626 84 10MB
English Pages 125
A OaKfiMUdOH eo3ont tmmm
m& oc&tlWatoA an a Ira^P noalo by that
d o b mimm* M s dswe saany of the* dlapfltaoad pon»ooa to «ao% mplapmimt i n th» fiotttlea* OKwAuilly thafe a l a s s , tho JSasHah tomtit* xtt&tih vtm tho i^olfibow «f tha mMm* mm boin^ f^dnood by tho siofely factory neuter*
m ; aositLMC jHXS3iPi*i
Of wmm fern mm ^Umfibmm to jatt&iy «2d» taivLhla atata of *fSkta»« ;i$a«» «wv «m*a ateta to ho of hla oan @&$dh&* A&»a -tel^i izuilatod that I t was sa intfjfrf—*** rt$it of ©an that ha sto«a&4 be aixawsd to pragrwa to te» H a l t of Mm ^-^^intioej tfcat i t -i'C jEfcss ^ssra was* ha»&»a» two I w n f t ^ l «nd itxrw ^ wtaaS *oa>* attt&wa aasiatia* i n aae^tol i n 1330* r . m
'v~* neural
f H aaa^owmtftw afcMtoafjCiaa egg too or tirr»e aoa-pra^ttvci laassa&la* -3os££#ft. «f ixX~r*£ ;wga»atiift» fa^aisy* vaa ftittaadU thla ar^asii'xtloa ^ r*; 3L x I IXvoS, aa i t laatai far ajtfy thro* yewra* tho aoosafc -af aaaoaotttloc as & au&isewfal •awraaoct had yat to h@ faan& l a 2&srjto,i* ^ m iirz a ^
t*« sbllrati**
vof&a I n hla aatiocfes mag had aoaa a&aaa **a tfoa aaorat of asaaaaa hat at&ar ox^ii3iaa»tl«ai hadn't tha oanroat ihoary oohtod tfcse as*! |g/ aalilB© a t ooat gptaa* * r far ©rsAtt* *? hy oatias na ajaajamttarja rsthar ttaas aa ooyjar»ti*,na# c*-^ r «*> thalr 3M& sas&oing, B i t tha avoOttHan «f thaory v t l ;sn*3lao hnd Srsiggaaaad t o aooh m awtaeat tbat t&ay woro i l j e for agghlmtlo?! ss*l l a tt» ;**»? 3.344* this ATfjirr.^Ti '.na *f8aata Bofara axttSlalais ttfio n r s t £ » i af sami :«y>» assttsa an&a&TOsr, a allcht flXgpmAm to 9#aapto!n. iho waawtag of tha ****£& 'oooi-s^stl^a1 002. i t a *sjr-iaaaad tha first *2n&natrlal and rra^tdont aoo&wtlaa .*a%* in 1098 nnd thla baawaa tha "m^nc 'ThartA af tha oaoparatl^a *aa?w«it i*? tho 'jottntry* 3*aaa ooo'iarattwa adaaattow ma aafftaatad by ^ ^ aat* ths»r© tiaa lltt&a or aa sotton on that frami* Tb» «WB6y tma qrfjadltod tr. tho •In^aatrlPl and rrawidant 'Jaolattaa /'mttt^h Qrorj* fbraod Ita ows ^botaaala tdth tha ft^nrw^l of tfto ^ l i s h crotr** At tha Invltatlan o4* *ho ^rltlah e^T'r^tne.i *Jw> Jtotaraattoaal 3aopat**ttfw Allitsaaa -wan fbJ*y»d *n X39$« Satarmttonal csouatatla *?o» hald *hJ*n*-lvwt •SHT-W until latarmrit»*a by tha mr of 1DQL43ttU tha two atatoa hem boas abla to warte tooatfrsr o£ki to aoofe oaatrol of laroo topo&tto of ooel aaar ^hitobaraa i a o&atara Koabsiolsy* A aaatt ooaauacnw ooopomt&TO i n oatrol&tia p r o t e t o waa orssaataad by a oratta of faraara l a Sattaawoad itaseoota* 32a %$%¥ tharo nara a ansfesi* of thaaa flUlac atattoao throughout tho ooaatryf thoao la Klaooaoia aad !fLaaooota forced tho sSUOcnd Asoparati^o waalaaaXo whlah Hd & bajsia^aa af ovar ftftaan allUo© OaHara i a 1^6* paworad by Howard &%#&*&* th* iioaaw*® Oaopamtlva Aaaaotatloa of Saaaaa oity foraad Ita way lata tho r a f l d r c field* :fciflL -'.2 aeao waa doaa ia Toms hy 3aaaan*a teathor* Howard Jovdaa* datera&sad ta hraak tha t&taraatloani potroiiwo oartol uhloh aota tho prioo af a i l ss?o&&i©ta at auah hi»jb. fii^iaraa* taurella& throaghat&t ^tropo bafora tho war of 1399* .to gat otho? oo-aatrlaa latoraatod* Thara war© ths?ao groat abataaloa to t:«> dawalcnesaat af tha ZteaiilQ Bartaoat* Flrat thara wao a lao*- >r crater
ooopssamtx! ts warn mmm.
for trrlaatlaa* then a laok af ahaan powar aad lastly a laofe af ahoap tmiapartattoa* Idaho and oration war* aldaft an a l l thraa **oata ta/ tha Baw Doal AdMaiatratloa* Tim daaa waa* bttilt* ant olaotrloity aaoparatliraa aroaa l a oj^oaifcioa ta tha waatad lataraata* Tho f i ^ t ta a^aaaa thoaa aaapar*fc» iwaa waa broa^st by tho ala&trialty ma^mtaa ta tha superior Soarta* tha daolaioa haadad dona by jad@a tfaj^dpai l a aaa .J
aaaa uhara tha walla walla Slootrlotfompaayaad tha faaUla Bawaa* aad light nara ooaaansod* ahawa tha attit«Jda baoaalaQ prawalaat at tha Una* **Xa thla i-aa wa aaa tllaatawtad tha olaah botrjsoa dlftaraat *\'>*r£a* af ggaaaatisaat aad aaaaaataa* Mil ay opinion la - t tha aaaaarat&wa aswaaaat* porhapa para* doxi •-.l1-/* aey **al£ baooma tha last dofaaaa af primfco eatarrriaa aoalast ©avarasaast awaarahip**** Tho aaepa of aaasmvatloa l a la* truth only Uaita& ha* tha awtiiflttaa af aaa* Hedloiaa tdsresad toward* oooaaratlaa ta tha utaitad atataa thraa^i tha aa&f aaaeifiaa af $r» l&ohaal A . Shadld* A^laat tha opposition af tha Aaariaaik tfaataal Aooooiatloa ha aat m a hoaxdtel ta tm mm W tha a w * a fla^^pw *w
* M R P
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baa baaa followad l a aaay athar aantara la aplta af tha lagtalattoa swahod by tha nadtaal Aaaooiattaa whloh forbida aaaparattwa hoapttala la toaaa af aara thaa 2*500 peopla* flat* unfair law la eaally oirouaToatad by baildia& tha haajttala l a aoall aaatara oloaa ta th® largo oittaa* ••»*.. ttttla,
i* Bartraai 3* Fowlar* |jfag ?M^rit4f^M'^ftUqgQ^» SJaataa* Browa A 0**» W ? t P*
aDoraaOTx Hi aflRBi xvmm
noaoine 1* aitaaaaafol oa oao^aratiiro liaaa in tha tain otttas af a t . Baal aad tftaaaapolla* a * hassadag f^oup l a opomtioa t a thaae ott&aa t a cs oara ait olooUloal pastor* aadlaal aarflaaa* iaawaaoa aad bxiriala an wall aa tha hoasia® Itaalf* Br* ^aaas ?• Warbaasa aw that aattoaal oalty waa aaaaaaary for aaxtian! aoopamttw dawalopeoaat aad s&th lata aad l a ulaw* arpnlsad tt» ooapwattta Laaoti* of tha Oattad SJtataw of teartaa* "aat tha Loagaa wm aat oi^aataad to aat m thalr Clha.aoapomttiai ? 5 agaat in tha Hold of biariag* I t WSM aad haw rasaiiiid* tha ad&oatloaai aad pssbHo valal taaa dapartaaat af tba afiwosaat*1**-* tha aaxt atap waa tho ar$aattmttQa of tho had$a*pa%» af "In a oospaftatt^aly abort apaoa of tia* Sattoaat ' iwaat Xaaafpoiratwid r^aasrod sxiah of tho ooaftiaicsQ that had aatad to ratord ibit daf^alopaiMat of Ooaaiwr aooparation a* a aawaasat* Tho oashara of fi&ttoaaX** board af dl^aatar* i^@p®ad o$s a OOSMO trada aaviE* A af &teemmjAm @ad daalga wodsad aat nedfora t a t» naod by a l l ooamaaar aaa^arottwaaV^* 2ho Oaoparatiro Um&m af to Hsdtad 3tatoa af immm l a a aassber of th© xafcavaattoaal aosparatlw AlBaaaa* mo of tho four paraaaoat aoaaaltaata to tho iMtad zsaftloa* aagaa* laatloa* 0 a a p a r a t l a n l a U a ?, d « Eba ba^&aa&as* af aoopamtion in Osn$da oloaaly parallel thoaa l a tha Otettod atataa* Ooopamtitm of a ^ 7 2* Bortjpaa 3» FOM1®T» op* oit«* p# 201* 3* ibid** p* aoc*
