, mid -way. TAUTULUAGA, 2. To stand straight out, as ‘aso : which do not bend to the shape TAUTULUTULU, v. to drop down, of the house. 3. To distribute TAUTUMUTUMU. See TR SIUSI U. TĀUTUPE, v. to take place. 'Ua food when divided . TĀUTU , 8. one method of fishing. tāutupe le taua. A word used in TĀUTŪ, v. 1. to keep the mosquito the game of lafogā-tupe. curtains hanging up. 2. To re- TAUTUTA, v. to rebound, as an axe peat the same thing over and or spear struck ' against hard wood . over again . Mataoge i tautu . TAUTUA, 8. 1. a servant, but only TĀUVĀ, v. to be rivals, for a wife, < of relations who act in that . or for the possession of a fine capacity . “O lāna tautua . 2. Al mat. • basket for keeping fly- fish hooks TĀUVA'A, v. to sit with the car in . 3. A hatchet, bi cause it is
penters while building a canoe.
carried thrust in the girdleat the TĀUVAʻA , 8. the owner of a canoe
TĂE ( 291 ) · man placed under the care of a fisher- ' in swimming in the surf. 2. To . by getting his TAUVAE, 8. anklets. "O ona tauvae. circumventanother lady-love. Also tafaina . TĀUVAE, v. to hang on to the foot, Tara'ifĀ , 8. the whole of the high s as cocoa-nuts picked by stealth titles united in one chief. ' O le TAU
and thus brought to the ground, tupu lea na i ai le tafa'ifā. so as to prevent the noise which TAFAIFASIA SIA,,, } aSee FAIFESIA. would be caused by their falling. TAFAIFESIA
TAŲVAELUA, 8. a person connected TAFAILAUTALO. See PUsIGATALA. with both war-parties, and, in TAFAILAUTOLÓ, 8. 1. the edge of * consequence of this, allowed to sugar-cane leaf. 2. A calm in pass from one to the other back - | themorning succeeded by wind. wards and forwards. TAFAO, 8. the fetid flower of the TĀUVAI, $. a guide over a torrent, teve. ' .
Tavao, v. 1. to walk about, to take or to an inland lake. TĀUVAO, 8. 1, one accustomed to a walk ; pl. TĀFAFAO and TĀFAO ; the bush , a guide in the bush . redup. TAFATAFAO. “Ua tāfuo 2. One who directs the seuga . taliga o Lefugauli. . 2. euph. for ' O le tāuvao o le seuga .
tefe .
TAUVALE, v. 1. to come inoppor- TĂFAO, 8. a mallet used in canoe tunely. 2. To come ahead , as a building. Taia i le tăfao, taia i foul wind. 3. To marry beneath | 1e one's rank . Syn . TaITUA. TĀFAO, v. to strike the fao, to TĀUVALE, a. blind . A term of hammer.. . respect. Syn . TĀULAGI. TĀUVALE, v. to be blind.
Tafaqata ,8. the dawn.
TĀFAOGA, 8. 1. a walking about, a
TA'UVALEA, v. 1. to be badly re | walk. "O lāna tāfaoga. 2. Cir ported of, to have a bad cha- cumcision. racter. 2. To be wrongfully | TAFAFĀ, a. four-sided. - reported of. | TAFĀGA, 8. a bonito fishing canoe. TAUVELI, v. to provoke, to tempt. Syn. VASAĀLO. 'Olona tafāga . ( Ą Tongan word .) . Tafaga, v. 1. to be clear of trees. TAUVEVE, 8. an oven -maker, a cook . TĀFAGAFAGA, 2. To smell of pork . a . 1. thrown open, as (A term of reproach.) Tafa, 8. l. a gash, an incision . a house with all the pola drawu 2. The side of a hill. up. 2. Open , clear, as a place in TAFA, v. to cut, to gash , to scarify, thebush withouttrees. 3. Smell to lance ; intens. TAFATAFA . O ing of pork. le ma'i 'ua tafa. TAFAGALOA, a. open, clear of trees ; Tafa, v. 1. to turn on one side. redup. TĀFAGALOLOA. : 2. fig. To have pity on. “Ua TĀFALA, v. to beat the mat drum tafu mai lona finagalo . at a night-dance. Tara, v. to dawn ; pl. TATAFA. TĂFALE, v. 1. to go from house to Tarā, 8. a place chosen to fight in, house on any business. 2. To a battle-field . commence building after the TAFaalo, 8. the lower division of a wood has been prepared in the . raw fish . O le tafaalo o le i-a . bush .
TAFĀ ‘I, 8. those privileged to sit on TAFALEU , 8. of the moon next to Punifaga. - the rightand left hand of a titled chief. TAFAlia, v. to divide. Ona atu e tafalia . TĂFA'l, v. to break off. TAFA'la, v. 1. to get before another TAFANA, v. to shootmany.. 2 , 0 :
( 292 ) _
TAFANI, 8. the name of a portion of TAFEAGA, 8. exiles in war. A ‘au I na i tafeaga . TAFANI, v. to divide off pieces of TAFEALETAUʻOFE, o. to die. Of the food, so as to leave the original | Asiata family . · joint smal). TAFEʻIALO, 0. to be carried by a TAFANO, v. to make long stages. current inside the reef. Tafasi, v. 1. to split open. 2. To TĂFEFE, interj. I fear, I am afraid. break off, as branches. 3. To | Oi tăfefe i lenei teine agavale. TĀFEGA, 8. a freshet, to flow in a lance, as the gums. · tattooing.
TAFATA, 8. a large pig which has river. to be carried on a fata when TAFELALOMAʻA, v. lit. to flow under cooked . Le aosoa taiutulima ma the stones, to have a small flow . TAFESIA . See TAFAIFESIA. le tafata a le tagata. TAFATAFA, 8. the side. 'Ou te TAFETINOIVAI, v. to flow in the talitā i ou tafatafa .
river bed . blood.
TAFATAFA, v. to cut in many TAFETOTOI, v. to be streaming with places, to make many incisions
in the flesh . TAFI, v. 1. to brush , to sweep. 2. TAFATAFA'ILAGI, s. the horizon. To shave. 3. To pluck cocoa . TAFATAFAO, v. redup. of TAFAO. nuts by jerking or sweeping them TAFATAFAFUGA, v. to be at peace. off. 4 . To drive away; pass . TAFATAFĀLAUNIU , 8. a species of TAFIA ; redup. TAFITAFI. Ona locust found on cocoa-nut trees. tafia ai lea o Tupo ma ana 'au TAFATAFAMAONO, v. to be at Tutuila . TAFI, 8. a razor. 'O lāna tafi. variance. TAFATAFAMANINI. v. to be at TAFIO. 8. 1. the top timbers of a
- variance. A reference to quarrel large canoe. The bones of a some fishes. strong man . TĀFATASI, a . one-sided , united in TAFIGA, 8. a driving, expulsion . . one, as a title held by one; ap- Ona alu ai lea 'o le tafiga o Toi plied also to the heart and lolo. government. From tāfa -tasi, to TAFILI, v. 1. to fly a pigeon . 2. cut off only one piece of pork . To go about on many errands. Tarato, 8. à perpendicular steep, TAFILITĀIMAI, v. to keep near at hand. as seen from above. TAFATOLU, 8. the name of a weed TAFILITAUNOA, v. to give permission to abuse. A word used in - (Cyperus sp.). TAFATOLU, a . three-sided . pigeon -catching ; to make the TafatŪ, 8. a perpendicular steep tame pigeon iy until a wild
place, as seen from below. TAFATỨA, 8. the back portion of a raw fish . TaFATUA‘ESEʻESE, v. to be divided in opinion . Mo tātou finagalo e, ina tufatua ese ese . TAFATUAFA'ATASI, v. to be of one mind . TAFE, v. to flow , to run down ; pl.
pigeon appears. pass. TAFITAFIINA, TAFITAFIA,
TAFITAFI, v. to sweep, to brush ; TAFITAFITUĀNIU, v. 1. to brush up
clean. 2. To clear a piece of TĂFITI, v, to be restive, to struggle, to twistabout; redup. TĀFITIFITI. TĀFITI, v. ta- fiti, to somersault. land.
TATAFE ; pass. TAFEA ; dimin . TAFITO, 8. 1. the end of a tree or TAFETAFE. Na tafea ifo le moli. post nearest the ground. The TAFEAUSI, v, to strike at a seabird root of penis.
whilo swimming. See TALUGA.
TAFITOELAUA, a. clear clouds swept
TAG TAÐ ( 293 ) • away as by the toelau, or trade. TĂFULU, v. 1. to work quickly. 2. wind . To blow boisterously ; redup. TAFITOIPOU, 8. the end of a post TĀFULUFULU. 'Ua tăfulu le matagi. nearest the ground . TAFITOʻULU, s. the root end of a TAFULUANAI, v. to wash and scrub breadfruit tree.
with ana.
TĀFITONUNU, 8. the chiefs at the TAFULUMAANAI, v. to destroy all in head of a nunu . '
TĀFITUAINA, v. to be left alone, TĀFUNA, 8. a rocky place in the relations being dead or having sea . left. TĂFUNA, v. to strike suddenly, as
TĂFoa, v. to break the edge, as of a tool.
with the hand , or by throwing a stone.
TĀFOE, v. to cut paddles. TAFUNA'I,v. to be gathered together, TAFO‘E, 8. the largest and best of as clouds to leeward. “ Ei o le the fish . TAFOʻI, v. to return .
ua tafunaći.” Proverb applied to toʻilalo .
TAFOLA, 8. a shallow place in a | TAFUNAʻIGA, 8. 1. a gathering of lagoon . clouds to leeward . 2. Hard TAFOLA, v. to be shoal, to have a words heaped up against a per sandbank in the lagoon . son . ' O le tafuna'iga a 'upu vale TAFOLĀ, 8. a whale. Syn. I'AMANU . i mātou i lea faiga a mālo.
TĀFOLO, 8. the name on some parts TAFUTAFU, 8. from v. TAFU, redup. an oven of lime. ofthe islands for taufolo. TĂFONO, v. to join planks of a | TAFUTI, 8. the name of a fish . canoe. Taga, 8. 1. the shark 's stomach. Tafu, v. to make up a fire ; pass. 'Olona taga . 2 . A bag . 'O TAFUINA and TAFUA ; redup. lāna taga. "Malay, KANDONG . TAFUTAFU . Ona alu lea 'o le Taga, v. to have a restriction re alii bu e tafu le afi e tunu ai le moved from things that had
lu . been prohibited to be used. TAFU, 8. fortune, luck. 'O le tafu Ona fai atu lea le fafine, Taga le mea . . le pua'a 'uma. TĂFUA, v. to beat a mat rolled up TĀGĀ, s. from v. TA, 1. a cutting as a drum , preparatory to com or felling of wood. 'O le tāga Lo le vaʻa. 2. Themarking of the mencing a night-dance. TĂFUA, 8. a common man. (An tattoo. 3. The motion of the
abusive term , derived from the bands in dancing. TAGAʻAI, 8. 1. the crop of a bird . town Tăfua.) TĂfua, v. to cut timber without 2. The stomach . . A term of re proach to a glutton . · asking permission . TĂFUE, 8. á skipping-rope. 'O la TAGAI, 8. See TAʻAI. TAGAʻI, v. 1. to show off , as a new lā tăfue.
TAFUʻÉ, 8. the part of a tree just above the ground. 0 lona
dress. 2. To light the evening fire.
TĀGAʻI, v. to look out for, as for TAFUEFUE, v. to be shaken by the rocks ahead ; pass. TĀGAʻIINA ;
redup. TAGATAGAʻl. Na aʻu moe wind,as leaves of trees. TAFULAʻI, 8. a large fire to burn up i le luāfaga , ma a'u tāga'i, tūta rubbish. 'O lāna tafulaći. mai Upolu . TĂFULI, v. to turn over,as a stone, TAGAISĀ, v. to be privileged to use & c. ; redup. TĀFULIFULI.
I things forbidden to others. "
TAG Tagal, 8. the name of a fish .
( 294 )
Tagau, v. 1. to suck the breast
angrily,because it is empty. 2. To break the ti*a in the game of tagati'a .
Tagafa, v. to have numerous off spring from different wives, and to have family connections widely spread about. : water.'
TĀGĀFITI, s, a game played in the Tagaga, 8. small hanks of sinnet,
prepared to sew canoe planks with .
TAGAGAELO, s. leucorrhæa.
TAGALOA, 8. 1. the name of the principal god. E afio mai Ta galoa i, le lagi tựavalu e. 2. A title conferred on chiefs.
known,although attempted to be concealed . TAGATĀLAUTEJE, 8. a common man. Syn, TAGATÁNUʻv. TAGATANOA , 8. a man who has no appointment, a person of no account TAGATĀNUʻU, 8. a common man . Syn. TAGATĀLAUTELE. TAGĀTIA, 8. a game which consists in darting a light stick along the ground, TāGATOI. See LETĀGATOI. TAGATOI, v. to intercede. Syn? FAULÁLO . TAGĀVAI, Malay, TUGGAL, 8. 1. an emblem in war, a war device used by certain privileged per sons. 2. An oven or baking of
TAGALOATA‘U, s. the month of No- l food ; so called in war. 'O lāna tagāvai, vember. [ T . P .] TAGĀMIMI, 8. the bladder. TAGEGE, a. tough ,ofmeat. TĀGĀPALOLO, 8. a catching of TAGESŬSU, 8. a Tutuila name for tagosusu . palolo. TAGAȚA, 8. 1. a man . A lē tei, o Tagi, Malay, TAGIS, v. 1. to cry, to .: le aitu ; 'a te'i, o le tagata . 2. weep . E ,ania foʻimea e tagisia ? ·Mankind . 3. A servant. Leausa 2. To chirp as crickets, birds, & c. le tagata o Māta'utia , 3. To bellow, to roar, of animals. 4 . To complain, to lodge a com TAGATĀ, a . full of people. TAGATĀ, v. to be full of people. plaint. 5. To beg for food . Ona TĀGĂTAI, v. to warn. Syn. LA tagi lea Sina i le fia 'ai le ‘ulu . 6 , To sing the fagono. Ona tagi PATAʻI. TAGATAOLA, 8. a prosperous man. lea 'o Tigilau ; pl. FETAGISI ; TAGATAOTAUA, 8. a captive. 'O pass. TAGISIA. lāna tagataotaua. TAGI, s. 1. a cry. 'Olona (and also
TAGATAGA, 8. 1. & net to hold i trumpet shells or water-bottles
lana ) tagi. . 2. A chirp. 3. A bellowing. 4. A complaint.
in . 2. The buoy of the bait for | Tagi, s. the nameof a tish . Tagı'AʻA, 8. the name of a fish . flying- fish . . TAGATAGAʻI, v. redup. of TAGAʻI, TagI'A'A'INĂ, v. to be taken by the 1. to look out, to look out for. tagi'a 'a , of a hook . 2 . To look about, as a person TAGI'AAU , v. to cry after, as some with weak eyes, after having one who has gone. had them bad . (A term of re- | TAGIAUĒ, v . to wail. spect.)
TAGIAUĒ, 8. a wailing.
TAGATAGAU, v. redup. of TAGAU. TAGIALISE, v. to be dusk, lit. the TAGATĀFANYA, 8. men of a place, crickets crying. “A malu afiafi residents.
'ua tagialise .
TĀGĀTAFILI, s. the act of making a TAGIATAMAULA, 8. the cry of a mis decoy pigeon fly, which act isIchievous boy who has been beaten
i ataqiq seen bytāgātafil the wild pigeon. 'Ua i, The thing is
for his mischief. Let him cry on .
. ..
.. .. .
( 295 )
TagIFAʻAMAMA‘T, v. to whine. Syn . LEOFA'AMAMA'I. TAGIFALE, v. to weep houses.
cause,' to be fretful. 2. To beg for more than one has a riglit to. with closed / Le Atua e, a tă tagivale. TĀGIVALE. Syn . TAGITULUI. ; .
TAGILAUỆ, v. to wail, applied to a Tago, v. 1. to touch . 2. To take number of persons. hold of. Ona tago mai lea o TAGILAULOA , 0. to cry all along , Taliga , 'ua lafo. 3. To feel. Ona family after family, as on receiv- tago ane lea 'o Tigilau, 'ua lē ing news of many persons being killed in a battle.
ai ; pl. FETAGOFI ; redup. TATA GO ; dimin . TAGOTAGO ; pass,
TAGIMAIALA, on hearing of the TAĞOFIA. death of a near relativewhile the TĀGOʻAU. See TĀGOTAUA. party is away from home. " ... TĀGOGĀTAUA, 8. 1. a seekingo TAGISA-i, v. to complain of a person troops. 2. A party seeking troops as having caused the death of to aid in war. another. Ua tagisa-i Vala , 'oia TAGOLAʻAI, v. 1. to pick and choose, na oti ai Loto. as, when eating, to reach over for TAGISAGA, s. 1. prayers. 2. Impre- ' a taro, leaving breadfruit near at hand . 2. To engage in the quarrels of others, for. Sa a'u tagisia se mālo tuu TĂGOLE, v. 1. to ransack , to pull " ¿ Maile le ma Salāfui. 2. lit. | about and pry into the property cations.
TAGISIA, v. pass. of TAGI, 1. to cry
* To be becried, to be benighted.
of another thievishly. 2. To
Na tagisia i mātou i le vao. Re- l interruptanother's speech ; redup.
ferring to the cricket's cry . TAGISUSU . See TAGESUSU ;
TĀGOLEGOLE. "Ua tāgolegole feta Iriga .
