A colossal failure of common sense: the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers 9780307588357, 9780307588333, 0307588351

What happened at Lehman Brothers and why was it allowed to fail, with aftershocks that rocked the global economy? In thi

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A colossal failure of common sense: the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers
 9780307588357, 9780307588333, 0307588351

Table of contents :
A rocky road to Wall Street --
Scaring Morgan Stanley to death --
Only the Bears smiled --
The man in the ivory tower --
A miracle on the waterway --
The day Delta Air Lines went bust --
The tragedy of General Motors --
The mortgage bonanza blows out --
King Richard Thunders forward --
a 100 million dollar crash for subprime's biggest beast --
Wall Street stunned as Kirk quits --
Fuld, defiant to the end.

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