m scam a m t m
Urat ttda i t a ajspaafsaaaa aJbaoat aad mm saatta* t a tho yaar l?as>* m onabaa ally tha patpoaa^a af tha CkRfosaor» taatttatad l a Miim. m tha XOm. of Paaas&ar* 1702* aad sooa aftar tha tahahltats of %a ooaaty of Sianta fasraod thaaaalwaa lata a adailar aaaooiatioa with a wiaw ta aaaaamttag with tha.aapital la gxromattaii oultoral aad rorai taima/*"**. tha ^aa@ar* aad tha iMypaaa of la&siatry ta tha oattad Stat*** they war* bath uaaucoaaaful* atill aa&ata bat aaly as a aaatatf hmim ao ooaaaatloa with aooporattoa* Iha lattur $gmm ataad la palitta* aad oaa* ta an aad la Iha political dalfcat af 1096* t a Iha latter part of H» ataala&atb wsatay* a * first waa a t staHartsm, nova daatta* ta 1061 aad this until 1916. A storo at fSpSaay atoaa* * w l a d l a ia®* uatll 1$Q$ whaa i t aatlapsad baasaaaa thaa% had baaa faad* xaa enttah Oaatdtam Oaapafatt** saatatr Ufidtad waa aotabll ahad l a 1906 w&mQ&m all tha aaaaatlal Prlaolplaa^ t&Otop ttta 1* oaa of tha aoat aaoaaaarm aa thla aida of th* AtlenUc*
Qoommzm XB Boam ATJ&SOA
d^afataplBaj ajyaas t h a aaaa® i^ym^w $.%%
aasibor* of doaatiaar £Joop©ratioa wall ff^^wwl In tha prlaAplaa j^lasashy af tha aowaaaat*. plaa aat jftdlaaaistar aawaaaat I t m oaly too wtlfijl that iaSwaptas aU3*r* would raaHy bo Miliar thas with in thalr oaaaaptif tha Ideal W P w t JrHpTt^MWIW ' f l P * ^ ^ • • " • • m "
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rai® no aay any that aaoper&ttoa l a tfawtawm t a af a aoaaiibat aaataala a a t e a aa i t mfc* mx PWSJ* aoar t&thar thaa ooaauast* efforts* This, stata- $$" afUdnSw ha* lad taffanmatltH ^w i n hatwaacii •,\i ffffiymat prodssaer ooop^E^atlwaa aad ta p^odufeatloa far ia
af tha taavaaaat* Far tho praaaat i t will aofHaa to ocy that thaaa ara tho ta»s of a aoapamtioa thLt I J aoat aowrly Ideal* Bate© wall orcaniaod aa proalaatol Haw* oaah !ma * aaweasat of I t * own# aeaftota la tha CNKspomttw Hold loots: to ^isAob&o aad tha "feilUms aa tha t»oi£los of a l l t m aaapaamtl^a dwralopoaeat ia Juaada* A ©rajala Ulaatratloa of this m® bo a**a la tha vlait af Mr* aoott* head of tho ^aoparatlim alvtatoa af tha aapertaat of Urbaral aaaowaoe la tha mm p^saiaoa of Baw*> ibiaadtaid* to oueoooo aad tho iisrttdssaa* to dbaoee Isadora ta @ildo a oomweat apoaaorad swaaant ia ncwfmsa&l«a&* I t ta hla opinion that fSawfoandiaad will gain from bath fha objoat af thla oh&ptar has bom to .;1 vT« a sHapa* af tha aattiag l a naiah la faaasd tho ooop*»tl«» of Wboa aad th* aajftUB*** adaaa all s*iaoo*&&il ooopatmtlfa cjntaiw pdee op to tho praaaat* haa &dta?«& ta tha SeefeStale a&aatplee ta aama extent* i t will aat bo tha t*aft of £.* following abaptar* ta ebon that ooopamtlToa ia ^oboc or th* iiarltiaea have baaa *ttaaaaaftil baoaaaa of emmrmm ta thoaa prlaaiptae* She teste ta rathor to ahatr how tha BoohdaX® Wtaaiploa tmm baaa apjsllad to tha diffaraat m&®m* to ooatnaat tho reauOte Of dtww® apfiHaatdoa and to ahaw bast eaofa Ima davaioped it* ana teatat^s** isfciia s t i l l hawtag a aoasoa aeritact**
aBA??£i H I
o a a g r a p h l a a l ground.
a a o l a l
la a vaat ara*t alsoat thraa item tha •*f I t l a tho iarsoat af a H tha proaiaaaa* *a^| ggeeiagiaat faraatloa tsaoua aa the $teadtaa Shield* aad tho olhor flftaaath la larc^ly lavaded %y tba A£5|W3P» atloa aaaat&la ehala idbdoh* l a aplta of tha ploiaa of Abltlat aad tho mm St* John diatrlota* iaaladed l a tha Shield* to&woa oaly a relatttaly aa&H area af land #hioh i a raaHy salted to faaredacs* «£ that part fora&ag tha 3hloM* aa area whtaa roproaonta r-oro tbaa half tha aatlra lead of tha provlaoa l a i a adaitloa* aorth af tha 52nd, Sagem of latttsaSa* ubioa ia aboat tho aorGoa3maoax> xioj&t* ox aaciwu. saraat i^rewwaf i a owsar word** about TO af thla land ia l a raneat aad i a aat eaitabl* for oaltlmtioa* In tho fia&l aaalyaisi* th® habitable ptrtiea af tho profiaoe l a xmily abattt tha aa Fraaea, or a l i t t l e larss«r*^l* GaoQPapbloally* laaboo la bowstod oa tha S&at by th* ^aritiaa fwostaoaa aad lahrador* OB tha ua*t ty Oat**!*. Th© population of Taeboo l a *$3tto hamooawna l a m t e e * About eighty pe#eeat of tho peopl© are of dlreat Irwcoh deaeeat* Aboat tmaa^ ts*o poraoat of tha peeg&e are oso&osd l a farming walla aaothor thirtaea perwmt i s aagaoad ia public* eeridee* tha raaaiadar* for tho seat part* l a oa@agad la ladaatry* Soa^aly thara are about throo ailiion poopla la tha ps?ewtaea* with tho aaaa oaltaw* aa? tha aooo roll^ioa* Hail* thara l a l i t t l e laaboriac doa* ia ooaoariaea ta tha m a t rsraoaroaa* thara ia qpita a 'jit of esiniiac* *wa*Uea3aFty l a aabaatoaa# hoboes srodaaaa otxty flaw parsoat
aaat i a ^ ^ S f r S r ^ ^ S L ! ? 1 1 ^ ^
**» Joapttflattve Ho*a>
af Iha world *a aai^ly of ttate ooswodltiy* Apart froa tha gedaaaa Populslrsra wheee lUaotloa l a to -ralia a caaaml laapoatiea a0?aXX the federated 'jalte* ©da iaapaefcloa i s oKteaded to th© aaooUoK of iwoatemta :maor Artialo 40 of t^s qaebeo i^raaio&toa Aet* Tho oxtoaalos worls if the ra£loa*la la ©author aapi^aasaaated end 4i:*oeted ta7 tir> fudsr&ilsa* SJoneajmr aaaperatlja i s a 20,1 siratlwdty yewthfuH aaaaisont l a qaehee* l a oh&pter tea nmtdon :.«aa ,icdo or tho faot that oooparati'a^ stores ware prsoileslly aaa«-awlateat la 1934* ". de^ada later fouad tale 3te»Q&* Thara uosa HO aeetatioa* 73 of wt&ea aor^lood aoae 13»000 peeal** ltd* Aajpaa* baa greatly iaoraesed ir. IT*? .Teat yaws* In 19^9 there ?«oro 3 3 aoelottaa will, e total twaHjorahi;i o* 35*000 ajaaaaias shoot *X2*OO0#OQO worth of b&»is»»# tha trMOBdoaa •ajtaatlelitiaa of thla port&» a," tha ooeperativw jsariftsmot he** aat yot boo.- roellaod* bai the l i m i t s aeshlovel u,> to tha proaoat ar© haartselac whoa i t i s roTor&erod that tho first waoaassfUi atteqpt In U& 3 pols m& .md® in 1337 by lea* Bertha Leaard yfho hol^jd rsPoaoUs ilxo ZXral i t ore aat up ta leatroal* OaBmoar aaaparatloa too tea i t a eeatral organ* laatlon l»*&iltaaeo doe Jooper&tlvoa ds soaaoaaattoa* Ac3&eultstral ©oopeni ttoa bo^aa In oaatoae lease before aagr ethar fora* A briof hiatoiy of daKradeeaaeat aloag ttes® Haea i» to be aaen i a the report node a t tho Fifth Oeaaral
is Somali* JUPi;jc-uii: a; u J;O,U^TX .,