TAGITA, S. locks of hair left on each TĀGOLIMA, v. to have plenty.
side of thehead of a virgin . Ona TĀGOSUMU , S. a method of fishing. tagita . TĂGOSŬSU, 8. the chicken -pox . " O TAGITAU, 1 v. to call for war. E . lona tăgosūsu .
TAGITAUA,) tagitau Lepuao e.
TĀGOTAUA, v. to seek assistance in
TAGITAUTALA, 8. a mournful dirge - war. at a funeral, telling tlie misdeeds TAGOTAGO, V. redup. of TAGO , to of the family which caused the take hold of lightly . TĀGOTAGO, v. to grope the way. death of the person. TĂGULU , v, to eniit a hollow sound, TAGITAGI, v. redup. of TAGI.
TAGITAGI, 8. 1. a young paroquet. . as by a blow on a hollow tree, or 2. A béll. distant thunder. See FA'ATA TAGITĀTŪTĪVAE, v. to cry and GULU ; redup . TĀGULUGULU . stiinp the feet. TĀGULU, Malay, DANGKUR and TAGITOIA, v. the tame manutagi's GARU, v. to snore. song is spoilt by a wild manutagi TĂGUTU, 8. 1. a stump of a tree ; : frightening it. a stump of a tooth . 2. A short TAGITOFU, v. to bleed from the nose jabbly wave. 'O le tăgutui o lè and ears after diying ; pass. la 'au ; redup . TĀGUTUGUTU . TĀGITOFUA . TALA, Malay, TARANG , 8. 1. a tale, TAGITUʻI, v. to cry and beat the a narration . Aso sili tala, pe ni body. Ia Lea loʻo tagitu'r. ā "ea tala ? 2 . News. “O tala a TĀGITULUI, v. 1. to ask for addi le taua . 3. A thorn . 'Ole tala tional payment. 2. To ask for o le la'au. 4. The barb of a spear. 5. The round end of a a larger share of food .
TAGLYALE, V. 1. to cry without ! native house. - ' O le tala o le fale,
( 296 )
6 . The spur of a cock . 'O le tala o le moa. 7. A sea-bird . Tala, v. 1. unloo to tell, to relate . 2. To se. Io pea le pa untie, to tamāl oa , 'a e tala lau pa ; a le TALAI pass. NA ; redup. TALATALA . TALĀ, v. pass. of TataLA.
TALAFAʻATUPUA, 8. traditionary tales. TALA FALU, 8. the name of a tree (Micromelum pubescens). TALAFĀTAI, 8. the sea-coast, the land near the sea.
to procla GospeEʻAU, ytize.im the TALAALELO, v. to lie. (An offensive | TALAF l. . 2.v. To1. prosel term ) TĀLAFILI, v. to talk against, to TALAE , 8. the nameof a fish .
murmur TĀLAFU the cooking -place in , 8.against. a large TĀLAʻ1, v. to proclaim ; redup . TALA - va'a . canoe. O le tālafu o le
Talal, v. to adze ; redup . TALA TALAI.
TALA 'I. un ga,, ass. 1.oftbetheuntyi , theing's doing “afangfasten TĀLA 'T, 8. the name of one kind of Tala
net. a house, & c. 2. The rela." TALAIA , v. pa88. of TATALA , to un - | of hooks. TĀtiLAng. loose ; to be relieved , to be freed TA GA, 8. a couple of flyfrom sickness , with a negative. LAGAFA , v. to tell a pedigree, in *Ua lē talaia le ma i i le fofo. I order to show the base origin of TĀLAIA, v. pass. from TALA, 8. to be a person . pricked , as by a thorn ; redup. TALAGĀGAFA, 8. the telling of a TALATALAIA . pedigree TALA ' IUTUUTU , v. to take a canoe . person . , to the discredit of a along by the shore, to keep a TALAGŪ, v. to talk in a low buzz, to course close in to the beach . mutte r. , v. to be a report of the GUTU Talaoso, v. to be in a hurry to tell TALA Dews without knowing it cor mouth only . E lē iloa ona tau rectly . saga auā . OLA,e talagutu fresh TĀLAU , a . ten score, in counting | TALALE V. to inhabit cocoa -nuts. increa becau the of land se , Talau , v. 1. to sprout after a population . Syn . VAVAELEOLAsed.
drought, as taro. 2. To make TALALEU , v. 1. to act against the a noise , as a number of people rules of seuga. 2. To commit talking together ; redup. TALAU - | any wrong. Leasiosio lea 'wa
nofo atuAIAʻAI , 'ua ,talaleu v. to . reinstate & TALA“UʻULA, v. 1. to make unwar TALALEF ranted requests . 2. To make people in their own land . vain boasts TĀLAULAU , adv. .luxuriantly , greatly, TaLaL fire. ī, v. to blaze, to crackle, of increasingly, of trees, meu , & c. TALALIMA, v. to persist in disputing TALAUSI, s. the Manu 'a name of the after the dispute is settled . manusina. TĂLALO, 8. a song with clapping of
TALAUSUI, v. to make much out of exagg a little, TALAU down the uto TO, tov. to layerate. for flying -fish. TALAlaFA,8.atalahairy face,the whiskers. o u fa. TALAFAʻAOTI, v. to tell all. Thus Polynesi meanin givi an ng the of oti ; all finished .
TALAL to whist OA , v., as1. birds fly along talk . le2. asTo they walk as they . TĀLAL long and loose, as a OA, a . flowing up.garment ; or a sheet opened
g TALALOTU, - v. 1. to attend the religious services of the party
( 297 )
with which one is politically connected. 2. To proselytize. | TĀLALUA, v. to separate into two, as a net or cloth . TĂLAMA, v. to give a second coat of black varnish to a siapo. TĀLAMAU, v. to hold firmly, to stick to an opinion.
TALATALA, 8. a disease of the head . TALATALA, v. redup . of TALA, to converse ; to relate . TALATALA , v. redup. of TATALA, 1. to unloose, to untie . 2 . To
increase beyond the bounds, as a town. ·
TĀLATALA, a. prickly, rough .
TALĀMOLI,8. a thorn of the orange TALATALAI, v. redup. of TALAI, to • tree.
adze lightly.
TALAMONOTUI, 8. false tales causing TALATALAʻI, v. to tell what was hidden. griefof heart. TĂLAMU, v. 1. to chew . 2. To eat. TALATALAÕ, v. 1. to cackle, as a (Abusively.) hen . 2. To scold. . TALAMUA, v. to tell beforehand. 'O TALATALAGA, 8. talking, conversa le à talamua,sa Tagaloä 'ua 'sau , ' tion. 'O la lā talatalaga .
TALĀMULI, 8.the back end of a long TalaTALAGU , v. to talk in a low voice . · house. TALANA'I, v. to leave à canoe half TALATALĀMOA, 8. one variety of ifi. drawn up on the beach . Na opea | TALATALANOA, v. 1. to relate. 2. · mai, 'ua sau ‘ua talana'i vale i To converse. 3. To take a thing lenei mea. casily, to be living at ease. TALANOA, v. 1. to chat, to converse TALATALASĀLO, v. to give all the together. 2 . To talk nonsense. 1 minute particulars in a narra 3 . To act thoughtlessly and care tion . lessly. O le malaga a Salevalasi TALATALATASI, v. to relate each na talanoa į Lepapalaulelei ; re particular. TALATAMA, v. to interfere in chil dup. TALATALANOA. TĀLANOA, v. to boast, to brag. Syn . dren 's quarrels, as by a person TĀLA'UʻULA. striking those who beat his TALANOAGA, 8. chatting, conversa child . TALATā, v. 1. to undo and let go, tion . “O la lā talanoaga.
TALAPEPELO, 8. a lie. O lāna tala
as the sheet of a sail, a fishing
pepelo . TĀLAPEPELO , v . to lie.
thing against a person, so as to
line, & c. 2. To relate every
TALAPā, v. to relate at night. Ua cause him to leave a place. TALATŪ, v. to restore a banished lē migao, 'ua talapo. TALĂSĂ, 8. 1. one of two breadfruits people to their land by forcible hangingtogether,and leftbecause measures. Se faiaʻai "ea e ta not ripe. 2. The remains of a ) latū . crop of breadfruit. TĀLATŪ, v. to boast of power, & c., and not have it. TALASAGO. See AlsaGO. TALASALOA, v. to tell all the par TALATU. See I TALA ATU . ticulars, to relate minutely. Se TALATUA, v. pass. of TALA ATU . TALATUʻU . See •UPUTUʻU . · gutu poto ia te talasaloa . TALASĀMUSAMU, 8. one kind of sea TALATUPUA. See TALAFA'ATUPUA. bird . TALAVAI, v. 1. to apply for medi Talasia, v. from ta-lasi, to use cine. 2 . To dispense medicine. many words, to be verbose. TĀLAVALE , v. 1. to tell tales of not being fed , or of being badly TALASUA, v. to tell jeeringly. TALATAUALIʻI, s.bad news concern - | treated . ing a chief.
TALAVALU, 8. one kind of war-olub.
(+298 )
•Ta lē fili sou nuʻu e fa'amataʻu le tulavalu . TĀLAVEVETO, v. to make vain boasts. ' Syn. TĀLANOA and TĀLA 'UʻULA . TALE, 8. a cough. "O lona tale. TALE, v. to cough ; pl. FETALEI; dimin . TALETALE. TALEAVAU, 8. a loud cough.
TaliʻILOTAI,v.to receive a travelling party with displeasure. TALIOFO, 8. the one who answers the ofo. TĀLIU , v. to bale out a canoe.
TĀLIU, 8. the person who bales a canoe. Taliu, v. to return, turn back. Syn . LILIU. FOI MAI. Talitli, v. to steer without assist ing to pull ; redup. TALITALIULI..
TALEU, v. to hunable oneself. TALE'Ū , 8. an old man 's cougl , TALEFA'AUMIVMI, 8. whooping TALIUTA, 8. those who wait for the cough . .
landing of a canoe. E , 'a 'o i ai
. . .
TĀLEFITI, v. to throw a somer-
foʻi ē sa taliuta e. TALIFAʻA‘ASAʻAsa, v. to receive with
- sault.
anger, as an ifoga, i.e. to fight
TĂLELE, v. 1. to break a cocoa -nut, • rejecting the liquid for the sake
them .
of the kernel 2 . To escape TALIFA'AFAFINE. Syn . TALINO : swiftly, as the bouito ; fig. of NOFO , men . TaliFau, v. 1. to bear mending, as
TĀLEPAPA, v. to bury the dead . an old net. 2. fig . With a nega (A jesting term .) tive, to be past correcting. 'O le Tall, 8. 1. an answer. 2. A re- 'upega lē talifau. (Of the aged.) - ception. 3. Food given to visi- TĀLIFITI, v. to wait for presents of tors. | food. Tali, v. 1. to answer. 2. To wait | TĂLIGA, 8. 1. a receiving. 2. The for. Inā la tali manu i Lemafa . ear. Sei fa'alogo'mai ou tăliga 3. To receive. Malay, TARIMA. ' e valu. 'Ua ga'e'e le laʻau sa tali ai le TĀLIGA, Malay, TELINGA, 8. 1. a · la'i. 4. To take food , to pass. eat. species of taro. 2.by Food taken the young *Ua lē talia lona alo ;
I to female visitors
- TALÍA ; redup. TATALI, TALITALI; people. “O le tāliga a teine. - pass. TALITALIA ; recip. FETA- Taligā, v. to be difficult to wait • LIAʻI. for. TĀLI, adv. nearly. 'O loʻo ʻua tāli TALIGAIOLE, 8. used on Tutuila for tulaʻi na. taliga 'imoa.
Taliaga, v. to lie on the back . TALIGA‘IMOA, 8. 1. a species of TALIALAINA, v. to lie in wait for. | fungus. 2. One stage in the • Syn . LAMALAMA. growth of a chestnut. TĀLIALOGA, 8. from tali-alo, a chief's | TALIGAMAIVALU, 8. 1. the name of meal. O le tālialoga a le ali-i. a god . 2. A man with big ears. TALIAVA, v. to stand at an opening in the reef in order to assist a | canoe about to enter. TĂLIE , 8. the name of two trees. A
TĀLIGAMĀTUA, 8. the name of a game played with the fiugers. TĂLIGAPEʻA , 8. a stage in the growth of a chestnut next to taliga‘imoa . small kind found inland ( Termi TALIGATULI, v. to be deaf. nalia Catappa). A larger tree TALIGATULI, 8. a deaf man .
found nearthe coast ( T .litoralis). | TALILALO, 8. verbum obscenissi. TĂLIEULA, 8. the tălie from which mum . necklaces are made. TALILOPA, v.to warm oneself at the TĂLIEFOAGIA , 8. the edible tălie. fire. (A chief's word.) Called also tălietoga. | TALIMĀLĪ, v. to receive guests. ,
( 299 )
TalimaxĀVA, v. to appease the TALITOʻASI, v, the Upolu form of talito‘ai. · appetite . TĀLIMĀTŪ, v. to wipe dry, as TALITĪGA, v. to receive native pro " dishes, & c. • perty. TALIMONOĀ , v. to answer saucily. TALITUA, v. to have the back to, to TALIMUA, v. to be first in receiving be gone.· Ona talitua atu lea 'o
· visitors, when several places are mātua i uta . mentioned . TALITUTŪ, v. to receive standing TALINONOFO, v. to receive sitting. • a bad sign . TALIPALAU, 8. a drum . (A Tali Talo, 8. a plant, the bulbous root of tian word.) which is edible. There aremany TALIPEAU, v. to keep the bead of a varieties. (Arum esculentum .) buat so as to receive the waves Tālo , v. 1. to beckon, to make on the bows, and not on the signs to go on. 2 . To wave, as a fan, to drive away flies or dis side.
TALIPUPUNI, v. 1. to shut off, as ease. 3. To wave a piece :of the wind.' 2. To shield , as from 1 tutuga over the dead, begging .. spears. Syn. TALITĀ. him to take calamities and dis TALISELA, 8. å belt worn to preventL eases with him . 8. 1. the garboard streak of TĂLOA, breath of out one from getting when running, walking, or work . a canoe or boat. 2. A siapo. of ing. O lona talisela . one colour, either black or red Talisoa, v. to seek another as a throughout, and without streaks. companion ,as a second boat for TĂLõu , v. to pick fruitwith the lor . safety on a journey. TALOULI, 8. 1. taro baked with the TĀLISUA, v . to have supper. skin on. 2. Taro with black TĀLISUAGA, 8. supper. stalks.
TaliTĀ,s. 1. a club used as a shield TALOULI, v. 1. to put a small taro ( to ward off spears thrown. 2 . A shield . 'Olona talitā. (Intro-
duced meaning.)
on to the end of a spear, to in dicate the wish to wound an
enemy. 2. To have a second
TALITĀ, v. to parry, to shield from · feast over a new fishing -net. . spears thrown. Ou te tulitā i ou TĀLofa, interj. I love. 1. A form of salutation . 2. An expression tafatafa . TALITALI, 8. 1. a shelf on which of sympathy, pity, or sorrow . sleeping mats are placed. Syn . 3. A denunciation . Talofa ia te PALEPALE. 2. The jabble caused “outou ! by the rebound of the waves from TaLOFITI, 8. one kind of taro. 1 an ironbound shore. 'Ole talitali TALOFUSI, s. taro grown in a swamp. ,' o le pupū. TĀLOLO, v. to disperse. See Ta TALITALIA . See LETALITALIA . 'ALOLO. TALITALIULI, 8. 1. the pilot fish. TALOLOA, &. a taro plantation 2. One who follows in the train TaLOLOAGA, ) which is common property . ' O le talaloa a le nu-u . c of another. .
TALITALIULI, v . redup. of TALIULI. TALITALINOA, v. to wait uselesely . TALITALITŪ , v. to wait for.
TALO MALAT, s. one kind of taro.
TALOPASAT, 8. one kind of taro. TĀLOSAGA, 8. a praying, a prayer. 'Olāna talosaga . TALITANE, 8. a harlot. . TALITANE, v. to play the harlot. Talosia, v. pass. of TATALO . TĀLITOʻAI, v. to be nearly come. | TĀLOTALO, 8.pl. of TALO. O tālo TALITOʻAI, v. to answer saucily . talo tetele. Syn . TALİMONDĀ. : - woven | TĀLOTALO , v. redup. of TATALO. .
TAL ( 800 ) TALOTALOGA, 8. pl. prayer. "Ola | TAMA‘l, a. the young ofTAM animals lātou talotaloga
. na aʻu or plant TalotASI, 8. one taro and one I 'au " O tama‘imea mai,s.'o mălie . .. pro fish taken in cession to visi- | TĂMA‘I, 8. bad news, a message of · tors by each woman of a village.L ill tidings. Pe ni mălie, pe ni o le talotasi a fafine. tămaʻi Talu , adv. since. Talu lava ona | TĀMA ‘I, 8.? luck, good fortune. 'O · ē tupu . lo mātou TĀLU, prep . on account of, through ; atu , & c. tāma'i 'ua mātou maua redup . TĀLUTALU . Tălua, v. to beat a drum with two TĀMA‘l to abeat , to .abuse canoe , v. 1. as To wreck, Pe .afai2. sticks. tāma'iav . ni delight in . The 'a e'IMA‘I, TĀLUA, 8. the chief drummer on | TĂMA to alii.
the fa'aali-i. matagofie."Ua tăma Talua , v. to put the ends of thatch "opposite imaⓇi i leto'ietaʻino‘ino. so that they will overlap each TAMA‘IMA‘I, v. to be ill. 2. To other. TALUGA havesmall of food. , 8. from TALUTALU , al be a scarcity in quantity , or 3.defiTo result. TĀLUGA, v. to strike at a sea-bird | cient in quality. See FA'ATA from the canoe . E muamua ona | TAMA MA‘IMAʻI. ‘ ITAʻI. 8. 1. a lady. Silia ? TAFEAUSI tāluga Vaoto tamaʻitaʻi ma teine. Also
· fa 'i o le . . See TALUSĀ , v. to bring evil on others.
