How to double your money every seven years: the parable of Jill and average Joe -- Laying a solid foundation: how to mak
673 130 536KB
English Pages 99 pages ; 23 cm Year 2013
Table of contents :
How to double your money every seven years: the parable of Jill and average Joe --
Laying a solid foundation: how to make sense of the investment world --
How to get off to the right start: a practical guide to choosing an investment account --
How to save tens of thousands of dollars in taxes, without opening an offshore bank account (or doing anything unethical) --
Getting organized: how to form your own personal investing plan --
Why you need to know your investing alphas and betas: a guide to investment returns --
Moving beyond the stock market: an introduction to asset classes --
Why the S & P 500 is not good enough: how to use the principles of diversification to choose an intelligent asset allocation --
Putting it into practice: how to painlessly implement your target asset allocation using ETFs --
Making it bulletproof: how to manage for the long-term with a lockbox (and a sandbox).