Oooparatiro Soasreaa held a t fiaabee X9&&* *X» 1981 th® f tho nort 3trlMac eaasaplea af the help afforded b7 tho elaxty ir./ be ocen in the hauatnc aaaparatlva sasown a* it* ^lesBsreVs no-:o Suildlnc ^separative* •ttoatsd at treta* Btvierea* guebee+ what bos boat? " y •" by Osnon ofeMabevlsnd and his periahonora haa oermd aoeolel reee^itten froa the fetle*n* *Hla HoUaeaa tanas paternal wt^r* for happy dswnlp* apeaant of .st* ijargupat** nana Saim^c i o ^ r a t i v e . 3oa3a with aH m» heart to offloare ^sd ***>ors aaaarenaa af abundant smeee for theaaelvoe* ffcilli-n ar-l seotsl warte* Apaataua 9eno5l*tlea •••#000# ~iv- ap their pealtl & •*!: »a tl.air aaefulneoa i s av .:*• 3och r. Jcaleiw hoi: x. px»or r : „". iijoteo aftreneauxit befar* I t haa & airjsae to appear. 12san '-2.31*3 le a dancer ia u ^ 3ft-'La; s^*w„.';,L of tea aueh eentmliaalian. A* the aevaoent ex;nn£d t.*e asoeant* ration af power l a t a tho hands of a f>nrf few eentral orcan* tsatleas teal* to dilute tha aaeaat of effort neoaaaary for
3»?y;-.T/: tsjirx'^Ka :-o asv^v;:.:^; in :.J.A,J 33* the erdintry aoaperaLar* the result i s la** of initiative ant a system of a boraanamtio aatEtre* Beside* this reaeral tyise of dlffioalty there are tba ppabls MI of eaeh typo of ooaparattan in A^tlouSa*** far oorva:&e* la aeo^erative heaatas thara 1* the difftealty «f aaajulring materials arid the neeaesary funO**3®* Aaons tha deapsrativo iStudiaataa the faetor of la&viduallsai 1* eanatdemi to bo one o* the ~ro!tteat smfzwl®® to eooperatiw* ofcwaio »a>9ant*3JU ':U Qriaeae Fearaler* iiaeretrrjNaen***! af the J*4err*iieri aaoparntlr--* i^^estlara die w ^ o sey* tha eraasteat obai&el0 la -o be found in teas© politlaal Groups whteh try te w&® soo.-«rntioK a atate at&zv&Am&U Jo mxcSx far aaoperatlsa aaJer Le ^wiaeii 3ur*arlettr 4* la Saopeintton* t* th* whelo* La Oouoeil h*a eeerdia&ted •separative endeavor aa that eooporation* aa L txrr&r*&t ta •avsneinr, te„Ajrttartjh, ;„mmm%* Anttj^atsh* nova Jootla, thesstaneloa D*peu*ti>at* at* Sonets 2&avler 'Jniveralty* i W # P* 2*
ffig sxtmsxou PBTAatrtaiT ^ at* rxxsti, uvxr, iznrz&zxix $Q* tang before the rest of the viatorlous nations* and eartaialy tjsfare the rest af 3anada* The seta aoeapatloae of the people of the *4arl tinea era faraias* taibortns* ftshin$# @nd tha ooel ajntns mil ateel Industrie*, the saining and steel plant* eauee a eooeantratian of population in the 4BJB* 3reten area* Eowever, eatns. to tha oneertalnty that prevailed la the atntng eormin* tties there waa l i t t l e attraetion te keep &z&t t?ho eould lint steady enpXayaani eleewbere* frora leavtas ae ^dofel/ a* psealble* the farsdas dene by the people* of the «v%riti^*a was af a sort not oaloalated to senate favorably with the fast farm of the ie&aadian '-oat aad i t waa neee*aary tor the teaara to loam *»ttxod» whioh would servo to supply the heraa aaxteat end the expert trade at r eoairetitlve prtoa* She Fish* erase aad the woodanea were in tho saae position* tha tma&oam *f fish aad wood iwdd only what had to be paid and In -assy eases oven this woe net fertheoHias* Throo^joat the pravlaeaa there waa la vo^te the system whereby the pro&aaer reeelved aaada la eaahenoe far hi* praduoa* leawtas in the hands of the asrehsnt the profits that should have aearuod te hiaaalf• A parallel situation was found in the 3ocp--:; Store* in the aaae of the alaers. Prior to tho Adnlt SSaostioa issveosat of it* Fraaots Javier ualvoratty* there was l i t t l e or ao etraasth In n&ritiao ***psinttoa. rentiers ha* bean ^eda in ohapter two o£ sarly
tRS 3*2.3:31 Ob" DSPASKBOIT 3F 3t* FlWSaXS XAtfX© XTX/STUXtT 50* •aapera-tive attaapta la the :iaritia*a* bat I t will aet be •at** at this ttaa ta aeJGo a soaowhat aare detailed study*
the flrat at©* of onopamtton ta the isari tinea seas* la be the atora sat up la ateXXarton* nova seotla* t a 1661* asm far fifty three years* i t collapsed with tha death of the mn lastrunisn&al la It* foaasetloa aad operatloa* Befara the tarn of the oeatary there ware tea other- atora* in the sarltlaes bat oaly one af than lasted beyond the eleae of tha ajtgbteen hundred** they were for the neat part ataer® eoop* •rativoa ma& felled rathor froa the oleeure of the aiaea and teas of warts by the nedbora then far leak of eerraat a**aaa>ojaa* ttm forerunner of the British Oeaadtao Cooperative aoataty hm bean •aaattaaed la ehapter two* \Zian the first atteapt oeao to failure* the aeelety was reinstated txf a apecial aet of legislature, aad so iaai&aatelJy/doaa aat «*** aader tha nova iootia aeapafntlvn ileetettes Aet* rziw t&p*7 buaiaaaa af tho society with ita aftg&t braaehea* waa |a*000*000# and I t paid baale in dividend* in the peat fourty tha mm at $3*000*000. Xn 1P07 tha fruit grower* around Branawlal: oxBealaad * fruit eaapery* within five years* twenty one ease late •xtatenoo, analoenaMas ta 1921. Hhtle eHH operettas la their old way to a Isrsa extent* they ere heeosilnc n-om
tos zxsm&m os?A»s«sHft x at* :*.*ABJX.. yjrx JI JTJIJ .ruxrr 60 eooperatlvo atadad aa tlae passes* Xlu ts&potoamt ia to-be seen in their node of preaete1© \iMoh SJEWteaaly had boon ealte fealty* Organised *sfier tho denpealae Aat* a l l the ^reassert** in Have asetta were a t one tine fteraar owned, this aet waa net a favorable vahlate for eoopsratlon* as i t m a persttted that any person oeald held as asny shares *ua ho could aotptre* ainee the Ooapesaias Aat aHeta votoe on shares* control gradually passed late the hand* of a few with a raeultias freeao eat af the l i t t l e ma and tho l^poverlahnent of tho feraer* OoepemUen haa sraduallj refeurnod six 2roezaoilee ta the faruar* *Che of the neat aaeoeeaftil aoo^rative* i s the narltiae ^separative aervlaa* l i f t e d ••• which probably had i t * beflaaiag beelc l a 1914 when 3r« iSac& ?&ePo©raon af Aiitt^emsh ergpataed end ahlppstd tho f i r s t cooperative oarlot af larios* *•* to^ey the ooo:jeratlm faraera af Kova Scotia and Sew israaawiels ^a en annual huataees of aero tima. fear atlHea dollar© In aalliac their own fern products and boyta© aaat&aary* feed* fortiliaor, aead* graaartaa end 1mm other artdele* needed by fsraera aad their ftollias* *** aaaperattaa had horn ho©sa sad pushed t e a l&roa extent i a the Harttlae* bay the united F&raera 3ooper&ttvaa* the croup waa half paHttoal t a seope aad a* a rsault of the laob af proper aeaperative la&telatAOB* eoopemtlve odaaatlon* saas^anent aad aadltlas* aast of tl&®. failed* tha
a • p * r t a a a t.