An abscess
in the Talusā , a . evil- bringing . “O fao armpit. . 2. TAMA ITIITI, 8. a little child ; pl. le mauga talusā, 'ua tātou penei ai. TALUT ALU, 8. the young trees TAMAITI. tamaoāiGA, grown up where there had been TamaoĀI ga . 8. riches. O lona · a plantation . TĀLUTALU, 8. a result, a conse - || TamaoĀI abundanGĂ, ce .v. to be rich, to bave quence ( always in a bad sense) ; | TAMAFAI, 8. an adopted child . TAM ' o le tālutalu lenei o lo 'outou |
limTALU tupu ai oge a vaivai ·TĀLU , prep, ‘ua. redup . of leTĀLU ..
AFAFINE, 8. 1. a daughter, usea
the mother only , not of the Tama, 8. 1. a child , a boy. 01 of father. A se tamafafine pule tama o le nu 'u. 2. A woman 's sister tamafafi ne. of a children . 'O. ona Fale'afa 2. The offspring, of either sex and of | TAMALA , 8. the name of a young any age . “O le tama a le fafine. tāiva . I mola ‘i si ata tama. 3. A chief. | TAMALA, v. 1. to moderate, of me - O le tama nei e fia 'ai į lota maumaga . wind and waves, sickness, anger, TAMĀAĀIG , 8. å Afather. perso 'O lona tamā. & c. ; redup. TĀMALAMALA. Se ia TAMA n of large FA'ATAMALA , 8. a . tuai. 2. See tāmalamala 'o. amio family connections. ' O lona TAMALĀ, v. to burn dimly , as the tamaaõiga. TAMAAĀIGA , v. to have many fire of an oven . family connections. TĀMALAU, 8. the name of a fish . TAMAA LEʻELEʻELE, 8. a son of the TAMA a youth LĒTĀ. , 8. a youth not tattooed ; citizen . true soil, a TamaALIʻI, 8. 1. a chief's son. 2. TAMĀ famili arity8. .)a man oa o ofle 'o le. tamāl LOA, ( A term ta
A chief. 'O le
nuʻu .
maali-i o le
aiga . TAMAMEAMEA, 8. an infant. 'O
animal M 'T
alge il
je se
( 301 )
TAN lāna tamameamea, of the mother. TĂNEA, v. to be stained with 'ava . O tamameamea o le nu'u . TAMANU , 8. the name of a tree TĀNEA, v. 1. to be full of hand: · (Maba sp.) somemen . 2. To have known a
TAMANU, v. to makea time pigeon flutter.
man carnally, of a woman . TĀNEA, a . full of handsome men .
TAMAPĂPĀ, 8. an abortion . ..Nuću lē tānea , soli le pa . TAMAPĂPĂ , v. to miscarry. TĂNEULI, MO ' O , 8. varieties of the TAMASĀ, s. the children of a sister. "Ua sa lava mea 'uma i la tātou TĂNESINA, 1 disease tăne. tamasā “o Tuiolemu. Syn . TAMA TĂNESUPA, FAFINE. TANETANE, s. the name of a shrub TAMATA'U ! interj. as TAFEFE ! (Nothopanax Samoense). TAMATAMAʻILIMA, 8. fingers. '0 TANETANEA, v. to be full grown, of the 'ava plant. ona tamatamaʻilima.
TAMATAMA‘IMATA, 8. the pupil of TANI, 8. the basin of a waterfall. On Tutuila instead of FUTIAFU. the eye. TAMATAMA'IVAE, 8. toes. TĂnio, v. 1. to ailao skilfully, TAMATANE, 8. 1. a boy. 2. The ailao twisting thetorches body,after & c. a chief 2. Tois with son of a woman. ' 0 lāna ta L matane. 3. Young men . 'O le tattooed. See Nio. faiva o tamatane o tau. tamatane o le nuću .
0 | TĀNIO , v. to cut down cocoa -nut trees for spears or for timber.
TĂMATE, v. to kill, of trees and TĂNIU , 8. a bad ti'a . animals ; to cut offall the leaves TĂNIFA, 8. a large species of shark. . of a tree. Syn . TAPĒ.
TĂNIFAUI, 8. a dark -coloured tănifa. TAMOLE, 8. the name of a weed TĂNIFATEA, 8. 1. a light-coloured ( Portulaca quadrifida). Syn . tănifa . 2. A licentious woman . FIAFIĀTULI. TANITANI, 8. the Tutuila name for TAMOLEVAI, 8. a swamp plant tanetane. (Limnophila menthastrum ). Tano, v. 1. to have a disgust with TĂMOLIGA, 8. the name of an - food. 2. To be distasteful, as one kind of food eaten con ancient game. TANĀ, v. 1. to shame a person by stantly . TĂMO‘E , v . to run. TAMOLE, 8. the name of a plant.
telling his faults. 2 . To say or Tano, v . 1. to call over names and dowhat will cause oneself shame. I titles before making a speech .
TANAʻl, v. 1. to overload . 2. To 2. To leave a speech unanswered, put too much in an oven . 3. and introduce another subject ; To go to excess in quarrelling. pass. TANOA. · Syn . Pana‘I. TĂNOA, 8.anger of chiefs. " O fale TĂNAFA, v. 1. to beat a drum . 2 . upolu e tali tănoa . - To talk incessantly. TĀNOA, 8. 1. an 'ava bowl. 2. A TANANA, v. 1. to make a beating dish, a plate. 3. A wooden ' noise, as a number of soldier | bowl, an umete. Not so used in crabs. · 2 . To talk incessantly . all places. 'Olāna tānoa . TĂNE, 8. 1. a disease of the skin . TANDAALOFI, s. 1. the name of the 2 . The stain of 'ava. "ava bowl when the chiefs are TĀNE, 8. 1. a man . 2. A male, seated in a circle. : 2 . The Malay, JANTAN . 3. A husband. circle of chiefs, like an 'ava 'O lāna tāne.
( 302 )
Tanu,: v. to bury ; pl. TATANU ; | TAPAI, interj. Oh that, had it only been ! pass . TANUA and TANUMIA .. TANUFALE, v. 1. to cover the house TAPAU , v. to cut the exact length .. · with cocoa-nut leaves in a storm . TAPAFA 'ATOGA, v . to put on a
2. To hide in the house .
wrapper in the Tongan way. .
TĀNUULI, a. 1. covered with smut, blackened . 2. Blackened, as taro baked with the skin on . TANUULI, v. 1. to blacken , as the body with soot. 2. To bake taro unscraped . TANUGA, 8. a burying. 'Olona tanuga . TANUMA'1, v. 1. to cover up with . 2.personTo incover up closely, a shivering fit. 3.as Toa . bury in oblivion , to conceal ; , redup. TANUTANUMA‘I. TANUMAGA, 8. 1. the part buried, i as of a post. 2. A burying
TĀPAFUA, v. to ask for what one has no right tó. (A depreciatory word to chiefs.) E, a ta tāpafuu ia ' te 'oe. TaPAGĀVAʻA, 8. a demand for å canoe. ( A Manu 'a word .) TĂPALA, v. 1. to dye a titi in the black mud of a swamp. 2. To be wet frequently, and so soon rotted , as clothes, fishing-uets, & c. TAPALAOA, 8. a native remedy for choking, by funniny the face . TAPALE, ado, constantly. "Ua 'ai tapale. party. 3. The place in the TĂPALE, v. 1. to play at tapalega. Searth where the robber crab 2. To break up firewovd with buries itself. quickly repeated blows. 3. To TANUMI. See TANUMAʻI. strike on every side, to knock TANUSOSOI, v. to be dirty from about. work , as digging, & c. TĂPALEGA, 8. a game played in the TANUTANU, 8. the name of a young water, similar to huckey and shinty on land . filoa . TAPA, 8. one of the white borders TĂPAPA, v. to cover or shut in with planks. of a siapo. TAPA, 8.an agreement to exchange | TĂpasu, v. to strike a heavy blow . titi. TAPATAI, adv. seaward . O le uila TAPA, v. 1. to beckon with the tapatai. palm of the hand inclining to | TAPATAULIA, v. to be beckoned to · wards the body, signifying to or called after, as a party just come. 2. To call out the name put out to sea. E, Alo , lo tātou of the chief's cup of ‘ava ; pl. tiuga a tapataulia . TATAPA. TAPATAUTALI, v. to beckon for a Tapa, v. to demand ; redup. TAPA party to wait. Etapatautali TAPA. ( A Manu'a word .) Sinae. TAPAʻA, 8. tobacco. (The English TAPATAPA, v . 1. to oil the body to . worul imitated .) . excess. 2. To bave leucorrlica. TAPAʻAU, 8. 1. cocoa-nut leaf mats. TAPATAPALĂLA , v. as the preced :' 'O ta paʻau o le fale. 2. A chief, ing word ; redup. TAPATAPALĂ 80 called because he sits on a LĂLA. tapaʻau at a fono. TĂPATELE, v. 1. to ask for what
TAPAʻAUSAFOE, 8. one kind of one has no right to. 2. To ask måt. for what is difficult to grant, TAPAʻAUVAI, 8. a matmade of four and to which one has no claim . half cocoa-nut leaves. TĂPATI, v. to clap the hands TAPA'£, 8. one kind of club. (From when about to divide 'out the Tonya .)
'ava .
( 303 )
TAPAVALE, v. to beckon with. Tapua, v. the long entrance of a TĂPEI, v. to crack, to break up, cage or fish -trap. as a cocoa- ulut or a bamboo. TĀPUA, 8. the name of one kind of Tapei ma le ‘ofe, sili solo i le banana. , TAPUAʻI, v. 1. to abstain from all faga. TĀPENA, v. to carry off load by work, games, & c., and to sit load ; redup. TĀPENAPENA. Tă waiting for success in war or in pena ma mea 'o i le fale, ia “uma i sickness. 2. Applied to pas sengers in a canoe tiianking the fafo. Syn . La‘U, TAUTUʻU. TAFĒ. See TAMATE. pullers, wlio answer, Faafetai tapuaʻi ! 3. To give something TAPEPE. See Tol'E. TAPI, v. 1. to rinse with fresh to bring success, as 'ava . "O lo water. 2. To wipe, to wipe up; spec .demuliebr. pudend . ; redup.
mā 'ava e tapuaʻi ai ou faiva, e manuia ai. [4. To offer reli TAPITAPI ; pl. TATAPI. gious worship. A recent adap TAPIʻl, v. 1. to close the eyes. tation of the word ] ; redup. TA 2. To go to sleep. (A jesting PUTAPUA'I. . TAPUAʻIGA,8. certain villages which term .)
TAPIGA'ESE, v. to act differently from others, to act indepen dently .
did not engage in war, but served as a refuge to those who fled on defeat.
TAPILI," 8. 1. a fan to blow the TAPUALAGANA'I, s. the fish lalafi in fire with . 2. Bellows. O lāna its third stage of growth . TĀPUAMILI, 8. one kind of banana. tapili. . TAPUANE. See VÅEANE. . TAPILI, v. to fan the fire. TAPIŞA, v. to laugh ; pl. TĀPISA. TĂPUʻE, v. 1. to heap up earth round a yam plant. 2. To Tapisa ma tou featani. . TAPITAPI,
v. redup. of TAPI, to catch . rinse in fresh water. TAPUI, 8. something hung up to TAPO, Malay, TAPUK. See SAPO. denote trees from which fruit TAPO, . the name of a net. is not to be picked. “Olāna Tapo, v. to fish at night with the tapui.
tapo. TAPUI, v. to prohibit from pick Tapou, v. to put in the posts of a ing fruit by hanging the tapui house . to the tree ; redup. TĀPUIPUI. E TĀPOLA, 8. a white crab. See Tau - uima tapui le fa'atuatua. POLA . TAPUIMAUI, a . changeable, fickle. TĀPOLAIPU , I 8. varieties of the Like one who tapui his nuts to day, and takes off the tapu to : TĀPULASINA, tāpola . TAPONA, v. 1. to strike the loser morrow . į in tagāti'a a certain number TAPUITEA, s. the evening star. 'O . of blows. 2. To reprove chil- | tapuitea ‘o loʻo ʻua sopolagi.
TAPUITUAINA, v. 1. to die unex pectedly. Se aitų (ea se tasi mai i'ite , 'a toe tapuituring . 2. loser in tagāti-a. TAPOTO, v. "1. to strike cleverly To be too late with an offering . with the club 2. To make a 3. To leave a sick person for dren .
TAPONAGA, 8. the beating of the telling speech . TAPU, v. to make sacred, to place
a time, and returning find hiin dead.
under restriction ; redup. TAPU - | TĂPUⓇU, 8. a short ti'a . TAPULAʻA, 8, 1. the boundary in the
. . TAPU.
TAPŪ, 8. one kind of club.
game of tologa. : 2. Laws and
( 304 )
covenants. 3. The name of a TASETU, v. See Ta‘ETO. shell- fish . Tasi, Malay, Asa, a . 1. one. 2. TAPULIMA, 8. 1. the wrist. 2. The Another. O le tasi teine. hand from the wrist. 'Olona Tasi, v . to be unprecedented, to be unique. Ua tasi le fale. tapulima.
TAPULU,8. the partof the tattooing Tasi, 'adv. very. É lelei tasi made all black . lava . TĀPULU, v. to get gum from trees Tasımal, v. to be the first issue, by making an incision in the ( A genealogical term .) bark . TĀSINA, 8. a striped siapo. (Intro TAPUMATAU, 8. the Tutuila name duced from Fiji.) for taputo‘i (Cupania rhoifolia ). TĂSISI, v. to draw up, as the pola of TAPUMITI, 8. the name of a shell a house. · fisb. v. to drive away by saying TAPUMITI, a. grey, pepper-and-salt Tåsisi, sisi (to animals). colour. Tăsoni, v. to chop about. TAPUNA, 8. 1. a parasitic plant TĂTĂ, 8. 1. the figure-head of a (Loranthus insularum ). 2. fig. canoe. 2 . The rubber for rubbing Persons acting as parasites. «Va on the colours of a siapo. se ta puna le fa'apipi'i. TĂtĂ, v. to jerk off, to pluck with TĀPUNI, v. to shut ; pass. TĀPU- violence. Tătă mai le taume. ΝΙΑ. TATĀ, 8.the baler of a canoe. 'O le TĂPŮPŮ, v. 1. to breathe quickly. tatá o le vaʻa. "Ua mānava tăpăpă. 2. To talk Tatā, v. 1. to bale out. 2. To be quickly. 3. To do anything relaxed , as the bowels. 3. To quickly. speak rapidly. 4 . To cover with TAPUTAPU, v. redup. of TAPU. banana leaves in order to keep TĀPUTAPUGAGANA, v. to forbid to dry. 5. Pl. of ta. speak ; a ganie of children . TĀTĀ, 8. perspiration in sickness. TAPUTOʻI, 8. the name of a tree TĀTĀ, 1. to fap the wings. 2. To (Cupania rhoifolia ). break firewood , to break up a TĂPÚTŮ, v. 1. to breathe quickly. I dry tree in order to get out 2. To speak rapidly ; redup. TĀ afato. PUTUPUTU ; recip. FETĂPÚTŰAʻI. TATAʻA, v. pl. of TA'A, 1. mostly of Syn. TĂPŬTŮ . animals, to go at large. 2. To TAPUVAE, 8, 1. the ankle. 2 . The trail, as a fish -hook . A 'o tata'a · foot from the ankle. '0 lonaL lava pa a le tamāloa . tapuvae. TĀTĀ‘A-AO, v. to tap the feet in TAPUVAEFANUA, v. to walk briskly order to call attention , to inter from being accustomed to the cede. Syn . TĀTĀTULI. road . Tatae, v. pl. of TAE, to gather up
TĀPUVAETASI, 8. roads meeting in | rubbish . one. to crack. 'Ua na tata's TasagaTĀ, a. disobedient. Syn. TATA‘e,v. le vai a le tamaʻitaʻi. se tõi VAOGATĂ. TATĀi, v. redup. of TĀI. "Ua mai lou le tatāi mai. TASEʻl, v. to jerk or spatch away. TĂSELE, v. 1. to strike in the belly TaTa‘ , v. 1. to lead, as a sick man . with a club. 2. To strike a mat 2. To drag along, as the lauloą . druin with rapid strokes. 3. To 3. To trail, as a fish -hook. "Ta turn a shipping rope quickly . 4. tataʻi lāna pa le "auamala . Syn . TATA'A. 4. To lead a quarrel to To make part of the tattoo.
TĂSELE, 8. a part of ihe tattooing . I others,to involve others. . .