the sta af St* Franet* wavier antvoratty* Anttsontsh Bava aoetla* was ta brtan eaaaatloa to tho people* tale waa
a s ssmmm p-jivartrrr OF at. FOAnox; .r* Ooady* AS to the teohait* Franota ^Javier eduealAeaal aow*fj*n~* :.-aro there waa a physical want as great at that «hieh pmopted the ftoehdale yaavara* A* at aeehSala* ao 1:: tha Aaii^oniah aove-amit there wa* first a study at ^m atfeaatlx. "setfiro tha eooaoaie solution of eeoperatlon was sjiggeatad. Xa UM eighth ala af their atora the fteehiele Heaoera were coaoerned with tha edttaatlon ef their aeabersi e&jeatlon i s the avowed ai3 of th* Anti£3r£ah avj/a .:ceji. I t i s aet i a this ler@er view of education, that she parallel run* neat strictly with the pioaeara* the airs of Education through aoeperatlea* and cooperation through education, whleh eaqsreaaea tho /latt&salsh aovousat* i s related to the Rochdale aia in the latter half* Tha idealistic ala af aeehdala* a* seen ia the fifth priaeiple* i s clarified sad broadened ia the sixth af the Aatlsoniah aavenent*
aauTJR vx aoopsi^Atxvs v&f'XAJStosm t.:\: ::\i aximix*" y^-::::
the pattora of tha Aatlosaiah aoveaent was warhed eat by or* Ooady in hla work with tho fishemea* AS has ttam indicated in the ->roeoodirt£ chapter* tho pUsht of the flaharaaa waa far frees enviable* ta add to the eoapettttoa ta the post war aaf&et* eaueed by the return of th* SeaaaV aasviea countrlo* to fishing, there was the rsenaee at the fishing trawlere operating out of nova Scotia porta* the trswlera produced nere flah in a day then tho average fisher* aan could In a yoar* the sywtem of sarfeattng was hepbaserd aad there was l i t t l e laeantiva to looh te t:.o oaring of the catch* The aerehant wa* dictator ia ao far ec xadeaa end quality were concerned* no gave oaly one price for the flah* sradlag I t te his boat advantage at aar&et tlso* Often the fisheman did net reeoive sash as he already owed tho aarehaat for hi* yaars supplies. Dr. J*j* toapadna* who Is to aaay tha real founder af the eaaperatlve noveaent ia the .'Brittaea* was pastor of the l i t t l e vlllace of Jenao* Be had oada son* progress with the edaeatlea of hla flsharnea* so that they were r&eAy ta try ta find a reaedy for thalr plight* On the first of July 1927* while tho root of 3aasda rajetaed at the eaidaa Jubilee of 3oafaderatioa the people af 3aase held a aoetlag froa which *s**A@e* ware sent to their repreoeatattnos i a ^arlla*
aoofSRAtxvs jmoAPSMM //ID :J , i^ct^ai:*: D*vwru"T
sent osteins thalr fwiiO* in the survey of the United r&ritla* Hal»r*scn* I t i i '^2 official organ of the Antlgoaiah zovvnarX «*ad la ixibllahed hi«aeathly ^ the — * - " — —
• •
n 1
• ^ , 9* fW4ffJteCT m-m» in Iha Ann*l• jSp** of the Hova Oootia Credit feiian iaac*^# ^u*^ 7-0»9** 1940* p* 14* ( net patoXlshed ) .
aoopffi^txys os/sbapTLSt
tiii s,£X~:^iv .^AatHzs
aaapsrative** eredlt uatoaa and allied institutions ia the iJarltl-w profVinoes* Sxteaaloa t»shaie.m«** the Antt@ont*h noveoent i s tm edueatton aoveaent* Its sta* are strioteinsly aliped with those of the Institutions of hicfror leeratas* tfhtla tasivorsitlee tura out doctors, lawyers and ea^neerw* tho AntlGoatah acveneat tura* eat fleheraen* Earners and industrial worhara* A* fernal education la teperad te tha mxl In view* ao la the Antlcottlah nevasseat* In tha ourrteuliaa af ooHes®* there l e always a basic r*ejatr*3asat af certain ooispulaery aubdeete* la tho ^tlceaish snvesient the baale iwejuirasaeat 1* cooperation* *Xt ha* boea tha eta of tho t» **• A* £actaaaion lender* that thalr system of adult e&uoatioa provide an instrument of continuous ealt&atennsnt that will ensure the saeoae** aat only of the individual* but of tha detaoeratto ayatam mx& of society as s whol**w10. tba ruoosd ladlVldualisa that so flavors our raodern aoaiety flads ao plane In tho AntlQoniflh U.^n. the outloolt af aodera edooatloa -say weH "bo axra'esaod ir. the words of the brief presented W the sactanalea oacwrtaont to the 3ooat salon ea the taxation af eaeporatlvea* 1>E6* n *** when you ©at enooga. lawyers* doctor** cloroyaen* business anaaativaa* noraae* sahool teacher* f/il stone* grnphera* th* Jab of aduoatlon la acne* until recently we have aat been interes tod in tho great saosea left bemad*"*!.
The t r a c t s rocult of such attnida^ i s e*3?**e*ad l a the ssa* brief* n
Xa our preaaat aduoatienel prooe&ure* *?biah i a essentially a et&ooinc proooea* we are robbiac our r a r a l aad industrial population af their natural local* er»* the bright boys and g i r l s *ro adapted %&& leave t h e i r people.'**** 3ut now l e t a* leek at th® aaaaer of procedure tlmt eharaetcriaa* the Antlgenish aevosj&nt* *.*• to receive the fs*H benefit of the whole sieve* stent*r an individual beeenes a aeiabsir of two or nor© cooperati #o cP^enp** For example* a H.etwa"siE«s aey he a tsadbor of a eoo^raUve store* a oredit anion, *rr*. a cooperative flah plant* t^irou&h h i s store he ha* pert oanarohip i n the m r l t i ^ o vholoaal** tbrour^i tha credit union he boloac* to a racdenel Emptor* a provincial IOSQU* #:»; a national orr?#niantlenf th^our?,. the flah plant he "!»eanoa a runner af the r a n t l a e federation* the J.U.F** •*• Be l a part of a aeveaant that eosipria®* not only "aon of hla mm p a r t t e a l a r veeatlen* but people i n every >U^ar oeoupatlorjil croup. *** Thuc tho aovanont* \3hile i t 'jcrtaa with the vooatlonal groups* finally tranaaaads then «ioi "jeoonaa a greet unify* t a c aoeial f oroe***3« the fflRtenaton Dapartaant haa as i t s chief technique the Herltl?aB Seoperattvo Sovesiont* 3taae i t t a not posaiblo t a 2»"oaota a oaoixe?»Jlive tsavenoat*
oapeoialXy i n tha cause
of e&*eatlen* without 3033 s&od® of prccodure* the ^scteasloa Department adopted adueatton as i t s chief te>i* t h i s prooeaa* whereby 000^oration i s a tochntrr-.^ ef oiioetixs and odaoatten i s i n turn a toohntrr-aa of o-&;xe?atlon i a
throughout the
whale Mjo/?aoat* the iivoroa ways i n which tl.o people are 12m the, foetal jtmlfleanoa af'tha- 3oonafs^yo aaeaakwit. op* ol t*» p* iD* 13* Ibid* p* IP*
9O0PJSM3L7Z Sff/iiLOKLST AKD ZI ; ±£2*21X1:
Zl?i.'»l>te& ;
educated to eoepemtion* yet always with the -wider aspect af adaaation ta atnd* are set forth ta the rullx'inw* At tho outset there wa* aeed for a ^.sicrr.1 ^eehalfpa whereby a l l the poesd* : -stli "JO ronahad* lines th: > v:vda» alien of *he i&ritlaje atohernon showed Uv*t tba : » » aoetlns wee t:» aaat praatteri be^iisdae i t b?er.» an tittacpnl pert of tho ^ctonalaa irrrui *w Xt wa* at suae a*3ti:ica tlmt the first stride* toward* atlsdnetSic pf*t$»8tee in the fields of religion* daaa end nationality were ta&on* Fran the zma aee&ag followed the study olohs, mmXX in atao* havlas ealy from five ta tea aeaaara each* and these scar, a tha provlns grounds at the peapOte* Pera&is who had never addressed store than oao or tee af their fellows at a ti :e» learned to rise ta tho saeattaa* mA express their views* •Xt aey be aaaeslbed aa th* Seem It J a*tb>l of learning breast up to data and lAid against the harsh realities of life* with nea la overall* end wezasa la aprona atsoustins the **vosyday dtfsionltlee af their livllhood, instead of rich yeans ^ea af leisure arguins abaat the eaaoaoe af trath and baeitty***** tha sueeeae of t:ie study -i:^ tirmsda n two thin^a, intelligent leoal loader* and th* proper 'ifcmdy material** Xa the bacXantnc of th* aaver-ant the leaders were trained at a laejaarohlp lehool* hole' osoh winter at the Jsiveratty* This waa clacontiafjad and ta ;iono aeasure replaoed *ay the praaant ayataa af'field workers sad traininc irathed* of a iifforeat nature* tha proper material* far study ware not found so 14- *^/*attfflB||| Hgrmpt* Antigoaish. riorva Seetia, m Pepartesnt* 19*9* p. xo* Satenaton