TAT TĀT ( 305 ) Tatao, 8. the name of a moon in To explain . Tatala le lia ; pass. the wet season. | TATALAINA, TALĀ ; redup. TALA Tatao, v. to put under a weight, to ! TÁLA. : press, to squeeze. 2. To lie in TATALI, v. to wait for, from tali. ambush . Syn . TANUʻAU. Ona tatali lea sa Tayaloa se'iā to TĀTAO, 8. a stick to strike down i le tane. spears with . TATALO, v. to pray ; pass. TALOSIA ;' TĀTAO, v. 1. to cut spears. 2. To redup. TALOTALO. ' ward off spears. Syn . TALITAO. TATAMA, v. to be addled, of eggs. TATAU, 8. from tautau, a peunant, TATANU, v. pl. of TANU. . a flag of a canoe. Lafo ia i le TATAPA, v. pl. of TAPA . toʻese le tatau 'ua agina į moana . TATAPI, v. pl. of TAPI. Ole tatau o le vara . TĀTAPUVAE, a . long, as a robe TATAU, s.the tattooing. “Ua ta lāna reaching to the ankles. tatau . | TĂTĂŞIA, 8. the name of a tree. Tatau, a. 1. right, proper, fit. 2. TĀTATAU, v. to tattoo. TĀTATAU, 8. tattooing instruments.' Alike, equal. TATAU, v. 1. to be right, proper, fit. ' O le ‘ato tātatau . ‘O ma igoa ‘ua tatau. 2. To be TĀTĀTJA. See TĀTĀGASE. TĀTĀTINO. See TĂTINO . alike, equal. Tatat, together, v. to fight two to TĀTĀTULI, v. 1. to tap the knee, to fight a duel, caution . 2. To intercede. Syn .
Tatau, v. to be at full tide. "Ua TĀTĀ AʻAO. tatau le tai. TATAVALE, 8. an undecisive blow in TATAU, v. 1, to strain out, to wring a club match . out. 2. To milk ; pass. TAULIA . TĂTEA, a. strewed about on the ground abundance, as TATA'U, v. pl. of TA 'U . TĂTĂFĀ, s. the net for catching fa. fruit. from Tatara, v. 1. pt. of TAFA, to dawn. TĂTEA, v. to be in abundance, as · 2. To cut up pork in small por food or property . tions. TĂTELE, v. 1. to fish for palolo ( Palola viridis) on the great day TATAFE, v. pl. of TAFE. TATAFI, v. 1. to clear and weed a of their appearance. 2. To cut piece of land. 2 . To wash the wood by all. 3. To apply a hands. (A chief's word .) 3. / speech to all.
To operate on a chief for ele TATELEA‘E, v. to do a thing quickly. TĂTELEGA, 8. the great day of the phantiasis in scroto. Tataga. See Taga. palolo's appearance. TĀTĀGASE, 8. perspiration caused TĀTEME, v. 1. to be restless, as a bedfellow , 2. To be cranky, as by pain , also death sweat. TATAGA-MALA, 8. calamitous strokes. TATAGI, 8. the note of themanutagi (Ptilonopus fasciatus).
a canoe.
TĀTIA, v. to play at the game of ta a.
Tatagi, v. 1. to tinkle, to ring. 2. TĂTINO, v. redup. TĀTĀTINO. See TA'UTINO. To sound , as a wooden drum . TĀTĀGIA, s. the name of a tree | TATIPI, v. to cut, to slash. (Acacia laurifolia ) | TĀTĀ, a . liyht, giddy, applied to Tatago, v. 1. to shampoo. 2. To conduct. feel in a hole frequented by a TĂT7, v. to take out of, as a ba-ket. TĀTo‘o, s. the second row in a fish . TATALA, v. 1. to untie, to unloose. bunch of bananas. 2. To release from a contract, 3. TĀTOU, pron . we, including the
TAT ( 306 ) TEI speaker and the persons spoken the planks of a canoe, or the. to .
TATŪ , v. 1. to stamp with the feet ; to paw the ground. 2. To strike down a man standing ; redup. TĀTŪ . TĀTUĀLTŪ AINA,v. to be thrown aback , of a canoe . TĂTUⓇU , v. 1. to cut down, as a tree . let down, as the cocoa -nut 2. To scr eens of a house. TĀTULAʻI, v. to cut down young
timbersproperly of a house fit ting . 2. fromThenotwide opening between the thighs of a thin person . TĂVAVA, open.)as a door,&c. t word v. to be (An indecen instrumo.enttoquickly strike. the tattooing TĂvava, TAVIA, 8. a great talker. Tavio, forthelo.a bad'Uaodour. to sendthan elo It is v.worse
leaving the stumps TĀTtrees UPU, , 8. 1. a shoot or spr.out of a TAVtari INAo.VINA. See VINA.
tree, a sucker. 2. One name of Tavoi, v. to do a thing anyhow . the togo . O lona tātupu . TĀTŪTŪ a particle future . used te alu.verbs2. 'Ou before , v. to stamp, to kick with TE,in 1.the impatience . With oblique cases of pronouns. Tava , 8. the name of a tree. Ia v.te1.'oe. TAVAʻA , v. to hollow out a canoe. TĒ, to be split open , as chest TAVAE , v. to kick another on the ankles , to cause him to fall. nuts, and seeds of breadfruit TAVAⓇE , s. the tropic bird ( Phæton when beginning to grow. 2. To æthereus ). burst open, as a cooked banana species of tropic bursting from its skin, 3. To TAVA ‘ EʻULA one , 8. rubrica Phæton uda ). bird ( put out the tongue. 4. To have TAVAETOLO . See TAVAEʻULA . protruding eyes. Ua-tētē mata. Taval, 8. the name of a tree (Rhus pl5. . ToTĒTĒ have . a protruding clitoris ; Taitensis var tartense TĂvao, v. to, cut. timber ),for build TEʻA , 8. the name of a game. ing , and leave it in the bush , species of leech . TAVAŪ TAVALE, ,8.v.a 1. to cut a tree on the boundary belonging to another .
TEʻA, v. 1. to be away from . 'Ua te'a ma lo atunu'r 'ese. 2 . To be weaned plo clear of,. to“Uabete-aridmaof.le sŭsu 3. To; be TETEʻA ,
2. To cut wood without measur - | TEʻAGA, 8. a game of balls. ing it so as to insure having it | TEANE , conj. although, even at
enough long To speak with out thought.. 3.4. To talk con teane se:ā ?E. A . thoug fasia ‘oe fai aiTENAN stantly . 5 . To marry beneath TEATEA,h.8. theAlso name of a fish . TAUVA one's own rank . Syn . LE sickueAVALE TAVANI make wide the. TEATE ss or fear,to be pale, as openin, gv.in toa piy in order to, asgutit. | TEʻE , 8. a pro,p.v. 'Olona te'e. from gam TĀV
e of TEʻhau asa , v. to play the E, v. I. to prop up. 2. To be ghty ; redup. TE ETEʻE. tagāti'a between two villages . Tav tagā mat TEʻELĀ, s. a pole to keep out the asA ti'a ch of GA, 8. a between two villages . TAVATAVA, 8. the name of a fish . I bef cand.oe when running sailoreofthea win TAVATAVAAITU es of a TEʻENA , v. 1. to refuse, to reject. TAVATAVĀMANU, , I 8. nam opp shrub (Mel ose 2. To . astoma denticulatum ). FILI
TAVATIO . See TAVATI O. TE ENAʻI, v. to refuse, to reject. TĂvava , 8. 1. an opening between TEI'O', 8.si aoʻu youtei.nger brother or sister.
TET ( 307 ) TEʻl, v. 1. to startle. “Ua tă te'i | TELEA“ , v. to run quickly ; pass. ina 'ua 'e saʻili mai. 2. To be TELEA ‘IINA. on the turn, to be rising, of the TELEFUA, a . Malay, TELELEH, from tide. “Ua fa'atoʻa teći mai le tai ; LELEH , to uncover, stark naked . pl. TĒTEʻI ; redup. TEʻITEʻI. An indecent term , for which the euph. is lēlavalavā. TEINANE. See TEANE. TEINE, 8. a girl. O lo mātou teine. | Telefua, v. to be stark naked . TEISI, adv. 1. in a short time, for a TEL TELEGESE, 8. the name of a star. EGESEL little space. 2 . Somewhat. TEIT EIE ,"adv. lazily . 'Ga fa'atu | TELEMULU , } a. very slow , TELEGESE ,
TEU , 8. adornings, ornaments. TELEMULU , } v. to be very slow . TELENOA, a .' See TELEFUA. . Māumau 'o teu ma tifiga . TEU, v. 1. to adorn. 2. To put in TELENOA, v.' See TELEFUA.'
order. Teteu le alofi o Taoa, ma | TELETELE, v. to be quick, to step Le-tuluʻiga -o-maimoa. 3. To put out. to be very quick . Also away. Öna teu lea le lālāga ;TEUpl. | TELELAVE, TELELISE. TETEU ; pass. TEUA ; redup. TEU ; pass. TEUTEUA. 4 . To bury. TEMETEME, 8. the stock, &c., of a TEUANOAʻI, v. to dress and adorn to drill, TENANE. See TEANE. excess, to act the dandy. TENE, s. one kind of banana . TEUʻESE, 8. false hair.
TEUGA, S. See TEU. "O āna teuga. TENE, v. to move the hands about, as in dancing ; pl. TETENE ; re dup. TENETENE. E tenetene fua TETEFA ; redup. TEFATEFA. TEFE, v. to perform an operation | leia livaliva,'a e sagasaga 'ai le vili . circumci on equival TEFA, 8. to stumble sideways ; pl.
sion .
TEFEAITU, s.lit. one operated on by
TENINININI, a word found in fagono, its meaning unknown.
the aitu ; one born tefe. (Å TEPA, v, to look upwards; pl. TE, TEPA. Nefi e tepa lava į tua. term of reproach .)
TEFEGA, 8. the operation equivalent TEPATAULAⓇI, v. to look earnestly, Syn . TULIMATAŠI, to circumcision. TEGA, 8. 1. the thigh. 2. The TEPATAUMEASINA, v. to see good upper part of the arm . 'O lona things . tega . TETE, v. to shake, to quake, as TEGĀLIMA, 8. the upper part of the with fear or cold ; redup. TETE arm . TETE. TETEA, 8. an albino. “Ua 'o le lafi TEGĀVAE, 8. the thigh. TEGE, v, to swell puff up, asL a lilale. .tetea, e nanā fua , 'o e le arrowroot duringup,itsto preparation, or as a dead body ; pl. TETEGE ; TETEA, a . light-coloured. Ole dimin , TEGETEGE. niu tetea . TETEʻE, v. 1. to refuse, to reject. TELA , is tor , cli 8, } TELATELA , "A avatu 'upu, tete'e mai. 2. To TELATELĀ, a. bad -tempered . (An oppose ; pass. TEŠENA. TETEʻI, 8. " See SESEʻI. Upolu word .) TETEʻI, v. 1. to distend the mosquito TELE, 8. a plane. 'Q lāna tele. TELE, v. to plane, curtains with sticks. 2. To swell TELE, a . 1. great, large. 2.Many, l up, as a dead body. Syn. TEGE. plentiful ; pl. TETELE ; intens. TĀTEʻI, v, pl. of TEʻl. TELETELE,
| TETEU, v. pl. af TEU. x 2
( 308 )
TETEFA, 8. a blighted, stunted | banana . Syn . TETEVA. TETEGA, v. 1. to be pained, either by a blow or a bail word . 2. To be angry with . E lè tetega ia te aʻu . TETELE, a . pl. of TELE.
ti'a. 2. The head of a pig, after the cheeks and ears are removed . 3. A mau 's head . (In abuse.) TIA‘l, v. to throw away ; pass. TIAʻIINA. E afio ‘ea Gogo, a e tiaʻi i le ututau. Tiaio, 8. a word shouted at the
TETELE, v. 1. to sbave. 2. To last dance of a night dance. clear, as fruit trees of useless TIĀLĀ, s. the sun reflected on branches, & c. 3. To rub quickly, water. 'O lona tiālā . as when the wood is about to TIALE, 8. 1. a sów that has left off ignite on the si-aga . breeding. 2. The flower of the TETEMŪ, v. to tremble, to quake. pua (Gardenia ). TETEPA. See TEPA. Ti'APOʻo, 8. a man 's head , in con . TETEVA, 8. a blighted banana, tempt. stunted and small. TIAPULA, 8. the top of the taro cut TETEVA , a . careless, negligent. off in order to be planted . Syn . Syn . T . TIPA.
TETEVA, v. to take a pig or property in order to buy a fine mat | as a return present for property received . TĒTEVA, v. pl. of TEVA.
TIATIĀ, 1, to be improved , of the conduct. 2. To be betwixt and
between, as neither very ugly nor very handsome, Tapia lava ona ‘os e tagatn tiatiā , “a e mata TEVA, 8. 1. a departing in dis- pua'a. (An Upolu word .) pleasure. Pe a 'e mai le teva a TIATIA7, v . 1, to come constantly. Muao. 2. fig. Death . Ai lau 2. To talk constantly. 3. To come in crowds. tera nei, e lē a 'e.
TEva,v. 1. to depart in displeasure. TIĀTULI, 8. the name of a plant. 2. fig . To die ; pl. TETEVA ; intens.
folia ).
FANAʻIQ (Sida rhombi.
TEVA‘AGA, 8. 1. a departing in Tı'AVA, 8. the nameof a fish. anger, 2. Death. Sa ma fe. TiʻE, s. 1, a species of crab which tulia le tevaraga . 1 tbrows up the earth in a mound TEVATEVA, v. redup. of TEVA, to be where itburrows, 2. The female of the avi'i. constantly leaving in anger.
TEVE,s.the name of an acrid plant, TI-ETI E, v. to sit upon , to be seated the root of which culprits were onTeinesomething above the ground. maile to bite (Amorphophallus). tiet TEVEMANUʻA, 8. a species of teve. Tio, 8. 1. the name of a shellfish , Ti, 8. a plant from the leaves of 2, One kind of fly-fish hook. which girdles are made. The Tio , a. 1. sharp -looking, of the root is eaten in times of scarcity eyes. 2. Lively, animated ; pl. (Cordyline terminalis). 'Ua ifo TITIO. i le ti, “a e 'a'e i le nono. A say. T10, 8. a fault, 'Aua ne'i fai tio ing applied to family quarrels.
I mai.
Tia, s. à place in the bush from T10, Malay, TINJU , r. to find fault which tree and underwood are with, to blame ; pl. TITIO ; pass. cleared for the purpose of pigeon - TIOA, TIOINA ; redup. TIOTIO. citch ng bymeans of dicoy birds. | Ti'o, v. to defecate, to go to stool ; •Ua pipili tia , 'a e mamao ala . | pl. TITI'o . Proverb T10A, See LĒTIOA,
Tr'a, 8, 1. the stick used in tagā- | T10ATA, 8. glass.
TIL ( 309 ) TrʻOTALA,8. the king-fisher. There | now applied to the masts of a are two species, 1. Todirhamphus vessel. Ole vaʻa tila tolu . E Pealei and T . recurvirostris. 2. | mamao a si-u i tila . Proverb. The name of one moon. Tilau. See LACPIPI. Tiu, v. 1. to go on a fishing voyage. TiLAUMANIFI, 8. one species of ti. 2. To set a rat trap; pl. TITIU ; TILALALO, 8. the sprit of a Samoan pass. TIUA. 'O i ō tiua mai le sail. · mulimatagi. TILALĒ, v. to take everything. TIUFI, 8. one species of ti . TILI, 8. a message sent in haste to TIGA, 8. 1, a fishing voyage. 2. summon relatives and friends in fig. The courting of a lady. E , a case of sickness. " O ie tili o le ma'i. Alo, la tātou tiuga e siʻi. Ti'ulá, 8. one species of ti. (Cor- Tili, v. 1. to be quick in order to be in time. 2. To go a message dyline ferrea ). death
of life and : redup. TILITILI. Tira, 8. mother-of-pearl. ( lāna | small net. “O lāna tili.
Ti'ULI, 8. one species of ti.
Ti'ULU, 8. one species of tī.
| TILI, 8. a method of fishing with a
tifa . | Tili, v. to fish with the tili. Pelā Tira, v. to be turned on one side,l e tiligia se tai e fāna'e, Pass. of the liver, supposed to be a TILIGIA , sign human flesh. of“Owishing le a 'aito le eatfafine, 'ua | TILIOLA, Tilikou , Iſ v. to run for life. | Tiliga, 8. fishing with a tili. "O tifa le ate. lāna tiliga. Tifaga, 8. jugglery. "O ona tifaga. TilisoifUĂ, v. to run for life. A TIFANUA, 8. one species of ti. TiFi, v. to adorn ; redup. TITIFI, chief' s word for tiliola . Na tuʻua i le vao, “a e tilisoifua ‘Aana. TIFITIFI. TIFIGA, 8. adornings. It takes both TILIVA'AGOTO, v. 1. to have a canoe
o and a . Māumau o teu ma tifiga . 8. names of TIFITIFI,
sinking with fish , and to refuse to give any to those less fortu nate. 2. To be without love.
TIFITIFINIUMATA, } fishes of the Tilo, 8. the innermost sprout, tho TIFITIFITAPUʻULT, V genus Chæ - young unfolding leaves of a taro todon. plant. TIGĀ, 8. 1. pain, either bodily or TilOMALAE, v. to receive a blow in mental. 2. Trouble, distress, a club match , which causes one • perplexity arising from poverty. to stayger, and look down to the Na aʻu sau i loʻu tiga, i se ‘oloa | malae. e sama a 'i laʻu avā . TilOFA, 8. a species of ti. Tigā, v. 1. to be in pain , of body or Tilotilo, a. straight, of a tree or a mind. 2. To be in trouble orLinan . distress. 3. To be near death ; | TiloTILO, v. to peep, to spy ; pass. pass. TIGAINA ; redup. TIGA- || TILOFIA . TiLOTILO, 8. 1. smoke ascending TIGĀ ; recip . FETIGAʻI.
TIGAPYLA, 8. Sce TIAPULA. Tigogi, v. to desire lasciviously, to approach with desire. TIGOGIESE, 6. part of the fiddle drill,
straight up like a tree, or coming out between the pola of a house, 2. The rays of the sun ,moon, or stars peeping through a crevice,
or from a rent in the clouds. person, as young people do.
TIGOGIESE, a. restless, unable to sit TILOTILO, v. to adorn, to set off the still,
TILA, 8. the sprit of a sail. It is TiLOTILOMĀSAE,2. lit.to look for_a
TIL TIP ( 310 ) 'hole in a net, to seek an oocasion | TINIFU, 8. the non -combatants, in to quarrel. cluding women , children , sick ,
TilotiLOMĀSAE, 8. the seeking for and aged . 'Olona tinifu. an occasion to quarrel. I lau TINITINI, a . poor. tilotilomāsae, mu e vaʻava'ai TINITINIO, 8. a shout of victory in tufugālima. games, racing, or fighting . Tima, v. to exhort ; redup . TIMA
TINITINIÕ, v. 1. to move from place
TIMA ; recip . FETIMA'I, FETIMA to place, as a person often journey ing. 2.' To change from one to TIMA'T. Syn . TOMA. TIMANUʻA , 8. one species of ti. another, as a woman from one TIMATA, v . to sew on the rope at | busband to another. the top and bottom of a net. | TINO, 8. the body, as of a man, TIMATAGI, 8. one species of ti. beast, tree, canoe, & c. Le tino TIMATIMA, v. redup. of TIMA. o le pua , lau o le pua. TIMATIMALOLOA, v. to be lazy and TINO, v. í. to be bodily present. sluggish in one's movements, | 2. To gain flesh, as one who has
needing much urging. been sick. 3. To be certain. TIMU, s. rain. Syn. Va. Toto le TINO, a. ten, in counting men with toʻa, as toʻatinoagafulu ; in count · timu,agi le savili. Timu, v. to rain ; pass. TIMUIA. ing bonito , tinolua , twenty, & c. TIMUGA, 8. great, continued rain . Tino, an affix to some verbs,making them intensive in signification , Syn . Uaga. TIMUTO, v. to die (chiefs). as taʻutino, fa'aalitino. Tina, s. a wedge.' lóna tina. Tino, adv. certainly. Ua iloa Tina, v. 1. to split with a wedge tino. : 2. To cause divisions in a family TINOĀ, a. thin, as the body; redup, TINOTINOĀ . or a village. TINĀ, Malay, INA, 8. a mother, 'O TINOAGAFCLU, a. ten, in counting men . lona tinā. TINAAʻAU, 8. tina -a - au , the main TINOʻESE, a . tall, of men ; pl. body of an army. TINOʻEʻESE. TINA AVA, 8. one kind of club, TINOEⓇSE, v. to be tall, of men ; pl. TINA'AVA, 8. 1. a strong wedge. TINOʻEʻESE, 2. One who causes dissensions. TINOI, 8.a brother or sister to whom TINAE, &. the entrails of a fish. one can look forassistance. Syn . TINAELEGA, 8. the name of a fish . U , FITOI. | TINOIĀIGA, 8. a true family connec TINAI. See TINEI. TINĂMAILOʻI, 8. a fat sucking -pig . tion . 'O lona tinoiāiga . TINAMANAFA, 8. a hen having TINOIFILI, 8. one particularly hated . · chickens. “A fai ‘ea ma tinoifili le T'iu ? TINAMANAFA, a . prolific. | TINOIMATAGI, 8. 1. a strong breeze. TINATOA . See TINA'AVA . 2. Great danger, 'O le finagalo TINEI, v. 1. to extinguish , as a fire, o Iesū 'o le tinoimatagi. liglit , & c. 2. To kill. 3. Tó TINOIVI, v. to be skinny erase , as a writing ; pass. TINEIA . | TINOŪ, v. to desire intensely. TINI, 8. shouts of praise on the TINOGAGASE, v. to be languid . marriage of a chief to a lady, | TINOSELAU, a . hundred bonito. Ia tātou viʻivi'i ia , ia aofaga TINOVALE, a . thin , skinny. tini. | TINOVALE , v. to be thin , to be skinny, | Tīpa , v. to glide, to fly or swim SINI.
TINI,8. the goal in the race. See TINIO. See SINIO.
on the side with a gliding mo
( 311 )
tion ; redup. TIPATIPA, TITIPA. TITISEʻESEʻE, 8.an old worn -out leaf Na a'u tipa ifo, tipa ifo Niulega . | girdle . Tipa, v. to jump, as a stone on the TITO, s. the name of a fish . water in playing “ duck and Tiro, v. to fall headlong. · drake ; ” redup. TIPATIPA.
TIPA, 8. 1. the rebound of a stone TITOA, Tival. | 8. a species of the tī. in “ duck and drake.” 2. A TÖ, s. í. the strainer of the 'ava. 2. A hole in the earth . 3. Concep square gin -bottle. TIPĀLA'AU, 8. 1. ti leaves turned tion, 4. The name of a tree. yellow and lying on the ground. To, 0. l. to plant. 2. To build , 2 . A shellfish. 'Ua to fale, 3. To open, as a
TĪPĀLEA, 8. a garland of ti:
door. 4 . To fall, as rain or dew .
TIPATIPA , v. redup. of TĪPA. TIPATIPA, v. redup. of TIPA . TîPATĨPA , 8. the name of a shellfish . TIPATIPAALIʻI, 8. ornaments of tifa in a canoe.
'A niua to imauga . 5 To come
TIPATIPAALIʻI, a . good-looking.
TIPI, 8. an axe, lona tipi. TIPI, v. 1. to cut, to cut up ; to hack. 2. To give a back -handed blow ; redup. TIPITIPI, TITIPI. TIPI, v. to play " duck and drake." TIPIGA, 8. cuttings, slices. TIPOLO,8. the lime (Citrus limetta).
upon , as wind, or a calamity , Ne'i to se matagi fetaua'i. 6. To give, as a decision . Pe a to mai se a outou pule. 7. To give over, as land. 8. To take down, as to ifo. 9. To remove, as to 'ese. io. To be with child, to conceive ; to be with young. 11. To sepa rate one from another. “O lou finagalo, na ta to 'ese'ese ai. 12. To take an oath . As tauto. 13. To be swamped , Le nofoitau i
TIPUNA‘E, La le vaʻa lē to i le tai; pl. TOTO ; Tīpunah, s. two species of ti. pass. TOIA , TOTOINA. TIPUTA, 8. a woman 's upper gar- Toa, a . courageous ; pl. TOTOA .
ment. (Introduced from Tahiti.) Toa, v. to be courageous ; pl. To ' O lona tiputa .
TITA‘E, v. to break a hole in a cocoa Toa, 8. 1, a warrior. 2. A cock . nut in order to drink the juice . 0 lāna toa . 3. The name of a TI TAU METO, words used in songs. | tree (Casuarina equisetifolia ).
ToʻA, 8. a rock rising near to the The meaning is lost. surface of the sea on which a Titi, 8. a girdle of tī leaves. O canoe may strike. lona titi . Syn Noa , SĂVALIGA. TOʻA, 0. 1. to strike on a rock, to TITʻE, v: 1. to swell, as the belly. ground, as a canoe. 2. To sub side, to settle down, as dirt in a 2. fig. To be angry, TĪTĂFUA, 8. a species of ti.
TITI‘o, v. pl. of TI‘o.
fluid . 3. To coagulate, as blood . 4. To congeal,as oil when cold .
TITIU , v . pl. of TIU . TITIFI, v. pl. of TIFI.
5. To sleep (of chiefs); pl. To
Titio, v. pl. of tio .
TITINA, v. to strangle, to choke. TITINO, adv. definitely, as, 'Ua tuéu titino, it is decided .
TITIPA, a. careless, negligent. TITIPA, v. to be careless, to be negligent. See FA'ATITIPA . | TITIPAOLA, a . very careless. TITIPAOLA, v. to be very careless. TITIPALA, 8. a titi dyed black .
TOʻA ; redup. TOʻATOʻA .
counting persons. .
TOʻal, 8. the timbers of a canoe. "O toʻai o le vaʻa .
ToʻAI, v. 1. to go direct to. 2. To head towards, as a canoe. 3. To arrive at. Toaʻl, v. 1. to commit suicide. 2. To do a thing from constraint.
( 312 )
TOA‘INA, 8. an old man. See | ·ToʻATOʻA, v. 1. to be begrimed ,as TOEA 'INA. with dirt. 2. To be settled , as ToʻAONEONE, v. to strike on sand, of clouds. 3. To smell of; as of a canoe. pork . To‘AlFA , 8. perineum . TOE, 8. 1. the last. 2. A remnant, Toara, s. a common, a barren, tree a surplus. Toe, v. to remain over ; pl. TOTOE ; TOʻAFĀ, a . four persons. redup . TOETOE. “Ua toe se āga To‘ĀFA'AVAʻA , a . quiet, steady, like nai 'o ta po tafea .
· less patch of ground .
· a boat lying to. Applied to the Toe, adv. again . Ona toe suíesu 'e Malo. Syn . ToʻAPAIPAI. atu lea. ToʻAFIA , a . three persons. ToĒ, v. to laugh out all together, ToʻAFIA, adv. how many persons ? of a number of persons; redup. To Aga, 8. 1. a planting. 2. A TÕTÕĒ. Ona toē lea i ai tāule building of houses. . O lāna toʻaga. leʻa i lona tīti ina leaga.
Toaga, 8. à special privilege grant TOʻE, 8. shortened poetically for ed for good deeds. E to sou TO‘ELAU, the trade-wind. Lua suốe le toʻe, a na laulafalafa . To‘aga, 0. to be in earnest in ToʻE, Malay, TOKE, a lizard , 8. the sea eel (Muræna ). Syn. Pusi. doing things. TŐaga, v. 1. from toʻa, to be with . TOEA‘INA, 8. 1. an old man . 2. An "Ua toʻaga le ‘oloaʻuma. 2. To old dog. frequent, as birds in a tree. TOEʻAIGA, 8. the remains of a Mamumā e to‘aga i le maʻali. 3. meal. To remain with, to settle down | TOEOLEMŪ, 8. toe-o-le-mū, the sur with . vivors of those who perished in a ToʻAGĀLAUAPI, 8. 1. a war camp. volcanic eruption . (A term of 2. An encampment of saegā fau . reproach .) • It takes both a and o in the TOEUTUVĀ, 8. the name of a month , genitive. January -February. toaga .
ToʻAGĀJĀFANA, 8. a sleeping-place. TOʻEGATALA. Sve PUSIGATALA. TOʻELAU, 8. the north -east trade
- TOʻALAUAMA, a .many persons.
TOʻĀLĒMŪ, á. satisfied, quiet, at rest.
wind . Na o Neiafu e mele le toʻelau. .
TOʻALĒMŪ, v. to be quiet, to be at TOʻELAULAFALAFA, 8. one kind of rest . to elau wind. TOALIʻl, 8. the time when the sun TOʻELE, v. to reach the ground , to begins to shine on the tops of be down to the ground. the cocoa-nuts, being the time TOʻELEʻELE, V. to fall on the when chiefs left off work . . ground ; a word used in self Toalo, v. to come inside the reef, abasement when a favour is as fishes. conferred , as the pardon of a Toalua, 8. a wife or liusband. I criminal.' 'Ua toʻele'ele lau pule. To'ĀPAIPAI, 8. lit. the rest of the TOEPALOLO , 8. the name of a month , paipai, a government which is at July -August. ToʻESE, v. 1. to commit a fault. • peace. ToʻASĀ, 8. a chief's anger. Syn. A nusā ‘ea le toʻese, ‘a e manatı To‘ATĀMA'I.
TOʻASEFULU, a . ten persons. TOʻATAMA‘I. See ToʻASĀ.
i tua ai. 2. To beg pardon , to apologize, to confess to being wrong. the bat, to subtract,
TOʻATINOAGAFULU , a . ten persons. TōʻESE , v. to remove, to take off, as See TOʻAŞEFULU ,
( 313 )
TOETĀUMAFA, s. the name of a Toʻo, 8. 1. a pole with which to month , November-December.
propel a canoe in the shallow
TOETOE, 8. the name of a small lagoon . 2. A stand in which is crab. placed the perch of a pigeon . TOETOE,adv.almost, nearly. Toe- Toʻo, v. to propel a canoe with a toe e maua mai na. . pole ; redup. TOTOʻo . "Ole va aloa 'ua totoo atu . Toi, s. the name of a tree (Alphi • tonia excelsa ).
ToʻI, 8. a hatchet. 'O lona toʻí.
ToʻoĀ, 8. a railing along the top of a wall to keep out pigs.
To‘ia, v. to be struck , as by a ToʻOALA, 8. 1. diseases of women in falling tree, lightning (the connection with child -bearing. natives think by thunder), or ally O lona toʻoala . Applied gener to diseases of the stomach . i any calamity. ToʻīAILEULIA, Į v. to have a pre 'Ole toʻoala fa'aautama e tupu To'īAILESU, ] sage of death , ai tama. · as by a lizard falling on a person . ToʻOALAFĀNAU, 8. a disease of child ,
bearing. 2. The part of a reef on which a
Totions ‘IALEFALA, v. to pass evacua unconsciously .
TOʻOALO, 8. 1. one kind of club .
TỎIALIU, s. the first bonito caught new canoe.
canoe is thrown when swamped . ,
in a
TO IALO, v. to pass safely to the TOOMAʻA, 8. an abscess in the foot: inside of a reef. “Ua fou le va'a 'O lona toʻoma'a .
i le ava i Fiti,'ua tōʻialo. | TOʻoMAUNU, 8. hiccup. "Olona Toro, v. to divide a fish into its four toʻomaunu. quarters . ToʻONA'I, 8. 1. food prepared before. ToʻIOLOLUA, 8. a native stone adze hand. 0 lāna toʻonaći. 2 , Saturday, '0 le aso to ‘onaʻi, ground on both sides. ToʻIFĀFAO, s. an axe fastened like because on that day food is an adze. prepared for Sunday. TÕIFALE, 8. a bastard . TOʻONA'I, v. 1. to prepare large TÕIFALE, v. to be with child in her quantities of food for cooking · father's house while unmarried . 2. To eat together the food pre TOʻIFATU, 8. a stone axe. pared ; redup. TOʻOTOʻONAʻl. ToʻILALO, v. 1. to be swamped ,as a TÕONAʻl, v. 1. to lean upon a staff. Cianoe. Ona toʻilalo lea -o le va'a 2. To lean on anything for sup ¿ le vasa. 2. To be brought port ; redup. TōʻOTO‘ONAʻr. under, to be conquered , to be ToʻOTOʻo, s. 1. a staff, a walking stick . 'Olona toʻotoʻo . 2. An subdued , as a war party. TOʻILALO, 8. 1. a state of subjection . orator's staff of office. 'O le to fotoʻo sinasina . A young speaker · Masei 'ua atuapaoa i lenā utu toʻilalo. 2. A conquered party. whose staff is new . TOILETINO, v . to be in good condi ToʻOTO'O, s. one method of fish tion, although it has little lard , ing . Tõ'oTo‘o, v. to pull with a slow and of a pig ; also a man . TOʻIPUA , 8. an adze made of the steady stroke, as a canoe.
on , 10
· pualulu , to split bread -fruit · with . ToʻITOʻIĀVEʻA , 8. the name of a shrub (Scəyola Koenigii). TOʻITUA , v. to pass safely to the outside of the reef.
TOʻITUʻI, 8. a gouge- like adze.
ToʻOTOʻOGA, 8. one kind of fishing. TOʻOTŪ, 8. a branching stick set up
in a house for hanging baskets on . TO'OTULI, v. to kneel. To‘u , v. 1. to cluck as a hen . 2. To scold in an undertone ; pl
( 314 )
TAUFAITÕU ; redup. TOʻUTOʻU . TOFÊ , 8. a precipitous placeTOG . 'O le ' O le 'ai toʻu , to eat scolding. I tofē o te nuóu . na Tou , 8. the me of a tree, the TorE*ULA, 8. one kind of tofe. wood of which is used for floats Used as the emblem of Suluga. for nets, and the berries for O ali'i o le tofeula e. paste in making siapo (Cordia TOFELAUIFI, 8. å large tufe. aspera ). TOFETOFE TOFEA, , 8.a a. smal Tou, pron . you , contracted from TOFE rouglh,tofe as. the body OUTOU , and used before future | with dirt, or a canoe covered verbs. . t up . 2. To di Tou, v. to paste siapo with tou ; | ToFwith to d spli i, v.sea1.wee pass. TOUA ; redup. TOTOU. vide. 3. To give an inheritance
ToʻŪ , 8. an adze . O lona toʻú .