aaalXy* At f i r s t standard taxtu wsro trioi* but their word> ta@ wa* unoultablj *ar Um eearjoa people* To >-u>X/ the need, tho Sstenelon warfare wrote wnj tial *rrrLod k v.v*il'j*i* **\ja 1P30 to 1P47# 2 .0,000 p ^ ^ l u t a
.vinLoi e*\.r*ti ns ©re roacbod by tho elation eaJ l i a t o a r ^ ilorly t»o Uo- oTi.orr.tlvo ivooraas* An exaapie of the proc-'tiia offered l a
.ifo i.i thee©
Mail tinea rt, a rooulcr feature or sir tine* 357: r:> >' 3oto?x»r throurh *^arch :?or the? past five yw r s * A v e n a t i o n 3d* tha etudy aluh i i ti±o itXLoho:. ajaetinc* "Xhroadh till 3 technique -caetierlly ovory jaaahcr of the o e m m i t y er^inisatlene la rer.ilicd i^ a start spaa© af four or five d?ya by L-/iro r. nun » r of edajaHonal field wan-are eoneoatrate on one cemjnity with a* -rosy
flor^ckxi/, jU'iLwt;.;. *:;«; ^L* J . . . . : . I ^ ; ^vj;:?:^r
aa Ave or six risatdaa* a ni^it held In the fcoaaa of eertniE vorttrira* Sadmbgaw are invited in aa a local aitaattceLl^ thaiwghXy diseunsed rnd rtr/s of aotioa paumaod**15* Xa the wfym area® industrial study cirques are held* these ars mpptasaafced by n d i ^ acta***** them la Iters a true type of foraaX aduaatian* a ts^ittaumsa cours* with a standardised text* ?or Uw year lpA7*48 tha work "Scoaoatss far Baaee** by BauldlBg wma used* Ssteaaion .)*psrfcaeat l i s t s i t s tools aa fellow** *a) P»jiihX$ts* ;eores hav*> been peSblisfead by tho -act* eaaloo t)*p*rteant tad isaay thousand* &avs i*c*n diatrlbutad* b) sJJaipy bootee* a*roc library c?TTi.r? Is maintained and wioaly o**c. by tho people* o) Musjfttloaal fllaa* £-*** are boiac ased raore cni nor* eaeh year la th> eiu^ati anal procraat A l a circuit* are eoltiaoted jointly with the national r i l a %mr& of Saaada* dj Sduaatloaal -jra^-vs* t r i * nmicrr Croatian*! asedtae 1* '>rovia». a great valao in the whole procm-a* radio statuton 2?ri with 5*000 watt output covers a considerable part af the rau&tlaeat it® "dhtvaralty of the .Mr* preaaat* a wide rfacs of etomtioaal feature* **in* TL-J>
^ s e p a r a t i v e l i g l s n u o o * tram the legal standpoint there was prevision far A*h*raeas eoop©»tt«i a* early as 1916 when tho Act for the Incorporation of Fistmwm** Cooperative ^ociettea* wa* formulated* Xa 1927 aaather aet was paeaad by the Has* Jootia logialaturo providias for the fornaatlena of Fishermen**
is. g*t MAmAM mrn&f otiti> • Xt w i l l soffie* t> say tlmt UJ-; i ' j c l n x a t i ^ i n :50th provinces i s aab*t*nti*12y the ***»» an* u h \ t l e not f xrh* on tk< Jtatotoa ef en* will be found in the bywiruj of tho ^>ji3U w* frlnoe SSwiird Island Jid not p?aas r-y eoo/nrativo legislation of nenont aiaoe th* 1*K ;jr loan* to neiabera enelpiatvcly for pravidsat or sapodoetivo pur^oaea*2!* Following these are the standard provision* in Credit inlon laglslfetlan oaaearalas tha investment of tho fund* of the saetety* Xa sectloa IP at the aet we see tho limitation en aeaocrahlp in a Irodlt ife&oa* "19. ••* havlaG * eonaen bond af occupation or aasoeiatlan* or to sroupa within a well defined soflaauaity or rural district or AeMa© village**' 20* Aaendzsents were asade in X!223» 1390* 19SP* 19$0* 3$A5* 19&5, 19*7* 194S* gU'frMftfAM ffflajffiga Affft. Chapter H* .tatuto* of nova Scotia* 1952, p* 130-309* 22* ibid* section 19*
30op,vL*.>txr-i :>:/iwp&v&ar ASS nis . c ^ n r i ; x ^ ^ T ' . r r r
Hew awunawloJc Oroclit union X*£tsXation wa* foriheoatnai t a 1956 and wa* :mttwned after tha the Hova 3cott* lactslatp* ton* with tho wardtas tho sane i:i -wry ploeea* iWnee 33W«P4 Island psaaad a Credit Jtoian aaetettec Act Xn IpAe* l a whioh praftslon waa n@d* for the *ata>bll9Un*at of a jredit 'Jniom League* atadlar logialatton l&l aXreacty been vmmmd in Sam 3oetla and Saw Bruaswtaffc* Without the Extension Qep&rtaaat there eoald bav© been ao such favorable legislation in t\? *4arltlae** Although the aaay anendasnt* In this legislation ha/o been sectioned only in paasins* thoy add-a treaandoaa l o t to u c saooth function* l a s af ssarltiaae eaoperiitioa* a a i v e r s l t y tafluoaee* A mrt few words vrfLll eufAee to c^rir tz±z portion af the ravta* * a* the tiMl* of ttw chapter has aeon 3oncerae& with the latSaanea of ta*) ^atveratty of "Jalat yrtrndj x*arl*r* 5*ee&&ttoa af this work la seen in a l e t t e r written to the lata Archbishop Morrison* 3tahop of Aati^oniah* at tha d&reetioa ef the Holy lather* ^flarldcularly worthy of ea*n*adatlen i" the fact u.*t ander tour i^alieney** inspiration and th* enUrtrtonoki dtfootioa of 3t* raBaoia Xafior :iai7>raity the Anugsmsh aevewent haa pmJbueed aotablo results in the very praise* worthy taafe of eduaattns tho people to the proper porripeotive aad outloott on social pronto-is in accordance with
ooePSHktxv^ vsanuxvLcm xm rsu n r - f m x .-j.-irvuvf ^ n
the eneyollealft *&ara« novaruai" and quadrae»si«jo Anno" while the varloua enterprises of social welfare sponsored by the ?4ov*aeat have achieved remarkable succaas i n pro*n noting the material prosperity of tb* peoplee oanaarn*d* *-^» the Aati®eai*h mvasaent i s a aovoaoat froa tho rJolv* eralty to tha people* the Jhi v e r i t y i a tho niida of the mov&mnt throurh i t s l&tenslon Deportneat* a i s r i o a t
i n f l u e n c e *
As In the case of the feregoins* th«ra ia l i t t l e need for acre than a tefcan asntlcn of the clergy a t t h i s point* the Ssctanaion Oeparteent wa* founded hy the Jniveraity v;hieh 1* staffed hy the clergy of tho dloosoe of Antlsanlah* At tho hoed of the &ctan*lon Daportnent since i t s laeeptien i s Pr* 3oady, nado Heneaiieasr i n reae^dtion of hla work. F r . J « J . forapkinfl has already Peon ^ntloned i n thla worlc* tans before tho s&teaaton oaparteent omac into oaias be wp*a spsadlns hlsealf i n the s.erviee ef th© p&oy&a, aad slnee the Aattgoaish aovoaeni ha* tsten i t s rightful place i n tho l i f e of tho Hart tinea he has never oeasad to eooparata) and lend h i s support* while the ( ^ v e r a t t v of 3t* Fraad* Xavlsr 1* a latholio Institution* i t ha* on the field staff af i t * SKtaaaien Popart* laant * United anarch mini star* J . P . saloon JfaeBoaald* Ills
23* J*B* Montlnit Latter* Vaticaa 31 ty» April 26th*
000?,aAtt/i OSVSLOPKSRt A3TC> TIB j^f«3Ij*iaC J^ARE^st
presanoe has done acre than any ether factor to r i d the aavecant of ataetryt i t i s an example of :>r. Tompkins saying "there t a ao 3athoHo way to catch a lobster 41 •
opposition. Xa the t r e a t a s a i of the ^isboc acvesiaat wntlon wa* ssado of the general ferae of opposition found i n a l l procram af thie nature* Perhaps i n the ?iaritlaea the opposition wa* stronger because eooperation there bpgsa as a aevaiaani while In Qaeheo i t was a gradoal outgrowth of the needs ef the people* ataetry wa* the cause of acre than one failure i n the Harittaie raeveaent* tha cxasplo of tha regional library aohone whleh waa a failure because tho proteatant clor^y of tha %daey area danouneed I t a* a 'aoalsh plot* ataed a t prosel* y t t s t n g for the ahuroh* w i l l servo a* an i l l u s t r a t i o n * t o add t a th* troublee cauaod by atxed religion* there l a tho difficulty a r i a i n s from the diffarenoe i n language* the r a c i a l question was oapitaliaod upon by sons Freaeh cooperative workers fro* outside the Sariti^o ooopcratlve anvoneat* ubo entered Ohattleamp and succeeded i n convincing the Franoh portion of the plaoo that they should s p l i t t h e i r cooperative so that they ad gat join with the Quebec fo&aratioTia tm& so safeguard their language and culture* Study course® in freaeh war® held sad applleattoa aad* to the Ssteaalon ao.rrtnoat to havo then Aaaaeed free the Groat for that purpose* Howewr* ainoo there