TOUFI, 8. a yam plantation . Syn .
ntmen or TOFIA pass.TOFITO redupappoi OFIt;; pass. FIA .; . TOFIT
Tauuri. It takes loth o and a | ToFi, 8. a chisel. O lāna tofi. in the genitive. ToʻUlu , v. 1.through TOFIGA, 1 8. 1.'O anla appointm lātou tofi,ent.of to fall, asas through a leaf. 2.a Tori, To fall , agent O lona baske the s. hole " t object. 2. An inheritofiga in a · . 3. To beat the tance, ,of& mat drum at a night- dance . TÒFpat TOULU, to hav blow ILOrimony. e a v. on the | head , as in a club match .
FILO, 8. the second night of
the appeara of the, asland crab .. TOUTOU , a. having thick substan TOFITOF AU, v.nce to guess a riddle fat pork tial as , . Toʻutoʻu , v. redup . of TOʻu , to TOFIT Tofito laʻauTOFI? . OFIfau, redup ā le. of , v , se cluck , to cackle, of a fowl. tofo.as TOFĀ, 8. 1. sleep , ofdeta chief. 0 Toro, v.8. á1. temptin To try, to taste.g. 'O lāna ermination , a tree, whether it is2. fit to cut. lona tofā . A 2. som intention, ethingagreed upon. 'O lāna tofā . 3 . To tempt. Redup. TOFOTOFO ; A. Torā , v. to sleep, of chiefs ; pl. pa88. TOFOTOFOIN TOFOGA priest to , 8. offering s toof asomesick TOFAFĀ ; pass. TOFĀINA , 'Aua le | ,ascertain the cause tofā , ‘a e te'i. s. v. to be in time for a meal. TofĀ, 0. farewell! A parting TÓFnesONO, TOF tation ban soif OTO out Tofā, ua -TOFsalu ou. . ro, v. redup. of Toro, to try, ' | ana plantation A'I, TOFAGA ,8.8.a the sleeping -place. of a to tempt. lāna tofotofog chief or a pigeon . 'Olona tofaga . TOFOTOF OGA, 8.a .a temptation. O TÕFALE , v. to build houses. TÕFAL GʻAUGA , 0. lit. to build houses Toru redup OFU .; **pl.Va FETOF paʻū UI;le to dive , .v. TOFUT addre aroun
sses to a d , to pay all atigi fāisua , ona ſetofui lea ar lady . of many persons at the TOFU . v. to be distributed to ieach: , same time. “ Ua töfaleʻauga mā to have each a portion ; to be all · naia iā Sina . 2. To have many wives. supplied ; pass. TOFUSIA , E tofu onamade lo‘i. coarsely with lavaA,ma TOFASI, v. blood has been shed . TÓFU 8. ansi ‘ie Ua tofasi . le taua TOFATU MOANAI NA, v. 1. lit. to sink wrapper . leaves, and used as a unprepared like a stone in the sea, to founder. | TOFUTOFU , v. redup . of TOFU, to arp under repeatedly , as the head 11 2 . To come to an end,as a family dying out.
TOFE, 8. the name of a shellfish,
TÕGA, 8, native property consisting
التج le boat
LOTERE То с. ritane NOFIL
( 315 )
of finemats and siapo. It takes TOGI'ELA, v. to throw and miss. either o ora in the genitive. TOGIOLA, 8. the price of one's life, a Ona 'au mai lea “o mea e 'ai ma redemption . 'O lāna togiola, of toga. the agent; 'O lona, of the object. Toga, 8. 1. the south wind. E Ina aʻu ifn atu i ai mona togiola mavae le toga le Puʻaʻivini. 2. ' o le ara . The south. (Introduced mean- TOGIOLA, v. to pay a price for the life of a person. ing.) 8. a grove, a plantation ; TOGIMAMANU, v. to be covered with TOGA, always compounded with the ornamental work ; pa88. TOGIMA MĀNUMANU . name of the trees of which it MANUINA ; redup. TOGI consists, as togāʻulu . It differs TOGIMANU , v. to be grown oflarge from ułu , which refers to the enough to throw at birds, the umbrageous tops of trees, while chestnut. ' this refers to the planting in the TOGIPAU , v. to appoint the same to all, as a number of pigs, & c ., to ground . TOGAI, 8. the name of a tree (Ac give to visitors. TOGIPAU , 8. piece-work , job -work. ronychia sp.). TOGĀFau, v. to deliberate, as on | TOGISALA,8. 1. the one who imposes the death of a person ; pass. | a fine. 2. The payment of a fine, TOGĀFAUINA. Ua eva togafauina TOGISALA , v. 1. to impose a fine. e le mālo. 2. To pay a fine. Avatu le
TÕGĂFALEA , 8. property which tuaefu e togisala. should have been given to a TogitASI, v. to assign to be all tulāfale, but which is given to the relations of the person who
alike, as in giving clothes or monotaga. TÕGITOGI, v. 1. to carve a stick . 2. TOGAFITI, 8. a scheme, device, To mark a part of the tattoo. 3. means, remedy. 'O lāna logafiti. To measure off by chopping with TOGAFITI, v. to scheme, to devise an adze. means ; pass. TOGAFITIA , TOGITOGI, v. to throw lightly ; TOGĀLAUAPI, 8. See ToʻAGĀLAUAPI. dimin . of togi. Ia togitogi lēmū TOGĀNOFO, v. to sit and talk over le moa. matters. Le togānofo o tāgata TÕGITŪ , v. 1. to give an appoint ment to a person without pre ola . TOGĀPULAU , 8. a handsome man . vious consultation, 2. To tax ' A 'eliuliu a le togāpulau . without warning. TOGAPUNA, 8. the Matautu word for Togo, 8.the name of the mangrove, There are two species (Rhizo togafiti. TOGĀVAO, 8. a grove of trees. pliora mucronata and Bruquiera Togi, v. 1. to carve, to engrave ; Rhcedei). Also called tātupu. pass. TOGIA ; redup. TOGITOGI. 2. Fāʻu mai a fia ‘aʻai tuneva i togo Toʻanoa. To peck , as a fowl. TOGI, v. to throw , to cast, as a TOGOTOGO, 8. one species of ti. stone ; pl. FETOGI; pass. TOGIA TOGOVAO , 8. the name of a tree TOGI, 8. 1. a throwing, as of a (Dodonæa . viscosa, var. Men stone. O le togi o le ma'a . 2. / ziesii). The dot of an ¿ or the cross of | TOLA, s. erectio penis. distributes it.
a t. Tolai, 8. the name of a bird ( Petroica pusilla ). TOGIALUGA, chief's word for lafoga- TOLAIʻULA, 8. the name of a bird (Myzomela nigriventris). .. tupe.
Togia, v. pass. of TogI and TOTOGI.
тоt TOT ( 316 ) TOLAULAU, v. to tell the result of a 'Ua tolo į le fafine ; redup. To message on which persons were LOTOLO. sent to those who sent them . Tolo, v. to singe, to burn off the TÕLAULAU, v . to build temporary hairs of a pig ; pass. TOLOA . · cocoa-nut-leaf houses on occa Le puasa lễ toloa, ma le pua‘a sion of tattooing, the death of a tolo . chief, & c. Tolo, v. 1. to kindle a fire by TOLEGĀ, v. (with negative, to be | rubbing sticks together ; pl. TO : not well done.) Ua tago fua i TOLO. Syn. Sı'A . 2. To open ai, a e le tolegā . an oven while the contents are TOLELA, v.to do anything in a bad, animal in process of cooking, as by an slovenly manner. TOLETOLE , 8. clitoris .
or a thief.
Tolos, 8. 1. a wild duck (Anas TOLI, v. to gather fruit from high superciliosa). 2. The name of a • trees. It differs from tau , to cluster of stars. . pluck with the hand from low TOLOʻAʻANO, v. to mix stiff, as trees ; pass. TOLIA . Sea alu e, l arrowroot, & c.
a toli e,susu-i. “ Ua se vi e toli.” | TOLOAʻl, 8. a brood , a litter. 'O - Prov. låna töloaʻi. Toliól, a . close and small, as the TOLOʻA‘I, v. to collect, to gather · aso of a house, or a basket together, either persons or things. neatly made, or sinnet laid on TOLOAGULUGULU, 8. 1. a fat pig. 2. A fat man. (In jest.) evenly. TOLIU, v. 1. to burst internally, TOLOAMAONI, 8. à star. as an abscess. 2. To recede, as Tēlor, a. smoky, to the taste. ' O I le namu tāloi. elephantiasis, to the bowels. TOLIFA‘AMOE, v. to pluck over- Toloſa, v. to be scratched , as by being thrown on the reef by a wave, or by squeezing through a narrow place ; also of a canoe TOLIFILI, v. to choose what to grounding on the reef. · gather, as fruit. TOLOIPALAI, 8. 1. the palai running TULO, 8. 1. sugar-cane. 'Olāna along under ground. 2. A branch • tolo. 2. A plantation of sugar of the palai. - cane, the leaves used for thatch . | TOLOʻULA, 8. a red kind of sugar O lona tolo. 3. The stick used cane. · night. TOLIFAʻIFA'I, v. by one.
to pluck fruit one
to stir round the hot stones TOLOULI, §. 1. a blight in taro and • When cooking arrowroot in yams. 2. The name of a fish, • native fashion. 4. The name | TOLOULIA, v. to be blighted . of a fish . TOLOFIA, v. pass. of TOTOLO, to TOLO, 8. from TOTOLO, 1. a point, bave maggots in an ulcer or a promontory. Faqalele, ma le · wound . tolo i Puava . 2. A branch of TOLOFISO, s. one variety of sugar the root of a yam . cane. Tolo, v. 1. to keep back, to put TOLOFUALAU, 8. the variety of - off, to , adjourn . 2. To push sugar-cane from the leaves of forward , as a fishing-net with which thatch is inade. the feet. 3. To stir round the TÒLOGA, 8. a game in which spears • hot stones in cooking arrow are thrown at a mark. root. 4. To dart spears in the Tólega, a. enduring, long -lived . • game of tologa . 5 . To throw a TOLOGA, v. to send forth an odour, pumber of spears all together, 1 either good orbad .
( 317 )
ToLoga, v. to keep back ; from TOLOVALE, 8. the first night of the Tolo . appearance of the land-crab .
TOLOGAGAFA, v. to stutter. (A | Tolu, a . three. Syn . Fia, Malay, Manu'a word .) Tolu. TOLOLEAFI, v. to kindle a fire by TOLUĠAEA, a. three-score (of nuts).: rubbing two sticks together. (A TOLUGAFULU , a . thirty. word used at Falealili.) TOLUGALAU, a. 1. three hundred . 2 . Three fishes. TOLOGATAUA, v. to defer war. Tololī, v. to make a scraping TOLUGĀMAULI, 8. the name of a star. noise. TOLOMATI'E, v. to appear above TOMA, v. to curse. v. to give directions, to ex ground, as yams. TOLOMITI, &. a sinall bad-condi Toma, hort ; redup. TOMATOMA. See. tioned pig .
TOLOPA, v. to put off, to defer. As TOLO. TOLOPAŠĀ , v. to give way, to į step backward in a club match , & c. TOLOPAU, | 8. varieties of sugar TOLOTEA , I cane. TOLOTI‘E, v. to spread along the
TOMA‘AGA, 8. 1. a beygir g of native property. O lānā ton.a aga . 2. The party begging. TOMAI, s. promotion. TÕMAU, 8. Jand not requiring to lie fillow . TÕMĂSAGA, v. to be both pregnant
together, as two wives of one i grourd, of one kind of yam . man, or two women in one TOLOTO, v. 1. to get between , as family, the troops of the enemy, and so TOMATA AGA, v. to be good -look be out off. 2 . To get into theLing and nothing more. Ap midst, as of a party of chiefs, plied to a man useless for war & c. or work , or to cloth which soon TOLOTO, 8. the getting between, rots. as the enemy's troops or fleet. TOMATAU, v. toma-tau, to incite to O le toloto o le va'a 0 Lau heroism . TOMATOMA, v. to beg property. tolo . TOLOTOLO, s. from rolo, a point of Tomo, v. 1. to sink in, as the foot in a hole. 2. To drop through , land running into the sea . TOLOTOL O, v. redup. of TOLO, to 3. Penem intromittere ; pl. To
push forward a fishing-net.
TOLOTOLO , v. redup. of TUTOLO. TOMUA, v. to be first. TOLOTOLOFA'I, v. to creep or crawl | TOMULI, v. to be last. along . TomŬMŮ, v. to talk to
oneself, to
TOLOTOLOGĀIMOĀ, v. lit. to be like I grumble. the crawling of a rat, to be | Tona, s. 1. the yaws. 2. A wart. Tuna, v. 1. to have the yaws. 2. smooth , of the sea. TOLOTOVAE, v. to stand between To have warts. . the feet of an 0,'ponent, by | TONĀULU, 8. the side of the lead. which he gets the advantage. TONĀMULI, 8. the pasteriors. TONANA, v. See TONINI. TONATONA, s. clitoris. TOLOVAE, v. to push on a fishing TONATONĀFEʻE, 8. one kind of wart.. Syn. FESAPEAʻI. To1OTUI, 8. The name of a fish ,
net with the feet. Ia tolovue le TONINI, v. to guess a riddle. Tonini, tonana , se a le manu i uta na ? galuega fa'uuliulito. TOLOVAI, v. to mix thin , as arrow Tonisia, 8. a chief's anger. "U lana tonisia , , root,
( 318 )
TONISIA, v. to be angry, of a chief. Tono , s. the name of a weed (Hy drocotyle Asiatica ). Tonoa. See TUNOA.
TOSINA, v. pass. of roso, 1. to be drawn. 2. To be drawn in , to be influenced .
Toso, v. 1. to drag. Ona alu ane Tonoa, v. 1. to fall down, as birds, lea, to8o le vaʻa. 2. To carry off fruit ; also of a chief's speech . by force, as a woman . 3. To 2 . To remain unanswered , as a commit a rape; pl. Tõso, TOTOSO, speech .
Toxoa, v. to be free from the shade
of trees or clouds, of the moon . Tosoga, 8. the dragging. '0 le E tonoa le mālama. tosoga o le la 'au . TONOTIE , a . bulging, convex. TosoGĀFAFINE, 8. lit. woman dragg Tonu, a . 1. right, straight. 2. ing, 1. the carrying off a woman Correct ; pl. TOTONU ; redup. TO by force, 2. A rape. TOSOGATĀ; a. dragged with diffi NUTONU. Tonu, v. 1. to be right, to be culty. straight. 2. To be correct ; pl. TOSOGOFIE, a . dragged easily. TOTONU ; pass. TONUSIA ; redup. TOSOMANU, 8. names of games TONUTONU. *A 'ua sala uta, ia TOSOTELE , į played by young tonu tai.
| ToSotoso, v. dimin. of toso, to drag TONUGA, v. to be ascertained, to be away gently, as food or property decided . abstracted by a favourite child ; TONUMAIPEʻA, 8. the royal title of or by a thief. Peʻa. Ou ao e fa'aevaeva, na TOTA ' A. See TOʻIFALE. ToTA‘UTA‘U, v. to be equally, to tupu ai Tonumaipe'a . Tonusia, v. pass. of tonu, to be blow in sudden gusts. Syn. Tonu, v. See ATONU,
made correct, straight.
Topala, v. to fall rotten ripe, as TOTASI, 8. a piece of land cul. fruit. tivated by a whole village.
TOPALEGA, v. to eat its own dung, (CARNE.) as the sega. TOTATAU, v. to upbraid as being TOPE, v. 1. to be rapid in speaking, the cause of calamity. Ne'i fā'i so as to be indistinct. 2. To be saʻu totatau. rapid in paddling, so as to get TÕTE, v. to receive hospitably ; re. out of stroke ; pl. TOTOPE ; redup. dup. TOTETOTE . TOTINO, 8. a real relative. “ O si TOPETOPE, TOPEPE. TOPELAU. As TOPE . ona lava totino." TOPALA . TOPOʻA, v. to bear a child in old TÕTO, v. to bleed ; pl. FETOTOI ; pa88 . TOTOA. age.
TOPISI, v. to fall rotten ripe. Syn. TỎTO,8. 1. blood . 'O lona toto. 2. The name of a fish . TÕPUʻEPUŠE, v. 1. to come in puffs, Toro, v. 1. pl. of to. 2. To sing a as squalls of wind. 2. To seize muliʻau . Pei ni pesega , fua i
in fits or paroxysms, as an illness. · muli-au e toto . Totoa, a . pl. of toa. Tosaga. See FA'ATOSAGA. TÖTOA, v. pl. of TOTO . Tosi, v. 1. tear in strips, without TOTOʻA, a. 1, quiet, peaceful. 2. quite separating, as the ti leaf in Easy, as on the cessation of pain . mąking a girdle. 2. To be drawn 3. Gentle, slow . Na ia tolona le out, to be formed, as the limbs of po, ia totoʻa.
TOPULE . See PULE. . .
the footus; pl. TOTOSI. . .
1. TotoʻA,8.a doorway. See FAITOTOʻA.
( 319 )
TÕTÕĀ, 8. a thief. (A recently in - TOTOLO, a. crawling, creeping, as reptiles. troduced word.) TOTOAʻI, v. to imprecate sudden | TOTOMA, v. to beg native property ; death on oneself.
redup, TOMATOMA.