oooi'^PAtX'/A DZfr.axisiw AI;U TH, liTGUio'i :>.;.?; :ir*^rf
could he no coed r e s u l t s fron s p l l t t i n c the aovosient i n such a manner* ao portion of the grant wa* forthcoming* with ao fiaeaolal support* the l a s t l y tore of tba trouble ^ith* drew* Xt i a estimated that the eooperativo asvoraont In Jbettt* eanp was aet back three year* by thla et&ao&e* However there i s s-rao e*u*e f->r dissatisfaction on tha part of tho French a* there are no workers of their own language* Aooordine to sea© of the leaders of the anveaoat the fault l i e s In tho Aoadians tharasolvaa that thoy ;;TYO not produaod loaders, "Jhilo aueh as^r *>o the case* the tares*
contacs ef French in the Maxillae* would seen to warrant saarch and training from tha £g$eaaion Pepartaont* such then 1* the situation 1B the JiaAtisea* in* Antigen! ah aovcrfMot i * the roault of a well dlreetod plan af aoticr. which oe®aa with the ^ t e n s i o n Pepartaent ef Jt* Francis Javier ifedvaralty* Tte usetaaston Departtsaat l a s t i l l a t tha holm, coordinating eooparatioa i a a l l I t * phase* ao that tha r e s u l t 1* one scve'Wit* an oduoationai novwont*
aOKBaai30B3 AKD 1^.T3LJ3X JTU the present ehapter will be l i t t l e nora than an yaia af the data alraady @lvea* First l e t us look at the plane of aSueatton l a both the Quehec and .lartttate* aovsaant*. Xa ehapter four ef this work speetaX aajfcasla has hmm ptaaed on the a&uaatlcn&l nature of Le 3»*seiX* the aia af the education aiapensad t^ 10 Sansati would seoa to be alaed a t "iKiciac batter c^operatora* Tim facilities of la Jonaeil are aaarad to ssa&tae, the Queboo sovoaant totter tocwa to tha people in the aovetsaat nni also to t/sauahias than how batter to utilise thalr potentialities* Xt will aet a* aaias to reeaU once asre that the Aatlseaish sjovaaeat 1© a aeveaent of A&ilt sJtemtioa* Tba outlook on sduaattoa then* 1* vary aueh hroader than in Quebec* 5oneemias she Antteentefc *A***,tienAl aint *the ijat a ohaae© a t forraal sabeolln&» they would have to ~o without education* Aseefdlng to thla idea* the 'Jntverolty would have to ea^loy laraa nuahera of lecturers and professors and put the people baals to school* they couM do thin thrcu^i a o t e l te*£htn&* throu^i leotures and by correspondence courses* . . . 3t* Fraaela XaVtor ,Mvarsity we* too poor m institution t e carry out any *uoh ^rD^m-a* tf* thtsfc now that I t waa a seed thins *hat wo vara poor* ¥0 found a better taehnlq&o* *.* the people would v&no together by thasnalves rjui ilzoiuz their problem**! • * Tho education >f the peeplo KPJZ to tatte a dosfblc fora* Firat there waa to be tho overall at® af odaeatlaa end then hreaaeast* over the 3«3#3* isw* Arjtirjoaish -ova ^ootia* SKtaastoa aeperteseat* 1940, p* 64*
there wa* t e be tho education i n ooe?oratient what asay be toraed an eduaation i n hew to beoosse educated* t h i s aspect of th* Anttsonlah. aoveaent ha* bean reeOGOi&ed as unique In cooperation* %*• Antisontah eeepenatioa i s remrtehla l a mx& respseta* but i t 1* uatejus l a asm reapeet which ha* apeo* l a l beorinc on education* Xa the S t . Francis xarlor prosraa, cooperation i a viewed* A r s t as an adult education vehicle j*ad secondly aa a method ef eeoaoaic esaaaoipatlea* the order coins exactly the revorae of what I s tougjai find practiced e l s e whore* Xn tho words of o r . Ooady *•« Antisentah visualised eultttre t b r o u ^ lobster factories and other a/ranoioc that s i n i s t e r to tha material waats of the people* * while there i s admittedly a flavor of education to a l l Oanadlan cooperation?* the educational outlook l a found stroaaeat l a Quebec and the :4aritiiaea* the amta differeaee betweaa education in one aad in th® ether i s found in the bagianlngss of oooperation* From the f l r a t , cooperation in ^jshae he* bean a s n t s r i a l l a t t e type ef enterprise* b*@ua hy the people to help theaaelvea to j a i n as such p r a A t as passible fron tho sale of t h e i r produce. Xn tho Harlttaee on the contrary the anvoaent was !*&$ i t .11" aou fsrow spontan* eously* At the head of the fcrittno acvaicr.t there wa* the clear thinking of tho "Jniv-jraity which ••'-3 aetersdned to -put 2* ?*H* gasselata, Spte.HlttB.to, ta? 232^rrt tb^
that rsglon t o work together TOint An"in;- a aaasm bond* t h i s wa* olseevacsjd in t h e i r eeonoaLc :i frioeltiea* aad by aseana af edueation the x>opl* wore united In an effort t a auranuat eooaonio and soeial obateniae* Both of the l e t t e r s mentioned on page* 9© and 93 ware from proteeterrt* and they aanttoaed that aa far a* thay aoild see tlvra waa l i t t l e trouble fran -Ufr*r*naa in railed o*3 isnd race* ftp to tha preaaat thare ha* been no discovery t e supplant the Aatt^eaish techniques in cooTK3rn.tion. Xt i s the eeateatloa of or* Soady that the saws teehaleuaa could he applied aaywhare* tn an address to the 3atted nations Organisation and i n a
conference afterwards he mde
the following stataaont* rtX e a a ' t eonoeive of any plaee bolaac so poor where the Aatdgoatsh plea went work", While a d a i t t t n s that the 'iueboo isave'seat la wall developed and t h . t i t 1* saved fran pure mtarXallsa by
w n ';^?JLa*i"X!3
faetore external te the isovoiaant, £ venture to zcy tlmt i t would be agreater aovenent I f 1'- were lee* m i o r t a l i s t i c i n I t * outlook. A coiablaation of tho Antteoniah plan and the natural assets of the Quebec Aeld would parhape sur^aae o i l expectations In i t * roault.j. Xn hla a r t i c l e en odtfeation i n tho ooovr^tiv:? save* neat* Dr. JBawKriyraaa haa this to say* **The AatioQEdeh aova««t ya-s piannod for a apoetai aren.of Jcnada* to r»et speciAo nocda. other areas could i n a l l probability *oo ematXy Use sane todmiQue. l » j over oany other parts of Aaarlea praoant different onvir* orraani and difforont noe&c* tfe therefor* cannot axpeot to transplant everywhere Antir;oal3h pblloootphy* outlook em& methods without sane adaptation* But "11 areas can profit from the Aati^Mlsh e^r* i.'ieaee* tsy ivlnG nore omfcaaia to education i n cooperative r.ff*>ira* by creator use of tho study circle* by fangtag coo-or^tor* ^ f o r e ostebXlah-lag eoo^xsrativoa* tmil by hevinv th© /urloaa cooperative sectors oparatinc in graatar anlsea."-* Vita Dr. 3eady X an forced to a@ra© that th® Aatl^oalsh novosient could hrve a counterpart i n tho nest backward places* Pr. assnelnsn's reservation th?t thor^ would \v so to *JO adaptation would aeosa to hold for em or two aots of aircuastftneea. In the f i r s t thor® T?aaLl "xs a alHou cxnal. &e that of .jUrnTC whore there i a U t t l o in tho way >r a purely :v torl-llu&lc typo of cooperation owinc to tl.3 f'-v-jc* b!*j oaviroaniaat whleh supgdles th* s p i r i t u a l eloaent* In such orae no -*jr.j nx»l ho said than that eooporation i a r. aovo-xsit to brine 'noro* t o 0* P.B. Jaaeelnon* op. o i t . p . l 3 - l C .
the people* that tha Aattnont^x nove/iont tend* lasra ta the davaloponent of the whole -ma then any other r,tto-pt at cooperation* will be aaeepted ruj a fn^t* ©loroforo -juoh a -iXieu oould use i t to s&vantags* The aoooad atate of affaire zfl/;*t ba tlmt of « novo* assst already or-^ftisetl* ©are i s no lijoit to tho application of the Anttsoaiah it^leaephy in this case* Iti.- .^ritiTwa had aorao forms of eeopenatloa oaf we th* actonel^m Pepartiaant was bora* yet these did net reader ttm aavraent inoperative* ?v*n the British 3*nadlan oaapemtivo Society* ifhieh haa told aloof for so leas* l e slowly changing to ^he \aticoata!i ehil* osapny* Of course ther l e ao doubt that the oodo of orc«ats» a t ! on would in tho concrete be determined by tho needs ef the area under consideration but if Mi? nethads arc net to 00 found already developed i a the «atic^ni3ii tnevonssat* they will bo found ther* in Uy> seed 7orri* Xn tho ilaritiaee thara I s found a ataiature world society with the pritmry producer* and the industrial worker* £satt:orod together in a ar.mll area* th&va 1* lnt***>eepaffatlen between tb* two groups aa weH a* cooperation within each* the reault ia a eolation of ssnny of tho eonplexltte* of huasn soeiety* where a solution i s found there i s ovary hope that i t may he appllat on a sonller or larger seal**
aedoubtedly the th® 'vrtlroaiah aavoaont he 2 had jssre lafluenee on cooporatto,* r>t l e a s t on t h i s aid* o the .vtlentte. than any other organised caovo-wr.i etaee the itoeM&le lonoors* Um excellence of tho aoveaant has been attostod to :rj differ* ant peoples of different rellglena end n a t i o n a l i t i e s , ono of the sasln reaaona far i t a wide uiThoro of influence i s i t * philosophy of ttduoatl m, tho teststone® on «dueation and tho result* aohievod therofroa, ha?* astonished hoth econoralats and educators* Authors cosraaeiting y? ttm >t« 'rraais 'xwl >r program* after stvlns o t a t l a t l e s to ahow prccsreee* sad by raaarfelnc that the n t o r l e l e/ivnata o* aro far atttweidbad fey la*n£erl*l results* Tha? . o to .*3ation tlio aow found i ' v l o * eadoaee ef tha people* tli:i l i s p i n i o n of icyioranee, the uprootl a s of prejudice* and tho a b i l i t y to n^Jlroaa a v o t i a s * aon*» thtag unheard of snoni; tha worfeora. 2bs ^asboc aovo-xint on U:;> ->thor liand i«s not one ',o a t t r a c t attention* fflisrro i?ao no social ox^rl-Mit i n tho Ouebac aovcaant* Founded in tho nood of the -xjople to r e a l i s e as saach aa poaaiblo for their produce, or to ct t h e i r supplies as ahsnal/ aa possible* intoroat v*io only local* inly In Xr.ter year** as f»ntlonod nhovo, ha* there b^ou WW attonpt a t concerted effort* On tho ooatrary Vi: Antl^omlah aova^rLt lira boon tran the s t a r t , a awojonC on a l l fronts* ?v>ry faro of c o o v r tion
that can b© applied* has boon odoptad into the *eherie aad i s *
i a OTcratton or to x> put i n t o notion a* aoon a* feasible. The Attttsoalah aovesisnt under the leadership of the Sftftanalon Departnant whoso neiahor© Isaot; how to rveaont the x> :> \loc needs t o thaa i n the farm of solution*, to t h e i r ;>robloras* I s a philosoph* ®uided by the -irlnol-il'i ov c fjllor l i f e aad a h&pptor one. Tor t h i s reason the Antit;oni3h - D ? ) :cnt -ry bo atudled as a -aovoewnt. atudanto in eccnonltis, cooial worfeere* ©eimrainent ofAciale a l l can A a l sorcothinc or i n t e r e s t i n i t . 3aoh I s not tho oaao i n juotMO wboro tiisro i a a aoror i -.tlv® aovesxant, duplicated i n a gpmml
-rnnor* a l l ovssr tho world*
Som ooncroto oanaplea of tao lnfluonoo of IV. ID /.nti» gonlsh aeveneat can ho soon l a the follouVv;*
JojevLcr of
tho Onl tod i^sl^raan of Que^oo vac r. uar^or in tho- Antijanlah anvasasssi* Xn tola way tlae Anti~ontah toehalr-.»s of or$gtai*attan entered 'Quebec* **Oae of tho neat l a t o r a s t i n c of "21 tho irtn'doa reactions to the 2t* r v u r'-ovaaont has baon tho .sifcixui a s a shown by tho French 'Jaaedlana ef ':ao*«o. JSach J^.I* several leaders frosa the province hi.vo rttandod th:> ihort Oourao a t /Xittgonlsh* Tbo / ^ r l o u l t u r e l 3oll*cse of J t o . /an* de l a Poooticre opened on ascension djap^Lwit under tho dtreetion of *ir* A*J. ''outronu* r forjor ^;:xl cultural rosafleeantativo i n Oapa Jrotoa* with practical ex WIOBOO i n the a t . ? . x . nothod* /\r'tly ru a roault rv; iMa* i n the atwraer of 1939 a grcun of ninety people • elorsy, sen, prorssaors, school inaoootors, a ^ r i c u i o ^ d *;ar iore e.-*l c i v i l servants - sade an o^tx-vta^. tour thraiiehout i&ntera Bova 3eoti& to v i s i t ,tho coo*xrr uivc oriviilaRUxir. rnA educational conter**' 9.
ooK^—i^atn AID ntitiaxtrsis
The l i s t tod scope of tho Qucboc novjnant onn bo dooonstrated i n no raore forceful zmzmar than by tha nanaar i n vhiii. the protastants of the prowiae* sought ooeporatlon* *:. 13*
aCM?AHX3oar on the Qeveranent by tho vacted iateroats*
C J o n e i u a l on* In a l l then, tho Antlsont^h aoveaeat l a tho taore
apootfcul&r of th® two* Quebec'a cooperative efforts are l o c a l , while tha AnA^inieh alias are not bounded* I t would seeo that the Anti&onlah acrvoaent has had aoro influence on th* Quebec 12. BMJX^MilX, 33* Ibid.* p . 1 3 .
ep. o i t . , p . 7 .
3000*8X3013 AMD XZUUm HU
than tha xaveraa* Haoegnttton has oo&e to tho Aatiganlah laovsrasnt aaialy bocause i t 1*3 an integrated aoveaant with a cloarly feraalatad philosophy, the Antl&onlsh aoveaent ha* reeetved rocognition froa the United r&ttoao orcaalsatioa* sad I t * teahatonsa have been adopted for use l a backward and devastated areas* 3oth the Quebec and the ;-&ntlaa© moveaeato hav© a t haart the condition of the poor asm. Thoy are tuaod to hla wants and ar© not interested in siskins bu&e aooaomio gala* ** may be attributed t e other eeoporativo ertsaalaatioaa* Both aim a t tho material welfare of the people-* hut whereas thla l a the chief a t * i n tha Qaeboo aoveaont, the Anti^onish anveasnt considers i t only a laeans to an ond* m a t e n o a H y spea&ls^ th© Quebec anvaaent i a older than the Antt@eaish aevnnent but that of Antigen!ah i a stronger because of the nsany aid* offtarad btst tho intension Doo&rtaont* Quebec, with I t s
3s*partour i s fcHowins somewhat i n
the footstep* af at* Fraaels Xavtar university, i n ao far as the lategration of Um ssevement i s coaeerned* but i t I s c u r t ailed l a i t * a c t i v i t y because 1 : aust sain tho conAdsnee of the people, whereas the Antlgoaiah aovaraent ia b u i l t on tho oospore tor* f realisation that thoy need edueatl mm The idoal* of th® Qaehoe aevoaent iiave net chansed to say great extent and are 5 t i l l oconosdo in tho smia* while sdeeuate to A l l the mo&a of tho -luoboo aoone, the queboo
3OCTPA-at30K3 /JED 3GR3LU3X )!U
aavaasat would a a t aejeel, to any great extent* the ether eeoparativa novomsnta on thla side or tha Atlantic* i f plaeod In a similar atlieu* On tha contrary* tho Antisoniah aoveaemt i s sal table for a l l situation** In point of view of Xe^slatloa* "jxehoc waa siore favored by early eoeperativo laws* but tho ; fen Unas are aperattas t h e i r oooporativo* under s t n i l a r laclalatton a t the present tin**
APPBHDXX I CONCLUSIONS DK LA TURKS En tout point done, le nouvonent d*Antigoniah oat lo plua brlllant des deux taouveiaenfca. Las offorts oooporatifs du Quebec aont plutdt loeaux, tandla quo lea buta du laouvement d'Antigonish ne aa boment ptta aux provinces uaritliaes, II sembleralt auaal que le ramvenent d'Antlgoniah uit ©xerc6 plua d»influence aur le aouveisent du Quebec, qua vice veraa. Le nouveaent d'Antlgoniah a ate roconnu de loin ot de proa, principal eoent parce que e'est un nouvoraunt Integra uvea une philoaophie formulae. Le "P.A.O." doa flat! na Uniea a pouace mouvenent dans un effort pour reaoudro las naux ooonoxalquea du nonde d'apres-guerre. Ht le mouvetaant de Quebec lo oovartH^ of eaeh phase ef cooperation. Barboaa* Viator* tefrj^mm^jm ,dfr ^yonfrmfl Quoboo, P,cu# Le aoaoail ^iporieur de In. 2oo;i*nation* 3 U pages* goaauaor ooo-Hiratlvoe are tree to 1 ao to thalr origin sffeet* and aoral influence* aoea*s*tlon*~ttebee* P.";** pa©&* 19^25, An artiale that glvas a olear view of tho work of La 3onaoll« Belles, Joaton* £.#,*te JWhHI 8Wltie*fl» Hew Xork, Harper 6 3ro**# 194a, S-170 paa*** Aa outline of the aoehdale priaolplas aad a hiatory at oooperatioa*