TOTOE, v. pl. of TOE, TÕTOMĀ, 8. arterialblood . TÕTÕMAMALA, v. to belch . TÕTÕĒ, v. . See TÕE. TÕTÕIFALE, v. to fall upon one's TÕTÒNOA, a. strong and quick at
own head ; as a tapui hung up, work . and the lightning striking him TOTONU, a. pl. of TONU. · who hung it up. "Ua tõtõifale TOTONU, prep . in the midst, within . lau aga fa'atapui fāititili. TOTONUGALĒMŪ, s. the exactmiddle. Totoʻo, v. 1. to lean upon, as a TOTOPE, v. pl. of TOPE . staff. 2. To be thick, to be stiff, | TOTOSI, v. pl. of TOSI. as arrowroot or paint. 3. Redup. TOTOSO, v. pl. of Toso .
TÕTÕTÕTo, a, from TOTO, 1. bloody,
of Toʻo .
TOTOU, v. redup. of tou. TOTOʻ , v. 1. to make U
a scolding |
noise with the mouth. 2. To
2. Red . TOTOT OTO, v. 1. to be bloody. 2. To be red .
struggle, as a fish hooked. 'Ua TÕTOVAVAVE. As FA ALISE, TELE tai totoʻu . VAVE. (CARNE.) TÕVALE, v. to give away recklessly. TOTOULI, 8. venous blood. TOTOFI, v. 1. to split up, to divide, as taro, & c. * 2. To appoint ;
pass. TOFIA. Tātou saila sina atunuću e lei tofia ; that is, not appointed to die.
2. To finish improvidently , as a plantation of food. 3. To plant bad kinds, as of taro ; redup. TÕTÕVALE ; pass. TÕTÕVALEA. TÓVALE , V. See TO'ESE .
TOTOFUFULA, 8. large fruit of chest TU, s. 1. a custom , a habit. "O
nut which falls without being
lāna tu . Syn . MĀSANI. 2. A
eaten by bats. O ona totoga .
gium . 3. The name of a pigeon
Totoga, s. the inside, the entrails.
disease of the eye called ptery ,
(Phlegcenas Stairi).
The male
TOTOGI, 8. 1. the payment of a fine. is also called tutautifia , and the Amuia le sala a Tuʻri, totogi | female tu aimeu . 4 . A large 0 Amasunu. 2. Payment for block of coral in the lagoon. lab ur or produce. (Recently Tu, v. 1. to stand, to stand up, to adopted
.) arise. 2. To take place, to come to pass. Elē tu lea mea. Pl. the amount of a fine . 2. To ! TỬTŪ . appoint the quantity of food to Tua, 8. 1. the back , as of a person, be taken to visitors. 3. To drive animal, house, & c. 2. The next off, as a hen her chickens. 4 . in order, especially of children ,
TOTOGI, v. 1. to appoint or decree
To peck , to nibble, as a fish at
the bait. 5. To give a payment; redup. TOGITOGI. TOTOGIPAU , I bouw
TOTOGIGATA, Los to do niece work
ToToGo, v.to spring up, to sprout, as herbs. .
TÕTOLIMA, a , bloody,murderous.
TOTOlo, v. to crawl, to creep ; pass. TOLOFIA ; pl. FETOLOFI ; redup. TOLOTOLO,
as the next to the oldest. 3. Thickness, fold, as tuavalu , eightfold . . . , Tua, v. 1. to take behind, to remove to a place of safety , as women
and children in time of war. 2 . To trust in the protection of. 3, To return back upon , as the con sequences of one's own conduct.
Ua tua ia te 'oe lau amio.
| Tua, prep.behind, at the buok . -
( 320 )
TŪa, v. from tu, to have ptery - | TUĀFANCA, 8. 1. land at the back, gium. the wall of a village. Tua'Ā 8. 1. a man's brother. 2. or2. beyond island.o 'Ua Theifobackle itūof antuāfanua Fa A womau 's sister. 3. A father maua who has preceded in name or lealili. office, but is dead . 8. a number of heavens TUAA‘au, 8. the back reef, TUAFEFAFA, the reef, ofof water the one behind another. Fia mai. outside the reef, ack in deep . tuafefafu i ona TUAEFU, 8. 1. a bad -looking pigeon . moa . vaifanua į le lagi 2. An ugly man. TUA‘ELEʻELE. See TAVA‘E .
TUĀFAGA, 8. a creeper, from which faga ,are8. made. TUA‘ESEʻESE, v. to be divided in TuʻAGA the root, the cause, the opinion . origin . Tual, a . former, olden , as 'O aso TuaGA‘AU, 8. the outside of the tuai. 'entrails, of a disease. Tuai, v. to be a long time. TUĀGALU ,8. S.a species TUĀ 'IE, v . to be torn slightly , of a || TUAGAU, back of 1. theof 'ume. fine mat ; pass. TUĀ ‘IEA. TUAILETUĀNIU , v . to have plenty of wave. A deepa canoe placecanon pass. the reef over2.which food while others are in want. 8. a wonian's brother. The tuāniu is used are as aainfork forkwant. for | TUAGANE, for ulu 'au. 'O le tagataase tuailetuā - | 'O si oʻu tuagane 'o Pinono mai
піи. stand intothea ), lit. tocoming TUʻAIMEO , 8. the name of the female TŪALA road . (tu,Ofalatroops of Phlegoenas Stairi. or travellers TUĀʻoi, v. 1. to be a neighbour. 2. road ,after losing it. finding the To be next in succession . TUALĀ; boundary 8. the fromo TUĀ ‘oi, 8. 1. a . 2. A the back of aprime pig. portion ' O le tualā neiglibour , TUĀ‘oil, 8. one who loves his le puaʻa . O lāna tualā, of the his person 's portion of food. . r SO I as ,to disback before of a sail, tress himself (@ i) onin seeking canoethemore to | TUĀLĀ, to putv.a lit. the help him . wind ; ,pass. fine mat,next to s. theTUĀLĀINA, TUĀ‘OITAGATA, a. to be full of TUĀLAFO people. given . to a tuláfale. E best,tuālafo TUĀ OIVALE , v. to be unneigh - lethevařai bourly . TUĀLAGI, 8. the back of the skies, TÚĀ 'OIVALE , a , unneighbourly . TUĀʻOLO , s, the back of a fort. heaven . A suře į tuālagi Saili tai. TUĀOLOA , s. south - easterly wind . TUʻAU, 8. the wooden end of a bam TUALIALI, v. lit.to stand out visibly, . to show plainly . boo fishing-rod . s. theima.back of the hand. TuĀUA, 8.tuāu nape of the neck . TUĀLIM the lonáA, tuāl O IMAF a. ' O lona TUĀL ULUF TUĀʻUPUA, v. to backbite. Ua tă ULUA, S. lit. a hairy back of the hand , an old hard -lē lavā Sāmoa tuāʻupua . work min ing TUATUA FAFFĀFINÈ, 8. aOlo sister ; pl. ·TUALQA, &. l. . one kind of crab , man 'stuaf INE
One kin
oe. e. d of 2. TUĀFAFO , pre. p .' on na the outside at Syn . SOATAU. the back of thehouse. conce TUALO aled TUĀ from FAʻI, be to bac v. | prep FAL the the at k of Ē, . house, view , as a back house, or a free behind others.
( 321 )
Tualus, 8. a black titi. Syn. Pa TUASIVIVAE, 8. the shin. TUATA, v. to be in the glow of the SAGA.
Tualua, Q. double, of two thick
sun. O loo ua tuata nei le TUĀTA'AFALU, prep. at a chief's TUALUA, v. to be double. TUALUʻULUʻU, 8. 1. a species of crab . back, behind. Ia ui ane i tua ta'afalva · 2. One kind of fly fish -hook . nesses .
TUĀMAUGA, 8. the level part at the TUATUA, a. thick, as string, rope, & c. back of a mountain. Tuarua, 8. the rind on the kernel TUAMAFA, 8. an old pigeon. TUĀMATA, 8. the eyelid. 'Olona of the cocoa -nut. Tuarua. See FA'ATUATUA. 'A e tuāmata. TUAMĀTIŠE, v. to rise from the ou tuatua lelei. sitting posture while part of the TUATUAI, v. 1. to be somewhat troops are fighting, a sign of long ; dimin . of TUAI. 2 . To cowardice.
TUANA'I, v. to be behind, to be passed by . Inā tuanaʻī atu ia o amio fa'alenuʻupā. TUANAŠIAPOLIMA, v. lit. to be past Apolima, a place where a cannibal aitu lived ; to escape danger. TUANIA, v. pass. from Tua, to be left out, to be passed by, as in
TUATU AGATASI, v. to be of equal thickness, as a rope or string. Applied to a family being of one mind .
TUATUANIA, v. redup. of TUANIA. TUAVAAVA, 8. a method of fishing by placing a net across the small openings of the reef. TUẦvAO, 8. the bush far inland,
appointing to somework , on the beyond the cultivated land. plea of urgent pre -engagement; | TUAVALU , a , eightfold , as the redup. TUATUANIA. Ou te lê alri, heavens were supposed to be, or e tuatuania a 'u .
as a thick wall, & c. 'O afio mai
TUĀNIU, 8. 1. the rib of a cocoa- Tagaloa i le lagi tuavalu. nut leaflet, used as a fork. 2. TUE, 8. a species of wild yam . Bonnet wire. TUE, interj. the cry when a bonito TUANOʻu, a . crook -backed. Syn. is caught. Tu ! tu ! tue ! Ua sisi ma tue sisi,ma tue le vaʻa. ' TUAPIO. TUĀPĀ, prep. lit. outside the wall, TUŠE, 8. the body of a crab or a behind , outside, crayfish after the legs are broken
TUʻAPA, 0, 1. to be far off. El off.” tu 'apa fafie i le nu‘u nei. 2. To TUʻEAGAFULU , a, ten orayfish . be difficult of access,as a steep TUʻEILIMA, s. the knuckles. cliff.
ona tuéeilima.
TUĀPAPA, 8. the back of a rock, TUELE, v. to stand on the ground. ' the sea along an ironbound coast. TU 'ELUA, a . twenty crayfish . TUAPI‘O, a. hump-backed . Syn. TUETUE, a poetio word, the mean. TUANOʻU . ing lost. A ta tuetue. TUAPI‘O, 8. 1. à hump-back. 2. A TUʻETUŠE, v, to be stripped of its hump-backed man , leaves, as a taro with its leaves TuaPito, v. to be hump-backed . eaten off ; or taro with the stalks TUĀPIPI, 8. the seoond growth of | rotted off; also a crayfish with its legs broken off, and a cuttle the paper mulberry, TUASIVI, 8. 1. the back -bone. 2. fish with its tentacles taken
A ridge of mountains. “O lona off. tuasivi. Ua la ui i le tausivi. Tui, s. 1, a higli chief, a king. (A
( 322 )
Tongan word.) 2. The name of TUʻILEALELO, v. to eat.. (A term - a shellfish .
of abuse ).
Tul, v, 1. to prick. 2. To sew , as TUIMANU, 8. the eye-tooth. . 'O long clothes. 3. To thread a needle ; nifo tuimanu. : pass. TUIA ; redup. TUITUI ; pass. | TUIMATA, v. to measure mesh of • TUITUIA ,
TUʻI, v. 1. to thump, to beat, to TUʻIMOMOMO, v. to beat to pieces ; pouud. “Ua tu 'i fuq le tino o pass. TUʻIMOMOMOINA. Galue. 2. To strike with the TüʻIMÒNOI, v. to strike a short blow : fist. 3. To devote to destruc
so as not to be heard , as a man
tion ; pass. TUʻIA ; redup. TU'I | beating his wife. TUʻI. , TUʻINANAU, v. to desire intensely. TUʻl, 8. 1. a blow with the fist. 2. Se aso e galo ai ota nei alofa è A curse. " lona tući. 3. The tuřinanau . purse of the laulaa. TUʻININIŠI, v. to beat to dust; pass. TUʻININI‘IA. TUIA, v. pass. of TUI.
TUIĀ, s. an enclosure of cocoa-nut logs. TŪóla , v. 1. to strike, as the foot against a stone. 2. To be pierced, as by a spear or the ‘aʻu fish . Tu ia, v. to be wrecked .
TUʻIlĒ, v . to beat severely. TUʻIPALA, ) v. to beat to a mummy. TUʻIPĒSI, ) TTISĒ , a . a weed .
TīʻITĀMAʻI, 8. tū-'i-tāma'i, a de liver r. . .
TUʻJĀISOLA , v. to pound secretly . TūʻITĀMAʻI, v. 1. to deliver from Referring to one kind of scented being killed , as a warrior who i oil, the mode of preparation of which was kept secret. Ua
keeps the pursuers at bay while his own party make their escape .
< 'ou sau nei ma le.u'r e tućiāisola .
being left uninhabited .
2. To save a piece of land froin .
TUʻIFAO, 8. a maker of nails, a TŪʻITIGĀ, V. See TŪŠITĀMAʻI. Also
applied to a young chief raised TUʻIFANA, 8. a ramrod . 'Olona : up over a village in danger of s tuʻifana , of the gun. “O lāna tu - being left without a chief. Auē Leasiono ma le tagata e tūʻitigā.. "ifana, theman's ramrod . blacksmith .
TuiFELA'AJAʻI, v. to lace, as a TUITINO , v. to deliver into the cocoa -nut leaf basket in fasten - bands of another, as a letter. . : ing it. | TUITOGA, 8. one who will not listen . TUʻIFULIFULI, v. to be pained all Se tuitoga lenei pua'a e nofo i aitu , over, as if beaten . ' "a e tuộu tagata . TUGA, 8. a head -dress made of TUITUI, 8. the preparation used to hair. 'O lona tuiga. apoint the head. - CARNE. TÚIGAʻULA, 8. a head -dress of red | TUITUI, v. to anoint the head with feathers . a mixture of cocoa -nut and roots TUIGĀLAUULU, 8. See Tuiga. of plants chewed . . TUIGĀLAMA, 8. 1. a torch made of TUITUI, a. prickly, thorny. :: ' candle-nuts (fruit of Aleurites TUITUI, v. to be prickly, to be .., Moluccana) strung together. 2. I thorny ; pass. TUITUIA . TŪITUI, V. See INĀ. The name of a star.
TUʻIGĀMATA, 8.the part immediately Tuitur, 8. a beam running the length of a long house. Ole , benten when in grief. “Oona tuitui o le fale. . ata . TUʻITUʻI, 8. 1. small sticks connect ing an outrigger with the iato. TUILĀ, . to sew sails.
- , under the eye, so called because
TU ‘ U TUI ( 323 ) O tu 'itu 'io le vara . 2 . The drum ToʻUʻAU, v. to disband troops. used at a night-dance,made of a TUⓇUAUGANI. Syn . TUʻUAUTAPU , bundle of bamboos with a mat TUʻUʻAULELE, v. to a let a pigeon rolled round them . 3. A stick fly ; applied to a scrvant sent ; on which vegetables are rested away. See FA'ASOLA. while being scraped. ' Ua lupea TUʻUAUTAPU, v. to swear, to take an oath . Syn . Tauro. * *sina tu 'itu'i.
TUʻITUʻI, v. 1. redup. of TUʻI, to TUʻUAFU, v. to live long. bruise, to pound. 2. dimin. To | TUʻUĂGA, 8. a vacation . thump gently, as a part of the TUʻvĀGA, 8. a span . See ĀGA. TŪʻUALA, v. to have a fringe left, body in putin . TŪ'ITUʻI, v. 1, to forbid the doing as a white mat. . ¿ of anything. 2 . To forbid a pay TU'UʻALA. See FA'ATU™U'ALA. ment, to remit a debt. TU‘UʻALI, v. to beg for 'ali. TUʻITUʻITINO, v. to tell plainly. TUʻuaso, v. to appoint a day. See TA'UTINO. TUʻUAVA, v. to pay respect to. TUIVANU , v. lit. to stand over a TUʻUIALA, a. of the wayside, as · chiaşm ; to be liable to fall. "Oil words picked up there. tātou nei tusa o la au tuivanu. TUʻŪʻU, Malay, Tuhu, s. the name TUIVEVE, 0. leaves sewn together to ofŪʻU a small fish . TU A, > s. two species of ‘ cover in a native oven of food. TUʻOFE, s. the stand for the fishing TU ' U 'UTASAMUMATĀLUMANI, I tuộūru . rod. Syn . UMELE. TUOTĀ, v. to be all new ,of a canoe TUʻUFAʻALELE , v. 1. to let go by the or house. Opposite of FAʻAUGAO. run, as a sail. 2 . To retire from TUʻu, v. 1. to place. 2. Toappoint. the attack of an enemy in a Ou te tulia mai ni popo tu 'u o le body, so as not to be cut off by folaū. 3. To send forth . Ona straggling. 3. To let go the tutuíu ai lea o sāvali i Atua . 4 . hand, so as to cause to fall, a To permit. Tu'u mai le tai o children 's game. Ne'itu-ufa'alele mālolo. 5 . To let go, to set frce. i la tātou fe'umiaʻiga. Ua tu'uina atu e alu . 6. To put TuʻUFĂʻATAU, v. to propose, to make aside. 7. To pass by. "Ua tu'u a proposal.