117 •
* • « — J ? ™ * 8 8 1 ^ ! i t e s a e , ^ ^ l U f l ^ , .fflttje/ajBflaL,ojft, fflJfc^vAJfe, l a "Probleaee d'AeMatstrntioa dan* l e * CJoopomttvss de Jansesfiatloa", Qaehee P . \ * , Le ctoaaetl* 1944* 43*50 page** Bousstere* mt@sa*« grol^fflas* d%ltnlnlatratlon daua lea -??ooaer^UYW *c* Le Jomulli 1944, 35 pases. pages. '"" Aa outline of mothodo to solve the preplans eneouniered l a oonauniof* ooo,
the authors shawa that cooperation 13 truly doaeeraey aad that through oooporatioa deneeraey **HX And lif-}. Wftkr reppiDtoa rro» oaitaro* ittoooo F* «•* e m t a r e , 1340, 284-303 9§«*a* &dao&tian i s atiown to '>:• oeoential t o aay true fora of eooporatlon* OAaaaBti, UT»* ttaaarg fro^, After, lt*fWMR Xha Faally H*r*ld aad oekly .iter, January 21ot*. 1940* p* 3« A gtiiapse of ifarltia* oooporatioa with oaphaala on the history of Um i&ritiae Cooperative aervieea* Oaarroa* Prtul-Sallo, Letter August 9th* 1943 Populolrea ef qwaooo with A survey of the aaiaaea a that year* s t a t l e t i o s for that
5°*$^.***?!* iteaatettari,ftstrffiirima*,* on****, Suitor* 4 , 1943 * I6I1-171 paces* A plsn whleh sees Um eneroaehsiaat of soeialism on the doraaia* ef donioorasy i f oeeporfttloa l a a e t employed to consolidate the poattiea* fleaa*, '**'•» Xto* A n ^ ^ a f a g e j * /oitiasnish H . i , SEtenolon Departssont, St, Tranois Xavlor 'Jalvorsity* 1943, 78 passes* osals v l t h Adult Sduoation as tho basis of cooperation* Harper aad Brothers, 1939* JW170 pane** A praofcio&l history and atuqy l a 'art tine cooperation* Jolo, 0*H*p., Cji . p i t t ^ a M ^ A London, Lateeater 3oop*ratdve m n t t n c aoaiety Ltd*, 1947* 22 pa£OS* A praetioal auaaary of tho noanoaXa irindLplas aa.2 what they have eoatrlbated to cooperation- of tnday*
»* awty *m% vXX«*20o pases* toaear* am tho Joo-iorativo developeneat l a Aaerioa up to tho Use of writing* Muoatdon far•• Oaooarjitlon- in "Survey af the Oaaporattve novetsont in the Province of QMSO**** ®*eboe P.Q., Le Senaeil 3uperieur de la Goopor&tion, 1945* 14W54 paoea. A good artilno of the typo of edueatloa fossad i a the Quefooe' oooporativo :ssvarj*at« - *. i l f r f Kffffflgy % M t t in "AnnualJtopoct.af tho Ifova Sootia credit Union Lea0*ir* Aatlgoniah :i.4.* 194S, p . 14 Heport of tho aotivity i a the arodit "Itoion field in Bova JooUa. PtUon, Oorard, La, ll ,^a»ll lll p^arl.fir l MM toQ£ffiMm» ojaisboe, P.-i*, l e Jooseil ^iperiour da la looporatlan* 1940, opagoa* A shert aketeh of the organisation* alas end operation of Le Joaseil. FLilon, Oerard* Metlojpo, frSLMmM^ljM ,ffJK»mU«> oaeoee, P*^«, La tarra de aba* ooa, 1940, 125 pajgea. A eoatdaattoa history of eooper&tloa aad oaurae of iaatruotioa in oorreet oooporativo tisns^senaatp
mien, Leo* LJ, %mm to ^MMjfrf
fmUW,fm%®tm* qaahoe, **Q.* L© sonoell atxieriaar a* la deoporatloa, 23 page** A brief outline of the warls to bo done i a aoetiass* Foamier, Ortaaae* Lot tor, February 9th* 1949* Aa answer to questions oonosanlng aaoperatloa in OjMbee*
Fowler, ^ert^sa 3 * J | p ..joapmUy® M A m e * Boston, Little arowa a 0**, 1947* 2^5 paa*** A seed eoaplat* oovaraoe of oooperatloii in Aaeriea* Fowler Sartraa 3 . , te-Lor^ MM fta§§» Hew Xw&9 the Vaasaard Pram, 1936, XXX-&S30 paooa* :ten ha* tho moans within hla power to bettor hla oandttton* These aaaa* are eooperatton* Halifax 3hronlols, stttaaial* July 7th» 1927 Aa oditorial in sympathy with tto fishersson of tho Harlttirsea aa3 i a aupport of their attempts at bettemont*
_ ^ Hagae* Qerltea J«K*» A ffiiU^ffil ,ffi$. fifjMjl-fftfltflnL or .griaagn %roT>e. vex* XX* Hew sorfc, Jianmllaa* 1921* good analysis analysis of of the the faetora faetora tlmt tlmt nnfee nnfee ut up Soatalns aa gjood tha baa&grouad of Suropo* London, u. Usher Uh&in* 1900* -WIII-691 paaas* fSalyoalc® has baea eelled Uia htatoi€aa of eoop* oration sad t a reeegatsed a* an sutitorlty on the Rochdalo Honears* Kalian, ilotnoen* ffi*JMfUmJtft BM^kW^ > ahioago, P&ateird and 3o«, 194©# X3arzxx-*m ps©es* A dtasttsaioa af eooperatloa In a l l I t s pahaea* fhouch froa a somewhat m t a r l a l l e t l s point of view* »* Andrew A£Kix^#w J** «J • * ?aj3fri* Francla Cavlor Otoiversity* 28 page** falls th* story of the a&aaer in whioh the Jnivoralty went to the people* ifoattnt* J . 3 . , Letter* Vatican ilty* April 26th* 1947* A letter of eowendatiaa sent to the Bishop of Anttsac&ah, in roferenee to tha Anii&onlsh ©oveiaetit* Mela, Stev* John 0*X*X*» laj^lXed Qmtom ^oifgara aalld Hon*** la the aislsa* February 19th* 1949* P» 7* Aa artdel* whleh preasnt* the work of tho pastor at a Cjueboo easasunlty la the effort* te relisvo tho aoufltn£ ahort*@a* Moonoy, Qaarm 3*, aaanar&U^aa Zojteg aad -a »SBtreal# P*^*, Surveyi aomaittoe* 193S* 109 pc$j»a« A survey of cooperation in laaada ;.•, 5-40 pa@e*« the president of Le 3oa*eil atate* that, th* luaboo oooporativo oaeaaaat bagan with the foundation of L* Joasetl* Pottor, Jean "^aoa* Boston* Boa^jki Aa arttele en the node of eanaattas ooatsuniam of the Aatlseaish noveaeat* 3
i?*** *'^^th'MMtafil^m rafflhLfti '.wag,* jhorbroofco, P*Q*, Le tea, P*&** Le ffaaa*0»r stpmehal, 1942* 130 pasaa* Hural olaetr Hural eXaatrifiaatloa to be obtained in ueboo with the use of eaoperatton*
steynanXd* Andre* Letter* February 12th* 1949* An answer t o questions eeaasraias eooperation l a
Savote* Abolard* $1 «^?eraj*jgaa, ^tebae, P.*:*, Laval, 1 9 ^ * 19 pa$ea*. Tho laportaaoe of eduoatloa i a eooperatloa i s stressed* _ , jffi4fl3L iaa^itf{l*fJBMi jtf,...fee,, f^P^rPiUT? : 'evg^2S^, Antisordah, *;*3., Sstanaioh s>*partaant, it* Fr&noie Xaviar ttatvaralty* 1945* 20 pa@e»* A brlof sahaltted t e the Hoyal 3oa£&asloa oa tha Taxation of Oooperativea* exj&atnlns tho iapaftant ptose tela**. by cooperation l a the :taritiaaa* 4
&et* 3hcptor 50* 1946* kJAtVlfiffiftffartMT S3&a&» yjp 19^6* ?• J* 5^*i945 9.19
sJ»^i^:wm||9ii8.Ajii* s* 4§» M!£ a
k2»l?..l.^aM,.;lt *3a *a*JL>,a
- 55» ^947*
aatta fiff gajT- ^atJea.TgrflUy* joaltftle-S^Vajfc, 0.4* 19$4 "-sj»r
m i l , A , dJgSyttffiS^aTlft.^"UUMiiifr* *• f* a,*V3t ,te ,£rgyte .Are ^ q ^ g ^ g ^ U j a f5f i 3 2
*if:W ' - -»"
3t*tttfr*i ax.^imi jasmRln jimar^^U^j*aaeq^tV. , . A&Mfli
„. 6-, 1930 ^
aamtito, /f.^eul1rir*A A^aojUU.sBa.
"^jL^Mxrl&a.a J * 34* 1943*
Loaiia^io^ttlfflr* br aoojarattvo ivadleat*a> -*•
WttAEfe? ^mm^m^,Jm^pz%,
r ^ i p A ^ f e | ^ f f l ^ « , M £ » >-- 48* 1945 AflVta ^flBtrt^tia ^ t S T ^ a ^ e a a of arajfflA italona* 3* 15. 1947*
a f ^ W e l t y ^ooparajfcy**,* -• 40* 1948* Twist, 3 . ' . , Letter* May 30th* 1949* Aa aaawar to ojnaetiona ©oaeerains cooperation la the aaritiaoa* _. _ Btttea,^taflUfflg n ^ m . * Aattscoaish* :r*s** ffleten~ sten Depart&ieat* St* Francis .iavior 3hivarsity, 1945* 45 pas*** Throe artistes oa the organisation, develapanent and future of the tinlted M&ntiaa Fishernsa* «—.
* * * * - * • • * *aaa* Peter* jteftjhB** ef 3oo?ey*UflBjr gew
Xork* Xho cooperative Leapt* of the U«3*A*, 1942, OT-212 pagee* Tha power at oooporation i s shown with a plea for peraavereaeo in th* faoe ef failure* v i l l i ana, Kathariao F«, Letter Saptedber 2nd*, 1949* Aa aaawer to questions ooneeraii^ oooparatioa ia the Maritiaea*
Aelfind 5 Alanae 14 Anger* 27*28*
Ipvaata* 71 H
B 88 ta 39*44 British Oanadtan 3ee« 59 Buaaior* 41
flay*** 2
Oat**** Pogaslatraa 30 Coady, M*M*» 0 * 91* 96* dole I t 3*npartsoa* aad 3oaolns*» lone, 90 Osnfersnce, aural, 61
Le Jonsoil auperlour de la Ooeperation* 27*34 Legislation Martttiaes. at Queboe, 4o
Industrial revolution, 2
iirPOIMPCTITi*Sti TP"^^T»^_j(P^p