tua . 8. To desert, to leave. TUʻUFĀ ATAU, v. to make an agree Se fa'amomo i loto, se tuću fale ment with a god to pay him for u polu . 9. To deliver over. 10 . healing a sick person by building To cut down. 11. To desist, to a canoe, & c . cease. Tuʻų atu le soa ; pl. TUʻUFAU, v. 1. to be left to itself,as. TUTUU ; pass. TUʻUA, TUʻUINA , whole a tamelength pigeonof left to go the its liue. 2. To TUUNA. , TUʻu, 8. a payment. ' O le măliema be uncorrected, to be uncared for, le (U 'U . Each shark Caught has of children. Ua tu-ufau tele lau its payment. Proverb. Applied tama. Your child is left to the to killing, or a kinduess. Citre of any one. TUʻUA, v. pass. from TUẤU, 1. to be TUʻUFALA, v. to go about begging left. 2 . To be dismissed . formats. TUʻUA'I, v. to accuse falsely ; pass. | TUʻUFATU, v. to place stones, as in marking a buundary. TUʻUAʻIINA. Toʻuao, v. to make the clouds a TUⓇUFEAUGANI, V, to swear, to take - road to heaven . an oath . Syn. TUʻUAUTAPU. TU‘UAOINĂ, v. to continue a dance TUʻUFUA, a . deserted, uviuhabi 2 . till daylight, ; . . . el teu. .. . . Y 2
( 324 )
TUʻuf ua, v. to be deserted, to be | TU‘CMUAINA. See MOLIMUAINA . uninbabited . Sole Tu-u ne'i turumuaina 'o '08
Tư‘uga, 8. 1. a portion of food for a ' 'ua fa'alupeina . whole village. O lo lātou tăuga . | TUⓇUMULI, v. 1. to walk backwards, I to yield . 2. To backslide; 2. A place to put a thing in . . .. TŪ ŪGA, 8. a race. “O la lā tūóūga . 1 redup. TUʻUTUʻUMULI backslid
TUʻTGA 'ALI, 8. the back part of the TU‘UMULIGA, 8. a
head which rests on the ‘ali or bam
ing. V
lona tu'umuliya. TU'UNA, v. to bepass.leftof behind, outstripped, TUʻu. to be
boo pillow . TUʻUGALĒMŪ. See TUʻUGAMĀLIE . TUʻUGAMAU, 8. a grave. 'Olona | TUʻUPAO . See Pao.
tuʻugamau . TUʻUPAGITIA, . v. SeetoPAGITIA. TUʻUGAMĀLIE , v. to have plenty of | TUʻUPALASI throw dowo people in a family to help with violently, as a heavy burden. the work . TUʻUPATINO, v. to be without en
TUʻUGĀNUNU, 8. the dispersing of
people at a nunu. TưʻUGĀSOLI, v. to be trodden on by all. 'A 'o Alo, le a tuʻugāsoli. TUʻUGATA , 1 . to make an end of, to | use up, as food by a sick person , |
cumbrance, as troops without women,, &v.c. to leave alone. 10 TUʻUPEA
_ Supea le, fanua, e ta sola. TUʻUPISA v. to lay'a down a prest.
or property given to a carpenter of food with singing. Opposite to SOLOGŪGŪ. without reserve . “ Ua tuʻugata ni | TUⓇUPŌ , v. to appoint a time. āna mea e maua. TUʻUGĀTAU , 8. a fort to retreat to TŪ‘UPā, night. v. to leave off work at when beaten. TUʻULAFOA 'I, v. to reject, to abandon ; TUʻUPUAʻA, 8.v. atopig-begging beg pigs. party. pass. TUʻULAFOA ‘IINA. Le fanua TUʻUSA 'OLOTO, 1 v. to leave ,at tuʻulafoaʻiina lea e .
TUʻULALO , v. to prompt a speaker . TUʻUSAUNOA, lease, to let go} free.liberty, to re moni e lē tuʻulaloina . E TUʻULELE, v. to give up , to aban TUʻusolo, v. to lay along, to place continuously. Ua fatifati sasa 'a don . uta . a. ma tu'usolo TUULI, 8. tu -uli, one method of fish - | TŪ'USUA. See i Tausu ing. TUUTA .‘otoSee, v.TŪTA. TUULU , v. to cut off the end of a TUⓇUTA to lie down Waca lapalapa in order to make a club. giving food to visitors. Also SAULU . TuʻUMĀLEPELEP E , v. to be dropping TUⓇUTAUI,maf v. to pay. Pea tuʻutaui, lê toeULA, v.esutoia'i. e app to pieces, lie anchor. d to very old TUʻUTA people . Ua tuʻumālepelepe le tino . TUʻUTAGITA , v. to leave the sides TūUMANA, v. to attribute a cala - | of the head unshaved, as with mity to supernatural power ; to virgins. rejoice in another's misfortunes TOʻUTALO, v. to beg for raw talo, by ge. y begging talo... a whol being a deserved punish - TUʻU TALOe, 8.villa as a part men t.
IGAPUv.LAto, be covenant TUʻUTELE, n. tale beg for v. into commo
| aking . 'O lona tuʻumāraega . | tops, by a whole village. TUʻbreUMĀ VAEGA, v. to disregard a TUʻ UTIGAPULA,pla8. nt.a party begging charge or command . A, 8.s toa private messenger of ' UTUtop . tu - l Tởtalo “ umāvaega, 'ua tepa i tua, Ua
TUL TU'U ( 325 ) a chief. "Ua alu ė ai le tuʻutual water mark. 2. The name of a fish , a Leifi. TUʻUTUⓇU, v. 1. to pass along, fol TUFUE, a . first, specially of a wife. lowed by ane. 2. To pass up , o le avā tufue. with até 3. To let down, with ifo. as a tax. 2. To act gently. 3. To be easily led. TUʻUTUʻUIFO, 0. to lower, to let down ; pass. TUʻUTUʻUINAIFO . TUʻUTUẤUITUA, v. to make difficult by increasing, as a tax . TU‘UTUUSINA, 0. to pass on food to the elders when there is not enough for all. TUʻUTUČUVAELUA, a . undecided. TUČUTƯUALUNA, 0. 1. to make easy,
TUʻUTULUʻI, o. to be long -lived . TUʻUVAʻA, v. to set sail, to depart from à port.
TUFUE, v. to be first. TUFUGA, 8. 1. a carpenter. 2. A tatoo -marker.
TUFUGĀLIMA, s. the under. part of the arm . Ma se va'ava ai i tufugālima. TUFUMEA, 8. menorrhagia. , TUGA, 8. a maggot. Ő lona tuga. TUGĀ, a . maggoty Tuga'v. to be maggoty. TUGĀ, 8, late in the evening,about nine oclock .
TUGĀ, 0. for TUGATĀ, 1. to come inopportunely. 2. To stand in the way, as a rock in the road .
3. To be situated in an awkward Tufa, v. to divide, to share out, to place, as an abscess where it distribute ; redup. TUFATUFA ; Cannot be lanced . pass. TUFATUFAINA; recip. FETU- TŪGA, 8. 1. a portion beyond the FANAʻI. A tufa lava, ia a'u appointed share of food or pro mua . perty ; a privilege which some TUFA'AGA, 8. a division, a portion , are allowed to ask for. 2. The a share of food. It takes either acquisition of all the great titles. a or o in the genitive, & c. '0 "Ta oʻo i tuga. lana (or lona ) tufa'aga . TUGAEʻE, v. to be unsettled . TUFAʻl, 0. to divide out in portions. TUGAʻI, .0. to light up a fire at TUFAGA, 8. a dividing. night. TūFALA, v. to remain on the edge TUGĂ OFE, 8. a cutting of bamboos. of the mat, as the tupe in the TUGĀFANĀ, s. the step of a mast. game of lafoga . 'Olona tugāfanā. " Syn . TULĀ.
TTFALE, 0. to remain at home, as a · pigeon unfit for seuga , or a chief too old to fight. I le lupe nein sua tūfale . TUFANƯA, 8. 1. a common man . 2. A buorish fellow . TŰFASO , 8. a dry maota tree.
TUGAGE, s. the nameof a shellfish .
TUGAGI, Q. dull, blunt. Syn . TULALL. TUGAGI, v. to be blunt.
TUGALÊMŪ, . a. well placed, well TUGAMĀLIE,
situated .
TUFENA, 8. a company of water TUGALĒMĀ , La to be well situated . TUGAMĀLIE , ” w we wen situ drawers. TUFESOANI, o. to stand up and help, TUGATUAI, 0. unvarying , to be in two or three together. the same state,as sickuess. Ona TUFI, o. to pick up from the ground, tugatuai. — CARNE. as fallen fruits, shells, & c. Tugia, v. pass. of TŬTŮ. TUFILAUPAPA, o. to be broken up, TULA , 8. a bald -headed person . Tula, Malay, Sulah,GUNDUL, a. 1. as a wreeked vessel. TUFITAUFAO, 0. to scramble for bald . 2. Destitute of trees. things lying on the ground. TULA, 0. 1. to be bald . 2. To be Tupu, 8. l. a spring below high - l destitute of treca.
( 326 ) ' TUC TŬLA, 8. a locality, a habitat. ' O | TULĀVELO. Syn. Tular'u . le tŭla o le faisua. | TŪLEI, Malay, TULAK, v. to shove, TŪLA, 8. 1. a perch for a pigeon . to push . Ona tūlei lea o le fufine 2. Stones at the entrance of fish i le vanu loa. enclosures on which the tautai TŬLEI, 0. 1. to speak , of chiefs. stands.
Tŭlei mai lau afioga . 2. To be
TULA'l, v. to rise up, to stand up ; ) sick , to vomit. redup . TŪTŪLAʻI. Tulu‘i atu TULEFE, 8. 1. the name of a shrub Sina , ' a e gulo. (Elatustemma sessile ). 2. A weak TULAI‘U, 8. a loin of pork, the . person. “Ua se tulefe lenei ta . rump. 0 lona tulai-u . O lāna gata . tulai*u , of a person 's portion. TÕLEFENA, v. to be wearied. Tulau, v. to be a stop-yap. Tau TULELEVALE, v . to rush into matters ina fa'atele tulau . with which the party had no TULAUONEONE, v. to stand on the concern. A reference to a tale. shore. Nei e tepa i tua, a se'i TŪLEMOE, v. to be sleepy . tulauoneone. TŪLEMOGE, v. to be horrified , to be TULĀUMU, 8. a place to build a terrified . cooking-house on , to have the eye fixed , TULAUMUMAMAO, v. to stand afar TŪLESISILA,v. as in dying. from fear ; as the sega does not TŪLESOLI, v. to trample on, to ill settle on the blossom of the nut, I use, as a conquerid party. E but from fear stands far off on tūlesoli i A 'easisifo. TULI, Malay, LUTUT, 8. 1. the name - the leaf. TULĀFALE, 8. 1. a place on which a house stands. 2. A ruler of a village, a councillor. TULĀFANĀ. See TUGĀFANĀ. TULĀFONO, 8. a law. “Ua solia le tulāfono a le nu-u . TULAGA, 8. 1. a place to stand on . Tu i le tulaga i Avano e. 2. A foutmark. 3. A pulpit. 4. As ILAMUTU and TAMASĀ . TULAGĀMATUʻUA, v. lit. to afford standing for the matu -u ; to be
of a bird . It is called by some TULĪ. Several birds bear this name. Actitis incanus, Limosa uropygialis, and Strepsilas inter pres, are all called tuli or tuli ; while Charadrius fulvus is called tulī and Tulī-a- Tagaloa ; and Nu menius femoralis (Peale) is called Tuli-olo -valu .- WHITMEE. 2. An
moderately low , of the tide. TULAGĀVAE, 8. a footprint. O lona
bend, as Tuli-lima, elbow ; tuli alo, tuliulu ; which see. Tuli, v. 1. to drive, to chase. 2.
tulagāvae. .
Tulagi, a.brief,as life. 'O lo tatou soifua o loo tulagi. TULĂGOGO, 8. the dorsal fin of the
outside corner,as of a box, house,
& c. 3. The knee. Malay, Tūli. 'Olona tuli. 4. Any joint or pursue,to follow up ; pl.TUTULI ; pass. TULIA, TUTULIA. E tutulia *o malo, ta e laga le toʻilalo. 3.
shark. To search . Ou te tulia mai ni Tulali. Syn. TUGAGI. popotuíu o le folau. TULĀLUPE, 5. 1. the name of a star TŪLĪ, a . deaf; pl. TUTULI. in the dry season . 2. The name TULI. See LETULI. . of a moon in the wet season .
TULĀMA‘I, s. the place on which an TULIAAFEGA, v. (a term in SEULUPE ) . abscess appears. 'Olona tulāma‘i. to be unable to do a thing because TULĀVAE, s. the portion of a net to of others present. · be made by each person . 'Olona TULIA‘INA, v. to follow up, to tulāvae . I persist in.
TUL TULIAU, v. to be very deaf. E , TULIMANAVA‘ESEʻESE, v. to be of taliga e tuliau i le tala 'ua logo- different opinions. . logoā. | TULIMANU , s. the corner, as of a TuliaulaMU, 8. the corner of the mat, pavement, & c. · jaws. TulimATA‘I, v. to look stedfastly . TÚLIAUVAE, 8. the end of the TULIMULIʻAU, v. to drive the rear chin . | guard of an army. A tulimuliʻari
( 327 )
TULIĀLO, v. to fish for bonito. Syn. ALOATU .
le taua nei a Müpo. TULINAUMATI, v.to seek water away
Tulialo.' See TULIMANAVA. This from home, in time of drought. TULIPALA, v. to drive completely · form is used to chiefs. TULIALOMALALA, 8. the name of away. 'Ua lē tulipala i Upolu, one kind of tuli (Strepsilas in neipisia mai. · terpres). TULIPAPA, 8. one kind of tuli. TULIATAGALOA, 8. a tuli sent by TILIPEAU, v. to cause a canoa to Ta zaloa (Charadrius fulvus). glide down the waves. Tātou Tulliita, v. to pretend deafness tulipeau Tui e. TULIPITOINA, v. to be the last driven from angır. TULIOLA, v. to pursue and catch in war. TULISISI, v. to drive animals by alive. TULIOLOVALU, 8. one tuli. Also calling sisi. called in some places tuliisutele TưLITĀ, 8.diseases of the bladder ." TULITAUFA, v. to chiefs instead of - (Numenius femoralis). TULIOSO, v. pl.to jump, of a number TULIMĀGALO. : of persons jumping over a wall or TULITAUSIA, v. to run in and out i into the water. and about, as the siʻa or netting TULIULU, 8. the side of the head . needle. TULIUPU. Syn . FA'AMOEMOEUPU . | TULITAUTĀ, v. to pursue and con TULIUSUUSU, v. to drive fish by usu tinue to strike. " A ta tiliola i le tulitautā . usui. TULIFĀTAI, v. to chase in the water, TULITATAO, v. to pursue closely ; swimming with the hands only. pass. TULITATAQINA. TULITULILOA, v. redup. of TULILOA . TULITULISEGA, 0. to follow up, to one another when swimming. TULIFUAIMOA, 8. the knee-cap.
persist in .
Tuliga, s. 1. a driving. 2. A TULIVAE, 8, the knee. 'Olona tuli. vae. · hunting. TULILIAU, v. to be very enraged. TULIVALA AU, v. to run and call TULILIMA,-8. the elbow. 'O lona after ; pass. TULIVALA'AUIA. E | lē mavae le tulivalaʻauia . tulilima. Tulilo, v. tu-lilo , to stand con - TULOU, v. imper. an apologetic cealed, as a pigeon in a tree.
TULILOA ,v. to give chase to ; redup. TULITULILOA .
TULILOAGA, 8. a pursuit. TulimAFUA, v. to migrate,ofpigeons and people.
word used on entering the house
of a god , or when about to make a sudden noise, as throwing dowi a log of wood, or on commencing a speech . In Hawaiian, it means
to bow in respect. Tulou, tolou TULIMĀGALO, v. to seek a bathing place of fresh water. TulouĀ, v. to stand in the way, TULIMANAVA, 8. the side of the to be a nuisance. Syn , nearly I TUGĀ. . belly.
TUL TUN ( 328 ) Tulolo, v. to bend down, as a tree Tumu, Malay, JUMU, satiated ; v. to
be full ; pl. TUTUMU. Syn .APELE. TUMUA, 8. the name of two of the Tulua, v. 1. to divide iuto two. 2. directing or ruling villages on To stand two together. Upolu, and Safotu on Savai'i. TULUAOPĀ, 8.midnight. *A 'ua ifo e, le tumua,ʻo i tātou TULUAOPOMAAO, 8. midnight. Alia ‘atoa . tuluaopömaao si'i le fata o Sina . TUMUAʻI, 8. the crown of the head. or a wall.
TULOTO, to be in themidst.
TULUI, v. 1. to drop into, as lotion
O lona tumuaói.
to the eye, & c. 2 . To add to. | TUMUSAISAI, v. to be full so as to · 'Ua toe tului le fa'atau . require to be tied up, as a cocoa
TULUʻI, a . long, lasting .
nut-leaf basket, to be full to
TULUʻl, v. to endure. 'Ua tulući overflowing. lona ola . TUMUTUMU, 8. the top, the summit. Le tau tumutumu o le pua. Tulura, v. pass. of TUTULU. TULUʻIGA, 8. 1. the end , of a road . TUNA, 8. a freshwater eel. TUNAFAILAUULU, I 8. different kinds end of life. Se ia oʻo ane i le TUNAGATA, I of eel. tulu 'iga o tagata . TUNALEʻA, 8. a short thick kind of TULUʻIGAOLELALOLAGI, 8. the hori eel. zon . Syn. TAFATAFA'ILAGI. TUNASI, 8. branches of the ‘ava TULUʻIPAE, s. the front row of stones root. : in a pavement. v. to be languid and TULUʻITANU , 8. the end of a pave TUNEVA, sleepy. ment. “O lona tulu itanu. TUNEVA, 8. languor and sleepiness. TULULA,